chore: start monorepo migration
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.eslintignore b/superset-frontend/.eslintignore
index e21e918..2dbbb5c 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/.eslintignore
+++ b/superset-frontend/.eslintignore
@@ -1,30 +1,7 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js b/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js
index c25f689..ec16c30 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js
@@ -17,12 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
 module.exports = {
-  extends: [
-    'airbnb',
-    'prettier',
-    'prettier/react',
-    'plugin:react-hooks/recommended',
-  ],
+  extends: ['airbnb', 'prettier', 'prettier/react', 'plugin:react-hooks/recommended'],
   parser: 'babel-eslint',
   parserOptions: {
     ecmaFeatures: {
@@ -33,155 +28,17 @@
     browser: true,
   settings: {
-    'import/resolver': 'webpack',
+    'import/resolver': {
+      webpack: {},
+      node: {
+        extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'],
+      },
+    },
     react: {
       version: 'detect',
   plugins: ['prettier', 'react'],
-  overrides: [
-    {
-      files: ['cypress-base/**/*'],
-      rules: {
-        'import/no-unresolved': 0,
-        'global-require': 0,
-      },
-    },
-    {
-      files: ['webpack*.js'],
-      env: {
-        node: true,
-      },
-      settings: {
-        'import/resolver': {
-          node: {},
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    {
-      files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
-      parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
-      extends: [
-        'airbnb',
-        'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
-        'prettier',
-        'prettier/@typescript-eslint',
-        'prettier/react',
-      ],
-      plugins: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin', 'prettier', 'react'],
-      rules: {
-        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': 0,
-        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 0, // disabled temporarily
-        '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 0, // disabled temporarily
-        '@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function': 0,
-        '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 0,
-        '@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': 1, // disabled temporarily
-        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 0,
-        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        camelcase: 0,
-        'class-methods-use-this': 0,
-        curly: 1,
-        'func-names': 0,
-        'guard-for-in': 0,
-        'import/no-cycle': 0, // re-enable up for discussion, might require some major refactors
-        'import/extensions': [
-          'error',
-          {
-            '.ts': 'always',
-            '.tsx': 'always',
-            '.json': 'always',
-          },
-        ],
-        'import/no-named-as-default-member': 0,
-        'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
-        indent: 0,
-        'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 1,
-        'jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'new-cap': 0,
-        'no-bitwise': 0,
-        'no-continue': 0,
-        'no-mixed-operators': 0,
-        'no-multi-assign': 0,
-        'no-multi-spaces': 0,
-        'no-prototype-builtins': 0,
-        'no-restricted-properties': 0,
-        'no-restricted-imports': [
-          'error',
-          {
-            paths: [
-              {
-                name: 'antd',
-                message:
-                  'Please import Ant components from the index of common/components',
-              },
-            ],
-          },
-        ],
-        'no-shadow': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'no-use-before-define': 0, // disabled temporarily
-        'padded-blocks': 0,
-        'prefer-arrow-callback': 0,
-        'prefer-destructuring': ['error', { object: true, array: false }],
-        'react/destructuring-assignment': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'react/forbid-prop-types': 0,
-        'react/jsx-filename-extension': [1, { extensions: ['.jsx', '.tsx'] }],
-        'react/jsx-fragments': 1,
-        'react/jsx-no-bind': 0,
-        'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'react/no-array-index-key': 0,
-        'react/no-string-refs': 0,
-        'react/no-unescaped-entities': 0,
-        'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0,
-        'react/prop-types': 0,
-        'react/require-default-props': 0,
-        'react/sort-comp': 0, // TODO: re-enable in separate PR
-        'react/static-property-placement': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
-        'prettier/prettier': 'error',
-      },
-      settings: {
-        'import/resolver': {
-          webpack: {},
-          typescript: {},
-        },
-        react: {
-          version: 'detect',
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    {
-      files: ['*.stories.jsx', '*.stories.tsx'],
-      rules: {
-        // this is to keep eslint from complaining about storybook addons,
-        // since they are included as dev dependencies rather than direct dependencies.
-        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
-          'error',
-          { devDependencies: true },
-        ],
-      },
-    },
-    {
-      files: [
-        'src/**/*.test.ts',
-        'src/**/*.test.tsx',
-        'src/**/*.test.js',
-        'src/**/*.test.jsx',
-      ],
-      plugins: ['jest', 'jest-dom', 'no-only-tests'],
-      env: {
-        'jest/globals': true,
-      },
-      extends: ['plugin:jest/recommended', 'plugin:testing-library/react'],
-      rules: {
-        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
-          'error',
-          { devDependencies: true },
-        ],
-        'jest/consistent-test-it': 'error',
-        'no-only-tests/no-only-tests': 'error',
-      },
-    },
-  ],
   rules: {
     camelcase: [
@@ -190,8 +47,8 @@
         properties: 'never',
+    curly: 2,
     'class-methods-use-this': 0,
-    curly: 1,
     'func-names': 0,
     'guard-for-in': 0,
     'import/extensions': [
@@ -207,7 +64,7 @@
     'import/no-cycle': 0, // re-enable up for discussion, might require some major refactors
     'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
     indent: 0,
-    'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 1,
+    'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 0, // disabled temporarily
     'jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
     'jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
     'new-cap': 0,
@@ -224,8 +81,7 @@
         paths: [
             name: 'antd',
-            message:
-              'Please import Ant components from the index of common/components',
+            message: 'Please import Ant components from the index of common/components',
@@ -247,8 +103,145 @@
     'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0,
     'react/prop-types': 0,
     'react/require-default-props': 0,
-    'react/sort-comp': 0, // TODO: re-enable in separate PR
     'react/static-property-placement': 0, // disabled temporarily
     'prettier/prettier': 'error',
+  overrides: [
+    {
+      files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
+      parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+      extends: [
+        'airbnb',
+        'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
+        'prettier',
+        'prettier/@typescript-eslint',
+        'prettier/react',
+      ],
+      plugins: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin', 'prettier', 'react'],
+      rules: {
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': 1,
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        camelcase: 0,
+        'class-methods-use-this': 0,
+        'func-names': 0,
+        'guard-for-in': 0,
+        // there is a bug related to re-exports with this rule
+        // which doesn't seem to have been fixed:
+        'import/named': 0,
+        'import/no-cycle': 0, // re-enable up for discussion, might require some major refactors
+        'import/extensions': [
+          'error',
+          {
+            '.ts': 'always',
+            '.tsx': 'always',
+            '.json': 'always',
+          },
+        ],
+        'import/no-named-as-default-member': 0,
+        'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
+        indent: 0,
+        'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        'jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'new-cap': 0,
+        'no-bitwise': 0,
+        'no-continue': 0,
+        'no-mixed-operators': 0,
+        'no-multi-assign': 0,
+        'no-multi-spaces': 0,
+        'no-prototype-builtins': 0,
+        'no-restricted-properties': 0,
+        'no-shadow': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'no-use-before-define': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        'padded-blocks': 0,
+        'prefer-arrow-callback': 0,
+        'prefer-destructuring': ['error', { object: true, array: false }],
+        'react/destructuring-assignment': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'react/forbid-prop-types': 0,
+        'react/jsx-filename-extension': [1, { extensions: ['.jsx', '.tsx'] }],
+        'react/jsx-fragments': 1,
+        'react/jsx-no-bind': 0,
+        'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'react/no-array-index-key': 0,
+        'react/no-string-refs': 0,
+        'react/no-unescaped-entities': 0,
+        'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0,
+        'react/prop-types': 0,
+        'react/require-default-props': 0,
+        'react/static-property-placement': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'prettier/prettier': 'error',
+      },
+      settings: {
+        'import/resolver': {
+          webpack: {},
+          typescript: {},
+        },
+        react: {
+          version: 'detect',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['*.stories.jsx', '*.stories.tsx'],
+      rules: {
+        // this is to keep eslint from complaining about storybook addons,
+        // since they are included as dev dependencies rather than direct dependencies.
+        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': ['error', { devDependencies: true }],
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['*.d.ts'],
+      rules: {
+        'max-classes-per-file': 0,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['*.test.*', './**/test/**/*'],
+      plugins: ['jest', 'jest-dom', 'no-only-tests', 'testing-library'],
+      env: {
+        'jest/globals': true,
+      },
+      extends: ['plugin:jest/recommended', 'plugin:testing-library/react'],
+      rules: {
+        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': 0,
+        'jest/consistent-test-it': 'error',
+        'jest/no-try-expect': 0,
+        'max-classes-per-file': 0,
+        'no-only-tests/no-only-tests': 'error',
+        'prefer-promise-reject-errors': 0,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['webpack*.js', '.*rc.js', '*.config.js'],
+      env: {
+        node: true,
+      },
+      settings: {
+        'import/resolver': {
+          node: {},
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: './packages/generator-superset/**/*.test.*',
+      env: {
+        node: true,
+      },
+      settings: {
+        'import/resolver': {
+          node: {},
+        },
+      },
+      rules: {
+        'jest/expect-expect': 0,
+      },
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.esprintrc b/superset-frontend/.esprintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0d584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/.esprintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "paths": ["{packages,plugins}/*/{src,test,types}/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}"],
+ "ignores": ["**/node_modules/**/*"],
+ "port": 5004  
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.gitignore b/superset-frontend/.gitignore
index 0598bbb..792763e 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/.gitignore
+++ b/superset-frontend/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,45 @@
+# Logs
+# Cache
+# Directories
+# Custom
+# Ignore npm lock files, always use yarn.lock instead
+# Ignore yarn.lock in packages
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.npmrc b/superset-frontend/.npmrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f9fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/.npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.prettierignore b/superset-frontend/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d316963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/superset-frontend/.prettierrc b/superset-frontend/.prettierrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b35729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/.prettierrc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "arrowParens": "avoid",
+  "bracketSpacing": true,
+  "jsxBracketSameLine": false,
+  "printWidth": 100,
+  "proseWrap": "always",
+  "requirePragma": false,
+  "semi": true,
+  "singleQuote": true,
+  "tabWidth": 2,
+  "trailingComma": "all",
+  "useTabs": false
diff --git a/superset-frontend/ b/superset-frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..457398b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+## [0.13.26]( (2020-06-03)
+### Features
+* **demo:** add helpers for resizable chart demo ([#557]( ([af7421d](
+* **query:** add functions to wrap api calls with typings ([#555]( ([9137580](
+* **superset-ui-style:** export ThemeProvider and useTheme ([#553]( ([f6a8949](
+## [0.13.25]( (2020-05-30)
+### Features
+* **chart:** adjust chartclient to point to new endpoints ([#551]( ([bbc42c2](
+* **connection:** allow developer to get supersetclient instance ([#552]( ([c075070](
+## [0.13.24]( (2020-05-29)
+### Features
+* **color:** support better color interpolation for sequential schemes ([#547]( ([f7d4648](
+* Word cloud typography update ([#518]( ([873973b](
+## [0.13.23]( (2020-05-26)
+### Bug Fixes
+* nvd3 annotation tooltip ([#540]( ([6ea134d](
+## [0.13.22]( (2020-05-26)
+### Features
+* **time-format:** improve support for formatting with granularity in mind ([#509]( ([2d8afa8](
+## [0.13.21]( (2020-05-21)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-table:** parse numeric pageLength ([#522]( ([4831f7f](
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow:** migrate package ([#514]( ([3589e31](
+## [0.13.20]( (2020-05-21)
+## [0.13.19]( (2020-05-21)
+### Bug Fixes
+* missing bracket, little linty things ([#517]( ([b8c91ba](
+## [0.13.18]( (2020-05-21)
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates:** add control panels ([#510]( ([b9bc48d](
+* **legacy-preset-big-number:** use emotion styling ([#455]( ([46eb663](
+## [0.13.17]( (2020-05-20)
+### Features
+* add control grouping functionality ([#485]( ([4ceacfb](
+## [0.13.16]( (2020-05-19)
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow:** control panel ([#501]( ([34541df](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed:** control panel ([#502]( ([bf573a0](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap:** control panel ([#503]( ([0111fa7](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-histogram:** control panel ([#504]( ([e5106ee](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-horizon:** control panel ([#505]( ([e63b079](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-iframe:** control panel ([#506]( ([51d0894](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-map-box:** control panel ([#507]( ([9f79870](
+## [0.13.15]( (2020-05-18)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **time-format:** remove week number ([#493]( ([0d13ff0](
+### Features
+* **query:** remove redundant metric label truncation ([#492]( ([5b42bc1](
+## [0.13.14]( (2020-05-14)
+### Features
+* **time-format:** add full-date to weekly time formatter ([#486]( ([b2d0426](
+## [0.13.13]( (2020-05-13)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-nvd3:** disable bad linting rule ([#488]( ([9b6d611](
+### Features
+* **generator-superset:** add scaffolder for chart plugin ([#456]( ([f339466](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-chord:** control panel ([#481]( ([d82d948](
+* **plugin-chart-word-cloud:** allow minimum size ([#487]( ([356229b](
+## [0.13.12]( (2020-05-13)
+### Features
+* **control-utils:** add shared controls + dependencies, convert to typescript ([#459]( ([befe0c7](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-markup:** add controls to markup chart ([#479]( ([7801121](
+## [0.13.11]( (2020-05-12)
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-nvd3:** add control panels ([#469]( ([ad267db](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-partition:** add control panel  ([#470]( ([b569c34](
+* **plugin-chart-boxplot:** add control panel ([#464]( ([1c8b257](
+* **style:** adding typographic variables to theme ([#463]( ([f06cb4a](
+## [0.13.10]( (2020-05-08)
+### Features
+* **plugin-chart-treemap:** add control panel ([#461]( ([8964341](
+* **plugin-chart-world-map:** add control panel ([#462]( ([e914a2b](
+## [0.13.9]( (2020-05-08)
+### Bug Fixes
+* hundreds lint warning ([#447]( ([ce0e23c](
+### Features
+* **control-utils:** add infotooltipwithtrigger ([#442]( ([488e945](
+* **plugin-chart-word-cloud:** add control panel ([#454]( ([18375db](
+## [0.13.8]( (2020-05-07)
+### Bug Fixes
+* Remove .ts suffix from NVD3 imports ([#453]( ([b80372d](
+## [0.13.7]( (2020-05-06)
+### Features
+* **plugin-chart-sunburst:** migrate control panel from incubator-superset ([#443]( ([a8a9e9c](
+## [0.13.6]( (2020-05-06)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **legacy-plugin-world-map:** set useLegacyApi to true by default ([#444]( ([3b9c478](
+### Features
+* **query:** Add force to QueryContext ([#445]( ([a243911](
+## [0.13.5]( (2020-04-30)
+### Bug Fixes
+* lint errors ([#420]( ([cb54e5a](
+* **plugin-chart-word-cloud:** make wordcloud take current formdata ([#428]( ([80b4c3f](
+### Features
+* **superset-ui:** include control utils in the umbrella package ([#421]( ([c2e0bdd](
+## [0.13.4]( (2020-04-30)
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-big-number:** add control panel config for the BigNumber charts ([#419]( ([590c4f4](
+## [0.13.3]( (2020-04-30)
+## [0.13.2]( (2020-04-29)
+### Bug Fixes
+* peer dependencies ([a3029b9](
+## [0.13.1]( (2020-04-29)
+### Bug Fixes
+* bump peer dependencies ([f873d3c](
+# [0.13.0]( (2020-04-29)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **superset-ui-style:** export superset theme props ([#391]( ([8ebe0d1](
+* **superset-ui-query:** add unit tests for [#387]( ([#390]( ([7b5e5d2](
+* **superset-ui-query:** make all filter operators uppercase ([#378]( ([1f9e493](
+### Features
+* **control-utils:** add packages control-utils ([#417]( ([2f83074](
+* **preset-chart-nvd3:** migration from plugins repo ([#399]( ([dbd84f2](
+* **plugin-word-cloud:** change how wordcloud is exported ([#418]( ([c5d3893](
+#### Old behavior
+exports default `WordCloudChartPlugin` from index.
+import WordCloudChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
+users need to deep import `/esm/legacy` to get the legacy version.
+import LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud/esm/legacy';
+#### New behavior
+exports both `WordCloudChartPlugin` and `LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin` from `index`.
+import { WordCloudChartPlugin, LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
+* **preset-chart-xy:** migrate from plugins repo ([#377]( ([fb5370e](
+Signatures of the custom renderers for legend has changed.
+## [0.12.23]( (2020-04-22)
+### Bug Fixes
+* unset row_limit when it's not a number ([#387]( ([98b6117](
+## [0.12.22]( (2020-04-21)
+### Features
+* add retry to callApi ([#384]( ([f4fdeb0](
+* **table:** enable table filter and better typing ([#344]( ([fdf6514](
+## [0.12.21]( (2020-04-18)
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-country-map:** migrate and replace india map ([#376]( ([21a35f3](
+* migrate chart plugins ([#375]( ([7c8cbd8](
+## [0.12.20]( (2020-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* compatible with window ([#426]( ([f95e0df](
+* **legacy-table:** adjust sort icon position ([#399]( ([6e26242](
+* **legacy-table:** avoid React DOM ([#392]( ([a1a7896](
+* **legacy-table:** container height on tall headers ([#398]( ([dece6b4](
+* **legacy-table-chart:** when data is empty ([#397]( ([8829bdf](
+* add container css for interval type annotation ([#372]( ([a2cd547](
+* add typings for @storybook/react ([#203]( ([a357487](
+* apply margins in nvd3 ([#283]( ([1239052](
+* both the CSS and className were expecting true/false strings ([#286]( ([ceb3c60](
+* change world map color scheme ([#215]( ([0c5b4c3](
+* disable lint error ([#150]( ([c490a7d](
+* fixing tooltip for expanded area chart ([#134]( ([7ca5e6c](
+* GH issue 8669 NVD3 tooltip overflow ([#278]( ([e5a8dd1](
+* JS exception: Cannot read property "dispatch" of undefined ([#287]( ([52ab79c](
+* Line not hidden after legend selection ([#204]( ([ac814f9](
+* lint ([4d30c83](
+* lint ([3df2999](
+* Making viz components respect D3 Format from metric ([#280]( ([d38dcb9](
+* minor wordcloud update ([e269636](
+* nvd3 charts break on stateChange dispatch ([#159]( ([525779d](
+* nvd3 tooltip bolding/non-linebreak on ONLY header row ([#291]( ([e49f082](
+* only remove tooltips relating to a single vis ([#167]( ([1a58394](
+* pass all props to transformProps in LineMulti chart ([#247]( ([54aec5b](
+* remove redundant target from sankey tooltip ([#193]( ([c4b6ed2](
+* Replace unsafe lifecycle methods ([#285]( ([06051ef](
+* Sunburst chart respects and prefers Metric's D3 Format ([#282]( ([ee4deb2](
+* **adjusted upstream break change:** adjusted upstream break change ([bc198a6](
+* **bump lunar version of datatable:** bump lunar version of datatable ([3bd5c4a](
+* **datatable:** adding the consideration of padding ([#198]( ([8b1305f](
+* **fix issues in superset:** fix issues in superset ([efb6ad9](
+* **fix types:** fix types ([1163b50](
+* **force to publish new version:** force to publish new version ([55c7510](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-horizon:** horizon chart should scroll when overflowing ([#180]( ([38506b9](
+* **memorize filter in state:** memorize filter in state ([880d18c](
+* **table:** fix rendering boolean ([#256]( ([faa11ac](
+* **table:** fix sorting, column width calculation, and text wrapping ([#253]( ([12dd847](
+* **table:** fixed performance issue ([#241]( ([c68f9d7](
+* **table:** TableVis dynamic height enabled ([#229]( ([bd4efa3](, closes [#233](
+* **tablevis:** Set proper width for each column ([#189]( ([1a28e7f](
+* 🐛 broken unit test due to missing babel-polyfill ([b6c62df](
+* bar label for many bars and long labels ([#21]( ([97a35dd](
+* big number with trendline fix ([#34]( ([912d076](
+* broken build due to file rename in vega-lite ([#37]( ([8722dad](
+* broken build due to vega type ([#96]( ([1bcaa7f](
+* convert scale config to data-ui's config correctly ([#115]( ([8e8b724](
+* disable lazy import for line chart and box plot ([#82]( ([a254f68](
+* dual line chart color consistency for secondary y axis ([#18]( ([41701b9](
+* exception thrown for charts without a x-axis ([#36]( ([3e45f2e](
+* fine tune time pivot chart tooltip ([#33]( ([088c5bb](
+* gradient not working when y axis title has space ([#98]( ([b0a342a](
+* gridlines ([a788b48](
+* heatmap errors with null data ([d773983](
+* ignore disabled series in stacked bar values ([#116]( ([6d56d92](
+* invalid margin breaking chart ([#102]( ([6aa8d00](
+* lazily create metadata ([#74]( ([9b8c83b](
+* legend types ([2309c44](
+* line chart tooltip should use full datetime format ([#24]( ([dfb6599](
+* line chart tooltip when there is only one lien ([#103]( ([c1ac4ab](
+* lint ([3cb3b8e](
+* lint ([#79]( ([67e30a6](
+* list css as side effects ([#57]( ([b743960](
+* make pivot table handle null string ([#23]( ([5746975](
+* move react to table peerdependency ([#179]( ([92028c2](
+* move series in front of xy gridlines ([#119]( ([32850ef](
+* **preset-chart-xy:** Pick LegendRenderer ([#118]( ([d10eba0](
+* **tablevis:** update datatable change ([9846de5](
+* line chart does not handle temporal field correctly ([#68]( ([93e040f](
+* make line chart query operate in time series mode ([#71]( ([b732022](
+* move padding ([b5f00a5](
+* nvd3 line chart y axis bounds ([#17]( ([d8655c7](
+* remove sticky tooltip when query returns no data in explore view ([#42]( ([4e5b8d3](
+* rename file from js to ts ([#75]( ([b9f5059](
+* resolve issues post `0.10.0` ([bdd647a](
+* responsive y-axis on stacked charts ([#141]( ([c85b149](
+* scale type category missing ordinal ([9d0b2da](
+* show only necessary tick labels on log scale ([#19]( ([f642031](
+* single y axis bounds ([#148]( ([c58270b](
+* use correct number format ([#47]( ([2ea399d](
+* word cloud import bug ([#65]( ([eeb722e](
+* y axis bounds when input are nan ([#22]( ([545fd81](
+* y-axis bounds for stacked viz types ([#45]( ([eaa2425](
+* **legacy-preset-chart-nvd3:** redraw bar values after legend change ([#7]( ([620ad2f](
+* **legacy-preset-chart-nvd3:** redraw markers after legend interaction ([#6]( ([c5df555](
+* **legacy-preset-chart-nvd3:** stacked bar charts labels ([#40]( ([744f7c8](
+* **legacy-preset-chart-nvd3:** tooltip's disappearance and stickiness ([#1]( ([d1a2a59](
+### Features
+* migrate xy-chart to use encodable ([#438]( ([500e0c2](, closes [#420]( [#421]( [#427]( [#430]( [#432]( [#433]( [#436](
+* **big-number:** allow fallback to last available value and fix time range for trend lines ([#403]( ([c839ee7](
+* **big-number:** format datetime according to granularity ([#402]( ([b17a363](
+* 🎸 line chart makes first appearance ([df727b6](
+* add box plot ([#78]( ([5f21ffd](
+* add country map of bulgaria in superset-ui-legacy-plugin-chart-country-map ([#2]( ([ba113c2](
+* add encodeable utilities for chart ([#15]( ([3f68efb](
+* add india to country_map visualization ([#182]( ([e16a967](
+* Add Iran to countries ([#306]( ([5cb5c6d](
+* add Korea(South) to Country Maps ([#230]( ([7ca4b8d](
+* add Liechtenstein to country map chart ([#263]( ([fd1c7af](
+* add properties for font sizing ([#10]( ([47b5eff](
+* add sankey chart with loops ([#77]( ([246c336](
+* add scatter plot ([#90]( ([1ffeb77](
+* add tooltip and layout components for charts ([#13]( ([27227eb](
+* add typescript declaration for external packages ([#12]( ([79ae24d](
+* adding Canada into the list of country map choices ([#48]( ([9b91465](
+* customize no data message in nvd3 charts ([#330]( ([4e60731](
+* simply the data processing logic ([604fd44](
+* support no data within BigNumber viz ([#327]( ([6cc5619](
+* **added search bar:** added search bar ([f4afc22](
+* **code refactoring:** code refactoring ([e46c829](
+* **datatable:** render html correctly ([#199]( ([589024b](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-country-map:** add Switzerland to country map chart ([#260]( ([046c102](
+* **plugin-chart-word-cloud:** convert word cloud to use encodable ([#258]( ([75141fe](
+* add basic functionality for icicle chart to display static data ([#165]( ([50e9df5](
+* add getDomain to ChannelEncoder ([2321aaf](
+* add types to published list ([0624be5](
+* allow boolean as axis config ([ab0cc0b](
+* allow legend overrides at multiple levels ([#81]( ([034eda1](
+* allow overriding ChartLegend, its style and LegendGroup style ([#112]( ([105cf0f](
+* bring lazy import back ([#84]( ([d14e5ba](
+* bump data-ui/xy-chart version ([2111e3a](
+* bump dependencies ([814966f](
+* channels can take array of definitions ([2a04891](
+* create reusable selector factory for Encoder ([a0097fc](
+* file skeleton necessary for icicle chart visualization ([#162]( ([83190f0](
+* implement labelFlush behavior for continuous axes ([#117]( ([a747ea4](
+* improve line chart margin/axis and add buildquery ([#66]( ([5887ade](
+* improve table performance ([#246]( ([082ff23](
+* improve the tooltip for the time pivot chart ([#30]( ([ff06cb5](
+* increment the version number ([#44]( ([db64322](
+* integrate line chart with build query and update typings ([#73]( ([9cbbe6e](
+* line chart with revised encodeable utilities ([#26]( ([8380c93](
+* remove children from XYChartLayout parameter ([3a889d2](
+* simplify Encoder creation ([e858bcc](
+* support custom tooltip for scatterplot and box plot ([8733c01](
+* support line strokeWidth ([#105]( ([cbd7368](
+* support tooltip and legend overrides ([#101]( ([c63edcd](
+* update dependencies to make plugins compatible with 0.11 ([#38]( ([93379f4](
+* update line chart thumbnail and scale extraction ([#61]( ([11ef47e](
+* update type for line chart series ([#175]( ([826dad9](
+* upgrade [@superset-ui]( to v0.12 ([#183]( ([c0133f7](
+* **legacy-preset-chart-nvd3:** show negative values on bars ([#8]( ([39cfe71](
+* **remove unused package:** remove corejs and other unused package ([2cdf2f6](
+* **tablevis:** this pr is to add a new tablevis plguin to the system ([66a9d26](
+* update data format returned from query api and add getGroupBys ([#72]( ([084ea37](
+* update tooltip and use selector ([#31]( ([1cf7a22](
+### Performance Improvements
+* faster legacy table chart ([#385]( ([42fa821](, closes [/](
+## [0.12.19]( (2020-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* lint ([ec73623](
+### Features
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test:** migrate from another repo ([7cd0363](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates:** migrate from another repo ([52e7119](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-partition:** migrate from another repo ([1ab9fea](
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table:** migrate from another repo ([d631b17](
+* **style:** add style to umbrella package ([#366]( ([4ab96f3](
+* migrate heatmap, horizon, iframe and markup ([#367]( ([152e457](
+## [0.12.18]( (2020-04-15)
+### Features
+* migrate legacy-plugin-chart-chord ([#365]( ([ea31f9f](
+## [0.12.17]( (2020-04-15)
+### Bug Fixes
+* publish settings ([341c122](
+## [0.12.16]( (2020-04-15)
+### Features
+* style package for theming and styled components ([#362]( ([316c913](
+## [0.12.15]( (2020-04-13)
+### Features
+* make CategoricalScale compatible with D3 ScaleOrdinal ([#357]( ([b802974](
+* make time formatter handle number and fix formatters type warnings ([#358]( ([aaf17ac](
+## [0.12.14]( (2020-04-13)
+### Features
+* add calendar package and storybook ([#356]( ([daf47bd](
+* allow toggling of table viz's bar chart backgrounds ([#352]( ([5d5ade9](
+## [0.12.13]( (2020-04-07)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **legacy-plugin-chart-table:** time column formating ([#340]( ([6c7f710](
+* new line at end ([e8d59e5](
+### Features
+* add validator to umbrella package ([#327]( ([b1a02b9](
+### Reverts
+* Revert "build: try to merge superset-ui-plugins" ([6be7b2f](
+* Revert "build: clean up, too" ([39d983a](
+## [0.12.12]( (2020-04-01)
+### Features
+* add validator package ([#322]( ([ea78a4e](
+## [0.12.11]( (2020-03-06)
+### Bug Fixes
+* small rendering for no results message ([#309]( ([e7ff68c](
+## [0.12.10]( (2020-03-04)
+### Features
+* add more support for undefined format to number and time formatters ([#308]( ([44ad062](
+## [0.12.9]( (2020-03-04)
+### Features
+* make formatTime and formatNumber handle undefined format ([#307]( ([768cfd5](
+## [0.12.8]( (2020-03-04)
+### Features
+* add NoResultsComponent to charts ([#305]( ([42060a0](
+* **number-format:** bump pretty-ms to 5.1.0 ([#262]( ([0d3746e](
+## [0.12.7]( (2019-11-20)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **dimension:** set 0 width/height in createHiddenSvgNode ([#261]( ([7170f48](
+## [0.12.6]( (2019-11-20)
+### Bug Fixes
+* typing issues surfaced by typescript 3.7 ([#260]( ([a72c3dd](
+## [0.12.5]( (2019-11-19)
+### Bug Fixes
+* d3 scale types ([#246]( ([1bb49a8](
+### Features
+* add @superset-ui/superset-ui package as one-stop install ([#255]( ([f0899d8](
+## [0.12.4]( (2019-11-12)
+### Bug Fixes
+* build error ([#235]( ([f8e5dda](
+### Features
+* add promiseTimeout ([#223]( ([d02bb82](
+* **time-format:** bump d3-time-format ([#244]( ([c31a085](
+## [0.12.3]( (2019-09-04)
+### Bug Fixes
+* fix React.Fragment complaining about width/height ([#219]( ([3e8ca39](
+### Features
+* add functions for parsing scales ([#207]( ([6f56ed9](
+* add Wrapper support and bounding box for dynamic width/height ([#215]( ([c83ba1f](
+## [0.12.2]( (2019-08-26)
+### Bug Fixes
+* remove is_prequery and prequeries ([#208]( ([ddaf104](
+## [0.12.1]( (2019-08-26)
+### Bug Fixes
+* peerDependencies version ([#210]( ([4d79dff](
+### Features
+* add duration formatter ([#209]( ([dcf89a2](
+# [0.12.0]( (2019-08-23)
+### Features
+* add control panel support to chart plugin ([#203]( ([920d389](
+* add functions for parsing formatters from encoding ([#205]( ([8906aa0](
+* Add types and type guards for encodable ([#201]( ([6cff25f](
+* **chart:** deprecate old SuperChart API that accepts chartProps ([#202]( ([af877c6](
+  * No longer accept `chartProps` as a single prop in `<SuperChart>`. Developers must specify each field in chartProps individually.
+* **chart:** split superset-ui/query from superset-ui/chart ([#178]( ([630d3e5](
+  * some api and types are removed from `@superset-ui/chart` and moved to `/query`
+* **chart:** remove and rename fields in ChartProps ([#174]( ([b53b839](
+## [0.11.15]( (2019-08-06)
+### Features
+* optimize functions for getting text dimension ([#199]( ([ad0fa42](
+## [0.11.14]( (2019-08-05)
+### Bug Fixes
+* eslint issues ([#198]( ([12aeb4a](
+* **connection:** disable caching when on an insecure connection ([#194]( ([ca256cd](, closes [#193](
+* clean up unneeded Promise.resolves() ([#185]( ([06382a5](
+* move eslint disable comment in reactify test ([#184]( ([795d2ed](
+### Features
+* allow reactify callbacks to access props ([#200]( ([9d6f5c0](
+* support locale in number and time format ([#182]( ([e1f8773](
+## [0.11.13]( (2019-06-19)
+### Bug Fixes
+* wrong type for filters field ([#183]( ([18ef7d9](
+## [0.11.12]( (2019-06-18)
+### Features
+* store reference to container and update bindings ([#180]( ([00e9a40](
+## [0.11.11]( (2019-06-18)
+### Features
+* add error boundary and responsiveness to SuperChart ([#175]( ([c17b13d](
+## [0.11.10]( (2019-06-13)
+### Features
+* add parseLength function to @superset-ui/dimension ([#171]( ([c0ef45f](
+* allow chart plugin to be unregistered ([#168]( ([32f8dd3](
+## [0.11.9]( (2019-05-25)
+### Bug Fixes
+* remove padding in WithLegend ([2f0a400](
+## [0.11.8]( (2019-05-23)
+### Features
+* update ChartFormData and QueryObject to support filters. ([#164]( ([025d5bc](
+## [0.11.7]( (2019-05-17)
+### Features
+* improve margin merging ([#159]( ([7832747](
+## [0.11.6]( (2019-05-16)
+### Bug Fixes
+* lint ([#144]( ([bf24316](
+### Features
+* add hooks ([#158]( ([7b3ab5f](
+## [0.11.12]( (2019-06-18)
+### ✨ Features
+* store reference to container and update bindings ([#180]( ([00e9a40](
+## [0.11.11]( (2019-06-18)
+### ✨ Features
+* add error boundary and responsiveness to SuperChart ([#175]( ([c17b13d](
+## [0.11.10]( (2019-06-13)
+### ✨ Features
+* add parseLength function to @superset-ui/dimension ([#171]( ([c0ef45f](
+* allow chart plugin to be unregistered ([#168]( ([32f8dd3](
+## [0.11.9]( (2019-05-25)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* remove padding in WithLegend ([2f0a400](
+## [0.11.8]( (2019-05-23)
+### ✨ Features
+* update ChartFormData and QueryObject to support filters. ([#164]( ([025d5bc](
+## [0.11.7]( (2019-05-17)
+### ✨ Features
+* improve margin merging ([#159]( ([7832747](
+## [0.11.6]( (2019-05-16)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* lint ([#144]( ([bf24316](
+### ✨ Features
+* add hooks ([#158]( ([7b3ab5f](
+## [0.11.5]( (2019-04-27)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* broken build due to failing unit tests ([#141]( ([58d56d5](
+### ✨ Features
+* add chart companion components ([#139]( ([a82faec](
+## [0.11.4]( (2019-04-26)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* make translation module type check correctly ([#140]( ([c05fe3a](
+## [0.11.3]( (2019-04-16)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* bump peer dependencies ([#136]( ([ca3000d](
+## [0.11.2]( (2019-04-08)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* smartDateVerbose at seconds ([#132]( ([d29bfd0](
+## [0.11.1]( (2019-04-08)
+### ✨ Features
+* callback hooks for Reactified components ([#131]( ([7603520](
+# [0.11.0]( (2019-04-02)
+* Revert "Handle BigNumber conversions in JSON properly (without loss of precision) (#71)" (#126)
+This reverts commit e3866129b2b3cbd6e099fe4ab66319c4fe6ae485. It should not cause critical issue or require additional migration from `0.10.x`. However, since this is a change in the expected output, we bump the version to be safe.
+## [0.10.10]( (2019-04-02)
+### ✨ Features
+* add support for conditional get requests ([#119]( ([2ca55ed](
+## [0.10.9]( (2019-03-29)
+### ✨ Features
+* add labels to color scheme ([#125]( ([98a14a2](
+## [0.10.8]( (2019-03-26)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* Fixed type definition for chart plugin ([#123]( ([6230a3b](
+### ✨ Features
+* getter function to return color mapping ([#124]( ([46e78ad](
+## [0.10.7]( (2019-03-22)
+### 🐞 Bug Fixes
+* import types from package, not monorepo ([#122](
+## [0.10.6]( (2019-03-22)
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* remove faux `@superset-ui/core` TS declaration ([#121](
+## 0.10.5 (2019-03-21)
+### ✨ Features
+* 🎸 Improved QueryObject to handle more fields (#116) ([57a64b1](, closes [#116](
+* Add `<ChartDataProvider />` (#120) ([ade9dbe](, closes [#120](
+### 📜 Documentation
+* Add TS support + CORS demo (#118) ([34581f3](, closes [#118](
+## 0.10.4 (2019-03-11)
+### ✨ Features
+* add dimension type (#117) ([e4a22ade305fd6ea962648b86ff88431d77ea41e](, closes [#117](
+* re-export types from @superset-ui/dimension (#115) ([8c3f8b0f5f2edb558cb8e9f708a17d3d3b4b92aa](, closes [#115](
+## v0.10.3 (2019-03-07)
+### ✨ Features
+* feat(superset-ui-dimension): add `mergeMargin()` function (#114) ([c5589384c12f5ff2480e3614cf44b33d85b1299e](, closes [#114](
+## v0.10.2
+### ✨ Features
+* feat(superset-ui-chart): add `.clone()` function to `ChartMetadata` (#112) ([1c1ef3b](, closes [#112](
+* feat(superset-ui-connection): Allow `PUT` and `PATCH` in call API ([efcfd1a](
+## v0.10.1
+* `@superset-ui/core` becomes peer dependency
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* refactor: make `@superset-ui/core` peer dependency (#111) ([e9c7b91](, closes [#111](
+* chore: add `commitlint` and `commitizen` config ([cae32ce](
+* docs: update changelog ([4d70053](
+## v0.10.0
+* Rename `FormData ` to `ChartFormData` to avoid naming collision with native JS (#100)
+* Rename constants in `NumberFormats` changing `_CHANGE` to `_SIGNED`.
+* Default number format is now `SMART_NUMBER` instead of `D3` `.3~s`.
+### ✨ Features
+* Add SMART_NUMBER formatter and make it default (#109)
+* Enable warnings when values are overwritten in registries (#107)
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Migrate `plugin-chart-word-cloud` to `@superset-ui-plugins` repo.
+## v0.9.6
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Update `@superset-ui/chart` dependency.
+## v0.9.5
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Remove unnecessary export types and remove warning when using `esm` output in target application.
+## v0.9.4
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+* Make `id` an optional prop for `SuperChart`.
+## v0.9.3
+### ✨ Features
+* Add new package `@superset-ui/dimension`
+* Add new package `@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud`
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Minor update and additional unit tests for generator
+## v0.9.2
+### ✨ Features
+* Add more subgenerators to create package and demo in `superset-ui-legacy`
+* Support put and delete HTTP methods in `SupersetClient`
+## v0.9.1
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+* Fix TypeScript declaration for package `jed` with `@superset-ui/translation` distribution.
+## v0.9.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add `useLegacyApi` field to `ChartMetadata`. This flag will help us determine whether to use the new `/api/v1/query` endpoint or the legacy one.
+* Add two generics to `Registry<V, W>`
+  * `V` is type of value in the registry
+  * `W` is type of value returned from `loader` function when using `.registerLoader(key, loader)`.
+  * `W` can be either `V`, `Promise<V>` or `V | Promise<V>`
+  * Set `W=V` when does not support asynchronous loader. Making return type of `.get()` become `V` instead of `Promise<V>`
+  * By default, `W` is set to `V | Promise<V>` to support both synchronous and asynchronous loaders.
+* Include and link TypeScript declaration for package `jed` with `@superset-ui/translation` distribution.
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Convert `@superset-ui/number-format` to TypeScript
+* Convert `@superset-ui/time-format` to TypeScript
+* Convert `@superset-ui/translation` to TypeScript
+* Make number formatter always returns `string`. This is different from previous behavior.
+|Value|formatted value (before)|formatted value (after)|
+| `null` | `null` | `'null'` |
+| `undefined` | `undefined` | `'undefined'` |
+| `NaN` | `NaN` | `'NaN'` |
+* Make time formatter always returns `string`. This is different from previous behavior.
+|Value|formatted value (before)|formatted value (after)|
+| `null` | `null` | `'null'` |
+| `undefined` | `undefined` | `'undefined'` |
+| `NaN` | `NaN` | `'NaN'` |
+## v0.8.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add SuperChart and convert to TypeScript
+* Allow metrics arrays in form data
+* Moved query module from `incubator-superset` into `superset-ui`
+* Add `reactify` function from `incubator-superset`
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+* Handle `BigNumber` conversions to/from JSON without loss of precision
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Use DefinitelyTyped's `fetch-mock` type def
+* Improved type def for `json-bigint`
+* Migrated `@superset-ui/chart` to TypeScript
+* Migrated `@superset-ui/color` to TypeScript
+* Migrated `@superset-ui/core` to TypeScript
+* Made `connection` and `color` packages peer dependencies
+## v0.7.2
+### ✨ Features
+* Make `@superset-ui/time-format` and `@superset-ui/number-format` ignore leading and trailing spaces when looking for formatters.
+## v0.7.1
+### ✨ Features
+* Add new APIs to `@superset-ui/time-format`
+  - `createD3TimeFormatter`
+  - `createMultiFormatter`
+* Add new APIs to `@superset-ui/number-format`
+  - `createD3NumberFormatter`
+  - `createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter`
+## v0.7.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add `@superset-ui/time-format` package
+* Add `@superset-ui/number-format` package
+* Use the recently added `ExtensibleFunction` to make an instance of `CategoricalColorScale` be a function
+* Add `overwritePolicy` for `Registry` so developer can customize whether overwriting is `ALLOW`, `WARN` or `PROHIBIT`.
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+* Transform input value before setting color.
+### 🛠️ Internal
+* Rewrite `@superset-ui/connection` in TypeScript
+* Remove `categoricalColorScale.toFunction()`. Now `categoricalColorScale` itself is already a function.
+* The color scales no longer convert input to lowercase before finding color.
+* Rename `ColorScheme` field `name` to `id`.
+* Change `Registry` constructor API to take object instead of single string name.
+## v0.6.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add `@superset-ui/generator-superset`
+* Add `RegistryWithDefaultKey` and `ExtensibleFunction` to `@superset-ui/core`
+* `getDefaultSchemeName()` and `setDefaultSchemeName()` are renamed to `getDefaultKey()` and `setDefaultKey()`
+## v0.5.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add `@superset-ui/chart`
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+* Use simple js to create range
+## v0.4.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add `@superset-ui/color` for color management
+## v0.3.0
+### ✨ Features
+* Add new `@superset-ui/core` with data structures and utilities.
+* Rename former `@superset-ui/core` to `@superset-ui/connection`.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/ b/superset-frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..013a9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+## Contributing guidelines
+### Setup local development
+1. clone this repo
+2. have `yarn` install package dependencies and manage the symlinking between packages for you
+git clone ...superset-ui && cd superset-ui
+yarn install
+yarn build
+To build only selected packages or plugins,
+yarn build "*chart-table"
+### File organization
+[lerna]( and [yarn]( are used to manage versions
+and dependencies between packages in this monorepo.
+  lerna.json
+  package.json
+  ...
+  packages/
+    package1/
+      package.json
+      ...
+      src/
+      test/  # unit tests
+      types/ # typescript type declarations
+      ...
+      lib/   # commonjs output
+      esm/   # es module output
+      ...
+    ...
+### Builds, linting, and testing
+Each package defines its own build config, linting, and testing. You can have lerna run commands
+across all packages using the syntax `yarn run test` (or `yarn run test:watch` for watch mode) from
+the root `@superset-ui` directory.
+- [Using Storybook](docs/ - You can test your components independently from Superset
+  app.
+- [Debugging Superset plugins in Superset app](docs/ - Sometimes something went wrong
+  and you have to do it.
+### Committing
+This repository follows
+[conventional commits]( guideline for commit
+messages and has a `commitlint` hook which will require you to have the valid commit message before
+committing. You can use `npm run commit` to help you create a commit message.
+### Publishing
+**Prerequisite:** You'll need an []( account that is part of the
+`superset-ui` organization.
+1. Make sure you're logged in to NPM from your shell. Run `npm login` if necessary.
+2. To make the release, run `yarn run release` and follow the prompts.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/LICENSE b/superset-frontend/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b22bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                              Apache License
+                        Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
+   "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+   and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+   "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+   the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+   "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+   other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+   control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+   "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+   direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+   otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+   outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+   "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+   exercising permissions granted by this License.
+   "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+   including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+   source, and configuration files.
+   "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+   transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+   not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+   and conversions to other media types.
+   "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+   Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+   copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+   (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+   "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+   form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+   editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+   represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+   of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+   separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+   the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+   "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+   the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+   to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+   submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+   or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+   the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+   means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+   to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+   communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+   and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+   Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+   excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+   designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+   "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+   on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+   subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+   this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+   worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+   copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+   publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+   Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+   this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+   worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+   (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+   use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+   where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+   by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+   Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+   with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+   institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+   cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+   or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+   or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+   granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+   as of the date such litigation is filed.
+4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+   Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+   modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+   meet the following conditions:
+   (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+       Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+   (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+       stating that You changed the files; and
+   (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+       that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+       attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+       excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+       the Derivative Works; and
+   (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+       distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+       include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+       within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+       pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+       of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+       as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+       documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+       within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+       wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+       of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+       do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+       notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+       or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+       that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+       as modifying the License.
+   You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+   may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+   for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+   for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+   reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+   the conditions stated in this License.
+5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+   names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+   except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+   origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+   agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+   Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+   PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+   appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+   risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+   whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+   unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+   negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+   liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+   incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+   result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+   Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+   work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+   other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+   has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+   the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+   and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+   or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+   License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+   on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+   of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+   defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+   incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+   of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+   To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+   boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+   replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+   the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+   comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+   file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+   same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+   identification within third-party archives.
+Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# @superset-ui
+[![Codecov branch](](
+[![Build Status](](
+Collection of packages that power the
+[Apache Superset]( UI, and can be used to craft custom
+data applications that leverage a Superset backend :chart_with_upwards_trend:
+## Demo
+Most recent release:
+Current master:
+## Packages
+### Core packages
+| Package                                                                                                                       | Version                                                                                                                                                         |
+| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [@superset-ui/core](                     | [![Version](](                             |
+| [@superset-ui/chart-controls]( | [![Version](](                   |
+| [@superset-ui/generator-superset](     | [![Version](]( |
+### Chart plugin packages
+`@superset-ui/legacy-*` packages are extracted from the classic
+[Apache Superset]( and converted into plugins. These
+packages are extracted with minimal changes (almost as-is). They also depend on legacy API
+(``) to function.
+| Package                                                                                                                                                              | Version                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number](                     | [![Version](](                     |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3](                                 | [![Version](](                                 |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar](                         | [![Version](](                         |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord](                               | [![Version](](                               |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map](                   | [![Version](](                   |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow](                     | [![Version](](                     |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed](             | [![Version](](             |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap](                           | [![Version](](                           |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram](                       | [![Version](](                       |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon](                           | [![Version](](                           |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-iframe](                             | [![Version](](                             |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-markup](                             | [![Version](](                             |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box](                           | [![Version](](                           |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test](               | [![Version](](               |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates]( | [![Version](]( |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition](                       | [![Version](](                       |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table](                   | [![Version](](                   |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose](                                 | [![Version](](                                 |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey](                             | [![Version](](                             |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop](                   | [![Version](](                   |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst](                         | [![Version](](                         |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap](                           | [![Version](](                           |
+| [@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map](                       | [![Version](](                       |
+`@superset-ui/plugin-*` packages are newer and higher quality in general. A key difference that they
+do not depend on `` (which contain visualization-specific python code) and interface with
+`/api/v1/query/`, a new generic endpoint instead meant to serve all visualizations, instead. Also
+should be written in Typescript.
+| Package                                                                                                                            | Version                                                                                                                                                                   | Note |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- |
+| [@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud]( | [![Version](]( |      |
+| [@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table](           | [![Version](](           |      |
+| [@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy](                 | [![Version](](                 |      |
+| [@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts](       | [![Version](](       |      |
+| [@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd](           | [![Version](](         |      |
+## Contribution and development guide
+Please read the [contributing guidelines]( which include development environment
+setup and other things you should know about coding in this repo.
+### License
diff --git a/superset-frontend/babel.config.js b/superset-frontend/babel.config.js
index 51ae332..70987dd 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/babel.config.js
+++ b/superset-frontend/babel.config.js
@@ -1,84 +1,23 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-const packageConfig = require('./package.json');
+const { getConfig } = require('@airbnb/config-babel');
-module.exports = {
-  sourceMaps: true,
-  sourceType: 'module',
-  retainLines: true,
-  presets: [
-    [
-      '@babel/preset-env',
-      {
-        useBuiltIns: 'usage',
-        corejs: 3,
-        loose: true,
-        modules: false,
-        shippedProposals: true,
-        targets: packageConfig.browserslist,
-      },
-    ],
-    [
-      '@babel/preset-react',
-      { development: process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'development' },
-    ],
-  ],
-  plugins: [
-    'lodash',
-    '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import',
-    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }],
-    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining', { loose: true }],
-    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods', { loose: true }],
-    ['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', { corejs: 3 }],
-    'react-hot-loader/babel',
-  ],
+const config = getConfig({
+  library: true,
+  react: true,
+  next: true,
+  esm: process.env.BABEL_OUTPUT === 'esm',
+  node: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',
+  typescript: true,
   env: {
-    // Setup a different config for tests as they run in node instead of a browser
-    test: {
-      presets: [
-        [
-          '@babel/preset-env',
-          {
-            useBuiltIns: 'usage',
-            corejs: 3,
-            loose: true,
-            shippedProposals: true,
-            modules: 'commonjs',
-            targets: { node: 'current' },
-          },
-        ],
-      ],
-      plugins: ['babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node'],
-    },
-    // build instrumented code for testing code coverage with Cypress
-    instrumented: {
-      plugins: ['istanbul'],
-    },
-    production: {
-      plugins: [
-        [
-          'babel-plugin-jsx-remove-data-test-id',
-          {
-            attributes: 'data-test',
-          },
-        ],
-      ],
-    },
+    targets: false,
+// Override to allow transpile es modules inside vega-lite
+config.ignore = config.ignore.filter(item => item !== 'node_modules/');
+config.plugins = [
+  ['babel-plugin-transform-dev', { evaluate: false }],
+  ['babel-plugin-typescript-to-proptypes', { loose: true }],
+  ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }],
+module.exports = config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/codecov.yml b/superset-frontend/codecov.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd7e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/codecov.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  status:
+    patch: off
+    project:
+      default:
+        target: 0%
+        threshold: 10%
+      core-packages-ts:
+        target: 100%
+        paths:
+          - 'packages'
+          - '!packages/**/*.jsx'
+          - '!packages/**/*.tsx'
+      core-packages-tsx:
+        target: 50%
+        paths:
+          - 'packages/**/*.jsx'
+          - 'packages/**/*.tsx'
+      plugins:
+        target: 0
+        paths:
+          - plugins
diff --git a/superset-frontend/commitlint.config.js b/superset-frontend/commitlint.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d734594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/commitlint.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module.exports = {
+  extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional', '@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes'],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/docs/ b/superset-frontend/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1330bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Debug Superset plugins in Superset app
+## Activate plugins for local development
+1. First, make sure you have run `yarn` and `yarn build` in `superset-ui` or your own plugin repo.
+2. Go to
+   [superset-frontend](,
+   use `npm link` to create a symlink of the plugin source code in `node_modules`:
+   ```sh
+   cd incubator-superset/superset-frontend
+   # npm link ~/path/to/your/plugin
+   npm link ../../superset-ui/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud
+   ```
+3. Start developing with webpack dev server:
+   ```sh
+   npm run dev-server
+   ```
+   The dev server will automatically build from the source code under `path/to/your-plugin/src` and
+   watch the changes.
+## Deactivate plugins
+To deactivate a plugin, simply run `npm install` in `incubator-superset/superset-frontend` again.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/docs/ b/superset-frontend/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c72571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## Using Storybook
+You can demo your changes by running the storybook demo locally with the following commands:
+yarn install
+yarn build
+yarn storybook
+The Storybook will
+[automatically build from the source code](
+when package names start with `@superset-ui/`.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/jest.config.js b/superset-frontend/jest.config.js
index 272cece..312c915 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/jest.config.js
+++ b/superset-frontend/jest.config.js
@@ -1,46 +1,61 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
 module.exports = {
-  testRegex: '(\\/spec|\\/src)\\/.*(_spec|\\.test)\\.(j|t)sx?$',
-  moduleNameMapper: {
-    '\\.(css|less)$': '<rootDir>/spec/__mocks__/styleMock.js',
-    '\\.(gif|ttf|eot)$': '<rootDir>/spec/__mocks__/fileMock.js',
-    '\\.svg$': '<rootDir>/spec/__mocks__/svgrMock.js',
-    '^src/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src/$1',
-    '^spec/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/spec/$1',
-  },
-  testEnvironment: 'enzyme',
-  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/spec/helpers/setup.ts'],
-  testURL: 'http://localhost',
-  collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'],
-  coverageDirectory: '<rootDir>/coverage/',
-  transform: {
-    '^.+\\.jsx?$': 'babel-jest',
-    '^.+\\.tsx?$': 'ts-jest',
-  },
-  moduleFileExtensions: ['ts', 'tsx', 'js', 'jsx', 'json'],
-  globals: {
-    'ts-jest': {
-      babelConfig: true,
-      diagnostics: {
-        warnOnly: true,
-      },
+  bail: false,
+  collectCoverageFrom: ['**/src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}', '**/test/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'],
+  coverageDirectory: './coverage',
+  coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
+    'coverage/',
+    'node_modules/',
+    'public/',
+    'esm/',
+    'lib/',
+    'tmp/',
+    'dist/',
+  ],
+  coverageReporters: ['lcov', 'json-summary', 'html'],
+  coverageThreshold: {
+    global: {
+      branches: 0,
+      functions: 0,
+      lines: 0,
+      statements: 0,
+  globals: {
+    __DEV__: true,
+    caches: true,
+  },
+  moduleFileExtensions: ['mock.js', 'ts', 'tsx', 'js', 'jsx', 'json', 'node'],
+  moduleNameMapper: {
+    '^.+\\.(ttf|eot|otf|svg|woff|woff2|mp3|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$':
+      '<rootDir>/node_modules/@airbnb/config-jest/mocks/file.js',
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@@ -300,21 +134,33 @@
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+      "prettier --write"
+    ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/.gitattributes b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176a458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+* text=auto
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7723c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# generator-superset
+[![David (path)](](
+> Scaffolder for Superset
+## Installation
+First, install [Yeoman]( and `generator-superset` using
+[npm]( (we assume you have pre-installed [node.js](
+npm install -g yo
+npm install -g @superset-ui/generator-superset
+## Usage
+Generate a new package or visualization plugin in `@superset-ui`
+cd superset-ui/packages
+mkdir superset-ui-new-package
+cd superset-ui-new-package
+yo @superset-ui/superset
+## License
+[learn more about Yeoman](
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/app/index.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/app/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bfd8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/app/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+const Generator = require('yeoman-generator');
+const chalk = require('chalk');
+const yosay = require('yosay');
+module.exports = class extends Generator {
+  async prompting() {
+    // Have Yeoman greet the user.
+    this.log(yosay(`Welcome to the rad ${'generator-superset')} generator!`));
+    this.option('skipInstall');
+    this.answers = await this.prompt([
+      {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'subgenerator',
+        message: 'What do you want to do?',
+        choices: [
+          {
+            name: 'Create superset-ui core package',
+            value: 'package',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'Create superset-ui chart plugin package',
+            value: 'plugin-chart',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ]);
+  }
+  configuring() {
+    // Redirect the default 'app' generator
+    // to 'package' subgenerator
+    // until there are multiple subgenerators
+    // then this can be changed into a menu to select
+    // subgenerator.
+    this.composeWith(require.resolve(`../${this.answers.subgenerator}`));
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/index.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defd74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+const Generator = require('yeoman-generator');
+const _ = require('lodash');
+module.exports = class extends Generator {
+  async prompting() {
+    this.option('skipInstall');
+    this.answers = await this.prompt([
+      {
+        type: 'input',
+        name: 'name',
+        message: 'Package name:',
+        default: _.kebabCase(this.appname.replace('superset ui', '').trim()), // Default to current folder name
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'language',
+        message: 'Choose language',
+        default: 'typescript',
+        choices: [
+          {
+            name: 'typescript',
+            value: 'typescript',
+            short: 't',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'javascript',
+            value: 'javascript',
+            short: 'j',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ]);
+  }
+  writing() {
+    this.fs.copyTpl(
+      this.templatePath('_package.json'),
+      this.destinationPath('package.json'),
+      this.answers,
+    );
+    this.fs.copyTpl(
+      this.templatePath(''),
+      this.destinationPath(''),
+      this.answers,
+    );
+    const ext = this.answers.language === 'typescript' ? 'ts' : 'js';
+    this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('src/index.txt'), this.destinationPath(`src/index.${ext}`));
+    this.fs.copy(
+      this.templatePath('test/index.txt'),
+      this.destinationPath(`test/index.test.${ext}`),
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db31b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+## @superset-ui/<%= name %>
+[![Version](<%= name
+%>.svg?style=flat)](<%= name %>.svg?style=flat)
+[![David (path)](<%=
+name %>)
+#### Example usage
+import { xxx } from '@superset-ui/<%= name %>';
+#### API
+- Do something
+### Development
+`@data-ui/build-config` is used to manage the build configuration for this package including babel
+builds, jest testing, eslint, and prettier.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/_package.json b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/_package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5948f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/_package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/<%= name %>",
+  "version": "0.0.0",
+  "description": "Superset UI <%= name %>",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": ["esm", "lib"],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": ["superset"],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/src/index.txt b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/src/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d181a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/src/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+const x = 1;
+export default x;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/test/index.txt b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/test/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..457263a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/package/templates/test/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+describe('My Test', () => {
+  it('tests something', () => {
+    expect(1).toEqual(1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/index.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55fb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+const Generator = require('yeoman-generator');
+const _ = require('lodash');
+module.exports = class extends Generator {
+  async prompting() {
+    this.option('skipInstall');
+    this.answers = await this.prompt([
+      {
+        type: 'input',
+        name: 'packageName',
+        message: 'Package name:',
+        // Default to current folder name
+        default: _.kebabCase(this.appname.replace('plugin chart', '').trim()),
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'input',
+        name: 'description',
+        message: 'Description:',
+        // Default to current folder name
+        default: _.upperFirst(_.startCase(this.appname.replace('plugin chart', '').trim())),
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'componentType',
+        message: 'What type of React component would you like?',
+        choices: [
+          {
+            name: 'Class component',
+            value: 'class',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'Function component (with hooks)',
+            value: 'function',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'chartType',
+        message: 'What type of chart would you like?',
+        choices: [
+          {
+            name: 'Time-series chart',
+            value: 'timeseries',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'Regular chart',
+            value: 'regular',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'confirm',
+        name: 'addBadges',
+        message: "Add superset-ui badges to your plugin's",
+        default: true,
+      },
+    ]);
+  }
+  writing() {
+    // 'hello-world' -> 'HelloWorld'
+    const packageLabel = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(this.answers.packageName));
+    // 'hello-world' -> 'Hello World'
+    const pluginName = _.startCase(_.camelCase(this.answers.packageName));
+    const params = {
+      ...this.answers,
+      packageLabel,
+      pluginName,
+    };
+    [
+      ['package.erb', 'package.json'],
+      ['tsconfig.json', 'tsconfig.json'],
+      ['README.erb', ''],
+      ['src/index.erb', 'src/index.ts'],
+      ['src/plugin/buildQuery.erb', 'src/plugin/buildQuery.ts'],
+      ['src/plugin/controlPanel.erb', 'src/plugin/controlPanel.ts'],
+      ['src/plugin/index.erb', 'src/plugin/index.ts'],
+      ['src/plugin/transformProps.erb', 'src/plugin/transformProps.ts'],
+      ['src/types.erb', 'src/types.ts'],
+      ['src/MyChart.erb', `src/${packageLabel}.tsx`],
+      ['test/index.erb', 'test/index.test.ts'],
+      ['test/plugin/buildQuery.test.erb', 'test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts'],
+      ['test/plugin/transformProps.test.erb', 'test/plugin/transformProps.test.ts'],
+    ].forEach(([src, dest]) => {
+      this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath(src), this.destinationPath(dest), params);
+    });
+    ['types/external.d.ts', 'src/images/thumbnail.png'].forEach(file => {
+      this.fs.copy(this.templatePath(file), this.destinationPath(file));
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/README.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/README.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa1d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/README.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-<%= packageName %>
+<%if (addBadges) { %>[![Version](<%= packageName %>.svg?style=flat-square)](<%= packageName %>)<% } %>
+This plugin provides <%= description %> for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import <%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-<%= packageName %>';
+new <%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin()
+  .configure({ key: '<%= packageName %>' })
+  .register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See [storybook](<%= packageName %>) for more details.
+  chartType="<%= packageName %>"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
+### File structure generated
+├── package.json
+├── tsconfig.json
+├── src
+│   ├── <%= packageLabel %>.tsx
+│   ├── images
+│   │   └── thumbnail.png
+│   ├── index.ts
+│   ├── plugin
+│   │   ├── buildQuery.ts
+│   │   ├── controlPanel.ts
+│   │   ├── index.ts
+│   │   └── transformProps.ts
+│   └── types.ts
+├── test
+│   └── index.test.ts
+└── types
+    └── external.d.ts
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/package.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/package.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7ba4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/package.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-<%= packageName %>",
+  "version": "0.0.0",
+  "description": "Superset Chart - <%= description %>",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/core": "^0.15.2",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "^0.15.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/jest": "^26.0.0",
+    "jest": "^26.0.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/MyChart.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/MyChart.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a6b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/MyChart.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { <%if (componentType == 'class') { %>PureComponent<% } %><%if (componentType == 'function') { %>useEffect<% } %>, createRef } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { <%= packageLabel %>Props, <%= packageLabel %>StylesProps } from './types';
+// The following Styles component is a <div> element, which has been styled using Emotion
+// For docs, visit
+// Theming variables are provided for your use via a ThemeProvider
+// imported from @superset-ui/core. For variables available, please visit
+const Styles = styled.div<<%= packageLabel %>StylesProps>`
+  background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.secondary.light2};
+  padding: ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit * 4}px;
+  border-radius: ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit * 2}px;
+  height: ${({ height }) => height};
+  width: ${({ width }) => width};
+  overflow-y: scroll;
+  h3 {
+    /* You can use your props to control CSS! */
+    font-size: ${({ theme, headerFontSize }) => theme.typography.sizes[headerFontSize]};
+    font-weight: ${({ theme, boldText }) => theme.typography.weights[boldText ? 'bold' : 'normal']};
+  }
+ * ******************* WHAT YOU CAN BUILD HERE *******************
+ *  In essence, a chart is given a few key ingredients to work with:
+ *  * Data: provided via ``
+ *  * A DOM element
+ *  * FormData (your controls!) provided as props by transformProps.ts
+ */
+<%if (componentType == 'class') { %>export default class <%= packageLabel %> extends PureComponent<<%= packageLabel %>Props> {
+  // Often, you just want to get a hold of the DOM and go nuts.
+  // Here, you can do that with createRef, and componentDidMount.
+  rootElem = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+  componentDidMount() {
+    const root = this.rootElem.current as HTMLElement;
+    console.log('Plugin element', root);
+  }
+  render() {
+    // height and width are the height and width of the DOM element as it exists in the dashboard.
+    // There is also a `data` prop, which is, of course, your DATA 🎉
+    console.log('Approach 1 props', this.props);
+    const { data, height, width } = this.props;
+    console.log('Plugin props', this.props);
+    return (
+      <Styles
+        ref={this.rootElem}
+        boldText={this.props.boldText}
+        headerFontSize={this.props.headerFontSize}
+        height={height}
+        width={width}
+      >
+        <h3>{this.props.headerText}</h3>
+        <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
+      </Styles>
+    );
+  }
+}<% } %><%if (componentType == 'function') { %>export default function <%= packageLabel %>(props: <%= packageLabel %>Props) {
+  // height and width are the height and width of the DOM element as it exists in the dashboard.
+  // There is also a `data` prop, which is, of course, your DATA 🎉
+  const { data, height, width } = props;
+  const rootElem = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+  // Often, you just want to get a hold of the DOM and go nuts.
+  // Here, you can do that with createRef, and the useEffect hook.
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const root = rootElem.current as HTMLElement;
+    console.log('Plugin element', root);
+  });
+  console.log('Plugin props', props);
+  return (
+    <Styles
+      ref={rootElem}
+      boldText={props.boldText}
+      headerFontSize={props.headerFontSize}
+      height={height}
+      width={width}
+    >
+      <h3>{props.headerText}</h3>
+      <pre>${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
+    </Styles>
+  );
+}<% } %>
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/images/thumbnail.png
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/images/thumbnail.png
copy to superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/index.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/index.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a23ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/index.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export { default as <%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin } from './plugin';
+ * Note: this file exports the default export from <%= packageLabel %>.tsx.
+ * If you want to export multiple visualization modules, you will need to
+ * either add additional plugin folders (similar in structure to ./plugin)
+ * OR export multiple instances of `ChartPlugin` extensions in ./plugin/index.ts
+ * which in turn load exports from <%= packageLabel %>.tsx
+ */
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/buildQuery.erb
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/buildQuery.ts
copy to superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/buildQuery.erb
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/controlPanel.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/controlPanel.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca91365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/controlPanel.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  /**
+   * The control panel is split into two tabs: "Query" and
+   * "Chart Options". The controls that define the inputs to
+   * the chart data request, such as columns and metrics, usually
+   * reside within "Query", while controls that affect the visual
+   * appearance or functionality of the chart are under the
+   * "Chart Options" section.
+   *
+   * There are several predefined controls that can be used.
+   * Some examples:
+   * - groupby: columns to group by (tranlated to GROUP BY statement)
+   * - series: same as groupby, but single selection.
+   * - metrics: multiple metrics (translated to aggregate expression)
+   * - metric: sane as metrics, but single selection
+   * - adhoc_filters: filters (translated to WHERE or HAVING
+   *   depending on filter type)
+   * - row_limit: maximum number of rows (translated to LIMIT statement)
+   *
+   * If a control panel has both a `series` and `groupby` control, and
+   * the user has chosen `col1` as the value for the `series` control,
+   * and `col2` and `col3` as values for the `groupby` control,
+   * the resulting query will contain three `groupby` columns. This is because
+   * we considered `series` control a `groupby` query field and its value
+   * will automatically append the `groupby` field when the query is generated.
+   *
+   * It is also possible to define custom controls by importing the
+   * necessary dependencies and overriding the default parameters, which
+   * can then be placed in the `controlSetRows` section
+   * of the `Query` section instead of a predefined control.
+   *
+   * import { validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+   * import {
+   *   sharedControls,
+   *   ControlConfig,
+   *   ControlPanelConfig,
+   * } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+   *
+   * const myControl: ControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+   *   name: 'secondary_entity',
+   *   config: {
+   *     ...sharedControls.entity,
+   *     type: 'SelectControl',
+   *     label: t('Secondary Entity'),
+   *     mapStateToProps: state => ({
+   *       sharedControls.columnChoices(state.datasource)
+   *       .columns.filter(c => c.groupby)
+   *     })
+   *     validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+   *   },
+   * }
+   *
+   * In addition to the basic drop down control, there are several predefined
+   * control types (can be set via the `type` property) that can be used. Some
+   * commonly used examples:
+   * - SelectControl: Dropdown to select single or multiple values,
+       usually columns
+   * - MetricsControl: Dropdown to select metrics, triggering a modal
+       to define Metric details
+   * - AdhocFilterControl: Control to choose filters
+   * - CheckboxControl: A checkbox for choosing true/false values
+   * - SliderControl: A slider with min/max values
+   * - TextControl: Control for text data
+   *
+   * For more control input types, check out the `incubator-superset` repo
+   * and open this file: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/index.js
+   *
+   * To ensure all controls have been filled out correctly, the following
+   * validators are provided
+   * by the `@superset-ui/core/lib/validator`:
+   * - validateNonEmpty: must have at least one value
+   * - validateInteger: must be an integer value
+   * - validateNumber: must be an intger or decimal value
+   */
+  // For control input types, see: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/index.js
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['metrics'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit', null]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Hello Controls!'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'header_text',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              default: 'Hello, World!',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              // ^ this makes it apply instantaneously, without triggering a "run query" button
+              label: t('Header Text'),
+              description: t('The text you want to see in the header'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'bold_text',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Bold Text'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('A checkbox to make the '),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'header_font_size',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Font Size'),
+              default: 'xl',
+              choices: [
+                // [value, label]
+                ['xxs', 'xx-small'],
+                ['xs', 'x-small'],
+                ['s', 'small'],
+                ['m', 'medium'],
+                ['l', 'large'],
+                ['xl', 'x-large'],
+                ['xxl', 'xx-large'],
+              ],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('The size of your header font'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+<%if (chartType === 'timeseries') { %>  // Time series charts need to override the `druidTimeSeries` and `sqlaTimeSeries`
+  // sections to add the time grain dropdown.
+  sectionOverrides: {
+    druidTimeSeries: {
+      controlSetRows: [['granularity', 'druid_time_origin'], ['time_range']],
+    },
+    sqlaTimeSeries: {
+      controlSetRows: [['granularity_sqla', 'time_grain_sqla'], ['time_range']],
+    },
+  },<% } %>
+  controlOverrides: {
+    series: {
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      clearable: false,
+    },
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 100,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/index.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/index.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6426df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/index.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from '../images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class <%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  /**
+   * The constructor is used to pass relevant metadata and callbacks that get
+   * registered in respective registries that are used throughout the library
+   * and application. A more thorough description of each property is given in
+   * the respective imported file.
+   *
+   * It is worth noting that `buildQuery` and is optional, and only needed for
+   * advanced visualizations that require either post processing operations
+   * (pivoting, rolling aggregations, sorting etc) or submitting multiple queries.
+   */
+  constructor() {
+    const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+      description: '<%= description %>',
+      name: t('<%= pluginName %>'),
+      thumbnail,
+    });
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('../<%= packageLabel %>'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/transformProps.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/transformProps.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3acb701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/plugin/transformProps.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, TimeseriesDataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  /**
+   * This function is called after a successful response has been
+   * received from the chart data endpoint, and is used to transform
+   * the incoming data prior to being sent to the Visualization.
+   *
+   * The transformProps function is also quite useful to return
+   * additional/modified props to your data viz component. The formData
+   * can also be accessed from your <%= packageLabel %>.tsx file, but
+   * doing supplying custom props here is often handy for integrating third
+   * party libraries that rely on specific props.
+   *
+   * A description of properties in `chartProps`:
+   * - `height`, `width`: the height/width of the DOM element in which
+   *   the chart is located
+   * - `formData`: the chart data request payload that was sent to the
+   *   backend.
+   * - `queriesData`: the chart data response payload that was received
+   *   from the backend. Some notable properties of `queriesData`:
+   *   - `data`: an array with data, each row with an object mapping
+   *     the column/alias to its value. Example:
+   *     `[{ col1: 'abc', metric1: 10 }, { col1: 'xyz', metric1: 20 }]`
+   *   - `rowcount`: the number of rows in `data`
+   *   - `query`: the query that was issued.
+   *
+   * Please note: the transformProps function gets cached when the
+   * application loads. When making changes to the `transformProps`
+   * function during development with hot reloading, changes won't
+   * be seen until restarting the development server.
+   */
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { boldText, headerFontSize, headerText } = formData;
+  const data = queriesData[0].data as TimeseriesDataRecord[];
+  console.log('formData via TransformProps.ts', formData);
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+<%if (chartType === 'timeseries') { %>
+    data: => ({
+      ...item,
+      // convert epoch to native Date
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
+      __timestamp: new Date(item.__timestamp as number),
+    })),<% } else { %>    data,<% } %>
+    // and now your control data, manipulated as needed, and passed through as props!
+    boldText,
+    headerFontSize,
+    headerText,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/types.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/types.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509fd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/src/types.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryFormData, supersetTheme, TimeseriesDataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export interface <%= packageLabel %>StylesProps {
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+  headerFontSize: keyof typeof supersetTheme.typography.sizes;
+  boldText: boolean;
+interface <%= packageLabel %>CustomizeProps {
+  headerText: string;
+export type <%= packageLabel %>QueryFormData = QueryFormData &
+  <%= packageLabel %>StylesProps &
+  <%= packageLabel %>CustomizeProps;
+export type <%= packageLabel %>Props = <%= packageLabel %>StylesProps &
+  <%= packageLabel %>CustomizeProps & {
+    data: TimeseriesDataRecord[];
+    // add typing here for the props you pass in from transformProps.ts!
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/index.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/index.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eca957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/index.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { <%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin } from '../src';
+ * The example tests in this file act as a starting point, and
+ * we encourage you to build more. These tests check that the
+ * plugin loads properly, and focus on `transformProps`
+ * to ake sure that data, controls, and props are all
+ * treated correctly (e.g. formData from plugin controls
+ * properly transform the data and/or any resulting props).
+ */
+describe('@superset-ui/plugin-chart-<%= packageName %>', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(<%= packageLabel %>ChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428b85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import buildQuery from '../../src/plugin/buildQuery';
+describe('<%= packageLabel %> buildQuery', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    series: 'foo',
+    viz_type: 'my_chart',
+  };
+  it('should build groupby with series in form data', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery(formData);
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.groupby).toEqual(['foo']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/transformProps.test.erb b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/transformProps.test.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2ee53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/test/plugin/transformProps.test.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../../src/plugin/transformProps';
+describe('<%= packageLabel %> tranformProps', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    colorScheme: 'bnbColors',
+    datasource: '3__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    metric: 'sum__num',
+    series: 'name',
+    boldText: true,
+    headerFontSize: 'xs',
+    headerText: 'my text',
+  };
+  const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+    formData,
+    width: 800,
+    height: 600,
+    queriesData: [{
+      data: [{ name: 'Hulk', sum__num: 1<%if (chartType === 'timeseries') { %>, __timestamp: 599616000000<% } %> }],
+    }],
+  });
+  it('should tranform chart props for viz', () => {
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual({
+      width: 800,
+      height: 600,
+      boldText: true,
+      headerFontSize: 'xs',
+      headerText: 'my text',
+      data: [{ name: 'Hulk', sum__num: 1<%if (chartType === 'timeseries') { %>, __timestamp: new Date(599616000000)<% } %> }],
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f164c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0935dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/generators/plugin-chart/templates/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module '*.png' {
+  const value: any;
+  export default value;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/package.json b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f53498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/generator-superset",
+  "version": "0.17.0",
+  "description": "Scaffolder for Superset",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "files": [
+    "generators"
+  ],
+  "main": "generators/index.js",
+  "keywords": [
+    "yeoman",
+    "generator",
+    "superset",
+    "yeoman-generator"
+  ],
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "yeoman-assert": "^3.1.0",
+    "yeoman-test": "^2.0.0"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "npm": ">= 4.0.0"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "chalk": "^4.0.0",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.11",
+    "yeoman-generator": "^4.0.0",
+    "yosay": "^2.0.2"
+  },
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/app.test.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/app.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f460c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/app.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const path = require('path');
+const assert = require('yeoman-assert');
+const helpers = require('yeoman-test');
+describe('generator-superset:app', () => {
+  let dir;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    dir = process.cwd();
+    return, '../generators/app')).withPrompts({
+      subgenerator: 'package',
+      name: 'my-package',
+    });
+  });
+  /*
+   * Change working directory back to original working directory
+   * after the test has completed.
+   * yeoman tests switch to tmp directory and write files there.
+   * Usually this is fine for solo package.
+   * However, for a monorepo like this one,
+   * it made jest confuses with current directory
+   * (being in tmp directory instead of superset-ui root)
+   * and interferes with other tests in sibling packages
+   * that are run after the yeoman tests.
+   */
+  afterAll(() => {
+    process.chdir(dir);
+  });
+  it('creates files', () => {
+    assert.file(['package.json', '', 'src/index.ts', 'test/index.test.ts']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/package.test.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/package.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9710c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/package.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+const path = require('path');
+const assert = require('yeoman-assert');
+const helpers = require('yeoman-test');
+describe('generator-superset:package', () => {
+  let dir;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    dir = process.cwd();
+  });
+  /*
+   * Change working directory back to original working directory
+   * after the test has completed.
+   * yeoman tests switch to tmp directory and write files there.
+   * Usually this is fine for solo package.
+   * However, for a monorepo like this one,
+   * it made jest confuses with current directory
+   * (being in tmp directory instead of superset-ui root)
+   * and interferes with other tests in sibling packages
+   * that are run after the yeoman tests.
+   */
+  afterAll(() => {
+    process.chdir(dir);
+  });
+  describe('typescript', () => {
+    beforeAll(() =>
+      helpers
+        .run(path.join(__dirname, '../generators/package'))
+        .withPrompts({ name: 'my-package', language: 'typescript' })
+        .withOptions({ skipInstall: true }),
+    );
+    it('creates files', () => {
+      assert.file(['package.json', '', 'src/index.ts', 'test/index.test.ts']);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('javascript', () => {
+    beforeAll(() =>
+      helpers
+        .run(path.join(__dirname, '../generators/package'))
+        .withPrompts({ name: 'my-package', language: 'javascript' })
+        .withOptions({ skipInstall: true }),
+    );
+    it('creates files', () => {
+      assert.file(['package.json', '', 'src/index.js', 'test/index.test.js']);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/plugin-chart.test.js b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/plugin-chart.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54bc8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/plugin-chart.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* eslint-env node */
+const path = require('path');
+const assert = require('yeoman-assert');
+const helpers = require('yeoman-test');
+describe('generator-superset:plugin-chart', () => {
+  let dir;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    dir = process.cwd();
+    return helpers
+      .run(path.join(__dirname, '../generators/plugin-chart'))
+      .withPrompts({ packageName: 'cold-map', description: 'Cold Map' })
+      .withOptions({ skipInstall: true });
+  });
+  /*
+   * Change working directory back to original working directory
+   * after the test has completed.
+   * yeoman tests switch to tmp directory and write files there.
+   * Usually this is fine for solo package.
+   * However, for a monorepo like this one,
+   * it made jest confuses with current directory
+   * (being in tmp directory instead of superset-ui root)
+   * and interferes with other tests in sibling packages
+   * that are run after the yeoman tests.
+   */
+  afterAll(() => {
+    process.chdir(dir);
+  });
+  it('creates files', () => {
+    assert.file([
+      'package.json',
+      '',
+      'src/plugin/buildQuery.ts',
+      'src/plugin/controlPanel.ts',
+      'src/plugin/index.ts',
+      'src/plugin/transformProps.ts',
+      'src/ColdMap.tsx',
+      'src/index.ts',
+      'test/index.test.ts',
+      'test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts',
+      'test/plugin/transformProps.test.ts',
+      'types/external.d.ts',
+      'src/images/thumbnail.png',
+    ]);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintignore b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21e918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c25f689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+module.exports = {
+  extends: [
+    'airbnb',
+    'prettier',
+    'prettier/react',
+    'plugin:react-hooks/recommended',
+  ],
+  parser: 'babel-eslint',
+  parserOptions: {
+    ecmaFeatures: {
+      experimentalObjectRestSpread: true,
+    },
+  },
+  env: {
+    browser: true,
+  },
+  settings: {
+    'import/resolver': 'webpack',
+    react: {
+      version: 'detect',
+    },
+  },
+  plugins: ['prettier', 'react'],
+  overrides: [
+    {
+      files: ['cypress-base/**/*'],
+      rules: {
+        'import/no-unresolved': 0,
+        'global-require': 0,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['webpack*.js'],
+      env: {
+        node: true,
+      },
+      settings: {
+        'import/resolver': {
+          node: {},
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
+      parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+      extends: [
+        'airbnb',
+        'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
+        'prettier',
+        'prettier/@typescript-eslint',
+        'prettier/react',
+      ],
+      plugins: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin', 'prettier', 'react'],
+      rules: {
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': 1, // disabled temporarily
+        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 0,
+        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        camelcase: 0,
+        'class-methods-use-this': 0,
+        curly: 1,
+        'func-names': 0,
+        'guard-for-in': 0,
+        'import/no-cycle': 0, // re-enable up for discussion, might require some major refactors
+        'import/extensions': [
+          'error',
+          {
+            '.ts': 'always',
+            '.tsx': 'always',
+            '.json': 'always',
+          },
+        ],
+        'import/no-named-as-default-member': 0,
+        'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
+        indent: 0,
+        'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 1,
+        'jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'new-cap': 0,
+        'no-bitwise': 0,
+        'no-continue': 0,
+        'no-mixed-operators': 0,
+        'no-multi-assign': 0,
+        'no-multi-spaces': 0,
+        'no-prototype-builtins': 0,
+        'no-restricted-properties': 0,
+        'no-restricted-imports': [
+          'error',
+          {
+            paths: [
+              {
+                name: 'antd',
+                message:
+                  'Please import Ant components from the index of common/components',
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        ],
+        'no-shadow': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'no-use-before-define': 0, // disabled temporarily
+        'padded-blocks': 0,
+        'prefer-arrow-callback': 0,
+        'prefer-destructuring': ['error', { object: true, array: false }],
+        'react/destructuring-assignment': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'react/forbid-prop-types': 0,
+        'react/jsx-filename-extension': [1, { extensions: ['.jsx', '.tsx'] }],
+        'react/jsx-fragments': 1,
+        'react/jsx-no-bind': 0,
+        'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'react/no-array-index-key': 0,
+        'react/no-string-refs': 0,
+        'react/no-unescaped-entities': 0,
+        'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0,
+        'react/prop-types': 0,
+        'react/require-default-props': 0,
+        'react/sort-comp': 0, // TODO: re-enable in separate PR
+        'react/static-property-placement': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+        'prettier/prettier': 'error',
+      },
+      settings: {
+        'import/resolver': {
+          webpack: {},
+          typescript: {},
+        },
+        react: {
+          version: 'detect',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: ['*.stories.jsx', '*.stories.tsx'],
+      rules: {
+        // this is to keep eslint from complaining about storybook addons,
+        // since they are included as dev dependencies rather than direct dependencies.
+        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
+          'error',
+          { devDependencies: true },
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      files: [
+        'src/**/*.test.ts',
+        'src/**/*.test.tsx',
+        'src/**/*.test.js',
+        'src/**/*.test.jsx',
+      ],
+      plugins: ['jest', 'jest-dom', 'no-only-tests'],
+      env: {
+        'jest/globals': true,
+      },
+      extends: ['plugin:jest/recommended', 'plugin:testing-library/react'],
+      rules: {
+        'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
+          'error',
+          { devDependencies: true },
+        ],
+        'jest/consistent-test-it': 'error',
+        'no-only-tests/no-only-tests': 'error',
+      },
+    },
+  ],
+  rules: {
+    camelcase: [
+      'error',
+      {
+        allow: ['^UNSAFE_'],
+        properties: 'never',
+      },
+    ],
+    'class-methods-use-this': 0,
+    curly: 1,
+    'func-names': 0,
+    'guard-for-in': 0,
+    'import/extensions': [
+      'error',
+      {
+        '.js': 'always',
+        '.jsx': 'always',
+        '.ts': 'always',
+        '.tsx': 'always',
+        '.json': 'always',
+      },
+    ],
+    'import/no-cycle': 0, // re-enable up for discussion, might require some major refactors
+    'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
+    indent: 0,
+    'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': 1,
+    'jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+    'jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+    'new-cap': 0,
+    'no-bitwise': 0,
+    'no-continue': 0,
+    'no-mixed-operators': 0,
+    'no-multi-assign': 0,
+    'no-multi-spaces': 0,
+    'no-prototype-builtins': 0,
+    'no-restricted-properties': 0,
+    'no-restricted-imports': [
+      'error',
+      {
+        paths: [
+          {
+            name: 'antd',
+            message:
+              'Please import Ant components from the index of common/components',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    'no-shadow': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+    'padded-blocks': 0,
+    'prefer-arrow-callback': 0,
+    'prefer-object-spread': 1,
+    'prefer-destructuring': ['error', { object: true, array: false }],
+    'react/destructuring-assignment': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+    'react/forbid-prop-types': 0,
+    'react/jsx-filename-extension': [1, { extensions: ['.jsx', '.tsx'] }],
+    'react/jsx-fragments': 1,
+    'react/jsx-no-bind': 0,
+    'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 0, // re-enable up for discussion
+    'react/no-array-index-key': 0,
+    'react/no-string-refs': 0,
+    'react/no-unescaped-entities': 0,
+    'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0,
+    'react/prop-types': 0,
+    'react/require-default-props': 0,
+    'react/sort-comp': 0, // TODO: re-enable in separate PR
+    'react/static-property-placement': 0, // disabled temporarily
+    'prettier/prettier': 'error',
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.gitignore b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0598bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.nvmrc b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.nvmrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976bea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/.nvmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/babel.config.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/babel.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ae332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/babel.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+const packageConfig = require('./package.json');
+module.exports = {
+  sourceMaps: true,
+  sourceType: 'module',
+  retainLines: true,
+  presets: [
+    [
+      '@babel/preset-env',
+      {
+        useBuiltIns: 'usage',
+        corejs: 3,
+        loose: true,
+        modules: false,
+        shippedProposals: true,
+        targets: packageConfig.browserslist,
+      },
+    ],
+    [
+      '@babel/preset-react',
+      { development: process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'development' },
+    ],
+  ],
+  plugins: [
+    'lodash',
+    '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import',
+    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }],
+    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining', { loose: true }],
+    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods', { loose: true }],
+    ['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', { corejs: 3 }],
+    'react-hot-loader/babel',
+  ],
+  env: {
+    // Setup a different config for tests as they run in node instead of a browser
+    test: {
+      presets: [
+        [
+          '@babel/preset-env',
+          {
+            useBuiltIns: 'usage',
+            corejs: 3,
+            loose: true,
+            shippedProposals: true,
+            modules: 'commonjs',
+            targets: { node: 'current' },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+      plugins: ['babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node'],
+    },
+    // build instrumented code for testing code coverage with Cypress
+    instrumented: {
+      plugins: ['istanbul'],
+    },
+    production: {
+      plugins: [
+        [
+          'babel-plugin-jsx-remove-data-test-id',
+          {
+            attributes: 'data-test',
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/apache-kylin.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/apache-kylin.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/apache-kylin.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/apache-kylin.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/apache_feather.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/apache_feather.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/apache_feather.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/apache_feather.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/babies.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/babies.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/babies.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/babies.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/bubble.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/bubble.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/bubble.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/bubble.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/chart-card-fallback.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/chart-card-fallback.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/chart-card-fallback.svg
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/chart-card-fallback.svg
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/clickhouse.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/clickhouse.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/clickhouse.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/clickhouse.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/cloud.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/cloud.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/cloud.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/cloud.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/create_role.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/create_role.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/create_role.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/create_role.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/dash.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/dash.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/dash.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/dash.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/dashboard-card-fallback.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/dashboard-card-fallback.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/dashboard-card-fallback.svg
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/dashboard-card-fallback.svg
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/db2.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/db2.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/db2.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/db2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/druid.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/druid.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/druid.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/druid.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/druid_agg.png b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/druid_agg.png
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/druid_agg.png
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/druid_agg.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/empty-charts.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-charts.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/empty-charts.svg
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-charts.svg
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/empty-dashboard.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-dashboard.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/empty-dashboard.svg
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-dashboard.svg
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/empty-queries.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-queries.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from superset-frontend/images/empty-queries.svg
rename to superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-queries.svg
diff --git a/superset-frontend/images/empty-query.svg b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/images/empty-query.svg
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-frontend/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "allowJs": true,
+    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+    "baseUrl": ".",
+    "esModuleInterop": false,
+    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
+    "importHelpers": false,
+    "jsx": "preserve",
+    "lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
+    "module": "esnext",
+    "moduleResolution": "node",
+    "noImplicitAny": true,
+    "noImplicitReturns": true,
+    "noImplicitThis": true,
+    "noUnusedLocals": true,
+    "outDir": "./dist",
+    "pretty": true,
+    "paths": {
+      "@superset-ui/core": [
+        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/core/src",
+        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/core"
+      ],
+      "@superset-ui/chart-controls": [
+        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/chart-controls/src",
+        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/chart-controls"
+      ],
+      // for supressing errors caused by incompatible @types/react when `npm link`
+      // Ref:
+      "react": ["./node_modules/@types/react", "react"]
+    },
+    "skipLibCheck": true,
+    "sourceMap": true,
+    "strictNullChecks": true,
+    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
+    "target": "esnext"
+  },
+  "include": [
+    "./src/**/*",
+    "./spec/**/*",
+    // include the source code of each plugin
+    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/src/**/*",
+    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/types/**/*",
+    // and the type defs of their dependencies
+    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/node_modules/**/*.d.ts"
+  ],
+  "exclude": ["./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/node_modules/@superset-ui/**/*"]
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diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1ed880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+## @superset-ui/chart-controls
+[![David (path)](](
+#### Example usage
+import { xxx } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+#### API
+- Do something
+### Development
+`@data-ui/build-config` is used to manage the build configuration for this package including babel
+builds, jest testing, eslint, and prettier.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/package.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2021724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/chart-controls",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset UI control-utils",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.15",
+    "prop-types": "^15.7.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "@types/react-bootstrap": "*",
+    "antd": "^4.9.1",
+    "react": "^16.13.1",
+    "react-bootstrap": "^0.33.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/CertifiedIconWithTooltip.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/CertifiedIconWithTooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5279c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/CertifiedIconWithTooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { Tooltip, OverlayTrigger } from 'react-bootstrap';
+import { kebabCase } from 'lodash';
+import { t, supersetTheme } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const tooltipStyle: React.CSSProperties = { wordWrap: 'break-word' };
+interface CertifiedIconWithTooltipProps {
+  certifiedBy?: string | null;
+  details?: string | null;
+  metricName: string;
+function CertifiedIconWithTooltip({
+  certifiedBy,
+  details,
+  metricName,
+}: CertifiedIconWithTooltipProps) {
+  return (
+    <OverlayTrigger
+      placement="top"
+      overlay={
+        <Tooltip id={`${kebabCase(metricName)}-tooltip`} style={tooltipStyle}>
+          {certifiedBy && <div>{t('Certified by %s', certifiedBy)}</div>}
+          <div>{details}</div>
+        </Tooltip>
+      }
+    >
+      {/* TODO: move Icons to superset-ui to remove duplicated icon code here */}
+      <svg
+        xmlns=""
+        enableBackground="new 0 0 24 24"
+        height="16"
+        viewBox="0 0 24 24"
+        width="16"
+      >
+        <g>
+          <path
+            fill={supersetTheme.colors.primary.base}
+            d="M23,12l-2.44-2.79l0.34-3.69l-3.61-0.82L15.4,1.5L12,2.96L8.6,1.5L6.71,4.69L3.1,5.5L3.44,9.2L1,12l2.44,2.79l-0.34,3.7 l3.61,0.82L8.6,22.5l3.4-1.47l3.4,1.46l1.89-3.19l3.61-0.82l-0.34-3.69L23,12z M9.38,16.01L7,13.61c-0.39-0.39-0.39-1.02,0-1.41 l0.07-0.07c0.39-0.39,1.03-0.39,1.42,0l1.61,1.62l5.15-5.16c0.39-0.39,1.03-0.39,1.42,0l0.07,0.07c0.39,0.39,0.39,1.02,0,1.41 l-5.92,5.94C10.41,16.4,9.78,16.4,9.38,16.01z"
+          />
+        </g>
+      </svg>
+    </OverlayTrigger>
+  );
+export default CertifiedIconWithTooltip;
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index 0000000..8403ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnOption.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { Tooltip } from './Tooltip';
+import { ColumnTypeLabel } from './ColumnTypeLabel';
+import InfoTooltipWithTrigger from './InfoTooltipWithTrigger';
+import { ColumnMeta } from '../types';
+export type ColumnOptionProps = {
+  column: ColumnMeta;
+  showType?: boolean;
+export function ColumnOption({ column, showType = false }: ColumnOptionProps) {
+  const hasExpression = column.expression && column.expression !== column.column_name;
+  let columnType = column.type;
+  if (column.is_dttm) {
+    columnType = 'time';
+  } else if (hasExpression) {
+    columnType = 'expression';
+  }
+  return (
+    <span>
+      {showType && columnType && <ColumnTypeLabel type={columnType} />}
+      <Tooltip
+        id="metric-name-tooltip"
+        title={column.verbose_name || column.column_name}
+        trigger={['hover']}
+        placement="top"
+      >
+        <span className="m-r-5 option-label">{column.verbose_name || column.column_name}</span>
+      </Tooltip>
+      {column.description && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="m-r-5 text-muted"
+          icon="info"
+          tooltip={column.description}
+          label={`descr-${column.column_name}`}
+          placement="top"
+        />
+      )}
+      {hasExpression && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="m-r-5 text-muted"
+          icon="question-circle-o"
+          tooltip={column.expression}
+          label={`expr-${column.column_name}`}
+          placement="top"
+        />
+      )}
+    </span>
+  );
+export default ColumnOption;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7b92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+export type ColumnTypeLabelProps = {
+  type: string;
+export function ColumnTypeLabel({ type }: ColumnTypeLabelProps) {
+  let stringIcon = '';
+  if (typeof type !== 'string') {
+    stringIcon = '?';
+  } else if (type === '' || type === 'expression') {
+    stringIcon = 'ƒ';
+  } else if (type === 'aggregate') {
+    stringIcon = 'AGG';
+  } else if (type.match(/.*char.*/i) || type.match(/string.*/i) || type.match(/.*text.*/i)) {
+    stringIcon = 'ABC';
+  } else if (type.match(/.*int.*/i) || type === 'LONG' || type === 'DOUBLE' || type === 'FLOAT') {
+    stringIcon = '#';
+  } else if (type.match(/.*bool.*/i)) {
+    stringIcon = 'T/F';
+  } else if (type.match(/.*time.*/i)) {
+    stringIcon = 'time';
+  } else if (type.match(/unknown/i)) {
+    stringIcon = '?';
+  }
+  const typeIcon =
+    stringIcon === 'time' ? (
+      <i className="fa fa-clock-o type-label" />
+    ) : (
+      <div className="type-label">{stringIcon}</div>
+    );
+  return <span>{typeIcon}</span>;
+export default ColumnTypeLabel;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec78e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { kebabCase } from 'lodash';
+import { TooltipPlacement } from 'antd/lib/tooltip';
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { Tooltip } from './Tooltip';
+export interface InfoTooltipWithTriggerProps {
+  label?: string;
+  tooltip?: string;
+  icon?: string;
+  onClick?: () => void;
+  placement?: TooltipPlacement;
+  bsStyle?: string;
+  className?: string;
+export function InfoTooltipWithTrigger({
+  label,
+  tooltip,
+  bsStyle,
+  onClick,
+  icon = 'info-circle',
+  className = 'text-muted',
+  placement = 'right',
+}: InfoTooltipWithTriggerProps) {
+  const iconClass = `fa fa-${icon} ${className} ${bsStyle ? `text-${bsStyle}` : ''}`;
+  const iconEl = (
+    <i
+      role="button"
+      aria-label={t('Show info tooltip')}
+      tabIndex={0}
+      className={iconClass}
+      style={{ cursor: onClick ? 'pointer' : undefined }}
+      onClick={onClick}
+      onKeyPress={
+        onClick &&
+        ((event: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
+          if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === ' ') {
+            onClick();
+          }
+        })
+      }
+    />
+  );
+  if (!tooltip) {
+    return iconEl;
+  }
+  return (
+    <Tooltip id={`${kebabCase(label)}-tooltip`} title={tooltip} placement={placement}>
+      {iconEl}
+    </Tooltip>
+  );
+export default InfoTooltipWithTrigger;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/MetricOption.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/MetricOption.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6671cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/MetricOption.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import InfoTooltipWithTrigger from './InfoTooltipWithTrigger';
+import { ColumnTypeLabel } from './ColumnTypeLabel';
+import CertifiedIconWithTooltip from './CertifiedIconWithTooltip';
+import { Metric } from '../types';
+const FlexRowContainer = styled.div`
+  align-items: center;
+  display: flex;
+  > svg {
+    margin-right: ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit}px;
+  }
+export interface MetricOptionProps {
+  metric: Metric;
+  openInNewWindow?: boolean;
+  showFormula?: boolean;
+  showType?: boolean;
+  url?: string;
+export function MetricOption({
+  metric,
+  openInNewWindow = false,
+  showFormula = true,
+  showType = false,
+  url = '',
+}: MetricOptionProps) {
+  const verbose = metric.verbose_name || metric.metric_name || metric.label;
+  const link = url ? (
+    <a href={url} target={openInNewWindow ? '_blank' : ''} rel="noreferrer">
+      {verbose}
+    </a>
+  ) : (
+    verbose
+  );
+  return (
+    <FlexRowContainer className="metric-option">
+      {showType && <ColumnTypeLabel type="expression" />}
+      {metric.is_certified && (
+        <CertifiedIconWithTooltip
+          metricName={metric.metric_name}
+          certifiedBy={metric.certified_by}
+          details={metric.certification_details}
+        />
+      )}
+      <span className="option-label">{link}</span>
+      {metric.description && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="text-muted"
+          icon="info"
+          tooltip={metric.description}
+          label={`descr-${metric.metric_name}`}
+        />
+      )}
+      {showFormula && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="text-muted"
+          icon="question-circle-o"
+          tooltip={metric.expression}
+          label={`expr-${metric.metric_name}`}
+        />
+      )}
+      {metric.warning_text && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="text-danger"
+          icon="warning"
+          tooltip={metric.warning_text}
+          label={`warn-${metric.metric_name}`}
+        />
+      )}
+    </FlexRowContainer>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/RadioButtonControl.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/RadioButtonControl.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d30811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/RadioButtonControl.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { ReactText, ReactNode, MouseEvent, useCallback } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { InfoTooltipWithTrigger } from './InfoTooltipWithTrigger';
+export interface RadioButtonOption {
+  label: string;
+  value: ReactText;
+export interface RadioButtonControlProps {
+  label?: ReactNode;
+  description?: string;
+  options: RadioButtonOption[];
+  hovered?: boolean;
+  value?: string;
+  onChange: (opt: string) => void;
+const Styles = styled.div`
+  .btn:focus {
+    outline: none;
+  }
+  .control-label + .btn-group {
+    margin-top: 1px;
+  }
+  .btn-group {
+    background: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.secondary.light5};
+    box-shadow: none;
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.bold};
+  }
+export default function RadioButtonControl({
+  label: controlLabel,
+  description,
+  value: initialValue,
+  hovered,
+  options,
+  onChange,
+}: RadioButtonControlProps) {
+  const currentValue = initialValue || options[0].value;
+  const onClick = useCallback(
+    (e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+      onChange(e.currentTarget.value);
+    },
+    [onChange],
+  );
+  return (
+    <Styles>
+      {controlLabel && (
+        <div className="control-label">
+          {controlLabel}{' '}
+          {hovered && description && (
+            <InfoTooltipWithTrigger tooltip={description} placement="top" />
+          )}
+        </div>
+      )}
+      <div className="btn-group btn-group-sm">
+        {{ label, value }, i) => (
+          <button
+            key={value}
+            type="button"
+            className={`btn btn-default ${options[i].value === currentValue ? 'active' : ''}`}
+            value={value}
+            onClick={onClick}
+          >
+            {label}
+          </button>
+        ))}
+      </div>
+    </Styles>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/Tooltip.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/Tooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b73a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/Tooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { useTheme } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { Tooltip as BaseTooltip } from 'antd';
+import { TooltipProps } from 'antd/lib/tooltip';
+export const Tooltip = ({ overlayStyle, color, ...props }: TooltipProps) => {
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const defaultColor = `${theme.colors.grayscale.dark2}e6`;
+  return (
+    <BaseTooltip
+      overlayStyle={{ fontSize: theme.typography.sizes.s, lineHeight: '1.6', ...overlayStyle }}
+      color={defaultColor || color}
+      {...props}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9934ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export const TIME_FILTER_LABELS = {
+  time_range: t('Time Range'),
+  granularity_sqla: t('Time Column'),
+  time_grain_sqla: t('Time Grain'),
+  druid_time_origin: t('Origin'),
+  granularity: t('Time Granularity'),
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/index.ts
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index 0000000..e33cdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import * as sectionsModule from './sections';
+export * from './utils';
+export { default as sharedControls } from './shared-controls';
+// can't do `export * as sections from './sections'`, babel-transformer will fail
+export const sections = sectionsModule;
+export * from './components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger';
+export * from './components/ColumnOption';
+export * from './components/ColumnTypeLabel';
+export * from './components/MetricOption';
+// React control components
+export * from './components/RadioButtonControl';
+export * from './types';
+// hack for fixing invalid webpack builds when using `npm link`
+export { default as __hack_reexport__ } from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b675d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelSectionConfig } from './types';
+// A few standard controls sections that are used internally.
+// Not recommended for use in third-party plugins.
+const baseTimeSection = {
+  label: t('Time'),
+  expanded: true,
+  description: t('Time related form attributes'),
+export const legacyTimeseriesTime: ControlPanelSectionConfig = {
+  ...baseTimeSection,
+  controlSetRows: [
+    ['granularity'],
+    ['druid_time_origin'],
+    ['granularity_sqla'],
+    ['time_grain_sqla'],
+    ['time_range'],
+  ],
+export const legacyRegularTime: ControlPanelSectionConfig = {
+  ...baseTimeSection,
+  controlSetRows: [['granularity_sqla'], ['time_range']],
+export const datasourceAndVizType: ControlPanelSectionConfig = {
+  label: t('Datasource & Chart Type'),
+  expanded: true,
+  controlSetRows: [
+    ['datasource'],
+    ['viz_type'],
+    [
+      {
+        name: 'slice_id',
+        config: {
+          type: 'HiddenControl',
+          label: t('Chart ID'),
+          hidden: true,
+          description: t('The id of the active chart'),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'cache_timeout',
+        config: {
+          type: 'HiddenControl',
+          label: t('Cache Timeout (seconds)'),
+          hidden: true,
+          description: t('The number of seconds before expiring the cache'),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'url_params',
+        config: {
+          type: 'HiddenControl',
+          label: t('URL Parameters'),
+          hidden: true,
+          description: t('Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries'),
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'time_range_endpoints',
+        config: {
+          type: 'HiddenControl',
+          label: t('Time range endpoints'),
+          hidden: true,
+          description: t('Time range endpoints (SIP-15)'),
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+  ],
+export const colorScheme: ControlPanelSectionConfig = {
+  label: t('Color Scheme'),
+  controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'label_colors']],
+export const annotations: ControlPanelSectionConfig = {
+  label: t('Annotations and Layers'),
+  tabOverride: 'data',
+  expanded: true,
+  controlSetRows: [
+    [
+      {
+        name: 'annotation_layers',
+        config: {
+          type: 'AnnotationLayerControl',
+          label: '',
+          default: [],
+          description: 'Annotation Layers',
+          renderTrigger: true,
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+  ],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc01964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import RadioButtonControl from '../components/RadioButtonControl';
+export * from '../components/RadioButtonControl';
+ * Aliases for Control Components
+ */
+export default {
+  RadioButtonControl,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx
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index 0000000..c4723c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * This file exports all controls available for use in chart plugins internal to Superset.
+ * It is not recommended to use the controls here for any third-party plugins.
+ *
+ * While the React components located in `controls/components` represent different
+ * types of controls (CheckboxControl, SelectControl, TextControl, ...), the controls here
+ * represent instances of control types, that can be reused across visualization types.
+ *
+ * When controls are reused across viz types, their values are carried over as a user
+ * changes the chart types.
+ *
+ * While the keys defined in the control itself get passed to the controlType as props,
+ * here's a list of the keys that are common to all controls, and as a result define the
+ * control interface.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+  t,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+  SequentialScheme,
+  legacyValidateInteger,
+  validateNonEmpty,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { mainMetric, formatSelectOptions } from '../utils';
+import { TIME_FILTER_LABELS } from '../constants';
+import {
+  Metric,
+  SharedControlConfig,
+  ColumnMeta,
+  ExtraControlProps,
+  SelectControlConfig,
+} from '../types';
+import { ColumnOption } from '../components/ColumnOption';
+const categoricalSchemeRegistry = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry();
+const sequentialSchemeRegistry = getSequentialSchemeRegistry();
+export const PRIMARY_COLOR = { r: 0, g: 122, b: 135, a: 1 };
+// input choices & options
+export const D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS = [
+  ['SMART_NUMBER', 'Adaptative formating'],
+  ['~g', 'Original value'],
+  [',d', ',d (12345.432 => 12,345)'],
+  ['.1s', '.1s (12345.432 => 10k)'],
+  ['.3s', '.3s (12345.432 => 12.3k)'],
+  [',.1%', ',.1% (12345.432 => 1,234,543.2%)'],
+  ['.3%', '.3% (12345.432 => 1234543.200%)'],
+  ['.4r', '.4r (12345.432 => 12350)'],
+  [',.3f', ',.3f (12345.432 => 12,345.432)'],
+  ['+,', '+, (12345.432 => +12,345.432)'],
+  ['$,.2f', '$,.2f (12345.432 => $12,345.43)'],
+  ['DURATION', 'Duration in ms (66000 => 1m 6s)'],
+  ['DURATION_SUB', 'Duration in ms (100.40008 => 100ms 400µs 80ns)'],
+const ROW_LIMIT_OPTIONS = [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000];
+const SERIES_LIMITS = [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500];
+export const D3_FORMAT_DOCS = t('D3 format syntax:');
+export const D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS = [
+  ['smart_date', t('Adaptative formating')],
+  ['%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%Y | 14/01/2019'],
+  ['%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%Y | 01/14/2019'],
+  ['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y-%m-%d | 2019-01-14'],
+  ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 2019-01-14 01:32:10'],
+  ['%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 14-01-2019 01:32:10'],
+  ['%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S | 01:32:10'],
+export const D3_TIME_FORMAT_DOCS = t('D3 time format syntax:');
+const timeColumnOption = {
+  verbose_name: t('Time'),
+  column_name: '__timestamp',
+  description: t('A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account'),
+type Control = {
+  savedMetrics?: Metric[] | null;
+  default?: unknown;
+const groupByControl: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl', ColumnMeta> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  label: t('Group by'),
+  multi: true,
+  freeForm: true,
+  clearable: true,
+  default: [],
+  includeTime: false,
+  description: t('One or many columns to group by'),
+  optionRenderer: c => <ColumnOption showType column={c} />,
+  valueRenderer: c => <ColumnOption column={c} />,
+  valueKey: 'column_name',
+  allowAll: true,
+  filterOption: ({ data: opt }, text: string) =>
+    (opt.column_name && opt.column_name.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase())) ||
+    (opt.verbose_name && opt.verbose_name.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase())) ||
+    false,
+  promptTextCreator: (label: unknown) => label,
+  mapStateToProps(state, { includeTime }) {
+    const newState: ExtraControlProps = {};
+    if (state.datasource) {
+      const options = state.datasource.columns.filter(c => c.groupby);
+      if (includeTime) {
+        options.unshift(timeColumnOption);
+      }
+      newState.options = options;
+    }
+    return newState;
+  },
+  commaChoosesOption: false,
+const metrics: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  type: 'MetricsControl',
+  multi: true,
+  label: t('Metrics'),
+  validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+  default: (c: Control) => {
+    const metric = mainMetric(c.savedMetrics);
+    return metric ? [metric] : null;
+  },
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+    columns: datasource ? datasource.columns : [],
+    savedMetrics: datasource ? datasource.metrics : [],
+    datasourceType: datasource?.type,
+  }),
+  description: t('One or many metrics to display'),
+const metric: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metrics,
+  multi: false,
+  label: t('Metric'),
+  description: t('Metric'),
+  default: (c: Control) => mainMetric(c.savedMetrics),
+const datasourceControl: SharedControlConfig<'DatasourceControl'> = {
+  type: 'DatasourceControl',
+  label: t('Datasource'),
+  default: null,
+  description: null,
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+    datasource,
+  }),
+const viz_type: SharedControlConfig<'VizTypeControl'> = {
+  type: 'VizTypeControl',
+  label: t('Visualization Type'),
+  default: 'table',
+  description: t('The type of visualization to display'),
+const color_picker: SharedControlConfig<'ColorPickerControl'> = {
+  type: 'ColorPickerControl',
+  label: t('Fixed Color'),
+  description: t('Use this to define a static color for all circles'),
+  default: PRIMARY_COLOR,
+  renderTrigger: true,
+const metric_2: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metric,
+  label: t('Right Axis Metric'),
+  clearable: true,
+  description: t('Choose a metric for right axis'),
+const linear_color_scheme: SharedControlConfig<'ColorSchemeControl'> = {
+  type: 'ColorSchemeControl',
+  label: t('Linear Color Scheme'),
+  choices: () =>
+    (sequentialSchemeRegistry.values() as SequentialScheme[]).map(value => [, value.label]),
+  default: sequentialSchemeRegistry.getDefaultKey(),
+  clearable: false,
+  description: '',
+  renderTrigger: true,
+  schemes: () => sequentialSchemeRegistry.getMap(),
+  isLinear: true,
+const secondary_metric: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metric,
+  label: t('Color Metric'),
+  default: null,
+  validators: [],
+  description: t('A metric to use for color'),
+const columnsControl: typeof groupByControl = {
+  ...groupByControl,
+  label: t('Columns'),
+  description: t('One or many columns to pivot as columns'),
+const druid_time_origin: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: TIME_FILTER_LABELS.druid_time_origin,
+  choices: [
+    ['', 'default'],
+    ['now', 'now'],
+  ],
+  default: null,
+  description: t(
+    'Defines the origin where time buckets start, ' +
+      'accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`',
+  ),
+const granularity: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: TIME_FILTER_LABELS.granularity,
+  default: 'one day',
+  choices: [
+    [null, 'all'],
+    ['PT5S', '5 seconds'],
+    ['PT30S', '30 seconds'],
+    ['PT1M', '1 minute'],
+    ['PT5M', '5 minutes'],
+    ['PT30M', '30 minutes'],
+    ['PT1H', '1 hour'],
+    ['PT6H', '6 hour'],
+    ['P1D', '1 day'],
+    ['P7D', '7 days'],
+    ['P1W', 'week'],
+    ['week_starting_sunday', 'week starting Sunday'],
+    ['week_ending_saturday', 'week ending Saturday'],
+    ['P1M', 'month'],
+    ['P3M', 'quarter'],
+    ['P1Y', 'year'],
+  ],
+  description: t(
+    'The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you ' +
+      'can type and use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, ' +
+      '`1 day` or `56 weeks`',
+  ),
+const granularity_sqla: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl', ColumnMeta> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  label: TIME_FILTER_LABELS.granularity_sqla,
+  description: t(
+    'The time column for the visualization. Note that you ' +
+      'can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME ' +
+      'column in the table. Also note that the ' +
+      'filter below is applied against this column or ' +
+      'expression',
+  ),
+  default: (c: Control) => c.default,
+  clearable: false,
+  optionRenderer: c => <ColumnOption showType column={c} />,
+  valueRenderer: c => <ColumnOption column={c} />,
+  valueKey: 'column_name',
+  mapStateToProps: state => {
+    const props: Partial<SelectControlConfig<ColumnMeta>> = {};
+    if (state.datasource) {
+      props.options = state.datasource.columns.filter(c => c.is_dttm);
+      props.default = null;
+      if (state.datasource.main_dttm_col) {
+        props.default = state.datasource.main_dttm_col;
+      } else if (props.options && props.options.length > 0) {
+        props.default = props.options[0].column_name;
+      }
+    }
+    return props;
+  },
+const time_grain_sqla: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  label: TIME_FILTER_LABELS.time_grain_sqla,
+  default: 'P1D',
+  description: t(
+    'The time granularity for the visualization. This ' +
+      'applies a date transformation to alter ' +
+      'your time column and defines a new time granularity. ' +
+      'The options here are defined on a per database ' +
+      'engine basis in the Superset source code.',
+  ),
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+    choices: datasource?.time_grain_sqla || null,
+  }),
+const time_range: SharedControlConfig<'DateFilterControl'> = {
+  type: 'DateFilterControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: TIME_FILTER_LABELS.time_range,
+  default: t('Last week'), // this value is translated, but the backend wouldn't understand a translated value?
+  description: t(
+    'The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. "Last month", ' +
+      '"Last 7 days", "now", etc. are evaluated on the server using the server\'s ' +
+      'local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder times are expressed ' +
+      'in UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then evaluated by the database ' +
+      "using the engine's local timezone. Note one can explicitly set the timezone " +
+      'per the ISO 8601 format if specifying either the start and/or end time.',
+  ),
+  mapStateToProps: ({ form_data }) => ({
+    endpoints: form_data?.time_range_endpoints || null,
+  }),
+const row_limit: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: t('Row limit'),
+  validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+  default: 10000,
+  choices: formatSelectOptions(ROW_LIMIT_OPTIONS),
+const limit: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: t('Series limit'),
+  validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+  choices: formatSelectOptions(SERIES_LIMITS),
+  description: t(
+    'Limits the number of time series that get displayed. A sub query ' +
+      '(or an extra phase where sub queries are not supported) is applied to limit ' +
+      'the number of time series that get fetched and displayed. This feature is useful ' +
+      'when grouping by high cardinality dimension(s).',
+  ),
+const timeseries_limit_metric: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  type: 'MetricsControl',
+  label: t('Sort By'),
+  default: null,
+  description: t('Metric used to define the top series'),
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+    columns: datasource?.columns || [],
+    savedMetrics: datasource?.metrics || [],
+    datasourceType: datasource?.type,
+  }),
+const series: typeof groupByControl = {
+  ...groupByControl,
+  label: t('Series'),
+  multi: false,
+  default: null,
+  description: t(
+    'Defines the grouping of entities. ' +
+      'Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and ' +
+      'has a legend toggle',
+  ),
+const entity: typeof groupByControl = {
+  ...groupByControl,
+  label: t('Entity'),
+  default: null,
+  multi: false,
+  validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+  description: t('This defines the element to be plotted on the chart'),
+const x: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metric,
+  label: t('X Axis'),
+  description: t('Metric assigned to the [X] axis'),
+  default: null,
+const y: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metric,
+  label: t('Y Axis'),
+  default: null,
+  description: t('Metric assigned to the [Y] axis'),
+const size: SharedControlConfig<'MetricsControl'> = {
+  ...metric,
+  label: t('Bubble Size'),
+  default: null,
+const y_axis_format: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: t('Y Axis Format'),
+  renderTrigger: true,
+  default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+  choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+  description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+  mapStateToProps: state => {
+    const showWarning = state.controls?.comparison_type?.value === 'percentage';
+    return {
+      warning: showWarning
+        ? t(
+            'When `Calculation type` is set to "Percentage change", the Y ' +
+              'Axis Format is forced to `.1%`',
+          )
+        : null,
+      disabled: showWarning,
+    };
+  },
+const x_axis_time_format: SharedControlConfig<'SelectControl'> = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  freeForm: true,
+  label: t('Time format'),
+  renderTrigger: true,
+  default:,
+  description: D3_TIME_FORMAT_DOCS,
+const adhoc_filters: SharedControlConfig<'AdhocFilterControl'> = {
+  type: 'AdhocFilterControl',
+  label: t('Filters'),
+  default: null,
+  description: '',
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+    columns: datasource?.columns.filter(c => c.filterable) || [],
+    savedMetrics: datasource?.metrics || [],
+    datasource,
+  }),
+  provideFormDataToProps: true,
+const color_scheme: SharedControlConfig<'ColorSchemeControl'> = {
+  type: 'ColorSchemeControl',
+  label: t('Color Scheme'),
+  default: categoricalSchemeRegistry.getDefaultKey(),
+  renderTrigger: true,
+  choices: () => categoricalSchemeRegistry.keys().map(s => [s, s]),
+  description: t('The color scheme for rendering chart'),
+  schemes: () => categoricalSchemeRegistry.getMap(),
+const label_colors: SharedControlConfig<'ColorMapControl'> = {
+  type: 'ColorMapControl',
+  label: t('Color Map'),
+  default: {},
+  renderTrigger: true,
+  mapStateToProps: ({
+    form_data: { color_namespace: colorNamespace, color_scheme: colorScheme },
+  }) => ({
+    colorNamespace,
+    colorScheme,
+  }),
+const sharedControls = {
+  metrics,
+  metric,
+  datasource: datasourceControl,
+  viz_type,
+  color_picker,
+  metric_2,
+  linear_color_scheme,
+  secondary_metric,
+  groupby: groupByControl,
+  columns: columnsControl,
+  druid_time_origin,
+  granularity,
+  granularity_sqla,
+  time_grain_sqla,
+  time_range,
+  row_limit,
+  limit,
+  timeseries_limit_metric,
+  series,
+  entity,
+  x,
+  y,
+  size,
+  y_axis_format,
+  x_axis_time_format,
+  adhoc_filters,
+  color_scheme,
+  label_colors,
+export default sharedControls;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47cc1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { ReactNode, ReactText, ReactElement } from 'react';
+import { QueryFormData, DatasourceType } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import sharedControls from './shared-controls';
+import sharedControlComponents from './shared-controls/components';
+export type Metric = {
+  metric_name: string;
+  verbose_name?: string;
+  label?: string;
+  description?: string;
+  warning_text?: string;
+  expression?: string;
+  is_certified?: boolean;
+  certified_by?: string | null;
+  certification_details?: string | null;
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+type AnyDict = Record<string, any>;
+interface Action {
+  type: string;
+interface AnyAction extends Action, AnyDict {}
+export type SharedControls = typeof sharedControls;
+export type SharedControlAlias = keyof typeof sharedControls;
+export type SharedControlComponents = typeof sharedControlComponents;
+/** ----------------------------------------------
+ * Input data/props while rendering
+ * ---------------------------------------------*/
+export interface ColumnMeta extends AnyDict {
+  column_name: string;
+  groupby?: string;
+  verbose_name?: string;
+  description?: string;
+  expression?: string;
+  is_dttm?: boolean;
+  type?: string;
+  filterable?: boolean;
+export interface DatasourceMeta {
+  id: number;
+  type: DatasourceType;
+  columns: ColumnMeta[];
+  metrics: Metric[];
+  column_format: Record<string, string>;
+  verbose_map: Record<string, string>;
+  main_dttm_col: string;
+  // eg. ['["ds", true]', 'ds [asc]']
+  order_by_choices?: [string, string][] | null;
+  time_grain_sqla?: string;
+  granularity_sqla?: string;
+  datasource_name: string | null;
+  description: string | null;
+export interface ControlPanelState {
+  form_data: QueryFormData;
+  datasource: DatasourceMeta | null;
+  controls: ControlStateMapping;
+ * The action dispather will call Redux `dispatch` internally and return what's
+ * returned from `dispatch`, which by default is the original or another action.
+ */
+export interface ActionDispatcher<ARGS extends unknown[], A extends Action = AnyAction> {
+  (...args: ARGS): A;
+ * Mapping of action dispatchers
+ */
+export interface ControlPanelActionDispatchers {
+  setDatasource: ActionDispatcher<[DatasourceMeta]>;
+ * Additional control props obtained from `mapStateToProps`.
+ */
+export type ExtraControlProps = AnyDict;
+// Ref:superset-frontend/src/explore/store.js
+export type ControlState<T = ControlType, O extends SelectOption = SelectOption> = ControlConfig<
+  T,
+  O
+> &
+  ExtraControlProps;
+export interface ControlStateMapping {
+  [key: string]: ControlState;
+// Ref: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.jsx
+export interface ControlPanelsContainerProps extends AnyDict {
+  actions: ControlPanelActionDispatchers;
+  controls: ControlStateMapping;
+  exportState: AnyDict;
+  form_data: QueryFormData;
+/** ----------------------------------------------
+ * Config for a chart Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------*/
+// Ref: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/index.js
+export type InternalControlType =
+  | 'AnnotationLayerControl'
+  | 'BoundsControl'
+  | 'CheckboxControl'
+  | 'CollectionControl'
+  | 'ColorMapControl'
+  | 'ColorPickerControl'
+  | 'ColorSchemeControl'
+  | 'DatasourceControl'
+  | 'DateFilterControl'
+  | 'FixedOrMetricControl'
+  | 'HiddenControl'
+  | 'SelectAsyncControl'
+  | 'SelectControl'
+  | 'SliderControl'
+  | 'SpatialControl'
+  | 'TextAreaControl'
+  | 'TextControl'
+  | 'TimeSeriesColumnControl'
+  | 'ViewportControl'
+  | 'VizTypeControl'
+  | 'MetricsControl'
+  | 'AdhocFilterControl'
+  | 'FilterBoxItemControl'
+  | keyof SharedControlComponents; // expanded in `expandControlConfig`
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+export type ControlType = InternalControlType | React.ComponentType<any>;
+export type TabOverride = 'data' | 'customize' | boolean;
+ * Control config specifying how chart controls appear in the control panel, all
+ * these configs will be passed to the UI component for control as props.
+ *
+ * - type: the control type, referencing a React component of the same name
+ * - label: the label as shown in the control's header
+ * - description: shown in the info tooltip of the control's header
+ * - default: the default value when opening a new chart, or changing visualization type
+ * - renderTrigger: a bool that defines whether the visualization should be re-rendered
+ *    when changed. This should `true` for controls that only affect the rendering (client side)
+ *    and don't affect the query or backend data processing as those require to re run a query
+ *    and fetch the data
+ * - validators: an array of functions that will receive the value of the component and
+ *    should return error messages when the value is not valid. The error message gets
+ *    bubbled up to the control header, section header and query panel header.
+ * - warning: text shown as a tooltip on a warning icon in the control's header
+ * - error: text shown as a tooltip on a error icon in the control's header
+ * - mapStateToProps: a function that receives the App's state and return an object of k/v
+ *    to overwrite configuration at runtime. This is useful to alter a component based on
+ *    anything external to it, like another control's value. For instance it's possible to
+ *    show a warning based on the value of another component. It's also possible to bind
+ *    arbitrary data from the redux store to the component this way.
+ * - tabOverride: set to 'data' if you want to force a renderTrigger to show up on the `Data`
+     tab, or 'customize' if you want it to show up on that tam. Otherwise sections with ALL 
+     `renderTrigger: true` components will show up on the `Customize` tab.
+ * - visibility: a function that uses control panel props to check whether a control should
+ *    be visibile.
+ */
+export interface BaseControlConfig<
+  T extends ControlType = ControlType,
+  O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
+  V = unknown
+> extends AnyDict {
+  type: T;
+  label?: ReactNode;
+  description?: ReactNode;
+  default?: V;
+  renderTrigger?: boolean;
+  validators?: ControlValueValidator<T, O, V>[];
+  warning?: ReactNode;
+  error?: ReactNode;
+  // override control panel state props
+  mapStateToProps?: (state: ControlPanelState, control: this) => ExtraControlProps;
+  visibility?: (props: ControlPanelsContainerProps) => boolean;
+export interface ControlValueValidator<
+  T = ControlType,
+  O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
+  V = unknown
+> {
+  (value: V, state: ControlState<T, O>): boolean | string;
+/** --------------------------------------------
+ * Additional Config for specific control Types
+ * --------------------------------------------- */
+type SelectOption = AnyDict | string | [ReactText, ReactNode];
+type SelectControlType =
+  | 'SelectControl'
+  | 'SelectAsyncControl'
+  | 'MetricsControl'
+  | 'FixedOrMetricControl'
+  | 'AdhocFilterControl'
+  | 'FilterBoxItemControl';
+// via react-select/src/filters
+interface FilterOption<T extends SelectOption> {
+  label: string;
+  value: string;
+  data: T;
+// Ref: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/SupersetStyledSelect.tsx
+export interface SelectControlConfig<
+  O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
+  T extends SelectControlType = SelectControlType
+> extends BaseControlConfig<T, O> {
+  clearable?: boolean;
+  freeForm?: boolean;
+  multi?: boolean;
+  valueKey?: string;
+  labelKey?: string;
+  options?: O[];
+  optionRenderer?: (option: O) => ReactNode;
+  valueRenderer?: (option: O) => ReactNode;
+  filterOption?: ((option: FilterOption<O>, rawInput: string) => Boolean) | null;
+export type SharedControlConfig<
+  T extends InternalControlType = InternalControlType,
+  O extends SelectOption = SelectOption
+> = T extends SelectControlType ? SelectControlConfig<O, T> : BaseControlConfig<T>;
+/** --------------------------------------------
+ * Custom controls
+ * --------------------------------------------- */
+export type CustomControlConfig<P = {}> = BaseControlConfig<React.ComponentType<P>> &
+  // two run-time properties from superset-frontend/src/explore/components/Control.jsx
+  Omit<P, 'onChange' | 'hovered'>;
+// Catch-all ControlConfig
+//  - if T is known control types, return SharedControlConfig,
+//  - if T is object, assume a CustomComponent
+//  - otherwise assume it's a custom component control
+export type ControlConfig<
+  T = AnyDict,
+  O extends SelectOption = SelectOption
+> = T extends InternalControlType
+  ? SharedControlConfig<T, O>
+  : T extends object
+  ? CustomControlConfig<T> // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+  : CustomControlConfig<any>;
+/** ===========================================================
+ * Chart plugin control panel config
+ * ========================================================= */
+export type SharedSectionAlias =
+  | 'annotations'
+  | 'colorScheme'
+  | 'datasourceAndVizType'
+  | 'druidTimeSeries'
+  | 'sqlaTimeSeries'
+  | 'NVD3TimeSeries';
+export interface OverrideSharedControlItem<A extends SharedControlAlias = SharedControlAlias> {
+  name: A;
+  override: Partial<SharedControls[A]>;
+export type CustomControlItem = {
+  name: string;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+  config: BaseControlConfig<any, any, any>;
+// use ReactElement instead of ReactNode because `string`, `number`, etc. may
+// interfere with other ControlSetItem types
+export type ExpandedControlItem = CustomControlItem | ReactElement | null;
+export type ControlSetItem = SharedControlAlias | OverrideSharedControlItem | ExpandedControlItem;
+export type ControlSetRow = ControlSetItem[];
+// Ref:
+//  - superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.jsx
+//  - superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelSection.jsx
+export interface ControlPanelSectionConfig {
+  label: ReactNode;
+  description?: ReactNode;
+  expanded?: boolean;
+  tabOverride?: TabOverride;
+  controlSetRows: ControlSetRow[];
+export interface ControlPanelConfig {
+  controlPanelSections: ControlPanelSectionConfig[];
+  controlOverrides?: ControlOverrides;
+  sectionOverrides?: SectionOverrides;
+  onInit?: (state: ControlStateMapping) => void;
+export type ControlOverrides = {
+  [P in SharedControlAlias]?: Partial<SharedControls[P]>;
+export type SectionOverrides = {
+  [P in SharedSectionAlias]?: Partial<ControlPanelSectionConfig>;
+export default {};
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa377ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// D3 specific formatting config
+export const D3_FORMAT_DOCS = 'D3 format syntax:';
+// input choices & options
+export const D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS = [
+  ['SMART_NUMBER', 'Adaptative formating'],
+  ['~g', 'Original value'],
+  [',d', ',d (12345.432 => 12,345)'],
+  ['.1s', '.1s (12345.432 => 10k)'],
+  ['.3s', '.3s (12345.432 => 12.3k)'],
+  [',.1%', ',.1% (12345.432 => 1,234,543.2%)'],
+  ['.3%', '.3% (12345.432 => 1234543.200%)'],
+  ['.4r', '.4r (12345.432 => 12350)'],
+  [',.3f', ',.3f (12345.432 => 12,345.432)'],
+  ['+,', '+, (12345.432 => +12,345.432)'],
+  ['$,.2f', '$,.2f (12345.432 => $12,345.43)'],
+  ['DURATION', 'Duration in ms (66000 => 1m 6s)'],
+  ['DURATION_SUB', 'Duration in ms (100.40008 => 100ms 400µs 80ns)'],
+export const D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS = [
+  ['smart_date', 'Adaptative formating'],
+  ['%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%Y | 14/01/2019'],
+  ['%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%Y | 01/14/2019'],
+  ['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y-%m-%d | 2019-01-14'],
+  ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 2019-01-14 01:32:10'],
+  ['%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 14-01-2019 01:32:10'],
+  ['%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S | 01:32:10'],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/columnChoices.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/columnChoices.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cca290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/columnChoices.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DatasourceMeta } from '../types';
+ * Convert Dataource columns to column choices
+ */
+export default function columnChoices(datasource?: DatasourceMeta | null): [string, string][] {
+  return (
+    datasource?.columns
+      .map((col): [string, string] => [col.column_name, col.verbose_name || col.column_name])
+      .sort((opt1, opt2) => (opt1[1].toLowerCase() > opt2[1].toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1)) || []
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/expandControlConfig.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/expandControlConfig.tsx
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index 0000000..6c31f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/expandControlConfig.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { ReactElement } from 'react';
+import sharedControls from '../shared-controls';
+import sharedControlComponents from '../shared-controls/components';
+import { ControlType, ControlSetItem, ExpandedControlItem, ControlOverrides } from '../types';
+export function expandControlType(controlType: ControlType) {
+  if (typeof controlType === 'string' && controlType in sharedControlComponents) {
+    return sharedControlComponents[controlType as keyof typeof sharedControlComponents];
+  }
+  return controlType;
+ * Expand a shorthand control config item to full config in the format of
+ *   {
+ *     name: ...,
+ *     config: {
+ *        type: ...,
+ *        ...
+ *     }
+ *   }
+ */
+export function expandControlConfig(
+  control: ControlSetItem,
+  controlOverrides: ControlOverrides = {},
+): ExpandedControlItem {
+  // one of the named shared controls
+  if (typeof control === 'string' && control in sharedControls) {
+    const name = control;
+    return {
+      name,
+      config: {
+        ...sharedControls[name],
+        ...controlOverrides[name],
+      },
+    };
+  }
+  // JSX/React element or NULL
+  if (!control || typeof control === 'string' || React.isValidElement(control)) {
+    return control as ReactElement;
+  }
+  // already fully expanded control config, e.g.
+  // {
+  //   name: 'metric',
+  //   config: {
+  //     type: 'SelectControl' | SelectComonent
+  //   }
+  // }
+  if ('name' in control && 'config' in control) {
+    return {
+      ...control,
+      config: {
+        ...control.config,
+        type: expandControlType(control.config.type as ControlType),
+      },
+    };
+  }
+  // apply overrides with shared controls
+  if ('override' in control && in sharedControls) {
+    const { name, override } = control;
+    return {
+      name,
+      config: {
+        ...sharedControls[name],
+        ...override,
+      },
+    };
+  }
+  return null;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bb4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from './selectOptions';
+export * from './D3Formatting';
+export * from './expandControlConfig';
+export { default as mainMetric } from './mainMetric';
+export { default as columnChoices } from './columnChoices';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/mainMetric.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/mainMetric.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a06ed31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/mainMetric.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Metric } from '../types';
+export default function mainMetric(savedMetrics?: Metric[] | null) {
+  // Using 'count' as default metric if it exists, otherwise using whatever one shows up first
+  let metric;
+  if (savedMetrics && savedMetrics.length > 0) {
+    savedMetrics.forEach(m => {
+      if (m.metric_name === 'count') {
+        metric = 'count';
+      }
+    });
+    if (!metric) {
+      metric = savedMetrics[0].metric_name;
+    }
+  }
+  return metric;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/selectOptions.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/selectOptions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666ab35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/selectOptions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// helper functions for select controls
+export type Formattable = string | number;
+export type Formatted = [Formattable, string];
+/** Turns an array of string/number options into options for a select input */
+export function formatSelectOptions<T extends Formattable>(
+  options: (T | [T, string])[],
+): [T, string][] {
+  return => (Array.isArray(opt) ? opt : [opt, opt.toString()]));
+ * Outputs array of arrays
+ *   >> formatSelectOptionsForRange(1, 5)
+ *   >> [[1,'1'], [2,'2'], [3,'3'], [4,'4'], [5,'5']]
+ */
+export function formatSelectOptionsForRange(start: number, end: number) {
+  const options: Formatted[] = [];
+  for (let i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
+    options.push([i, i.toString()]);
+  }
+  return options;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnOption.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnOption.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5034c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnOption.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme';
+import {
+  ColumnOption,
+  ColumnOptionProps,
+  ColumnTypeLabel,
+  InfoTooltipWithTrigger,
+} from '../../src';
+describe('ColumnOption', () => {
+  const defaultProps = {
+    column: {
+      column_name: 'foo',
+      verbose_name: 'Foo',
+      expression: 'SUM(foo)',
+      description: 'Foo is the greatest column of all',
+    },
+    showType: false,
+  };
+  let wrapper: ShallowWrapper;
+  let props: ColumnOptionProps;
+  const factory = (o: ColumnOptionProps) => <ColumnOption {...o} />;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(defaultProps));
+    props = { ...defaultProps };
+  });
+  it('is a valid element', () => {
+    expect(React.isValidElement(<ColumnOption {...defaultProps} />)).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('shows a label with verbose_name', () => {
+    const lbl = wrapper.find('.option-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('Foo');
+  });
+  it('shows 2 InfoTooltipWithTrigger', () => {
+    expect(wrapper.find(InfoTooltipWithTrigger)).toHaveLength(2);
+  });
+  it('shows only 1 InfoTooltipWithTrigger when no descr', () => {
+    delete props.column.description;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find(InfoTooltipWithTrigger)).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('shows a label with column_name when no verbose_name', () => {
+    delete props.column.verbose_name;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('.option-label').first().text()).toBe('foo');
+  });
+  it('shows a column type label when showType is true', () => {
+    wrapper = shallow(
+      factory({
+        ...props,
+        showType: true,
+        column: {
+          column_name: 'foo',
+          type: 'str',
+        },
+      }),
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel)).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('column with expression has correct column label if showType is true', () => {
+    props.showType = true;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel)).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel).props().type).toBe('expression');
+  });
+  it('shows no column type label when type is null', () => {
+    wrapper = shallow(
+      factory({
+        ...props,
+        showType: true,
+        column: {
+          column_name: 'foo',
+        },
+      }),
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel)).toHaveLength(0);
+  });
+  it('dttm column has correct column label if showType is true', () => {
+    props.showType = true;
+    props.column.is_dttm = true;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel)).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(wrapper.find(ColumnTypeLabel).props().type).toBe('time');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnTypeLabel.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnTypeLabel.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d3455b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/ColumnTypeLabel.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { ColumnTypeLabel, ColumnTypeLabelProps } from '../../src';
+describe('ColumnOption', () => {
+  const defaultProps = {
+    type: 'string',
+  };
+  const props = { ...defaultProps };
+  function getWrapper(overrides: Partial<ColumnTypeLabelProps>) {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<ColumnTypeLabel {...props} {...overrides} />);
+    return wrapper;
+  }
+  it('is a valid element', () => {
+    expect(React.isValidElement(<ColumnTypeLabel {...defaultProps} />)).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('string type shows ABC icon', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({}).find('.type-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('ABC');
+  });
+  it('int type shows # icon', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({ type: 'int(164)' }).find('.type-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('#');
+  });
+  it('bool type shows T/F icon', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({ type: 'BOOL' }).find('.type-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('T/F');
+  });
+  it('expression type shows function icon', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({ type: 'expression' }).find('.type-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('ƒ');
+  });
+  it('unknown type shows question mark', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({ type: 'unknown' }).find('.type-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('?');
+  });
+  it('datetime type displays', () => {
+    const lbl = getWrapper({ type: 'datetime' }).find('.fa-clock-o');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0dacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { Tooltip } from '../../src/components/Tooltip';
+import { InfoTooltipWithTrigger } from '../../src';
+describe('InfoTooltipWithTrigger', () => {
+  it('renders a tooltip', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<InfoTooltipWithTrigger label="test" tooltip="this is a test" />);
+    expect(wrapper.find(Tooltip)).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('renders an info icon', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<InfoTooltipWithTrigger />);
+    expect(wrapper.find('.fa-info-circle')).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('responds to keypresses', () => {
+    const clickHandler = jest.fn();
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <InfoTooltipWithTrigger label="test" tooltip="this is a test" onClick={clickHandler} />,
+    );
+    wrapper.find('.fa-info-circle').simulate('keypress', { key: 'Tab' });
+    expect(clickHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+    wrapper.find('.fa-info-circle').simulate('keypress', { key: 'Enter' });
+    expect(clickHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    wrapper.find('.fa-info-circle').simulate('keypress', { key: ' ' });
+    expect(clickHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+  });
+  it('has a bsStyle', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<InfoTooltipWithTrigger bsStyle="something" />);
+    expect(wrapper.find('.text-something')).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/MetricOption.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/MetricOption.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08329c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/components/MetricOption.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme';
+import { MetricOption, MetricOptionProps } from '../../src';
+describe('MetricOption', () => {
+  const defaultProps = {
+    metric: {
+      metric_name: 'foo',
+      verbose_name: 'Foo',
+      expression: 'SUM(foo)',
+      label: 'test',
+      description: 'Foo is the greatest metric of all',
+      warning_text: 'Be careful when using foo',
+    },
+    openInNewWindow: false,
+    showFormula: true,
+    showType: true,
+    url: '',
+  };
+  let wrapper: ShallowWrapper;
+  let props: MetricOptionProps;
+  const factory = (o: MetricOptionProps) => <MetricOption {...o} />;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(defaultProps));
+    props = { ...defaultProps };
+  });
+  it('is a valid element', () => {
+    expect(React.isValidElement(<MetricOption {...defaultProps} />)).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('shows a label with verbose_name', () => {
+    const lbl = wrapper.find('.option-label');
+    expect(lbl).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(lbl.first().text()).toBe('Foo');
+  });
+  it('shows 3 InfoTooltipWithTrigger', () => {
+    expect(wrapper.find('InfoTooltipWithTrigger')).toHaveLength(3);
+  });
+  it('shows only 2 InfoTooltipWithTrigger when no descr', () => {
+    props.metric.description = '';
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('InfoTooltipWithTrigger')).toHaveLength(2);
+  });
+  it('shows a label with metric_name when no verbose_name', () => {
+    props.metric.verbose_name = '';
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('.option-label').first().text()).toBe('foo');
+  });
+  it('shows only 1 InfoTooltipWithTrigger when no descr and no warning', () => {
+    props.metric.warning_text = '';
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('InfoTooltipWithTrigger')).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('sets target="_blank" when openInNewWindow is true', () => {
+    props.url = '';
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('a').prop('target')).toBe('');
+    props.openInNewWindow = true;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('a').prop('target')).toBe('_blank');
+  });
+  it('shows a metric type label when showType is true', () => {
+    props.showType = true;
+    wrapper = shallow(factory(props));
+    expect(wrapper.find('ColumnTypeLabel')).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebde70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { sections } from '../src';
+describe('@superset-ui/chart-controls', () => {
+  it('exports sections', () => {
+    expect(sections).toBeDefined();
+    expect(sections.datasourceAndVizType).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/columnChoices.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/columnChoices.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e34c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/columnChoices.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DatasourceType } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { columnChoices } from '../../src';
+describe('columnChoices()', () => {
+  it('should convert columns to choices', () => {
+    expect(
+      columnChoices({
+        id: 1,
+        metrics: [],
+        type: DatasourceType.Table,
+        main_dttm_col: 'test',
+        time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+        columns: [
+          {
+            column_name: 'fiz',
+          },
+          {
+            column_name: 'about',
+            verbose_name: 'right',
+          },
+          {
+            column_name: 'foo',
+            verbose_name: 'bar',
+          },
+        ],
+        verbose_map: {},
+        column_format: { fiz: 'NUMERIC', about: 'STRING', foo: 'DATE' },
+        datasource_name: 'my_datasource',
+        description: 'this is my datasource',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual([
+      ['foo', 'bar'],
+      ['fiz', 'fiz'],
+      ['about', 'right'],
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('should return empty array when no columns', () => {
+    expect(columnChoices(undefined)).toEqual([]);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/expandControlConfig.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/expandControlConfig.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a92de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/expandControlConfig.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { expandControlConfig, sharedControls, CustomControlItem } from '../../src';
+import RadioButtonControl from '../../src/components/RadioButtonControl';
+describe('expandControlConfig()', () => {
+  it('expands shared control alias', () => {
+    expect(expandControlConfig('metrics')).toEqual({
+      name: 'metrics',
+      config: sharedControls.metrics,
+    });
+  });
+  it('expands control with overrides', () => {
+    expect(
+      expandControlConfig({
+        name: 'metrics',
+        override: {
+          label: 'Custom Metric',
+        },
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      name: 'metrics',
+      config: {
+        ...sharedControls.metrics,
+        label: 'Custom Metric',
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  it('leave full control untouched', () => {
+    const input = {
+      name: 'metrics',
+      config: {
+        type: 'SelectControl',
+        label: 'Custom Metric',
+      },
+    };
+    expect(expandControlConfig(input)).toEqual(input);
+  });
+  it('load shared components in chart-controls', () => {
+    const input = {
+      name: 'metrics',
+      config: {
+        type: 'RadioButtonControl',
+        label: 'Custom Metric',
+      },
+    };
+    expect((expandControlConfig(input) as CustomControlItem).config.type).toEqual(
+      RadioButtonControl,
+    );
+  });
+  it('leave NULL and ReactElement untouched', () => {
+    expect(expandControlConfig(null)).toBeNull();
+    const input = <h1>Test</h1>;
+    expect(expandControlConfig(input)).toBe(input);
+  });
+  it('leave unknown text untouched', () => {
+    const input = 'superset-ui';
+    expect(expandControlConfig(input as never)).toBe(input);
+  });
+  it('return null for invalid configs', () => {
+    expect(expandControlConfig({ type: 'SelectControl', label: 'Hello' } as never)).toBeNull();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/mainMetric.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/mainMetric.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9385537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/mainMetric.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { mainMetric } from '../../src';
+describe('mainMetric', () => {
+  it('is null when no options', () => {
+    expect(mainMetric([])).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(mainMetric(null)).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('prefers the "count" metric when first', () => {
+    const metrics = [{ metric_name: 'count' }, { metric_name: 'foo' }];
+    expect(mainMetric(metrics)).toBe('count');
+  });
+  it('prefers the "count" metric when not first', () => {
+    const metrics = [{ metric_name: 'foo' }, { metric_name: 'count' }];
+    expect(mainMetric(metrics)).toBe('count');
+  });
+  it('selects the first metric when "count" is not an option', () => {
+    const metrics = [{ metric_name: 'foo' }, { metric_name: 'not_count' }];
+    expect(mainMetric(metrics)).toBe('foo');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/selectOptions.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/selectOptions.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a2a9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test/utils/selectOptions.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { formatSelectOptions, formatSelectOptionsForRange } from '../../src';
+describe('formatSelectOptions', () => {
+  it('formats an array of options', () => {
+    expect(formatSelectOptions([1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 'unlimited'])).toEqual([
+      [1, '1'],
+      [5, '5'],
+      [10, '10'],
+      [25, '25'],
+      [50, '50'],
+      ['unlimited', 'unlimited'],
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('formats a mix of values and already formated options', () => {
+    expect(
+      formatSelectOptions<number | string>([[0, 'all'], 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 'unlimited']),
+    ).toEqual([
+      [0, 'all'],
+      [1, '1'],
+      [5, '5'],
+      [10, '10'],
+      [25, '25'],
+      [50, '50'],
+      ['unlimited', 'unlimited'],
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('formatSelectOptionsForRange', () => {
+  it('generates select options from a range', () => {
+    expect(formatSelectOptionsForRange(1, 5)).toEqual([
+      [1, '1'],
+      [2, '2'],
+      [3, '3'],
+      [4, '4'],
+      [5, '5'],
+    ]);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e3141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..691cb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+## @superset-ui/core
+[![David (path)](](
+#### Example usage
+import { xxx } from '@superset-ui/core';
+#### API
+- TBD
+### Development
+`@data-ui/build-config` is used to manage the build configuration for this package including babel
+builds, jest testing, eslint, and prettier.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/package.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef63bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/core",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset UI core",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/fetch-mock": "^7.3.3",
+    "fetch-mock": "^6.5.2",
+    "jest-mock-console": "^1.0.0"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@babel/runtime": "^7.1.2",
+    "@emotion/core": "^10.0.28",
+    "@emotion/styled": "^10.0.27",
+    "@types/d3-format": "^1.3.0",
+    "@types/d3-interpolate": "^1.3.1",
+    "@types/d3-scale": "^2.1.1",
+    "@types/d3-time": "^1.0.9",
+    "@types/d3-time-format": "^2.1.0",
+    "@types/lodash": "^4.14.149",
+    "@types/rison": "0.0.6",
+    "@types/seedrandom": "^2.4.28",
+    "@vx/responsive": "^0.0.199",
+    "csstype": "^2.6.4",
+    "d3-format": "^1.3.2",
+    "d3-interpolate": "^1.4.0",
+    "d3-scale": "^3.0.0",
+    "d3-time": "^1.0.10",
+    "d3-time-format": "^2.2.0",
+    "emotion-theming": "^10.0.27",
+    "fetch-retry": "^4.0.1",
+    "jed": "^1.1.1",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.11",
+    "pretty-ms": "^7.0.0",
+    "react-error-boundary": "^1.2.5",
+    "reselect": "^4.0.0",
+    "rison": "^0.1.1",
+    "seedrandom": "^3.0.5",
+    "whatwg-fetch": "^3.0.0"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "@types/react-bootstrap": "*",
+    "@types/react-loadable": "*",
+    "react": "^16.13.1",
+    "react-bootstrap": "^0.33.1",
+    "react-loadable": "^5.5.0"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/ChartFrame.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/ChartFrame.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4827eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/ChartFrame.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
+import { isDefined } from '../utils';
+function checkNumber(input: unknown): input is number {
+  return isDefined(input) && typeof input === 'number';
+type Props = {
+  contentWidth?: number;
+  contentHeight?: number;
+  height: number;
+  renderContent: ({ height, width }: { height: number; width: number }) => React.ReactNode;
+  width: number;
+export default class ChartFrame extends PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  static defaultProps = {
+    renderContent() {},
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { contentWidth, contentHeight, width, height, renderContent } = this.props;
+    const overflowX = checkNumber(contentWidth) && contentWidth > width;
+    const overflowY = checkNumber(contentHeight) && contentHeight > height;
+    if (overflowX || overflowY) {
+      return (
+        <div
+          style={{
+            height,
+            overflowX: overflowX ? 'auto' : 'hidden',
+            overflowY: overflowY ? 'auto' : 'hidden',
+            width,
+          }}
+        >
+          {renderContent({
+            height: Math.max(contentHeight ?? 0, height),
+            width: Math.max(contentWidth ?? 0, width),
+          })}
+        </div>
+      );
+    }
+    return renderContent({ height, width });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0338d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export { default as ChartFrame } from './ChartFrame';
+export { default as WithLegend } from './legend/WithLegend';
+export { default as TooltipFrame } from './tooltip/TooltipFrame';
+export { default as TooltipTable } from './tooltip/TooltipTable';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8977d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties, ReactNode, PureComponent } from 'react';
+import { ParentSize } from '@vx/responsive';
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
+import { FlexDirectionProperty } from 'csstype';
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  height: 'auto' as number | string,
+  position: 'top',
+  width: 'auto' as number | string,
+type Props = {
+  className: string;
+  debounceTime?: number;
+  width: number | string;
+  height: number | string;
+  legendJustifyContent?: 'center' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end';
+  position: 'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right';
+  renderChart: (dim: { width: number; height: number }) => ReactNode;
+  renderLegend?: (params: { direction: string }) => ReactNode;
+} & Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+const LEGEND_STYLE_BASE: CSSProperties = {
+  display: 'flex',
+  flexGrow: 0,
+  flexShrink: 0,
+  order: -1,
+const CHART_STYLE_BASE: CSSProperties = {
+  flexBasis: 'auto',
+  flexGrow: 1,
+  flexShrink: 1,
+  position: 'relative',
+class WithLegend extends PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  getContainerDirection(): FlexDirectionProperty {
+    const { position } = this.props;
+    if (position === 'left') {
+      return 'row';
+    }
+    if (position === 'right') {
+      return 'row-reverse';
+    }
+    if (position === 'bottom') {
+      return 'column-reverse';
+    }
+    return 'column';
+  }
+  getLegendJustifyContent() {
+    const { legendJustifyContent, position } = this.props;
+    if (legendJustifyContent) {
+      return legendJustifyContent;
+    }
+    if (position === 'left' || position === 'right') {
+      return 'flex-start';
+    }
+    return 'flex-end';
+  }
+  render() {
+    const {
+      className,
+      debounceTime,
+      width,
+      height,
+      position,
+      renderChart,
+      renderLegend,
+    } = this.props;
+    const isHorizontal = position === 'left' || position === 'right';
+    const style: CSSProperties = {
+      display: 'flex',
+      flexDirection: this.getContainerDirection(),
+      height,
+      width,
+    };
+    const chartStyle: CSSProperties = { ...CHART_STYLE_BASE };
+    if (isHorizontal) {
+      chartStyle.width = 0;
+    } else {
+      chartStyle.height = 0;
+    }
+    const legendDirection = isHorizontal ? 'column' : 'row';
+    const legendStyle: CSSProperties = {
+      flexDirection: legendDirection,
+      justifyContent: this.getLegendJustifyContent(),
+    };
+    return (
+      <div className={`with-legend ${className}`} style={style}>
+        {renderLegend && (
+          <div className="legend-container" style={legendStyle}>
+            {renderLegend({
+              // Pass flexDirection for @vx/legend to arrange legend items
+              direction: legendDirection,
+            })}
+          </div>
+        )}
+        <div className="main-container" style={chartStyle}>
+          <ParentSize debounceTime={debounceTime}>
+            {(parent: { width: number; height: number }) =>
+              parent.width > 0 && parent.height > 0
+                ? // Only render when necessary
+                  renderChart(parent)
+                : null
+            }
+          </ParentSize>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+export default WithLegend;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44ced2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+} & Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+const CONTAINER_STYLE = { padding: 8 };
+class TooltipFrame extends PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  render() {
+    const { className, children } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <div className={className} style={CONTAINER_STYLE}>
+        {children}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+export default TooltipFrame;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e5b3e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties, PureComponent, ReactNode } from 'react';
+interface TooltipRowData {
+  key: string | number;
+  keyColumn?: ReactNode;
+  keyStyle?: CSSProperties;
+  valueColumn: ReactNode;
+  valueStyle?: CSSProperties;
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  data: [] as TooltipRowData[],
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  data: TooltipRowData[];
+} & Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+const VALUE_CELL_STYLE: CSSProperties = { paddingLeft: 8, textAlign: 'right' };
+export default class TooltipTable extends PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  render() {
+    const { className, data } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <table className={className}>
+        <tbody>
+          {{ key, keyColumn, keyStyle, valueColumn, valueStyle }) => (
+            <tr key={key}>
+              <td style={keyStyle}>{keyColumn ?? key}</td>
+              <td style={valueStyle ? { ...VALUE_CELL_STYLE, ...valueStyle } : VALUE_CELL_STYLE}>
+                {valueColumn}
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          ))}
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08679a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import {
+  isDefined,
+  SupersetClient,
+  SupersetClientInterface,
+  RequestConfig,
+  SupersetClientClass,
+  QueryFormData,
+  Datasource,
+} from '../..';
+import getChartBuildQueryRegistry from '../registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartMetadataRegistry from '../registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton';
+import { QueryData } from '../types/QueryResponse';
+import { AnnotationLayerMetadata } from '../types/Annotation';
+import { PlainObject } from '../types/Base';
+// This expands to Partial<All> & (union of all possible single-property types)
+type AtLeastOne<All, Each = { [K in keyof All]: Pick<All, K> }> = Partial<All> & Each[keyof Each];
+export type SliceIdAndOrFormData = AtLeastOne<{
+  sliceId: number;
+  formData: Partial<QueryFormData>;
+interface AnnotationData {
+  [key: string]: PlainObject;
+export interface ChartData {
+  annotationData: AnnotationData;
+  datasource: PlainObject;
+  formData: QueryFormData;
+  queriesData: QueryData[];
+export default class ChartClient {
+  readonly client: SupersetClientInterface | SupersetClientClass;
+  constructor(
+    config: {
+      client?: SupersetClientInterface | SupersetClientClass;
+    } = {},
+  ) {
+    const { client = SupersetClient } = config;
+    this.client = client;
+  }
+  loadFormData(
+    input: SliceIdAndOrFormData,
+    options?: Partial<RequestConfig>,
+  ): Promise<QueryFormData> {
+    /* If sliceId is provided, use it to fetch stored formData from API */
+    if ('sliceId' in input) {
+      const promise = this.client
+        .get({
+          endpoint: `/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=${input.sliceId}`,
+          ...options,
+        } as RequestConfig)
+        .then(response => response.json as QueryFormData);
+      /*
+       * If formData is also specified, override API result
+       * with user-specified formData
+       */
+      return promise.then((dbFormData: QueryFormData) => ({
+        ...dbFormData,
+        ...input.formData,
+      }));
+    }
+    /* If sliceId is not provided, returned formData wrapped in a Promise */
+    return input.formData
+      ? Promise.resolve(input.formData as QueryFormData)
+      : Promise.reject(new Error('At least one of sliceId or formData must be specified'));
+  }
+  async loadQueryData(
+    formData: QueryFormData,
+    options?: Partial<RequestConfig>,
+  ): Promise<QueryData[]> {
+    const { viz_type: visType } = formData;
+    const metaDataRegistry = getChartMetadataRegistry();
+    const buildQueryRegistry = getChartBuildQueryRegistry();
+    if (metaDataRegistry.has(visType)) {
+      const { useLegacyApi } = metaDataRegistry.get(visType)!;
+      const buildQuery = (await buildQueryRegistry.get(visType)) ?? (() => formData);
+      const requestConfig: RequestConfig = useLegacyApi
+        ? {
+            endpoint: '/superset/explore_json/',
+            postPayload: {
+              form_data: buildQuery(formData),
+            },
+            ...options,
+          }
+        : {
+            endpoint: '/api/v1/chart/data',
+            jsonPayload: {
+              query_context: buildQuery(formData),
+            },
+            ...options,
+          };
+      return this.client
+        .post(requestConfig)
+        .then(response => (Array.isArray(response.json) ? response.json : [response.json]));
+    }
+    return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unknown chart type: ${visType}`));
+  }
+  loadDatasource(datasourceKey: string, options?: Partial<RequestConfig>): Promise<Datasource> {
+    return this.client
+      .get({
+        endpoint: `/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata?datasourceKey=${datasourceKey}`,
+        ...options,
+      } as RequestConfig)
+      .then(response => response.json as Datasource);
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+  loadAnnotation(annotationLayer: AnnotationLayerMetadata): Promise<AnnotationData> {
+    /* When annotation does not require query */
+    if (!isDefined(annotationLayer.sourceType)) {
+      return Promise.resolve({} as AnnotationData);
+    }
+    // TODO: Implement
+    return Promise.reject(new Error('This feature is not implemented yet.'));
+  }
+  loadAnnotations(annotationLayers?: AnnotationLayerMetadata[]): Promise<AnnotationData> {
+    if (Array.isArray(annotationLayers) && annotationLayers.length > 0) {
+      return Promise.all( => this.loadAnnotation(layer))).then(results =>
+        annotationLayers.reduce((prev, layer, i) => {
+          const output: AnnotationData = prev;
+          output[] = results[i];
+          return output;
+        }, {}),
+      );
+    }
+    return Promise.resolve({});
+  }
+  loadChartData(input: SliceIdAndOrFormData): Promise<ChartData> {
+    return this.loadFormData(input).then(
+      (
+        formData: QueryFormData & {
+          // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+          annotation_layers?: AnnotationLayerMetadata[];
+        },
+      ) =>
+        Promise.all([
+          this.loadAnnotations(formData.annotation_layers),
+          this.loadDatasource(formData.datasource),
+          this.loadQueryData(formData),
+        ]).then(([annotationData, datasource, queriesData]) => ({
+          annotationData,
+          datasource,
+          formData,
+          queriesData,
+        })),
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.tsx
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index 0000000..174f8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* eslint react/sort-comp: 'off' */
+import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
+import { SupersetClientInterface, RequestConfig, QueryFormData, Datasource } from '../..';
+import ChartClient, { SliceIdAndOrFormData } from '../clients/ChartClient';
+import { QueryData } from '../types/QueryResponse';
+interface Payload {
+  formData: Partial<QueryFormData>;
+  queriesData: QueryData[];
+  datasource?: Datasource;
+export interface ProvidedProps {
+  payload?: Payload;
+  error?: Error;
+  loading?: boolean;
+export type ChartDataProviderProps =
+  /** User can pass either one or both of sliceId or formData */
+  SliceIdAndOrFormData & {
+    /** Child function called with ProvidedProps */
+    children: (provided: ProvidedProps) => ReactNode;
+    /** Superset client which is used to fetch data. It should already be configured and initialized. */
+    client?: SupersetClientInterface;
+    /** Will fetch and include datasource metadata for SliceIdAndOrFormData in the payload. */
+    loadDatasource?: boolean;
+    /** Callback when an error occurs. Enables wrapping the Provider in an ErrorBoundary. */
+    onError?: (error: ProvidedProps['error']) => void;
+    /** Callback when data is loaded. */
+    onLoaded?: (payload: ProvidedProps['payload']) => void;
+    /** Hook to override the formData request config. */
+    formDataRequestOptions?: Partial<RequestConfig>;
+    /** Hook to override the datasource request config. */
+    datasourceRequestOptions?: Partial<RequestConfig>;
+    /** Hook to override the queriesData request config. */
+    queryRequestOptions?: Partial<RequestConfig>;
+  };
+export type ChartDataProviderState = {
+  status: 'uninitialized' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'loaded';
+  payload?: ProvidedProps['payload'];
+  error?: ProvidedProps['error'];
+class ChartDataProvider extends React.PureComponent<
+  ChartDataProviderProps,
+  ChartDataProviderState
+> {
+  readonly chartClient: ChartClient;
+  constructor(props: ChartDataProviderProps) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = { status: 'uninitialized' };
+    this.chartClient = new ChartClient({ client: props.client });
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+    this.handleFetchData();
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ChartDataProviderProps) {
+    const { formData, sliceId } = this.props;
+    if (formData !== prevProps.formData || sliceId !== prevProps.sliceId) {
+      this.handleFetchData();
+    }
+  }
+  private extractSliceIdAndFormData() {
+    const { formData, sliceId } = this.props;
+    return formData ? { formData } : { sliceId: sliceId as number };
+  }
+  private handleFetchData = () => {
+    const {
+      loadDatasource,
+      formDataRequestOptions,
+      datasourceRequestOptions,
+      queryRequestOptions,
+    } = this.props;
+    this.setState({ status: 'loading' }, () => {
+      try {
+        this.chartClient
+          .loadFormData(this.extractSliceIdAndFormData(), formDataRequestOptions)
+          .then(formData =>
+            Promise.all([
+              loadDatasource
+                ? this.chartClient.loadDatasource(formData.datasource, datasourceRequestOptions)
+                : Promise.resolve(undefined),
+              this.chartClient.loadQueryData(formData, queryRequestOptions),
+            ]).then(
+              ([datasource, queriesData]) =>
+                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
+                ({
+                  datasource,
+                  formData,
+                  queriesData,
+                } as Payload),
+            ),
+          )
+          .then(this.handleReceiveData)
+          .catch(this.handleError);
+      } catch (error) {
+        this.handleError(error as Error);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  private handleReceiveData = (payload?: Payload) => {
+    const { onLoaded } = this.props;
+    if (onLoaded) onLoaded(payload);
+    this.setState({ payload, status: 'loaded' });
+  };
+  private handleError = (error: ProvidedProps['error']) => {
+    const { onError } = this.props;
+    if (onError) onError(error);
+    this.setState({ error, status: 'error' });
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { children } = this.props;
+    const { status, payload, error } = this.state;
+    switch (status) {
+      case 'loading':
+        return children({ loading: true });
+      case 'loaded':
+        return children({ payload });
+      case 'error':
+        return children({ error });
+      case 'uninitialized':
+      default:
+        return null;
+    }
+  }
+export default ChartDataProvider;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/FallbackComponent.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/FallbackComponent.tsx
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index 0000000..e2038bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/FallbackComponent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { FallbackPropsWithDimension } from './SuperChart';
+export type Props = FallbackPropsWithDimension;
+  backgroundColor: '#000',
+  color: '#fff',
+  overflow: 'auto',
+  padding: 32,
+export default function FallbackComponent({ componentStack, error, height, width }: Props) {
+  return (
+    <div style={{ ...CONTAINER_STYLE, height, width }}>
+      <div>
+        <div>
+          <b>Oops! An error occured!</b>
+        </div>
+        <code>{error ? error.toString() : 'Unknown Error'}</code>
+      </div>
+      {componentStack && (
+        <div>
+          <b>Stack Trace:</b>
+          <code>
+            {componentStack.split('\n').map((row: string) => (
+              <div key={row}>{row}</div>
+            ))}
+          </code>
+        </div>
+      )}
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx
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index 0000000..176ed7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties, useMemo } from 'react';
+const MESSAGE_STYLES: CSSProperties = { maxWidth: 800 };
+const TITLE_STYLES: CSSProperties = { fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingBottom: 8 };
+const BODY_STYLES: CSSProperties = { fontSize: 14 };
+const MIN_WIDTH_FOR_BODY = 250;
+const BODY_STRING =
+  'No results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be returned, ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource contains data for the selected time range.';
+const generateContainerStyles: (
+  height: number | string,
+  width: number | string,
+) => CSSProperties = (height: number | string, width: number | string) => ({
+  alignItems: 'center',
+  display: 'flex',
+  flexDirection: 'column',
+  height,
+  justifyContent: 'center',
+  padding: 16,
+  textAlign: 'center',
+  width,
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  height: number | string;
+  id?: string;
+  width: number | string;
+const NoResultsComponent = ({ className, height, id, width }: Props) => {
+  const containerStyles = useMemo(() => generateContainerStyles(height, width), [height, width]);
+  // render the body if the width is auto/100% or greater than 250 pixels
+  const shouldRenderBody = typeof width === 'string' || width > MIN_WIDTH_FOR_BODY;
+  return (
+    <div
+      className={className}
+      id={id}
+      style={containerStyles}
+      title={shouldRenderBody ? undefined : BODY_STRING}
+    >
+      <div style={MESSAGE_STYLES}>
+        <div style={TITLE_STYLES}>No Results</div>
+        {shouldRenderBody && <div style={BODY_STYLES}>{BODY_STRING}</div>}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  );
+export default NoResultsComponent;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChart.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChart.tsx
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index 0000000..c4fb355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChart.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
+import ErrorBoundary, { ErrorBoundaryProps, FallbackProps } from 'react-error-boundary';
+import { ParentSize } from '@vx/responsive';
+import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
+import { parseLength, Dimension } from '../../dimension';
+import SuperChartCore, { Props as SuperChartCoreProps } from './SuperChartCore';
+import DefaultFallbackComponent from './FallbackComponent';
+import ChartProps, { ChartPropsConfig } from '../models/ChartProps';
+import NoResultsComponent from './NoResultsComponent';
+const defaultProps = {
+  FallbackComponent: DefaultFallbackComponent,
+  height: 400 as string | number,
+  width: '100%' as string | number,
+export type FallbackPropsWithDimension = FallbackProps & Partial<Dimension>;
+export type WrapperProps = Dimension & {
+  children: ReactNode;
+export type Props = Omit<SuperChartCoreProps, 'chartProps'> &
+  Omit<ChartPropsConfig, 'width' | 'height'> & {
+    /**
+     * Set this to true to disable error boundary built-in in SuperChart
+     * and let the error propagate to upper level
+     * and handle by yourself
+     */
+    disableErrorBoundary?: boolean;
+    /** debounceTime to check for container resize */
+    debounceTime?: number;
+    /** Component to render when there are unexpected errors */
+    FallbackComponent?: React.ComponentType<FallbackPropsWithDimension>;
+    /** Event listener for unexpected errors from chart */
+    onErrorBoundary?: ErrorBoundaryProps['onError'];
+    /** Chart width */
+    height?: number | string;
+    /** Chart height */
+    width?: number | string;
+    /**
+     * Component to wrap the actual chart
+     * after the dynamic width and height are determined.
+     * This can be useful for handling tooltip z-index, etc.
+     * e.g. <div style={{ position: 'fixed' }} />
+     * You cannot just wrap this same component outside of SuperChart
+     * when using dynamic width or height
+     * because it will clash with auto-sizing.
+     */
+    Wrapper?: React.ComponentType<WrapperProps>;
+  };
+type PropsWithDefault = Props & Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+export default class SuperChart extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  /**
+   * SuperChart's core
+   */
+  core?: SuperChartCore | null;
+  private createChartProps = ChartProps.createSelector();
+  private parseDimension = createSelector(
+    ({ width }: { width: string | number; height: string | number }) => width,
+    ({ height }) => height,
+    (width, height) => {
+      // Parse them in case they are % or 'auto'
+      const widthInfo = parseLength(width);
+      const heightInfo = parseLength(height);
+      const boxHeight = heightInfo.isDynamic ? `${heightInfo.multiplier * 100}%` : heightInfo.value;
+      const boxWidth = widthInfo.isDynamic ? `${widthInfo.multiplier * 100}%` : widthInfo.value;
+      const style = {
+        height: boxHeight,
+        width: boxWidth,
+      };
+      // bounding box will ensure that when one dimension is not dynamic
+      // e.g. height = 300
+      // the auto size will be bound to that value instead of being 100% by default
+      // e.g. height: 300 instead of height: '100%'
+      const BoundingBox =
+        widthInfo.isDynamic &&
+        heightInfo.isDynamic &&
+        widthInfo.multiplier === 1 &&
+        heightInfo.multiplier === 1
+          ? React.Fragment
+          : ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => <div style={style}>{children}</div>;
+      return { BoundingBox, heightInfo, widthInfo };
+    },
+  );
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  private setRef = (core: SuperChartCore | null) => {
+    this.core = core;
+  };
+  renderChart(width: number, height: number) {
+    const {
+      id,
+      className,
+      chartType,
+      preTransformProps,
+      overrideTransformProps,
+      postTransformProps,
+      onRenderSuccess,
+      onRenderFailure,
+      disableErrorBoundary,
+      FallbackComponent,
+      onErrorBoundary,
+      Wrapper,
+      queriesData,
+    } = this.props as PropsWithDefault;
+    const chartProps = this.createChartProps({
+      queriesData,
+      height,
+      width,
+    });
+    let chart;
+    // Render the no results component if the query data is null or empty
+    const noResultQueries =
+      !queriesData ||
+      queriesData.every(({ data }) => !data || (Array.isArray(data) && data.length === 0));
+    if (noResultQueries) {
+      chart = <NoResultsComponent id={id} className={className} height={height} width={width} />;
+    } else {
+      const chartWithoutWrapper = (
+        <SuperChartCore
+          ref={this.setRef}
+          id={id}
+          className={className}
+          chartType={chartType}
+          chartProps={chartProps}
+          preTransformProps={preTransformProps}
+          overrideTransformProps={overrideTransformProps}
+          postTransformProps={postTransformProps}
+          onRenderSuccess={onRenderSuccess}
+          onRenderFailure={onRenderFailure}
+        />
+      );
+      chart = Wrapper ? (
+        <Wrapper width={width} height={height}>
+          {chartWithoutWrapper}
+        </Wrapper>
+      ) : (
+        chartWithoutWrapper
+      );
+    }
+    // Include the error boundary by default unless it is specifically disabled.
+    return disableErrorBoundary === true ? (
+      chart
+    ) : (
+      <ErrorBoundary
+        FallbackComponent={(props: FallbackProps) => (
+          <FallbackComponent width={width} height={height} {...props} />
+        )}
+        onError={onErrorBoundary}
+      >
+        {chart}
+      </ErrorBoundary>
+    );
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { heightInfo, widthInfo, BoundingBox } = this.parseDimension(
+      this.props as PropsWithDefault,
+    );
+    // If any of the dimension is dynamic, get parent's dimension
+    if (widthInfo.isDynamic || heightInfo.isDynamic) {
+      const { debounceTime } = this.props;
+      return (
+        <BoundingBox>
+          <ParentSize debounceTime={debounceTime}>
+            {({ width, height }) =>
+              width > 0 &&
+              height > 0 &&
+              this.renderChart(
+                widthInfo.isDynamic ? Math.floor(width) : widthInfo.value,
+                heightInfo.isDynamic ? Math.floor(height) : heightInfo.value,
+              )
+            }
+          </ParentSize>
+        </BoundingBox>
+      );
+    }
+    return this.renderChart(widthInfo.value, heightInfo.value);
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChartCore.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChartCore.tsx
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index 0000000..4e3d78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/SuperChartCore.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/jsx-sort-default-props */
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
+import getChartComponentRegistry from '../registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartTransformPropsRegistry from '../registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton';
+import ChartProps from '../models/ChartProps';
+import createLoadableRenderer from './createLoadableRenderer';
+import { ChartType } from '../models/ChartPlugin';
+import { PreTransformProps, TransformProps, PostTransformProps } from '../types/TransformFunction';
+import { HandlerFunction } from '../types/Base';
+function IDENTITY<T>(x: T) {
+  return x;
+const EMPTY = () => null;
+const defaultProps = {
+  id: '',
+  className: '',
+  preTransformProps: IDENTITY,
+  overrideTransformProps: undefined,
+  postTransformProps: IDENTITY,
+  onRenderSuccess() {},
+  onRenderFailure() {},
+interface LoadingProps {
+  error: { toString(): string };
+interface LoadedModules {
+  Chart: ChartType;
+  transformProps: TransformProps;
+interface RenderProps {
+  chartProps: ChartProps;
+  preTransformProps?: PreTransformProps;
+  postTransformProps?: PostTransformProps;
+const BLANK_CHART_PROPS = new ChartProps();
+export type Props = {
+  id?: string;
+  className?: string;
+  chartProps?: ChartProps | null;
+  chartType: string;
+  preTransformProps?: PreTransformProps;
+  overrideTransformProps?: TransformProps;
+  postTransformProps?: PostTransformProps;
+  onRenderSuccess?: HandlerFunction;
+  onRenderFailure?: HandlerFunction;
+export default class SuperChartCore extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {
+  /**
+   * The HTML element that wraps all chart content
+   */
+  container?: HTMLElement | null;
+  /**
+   * memoized function so it will not recompute
+   * and return previous value
+   * unless one of
+   * - preTransformProps
+   * - transformProps
+   * - postTransformProps
+   * - chartProps
+   * is changed.
+   */
+  processChartProps = createSelector(
+    (input: {
+      chartProps: ChartProps;
+      preTransformProps?: PreTransformProps;
+      transformProps?: TransformProps;
+      postTransformProps?: PostTransformProps;
+    }) => input.chartProps,
+    input => input.preTransformProps,
+    input => input.transformProps,
+    input => input.postTransformProps,
+    (chartProps, pre = IDENTITY, transform = IDENTITY, post = IDENTITY) =>
+      post(transform(pre(chartProps))),
+  );
+  /**
+   * memoized function so it will not recompute
+   * and return previous value
+   * unless one of
+   * - chartType
+   * - overrideTransformProps
+   * is changed.
+   */
+  private createLoadableRenderer = createSelector(
+    (input: { chartType: string; overrideTransformProps?: TransformProps }) => input.chartType,
+    input => input.overrideTransformProps,
+    (chartType, overrideTransformProps) => {
+      if (chartType) {
+        const Renderer = createLoadableRenderer({
+          loader: {
+            Chart: () => getChartComponentRegistry().getAsPromise(chartType),
+            transformProps: overrideTransformProps
+              ? () => Promise.resolve(overrideTransformProps)
+              : () => getChartTransformPropsRegistry().getAsPromise(chartType),
+          },
+          loading: (loadingProps: LoadingProps) => this.renderLoading(loadingProps, chartType),
+          render: this.renderChart,
+        });
+        // Trigger preloading.
+        Renderer.preload();
+        return Renderer;
+      }
+      return EMPTY;
+    },
+  );
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  private renderChart = (loaded: LoadedModules, props: RenderProps) => {
+    const { Chart, transformProps } = loaded;
+    const { chartProps, preTransformProps, postTransformProps } = props;
+    return (
+      <Chart
+        {...this.processChartProps({
+          chartProps,
+          preTransformProps,
+          transformProps,
+          postTransformProps,
+        })}
+      />
+    );
+  };
+  private renderLoading = (loadingProps: LoadingProps, chartType: string) => {
+    const { error } = loadingProps;
+    if (error) {
+      return (
+        <div className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
+          <strong>ERROR</strong>&nbsp;
+          <code>chartType=&quot;{chartType}&quot;</code> &mdash;
+          {error.toString()}
+        </div>
+      );
+    }
+    return null;
+  };
+  private setRef = (container: HTMLElement | null) => {
+    this.container = container;
+  };
+  render() {
+    const {
+      id,
+      className,
+      preTransformProps,
+      postTransformProps,
+      chartProps = BLANK_CHART_PROPS,
+      onRenderSuccess,
+      onRenderFailure,
+    } = this.props;
+    // Create LoadableRenderer and start preloading
+    // the lazy-loaded Chart components
+    const Renderer = this.createLoadableRenderer(this.props);
+    // Do not render if chartProps is set to null.
+    // but the pre-loading has been started in this.createLoadableRenderer
+    // to prepare for rendering once chartProps becomes available.
+    if (chartProps === null) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    const containerProps: {
+      id?: string;
+      className?: string;
+    } = {};
+    if (id) {
+ = id;
+    }
+    if (className) {
+      containerProps.className = className;
+    }
+    return (
+      <div {...containerProps} ref={this.setRef}>
+        <Renderer
+          preTransformProps={preTransformProps}
+          postTransformProps={postTransformProps}
+          chartProps={chartProps}
+          onRenderSuccess={onRenderSuccess}
+          onRenderFailure={onRenderFailure}
+        />
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540be76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import Loadable from 'react-loadable';
+export type LoadableRendererProps = {
+  onRenderFailure?: Function;
+  onRenderSuccess?: Function;
+const defaultProps = {
+  onRenderFailure() {},
+  onRenderSuccess() {},
+export interface LoadableRenderer<Props>
+  extends React.ComponentClass<Props & LoadableRendererProps>,
+    Loadable.LoadableComponent {}
+export default function createLoadableRenderer<Props, Exports>(
+  options: Loadable.OptionsWithMap<Props, Exports>,
+): LoadableRenderer<Props> {
+  const LoadableRenderer = Loadable.Map(options) as LoadableRenderer<Props>;
+  // Extends the behavior of LoadableComponent to provide post-render listeners
+  class CustomLoadableRenderer extends LoadableRenderer {
+    static defaultProps: object;
+    componentDidMount() {
+      this.afterRender();
+    }
+    componentDidUpdate() {
+      this.afterRender();
+    }
+    afterRender() {
+      const { loaded, loading, error } = this.state;
+      const { onRenderFailure, onRenderSuccess } = this.props;
+      if (!loading) {
+        if (error) {
+          (onRenderFailure as Function)(error);
+        } else if (loaded && Object.keys(loaded).length > 0) {
+          (onRenderSuccess as Function)();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  CustomLoadableRenderer.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  CustomLoadableRenderer.preload = LoadableRenderer.preload;
+  return CustomLoadableRenderer;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/reactify.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/reactify.tsx
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index 0000000..a3164b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/reactify.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import React from 'react';
+// TODO: Note that id and className can collide between Props and ReactifyProps
+// leading to (likely) unexpected behaviors. We should either require Props to not
+// contain an id/className, or not combine them (via intersection), instead preferring
+// wrapping (composition). As an example:
+// interface MyProps {
+//   id: number;
+// }
+// function myRender(container: HTMLDivElement, props: Readonly<MyProps>): void {
+// // unusable: id is string & number
+// }
+// new (reactify(myRender))({ id: 5 }); // error: id has to be string & number
+export type ReactifyProps = {
+  id?: string;
+  className?: string;
+// TODO: add more React lifecycle callbacks as needed
+export type LifeCycleCallbacks = {
+  componentWillUnmount?: () => void;
+export interface RenderFuncType<Props> {
+  (container: HTMLDivElement, props: Readonly<Props & ReactifyProps>): void;
+  displayName?: string;
+  defaultProps?: Partial<Props & ReactifyProps>;
+  propTypes?: React.WeakValidationMap<Props & ReactifyProps>;
+export default function reactify<Props extends object>(
+  renderFn: RenderFuncType<Props>,
+  callbacks?: LifeCycleCallbacks,
+): React.ComponentClass<Props & ReactifyProps> {
+  class ReactifiedComponent extends React.Component<Props & ReactifyProps> {
+    container?: HTMLDivElement;
+    constructor(props: Props & ReactifyProps) {
+      super(props);
+      this.setContainerRef = this.setContainerRef.bind(this);
+    }
+    componentDidMount() {
+      this.execute();
+    }
+    componentDidUpdate() {
+      this.execute();
+    }
+    componentWillUnmount() {
+      this.container = undefined;
+      if (callbacks?.componentWillUnmount) {
+        callbacks.componentWillUnmount.bind(this)();
+      }
+    }
+    setContainerRef(ref: HTMLDivElement) {
+      this.container = ref;
+    }
+    execute() {
+      if (this.container) {
+        renderFn(this.container, this.props);
+      }
+    }
+    render() {
+      const { id, className } = this.props;
+      return <div ref={this.setContainerRef} id={id} className={className} />;
+    }
+  }
+  const ReactifiedClass: React.ComponentClass<Props & ReactifyProps> = ReactifiedComponent;
+  if (renderFn.displayName) {
+    ReactifiedClass.displayName = renderFn.displayName;
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line react/forbid-foreign-prop-types
+  if (renderFn.propTypes) {
+    ReactifiedClass.propTypes = { ...ReactifiedClass.propTypes, ...renderFn.propTypes };
+  }
+  if (renderFn.defaultProps) {
+    ReactifiedClass.defaultProps = renderFn.defaultProps;
+  }
+  return ReactifiedComponent;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83aa7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+export { default as ChartClient } from './clients/ChartClient';
+export { default as ChartMetadata } from './models/ChartMetadata';
+export { default as ChartPlugin } from './models/ChartPlugin';
+export { default as ChartProps } from './models/ChartProps';
+export { default as createLoadableRenderer } from './components/createLoadableRenderer';
+export { default as reactify } from './components/reactify';
+export { default as SuperChart } from './components/SuperChart';
+export { default as getChartBuildQueryRegistry } from './registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as getChartComponentRegistry } from './registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as getChartControlPanelRegistry } from './registries/ChartControlPanelRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as getChartMetadataRegistry } from './registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from './registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as ChartDataProvider } from './components/ChartDataProvider';
+export * from './types/Base';
+export * from './types/TransformFunction';
+export * from './types/QueryResponse';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartControlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartControlPanel.ts
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index 0000000..86da034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartControlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+export type ChartControlPanel = { [key: string]: any };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartMetadata.ts
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index 0000000..4562b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+interface LookupTable {
+  [key: string]: boolean;
+export interface ChartMetadataConfig {
+  name: string;
+  canBeAnnotationTypes?: string[];
+  credits?: string[];
+  description?: string;
+  show?: boolean;
+  supportedAnnotationTypes?: string[];
+  thumbnail: string;
+  useLegacyApi?: boolean;
+  isNativeFilter?: boolean;
+export default class ChartMetadata {
+  name: string;
+  canBeAnnotationTypes?: string[];
+  canBeAnnotationTypesLookup: LookupTable;
+  credits: string[];
+  description: string;
+  show: boolean;
+  supportedAnnotationTypes: string[];
+  thumbnail: string;
+  useLegacyApi: boolean;
+  isNativeFilter: boolean;
+  constructor(config: ChartMetadataConfig) {
+    const {
+      name,
+      canBeAnnotationTypes = [],
+      credits = [],
+      description = '',
+      show = true,
+      supportedAnnotationTypes = [],
+      thumbnail,
+      useLegacyApi = false,
+      isNativeFilter = false,
+    } = config;
+ = name;
+    this.credits = credits;
+    this.description = description;
+ = show;
+    this.canBeAnnotationTypes = canBeAnnotationTypes;
+    this.canBeAnnotationTypesLookup = canBeAnnotationTypes.reduce(
+      (prev: LookupTable, type: string) => {
+        const lookup = prev;
+        lookup[type] = true;
+        return lookup;
+      },
+      {},
+    );
+    this.supportedAnnotationTypes = supportedAnnotationTypes;
+    this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
+    this.useLegacyApi = useLegacyApi;
+    this.isNativeFilter = isNativeFilter;
+  }
+  canBeAnnotationType(type: string): boolean {
+    return this.canBeAnnotationTypesLookup[type] || false;
+  }
+  clone() {
+    return new ChartMetadata({
+      canBeAnnotationTypes: this.canBeAnnotationTypes,
+      credits: this.credits,
+      description: this.description,
+      name:,
+      show:,
+      supportedAnnotationTypes: this.supportedAnnotationTypes,
+      thumbnail: this.thumbnail,
+      useLegacyApi: this.useLegacyApi,
+      isNativeFilter: this.isNativeFilter,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartPlugin.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartPlugin.ts
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index 0000000..286a96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartPlugin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import { ComponentType } from 'react';
+import { isRequired, Plugin, QueryFormData } from '../..';
+import ChartMetadata from './ChartMetadata';
+import getChartMetadataRegistry from '../registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartBuildQueryRegistry from '../registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartComponentRegistry from '../registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartControlPanelRegistry from '../registries/ChartControlPanelRegistrySingleton';
+import getChartTransformPropsRegistry from '../registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton';
+import { BuildQueryFunction, TransformProps } from '../types/TransformFunction';
+import { ChartControlPanel } from './ChartControlPanel';
+import { ChartProps } from '..';
+function IDENTITY<T>(x: T) {
+  return x;
+const EMPTY = {};
+export type PromiseOrValue<T> = Promise<T> | T;
+export type PromiseOrValueLoader<T> = () => PromiseOrValue<T>;
+export type ChartType = ComponentType<any>;
+type ValueOrModuleWithValue<T> = T | { default: T };
+interface ChartPluginConfig<
+  FormData extends QueryFormData = QueryFormData,
+  Props extends ChartProps = ChartProps
+> {
+  metadata: ChartMetadata;
+  /** Use buildQuery for immediate value. For lazy-loading, use loadBuildQuery. */
+  buildQuery?: BuildQueryFunction<FormData>;
+  /** Use loadBuildQuery for dynamic import (lazy-loading) */
+  loadBuildQuery?: PromiseOrValueLoader<ValueOrModuleWithValue<BuildQueryFunction<FormData>>>;
+  /** Use transformProps for immediate value. For lazy-loading, use loadTransformProps.  */
+  transformProps?: TransformProps<Props>;
+  /** Use loadTransformProps for dynamic import (lazy-loading) */
+  loadTransformProps?: PromiseOrValueLoader<ValueOrModuleWithValue<TransformProps<Props>>>;
+  /** Use Chart for immediate value. For lazy-loading, use loadChart. */
+  Chart?: ChartType;
+  /** Use loadChart for dynamic import (lazy-loading) */
+  loadChart?: PromiseOrValueLoader<ValueOrModuleWithValue<ChartType>>;
+  /** Control panel configuration object */
+  controlPanel?: ChartControlPanel;
+ * Loaders of the form `() => import('foo')` may return esmodules
+ * which require the value to be extracted as `module.default`
+ * */
+function sanitizeLoader<T>(
+  loader: PromiseOrValueLoader<ValueOrModuleWithValue<T>>,
+): PromiseOrValueLoader<T> {
+  return () => {
+    const loaded = loader();
+    return loaded instanceof Promise
+      ? (loaded.then(module => ('default' in module && module.default) || module) as Promise<T>)
+      : (loaded as T);
+  };
+export default class ChartPlugin<
+  FormData extends QueryFormData = QueryFormData,
+  Props extends ChartProps = ChartProps
+> extends Plugin {
+  controlPanel: ChartControlPanel;
+  metadata: ChartMetadata;
+  loadBuildQuery?: PromiseOrValueLoader<BuildQueryFunction<FormData>>;
+  loadTransformProps: PromiseOrValueLoader<TransformProps<Props>>;
+  loadChart: PromiseOrValueLoader<ChartType>;
+  constructor(config: ChartPluginConfig<FormData, Props>) {
+    super();
+    const {
+      metadata,
+      buildQuery,
+      loadBuildQuery,
+      transformProps = IDENTITY,
+      loadTransformProps,
+      Chart,
+      loadChart,
+      controlPanel = EMPTY,
+    } = config;
+    this.controlPanel = controlPanel;
+    this.metadata = metadata;
+    this.loadBuildQuery =
+      (loadBuildQuery && sanitizeLoader(loadBuildQuery)) ||
+      (buildQuery && sanitizeLoader(() => buildQuery)) ||
+      undefined;
+    this.loadTransformProps = sanitizeLoader(loadTransformProps ?? (() => transformProps));
+    if (loadChart) {
+      this.loadChart = sanitizeLoader<ChartType>(loadChart);
+    } else if (Chart) {
+      this.loadChart = () => Chart;
+    } else {
+      throw new Error('Chart or loadChart is required');
+    }
+  }
+  register() {
+    const key: string = this.config.key || isRequired('config.key');
+    getChartMetadataRegistry().registerValue(key, this.metadata);
+    getChartComponentRegistry().registerLoader(key, this.loadChart);
+    getChartControlPanelRegistry().registerValue(key, this.controlPanel);
+    getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerLoader(key, this.loadTransformProps);
+    if (this.loadBuildQuery) {
+      getChartBuildQueryRegistry().registerLoader(key, this.loadBuildQuery);
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  unregister() {
+    const key: string = this.config.key || isRequired('config.key');
+    getChartMetadataRegistry().remove(key);
+    getChartComponentRegistry().remove(key);
+    getChartControlPanelRegistry().remove(key);
+    getChartTransformPropsRegistry().remove(key);
+    getChartBuildQueryRegistry().remove(key);
+    return this;
+  }
+  configure(config: { [key: string]: unknown }, replace?: boolean) {
+    super.configure(config, replace);
+    return this;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartProps.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartProps.ts
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index 0000000..f9495e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/models/ChartProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
+import { convertKeysToCamelCase, Datasource } from '../..';
+import { HandlerFunction, PlainObject, SetExtraFormDataHook } from '../types/Base';
+import { QueryData, DataRecordFilters } from '..';
+// TODO: more specific typing for these fields of ChartProps
+type AnnotationData = PlainObject;
+type SnakeCaseDatasource = PlainObject;
+type CamelCaseFormData = PlainObject;
+type SnakeCaseFormData = PlainObject;
+type RawFormData = CamelCaseFormData | SnakeCaseFormData;
+type ChartPropsSelector = (c: ChartPropsConfig) => ChartProps;
+/** Optional field for event handlers, renderers */
+type Hooks = {
+  /**
+   * sync active filters between chart and dashboard, "add" actually
+   * also handles "change" and "remove".
+   */
+  onAddFilter?: (newFilters: DataRecordFilters, merge?: boolean) => void;
+  /** handle errors */
+  onError?: HandlerFunction;
+  /** use the vis as control to update state */
+  setControlValue?: HandlerFunction;
+  /** handle native filters */
+  setExtraFormData?: SetExtraFormDataHook;
+  /** handle tooltip */
+  setTooltip?: HandlerFunction;
+} & PlainObject;
+ * Preferred format for ChartProps config
+ */
+export interface ChartPropsConfig {
+  annotationData?: AnnotationData;
+  /** Datasource metadata */
+  datasource?: SnakeCaseDatasource;
+  /**
+   * Formerly called "filters", which was misleading because it is actually
+   * initial values of the filter_box and table vis
+   */
+  initialValues?: DataRecordFilters;
+  /** Main configuration of the chart */
+  formData?: RawFormData;
+  /** Chart height */
+  height?: number;
+  /** Programmatic overrides such as event handlers, renderers */
+  hooks?: Hooks;
+  /** The data returned for all queries objects in the request */
+  queriesData?: QueryData[];
+  /** Chart width */
+  width?: number;
+const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 800;
+const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
+export default class ChartProps<FormData extends RawFormData = RawFormData> {
+  static createSelector: () => ChartPropsSelector;
+  annotationData: AnnotationData;
+  datasource: Datasource;
+  rawDatasource: SnakeCaseDatasource;
+  initialValues: DataRecordFilters;
+  formData: CamelCaseFormData;
+  rawFormData: FormData;
+  height: number;
+  hooks: Hooks;
+  queriesData: QueryData[];
+  width: number;
+  constructor(config: ChartPropsConfig & { formData?: FormData } = {}) {
+    const {
+      annotationData = {},
+      datasource = {},
+      formData = {} as FormData,
+      hooks = {},
+      initialValues = {},
+      queriesData = [],
+      width = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
+      height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
+    } = config;
+    this.width = width;
+    this.height = height;
+    this.annotationData = annotationData;
+    this.datasource = convertKeysToCamelCase(datasource) as Datasource;
+    this.rawDatasource = datasource;
+    this.formData = convertKeysToCamelCase(formData);
+    this.rawFormData = formData;
+    this.hooks = hooks;
+    this.initialValues = initialValues;
+    this.queriesData = queriesData;
+  }
+// eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching
+ChartProps.createSelector = function create(): ChartPropsSelector {
+  return createSelector(
+    (input: ChartPropsConfig) => input.annotationData,
+    input => input.datasource,
+    input => input.formData,
+    input => input.height,
+    input => input.hooks,
+    input => input.initialValues,
+    input => input.queriesData,
+    input => input.width,
+    (annotationData, datasource, formData, height, hooks, initialValues, queriesData, width) =>
+      new ChartProps({
+        annotationData,
+        datasource,
+        formData,
+        height,
+        hooks,
+        initialValues,
+        queriesData,
+        width,
+      }),
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7da4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartBuildQueryRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { Registry, makeSingleton, OverwritePolicy, QueryContext } from '../..';
+// Ideally this would be <T extends QueryFormData>
+type BuildQuery = (formData: any) => QueryContext;
+class ChartBuildQueryRegistry extends Registry<BuildQuery> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({ name: 'ChartBuildQuery', overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN });
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(ChartBuildQueryRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875a7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartComponentRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Registry, makeSingleton, OverwritePolicy } from '../..';
+import { ChartType } from '../models/ChartPlugin';
+class ChartComponentRegistry extends Registry<ChartType> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({ name: 'ChartComponent', overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN });
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(ChartComponentRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartControlPanelRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartControlPanelRegistrySingleton.ts
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index 0000000..4e06901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartControlPanelRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Registry, makeSingleton } from '../..';
+import { ChartControlPanel } from '../models/ChartControlPanel';
+class ChartControlPanelRegistry extends Registry<ChartControlPanel, ChartControlPanel> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({ name: 'ChartControlPanel' });
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(ChartControlPanelRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c7daf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartMetadataRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Registry, makeSingleton, OverwritePolicy } from '../..';
+import ChartMetadata from '../models/ChartMetadata';
+class ChartMetadataRegistry extends Registry<ChartMetadata, ChartMetadata> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({ name: 'ChartMetadata', overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN });
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(ChartMetadataRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9267aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/registries/ChartTransformPropsRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Registry, makeSingleton, OverwritePolicy } from '../..';
+import { TransformProps } from '../types/TransformFunction';
+class ChartTransformPropsRegistry extends Registry<TransformProps<any>> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({ name: 'ChartTransformProps', overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN });
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(ChartTransformPropsRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Annotation.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Annotation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eba20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Annotation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export type AnnotationLayerMetadata = {
+  name: string;
+  sourceType?: string;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Base.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Base.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f206aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/Base.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { ExtraFormData } from '../../query';
+export type HandlerFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => void;
+export type SetExtraFormDataHook = {
+  (extraFormData: ExtraFormData): void;
+export interface PlainObject {
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+  [key: string]: any;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/QueryResponse.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/QueryResponse.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e289f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/QueryResponse.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Types for query response
+ */
+import { DataRecordValue, DataRecord, ChartDataResponseResult } from '../../types';
+import { PlainObject } from './Base';
+export interface TimeseriesDataRecord extends DataRecord {
+  __timestamp: number | string | Date | null;
+// data record value filters from FilterBox
+export interface DataRecordFilters {
+  [key: string]: DataRecordValue[];
+ * Legacy queried data for charts. List of arbitrary dictionaries generated
+ * by ``.
+ * TODO: clean this up when all charts have been migrated to v1 API.
+ */
+export type LegacyQueryData = PlainObject;
+ * Ambiguous query data type. Reserved for the generic QueryFormData.
+ * Don't use this for a specific chart (since you know which API it uses already).
+ */
+export type QueryData = LegacyQueryData | ChartDataResponseResult;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/TransformFunction.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/TransformFunction.ts
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index 0000000..61f1807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/types/TransformFunction.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { QueryFormData, QueryContext } from '../..';
+import ChartProps from '../models/ChartProps';
+import { PlainObject } from './Base';
+export type PlainProps = PlainObject;
+type TransformFunction<Input = PlainProps, Output = PlainProps> = (x: Input) => Output;
+export type PreTransformProps = TransformFunction<ChartProps, ChartProps>;
+export type TransformProps<Props extends ChartProps = ChartProps> = TransformFunction<Props>;
+export type PostTransformProps = TransformFunction;
+export type BuildQueryFunction<T extends QueryFormData> = (formData: T) => QueryContext;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorNamespace.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorNamespace.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d531aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorNamespace.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import CategoricalColorScale from './CategoricalColorScale';
+import { ColorsLookup } from './types';
+import getCategoricalSchemeRegistry from './CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton';
+import stringifyAndTrim from './stringifyAndTrim';
+export default class CategoricalColorNamespace {
+  name: string;
+  forcedItems: ColorsLookup;
+  scales: {
+    [key: string]: CategoricalColorScale;
+  };
+  constructor(name: string) {
+ = name;
+    this.scales = {};
+    this.forcedItems = {};
+  }
+  getScale(schemeId?: string) {
+    const id = schemeId ?? getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().getDefaultKey() ?? '';
+    const scale = this.scales[id];
+    if (scale) {
+      return scale;
+    }
+    const scheme = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().get(id);
+    const newScale = new CategoricalColorScale(scheme?.colors ?? [], this.forcedItems);
+    this.scales[id] = newScale;
+    return newScale;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Enforce specific color for given value
+   * This will apply across all color scales
+   * in this namespace.
+   * @param {*} value value
+   * @param {*} forcedColor color
+   */
+  setColor(value: string, forcedColor: string) {
+    this.forcedItems[stringifyAndTrim(value)] = forcedColor;
+    return this;
+  }
+const namespaces: {
+  [key: string]: CategoricalColorNamespace;
+} = {};
+export function getNamespace(name: string = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) {
+  const instance = namespaces[name];
+  if (instance) {
+    return instance;
+  }
+  const newInstance = new CategoricalColorNamespace(name);
+  namespaces[name] = newInstance;
+  return newInstance;
+export function getColor(value?: string, schemeId?: string, namespace?: string) {
+  return getNamespace(namespace).getScale(schemeId).getColor(value);
+export function getScale(scheme?: string, namespace?: string) {
+  return getNamespace(namespace).getScale(scheme);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorScale.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorScale.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6616706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalColorScale.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members */
+import { scaleOrdinal, ScaleOrdinal } from 'd3-scale';
+import { ExtensibleFunction } from '../models';
+import { ColorsLookup } from './types';
+import stringifyAndTrim from './stringifyAndTrim';
+// Use type augmentation to correct the fact that
+// an instance of CategoricalScale is also a function
+interface CategoricalColorScale {
+  (x: { toString(): string }): string;
+class CategoricalColorScale extends ExtensibleFunction {
+  colors: string[];
+  scale: ScaleOrdinal<{ toString(): string }, string>;
+  parentForcedColors?: ColorsLookup;
+  forcedColors: ColorsLookup;
+  /**
+   * Constructor
+   * @param {*} colors an array of colors
+   * @param {*} parentForcedColors optional parameter that comes from parent
+   * (usually CategoricalColorNamespace) and supersede this.forcedColors
+   */
+  constructor(colors: string[], parentForcedColors?: ColorsLookup) {
+    super((value: string) => this.getColor(value));
+    this.colors = colors;
+    this.scale = scaleOrdinal<{ toString(): string }, string>();
+    this.scale.range(colors);
+    this.parentForcedColors = parentForcedColors;
+    this.forcedColors = {};
+  }
+  getColor(value?: string) {
+    const cleanedValue = stringifyAndTrim(value);
+    const parentColor = this.parentForcedColors && this.parentForcedColors[cleanedValue];
+    if (parentColor) {
+      return parentColor;
+    }
+    const forcedColor = this.forcedColors[cleanedValue];
+    if (forcedColor) {
+      return forcedColor;
+    }
+    return this.scale(cleanedValue);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Enforce specific color for given value
+   * @param {*} value value
+   * @param {*} forcedColor forcedColor
+   */
+  setColor(value: string, forcedColor: string) {
+    this.forcedColors[stringifyAndTrim(value)] = forcedColor;
+    return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get a mapping of data values to colors
+   * @returns an object where the key is the data value and the value is the hex color code
+   */
+  getColorMap() {
+    const colorMap: { [key: string]: string | undefined } = {};
+    this.scale.domain().forEach(value => {
+      colorMap[value.toString()] = this.scale(value);
+    });
+    return {
+      ...colorMap,
+      ...this.forcedColors,
+      ...this.parentForcedColors,
+    };
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns an exact copy of this scale. Changes to this scale will not affect the returned scale, and vice versa.
+   */
+  copy() {
+    const copy = new CategoricalColorScale(this.scale.range(), this.parentForcedColors);
+    copy.forcedColors = { ...this.forcedColors };
+    copy.domain(this.domain());
+    copy.unknown(this.unknown());
+    return copy;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the scale's current domain.
+   */
+  domain(): { toString(): string }[];
+  /**
+   * Expands the domain to include the specified array of values.
+   */
+  domain(newDomain: { toString(): string }[]): this;
+  domain(newDomain?: { toString(): string }[]): unknown {
+    if (typeof newDomain === 'undefined') {
+      return this.scale.domain();
+    }
+    this.scale.domain(newDomain);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the scale's current range.
+   */
+  range(): string[];
+  /**
+   * Sets the range of the ordinal scale to the specified array of values.
+   *
+   * The first element in the domain will be mapped to the first element in range, the second domain value to the second range value, and so on.
+   *
+   * If there are fewer elements in the range than in the domain, the scale will reuse values from the start of the range.
+   *
+   * @param range Array of range values.
+   */
+  range(newRange: string[]): this;
+  range(newRange?: string[]): unknown {
+    if (typeof newRange === 'undefined') {
+      return this.scale.range();
+    }
+    this.colors = newRange;
+    this.scale.range(newRange);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the current unknown value, which defaults to "implicit".
+   */
+  unknown(): string | { name: 'implicit' };
+  /**
+   * Sets the output value of the scale for unknown input values and returns this scale.
+   * The implicit value enables implicit domain construction. scaleImplicit can be used as a convenience to set the implicit value.
+   *
+   * @param value Unknown value to be used or scaleImplicit to set implicit scale generation.
+   */
+  unknown(value: string | { name: 'implicit' }): this;
+  unknown(value?: string | { name: 'implicit' }): unknown {
+    if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
+      return this.scale.unknown();
+    }
+    this.scale.unknown(value);
+    return this;
+  }
+export default CategoricalColorScale;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalScheme.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalScheme.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c70ee58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalScheme.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import ColorScheme from './ColorScheme';
+export default class CategoricalScheme extends ColorScheme {}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts
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index 0000000..44143ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import makeSingleton from '../utils/makeSingleton';
+import CategoricalScheme from './CategoricalScheme';
+import ColorSchemeRegistry from './ColorSchemeRegistry';
+import schemes from './colorSchemes/categorical/d3';
+class CategoricalSchemeRegistry extends ColorSchemeRegistry<CategoricalScheme> {
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+    this.registerValue('SUPERSET_DEFAULT', schemes[0]);
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(CategoricalSchemeRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorScheme.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorScheme.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61cdc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorScheme.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+export interface ColorSchemeConfig {
+  colors: string[];
+  description?: string;
+  id: string;
+  label?: string;
+export default class ColorScheme {
+  colors: string[];
+  description: string;
+  id: string;
+  label: string;
+  constructor(config: ColorSchemeConfig) {
+    const { colors, description = '', id, label } = config;
+ = id;
+    this.label = label ?? id;
+    this.colors = colors;
+    this.description = description;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae1006e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { RegistryWithDefaultKey, OverwritePolicy } from '../models';
+export default class ColorSchemeRegistry<T> extends RegistryWithDefaultKey<T> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      name: 'ColorScheme',
+      overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN,
+      setFirstItemAsDefault: true,
+    });
+  }
+  get(key?: string) {
+    return super.get(key) as T | undefined;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialScheme.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialScheme.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aefff4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialScheme.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale';
+import { interpolateHcl, interpolateNumber, piecewise, quantize } from 'd3-interpolate';
+import ColorScheme, { ColorSchemeConfig } from './ColorScheme';
+export interface SequentialSchemeConfig extends ColorSchemeConfig {
+  isDiverging?: boolean;
+export default class SequentialScheme extends ColorScheme {
+  isDiverging: boolean;
+  constructor(config: SequentialSchemeConfig) {
+    super(config);
+    const { isDiverging = false } = config;
+    this.isDiverging = isDiverging;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Return a linear scale with a new domain interpolated from the input domain
+   * to match the number of elements in the color scheme
+   * because D3 continuous scale uses piecewise mapping between domain and range.
+   * This is a common use-case when the domain is [min, max]
+   * and the palette has more than two colors.
+   *
+   * @param domain domain of the scale
+   * @param modifyRange Set this to true if you don't want to modify the domain and
+   * want to interpolate range to have the same number of elements with domain instead.
+   */
+  createLinearScale(domain: number[] = [0, 1], modifyRange = false) {
+    const scale = scaleLinear<string>().interpolate(interpolateHcl).clamp(true);
+    return modifyRange || domain.length === this.colors.length
+      ? scale.domain(domain).range(this.getColors(domain.length))
+      : scale
+          .domain(quantize(piecewise(interpolateNumber, domain), this.colors.length))
+          .range(this.colors);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get colors from this scheme
+   * @param numColors number of colors to return.
+   * Will interpolate the current scheme to match the number of colors requested
+   * @param extent The extent of the color range to use.
+   * For example [0.2, 1] will rescale the color scheme
+   * such that color values in the range [0, 0.2) are excluded from the scheme.
+   */
+  getColors(numColors = this.colors.length, extent: number[] = [0, 1]): string[] {
+    if (numColors === this.colors.length && extent[0] === 0 && extent[1] === 1) {
+      return this.colors;
+    }
+    const piecewiseScale: (t: number) => string = piecewise(interpolateHcl, this.colors);
+    const adjustExtent = scaleLinear().range(extent).clamp(true);
+    return quantize<string>(t => piecewiseScale(adjustExtent(t) as number), numColors);
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..621fd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import makeSingleton from '../utils/makeSingleton';
+import ColorSchemeRegistry from './ColorSchemeRegistry';
+import SequentialScheme from './SequentialScheme';
+import schemes from './colorSchemes/sequential/d3';
+class SequentialSchemeRegistry extends ColorSchemeRegistry<SequentialScheme> {
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+    this.registerValue('SUPERSET_DEFAULT', schemes[0]);
+  }
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(SequentialSchemeRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/airbnb.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/airbnb.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de5cbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/airbnb.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'bnbColors',
+    label: 'Airbnb Colors',
+    colors: [
+      '#ff5a5f', // rausch
+      '#7b0051', // hackb
+      '#007A87', // kazan
+      '#00d1c1', // babu
+      '#8ce071', // lima
+      '#ffb400', // beach
+      '#b4a76c', // barol
+      '#ff8083',
+      '#cc0086',
+      '#00a1b3',
+      '#00ffeb',
+      '#bbedab',
+      '#ffd266',
+      '#cbc29a',
+      '#ff3339',
+      '#ff1ab1',
+      '#005c66',
+      '#00b3a5',
+      '#55d12e',
+      '#b37e00',
+      '#988b4e',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3d7806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'd3Category10',
+    label: 'D3 Category 10',
+    colors: [
+      '#1f77b4',
+      '#ff7f0e',
+      '#2ca02c',
+      '#d62728',
+      '#9467bd',
+      '#8c564b',
+      '#e377c2',
+      '#7f7f7f',
+      '#bcbd22',
+      '#17becf',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'd3Category20',
+    label: 'D3 Category 20',
+    colors: [
+      '#1f77b4',
+      '#aec7e8',
+      '#ff7f0e',
+      '#ffbb78',
+      '#2ca02c',
+      '#98df8a',
+      '#d62728',
+      '#ff9896',
+      '#9467bd',
+      '#c5b0d5',
+      '#8c564b',
+      '#c49c94',
+      '#e377c2',
+      '#f7b6d2',
+      '#7f7f7f',
+      '#c7c7c7',
+      '#bcbd22',
+      '#dbdb8d',
+      '#17becf',
+      '#9edae5',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'd3Category20b',
+    label: 'D3 Category 20b',
+    colors: [
+      '#393b79',
+      '#5254a3',
+      '#6b6ecf',
+      '#9c9ede',
+      '#637939',
+      '#8ca252',
+      '#b5cf6b',
+      '#cedb9c',
+      '#8c6d31',
+      '#bd9e39',
+      '#e7ba52',
+      '#e7cb94',
+      '#843c39',
+      '#ad494a',
+      '#d6616b',
+      '#e7969c',
+      '#7b4173',
+      '#a55194',
+      '#ce6dbd',
+      '#de9ed6',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'd3Category20c',
+    label: 'D3 Category 20c',
+    colors: [
+      '#3182bd',
+      '#6baed6',
+      '#9ecae1',
+      '#c6dbef',
+      '#e6550d',
+      '#fd8d3c',
+      '#fdae6b',
+      '#fdd0a2',
+      '#31a354',
+      '#74c476',
+      '#a1d99b',
+      '#c7e9c0',
+      '#756bb1',
+      '#9e9ac8',
+      '#bcbddc',
+      '#dadaeb',
+      '#636363',
+      '#969696',
+      '#bdbdbd',
+      '#d9d9d9',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/echarts.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/echarts.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aada39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/echarts.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'echarts4Colors',
+    label: 'ECharts v4.x Colors',
+    colors: [
+      '#c23531',
+      '#2f4554',
+      '#61a0a8',
+      '#d48265',
+      '#91c7ae',
+      '#749f83',
+      '#ca8622',
+      '#bda29a',
+      '#6e7074',
+      '#546570',
+      '#c4ccd3',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'echarts5Colors',
+    label: 'ECharts v5.x Colors',
+    colors: [
+      '#5470C6',
+      '#91CC75',
+      '#FAC858',
+      '#EE6666',
+      '#73C0DE',
+      '#3BA272',
+      '#FC8452',
+      '#9A60B4',
+      '#EA7CCC',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/google.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/google.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7131e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/google.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'googleCategory10c',
+    label: 'Google Category 10c',
+    colors: [
+      '#3366cc',
+      '#dc3912',
+      '#ff9900',
+      '#109618',
+      '#990099',
+      '#0099c6',
+      '#dd4477',
+      '#66aa00',
+      '#b82e2e',
+      '#316395',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'googleCategory20c',
+    label: 'Google Category 20c',
+    colors: [
+      '#3366cc',
+      '#dc3912',
+      '#ff9900',
+      '#109618',
+      '#990099',
+      '#0099c6',
+      '#dd4477',
+      '#66aa00',
+      '#b82e2e',
+      '#316395',
+      '#994499',
+      '#22aa99',
+      '#aaaa11',
+      '#6633cc',
+      '#e67300',
+      '#8b0707',
+      '#651067',
+      '#329262',
+      '#5574a6',
+      '#3b3eac',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/lyft.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/lyft.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4573675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/lyft.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'lyftColors',
+    label: 'Lyft Colors',
+    colors: [
+      '#EA0B8C',
+      '#6C838E',
+      '#29ABE2',
+      '#33D9C1',
+      '#9DACB9',
+      '#7560AA',
+      '#2D5584',
+      '#831C4A',
+      '#333D47',
+      '#AC2077',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/preset.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/preset.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befa5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/preset.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'presetColors',
+    label: 'Preset Colors',
+    colors: [
+      // Full color
+      '#6BD3B3',
+      '#FCC550',
+      '#408184',
+      '#66CBE2',
+      '#EE5960',
+      '#484E5A',
+      '#FF874E',
+      '#03748E',
+      '#C9BBAB',
+      '#B17BAA',
+      // Pastels
+      '#B5E9D9',
+      '#FDE2A7',
+      '#9FC0C1',
+      '#B2E5F0',
+      '#F6ACAF',
+      '#A4A6AC',
+      '#FFC3A6',
+      '#81B9C6',
+      '#E4DDD5',
+      '#D9BDD5',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/superset.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/superset.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0581ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/superset.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import CategoricalScheme from '../../CategoricalScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'supersetColors',
+    label: 'Superset Colors',
+    colors: [
+      // Full color
+      '#1FA8C9',
+      '#454E7C',
+      '#5AC189',
+      '#FF7F44',
+      '#666666',
+      '#E04355',
+      '#FCC700',
+      '#A868B7',
+      '#3CCCCB',
+      '#A38F79',
+      // Pastels
+      '#8FD3E4',
+      '#A1A6BD',
+      '#ACE1C4',
+      '#FEC0A1',
+      '#B2B2B2',
+      '#EFA1AA',
+      '#FDE380',
+      '#D3B3DA',
+      '#9EE5E5',
+      '#D1C6BC',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new CategoricalScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a144c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import SequentialScheme from '../../SequentialScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'blue_white_yellow',
+    label: 'blue/white/yellow',
+    colors: ['#00d1c1', 'white', '#ffb400'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'fire',
+    colors: ['white', 'yellow', 'red', 'black'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'white_black',
+    label: 'white/black',
+    colors: ['white', 'black'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'black_white',
+    label: 'black/white',
+    colors: ['black', 'white'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'dark_blue',
+    label: 'dark blues',
+    colors: ['#EBF5F8', '#6BB1CC', '#357E9B', '#1B4150', '#092935'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'pink_grey',
+    label: 'pink/grey',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: ['#E70B81', '#FAFAFA', '#666666'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'greens',
+    colors: ['#ffffcc', '#78c679', '#006837'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'purples',
+    colors: ['#f2f0f7', '#9e9ac8', '#54278f'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'oranges',
+    colors: ['#fef0d9', '#fc8d59', '#b30000'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'red_yellow_blue',
+    label: 'red/yellow/blue',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: ['#d7191c', '#fdae61', '#ffffbf', '#abd9e9', '#2c7bb6'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'brown_white_green',
+    label: 'brown/white/green',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: ['#a6611a', '#dfc27d', '#f5f5f5', '#80cdc1', '#018571'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'purple_white_green',
+    label: 'purple/white/green',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: ['#7b3294', '#c2a5cf', '#f7f7f7', '#a6dba0', '#008837'],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'superset_seq_1',
+    label: 'Superset Sequential #1',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#F4FAD4',
+      '#D7F1AC',
+      '#A9E3AF',
+      '#82CDBB',
+      '#63C1BF',
+      '#1FA8C9',
+      '#2367AC',
+      '#2A2D84',
+      '#251354',
+      '#050415',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'superset_seq_2',
+    label: 'Superset Sequential #2',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#FBF1B4',
+      '#FDD093',
+      '#FEAD71',
+      '#FF7F44',
+      '#E04355',
+      '#C53D6F',
+      '#952B7B',
+      '#4F167B',
+      '#251354',
+      '#050415',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'superset_div_1',
+    label: 'Superset Diverging #1',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#E04355',
+      '#E87180',
+      '#EFA1AA',
+      '#F7D0D4',
+      '#F6F6F7',
+      '#C8E9F1',
+      '#8FD3E4',
+      '#58BDD7',
+      '#1FA8C9',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'superset_div_2',
+    label: 'Superset Diverging #2',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#FF7F44',
+      '#FF9E72',
+      '#FEC0A1',
+      '#FFDFD0',
+      '#F6F6F7',
+      '#C8E9F1',
+      '#8FD3E4',
+      '#58BDD7',
+      '#1FA8C9',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'preset_seq_1',
+    label: 'Preset Sequential #1',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#F3FAEB',
+      '#DEF2D7',
+      '#CAEAC4',
+      '#98DEBC',
+      '#69D3B5',
+      '#4AA59D',
+      '#287886',
+      '#0D5B6A',
+      '#03273F',
+      '#03273F',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'preset_seq_2',
+    label: 'Preset Sequential #2',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#FEECE8',
+      '#FDE2DA',
+      '#FCCEC2',
+      '#F998AA',
+      '#F76896',
+      '#D13186',
+      '#AC0378',
+      '#790071',
+      '#43026C',
+      '#050415',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'preset_div_1',
+    label: 'Preset Diverging #1',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#B17BAA',
+      '#C59DC0',
+      '#D9BDD5',
+      '#D9BDD5',
+      '#F6F6F7',
+      '#CBEFE5',
+      '#98DECA',
+      '#64D0B0',
+      '#32BE96',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'preset_div_2',
+    label: 'Preset Diverging #2',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: [
+      '#CB5171',
+      '#D87C94',
+      '#E5A8B7',
+      '#F2D3DB',
+      '#F6F6F7',
+      '#CEE8EC',
+      '#9CD1D8',
+      '#6CBAC6',
+      '#3AA3B2',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'echarts_gradient',
+    label: 'ECharts gradient',
+    isDiverging: false,
+    colors: ['#f6EFA6', '#D88273', '#BF444C'],
+  },
+].map(s => new SequentialScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f18ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+import SequentialScheme from '../../SequentialScheme';
+const schemes = [
+  {
+    id: 'schemeRdBu',
+    label: 'red/blue',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#67001f',
+      '#b2182b',
+      '#d6604d',
+      '#f4a582',
+      '#fddbc7',
+      '#d1e5f0',
+      '#92c5de',
+      '#4393c3',
+      '#2166ac',
+      '#053061',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeBrBG',
+    label: 'brown/green',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#543005',
+      '#8c510a',
+      '#bf812d',
+      '#dfc27d',
+      '#f6e8c3',
+      '#c7eae5',
+      '#80cdc1',
+      '#35978f',
+      '#01665e',
+      '#003c30',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePRGn',
+    label: 'purple/green',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#40004b',
+      '#762a83',
+      '#9970ab',
+      '#c2a5cf',
+      '#e7d4e8',
+      '#d9f0d3',
+      '#a6dba0',
+      '#5aae61',
+      '#1b7837',
+      '#00441b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePiYG',
+    label: 'pink/green',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#8e0152',
+      '#c51b7d',
+      '#de77ae',
+      '#f1b6da',
+      '#fde0ef',
+      '#e6f5d0',
+      '#b8e186',
+      '#7fbc41',
+      '#4d9221',
+      '#276419',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePuOr',
+    label: 'purple/orange',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#2d004b',
+      '#542788',
+      '#8073ac',
+      '#b2abd2',
+      '#d8daeb',
+      '#fee0b6',
+      '#fdb863',
+      '#e08214',
+      '#b35806',
+      '#7f3b08',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeRdGy',
+    label: 'red/gray/black',
+    isDiverging: true,
+    colors: [
+      '#67001f',
+      '#b2182b',
+      '#d6604d',
+      '#f4a582',
+      '#fddbc7',
+      '#e0e0e0',
+      '#bababa',
+      '#878787',
+      '#4d4d4d',
+      '#1a1a1a',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeRdYlBu',
+    label: 'red/yellow/blue',
+    colors: [
+      '#a50026',
+      '#d73027',
+      '#f46d43',
+      '#fdae61',
+      '#fee090',
+      '#e0f3f8',
+      '#abd9e9',
+      '#74add1',
+      '#4575b4',
+      '#313695',
+    ],
+    isDiverging: true,
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeRdYlGn',
+    label: 'red/yellow/green',
+    colors: [
+      '#a50026',
+      '#d73027',
+      '#f46d43',
+      '#fdae61',
+      '#fee08b',
+      '#d9ef8b',
+      '#a6d96a',
+      '#66bd63',
+      '#1a9850',
+      '#006837',
+    ],
+    isDiverging: true,
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeSpectral',
+    label: 'rainbow',
+    colors: [
+      '#9e0142',
+      '#d53e4f',
+      '#f46d43',
+      '#fdae61',
+      '#fee08b',
+      '#e6f598',
+      '#abdda4',
+      '#66c2a5',
+      '#3288bd',
+      '#5e4fa2',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeBlues',
+    label: 'blues',
+    colors: [
+      '#b5d4e9',
+      '#93c3df',
+      '#6daed5',
+      '#4b97c9',
+      '#2f7ebc',
+      '#1864aa',
+      '#0a4a90',
+      '#08306b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeGreens',
+    label: 'greens',
+    colors: [
+      '#b7e2b1',
+      '#97d494',
+      '#73c378',
+      '#4daf62',
+      '#2f984f',
+      '#157f3b',
+      '#036429',
+      '#00441b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeGrays',
+    label: 'grays',
+    colors: [
+      '#cecece',
+      '#b4b4b4',
+      '#979797',
+      '#7a7a7a',
+      '#5f5f5f',
+      '#404040',
+      '#1e1e1e',
+      '#000000',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeOranges',
+    label: 'oranges',
+    colors: [
+      '#fdc28c',
+      '#fda762',
+      '#fb8d3d',
+      '#f2701d',
+      '#e25609',
+      '#c44103',
+      '#9f3303',
+      '#7f2704',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePurples',
+    label: 'purples',
+    colors: [
+      '#cecee5',
+      '#b6b5d8',
+      '#9e9bc9',
+      '#8782bc',
+      '#7363ac',
+      '#61409b',
+      '#501f8c',
+      '#3f007d',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeReds',
+    label: 'reds',
+    colors: [
+      '#fcaa8e',
+      '#fc8a6b',
+      '#f9694c',
+      '#ef4533',
+      '#d92723',
+      '#bb151a',
+      '#970b13',
+      '#67000d',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeViridis',
+    label: 'Viridis',
+    colors: [
+      '#482475',
+      '#414487',
+      '#355f8d',
+      '#2a788e',
+      '#21918c',
+      '#22a884',
+      '#44bf70',
+      '#7ad151',
+      '#bddf26',
+      '#fde725',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeInferno',
+    label: 'Inferno',
+    colors: [
+      '#160b39',
+      '#420a68',
+      '#6a176e',
+      '#932667',
+      '#bc3754',
+      '#dd513a',
+      '#f37819',
+      '#fca50a',
+      '#f6d746',
+      '#fcffa4',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeMagma',
+    label: 'Magma',
+    colors: [
+      '#140e36',
+      '#3b0f70',
+      '#641a80',
+      '#8c2981',
+      '#b73779',
+      '#de4968',
+      '#f7705c',
+      '#fe9f6d',
+      '#fecf92',
+      '#fcfdbf',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeWarm',
+    label: 'Warm',
+    colors: [
+      '#963db3',
+      '#bf3caf',
+      '#e4419d',
+      '#fe4b83',
+      '#ff5e63',
+      '#ff7847',
+      '#fb9633',
+      '#e2b72f',
+      '#c6d63c',
+      '#aff05b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeCool',
+    label: 'Cool',
+    colors: [
+      '#6054c8',
+      '#4c6edb',
+      '#368ce1',
+      '#23abd8',
+      '#1ac7c2',
+      '#1ddfa3',
+      '#30ef82',
+      '#52f667',
+      '#7ff658',
+      '#aff05b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeCubehelixDefault',
+    label: 'Cube Helix',
+    colors: [
+      '#1a1530',
+      '#163d4e',
+      '#1f6642',
+      '#54792f',
+      '#a07949',
+      '#d07e93',
+      '#cf9cda',
+      '#c1caf3',
+      '#d2eeef',
+      '#ffffff',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeBuGn',
+    label: 'blue/green',
+    colors: [
+      '#b7e4da',
+      '#8fd3c1',
+      '#68c2a3',
+      '#49b17f',
+      '#2f9959',
+      '#157f3c',
+      '#036429',
+      '#00441b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeBuPu',
+    label: 'blue/purple',
+    colors: [
+      '#b2cae1',
+      '#9cb3d5',
+      '#8f95c6',
+      '#8c74b5',
+      '#8952a5',
+      '#852d8f',
+      '#730f71',
+      '#4d004b',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeGnBu',
+    label: 'green/blue',
+    colors: [
+      '#bde5bf',
+      '#9ed9bb',
+      '#7bcbc4',
+      '#58b7cd',
+      '#399cc6',
+      '#1d7eb7',
+      '#0b60a1',
+      '#084081',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeOrRd',
+    label: 'orange/red',
+    colors: [
+      '#fdca94',
+      '#fdb07a',
+      '#fa8e5d',
+      '#f16c49',
+      '#e04530',
+      '#c81d13',
+      '#a70403',
+      '#7f0000',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePuBuGn',
+    label: 'purple/blue/green',
+    colors: [
+      '#bec9e2',
+      '#98b9d9',
+      '#69a8cf',
+      '#4096c0',
+      '#19879f',
+      '#037877',
+      '#016353',
+      '#014636',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePuBu',
+    label: 'purple/blue',
+    colors: [
+      '#bfc9e2',
+      '#9bb9d9',
+      '#72a8cf',
+      '#4394c3',
+      '#1a7db6',
+      '#0667a1',
+      '#045281',
+      '#023858',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemePuRd',
+    label: 'purple/red',
+    colors: [
+      '#d0aad2',
+      '#d08ac2',
+      '#dd63ae',
+      '#e33890',
+      '#d71c6c',
+      '#b70b4f',
+      '#8f023a',
+      '#67001f',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeRdPu',
+    label: 'red/purple',
+    colors: [
+      '#fbb5bc',
+      '#f993b0',
+      '#f369a3',
+      '#e03e98',
+      '#c01788',
+      '#99037c',
+      '#700174',
+      '#49006a',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeYlGnBu',
+    label: 'yellow/green/blue',
+    colors: [
+      '#d5eeb3',
+      '#a9ddb7',
+      '#73c9bd',
+      '#45b4c2',
+      '#2897bf',
+      '#2073b2',
+      '#234ea0',
+      '#1c3185',
+      '#081d58',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeYlGn',
+    label: 'yellow/green',
+    colors: [
+      '#e4f4ac',
+      '#c7e89b',
+      '#a2d88a',
+      '#78c578',
+      '#4eaf63',
+      '#2f944e',
+      '#15793f',
+      '#036034',
+      '#004529',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeYlOrBr',
+    label: 'yellow/orange/brown',
+    colors: [
+      '#feeaa1',
+      '#fed676',
+      '#feba4a',
+      '#fb992c',
+      '#ee7918',
+      '#d85b0a',
+      '#b74304',
+      '#8f3204',
+      '#662506',
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    id: 'schemeYlOrRd',
+    label: 'yellow/orange/red',
+    colors: [
+      '#fee087',
+      '#fec965',
+      '#feab4b',
+      '#fd893c',
+      '#fa5c2e',
+      '#ec3023',
+      '#d31121',
+      '#af0225',
+      '#800026',
+    ],
+  },
+].map(s => new SequentialScheme(s));
+export default schemes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d778fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import * as CategoricalColorNamespace from './CategoricalColorNamespace';
+export { CategoricalColorNamespace };
+export { default as CategoricalColorScale } from './CategoricalColorScale';
+export { default as CategoricalScheme } from './CategoricalScheme';
+export { default as getCategoricalSchemeRegistry } from './CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from './SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as SequentialScheme } from './SequentialScheme';
+export const BRAND_COLOR = '#00A699';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/stringifyAndTrim.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/stringifyAndTrim.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8160c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/stringifyAndTrim.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Ensure value is a string
+ * @param {any} value
+ */
+export default function stringifyAndTrim(value?: number | string) {
+  return String(value).trim();
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85492a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/color/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export interface ColorsLookup {
+  [key: string]: string;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/
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index 0000000..89cbc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+## @superset-ui/core/connection
+Connection modules for Superset:
+- `SupersetClient` requests and authentication
+- (future) `i18n` locales and translation
+### SupersetClient
+The `SupersetClient` handles all client-side requests to the Superset backend. It can be configured
+for use within the Superset application, or used to issue `CORS` requests in other applications. At
+a high-level it supports:
+- `CSRF` token authentication
+  - a token may be passed at configuration time, else the client will handle fetching and passing
+    the token in all subsequent requests.
+  - queues requests in the case that another request is made before the token is received.
+  - it checks for a token before every request, and will fail if no token was received or if it has
+    expired. In either case the user should be directed to re-authenticate.
+- supports `GET` and `POST` requests (no `PUT` or `DELETE`)
+- timeouts
+- query aborts through the `AbortController` API
+- conditional `GET` requests using `If-None-Match` and `ETag` headers
+#### Example usage
+// appSetup.js
+import { SupersetClient } from `@superset-ui/core`;
+SupersetClient.init(); // CSRF auth, can also chain `.configure().init();
+// anotherFile.js
+import { SupersetClient } from `@superset-ui/core`;
+  .then(({ request, json }) => ...)
+  .catch((error) => ...);
+#### API
+##### Client Configuration
+The following flags can be passed in the client config call
+- `protocol = 'http:'`
+- `host`
+- `headers`
+- `credentials = 'same-origin'` (set to `include` for non-Superset apps)
+- `mode = 'same-origin'` (set to `cors` for non-Superset apps)
+- `timeout`
+- `csrfToken` you can configure the client with a CSRF token at configuration time, else the client
+  will attempt to fetch this before any other requests are issued
+##### Per-request Configuration
+The following flags can be passed on a per-request call `SupersetClient.get/post(...requestConfig);`
+- `url` or `endpoint`
+- `headers`
+- `body`
+- `timeout`
+- `signal` (for aborting, from `const { signal } = (new AbortController())`)
+- for `POST` requests
+  - `postPayload` (key values are added to a `new FormData()`)
+  - `stringify` whether to call `JSON.stringify` on `postPayload` values
+##### Request aborting
+Per-request aborting is implemented through the `AbortController` API:
+import { SupersetClient } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import AbortController from 'abortcontroller-polyfill';
+const controller = new AbortController();
+const { signal } = controller;
+SupersetClient.get({ ..., signal }).then(...).catch(...);
+if (IWantToCancelForSomeReason) {
+  signal.abort(); // Promise is rejected, request `catch` is invoked
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClient.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClient.ts
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index 0000000..91e0977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import SupersetClientClass from './SupersetClientClass';
+import { SupersetClientInterface } from './types';
+let singletonClient: SupersetClientClass | undefined;
+function getInstance(): SupersetClientClass {
+  if (!singletonClient) {
+    throw new Error('You must call SupersetClient.configure(...) before calling other methods');
+  }
+  return singletonClient;
+const SupersetClient: SupersetClientInterface = {
+  configure: config => {
+    singletonClient = new SupersetClientClass(config);
+    return singletonClient;
+  },
+  reset: () => {
+    singletonClient = undefined;
+  },
+  getInstance,
+  delete: request => getInstance().delete(request),
+  get: request => getInstance().get(request),
+  init: force => getInstance().init(force),
+  isAuthenticated: () => getInstance().isAuthenticated(),
+  post: request => getInstance().post(request),
+  put: request => getInstance().put(request),
+  reAuthenticate: () => getInstance().reAuthenticate(),
+  request: request => getInstance().request(request),
+export default SupersetClient;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClientClass.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClientClass.ts
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index 0000000..8915db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/SupersetClientClass.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import callApiAndParseWithTimeout from './callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout';
+import {
+  ClientConfig,
+  ClientTimeout,
+  Credentials,
+  CsrfPromise,
+  CsrfToken,
+  FetchRetryOptions,
+  Headers,
+  Host,
+  Mode,
+  Protocol,
+  RequestConfig,
+  ParseMethod,
+} from './types';
+import { DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_BASE_URL } from './constants';
+export default class SupersetClientClass {
+  credentials: Credentials;
+  csrfToken?: CsrfToken;
+  csrfPromise?: CsrfPromise;
+  fetchRetryOptions?: FetchRetryOptions;
+  baseUrl: string;
+  protocol: Protocol;
+  host: Host;
+  headers: Headers;
+  mode: Mode;
+  timeout: ClientTimeout;
+  constructor({
+    baseUrl = DEFAULT_BASE_URL,
+    host,
+    protocol,
+    headers = {},
+    fetchRetryOptions = {},
+    mode = 'same-origin',
+    timeout,
+    credentials = undefined,
+    csrfToken = undefined,
+  }: ClientConfig = {}) {
+    const url = new URL(
+      host || protocol ? `${protocol || 'https:'}//${host || 'localhost'}` : baseUrl,
+      // baseUrl for API could also be relative, so we provide current location.href
+      // as the base of baseUrl
+      window.location.href,
+    );
+    this.baseUrl = url.href.replace(/\/+$/, ''); // always strip trailing slash
+ =;
+    this.protocol = url.protocol as Protocol;
+    this.headers = { ...headers };
+    this.mode = mode;
+    this.timeout = timeout;
+    this.credentials = credentials;
+    this.csrfToken = csrfToken;
+    this.fetchRetryOptions = { ...DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS, ...fetchRetryOptions };
+    if (typeof this.csrfToken === 'string') {
+      this.headers = { ...this.headers, 'X-CSRFToken': this.csrfToken };
+      this.csrfPromise = Promise.resolve(this.csrfToken);
+    }
+  }
+  async init(force = false): CsrfPromise {
+    if (this.isAuthenticated() && !force) {
+      return this.csrfPromise as CsrfPromise;
+    }
+    return this.getCSRFToken();
+  }
+  async reAuthenticate() {
+    return this.init(true);
+  }
+  isAuthenticated(): boolean {
+    // if CSRF protection is disabled in the Superset app, the token may be an empty string
+    return this.csrfToken !== null && this.csrfToken !== undefined;
+  }
+  async get<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>(requestConfig: RequestConfig & { parseMethod?: T }) {
+    return this.request({ ...requestConfig, method: 'GET' });
+  }
+  async delete<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>(requestConfig: RequestConfig & { parseMethod?: T }) {
+    return this.request({ ...requestConfig, method: 'DELETE' });
+  }
+  async put<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>(requestConfig: RequestConfig & { parseMethod?: T }) {
+    return this.request({ ...requestConfig, method: 'PUT' });
+  }
+  async post<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>(requestConfig: RequestConfig & { parseMethod?: T }) {
+    return this.request({ ...requestConfig, method: 'POST' });
+  }
+  async request<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>({
+    credentials,
+    mode,
+    endpoint,
+    host,
+    url,
+    headers,
+    timeout,
+    fetchRetryOptions,
+  }: RequestConfig & { parseMethod?: T }) {
+    await this.ensureAuth();
+    return callApiAndParseWithTimeout({
+      credentials: credentials ?? this.credentials,
+      mode: mode ?? this.mode,
+      url: this.getUrl({ endpoint, host, url }),
+      headers: { ...this.headers, ...headers },
+      timeout: timeout ?? this.timeout,
+      fetchRetryOptions: fetchRetryOptions ?? this.fetchRetryOptions,
+    });
+  }
+  async ensureAuth(): CsrfPromise {
+    return (
+      this.csrfPromise ??
+      // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
+      Promise.reject({
+        error: `SupersetClient has not been provided a CSRF token, ensure it is
+        initialized with \`client.getCSRFToken()\` or try logging in at
+        ${this.getUrl({ endpoint: '/login' })}`,
+      })
+    );
+  }
+  async getCSRFToken() {
+    this.csrfToken = undefined;
+    // If we can request this resource successfully, it means that the user has
+    // authenticated. If not we throw an error prompting to authenticate.
+    this.csrfPromise = callApiAndParseWithTimeout({
+      credentials: this.credentials,
+      headers: {
+        ...this.headers,
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+      mode: this.mode,
+      timeout: this.timeout,
+      url: this.getUrl({ endpoint: 'superset/csrf_token/' }),
+      parseMethod: 'json',
+    }).then(({ json }) => {
+      if (typeof json === 'object') {
+        this.csrfToken = json.csrf_token as string;
+        if (typeof this.csrfToken === 'string') {
+          this.headers = { ...this.headers, 'X-CSRFToken': this.csrfToken };
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.isAuthenticated()) {
+        return this.csrfToken;
+      }
+      // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
+      return Promise.reject({ error: 'Failed to fetch CSRF token' });
+    });
+    return this.csrfPromise;
+  }
+  getUrl({
+    host: inputHost,
+    endpoint = '',
+    url,
+  }: {
+    endpoint?: string;
+    host?: Host;
+    url?: string;
+  } = {}) {
+    if (typeof url === 'string') return url;
+    const host = inputHost ??;
+    const cleanHost = host.slice(-1) === '/' ? host.slice(0, -1) : host; // no backslash
+    return `${this.protocol}//${cleanHost}/${endpoint[0] === '/' ? endpoint.slice(1) : endpoint}`;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApi.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApi.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189b2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApi.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import 'whatwg-fetch';
+import fetchRetry from 'fetch-retry';
+import { CallApi, Payload, JsonValue } from '../types';
+function tryParsePayload(payload: Payload) {
+  try {
+    return typeof payload === 'string' ? (JSON.parse(payload) as JsonValue) : payload;
+  } catch (error) {
+    throw new Error(`Invalid payload:\n\n${payload}`);
+  }
+ * Try appending search params to an URL if needed.
+ */
+function getFullUrl(partialUrl: string, params: CallApi['searchParams']) {
+  if (params) {
+    const url = new URL(partialUrl, window.location.href);
+    const search = params instanceof URLSearchParams ? params : new URLSearchParams(params);
+    // will completely override any existing search params
+ = search.toString();
+    return url.href;
+  }
+  return partialUrl;
+ * Fetch an API response and returns the corresponding json.
+ *
+ * @param {Payload} postPayload payload to send as FormData in a post form
+ * @param {Payload} jsonPayload json payload to post, will automatically add Content-Type header
+ * @param {string} stringify whether to stringify field values when post as formData
+ */
+export default async function callApi({
+  body,
+  cache = 'default',
+  credentials = 'same-origin',
+  fetchRetryOptions,
+  headers,
+  method = 'GET',
+  mode = 'same-origin',
+  postPayload,
+  jsonPayload,
+  redirect = 'follow',
+  signal,
+  stringify = true,
+  url: url_,
+  searchParams,
+}: CallApi): Promise<Response> {
+  const fetchWithRetry = fetchRetry(fetch, fetchRetryOptions);
+  const url = `${getFullUrl(url_, searchParams)}`;
+  const request = {
+    body,
+    cache,
+    credentials,
+    headers,
+    method,
+    mode,
+    redirect,
+    signal,
+  };
+  if (
+    method === 'GET' &&
+    cache !== 'no-store' &&
+    cache !== 'reload' &&
+    (window.location && window.location.protocol) === 'https:'
+  ) {
+    const supersetCache = await;
+    const cachedResponse = await supersetCache.match(url);
+    if (cachedResponse) {
+      // if we have a cached response, send its ETag in the
+      // `If-None-Match` header in a conditional request
+      const etag = cachedResponse.headers.get('Etag') as string;
+      request.headers = { ...request.headers, 'If-None-Match': etag };
+    }
+    const response = await fetchWithRetry(url, request);
+    if (response.status === HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) {
+      const cachedFullResponse = await supersetCache.match(url);
+      if (cachedFullResponse) {
+        return cachedFullResponse.clone();
+      }
+      throw new Error('Received 304 but no content is cached!');
+    }
+    if (response.status === HTTP_STATUS_OK && response.headers.get('Etag')) {
+      supersetCache.delete(url);
+      supersetCache.put(url, response.clone());
+    }
+    return response;
+  }
+  if (method === 'POST' || method === 'PATCH' || method === 'PUT') {
+    if (postPayload && jsonPayload) {
+      throw new Error('Please provide only one of jsonPayload or postPayload');
+    }
+    if (postPayload instanceof FormData) {
+      request.body = postPayload;
+    } else if (postPayload) {
+      const payload = tryParsePayload(postPayload);
+      if (payload && typeof payload === 'object') {
+        // using FormData has the effect that Content-Type header is set to `multipart/form-data`,
+        // not e.g., 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+        const formData: FormData = new FormData();
+        Object.keys(payload).forEach(key => {
+          const value = payload[key] as JsonValue;
+          if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
+            formData.append(key, stringify ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value));
+          }
+        });
+        request.body = formData;
+      }
+    }
+    if (jsonPayload !== undefined) {
+      request.body = JSON.stringify(jsonPayload);
+      request.headers = { ...request.headers, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
+    }
+  }
+  return fetchWithRetry(url, request);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a161a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import callApi from './callApi';
+import rejectAfterTimeout from './rejectAfterTimeout';
+import parseResponse from './parseResponse';
+import { CallApi, ClientTimeout, ParseMethod } from '../types';
+export default async function callApiAndParseWithTimeout<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>({
+  timeout,
+  parseMethod,
+}: { timeout?: ClientTimeout; parseMethod?: T } & CallApi) {
+  const apiPromise = callApi(rest);
+  const racedPromise =
+    typeof timeout === 'number' && timeout > 0
+      ? Promise.race([apiPromise, rejectAfterTimeout<Response>(timeout)])
+      : apiPromise;
+  return parseResponse(racedPromise, parseMethod);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/index.ts
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index 0000000..12d1deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default } from './callApiAndParseWithTimeout';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/parseResponse.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/parseResponse.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1367f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/parseResponse.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { ParseMethod, TextResponse, JsonResponse } from '../types';
+export default async function parseResponse<T extends ParseMethod = 'json'>(
+  apiPromise: Promise<Response>,
+  parseMethod?: T,
+) {
+  type ReturnType = T extends 'raw' | null
+    ? Response
+    : T extends 'json' | undefined
+    ? JsonResponse
+    : T extends 'text'
+    ? TextResponse
+    : never;
+  const response = await apiPromise;
+  // reject failed HTTP requests with the raw response
+  if (!response.ok) {
+    return Promise.reject(response);
+  }
+  if (parseMethod === null || parseMethod === 'raw') {
+    return response as ReturnType;
+  }
+  if (parseMethod === 'text') {
+    const text = await response.text();
+    const result: TextResponse = {
+      response,
+      text,
+    };
+    return result as ReturnType;
+  }
+  // by default treat this as json
+  if (parseMethod === undefined || parseMethod === 'json') {
+    const json = await response.json();
+    const result: JsonResponse = {
+      json,
+      response,
+    };
+    return result as ReturnType;
+  }
+  throw new Error(`Expected parseResponse=json|text|raw|null, got '${parseMethod}'.`);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c8b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// returns a Promise that rejects after the specified timeout
+export default function rejectAfterTimeout<T>(timeout: number) {
+  return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
+    setTimeout(
+      () =>
+        // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
+        reject({
+          error: 'Request timed out',
+          statusText: 'timeout',
+          timeout,
+        }),
+      timeout,
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbd2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { FetchRetryOptions } from './types';
+export const DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost';
+// HTTP status codes
+export const HTTP_STATUS_OK = 200;
+export const HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
+// Namespace for Cache API
+export const CACHE_AVAILABLE = 'caches' in window;
+export const DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS: FetchRetryOptions = {
+  retries: 3,
+  retryDelay: 1000,
+  retryOn: [503],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/index.ts
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index 0000000..a78cfd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export { default as callApi } from './callApi';
+export { default as SupersetClient } from './SupersetClient';
+export { default as SupersetClientClass } from './SupersetClientClass';
+export * from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/types.ts
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index 0000000..4740a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/connection/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import SupersetClientClass from './SupersetClientClass';
+export type Body = RequestInit['body'];
+export type Cache = RequestInit['cache'];
+export type Credentials = RequestInit['credentials'];
+export type Endpoint = string;
+export type FetchRetryOptions = {
+  retries?: number;
+  retryDelay?: number | ((attempt: number, error: Error, response: Response) => number);
+  retryOn?: number[] | ((attempt: number, error: Error, response: Response) => boolean);
+export type Headers = { [k: string]: string };
+export type Host = string;
+export type JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null;
+ * More strict JSON value types. If this fails to satisfy TypeScript when using
+ * as function arguments, use `JsonObject` instead. `StrictJsonObject` helps make
+ * sure all values are plain objects, but it does not accept specific types when
+ * used as function arguments.
+ * (Ref:
+ */
+export type StrictJsonValue = JsonPrimitive | StrictJsonObject | StrictJsonArray;
+export type StrictJsonArray = StrictJsonValue[];
+ * More strict JSON objects that makes sure all values are plain objects.
+ * If this fails to satisfy TypeScript when using as function arguments,
+ * use `JsonObject` instead.
+ * (Ref:
+ */
+export type StrictJsonObject = { [member: string]: StrictJsonValue };
+export type JsonValue = JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray;
+export type JsonArray = JsonValue[];
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+export type JsonObject = { [member: string]: any };
+ * Request payload, can be use in GET query string, Post form or POST JSON.
+ * If string, will parse with JSON.parse.
+ */
+export type Payload = JsonObject | string | null;
+export type Method = RequestInit['method'];
+export type Mode = RequestInit['mode'];
+export type Redirect = RequestInit['redirect'];
+export type ClientTimeout = number | undefined;
+export type ParseMethod = 'json' | 'text' | 'raw' | null | undefined;
+export type Signal = RequestInit['signal'];
+export type Stringify = boolean;
+export type Url = string;
+export interface RequestBase {
+  body?: Body;
+  credentials?: Credentials;
+  fetchRetryOptions?: FetchRetryOptions;
+  headers?: Headers;
+  host?: Host;
+  mode?: Mode;
+  method?: Method;
+  jsonPayload?: Payload;
+  postPayload?: Payload | FormData;
+  searchParams?: Payload | URLSearchParams;
+  signal?: Signal;
+  stringify?: Stringify;
+  timeout?: ClientTimeout;
+export interface CallApi extends RequestBase {
+  url: Url;
+  cache?: Cache;
+  redirect?: Redirect;
+export interface RequestWithEndpoint extends RequestBase {
+  endpoint: Endpoint;
+  url?: Url;
+export interface RequestWithUrl extends RequestBase {
+  url: Url;
+  endpoint?: Endpoint;
+// this make sure at least one of `url` or `endpoint` is set
+export type RequestConfig = RequestWithEndpoint | RequestWithUrl;
+export interface JsonResponse {
+  response: Response;
+  json: JsonObject;
+export interface TextResponse {
+  response: Response;
+  text: string;
+export type CsrfToken = string;
+export type CsrfPromise = Promise<string | undefined>;
+export type Protocol = 'http:' | 'https:';
+export interface ClientConfig {
+  baseUrl?: string;
+  host?: Host;
+  protocol?: Protocol;
+  credentials?: Credentials;
+  csrfToken?: CsrfToken;
+  fetchRetryOptions?: FetchRetryOptions;
+  headers?: Headers;
+  mode?: Mode;
+  timeout?: ClientTimeout;
+export interface SupersetClientInterface
+  extends Pick<
+    SupersetClientClass,
+    'delete' | 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'request' | 'init' | 'isAuthenticated' | 'reAuthenticate'
+  > {
+  configure: (config?: ClientConfig) => SupersetClientClass;
+  getInstance: (maybeClient?: SupersetClientClass) => SupersetClientClass;
+  reset: () => void;
+export type SupersetClientResponse = Response | JsonResponse | TextResponse;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.ts
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index 0000000..6790c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import getTextDimension, { GetTextDimensionInput } from './getTextDimension';
+import { Dimension } from './types';
+function decreaseSizeUntil(
+  startSize: number,
+  computeDimension: (size: number) => Dimension,
+  condition: (dimension: Dimension) => boolean,
+): number {
+  let size = startSize;
+  let dimension = computeDimension(size);
+  while (!condition(dimension)) {
+    size -= 1;
+    dimension = computeDimension(size);
+  }
+  return size;
+export default function computeMaxFontSize(
+  input: GetTextDimensionInput & {
+    maxWidth?: number;
+    maxHeight?: number;
+    idealFontSize?: number;
+  },
+) {
+  const { idealFontSize, maxWidth, maxHeight, style, } = input;
+  let size: number;
+  if (idealFontSize !== undefined && idealFontSize !== null) {
+    size = idealFontSize;
+  } else if (maxHeight === undefined || maxHeight === null) {
+    throw new Error('You must specify at least one of maxHeight or idealFontSize');
+  } else {
+    size = Math.floor(maxHeight);
+  }
+  function computeDimension(fontSize: number) {
+    return getTextDimension({
+      style: {, fontSize: `${fontSize}px` },
+    });
+  }
+  if (maxWidth !== undefined && maxWidth !== null) {
+    size = decreaseSizeUntil(size, computeDimension, dim => dim.width <= maxWidth);
+  }
+  if (maxHeight !== undefined && maxHeight !== null) {
+    size = decreaseSizeUntil(size, computeDimension, dim => dim.height <= maxHeight);
+  }
+  return size;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.ts
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index 0000000..58badcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import { TextStyle, Dimension } from './types';
+import getBBoxCeil from './svg/getBBoxCeil';
+import { hiddenSvgFactory, textFactory } from './svg/factories';
+import updateTextNode from './svg/updateTextNode';
+ * get dimensions of multiple texts with same style
+ * @param input
+ * @param defaultDimension
+ */
+export default function getMultipleTextDimensions(
+  input: {
+    className?: string;
+    container?: HTMLElement;
+    style?: TextStyle;
+    texts: string[];
+  },
+  defaultDimension?: Dimension,
+): Dimension[] {
+  const { texts, className, style, container } = input;
+  const cache = new Map<string, Dimension>();
+  // for empty string
+  cache.set('', { height: 0, width: 0 });
+  let textNode: SVGTextElement | undefined;
+  let svgNode: SVGSVGElement | undefined;
+  const dimensions = => {
+    // Check if this string has been computed already
+    if (cache.has(text)) {
+      return cache.get(text) as Dimension;
+    }
+    // Lazy creation of text and svg nodes
+    if (!textNode) {
+      svgNode = hiddenSvgFactory.createInContainer(container);
+      textNode = textFactory.createInContainer(svgNode);
+    }
+    // Update text and get dimension
+    updateTextNode(textNode, { className, style, text });
+    const dimension = getBBoxCeil(textNode, defaultDimension);
+    // Store result to cache
+    cache.set(text, dimension);
+    return dimension;
+  });
+  // Remove svg node, if any
+  if (svgNode && textNode) {
+    // The nodes are added to the DOM briefly only to make getBBox works.
+    // (If not added to DOM getBBox will always return 0x0.)
+    // After that the svg nodes are not needed.
+    // We delay its removal in case there are subsequent calls to this function
+    // that can reuse the svg nodes.
+    // Experiments have shown that reusing existing nodes
+    // instead of deleting and adding new ones can save lot of time.
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      textFactory.removeFromContainer(svgNode);
+      hiddenSvgFactory.removeFromContainer(container);
+    }, 500);
+  }
+  return dimensions;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getTextDimension.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getTextDimension.ts
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index 0000000..ece65e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/getTextDimension.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import { TextStyle, Dimension } from './types';
+import updateTextNode from './svg/updateTextNode';
+import getBBoxCeil from './svg/getBBoxCeil';
+import { hiddenSvgFactory, textFactory } from './svg/factories';
+export interface GetTextDimensionInput {
+  className?: string;
+  container?: HTMLElement;
+  style?: TextStyle;
+  text: string;
+export default function getTextDimension(
+  input: GetTextDimensionInput,
+  defaultDimension?: Dimension,
+): Dimension {
+  const { text, className, style, container } = input;
+  // Empty string
+  if (text.length === 0) {
+    return { height: 0, width: 0 };
+  }
+  const svgNode = hiddenSvgFactory.createInContainer(container);
+  const textNode = textFactory.createInContainer(svgNode);
+  updateTextNode(textNode, { className, style, text });
+  const dimension = getBBoxCeil(textNode, defaultDimension);
+  // The nodes are added to the DOM briefly only to make getBBox works.
+  // (If not added to DOM getBBox will always return 0x0.)
+  // After that the svg nodes are not needed.
+  // We delay its removal in case there are subsequent calls to this function
+  // that can reuse the svg nodes.
+  // Experiments have shown that reusing existing nodes
+  // instead of deleting and adding new ones can save lot of time.
+  setTimeout(() => {
+    textFactory.removeFromContainer(svgNode);
+    hiddenSvgFactory.removeFromContainer(container);
+  }, 500);
+  return dimension;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/index.ts
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index 0000000..8f0de0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export { default as getTextDimension } from './getTextDimension';
+export { default as getMultipleTextDimensions } from './getMultipleTextDimensions';
+export { default as computeMaxFontSize } from './computeMaxFontSize';
+export { default as mergeMargin } from './mergeMargin';
+export { default as parseLength } from './parseLength';
+export * from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/mergeMargin.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/mergeMargin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7365f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/mergeMargin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { Margin } from './types';
+function mergeOneSide(operation: (a: number, b: number) => number, a = 0, b = 0) {
+  if (Number.isNaN(a) || a === null) return b;
+  if (Number.isNaN(b) || b === null) return a;
+  return operation(a, b);
+export default function mergeMargin(
+  margin1: Partial<Margin> = {},
+  margin2: Partial<Margin> = {},
+  mode: 'expand' | 'shrink' = 'expand',
+) {
+  const { top, left, bottom, right } = margin1;
+  const operation = mode === 'expand' ? Math.max : Math.min;
+  return {
+    bottom: mergeOneSide(operation, bottom, margin2.bottom),
+    left: mergeOneSide(operation, left, margin2.left),
+    right: mergeOneSide(operation, right, margin2.right),
+    top: mergeOneSide(operation, top,,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/parseLength.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/parseLength.ts
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index 0000000..2d0170b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/parseLength.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+const HUNDRED_PERCENT = { isDynamic: true, multiplier: 1 } as const;
+export default function parseLength(
+  input: string | number,
+): { isDynamic: true; multiplier: number } | { isDynamic: false; value: number } {
+  if (input === 'auto' || input === '100%') {
+    return HUNDRED_PERCENT;
+  }
+  if (typeof input === 'string' && input.length > 0 && input[input.length - 1] === '%') {
+    return { isDynamic: true, multiplier: parseFloat(input) / 100 };
+  }
+  const value = typeof input === 'number' ? input : parseFloat(input);
+  return { isDynamic: false, value };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.ts
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index 0000000..bcd6e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+export default class LazyFactory<T extends HTMLElement | SVGElement> {
+  private activeNodes = new Map<
+    HTMLElement | SVGElement,
+    {
+      counter: number;
+      node: T;
+    }
+  >();
+  private factoryFn: () => T;
+  constructor(factoryFn: () => T) {
+    this.factoryFn = factoryFn;
+  }
+  createInContainer(container: HTMLElement | SVGElement = document.body) {
+    if (this.activeNodes.has(container)) {
+      const entry = this.activeNodes.get(container)!;
+      entry.counter += 1;
+      return entry.node;
+    }
+    const node = this.factoryFn();
+    container.append(node);
+    this.activeNodes.set(container, { counter: 1, node });
+    return node;
+  }
+  removeFromContainer(container: HTMLElement | SVGElement = document.body) {
+    if (this.activeNodes.has(container)) {
+      const entry = this.activeNodes.get(container)!;
+      entry.counter -= 1;
+      if (entry.counter === 0) {
+        container.removeChild(entry.node);
+        this.activeNodes.delete(container);
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1873033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export const SVG_NS = '';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createHiddenSvgNode.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createHiddenSvgNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..218153c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createHiddenSvgNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { SVG_NS } from './constants';
+export default function createHiddenSvgNode() {
+  const svgNode = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg');
+ = 'absolute'; // so it won't disrupt page layout
+ = '-100%';
+ = '-100%';
+ = '0'; // no dimensions
+ = '0';
+ = '0'; // not visible
+ = 'none'; // won't capture mouse events
+  return svgNode;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createTextNode.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createTextNode.ts
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index 0000000..c831f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/createTextNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { SVG_NS } from './constants';
+export default function createTextNode() {
+  return document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'text');
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/factories.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/factories.ts
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index 0000000..522efb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/factories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import LazyFactory from './LazyFactory';
+import createHiddenSvgNode from './createHiddenSvgNode';
+import createTextNode from './createTextNode';
+export const hiddenSvgFactory = new LazyFactory(createHiddenSvgNode);
+export const textFactory = new LazyFactory(createTextNode);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87e93a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { Dimension } from '../types';
+const DEFAULT_DIMENSION = { height: 20, width: 100 };
+export default function getBBoxCeil(
+  node: SVGGraphicsElement,
+  defaultDimension: Dimension = DEFAULT_DIMENSION,
+) {
+  const { width, height } = node.getBBox ? node.getBBox() : defaultDimension;
+  return {
+    height: Math.ceil(height),
+    width: Math.ceil(width),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016012f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { TextStyle } from '../types';
+const STYLE_FIELDS: (keyof TextStyle)[] = [
+  'font',
+  'fontWeight',
+  'fontStyle',
+  'fontSize',
+  'fontFamily',
+  'letterSpacing',
+export default function updateTextNode(
+  node: SVGTextElement,
+  {
+    className,
+    style = {},
+    text,
+  }: {
+    className?: string;
+    style?: TextStyle;
+    text?: string;
+  } = {},
+) {
+  const textNode = node;
+  if (textNode.textContent !== text) {
+    textNode.textContent = typeof text === 'undefined' ? null : text;
+  }
+  if (textNode.getAttribute('class') !== className) {
+    textNode.setAttribute('class', className ?? '');
+  }
+  // Clear style
+  // Note: multi-word property names are hyphenated and not camel-cased.
+  // Apply new style
+  // Note: the font field will auto-populate other font fields when applicable.
+  STYLE_FIELDS.filter(
+    (field: keyof TextStyle) => typeof style[field] !== 'undefined' && style[field] !== null,
+  ).forEach((field: keyof TextStyle) => {
+[field] = `${style[field]}`;
+  });
+  return textNode;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876ee4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dimension/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+export interface TextStyle {
+  font?: string;
+  fontFamily?: string;
+  fontSize?: string | number;
+  fontStyle?: string;
+  fontWeight?: string | number;
+  letterSpacing?: string | number;
+export interface Margin {
+  top: number;
+  left: number;
+  bottom: number;
+  right: number;
+export interface Dimension {
+  width: number;
+  height: number;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59825f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from './shared-modules';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aefb19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/** The type of an imported module. Don't fully understand this, yet. */
+export type Module = any;
+ * This is where packages are stored. We use window, because it plays well with Webpack.
+ * To avoid
+ * Have to amend the type of window, because window's usual type doesn't describe these fields.
+ */
+interface ModuleReferencer {
+  [packageKey: string]: Promise<Module>;
+declare const window: Window & typeof globalThis & ModuleReferencer;
+const modulePromises: { [key: string]: Promise<Module> } = {};
+const withNamespace = (name: string) => `__superset__/${name}`;
+ * Dependency management using global variables, because for the life of me
+ * I can't figure out how to hook into UMD from a dynamically imported package.
+ *
+ * This defines a dynamically imported js module that can be used to import from
+ * multiple different plugins.
+ *
+ * When importing a common module (such as react or lodash or superset-ui)
+ * from a plugin, the plugin's build config will be able to
+ * reference these globals instead of rebuilding them.
+ *
+ * @param name the module's name (should match name in package.json)
+ * @param promise the promise resulting from a call to `import(name)`
+ */
+export async function defineSharedModule(name: string, fetchModule: () => Promise<Module>) {
+  // this field on window is used by dynamic plugins to reference the module
+  const moduleKey = withNamespace(name);
+  if (!window[moduleKey] && !modulePromises[name]) {
+    // if the module has not been loaded, load it
+    const modulePromise = fetchModule();
+    modulePromises[name] = modulePromise;
+    // wait for the module to load, and attach the result to window
+    // so that it can be referenced by plugins
+    window[moduleKey] = await modulePromise;
+  }
+  // we always return a reference to the promise.
+  // Multiple consumers can `.then()` or `await` the same promise,
+  // even long after it has completed,
+  // and it will always call back with the same reference.
+  return modulePromises[name];
+ * Define multiple shared modules at once, using a map of name -> `import(name)`
+ *
+ * @see defineSharedModule
+ * @param moduleMap
+ */
+export async function defineSharedModules(moduleMap: { [key: string]: () => Promise<Module> }) {
+  return Promise.all(
+    Object.entries(moduleMap).map(([name, fetchModule]) => defineSharedModule(name, fetchModule)),
+  );
+// only exposed for tests
+export function reset() {
+  Object.keys(modulePromises).forEach(key => {
+    delete window[withNamespace(key)];
+    delete modulePromises[key];
+  });
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index 0000000..18fe460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from './models';
+export * from './utils';
+export * from './types';
+export * from './translation';
+export * from './connection';
+export * from './dynamic-plugins';
+export * from './query';
+export * from './number-format';
+export * from './time-format';
+export * from './dimension';
+export * from './color';
+export * from './style';
+export * from './validator';
+export * from './chart';
+export * from './chart-composition';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/ExtensibleFunction.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/ExtensibleFunction.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca3551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/ExtensibleFunction.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * From
+ */
+export default class ExtensibleFunction extends Function {
+  constructor(fn: Function) {
+    super();
+    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return, no-constructor-return
+    return Object.setPrototypeOf(fn,;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Plugin.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Plugin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05480d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Plugin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+interface PlainObject {
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+  [key: string]: any;
+export default class Plugin {
+  config: PlainObject;
+  constructor() {
+    this.config = {};
+  }
+  resetConfig() {
+    // The child class can set default config
+    // by overriding this function.
+    this.config = {};
+    return this;
+  }
+  configure(config: PlainObject, replace = false) {
+    this.config = replace ? config : { ...this.config, ...config };
+    return this;
+  }
+  register() {
+    return this;
+  }
+  unregister() {
+    return this;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Preset.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Preset.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5b4689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Preset.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import Plugin from './Plugin';
+export default class Preset {
+  name: string;
+  description: string;
+  presets: Preset[];
+  plugins: Plugin[];
+  constructor(
+    config: {
+      name?: string;
+      description?: string;
+      presets?: Preset[];
+      plugins?: Plugin[];
+    } = {},
+  ) {
+    const { name = '', description = '', presets = [], plugins = [] } = config;
+ = name;
+    this.description = description;
+    this.presets = presets;
+    this.plugins = plugins;
+  }
+  register() {
+    this.presets.forEach(preset => {
+      preset.register();
+    });
+    this.plugins.forEach(plugin => {
+      plugin.register();
+    });
+    return this;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Registry.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Registry.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7144583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/Registry.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export enum OverwritePolicy {
+  WARN = 'WARN',
+interface ItemWithValue<T> {
+  value: T;
+interface ItemWithLoader<T> {
+  loader: () => T;
+export interface RegistryConfig {
+  name?: string;
+  overwritePolicy?: OverwritePolicy;
+ * Registry class
+ *
+ * Can use generic to specify type of item in the registry
+ * @type V Type of value
+ * @type W Type of value returned from loader function when using registerLoader().
+ * W can be either V, Promise<V> or V | Promise<V>
+ * Set W=V when does not support asynchronous loader.
+ * By default W is set to V | Promise<V> to support
+ * both synchronous and asynchronous loaders.
+ */
+export default class Registry<V, W extends V | Promise<V> = V | Promise<V>> {
+  name: string;
+  overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy;
+  items: {
+    [key: string]: ItemWithValue<V> | ItemWithLoader<W>;
+  };
+  promises: {
+    [key: string]: Promise<V>;
+  };
+  constructor(config: RegistryConfig = {}) {
+    const { name = '', overwritePolicy = OverwritePolicy.ALLOW } = config;
+ = name;
+    this.overwritePolicy = overwritePolicy;
+    this.items = {};
+    this.promises = {};
+  }
+  clear() {
+    this.items = {};
+    this.promises = {};
+    return this;
+  }
+  has(key: string) {
+    const item = this.items[key];
+    return item !== null && item !== undefined;
+  }
+  registerValue(key: string, value: V) {
+    const item = this.items[key];
+    const willOverwrite =
+      this.has(key) && (('value' in item && item.value !== value) || 'loader' in item);
+    if (willOverwrite) {
+      if (this.overwritePolicy === OverwritePolicy.WARN) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+        console.warn(`Item with key "${key}" already exists. You are assigning a new value.`);
+      } else if (this.overwritePolicy === OverwritePolicy.PROHIBIT) {
+        throw new Error(`Item with key "${key}" already exists. Cannot overwrite.`);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!item || willOverwrite) {
+      this.items[key] = { value };
+      delete this.promises[key];
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  registerLoader(key: string, loader: () => W) {
+    const item = this.items[key];
+    const willOverwrite =
+      this.has(key) && (('loader' in item && item.loader !== loader) || 'value' in item);
+    if (willOverwrite) {
+      if (this.overwritePolicy === OverwritePolicy.WARN) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+        console.warn(`Item with key "${key}" already exists. You are assigning a new value.`);
+      } else if (this.overwritePolicy === OverwritePolicy.PROHIBIT) {
+        throw new Error(`Item with key "${key}" already exists. Cannot overwrite.`);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!item || willOverwrite) {
+      this.items[key] = { loader };
+      delete this.promises[key];
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  get(key: string): V | W | undefined {
+    const item = this.items[key];
+    if (item !== undefined) {
+      if ('loader' in item) {
+        return item.loader && item.loader();
+      }
+      return item.value;
+    }
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  getAsPromise(key: string): Promise<V> {
+    const promise = this.promises[key];
+    if (typeof promise !== 'undefined') {
+      return promise;
+    }
+    const item = this.get(key);
+    if (item !== undefined) {
+      const newPromise = Promise.resolve(item) as Promise<V>;
+      this.promises[key] = newPromise;
+      return newPromise;
+    }
+    return Promise.reject<V>(new Error(`Item with key "${key}" is not registered.`));
+  }
+  getMap() {
+    return this.keys().reduce<{
+      [key: string]: V | W | undefined;
+    }>((prev, key) => {
+      const map = prev;
+      map[key] = this.get(key);
+      return map;
+    }, {});
+  }
+  getMapAsPromise() {
+    const keys = this.keys();
+    return Promise.all( => this.getAsPromise(key))).then(values =>
+      values.reduce<{
+        [key: string]: V;
+      }>((prev, value, i) => {
+        const map = prev;
+        map[keys[i]] = value;
+        return map;
+      }, {}),
+    );
+  }
+  keys(): string[] {
+    return Object.keys(this.items);
+  }
+  values(): (V | W | undefined)[] {
+    return this.keys().map(key => this.get(key));
+  }
+  valuesAsPromise(): Promise<V[]> {
+    return Promise.all(this.keys().map(key => this.getAsPromise(key)));
+  }
+  entries(): { key: string; value: V | W | undefined }[] {
+    return this.keys().map(key => ({
+      key,
+      value: this.get(key),
+    }));
+  }
+  entriesAsPromise(): Promise<{ key: string; value: V }[]> {
+    const keys = this.keys();
+    return Promise.all( => this.getAsPromise(key))).then(values =>
+, i) => ({
+        key: keys[i],
+        value,
+      })),
+    );
+  }
+  remove(key: string) {
+    delete this.items[key];
+    delete this.promises[key];
+    return this;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc920da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import Registry, { RegistryConfig } from './Registry';
+interface RegistryWithDefaultKeyConfig extends RegistryConfig {
+  initialDefaultKey?: string;
+  setFirstItemAsDefault?: boolean;
+export default class RegistryWithDefaultKey<
+  V,
+  W extends V | Promise<V> = V | Promise<V>
+> extends Registry<V, W> {
+  initialDefaultKey?: string;
+  defaultKey?: string;
+  setFirstItemAsDefault: boolean;
+  constructor(config: RegistryWithDefaultKeyConfig = {}) {
+    super(config);
+    const { initialDefaultKey = undefined, setFirstItemAsDefault = false } = config;
+    this.initialDefaultKey = initialDefaultKey;
+    this.defaultKey = initialDefaultKey;
+    this.setFirstItemAsDefault = setFirstItemAsDefault;
+  }
+  clear() {
+    super.clear();
+    this.defaultKey = this.initialDefaultKey;
+    return this;
+  }
+  get(key?: string) {
+    const targetKey = key ?? this.defaultKey;
+    return targetKey ? super.get(targetKey) : undefined;
+  }
+  registerValue(key: string, value: V) {
+    super.registerValue(key, value);
+    // If there is no default, set as default
+    if (this.setFirstItemAsDefault && !this.defaultKey) {
+      this.defaultKey = key;
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  registerLoader(key: string, loader: () => W) {
+    super.registerLoader(key, loader);
+    // If there is no default, set as default
+    if (this.setFirstItemAsDefault && !this.defaultKey) {
+      this.defaultKey = key;
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  getDefaultKey() {
+    return this.defaultKey;
+  }
+  setDefaultKey(key: string) {
+    this.defaultKey = key;
+    return this;
+  }
+  clearDefaultKey() {
+    this.defaultKey = undefined;
+    return this;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d46c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/models/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export { default as ExtensibleFunction } from './ExtensibleFunction';
+export { default as Plugin } from './Plugin';
+export { default as Preset } from './Preset';
+export { default as Registry, OverwritePolicy } from './Registry';
+export { default as RegistryWithDefaultKey } from './RegistryWithDefaultKey';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormats.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormats.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormats.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+const DOLLAR = '$,.2f';
+const DOLLAR_SIGNED = '+$,.2f';
+const DOLLAR_ROUND = '$,d';
+const DOLLAR_ROUND_SIGNED = '+$,d';
+const FLOAT_1_POINT = ',.1f';
+const FLOAT_2_POINT = ',.2f';
+const FLOAT_3_POINT = ',.3f';
+const FLOAT_SIGNED_1_POINT = '+,.1f';
+const FLOAT_SIGNED_2_POINT = '+,.2f';
+const FLOAT_SIGNED_3_POINT = '+,.3f';
+const INTEGER = ',d';
+const INTEGER_SIGNED = '+,d';
+const PERCENT_1_POINT = ',.1%';
+const PERCENT_2_POINT = ',.2%';
+const PERCENT_3_POINT = ',.3%';
+const PERCENT_SIGNED_1_POINT = '+,.1%';
+const PERCENT_SIGNED_2_POINT = '+,.2%';
+const PERCENT_SIGNED_3_POINT = '+,.3%';
+const SI_1_DIGIT = '.1s';
+const SI_2_DIGIT = '.2s';
+const SI_3_DIGIT = '.3s';
+const SI = SI_3_DIGIT;
+const NumberFormats = {
+  SI,
+  SI_1_DIGIT,
+  SI_2_DIGIT,
+  SI_3_DIGIT,
+export default NumberFormats;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8be9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ExtensibleFunction } from '../models';
+import { isRequired } from '../utils';
+import { NumberFormatFunction } from './types';
+export const PREVIEW_VALUE = 12345.432;
+export interface NumberFormatterConfig {
+  id: string;
+  label?: string;
+  description?: string;
+  formatFunc: NumberFormatFunction;
+  isInvalid?: boolean;
+// Use type augmentation to indicate that
+// an instance of NumberFormatter is also a function
+interface NumberFormatter {
+  (value: number | null | undefined): string;
+class NumberFormatter extends ExtensibleFunction {
+  id: string;
+  label: string;
+  description: string;
+  formatFunc: NumberFormatFunction;
+  isInvalid: boolean;
+  constructor(config: NumberFormatterConfig) {
+    super((value: number) => this.format(value));
+    const {
+      id = isRequired(''),
+      label,
+      description = '',
+      formatFunc = isRequired('config.formatFunc'),
+      isInvalid = false,
+    } = config;
+ = id;
+    this.label = label ?? id;
+    this.description = description;
+    this.formatFunc = formatFunc;
+    this.isInvalid = isInvalid;
+  }
+  format(value: number | null | undefined) {
+    if (value === null || value === undefined || Number.isNaN(value)) {
+      return `${value}`;
+    }
+    if (value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
+      return '∞';
+    }
+    if (value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+      return '-∞';
+    }
+    return this.formatFunc(value);
+  }
+  preview(value = PREVIEW_VALUE) {
+    return `${value} => ${this.format(value)}`;
+  }
+export default NumberFormatter;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b827149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { RegistryWithDefaultKey, OverwritePolicy } from '../models';
+import createD3NumberFormatter from './factories/createD3NumberFormatter';
+import createSmartNumberFormatter from './factories/createSmartNumberFormatter';
+import NumberFormats from './NumberFormats';
+import NumberFormatter from './NumberFormatter';
+export default class NumberFormatterRegistry extends RegistryWithDefaultKey<
+  NumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormatter
+> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      name: 'NumberFormatter',
+      overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN,
+    });
+    this.registerValue(NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER, createSmartNumberFormatter());
+    this.registerValue(
+      NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER_SIGNED,
+      createSmartNumberFormatter({ signed: true }),
+    );
+    this.setDefaultKey(NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER);
+  }
+  get(formatterId?: string) {
+    const targetFormat = `${
+      formatterId === null || typeof formatterId === 'undefined' || formatterId === ''
+        ? this.defaultKey
+        : formatterId
+    }`.trim();
+    if (this.has(targetFormat)) {
+      return super.get(targetFormat) as NumberFormatter;
+    }
+    // Create new formatter if does not exist
+    const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({
+      formatString: targetFormat,
+    });
+    this.registerValue(targetFormat, formatter);
+    return formatter;
+  }
+  format(formatterId: string | undefined, value: number | null | undefined): string {
+    return this.get(formatterId)(value);
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb39ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { makeSingleton } from '../utils';
+import NumberFormatterRegistry from './NumberFormatterRegistry';
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(NumberFormatterRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
+export function getNumberFormatter(format?: string) {
+  return getInstance().get(format);
+export function formatNumber(format: string | undefined, value: number | null | undefined) {
+  return getInstance().format(format, value);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/
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index 0000000..e8967fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+## @superset-ui/core/number-format
+#### Example usage
+Functions `getNumberFormatter` and `formatNumber` should be used instead of calling `d3.format`
+import { getNumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const formatter = getNumberFormatter('.2f');
+import { formatNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+console.log(formatNumber('.2f', 1000));
+It is powered by a registry to support registration of custom formatting, with fallback to
+`d3.format` and handle error for invalid format string.
+import { getNumberFormatterRegistry, formatNumber, NumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+getNumberFormatterRegistry().registerValue('my_format', new NumberFormatter({
+  id: 'my_format',
+  formatFunc: v => `my special format of ${v}`
+console.log(formatNumber('my_format', 1000));
+// prints 'my special format of 1000'
+It also define constants for common d3 formats. See the full list of formats in
+import { NumberFormats } from '@superset-ui-number-format';
+NumberFormats.PERCENT; // ,.2%
+NumberFormats.PERCENT_3_POINT; // ,.3%
+There is also a formatter based on [pretty-ms]( that can be
+used to format time durations:
+import { createDurationFormatter, formatNumber, getNumberFormatterRegistry } from from '@superset-ui-number-format';
+getNumberFormatterRegistry().registerValue('my_duration_format', createDurationFormatter({ colonNotation: true });
+console.log(formatNumber('my_duration_format', 95500))
+// prints '1:35.5'
+#### API
+- Do something
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..839ab07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { format as d3Format, formatLocale, FormatLocaleDefinition } from 'd3-format';
+import { isRequired } from '../../utils';
+import NumberFormatter from '../NumberFormatter';
+import { NumberFormatFunction } from '../types';
+export default function createD3NumberFormatter(config: {
+  description?: string;
+  formatString: string;
+  label?: string;
+  locale?: FormatLocaleDefinition;
+}) {
+  const { description, formatString = isRequired('config.formatString'), label, locale } = config;
+  let formatFunc: NumberFormatFunction;
+  let isInvalid = false;
+  try {
+    formatFunc =
+      typeof locale === 'undefined'
+        ? d3Format(formatString)
+        : formatLocale(locale).format(formatString);
+  } catch (error) {
+    formatFunc = value => `${value} (Invalid format: ${formatString})`;
+    isInvalid = true;
+  }
+  return new NumberFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc,
+    id: formatString,
+    isInvalid,
+    label,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..8c0fcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import prettyMsFormatter from 'pretty-ms';
+import NumberFormatter from '../NumberFormatter';
+export default function createDurationFormatter(
+  config: {
+    description?: string;
+    id?: string;
+    label?: string;
+    multiplier?: number;
+  } & prettyMsFormatter.Options = {},
+) {
+  const { description, id, label, multiplier = 1, ...prettyMsOptions } = config;
+  return new NumberFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc: value => prettyMsFormatter(value * multiplier, prettyMsOptions),
+    id: id ?? 'duration_format',
+    label: label ?? `Duration formatter`,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..62e559e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { format as d3Format } from 'd3-format';
+import NumberFormatter from '../NumberFormatter';
+export default function createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter(
+  config: {
+    description?: string;
+    n?: number;
+    id?: string;
+    label?: string;
+  } = {},
+) {
+  const { description, n = 3, id, label } = config;
+  const siFormatter = d3Format(`.${n}s`);
+  return new NumberFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc: value => {
+      const si = siFormatter(value);
+      /* Removing trailing `.00` if any */
+      return si.slice(-1) < 'A' ? parseFloat(si).toString() : si;
+    },
+    id: id ?? `si_at_most_${n}_digit`,
+    label: label ?? `SI with at most ${n} significant digits`,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..4b57655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import { format as d3Format } from 'd3-format';
+import NumberFormatter from '../NumberFormatter';
+import NumberFormats from '../NumberFormats';
+const siFormatter = d3Format(`.3~s`);
+const float2PointFormatter = d3Format(`.2~f`);
+const float4PointFormatter = d3Format(`.4~f`);
+function formatValue(value: number) {
+  if (value === 0) {
+    return '0';
+  }
+  const absoluteValue = Math.abs(value);
+  if (absoluteValue >= 1000) {
+    // Normal human being are more familiar
+    // with billion (B) that giga (G)
+    return siFormatter(value).replace('G', 'B');
+  }
+  if (absoluteValue >= 1) {
+    return float2PointFormatter(value);
+  }
+  if (absoluteValue >= 0.001) {
+    return float4PointFormatter(value);
+  }
+  if (absoluteValue > 0.000001) {
+    return `${siFormatter(value * 1000000)}µ`;
+  }
+  return siFormatter(value);
+export default function createSmartNumberFormatter(
+  config: {
+    description?: string;
+    signed?: boolean;
+    id?: string;
+    label?: string;
+  } = {},
+) {
+  const { description, signed = false, id, label } = config;
+  const getSign = signed ? (value: number) => (value > 0 ? '+' : '') : () => '';
+  return new NumberFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc: value => `${getSign(value)}${formatValue(value)}`,
+    id: id || signed ? NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER_SIGNED : NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER,
+    label: label ?? 'Adaptive formatter',
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/index.ts
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index 0000000..797f81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+export { default as NumberFormats } from './NumberFormats';
+export { default as NumberFormatter, PREVIEW_VALUE } from './NumberFormatter';
+export {
+  default as getNumberFormatterRegistry,
+  formatNumber,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+} from './NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as NumberFormatterRegistry } from './NumberFormatterRegistry';
+export { default as createD3NumberFormatter } from './factories/createD3NumberFormatter';
+export { default as createDurationFormatter } from './factories/createDurationFormatter';
+export { default as createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter } from './factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter';
+export { default as createSmartNumberFormatter } from './factories/createSmartNumberFormatter';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/types.ts
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index 0000000..789ea44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/number-format/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export type NumberFormatFunction = (value: number) => string;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/DatasourceKey.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/DatasourceKey.ts
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index 0000000..c1840e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/DatasourceKey.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { DatasourceType } from './types/Datasource';
+export default class DatasourceKey {
+  readonly id: number;
+  readonly type: DatasourceType;
+  constructor(key: string) {
+    const [idStr, typeStr] = key.split('__');
+ = parseInt(idStr, 10);
+    this.type = typeStr === 'table' ? DatasourceType.Table : DatasourceType.Druid;
+  }
+  public toString() {
+    return `${}__${this.type}`;
+  }
+  public toObject() {
+    return {
+      id:,
+      type: this.type,
+    };
+  }
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index 0000000..91fd632
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## @superset-ui/core/query
+Utility to make API requests to Superset backend.
+#### Example usage
+#### API
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.ts
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index 0000000..5707d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { SupersetClient, Method, Endpoint } from '../../../connection';
+import { QueryFormData } from '../../types/QueryFormData';
+import { LegacyChartDataResponse } from './types';
+import { BaseParams } from '../types';
+export interface Params extends BaseParams {
+  method?: Method;
+  endpoint?: Endpoint;
+  formData: QueryFormData;
+export default async function fetchExploreJson({
+  client = SupersetClient,
+  method = 'POST',
+  requestConfig,
+  endpoint = '/superset/explore_json/',
+  formData,
+}: Params) {
+  const { json } = await client.request({
+    ...requestConfig,
+    method,
+    endpoint,
+    searchParams:
+      method === 'GET' ? new URLSearchParams({ form_data: JSON.stringify(formData) }) : undefined,
+    postPayload: method === 'POST' ? { form_data: formData } : undefined,
+  });
+  return json as LegacyChartDataResponse;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.ts
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index 0000000..004480e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { SupersetClient } from '../../../connection';
+import { Datasource } from '../../types/Datasource';
+import { BaseParams } from '../types';
+export interface Params extends BaseParams {
+  datasourceKey: string;
+export default function getDatasourceMetadata({
+  client = SupersetClient,
+  datasourceKey,
+  requestConfig,
+}: Params) {
+  return client
+    .get({
+      endpoint: `/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata?datasourceKey=${datasourceKey}`,
+      ...requestConfig,
+    })
+    .then(response => response.json as Datasource);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getFormData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getFormData.ts
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index 0000000..8a67e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/getFormData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { SupersetClient } from '../../../connection';
+import { BaseParams } from '../types';
+import { QueryFormData } from '../../types/QueryFormData';
+export interface Params extends BaseParams {
+  sliceId: number;
+  overrideFormData?: Partial<QueryFormData>;
+export default function getFormData({
+  client = SupersetClient,
+  sliceId,
+  overrideFormData,
+  requestConfig,
+}: Params) {
+  const promise = client
+    .get({
+      endpoint: `/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=${sliceId}`,
+      ...requestConfig,
+    })
+    .then(({ json }) => json as QueryFormData);
+  return overrideFormData
+    ? promise.then(formData => ({ ...formData, ...overrideFormData }))
+    : promise;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/index.ts
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index 0000000..874df6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export { default as fetchExploreJson } from './fetchExploreJson';
+export { default as getFormData } from './getFormData';
+export { default as getDatasourceMetadata } from './getDatasourceMetadata';
+export * from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/types.ts
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index 0000000..3afc138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/legacy/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartDataResponseResult } from '../../types';
+export interface LegacyChartDataResponse extends Omit<ChartDataResponseResult, 'data'> {
+  data: Record<string, unknown>[] | Record<string, unknown>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/types.ts
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index 0000000..e7b7390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { RequestConfig, SupersetClientInterface, SupersetClientClass } from '../../connection';
+export interface BaseParams {
+  client?: SupersetClientInterface | SupersetClientClass;
+  requestConfig?: RequestConfig;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/handleError.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/handleError.ts
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index 0000000..9cc1bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/handleError.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { SupersetApiError, SupersetApiErrorPayload, SupersetApiMultiErrorsPayload } from './types';
+export type ErrorInput = string | Error | Response | SupersetApiErrorPayload;
+ * Handle API request errors, convert to consistent Superset API error.
+ * @param error the catched error from SupersetClient.request(...)
+ */
+export default async function handleError(error: ErrorInput): Promise<never> {
+  // already a Sueprset error
+  if (error instanceof SupersetApiError) {
+    throw error;
+  }
+  // string is the error message itself
+  if (typeof error === 'string') {
+    throw new SupersetApiError({ message: error });
+  }
+  // JS errors, normally happens before request was sent
+  if (error instanceof Error) {
+    throw new SupersetApiError({
+      message: error.message || 'Unknown Error',
+      originalError: error,
+    });
+  }
+  let errorJson;
+  let originalError;
+  let errorMessage = 'Unknown Error';
+  let status: number | undefined;
+  let statusText: string | undefined;
+  // catch HTTP errors
+  if (error instanceof Response) {
+    const { status: responseStatus, statusText: responseStatusText } = error;
+    status = responseStatus;
+    statusText = responseStatusText;
+    errorMessage = `${status} ${statusText}`;
+    try {
+      errorJson = (await error.json()) as SupersetApiErrorPayload | SupersetApiMultiErrorsPayload;
+      originalError = errorJson;
+    } catch (error_) {
+      originalError = error;
+    }
+  } else if (error) {
+    errorJson = error;
+  }
+  // when API returns 200 but operation fails (see Python API json_error_response(...))
+  // or when frontend promise rejects with `{ error: ... }`
+  if (errorJson && ('error' in errorJson || 'message' in errorJson || 'errors' in errorJson)) {
+    let err;
+    if ('errors' in errorJson) {
+      err = errorJson.errors?.[0] || {};
+    } else if (typeof errorJson.error === 'object') {
+      err = errorJson.error;
+    } else {
+      err = errorJson;
+    }
+    errorMessage =
+      err.message || (err.error as string | undefined) || err.error_type || errorMessage;
+    throw new SupersetApiError({
+      status,
+      statusText,
+      message: errorMessage,
+      originalError,
+      ...err,
+    });
+  }
+  // all unknown error
+  throw new SupersetApiError({
+    status,
+    statusText,
+    message: errorMessage,
+    originalError: error,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/index.ts
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index 0000000..70d1f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import makeApi from './makeApi';
+import { ChartDataResponse, QueryContext } from '../../types';
+export const getChartData = makeApi<QueryContext, ChartDataResponse>({
+  method: 'POST',
+  endpoint: '/api/v1/chart/data',
+ * All v1 API
+ */
+export default {
+  getChartData,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/makeApi.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/makeApi.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/makeApi.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import rison from 'rison';
+import {
+  SupersetClient,
+  Payload as SupersetPayload,
+  JsonObject,
+  JsonValue,
+  ParseMethod,
+  Endpoint,
+  Method,
+  RequestBase,
+} from '../../../connection';
+import handleError, { ErrorInput } from './handleError';
+import { SupersetApiRequestOptions, SupersetApiErrorPayload, ParsedResponseType } from './types';
+const validRequestTypes = new Set(['form', 'json', 'search', 'rison']);
+interface SupersetApiFactoryOptions extends Omit<RequestBase, 'url'> {
+  /**
+   * API endpoint, must be relative.
+   */
+  endpoint: Endpoint;
+  /**
+   * Request method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PUT' | ...
+   */
+  method: Method;
+  /**
+   * How to send the payload:
+   *  - form: set request.body as FormData
+   *  - json: as JSON string with request Content-Type header set to application/json
+   *  - search: add to search params
+   */
+  requestType?: 'form' | 'json' | 'search' | 'rison';
+function isPayloadless(method?: Method) {
+  return !method || method === 'GET' || method === 'DELETE' || method === 'HEAD';
+ * Generate an API caller with predefined configs/typing and consistent
+ * return values.
+ */
+export default function makeApi<
+  Payload = SupersetPayload,
+  Result = JsonObject,
+  T extends ParseMethod = ParseMethod
+  endpoint,
+  method,
+  requestType: requestType_,
+  responseType,
+  processResponse,
+  ...requestOptions
+}: SupersetApiFactoryOptions & {
+  /**
+   * How to parse response, choose from: 'json' | 'text' | 'raw'.
+   */
+  responseType?: T;
+  /**
+   * Further process parsed response
+   */
+  processResponse?(result: ParsedResponseType<T>): Result;
+}) {
+  // use `search` payload (searchParams) when it's a GET request
+  const requestType = requestType_ || (isPayloadless(method) ? 'search' : 'json');
+  if (!validRequestTypes.has(requestType)) {
+    throw new Error(
+      `Invalid request payload type, choose from: ${[...validRequestTypes].join(' | ')}`,
+    );
+  }
+  async function request(
+    payload: Payload,
+    { client = SupersetClient }: SupersetApiRequestOptions = { client: SupersetClient },
+  ): Promise<Result> {
+    try {
+      const requestConfig = {
+        ...requestOptions,
+        method,
+        endpoint,
+      };
+      if (requestType === 'search') {
+        requestConfig.searchParams = payload;
+      } else if (requestType === 'rison') {
+        requestConfig.endpoint = `${endpoint}?q=${rison.encode(payload)}`;
+      } else if (requestType === 'form') {
+        requestConfig.postPayload = payload;
+      } else {
+        requestConfig.jsonPayload = payload;
+      }
+      let result: JsonValue | Response;
+      const response = await client.request({ ...requestConfig, parseMethod: 'raw' });
+      if (responseType === 'text') {
+        result = await response.text();
+      } else if (responseType === 'raw' || responseType === null) {
+        result = response;
+      } else {
+        result = await response.json();
+        // if response json has an "error" field
+        if (result && typeof result === 'object' && 'error' in result) {
+          return handleError(result as SupersetApiErrorPayload);
+        }
+      }
+      const typedResult = result as ParsedResponseType<T>;
+      return (processResponse ? processResponse(typedResult) : typedResult) as Result;
+    } catch (error) {
+      return handleError(error as ErrorInput);
+    }
+  }
+  request.method = method;
+  request.endpoint = endpoint;
+  request.requestType = requestType;
+  return request;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/types.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/api/v1/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  SupersetClientClass,
+  SupersetClientInterface,
+  StrictJsonObject,
+  JsonValue,
+  JsonObject,
+} from '../../../connection';
+export type ParsedResponseType<T> = T extends 'text'
+  ? string
+  : T extends 'raw' | null
+  ? Response
+  : JsonValue;
+ * Runtime options when calling a Superset API. Currently only allow overriding
+ * SupersetClient instance.
+ */
+export interface SupersetApiRequestOptions {
+  client?: SupersetClientInterface | SupersetClientClass;
+ * Superset API error types.
+ * Ref:
+ *
+ * TODO: migrate superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/types.ts over
+ */
+export enum SupersetApiErrorType {
+  // Generic unknown error
+  // Frontend errors
+  // DB Engine errors,
+  // Viz errors,
+  // Security access errors,
+ * API Error json response from the backend (or fetch API in the frontend).
+ * See SIP-40 and SIP-41:
+ */
+export interface SupersetApiErrorPayload {
+  message?: string; // error message via FlaskAppBuilder, e.g. `response_404(message=...)`
+  error_type?: SupersetApiErrorType;
+  level?: 'error' | 'warn' | 'info';
+  extra?: StrictJsonObject;
+  /**
+   * Error message returned via `json_error_response`.
+   * Ref
+   */
+  error?: string | SupersetApiErrorPayload;
+  link?: string;
+export interface SupersetApiMultiErrorsPayload {
+  errors: SupersetApiErrorPayload[];
+export class SupersetApiError extends Error {
+  status?: number;
+  statusText?: string;
+  errorType: SupersetApiErrorType;
+  extra: JsonObject;
+  originalError?: Error | Response | JsonValue;
+  constructor({
+    status,
+    statusText,
+    message,
+    link,
+    extra,
+    stack,
+    error_type: errorType,
+    originalError,
+  }: Omit<SupersetApiErrorPayload, 'error'> & {
+    status?: number;
+    statusText?: string;
+    message: string;
+    stack?: Error['stack'];
+    // original JavaScript error or backend JSON response captured
+    originalError?: SupersetApiError['originalError'];
+  }) {
+    super(message);
+    const originalErrorStack =
+      stack || (originalError instanceof Error ? originalError.stack : undefined);
+    this.stack =
+      originalErrorStack && this.stack
+        ? [this.stack.split('\n')[0], ...originalErrorStack.split('\n').slice(1)].join('\n')
+        : this.stack;
+ = 'SupersetApiError';
+    this.errorType = errorType || SupersetApiErrorType.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
+    this.extra = extra || {};
+    if (link) {
+ = link;
+    }
+    this.status = status;
+    this.statusText = statusText;
+    this.originalError = originalError;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryContext.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryContext.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..436e7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryContext.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import buildQueryObject from './buildQueryObject';
+import DatasourceKey from './DatasourceKey';
+import { QueryFormData } from './types/QueryFormData';
+import { QueryContext, QueryObject } from './types/Query';
+const WRAP_IN_ARRAY = (baseQueryObject: QueryObject) => [baseQueryObject];
+export default function buildQueryContext(
+  formData: QueryFormData,
+  buildQuery: (baseQueryObject: QueryObject) => QueryObject[] = WRAP_IN_ARRAY,
+): QueryContext {
+  return {
+    datasource: new DatasourceKey(formData.datasource).toObject(),
+    force: formData.force || false,
+    queries: buildQuery(buildQueryObject(formData)),
+    result_format: formData.result_format || 'json',
+    result_type: formData.result_type || 'full',
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryObject.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryObject.ts
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index 0000000..5f297ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/buildQueryObject.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import { QueryObject } from './types/Query';
+import { QueryFieldAliases, QueryFormData } from './types/QueryFormData';
+import processFilters from './processFilters';
+import extractExtras from './extractExtras';
+import extractQueryFields from './extractQueryFields';
+import { appendExtraFormData, overrideExtraFormData } from './processExtraFormData';
+export const DTTM_ALIAS = '__timestamp';
+ * Build the common segments of all query objects (e.g. the granularity field derived from
+ * either sql alchemy or druid). The segments specific to each viz type is constructed in the
+ * buildQuery method for each viz type (see `wordcloud/buildQuery.ts` for an example).
+ * Note the type of the formData argument passed in here is the type of the formData for a
+ * specific viz, which is a subtype of the generic formData shared among all viz types.
+ */
+export default function buildQueryObject<T extends QueryFormData>(
+  formData: T,
+  queryFields?: QueryFieldAliases,
+): QueryObject {
+  const {
+    annotation_layers = [],
+    extra_form_data = {},
+    time_range,
+    since,
+    until,
+    row_limit,
+    row_offset,
+    order_desc,
+    limit,
+    timeseries_limit_metric,
+    granularity,
+    url_params = {},
+    ...residualFormData
+  } = formData;
+  const { append_form_data = {}, override_form_data = {} } = extra_form_data;
+  const numericRowLimit = Number(row_limit);
+  const numericRowOffset = Number(row_offset);
+  const { metrics, columns, orderby } = extractQueryFields(residualFormData, queryFields);
+  const extras = extractExtras(formData);
+  const extrasAndfilters = processFilters({
+    ...formData,
+    ...extras,
+  });
+  let queryObject: QueryObject = {
+    // fallback `null` to `undefined` so they won't be sent to the backend
+    // (JSON.strinify will ignore `undefined`.)
+    time_range: time_range || undefined,
+    since: since || undefined,
+    until: until || undefined,
+    granularity: granularity || undefined,
+    ...extras,
+    ...extrasAndfilters,
+    columns,
+    metrics,
+    orderby,
+    annotation_layers,
+    row_limit: row_limit == null || Number.isNaN(numericRowLimit) ? undefined : numericRowLimit,
+    row_offset: row_offset == null || Number.isNaN(numericRowOffset) ? undefined : numericRowOffset,
+    timeseries_limit: limit ? Number(limit) : 0,
+    timeseries_limit_metric: timeseries_limit_metric || undefined,
+    order_desc: typeof order_desc === 'undefined' ? true : order_desc,
+    url_params: url_params || undefined,
+  };
+  // append and override extra form data used by native filters
+  queryObject = appendExtraFormData(queryObject, append_form_data);
+  queryObject = overrideExtraFormData(queryObject, override_form_data);
+  return queryObject;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/convertFilter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/convertFilter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb090db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/convertFilter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { SimpleAdhocFilter, isBinaryAdhocFilter, isUnaryAdhocFilter } from './types/Filter';
+import { QueryObjectFilterClause } from './types/Query';
+export default function convertFilter(filter: SimpleAdhocFilter): QueryObjectFilterClause {
+  const { subject } = filter;
+  if (isUnaryAdhocFilter(filter)) {
+    const { operator } = filter;
+    return {
+      col: subject,
+      op: operator,
+    };
+  }
+  if (isBinaryAdhocFilter(filter)) {
+    const { operator } = filter;
+    return {
+      col: subject,
+      op: operator,
+      val: filter.comparator,
+    };
+  }
+  const { operator } = filter;
+  return {
+    col: subject,
+    op: operator,
+    val: filter.comparator,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractExtras.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractExtras.ts
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index 0000000..f4eaa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractExtras.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import { isDruidFormData, QueryFormData } from './types/QueryFormData';
+import { QueryObject } from './types/Query';
+import { AppliedTimeExtras, TimeColumnConfigKey } from './types/Time';
+export default function extractExtras(formData: QueryFormData): Partial<QueryObject> {
+  const applied_time_extras: AppliedTimeExtras = {};
+  const { extras = {}, filters = [] } = formData;
+  const partialQueryObject: Partial<QueryObject> = {
+    filters,
+    extras,
+    applied_time_extras,
+  };
+  const reservedColumnsToQueryField: Record<TimeColumnConfigKey, keyof QueryObject> = {
+    __time_range: 'time_range',
+    __time_col: 'granularity_sqla',
+    __time_grain: 'time_grain_sqla',
+    __time_origin: 'druid_time_origin',
+    __granularity: 'granularity',
+  };
+  (formData.extra_filters || []).forEach(filter => {
+    if (filter.col in reservedColumnsToQueryField) {
+      const key = filter.col as TimeColumnConfigKey;
+      const queryField = reservedColumnsToQueryField[key];
+      partialQueryObject[queryField] = filter.val;
+      applied_time_extras[key] = filter.val as string;
+    } else {
+      filters.push(filter);
+    }
+  });
+  // map to undeprecated names and remove deprecated fields
+  if (isDruidFormData(formData) && !partialQueryObject.druid_time_origin) {
+    extras.druid_time_origin = formData.druid_time_origin;
+    delete partialQueryObject.druid_time_origin;
+  } else {
+    // SQL
+    extras.time_grain_sqla = partialQueryObject.time_grain_sqla || formData.time_grain_sqla;
+    partialQueryObject.granularity =
+      partialQueryObject.granularity_sqla || formData.granularity || formData.granularity_sqla;
+    delete partialQueryObject.granularity_sqla;
+    delete partialQueryObject.time_grain_sqla;
+  }
+  // map time range endpoints:
+  if (formData.time_range_endpoints) extras.time_range_endpoints = formData.time_range_endpoints;
+  return partialQueryObject;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractQueryFields.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractQueryFields.ts
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index 0000000..f966d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractQueryFields.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '../translation';
+import { DTTM_ALIAS } from './buildQueryObject';
+import { QueryFields, QueryFieldAliases, FormDataResidual, QueryMode } from './types/QueryFormData';
+ * Extra SQL query related fields from chart form data.
+ * Consolidate field values into arrays.
+ *
+ * @param formData - the (partial) form data obtained from chart controls.
+ * @param aliases - additional field aliases that maps arbitrary field names to
+ *                  query field names.
+ */
+export default function extractQueryFields(
+  formData: FormDataResidual,
+  aliases?: QueryFieldAliases,
+): QueryFields {
+  const queryFieldAliases: QueryFieldAliases = {
+    /** These are predefined for backward compatibility */
+    metric: 'metrics',
+    metric_2: 'metrics',
+    secondary_metric: 'metrics',
+    x: 'metrics',
+    y: 'metrics',
+    size: 'metrics',
+    all_columns: 'columns',
+    series: 'groupby',
+    order_by_cols: 'orderby',
+    ...aliases,
+  };
+  const finalQueryFields: QueryFields = {
+    columns: [],
+    metrics: [],
+    orderby: [],
+  };
+  const { query_mode: queryMode, include_time: includeTime, ...restFormData } = formData;
+  Object.entries(restFormData).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+    // ignore `null` or `undefined` value
+    if (value == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    let normalizedKey: string = queryFieldAliases[key] || key;
+    // ignore groupby and metrics when in raw records mode
+    if (
+      queryMode === QueryMode.raw &&
+      (normalizedKey === 'groupby' || normalizedKey === 'metrics')
+    ) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // ignore columns when (specifically) in aggregate mode.
+    // For charts that support both aggregate and raw records mode,
+    // we store both `groupby` and `columns` in `formData`, so users can
+    // switch between modes while retaining the selected options for each.
+    if (queryMode === QueryMode.aggregate && normalizedKey === 'columns') {
+      return;
+    }
+    // groupby has been deprecated in QueryObject:
+    // We translate all `groupby` to `columns`.
+    if (normalizedKey === 'groupby') {
+      normalizedKey = 'columns';
+    }
+    if (normalizedKey === 'metrics') {
+      finalQueryFields[normalizedKey] = finalQueryFields[normalizedKey].concat(value);
+    } else if (normalizedKey === 'columns') {
+      // currently the columns field only accept pre-defined columns (string shortcut)
+      finalQueryFields[normalizedKey] = finalQueryFields[normalizedKey]
+        .concat(value)
+        .filter(x => typeof x === 'string' && x);
+    } else if (normalizedKey === 'orderby') {
+      finalQueryFields[normalizedKey] = finalQueryFields[normalizedKey].concat(value).map(item => {
+        // value can be in the format of `['["col1", true]', '["col2", false]'],
+        // where the option strings come directly from `order_by_choices`.
+        if (typeof item === 'string') {
+          try {
+            return JSON.parse(item);
+          } catch (error) {
+            throw new Error(t('Found invalid orderby options'));
+          }
+        }
+        return item;
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  if (includeTime && !finalQueryFields.columns.includes(DTTM_ALIAS)) {
+    finalQueryFields.columns.unshift(DTTM_ALIAS);
+  }
+  return finalQueryFields;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/getMetricLabel.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/getMetricLabel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc5fe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/getMetricLabel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { QueryFormMetric } from './types/QueryFormData';
+export default function getMetricLabel(metric: QueryFormMetric) {
+  if (typeof metric === 'string') {
+    return metric;
+  }
+  if (metric.label) {
+    return metric.label;
+  }
+  if (metric.expressionType === 'SIMPLE') {
+    return `${metric.aggregate}(${metric.column.columnName})`;
+  }
+  return metric.sqlExpression;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/index.ts
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index 0000000..d38651f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import * as ApiLegacy from './api/legacy';
+import * as ApiV1 from './api/v1';
+export { default as buildQueryContext } from './buildQueryContext';
+export { default as buildQueryObject } from './buildQueryObject';
+export { default as convertFilter } from './convertFilter';
+export { default as getMetricLabel } from './getMetricLabel';
+export { default as DatasourceKey } from './DatasourceKey';
+export * from './types/AnnotationLayer';
+export * from './types/QueryFormData';
+export * from './types/Column';
+export * from './types/Datasource';
+export * from './types/Metric';
+export * from './types/Query';
+export * from './api/v1/types';
+export { default as makeApi } from './api/v1/makeApi';
+// API Callers
+export { ApiLegacy, ApiV1 };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processExtraFormData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processExtraFormData.ts
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index 0000000..a720197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processExtraFormData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryObject } from './types/Query';
+const ALLOWED_OVERRIDES = ['time_grain_sqla', 'time_range', 'since', 'until'];
+const ALLOWED_APPENDS = ['adhoc_filters', 'filters', 'groupby'];
+export function overrideExtraFormData(
+  queryObject: QueryObject,
+  overrideFormData: Partial<QueryObject>,
+): QueryObject {
+  const overriddenFormData = { ...queryObject };
+  ALLOWED_OVERRIDES.forEach(key => {
+    if (key in overrideFormData) {
+      overriddenFormData[key] = overrideFormData[key];
+    }
+  });
+  return overriddenFormData;
+export function appendExtraFormData(
+  queryObject: QueryObject,
+  appendFormData: Partial<QueryObject>,
+): QueryObject {
+  const appendedFormData = { ...queryObject };
+  ALLOWED_APPENDS.forEach(key => {
+    if (key in appendFormData) {
+      const append = appendFormData[key];
+      const currentValue = appendedFormData[key] || [];
+      // @ts-ignore
+      currentValue.push(...append);
+      appendedFormData[key] = currentValue;
+    }
+  });
+  // Add freeform where
+  const { extras = {} } = appendedFormData;
+  const { where = '' } = extras;
+  extras.where = where;
+  const { extras: appendExtras = {} } = appendFormData;
+  let { where: appendWhere } = appendExtras;
+  if (appendWhere) {
+    appendedFormData.extras = extras;
+    appendWhere = `(${appendWhere})`;
+  }
+  if (where) {
+    appendWhere = appendWhere ? `(${where}) AND ${appendWhere}` : where;
+  }
+  extras.where = appendWhere;
+  return appendedFormData;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processFilters.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processFilters.ts
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index 0000000..8d3e7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/processFilters.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import { QueryFormData } from './types/QueryFormData';
+import { QueryObjectFilterClause } from './types/Query';
+import { isSimpleAdhocFilter } from './types/Filter';
+import convertFilter from './convertFilter';
+/** Logic formerly in's process_query_filters */
+export default function processFilters(formData: QueryFormData): Partial<QueryFormData> {
+  // Split adhoc_filters into four fields according to
+  // (1) clause (WHERE or HAVING)
+  // (2) expressionType
+  //     2.1 SIMPLE (subject + operator + comparator)
+  //     2.2 SQL (freeform SQL expression))
+  const { adhoc_filters = [], extras = {}, filters = [], where } = formData;
+  const simpleWhere: QueryObjectFilterClause[] = filters;
+  const simpleHaving: QueryObjectFilterClause[] = [];
+  const freeformWhere: string[] = [];
+  if (where) freeformWhere.push(where);
+  const freeformHaving: string[] = [];
+  adhoc_filters.forEach(filter => {
+    const { clause } = filter;
+    if (isSimpleAdhocFilter(filter)) {
+      const filterClause = convertFilter(filter);
+      if (clause === 'WHERE') {
+        simpleWhere.push(filterClause);
+      } else {
+        simpleHaving.push(filterClause);
+      }
+    } else {
+      const { sqlExpression } = filter;
+      if (clause === 'WHERE') {
+        freeformWhere.push(sqlExpression);
+      } else {
+        freeformHaving.push(sqlExpression);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  // some filter-related fields need to go in `extras`
+  extras.having = => `(${exp})`).join(' AND ');
+  extras.having_druid = simpleHaving;
+  extras.where = => `(${exp})`).join(' AND ');
+  return {
+    filters: simpleWhere,
+    extras,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/AnnotationLayer.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/AnnotationLayer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a69f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/AnnotationLayer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* eslint camelcase: 0 */
+import { DataRecord } from './QueryResponse';
+export enum AnnotationType {
+  Event = 'EVENT',
+  Formula = 'FORMULA',
+  Interval = 'INTERVAL',
+  Timeseries = 'TIME_SERIES',
+export enum AnnotationSourceType {
+  Line = 'line',
+  Native = 'NATIVE',
+  Table = 'table',
+  Undefined = '',
+export enum AnnotationOpacity {
+  High = 'opacityHigh',
+  Low = 'opacityLow',
+  Medium = 'opacityMedium',
+  Undefined = '',
+export enum AnnotationStyle {
+  Dashed = 'dashed',
+  Dotted = 'dotted',
+  Solid = 'solid',
+  LongDashed = 'longDashed',
+type BaseAnnotationLayer = {
+  color?: string | null;
+  name: string;
+  opacity?: AnnotationOpacity;
+  show: boolean;
+  style: AnnotationStyle;
+  width?: number;
+type AnnotationOverrides = {
+  granularity?: string | null;
+  time_grain_sqla?: string | null;
+  time_range?: string | null;
+  time_shift?: string | null;
+type LineSourceAnnotationLayer = {
+  hideLine?: boolean;
+  overrides?: AnnotationOverrides;
+  sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Line;
+  titleColumn?: string;
+  // viz id
+  value: number;
+type NativeSourceAnnotationLayer = {
+  sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Native;
+  // annotation id
+  value: number;
+type TableSourceAnnotationLayer = {
+  descriptionColumns?: string[];
+  timeColumn?: string;
+  intervalEndColumn?: string;
+  overrides?: AnnotationOverrides;
+  sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Table;
+  titleColumn?: string;
+  // viz id
+  value: number;
+export type EventAnnotationLayer = BaseAnnotationLayer &
+  (TableSourceAnnotationLayer | NativeSourceAnnotationLayer) & {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Event;
+  };
+export type IntervalAnnotationLayer = BaseAnnotationLayer &
+  (TableSourceAnnotationLayer | NativeSourceAnnotationLayer) & {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Interval;
+  };
+export type TableAnnotationLayer = BaseAnnotationLayer &
+  TableSourceAnnotationLayer & {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Event | AnnotationType.Interval;
+  };
+export type FormulaAnnotationLayer = BaseAnnotationLayer & {
+  annotationType: AnnotationType.Formula;
+  // the mathjs parseable formula
+  sourceType?: AnnotationSourceType.Undefined;
+  value: string;
+export type TimeseriesAnnotationLayer = BaseAnnotationLayer &
+  LineSourceAnnotationLayer & {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Timeseries;
+    showMarkers?: boolean;
+    value: number;
+  };
+export type AnnotationLayer =
+  | EventAnnotationLayer
+  | IntervalAnnotationLayer
+  | FormulaAnnotationLayer
+  | TimeseriesAnnotationLayer;
+export function isFormulaAnnotationLayer(layer: AnnotationLayer): layer is FormulaAnnotationLayer {
+  return layer.annotationType === AnnotationType.Formula;
+export function isEventAnnotationLayer(layer: AnnotationLayer): layer is EventAnnotationLayer {
+  return layer.annotationType === AnnotationType.Event;
+export function isIntervalAnnotationLayer(
+  layer: AnnotationLayer,
+): layer is IntervalAnnotationLayer {
+  return layer.annotationType === AnnotationType.Interval;
+export function isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(
+  layer: AnnotationLayer,
+): layer is TimeseriesAnnotationLayer {
+  return layer.annotationType === AnnotationType.Timeseries;
+export function isTableAnnotationLayer(layer: AnnotationLayer): layer is TableAnnotationLayer {
+  return layer.sourceType === AnnotationSourceType.Table;
+export type RecordAnnotationResult = {
+  columns: string[];
+  records: DataRecord[];
+export type TimeseriesAnnotationResult = [
+  { key: string; values: { x: string | number; y?: number }[] },
+export type AnnotationResult = RecordAnnotationResult | TimeseriesAnnotationResult;
+export function isTimeseriesAnnotationResult(
+  result: AnnotationResult,
+): result is TimeseriesAnnotationResult {
+  return Array.isArray(result);
+export function isRecordAnnotationResult(
+  result: AnnotationResult,
+): result is RecordAnnotationResult {
+  return 'columns' in result && 'records' in result;
+export type AnnotationData = { [key: string]: AnnotationResult };
+export type Annotation = {
+  descriptions?: string[];
+  intervalEnd?: string;
+  time?: string;
+  title?: string;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Column.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Column.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Column.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export enum ColumnType {
+  INT = 'INT',
+  LONG = 'LONG',
+  REAL = 'REAL',
+  DATE = 'DATE',
+  TIME = 'TIME',
+  CHAR = 'CHAR',
+ * Column information defined in datasource.
+ */
+export interface Column {
+  id: number;
+  type: ColumnType;
+  columnName: string;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Datasource.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Datasource.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Column } from './Column';
+import { Metric } from './Metric';
+export enum DatasourceType {
+  Table = 'table',
+  Druid = 'druid',
+ * Datasource metadata.
+ */
+export interface Datasource {
+  id: number;
+  name: string;
+  type: DatasourceType;
+  columns: Column[];
+  metrics: Metric[];
+  description?: string;
+  // key is column names (labels)
+  columnFormats?: {
+    [key: string]: string;
+  };
+  verboseMap?: {
+    [key: string]: string;
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Filter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Filter.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Filter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import {
+  UnaryOperator,
+  BinaryOperator,
+  SetOperator,
+  isUnaryOperator,
+  isBinaryOperator,
+  isSetOperator,
+} from './Operator';
+interface BaseSimpleAdhocFilter {
+  expressionType: 'SIMPLE';
+  clause: 'WHERE' | 'HAVING';
+  subject: string;
+export type UnaryAdhocFilter = BaseSimpleAdhocFilter & {
+  operator: UnaryOperator;
+export type BinaryAdhocFilter = BaseSimpleAdhocFilter & {
+  operator: BinaryOperator;
+  comparator: string;
+export type SetAdhocFilter = BaseSimpleAdhocFilter & {
+  operator: SetOperator;
+  comparator: string[];
+export type SimpleAdhocFilter = UnaryAdhocFilter | BinaryAdhocFilter | SetAdhocFilter;
+export interface FreeFormAdhocFilter {
+  expressionType: 'SQL';
+  clause: 'WHERE' | 'HAVING';
+  sqlExpression: string;
+export type AdhocFilter = SimpleAdhocFilter | FreeFormAdhocFilter;
+// Type guards
+export function isSimpleAdhocFilter(filter: AdhocFilter): filter is SimpleAdhocFilter {
+  return filter.expressionType === 'SIMPLE';
+export function isUnaryAdhocFilter(filter: SimpleAdhocFilter): filter is UnaryAdhocFilter {
+  return isUnaryOperator(filter.operator);
+export function isBinaryAdhocFilter(filter: SimpleAdhocFilter): filter is BinaryAdhocFilter {
+  return isBinaryOperator(filter.operator);
+export function isSetAdhocFilter(filter: SimpleAdhocFilter): filter is SetAdhocFilter {
+  return isSetOperator(filter.operator);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Metric.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Metric.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Metric.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Maybe } from '../../types';
+import { Column } from './Column';
+export type Aggregate = 'AVG' | 'COUNT' | 'COUNT_DISTINCT' | 'MAX' | 'MIN' | 'SUM';
+export interface AdhocMetricBase {
+  label?: string;
+  optionName?: string;
+export interface AdhocMetricSimple extends AdhocMetricBase {
+  expressionType: 'SIMPLE';
+  column: Column;
+  aggregate: Aggregate;
+export interface AdhocMetricSQL extends AdhocMetricBase {
+  expressionType: 'SQL';
+  sqlExpression: string;
+export type AdhocMetric = AdhocMetricSimple | AdhocMetricSQL;
+ * Select a predefined metric by its `metric_name`.
+ */
+export type SavedMetric = string;
+ * Metric definition stored in datasource metadata.
+ */
+export interface Metric {
+  id: number;
+  certification_details?: Maybe<string>;
+  certified_by?: Maybe<string>;
+  d3format?: Maybe<string>;
+  description?: Maybe<string>;
+  expression: Maybe<string>;
+  is_certified?: boolean;
+  metric_name: string;
+  verbose_name?: string;
+  warning_text?: Maybe<string>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Operator.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Operator.ts
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+/** List of operators that do not require another operand */
+const UNARY_OPERATORS = ['IS NOT NULL', 'IS NULL'] as const;
+/** List of operators that require another operand that is a single value */
+const BINARY_OPERATORS = ['==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', 'LIKE', 'REGEX'] as const;
+/** List of operators that require another operand that is a set */
+const SET_OPERATORS = ['IN', 'NOT IN'] as const;
+// Derived types
+/** An operator that does not require another operand */
+export type UnaryOperator = typeof UNARY_OPERATORS[number];
+/** An operator that requires another operand that is a single value */
+export type BinaryOperator = typeof BINARY_OPERATORS[number];
+/** An operator that require another operand that is a set */
+export type SetOperator = typeof SET_OPERATORS[number];
+// Type guards
+const unaryOperatorSet = new Set<string>(UNARY_OPERATORS);
+export function isUnaryOperator(operator: string): operator is UnaryOperator {
+  return unaryOperatorSet.has(operator);
+const binaryOperatorSet = new Set<string>(BINARY_OPERATORS);
+export function isBinaryOperator(operator: string): operator is BinaryOperator {
+  return binaryOperatorSet.has(operator);
+const setOperatorSet = new Set<string>(SET_OPERATORS);
+export function isSetOperator(operator: string): operator is SetOperator {
+  return setOperatorSet.has(operator);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/PostProcessing.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/PostProcessing.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { JsonObject } from '../../connection';
+import { TimeGranularity } from '../../time-format';
+export type NumpyFunction =
+  | 'average'
+  | 'argmin'
+  | 'argmax'
+  | 'count'
+  | 'count_nonzero'
+  | 'cumsum'
+  | 'cumprod'
+  | 'max'
+  | 'mean'
+  | 'median'
+  | 'nansum'
+  | 'nanmin'
+  | 'nanmax'
+  | 'nanmean'
+  | 'nanmedian'
+  | 'nanpercentile'
+  | 'min'
+  | 'percentile'
+  | 'prod'
+  | 'product'
+  | 'std'
+  | 'sum'
+  | 'var';
+interface Aggregates {
+  /**
+   * The name of the generated aggregate column.
+   */
+  [colname: string]: {
+    operator: NumpyFunction;
+    /**
+     * the name of the column to generate aggrates from.
+     */
+    column?: string;
+    options?: JsonObject;
+  };
+export interface PostProcessingAggregation {
+  operation: 'aggregation';
+  options: {
+    groupby: string[];
+    aggregates: Aggregates;
+  };
+export interface PostProcessingBoxplot {
+  operation: 'boxplot';
+  options: {
+    groupby: string[];
+    metrics: string[];
+    whisker_type: 'tukey' | 'min/max' | 'percentile';
+    percentiles?: [number, number];
+  };
+export interface PostProcessingContribution {
+  operation: 'contribution';
+  options?: {
+    orientation?: 'row' | 'column';
+    columns?: string[];
+    rename_columns?: string[];
+  };
+export interface PostProcessingPivot {
+  operation: 'pivot';
+  options: {
+    index: string[];
+    columns: string[];
+    aggregates: Aggregates;
+  };
+export interface PostProcessingProphet {
+  operation: 'prophet';
+  options: {
+    time_grain: TimeGranularity;
+    periods: number;
+    confidence_interval: number;
+    yearly_seasonality?: boolean | number;
+    weekly_seasonality?: boolean | number;
+    daily_seasonality?: boolean | number;
+  };
+ * Parameters for chart data postprocessing.
+ * See superset/utils/
+ */
+export type PostProcessingRule =
+  | PostProcessingAggregation
+  | PostProcessingBoxplot
+  | PostProcessingContribution
+  | PostProcessingPivot
+  | PostProcessingProphet;
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+/* eslint camelcase: 0 */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DatasourceType } from './Datasource';
+import { BinaryOperator, SetOperator, UnaryOperator } from './Operator';
+import { AppliedTimeExtras, TimeRange } from './Time';
+import { AnnotationLayer } from './AnnotationLayer';
+import { QueryFields, QueryFormMetric } from './QueryFormData';
+import { Maybe } from '../../types';
+import { PostProcessingRule } from './PostProcessing';
+export type QueryObjectFilterClause = {
+  col: string;
+} & (
+  | {
+      op: BinaryOperator;
+      val: string | number | boolean;
+    }
+  | {
+      op: SetOperator;
+      val: (string | number | boolean)[];
+    }
+  | {
+      op: UnaryOperator;
+    }
+export type QueryObjectExtras = Partial<{
+  /** HAVING condition for Druid */
+  having_druid?: string;
+  druid_time_origin?: string;
+  /** HAVING condition for SQLAlchemy */
+  having?: string;
+  relative_start?: string;
+  relative_end?: string;
+  time_grain_sqla?: string;
+  time_range_endpoints?: string[];
+  /** WHERE condition */
+  where?: string;
+export type ResidualQueryObjectData = {
+  [key: string]: unknown;
+ * Query object directly compatible with the new chart data API.
+ * A stricter version of query form data.
+ *
+ * All information should be related to generating database queries. Config values
+ * for client-side processing and chart rendering should happen in `buildQuery`
+ * and `transformProps`.
+ */
+export interface QueryObject extends QueryFields, TimeRange, ResidualQueryObjectData {
+  /**
+   * Definition for annotation layers.
+   */
+  annotation_layers?: AnnotationLayer[];
+  /** Time filters that have been applied to the query object */
+  applied_time_extras?: AppliedTimeExtras;
+  /**
+   * Extra form data. Current stores information about time granularity, may be
+   * cleaned up in the future.
+   */
+  extras?: QueryObjectExtras;
+  /** SIMPLE where filters */
+  filters?: QueryObjectFilterClause[];
+  /** Time column. */
+  granularity?: string;
+  /** If set, will group by timestamp */
+  is_timeseries?: boolean;
+  /** Free-form HAVING SQL, multiple clauses are concatenated by AND */
+  having?: string;
+  /** SIMPLE having filters */
+  having_filters?: QueryObjectFilterClause[];
+  post_processing?: (PostProcessingRule | undefined)[];
+  /** Maximum numbers of rows to return */
+  row_limit?: number;
+  /** Number of rows to skip */
+  row_offset?: number;
+  /** Maximum number of series */
+  timeseries_limit?: number;
+  /** The metric used to sort the returned result. */
+  timeseries_limit_metric?: Maybe<QueryFormMetric>;
+  /** Direction to ordered by */
+  order_desc?: boolean;
+  url_params?: Record<string, string>;
+  /** Free-form WHERE SQL: multiple clauses are concatenated by AND */
+  where?: string;
+export interface QueryContext {
+  datasource: {
+    id: number;
+    type: DatasourceType;
+  };
+  /** Force refresh of all queries */
+  force: boolean;
+  /** Type of result to return for queries */
+  result_type: string;
+  /** Response format */
+  result_format: string;
+  queries: QueryObject[];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/QueryFormData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/QueryFormData.ts
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+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * Types for the final QueryContext sent to /api/v1/chart/data.
+ */
+import { AdhocMetric, SavedMetric } from './Metric';
+import { AdhocFilter } from './Filter';
+import { BinaryOperator, SetOperator } from './Operator';
+import { AnnotationLayer } from './AnnotationLayer';
+import { QueryObject } from './Query';
+import { TimeRange, TimeRangeEndpoints } from './Time';
+import { TimeGranularity } from '../../time-format';
+ * Metric definition/reference in query object.
+ */
+export type QueryFormMetric = SavedMetric | AdhocMetric;
+ * Column selects in query object (used as dimensions in both groupby or raw
+ * query mode). Only support referring existing columns.
+ */
+export type QueryFormColumn = string;
+ * Order query results by columns.
+ * Format: [metric/column, is_ascending].
+ */
+export type QueryFormOrderBy = [QueryFormColumn | QueryFormMetric, boolean];
+export interface FormDataResidual {
+  [key: string]: any;
+export enum QueryMode {
+  aggregate = 'aggregate',
+  raw = 'raw',
+ * Query form fields related to SQL query and data outputs.
+ */
+export interface QueryFields {
+  columns: QueryFormColumn[];
+  metrics: QueryFormMetric[];
+  orderby: QueryFormOrderBy[];
+ * Name of query fields.
+ */
+export type QueryField = keyof QueryFields;
+ * Map of arbitrary control field names to query field names
+ * (one of 'metrics' | 'columns' | 'groupby').
+ *
+ * Note that `groupby` is only added here because it is will be handled when
+ * processing aliases but will not be sent to final objects. See `extraQueryFields.ts`.
+ */
+export type QueryFieldAliases = {
+  [key: string]: QueryField | 'groupby';
+ * Filter value for adhoc filters from dashboard FilterBox.
+ * Currently only Binary and Set filters are supported.
+ */
+export type QueryFormExtraFilter = {
+  col: string;
+} & (
+  | {
+      op: BinaryOperator;
+      val: string;
+    }
+  | {
+      op: SetOperator;
+      val: string[];
+    }
+export type ExtraFormData = {
+  append_form_data?: Partial<QueryObject>;
+  override_form_data?: Partial<QueryObject>;
+// Type signature for formData shared by all viz types
+// It will be gradually filled out as we build out the query object
+export interface BaseFormData extends TimeRange, FormDataResidual {
+  /** datasource identifier ${id}_${type} */
+  datasource: string;
+  /**
+   * visualization type
+   * - necessary if you use the plugin and want to use
+   * buildQuery function from the plugin.
+   * This must match the key used when registering the plugin.
+   * - not necessary if you do not plan to use the
+   * buildQuery function from the plugin.
+   * Can put "custom" (or any string) in this field in that case.
+   */
+  viz_type: string;
+  metrics?: QueryFormMetric[];
+  where?: string;
+  columns?: QueryFormColumn[];
+  groupby?: QueryFormColumn[];
+  all_columns?: QueryFormColumn[];
+  /** list of filters */
+  adhoc_filters?: AdhocFilter[];
+  extra_filters?: QueryFormExtraFilter[];
+  /** order descending */
+  order_desc?: boolean;
+  /** limit number of time series */
+  limit?: number;
+  /** limit number of row in the results */
+  row_limit?: string | number | null;
+  /** row offset for server side pagination */
+  row_offset?: string | number | null;
+  /** The metric used to order timeseries for limiting */
+  timeseries_limit_metric?: QueryFormColumn;
+  /** Force refresh */
+  force?: boolean;
+  result_format?: string;
+  result_type?: string;
+  time_range_endpoints?: TimeRangeEndpoints;
+  annotation_layers?: AnnotationLayer[];
+  url_params?: Record<string, string>;
+ * Form data for SQLAlchemy based datasources.
+ */
+export interface SqlaFormData extends BaseFormData {
+  /**
+   * Name of the Time Column. Time column is optional.
+   */
+  granularity_sqla?: string;
+  time_grain_sqla?: TimeGranularity;
+  having?: string;
+ * Form data for Druid datasources.
+ */
+export interface DruidFormData extends BaseFormData {
+  granularity: string;
+  having_druid?: string;
+  druid_time_origin?: string;
+export type QueryFormData = DruidFormData | SqlaFormData;
+// Type guards
+export function isDruidFormData(formData: QueryFormData): formData is DruidFormData {
+  return 'granularity' in formData;
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { TimeseriesDataRecord } from '../../chart';
+import { AnnotationData } from './AnnotationLayer';
+ * Generic data types, see enum of the same name in superset/utils/
+ */
+export enum GenericDataType {
+  NUMERIC = 0,
+  STRING = 1,
+  TEMPORAL = 2,
+  BOOLEAN = 3,
+ * Primitive types for data field values.
+ */
+export type DataRecordValue = number | string | boolean | Date | null;
+export interface DataRecord {
+  [key: string]: DataRecordValue;
+ * Queried data for charts. The `queries` field from `POST /chart/data`.
+ * See superset/charts/ for the class of the same name.
+ */
+export interface ChartDataResponseResult {
+  /**
+   * Data for the annotation layer.
+   */
+  annotation_data: AnnotationData[] | null;
+  cache_key: string | null;
+  cache_timeout: number | null;
+  cache_dttm: string | null;
+  /**
+   * Array of data records as dictionary
+   */
+  data: DataRecord[];
+  /**
+   * Name of each column, for retaining the order of the output columns.
+   */
+  colnames: string[];
+  /**
+   * Generic data types, based on the final output pandas dataframe.
+   */
+  coltypes: GenericDataType[];
+  error: string | null;
+  is_cached: boolean;
+  query: string;
+  rowcount: number;
+  stacktrace: string | null;
+  status: 'stopped' | 'failed' | 'pending' | 'running' | 'scheduled' | 'success' | 'timed_out';
+export interface TimeseriesChartDataResponseResult extends ChartDataResponseResult {
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[];
+ * Query response from /api/v1/chart/data
+ */
+export interface ChartDataResponse {
+  queries: ChartDataResponseResult[];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Time.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Time.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61cb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/Time.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { QueryObject } from './Query';
+export type TimeRange = {
+  /** Time range of the query [from, to] */
+  time_range?: string;
+  since?: string;
+  until?: string;
+export type TimeColumnConfigKey =
+  | '__time_col'
+  | '__time_grain'
+  | '__time_range'
+  | '__time_origin'
+  | '__granularity';
+export type AppliedTimeExtras = Partial<Record<TimeColumnConfigKey, keyof QueryObject>>;
+export type TimeRangeEndpoint = 'unknown' | 'inclusive' | 'exclusive';
+export type TimeRangeEndpoints = [TimeRangeEndpoint, TimeRangeEndpoint];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/index.ts
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index 0000000..294732f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/types/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from './Datasource';
+export * from './Column';
+export * from './Filter';
+export * from './Metric';
+export * from './Operator';
+export * from './Query';
+export * from './QueryFormData';
+export * from './QueryResponse';
+export * from './Time';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/style/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/style/index.ts
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index 0000000..5e5cfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/style/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import emotionStyled, { CreateStyled } from '@emotion/styled';
+import { useTheme as useThemeBasic } from 'emotion-theming';
+export { ThemeProvider, withTheme } from 'emotion-theming';
+export { css } from '@emotion/core';
+export function useTheme() {
+  const theme = useThemeBasic<SupersetTheme>();
+  // in the case there is no theme, useTheme returns an empty object
+  if (Object.keys(theme).length === 0 && theme.constructor === Object) {
+    throw new Error(
+      'useTheme() could not find a ThemeContext. The <ThemeProvider/> component is likely missing from the app.',
+    );
+  }
+  return theme;
+const defaultTheme = {
+  borderRadius: 4,
+  colors: {
+    primary: {
+      base: '#20A7C9',
+      dark1: '#1A85A0',
+      dark2: '#156378',
+      light1: '#79CADE',
+      light2: '#A5DAE9',
+      light3: '#D2EDF4',
+      light4: '#E9F6F9',
+      light5: '#F3F8FA',
+    },
+    secondary: {
+      base: '#444E7C',
+      dark1: '#363E63',
+      dark2: '#282E4A',
+      dark3: '#1B1F31',
+      light1: '#8E94B0',
+      light2: '#B4B8CA',
+      light3: '#D9DBE4',
+      light4: '#ECEEF2',
+      light5: '#F5F5F8',
+    },
+    grayscale: {
+      base: '#666666',
+      dark1: '#323232',
+      dark2: '#000000',
+      light1: '#B2B2B2',
+      light2: '#E0E0E0',
+      light3: '#F0F0F0',
+      light4: '#F7F7F7',
+      light5: '#FFFFFF',
+    },
+    error: {
+      base: '#E04355',
+      dark1: '#A7323F',
+      dark2: '#6F212A',
+      light1: '#EFA1AA',
+      light2: '#FAEDEE',
+    },
+    warning: {
+      base: '#FF7F44',
+      dark1: '#BF5E33',
+      dark2: '#7F3F21',
+      light1: '#FEC0A1',
+      light2: '#FFF2EC',
+    },
+    alert: {
+      base: '#FCC700',
+      dark1: '#BC9501',
+      dark2: '#7D6300',
+      light1: '#FDE380',
+      light2: '#FEF9E6',
+    },
+    success: {
+      base: '#5AC189',
+      dark1: '#439066',
+      dark2: '#2B6144',
+      light1: '#ACE1C4',
+      light2: '#EEF8F3',
+    },
+    info: {
+      base: '#66BCFE',
+      dark1: '#4D8CBE',
+      dark2: '#315E7E',
+      light1: '#B3DEFE',
+      light2: '#EFF8FE',
+    },
+  },
+  opacity: {
+    light: '10%',
+    mediumLight: '35%',
+    mediumHeavy: '60%',
+    heavy: '80%',
+  },
+  typography: {
+    families: {
+      sansSerif: `'Inter', Helvetica, Arial`,
+      serif: `Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif`,
+      monospace: `'Fira Code', 'Courier New', monospace`,
+    },
+    weights: {
+      light: 200,
+      normal: 400,
+      bold: 700,
+    },
+    sizes: {
+      xxs: 9,
+      xs: 10,
+      s: 12,
+      m: 14,
+      l: 16,
+      xl: 21,
+      xxl: 28,
+    },
+  },
+  zIndex: {
+    aboveDashboardCharts: 10,
+    dropdown: 11,
+    max: 3000,
+  },
+  transitionTiming: 0.3,
+  gridUnit: 4,
+export type SupersetTheme = typeof defaultTheme;
+export interface SupersetThemeProps {
+  theme: SupersetTheme;
+export const styled: CreateStyled<SupersetTheme> = emotionStyled;
+export const supersetTheme = defaultTheme;
+export default styled;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/
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index 0000000..fba67d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+## @superset-ui/core/time-format
+#### Example usage
+import { getTimeFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const formatter = getTimeFormatter('%Y-%m-d');
+console.log(formatter(new Date()));
+import { formatTime } from '@superset-ui/core';
+console.log(formatTime('%Y-%m-d', new Date()));
+It is powered by a registry to support registration of custom formatting, with fallback to
+`d3.utcFormat` or `d3.timeFormat` (if the formatId starts with `local!`)
+import { getTimeFormatterRegistry, formatTime, TimeFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+getTimeFormatterRegistry().registerValue('my_format', new TimeFormatter({
+  id: 'my_format',
+  formatFunc: v => `my special format of ${utcFormat('%Y')(v)}`
+console.log(formatTime('my_format', new Date(2018)));
+// prints 'my special format of 2018'
+It also define constants for common d3 time formats. See
+import { TimeFormats } from '@superset-ui/core';
+TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME; // '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+TimeFormats.US_DATE; // '%m/%d/%Y'
+#### API
+- Do something
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormats.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormats.ts
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index 0000000..986bf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormats.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+export const LOCAL_PREFIX = 'local!';
+const DATABASE_DATETIME = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
+const DATABASE_DATETIME_REVERSE = '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S';
+const US_DATE = '%m/%d/%Y';
+const INTERNATIONAL_DATE = '%d/%m/%Y';
+const DATABASE_DATE = '%Y-%m-%d';
+const TIME = '%H:%M:%S';
+const TimeFormats = {
+  TIME,
+export default TimeFormats;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatsForGranularity.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatsForGranularity.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatsForGranularity.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import TimeFormats from './TimeFormats';
+import { TimeGranularity } from './types';
+const MINUTE = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M';
+ * Map time granularity to d3-format string
+ */
+const TimeFormatsForGranularity: Record<TimeGranularity, string> = {
+  [TimeGranularity.DATE]: DATABASE_DATE,
+  [TimeGranularity.MINUTE]: MINUTE,
+  [TimeGranularity.FIVE_MINUTES]: MINUTE,
+  [TimeGranularity.TEN_MINUTES]: MINUTE,
+  [TimeGranularity.FIFTEEN_MINUTES]: MINUTE,
+  [TimeGranularity.HALF_HOUR]: MINUTE,
+  [TimeGranularity.HOUR]: '%Y-%m-%d %H:00',
+  [TimeGranularity.DAY]: DATABASE_DATE,
+  [TimeGranularity.WEEK]: DATABASE_DATE,
+  [TimeGranularity.MONTH]: '%b %Y',
+  [TimeGranularity.QUARTER]: '%Y Q%q',
+  [TimeGranularity.YEAR]: '%Y',
+export default TimeFormatsForGranularity;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..3a2a246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ExtensibleFunction } from '../models';
+import { isRequired } from '../utils';
+import { TimeFormatFunction } from './types';
+import stringifyTimeInput from './utils/stringifyTimeInput';
+export const PREVIEW_TIME = new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 14, 11, 22, 33));
+// Use type augmentation to indicate that
+// an instance of TimeFormatter is also a function
+interface TimeFormatter {
+  (value: Date | number | null | undefined): string;
+class TimeFormatter extends ExtensibleFunction {
+  id: string;
+  label: string;
+  description: string;
+  formatFunc: TimeFormatFunction;
+  useLocalTime: boolean;
+  constructor(config: {
+    id: string;
+    label?: string;
+    description?: string;
+    formatFunc: TimeFormatFunction;
+    useLocalTime?: boolean;
+  }) {
+    super((value: Date | number | null | undefined) => this.format(value));
+    const {
+      id = isRequired(''),
+      label,
+      description = '',
+      formatFunc = isRequired('config.formatFunc'),
+      useLocalTime = false,
+    } = config;
+ = id;
+    this.label = label ?? id;
+    this.description = description;
+    this.formatFunc = formatFunc;
+    this.useLocalTime = useLocalTime;
+  }
+  format(value: Date | number | null | undefined) {
+    return stringifyTimeInput(value, time => this.formatFunc(time));
+  }
+  preview(value: Date = PREVIEW_TIME) {
+    return `${value.toUTCString()} => ${this.format(value)}`;
+  }
+export default TimeFormatter;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.ts
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index 0000000..dae16d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { RegistryWithDefaultKey, OverwritePolicy } from '../models';
+import TimeFormats, { LOCAL_PREFIX } from './TimeFormats';
+import createD3TimeFormatter from './factories/createD3TimeFormatter';
+import TimeFormatter from './TimeFormatter';
+export default class TimeFormatterRegistry extends RegistryWithDefaultKey<
+  TimeFormatter,
+  TimeFormatter
+> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      initialDefaultKey: TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME,
+      name: 'TimeFormatter',
+      overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN,
+    });
+  }
+  get(format?: string) {
+    const targetFormat = `${
+      format === null || typeof format === 'undefined' || format === '' ? this.defaultKey : format
+    }`.trim();
+    if (this.has(targetFormat)) {
+      return super.get(targetFormat) as TimeFormatter;
+    }
+    // Create new formatter if does not exist
+    const useLocalTime = targetFormat.startsWith(LOCAL_PREFIX);
+    const formatString = targetFormat.replace(LOCAL_PREFIX, '');
+    const formatter = createD3TimeFormatter({ formatString, useLocalTime });
+    this.registerValue(targetFormat, formatter);
+    return formatter;
+  }
+  format(format: string | undefined, value: Date | null | undefined): string {
+    return this.get(format)(value);
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { makeSingleton } from '../utils';
+import TimeFormatterRegistry from './TimeFormatterRegistry';
+import TimeFormatter from './TimeFormatter';
+import TimeFormatsForGranularity from './TimeFormatsForGranularity';
+import { LOCAL_PREFIX } from './TimeFormats';
+import { TimeGranularity } from './types';
+import createTimeRangeFromGranularity from './utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity';
+import TimeRangeFormatter from './TimeRangeFormatter';
+const getInstance = makeSingleton(TimeFormatterRegistry);
+export default getInstance;
+export function getTimeRangeFormatter(formatId?: string) {
+  return new TimeRangeFormatter({
+    id: formatId || 'undefined',
+    formatFunc: (range: (Date | number | null | undefined)[]) => {
+      const format = getInstance().get(formatId);
+      const [start, end] = => format(value));
+      return start === end ? start : [start, end].join(' — ');
+    },
+    useLocalTime: formatId?.startsWith(LOCAL_PREFIX),
+  });
+export function formatTimeRange(formatId: string | undefined, range: (Date | null | undefined)[]) {
+  return getTimeRangeFormatter(formatId)(range);
+export function getTimeFormatter(formatId?: string, granularity?: TimeGranularity) {
+  if (granularity) {
+    const formatString = formatId || TimeFormatsForGranularity[granularity];
+    const timeRangeFormatter = getTimeRangeFormatter(formatString);
+    return new TimeFormatter({
+      id: [formatString, granularity].join('/'),
+      formatFunc: (value: Date) =>
+        timeRangeFormatter.format(
+          createTimeRangeFromGranularity(value, granularity, timeRangeFormatter.useLocalTime),
+        ),
+      useLocalTime: timeRangeFormatter.useLocalTime,
+    });
+  }
+  return getInstance().get(formatId);
+ * Syntactic sugar for backward compatibility
+ * TODO: Deprecate this in the next breaking change.
+ * @param granularity
+ */
+export function getTimeFormatterForGranularity(granularity?: TimeGranularity) {
+  return getTimeFormatter(undefined, granularity);
+export function formatTime(
+  formatId: string | undefined,
+  value: Date | null | undefined,
+  granularity?: TimeGranularity,
+) {
+  return getTimeFormatter(formatId, granularity)(value);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeRangeFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeRangeFormatter.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/TimeRangeFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ExtensibleFunction } from '../models';
+import { TimeRangeFormatFunction } from './types';
+// Use type augmentation to indicate that
+// an instance of TimeFormatter is also a function
+interface TimeRangeFormatter {
+  (value: (Date | number | null | undefined)[]): string;
+class TimeRangeFormatter extends ExtensibleFunction {
+  id: string;
+  label: string;
+  description: string;
+  formatFunc: TimeRangeFormatFunction;
+  useLocalTime: boolean;
+  constructor(config: {
+    id: string;
+    label?: string;
+    description?: string;
+    formatFunc: TimeRangeFormatFunction;
+    useLocalTime?: boolean;
+  }) {
+    super((value: (Date | number | null | undefined)[]) => this.format(value));
+    const { id, label, description = '', formatFunc, useLocalTime = false } = config;
+ = id;
+    this.label = label ?? id;
+    this.description = description;
+    this.formatFunc = formatFunc;
+    this.useLocalTime = useLocalTime;
+  }
+  format(values: (Date | number | null | undefined)[]) {
+    return this.formatFunc(values);
+  }
+export default TimeRangeFormatter;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..e8cbe42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { utcFormat, timeFormat, timeFormatLocale, TimeLocaleDefinition } from 'd3-time-format';
+import { isRequired } from '../../utils';
+import TimeFormatter from '../TimeFormatter';
+import { LOCAL_PREFIX } from '../TimeFormats';
+export default function createD3TimeFormatter(config: {
+  description?: string;
+  formatString: string;
+  label?: string;
+  locale?: TimeLocaleDefinition;
+  useLocalTime?: boolean;
+}) {
+  const {
+    description,
+    formatString = isRequired('formatString'),
+    label,
+    locale,
+    useLocalTime = false,
+  } = config;
+  const id = useLocalTime ? `${LOCAL_PREFIX}${formatString}` : formatString;
+  let formatFunc;
+  if (typeof locale === 'undefined') {
+    const format = useLocalTime ? timeFormat : utcFormat;
+    formatFunc = format(formatString);
+  } else {
+    const localeObject = timeFormatLocale(locale);
+    formatFunc = useLocalTime
+      ? localeObject.format(formatString)
+      : localeObject.utcFormat(formatString);
+  }
+  return new TimeFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc,
+    id,
+    label,
+    useLocalTime,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.ts
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index 0000000..2a339d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { utcFormat, timeFormat } from 'd3-time-format';
+import { utcUtils, localTimeUtils } from '../utils/d3Time';
+import TimeFormatter from '../TimeFormatter';
+type FormatsByStep = Partial<{
+  millisecond: string;
+  second: string;
+  minute: string;
+  hour: string;
+  day: string;
+  week: string;
+  month: string;
+  year: string;
+export default function createMultiFormatter({
+  id,
+  label,
+  description,
+  formats = {},
+  useLocalTime = false,
+}: {
+  id: string;
+  label?: string;
+  description?: string;
+  formats?: FormatsByStep;
+  useLocalTime?: boolean;
+}) {
+  const {
+    millisecond = '.%L',
+    second = ':%S',
+    minute = '%I:%M',
+    hour = '%I %p',
+    day = '%a %d',
+    week = '%b %d',
+    month = '%B',
+    year = '%Y',
+  } = formats;
+  const format = useLocalTime ? timeFormat : utcFormat;
+  const formatMillisecond = format(millisecond);
+  const formatSecond = format(second);
+  const formatMinute = format(minute);
+  const formatHour = format(hour);
+  const formatDay = format(day);
+  const formatFirstDayOfWeek = format(week);
+  const formatMonth = format(month);
+  const formatYear = format(year);
+  const {
+    hasMillisecond,
+    hasSecond,
+    hasMinute,
+    hasHour,
+    isNotFirstDayOfMonth,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeek,
+    isNotFirstMonth,
+  } = useLocalTime ? localTimeUtils : utcUtils;
+  function multiFormatFunc(date: Date) {
+    if (hasMillisecond(date)) {
+      return formatMillisecond;
+    }
+    if (hasSecond(date)) {
+      return formatSecond;
+    }
+    if (hasMinute(date)) {
+      return formatMinute;
+    }
+    if (hasHour(date)) {
+      return formatHour;
+    }
+    if (isNotFirstDayOfMonth(date)) {
+      return isNotFirstDayOfWeek(date) ? formatDay : formatFirstDayOfWeek;
+    }
+    if (isNotFirstMonth(date)) {
+      return formatMonth;
+    }
+    return formatYear;
+  }
+  return new TimeFormatter({
+    description,
+    formatFunc: (date: Date) => multiFormatFunc(date)(date),
+    id,
+    label,
+    useLocalTime,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDate.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2199d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import createMultiFormatter from '../factories/createMultiFormatter';
+const smartDateFormatter = createMultiFormatter({
+  id: 'smart_date',
+  label: 'Adaptative Formatting',
+  formats: {
+    millisecond: '.%Lms',
+    second: ':%Ss',
+    minute: '%I:%M',
+    hour: '%I %p',
+    day: '%a %d',
+    week: '%b %d',
+    month: '%B',
+    year: '%Y',
+  },
+export default smartDateFormatter;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08de934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import createMultiFormatter from '../factories/createMultiFormatter';
+const smartDateFormatter = createMultiFormatter({
+  id: 'smart_date_verbose',
+  label: 'Verbose Adaptative Formatting',
+  formats: {
+    millisecond: '.%L',
+    second: '%a %b %d, %I:%M:%S %p',
+    minute: '%a %b %d, %I:%M %p',
+    hour: '%a %b %d, %I %p',
+    day: '%a %b %-e',
+    week: '%a %b %-e',
+    month: '%b %Y',
+    year: '%Y',
+  },
+export default smartDateFormatter;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb39df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+export { default as TimeFormats, LOCAL_PREFIX } from './TimeFormats';
+export { default as TimeFormatter, PREVIEW_TIME } from './TimeFormatter';
+export {
+  default as getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+  formatTime,
+  formatTimeRange,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  getTimeRangeFormatter,
+} from './TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton';
+export { default as createD3TimeFormatter } from './factories/createD3TimeFormatter';
+export { default as createMultiFormatter } from './factories/createMultiFormatter';
+export { default as smartDateFormatter } from './formatters/smartDate';
+export { default as smartDateVerboseFormatter } from './formatters/smartDateVerbose';
+export * from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/types.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866baa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+export type TimeFormatFunction = (value: Date) => string;
+export type TimeRangeFormatFunction = (values: (Date | number | undefined | null)[]) => string;
+ * search for `builtin_time_grains` in incubator-superset/superset/db_engine_specs/
+ */
+export const TimeGranularity = {
+  DATE: 'date',
+  SECOND: 'PT1S',
+  MINUTE: 'PT1M',
+  HALF_HOUR: 'PT0.5H',
+  HOUR: 'PT1H',
+  DAY: 'P1D',
+  WEEK: 'P1W',
+  WEEK_STARTING_SUNDAY: '1969-12-28T00:00:00Z/P1W',
+  WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY: '1969-12-29T00:00:00Z/P1W',
+  WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY: 'P1W/1970-01-03T00:00:00Z',
+  WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY: 'P1W/1970-01-04T00:00:00Z',
+  MONTH: 'P1M',
+  QUARTER: 'P0.25Y',
+  YEAR: 'P1Y',
+} as const;
+type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
+export type TimeGranularity = ValueOf<typeof TimeGranularity>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTime.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTime.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1af899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTime.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+export default function createTime(
+  mode: 'local' | 'utc',
+  year: number,
+  month = 0,
+  date = 1,
+  hours = 0,
+  minutes = 0,
+  seconds = 0,
+  milliseconds = 0,
+): Date {
+  const args = [year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds] as const;
+  return mode === 'local' ? new Date(...args) : new Date(Date.UTC(...args));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4ceaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { TimeGranularity } from '../types';
+import createTime from './createTime';
+const MS_IN_SECOND = 1000;
+const MS_IN_MINUTE = 60 * MS_IN_SECOND;
+const MS_IN_HOUR = 60 * MS_IN_MINUTE;
+function deductOneMs(time: Date) {
+  return new Date(time.getTime() - 1);
+function computeEndTimeFromGranularity(
+  time: Date,
+  granularity: TimeGranularity,
+  useLocalTime: boolean,
+) {
+  const date = useLocalTime ? time.getDate() : time.getUTCDate();
+  const month = useLocalTime ? time.getMonth() : time.getUTCMonth();
+  const year = useLocalTime ? time.getFullYear() : time.getUTCFullYear();
+  const mode = useLocalTime ? 'local' : 'utc';
+  switch (granularity) {
+    case TimeGranularity.SECOND:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_SECOND - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.MINUTE:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_MINUTE - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.FIVE_MINUTES:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_MINUTE * 5 - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.TEN_MINUTES:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_MINUTE * 10 - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.FIFTEEN_MINUTES:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_MINUTE * 15 - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.HALF_HOUR:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_MINUTE * 30 - 1);
+    case TimeGranularity.HOUR:
+      return new Date(time.getTime() + MS_IN_HOUR - 1);
+    // For the day granularity and above, using Date overflow is better than adding timestamp
+    // because it will also handle daylight saving.
+    case TimeGranularity.WEEK:
+    case TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_SUNDAY:
+    case TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY:
+      return deductOneMs(createTime(mode, year, month, date + 7));
+    case TimeGranularity.MONTH:
+      return deductOneMs(createTime(mode, year, month + 1));
+    case TimeGranularity.QUARTER:
+      return deductOneMs(createTime(mode, year, (Math.floor(month / 3) + 1) * 3));
+    case TimeGranularity.YEAR:
+      return deductOneMs(createTime(mode, year + 1));
+    // For the WEEK_ENDING_XXX cases,
+    // currently assume "time" returned from database is supposed to be the end time
+    // (in contrast to all other granularities that the returned time is start time).
+    // However, the returned "time" is at 00:00:00.000, so have to add 23:59:59.999.
+    case TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY:
+    case TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY:
+    case TimeGranularity.DATE:
+    case TimeGranularity.DAY:
+    default:
+      return deductOneMs(createTime(mode, year, month, date + 1));
+  }
+export default function createTimeRangeFromGranularity(
+  time: Date,
+  granularity: TimeGranularity,
+  useLocalTime = false,
+) {
+  const endTime = computeEndTimeFromGranularity(time, granularity, useLocalTime);
+  if (
+    granularity === TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY ||
+    granularity === TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY
+  ) {
+    const date = useLocalTime ? time.getDate() : time.getUTCDate();
+    const month = useLocalTime ? time.getMonth() : time.getUTCMonth();
+    const year = useLocalTime ? time.getFullYear() : time.getUTCFullYear();
+    const startTime = createTime(useLocalTime ? 'local' : 'utc', year, month, date - 6);
+    return [startTime, endTime];
+  }
+  return [time, endTime];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/d3Time.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/d3Time.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a3dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/d3Time.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import {
+  timeSecond,
+  timeMinute,
+  timeHour,
+  timeDay,
+  timeWeek,
+  timeSunday,
+  timeMonday,
+  timeTuesday,
+  timeWednesday,
+  timeThursday,
+  timeFriday,
+  timeSaturday,
+  timeMonth,
+  timeYear,
+  utcSecond,
+  utcMinute,
+  utcHour,
+  utcDay,
+  utcWeek,
+  utcSunday,
+  utcMonday,
+  utcTuesday,
+  utcWednesday,
+  utcThursday,
+  utcFriday,
+  utcSaturday,
+  utcMonth,
+  utcYear,
+  CountableTimeInterval,
+} from 'd3-time';
+function createUtils(useLocalTime = false) {
+  let floorSecond: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorMinute: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorHour: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorDay: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeek: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnSunday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnMonday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnTuesday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnWednesday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnThursday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnFriday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorWeekStartOnSaturday: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorMonth: CountableTimeInterval;
+  let floorYear: CountableTimeInterval;
+  if (useLocalTime) {
+    floorSecond = timeSecond;
+    floorMinute = timeMinute;
+    floorHour = timeHour;
+    floorDay = timeDay;
+    floorWeek = timeWeek;
+    floorWeekStartOnSunday = timeSunday;
+    floorWeekStartOnMonday = timeMonday;
+    floorWeekStartOnTuesday = timeTuesday;
+    floorWeekStartOnWednesday = timeWednesday;
+    floorWeekStartOnThursday = timeThursday;
+    floorWeekStartOnFriday = timeFriday;
+    floorWeekStartOnSaturday = timeSaturday;
+    floorMonth = timeMonth;
+    floorYear = timeYear;
+  } else {
+    floorSecond = utcSecond;
+    floorMinute = utcMinute;
+    floorHour = utcHour;
+    floorDay = utcDay;
+    floorWeek = utcWeek;
+    floorWeekStartOnSunday = utcSunday;
+    floorWeekStartOnMonday = utcMonday;
+    floorWeekStartOnTuesday = utcTuesday;
+    floorWeekStartOnWednesday = utcWednesday;
+    floorWeekStartOnThursday = utcThursday;
+    floorWeekStartOnFriday = utcFriday;
+    floorWeekStartOnSaturday = utcSaturday;
+    floorMonth = utcMonth;
+    floorYear = utcYear;
+  }
+  return {
+    floorSecond,
+    floorMinute,
+    floorHour,
+    floorDay,
+    floorWeek,
+    floorWeekStartOnSunday,
+    floorWeekStartOnMonday,
+    floorWeekStartOnTuesday,
+    floorWeekStartOnWednesday,
+    floorWeekStartOnThursday,
+    floorWeekStartOnFriday,
+    floorWeekStartOnSaturday,
+    floorMonth,
+    floorYear,
+    hasMillisecond: (date: Date) => floorSecond(date) < date,
+    hasSecond: (date: Date) => floorMinute(date) < date,
+    hasMinute: (date: Date) => floorHour(date) < date,
+    hasHour: (date: Date) => floorDay(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfMonth: (date: Date) => floorMonth(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeek: (date: Date) => floorWeek(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnSunday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnMonday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnTuesday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnWednesday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnThursday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnFriday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday: (date: Date) => floorWeekStartOnSaturday(date) < date,
+    isNotFirstMonth: (date: Date) => floorYear(date) < date,
+  };
+const utcUtils = createUtils();
+const localTimeUtils = createUtils(true);
+export { utcUtils, localTimeUtils };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/stringifyTimeInput.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/stringifyTimeInput.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd7c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/time-format/utils/stringifyTimeInput.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export default function stringifyTimeInput(
+  value: Date | number | undefined | null,
+  fn: (time: Date) => string,
+) {
+  if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+    return `${value}`;
+  }
+  return fn(value instanceof Date ? value : new Date(value));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a09246f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+## @superset-ui/core/translation
+`i18n` locales and translation for Superset.
+### SupersetTranslation
+#### Example usage
+import { configure, t, tn } from '@superset-ui/core';
+  languagePack: {...},
+console.log(t('text to be translated'));
+console.log(tn('singular text', 'plural text', value));
+#### API
+`configure({ [languagePack] })`
+- Initialize the translator
+- Initialize with the default language if no `languagePack` is specified.
+`t(text[, args])`
+- Translate `text`.
+- If `args` is provided, substitute `args` into the `sprintf` placeholders specified within `text`
+  translation.
+For example
+t('Hello %(name)s', user);
+See [sprintf-js]( for more details on how to define
+`tn(singular, plural, num, [, args])`
+- Translate and choose between `singular` and `plural` based on `num`.
+- If `args` is provided, substitute `args` into the `sprintf` placeholders specified within
+  `singular` or `plural` translations.
+For example
+tn('%d duck', '%d ducks', 2, 2);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/Translator.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/Translator.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb4ad6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/Translator.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import UntypedJed from 'jed';
+import logging from '../utils/logging';
+import { Jed, TranslatorConfig, Locale, Translations, LocaleData, LanguagePack } from './types';
+const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_PACK: LanguagePack = {
+  domain: 'superset',
+  locale_data: {
+    superset: {
+      '': {
+        domain: 'superset',
+        lang: 'en',
+        plural_forms: 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)',
+      },
+    },
+  },
+export default class Translator {
+  i18n: Jed;
+  locale: Locale;
+  constructor(config: TranslatorConfig = {}) {
+    const { languagePack = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_PACK } = config;
+    this.i18n = new UntypedJed(languagePack) as Jed;
+    this.locale = this.i18n.options.locale_data.superset[''].lang as Locale;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add additional translations on the fly, used by plugins.
+   */
+  addTranslation(key: string, texts: ReadonlyArray<string>) {
+    const translations = this.i18n.options.locale_data.superset;
+    if (key in translations) {
+      logging.warn(`Duplicate translation key "${key}", will override.`);
+    }
+    translations[key] = texts;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a series of translations.
+   */
+  addTranslations(translations: Translations) {
+    if (translations && !Array.isArray(translations)) {
+      Object.entries(translations).forEach(([key, vals]) => this.addTranslation(key, vals));
+    } else {
+      logging.warn('Invalid translations');
+    }
+  }
+  addLocaleData(data: LocaleData) {
+    // always fallback to English
+    const translations = data?.[this.locale] || data?.en;
+    if (translations) {
+      this.addTranslations(translations);
+    } else {
+      logging.warn('Invalid locale data');
+    }
+  }
+  translate(input: string, ...args: unknown[]): string {
+    return this.i18n.translate(input).fetch(...args);
+  }
+  translateWithNumber(key: string, ...args: unknown[]): string {
+    const [plural, num,] = args;
+    if (typeof plural === 'number') {
+      return this.i18n
+        .translate(key)
+        .ifPlural(plural, key)
+        .fetch(plural, num, ...args);
+    }
+    return this.i18n
+      .translate(key)
+      .ifPlural(num as number, plural as string)
+      .fetch(;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/TranslatorSingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/TranslatorSingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc6731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/TranslatorSingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* eslint no-console: 0 */
+import Translator from './Translator';
+import { TranslatorConfig, Translations, LocaleData } from './types';
+let singleton: Translator | undefined;
+let isConfigured = false;
+function configure(config?: TranslatorConfig) {
+  singleton = new Translator(config);
+  isConfigured = true;
+  return singleton;
+function getInstance() {
+  if (!isConfigured) {
+    console.warn('You should call configure(...) before calling other methods');
+  }
+  if (typeof singleton === 'undefined') {
+    singleton = new Translator();
+  }
+  return singleton;
+function addTranslation(key: string, translations: string[]) {
+  return getInstance().addTranslation(key, translations);
+function addTranslations(translations: Translations) {
+  return getInstance().addTranslations(translations);
+function addLocaleData(data: LocaleData) {
+  return getInstance().addLocaleData(data);
+function t(input: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+  return getInstance().translate(input, ...args);
+function tn(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+  return getInstance().translateWithNumber(key, ...args);
+export { configure, addTranslation, addTranslations, addLocaleData, t, tn };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dffc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from './TranslatorSingleton';
+export * from './types';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e814d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Jed as BaseJed, JedOptions, DomainData, Translations } from './jed';
+export * from './jed';
+ * Superset supported languages.
+ */
+export type Locale = 'de' | 'en' | 'es' | 'fr' | 'it' | 'ja' | 'ko' | 'pt' | 'pt_BR' | 'ru' | 'zh'; // supported locales in Superset
+ * Language pack provided to `jed`.
+ */
+export type LanguagePack = JedOptions & {
+  // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+  locale_data: {
+    superset: DomainData & {
+      '': {
+        domain: 'superset';
+        lang: Locale;
+        // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+        plural_forms: string;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+export interface Jed extends BaseJed {
+  options: LanguagePack;
+ * Config options for Translator class.
+ */
+export interface TranslatorConfig {
+  languagePack?: LanguagePack;
+ * Key-value mapping of translation key and the translations.
+ */
+export type LocaleData = Partial<Record<Locale, Translations>>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/jed.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/jed.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1353c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/translation/types/jed.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Translations for a language in the format of { key: [singular, plural, ...]}.
+ */
+export type Translations = {
+  [key: string]: ReadonlyArray<string>;
+export interface DomainConfig {
+  domain: string;
+  lang: string;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+  plural_forms: string;
+export type DomainData = { '': DomainConfig } & {
+  [key: string]: ReadonlyArray<string> | DomainConfig;
+export interface JedOptions {
+  domain: string;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+  locale_data: {
+    [domain: string]: DomainData;
+  };
+export interface Jed {
+  translate(input: string): Jed;
+  ifPlural(value: number, plural: string): Jed;
+  fetch(...args: unknown[]): string;
+  options: JedOptions;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/types/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/types/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaab5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/types/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from '../query/types';
+export type Maybe<T> = T | null;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d9da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import camelCase from 'lodash/camelCase';
+import isPlainObject from 'lodash/isPlainObject';
+import mapKeys from 'lodash/mapKeys';
+export default function convertKeysToCamelCase<T>(object: T) {
+  if (object === null || object === undefined) {
+    return object;
+  }
+  if (isPlainObject(object)) {
+    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+    return mapKeys(object as { [key: string]: any }, (_, k) => camelCase(k)) as T;
+  }
+  throw new Error(`Cannot convert input that is not a plain object: ${object}`);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/ensureIsArray.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/ensureIsArray.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..244643f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/ensureIsArray.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * Ensure a nullable value input is an array. Useful when consolidating
+ * input format from a select control.
+ */
+export default function ensureIsArray<T>(value?: T[] | T | null): T[] {
+  if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0ea96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export { default as convertKeysToCamelCase } from './convertKeysToCamelCase';
+export { default as ensureIsArray } from './ensureIsArray';
+export { default as isDefined } from './isDefined';
+export { default as isRequired } from './isRequired';
+export { default as makeSingleton } from './makeSingleton';
+export { default as promiseTimeout } from './promiseTimeout';
+export { default as logging } from './logging';
+export { default as removeDuplicates } from './removeDuplicates';
+export * from './random';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isDefined.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isDefined.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e5fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isDefined.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export default function isDefined(x: unknown) {
+  return x !== null && x !== undefined;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isRequired.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isRequired.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a81534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/isRequired.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export default function isRequired(field: string): never {
+  throw new Error(`${field} is required.`);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/logging.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/logging.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..929c4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/logging.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+const console = window.console || {};
+const log = console.log || (() => {});
+const logger = {
+  log,
+  debug: console.debug || log,
+  info: || log,
+  warn: console.warn || log,
+  error: console.error || log,
+  trace: console.trace || log,
+  table: console.table || log,
+ * Superset frontend logger, currently just an alias to console.
+ * This may be extended to support numerous console operations safely
+ * i.e.:
+ */
+export default logger;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/makeSingleton.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/makeSingleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2426cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/makeSingleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+interface ClassInterface<T, Args extends unknown[]> {
+  new (...args: Args): T;
+export default function makeSingleton<T, Args extends unknown[]>(
+  BaseClass: ClassInterface<T, Args>,
+  ...args: Args
+): () => T {
+  let singleton: T;
+  return function getInstance() {
+    if (!singleton) {
+      singleton = new BaseClass(...args);
+    }
+    return singleton;
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/promiseTimeout.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/promiseTimeout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..523816d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/promiseTimeout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/** setTimeout that returns a promise */
+export default function promiseTimeout<T>(
+  /** A function to be executed after the timer expires. */
+  func: (...args: unknown[]) => T,
+  /** The time, in milliseconds (thousandths of a second), the timer should wait before the specified function or code is executed. If this parameter is omitted, a value of 0 is used, meaning execute "immediately", or more accurately, as soon as possible.  */
+  delay?: number,
+) {
+  return new Promise<T>(resolve => {
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      resolve(func());
+    }, delay);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/random.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/random.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38dbdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/random.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import seedrandom from 'seedrandom';
+let random = seedrandom('superset-ui');
+export function seed(seed: string) {
+  random = seedrandom(seed);
+  return random;
+export function seedRandom() {
+  return random();
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/removeDuplicates.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/removeDuplicates.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e7f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/utils/removeDuplicates.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * Remove duplicate items from a list.
+ */
+export function removeDuplicates<T>(items: T[], hash?: (item: T) => unknown): T[] {
+  if (hash) {
+    const seen = new Set();
+    return items.filter(x => {
+      const itemHash = hash(x);
+      if (seen.has(itemHash)) return false;
+      seen.add(itemHash);
+      return true;
+    });
+  }
+  return [ Set(items)];
+export default removeDuplicates;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/index.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc93a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export { default as legacyValidateInteger } from './legacyValidateInteger';
+export { default as legacyValidateNumber } from './legacyValidateNumber';
+export { default as validateInteger } from './validateInteger';
+export { default as validateNumber } from './validateNumber';
+export { default as validateNonEmpty } from './validateNonEmpty';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateInteger.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateInteger.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6472261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateInteger.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { t } from '../translation';
+ * formerly called integer()
+ * @param v
+ */
+export default function legacyValidateInteger(v: unknown) {
+  if (v && (Number.isNaN(Number(v)) || parseInt(v as string, 10) !== Number(v))) {
+    return t('is expected to be an integer');
+  }
+  return false;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateNumber.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateNumber.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4805d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateNumber.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { t } from '../translation';
+ * formerly called numeric()
+ * @param v
+ */
+export default function numeric(v: unknown) {
+  if (v && Number.isNaN(Number(v))) {
+    return t('is expected to be a number');
+  }
+  return false;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateInteger.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateInteger.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eeca60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateInteger.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { t } from '../translation';
+export default function validateInteger(v: unknown) {
+  if (
+    (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim().length > 0 && Number.isInteger(Number(v.trim()))) ||
+    (typeof v === 'number' && Number.isInteger(v))
+  ) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return t('is expected to be an integer');
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNonEmpty.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNonEmpty.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3553fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNonEmpty.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import { t } from '../translation';
+export default function validateNonEmpty(v: unknown) {
+  if (v === null || typeof v === 'undefined' || v === '' || (Array.isArray(v) && v.length === 0)) {
+    return t('cannot be empty');
+  }
+  return false;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNumber.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNumber.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20aaabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNumber.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { t } from '../translation';
+export default function validateInteger(v: unknown) {
+  if (
+    (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim().length > 0 && Number.isFinite(Number(v.trim()))) ||
+    (typeof v === 'number' && Number.isFinite(v))
+  ) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return t('is expected to be a number');
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/__mocks__/resize-observer-polyfill.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/__mocks__/resize-observer-polyfill.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2ba5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/__mocks__/resize-observer-polyfill.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+interface ResizeObserverEntry {
+  contentRect: {
+    height: number;
+    width: number;
+  };
+type ObserveCallback = (entries: ResizeObserverEntry[]) => void;
+const allCallbacks: ObserveCallback[] = [];
+export default function ResizeObserver(callback: ObserveCallback) {
+  return {
+    disconnect() {
+      allCallbacks.splice(allCallbacks.indexOf(callback), 1);
+    },
+    observe() {
+      if (callback) {
+        allCallbacks.push(callback);
+      }
+    },
+  };
+export const DEFAULT_OUTPUT: ResizeObserverEntry[] = [{ contentRect: { height: 300, width: 300 } }];
+export function triggerResizeObserver(entries = DEFAULT_OUTPUT) {
+  allCallbacks.forEach(fn => {
+    fn(entries);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/ChartFrame.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/ChartFrame.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5708489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/ChartFrame.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { ChartFrame } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('TooltipFrame', () => {
+  it('renders content that requires smaller space than frame', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        contentWidth={300}
+        contentHeight={300}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div>
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div').text()).toEqual('400/400');
+  });
+  it('renders content without specifying content size', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div>
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div').text()).toEqual('400/400');
+  });
+  it('renders content that requires same size with frame', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        contentWidth={400}
+        contentHeight={400}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div>
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div').text()).toEqual('400/400');
+  });
+  it('renders content that requires space larger than frame', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        contentWidth={500}
+        contentHeight={500}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div className="chart">
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div.chart').text()).toEqual('500/500');
+  });
+  it('renders content that width is larger than frame', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        contentWidth={500}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div className="chart">
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div.chart').text()).toEqual('500/400');
+  });
+  it('renders content that height is larger than frame', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={400}
+        height={400}
+        contentHeight={600}
+        renderContent={({ width, height }) => (
+          <div className="chart">
+            {width}/{height}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('div.chart').text()).toEqual('400/600');
+  });
+  it('renders an empty frame when renderContent is not given', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<ChartFrame width={400} height={400} />);
+    expect(wrapper.find('div')).toHaveLength(0);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b0d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/legend/WithLegend.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { triggerResizeObserver } from 'resize-observer-polyfill';
+import { promiseTimeout } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import { WithLegend } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart-composition';
+let renderChart = jest.fn();
+let renderLegend = jest.fn();
+describe('WithLegend', () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    renderChart = jest.fn(() => <div className="chart" />);
+    renderLegend = jest.fn(() => <div className="legend" />);
+  });
+  it('sets className', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <WithLegend className="test-class" renderChart={renderChart} renderLegend={renderLegend} />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.hasClass('test-class')).toEqual(true);
+  });
+  it('renders when renderLegend is not set', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend debounceTime={1} width={500} height={500} renderChart={renderChart} />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(0);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        width={500}
+        height={500}
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders without width or height', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend debounceTime={1} renderChart={renderChart} renderLegend={renderLegend} />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders legend on the left', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        position="left"
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders legend on the right', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        position="right"
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders legend on the top', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        position="top"
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders legend on the bottom', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        position="bottom"
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
+  it('renders legend with justifyContent set', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <WithLegend
+        debounceTime={1}
+        position="right"
+        legendJustifyContent="flex-start"
+        renderChart={renderChart}
+        renderLegend={renderLegend}
+      />,
+    );
+    triggerResizeObserver();
+    // Have to delay more than debounceTime (1ms)
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      expect(renderChart).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(renderLegend).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.chart')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(wrapper.render().find('div.legend')).toHaveLength(1);
+    }, 100);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9c422e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipFrame.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { TooltipFrame } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('TooltipFrame', () => {
+  it('sets className', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <TooltipFrame className="test-class">
+        <span>Hi!</span>
+      </TooltipFrame>,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.hasClass('test-class')).toEqual(true);
+  });
+  it('renders', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <TooltipFrame>
+        <span>Hi!</span>
+      </TooltipFrame>,
+    );
+    const span = wrapper.find('span');
+    expect(span).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(span.text()).toEqual('Hi!');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba0bd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart-composition/tooltip/TooltipTable.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { TooltipTable } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('TooltipTable', () => {
+  it('sets className', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<TooltipTable className="test-class" />);
+    expect(wrapper.render().hasClass('test-class')).toEqual(true);
+  });
+  it('renders empty table', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<TooltipTable />);
+    expect(wrapper.find('tbody')).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(wrapper.find('tr')).toHaveLength(0);
+  });
+  it('renders table with content', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(
+      <TooltipTable
+        data={[
+          {
+            key: 'Cersei',
+            keyColumn: 'Cersei',
+            keyStyle: { padding: '10' },
+            valueColumn: 2,
+            valueStyle: { textAlign: 'right' },
+          },
+          {
+            key: 'Jaime',
+            keyColumn: 'Jaime',
+            keyStyle: { padding: '10' },
+            valueColumn: 1,
+            valueStyle: { textAlign: 'right' },
+          },
+          {
+            key: 'Tyrion',
+            keyStyle: { padding: '10' },
+            valueColumn: 2,
+          },
+        ]}
+      />,
+    );
+    expect(wrapper.find('tbody')).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(wrapper.find('tr')).toHaveLength(3);
+    expect(wrapper.find('tr > td').first().text()).toEqual('Cersei');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/clients/ChartClient.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/clients/ChartClient.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86635c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/clients/ChartClient.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import {
+  SupersetClientClass,
+  SupersetClient,
+  buildQueryContext,
+  QueryFormData,
+  configure as configureTranslation,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import {
+  ChartClient,
+  getChartBuildQueryRegistry,
+  getChartMetadataRegistry,
+  ChartMetadata,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+import { SliceIdAndOrFormData } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from '../fixtures/constants';
+import { sankeyFormData } from '../fixtures/formData';
+describe('ChartClient', () => {
+  let chartClient: ChartClient;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '1234' });
+    SupersetClient.reset();
+    SupersetClient.configure().init();
+  });
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    chartClient = new ChartClient();
+  });
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  describe('new ChartClient(config)', () => {
+    it('creates a client without argument', () => {
+      expect(chartClient).toBeInstanceOf(ChartClient);
+    });
+    it('creates a client with specified config.client', () => {
+      const customClient = new SupersetClientClass();
+      chartClient = new ChartClient({ client: customClient });
+      expect(chartClient).toBeInstanceOf(ChartClient);
+      expect(chartClient.client).toBe(customClient);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.loadFormData({ sliceId, formData }, options)', () => {
+    const sliceId = 123;
+    it('fetches formData if given only sliceId', () => {
+      fetchMock.get(`glob:*/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=${sliceId}`, sankeyFormData);
+      return expect(chartClient.loadFormData({ sliceId })).resolves.toEqual(sankeyFormData);
+    });
+    it('fetches formData from sliceId and merges with specify formData if both fields are specified', () => {
+      fetchMock.get(`glob:*/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=${sliceId}`, sankeyFormData);
+      return expect(
+        chartClient.loadFormData({
+          sliceId,
+          formData: {
+            granularity: 'second',
+            viz_type: 'bar',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual({
+        ...sankeyFormData,
+        granularity: 'second',
+        viz_type: 'bar',
+      });
+    });
+    it('returns promise of formData if only formData was given', () =>
+      expect(
+        chartClient.loadFormData({
+          formData: {
+            datasource: '1__table',
+            granularity: 'minute',
+            viz_type: 'line',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual({
+        datasource: '1__table',
+        granularity: 'minute',
+        viz_type: 'line',
+      }));
+    it('rejects if none of sliceId or formData is specified', () =>
+      expect(chartClient.loadFormData({} as SliceIdAndOrFormData)).rejects.toEqual(
+        new Error('At least one of sliceId or formData must be specified'),
+      ));
+  });
+  describe('.loadQueryData(formData, options)', () => {
+    it('returns a promise of query data for known chart type', () => {
+      getChartMetadataRegistry().registerValue(
+        'word_cloud',
+        new ChartMetadata({ name: 'Word Cloud', thumbnail: '' }),
+      );
+      getChartBuildQueryRegistry().registerValue('word_cloud', (formData: QueryFormData) =>
+        buildQueryContext(formData),
+      );
+'glob:*/api/v1/chart/data', [
+        {
+          field1: 'abc',
+          field2: 'def',
+        },
+      ]);
+      return expect(
+        chartClient.loadQueryData({
+          granularity: 'minute',
+          viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+          datasource: '1__table',
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual([
+        {
+          field1: 'abc',
+          field2: 'def',
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('returns a promise that rejects for unknown chart type', () =>
+      expect(
+        chartClient.loadQueryData({
+          granularity: 'minute',
+          viz_type: 'rainbow_3d_pie',
+          datasource: '1__table',
+        }),
+      ).rejects.toEqual(new Error('Unknown chart type: rainbow_3d_pie')));
+    it('fetches data from the legacy API if ChartMetadata has useLegacyApi=true,', () => {
+      // note legacy charts do not register a buildQuery function in the registry
+      getChartMetadataRegistry().registerValue(
+        'word_cloud_legacy',
+        new ChartMetadata({
+          name: 'Legacy Word Cloud',
+          thumbnail: '.png',
+          useLegacyApi: true,
+        }),
+      );
+'glob:*/api/v1/chart/data', () =>
+        Promise.reject(new Error('Unexpected all to v1 API')),
+      );
+'glob:*/superset/explore_json/', {
+        field1: 'abc',
+        field2: 'def',
+      });
+      return expect(
+        chartClient.loadQueryData({
+          granularity: 'minute',
+          viz_type: 'word_cloud_legacy',
+          datasource: '1__table',
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual([
+        {
+          field1: 'abc',
+          field2: 'def',
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.loadDatasource(datasourceKey, options)', () => {
+    it('fetches datasource', () => {
+      fetchMock.get('glob:*/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata?datasourceKey=1__table', {
+        field1: 'abc',
+        field2: 'def',
+      });
+      return expect(chartClient.loadDatasource('1__table')).resolves.toEqual({
+        field1: 'abc',
+        field2: 'def',
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.loadAnnotation(annotationLayer)', () => {
+    it('returns an empty object if the annotation layer does not require query', () =>
+      expect(
+        chartClient.loadAnnotation({
+          name: 'my-annotation',
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual({}));
+    it('otherwise returns a rejected promise because it is not implemented yet', () =>
+      expect(
+        chartClient.loadAnnotation({
+          name: 'my-annotation',
+          sourceType: 'abc',
+        }),
+      ).rejects.toEqual(new Error('This feature is not implemented yet.')));
+  });
+  describe('.loadAnnotations(annotationLayers)', () => {
+    it('loads multiple annotation layers and combine results', () =>
+      expect(
+        chartClient.loadAnnotations([
+          {
+            name: 'anno1',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'anno2',
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'anno3',
+          },
+        ]),
+      ).resolves.toEqual({
+        anno1: {},
+        anno2: {},
+        anno3: {},
+      }));
+    it('returns an empty object if input is not an array', () =>
+      expect(chartClient.loadAnnotations()).resolves.toEqual({}));
+    it('returns an empty object if input is an empty array', () =>
+      expect(chartClient.loadAnnotations()).resolves.toEqual({}));
+  });
+  describe('.loadChartData({ sliceId, formData })', () => {
+    const sliceId = 10120;
+    it('loadAllDataNecessaryForAChart', () => {
+      fetchMock.get(`glob:*/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=${sliceId}`, {
+        granularity: 'minute',
+        viz_type: 'line',
+        datasource: '1__table',
+        color: 'living-coral',
+      });
+      fetchMock.get('glob:*/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata?datasourceKey=1__table', {
+        name: 'transactions',
+        schema: 'staging',
+      });
+'glob:*/api/v1/chart/data', {
+        lorem: 'ipsum',
+        dolor: 'sit',
+        amet: true,
+      });
+      getChartMetadataRegistry().registerValue(
+        'line',
+        new ChartMetadata({ name: 'Line', thumbnail: '.gif' }),
+      );
+      getChartBuildQueryRegistry().registerValue('line', (formData: QueryFormData) =>
+        buildQueryContext(formData),
+      );
+      return expect(
+        chartClient.loadChartData({
+          sliceId,
+        }),
+      ).resolves.toEqual({
+        annotationData: {},
+        datasource: {
+          name: 'transactions',
+          schema: 'staging',
+        },
+        formData: {
+          granularity: 'minute',
+          viz_type: 'line',
+          datasource: '1__table',
+          color: 'living-coral',
+        },
+        queriesData: [
+          {
+            lorem: 'ipsum',
+            dolor: 'sit',
+            amet: true,
+          },
+        ],
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f659453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/ChartDataProvider.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import ChartClient from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient';
+import ChartDataProvider, { Props } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/ChartDataProvider';
+import { bigNumberFormData } from '../fixtures/formData';
+// Note: the mock implementation of these function directly affects the expected results below
+const defaultMockLoadFormData = jest.fn(({ formData }: { formData: unknown }) =>
+  Promise.resolve(formData),
+type MockLoadFormData = typeof defaultMockLoadFormData | jest.Mock<Promise<unknown>, unknown[]>;
+let mockLoadFormData: MockLoadFormData = defaultMockLoadFormData;
+function createPromise<T>(input: T) {
+  return Promise.resolve(input);
+function createArrayPromise<T>(input: T) {
+  return Promise.resolve([input]);
+const mockLoadDatasource = jest.fn<Promise<unknown>, unknown[]>(createPromise);
+const mockLoadQueryData = jest.fn<Promise<unknown>, unknown[]>(createArrayPromise);
+// ChartClient is now a mock
+jest.mock('@superset-ui/core/src/chart/clients/ChartClient', () =>
+  jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
+    loadDatasource: mockLoadDatasource,
+    loadFormData: mockLoadFormData,
+    loadQueryData: mockLoadQueryData,
+  })),
+const ChartClientMock = ChartClient as jest.Mock<ChartClient>;
+describe('ChartDataProvider', () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    ChartClientMock.mockClear();
+    mockLoadFormData = defaultMockLoadFormData;
+    mockLoadFormData.mockClear();
+    mockLoadDatasource.mockClear();
+    mockLoadQueryData.mockClear();
+  });
+  const props: Props = {
+    formData: { ...bigNumberFormData },
+    children: () => <div />,
+  };
+  function setup(overrideProps?: Partial<Props>) {
+    return shallow(<ChartDataProvider {...props} {...overrideProps} />);
+  }
+  it('instantiates a new ChartClient()', () => {
+    setup();
+    expect(ChartClientMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+  });
+  describe('ChartClient.loadFormData', () => {
+    it('calls method on mount', () => {
+      setup();
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({
+        sliceId: props.sliceId,
+        formData: props.formData,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should pass formDataRequestOptions to ChartClient.loadFormData', () => {
+      const options = { host: 'override' };
+      setup({ formDataRequestOptions: options });
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual(options);
+    });
+    it('calls ChartClient.loadFormData when formData or sliceId change', () => {
+      const wrapper = setup();
+      const newProps = { sliceId: 123, formData: undefined };
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      wrapper.setProps(newProps);
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      expect(mockLoadFormData.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(newProps);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('ChartClient.loadDatasource', () => {
+    it('does not method if loadDatasource is false', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(1);
+        setup({ loadDatasource: false });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls).toHaveLength(0);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls method on mount if loadDatasource is true', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        setup({ loadDatasource: true });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(props.formData.datasource);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('should pass datasourceRequestOptions to ChartClient.loadDatasource', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const options = { host: 'override' };
+        setup({ loadDatasource: true, datasourceRequestOptions: options });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual(options);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls ChartClient.loadDatasource if loadDatasource is true and formData or sliceId change', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const newDatasource = 'test';
+        const wrapper = setup({ loadDatasource: true });
+        wrapper.setProps({ formData: { datasource: newDatasource }, sliceId: undefined });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2);
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(props.formData.datasource);
+          expect(mockLoadDatasource.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(newDatasource);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+  });
+  describe('ChartClient.loadQueryData', () => {
+    it('calls method on mount', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        setup();
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(props.formData);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('should pass queryDataRequestOptions to ChartClient.loadQueryData', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const options = { host: 'override' };
+        setup({ queryRequestOptions: options });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual(options);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls ChartClient.loadQueryData when formData or sliceId change', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const newFormData = { key: 'test' };
+        const wrapper = setup();
+        wrapper.setProps({ formData: newFormData, sliceId: undefined });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2);
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(props.formData);
+          expect(mockLoadQueryData.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(newFormData);
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+  });
+  describe('children', () => {
+    it('calls children({ loading: true }) when loading', () => {
+      const children = jest.fn<React.ReactNode, unknown[]>();
+      setup({ children });
+      // during the first tick (before more promises resolve) loading is true
+      expect(children.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(children.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({ loading: true });
+    });
+    it('calls children({ payload }) when loaded', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const children = jest.fn<React.ReactNode, unknown[]>();
+        setup({ children, loadDatasource: true });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(children.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2);
+          expect(children.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual({
+            payload: {
+              formData: props.formData,
+              datasource: props.formData.datasource,
+              queriesData: [props.formData],
+            },
+          });
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls children({ error }) upon request error', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const children = jest.fn<React.ReactNode, unknown[]>();
+        mockLoadFormData = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error('error')));
+        setup({ children });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(children.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2); // loading + error
+          expect(children.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual({ error: new Error('error') });
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls children({ error }) upon JS error', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const children = jest.fn<React.ReactNode, unknown[]>();
+        mockLoadFormData = jest.fn(() => {
+          throw new Error('non-async error');
+        });
+        setup({ children });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(children.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2); // loading + error
+          expect(children.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual({ error: new Error('non-async error') });
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+  });
+  describe('callbacks', () => {
+    it('calls onLoad(payload) when loaded', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const onLoaded = jest.fn<void, unknown[]>();
+        setup({ onLoaded, loadDatasource: true });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(onLoaded.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(onLoaded.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({
+            formData: props.formData,
+            datasource: props.formData.datasource,
+            queriesData: [props.formData],
+          });
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls onError(error) upon request error', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const onError = jest.fn<void, unknown[]>();
+        mockLoadFormData = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error('error')));
+        setup({ onError });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(onError.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(onError.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(new Error('error'));
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+    it('calls onError(error) upon JS error', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const onError = jest.fn<void, unknown[]>();
+        mockLoadFormData = jest.fn(() => {
+          throw new Error('non-async error');
+        });
+        setup({ onError });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(onError.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1);
+          expect(onError.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(new Error('non-async error'));
+          done();
+        }, 0);
+      }));
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/FallbackComponent.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/FallbackComponent.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc1d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/FallbackComponent.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import FallbackComponent from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/FallbackComponent';
+describe('FallbackComponent', () => {
+  const ERROR = new Error('CaffeineOverLoadException');
+  const STACK_TRACE = 'Error at line 1: x.drink(coffee)';
+  it('renders error and stack trace', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<FallbackComponent componentStack={STACK_TRACE} error={ERROR} />);
+    const messages = wrapper.find('code');
+    expect(messages).toHaveLength(2);
+    expect('Error: CaffeineOverLoadException');
+    expect('Error at line 1: x.drink(coffee)');
+  });
+  it('renders error only', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<FallbackComponent error={ERROR} />);
+    const messages = wrapper.find('code');
+    expect(messages).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect('Error: CaffeineOverLoadException');
+  });
+  it('renders stacktrace only', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<FallbackComponent componentStack={STACK_TRACE} />);
+    const messages = wrapper.find('code');
+    expect(messages).toHaveLength(2);
+    expect('Unknown Error');
+    expect('Error at line 1: x.drink(coffee)');
+  });
+  it('renders when nothing is given', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<FallbackComponent />);
+    const messages = wrapper.find('code');
+    expect(messages).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect('Unknown Error');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/MockChartPlugins.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/MockChartPlugins.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e79ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/MockChartPlugins.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
+import React from 'react';
+import { QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+  fontSize: 36,
+  fontWeight: 700,
+  flex: '1 1 auto',
+  display: 'flex',
+  alignItems: 'center',
+export const TestComponent = ({
+  formData,
+  message,
+  width,
+  height,
+}: {
+  formData?: unknown;
+  message?: string;
+  width?: number;
+  height?: number;
+}) => (
+  <div
+    className="test-component"
+    style={{
+      width,
+      height,
+      backgroundColor: '#00d1c1',
+      color: '#fff',
+      display: 'flex',
+      flexDirection: 'column',
+      alignItems: 'center',
+      borderRadius: 8,
+    }}
+  >
+    <div className="message" style={{ padding: 10 }}>
+      {message ?? 'custom component'}
+    </div>
+    <div className="dimension" style={DIMENSION_STYLE}>
+      {[width, height].join('x')}
+    </div>
+    <div className="formData" style={{ padding: 10 }}>
+      <code style={{ color: '#D3F9F7' }}>{JSON.stringify(formData)}</code>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+export const ChartKeys = {
+  DILIGENT: 'diligent-chart',
+  LAZY: 'lazy-chart',
+  SLOW: 'slow-chart',
+  BUGGY: 'buggy-chart',
+export class DiligentChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<QueryFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        name: ChartKeys.DILIGENT,
+        thumbnail: '',
+      }),
+      Chart: TestComponent,
+      transformProps: x => x,
+    });
+  }
+function identity<T>(x: T) {
+  return x;
+export class LazyChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<QueryFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        name: ChartKeys.LAZY,
+        thumbnail: '',
+      }),
+      // this mirrors `() => import(module)` syntax
+      loadChart: () => Promise.resolve({ default: TestComponent }),
+      // promise without .default
+      loadTransformProps: () => Promise.resolve(identity),
+    });
+  }
+export class SlowChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<QueryFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        name: ChartKeys.SLOW,
+        thumbnail: '',
+      }),
+      loadChart: () =>
+        new Promise(resolve => {
+          setTimeout(() => {
+            resolve(TestComponent);
+          }, 1000);
+        }),
+      transformProps: x => x,
+    });
+  }
+export class BuggyChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<QueryFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        name: ChartKeys.BUGGY,
+        thumbnail: '',
+      }),
+      Chart: () => {
+        throw new Error('The component is too buggy to render.');
+      },
+      transformProps: x => x,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8fca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import NoResultsComponent from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent';
+describe('NoResultsComponent', () => {
+  it('renders the no results error', () => {
+    const wrapper = shallow(<NoResultsComponent height="400" width="300" />);
+    expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual(
+      'No ResultsNo results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be returned, ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource contains data for the selected time range.',
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChart.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChart.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b590b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChart.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount } from 'enzyme';
+import mockConsole, { RestoreConsole } from 'jest-mock-console';
+import { triggerResizeObserver } from 'resize-observer-polyfill';
+import ErrorBoundary from 'react-error-boundary';
+import { promiseTimeout } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+import RealSuperChart, { WrapperProps } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/SuperChart';
+import NoResultsComponent from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent';
+import { ChartKeys, DiligentChartPlugin, BuggyChartPlugin } from './MockChartPlugins';
+const DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA = { data: ['foo', 'bar'] };
+const DEFAULT_QUERIES_DATA = [{ data: ['foo', 'bar'] }, { data: ['foo2', 'bar2'] }];
+function expectDimension(renderedWrapper: Cheerio, width: number, height: number) {
+  expect(renderedWrapper.find('.dimension').text()).toEqual([width, height].join('x'));
+describe('SuperChart', () => {
+  const plugins = [
+    new DiligentChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.DILIGENT }),
+    new BuggyChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.BUGGY }),
+  ];
+  let restoreConsole: RestoreConsole;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    plugins.forEach(p => {
+      p.unregister().register();
+    });
+  });
+  afterAll(() => {
+    plugins.forEach(p => {
+      p.unregister();
+    });
+  });
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+  });
+  afterEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole();
+  });
+  describe('includes ErrorBoundary', () => {
+    let expectedErrors = 0;
+    let actualErrors = 0;
+    function onError(e: Event) {
+      e.preventDefault();
+      actualErrors += 1;
+    }
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      expectedErrors = 0;
+      actualErrors = 0;
+      window.addEventListener('error', onError);
+    });
+    afterEach(() => {
+      window.removeEventListener('error', onError);
+      // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect
+      expect(actualErrors).toBe(expectedErrors);
+      expectedErrors = 0;
+    });
+    it('renders default FallbackComponent', () => {
+      expectedErrors = 1;
+      jest.spyOn(RealSuperChart.defaultProps, 'FallbackComponent');
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.BUGGY}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          width="200"
+          height="200"
+        />,
+      );
+      const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(0);
+        expect(RealSuperChart.defaultProps.FallbackComponent).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    it('renders custom FallbackComponent', () => {
+      expectedErrors = 1;
+      const CustomFallbackComponent = jest.fn(() => <div>Custom Fallback!</div>);
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.BUGGY}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          width="200"
+          height="200"
+          FallbackComponent={CustomFallbackComponent}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(0);
+        expect(CustomFallbackComponent).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      });
+    });
+    it('call onErrorBoundary', () => {
+      expectedErrors = 1;
+      const handleError = jest.fn();
+      mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.BUGGY}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          width="200"
+          height="200"
+          onErrorBoundary={handleError}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(handleError).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      });
+    });
+    it('does not include ErrorBoundary if told so', () => {
+      expectedErrors = 1;
+      const inactiveErrorHandler = jest.fn();
+      const activeErrorHandler = jest.fn();
+      mount(
+        <ErrorBoundary onError={activeErrorHandler}>
+          <SuperChart
+            disableErrorBoundary
+            chartType={ChartKeys.BUGGY}
+            queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+            width="200"
+            height="200"
+            onErrorBoundary={inactiveErrorHandler}
+          />
+        </ErrorBoundary>,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(activeErrorHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        expect(inactiveErrorHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  it('passes the props to renderer correctly', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <SuperChart
+        chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+        queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+        width={101}
+        height={118}
+        formData={{ abc: 1 }}
+      />,
+    );
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+      expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 101, 118);
+    });
+  });
+  it('passes the props with multiple queries to renderer correctly', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <SuperChart
+        chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+        queriesData={DEFAULT_QUERIES_DATA}
+        width={101}
+        height={118}
+        formData={{ abc: 1 }}
+      />,
+    );
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+      expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 101, 118);
+    });
+  });
+  it('passes the props with multiple queries and single query to renderer correctly (backward compatibility)', () => {
+    const wrapper = mount(
+      <SuperChart
+        chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+        queriesData={DEFAULT_QUERIES_DATA}
+        width={101}
+        height={118}
+        formData={{ abc: 1 }}
+      />,
+    );
+    return promiseTimeout(() => {
+      const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+      expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 101, 118);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('supports NoResultsComponent', () => {
+    it('renders NoResultsComponent when queriesData is missing', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(<SuperChart chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} width="200" height="200" />);
+      expect(wrapper.find(NoResultsComponent)).toHaveLength(1);
+    });
+    it('renders NoResultsComponent when queriesData data is null', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[{ data: null }]}
+          width="200"
+          height="200"
+        />,
+      );
+      expect(wrapper.find(NoResultsComponent)).toHaveLength(1);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('supports dynamic width and/or height', () => {
+    it('works with width and height that are numbers', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          width={100}
+          height={100}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 100, 100);
+      });
+    });
+    it('works when width and height are percent', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          debounceTime={1}
+          width="100%"
+          height="100%"
+        />,
+      );
+      triggerResizeObserver();
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 300, 300);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    it('works when only width is percent', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          debounceTime={1}
+          width="50%"
+          height="125"
+        />,
+      );
+      triggerResizeObserver([{ contentRect: { height: 125, width: 150 } }]);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        const boundingBox = renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component').parent().parent().parent();
+        expect(boundingBox.css('width')).toEqual('50%');
+        expect(boundingBox.css('height')).toEqual('125px');
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 150, 125);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    it('works when only height is percent', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          debounceTime={1}
+          width="50"
+          height="25%"
+        />,
+      );
+      triggerResizeObserver([{ contentRect: { height: 75, width: 50 } }]);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        const boundingBox = renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component').parent().parent().parent();
+        expect(boundingBox.css('width')).toEqual('50px');
+        expect(boundingBox.css('height')).toEqual('25%');
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 50, 75);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    it('works when width and height are not specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          debounceTime={1}
+        />,
+      );
+      triggerResizeObserver();
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 300, 400);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('supports Wrapper', () => {
+    function MyWrapper({ width, height, children }: WrapperProps) {
+      return (
+        <div>
+          <div className="wrapper-insert">
+            {width}x{height}
+          </div>
+          {children}
+        </div>
+      );
+    }
+    it('works with width and height that are numbers', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          width={100}
+          height={100}
+          Wrapper={MyWrapper}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.wrapper-insert')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.wrapper-insert').text()).toEqual('100x100');
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 100, 100);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    it('works when width and height are percent', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+          debounceTime={1}
+          width="100%"
+          height="100%"
+          Wrapper={MyWrapper}
+        />,
+      );
+      triggerResizeObserver();
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        const renderedWrapper = wrapper.render();
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.wrapper-insert')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.wrapper-insert').text()).toEqual('300x300');
+        expect(renderedWrapper.find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+        expectDimension(renderedWrapper, 300, 300);
+      }, 100);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChartCore.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChartCore.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9338f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/SuperChartCore.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { promiseTimeout } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import mockConsole, { RestoreConsole } from 'jest-mock-console';
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+import SuperChartCore from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/SuperChartCore';
+import {
+  ChartKeys,
+  DiligentChartPlugin,
+  LazyChartPlugin,
+  SlowChartPlugin,
+} from './MockChartPlugins';
+describe('SuperChartCore', () => {
+  const chartProps = new ChartProps();
+  const plugins = [
+    new DiligentChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.DILIGENT }),
+    new LazyChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.LAZY }),
+    new SlowChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.SLOW }),
+  ];
+  let restoreConsole: RestoreConsole;
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    plugins.forEach(p => {
+      p.unregister().register();
+    });
+  });
+  afterAll(() => {
+    plugins.forEach(p => {
+      p.unregister();
+    });
+  });
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+  });
+  afterEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole();
+  });
+  describe('registered charts', () => {
+    it('renders registered chart', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(
+        <SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} chartProps={chartProps} />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      });
+    });
+    it('renders registered chart with lazy loading', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.LAZY} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      });
+    });
+    it('does not render if chartType is not set', () => {
+      // Suppress warning
+      // @ts-ignore chartType is required
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().children()).toHaveLength(0);
+      }, 5);
+    });
+    it('adds id to container if specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} id="the-chart" />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().attr('id')).toEqual('the-chart');
+      });
+    });
+    it('adds class to container if specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(
+        <SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} className="the-chart" />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.hasClass('the-chart')).toBeTruthy();
+      }, 0);
+    });
+    it('uses overrideTransformProps when specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(
+        <SuperChartCore
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          overrideTransformProps={() => ({ message: 'hulk' })}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('.message').text()).toEqual('hulk');
+      });
+    });
+    it('uses preTransformProps when specified', () => {
+      const chartPropsWithPayload = new ChartProps({
+        queriesData: [{ message: 'hulk' }],
+      });
+      const wrapper = shallow(
+        <SuperChartCore
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          preTransformProps={() => chartPropsWithPayload}
+          overrideTransformProps={props => props.queriesData[0]}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('.message').text()).toEqual('hulk');
+      });
+    });
+    it('uses postTransformProps when specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(
+        <SuperChartCore
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          postTransformProps={() => ({ message: 'hulk' })}
+        />,
+      );
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('.message').text()).toEqual('hulk');
+      });
+    });
+    it('renders if chartProps is not specified', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      });
+    });
+    it('does not render anything while waiting for Chart code to load', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.SLOW} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().children()).toHaveLength(0);
+      });
+    });
+    it('eventually renders after Chart is loaded', () => {
+      // Suppress warning
+      const wrapper = mount(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.SLOW} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(1);
+      }, 1500);
+    });
+    it('does not render if chartProps is null', () => {
+      const wrapper = shallow(<SuperChartCore chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} chartProps={null} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('div.test-component')).toHaveLength(0);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('unregistered charts', () => {
+    it('renders error message', () => {
+      const wrapper = mount(<SuperChartCore chartType="4d-pie-chart" chartProps={chartProps} />);
+      return promiseTimeout(() => {
+        expect(wrapper.render().find('.alert')).toHaveLength(1);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.processChartProps()', () => {
+    it('use identity functions for unspecified transforms', () => {
+      const chart = new SuperChartCore({
+        chartType: ChartKeys.DILIGENT,
+      });
+      const chartProps2 = new ChartProps();
+      expect(chart.processChartProps({ chartProps: chartProps2 })).toBe(chartProps2);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb4272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import mockConsole, { RestoreConsole } from 'jest-mock-console';
+import createLoadableRenderer, {
+  LoadableRenderer as LoadableRendererType,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/createLoadableRenderer';
+describe('createLoadableRenderer', () => {
+  function TestComponent() {
+    return <div className="test-component">test</div>;
+  }
+  let loadChartSuccess = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(TestComponent));
+  let render: (loaded: { Chart: React.ComponentType }) => JSX.Element;
+  let loading: () => JSX.Element;
+  let LoadableRenderer: LoadableRendererType<{}, {}>;
+  let restoreConsole: RestoreConsole;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+    loadChartSuccess = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(TestComponent));
+    render = jest.fn(loaded => {
+      const { Chart } = loaded;
+      return <Chart />;
+    });
+    loading = jest.fn(() => <div>Loading</div>);
+    LoadableRenderer = createLoadableRenderer({
+      loader: {
+        Chart: loadChartSuccess,
+      },
+      loading,
+      render,
+    });
+  });
+  afterEach(() => {
+    restoreConsole();
+  });
+  describe('returns a LoadableRenderer class', () => {
+    it('LoadableRenderer.preload() preloads the lazy-load components', () => {
+      expect(LoadableRenderer.preload).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+      LoadableRenderer.preload();
+      expect(loadChartSuccess).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    });
+    it('calls onRenderSuccess when succeeds', async () => {
+      const onRenderSuccess = jest.fn();
+      const onRenderFailure = jest.fn();
+      shallow(
+        <LoadableRenderer onRenderSuccess={onRenderSuccess} onRenderFailure={onRenderFailure} />,
+      );
+      expect(loadChartSuccess).toHaveBeenCalled();
+      jest.useRealTimers();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
+      expect(render).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(onRenderSuccess).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(onRenderFailure).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+    });
+    it('calls onRenderFailure when fails', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        const loadChartFailure = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid chart')));
+        const FailedRenderer = createLoadableRenderer({
+          loader: {
+            Chart: loadChartFailure,
+          },
+          loading,
+          render,
+        });
+        const onRenderSuccess = jest.fn();
+        const onRenderFailure = jest.fn();
+        shallow(
+          <FailedRenderer onRenderSuccess={onRenderSuccess} onRenderFailure={onRenderFailure} />,
+        );
+        expect(loadChartFailure).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(render).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+          expect(onRenderSuccess).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+          expect(onRenderFailure).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+          done();
+        }, 10);
+      }));
+    it('onRenderFailure is optional', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        const loadChartFailure = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid chart')));
+        const FailedRenderer = createLoadableRenderer({
+          loader: {
+            Chart: loadChartFailure,
+          },
+          loading,
+          render,
+        });
+        shallow(<FailedRenderer />);
+        expect(loadChartFailure).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          expect(render).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+          done();
+        }, 10);
+      }));
+    it('renders the lazy-load components', () =>
+      new Promise(done => {
+        const wrapper = shallow(<LoadableRenderer />);
+        // lazy-loaded component not rendered immediately
+        expect(wrapper.find(TestComponent)).toHaveLength(0);
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          // but rendered after the component is loaded.
+          expect(wrapper.find(TestComponent)).toHaveLength(1);
+          done();
+        }, 10);
+      }));
+    it('does not throw if loaders are empty', () => {
+      const NeverLoadingRenderer = createLoadableRenderer({
+        loader: {},
+        loading,
+        render: () => <div />,
+      });
+      expect(() => shallow(<NeverLoadingRenderer />)).not.toThrow();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/reactify.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/reactify.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f7845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/components/reactify.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount } from 'enzyme';
+import reactify, { RenderFuncType } from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/components/reactify';
+describe('reactify(renderFn)', () => {
+  const renderFn: RenderFuncType<{ content?: string }> = jest.fn((element, props) => {
+    const container = element;
+    container.innerHTML = '';
+    const child = document.createElement('b');
+    child.innerHTML = props.content ?? '';
+    container.append(child);
+  });
+  renderFn.displayName = 'BoldText';
+  renderFn.propTypes = {
+    content: PropTypes.string,
+  };
+  renderFn.defaultProps = {
+    content: 'ghi',
+  };
+  const willUnmountCb = jest.fn();
+  const TheChart = reactify(renderFn);
+  const TheChartWithWillUnmountHook = reactify(renderFn, { componentWillUnmount: willUnmountCb });
+  class TestComponent extends React.PureComponent<{}, { content: string }> {
+    constructor(props = {}) {
+      super(props);
+      this.state = { content: 'abc' };
+    }
+    componentDidMount() {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.setState({ content: 'def' });
+      }, 10);
+    }
+    render() {
+      const { content } = this.state;
+      return <TheChart id="test" content={content} />;
+    }
+  }
+  class AnotherTestComponent extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
+    render() {
+      return <TheChartWithWillUnmountHook id="another_test" />;
+    }
+  }
+  it('returns a React component class', () =>
+    new Promise(done => {
+      const wrapper = mount(<TestComponent />);
+      expect(renderFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual('<div id="test"><b>abc</b></div>');
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        expect(renderFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+        expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual('<div id="test"><b>def</b></div>');
+        wrapper.unmount();
+        done();
+      }, 20);
+    }));
+  describe('displayName', () => {
+    it('has displayName if renderFn.displayName is defined', () => {
+      expect(TheChart.displayName).toEqual('BoldText');
+    });
+    it('does not have displayName if renderFn.displayName is not defined', () => {
+      const AnotherChart = reactify(() => {});
+      expect(AnotherChart.displayName).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('propTypes', () => {
+    it('has propTypes if renderFn.propTypes is defined', () => {
+      /* eslint-disable-next-line react/forbid-foreign-prop-types */
+      expect(Object.keys(TheChart.propTypes ?? {})).toEqual(['id', 'className', 'content']);
+    });
+    it('does not have propTypes if renderFn.propTypes is not defined', () => {
+      const AnotherChart = reactify(() => {});
+      /* eslint-disable-next-line react/forbid-foreign-prop-types */
+      expect(Object.keys(AnotherChart.propTypes ?? {})).toEqual(['id', 'className']);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('defaultProps', () => {
+    it('has defaultProps if renderFn.defaultProps is defined', () => {
+      expect(TheChart.defaultProps).toBe(renderFn.defaultProps);
+      const wrapper = mount(<TheChart id="test" />);
+      expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual('<div id="test"><b>ghi</b></div>');
+    });
+    it('does not have defaultProps if renderFn.defaultProps is not defined', () => {
+      const AnotherChart = reactify(() => {});
+      expect(AnotherChart.defaultProps).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+  });
+  it('does not try to render if not mounted', () => {
+    const anotherRenderFn = jest.fn();
+    const AnotherChart = reactify(anotherRenderFn); // enables valid new AnotherChart() call
+    // @ts-ignore
+    new AnotherChart({ id: 'test' }).execute();
+    expect(anotherRenderFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+  });
+  it('calls willUnmount hook when it is provided', () =>
+    new Promise(done => {
+      const wrapper = mount(<AnotherTestComponent />);
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        wrapper.unmount();
+        expect(willUnmountCb).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        done();
+      }, 20);
+    }));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4457bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export const LOGIN_GLOB = 'glob:*superset/csrf_token/*'; // eslint-disable-line import/prefer-default-export
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/formData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/formData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7b7f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/fixtures/formData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* eslint sort-keys: 'off' */
+/** The form data defined here is based on default visualizations packaged with Apache Superset */
+export const bigNumberFormData = {
+  datasource: '3__table',
+  viz_type: 'big_number',
+  slice_id: 54,
+  granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+  time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+  time_range: '100 years ago : now',
+  metric: 'sum__num',
+  adhoc_filters: [],
+  compare_lag: '5',
+  compare_suffix: 'over 5Y',
+  y_axis_format: '.3s',
+  show_trend_line: true,
+  start_y_axis_at_zero: true,
+export const wordCloudFormData = {
+  datasource: '3__table',
+  viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+  slice_id: 60,
+  url_params: {},
+  granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+  time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+  time_range: '100 years ago : now',
+  series: 'name',
+  metric: 'sum__num',
+  adhoc_filters: [],
+  row_limit: 50,
+  size_from: 10,
+  size_to: 70,
+  rotation: 'square',
+export const sunburstFormData = {
+  datasource: '2__table',
+  viz_type: 'sunburst',
+  slice_id: 47,
+  url_params: {},
+  granularity_sqla: 'year',
+  time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+  time_range: '2011-01-01 : 2011-01-01',
+  groupby: ['region', 'country_name'],
+  metric: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+  secondary_metric: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL',
+  adhoc_filters: [],
+  row_limit: 10000,
+export const sankeyFormData = {
+  datasource: '1__table',
+  viz_type: 'sankey',
+  slice_id: 1,
+  url_params: {},
+  granularity_sqla: null,
+  time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+  time_range: 'Last week',
+  groupby: ['source', 'target'],
+  metric: 'sum__value',
+  adhoc_filters: [],
+  row_limit: 1000,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..024d60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import {
+  ChartClient,
+  ChartMetadata,
+  ChartPlugin,
+  ChartProps,
+  createLoadableRenderer,
+  getChartBuildQueryRegistry,
+  getChartComponentRegistry,
+  getChartControlPanelRegistry,
+  getChartMetadataRegistry,
+  getChartTransformPropsRegistry,
+  reactify,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports modules', () => {
+    [
+      ChartClient,
+      ChartMetadata,
+      ChartPlugin,
+      ChartProps,
+      createLoadableRenderer,
+      getChartBuildQueryRegistry,
+      getChartComponentRegistry,
+      getChartControlPanelRegistry,
+      getChartMetadataRegistry,
+      getChartTransformPropsRegistry,
+      reactify,
+    ].forEach(x => expect(x).toBeDefined());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartMetadata.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartMetadata.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b63c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartMetadata.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import ChartMetadata from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart/models/ChartMetadata';
+describe('ChartMetadata', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(ChartMetadata).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new ChartMetadata({})', () => {
+    it('creates new metadata instance', () => {
+      const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+        name: 'test chart',
+        credits: [],
+        description: 'some kind of chart',
+        thumbnail: 'test.png',
+      });
+      expect(metadata).toBeInstanceOf(ChartMetadata);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.canBeAnnotationType(type)', () => {
+    const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+      name: 'test chart',
+      canBeAnnotationTypes: ['event'],
+      credits: [],
+      description: 'some kind of chart',
+      thumbnail: 'test.png',
+    });
+    it('returns true if can', () => {
+      expect(metadata.canBeAnnotationType('event')).toBeTruthy();
+    });
+    it('returns false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(metadata.canBeAnnotationType('invalid-type')).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.clone()', () => {
+    const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+      name: 'test chart',
+      canBeAnnotationTypes: ['event'],
+      credits: [],
+      description: 'some kind of chart',
+      thumbnail: 'test.png',
+    });
+    const clone = metadata.clone();
+    it('returns a new instance', () => {
+      expect(metadata).not.toBe(clone);
+    });
+    it('returns a new instance with same field values', () => {
+      expect(;
+      expect(metadata.credits).toEqual(clone.credits);
+      expect(metadata.description).toEqual(clone.description);
+      expect(metadata.canBeAnnotationTypes).toEqual(clone.canBeAnnotationTypes);
+      expect(metadata.thumbnail).toEqual(clone.thumbnail);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartPlugin.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartPlugin.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0d358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartPlugin.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { QueryFormData, DatasourceType } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ChartPlugin,
+  ChartMetadata,
+  ChartProps,
+  BuildQueryFunction,
+  TransformProps,
+  getChartMetadataRegistry,
+  getChartComponentRegistry,
+  getChartTransformPropsRegistry,
+  getChartBuildQueryRegistry,
+  getChartControlPanelRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/chart';
+describe('ChartPlugin', () => {
+  const FakeChart = () => <span>test</span>;
+  const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+    name: 'test-chart',
+    thumbnail: '',
+  });
+  const buildQuery = () => ({
+    datasource: { id: 1, type: DatasourceType.Table },
+    queries: [{ granularity: 'day' }],
+    force: false,
+    result_format: 'json',
+    result_type: 'full',
+  });
+  const controlPanel = { abc: 1 };
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(ChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new ChartPlugin()', () => {
+    const FORM_DATA = {
+      datasource: '1__table',
+      granularity: 'day',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+    };
+    it('creates a new plugin', () => {
+      const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+        metadata,
+        Chart: FakeChart,
+      });
+      expect(plugin).toBeInstanceOf(ChartPlugin);
+    });
+    describe('buildQuery', () => {
+      it('defaults to undefined', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+        });
+        expect(plugin.loadBuildQuery).toBeUndefined();
+      });
+      it('uses loadBuildQuery field if specified', () => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+          loadBuildQuery: () => buildQuery,
+        });
+        const fn = plugin.loadBuildQuery!() as BuildQueryFunction<QueryFormData>;
+        expect(fn(FORM_DATA).queries[0]).toEqual({ granularity: 'day' });
+        expect(fn(FORM_DATA).force).toEqual(false);
+      });
+      it('uses buildQuery field if specified', () => {
+        expect.assertions(1);
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+          buildQuery,
+        });
+        const fn = plugin.loadBuildQuery!() as BuildQueryFunction<QueryFormData>;
+        expect(fn(FORM_DATA).queries[0]).toEqual({ granularity: 'day' });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('Chart', () => {
+      it('uses loadChart if specified', () => {
+        const loadChart = () => FakeChart;
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          loadChart,
+        });
+        // the loader is sanitized, so assert on the value
+        expect(plugin.loadChart()).toBe(loadChart());
+      });
+      it('uses Chart field if specified', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+        });
+        expect(plugin.loadChart()).toEqual(FakeChart);
+      });
+      it('throws an error if none of Chart or loadChart is specified', () => {
+        expect(() => new ChartPlugin({ metadata })).toThrow(Error);
+      });
+    });
+    describe('transformProps', () => {
+      const PROPS = new ChartProps({
+        formData: FORM_DATA,
+        width: 400,
+        height: 400,
+        queriesData: [{}],
+      });
+      it('defaults to identity function', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+        });
+        const fn = plugin.loadTransformProps() as TransformProps;
+        expect(fn(PROPS)).toBe(PROPS);
+      });
+      it('uses loadTransformProps field if specified', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+          loadTransformProps: () => () => ({ field2: 2 }),
+        });
+        const fn = plugin.loadTransformProps() as TransformProps;
+        expect(fn(PROPS)).toEqual({ field2: 2 });
+      });
+      it('uses transformProps field if specified', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+          transformProps: () => ({ field2: 2 }),
+        });
+        const fn = plugin.loadTransformProps() as TransformProps;
+        expect(fn(PROPS)).toEqual({ field2: 2 });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('controlPanel', () => {
+      it('takes controlPanel from input', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+          controlPanel,
+        });
+        expect(plugin.controlPanel).toBe(controlPanel);
+      });
+      it('defaults to empty object', () => {
+        const plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+          metadata,
+          Chart: FakeChart,
+        });
+        expect(plugin.controlPanel).toEqual({});
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.register()', () => {
+    let plugin: ChartPlugin;
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+        metadata,
+        Chart: FakeChart,
+        buildQuery,
+        controlPanel,
+      });
+    });
+    it('throws an error if key is not provided', () => {
+      expect(() => plugin.register()).toThrow(Error);
+      expect(() => plugin.configure({ key: 'ab' }).register()).not.toThrow(Error);
+    });
+    it('add the plugin to the registries', () => {
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'cd' }).register();
+      expect(getChartMetadataRegistry().get('cd')).toBe(metadata);
+      expect(getChartComponentRegistry().get('cd')).toBe(FakeChart);
+      expect(getChartTransformPropsRegistry().has('cd')).toEqual(true);
+      expect(getChartBuildQueryRegistry().get('cd')).toBe(buildQuery);
+      expect(getChartControlPanelRegistry().get('cd')).toBe(controlPanel);
+    });
+    it('does not register buildQuery when it is not specified in the ChartPlugin', () => {
+      new ChartPlugin({
+        metadata,
+        Chart: FakeChart,
+      })
+        .configure({ key: 'ef' })
+        .register();
+      expect(getChartBuildQueryRegistry().has('ef')).toEqual(false);
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      expect(plugin.configure({ key: 'gh' }).register()).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.unregister()', () => {
+    let plugin: ChartPlugin;
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      plugin = new ChartPlugin({
+        metadata,
+        Chart: FakeChart,
+        buildQuery,
+        controlPanel,
+      });
+    });
+    it('throws an error if key is not provided', () => {
+      expect(() => plugin.unregister()).toThrow(Error);
+      expect(() => plugin.configure({ key: 'abc' }).unregister()).not.toThrow(Error);
+    });
+    it('removes the chart from the registries', () => {
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'def' }).register();
+      expect(getChartMetadataRegistry().get('def')).toBe(metadata);
+      expect(getChartComponentRegistry().get('def')).toBe(FakeChart);
+      expect(getChartTransformPropsRegistry().has('def')).toEqual(true);
+      expect(getChartBuildQueryRegistry().get('def')).toBe(buildQuery);
+      expect(getChartControlPanelRegistry().get('def')).toBe(controlPanel);
+      plugin.unregister();
+      expect(getChartMetadataRegistry().has('def')).toBeFalsy();
+      expect(getChartComponentRegistry().has('def')).toBeFalsy();
+      expect(getChartTransformPropsRegistry().has('def')).toBeFalsy();
+      expect(getChartBuildQueryRegistry().has('def')).toBeFalsy();
+      expect(getChartControlPanelRegistry().has('def')).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      expect(plugin.configure({ key: 'xyz' }).unregister()).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartProps.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5f9b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/chart/models/ChartProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+const RAW_FORM_DATA = {
+  some_field: 1,
+  column_formats: { test: '%s' },
+const QUERY_DATA = { data: {} };
+describe('ChartProps', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(ChartProps).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new ChartProps({})', () => {
+    it('returns new instance', () => {
+      const props = new ChartProps({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      expect(props).toBeInstanceOf(ChartProps);
+    });
+    it('processes formData and datasource to convert field names to camelCase', () => {
+      const props = new ChartProps({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      expect(props.formData.someField as number).toEqual(1);
+      expect(props.datasource.columnFormats).toEqual(RAW_DATASOURCE.column_formats);
+      expect(props.rawFormData).toEqual(RAW_FORM_DATA);
+      expect(props.rawDatasource).toEqual(RAW_DATASOURCE);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('ChartProps.createSelector()', () => {
+    const selector = ChartProps.createSelector();
+    it('returns a selector function', () => {
+      expect(selector).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+    });
+    it('selector returns previous chartProps if all input fields do not change', () => {
+      const props1 = selector({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      const props2 = selector({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      expect(props1).toBe(props2);
+    });
+    it('selector returns a new chartProps if some input fields change', () => {
+      const props1 = selector({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      const props2 = selector({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: { new_field: 3 },
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      const props3 = selector({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        datasource: RAW_DATASOURCE,
+        formData: RAW_FORM_DATA,
+        queriesData: QUERIES_DATA,
+      });
+      expect(props1).not.toBe(props2);
+      expect(props1).not.toBe(props3);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorNameSpace.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorNameSpace.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2f193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorNameSpace.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import CategoricalColorNamespace, {
+  getNamespace,
+  getScale,
+  getColor,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/CategoricalColorNamespace';
+import getCategoricalSchemeRegistry from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton';
+import CategoricalScheme from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/CategoricalScheme';
+describe('CategoricalColorNamespace', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    getCategoricalSchemeRegistry()
+      .registerValue(
+        'testColors',
+        new CategoricalScheme({
+          id: 'testColors',
+          colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
+        }),
+      )
+      .registerValue(
+        'testColors2',
+        new CategoricalScheme({
+          id: 'testColors2',
+          colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
+        }),
+      );
+  });
+  it('The class constructor cannot be accessed directly', () => {
+    expect(typeof CategoricalColorNamespace).not.toBe('Function');
+  });
+  describe('static getNamespace()', () => {
+    it('returns default namespace if name is not specified', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace();
+      expect(namespace !== undefined).toBe(true);
+      expect(;
+    });
+    it('returns namespace with specified name', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace('myNamespace');
+      expect(namespace !== undefined).toBe(true);
+      expect('myNamespace');
+    });
+    it('returns existing instance if the name already exists', () => {
+      const ns1 = getNamespace('myNamespace');
+      const ns2 = getNamespace('myNamespace');
+      expect(ns1).toBe(ns2);
+      const ns3 = getNamespace();
+      const ns4 = getNamespace();
+      expect(ns3).toBe(ns4);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getScale()', () => {
+    it('returns a CategoricalColorScale from given scheme name', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace('test-get-scale1');
+      const scale = namespace.getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale).toBeDefined();
+      expect(scale.getColor('dog')).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    it('returns a scale when a schemeId is not specified and there is no default key', () => {
+      getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().clearDefaultKey();
+      const namespace = getNamespace('new-space');
+      const scale = namespace.getScale();
+      expect(scale).toBeDefined();
+      getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().setDefaultKey('testColors');
+    });
+    it('returns same scale if the scale with that name already exists in this namespace', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace('test-get-scale2');
+      const scale1 = namespace.getScale('testColors');
+      const scale2 = namespace.getScale('testColors2');
+      const scale3 = namespace.getScale('testColors2');
+      const scale4 = namespace.getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale1).toBe(scale4);
+      expect(scale2).toBe(scale3);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.setColor()', () => {
+    it('overwrites color for all CategoricalColorScales in this namespace', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace('test-set-scale1');
+      namespace.setColor('dog', 'black');
+      const scale = namespace.getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale.getColor('dog')).toBe('black');
+      expect(scale.getColor('boy')).not.toBe('black');
+    });
+    it('can override forcedColors in each scale', () => {
+      const namespace = getNamespace('test-set-scale2');
+      namespace.setColor('dog', 'black');
+      const scale = namespace.getScale('testColors');
+      scale.setColor('dog', 'pink');
+      expect(scale.getColor('dog')).toBe('black');
+      expect(scale.getColor('boy')).not.toBe('black');
+    });
+    it('does not affect scales in other namespaces', () => {
+      const ns1 = getNamespace('test-set-scale3.1');
+      ns1.setColor('dog', 'black');
+      const scale1 = ns1.getScale('testColors');
+      const ns2 = getNamespace('test-set-scale3.2');
+      const scale2 = ns2.getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale1.getColor('dog')).toBe('black');
+      expect(scale2.getColor('dog')).not.toBe('black');
+    });
+    it('returns the namespace instance', () => {
+      const ns1 = getNamespace('test-set-scale3.1');
+      const ns2 = ns1.setColor('dog', 'black');
+      expect(ns1).toBe(ns2);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('static getScale()', () => {
+    it('getScale() returns a CategoricalColorScale with default scheme in default namespace', () => {
+      const scale = getScale();
+      expect(scale).toBeDefined();
+      const scale2 = getNamespace().getScale();
+      expect(scale).toBe(scale2);
+    });
+    it('getScale(scheme) returns a CategoricalColorScale with specified scheme in default namespace', () => {
+      const scale = getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale).toBeDefined();
+      const scale2 = getNamespace().getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale).toBe(scale2);
+    });
+    it('getScale(scheme, namespace) returns a CategoricalColorScale with specified scheme in specified namespace', () => {
+      const scale = getScale('testColors', 'test-getScale');
+      expect(scale).toBeDefined();
+      const scale2 = getNamespace('test-getScale').getScale('testColors');
+      expect(scale).toBe(scale2);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('static getColor()', () => {
+    it('getColor(value) returns a color from default scheme in default namespace', () => {
+      const value = 'dog';
+      const color = getColor(value);
+      const color2 = getNamespace().getScale().getColor(value);
+      expect(color).toBe(color2);
+    });
+    it('getColor(value, scheme) returns a color from specified scheme in default namespace', () => {
+      const value = 'dog';
+      const scheme = 'testColors';
+      const color = getColor(value, scheme);
+      const color2 = getNamespace().getScale(scheme).getColor(value);
+      expect(color).toBe(color2);
+    });
+    it('getColor(value, scheme, namespace) returns a color from specified scheme in specified namespace', () => {
+      const value = 'dog';
+      const scheme = 'testColors';
+      const namespace = 'test-getColor';
+      const color = getColor(value, scheme, namespace);
+      const color2 = getNamespace(namespace).getScale(scheme).getColor(value);
+      expect(color).toBe(color2);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorScale.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorScale.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c027a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalColorScale.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import { ScaleOrdinal } from 'd3-scale';
+import CategoricalColorScale from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/CategoricalColorScale';
+describe('CategoricalColorScale', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(CategoricalColorScale !== undefined).toBe(true);
+  });
+  describe('new CategoricalColorScale(colors, parentForcedColors)', () => {
+    it('can create new scale when parentForcedColors is not given', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      expect(scale).toBeInstanceOf(CategoricalColorScale);
+    });
+    it('can create new scale when parentForcedColors is given', () => {
+      const parentForcedColors = {};
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green'], parentForcedColors);
+      expect(scale).toBeInstanceOf(CategoricalColorScale);
+      expect(scale.parentForcedColors).toBe(parentForcedColors);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getColor(value)', () => {
+    it('returns same color for same value', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      const c1 = scale.getColor('pig');
+      const c2 = scale.getColor('horse');
+      const c3 = scale.getColor('pig');
+      scale.getColor('cow');
+      const c5 = scale.getColor('horse');
+      expect(c1).toBe(c3);
+      expect(c2).toBe(c5);
+    });
+    it('returns different color for consecutive items', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      const c1 = scale.getColor('pig');
+      const c2 = scale.getColor('horse');
+      const c3 = scale.getColor('cat');
+      expect(c1).not.toBe(c2);
+      expect(c2).not.toBe(c3);
+      expect(c3).not.toBe(c1);
+    });
+    it('recycles colors when number of items exceed available colors', () => {
+      const colorSet: { [key: string]: number } = {};
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      const colors = [
+        scale.getColor('pig'),
+        scale.getColor('horse'),
+        scale.getColor('cat'),
+        scale.getColor('cow'),
+        scale.getColor('donkey'),
+        scale.getColor('goat'),
+      ];
+      colors.forEach(color => {
+        if (colorSet[color]) {
+          colorSet[color] += 1;
+        } else {
+          colorSet[color] = 1;
+        }
+      });
+      expect(Object.keys(colorSet)).toHaveLength(3);
+      ['blue', 'red', 'green'].forEach(color => {
+        expect(colorSet[color]).toBe(2);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.setColor(value, forcedColor)', () => {
+    it('overrides default color', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.setColor('pig', 'pink');
+      expect(scale.getColor('pig')).toBe('pink');
+    });
+    it('does not override parentForcedColors', () => {
+      const scale1 = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale1.setColor('pig', 'black');
+      const scale2 = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green'], scale1.forcedColors);
+      scale2.setColor('pig', 'pink');
+      expect(scale1.getColor('pig')).toBe('black');
+      expect(scale2.getColor('pig')).toBe('black');
+    });
+    it('returns the scale', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      const output = scale.setColor('pig', 'pink');
+      expect(scale).toBe(output);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getColorMap()', () => {
+    it('returns correct mapping and parentForcedColors and forcedColors are specified', () => {
+      const scale1 = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale1.setColor('cow', 'black');
+      const scale2 = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green'], scale1.forcedColors);
+      scale2.setColor('pig', 'pink');
+      scale2.getColor('cow');
+      scale2.getColor('pig');
+      scale2.getColor('horse');
+      expect(scale2.getColorMap()).toEqual({
+        cow: 'black',
+        pig: 'pink',
+        horse: 'blue',
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.copy()', () => {
+    it('returns a copy', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      const copy = scale.copy();
+      expect(copy).not.toBe(scale);
+      expect(copy('cat')).toEqual(scale('cat'));
+      expect(copy.domain()).toEqual(scale.domain());
+      expect(copy.range()).toEqual(scale.range());
+      expect(copy.unknown()).toEqual(scale.unknown());
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.domain()', () => {
+    it('when called without argument, returns domain', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.getColor('pig');
+      expect(scale.domain()).toEqual(['pig']);
+    });
+    it('when called with argument, sets domain', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.domain(['dog', 'pig', 'cat']);
+      expect(scale('pig')).toEqual('red');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.range()', () => {
+    it('when called without argument, returns range', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      expect(scale.range()).toEqual(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+    });
+    it('when called with argument, sets range', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.range(['pink', 'gray', 'yellow']);
+      expect(scale.range()).toEqual(['pink', 'gray', 'yellow']);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.unknown()', () => {
+    it('when called without argument, returns output for unknown value', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.unknown('#666');
+      expect(scale.unknown()).toEqual('#666');
+    });
+    it('when called with argument, sets output for unknown value', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      scale.unknown('#222');
+      expect(scale.unknown()).toEqual('#222');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('a CategoricalColorScale instance is also a color function itself', () => {
+    it('scale(value) returns color similar to calling scale.getColor(value)', () => {
+      const scale = new CategoricalColorScale(['blue', 'red', 'green']);
+      expect(scale.getColor('pig')).toBe(scale('pig'));
+      expect(scale.getColor('cat')).toBe(scale('cat'));
+    });
+  });
+  describe("is compatible with D3's ScaleOrdinal", () => {
+    it('passes type check', () => {
+      const scale: ScaleOrdinal<{ toString(): string }, string> = new CategoricalColorScale([
+        'blue',
+        'red',
+        'green',
+      ]);
+      expect(scale('pig')).toBe('blue');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b38f233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/CategoricalSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { CategoricalScheme, getCategoricalSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core/src/color';
+describe('CategoricalSchemeRegistry', () => {
+  it('has default value out-of-the-box', () => {
+    expect(getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().get()).toBeInstanceOf(CategoricalScheme);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorScheme.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorScheme.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4da7056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorScheme.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import ColorScheme from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/ColorScheme';
+describe('ColorScheme', () => {
+  describe('new ColorScheme()', () => {
+    it('returns an instance of ColorScheme', () => {
+      const scheme = new ColorScheme({ id: 'test', colors: ['red', 'blue'] });
+      expect(scheme).toBeInstanceOf(ColorScheme);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e103871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/ColorSchemeRegistry.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import ColorSchemeRegistry from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/ColorSchemeRegistry';
+describe('ColorSchemeRegistry', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(ColorSchemeRegistry).toBeDefined();
+    expect(ColorSchemeRegistry).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialScheme.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialScheme.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e3b4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialScheme.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import SequentialScheme from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/SequentialScheme';
+describe('SequentialScheme', () => {
+  const scheme = new SequentialScheme({
+    id: 'white to black',
+    colors: ['#fff', '#000'],
+  });
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(SequentialScheme).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new SequentialScheme()', () => {
+    it('creates new instance', () => {
+      const scheme2 = new SequentialScheme({
+        id: 'white to black',
+        colors: ['#fff', '#000'],
+      });
+      expect(scheme2).toBeInstanceOf(SequentialScheme);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.createLinearScale(domain, modifyRange)', () => {
+    it('returns a piecewise scale', () => {
+      const scale = scheme.createLinearScale([10, 100]);
+      expect(scale.domain()).toHaveLength(scale.range().length);
+      const scale2 = scheme.createLinearScale([0, 10, 100]);
+      expect(scale2.domain()).toHaveLength(scale2.range().length);
+    });
+    describe('domain', () => {
+      it('returns a linear scale for the given domain', () => {
+        const scale = scheme.createLinearScale([10, 100]);
+        expect(scale(1)).toEqual('rgb(255, 255, 255)');
+        expect(scale(10)).toEqual('rgb(255, 255, 255)');
+        expect(scale(55)).toEqual('rgb(119, 119, 119)');
+        expect(scale(100)).toEqual('rgb(0, 0, 0)');
+        expect(scale(1000)).toEqual('rgb(0, 0, 0)');
+      });
+      it('uses [0, 1] as domain if not specified', () => {
+        const scale = scheme.createLinearScale();
+        expect(scale(-1)).toEqual('rgb(255, 255, 255)');
+        expect(scale(0)).toEqual('rgb(255, 255, 255)');
+        expect(scale(0.5)).toEqual('rgb(119, 119, 119)');
+        expect(scale(1)).toEqual('rgb(0, 0, 0)');
+        expect(scale(2)).toEqual('rgb(0, 0, 0)');
+      });
+    });
+    describe('modifyRange', () => {
+      const scheme3 = new SequentialScheme({
+        id: 'test-scheme3',
+        colors: ['#fee087', '#fa5c2e', '#800026'],
+      });
+      it('modifies domain by default', () => {
+        const scale = scheme3.createLinearScale([0, 100]);
+        expect(scale.domain()).toEqual([0, 50, 100]);
+        expect(scale.range()).toEqual(['#fee087', '#fa5c2e', '#800026']);
+      });
+      it('modifies range instead of domain if set to true', () => {
+        const scale = scheme3.createLinearScale([0, 100], true);
+        expect(scale.domain()).toEqual([0, 100]);
+        expect(scale.range()).toEqual(['rgb(254, 224, 135)', 'rgb(128, 0, 38)']);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getColors(numColors, extent)', () => {
+    describe('numColors', () => {
+      it('returns the original colors if numColors is not specified', () => {
+        expect(scheme.getColors()).toEqual(['#fff', '#000']);
+      });
+      it('returns the exact number of colors if numColors is specified', () => {
+        expect(scheme.getColors(2)).toEqual(['#fff', '#000']);
+        expect(scheme.getColors(3)).toEqual([
+          'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
+          'rgb(119, 119, 119)',
+          'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
+        ]);
+        expect(scheme.getColors(4)).toEqual([
+          'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
+          'rgb(162, 162, 162)',
+          'rgb(78, 78, 78)',
+          'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
+        ]);
+      });
+    });
+    describe('extent', () => {
+      it('adjust the range if extent is specified', () => {
+        expect(scheme.getColors(2, [0, 0.5])).toEqual(['rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'rgb(119, 119, 119)']);
+        expect(scheme.getColors(2, [0.5, 1])).toEqual(['rgb(119, 119, 119)', 'rgb(0, 0, 0)']);
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c60a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/SequentialSchemeRegistrySingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { SequentialScheme, getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core/src/color';
+describe('SequentialSchemeRegistry', () => {
+  it('has default value out-of-the-box', () => {
+    expect(getSequentialSchemeRegistry().get()).toBeInstanceOf(SequentialScheme);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/colorSchemes.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/colorSchemes.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10abc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/colorSchemes.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import categoricalAirbnb from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/airbnb';
+import categoricalEcharts from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/echarts';
+import categoricalSuperset from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/superset';
+import categoricalPreset from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/preset';
+import categoricalD3 from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3';
+import categoricalGoogle from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/google';
+import categoricalLyft from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/lyft';
+import sequentialCommon from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common';
+import sequentialD3 from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3';
+import CategoricalScheme from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/CategoricalScheme';
+import SequentialScheme from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/SequentialScheme';
+describe('Color Schemes', () => {
+  describe('categorical', () => {
+    it('returns an array of CategoricalScheme', () => {
+      [
+        categoricalAirbnb,
+        categoricalEcharts,
+        categoricalD3,
+        categoricalGoogle,
+        categoricalLyft,
+        categoricalSuperset,
+        categoricalPreset,
+      ].forEach(group => {
+        expect(group).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
+        group.forEach(scheme => expect(scheme).toBeInstanceOf(CategoricalScheme));
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('sequential', () => {
+    it('returns an array of SequentialScheme', () => {
+      [sequentialCommon, sequentialD3].forEach(group => {
+        expect(group).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
+        group.forEach(scheme => expect(scheme).toBeInstanceOf(SequentialScheme));
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da4b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/color/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  CategoricalColorScale,
+  CategoricalScheme,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+  SequentialScheme,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/color';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports modules', () => {
+    [
+      CategoricalColorNamespace,
+      CategoricalColorScale,
+      CategoricalScheme,
+      getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+      getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+      SequentialScheme,
+    ].forEach(x => expect(x).toBeDefined());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClient.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClient.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f5c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClient.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { SupersetClient, SupersetClientClass } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from './fixtures/constants';
+describe('SupersetClient', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '' });
+  });
+  afterAll(fetchMock.restore);
+  afterEach(SupersetClient.reset);
+  it('exposes reset, configure, init, get, post, isAuthenticated, and reAuthenticate methods', () => {
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.configure).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.init).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.get).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof'function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.isAuthenticated).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.reAuthenticate).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.request).toBe('function');
+    expect(typeof SupersetClient.reset).toBe('function');
+  });
+  it('throws if you call init, get, post, isAuthenticated, or reAuthenticate before configure', () => {
+    expect(SupersetClient.init).toThrow();
+    expect(SupersetClient.get).toThrow();
+    expect(;
+    expect(SupersetClient.isAuthenticated).toThrow();
+    expect(SupersetClient.reAuthenticate).toThrow();
+    expect(SupersetClient.request).toThrow();
+    expect(SupersetClient.configure).not.toThrow();
+  });
+  // this also tests that the ^above doesn't throw if configure is called appropriately
+  it('calls appropriate SupersetClient methods when configured', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(10);
+    const mockGetUrl = '/mock/get/url';
+    const mockPostUrl = '/mock/post/url';
+    const mockRequestUrl = '/mock/request/url';
+    const mockPutUrl = '/mock/put/url';
+    const mockDeleteUrl = '/mock/delete/url';
+    const mockGetPayload = { get: 'payload' };
+    const mockPostPayload = { post: 'payload' };
+    const mockDeletePayload = { delete: 'ok' };
+    const mockPutPayload = { put: 'ok' };
+    fetchMock.get(mockGetUrl, mockGetPayload);
+, mockPostPayload);
+    fetchMock.delete(mockDeleteUrl, mockDeletePayload);
+    fetchMock.put(mockPutUrl, mockPutPayload);
+    fetchMock.get(mockRequestUrl, mockGetPayload);
+    const initSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'init');
+    const getSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'get');
+    const postSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'post');
+    const putSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'put');
+    const deleteSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'delete');
+    const authenticatedSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'isAuthenticated');
+    const csrfSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'getCSRFToken');
+    const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'request');
+    SupersetClient.configure({});
+    await SupersetClient.init();
+    expect(initSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(authenticatedSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+    expect(csrfSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    await SupersetClient.get({ url: mockGetUrl });
+    await{ url: mockPostUrl });
+    await SupersetClient.delete({ url: mockDeleteUrl });
+    await SupersetClient.put({ url: mockPutUrl });
+    await SupersetClient.request({ url: mockRequestUrl });
+    SupersetClient.isAuthenticated();
+    await SupersetClient.reAuthenticate();
+    expect(initSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+    expect(deleteSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(putSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(getSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(postSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5); // request rewires to get
+    expect(csrfSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // from init() + reAuthenticate()
+    initSpy.mockRestore();
+    getSpy.mockRestore();
+    putSpy.mockRestore();
+    deleteSpy.mockRestore();
+    requestSpy.mockRestore();
+    postSpy.mockRestore();
+    authenticatedSpy.mockRestore();
+    csrfSpy.mockRestore();
+    fetchMock.reset();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClientClass.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClientClass.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e2fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/SupersetClientClass.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { SupersetClientClass, ClientConfig } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from './fixtures/constants';
+describe('SupersetClientClass', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '' });
+  });
+  afterAll(fetchMock.restore);
+  describe('new SupersetClientClass()', () => {
+    it('fallback protocol to https when setting only host', () => {
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({ host: 'TEST-HOST' });
+      expect(client.baseUrl).toEqual('https://test-host');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getUrl()', () => {
+    let client = new SupersetClientClass();
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol: 'https:', host: 'CONFIG_HOST' });
+    });
+    it('uses url if passed', () => {
+      expect(client.getUrl({ url: 'myUrl', endpoint: 'blah', host: 'blah' })).toBe('myUrl');
+    });
+    it('constructs a valid url from config.protocol + host + endpoint if passed', () => {
+      expect(client.getUrl({ endpoint: '/test', host: 'myhost' })).toBe('https://myhost/test');
+      expect(client.getUrl({ endpoint: '/test', host: 'myhost/' })).toBe('https://myhost/test');
+      expect(client.getUrl({ endpoint: 'test', host: 'myhost' })).toBe('https://myhost/test');
+      expect(client.getUrl({ endpoint: '/test/test//', host: 'myhost/' })).toBe(
+        'https://myhost/test/test//',
+      );
+    });
+    it('constructs a valid url from + endpoint if host is omitted', () => {
+      expect(client.getUrl({ endpoint: '/test' })).toBe('https://config_host/test');
+    });
+    it('does not throw if url, endpoint, and host are all empty', () => {
+      client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol: 'https:', host: '' });
+      expect(client.getUrl()).toBe('https://localhost/');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.init()', () => {
+    afterEach(() => {
+      fetchMock.reset();
+      // reset
+      fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: 1234 }, { overwriteRoutes: true });
+    });
+    it('calls superset/csrf_token/ when init() is called if no CSRF token is passed', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      await new SupersetClientClass().init();
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(LOGIN_GLOB)).toHaveLength(1);
+    });
+    it('does NOT call superset/csrf_token/ when init() is called if a CSRF token is passed', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      await new SupersetClientClass({ csrfToken: 'abc' }).init();
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(LOGIN_GLOB)).toHaveLength(0);
+    });
+    it('calls superset/csrf_token/ when init(force=true) is called even if a CSRF token is passed', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(4);
+      const initialToken = 'initial_token';
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({ csrfToken: initialToken });
+      await client.init();
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(LOGIN_GLOB)).toHaveLength(0);
+      expect(client.csrfToken).toBe(initialToken);
+      await client.init(true);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(LOGIN_GLOB)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(client.csrfToken).not.toBe(initialToken);
+    });
+    it('throws if superset/csrf_token/ returns an error', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      const rejectError = { status: 403 };
+      fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, () => Promise.reject(rejectError), {
+        overwriteRoutes: true,
+      });
+      let error;
+      try {
+        await new SupersetClientClass({}).init();
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(error as typeof rejectError).toEqual(rejectError);
+      }
+    });
+    const invalidCsrfTokenError = { error: 'Failed to fetch CSRF token' };
+    it('throws if superset/csrf_token/ does not return a token', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, {}, { overwriteRoutes: true });
+      let error;
+      try {
+        await new SupersetClientClass({}).init();
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(error as typeof invalidCsrfTokenError).toEqual(invalidCsrfTokenError);
+      }
+    });
+    it('does not set csrfToken if response is not json', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, '123', {
+        overwriteRoutes: true,
+      });
+      let error;
+      try {
+        await new SupersetClientClass({}).init();
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(error as typeof invalidCsrfTokenError).toEqual(invalidCsrfTokenError);
+      }
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.isAuthenticated()', () => {
+    afterEach(fetchMock.reset);
+    it('returns true if there is a token and false if not', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({});
+      expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(false);
+      await client.init();
+      expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true);
+    });
+    it('returns true if a token is passed at configuration', () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      const clientWithoutToken = new SupersetClientClass({ csrfToken: undefined });
+      const clientWithToken = new SupersetClientClass({ csrfToken: 'token' });
+      expect(clientWithoutToken.isAuthenticated()).toBe(false);
+      expect(clientWithToken.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.ensureAuth()', () => {
+    it(`returns a promise that rejects if .init() has not been called`, async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({});
+      let error;
+      try {
+        await client.ensureAuth();
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(error).toEqual({ error: expect.any(String) });
+      }
+      expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(false);
+    });
+    it('returns a promise that resolves if .init() resolves successfully', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({});
+      await client.init();
+      await client.ensureAuth();
+      expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true);
+    });
+    it(`returns a promise that rejects if .init() is unsuccessful`, async () => {
+      expect.assertions(4);
+      const rejectValue = { status: 403 };
+      fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, () => Promise.reject(rejectValue), {
+        overwriteRoutes: true,
+      });
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({});
+      let error;
+      let error2;
+      try {
+        await client.init();
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(error).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(rejectValue));
+        expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(false);
+        try {
+          await client.ensureAuth();
+        } catch (err) {
+          error2 = err;
+        } finally {
+          expect(error2).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(rejectValue));
+          expect(client.isAuthenticated()).toBe(false);
+        }
+      }
+      // reset
+      fetchMock.get(
+        LOGIN_GLOB,
+        { csrf_token: 1234 },
+        {
+          overwriteRoutes: true,
+        },
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('requests', () => {
+    afterEach(fetchMock.reset);
+    const protocol = 'https:';
+    const host = 'host';
+    const mockGetEndpoint = '/get/url';
+    const mockRequestEndpoint = '/request/url';
+    const mockPostEndpoint = '/post/url';
+    const mockPutEndpoint = '/put/url';
+    const mockDeleteEndpoint = '/delete/url';
+    const mockTextEndpoint = '/text/endpoint';
+    const mockGetUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockGetEndpoint}`;
+    const mockRequestUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockRequestEndpoint}`;
+    const mockPostUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockPostEndpoint}`;
+    const mockTextUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockTextEndpoint}`;
+    const mockPutUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockPutEndpoint}`;
+    const mockDeleteUrl = `${protocol}//${host}${mockDeleteEndpoint}`;
+    const mockTextJsonResponse = '{ "value": 9223372036854775807 }';
+    const mockPayload = { json: () => Promise.resolve('payload') };
+    fetchMock.get(mockGetUrl, mockPayload);
+, mockPayload);
+    fetchMock.put(mockPutUrl, mockPayload);
+    fetchMock.delete(mockDeleteUrl, mockPayload);
+    fetchMock.delete(mockRequestUrl, mockPayload);
+    fetchMock.get(mockTextUrl, mockTextJsonResponse);
+, mockTextJsonResponse);
+    it('checks for authentication before every get and post request', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(6);
+      const authSpy = jest.spyOn(SupersetClientClass.prototype, 'ensureAuth');
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+      await client.init();
+      await client.get({ url: mockGetUrl });
+      await{ url: mockPostUrl });
+      await client.put({ url: mockPutUrl });
+      await client.delete({ url: mockDeleteUrl });
+      await client.request({ url: mockRequestUrl, method: 'DELETE' });
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockDeleteUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPutUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockRequestUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(authSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5);
+      authSpy.mockRestore();
+    });
+    it('sets protocol, host, headers, mode, and credentials from config', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
+        host,
+        protocol,
+        mode: 'cors',
+        credentials: 'include',
+        headers: { my: 'header' },
+      };
+      const client = new SupersetClientClass(clientConfig);
+      await client.init();
+      await client.get({ url: mockGetUrl });
+      const fetchRequest = fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)[0][1];
+      expect(fetchRequest.mode).toBe(clientConfig.mode);
+      expect(fetchRequest.credentials).toBe(clientConfig.credentials);
+      expect(fetchRequest.headers).toEqual(
+        expect.objectContaining(clientConfig.headers) as typeof fetchRequest.headers,
+      );
+    });
+    describe('.get()', () => {
+      it('makes a request using url or endpoint', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        await client.get({ url: mockGetUrl });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        await client.get({ endpoint: mockGetEndpoint });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)).toHaveLength(2);
+      });
+      it('supports parsing a response as text', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        const { text } = await client.get({ url: mockTextUrl, parseMethod: 'text' });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockTextUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect(text).toBe(mockTextJsonResponse);
+      });
+      it('allows overriding host, headers, mode, and credentials per-request', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
+          host,
+          protocol,
+          mode: 'cors',
+          credentials: 'include',
+          headers: { my: 'header' },
+        };
+        const overrideConfig: ClientConfig = {
+          host: 'override_host',
+          mode: 'no-cors',
+          credentials: 'omit',
+          headers: { my: 'override', another: 'header' },
+        };
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass(clientConfig);
+        await client.init();
+        await client.get({ url: mockGetUrl, ...overrideConfig });
+        const fetchRequest = fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)[0][1];
+        expect(fetchRequest.mode).toBe(overrideConfig.mode);
+        expect(fetchRequest.credentials).toBe(overrideConfig.credentials);
+        expect(fetchRequest.headers).toEqual(
+          expect.objectContaining(overrideConfig.headers) as typeof fetchRequest.headers,
+        );
+      });
+    });
+    describe('.post()', () => {
+      it('makes a request using url or endpoint', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        await{ url: mockPostUrl });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        await{ endpoint: mockPostEndpoint });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(2);
+      });
+      it('allows overriding host, headers, mode, and credentials per-request', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
+          host,
+          protocol,
+          mode: 'cors',
+          credentials: 'include',
+          headers: { my: 'header' },
+        };
+        const overrideConfig: ClientConfig = {
+          host: 'override_host',
+          mode: 'no-cors',
+          credentials: 'omit',
+          headers: { my: 'override', another: 'header' },
+        };
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass(clientConfig);
+        await client.init();
+        await{ url: mockPostUrl, ...overrideConfig });
+        const fetchRequest = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)[0][1];
+        expect(fetchRequest.mode).toBe(overrideConfig.mode);
+        expect(fetchRequest.credentials).toBe(overrideConfig.credentials);
+        expect(fetchRequest.headers).toEqual(
+          expect.objectContaining(overrideConfig.headers) as typeof fetchRequest.headers,
+        );
+      });
+      it('supports parsing a response as text', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(2);
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        const { text } = await{ url: mockTextUrl, parseMethod: 'text' });
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockTextUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect(text).toBe(mockTextJsonResponse);
+      });
+      it('passes postPayload key,values in the body', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const postPayload = { number: 123, array: [1, 2, 3] };
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        await{ url: mockPostUrl, postPayload });
+        const formData = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)[0][1].body as FormData;
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+          expect(formData.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+        });
+      });
+      it('respects the stringify parameter for postPayload key,values', async () => {
+        expect.assertions(3);
+        const postPayload = { number: 123, array: [1, 2, 3] };
+        const client = new SupersetClientClass({ protocol, host });
+        await client.init();
+        await{ url: mockPostUrl, postPayload, stringify: false });
+        const formData = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)[0][1].body as FormData;
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+          expect(formData.get(key)).toBe(String(value));
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApi.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApi.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d8764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApi.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import callApi from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/callApi';
+import * as constants from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/constants';
+import { CallApi, JsonObject } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/types';
+import { DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/constants';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from '../fixtures/constants';
+describe('callApi()', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '1234' });
+  });
+  afterAll(fetchMock.restore);
+  const mockGetUrl = '/mock/get/url';
+  const mockPostUrl = '/mock/post/url';
+  const mockPutUrl = '/mock/put/url';
+  const mockPatchUrl = '/mock/patch/url';
+  const mockCacheUrl = '/mock/cache/url';
+  const mockNotFound = '/mock/notfound';
+  const mockErrorUrl = '/mock/error/url';
+  const mock503 = '/mock/503';
+  const mockGetPayload = { get: 'payload' };
+  const mockPostPayload = { post: 'payload' };
+  const mockPutPayload = { post: 'payload' };
+  const mockPatchPayload = { post: 'payload' };
+  const mockCachePayload = {
+    status: 200,
+    body: 'BODY',
+    headers: { Etag: 'etag' },
+  };
+  const mockErrorPayload = { status: 500, statusText: 'Internal error' };
+  fetchMock.get(mockGetUrl, mockGetPayload);
+, mockPostPayload);
+  fetchMock.put(mockPutUrl, mockPutPayload);
+  fetchMock.patch(mockPatchUrl, mockPatchPayload);
+  fetchMock.get(mockCacheUrl, mockCachePayload);
+  fetchMock.get(mockNotFound, { status: 404 });
+  fetchMock.get(mock503, { status: 503 });
+  fetchMock.get(mockErrorUrl, () => Promise.reject(mockErrorPayload));
+  afterEach(fetchMock.reset);
+  describe('request config', () => {
+    it('calls the right url with the specified method', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(4);
+      await Promise.all([
+        callApi({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST' }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPutUrl, method: 'PUT' }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPatchUrl, method: 'PATCH' }),
+      ]);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPutUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockPatchUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+    });
+    it('passes along mode, cache, credentials, headers, body, signal, and redirect parameters in the request', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(8);
+      const mockRequest: CallApi = {
+        url: mockGetUrl,
+        mode: 'cors',
+        cache: 'default',
+        credentials: 'include',
+        headers: {
+          custom: 'header',
+        },
+        redirect: 'follow',
+        signal: undefined,
+        body: 'BODY',
+      };
+      await callApi(mockRequest);
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(fetchParams.mode).toBe(mockRequest.mode);
+      expect(fetchParams.cache).toBe(mockRequest.cache);
+      expect(fetchParams.credentials).toBe(mockRequest.credentials);
+      expect(fetchParams.headers).toEqual(
+        expect.objectContaining(mockRequest.headers) as typeof fetchParams.headers,
+      );
+      expect(fetchParams.redirect).toBe(mockRequest.redirect);
+      expect(fetchParams.signal).toBe(mockRequest.signal);
+      expect(fetchParams.body).toBe(mockRequest.body);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('POST requests', () => {
+    it('encodes key,value pairs from postPayload', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', anotherKey: 1237 };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(body.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+      });
+    });
+    // the reason for this is to omit strings like 'undefined' from making their way to the backend
+    it('omits key,value pairs from postPayload that have undefined values (POST)', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', noValue: undefined };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      expect(body.get('key')).toBe(JSON.stringify(postPayload.key));
+      expect(body.get('noValue')).toBeNull();
+    });
+    it('respects the stringify flag in POST requests', async () => {
+      const postPayload = {
+        string: 'value',
+        number: 1237,
+        array: [1, 2, 3],
+        object: { a: 'a', 1: 1 },
+        null: null,
+        emptyString: '',
+      };
+      expect.assertions(1 + 3 * Object.keys(postPayload).length);
+      await Promise.all([
+        callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST', postPayload }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST', postPayload, stringify: false }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPostUrl, method: 'POST', jsonPayload: postPayload }),
+      ]);
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPostUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(3);
+      const stringified = calls[0][1].body as FormData;
+      const unstringified = calls[1][1].body as FormData;
+      const jsonRequestBody = JSON.parse(calls[2][1].body as string) as JsonObject;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(stringified.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+        expect(unstringified.get(key)).toBe(String(value));
+        expect(jsonRequestBody[key]).toEqual(value);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('PUT requests', () => {
+    it('encodes key,value pairs from postPayload', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', anotherKey: 1237 };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPutUrl, method: 'PUT', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPutUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(body.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+      });
+    });
+    // the reason for this is to omit strings like 'undefined' from making their way to the backend
+    it('omits key,value pairs from postPayload that have undefined values (PUT)', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', noValue: undefined };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPutUrl, method: 'PUT', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPutUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      expect(body.get('key')).toBe(JSON.stringify(postPayload.key));
+      expect(body.get('noValue')).toBeNull();
+    });
+    it('respects the stringify flag in PUT requests', async () => {
+      const postPayload = {
+        string: 'value',
+        number: 1237,
+        array: [1, 2, 3],
+        object: { a: 'a', 1: 1 },
+        null: null,
+        emptyString: '',
+      };
+      expect.assertions(1 + 2 * Object.keys(postPayload).length);
+      await Promise.all([
+        callApi({ url: mockPutUrl, method: 'PUT', postPayload }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPutUrl, method: 'PUT', postPayload, stringify: false }),
+      ]);
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPutUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      const stringified = calls[0][1].body as FormData;
+      const unstringified = calls[1][1].body as FormData;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(stringified.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+        expect(unstringified.get(key)).toBe(String(value));
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('PATCH requests', () => {
+    it('encodes key,value pairs from postPayload', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', anotherKey: 1237 };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPatchUrl, method: 'PATCH', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPatchUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(body.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+      });
+    });
+    // the reason for this is to omit strings like 'undefined' from making their way to the backend
+    it('omits key,value pairs from postPayload that have undefined values (PATCH)', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const postPayload = { key: 'value', noValue: undefined };
+      await callApi({ url: mockPatchUrl, method: 'PATCH', postPayload });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPatchUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const fetchParams = calls[0][1];
+      const body = fetchParams.body as FormData;
+      expect(body.get('key')).toBe(JSON.stringify(postPayload.key));
+      expect(body.get('noValue')).toBeNull();
+    });
+    it('respects the stringify flag in PATCH requests', async () => {
+      const postPayload = {
+        string: 'value',
+        number: 1237,
+        array: [1, 2, 3],
+        object: { a: 'a', 1: 1 },
+        null: null,
+        emptyString: '',
+      };
+      expect.assertions(1 + 2 * Object.keys(postPayload).length);
+      await Promise.all([
+        callApi({ url: mockPatchUrl, method: 'PATCH', postPayload }),
+        callApi({ url: mockPatchUrl, method: 'PATCH', postPayload, stringify: false }),
+      ]);
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockPatchUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      const stringified = calls[0][1].body as FormData;
+      const unstringified = calls[1][1].body as FormData;
+      Object.entries(postPayload).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+        expect(stringified.get(key)).toBe(JSON.stringify(value));
+        expect(unstringified.get(key)).toBe(String(value));
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('caching', () => {
+    const origLocation = window.location;
+    beforeAll(() => {
+      Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { value: {} });
+    });
+    afterAll(() => {
+      Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { value: origLocation });
+    });
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      window.location.protocol = 'https:';
+      await caches.delete(constants.CACHE_KEY);
+    });
+    it('caches requests with ETags', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const supersetCache = await;
+      const cachedResponse = await supersetCache.match(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(cachedResponse).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    it('will not use cache when running off an insecure connection', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      window.location.protocol = 'http:';
+      await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const supersetCache = await;
+      const cachedResponse = await supersetCache.match(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(cachedResponse).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+    it('works when the Cache API is disabled', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(5);
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-import-assign
+      Object.defineProperty(constants, 'CACHE_AVAILABLE', { value: false });
+      const firstResponse = await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      const firstBody = await firstResponse.text();
+      expect(firstBody).toEqual('BODY');
+      const secondResponse = await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const fetchParams = calls[1][1];
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      // second call should not have If-None-Match header
+      expect(fetchParams.headers).toBeUndefined();
+      const secondBody = await secondResponse.text();
+      expect(secondBody).toEqual('BODY');
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-import-assign
+      Object.defineProperty(constants, 'CACHE_AVAILABLE', { value: true });
+    });
+    it('sends known ETags in the If-None-Match header', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      // first call sets the cache
+      await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      // second call sends the Etag in the If-None-Match header
+      await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const fetchParams = calls[1][1];
+      const headers = { 'If-None-Match': 'etag' };
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      expect(fetchParams.headers).toEqual(
+        expect.objectContaining(headers) as typeof fetchParams.headers,
+      );
+    });
+    it('reuses cached responses on 304 status', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      // first call sets the cache
+      await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockCacheUrl);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      // second call reuses the cached payload on a 304
+      const mockCachedPayload = { status: 304 };
+      fetchMock.get(mockCacheUrl, mockCachedPayload, { overwriteRoutes: true });
+      const secondResponse = await callApi({ url: mockCacheUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(2);
+      const secondBody = await secondResponse.text();
+      expect(secondBody).toEqual('BODY');
+    });
+    it('throws error when cache fails on 304', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      // this should never happen, since a 304 is only returned if we have
+      // the cached response and sent the If-None-Match header
+      const mockUncachedUrl = '/mock/uncached/url';
+      const mockCachedPayload = { status: 304 };
+      let error;
+      fetchMock.get(mockUncachedUrl, mockCachedPayload);
+      try {
+        await callApi({ url: mockUncachedUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        const calls = fetchMock.calls(mockUncachedUrl);
+        expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect((error as { message: string }).message).toEqual(
+          'Received 304 but no content is cached!',
+        );
+      }
+    });
+    it('returns original response if no Etag', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(3);
+      const url = mockGetUrl;
+      const response = await callApi({ url, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(url);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(response.status).toEqual(200);
+      const body = await response.json();
+      expect(body as typeof mockGetPayload).toEqual(mockGetPayload);
+    });
+    it('returns original response if status not 304 or 200', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      const url = mockNotFound;
+      const response = await callApi({ url, method: 'GET' });
+      const calls = fetchMock.calls(url);
+      expect(calls).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(response.status).toEqual(404);
+    });
+  });
+  it('rejects after retrying thrice if the request throws', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await callApi({
+        fetchRetryOptions: DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS,
+        url: mockErrorUrl,
+        method: 'GET',
+      });
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      const err = error as { status: number; statusText: string };
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockErrorUrl)).toHaveLength(4);
+      expect(err.status).toBe(mockErrorPayload.status);
+      expect(err.statusText).toBe(mockErrorPayload.statusText);
+    }
+  });
+  it('rejects without retries if the config is set to 0 retries', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await callApi({
+        fetchRetryOptions: { retries: 0 },
+        url: mockErrorUrl,
+        method: 'GET',
+      });
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err as { status: number; statusText: string };
+    } finally {
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockErrorUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(error?.status).toBe(mockErrorPayload.status);
+      expect(error?.statusText).toBe(mockErrorPayload.statusText);
+    }
+  });
+  it('rejects after retrying thrice if the request returns a 503', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const url = mock503;
+    const response = await callApi({
+      fetchRetryOptions: DEFAULT_FETCH_RETRY_OPTIONS,
+      url,
+      method: 'GET',
+    });
+    const calls = fetchMock.calls(url);
+    expect(calls).toHaveLength(4);
+    expect(response.status).toEqual(503);
+  });
+  it('invalid json for postPayload should thrown error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await callApi({
+        url: mockPostUrl,
+        method: 'POST',
+        postPayload: 'haha',
+      });
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(Error);
+      expect(error.message).toEqual('Invalid payload:\n\nhaha');
+    }
+  });
+  it('should accept search params object', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    window.location.href = 'http://localhost';
+    fetchMock.get(`glob:*/get-search*`, { yes: 'ok' });
+    const response = await callApi({
+      url: '/get-search',
+      searchParams: {
+        abc: 1,
+      },
+      method: 'GET',
+    });
+    const result = await response.json();
+    expect(response.status).toEqual(200);
+    expect(result).toEqual({ yes: 'ok' });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toEqual(`http://localhost/get-search?abc=1`);
+  });
+  it('should accept URLSearchParams', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    window.location.href = 'http://localhost';
+`glob:*/post-search*`, { yes: 'ok' });
+    await callApi({
+      url: '/post-search',
+      searchParams: new URLSearchParams({
+        abc: '1',
+      }),
+      method: 'POST',
+      jsonPayload: { request: 'ok' },
+    });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toEqual(`http://localhost/post-search?abc=1`);
+    expect(fetchMock.lastOptions()).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        body: JSON.stringify({ request: 'ok' }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
+  it('should throw when both payloads provided', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+'/post-both-payload', {});
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await callApi({
+        url: '/post-both-payload',
+        method: 'POST',
+        postPayload: { a: 1 },
+        jsonPayload: '{}',
+      });
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect((error as Error).message).toContain('provide only one of jsonPayload or postPayload');
+    }
+  });
+  it('should accept FormData as postPayload', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+'/post-formdata', {});
+    const payload = new FormData();
+    await callApi({
+      url: '/post-formdata',
+      method: 'POST',
+      postPayload: payload,
+    });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastOptions().body).toBe(payload);
+  });
+  it('should ignore "null" postPayload string', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+'/post-null-postpayload', {});
+    await callApi({
+      url: '/post-formdata',
+      method: 'POST',
+      postPayload: 'null',
+    });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastOptions().body).toBeUndefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3df648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import callApiAndParseWithTimeout from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/callApiAndParseWithTimeout';
+// we import these via * so that we can spy on the 'default' property of the object
+import * as callApi from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/callApi';
+import * as parseResponse from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/parseResponse';
+import * as rejectAfterTimeout from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from '../fixtures/constants';
+describe('callApiAndParseWithTimeout()', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '1234' });
+  });
+  afterAll(fetchMock.restore);
+  const mockGetUrl = '/mock/get/url';
+  const mockGetPayload = { get: 'payload' };
+  fetchMock.get(mockGetUrl, mockGetPayload);
+  afterEach(() => {
+    fetchMock.reset();
+    jest.useRealTimers();
+  });
+  describe('callApi', () => {
+    it('calls callApi()', () => {
+      const callApiSpy = jest.spyOn(callApi, 'default');
+      callApiAndParseWithTimeout({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      expect(callApiSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      callApiSpy.mockClear();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('parseResponse', () => {
+    it('calls parseResponse()', () => {
+      const parseSpy = jest.spyOn(parseResponse, 'default');
+      callApiAndParseWithTimeout({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      expect(parseSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      parseSpy.mockClear();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('timeout', () => {
+    it('does not create a rejection timer if no timeout passed', () => {
+      const rejectionSpy = jest.spyOn(rejectAfterTimeout, 'default');
+      callApiAndParseWithTimeout({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' });
+      expect(rejectionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+      rejectionSpy.mockClear();
+    });
+    it('creates a rejection timer if a timeout passed', () => {
+      jest.useFakeTimers(); // prevents the timeout from rejecting + failing test
+      const rejectionSpy = jest.spyOn(rejectAfterTimeout, 'default');
+      callApiAndParseWithTimeout({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET', timeout: 10 });
+      expect(rejectionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+      rejectionSpy.mockClear();
+    });
+    it('rejects if the request exceeds the timeout', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(2);
+      jest.useFakeTimers();
+      const mockTimeoutUrl = '/mock/timeout/url';
+      const unresolvingPromise = new Promise(() => {});
+      let error;
+      fetchMock.get(mockTimeoutUrl, () => unresolvingPromise);
+      try {
+        const promise = callApiAndParseWithTimeout({
+          url: mockTimeoutUrl,
+          method: 'GET',
+          timeout: 1,
+        });
+        jest.advanceTimersByTime(2);
+        await promise;
+      } catch (err) {
+        error = err;
+      } finally {
+        expect(fetchMock.calls(mockTimeoutUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+        expect(error).toEqual({
+          error: 'Request timed out',
+          statusText: 'timeout',
+          timeout: 1,
+        });
+      }
+    });
+    it('resolves if the request does not exceed the timeout', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1);
+      const { json } = await callApiAndParseWithTimeout({
+        url: mockGetUrl,
+        method: 'GET',
+        timeout: 100,
+      });
+      expect(json).toEqual(mockGetPayload);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/parseResponse.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/parseResponse.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24578f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/parseResponse.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import callApi from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/callApi';
+import parseResponse from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/parseResponse';
+import { LOGIN_GLOB } from '../fixtures/constants';
+describe('parseResponse()', () => {
+  beforeAll(() => {
+    fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '1234' });
+  });
+  afterAll(fetchMock.restore);
+  const mockGetUrl = '/mock/get/url';
+  const mockPostUrl = '/mock/post/url';
+  const mockErrorUrl = '/mock/error/url';
+  const mockNoParseUrl = '/mock/noparse/url';
+  const mockGetPayload = { get: 'payload' };
+  const mockPostPayload = { post: 'payload' };
+  const mockErrorPayload = { status: 500, statusText: 'Internal error' };
+  fetchMock.get(mockGetUrl, mockGetPayload);
+, mockPostPayload);
+  fetchMock.get(mockErrorUrl, () => Promise.reject(mockErrorPayload));
+  fetchMock.get(mockNoParseUrl, new Response('test response'));
+  afterEach(fetchMock.reset);
+  it('returns a Promise', () => {
+    const apiPromise = callApi({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' });
+    const parsedResponsePromise = parseResponse(apiPromise);
+    expect(parsedResponsePromise).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);
+  });
+  it('resolves to { json, response } if the request succeeds', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    const args = await parseResponse(callApi({ url: mockGetUrl, method: 'GET' }));
+    expect(fetchMock.calls(mockGetUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+    const keys = Object.keys(args);
+    expect(keys).toContain('response');
+    expect(keys).toContain('json');
+    expect(args.json).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(mockGetPayload) as typeof args.json);
+  });
+  it('throws if `parseMethod=json` and .json() fails', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    const mockTextUrl = '/mock/text/url';
+    const mockTextResponse =
+      '<html><head></head><body>I could be a stack trace or something</body></html>';
+    fetchMock.get(mockTextUrl, mockTextResponse);
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await parseResponse(callApi({ url: mockTextUrl, method: 'GET' }));
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err as Error;
+    } finally {
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockTextUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(error?.stack).toBeDefined();
+      expect(error?.message).toContain('Unexpected token');
+    }
+  });
+  it('resolves to { text, response } if the `parseMethod=text`', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    // test with json + bigint to ensure that it was not first parsed as json
+    const mockTextParseUrl = '/mock/textparse/url';
+    const mockTextJsonResponse = '{ "value": 9223372036854775807 }';
+    fetchMock.get(mockTextParseUrl, mockTextJsonResponse);
+    const args = await parseResponse(callApi({ url: mockTextParseUrl, method: 'GET' }), 'text');
+    expect(fetchMock.calls(mockTextParseUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+    const keys = Object.keys(args);
+    expect(keys).toContain('response');
+    expect(keys).toContain('text');
+    expect(args.text).toBe(mockTextJsonResponse);
+  });
+  it('throws if parseMethod is not null|json|text', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await parseResponse(
+        callApi({ url: mockNoParseUrl, method: 'GET' }),
+        'something-else' as never,
+      );
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect(error.message).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('Expected parseResponse=json'));
+    }
+  });
+  it('resolves to unmodified `Response` object if `parseMethod=null|raw`', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    const responseNull = await parseResponse(callApi({ url: mockNoParseUrl, method: 'GET' }), null);
+    const responseRaw = await parseResponse(callApi({ url: mockNoParseUrl, method: 'GET' }), 'raw');
+    expect(fetchMock.calls(mockNoParseUrl)).toHaveLength(2);
+    expect(responseNull.bodyUsed).toBe(false);
+    expect(responseRaw.bodyUsed).toBe(false);
+  });
+  it('rejects if request.ok=false', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    const mockNotOkayUrl = '/mock/notokay/url';
+    fetchMock.get(mockNotOkayUrl, 404); // 404s result in not response.ok=false
+    const apiPromise = callApi({ url: mockNotOkayUrl, method: 'GET' });
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await parseResponse(apiPromise);
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err as { ok: boolean; status: number };
+    } finally {
+      expect(fetchMock.calls(mockNotOkayUrl)).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(error?.ok).toBe(false);
+      expect(error?.status).toBe(404);
+    }
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da2161b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import rejectAfterTimeout from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection/callApi/rejectAfterTimeout';
+describe('rejectAfterTimeout()', () => {
+  it('returns a promise that rejects after the specified timeout', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    jest.useFakeTimers();
+    let error;
+    try {
+      const promise = rejectAfterTimeout(10);
+      jest.advanceTimersByTime(11);
+      await promise;
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect(error).toBeDefined();
+    }
+    jest.useRealTimers();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/fixtures/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/fixtures/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30faacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/connection/fixtures/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export const LOGIN_GLOB = 'glob:*superset/csrf_token/*'; // eslint-disable-line import/prefer-default-export
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29856b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/computeMaxFontSize.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { computeMaxFontSize } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import { addDummyFill, removeDummyFill, SAMPLE_TEXT } from './getBBoxDummyFill';
+describe('computeMaxFontSize(input)', () => {
+  describe('returns dimension of the given text', () => {
+    beforeEach(addDummyFill);
+    afterEach(removeDummyFill);
+    it('requires either idealFontSize or maxHeight', () => {
+      expect(() => {
+        computeMaxFontSize({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+        });
+      }).toThrow();
+    });
+    it('computes maximum font size for given maxWidth and maxHeight', () => {
+      expect(
+        computeMaxFontSize({
+          maxWidth: 400,
+          maxHeight: 30,
+          text: 'sample text',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(30);
+    });
+    it('computes maximum font size for given idealFontSize and maxHeight', () => {
+      expect(
+        computeMaxFontSize({
+          maxHeight: 20,
+          idealFontSize: 40,
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(20);
+    });
+    it('computes maximum font size for given maxWidth and idealFontSize', () => {
+      expect(
+        computeMaxFontSize({
+          maxWidth: 250,
+          idealFontSize: 40,
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(25);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getBBoxDummyFill.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getBBoxDummyFill.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f78eb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getBBoxDummyFill.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+let originalFn: () => DOMRect;
+const textToWidth = {
+  paris: 200,
+  tokyo: 300,
+  beijing: 400,
+export const SAMPLE_TEXT = Object.keys(textToWidth);
+export function addDummyFill() {
+  // @ts-ignore - fix jsdom
+  originalFn = SVGElement.prototype.getBBox;
+  // @ts-ignore - fix jsdom
+  SVGElement.prototype.getBBox = function getBBox() {
+    let width = textToWidth[this.textContent as keyof typeof textToWidth] || 200;
+    let height = 20;
+    if (this.getAttribute('class') === 'test-class') {
+      width /= 2;
+    }
+    if ( === 'Lobster') {
+      width *= 1.25;
+    }
+    if ( {
+      const size = Number('px', ''));
+      const ratio = size / 20;
+      width *= ratio;
+      height *= ratio;
+    }
+    if ( === 'italic') {
+      width *= 1.5;
+    }
+    if ( === '700') {
+      width *= 2;
+    }
+    if ( {
+      width *= 1.1;
+    }
+    return {
+      x: 0,
+      y: 0,
+      width,
+      height,
+      top: 0,
+      left: 0,
+      right: 0,
+      bottom: 0,
+    };
+  };
+export function removeDummyFill() {
+  // @ts-ignore - fix jsdom
+  SVGElement.prototype.getBBox = originalFn;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93166f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getMultipleTextDimensions.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import { getMultipleTextDimensions, promiseTimeout } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import { addDummyFill, removeDummyFill, SAMPLE_TEXT } from './getBBoxDummyFill';
+describe('getMultipleTextDimension(input)', () => {
+  describe('returns dimension of the given text', () => {
+    beforeEach(addDummyFill);
+    afterEach(removeDummyFill);
+    it('takes an array of text as argument', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1], ''],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 200,
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 300,
+        },
+        {
+          height: 0,
+          width: 0,
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('handles empty text', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: ['', ''],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 0,
+          width: 0,
+        },
+        {
+          height: 0,
+          width: 0,
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('handles duplicate text', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[0]],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 200,
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 200,
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided class via className', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          className: 'test-class',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 100,
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 150,
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.font', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            font: 'italic 700 30px Lobster',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 30, // 20 * (30/20) [fontSize=30]
+          width: 1125, // 200 * 1.25 [fontFamily=Lobster] * (30/20) [fontSize=30] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+        },
+        {
+          height: 30,
+          width: 1688, // 300 * 1.25 [fontFamily=Lobster] * (30/20) [fontSize=30] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontFamily', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            fontFamily: 'Lobster',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 250, // 200 * 1.25 [fontFamily=Lobster]
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 375, // 300 * 1.25 [fontFamily=Lobster]
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontSize', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            fontSize: '40px',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 40, // 20 [baseHeight] * (40/20) [fontSize=40]
+          width: 400, // 200 [baseWidth] * (40/20) [fontSize=40]
+        },
+        {
+          height: 40,
+          width: 600, // 300 [baseWidth] * (40/20) [fontSize=40]
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontStyle', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            fontStyle: 'italic',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 300, // 200 [baseWidth] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic]
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 450, // 300 [baseWidth] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic]
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontWeight', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            fontWeight: 700,
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 400, // 200 [baseWidth] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 600, // 300 [baseWidth] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.letterSpacing', () => {
+      expect(
+        getMultipleTextDimensions({
+          texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+          style: {
+            letterSpacing: '1.1',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual([
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 221, // Ceiling(200 [baseWidth] * 1.1 [letterSpacing=1.1])
+        },
+        {
+          height: 20,
+          width: 330, // Ceiling(300 [baseWidth] * 1.1 [letterSpacing=1.1])
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+  });
+  it('cleans up DOM', async () => {
+    getMultipleTextDimensions({
+      texts: [SAMPLE_TEXT[0], SAMPLE_TEXT[1]],
+    });
+    expect(document.querySelectorAll('svg')).toHaveLength(1);
+    await promiseTimeout(() => {}, 501);
+    expect(document.querySelector('svg')).toBeNull();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getTextDimension.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getTextDimension.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b4ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/getTextDimension.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import { promiseTimeout, getTextDimension } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import { addDummyFill, removeDummyFill, SAMPLE_TEXT } from './getBBoxDummyFill';
+describe('getTextDimension(input)', () => {
+  describe('returns default dimension if getBBox() is not available', () => {
+    it('returns default value for default dimension', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 100,
+      });
+    });
+    it('return specified value if specified', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension(
+          {
+            text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          },
+          {
+            height: 30,
+            width: 400,
+          },
+        ),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 30,
+        width: 400,
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('returns dimension of the given text', () => {
+    beforeEach(addDummyFill);
+    afterEach(removeDummyFill);
+    it('takes text as argument', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 200,
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided class via className', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          className: 'test-class',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 100, // width is 100 after adding class
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.font', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            font: 'italic 700 30px Lobster',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 30, // 20 * (30/20) [fontSize=30]
+        width: 1125, // 250 [fontFamily=Lobster] * (30/20) [fontSize=30] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontFamily', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            fontFamily: 'Lobster',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 250, // (250 [fontFamily=Lobster]
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontSize', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            fontSize: '40px',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 40, // 20 [baseHeight] * (40/20) [fontSize=40]
+        width: 400, // 200 [baseWidth] * (40/20) [fontSize=40]
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontStyle', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            fontStyle: 'italic',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 300, // 200 [baseWidth] * 1.5 [fontStyle=italic]
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.fontWeight', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            fontWeight: 700,
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 400, // 200 [baseWidth] * 2 [fontWeight=700]
+      });
+    });
+    it('accepts provided style.letterSpacing', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+          style: {
+            letterSpacing: '1.1',
+          },
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 221, // Ceiling(200 [baseWidth] * 1.1 [letterSpacing=1.1])
+      });
+    });
+    it('handle empty text', () => {
+      expect(
+        getTextDimension({
+          text: '',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 0,
+        width: 0,
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  it('cleans up DOM', async () => {
+    getTextDimension({
+      text: SAMPLE_TEXT[0],
+    });
+    expect(document.querySelectorAll('svg')).toHaveLength(1);
+    await promiseTimeout(() => {}, 501);
+    expect(document.querySelector('svg')).toBeNull();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/mergeMargin.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/mergeMargin.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2739c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/mergeMargin.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import { mergeMargin } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('mergeMargin(margin1, margin2, mode?)', () => {
+  it('combines two given margin', () => {
+    expect(
+      mergeMargin(
+        {
+          top: 1,
+          left: 1,
+          bottom: 2,
+          right: 2,
+        },
+        {
+          top: 2,
+          left: 2,
+          bottom: 1,
+          right: 1,
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      top: 2,
+      left: 2,
+      bottom: 2,
+      right: 2,
+    });
+  });
+  describe('default values', () => {
+    it('works if margin1 is not defined', () => {
+      expect(
+        mergeMargin(undefined, {
+          top: 2,
+          left: 2,
+          bottom: 1,
+          right: 1,
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        top: 2,
+        left: 2,
+        bottom: 1,
+        right: 1,
+      });
+    });
+    it('works if margin2 is not defined', () => {
+      expect(
+        mergeMargin(
+          {
+            top: 1,
+            left: 1,
+            bottom: 2,
+            right: 2,
+          },
+          undefined,
+        ),
+      ).toEqual({
+        top: 1,
+        left: 1,
+        bottom: 2,
+        right: 2,
+      });
+    });
+    it('use 0 for the side that is not specified', () => {
+      expect(mergeMargin({}, {})).toEqual({
+        top: 0,
+        left: 0,
+        bottom: 0,
+        right: 0,
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('mode', () => {
+    it('if mode=expand, returns the larger margin for each side', () => {
+      expect(
+        mergeMargin(
+          {
+            top: 1,
+            left: 1,
+            bottom: 2,
+            right: 2,
+          },
+          {
+            top: 2,
+            left: 2,
+            bottom: 1,
+            right: 1,
+          },
+          'expand',
+        ),
+      ).toEqual({
+        top: 2,
+        left: 2,
+        bottom: 2,
+        right: 2,
+      });
+    });
+    it('if mode=shrink, returns the smaller margin for each side', () => {
+      expect(
+        mergeMargin(
+          {
+            top: 1,
+            left: 1,
+            bottom: 2,
+            right: 2,
+          },
+          {
+            top: 2,
+            left: 2,
+            bottom: 1,
+            right: 1,
+          },
+          'shrink',
+        ),
+      ).toEqual({
+        top: 1,
+        left: 1,
+        bottom: 1,
+        right: 1,
+      });
+    });
+    it('expand by default', () => {
+      expect(
+        mergeMargin(
+          {
+            top: 1,
+            left: 1,
+            bottom: 2,
+            right: 2,
+          },
+          {
+            top: 2,
+            left: 2,
+            bottom: 1,
+            right: 1,
+          },
+        ),
+      ).toEqual({
+        top: 2,
+        left: 2,
+        bottom: 2,
+        right: 2,
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  it('works correctly for negative margins', () => {
+    expect(
+      mergeMargin(
+        {
+          top: -3,
+          left: -3,
+          bottom: -2,
+          right: -2,
+        },
+        {
+          top: -2,
+          left: -2,
+          bottom: 0,
+          right: -1,
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      top: -2,
+      left: -2,
+      bottom: 0,
+      right: -1,
+    });
+  });
+  it('if there are NaN or null, use another value', () => {
+    expect(
+      mergeMargin(
+        {
+          top: 10,
+          // @ts-ignore to let us pass `null` for testing
+          left: null,
+          bottom: 20,
+          right: NaN,
+        },
+        {
+          top: NaN,
+          left: 30,
+          bottom: null,
+          right: 40,
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      top: 10,
+      left: 30,
+      bottom: 20,
+      right: 40,
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/parseLength.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/parseLength.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da295db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/parseLength.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { parseLength } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('parseLength(input)', () => {
+  it('handles string "auto"', () => {
+    expect(parseLength('auto')).toEqual({ isDynamic: true, multiplier: 1 });
+  });
+  it('handles strings with % at the end', () => {
+    expect(parseLength('100%')).toEqual({ isDynamic: true, multiplier: 1 });
+    expect(parseLength('50%')).toEqual({ isDynamic: true, multiplier: 0.5 });
+    expect(parseLength('0%')).toEqual({ isDynamic: true, multiplier: 0 });
+  });
+  it('handles strings that are numbers with px at the end', () => {
+    expect(parseLength('100px')).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 100 });
+    expect(parseLength('20.5px')).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 20.5 });
+  });
+  it('handles strings that are numbers', () => {
+    expect(parseLength('100')).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 100 });
+    expect(parseLength('40.5')).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 40.5 });
+    expect(parseLength('20.0')).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 20 });
+  });
+  it('handles numbers', () => {
+    expect(parseLength(100)).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 100 });
+    expect(parseLength(0)).toEqual({ isDynamic: false, value: 0 });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93edff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/LazyFactory.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import LazyFactory from '@superset-ui/core/src/dimension/svg/LazyFactory';
+describe('LazyFactory', () => {
+  describe('createInContainer()', () => {
+    it('creates node in the specified container', () => {
+      const factory = new LazyFactory(() => document.createElement('div'));
+      const div = factory.createInContainer();
+      const innerDiv = factory.createInContainer(div);
+      expect(div.parentNode).toEqual(document.body);
+      expect(innerDiv.parentNode).toEqual(div);
+    });
+    it('reuses existing', () => {
+      const factoryFn = jest.fn(() => document.createElement('div'));
+      const factory = new LazyFactory(factoryFn);
+      const div1 = factory.createInContainer();
+      const div2 = factory.createInContainer();
+      expect(div1).toBe(div2);
+      expect(factoryFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('removeFromContainer', () => {
+    it('removes node from container', () => {
+      const factory = new LazyFactory(() => document.createElement('div'));
+      const div = factory.createInContainer();
+      const innerDiv = factory.createInContainer(div);
+      expect(div.parentNode).toEqual(document.body);
+      expect(innerDiv.parentNode).toEqual(div);
+      factory.removeFromContainer();
+      factory.removeFromContainer(div);
+      expect(div.parentNode).toBeNull();
+      expect(innerDiv.parentNode).toBeNull();
+    });
+    it('does not remove if others are using', () => {
+      const factory = new LazyFactory(() => document.createElement('div'));
+      const div1 = factory.createInContainer();
+      factory.createInContainer();
+      factory.removeFromContainer();
+      expect(div1.parentNode).toEqual(document.body);
+      factory.removeFromContainer();
+      expect(div1.parentNode).toBeNull();
+    });
+    it('does not crash if try to remove already removed node', () => {
+      const factory = new LazyFactory(() => document.createElement('div'));
+      factory.createInContainer();
+      factory.removeFromContainer();
+      expect(() => factory.removeFromContainer()).not.toThrow();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d3cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import getBBoxCeil from '@superset-ui/core/src/dimension/svg/getBBoxCeil';
+import createTextNode from '@superset-ui/core/src/dimension/svg/createTextNode';
+describe('getBBoxCeil(node, defaultDimension)', () => {
+  describe('returns default dimension if getBBox() is not available', () => {
+    it('returns default value for default dimension', () => {
+      expect(getBBoxCeil(createTextNode())).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 100,
+      });
+    });
+    it('return specified value if specified', () => {
+      expect(
+        getBBoxCeil(createTextNode(), {
+          height: 30,
+          width: 400,
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        height: 30,
+        width: 400,
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('returns ceiling of the svg element', () => {
+    it('converts to ceiling if value is not integer', () => {
+      expect(getBBoxCeil(createTextNode(), { height: 10.6, width: 11.1 })).toEqual({
+        height: 11,
+        width: 12,
+      });
+    });
+    it('does nothing if value is integer', () => {
+      expect(getBBoxCeil(createTextNode())).toEqual({
+        height: 20,
+        width: 100,
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08859eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dimension/svg/updateTextNode.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import updateTextNode from '@superset-ui/core/src/dimension/svg/updateTextNode';
+import createTextNode from '@superset-ui/core/src/dimension/svg/createTextNode';
+describe('updateTextNode(node, options)', () => {
+  it('handles empty options', () => {
+    const node = updateTextNode(createTextNode());
+    expect(node.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect(node.textContent).toEqual('');
+  });
+  it('handles setting class', () => {
+    const node = updateTextNode(createTextNode(), { className: 'abc' });
+    expect(node.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('abc');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect(node.textContent).toEqual('');
+  });
+  it('handles setting text', () => {
+    const node = updateTextNode(createTextNode(), { text: 'abc' });
+    expect(node.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect('');
+    expect(node.textContent).toEqual('abc');
+  });
+  it('handles setting font', () => {
+    const node = updateTextNode(createTextNode(), {
+      style: {
+        font: 'italic 30px Lobster 700',
+      },
+    });
+    expect(node.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('');
+    expect('700');
+    expect('30px');
+    expect('italic');
+    expect('Lobster');
+    expect('');
+    expect(node.textContent).toEqual('');
+  });
+  it('handles setting specific font style', () => {
+    const node = updateTextNode(createTextNode(), {
+      style: {
+        fontFamily: 'Lobster',
+        fontStyle: 'italic',
+        fontWeight: '700',
+        fontSize: '30px',
+        letterSpacing: 1.1,
+      },
+    });
+    expect(node.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('');
+    expect('700');
+    expect('30px');
+    expect('italic');
+    expect('Lobster');
+    expect('1.1');
+    expect(node.textContent).toEqual('');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403b618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/dynamic-plugins/shared-modules.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { defineSharedModule, defineSharedModules, reset } from '../../src';
+describe('shared modules', () => {
+  afterEach(() => {
+    reset();
+  });
+  it('assigns to window', async () => {
+    const fakeModule = { foo: 'bar' };
+    const fetchModule = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(fakeModule);
+    await defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    expect((window as any)['__superset__/test-module']).toStrictEqual(fakeModule);
+  });
+  it('resolves to the same reference every time', async () => {
+    const fakeModule = { foo: 'bar' };
+    const fetchModule = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(fakeModule);
+    const result1 = await defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    const result2 = await defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    expect(result1).toStrictEqual(fakeModule);
+    expect(result2).toStrictEqual(fakeModule);
+  });
+  it('does not redefine unnecessarily', async () => {
+    const fakeModule = { foo: 'bar' };
+    const fetchModule = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(fakeModule);
+    const duplicateFetchModule = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(fakeModule);
+    const result1 = await defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    const result2 = await defineSharedModule('test-module', duplicateFetchModule);
+    expect(result1).toStrictEqual(fakeModule);
+    expect(result2).toStrictEqual(fakeModule);
+    expect(duplicateFetchModule).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+  });
+  it('deduplicates in-progress definitions', async () => {
+    const fakeModule = { foo: 'bar' };
+    // get a promise that actually takes a moment;
+    const fetchModule = jest
+      .fn()
+      .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(setImmediate).then(() => fakeModule));
+    const promise1 = defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    const promise2 = defineSharedModule('test-module', fetchModule);
+    const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
+    expect(fetchModule).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    expect(result1).toStrictEqual(result2);
+  });
+  it('shares a map of modules', async () => {
+    const foo = { foo: 'bar' };
+    const fizz = { fizz: 'buzz' };
+    await defineSharedModules({
+      'module-foo': async () => foo,
+      'module-fizz': async () => fizz,
+    });
+    expect((window as any)['__superset__/module-foo']).toEqual(foo);
+    expect((window as any)['__superset__/module-fizz']).toEqual(fizz);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36424c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import {
+  ExtensibleFunction,
+  Plugin,
+  Preset,
+  Registry,
+  RegistryWithDefaultKey,
+  convertKeysToCamelCase,
+  isDefined,
+  isRequired,
+  makeSingleton,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports modules', () => {
+    [
+      ExtensibleFunction,
+      Plugin,
+      Preset,
+      Registry,
+      RegistryWithDefaultKey,
+      convertKeysToCamelCase,
+      isDefined,
+      isRequired,
+      makeSingleton,
+    ].forEach(x => expect(x).toBeDefined());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/ExtensibleFunction.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/ExtensibleFunction.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c59de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/ExtensibleFunction.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { ExtensibleFunction } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('ExtensibleFunction', () => {
+  interface Func1 {
+    (): number;
+  }
+  class Func1 extends ExtensibleFunction {
+    constructor(x: unknown) {
+      super(() => x); // closure
+    }
+  }
+  interface Func2 {
+    (): number;
+  }
+  class Func2 extends ExtensibleFunction {
+    x: unknown;
+    constructor(x: unknown) {
+      super(() => this.x); // arrow function, refer to its own field
+      this.x = x;
+    }
+    // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+    hi() {
+      return 'hi';
+    }
+  }
+  class Func3 extends ExtensibleFunction {
+    x: unknown;
+    constructor(x: unknown) {
+      // @ts-ignore
+      super(function customName() {
+        // @ts-ignore
+        return customName.x as unknown;
+      }); // named function
+      this.x = x;
+    }
+  }
+  it('its subclass is an instance of Function', () => {
+    expect(Func1).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+    expect(Func2).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+    expect(Func3).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+  });
+  const func1 = new Func1(100);
+  const func2 = new Func2(100);
+  const func3 = new Func3(100);
+  it('an instance of its subclass is executable like regular function', () => {
+    expect(func1()).toEqual(100);
+    expect(func2()).toEqual(100);
+  });
+  it('its subclass behaves like regular class with its own fields and functions', () => {
+    expect(func2.x).toEqual(100);
+    expect(func2.hi()).toEqual('hi');
+  });
+  it('its subclass can set name by passing named function to its constructor', () => {
+    expect('customName');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Plugin.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Plugin.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f16ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Plugin.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { Plugin } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('Plugin', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(Plugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new Plugin()', () => {
+    it('creates a new plugin', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      expect(plugin).toBeInstanceOf(Plugin);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.configure(config, replace)', () => {
+    it('extends the default config with given config when replace is not set or false', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'abc', foo: 'bar' });
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'def' });
+      expect(plugin.config).toEqual({ key: 'def', foo: 'bar' });
+    });
+    it('replaces the default config with given config when replace is true', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'abc', foo: 'bar' });
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'def' }, true);
+      expect(plugin.config).toEqual({ key: 'def' });
+    });
+    it('returns the plugin itself', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      expect(plugin.configure({ key: 'abc' })).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.resetConfig()', () => {
+    it('resets config back to default', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      plugin.configure({ key: 'abc', foo: 'bar' });
+      plugin.resetConfig();
+      expect(plugin.config).toEqual({});
+    });
+    it('returns the plugin itself', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      expect(plugin.resetConfig()).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.register()', () => {
+    it('returns the plugin itself', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      expect(plugin.register()).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.unregister()', () => {
+    it('returns the plugin itself', () => {
+      const plugin = new Plugin();
+      expect(plugin.unregister()).toBe(plugin);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Preset.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Preset.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7a016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Preset.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { Plugin, Preset } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('Preset', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(Preset).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new Preset()', () => {
+    it('creates new preset', () => {
+      const preset = new Preset();
+      expect(preset).toBeInstanceOf(Preset);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.register()', () => {
+    it('register all listed presets then plugins', () => {
+      const values: number[] = [];
+      class Plugin1 extends Plugin {
+        register() {
+          values.push(1);
+          return this;
+        }
+      }
+      class Plugin2 extends Plugin {
+        register() {
+          values.push(2);
+          return this;
+        }
+      }
+      class Plugin3 extends Plugin {
+        register() {
+          values.push(3);
+          return this;
+        }
+      }
+      class Plugin4 extends Plugin {
+        register() {
+          const { key } = this.config;
+          values.push(key as number);
+          return this;
+        }
+      }
+      const preset1 = new Preset({
+        plugins: [new Plugin1()],
+      });
+      const preset2 = new Preset({
+        plugins: [new Plugin2()],
+      });
+      const preset3 = new Preset({
+        presets: [preset1, preset2],
+        plugins: [new Plugin3(), new Plugin4().configure({ key: 9 })],
+      });
+      preset3.register();
+      expect(values).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 9]);
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      const preset = new Preset();
+      expect(preset.register()).toBe(preset);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Registry.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Registry.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c08ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/Registry.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* eslint no-console: 0 */
+import mockConsole from 'jest-mock-console';
+import { Registry, OverwritePolicy } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+const loader = () => 'testValue';
+describe('Registry', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(Registry !== undefined).toBe(true);
+  });
+  describe('new Registry(config)', () => {
+    it('can create a new registry when is not given', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry).toBeInstanceOf(Registry);
+    });
+    it('can create a new registry when is given', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry({ name: 'abc' });
+      expect(registry).toBeInstanceOf(Registry);
+      expect('abc');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.clear()', () => {
+    it('clears all registered items', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      registry.clear();
+      expect(Object.keys(registry.items)).toHaveLength(0);
+      expect(Object.keys(registry.promises)).toHaveLength(0);
+    });
+    it('returns the registry itself', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry.clear()).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.has(key)', () => {
+    it('returns true if an item with the given key exists', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.has('a')).toBe(true);
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'testValue2');
+      expect(registry.has('b')).toBe(true);
+    });
+    it('returns false if an item with the given key does not exist', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry.has('a')).toBe(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+    it('registers the given value with the given key', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.has('a')).toBe(true);
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('testValue');
+    });
+    it('does not overwrite if value is exactly the same', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      const value = { a: 1 };
+      registry.registerValue('a', value);
+      const promise1 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      registry.registerValue('a', value);
+      const promise2 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      expect(promise1).toBe(promise2);
+      registry.registerValue('a', { a: 1 });
+      const promise3 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      expect(promise1).not.toBe(promise3);
+    });
+    it('overwrites item with loader', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'ironman');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('ironman');
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'hulk');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('hulk');
+    });
+    it('returns the registry itself', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue')).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+    it('registers the given loader with the given key', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.has('a')).toBe(true);
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('testValue');
+    });
+    it('does not overwrite if loader is exactly the same', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('a', loader);
+      const promise1 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      registry.registerLoader('a', loader);
+      const promise2 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      expect(promise1).toBe(promise2);
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+      const promise3 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      expect(promise1).not.toBe(promise3);
+    });
+    it('overwrites item with value', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'hulk');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('hulk');
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'ironman');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('ironman');
+    });
+    it('returns the registry itself', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue')).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.get(key)', () => {
+    it('given the key, returns the value if the item is a value', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('testValue');
+    });
+    it('given the key, returns the result of the loader function if the item is a loader', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'testValue2');
+      expect(registry.get('b')).toBe('testValue2');
+    });
+    it('returns undefined if the item with specified key does not exist', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+    it('If the key was registered multiple times, returns the most recent item.', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('testValue');
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'newValue');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBe('newValue');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getAsPromise(key)', () => {
+    it('given the key, returns a promise of item value if the item is a value', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      return registry.getAsPromise('a').then(value => expect(value).toBe('testValue'));
+    });
+    it('given the key, returns a promise of result of the loader function if the item is a loader', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+      return registry.getAsPromise('a').then(value => expect(value).toBe('testValue'));
+    });
+    it('returns same promise object for the same key unless user re-registers new value with the key.', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+      const promise1 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      const promise2 = registry.getAsPromise('a');
+      expect(promise1).toBe(promise2);
+    });
+    it('returns a rejected promise if the item with specified key does not exist', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      return registry.getAsPromise('a').then(null, (err: Error) => {
+        expect(err.toString()).toEqual('Error: Item with key "a" is not registered.');
+      });
+    });
+    it('If the key was registered multiple times, returns a promise of the most recent item.', async () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(await registry.getAsPromise('a')).toBe('testValue');
+      registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'newValue');
+      expect(await registry.getAsPromise('a')).toBe('newValue');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getMap()', () => {
+    it('returns key-value map as plain object', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'cat');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'dog');
+      expect(registry.getMap()).toEqual({
+        a: 'cat',
+        b: 'dog',
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getMapAsPromise()', () => {
+    it('returns a promise of key-value map', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'test1');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      registry.registerLoader('c', () => Promise.resolve('test3'));
+      return registry.getMapAsPromise().then(map =>
+        expect(map).toEqual({
+          a: 'test1',
+          b: 'test2',
+          c: 'test3',
+        }),
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.keys()', () => {
+    it('returns an array of keys', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      expect(registry.keys()).toEqual(['a', 'b']);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.values()', () => {
+    it('returns an array of values', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'test1');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      expect(registry.values()).toEqual(['test1', 'test2']);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.valuesAsPromise()', () => {
+    it('returns a Promise of an array { key, value }', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'test1');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      registry.registerLoader('c', () => Promise.resolve('test3'));
+      return registry
+        .valuesAsPromise()
+        .then(entries => expect(entries).toEqual(['test1', 'test2', 'test3']));
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.entries()', () => {
+    it('returns an array of { key, value }', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'test1');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      expect(registry.entries()).toEqual([
+        { key: 'a', value: 'test1' },
+        { key: 'b', value: 'test2' },
+      ]);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.entriesAsPromise()', () => {
+    it('returns a Promise of an array { key, value }', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'test1');
+      registry.registerLoader('b', () => 'test2');
+      registry.registerLoader('c', () => Promise.resolve('test3'));
+      return registry.entriesAsPromise().then(entries =>
+        expect(entries).toEqual([
+          { key: 'a', value: 'test1' },
+          { key: 'b', value: 'test2' },
+          { key: 'c', value: 'test3' },
+        ]),
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.remove(key)', () => {
+    it('removes the item with given key', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      registry.remove('a');
+      expect(registry.get('a')).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+    it('does not throw error if the key does not exist', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      expect(() => registry.remove('a')).not.toThrow();
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      const registry = new Registry();
+      registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+      expect(registry.remove('a')).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.overwritePolicy', () => {
+    describe('=ALLOW', () => {
+      describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+        it('registers normally', () => {
+          const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+          const registry = new Registry();
+          registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue2')).not.toThrow();
+          expect(registry.get('a')).toEqual('testValue2');
+          expect(console.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+          restoreConsole();
+        });
+      });
+      describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+        it('registers normally', () => {
+          const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+          const registry = new Registry();
+          registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue2')).not.toThrow();
+          expect(registry.get('a')).toEqual('testValue2');
+          expect(console.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+          restoreConsole();
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('=WARN', () => {
+      describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+        it('warns when overwrite', () => {
+          const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+          const registry = new Registry({
+            overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN,
+          });
+          registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue2')).not.toThrow();
+          expect(registry.get('a')).toEqual('testValue2');
+          expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+          restoreConsole();
+        });
+      });
+      describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+        it('warns when overwrite', () => {
+          const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+          const registry = new Registry({
+            overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.WARN,
+          });
+          registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue2')).not.toThrow();
+          expect(registry.get('a')).toEqual('testValue2');
+          expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+          restoreConsole();
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('=PROHIBIT', () => {
+      describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+        it('throws error when overwrite', () => {
+          const registry = new Registry({
+            overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.PROHIBIT,
+          });
+          registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerValue('a', 'testValue2')).toThrow();
+        });
+      });
+      describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+        it('warns when overwrite', () => {
+          const registry = new Registry({
+            overwritePolicy: OverwritePolicy.PROHIBIT,
+          });
+          registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue');
+          expect(() => registry.registerLoader('a', () => 'testValue2')).toThrow();
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecabbe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/models/RegistryWithDefaultKey.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import { Registry, RegistryWithDefaultKey } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('RegistryWithDefaultKey', () => {
+  let registry: RegistryWithDefaultKey<number>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    registry = new RegistryWithDefaultKey();
+  });
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(RegistryWithDefaultKey).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  describe('new RegistryWithDefaultKey(config)', () => {
+    it('returns a class that extends from Registry', () => {
+      expect(registry).toBeInstanceOf(Registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.clear()', () => {
+    it('also resets default key', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('abc');
+      registry.clear();
+      expect(registry.getDefaultKey()).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      expect(registry.clear()).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.get()', () => {
+    beforeEach(() => {
+      registry.registerValue('abc', 100).registerValue('def', 200).setDefaultKey('abc');
+    });
+    it('.get() returns value from default key', () => {
+      expect(registry.get()).toEqual(100);
+    });
+    it('.get(key) returns value from specified key', () => {
+      expect(registry.get('def')).toEqual(200);
+    });
+    it('returns undefined if no key was given and there is no default key', () => {
+      registry.clearDefaultKey();
+      expect(registry.get()).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.getDefaultKey()', () => {
+    it('returns defaultKey', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('abc');
+      expect(registry.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('abc');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.setDefaultKey(key)', () => {
+    it('set the default key', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('abc');
+      expect(registry.defaultKey).toEqual('abc');
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      expect(registry.setDefaultKey('ghi')).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.clearDefaultKey()', () => {
+    it('set the default key to undefined', () => {
+      registry.clearDefaultKey();
+      expect(registry.defaultKey).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+    it('returns itself', () => {
+      expect(registry.clearDefaultKey()).toBe(registry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.defaultKey', () => {
+    describe('when not set', () => {
+      it(`After creation, default key is undefined`, () => {
+        expect(registry.defaultKey).toBeUndefined();
+      });
+      it('.clear() reset defaultKey to undefined', () => {
+        registry.setDefaultKey('abc');
+        registry.clear();
+        expect(registry.getDefaultKey()).toBeUndefined();
+      });
+    });
+    describe('when config.initialDefaultKey is set', () => {
+      const registry2 = new RegistryWithDefaultKey({
+        initialDefaultKey: 'def',
+      });
+      it(`After creation, default key is undefined`, () => {
+        expect(registry2.defaultKey).toEqual('def');
+      });
+      it('.clear() reset defaultKey to this config.defaultKey', () => {
+        registry2.setDefaultKey('abc');
+        registry2.clear();
+        expect(registry2.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('def');
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.setFirstItemAsDefault', () => {
+    describe('when true', () => {
+      const registry2 = new RegistryWithDefaultKey({ setFirstItemAsDefault: true });
+      beforeEach(() => {
+        registry2.clear();
+      });
+      describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+        it('sets the default key to this key if default key is not set', () => {
+          registry2.registerValue('abc', 100);
+          expect(registry2.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('abc');
+        });
+        it('does not modify the default key if already set', () => {
+          registry2.setDefaultKey('def').registerValue('abc', 100);
+          expect(registry2.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('def');
+        });
+        it('returns itself', () => {
+          expect(registry2.registerValue('ghi', 300)).toBe(registry2);
+        });
+      });
+      describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+        it('sets the default key to this key if default key is not set', () => {
+          registry2.registerLoader('abc', () => 100);
+          expect(registry2.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('abc');
+        });
+        it('does not modify the default key if already set', () => {
+          registry2.setDefaultKey('def').registerLoader('abc', () => 100);
+          expect(registry2.getDefaultKey()).toEqual('def');
+        });
+        it('returns itself', () => {
+          expect(registry2.registerLoader('ghi', () => 300)).toBe(registry2);
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('when false', () => {
+      const registry2 = new RegistryWithDefaultKey({ setFirstItemAsDefault: false });
+      beforeEach(() => {
+        registry2.clear();
+      });
+      describe('.registerValue(key, value)', () => {
+        it('does not modify default key', () => {
+          registry2.registerValue('abc', 100);
+          expect(registry2.defaultKey).toBeUndefined();
+          registry2.setDefaultKey('def');
+          registry2.registerValue('ghi', 300);
+          expect(registry2.defaultKey).toEqual('def');
+        });
+        it('returns itself', () => {
+          expect(registry2.registerValue('ghi', 300)).toBe(registry2);
+        });
+      });
+      describe('.registerLoader(key, loader)', () => {
+        it('does not modify default key', () => {
+          registry2.registerValue('abc', () => 100);
+          expect(registry2.defaultKey).toBeUndefined();
+          registry2.setDefaultKey('def');
+          registry2.registerValue('ghi', () => 300);
+          expect(registry2.defaultKey).toEqual('def');
+        });
+        it('returns itself', () => {
+          expect(registry2.registerLoader('ghi', () => 300)).toBe(registry2);
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b73fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { NumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core/src/number-format';
+describe('NumberFormatter', () => {
+  describe('new NumberFormatter(config)', () => {
+    it('requires', () => {
+      expect(
+        () =>
+          // @ts-ignore
+          new NumberFormatter({
+            formatFunc: () => '',
+          }),
+      ).toThrow();
+    });
+    it('requires config.formatFunc', () => {
+      expect(
+        () =>
+          // @ts-ignore
+          new NumberFormatter({
+            id: 'my_format',
+          }),
+      ).toThrow();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatter is also a format function itself', () => {
+    const formatter = new NumberFormatter({
+      id: 'fixed_3',
+      formatFunc: value => value.toFixed(3),
+    });
+    it('returns formatted value', () => {
+      expect(formatter(12345.67)).toEqual('12345.670');
+    });
+    it('formatter(value) is the same with formatter.format(value)', () => {
+      const value = 12345.67;
+      expect(formatter(value)).toEqual(formatter.format(value));
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.format(value)', () => {
+    const formatter = new NumberFormatter({
+      id: 'fixed_3',
+      formatFunc: value => value.toFixed(3),
+    });
+    it('handles null', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(null)).toEqual('null');
+    });
+    it('handles undefined', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(undefined)).toEqual('undefined');
+    });
+    it('handles NaN', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(NaN)).toEqual('NaN');
+    });
+    it('handles positive and negative infinity', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).toEqual('∞');
+      expect(formatter.format(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).toEqual('-∞');
+    });
+    it('otherwise returns formatted value', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(12345.67)).toEqual('12345.670');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.preview(value)', () => {
+    const formatter = new NumberFormatter({
+      id: 'fixed_2',
+      formatFunc: value => value.toFixed(2),
+    });
+    it('returns string comparing value before and after formatting', () => {
+      expect(formatter.preview(100)).toEqual('100 => 100.00');
+    });
+    it('uses the default preview value if not specified', () => {
+      expect(formatter.preview()).toEqual('12345.432 => 12345.43');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d1397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistry.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { NumberFormats, NumberFormatter, NumberFormatterRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('NumberFormatterRegistry', () => {
+  let registry: NumberFormatterRegistry;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    registry = new NumberFormatterRegistry();
+  });
+  it('has SMART_NUMBER as default formatter out of the box', () => {
+    expect(registry.getDefaultKey()).toBe(NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER);
+  });
+  describe('.get(format)', () => {
+    it('creates and returns a new formatter if does not exist', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get('.2f');
+      expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.00');
+    });
+    it('returns an existing formatter if already exists', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get('.2f');
+      const formatter2 = registry.get('.2f');
+      expect(formatter).toBe(formatter2);
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is not specified', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('.1f');
+      const formatter = registry.get();
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.0');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is null', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('.1f');
+      // @ts-ignore
+      const formatter = registry.get(null);
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.0');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is undefined', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('.1f');
+      const formatter = registry.get(undefined);
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.0');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is empty string', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey('.1f');
+      const formatter = registry.get('');
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.0');
+    });
+    it('removes leading and trailing spaces from format', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get(' .2f');
+      expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.00');
+      const formatter2 = registry.get('.2f ');
+      expect(formatter2).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+      expect(formatter2.format(100)).toEqual('100.00');
+      const formatter3 = registry.get(' .2f ');
+      expect(formatter3).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+      expect(formatter3.format(100)).toEqual('100.00');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.format(format, value)', () => {
+    it('return the value with the specified format', () => {
+      expect(registry.format('.2f', 100)).toEqual('100.00');
+      expect(registry.format(',d', 100)).toEqual('100');
+    });
+    it('falls back to the default formatter if the format is undefined', () => {
+      expect(registry.format(undefined, 1000)).toEqual('1k');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0dd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import {
+  NumberFormatterRegistry,
+  getNumberFormatterRegistry,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  formatNumber,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('NumberFormatterRegistrySingleton', () => {
+  describe('getNumberFormatterRegistry()', () => {
+    it('returns a NumberFormatterRegisry', () => {
+      expect(getNumberFormatterRegistry()).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatterRegistry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('getNumberFormatter(format)', () => {
+    it('returns a format function', () => {
+      const format = getNumberFormatter('.3s');
+      expect(format(12345)).toEqual('12.3k');
+    });
+    it('returns a format function even given invalid format', () => {
+      const format = getNumberFormatter('xkcd');
+      expect(format(12345)).toEqual('12345 (Invalid format: xkcd)');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is not specified', () => {
+      const formatter = getNumberFormatter();
+      expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatNumber(format, value)', () => {
+    it('format the given number using the specified format', () => {
+      const output = formatNumber('.3s', 12345);
+      expect(output).toEqual('12.3k');
+    });
+    it('falls back to the default formatter if the format is undefined', () => {
+      expect(formatNumber(undefined, 1000)).toEqual('1k');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f22f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createD3NumberFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { createD3NumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core/src/number-format';
+describe('createD3NumberFormatter(config)', () => {
+  it('requires config.formatString', () => {
+    // @ts-ignore -- intentionally pass invalid input
+    expect(() => createD3NumberFormatter({})).toThrow();
+  });
+  describe('config.formatString', () => {
+    it('creates a NumberFormatter with the formatString as id', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({ formatString: '.2f' });
+      expect('.2f');
+    });
+    describe('if it is valid d3 formatString', () => {
+      it('uses d3.format(config.formatString) as format function', () => {
+        const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({ formatString: '.2f' });
+        expect(formatter.format(100)).toEqual('100.00');
+      });
+    });
+    describe('if it is invalid d3 formatString', () => {
+      it('The format function displays error message', () => {
+        const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({ formatString: 'i-am-groot' });
+        expect(formatter.format(12345.67)).toEqual('12345.67 (Invalid format: i-am-groot)');
+      });
+      it('also set formatter.isInvalid to true', () => {
+        const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({ formatString: 'i-am-groot' });
+        expect(formatter.isInvalid).toEqual(true);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.label', () => {
+    it('set label if specified', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({
+        formatString: '.2f',
+        label: 'float formatter',
+      });
+      expect(formatter.label).toEqual('float formatter');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.description', () => {
+    it('set decription if specified', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({
+        description: 'lorem ipsum',
+        formatString: '.2f',
+      });
+      expect(formatter.description).toEqual('lorem ipsum');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.locale', () => {
+    it('supports locale customization such as currency', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3NumberFormatter({
+        description: 'lorem ipsum',
+        formatString: '$.2f',
+        locale: {
+          decimal: '.',
+          thousands: ',',
+          grouping: [3],
+          currency: ['€', ''],
+        },
+      });
+      expect(formatter(200)).toEqual('€200.00');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fd8aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createDurationFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { NumberFormatter, createDurationFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core/src/number-format';
+describe('createDurationFormatter()', () => {
+  it('creates an instance of NumberFormatter', () => {
+    const formatter = createDurationFormatter();
+    expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+  });
+  it('format milliseconds in human readable format with default options', () => {
+    const formatter = createDurationFormatter();
+    expect(formatter(0)).toBe('0ms');
+    expect(formatter(1000)).toBe('1s');
+    expect(formatter(1337)).toBe('1.3s');
+    expect(formatter(10500)).toBe('10.5s');
+    expect(formatter(60 * 1000)).toBe('1m');
+    expect(formatter(90 * 1000)).toBe('1m 30s');
+  });
+  it('format seconds in human readable format with default options', () => {
+    const formatter = createDurationFormatter({ multiplier: 1000 });
+    expect(formatter(0.5)).toBe('500ms');
+    expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1s');
+    expect(formatter(30)).toBe('30s');
+    expect(formatter(60)).toBe('1m');
+    expect(formatter(90)).toBe('1m 30s');
+  });
+  it('format milliseconds in human readable format with additional pretty-ms options', () => {
+    const colonNotationFormatter = createDurationFormatter({ colonNotation: true });
+    expect(colonNotationFormatter(10500)).toBe('0:10.5');
+    const zeroDecimalFormatter = createDurationFormatter({ secondsDecimalDigits: 0 });
+    expect(zeroDecimalFormatter(10500)).toBe('10s');
+    const subMillisecondFormatter = createDurationFormatter({ formatSubMilliseconds: true });
+    expect(subMillisecondFormatter(100.40008)).toBe('100ms 400µs 80ns');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2969786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import {
+  NumberFormatter,
+  createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/number-format';
+describe('createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter({ n })', () => {
+  it('creates an instance of NumberFormatter', () => {
+    const formatter = createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter({ n: 4 });
+    expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+  });
+  it('when n is specified, it formats number in SI format with at most n significant digits', () => {
+    const formatter = createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter({ n: 2 });
+    expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+    expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+    expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+    expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+    expect(formatter(10001)).toBe('10k');
+    expect(formatter(10100)).toBe('10k');
+    expect(formatter(111000000)).toBe('110M');
+    expect(formatter(0.23)).toBe('230m');
+    expect(formatter(0)).toBe('0');
+    expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+    expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+    expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+    expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+    expect(formatter(-10001)).toBe('-10k');
+    expect(formatter(-10101)).toBe('-10k');
+    expect(formatter(-111000000)).toBe('-110M');
+    expect(formatter(-0.23)).toBe('-230m');
+  });
+  it('when n is not specified, it defaults to n=3', () => {
+    const formatter = createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter();
+    expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+    expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+    expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+    expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+    expect(formatter(10001)).toBe('10.0k');
+    expect(formatter(10100)).toBe('10.1k');
+    expect(formatter(111000000)).toBe('111M');
+    expect(formatter(0.23)).toBe('230m');
+    expect(formatter(0)).toBe('0');
+    expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+    expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+    expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+    expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+    expect(formatter(-10001)).toBe('-10.0k');
+    expect(formatter(-10101)).toBe('-10.1k');
+    expect(formatter(-111000000)).toBe('-111M');
+    expect(formatter(-0.23)).toBe('-230m');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8656d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/factories/createSmartNumberFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import { NumberFormatter, createSmartNumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('createSmartNumberFormatter(options)', () => {
+  it('creates an instance of NumberFormatter', () => {
+    const formatter = createSmartNumberFormatter();
+    expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(NumberFormatter);
+  });
+  describe('using default options', () => {
+    const formatter = createSmartNumberFormatter();
+    it('formats 0 correctly', () => {
+      expect(formatter(0)).toBe('0');
+    });
+    describe('for positive numbers', () => {
+      it('formats billion with B in stead of G', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1000000000)).toBe('1B');
+        expect(formatter(4560000000)).toBe('4.56B');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are >= 1,000 & <= 1,000,000,000 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1000)).toBe('1k');
+        expect(formatter(10001)).toBe('10k');
+        expect(formatter(10100)).toBe('10.1k');
+        expect(formatter(111000000)).toBe('111M');
+      });
+      it('formats number that are >= 1 & < 1,000 as integer or float with at most 2 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+        expect(formatter(1)).toBe('1');
+        expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+        expect(formatter(10)).toBe('10');
+        expect(formatter(10.23432)).toBe('10.23');
+        expect(formatter(274.2856)).toBe('274.29');
+        expect(formatter(999)).toBe('999');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 1 & >= 0.001 as float with at most 4 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.1)).toBe('0.1');
+        expect(formatter(0.23)).toBe('0.23');
+        expect(formatter(0.699)).toBe('0.699');
+        expect(formatter(0.0023)).toBe('0.0023');
+        expect(formatter(0.002300001)).toBe('0.0023');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 0.001 & >= 0.000001 as micron', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.0002300001)).toBe('230µ');
+        expect(formatter(0.000023)).toBe('23µ');
+        expect(formatter(0.000001)).toBe('1µ');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are less than 0.000001 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.0000001)).toBe('100n');
+      });
+    });
+    describe('for negative numbers', () => {
+      it('formats billion with B in stead of G', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-1000000000)).toBe('-1B');
+        expect(formatter(-4560000000)).toBe('-4.56B');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are >= 1,000 & <= 1,000,000,000 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-1000)).toBe('-1k');
+        expect(formatter(-10001)).toBe('-10k');
+        expect(formatter(-10100)).toBe('-10.1k');
+        expect(formatter(-111000000)).toBe('-111M');
+      });
+      it('formats number that are >= 1 & < 1,000 as integer or float with at most 2 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+        expect(formatter(-1)).toBe('-1');
+        expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+        expect(formatter(-10)).toBe('-10');
+        expect(formatter(-10.23432)).toBe('-10.23');
+        expect(formatter(-274.2856)).toBe('-274.29');
+        expect(formatter(-999)).toBe('-999');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 1 & >= 0.001 as float with at most 4 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-0.1)).toBe('-0.1');
+        expect(formatter(-0.23)).toBe('-0.23');
+        expect(formatter(-0.699)).toBe('-0.699');
+        expect(formatter(-0.0023)).toBe('-0.0023');
+        expect(formatter(-0.002300001)).toBe('-0.0023');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 0.001 & >= 0.000001 as micron', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-0.0002300001)).toBe('-230µ');
+        expect(formatter(-0.000023)).toBe('-23µ');
+        expect(formatter(-0.000001)).toBe('-1µ');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are less than 0.000001 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(-0.0000001)).toBe('-100n');
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('when options.signed is true, it adds + for positive numbers', () => {
+    const formatter = createSmartNumberFormatter({ signed: true });
+    it('formats 0 correctly', () => {
+      expect(formatter(0)).toBe('0');
+    });
+    describe('for positive numbers', () => {
+      it('formats billion with B in stead of G', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1000000000)).toBe('+1B');
+        expect(formatter(4560000000)).toBe('+4.56B');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are >= 1,000 & <= 1,000,000,000 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1000)).toBe('+1k');
+        expect(formatter(10001)).toBe('+10k');
+        expect(formatter(10100)).toBe('+10.1k');
+        expect(formatter(111000000)).toBe('+111M');
+      });
+      it('formats number that are >= 1 & < 1,000 as integer or float with at most 2 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(1)).toBe('+1');
+        expect(formatter(1)).toBe('+1');
+        expect(formatter(10)).toBe('+10');
+        expect(formatter(10)).toBe('+10');
+        expect(formatter(10.23432)).toBe('+10.23');
+        expect(formatter(274.2856)).toBe('+274.29');
+        expect(formatter(999)).toBe('+999');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 1 & >= 0.001 as float with at most 4 decimal points', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.1)).toBe('+0.1');
+        expect(formatter(0.23)).toBe('+0.23');
+        expect(formatter(0.699)).toBe('+0.699');
+        expect(formatter(0.0023)).toBe('+0.0023');
+        expect(formatter(0.002300001)).toBe('+0.0023');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are < 0.001 & >= 0.000001 as micron', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.0002300001)).toBe('+230µ');
+        expect(formatter(0.000023)).toBe('+23µ');
+        expect(formatter(0.000001)).toBe('+1µ');
+      });
+      it('formats numbers that are less than 0.000001 as SI format with precision 3', () => {
+        expect(formatter(0.0000001)).toBe('+100n');
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43efa07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/number-format/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import {
+  createD3NumberFormatter,
+  createDurationFormatter,
+  createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter,
+  formatNumber,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  getNumberFormatterRegistry,
+  NumberFormats,
+  NumberFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports modules', () => {
+    [
+      createD3NumberFormatter,
+      createDurationFormatter,
+      createSiAtMostNDigitFormatter,
+      formatNumber,
+      getNumberFormatter,
+      getNumberFormatterRegistry,
+      NumberFormats,
+      NumberFormatter,
+    ].forEach(x => expect(x).toBeDefined());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/DatasourceKey.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/DatasourceKey.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0faab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/DatasourceKey.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DatasourceKey } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+describe('DatasourceKey', () => {
+  const tableKey = '5__table';
+  const druidKey = '5__druid';
+  it('should handle table data sources', () => {
+    const datasourceKey = new DatasourceKey(tableKey);
+    expect(datasourceKey.toString()).toBe(tableKey);
+    expect(datasourceKey.toObject()).toEqual({ id: 5, type: 'table' });
+  });
+  it('should handle druid data sources', () => {
+    const datasourceKey = new DatasourceKey(druidKey);
+    expect(datasourceKey.toString()).toBe(druidKey);
+    expect(datasourceKey.toObject()).toEqual({ id: 5, type: 'druid' });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c031a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/fetchExploreJson.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { fetchExploreJson } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/api/legacy';
+import setupClientForTest from '../setupClientForTest';
+describe('fetchExploreJson()', () => {
+  beforeAll(setupClientForTest);
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  it('returns a promise of LegacyChartDataResponse', () => {
+'glob:*/superset/explore_json/', {
+      field1: 'abc',
+      field2: 'def',
+    });
+    return expect(
+      fetchExploreJson({
+        formData: {
+          granularity: 'minute',
+          viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+          datasource: '1__table',
+        },
+      }),
+    ).resolves.toEqual({
+      field1: 'abc',
+      field2: 'def',
+    });
+  });
+  it('uses GET when specified', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    const mockUrl = 'glob:*/superset/explore_json/*';
+    fetchMock.get(mockUrl, {
+      field1: 'abc',
+      field2: 'def',
+    });
+    const result = await fetchExploreJson({
+      method: 'GET',
+      formData: {
+        granularity: 'minute',
+        viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+        datasource: '1__table',
+      },
+    });
+    expect(result).toEqual({
+      field1: 'abc',
+      field2: 'def',
+    });
+    const mockCalls = fetchMock.calls(mockUrl);
+    expect(mockCalls).toHaveLength(1);
+    expect(mockCalls[0][0]).toEqual(
+      'http://localhost/superset/explore_json/?form_data=%7B%22granularity%22%3A%22minute%22%2C%22viz_type%22%3A%22word_cloud%22%2C%22datasource%22%3A%221__table%22%7D',
+    );
+    expect(mockCalls[0][1]).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        method: 'GET',
+        body: undefined,
+      }),
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4cbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getDatasourceMetadata.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { getDatasourceMetadata } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/api/legacy';
+import setupClientForTest from '../setupClientForTest';
+describe('getFormData()', () => {
+  beforeAll(setupClientForTest);
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  it('returns datasource metadata for given datasource key', () => {
+    const mockData = {
+      field1: 'abc',
+      field2: 'def',
+    };
+    fetchMock.get('glob:*/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata?datasourceKey=1__table', mockData);
+    return expect(
+      getDatasourceMetadata({
+        datasourceKey: '1__table',
+      }),
+    ).resolves.toEqual(mockData);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getFormData.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getFormData.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089a14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/legacy/getFormData.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { getFormData } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/api/legacy';
+import setupClientForTest from '../setupClientForTest';
+describe('getFormData()', () => {
+  beforeAll(setupClientForTest);
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  const mockData = {
+    datasource: '1__table',
+    viz_type: 'sankey',
+    slice_id: 1,
+    url_params: {},
+    granularity_sqla: null,
+    time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+    time_range: 'Last week',
+    groupby: ['source', 'target'],
+    metric: 'sum__value',
+    adhoc_filters: [],
+    row_limit: 1000,
+  };
+  it('returns formData for given slice id', () => {
+    fetchMock.get(`glob:*/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=1`, mockData);
+    return expect(
+      getFormData({
+        sliceId: 1,
+      }),
+    ).resolves.toEqual(mockData);
+  });
+  it('overrides formData when overrideFormData is specified', () => {
+    fetchMock.get(`glob:*/api/v1/form_data/?slice_id=1`, mockData);
+    return expect(
+      getFormData({
+        sliceId: 1,
+        overrideFormData: {
+          metric: 'avg__value',
+        },
+      }),
+    ).resolves.toEqual({
+      ...mockData,
+      metric: 'avg__value',
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/setupClientForTest.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/setupClientForTest.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..651e57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/setupClientForTest.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { SupersetClient } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection';
+const LOGIN_GLOB = 'glob:*superset/csrf_token/*';
+export default function setupClientForTest() {
+  fetchMock.get(LOGIN_GLOB, { csrf_token: '1234' });
+  SupersetClient.reset();
+  SupersetClient.configure().init();
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/getChartData.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/getChartData.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16af3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/getChartData.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { buildQueryContext, ApiV1 } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+import setupClientForTest from '../setupClientForTest';
+describe('API v1 > getChartData()', () => {
+  beforeAll(setupClientForTest);
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  it('returns a promise of ChartDataResponse', async () => {
+    const response = {
+      result: [
+        {
+          field1: 'abc',
+          field2: 'def',
+        },
+      ],
+    };
+'glob:*/api/v1/chart/data', response);
+    const result = await ApiV1.getChartData(
+      buildQueryContext({
+        granularity: 'minute',
+        viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+        datasource: '1__table',
+      }),
+    );
+    return expect(result).toEqual(response);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/handleError.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/handleError.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69b868c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/handleError.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import 'whatwg-fetch'; // for adding Response polyfill
+import { JsonObject } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection';
+import handleError, { ErrorInput } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/api/v1/handleError';
+import { SupersetApiError, SupersetApiErrorType } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/api/v1/types';
+async function testHandleError(
+  inputError: ErrorInput,
+  expected: string | JsonObject,
+): Promise<SupersetApiError> {
+  try {
+    await handleError(inputError);
+  } catch (error) {
+    const typedError = error as SupersetApiError;
+    expect(typedError).toBeInstanceOf(SupersetApiError);
+    if (typeof expected === 'string') {
+      expect(typedError.message).toContain(expected);
+    } else {
+      expect(typedError).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(expected));
+    }
+    return error;
+  }
+  return new SupersetApiError({ message: 'Where is the error?' });
+describe('handleError()', () => {
+  it('should throw error directly', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    const input = new SupersetApiError({ message: 'timeout' });
+    const output = await testHandleError(input, 'timeout');
+    expect(input).toBe(output);
+  });
+  it('should handle error string', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    await testHandleError('STOP', 'STOP');
+  });
+  it('should handle HTTP error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response('Ha?', { status: 404, statusText: 'NOT FOUND' });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, '404 NOT FOUND');
+  });
+  it('should handle HTTP error with status < 400', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response('Ha haha?', { status: 302, statusText: 'Found' });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, '302 Found');
+  });
+  it('should use message from HTTP error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response('{ "message": "BAD BAD" }', {
+      status: 500,
+      statusText: 'Server Error',
+    });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, 'BAD BAD');
+  });
+  it('should handle response of single error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response(
+      '{ "error": "BAD BAD", "link": "" }',
+      {
+        status: 403,
+        statusText: 'Access Denied',
+      },
+    );
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, {
+      message: 'BAD BAD',
+      extra: { link: '' },
+    });
+  });
+  it('should handle single error object', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockError = {
+      error: {
+        message: 'Request timeout',
+        error_type: SupersetApiErrorType.FRONTEND_TIMEOUT_ERROR,
+      },
+    };
+    await testHandleError(mockError, {
+      message: 'Request timeout',
+      errorType: 'FRONTEND_TIMEOUT_ERROR',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should process multi errors in HTTP json', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response('{ "errors": [{ "error_type": "NOT OK" }] }', {
+      status: 403,
+      statusText: 'Access Denied',
+    });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, 'NOT OK');
+  });
+  it('should handle invalid multi errors', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    const mockResponse1 = new Response('{ "errors": [] }', {
+      status: 403,
+      statusText: 'Access Denied',
+    });
+    const mockResponse2 = new Response('{ "errors": null }', {
+      status: 400,
+      statusText: 'Bad Request',
+    });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse1, '403 Access Denied');
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse2, '400 Bad Request');
+  });
+  it('should fallback to statusText', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const mockResponse = new Response('{ "failed": "random ramble" }', {
+      status: 403,
+      statusText: 'Access Denied',
+    });
+    await testHandleError(mockResponse, '403 Access Denied');
+  });
+  it('should handle regular JS error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    await testHandleError(new Error('What?'), 'What?');
+    const emptyError = new Error();
+    emptyError.stack = undefined;
+    await testHandleError(emptyError, 'Unknown Error');
+  });
+  it('should handle { error: ... }', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    await testHandleError({ error: 'Hmm' }, 'Hmm');
+  });
+  it('should throw unknown error', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(4);
+    await testHandleError(Promise.resolve('Some random things') as never, 'Unknown Error');
+    await testHandleError(undefined as never, 'Unknown Error');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/makeApi.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/makeApi.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e1036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/api/v1/makeApi.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
+import { JsonValue, SupersetClientClass } from '@superset-ui/core/src/connection';
+import { makeApi, SupersetApiError } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+import setupClientForTest from '../setupClientForTest';
+describe('makeApi()', () => {
+  beforeAll(setupClientForTest);
+  afterEach(fetchMock.restore);
+  it('should expose method and endpoint', () => {
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'GET',
+      endpoint: '/test',
+    });
+    expect(api.method).toEqual('GET');
+    expect(api.endpoint).toEqual('/test');
+    expect(api.requestType).toEqual('search');
+  });
+  it('should allow custom client', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'GET',
+      endpoint: '/test-custom-client',
+    });
+    const client = new SupersetClientClass({ baseUrl: 'http://foo/' });
+    const mockResponse = { yes: 'ok' };
+    const mockRequest = jest.fn(() =>
+      Promise.resolve(
+        new Response(JSON.stringify(mockResponse), {
+          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+        }),
+      ),
+    );
+    Object.assign(client, {
+      request: mockRequest,
+    });
+    const result = await api(null, { client });
+    expect(result).toEqual(mockResponse);
+    expect(mockRequest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+  });
+  it('should obtain json response by default', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'GET',
+      endpoint: '/test',
+    });
+    fetchMock.get('glob:*/test', { yes: 'ok' });
+    expect(await api({})).toEqual({ yes: 'ok' });
+  });
+  it('should allow custom parseResponse', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const responseJson = { items: [1, 2, 3] };
+'glob:*/test', responseJson);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'POST',
+      endpoint: '/test',
+      processResponse: (json: typeof responseJson) =>
+        json.items.reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b),
+    });
+    expect(api.method).toEqual('POST');
+    expect(await api({})).toBe(6);
+  });
+  it('should post FormData when requestType=form', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(3);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'POST',
+      endpoint: '/test-formdata',
+      requestType: 'form',
+    });
+'glob:*/test-formdata', { test: 'ok' });
+    expect(await api({ request: 'test' })).toEqual({ test: 'ok' });
+    const expected = new FormData();
+    expected.append('request', JSON.stringify('test'));
+    const received = fetchMock.lastOptions().body as FormData;
+    expect(received).toBeInstanceOf(FormData);
+    expect(received.get('request')).toEqual(expected.get('request'));
+  });
+  it('should use searchParams for method=GET (`requestType=search` implied)', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'GET',
+      endpoint: '/test-get-search',
+    });
+    fetchMock.get('glob:*/test-get-search*', { search: 'get' });
+    await api({ p1: 1, p2: 2, p3: [1, 2] });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toContain('/test-get-search?p1=1&p2=2&p3=1%2C2');
+  });
+  it('should serialize rison for method=GET, requestType=rison', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'GET',
+      endpoint: '/test-post-search',
+      requestType: 'rison',
+    });
+    fetchMock.get('glob:*/test-post-search*', { rison: 'get' });
+    await api({ p1: 1, p3: [1, 2] });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toContain('/test-post-search?q=(p1:1,p3:!(1,2))');
+  });
+  it('should use searchParams for method=POST, requestType=search', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'POST',
+      endpoint: '/test-post-search',
+      requestType: 'search',
+    });
+'glob:*/test-post-search*', { search: 'post' });
+    await api({ p1: 1, p3: [1, 2] });
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toContain('/test-post-search?p1=1&p3=1%2C2');
+  });
+  it('should throw when requestType is invalid', () => {
+    expect(() => {
+      makeApi({
+        method: 'POST',
+        endpoint: '/test-formdata',
+        // @ts-ignore
+        requestType: 'text',
+      });
+    }).toThrow('Invalid request payload type');
+  });
+  it('should handle errors', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'POST',
+      endpoint: '/test-formdata',
+      requestType: 'form',
+    });
+    let error;
+'glob:*/test-formdata', { test: 'ok' });
+    try {
+      await api('<This is an invalid JSON string>');
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect((error as SupersetApiError).message).toContain('Invalid payload');
+    }
+  });
+  it('should handle error on 200 response', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi({
+      method: 'POST',
+      endpoint: '/test-200-error',
+      requestType: 'json',
+    });
+'glob:*/test-200-error', { error: 'not ok' });
+    let error;
+    try {
+      await api({});
+    } catch (err) {
+      error = err;
+    } finally {
+      expect((error as SupersetApiError).message).toContain('not ok');
+    }
+  });
+  it('should parse text response when responseType=text', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(1);
+    const api = makeApi<JsonValue, string, 'text'>({
+      method: 'PUT',
+      endpoint: '/test-parse-text',
+      requestType: 'form',
+      responseType: 'text',
+      processResponse: text => `${text}?`,
+    });
+    fetchMock.put('glob:*/test-parse-text', 'ok');
+    const result = await api({ field1: 11 });
+    expect(result).toBe('ok?');
+  });
+  it('should return raw resposnse when responseType=raw', async () => {
+    expect.assertions(2);
+    const api = makeApi<JsonValue, number, 'raw'>({
+      method: 'DELETE',
+      endpoint: '/test-raw-response',
+      responseType: 'raw',
+      processResponse: response => response.status,
+    });
+    fetchMock.delete('glob:*/test-raw-response?*', 'ok');
+    const result = await api({ field1: 11 }, {});
+    expect(result).toEqual(200);
+    expect(fetchMock.lastUrl()).toContain('/test-raw-response?field1=11');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryContext.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryContext.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e93a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryContext.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { buildQueryContext } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+describe('buildQueryContext', () => {
+  it('should build datasource for table sources and apply defaults', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQueryContext({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+    });
+    expect(;
+    expect(queryContext.datasource.type).toBe('table');
+    expect(queryContext.force).toBe(false);
+    expect(queryContext.force).toBe(false);
+    expect(queryContext.result_format).toBe('json');
+    expect(queryContext.result_type).toBe('full');
+  });
+  it('should build datasource for druid sources and set force to true', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQueryContext({
+      datasource: '5__druid',
+      granularity: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      force: true,
+    });
+    expect(;
+    expect(queryContext.datasource.type).toBe('druid');
+    expect(queryContext.force).toBe(true);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryObject.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryObject.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fb6add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/buildQueryObject.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  AnnotationLayer,
+  AnnotationOpacity,
+  AnnotationSourceType,
+  AnnotationStyle,
+  AnnotationType,
+  buildQueryObject,
+  QueryObject,
+} from '../../src/query';
+describe('buildQueryObject', () => {
+  let query: QueryObject;
+  it('should build granularity for sqlalchemy datasources', () => {
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+    });
+    expect(query.granularity).toEqual('ds');
+  });
+  it('should build granularity for druid datasources', () => {
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__druid',
+      granularity: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+    });
+    expect(query.granularity).toEqual('ds');
+  });
+  it('should build metrics based on default queryFields', () => {
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      secondary_metric: 'avg__num',
+    });
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['sum__num', 'avg__num']);
+  });
+  it('should group custom metric control', () => {
+    query = buildQueryObject(
+      {
+        datasource: '5__table',
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        viz_type: 'table',
+        my_custom_metric_control: 'sum__num',
+      },
+      { my_custom_metric_control: 'metrics' },
+    );
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['sum__num']);
+  });
+  it('should group custom metric control with predefined metrics', () => {
+    query = buildQueryObject(
+      {
+        datasource: '5__table',
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        viz_type: 'table',
+        metrics: ['sum__num'],
+        my_custom_metric_control: 'avg__num',
+      },
+      { my_custom_metric_control: 'metrics' },
+    );
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['sum__num', 'avg__num']);
+  });
+  it('should build limit', () => {
+    const limit = 2;
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      limit,
+    });
+    expect(query.timeseries_limit).toEqual(limit);
+  });
+  it('should build order_desc', () => {
+    const orderDesc = false;
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      order_desc: orderDesc,
+    });
+    expect(query.order_desc).toEqual(orderDesc);
+  });
+  it('should build timeseries_limit_metric', () => {
+    const metric = 'country';
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      timeseries_limit_metric: metric,
+    });
+    expect(query.timeseries_limit_metric).toEqual(metric);
+  });
+  it('should handle null and non-numeric row_limit and row_offset', () => {
+    const baseQuery = {
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      row_limit: null,
+    };
+    // undefined
+    query = buildQueryObject({ ...baseQuery });
+    expect(query.row_limit).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(query.row_offset).toBeUndefined();
+    // null value
+    query = buildQueryObject({ ...baseQuery, row_limit: null, row_offset: null });
+    expect(query.row_limit).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(query.row_offset).toBeUndefined();
+    query = buildQueryObject({ ...baseQuery, row_limit: 1000, row_offset: 50 });
+    expect(query.row_limit).toStrictEqual(1000);
+    expect(query.row_offset).toStrictEqual(50);
+    // valid string
+    query = buildQueryObject({ ...baseQuery, row_limit: '200', row_offset: '100' });
+    expect(query.row_limit).toStrictEqual(200);
+    expect(query.row_offset).toStrictEqual(100);
+    // invalid string
+    query = buildQueryObject({ ...baseQuery, row_limit: 'two hundred', row_offset: 'twenty' });
+    expect(query.row_limit).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(query.row_offset).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('should populate annotation_layers', () => {
+    const annotationLayers: AnnotationLayer[] = [
+      {
+        annotationType: AnnotationType.Formula,
+        color: '#ff7f44',
+        name: 'My Formula',
+        opacity: AnnotationOpacity.Low,
+        show: true,
+        style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+        value: '10*sin(x)',
+        width: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: AnnotationType.Interval,
+        color: null,
+        show: false,
+        name: 'My Interval',
+        sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Native,
+        style: AnnotationStyle.Dashed,
+        value: 1,
+        width: 100,
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: AnnotationType.Event,
+        color: null,
+        descriptionColumns: [],
+        name: 'My Interval',
+        overrides: {
+          granularity: null,
+          time_grain_sqla: null,
+          time_range: null,
+        },
+        sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Table,
+        show: false,
+        timeColumn: 'ds',
+        style: AnnotationStyle.Dashed,
+        value: 1,
+        width: 100,
+      },
+    ];
+    query = buildQueryObject({
+      datasource: '5__table',
+      granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+      viz_type: 'table',
+      annotation_layers: annotationLayers,
+    });
+    expect(query.annotation_layers).toEqual(annotationLayers);
+  });
+  it('should populate url_params', () => {
+    expect(
+      buildQueryObject({
+        datasource: '5__table',
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        viz_type: 'table',
+        url_params: { abc: '123' },
+      }).url_params,
+    ).toEqual({ abc: '123' });
+    expect(
+      buildQueryObject({
+        datasource: '5__table',
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        viz_type: 'table',
+        url_params: (null as unknown) as undefined,
+      }).url_params,
+    ).toBeUndefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/convertFilter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/convertFilter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9869c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/convertFilter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { convertFilter } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+describe('convertFilter', () => {
+  it('should handle unary filter', () => {
+    expect(
+      convertFilter({
+        expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+        clause: 'WHERE',
+        subject: 'topping',
+        operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      col: 'topping',
+      op: 'IS NOT NULL',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should convert binary filter', () => {
+    expect(
+      convertFilter({
+        expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+        clause: 'WHERE',
+        subject: 'topping',
+        operator: '==',
+        comparator: 'grass jelly',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      col: 'topping',
+      op: '==',
+      val: 'grass jelly',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should convert set filter', () => {
+    expect(
+      convertFilter({
+        expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+        clause: 'WHERE',
+        subject: 'toppings',
+        operator: 'IN',
+        comparator: ['boba', 'grass jelly'],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      col: 'toppings',
+      op: 'IN',
+      val: ['boba', 'grass jelly'],
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractExtras.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractExtras.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e483666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractExtras.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import extractExtras from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/extractExtras';
+describe('extractExtras', () => {
+  const baseQueryFormData = {
+    datasource: '1__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    time_grain_sqla: 'PT1M',
+    viz_type: 'my_viz',
+    filters: [
+      {
+        col: 'gender',
+        op: '==',
+        val: 'girl',
+      },
+    ],
+  };
+  it('should populate time range endpoints and override formData with double underscored date options', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractExtras({
+        ...baseQueryFormData,
+        time_range_endpoints: ['inclusive', 'exclusive'],
+        extra_filters: [
+          {
+            col: '__time_col',
+            op: '==',
+            val: 'ds2',
+          },
+          {
+            col: '__time_grain',
+            op: '==',
+            val: 'PT5M',
+          },
+          {
+            col: '__time_range',
+            op: '==',
+            val: '2009-07-17T00:00:00 : 2020-07-17T00:00:00',
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      applied_time_extras: {
+        __time_col: 'ds2',
+        __time_grain: 'PT5M',
+        __time_range: '2009-07-17T00:00:00 : 2020-07-17T00:00:00',
+      },
+      extras: {
+        time_grain_sqla: 'PT5M',
+        time_range_endpoints: ['inclusive', 'exclusive'],
+      },
+      filters: [
+        {
+          col: 'gender',
+          op: '==',
+          val: 'girl',
+        },
+      ],
+      granularity: 'ds2',
+      time_range: '2009-07-17T00:00:00 : 2020-07-17T00:00:00',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should create regular filters from non-reserved columns', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractExtras({
+        ...baseQueryFormData,
+        extra_filters: [
+          {
+            col: 'name',
+            op: 'IN',
+            val: ['Eve', 'Evelyn'],
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      applied_time_extras: {},
+      extras: {
+        time_grain_sqla: 'PT1M',
+      },
+      filters: [
+        {
+          col: 'gender',
+          op: '==',
+          val: 'girl',
+        },
+        {
+          col: 'name',
+          op: 'IN',
+          val: ['Eve', 'Evelyn'],
+        },
+      ],
+      granularity: 'ds',
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractQueryFields.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractQueryFields.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea02d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/extractQueryFields.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import extractQueryFields from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/extractQueryFields';
+import { configure } from '../../src/translation';
+import { QueryMode } from '../../src';
+import { DTTM_ALIAS } from '../../src/query/buildQueryObject';
+describe('extractQueryFields', () => {
+  it('should return default object', () => {
+    expect(extractQueryFields({})).toEqual({
+      columns: [],
+      metrics: [],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should group single value to arrays', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({ metric: 'my_metric', columns: 'abc', orderby: '["ccc",true]' }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      metrics: ['my_metric'],
+      columns: ['abc'],
+      orderby: [['ccc', true]],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should combine field aliases', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields(
+        { metric: 'metric_1', metric_2: 'metric_2', my_custom_metric: 'my_custom_metric' },
+        { my_custom_metric: 'metrics' },
+      ).metrics,
+    ).toEqual(['metric_1', 'metric_2', 'my_custom_metric']);
+  });
+  it('should extract columns', () => {
+    expect(extractQueryFields({ columns: 'col_1' })).toEqual({
+      columns: ['col_1'],
+      metrics: [],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should extract groupby', () => {
+    expect(extractQueryFields({ groupby: 'col_1' })).toEqual({
+      columns: ['col_1'],
+      metrics: [],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should extract custom columns', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({ series: 'col_1', metric: 'metric_1' }, { series: 'groupby' }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      columns: ['col_1'],
+      metrics: ['metric_1'],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should merge custom groupby into columns', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields(
+        { groupby: 'col_1', series: 'col_2', metric: 'metric_1' },
+        { series: 'groupby' },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      columns: ['col_1', 'col_2'],
+      metrics: ['metric_1'],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should include time', () => {
+    expect(extractQueryFields({ groupby: 'col_1', include_time: true }).columns).toEqual([
+      DTTM_ALIAS,
+      'col_1',
+    ]);
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({ groupby: ['col_1', DTTM_ALIAS, ''], include_time: true }).columns,
+    ).toEqual(['col_1', DTTM_ALIAS]);
+  });
+  it('should ignore null values', () => {
+    expect(extractQueryFields({ series: ['a'], columns: null }).columns).toEqual(['a']);
+  });
+  it('should ignore groupby and metrics when in raw QueryMode', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({
+        columns: ['a'],
+        groupby: ['b'],
+        metric: ['m'],
+        query_mode: QueryMode.raw,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      metrics: [],
+      columns: ['a'],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should ignore columns when in aggregate QueryMode', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({
+        columns: ['a'],
+        groupby: ['b'],
+        metric: ['m'],
+        query_mode: QueryMode.aggregate,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      metrics: ['m'],
+      columns: ['b'],
+      orderby: [],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should parse orderby if needed', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractQueryFields({
+        columns: ['a'],
+        order_by_cols: ['["foo",false]', '["bar",true]'],
+        orderby: [['abc', true]],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      columns: ['a'],
+      metrics: [],
+      orderby: [
+        ['foo', false],
+        ['bar', true],
+        ['abc', true],
+      ],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should throw error if parse orderby failed', () => {
+    expect(() => {
+      extractQueryFields({
+        orderby: ['ccc'],
+      });
+    }).toThrow('invalid orderby');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/getMetricLabel.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/getMetricLabel.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f80bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/getMetricLabel.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ColumnType, getMetricLabel } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query';
+describe('getMetricLabel', () => {
+  it('should handle predefined metric name', () => {
+    expect(getMetricLabel('sum__num')).toEqual('sum__num');
+  });
+  it('should handle simple adhoc metrics', () => {
+    expect(
+      getMetricLabel({
+        expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+        aggregate: 'AVG',
+        column: {
+          columnName: 'sum_girls',
+          id: 5,
+          type: ColumnType.BIGINT,
+        },
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('AVG(sum_girls)');
+  });
+  it('should handle SQL adhoc metrics', () => {
+    expect(
+      getMetricLabel({
+        expressionType: 'SQL',
+        sqlExpression: 'COUNT(sum_girls)',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('COUNT(sum_girls)');
+  });
+  it('should handle adhoc metrics with custom labels', () => {
+    expect(
+      getMetricLabel({
+        expressionType: 'SQL',
+        label: 'foo',
+        sqlExpression: 'COUNT(sum_girls)',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('foo');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processExtraFormData.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processExtraFormData.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd626fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processExtraFormData.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  appendExtraFormData,
+  overrideExtraFormData,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/processExtraFormData';
+describe('appendExtraFormData', () => {
+  it('should add allowed values to non-existent value', () => {
+    expect(
+      appendExtraFormData(
+        {
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+        },
+        {
+          filters: [{ col: 'my_col', op: '==', val: 'my value' }],
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      filters: [{ col: 'my_col', op: '==', val: 'my value' }],
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should add allowed values to preexisting value(s)', () => {
+    expect(
+      appendExtraFormData(
+        {
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          filters: [{ col: 'my_col', op: '==', val: 'my value' }],
+        },
+        {
+          filters: [{ col: 'my_other_col', op: '!=', val: 'my other value' }],
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      filters: [
+        { col: 'my_col', op: '==', val: 'my value' },
+        { col: 'my_other_col', op: '!=', val: 'my other value' },
+      ],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should add new freeform where', () => {
+    expect(
+      appendExtraFormData(
+        {
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+        },
+        {
+          extras: {
+            where: '1 = 0',
+          },
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      extras: {
+        where: '(1 = 0)',
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  it('should add new freeform where to existing where clause', () => {
+    expect(
+      appendExtraFormData(
+        {
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          extras: {
+            where: 'abc = 1',
+          },
+        },
+        {
+          extras: {
+            where: '1 = 0',
+          },
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      extras: {
+        where: '(abc = 1) AND (1 = 0)',
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  it('should not change existing where if append where is missing', () => {
+    expect(
+      appendExtraFormData(
+        {
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          extras: {
+            where: 'abc = 1',
+          },
+        },
+        {
+          extras: {},
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      extras: {
+        where: 'abc = 1',
+      },
+    });
+  });
+describe('overrideExtraFormData', () => {
+  it('should assign allowed non-existent value', () => {
+    expect(
+      overrideExtraFormData(
+        {
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+        },
+        {
+          time_grain_sqla: 'PT1H',
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      time_grain_sqla: 'PT1H',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should override allowed preexisting value', () => {
+    expect(
+      overrideExtraFormData(
+        {
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          time_grain_sqla: 'PT1H',
+        },
+        {
+          time_grain_sqla: 'PT2H',
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      time_grain_sqla: 'PT2H',
+    });
+  });
+  it('should not override non-allowed value', () => {
+    expect(
+      overrideExtraFormData(
+        {
+          granularity: 'something',
+          viz_type: 'custom',
+          datasource: 'table_1',
+          time_grain_sqla: 'PT1H',
+        },
+        {
+          viz_type: 'other custom viz',
+        },
+      ),
+    ).toEqual({
+      granularity: 'something',
+      viz_type: 'custom',
+      datasource: 'table_1',
+      time_grain_sqla: 'PT1H',
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processFilters.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processFilters.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae7fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/processFilters.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import processFilters from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/processFilters';
+describe('processFilters', () => {
+  it('should handle non-array adhoc_filters', () => {
+    expect(
+      processFilters({
+        granularity: 'something',
+        viz_type: 'custom',
+        datasource: 'boba',
+      }),
+    ).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({ extras: { having: '', having_druid: [], where: '' }, filters: [] }),
+    );
+  });
+  it('should merge simple adhoc_filters and filters', () => {
+    expect(
+      processFilters({
+        granularity: 'something',
+        viz_type: 'custom',
+        datasource: 'boba',
+        filters: [
+          {
+            col: 'name',
+            op: '==',
+            val: 'Aaron',
+          },
+        ],
+        adhoc_filters: [
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+            clause: 'WHERE',
+            subject: 'gender',
+            operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      extras: {
+        having: '',
+        having_druid: [],
+        where: '',
+      },
+      filters: [
+        {
+          col: 'name',
+          op: '==',
+          val: 'Aaron',
+        },
+        {
+          col: 'gender',
+          op: 'IS NOT NULL',
+        },
+      ],
+    });
+  });
+  it('should handle an empty array', () => {
+    expect(
+      processFilters({
+        where: '1 = 1',
+        granularity: 'something',
+        viz_type: 'custom',
+        datasource: 'boba',
+        adhoc_filters: [],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      filters: [],
+      extras: {
+        having: '',
+        having_druid: [],
+        where: '(1 = 1)',
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  it('should put adhoc_filters into the correct group and format accordingly', () => {
+    expect(
+      processFilters({
+        granularity: 'something',
+        viz_type: 'custom',
+        datasource: 'boba',
+        adhoc_filters: [
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+            clause: 'WHERE',
+            subject: 'milk',
+            operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+            clause: 'WHERE',
+            subject: 'milk',
+            operator: '==',
+            comparator: 'almond',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+            clause: 'HAVING',
+            subject: 'sweetness',
+            operator: '>',
+            comparator: '0',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+            clause: 'HAVING',
+            subject: 'sweetness',
+            operator: '<=',
+            comparator: '50',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SQL',
+            clause: 'WHERE',
+            sqlExpression: 'tea = "jasmine"',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SQL',
+            clause: 'WHERE',
+            sqlExpression: 'cup = "large"',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SQL',
+            clause: 'HAVING',
+            sqlExpression: 'ice = 25 OR ice = 50',
+          },
+          {
+            expressionType: 'SQL',
+            clause: 'HAVING',
+            sqlExpression: 'waitTime <= 180',
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual({
+      extras: {
+        having: '(ice = 25 OR ice = 50) AND (waitTime <= 180)',
+        having_druid: [
+          {
+            col: 'sweetness',
+            op: '>',
+            val: '0',
+          },
+          {
+            col: 'sweetness',
+            op: '<=',
+            val: '50',
+          },
+        ],
+        where: '(tea = "jasmine") AND (cup = "large")',
+      },
+      filters: [
+        {
+          col: 'milk',
+          op: 'IS NOT NULL',
+        },
+        {
+          col: 'milk',
+          op: '==',
+          val: 'almond',
+        },
+      ],
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/AnnotationLayer.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/AnnotationLayer.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d4af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/AnnotationLayer.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import {
+  AnnotationSourceType,
+  AnnotationStyle,
+  AnnotationType,
+  EventAnnotationLayer,
+  FormulaAnnotationLayer,
+  IntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  isEventAnnotationLayer,
+  isFormulaAnnotationLayer,
+  isIntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  isRecordAnnotationResult,
+  isTableAnnotationLayer,
+  isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+  isTimeseriesAnnotationResult,
+  RecordAnnotationResult,
+  TableAnnotationLayer,
+  TimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+  TimeseriesAnnotationResult,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/types/AnnotationLayer';
+describe('AnnotationLayer type guards', () => {
+  const formulaAnnotationLayer: FormulaAnnotationLayer = {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Formula,
+    name: 'My Formula',
+    value: 'sin(2*x)',
+    style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+    show: true,
+  };
+  const eventAnnotationLayer: EventAnnotationLayer = {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Event,
+    name: 'My Event',
+    value: 1,
+    style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+    show: true,
+    sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Native,
+  };
+  const intervalAnnotationLayer: IntervalAnnotationLayer = {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Interval,
+    sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Table,
+    name: 'My Event',
+    value: 1,
+    style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+    show: true,
+  };
+  const timeseriesAnnotationLayer: TimeseriesAnnotationLayer = {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Timeseries,
+    sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Line,
+    name: 'My Event',
+    value: 1,
+    style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+    show: true,
+  };
+  const tableAnnotationLayer: TableAnnotationLayer = {
+    annotationType: AnnotationType.Interval,
+    sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Table,
+    name: 'My Event',
+    value: 1,
+    style: AnnotationStyle.Solid,
+    show: true,
+  };
+  const timeseriesAnnotationResult: TimeseriesAnnotationResult = [
+    {
+      key: 'My Key',
+      values: [
+        { x: -1000, y: 0 },
+        { x: 0, y: 1000 },
+        { x: 1000, y: 2000 },
+      ],
+    },
+  ];
+  const recordAnnotationResult: RecordAnnotationResult = {
+    columns: ['col1', 'col2'],
+    records: [
+      { a: 1, b: 2 },
+      { a: 2, b: 3 },
+    ],
+  };
+  describe('isFormulaAnnotationLayer', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isFormulaAnnotationLayer(formulaAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isFormulaAnnotationLayer(eventAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isFormulaAnnotationLayer(intervalAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isFormulaAnnotationLayer(timeseriesAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isEventAnnotationLayer', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isEventAnnotationLayer(eventAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isEventAnnotationLayer(formulaAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isEventAnnotationLayer(intervalAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isEventAnnotationLayer(timeseriesAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isIntervalAnnotationLayer', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isIntervalAnnotationLayer(intervalAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isIntervalAnnotationLayer(formulaAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isIntervalAnnotationLayer(eventAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isIntervalAnnotationLayer(timeseriesAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(timeseriesAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(formulaAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(eventAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(intervalAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isTableAnnotationLayer', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isTableAnnotationLayer(tableAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isTableAnnotationLayer(formulaAnnotationLayer)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isTimeseriesAnnotationResult', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationResult(timeseriesAnnotationResult)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isTimeseriesAnnotationResult(recordAnnotationResult)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isRecordAnnotationResult', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(isRecordAnnotationResult(recordAnnotationResult)).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(isRecordAnnotationResult(timeseriesAnnotationResult)).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/Filter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/Filter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea88512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/query/types/Filter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import {
+  isUnaryAdhocFilter,
+  isBinaryAdhocFilter,
+  isSetAdhocFilter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/types/Filter';
+describe('Filter type guards', () => {
+  describe('isUnaryAdhocFilter', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(
+        isUnaryAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(
+        isUnaryAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: '==',
+          comparator: 'matcha',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isBinaryAdhocFilter', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(
+        isBinaryAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: '!=',
+          comparator: 'matcha',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(
+        isBinaryAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('isSetAdhocFilter', () => {
+    it('should return true when it is the correct type', () => {
+      expect(
+        isSetAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: 'IN',
+          comparator: ['hojicha', 'earl grey'],
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(true);
+    });
+    it('should return false otherwise', () => {
+      expect(
+        isSetAdhocFilter({
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          clause: 'WHERE',
+          subject: 'tea',
+          operator: 'IS NOT NULL',
+        }),
+      ).toEqual(false);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/style/index.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/style/index.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df8d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/style/index.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount } from 'enzyme';
+import styled, {
+  supersetTheme,
+  SupersetThemeProps,
+  useTheme,
+  ThemeProvider,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/style';
+describe('@superset-ui/style package', () => {
+  it('exports a theme', () => {
+    expect(typeof supersetTheme).toBe('object');
+  });
+  it('exports styled component templater', () => {
+    expect(typeof styled.div).toBe('function');
+  });
+  it('exports SupersetThemeProps', () => {
+    const props: SupersetThemeProps = {
+      theme: supersetTheme,
+    };
+    expect(typeof props).toBe('object');
+  });
+  describe('useTheme()', () => {
+    it('returns the theme', () => {
+      function ThemeUser() {
+        expect(useTheme()).toStrictEqual(supersetTheme);
+        return <div>test</div>;
+      }
+      mount(<ThemeUser />, {
+        wrappingComponent: ({ children }) => (
+          <ThemeProvider theme={supersetTheme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>
+        ),
+      });
+    });
+    it('throws when a theme is not present', () => {
+      function ThemeUser() {
+        expect(useTheme).toThrow(/could not find a ThemeContext/);
+        return <div>test</div>;
+      }
+      mount(<ThemeUser />, {
+        wrappingComponent: ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>,
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a52925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import TimeFormatter, { PREVIEW_TIME } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter';
+describe('TimeFormatter', () => {
+  describe('new TimeFormatter(config)', () => {
+    it('requires', () => {
+      expect(
+        () =>
+          // @ts-ignore -- intentionally pass invalid input
+          new TimeFormatter({
+            formatFunc: () => 'test',
+          }),
+      ).toThrow();
+    });
+    it('requires config.formatFunc', () => {
+      expect(
+        () =>
+          // @ts-ignore -- intentionally pass invalid input
+          new TimeFormatter({
+            id: 'my_format',
+          }),
+      ).toThrow();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatter is also a format function itself', () => {
+    const formatter = new TimeFormatter({
+      id: 'year_only',
+      formatFunc: (value: Date) => `${value.getFullYear()}`,
+    });
+    it('returns formatted value', () => {
+      expect(formatter(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017');
+    });
+    it('formatter(value) is the same with formatter.format(value)', () => {
+      const value = PREVIEW_TIME;
+      expect(formatter(value)).toEqual(formatter.format(value));
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.format(value)', () => {
+    const formatter = new TimeFormatter({
+      id: 'year_only',
+      formatFunc: value => `${value.getFullYear()}`,
+    });
+    it('handles null', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(null)).toEqual('null');
+    });
+    it('handles undefined', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(undefined)).toEqual('undefined');
+    });
+    it('handles number, treating it as a timestamp', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME.getTime())).toEqual('2017');
+    });
+    it('otherwise returns formatted value', () => {
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.preview(value)', () => {
+    const formatter = new TimeFormatter({
+      id: 'year_only',
+      formatFunc: value => `${value.getFullYear()}`,
+    });
+    it('returns string comparing value before and after formatting', () => {
+      const time = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 21, 22, 11, 44));
+      expect(formatter.preview(time)).toEqual('Wed, 21 Nov 2018 22:11:44 GMT => 2018');
+    });
+    it('uses the default preview value if not specified', () => {
+      expect(formatter.preview()).toEqual('Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:22:33 GMT => 2017');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80eaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import TimeFormatterRegistry from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry';
+import { TimeFormats, TimeFormatter, PREVIEW_TIME } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format';
+describe('TimeFormatterRegistry', () => {
+  let registry: TimeFormatterRegistry;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    registry = new TimeFormatterRegistry();
+  });
+  describe('.get(format)', () => {
+    it('creates and returns a new formatter if does not exist', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get(TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME);
+      expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(TimeFormatter);
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017-02-14 11:22:33');
+    });
+    it('returns an existing formatter if already exists', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get(TimeFormats.TIME);
+      const formatter2 = registry.get(TimeFormats.TIME);
+      expect(formatter).toBe(formatter2);
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is not specified', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey(TimeFormats.INTERNATIONAL_DATE);
+      const formatter = registry.get();
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('14/02/2017');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is null', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey(TimeFormats.INTERNATIONAL_DATE);
+      // @ts-ignore
+      const formatter = registry.get(null);
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('14/02/2017');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is undefined', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey(TimeFormats.INTERNATIONAL_DATE);
+      const formatter = registry.get(undefined);
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('14/02/2017');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is empty string', () => {
+      registry.setDefaultKey(TimeFormats.INTERNATIONAL_DATE);
+      const formatter = registry.get('');
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('14/02/2017');
+    });
+    it('removes leading and trailing spaces from format', () => {
+      const formatter = registry.get(' %Y ');
+      expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(TimeFormatter);
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.format(format, value)', () => {
+    it('return the value with the specified format', () => {
+      expect(registry.format(TimeFormats.US_DATE, PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('02/14/2017');
+      expect(registry.format(TimeFormats.TIME, PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('11:22:33');
+    });
+    it('falls back to the default formatter if the format is undefined', () => {
+      expect(registry.format(undefined, PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017-02-14 11:22:33');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0247252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import getTimeFormatterRegistry, {
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  formatTime,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  formatTimeRange,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton';
+import TimeFormatterRegistry from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatterRegistry';
+import { PREVIEW_TIME } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter';
+import { TimeGranularity, LOCAL_PREFIX } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format';
+describe('TimeFormatterRegistrySingleton', () => {
+  describe('getTimeFormatterRegistry()', () => {
+    it('returns a TimeFormatterRegisry', () => {
+      expect(getTimeFormatterRegistry()).toBeInstanceOf(TimeFormatterRegistry);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('getTimeFormatter(format)', () => {
+    it('returns a format function', () => {
+      const format = getTimeFormatter('%d/%m/%Y');
+      expect(format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('14/02/2017');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is not specified', () => {
+      const format = getTimeFormatter();
+      expect(format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017-02-14 11:22:33');
+    });
+    it(`use local time when format string has LOCAL_PREFIX (${LOCAL_PREFIX})`, () => {
+      const format = getTimeFormatter('local!%m-%d %H:%M');
+      expect(format(new Date(2019, 5, 18, 11, 23))).toEqual('06-18 11:23');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('getTimeFormatterForGranularity(granularity?)', () => {
+    it('returns the default formatter for that granularity', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 4, 10)); // May 10, 2020 is Sunday
+      expect(getTimeFormatterForGranularity(TimeGranularity.DATE)(date)).toEqual('2020-05-10');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatTimeRange(format?, values)', () => {
+    it('format the given time range with specified format', () => {
+      expect(
+        formatTimeRange('%m-%d', [new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 1)), new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 2))]),
+      ).toEqual('02-01 — 02-02');
+    });
+    it('show only one value if start and end are equal after formatting', () => {
+      expect(
+        formatTimeRange('%m-%d', [
+          new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 1)),
+          new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 1, 10)),
+        ]),
+      ).toEqual('02-01');
+    });
+    it('falls back to default format if format is not specified', () => {
+      expect(
+        formatTimeRange(undefined, [
+          new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 1)),
+          new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 2)),
+        ]),
+      ).toEqual('2017-02-01 00:00:00 — 2017-02-02 00:00:00');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatTime(format?, value, granularity?)', () => {
+    describe('without granularity', () => {
+      it('format the given time using the specified format', () => {
+        const output = formatTime('%Y-%m-%d', PREVIEW_TIME);
+        expect(output).toEqual('2017-02-14');
+      });
+      it('falls back to the default formatter if the format is undefined', () => {
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017-02-14 11:22:33');
+      });
+    });
+    describe('with granularity', () => {
+      it('format the given time using specified format', () => {
+        const output = formatTime('%-m/%d', new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 4, 10)), TimeGranularity.WEEK);
+        expect(output).toEqual('5/10 — 5/16');
+      });
+      it('format the given time using default format if format is not specified', () => {
+        const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 4, 10)); // May 10, 2020 is Sunday
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.DATE)).toEqual('2020-05-10');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.SECOND)).toEqual('2020-05-10 00:00:00');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.MINUTE)).toEqual('2020-05-10 00:00');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.FIVE_MINUTES)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 00:00 — 2020-05-10 00:04',
+        );
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.TEN_MINUTES)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 00:00 — 2020-05-10 00:09',
+        );
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.FIFTEEN_MINUTES)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 00:00 — 2020-05-10 00:14',
+        );
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.HALF_HOUR)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 00:00 — 2020-05-10 00:29',
+        );
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.HOUR)).toEqual('2020-05-10 00:00');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.DAY)).toEqual('2020-05-10');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.WEEK)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 — 2020-05-16',
+        );
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, date, TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_SUNDAY)).toEqual(
+          '2020-05-10 — 2020-05-16',
+        );
+        expect(
+          formatTime(
+            undefined,
+            new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 4, 11)),
+            TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY,
+          ),
+        ).toEqual('2020-05-11 — 2020-05-17');
+        expect(
+          formatTime(
+            undefined,
+            new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 4, 10)),
+            TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY,
+          ),
+        ).toEqual('2020-05-04 — 2020-05-10');
+        expect(
+          formatTime(
+            undefined,
+            new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 4, 9)),
+            TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY,
+          ),
+        ).toEqual('2020-05-03 — 2020-05-09');
+        expect(
+          formatTime(undefined, new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 3, 1)), TimeGranularity.MONTH),
+        ).toEqual('Apr 2020');
+        expect(
+          formatTime(undefined, new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 3, 1)), TimeGranularity.QUARTER),
+        ).toEqual('2020 Q2');
+        expect(formatTime(undefined, new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 1)), TimeGranularity.YEAR)).toEqual(
+          '2020',
+        );
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f918c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import { TimeLocaleDefinition } from 'd3-time-format';
+import createD3TimeFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/factories/createD3TimeFormatter';
+import { PREVIEW_TIME } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter';
+import { TimeFormats } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format';
+const thLocale: TimeLocaleDefinition = {
+  dateTime: '%a %e %b %Y %X',
+  date: '%d/%m/%Y',
+  time: '%H:%M:%S',
+  periods: ['AM', 'PM'],
+  days: ['วันอาทิตย์', 'วันจันทร์', 'วันอังคาร', 'วันพุธ', 'วันพฤหัส', 'วันศุกร์', 'วันเสาร์'],
+  shortDays: ['อา.', 'จ.', 'อ.', 'พ.', 'พฤ', 'ศ.', 'ส.'],
+  months: [
+    'มกราคม',
+    'กุมภาพันธ์',
+    'มีนาคม',
+    'เมษายน',
+    'พฤษภาคม',
+    'มิถุนายน',
+    'กรกฎาคม',
+    'สิงหาคม',
+    'กันยายน',
+    'ตุลาคม',
+    'พฤศจิกายน',
+    'ธันวาคม',
+  ],
+  shortMonths: [
+    'ม.ค.',
+    'ก.พ.',
+    'มี.ค.',
+    'เม.ย.',
+    'พ.ค.',
+    'มิ.ย.',
+    'ก.ค.',
+    'ส.ค.',
+    'ก.ย.',
+    'ต.ค.',
+    'พ.ย.',
+    'ธ.ค.',
+  ],
+describe('createD3TimeFormatter(config)', () => {
+  it('requires config.formatString', () => {
+    // @ts-ignore
+    expect(() => createD3TimeFormatter()).toThrow();
+    // @ts-ignore
+    expect(() => createD3TimeFormatter({})).toThrow();
+  });
+  describe('config.useLocalTime', () => {
+    it('if falsy, formats in UTC time', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME,
+      });
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual('2017-02-14 11:22:33');
+    });
+    it('if true, formats in local time', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME,
+        useLocalTime: true,
+      });
+      const formatterInUTC = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: TimeFormats.DATABASE_DATETIME,
+      });
+      const offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); // in minutes
+      const expected =
+        offset === 0
+          ? '2017-02-14 11:22:33'
+          : formatterInUTC(new Date(PREVIEW_TIME.valueOf() - 60 * 1000 * offset));
+      expect(formatter.format(PREVIEW_TIME)).toEqual(expected);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('config.locale', () => {
+    const TEST_TIME = new Date(Date.UTC(2015, 11, 20));
+    it('supports locale customization (utc time)', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: '%c',
+        locale: thLocale,
+      });
+      expect(formatter(TEST_TIME)).toEqual('อา. 20 ธ.ค. 2015 00:00:00');
+    });
+    it('supports locale customization (local time)', () => {
+      const formatter = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: '%c',
+        locale: thLocale,
+        useLocalTime: true,
+      });
+      const formatterInUTC = createD3TimeFormatter({
+        formatString: '%c',
+        locale: thLocale,
+      });
+      const offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
+      const expected =
+        offset === 0
+          ? 'อา. 20 ธ.ค. 2015 00:00:00'
+          : formatterInUTC(new Date(TEST_TIME.valueOf() - 60 * 1000 * offset));
+      expect(formatter(TEST_TIME)).toEqual(expected);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.test.ts
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index 0000000..4a4833b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import createMultiFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/factories/createMultiFormatter';
+describe('createMultiFormatter()', () => {
+  describe('creates a multi-step formatter', () => {
+    const formatter = createMultiFormatter({
+      id: 'my_format',
+      useLocalTime: true,
+    });
+    it('formats millisecond', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 20, 11, 22, 33, 100))).toEqual('.100');
+    });
+    it('formats second', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 20, 11, 22, 33))).toEqual(':33');
+    });
+    it('format minutes', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 20, 11, 22))).toEqual('11:22');
+    });
+    it('format hours', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 20, 11))).toEqual('11 AM');
+    });
+    it('format first day of week', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 18))).toEqual('Nov 18');
+    });
+    it('format other day of week', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10, 20))).toEqual('Tue 20');
+    });
+    it('format month', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 10))).toEqual('November');
+    });
+    it('format year', () => {
+      expect(formatter(new Date(2018, 0))).toEqual('2018');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDate.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDate.test.ts
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index 0000000..983d618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDate.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import TimeFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter';
+import smartDateFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDate';
+describe('smartDateFormatter', () => {
+  it('is a function', () => {
+    expect(smartDateFormatter).toBeInstanceOf(TimeFormatter);
+  });
+  it('shows only year when 1st day of the year', () => {
+    expect(smartDateFormatter(new Date('2020-01-01'))).toBe('2020');
+  });
+  it('shows only month when 1st of month', () => {
+    expect(smartDateFormatter(new Date('2020-03-01'))).toBe('March');
+  });
+  it('does not show day of week when it is Sunday', () => {
+    expect(smartDateFormatter(new Date('2020-03-15'))).toBe('Mar 15');
+  });
+  it('shows weekday when it is not Sunday (and no ms/sec/min/hr)', () => {
+    expect(smartDateFormatter(new Date('2020-03-03'))).toBe('Tue 03');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.test.ts
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index 0000000..f1f8f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import TimeFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/TimeFormatter';
+import smartDateVerboseFormatter from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/formatters/smartDateVerbose';
+describe('smartDateVerboseFormatter', () => {
+  const formatter = smartDateVerboseFormatter;
+  it('is a function', () => {
+    expect(formatter).toBeInstanceOf(TimeFormatter);
+  });
+  it('shows only year when 1st day of the year', () => {
+    expect(formatter(new Date('2020-01-01'))).toBe('2020');
+  });
+  it('shows month and year when 1st of month', () => {
+    expect(formatter(new Date('2020-03-01'))).toBe('Mar 2020');
+  });
+  it('shows weekday when any day of the month', () => {
+    expect(formatter(new Date('2020-03-03'))).toBe('Tue Mar 3');
+    expect(formatter(new Date('2020-03-15'))).toBe('Sun Mar 15');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/index.test.ts
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index 0000000..d1639ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import {
+  createD3TimeFormatter,
+  createMultiFormatter,
+  formatTime,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+  smartDateVerboseFormatter,
+  TimeFormats,
+  TimeFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports modules', () => {
+    [
+      createD3TimeFormatter,
+      createMultiFormatter,
+      formatTime,
+      getTimeFormatter,
+      getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+      smartDateFormatter,
+      smartDateVerboseFormatter,
+      TimeFormats,
+      TimeFormatter,
+    ].forEach(x => expect(x).toBeDefined());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTime.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTime.test.ts
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index 0000000..802a8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTime.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import createTime from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/utils/createTime';
+describe('createTime(mode, year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)', () => {
+  describe('mode', () => {
+    it('creates UTC time when mode==="utc"', () => {
+      const time = createTime('utc', 2020, 5, 15);
+      expect(time.getUTCFullYear()).toEqual(2020);
+      expect(time.getUTCMonth()).toEqual(5);
+      expect(time.getUTCDate()).toEqual(15);
+    });
+    it('creates local time when mode==="local"', () => {
+      const time = createTime('local', 2020, 5, 15);
+      expect(time.getFullYear()).toEqual(2020);
+      expect(time.getMonth()).toEqual(5);
+      expect(time.getDate()).toEqual(15);
+    });
+  });
+  it('sets all the date parts', () => {
+    const time = createTime('local', 2020, 5, 15, 1, 2, 3, 4);
+    expect(time.getFullYear()).toEqual(2020);
+    expect(time.getMonth()).toEqual(5);
+    expect(time.getDate()).toEqual(15);
+    expect(time.getHours()).toEqual(1);
+    expect(time.getMinutes()).toEqual(2);
+    expect(time.getSeconds()).toEqual(3);
+    expect(time.getMilliseconds()).toEqual(4);
+  });
+  it('sets default values for date parts', () => {
+    const time = createTime('utc', 2020);
+    expect(time.getUTCMonth()).toEqual(0);
+    expect(time.getUTCDate()).toEqual(1);
+    expect(time.getUTCHours()).toEqual(0);
+    expect(time.getUTCMinutes()).toEqual(0);
+    expect(time.getUTCSeconds()).toEqual(0);
+    expect(time.getUTCMilliseconds()).toEqual(0);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.test.ts
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index 0000000..e9923f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import createTimeRangeFromGranularity from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/utils/createTimeRangeFromGranularity';
+import {
+  TimeGranularity,
+  getTimeRangeFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format';
+const formatString = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L';
+const formatUTCTimeRange = getTimeRangeFormatter(formatString);
+const formatLocalTimeRange = getTimeRangeFormatter(`${LOCAL_PREFIX}${formatString}`);
+function testUTC(
+  granularity: TimeGranularity,
+  year: number,
+  month = 0,
+  date = 1,
+  hours = 0,
+  minutes = 0,
+  seconds = 0,
+) {
+  return formatUTCTimeRange(
+    createTimeRangeFromGranularity(
+      new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds)),
+      granularity,
+    ),
+  );
+function testLocal(
+  granularity: TimeGranularity,
+  year: number,
+  month = 0,
+  date = 1,
+  hours = 0,
+  minutes = 0,
+  seconds = 0,
+) {
+  return formatLocalTimeRange(
+    createTimeRangeFromGranularity(
+      new Date(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds),
+      granularity,
+      true,
+    ),
+  );
+describe('createTimeRangeFromGranularity(time, granularity, useLocalTime)', () => {
+  describe('UTC time', () => {
+    it('creates time range according to specified granularity', () => {
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.DATE, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.SECOND, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:00:00.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.MINUTE, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:00:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.FIVE_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:04:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.TEN_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:09:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.FIFTEEN_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:14:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.HALF_HOUR, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:29:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.HOUR, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.DAY, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.WEEK, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-21 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_SUNDAY, 2020, 4, 17)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-17 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-23 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY, 2020, 4, 18)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-18 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-24 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY, 2020, 4, 16)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-10 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-16 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY, 2020, 4, 17)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-11 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-17 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.MONTH, 2020, 4, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.MONTH, 2020, 11, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-12-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.QUARTER, 2020, 3, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-04-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-06-30 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.QUARTER, 2020, 9, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-10-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testUTC(TimeGranularity.YEAR, 2020, 0, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Local time', () => {
+    it('creates time range according to specified granularity', () => {
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.DATE, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.SECOND, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:00:00.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.MINUTE, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:00:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.FIVE_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:04:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.TEN_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:09:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.FIFTEEN_MINUTES, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:14:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.HALF_HOUR, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:29:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.HOUR, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 00:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.DAY, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-15 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.WEEK, 2020, 4, 15)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-15 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-21 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_SUNDAY, 2020, 4, 17)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-17 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-23 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY, 2020, 4, 18)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-18 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-24 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SATURDAY, 2020, 4, 16)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-10 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-16 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.WEEK_ENDING_SUNDAY, 2020, 4, 17)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-11 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-17 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.MONTH, 2020, 4, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-05-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-05-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.MONTH, 2020, 11, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-12-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.QUARTER, 2020, 3, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-04-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-06-30 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.QUARTER, 2020, 9, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-10-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+      expect(testLocal(TimeGranularity.YEAR, 2020, 0, 1)).toEqual(
+        '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 — 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999',
+      );
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/d3Time.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/d3Time.test.ts
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index 0000000..4f41131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/time-format/utils/d3Time.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import { utcUtils, localTimeUtils } from '@superset-ui/core/src/time-format/utils/d3Time';
+describe('utils', () => {
+  describe('utcUtils', () => {
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 19));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 18));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 20));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 19));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 21));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 20));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 22));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 21));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 23));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 22));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 24));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 23));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 25));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 24));
+      expect(utcUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+  });
+  describe('localTimeUtils', () => {
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 19);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 18);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSunday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 20);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 19);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnMonday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 21);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 20);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnTuesday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 22);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 21);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnWednesday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 23);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 22);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnThursday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 24);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 23);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnFriday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+    it('has isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday', () => {
+      const date = new Date(2018, 10, 25);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday(date)).toBeTruthy();
+      const date2 = new Date(2018, 10, 24);
+      expect(localTimeUtils.isNotFirstDayOfWeekStartOnSaturday(date2)).toBeFalsy();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/Translator.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/Translator.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce58530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/Translator.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import Translator from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation/Translator';
+import {
+  configure,
+  t,
+  tn,
+  addLocaleData,
+  addTranslation,
+  addTranslations,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation/TranslatorSingleton';
+import languagePackZh from './languagePacks/zh';
+import languagePackEn from './languagePacks/en';
+  languagePack: languagePackEn,
+describe('Translator', () => {
+  describe('new Translator(config)', () => {
+    it('initializes when config is not specified', () => {
+      expect(new Translator()).toBeInstanceOf(Translator);
+    });
+    it('initializes when config is an empty object', () => {
+      expect(new Translator({})).toBeInstanceOf(Translator);
+    });
+    it('initializes when config is specified', () => {
+      expect(
+        new Translator({
+          languagePack: languagePackZh,
+        }),
+      ).toBeInstanceOf(Translator);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.translate(input, ...args)', () => {
+    const translator = new Translator({
+      languagePack: languagePackZh,
+    });
+    it('returns original text for unknown text', () => {
+      expect(translator.translate('abc')).toEqual('abc');
+    });
+    it('translates simple text', () => {
+      expect(translator.translate('second')).toEqual('秒');
+    });
+    it('translates template text with an argument', () => {
+      expect(translator.translate('Copy of %s', 1)).toEqual('1 的副本');
+      expect(translator.translate('Copy of %s', 2)).toEqual('2 的副本');
+    });
+    it('translates template text with multiple arguments', () => {
+      expect(translator.translate('test %d %d', 1, 2)).toEqual('test 1 2');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.translateWithNumber(singular, plural, num, ...args)', () => {
+    const translator = new Translator({
+      languagePack: languagePackZh,
+    });
+    it('returns original text for unknown text', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('fish', 'fishes', 1)).toEqual('fish');
+    });
+    it('uses 0 as default value', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('box', 'boxes')).toEqual('boxes');
+    });
+    it('translates simple text', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('second', 'seconds', 1)).toEqual('秒');
+    });
+    it('translates template text with an argument', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('Copy of %s', 'Copies of %s', 12, 12)).toEqual(
+        '12 的副本',
+      );
+    });
+    it('translates template text with multiple arguments', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('%d glass %s', '%d glasses %s', 3, 3, 'abc')).toEqual(
+        '3 glasses abc',
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.translateWithNumber(key, num, ...args)', () => {
+    const translator = new Translator({
+      languagePack: languagePackEn,
+    });
+    it('translates template text with an argument', () => {
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('%s copies', 1)).toEqual('1 copy');
+      expect(translator.translateWithNumber('%s copies', 2)).toEqual('2 copies');
+    });
+  });
+  // Extending language pack
+  describe('.addTranslation(...)', () => {
+    it('can add new translation', () => {
+      addTranslation('haha', ['Hahaha']);
+      expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.addTranslations(...)', () => {
+    it('can add new translations', () => {
+      addTranslations({
+        foo: ['bar', '%s bars'],
+        bar: ['foo'],
+      });
+      // previous translation still exists
+      expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha');
+      // new translations work as expected
+      expect(tn('foo', 1)).toEqual('bar');
+      expect(tn('foo', 2)).toEqual('2 bars');
+      expect(tn('bar', 2)).toEqual('bar');
+    });
+    it('throw warning on invalid arguments', () => {
+      expect(() => addTranslations(undefined as never)).toThrow('Invalid translations');
+      expect(tn('bar', '2 foo', 2)).toEqual('2 foo');
+    });
+    it('throw warning on duplicates', () => {
+      expect(() => {
+        addTranslations({
+          haha: ['this is duplciate'],
+        });
+      }).toThrow('Duplicate translation key "haha"');
+      expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('.addLocaleData(...)', () => {
+    it('can add new translations for language', () => {
+      addLocaleData({
+        en: {
+          yes: ['ok'],
+        },
+      });
+      expect(t('yes')).toEqual('ok');
+    });
+    it('throw on unknown locale', () => {
+      expect(() => {
+        addLocaleData({
+          zh: {
+            haha: ['yes'],
+          },
+        });
+      }).toThrow('Invalid locale data');
+    });
+    it('missing locale falls back to English', () => {
+      configure({
+        languagePack: languagePackZh,
+      });
+      // expect and error because zh is not current locale
+      expect(() => {
+        addLocaleData({
+          en: {
+            yes: ['OK'],
+          },
+        });
+      }).not.toThrow();
+      expect(t('yes')).toEqual('OK');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/TranslatorSingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/TranslatorSingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8132780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/TranslatorSingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* eslint no-console: 0 */
+import mockConsole from 'jest-mock-console';
+import Translator from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation/Translator';
+import { configure, t, tn } from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation/TranslatorSingleton';
+import languagePackEn from './languagePacks/en';
+import languagePackZh from './languagePacks/zh';
+describe('TranslatorSingleton', () => {
+  describe('before configure()', () => {
+    describe('t()', () => {
+      it('returns untranslated input and issues a warning', () => {
+        const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+        expect(t('second')).toEqual('second');
+        expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+        restoreConsole();
+      });
+    });
+    describe('tn()', () => {
+      it('returns untranslated input and issues a warning', () => {
+        const restoreConsole = mockConsole();
+        expect(tn('ox', 'oxen', 2)).toEqual('oxen');
+        expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+        restoreConsole();
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('after configure()', () => {
+    describe('configure()', () => {
+      it('creates and returns a translator', () => {
+        expect(configure()).toBeInstanceOf(Translator);
+      });
+    });
+    describe('t()', () => {
+      it('after configure() returns translated text', () => {
+        configure({
+          languagePack: languagePackZh,
+        });
+        expect(t('second')).toEqual('秒');
+      });
+    });
+    describe('tn()', () => {
+      it('after configure() returns translated text with singular/plural', () => {
+        configure({
+          languagePack: languagePackEn,
+        });
+        expect(tn('ox', 'oxen', 2)).toEqual('oxen');
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc90e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { configure, t, tn } from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports configure()', () => {
+    expect(configure).toBeDefined();
+    expect(configure).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+  });
+  it('exports t()', () => {
+    expect(t).toBeDefined();
+    expect(t).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+  });
+  it('exports tn()', () => {
+    expect(tn).toBeDefined();
+    expect(tn).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/en.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/en.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..668ea4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/en.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { LanguagePack } from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation';
+const languagePack: LanguagePack = {
+  domain: 'superset',
+  locale_data: {
+    superset: {
+      '': {
+        domain: 'superset',
+        plural_forms: 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)',
+        lang: 'en',
+      },
+      second: [''],
+      '%s copies': ['%s copy', '%s copies'],
+    },
+  },
+export default languagePack;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/zh.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/zh.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a3ba79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/translation/languagePacks/zh.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { LanguagePack } from '@superset-ui/core/src/translation';
+const languagePack: LanguagePack = {
+  domain: 'superset',
+  locale_data: {
+    superset: {
+      '': {
+        domain: 'superset',
+        plural_forms: 'nplurals=1; plural=0;',
+        lang: 'zh',
+      },
+      second: ['秒'],
+      'Copy of %s': ['%s 的副本'],
+    },
+  },
+export default languagePack;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23cd961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/convertKeysToCamelCase.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { convertKeysToCamelCase } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('convertKeysToCamelCase(object)', () => {
+  it('returns undefined for undefined input', () => {
+    expect(convertKeysToCamelCase(undefined)).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('returns null for null input', () => {
+    expect(convertKeysToCamelCase(null)).toBeNull();
+  });
+  it('returns a new object that has all keys in camelCase', () => {
+    const input = {
+      is_happy: true,
+      'is-angry': false,
+      isHungry: false,
+    };
+    expect(convertKeysToCamelCase(input)).toEqual({
+      isHappy: true,
+      isAngry: false,
+      isHungry: false,
+    });
+  });
+  it('throws error if input is not a plain object', () => {
+    expect(() => {
+      convertKeysToCamelCase({});
+    }).not.toThrow();
+    expect(() => {
+      convertKeysToCamelCase('');
+    }).toThrow();
+    expect(() => {
+      convertKeysToCamelCase(new Map());
+    }).toThrow();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/ensureIsArray.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/ensureIsArray.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022e970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/ensureIsArray.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ensureIsArray } from '../../src';
+describe('ensureIsArray', () => {
+  it('handle inputs correctly', () => {
+    expect(ensureIsArray(undefined)).toEqual([]);
+    expect(ensureIsArray(null)).toEqual([]);
+    expect(ensureIsArray([])).toEqual([]);
+    expect(ensureIsArray('my_metric')).toEqual(['my_metric']);
+    expect(ensureIsArray(['my_metric'])).toEqual(['my_metric']);
+    expect(ensureIsArray(['my_metric_1', 'my_metric_2'])).toEqual(['my_metric_1', 'my_metric_2']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isDefined.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isDefined.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a807651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isDefined.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { isDefined } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('isDefined(value)', () => {
+  it('returns true if value is not null and not undefined', () => {
+    expect(isDefined(0)).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined(1)).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined('')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined('a')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined([])).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined([0])).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined([1])).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined({})).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined({ a: 1 })).toBe(true);
+    expect(isDefined([{}])).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('returns false otherwise', () => {
+    expect(isDefined(null)).toBe(false);
+    expect(isDefined(undefined)).toBe(false);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isRequired.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isRequired.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b5479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/isRequired.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { isRequired } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('isRequired(field)', () => {
+  it('should throw error with the given field in the message', () => {
+    expect(() => isRequired('myField')).toThrow(Error);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/logging.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/logging.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcca3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/logging.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
+/* eslint-disable global-require */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+describe('logging', () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    jest.resetModules();
+  });
+  it('should pipe to `console` methods', () => {
+    const { logging } = require('@superset-ui/core/src');
+    expect(() => {
+      logging.debug();
+      logging.log();
+    }).not.toThrow();
+    expect(() => {
+      logging.warn('warn');
+    }).toThrow('warn');
+    expect(() => {
+      logging.error('error');
+    }).toThrow('error');
+    expect(() => {
+      logging.trace();
+    }).toThrow('Trace:');
+  });
+  it('should use noop functions when console unavailable', () => {
+    const { console } = window;
+    Object.assign(window, { console: undefined });
+    const { logging } = require('@superset-ui/core/src');
+    afterAll(() => {
+      Object.assign(window, { console });
+    });
+    expect(() => {
+      logging.debug();
+      logging.log();
+      logging.warn('warn');
+      logging.error('error');
+      logging.trace();
+      logging.table([
+        [1, 2],
+        [3, 4],
+      ]);
+    }).not.toThrow();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/makeSingleton.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/makeSingleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b69cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/makeSingleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { makeSingleton } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('makeSingleton()', () => {
+  class Dog {
+    name: string;
+    isSitting?: boolean;
+    constructor(name?: string) {
+ = name || 'Pluto';
+    }
+    sit() {
+      this.isSitting = true;
+    }
+  }
+  describe('makeSingleton(BaseClass)', () => {
+    const getInstance = makeSingleton(Dog);
+    it('returns a function for getting singleton instance of a given base class', () => {
+      expect(typeof getInstance).toBe('function');
+      expect(getInstance()).toBeInstanceOf(Dog);
+    });
+    it('returned function returns same instance across all calls', () => {
+      expect(getInstance()).toBe(getInstance());
+    });
+  });
+  describe('makeSingleton(BaseClass, ...args)', () => {
+    const getInstance = makeSingleton(Dog, 'Doug');
+    it('returns a function for getting singleton instance of a given base class constructed with the given arguments', () => {
+      expect(typeof getInstance).toBe('function');
+      expect(getInstance()).toBeInstanceOf(Dog);
+      expect(getInstance().name).toBe('Doug');
+    });
+    it('returned function returns same instance across all calls', () => {
+      expect(getInstance()).toBe(getInstance());
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/promiseTimeout.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/promiseTimeout.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfdb972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/promiseTimeout.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { promiseTimeout } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('promiseTimeout(func, delay)', () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    jest.useFakeTimers();
+  });
+  afterEach(() => {
+    jest.useRealTimers();
+  });
+  it('resolves after delay', async () => {
+    const promise = promiseTimeout(() => 'abcd', 10);
+    jest.advanceTimersByTime(10);
+    const result = await promise;
+    expect(result).toEqual('abcd');
+    expect(result).toHaveLength(4);
+  });
+  it('uses the timer', async () => {
+    const promise = Promise.race([
+      promiseTimeout(() => 'abc', 10),
+      promiseTimeout(() => 'def', 20),
+    ]);
+    jest.advanceTimersByTime(10);
+    const result = await promise;
+    expect(result).toEqual('abc');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/random.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/random.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..151d6d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/random.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { seed, seedRandom } from '../../src';
+describe('random', () => {
+  it('seeded random should return the same value', () => {
+    expect(seedRandom()).toEqual(0.7237953289342797);
+  });
+  it('should allow update seed', () => {
+    const a = seed('abc');
+    const b = seed('abc');
+    expect(a()).toEqual(b());
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/removeDuplicates.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/removeDuplicates.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b90030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/utils/removeDuplicates.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { removeDuplicates } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+describe('removeDuplicates([...])', () => {
+  it('should remove duplicates from a simple list', () => {
+    expect(removeDuplicates([1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 5, 2])).toEqual([1, 2, 4, 5]);
+  });
+  it('should remove duplicates by key getter', () => {
+    expect(removeDuplicates([{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }, { b: 2 }], x => x.a)).toEqual([
+      { a: 1 },
+      { b: 2 },
+    ]);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateInteger.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateInteger.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2543990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateInteger.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { legacyValidateInteger } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import './setup';
+describe('legacyValidateInteger()', () => {
+  it('returns the warning message if invalid', () => {
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(10.1)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger('abc')).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(Infinity)).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('returns false if the input is valid', () => {
+    // superset seems to operate on this incorrect behavior at the moment
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(NaN)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(undefined)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(null)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger('')).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(0)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger(10)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateInteger('10')).toBeFalsy();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateNumber.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateNumber.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7772a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/legacyValidateNumber.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { legacyValidateNumber } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import './setup';
+describe('legacyValidateNumber()', () => {
+  it('returns the warning message if invalid', () => {
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber('abc')).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('returns false if the input is valid', () => {
+    // superset seems to operate on this incorrect behavior at the moment
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(NaN)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(Infinity)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(undefined)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(null)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber('')).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(0)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(10.1)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber(10)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(legacyValidateNumber('10')).toBeFalsy();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/setup.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/setup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ee361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/setup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { configure as configureTranslation } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateInteger.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateInteger.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de0d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateInteger.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { validateInteger } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import './setup';
+describe('validateInteger()', () => {
+  it('returns the warning message if invalid', () => {
+    expect(validateInteger(10.1)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger(NaN)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger(Infinity)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger(undefined)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger(null)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger('abc')).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateInteger('')).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('returns false if the input is valid', () => {
+    expect(validateInteger(0)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateInteger(10)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateInteger('10')).toBeFalsy();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNonEmpty.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNonEmpty.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be342d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNonEmpty.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import './setup';
+describe('validateNonEmpty()', () => {
+  it('returns the warning message if invalid', () => {
+    expect(validateNonEmpty([])).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNonEmpty(undefined)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNonEmpty(null)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNonEmpty('')).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('returns false if the input is valid', () => {
+    expect(validateNonEmpty(0)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateNonEmpty(10)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateNonEmpty('abc')).toBeFalsy();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNumber.test.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNumber.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b31d7350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/test/validator/validateNumber.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { validateNumber } from '@superset-ui/core/src';
+import './setup';
+describe('validateNumber()', () => {
+  it('returns the warning message if invalid', () => {
+    expect(validateNumber(NaN)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNumber(Infinity)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNumber(undefined)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNumber(null)).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNumber('abc')).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(validateNumber('')).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('returns false if the input is valid', () => {
+    expect(validateNumber(0)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateNumber(10.1)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateNumber(10)).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(validateNumber('10')).toBeFalsy();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c7280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b0250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * Stub for the untypped jed module.
+ */
+declare module 'jed';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/resize-observer-polyfill.d.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/resize-observer-polyfill.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ae579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/types/resize-observer-polyfill.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module 'resize-observer-polyfill' {
+  // eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+  export function triggerResizeObserver(entries?: ResizeObserverEntry[]): void;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.eslintrc b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.eslintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d445a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.eslintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  "parserOptions": {
+    "project": "./tsconfig.json"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/main.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82807f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+const path = require('path');
+const ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin = require('fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin');
+const { lstatSync, readdirSync } = require('fs');
+// find @superset-ui packages
+const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../node_modules/@superset-ui');
+const packages = readdirSync(basePath).filter(name => {
+  const stat = lstatSync(path.join(basePath, name));
+  return stat.isSymbolicLink();
+  `${path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../plugins/(legacy-)*(plugin|preset)-')}.+/src`,
+module.exports = {
+  addons: [
+    '@storybook/preset-typescript',
+    '@storybook/addon-knobs/register',
+    'storybook-addon-jsx/register',
+    '@storybook/addon-actions/register',
+    '@storybook/addon-links/register',
+  ],
+  stories: ['../storybook/stories/**/*Stories.[tj]sx'],
+  webpackFinal: config => {
+    // Make sure babel is applied to the package src
+    // These are excluded by the default rule
+    // because they reside in node_modules
+    config.module.rules.push({
+      exclude: /node_modules/,
+      test: /\.jsx?$/,
+      use: config.module.rules[0].use,
+    });
+    config.module.rules.push({
+      test: /\.tsx?$/,
+      use: [
+        {
+          loader: require.resolve('ts-loader'),
+          options: {
+            transpileOnly: true,
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    });
+    config.plugins.unshift(new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin());
+    config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');
+    // Let webpack know where to find the source code
+    Object.assign(config.resolve.alias, {
+      ...packages.reduce(
+        (acc, name) => ({
+          ...acc,
+          [`@superset-ui/${name}$`]: path.join(basePath, name, 'src'),
+        }),
+        {},
+      ),
+    });
+    config.devtool = 'eval-cheap-module-source-map';
+    config.devServer = {
+      ...config.devServer,
+      stats: 'minimal',
+    };
+    return config;
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/preview.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/preview.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f793e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/preview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import { addParameters, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';
+import { jsxDecorator } from 'storybook-addon-jsx';
+import categoricalD3 from '@superset-ui/core/lib/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3';
+import sequentialCommon from '@superset-ui/core/lib/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common';
+import sequentialD3 from '@superset-ui/core/lib/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3';
+import {
+  configure,
+  getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { configureEncodable } from '@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy';
+import themeDecorator from './themeDecorator';
+import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
+import './storybook.css';
+  options: {
+    name: '✨ Superset UI',
+    addonPanelInRight: false,
+    enableShortcuts: false,
+    goFullScreen: false,
+    hierarchyRootSeparator: null,
+    hierarchySeparator: /\|/,
+    selectedAddonPanel: undefined, // The order of addons in the "Addon panel" is the same as you import them in 'addons.js'. The first panel will be opened by default as you run Storybook
+    showAddonPanel: true,
+    showSearchBox: false,
+    showStoriesPanel: true,
+    sidebarAnimations: true,
+    sortStoriesByKind: false,
+    url: '#',
+    storySort: (a, b) => {
+      if (a[1].kind === b[1].kind) {
+        return 0;
+      }
+      if (a[1].id.startsWith('core-packages') && !b[1].id.startsWith('core-packages')) {
+        return -1;
+      }
+      if (!a[1].id.startsWith('core-packages') && b[1].id.startsWith('core-packages')) {
+        return 1;
+      }
+      return a[1].id.localeCompare(b[1].id, undefined, { numeric: true });
+    },
+  },
+// Superset setup
+// Register color schemes
+const categoricalSchemeRegistry = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry();
+[categoricalD3].forEach(group => {
+  group.forEach(scheme => {
+    categoricalSchemeRegistry.registerValue(, scheme);
+  });
+const sequentialSchemeRegistry = getSequentialSchemeRegistry();
+[sequentialCommon, sequentialD3].forEach(group => {
+  group.forEach(scheme => {
+    sequentialSchemeRegistry.registerValue(, scheme);
+  });
+  .registerValue('smart_date', smartDateFormatter)
+  .setDefaultKey('smart_date');
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/storybook.css b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/storybook.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039f826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/storybook.css
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#root {
+  height: 100%;
+  font-family: BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;
+  font-weight: 200;
+  color: #484848;
+#root > div {
+  padding: 8px;
+code {
+  background: none;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/themeDecorator.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/themeDecorator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73946b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/.storybook/themeDecorator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// themeDecorator.js
+import React from 'react';
+import { supersetTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const ThemeDecorator = storyFn => <ThemeProvider theme={supersetTheme}>{storyFn()}</ThemeProvider>;
+export default ThemeDecorator;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb98b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+## @superset-ui/demo
+[![David (path)](](
+Storybook of `@superset-ui` packages. See it live at
+### Development
+#### Run storybook
+To view the storybook locally, you should first run `yarn install && yarn run bootstrap` in the
+`@superset-ui` monorepo root directory, which will install all dependencies for this package and
+sym-link any `@superset-ui` packages to your local system.
+After that run `yarn run storybook` which will open up a dev server at http://localhost:9001.
+#### Adding new stories
+###### Existing package
+If stories already exist for the package you are adding, simply extend the `examples` already
+exported for that package in the `storybook/stories/<package>/index.js` file.
+###### New package
+If you are creating stories for a package that doesn't yet have any stories, follow these steps:
+1. Add any new package dependencies (including any `@superset-ui/*` packages) via
+   `yarn add <package>`.
+2. Create a new folder that mirrors the package name
+   > e.g., `mkdir storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/`
+3. Add an `index.js` file to that folder with a default export with the following shape:
+> you can use the `|` separator within the `storyPath` string to denote _nested_ stories e.g.,
+> `storyPath: '@superset-ui/package|Nested i|Nested ii'`
+ default export {
+   examples: [
+     {
+       storyPath: <string>,
+       storyName: <string>,
+       renderStory: <func> () => node,
+     },
+     ...
+   ]
+ };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/package.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad12eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/demo",
+  "version": "0.17.6",
+  "description": "Storybook for Superset UI ✨",
+  "private": true,
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "demo:clean": "rm -rf _gh-pages",
+    "demo:build": "npm run demo:clean && build-storybook -o _gh-pages",
+    "demo:publish": "gh-pages -d _gh-pages",
+    "deploy-demo": "npm run demo:build && npm run demo:publish && npm run demo:clean",
+    "storybook": "start-storybook -p 9001",
+    "build-storybook": "npm run demo:clean && build-storybook"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "storybook",
+    "superset",
+    "ui",
+    "visualization",
+    "analysis",
+    "data"
+  ],
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/event-flow": "^0.0.84",
+    "@storybook/addon-actions": "^5.3.18",
+    "@storybook/addon-info": "^5.3.18",
+    "@storybook/addon-knobs": "^6.1.15",
+    "@storybook/addon-links": "^5.3.18",
+    "@storybook/addons": "^5.3.18",
+    "@storybook/preset-typescript": "^3.0.0",
+    "@storybook/react": "^5.3.18",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "file:../superset-ui-core/src",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-word-cloud": "^0.11.15",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts": "0.17.6",
+    "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table": "0.17.6",
+    "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/react-bootstrap": "^0.32.22",
+    "@types/react-loadable": "^5.5.3",
+    "@types/react-resizable": "^1.7.2",
+    "@types/storybook__react": "5.2.1",
+    "antd": "^4.9.1",
+    "bootstrap": "^3.4.1",
+    "core-js": "3.8.3",
+    "gh-pages": "^3.0.0",
+    "global-box": "^1.2.0",
+    "jquery": "^3.4.1",
+    "memoize-one": "^5.1.1",
+    "react": "^16.13.1",
+    "react-bootstrap": "^0.33.1",
+    "react-loadable": "^5.5.0",
+    "react-resizable": "^1.10.1",
+    "storybook-addon-jsx": "^7.2.3"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@babel/core": "^7.9.0",
+    "babel-loader": "^8.1.0",
+    "chromatic": "^5.4.0",
+    "fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin": "^5.0.7",
+    "ts-loader": "^7.0.4",
+    "typescript": "^3.8.3"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ErrorMessage.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ErrorMessage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b41aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ErrorMessage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import React from 'react';
+export type Props = {
+  error: Error;
+export default function ErrorMessage({ error }: Props) {
+  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+  console.error(error);
+  return (
+    <pre className="alert alert-danger">
+      {error.stack || error.message}
+      {!error.message &&
+        !error.stack &&
+        (typeof error === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(error, null, 2) : String(error))}
+    </pre>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/Expandable.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/Expandable.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09ab00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/Expandable.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
+export type Props = {
+  children: ReactNode;
+  expandableWhat?: string;
+type State = {
+  open: boolean;
+export default class Expandable extends React.Component<Props, State> {
+  constructor(props: Props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = { open: false };
+    this.handleToggle = this.handleToggle.bind(this);
+  }
+  handleToggle() {
+    this.setState(({ open }) => ({ open: !open }));
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { open } = this.state;
+    const { children, expandableWhat } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <div>
+        <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.handleToggle}>
+          {`${open ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} ${expandableWhat}`}
+        </button>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        {open ? children : null}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizableChartDemo.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizableChartDemo.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c48df28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizableChartDemo.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import React, { useState, ReactNode } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { DecoratorFunction } from '@storybook/addons';
+import ResizablePanel, { Size } from './ResizablePanel';
+export const SupersetBody = styled.div`
+  background: #f5f5f5;
+  padding: 16px;
+  min-height: 100%;
+  .panel {
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+  }
+export default function ResizableChartDemo({
+  children,
+  panelPadding = 30,
+  initialSize = { width: 500, height: 300 },
+}: {
+  children: (innerSize: Size) => ReactNode;
+  panelPadding?: number;
+  initialSize?: Size;
+}) {
+  // size are all inner size
+  const [size, setSize] = useState(initialSize);
+  return (
+    <SupersetBody>
+      <ResizablePanel initialSize={initialSize} onResize={(e, data) => setSize(data.size)}>
+        {children({ width: size.width - panelPadding, height: size.height - panelPadding })}
+      </ResizablePanel>
+    </SupersetBody>
+  );
+export const withResizableChartDemo: DecoratorFunction<ReactNode> = (storyFn, context) => {
+  const {
+    parameters: { initialSize, panelPadding },
+  } = context;
+  return (
+    <ResizableChartDemo initialSize={initialSize as Size | undefined} panelPadding={panelPadding}>
+      {innerSize => storyFn({ ...context, ...innerSize })}
+    </ResizableChartDemo>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizablePanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizablePanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d017645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/ResizablePanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import React, { PropsWithChildren, ReactNode } from 'react';
+import { ResizableBox, ResizableBoxProps, ResizeCallbackData } from 'react-resizable';
+import 'react-resizable/css/styles.css';
+export type Size = ResizeCallbackData['size'];
+export default function ResizablePanel({
+  children,
+  heading = undefined,
+  initialSize = { width: 500, height: 300 },
+  minConstraints = [100, 100] as [number, number],
+  onResize,
+  ...props
+}: PropsWithChildren<Omit<ResizableBoxProps, 'width' | 'height'>> & {
+  heading?: ReactNode;
+  initialSize?: Size;
+}) {
+  const { width, height } = initialSize;
+  return (
+    <ResizableBox
+      className="panel"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      minConstraints={minConstraints}
+      onResize={
+        onResize
+          ? (e, data) => {
+              const { size } = data;
+              onResize(e, {, size });
+            }
+          : undefined
+      }
+      {...props}
+    >
+      {heading ? <div className="panel-heading">{heading}</div> : null}
+      <div className="panel-body">{children}</div>
+    </ResizableBox>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/VerifyCORS.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/VerifyCORS.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29297a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/VerifyCORS.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
+import { SupersetClient, Method, makeApi, SupersetApiError } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import ErrorMessage from './ErrorMessage';
+export type Props = {
+  children: ({ payload }: { payload?: object }) => ReactNode;
+  endpoint?: string;
+  host: string;
+  method?: Method;
+  postPayload?: string;
+type State = {
+  didVerify: boolean;
+  error?: Error | SupersetApiError;
+  payload?: object;
+export const renderError = (error: Error) => (
+  <div>
+    The following error occurred, make sure you have <br />
+    1) configured CORS in Superset to receive requests from this domain. <br />
+    2) set the Superset host correctly below. <br />
+    3) debug the CORS configuration under the `@superset-ui/connection` stories.
+    <br />
+    <br />
+    <ErrorMessage error={error} />
+  </div>
+export default class VerifyCORS extends React.Component<Props, State> {
+  constructor(props: Props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = { didVerify: false };
+    this.handleVerify = this.handleVerify.bind(this);
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
+    const { endpoint, host, postPayload, method } = this.props;
+    if (
+      (this.state.didVerify || this.state.error) &&
+      (prevProps.endpoint !== endpoint ||
+ !== host ||
+        prevProps.postPayload !== postPayload ||
+        prevProps.method !== method)
+    ) {
+      // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-update-set-state
+      this.setState({ didVerify: false, error: undefined });
+    }
+  }
+  handleVerify() {
+    const { endpoint, host, postPayload, method } = this.props;
+    SupersetClient.reset();
+    SupersetClient.configure({
+      credentials: 'include',
+      host,
+      mode: 'cors',
+    })
+      .init()
+      .then(() => {
+        // Test an endpoint if specified
+        if (endpoint && postPayload) {
+          return makeApi({
+            endpoint,
+            method,
+          })(postPayload);
+        }
+        return { error: 'Must provide valid endpoint and payload.' };
+      })
+      .then(result => this.setState({ didVerify: true, error: undefined, payload: result }))
+      .catch(error => this.setState({ error }));
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { didVerify, error, payload } = this.state;
+    const { children } = this.props;
+    return didVerify ? (
+      children({ payload })
+    ) : (
+      <div className="row">
+        <div className="col-md-10">
+          This example requires CORS requests from this domain. <br />
+          <br />
+          1) enable CORS requests in your Superset App from {`${window.location.origin}`}
+          <br />
+          2) configure your Superset App host name below <br />
+          3) click below to verify authentication. You may debug CORS further using the
+          `@superset-ui/connection` story. <br />
+          <br />
+          <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.handleVerify}>
+            Verify
+          </button>
+          <br />
+          <br />
+        </div>
+        {error && (
+          <div className="col-md-8">
+            <ErrorMessage error={error} />
+          </div>
+        )}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/createQueryStory.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/createQueryStory.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996a191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/components/createQueryStory.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { text, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { SuperChart, ChartDataProvider, SupersetClient } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Expandable from './Expandable';
+import VerifyCORS, { renderError } from './VerifyCORS';
+export default function createQueryStory({
+  choices,
+}: {
+  choices: {
+    [key: string]: {
+      chartType: string;
+      formData: {
+        [key: string]: any;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+}) {
+  const keys = Object.keys(choices);
+  const story = () => {
+    const host = text('Set Superset App host for CORS request', 'localhost:8088');
+    const mode = select('Choose mode:', keys, keys[0]);
+    const { formData: presetFormData, chartType } = choices[mode];
+    const width = text('Vis width', '400');
+    const height = text('Vis height', '400');
+    const formData = text('Override formData', JSON.stringify(presetFormData, null, 2));
+    return (
+      <div style={{ margin: 16 }}>
+        <VerifyCORS host={host}>
+          {() => (
+            <ChartDataProvider
+              client={SupersetClient}
+              formData={JSON.parse(formData.replace(/&quot;/g, '"'))}
+            >
+              {({ loading, payload, error }) => {
+                if (loading) return <div>Loading!</div>;
+                if (error) return renderError(error);
+                if (payload)
+                  return (
+                    <>
+                      <SuperChart
+                        chartType={chartType}
+                        width={width}
+                        height={height}
+                        formData={payload.formData}
+                        // @TODO fix typing
+                        // all vis's now expect objects but api/v1/ returns an array
+                        queriesData={payload.queriesData}
+                      />
+                      <br />
+                      <Expandable expandableWhat="payload">
+                        <pre style={{ fontSize: 11 }}>{JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2)}</pre>
+                      </Expandable>
+                    </>
+                  );
+                return null;
+              }}
+            </ChartDataProvider>
+          )}
+        </VerifyCORS>
+      </div>
+    );
+  };
+  story.parameters = {
+    chromatic: { disable: true },
+  };
+  return story;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/dummyDatasource.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/dummyDatasource.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24efcb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/shared/dummyDatasource.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export default { verboseMap: {} };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d52082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import CalendarChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar';
+import data from './data';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+new CalendarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'calendar' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-calendar',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="calendar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      cellSize: 10,
+      cellPadding: 2,
+      cellRadius: 0,
+      linearColorScheme: 'schemeRdYlBu',
+      steps: 10,
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      xAxisTimeFormat: 'smart_date',
+      showLegend: true,
+      showValues: false,
+      showMetricName: true,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a02b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default {
+  data: {
+    count: {
+      '1518652800.0': 3,
+      '1518048000.0': 2,
+      '1518220800.0': 2,
+      '1523145600.0': 2,
+      '1529798400.0': 2,
+      '1534204800.0': 2,
+      '1541289600.0': 2,
+      '1542672000.0': 2,
+      '1543881600.0': 2,
+      '1517616000.0': 1,
+      '1517875200.0': 1,
+      '1517961600.0': 1,
+      '1518307200.0': 1,
+      '1518393600.0': 1,
+      '1519257600.0': 1,
+      '1519516800.0': 1,
+      '1519776000.0': 1,
+      '1520208000.0': 1,
+      '1520294400.0': 1,
+      '1520985600.0': 1,
+      '1521072000.0': 1,
+      '1521244800.0': 1,
+      '1521331200.0': 1,
+      '1521676800.0': 1,
+      '1522108800.0': 1,
+      '1522627200.0': 1,
+      '1522800000.0': 1,
+      '1522972800.0': 1,
+      '1523491200.0': 1,
+      '1524096000.0': 1,
+      '1524268800.0': 1,
+      '1524614400.0': 1,
+      '1524960000.0': 1,
+      '1525305600.0': 1,
+      '1525564800.0': 1,
+      '1525737600.0': 1,
+      '1525824000.0': 1,
+      '1525910400.0': 1,
+      '1526083200.0': 1,
+      '1526256000.0': 1,
+      '1526688000.0': 1,
+      '1527033600.0': 1,
+      '1527292800.0': 1,
+      '1527465600.0': 1,
+      '1527638400.0': 1,
+      '1528070400.0': 1,
+      '1528329600.0': 1,
+      '1529539200.0': 1,
+      '1529625600.0': 1,
+      '1529712000.0': 1,
+      '1529971200.0': 1,
+      '1530144000.0': 1,
+      '1530576000.0': 1,
+      '1531267200.0': 1,
+      '1531353600.0': 1,
+      '1531440000.0': 1,
+      '1532736000.0': 1,
+      '1533081600.0': 1,
+      '1533168000.0': 1,
+      '1533945600.0': 1,
+      '1534377600.0': 1,
+      '1534809600.0': 1,
+      '1535155200.0': 1,
+      '1535328000.0': 1,
+      '1535932800.0': 1,
+      '1536710400.0': 1,
+      '1537056000.0': 1,
+      '1537142400.0': 1,
+      '1537488000.0': 1,
+      '1537660800.0': 1,
+      '1538611200.0': 1,
+      '1538697600.0': 1,
+      '1539475200.0': 1,
+      '1540771200.0': 1,
+      '1541116800.0': 1,
+      '1541376000.0': 1,
+      '1541635200.0': 1,
+      '1542153600.0': 1,
+      '1542931200.0': 1,
+      '1543190400.0': 1,
+      '1545177600.0': 1,
+      '1545436800.0': 1,
+      '1545782400.0': 1,
+      '1545868800.0': 1,
+      '1546300800.0': 1,
+      '1546732800.0': 1,
+      '1547769600.0': 1,
+      '1547942400.0': 1,
+      '1548633600.0': 1,
+    },
+  },
+  start: 1517270400000.0,
+  domain: 'month',
+  range: 13,
+  subdomain: 'day',
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac697b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import ChordChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord';
+import data from './data';
+new ChordChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'chord' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-chord',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="chord"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      yAxisFormat: '.2f',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30e558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default {
+  matrix: [
+    [381, 16, 14, 5, 4, 6],
+    [29, 535, 132, 20, 21, 16],
+    [22, 18, 1, 3, 0, 214],
+    [3, 4, 462, 152, 132, 0],
+    [16, 32, 299, 123, 146, 1],
+    [22, 83, 53, 21, 22, 6],
+  ],
+  nodes: ['Hong Kong', 'Tokyo', 'Taipei', 'Beijing', 'Bangkok', 'Jakarta', 'Singapore'],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bd5296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import CountryMapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map';
+import countries from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/lib/countries';
+import { withKnobs, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import data from './data';
+new CountryMapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'country-map' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-country-map',
+  decorators: [withKnobs],
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="country-map"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      linearColorScheme: 'schemeRdYlBu',
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      selectCountry: select('Country', Object.keys(countries!), 'france', 'country'),
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863cf7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-01',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-02',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-03',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-04',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-05',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-06',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-07',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-08',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-09',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-10',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-11',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-12',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-13',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-14',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-15',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-16',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-17',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-18',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-19',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-21',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-22',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-23',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-24',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-25',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-26',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-27',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-28',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-29',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-2A',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-2B',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-30',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-31',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-32',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-33',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-34',
+    metric: 200.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-35',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-36',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-37',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-38',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-39',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-40',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-41',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-42',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-43',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-44',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-45',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-46',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-47',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-48',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-49',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-50',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-51',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-52',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-53',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-54',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-55',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-56',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-57',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-58',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-59',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-60',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-61',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-62',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-63',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-64',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-65',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-66',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-67',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-68',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-69',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-70',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-71',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-72',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-73',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-74',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-75',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-76',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-77',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-78',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-79',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-80',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-81',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-82',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-83',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-84',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-85',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-86',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-87',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-88',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-89',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-90',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-91',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-92',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-93',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-94',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_id: 'FR-95',
+    metric: 2004.0,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/Stories.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/Stories.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42deee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/Stories.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import sampleEvents from '@data-ui/event-flow/build/sampleEvents';
+import EventFlowChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow';
+new EventFlowChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'event-flow' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow',
+const data ={ ENTITY_ID, EVENT_NAME, TS }) => ({
+  __timestamp: TS,
+  eventName: EVENT_NAME,
+  userId: ENTITY_ID,
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="event-flow"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      allColumnsX: 'eventName',
+      entity: 'userId',
+      minLeafNodeEventCount: 1,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f1f097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import ForceDirectedChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed';
+import data from './data';
+new ForceDirectedChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'force-directed' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart chartType="force-directed" width={400} height={400} queriesData={[{ data }]} />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac03180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Electricity and heat',
+    value: 24.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Industry',
+    value: 14.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Transportation',
+    value: 14.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Deforestation',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Land Use Change',
+    target: 'Deforestation',
+    value: 10.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Road',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Transportation',
+    target: 'Road',
+    value: 10.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Residential Buildings',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    value: 8.6,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Industry',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 6.6,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Commercial Buildings',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 6.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agriculture',
+    target: 'Livestock and Manure',
+    value: 5.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agriculture',
+    target: 'Agriculture Soils',
+    value: 5.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agriculture Soils',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 5.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Residential Buildings',
+    value: 5.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Livestock and Manure',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 5.1,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Cement',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 5.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Commercial Buildings',
+    value: 5.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Residential Buildings',
+    value: 5.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Fugitive Emissions',
+    value: 4.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Iron and Steel',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 4.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Other Industry',
+    value: 3.8,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 3.6,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Chemicals',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 3.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Fugitive Emissions',
+    target: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    value: 3.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Iron and Steel',
+    value: 3.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 3.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industrial Processes',
+    target: 'Cement',
+    value: 2.8,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    value: 2.8,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 2.8,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Other Industry',
+    value: 2.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Rail - Ship and Other Transport',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 2.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Transportation',
+    target: 'Rail - Ship and Other Transport',
+    value: 2.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'T and D Losses',
+    value: 2.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'T and D Losses',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 2.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    value: 2.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Cement',
+    value: 1.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    value: 1.8,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agriculture',
+    target: 'Other Agriculture',
+    value: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Air',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Landfills',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Transportation',
+    target: 'Air',
+    value: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Waste',
+    target: 'Landfills',
+    value: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agriculture',
+    target: 'Rice Cultivation',
+    value: 1.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Rice Cultivation',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 1.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Waste',
+    target: 'Waste water - Other Waste',
+    value: 1.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Agricultural Energy Use',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industrial Processes',
+    target: 'Chemicals',
+    value: 1.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Chemicals',
+    value: 1.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Agriculture',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 1.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Chemicals',
+    value: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Fugitive Emissions',
+    target: 'Coal Mining',
+    value: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Harvest / Management',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Land Use Change',
+    target: 'Harvest / Management',
+    value: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Commercial Buildings',
+    value: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Coal Mining',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 1.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Waste water - Other Waste',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 1.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Pulp - Paper and Printing',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.1,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Aluminium Non-Ferrous Metals',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Iron and Steel',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Machinery',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Food and Tobacco',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Machinery',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Agricultural Energy Use',
+    value: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Pulp - Paper and Printing',
+    value: 0.6,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Chemicals',
+    target: 'HFCs - PFCs',
+    value: 0.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Food and Tobacco',
+    value: 0.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industrial Processes',
+    target: 'Other Industry',
+    value: 0.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Food and Tobacco',
+    value: 0.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Pulp - Paper and Printing',
+    value: 0.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Aluminium Non-Ferrous Metals',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity,heat',
+    target: 'Agricultural Energy Use',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industrial Processes',
+    target: 'Aluminium Non-Ferrous Metals',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Industry',
+    target: 'Aluminium Non-Ferrous Metals',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Industry',
+    target: 'HFCs - PFCs',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Methane',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 0.4,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Electricity and heat',
+    target: 'Cement',
+    value: 0.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Livestock and Manure',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 0.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Agriculture',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 0.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Waste water - Other Waste',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 0.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Aluminium Non-Ferrous Metals',
+    target: 'HFCs - PFCs',
+    value: 0.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Chemicals',
+    target: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    value: 0.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Coal Mining',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 0.1,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e7787a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import HeatmapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap';
+import data from './data';
+new HeatmapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'heatmap' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="heatmap"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    formData={{
+      allColumnsX: 'source',
+      allColumnsY: 'target',
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      canvasImageRendering: 'pixelated',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      linearColorScheme: 'blue_white_yellow',
+      metric: 'sum__value',
+      normalized: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      showPerc: true,
+      showValues: false,
+      sortXAxis: 'alpha_asc',
+      sortYAxis: 'alpha_asc',
+      xscaleInterval: '1',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yscaleInterval: '1',
+    }}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: {
+          records: data,
+          extents: [0.1, 24.9],
+        },
+      },
+    ]}
+  />
+export const withNullData = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="heatmap"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    formData={{
+      allColumnsX: 'source',
+      allColumnsY: 'target',
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      canvasImageRendering: 'pixelated',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      linearColorScheme: 'blue_white_yellow',
+      metric: 'sum__value',
+      normalized: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      showPerc: true,
+      showValues: false,
+      sortXAxis: 'alpha_asc',
+      sortYAxis: 'alpha_asc',
+      xscaleInterval: '1',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yscaleInterval: '1',
+    }}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: {
+          records: [
+  ,
+            {
+              x: null,
+              y: 'Electricity and heat',
+              v: 25.9,
+              perc: 0.43,
+              rank: 1.0,
+            },
+          ],
+          extents: [0.1, 24.9],
+        },
+      },
+    ]}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c07c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    x: 'Energy',
+    y: 'Electricity and heat',
+    v: 24.9,
+    perc: 1.0,
+    rank: 1.0,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Energy',
+    y: 'Industry',
+    v: 14.7,
+    perc: 0.5887096774193549,
+    rank: 0.9882352941176471,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Energy',
+    y: 'Transportation',
+    v: 14.3,
+    perc: 0.5725806451612905,
+    rank: 0.9764705882352941,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Deforestation',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 10.9,
+    perc: 0.435483870967742,
+    rank: 0.9588235294117647,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Land Use Change',
+    y: 'Deforestation',
+    v: 10.9,
+    perc: 0.435483870967742,
+    rank: 0.9588235294117647,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Road',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 10.5,
+    perc: 0.4193548387096775,
+    rank: 0.9352941176470588,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Transportation',
+    y: 'Road',
+    v: 10.5,
+    perc: 0.4193548387096775,
+    rank: 0.9352941176470588,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Residential Buildings',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 10.2,
+    perc: 0.40725806451612906,
+    rank: 0.9176470588235294,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Energy',
+    y: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    v: 8.6,
+    perc: 0.342741935483871,
+    rank: 0.9058823529411765,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Other Industry',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 6.6,
+    perc: 0.26209677419354843,
+    rank: 0.8941176470588236,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Commercial Buildings',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 6.3,
+    perc: 0.25000000000000006,
+    rank: 0.8823529411764706,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Agriculture',
+    y: 'Livestock and Manure',
+    v: 5.4,
+    perc: 0.2137096774193549,
+    rank: 0.8705882352941177,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Agriculture',
+    y: 'Agriculture Soils',
+    v: 5.2,
+    perc: 0.20564516129032262,
+    rank: 0.8470588235294118,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Agriculture Soils',
+    y: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+    v: 5.2,
+    perc: 0.20564516129032262,
+    rank: 0.8470588235294118,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Oil and Gas Processing',
+    y: 'Methane',
+    v: 2.8,
+    perc: 0.10887096774193548,
+    rank: 0.6705882352941176,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Electricity and heat',
+    y: 'Other Industry',
+    v: 2.7,
+    perc: 0.10483870967741937,
+    rank: 0.6470588235294118,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Rail - Ship and Other Transport',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 2.5,
+    perc: 0.09677419354838711,
+    rank: 0.6294117647058823,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Transportation',
+    y: 'Rail - Ship and Other Transport',
+    v: 2.5,
+    perc: 0.09677419354838711,
+    rank: 0.6294117647058823,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Electricity and heat',
+    y: 'T and D Losses',
+    v: 2.2,
+    perc: 0.08467741935483872,
+    rank: 0.6058823529411764,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'T and D Losses',
+    y: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    v: 2.2,
+    perc: 0.08467741935483872,
+    rank: 0.6058823529411764,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Electricity and heat',
+    y: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    v: 2.0,
+    perc: 0.07661290322580645,
+    rank: 0.5882352941176471,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Industry',
+    y: 'Cement',
+    v: 1.9,
+    perc: 0.07258064516129033,
+    rank: 0.5764705882352941,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    y: 'Unallocated Fuel Combustion',
+    v: 1.8,
+    perc: 0.0685483870967742,
+    rank: 0.5647058823529412,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef50ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import HistogramChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram';
+import data from './data';
+new HistogramChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'histogram' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-histogram',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="histogram"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      globalOpacity: 1,
+      linkLength: 15, // binCount
+      normalized: false,
+      xAxisLabel: 'Score',
+      yAxisLabel: 'Count',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a05344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: 'Entrance exam',
+    values: [
+      0.87,
+      0.944,
+      1.0,
+      0.879,
+      0.69,
+      0.667,
+      0.794,
+      0.838,
+      0.875,
+      0.385,
+      0.968,
+      0.804,
+      1.0,
+      0.943,
+      0.96,
+      0.333,
+      0.5,
+      0.929,
+      0.863,
+      0.75,
+      0.957,
+      0.914,
+      1.0,
+      0.909,
+      0.742,
+      0.964,
+      0.25,
+      0.75,
+      0.5,
+      0.867,
+      0.909,
+      0.333,
+      0.867,
+      0.952,
+      0.857,
+      0.949,
+      0.857,
+      0.333,
+      0.8,
+      0.707,
+      0.833,
+      0.75,
+      0.88,
+      0.771,
+      1.0,
+      1.0,
+      0.769,
+      1.0,
+      0.769,
+      0.622,
+      0.909,
+      0.725,
+      0.951,
+      1.0,
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf54ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import HorizonChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon';
+import data from './data';
+new HorizonChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'horizon' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-horizon',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="horizon"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      horizonColorScale: 'series',
+      seriesHeight: '25',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88c2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['Christopher'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 24703,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 27861,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 29436,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 31463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 35718,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 41758,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 48172,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 52092,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 48217,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 48476,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 46438,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 45086,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 46610,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 47107,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 50514,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 48969,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 50108,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 59055,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 59188,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 59859,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 59516,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 56633,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 54466,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 52996,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 53205,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 52322,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 47109,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 42470,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 38257,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 34823,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 32728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 30988,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 29179,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 27083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 25700,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 24959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 23180,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 21731,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 20793,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 19739,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 19190,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 19674,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 19986,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 17771,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Daniel'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 24717,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 23168,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 22128,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 21940,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 23103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 23427,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 21704,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 22022,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 23579,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 23759,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 23720,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 24621,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 25971,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 26324,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 28403,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 29759,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 30868,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 32480,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 34580,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 36370,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 38409,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 36440,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 35746,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 34589,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 34909,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 33740,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30826,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 29047,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 28587,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 27978,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 26631,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 25029,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 23873,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 23089,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 22623,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 22250,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 20925,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 21247,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 20980,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 20914,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 20130,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 19946,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 20108,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 18695,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['David'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 66207,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 66581,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 63531,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 63502,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61570,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 52948,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46218,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 40968,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41654,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39019,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 39165,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 40407,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 40533,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 41898,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 41743,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 40486,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 40283,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 39048,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 38346,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 38395,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 37021,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 36672,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 35214,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 35139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 33661,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30347,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26947,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24784,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22967,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22941,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20816,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20267,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 19695,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 19281,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 18600,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 18557,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 18315,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 18017,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 17510,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 16049,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['James'],
+    values: [
+      {
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+        y: 18193,
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+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 46022,
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+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
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+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 24006,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
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+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 20616,
+      },
+      {
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+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 15704,
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+        x: 757382400000.0,
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+        x: 788918400000.0,
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+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
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+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 11803,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 10671,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 10593,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 9308,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 8843,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 8317,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 7475,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 6079,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 5413,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 4736,
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+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 4001,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 3010,
+      },
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+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a81db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import MapBoxChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box';
+import data from './data';
+new MapBoxChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'map-box' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-map-box',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="map-box"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      allColumnsX: 'LON',
+      allColumnsY: 'LAT',
+      clusteringRadius: '60',
+      globalOpacity: 1,
+      mapboxColor: 'rgb(0, 122, 135)',
+      mapboxLabel: [],
+      mapboxStyle: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
+      pandasAggfunc: 'sum',
+      pointRadius: 'Auto',
+      pointRadiusUnit: 'Pixels',
+      renderWhileDragging: true,
+      viewportLatitude: 37.78711146014447,
+      viewportLongitude: -122.37633433151713,
+      viewportZoom: 10.026425338292782,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8b22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5523 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default {
+  geoJSON: {
+    type: 'FeatureCollection',
+    features: [
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.3912672, 37.769092799999996],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.3908502, 37.769425899999995],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.428577, 37.780626700000006],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42853410000001, 37.780384999999995],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.4285247, 37.7803172],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.4289542, 37.780288299999995],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42854750000001, 37.7804295],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42856090000002, 37.7805154],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
+        properties: {
+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
+        },
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
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+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
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+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
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+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42777749999999, 37.7796098],
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+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
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+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42755859999998, 37.778689799999995],
+        },
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42755859999998, 37.778689799999995],
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+      {
+        type: 'Feature',
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+          metric: null,
+          radius: null,
+        },
+        geometry: {
+          type: 'Point',
+          coordinates: [-122.42755859999998, 37.778689799999995],
+        },
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+          metric: null,
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+          type: 'Point',
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+          type: 'Point',
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+          type: 'Point',
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diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PairedTTestChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test';
+import data from './data';
+new PairedTTestChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'paired-t-test' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="paired-t-test"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      groupby: ['name'],
+      liftvaluePrecision: 4,
+      metrics: ['sum__num'],
+      pvaluePrecision: 6,
+      significanceLevel: 0.05,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3214eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default {
+  sum__num: [
+    {
+      group: ['Christopher'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: 59055.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: 59188.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: 59859.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: 59516.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      group: ['David'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: 67646.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: 66207.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: 66581.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: 63531.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: 63502.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: 61570.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      group: ['James'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: 67506.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: 65036.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: 61554.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: 60584.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: 59824.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: 61597.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      group: ['John'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: 71390.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: 64858.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: 61480.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: 60754.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: 58644.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      group: ['Michael'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: 80812.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: 79709.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: 82204.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: 81785.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: 84893.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: 85015.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: 77321.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: 71197.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: 67598.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: 67304.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: 68149.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: 66686.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: 67344.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: 66875.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: 67473.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: 68375.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: 68467.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: 67904.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: 67708.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: 67457.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: 64667.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: 63959.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: 63442.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: 63924.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: 65233.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: 65138.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: 60646.0,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      group: ['Robert'],
+      values: [
+        {
+          x: -157766400000.0,
+          y: 62973.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -126230400000.0,
+          y: 59162.0,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -63158400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: -31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 0.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 31536000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 63072000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 94694400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 126230400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 157766400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 189302400000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 220924800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 252460800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 283996800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 315532800000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 347155200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 378691200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 410227200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 441763200000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 473385600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 504921600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 536457600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 567993600000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 599616000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 631152000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+        {
+          x: 662688000000.0,
+          y: null,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672a3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import ParallelCoordinatesChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates';
+import data from './data';
+new ParallelCoordinatesChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'parallel-coordinates' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="parallel-coordinates"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      includeSeries: false,
+      linearColorScheme: 'schemeRdYlBu',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL', 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS', 'sum__SH_DYN_AIDS'],
+      secondaryMetric: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+      series: 'country_name',
+      showDatatable: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd248d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    country_name: 'China',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1344130000.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.427,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'India',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1247446011.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.724,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'United States',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 311721632.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 19.06,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Indonesia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 244808254.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.288,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 540000.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Brazil',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 200517584.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 15.377,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Pakistan',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 173669648.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 62.993,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 52000.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Nigeria',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 163770669.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 55.638,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 3000000.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Bangladesh',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 153405612.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.775,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 7800.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Russian Federation',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 142960868.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 26.268,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Japan',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 127817277.0,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 8.752,
+    sum__SH_DYN_AIDS: 0.0,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c238e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PartitionChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition';
+import data from './data';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+new PartitionChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'partition' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-partition',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="partition"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      dateTimeFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
+      equalDateSize: true,
+      groupby: ['region', 'country_code'],
+      logScale: false,
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      partitionLimit: '5',
+      partitionThreshold: '0.05',
+      richTooltip: true,
+      timeSeriesOption: 'not-time',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5deab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    name: 'World',
+    val: 165709793794.0,
+    children: [
+      {
+        name: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        val: 74157936990.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'CHN',
+            val: 58345455000.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'IDN',
+            val: 9357861231.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'JPN',
+            val: 6454620759.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        val: 7667188460.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'RUS',
+            val: 7667188460.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        val: 7752058955.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'BRA',
+            val: 7752058955.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'North America',
+        val: 13604468357.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'USA',
+            val: 13604468357.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'South Asia',
+        val: 57268340539.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'BGD',
+            val: 5549261462.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'IND',
+            val: 46023037597.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'PAK',
+            val: 5696041480.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        val: 5259800493.0,
+        children: [
+          {
+            name: 'NGA',
+            val: 5259800493.0,
+            children: [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc2fc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PivotTableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table';
+import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
+new PivotTableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'pivot-table' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table',
+const datasource = {
+  columnFormats: {},
+  verboseMap: {
+    sum__num: 'sum__num',
+  },
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="pivot-table"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={datasource}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: {
+          columns: [
+            ['sum__num', 'other'],
+            ['sum__num', 'All'],
+          ],
+          html:
+            '<table border="1" class="dataframe dataframe table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">\n  <thead>\n    <tr>\n      <th></th>\n      <th colspan="2" halign="left">sum__num</th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>state</th>\n      <th>other</th>\n      <th>All</th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>name</th>\n      <th></th>\n      <th></th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Christopher</th>\n      <td>803607</td>\n      <td>803607</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>David</th>\n      <td>673992</td>\n      <td>673992</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>James</th>\n      <td>749686</td>\n      <td>749686</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Jennifer</th>\n      <td>587540</td>\n      <td>587540</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>John</th>\n      <td>638450</td>\n      <td>638450</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Joshua</th>\n      <td>548044</td>\n      <td>548044</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Matthew</th>\n      <td>608212</td>\n      <td>608212</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Michael</th>\n      <td>1047996</td>\n      <td>1047996</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Robert</th>\n      <td>575592</td>\n      <td>575592</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>William</th>\n      <td>574464</td>\n      <td>574464</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>All</th>\n      <td>6807583</td>\n      <td>6807583</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>',
+        },
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      groupby: ['name'],
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+    }}
+  />
+export const withNull = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="pivot-table"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={datasource}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: {
+          columns: [
+            ['sum__num', 'other'],
+            ['sum__num', 'All'],
+          ],
+          html:
+            '<table border="1" class="dataframe dataframe table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">\n  <thead>\n    <tr>\n      <th></th>\n      <th colspan="2" halign="left">sum__num</th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>state</th>\n      <th>other</th>\n      <th>All</th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>name</th>\n      <th></th>\n      <th></th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Christopher</th>\n      <td>null</td>\n      <td>803607</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>David</th>\n      <td>null</td>\n      <td>673992</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>James</th>\n      <td>749686</td>\n      <td>null</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Jennifer</th>\n      <td>587540</td>\n      <td>null</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>John</th>\n      <td>638450</td>\n      <td>638450</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Joshua</th>\n      <td>null</td>\n      <td>548044</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Matthew</th>\n      <td>608212</td>\n      <td>608212</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Michael</th>\n      <td>1047996</td>\n      <td>1047996</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>Robert</th>\n      <td>575592</td>\n      <td>575592</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>William</th>\n      <td>574464</td>\n      <td>574464</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>All</th>\n      <td>6807583</td>\n      <td>6807583</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>',
+        },
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      groupby: ['name'],
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f70fdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import RoseChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose';
+import data from './data';
+new RoseChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'rose' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-rose',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="rose"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      dateTimeFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      richTooltip: true,
+      roseAreaProportion: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93754d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default {
+  '-157766400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: -157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: -157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6820.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: -157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: -157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7835.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: -157766400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '-126230400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: -126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: -126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6757.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: -126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: -126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7678.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: -126230400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '-94694400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: -94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: -94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6923.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: -94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: -94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 8132.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: -94694400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '-63158400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: -63158400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: -63158400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6490.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: -63158400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: -63158400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 8079.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: -63158400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '-31536000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: -31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: -31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6563.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: -31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: -31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 8245.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: -31536000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '0': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 0.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 0.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 6367.0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 0.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 0.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 8186.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 0.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '31536000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 31536000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6825.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 31536000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '63072000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 63072000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 63072000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 63072000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 6066.0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 63072000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6337.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 63072000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '94694400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 94694400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 5877.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 94694400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '126230400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 5672.0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 126230400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6058.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 126230400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '157766400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 157766400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6206.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 157766400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '189302400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 189302400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 189302400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 189302400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 189302400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6178.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 189302400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '220924800000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 220924800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 220924800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 220924800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 220924800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6313.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 220924800000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '252460800000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 252460800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 252460800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 252460800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 252460800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6489.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 252460800000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '283996800000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 283996800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 283996800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 283996800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 283996800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6580.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 283996800000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '315532800000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 315532800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 315532800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 315532800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 315532800000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6896.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 315532800000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '347155200000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 347155200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 347155200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 347155200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 347155200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7142.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 347155200000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '378691200000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6093.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 378691200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 378691200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 378691200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 5811.0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 378691200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7155.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 378691200000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '410227200000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6375.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 410227200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 410227200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 410227200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 5829.0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 410227200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7386.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 410227200000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '441763200000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6509.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 441763200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 441763200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 441763200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 441763200000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7478.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 441763200000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '473385600000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6744.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 473385600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 473385600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 473385600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 473385600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7210.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 473385600000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '504921600000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6497.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 504921600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 504921600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 504921600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 504921600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7259.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 504921600000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '536457600000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6549.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 536457600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 536457600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 536457600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 536457600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7448.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 536457600000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '567993600000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6496.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 567993600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 567993600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 567993600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 567993600000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7748.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 567993600000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '599616000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6526.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 599616000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 599616000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 599616000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 599616000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7851.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 599616000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '631152000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 6641.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 631152000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 5760.0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 631152000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 631152000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 631152000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 8233.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 631152000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '662688000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 5784.0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 662688000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 662688000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 662688000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 662688000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 7579.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 662688000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '694224000000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 694224000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 694224000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 694224000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 694224000000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 6627.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 694224000000.0,
+    },
+  ],
+  '725846400000000000': [
+    {
+      key: ['Christopher'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Christopher'],
+      time: 725846400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Daniel'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Daniel'],
+      time: 725846400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['David'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['David'],
+      time: 725846400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Jennifer'],
+      value: 0,
+      name: ['Jennifer'],
+      time: 725846400000.0,
+    },
+    {
+      key: ['Michael'],
+      value: 5839.0,
+      name: ['Michael'],
+      time: 725846400000.0,
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66643ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import SankeyLoopChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop';
+import data from './data';
+new SankeyLoopChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sankey-loop' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="sankey-loop"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acadf96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    source: 'Lisdoonvarna',
+    target: 'Cliffs of Moher',
+    value: 50,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Cliffs of Moher',
+    target: 'Lisdoonvarna',
+    value: 35,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Cliffs of Moher',
+    target: 'Killarney',
+    value: 25,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Lisdoonvarna',
+    target: 'Killarney',
+    value: 25,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Lisdoonvarna',
+    target: 'Kinvarra',
+    value: 25,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Kinvarra',
+    target: 'Lisdoonvarna',
+    value: 25,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7f01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import SankeyChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey';
+import data from './data';
+new SankeyChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sankey' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-sankey',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="sankey"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00f0bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Electricity and heat',
+    value: 24.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Industry',
+    value: 14.7,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Transportation',
+    value: 14.3,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Deforestation',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Land Use Change',
+    target: 'Deforestation',
+    value: 10.9,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Road',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Transportation',
+    target: 'Road',
+    value: 10.5,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Residential Buildings',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 10.2,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Energy',
+    target: 'Other Fuel Combustion',
+    value: 8.6,
+  },
+  {
+    source: 'Other Industry',
+    target: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+    value: 6.6,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce4153c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import SunburstChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst';
+import data from './data';
+new SunburstChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sunburst' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="sunburst"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      metric: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+      secondaryMetric: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3dd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  ['East Asia & Pacific', 'China', 1344130000.0, 664363135.0],
+  ['South Asia', 'India', 1247446011.0, 857294797.0],
+  ['North America', 'United States', 311721632.0, 59414143.0],
+  ['East Asia & Pacific', 'Indonesia', 244808254.0, 120661092.0],
+  ['Latin America & Caribbean', 'Brazil', 200517584.0, 30833589.0],
+  ['South Asia', 'Pakistan', 173669648.0, 109399721.0],
+  ['Sub-Saharan Africa', 'Nigeria', 163770669.0, 91118725.0],
+  ['South Asia', 'Bangladesh', 153405612.0, 105504710.0],
+  ['Europe & Central Asia', 'Russian Federation', 142960868.0, 37552961.0],
+  ['East Asia & Pacific', 'Japan', 127817277.0, 11186568.0],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b165816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import TimeTableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table';
+import data from './data';
+new TimeTableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'time-table' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-time-table',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="time-table"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: {
+          columns: [
+            'East Asia & Pacific',
+            'Latin America & Caribbean',
+            'Middle East & North Africa',
+            'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+          ],
+          records: data,
+        },
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      adhocFilters: [],
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      columnCollection: [
+        {
+          bounds: [null, null],
+          colType: 'spark',
+          comparisonType: '',
+          d3format: '',
+          dateFormat: '',
+          height: '',
+          key: '0vFMepUDf',
+          label: 'Time Series Columns',
+          showYAxis: false,
+          timeLag: 0,
+          timeRatio: '',
+          tooltip: '',
+          width: '',
+          yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+        },
+      ],
+      vizType: 'time-table',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9990d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default {
+  '1980-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 88,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 92,
+  },
+  '1981-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 98,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 80,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 96,
+  },
+  '1982-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 89,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 94,
+  },
+  '1983-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 88,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 98,
+  },
+  '1984-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 97,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 91,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 98,
+  },
+  '1985-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 94,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 97,
+  },
+  '1986-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 98,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1987-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 98,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 98,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1988-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 98,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1989-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 98,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1990-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1991-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 98,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1992-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1993-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1994-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1995-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1996-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 98,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1997-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1998-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '1999-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2000-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2001-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2002-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2003-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2004-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2005-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2006-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2007-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2008-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2009-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2010-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2011-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2012-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2013-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
+  '2014-01-01 00:00:00': {
+    'East Asia & Pacific': 99,
+    'Latin America & Caribbean': 99,
+    'Middle East & North Africa': 99,
+    'Sub-Saharan Africa': 99,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cefb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import TreemapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap';
+import data from './data';
+new TreemapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'treemap' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-treemap',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="treemap"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      treeMapRatio: 1.618033988749895,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2789cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    name: 'Total Population',
+    children: [
+      {
+        name: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        value: 92886288081,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'South Asia',
+        value: 60081663698,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        value: 44338871387,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        value: 28161513610,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        value: 23202014769,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'North America',
+        value: 15077904555,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+        value: 13187931450,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1629b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import WorldMapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map';
+import data from './data';
+new WorldMapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'world-map' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-plugin-chart-world-map',
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="world-map"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      maxBubbleSize: '25',
+      showBubbles: true,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ca22a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    country: 'TTO',
+    m1: 91.45,
+    m2: 1354483.0,
+    latitude: 11,
+    longitude: -61,
+    name: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'BDI',
+    m1: 88.239,
+    m2: 10816860.0,
+    latitude: -3.5,
+    longitude: 30,
+    name: 'Burundi',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'PNG',
+    m1: 87.015,
+    m2: 7463577.0,
+    latitude: -6,
+    longitude: 147,
+    name: 'Papua New Guinea',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'LIE',
+    m1: 85.695,
+    m2: 37286.0,
+    latitude: 47.26666666,
+    longitude: 9.53333333,
+    name: 'Liechtenstein',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'UGA',
+    m1: 84.234,
+    m2: 37782971.0,
+    latitude: 1,
+    longitude: 32,
+    name: 'Uganda',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'MWI',
+    m1: 83.898,
+    m2: 16695253.0,
+    latitude: -13.5,
+    longitude: 34,
+    name: 'Malawi',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'NPL',
+    m1: 81.757,
+    m2: 28174724.0,
+    latitude: 28,
+    longitude: 84,
+    name: 'Nepal',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'LKA',
+    m1: 81.68,
+    m2: 20639000.0,
+    latitude: 7,
+    longitude: 81,
+    name: 'Sri Lanka',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'NER',
+    m1: 81.531,
+    m2: 19113728.0,
+    latitude: 16,
+    longitude: 8,
+    name: 'Niger',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'LCA',
+    m1: 81.523,
+    m2: 183645.0,
+    latitude: 13.88333333,
+    longitude: -60.96666666,
+    name: 'Saint Lucia',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'SSD',
+    m1: 81.409,
+    m2: 11911184.0,
+    latitude: 7,
+    longitude: 30,
+    name: 'South Sudan',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'ETH',
+    m1: 80.972,
+    m2: 96958732.0,
+    latitude: 8,
+    longitude: 38,
+    name: 'Ethiopia',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'WSM',
+    m1: 80.74,
+    m2: 191845.0,
+    latitude: -13.58333333,
+    longitude: -172.33333333,
+    name: 'Samoa',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'KHM',
+    m1: 79.486,
+    m2: 15328136.0,
+    latitude: 13,
+    longitude: 105,
+    name: 'Cambodia',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'SWZ',
+    m1: 78.685,
+    m2: 1269112.0,
+    latitude: -26.5,
+    longitude: 31.5,
+    name: 'Swaziland',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'SLB',
+    m1: 78.124,
+    m2: 572171.0,
+    latitude: -8,
+    longitude: 159,
+    name: 'Solomon Islands',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'ERI',
+    m1: 77.807,
+    m2: 5110444.0,
+    latitude: 15,
+    longitude: 39,
+    name: 'Eritrea',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'TCD',
+    m1: 77.659,
+    m2: 13587053.0,
+    latitude: 15,
+    longitude: 19,
+    name: 'Chad',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'FSM',
+    m1: 77.622,
+    m2: 104044.0,
+    latitude: 6.91666666,
+    longitude: 158.25,
+    name: 'Micronesia',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'TON',
+    m1: 76.368,
+    m2: 105586.0,
+    latitude: -20,
+    longitude: -175,
+    name: 'Tonga',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'SLE',
+    m1: 60.422,
+    m2: 6315627.0,
+    latitude: 8.5,
+    longitude: -11.5,
+    name: 'Sierra Leone',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'BIH',
+    m1: 60.384,
+    m2: 3817554.0,
+    latitude: 44,
+    longitude: 18,
+    name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'GNQ',
+    m1: 60.244,
+    m2: 820885.0,
+    latitude: 2,
+    longitude: 10,
+    name: 'Equatorial Guinea',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'CAF',
+    m1: 60.241,
+    m2: 4804316.0,
+    latitude: 7,
+    longitude: 21,
+    name: 'Central African Republic',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'MUS',
+    m1: 60.186,
+    m2: 1260934.0,
+    latitude: -20.28333333,
+    longitude: 57.55,
+    name: 'Mauritius',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'ZMB',
+    m1: 59.528,
+    m2: 15721343.0,
+    latitude: -15,
+    longitude: 30,
+    name: 'Zambia',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'FRO',
+    m1: 58.257,
+    m2: 48221.0,
+    latitude: 62,
+    longitude: -7,
+    name: 'Faroe Islands',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'ABW',
+    m1: 58.221,
+    m2: 103441.0,
+    latitude: 12.5,
+    longitude: -69.96666666,
+    name: 'Aruba',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'XXX',
+    m1: 58.024,
+    m2: 74877030.0,
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'EGY',
+    m1: 56.931,
+    m2: 89579670.0,
+    latitude: 27,
+    longitude: 30,
+    name: 'Egypt',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'AGO',
+    m1: 56.726,
+    m2: 24227524.0,
+    latitude: -12.5,
+    longitude: 18.5,
+    name: 'Angola',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'SEN',
+    m1: 56.607,
+    m2: 14672557.0,
+    latitude: 14,
+    longitude: -14,
+    name: 'Senegal',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'BEN',
+    m1: 56.486,
+    m2: 10598482.0,
+    latitude: 9.5,
+    longitude: 2.25,
+    name: 'Benin',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'BLZ',
+    m1: 55.876,
+    m2: 351706.0,
+    latitude: 17.25,
+    longitude: -88.75,
+    name: 'Belize',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'KIR',
+    m1: 55.827,
+    m2: 110470.0,
+    latitude: 1.41666666,
+    longitude: 173,
+    name: 'Kiribati',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'PHL',
+    m1: 55.512,
+    m2: 99138690.0,
+    latitude: 13,
+    longitude: 122,
+    name: 'Philippines',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'MDV',
+    m1: 55.506,
+    m2: 357415.0,
+    latitude: 3.25,
+    longitude: 73,
+    name: 'Maldives',
+  },
+  {
+    country: 'MDA',
+    m1: 55.075,
+    m2: 3556400.0,
+    latitude: 47,
+    longitude: 29,
+    name: 'Moldova',
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/BigNumberStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/BigNumberStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e0910e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/BigNumberStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BigNumberChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number';
+import testData from './data';
+new BigNumberChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big-number' }).register();
+const TIME_COLUMN = '__timestamp';
+const formData = {
+  colorPicker: {
+    r: 0,
+    g: 122,
+    b: 135,
+    a: 1,
+  },
+  compareLag: 1,
+  compareSuffix: 'over 10Y',
+  metric: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+  showTrendLine: true,
+  startYAxisAtZero: true,
+  timeGrainSqla: 'P1Y',
+  vizType: 'big_number',
+  yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+ * Add null values to trendline data
+ * @param data input data
+ */
+function withNulls(origData: object[], nullPosition = 3) {
+  const data = [...origData];
+  data[nullPosition] = {
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: null,
+  };
+  return data;
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-big-number/BigNumber',
+export const basicWithTrendline = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data: testData }]}
+    formData={formData}
+  />
+export const weeklyTimeGranularity = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data: testData }]}
+    formData={{
+      ...formData,
+      timeGrainSqla: 'P1W',
+    }}
+  />
+export const nullInTheMiddle = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data: withNulls(testData, 3) }]}
+    formData={formData}
+  />
+export const fixedRange = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: testData.slice(0, 9),
+        from_dttm: testData[testData.length - 1][TIME_COLUMN],
+        to_dttm: null,
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      ...formData,
+      timeRangeFixed: true,
+    }}
+  />
+export const noFixedRange = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: testData.slice(0, 9),
+        from_dttm: testData[testData.length - 1][TIME_COLUMN],
+        to_dttm: testData[0][TIME_COLUMN],
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      ...formData,
+      timeRangeFixed: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0c78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumber/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1388534400000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 7237260256.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1356998400000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 7151135481.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1325376000000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 7066007165.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1293840000000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6984252419.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1262304000000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6901110512.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1230768000000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6818457192.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1199145600000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6735914031.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1167609600000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6653571302.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1136073600000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6572596462.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1104537600000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6491857539.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1072915200000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6411615629.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1041379200000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6331766837.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1009843200000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 6252469127.0,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 978307200000.0,
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 617333941.0,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/BigNumberTotalStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/BigNumberTotalStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f15cc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/BigNumberTotalStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BigNumberTotalChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number';
+import data from './data';
+new BigNumberTotalChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big-number-total' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-big-number/BigNumberTotal',
+export const totalBasic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number-total"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      subheader: 'total female participants',
+      vizType: 'big_number_total',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+    }}
+  />
+export const totalNoData = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="big-number-total"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data: [] }]}
+    formData={{
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      subheader: 'total female participants',
+      vizType: 'big_number_total',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9196307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/BigNumberTotal/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    sum__num: 32546308,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6aca11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { AreaChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new AreaChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'area' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area',
+export { stacked } from './stories/stacked';
+export { stackedWithYAxisBounds, stackedWithYAxisBoundsMinOnly } from './stories/stackedWithBounds';
+export { expanded } from './stories/expanded';
+export { controlsShown } from './stories/controlsShown';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99c2b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['East Asia & Pacific'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 1031863394.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 1034767718.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 1048537618.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 1073600747.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 1098305025.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 1124077872.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 1153296196.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 1181582226.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 1210302481.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 1242569208.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 1274888198.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 1308215425.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 1339781984.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 1369814002.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 1399636343.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 1426562368.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 1450503110.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 1473091499.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 1495573053.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 1518439245.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 1540823440.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 1563926423.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 1589245249.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 1614538807.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 1638618355.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 1663385538.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 1689894237.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 1717904169.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 1746140324.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 1773743982.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 1800365903.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 1825955698.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 1849800435.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 1872809684.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 1895892806.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 1918680993.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 1941199188.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 1963227851.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 1984508261.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 2004495631.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 2023534787.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 2041915058.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 2059375225.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 2076029083.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 2092086887.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 2107802765.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 2123180222.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 2137834848.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 2152663168.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1230768000000.0,
+        y: 2167098541.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1262304000000.0,
+        y: 2181465325.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1293840000000.0,
+        y: 2195899073.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1325376000000.0,
+        y: 2210627396.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1356998400000.0,
+        y: 2225523116.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1388534400000.0,
+        y: 2240687901.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['South Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 572036107.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 584143236.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 596701125.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 609571502.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 623073110.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 636963781.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 651325994.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 666134328.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 681405837.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 697060567.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 713115397.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 729469562.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 746222138.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 763491289.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 781254784.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 799620311.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 818590962.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 838141522.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 858266916.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 878939779.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 900085240.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 921521635.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 943662470.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 966101576.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 988898603.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 1012110768.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 1035703508.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 1059570231.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 1083711645.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 1108132042.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 1132775493.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 1157716007.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 1182766320.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 1208041749.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 1233462879.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 1258964893.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 1284467586.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 1310020410.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 1335551944.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 1361114276.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 1386400954.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 1411281514.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 1436503016.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 1461682019.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 1486598228.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 1511119581.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 1535264779.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 1559023139.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 1582535507.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1230768000000.0,
+        y: 1605893501.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1262304000000.0,
+        y: 1629189137.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1293840000000.0,
+        y: 1652449539.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1325376000000.0,
+        y: 1674883124.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1356998400000.0,
+        y: 1697955143.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1388534400000.0,
+        y: 1720976995.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Europe & Central Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 660881033.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 668526708.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 676418331.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 684369825.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 692233988.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 699849949.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 706459925.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 712871897.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 719034272.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 725099571.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 730528170.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 736135494.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 742450677.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 748475832.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 754297089.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 759928297.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 765417984.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 770663924.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 775939424.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 781099684.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 786407417.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 791686169.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 796410256.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 800966617.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 805742116.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 810633713.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 815649358.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 820716895.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 825834599.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 830998751.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 842907397.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 846199873.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 849633122.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 852664422.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 854549337.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 856102195.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 857333424.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 858726155.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 859806214.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 860985079.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 862073997.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 863554388.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 865246750.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 867562844.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 870213016.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 872968147.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 875755753.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 878819656.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 882358214.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1230768000000.0,
+        y: 886063249.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1262304000000.0,
+        y: 889630390.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1293840000000.0,
+        y: 893094109.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1325376000000.0,
+        y: 894962840.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1356998400000.0,
+        y: 898837065.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1388534400000.0,
+        y: 903095786.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Sub-Saharan Africa'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 228268752.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 233759990.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 239403621.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 245217050.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 251215851.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 257414930.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 263830697.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 270477558.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 277365472.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 284502453.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 291897883.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 299578724.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 307524082.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 315758889.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 324316627.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 333222446.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 342489556.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 352109622.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 362076216.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 372390972.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 383043891.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 394021126.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 405328909.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 416982682.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 429008541.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 441414277.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 454197298.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 467337821.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 480809661.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 494580339.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 508616039.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 523007873.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 537759561.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 552842678.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 568228356.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 583892679.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 599858645.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 616161312.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 632857149.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 650030484.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 667742098.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 685795280.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 704102354.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 722925207.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 742396040.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 762555740.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 783427658.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 805010175.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 827287676.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1230768000000.0,
+        y: 850225069.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1262304000000.0,
+        y: 873800152.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1293840000000.0,
+        y: 898002051.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1325376000000.0,
+        y: 922840423.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1356998400000.0,
+        y: 948287652.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1388534400000.0,
+        y: 974315323.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Latin America & Caribbean'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 220564224.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 226764342.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 233183206.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 239771182.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 246458356.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 253195267.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 259965218.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 266776414.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 273654630.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 280641049.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 287763515.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 295026304.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 302408883.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 309902169.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 317479496.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 325120067.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 332817916.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 340569396.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 348391181.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 356288443.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 364270961.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 372330102.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 380466998.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 388654061.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 396869481.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 405083115.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 413292690.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 421490233.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 429668211.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 437843614.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 445998222.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 454117634.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 462201058.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 470263697.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 478310786.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 486343677.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 494384205.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 502390020.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 510356845.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 518188225.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 525886558.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 533449671.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 540884684.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 548225528.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 555515431.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 562783235.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 570029991.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 577248307.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 584435842.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1230768000000.0,
+        y: 591577623.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1262304000000.0,
+        y: 598662941.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1293840000000.0,
+        y: 605674766.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1325376000000.0,
+        y: 612617659.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1356998400000.0,
+        y: 619487273.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1388534400000.0,
+        y: 626270167.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/controlsShown.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/controlsShown.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf8749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/controlsShown.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const controlsShown = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="area"
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorCcheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: true,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'area',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/expanded.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/expanded.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f7d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/expanded.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const expanded = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="area"
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorCcheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'expand',
+      vizType: 'area',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stacked.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stacked.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3d78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stacked.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const stacked = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    id="stacked-area-chart"
+    chartType="area"
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'area',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stackedWithBounds.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stackedWithBounds.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce9d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Area/stories/stackedWithBounds.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const stackedWithYAxisBounds = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="area"
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorCcheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'area',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [0, 3000000000],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
+stackedWithYAxisBounds.story = {
+  name: 'Stacked with yAxisBounds',
+export const stackedWithYAxisBoundsMinOnly = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="area"
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorCcheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: true,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'area',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [1000000000, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
+stackedWithYAxisBoundsMinOnly.story = {
+  name: 'Stacked with yAxisBounds min only',
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34b472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { BarChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new BarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bar' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { barWithValues } from './stories/barWithValues';
+export { barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues } from './stories/barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues';
+export { stackedBarWithValues } from './stories/stackedBarWithValues';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7ac27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['East Asia & Pacific'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 1031863394.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 1034767718.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 1048537618.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 1073600747.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 1098305025.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 1124077872.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 1153296196.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 1181582226.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 1210302481.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 1242569208.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['South Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 572036107.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 584143236.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 596701125.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 609571502.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 623073110.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 636963781.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 651325994.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 666134328.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 681405837.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 697060567.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Europe & Central Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 660881033.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 668526708.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 676418331.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 684369825.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 692233988.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 699849949.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 706459925.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 712871897.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 719034272.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 725099571.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Sub-Saharan Africa'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 228268752.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 233759990.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 239403621.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 245217050.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 251215851.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 257414930.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 263830697.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 270477558.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 277365472.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 284502453.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Latin America & Caribbean'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 220564224.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 226764342.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -252460800000.0,
+        y: 233183206.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -220924800000.0,
+        y: 239771182.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -189388800000.0,
+        y: 246458356.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 253195267.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 259965218.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 266776414.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 273654630.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 280641049.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46987d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const barWithPositiveAndNegativeValues = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data:, i) => ({
+          values: => ({ ...pair, y: (i % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1) * pair.y })),
+        })),
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBarValue: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'bar',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithValues.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithValues.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c04d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/barWithValues.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const barWithValues = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBarValue: false,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'bar',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380c6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBarValue: false,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'bar',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/stackedBarWithValues.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/stackedBarWithValues.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e30eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bar/stories/stackedBarWithValues.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const stackedBarWithValues = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      barStacked: true,
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBarValue: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      stackedStyle: 'stack',
+      vizType: 'bar',
+      xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..168a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BoxPlotChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new BoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'box-plot' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5326c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    label: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 1384725172.5,
+      Q2: 1717904169.0,
+      Q3: 2032724922.5,
+      whisker_high: 2240687901.0,
+      whisker_low: 1031863394.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 751386460.5,
+      Q2: 820716895.0,
+      Q3: 862814192.5,
+      whisker_high: 903095786.0,
+      whisker_low: 660881033.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 313690832.5,
+      Q2: 421490233.0,
+      Q3: 529668114.5,
+      whisker_high: 626270167.0,
+      whisker_low: 220564224.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'South Asia',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 772373036.5,
+      Q2: 1059570231.0,
+      Q3: 1398841234.0,
+      whisker_high: 1720976995.0,
+      whisker_low: 572036107.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 320037758.0,
+      Q2: 467337821.0,
+      Q3: 676768689.0,
+      whisker_high: 974315323.0,
+      whisker_low: 228268752.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5595610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/BoxPlot/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="box-plot"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      vizType: 'box_plot',
+      whiskerOptions: 'Min/max (no outliers)',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74db0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BubbleChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new BubbleChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bubble' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a26d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'China',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1344130000.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.427,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.042,
+        x: 49.427,
+        y: 75.042,
+        size: 1344130000.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Indonesia',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 244808254.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.288,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.3915609756,
+        x: 49.288,
+        y: 70.3915609756,
+        size: 244808254.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Japan',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 127817277.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 8.752,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.5912195122,
+        x: 8.752,
+        y: 82.5912195122,
+        size: 127817277.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Philippines',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 94501233.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.983,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 68.3914878049,
+        x: 54.983,
+        y: 68.3914878049,
+        size: 94501233.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Vietnam',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 87840000.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.971,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.457902439,
+        x: 68.971,
+        y: 75.457902439,
+        size: 87840000.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Thailand',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 66902958.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.606,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.008902439,
+        x: 54.606,
+        y: 74.008902439,
+        size: 66902958.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Myanmar',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 52125411.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.065,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 64.7612439024,
+        x: 68.065,
+        y: 64.7612439024,
+        size: 52125411.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'South Asia',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'India',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1247446011.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.724,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 65.9584878049,
+        x: 68.724,
+        y: 65.9584878049,
+        size: 1247446011.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Pakistan',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 173669648.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 62.993,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 66.2838780488,
+        x: 62.993,
+        y: 66.2838780488,
+        size: 173669648.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Bangladesh',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 153405612.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.775,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.891804878,
+        x: 68.775,
+        y: 69.891804878,
+        size: 153405612.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'North America',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'United States',
+        region: 'North America',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 311721632.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 19.06,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 78.6414634146,
+        x: 19.06,
+        y: 78.6414634146,
+        size: 311721632.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'North America',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Brazil',
+        region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 200517584.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 15.377,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.3473658537,
+        x: 15.377,
+        y: 73.3473658537,
+        size: 200517584.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Mexico',
+        region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 120365271.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.882,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 76.9141707317,
+        x: 21.882,
+        y: 76.9141707317,
+        size: 120365271.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Nigeria',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 163770669.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 55.638,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 51.7102439024,
+        x: 55.638,
+        y: 51.7102439024,
+        size: 163770669.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Ethiopia',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 89858696.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 82.265,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 62.2528536585,
+        x: 82.265,
+        y: 62.2528536585,
+        size: 89858696.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Congo, Dem. Rep.',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 68087376.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 59.558,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 49.3007073171,
+        x: 59.558,
+        y: 49.3007073171,
+        size: 68087376.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'South Africa',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 51553479.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 37.254,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 55.2956585366,
+        x: 37.254,
+        y: 55.2956585366,
+        size: 51553479.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Russian Federation',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 142960868.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 26.268,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.6585365854,
+        x: 26.268,
+        y: 69.6585365854,
+        size: 142960868.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Germany',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 81797673.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 25.512,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.7414634146,
+        x: 25.512,
+        y: 80.7414634146,
+        size: 81797673.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Turkey',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 73199372.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.718,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.5404878049,
+        x: 28.718,
+        y: 74.5404878049,
+        size: 73199372.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'France',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 65342776.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.416,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.1146341463,
+        x: 21.416,
+        y: 82.1146341463,
+        size: 65342776.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'United Kingdom',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 63258918.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 18.43,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.9512195122,
+        x: 18.43,
+        y: 80.9512195122,
+        size: 63258918.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Italy',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 59379449.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 31.556,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.187804878,
+        x: 31.556,
+        y: 82.187804878,
+        size: 59379449.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Egypt, Arab Rep.',
+        region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 83787634.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 57.0,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.6785609756,
+        x: 57.0,
+        y: 70.6785609756,
+        size: 83787634.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Iran, Islamic Rep.',
+        region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 75184322.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.8,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.4493170732,
+        x: 28.8,
+        y: 73.4493170732,
+        size: 75184322.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268371f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bubble/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bubble"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      annotationData: {},
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      entity: 'country_name',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      maxBubbleSize: '50',
+      series: 'region',
+      showLegend: true,
+      size: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+      vizType: 'bubble',
+      x: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS',
+      xAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      xAxisLabel: 'x-axis label',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xLogScale: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      y: 'sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdd1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BulletChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new BulletChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bullet' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df677e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default {
+  measures: [75691],
+  ranges: [0, 83260.1],
+  rangeLabels: null,
+  markers: null,
+  markerLabels: null,
+  markerLines: null,
+  markerLineLabels: null,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c16d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Bullet/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="bullet"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      markerLabels: '',
+      markerLineLabels: '',
+      markerLines: '',
+      markers: '',
+      rangeLabels: '',
+      ranges: '',
+      vizType: 'bullet',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6968d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { CompareChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new CompareChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'compare' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { timeFormat } from './stories/timeFormat';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['Christopher'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 24703,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 27861,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 29436,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 31463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 35718,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 41758,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 48172,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 52092,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 48217,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 48476,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 46438,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 45086,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 46610,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 47107,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 50514,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 48969,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 50108,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 59055,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 59188,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 59859,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 59516,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 56633,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 54466,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 52996,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 53205,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 52322,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 47109,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 42470,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 38257,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 34823,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 32728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 30988,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 29179,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 27083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 25700,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 24959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 23180,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 21731,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 20793,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 19739,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 19190,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 19674,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 19986,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 17771,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['David'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 66207,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 66581,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 63531,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 63502,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61570,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 52948,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46218,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 40968,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41654,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39019,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 39165,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 40407,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 40533,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 41898,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 41743,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 40486,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 40283,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 39048,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 38346,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 38395,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 37021,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 36672,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 35214,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 35139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 33661,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30347,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26947,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24784,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22967,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22941,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20816,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20267,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 19695,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 19281,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 18600,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 18557,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 18315,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 18017,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 17510,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 16049,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['James'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67506,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 65036,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61554,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60584,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 59824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61597,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 54463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46960,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 42782,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41258,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39471,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 38203,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 39916,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 39783,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 39237,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 39185,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 38176,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 38750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 36228,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 35728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 35750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 33955,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 32552,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 32418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 32658,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 32288,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30460,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28450,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26193,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24706,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22691,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 21122,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 20368,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 19651,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 18508,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 17939,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 17023,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 16905,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 16832,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 16046,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 16139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 15821,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 14920,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['John'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 71390,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 64858,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61480,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60754,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 58644,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 58348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 51382,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 43028,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 39061,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 37553,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 34970,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 33876,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 34103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 33895,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 35305,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 35131,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 34761,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 34560,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 33047,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 32484,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 31397,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 30103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 29462,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 29301,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 29751,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 29011,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 27727,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 26156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 24918,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24119,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 23174,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22104,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21330,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20556,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20280,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 20032,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 18839,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 17170,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16381,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 15692,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 15083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 14348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 13110,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Michael'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 80812,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 79709,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 82204,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 81785,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 84893,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 85015,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 77321,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 71197,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 67598,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 67304,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 68149,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 66686,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 67344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 66875,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 67473,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 68375,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 68467,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 67904,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 67708,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 67457,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 64667,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 63959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 63442,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 63924,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 65233,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 65138,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 60646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 54216,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 49443,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 44361,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 41311,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 38284,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 37459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 36525,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 33820,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 31956,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 29612,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 28156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 27031,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 25418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 23678,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 22498,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 21805,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 20271,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffda3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="compare"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      vizType: 'compare',
+      xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogscale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/timeFormat.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/timeFormat.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20795e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Compare/stories/timeFormat.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export const timeFormat = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="compare"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[
+      {
+        data: [
+          {
+            key: ['Africa and Middle East'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 3985,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 5882,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 7983,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 16462,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 5542,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 2825,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          {
+            key: ['Asia'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 34837,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 40718,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 58507,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 110120,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 43443,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 33538,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          {
+            key: ['Australia'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 12975,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 18471,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 17880,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 52204,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 26690,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 16423,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          {
+            key: ['Europe'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 127029,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 177637,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 172653,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 203654,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 79200,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 45238,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          {
+            key: ['LatAm'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 22513,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 24594,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 32578,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 34733,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 71696,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 166611,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          {
+            key: ['North America'],
+            values: [
+              {
+                x: 1606348800000,
+                y: 104596,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606435200000,
+                y: 109850,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606521600000,
+                y: 136873,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606608000000,
+                y: 133243,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606694400000,
+                y: 327739,
+              },
+              {
+                x: 1606780800000,
+                y: 162711,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ]}
+    formData={{
+      datasource: '24771__table',
+      vizType: 'compare',
+      urlParams: {},
+      timeRangeEndpoints: ['inclusive', 'exclusive'],
+      granularitySqla: '__time',
+      timeGrainSqla: 'P1D',
+      timeRange: 'Last week',
+      metrics: ['random_metric'],
+      adhocFilters: [],
+      groupby: ['dim_origin_region'],
+      timeseriesLimitMetric: null,
+      orderDesc: true,
+      contribution: false,
+      rowLimit: 10000,
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      labelColors: {},
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogScale: false,
+      yAxisFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      rollingType: 'None',
+      comparisonType: 'values',
+      resampleRule: null,
+      resampleMethod: null,
+      annotationLayers: [],
+      appliedTimeExtras: {},
+      where: '',
+      having: '',
+      havingFilters: [],
+      filters: [],
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f51af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { DistBarChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new DistBarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'dist-bar' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { manyBars } from './stories/manyBars';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00540a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: 'sum__sum_boys',
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: 'CA',
+        y: 5430796,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'TX',
+        y: 3311985,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'NY',
+        y: 3543961,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'OH',
+        y: 2376385,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'PA',
+        y: 2390275,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'IL',
+        y: 2357411,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'MI',
+        y: 1938321,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'FL',
+        y: 1968060,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'NJ',
+        y: 1486126,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'MA',
+        y: 1285126,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'sum__sum_girls',
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: 'CA',
+        y: 3567754,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'TX',
+        y: 2313186,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'NY',
+        y: 2280733,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'OH',
+        y: 1622814,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'PA',
+        y: 1615383,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'IL',
+        y: 1614427,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'MI',
+        y: 1326229,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'FL',
+        y: 1312593,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'NJ',
+        y: 992702,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 'MA',
+        y: 842146,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7fe05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="dist-bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      barstacked: false,
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      contribution: false,
+      orderBars: false,
+      reduceXTicks: false,
+      showBarValue: false,
+      showControls: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      vizType: 'dist_bar',
+      xAxisLabel: 'ddd',
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: 'ddd',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/manyBars.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/manyBars.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f804e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DistBar/stories/manyBars.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, seedRandom } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+const data: {
+  key: string;
+  values: {
+    x: string;
+    y: number;
+  }[];
+}[] = [{ key: 'sth', values: [] }];
+const LONG_LABEL =
+  'some extremely ridiculously extremely extremely extremely ridiculously extremely extremely ridiculously extremely extremely ridiculously extremely long category';
+for (let i = 0; i < 50; i += 1) {
+  data[0].values.push({
+    x: `${LONG_LABEL.substring(0, Math.round(seedRandom() * LONG_LABEL.length))} ${i + 1}`,
+    y: Math.round(seedRandom() * 10000),
+  });
+export const manyBars = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="dist-bar"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      showBarValue: false,
+      showLegend: true,
+      vizType: 'dist_bar',
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c2730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { DualLineChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new DualLineChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'dual-line' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { verifyConsistentColors } from './stories/verifyConsistentColors';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911d35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: 'avg__num',
+    classed: '',
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 1435.6116838487972,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 1359.0295103957076,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 1291.0963777490297,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 1254.5405915670233,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 1244.9671332927571,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 1248.7126843657818,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 1147.4195205479452,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 1036.6540632054175,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 980.8740906547285,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 971.1190345584201,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 947.5531453362256,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 962.4153005464481,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 1004.2832876712329,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 1000.6107784431138,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 1045.711965349215,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 1089.5097402597403,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 1094.7375201288244,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 1113.3569511540527,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 1117.585260892953,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 1117.1530230069557,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 1143.6297297297297,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 1131.3461538461538,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 1137.0865800865802,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 1144.3100483610963,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 1153.075821845175,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 1170.1328,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 1134.3757412398922,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 1102.478189749182,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 1065.1231527093596,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 1035.223574986165,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 997.9584026622297,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 976.4625698324022,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 953.0983698707139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 961.3199079401611,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 962.3351032448378,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 967.1753012048192,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 955.8330218068536,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 947.7684413085311,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 951.2866622428667,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 913.469184890656,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 910.3797643797644,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 910.0478229835832,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 886.5323636363636,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 854.5530769230769,
+      },
+    ],
+    yAxis: 1,
+    type: 'line',
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'sum__num',
+    classed: '',
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 2088815,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 2026313,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 1996035,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 1993465,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 2045481,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 2116568,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 2010279,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 1836951,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 1752822,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 1770350,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 1747288,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 1761220,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 1832817,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 1838122,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 1931430,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 2013414,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 2039496,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 2074184,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 2077591,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 2087959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 2115715,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 2088465,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 2101336,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 2129561,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 2174701,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 2193999,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 2104267,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 2021945,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 1945980,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 1870649,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 1799319,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 1747868,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 1695562,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 1670774,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 1631158,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 1605511,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 1534112,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 1477571,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 1433589,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 1378425,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 1313678,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 1274977,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 1218982,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 1110919,
+      },
+    ],
+    yAxis: 2,
+    type: 'line',
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d0dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="dual-line"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      vizType: 'dual_line',
+      xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+      yAxis2Format: '.3s',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/verifyConsistentColors.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/verifyConsistentColors.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a50ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/DualLine/stories/verifyConsistentColors.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+const reverseData = => ({
+  ...series,
+  yAxis: series.yAxis === 1 ? 2 : 1,
+export const verifyConsistentColors = () => (
+  <div>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="dual-line"
+      width={400}
+      height={400}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+        vizType: 'dual_line',
+        xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+        yAxis2Format: '.3s',
+        yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      }}
+    />
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="dual-line"
+      width={400}
+      height={400}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data: reverseData }]}
+      formData={{
+        colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+        vizType: 'dual_line',
+        xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+        yAxis2Format: '.3s',
+        yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      }}
+    />
+  </div>
+verifyConsistentColors.story = {
+  name: 'Swap y-axis with consistent color',
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1cc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { LineChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new LineChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'line' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { markers } from './stories/markers';
+export { logScale } from './stories/logScale';
+export { yAxisBounds } from './stories/yAxisBounds';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['Christopher'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 24703,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 27861,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 29436,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 31463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 35718,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 41758,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 48172,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 52092,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 48217,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 48476,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 46438,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 45086,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 46610,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 47107,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 50514,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 48969,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 50108,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 59055,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 59188,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 59859,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 59516,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 56633,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 54466,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 52996,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 53205,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 52322,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 47109,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 42470,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 38257,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 34823,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 32728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 30988,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 29179,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 27083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 25700,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 24959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 23180,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 21731,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 20793,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 19739,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 19190,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 19674,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 19986,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 17771,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['David'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 66207,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 66581,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 63531,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 63502,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61570,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 52948,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46218,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 40968,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41654,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39019,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 39165,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 40407,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 40533,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 41898,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 41743,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 40486,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 40283,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 39048,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 38346,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 38395,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 37021,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 36672,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 35214,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 35139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 33661,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30347,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26947,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24784,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22967,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22941,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20816,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20267,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 19695,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 19281,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 18600,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 18557,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 18315,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 18017,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 17510,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 16049,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['James'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67506,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 65036,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61554,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60584,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 59824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61597,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 54463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46960,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 42782,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41258,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39471,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 38203,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 39916,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 39783,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 39237,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 39185,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 38176,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 38750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 36228,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 35728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 35750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 33955,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 32552,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 32418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 32658,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 32288,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30460,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28450,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26193,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24706,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22691,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 21122,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 20368,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 19651,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 18508,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 17939,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 17023,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 16905,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 16832,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 16046,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 16139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 15821,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 14920,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['John'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 71390,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 64858,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61480,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60754,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 58644,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 58348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 51382,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 43028,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 39061,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 37553,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 34970,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 33876,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 34103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 33895,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 35305,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 35131,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 34761,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 34560,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 33047,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 32484,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 31397,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 30103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 29462,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 29301,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 29751,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 29011,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 27727,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 26156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 24918,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24119,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 23174,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22104,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21330,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20556,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20280,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 20032,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 18839,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 17170,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16381,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 15692,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 15083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 14348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 13110,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Michael'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 80812,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 79709,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 82204,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 81785,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 84893,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 85015,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 77321,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 71197,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 67598,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 67304,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 68149,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 66686,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 67344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 66875,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 67473,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 68375,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 68467,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 67904,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 67708,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 67457,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 64667,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 63959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 63442,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 63924,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 65233,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 65138,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 60646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 54216,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 49443,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 44361,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 41311,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 38284,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 37459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 36525,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 33820,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 31956,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 29612,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 28156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 27031,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 25418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 23678,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 22498,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 21805,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 20271,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b8cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="line"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showLegend: true,
+      showMarkers: false,
+      vizType: 'line',
+      xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/logScale.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/logScale.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698966d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/logScale.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const logScale = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="line"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      richTooltip: true,
+      vizType: 'line',
+      yAxisBounds: [1, 60000],
+      yAxisFormat: ',d',
+      yLogScale: true,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/markers.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/markers.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff5d5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/markers.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const markers = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="line"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+      richTooltip: true,
+      showBrush: 'auto',
+      showLegend: true,
+      showMarkers: true,
+      vizType: 'line',
+      xAxisFormat: 'smart_date',
+      xAxisLabel: '',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/yAxisBounds.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/yAxisBounds.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d82607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Line/stories/yAxisBounds.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const yAxisBounds = () => (
+  <div className="container">
+    <h2>yAxisBounds</h2>
+    <pre>yAxisBounds=undefined</pre>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="line"
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showLegend: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+      }}
+    />
+    <pre>yAxisBounds=[0, 60000]</pre>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="line"
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showLegend: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        yAxisBounds: [0, 60000],
+      }}
+    />
+    <pre>yAxisBounds=[null, 60000]</pre>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="line"
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showLegend: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        yAxisBounds: [null, 60000],
+      }}
+    />
+    <pre>yAxisBounds=[40000, null]</pre>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="line"
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showLegend: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        yAxisBounds: [40000, null],
+      }}
+    />
+    <pre>yAxisBounds=[40000, null] with Legend</pre>
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="line"
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showLegend: true,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        yAxisBounds: [40000, null],
+      }}
+    />
+  </div>
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc9d0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { PieChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new PieChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'pie' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Legacy Chart Plugins|legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie',
+export { basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { noData } from './stories/noData';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f61ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    x: 'boy',
+    y: 48133355,
+  },
+  {
+    x: 'girl',
+    y: 32546308,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69717eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="pie"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      donut: false,
+      labelsOutside: true,
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      pieLabelType: 'key',
+      showLabels: true,
+      showLegend: true,
+      vizType: 'pie',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/noData.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/noData.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205212d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/Pie/stories/noData.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export const noData = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="pie"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data: [] }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      donut: false,
+      labelsOutside: true,
+      numberFormat: '.3s',
+      pieLabelType: 'key',
+      showLabels: true,
+      showLegend: true,
+      vizType: 'pie',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f86ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { withKnobs, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { maps, ChoroplethMapChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-choropleth-map';
+import useFakeMapData from './useFakeMapData';
+new ChoroplethMapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'choropleth-map' }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-choropleth-map',
+  decorators: [withKnobs],
+export const WorldMap = () => {
+  const map = select(
+    'Map',
+ => m.key),
+    'world',
+    'map',
+  );
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="choropleth-map"
+      width={800}
+      height={450}
+      queriesData={[{ data: useFakeMapData(map) }]}
+      formData={{
+        map,
+        encoding: {
+          key: {
+            field: 'key',
+            title: 'Location',
+          },
+          fill: {
+            type: 'quantitative',
+            field: 'numStudents',
+            scale: {
+              range: ['#cecee5', '#3f007d'],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      }}
+    />
+  );
+export const USA = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="choropleth-map"
+    width={800}
+    height={450}
+    queriesData={[{ data: useFakeMapData('usa') }]}
+    formData={{
+      map: 'usa',
+      encoding: {
+        key: {
+          field: 'key',
+          title: 'State',
+        },
+        fill: {
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          field: 'numStudents',
+          title: 'No. of students',
+          scale: {
+            range: ['#fdc28c', '#7f2704'],
+          },
+        },
+        tooltip: [
+          {
+            field: 'favoriteFruit',
+            title: 'Fruit',
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    }}
+  />
+export const CategoricalColor = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="choropleth-map"
+    width={800}
+    height={450}
+    queriesData={[{ data: useFakeMapData('usa') }]}
+    formData={{
+      map: 'usa',
+      encoding: {
+        key: {
+          field: 'key',
+          title: 'State',
+        },
+        fill: {
+          type: 'nominal',
+          field: 'favoriteFruit',
+          scale: {
+            domain: ['apple', 'banana', 'grape'],
+            range: ['#e74c3c', '#f1c40f', '#9b59b6'],
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/generateFakeMapData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/generateFakeMapData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b2295f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/generateFakeMapData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { seedRandom } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import loadMap from '../../../../../../plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/loadMap';
+const FRUITS = ['apple', 'banana', 'grape'];
+export type FakeMapData = {
+  key: string;
+  favoriteFruit: string;
+  numStudents: number;
+ * Generate mock data for the given map
+ * Output is a promise of an array
+ * { key, favoriteFruit, numStudents }[]
+ * @param map map name
+ */
+export default async function generateFakeMapData(map: string) {
+  const { object, metadata } = await loadMap(map);
+  return object.features
+    .map(f => metadata.keyAccessor(f))
+    .map(key => ({
+      key,
+      favoriteFruit: FRUITS[Math.round(seedRandom() * 2)],
+      numStudents: Math.round(seedRandom() * 100),
+    }));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/useFakeMapData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/useFakeMapData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b8dedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/useFakeMapData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import generateFakeMapData, { FakeMapData } from './generateFakeMapData';
+export default function useFakeMapData(map: string) {
+  const [mapData, setMapData] = useState<FakeMapData | undefined>(undefined);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    generateFakeMapData(map).then(mapData => {
+      setMapData(mapData);
+    });
+  }, [map]);
+  return mapData;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5890aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { select, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { EchartsBoxPlotChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts';
+import transformProps from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts/lib/BoxPlot/transformProps';
+import data from './data';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+new EchartsBoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'echarts-boxplot' }).register();
+getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerValue('echarts-boxplot', transformProps);
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+export const BoxPlot = ({ width, height }) => {
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="echarts-boxplot"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        columns: [],
+        groupby: ['type', 'region'],
+        metrics: ['AVG(averageprice)'],
+        whiskerOptions: 'Tukey',
+        xTicksLayout: select('X Tick Layout', ['auto', 'flat', '45°', '90°', 'staggered'], '45°'),
+        yAxisFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+      }}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6181bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/BoxPlot/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Charlotte',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.9405512820512825,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.9025,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.505,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.4775,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.73875,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.105,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.735],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Hartford Springfield',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 2.231141025641026,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 2.265,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.595,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.862,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 2.1285,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.32625,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Jacksonville',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.829282051282052,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.808,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.255,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.455,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.6945000000000001,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 1.9475,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.48, 2.406, 1.3075, 1.274],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'NewYork',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 2.0531923076923073,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 2.068,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.348,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.785,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.9725000000000001,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.125,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.3825, 2.38, 1.7075],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Northeast',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.8608333333333336,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.868,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.145,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.5925,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.76375,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 1.96875,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Orlando',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.7969999999999995,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.8075,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.1125,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.306,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.6237499999999998,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 1.8697499999999998,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.3825, 2.358, 2.252],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Philadelphia',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.8673589743589747,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.85,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.2525,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.56,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.7125,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 1.99575,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Raleigh Greensboro',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.8851410256410257,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.782,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.402,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.356,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.7000000000000002,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.0045,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.79, 2.6225, 2.5575, 2.5],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'Sacramento',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.972871794871795,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.9875,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.655,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.2925,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.74875,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.1465,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+  },
+  {
+    type: 'organic',
+    region: 'San Francisco',
+    'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 2.213615384615385,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__median': 2.275,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.9825,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.2275,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.9675,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.541,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+    'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d051136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { boolean, number, select, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { EchartsPieChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts';
+import transformProps from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts/lib/Pie/transformProps';
+import { weekday, population } from './data';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+new EchartsPieChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'echarts-pie' }).register();
+getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerValue('echarts-pie', transformProps);
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-echarts/Pie',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+export const WeekdayPie = ({ width, height }) => {
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="echarts-pie"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[{ data: weekday }]}
+      formData={{
+        colorScheme: 'supersetColors',
+        groupby: ['Day'],
+        metric: 'SUM(AIR_TIME)',
+        numberFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+        donut: boolean('Donut', false),
+        innerRadius: number('Inner Radius', 30),
+        outerRadius: number('Outer Radius', 70),
+        labelsOutside: boolean('Labels outside', true),
+        labelLine: boolean('Label line', true),
+        showLabels: boolean('Show labels', true),
+        showLegend: boolean('Show legend', false),
+        labelType: select(
+          'Pie label type',
+          ['key', 'value', 'percent', 'key_value', 'key_percent', 'key_value_percent'],
+          'key',
+        ),
+      }}
+    />
+  );
+export const PopulationPie = ({ width, height }) => {
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="echarts-pie"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[{ data: population }]}
+      formData={{
+        colorScheme: 'supersetColors',
+        groupby: ['Country'],
+        metric: 'Population',
+        numberFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+        donut: boolean('Donut', false),
+        innerRadius: number('Inner Radius', 30),
+        outerRadius: number('Outer Radius', 70),
+        labelsOutside: boolean('Labels outside', false),
+        labelLine: boolean('Label line', true),
+        showLabels: boolean('Show labels', true),
+        showLegend: boolean('Show legend', false),
+        labelType: select(
+          'Pie label type',
+          ['key', 'value', 'percent', 'key_value', 'key_percent', 'key_value_percent'],
+          'key',
+        ),
+      }}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9b6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Pie/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+export const weekday = [
+  { Day: 'Friday', 'SUM(AIR_TIME)': 1943661 },
+  { Day: 'Saturday', 'SUM(AIR_TIME)': 1798845 },
+  { Day: 'Thursday', 'SUM(AIR_TIME)': 1626157 },
+  { Day: 'Sunday', 'SUM(AIR_TIME)': 1048653 },
+export const population = [
+  { Country: 'China', Population: 58345455000 },
+  { Country: 'India', Population: 46023037597 },
+  { Country: 'United States', Population: 13604468357 },
+  { Country: 'Indonesia', Population: 9357861231 },
+  { Country: 'Brazil', Population: 7752058955 },
+  { Country: 'Russian Federation', Population: 7667188460 },
+  { Country: 'Japan', Population: 6454620759 },
+  { Country: 'Pakistan', Population: 5696041480 },
+  { Country: 'Bangladesh', Population: 5549261462 },
+  { Country: 'Nigeria', Population: 5259800493 },
+  { Country: 'Mexico', Population: 4444653964 },
+  { Country: 'Germany', Population: 4361793335 },
+  { Country: 'Vietnam', Population: 3420037000 },
+  { Country: 'Philippines', Population: 3272015554 },
+  { Country: 'United Kingdom', Population: 3169118137 },
+  { Country: 'France', Population: 3151638853 },
+  { Country: 'Italy', Population: 3082869665 },
+  { Country: 'Egypt, Arab Rep.', Population: 2967887581 },
+  { Country: 'Thailand', Population: 2827157965 },
+  { Country: 'Turkey', Population: 2805220683 },
+  { Country: 'Ethiopia', Population: 2750952916 },
+  { Country: 'Iran, Islamic Rep.', Population: 2717528355 },
+  { Country: 'Ukraine', Population: 2657782543 },
+  { Country: 'Korea, Rep.', Population: 2216456927 },
+  { Country: 'Myanmar', Population: 2126848982 },
+  { Country: 'Spain', Population: 2115316751 },
+  { Country: 'Congo, Dem. Rep.', Population: 2015439254 },
+  { Country: 'Poland', Population: 1976772515 },
+  { Country: 'South Africa', Population: 1871083248 },
+  { Country: 'Colombia', Population: 1776189608 },
+  { Country: 'Argentina', Population: 1728332290 },
+  { Country: 'Canada', Population: 1470276931 },
+  { Country: 'Tanzania', Population: 1413734053 },
+  { Country: 'Algeria', Population: 1317290647 },
+  { Country: 'Morocco', Population: 1277441301 },
+  { Country: 'Kenya', Population: 1253201109 },
+  { Country: 'Romania', Population: 1171333228 },
+  { Country: 'Peru', Population: 1121937313 },
+  { Country: 'Sudan', Population: 1118903636 },
+  { Country: 'Uzbekistan', Population: 1053380227 },
+  { Country: 'Korea, Dem. Rep.', Population: 1047335229 },
+  { Country: 'Venezuela, RB', Population: 1036057583 },
+  { Country: 'Nepal', Population: 1007162709 },
+  { Country: 'Uganda', Population: 987376102 },
+  { Country: 'Iraq', Population: 983604177 },
+  { Country: 'Malaysia', Population: 978122682 },
+  { Country: 'Australia', Population: 903260509 },
+  { Country: 'Afghanistan', Population: 887557752 },
+  { Country: 'Sri Lanka', Population: 881137000 },
+  { Country: 'Saudi Arabia', Population: 828451525 },
+  { Country: 'Mozambique', Population: 807229371 },
+  { Country: 'Netherlands', Population: 803013980 },
+  { Country: 'Ghana', Population: 801844889 },
+  { Country: 'Kazakhstan', Population: 797168043 },
+  { Country: 'Chile', Population: 696739897 },
+  { Country: 'Yemen, Rep.', Population: 695646128 },
+  { Country: 'Cameroon', Population: 664127790 },
+  { Country: 'Syrian Arab Republic', Population: 663924524 },
+  { Country: 'Madagascar', Population: 656478313 },
+  { Country: 'Angola', Population: 641906296 },
+  { Country: "Cote d'Ivoire", Population: 634194484 },
+  { Country: 'Hungary', Population: 566995908 },
+  { Country: 'Czech Republic', Population: 559416359 },
+  { Country: 'Belgium', Population: 551921585 },
+  { Country: 'Cuba', Population: 550461345 },
+  { Country: 'Greece', Population: 547065293 },
+  { Country: 'Ecuador', Population: 537148542 },
+  { Country: 'Portugal', Population: 536945679 },
+  { Country: 'Belarus', Population: 524490000 },
+  { Country: 'Cambodia', Population: 523555378 },
+  { Country: 'Zimbabwe', Population: 509866860 },
+  { Country: 'Burkina Faso', Population: 505122912 },
+  { Country: 'Mali', Population: 500758830 },
+  { Country: 'Guatemala', Population: 498361800 },
+  { Country: 'Niger', Population: 471910464 },
+  { Country: 'Malawi', Population: 470725354 },
+  { Country: 'Sweden', Population: 468210684 },
+  { Country: 'Bulgaria', Population: 456247765 },
+  { Country: 'Zambia', Population: 438847085 },
+  { Country: 'Austria', Population: 426785647 },
+  { Country: 'Tunisia', Population: 415992799 },
+  { Country: 'Senegal', Population: 414475224 },
+  { Country: 'Haiti', Population: 377521290 },
+  { Country: 'Azerbaijan', Population: 374210660 },
+  { Country: 'Dominican Republic', Population: 373939753 },
+  { Country: 'Switzerland', Population: 369360744 },
+  { Country: 'Bolivia', Population: 368308373 },
+  { Country: 'Guinea', Population: 362469063 },
+  { Country: 'Chad', Population: 355875809 },
+  { Country: 'Rwanda', Population: 347121852 },
+  { Country: 'Somalia', Population: 332677926 },
+  { Country: 'South Sudan', Population: 319024522 },
+  { Country: 'Burundi', Population: 305731834 },
+  { Country: 'Hong Kong SAR, China', Population: 298353905 },
+  { Country: 'Benin', Population: 290736360 },
+  { Country: 'Denmark', Population: 283435789 },
+  { Country: 'Slovak Republic', Population: 276228375 },
+  { Country: 'Finland', Population: 271585488 },
+  { Country: 'Tajikistan', Population: 267603756 },
+  { Country: 'El Salvador', Population: 266413287 },
+  { Country: 'Israel', Population: 263866720 },
+  { Country: 'Honduras', Population: 257791863 },
+  { Country: 'Croatia', Population: 246197511 },
+  { Country: 'Georgia', Population: 241070850 },
+  { Country: 'Norway', Population: 233337059 },
+  { Country: 'Papua New Guinea', Population: 228299012 },
+  { Country: 'Lao PDR', Population: 227340983 },
+  { Country: 'Kyrgyz Republic', Population: 222809200 },
+  { Country: 'Paraguay', Population: 221768661 },
+  { Country: 'Libya', Population: 217716251 },
+  { Country: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', Population: 215521543 },
+  { Country: 'Nicaragua', Population: 213048662 },
+  { Country: 'Togo', Population: 204624027 },
+  { Country: 'Sierra Leone', Population: 203443826 },
+  { Country: 'Ireland', Population: 196019322 },
+  { Country: 'Turkmenistan', Population: 189687365 },
+  { Country: 'New Zealand', Population: 187593600 },
+  { Country: 'Serbia', Population: 186596480 },
+  { Country: 'Moldova', Population: 186156257 },
+  { Country: 'Lithuania', Population: 182416949 },
+  { Country: 'Puerto Rico', Population: 181515497 },
+  { Country: 'Jordan', Population: 180850641 },
+  { Country: 'Singapore', Population: 173168000 },
+  { Country: 'Uruguay', Population: 167612670 },
+  { Country: 'Costa Rica', Population: 163515714 },
+  { Country: 'Lebanon', Population: 162031498 },
+  { Country: 'Eritrea', Population: 161125877 },
+  { Country: 'Armenia', Population: 160782905 },
+  { Country: 'Central African Republic', Population: 158650217 },
+  { Country: 'Albania', Population: 148154320 },
+  { Country: 'United Arab Emirates', Population: 134952923 },
+  { Country: 'Panama', Population: 130974461 },
+  { Country: 'Congo, Rep.', Population: 130701144 },
+  { Country: 'Latvia', Population: 130544986 },
+  { Country: 'Liberia', Population: 125666085 },
+  { Country: 'Jamaica', Population: 124779119 },
+  { Country: 'Mauritania', Population: 113489314 },
+  { Country: 'Mongolia', Population: 106717826 },
+  { Country: 'Slovenia', Population: 104119695 },
+  { Country: 'Macedonia, FYR', Population: 104100695 },
+  { Country: 'Oman', Population: 93132249 },
+  { Country: 'Kosovo', Population: 86627232 },
+  { Country: 'Kuwait', Population: 84737006 },
+  { Country: 'Lesotho', Population: 81971241 },
+  { Country: 'West Bank and Gaza', Population: 77390117 },
+  { Country: 'Estonia', Population: 77119567 },
+  { Country: 'Namibia', Population: 75238033 },
+  { Country: 'Botswana', Population: 70510085 },
+  { Country: 'Trinidad and Tobago', Population: 62771502 },
+  { Country: 'Guinea-Bissau', Population: 58400669 },
+  { Country: 'Mauritius', Population: 56066051 },
+  { Country: 'Gabon', Population: 52489952 },
+  { Country: 'Gambia, The', Population: 50232086 },
+  { Country: 'Cyprus', Population: 43711039 },
+  { Country: 'Swaziland', Population: 42858935 },
+  { Country: 'Timor-Leste', Population: 41694123 },
+  { Country: 'Guyana', Population: 39868752 },
+  { Country: 'Fiji', Population: 37505227 },
+  { Country: 'Montenegro', Population: 31652512 },
+  { Country: 'Qatar', Population: 30075210 },
+  { Country: 'Bahrain', Population: 29724096 },
+  { Country: 'Djibouti', Population: 26324244 },
+  { Country: 'Bhutan', Population: 25987074 },
+  { Country: 'Comoros', Population: 22692936 },
+  { Country: 'Suriname', Population: 22687861 },
+  { Country: 'Equatorial Guinea', Population: 22627794 },
+  { Country: 'Luxembourg', Population: 21852156 },
+  { Country: 'Malta', Population: 19363458 },
+  { Country: 'Cabo Verde', Population: 19178461 },
+  { Country: 'Macao SAR, China', Population: 18882494 },
+  { Country: 'Solomon Islands', Population: 16859526 },
+  { Country: 'Barbados', Population: 14146501 },
+  { Country: 'Iceland', Population: 13716537 },
+  { Country: 'Bahamas, The', Population: 13446111 },
+  { Country: 'Brunei Darussalam', Population: 13322318 },
+  { Country: 'Maldives', Population: 11478624 },
+  { Country: 'Belize', Population: 10571460 },
+  { Country: 'French Polynesia', Population: 9974982 },
+  { Country: 'New Caledonia', Population: 9225822 },
+  { Country: 'Samoa', Population: 8770470 },
+  { Country: 'Vanuatu', Population: 7966814 },
+  { Country: 'Curacao', Population: 7898637 },
+  { Country: 'Channel Islands', Population: 7515697 },
+  { Country: 'St. Lucia', Population: 7336842 },
+  { Country: 'Guam', Population: 6647797 },
+  { Country: 'Sao Tome and Principe', Population: 6169644 },
+  { Country: 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines', Population: 5557117 },
+  { Country: 'Grenada', Population: 5366107 },
+  { Country: 'Tonga', Population: 5038574 },
+  { Country: 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)', Population: 5006756 },
+  { Country: 'Micronesia, Fed. Sts.', Population: 4627492 },
+  { Country: 'Aruba', Population: 4048374 },
+  { Country: 'Antigua and Barbuda', Population: 3887170 },
+  { Country: 'Dominica', Population: 3881071 },
+  { Country: 'Kiribati', Population: 3874990 },
+  { Country: 'Seychelles', Population: 3761184 },
+  { Country: 'Isle of Man', Population: 3728525 },
+  { Country: 'Bermuda', Population: 3159267 },
+  { Country: 'Greenland', Population: 2807533 },
+  { Country: 'Andorra', Population: 2704725 },
+  { Country: 'St. Kitts and Nevis', Population: 2535482 },
+  { Country: 'Faeroe Islands', Population: 2399439 },
+  { Country: 'American Samoa', Population: 2294886 },
+  { Country: 'Marshall Islands', Population: 2086174 },
+  { Country: 'Northern Mariana Islands', Population: 2015842 },
+  { Country: 'Monaco', Population: 1595554 },
+  { Country: 'Liechtenstein', Population: 1527171 },
+  { Country: 'Cayman Islands', Population: 1480956 },
+  { Country: 'San Marino', Population: 1298411 },
+  { Country: 'St. Martin (French part)', Population: 1020457 },
+  { Country: 'Palau', Population: 833299 },
+  { Country: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', Population: 775185 },
+  { Country: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', Population: 597781 },
+  { Country: 'Tuvalu', Population: 466709 },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c8c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { boolean, number, select, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts';
+import transformProps from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts/lib/Timeseries/transformProps';
+import data from './data';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+new EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'echarts-timeseries' }).register();
+getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerValue('echarts-timeseries', transformProps);
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+export const Timeseries = ({ width, height }) => {
+  const forecastEnabled = boolean('Enable forecast', true);
+  const queryData = data
+    .map(row =>
+      forecastEnabled
+        ? row
+        : {
+            // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
+            __timestamp: row.__timestamp,
+            Boston: row.Boston,
+            California: row.California,
+            WestTexNewMexico: row.WestTexNewMexico,
+          },
+    )
+    .filter(row => forecastEnabled || !!row.Boston);
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="echarts-timeseries"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[{ data: queryData }]}
+      formData={{
+        contributionMode: undefined,
+        forecastEnabled,
+        colorScheme: 'supersetColors',
+        seriesType: select(
+          'Line type',
+          ['line', 'scatter', 'smooth', 'bar', 'start', 'middle', 'end'],
+          'line',
+        ),
+        logAxis: boolean('Log axis', false),
+        yAxisFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+        stack: boolean('Stack', false),
+        area: boolean('Area chart', false),
+        markerEnabled: boolean('Enable markers', false),
+        markerSize: number('Marker Size', 6),
+        minorSplitLine: boolean('Minor splitline', false),
+        opacity: number('Opacity', 0.2),
+        zoomable: boolean('Zoomable', false),
+      }}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6edefa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/Timeseries/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3317 @@
+export default [
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1419811200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5348466045278903,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4108696830290821,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.65406759478647,
+    Boston: 1.425,
+    California__yhat: 1.1428578093572317,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9954265301846809,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.285336837473888,
+    California: 1.085,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2189159706952082,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.04104376708674,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3729774938431487,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.195,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1420416000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5183086928032201,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4051623626305831,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6373864508998999,
+    Boston: 1.52,
+    California__yhat: 1.1473836815806109,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9896908958316125,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3074486619072236,
+    California: 1.01,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2101876636102695,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0531768381015862,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3798811980337082,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.305,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1421020800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5008792239446107,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3900408734935294,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6209717523914786,
+    Boston: 1.615,
+    California__yhat: 1.1257411477192287,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9647179126679808,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2856214776337003,
+    California: 1.13,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.211700721257458,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0512509758817796,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3838299538827643,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.255,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1421625600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.493895763520492,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3819463100452443,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.614560073797367,
+    Boston: 1.59,
+    California__yhat: 1.0914497359848156,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9309999613012108,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2413000315404008,
+    California: 1.18,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.208627046579019,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0443728779662684,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3675637830491076,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.215,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1422230400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5016078116606606,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3867245804741557,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.614234955854214,
+    Boston: 1.5,
+    California__yhat: 1.0697859033873383,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9250294445931526,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.227180419756037,
+    California: 0.98,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1903524073209464,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0158621722285877,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3552685059028697,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.24,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1422835200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5159923617934186,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3970137282601371,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6308844178549995,
+    Boston: 1.475,
+    California__yhat: 1.0746946690720922,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9113788241318873,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2273689220316724,
+    California: 1.13,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.162418169193016,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.984399666972796,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3286127921414361,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.19,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1423440000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.525604106275286,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4091552054110317,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6398544651033324,
+    Boston: 1.555,
+    California__yhat: 1.0983484232374483,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9499667479813172,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2604622036877084,
+    California: 1.24,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1407497573494716,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9682090338277108,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3110751375528853,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.24,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1424044800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5285159859188788,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4151325345500827,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.63898403722097,
+    Boston: 1.485,
+    California__yhat: 1.1215587530856748,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9680608180357422,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.282442960930767,
+    California: 1.185,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1360040254613264,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.963307750313048,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2986544671046583,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.28,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1424649600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5334822003771225,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4176345632105387,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6496071238192505,
+    Boston: 1.48,
+    California__yhat: 1.1336412205342397,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9743289540694136,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2898768461219847,
+    California: 0.995,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1446754348884136,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.986235125109336,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.307986287217312,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.24,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1425254400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.547848654545939,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4328177356803633,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.673661661344583,
+    Boston: 1.54,
+    California__yhat: 1.1421270972002817,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9880212170643778,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.298074311825913,
+    California: 1.22,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1538926041448758,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0019767923899103,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3221026377048228,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.16,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1425859200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5675203083502125,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4543946077807537,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6864674764386627,
+    Boston: 1.62,
+    California__yhat: 1.1632572393543539,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9970086508003331,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3209871054747437,
+    California: 1.29,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1530029605889838,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9729319698723828,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3054475293729533,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.285,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1426464000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.581607931619551,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4723154031359578,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7069606387126863,
+    Boston: 1.56,
+    California__yhat: 1.2030769562029524,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.04933598570031,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3591487662881023,
+    California: 1.18,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1414541767825306,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9717441065782068,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.312661843170456,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.345,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1427068800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5853316979769883,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4708451743058149,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7117728705026014,
+    Boston: 1.585,
+    California__yhat: 1.2479444775684796,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0837411336417548,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3998890149965297,
+    California: 1.315,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1283059431234486,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9778619797162577,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2954488963192434,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.255,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1427673600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5841383828593085,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4654575751911438,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6946343035808373,
+    Boston: 1.59,
+    California__yhat: 1.2739437360014318,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1100282969104833,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.428117476226516,
+    California: 1.32,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1249371539002126,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9695967792994402,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.287869970682996,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.28,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1428278400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5839751550296846,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4658964846078435,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.710402200124056,
+    Boston: 1.56,
+    California__yhat: 1.2665706718822929,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1158333765771138,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4320483959058965,
+    California: 1.28,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1355965911503207,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.964066677858961,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3022575299852956,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.21,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1428883200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5816178634356794,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4715929905435854,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7003122219671367,
+    Boston: 1.545,
+    California__yhat: 1.232881524770783,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0767786935430315,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3959964303961667,
+    California: 1.285,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1523828742682716,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9811195853500172,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3138046554765905,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.15,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1429488000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5693505553611033,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.454366551073654,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.672997430777775,
+    Boston: 1.57,
+    California__yhat: 1.1961960021745208,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0574856955397094,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3527191406913728,
+    California: 1.325,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1605683040698191,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0031473604785308,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3131490159580719,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.33,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1430092800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.548687090028952,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4345338808929986,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.674291034018414,
+    Boston: 1.495,
+    California__yhat: 1.17944168965866,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0208437159576145,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3437648164186333,
+    California: 1.18,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.152452251304891,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9925163021235553,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.33370469389031,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.125,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1430697600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5339945463021136,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4131803310322042,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6534068731295286,
+    Boston: 1.58,
+    California__yhat: 1.1914708975476587,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0346943811155895,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.346918284211045,
+    California: 1.165,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.136951442350726,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9785853981941628,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.305120499270747,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.07,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1431302400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.538494530655746,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.417157877783077,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6657402419552576,
+    Boston: 1.585,
+    California__yhat: 1.2250425993396363,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0694624006721893,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3779793141537178,
+    California: 1.285,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.131850140196041,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9693152036413223,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2969371429211514,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.06,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1431907200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5586586605892516,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4437718674345732,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.678444300307212,
+    Boston: 1.54,
+    California__yhat: 1.2640228484312774,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.105695580617842,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4262751320209555,
+    California: 1.3,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.14279691969869,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9744635833347896,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.309843116203469,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.065,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1432512000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5775197465059267,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4598708798261923,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6911276338952719,
+    Boston: 1.6,
+    California__yhat: 1.292475578711032,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1228796890918014,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4471391733217347,
+    California: 1.24,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.151946670246945,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9787075088274869,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3257344034341332,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.065,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1433116800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5847361491556036,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.469478725883583,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.698200477547973,
+    Boston: 1.625,
+    California__yhat: 1.301640708602741,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1448194258091566,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4657411831360765,
+    California: 1.325,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1344270549760207,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9628949633601395,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2999364461809975,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.08,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1433721600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.588841301654564,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4701868286368829,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.708276878629705,
+    Boston: 1.555,
+    California__yhat: 1.2945568932951903,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1357913193434988,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.441658100122194,
+    California: 1.325,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.090609476160724,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9171628023326979,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2519104172461586,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.125,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1434326400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.60467809761448,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4872087156545453,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7206390174307566,
+    Boston: 1.65,
+    California__yhat: 1.2866911289244536,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1223304657283866,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4489712765550424,
+    California: 1.38,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.058286202137859,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8983319008178635,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2230688588329341,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.2,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1434931200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6296561292532252,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5147117985377605,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7484553862428687,
+    Boston: 1.64,
+    California__yhat: 1.298704180420278,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.143996831592798,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4569530963291766,
+    California: 1.385,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0837741118769433,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9165400527844431,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2633713277285281,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.145,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1435536000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6387330700540754,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5214382052884348,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7593446818133576,
+    Boston: 1.7,
+    California__yhat: 1.3419159537936654,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1824389777530346,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5077615808876883,
+    California: 1.395,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1753283438356257,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0084515427055218,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3411968014102083,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.18,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1436140800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6078378110129543,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4858780410049368,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7333942938670541,
+    Boston: 1.665,
+    California__yhat: 1.4064610022347392,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2518481325894115,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5631376401498112,
+    California: 1.465,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2876812690769497,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.118277996711148,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.453601368173299,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.365,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1436745600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.54126454151401,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4242640278872807,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.658820938407199,
+    Boston: 1.615,
+    California__yhat: 1.4648637533773619,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3165708549095063,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6123722518242183,
+    California: 1.535,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.359084635413718,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1923924916510695,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5397046826260015,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.25,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1437350400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4716975989229104,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3478802335545248,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5897005348114144,
+    Boston: 1.65,
+    California__yhat: 1.492196708250474,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3281011466171584,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6482617063876424,
+    California: 1.53,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3665720856468249,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1985870084342607,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.540444302838635,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.325,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1437955200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4316465654883939,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3151590237205186,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5502363732881383,
+    Boston: 1.645,
+    California__yhat: 1.486878703643501,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3387136764087475,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6406538496379224,
+    California: 1.575,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3430004296140337,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1696134333274417,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5143254675484394,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.345,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1438560000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4271527274427822,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3009869979033386,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5444571765505344,
+    Boston: 1.545,
+    California__yhat: 1.4721251850161223,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3130424764080704,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6322300582937983,
+    California: 1.565,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3385023304664054,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.169557000507694,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.501423586440048,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1439164800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4407299749907534,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.323436292855159,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5636100946562665,
+    Boston: 1.62,
+    California__yhat: 1.4747274927843579,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3090246017944651,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6212028571910875,
+    California: 1.535,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.369033029466056,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2063418855681307,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5410908830393701,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.215,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1439769600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4558141240561584,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3384500860436346,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5593449899412495,
+    Boston: 1.535,
+    California__yhat: 1.5004588541583503,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3525771130800601,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6557709189818204,
+    California: 1.515,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4078705349829708,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2465576754469605,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5765990094113416,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.205,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1440374400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4714837581619955,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3542849882799493,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.587250053083524,
+    Boston: 1.58,
+    California__yhat: 1.5302322554730527,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3712263333300627,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6766472256899916,
+    California: 1.53,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.425931627994101,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2620778981321579,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5920830784029816,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.255,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1440979200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.491444403016728,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3719274262306433,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6081603165448515,
+    Boston: 1.54,
+    California__yhat: 1.5411777460499874,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3904365117687372,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.694546785101698,
+    California: 1.54,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4320134472163049,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.273365593253299,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5931974288222444,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.29,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1441584000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5051820756139245,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3835553327078385,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6240589221993718,
+    Boston: 1.515,
+    California__yhat: 1.5313765368007273,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3681294180618269,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6892153479755334,
+    California: 1.55,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4638751687570226,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2864210645323784,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6187694320540935,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.37,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1442188800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4894325587299742,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3727869467332703,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6084226338870418,
+    Boston: 1.58,
+    California__yhat: 1.522640140138669,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3734557489282102,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6743091049728624,
+    California: 1.53,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5400751405380166,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3774375535282375,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.723050870346822,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.485,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1442793600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4322083667601824,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3101390870258312,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5571183048764867,
+    Boston: 1.535,
+    California__yhat: 1.5378925480202739,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3886019658089772,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6978496884233474,
+    California: 1.445,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6287478669084643,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.478287058860101,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.795633152002224,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.275,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1443398400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.351816621968265,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2376540378452352,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4729299390946764,
+    Boston: 1.175,
+    California__yhat: 1.5759661525657334,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4231456717732236,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.733586091013307,
+    California: 1.51,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6721603417638533,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.508503941330916,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8462459308936394,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.43,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1444003200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.286486461072129,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1680220690052265,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4035977590666622,
+    Boston: 1.2,
+    California__yhat: 1.6097139361369517,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4449082988736466,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7603053272180196,
+    California: 1.575,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.639290251177639,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.473164681029519,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8064957246654998,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.47,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1444608000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2630051620190224,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1467376145041555,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.377446221614078,
+    Boston: 1.1,
+    California__yhat: 1.6098713751752662,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4600843147210683,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.763955521152191,
+    California: 1.54,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5551952931382806,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3962129897996904,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.726357454658797,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.415,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1445212800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.276278781347193,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1580450205542776,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3920651070329326,
+    Boston: 1.145,
+    California__yhat: 1.571148844853862,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4083378535887405,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.733966017882931,
+    California: 1.38,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4722932415830279,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3050378331324088,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6418924805303612,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.41,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1445817600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2991073481696098,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1878452793959065,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.424293199867907,
+    Boston: 1.18,
+    California__yhat: 1.5150187954091354,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3476318997481405,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.677657858675358,
+    California: 1.275,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4199561158957161,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.263080331712721,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5718996342613911,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.36,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1446422400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.308880887797368,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1862924735231104,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4168025454442827,
+    Boston: 1.13,
+    California__yhat: 1.467196455991084,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.31469058277437,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6266140472626818,
+    California: 1.32,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.385809818488925,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2178231659097734,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5529990050614997,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.37,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1447027200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3030202507313675,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1871331759675903,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4220034213332513,
+    Boston: 1.1,
+    California__yhat: 1.432710953584346,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2824951329265597,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.586661603708675,
+    California: 1.21,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3404954026443072,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1821733202392815,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5011656305912942,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.315,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1447632000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2921088188147662,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1728345442847379,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4033407585022522,
+    Boston: 1.17,
+    California__yhat: 1.3931387239731783,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2432214745880616,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5498822030297323,
+    California: 1.26,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.276766317307663,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0999844956570386,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.446687228788756,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.375,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1448236800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2844900175902454,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1751725419028316,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4071918419152338,
+    Boston: 1.235,
+    California__yhat: 1.3280733170736323,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.168686173676362,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4828349526176714,
+    California: 1.33,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2150153206911025,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0575514264315589,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3738174939464802,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.445,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1448841600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2805251906155837,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1707757707707065,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3999312395395147,
+    Boston: 1.155,
+    California__yhat: 1.2392981370779044,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0733806154601595,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4014509402239486,
+    California: 1.13,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1770436607980383,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.993583553273554,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.333422820891247,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.74,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1449446400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.279267142574869,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1585705827510129,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3983536869495787,
+    Boston: 1.28,
+    California__yhat: 1.1539951545645342,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9889501465743559,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3053289212843744,
+    California: 1.13,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.162380614252356,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9965272411245537,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3253180367221955,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.29,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1450051200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2787118961962491,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1556589108639785,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3974059178441982,
+    Boston: 1.24,
+    California__yhat: 1.1033410193628717,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9484140481619587,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2555949684536813,
+    California: 1.145,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1520896013601485,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9997152961435812,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3302105801314474,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.375,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1450656000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2776031555754677,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1612004466043093,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4035768713473475,
+    Boston: 1.305,
+    California__yhat: 1.096588309779605,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9415733506798203,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2490758356944123,
+    California: 1.175,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1337111672954372,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.954609055292553,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2836888913740563,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.26,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1451260800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.271539175332426,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1602294666896775,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3927950153599313,
+    Boston: 1.135,
+    California__yhat: 1.1135856352410936,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9662652364357288,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2612074611190671,
+    California: 1.08,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1133445292606667,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9418476492410971,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2831043683897285,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.17,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1451865600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2575630846272903,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1354044143577229,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3692268733397173,
+    Boston: 1.235,
+    California__yhat: 1.12226100903928,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9741560937727196,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2802079796970842,
+    California: 1.1,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.103916478884385,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9375018938141186,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2684161261288411,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.055,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1452470400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.240871451452071,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1207875334441375,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3557801021167788,
+    Boston: 1.075,
+    California__yhat: 1.1050499500884154,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9519377106454195,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2639244961611285,
+    California: 1.175,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1063752098417272,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.933034797251441,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2775982934739585,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.14,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1453075200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2351539301132308,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.115608031670262,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3497725810593808,
+    Boston: 1.255,
+    California__yhat: 1.0712579159094295,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9231059439029868,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2253443303060034,
+    California: 1.12,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1073566395068044,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9417096932160844,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2702276029860524,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.295,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1453680000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2443106245615798,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1191714513673907,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.366170102828017,
+    Boston: 1.275,
+    California__yhat: 1.045805771170639,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.8901943377875149,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2055800517103012,
+    California: 1.155,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0939766137280855,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.928443219272312,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2529202612702086,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.215,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1454284800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.262231934275936,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.145846856606446,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3863438310201472,
+    Boston: 1.335,
+    California__yhat: 1.0460144566739604,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.8934791370393727,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.1997559677917369,
+    California: 1.04,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0687956997109116,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9196708157905598,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2343440062370625,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.085,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1454889600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2770169956947701,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.159762228572037,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.3955173344366019,
+    Boston: 1.285,
+    California__yhat: 1.0677334625792934,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9042156056309373,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2261522856156684,
+    California: 1.145,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0469739471201525,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8794254462683391,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2098590403948033,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.045,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1455494400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2844722621861224,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1612648265404686,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4073856326551464,
+    Boston: 1.33,
+    California__yhat: 1.0923560584092606,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9419672486858788,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2578935375962572,
+    California: 1.16,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0411381678377096,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.885569135600006,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.206333182286366,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.09,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1456099200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.2946209118328944,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.1763146584733386,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4046302946525782,
+    Boston: 1.36,
+    California__yhat: 1.1068253070435803,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9402023606548588,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2630289344685552,
+    California: 1.085,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0506996394318162,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.894064332771851,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2165355114608365,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.045,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1456704000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3135717434204854,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.19598226754922,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4281779942403379,
+    Boston: 1.4,
+    California__yhat: 1.1152150156807379,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9645078102017577,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.2660783651448067,
+    California: 1.12,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0632783642039607,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8944563104320433,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2189946417833857,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.045,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1457308800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3393909950943907,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2247252996665285,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4514282373242835,
+    Boston: 1.32,
+    California__yhat: 1.1335714483377028,
+    California__yhat_lower: 0.9796821685944298,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.292927457050505,
+    California: 1.185,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0670347544656897,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9065118434460604,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2388026324708632,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.01,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1457913600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3614707072711327,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2436506325494527,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4915346261974671,
+    Boston: 1.345,
+    California__yhat: 1.1709505943114045,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0281150114928468,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3219512681551355,
+    California: 1.185,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.059402114816066,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8908095073771191,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2232547094584372,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.085,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1458518400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3731962396813198,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2580434253984463,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.492475554460491,
+    Boston: 1.335,
+    California__yhat: 1.2170675127806618,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0693412261820932,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3789521035854242,
+    California: 1.175,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0481116081191288,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8799236826031198,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2085461080495927,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.06,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1459123200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3813962329619323,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.26161432990456,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4956362001975996,
+    Boston: 1.42,
+    California__yhat: 1.2492756158849017,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0902577705631182,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3961114387176121,
+    California: 1.16,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0453669318672152,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.880018640334351,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2114783493039134,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.01,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1459728000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3901037265229272,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2770286998811706,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5062632276621368,
+    Boston: 1.335,
+    California__yhat: 1.2492550362056745,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.104424197641724,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3982138003395288,
+    California: 1.17,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0567507538087313,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8882903778713199,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2202271780312777,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.04,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1460332800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3978691117516269,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2803306353511645,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.513787192951786,
+    Boston: 1.335,
+    California__yhat: 1.2200894896539514,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0637919122116424,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3817089822591981,
+    California: 1.16,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0764809347132152,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.903254971967084,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2410429345467036,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.045,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1460937600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3967995570914404,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2775524616045004,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5128645378452974,
+    Boston: 1.4,
+    California__yhat: 1.1832691323436206,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0305934334474776,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3356802771773342,
+    California: 1.115,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.090164068838935,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9300661576818052,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2536103431855903,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.065,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1461542400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3859697249253664,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2636249671382607,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5049262303685809,
+    Boston: 1.42,
+    California__yhat: 1.1630585559396942,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0068041367734835,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3142932998835315,
+    California: 0.995,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0877981841342876,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9234728270737066,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2675215898735945,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.91,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1462147200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.3780621889016782,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2655370800557288,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.4872536603725823,
+    Boston: 1.215,
+    California__yhat: 1.1713334574546839,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0183235764036245,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.334211201339179,
+    California: 1.02,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0753195555471162,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9138031185965445,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.241542731790294,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.92,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1462752000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.390579992253881,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2678098774291926,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.514517582502428,
+    Boston: 1.32,
+    California__yhat: 1.2045753309987504,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.052786503515949,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3621516718095754,
+    California: 1.235,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0708076218477798,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.89839426584527,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2432070811178022,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.975,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1463356800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4207891542698583,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3010916606934653,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5322542386945917,
+    Boston: 1.31,
+    California__yhat: 1.2463341560434724,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0872182425671355,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.398196065122614,
+    California: 1.135,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0830533836123841,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9270325265697668,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2433561617025806,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.08,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1463961600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4528802442431825,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.339060636220628,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5651577314726575,
+    Boston: 1.335,
+    California__yhat: 1.2800536949604688,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1213938976676492,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4419002496176487,
+    California: 1.235,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0980521279561197,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9322311004284876,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.262519822257723,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.06,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1464566400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4738409532820527,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3555968485283043,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.591684397428816,
+    Boston: 1.375,
+    California__yhat: 1.2952850761979349,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1438814607731747,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4594084279689081,
+    California: 1.245,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.089859801760547,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9336639795874753,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.246993776569905,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.02,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1465171200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4890320660392282,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3753680086084525,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6067146520336024,
+    Boston: 1.33,
+    California__yhat: 1.2927494439397973,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.128002682584889,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4466582402918686,
+    California: 1.255,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0523846500937815,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.878097580557322,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.208712345324737,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.09,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1465776000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5155587976896643,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4072015263506499,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6355581427270762,
+    Boston: 1.425,
+    California__yhat: 1.2870463107367591,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1386143995965625,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4509670787815665,
+    California: 1.315,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0177076740491202,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8522281057724683,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.1828659506179917,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.08,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1466380800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.553609825840023,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4363699394765241,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6646708738711482,
+    Boston: 1.465,
+    California__yhat: 1.2977535594821146,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1433922084496908,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.452704521998053,
+    California: 1.27,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.034155336536419,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.8767952483197881,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.190431952173455,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.09,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1466985600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5810989180423636,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4712906617254233,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7031366663740148,
+    Boston: 1.495,
+    California__yhat: 1.3389938921935745,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.195322302704384,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5034014849132746,
+    California: 1.34,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.119390863260118,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9566638997448632,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.291382075169968,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.145,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1467590400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5713962603563556,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4584685851949164,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6931151296207205,
+    Boston: 1.455,
+    California__yhat: 1.404984500630841,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2470413467005759,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5606944221931451,
+    California: 1.295,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.236356118434577,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0646330757141054,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4018372284129585,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.26,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1468195200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5226860023566928,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4025316733171211,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.633108802218944,
+    Boston: 1.665,
+    California__yhat: 1.4702697475325415,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3053129350593928,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6317344334869877,
+    California: 1.365,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3219192645467641,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1496881516514708,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4815087912863347,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.42,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1468800000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4641432908645742,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3560733523952684,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5782310680743912,
+    Boston: 1.505,
+    California__yhat: 1.5084846078350787,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3587250298828615,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6619848148225922,
+    California: 1.38,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3432530381551955,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1897339861076903,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5124981951028644,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.51,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1469404800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4307998991771547,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.301667237997504,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5476934496120969,
+    Boston: 1.375,
+    California__yhat: 1.5122071787503633,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.356841125041551,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6904832424865197,
+    California: 1.39,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3247458635692688,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.171319851493184,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4935185793456895,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.45,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1470009600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4341759361691848,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3207185699269184,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5541879075562277,
+    Boston: 1.395,
+    California__yhat: 1.5012739779918045,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.350483607848206,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6487086197098788,
+    California: 1.325,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3177013212501445,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1621873011805777,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4784327748468409,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.365,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1470614400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4594412989347867,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3360840052623852,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.579071411905622,
+    Boston: 1.26,
+    California__yhat: 1.5039080884399674,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3550207323817558,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6580067767958333,
+    California: 1.27,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.346525292803424,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1845477241766214,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5253058180362393,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.325,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1471219200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4881079558997103,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3645503667323902,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6020332609252061,
+    Boston: 1.295,
+    California__yhat: 1.5307353814067561,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3672276366429863,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6931440212842594,
+    California: 1.29,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3900463616834302,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2178728357390292,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5544448251077518,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.34,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1471824000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5165851119026208,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3993213687897126,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6362999718104112,
+    Boston: 1.365,
+    California__yhat: 1.5661166722198414,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4072590036196495,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7230281466014852,
+    California: 1.31,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.415867766350719,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2597339451914085,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.581519285569223,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.31,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1472428800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5493319083996173,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4286383246773895,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6610584673423974,
+    Boston: 1.57,
+    California__yhat: 1.585754115558432,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4329128169945788,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7361132619288921,
+    California: 1.365,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.425003944497083,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.263935849492006,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.599883010034185,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.35,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1473033600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.579097219503869,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4625124607540727,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.69854277527247,
+    Boston: 1.555,
+    California__yhat: 1.5829289478592412,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4356249194166182,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7385318431729417,
+    California: 1.335,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4530568901505994,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2927701064887283,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.630286407059165,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.3,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1473638400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5835307321120848,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4570692824610627,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6964456413709623,
+    Boston: 1.655,
+    California__yhat: 1.5763283813423616,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4096833213932036,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7310434287097953,
+    California: 1.53,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5255881976647532,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3561754955258563,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.684027893319529,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.36,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1474243200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5466400307744965,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4338966810651357,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6648156828446639,
+    Boston: 1.625,
+    California__yhat: 1.590860884362237,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.434309019444344,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7362166774986345,
+    California: 1.55,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6196339680610776,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4497107031175656,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7806142462800227,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.95,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1474848000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4811283468885308,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3715392717145678,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.587116073735804,
+    Boston: 1.61,
+    California__yhat: 1.6306839793835606,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4641855806125463,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7938003803814595,
+    California: 1.55,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.677591239818513,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5077716190904478,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8492022322889896,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.965,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1475452800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.423734988977364,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3106773299859629,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.537088463633997,
+    Boston: 1.53,
+    California__yhat: 1.672080021638384,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5130954164169301,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.829975053984329,
+    California: 1.66,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.660660080985409,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5072494922262853,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8299157553498004,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.7,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1476057600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.405528241764916,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.2843080290225841,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5165997437269296,
+    Boston: 1.515,
+    California__yhat: 1.683903744657914,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.527790433264822,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8494276842384527,
+    California: 1.71,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.584598918099223,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4331280394220376,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7554432844710093,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.9,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1476662400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4272680640340751,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.312120538966425,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5460174589362479,
+    Boston: 1.45,
+    California__yhat: 1.6555051697315277,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4902473868501909,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8115544862731081,
+    California: 1.985,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5007544229607501,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3259325266237634,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6625794037605102,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.635,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1477267200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4638545217981513,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3470853117000912,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.5848099636614141,
+    Boston: 1.58,
+    California__yhat: 1.604700938940257,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4455803728171153,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7626934413166773,
+    California: 2.085,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.445462516001628,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2733202392309644,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6136849839376912,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.84,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1477872000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4900776161328921,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.363288614749134,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6074611690548872,
+    Boston: 1.67,
+    California__yhat: 1.558597584307237,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4092137762693824,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7168151371065437,
+    California: 2.025,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.412395217151307,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2522003655479184,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5720725257028094,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.5,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1478476800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.499719058422172,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3860677720273529,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6257991109615109,
+    Boston: 1.575,
+    California__yhat: 1.5269577836642934,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3684070398469637,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6834866934281587,
+    California: 1.805,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.372541136830551,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2048951837458486,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5399850010433882,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.275,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1479081600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5021946534076882,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3897701851514586,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6278988627377922,
+    Boston: 1.595,
+    California__yhat: 1.4944841530199826,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3367754674478323,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6476086861010533,
+    California: 1.71,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3131629324634078,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1482685904140733,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4831223148967962,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.37,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1479686400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5070855180263265,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3758031420462578,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6224302637010204,
+    Boston: 1.695,
+    California__yhat: 1.4390549550559264,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2870897870341376,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.581365165178595,
+    California: 1.625,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2510530948882772,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.096852315699185,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4228159851095246,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.26,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1480291200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.515981385992619,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.402752063281944,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6388822584558373,
+    Boston: 1.63,
+    California__yhat: 1.3574557027193999,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.205330218116345,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.511849266149104,
+    California: 1.435,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2101138191889365,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.047738882979899,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.367409106353797,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.335,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1480896000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5265033621432893,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4094285111714948,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6393549781279129,
+    Boston: 1.55,
+    California__yhat: 1.2732924320010715,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1169415330014323,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4177684146143212,
+    California: 1.27,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.194106692692431,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0239408159790335,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3715283466293289,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.165,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1481500800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.537749982540017,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4234510229315234,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6488062654403828,
+    Boston: 1.545,
+    California__yhat: 1.2191966639579936,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0561519515828182,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.377229313367787,
+    California: 1.28,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1860438398748636,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0194752346333227,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3555997235052395,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.05,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1482105600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.54717287799282,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4325894419217593,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6607558950326091,
+    Boston: 1.63,
+    California__yhat: 1.209651359198234,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.047376483523164,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3617192197077554,
+    California: 1.235,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1708733574176018,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0094451550980346,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3284412755009747,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.02,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1482710400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5525446358914896,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4321559525418919,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6629300100050604,
+    Boston: 1.675,
+    California__yhat: 1.2290873108457203,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0834735690044874,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3911463424635342,
+    California: 1.175,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1515358452259419,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9713798394863586,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.328783456292196,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.015,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1483315200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.550064954571874,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4280653228961655,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6639596214565613,
+    Boston: 1.52,
+    California__yhat: 1.2455583448467942,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.082642369663905,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4067992651381476,
+    California: 1.25,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.141280771099041,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9795394160699816,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3070397301496142,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.97,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1483920000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.543270380547365,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4259694605152158,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6640446618097087,
+    Boston: 1.59,
+    California__yhat: 1.2373507175673657,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.080885612625107,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3882751108018838,
+    California: 1.295,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1440394384901078,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9719642365657081,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.305268597361833,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.96,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1484524800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.543062570935502,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4250583449512002,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6627359664660957,
+    Boston: 1.595,
+    California__yhat: 1.209153215553262,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.056458798823747,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.359740673582503,
+    California: 1.145,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.148023830457049,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.985310000972858,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3164989406131617,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.94,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1485129600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5563131537668164,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4359781802685476,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6695544001612004,
+    Boston: 1.61,
+    California__yhat: 1.1847373501547807,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.026980478300004,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3383246188592155,
+    California: 1.1,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1396463764407923,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9764521573834166,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3059493310264991,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.02,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1485734400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.580213862921242,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.471785065399228,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.709859060053903,
+    Boston: 1.41,
+    California__yhat: 1.1843242136120449,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.022209593451801,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.3398729576536006,
+    California: 1.015,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1177655399044324,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.960870212492223,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2800085941377326,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.915,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1486339200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6028900169710594,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.493195933295021,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7250787356916857,
+    Boston: 1.535,
+    California__yhat: 1.2076887864022636,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0480067008433784,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.36157622282349,
+    California: 1.165,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0962426365666094,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.932735142613276,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2658710755999614,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.025,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1486944000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6180243254601834,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5019253494945275,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7317070139876698,
+    Boston: 1.685,
+    California__yhat: 1.2374898518140625,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.0871874502535506,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.38855460185599,
+    California: 1.225,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0892946232201077,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.912249776571317,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2635151884011402,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.02,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1487548800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6314681516138463,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5121633115952695,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.744533492684596,
+    Boston: 1.625,
+    California__yhat: 1.2579896861798496,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1023005450129273,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.410805180571987,
+    California: 1.145,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0985988437581984,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9272276807854124,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.268223154420295,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.975,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1488153600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6527362281945481,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5370156988376074,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7696617003294441,
+    Boston: 1.51,
+    California__yhat: 1.2703333061019455,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.111723585156037,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4298462878930536,
+    California: 1.3,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1134048111318713,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9390626068594005,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.269659885739347,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.035,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1488758400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6796262551910217,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5600073429179953,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.792138510302397,
+    Boston: 1.82,
+    California__yhat: 1.2897245790200202,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1379108799552407,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.4458817032729592,
+    California: 1.42,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1212520704642086,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9646525278187917,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.297630020352523,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.005,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1489363200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7047676058220433,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.588004698954538,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8237876916992442,
+    Boston: 1.8,
+    California__yhat: 1.3278000750010266,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1720801128566298,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.479537972046816,
+    California: 1.44,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1173287551594895,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9541083635720938,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2758173793309833,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.975,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1489968000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7199499907308777,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.610430126823349,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.848391211549295,
+    Boston: 1.765,
+    California__yhat: 1.3778452208195984,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2271930709177776,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.526801020146615,
+    California: 1.515,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1078235921572972,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9322343272693547,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2623819171505275,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.975,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1490572800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.727509288653125,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.608955989233979,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8398701134735855,
+    Boston: 1.78,
+    California__yhat: 1.417523866504537,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2563042947263576,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5679469295439363,
+    California: 1.43,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.104382522017206,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9348588827263966,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.288927958936451,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.95,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1491177600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.734748827915991,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.617485284327697,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8492714064430869,
+    Boston: 1.765,
+    California__yhat: 1.4268238820259231,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2605967943877965,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5894250214309384,
+    California: 1.38,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.114763946566295,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9559054814545247,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2794678977894611,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.045,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1491782400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.740284889793295,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6251285202563455,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8603081330891629,
+    Boston: 1.805,
+    California__yhat: 1.4047444660311283,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.252187601408478,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5602879586786764,
+    California: 1.505,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1354077134423013,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9669174773999973,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3060872164149298,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.025,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1492387200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7383035748849756,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6195011753192454,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8499952590613429,
+    Boston: 1.755,
+    California__yhat: 1.3704374467860099,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2135979946151467,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5264088446734072,
+    California: 1.43,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1527001514520159,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.989091347188803,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3117056024984444,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.19,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1492992000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7256885365731087,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.601394933506115,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8416830344674322,
+    Boston: 1.815,
+    California__yhat: 1.3489909145619732,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.1912572159413557,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5139736730705589,
+    California: 1.43,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1547506519769346,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9937160393619098,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3128854780729509,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.285,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1493596800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7130353934560185,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.596442859432103,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8308755987420824,
+    Boston: 1.735,
+    California__yhat: 1.355173473126275,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2003893000461905,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.496417471603667,
+    California: 1.335,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1443811288700725,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9698330014155393,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3058601268221433,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.28,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1494201600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7162180910739395,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5979253814194743,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8316564949879741,
+    Boston: 1.805,
+    California__yhat: 1.386991187887074,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2304414370019476,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5433100030609836,
+    California: 1.465,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1382886920665993,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9703025376318066,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3068718678114037,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.305,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1494806400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7368683613674492,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6214553727141692,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.852401124361395,
+    Boston: 1.805,
+    California__yhat: 1.4303795113868312,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2748442887820097,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5873278121590861,
+    California: 1.565,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1488422721542977,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9867027869665088,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3275487440106781,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.31,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1495411200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7626826807520022,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6456053495618348,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8811360090158376,
+    Boston: 1.885,
+    California__yhat: 1.4684172268279105,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3138830044029726,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.63065854402894,
+    California: 1.54,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.16625345390289,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9985190124373086,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3138394903646435,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.28,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1496016000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7785402290075782,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6615410733670033,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8864985273398323,
+    Boston: 1.885,
+    California__yhat: 1.489129750002956,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3443131604382104,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6419229046975075,
+    California: 1.42,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1646218812567077,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9914621431594239,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3237637005616976,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.21,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1496620800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7863439428343726,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6711930247723719,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.9001673638546457,
+    Boston: 1.895,
+    California__yhat: 1.4909845926050966,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.332806158530423,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6412020513359216,
+    California: 1.505,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.132060708096326,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9572994286970965,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2868826416978039,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.245,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1497225600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.8014575842684502,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6864035896068974,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.9197232067167753,
+    Boston: 1.89,
+    California__yhat: 1.4853605712593696,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3373117186789285,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.641800720034394,
+    California: 1.49,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0941978529237113,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.9205119886710038,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2590480686928345,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.87,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1497830400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.8296276869237924,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.7208486392007467,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.945899396479988,
+    Boston: 1.905,
+    California__yhat: 1.4924712873078025,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3393635134719806,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6544132409285186,
+    California: 1.405,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.0997295717174325,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 0.939148005703825,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.2633924450577891,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 0.85,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1498435200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.8519239358166282,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.7280619166005051,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.9671164546049593,
+    Boston: 1.9,
+    California__yhat: 1.5287615089133744,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.375043969790753,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.689154456278733,
+    California: 1.505,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1748674500595282,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0104943955090295,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.333997420395565,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.225,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1499040000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.8406703252155177,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.7370404368727717,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.958611777470813,
+    Boston: 1.93,
+    California__yhat: 1.5925389601991373,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.433119864992163,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.74688745180964,
+    California: 1.45,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2917496124135144,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1187336492585116,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4592024595410427,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.245,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1499644800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7881631960738633,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6667380687101898,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.9071858100406684,
+    Boston: 1.585,
+    California__yhat: 1.6609781243647581,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4990967138637314,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8153555398137116,
+    California: 1.815,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3878443216331735,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2030669817831299,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5506067509588624,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.275,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1500249600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7191840092864128,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6065776365501874,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.839620918087611,
+    Boston: 1.48,
+    California__yhat: 1.7054047449754868,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.535206762631946,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8577821614335777,
+    California: 1.815,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4213934070254646,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2481435763626016,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5936239782584871,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.315,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1500854400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.670256065786413,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.553077857629512,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7869679292492795,
+    Boston: 1.545,
+    California__yhat: 1.714411769084566,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5643734411616905,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8667131285949061,
+    California: 1.76,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.407248985203041,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.238049195039753,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5669510953410066,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.34,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1501459200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6582917033228237,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5409092935474398,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7845780519218253,
+    Boston: 1.58,
+    California__yhat: 1.7037623513454934,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5502705426731838,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8609802183770094,
+    California: 1.77,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3959911883988048,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2357229389395101,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5488768665975765,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.365,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1502064000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6719325972202634,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5549665305959768,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7968206245970162,
+    Boston: 1.645,
+    California__yhat: 1.702279498346654,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5468903384299495,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8613392400539936,
+    California: 1.735,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.419826404697059,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2535254446063566,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.587496068086963,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.48,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1502668800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6914240210366667,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.572243044003606,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.809374180252829,
+    Boston: 1.745,
+    California__yhat: 1.7251379246918526,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5656549380337181,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8664638530454856,
+    California: 2.005,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4644529713654408,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2960084753426138,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6290333163133552,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.72,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1503273600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7102480252220476,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5920744149499648,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8280049793256221,
+    Boston: 1.77,
+    California__yhat: 1.76076006674544,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6040896711403747,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.917339228742503,
+    California: 2.16,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.495655425762464,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3287121240767514,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6650107120670545,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.79,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1503878400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.732895859621494,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6107061239405822,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.845354975869303,
+    Boston: 1.785,
+    California__yhat: 1.7843378450931897,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6323654325281014,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9318196076295764,
+    California: 1.87,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.506710267457564,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3400550535218518,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.669833705250297,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.765,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1504483200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.755244450196397,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.637449623542636,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.871272038544953,
+    Boston: 1.685,
+    California__yhat: 1.7846281349885311,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.622387183433942,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9439851659479768,
+    California: 1.955,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5294803570968938,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3613502797411972,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6927229242339974,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.76,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1505088000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.756615424009621,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6410463799636061,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.870394173319885,
+    Boston: 1.57,
+    California__yhat: 1.7765246925015679,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6216879321213362,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9318739523532495,
+    California: 1.95,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5951620379294922,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4376736726898494,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7655559117205906,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.78,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1505692800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7178097680607571,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6022240484885857,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8407005168977442,
+    Boston: 1.59,
+    California__yhat: 1.7859776752881176,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.630448354264863,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.941471247383345,
+    California: 1.895,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6901750210424575,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5243936951119106,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8614950065165954,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.74,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1506297600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6457729015261873,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5322283465574804,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7646499117189138,
+    Boston: 1.615,
+    California__yhat: 1.8222195096881877,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6627006734537622,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.977876902478907,
+    California: 1.925,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.75967388341635,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5945232197807684,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.9332467068986767,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.795,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1506902400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5747145164848486,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4526178172739,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.688227953801409,
+    Boston: 1.585,
+    California__yhat: 1.8656740212343985,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7126250130588196,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0176230395733374,
+    California: 1.955,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.7575841759379691,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5863235558049222,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.9295182974675937,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.795,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1507507200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5391257682954589,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4325811215040265,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.651378741623639,
+    Boston: 1.595,
+    California__yhat: 1.884287406049771,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7232418981208881,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.040893202969264,
+    California: 1.89,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6896884418687792,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5333015164189816,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8520706067206518,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.61,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1508112000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5457875712691287,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4237508862869774,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6566809290625377,
+    Boston: 1.53,
+    California__yhat: 1.8623246781854044,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.71699357688764,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0166695308216984,
+    California: 1.765,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6044826042052538,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4354026808463178,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.774700503239314,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.425,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1508716800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5726067277125042,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4588518304131273,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6931394818598706,
+    Boston: 1.66,
+    California__yhat: 1.813276217297562,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6436630115090212,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9726143953562199,
+    California: 1.605,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5443116800783563,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3762184866575962,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7109707070940048,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.455,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1509321600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5924432782000346,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4703826300286846,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7121204098890965,
+    Boston: 1.72,
+    California__yhat: 1.764716669699304,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6050564164237722,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9155961260848229,
+    California: 1.455,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5102635492996923,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3491095695601811,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6780957297633348,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.34,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1509926400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5952916742523302,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4724655896157,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.715043028690722,
+    Boston: 1.55,
+    California__yhat: 1.7308712112618871,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5739489361166974,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8856751719281246,
+    California: 1.57,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4744099923739549,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3115443224203953,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6401515994802147,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.365,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1510531200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5888392408097436,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4668361685602658,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7046226875993664,
+    Boston: 1.585,
+    California__yhat: 1.700205239943529,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5485532218705247,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.85030601233507,
+    California: 1.62,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.418973341834363,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.258913708855633,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.574537399654355,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.415,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1511136000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5836318701735101,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4645047458001548,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7040502830959576,
+    Boston: 1.6,
+    California__yhat: 1.6497771589307555,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4923567485580018,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8149873186283765,
+    California: 1.65,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3563342745068379,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1846050321358912,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5060991373789618,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.41,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1511740800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5826517548445758,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.467319909405141,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.697456544854553,
+    Boston: 1.64,
+    California__yhat: 1.5716498507522567,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4030949862688427,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7196692318309386,
+    California: 1.45,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3115312127819436,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1377047570253669,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4728488944922875,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.2,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1512345600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5836934227290973,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4706505426607004,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7028617092919829,
+    Boston: 1.44,
+    California__yhat: 1.4853000367022948,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3171932005626774,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6495818788885088,
+    California: 1.475,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2929263032369593,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.126161335435101,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4691437711105042,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.255,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1512950400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5854904493945186,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4663113792968328,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7064247946100661,
+    Boston: 1.55,
+    California__yhat: 1.423812565967093,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.26337217088044,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5855591138371519,
+    California: 1.365,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.285918064954932,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1129613414382733,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4411417528866655,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.315,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1513555200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.587534822853923,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.474373213976285,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7093497653377143,
+    Boston: 1.64,
+    California__yhat: 1.406491332871266,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2614139028387,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.567765188079335,
+    California: 1.475,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2732538523839543,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1223850003357936,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4388208415738943,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.39,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1514160000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5864233934075276,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4692345690913347,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.699449380613373,
+    Boston: 1.63,
+    California__yhat: 1.4228228692993976,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2632384697230399,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5883896474433383,
+    California: 1.32,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.254604177748047,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.085917150263281,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.410352311015645,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.255,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1514764800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5777769291785921,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4651241617944295,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6989433879444449,
+    Boston: 1.595,
+    California__yhat: 1.4419038492586702,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2879258053870268,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6080138658220995,
+    California: 1.57,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2428419002960793,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0741263868912616,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.407884738946383,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.25,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1515369600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5634839087431907,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4398553462505361,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6740426449964554,
+    Boston: 1.61,
+    California__yhat: 1.4384247589739614,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.282408605059618,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6025657234949855,
+    California: 1.44,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.244658530051088,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.06945490411183,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4129521329470152,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.415,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1515974400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5536680519017763,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4375790011864307,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.677280818004328,
+    Boston: 1.47,
+    California__yhat: 1.4122047608516037,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2652264002363518,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.567139643522832,
+    California: 1.405,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2505394036574187,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0786475912939553,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.428300983429678,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.355,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1516579200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.557784526541132,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.437971156562914,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6722358708824165,
+    Boston: 1.47,
+    California__yhat: 1.385077501398188,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2309216361341202,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.5378930674747595,
+    California: 1.515,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2452975589929682,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0812701428213654,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4042332991981532,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.28,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1517184000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5741548151277522,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4657951310241182,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6946934922897228,
+    Boston: 1.61,
+    California__yhat: 1.3795831010900481,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2240059315323881,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.523348626269824,
+    California: 1.18,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2253524085244434,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0676441338279083,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3853412571686063,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.195,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1517788800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5914104606043242,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4776611552150622,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.703500126320889,
+    Boston: 1.575,
+    California__yhat: 1.3995428080393197,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2489325863292726,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.546806803227574,
+    California: 1.415,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2027703717982,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0400903472942626,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3629951573864216,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.16,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1518393600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6013473406363457,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4866943308203548,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.724859161919591,
+    Boston: 1.67,
+    California__yhat: 1.4295335961237214,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.27915620579144,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.592093519009324,
+    California: 1.535,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1929126764808942,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0346155123052385,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3712222245975092,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.225,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1518998400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.607872039185895,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4920129289266784,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.715879581587453,
+    Boston: 1.6,
+    California__yhat: 1.4520419324065412,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.2928929013136694,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6171413049202863,
+    California: 1.425,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2001106590202169,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0367540154507295,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3644853889790938,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.225,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1519603200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.620911752423461,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.506812351390597,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7396201454879228,
+    Boston: 1.555,
+    California__yhat: 1.464809552378173,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3094369240272457,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6219770630066919,
+    California: 1.35,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2152346714300077,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0545341388963183,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3889597711960058,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.21,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1520208000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6429613225579054,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5250729066500823,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7591414050333753,
+    Boston: 1.595,
+    California__yhat: 1.4815834774378935,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3185475241546276,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6325722262914288,
+    California: 1.345,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2250261625399055,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.050233531841937,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3751543643791921,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.25,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1520812800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.66531535419241,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.551493461131107,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7761043327879456,
+    Boston: 1.605,
+    California__yhat: 1.5160660096342993,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3585529234416427,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6832384050593,
+    California: 1.385,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2230294452897705,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0609477133832677,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3881474130429041,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.22,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1521417600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.678487710603687,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.564705165756329,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7926139100963339,
+    Boston: 1.565,
+    California__yhat: 1.5652070907846978,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4141177410387478,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7063662783920062,
+    California: 1.37,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.213712007592648,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0487714037236402,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.386013473973569,
+    WestTexNewMexico: 1.23,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1521936000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.682536686382473,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5601634078750455,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8039620879210212,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6035530548199777,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4510914166115723,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7623422592242224,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2084666171356633,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0559277454557903,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3716256677551577,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1522540800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6853898579135072,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5607995110322577,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8073999911828285,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6237011645668817,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4757815983654023,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.776587305341555,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.214169410647762,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0581538648241648,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3695836853475196,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1523145600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.689351966157518,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.575343391034058,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.808105985585739,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6102888937664057,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4532428370809523,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.765926876898847,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2326699540808301,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0682655062624615,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3981594060214781,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1523750400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6884864805612496,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5742021894438218,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.813433718348916,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.576982498900054,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4203855126519214,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.72592400619938,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.252733863316836,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0911291189143066,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4184516602131139,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1524355200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6766428888228289,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.557133646049639,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8039224024168021,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5489376559301495,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3802162947230194,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.6976601182869269,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2602503359540163,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0993497131417902,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4269438319760595,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1524960000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6599997280355017,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5524988079395763,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.78349334299218,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5455560009052383,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.3837990457840332,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.708515950009531,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2524804912613416,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0800104649716162,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4199408722695632,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1525564800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6546573207704953,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5366452027236606,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7771963193090587,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5701567229289408,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4158647650377556,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7268920200592506,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2429798542762953,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0755052631291508,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.392085560821767,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1526169600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6695326494114453,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5459475971457444,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7950395799251673,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.611624016941807,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.458822882360371,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7587381622248586,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.24801357713029,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.095791907249141,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4187654522268498,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1526774400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6952782619161684,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5846747431630068,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.808599838384513,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6529694297425044,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4947904634826412,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.805281327291899,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2657324831260757,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0916527617406069,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4262057072494774,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1527379200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7146649368168043,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6036192075126363,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8320676234749995,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6799197400033026,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.536795089675873,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8364148218420857,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2728989667058002,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1027680803304138,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4256330558513326,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1527984000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7231845757821997,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6114211589061664,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8399473046932247,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.687126504560837,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5206803552553565,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.840568971602508,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2494226379667293,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0819385143193307,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4094953369349135,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1528588800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7338736339181342,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.624738247956961,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8600523588665385,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6818587206457696,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5238919914790512,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8359970540337893,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2082943772394181,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0433278198687912,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3775340586041351,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1529193600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7582239199775676,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6392421463550373,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8744063811638438,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6824892628983004,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5270216934691514,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8355198991696158,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.1949458431792086,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.0326445933404091,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.3582577205018647,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1529798400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7854556021975714,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6701615867157495,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.900992088604064,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.7084141969678435,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.550680184855059,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8697836855064995,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2480042263351998,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.090434590083466,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.424659399835797,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1530403200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.787354789852457,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6666480384188682,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.9098732988582017,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.764902407737053,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.603223194893655,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.920536350083403,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3575978077726572,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1882370626482208,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5259537413667061,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1531008000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.7468288679117425,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.6269731637634024,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8742304717717988,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.8350920426745763,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.67180866418075,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0011556756788216,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4670856851172,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2964805935023214,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6345585674318333,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1531612800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6790348325378448,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5595355918151659,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7981872661345062,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.8896488936902816,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7312414010981845,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.04742067910337,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5219801642499642,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3635554462698278,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6938078169246442,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1532217600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6203830503925176,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4939148373489748,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7384178215507446,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9094868020939566,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7497539530943758,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.066749203202386,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.518353366307308,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3460315664515903,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6719233663023574,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1532822400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5966181353875348,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4815110953922874,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7116303325920141,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9020960586545756,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7292057167448445,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.059778801012867,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.500722239431866,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3231682157027853,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.666981600036425,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1533427200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6043495104079866,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4840413633118215,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7221108099336726,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.8948656849707521,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7377559285072435,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.046199710416158,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5126502837159261,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.348984942633407,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6787393215108342,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1534032000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6235344564929182,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5088248982582535,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7493554888388345,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.909902264089578,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7594830495975537,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0814790534495446,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5543880317362218,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3862928701653126,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7129273819479778,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1534636800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6422721302404755,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5227340881288312,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7661948982300177,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9440191472850012,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7912658142139328,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.1017712195687297,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5927167828625721,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4323724913431777,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7602140326496742,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1535241600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.663333153399757,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.53999712206972,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7784281978322263,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.973841750021734,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8101188114604603,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.1242592035994017,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6082103462185078,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4521998997210814,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.787305638512403,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1535846400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.68737589422853,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5546423881129967,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.81339631040741,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9811962739192248,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8227510534530427,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.1315985558632846,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6226614752470665,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4555221188950995,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7886204690874181,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1536451200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.698231894874985,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5796838319630206,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.8162324829522731,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9729323635080123,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.808535742832015,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.133577781410305,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6733686994910637,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.502944700626823,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8462362904169698,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1537056000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.673177148894755,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.5453764645693406,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7925862861000987,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9744328609957065,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.806134310310026,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.1143435664934134,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.7636853647310433,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5994080499191776,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.9276560344065194,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1537660800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6090525676489444,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4758075734046576,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7415461464646478,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 2.002890676494782,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8393829384321998,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.167554310098903,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.8480377771380128,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.6833511313602927,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 2.0203956302646664,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1538265600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5332238629414716,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.395745532771652,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6594122074424231,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 2.04750780058125,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8862667773178747,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.1964678624483946,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.871203717593608,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.7079822731597716,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 2.0301687351484716,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1538870400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4838235218338653,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.342874791691052,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6153763350017596,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 2.077120900334973,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.9153457544393646,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.2257915381404114,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.82041781992544,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.6611091710560477,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.9861967842346009,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1539475200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4782598065971189,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.344299563230488,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6120885230403785,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 2.0680763229686003,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.9058339107657098,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.2271524402751357,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.7347888113423426,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5635904551430955,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.9156528167964688,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1540080000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5019076277701395,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3599533884699693,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6280806469131115,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 2.024848167646863,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8751718922611667,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.181285898190137,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6642517414081586,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.5057398973441602,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.8294977831848556,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1540684800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5261445315121063,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3842621727623396,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6621117556669727,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9734463765925931,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.8088818677515675,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.126982970675845,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.6241900952059145,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4588876582071624,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.784631618531262,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1541289600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5342292058778846,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4009158870039455,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6712593477153987,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9349431912143948,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7885852175115098,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0873085211178646,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.5920988447021243,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.4263832621800148,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7531828975557295,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1541894400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5294259663392042,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3924842007891862,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6507958373495442,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.9057390728545534,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7475197483489708,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.062712581571349,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.543019079828916,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3695776164214464,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.7087815320271016,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1542499200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5230698969360126,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3809557482614745,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6589456998839296,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.8637296678057955,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.7018053289953212,
+    California__yhat_upper: 2.0257018609379758,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4799169293082408,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.3145794440516334,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.6522485434508896,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1543104000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5208708829546633,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3604336968511885,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6609428389714096,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.7936602026704043,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.6379951921970646,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.95152165636367,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.4272257196828566,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.272152994358733,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5868498721646007,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1543708800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5215185621542675,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3697927259578533,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.660287494127729,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.7064731067231154,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5520676677402718,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8660397663631223,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.400927639683618,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2311493844093724,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5721726483927894,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1544313600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.523082324505037,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3798605288416401,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6595545690681865,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.63369712167469,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4812445505442762,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7895227430485967,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3924891998114304,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.224927064552775,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5600454611520078,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1544918400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5252374178893244,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3735876009017964,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6817643418736,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6018360669178997,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4448200304166305,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7653214982115613,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.382668428202286,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.2250854001550213,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5513127466776713,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1545523200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5257009332678877,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.373769486453698,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6777290304954673,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6101959065128604,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4485481898012444,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.760224378777222,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3648297759239376,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1991014099251225,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5411049951690883,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1546128000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.519710895215176,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3633919544653097,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6659978660046513,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6319769496654943,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.473710017010973,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.791109895570328,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3494376178076892,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.185383822109829,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.532570105602063,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1546732800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.506436772565979,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.355182359220297,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6593106513749971,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.637152076200478,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4890084905935133,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.805162095435664,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3471836387407383,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.180741288403578,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5169593922257443,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1547337600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.493855241350894,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3402894910848755,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6502490151569948,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6165918986195917,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.452717878742141,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7835907868934933,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3535250210168848,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1910941101898465,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5258253127470764,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1547942400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.4930213841534519,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.32522086851355,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6395141150072567,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5868263660723425,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4139977641298356,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7378668908798396,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3530714721722696,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.184666913955583,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5365947930677417,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1548547200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5064260868778963,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.349421678738668,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6717312468069758,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5728369500849846,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4078403234125212,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7232456421219013,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3371545702180658,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1688412736364369,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5027118067203777,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1549152000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5247372779721031,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3626664019808368,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6814205406438416,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.5856049867860793,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4318586175955552,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7445240758791,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3135544611621512,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1563716592544324,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.475000207389841,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1549756800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5372085738904104,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3646353055360099,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.6996311340505321,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.614619447033503,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4504777711726042,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.7634410984148907,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.2984131725315775,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1291455665989898,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.464210408267379,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1550361600000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5437612828919351,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3714524418064908,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7050010452983988,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6407248315679368,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4791106123785347,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.795498975466594,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3005896332658433,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1293433646870712,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4725109599593378,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1550966400000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.553849796800034,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.3933386147660276,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7212149787623847,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6556818697074631,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.4986915548656765,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8167106850243597,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3146671428439285,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1499214021686772,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.476282980039059,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1551571200000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5735220492749673,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.39545277676677,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7405658280486025,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6692539026026865,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5070879158371504,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.829855566706541,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3273697319920155,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1685181880635562,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.5115103975610973,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1552176000000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.5970706588853314,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.4072734746191229,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7662443556254754,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.6973629782335624,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5391932795723466,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.8666554141457992,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3291860136148679,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.146719318199386,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.49430539305963,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
+  {
+    __timestamp: 1552780800000,
+    Boston__yhat: 1.6137166198890966,
+    Boston__yhat_lower: 1.435877479880376,
+    Boston__yhat_upper: 1.7773653706454762,
+    Boston: null,
+    California__yhat: 1.7434026274449044,
+    California__yhat_lower: 1.5808874223569025,
+    California__yhat_upper: 1.9029919670638462,
+    California: null,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat: 1.3211623123534868,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_lower: 1.1561589813319189,
+    WestTexNewMexico__yhat_upper: 1.4849083926875184,
+    WestTexNewMexico: null,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/TableStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/TableStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfca835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/TableStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';
+import { withKnobs, number, boolean } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import TableChartPlugin, { TableChartProps } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table/src';
+import { basicFormData, basicData, birthNames } from './testData';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-table',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+new TableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'table' }).register();
+function expandArray<T>(input: T[], targetSize: number) {
+  if (!input || input.length === 0) {
+    throw new Error('Cannot expand an empty array');
+  }
+  let arr = input;
+  while (arr.length < targetSize) {
+    arr = arr.concat(arr);
+  }
+  return arr.slice(0, targetSize);
+// memoize expanded array so to make sure we always return the same
+// data when changing page sizes
+const expandRecords = memoizeOne(expandArray);
+const expandColumns = memoizeOne(expandArray);
+ * Load sample data for testing
+ * @param props the original props passed to SuperChart
+ * @param pageLength number of records perpage
+ * @param rows the target number of records
+ * @param cols the target number of columns
+ */
+function loadData(
+  props: TableChartProps,
+  {
+    pageLength = 50,
+    rows = 1042,
+    cols = 8,
+    alignPn = false,
+    showCellBars = true,
+    includeSearch = true,
+  },
+): TableChartProps {
+  if (!props.queriesData || !props.queriesData[0]) return props;
+  const records = props.queriesData?.[0].data || [];
+  const columns = props.queriesData?.[0].colnames || [];
+  return {
+    ...props,
+    queriesData: [
+      {
+        ...props.queriesData[0],
+        data: expandRecords(records, rows),
+        colnames: expandColumns(columns, cols),
+      },
+    ],
+    formData: {
+      ...props.formData,
+      align_pn: alignPn,
+      page_length: pageLength,
+      show_cell_bars: showCellBars,
+      include_search: includeSearch,
+    },
+    height: window.innerHeight - 130,
+  };
+export const basic = ({ width, height }) => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="table"
+    datasource={{
+      columnFormats: {},
+    }}
+    width={width}
+    height={height}
+    queriesData={[{ data: basicData }]}
+    formData={basicFormData}
+  />
+basic.story = {
+  parameters: {
+    initialSize: {
+      width: 680,
+      height: 420,
+    },
+  },
+export const BigTable = ({ width, height }) => {
+  const rows = number('Records', 2046, { range: true, min: 0, max: 50000 });
+  const cols = number('Columns', 8, { range: true, min: 1, max: 20 });
+  const pageLength = number('Page size', 50, { range: true, min: 0, max: 100 });
+  const includeSearch = boolean('Include search', true);
+  const alignPn = boolean('Algin PosNeg', false);
+  const showCellBars = boolean('Show Cell Bars', true);
+  const chartProps = loadData(birthNames, {
+    pageLength,
+    rows,
+    cols,
+    alignPn,
+    showCellBars,
+    includeSearch,
+  });
+  return <SuperChart chartType="table" {...chartProps} width={width} height={height} />;
+BigTable.story = {
+  parameters: {
+    initialSize: {
+      width: 620,
+      height: 440,
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/birthNames.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/birthNames.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456d8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/birthNames.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13356 @@
+  "disableErrorBoundary": true,
+  "id": "chart-id-86",
+  "className": "superset-chart-table",
+  "chartType": "table",
+  "width": 616,
+  "height": 632.1,
+  "datasource": {
+    "id": 3,
+    "column_formats": {},
+    "description": null,
+    "database": {
+      "id": 1,
+      "name": "examples",
+      "backend": "postgresql",
+      "allow_multi_schema_metadata_fetch": false,
+      "allows_subquery": true,
+      "allows_cost_estimate": null,
+      "allows_virtual_table_explore": true,
+      "explore_database_id": 1
+    },
+    "default_endpoint": null,
+    "filter_select": true,
+    "filter_select_enabled": true,
+    "name": "birth_names",
+    "datasource_name": "birth_names",
+    "table_name": "birth_names",
+    "type": "table",
+    "schema": null,
+    "offset": 0,
+    "cache_timeout": null,
+    "params": null,
+    "perm": "[examples].[birth_names](id:3)",
+    "edit_url": "/tablemodelview/edit/3",
+    "sql": null,
+    "columns": [
+      {
+        "id": 332,
+        "column_name": "ds",
+        "verbose_name": null,
+        "description": null,
+        "expression": null,
+        "filterable": true,
+        "groupby": true,
+        "is_dttm": true,
+        "python_date_format": null
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 333,
+        "column_name": "gender",
+        "verbose_name": null,
+        "description": null,
+        "expression": null,
+        "filterable": true,
+        "groupby": true,
+        "is_dttm": false,
+        "type": "VARCHAR(16)",
+        "python_date_format": null
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 334,
+        "column_name": "name",
+        "verbose_name": null,
+        "description": null,
+        "expression": null,
+        "filterable": true,
+        "groupby": true,
+        "is_dttm": false,
+        "type": "VARCHAR(255)",
+        "python_date_format": null
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 335,
+        "column_name": "num",
+        "verbose_name": null,
+        "description": null,
+        "expression": null,
+        "filterable": true,
+        "groupby": true,
+        "is_dttm": false,
+        "type": "BIGINT",
+        "python_date_format": null
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 336,
+        "column_name": "state",
+        "verbose_name": null,
+        "description": null,
+        "expression": null,
+        "filterable": true,
+        "groupby": true,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "name": "Timothy <img width=\"30\" height=\"30\" src=\"\">",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "SUM(num_girls)": 396,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
+          "state": "OH",
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
+          "state": "MI",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
+          "state": "MI",
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+          "name": "Bradley",
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+          "% sum__num": 0.00025491510971564085,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
+          "state": "IL",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "% sum__num": 0.000012434883400762968,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
+          "state": "IL",
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
+          "state": "FL",
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
+          "state": "MI",
+          "gender": "boy",
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
+          "state": "OH",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
+          "state": "MI",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
+          "state": "MA",
+          "gender": "boy",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
+          "state": "IL",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
+          "state": "IL",
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+          "name": "Jerry",
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
+          "state": "IL",
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
+          "state": "IL",
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
+          "state": "NY",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
+          "state": "NJ",
+          "gender": "boy",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
+          "state": "NJ",
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "name": "Frank",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
+          "state": "FL",
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
+          "state": "MA",
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+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 378691200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 757382400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
+          "state": "NY",
+          "gender": "boy",
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "% sum__num": 0.0006075328747229908,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
+          "state": "NY",
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+        },
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
+          "state": "MI",
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "% sum__num": 0.00041123935818237535,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+          "name": "Justin",
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
+          "state": "PA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
+          "state": "TX",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "name": "Vincent",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
+          "state": "MA",
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+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 410227200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -63158400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 946684800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 662688000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 788918400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 536457600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": -126230400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
+          "state": "OH",
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+          "% pct_boys": 0
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 441763200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 473385600000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 126230400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 63072000000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1072915200000,
+          "state": "CA",
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 694224000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1009843200000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 347155200000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 283996800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
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+          "__timestamp": -157766400000,
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+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 883612800000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 0,
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+          "__timestamp": 189302400000,
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+        {
+          "__timestamp": 599616000000,
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+          "__timestamp": 252460800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 852076800000,
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+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
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+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
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+          "pct_boys": 798,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0007087883538434892,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0012349137030543223
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1199145600000,
+          "state": "CA",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Abigail",
+          "sum__num": 1560,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 1560,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0013856012932278736,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.003252263033027148,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 978307200000,
+          "state": "NJ",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Angel",
+          "sum__num": 172,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 172,
+          "pct_boys": 172,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00015277142463794504,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.000266171875846295
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1104537600000,
+          "state": "other",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Nathan",
+          "sum__num": 6295,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 6295,
+          "pct_boys": 6295,
+          "% sum__num": 0.005591256500557349,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.009741581153793182
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
+          "state": "IL",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Noah",
+          "sum__num": 361,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 361,
+          "pct_boys": 361,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0003206423505482451,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0005586514370960029
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 504921600000,
+          "state": "CA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Shawn",
+          "sum__num": 594,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 594,
+          "pct_boys": 594,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0005275943385752288,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0009192214782133677
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 220924800000,
+          "state": "TX",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Holly",
+          "sum__num": 303,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 303,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0002691264050307985,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0006316895506456576,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
+          "state": "PA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Mark",
+          "sum__num": 748,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 748,
+          "pct_boys": 748,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0006643780559836215,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0011575381577501667
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 631152000000,
+          "state": "NJ",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Jeffrey",
+          "sum__num": 434,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 434,
+          "pct_boys": 434,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00038548138542365205,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.00067161973324007
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
+          "state": "OH",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Sydney",
+          "sum__num": 362,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 362,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00032153055650544247,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0007546918063819408,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
+          "state": "MA",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Tara",
+          "sum__num": 245,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 245,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00021761045951335196,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0005107720789049047,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 820454400000,
+          "state": "FL",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "David",
+          "sum__num": 1177,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 1177,
+          "pct_boys": 1177,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0010454184116212868,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0018214203364598212
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
+          "state": "PA",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Lisa",
+          "sum__num": 1050,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 1050,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0009326162550572227,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0021890231953067343,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
+          "state": "IL",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Katie",
+          "sum__num": 202,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 202,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0001794176033538657,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.00042112636709710507,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": -31536000000,
+          "state": "MA",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Elizabeth",
+          "sum__num": 590,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 590,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0005240415147464394,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0012300225573628316,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 567993600000,
+          "state": "MA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Paul",
+          "sum__num": 359,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 359,
+          "pct_boys": 359,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00031886593863385043,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0005555564152838367
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 31536000000,
+          "state": "TX",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Craig",
+          "sum__num": 384,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 384,
+          "pct_boys": 384,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00034107108756378427,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0005942441879359145
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1136073600000,
+          "state": "FL",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Matthew",
+          "sum__num": 1236,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 1236,
+          "pct_boys": 1236,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0010978225630959306,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0019127234799187246
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
+          "state": "OH",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Sophia",
+          "sum__num": 620,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 620,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00055068769346236,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0012925660772287384,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1167609600000,
+          "state": "PA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Kyle",
+          "sum__num": 244,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 244,
+          "pct_boys": 244,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0002167222535561546,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.000377592661084279
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 725846400000,
+          "state": "PA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Timothy",
+          "sum__num": 696,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 696,
+          "pct_boys": 696,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0006181913462093591,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.001077067590633845
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 94694400000,
+          "state": "IL",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Samuel",
+          "sum__num": 189,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 189,
+          "pct_boys": 189,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00016787092591030007,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0002924795612497079
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
+          "state": "other",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Daniel",
+          "sum__num": 7609,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 7609,
+          "pct_boys": 7609,
+          "% sum__num": 0.006758359128314673,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.01177501048438639
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 157766400000,
+          "state": "other",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Jacob",
+          "sum__num": 1423,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 1423,
+          "pct_boys": 1423,
+          "% sum__num": 0.001263917077091836,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0022021080193562665
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 915148800000,
+          "state": "MA",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Luke",
+          "sum__num": 149,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 149,
+          "pct_boys": 149,
+          "% sum__num": 0.00013234268762240587,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0002305791250063835
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 1041379200000,
+          "state": "TX",
+          "gender": "boy",
+          "name": "Nathaniel",
+          "sum__num": 582,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 582,
+          "pct_boys": 582,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0005169358670888606,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0,
+          "% pct_boys": 0.0009006513473403704
+        },
+        {
+          "__timestamp": 315532800000,
+          "state": "TX",
+          "gender": "girl",
+          "name": "Samantha",
+          "sum__num": 304,
+          "SUM(num_girls)": 304,
+          "SUM(num_boys)": 0,
+          "pct_boys": 0,
+          "% sum__num": 0.0002700146109879959,
+          "% SUM(num_girls)": 0.0006337743346411878,
+          "% pct_boys": 0
+        }
+      ],
+      "applied_filters": [],
+      "rejected_filters": []
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/testData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/testData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c3582a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-table/testData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { TableChartProps } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table/src';
+// @ts-ignore
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions
+import birthNamesJson from './birthNames.json';
+export const birthNames = (birthNamesJson as unknown) as TableChartProps;
+export const basicFormData = {
+  alignPn: false,
+  colorPn: false,
+  includeSearch: false,
+  metrics: ['sum__num', 'MAX(ds)'],
+  orderDesc: true,
+  pageLength: 0,
+  percentMetrics: null,
+  showCellBars: true,
+  tableFilter: false,
+  tableTimestampFormat: 'smart_date',
+  timeseriesLimitMetric: null,
+export const basicData = {
+  columns: ['name', 'sum__num', 'MAX(ds)', ''],
+  records: [
+    {
+      name: 'Michael',
+      sum__num: 2467063,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 110,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'Christopher',
+      sum__num: 1725265,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 119,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'David',
+      sum__num: 1570516,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'James',
+      sum__num: 1506025,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'John',
+      sum__num: 1426074,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'Matthew',
+      sum__num: 1355803,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'Robert',
+      sum__num: 1314800,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'Daniel',
+      sum__num: 1159354,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'Joseph',
+      sum__num: 1114098,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'William',
+      sum__num: 1113701,
+      'MAX(ds)': '2008-01-01T00:00:00',
+      '': 120,
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9ab1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { select, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import {
+  WordCloudChartPlugin,
+  LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin,
+} from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
+import transformProps from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud/lib/plugin/transformProps';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+import data from './data';
+new WordCloudChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'word-cloud2' }).register();
+new LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'legacy-word-cloud2' }).register();
+// Enable the new WordCloud Props to show case its full features
+// if the control panel is updated to be able to pass formData in the new format.
+getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerValue('word-cloud2', transformProps);
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|plugin-chart-word-cloud',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+export const basic = ({ width, height }) => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="word-cloud2"
+    width={width}
+    height={height}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        color: {
+          value: '#0097e6',
+        },
+        fontSize: {
+          field: 'sum__num',
+          scale: {
+            range: [0, 70],
+            zero: true,
+          },
+          type: 'quantitative',
+        },
+        text: {
+          field: 'name',
+        },
+      },
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      rotation: select('Rotation', ['square', 'flat', 'random'], 'flat'),
+      series: 'name',
+    }}
+  />
+export const encodesColorByWordLength = ({ width, height }) => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="word-cloud2"
+    width={width}
+    height={height}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        color: {
+          field: 'name.length',
+          scale: {
+            range: ['#fbc531', '#c23616'],
+            type: 'linear',
+            zero: false,
+          },
+          type: 'quantitative',
+        },
+        fontSize: {
+          field: 'sum__num',
+          scale: {
+            range: [0, 70],
+            zero: true,
+          },
+          type: 'quantitative',
+        },
+        text: {
+          field: 'name',
+        },
+      },
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      rotation: select('Rotation', ['square', 'flat', 'random'], 'flat'),
+      series: 'name',
+    }}
+  />
+export const encodesFontByFirstLetter = ({ width, height }) => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="word-cloud2"
+    width={width}
+    height={height}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        color: {
+          value: '#8c7ae6',
+        },
+        fontFamily: {
+          field: 'name[0]',
+          scale: {
+            range: ['Helvetica', 'Monaco'],
+            type: 'ordinal',
+          },
+          type: 'nominal',
+        },
+        fontSize: {
+          field: 'sum__num',
+          scale: {
+            range: [0, 70],
+            zero: true,
+          },
+          type: 'quantitative',
+        },
+        text: {
+          field: 'name',
+        },
+      },
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      rotation: select('Rotation', ['square', 'flat', 'random'], 'flat'),
+      series: 'name',
+    }}
+  />
+export const legacyShim = ({ width, height }) => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="legacy-word-cloud2"
+    width={width}
+    height={height}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      metric: 'sum__num',
+      rotation: select('Rotation', ['square', 'flat', 'random'], 'flat'),
+      series: 'name',
+      sizeFrom: '10',
+      sizeTo: '70',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb5b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default [
+  {
+    name: 'Michael',
+    sum__num: 2467129,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Christopher',
+    sum__num: 1725328,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'David',
+    sum__num: 1570516,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'James',
+    sum__num: 1506095,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'John',
+    sum__num: 1426074,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Matthew',
+    sum__num: 1355877,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jennifer',
+    sum__num: 1335587,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Robert',
+    sum__num: 1314800,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Daniel',
+    sum__num: 1159354,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Joseph',
+    sum__num: 1114167,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'William',
+    sum__num: 1113793,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Joshua',
+    sum__num: 1073440,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jessica',
+    sum__num: 997179,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jason',
+    sum__num: 955817,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Andrew',
+    sum__num: 926315,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Anthony',
+    sum__num: 878978,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Brian',
+    sum__num: 874868,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Ryan',
+    sum__num: 816288,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kevin',
+    sum__num: 791084,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Ashley',
+    sum__num: 789363,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Thomas',
+    sum__num: 746589,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Sarah',
+    sum__num: 744956,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Nicholas',
+    sum__num: 728617,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Amanda',
+    sum__num: 719676,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Elizabeth',
+    sum__num: 712676,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Justin',
+    sum__num: 704646,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jacob',
+    sum__num: 700755,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Eric',
+    sum__num: 700518,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jonathan',
+    sum__num: 691938,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Brandon',
+    sum__num: 682546,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Melissa',
+    sum__num: 664648,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Steven',
+    sum__num: 659750,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Michelle',
+    sum__num: 659302,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Richard',
+    sum__num: 652854,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kimberly',
+    sum__num: 647609,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Timothy',
+    sum__num: 632770,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Stephanie',
+    sum__num: 628138,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Emily',
+    sum__num: 614741,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Lisa',
+    sum__num: 606540,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Mark',
+    sum__num: 589103,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jeffrey',
+    sum__num: 557562,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Amy',
+    sum__num: 556835,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Charles',
+    sum__num: 556124,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Nicole',
+    sum__num: 545099,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Tyler',
+    sum__num: 499814,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Angela',
+    sum__num: 496228,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Samantha',
+    sum__num: 484266,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Benjamin',
+    sum__num: 482709,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Heather',
+    sum__num: 481474,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Scott',
+    sum__num: 469933,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Rebecca',
+    sum__num: 466847,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Adam',
+    sum__num: 459794,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Mary',
+    sum__num: 459471,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Zachary',
+    sum__num: 459381,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Aaron',
+    sum__num: 453035,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Rachel',
+    sum__num: 444351,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Alexander',
+    sum__num: 438239,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Paul',
+    sum__num: 411513,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kyle',
+    sum__num: 409644,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Laura',
+    sum__num: 408963,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Lauren',
+    sum__num: 403946,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Megan',
+    sum__num: 402100,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Nathan',
+    sum__num: 393793,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Samuel',
+    sum__num: 390363,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Christina',
+    sum__num: 387580,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kelly',
+    sum__num: 384611,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jordan',
+    sum__num: 382963,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Patrick',
+    sum__num: 382673,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jeremy',
+    sum__num: 381171,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Jose',
+    sum__num: 377759,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Stephen',
+    sum__num: 374269,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Sean',
+    sum__num: 366228,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kenneth',
+    sum__num: 361043,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Gregory',
+    sum__num: 334166,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Brittany',
+    sum__num: 333252,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Amber',
+    sum__num: 331563,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Katherine',
+    sum__num: 329873,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Hannah',
+    sum__num: 329227,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Taylor',
+    sum__num: 327602,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Danielle',
+    sum__num: 322578,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Andrea',
+    sum__num: 318796,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Austin',
+    sum__num: 314059,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Tiffany',
+    sum__num: 301753,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Kayla',
+    sum__num: 291858,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Christian',
+    sum__num: 288189,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Maria',
+    sum__num: 287870,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Alexis',
+    sum__num: 286496,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Bryan',
+    sum__num: 282841,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Victoria',
+    sum__num: 277371,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Julie',
+    sum__num: 270542,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Shannon',
+    sum__num: 266886,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Christine',
+    sum__num: 264122,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Sara',
+    sum__num: 263050,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Erin',
+    sum__num: 262817,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Madison',
+    sum__num: 262812,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Crystal',
+    sum__num: 262697,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Karen',
+    sum__num: 257961,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Anna',
+    sum__num: 256136,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Dylan',
+    sum__num: 250778,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Edward',
+    sum__num: 248689,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4dbeab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
+import { boolean, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { SuperChart, getChartTransformPropsRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { AntdSelectFilterPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd';
+import transformProps from '@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd/lib/Select/transformProps';
+import data from './data';
+import { withResizableChartDemo } from '../../../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
+new AntdSelectFilterPlugin().configure({ key: 'filter_select' }).register();
+getChartTransformPropsRegistry().registerValue('filter_select', transformProps);
+export default {
+  title: 'Filter Plugins|plugin-filter-antd/Select',
+  decorators: [withKnobs, withResizableChartDemo],
+export const Select = ({ width, height }) => {
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType="filter_select"
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        adhoc_filters: [],
+        extra_filters: [],
+        multiSelect: boolean('Multi select', true),
+        inverseSelection: boolean('Inverse selection', false),
+        row_limit: 1000,
+        viz_type: 'filter_select',
+        groupby: ['country_name'],
+        metrics: ['SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)'],
+      }}
+      hooks={{
+        setExtraFormData: action('setExtraFormData'),
+      }}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e5fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/Select/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+export default [
+  { country_name: 'Afghanistan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 887557752 },
+  { country_name: 'Albania', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 148154320 },
+  { country_name: 'Algeria', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1317290647 },
+  { country_name: 'American Samoa', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2294886 },
+  { country_name: 'Andorra', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2704725 },
+  { country_name: 'Angola', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 641906296 },
+  { country_name: 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3887170 },
+  { country_name: 'Argentina', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1728332290 },
+  { country_name: 'Armenia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 160782905 },
+  { country_name: 'Aruba', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 4048374 },
+  { country_name: 'Australia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 903260509 },
+  { country_name: 'Austria', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 426785647 },
+  { country_name: 'Azerbaijan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 374210660 },
+  { country_name: 'Bahamas, The', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 13446111 },
+  { country_name: 'Bahrain', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 29724096 },
+  { country_name: 'Bangladesh', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5549261462 },
+  { country_name: 'Barbados', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 14146501 },
+  { country_name: 'Belarus', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 524490000 },
+  { country_name: 'Belgium', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 551921585 },
+  { country_name: 'Belize', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 10571460 },
+  { country_name: 'Benin', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 290736360 },
+  { country_name: 'Bermuda', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3159267 },
+  { country_name: 'Bhutan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 25987074 },
+  { country_name: 'Bolivia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 368308373 },
+  { country_name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 215521543 },
+  { country_name: 'Botswana', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 70510085 },
+  { country_name: 'Brazil', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7752058955 },
+  { country_name: 'Brunei Darussalam', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 13322318 },
+  { country_name: 'Bulgaria', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 456247765 },
+  { country_name: 'Burkina Faso', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 505122912 },
+  { country_name: 'Burundi', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 305731834 },
+  { country_name: 'Cabo Verde', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 19178461 },
+  { country_name: 'Cambodia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 523555378 },
+  { country_name: 'Cameroon', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 664127790 },
+  { country_name: 'Canada', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1470276931 },
+  { country_name: 'Cayman Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1480956 },
+  { country_name: 'Central African Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 158650217 },
+  { country_name: 'Chad', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 355875809 },
+  { country_name: 'Channel Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7515697 },
+  { country_name: 'Chile', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 696739897 },
+  { country_name: 'China', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 58345455000 },
+  { country_name: 'Colombia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1776189608 },
+  { country_name: 'Comoros', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 22692936 },
+  { country_name: 'Congo, Dem. Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2015439254 },
+  { country_name: 'Congo, Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 130701144 },
+  { country_name: 'Costa Rica', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 163515714 },
+  { country_name: "Cote d'Ivoire", 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 634194484 },
+  { country_name: 'Croatia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 246197511 },
+  { country_name: 'Cuba', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 550461345 },
+  { country_name: 'Curacao', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7898637 },
+  { country_name: 'Cyprus', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 43711039 },
+  { country_name: 'Czech Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 559416359 },
+  { country_name: 'Denmark', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 283435789 },
+  { country_name: 'Djibouti', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 26324244 },
+  { country_name: 'Dominica', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3881071 },
+  { country_name: 'Dominican Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 373939753 },
+  { country_name: 'Ecuador', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 537148542 },
+  { country_name: 'Egypt, Arab Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2967887581 },
+  { country_name: 'El Salvador', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 266413287 },
+  { country_name: 'Equatorial Guinea', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 22627794 },
+  { country_name: 'Eritrea', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 161125877 },
+  { country_name: 'Estonia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 77119567 },
+  { country_name: 'Ethiopia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2750952916 },
+  { country_name: 'Faeroe Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2399439 },
+  { country_name: 'Fiji', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 37505227 },
+  { country_name: 'Finland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 271585488 },
+  { country_name: 'France', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3151638853 },
+  { country_name: 'French Polynesia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 9974982 },
+  { country_name: 'Gabon', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 52489952 },
+  { country_name: 'Gambia, The', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 50232086 },
+  { country_name: 'Georgia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 241070850 },
+  { country_name: 'Germany', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 4361793335 },
+  { country_name: 'Ghana', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 801844889 },
+  { country_name: 'Greece', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 547065293 },
+  { country_name: 'Greenland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2807533 },
+  { country_name: 'Grenada', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5366107 },
+  { country_name: 'Guam', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 6647797 },
+  { country_name: 'Guatemala', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 498361800 },
+  { country_name: 'Guinea', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 362469063 },
+  { country_name: 'Guinea-Bissau', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 58400669 },
+  { country_name: 'Guyana', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 39868752 },
+  { country_name: 'Haiti', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 377521290 },
+  { country_name: 'Honduras', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 257791863 },
+  { country_name: 'Hong Kong SAR, China', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 298353905 },
+  { country_name: 'Hungary', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 566995908 },
+  { country_name: 'Iceland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 13716537 },
+  { country_name: 'India', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 46023037597 },
+  { country_name: 'Indonesia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 9357861231 },
+  { country_name: 'Iran, Islamic Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2717528355 },
+  { country_name: 'Iraq', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 983604177 },
+  { country_name: 'Ireland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 196019322 },
+  { country_name: 'Isle of Man', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3728525 },
+  { country_name: 'Israel', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 263866720 },
+  { country_name: 'Italy', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3082869665 },
+  { country_name: 'Jamaica', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 124779119 },
+  { country_name: 'Japan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 6454620759 },
+  { country_name: 'Jordan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 180850641 },
+  { country_name: 'Kazakhstan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 797168043 },
+  { country_name: 'Kenya', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1253201109 },
+  { country_name: 'Kiribati', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3874990 },
+  { country_name: 'Korea, Dem. Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1047335229 },
+  { country_name: 'Korea, Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2216456927 },
+  { country_name: 'Kosovo', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 86627232 },
+  { country_name: 'Kuwait', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 84737006 },
+  { country_name: 'Kyrgyz Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 222809200 },
+  { country_name: 'Lao PDR', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 227340983 },
+  { country_name: 'Latvia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 130544986 },
+  { country_name: 'Lebanon', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 162031498 },
+  { country_name: 'Lesotho', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 81971241 },
+  { country_name: 'Liberia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 125666085 },
+  { country_name: 'Libya', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 217716251 },
+  { country_name: 'Liechtenstein', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1527171 },
+  { country_name: 'Lithuania', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 182416949 },
+  { country_name: 'Luxembourg', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 21852156 },
+  { country_name: 'Macao SAR, China', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 18882494 },
+  { country_name: 'Macedonia, FYR', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 104100695 },
+  { country_name: 'Madagascar', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 656478313 },
+  { country_name: 'Malawi', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 470725354 },
+  { country_name: 'Malaysia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 978122682 },
+  { country_name: 'Maldives', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 11478624 },
+  { country_name: 'Mali', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 500758830 },
+  { country_name: 'Malta', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 19363458 },
+  { country_name: 'Marshall Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2086174 },
+  { country_name: 'Mauritania', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 113489314 },
+  { country_name: 'Mauritius', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 56066051 },
+  { country_name: 'Mexico', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 4444653964 },
+  { country_name: 'Micronesia, Fed. Sts.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 4627492 },
+  { country_name: 'Moldova', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 186156257 },
+  { country_name: 'Monaco', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1595554 },
+  { country_name: 'Mongolia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 106717826 },
+  { country_name: 'Montenegro', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 31652512 },
+  { country_name: 'Morocco', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1277441301 },
+  { country_name: 'Mozambique', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 807229371 },
+  { country_name: 'Myanmar', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2126848982 },
+  { country_name: 'Namibia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 75238033 },
+  { country_name: 'Nepal', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1007162709 },
+  { country_name: 'Netherlands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 803013980 },
+  { country_name: 'New Caledonia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 9225822 },
+  { country_name: 'New Zealand', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 187593600 },
+  { country_name: 'Nicaragua', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 213048662 },
+  { country_name: 'Niger', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 471910464 },
+  { country_name: 'Nigeria', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5259800493 },
+  { country_name: 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2015842 },
+  { country_name: 'Norway', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 233337059 },
+  { country_name: 'Oman', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 93132249 },
+  { country_name: 'Pakistan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5696041480 },
+  { country_name: 'Palau', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 833299 },
+  { country_name: 'Panama', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 130974461 },
+  { country_name: 'Papua New Guinea', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 228299012 },
+  { country_name: 'Paraguay', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 221768661 },
+  { country_name: 'Peru', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1121937313 },
+  { country_name: 'Philippines', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3272015554 },
+  { country_name: 'Poland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1976772515 },
+  { country_name: 'Portugal', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 536945679 },
+  { country_name: 'Puerto Rico', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 181515497 },
+  { country_name: 'Qatar', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 30075210 },
+  { country_name: 'Romania', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1171333228 },
+  { country_name: 'Russian Federation', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7667188460 },
+  { country_name: 'Rwanda', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 347121852 },
+  { country_name: 'Samoa', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 8770470 },
+  { country_name: 'San Marino', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1298411 },
+  { country_name: 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 6169644 },
+  { country_name: 'Saudi Arabia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 828451525 },
+  { country_name: 'Senegal', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 414475224 },
+  { country_name: 'Serbia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 186596480 },
+  { country_name: 'Seychelles', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3761184 },
+  { country_name: 'Sierra Leone', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 203443826 },
+  { country_name: 'Singapore', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 173168000 },
+  { country_name: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 597781 },
+  { country_name: 'Slovak Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 276228375 },
+  { country_name: 'Slovenia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 104119695 },
+  { country_name: 'Solomon Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 16859526 },
+  { country_name: 'Somalia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 332677926 },
+  { country_name: 'South Africa', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1871083248 },
+  { country_name: 'South Sudan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 319024522 },
+  { country_name: 'Spain', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2115316751 },
+  { country_name: 'Sri Lanka', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 881137000 },
+  { country_name: 'St. Kitts and Nevis', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2535482 },
+  { country_name: 'St. Lucia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7336842 },
+  { country_name: 'St. Martin (French part)', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1020457 },
+  { country_name: 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5557117 },
+  { country_name: 'Sudan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1118903636 },
+  { country_name: 'Suriname', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 22687861 },
+  { country_name: 'Swaziland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 42858935 },
+  { country_name: 'Sweden', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 468210684 },
+  { country_name: 'Switzerland', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 369360744 },
+  { country_name: 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 663924524 },
+  { country_name: 'Tajikistan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 267603756 },
+  { country_name: 'Tanzania', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1413734053 },
+  { country_name: 'Thailand', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2827157965 },
+  { country_name: 'Timor-Leste', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 41694123 },
+  { country_name: 'Togo', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 204624027 },
+  { country_name: 'Tonga', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5038574 },
+  { country_name: 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 62771502 },
+  { country_name: 'Tunisia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 415992799 },
+  { country_name: 'Turkey', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2805220683 },
+  { country_name: 'Turkmenistan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 189687365 },
+  { country_name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 775185 },
+  { country_name: 'Tuvalu', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 466709 },
+  { country_name: 'Uganda', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 987376102 },
+  { country_name: 'Ukraine', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 2657782543 },
+  { country_name: 'United Arab Emirates', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 134952923 },
+  { country_name: 'United Kingdom', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3169118137 },
+  { country_name: 'United States', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 13604468357 },
+  { country_name: 'Uruguay', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 167612670 },
+  { country_name: 'Uzbekistan', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1053380227 },
+  { country_name: 'Vanuatu', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 7966814 },
+  { country_name: 'Venezuela, RB', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 1036057583 },
+  { country_name: 'Vietnam', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 3420037000 },
+  { country_name: 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 5006756 },
+  { country_name: 'West Bank and Gaza', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 77390117 },
+  { country_name: 'Yemen, Rep.', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 695646128 },
+  { country_name: 'Zambia', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 438847085 },
+  { country_name: 'Zimbabwe', 'SUM(SP_POP_TOTL)': 509866860 },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273fbb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { BoxPlotChartPlugin, LegacyBoxPlotChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy';
+import { BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE, BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE } from './constants';
+new LegacyBoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE }).register();
+new BoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot',
+export { basic, horizontal } from './stories/Basic';
+export { legacy } from './stories/Legacy';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e3c840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export const BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE = 'v2-box-plot';
+export const BOX_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE = 'v2-box-plot/legacy';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc1ee8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    label: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 1384725172.5,
+      Q2: 1717904169.0,
+      Q3: 2032724922.5,
+      whisker_high: 2240687901.0,
+      whisker_low: 1031863394.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 751386460.5,
+      Q2: 820716895.0,
+      Q3: 862814192.5,
+      whisker_high: 903095786.0,
+      whisker_low: 660881033.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 313690832.5,
+      Q2: 421490233.0,
+      Q3: 529668114.5,
+      whisker_high: 626270167.0,
+      whisker_low: 220564224.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 152382756.5,
+      Q2: 232066828.0,
+      Q3: 318191071.5,
+      whisker_high: 417451428.0,
+      whisker_low: 105512645.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'North America',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 235506847.5,
+      Q2: 268896849.0,
+      Q3: 314553651.5,
+      whisker_high: 354462656.0,
+      whisker_low: 198624409.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'South Asia',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 772373036.5,
+      Q2: 1059570231.0,
+      Q3: 1398841234.0,
+      whisker_high: 1720976995.0,
+      whisker_low: 572036107.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    label: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    values: {
+      Q1: 320037758.0,
+      Q2: 467337821.0,
+      Q3: 676768689.0,
+      whisker_high: 974315323.0,
+      whisker_low: 228268752.0,
+      outliers: [],
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd980d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data';
+export const basic = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="v2-box-plot"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          type: 'nominal',
+          field: 'label',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'band',
+            paddingInner: 0.15,
+            paddingOuter: 0.3,
+          },
+          axis: {
+            label: 'Region',
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'value',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            label: 'Population',
+            numTicks: 5,
+          },
+        },
+        color: {
+          type: 'nominal',
+          field: 'label',
+          scale: {
+            scheme: 'd3Category10',
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+  />
+export const horizontal = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="v2-box-plot"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        y: {
+          type: 'nominal',
+          field: 'label',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'band',
+            paddingInner: 0.15,
+            paddingOuter: 0.3,
+          },
+          axis: {
+            label: 'Region',
+          },
+        },
+        x: {
+          field: 'value',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            label: 'Population',
+            numTicks: 5,
+          },
+        },
+        color: {
+          type: 'nominal',
+          field: 'label',
+          scale: {
+            scheme: 'd3Category10',
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Legacy.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Legacy.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64a52fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/BoxPlot/stories/Legacy.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export const legacy = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    chartType="v2-box-plot/legacy"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      groupby: ['region'],
+      metrics: ['sum__SP_POP_TOTL'],
+      vizType: 'box_plot',
+      whiskerOptions: 'Min/max (no outliers)',
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524e8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { LineChartPlugin, LegacyLineChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE, LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE } from './constants';
+import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+new LegacyLineChartPlugin().configure({ key: LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE }).register();
+new LineChartPlugin().configure({ key: LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|preset-chart-xy/Line',
+  decorators: [withKnobs],
+export { default as basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { default as withLabelFlush } from './stories/flush';
+export { default as withMissingData } from './stories/missing';
+export { default as legacyShim } from './stories/legacy';
+export { default as withTimeShift } from './stories/timeShift';
+export { default as query } from './stories/query';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2109c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export const LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE = 'v2-line';
+export const LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE = 'v2-line/legacy';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17dfb0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 24703, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 27861, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 29436, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 31463, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 35718, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 0, y: 41758, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 48172, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 52092, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 48217, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 48476, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 46438, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 45086, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 46610, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 47107, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 50514, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 48969, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 50108, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 59055, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 59188, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 59859, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 59516, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 56633, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 54466, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 52996, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 53205, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 52322, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 47109, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 42470, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 38257, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 34823, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 32728, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 30988, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 29179, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 27083, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 25700, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 24959, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 23180, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 21731, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 20793, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 19739, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 19190, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 19674, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 19986, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 17771, name: 'Christopher' },
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 67646, name: 'David' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 66207, name: 'David' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 66581, name: 'David' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 63531, name: 'David' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 63502, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 0, y: 61570, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 52948, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 46218, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 40968, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 41654, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 39019, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 39165, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 40407, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 40533, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 41898, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 41743, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 40486, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 40283, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 39048, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 38346, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 38395, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 37021, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 36672, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 35214, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 35139, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 33661, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 30347, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 28344, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 26947, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 24784, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 22967, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 22941, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 21824, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 20816, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 20267, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 19695, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 19281, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 18600, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 18557, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 18315, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 18017, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 17510, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 17400, name: 'David' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 16049, name: 'David' },
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 67506, name: 'James' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 65036, name: 'James' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 61554, name: 'James' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 60584, name: 'James' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 59824, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 0, y: 61597, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 54463, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 46960, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 42782, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 41258, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 39471, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 38203, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 39916, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 39783, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 39237, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 39185, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 38176, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 38750, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 36228, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 35728, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 35750, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 33955, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 32552, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 32418, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 32658, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 32288, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 30460, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 28450, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 26193, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 24706, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 22691, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 21122, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 20368, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 19651, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 18508, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 17939, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 17023, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 16905, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 16832, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 16459, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 16046, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 16139, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 15821, name: 'James' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 14920, name: 'James' },
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 71390, name: 'John' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 64858, name: 'John' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 61480, name: 'John' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 60754, name: 'John' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 58644, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 0, y: 58348, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 51382, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 43028, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 39061, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 37553, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 34970, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 33876, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 34103, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 33895, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 35305, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 35131, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 34761, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 34560, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 33047, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 32484, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 31397, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 30103, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 29462, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 29301, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 29751, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 29011, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 27727, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 26156, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 24918, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 24119, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 23174, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 22104, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 21330, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 20556, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 20280, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 20032, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 18839, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 17400, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 17170, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 16381, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 15692, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 15083, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 14348, name: 'John' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 13110, name: 'John' },
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 80812, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 79709, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 82204, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 81785, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 84893, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 0, y: 85015, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 77321, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 71197, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 67598, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 67304, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 68149, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 66686, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 67344, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 66875, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 67473, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 68375, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 68467, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 67904, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 67708, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 67457, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 64667, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 63959, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 63442, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 63924, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 65233, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 65138, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 60646, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 54216, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 49443, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 44361, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 41311, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 38284, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 37459, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 36525, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 33820, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 31956, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 29612, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 28156, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 27031, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 25418, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 23678, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 22498, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 21805, name: 'Michael' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 20271, name: 'Michael' },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data2.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7c1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/data2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 24703, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 27861, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 29436, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 31463, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 35718, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 0, y: 41758, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 48172, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 52092, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 48217, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 48476, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 46438, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 45086, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 46610, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 47107, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 50514, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 48969, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 50108, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 59055, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 59188, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 59859, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 59516, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 56633, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 54466, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 52996, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 53205, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 52322, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 47109, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 42470, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 38257, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 34823, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 32728, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 30988, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 29179, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 27083, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 25700, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 24959, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 23180, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 21731, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 20793, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 19739, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 19190, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 19674, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 19986, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 17771, snapshot: 'Last year' },
+  { x: -157766400000, y: 80812, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: -126230400000, y: 79709, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: -94694400000, y: 82204, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: -63158400000, y: 81785, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: -31536000000, y: 84893, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 0, y: 85015, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 31536000000, y: 77321, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 63072000000, y: 71197, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 94694400000, y: 67598, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 126230400000, y: 67304, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 157766400000, y: 68149, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 189302400000, y: 66686, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 220924800000, y: 67344, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 252460800000, y: 66875, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 283996800000, y: 67473, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 315532800000, y: 68375, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 347155200000, y: 68467, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 378691200000, y: 67904, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 410227200000, y: 67708, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 441763200000, y: 67457, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 473385600000, y: 64667, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 504921600000, y: 63959, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 536457600000, y: 63442, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 567993600000, y: 63924, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 599616000000, y: 65233, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 631152000000, y: 65138, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 662688000000, y: 60646, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 694224000000, y: 54216, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 725846400000, y: 49443, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 757382400000, y: 44361, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 788918400000, y: 41311, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 820454400000, y: 38284, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 852076800000, y: 37459, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 883612800000, y: 36525, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 915148800000, y: 33820, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 946684800000, y: 31956, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 978307200000, y: 29612, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1009843200000, y: 28156, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1041379200000, y: 27031, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1072915200000, y: 25418, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1104537600000, y: 23678, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1136073600000, y: 22498, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1167609600000, y: 21805, snapshot: 'Current' },
+  { x: 1199145600000, y: 20271, snapshot: 'Current' },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/legacyData.js b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/legacyData.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/data/legacyData.js
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: ['Christopher'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 24703,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 27861,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 29436,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 31463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 35718,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 41758,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 48172,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 52092,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 48217,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 48476,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 46438,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 45086,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 46610,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 47107,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 50514,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 48969,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 50108,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 59055,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 59188,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 59859,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 59516,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 56633,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 54466,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 52996,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 53205,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 52322,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 47109,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 42470,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 38257,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 34823,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 32728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 30988,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 29179,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 27083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 25700,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 24959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 23180,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 21731,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 20793,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 19739,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 19190,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 19674,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 19986,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 17771,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['David'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 66207,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 66581,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 63531,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 63502,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61570,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 52948,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46218,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 40968,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41654,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39019,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 39165,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 40407,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 40533,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 41898,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 41743,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 40486,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 40283,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 39048,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 38346,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 38395,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 37021,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 36672,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 35214,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 35139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 33661,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30347,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26947,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24784,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22967,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22941,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20816,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20267,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 19695,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 19281,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 18600,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 18557,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 18315,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 18017,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 17510,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 16049,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['James'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 67506,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 65036,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61554,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60584,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 59824,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 61597,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 54463,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 46960,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 42782,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 41258,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 39471,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 38203,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 39916,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 39783,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 39237,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 39185,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 38176,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 38750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 36228,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 35728,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 35750,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 33955,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 32552,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 32418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 32658,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 32288,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 30460,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 28450,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 26193,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24706,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 22691,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 21122,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 20368,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 19651,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 18508,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 17939,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 17023,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 16905,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 16832,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 16046,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 16139,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 15821,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 14920,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['John'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 71390,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 64858,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 61480,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 60754,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 58644,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 58348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 51382,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 43028,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 39061,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 37553,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 34970,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 33876,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 34103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 33895,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 35305,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 35131,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 34761,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 34560,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 33047,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 32484,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 31397,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 30103,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 29462,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 29301,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 29751,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 29011,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 27727,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 26156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 24918,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 24119,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 23174,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 22104,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 21330,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 20556,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 20280,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 20032,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 18839,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 17400,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 17170,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 16381,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 15692,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 15083,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 14348,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 13110,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Michael'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -157766400000.0,
+        y: 80812,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -126230400000.0,
+        y: 79709,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -94694400000.0,
+        y: 82204,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -63158400000.0,
+        y: 81785,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -31536000000.0,
+        y: 84893,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 0.0,
+        y: 85015,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 31536000000.0,
+        y: 77321,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 63072000000.0,
+        y: 71197,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 94694400000.0,
+        y: 67598,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 126230400000.0,
+        y: 67304,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 157766400000.0,
+        y: 68149,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 189302400000.0,
+        y: 66686,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 220924800000.0,
+        y: 67344,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 252460800000.0,
+        y: 66875,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 283996800000.0,
+        y: 67473,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 315532800000.0,
+        y: 68375,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 347155200000.0,
+        y: 68467,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 378691200000.0,
+        y: 67904,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 410227200000.0,
+        y: 67708,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 441763200000.0,
+        y: 67457,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 473385600000.0,
+        y: 64667,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 504921600000.0,
+        y: 63959,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 536457600000.0,
+        y: 63442,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 567993600000.0,
+        y: 63924,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 599616000000.0,
+        y: 65233,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 631152000000.0,
+        y: 65138,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 662688000000.0,
+        y: 60646,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 694224000000.0,
+        y: 54216,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 725846400000.0,
+        y: 49443,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 757382400000.0,
+        y: 44361,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 788918400000.0,
+        y: 41311,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 820454400000.0,
+        y: 38284,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 852076800000.0,
+        y: 37459,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 883612800000.0,
+        y: 36525,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 915148800000.0,
+        y: 33820,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 946684800000.0,
+        y: 31956,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 978307200000.0,
+        y: 29612,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1009843200000.0,
+        y: 28156,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1041379200000.0,
+        y: 27031,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1072915200000.0,
+        y: 25418,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1104537600000.0,
+        y: 23678,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1136073600000.0,
+        y: 22498,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1167609600000.0,
+        y: 21805,
+      },
+      {
+        x: 1199145600000.0,
+        y: 20271,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a6ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { radios } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import data from '../data/data';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export default () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="line1"
+    chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          field: 'x',
+          type: 'temporal',
+          format: '%Y-%m',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'time',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios('x.axis.orient', { top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' }, 'bottom'),
+            title: radios('x.axis.title', { enable: 'Time', disable: '', '': undefined }, 'Time'),
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'y',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios(
+              'y.axis.orient',
+              { left: 'left', right: 'right', '': undefined },
+              'left',
+            ),
+            title: radios('y.axis.title', { enable: 'Score', disable: '', '': undefined }, 'Score'),
+          },
+        },
+        stroke: {
+          field: 'name',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          legend: true,
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+    height={400}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    width={400}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/flush.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/flush.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eebb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/flush.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { radios } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import rawData from '../data/data';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+const MIN_TIME = new Date(Date.UTC(1980, 0, 1)).getTime();
+const MAX_TIME = new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 1, 1)).getTime();
+const data = rawData.filter(({ x }) => x >= MIN_TIME && x <= MAX_TIME);
+export default () => (
+  <>
+    <SuperChart
+      key="line1"
+      chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE}
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        encoding: {
+          x: {
+            field: 'x',
+            type: 'temporal',
+            format: '%Y',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'utc',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              tickCount: 6,
+              orient: radios('x.axis.orient', { top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' }, 'bottom'),
+              title: radios('x.axis.title', { enable: 'Time', disable: '', '': undefined }, 'Time'),
+            },
+          },
+          y: {
+            field: 'y',
+            type: 'quantitative',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'linear',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              tickCount: 3,
+              orient: radios(
+                'y.axis.orient',
+                { left: 'left', right: 'right', '': undefined },
+                'left',
+              ),
+              title: radios(
+                'y.axis.title',
+                { enable: 'Score', disable: '', '': undefined },
+                'Score',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          stroke: {
+            field: 'name',
+            type: 'nominal',
+            legend: true,
+          },
+        },
+      }}
+    />
+    ,
+    <SuperChart
+      key="line2"
+      chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE}
+      width={400}
+      height={200}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        encoding: {
+          x: {
+            field: 'x',
+            type: 'temporal',
+            format: '%Y',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'utc',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              labelFlush: 5,
+              tickCount: 6,
+              orient: radios('x.axis.orient', { top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' }, 'bottom'),
+              title: radios('x.axis.title', { enable: 'Time', disable: '', '': undefined }, 'Time'),
+            },
+          },
+          y: {
+            field: 'y',
+            type: 'quantitative',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'linear',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              tickCount: 3,
+              orient: radios(
+                'y.axis.orient',
+                { left: 'left', right: 'right', '': undefined },
+                'left',
+              ),
+              title: radios(
+                'y.axis.title',
+                { enable: 'Score', disable: '', '': undefined },
+                'Score',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          stroke: {
+            field: 'name',
+            type: 'nominal',
+            legend: true,
+          },
+        },
+      }}
+    />
+  </>
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/legacy.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/legacy.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22599f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/legacy.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data/legacyData';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export default () => (
+  <>
+    <SuperChart
+      key="line1"
+      chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE}
+      width={400}
+      height={400}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        bottomMargin: 'auto',
+        colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+        leftMargin: 'auto',
+        lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showBrush: 'auto',
+        showLegend: true,
+        showMarkers: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        xAxisFormat: '%Y',
+        xAxisLabel: '',
+        xAxisShowminmax: false,
+        xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+        yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+        yAxisFormat: '',
+        yAxisLabel: '',
+        yAxisShowminmax: false,
+        yLogScale: false,
+      }}
+    />
+    ,
+    <SuperChart
+      key="line2"
+      chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE}
+      width={400}
+      height={400}
+      datasource={dummyDatasource}
+      queriesData={[{ data }]}
+      formData={{
+        bottomMargin: 'auto',
+        colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+        leftMargin: 'auto',
+        lineInterpolation: 'linear',
+        richTooltip: true,
+        showBrush: 'auto',
+        showLegend: true,
+        showMarkers: false,
+        vizType: 'line',
+        xAxisFormat: '%Y-%m',
+        xAxisLabel: '',
+        xAxisShowminmax: false,
+        xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+        yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+        yAxisFormat: '',
+        yAxisLabel: '',
+        yAxisShowminmax: false,
+        yLogScale: false,
+      }}
+    />
+  </>
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/missing.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/missing.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b18131f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/missing.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart, seedRandom } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data/data';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+const missingData ={ y, }) => ({
+  y: seedRandom() < 0.25 ? null : y,
+const missing = () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="line1"
+    chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data: missingData }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          field: 'x',
+          type: 'temporal',
+          format: '%Y',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'time',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: 'bottom',
+            title: 'Time',
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'y',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: 'left',
+            title: 'Score',
+          },
+        },
+        stroke: {
+          field: 'name',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          scale: {},
+          legend: true,
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+  />
+export default missing;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/query.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/query.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c61c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/query.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE, LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import createQueryStory from '../../../../../shared/components/createQueryStory';
+export default createQueryStory({
+  choices: {
+    'Line Chart - Legacy API': {
+      chartType: LINE_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE,
+      formData: {
+        datasource: '3__table',
+        viz_type: 'line',
+        url_params: {},
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+        time_range: '100 years ago : now',
+        metrics: ['sum__num'],
+        adhoc_filters: [],
+        groupby: [],
+        limit: 25,
+        row_limit: 50000,
+      },
+    },
+    'Line Chart - /api/v1/query': {
+      chartType: LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE,
+      formData: {
+        viz_type: LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE,
+        datasource: '3__table',
+        granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+        time_grain_sqla: 'P1D',
+        time_range: '100 years ago : now',
+        metrics: ['sum__num'],
+        limit: 25,
+        row_limit: 50000,
+        encoding: {
+          x: {
+            field: '__timestamp',
+            type: 'temporal',
+            format: '%Y',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'time',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              title: 'Time',
+            },
+          },
+          y: {
+            field: 'sum__num',
+            type: 'quantitative',
+            scale: {
+              type: 'linear',
+            },
+            axis: {
+              title: 'Number of Babies',
+            },
+          },
+          stroke: {
+            field: 'gender',
+            type: 'nominal',
+            legend: true,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/timeShift.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/timeShift.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea343c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/Line/stories/timeShift.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data/data2';
+import { LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export default () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="line1"
+    chartType={LINE_PLUGIN_TYPE}
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          field: 'x',
+          type: 'temporal',
+          format: '%Y',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'time',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: 'bottom',
+            title: 'Time',
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'y',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: 'left',
+            title: 'Score',
+          },
+        },
+        stroke: {
+          value: '#1abc9c',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          scale: false,
+        },
+        fill: {
+          field: 'snapshot',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'ordinal',
+            domain: ['Current', 'Last year'],
+            range: [true, false],
+          },
+          legend: false,
+        },
+        strokeDasharray: {
+          field: 'snapshot',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'ordinal',
+            domain: ['Current', 'Last year'],
+            range: [null, '4 4'],
+          },
+          legend: false,
+        },
+        strokeWidth: {
+          field: 'snapshot',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'ordinal',
+            domain: ['Current', 'Last year'],
+            range: [3, 1.5],
+          },
+          legend: false,
+        },
+      },
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/Stories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/Stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a404cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/Stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { ScatterPlotChartPlugin, LegacyScatterPlotChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy';
+import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+new LegacyScatterPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE }).register();
+new ScatterPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE }).register();
+export default {
+  title: 'Chart Plugins|preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot',
+  decorators: [withKnobs],
+export { default as basic } from './stories/basic';
+export { default as bubble } from './stories/bubble';
+export { default as legacy } from './stories/legacy';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70083c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export const SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE = 'v2-scatter-plot';
+export const SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE = 'v2-scatter-plot/legacy';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/data.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/data.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9aff58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/data.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    country_name: 'China',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1344130000,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.427,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.042,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Indonesia',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 244808254,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.288,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.3915609756,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Japan',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 127817277,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 8.752,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.5912195122,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Philippines',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 94501233,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.983,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 68.3914878049,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Vietnam',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 87840000,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.971,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.457902439,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Thailand',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 66902958,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.606,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.008902439,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Myanmar',
+    region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 52125411,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.065,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 64.7612439024,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'India',
+    region: 'South Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1247446011,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.724,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 65.9584878049,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Pakistan',
+    region: 'South Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 173669648,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 62.993,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 66.2838780488,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Bangladesh',
+    region: 'South Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 153405612,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.775,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.891804878,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'United States',
+    region: 'North America',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 311721632,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 19.06,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 78.6414634146,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Brazil',
+    region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 200517584,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 15.377,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.3473658537,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Mexico',
+    region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 120365271,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.882,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 76.9141707317,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Nigeria',
+    region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 163770669,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 55.638,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 51.7102439024,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Ethiopia',
+    region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 89858696,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 82.265,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 62.2528536585,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Congo, Dem. Rep.',
+    region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 68087376,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 59.558,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 49.3007073171,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'South Africa',
+    region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 51553479,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 37.254,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 55.2956585366,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Russian Federation',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 142960868,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 26.268,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.6585365854,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Germany',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 81797673,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 25.512,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.7414634146,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Turkey',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 73199372,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.718,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.5404878049,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'France',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 65342776,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.416,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.1146341463,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'United Kingdom',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 63258918,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 18.43,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.9512195122,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Italy',
+    region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 59379449,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 31.556,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.187804878,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Egypt, Arab Rep.',
+    region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 83787634,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 57,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.6785609756,
+  },
+  {
+    country_name: 'Iran, Islamic Rep.',
+    region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+    sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 75184322,
+    sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.8,
+    sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.4493170732,
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/legacyData.ts b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/legacyData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a26d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/data/legacyData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys, no-magic-numbers */
+export default [
+  {
+    key: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'China',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1344130000.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.427,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.042,
+        x: 49.427,
+        y: 75.042,
+        size: 1344130000.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Indonesia',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 244808254.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 49.288,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.3915609756,
+        x: 49.288,
+        y: 70.3915609756,
+        size: 244808254.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Japan',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 127817277.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 8.752,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.5912195122,
+        x: 8.752,
+        y: 82.5912195122,
+        size: 127817277.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Philippines',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 94501233.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.983,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 68.3914878049,
+        x: 54.983,
+        y: 68.3914878049,
+        size: 94501233.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Vietnam',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 87840000.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.971,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 75.457902439,
+        x: 68.971,
+        y: 75.457902439,
+        size: 87840000.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Thailand',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 66902958.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 54.606,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.008902439,
+        x: 54.606,
+        y: 74.008902439,
+        size: 66902958.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Myanmar',
+        region: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 52125411.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.065,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 64.7612439024,
+        x: 68.065,
+        y: 64.7612439024,
+        size: 52125411.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'East Asia & Pacific',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'South Asia',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'India',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 1247446011.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.724,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 65.9584878049,
+        x: 68.724,
+        y: 65.9584878049,
+        size: 1247446011.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Pakistan',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 173669648.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 62.993,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 66.2838780488,
+        x: 62.993,
+        y: 66.2838780488,
+        size: 173669648.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Bangladesh',
+        region: 'South Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 153405612.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 68.775,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.891804878,
+        x: 68.775,
+        y: 69.891804878,
+        size: 153405612.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'South Asia',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'North America',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'United States',
+        region: 'North America',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 311721632.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 19.06,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 78.6414634146,
+        x: 19.06,
+        y: 78.6414634146,
+        size: 311721632.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'North America',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Brazil',
+        region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 200517584.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 15.377,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.3473658537,
+        x: 15.377,
+        y: 73.3473658537,
+        size: 200517584.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Mexico',
+        region: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 120365271.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.882,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 76.9141707317,
+        x: 21.882,
+        y: 76.9141707317,
+        size: 120365271.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Latin America & Caribbean',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Nigeria',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 163770669.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 55.638,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 51.7102439024,
+        x: 55.638,
+        y: 51.7102439024,
+        size: 163770669.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Ethiopia',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 89858696.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 82.265,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 62.2528536585,
+        x: 82.265,
+        y: 62.2528536585,
+        size: 89858696.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Congo, Dem. Rep.',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 68087376.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 59.558,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 49.3007073171,
+        x: 59.558,
+        y: 49.3007073171,
+        size: 68087376.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'South Africa',
+        region: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 51553479.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 37.254,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 55.2956585366,
+        x: 37.254,
+        y: 55.2956585366,
+        size: 51553479.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Sub-Saharan Africa',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Russian Federation',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 142960868.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 26.268,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 69.6585365854,
+        x: 26.268,
+        y: 69.6585365854,
+        size: 142960868.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Germany',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 81797673.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 25.512,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.7414634146,
+        x: 25.512,
+        y: 80.7414634146,
+        size: 81797673.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Turkey',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 73199372.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.718,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 74.5404878049,
+        x: 28.718,
+        y: 74.5404878049,
+        size: 73199372.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'France',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 65342776.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 21.416,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.1146341463,
+        x: 21.416,
+        y: 82.1146341463,
+        size: 65342776.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'United Kingdom',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 63258918.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 18.43,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 80.9512195122,
+        x: 18.43,
+        y: 80.9512195122,
+        size: 63258918.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Italy',
+        region: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 59379449.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 31.556,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 82.187804878,
+        x: 31.556,
+        y: 82.187804878,
+        size: 59379449.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Europe & Central Asia',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+    values: [
+      {
+        country_name: 'Egypt, Arab Rep.',
+        region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 83787634.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 57.0,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 70.6785609756,
+        x: 57.0,
+        y: 70.6785609756,
+        size: 83787634.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+      },
+      {
+        country_name: 'Iran, Islamic Rep.',
+        region: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+        sum__SP_POP_TOTL: 75184322.0,
+        sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS: 28.8,
+        sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN: 73.4493170732,
+        x: 28.8,
+        y: 73.4493170732,
+        size: 75184322.0,
+        shape: 'circle',
+        group: 'Middle East & North Africa',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/basic.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/basic.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ca1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/basic.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { radios } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import data from '../data/data';
+import { SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export default () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="scatter-plot1"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          field: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios('x.axis.orient', { top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' }, 'bottom'),
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios('y.axis.orient', { left: 'left', right: 'right' }, 'left'),
+          },
+        },
+        fill: {
+          field: 'region',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          legend: true,
+        },
+        group: [{ field: 'country_name', title: 'Country' }],
+      },
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/bubble.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/bubble.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8949a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/bubble.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, sort-keys */
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { radios } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+import data from '../data/data';
+import { SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_TYPE } from '../constants';
+export default () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="scatter-plot1"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      encoding: {
+        x: {
+          field: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios('x.axis.orient', { top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' }, 'bottom'),
+          },
+        },
+        y: {
+          field: 'sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+          },
+          axis: {
+            orient: radios('y.axis.orient', { left: 'left', right: 'right' }, 'left'),
+          },
+        },
+        size: {
+          field: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+          type: 'quantitative',
+          scale: {
+            type: 'linear',
+            range: [0, 30],
+          },
+        },
+        fill: {
+          field: 'region',
+          type: 'nominal',
+          legend: true,
+        },
+        group: [{ field: 'country_name', title: 'Country' }],
+      },
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/legacy.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/legacy.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d0532e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ScatterPlot/stories/legacy.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import data from '../data/legacyData';
+import { SCATTER_PLOT_PLUGIN_LEGACY_TYPE } from '../constants';
+import dummyDatasource from '../../../../../shared/dummyDatasource';
+export default () => (
+  <SuperChart
+    key="scatter-plot1"
+    width={400}
+    height={400}
+    datasource={dummyDatasource}
+    queriesData={[{ data }]}
+    formData={{
+      annotationData: {},
+      bottomMargin: 'auto',
+      colorScheme: 'd3Category10',
+      entity: 'country_name',
+      leftMargin: 'auto',
+      maxBubbleSize: '50',
+      series: 'region',
+      showLegend: true,
+      size: 'sum__SP_POP_TOTL',
+      vizType: 'bubble',
+      x: 'sum__SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS',
+      xAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      xAxisLabel: 'x-axis label test',
+      xAxisShowminmax: false,
+      xLogScale: false,
+      xTicksLayout: 'auto',
+      y: 'sum__SP_DYN_LE00_IN',
+      yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+      yAxisLabel: '',
+      yAxisShowminmax: false,
+      yLogScale: false,
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/ChartDataProviderStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/ChartDataProviderStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff634b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/ChartDataProviderStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { text, select, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { SuperChart, ChartDataProvider, SupersetClient } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BigNumberChartPlugin as LegacyBigNumberPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number';
+import LegacySankeyPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey';
+import LegacySunburstPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst';
+import { WordCloudChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
+import {
+  bigNumberFormData,
+  sankeyFormData,
+  sunburstFormData,
+  wordCloudFormData,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/test/chart/fixtures/formData';
+import Expandable from '../../shared/components/Expandable';
+import VerifyCORS, { renderError } from '../../shared/components/VerifyCORS';
+const BIG_NUMBER = bigNumberFormData.viz_type;
+const SANKEY = sankeyFormData.viz_type;
+const SUNBURST = sunburstFormData.viz_type;
+const WORD_CLOUD_LEGACY = wordCloudFormData.viz_type;
+const WORD_CLOUD = 'new_word_cloud';
+new LegacyBigNumberPlugin().configure({ key: BIG_NUMBER }).register();
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+new LegacySankeyPlugin().configure({ key: SANKEY }).register();
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+new LegacySunburstPlugin().configure({ key: SUNBURST }).register();
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+new WordCloudChartPlugin().configure({ key: WORD_CLOUD }).register();
+  [BIG_NUMBER]: bigNumberFormData,
+  [SANKEY]: sankeyFormData,
+  [SUNBURST]: sunburstFormData,
+  [WORD_CLOUD]: { ...wordCloudFormData, viz_type: WORD_CLOUD },
+  [WORD_CLOUD_LEGACY]: wordCloudFormData,
+export default {
+  title: 'Core / chart',
+  decorators: [
+    withKnobs({
+      escapeHTML: false,
+    }),
+  ],
+export const dataProvider = () => {
+  const host = text('Set Superset App host for CORS request', 'localhost:8088');
+  const visType = select('Chart Plugin Type', VIS_TYPES, VIS_TYPES[0]);
+  const width = text('Vis width', '500');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '300');
+  const formData = text('Override formData', JSON.stringify(FORM_DATA_LOOKUP[visType]));
+  return (
+    <div style={{ margin: 16 }}>
+      <VerifyCORS host={host}>
+        {() => (
+          <ChartDataProvider client={SupersetClient} formData={JSON.parse(formData)}>
+            {({ loading, payload, error }) => {
+              if (loading) return <div>Loading!</div>;
+              if (error) return renderError(error);
+              if (payload)
+                return (
+                  <>
+                    <SuperChart
+                      chartType={visType}
+                      formData={payload.formData}
+                      height={Number(height)}
+                      // @TODO fix typing
+                      // all vis's now expect objects but api/v1/ returns an array
+                      queriesData={payload.queriesData}
+                      width={Number(width)}
+                    />
+                    <br />
+                    <Expandable expandableWhat="payload">
+                      <pre style={{ fontSize: 11 }}>{JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2)}</pre>
+                    </Expandable>
+                  </>
+                );
+              return null;
+            }}
+          </ChartDataProvider>
+        )}
+      </VerifyCORS>
+    </div>
+  );
+dataProvider.story = { name: 'ChartDataProvider' };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/SuperChartStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/SuperChartStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eafc442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-chart/SuperChartStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { text, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { SuperChart } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  DiligentChartPlugin,
+  BuggyChartPlugin,
+  ChartKeys,
+} from '@superset-ui/core/test/chart/components/MockChartPlugins';
+import ResizableChartDemo from '../../shared/components/ResizableChartDemo';
+new DiligentChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.DILIGENT }).register();
+new BuggyChartPlugin().configure({ key: ChartKeys.BUGGY }).register();
+const DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA = { data: ['foo', 'bar'] };
+export default {
+  title: 'Core / chart',
+  decorators: [withKnobs],
+export const basic = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '100%');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '100%');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+      formData={{ hi: 1 }}
+    />
+  );
+export const container50pct = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '50%');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '50%');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+      formData={{ hi: 1 }}
+    />
+  );
+container50pct.story = { name: '50% of container' };
+export const Resizable = () => {
+  return (
+    <ResizableChartDemo>
+      {size => (
+        <SuperChart
+          chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+          width={size.width}
+          height={size.height}
+          queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+        />
+      )}
+    </ResizableChartDemo>
+  );
+export const fixedWidth100height = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '500');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '100%');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+      height={height}
+      width={width}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+    />
+  );
+fixedWidth100height.story = { name: 'fixed width, 100% height' };
+export const fixedHeight100Width = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '100%');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '300');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+      height={height}
+      width={width}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+    />
+  );
+fixedHeight100Width.story = { name: 'fixed height, 100% width' };
+export const withErrorBoundar = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '500');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '300');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.BUGGY}
+      height={height}
+      width={width}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+    />
+  );
+export const withWrapper = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '100%');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '100%');
+  return (
+    <SuperChart
+      chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT}
+      width={width}
+      height={height}
+      queriesData={[DEFAULT_QUERY_DATA]}
+      Wrapper={({ children }) => (
+        <div>
+          <div style={{ margin: 10, position: 'fixed' }}>With wrapper!</div>
+          {children}
+        </div>
+      )}
+    />
+  );
+export const withNoResults = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '100%');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '100%');
+  return <SuperChart chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} width={width} height={height} />;
+export const withNoResultsAndMedium = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '400');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '300');
+  return <SuperChart chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} width={width} height={height} />;
+export const withNoResultsAndSmall = () => {
+  const width = text('Vis width', '150');
+  const height = text('Vis height', '200');
+  return <SuperChart chartType={ChartKeys.DILIGENT} width={width} height={height} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/ColorPallettesStories.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/ColorPallettesStories.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd28e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/ColorPallettesStories.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import AirbnbPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/airbnb';
+import D3Palettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/d3';
+import EchartsPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/echarts';
+import GooglePalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/google';
+import LyftPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/lyft';
+import PresetPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/preset';
+import SupersetPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/categorical/superset';
+import SequantialCommonPalettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/common';
+import SequantialD3Palettes from '@superset-ui/core/src/color/colorSchemes/sequential/d3';
+import RenderPalettes from './RenderPalettes';
+export default {
+  title: 'Core Packages|@superset-ui/color',
+export const categoricalPalettes = () =>
+  [
+    { palettes: SupersetPalettes, storyName: 'Superset' },
+    { palettes: AirbnbPalettes, storyName: 'Airbnb' },
+    { palettes: D3Palettes, storyName: 'd3' },
+    { palettes: EchartsPalettes, storyName: 'ECharts' },
+    { palettes: GooglePalettes, storyName: 'Google' },
+    { palettes: LyftPalettes, storyName: 'Lyft' },
+    { palettes: PresetPalettes, storyName: 'Preset' },
+  ].map(({ palettes, storyName }) => (
+    <RenderPalettes key={storyName} title={storyName} palettes={palettes} />
+  ));
+export const sequentialPalettes = () =>
+  [
+    { palettes: SequantialCommonPalettes, storyName: 'Common' },
+    { palettes: SequantialD3Palettes, storyName: 'd3' },
+  ].map(({ palettes, storyName }) => (
+    <RenderPalettes key={storyName} title={storyName} palettes={palettes} />
+  ));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/RenderPalettes.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/RenderPalettes.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..294bf90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/RenderPalettes.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* eslint react/prop-types: 'off' */
+import React from 'react';
+import './color-styles.css';
+export default function RenderPalettes({ title, palettes }) {
+  return (
+    <div>
+      {title && <h2>{title}</h2>}
+      <table>
+        <tbody>
+          {{ colors, id, label }) => (
+            <tr key={id}>
+              <td className="palette-label">
+                <strong>{label}</strong>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <div className="palette-container">
+                  {, i) => (
+                    <div
+                      key={color}
+                      className="palette-item"
+                      style={{
+                        backgroundColor: color,
+                        marginRight: i === colors.length - 1 ? 0 : 2,
+                      }}
+                    />
+                  ))}
+                </div>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          ))}
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/color-styles.css b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/color-styles.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89ad24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/color-styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.palette-label {
+  margin: 4px 12px 4px 0;
+.palette-container {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
+  width: fit-content;
+.palette-item {
+  width: 16px;
+  height: 16px;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-connection/ConnectionStories.tsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-connection/ConnectionStories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e05fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-connection/ConnectionStories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { select, text, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { bigNumberFormData } from '@superset-ui/core/test/chart/fixtures/formData';
+import VerifyCORS, { Props as VerifyCORSProps } from '../../shared/components/VerifyCORS';
+import Expandable from '../../shared/components/Expandable';
+const ENDPOINTS = {
+  '(Empty - verify auth only)': '/',
+  '/api/v1/chart/data': '/api/v1/chart/data',
+export default {
+  title: 'Core Packages|@superset-ui/connection',
+  decorators: [
+    withKnobs({
+      escapeHTML: false,
+    }),
+  ],
+export const configureCORS = () => {
+  const host = text('Superset App host for CORS request', 'localhost:8088');
+  const selectEndpoint = select('Endpoint', ENDPOINTS, '');
+  const customEndpoint = text('Custom Endpoint (override above)', '');
+  const endpoint = customEndpoint || selectEndpoint;
+  const method = endpoint ? select('Request method', REQUEST_METHODS, 'POST') : undefined;
+  const postPayload =
+    endpoint && method === 'POST'
+      ? text('POST payload', JSON.stringify({ form_data: bigNumberFormData }))
+      : undefined;
+  return (
+    <div style={{ margin: 16 }}>
+      <VerifyCORS
+        host={host}
+        endpoint={endpoint}
+        method={method as VerifyCORSProps['method']}
+        postPayload={`${postPayload}`}
+      >
+        {({ payload }) => (
+          <>
+            <div className="alert alert-success">Success! Update knobs below to try again</div>
+            <br />
+            <Expandable expandableWhat="payload">
+              <br />
+              <pre style={{ fontSize: 11 }}>{JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2)}</pre>
+            </Expandable>
+          </>
+        )}
+      </VerifyCORS>
+    </div>
+  );
+configureCORS.parameters = {
+  chromatic: { disable: true },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-number-format/BigNumberStories.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-number-format/BigNumberStories.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b97444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-number-format/BigNumberStories.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */
+import React from 'react';
+import { formatNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const propTypes = {};
+const defaultProps = {};
+class NumberFormatValidator extends React.PureComponent {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      formatString: '.3~s',
+      testValues: [
+        987654321,
+        12345.6789,
+        3000,
+        400.14,
+        70.00002,
+        1,
+        0,
+        -1,
+        -70.00002,
+        -400.14,
+        -3000,
+        -12345.6789,
+        -987654321,
+        Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
+        Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
+        NaN,
+        null,
+        undefined,
+      ],
+    };
+    this.handleFormatChange = this.handleFormatChange.bind(this);
+  }
+  handleFormatChange(event) {
+    this.setState({
+      formatString:,
+    });
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { formatString, testValues } = this.state;
+    return (
+      <div className="container">
+        <div className="row" style={{ margin: '40px 20px 0 20px' }}>
+          <div className="col-sm">
+            <p>
+              This <code>@superset-ui/number-format</code> package enriches <code>d3-format</code>
+              to handle invalid formats as well as edge case values. Use the validator below to
+              preview outputs from the specified format string. See
+              <a
+                href=""
+                target="_blank"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+              >
+                D3 Format Reference
+              </a>
+              for how to write a D3 format string.
+            </p>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div className="row" style={{ margin: '10px 0 30px 0' }}>
+          <div className="col-sm" />
+          <div className="col-sm-8">
+            <div className="form">
+              <div className="form-group">
+                <label>Enter D3 format string:&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
+                <input
+                  id="formatString"
+                  className="form-control form-control-lg"
+                  type="text"
+                  value={formatString}
+                  onChange={this.handleFormatChange}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div className="col-sm" />
+        </div>
+        <div className="row">
+          <div className="col-sm">
+            <table className="table table-striped table-sm">
+              <thead>
+                <tr>
+                  <th>Input (number)</th>
+                  <th>Formatted output (string)</th>
+                </tr>
+              </thead>
+              <tbody>
+                { => (
+                  <tr key={v}>
+                    <td>
+                      <code>{`${v}`}</code>
+                    </td>
+                    <td>
+                      <code>&quot;{formatNumber(formatString, v)}&quot;</code>
+                    </td>
+                  </tr>
+                ))}
+              </tbody>
+            </table>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+NumberFormatValidator.propTypes = propTypes;
+NumberFormatValidator.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default {
+  title: 'Core Packages|@superset-ui/number-format',
+export const validator = () => <NumberFormatValidator />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-style/ThemeStories.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-style/ThemeStories.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500c430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-style/ThemeStories.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { supersetTheme } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default {
+  title: 'Core Packages|@superset-ui/style',
+export const ThemeColors = () => {
+  const colors = supersetTheme.colors;
+  return Object.keys(colors).map(collection => (
+    <div>
+      <h2>{collection}</h2>
+      <table style={{ width: '300px' }}>
+        {Object.keys(colors[collection]).map(k => {
+          const hex = colors[collection][k];
+          return (
+            <tr>
+              <td>{k}</td>
+              <td>
+                <code>{hex}</code>
+              </td>
+              <td style={{ width: '150px', backgroundColor: hex }}></td>
+            </tr>
+          );
+        })}
+      </table>
+    </div>
+  ));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-time-format/TimeFormatStories.jsx b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-time-format/TimeFormatStories.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019df49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/storybook/stories/superset-ui-time-format/TimeFormatStories.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */
+import React from 'react';
+import { formatTime } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const propTypes = {};
+const defaultProps = {};
+class TimeFormatValidator extends React.PureComponent {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      formatString: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+      testValues: [
+        new Date(Date.UTC(1986, 5, 14, 8, 30, 53)),
+        new Date(Date.UTC(2001, 9, 27, 13, 45, 2, 678)),
+        new Date(Date.UTC(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
+        new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 1, 1, 10, 20, 33)),
+        0,
+        null,
+        undefined,
+      ],
+    };
+    this.handleFormatChange = this.handleFormatChange.bind(this);
+  }
+  handleFormatChange(event) {
+    this.setState({
+      formatString:,
+    });
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { formatString, testValues } = this.state;
+    return (
+      <div className="container">
+        <div className="row" style={{ margin: '40px 20px 0 20px' }}>
+          <div className="col-sm">
+            <p>
+              This <code>@superset-ui/time-format</code> package enriches
+              <code>d3-time-format</code> to handle invalid formats as well as edge case values. Use
+              the validator below to preview outputs from the specified format string. See
+              <a
+                href=""
+                target="_blank"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+              >
+                D3 Time Format Reference
+              </a>
+              for how to write a D3 time format string.
+            </p>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div className="row" style={{ margin: '10px 0 30px 0' }}>
+          <div className="col-sm" />
+          <div className="col-sm-8">
+            <div className="form">
+              <div className="form-group">
+                <label>Enter D3 time format string:&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
+                <input
+                  id="formatString"
+                  className="form-control form-control-lg"
+                  type="text"
+                  value={formatString}
+                  onChange={this.handleFormatChange}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div className="col-sm" />
+        </div>
+        <div className="row">
+          <div className="col-sm">
+            <table className="table table-striped table-sm">
+              <thead>
+                <tr>
+                  <th>Input (time)</th>
+                  <th>Formatted output (string)</th>
+                </tr>
+              </thead>
+              <tbody>
+                { => (
+                  <tr key={v}>
+                    <td>
+                      <code>{v instanceof Date ? v.toUTCString() : `${v}`}</code>
+                    </td>
+                    <td>
+                      <code>&quot;{formatTime(formatString, v)}&quot;</code>
+                    </td>
+                  </tr>
+                ))}
+              </tbody>
+            </table>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+TimeFormatValidator.propTypes = propTypes;
+TimeFormatValidator.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default {
+  title: 'Core Packages|@superset-ui/time-format',
+export const validator = () => <TimeFormatValidator />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0dc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-demo/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "jsx": "react",
+    "outDir": "../../build/lib",
+    "rootDir": "../../",
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "sourceMap": true,
+    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
+    "experimentalDecorators": true,
+    "noImplicitAny": false,
+    "noEmit": false,
+  },
+  "exclude": ["node_modules"],
+  "include": [
+    "storybook",
+    "../**/src",
+    "../../plugins/**/src",
+  ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c347fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Calendar Heatmap for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import CalendarChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar';
+new CalendarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'calendar' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="calendar"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e51b60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Calendar Heatmap",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3-array": "^2.0.3",
+    "d3-selection": "^1.4.0",
+    "d3-tip": "^0.9.1",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/Calendar.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/Calendar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d651c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/Calendar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { extent as d3Extent, range as d3Range } from 'd3-array';
+import { select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
+import {
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import CalHeatMap from './vendor/cal-heatmap';
+import './vendor/cal-heatmap.css';
+function convertUTC(dttm) {
+  return new Date(
+    dttm.getUTCFullYear(),
+    dttm.getUTCMonth(),
+    dttm.getUTCDate(),
+    dttm.getUTCHours(),
+    dttm.getUTCMinutes(),
+    dttm.getUTCSeconds(),
+  );
+const convertUTCTS = uts => convertUTC(new Date(uts)).getTime();
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.shape({
+    // Object hashed by metric name,
+    // then hashed by timestamp (in seconds, not milliseconds) as float
+    // the innermost value is count
+    // e.g. { count_distinct_something: { 1535034236.0: 3 } }
+    data: PropTypes.object,
+    domain: PropTypes.string,
+    range: PropTypes.number,
+    // timestamp in milliseconds
+    start: PropTypes.number,
+    subdomain: PropTypes.string,
+  }),
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-prop-types
+  cellPadding: PropTypes.number,
+  // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-prop-types
+  cellRadius: PropTypes.number,
+  // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-prop-types
+  cellSize: PropTypes.number,
+  linearColorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  showLegend: PropTypes.bool,
+  showMetricName: PropTypes.bool,
+  showValues: PropTypes.bool,
+  steps: PropTypes.number,
+  timeFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  valueFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  verboseMap: PropTypes.object,
+function Calendar(element, props) {
+  const {
+    data,
+    height,
+    cellPadding = 3,
+    cellRadius = 0,
+    cellSize = 10,
+    domainGranularity,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    showLegend,
+    showMetricName,
+    showValues,
+    steps,
+    subdomainGranularity,
+    timeFormat,
+    valueFormat,
+    verboseMap,
+  } = props;
+  const valueFormatter = getNumberFormatter(valueFormat);
+  const timeFormatter = getTimeFormatter(timeFormat);
+  const container = d3Select(element)
+    .classed('superset-legacy-chart-calendar', true)
+    .style('height', height);
+  container.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const div = container.append('div');
+  const subDomainTextFormat = showValues ? (date, value) => valueFormatter(value) : null;
+  // Trick to convert all timestamps to UTC
+  // TODO: Verify if this conversion is really necessary
+  // since all timestamps should always be in UTC.
+  const metricsData = {};
+  Object.keys( => {
+    metricsData[metric] = {};
+    Object.keys([metric]).forEach(ts => {
+      metricsData[metric][convertUTCTS(ts * 1000) / 1000] =[metric][ts];
+    });
+  });
+  Object.keys(metricsData).forEach(metric => {
+    const calContainer = div.append('div');
+    if (showMetricName) {
+      calContainer.text(`Metric: ${verboseMap[metric] || metric}`);
+    }
+    const timestamps = metricsData[metric];
+    const extents = d3Extent(Object.keys(timestamps), key => timestamps[key]);
+    const step = (extents[1] - extents[0]) / (steps - 1);
+    const colorScale = getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+      .get(linearColorScheme)
+      .createLinearScale(extents);
+    const legend = d3Range(steps).map(i => extents[0] + step * i);
+    const legendColors = => colorScale(x));
+    const cal = new CalHeatMap();
+    cal.init({
+      start: convertUTCTS(data.start),
+      data: timestamps,
+      itemSelector: calContainer.node(),
+      legendVerticalPosition: 'top',
+      cellSize,
+      cellPadding,
+      cellRadius,
+      legendCellSize: cellSize,
+      legendCellPadding: 2,
+      legendCellRadius: cellRadius,
+      tooltip: true,
+      domain: domainGranularity,
+      subDomain: subdomainGranularity,
+      range: data.range,
+      browsing: true,
+      legend,
+      legendColors: {
+        colorScale,
+        min: legendColors[0],
+        max: legendColors[legendColors.length - 1],
+        empty: 'white',
+      },
+      displayLegend: showLegend,
+      itemName: '',
+      valueFormatter,
+      timeFormatter,
+      subDomainTextFormat,
+    });
+  });
+Calendar.displayName = 'Calendar';
+Calendar.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Calendar;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/ReactCalendar.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/ReactCalendar.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf2097e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/ReactCalendar.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { reactify, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Calendar';
+const ReactComponent = reactify(Component);
+const Calender = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactComponent {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+Calender.defaultProps = {
+  otherProps: {},
+Calender.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  otherProps: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any),
+export default styled(Calender)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-calendar {
+    padding: 10px;
+    position: static !important;
+    overflow: auto !important;
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-calendar .ch-tooltip {
+    margin-left: 20px;
+    margin-top: 5px;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b3208c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, legacyValidateInteger } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'domain_granularity',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Domain'),
+              default: 'month',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year']),
+              description: t('The time unit used for the grouping of blocks'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'subdomain_granularity',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Subdomain'),
+              default: 'day',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['min', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month']),
+              description: t(
+                'The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than ' +
+                  'domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['linear_color_scheme'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'cell_size',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              default: 10,
+              validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              label: t('Cell Size'),
+              description: t('The size of the square cell, in pixels'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'cell_padding',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 2,
+              label: t('Cell Padding'),
+              description: t('The distance between cells, in pixels'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'cell_radius',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 0,
+              label: t('Cell Radius'),
+              description: t('The pixel radius'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'steps',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 10,
+              label: t('Color Steps'),
+              description: t('The number color "steps"'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          'y_axis_format',
+          {
+            name: 'x_axis_time_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Time Format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'smart_date',
+              choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_legend',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Legend'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to display the legend (toggles)'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'show_values',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Values'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to display the numerical values within the cells'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_metric_name',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Metric Names'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to display the metric name as a title'),
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Number Format'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bac8c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e0624b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066d026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Calendar Heatmap'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class CalendarChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactCalendar'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd57d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { height, formData, queriesData, datasource } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    cellPadding,
+    cellRadius,
+    cellSize,
+    domainGranularity,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    showLegend,
+    showMetricName,
+    showValues,
+    steps,
+    subdomainGranularity,
+    xAxisTimeFormat,
+    yAxisFormat,
+  } = formData;
+  const { verboseMap } = datasource;
+  return {
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    cellPadding,
+    cellRadius,
+    cellSize,
+    domainGranularity,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    showLegend,
+    showMetricName,
+    showValues,
+    steps,
+    subdomainGranularity,
+    timeFormat: xAxisTimeFormat,
+    valueFormat: yAxisFormat,
+    verboseMap,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.css
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index 0000000..d55251e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.css
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* [LICENSE TBD] */
+/* Cal-HeatMap CSS */
+ {
+  display: block;
+ .graph-label {
+  fill: #999;
+  font-size: 10px;
+ .graph, .graph-legend rect {
+  shape-rendering: crispedges;
+ .graph-rect {
+  fill: #ededed;
+ .graph-subdomain-group rect:hover {
+  stroke: #000;
+  stroke-width: 1px;
+ .subdomain-text {
+  font-size: 8px;
+  fill: #999;
+  pointer-events: none;
+ .hover_cursor:hover {
+  cursor: pointer;
+ .qi {
+  background-color: #999;
+  fill: #999;
+Remove comment to apply this style to date with value equal to 0
+  background-color: #fff;
+  fill: #fff;
+  stroke: #ededed
+ .q1 {
+  background-color: #dae289;
+  fill: #dae289;
+ .q2 {
+  background-color: #cedb9c;
+  fill: #9cc069;
+ .q3 {
+  background-color: #b5cf6b;
+  fill: #669d45;
+ .q4 {
+  background-color: #637939;
+  fill: #637939;
+ .q5 {
+  background-color: #3b6427;
+  fill: #3b6427;
+ rect.highlight {
+  stroke: #444;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+ text.highlight {
+  fill: #444;
+ rect.highlight-now {
+  stroke: red;
+ text.highlight-now {
+  fill: red;
+  font-weight: 800;
+ .domain-background {
+  fill: none;
+  shape-rendering: crispedges;
+ {
+  padding: 10px;
+  background: #222;
+  color: #bbb;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 1.4;
+  width: 140px;
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: 99999;
+  text-align: center;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+  display: none;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+ {
+  position: absolute;
+  width: 0;
+  height: 0;
+  border-color: transparent;
+  border-style: solid;
+  content: '';
+  padding: 0;
+  display: block;
+  bottom: -6px;
+  left: 50%;
+  margin-left: -6px;
+  border-width: 6px 6px 0;
+  border-top-color: #222;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.js
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index 0000000..a8da0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/cal-heatmap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3795 @@
+/* Copied and altered from , alterations around:
+ * - tuning tooltips
+ * - supporting multi-colors scales
+ * - legend format
+ * - UTC handling
+ */
+/* eslint-disable */
+import d3tip from 'd3-tip';
+import './d3tip.css';
+var d3 = typeof require === 'function' ? require('d3') : window.d3;
+var d3 = typeof require === 'function' ? require('d3') : window.d3;
+var CalHeatMap = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var self = this;
+  self.tip = d3tip()
+    .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
+    .direction('n')
+    .offset([-5, 0])
+    .html(
+      d => `
+      ${self.options.timeFormatter(d.t)}: <strong>${self.options.valueFormatter(d.v)}</strong>
+    `,
+    );
+  self.legendTip = d3tip()
+    .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
+    .direction('n')
+    .offset([-5, 0])
+    .html(d => self.options.valueFormatter(d));
+  this.allowedDataType = ['json', 'csv', 'tsv', 'txt'];
+  // Default settings
+  this.options = {
+    // selector string of the container to append the graph to
+    // Accept any string value accepted by document.querySelector or CSS3
+    // or an Element object
+    itemSelector: '#cal-heatmap',
+    // Whether to paint the calendar on init()
+    // Used by testsuite to reduce testing time
+    paintOnLoad: true,
+    // ================================================
+    // DOMAIN
+    // ================================================
+    // Number of domain to display on the graph
+    range: 12,
+    // Size of each cell, in pixel
+    cellSize: 10,
+    // Padding between each cell, in pixel
+    cellPadding: 2,
+    // For rounded subdomain rectangles, in pixels
+    cellRadius: 0,
+    domainGutter: 2,
+    domainMargin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
+    valueFormatter: d => d,
+    timeFormatter: d => d,
+    domain: 'hour',
+    subDomain: 'min',
+    // Number of columns to split the subDomains to
+    // If not null, will takes precedence over rowLimit
+    colLimit: null,
+    // Number of rows to split the subDomains to
+    // Will be ignored if colLimit is not null
+    rowLimit: null,
+    // First day of the week is Monday
+    // 0 to start the week on Sunday
+    weekStartOnMonday: true,
+    // Start date of the graph
+    // @default now
+    start: new Date(),
+    minDate: null,
+    maxDate: null,
+    // ================================================
+    // DATA
+    // ================================================
+    // Data source
+    // URL, where to fetch the original datas
+    data: '',
+    // Data type
+    // Default: json
+    dataType: this.allowedDataType[0],
+    // Payload sent when using POST http method
+    // Leave to null (default) for GET request
+    // Expect a string, formatted like "a=b;c=d"
+    dataPostPayload: null,
+    // Additional headers sent when requesting data
+    // Expect an object formatted like:
+    // { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': 'token' }
+    dataRequestHeaders: null,
+    // Whether to consider missing date:value from the datasource
+    // as equal to 0, or just leave them as missing
+    considerMissingDataAsZero: false,
+    // Load remote data on calendar creation
+    // When false, the calendar will be left empty
+    loadOnInit: true,
+    // Calendar orientation
+    // false: display domains side by side
+    // true : display domains one under the other
+    verticalOrientation: false,
+    // Domain dynamic width/height
+    // The width on a domain depends on the number of
+    domainDynamicDimension: true,
+    // Domain Label properties
+    label: {
+      // valid: top, right, bottom, left
+      position: 'bottom',
+      // Valid: left, center, right
+      // Also valid are the direct svg values: start, middle, end
+      align: 'center',
+      // By default, there is no margin/padding around the label
+      offset: {
+        x: 0,
+        y: 0,
+      },
+      rotate: null,
+      // Used only on vertical orientation
+      width: 100,
+      // Used only on horizontal orientation
+      height: null,
+    },
+    // ================================================
+    // LEGEND
+    // ================================================
+    // Threshold for the legend
+    legend: [10, 20, 30, 40],
+    // Whether to display the legend
+    displayLegend: true,
+    legendCellSize: 10,
+    legendCellPadding: 2,
+    legendMargin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
+    // Legend vertical position
+    // top: place legend above calendar
+    // bottom: place legend below the calendar
+    legendVerticalPosition: 'bottom',
+    // Legend horizontal position
+    // accepted values: left, center, right
+    legendHorizontalPosition: 'left',
+    // Legend rotation
+    // accepted values: horizontal, vertical
+    legendOrientation: 'horizontal',
+    // Objects holding all the heatmap different colors
+    // null to disable, and use the default css styles
+    //
+    // Examples:
+    // legendColors: {
+    //    min: "green",
+    //    max: "red",
+    //    empty: "#ffffff",
+    //    base: "grey",
+    //    overflow: "red",
+    //    colorScaler: null,
+    // }
+    legendColors: null,
+    // ================================================
+    // ================================================
+    // List of dates to highlight
+    // Valid values:
+    // - []: don't highlight anything
+    // - "now": highlight the current date
+    // - an array of Date objects: highlight the specified dates
+    highlight: [],
+    // ================================================
+    // TEXT FORMATTING / i18n
+    // ================================================
+    // Name of the items to represent in the calendar
+    itemName: ['item', 'items'],
+    // Formatting of the domain label
+    // @default: null, will use the formatting according to domain type
+    // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format()
+    // or a function
+    //
+    // Refer to
+    // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format()
+    domainLabelFormat: null,
+    // Formatting of the title displayed when hovering a subDomain cell
+    subDomainTitleFormat: {
+      empty: '{date}',
+      filled: '{count} {name} {connector} {date}',
+    },
+    // Formatting of the {date} used in subDomainTitleFormat
+    // @default: null, will use the formatting according to subDomain type
+    // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format()
+    // or a function
+    //
+    // Refer to
+    // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format()
+    subDomainDateFormat: null,
+    // Formatting of the text inside each subDomain cell
+    // @default: null, no text
+    // Accept a string used as specifier by d3.time.format()
+    // or a function
+    //
+    // Refer to
+    // for accepted date formatting used by d3.time.format()
+    subDomainTextFormat: null,
+    // Formatting of the title displayed when hovering a legend cell
+    legendTitleFormat: {
+      lower: 'less than {min} {name}',
+      inner: 'between {down} and {up} {name}',
+      upper: 'more than {max} {name}',
+    },
+    // Animation duration, in ms
+    animationDuration: 500,
+    nextSelector: false,
+    previousSelector: false,
+    itemNamespace: 'cal-heatmap',
+    tooltip: false,
+    // ================================================
+    // ================================================
+    // Callback when clicking on a time block
+    onClick: null,
+    // Callback after painting the empty calendar
+    // Can be used to trigger an API call, once the calendar is ready to be filled
+    afterLoad: null,
+    // Callback after loading the next domain in the calendar
+    afterLoadNextDomain: null,
+    // Callback after loading the previous domain in the calendar
+    afterLoadPreviousDomain: null,
+    // Callback after finishing all actions on the calendar
+    onComplete: null,
+    // Callback after fetching the datas, but before applying them to the calendar
+    // Used mainly to convert the datas if they're not formatted like expected
+    // Takes the fetched "data" object as argument, must return a json object
+    // formatted like {timestamp:count, timestamp2:count2},
+    afterLoadData: function (data) {
+      return data;
+    },
+    // Callback triggered after calling and completing update().
+    afterUpdate: null,
+    // Callback triggered after calling next().
+    // The `status` argument is equal to true if there is no
+    // more next domain to load
+    //
+    // This callback is also executed once, after calling previous(),
+    // only when the max domain is reached
+    onMaxDomainReached: null,
+    // Callback triggered after calling previous().
+    // The `status` argument is equal to true if there is no
+    // more previous domain to load
+    //
+    // This callback is also executed once, after calling next(),
+    // only when the min domain is reached
+    onMinDomainReached: null,
+  };
+  this._domainType = {
+    min: {
+      name: 'minute',
+      level: 10,
+      maxItemNumber: 60,
+      defaultRowNumber: 10,
+      defaultColumnNumber: 6,
+      row: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d);
+      },
+      column: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d);
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function (d) {
+          return Math.floor(d.getMinutes() / self._domainType.min.row(d));
+        },
+        y: function (d) {
+          return d.getMinutes() % self._domainType.min.row(d);
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%H:%M, %A %B %-e, %Y',
+        legend: '',
+        connector: 'at',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        return new Date(
+          d.getFullYear(),
+          d.getMonth(),
+          d.getDate(),
+          d.getHours(),
+          d.getMinutes(),
+        ).getTime();
+      },
+    },
+    hour: {
+      name: 'hour',
+      level: 20,
+      maxItemNumber: function (d) {
+        switch (self.options.domain) {
+          case 'day':
+            return 24;
+          case 'week':
+            return 24 * 7;
+          case 'month':
+            return 24 * (self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d) : 31);
+        }
+      },
+      defaultRowNumber: 6,
+      defaultColumnNumber: function (d) {
+        switch (self.options.domain) {
+          case 'day':
+            return 4;
+          case 'week':
+            return 28;
+          case 'month':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d) : 31;
+        }
+      },
+      row: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d);
+      },
+      column: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d);
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function (d) {
+          if (self.options.domain === 'month') {
+            if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+              return Math.floor(
+                (d.getHours() + (d.getDate() - 1) * 24) / self._domainType.hour.row(d),
+              );
+            }
+            return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d)) + (d.getDate() - 1) * 4;
+          } else if (self.options.domain === 'week') {
+            if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+              return Math.floor(
+                (d.getHours() + self.getWeekDay(d) * 24) / self._domainType.hour.row(d),
+              );
+            }
+            return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d)) + self.getWeekDay(d) * 4;
+          }
+          return Math.floor(d.getHours() / self._domainType.hour.row(d));
+        },
+        y: function (d) {
+          var p = d.getHours();
+          if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+            switch (self.options.domain) {
+              case 'month':
+                p += (d.getDate() - 1) * 24;
+                break;
+              case 'week':
+                p += self.getWeekDay(d) * 24;
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+          return Math.floor(p % self._domainType.hour.row(d));
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%Hh, %A %B %-e, %Y',
+        legend: '%H:00',
+        connector: 'at',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours()).getTime();
+      },
+    },
+    day: {
+      name: 'day',
+      level: 30,
+      maxItemNumber: function (d) {
+        switch (self.options.domain) {
+          case 'week':
+            return 7;
+          case 'month':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInMonth(d) : 31;
+          case 'year':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension ? self.getDayCountInYear(d) : 366;
+        }
+      },
+      defaultColumnNumber: function (d) {
+        d = new Date(d);
+        switch (self.options.domain) {
+          case 'week':
+            return 1;
+          case 'month':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension && !self.options.verticalOrientation
+              ? self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0)) -
+                  self.getWeekNumber(d) +
+                  1
+              : 6;
+          case 'year':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension
+              ? self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), 11, 31)) -
+                  self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0)) +
+                  1
+              : 54;
+        }
+      },
+      defaultRowNumber: 7,
+      row: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d);
+      },
+      column: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d);
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function (d) {
+          switch (self.options.domain) {
+            case 'week':
+              return Math.floor(self.getWeekDay(d) /;
+            case 'month':
+              if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+                return Math.floor((d.getDate() - 1) /;
+              }
+              return (
+                self.getWeekNumber(d) - self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()))
+              );
+            case 'year':
+              if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+                return Math.floor((self.getDayOfYear(d) - 1) /;
+              }
+              return self.getWeekNumber(d);
+          }
+        },
+        y: function (d) {
+          var p = self.getWeekDay(d);
+          if (self.options.colLimit > 0 || self.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+            switch (self.options.domain) {
+              case 'year':
+                p = self.getDayOfYear(d) - 1;
+                break;
+              case 'week':
+                p = self.getWeekDay(d);
+                break;
+              case 'month':
+                p = d.getDate() - 1;
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+          return Math.floor(p %;
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%A %B %-e, %Y',
+        legend: '%e %b',
+        connector: 'on',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()).getTime();
+      },
+    },
+    week: {
+      name: 'week',
+      level: 40,
+      maxItemNumber: 54,
+      defaultColumnNumber: function (d) {
+        d = new Date(d);
+        switch (self.options.domain) {
+          case 'year':
+            return self._domainType.week.maxItemNumber;
+          case 'month':
+            return self.options.domainDynamicDimension
+              ? self.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0)) -
+                  self.getWeekNumber(d)
+              : 5;
+        }
+      },
+      defaultRowNumber: 1,
+      row: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainRowNumber(d);
+      },
+      column: function (d) {
+        return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber(d);
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function (d) {
+          switch (self.options.domain) {
+            case 'year':
+              return Math.floor(self.getWeekNumber(d) / self._domainType.week.row(d));
+            case 'month':
+              return Math.floor(self.getMonthWeekNumber(d) / self._domainType.week.row(d));
+          }
+        },
+        y: function (d) {
+          return self.getWeekNumber(d) % self._domainType.week.row(d);
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%B Week #%W',
+        legend: '%B Week #%W',
+        connector: 'in',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        var dt = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
+        // According to ISO-8601, week number computation are based on week starting on Monday
+        var weekDay = dt.getDay() - (self.options.weekStartOnMonday ? 1 : 0);
+        if (weekDay < 0) {
+          weekDay = 6;
+        }
+        dt.setDate(dt.getDate() - weekDay);
+        return dt.getTime();
+      },
+    },
+    month: {
+      name: 'month',
+      level: 50,
+      maxItemNumber: 12,
+      defaultColumnNumber: 12,
+      defaultRowNumber: 1,
+      row: function () {
+        return self.getSubDomainRowNumber();
+      },
+      column: function () {
+        return self.getSubDomainColumnNumber();
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function (d) {
+          return Math.floor(d.getMonth() / self._domainType.month.row(d));
+        },
+        y: function (d) {
+          return d.getMonth() % self._domainType.month.row(d);
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%B %Y',
+        legend: '%B',
+        connector: 'in',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()).getTime();
+      },
+    },
+    year: {
+      name: 'year',
+      level: 60,
+      row: function () {
+        return self.options.rowLimit || 1;
+      },
+      column: function () {
+        return self.options.colLimit || 1;
+      },
+      position: {
+        x: function () {
+          return 1;
+        },
+        y: function () {
+          return 1;
+        },
+      },
+      format: {
+        date: '%Y',
+        legend: '%Y',
+        connector: 'in',
+      },
+      extractUnit: function (d) {
+        return new Date(d.getFullYear()).getTime();
+      },
+    },
+  };
+  for (var type in this._domainType) {
+    if (this._domainType.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
+      var d = this._domainType[type];
+      this._domainType['x_' + type] = {
+        name: 'x_' + type,
+        level: d.type,
+        maxItemNumber: d.maxItemNumber,
+        defaultRowNumber: d.defaultRowNumber,
+        defaultColumnNumber: d.defaultColumnNumber,
+        row: d.column,
+        column: d.row,
+        position: {
+          x: d.position.y,
+          y: d.position.x,
+        },
+        format: d.format,
+        extractUnit: d.extractUnit,
+      };
+    }
+  }
+  // Record the address of the last inserted domain when browsing
+  this.lastInsertedSvg = null;
+  this._completed = false;
+  // Record all the valid domains
+  // Each domain value is a timestamp in milliseconds
+  this._domains =;
+  this.graphDim = {
+    width: 0,
+    height: 0,
+  };
+  this.legendDim = {
+    width: 0,
+    height: 0,
+  };
+  this.NAVIGATE_LEFT = 1;
+  this.NAVIGATE_RIGHT = 2;
+  // Various update mode when using the update() API
+  this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE = 0;
+  this.APPEND_ON_UPDATE = 2;
+  this.root = null;
+  this.tooltip = null;
+  this._maxDomainReached = false;
+  this._minDomainReached = false;
+  this.domainPosition = new DomainPosition();
+  this.Legend = null;
+  this.legendScale = null;
+  // List of domains that are skipped because of DST
+  // All times belonging to these domains should be re-assigned to the previous domain
+  this.DSTDomain = [];
+  /**
+   * Display the graph for the first time
+   * @return bool True if the calendar is created
+   */
+  this._init = function () {
+    self
+      .getDomain(self.options.start)
+      .map(function (d) {
+        return d.getTime();
+      })
+      .map(function (d) {
+        self._domains.set(
+          d,
+          self.getSubDomain(d).map(function (d) {
+            return { t: self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].extractUnit(d), v: null };
+          }),
+        );
+      });
+    self.root = d3
+      .select(self.options.itemSelector)
+      .append('svg')
+      .attr('class', 'cal-heatmap-container');
+    self.root.attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).append('svg').attr('class', 'graph');
+    self.Legend = new Legend(self);
+    if (self.options.paintOnLoad) {
+      _initCalendar();
+    }
+    return true;
+  };
+  function _initCalendar() {
+    self.verticalDomainLabel =
+      self.options.label.position === 'top' || self.options.label.position === 'bottom';
+    self.domainVerticalLabelHeight =
+      self.options.label.height === null
+        ? Math.max(25, self.options.cellSize * 2)
+        : self.options.label.height;
+    self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth = 0;
+    if (self.options.domainLabelFormat === '' && self.options.label.height === null) {
+      self.domainVerticalLabelHeight = 0;
+    }
+    if (!self.verticalDomainLabel) {
+      self.domainVerticalLabelHeight = 0;
+      self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth = self.options.label.width;
+    }
+    self.paint();
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // ATTACHING DOMAIN NAVIGATION EVENT                    //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    if (self.options.nextSelector !== false) {
+'click.' + self.options.itemNamespace, function () {
+        d3.event.preventDefault();
+        return self.loadNextDomain(1);
+      });
+    }
+    if (self.options.previousSelector !== false) {
+        'click.' + self.options.itemNamespace,
+        function () {
+          d3.event.preventDefault();
+          return self.loadPreviousDomain(1);
+        },
+      );
+    }
+    self.Legend.redraw(self.graphDim.width - self.options.domainGutter - self.options.cellPadding);
+    self.afterLoad();
+    var domains = self.getDomainKeys();
+    // Fill the graph with some datas
+    if (self.options.loadOnInit) {
+      self.getDatas(
+        new Date(domains[0]),
+        self.getSubDomain(domains[domains.length - 1]).pop(),
+        function () {
+          self.fill();
+          self.onComplete();
+        },
+      );
+    } else {
+      self.onComplete();
+    }
+    self.checkIfMinDomainIsReached(domains[0]);
+    self.checkIfMaxDomainIsReached(self.getNextDomain().getTime());
+  }
+  // Return the width of the domain block, without the domain gutter
+  // @param int d Domain start timestamp
+  function w(d, outer) {
+    var width =
+      self.options.cellSize * self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].column(d) +
+      self.options.cellPadding * self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].column(d);
+    if (arguments.length === 2 && outer === true) {
+      return (width +=
+        self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth +
+        self.options.domainGutter +
+        self.options.domainMargin[1] +
+        self.options.domainMargin[3]);
+    }
+    return width;
+  }
+  // Return the height of the domain block, without the domain gutter
+  function h(d, outer) {
+    var height =
+      self.options.cellSize * self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].row(d) +
+      self.options.cellPadding * self._domainType[self.options.subDomain].row(d);
+    if (arguments.length === 2 && outer === true) {
+      height +=
+        self.options.domainGutter +
+        self.domainVerticalLabelHeight +
+        self.options.domainMargin[0] +
+        self.options.domainMargin[2];
+    }
+    return height;
+  }
+  /**
+   *
+   *
+   * @param int navigationDir
+   */
+  this.paint = function (navigationDir) {
+    var options = self.options;
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      navigationDir = false;
+    }
+    // Painting all the domains
+    var domainSvg = self.root
+      .select('.graph')
+      .selectAll('.graph-domain')
+      .data(
+        function () {
+          var data = self.getDomainKeys();
+          return navigationDir === self.NAVIGATE_LEFT ? data.reverse() : data;
+        },
+        function (d) {
+          return d;
+        },
+      );
+    var enteringDomainDim = 0;
+    var exitingDomainDim = 0;
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // PAINTING DOMAIN                              //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    var svg = domainSvg
+      .enter()
+      .append('svg')
+      .attr('width', function (d) {
+        return w(d, true);
+      })
+      .attr('height', function (d) {
+        return h(d, true);
+      })
+      .attr('x', function (d) {
+        if (options.verticalOrientation) {
+          self.graphDim.width = Math.max(self.graphDim.width, w(d, true));
+          return 0;
+        } else {
+          return getDomainPosition(d, self.graphDim, 'width', w(d, true));
+        }
+      })
+      .attr('y', function (d) {
+        if (options.verticalOrientation) {
+          return getDomainPosition(d, self.graphDim, 'height', h(d, true));
+        } else {
+          self.graphDim.height = Math.max(self.graphDim.height, h(d, true));
+          return 0;
+        }
+      })
+      .attr('class', function (d) {
+        var classname = 'graph-domain';
+        var date = new Date(d);
+        switch (options.domain) {
+          case 'hour':
+            classname += ' h_' + date.getHours();
+          /* falls through */
+          case 'day':
+            classname += ' d_' + date.getDate() + ' dy_' + date.getDay();
+          /* falls through */
+          case 'week':
+            classname += ' w_' + self.getWeekNumber(date);
+          /* falls through */
+          case 'month':
+            classname += ' m_' + (date.getMonth() + 1);
+          /* falls through */
+          case 'year':
+            classname += ' y_' + date.getFullYear();
+        }
+        return classname;
+      });
+    self.lastInsertedSvg = svg;
+    function getDomainPosition(domainIndex, graphDim, axis, domainDim) {
+      var tmp = 0;
+      switch (navigationDir) {
+        case false:
+          tmp = graphDim[axis];
+          graphDim[axis] += domainDim;
+          self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, tmp);
+          return tmp;
+        case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT:
+          self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, graphDim[axis]);
+          enteringDomainDim = domainDim;
+          exitingDomainDim = self.domainPosition.getPositionFromIndex(1);
+          self.domainPosition.shiftRightBy(exitingDomainDim);
+          return graphDim[axis];
+        case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT:
+          tmp = -domainDim;
+          enteringDomainDim = -tmp;
+          exitingDomainDim = graphDim[axis] - self.domainPosition.getLast();
+          self.domainPosition.setPosition(domainIndex, tmp);
+          self.domainPosition.shiftLeftBy(enteringDomainDim);
+          return tmp;
+      }
+    }
+    svg
+      .append('rect')
+      .attr('width', function (d) {
+        return w(d, true) - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding;
+      })
+      .attr('height', function (d) {
+        return h(d, true) - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding;
+      })
+      .attr('class', 'domain-background');
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // PAINTING SUBDOMAINS                            //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    var subDomainSvgGroup = svg
+      .append('svg')
+      .attr('x', function () {
+        if (options.label.position === 'left') {
+          return self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + options.domainMargin[3];
+        } else {
+          return options.domainMargin[3];
+        }
+      })
+      .attr('y', function () {
+        if (options.label.position === 'top') {
+          return self.domainVerticalLabelHeight + options.domainMargin[0];
+        } else {
+          return options.domainMargin[0];
+        }
+      })
+      .attr('class', 'graph-subdomain-group');
+    var rect = subDomainSvgGroup
+      .selectAll('g')
+      .data(function (d) {
+        return self._domains.get(d);
+      })
+      .enter()
+      .append('g');
+    rect
+      .append('rect')
+      .attr('class', function (d) {
+        return (
+          'graph-rect' +
+          self.getHighlightClassName(d.t) +
+          (options.onClick !== null ? ' hover_cursor' : '')
+        );
+      })
+      .attr('width', options.cellSize)
+      .attr('height', options.cellSize)
+      .attr('x', function (d) {
+        return self.positionSubDomainX(d.t);
+      })
+      .attr('y', function (d) {
+        return self.positionSubDomainY(d.t);
+      })
+      .on('click', function (d) {
+        if (options.onClick !== null) {
+          return self.onClick(new Date(d.t), d.v);
+        }
+      })
+      .call(function (selection) {
+        if (options.cellRadius > 0) {
+          selection.attr('rx', options.cellRadius).attr('ry', options.cellRadius);
+        }
+        if (
+          self.legendScale !== null &&
+          options.legendColors !== null &&
+          options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('base')
+        ) {
+          selection.attr('fill', options.legendColors.base);
+        }
+        if (options.tooltip) {
+          selection
+            .on('mouseover', function (d) {
+    , this);
+            })
+            .on('mouseout', function () {
+              self.tip.hide(d);
+            });
+        }
+      });
+    // Appending a title to each subdomain
+    if (!options.tooltip) {
+      rect.append('title').text(function (d) {
+        return self.formatDate(new Date(d.t), options.subDomainDateFormat);
+      });
+    }
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // PAINTING LABEL                              //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    if (options.domainLabelFormat !== '') {
+      svg
+        .append('text')
+        .attr('class', 'graph-label')
+        .attr('y', function (d) {
+          var y = options.domainMargin[0];
+          switch (options.label.position) {
+            case 'top':
+              y += self.domainVerticalLabelHeight / 2;
+              break;
+            case 'bottom':
+              y += h(d) + self.domainVerticalLabelHeight / 2;
+          }
+          return (
+            y +
+            options.label.offset.y *
+              ((options.label.rotate === 'right' && options.label.position === 'right') ||
+              (options.label.rotate === 'left' && options.label.position === 'left')
+                ? -1
+                : 1)
+          );
+        })
+        .attr('x', function (d) {
+          var x = options.domainMargin[3];
+          switch (options.label.position) {
+            case 'right':
+              x += w(d);
+              break;
+            case 'bottom':
+            case 'top':
+              x += w(d) / 2;
+          }
+          if (options.label.align === 'right') {
+            return (
+              x +
+              self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth -
+              options.label.offset.x * (options.label.rotate === 'right' ? -1 : 1)
+            );
+          }
+          return x + options.label.offset.x;
+        })
+        .attr('text-anchor', function () {
+          switch (options.label.align) {
+            case 'start':
+            case 'left':
+              return 'start';
+            case 'end':
+            case 'right':
+              return 'end';
+            default:
+              return 'middle';
+          }
+        })
+        .attr('dominant-baseline', function () {
+          return self.verticalDomainLabel ? 'middle' : 'top';
+        })
+        .text(function (d) {
+          return self.formatDate(new Date(d), options.domainLabelFormat);
+        })
+        .call(domainRotate);
+    }
+    function domainRotate(selection) {
+      switch (options.label.rotate) {
+        case 'right':
+          selection.attr('transform', function (d) {
+            var s = 'rotate(90), ';
+            switch (options.label.position) {
+              case 'right':
+                s += 'translate(-' + w(d) + ' , -' + w(d) + ')';
+                break;
+              case 'left':
+                s += 'translate(0, -' + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth + ')';
+                break;
+            }
+            return s;
+          });
+          break;
+        case 'left':
+          selection.attr('transform', function (d) {
+            var s = 'rotate(270), ';
+            switch (options.label.position) {
+              case 'right':
+                s += 'translate(-' + (w(d) + self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth) + ' , ' + w(d) + ')';
+                break;
+              case 'left':
+                s +=
+                  'translate(-' +
+                  self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth +
+                  ' , ' +
+                  self.domainHorizontalLabelWidth +
+                  ')';
+                break;
+            }
+            return s;
+          });
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // PAINTING DOMAIN SUBDOMAIN CONTENT                    //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    if (options.subDomainTextFormat !== null) {
+      rect
+        .append('text')
+        .attr('class', function (d) {
+          return 'subdomain-text' + self.getHighlightClassName(d.t);
+        })
+        .attr('x', function (d) {
+          return self.positionSubDomainX(d.t) + options.cellSize / 2;
+        })
+        .attr('y', function (d) {
+          return self.positionSubDomainY(d.t) + options.cellSize / 2;
+        })
+        .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+        .attr('dominant-baseline', 'central')
+        .text(function (d) {
+          return self.formatDate(new Date(d.t), options.subDomainTextFormat);
+        });
+    }
+    // =========================================================================//
+    // ANIMATION                                //
+    // =========================================================================//
+    if (navigationDir !== false) {
+      domainSvg
+        .transition()
+        .duration(options.animationDuration)
+        .attr('x', function (d) {
+          return options.verticalOrientation ? 0 : self.domainPosition.getPosition(d);
+        })
+        .attr('y', function (d) {
+          return options.verticalOrientation ? self.domainPosition.getPosition(d) : 0;
+        });
+    }
+    var tempWidth = self.graphDim.width;
+    var tempHeight = self.graphDim.height;
+    if (options.verticalOrientation) {
+      self.graphDim.height += enteringDomainDim - exitingDomainDim;
+    } else {
+      self.graphDim.width += enteringDomainDim - exitingDomainDim;
+    }
+    // At the time of exit, domainsWidth and domainsHeight already automatically shifted
+    domainSvg
+      .exit()
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .attr('x', function (d) {
+        if (options.verticalOrientation) {
+          return 0;
+        } else {
+          switch (navigationDir) {
+            case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT:
+              return Math.min(self.graphDim.width, tempWidth);
+            case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT:
+              return -w(d, true);
+          }
+        }
+      })
+      .attr('y', function (d) {
+        if (options.verticalOrientation) {
+          switch (navigationDir) {
+            case self.NAVIGATE_LEFT:
+              return Math.min(self.graphDim.height, tempHeight);
+            case self.NAVIGATE_RIGHT:
+              return -h(d, true);
+          }
+        } else {
+          return 0;
+        }
+      })
+      .remove();
+    // Resize the root container
+    self.resize();
+  };
+CalHeatMap.prototype = {
+  /**
+   * Validate and merge user settings with default settings
+   *
+   * @param  {object} settings User settings
+   * @return {bool} False if settings contains error
+   */
+  /* jshint maxstatements:false */
+  init: function (settings) {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    var options = (parent.options = mergeRecursive(parent.options, settings));
+    // Fatal errors
+    // Stop script execution on error
+    validateDomainType();
+    validateSelector(options.itemSelector, false, 'itemSelector');
+    if (parent.allowedDataType.indexOf(options.dataType) === -1) {
+      throw new Error("The data type '" + options.dataType + "' is not valid data type");
+    }
+    if ([0][0] === null) {
+      throw new Error(
+        "The node '" + options.itemSelector + "' specified in itemSelector does not exists",
+      );
+    }
+    try {
+      validateSelector(options.nextSelector, true, 'nextSelector');
+      validateSelector(options.previousSelector, true, 'previousSelector');
+    } catch (error) {
+      console.log(error.message);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // If other settings contains error, will fallback to default
+    if (!settings.hasOwnProperty('subDomain')) {
+      this.options.subDomain = getOptimalSubDomain(settings.domain);
+    }
+    if (typeof options.itemNamespace !== 'string' || options.itemNamespace === '') {
+      console.log('itemNamespace can not be empty, falling back to cal-heatmap');
+      options.itemNamespace = 'cal-heatmap';
+    }
+    // Don't touch these settings
+    var s = [
+      'data',
+      'onComplete',
+      'onClick',
+      'afterLoad',
+      'afterLoadData',
+      'afterLoadPreviousDomain',
+      'afterLoadNextDomain',
+      'afterUpdate',
+    ];
+    for (var k in s) {
+      if (settings.hasOwnProperty(s[k])) {
+        options[s[k]] = settings[s[k]];
+      }
+    }
+    options.subDomainDateFormat =
+      typeof options.subDomainDateFormat === 'string' ||
+      typeof options.subDomainDateFormat === 'function'
+        ? options.subDomainDateFormat
+        : this._domainType[options.subDomain];
+    options.domainLabelFormat =
+      typeof options.domainLabelFormat === 'string' ||
+      typeof options.domainLabelFormat === 'function'
+        ? options.domainLabelFormat
+        : this._domainType[options.domain].format.legend;
+    options.subDomainTextFormat =
+      (typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === 'string' && options.subDomainTextFormat !== '') ||
+      typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === 'function'
+        ? options.subDomainTextFormat
+        : null;
+    options.domainMargin = expandMarginSetting(options.domainMargin);
+    options.legendMargin = expandMarginSetting(options.legendMargin);
+    options.highlight = parent.expandDateSetting(options.highlight);
+    options.itemName = expandItemName(options.itemName);
+    options.colLimit = parseColLimit(options.colLimit);
+    options.rowLimit = parseRowLimit(options.rowLimit);
+    if (!settings.hasOwnProperty('legendMargin')) {
+      autoAddLegendMargin();
+    }
+    autoAlignLabel();
+    /**
+     * Validate that a queryString is valid
+     *
+     * @param  {Element|string|bool} selector   The queryString to test
+     * @param  {bool}  canBeFalse  Whether false is an accepted and valid value
+     * @param  {string} name    Name of the tested selector
+     * @throws {Error}        If the selector is not valid
+     * @return {bool}        True if the selector is a valid queryString
+     */
+    function validateSelector(selector, canBeFalse, name) {
+      if (
+        ((canBeFalse && selector === false) ||
+          selector instanceof Element ||
+          typeof selector === 'string') &&
+        selector !== ''
+      ) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      throw new Error('The ' + name + ' is not valid');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the optimal subDomain for the specified domain
+     *
+     * @param  {string} domain a domain name
+     * @return {string}        the subDomain name
+     */
+    function getOptimalSubDomain(domain) {
+      switch (domain) {
+        case 'year':
+          return 'month';
+        case 'month':
+          return 'day';
+        case 'week':
+          return 'day';
+        case 'day':
+          return 'hour';
+        default:
+          return 'min';
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Ensure that the domain and subdomain are valid
+     *
+     * @throw {Error} when domain or subdomain are not valid
+     * @return {bool} True if domain and subdomain are valid and compatible
+     */
+    function validateDomainType() {
+      if (
+        !parent._domainType.hasOwnProperty(options.domain) ||
+        options.domain === 'min' ||
+        options.domain.substring(0, 2) === 'x_'
+      ) {
+        throw new Error("The domain '" + options.domain + "' is not valid");
+      }
+      if (!parent._domainType.hasOwnProperty(options.subDomain) || options.subDomain === 'year') {
+        throw new Error("The subDomain '" + options.subDomain + "' is not valid");
+      }
+      if (parent._domainType[options.domain].level <= parent._domainType[options.subDomain].level) {
+        throw new Error(
+          "'" + options.subDomain + "' is not a valid subDomain to '" + options.domain + "'",
+        );
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fine-tune the label alignement depending on its position
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function autoAlignLabel() {
+      // Auto-align label, depending on it's position
+      if (
+        !settings.hasOwnProperty('label') ||
+        (settings.hasOwnProperty('label') && !settings.label.hasOwnProperty('align'))
+      ) {
+        switch (options.label.position) {
+          case 'left':
+            options.label.align = 'right';
+            break;
+          case 'right':
+            options.label.align = 'left';
+            break;
+          default:
+            options.label.align = 'center';
+        }
+        if (options.label.rotate === 'left') {
+          options.label.align = 'right';
+        } else if (options.label.rotate === 'right') {
+          options.label.align = 'left';
+        }
+      }
+      if (
+        !settings.hasOwnProperty('label') ||
+        (settings.hasOwnProperty('label') && !settings.label.hasOwnProperty('offset'))
+      ) {
+        if (options.label.position === 'left' || options.label.position === 'right') {
+          options.label.offset = {
+            x: 10,
+            y: 15,
+          };
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * If not specified, add some margin around the legend depending on its position
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function autoAddLegendMargin() {
+      switch (options.legendVerticalPosition) {
+        case 'top':
+          options.legendMargin[2] = parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN;
+          break;
+        case 'bottom':
+          options.legendMargin[0] = parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN;
+          break;
+        case 'middle':
+        case 'center':
+          options.legendMargin[options.legendHorizontalPosition === 'right' ? 3 : 1] =
+            parent.DEFAULT_LEGEND_MARGIN;
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expand a number of an array of numbers to an usable 4 values array
+     *
+     * @param  {integer|array} value
+     * @return {array}        array
+     */
+    function expandMarginSetting(value) {
+      if (typeof value === 'number') {
+        value = [value];
+      }
+      if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
+        console.log('Margin only takes an integer or an array of integers');
+        value = [0];
+      }
+      switch (value.length) {
+        case 1:
+          return [value[0], value[0], value[0], value[0]];
+        case 2:
+          return [value[0], value[1], value[0], value[1]];
+        case 3:
+          return [value[0], value[1], value[2], value[1]];
+        case 4:
+          return value;
+        default:
+          return value.slice(0, 4);
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert a string to an array like [singular-form, plural-form]
+     *
+     * @param  {string|array} value Date to convert
+     * @return {array}       An array like [singular-form, plural-form]
+     */
+    function expandItemName(value) {
+      if (typeof value === 'string') {
+        return [value, value + (value !== '' ? 's' : '')];
+      }
+      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+        if (value.length === 1) {
+          return [value[0], value[0] + 's'];
+        } else if (value.length > 2) {
+          return value.slice(0, 2);
+        }
+        return value;
+      }
+      return ['item', 'items'];
+    }
+    function parseColLimit(value) {
+      return value > 0 ? value : null;
+    }
+    function parseRowLimit(value) {
+      if (value > 0 && options.colLimit > 0) {
+        console.log('colLimit and rowLimit are mutually exclusive, rowLimit will be ignored');
+        return null;
+      }
+      return value > 0 ? value : null;
+    }
+    return this._init();
+  },
+  /**
+   * Convert a keyword or an array of keyword/date to an array of date objects
+   *
+   * @param  {string|array|Date} value Data to convert
+   * @return {array}       An array of Dates
+   */
+  expandDateSetting: function (value) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
+      value = [value];
+    }
+    return value
+      .map(function (data) {
+        if (data === 'now') {
+          return new Date();
+        }
+        if (data instanceof Date) {
+          return data;
+        }
+        return false;
+      })
+      .filter(function (d) {
+        return d !== false;
+      });
+  },
+  /**
+   * Fill the calendar by coloring the cells
+   *
+   * @param array svg An array of html node to apply the transformation to (optional)
+   *                  It's used to limit the painting to only a subset of the calendar
+   * @return void
+   */
+  fill: function (svg) {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    var options = parent.options;
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      svg = parent.root.selectAll('.graph-domain');
+    }
+    var rect = svg
+      .selectAll('svg')
+      .selectAll('g')
+      .data(function (d) {
+        return parent._domains.get(d);
+      });
+    /**
+     * Colorize the cell via a style attribute if enabled
+     */
+    function addStyle(element) {
+      if (parent.legendScale === null) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      element.attr('fill', function (d) {
+        if (
+          d.v === null &&
+          options.hasOwnProperty('considerMissingDataAsZero') &&
+          !options.considerMissingDataAsZero
+        ) {
+          if (options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('base')) {
+            return options.legendColors.base;
+          }
+        }
+        if (
+          options.legendColors !== null &&
+          options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('empty') &&
+          (d.v === 0 ||
+            (d.v === null &&
+              options.hasOwnProperty('considerMissingDataAsZero') &&
+              options.considerMissingDataAsZero))
+        ) {
+          return options.legendColors.empty;
+        }
+        if (
+          d.v < 0 &&
+          options.legend[0] > 0 &&
+          options.legendColors !== null &&
+          options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('overflow')
+        ) {
+          return options.legendColors.overflow;
+        }
+        return parent.legendScale(Math.min(d.v, options.legend[options.legend.length - 1]));
+      });
+    }
+    rect
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .select('rect')
+      .attr('class', function (d) {
+        var htmlClass = parent.getHighlightClassName(d.t).trim().split(' ');
+        var pastDate = parent.dateIsLessThan(d.t, new Date());
+        var sameDate = parent.dateIsEqual(d.t, new Date());
+        if (
+          parent.legendScale === null ||
+          (d.v === null &&
+            options.hasOwnProperty('considerMissingDataAsZero') &&
+            !options.considerMissingDataAsZero &&
+            !options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('base'))
+        ) {
+          htmlClass.push('graph-rect');
+        }
+        if (sameDate) {
+          htmlClass.push('now');
+        } else if (!pastDate) {
+          htmlClass.push('future');
+        }
+        if (d.v !== null) {
+          htmlClass.push(parent.Legend.getClass(d.v, parent.legendScale === null));
+        } else if (options.considerMissingDataAsZero && pastDate) {
+          htmlClass.push(parent.Legend.getClass(0, parent.legendScale === null));
+        }
+        if (options.onClick !== null) {
+          htmlClass.push('hover_cursor');
+        }
+        return htmlClass.join(' ');
+      })
+      .call(addStyle);
+    rect
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .select('title')
+      .text(function (d) {
+        return parent.getSubDomainTitle(d);
+      });
+    function formatSubDomainText(element) {
+      if (typeof options.subDomainTextFormat === 'function') {
+        element.text(function (d) {
+          return options.subDomainTextFormat(d.t, d.v);
+        });
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Change the subDomainText class if necessary
+     * Also change the text, e.g when text is representing the value
+     * instead of the date
+     */
+    rect
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .select('text')
+      .attr('class', function (d) {
+        return 'subdomain-text' + parent.getHighlightClassName(d.t);
+      })
+      .call(formatSubDomainText);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Sprintf like function.
+   * Replaces placeholders {0} in string with values from provided object.
+   *
+   * @param string formatted String containing placeholders.
+   * @param object args Object with properties to replace placeholders in string.
+   *
+   * @return String
+   */
+  formatStringWithObject: function (formatted, args) {
+    'use strict';
+    for (var prop in args) {
+      if (args.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+        var regexp = new RegExp('\\{' + prop + '\\}', 'gi');
+        formatted = formatted.replace(regexp, args[prop]);
+      }
+    }
+    return formatted;
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // EVENTS CALLBACK                              //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Helper method for triggering event callback
+   *
+   * @param  string  eventName       Name of the event to trigger
+   * @param  array  successArgs     List of argument to pass to the callback
+   * @param  boolean  skip      Whether to skip the event triggering
+   * @return mixed  True when the triggering was skipped, false on error, else the callback function
+   */
+  triggerEvent: function (eventName, successArgs, skip) {
+    'use strict';
+    if ((arguments.length === 3 && skip) || this.options[eventName] === null) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (typeof this.options[eventName] === 'function') {
+      if (typeof successArgs === 'function') {
+        successArgs = successArgs();
+      }
+      return this.options[eventName].apply(this, successArgs);
+    } else {
+      console.log('Provided callback for ' + eventName + ' is not a function.');
+      return false;
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered on a mouse click on a subDomain cell
+   *
+   * @param  Date    d    Date of the subdomain block
+   * @param  int    itemNb  Number of items in that date
+   */
+  onClick: function (d, itemNb) {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.triggerEvent('onClick', [d, itemNb]);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after drawing the calendar, byt before filling it with data
+   */
+  afterLoad: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.triggerEvent('afterLoad');
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after completing drawing and filling the calendar
+   */
+  onComplete: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    var response = this.triggerEvent('onComplete', [], this._completed);
+    this._completed = true;
+    return response;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after shifting the calendar one domain back
+   *
+   * @param  Date    start  Domain start date
+   * @param  Date    end    Domain end date
+   */
+  afterLoadPreviousDomain: function (start) {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    return this.triggerEvent('afterLoadPreviousDomain', function () {
+      var subDomain = parent.getSubDomain(start);
+      return [subDomain.shift(), subDomain.pop()];
+    });
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after shifting the calendar one domain above
+   *
+   * @param  Date    start  Domain start date
+   * @param  Date    end    Domain end date
+   */
+  afterLoadNextDomain: function (start) {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    return this.triggerEvent('afterLoadNextDomain', function () {
+      var subDomain = parent.getSubDomain(start);
+      return [subDomain.shift(), subDomain.pop()];
+    });
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after loading the leftmost domain allowed by minDate
+   *
+   * @param  boolean  reached True if the leftmost domain was reached
+   */
+  onMinDomainReached: function (reached) {
+    'use strict';
+    this._minDomainReached = reached;
+    return this.triggerEvent('onMinDomainReached', [reached]);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Event triggered after loading the rightmost domain allowed by maxDate
+   *
+   * @param  boolean  reached True if the rightmost domain was reached
+   */
+  onMaxDomainReached: function (reached) {
+    'use strict';
+    this._maxDomainReached = reached;
+    return this.triggerEvent('onMaxDomainReached', [reached]);
+  },
+  checkIfMinDomainIsReached: function (date, upperBound) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.minDomainIsReached(date)) {
+      this.onMinDomainReached(true);
+    }
+    if (arguments.length === 2) {
+      if (this._maxDomainReached && !this.maxDomainIsReached(upperBound)) {
+        this.onMaxDomainReached(false);
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  checkIfMaxDomainIsReached: function (date, lowerBound) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.maxDomainIsReached(date)) {
+      this.onMaxDomainReached(true);
+    }
+    if (arguments.length === 2) {
+      if (this._minDomainReached && !this.minDomainIsReached(lowerBound)) {
+        this.onMinDomainReached(false);
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  afterUpdate: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.triggerEvent('afterUpdate');
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // FORMATTER                                //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  formatNumber: d3.format(',g'),
+  formatDate: function (d, format) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length < 2) {
+      format = 'title';
+    }
+    if (typeof format === 'function') {
+      return format(d);
+    } else {
+      var f = d3.time.format(format);
+      return f(d);
+    }
+  },
+  getSubDomainTitle: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (d.v === null && !this.options.considerMissingDataAsZero) {
+      return this.formatStringWithObject(this.options.subDomainTitleFormat.empty, {
+        date: this.formatDate(new Date(d.t), this.options.subDomainDateFormat),
+      });
+    } else {
+      var value = d.v;
+      // Consider null as 0
+      if (value === null && this.options.considerMissingDataAsZero) {
+        value = 0;
+      }
+      return this.formatStringWithObject(this.options.subDomainTitleFormat.filled, {
+        count: this.formatNumber(value),
+        name: this.options.itemName[value !== 1 ? 1 : 0],
+        connector: this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].format.connector,
+        date: this.formatDate(new Date(d.t), this.options.subDomainDateFormat),
+      });
+    }
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // DOMAIN NAVIGATION                            //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Shift the calendar one domain forward
+   *
+   * The new domain is loaded only if it's not beyond maxDate
+   *
+   * @param int n Number of domains to load
+   * @return bool True if the next domain was loaded, else false
+   */
+  loadNextDomain: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this._maxDomainReached || n === 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    var bound = this.loadNewDomains(this.NAVIGATE_RIGHT, this.getDomain(this.getNextDomain(), n));
+    this.afterLoadNextDomain(bound.end);
+    this.checkIfMaxDomainIsReached(this.getNextDomain().getTime(), bound.start);
+    return true;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Shift the calendar one domain backward
+   *
+   * The previous domain is loaded only if it's not beyond the minDate
+   *
+   * @param int n Number of domains to load
+   * @return bool True if the previous domain was loaded, else false
+   */
+  loadPreviousDomain: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this._minDomainReached || n === 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    var bound = this.loadNewDomains(
+      this.NAVIGATE_LEFT,
+      this.getDomain(this.getDomainKeys()[0], -n).reverse(),
+    );
+    this.afterLoadPreviousDomain(bound.start);
+    this.checkIfMinDomainIsReached(bound.start, bound.end);
+    return true;
+  },
+  loadNewDomains: function (direction, newDomains) {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    var backward = direction === this.NAVIGATE_LEFT;
+    var i = -1;
+    var total = newDomains.length;
+    var domains = this.getDomainKeys();
+    function buildSubDomain(d) {
+      return { t: parent._domainType[parent.options.subDomain].extractUnit(d), v: null };
+    }
+    // Remove out of bound domains from list of new domains to prepend
+    while (++i < total) {
+      if (backward && this.minDomainIsReached(newDomains[i])) {
+        newDomains = newDomains.slice(0, i + 1);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (!backward && this.maxDomainIsReached(newDomains[i])) {
+        newDomains = newDomains.slice(0, i);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    newDomains = newDomains.slice(-this.options.range);
+    for (i = 0, total = newDomains.length; i < total; i += 1) {
+      this._domains.set(
+        newDomains[i].getTime(),
+        this.getSubDomain(newDomains[i]).map(buildSubDomain),
+      );
+      this._domains.remove(backward ? domains.pop() : domains.shift());
+    }
+    domains = this.getDomainKeys();
+    if (backward) {
+      newDomains = newDomains.reverse();
+    }
+    this.paint(direction);
+    this.getDatas(
+      newDomains[0],
+      this.getSubDomain(newDomains[newDomains.length - 1]).pop(),
+      function () {
+        parent.fill(parent.lastInsertedSvg);
+      },
+    );
+    return {
+      start: newDomains[backward ? 0 : 1],
+      end: domains[domains.length - 1],
+    };
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return whether a date is inside the scope determined by maxDate
+   *
+   * @param int datetimestamp The timestamp in ms to test
+   * @return bool True if the specified date correspond to the calendar upper bound
+   */
+  maxDomainIsReached: function (datetimestamp) {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.options.maxDate !== null && this.options.maxDate.getTime() < datetimestamp;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return whether a date is inside the scope determined by minDate
+   *
+   * @param int datetimestamp The timestamp in ms to test
+   * @return bool True if the specified date correspond to the calendar lower bound
+   */
+  minDomainIsReached: function (datetimestamp) {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.options.minDate !== null && this.options.minDate.getTime() >= datetimestamp;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return the list of the calendar's domain timestamp
+   *
+   * @return Array a sorted array of timestamp
+   */
+  getDomainKeys: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    return this._domains
+      .keys()
+      .map(function (d) {
+        return parseInt(d, 10);
+      })
+      .sort(function (a, b) {
+        return a - b;
+      });
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // POSITIONNING                                //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  positionSubDomainX: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    var index = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].position.x(new Date(d));
+    return index * this.options.cellSize + index * this.options.cellPadding;
+  },
+  positionSubDomainY: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    var index = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].position.y(new Date(d));
+    return index * this.options.cellSize + index * this.options.cellPadding;
+  },
+  getSubDomainColumnNumber: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.options.rowLimit > 0) {
+      var i = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].maxItemNumber;
+      if (typeof i === 'function') {
+        i = i(d);
+      }
+      return Math.ceil(i / this.options.rowLimit);
+    }
+    var j = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].defaultColumnNumber;
+    if (typeof j === 'function') {
+      j = j(d);
+    }
+    return this.options.colLimit || j;
+  },
+  getSubDomainRowNumber: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.options.colLimit > 0) {
+      var i = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].maxItemNumber;
+      if (typeof i === 'function') {
+        i = i(d);
+      }
+      return Math.ceil(i / this.options.colLimit);
+    }
+    var j = this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].defaultRowNumber;
+    if (typeof j === 'function') {
+      j = j(d);
+    }
+    return this.options.rowLimit || j;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return a classname if the specified date should be highlighted
+   *
+   * @param  timestamp date Date of the current subDomain
+   * @return String the highlight class
+   */
+  getHighlightClassName: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    d = new Date(d);
+    if (this.options.highlight.length > 0) {
+      for (var i in this.options.highlight) {
+        if (this.dateIsEqual(this.options.highlight[i], d)) {
+          return this.isNow(this.options.highlight[i]) ? ' highlight-now' : ' highlight';
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return '';
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return whether the specified date is now,
+   * according to the type of subdomain
+   *
+   * @param  Date d The date to compare
+   * @return bool True if the date correspond to a subdomain cell
+   */
+  isNow: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.dateIsEqual(d, new Date());
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return whether 2 dates are equals
+   * This function is subdomain-aware,
+   * and dates comparison are dependent of the subdomain
+   *
+   * @param  Date dateA First date to compare
+   * @param  Date dateB Secon date to compare
+   * @return bool true if the 2 dates are equals
+   */
+  /* jshint maxcomplexity: false */
+  dateIsEqual: function (dateA, dateB) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (!(dateA instanceof Date)) {
+      dateA = new Date(dateA);
+    }
+    if (!(dateB instanceof Date)) {
+      dateB = new Date(dateB);
+    }
+    switch (this.options.subDomain) {
+      case 'x_min':
+      case 'min':
+        return (
+          dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() &&
+          dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() &&
+          dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate() &&
+          dateA.getHours() === dateB.getHours() &&
+          dateA.getMinutes() === dateB.getMinutes()
+        );
+      case 'x_hour':
+      case 'hour':
+        return (
+          dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() &&
+          dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() &&
+          dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate() &&
+          dateA.getHours() === dateB.getHours()
+        );
+      case 'x_day':
+      case 'day':
+        return (
+          dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() &&
+          dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth() &&
+          dateA.getDate() === dateB.getDate()
+        );
+      case 'x_week':
+      case 'week':
+        return (
+          dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() &&
+          this.getWeekNumber(dateA) === this.getWeekNumber(dateB)
+        );
+      case 'x_month':
+      case 'month':
+        return dateA.getFullYear() === dateB.getFullYear() && dateA.getMonth() === dateB.getMonth();
+      default:
+        return false;
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Returns wether or not dateA is less than or equal to dateB. This function is subdomain aware.
+   * Performs automatic conversion of values.
+   * @param dateA may be a number or a Date
+   * @param dateB may be a number or a Date
+   * @returns {boolean}
+   */
+  dateIsLessThan: function (dateA, dateB) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (!(dateA instanceof Date)) {
+      dateA = new Date(dateA);
+    }
+    if (!(dateB instanceof Date)) {
+      dateB = new Date(dateB);
+    }
+    function normalizedMillis(date, subdomain) {
+      switch (subdomain) {
+        case 'x_min':
+        case 'min':
+          return new Date(
+            date.getFullYear(),
+            date.getMonth(),
+            date.getDate(),
+            date.getHours(),
+            date.getMinutes(),
+          ).getTime();
+        case 'x_hour':
+        case 'hour':
+          return new Date(
+            date.getFullYear(),
+            date.getMonth(),
+            date.getDate(),
+            date.getHours(),
+          ).getTime();
+        case 'x_day':
+        case 'day':
+          return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()).getTime();
+        case 'x_week':
+        case 'week':
+        case 'x_month':
+        case 'month':
+          return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()).getTime();
+        default:
+          return date.getTime();
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      normalizedMillis(dateA, this.options.subDomain) <
+      normalizedMillis(dateB, this.options.subDomain)
+    );
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // DATE COMPUTATION                              //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Return the day of the year for the date
+   * @param  Date
+   * @return  int Day of the year [1,366]
+   */
+  getDayOfYear: d3.time.format('%j'),
+  /**
+   * Return the week number of the year
+   * Monday as the first day of the week
+   * @return int  Week number [0-53]
+   */
+  getWeekNumber: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    var f = this.options.weekStartOnMonday === true ? d3.time.format('%W') : d3.time.format('%U');
+    return f(d);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return the week number, relative to its month
+   *
+   * @param  int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds
+   * @return int Week number, relative to the month [0-5]
+   */
+  getMonthWeekNumber: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof d === 'number') {
+      d = new Date(d);
+    }
+    var monthFirstWeekNumber = this.getWeekNumber(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()));
+    return this.getWeekNumber(d) - monthFirstWeekNumber - 1;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return the number of weeks in the dates' year
+   *
+   * @param  int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds
+   * @return int Number of weeks in the date's year
+   */
+  getWeekNumberInYear: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof d === 'number') {
+      d = new Date(d);
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return the number of days in the date's month
+   *
+   * @param  int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds
+   * @return int Number of days in the date's month
+   */
+  getDayCountInMonth: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    return this.getEndOfMonth(d).getDate();
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return the number of days in the date's year
+   *
+   * @param  int|Date d Date or timestamp in milliseconds
+   * @return int Number of days in the date's year
+   */
+  getDayCountInYear: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof d === 'number') {
+      d = new Date(d);
+    }
+    return new Date(d.getFullYear(), 1, 29).getMonth() === 1 ? 366 : 365;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Get the weekday from a date
+   *
+   * Return the week day number (0-6) of a date,
+   * depending on whether the week start on monday or sunday
+   *
+   * @param  Date d
+   * @return int The week day number (0-6)
+   */
+  getWeekDay: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.options.weekStartOnMonday === false) {
+      return d.getDay();
+    }
+    return d.getDay() === 0 ? 6 : d.getDay() - 1;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Get the last day of the month
+   * @param  Date|int  d  Date or timestamp in milliseconds
+   * @return Date      Last day of the month
+   */
+  getEndOfMonth: function (d) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof d === 'number') {
+      d = new Date(d);
+    }
+    return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0);
+  },
+  /**
+   *
+   * @param  Date date
+   * @param  int count
+   * @param  string step
+   * @return Date
+   */
+  jumpDate: function (date, count, step) {
+    'use strict';
+    var d = new Date(date);
+    switch (step) {
+      case 'hour':
+        d.setHours(d.getHours() + count);
+        break;
+      case 'day':
+        d.setHours(d.getHours() + count * 24);
+        break;
+      case 'week':
+        d.setHours(d.getHours() + count * 24 * 7);
+        break;
+      case 'month':
+        d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + count);
+        break;
+      case 'year':
+        d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + count);
+    }
+    return new Date(d);
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // DOMAIN COMPUTATION                            //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Return all the minutes between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date  d  date  A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of minutes
+   */
+  getMinuteDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours());
+    var stop = null;
+    if (range instanceof Date) {
+      stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate(), range.getHours());
+    } else {
+      stop = new Date(+start + range * 1000 * 60);
+    }
+    return d3.time.minutes(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop));
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return all the hours between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date  d  A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of hours in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of hours
+   */
+  getHourDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours());
+    var stop = null;
+    if (range instanceof Date) {
+      stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate(), range.getHours());
+    } else {
+      stop = new Date(start);
+      stop.setHours(stop.getHours() + range);
+    }
+    var domains = d3.time.hours(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop));
+    // Passing from DST to standard time
+    // If there are 25 hours, let's compress the duplicate hours
+    var i = 0;
+    var total = domains.length;
+    for (i = 0; i < total; i += 1) {
+      if (i > 0 && domains[i].getHours() === domains[i - 1].getHours()) {
+        this.DSTDomain.push(domains[i].getTime());
+        domains.splice(i, 1);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // d3.time.hours is returning more hours than needed when changing
+    // from DST to standard time, because there is really 2 hours between
+    // 1am and 2am!
+    if (typeof range === 'number' && domains.length > Math.abs(range)) {
+      domains.splice(domains.length - 1, 1);
+    }
+    return domains;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return all the days between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date    d    A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of days in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of weeks
+   */
+  getDayDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
+    var stop = null;
+    if (range instanceof Date) {
+      stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth(), range.getDate());
+    } else {
+      stop = new Date(start);
+      stop = new Date(stop.setDate(stop.getDate() + parseInt(range, 10)));
+    }
+    return d3.time.days(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop));
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return all the weeks between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date  d  A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of weeks
+   */
+  getWeekDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var weekStart;
+    if (this.options.weekStartOnMonday === false) {
+      weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() - d.getDay());
+    } else {
+      if (d.getDay() === 1) {
+        weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
+      } else if (d.getDay() === 0) {
+        weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
+        weekStart.setDate(weekStart.getDate() - 6);
+      } else {
+        weekStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() - d.getDay() + 1);
+      }
+    }
+    var endDate = new Date(weekStart);
+    var stop = range;
+    if (typeof range !== 'object') {
+      stop = new Date(endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + range * 7));
+    }
+    return this.options.weekStartOnMonday === true
+      ? d3.time.mondays(Math.min(weekStart, stop), Math.max(weekStart, stop))
+      : d3.time.sundays(Math.min(weekStart, stop), Math.max(weekStart, stop));
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return all the months between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date    d    A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of months in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of months
+   */
+  getMonthDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth());
+    var stop = null;
+    if (range instanceof Date) {
+      stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), range.getMonth());
+    } else {
+      stop = new Date(start);
+      stop = stop.setMonth(stop.getMonth() + range);
+    }
+    return d3.time.months(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop));
+  },
+  /**
+   * Return all the years between 2 dates
+   *
+   * @param  Date  d  date  A date
+   * @param  int|date  range  Number of minutes in the range, or a stop date
+   * @return array  An array of hours
+   */
+  getYearDomain: function (d, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    var start = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0);
+    var stop = null;
+    if (range instanceof Date) {
+      stop = new Date(range.getFullYear(), 0);
+    } else {
+      stop = new Date(d.getFullYear() + range, 0);
+    }
+    return d3.time.years(Math.min(start, stop), Math.max(start, stop));
+  },
+  /**
+   * Get an array of domain start dates
+   *
+   * @param  int|Date date A random date included in the wanted domain
+   * @param  int|Date range Number of dates to get, or a stop date
+   * @return Array of dates
+   */
+  getDomain: function (date, range) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof date === 'number') {
+      date = new Date(date);
+    }
+    if (arguments.length < 2) {
+      range = this.options.range;
+    }
+    switch (this.options.domain) {
+      case 'hour':
+        var domains = this.getHourDomain(date, range);
+        // Case where an hour is missing, when passing from standard time to DST
+        // Missing hour is perfectly acceptabl in subDomain, but not in domains
+        if (typeof range === 'number' && domains.length < range) {
+          if (range > 0) {
+            domains.push(this.getHourDomain(domains[domains.length - 1], 2)[1]);
+          } else {
+            domains.shift(this.getHourDomain(domains[0], -2)[0]);
+          }
+        }
+        return domains;
+      case 'day':
+        return this.getDayDomain(date, range);
+      case 'week':
+        return this.getWeekDomain(date, range);
+      case 'month':
+        return this.getMonthDomain(date, range);
+      case 'year':
+        return this.getYearDomain(date, range);
+    }
+  },
+  /* jshint maxcomplexity: false */
+  getSubDomain: function (date) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (typeof date === 'number') {
+      date = new Date(date);
+    }
+    var parent = this;
+    /**
+     * @return int
+     */
+    var computeDaySubDomainSize = function (date, domain) {
+      switch (domain) {
+        case 'year':
+          return parent.getDayCountInYear(date);
+        case 'month':
+          return parent.getDayCountInMonth(date);
+        case 'week':
+          return 7;
+      }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @return int
+     */
+    var computeMinSubDomainSize = function (date, domain) {
+      switch (domain) {
+        case 'hour':
+          return 60;
+        case 'day':
+          return 60 * 24;
+        case 'week':
+          return 60 * 24 * 7;
+      }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @return int
+     */
+    var computeHourSubDomainSize = function (date, domain) {
+      switch (domain) {
+        case 'day':
+          return 24;
+        case 'week':
+          return 168;
+        case 'month':
+          return parent.getDayCountInMonth(date) * 24;
+      }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @return int
+     */
+    var computeWeekSubDomainSize = function (date, domain) {
+      if (domain === 'month') {
+        var endOfMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0);
+        var endWeekNb = parent.getWeekNumber(endOfMonth);
+        var startWeekNb = parent.getWeekNumber(new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()));
+        if (startWeekNb > endWeekNb) {
+          startWeekNb = 0;
+          endWeekNb += 1;
+        }
+        return endWeekNb - startWeekNb + 1;
+      } else if (domain === 'year') {
+        return parent.getWeekNumber(new Date(date.getFullYear(), 11, 31));
+      }
+    };
+    switch (this.options.subDomain) {
+      case 'x_min':
+      case 'min':
+        return this.getMinuteDomain(date, computeMinSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain));
+      case 'x_hour':
+      case 'hour':
+        return this.getHourDomain(date, computeHourSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain));
+      case 'x_day':
+      case 'day':
+        return this.getDayDomain(date, computeDaySubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain));
+      case 'x_week':
+      case 'week':
+        return this.getWeekDomain(date, computeWeekSubDomainSize(date, this.options.domain));
+      case 'x_month':
+      case 'month':
+        return this.getMonthDomain(date, 12);
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Get the n-th next domain after the calendar newest (rightmost) domain
+   * @param  int n
+   * @return Date The start date of the wanted domain
+   */
+  getNextDomain: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      n = 1;
+    }
+    return this.getDomain(this.jumpDate(this.getDomainKeys().pop(), n, this.options.domain), 1)[0];
+  },
+  /**
+   * Get the n-th domain before the calendar oldest (leftmost) domain
+   * @param  int n
+   * @return Date The start date of the wanted domain
+   */
+  getPreviousDomain: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      n = 1;
+    }
+    return this.getDomain(
+      this.jumpDate(this.getDomainKeys().shift(), -n, this.options.domain),
+      1,
+    )[0];
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // DATAS                                  //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Fetch and interpret data from the datasource
+   *
+   * @param string|object source
+   * @param Date startDate
+   * @param Date endDate
+   * @param function callback
+   * @param function|boolean afterLoad function used to convert the data into a json object. Use true to use the afterLoad callback
+   * @param updateMode
+   *
+   * @return mixed
+   * - True if there are no data to load
+   * - False if data are loaded asynchronously
+   */
+  getDatas: function (source, startDate, endDate, callback, afterLoad, updateMode) {
+    'use strict';
+    var self = this;
+    if (arguments.length < 5) {
+      afterLoad = true;
+    }
+    if (arguments.length < 6) {
+      updateMode = this.APPEND_ON_UPDATE;
+    }
+    var _callback = function (error, data) {
+      if (afterLoad !== false) {
+        if (typeof afterLoad === 'function') {
+          data = afterLoad(data);
+        } else if (typeof self.options.afterLoadData === 'function') {
+          data = self.options.afterLoadData(data);
+        } else {
+          console.log('Provided callback for afterLoadData is not a function.');
+        }
+      } else if (self.options.dataType === 'csv' || self.options.dataType === 'tsv') {
+        data = this.interpretCSV(data);
+      }
+      self.parseDatas(data, updateMode, startDate, endDate);
+      if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+        callback();
+      }
+    };
+    switch (typeof source) {
+      case 'string':
+        if (source === '') {
+          _callback(null, {});
+          return true;
+        } else {
+          var url = this.parseURI(source, startDate, endDate);
+          var requestType = 'GET';
+          if (self.options.dataPostPayload !== null) {
+            requestType = 'POST';
+          }
+          var payload = null;
+          if (self.options.dataPostPayload !== null) {
+            payload = this.parseURI(self.options.dataPostPayload, startDate, endDate);
+          }
+          var xhr = null;
+          switch (this.options.dataType) {
+            case 'json':
+              xhr = d3.json(url);
+              break;
+            case 'csv':
+              xhr = d3.csv(url);
+              break;
+            case 'tsv':
+              xhr = d3.tsv(url);
+              break;
+            case 'txt':
+              xhr = d3.text(url, 'text/plain');
+              break;
+          }
+          // jshint maxdepth:5
+          if (self.options.dataRequestHeaders !== null) {
+            for (var header in self.options.dataRequestHeaders) {
+              if (self.options.dataRequestHeaders.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
+                xhr.header(header, self.options.dataRequestHeaders[header]);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          xhr.send(requestType, payload, _callback);
+        }
+        return false;
+      case 'object':
+        if (source === Object(source)) {
+          _callback(null, source);
+          return false;
+        }
+      /* falls through */
+      default:
+        _callback(null, {});
+        return true;
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Populate the calendar internal data
+   *
+   * @param object data
+   * @param constant updateMode
+   * @param Date startDate
+   * @param Date endDate
+   *
+   * @return void
+   */
+  parseDatas: function (data, updateMode, startDate, endDate) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (updateMode === this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE) {
+      this._domains.forEach(function (key, value) {
+        value.forEach(function (element, index, array) {
+          array[index].v = null;
+        });
+      });
+    }
+    var temp = {};
+    var extractTime = function (d) {
+      return d.t;
+    };
+    /*jshint forin:false */
+    for (var d in data) {
+      var date = new Date(d * 1000);
+      var domainUnit = this.getDomain(date)[0].getTime();
+      // The current data belongs to a domain that was compressed
+      // Compress the data for the two duplicate hours into the same hour
+      if (this.DSTDomain.indexOf(domainUnit) >= 0) {
+        // Re-assign all data to the first or the second duplicate hours
+        // depending on which is visible
+        if (this._domains.has(domainUnit - 3600 * 1000)) {
+          domainUnit -= 3600 * 1000;
+        }
+      }
+      // Skip if data is not relevant to current domain
+      if (
+        isNaN(d) ||
+        !data.hasOwnProperty(d) ||
+        !this._domains.has(domainUnit) ||
+        !(domainUnit >= +startDate && domainUnit < +endDate)
+      ) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      var subDomainsData = this._domains.get(domainUnit);
+      if (!temp.hasOwnProperty(domainUnit)) {
+        temp[domainUnit] =;
+      }
+      var index = temp[domainUnit].indexOf(
+        this._domainType[this.options.subDomain].extractUnit(date),
+      );
+      if (updateMode === this.RESET_SINGLE_ON_UPDATE) {
+        subDomainsData[index].v = data[d];
+      } else {
+        if (!isNaN(subDomainsData[index].v)) {
+          subDomainsData[index].v += data[d];
+        } else {
+          subDomainsData[index].v = data[d];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  parseURI: function (str, startDate, endDate) {
+    'use strict';
+    // Use a timestamp in seconds
+    str = str.replace(/\{\{t:start\}\}/g, startDate.getTime() / 1000);
+    str = str.replace(/\{\{t:end\}\}/g, endDate.getTime() / 1000);
+    // Use a string date, following the ISO-8601
+    str = str.replace(/\{\{d:start\}\}/g, startDate.toISOString());
+    str = str.replace(/\{\{d:end\}\}/g, endDate.toISOString());
+    return str;
+  },
+  interpretCSV: function (data) {
+    'use strict';
+    var d = {};
+    var keys = Object.keys(data[0]);
+    var i, total;
+    for (i = 0, total = data.length; i < total; i += 1) {
+      d[data[i][keys[0]]] = +data[i][keys[1]];
+    }
+    return d;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Handle the calendar layout and dimension
+   *
+   * Expand and shrink the container depending on its children dimension
+   * Also rearrange the children position depending on their dimension,
+   * and the legend position
+   *
+   * @return void
+   */
+  resize: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    var parent = this;
+    var options = parent.options;
+    var legendWidth = options.displayLegend
+      ? parent.Legend.getDim('width') + options.legendMargin[1] + options.legendMargin[3]
+      : 0;
+    var legendHeight = options.displayLegend
+      ? parent.Legend.getDim('height') + options.legendMargin[0] + options.legendMargin[2]
+      : 0;
+    var graphWidth = parent.graphDim.width - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding;
+    var graphHeight = parent.graphDim.height - options.domainGutter - options.cellPadding;
+    this.root
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .attr('width', function () {
+        if (
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'middle' ||
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'center'
+        ) {
+          return graphWidth + legendWidth;
+        }
+        return Math.max(graphWidth, legendWidth);
+      })
+      .attr('height', function () {
+        if (
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'middle' ||
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'center'
+        ) {
+          return Math.max(graphHeight, legendHeight);
+        }
+        return graphHeight + legendHeight;
+      });
+    this.root
+      .select('.graph')
+      .transition()
+      .duration(options.animationDuration)
+      .attr('y', function () {
+        if (options.legendVerticalPosition === 'top') {
+          return legendHeight;
+        }
+        return 0;
+      })
+      .attr('x', function () {
+        if (
+          (options.legendVerticalPosition === 'middle' ||
+            options.legendVerticalPosition === 'center') &&
+          options.legendHorizontalPosition === 'left'
+        ) {
+          return legendWidth;
+        }
+        return 0;
+      });
+  },
+  // =========================================================================//
+  // PUBLIC API                                //
+  // =========================================================================//
+  /**
+   * Shift the calendar forward
+   */
+  next: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      n = 1;
+    }
+    return this.loadNextDomain(n);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Shift the calendar backward
+   */
+  previous: function (n) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      n = 1;
+    }
+    return this.loadPreviousDomain(n);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Jump directly to a specific date
+   *
+   * JumpTo will scroll the calendar until the wanted domain with the specified
+   * date is visible. Unless you set reset to true, the wanted domain
+   * will not necessarily be the first (leftmost) domain of the calendar.
+   *
+   * @param Date date Jump to the domain containing that date
+   * @param bool reset Whether the wanted domain should be the first domain of the calendar
+   * @param bool True of the calendar was scrolled
+   */
+  jumpTo: function (date, reset) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length < 2) {
+      reset = false;
+    }
+    var domains = this.getDomainKeys();
+    var firstDomain = domains[0];
+    var lastDomain = domains[domains.length - 1];
+    if (date < firstDomain) {
+      return this.loadPreviousDomain(this.getDomain(firstDomain, date).length);
+    } else {
+      if (reset) {
+        return this.loadNextDomain(this.getDomain(firstDomain, date).length);
+      }
+      if (date > lastDomain) {
+        return this.loadNextDomain(this.getDomain(lastDomain, date).length);
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Navigate back to the start date
+   *
+   * @since  3.3.8
+   * @return void
+   */
+  rewind: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    this.jumpTo(this.options.start, true);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Update the calendar with new data
+   *
+   * @param  object|string    dataSource    The calendar's datasource, same type as
+   * @param  boolean|function    afterLoad    Whether to execute afterLoad() on the data. Pass directly a function
+   * if you don't want to use the afterLoad() callback
+   */
+  update: function (dataSource, afterLoad, updateMode) {
+    'use strict';
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      dataSource =;
+    }
+    if (arguments.length < 2) {
+      afterLoad = true;
+    }
+    if (arguments.length < 3) {
+      updateMode = this.RESET_ALL_ON_UPDATE;
+    }
+    var domains = this.getDomainKeys();
+    var self = this;
+    this.getDatas(
+      dataSource,
+      new Date(domains[0]),
+      this.getSubDomain(domains[domains.length - 1]).pop(),
+      function () {
+        self.fill();
+        self.afterUpdate();
+      },
+      afterLoad,
+      updateMode,
+    );
+  },
+  /**
+   * Set the legend
+   *
+   * @param array legend an array of integer, representing the different threshold value
+   * @param array colorRange an array of 2 hex colors, for the minimum and maximum colors
+   */
+  setLegend: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    var oldLegend = this.options.legend.slice(0);
+    if (arguments.length >= 1 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
+      this.options.legend = arguments[0];
+    }
+    if (arguments.length >= 2) {
+      if (Array.isArray(arguments[1]) && arguments[1].length >= 2) {
+        this.options.legendColors = [arguments[1][0], arguments[1][1]];
+      } else {
+        this.options.legendColors = arguments[1];
+      }
+    }
+    if (
+      (arguments.length > 0 && !arrayEquals(oldLegend, this.options.legend)) ||
+      arguments.length >= 2
+    ) {
+      this.Legend.buildColors();
+      this.fill();
+    }
+    this.Legend.redraw(this.graphDim.width - this.options.domainGutter - this.options.cellPadding);
+  },
+  /**
+   * Remove the legend
+   *
+   * @return bool False if there is no legend to remove
+   */
+  removeLegend: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    if (!this.options.displayLegend) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    this.options.displayLegend = false;
+    this.Legend.remove();
+    return true;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Display the legend
+   *
+   * @return bool False if the legend was already displayed
+   */
+  showLegend: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    if (this.options.displayLegend) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    this.options.displayLegend = true;
+    this.Legend.redraw(this.graphDim.width - this.options.domainGutter - this.options.cellPadding);
+    return true;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Highlight dates
+   *
+   * Add a highlight class to a set of dates
+   *
+   * @since  3.3.5
+   * @param  array Array of dates to highlight
+   * @return bool True if dates were highlighted
+   */
+  highlight: function (args) {
+    'use strict';
+    if ((this.options.highlight = this.expandDateSetting(args)).length > 0) {
+      this.fill();
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Destroy the calendar
+   *
+   * Usage: cal = cal.destroy();
+   *
+   * @since  3.3.6
+   * @param function A callback function to trigger after destroying the calendar
+   * @return null
+   */
+  destroy: function (callback) {
+    'use strict';
+    this.root
+      .transition()
+      .duration(this.options.animationDuration)
+      .attr('width', 0)
+      .attr('height', 0)
+      .remove()
+      .each('end', function () {
+        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+          callback();
+        } else if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') {
+          console.log('Provided callback for destroy() is not a function.');
+        }
+      });
+    return null;
+  },
+  getSVG: function () {
+    'use strict';
+    var styles = {
+      '.cal-heatmap-container': {},
+      '.graph': {},
+      '.graph-rect': {},
+      'rect.highlight': {},
+      '': {},
+      'rect.highlight-now': {},
+      'text.highlight': {},
+      '': {},
+      'text.highlight-now': {},
+      '.domain-background': {},
+      '.graph-label': {},
+      '.subdomain-text': {},
+      '.q0': {},
+      '.qi': {},
+    };
+    for (var j = 1, total = this.options.legend.length + 1; j <= total; j += 1) {
+      styles['.q' + j] = {};
+    }
+    var root = this.root;
+    var whitelistStyles = [
+      // SVG specific properties
+      'stroke',
+      'stroke-width',
+      'stroke-opacity',
+      'stroke-dasharray',
+      'stroke-dashoffset',
+      'stroke-linecap',
+      'stroke-miterlimit',
+      'fill',
+      'fill-opacity',
+      'fill-rule',
+      'marker',
+      'marker-start',
+      'marker-mid',
+      'marker-end',
+      'alignement-baseline',
+      'baseline-shift',
+      'dominant-baseline',
+      'glyph-orientation-horizontal',
+      'glyph-orientation-vertical',
+      'kerning',
+      'text-anchor',
+      'shape-rendering',
+      // Text Specific properties
+      'text-transform',
+      'font-family',
+      'font',
+      'font-size',
+      'font-weight',
+    ];
+    var filterStyles = function (attribute, property, value) {
+      if (whitelistStyles.indexOf(property) !== -1) {
+        styles[attribute][property] = value;
+      }
+    };
+    var getElement = function (e) {
+      return[0][0];
+    };
+    /* jshint forin:false */
+    for (var element in styles) {
+      if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(element)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      var dom = getElement(element);
+      if (dom === null) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // The DOM Level 2 CSS way
+      /* jshint maxdepth: false */
+      if ('getComputedStyle' in window) {
+        var cs = getComputedStyle(dom, null);
+        if (cs.length !== 0) {
+          for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i += 1) {
+            filterStyles(element, cs.item(i), cs.getPropertyValue(cs.item(i)));
+          }
+          // Opera workaround. Opera doesn"t support `item`/`length`
+          // on CSSStyleDeclaration.
+        } else {
+          for (var k in cs) {
+            if (cs.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+              filterStyles(element, k, cs[k]);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // The IE way
+      } else if ('currentStyle' in dom) {
+        var css = dom.currentStyle;
+        for (var p in css) {
+          filterStyles(element, p, css[p]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    var string =
+      '<svg xmlns="" ' +
+      'xmlns:xlink=""><style type="text/css"><![CDATA[ ';
+    for (var style in styles) {
+      string += style + ' {\n';
+      for (var l in styles[style]) {
+        string += '\t' + l + ':' + styles[style][l] + ';\n';
+      }
+      string += '}\n';
+    }
+    string += ']]></style>';
+    string += new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.root[0][0]);
+    string += '</svg>';
+    return string;
+  },
+// =========================================================================//
+// DOMAIN POSITION COMPUTATION                        //
+// =========================================================================//
+ * Compute the position of a domain, relative to the calendar
+ */
+var DomainPosition = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  this.positions =;
+DomainPosition.prototype.getPosition = function (d) {
+  'use strict';
+  return this.positions.get(d);
+DomainPosition.prototype.getPositionFromIndex = function (i) {
+  'use strict';
+  var domains = this.getKeys();
+  return this.positions.get(domains[i]);
+DomainPosition.prototype.getLast = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var domains = this.getKeys();
+  return this.positions.get(domains[domains.length - 1]);
+DomainPosition.prototype.setPosition = function (d, dim) {
+  'use strict';
+  this.positions.set(d, dim);
+DomainPosition.prototype.shiftRightBy = function (exitingDomainDim) {
+  'use strict';
+  this.positions.forEach(function (key, value) {
+    this.set(key, value - exitingDomainDim);
+  });
+  var domains = this.getKeys();
+  this.positions.remove(domains[0]);
+DomainPosition.prototype.shiftLeftBy = function (enteringDomainDim) {
+  'use strict';
+  this.positions.forEach(function (key, value) {
+    this.set(key, value + enteringDomainDim);
+  });
+  var domains = this.getKeys();
+  this.positions.remove(domains[domains.length - 1]);
+DomainPosition.prototype.getKeys = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  return this.positions.keys().sort(function (a, b) {
+    return parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10);
+  });
+// =========================================================================//
+// LEGEND                                  //
+// =========================================================================//
+var Legend = function (calendar) {
+  'use strict';
+  this.calendar = calendar;
+  this.computeDim();
+  if (calendar.options.legendColors !== null) {
+    this.buildColors();
+  }
+Legend.prototype.computeDim = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var options = this.calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying
+  this.dim = {
+    width:
+      options.legendCellSize * (options.legend.length + 1) +
+      options.legendCellPadding * options.legend.length,
+    height: options.legendCellSize,
+  };
+Legend.prototype.remove = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  this.calendar.resize();
+Legend.prototype.redraw = function (width) {
+  'use strict';
+  if (!this.calendar.options.displayLegend) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  var parent = this;
+  var calendar = this.calendar;
+  var legend = calendar.root;
+  var legendItem;
+  var options = calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying
+  this.computeDim();
+  var _legend = options.legend.slice(0);
+  _legend.push(_legend[_legend.length - 1] + 1);
+  var legendElement ='.graph-legend');
+  if (legendElement[0][0] !== null) {
+    legend = legendElement;
+    legendItem ='g').selectAll('rect').data(_legend);
+  } else {
+    // Creating the new legend DOM if it doesn't already exist
+    legend =
+      options.legendVerticalPosition === 'top'
+        ? legend.insert('svg', '.graph')
+        : legend.append('svg');
+    legend.attr('x', getLegendXPosition()).attr('y', getLegendYPosition());
+    legendItem = legend
+      .attr('class', 'graph-legend')
+      .attr('height', parent.getDim('height'))
+      .attr('width', parent.getDim('width'))
+      .append('g')
+      .selectAll()
+      .data(_legend);
+  }
+  legendItem
+    .enter()
+    .append('rect')
+    .call(legendCellLayout)
+    .attr('class', function (d) {
+      return calendar.Legend.getClass(d, calendar.legendScale === null);
+    })
+    .attr('fill-opacity', 0)
+    .call(function (selection) {
+      if (
+        calendar.legendScale !== null &&
+        options.legendColors !== null &&
+        options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('base')
+      ) {
+        selection.attr('fill', options.legendColors.base);
+      }
+    })
+    .append('title');
+  legendItem
+    .exit()
+    .transition()
+    .duration(options.animationDuration)
+    .attr('fill-opacity', 0)
+    .remove();
+  legendItem
+    .transition()
+    .delay(function (d, i) {
+      return (options.animationDuration * i) / 10;
+    })
+    .call(legendCellLayout)
+    .attr('fill-opacity', 1)
+    .call(function (element) {
+      element.attr('fill', function (d, i) {
+        if (calendar.legendScale === null) {
+          return '';
+        }
+        if (i === 0) {
+          return calendar.legendScale(d - 1);
+        }
+        return calendar.legendScale(options.legend[i - 1]);
+      });
+      element.attr('class', function (d) {
+        return calendar.Legend.getClass(d, calendar.legendScale === null);
+      });
+    });
+  function legendCellLayout(selection) {
+    selection
+      .attr('width', options.legendCellSize)
+      .attr('height', options.legendCellSize)
+      .attr('rx', options.legendCellRadius)
+      .attr('ry', options.legendCellRadius)
+      .attr('x', function (d, i) {
+        return i * (options.legendCellSize + options.legendCellPadding);
+      });
+  }
+'title').text(function (d, i) {
+    if (i === 0) {
+      return calendar.formatStringWithObject(options.legendTitleFormat.lower, {
+        min: options.legend[i],
+        name: options.itemName[1],
+      });
+    } else if (i === _legend.length - 1) {
+      return calendar.formatStringWithObject(options.legendTitleFormat.upper, {
+        max: options.legend[i - 1],
+        name: options.itemName[1],
+      });
+    } else {
+      return calendar.formatStringWithObject(options.legendTitleFormat.inner, {
+        down: options.legend[i - 1],
+        up: options.legend[i],
+        name: options.itemName[1],
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  legendItem
+    .on('mouseover', function (d) {
+, this);
+    })
+    .on('mouseout', function () {
+      calendar.legendTip.hide();
+    });
+  legend
+    .transition()
+    .duration(options.animationDuration)
+    .attr('x', getLegendXPosition())
+    .attr('y', getLegendYPosition())
+    .attr('width', parent.getDim('width'))
+    .attr('height', parent.getDim('height'));
+  legend
+    .select('g')
+    .transition()
+    .duration(options.animationDuration)
+    .attr('transform', function () {
+      if (options.legendOrientation === 'vertical') {
+        return 'rotate(90 ' + options.legendCellSize / 2 + ' ' + options.legendCellSize / 2 + ')';
+      }
+      return '';
+    });
+  function getLegendXPosition() {
+    switch (options.legendHorizontalPosition) {
+      case 'right':
+        if (
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'center' ||
+          options.legendVerticalPosition === 'middle'
+        ) {
+          return width + options.legendMargin[3];
+        }
+        return width - parent.getDim('width') - options.legendMargin[1];
+      case 'middle':
+      case 'center':
+        return Math.round(width / 2 - parent.getDim('width') / 2);
+      default:
+        return options.legendMargin[3];
+    }
+  }
+  function getLegendYPosition() {
+    if (options.legendVerticalPosition === 'bottom') {
+      return (
+        calendar.graphDim.height +
+        options.legendMargin[0] -
+        options.domainGutter -
+        options.cellPadding
+      );
+    }
+    return options.legendMargin[0];
+  }
+  calendar.resize();
+ * Return the dimension of the legend
+ *
+ * Takes into account rotation
+ *
+ * @param  string axis Width or height
+ * @return int height or width in pixels
+ */
+Legend.prototype.getDim = function (axis) {
+  'use strict';
+  var isHorizontal = this.calendar.options.legendOrientation === 'horizontal';
+  switch (axis) {
+    case 'width':
+      return this.dim[isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height'];
+    case 'height':
+      return this.dim[isHorizontal ? 'height' : 'width'];
+  }
+Legend.prototype.buildColors = function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var options = this.calendar.options; // Shorter accessor for variable name mangling when minifying
+  if (options.legendColors === null) {
+    this.calendar.legendScale = null;
+    return false;
+  }
+  var _colorRange = [];
+  if (Array.isArray(options.legendColors)) {
+    _colorRange = options.legendColors;
+  } else if (
+    options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('min') &&
+    options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('max')
+  ) {
+    _colorRange = [options.legendColors.min, options.legendColors.max];
+  } else {
+    options.legendColors = null;
+    return false;
+  }
+  var _legend = options.legend.slice(0);
+  if (_legend[0] > 0) {
+    _legend.unshift(0);
+  } else if (_legend[0] <= 0) {
+    // Let's guess the leftmost value, it we have to add one
+    _legend.unshift(_legend[0] - (_legend[_legend.length - 1] - _legend[0]) / _legend.length);
+  }
+  var colorScale;
+  if (options.legendColors.hasOwnProperty('colorScale')) {
+    colorScale = options.legendColors.colorScale;
+  } else {
+    colorScale = d3.scale
+      .linear()
+      .range(_colorRange)
+      .interpolate(d3.interpolateHcl)
+      .domain([d3.min(_legend), d3.max(_legend)]);
+  }
+  var legendColors = (element) {
+    return colorScale(element);
+  });
+  this.calendar.legendScale = d3.scale.threshold().domain(options.legend).range(legendColors);
+  return true;
+ * Return the classname on the legend for the specified value
+ *
+ * @param integer n Value associated to a date
+ * @param bool withCssClass Whether to display the css class used to style the cell.
+ *                          Disabling will allow styling directly via html fill attribute
+ *
+ * @return string Classname according to the legend
+ */
+Legend.prototype.getClass = function (n, withCssClass) {
+  'use strict';
+  if (n === null || isNaN(n)) {
+    return '';
+  }
+  var index = [this.calendar.options.legend.length + 1];
+  for (var i = 0, total = this.calendar.options.legend.length - 1; i <= total; i += 1) {
+    if (this.calendar.options.legend[0] > 0 && n < 0) {
+      index = ['1', 'i'];
+      break;
+    }
+    if (n <= this.calendar.options.legend[i]) {
+      index = [i + 1];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (n === 0) {
+    index.push(0);
+  }
+  index.unshift('');
+  return (index.join(' r') + (withCssClass ? index.join(' q') : '')).trim();
+ * #source
+ */
+function mergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) {
+  'use strict';
+  /*jshint forin:false */
+  for (var p in obj2) {
+    try {
+      // Property in destination object set; update its value.
+      if (obj2[p].constructor === Object) {
+        obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
+      } else {
+        obj1[p] = obj2[p];
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      // Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
+      obj1[p] = obj2[p];
+    }
+  }
+  return obj1;
+ * Check if 2 arrays are equals
+ *
+ * @link
+ * @param  array array the array to compare to
+ * @return bool true of the 2 arrays are equals
+ */
+function arrayEquals(arrayA, arrayB) {
+  'use strict';
+  // if the other array is a falsy value, return
+  if (!arrayB || !arrayA) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // compare lengths - can save a lot of time
+  if (arrayA.length !== arrayB.length) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < arrayA.length; i += 1) {
+    // Check if we have nested arrays
+    if (arrayA[i] instanceof Array && arrayB[i] instanceof Array) {
+      // recurse into the nested arrays
+      if (!arrayEquals(arrayA[i], arrayB[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (arrayA[i] !== arrayB[i]) {
+      // Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20}
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+export default CalHeatMap;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/d3tip.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/d3tip.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980a5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/vendor/d3tip.css
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* from d3-tip */
+.d3-tip {
+  line-height: 1;
+  padding: 12px;
+  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+  color: #fff;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  z-index: 1000;
+/* Creates a small triangle extender for the tooltip */
+.d3-tip:after {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  display: inline;
+  font-size: 10px;
+  width: 100%;
+  line-height: 1;
+  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+  position: absolute;
+  pointer-events: none;
+/* Northward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.n:after {
+  content: '\25BC';
+  margin: -1px 0 0 0;
+  top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  text-align: center;
+/* Eastward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.e:after {
+  content: '\25C0';
+  margin: -4px 0 0 0;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: -8px;
+/* Southward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.s:after {
+  content: '\25B2';
+  margin: 0 0 1px 0;
+  top: -8px;
+  left: 0;
+  text-align: center;
+/* Westward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.w:after {
+  content: '\25B6';
+  margin: -4px 0 0 -1px;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: 100%;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99df66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Chord Diagram for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import ChordChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord';
+new ChordChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'chord' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="chord"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d1f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-chord",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Chord Diagram",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2",
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/Chord.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/Chord.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c7adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/Chord.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { getNumberFormatter, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.shape({
+    matrix: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number)),
+    nodes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  }),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+function Chord(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, numberFormat, colorScheme } = props;
+  element.innerHTML = '';
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-chord', true);
+  const { nodes, matrix } = data;
+  const f = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  const outerRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2 - 10;
+  const innerRadius = outerRadius - 24;
+  let chord;
+  const arc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(outerRadius);
+  const layout = d3.layout
+    .chord()
+    .padding(0.04)
+    .sortSubgroups(d3.descending)
+    .sortChords(d3.descending);
+  const path = d3.svg.chord().radius(innerRadius);
+  const svg = div
+    .append('svg')
+    .attr('width', width)
+    .attr('height', height)
+    .on('mouseout', () => chord.classed('fade', false))
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('id', 'circle')
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${width / 2}, ${height / 2})`);
+  svg.append('circle').attr('r', outerRadius);
+  // Compute the chord layout.
+  layout.matrix(matrix);
+  const group = svg
+    .selectAll('.group')
+    .data(layout.groups)
+    .enter()
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'group')
+    .on('mouseover', (d, i) => {
+      chord.classed('fade', p => p.source.index !== i && !== i);
+    });
+  // Add a mouseover title.
+  group.append('title').text((d, i) => `${nodes[i]}: ${f(d.value)}`);
+  // Add the group arc.
+  const groupPath = group
+    .append('path')
+    .attr('id', (d, i) => `group${i}`)
+    .attr('d', arc)
+    .style('fill', (d, i) => colorFn(nodes[i]));
+  // Add a text label.
+  const groupText = group.append('text').attr('x', 6).attr('dy', 15);
+  groupText
+    .append('textPath')
+    .attr('xlink:href', (d, i) => `#group${i}`)
+    .text((d, i) => nodes[i]);
+  // Remove the labels that don't fit. :(
+  groupText
+    .filter(function filter(d, i) {
+      return groupPath[0][i].getTotalLength() / 2 - 16 < this.getComputedTextLength();
+    })
+    .remove();
+  // Add the chords.
+  chord = svg
+    .selectAll('.chord')
+    .data(layout.chords)
+    .enter()
+    .append('path')
+    .attr('class', 'chord')
+    .on('mouseover', d => {
+      chord.classed('fade', p => p !== d);
+    })
+    .style('fill', d => colorFn(nodes[d.source.index]))
+    .attr('d', path);
+  // Add an elaborate mouseover title for each chord.
+  chord
+    .append('title')
+    .text(
+      d =>
+        `${nodes[d.source.index]} → ${nodes[]}: ${f(d.source.value)}\n${
+          nodes[]
+        } → ${nodes[d.source.index]}: ${f(}`,
+    );
+Chord.displayName = 'Chord';
+Chord.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Chord;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/ReactChord.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/ReactChord.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..945f814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/ReactChord.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { reactify, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Component from './Chord';
+const ReactComponent = reactify(Component);
+const Chord = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactComponent {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+Chord.defaultProps = {
+  otherProps: {},
+Chord.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  otherProps: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any),
+export default styled(Chord)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-chord svg #circle circle {
+    fill: none;
+    pointer-events: all;
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-chord svg .group path {
+    fill-opacity: 0.6;
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-chord svg path.chord {
+    stroke: #000;
+    stroke-width: 0.25px;
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-chord svg #circle:hover path.fade {
+    opacity: 0.2;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a53785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['columns'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['y_axis_format', null],
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Number format'),
+      description: t('Choose a number format'),
+    },
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Source'),
+      multi: false,
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      description: t('Choose a source'),
+    },
+    columns: {
+      label: t('Target'),
+      multi: false,
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      description: t('Choose a target'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b148b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70c681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca169c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Chord Diagram'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class ChordChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactChord'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9d095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { yAxisFormat, colorScheme } = formData;
+  return {
+    colorScheme,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    height,
+    numberFormat: yAxisFormat,
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5fd2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Country Map for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import CountryMapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map';
+new CountryMapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'country-map' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="country-map"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f68a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Country Map",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-array": "^2.0.3",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8234e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.css
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map svg {
+  background-color: #feffff;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map {
+  position: relative;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map .background {
+  fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
+  pointer-events: all;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map .map-layer {
+  fill: #fff;
+  stroke: #aaa;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map .effect-layer {
+  pointer-events: none;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map .text-layer {
+  color: #333333;
+  text-anchor: middle;
+  pointer-events: none;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map text.result-text {
+  font-weight: 300;
+  font-size: 24px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map text.big-text {
+  font-weight: 700;
+  font-size: 16px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-country-map path.region {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  stroke: #eee;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b77fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/CountryMap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { extent as d3Extent } from 'd3-array';
+import { getNumberFormatter, getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import countries from './countries';
+import './CountryMap.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      country_id: PropTypes.string,
+      metric: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  country: PropTypes.string,
+  linearColorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  mapBaseUrl: PropTypes.string,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+const maps = {};
+function CountryMap(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, country, linearColorScheme, numberFormat } = props;
+  const container = element;
+  const format = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const colorScale = getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+    .get(linearColorScheme)
+    .createLinearScale(d3Extent(data, v => v.metric));
+  const colorMap = {};
+  data.forEach(d => {
+    colorMap[d.country_id] = colorScale(d.metric);
+  });
+  const colorFn = d => colorMap[] || 'none';
+  const path = d3.geo.path();
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-country-map', true);
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+ = `${height}px`;
+ = `${width}px`;
+  const svg = div
+    .append('svg:svg')
+    .attr('width', width)
+    .attr('height', height)
+    .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');
+  const backgroundRect = svg
+    .append('rect')
+    .attr('class', 'background')
+    .attr('width', width)
+    .attr('height', height);
+  const g = svg.append('g');
+  const mapLayer = g.append('g').classed('map-layer', true);
+  const textLayer = g
+    .append('g')
+    .classed('text-layer', true)
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${width / 2}, 45)`);
+  const bigText = textLayer.append('text').classed('big-text', true);
+  const resultText = textLayer.append('text').classed('result-text', true).attr('dy', '1em');
+  let centered;
+  const clicked = function clicked(d) {
+    const hasCenter = d && centered !== d;
+    let x;
+    let y;
+    let k;
+    const halfWidth = width / 2;
+    const halfHeight = height / 2;
+    if (hasCenter) {
+      const centroid = path.centroid(d);
+      [x, y] = centroid;
+      k = 4;
+      centered = d;
+    } else {
+      x = halfWidth;
+      y = halfHeight;
+      k = 1;
+      centered = null;
+    }
+    g.transition()
+      .duration(750)
+      .attr('transform', `translate(${halfWidth},${halfHeight})scale(${k})translate(${-x},${-y})`);
+    textLayer
+      .style('opacity', 0)
+      .attr('transform', `translate(0,0)translate(${x},${hasCenter ? y - 5 : 45})`)
+      .transition()
+      .duration(750)
+      .style('opacity', 1);
+    bigText
+      .transition()
+      .duration(750)
+      .style('font-size', hasCenter ? 6 : 16);
+    resultText
+      .transition()
+      .duration(750)
+      .style('font-size', hasCenter ? 16 : 24);
+  };
+  backgroundRect.on('click', clicked);
+  const selectAndDisplayNameOfRegion = function selectAndDisplayNameOfRegion(feature) {
+    let name = '';
+    if (feature && {
+      if ( {
+        name =;
+      } else {
+        name =;
+      }
+    }
+    bigText.text(name);
+  };
+  const updateMetrics = function updateMetrics(region) {
+    if (region.length > 0) {
+      resultText.text(format(region[0].metric));
+    }
+  };
+  const mouseenter = function mouseenter(d) {
+    // Darken color
+    let c = colorFn(d);
+    if (c !== 'none') {
+      c = d3.rgb(c).darker().toString();
+    }
+'fill', c);
+    selectAndDisplayNameOfRegion(d);
+    const result = data.filter(region => region.country_id ===;
+    updateMetrics(result);
+  };
+  const mouseout = function mouseout() {
+'fill', colorFn);
+    bigText.text('');
+    resultText.text('');
+  };
+  function drawMap(mapData) {
+    const { features } = mapData;
+    const center = d3.geo.centroid(mapData);
+    const scale = 100;
+    const projection = d3.geo
+      .mercator()
+      .scale(scale)
+      .center(center)
+      .translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
+    path.projection(projection);
+    // Compute scale that fits container.
+    const bounds = path.bounds(mapData);
+    const hscale = (scale * width) / (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
+    const vscale = (scale * height) / (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
+    const newScale = hscale < vscale ? hscale : vscale;
+    // Compute bounds and offset using the updated scale.
+    projection.scale(newScale);
+    const newBounds = path.bounds(mapData);
+    projection.translate([
+      width - (newBounds[0][0] + newBounds[1][0]) / 2,
+      height - (newBounds[0][1] + newBounds[1][1]) / 2,
+    ]);
+    // Draw each province as a path
+    mapLayer
+      .selectAll('path')
+      .data(features)
+      .enter()
+      .append('path')
+      .attr('d', path)
+      .attr('class', 'region')
+      .attr('vector-effect', 'non-scaling-stroke')
+      .style('fill', colorFn)
+      .on('mouseenter', mouseenter)
+      .on('mouseout', mouseout)
+      .on('click', clicked);
+  }
+  const countryKey = country.toLowerCase();
+  const map = maps[countryKey];
+  if (map) {
+    drawMap(map);
+  } else {
+    const url = countries[countryKey];
+    d3.json(url, (error, mapData) => {
+      if (!error) {
+        maps[countryKey] = mapData;
+        drawMap(mapData);
+      }
+    });
+  }
+CountryMap.displayName = 'CountryMap';
+CountryMap.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default CountryMap;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/ReactCountryMap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/ReactCountryMap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40fc6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/ReactCountryMap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './CountryMap';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf9387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['entity'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'select_country',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Country Name'),
+              default: 'France',
+              choices: [
+                'Belgium',
+                'Brazil',
+                'Bulgaria',
+                'China',
+                'Egypt',
+                'France',
+                'Germany',
+                'India',
+                'Iran',
+                'Italy',
+                'Japan',
+                'Korea',
+                'Liechtenstein',
+                'Morocco',
+                'Myanmar',
+                'Netherlands',
+                'Portugal',
+                'Russia',
+                'Singapore',
+                'Spain',
+                'Switzerland',
+                'Thailand',
+                'Timorleste',
+                'Uk',
+                'Ukraine',
+                'Usa',
+                'Zambia',
+              ].map(s => [s, s]),
+              description: t('The name of the country that Superset should display'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['linear_color_scheme'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    entity: {
+      label: t('ISO 3166-2 Codes'),
+      description: t(
+        'Column containing ISO 3166-2 codes of region/province/department in your table.',
+      ),
+    },
+    metric: {
+      label: t('Metric'),
+      description: 'Metric to display bottom title',
+    },
+    linear_color_scheme: {
+      renderTrigger: false,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4354ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* eslint-disable import/no-webpack-loader-syntax, import/no-unresolved */
+import belgium from 'file-loader!./countries/belgium.geojson';
+import brazil from 'file-loader!./countries/brazil.geojson';
+import bulgaria from 'file-loader!./countries/bulgaria.geojson';
+import canada from 'file-loader!./countries/canada.geojson';
+import china from 'file-loader!./countries/china.geojson';
+import egypt from 'file-loader!./countries/egypt.geojson';
+import france from 'file-loader!./countries/france.geojson';
+import germany from 'file-loader!./countries/germany.geojson';
+import india from 'file-loader!./countries/india.geojson';
+import iran from 'file-loader!./countries/iran.geojson';
+import italy from 'file-loader!./countries/italy.geojson';
+import japan from 'file-loader!./countries/japan.geojson';
+import korea from 'file-loader!./countries/korea.geojson';
+import liechtenstein from 'file-loader!./countries/liechtenstein.geojson';
+import morocco from 'file-loader!./countries/morocco.geojson';
+import myanmar from 'file-loader!./countries/myanmar.geojson';
+import netherlands from 'file-loader!./countries/netherlands.geojson';
+import portugal from 'file-loader!./countries/portugal.geojson';
+import russia from 'file-loader!./countries/russia.geojson';
+import singapore from 'file-loader!./countries/singapore.geojson';
+import spain from 'file-loader!./countries/spain.geojson';
+import switzerland from 'file-loader!./countries/switzerland.geojson';
+import thailand from 'file-loader!./countries/thailand.geojson';
+import timorleste from 'file-loader!./countries/timorleste.geojson';
+import uk from 'file-loader!./countries/uk.geojson';
+import ukraine from 'file-loader!./countries/ukraine.geojson';
+import usa from 'file-loader!./countries/usa.geojson';
+import zambia from 'file-loader!./countries/zambia.geojson';
+const countries = {
+  belgium,
+  brazil,
+  bulgaria,
+  canada,
+  china,
+  egypt,
+  france,
+  germany,
+  india,
+  iran,
+  italy,
+  japan,
+  korea,
+  liechtenstein,
+  morocco,
+  myanmar,
+  netherlands,
+  portugal,
+  russia,
+  singapore,
+  spain,
+  switzerland,
+  thailand,
+  timorleste,
+  uk,
+  ukraine,
+  usa,
+  zambia,
+export default countries;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/belgium.geojson b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/belgium.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787fcb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/belgium.geojson
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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0394401550293],[117.75969696044932,47.99018859863287],[117.55658721923851,47.7889404296875],[117.37451171875011,47.63805770874034],[117.1082763671875,47.80987548828119],[116.82678222656249,47.898399353027344],[116.64216613769554,47.89036178588873],[116.44989013671874,47.8428192138673],[116.25628662109375,47.87670898437506],[116.13771057128928,47.83546447753906],[115.94937133789062,47.679122924804744],[115.55377960205078,47.94832611083996],[115.51489257812499,48.18389892578119],[115.81250000000024,48.261474609375114],[115.8214950561528,48.53166580200206],[116.11102294921922,48.792751312255916],[116.05310058593761,48.8770751953125],[116.70027160644564,49.839855194091854],[116.93340301513672,49.72518920898449],[117.27426910400413,49.63154983520508],[117.47849273681642,49.62837600708019],[117.84203338623047,49.506931304931584],[118.15896606445324,49.660980224609375],[118.54898834228538,49.91485214233404],[118.67079925537108,49.948379516601676],[119.07359313964876,49.98377990722662],[119.19748687744162,50.01208877563482],[119.36380767822287,50.17494964599621],[119.34559631347656,50.34682083129888],[119.18374633789085,50.345920562744254],[119.2734909057617,50.60175323486333],[119.42825317382824,50.69343948364269],[119.58075714111361,50.975570678710994],[119.74944305419933,51.10062026977545],[119.75689697265646,51.21081161499023],[119.8677368164067,51.297435760498104],[119.9873733520509,51.45269012451183],[120.0864028930664,51.66909027099614],[120.17446899414061,51.68162155151373],[120.47400665283203,51.88294219970709],[120.65203094482443,51.934108734130916],[120.76122283935547,52.11244964599621],[120.75633239746107,52.2444801330567],[120.61812591552733,52.315029144287166],[120.71965026855467,52.52878952026367],[120.45249176025403,52.641300201416016],[120.06121063232456,52.58407211303711],[120.02459716796908,52.75965118408203],[120.28043365478537,52.866298675537216],[120.52926635742199,53.071357727050774],[120.87671661376976,53.28703308105469],[121.21849060058605,53.28129196166998],[121.69239044189453,53.388511657714844],[121.4893798828126,53.33117294311518],[121.67065429687499,53.23693466186535],[121.64614105224634,53.180465698242244],[121.80916595458983,53.06410598754894],[121.70822143554686,52.99644470214849],[121.61347198486328,52.85200119018565],[121.36288452148459,52.680671691894474],[121.19284057617222,52.60234069824219],[121.51914978027344,52.45304107666021],[121.63298034667991,52.443183898925895],[121.70687103271518,52.316814422607536],[121.9407272338867,52.29719161987299],[122.12637329101585,52.474529266357536],[122.30334472656249,52.47386169433605],[122.33618927001964,52.41145706176758],[122.57911682128906,52.26520919799805],[122.75592803955078,52.265460968017635],[122.76294708251963,52.17710494995123],[122.62368774414074,52.135234832763786],[122.71907806396496,51.97739410400401],[122.74273681640635,51.742351531982365],[122.84937286376987,51.60534667968749],[122.84770202636719,51.47627258300787],[122.96698760986372,51.33358383178722],[123.2828292846682,51.2494468688966],[123.63520812988314,51.3184928894044],[123.70346832275402,51.39673995971673],[123.88298797607422,51.317989349365234],[124.23169708251977,51.343036651611385],[124.39867401123045,51.270305633544915],[124.48261260986338,51.37877273559581],[124.68614959716831,51.331619262695305],[124.85720825195322,51.37818908691406],[124.92606353759777,51.49910736083984],[125.03956604003918,51.527923583984375],[125.12730407714855,51.632411956787166],[125.34353637695335,51.622177124023494],[125.69090270996094,51.33047866821294],[125.75080871582041,51.225524902343864],[125.84705352783226,51.20912933349621],[125.97352600097678,51.09569931030285],[126.06407165527342,50.95911407470703],[125.78872680664107,50.73558425903326],[125.81913757324219,50.54684448242193],[125.6349334716799,50.449859619140625],[125.4375915527345,50.265930175781364],[125.44105529785168,50.210117340088004],[125.27192687988281,50.12553024291992],[125.19312286376987,49.73693847656256],[125.21549224853516,49.48554229736328],[125.26615905761729,49.3585472106933],[125.14952850341808,49.143058776855575],[124.88232421875023,49.177158355712834],[124.64270782470703,48.82167434692383],[124.6108627319336,48.67626953125006],[124.51280212402344,48.5483283996582],[124.51212310791037,48.40478515625],[124.57075500488315,48.257568359375],[124.50231933593751,48.124053955078125],[124.30473327636719,48.36406326293945],[124.2668151855471,48.52974319458019],[124.07180023193393,48.429424285888786],[123.75467681884787,48.204475402832145],[123.57421874999999,48.04172134399414],[123.29052734375011,47.9519500732423],[123.20001220703148,47.81901931762701],[122.81840515136763,47.65956878662104],[122.54921722412108,47.52074050903326],[122.49520111083986,47.40611648559576],[122.38791656494185,47.344146728515625],[122.60468292236327,47.12254714965832],[122.84196472167969,47.05282592773449],[122.89059448242188,46.95026397705078],[122.88900756835938,46.815731048583984],[123.0269241333009,46.724731445312614],[123.15702819824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0527338,12.950531005859489],[78.42384338378912,12.954401016235465],[78.42191314697271,12.962748527527083],[78.42265319824219,12.968600273132324],[78.42565155029297,12.969771385192985],[78.43358612060553,12.968779563903865],[78.45790100097673,12.963241577148665],[78.45759582519537,12.970660209655705],[78.46142578125006,12.979120254516829],[78.45542144775408,12.990090370178223],[78.45036315917974,13.014870643615723],[78.44991302490251,13.025811195373592],[78.45060729980497,13.028240203857536],[78.4515762329101,13.031532287597884],[78.46704864501953,13.041371345520247],[78.50457763671903,13.052762031555176],[78.5047988891601,13.059379577636946],[78.49857330322271,13.069790840149153],[78.51380920410173,13.08468055725092],[78.51480865478521,13.091110229492301],[78.52796173095709,13.097359657287825],[78.52237701416033,13.099661827087516],[78.51619720459013,13.10081958770752],[78.5111389160158,13.106329917907829],[78.50869750976568,13.11326980590826],[78.50875091552746,13.119589805603027],[78.51291656494146,13.120230674743766],[78.52143096923845,13.129051208496207],[78.5354461669923,13.13074016571045],[78.53669738769548,13.136930465698299],[78.53269958496111,13.142091751098576],[78.53369903564459,13.14610958099371],[78.53878021240251,13.151571273803711],[78.546859741211,13.153430938720703],[78.55805969238298,13.152341842651367],[78.56907653808588,13.156482696533203],[78.5656814575197,13.17175102233881],[78.56333923339872,13.177400588989258],[78.55940246582048,13.179800987243596],[78.5564727783206,13.179841995239371],[78.55349731445312,13.17987060546875],[78.54688262939459,13.178620338439998],[78.54247283935553,13.180170059204158],[78.54094696044928,13.187251091003475],[78.55326080322266,13.189241409301758],[78.5598907470706,13.23337173461914],[78.56321716308611,13.238410949707031],[78.5721511840822,13.248600959777775],[78.57746887207026,13.262049674987907],[78.57611083984403,13.267129898071516],[78.56716918945307,13.271771430969295],[78.50115966796903,13.277211189269963],[78.4701766967774,13.293901443481559],[78.46640014648449,13.310121536254996],[78.45417785644537,13.304149627685547],[78.44790649414074,13.302819252014274],[78.44130706787126,13.299501419067383],[78.43785858154297,13.298760414123592],[78.43598175048845,13.29835033416748],[78.43031311035162,13.307828903198299],[78.42906951904291,13.31711196899414],[78.42682647705095,13.31807994842552],[78.42446899414091,13.319101333618107],[78.42077636718756,13.319091796875],[78.41526031494146,13.317130088806096],[78.4070663452149,13.310091972351131],[78.4020614624024,13.307379722595329],[78.39125061035168,13.30370998382574],[78.38291168212885,13.314070701599064],[78.36699676513678,13.320039749145621],[78.36791229248047,13.32848930358898],[78.38456726074224,13.323540687561092],[78.39523315429693,13.322569847107161],[78.39737701416044,13.332331657409668],[78.39253234863287,13.335540771484432],[78.38491058349615,13.338200569152946],[78.38366699218778,13.34235095977806],[78.36818695068388,13.348311424255598],[78.35640716552729,13.346719741821403],[78.35515594482428,13.355071067810002],[78.3712768554687,13.391000747680607],[78.36531066894543,13.424390792846907],[78.36702728271496,13.431270599365348],[78.36416625976574,13.437911033630371],[78.3625564575197,13.452071189880598],[78.36357879638678,13.459240913391113],[78.3672866821289,13.466851234436149],[78.3672866821289,13.495171546936035],[78.38546752929693,13.531669616699332],[78.38600921630876,13.543951988220215],[78.397758483887,13.566191673278922],[78.38031768798834,13.581309318542537],[78.36709594726562,13.58030033111595],[78.36139678955095,13.578872680664062],[78.34366607666033,13.577780723571834],[78.31247711181652,13.583501815796012],[78.24967956542974,13.574300765991268],[78.19374084472673,13.594902038574219],[78.19536590576183,13.601550102234],[78.19393920898455,13.616159439086971],[78.1858367919923,13.62117958068859],[78.16555786132818,13.620970726013127],[78.16053771972656,13.623430252075423],[78.1589965820312,13.645171165466422],[78.15576171875,13.648710250854549],[78.1461715698245,13.649660110473633],[78.12908935546892,13.648269653320256],[78.1232299804688,13.64890098571783],[78.11589050292963,13.645630836486816],[78.10736083984392,13.64709186553955],[78.07998657226591,13.650389671325684],[78.06585693359386,13.66449069976801],[78.05834197998064,13.666970252990666],[78.06092071533232,13.671770095825138],[78.06408691406256,13.674559593200627],[78.06537628173845,13.680060386657829],[78.0626068115235,13.685600280761832],[78.06405639648455,13.688179969787598],[78.08515167236357,13.680631637573185],[78.10537719726591,13.684400558471793],[78.10721588134771,13.698351860046387],[78.10988616943365,13.703951835632381],[78.10938262939482,13.71023082733177],[78.0849227905274,13.733491897583065],[78.11823272705095,13.776900291443098],[78.11517333984392,13.787679672241211],[78.10765838623075,13.80360031127941],[78.11725616455095,13.821771621704158],[78.1060409545899,13.853541374206657],[78.07491302490251,13.854919433593807],[78.07092285156267,13.871959686279297],[78.05471038818376,13.879351615905762],[78.04831695556652,13.884530067443904],[78.04115295410173,13.886729240417594],[78.04292297363287,13.863780975341854],[78.04133605957048,13.858051300048885],[78.03782653808605,13.852849960327262],[78.01558685302751,13.854381561279297],[78.00477600097662,13.861710548400822],[77.98516082763678,13.861669540405273],[77.96578216552729,13.820159912109375],[77.94458007812528,13.81997108459467],[77.94814300537115,13.824801445007324],[77.94805145263672,13.82936096191412],[77.94571685791044,13.839801788330192],[77.94184112548834,13.871050834655819],[77.97802734375017,13.893349647522086],[77.97466278076178,13.9053316116333],[77.97351074218756,13.924229621887207],[77.97857666015625,13.947650909423828],[77.96643066406256,13.950551986694336],[77.96127319335943,13.949971199035645],[77.95532226562517,13.941900253296012],[77.95426940917974,13.937049865722656],[77.95075988769548,13.927920341491813],[77.94905090332048,13.926739692688045],[77.94602203369146,13.928430557251033],[77.93885803222685,13.924619674682617],[77.92973327636713,13.908809661865462],[77.91160583496088,13.89724063873291],[77.86242675781267,13.926800727844352],[77.81423187255865,13.931001663208008],[77.80848693847656,13.922589302063045],[77.80635070800798,13.917550086975211],[77.82099151611357,13.889231681823674],[77.82724761962902,13.871600151062239],[77.81920623779303,13.866021156311263],[77.82772064209001,13.86061954498291],[77.80278015136724,13.840669631958235],[77.77410125732422,13.831730842590332],[77.7774276733399,13.824060440063533],[77.78026580810553,13.820020675659293],[77.78044128417986,13.816691398620662],[77.77848815917969,13.812891960144157],[77.76921081542974,13.808541297912598],[77.7553329467774,13.807540893554688],[77.72841644287115,13.801739692687931],[77.69552612304688,13.761431694030705],[77.68467712402361,13.75862121582037],[77.66850280761724,13.752281188964844],[77.67176818847662,13.77013111114502],[77.6702270507813,13.777499198913574],[77.6640167236331,13.775870323181152],[77.65659332275385,13.77666091918951],[77.64908599853521,13.77583980560297],[77.61434936523443,13.760310173034668],[77.61046600341814,13.755439758300895],[77.61264801025396,13.746870040893555],[77.63375091552751,13.741291046142578],[77.63674926757841,13.73524188995367],[77.62124633789068,13.727401733398551],[77.61564636230486,13.728361129760742],[77.60427093505865,13.742550849914664],[77.59559631347673,13.743578910827637],[77.58154296875006,13.730571746826115],[77.57363128662104,13.726650238037166],[77.56661987304705,13.729389190673942],[77.54814147949224,13.72040939331066],[77.541557312012,13.734931945800838],[77.53951263427751,13.743720054626522],[77.5295028686524,13.745850563049544],[77.51966857910156,13.743849754333496],[77.51512145996111,13.737039566040039],[77.526596069336,13.725250244140682],[77.52754211425787,13.719030380249023],[77.52783966064482,13.70703125],[77.52152252197294,13.687870025634766],[77.5027694702149,13.704409599304142],[77.48734283447271,13.706791877746582],[77.479721069336,13.70321083068859],[77.4764862060548,13.677599906921444],[77.44975280761724,13.675790786743164],[77.44481658935553,13.695760726928711],[77.46261596679682,13.743578910827637],[77.45873260498053,13.749810218811035],[77.45395660400396,13.778041839599723],[77.45240020751959,13.780401229858342],[77.45079040527338,13.785531044006575],[77.44056701660162,13.802291870117415],[77.43546295166021,13.799230575561637],[77.42865753173857,13.787989616394043],[77.42005920410185,13.788961410522575],[77.41689300537126,13.790940284729118],[77.40866088867188,13.799251556396484],[77.40820312500011,13.802470207214355],[77.4136810302735,13.807380676269531],[77.41275787353521,13.811750411987362],[77.42472076416033,13.826689720153865],[77.40393066406267,13.831421852111816],[77.38983917236334,13.832929611206112],[77.38111114501959,13.831251144409237],[77.37285614013678,13.83128929138195],[77.35220336914062,13.844381332397518],[77.32000732421892,13.825751304626522],[77.31616210937517,13.839731216430721],[77.31088256835943,13.851131439208984],[77.3069305419923,13.857239723205794],[77.28552246093756,13.846031188964957],[77.28292846679716,13.840979576111067],[77.275146484375,13.842801094055176],[77.25595092773443,13.839450836181754],[77.25044250488287,13.839470863342285],[77.2437362670899,13.860290527343807],[77.24073791503918,13.86588191986084],[77.23925018310575,13.873590469360352],[77.23882293701178,13.881509780883846],[77.24156188964838,13.888851165771598],[77.24009704589844,13.894080162048454],[77.23384094238287,13.894931793213004],[77.22547912597668,13.895469665527344],[77.22189331054716,13.888831138610897],[77.22093200683622,13.881760597229004],[77.21700286865251,13.869261741638297],[77.2115097045899,13.861418724060115],[77.20812225341808,13.860401153564567],[77.2088470458985,13.878431320190373],[77.19271087646513,13.856221199035701],[77.17880249023432,13.859840393066406],[77.17513275146496,13.86140060424799],[77.18221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15.040102005004826],[77.11839294433611,15.050630569458008],[77.12552642822271,15.068209648132324],[77.12760925292974,15.09364128112793],[77.14771270751947,15.107330322265739],[77.15403747558611,15.120520591735783],[77.15276336669928,15.131621360778809],[77.13536071777361,15.136010169982853],[77.13208007812494,15.1426811218264],[77.13697052001959,15.149251937866325],[77.14549255371094,15.150700569152889],[77.15770721435553,15.148950576782283],[77.1592864990235,15.152120590210075],[77.1587905883789,15.157869338989315],[77.16320037841814,15.161331176757926],[77.1644821166995,15.168470382690657],[77.15815734863293,15.193819999694938],[77.14138031005888,15.218132019043026],[77.14791107177729,15.285670280456543],[77.1154174804688,15.289850234985408],[77.11342620849626,15.319120407104492],[77.11023712158209,15.3207302093507],[77.10968780517584,15.327281951904354],[77.09929656982439,15.326621055603255],[77.06909179687528,15.31947135925293],[77.06157684326178,15.321860313415584],[77.0628967285158,15.337909698486328],[77.03803253173857,15.358781814575309],[77.04228973388689,15.374799728393555],[77.04382324218767,15.38374137878418],[77.04100799560553,15.391510009765682],[77.033256530762,15.396260261535758],[77.02854156494158,15.401302337646541],[77.031005859375,15.418339729309139],[77.03048706054693,15.42633056640625],[77.02739715576189,15.435180664062557],[77.02384185791021,15.43856143951416],[77.01528167724615,15.441069602966365],[77.00609588623053,15.44823074340843],[77.00203704834001,15.45538139343273],[77.00074005126959,15.461701393127669],[76.99600219726568,15.467459678649846],[76.9760818481447,15.482012748718375],[76.97039031982439,15.490921974182243],[76.99603271484386,15.499731063842773],[77.0054321289062,15.50277137756359],[77.02659606933588,15.499990463256893],[77.02874755859392,15.508560180664062],[77.028861999512,15.52512168884283],[77.02371215820341,15.576381683349666],[77.02710723876959,15.629349708557186],[77.08143615722662,15.652840614318904],[77.11620330810575,15.62510967254633],[77.12092590332037,15.637201309204329],[77.12497711181669,15.659050941467285],[77.11905670166027,15.66208934783947],[77.11046600341808,15.671262741088924],[77.1008377075197,15.678879737854004],[77.07592773437506,15.690878868103027],[77.07627105712896,15.721410751343],[77.04708862304693,15.72501182556158],[77.04669189453125,15.75133132934576],[77.05171966552746,15.750129699707145],[77.05316925048845,15.758879661560172],[77.04850769042997,15.760760307312012],[77.04972076416033,15.764101028442496],[77.05372619628923,15.76364994049078],[77.0624771118164,15.778390884399528],[77.0672378540039,15.796050071716422],[77.06151580810547,15.797921180725098],[77.06388854980474,15.823169708251953],[77.05226135253912,15.824338912963867],[77.04991912841814,15.82014274597168],[77.04154205322266,15.821660995483398],[77.03836822509777,15.825510025024528],[77.02815246582048,15.825590133667106],[77.02442169189459,15.82948970794672],[77.02227020263689,15.831780433654899],[77.033187866211,15.853080749511776],[77.04104614257824,15.863959312439079],[77.0524520874024,15.876282691955566],[77.06595611572266,15.899311065673885],[77.07679748535173,15.909740447998047],[77.09005737304699,15.917869567871094],[77.10460662841791,15.924531936645451],[77.129936218262,15.930391311645565],[77.14343261718756,15.940600395202637],[77.1571273803711,15.944480895996207],[77.17070007324224,15.945549964904785],[77.1806259155274,15.950062751770076],[77.24891662597662,15.957740783691406],[77.28244781494146,15.947361946105957],[77.35360717773443,15.943701744079704],[77.36814117431646,15.936040878296012],[77.37622070312494,15.933250427246207],[77.38559722900408,15.934451103210563],[77.39270019531256,15.936761856079102],[77.40763092041027,15.935651779174918],[77.4264221191408,15.942278861999625],[77.46697998046903,15.927580833435059],[77.48332214355474,15.928059577941895],[77.49732208251982,15.926300048828182],[77.50945281982428,15.920860290527287],[77.53173828125006,15.916119575500545],[77.54884338378906,15.913668632507438],[77.57163238525396,15.912320137024153],[77.58841705322271,15.906991958618107],[77.60637664794933,15.911729812622184],[77.6396026611331,15.883131027221737],[77.68353271484392,15.873891830444279],[77.71611785888672,15.886570930481184],[77.79918670654303,15.865320205688704],[77.8556518554688,15.875761032104606],[77.887680053711,15.895921707153263],[77.92829895019537,15.876509666443098],[77.97287750244158,15.874119758605957],[78.00186920166033,15.85923004150402],[78.01696777343756,15.895149230957031],[78.03981781005876,15.898100852966422],[78.06366729736345,15.844561576843489],[78.1011428833009,15.827921867370605],[78.12583160400408,15.848931312561149],[78.16467285156278,15.848990440368652],[78.18003082275408,15.900449752807617],[78.2428665161134,15.937048912048283],[78.25974273681658,15.99473094940197],[78.25138092041021,16.025680541992415],[78.26815795898438,16.034759521484375],[78.31620788574236,16.02915191650402],[78.34041595459001,16.052770614624137],[78.37003326416021,16.05984115600586],[78.40566253662126,16.08094978332514],[78.45101165771479,16.08103179931652],[78.55912780761747,16.05637168884283],[78.603500366211,16.09643936157221],[78.63648986816412,16.091449737548942],[78.6865615844726,16.040380477905387],[78.73898315429716,16.021141052246207],[78.77504730224638,16.023609161376953],[78.80799865722662,16.046190261840934],[78.83650207519531,16.087377548217773],[78.83213043212908,16.151769638061637],[78.85645294189464,16.158599853515682],[78.87267303466808,16.110170364379883],[78.90117645263689,16.09762191772461],[78.92186737060553,16.1218719482423],[78.90558624267595,16.16492080688471],[78.90808105468756,16.191040039062557],[79.02014160156278,16.24427032470726],[79.12300872802751,16.237911224365348],[79.17658233642578,16.21713066101097],[79.22505950927751,16.250070571899528],[79.22785186767607,16.336811065673828],[79.21147155761713,16.36281013488781],[79.21906280517607,16.438169479370174],[79.23618316650396,16.458539962768555],[79.22410583496111,16.49213981628418],[79.23044586181646,16.51929092407221],[79.26611328125006,16.561470031738338],[79.34552764892607,16.579561233520508],[79.4265899658206,16.582521438598746],[79.45059204101574,16.609149932861328],[79.49717712402372,16.630510330200195],[79.53671264648455,16.631561279296875],[79.57402038574247,16.64359092712408],[79.59990692138678,16.663270950317383],[79.64803314209013,16.662000656128043],[79.68303680419928,16.69038009643549],[79.7227401733399,16.69260978698736],[79.75048065185541,16.720119476318473],[79.77490234374994,16.729520797729606],[79.81025695800787,16.690490722656193],[79.86183929443388,16.69822120666504],[79.89092254638689,16.649560928344727],[79.92366790771479,16.63073921203636],[79.94256591796875,16.632629394531307],[79.97302246093761,16.659521102905387],[79.99151611328136,16.6925506591798],[80.04789733886736,16.74515151977539],[80.06967163085943,16.813608169555664],[80.04183959960943,16.826061248779297],[80.03309631347668,16.85244941711437],[79.99167633056646,16.86325073242199],[80.0095520019533,16.907260894775334],[80.03705596923834,16.936470031738338],[80.04588317871105,16.965299606323242],[80.08423614501982,16.96319007873558],[80.1057891845706,16.981319427490234],[80.13385772705072,16.985359191894474],[80.18212890625,17.044940948486442],[80.19554901123053,17.01804161071783],[80.21784210205095,17.019620895385856],[80.2411499023438,17.002809524536133],[80.26217651367199,17.010629653930664],[80.30137634277361,16.955860137939567],[80.31922149658232,16.870941162109375],[80.358627319336,16.854909896850586],[80.37293243408209,16.81110000610363],[80.41867065429705,16.842319488525618],[80.45260620117205,16.81529045104986],[80.45639801025385,16.790029525756836],[80.48953247070324,16.775859832763672],[80.56281280517607,16.762830734253157],[80.59751892089872,16.785089492797965],[80.58584594726574,16.806659698486385],[80.55458068847685,16.824789047241268],[80.5649719238283,16.869039535522518],[80.58674621582037,16.87393951416027],[80.58419036865229,16.926519393921012],[80.53173828124994,16.95017814636242],[80.52069091796875,16.936399459839095],[80.49130249023432,16.94818115234375],[80.47688293457037,16.921171188354606],[80.44254302978521,16.944940567016715],[80.36042022705107,16.97050094604498],[80.38871765136736,17.01406097412115],[80.36699676513689,17.056568145752067],[80.39508819580084,17.077568054199276],[80.42053985595697,17.024860382080135],[80.4462432861331,17.017021179199162],[80.48465728759783,17.056310653686523],[80.49653625488287,17.10129165649414],[80.54907226562528,17.123622894287166],[80.56017303466797,17.1380290985108],[80.62975311279325,17.11001968383789],[80.68399810791033,17.068740844726562],[80.82322692871111,17.037780761718864],[80.85884857177729,17.050851821899414],[80.86421203613298,17.09581756591797],[80.85504913330078,17.11141014099121],[80.87030792236328,17.146301269531364],[80.91330718994146,17.145950317382756],[80.9053497314456,17.20129013061529],[80.930648803711,17.205030441284123],[80.98516082763689,17.17938995361328],[81.02617645263689,17.18666839599615],[81.0438613891601,17.204540252685604],[81.14554595947283,17.231662750244254],[81.16278839111334,17.23258018493658],[81.1719589233399,17.305450439453125],[81.19030761718778,17.327369689941406],[81.2671661376956,17.319999694824276],[81.28916931152361,17.337549209594727],[81.32247161865246,17.389150619506836],[81.38522338867199,17.355131149292106],[81.41564941406267,17.361629486083984],[81.44151306152372,17.38171005249046],[81.49341583251947,17.448820114135742],[81.50142669677729,17.539360046386946],[81.52390289306669,17.572610855102596],[81.50292968750028,17.58987998962408],[81.57116699218756,17.687868118286246],[81.57295989990229,17.718669891357422],[81.62306213378918,17.762790679931697],[81.67469024658209,17.767110824585075],[81.72959136962908,17.81929969787592],[81.75293731689459,17.818309783935774],[81.79440307617182,17.844150543212834],[81.75829315185558,17.893360137939396],[81.77574920654314,17.904769897460938],[81.78241729736345,17.90974044799816],[81.78601074218744,17.913610458373967],[81.80104064941435,17.936080932617415],[81.81980133056658,17.94546127319336],[81.83333587646501,17.95103073120123],[81.84681701660185,17.95079994201666],[81.93609619140653,17.984090805053768],[82.00168609619169,18.023660659790096],[82.00473022460949,18.03430938720726],[82.00157928466814,18.044811248779297],[82.0066375732423,18.049198150634766],[82.0167770385745,18.055128097534293],[82.02465820312517,18.057880401611385],[82.05972290039062,18.045118331909237],[82.07221221923834,18.065637588501204],[82.09236145019548,18.052761077880973],[82.10797882080078,18.054019927978516],[82.12924194335943,18.048669815063704],[82.13236999511747,18.03561973571783],[82.14730834960955,18.04042053222679],[82.16034698486334,18.043598175048942],[82.16374969482428,18.04162025451666],[82.17314910888683,18.025592803955078],[82.1769409179688,18.02089118957531],[82.17424774169928,18.015502929687614],[82.17740631103516,18.010570526123274],[82.18508911132812,18.00735282897955],[82.19101715087896,18.00895118713379],[82.19692230224615,18.008689880371094],[82.21817779541044,17.99419021606451],[82.22297668457026,17.99287986755394],[82.23079681396479,17.993709564208984],[82.23699188232428,17.99201011657709],[82.23831939697271,17.983900070190487],[82.2417068481447,17.979761123657227],[82.25318908691412,17.98019027709961],[82.26107788085949,17.98240089416504],[82.26725006103516,17.98644065856945],[82.27052307128923,17.997741699218864],[82.27081298828153,18.010669708251953],[82.26893615722685,18.01993942260748],[82.26624298095732,18.02569007873535],[82.25815582275396,18.03487014770502],[82.28777313232433,18.060560226440487],[82.30441284179716,18.03961944580078],[82.32182312011736,18.05018043518072],[82.32617950439453,18.046510696411133],[82.3249130249024,18.042690277099553],[82.32977294921903,18.040410995483512],[82.33634948730474,18.047260284423942],[82.33692932128912,18.049100875854492],[82.34317779541033,18.067819595336857],[82.3431625366211,18.08247947692871],[82.33216094970709,18.0941219329834],[82.33248901367205,18.10704994201666],[82.33030700683605,18.118999481201115],[82.3353576660158,18.127258300781364],[82.33336639404308,18.142379760742188],[82.34873199462908,18.161832809448242],[82.31030273437528,18.17460250854515],[82.30609893798857,18.195659637451115],[82.3197326660158,18.20104026794445],[82.332817077637,18.215789794921818],[82.33022308349626,18.231340408325195],[82.33180236816412,18.246791839599553],[82.33390045166021,18.252290725708008],[82.33689880371111,18.266241073608512],[82.34365081787115,18.271650314331055],[82.36705780029303,18.270940780639705],[82.37187957763678,18.274101257324332],[82.3822402954101,18.28429031372076],[82.38540649414068,18.28909111022972],[82.38735198974638,18.300622940063704],[82.39301300048834,18.306440353393782],[82.38842773437506,18.31120109558111],[82.38436889648455,18.318700790405387],[82.38049316406278,18.319311141967717],[82.36524963378935,18.31642913818365],[82.35797119140636,18.308240890502873],[82.34290313720714,18.307340621948242],[82.33444213867193,18.3171329498291],[82.34542083740263,18.32181930541998],[82.36013793945312,18.343700408935547],[82.36947631835938,18.350362777710075],[82.37635040283203,18.35326957702631],[82.37879943847685,18.361658096313704],[82.38109588623041,18.366689682006893],[82.38442993164068,18.36911010742199],[82.38443756103521,18.372409820556697],[82.37523651123064,18.383060455322322],[82.37490844726568,18.39281082153326],[82.37251281738276,18.398090362548828],[82.36599731445341,18.403352737426758],[82.36128997802751,18.40991020202631],[82.36599731445341,18.413011550903434],[82.36702728271501,18.41716957092308],[82.37174224853544,18.42016983032221],[82.37760162353521,18.42198944091797],[82.39737701416016,18.451601028442383],[82.41220092773438,18.46467018127447],[82.42032623291021,18.46988105773937],[82.42687225341791,18.476991653442383],[82.43712615966808,18.497301101684627],[82.44993591308622,18.511421203613224],[82.45342254638689,18.51702117919922],[82.47400665283203,18.5368328094483],[82.48161315917963,18.538459777832145],[82.48532104492193,18.53370094299339],[82.481918334961,18.532711029052734],[82.47783660888689,18.53153038024908],[82.4757385253908,18.529407501220817],[82.4814529418947,18.51506042480463],[82.5231323242188,18.50392913818365],[82.52449798584013,18.489780426025334],[82.52005767822271,18.48726081848139],[82.51979064941423,18.48488998413086],[82.51951599121105,18.4825115203858],[82.5244827270509,18.48284912109375],[82.52752685546886,18.477720260620345],[82.52101135253912,18.472370147705192],[82.52751159667974,18.46821975708002],[82.52176666259771,18.461759567260856],[82.51774597167974,18.459289550781307],[82.51613616943354,18.45588111877464],[82.52316284179716,18.44577026367199],[82.52670288085943,18.447309494018555],[82.5293807983399,18.442939758300895],[82.52879333496094,18.4403400421142],[82.53015136718756,18.434310913085994],[82.53308105468778,18.43406105041504],[82.53560638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07563972473156],[83.59986114501982,19.08480262756359],[83.6044158935548,19.0881805419923],[83.60440063476568,19.09287071228033],[83.59677886962896,19.105199813842773],[83.5942993164063,19.110580444335938],[83.5942993164063,19.120330810546932],[83.61913299560575,19.14188194274908],[83.64472961425781,19.113290786743164],[83.65685272216803,19.074939727783317],[83.65969848632818,19.069740295410156],[83.66261291503935,19.066490173339844],[83.666732788086,19.064460754394588],[83.67637634277338,19.052450180053825],[83.6843872070312,19.04393005371105],[83.69415283203142,19.021141052246094],[83.69983673095697,19.015031814575195],[83.7057418823245,18.985240936279354],[83.7088012695312,18.983802795410213],[83.71140289306646,18.98495101928711],[83.71689605712896,18.982538223266715],[83.72630310058605,18.97556114196783],[83.72746276855497,18.96607971191412],[83.73649597167986,18.938970565796012],[83.7458267211914,18.918172836303825],[83.75614929199236,18.916690826416016],[83.77127075195318,18.901300430297965],[83.77739715576178,18.904399871826286],[83.78006744384771,18.90772056579584],[83.77715301513672,18.91907119750988],[83.7614822387697,18.94460105895996],[83.75036621093778,18.94437026977539],[83.74108123779314,18.983890533447493],[83.78830718994169,19.00781059265148],[83.8348770141601,18.909299850463867],[83.8377227783206,18.90860939025879],[83.84027099609392,18.90406036376976],[83.8423233032226,18.888240814208984],[83.84366607666016,18.851400375366268],[83.8643417358399,18.8390407562257],[83.8668670654298,18.823450088501033],[83.87017822265625,18.818429946899414],[83.87391662597662,18.817768096923885],[83.8832397460938,18.81969070434576],[83.88463592529325,18.817819595336914],[83.88535308837896,18.81004142761242],[83.88687896728521,18.805408477783317],[83.89547729492199,18.814878463745117],[83.90775299072266,18.816389083862305],[83.93358612060553,18.806858062744197],[83.93978881835932,18.796600341796875],[83.9436874389649,18.79628753662115],[83.94902038574224,18.79704093933111],[83.95561218261713,18.80306053161621],[83.98232269287104,18.800010681152287],[84.00739288330084,18.804210662842024],[84.01966094970732,18.79762268066412],[84.02231597900402,18.7986297607423],[84.02372741699219,18.801151275634822],[84.0270614624024,18.80220031738287],[84.0342864990235,18.790121078491268],[84.03871917724621,18.787429809570256],[84.04794311523438,18.783479690551758],[84.04972076416021,18.777309417724666],[84.04804992675787,18.774402618408203],[84.04920196533209,18.77065086364746],[84.058609008789,18.76810073852539],[84.06046295166027,18.76267051696783],[84.06577301025396,18.75169944763178],[84.09163665771501,18.745239257812614],[84.13497924804693,18.766788482666016],[84.14042663574247,18.76769065856945],[84.14811706542986,18.771760940551815],[84.15136718750017,18.775760650634766],[84.15934753417986,18.775039672851562],[84.16703033447271,18.770139694213924],[84.17981719970709,18.768970489502067],[84.21671295166044,18.787281036377067],[84.22429656982428,18.784269332885856],[84.22698974609403,18.7871608734132],[84.23069000244158,18.785640716552734],[84.2311630249024,18.78012084960949],[84.2460327148438,18.773410797119084],[84.25888824462885,18.77482986450201],[84.2642211914062,18.78051948547386],[84.26818847656278,18.780309677123967],[84.27321624755876,18.782489776611385],[84.27533721923845,18.787181854248047],[84.27854919433594,18.789680480957145],[84.28392028808611,18.790821075439453],[84.30036926269537,18.781740188598576],[84.30716705322283,18.781660079955998],[84.308853149414,18.77841949462902],[84.31249237060547,18.779190063476676],[84.31292724609375,18.78218078613304],[84.31571960449213,18.786170959472713],[84.326957702637,18.789672851562614],[84.33222198486334,18.792022705078125],[84.33358764648443,18.795051574706974],[84.32932281494158,18.808998107910156],[84.34410095214872,18.8119411468507],[84.34435272216797,18.832719802856445],[84.33806610107439,18.83621978759777],[84.33598327636736,18.841421127319336],[84.33413696289068,18.851560592651595],[84.33413696289068,18.857990264892635],[84.33442687988281,18.863849639892578],[84.3360214233399,18.866710662841797],[84.33979034423845,18.86592102050804],[84.34438323974626,18.862762451171818],[84.34696960449247,18.8599796295166],[84.35146331787115,18.85090065002464],[84.36241149902372,18.851060867309627],[84.36933898925781,18.858970642089844],[84.3714675903322,18.863382339477482],[84.37156677246122,18.867219924926758],[84.3596267700197,18.87190055847168],[84.35382843017607,18.875062942504883],[84.35183715820312,18.877790451049748],[84.35473632812506,18.882930755615234],[84.3832321166995,18.86927986145031],[84.38609313964872,18.883029937744254],[84.40981292724626,18.8906307220459],[84.42938995361357,18.913682937622184],[84.4199829101563,18.929710388183537],[84.41713714599621,18.93330192565918],[84.41559600830084,18.9380397796632],[84.42030334472673,18.949359893799055],[84.43454742431635,18.963159561157227],[84.437728881836,18.965709686279297],[84.44064331054716,18.966930389404354],[8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,21.390739],[77.74649,21.384211],[77.73835,21.366631],[77.70433,21.377701],[77.670006,21.372923],[77.645897,21.39336],[77.600647,21.38912],[77.601486,21.365271],[77.548409,21.381229],[77.487022,21.37775],[77.469307,21.4569],[77.438309,21.472919],[77.420799,21.516281],[77.423508,21.542561],[77.457512,21.55657],[77.504356,21.554668],[77.566986,21.529751],[77.607117,21.54277],[77.572197,21.587671],[77.558563,21.668673],[77.542183,21.701031],[77.496872,21.749201],[77.449883,21.763411],[77.401131,21.75618],[77.337387,21.76156],[77.277077,21.759809],[77.286903,21.736443],[77.258026,21.71583],[77.224602,21.71789],[77.20742,21.69401],[77.121101,21.725349],[77.069038,21.721809],[77.059486,21.7094],[76.997276,21.68161],[76.891747,21.6007],[76.85215,21.61503],[76.833549,21.593069],[76.795349,21.59754],[76.780243,21.562468],[76.785538,21.535301],[76.762932,21.52265],[76.791801,21.489891],[76.784187,21.46649],[76.743393,21.44314],[76.732086,21.40881],[76.668411,21.369471],[76.625839,21.329741],[76.661072,21.282421],[76.623367,21.192659],[76.559387,21.205811],[76.529198,21.189293],[76.491173,21.197821],[76.474892,21.152071],[76.45269,21.114868],[76.411827,21.107269],[76.376373,21.077311],[76.281769,21.07531],[76.269249,21.092951],[76.183861,21.089951],[76.135666,21.126211],[76.11396,21.16464],[76.127419,21.177919],[76.166847,21.170721],[76.159218,21.259142],[76.129257,21.29751],[76.098671,21.373928],[76.052376,21.352701],[76.034599,21.365271],[75.984879,21.377178],[75.968742,21.39397],[75.916542,21.389828],[75.888107,21.39963],[75.832626,21.383301],[75.801407,21.39015],[75.758942,21.38549],[75.706757,21.391321],[75.673416,21.38035],[75.629463,21.381229],[75.619446,21.393461],[75.548149,21.37249],[75.524582,21.387161],[75.468407,21.394201],[75.384483,21.38559],[75.303162,21.395191],[75.301849,21.414831],[75.253998,21.406139],[75.219856,21.41087],[75.129776,21.44928],[75.106667,21.469629],[75.089996,21.514332],[75.057747,21.564939],[75.017838,21.572611],[74.980682,21.59602],[74.925957,21.610653],[74.902763,21.629801],[74.866302,21.631121],[74.825241,21.61021],[74.723976,21.623991],[74.656433,21.65427],[74.588997,21.66527],[74.560547,21.68799],[74.550987,21.719393],[74.511253,21.72765],[74.517006,21.767231],[74.503647,21.807182],[74.511818,21.82123],[74.517761,21.88624],[74.527496,21.908781],[74.493401,21.954491],[74.451706,21.967501],[74.435547,22.030998],[74.388313,22.02018],[74.345558,21.97522],[74.301361,21.966801],[74.292259,21.93725],[74.203621,21.9254],[74.146019,21.95406],[74.153847,21.98642],[74.100342,22.001593],[74.101189,22.01828],[74.137833,22.053501],[74.162987,22.06057],[74.170212,22.10133],[74.132591,22.096321],[74.12278,22.2129],[74.075783,22.221878],[74.07827,22.268248],[74.059151,22.285749],[74.071983,22.360241],[74.111961,22.371613],[74.134293,22.332331],[74.191063,22.32193],[74.198349,22.343019],[74.240196,22.37682],[74.273949,22.39304],[74.264122,22.424641],[74.237259,22.439341],[74.155983,22.439873],[74.123001,22.420811],[74.105072,22.433411],[74.100243,22.469233],[74.078087,22.465643],[74.085266,22.508518],[74.043587,22.516821],[74.04464,22.542122],[74.08429,22.549551],[74.127609,22.52438],[74.157539,22.53219],[74.213837,22.56744],[74.236656,22.613871],[74.278221,22.647661],[74.363953,22.63652],[74.384186,22.64357],[74.403076,22.730709],[74.439232,22.785551],[74.439186,22.809441],[74.464943,22.815081],[74.47892,22.858641],[74.462822,22.91346],[74.418701,22.918371],[74.381607,22.909908],[74.341637,22.964691],[74.370796,22.980053],[74.349197,23.030241],[74.322777,23.062691],[74.347878,23.070801],[74.39119,23.112],[74.433167,23.10568],[74.467247,23.085258],[74.512283,23.088831],[74.535439,23.101513],[74.5457,23.132071],[74.608063,23.144821],[74.669159,23.20149],[74.715523,23.19467],[74.745697,23.212111],[74.701149,23.272142],[74.673126,23.27487],[74.632141,23.263401],[74.615303,23.284601],[74.548569,23.28676],[74.533661,23.32303],[74.54583,23.363798],[74.572411,23.383329],[74.573143,23.419243],[74.598457,23.42976],[74.61338,23.461361],[74.658943,23.466801],[74.669327,23.483892],[74.742371,23.51948],[74.774063,23.543303],[74.802887,23.534052],[74.851479,23.5574],[74.886093,23.606428],[74.906029,23.622952],[74.93972,23.630371],[74.924217,23.668501],[74.92424,23.719151],[74.940567,23.734871],[74.92762,23.79833],[74.910339,23.80084],[74.915817,23.845671],[74.90519,23.868111],[74.914619,23.91247],[74.94146,23.96052],[74.963348,23.973671],[74.972229,24.00363],[74.992989,24.029701],[74.959518,24.11009],[74.93914,24.121111],[74.927513,24.15715],[74.900337,24.174301],[74.880173,24.21648],[74.905853,24.233721],[74.875427,24.278021],[74.853317,24.269979],[74.815163,24.27701],[74.772537,24.27198],[74.757462,24.296221],[74.78363,24.316801],[74.784622,24.367361],[74.812317,24.409151],[74.857498,24.451502],[74.814507,24.49221],[74.757317,24.488823],[74.715706,24.522831],[74.747711,24.53624],[74.756981,24.56365],[74.747971,24.596809],[74.790123,24.61076],[74.783447,24.636761],[74.817108,24.671671],[74.776062,24.68606],[74.789658,24.726631],[74.780052,24.742748],[74.818542,24.765341],[74.873436,24.669481],[74.902466,24.656311],[74.943878,24.662283],[74.964111,24.700468],[74.999893,24.708488],[74.993431,24.752729],[75.020233,24.752768],[75.012932,24.79381],[74.970383,24.790861],[74.905182,24.797461],[74.858566,24.813061],[74.855888,24.853201],[74.827133,24.89913],[74.824219,24.9401],[74.83271,24.967451],[74.862099,24.965839],[74.867203,24.936941],[74.900543,24.939741],[74.912521,24.899099],[74.944809,24.877911],[75.012611,24.874081],[75.043388,24.859228],[75.073532,24.88731],[75.118866,24.88904],[75.115707,24.965391],[75.138023,24.986362],[75.164398,24.991661],[75.154709,25.02887],[75.173782,25.053793],[75.200562,25.034498],[75.310486,25.04608],[75.349617,25.041731],[75.351547,25.02516],[75.318947,25.00651],[75.337486,24.9631],[75.317543,24.907221],[75.287903,24.926262],[75.267029,24.914211],[75.261452,24.88966],[75.311302,24.869459],[75.325966,24.887009],[75.371971,24.877981],[75.424217,24.892752],[75.417099,24.863901],[75.300491,24.815243],[75.283821,24.850019],[75.241692,24.860941],[75.249947,24.895691],[75.201317,24.884201],[75.246712,24.82184],[75.217377,24.820461],[75.192299,24.78875],[75.195618,24.76001],[75.228409,24.735102],[75.451897,24.693218],[75.483467,24.69762],[75.53508,24.720018],[75.581902,24.7227],[75.613327,24.688421],[75.659187,24.7017],[75.680046,24.727831],[75.741806,24.760361],[75.786186,24.76553],[75.838753,24.72987],[75.828186,24.668222],[75.843903,24.66935],[75.852547,24.614321],[75.874077,24.607111],[75.884361,24.581739],[75.911072,24.577051],[75.907036,24.550461],[75.925018,24.5383],[75.905472,24.505308],[75.903389,24.446131],[75.861206,24.42333],[75.829002,24.42252],[75.786087,24.45842],[75.735817,24.403433],[75.737923,24.347971],[75.765091,24.310659],[75.797417,24.314348],[75.812996,24.300678],[75.805336,24.229719],[75.773506,24.220892],[75.743492,24.139601],[75.778687,24.13467],[75.789612,24.1098],[75.830643,24.107929],[75.829506,24.071953],[75.779617,24.06208],[75.780243,24.036261],[75.762039,23.997952],[75.700409,23.969061],[75.669197,24.033543],[75.634743,23.99983],[75.569321,23.999371],[75.571716,24.017401],[75.531921,24.031481],[75.514381,24.048733],[75.491768,24.004551],[75.464767,23.980728],[75.456497,23.92074],[75.487427,23.910843],[75.504097,23.891911],[75.562462,23.858143],[75.566032,23.815689],[75.582527,23.80036],[75.616623,23.805971],[75.649307,23.799351],[75.687347,23.773331],[75.698288,23.788],[75.690247,23.819611],[75.722168,23.826912],[75.727547,23.86451],[75.698128,23.877108],[75.702332,23.904051],[75.728218,23.9021],[75.759171,23.881329],[75.779922,23.8547],[75.853416,23.894201],[75.878616,23.88456],[75.975822,23.93294],[75.980186,23.97438],[75.960243,23.997461],[75.960182,24.02537],[75.990089,24.030069],[76.026726,24.050463],[76.04335,24.073961],[76.134697,24.095289],[76.136887,24.131338],[76.12336,24.2054],[76.154457,24.243761],[76.142227,24.281151],[76.169228,24.296091],[76.185486,24.331511],[76.20623,24.310921],[76.194656,24.2848],[76.206223,24.23275],[76.276398,24.216511],[76.317879,24.251131],[76.352997,24.248911],[76.411797,24.209551],[76.423607,24.22695],[76.463432,24.22892],[76.508369,24.200232],[76.523193,24.163179],[76.579727,24.180679],[76.571487,24.213478],[76.613953,24.24218],[76.616348,24.26284],[76.678749,24.270639],[76.702499,24.2488],[76.67421,24.19343],[76.720711,24.16172],[76.76886,24.16468],[76.790932,24.125759],[76.827728,24.125591],[76.856003,24.138941],[76.89994,24.131111],[76.916138,24.188721],[76.943863,24.198851],[76.874199,24.27109],[76.836967,24.360708],[76.84906,24.36821],[76.8424,24.408508],[76.851326,24.469109],[76.81459,24.53437],[76.846046,24.55102],[76.899826,24.54781],[76.918381,24.535601],[76.91465,24.487659],[76.960167,24.46023],[76.992523,24.47345],[77.050308,24.526531],[77.064339,24.564121],[77.059456,24.64242],[77.019249,24.714951],[76.971977,24.73167],[76.963303,24.75955],[76.921692,24.748831],[76.845016,24.752138],[76.846741,24.769993],[76.802292,24.826571],[76.837502,24.841061],[76.895042,24.83951],[76.926521,24.849783],[76.948921,24.872869],[76.913857,24.88788],[76.924637,24.910372],[76.872063,24.954601],[76.869316,25.011103],[76.901062,25.03404],[76.968666,25.055941],[76.983673,25.07756],[77.077232,25.057989],[77.114456,25.06909],[77.128273,25.08905],[77.157707,25.08828],[77.169579,25.11372],[77.220833,25.110243],[77.26226,25.119261],[77.302856,25.08387],[77.348679,25.097792],[77.386673,25.12196],[77.390709,25.18819],[77.417992,25.193029],[77.406403,25.226292],[77.362717,25.250071],[77.349663,25.27177],[77.374802,25.305851],[77.344261,25.38793],[77.361343,25.41296],[77.305298,25.436411],[77.220261,25.373428],[77.218033,25.33131],[77.190552,25.311661],[77.153557,25.31325],[77.115768,25.33506],[77.07547,25.339691],[77.03936,25.32505],[77.024193,25.30109],[76.95874,25.29718],[76.952721,25.278551],[76.893227,25.322401],[76.842979,25.330542],[76.772827,25.31591],[76.766731,25.336231],[76.740402,25.34779],[76.681076,25.34548],[76.636292,25.380331],[76.602547,25.388981],[76.588966,25.43149],[76.564278,25.442402],[76.559593,25.473261],[76.520309,25.52993],[76.509781,25.579821],[76.514732,25.633678],[76.499428,25.64834],[76.510803,25.672838],[76.477783,25.695061],[76.482391,25.71813],[76.52655,25.731043],[76.529312,25.797972],[76.597473,25.87648],[76.631683,25.87524],[76.641418,25.90625],[76.674362,25.9118],[76.73333,25.90255],[76.762413,25.92207],[76.760651,25.94253],[76.7948,25.944221],[76.818886,25.971251],[76.84024,26.01129],[76.830406,26.029591],[76.870422,26.05645],[76.887779,26.093323],[76.938713,26.106079],[76.994476,26.137781],[77.02388,26.17617],[77.096443,26.19544],[77.113647,26.231359],[77.16494,26.244501],[77.194473,26.235971],[77.267036,26.276171],[77.308167,26.315001],[77.318047,26.34638],[77.366249,26.371519],[77.432426,26.365],[77.427719,26.40691],[77.522881,26.414911],[77.551483,26.440559],[77.599083,26.454222],[77.626717,26.48299],[77.671028,26.509729],[77.69503,26.50087],[77.726982,26.515362],[77.739357,26.54269],[77.767006,26.553478],[77.812996,26.55481],[77.820412,26.599838],[77.842438,26.615179],[77.879387,26.620291],[77.903603,26.66618],[77.939903,26.662708],[77.968796,26.67664],[77.992218,26.702641],[78.088058,26.686661],[78.089149,26.73811],[78.111679,26.749651],[78.095383,26.789431],[78.119026,26.802561],[78.145813,26.791731],[78.179367,26.801161],[78.16095,26.82704],[78.209793,26.83609],[78.255608,26.82029],[78.282066,26.864088],[78.362503,26.87133],[78.385597,26.82794],[78.425873,26.832319],[78.458138,26.795233],[78.515572,26.78511],[78.565849,26.75769],[78.601967,26.75606],[78.620438,26.7752],[78.659019,26.76923],[78.677361,26.792381],[78.715347,26.800213],[78.741081,26.792521],[78.762146,26.76683],[78.811386,26.765471],[78.864929,26.70467],[78.903946,26.713381],[78.948143,26.696741],[78.947891,26.662628],[78.983887,26.685711],[79.001167,26.673901],[78.98687,26.647367],[79.005661,26.61047],[78.982117,26.594179],[78.997986,26.55094],[79.033096,26.53599],[79.060936,26.5033],[79.047073,26.46142],[79.069069,26.44652],[79.092873,26.4573],[79.126762,26.444811],[79.117233,26.417122],[79.080727,26.4055],[79.089119,26.377131],[79.116623,26.353573],[79.126587,26.316031],[79.097977,26.31465],[79.07769,26.287218],[79.057892,26.2838],[79.04055,26.22928],[79.002327,26.19677],[79.000717,26.15498],[78.960327,26.15427],[78.944389,26.13752],[79.003151,26.081793],[78.982483,26.073759],[78.944328,26.036951],[78.943169,25.99069],[78.915329,25.949369],[78.876381,25.915661],[78.883713,25.876471],[78.857826,25.872011],[78.843979,25.84531],[78.865753,25.834351],[78.863319,25.80208],[78.815826,25.831141],[78.775787,25.761499],[78.746819,25.74909],[78.76075,25.720791],[78.791237,25.710541],[78.811333,25.67448],[78.811249,25.645451],[78.794548,25.61755],[78.677017,25.594101],[78.648621,25.565639],[78.60421,25.58729],[78.581192,25.564308],[78.54715,25.564701],[78.481087,25.580433],[78.44915,25.55274],[78.426132,25.561451],[78.408661,25.532902],[78.42157,25.47971],[78.385689,25.454161],[78.33519,25.431051],[78.332489,25.404551],[78.294228,25.36762],[78.323196,25.355268],[78.331291,25.33672],[78.308029,25.310989],[78.345161,25.297941],[78.362221,25.26543],[78.355217,25.249969],[78.385361,25.19516],[78.441986,25.157351],[78.424683,25.124691],[78.389687,25.126991],[78.366997,25.104521],[78.325249,25.084061],[78.338066,25.02734],[78.327538,24.999559],[78.289597,24.96814],[78.213913,24.915571],[78.199738,24.896231],[78.170448,24.885269],[78.165329,24.848171],[78.186897,24.84281],[78.225822,24.776571],[78.226318,24.73625],[78.267998,24.6696],[78.256691,24.648621],[78.269852,24.615381],[78.255318,24.552299],[78.224182,24.54134],[78.239632,24.48946],[78.263237,24.483082],[78.266876,24.447371],[78.362572,24.378151],[78.326576,24.338469],[78.3414,24.30781],[78.385666,24.27305],[78.434776,24.297661],[78.440292,24.325531],[78.467796,24.33934],[78.475327,24.36743],[78.499939,24.394331],[78.552582,24.360628],[78.578438,24.35708],[78.61734,24.296122],[78.654449,24.273741],[78.669121,24.24502],[78.69886,24.23448],[78.72654,24.252701],[78.754288,24.24725],[78.784599,24.185141],[78.810501,24.208521],[78.858208,24.213541],[78.88105,24.228889],[78.879097,24.254011],[78.909851,24.272921],[78.907761,24.301231],[78.96814,24.356951],[78.967171,24.373583],[78.987778,24.427971],[78.981987,24.447241],[78.944397,24.443258],[78.912796,24.463511],[78.90094,24.488371],[78.943138,24.48488],[78.945503,24.55331],[78.913147,24.581301],[78.881721,24.6397],[78.862808,24.641121],[78.830849,24.608891],[78.801826,24.607828],[78.776901,24.59309],[78.751991,24.602463],[78.740067,24.65996],[78.772392,24.704142],[78.764549,24.794992],[78.78054,24.814972],[78.764481,24.861368],[78.696342,24.894661],[78.668396,24.902399],[78.653717,24.94422],[78.624916,24.961941],[78.64193,25.061491],[78.620323,25.091593],[78.597168,25.097872],[78.593712,25.157391],[78.561493,25.227449],[78.568581,25.25861],[78.520851,25.288038],[78.489326,25.292089],[78.454033,25.270601],[78.429817,25.29701],[78.469261,25.303322],[78.487541,25.32019],[78.525078,25.30653],[78.533592,25.330893],[78.576218,25.351931],[78.577759,25.37714],[78.603493,25.41707],[78.632507,25.43301],[78.689247,25.445351],[78.700241,25.426121],[78.65789,25.38798],[78.709763,25.376268],[78.735672,25.349192],[78.764381,25.3584],[78.758636,25.404091],[78.765373,25.430033],[78.724648,25.463308],[78.789528,25.483513],[78.853699,25.452301],[78.85717,25.46714],[78.833946,25.516001],[78.876007,25.524321],[78.885536,25.56077],[78.925682,25.559958],[78.941887,25.531151],[78.916687,25.51675],[78.935181,25.494301],[78.930038,25.46859],[78.903229,25.446938],[78.929131,25.428329],[78.960129,25.43889],[78.970222,25.42046],[78.974472,25.372561],[78.874748,25.387659],[78.837738,25.352173],[78.83329,25.331341],[78.793289,25.2931],[78.835052,25.2332],[78.845947,25.233789],[78.862289,25.283131],[78.856438,25.316959],[78.885246,25.346691],[78.931229,25.332413],[78.970276,25.291092],[78.9086,25.274361],[78.896446,25.249941],[78.872177,25.25079],[78.881622,25.215471],[78.867386,25.18996],[78.877136,25.162182],[78.924232,25.2106],[78.952843,25.220692],[78.982407,25.19915],[79.000359,25.216051],[78.972313,25.24283],[78.986771,25.27496],[79.01236,25.27404],[79.026482,25.234671],[79.056442,25.22571],[79.024597,25.186571],[79.064079,25.172491],[79.090576,25.176229],[79.119209,25.163441],[79.107811,25.1437],[79.133377,25.111061],[79.197937,25.128189],[79.23838,25.116369],[79.250603,25.161209],[79.276543,25.12026],[79.314537,25.151878],[79.283516,25.189461],[79.278023,25.21064],[79.341118,25.23049],[79.340088,25.27276],[79.31469,25.261393],[79.286461,25.281071],[79.256508,25.27947],[79.260139,25.31024],[79.294731,25.340219],[79.401886,25.279251],[79.401222,25.26236],[79.434181,25.241781],[79.442398,25.220951],[79.409576,25.208761],[79.383873,25.17028],[79.38929,25.120581],[79.436371,25.107821],[79.489876,25.08275],[79.517227,25.101788],[79.513771,25.125723],[79.550339,25.169401],[79.632851,25.13283],[79.666168,25.127121],[79.739578,25.14296],[79.827217,25.100121],[79.860588,25.156061],[79.84523,25.236551],[79.872459,25.253792],[79.8936,25.24621],[79.949219,25.265301],[79.997337,25.27013],[80.020737,25.343161],[80.070023,25.3431],[80.083298,25.355831],[80.127083,25.340618],[80.15918,25.377649],[80.187897,25.38365],[80.188828,25.406431],[80.245186,25.40489],[80.273727,25.425039],[80.309052,25.39184],[80.302628,25.35828],[80.311737,25.334209],[80.302673,25.296961],[80.340973,25.278601],[80.357712,25.251131],[80.401657,25.220951],[80.423698,25.174143],[80.386757,25.162882],[80.348618,25.140692],[80.304787,25.07551],[80.28196,25.063221],[80.266937,25.030243],[80.314102,25.00351],[80.367821,25.025431],[80.394127,25.072021],[80.440712,25.082069],[80.470177,25.044691],[80.502319,25.06286],[80.543419,25.067661],[80.578667,25.088263],[80.594589,25.155241],[80.622299,25.122021],[80.608467,25.0986],[80.641457,25.093149],[80.673569,25.054171],[80.727203,25.071821],[80.77594,25.061691],[80.775978,25.084301],[80.719009,25.104021],[80.7173,25.12892],[80.750862,25.141701],[80.818642,25.13055],[80.841888,25.16794],[80.869537,25.18866],[80.905563,25.16448],[80.864983,25.12365],[80.870651,25.071051],[80.829117,25.02998],[80.85025,25.003141],[80.818642,24.973631],[80.8022,24.94446],[80.856613,24.935951],[80.936821,24.9725],[80.952873,24.93944],[81.000023,24.94021],[81.026672,24.954969],[81.076416,24.952261],[81.0895,24.92448],[81.128166,24.89362],[81.155487,24.931971],[81.16143,24.958511],[81.206001,24.93924],[81.201698,24.995729],[81.220238,25.00724],[81.261589,25.06846],[81.245697,25.105541],[81.257957,25.11685],[81.268646,25.16519],[81.329956,25.172491],[81.349411,25.167351],[81.38903,25.124262],[81.42778,25.13361],[81.436409,25.096161],[81.483727,25.07494],[81.493141,25.110653],[81.477722,25.12109],[81.491997,25.14876],[81.518738,25.151831],[81.532539,25.185421],[81.566399,25.195749],[81.581779,25.16827],[81.619659,25.15564],[81.592117,25.136381],[81.63195,25.10327],[81.594467,25.076933],[81.621902,25.056921],[81.646843,25.075041],[81.677803,25.064678],[81.681892,25.043772],[81.716408,25.052973],[81.791656,25.01001],[81.829369,25.019333],[81.901642,24.982821],[81.910309,24.9205],[81.902657,24.88413],[81.926727,24.86079],[81.964981,24.841421],[82.00489,24.850691],[82.081871,24.822111],[82.11219,24.792261],[82.132248,24.80448],[82.159393,24.792261],[82.208717,24.79777],[82.195671,24.763748],[82.238373,24.75441],[82.24305,24.701761],[82.291893,24.66478],[82.298416,24.628012],[82.329773,24.623751],[82.360847,24.602001],[82.409172,24.59783],[82.403526,24.636162],[82.411789,24.657848],[82.401596,24.6838],[82.420151,24.705252],[82.486763,24.675501],[82.518433,24.678341],[82.529266,24.65196],[82.66555,24.699862],[82.695953,24.67572],[82.691696,24.64864],[82.7658,24.64163],[82.768257,24.597542],[82.796371,24.59976],[82.800766,24.552681],[82.746017,24.541521],[82.71611,24.55714],[82.715637,24.5133],[82.736549,24.499771],[82.72377,24.47633],[82.725723,24.426258],[82.707161,24.38518],[82.718498,24.371222],[82.760582,24.373041],[82.764137,24.292431],[82.750587,24.268131],[82.749916,24.23613],[82.726997,24.223261],[82.736137,24.16835],[82.720367,24.13899],[82.688362,24.14423],[82.657387,24.134798],[82.701363,24.097071],[82.708397,24.080761],[82.754921,24.07324],[82.745888,24.013111],[82.801468,24.001062],[82.807777,23.963058]]]},"properties":{"ID_0":105,"ISO":"IN-MP","NAME_0":"India","ID_1":20,"NAME_1":"Madhya 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746,13.023461],[78.920433,13.028621],[78.917397,13.03255],[78.904396,13.031051],[78.898399,13.031691],[78.893463,13.035092],[78.900917,13.052101],[78.914383,13.067761],[78.930077,13.066022],[78.936638,13.069971],[78.945847,13.06351],[78.959183,13.06544],[78.962936,13.07156],[78.981743,13.0762],[78.988251,13.072652],[78.995239,13.063041],[79.000366,13.057881],[79.011429,13.05783],[79.02282,13.056401],[79.025887,13.04958],[79.033539,13.04566],[79.043892,13.04372],[79.053268,13.037991],[79.053978,13.028161],[79.060577,13.02084],[79.069069,13.014151],[79.082787,13.012471],[79.104378,13.02422],[79.11927,13.02257],[79.152702,13.007293],[79.161201,13.011799],[79.170593,13.01568],[79.173103,13.019281],[79.17662,13.02977],[79.176971,13.03338],[79.176537,13.038271],[79.169426,13.05301],[79.1791,13.060112],[79.180656,13.06704],[79.186996,13.07705],[79.188919,13.084619],[79.193321,13.08969],[79.202209,13.09029],[79.207443,13.091441],[79.214287,13.09684],[79.226357,13.13461],[79.24334,13.13335],[79.24424,13.141151],[79.247223,13.148082],[79.251373,13.146199],[79.25267,13.141299],[79.25647,13.13654],[79.261208,13.14075],[79.26741,13.141201],[79.271286,13.138061],[79.272667,13.12666],[79.273849,13.120901],[79.28495,13.12285],[79.288101,13.11828],[79.298767,13.114832],[79.29747,13.097371],[79.307938,13.096911],[79.310028,13.09994],[79.309731,13.1069],[79.312393,13.11377],[79.316727,13.119369],[79.330688,13.121231],[79.33532,13.12751],[79.337791,13.123171],[79.344353,13.123561],[79.350098,13.12545],[79.347771,13.163019],[79.361206,13.156041],[79.364937,13.160371],[79.367172,13.165581],[79.370781,13.16859],[79.369003,13.176261],[79.378357,13.182431],[79.384377,13.184721],[79.397919,13.186422],[79.413292,13.185849],[79.420593,13.184462],[79.42379,13.187461],[79.42157,13.193181],[79.423157,13.198911],[79.421631,13.208531],[79.445503,13.216771],[79.445442,13.221721],[79.442459,13.22918],[79.436096,13.229832],[79.418167,13.218462],[79.417,13.212201],[79.410843,13.212162],[79.408653,13.21959],[79.409683,13.22815],[79.407341,13.237661],[79.408669,13.246741],[79.4123,13.25751],[79.419022,13.266339],[79.417992,13.269061],[79.418373,13.27459],[79.425026,13.281341],[79.421776,13.28666],[79.405426,13.285411],[79.385628,13.294701],[79.374603,13.30304],[79.401398,13.315751],[79.41732,13.321959],[79.454643,13.324321],[79.479279,13.32146],[79.487228,13.316551],[79.49781,13.314821],[79.522713,13.315931],[79.535782,13.31107],[79.538872,13.300921],[79.541443,13.278932],[79.554787,13.259181],[79.565376,13.249401],[79.570961,13.247379],[79.580261,13.245371],[79.585419,13.247101],[79.586449,13.253481],[79.588676,13.260411],[79.601143,13.26773],[79.668533,13.281931],[79.679321,13.269332],[79.684303,13.25668],[79.673767,13.247021],[79.671112,13.235842],[79.673317,13.22949],[79.680687,13.228371],[79.684563,13.23385],[79.691933,13.238529],[79.696037,13.233891],[79.695747,13.223761],[79.689438,13.21125],[79.699638,13.202681],[79.705688,13.209231],[79.711426,13.21048],[79.715706,13.2144],[79.718567,13.222591],[79.722832,13.221851],[79.726517,13.217381],[79.732529,13.214961],[79.737503,13.205521],[79.738266,13.198259],[79.744377,13.194911],[79.751831,13.20478],[79.757721,13.205571],[79.773567,13.21752],[79.777336,13.217192],[79.783257,13.217919],[79.783257,13.228162],[79.775391,13.234119],[79.752777,13.24376],[79.745583,13.248211],[79.739388,13.254431],[79.721779,13.265731],[79.721291,13.27224],[79.729637,13.27508],[79.741493,13.276662],[79.746147,13.280001],[79.749756,13.290881],[79.750557,13.29881],[79.754059,13.30279],[79.768356,13.28963],[79.7798,13.28207],[79.787277,13.28462],[79.800293,13.304321],[79.808487,13.30508],[79.824043,13.30232],[79.851166,13.30343],[79.870552,13.31176],[79.874962,13.317401],[79.880157,13.320439],[79.886078,13.321292],[79.897362,13.32949],[79.903862,13.333271],[79.925507,13.33594],[79.953583,13.374111],[79.93248,13.404371],[79.950851,13.40812],[79.958481,13.412851],[79.963226,13.417911],[79.961021,13.427661],[79.963066,13.440573],[79.962189,13.444139],[79.961861,13.45128],[79.968269,13.456431],[79.987473,13.46191],[79.990562,13.46206],[79.990761,13.45922],[79.995377,13.459451],[80.004402,13.47826],[80.005898,13.487771],[80.024818,13.4867],[80.036041,13.48448],[79.989677,13.52676],[79.994133,13.5296],[80.007713,13.532372],[80.014496,13.52849],[80.017548,13.525131],[80.02951,13.52359],[80.034096,13.521801],[80.045418,13.521981],[80.050987,13.530512],[80.059509,13.532549],[80.065613,13.53476],[80.067177,13.53592],[80.069443,13.537591],[80.088669,13.52553],[80.096703,13.50821],[80.099426,13.50631],[80.100357,13.5052],[80.120811,13.50236],[80.132713,13.495919],[80.137611,13.491151],[80.144577,13.485611],[80.1521,13.47888],[80.216248,13.481832],[80.259888,13.447362],[80.267998,13.414342],[80.277893,13.407532],[80.279999,13.402051],[80.278946,13.39906],[80.277222,13.399211],[80.276291,13.3994],[80.273918,13.397691],[80.27597,13.389142],[80.315369,13.371451],[80.329582,13.400141],[80.345703,13.327641],[80.342918,13.271805],[80.3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,24.43714],[83.398956,24.412081],[83.429886,24.40379],[83.443207,24.372789],[83.434311,24.347471],[83.403328,24.337391],[83.37561,24.31345],[83.396156,24.29339],[83.401886,24.266001],[83.3769,24.23093],[83.378342,24.20079],[83.349007,24.126438],[83.323563,24.10133],[83.292427,24.077209],[83.276077,24.023281],[83.216026,23.989403],[83.211212,23.960358],[83.189568,23.921101],[83.145218,23.909943],[83.127411,23.89002],[83.061043,23.87524],[83.036438,23.883051],[82.95359,23.87277],[82.881187,23.91028],[82.8489,23.946833],[82.807777,23.963058],[82.801468,24.001062],[82.745888,24.013111],[82.754921,24.07324],[82.708397,24.080761],[82.701363,24.097071],[82.657387,24.134798],[82.688362,24.14423],[82.720367,24.13899],[82.736137,24.16835],[82.726997,24.223261],[82.749916,24.23613],[82.750587,24.268131],[82.764137,24.292431],[82.760582,24.373041],[82.718498,24.371222],[82.707161,24.38518],[82.725723,24.426258],[82.72377,24.47633],[82.736549,24.499771],[82.715637,24.5133],[82.71611,24.55714],[82.746017,24.541521],[82.800766,24.552681],[82.796371,24.59976],[82.768257,24.597542],[82.7658,24.64163],[82.691696,24.64864],[82.695953,24.67572],[82.66555,24.699862],[82.529266,24.65196],[82.518433,24.678341],[82.486763,24.675501],[82.420151,24.705252],[82.401596,24.6838],[82.411789,24.657848],[82.403526,24.636162],[82.409172,24.59783],[82.360847,24.602001],[82.329773,24.623751],[82.298416,24.628012],[82.291893,24.66478],[82.24305,24.701761],[82.238373,24.75441],[82.195671,24.763748],[82.208717,24.79777],[82.159393,24.792261],[82.132248,24.80448],[82.11219,24.792261],[82.081871,24.822111],[82.00489,24.850691],[81.964981,24.841421],[81.926727,24.86079],[81.902657,24.88413],[81.910309,24.9205],[81.901642,24.982821],[81.829369,25.019333],[81.791656,25.01001],[81.716408,25.052973],[81.681892,25.043772],[81.677803,25.064678],[81.646843,25.075041],[81.621902,25.056921],[81.594467,25.076933],[81.63195,25.10327],[81.592117,25.136381],[81.619659,25.15564],[81.581779,25.16827],[81.566399,25.195749],[81.532539,25.185421],[81.518738,25.151831],[81.491997,25.14876],[81.477722,25.12109],[81.493141,25.110653],[81.483727,25.07494],[81.436409,25.096161],[81.42778,25.13361],[81.38903,25.124262],[81.349411,25.167351],[81.329956,25.172491],[81.268646,25.16519],[81.257957,25.11685],[81.245697,25.105541],[81.261589,25.06846],[81.220238,25.00724],[81.201698,24.995729],[81.206001,24.93924],[81.16143,24.958511],[81.155487,24.931971],[81.128166,24.89362],[81.0895,24.92448],[81.076416,24.952261],[81.026672,24.954969],[81.000023,24.94021],[80.952873,24.93944],[80.936821,24.9725],[80.856613,24.935951],[80.8022,24.94446],[80.818642,24.973631],[80.85025,25.003141],[80.829117,25.02998],[80.870651,25.071051],[80.864983,25.12365],[80.905563,25.16448],[80.869537,25.18866],[80.841888,25.16794],[80.818642,25.13055],[80.750862,25.141701],[80.7173,25.12892],[80.719009,25.104021],[80.775978,25.084301],[80.77594,25.061691],[80.727203,25.071821],[80.673569,25.054171],[80.641457,25.093149],[80.608467,25.0986],[80.622299,25.122021],[80.594589,25.155241],[80.578667,25.088263],[80.543419,25.067661],[80.502319,25.06286],[80.470177,25.044691],[80.440712,25.082069],[80.394127,25.072021],[80.367821,25.025431],[80.314102,25.00351],[80.266937,25.030243],[80.28196,25.063221],[80.304787,25.07551],[80.348618,25.140692],[80.386757,25.162882],[80.423698,25.174143],[80.401657,25.220951],[80.357712,25.251131],[80.340973,25.278601],[80.302673,25.296961],[80.311737,25.334209],[80.302628,25.35828],[80.309052,25.39184],[80.273727,25.425039],[80.245186,25.40489],[80.188828,25.406431],[80.187897,25.38365],[80.15918,25.377649],[80.127083,25.340618],[80.083298,25.355831],[80.070023,25.3431],[80.020737,25.343161],[79.997337,25.27013],[79.949219,25.265301],[79.8936,25.24621],[79.872459,25.253792],[79.84523,25.236551],[79.860588,25.156061],[79.827217,25.100121],[79.739578,25.14296],[79.666168,25.127121],[79.632851,25.13283],[79.550339,25.169401],[79.513771,25.125723],[79.517227,25.101788],[79.489876,25.08275],[79.436371,25.107821],[79.38929,25.120581],[79.383873,25.17028],[79.409576,25.208761],[79.442398,25.220951],[79.434181,25.241781],[79.401222,25.26236],[79.401886,25.279251],[79.294731,25.340219],[79.260139,25.31024],[79.256508,25.27947],[79.286461,25.281071],[79.31469,25.261393],[79.340088,25.27276],[79.341118,25.23049],[79.278023,25.21064],[79.283516,25.189461],[79.314537,25.151878],[79.276543,25.12026],[79.250603,25.161209],[79.23838,25.116369],[79.197937,25.128189],[79.133377,25.111061],[79.107811,25.1437],[79.119209,25.163441],[79.090576,25.176229],[79.064079,25.172491],[79.024597,25.186571],[79.056442,25.22571],[79.026482,25.234671],[79.01236,25.27404],[78.986771,25.27496],[78.972313,25.24283],[79.000359,25.216051],[78.982407,25.19915],[78.952843,25.220692],[78.924232,25.2106],[78.877136,25.162182],[78.867386,25.18996],[78.881622,25.215471],[78.872177,25.25079],[78.896446,25.249941],[78.9086,25.274361],[78.970276,25.291092],[78.931229,25.332413],[78.885246,25.346691],[78.856438,25.316959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55],[77.428589,26.785789],[77.439217,26.819151],[77.417488,26.842791],[77.42247,26.86702],[77.450523,26.875011],[77.482468,26.90378],[77.57975,26.93087],[77.642273,26.9673],[77.691917,26.978992],[77.703583,27.000311],[77.670769,27.048901],[77.657028,27.022732],[77.598816,27.02883],[77.558937,27.04879],[77.565681,27.078011],[77.518227,27.088093],[77.544449,27.115601],[77.597267,27.129051],[77.614807,27.174789],[77.654617,27.175581],[77.672997,27.200361],[77.642029,27.214769],[77.644203,27.238878],[77.609093,27.287991],[77.616341,27.33831],[77.574547,27.326731],[77.542747,27.342428],[77.497246,27.381363],[77.431892,27.399158],[77.415176,27.425371],[77.429596,27.462049],[77.393593,27.481941],[77.37619,27.5186],[77.340263,27.524773],[77.325783,27.596878],[77.311211,27.611691],[77.342323,27.65303],[77.333939,27.70792],[77.302353,27.713211],[77.310677,27.73687],[77.304146,27.78801],[77.27578,27.806549],[77.312927,27.830051],[77.339333,27.859591],[77.412392,27.859072],[77.40155,27.881901],[77.422203,27.89448],[77.4422,27.878481],[77.469818,27.89473],[77.468727,27.932911],[77.519211,27.931881],[77.535919,27.965549],[77.535217,27.99333],[77.477638,28.049101],[77.473068,28.10372],[77.499397,28.122591],[77.498909,28.16301],[77.531769,28.170259],[77.537949,28.190891],[77.492737,28.28063],[77.495789,28.307041],[77.466408,28.341209],[77.49424,28.358261],[77.469536,28.3943],[77.474556,28.413511],[77.435997,28.43161],[77.425781,28.45454],[77.397797,28.458641],[77.360481,28.49786],[77.337738,28.50897],[77.295189,28.561201],[77.307137,28.59691],[77.336182,28.60887],[77.311211,28.644642],[77.327583,28.691841],[77.306221,28.71767],[77.259918,28.738123],[77.194443,28.802292],[77.217323,28.835279],[77.186867,28.866819],[77.18177,28.889801],[77.216873,28.900343],[77.190956,28.961651],[77.214188,29.00596],[77.162636,29.048571],[77.157188,29.077532],[77.124382,29.101488],[77.13858,29.134769],[77.126617,29.15402],[77.139992,29.182081],[77.12722,29.228142],[77.142799,29.237791],[77.129486,29.272791],[77.154213,29.316921],[77.146446,29.34506],[77.120033,29.349791],[77.116943,29.37668],[77.138649,29.383909],[77.124878,29.422171],[77.139389,29.442101],[77.117836,29.456461],[77.123322,29.486061],[77.084908,29.53359],[77.109718,29.55299],[77.085617,29.6008],[77.140213,29.717272],[77.112953,29.7486],[77.118286,29.775551],[77.152382,29.79328],[77.155647,29.81679],[77.182457,29.87328],[77.179558,29.902269],[77.250473,29.988451],[77.27314,30.03404],[77.270409,30.04834],[77.331741,30.064451],[77.373428,30.093019],[77.414192,30.111111],[77.410828,30.14588],[77.423546,30.16848],[77.446846,30.16861],[77.473267,30.188591],[77.495987,30.233631],[77.532181,30.286858],[77.570351,30.31123],[77.569893,30.337111],[77.592018,30.370861],[77.57489,30.38452],[77.563057,30.40449],[77.635696,30.410122],[77.673866,30.3846],[77.710777,30.33876],[77.751297,30.32465],[77.812408,30.290751],[77.916847,30.25617],[77.929321,30.23999],[77.904396,30.215208],[77.895996,30.186293],[77.819969,30.093639],[77.786438,30.09997],[77.758209,30.046541],[77.773888,30.032101],[77.740807,29.99412],[77.740143,29.9589],[77.717682,29.934952],[77.733017,29.913481],[77.703262,29.86767],[77.730057,29.853081],[77.742149,29.809521],[77.764702,29.78546],[77.757713,29.715919],[77.797447,29.69783],[77.792519,29.681921],[77.834267,29.671883],[77.873878,29.701971],[77.89994,29.697821],[77.940819,29.7146],[77.945396,29.687231],[77.97702,29.642061],[77.984573,29.584553],[77.978859,29.554131],[78.032562,29.551701],[78.04393,29.593071],[78.078506,29.599543],[78.090622,29.624771],[78.165932,29.679529],[78.193527,29.710058],[78.2314,29.70409],[78.302933,29.757591],[78.331741,29.796181],[78.385986,29.773861],[78.487579,29.741383],[78.507446,29.69083],[78.511513,29.65069],[78.53054,29.623932],[78.576477,29.58057],[78.639572,29.547779],[78.693359,29.508871],[78.726608,29.508711],[78.765778,29.483789],[78.865753,29.4596],[78.900337,29.456181],[78.896477,29.42358],[78.856796,29.38559],[78.814178,29.370043],[78.784447,29.34293],[78.757408,29.34976],[78.725708,29.329983],[78.727562,29.31279],[78.813782,29.252291],[78.831253,29.260738],[78.864067,29.249493],[78.899162,29.202593],[78.904793,29.16317],[78.944389,29.14959],[78.966629,29.16555],[79.000572,29.11655],[79.012787,29.14913],[79.072861,29.151991],[79.100746,29.13168],[79.14222,29.119728],[79.13472,29.081911],[79.165413,29.051258],[79.168587,29.01586],[79.204033,29.0291],[79.237747,29.00684],[79.278877,28.96484],[79.349617,28.952101],[79.401436,28.932261],[79.395653,28.885441],[79.411217,28.855881],[79.50724,28.8633],[79.533089,28.89031],[79.55397,28.878521],[79.550926,28.845892],[79.592262,28.86655],[79.619041,28.86758],[79.666199,28.84833],[79.709618,28.87921],[79.774467,28.89183],[79.802803,28.87182],[79.80146,28.83329],[79.849487,28.845381],[79.84053,28.808661],[79.888939,28.78577],[79.912048,28.764961],[79.92952,28.726513],[79.988258,28.717018],[80.013626,28.73737],[80.040459,28.78311],[80.025688,28.79985],[80.058426,28.83526],[80.07238,28.829744]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1.69018],[88.695,21.743891],[88.716202,21.807381]]],[[[88.544571,21.81032],[88.569443,21.793886],[88.562492,21.760281],[88.524811,21.718481],[88.504379,21.750763],[88.504723,21.772499],[88.544571,21.81032]]],[[[88.421806,21.81109],[88.439941,21.789181],[88.400856,21.74394],[88.38282,21.779596],[88.421806,21.81109]]],[[[88.828079,21.804029],[88.830276,21.767221],[88.811897,21.7512],[88.785652,21.768961],[88.828079,21.804029]]],[[[88.787498,21.745001],[88.75666,21.73341],[88.764938,21.784395],[88.784721,21.772499],[88.787498,21.745001]]],[[[88.915833,21.825834],[88.919998,21.823055],[88.934998,21.8225],[88.937233,21.817501],[88.926941,21.804161],[88.92778,21.800001],[88.917778,21.791664],[88.923332,21.788055],[88.905556,21.751665],[88.900833,21.776951],[88.885559,21.810289],[88.894722,21.81278],[88.902779,21.820557],[88.915833,21.825834]]],[[[88.941391,21.847221],[88.946953,21.839453],[88.953613,21.825556],[88.95417,21.80806],[88.919716,21.775],[88.924446,21.7875],[88.919716,21.791931],[88.929169,21.800001],[88.934723,21.814173],[88.938896,21.81694],[88.936943,21.8225],[88.927223,21.82333],[88.924721,21.835279],[88.932777,21.836945],[88.934998,21.845001],[88.941391,21.847221]]],[[[88.331131,21.860687],[88.352127,21.85487],[88.361389,21.796021],[88.379967,21.78727],[88.377907,21.768602],[88.357224,21.766947],[88.343452,21.760269],[88.339806,21.751011],[88.345001,21.721666],[88.305801,21.717606],[88.303589,21.760803],[88.282135,21.791256],[88.264198,21.793949],[88.2603,21.807199],[88.265884,21.813749],[88.284607,21.822721],[88.307732,21.830301],[88.331131,21.860687]]],[[[88.85611,21.86528],[88.855553,21.85722],[88.87722,21.851669],[88.875,21.845833],[88.88028,21.82889],[88.879723,21.807775],[88.896942,21.781668],[88.891113,21.762501],[88.834999,21.781668],[88.839157,21.84861],[88.85611,21.86528]]],[[[88.136948,21.875],[88.157219,21.830299],[88.170944,21.745102],[88.15361,21.692499],[88.154999,21.652781],[88.115555,21.625834],[88.041664,21.649166],[88.036942,21.673891],[88.044228,21.717693],[88.061386,21.734442],[88.072266,21.778313],[88.121956,21.865671],[88.136948,21.875]]],[[[88.789169,21.878611],[88.792221,21.873055],[88.78611,21.868332],[88.789436,21.863331],[88.798889,21.870832],[88.803612,21.866945],[88.828888,21.863333],[88.821106,21.825001],[88.794441,21.812502],[88.765831,21.830553],[88.776947,21.865278],[88.789169,21.878611]]],[[[88.979057,21.89349],[89.03096,21.862782],[89.020241,21.817833],[88.976341,21.804285],[88.951241,21.841742],[88.979675,21.869362],[88.979057,21.89349]]],[[[88.621666,21.897779],[88.652847,21.868658],[88.638611,21.784721],[88.622238,21.793221],[88.620277,21.824167],[88.594719,21.85611],[88.621666,21.897779]]],[[[88.56234,21.897461],[88.576393,21.888611],[88.563118,21.830931],[88.530556,21.849169],[88.540504,21.870399],[88.56234,21.897461]]],[[[88.44648,21.904921],[88.460556,21.893641],[88.483826,21.88525],[88.490723,21.850321],[88.454338,21.82181],[88.442741,21.802212],[88.392517,21.832602],[88.400276,21.87306],[88.417137,21.88728],[88.419823,21.903139],[88.435837,21.90167],[88.44648,21.904921]]],[[[88.718056,21.907223],[88.726669,21.899164],[88.747498,21.896669],[88.751106,21.88694],[88.7575,21.878889],[88.775002,21.865],[88.750832,21.800562],[88.72583,21.794447],[88.696106,21.84222],[88.718056,21.907223]]],[[[88.639999,21.92168],[88.666946,21.913336],[88.653053,21.880833],[88.623383,21.901409],[88.639999,21.92168]]],[[[88.836555,21.917892],[88.886597,21.914457],[88.914566,21.92812],[88.971649,21.89917],[88.964447,21.863058],[88.948059,21.841391],[88.946388,21.841667],[88.938606,21.853889],[88.938332,21.84889],[88.933327,21.845831],[88.93277,21.83889],[88.922783,21.83556],[88.914436,21.827499],[88.902222,21.821671],[88.889999,21.812222],[88.88028,21.822227],[88.8825,21.829721],[88.877502,21.845833],[88.878609,21.851944],[88.874168,21.855],[88.861115,21.855831],[88.849167,21.896111],[88.836555,21.917892]]],[[[88.72361,21.931944],[88.732216,21.919722],[88.754448,21.92667],[88.799446,21.919722],[88.814163,21.902781],[88.796669,21.876671],[88.792778,21.867208],[88.787224,21.866945],[88.793327,21.87278],[88.792503,21.878059],[88.78833,21.879444],[88.786392,21.878611],[88.779167,21.87027],[88.771942,21.878059],[88.758057,21.880278],[88.750832,21.888611],[88.750557,21.895555],[88.74472,21.899446],[88.716942,21.918608],[88.72361,21.931944]]],[[[88.745392,21.979738],[88.749496,21.95903],[88.799393,21.925928],[88.761681,21.930811],[88.73278,21.925278],[88.722397,21.942631],[88.72506,21.978453],[88.745392,21.979738]]],[[[88.659973,22.019213],[88.715782,22.000641],[88.678154,21.942867],[88.633461,21.951559],[88.634857,21.995951],[88.659973,22.019213]]],[[[88.141388,22.02639],[88.087502,21.932779],[88.04583,21.915558],[88.070267,21.990829],[88.093887,22.011391],[88.141388,22.02639]]],[[[88.812767,22.019442],[88.899719,22.01306],[88.907272,21.929537],[88.856583,21.91906],[88.824837,21.93985],[88.775558,21.943331],[88.751663,21.958891],[88.749725,21.981947],[88.761497,22.014521],[88.801392,22.029722],[88.812767,22.019442]]],[[[88.902786,22.045334],[88.901665,22.018888],[88.877014,22.014839],[88.853897,22.043291],[88.902786,22.045334]]],[[[89.016197,22.05092],[89.040352,22.049162],[89.068039,22.013613],[89.078018,21.986418],[89.063286,21.934511],[89.030327,21.926443],[88.999458,21.94982],[89.018066,21.975534],[88.974327,21.994553],[88.968079,22.015541],[88.986107,22.049101],[89.016197,22.05092]]],[[[88.811859,22.060755],[88.831863,22.026976],[88.780457,22.037535],[88.811859,22.060755]]],[[[88.87056,22.078939],[88.881065,22.045582],[88.860558,22.046116],[88.850388,22.042707],[88.819443,22.062502],[88.87056,22.078939]]],[[[88.803467,22.085274],[88.805824,22.065763],[88.780769,22.048618],[88.74794,22.059301],[88.778999,22.103003],[88.803467,22.085274]]],[[[88.817902,22.12303],[88.847183,22.11725],[88.865852,22.081455],[88.837753,22.073242],[88.805511,22.085081],[88.799126,22.111877],[88.817902,22.12303]]],[[[88.865143,22.16699],[88.886086,22.164829],[88.922745,22.108953],[88.91703,22.091202],[88.872253,22.087805],[88.846458,22.121302],[88.865143,22.16699]]],[[[88.949966,22.189192],[88.984978,22.148121],[88.98333,22.118891],[88.958076,22.060242],[88.977097,22.038393],[88.965187,22.01741],[88.972496,21.987791],[88.993889,21.970282],[88.994591,21.941973],[89.021347,21.921659],[88.992332,21.906946],[88.931473,21.942078],[88.91272,21.99436],[88.916077,22.01063],[88.901703,22.063866],[88.930717,22.098101],[88.909439,22.133644],[88.919716,22.161112],[88.949966,22.189192]]],[[[89.00193,22.199171],[89.013023,22.195822],[89.022423,22.148363],[89.04911,22.132919],[89.031113,22.093889],[89.038872,22.055458],[88.962807,22.061132],[88.98037,22.079283],[88.996613,22.14012],[88.972687,22.193438],[89.00193,22.199171]]],[[[88.69519,22.208612],[88.731895,22.193991],[88.764977,22.1922],[88.789169,22.169449],[88.766388,22.146111],[88.736023,22.132681],[88.688972,22.089905],[88.6884,22.059771],[88.729416,22.038321],[88.720413,22.005596],[88.663391,22.024397],[88.652153,22.08143],[88.634186,22.106211],[88.652863,22.163391],[88.69519,22.208612]]],[[[88.844749,22.189192],[88.849846,22.142733],[88.798431,22.124952],[88.749588,22.081057],[88.739166,22.056992],[88.702538,22.077951],[88.735527,22.10533],[88.749161,22.135],[88.771042,22.142574],[88.806496,22.178011],[88.832603,22.164518],[88.844749,22.189192]]],[[[88.932373,22.225],[88.954185,22.221603],[88.960991,22.194052],[88.944489,22.192762],[88.93148,22.177011],[88.909172,22.194101],[88.932373,22.225]]],[[[88.812599,22.283392],[88.825417,22.240911],[88.80101,22.228003],[88.815193,22.18117],[88.788864,22.17835],[88.766029,22.194921],[88.747177,22.199011],[88.75219,22.230391],[88.773521,22.25071],[88.785652,22.257372],[88.791565,22.258436],[88.793236,22.261602],[88.812599,22.283392]]],[[[88.849861,22.362917],[88.891571,22.343082],[88.911659,22.31167],[88.937469,22.297369],[88.92981,22.263655],[88.954155,22.225691],[88.916588,22.225042],[88.906479,22.19203],[88.872269,22.17137],[88.866653,22.195505],[88.805489,22.221361],[88.828423,22.241905],[88.827301,22.265451],[88.80513,22.296072],[88.807503,22.333328],[88.818336,22.358892],[88.831947,22.358059],[88.849861,22.362917]]],[[[88.984756,22.382433],[88.984001,22.324713],[89,22.323336],[88.996437,22.282633],[89.033546,22.25453],[89.040413,22.222132],[89.069122,22.189934],[89.050552,22.146669],[89.023529,22.16538],[89.018608,22.206671],[88.968163,22.21505],[88.94722,22.25556],[88.954697,22.361099],[88.984756,22.382433]]],[[[88.897697,22.548861],[88.905693,22.520521],[88.893059,22.48667],[88.896301,22.471849],[88.892288,22.465935],[88.897499,22.459192],[88.900658,22.444618],[88.908012,22.434156],[88.90451,22.411673],[88.921112,22.39917],[88.884392,22.376081],[88.882294,22.403191],[88.861481,22.413212],[88.861328,22.499031],[88.867157,22.530493],[88.897697,22.548861]]],[[[88.920166,22.565306],[88.955948,22.551373],[88.978333,22.4825],[88.995003,22.467779],[88.989166,22.439444],[88.968613,22.412783],[88.964447,22.37389],[88.948624,22.354815],[88.943268,22.310652],[88.907036,22.336271],[88.896431,22.379829],[88.915916,22.391945],[88.92614,22.405802],[88.918892,22.429722],[88.903923,22.446152],[88.90316,22.455229],[88.894722,22.466112],[88.898819,22.476845],[88.896187,22.483509],[88.913887,22.514723],[88.896141,22.560795],[88.920166,22.565306]]],[[[88.751686,27.148211],[88.800049,27.13682],[88.826149,27.117661],[88.869919,27.108721],[88.878731,27.038401],[88.870499,27.010811],[88.872696,26.957138],[88.889183,26.96133],[88.911316,26.99437],[88.946533,26.977385],[88.941414,26.938578],[88.984589,26.920761],[89.027443,26.937998],[89.049469,26.902529],[89.085831,26.897348],[89.104141,26.85984],[89.102028,26.836309],[89.129036,26.809191],[89.174934,26.821428],[89.189789,26.808521],[89.252052,26.816429],[89.319893,26.853249],[89.384445,26.861773],[89.389503,26.84185],[89.447983,26.834761],[89.459282,26.806259],[89.496323,26.803001],[89.528389,26.818995],[89.653511,26.771881],[89.641853,26.74703],[89.703278,26.737122],[89.755127,26.72064],[89.776932,26.69931],[89.807213,26.715021],[89.856941,26.703781],[89.871429,26.683531],[89.877548,26.584242],[89.864998,26.570271],[89.852692,26.48778],[89.869499,26.44842],[89.844849,26.410221],[89.857292,26.38446],[89.827057,26.36665],[89.782013,26.353279],[89.780861,26.330881],[89.742348,26.29521],[89.717346,26.259161],[89.711708,26.227741],[89.718758,26.166048],[89.695923,26.17515],[89.660866,26.21767],[89.637581,26.227678],[89.641388,26.178801],[89.624481,26.177971],[89.598663,26.13912],[89.631607,26.11545],[89.6502,26.06868],[89.585182,26.031328],[89.581337,25.978401],[89.557899,25.964581],[89.544693,25.99398],[89.467346,25.998001],[89.432976,26.01552],[89.397057,26.02013],[89.363129,26.00762],[89.328377,26.037083],[89.261566,26.063921],[89.254059,26.10218],[89.230171,26.122641],[89.197777,26.121941],[89.160049,26.142288],[89.140587,26.180099],[89.146881,26.235361],[89.110611,26.289368],[89.140526,26.299669],[89.104248,26.333031],[89.099747,26.38479],[89.072861,26.400141],[89.045822,26.39794],[89.028923,26.416321],[89.000496,26.419962],[88.990028,26.450251],[88.964569,26.4608],[88.951447,26.429171],[88.925201,26.40443],[88.917732,26.374731],[89.006653,26.3328],[89.003319,26.30183],[89.028366,26.290339],[89.066597,26.292891],[89.057457,26.245022],[88.962029,26.24477],[88.934853,26.2883],[88.881058,26.29027],[88.852829,26.236332],[88.819206,26.259701],[88.821587,26.300713],[88.804146,26.3118],[88.761581,26.300591],[88.761597,26.333761],[88.749191,26.353241],[88.696571,26.344341],[88.68528,26.383171],[88.649658,26.42724],[88.597023,26.44939],[88.557121,26.45685],[88.54937,26.483299],[88.524757,26.50614],[88.491928,26.516809],[88.486061,26.541311],[88.432121,26.55109],[88.41745,26.63093],[88.400887,26.626921],[88.377541,26.59351],[88.352577,26.51202],[88.334366,26.47868],[88.362282,26.454679],[88.374977,26.48719],[88.413666,26.471958],[88.484192,26.460491],[88.494278,26.41643],[88.52523,26.37285],[88.508743,26.359159],[88.444,26.356413],[88.402931,26.316771],[88.351753,26.281582],[88.352516,26.21999],[88.32029,26.201241],[88.250732,26.189081],[88.233513,26.170973],[88.180443,26.145693],[88.175636,26.108919],[88.161247,26.092468],[88.188019,26.062901],[88.13131,25.987728],[88.11187,25.93313],[88.086761,25.9125],[88.107147,25.87994],[88.113991,25.847933],[88.105698,25.823971],[88.157936,25.77586],[88.186256,25.79878],[88.202461,25.7885],[88.269928,25.80814],[88.271759,25.779921],[88.378601,25.71163],[88.374969,25.694902],[88.407143,25.669319],[88.456726,25.6605],[88.448349,25.613123],[88.472557,25.581053],[88.551437,25.516069],[88.624573,25.495291],[88.665047,25.470701],[88.700188,25.470261],[88.710251,25.49612],[88.741127,25.501211],[88.767036,25.491331],[88.798019,25.52165],[88.814552,25.48712],[88.831924,25.485397],[88.842117,25.45339],[88.826752,25.39901],[88.844963,25.392019],[88.843658,25.36241],[88.905052,25.335951],[88.919067,25.308571],[88.956207,25.307798],[88.989281,25.29575],[88.958092,25.26088],[88.958878,25.219601],[88.93782,25.20005],[88.923027,25.16713],[88.897621,25.18454],[88.875877,25.181971],[88.847839,25.21014],[88.803787,25.172291],[88.747093,25.185438],[88.709229,25.2096],[88.670403,25.200663],[88.613869,25.205351],[88.575897,25.178551],[88.553497,25.19598],[88.477737,25.21331],[88.44384,25.194891],[88.462997,25.15122],[88.442802,25.126263],[88.452873,25.079271],[88.452896,25.040901],[88.397461,24.96912],[88.401497,24.94569],[88.360817,24.94935],[88.341728,24.939011],[88.315308,24.88076],[88.266869,24.893431],[88.263573,24.918261],[88.230537,24.957981],[88.180023,24.953892],[88.140587,24.917339],[88.167358,24.863491],[88.112022,24.812571],[88.067329,24.7498],[88.059868,24.71505],[88.012817,24.671131],[88.04615,24.637421],[88.107117,24.545441],[88.14785,24.50563],[88.175781,24.49033],[88.20546,24.457911],[88.264687,24.44496],[88.327736,24.386751],[88.391869,24.372108],[88.437759,24.380833],[88.507187,24.344681],[88.530502,24.342058],[88.555946,24.29641],[88.568108,24.326641],[88.628502,24.30657],[88.67347,24.315161],[88.722763,24.296911],[88.737061,24.267761],[88.731979,24.197399],[88.699516,24.166031],[88.710197,24.118919],[88.736603,24.05563],[88.741081,23.98457],[88.733261,23.914339],[88.666939,23.88397],[88.63308,23.861361],[88.622429,23.87356],[88.575981,23.859751],[88.60173,23.816851],[88.580818,23.78867],[88.574699,23.736332],[88.564217,23.714783],[88.573936,23.67],[88.561676,23.64571],[88.593231,23.626381],[88.587433,23.599953],[88.643677,23.60849],[88.661621,23.54973],[88.74292,23.48078],[88.779442,23.497671],[88.800148,23.480541],[88.789963,23.440653],[88.764427,23.44211],[88.753479,23.387442],[88.762787,23.367632],[88.73645,23.348623],[88.746933,23.31798],[88.696777,23.29285],[88.723717,23.26963],[88.72036,23.252663],[88.769653,23.238581],[88.785431,23.217571],[88.814087,23.21656],[88.830933,23.24469],[88.85276,23.224609],[88.913467,23.23],[88.961571,23.189873],[88.937897,23.16918],[88.931351,23.13858],[88.897453,23.106081],[88.870071,23.09605],[88.866478,23.068861],[88.878456,23.029051],[88.868736,22.968779],[88.897163,22.949162],[88.909332,22.877401],[88.946007,22.877439],[88.967567,22.842489],[88.958443,22.79421],[88.920677,22.765322],[88.920769,22.73385],[88.95919,22.69117],[88.930107,22.640993],[88.937752,22.570782],[88.896385,22.563334],[88.868889,22.545835],[88.859291,22.49872],[88.851692,22.432932],[88.849236,22.364542],[88.833084,22.359219],[88.823036,22.360691],[88.815933,22.357981],[88.80262,22.328983],[88.804733,22.28381],[88.792709,22.27619],[88.793007,22.26969],[88.790794,22.259703],[88.78553,22.258589],[88.771767,22.251011],[88.743614,22.229166],[88.733612,22.195555],[88.69928,22.210133],[88.672592,22.205059],[88.638336,22.155281],[88.61937,22.10533],[88.635475,22.042614],[88.614441,22.01972],[88.598343,21.96833],[88.614738,21.937538],[88.602219,21.90667],[88.578331,21.889444],[88.570526,21.904831],[88.561394,21.898987],[88.545044,21.90604],[88.548042,21.88225],[88.528053,21.853056],[88.473557,21.895342],[88.458061,21.897833],[88.461884,21.91803],[88.441673,21.91139],[88.432053,21.90266],[88.424187,21.907713],[88.416229,21.901272],[88.397224,21.885836],[88.385773,21.839403],[88.39241,21.803333],[88.363708,21.798256],[88.354927,21.855656],[88.325653,21.86215],[88.311188,21.85544],[88.306038,21.830683],[88.268677,21.817621],[88.259766,21.809523],[88.258362,21.80077],[88.282379,21.75502],[88.217224,21.764444],[88.200882,21.819466],[88.163612,21.878611],[88.176392,21.919722],[88.153831,21.95961],[88.195572,22.003611],[88.21389,22.034721],[88.224167,22.089722],[88.210556,22.149445],[88.188057,22.18667],[88.116669,22.209169],[88.072777,22.210001],[88.104721,22.30389],[88.078613,22.28417],[88.075279,22.252781],[88.049156,22.220001],[88.026108,22.2225],[87.984047,22.246464],[87.960045,22.280222],[87.958321,22.34869],[87.933052,22.31389],[87.9375,22.264723],[87.97155,22.236601],[87.99044,22.209459],[88.034721,22.209444],[88.065552,22.18972],[88.135559,22.184723],[88.193611,22.110832],[88.166946,22.07361],[88.083336,22.021387],[88.05278,22.013329],[87.980278,21.85778],[87.92778,21.799721],[87.894722,21.784445],[87.830826,21.734173],[87.789719,21.695],[87.753326,21.6975],[87.729164,21.672775],[87.677788,21.653891],[87.56028,21.633005],[87.482033,21.608704],[87.467766,21.645651],[87.470833,21.70718],[87.443672,21.760889],[87.373489,21.766411],[87.352081,21.78573],[87.317307,21.785721],[87.280609,21.799158],[87.244751,21.856371],[87.23481,21.895601],[87.252083,21.920973],[87.234848,21.95438],[87.195107,21.953569],[87.160561,21.96244],[87.159897,21.933929],[87.141129,21.919691],[87.093536,21.9079],[87.094643,21.86034],[87.030243,21.865311],[86.997932,21.907501],[87.005547,21.940651],[87.034317,21.989191],[87.017616,22.041281],[86.995178,22.045799],[86.957237,22.083368],[86.90876,22.08638],[86.8479,22.098351],[86.806213,22.114161],[86.790321,22.15394],[86.715446,22.143492],[86.712776,22.178289],[86.722786,22.215248],[86.747803,22.207981],[86.791367,22.217541],[86.820343,22.260611],[86.885681,22.252121],[86.888451,22.28141],[86.829193,22.324591],[86.843933,22.396061],[86.80526,22.416491],[86.763893,22.42289],[86.745132,22.470539],[86.789223,22.47451],[86.784073,22.544241],[86.755989,22.57427],[86.706017,22.58036],[86.651703,22.57579],[86.634323,22.59726],[86.636688,22.655121],[86.617867,22.673389],[86.549522,22.710911],[86.478981,22.722391],[86.45401,22.75964],[86.416153,22.776508],[86.433907,22.82859],[86.432838,22.860491],[86.463043,22.896631],[86.432419,22.91577],[86.470123,22.946623],[86.486801,22.935541],[86.512238,22.966261],[86.497353,22.989908],[86.463089,22.985218],[86.416283,22.994791],[86.393036,22.974239],[86.359978,22.996681],[86.332153,22.988901],[86.279373,23.010719],[86.261292,22.995531],[86.212479,22.99185],[86.200867,23.015142],[86.175629,23.012991],[86.115692,23.093632],[86.091797,23.090771],[86.044243,23.11186],[86.036926,23.14361],[85.981941,23.145901],[85.94381,23.129471],[85.914993,23.12953],[85.877312,23.158661],[85.857521,23.194363],[85.835007,23.192101],[85.826363,23.263121],[85.861496,23.303329],[85.871597,23.330158],[85.866257,23.364849],[85.895859,23.37698],[85.862877,23.409971],[85.859543,23.450951],[85.874123,23.476231],[85.906372,23.47175],[85.937943,23.455139],[86.02037,23.487911],[86.041367,23.49025],[86.011009,23.561241],[86.037376,23.58346],[86.138611,23.570021],[86.153267,23.551592],[86.142929,23.527342],[86.155113,23.50423],[86.142677,23.477331],[86.179146,23.475121],[86.220978,23.45598],[86.224663,23.43568],[86.300148,23.44371],[86.351837,23.463631],[86.357971,23.54306],[86.444908,23.631533],[86.481293,23.635038],[86.528656,23.628981],[86.590622,23.662241],[86.648849,23.682871],[86.711006,23.697229],[86.738129,23.67761],[86.792038,23.68737],[86.816719,23.77615],[86.797691,23.797718],[86.844429,23.821852],[86.895012,23.879951],[86.924156,23.865881],[86.943199,23.842861],[86.963043,23.864773],[87.034409,23.836828],[87.056946,23.816259],[87.105927,23.79952],[87.148743,23.794371],[87.166443,23.81959],[87.130333,23.85091],[87.135818,23.868139],[87.187363,23.85718],[87.222481,23.857639],[87.219757,23.827209],[87.245728,23.828072],[87.264931,23.874828],[87.292587,23.890141],[87.285133,23.933889],[87.291817,23.9557],[87.259537,23.969921],[87.232651,24.024599],[87.243599,24.04212],[87.274277,24.031841],[87.332359,24.03101],[87.315392,24.004421],[87.337288,23.994951],[87.356636,24.00919],[87.389763,24.001963],[87.439102,23.97813],[87.471397,24.010891],[87.50135,24.022329],[87.491226,24.052021],[87.496597,24.115801],[87.539169,24.087801],[87.570213,24.087622],[87.581726,24.1234],[87.604912,24.132111],[87.57975,24.161539],[87.627541,24.163132],[87.689568,24.149839],[87.696678,24.175348],[87.670952,24.205738],[87.637726,24.21158],[87.647148,24.24856],[87.681358,24.246441],[87.756279,24.303593],[87.761238,24.333311],[87.797508,24.382181],[87.788101,24.432093],[87.817848,24.468451],[87.798531,24.491859],[87.796173,24.562382],[87.848213,24.55105],[87.887321,24.56271],[87.909973,24.593868],[87.901611,24.612581],[87.911598,24.662291],[87.886253,24.678089],[87.900833,24.7216],[87.839706,24.73819],[87.865387,24.774321],[87.897766,24.842781],[87.966507,24.8813],[87.973343,24.896482],[87.961693,24.93593],[87.906487,24.985811],[87.864342,25.03985],[87.792877,25.075731],[87.772667,25.099098],[87.771042,25.152271],[87.787582,25.22049],[87.829659,25.20405],[87.822777,25.234341],[87.849251,25.253428],[87.85041,25.297438],[87.828926,25.303421],[87.781593,25.3384],[87.788826,25.37225],[87.763069,25.395611],[87.786522,25.4487],[87.808647,25.434191],[87.833817,25.464573],[87.863472,25.465389],[87.869881,25.503],[87.900513,25.507231],[87.92411,25.535648],[87.955612,25.53805],[88.004242,25.49404],[88.061676,25.48559],[88.068863,25.513048],[88.027046,25.55327],[88.021942,25.58292],[88.038589,25.595041],[88.03582,25.64098],[88.050819,25.685801],[87.979668,25.71846],[87.937523,25.758301],[87.900948,25.78031],[87.910507,25.81481],[87.88765,25.83287],[87.910912,25.851749],[87.822838,25.871468],[87.806961,25.929918],[87.830978,25.962231],[87.826187,25.983683],[87.842117,26.044481],[87.912933,26.090973],[87.959846,26.08404],[87.969353,26.10931],[87.969536,26.154409],[87.999107,26.14039],[88.037437,26.1777],[88.074829,26.18128],[88.144447,26.2528],[88.176903,26.261728],[88.224586,26.2894],[88.226906,26.30397],[88.261131,26.337851],[88.289139,26.351139],[88.273979,26.377281],[88.23761,26.375378],[88.229248,26.389851],[88.255386,26.41588],[88.243401,26.449301],[88.193756,26.472021],[88.179207,26.49398],[88.23336,26.53237],[88.185738,26.54414],[88.165382,26.521641],[88.132179,26.512581],[88.106148,26.535624],[88.106216,26.536015],[88.105431,26.539408],[88.165619,26.645741],[88.169998,26.698927],[88.184662,26.719185],[88.190498,26.771412],[88.170219,26.837116],[88.174484,26.868902],[88.138931,26.898386],[88.148621,26.920416],[88.123016,26.950115],[88.120789,26.987118],[88.09111,27.007895],[88.085617,27.028616],[88.04026,27.036318],[88.01442,27.097115],[87.994171,27.105207],[88.009926,27.14296],[88.016968,27.218872],[88.058197,27.21389],[88.08326,27.165043],[88.085846,27.14151],[88.136627,27.116879],[88.15844,27.114351],[88.178993,27.13471],[88.213837,27.135122],[88.232506,27.119768],[88.277351,27.131191],[88.304497,27.128601],[88.363876,27.098421],[88.431946,27.08161],[88.454498,27.089649],[88.466721,27.113941],[88.495613,27.12536],[88.521713,27.150343],[88.520477,27.17503],[88.591476,27.19446],[88.619019,27.187853],[88.659599,27.16221],[88.68441,27.180229],[88.711807,27.16515],[88.717796,27.14397],[88.751686,27.148211]]]]},"properties":{"ID_0":105,"ISO":"IN-WB","NAME_0":"India","ID_1":35,"NAME_1":"West 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127.42402648925804,34.69235992431646],[127.42819213867188,34.6743049621582],[127.47097015380882,34.663749694824276],[127.49652862548851,34.63180541992182],[127.50624847412121,34.59430694580084],[127.47569274902344,34.57513809204107],[127.43374633789062,34.58819580078125],[127.38014221191406,34.563472747802734],[127.4381942749028,34.54819488525396],[127.40402984619163,34.50485992431646],[127.37347412109375,34.48014068603527],[127.33319091796875,34.47902679443354],[127.34041595459018,34.44847106933605],[127.31819152832054,34.44208145141613],[127.28819274902344,34.476249694824276],[127.26847076416016,34.48125076293945],[127.26958465576217,34.51013946533203],[127.23041534423828,34.519584655761776],[127.22041320800793,34.53347396850597],[127.13708496093761,34.52319335937506],[127.12152862548851,34.52986145019537],[127.11430358886741,34.55958175659191],[127.14541625976608,34.595973968505916],[127.17208099365246,34.59486007690441],[127.1731948852539,34.62736129760742],[127.19791412353527,34.648193359375114],[127.22763824462902,34.654026031494084],[127.24069213867188,34.700695037841854],[127.25624847412121,34.7120819091798],[127.28041839599621,34.710140228271484],[127.2781982421875,34.6737518310548],[127.31236267089855,34.665973663330135],[127.33458709716808,34.713195800781364],[127.3273620605471,34.750694274902344],[127.31236267089855,34.75291824340826],[127.28736114501964,34.73569488525396],[127.25958251953125,34.73263931274414],[127.24291992187511,34.760139465332145],[127.20986175537132,34.7379150390625],[127.19819641113304,34.70652770996105],[127.1781921386721,34.69180679321289],[127.14263916015625,34.692916870117244],[127.12875366210938,34.70319366455078],[127.09541320800804,34.6701393127442],[127.06735992431663,34.663471221923885],[127.04708099365234,34.63541793823248],[126.99514007568371,34.622081756591854],[126.99930572509788,34.59763717651367],[126.97958374023438,34.572917938232536],[126.99013519287132,34.55347061157238],[126.96013641357422,34.53041839599615],[126.97180175781273,34.52180480957031],[126.96375274658203,34.49569320678722],[126.97624969482433,34.48847198486334],[126.9473648071289,34.45652770996088],[126.87513732910179,34.45680618286127],[126.8870849609375,34.434307098388615],[126.8362503051759,34.452362060546875],[126.81819152832065,34.44819259643566],[126.78958129882847,34.467082977295036],[126.79680633544933,34.484859466552734],[126.78680419921898,34.51235961914074],[126.79541778564499,34.567359924316406],[126.76652526855469,34.572639465332145],[126.76152801513683,34.502639770507926],[126.73958587646496,34.48347091674816],[126.74903106689464,34.47347259521496],[126.72347259521496,34.442916870117244],[126.69902801513672,34.4404182434082],[126.67819213867222,34.42152786254877],[126.66486358642578,34.42680740356457],[126.63458251953148,34.411251068115234],[126.61180877685581,34.385417938232536],[126.62014007568405,34.358470916748104],[126.59930419921886,34.31208419799805],[126.55764007568393,34.32125091552746],[126.54458618164085,34.30291748046881],[126.5162506103519,34.29486083984381],[126.5251388549807,34.329582214355526],[126.52069091796875,34.36041641235357],[126.47846984863293,34.355972290039176],[126.47430419921875,34.3768043518067],[126.49124908447277,34.38597106933594],[126.48958587646484,34.4051399230957],[126.5140304565432,34.41347122192394],[126.50791931152344,34.42847061157232],[126.48319244384811,34.43402862548828],[126.46819305419956,34.44902801513683],[126.46986389160156,34.47097396850586],[126.45625305175793,34.501525878906364],[126.46180725097679,34.54402923583996],[126.4179153442384,34.548751831054744],[126.3870849609375,34.532081604003906],[126.38874816894554,34.55930709838873],[126.33403015136764,34.572917938232536],[126.31597137451183,34.566806793213004],[126.3068084716798,34.589862823486385],[126.28319549560547,34.60013961791998],[126.28430938720714,34.62319564819336],[126.26264190673851,34.6384735107423],[126.25458526611328,34.678195953369254],[126.28541564941418,34.757637023925895],[126.32041931152344,34.748470306396484],[126.33403015136764,34.69708251953125],[126.32902526855491,34.65930557250982],[126.35346984863304,34.65236282348633],[126.36430358886741,34.61763763427746],[126.38735961914062,34.61208343505865],[126.43486022949219,34.589584350585994],[126.45291900634777,34.610694885253906],[126.43653106689487,34.625415802001896],[126.42208099365234,34.65708160400396],[126.40763854980491,34.66680526733393],[126.40736389160156,34.698471069335994],[126.44791412353527,34.69208145141607],[126.42903137207043,34.66708374023449],[126.46819305419956,34.64097213745123],[126.50986480712913,34.63652801513683],[126.52263641357445,34.65180587768555],[126.585693359375,34.62985992431652],[126.52764129638683,34.70680618286144],[126.49791717529308,34.735973358154354],[126.44985961914074,34.74041748046881],[126.40652465820324,34.73902893066406],[126.38097381591808,34.75263977050787],[126.39013671875,34.78180694580084],[126.36902618408203,34.780693054199276],[126.36152648925781,34.80069351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], [ 95.9604, 25.3353 ], [ 95.9647, 25.5011 ], [ 95.9579, 25.6118 ], [ 95.9706, 25.6302 ], [ 96.0072, 25.614 ], [ 96.0502, 25.5851 ], [ 96.0693, 25.5789 ], [ 96.0791, 25.6043 ], [ 96.0998, 25.6256 ], [ 96.1166, 25.6148 ], [ 96.1649, 25.6387 ], [ 96.1818, 25.6398 ], [ 96.2089, 25.6703 ], [ 96.2157, 25.7254 ], [ 96.2015, 25.7489 ], [ 96.1699, 25.7521 ], [ 96.1182, 25.7905 ], [ 96.1271, 25.8229 ], [ 96.1093, 25.8818 ], [ 96.0852, 25.8976 ], [ 96.1122, 25.919 ], [ 96.1238, 25.9984 ], [ 96.1592, 26.006 ], [ 96.1827, 26.0499 ], [ 96.1613, 26.0829 ], [ 96.1604, 26.1123 ], [ 96.1503, 26.1266 ], [ 96.1561, 26.155 ], [ 96.1206, 26.1697 ], [ 96.1345, 26.1888 ], [ 96.1348, 26.2075 ], [ 96.1188, 26.2265 ], [ 96.0801, 26.248 ], [ 96.1, 26.308 ], [ 96.1017, 26.3309 ], [ 96.0867, 26.3476 ], [ 96.0523, 26.3538 ], [ 96.0301, 26.3833 ], [ 96.001, 26.3919 ], [ 96.0022, 26.4249 ], [ 96.0159, 26.4484 ], [ 96.004, 26.4615 ], [ 96.0078, 26.4853 ], [ 96.0426, 26.4939 ], [ 96.0869, 26.4908 ], [ 96.1113, 26.4975 ], [ 96.1343, 26.4924 ], [ 96.1655, 26.497 ], [ 96.1832, 26.5245 ], [ 96.161, 26.5481 ], [ 96.1547, 26.5821 ], [ 96.1374, 26.5946 ], [ 96.1304, 26.6356 ], [ 96.0826, 26.652 ], [ 96.0949, 26.6645 ], [ 96.0915, 26.6842 ], [ 96.1034, 26.7256 ], [ 96.16, 26.7494 ], [ 96.1969, 26.7569 ], [ 96.2096, 26.7908 ], [ 96.2483, 26.8014 ], [ 96.2502, 26.8279 ], [ 96.2315, 26.8697 ], [ 96.2451, 26.8889 ], [ 96.2826, 26.8764 ], [ 96.278, 26.9096 ], [ 96.2928, 26.926 ], [ 96.3144, 26.9303 ], [ 96.3068, 26.9555 ], [ 96.282, 26.9509 ], [ 96.242, 26.9545 ], [ 96.251, 26.9826 ], [ 96.3037, 26.9885 ], [ 96.3303, 27.0194 ], [ 96.3509, 27.0193 ], [ 96.3803, 27.0057 ], [ 96.4054, 27.0067 ], [ 96.4246, 26.9841 ], [ 96.4797, 26.9865 ], [ 96.4972, 26.9963 ], [ 96.5257, 26.9963 ], [ 96.5696, 26.9824 ], [ 96.5859, 26.9982 ], [ 96.6467, 27.0079 ], [ 96.6966, 26.9929 ], [ 96.7193, 27.0015 ], [ 96.741, 27.0392 ], [ 96.7881, 27.0309 ], [ 96.8281, 27.0447 ], [ 96.8929, 27.0464 ], [ 96.9085, 27.0354 ], [ 96.9423, 27.0448 ], [ 96.9546, 27.0329 ], [ 96.9859, 27.0237 ], [ 96.9976, 27.0356 ], [ 97.0256, 27.0376 ], [ 97.0502, 27.056 ], [ 97.0666, 27.0927 ], [ 97.1185, 27.1036 ], [ 97.1383, 27.0922 ], [ 97.1652, 27.1349 ], [ 97.1207, 27.1893 ], [ 97.0917, 27.2127 ], [ 97.0879, 27.2372 ], [ 97.054, 27.2666 ], [ 97.0286, 27.3059 ], [ 96.9991, 27.3183 ], [ 96.9912, 27.3444 ], [ 96.9633, 27.3768 ], [ 96.9623, 27.4022 ], [ 96.9346, 27.4179 ], [ 96.9315, 27.4333 ], [ 96.9027, 27.4567 ], [ 96.9134, 27.5161 ], [ 96.9047, 27.5849 ], [ 96.8888, 27.6072 ], [ 96.9154, 27.6213 ], [ 96.9302, 27.6595 ], [ 96.9644, 27.6585 ], [ 96.9869, 27.6749 ], [ 97.0188, 27.7363 ], [ 97.0619, 27.7491 ], [ 97.0951, 27.7503 ], [ 97.0956, 27.7691 ], [ 97.1395, 27.8085 ], [ 97.1563, 27.8112 ], [ 97.2348, 27.8814 ], [ 97.2469, 27.8993 ], [ 97.2978, 27.9153 ], [ 97.3652, 27.873 ], [ 97.3785, 27.8924 ], [ 97.3643, 27.9602 ], [ 97.3838, 27.9849 ], [ 97.3931, 28.0108 ], [ 97.3513, 28.0657 ], [ 97.3202, 28.0579 ], [ 97.3309, 28.088 ], [ 97.3249, 28.1155 ], [ 97.33, 28.142 ], [ 97.3517, 28.1506 ], [ 97.3626, 28.1987 ], [ 97.3466, 28.2132 ], [ 97.35, 28.2392 ], [ 97.387, 28.2368 ], [ 97.412, 28.2495 ], [ 97.4021, 28.2787 ], [ 97.418, 28.2955 ], [ 97.4631, 28.2707 ], [ 97.4835, 28.3147 ], [ 97.5037, 28.315 ], [ 97.5014, 28.3397 ], [ 97.4845, 28.3712 ], [ 97.4835, 28.3875 ], [ 97.502, 28.3997 ], [ 97.5054, 28.4318 ], [ 97.5229, 28.445 ], [ 97.504, 28.47 ], [ 97.5004, 28.4935 ], [ 97.5328, 28.5087 ], [ 97.5391, 28.5218 ], [ 97.5736, 28.5455 ], [ 97.6147, 28.5175 ], [ 97.6301, 28.5363 ], [ 97.6601, 28.5371 ], [ 97.6879, 28.5235 ], [ 97.6917, 28.5061 ], [ 97.7222, 28.4974 ], [ 97.7402, 28.4604 ], [ 97.7363, 28.4007 ], [ 97.7901, 28.358 ], [ 97.7944, 28.3337 ], [ 97.8437, 28.3304 ], [ 97.8467, 28.3519 ], [ 97.8684, 28.366 ], [ 97.9085, 28.368 ], [ 97.9416, 28.3307 ], [ 97.9645, 28.3142 ], [ 97.9565, 28.3006 ], [ 97.992, 28.291 ], [ 98.0105, 28.274 ], [ 98.024, 28.2459 ], [ 98.0074, 28.2151 ], [ 98.0316, 28.1893 ], [ 98.0504, 28.2019 ], [ 98.0776, 28.2042 ], [ 98.0944, 28.1704 ], [ 98.1209, 28.1639 ], [ 98.1416, 28.1398 ], [ 98.1604, 28.0988 ], [ 98.1499, 28.0605 ], [ 98.138, 28.0441 ], [ 98.1441, 28.022 ], [ 98.1341, 27.9923 ], [ 98.1372, 27.963 ], [ 98.1597, 27.94 ], [ 98.1889, 27.9391 ], [ 98.2017, 27.9039 ], [ 98.2014, 27.8755 ], [ 98.182, 27.8738 ], [ 98.1699, 27.8524 ], [ 98.1804, 27.8304 ], [ 98.2249, 27.8113 ], [ 98.2192, 27.7593 ], [ 98.247, 27.7411 ], [ 98.2242, 27.7114 ], [ 98.238, 27.692 ], [ 98.2849, 27.6561 ], [ 98.3018, 27.6311 ], [ 98.3095, 27.5881 ], [ 98.3085, 27.5454 ], [ 98.3178, 27.5227 ], [ 98.337, 27.5103 ], [ 98.3725, 27.509 ], [ 98.3909, 27.5188 ], [ 98.3993, 27.5396 ], [ 98.4294, 27.5527 ], [ 98.4289, 27.5964 ], [ 98.4368, 27.6282 ], [ 98.4315, 27.6636 ], [ 98.4442, 27.6673 ], [ 98.4699, 27.6394 ], [ 98.504, 27.6347 ], [ 98.5114, 27.6246 ], [ 98.5581, 27.6463 ], [ 98.5854, 27.5884 ], [ 98.6498, 27.5673 ], [ 98.674, 27.5855 ], [ 98.7026, 27.5637 ], [ 98.6869, 27.4867 ], [ 98.7011, 27.4673 ], [ 98.6872, 27.4243 ], [ 98.7028, 27.4153 ], [ 98.699, 27.3818 ], [ 98.7065, 27.3629 ], [ 98.735, 27.3514 ], [ 98.7403, 27.3336 ], [ 98.7336, 27.2883 ], [ 98.7169, 27.2722 ], [ 98.7236, 27.2239 ], [ 98.6963, 27.2117 ], [ 98.7131, 27.1411 ], [ 98.71, 27.1081 ], [ 98.7144, 27.077 ], [ 98.74, 27.0747 ], [ 98.7659, 27.0532 ], [ 98.7639, 27.0214 ], [ 98.7446, 27.0144 ], [ 98.7389, 26.9621 ], [ 98.7543, 26.9232 ], [ 98.7584, 26.8846 ], [ 98.7347, 26.8578 ], [ 98.7354, 26.8447 ], [ 98.7606, 26.8099 ], [ 98.7539, 26.7338 ], [ 98.7434, 26.7121 ], [ 98.7709, 26.6903 ], [ 98.762, 26.6656 ], [ 98.7813, 26.6227 ], [ 98.7716, 26.5779 ], [ 98.7554, 26.5647 ], [ 98.7568, 26.4916 ], [ 98.7429, 26.4362 ], [ 98.7505, 26.4229 ], [ 98.7334, 26.3851 ], [ 98.7277, 26.3484 ], [ 98.6833, 26.3078 ], [ 98.6795, 26.262 ], [ 98.672, 26.2419 ], [ 98.706, 26.2417 ], [ 98.7349, 26.1849 ], [ 98.7246, 26.1599 ], [ 98.709, 26.1566 ], [ 98.7163, 26.1256 ], [ 98.6913, 26.1123 ], [ 98.6666, 26.0895 ], [ 98.6567, 26.0995 ], [ 98.6655, 26.123 ], [ 98.6504, 26.1438 ], [ 98.6282, 26.148 ], [ 98.6037, 26.1318 ], [ 98.5865, 26.1441 ], [ 98.5729, 26.1208 ], [ 98.6027, 26.0529 ], [ 98.6167, 25.9753 ], [ 98.642, 25.9767 ], [ 98.6849, 25.9379 ], [ 98.6926, 25.9081 ], [ 98.7046, 25.8967 ], [ 98.7053, 25.852 ], [ 98.6876, 25.8455 ], [ 98.6745, 25.8189 ], [ 98.6395, 25.8008 ], [ 98.578, 25.8275 ], [ 98.5626, 25.8475 ], [ 98.5329, 25.8454 ], [ 98.5205, 25.8268 ], [ 98.4927, 25.8076 ], [ 98.4754, 25.7804 ], [ 98.479, 25.7541 ], [ 98.4651, 25.7434 ], [ 98.4681, 25.7086 ], [ 98.459, 25.6889 ], [ 98.4214, 25.6738 ], [ 98.4113, 25.6619 ], [ 98.4091, 25.6133 ], [ 98.403, 25.5956 ], [ 98.3802, 25.5965 ], [ 98.3611, 25.5769 ], [ 98.3446, 25.5769 ], [ 98.3037, 25.5501 ], [ 98.2917, 25.5765 ], [ 98.2615, 25.6018 ], [ 98.2083, 25.6185 ], [ 98.1802, 25.6023 ], [ 98.1875, 25.5749 ], [ 98.1757, 25.5505 ], [ 98.1538, 25.528 ], [ 98.1276, 25.522 ], [ 98.1261, 25.5092 ], [ 98.1576, 25.4583 ], [ 98.1536, 25.4223 ], [ 98.1404, 25.3904 ], [ 98.1018, 25.3917 ], [ 98.0974, 25.354 ], [ 98.0753, 25.3326 ], [ 98.0669, 25.309 ], [ 98.0392, 25.3038 ], [ 98.0202, 25.3091 ], [ 97.9906, 25.2597 ], [ 97.9456, 25.2242 ], [ 97.9207, 25.2146 ], [ 97.9008, 25.2224 ], [ 97.8749, 25.2623 ], [ 97.8376, 25.2695 ], [ 97.8074, 25.2038 ], [ 97.7961, 25.1599 ], [ 97.7634, 25.1051 ], [ 97.7365, 25.0802 ], [ 97.7216, 25.0775 ], [ 97.727, 25.0453 ], [ 97.7193, 25.0167 ], [ 97.7189, 24.9778 ], [ 97.7324, 24.9497 ], [ 97.7291, 24.9209 ], [ 97.7427, 24.8971 ], [ 97.7623, 24.8823 ], [ 97.786, 24.8809 ], [ 97.8006, 24.849 ], [ 97.7639, 24.8259 ], [ 97.7362, 24.8289 ], [ 97.7056, 24.8414 ], [ 97.6847, 24.8317 ], [ 97.6449, 24.7925 ], [ 97.5888, 24.769 ], [ 97.5741, 24.7711 ], [ 97.5506, 24.7425 ], [ 97.5656, 24.7259 ], [ 97.5719, 24.6601 ], [ 97.5694, 24.6026 ], [ 97.5542, 24.4895 ], [ 97.534, 24.455 ], [ 97.5313, 24.437 ], [ 97.6228, 24.4413 ], [ 97.6631, 24.4539 ], [ 97.6757, 24.4504 ], [ 97.6799, 24.4088 ], [ 97.6908, 24.3873 ], [ 97.7152, 24.3774 ], [ 97.703, 24.3442 ], [ 97.6655, 24.3443 ], [ 97.6591, 24.3252 ], [ 97.6676, 24.2993 ], [ 97.7155, 24.2987 ], [ 97.7385, 24.2899 ], [ 97.7695, 24.2626 ], [ 97.7293, 24.2291 ], [ 97.728, 24.188 ], [ 97.7455, 24.1793 ], [ 97.7372, 24.1353 ], [ 97.7263, 24.1134 ], [ 97.697, 24.0971 ], [ 97.6753, 24.0725 ], [ 97.6347, 24.0454 ], [ 97.6278, 24.0072 ], [ 97.5763, 23.9863 ], [ 97.5628, 23.9644 ], [ 97.5313, 23.9488 ], [ 97.5286, 23.9298 ], [ 97.5567, 23.9205 ], [ 97.633, 23.8813 ], [ 97.6383, 23.8632 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 2, "NAME": "Kayah State", "PCODE": "MMR002", "ISO": "MM-12" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 97.8633, 19.5748 ], [ 97.8572, 19.5454 ], [ 97.8736, 19.4936 ], [ 97.8389, 19.4487 ], [ 97.8247, 19.423 ], [ 97.8017, 19.4025 ], [ 97.806, 19.3823 ], [ 97.8006, 19.3517 ], [ 97.8308, 19.3009 ], [ 97.8259, 19.2815 ], [ 97.8042, 19.2874 ], [ 97.7828, 19.2639 ], [ 97.8022, 19.2577 ], [ 97.844, 19.2203 ], [ 97.8393, 19.1939 ], [ 97.8445, 19.1446 ], [ 97.8367, 19.0927 ], [ 97.8134, 19.0897 ], [ 97.7916, 19.0727 ], [ 97.7657, 19.0665 ], [ 97.7686, 19.0431 ], [ 97.7384, 19.0409 ], [ 97.7367, 18.9763 ], [ 97.7067, 18.9678 ], [ 97.6696, 18.9314 ], [ 97.6904, 18.9244 ], [ 97.6988, 18.9036 ], [ 97.7419, 18.8816 ], [ 97.7498, 18.8427 ], [ 97.7393, 18.8289 ], [ 97.7645, 18.7579 ], [ 97.7528, 18.7368 ], [ 97.7577, 18.714 ], [ 97.773, 18.6951 ], [ 97.769, 18.6312 ], [ 97.7746, 18.6056 ], [ 97.7664, 18.5773 ], [ 97.7336, 18.5859 ], [ 97.7016, 18.5685 ], [ 97.653, 18.5751 ], [ 97.6364, 18.5573 ], [ 97.6027, 18.5361 ], [ 97.545, 18.5288 ], [ 97.5372, 18.4926 ], [ 97.5011, 18.4944 ], [ 97.4823, 18.5101 ], [ 97.4673, 18.4957 ], [ 97.4454, 18.493 ], [ 97.4282, 18.5428 ], [ 97.4006, 18.5652 ], [ 97.3643, 18.5568 ], [ 97.3592, 18.5976 ], [ 97.3445, 18.6173 ], [ 97.3373, 18.643 ], [ 97.317, 18.6627 ], [ 97.3088, 18.6835 ], [ 97.2652, 18.6867 ], [ 97.2324, 18.6774 ], [ 97.2109, 18.6834 ], [ 97.1776, 18.6794 ], [ 97.1367, 18.6915 ], [ 97.1352, 18.6947 ], [ 97.1015, 18.6868 ], [ 97.0829, 18.7363 ], [ 97.044, 18.8032 ], [ 97.0256, 18.862 ], [ 96.995, 18.881 ], [ 97.0098, 18.9018 ], [ 97.0017, 18.9193 ], [ 96.9648, 18.9457 ], [ 96.9666, 18.9596 ], [ 96.9427, 18.9977 ], [ 96.9532, 19.0195 ], [ 96.9303, 19.0522 ], [ 96.9504, 19.0709 ], [ 96.923, 19.0934 ], [ 96.9307, 19.1064 ], [ 96.9121, 19.1264 ], [ 96.9026, 19.1562 ], [ 96.8896, 19.1504 ], [ 96.8493, 19.1751 ], [ 96.8414, 19.2183 ], [ 96.8198, 19.2547 ], [ 96.8222, 19.3243 ], [ 96.8342, 19.3327 ], [ 96.8526, 19.3118 ], [ 96.8859, 19.3377 ], [ 96.8751, 19.3559 ], [ 96.8887, 19.3746 ], [ 96.9597, 19.4168 ], [ 96.9659, 19.4271 ], [ 96.9356, 19.461 ], [ 96.9247, 19.4516 ], [ 96.9029, 19.4675 ], [ 96.91, 19.4806 ], [ 96.8736, 19.5073 ], [ 96.8761, 19.5224 ], [ 96.8971, 19.5322 ], [ 96.8987, 19.5571 ], [ 96.9463, 19.5883 ], [ 96.954, 19.6137 ], [ 96.9855, 19.6408 ], [ 97.0059, 19.6402 ], [ 97.0165, 19.6542 ], [ 97.0089, 19.6734 ], [ 97.0153, 19.6907 ], [ 97.0497, 19.6922 ], [ 97.094, 19.7145 ], [ 97.128, 19.715 ], [ 97.1161, 19.7507 ], [ 97.1524, 19.7794 ], [ 97.1341, 19.7991 ], [ 97.1469, 19.8329 ], [ 97.1553, 19.8361 ], [ 97.1409, 19.9031 ], [ 97.1571, 19.9558 ], [ 97.1443, 19.9869 ], [ 97.1689, 19.9967 ], [ 97.2093, 19.9894 ], [ 97.2201, 19.9559 ], [ 97.2218, 19.9076 ], [ 97.2661, 19.8909 ], [ 97.3148, 19.9014 ], [ 97.3294, 19.8976 ], [ 97.3337, 19.9264 ], [ 97.3511, 19.9467 ], [ 97.3851, 19.9564 ], [ 97.3991, 19.9188 ], [ 97.4257, 19.9077 ], [ 97.4464, 19.8812 ], [ 97.4909, 19.8887 ], [ 97.5016, 19.9023 ], [ 97.534, 19.8814 ], [ 97.5278, 19.8654 ], [ 97.5469, 19.8337 ], [ 97.5925, 19.831 ], [ 97.5621, 19.7636 ], [ 97.5618, 19.7322 ], [ 97.6051, 19.7003 ], [ 97.6263, 19.6752 ], [ 97.6606, 19.6737 ], [ 97.676, 19.6616 ], [ 97.6932, 19.6704 ], [ 97.7061, 19.6588 ], [ 97.7435, 19.6586 ], [ 97.7446, 19.6733 ], [ 97.7755, 19.6629 ], [ 97.7963, 19.6471 ], [ 97.8283, 19.6561 ], [ 97.8524, 19.6448 ], [ 97.8496, 19.6069 ], [ 97.8633, 19.5748 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 3, "NAME": "Kayin State", "PCODE": "MMR003", "ISO": "MM-13" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 96.8342, 19.3327 ], [ 96.8222, 19.3243 ], [ 96.8198, 19.2547 ], [ 96.8414, 19.2183 ], [ 96.8493, 19.1751 ], [ 96.8896, 19.1504 ], [ 96.9026, 19.1562 ], [ 96.9121, 19.1264 ], [ 96.9307, 19.1064 ], [ 96.923, 19.0934 ], [ 96.9504, 19.0709 ], [ 96.9303, 19.0522 ], [ 96.9532, 19.0195 ], [ 96.9427, 18.9977 ], [ 96.9666, 18.9596 ], [ 96.9648, 18.9457 ], [ 97.0017, 18.9193 ], [ 97.0098, 18.9018 ], [ 96.995, 18.881 ], [ 97.0256, 18.862 ], [ 97.044, 18.8032 ], [ 97.0829, 18.7363 ], [ 97.1015, 18.6868 ], [ 97.1352, 18.6947 ], [ 97.1367, 18.6915 ], [ 97.1776, 18.6794 ], [ 97.2109, 18.6834 ], [ 97.2324, 18.6774 ], [ 97.2652, 18.6867 ], [ 97.3088, 18.6835 ], [ 97.317, 18.6627 ], [ 97.3373, 18.643 ], [ 97.3445, 18.6173 ], [ 97.3592, 18.5976 ], [ 97.3432, 18.5755 ], [ 97.3438, 18.553 ], [ 97.355, 18.5314 ], [ 97.3722, 18.5241 ], [ 97.3904, 18.4955 ], [ 97.4034, 18.4482 ], [ 97.4178, 18.4372 ], [ 97.4256, 18.4074 ], [ 97.443, 18.4007 ], [ 97.4522, 18.3769 ], [ 97.4426, 18.3595 ], [ 97.4447, 18.3375 ], [ 97.4621, 18.3085 ], [ 97.5084, 18.2658 ], [ 97.5339, 18.2828 ], [ 97.5508, 18.334 ], [ 97.5887, 18.3337 ], [ 97.6274, 18.3133 ], [ 97.6395, 18.2803 ], [ 97.6096, 18.2404 ], [ 97.6217, 18.2153 ], [ 97.6564, 18.174 ], [ 97.676, 18.1586 ], [ 97.6779, 18.1165 ], [ 97.6911, 18.0911 ], [ 97.6821, 18.0654 ], [ 97.7055, 18.0588 ], [ 97.7215, 18.0143 ], [ 97.7372, 17.9846 ], [ 97.7317, 17.9531 ], [ 97.7079, 17.9467 ], [ 97.6898, 17.9275 ], [ 97.6724, 17.881 ], [ 97.7018, 17.8179 ], [ 97.7359, 17.7952 ], [ 97.7488, 17.77 ], [ 97.7731, 17.7496 ], [ 97.7646, 17.7256 ], [ 97.7928, 17.69 ], [ 97.8483, 17.6288 ], [ 97.9063, 17.5832 ], [ 97.9249, 17.5387 ], [ 97.9642, 17.5268 ], [ 97.9696, 17.5091 ], [ 97.9889, 17.5115 ], [ 98.0337, 17.4563 ], [ 98.0572, 17.4372 ], [ 98.0472, 17.4279 ], [ 98.0868, 17.3948 ], [ 98.1102, 17.3852 ], [ 98.1053, 17.3522 ], [ 98.1129, 17.3207 ], [ 98.1261, 17.3202 ], [ 98.1646, 17.2665 ], [ 98.2049, 17.2488 ], [ 98.2124, 17.2298 ], [ 98.2456, 17.2102 ], [ 98.2678, 17.1627 ], [ 98.2855, 17.1565 ], [ 98.2799, 17.1213 ], [ 98.3173, 17.1065 ], [ 98.3156, 17.0755 ], [ 98.3393, 17.0528 ], [ 98.3615, 17.0517 ], [ 98.3927, 17.0615 ], [ 98.4113, 17.0564 ], [ 98.4401, 17.0225 ], [ 98.4487, 16.9961 ], [ 98.4681, 16.9958 ], [ 98.4985, 16.9495 ], [ 98.4836, 16.9389 ], [ 98.5153, 16.9 ], [ 98.5208, 16.8774 ], [ 98.4989, 16.8608 ], [ 98.4963, 16.8366 ], [ 98.542, 16.8269 ], [ 98.5466, 16.8125 ], [ 98.5166, 16.8048 ], [ 98.5061, 16.7856 ], [ 98.4877, 16.7901 ], [ 98.4639, 16.7298 ], [ 98.5184, 16.686 ], [ 98.5173, 16.6553 ], [ 98.5357, 16.635 ], [ 98.5472, 16.6382 ], [ 98.5745, 16.6204 ], [ 98.587, 16.5839 ], [ 98.578, 16.5644 ], [ 98.61, 16.5217 ], [ 98.6363, 16.4782 ], [ 98.6573, 16.4561 ], [ 98.6388, 16.4296 ], [ 98.6446, 16.4027 ], [ 98.6644, 16.3652 ], [ 98.6707, 16.3183 ], [ 98.6695, 16.2833 ], [ 98.7037, 16.2717 ], [ 98.7072, 16.2953 ], [ 98.7207, 16.2973 ], [ 98.7283, 16.3309 ], [ 98.7476, 16.3476 ], [ 98.7646, 16.3431 ], [ 98.7816, 16.3652 ], [ 98.8171, 16.3878 ], [ 98.831, 16.4222 ], [ 98.883, 16.4194 ], [ 98.9066, 16.3962 ], [ 98.9199, 16.3629 ], [ 98.9008, 16.3137 ], [ 98.9169, 16.3049 ], [ 98.9084, 16.2727 ], [ 98.9114, 16.2553 ], [ 98.8738, 16.2397 ], [ 98.8541, 16.219 ], [ 98.8625, 16.1704 ], [ 98.8544, 16.1397 ], [ 98.8289, 16.1162 ], [ 98.8044, 16.1037 ], [ 98.7797, 16.1252 ], [ 98.7657, 16.1192 ], [ 98.7229, 16.123 ], [ 98.7125, 16.1337 ], [ 98.665, 16.1271 ], [ 98.6746, 16.0944 ], [ 98.6616, 16.075 ], [ 98.6277, 16.0614 ], [ 98.6306, 16.0448 ], [ 98.5815, 16.0617 ], [ 98.5685, 16.0571 ], [ 98.566, 16.0301 ], [ 98.597, 16.0046 ], [ 98.6081, 15.9663 ], [ 98.5948, 15.9548 ], [ 98.5847, 15.9127 ], [ 98.5998, 15.8735 ], [ 98.5919, 15.8342 ], [ 98.5674, 15.7667 ], [ 98.5473, 15.6831 ], [ 98.566, 15.6364 ], [ 98.5532, 15.5999 ], [ 98.5863, 15.4701 ], [ 98.5808, 15.3804 ], [ 98.5614, 15.336 ], [ 98.5373, 15.369 ], [ 98.5106, 15.3744 ], [ 98.4932, 15.3917 ], [ 98.4569, 15.3662 ], [ 98.4196, 15.363 ], [ 98.395, 15.3071 ], [ 98.4141, 15.2932 ], [ 98.4176, 15.2665 ], [ 98.4013, 15.2538 ], [ 98.3892, 15.2705 ], [ 98.3605, 15.2898 ], [ 98.3256, 15.2998 ], [ 98.3057, 15.3133 ], [ 98.2938, 15.2968 ], [ 98.3039, 15.2802 ], [ 98.2816, 15.2718 ], [ 98.2635, 15.2386 ], [ 98.2328, 15.2354 ], [ 98.2218, 15.2233 ], [ 98.2025, 15.2356 ], [ 98.205, 15.2614 ], [ 98.1836, 15.294 ], [ 98.1842, 15.3086 ], [ 98.1569, 15.3305 ], [ 98.1394, 15.3301 ], [ 98.1155, 15.3838 ], [ 98.0905, 15.421 ], [ 98.0673, 15.4388 ], [ 98.0673, 15.4566 ], [ 98.0381, 15.5135 ], [ 98.0083, 15.5389 ], [ 98.002, 15.5604 ], [ 97.9778, 15.591 ], [ 97.9482, 15.6089 ], [ 97.9494, 15.6405 ], [ 97.9223, 15.6371 ], [ 97.9011, 15.6743 ], [ 97.8669, 15.6781 ], [ 97.8721, 15.7275 ], [ 97.8843, 15.7398 ], [ 97.8686, 15.7635 ], [ 97.8602, 15.8253 ], [ 97.8337, 15.8656 ], [ 97.8425, 15.8732 ], [ 97.832, 15.9073 ], [ 97.8501, 15.9302 ], [ 97.8346, 15.9701 ], [ 97.8479, 15.992 ], [ 97.8443, 16.0117 ], [ 97.8669, 16.0229 ], [ 97.8496, 16.0531 ], [ 97.8507, 16.071 ], [ 97.8237, 16.1015 ], [ 97.8142, 16.127 ], [ 97.8719, 16.1446 ], [ 97.9084, 16.1323 ], [ 97.9475, 16.1499 ], [ 97.9761, 16.1532 ], [ 98.0303, 16.1475 ], [ 98.0396, 16.1331 ], [ 98.0633, 16.1222 ], [ 98.077, 16.1364 ], [ 98.1251, 16.1575 ], [ 98.1282, 16.1973 ], [ 98.1139, 16.2046 ], [ 98.0785, 16.2465 ], [ 98.0814, 16.2683 ], [ 98.044, 16.3145 ], [ 97.9948, 16.3345 ], [ 97.992, 16.3814 ], [ 97.9803, 16.4351 ], [ 97.9614, 16.421 ], [ 97.9159, 16.4272 ], [ 97.9062, 16.4527 ], [ 97.8888, 16.468 ], [ 97.8582, 16.4786 ], [ 97.8608, 16.4929 ], [ 97.8547, 16.4935 ], [ 97.8567, 16.5259 ], [ 97.8464, 16.545 ], [ 97.7992, 16.5177 ], [ 97.7644, 16.538 ], [ 97.7479, 16.5618 ], [ 97.7098, 16.5734 ], [ 97.6951, 16.6028 ], [ 97.6546, 16.5932 ], [ 97.6538, 16.6159 ], [ 97.6403, 16.6418 ], [ 97.6122, 16.6534 ], [ 97.572, 16.7186 ], [ 97.5598, 16.7201 ], [ 97.5607, 16.7838 ], [ 97.5126, 16.8012 ], [ 97.5035, 16.815 ], [ 97.5176, 16.8355 ], [ 97.491, 16.8435 ], [ 97.4743, 16.8859 ], [ 97.4782, 16.9331 ], [ 97.4682, 16.9574 ], [ 97.4441, 16.9761 ], [ 97.4821, 17.0538 ], [ 97.4762, 17.0797 ], [ 97.4801, 17.0894 ], [ 97.485, 17.0981 ], [ 97.4836, 17.1007 ], [ 97.508, 17.1112 ], [ 97.5158, 17.1303 ], [ 97.5006, 17.1494 ], [ 97.4893, 17.1881 ], [ 97.4999, 17.224 ], [ 97.4804, 17.279 ], [ 97.5003, 17.287 ], [ 97.495, 17.3248 ], [ 97.4686, 17.3533 ], [ 97.4747, 17.3607 ], [ 97.4452, 17.3895 ], [ 97.4373, 17.4146 ], [ 97.4415, 17.4475 ], [ 97.425, 17.4753 ], [ 97.4336, 17.4913 ], [ 97.4393, 17.5324 ], [ 97.4205, 17.5501 ], [ 97.397, 17.5593 ], [ 97.3786, 17.5888 ], [ 97.3812, 17.6076 ], [ 97.3678, 17.6412 ], [ 97.3768, 17.6777 ], [ 97.3986, 17.6828 ], [ 97.4069, 17.7052 ], [ 97.3952, 17.7159 ], [ 97.3685, 17.7138 ], [ 97.3646, 17.6755 ], [ 97.3423, 17.6777 ], [ 97.3426, 17.6525 ], [ 97.3192, 17.6074 ], [ 97.3178, 17.5882 ], [ 97.2766, 17.607 ], [ 97.2608, 17.5997 ], [ 97.2513, 17.5777 ], [ 97.2353, 17.5795 ], [ 97.2387, 17.5438 ], [ 97.2189, 17.5432 ], [ 97.1972, 17.5574 ], [ 97.205, 17.6263 ], [ 97.171, 17.6655 ], [ 97.1785, 17.6783 ], [ 97.1558, 17.7249 ], [ 97.1662, 17.7568 ], [ 97.1928, 17.7867 ], [ 97.1948, 17.8062 ], [ 97.1848, 17.8326 ], [ 97.1646, 17.8465 ], [ 97.1629, 17.8739 ], [ 97.1225, 17.9313 ], [ 97.1162, 17.9471 ], [ 97.1176, 17.9897 ], [ 97.1403, 18.0105 ], [ 97.1416, 18.0274 ], [ 97.1728, 18.0739 ], [ 97.1814, 18.1207 ], [ 97.1957, 18.1329 ], [ 97.1935, 18.1556 ], [ 97.161, 18.1763 ], [ 97.1245, 18.21 ], [ 97.1401, 18.2503 ], [ 97.1179, 18.3091 ], [ 97.1012, 18.3317 ], [ 97.0848, 18.3209 ], [ 97.0768, 18.2913 ], [ 97.0553, 18.2924 ], [ 97.0482, 18.3064 ], [ 97.0466, 18.3453 ], [ 97.033, 18.3743 ], [ 97.0082, 18.3698 ], [ 96.9897, 18.3764 ], [ 96.9818, 18.4062 ], [ 96.9604, 18.4307 ], [ 96.9755, 18.4731 ], [ 96.9829, 18.552 ], [ 96.9665, 18.5579 ], [ 96.9765, 18.5845 ], [ 96.9405, 18.6311 ], [ 96.937, 18.6499 ], [ 96.9158, 18.6481 ], [ 96.885, 18.6345 ], [ 96.8619, 18.6358 ], [ 96.8445, 18.6148 ], [ 96.8153, 18.599 ], [ 96.7806, 18.6015 ], [ 96.7469, 18.6277 ], [ 96.7239, 18.6295 ], [ 96.6946, 18.5986 ], [ 96.6698, 18.6216 ], [ 96.6648, 18.6473 ], [ 96.6496, 18.6469 ], [ 96.6268, 18.6945 ], [ 96.6033, 18.7094 ], [ 96.5844, 18.736 ], [ 96.5731, 18.7848 ], [ 96.6356, 18.7919 ], [ 96.6251, 18.811 ], [ 96.629, 18.8309 ], [ 96.6106, 18.8407 ], [ 96.595, 18.8696 ], [ 96.6122, 18.9118 ], [ 96.6498, 18.9058 ], [ 96.6687, 18.933 ], [ 96.6358, 18.9498 ], [ 96.5841, 18.9372 ], [ 96.5704, 19.0176 ], [ 96.5722, 19.0379 ], [ 96.5422, 19.058 ], [ 96.5103, 19.0901 ], [ 96.5132, 19.133 ], [ 96.4918, 19.1458 ], [ 96.5306, 19.1574 ], [ 96.5439, 19.1815 ], [ 96.4966, 19.2069 ], [ 96.4682, 19.2961 ], [ 96.4519, 19.3028 ], [ 96.4566, 19.3118 ], [ 96.4611, 19.3531 ], [ 96.4459, 19.3735 ], [ 96.4275, 19.3796 ], [ 96.4099, 19.4061 ], [ 96.4347, 19.4376 ], [ 96.4016, 19.4593 ], [ 96.3916, 19.4739 ], [ 96.4455, 19.4818 ], [ 96.4704, 19.4765 ], [ 96.5004, 19.4899 ], [ 96.5249, 19.4711 ], [ 96.5628, 19.4731 ], [ 96.5903, 19.4556 ], [ 96.6122, 19.4275 ], [ 96.6313, 19.4427 ], [ 96.636, 19.477 ], [ 96.6502, 19.5002 ], [ 96.668, 19.5091 ], [ 96.6775, 19.4805 ], [ 96.6982, 19.4514 ], [ 96.7278, 19.4485 ], [ 96.7661, 19.4309 ], [ 96.7828, 19.407 ], [ 96.802, 19.403 ], [ 96.814, 19.3733 ], [ 96.8309, 19.3536 ], [ 96.8342, 19.3327 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 4, "NAME": "Chin State", "PCODE": "MMR004", "ISO": "MM-14" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 94.1422, 23.8348 ], [ 94.1336, 23.8183 ], [ 94.1373, 23.7742 ], [ 94.153, 23.7391 ], [ 94.1373, 23.7207 ], [ 94.1497, 23.6911 ], [ 94.1281, 23.6652 ], [ 94.1321, 23.6515 ], [ 94.1193, 23.6129 ], [ 94.1181, 23.557 ], [ 94.111, 23.5433 ], [ 94.0788, 23.5396 ], [ 94.0692, 23.5557 ], [ 94.04, 23.5734 ], [ 94.0161, 23.5414 ], [ 94.0272, 23.5249 ], [ 94.0366, 23.4321 ], [ 94.0254, 23.3798 ], [ 94.024, 23.3771 ], [ 94.0034, 23.3713 ], [ 94.004, 23.3119 ], [ 94.0105, 23.2905 ], [ 93.9995, 23.2546 ], [ 93.9802, 23.2344 ], [ 93.9546, 23.2203 ], [ 93.9632, 23.1861 ], [ 93.9462, 23.1799 ], [ 93.977, 23.1252 ], [ 93.977, 23.0901 ], [ 93.9938, 23.086 ], [ 94.0045, 23.0574 ], [ 94.0006, 22.9825 ], [ 94.0204, 22.9661 ], [ 94.0195, 22.9467 ], [ 93.9896, 22.9467 ], [ 93.9949, 22.9247 ], [ 94.0113, 22.9051 ], [ 94.0172, 22.8527 ], [ 94.0126, 22.836 ], [ 93.9873, 22.8304 ], [ 94.0081, 22.7715 ], [ 94.0079, 22.7371 ], [ 94.0489, 22.6057 ], [ 94.0166, 22.5954 ], [ 94.0169, 22.5675 ], [ 94.0478, 22.4513 ], [ 94.0579, 22.4368 ], [ 94.0184, 22.3665 ], [ 94.038, 22.2543 ], [ 94.036, 22.2031 ], [ 94.0418, 22.1556 ], [ 94.0065, 22.0809 ], [ 94.0175, 21.9958 ], [ 93.9812, 21.9244 ], [ 93.9864, 21.9002 ], [ 93.9953, 21.803 ], [ 94.0062, 21.7204 ], [ 94.0422, 21.6715 ], [ 94.1014, 21.6374 ], [ 94.1037, 21.6038 ], [ 94.1177, 21.5731 ], [ 94.0955, 21.5571 ], [ 94.0915, 21.5066 ], [ 94.0769, 21.4812 ], [ 94.089, 21.4649 ], [ 94.0796, 21.4473 ], [ 94.0628, 21.3882 ], [ 94.0458, 21.3489 ], [ 94.0555, 21.3361 ], [ 94.006, 21.2996 ], [ 94.0197, 21.2833 ], [ 94.0517, 21.2849 ], [ 94.0935, 21.2786 ], [ 94.1004, 21.2645 ], [ 94.0944, 21.213 ], [ 94.1072, 21.2014 ], [ 94.12, 21.1679 ], [ 94.1108, 21.1086 ], [ 94.0852, 21.0729 ], [ 94.053, 21.0673 ], [ 94.0674, 21.0414 ], [ 94.064, 21.0281 ], [ 94.0412, 21.0109 ], [ 94.0036, 20.9601 ], [ 94.0313, 20.8872 ], [ 94.0438, 20.8847 ], [ 94.058, 20.8582 ], [ 94.0393, 20.8276 ], [ 94.0514, 20.7927 ], [ 94.0808, 20.7647 ], [ 94.0837, 20.7496 ], [ 94.0469, 20.6893 ], [ 93.9897, 20.6822 ], [ 93.9796, 20.6687 ], [ 93.9435, 20.6614 ], [ 93.9234, 20.6399 ], [ 93.9128, 20.6508 ], [ 93.8861, 20.6418 ], [ 93.8634, 20.65 ], [ 93.8661, 20.6633 ], [ 93.8407, 20.6875 ], [ 93.8505, 20.7095 ], [ 93.8301, 20.747 ], [ 93.82, 20.7766 ], [ 93.8063, 20.7787 ], [ 93.766, 20.7641 ], [ 93.7605, 20.7983 ], [ 93.7495, 20.8046 ], [ 93.7461, 20.8363 ], [ 93.7223, 20.8781 ], [ 93.696, 20.9053 ], [ 93.6958, 20.9202 ], [ 93.6434, 20.924 ], [ 93.6313, 20.9178 ], [ 93.6301, 20.8674 ], [ 93.5989, 20.8469 ], [ 93.6089, 20.8307 ], [ 93.6033, 20.7823 ], [ 93.6296, 20.7528 ], [ 93.6308, 20.7224 ], [ 93.5807, 20.7258 ], [ 93.5637, 20.7342 ], [ 93.552, 20.7113 ], [ 93.5195, 20.7091 ], [ 93.5022, 20.7344 ], [ 93.4811, 20.7439 ], [ 93.4596, 20.7271 ], [ 93.4495, 20.7398 ], [ 93.4054, 20.7318 ], [ 93.3902, 20.7712 ], [ 93.3215, 20.7613 ], [ 93.3111, 20.7909 ], [ 93.2785, 20.7912 ], [ 93.2436, 20.8098 ], [ 93.2474, 20.8306 ], [ 93.2085, 20.8511 ], [ 93.1755, 20.8333 ], [ 93.16, 20.8435 ], [ 93.1449, 20.9111 ], [ 93.1339, 20.9293 ], [ 93.1334, 20.9596 ], [ 93.1415, 20.9698 ], [ 93.129, 21.0396 ], [ 93.1223, 21.0558 ], [ 93.1308, 21.0866 ], [ 93.0978, 21.0814 ], [ 93.0469, 21.0615 ], [ 93.0277, 21.0776 ], [ 93.0064, 21.0708 ], [ 92.984, 21.0971 ], [ 92.9495, 21.1134 ], [ 92.9258, 21.1137 ], [ 92.8651, 21.0727 ], [ 92.8389, 21.0946 ], [ 92.812, 21.0961 ], [ 92.7947, 21.1255 ], [ 92.8012, 21.1419 ], [ 92.7841, 21.1587 ], [ 92.7837, 21.1898 ], [ 92.7547, 21.2071 ], [ 92.7382, 21.1984 ], [ 92.7109, 21.2531 ], [ 92.6947, 21.2565 ], [ 92.6792, 21.2862 ], [ 92.6645, 21.318 ], [ 92.649, 21.3762 ], [ 92.6404, 21.4276 ], [ 92.6308, 21.4485 ], [ 92.6275, 21.4881 ], [ 92.6197, 21.514 ], [ 92.6175, 21.5545 ], [ 92.6088, 21.5913 ], [ 92.6109, 21.6227 ], [ 92.6041, 21.6505 ], [ 92.6075, 21.6889 ], [ 92.6021, 21.701 ], [ 92.6109, 21.7692 ], [ 92.6128, 21.8492 ], [ 92.6313, 21.878 ], [ 92.6064, 21.9744 ], [ 92.6341, 21.9845 ], [ 92.6536, 22.0151 ], [ 92.6807, 22.0122 ], [ 92.6859, 22.0418 ], [ 92.6832, 22.103 ], [ 92.6966, 22.1373 ], [ 92.7269, 22.15 ], [ 92.7358, 22.1339 ], [ 92.8189, 22.0853 ], [ 92.8447, 22.0615 ], [ 92.8687, 22.054 ], [ 92.8655, 22.0263 ], [ 92.89, 22.0122 ], [ 92.9008, 21.9665 ], [ 92.9299, 22.0143 ], [ 92.957, 22.032 ], [ 92.9774, 21.9966 ], [ 93.005, 21.9882 ], [ 92.9958, 22.0479 ], [ 93.0106, 22.0906 ], [ 93.0204, 22.1003 ], [ 93.0577, 22.0978 ], [ 93.0525, 22.1258 ], [ 93.0375, 22.1477 ], [ 93.0468, 22.1662 ], [ 93.039, 22.1949 ], [ 93.0488, 22.2024 ], [ 93.1095, 22.201 ], [ 93.1237, 22.1748 ], [ 93.1485, 22.1766 ], [ 93.1594, 22.1894 ], [ 93.1425, 22.2464 ], [ 93.1791, 22.2471 ], [ 93.1958, 22.2561 ], [ 93.1927, 22.3294 ], [ 93.186, 22.3504 ], [ 93.1854, 22.4256 ], [ 93.1601, 22.4516 ], [ 93.138, 22.4564 ], [ 93.1348, 22.4927 ], [ 93.1101, 22.5256 ], [ 93.1136, 22.5611 ], [ 93.1392, 22.5848 ], [ 93.1339, 22.6123 ], [ 93.1066, 22.6392 ], [ 93.0925, 22.706 ], [ 93.105, 22.7522 ], [ 93.096, 22.8025 ], [ 93.1163, 22.8415 ], [ 93.1187, 22.8638 ], [ 93.1331, 22.8941 ], [ 93.1306, 22.9076 ], [ 93.1487, 22.9251 ], [ 93.1351, 22.9712 ], [ 93.1396, 22.9928 ], [ 93.1216, 23.0033 ], [ 93.1265, 23.0451 ], [ 93.1587, 23.0455 ], [ 93.1827, 23.0596 ], [ 93.2087, 23.0474 ], [ 93.2155, 23.0272 ], [ 93.243, 23.0085 ], [ 93.292, 23.0073 ], [ 93.3265, 23.0417 ], [ 93.3449, 23.0924 ], [ 93.3606, 23.1177 ], [ 93.3855, 23.1368 ], [ 93.369, 23.1452 ], [ 93.3802, 23.1872 ], [ 93.3815, 23.2289 ], [ 93.3666, 23.2674 ], [ 93.3688, 23.3255 ], [ 93.3571, 23.3521 ], [ 93.3846, 23.3636 ], [ 93.4005, 23.3886 ], [ 93.3894, 23.4197 ], [ 93.3948, 23.4524 ], [ 93.3954, 23.5015 ], [ 93.4184, 23.5381 ], [ 93.4134, 23.5542 ], [ 93.4282, 23.595 ], [ 93.4169, 23.6413 ], [ 93.4358, 23.6774 ], [ 93.4089, 23.7103 ], [ 93.4087, 23.7286 ], [ 93.3923, 23.7555 ], [ 93.4036, 23.8065 ], [ 93.392, 23.8173 ], [ 93.3869, 23.8736 ], [ 93.3902, 23.929 ], [ 93.3646, 23.9329 ], [ 93.333, 23.9858 ], [ 93.3359, 24.0617 ], [ 93.3284, 24.0805 ], [ 93.3439, 24.1001 ], [ 93.4092, 24.0776 ], [ 93.4228, 24.061 ], [ 93.4352, 24.0196 ], [ 93.4549, 24.015 ], [ 93.4599, 23.9794 ], [ 93.4916, 23.9524 ], [ 93.5214, 23.9481 ], [ 93.5448, 23.961 ], [ 93.5538, 23.9771 ], [ 93.5892, 23.9623 ], [ 93.6094, 23.98 ], [ 93.6203, 24.0095 ], [ 93.6997, 24.0051 ], [ 93.7201, 23.9995 ], [ 93.7609, 24.0034 ], [ 93.7769, 23.9668 ], [ 93.8206, 23.9256 ], [ 93.8614, 23.9326 ], [ 93.9018, 23.9505 ], [ 93.9316, 23.9514 ], [ 93.9571, 23.9319 ], [ 94.004, 23.9212 ], [ 94.0152, 23.9263 ], [ 94.0428, 23.9102 ], [ 94.0524, 23.8868 ], [ 94.0977, 23.8858 ], [ 94.1181, 23.8403 ], [ 94.1422, 23.8348 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 5, "NAME": "Sagaing Region", "PCODE": "MMR005", "ISO": "MM-01" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 97.0666, 27.0927 ], [ 97.0502, 27.056 ], [ 97.0256, 27.0376 ], [ 96.9976, 27.0356 ], [ 96.9859, 27.0237 ], [ 96.9546, 27.0329 ], [ 96.9423, 27.0448 ], [ 96.9085, 27.0354 ], [ 96.8929, 27.0464 ], [ 96.8281, 27.0447 ], [ 96.7881, 27.0309 ], [ 96.741, 27.0392 ], [ 96.7193, 27.0015 ], [ 96.6966, 26.9929 ], [ 96.6467, 27.0079 ], [ 96.5859, 26.9982 ], [ 96.5696, 26.9824 ], [ 96.5257, 26.9963 ], [ 96.4972, 26.9963 ], [ 96.4797, 26.9865 ], [ 96.4246, 26.9841 ], [ 96.4054, 27.0067 ], [ 96.3803, 27.0057 ], [ 96.3509, 27.0193 ], [ 96.3303, 27.0194 ], [ 96.3037, 26.9885 ], [ 96.251, 26.9826 ], [ 96.242, 26.9545 ], [ 96.282, 26.9509 ], [ 96.3068, 26.9555 ], [ 96.3144, 26.9303 ], [ 96.2928, 26.926 ], [ 96.278, 26.9096 ], [ 96.2826, 26.8764 ], [ 96.2451, 26.8889 ], [ 96.2315, 26.8697 ], [ 96.2502, 26.8279 ], [ 96.2483, 26.8014 ], [ 96.2096, 26.7908 ], [ 96.1969, 26.7569 ], [ 96.16, 26.7494 ], [ 96.1034, 26.7256 ], [ 96.0915, 26.6842 ], [ 96.0949, 26.6645 ], [ 96.0826, 26.652 ], [ 96.1304, 26.6356 ], [ 96.1374, 26.5946 ], [ 96.1547, 26.5821 ], [ 96.161, 26.5481 ], [ 96.1832, 26.5245 ], [ 96.1655, 26.497 ], [ 96.1343, 26.4924 ], [ 96.1113, 26.4975 ], [ 96.0869, 26.4908 ], [ 96.0426, 26.4939 ], [ 96.0078, 26.4853 ], [ 96.004, 26.4615 ], [ 96.0159, 26.4484 ], [ 96.0022, 26.4249 ], [ 96.001, 26.3919 ], [ 96.0301, 26.3833 ], [ 96.0523, 26.3538 ], [ 96.0867, 26.3476 ], [ 96.1017, 26.3309 ], [ 96.1, 26.308 ], [ 96.0801, 26.248 ], [ 96.1188, 26.2265 ], [ 96.1348, 26.2075 ], [ 96.1345, 26.1888 ], [ 96.1206, 26.1697 ], [ 96.1561, 26.155 ], [ 96.1503, 26.1266 ], [ 96.1604, 26.1123 ], [ 96.1613, 26.0829 ], [ 96.1827, 26.0499 ], [ 96.1592, 26.006 ], [ 96.1238, 25.9984 ], [ 96.1122, 25.919 ], [ 96.0852, 25.8976 ], [ 96.1093, 25.8818 ], [ 96.1271, 25.8229 ], [ 96.1182, 25.7905 ], [ 96.1699, 25.7521 ], [ 96.2015, 25.7489 ], [ 96.2157, 25.7254 ], [ 96.2089, 25.6703 ], [ 96.1818, 25.6398 ], [ 96.1649, 25.6387 ], [ 96.1166, 25.6148 ], [ 96.0998, 25.6256 ], [ 96.0791, 25.6043 ], [ 96.0693, 25.5789 ], [ 96.0502, 25.5851 ], [ 96.0072, 25.614 ], [ 95.9706, 25.6302 ], [ 95.9579, 25.6118 ], [ 95.9647, 25.5011 ], [ 95.9604, 25.3353 ], [ 95.9745, 25.2905 ], [ 95.9939, 25.2736 ], [ 95.9901, 25.2524 ], [ 95.9951, 25.2159 ], [ 96.0199, 25.177 ], [ 96.0466, 25.1468 ], [ 96.0439, 25.1412 ], [ 96.0594, 25.1123 ], [ 96.0535, 25.0911 ], [ 96.076, 25.0876 ], [ 96.0793, 25.0509 ], [ 96.0712, 25.0314 ], [ 96.0705, 24.9982 ], [ 96.0483, 24.9634 ], [ 96.0313, 24.9496 ], [ 96.0079, 24.9539 ], [ 96.0128, 25.0051 ], [ 96.0376, 25.0161 ], [ 96.0472, 25.0619 ], [ 96.0186, 25.0834 ], [ 96.0026, 25.0722 ], [ 96.0063, 25.0207 ], [ 95.9613, 24.996 ], [ 95.9112, 24.9959 ], [ 95.876, 24.9645 ], [ 95.8337, 24.9624 ], [ 95.8185, 24.9426 ], [ 95.8466, 24.9199 ], [ 95.8655, 24.9156 ], [ 95.8641, 24.8957 ], [ 95.8802, 24.8827 ], [ 95.8693, 24.826 ], [ 95.8825, 24.8065 ], [ 95.8922, 24.7697 ], [ 95.9105, 24.7488 ], [ 95.9016, 24.7275 ], [ 95.912, 24.7056 ], [ 95.9465, 24.7091 ], [ 95.9678, 24.679 ], [ 96.0208, 24.6666 ], [ 96.0373, 24.6855 ], [ 96.0771, 24.679 ], [ 96.0878, 24.6521 ], [ 96.1075, 24.6262 ], [ 96.0945, 24.5946 ], [ 96.1152, 24.5698 ], [ 96.1934, 24.5179 ], [ 96.1849, 24.4798 ], [ 96.1999, 24.4798 ], [ 96.2307, 24.506 ], [ 96.2745, 24.522 ], [ 96.2999, 24.5067 ], [ 96.325, 24.5078 ], [ 96.3362, 24.5208 ], [ 96.3742, 24.5152 ], [ 96.4072, 24.5277 ], [ 96.4173, 24.546 ], [ 96.4358, 24.5419 ], [ 96.4486, 24.5202 ], [ 96.4778, 24.5152 ], [ 96.4986, 24.4856 ], [ 96.5254, 24.498 ], [ 96.5758, 24.4684 ], [ 96.5923, 24.4823 ], [ 96.6217, 24.4598 ], [ 96.63, 24.4577 ], [ 96.643, 24.4193 ], [ 96.6194, 24.4042 ], [ 96.5869, 24.3973 ], [ 96.5969, 24.3687 ], [ 96.5623, 24.3469 ], [ 96.5709, 24.3199 ], [ 96.6033, 24.318 ], [ 96.5961, 24.2708 ], [ 96.5697, 24.2492 ], [ 96.5763, 24.225 ], [ 96.5976, 24.2182 ], [ 96.6168, 24.1978 ], [ 96.6587, 24.1701 ], [ 96.6631, 24.1577 ], [ 96.6274, 24.1457 ], [ 96.5739, 24.1588 ], [ 96.5582, 24.1549 ], [ 96.5192, 24.1012 ], [ 96.5021, 24.1109 ], [ 96.4567, 24.1008 ], [ 96.4129, 24.057 ], [ 96.3901, 24.0279 ], [ 96.4092, 24.0059 ], [ 96.4297, 23.9963 ], [ 96.4687, 24.0168 ], [ 96.5049, 24.0072 ], [ 96.5174, 23.9697 ], [ 96.509, 23.9509 ], [ 96.5281, 23.9091 ], [ 96.5269, 23.8822 ], [ 96.5572, 23.8558 ], [ 96.5605, 23.8251 ], [ 96.5382, 23.8176 ], [ 96.5148, 23.7525 ], [ 96.4884, 23.7258 ], [ 96.4715, 23.726 ], [ 96.4377, 23.6951 ], [ 96.4322, 23.6716 ], [ 96.4373, 23.6345 ], [ 96.4179, 23.6243 ], [ 96.3926, 23.5696 ], [ 96.3711, 23.587 ], [ 96.3641, 23.6163 ], [ 96.3155, 23.6421 ], [ 96.2808, 23.6307 ], [ 96.2604, 23.6035 ], [ 96.2505, 23.5758 ], [ 96.2142, 23.5893 ], [ 96.1692, 23.5936 ], [ 96.1445, 23.569 ], [ 96.1372, 23.5905 ], [ 96.1422, 23.6191 ], [ 96.1213, 23.6377 ], [ 96.1342, 23.6524 ], [ 96.1365, 23.6801 ], [ 96.109, 23.682 ], [ 96.0793, 23.6541 ], [ 96.0916, 23.648 ], [ 96.0838, 23.6241 ], [ 96.0516, 23.6188 ], [ 96.0347, 23.6025 ], [ 96.0123, 23.5447 ], [ 96.0099, 23.5118 ], [ 95.9701, 23.5329 ], [ 95.9639, 23.5019 ], [ 95.9668, 23.4606 ], [ 95.9232, 23.436 ], [ 95.9121, 23.4128 ], [ 95.9041, 23.3703 ], [ 95.9301, 23.337 ], [ 95.9502, 23.3311 ], [ 95.9501, 23.3113 ], [ 95.9298, 23.2806 ], [ 95.9587, 23.2474 ], [ 95.9519, 23.2214 ], [ 95.9592, 23.1661 ], [ 95.9802, 23.1593 ], [ 95.9919, 23.1305 ], [ 95.9935, 23.1037 ], [ 95.9746, 23.0838 ], [ 95.9838, 23.0651 ], [ 95.9808, 23.0272 ], [ 95.9731, 23.0127 ], [ 95.9791, 22.9644 ], [ 95.9666, 22.9276 ], [ 95.9649, 22.8759 ], [ 95.9685, 22.752 ], [ 95.9534, 22.7366 ], [ 95.9327, 22.7355 ], [ 95.9043, 22.7225 ], [ 95.9103, 22.6899 ], [ 95.9047, 22.6731 ], [ 95.9373, 22.6384 ], [ 95.9446, 22.6038 ], [ 95.9734, 22.568 ], [ 95.9957, 22.5277 ], [ 95.9767, 22.5093 ], [ 95.9608, 22.4751 ], [ 95.9685, 22.4372 ], [ 95.9578, 22.4155 ], [ 95.9641, 22.379 ], [ 96.0101, 22.3183 ], [ 96.0098, 22.2964 ], [ 95.9858, 22.2981 ], [ 95.9843, 22.2774 ], [ 95.9887, 22.1733 ], [ 95.9977, 22.1612 ], [ 95.9941, 22.1108 ], [ 96.0164, 22.0718 ], [ 96.0225, 22.046 ], [ 96.0137, 22.0034 ], [ 96.0246, 21.9772 ], [ 96.0, 21.8817 ], [ 95.9915, 21.8696 ], [ 95.938, 21.8521 ], [ 95.9125, 21.8596 ], [ 95.8964, 21.8841 ], [ 95.8723, 21.9001 ], [ 95.8276, 21.9057 ], [ 95.7948, 21.9201 ], [ 95.7408, 21.918 ], [ 95.7151, 21.9294 ], [ 95.6831, 21.9207 ], [ 95.5878, 21.9216 ], [ 95.5679, 21.9119 ], [ 95.5237, 21.9068 ], [ 95.4947, 21.8868 ], [ 95.4768, 21.858 ], [ 95.4265, 21.8007 ], [ 95.403, 21.7906 ], [ 95.4215, 21.7626 ], [ 95.4106, 21.7382 ], [ 95.3885, 21.7272 ], [ 95.3702, 21.7049 ], [ 95.3653, 21.645 ], [ 95.3458, 21.608 ], [ 95.342, 21.576 ], [ 95.3301, 21.5861 ], [ 95.3196, 21.6295 ], [ 95.2981, 21.6536 ], [ 95.243, 21.6745 ], [ 95.2436, 21.7143 ], [ 95.2064, 21.7395 ], [ 95.201, 21.766 ], [ 95.1621, 21.8091 ], [ 95.1636, 21.8345 ], [ 95.1204, 21.8558 ], [ 95.0817, 21.8523 ], [ 95.0611, 21.8354 ], [ 95.0152, 21.8323 ], [ 94.9906, 21.8249 ], [ 94.9707, 21.8333 ], [ 94.9257, 21.8332 ], [ 94.9054, 21.8389 ], [ 94.8577, 21.8642 ], [ 94.8394, 21.8555 ], [ 94.7882, 21.8477 ], [ 94.7499, 21.8283 ], [ 94.7239, 21.8448 ], [ 94.6607, 21.8725 ], [ 94.5881, 21.8379 ], [ 94.5405, 21.8377 ], [ 94.5438, 21.7918 ], [ 94.4962, 21.7865 ], [ 94.4595, 21.8188 ], [ 94.4327, 21.824 ], [ 94.4086, 21.8387 ], [ 94.42, 21.9433 ], [ 94.4249, 21.9659 ], [ 94.4096, 21.9878 ], [ 94.4191, 22.0263 ], [ 94.4354, 22.0346 ], [ 94.4352, 22.0597 ], [ 94.4218, 22.0779 ], [ 94.425, 22.1082 ], [ 94.4167, 22.1366 ], [ 94.3814, 22.1172 ], [ 94.3605, 22.117 ], [ 94.3414, 22.1354 ], [ 94.2964, 22.1516 ], [ 94.2707, 22.1904 ], [ 94.2451, 22.3004 ], [ 94.2676, 22.3149 ], [ 94.2609, 22.3535 ], [ 94.2707, 22.3665 ], [ 94.2609, 22.3971 ], [ 94.2705, 22.4051 ], [ 94.281, 22.4403 ], [ 94.2759, 22.489 ], [ 94.2545, 22.5079 ], [ 94.2587, 22.5198 ], [ 94.2446, 22.5655 ], [ 94.214, 22.6071 ], [ 94.1944, 22.6617 ], [ 94.1728, 22.6889 ], [ 94.1165, 22.6985 ], [ 94.1197, 22.7349 ], [ 94.1076, 22.7628 ], [ 94.0574, 22.7309 ], [ 94.0079, 22.7371 ], [ 94.0081, 22.7715 ], [ 93.9873, 22.8304 ], [ 94.0126, 22.836 ], [ 94.0172, 22.8527 ], [ 94.0113, 22.9051 ], [ 93.9949, 22.9247 ], [ 93.9896, 22.9467 ], [ 94.0195, 22.9467 ], [ 94.0204, 22.9661 ], [ 94.0006, 22.9825 ], [ 94.0045, 23.0574 ], [ 93.9938, 23.086 ], [ 93.977, 23.0901 ], [ 93.977, 23.1252 ], [ 93.9462, 23.1799 ], [ 93.9632, 23.1861 ], [ 93.9546, 23.2203 ], [ 93.9802, 23.2344 ], [ 93.9995, 23.2546 ], [ 94.0105, 23.2905 ], [ 94.004, 23.3119 ], [ 94.0034, 23.3713 ], [ 94.024, 23.3771 ], [ 94.0254, 23.3798 ], [ 94.0366, 23.4321 ], [ 94.0272, 23.5249 ], [ 94.0161, 23.5414 ], [ 94.04, 23.5734 ], [ 94.0692, 23.5557 ], [ 94.0788, 23.5396 ], [ 94.111, 23.5433 ], [ 94.1181, 23.557 ], [ 94.1193, 23.6129 ], [ 94.1321, 23.6515 ], [ 94.1281, 23.6652 ], [ 94.1497, 23.6911 ], [ 94.1373, 23.7207 ], [ 94.153, 23.7391 ], [ 94.1373, 23.7742 ], [ 94.1336, 23.8183 ], [ 94.1422, 23.8348 ], [ 94.1561, 23.8479 ], [ 94.1697, 23.9151 ], [ 94.1883, 23.9308 ], [ 94.2013, 23.9811 ], [ 94.2381, 24.0349 ], [ 94.2551, 24.0809 ], [ 94.2523, 24.1249 ], [ 94.2607, 24.1641 ], [ 94.2774, 24.1717 ], [ 94.2871, 24.228 ], [ 94.3025, 24.2376 ], [ 94.3233, 24.276 ], [ 94.3235, 24.327 ], [ 94.3507, 24.3334 ], [ 94.38, 24.3778 ], [ 94.3628, 24.3925 ], [ 94.3971, 24.4087 ], [ 94.4099, 24.4373 ], [ 94.3992, 24.4523 ], [ 94.3942, 24.4832 ], [ 94.422, 24.4831 ], [ 94.4311, 24.4949 ], [ 94.4561, 24.5705 ], [ 94.5105, 24.5933 ], [ 94.5416, 24.6426 ], [ 94.5493, 24.6824 ], [ 94.5439, 24.705 ], [ 94.6086, 24.7152 ], [ 94.6162, 24.7438 ], [ 94.6295, 24.7597 ], [ 94.621, 24.7819 ], [ 94.6342, 24.836 ], [ 94.6512, 24.8635 ], [ 94.6875, 24.8922 ], [ 94.7046, 24.9297 ], [ 94.6973, 24.9618 ], [ 94.7037, 24.9826 ], [ 94.7249, 24.9984 ], [ 94.7428, 25.0337 ], [ 94.7452, 25.0811 ], [ 94.7421, 25.1248 ], [ 94.705, 25.1443 ], [ 94.6076, 25.1817 ], [ 94.5777, 25.2137 ], [ 94.5853, 25.2304 ], [ 94.5862, 25.2653 ], [ 94.608, 25.3163 ], [ 94.6347, 25.3593 ], [ 94.638, 25.397 ], [ 94.664, 25.4097 ], [ 94.6842, 25.4652 ], [ 94.7444, 25.4821 ], [ 94.7841, 25.4808 ], [ 94.8072, 25.495 ], [ 94.8265, 25.5234 ], [ 94.8263, 25.5414 ], [ 94.8471, 25.5619 ], [ 94.8811, 25.5633 ], [ 94.8821, 25.588 ], [ 94.9154, 25.6097 ], [ 94.9361, 25.6692 ], [ 94.9874, 25.7049 ], [ 94.9943, 25.7238 ], [ 95.0376, 25.7406 ], [ 95.0466, 25.7574 ], [ 95.0474, 25.8004 ], [ 95.0327, 25.8144 ], [ 95.0175, 25.8599 ], [ 95.0117, 25.8971 ], [ 95.051, 25.9365 ], [ 95.0901, 25.9517 ], [ 95.1589, 26.0264 ], [ 95.1661, 26.0524 ], [ 95.1853, 26.0741 ], [ 95.1648, 26.0915 ], [ 95.1483, 26.0883 ], [ 95.1193, 26.1004 ], [ 95.1252, 26.1318 ], [ 95.1182, 26.1606 ], [ 95.1233, 26.1918 ], [ 95.1426, 26.2119 ], [ 95.1139, 26.2345 ], [ 95.1259, 26.2521 ], [ 95.1219, 26.2728 ], [ 95.1245, 26.3557 ], [ 95.1301, 26.3817 ], [ 95.0965, 26.401 ], [ 95.1033, 26.4199 ], [ 95.0819, 26.449 ], [ 95.0751, 26.475 ], [ 95.1142, 26.5197 ], [ 95.1064, 26.5413 ], [ 95.1356, 26.557 ], [ 95.1529, 26.5835 ], [ 95.1472, 26.612 ], [ 95.1818, 26.6432 ], [ 95.1993, 26.6427 ], [ 95.2342, 26.6812 ], [ 95.2585, 26.6744 ], [ 95.2583, 26.6554 ], [ 95.3026, 26.6525 ], [ 95.3378, 26.6744 ], [ 95.3598, 26.6704 ], [ 95.372, 26.6825 ], [ 95.4327, 26.7013 ], [ 95.4364, 26.7186 ], [ 95.4619, 26.743 ], [ 95.4768, 26.7419 ], [ 95.5025, 26.7898 ], [ 95.5066, 26.808 ], [ 95.5421, 26.8341 ], [ 95.5677, 26.8163 ], [ 95.607, 26.8124 ], [ 95.6259, 26.8443 ], [ 95.6306, 26.8719 ], [ 95.6683, 26.9026 ], [ 95.7037, 26.8817 ], [ 95.7207, 26.8806 ], [ 95.7421, 26.8958 ], [ 95.7452, 26.9209 ], [ 95.7604, 26.9431 ], [ 95.7641, 26.9717 ], [ 95.779, 26.9785 ], [ 95.8002, 27.0135 ], [ 95.8321, 27.0079 ], [ 95.8746, 27.0128 ], [ 95.9329, 27.0477 ], [ 95.946, 27.0507 ], [ 95.9547, 27.0759 ], [ 96.0047, 27.1391 ], [ 96.0268, 27.1822 ], [ 96.0756, 27.2094 ], [ 96.0899, 27.2229 ], [ 96.1541, 27.247 ], [ 96.1861, 27.2497 ], [ 96.2283, 27.2774 ], [ 96.2702, 27.2715 ], [ 96.2768, 27.2842 ], [ 96.3082, 27.2929 ], [ 96.3418, 27.2848 ], [ 96.3503, 27.2936 ], [ 96.385, 27.2837 ], [ 96.4249, 27.3025 ], [ 96.4564, 27.3059 ], [ 96.5075, 27.2978 ], [ 96.5196, 27.2854 ], [ 96.5525, 27.3179 ], [ 96.5844, 27.3331 ], [ 96.6044, 27.3637 ], [ 96.6967, 27.3576 ], [ 96.7026, 27.372 ], [ 96.7537, 27.353 ], [ 96.7674, 27.3564 ], [ 96.7992, 27.3444 ], [ 96.8236, 27.3073 ], [ 96.8377, 27.2991 ], [ 96.8485, 27.2702 ], [ 96.8878, 27.2477 ], [ 96.8803, 27.2228 ], [ 96.8554, 27.2101 ], [ 96.8591, 27.1902 ], [ 96.8957, 27.1703 ], [ 96.9546, 27.1625 ], [ 97.0088, 27.139 ], [ 97.0666, 27.0927 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 6, "NAME": "Tanintharyi Region", "PCODE": "MMR006", "ISO": "MM-05" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 98.2625, 10.0624 ], [ 98.2789, 10.0452 ], [ 98.2928, 10.0173 ], [ 98.2599, 10.0144 ], [ 98.2632, 9.999 ], [ 98.2503, 9.9815 ], [ 98.25, 9.9502 ], [ 98.2269, 9.9396 ], [ 98.201, 9.9396 ], [ 98.1676, 9.9218 ], [ 98.164, 9.886 ], [ 98.1429, 9.8528 ], [ 98.1147, 9.8655 ], [ 98.129, 9.8846 ], [ 98.1172, 9.9031 ], [ 98.1275, 9.9473 ], [ 98.1474, 9.9557 ], [ 98.1655, 9.9831 ], [ 98.1735, 10.0171 ], [ 98.1894, 10.0339 ], [ 98.2179, 10.0273 ], [ 98.2261, 10.0498 ], [ 98.2625, 10.0624 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.19, 10.1891 ], [ 98.2049, 10.1963 ], [ 98.2153, 10.1691 ], [ 98.2291, 10.1616 ], [ 98.2324, 10.1404 ], [ 98.1958, 10.1199 ], [ 98.1702, 10.1418 ], [ 98.1806, 10.1553 ], [ 98.19, 10.1891 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.5009, 10.8827 ], [ 98.5132, 10.8885 ], [ 98.5631, 10.8552 ], [ 98.5505, 10.8307 ], [ 98.5581, 10.8116 ], [ 98.5357, 10.7826 ], [ 98.5058, 10.775 ], [ 98.4927, 10.7924 ], [ 98.5159, 10.8198 ], [ 98.5038, 10.8297 ], [ 98.5009, 10.8827 ] ] ], [ [ [ 97.9277, 10.9264 ], [ 97.9443, 10.9282 ], [ 97.9463, 10.9058 ], [ 97.9326, 10.8723 ], [ 97.9003, 10.8708 ], [ 97.8854, 10.8924 ], [ 97.9163, 10.9333 ], [ 97.9277, 10.9264 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.1817, 10.9823 ], [ 98.2, 10.963 ], [ 98.2191, 10.957 ], [ 98.2295, 10.9267 ], [ 98.229, 10.9072 ], [ 98.2438, 10.8707 ], [ 98.2645, 10.8597 ], [ 98.2761, 10.8403 ], [ 98.2769, 10.7939 ], [ 98.2858, 10.7664 ], [ 98.2826, 10.7266 ], [ 98.2897, 10.7126 ], [ 98.2728, 10.6928 ], [ 98.237, 10.6951 ], [ 98.2421, 10.7117 ], [ 98.2375, 10.7427 ], [ 98.2572, 10.7608 ], [ 98.246, 10.7949 ], [ 98.2531, 10.8193 ], [ 98.234, 10.8389 ], [ 98.1909, 10.8973 ], [ 98.1767, 10.8915 ], [ 98.1654, 10.9241 ], [ 98.1473, 10.9181 ], [ 98.0933, 10.8735 ], [ 98.0829, 10.8956 ], [ 98.1043, 10.9227 ], [ 98.124, 10.9339 ], [ 98.1737, 10.9901 ], [ 98.1817, 10.9823 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.5461, 11.0212 ], [ 98.5484, 10.9828 ], [ 98.5402, 10.9723 ], [ 98.5152, 10.9784 ], [ 98.5101, 10.9548 ], [ 98.4715, 10.9796 ], [ 98.4912, 11.0213 ], [ 98.511, 11.0257 ], [ 98.519, 11.0446 ], [ 98.5198, 11.0804 ], [ 98.5316, 11.0884 ], [ 98.5461, 11.0212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.2951, 11.8039 ], [ 98.2947, 11.7734 ], [ 98.3148, 11.7446 ], [ 98.3193, 11.7233 ], [ 98.2949, 11.7009 ], [ 98.2749, 11.5957 ], [ 98.2817, 11.574 ], [ 98.2745, 11.5581 ], [ 98.2699, 11.4804 ], [ 98.2526, 11.4744 ], [ 98.225, 11.4848 ], [ 98.2171, 11.4586 ], [ 98.2007, 11.4604 ], [ 98.1606, 11.4366 ], [ 98.1603, 11.4554 ], [ 98.1911, 11.4558 ], [ 98.1913, 11.484 ], [ 98.2031, 11.5113 ], [ 98.1897, 11.537 ], [ 98.1961, 11.5664 ], [ 98.2219, 11.6278 ], [ 98.2435, 11.6339 ], [ 98.2279, 11.6584 ], [ 98.2326, 11.6867 ], [ 98.2678, 11.7347 ], [ 98.2728, 11.7635 ], [ 98.2585, 11.7923 ], [ 98.2737, 11.806 ], [ 98.2951, 11.8039 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.5318, 11.794 ], [ 98.5471, 11.7626 ], [ 98.546, 11.7077 ], [ 98.5345, 11.6389 ], [ 98.5456, 11.6139 ], [ 98.5213, 11.5863 ], [ 98.5216, 11.5388 ], [ 98.4967, 11.5434 ], [ 98.4844, 11.5653 ], [ 98.4597, 11.5639 ], [ 98.4525, 11.5745 ], [ 98.4249, 11.5661 ], [ 98.4096, 11.609 ], [ 98.4238, 11.6223 ], [ 98.4091, 11.6421 ], [ 98.3757, 11.6542 ], [ 98.3693, 11.6816 ], [ 98.3823, 11.7137 ], [ 98.3656, 11.7367 ], [ 98.3821, 11.7649 ], [ 98.382, 11.7892 ], [ 98.4012, 11.791 ], [ 98.4493, 11.7822 ], [ 98.4616, 11.7961 ], [ 98.487, 11.7948 ], [ 98.5155, 11.8102 ], [ 98.5318, 11.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.007, 11.8593 ], [ 98.0051, 11.8327 ], [ 98.0186, 11.8043 ], [ 98.0461, 11.7973 ], [ 98.0521, 11.769 ], [ 98.0532, 11.726 ], [ 98.0775, 11.7239 ], [ 98.0728, 11.6846 ], [ 98.0518, 11.6457 ], [ 98.0431, 11.6766 ], [ 98.012, 11.6922 ], [ 98.0205, 11.7121 ], [ 98.0118, 11.741 ], [ 98.0297, 11.7541 ], [ 98.013, 11.7844 ], [ 98.0125, 11.8079 ], [ 97.9908, 11.8278 ], [ 98.007, 11.8593 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.4503, 12.094 ], [ 98.4636, 12.0693 ], [ 98.4923, 12.0443 ], [ 98.5011, 12.0128 ], [ 98.5242, 11.9943 ], [ 98.5522, 11.9965 ], [ 98.6223, 11.9583 ], [ 98.6717, 11.9468 ], [ 98.6574, 11.9208 ], [ 98.6255, 11.9207 ], [ 98.5952, 11.9117 ], [ 98.5475, 11.9155 ], [ 98.5076, 11.8783 ], [ 98.4787, 11.8737 ], [ 98.4606, 11.8902 ], [ 98.4637, 11.9075 ], [ 98.4523, 11.9258 ], [ 98.4556, 11.9618 ], [ 98.4676, 11.9712 ], [ 98.4635, 11.9966 ], [ 98.4419, 12.0056 ], [ 98.4322, 12.0365 ], [ 98.4398, 12.0516 ], [ 98.4295, 12.0879 ], [ 98.4503, 12.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.0985, 12.294 ], [ 98.1348, 12.2862 ], [ 98.1224, 12.206 ], [ 98.1443, 12.184 ], [ 98.1343, 12.1744 ], [ 98.0816, 12.1626 ], [ 98.0429, 12.2207 ], [ 98.0587, 12.258 ], [ 98.0641, 12.285 ], [ 98.0812, 12.3014 ], [ 98.0985, 12.294 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.0952, 12.4354 ], [ 98.0981, 12.4149 ], [ 98.1156, 12.4019 ], [ 98.1052, 12.372 ], [ 98.0698, 12.3486 ], [ 98.0484, 12.3243 ], [ 97.9951, 12.2924 ], [ 97.9678, 12.3231 ], [ 97.9433, 12.326 ], [ 97.9355, 12.341 ], [ 97.9517, 12.3845 ], [ 97.9699, 12.3953 ], [ 97.985, 12.3896 ], [ 98.0128, 12.3615 ], [ 98.0362, 12.3544 ], [ 98.0447, 12.3795 ], [ 98.0669, 12.3971 ], [ 98.0952, 12.4354 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.4994, 12.517 ], [ 98.5182, 12.4984 ], [ 98.51, 12.4775 ], [ 98.5099, 12.45 ], [ 98.4987, 12.4337 ], [ 98.5139, 12.4218 ], [ 98.4894, 12.3883 ], [ 98.4648, 12.4142 ], [ 98.4782, 12.4676 ], [ 98.4769, 12.4942 ], [ 98.4994, 12.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.2555, 12.5646 ], [ 98.2729, 12.5321 ], [ 98.2913, 12.5101 ], [ 98.267, 12.49 ], [ 98.2351, 12.4906 ], [ 98.2206, 12.5161 ], [ 98.2282, 12.5444 ], [ 98.2555, 12.5646 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.319, 12.6722 ], [ 98.3426, 12.6618 ], [ 98.3569, 12.67 ], [ 98.3791, 12.6628 ], [ 98.4086, 12.6273 ], [ 98.3921, 12.6128 ], [ 98.3903, 12.5788 ], [ 98.3992, 12.5616 ], [ 98.4352, 12.5501 ], [ 98.4431, 12.5675 ], [ 98.4396, 12.6068 ], [ 98.4558, 12.6092 ], [ 98.4663, 12.5859 ], [ 98.4811, 12.5747 ], [ 98.4661, 12.5542 ], [ 98.4636, 12.4665 ], [ 98.4573, 12.4487 ], [ 98.4331, 12.4356 ], [ 98.4268, 12.4122 ], [ 98.3996, 12.3676 ], [ 98.3804, 12.3509 ], [ 98.363, 12.3212 ], [ 98.3322, 12.3133 ], [ 98.306, 12.3303 ], [ 98.3089, 12.3738 ], [ 98.331, 12.4384 ], [ 98.3333, 12.4557 ], [ 98.3166, 12.482 ], [ 98.3263, 12.516 ], [ 98.3128, 12.5327 ], [ 98.2989, 12.5852 ], [ 98.2961, 12.6445 ], [ 98.3065, 12.6783 ], [ 98.319, 12.6722 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.2565, 13.2163 ], [ 98.2666, 13.1911 ], [ 98.288, 13.1143 ], [ 98.3334, 13.0774 ], [ 98.3044, 13.0527 ], [ 98.2855, 13.0475 ], [ 98.2936, 13.0165 ], [ 98.2821, 13.0108 ], [ 98.2524, 13.0773 ], [ 98.2475, 13.1246 ], [ 98.2357, 13.1474 ], [ 98.2453, 13.1737 ], [ 98.2358, 13.215 ], [ 98.2565, 13.2163 ] ] ], [ [ [ 98.2082, 14.9819 ], [ 98.2337, 14.9672 ], [ 98.2515, 14.9167 ], [ 98.2311, 14.8892 ], [ 98.2574, 14.8633 ], [ 98.2551, 14.8129 ], [ 98.2904, 14.7736 ], [ 98.3061, 14.7326 ], [ 98.3274, 14.7066 ], [ 98.3619, 14.6895 ], [ 98.3804, 14.6529 ], [ 98.4358, 14.6135 ], [ 98.4601, 14.5725 ], [ 98.462, 14.5309 ], [ 98.4944, 14.5352 ], [ 98.4985, 14.5086 ], [ 98.5193, 14.4743 ], [ 98.5254, 14.4534 ], [ 98.5491, 14.4328 ], [ 98.5569, 14.402 ], [ 98.5806, 14.3684 ], [ 98.6049, 14.3187 ], [ 98.6294, 14.3166 ], [ 98.6395, 14.3038 ], [ 98.6848, 14.2733 ], [ 98.7145, 14.2765 ], [ 98.7313, 14.2567 ], [ 98.745, 14.2271 ], [ 98.7801, 14.1992 ], [ 98.8155, 14.178 ], [ 98.8318, 14.1789 ], [ 98.8426, 14.1618 ], [ 98.8692, 14.1472 ], [ 98.8797, 14.1246 ], [ 98.9003, 14.1068 ], [ 98.92, 14.1102 ], [ 98.9672, 14.0894 ], [ 98.9698, 14.0499 ], [ 98.9961, 14.0231 ], [ 99.0077, 13.9997 ], [ 99.0211, 13.9454 ], [ 99.045, 13.9408 ], [ 99.0613, 13.927 ], [ 99.079, 13.8954 ], [ 99.1093, 13.8924 ], [ 99.1117, 13.8664 ], [ 99.1005, 13.8372 ], [ 99.1154, 13.8302 ], [ 99.1226, 13.8014 ], [ 99.1213, 13.7721 ], [ 99.1388, 13.7611 ], [ 99.1682, 13.7284 ], [ 99.1657, 13.6812 ], [ 99.1726, 13.6284 ], [ 99.1661, 13.6132 ], [ 99.179, 13.5835 ], [ 99.1659, 13.5734 ], [ 99.193, 13.5407 ], [ 99.1851, 13.508 ], [ 99.2077, 13.4685 ], [ 99.1973, 13.4492 ], [ 99.209, 13.4101 ], [ 99.1994, 13.371 ], [ 99.207, 13.3411 ], [ 99.1904, 13.3186 ], [ 99.1878, 13.2911 ], [ 99.2048, 13.2698 ], [ 99.1962, 13.259 ], [ 99.2074, 13.2339 ], [ 99.2093, 13.2007 ], [ 99.1939, 13.188 ], [ 99.1585, 13.2076 ], [ 99.1314, 13.2016 ], [ 99.1179, 13.1752 ], [ 99.1347, 13.1629 ], [ 99.1372, 13.1274 ], [ 99.1199, 13.0954 ], [ 99.0998, 13.0724 ], [ 99.1208, 13.0434 ], [ 99.1674, 13.0176 ], [ 99.1962, 12.9583 ], [ 99.1623, 12.9274 ], [ 99.182, 12.9137 ], [ 99.1852, 12.8604 ], [ 99.2116, 12.8257 ], [ 99.2311, 12.8125 ], [ 99.2345, 12.7392 ], [ 99.2468, 12.7194 ], [ 99.265, 12.7253 ], [ 99.2908, 12.7154 ], [ 99.2953, 12.6784 ], [ 99.3104, 12.6667 ], [ 99.3328, 12.6676 ], [ 99.3672, 12.625 ], [ 99.3802, 12.6159 ], [ 99.4143, 12.618 ], [ 99.4354, 12.5646 ], [ 99.4252, 12.5404 ], [ 99.4204, 12.5034 ], [ 99.4028, 12.4615 ], [ 99.4469, 12.4041 ], [ 99.4345, 12.3623 ], [ 99.4659, 12.2832 ], [ 99.4843, 12.2769 ], [ 99.4825, 12.251 ], [ 99.4723, 12.2392 ], [ 99.4998, 12.1916 ], [ 99.4812, 12.1626 ], [ 99.484, 12.1316 ], [ 99.5381, 12.1583 ], [ 99.5648, 12.1413 ], [ 99.5568, 12.0936 ], [ 99.5367, 12.0674 ], [ 99.5425, 12.0308 ], [ 99.5371, 12.0162 ], [ 99.5802, 12.004 ], [ 99.5937, 11.9887 ], [ 99.5934, 11.95 ], [ 99.58, 11.9415 ], [ 99.5874, 11.9165 ], [ 99.5802, 11.9034 ], [ 99.5835, 11.8695 ], [ 99.5992, 11.8756 ], [ 99.6271, 11.8486 ], [ 99.6276, 11.8204 ], [ 99.6521, 11.8113 ], [ 99.6427, 11.778 ], [ 99.6393, 11.7327 ], [ 99.5984, 11.7021 ], [ 99.5829, 11.6764 ], [ 99.5868, 11.6596 ], [ 99.5607, 11.6233 ], [ 99.5329, 11.6191 ], [ 99.5162, 11.6354 ], [ 99.4751, 11.6237 ], [ 99.4583, 11.5813 ], [ 99.4749, 11.5375 ], [ 99.4468, 11.4931 ], [ 99.3977, 11.4638 ], [ 99.4026, 11.3888 ], [ 99.364, 11.3684 ], [ 99.3356, 11.3338 ], [ 99.3123, 11.3164 ], [ 99.3087, 11.3016 ], [ 99.3245, 11.2843 ], [ 99.2994, 11.2499 ], [ 99.2694, 11.2246 ], [ 99.2537, 11.1664 ], [ 99.2254, 11.1413 ], [ 99.2295, 11.1144 ], [ 99.1993, 11.0892 ], [ 99.1775, 11.0803 ], [ 99.1799, 11.0603 ], [ 99.1675, 11.0425 ], [ 99.1305, 11.0301 ], [ 99.1025, 11.0105 ], [ 99.0989, 10.9805 ], [ 99.0828, 10.9531 ], [ 99.0209, 10.9674 ], [ 99.0033, 10.9348 ], [ 99.0007, 10.8915 ], [ 99.0122, 10.8578 ], [ 98.9641, 10.817 ], [ 98.9201, 10.8128 ], [ 98.8852, 10.7838 ], [ 98.8782, 10.7868 ], [ 98.8412, 10.7514 ], [ 98.7912, 10.6815 ], [ 98.7812, 10.6772 ], [ 98.7854, 10.6479 ], [ 98.7745, 10.6154 ], [ 98.8006, 10.6045 ], [ 98.8102, 10.5818 ], [ 98.8048, 10.5631 ], [ 98.8168, 10.5436 ], [ 98.8192, 10.5011 ], [ 98.801, 10.4812 ], [ 98.8088, 10.4672 ], [ 98.8002, 10.4468 ], [ 98.7851, 10.4436 ], [ 98.7687, 10.4039 ], [ 98.7529, 10.3899 ], [ 98.7141, 10.2679 ], [ 98.6941, 10.211 ], [ 98.6492, 10.1794 ], [ 98.6389, 10.1376 ], [ 98.6199, 10.1203 ], [ 98.6073, 10.072 ], [ 98.5885, 10.0443 ], [ 98.5643, 9.9952 ], [ 98.5467, 9.9765 ], [ 98.5288, 10.0093 ], [ 98.5168, 10.0562 ], [ 98.5248, 10.0777 ], [ 98.5124, 10.122 ], [ 98.5148, 10.1673 ], [ 98.489, 10.1848 ], [ 98.4807, 10.2013 ], [ 98.5159, 10.2416 ], [ 98.519, 10.3037 ], [ 98.5368, 10.3568 ], [ 98.5212, 10.3881 ], [ 98.5039, 10.4078 ], [ 98.5048, 10.431 ], [ 98.4916, 10.4514 ], [ 98.4849, 10.5098 ], [ 98.4981, 10.526 ], [ 98.4794, 10.5569 ], [ 98.4706, 10.5897 ], [ 98.4803, 10.6139 ], [ 98.4543, 10.6213 ], [ 98.457, 10.6456 ], [ 98.4492, 10.6879 ], [ 98.4625, 10.6925 ], [ 98.474, 10.7343 ], [ 98.5345, 10.7294 ], [ 98.5387, 10.7493 ], [ 98.5652, 10.7501 ], [ 98.5817, 10.774 ], [ 98.5981, 10.8242 ], [ 98.6198, 10.8251 ], [ 98.6368, 10.8467 ], [ 98.6284, 10.8683 ], [ 98.6063, 10.8687 ], [ 98.5954, 10.8563 ], [ 98.5766, 10.8763 ], [ 98.6155, 10.8958 ], [ 98.628, 10.9198 ], [ 98.6671, 10.9146 ], [ 98.7132, 10.9416 ], [ 98.7158, 10.9898 ], [ 98.6801, 11.0016 ], [ 98.6905, 11.0339 ], [ 98.7098, 11.0646 ], [ 98.6982, 11.0931 ], [ 98.6731, 11.1003 ], [ 98.658, 11.126 ], [ 98.7, 11.1392 ], [ 98.739, 11.1875 ], [ 98.7409, 11.2302 ], [ 98.7499, 11.2415 ], [ 98.7544, 11.276 ], [ 98.7234, 11.3186 ], [ 98.7156, 11.3893 ], [ 98.6944, 11.4106 ], [ 98.7194, 11.4592 ], [ 98.7696, 11.4498 ], [ 98.7521, 11.494 ], [ 98.755, 11.5277 ], [ 98.729, 11.5256 ], [ 98.7184, 11.5376 ], [ 98.7177, 11.5711 ], [ 98.729, 11.5762 ], [ 98.7387, 11.6431 ], [ 98.7387, 11.6747 ], [ 98.7933, 11.6827 ], [ 98.8382, 11.6824 ], [ 98.8492, 11.7056 ], [ 98.8727, 11.7027 ], [ 98.8938, 11.6697 ], [ 98.9001, 11.7029 ], [ 98.877, 11.7076 ], [ 98.85, 11.7227 ], [ 98.8115, 11.7339 ], [ 98.7895, 11.731 ], [ 98.7812, 11.7564 ], [ 98.8084, 11.7852 ], [ 98.8192, 11.8167 ], [ 98.7767, 11.7895 ], [ 98.7533, 11.7627 ], [ 98.7367, 11.7559 ], [ 98.7013, 11.7234 ], [ 98.7116, 11.7086 ], [ 98.6883, 11.6767 ], [ 98.6618, 11.6856 ], [ 98.6042, 11.7196 ], [ 98.6114, 11.7344 ], [ 98.59, 11.7589 ], [ 98.6168, 11.7881 ], [ 98.613, 11.8124 ], [ 98.6296, 11.8452 ], [ 98.6494, 11.8644 ], [ 98.6117, 11.8757 ], [ 98.5512, 11.871 ], [ 98.5398, 11.8856 ], [ 98.5557, 11.9078 ], [ 98.5927, 11.9034 ], [ 98.6685, 11.9214 ], [ 98.6674, 11.9385 ], [ 98.6881, 11.9426 ], [ 98.6921, 11.9631 ], [ 98.7122, 11.9684 ], [ 98.7015, 11.9964 ], [ 98.7347, 12.0044 ], [ 98.6856, 12.0267 ], [ 98.7102, 12.059 ], [ 98.6995, 12.0643 ], [ 98.6711, 12.0441 ], [ 98.6375, 12.0701 ], [ 98.6184, 12.1041 ], [ 98.619, 12.137 ], [ 98.636, 12.1504 ], [ 98.6701, 12.1605 ], [ 98.6753, 12.1817 ], [ 98.7053, 12.204 ], [ 98.7078, 12.2188 ], [ 98.6894, 12.2418 ], [ 98.6533, 12.2432 ], [ 98.6283, 12.2287 ], [ 98.6163, 12.1994 ], [ 98.5989, 12.1939 ], [ 98.5721, 12.2053 ], [ 98.5562, 12.2 ], [ 98.54, 12.2175 ], [ 98.5262, 12.2616 ], [ 98.5443, 12.2744 ], [ 98.5632, 12.3005 ], [ 98.5948, 12.2983 ], [ 98.6369, 12.3058 ], [ 98.6381, 12.3191 ], [ 98.5555, 12.3297 ], [ 98.5373, 12.3473 ], [ 98.5477, 12.393 ], [ 98.5586, 12.4164 ], [ 98.5833, 12.4028 ], [ 98.6018, 12.4034 ], [ 98.6138, 12.3895 ], [ 98.6367, 12.3857 ], [ 98.6928, 12.3467 ], [ 98.7067, 12.3586 ], [ 98.625, 12.3916 ], [ 98.622, 12.4056 ], [ 98.5942, 12.4303 ], [ 98.6018, 12.4815 ], [ 98.6482, 12.5039 ], [ 98.6958, 12.5112 ], [ 98.6766, 12.5278 ], [ 98.6312, 12.5362 ], [ 98.6167, 12.5611 ], [ 98.6391, 12.592 ], [ 98.6513, 12.6339 ], [ 98.6493, 12.657 ], [ 98.6793, 12.7019 ], [ 98.6739, 12.7225 ], [ 98.6479, 12.729 ], [ 98.6416, 12.7409 ], [ 98.6771, 12.7526 ], [ 98.6959, 12.7932 ], [ 98.6621, 12.7796 ], [ 98.6382, 12.8243 ], [ 98.636, 12.858 ], [ 98.6242, 12.8999 ], [ 98.5904, 12.931 ], [ 98.5966, 12.9534 ], [ 98.5993, 13.0053 ], [ 98.5826, 13.028 ], [ 98.5958, 13.0437 ], [ 98.5855, 13.0653 ], [ 98.59, 13.0862 ], [ 98.5699, 13.1302 ], [ 98.5814, 13.1683 ], [ 98.563, 13.2031 ], [ 98.5434, 13.2023 ], [ 98.53, 13.2324 ], [ 98.4955, 13.2461 ], [ 98.4874, 13.2606 ], [ 98.497, 13.2931 ], [ 98.4695, 13.2998 ], [ 98.4634, 13.3416 ], [ 98.4649, 13.3826 ], [ 98.4483, 13.3851 ], [ 98.44, 13.4176 ], [ 98.4144, 13.4425 ], [ 98.411, 13.4614 ], [ 98.4246, 13.4721 ], [ 98.3932, 13.5274 ], [ 98.3669, 13.5606 ], [ 98.3741, 13.5855 ], [ 98.3414, 13.6291 ], [ 98.3074, 13.6511 ], [ 98.281, 13.6761 ], [ 98.2774, 13.7087 ], [ 98.2449, 13.7069 ], [ 98.2316, 13.738 ], [ 98.2416, 13.7619 ], [ 98.246, 13.8062 ], [ 98.2387, 13.8852 ], [ 98.2428, 13.9078 ], [ 98.2319, 13.9253 ], [ 98.2286, 13.9712 ], [ 98.2048, 14.0021 ], [ 98.201, 13.9633 ], [ 98.2153, 13.9136 ], [ 98.2147, 13.8858 ], [ 98.181, 13.8197 ], [ 98.1705, 13.7637 ], [ 98.1877, 13.6843 ], [ 98.186, 13.6544 ], [ 98.1606, 13.6186 ], [ 98.1551, 13.5817 ], [ 98.1589, 13.5548 ], [ 98.1304, 13.5645 ], [ 98.125, 13.5894 ], [ 98.1398, 13.6113 ], [ 98.1529, 13.6501 ], [ 98.1426, 13.6783 ], [ 98.1068, 13.6978 ], [ 98.0967, 13.6963 ], [ 98.0892, 13.7353 ], [ 98.0677, 13.76 ], [ 98.0771, 13.7759 ], [ 98.0698, 13.7939 ], [ 98.0887, 13.8126 ], [ 98.0879, 13.8528 ], [ 98.0995, 13.8907 ], [ 98.0746, 13.9165 ], [ 98.0662, 13.9757 ], [ 98.0683, 13.9974 ], [ 98.0553, 14.0232 ], [ 98.072, 14.0455 ], [ 98.0746, 14.076 ], [ 98.0988, 14.1105 ], [ 98.0763, 14.1762 ], [ 98.0557, 14.2138 ], [ 97.9958, 14.2969 ], [ 97.9958, 14.3153 ], [ 97.9679, 14.3619 ], [ 97.9694, 14.4194 ], [ 97.9876, 14.4534 ], [ 97.9573, 14.4462 ], [ 97.9544, 14.4956 ], [ 97.9072, 14.5682 ], [ 97.9024, 14.6098 ], [ 97.8913, 14.6381 ], [ 97.8743, 14.66 ], [ 97.8979, 14.7152 ], [ 97.9351, 14.7251 ], [ 97.9518, 14.7053 ], [ 97.9638, 14.7218 ], [ 97.9488, 14.7369 ], [ 97.8997, 14.7375 ], [ 97.8652, 14.7055 ], [ 97.8379, 14.714 ], [ 97.8166, 14.7755 ], [ 97.8201, 14.7877 ], [ 97.7933, 14.8806 ], [ 97.8388, 14.8854 ], [ 97.8269, 14.9049 ], [ 97.835, 14.9282 ], [ 97.8676, 14.9367 ], [ 97.8635, 14.9892 ], [ 97.873, 15.0324 ], [ 97.8732, 15.0338 ], [ 97.8836, 15.082 ], [ 97.9482, 15.0627 ], [ 97.9469, 15.0743 ], [ 97.9593, 15.0845 ], [ 98.0044, 15.0951 ], [ 98.0177, 15.1049 ], [ 98.0395, 15.0825 ], [ 98.0489, 15.0405 ], [ 98.0787, 15.0071 ], [ 98.0995, 14.9915 ], [ 98.121, 14.9953 ], [ 98.169, 14.9848 ], [ 98.1816, 14.9723 ], [ 98.2082, 14.9819 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 7, "NAME": "Bago Region", "PCODE": "MMR007", "ISO": "MM-02" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 96.3916, 19.4739 ], [ 96.4016, 19.4593 ], [ 96.4347, 19.4376 ], [ 96.4099, 19.4061 ], [ 96.4275, 19.3796 ], [ 96.4459, 19.3735 ], [ 96.4611, 19.3531 ], [ 96.4566, 19.3118 ], [ 96.4519, 19.3028 ], [ 96.4682, 19.2961 ], [ 96.4966, 19.2069 ], [ 96.5439, 19.1815 ], [ 96.5306, 19.1574 ], [ 96.4918, 19.1458 ], [ 96.5132, 19.133 ], [ 96.5103, 19.0901 ], [ 96.5422, 19.058 ], [ 96.5722, 19.0379 ], [ 96.5704, 19.0176 ], [ 96.5841, 18.9372 ], [ 96.6358, 18.9498 ], [ 96.6687, 18.933 ], [ 96.6498, 18.9058 ], [ 96.6122, 18.9118 ], [ 96.595, 18.8696 ], [ 96.6106, 18.8407 ], [ 96.629, 18.8309 ], [ 96.6251, 18.811 ], [ 96.6356, 18.7919 ], [ 96.5731, 18.7848 ], [ 96.5844, 18.736 ], [ 96.6033, 18.7094 ], [ 96.6268, 18.6945 ], [ 96.6496, 18.6469 ], [ 96.6648, 18.6473 ], [ 96.6698, 18.6216 ], [ 96.6946, 18.5986 ], [ 96.7239, 18.6295 ], [ 96.7469, 18.6277 ], [ 96.7806, 18.6015 ], [ 96.8153, 18.599 ], [ 96.8445, 18.6148 ], [ 96.8619, 18.6358 ], [ 96.885, 18.6345 ], [ 96.9158, 18.6481 ], [ 96.937, 18.6499 ], [ 96.9405, 18.6311 ], [ 96.9765, 18.5845 ], [ 96.9665, 18.5579 ], [ 96.9829, 18.552 ], [ 96.9755, 18.4731 ], [ 96.9604, 18.4307 ], [ 96.9818, 18.4062 ], [ 96.9897, 18.3764 ], [ 97.0082, 18.3698 ], [ 97.033, 18.3743 ], [ 97.0466, 18.3453 ], [ 97.0482, 18.3064 ], [ 97.0553, 18.2924 ], [ 97.0768, 18.2913 ], [ 97.0848, 18.3209 ], [ 97.1012, 18.3317 ], [ 97.1179, 18.3091 ], [ 97.1401, 18.2503 ], [ 97.1245, 18.21 ], [ 97.161, 18.1763 ], [ 97.1935, 18.1556 ], [ 97.1957, 18.1329 ], [ 97.1814, 18.1207 ], [ 97.1728, 18.0739 ], [ 97.1416, 18.0274 ], [ 97.1403, 18.0105 ], [ 97.1176, 17.9897 ], [ 97.1162, 17.9471 ], [ 97.1225, 17.9313 ], [ 97.1629, 17.8739 ], [ 97.1646, 17.8465 ], [ 97.1848, 17.8326 ], [ 97.1948, 17.8062 ], [ 97.1928, 17.7867 ], [ 97.1662, 17.7568 ], [ 97.1558, 17.7249 ], [ 97.1785, 17.6783 ], [ 97.171, 17.6655 ], [ 97.205, 17.6263 ], [ 97.1972, 17.5574 ], [ 97.2189, 17.5432 ], [ 97.2102, 17.5318 ], [ 97.1723, 17.5114 ], [ 97.1424, 17.5109 ], [ 97.1284, 17.4882 ], [ 97.0994, 17.4824 ], [ 97.0912, 17.5201 ], [ 97.0967, 17.5369 ], [ 97.0706, 17.5447 ], [ 97.0502, 17.5647 ], [ 97.0192, 17.5698 ], [ 96.9921, 17.6116 ], [ 96.9698, 17.6068 ], [ 96.9484, 17.6243 ], [ 96.9095, 17.6085 ], [ 96.904, 17.6213 ], [ 96.8752, 17.599 ], [ 96.8775, 17.5649 ], [ 96.8683, 17.545 ], [ 96.8789, 17.4941 ], [ 96.874, 17.4362 ], [ 96.8881, 17.4132 ], [ 96.8964, 17.3789 ], [ 96.8804, 17.3399 ], [ 96.8713, 17.3279 ], [ 96.8791, 17.3022 ], [ 96.9332, 17.2824 ], [ 96.9185, 17.2493 ], [ 96.8925, 17.2135 ], [ 96.898, 17.191 ], [ 96.924, 17.1658 ], [ 96.9642, 17.1437 ], [ 96.9567, 17.1276 ], [ 96.9284, 17.1284 ], [ 96.9228, 17.1067 ], [ 96.9236, 17.059 ], [ 96.9116, 17.0561 ], [ 96.9117, 17.0183 ], [ 96.8933, 16.9885 ], [ 96.8786, 16.9458 ], [ 96.8734, 16.9116 ], [ 96.8549, 16.8968 ], [ 96.8342, 16.8958 ], [ 96.8358, 16.8759 ], [ 96.8524, 16.8341 ], [ 96.8375, 16.8217 ], [ 96.7886, 16.8618 ], [ 96.7789, 16.9078 ], [ 96.7564, 16.9399 ], [ 96.7378, 16.9286 ], [ 96.7221, 16.9389 ], [ 96.7176, 16.9646 ], [ 96.6908, 16.9711 ], [ 96.6589, 16.9965 ], [ 96.6383, 16.9951 ], [ 96.5968, 16.9807 ], [ 96.5633, 16.9823 ], [ 96.5169, 16.9941 ], [ 96.4891, 16.9795 ], [ 96.4774, 16.9646 ], [ 96.4064, 16.98 ], [ 96.4057, 16.9962 ], [ 96.3797, 16.999 ], [ 96.3809, 17.0189 ], [ 96.3985, 17.0431 ], [ 96.4037, 17.0729 ], [ 96.3906, 17.1167 ], [ 96.3659, 17.1495 ], [ 96.3335, 17.1686 ], [ 96.3189, 17.1843 ], [ 96.3117, 17.1927 ], [ 96.2948, 17.2243 ], [ 96.3161, 17.2347 ], [ 96.3032, 17.2921 ], [ 96.3108, 17.3148 ], [ 96.2926, 17.3832 ], [ 96.2839, 17.4007 ], [ 96.2781, 17.4473 ], [ 96.2604, 17.4699 ], [ 96.2037, 17.4867 ], [ 96.2047, 17.5204 ], [ 96.1887, 17.5333 ], [ 96.149, 17.6134 ], [ 96.1082, 17.6645 ], [ 96.081, 17.7064 ], [ 96.0964, 17.7185 ], [ 96.0985, 17.7415 ], [ 96.0798, 17.786 ], [ 96.0353, 17.7841 ], [ 95.9767, 17.6863 ], [ 95.9478, 17.6669 ], [ 95.9406, 17.6386 ], [ 95.9063, 17.6327 ], [ 95.8963, 17.6066 ], [ 95.8923, 17.5737 ], [ 95.8477, 17.5708 ], [ 95.8149, 17.5442 ], [ 95.8003, 17.5124 ], [ 95.7783, 17.5018 ], [ 95.7852, 17.4719 ], [ 95.7647, 17.4654 ], [ 95.7365, 17.4776 ], [ 95.7361, 17.4781 ], [ 95.733, 17.4824 ], [ 95.7169, 17.52 ], [ 95.7018, 17.5242 ], [ 95.6772, 17.5506 ], [ 95.678, 17.5867 ], [ 95.6595, 17.6065 ], [ 95.6284, 17.6231 ], [ 95.6168, 17.6265 ], [ 95.5822, 17.6103 ], [ 95.568, 17.6242 ], [ 95.557, 17.6346 ], [ 95.538, 17.6441 ], [ 95.5035, 17.6491 ], [ 95.4641, 17.6843 ], [ 95.432, 17.7206 ], [ 95.4317, 17.7397 ], [ 95.4567, 17.7632 ], [ 95.4859, 17.7811 ], [ 95.4906, 17.7979 ], [ 95.4746, 17.8304 ], [ 95.487, 17.8714 ], [ 95.4813, 17.8912 ], [ 95.4574, 17.9116 ], [ 95.4641, 17.93 ], [ 95.4602, 17.9651 ], [ 95.466, 17.9894 ], [ 95.4617, 18.0206 ], [ 95.4315, 18.0766 ], [ 95.3964, 18.1623 ], [ 95.4204, 18.2136 ], [ 95.3814, 18.2317 ], [ 95.3472, 18.2554 ], [ 95.3347, 18.2861 ], [ 95.2907, 18.3164 ], [ 95.2716, 18.3214 ], [ 95.2581, 18.3411 ], [ 95.2622, 18.3736 ], [ 95.2177, 18.3979 ], [ 95.1937, 18.4164 ], [ 95.1884, 18.431 ], [ 95.1913, 18.4732 ], [ 95.1746, 18.4905 ], [ 95.1558, 18.49 ], [ 95.1169, 18.5105 ], [ 95.0999, 18.4847 ], [ 95.1122, 18.4408 ], [ 95.097, 18.4284 ], [ 95.0956, 18.4038 ], [ 95.0777, 18.3787 ], [ 95.039, 18.3694 ], [ 95.0069, 18.3823 ], [ 94.9899, 18.4128 ], [ 94.969, 18.4154 ], [ 94.9395, 18.4526 ], [ 94.9265, 18.4262 ], [ 94.8654, 18.4089 ], [ 94.8234, 18.3595 ], [ 94.7982, 18.371 ], [ 94.7576, 18.4569 ], [ 94.7339, 18.4679 ], [ 94.7458, 18.4951 ], [ 94.7655, 18.5645 ], [ 94.7275, 18.5768 ], [ 94.69, 18.6261 ], [ 94.7049, 18.6556 ], [ 94.7466, 18.6569 ], [ 94.7397, 18.6707 ], [ 94.7324, 18.7195 ], [ 94.7034, 18.7566 ], [ 94.6856, 18.8027 ], [ 94.7237, 18.8246 ], [ 94.7513, 18.8293 ], [ 94.7613, 18.8627 ], [ 94.744, 18.9003 ], [ 94.7217, 18.9037 ], [ 94.7016, 18.9215 ], [ 94.6972, 18.9598 ], [ 94.7075, 18.9684 ], [ 94.7325, 18.9602 ], [ 94.7437, 18.9775 ], [ 94.7699, 18.9696 ], [ 94.8126, 18.9709 ], [ 94.8335, 18.9809 ], [ 94.8524, 18.9767 ], [ 94.8744, 18.9592 ], [ 94.8963, 18.956 ], [ 94.906, 18.9374 ], [ 94.9582, 18.9393 ], [ 94.9891, 18.9236 ], [ 95.0189, 18.8959 ], [ 95.0253, 18.8668 ], [ 95.0595, 18.8324 ], [ 95.0816, 18.8641 ], [ 95.1036, 18.8609 ], [ 95.1182, 18.8732 ], [ 95.1373, 18.8661 ], [ 95.1541, 18.8847 ], [ 95.1452, 18.9303 ], [ 95.177, 18.9625 ], [ 95.2138, 18.9642 ], [ 95.2226, 18.9829 ], [ 95.2558, 18.9983 ], [ 95.2844, 19.0015 ], [ 95.285, 19.0251 ], [ 95.2704, 19.0513 ], [ 95.2727, 19.0682 ], [ 95.3164, 19.0991 ], [ 95.3566, 19.0891 ], [ 95.3747, 19.1017 ], [ 95.3952, 19.1386 ], [ 95.4122, 19.1527 ], [ 95.422, 19.1767 ], [ 95.4541, 19.1834 ], [ 95.4737, 19.1668 ], [ 95.5078, 19.1855 ], [ 95.5411, 19.178 ], [ 95.5513, 19.165 ], [ 95.5746, 19.1745 ], [ 95.613, 19.1553 ], [ 95.6282, 19.1549 ], [ 95.652, 19.1706 ], [ 95.6695, 19.1651 ], [ 95.6899, 19.1841 ], [ 95.7288, 19.1897 ], [ 95.7431, 19.1812 ], [ 95.7484, 19.1805 ], [ 95.7668, 19.1695 ], [ 95.7831, 19.1757 ], [ 95.8089, 19.1557 ], [ 95.8271, 19.1595 ], [ 95.8232, 19.1978 ], [ 95.8347, 19.2195 ], [ 95.8555, 19.2274 ], [ 95.8454, 19.2444 ], [ 95.8577, 19.2592 ], [ 95.8492, 19.2834 ], [ 95.8592, 19.291 ], [ 95.8553, 19.3239 ], [ 95.8279, 19.3591 ], [ 95.8147, 19.3886 ], [ 95.814, 19.4332 ], [ 95.7949, 19.4596 ], [ 95.8306, 19.4563 ], [ 95.8388, 19.446 ], [ 95.8715, 19.4367 ], [ 95.8948, 19.4376 ], [ 95.9087, 19.4744 ], [ 95.9731, 19.4762 ], [ 96.0351, 19.4539 ], [ 96.0536, 19.4627 ], [ 96.1052, 19.4173 ], [ 96.1292, 19.4174 ], [ 96.1375, 19.4428 ], [ 96.1607, 19.4527 ], [ 96.169, 19.4866 ], [ 96.1938, 19.4822 ], [ 96.2691, 19.4832 ], [ 96.2802, 19.4733 ], [ 96.3135, 19.4792 ], [ 96.3916, 19.4739 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 9, "NAME": "Magway Region", "PCODE": "MMR009", "ISO": "MM-03" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 95.342, 21.576 ], [ 95.3398, 21.5525 ], [ 95.3199, 21.5041 ], [ 95.3307, 21.4763 ], [ 95.319, 21.4543 ], [ 95.2733, 21.4526 ], [ 95.2751, 21.4218 ], [ 95.2376, 21.396 ], [ 95.2279, 21.382 ], [ 95.1845, 21.345 ], [ 95.1705, 21.3178 ], [ 95.1377, 21.3272 ], [ 95.0334, 21.2797 ], [ 95.0193, 21.2759 ], [ 94.9929, 21.2358 ], [ 94.9355, 21.2194 ], [ 94.8563, 21.2009 ], [ 94.8386, 21.1526 ], [ 94.8396, 21.1221 ], [ 94.8309, 21.1037 ], [ 94.8297, 21.0731 ], [ 94.8381, 21.021 ], [ 94.8309, 20.992 ], [ 94.8335, 20.9455 ], [ 94.8461, 20.9126 ], [ 94.875, 20.905 ], [ 94.8807, 20.8745 ], [ 94.9045, 20.8762 ], [ 94.9421, 20.8584 ], [ 94.9756, 20.8677 ], [ 95.0224, 20.8647 ], [ 95.0422, 20.833 ], [ 95.0366, 20.7792 ], [ 95.0407, 20.7505 ], [ 95.0138, 20.7434 ], [ 95.009, 20.6957 ], [ 95.0179, 20.6744 ], [ 95.0004, 20.6662 ], [ 94.9918, 20.6473 ], [ 95.0006, 20.6184 ], [ 95.0317, 20.6066 ], [ 95.0433, 20.5876 ], [ 95.0299, 20.5729 ], [ 95.0382, 20.5467 ], [ 95.064, 20.582 ], [ 95.081, 20.5961 ], [ 95.0796, 20.6117 ], [ 95.1247, 20.6182 ], [ 95.1759, 20.6459 ], [ 95.2109, 20.6348 ], [ 95.226, 20.6426 ], [ 95.2758, 20.6855 ], [ 95.2805, 20.7012 ], [ 95.3064, 20.7144 ], [ 95.3343, 20.701 ], [ 95.3423, 20.6872 ], [ 95.381, 20.7069 ], [ 95.3971, 20.6983 ], [ 95.4284, 20.7192 ], [ 95.4439, 20.744 ], [ 95.4667, 20.7566 ], [ 95.5228, 20.7553 ], [ 95.5446, 20.772 ], [ 95.5521, 20.7455 ], [ 95.5707, 20.7464 ], [ 95.5985, 20.6985 ], [ 95.5847, 20.6406 ], [ 95.5702, 20.6253 ], [ 95.576, 20.5866 ], [ 95.613, 20.5613 ], [ 95.6348, 20.5686 ], [ 95.6635, 20.5571 ], [ 95.7121, 20.5137 ], [ 95.7119, 20.4951 ], [ 95.7302, 20.4668 ], [ 95.7207, 20.4494 ], [ 95.7527, 20.3899 ], [ 95.7548, 20.3633 ], [ 95.7278, 20.345 ], [ 95.737, 20.3108 ], [ 95.7423, 20.2783 ], [ 95.7442, 20.2753 ], [ 95.757, 20.2745 ], [ 95.7914, 20.2004 ], [ 95.7976, 20.1644 ], [ 95.8342, 20.144 ], [ 95.8328, 20.1287 ], [ 95.7996, 20.0872 ], [ 95.8035, 20.062 ], [ 95.7798, 20.0557 ], [ 95.7939, 20.0237 ], [ 95.7705, 19.9744 ], [ 95.7883, 19.9651 ], [ 95.7963, 19.9389 ], [ 95.7876, 19.9086 ], [ 95.811, 19.8743 ], [ 95.8053, 19.8582 ], [ 95.8219, 19.8381 ], [ 95.8175, 19.8166 ], [ 95.7903, 19.811 ], [ 95.7871, 19.7779 ], [ 95.7745, 19.7667 ], [ 95.7723, 19.7593 ], [ 95.7803, 19.7189 ], [ 95.762, 19.6793 ], [ 95.7258, 19.6483 ], [ 95.7127, 19.6283 ], [ 95.7286, 19.6155 ], [ 95.723, 19.5615 ], [ 95.7428, 19.5364 ], [ 95.7301, 19.522 ], [ 95.7461, 19.4908 ], [ 95.7949, 19.4596 ], [ 95.814, 19.4332 ], [ 95.8147, 19.3886 ], [ 95.8279, 19.3591 ], [ 95.8553, 19.3239 ], [ 95.8592, 19.291 ], [ 95.8492, 19.2834 ], [ 95.8577, 19.2592 ], [ 95.8454, 19.2444 ], [ 95.8555, 19.2274 ], [ 95.8347, 19.2195 ], [ 95.8232, 19.1978 ], [ 95.8271, 19.1595 ], [ 95.8089, 19.1557 ], [ 95.7831, 19.1757 ], [ 95.7668, 19.1695 ], [ 95.7484, 19.1805 ], [ 95.7431, 19.1812 ], [ 95.7288, 19.1897 ], [ 95.6899, 19.1841 ], [ 95.6695, 19.1651 ], [ 95.652, 19.1706 ], [ 95.6282, 19.1549 ], [ 95.613, 19.1553 ], [ 95.5746, 19.1745 ], [ 95.5513, 19.165 ], [ 95.5411, 19.178 ], [ 95.5078, 19.1855 ], [ 95.4737, 19.1668 ], [ 95.4541, 19.1834 ], [ 95.422, 19.1767 ], [ 95.4122, 19.1527 ], [ 95.3952, 19.1386 ], [ 95.3747, 19.1017 ], [ 95.3566, 19.0891 ], [ 95.3164, 19.0991 ], [ 95.2727, 19.0682 ], [ 95.2704, 19.0513 ], [ 95.285, 19.0251 ], [ 95.2844, 19.0015 ], [ 95.2558, 18.9983 ], [ 95.2226, 18.9829 ], [ 95.2138, 18.9642 ], [ 95.177, 18.9625 ], [ 95.1452, 18.9303 ], [ 95.1541, 18.8847 ], [ 95.1373, 18.8661 ], [ 95.1182, 18.8732 ], [ 95.1036, 18.8609 ], [ 95.0816, 18.8641 ], [ 95.0595, 18.8324 ], [ 95.0253, 18.8668 ], [ 95.0189, 18.8959 ], [ 94.9891, 18.9236 ], [ 94.9582, 18.9393 ], [ 94.906, 18.9374 ], [ 94.8963, 18.956 ], [ 94.8744, 18.9592 ], [ 94.8524, 18.9767 ], [ 94.8335, 18.9809 ], [ 94.8126, 18.9709 ], [ 94.7699, 18.9696 ], [ 94.7437, 18.9775 ], [ 94.7325, 18.9602 ], [ 94.7075, 18.9684 ], [ 94.6972, 18.9598 ], [ 94.6681, 19.0145 ], [ 94.6875, 19.0365 ], [ 94.6703, 19.0522 ], [ 94.6547, 19.0845 ], [ 94.6318, 19.0969 ], [ 94.6211, 19.1162 ], [ 94.6002, 19.1279 ], [ 94.5928, 19.1483 ], [ 94.5736, 19.155 ], [ 94.5581, 19.1431 ], [ 94.5362, 19.1461 ], [ 94.522, 19.1789 ], [ 94.5115, 19.181 ], [ 94.5109, 19.182 ], [ 94.4888, 19.2275 ], [ 94.4789, 19.2655 ], [ 94.487, 19.2805 ], [ 94.5325, 19.2916 ], [ 94.5272, 19.3406 ], [ 94.5138, 19.3494 ], [ 94.4993, 19.3921 ], [ 94.4519, 19.4349 ], [ 94.4467, 19.4362 ], [ 94.4313, 19.4781 ], [ 94.4022, 19.4929 ], [ 94.3733, 19.5215 ], [ 94.344, 19.5632 ], [ 94.3517, 19.5842 ], [ 94.3504, 19.6182 ], [ 94.3377, 19.6294 ], [ 94.3393, 19.6685 ], [ 94.3194, 19.7096 ], [ 94.2808, 19.8301 ], [ 94.3131, 19.8558 ], [ 94.2971, 19.9239 ], [ 94.2691, 19.9312 ], [ 94.2599, 19.9582 ], [ 94.2374, 19.9908 ], [ 94.227, 20.0271 ], [ 94.205, 20.062 ], [ 94.213, 20.0761 ], [ 94.2124, 20.1057 ], [ 94.1718, 20.1259 ], [ 94.1601, 20.1837 ], [ 94.1366, 20.2009 ], [ 94.1349, 20.2437 ], [ 94.1241, 20.2851 ], [ 94.1048, 20.2936 ], [ 94.0812, 20.3361 ], [ 94.0791, 20.3734 ], [ 94.0559, 20.3672 ], [ 94.0391, 20.3999 ], [ 94.0206, 20.4086 ], [ 94.0005, 20.4486 ], [ 93.9882, 20.498 ], [ 93.9695, 20.5248 ], [ 93.9417, 20.5303 ], [ 93.9398, 20.5573 ], [ 93.9286, 20.5653 ], [ 93.8915, 20.5521 ], [ 93.8473, 20.5563 ], [ 93.8571, 20.5771 ], [ 93.8603, 20.5809 ], [ 93.8455, 20.6157 ], [ 93.8521, 20.6444 ], [ 93.8634, 20.65 ], [ 93.8861, 20.6418 ], [ 93.9128, 20.6508 ], [ 93.9234, 20.6399 ], [ 93.9435, 20.6614 ], [ 93.9796, 20.6687 ], [ 93.9897, 20.6822 ], [ 94.0469, 20.6893 ], [ 94.0837, 20.7496 ], [ 94.0808, 20.7647 ], [ 94.0514, 20.7927 ], [ 94.0393, 20.8276 ], [ 94.058, 20.8582 ], [ 94.0438, 20.8847 ], [ 94.0313, 20.8872 ], [ 94.0036, 20.9601 ], [ 94.0412, 21.0109 ], [ 94.064, 21.0281 ], [ 94.0674, 21.0414 ], [ 94.053, 21.0673 ], [ 94.0852, 21.0729 ], [ 94.1108, 21.1086 ], [ 94.12, 21.1679 ], [ 94.1072, 21.2014 ], [ 94.0944, 21.213 ], [ 94.1004, 21.2645 ], [ 94.0935, 21.2786 ], [ 94.0517, 21.2849 ], [ 94.0197, 21.2833 ], [ 94.006, 21.2996 ], [ 94.0555, 21.3361 ], [ 94.0458, 21.3489 ], [ 94.0628, 21.3882 ], [ 94.0796, 21.4473 ], [ 94.089, 21.4649 ], [ 94.0769, 21.4812 ], [ 94.0915, 21.5066 ], [ 94.0955, 21.5571 ], [ 94.1177, 21.5731 ], [ 94.1037, 21.6038 ], [ 94.1014, 21.6374 ], [ 94.0422, 21.6715 ], [ 94.0062, 21.7204 ], [ 93.9953, 21.803 ], [ 93.9864, 21.9002 ], [ 93.9812, 21.9244 ], [ 94.0175, 21.9958 ], [ 94.0065, 22.0809 ], [ 94.0418, 22.1556 ], [ 94.036, 22.2031 ], [ 94.038, 22.2543 ], [ 94.0184, 22.3665 ], [ 94.0579, 22.4368 ], [ 94.0478, 22.4513 ], [ 94.0169, 22.5675 ], [ 94.0166, 22.5954 ], [ 94.0489, 22.6057 ], [ 94.0079, 22.7371 ], [ 94.0574, 22.7309 ], [ 94.1076, 22.7628 ], [ 94.1197, 22.7349 ], [ 94.1165, 22.6985 ], [ 94.1728, 22.6889 ], [ 94.1944, 22.6617 ], [ 94.214, 22.6071 ], [ 94.2446, 22.5655 ], [ 94.2587, 22.5198 ], [ 94.2545, 22.5079 ], [ 94.2759, 22.489 ], [ 94.281, 22.4403 ], [ 94.2705, 22.4051 ], [ 94.2609, 22.3971 ], [ 94.2707, 22.3665 ], [ 94.2609, 22.3535 ], [ 94.2676, 22.3149 ], [ 94.2451, 22.3004 ], [ 94.2707, 22.1904 ], [ 94.2964, 22.1516 ], [ 94.3414, 22.1354 ], [ 94.3605, 22.117 ], [ 94.3814, 22.1172 ], [ 94.4167, 22.1366 ], [ 94.425, 22.1082 ], [ 94.4218, 22.0779 ], [ 94.4352, 22.0597 ], [ 94.4354, 22.0346 ], [ 94.4191, 22.0263 ], [ 94.4096, 21.9878 ], [ 94.4249, 21.9659 ], [ 94.42, 21.9433 ], [ 94.4086, 21.8387 ], [ 94.4327, 21.824 ], [ 94.4595, 21.8188 ], [ 94.4962, 21.7865 ], [ 94.5438, 21.7918 ], [ 94.5405, 21.8377 ], [ 94.5881, 21.8379 ], [ 94.6607, 21.8725 ], [ 94.7239, 21.8448 ], [ 94.7499, 21.8283 ], [ 94.7882, 21.8477 ], [ 94.8394, 21.8555 ], [ 94.8577, 21.8642 ], [ 94.9054, 21.8389 ], [ 94.9257, 21.8332 ], [ 94.9707, 21.8333 ], [ 94.9906, 21.8249 ], [ 95.0152, 21.8323 ], [ 95.0611, 21.8354 ], [ 95.0817, 21.8523 ], [ 95.1204, 21.8558 ], [ 95.1636, 21.8345 ], [ 95.1621, 21.8091 ], [ 95.201, 21.766 ], [ 95.2064, 21.7395 ], [ 95.2436, 21.7143 ], [ 95.243, 21.6745 ], [ 95.2981, 21.6536 ], [ 95.3196, 21.6295 ], [ 95.3301, 21.5861 ], [ 95.342, 21.576 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 10, "NAME": "Mandalay Region", "PCODE": "MMR010", "ISO": "MM-04" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 96.3926, 23.5696 ], [ 96.3575, 23.5489 ], [ 96.3389, 23.5132 ], [ 96.31, 23.4982 ], [ 96.3172, 23.4766 ], [ 96.2972, 23.4695 ], [ 96.298, 23.4463 ], [ 96.2777, 23.4202 ], [ 96.2494, 23.4003 ], [ 96.2276, 23.3681 ], [ 96.2337, 23.3397 ], [ 96.2176, 23.3317 ], [ 96.1903, 23.354 ], [ 96.1702, 23.3457 ], [ 96.171, 23.3198 ], [ 96.1823, 23.3152 ], [ 96.1984, 23.3004 ], [ 96.1828, 23.2729 ], [ 96.1883, 23.2292 ], [ 96.171, 23.1757 ], [ 96.1521, 23.1598 ], [ 96.1532, 23.1213 ], [ 96.1958, 23.0871 ], [ 96.204, 23.0636 ], [ 96.1937, 23.0466 ], [ 96.2125, 23.0249 ], [ 96.237, 23.0136 ], [ 96.2898, 23.0035 ], [ 96.3147, 23.0119 ], [ 96.3353, 23.0042 ], [ 96.3904, 23.0137 ], [ 96.4104, 23.024 ], [ 96.4332, 23.0222 ], [ 96.4547, 23.0335 ], [ 96.4667, 23.0226 ], [ 96.486, 23.0413 ], [ 96.5152, 23.0532 ], [ 96.5418, 23.0265 ], [ 96.5689, 23.0153 ], [ 96.5881, 22.9968 ], [ 96.6135, 22.993 ], [ 96.6329, 22.9767 ], [ 96.6799, 22.9855 ], [ 96.7135, 22.9604 ], [ 96.7038, 22.9325 ], [ 96.6723, 22.8921 ], [ 96.6651, 22.8496 ], [ 96.6072, 22.816 ], [ 96.5429, 22.8308 ], [ 96.5141, 22.806 ], [ 96.45, 22.7857 ], [ 96.4175, 22.8008 ], [ 96.3825, 22.8017 ], [ 96.3545, 22.778 ], [ 96.302, 22.7855 ], [ 96.2623, 22.7798 ], [ 96.2409, 22.7695 ], [ 96.2382, 22.7673 ], [ 96.2267, 22.7646 ], [ 96.2239, 22.7591 ], [ 96.2042, 22.7375 ], [ 96.2387, 22.6943 ], [ 96.2344, 22.6932 ], [ 96.2399, 22.6393 ], [ 96.2793, 22.5854 ], [ 96.2977, 22.5731 ], [ 96.2896, 22.5288 ], [ 96.3314, 22.504 ], [ 96.3337, 22.4672 ], [ 96.3201, 22.4537 ], [ 96.3245, 22.3753 ], [ 96.3376, 22.3666 ], [ 96.3881, 22.3714 ], [ 96.4093, 22.364 ], [ 96.4219, 22.3322 ], [ 96.4535, 22.2991 ], [ 96.4814, 22.2291 ], [ 96.4792, 22.1968 ], [ 96.4843, 22.1527 ], [ 96.4947, 22.1428 ], [ 96.5258, 22.1468 ], [ 96.548, 22.1396 ], [ 96.5644, 22.1136 ], [ 96.6385, 22.1113 ], [ 96.6558, 22.0895 ], [ 96.7161, 22.0901 ], [ 96.7383, 22.0817 ], [ 96.7505, 22.0608 ], [ 96.7589, 21.9983 ], [ 96.7711, 21.9938 ], [ 96.8169, 21.9301 ], [ 96.8294, 21.8963 ], [ 96.8592, 21.8597 ], [ 96.8441, 21.845 ], [ 96.8747, 21.8242 ], [ 96.8782, 21.7971 ], [ 96.896, 21.7428 ], [ 96.8915, 21.7343 ], [ 96.8509, 21.7409 ], [ 96.8206, 21.7662 ], [ 96.8067, 21.7448 ], [ 96.7887, 21.7405 ], [ 96.7664, 21.7158 ], [ 96.7379, 21.7046 ], [ 96.7196, 21.7254 ], [ 96.6831, 21.7115 ], [ 96.6536, 21.6729 ], [ 96.6309, 21.6587 ], [ 96.6344, 21.6448 ], [ 96.5934, 21.6162 ], [ 96.5809, 21.5953 ], [ 96.5319, 21.5893 ], [ 96.5258, 21.5853 ], [ 96.4711, 21.5666 ], [ 96.4354, 21.5613 ], [ 96.4107, 21.5509 ], [ 96.3329, 21.5467 ], [ 96.3256, 21.5282 ], [ 96.3415, 21.4888 ], [ 96.2871, 21.4633 ], [ 96.2961, 21.4366 ], [ 96.2963, 21.3817 ], [ 96.3055, 21.3681 ], [ 96.3238, 21.309 ], [ 96.3206, 21.2905 ], [ 96.3341, 21.2548 ], [ 96.3349, 21.2461 ], [ 96.3654, 21.2154 ], [ 96.3704, 21.1899 ], [ 96.3746, 21.1836 ], [ 96.3571, 21.1605 ], [ 96.3312, 21.168 ], [ 96.2661, 21.1679 ], [ 96.2324, 21.151 ], [ 96.2185, 21.1342 ], [ 96.2302, 21.0885 ], [ 96.2115, 21.0646 ], [ 96.2169, 21.0086 ], [ 96.2385, 21.0039 ], [ 96.2719, 20.9673 ], [ 96.2979, 20.9676 ], [ 96.3429, 20.9433 ], [ 96.3724, 20.9452 ], [ 96.3891, 20.9295 ], [ 96.4277, 20.943 ], [ 96.4338, 20.9181 ], [ 96.4689, 20.9027 ], [ 96.5075, 20.9214 ], [ 96.523, 20.8868 ], [ 96.5497, 20.8931 ], [ 96.5735, 20.8714 ], [ 96.5736, 20.8369 ], [ 96.5594, 20.8257 ], [ 96.5639, 20.7826 ], [ 96.5244, 20.7752 ], [ 96.5118, 20.7844 ], [ 96.4786, 20.7693 ], [ 96.4637, 20.7438 ], [ 96.4643, 20.7211 ], [ 96.4548, 20.6968 ], [ 96.4399, 20.6967 ], [ 96.4525, 20.6538 ], [ 96.4664, 20.642 ], [ 96.4837, 20.6091 ], [ 96.5133, 20.6019 ], [ 96.5202, 20.5778 ], [ 96.5407, 20.5973 ], [ 96.5464, 20.5222 ], [ 96.5333, 20.5066 ], [ 96.5097, 20.5124 ], [ 96.4886, 20.4999 ], [ 96.4645, 20.4505 ], [ 96.4746, 20.3696 ], [ 96.4935, 20.3543 ], [ 96.4965, 20.3154 ], [ 96.5155, 20.293 ], [ 96.5468, 20.2219 ], [ 96.5048, 20.1931 ], [ 96.4856, 20.2122 ], [ 96.4485, 20.233 ], [ 96.3622, 20.3064 ], [ 96.3071, 20.3158 ], [ 96.2969, 20.331 ], [ 96.2614, 20.3083 ], [ 96.2128, 20.3033 ], [ 96.1682, 20.2663 ], [ 96.132, 20.281 ], [ 96.0729, 20.2902 ], [ 96.0059, 20.2862 ], [ 96.0002, 20.3015 ], [ 95.9551, 20.2724 ], [ 95.9404, 20.2382 ], [ 95.899, 20.222 ], [ 95.8627, 20.2502 ], [ 95.8157, 20.3081 ], [ 95.7919, 20.2921 ], [ 95.7617, 20.3067 ], [ 95.737, 20.3108 ], [ 95.7278, 20.345 ], [ 95.7548, 20.3633 ], [ 95.7527, 20.3899 ], [ 95.7207, 20.4494 ], [ 95.7302, 20.4668 ], [ 95.7119, 20.4951 ], [ 95.7121, 20.5137 ], [ 95.6635, 20.5571 ], [ 95.6348, 20.5686 ], [ 95.613, 20.5613 ], [ 95.576, 20.5866 ], [ 95.5702, 20.6253 ], [ 95.5847, 20.6406 ], [ 95.5985, 20.6985 ], [ 95.5707, 20.7464 ], [ 95.5521, 20.7455 ], [ 95.5446, 20.772 ], [ 95.5228, 20.7553 ], [ 95.4667, 20.7566 ], [ 95.4439, 20.744 ], [ 95.4284, 20.7192 ], [ 95.3971, 20.6983 ], [ 95.381, 20.7069 ], [ 95.3423, 20.6872 ], [ 95.3343, 20.701 ], [ 95.3064, 20.7144 ], [ 95.2805, 20.7012 ], [ 95.2758, 20.6855 ], [ 95.226, 20.6426 ], [ 95.2109, 20.6348 ], [ 95.1759, 20.6459 ], [ 95.1247, 20.6182 ], [ 95.0796, 20.6117 ], [ 95.081, 20.5961 ], [ 95.064, 20.582 ], [ 95.0382, 20.5467 ], [ 95.0299, 20.5729 ], [ 95.0433, 20.5876 ], [ 95.0317, 20.6066 ], [ 95.0006, 20.6184 ], [ 94.9918, 20.6473 ], [ 95.0004, 20.6662 ], [ 95.0179, 20.6744 ], [ 95.009, 20.6957 ], [ 95.0138, 20.7434 ], [ 95.0407, 20.7505 ], [ 95.0366, 20.7792 ], [ 95.0422, 20.833 ], [ 95.0224, 20.8647 ], [ 94.9756, 20.8677 ], [ 94.9421, 20.8584 ], [ 94.9045, 20.8762 ], [ 94.8807, 20.8745 ], [ 94.875, 20.905 ], [ 94.8461, 20.9126 ], [ 94.8335, 20.9455 ], [ 94.8309, 20.992 ], [ 94.8381, 21.021 ], [ 94.8297, 21.0731 ], [ 94.8309, 21.1037 ], [ 94.8396, 21.1221 ], [ 94.8386, 21.1526 ], [ 94.8563, 21.2009 ], [ 94.9355, 21.2194 ], [ 94.9929, 21.2358 ], [ 95.0193, 21.2759 ], [ 95.0334, 21.2797 ], [ 95.1377, 21.3272 ], [ 95.1705, 21.3178 ], [ 95.1845, 21.345 ], [ 95.2279, 21.382 ], [ 95.2376, 21.396 ], [ 95.2751, 21.4218 ], [ 95.2733, 21.4526 ], [ 95.319, 21.4543 ], [ 95.3307, 21.4763 ], [ 95.3199, 21.5041 ], [ 95.3398, 21.5525 ], [ 95.342, 21.576 ], [ 95.3458, 21.608 ], [ 95.3653, 21.645 ], [ 95.3702, 21.7049 ], [ 95.3885, 21.7272 ], [ 95.4106, 21.7382 ], [ 95.4215, 21.7626 ], [ 95.403, 21.7906 ], [ 95.4265, 21.8007 ], [ 95.4768, 21.858 ], [ 95.4947, 21.8868 ], [ 95.5237, 21.9068 ], [ 95.5679, 21.9119 ], [ 95.5878, 21.9216 ], [ 95.6831, 21.9207 ], [ 95.7151, 21.9294 ], [ 95.7408, 21.918 ], [ 95.7948, 21.9201 ], [ 95.8276, 21.9057 ], [ 95.8723, 21.9001 ], [ 95.8964, 21.8841 ], [ 95.9125, 21.8596 ], [ 95.938, 21.8521 ], [ 95.9915, 21.8696 ], [ 96.0, 21.8817 ], [ 96.0246, 21.9772 ], [ 96.0137, 22.0034 ], [ 96.0225, 22.046 ], [ 96.0164, 22.0718 ], [ 95.9941, 22.1108 ], [ 95.9977, 22.1612 ], [ 95.9887, 22.1733 ], [ 95.9843, 22.2774 ], [ 95.9858, 22.2981 ], [ 96.0098, 22.2964 ], [ 96.0101, 22.3183 ], [ 95.9641, 22.379 ], [ 95.9578, 22.4155 ], [ 95.9685, 22.4372 ], [ 95.9608, 22.4751 ], [ 95.9767, 22.5093 ], [ 95.9957, 22.5277 ], [ 95.9734, 22.568 ], [ 95.9446, 22.6038 ], [ 95.9373, 22.6384 ], [ 95.9047, 22.6731 ], [ 95.9103, 22.6899 ], [ 95.9043, 22.7225 ], [ 95.9327, 22.7355 ], [ 95.9534, 22.7366 ], [ 95.9685, 22.752 ], [ 95.9649, 22.8759 ], [ 95.9666, 22.9276 ], [ 95.9791, 22.9644 ], [ 95.9731, 23.0127 ], [ 95.9808, 23.0272 ], [ 95.9838, 23.0651 ], [ 95.9746, 23.0838 ], [ 95.9935, 23.1037 ], [ 95.9919, 23.1305 ], [ 95.9802, 23.1593 ], [ 95.9592, 23.1661 ], [ 95.9519, 23.2214 ], [ 95.9587, 23.2474 ], [ 95.9298, 23.2806 ], [ 95.9501, 23.3113 ], [ 95.9502, 23.3311 ], [ 95.9301, 23.337 ], [ 95.9041, 23.3703 ], [ 95.9121, 23.4128 ], [ 95.9232, 23.436 ], [ 95.9668, 23.4606 ], [ 95.9639, 23.5019 ], [ 95.9701, 23.5329 ], [ 96.0099, 23.5118 ], [ 96.0123, 23.5447 ], [ 96.0347, 23.6025 ], [ 96.0516, 23.6188 ], [ 96.0838, 23.6241 ], [ 96.0916, 23.648 ], [ 96.0793, 23.6541 ], [ 96.109, 23.682 ], [ 96.1365, 23.6801 ], [ 96.1342, 23.6524 ], [ 96.1213, 23.6377 ], [ 96.1422, 23.6191 ], [ 96.1372, 23.5905 ], [ 96.1445, 23.569 ], [ 96.1692, 23.5936 ], [ 96.2142, 23.5893 ], [ 96.2505, 23.5758 ], [ 96.2604, 23.6035 ], [ 96.2808, 23.6307 ], [ 96.3155, 23.6421 ], [ 96.3641, 23.6163 ], [ 96.3711, 23.587 ], [ 96.3926, 23.5696 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 11, "NAME": "Mon State", "PCODE": "MMR011", "ISO": "MM-15" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 97.5155, 16.5009 ], [ 97.5673, 16.4889 ], [ 97.6022, 16.4922 ], [ 97.609, 16.4616 ], [ 97.5771, 16.3963 ], [ 97.5889, 16.3676 ], [ 97.5679, 16.3313 ], [ 97.5562, 16.2909 ], [ 97.5641, 16.2657 ], [ 97.5659, 16.2318 ], [ 97.5596, 16.2027 ], [ 97.526, 16.1974 ], [ 97.5018, 16.2218 ], [ 97.4985, 16.2605 ], [ 97.477, 16.2775 ], [ 97.4571, 16.3089 ], [ 97.4755, 16.3588 ], [ 97.4577, 16.4334 ], [ 97.436, 16.4599 ], [ 97.4413, 16.4808 ], [ 97.462, 16.4883 ], [ 97.4839, 16.5074 ], [ 97.5155, 16.5009 ] ] ], [ [ [ 97.8464, 16.545 ], [ 97.8567, 16.5259 ], [ 97.8547, 16.4935 ], [ 97.8608, 16.4929 ], [ 97.8582, 16.4786 ], [ 97.8888, 16.468 ], [ 97.9062, 16.4527 ], [ 97.9159, 16.4272 ], [ 97.9614, 16.421 ], [ 97.9803, 16.4351 ], [ 97.992, 16.3814 ], [ 97.9948, 16.3345 ], [ 98.044, 16.3145 ], [ 98.0814, 16.2683 ], [ 98.0785, 16.2465 ], [ 98.1139, 16.2046 ], [ 98.1282, 16.1973 ], [ 98.1251, 16.1575 ], [ 98.077, 16.1364 ], [ 98.0633, 16.1222 ], [ 98.0396, 16.1331 ], [ 98.0303, 16.1475 ], [ 97.9761, 16.1532 ], [ 97.9475, 16.1499 ], [ 97.9084, 16.1323 ], [ 97.8719, 16.1446 ], [ 97.8142, 16.127 ], [ 97.8237, 16.1015 ], [ 97.8507, 16.071 ], [ 97.8496, 16.0531 ], [ 97.8669, 16.0229 ], [ 97.8443, 16.0117 ], [ 97.8479, 15.992 ], [ 97.8346, 15.9701 ], [ 97.8501, 15.9302 ], [ 97.832, 15.9073 ], [ 97.8425, 15.8732 ], [ 97.8337, 15.8656 ], [ 97.8602, 15.8253 ], [ 97.8686, 15.7635 ], [ 97.8843, 15.7398 ], [ 97.8721, 15.7275 ], [ 97.8669, 15.6781 ], [ 97.9011, 15.6743 ], [ 97.9223, 15.6371 ], [ 97.9494, 15.6405 ], [ 97.9482, 15.6089 ], [ 97.9778, 15.591 ], [ 98.002, 15.5604 ], [ 98.0083, 15.5389 ], [ 98.0381, 15.5135 ], [ 98.0673, 15.4566 ], [ 98.0673, 15.4388 ], [ 98.0905, 15.421 ], [ 98.1155, 15.3838 ], [ 98.1394, 15.3301 ], [ 98.1569, 15.3305 ], [ 98.1842, 15.3086 ], [ 98.1836, 15.294 ], [ 98.205, 15.2614 ], [ 98.2025, 15.2356 ], [ 98.2005, 15.2097 ], [ 98.2143, 15.1811 ], [ 98.1898, 15.1486 ], [ 98.184, 15.1208 ], [ 98.1931, 15.0794 ], [ 98.2118, 15.0765 ], [ 98.235, 15.0437 ], [ 98.213, 15.0205 ], [ 98.2082, 14.9819 ], [ 98.1816, 14.9723 ], [ 98.169, 14.9848 ], [ 98.121, 14.9953 ], [ 98.0995, 14.9915 ], [ 98.0787, 15.0071 ], [ 98.0489, 15.0405 ], [ 98.0395, 15.0825 ], [ 98.0177, 15.1049 ], [ 98.0044, 15.0951 ], [ 97.9593, 15.0845 ], [ 97.9469, 15.0743 ], [ 97.9482, 15.0627 ], [ 97.8836, 15.082 ], [ 97.8732, 15.0338 ], [ 97.873, 15.0324 ], [ 97.8635, 14.9892 ], [ 97.8676, 14.9367 ], [ 97.835, 14.9282 ], [ 97.8269, 14.9049 ], [ 97.8388, 14.8854 ], [ 97.7933, 14.8806 ], [ 97.7897, 14.9112 ], [ 97.8053, 14.9402 ], [ 97.811, 14.9651 ], [ 97.7804, 15.0168 ], [ 97.7975, 15.0352 ], [ 97.7896, 15.0637 ], [ 97.7946, 15.0938 ], [ 97.8056, 15.1064 ], [ 97.799, 15.1381 ], [ 97.8027, 15.1558 ], [ 97.7903, 15.1759 ], [ 97.8236, 15.211 ], [ 97.7905, 15.2099 ], [ 97.7654, 15.1992 ], [ 97.7267, 15.2735 ], [ 97.7364, 15.2988 ], [ 97.7167, 15.335 ], [ 97.7221, 15.3572 ], [ 97.7366, 15.359 ], [ 97.7425, 15.3933 ], [ 97.7579, 15.3886 ], [ 97.7768, 15.4084 ], [ 97.7627, 15.4571 ], [ 97.7353, 15.4864 ], [ 97.7563, 15.5452 ], [ 97.728, 15.6073 ], [ 97.7256, 15.648 ], [ 97.7104, 15.7103 ], [ 97.7118, 15.7291 ], [ 97.6982, 15.7577 ], [ 97.7177, 15.7822 ], [ 97.7102, 15.8528 ], [ 97.6927, 15.8872 ], [ 97.6713, 15.9102 ], [ 97.6057, 15.9535 ], [ 97.603, 15.9734 ], [ 97.5877, 15.9864 ], [ 97.5853, 16.0092 ], [ 97.563, 16.0608 ], [ 97.5637, 16.0825 ], [ 97.6106, 16.1363 ], [ 97.6375, 16.2163 ], [ 97.6402, 16.2681 ], [ 97.6368, 16.314 ], [ 97.6125, 16.3545 ], [ 97.6127, 16.3697 ], [ 97.6304, 16.3933 ], [ 97.6119, 16.4336 ], [ 97.6237, 16.4542 ], [ 97.6173, 16.4884 ], [ 97.6233, 16.5026 ], [ 97.6471, 16.5006 ], [ 97.6613, 16.5212 ], [ 97.6655, 16.5454 ], [ 97.6864, 16.5594 ], [ 97.734, 16.5609 ], [ 97.7629, 16.5252 ], [ 97.8007, 16.5133 ], [ 97.8464, 16.545 ] ] ], [ [ [ 97.4836, 17.1007 ], [ 97.485, 17.0981 ], [ 97.4801, 17.0894 ], [ 97.4762, 17.0797 ], [ 97.4821, 17.0538 ], [ 97.4441, 16.9761 ], [ 97.4682, 16.9574 ], [ 97.4782, 16.9331 ], [ 97.4743, 16.8859 ], [ 97.491, 16.8435 ], [ 97.5176, 16.8355 ], [ 97.5035, 16.815 ], [ 97.5126, 16.8012 ], [ 97.5607, 16.7838 ], [ 97.5598, 16.7201 ], [ 97.572, 16.7186 ], [ 97.6122, 16.6534 ], [ 97.6048, 16.5636 ], [ 97.6196, 16.5228 ], [ 97.5694, 16.5367 ], [ 97.5437, 16.5334 ], [ 97.5277, 16.5453 ], [ 97.4972, 16.5361 ], [ 97.4421, 16.5412 ], [ 97.3958, 16.523 ], [ 97.3666, 16.505 ], [ 97.3517, 16.516 ], [ 97.344, 16.5688 ], [ 97.325, 16.6141 ], [ 97.3283, 16.6561 ], [ 97.3011, 16.6483 ], [ 97.2759, 16.6617 ], [ 97.2589, 16.6597 ], [ 97.2337, 16.6842 ], [ 97.2396, 16.7079 ], [ 97.2207, 16.7392 ], [ 97.2328, 16.7871 ], [ 97.2174, 16.8374 ], [ 97.2138, 16.8836 ], [ 97.1976, 16.8898 ], [ 97.1878, 16.9312 ], [ 97.1672, 16.9424 ], [ 97.176, 17.0207 ], [ 97.1726, 17.0608 ], [ 97.1427, 17.0876 ], [ 97.1558, 17.1233 ], [ 97.1336, 17.1234 ], [ 97.1295, 17.0923 ], [ 97.119, 17.0772 ], [ 97.1243, 17.0446 ], [ 97.1068, 17.0091 ], [ 97.1212, 16.9761 ], [ 97.1231, 16.9501 ], [ 97.1104, 16.9228 ], [ 97.0837, 16.9147 ], [ 97.0434, 16.9991 ], [ 97.0282, 17.0156 ], [ 97.0316, 17.0351 ], [ 97.063, 17.1019 ], [ 97.0657, 17.1238 ], [ 97.0539, 17.1613 ], [ 97.037, 17.1793 ], [ 96.9762, 17.2059 ], [ 96.9463, 17.2337 ], [ 96.9419, 17.2671 ], [ 96.9505, 17.2883 ], [ 96.9289, 17.3111 ], [ 96.907, 17.3055 ], [ 96.8866, 17.3123 ], [ 96.8804, 17.3399 ], [ 96.8964, 17.3789 ], [ 96.8881, 17.4132 ], [ 96.874, 17.4362 ], [ 96.8789, 17.4941 ], [ 96.8683, 17.545 ], [ 96.8775, 17.5649 ], [ 96.8752, 17.599 ], [ 96.904, 17.6213 ], [ 96.9095, 17.6085 ], [ 96.9484, 17.6243 ], [ 96.9698, 17.6068 ], [ 96.9921, 17.6116 ], [ 97.0192, 17.5698 ], [ 97.0502, 17.5647 ], [ 97.0706, 17.5447 ], [ 97.0967, 17.5369 ], [ 97.0912, 17.5201 ], [ 97.0994, 17.4824 ], [ 97.1284, 17.4882 ], [ 97.1424, 17.5109 ], [ 97.1723, 17.5114 ], [ 97.2102, 17.5318 ], [ 97.2189, 17.5432 ], [ 97.2387, 17.5438 ], [ 97.2353, 17.5795 ], [ 97.2513, 17.5777 ], [ 97.2608, 17.5997 ], [ 97.2766, 17.607 ], [ 97.3178, 17.5882 ], [ 97.3192, 17.6074 ], [ 97.3426, 17.6525 ], [ 97.3423, 17.6777 ], [ 97.3646, 17.6755 ], [ 97.3685, 17.7138 ], [ 97.3952, 17.7159 ], [ 97.4069, 17.7052 ], [ 97.3986, 17.6828 ], [ 97.3768, 17.6777 ], [ 97.3678, 17.6412 ], [ 97.3812, 17.6076 ], [ 97.3786, 17.5888 ], [ 97.397, 17.5593 ], [ 97.4205, 17.5501 ], [ 97.4393, 17.5324 ], [ 97.4336, 17.4913 ], [ 97.425, 17.4753 ], [ 97.4415, 17.4475 ], [ 97.4373, 17.4146 ], [ 97.4452, 17.3895 ], [ 97.4747, 17.3607 ], [ 97.4686, 17.3533 ], [ 97.495, 17.3248 ], [ 97.5003, 17.287 ], [ 97.4804, 17.279 ], [ 97.4999, 17.224 ], [ 97.4893, 17.1881 ], [ 97.5006, 17.1494 ], [ 97.5158, 17.1303 ], [ 97.508, 17.1112 ], [ 97.4836, 17.1007 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 12, "NAME": "Rakhine State", "PCODE": "MMR012", "ISO": "MM-16" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 93.6255, 18.9003 ], [ 93.6366, 18.8892 ], [ 93.6722, 18.8768 ], [ 93.7065, 18.8741 ], [ 93.7486, 18.8882 ], [ 93.7553, 18.8546 ], [ 93.7493, 18.8288 ], [ 93.76, 18.8051 ], [ 93.7491, 18.788 ], [ 93.7588, 18.7327 ], [ 93.7359, 18.7046 ], [ 93.7264, 18.6762 ], [ 93.7033, 18.6665 ], [ 93.6639, 18.6699 ], [ 93.596, 18.731 ], [ 93.5449, 18.7668 ], [ 93.525, 18.7916 ], [ 93.4783, 18.8701 ], [ 93.5201, 18.8828 ], [ 93.55, 18.881 ], [ 93.5968, 18.9019 ], [ 93.6177, 18.9196 ], [ 93.6255, 18.9003 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.5783, 19.7276 ], [ 93.5215, 19.6782 ], [ 93.5115, 19.7187 ], [ 93.5334, 19.7231 ], [ 93.5469, 19.7506 ], [ 93.5785, 19.7692 ], [ 93.5879, 19.7444 ], [ 93.5783, 19.7276 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.7087, 19.7526 ], [ 93.6931, 19.7048 ], [ 93.6656, 19.7173 ], [ 93.6387, 19.7136 ], [ 93.6334, 19.7356 ], [ 93.6614, 19.7393 ], [ 93.6942, 19.7904 ], [ 93.7087, 19.7526 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.7713, 19.8588 ], [ 93.7911, 19.842 ], [ 93.7833, 19.8172 ], [ 93.7774, 19.7671 ], [ 93.7702, 19.7613 ], [ 93.7167, 19.7558 ], [ 93.7133, 19.777 ], [ 93.7463, 19.7905 ], [ 93.7515, 19.8296 ], [ 93.7405, 19.8487 ], [ 93.7713, 19.8588 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.7086, 19.8728 ], [ 93.7262, 19.8677 ], [ 93.6946, 19.8393 ], [ 93.6715, 19.8269 ], [ 93.6823, 19.8019 ], [ 93.6411, 19.7752 ], [ 93.6249, 19.7514 ], [ 93.6133, 19.7056 ], [ 93.5964, 19.7105 ], [ 93.5918, 19.7353 ], [ 93.5982, 19.7566 ], [ 93.5887, 19.7787 ], [ 93.6292, 19.8187 ], [ 93.6396, 19.8633 ], [ 93.6676, 19.8546 ], [ 93.6876, 19.8745 ], [ 93.7086, 19.8728 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.6017, 19.8483 ], [ 93.5884, 19.839 ], [ 93.5407, 19.8467 ], [ 93.5508, 19.8688 ], [ 93.5905, 19.8733 ], [ 93.6134, 19.901 ], [ 93.6605, 19.9052 ], [ 93.6496, 19.8847 ], [ 93.6224, 19.8712 ], [ 93.6017, 19.8483 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.4475, 19.9295 ], [ 93.474, 19.9057 ], [ 93.4983, 19.9039 ], [ 93.5323, 19.9161 ], [ 93.538, 19.886 ], [ 93.5152, 19.8659 ], [ 93.4999, 19.8009 ], [ 93.5211, 19.753 ], [ 93.5009, 19.7518 ], [ 93.4638, 19.7677 ], [ 93.4421, 19.7878 ], [ 93.4307, 19.8228 ], [ 93.4298, 19.8677 ], [ 93.411, 19.9064 ], [ 93.3934, 19.9555 ], [ 93.3979, 19.9667 ], [ 93.4304, 19.9576 ], [ 93.4475, 19.9295 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.1349, 20.0606 ], [ 93.1533, 20.024 ], [ 93.1572, 19.997 ], [ 93.2003, 19.9066 ], [ 93.2105, 19.8947 ], [ 93.2233, 19.8517 ], [ 93.2491, 19.818 ], [ 93.2267, 19.8149 ], [ 93.2054, 19.8743 ], [ 93.177, 19.9198 ], [ 93.1562, 19.98 ], [ 93.1425, 19.9908 ], [ 93.1395, 20.0129 ], [ 93.1181, 20.053 ], [ 93.1349, 20.0606 ] ] ], [ [ [ 92.937, 20.1049 ], [ 92.9592, 20.075 ], [ 92.9763, 20.0232 ], [ 92.9825, 19.9884 ], [ 93.015, 19.9357 ], [ 93.0336, 19.8733 ], [ 93.0224, 19.8418 ], [ 93.0085, 19.8844 ], [ 93.0135, 19.8978 ], [ 92.9913, 19.9233 ], [ 92.9534, 19.9862 ], [ 92.9137, 20.0588 ], [ 92.9215, 20.0969 ], [ 92.937, 20.1049 ] ] ], [ [ [ 92.9947, 20.1229 ], [ 93.0189, 20.1292 ], [ 93.063, 20.1256 ], [ 93.0763, 20.1136 ], [ 93.1004, 20.0645 ], [ 93.1208, 20.0443 ], [ 93.139, 19.9991 ], [ 93.1195, 19.9847 ], [ 93.1048, 19.9613 ], [ 93.1052, 19.9367 ], [ 93.1191, 19.8936 ], [ 93.1372, 19.8625 ], [ 93.1066, 19.869 ], [ 93.08, 19.9192 ], [ 93.049, 19.957 ], [ 93.0426, 20.0098 ], [ 93.0286, 20.0293 ], [ 92.976, 20.0739 ], [ 92.9843, 20.0958 ], [ 92.9701, 20.1324 ], [ 92.9947, 20.1229 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.1788, 20.1896 ], [ 93.196, 20.1665 ], [ 93.2171, 20.1678 ], [ 93.2224, 20.1325 ], [ 93.233, 20.1151 ], [ 93.1951, 20.0934 ], [ 93.1807, 20.0581 ], [ 93.1279, 20.0842 ], [ 93.1104, 20.1263 ], [ 93.1094, 20.1419 ], [ 93.0849, 20.1748 ], [ 93.0937, 20.1884 ], [ 93.1788, 20.1896 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.2885, 20.2058 ], [ 93.3034, 20.2038 ], [ 93.3013, 20.1567 ], [ 93.311, 20.1148 ], [ 93.3496, 20.0646 ], [ 93.3438, 20.0556 ], [ 93.2654, 20.0302 ], [ 93.2083, 20.0295 ], [ 93.2007, 20.0395 ], [ 93.197, 20.0866 ], [ 93.2035, 20.097 ], [ 93.2383, 20.1158 ], [ 93.2223, 20.143 ], [ 93.2194, 20.1697 ], [ 93.1935, 20.1728 ], [ 93.1772, 20.1955 ], [ 93.2061, 20.2196 ], [ 93.2116, 20.2408 ], [ 93.2466, 20.2487 ], [ 93.263, 20.2593 ], [ 93.2838, 20.2462 ], [ 93.2885, 20.2058 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.3239, 20.3289 ], [ 93.325, 20.31 ], [ 93.3379, 20.2797 ], [ 93.3472, 20.2771 ], [ 93.3588, 20.2777 ], [ 93.4029, 20.1826 ], [ 93.4138, 20.1246 ], [ 93.3984, 20.1133 ], [ 93.3729, 20.0783 ], [ 93.3824, 20.0273 ], [ 93.3646, 20.0209 ], [ 93.3549, 20.0677 ], [ 93.3156, 20.1165 ], [ 93.3081, 20.1506 ], [ 93.3091, 20.1876 ], [ 93.3, 20.2174 ], [ 93.2817, 20.2548 ], [ 93.2661, 20.3097 ], [ 93.2922, 20.3306 ], [ 93.3239, 20.3289 ] ] ], [ [ [ 92.8393, 20.4419 ], [ 92.8367, 20.4282 ], [ 92.8382, 20.4179 ], [ 92.8402, 20.4146 ], [ 92.8308, 20.3817 ], [ 92.865, 20.3302 ], [ 92.8594, 20.3081 ], [ 92.8304, 20.2886 ], [ 92.7927, 20.2796 ], [ 92.775, 20.2866 ], [ 92.7647, 20.326 ], [ 92.7685, 20.391 ], [ 92.7587, 20.4442 ], [ 92.7728, 20.4414 ], [ 92.7813, 20.4678 ], [ 92.8003, 20.4788 ], [ 92.8251, 20.4474 ], [ 92.8393, 20.4419 ] ] ], [ [ [ 93.1107, 20.4226 ], [ 93.0757, 20.413 ], [ 93.0817, 20.3756 ], [ 93.0593, 20.3578 ], [ 93.0314, 20.3581 ], [ 93.0345, 20.4201 ], [ 93.0635, 20.4822 ], [ 93.083, 20.511 ], [ 93.0952, 20.5086 ], [ 93.0994, 20.4645 ], [ 93.1107, 20.4226 ] ] ], [ [ [ 92.6792, 21.2862 ], [ 92.6947, 21.2565 ], [ 92.7109, 21.2531 ], [ 92.7382, 21.1984 ], [ 92.7547, 21.2071 ], [ 92.7837, 21.1898 ], [ 92.7841, 21.1587 ], [ 92.8012, 21.1419 ], [ 92.7947, 21.1255 ], [ 92.812, 21.0961 ], [ 92.8389, 21.0946 ], [ 92.8651, 21.0727 ], [ 92.9258, 21.1137 ], [ 92.9495, 21.1134 ], [ 92.984, 21.0971 ], [ 93.0064, 21.0708 ], [ 93.0277, 21.0776 ], [ 93.0469, 21.0615 ], [ 93.0978, 21.0814 ], [ 93.1308, 21.0866 ], [ 93.1223, 21.0558 ], [ 93.129, 21.0396 ], [ 93.1415, 20.9698 ], [ 93.1334, 20.9596 ], [ 93.1339, 20.9293 ], [ 93.1449, 20.9111 ], [ 93.16, 20.8435 ], [ 93.1755, 20.8333 ], [ 93.2085, 20.8511 ], [ 93.2474, 20.8306 ], [ 93.2436, 20.8098 ], [ 93.2785, 20.7912 ], [ 93.3111, 20.7909 ], [ 93.3215, 20.7613 ], [ 93.3902, 20.7712 ], [ 93.4054, 20.7318 ], [ 93.4495, 20.7398 ], [ 93.4596, 20.7271 ], [ 93.4811, 20.7439 ], [ 93.5022, 20.7344 ], [ 93.5195, 20.7091 ], [ 93.552, 20.7113 ], [ 93.5637, 20.7342 ], [ 93.5807, 20.7258 ], [ 93.6308, 20.7224 ], [ 93.6296, 20.7528 ], [ 93.6033, 20.7823 ], [ 93.6089, 20.8307 ], [ 93.5989, 20.8469 ], [ 93.6301, 20.8674 ], [ 93.6313, 20.9178 ], [ 93.6434, 20.924 ], [ 93.6958, 20.9202 ], [ 93.696, 20.9053 ], [ 93.7223, 20.8781 ], [ 93.7461, 20.8363 ], [ 93.7495, 20.8046 ], [ 93.7605, 20.7983 ], [ 93.766, 20.7641 ], [ 93.8063, 20.7787 ], [ 93.82, 20.7766 ], [ 93.8301, 20.747 ], [ 93.8505, 20.7095 ], [ 93.8407, 20.6875 ], [ 93.8661, 20.6633 ], [ 93.8634, 20.65 ], [ 93.8521, 20.6444 ], [ 93.8455, 20.6157 ], [ 93.8603, 20.5809 ], [ 93.8571, 20.5771 ], [ 93.8473, 20.5563 ], [ 93.8915, 20.5521 ], [ 93.9286, 20.5653 ], [ 93.9398, 20.5573 ], [ 93.9417, 20.5303 ], [ 93.9695, 20.5248 ], [ 93.9882, 20.498 ], [ 94.0005, 20.4486 ], [ 94.0206, 20.4086 ], [ 94.0391, 20.3999 ], [ 94.0559, 20.3672 ], [ 94.0791, 20.3734 ], [ 94.0812, 20.3361 ], [ 94.1048, 20.2936 ], [ 94.1241, 20.2851 ], [ 94.1349, 20.2437 ], [ 94.1366, 20.2009 ], [ 94.1601, 20.1837 ], [ 94.1718, 20.1259 ], [ 94.2124, 20.1057 ], [ 94.213, 20.0761 ], [ 94.205, 20.062 ], [ 94.227, 20.0271 ], [ 94.2374, 19.9908 ], [ 94.2599, 19.9582 ], [ 94.2691, 19.9312 ], [ 94.2971, 19.9239 ], [ 94.3131, 19.8558 ], [ 94.2808, 19.8301 ], [ 94.3194, 19.7096 ], [ 94.3393, 19.6685 ], [ 94.3377, 19.6294 ], [ 94.3504, 19.6182 ], [ 94.3517, 19.5842 ], [ 94.344, 19.5632 ], [ 94.3733, 19.5215 ], [ 94.4022, 19.4929 ], [ 94.4313, 19.4781 ], [ 94.4467, 19.4362 ], [ 94.4519, 19.4349 ], [ 94.4993, 19.3921 ], [ 94.5138, 19.3494 ], [ 94.5272, 19.3406 ], [ 94.5325, 19.2916 ], [ 94.487, 19.2805 ], [ 94.4789, 19.2655 ], [ 94.4888, 19.2275 ], [ 94.5109, 19.182 ], [ 94.5115, 19.181 ], [ 94.522, 19.1789 ], [ 94.5362, 19.1461 ], [ 94.5581, 19.1431 ], [ 94.5736, 19.155 ], [ 94.5928, 19.1483 ], [ 94.6002, 19.1279 ], [ 94.6211, 19.1162 ], [ 94.6318, 19.0969 ], [ 94.6547, 19.0845 ], [ 94.6703, 19.0522 ], [ 94.6875, 19.0365 ], [ 94.6681, 19.0145 ], [ 94.6972, 18.9598 ], [ 94.7016, 18.9215 ], [ 94.7217, 18.9037 ], [ 94.744, 18.9003 ], [ 94.7613, 18.8627 ], [ 94.7513, 18.8293 ], [ 94.7237, 18.8246 ], [ 94.6856, 18.8027 ], [ 94.7034, 18.7566 ], [ 94.7324, 18.7195 ], [ 94.7397, 18.6707 ], [ 94.7466, 18.6569 ], [ 94.7049, 18.6556 ], [ 94.69, 18.6261 ], [ 94.7275, 18.5768 ], [ 94.7655, 18.5645 ], [ 94.7458, 18.4951 ], [ 94.7339, 18.4679 ], [ 94.7576, 18.4569 ], [ 94.7982, 18.371 ], [ 94.8234, 18.3595 ], [ 94.8415, 18.3411 ], [ 94.8525, 18.314 ], [ 94.8705, 18.314 ], [ 94.8843, 18.2947 ], [ 94.8733, 18.2696 ], [ 94.8856, 18.2562 ], [ 94.8708, 18.2279 ], [ 94.9018, 18.1965 ], [ 94.8932, 18.1733 ], [ 94.8521, 18.1422 ], [ 94.8679, 18.117 ], [ 94.8686, 18.0938 ], [ 94.8812, 18.0804 ], [ 94.8707, 18.0533 ], [ 94.8397, 18.0295 ], [ 94.8172, 17.9944 ], [ 94.8343, 17.9496 ], [ 94.8535, 17.916 ], [ 94.8597, 17.9145 ], [ 94.8815, 17.8984 ], [ 94.8726, 17.8692 ], [ 94.8872, 17.8493 ], [ 94.8836, 17.8232 ], [ 94.8706, 17.8125 ], [ 94.8789, 17.7684 ], [ 94.8714, 17.7204 ], [ 94.8438, 17.7091 ], [ 94.8328, 17.6829 ], [ 94.802, 17.6778 ], [ 94.7876, 17.6547 ], [ 94.7944, 17.6312 ], [ 94.7846, 17.6039 ], [ 94.7897, 17.5838 ], [ 94.7739, 17.5666 ], [ 94.7895, 17.5526 ], [ 94.7907, 17.5323 ], [ 94.8045, 17.5143 ], [ 94.8064, 17.4792 ], [ 94.7885, 17.4659 ], [ 94.7901, 17.4458 ], [ 94.7635, 17.418 ], [ 94.7563, 17.3798 ], [ 94.7424, 17.3803 ], [ 94.729, 17.3398 ], [ 94.7073, 17.3387 ], [ 94.6967, 17.3698 ], [ 94.6722, 17.3718 ], [ 94.6635, 17.3988 ], [ 94.6474, 17.41 ], [ 94.6215, 17.4057 ], [ 94.6105, 17.4286 ], [ 94.5817, 17.4444 ], [ 94.5593, 17.4755 ], [ 94.5622, 17.4967 ], [ 94.5529, 17.5293 ], [ 94.5367, 17.5547 ], [ 94.5567, 17.5975 ], [ 94.5833, 17.5575 ], [ 94.5929, 17.5733 ], [ 94.5693, 17.5947 ], [ 94.5825, 17.6201 ], [ 94.5741, 17.6423 ], [ 94.5557, 17.6465 ], [ 94.5505, 17.6725 ], [ 94.5375, 17.6787 ], [ 94.5293, 17.7043 ], [ 94.5405, 17.7325 ], [ 94.5313, 17.7501 ], [ 94.4779, 17.7853 ], [ 94.4901, 17.8236 ], [ 94.4783, 17.8487 ], [ 94.4863, 17.8593 ], [ 94.4767, 17.8893 ], [ 94.4797, 17.9043 ], [ 94.4383, 17.9771 ], [ 94.4297, 17.9983 ], [ 94.4589, 17.9997 ], [ 94.4817, 18.0259 ], [ 94.4747, 18.0809 ], [ 94.4383, 18.1425 ], [ 94.4417, 18.1604 ], [ 94.4163, 18.2017 ], [ 94.425, 18.2188 ], [ 94.4119, 18.2433 ], [ 94.32, 18.2504 ], [ 94.3179, 18.3 ], [ 94.3379, 18.2942 ], [ 94.3781, 18.3024 ], [ 94.3895, 18.3246 ], [ 94.3929, 18.355 ], [ 94.345, 18.37 ], [ 94.3349, 18.3999 ], [ 94.3096, 18.4462 ], [ 94.2467, 18.5238 ], [ 94.2604, 18.5517 ], [ 94.2387, 18.6417 ], [ 94.2176, 18.67 ], [ 94.1435, 18.7295 ], [ 94.1884, 18.7373 ], [ 94.1883, 18.7718 ], [ 94.1395, 18.8191 ], [ 94.15, 18.8474 ], [ 94.1395, 18.8671 ], [ 94.1017, 18.8726 ], [ 94.0895, 18.8529 ], [ 94.0713, 18.865 ], [ 94.0616, 18.8478 ], [ 94.0246, 18.8495 ], [ 94.0323, 18.8778 ], [ 94.0272, 18.8996 ], [ 94.0433, 18.9459 ], [ 94.0393, 18.9871 ], [ 94.0301, 18.9982 ], [ 94.0655, 19.0426 ], [ 94.0619, 19.0685 ], [ 94.0278, 19.0789 ], [ 94.0349, 19.1221 ], [ 94.0294, 19.1379 ], [ 94.0354, 19.1809 ], [ 94.0527, 19.237 ], [ 94.0386, 19.2679 ], [ 94.0377, 19.3088 ], [ 94.0591, 19.3496 ], [ 94.0346, 19.3438 ], [ 94.025, 19.286 ], [ 94.0338, 19.2161 ], [ 94.0301, 19.2012 ], [ 94.0024, 19.1772 ], [ 94.0091, 19.1593 ], [ 93.9769, 19.1395 ], [ 93.9547, 19.1049 ], [ 93.9537, 19.0501 ], [ 93.9598, 19.0187 ], [ 93.9873, 18.9682 ], [ 93.9706, 18.9307 ], [ 93.9556, 18.9191 ], [ 93.9588, 18.8984 ], [ 93.9383, 18.8838 ], [ 93.9458, 18.8685 ], [ 93.9265, 18.8536 ], [ 93.9154, 18.877 ], [ 93.8968, 18.8916 ], [ 93.8686, 18.8968 ], [ 93.8327, 18.9296 ], [ 93.7636, 18.973 ], [ 93.7272, 18.9689 ], [ 93.7192, 18.9919 ], [ 93.6996, 19.0054 ], [ 93.6821, 19.0031 ], [ 93.6614, 19.0254 ], [ 93.6531, 19.0789 ], [ 93.6384, 19.1347 ], [ 93.6242, 19.1473 ], [ 93.5991, 19.1495 ], [ 93.5895, 19.1726 ], [ 93.5161, 19.2912 ], [ 93.4715, 19.3555 ], [ 93.4747, 19.3963 ], [ 93.4876, 19.4148 ], [ 93.5141, 19.4319 ], [ 93.5459, 19.4363 ], [ 93.5842, 19.4101 ], [ 93.6004, 19.4131 ], [ 93.6118, 19.3838 ], [ 93.636, 19.3608 ], [ 93.634, 19.329 ], [ 93.6661, 19.3138 ], [ 93.6944, 19.3082 ], [ 93.7251, 19.2924 ], [ 93.7267, 19.2703 ], [ 93.7625, 19.2394 ], [ 93.7841, 19.2288 ], [ 93.8168, 19.2248 ], [ 93.8528, 19.2495 ], [ 93.8995, 19.268 ], [ 93.9381, 19.3053 ], [ 93.9204, 19.3123 ], [ 93.8885, 19.2918 ], [ 93.8662, 19.3054 ], [ 93.8396, 19.2958 ], [ 93.7956, 19.3095 ], [ 93.7693, 19.3014 ], [ 93.7414, 19.326 ], [ 93.7253, 19.3796 ], [ 93.7059, 19.4019 ], [ 93.6852, 19.4065 ], [ 93.651, 19.4443 ], [ 93.6347, 19.4819 ], [ 93.6438, 19.5136 ], [ 93.6624, 19.5337 ], [ 93.6689, 19.5566 ], [ 93.6869, 19.5658 ], [ 93.703, 19.5522 ], [ 93.7438, 19.5498 ], [ 93.7493, 19.5257 ], [ 93.7724, 19.5058 ], [ 93.7921, 19.501 ], [ 93.8099, 19.4839 ], [ 93.8312, 19.4787 ], [ 93.8527, 19.4867 ], [ 93.8846, 19.472 ], [ 93.9156, 19.4488 ], [ 93.9451, 19.4452 ], [ 93.9761, 19.4193 ], [ 93.9901, 19.4351 ], [ 93.9909, 19.4596 ], [ 93.9765, 19.4622 ], [ 93.9559, 19.4453 ], [ 93.9173, 19.4548 ], [ 93.9247, 19.4775 ], [ 93.8834, 19.4976 ], [ 93.8647, 19.5169 ], [ 93.7898, 19.5652 ], [ 93.7717, 19.5885 ], [ 93.7201, 19.6183 ], [ 93.7254, 19.6346 ], [ 93.7984, 19.6873 ], [ 93.7628, 19.6767 ], [ 93.7274, 19.6728 ], [ 93.7112, 19.6889 ], [ 93.7123, 19.7381 ], [ 93.7316, 19.7507 ], [ 93.7791, 19.757 ], [ 93.7907, 19.7739 ], [ 93.7848, 19.8016 ], [ 93.7984, 19.828 ], [ 93.7846, 19.868 ], [ 93.742, 19.8832 ], [ 93.7179, 19.8973 ], [ 93.7113, 19.9118 ], [ 93.6813, 19.9208 ], [ 93.6629, 19.9145 ], [ 93.6316, 19.9184 ], [ 93.5849, 19.9003 ], [ 93.561, 19.8851 ], [ 93.5434, 19.8922 ], [ 93.5377, 19.9265 ], [ 93.5191, 19.9229 ], [ 93.5035, 19.9776 ], [ 93.4757, 20.001 ], [ 93.4448, 19.9994 ], [ 93.4509, 19.9475 ], [ 93.4197, 19.9707 ], [ 93.407, 19.9931 ], [ 93.3957, 20.039 ], [ 93.3825, 20.0547 ], [ 93.3819, 20.0858 ], [ 93.409, 20.084 ], [ 93.4207, 20.1164 ], [ 93.4118, 20.1742 ], [ 93.3602, 20.2816 ], [ 93.3415, 20.2793 ], [ 93.3331, 20.2951 ], [ 93.3415, 20.3045 ], [ 93.3277, 20.311 ], [ 93.3267, 20.3313 ], [ 93.2928, 20.3328 ], [ 93.2412, 20.3155 ], [ 93.227, 20.2772 ], [ 93.2501, 20.253 ], [ 93.2131, 20.2453 ], [ 93.2036, 20.221 ], [ 93.1741, 20.1992 ], [ 93.1511, 20.1914 ], [ 93.0842, 20.1935 ], [ 93.0615, 20.1663 ], [ 93.0164, 20.1374 ], [ 92.992, 20.1423 ], [ 92.9967, 20.214 ], [ 93.0103, 20.2582 ], [ 93.0319, 20.293 ], [ 93.0347, 20.3305 ], [ 93.0701, 20.3513 ], [ 93.0911, 20.3842 ], [ 93.0803, 20.412 ], [ 93.107, 20.4151 ], [ 93.1162, 20.4273 ], [ 93.0976, 20.5106 ], [ 93.0726, 20.5281 ], [ 93.052, 20.4764 ], [ 93.0301, 20.445 ], [ 93.0183, 20.4135 ], [ 93.0213, 20.3676 ], [ 93.013, 20.3052 ], [ 92.9766, 20.2524 ], [ 92.941, 20.2116 ], [ 92.9209, 20.1967 ], [ 92.893, 20.1142 ], [ 92.8468, 20.1318 ], [ 92.8304, 20.1507 ], [ 92.7725, 20.185 ], [ 92.7599, 20.197 ], [ 92.7875, 20.2579 ], [ 92.8349, 20.2761 ], [ 92.8731, 20.3105 ], [ 92.8651, 20.3507 ], [ 92.8351, 20.3935 ], [ 92.8555, 20.4147 ], [ 92.8451, 20.4147 ], [ 92.8385, 20.4208 ], [ 92.8398, 20.4321 ], [ 92.8425, 20.4386 ], [ 92.8371, 20.4462 ], [ 92.8279, 20.4487 ], [ 92.8031, 20.4833 ], [ 92.7925, 20.5094 ], [ 92.7527, 20.4791 ], [ 92.7358, 20.516 ], [ 92.7449, 20.552 ], [ 92.7074, 20.6132 ], [ 92.6887, 20.6228 ], [ 92.659, 20.6766 ], [ 92.6433, 20.6789 ], [ 92.6798, 20.6221 ], [ 92.6945, 20.6076 ], [ 92.6938, 20.5866 ], [ 92.7322, 20.5561 ], [ 92.7245, 20.5429 ], [ 92.7213, 20.4988 ], [ 92.744, 20.4378 ], [ 92.7477, 20.4117 ], [ 92.7326, 20.386 ], [ 92.7307, 20.3069 ], [ 92.7448, 20.2832 ], [ 92.7352, 20.2697 ], [ 92.6994, 20.3107 ], [ 92.6616, 20.3878 ], [ 92.6148, 20.4685 ], [ 92.6003, 20.4776 ], [ 92.5687, 20.5159 ], [ 92.5283, 20.5495 ], [ 92.5255, 20.5787 ], [ 92.5117, 20.6059 ], [ 92.4493, 20.6609 ], [ 92.381, 20.7033 ], [ 92.3927, 20.7113 ], [ 92.3722, 20.7646 ], [ 92.359, 20.7825 ], [ 92.3495, 20.8235 ], [ 92.3199, 20.8811 ], [ 92.3041, 20.9273 ], [ 92.2755, 20.9511 ], [ 92.2779, 20.9741 ], [ 92.2573, 21.0777 ], [ 92.2353, 21.0949 ], [ 92.2243, 21.1187 ], [ 92.2081, 21.1179 ], [ 92.198, 21.1377 ], [ 92.2001, 21.1599 ], [ 92.1727, 21.1699 ], [ 92.1814, 21.1903 ], [ 92.2, 21.2024 ], [ 92.2204, 21.2338 ], [ 92.2172, 21.2771 ], [ 92.1993, 21.3076 ], [ 92.1991, 21.3266 ], [ 92.2196, 21.3446 ], [ 92.2514, 21.3568 ], [ 92.255, 21.3879 ], [ 92.2691, 21.3991 ], [ 92.2692, 21.4278 ], [ 92.3291, 21.42 ], [ 92.3432, 21.4657 ], [ 92.3806, 21.4796 ], [ 92.4244, 21.433 ], [ 92.4316, 21.4077 ], [ 92.4265, 21.3747 ], [ 92.4604, 21.3676 ], [ 92.4767, 21.3539 ], [ 92.5067, 21.3572 ], [ 92.5085, 21.3761 ], [ 92.558, 21.3825 ], [ 92.5984, 21.2469 ], [ 92.6178, 21.249 ], [ 92.6303, 21.2687 ], [ 92.6792, 21.2862 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 13, "NAME": "Yangon Region", "PCODE": "MMR013", "ISO": "MM-06" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 96.3117, 17.1927 ], [ 96.3189, 17.1843 ], [ 96.3335, 17.1686 ], [ 96.3659, 17.1495 ], [ 96.3906, 17.1167 ], [ 96.4037, 17.0729 ], [ 96.3985, 17.0431 ], [ 96.3809, 17.0189 ], [ 96.3797, 16.999 ], [ 96.4057, 16.9962 ], [ 96.4064, 16.98 ], [ 96.4774, 16.9646 ], [ 96.4891, 16.9795 ], [ 96.5169, 16.9941 ], [ 96.5633, 16.9823 ], [ 96.5968, 16.9807 ], [ 96.6383, 16.9951 ], [ 96.6589, 16.9965 ], [ 96.6908, 16.9711 ], [ 96.7176, 16.9646 ], [ 96.7221, 16.9389 ], [ 96.7378, 16.9286 ], [ 96.7564, 16.9399 ], [ 96.7789, 16.9078 ], [ 96.7886, 16.8618 ], [ 96.8375, 16.8217 ], [ 96.823, 16.8018 ], [ 96.8077, 16.756 ], [ 96.7884, 16.7775 ], [ 96.7713, 16.7735 ], [ 96.7309, 16.7246 ], [ 96.7197, 16.6806 ], [ 96.7292, 16.6655 ], [ 96.7114, 16.6355 ], [ 96.643, 16.553 ], [ 96.5532, 16.5071 ], [ 96.4855, 16.4833 ], [ 96.4302, 16.4767 ], [ 96.3919, 16.4847 ], [ 96.351, 16.5253 ], [ 96.2858, 16.5618 ], [ 96.2789, 16.5859 ], [ 96.2594, 16.6144 ], [ 96.2618, 16.6533 ], [ 96.2378, 16.6777 ], [ 96.2255, 16.7095 ], [ 96.2251, 16.7396 ], [ 96.2165, 16.7718 ], [ 96.2571, 16.7895 ], [ 96.2781, 16.8057 ], [ 96.2833, 16.8217 ], [ 96.311, 16.8341 ], [ 96.3171, 16.8783 ], [ 96.3046, 16.88 ], [ 96.3025, 16.8379 ], [ 96.2642, 16.8096 ], [ 96.24, 16.8046 ], [ 96.2083, 16.7829 ], [ 96.1962, 16.7658 ], [ 96.1916, 16.7338 ], [ 96.2104, 16.6753 ], [ 96.2399, 16.6556 ], [ 96.2441, 16.6326 ], [ 96.2329, 16.5955 ], [ 96.2593, 16.5215 ], [ 96.2841, 16.4864 ], [ 96.3243, 16.4606 ], [ 96.3243, 16.4355 ], [ 96.3074, 16.4059 ], [ 96.288, 16.3875 ], [ 96.2503, 16.3669 ], [ 96.2059, 16.3578 ], [ 96.1321, 16.3234 ], [ 96.1013, 16.3292 ], [ 96.0626, 16.3633 ], [ 96.0177, 16.3877 ], [ 96.0031, 16.4036 ], [ 95.9787, 16.4147 ], [ 95.9203, 16.409 ], [ 95.8777, 16.4197 ], [ 95.864, 16.4409 ], [ 95.869, 16.4562 ], [ 95.8589, 16.4677 ], [ 95.8326, 16.4672 ], [ 95.8294, 16.4958 ], [ 95.8824, 16.5412 ], [ 95.8757, 16.5682 ], [ 95.8402, 16.5699 ], [ 95.8241, 16.6149 ], [ 95.8364, 16.6437 ], [ 95.8252, 16.6743 ], [ 95.8427, 16.7134 ], [ 95.8727, 16.7249 ], [ 95.8759, 16.7558 ], [ 95.8659, 16.824 ], [ 95.8373, 16.8701 ], [ 95.8487, 16.8895 ], [ 95.8389, 16.9281 ], [ 95.8673, 16.9801 ], [ 95.8659, 17.0027 ], [ 95.8378, 17.0205 ], [ 95.8209, 17.0404 ], [ 95.8358, 17.0626 ], [ 95.8224, 17.0939 ], [ 95.7839, 17.1508 ], [ 95.7839, 17.1705 ], [ 95.7604, 17.1813 ], [ 95.7473, 17.2007 ], [ 95.7118, 17.2033 ], [ 95.6903, 17.2316 ], [ 95.7055, 17.2577 ], [ 95.7083, 17.2987 ], [ 95.6974, 17.3319 ], [ 95.6838, 17.3487 ], [ 95.618, 17.3483 ], [ 95.6262, 17.3874 ], [ 95.6746, 17.3948 ], [ 95.6903, 17.4085 ], [ 95.6899, 17.4421 ], [ 95.7235, 17.462 ], [ 95.7364, 17.4758 ], [ 95.7361, 17.478 ], [ 95.7365, 17.4776 ], [ 95.7647, 17.4654 ], [ 95.7852, 17.4719 ], [ 95.7783, 17.5018 ], [ 95.8003, 17.5124 ], [ 95.8149, 17.5442 ], [ 95.8477, 17.5708 ], [ 95.8923, 17.5737 ], [ 95.8963, 17.6066 ], [ 95.9063, 17.6327 ], [ 95.9406, 17.6386 ], [ 95.9478, 17.6669 ], [ 95.9767, 17.6863 ], [ 96.0353, 17.7841 ], [ 96.0798, 17.786 ], [ 96.0985, 17.7415 ], [ 96.0964, 17.7185 ], [ 96.081, 17.7064 ], [ 96.1082, 17.6645 ], [ 96.149, 17.6134 ], [ 96.1887, 17.5333 ], [ 96.2047, 17.5204 ], [ 96.2037, 17.4867 ], [ 96.2604, 17.4699 ], [ 96.2781, 17.4473 ], [ 96.2839, 17.4007 ], [ 96.2926, 17.3832 ], [ 96.3108, 17.3148 ], [ 96.3032, 17.2921 ], [ 96.3161, 17.2347 ], [ 96.2948, 17.2243 ], [ 96.3117, 17.1927 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 14, "NAME": "Shan State", "PCODE": "MMR014", "ISO": "MM-17" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 97.6383, 23.8632 ], [ 97.7066, 23.8653 ], [ 97.7297, 23.8992 ], [ 97.7489, 23.9023 ], [ 97.7707, 23.9364 ], [ 97.8097, 23.9502 ], [ 97.8834, 23.9965 ], [ 97.8968, 24.0154 ], [ 97.9434, 24.022 ], [ 97.9813, 24.0358 ], [ 97.9954, 24.0507 ], [ 98.041, 24.0739 ], [ 98.0769, 24.0801 ], [ 98.1199, 24.0947 ], [ 98.1984, 24.1018 ], [ 98.2204, 24.1162 ], [ 98.2751, 24.1116 ], [ 98.2954, 24.1028 ], [ 98.3436, 24.1013 ], [ 98.3741, 24.1158 ], [ 98.4414, 24.1275 ], [ 98.4907, 24.1249 ], [ 98.5456, 24.1305 ], [ 98.5543, 24.1132 ], [ 98.6117, 24.087 ], [ 98.6376, 24.1045 ], [ 98.6792, 24.1025 ], [ 98.6996, 24.1103 ], [ 98.7174, 24.1307 ], [ 98.7588, 24.1275 ], [ 98.8198, 24.1365 ], [ 98.8381, 24.1297 ], [ 98.8838, 24.1531 ], [ 98.8992, 24.1133 ], [ 98.872, 24.0877 ], [ 98.8637, 24.0657 ], [ 98.8191, 24.0453 ], [ 98.8063, 24.025 ], [ 98.7734, 24.0266 ], [ 98.7699, 23.9993 ], [ 98.7527, 23.9808 ], [ 98.726, 23.9697 ], [ 98.7069, 23.9844 ], [ 98.6776, 23.9629 ], [ 98.6974, 23.9552 ], [ 98.6997, 23.9366 ], [ 98.6837, 23.9055 ], [ 98.701, 23.8698 ], [ 98.7046, 23.8433 ], [ 98.6861, 23.8023 ], [ 98.7706, 23.78 ], [ 98.7867, 23.7829 ], [ 98.8076, 23.7692 ], [ 98.83, 23.7258 ], [ 98.8202, 23.6964 ], [ 98.8385, 23.6887 ], [ 98.8484, 23.6494 ], [ 98.8643, 23.6272 ], [ 98.8894, 23.6177 ], [ 98.8775, 23.5887 ], [ 98.8413, 23.5763 ], [ 98.803, 23.5392 ], [ 98.8188, 23.4884 ], [ 98.8382, 23.4777 ], [ 98.875, 23.4863 ], [ 98.9194, 23.4181 ], [ 98.911, 23.3941 ], [ 98.9208, 23.3777 ], [ 98.923, 23.3295 ], [ 98.9439, 23.3128 ], [ 98.926, 23.2934 ], [ 98.9301, 23.2698 ], [ 98.9101, 23.2481 ], [ 98.9097, 23.233 ], [ 98.8855, 23.1904 ], [ 98.9239, 23.1876 ], [ 98.9667, 23.1711 ], [ 99.0027, 23.1634 ], [ 99.0516, 23.1652 ], [ 99.0483, 23.1233 ], [ 99.1064, 23.0917 ], [ 99.1162, 23.1043 ], [ 99.1671, 23.1067 ], [ 99.175, 23.0949 ], [ 99.2003, 23.1132 ], [ 99.2232, 23.0903 ], [ 99.2599, 23.0824 ], [ 99.2657, 23.1015 ], [ 99.2909, 23.109 ], [ 99.3049, 23.1023 ], [ 99.3253, 23.1146 ], [ 99.3284, 23.1355 ], [ 99.3481, 23.1362 ], [ 99.3855, 23.1005 ], [ 99.4145, 23.0959 ], [ 99.437, 23.0841 ], [ 99.5099, 23.0836 ], [ 99.524, 23.0755 ], [ 99.5327, 23.0518 ], [ 99.518, 23.033 ], [ 99.5213, 22.9942 ], [ 99.551, 22.9597 ], [ 99.5657, 22.9323 ], [ 99.56, 22.9076 ], [ 99.5251, 22.9017 ], [ 99.4935, 22.9116 ], [ 99.4421, 22.9417 ], [ 99.4357, 22.9124 ], [ 99.4551, 22.8486 ], [ 99.4382, 22.8456 ], [ 99.3909, 22.808 ], [ 99.3836, 22.7646 ], [ 99.3264, 22.7529 ], [ 99.3166, 22.7314 ], [ 99.3387, 22.7105 ], [ 99.3475, 22.6731 ], [ 99.3591, 22.6639 ], [ 99.371, 22.6036 ], [ 99.3837, 22.5748 ], [ 99.3597, 22.5405 ], [ 99.3596, 22.5197 ], [ 99.3786, 22.5069 ], [ 99.3699, 22.4891 ], [ 99.3281, 22.4467 ], [ 99.31, 22.4373 ], [ 99.2993, 22.4173 ], [ 99.2573, 22.3991 ], [ 99.2519, 22.3826 ], [ 99.2765, 22.3614 ], [ 99.276, 22.3468 ], [ 99.2529, 22.3309 ], [ 99.2334, 22.2972 ], [ 99.2335, 22.2495 ], [ 99.2036, 22.2254 ], [ 99.1765, 22.1928 ], [ 99.1799, 22.1462 ], [ 99.2087, 22.1254 ], [ 99.274, 22.1001 ], [ 99.2884, 22.1119 ], [ 99.3257, 22.095 ], [ 99.3641, 22.1065 ], [ 99.3936, 22.0982 ], [ 99.4331, 22.1046 ], [ 99.4739, 22.1352 ], [ 99.5255, 22.0969 ], [ 99.5358, 22.1084 ], [ 99.5731, 22.1009 ], [ 99.5982, 22.1136 ], [ 99.6153, 22.096 ], [ 99.6502, 22.0954 ], [ 99.6681, 22.0774 ], [ 99.6955, 22.0729 ], [ 99.6899, 22.0455 ], [ 99.7209, 22.0461 ], [ 99.7189, 22.0612 ], [ 99.7582, 22.0713 ], [ 99.7817, 22.0558 ], [ 99.8089, 22.0531 ], [ 99.8632, 22.0271 ], [ 99.8619, 22.0592 ], [ 99.8786, 22.0692 ], [ 99.9366, 22.061 ], [ 99.966, 22.0457 ], [ 99.9612, 22.0258 ], [ 99.9909, 21.989 ], [ 99.9965, 21.9736 ], [ 99.9752, 21.9138 ], [ 99.9597, 21.9082 ], [ 99.962, 21.8794 ], [ 99.9456, 21.865 ], [ 99.9436, 21.8212 ], [ 99.9573, 21.7968 ], [ 99.9825, 21.7172 ], [ 99.9915, 21.7039 ], [ 100.0526, 21.679 ], [ 100.0711, 21.6926 ], [ 100.1164, 21.7056 ], [ 100.131, 21.7022 ], [ 100.1716, 21.6605 ], [ 100.1526, 21.6504 ], [ 100.1313, 21.6161 ], [ 100.1104, 21.6013 ], [ 100.1214, 21.5709 ], [ 100.1213, 21.5204 ], [ 100.1297, 21.5072 ], [ 100.1693, 21.4851 ], [ 100.1793, 21.5166 ], [ 100.2126, 21.5038 ], [ 100.2322, 21.4721 ], [ 100.2472, 21.4663 ], [ 100.2907, 21.48 ], [ 100.33, 21.5043 ], [ 100.3508, 21.5308 ], [ 100.391, 21.5224 ], [ 100.4321, 21.5405 ], [ 100.4585, 21.486 ], [ 100.4859, 21.456 ], [ 100.5184, 21.4718 ], [ 100.541, 21.4687 ], [ 100.5745, 21.4507 ], [ 100.6507, 21.4841 ], [ 100.6689, 21.4796 ], [ 100.7, 21.5147 ], [ 100.7226, 21.513 ], [ 100.7523, 21.5535 ], [ 100.7738, 21.571 ], [ 100.7906, 21.571 ], [ 100.8129, 21.6214 ], [ 100.8417, 21.6351 ], [ 100.8584, 21.6653 ], [ 100.8831, 21.6898 ], [ 100.9087, 21.6832 ], [ 100.9391, 21.6995 ], [ 100.9743, 21.7003 ], [ 101.0286, 21.7267 ], [ 101.0863, 21.7759 ], [ 101.1078, 21.7743 ], [ 101.1194, 21.7111 ], [ 101.1157, 21.6926 ], [ 101.1523, 21.6692 ], [ 101.1609, 21.6452 ], [ 101.1677, 21.5924 ], [ 101.1475, 21.589 ], [ 101.1391, 21.5719 ], [ 101.1526, 21.5577 ], [ 101.1642, 21.528 ], [ 101.1262, 21.5025 ], [ 101.0875, 21.459 ], [ 101.0622, 21.4565 ], [ 101.0437, 21.4407 ], [ 101.0001, 21.3864 ], [ 100.9771, 21.3887 ], [ 100.9509, 21.3801 ], [ 100.9195, 21.3572 ], [ 100.8842, 21.3475 ], [ 100.8737, 21.3265 ], [ 100.8465, 21.3047 ], [ 100.8094, 21.293 ], [ 100.7798, 21.2973 ], [ 100.7332, 21.3154 ], [ 100.7232, 21.3104 ], [ 100.7, 21.2185 ], [ 100.6978, 21.1792 ], [ 100.6841, 21.1655 ], [ 100.6642, 21.1185 ], [ 100.6417, 21.0956 ], [ 100.6364, 21.0622 ], [ 100.6127, 21.0504 ], [ 100.5933, 21.0289 ], [ 100.5488, 21.0258 ], [ 100.55, 20.985 ], [ 100.5256, 20.9625 ], [ 100.5092, 20.8887 ], [ 100.525, 20.8731 ], [ 100.555, 20.8704 ], [ 100.5653, 20.8797 ], [ 100.6392, 20.8982 ], [ 100.6475, 20.8796 ], [ 100.5978, 20.8346 ], [ 100.5668, 20.8223 ], [ 100.5467, 20.8247 ], [ 100.4953, 20.8157 ], [ 100.4216, 20.8321 ], [ 100.3882, 20.832 ], [ 100.3637, 20.8249 ], [ 100.3456, 20.7986 ], [ 100.3275, 20.7859 ], [ 100.2859, 20.7754 ], [ 100.2501, 20.7459 ], [ 100.2239, 20.715 ], [ 100.1875, 20.6609 ], [ 100.1677, 20.6168 ], [ 100.1633, 20.5895 ], [ 100.1382, 20.5162 ], [ 100.1287, 20.4675 ], [ 100.1179, 20.441 ], [ 100.121, 20.4041 ], [ 100.0882, 20.3727 ], [ 100.0677, 20.3808 ], [ 100.0568, 20.3997 ], [ 100.0362, 20.399 ], [ 99.9894, 20.4326 ], [ 99.9588, 20.4661 ], [ 99.9215, 20.4479 ], [ 99.8684, 20.4429 ], [ 99.8403, 20.4008 ], [ 99.8398, 20.3735 ], [ 99.8082, 20.3356 ], [ 99.755, 20.3396 ], [ 99.7313, 20.351 ], [ 99.7109, 20.325 ], [ 99.6821, 20.317 ], [ 99.6575, 20.3284 ], [ 99.6454, 20.3438 ], [ 99.6123, 20.3314 ], [ 99.5572, 20.3579 ], [ 99.5133, 20.3654 ], [ 99.4997, 20.3826 ], [ 99.4577, 20.3924 ], [ 99.4566, 20.363 ], [ 99.4922, 20.3429 ], [ 99.5094, 20.3142 ], [ 99.523, 20.2333 ], [ 99.5615, 20.2031 ], [ 99.5523, 20.177 ], [ 99.5362, 20.1573 ], [ 99.513, 20.1525 ], [ 99.4819, 20.1086 ], [ 99.4297, 20.0901 ], [ 99.3773, 20.0899 ], [ 99.3289, 20.0642 ], [ 99.2665, 20.1029 ], [ 99.2122, 20.131 ], [ 99.1885, 20.1262 ], [ 99.1551, 20.1301 ], [ 99.1099, 20.099 ], [ 99.0785, 20.1012 ], [ 99.0438, 20.0362 ], [ 99.055, 20.003 ], [ 99.032, 19.9758 ], [ 99.0442, 19.9485 ], [ 99.0398, 19.9297 ], [ 99.0236, 19.921 ], [ 99.0361, 19.8646 ], [ 99.0314, 19.8352 ], [ 99.0154, 19.7952 ], [ 98.932, 19.7642 ], [ 98.9164, 19.7415 ], [ 98.903, 19.7628 ], [ 98.8465, 19.8101 ], [ 98.7979, 19.7762 ], [ 98.7834, 19.7528 ], [ 98.7433, 19.7525 ], [ 98.7153, 19.7654 ], [ 98.7012, 19.7552 ], [ 98.6651, 19.7456 ], [ 98.6302, 19.7261 ], [ 98.6122, 19.7084 ], [ 98.5911, 19.7131 ], [ 98.572, 19.7029 ], [ 98.5551, 19.6808 ], [ 98.5178, 19.7135 ], [ 98.4397, 19.6862 ], [ 98.4077, 19.6931 ], [ 98.392, 19.705 ], [ 98.3744, 19.6941 ], [ 98.3196, 19.6959 ], [ 98.2907, 19.6847 ], [ 98.2482, 19.6764 ], [ 98.2329, 19.6961 ], [ 98.2385, 19.7105 ], [ 98.2016, 19.7327 ], [ 98.1683, 19.7705 ], [ 98.1388, 19.7869 ], [ 98.1014, 19.7723 ], [ 98.0859, 19.806 ], [ 98.0509, 19.8129 ], [ 98.0343, 19.8046 ], [ 98.0374, 19.7673 ], [ 98.0265, 19.7146 ], [ 98.0328, 19.6745 ], [ 98.0476, 19.6532 ], [ 98.0248, 19.6382 ], [ 97.975, 19.6312 ], [ 97.9733, 19.6009 ], [ 97.9378, 19.5923 ], [ 97.8945, 19.5724 ], [ 97.8633, 19.5748 ], [ 97.8496, 19.6069 ], [ 97.8524, 19.6448 ], [ 97.8283, 19.6561 ], [ 97.7963, 19.6471 ], [ 97.7755, 19.6629 ], [ 97.7446, 19.6733 ], [ 97.7435, 19.6586 ], [ 97.7061, 19.6588 ], [ 97.6932, 19.6704 ], [ 97.676, 19.6616 ], [ 97.6606, 19.6737 ], [ 97.6263, 19.6752 ], [ 97.6051, 19.7003 ], [ 97.5618, 19.7322 ], [ 97.5621, 19.7636 ], [ 97.5925, 19.831 ], [ 97.5469, 19.8337 ], [ 97.5278, 19.8654 ], [ 97.534, 19.8814 ], [ 97.5016, 19.9023 ], [ 97.4909, 19.8887 ], [ 97.4464, 19.8812 ], [ 97.4257, 19.9077 ], [ 97.3991, 19.9188 ], [ 97.3851, 19.9564 ], [ 97.3511, 19.9467 ], [ 97.3337, 19.9264 ], [ 97.3294, 19.8976 ], [ 97.3148, 19.9014 ], [ 97.2661, 19.8909 ], [ 97.2218, 19.9076 ], [ 97.2201, 19.9559 ], [ 97.2093, 19.9894 ], [ 97.1689, 19.9967 ], [ 97.1443, 19.9869 ], [ 97.1571, 19.9558 ], [ 97.1409, 19.9031 ], [ 97.1553, 19.8361 ], [ 97.1469, 19.8329 ], [ 97.1341, 19.7991 ], [ 97.1524, 19.7794 ], [ 97.1161, 19.7507 ], [ 97.128, 19.715 ], [ 97.094, 19.7145 ], [ 97.0497, 19.6922 ], [ 97.0153, 19.6907 ], [ 97.0089, 19.6734 ], [ 97.0165, 19.6542 ], [ 97.0059, 19.6402 ], [ 96.9855, 19.6408 ], [ 96.954, 19.6137 ], [ 96.9463, 19.5883 ], [ 96.8987, 19.5571 ], [ 96.8971, 19.5322 ], [ 96.8761, 19.5224 ], [ 96.8736, 19.5073 ], [ 96.91, 19.4806 ], [ 96.9029, 19.4675 ], [ 96.9247, 19.4516 ], [ 96.9356, 19.461 ], [ 96.9659, 19.4271 ], [ 96.9597, 19.4168 ], [ 96.8887, 19.3746 ], [ 96.8751, 19.3559 ], [ 96.8859, 19.3377 ], [ 96.8526, 19.3118 ], [ 96.8342, 19.3327 ], [ 96.8309, 19.3536 ], [ 96.814, 19.3733 ], [ 96.802, 19.403 ], [ 96.7828, 19.407 ], [ 96.7661, 19.4309 ], [ 96.7278, 19.4485 ], [ 96.6982, 19.4514 ], [ 96.6775, 19.4805 ], [ 96.668, 19.5091 ], [ 96.6751, 19.5195 ], [ 96.656, 19.552 ], [ 96.6488, 19.5763 ], [ 96.5966, 19.5758 ], [ 96.5585, 19.5865 ], [ 96.5465, 19.6105 ], [ 96.594, 19.6562 ], [ 96.6407, 19.6733 ], [ 96.657, 19.6897 ], [ 96.6345, 19.7246 ], [ 96.6074, 19.7323 ], [ 96.6018, 19.7495 ], [ 96.5606, 19.791 ], [ 96.5494, 19.8345 ], [ 96.5177, 19.8599 ], [ 96.4545, 19.85 ], [ 96.4444, 19.8799 ], [ 96.455, 19.8937 ], [ 96.442, 19.9152 ], [ 96.393, 19.9645 ], [ 96.3635, 20.013 ], [ 96.3711, 20.0243 ], [ 96.4203, 20.0204 ], [ 96.4437, 20.0327 ], [ 96.443, 20.0519 ], [ 96.4678, 20.056 ], [ 96.4758, 20.07 ], [ 96.456, 20.0977 ], [ 96.4411, 20.1363 ], [ 96.4604, 20.1541 ], [ 96.4858, 20.1627 ], [ 96.5048, 20.1931 ], [ 96.5468, 20.2219 ], [ 96.5155, 20.293 ], [ 96.4965, 20.3154 ], [ 96.4935, 20.3543 ], [ 96.4746, 20.3696 ], [ 96.4645, 20.4505 ], [ 96.4886, 20.4999 ], [ 96.5097, 20.5124 ], [ 96.5333, 20.5066 ], [ 96.5464, 20.5222 ], [ 96.5407, 20.5973 ], [ 96.5202, 20.5778 ], [ 96.5133, 20.6019 ], [ 96.4837, 20.6091 ], [ 96.4664, 20.642 ], [ 96.4525, 20.6538 ], [ 96.4399, 20.6967 ], [ 96.4548, 20.6968 ], [ 96.4643, 20.7211 ], [ 96.4637, 20.7438 ], [ 96.4786, 20.7693 ], [ 96.5118, 20.7844 ], [ 96.5244, 20.7752 ], [ 96.5639, 20.7826 ], [ 96.5594, 20.8257 ], [ 96.5736, 20.8369 ], [ 96.5735, 20.8714 ], [ 96.5497, 20.8931 ], [ 96.523, 20.8868 ], [ 96.5075, 20.9214 ], [ 96.4689, 20.9027 ], [ 96.4338, 20.9181 ], [ 96.4277, 20.943 ], [ 96.3891, 20.9295 ], [ 96.3724, 20.9452 ], [ 96.3429, 20.9433 ], [ 96.2979, 20.9676 ], [ 96.2719, 20.9673 ], [ 96.2385, 21.0039 ], [ 96.2169, 21.0086 ], [ 96.2115, 21.0646 ], [ 96.2302, 21.0885 ], [ 96.2185, 21.1342 ], [ 96.2324, 21.151 ], [ 96.2661, 21.1679 ], [ 96.3312, 21.168 ], [ 96.3571, 21.1605 ], [ 96.3746, 21.1836 ], [ 96.3704, 21.1899 ], [ 96.3654, 21.2154 ], [ 96.3349, 21.2461 ], [ 96.3341, 21.2548 ], [ 96.3206, 21.2905 ], [ 96.3238, 21.309 ], [ 96.3055, 21.3681 ], [ 96.2963, 21.3817 ], [ 96.2961, 21.4366 ], [ 96.2871, 21.4633 ], [ 96.3415, 21.4888 ], [ 96.3256, 21.5282 ], [ 96.3329, 21.5467 ], [ 96.4107, 21.5509 ], [ 96.4354, 21.5613 ], [ 96.4711, 21.5666 ], [ 96.5258, 21.5853 ], [ 96.5319, 21.5893 ], [ 96.5809, 21.5953 ], [ 96.5934, 21.6162 ], [ 96.6344, 21.6448 ], [ 96.6309, 21.6587 ], [ 96.6536, 21.6729 ], [ 96.6831, 21.7115 ], [ 96.7196, 21.7254 ], [ 96.7379, 21.7046 ], [ 96.7664, 21.7158 ], [ 96.7887, 21.7405 ], [ 96.8067, 21.7448 ], [ 96.8206, 21.7662 ], [ 96.8509, 21.7409 ], [ 96.8915, 21.7343 ], [ 96.896, 21.7428 ], [ 96.8782, 21.7971 ], [ 96.8747, 21.8242 ], [ 96.8441, 21.845 ], [ 96.8592, 21.8597 ], [ 96.8294, 21.8963 ], [ 96.8169, 21.9301 ], [ 96.7711, 21.9938 ], [ 96.7589, 21.9983 ], [ 96.7505, 22.0608 ], [ 96.7383, 22.0817 ], [ 96.7161, 22.0901 ], [ 96.6558, 22.0895 ], [ 96.6385, 22.1113 ], [ 96.5644, 22.1136 ], [ 96.548, 22.1396 ], [ 96.5258, 22.1468 ], [ 96.4947, 22.1428 ], [ 96.4843, 22.1527 ], [ 96.4792, 22.1968 ], [ 96.4814, 22.2291 ], [ 96.4535, 22.2991 ], [ 96.4219, 22.3322 ], [ 96.4093, 22.364 ], [ 96.3881, 22.3714 ], [ 96.3376, 22.3666 ], [ 96.3245, 22.3753 ], [ 96.3201, 22.4537 ], [ 96.3337, 22.4672 ], [ 96.3314, 22.504 ], [ 96.2896, 22.5288 ], [ 96.2977, 22.5731 ], [ 96.2793, 22.5854 ], [ 96.2399, 22.6393 ], [ 96.2344, 22.6932 ], [ 96.2387, 22.6943 ], [ 96.2042, 22.7375 ], [ 96.2239, 22.7591 ], [ 96.2267, 22.7646 ], [ 96.2382, 22.7673 ], [ 96.2409, 22.7695 ], [ 96.2623, 22.7798 ], [ 96.302, 22.7855 ], [ 96.3545, 22.778 ], [ 96.3825, 22.8017 ], [ 96.4175, 22.8008 ], [ 96.45, 22.7857 ], [ 96.5141, 22.806 ], [ 96.5429, 22.8308 ], [ 96.6072, 22.816 ], [ 96.6651, 22.8496 ], [ 96.6723, 22.8921 ], [ 96.7038, 22.9325 ], [ 96.7135, 22.9604 ], [ 96.6799, 22.9855 ], [ 96.6329, 22.9767 ], [ 96.6135, 22.993 ], [ 96.5881, 22.9968 ], [ 96.5689, 23.0153 ], [ 96.5418, 23.0265 ], [ 96.5152, 23.0532 ], [ 96.486, 23.0413 ], [ 96.4667, 23.0226 ], [ 96.4547, 23.0335 ], [ 96.4332, 23.0222 ], [ 96.4104, 23.024 ], [ 96.3904, 23.0137 ], [ 96.3353, 23.0042 ], [ 96.3147, 23.0119 ], [ 96.2898, 23.0035 ], [ 96.237, 23.0136 ], [ 96.2125, 23.0249 ], [ 96.1937, 23.0466 ], [ 96.204, 23.0636 ], [ 96.1958, 23.0871 ], [ 96.1532, 23.1213 ], [ 96.1521, 23.1598 ], [ 96.171, 23.1757 ], [ 96.1883, 23.2292 ], [ 96.1828, 23.2729 ], [ 96.1984, 23.3004 ], [ 96.1823, 23.3152 ], [ 96.171, 23.3198 ], [ 96.1702, 23.3457 ], [ 96.1903, 23.354 ], [ 96.2176, 23.3317 ], [ 96.2337, 23.3397 ], [ 96.2276, 23.3681 ], [ 96.2494, 23.4003 ], [ 96.2777, 23.4202 ], [ 96.298, 23.4463 ], [ 96.2972, 23.4695 ], [ 96.3172, 23.4766 ], [ 96.31, 23.4982 ], [ 96.3389, 23.5132 ], [ 96.3575, 23.5489 ], [ 96.3926, 23.5696 ], [ 96.4179, 23.6243 ], [ 96.4373, 23.6345 ], [ 96.4322, 23.6716 ], [ 96.4377, 23.6951 ], [ 96.4715, 23.726 ], [ 96.4884, 23.7258 ], [ 96.5148, 23.7525 ], [ 96.5382, 23.8176 ], [ 96.5605, 23.8251 ], [ 96.5572, 23.8558 ], [ 96.5269, 23.8822 ], [ 96.5281, 23.9091 ], [ 96.509, 23.9509 ], [ 96.5174, 23.9697 ], [ 96.5049, 24.0072 ], [ 96.4687, 24.0168 ], [ 96.4297, 23.9963 ], [ 96.4092, 24.0059 ], [ 96.3901, 24.0279 ], [ 96.4129, 24.057 ], [ 96.4567, 24.1008 ], [ 96.5021, 24.1109 ], [ 96.5192, 24.1012 ], [ 96.5582, 24.1549 ], [ 96.5739, 24.1588 ], [ 96.6274, 24.1457 ], [ 96.6631, 24.1577 ], [ 96.6662, 24.139 ], [ 96.6868, 24.1266 ], [ 96.6935, 24.1032 ], [ 96.6776, 24.0863 ], [ 96.6931, 24.0732 ], [ 96.7031, 24.0292 ], [ 96.6789, 23.9999 ], [ 96.7299, 23.9921 ], [ 96.7583, 23.9955 ], [ 96.7887, 24.0146 ], [ 96.8426, 24.0258 ], [ 96.8593, 24.0021 ], [ 96.832, 23.9562 ], [ 96.8404, 23.9361 ], [ 96.8427, 23.8893 ], [ 96.8687, 23.8847 ], [ 96.8861, 23.8472 ], [ 96.8802, 23.8228 ], [ 96.8546, 23.787 ], [ 96.8242, 23.7773 ], [ 96.7965, 23.7851 ], [ 96.7758, 23.7654 ], [ 96.7843, 23.743 ], [ 96.8563, 23.7323 ], [ 96.8695, 23.7162 ], [ 96.8925, 23.7197 ], [ 96.959, 23.712 ], [ 96.9746, 23.7162 ], [ 97.0041, 23.696 ], [ 97.0051, 23.6631 ], [ 97.0147, 23.644 ], [ 97.0712, 23.6403 ], [ 97.0886, 23.6341 ], [ 97.1206, 23.665 ], [ 97.1521, 23.676 ], [ 97.1796, 23.6712 ], [ 97.2686, 23.7125 ], [ 97.3044, 23.7045 ], [ 97.3207, 23.7195 ], [ 97.3404, 23.6949 ], [ 97.3481, 23.7266 ], [ 97.3727, 23.7454 ], [ 97.4086, 23.739 ], [ 97.4667, 23.7809 ], [ 97.4532, 23.7986 ], [ 97.4755, 23.8186 ], [ 97.5465, 23.8228 ], [ 97.5719, 23.8155 ], [ 97.6062, 23.8241 ], [ 97.6383, 23.8632 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 17, "NAME": "Ayeyarwady Region", "PCODE": "MMR017", "ISO": "MM-07" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 95.2486, 15.8501 ], [ 95.2309, 15.871 ], [ 95.2737, 15.9566 ], [ 95.2722, 16.0313 ], [ 95.2963, 16.0564 ], [ 95.3035, 16.077 ], [ 95.3233, 16.0868 ], [ 95.3446, 16.0419 ], [ 95.3421, 15.9863 ], [ 95.3358, 15.9678 ], [ 95.3135, 15.9456 ], [ 95.2755, 15.8775 ], [ 95.2486, 15.8501 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.1827, 16.1123 ], [ 95.1999, 16.0983 ], [ 95.1768, 16.085 ], [ 95.1814, 16.0337 ], [ 95.175, 16.0293 ], [ 95.1326, 16.0429 ], [ 95.1198, 16.0386 ], [ 95.1108, 16.0228 ], [ 95.1124, 16.0023 ], [ 95.0973, 15.9908 ], [ 95.0897, 16.034 ], [ 95.0932, 16.0532 ], [ 95.1135, 16.0845 ], [ 95.1704, 16.118 ], [ 95.1827, 16.1123 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.3248, 16.1199 ], [ 95.3044, 16.1529 ], [ 95.3171, 16.1796 ], [ 95.3647, 16.2104 ], [ 95.3627, 16.1659 ], [ 95.3248, 16.1199 ] ] ], [ [ [ 94.6426, 16.1089 ], [ 94.6283, 16.0815 ], [ 94.6021, 16.0561 ], [ 94.5759, 16.0016 ], [ 94.55, 15.9906 ], [ 94.5132, 15.9882 ], [ 94.4795, 15.9668 ], [ 94.4699, 15.9253 ], [ 94.4543, 15.9269 ], [ 94.4393, 15.9091 ], [ 94.4226, 15.8638 ], [ 94.3999, 15.877 ], [ 94.3892, 15.9144 ], [ 94.3771, 15.9807 ], [ 94.3832, 16.0024 ], [ 94.4448, 16.0194 ], [ 94.4603, 16.0311 ], [ 94.5015, 16.0905 ], [ 94.5192, 16.1281 ], [ 94.5411, 16.1436 ], [ 94.5822, 16.2022 ], [ 94.6131, 16.2295 ], [ 94.6505, 16.2488 ], [ 94.6508, 16.2302 ], [ 94.6675, 16.203 ], [ 94.6426, 16.1089 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.1243, 16.1451 ], [ 95.1119, 16.1143 ], [ 95.0729, 16.0819 ], [ 95.0533, 16.0477 ], [ 95.0517, 16.0233 ], [ 95.0685, 15.9767 ], [ 95.0671, 15.9465 ], [ 95.0519, 15.8526 ], [ 95.0457, 15.8412 ], [ 95.0239, 15.8509 ], [ 95.0065, 15.8449 ], [ 94.9851, 15.853 ], [ 94.9784, 15.8414 ], [ 94.9823, 15.8003 ], [ 94.9791, 15.7845 ], [ 94.9866, 15.7686 ], [ 94.9763, 15.7545 ], [ 94.9496, 15.7428 ], [ 94.8601, 15.7569 ], [ 94.8439, 15.7675 ], [ 94.8349, 15.7903 ], [ 94.847, 15.8106 ], [ 94.8763, 15.8165 ], [ 94.8756, 15.8284 ], [ 94.846, 15.832 ], [ 94.8367, 15.8477 ], [ 94.8508, 15.8707 ], [ 94.8483, 15.893 ], [ 94.82, 15.9411 ], [ 94.8369, 15.9699 ], [ 94.8715, 16.0026 ], [ 94.8928, 16.0019 ], [ 94.9165, 16.0255 ], [ 94.9158, 16.0473 ], [ 94.8981, 16.0759 ], [ 94.9317, 16.0878 ], [ 94.9533, 16.1395 ], [ 95.0125, 16.1363 ], [ 95.0155, 16.1667 ], [ 95.0475, 16.1883 ], [ 95.0547, 16.2197 ], [ 95.0631, 16.2253 ], [ 95.0699, 16.2435 ], [ 95.0795, 16.2503 ], [ 95.0834, 16.2604 ], [ 95.0949, 16.2647 ], [ 95.1075, 16.2917 ], [ 95.1419, 16.2975 ], [ 95.1317, 16.2599 ], [ 95.1471, 16.2393 ], [ 95.1161, 16.2115 ], [ 95.1191, 16.1907 ], [ 95.1343, 16.1685 ], [ 95.1243, 16.1451 ] ] ], [ [ [ 94.6665, 16.3385 ], [ 94.6406, 16.286 ], [ 94.6085, 16.2432 ], [ 94.5773, 16.2288 ], [ 94.5676, 16.2462 ], [ 94.6003, 16.2705 ], [ 94.6141, 16.3003 ], [ 94.6122, 16.329 ], [ 94.6665, 16.3385 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.8859, 16.1969 ], [ 95.8713, 16.1908 ], [ 95.859, 16.2103 ], [ 95.89, 16.2283 ], [ 95.9069, 16.3044 ], [ 95.906, 16.3348 ], [ 95.9292, 16.376 ], [ 95.9505, 16.3416 ], [ 95.9496, 16.2926 ], [ 95.9441, 16.2626 ], [ 95.8859, 16.1969 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.9312, 16.2138 ], [ 95.9508, 16.2505 ], [ 95.9572, 16.2849 ], [ 95.9679, 16.3072 ], [ 95.9649, 16.35 ], [ 95.992, 16.3879 ], [ 96.0117, 16.3831 ], [ 96.0695, 16.3443 ], [ 96.0759, 16.3142 ], [ 96.0504, 16.2903 ], [ 96.0175, 16.2482 ], [ 95.9974, 16.2335 ], [ 95.9312, 16.2138 ] ] ], [ [ [ 94.7375, 16.628 ], [ 94.7452, 16.6257 ], [ 94.7554, 16.6257 ], [ 94.7565, 16.6153 ], [ 94.7695, 16.6064 ], [ 94.7648, 16.5849 ], [ 94.7464, 16.582 ], [ 94.7373, 16.5739 ], [ 94.7235, 16.5107 ], [ 94.6876, 16.4919 ], [ 94.6735, 16.526 ], [ 94.6957, 16.5509 ], [ 94.6993, 16.6153 ], [ 94.7375, 16.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.557, 17.6346 ], [ 95.568, 17.6242 ], [ 95.5822, 17.6103 ], [ 95.6168, 17.6265 ], [ 95.6284, 17.6231 ], [ 95.6595, 17.6065 ], [ 95.678, 17.5867 ], [ 95.6772, 17.5506 ], [ 95.7018, 17.5242 ], [ 95.7169, 17.52 ], [ 95.733, 17.4824 ], [ 95.7361, 17.478 ], [ 95.7364, 17.4758 ], [ 95.7235, 17.462 ], [ 95.6899, 17.4421 ], [ 95.6903, 17.4085 ], [ 95.6746, 17.3948 ], [ 95.6262, 17.3874 ], [ 95.618, 17.3483 ], [ 95.6838, 17.3487 ], [ 95.6974, 17.3319 ], [ 95.7083, 17.2987 ], [ 95.7055, 17.2577 ], [ 95.6903, 17.2316 ], [ 95.7118, 17.2033 ], [ 95.7473, 17.2007 ], [ 95.7604, 17.1813 ], [ 95.7839, 17.1705 ], [ 95.7839, 17.1508 ], [ 95.8224, 17.0939 ], [ 95.8358, 17.0626 ], [ 95.8209, 17.0404 ], [ 95.8378, 17.0205 ], [ 95.8659, 17.0027 ], [ 95.8673, 16.9801 ], [ 95.8389, 16.9281 ], [ 95.8487, 16.8895 ], [ 95.8373, 16.8701 ], [ 95.8659, 16.824 ], [ 95.8759, 16.7558 ], [ 95.8727, 16.7249 ], [ 95.8427, 16.7134 ], [ 95.8252, 16.6743 ], [ 95.8364, 16.6437 ], [ 95.8241, 16.6149 ], [ 95.8402, 16.5699 ], [ 95.8757, 16.5682 ], [ 95.8824, 16.5412 ], [ 95.8294, 16.4958 ], [ 95.8187, 16.4585 ], [ 95.8485, 16.4629 ], [ 95.8623, 16.4572 ], [ 95.8623, 16.4302 ], [ 95.8797, 16.4143 ], [ 95.9201, 16.399 ], [ 95.9293, 16.3835 ], [ 95.9046, 16.3379 ], [ 95.9036, 16.3029 ], [ 95.8855, 16.2419 ], [ 95.8682, 16.2304 ], [ 95.8396, 16.1868 ], [ 95.775, 16.1345 ], [ 95.7466, 16.1277 ], [ 95.715, 16.0733 ], [ 95.7051, 16.0688 ], [ 95.7105, 16.0356 ], [ 95.6712, 15.9657 ], [ 95.6592, 15.9561 ], [ 95.6451, 15.9256 ], [ 95.5752, 15.8587 ], [ 95.5648, 15.845 ], [ 95.5089, 15.7935 ], [ 95.5115, 15.7779 ], [ 95.4592, 15.7385 ], [ 95.4001, 15.7147 ], [ 95.3232, 15.7061 ], [ 95.2861, 15.7169 ], [ 95.2787, 15.7277 ], [ 95.2885, 15.7521 ], [ 95.2685, 15.8028 ], [ 95.2779, 15.8481 ], [ 95.2929, 15.8593 ], [ 95.3121, 15.9055 ], [ 95.3355, 15.9235 ], [ 95.3479, 15.9427 ], [ 95.3611, 16.0003 ], [ 95.3565, 16.0621 ], [ 95.3295, 16.1071 ], [ 95.349, 16.1291 ], [ 95.3685, 16.1691 ], [ 95.3741, 16.2183 ], [ 95.324, 16.1969 ], [ 95.3097, 16.1802 ], [ 95.3005, 16.1473 ], [ 95.3229, 16.0937 ], [ 95.3031, 16.0859 ], [ 95.2913, 16.0611 ], [ 95.2662, 16.034 ], [ 95.2661, 15.9905 ], [ 95.2357, 15.9402 ], [ 95.2225, 15.8821 ], [ 95.2135, 15.8602 ], [ 95.2251, 15.8015 ], [ 95.1975, 15.7781 ], [ 95.1735, 15.7723 ], [ 95.1261, 15.7919 ], [ 95.1141, 15.8041 ], [ 95.1095, 15.8417 ], [ 95.1105, 15.8967 ], [ 95.1179, 15.9175 ], [ 95.1279, 15.9819 ], [ 95.1157, 16.0243 ], [ 95.123, 16.035 ], [ 95.1747, 16.0239 ], [ 95.1859, 16.0305 ], [ 95.1885, 16.0465 ], [ 95.1831, 16.0871 ], [ 95.2001, 16.0925 ], [ 95.2139, 16.1143 ], [ 95.1638, 16.1244 ], [ 95.1305, 16.1223 ], [ 95.1417, 16.1706 ], [ 95.1245, 16.217 ], [ 95.1503, 16.2368 ], [ 95.1365, 16.2695 ], [ 95.1458, 16.2956 ], [ 95.1149, 16.3249 ], [ 95.1055, 16.2926 ], [ 95.0891, 16.2653 ], [ 95.0796, 16.262 ], [ 95.0786, 16.2547 ], [ 95.0664, 16.2425 ], [ 95.0617, 16.2293 ], [ 95.0509, 16.2233 ], [ 95.0436, 16.1912 ], [ 95.0079, 16.1672 ], [ 95.0113, 16.1417 ], [ 94.9504, 16.1454 ], [ 94.9253, 16.0917 ], [ 94.9017, 16.088 ], [ 94.8935, 16.0712 ], [ 94.9131, 16.0333 ], [ 94.8888, 16.0074 ], [ 94.8781, 16.0129 ], [ 94.8747, 16.059 ], [ 94.8652, 16.0981 ], [ 94.8553, 16.1143 ], [ 94.8818, 16.186 ], [ 94.9538, 16.1996 ], [ 94.972, 16.2126 ], [ 95.0067, 16.2652 ], [ 94.9437, 16.2105 ], [ 94.9111, 16.2094 ], [ 94.8693, 16.1896 ], [ 94.8364, 16.1108 ], [ 94.8458, 16.0854 ], [ 94.832, 16.0535 ], [ 94.7971, 15.9903 ], [ 94.8067, 15.9731 ], [ 94.7598, 15.9238 ], [ 94.7194, 15.8545 ], [ 94.6801, 15.8428 ], [ 94.6442, 15.8635 ], [ 94.6058, 15.9142 ], [ 94.619, 15.9361 ], [ 94.6616, 15.9542 ], [ 94.7035, 15.998 ], [ 94.7294, 16.0308 ], [ 94.7328, 16.0681 ], [ 94.7244, 16.0792 ], [ 94.6844, 16.0108 ], [ 94.6873, 15.9973 ], [ 94.6361, 15.9629 ], [ 94.59, 15.9454 ], [ 94.5777, 15.9343 ], [ 94.5527, 15.9471 ], [ 94.5515, 15.9646 ], [ 94.5833, 15.9849 ], [ 94.6084, 16.0226 ], [ 94.6269, 16.04 ], [ 94.6519, 16.0775 ], [ 94.6745, 16.1281 ], [ 94.6739, 16.1551 ], [ 94.6822, 16.1913 ], [ 94.6647, 16.2365 ], [ 94.6597, 16.263 ], [ 94.6833, 16.3034 ], [ 94.6893, 16.3474 ], [ 94.7087, 16.3739 ], [ 94.7075, 16.4355 ], [ 94.6915, 16.4873 ], [ 94.7237, 16.5019 ], [ 94.7419, 16.5529 ], [ 94.7421, 16.5753 ], [ 94.7823, 16.5817 ], [ 94.7697, 16.5877 ], [ 94.7724, 16.608 ], [ 94.7577, 16.6174 ], [ 94.7567, 16.6269 ], [ 94.7403, 16.6276 ], [ 94.7321, 16.6445 ], [ 94.7159, 16.6586 ], [ 94.7113, 16.6487 ], [ 94.7264, 16.6427 ], [ 94.7295, 16.631 ], [ 94.7, 16.6249 ], [ 94.6886, 16.5949 ], [ 94.6904, 16.5582 ], [ 94.6639, 16.5307 ], [ 94.6731, 16.4623 ], [ 94.6799, 16.4375 ], [ 94.6769, 16.3847 ], [ 94.6528, 16.3963 ], [ 94.6353, 16.3894 ], [ 94.619, 16.3505 ], [ 94.5991, 16.3172 ], [ 94.6044, 16.2848 ], [ 94.5637, 16.2602 ], [ 94.5316, 16.2891 ], [ 94.5076, 16.2954 ], [ 94.4846, 16.2846 ], [ 94.5101, 16.2687 ], [ 94.5178, 16.2455 ], [ 94.5059, 16.2347 ], [ 94.5222, 16.2154 ], [ 94.5074, 16.1767 ], [ 94.4547, 16.1155 ], [ 94.4338, 16.0792 ], [ 94.4132, 16.0619 ], [ 94.3637, 16.0515 ], [ 94.3359, 16.0172 ], [ 94.2773, 15.9979 ], [ 94.2748, 15.9855 ], [ 94.246, 15.9523 ], [ 94.2151, 16.0055 ], [ 94.2021, 16.0189 ], [ 94.2004, 16.1133 ], [ 94.2023, 16.1457 ], [ 94.2228, 16.1743 ], [ 94.2101, 16.2015 ], [ 94.2208, 16.2098 ], [ 94.2259, 16.2493 ], [ 94.2396, 16.2721 ], [ 94.2267, 16.3151 ], [ 94.2305, 16.3401 ], [ 94.244, 16.3671 ], [ 94.2517, 16.4147 ], [ 94.2644, 16.4476 ], [ 94.2609, 16.4733 ], [ 94.2701, 16.4993 ], [ 94.2551, 16.5367 ], [ 94.2833, 16.5447 ], [ 94.2983, 16.5259 ], [ 94.3297, 16.5425 ], [ 94.3469, 16.572 ], [ 94.3193, 16.6051 ], [ 94.3509, 16.6317 ], [ 94.3619, 16.6681 ], [ 94.3525, 16.6905 ], [ 94.3571, 16.7317 ], [ 94.3913, 16.7717 ], [ 94.4017, 16.7963 ], [ 94.3871, 16.8575 ], [ 94.3744, 16.888 ], [ 94.3851, 16.9178 ], [ 94.4043, 16.8963 ], [ 94.4358, 16.9258 ], [ 94.4355, 16.9567 ], [ 94.4505, 16.9693 ], [ 94.4627, 17.0093 ], [ 94.4521, 17.0233 ], [ 94.4493, 17.0545 ], [ 94.4601, 17.0789 ], [ 94.4756, 17.0906 ], [ 94.4894, 17.117 ], [ 94.4689, 17.1467 ], [ 94.4483, 17.1543 ], [ 94.4425, 17.1833 ], [ 94.4902, 17.1814 ], [ 94.5129, 17.1717 ], [ 94.5329, 17.1883 ], [ 94.5117, 17.2133 ], [ 94.4955, 17.2183 ], [ 94.5001, 17.2443 ], [ 94.4923, 17.2638 ], [ 94.5083, 17.3021 ], [ 94.5287, 17.3143 ], [ 94.5667, 17.315 ], [ 94.5617, 17.3309 ], [ 94.5697, 17.3675 ], [ 94.5687, 17.3967 ], [ 94.5567, 17.4079 ], [ 94.5593, 17.4755 ], [ 94.5817, 17.4444 ], [ 94.6105, 17.4286 ], [ 94.6215, 17.4057 ], [ 94.6474, 17.41 ], [ 94.6635, 17.3988 ], [ 94.6722, 17.3718 ], [ 94.6967, 17.3698 ], [ 94.7073, 17.3387 ], [ 94.729, 17.3398 ], [ 94.7424, 17.3803 ], [ 94.7563, 17.3798 ], [ 94.7635, 17.418 ], [ 94.7901, 17.4458 ], [ 94.7885, 17.4659 ], [ 94.8064, 17.4792 ], [ 94.8045, 17.5143 ], [ 94.7907, 17.5323 ], [ 94.7895, 17.5526 ], [ 94.7739, 17.5666 ], [ 94.7897, 17.5838 ], [ 94.7846, 17.6039 ], [ 94.7944, 17.6312 ], [ 94.7876, 17.6547 ], [ 94.802, 17.6778 ], [ 94.8328, 17.6829 ], [ 94.8438, 17.7091 ], [ 94.8714, 17.7204 ], [ 94.8789, 17.7684 ], [ 94.8706, 17.8125 ], [ 94.8836, 17.8232 ], [ 94.8872, 17.8493 ], [ 94.8726, 17.8692 ], [ 94.8815, 17.8984 ], [ 94.8597, 17.9145 ], [ 94.8535, 17.916 ], [ 94.8343, 17.9496 ], [ 94.8172, 17.9944 ], [ 94.8397, 18.0295 ], [ 94.8707, 18.0533 ], [ 94.8812, 18.0804 ], [ 94.8686, 18.0938 ], [ 94.8679, 18.117 ], [ 94.8521, 18.1422 ], [ 94.8932, 18.1733 ], [ 94.9018, 18.1965 ], [ 94.8708, 18.2279 ], [ 94.8856, 18.2562 ], [ 94.8733, 18.2696 ], [ 94.8843, 18.2947 ], [ 94.8705, 18.314 ], [ 94.8525, 18.314 ], [ 94.8415, 18.3411 ], [ 94.8234, 18.3595 ], [ 94.8654, 18.4089 ], [ 94.9265, 18.4262 ], [ 94.9395, 18.4526 ], [ 94.969, 18.4154 ], [ 94.9899, 18.4128 ], [ 95.0069, 18.3823 ], [ 95.039, 18.3694 ], [ 95.0777, 18.3787 ], [ 95.0956, 18.4038 ], [ 95.097, 18.4284 ], [ 95.1122, 18.4408 ], [ 95.0999, 18.4847 ], [ 95.1169, 18.5105 ], [ 95.1558, 18.49 ], [ 95.1746, 18.4905 ], [ 95.1913, 18.4732 ], [ 95.1884, 18.431 ], [ 95.1937, 18.4164 ], [ 95.2177, 18.3979 ], [ 95.2622, 18.3736 ], [ 95.2581, 18.3411 ], [ 95.2716, 18.3214 ], [ 95.2907, 18.3164 ], [ 95.3347, 18.2861 ], [ 95.3472, 18.2554 ], [ 95.3814, 18.2317 ], [ 95.4204, 18.2136 ], [ 95.3964, 18.1623 ], [ 95.4315, 18.0766 ], [ 95.4617, 18.0206 ], [ 95.466, 17.9894 ], [ 95.4602, 17.9651 ], [ 95.4641, 17.93 ], [ 95.4574, 17.9116 ], [ 95.4813, 17.8912 ], [ 95.487, 17.8714 ], [ 95.4746, 17.8304 ], [ 95.4906, 17.7979 ], [ 95.4859, 17.7811 ], [ 95.4567, 17.7632 ], [ 95.4317, 17.7397 ], [ 95.432, 17.7206 ], [ 95.4641, 17.6843 ], [ 95.5035, 17.6491 ], [ 95.538, 17.6441 ], [ 95.557, 17.6346 ] ] ], [ [ [ 95.0019, 15.8443 ], [ 95.0076, 15.844 ], [ 95.0241, 15.8491 ], [ 95.0425, 15.834 ], [ 95.0343, 15.8059 ], [ 94.996, 15.7755 ], [ 94.9829, 15.7814 ], [ 94.9861, 15.8021 ], [ 94.9842, 15.8504 ], [ 95.0019, 15.8443 ] ] ], [ [ [ 94.819, 15.8403 ], [ 94.8088, 15.7888 ], [ 94.7604, 15.7927 ], [ 94.7409, 15.8001 ], [ 94.7305, 15.826 ], [ 94.7722, 15.865 ], [ 94.774, 15.8851 ], [ 94.7998, 15.9319 ], [ 94.8136, 15.9403 ], [ 94.8278, 15.8929 ], [ 94.8424, 15.8725 ], [ 94.819, 15.8403 ] ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ID": 18, "NAME": "Naypyitaw", "PCODE": "MMR018", "ISO": "MM-18" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 96.5048, 20.1931 ], [ 96.4858, 20.1627 ], [ 96.4604, 20.1541 ], [ 96.4411, 20.1363 ], [ 96.456, 20.0977 ], [ 96.4758, 20.07 ], [ 96.4678, 20.056 ], [ 96.443, 20.0519 ], [ 96.4437, 20.0327 ], [ 96.4203, 20.0204 ], [ 96.3711, 20.0243 ], [ 96.3635, 20.013 ], [ 96.393, 19.9645 ], [ 96.442, 19.9152 ], [ 96.455, 19.8937 ], [ 96.4444, 19.8799 ], [ 96.4545, 19.85 ], [ 96.5177, 19.8599 ], [ 96.5494, 19.8345 ], [ 96.5606, 19.791 ], [ 96.6018, 19.7495 ], [ 96.6074, 19.7323 ], [ 96.6345, 19.7246 ], [ 96.657, 19.6897 ], [ 96.6407, 19.6733 ], [ 96.594, 19.6562 ], [ 96.5465, 19.6105 ], [ 96.5585, 19.5865 ], [ 96.5966, 19.5758 ], [ 96.6488, 19.5763 ], [ 96.656, 19.552 ], [ 96.6751, 19.5195 ], [ 96.668, 19.5091 ], [ 96.6502, 19.5002 ], [ 96.636, 19.477 ], [ 96.6313, 19.4427 ], [ 96.6122, 19.4275 ], [ 96.5903, 19.4556 ], [ 96.5628, 19.4731 ], [ 96.5249, 19.4711 ], [ 96.5004, 19.4899 ], [ 96.4704, 19.4765 ], [ 96.4455, 19.4818 ], [ 96.3916, 19.4739 ], [ 96.3135, 19.4792 ], [ 96.2802, 19.4733 ], [ 96.2691, 19.4832 ], [ 96.1938, 19.4822 ], [ 96.169, 19.4866 ], [ 96.1607, 19.4527 ], [ 96.1375, 19.4428 ], [ 96.1292, 19.4174 ], [ 96.1052, 19.4173 ], [ 96.0536, 19.4627 ], [ 96.0351, 19.4539 ], [ 95.9731, 19.4762 ], [ 95.9087, 19.4744 ], [ 95.8948, 19.4376 ], [ 95.8715, 19.4367 ], [ 95.8388, 19.446 ], [ 95.8306, 19.4563 ], [ 95.7949, 19.4596 ], [ 95.7461, 19.4908 ], [ 95.7301, 19.522 ], [ 95.7428, 19.5364 ], [ 95.723, 19.5615 ], [ 95.7286, 19.6155 ], [ 95.7127, 19.6283 ], [ 95.7258, 19.6483 ], [ 95.762, 19.6793 ], [ 95.7803, 19.7189 ], [ 95.7723, 19.7593 ], [ 95.7745, 19.7667 ], [ 95.7871, 19.7779 ], [ 95.7903, 19.811 ], [ 95.8175, 19.8166 ], [ 95.8219, 19.8381 ], [ 95.8053, 19.8582 ], [ 95.811, 19.8743 ], [ 95.7876, 19.9086 ], [ 95.7963, 19.9389 ], [ 95.7883, 19.9651 ], [ 95.7705, 19.9744 ], [ 95.7939, 20.0237 ], [ 95.7798, 20.0557 ], [ 95.8035, 20.062 ], [ 95.7996, 20.0872 ], [ 95.8328, 20.1287 ], [ 95.8342, 20.144 ], [ 95.7976, 20.1644 ], [ 95.7914, 20.2004 ], [ 95.757, 20.2745 ], [ 95.7442, 20.2753 ], [ 95.7423, 20.2783 ], [ 95.737, 20.3108 ], [ 95.7617, 20.3067 ], [ 95.7919, 20.2921 ], [ 95.8157, 20.3081 ], [ 95.8627, 20.2502 ], [ 95.899, 20.222 ], [ 95.9404, 20.2382 ], [ 95.9551, 20.2724 ], [ 96.0002, 20.3015 ], [ 96.0059, 20.2862 ], [ 96.0729, 20.2902 ], [ 96.132, 20.281 ], [ 96.1682, 20.2663 ], [ 96.2128, 20.3033 ], [ 96.2614, 20.3083 ], [ 96.2969, 20.331 ], [ 96.3071, 20.3158 ], [ 96.3622, 20.3064 ], [ 96.4485, 20.233 ], [ 96.4856, 20.2122 ], [ 96.5048, 20.1931 ] ] ] ] } }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/netherlands.geojson b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/netherlands.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e84940
--- /dev/null
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83.10823059082048,66.49989318847662],[83.3520660400391,66.65151977539068],[83.06177520751976,66.88204956054686],[82.17472839355497,67.2007446289064],[82.3633575439456,67.28780364990239],[82.36286163330095,67.53440093994163],[82.13707733154303,67.60752105712902],[81.78427124023466,67.88308715820318],[82.40893554687528,67.92445373535179],[82.42337799072271,68.06729125976562],[82.76107025146479,68.26068878173828],[82.72123718261736,68.55062866210938],[82.94504547119163,68.60554504394531],[82.6866531372073,68.77631378173834],[82.43271636962896,69.02983856201183],[82.473197937012,69.12739562988281],[81.94712066650413,69.17728424072277],[82.07879638671886,69.34305572509777],[81.7941589355471,69.41696929931646],[81.7123413085938,69.2663192749024],[81.03229522705095,69.19174194335943],[80.70544433593773,69.28064727783214],[79.88831329345709,69.32746124267578],[79.62031555175787,69.46599578857428],[79.51301574707058,69.62089538574224],[79.11716461181646,69.65074920654297],[78.99893951416038,69.8693008422851],[79.77902221679693,70.19899749755864],[80.40042877197271,70.41894531250028],[80.77522277832036,70.47492980957031],[80.9412384033206,70.62785339355462],[80.64058685302757,71.04404449462885],[79.95226287841824,71.13273620605463],[79.32951354980497,71.41822052001963],[79.4478149414062,71.5979537963867],[79.84688568115234,71.60134887695324],[80.17088317871105,71.6934204101563],[80.43543243408214,71.92166137695312],[79.82361602783203,72.05065917968756],[79.29625701904301,72.04562377929688],[78.70376586914057,72.20899200439482],[78.52656555175776,72.37232208251947],[79.49166870117199,72.34999847412104],[79.933334350586,72.20625305175781],[80.65416717529324,72.09375],[80.67968750000023,72.04634857177729],[81.26875305175793,71.84166717529308],[81.37708282470713,71.74791717529297],[81.77500152587908,71.6875],[82.6791687011721,71.75833129882824],[83.28281402587896,71.70259857177746],[82.97551727294922,71.51718902587895],[82.96823120117205,71.38801574707037],[82.2505187988283,71.24948120117188],[82.324478149414,71.05468750000011],[82.20051574707048,71.01197814941418],[82.40625000000028,70.7666702270509],[82.6463546752932,70.7640609741211],[82.863021850586,70.9359359741211],[83.13072967529314,70.84010314941418],[82.99531555175798,70.39427185058594],[82.68177032470719,70.25260162353521],[82.84999847412126,70.07291412353521],[83.184898376465,70.14323425292969],[82.97968292236345,70.29426574707026],[83.40208435058622,70.29792022705078],[83.64583587646513,70.3604202270509],[83.81198120117216,70.52031707763672],[83.60884857177763,70.69947814941412],[83.4203109741211,71.00572967529297],[83.16093444824224,71.24010467529307],[83.40364837646496,71.35468292236334],[83.44010162353533,71.47135162353516],[83.68698120117193,71.59426879882824],[83.37500000000027,71.83541870117188],[82.66406250000004,71.92240142822266],[82.21666717529325,72.28333282470709],[81.31041717529303,72.34791564941423],[80.91249847412125,72.42082977294922],[80.7671890258789,72.50676727294933],[80.86250305175776,72.62291717529308],[80.87916564941412,72.95417022705084],[80.58958435058611,73.06458282470709],[80.7041702270509,73.18958282470714],[80.37448120117193,73.2921829223634],[80.66822814941412,73.42134857177746],[80.53958129882807,73.55416870117188],[81.37083435058611,73.5729141235352],[81.91458129882824,73.63541412353516],[83.54792022705078,73.64375305175776],[84.8270797729495,73.75416564941418],[85.01667022705107,73.70207977294933],[85.51667022705078,73.71666717529297],[85.63333129882824,73.81041717529308],[86.86250305175781,73.8854141235351],[87.07239532470732,73.79010009765625],[86.38753509521501,73.56041717529314],[87.1791687011721,73.61042022705078],[87.48072814941429,73.78385162353521],[86.7296829223634,74.13489532470697],[86.62916564941418,74.25416564941406],[85.96458435058598,74.30416870117193],[85.9130172729492,74.36302185058588],[86.66458129882818,74.51249694824247],[86.40781402587896,74.60781097412114],[85.78541564941406,74.6416702270509],[86.15000152587919,74.78125000000011],[86.75416564941406,74.69583129882824],[87.46875000000028,74.98958587646477],[86.91510009765642,75.0911483764649],[87.27916717529325,75.14583587646484],[87.9145812988283,75.08541870117193],[88.60624694824241,75.32083129882841],[89.18541717529314,75.47083282470703],[89.54218292236351,75.43801879882812],[90.33958435058611,75.59166717529303],[90.98958587646501,75.59583282470709],[91.71302032470697,75.70259857177734],[92.35416412353521,75.7291641235352],[93.6020812988283,75.84583282470703],[93.24791717529297,76.027084350586],[93.72499847412132,76.12083435058588],[94.32499694824219,76.125],[94.61250305175787,76.07499694824247],[95.42916870117186,76.15208435058605],[95.89791870117199,76.13957977294922],[96.34375,75.97916412353516],[97.26615142822271,75.9536514282227],[98.20417022705078,76.08958435058592],[98.6645812988283,76.2291641235351],[99.50833129882824,76.11458587646483],[99.67864990234403,75.90676879882841],[99.99531555175798,75.93385314941433],[99.61198425292969,76.2598953247070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9992828369141,62.14464569091802],[109.88619995117216,62.384899139404354],[109.44618988037121,62.37328720092785],[109.3219833374024,62.531219482421875],[109.51198577880888,62.70124816894543],[109.68299102783209,62.77556228637706],[109.50339508056669,62.933498382568466],[109.431900024414,63.33555603027344],[109.3056869506836,63.318023681640675],[109.0999832153323,63.501834869384815],[108.63528442382817,63.54714965820318],[108.19779205322271,63.552024841308594],[108.360191345215,63.74987792968756],[108.76528930664057,63.76220703124999],[108.83898925781256,63.942726135253956],[108.60639953613276,63.99736785888671],[108.51888275146501,64.1240463256836],[108.32037353515624,64.23208618164074],[108.07008361816423,64.2308349609375],[107.93347167968761,64.19406127929688],[107.62167358398455,64.28575134277344],[107.305992126465,64.26539611816406],[107.27388763427761,64.35552215576183],[107.0106735229495,64.36584472656244],[106.56778717041043,64.44902038574219],[106.09849548339842,64.44148254394537],[105.80818939208983,64.50167846679686],[105.72568511962919,64.67439270019537],[106.08288574218754,64.87686920166014],[106.04469299316406,65.07867431640625],[106.41598510742199,65.21556091308588],[106.53089141845703,65.35589599609386],[106.83657836914057,65.3800888061524],[106.85269927978538,65.54202270507818],[106.49577331542984,65.688705444336],[106.5195922851564,65.98461914062517],[106.4495925903322,66.11328887939459],[106.18598937988276,66.18099975585943],[106.19978332519531,66.42591857910168],[106.32837677001976,66.5195999145509],[106.31208038330095,66.71972656249999],[106.14228820800793,66.8673095703126],[105.7094802856448,66.94254302978516],[105.54718017578153,67.04595184326178],[106.01157379150396,67.06475830078125],[106.07987976074247,67.19561004638672],[106.79728698730463,67.37574768066412],[106.81327819824247,67.63785552978527],[106.93309020996088,68.1790771484375],[106.96009063720726,68.6483612060548],[106.90386962890653,68.8769760131836],[106.15577697753912,69.39128875732433],[106.51088714599615,69.57548522949224],[107.0456771850586,69.54841613769537],[107.50518035888678,69.65930938720697],[108.02658081054682,69.70210266113304],[108.33657836914061,69.84336090087885],[108.9345855712891,69.84790802001964],[109.35508728027344,69.7836151123048],[109.50068664550787,69.9847183227539],[109.42127990722656,70.22929382324241],[109.67119598388695,70.3840408325198],[110.18217468261741,70.40389251708994],[110.15747070312494,70.62503051757812],[110.61238098144548,70.75284576416016],[110.98178100585966,70.7920608520509],[111.58087158203153,70.93292999267584],[112.00128936767578,70.97235107421875],[112.17518615722679,71.05240631103527],[112.57167053222656,71.07269287109375],[112.61147308349621,71.20156860351574],[112.33557128906273,71.3651733398438],[112.12557220459006,71.39774322509771],[112.0276870727539,71.79266357421886],[112.01486206054699,72.12126922607433],[111.6477890014649,72.1916885375976],[111.68959045410185,72.28987884521496],[111.06248474121105,72.4073333740235],[111.21607971191423,72.53866577148438],[110.78026580810547,72.6510009765625],[110.71897888183588,72.80797576904297],[110.92687225341808,73.08507537841808],[110.86448669433622,73.1896743774414],[110.36228179931669,73.22848510742199],[110.89767456054716,73.61923217773443],[110.91510009765642,73.69531249999999],[110.90438842773432,73.70207977294933],[111.24230194091803,73.90673065185558],[111.66510009765625,73.75468444824224],[112.24791717529297,73.7041702270509],[112.80208587646483,73.72083282470702],[113.16041564941418,73.87500000000023],[113.44322967529308,73.65781402587919],[113.19531250000011,73.44426727294922],[113.58281707763695,73.3213500976563],[113.49791717529308,73.21250152587885],[113.52916717529295,72.95207977294928],[113.22083282470714,72.82707977294922]]],[[[140.75677490234398,74.269271850586],[141.05833435058616,74.23332977294938],[141.03906250000023,74.00676727294922],[140.4041595458989,73.92292022705084],[140.17552185058605,74.06510162353533],[140.29791259765648,74.24166870117197],[140.75677490234398,74.269271850586]]],[[[146.48802185058616,75.58802032470709],[146.64843750000045,75.42760467529301],[147.13333129882824,75.31874847412121],[147.38333129882835,75.42708587646496],[148.38749694824241,75.40208435058621],[148.68540954589844,75.19374847412115],[149.3874969482422,75.2624969482423],[150.1499938964845,75.20833587646494],[150.65834045410156,75.08750152587913],[150.62709045410156,74.86250305175793],[149.69218444824264,74.75885009765624],[149.17707824707065,74.72708129882824],[148.16041564941403,74.78541564941412],[147.68750000000023,74.95417022705078],[147.13958740234384,75],[146.34165954589844,75.16041564941412],[146.22343444824241,75.38176727294922],[146.48802185058616,75.58802032470709]]],[[[135.7276000976566,75.8671875],[135.89166259765625,75.71250152587889],[136.21458435058594,75.62708282470703],[135.97865295410156,75.4026031494141],[135.5776062011721,75.36927032470709],[135.7276000976566,75.8671875]]],[[[139.07066345214844,76.19797515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1.335724949836845 ], [ 103.654258728027401, 1.335857033729667 ], [ 103.654685974121207, 1.336043953895569 ], [ 103.655128479003849, 1.336181044578552 ], [ 103.655487060546974, 1.336418032646293 ], [ 103.655799865722699, 1.336694002151489 ], [ 103.656082153320241, 1.336969971656856 ], [ 103.656295776367188, 1.337242960929871 ], [ 103.656425476074332, 1.3375279903413 ], [ 103.656448364257741, 1.337823987007255 ], [ 103.65641021728527, 1.338129997253532 ], [ 103.656326293945312, 1.338431000709647 ], [ 103.656112670898423, 1.338660955429077 ], [ 103.655853271484474, 1.338822960853634 ], [ 103.655487060546974, 1.338758945465088 ], [ 103.655021667480526, 1.338526010513419 ], [ 103.654594421386719, 1.338212013244686 ], [ 103.654205322265625, 1.338124990463371 ], [ 103.653923034668082, 1.338328003883476 ], [ 103.653739929199332, 1.3386470079422 ], [ 103.653579711914176, 1.338955044746456 ], [ 103.653404235839787, 1.339192032814026 ], [ 103.653244018554688, 1.339426994323787 ], [ 103.653099060058651, 1.339669942855835 ], [ 103.653060913085938, 1.340005040168762 ], [ 103.653053283691406, 1.340394973754996 ], [ 103.653022766113224, 1.340837001800651 ], [ 103.652877807617188, 1.341320991516113 ], [ 103.652793884277457, 1.341861009597778 ], [ 103.652778625488381, 1.342421054840145 ], [ 103.652763366699276, 1.34297704696661 ], [ 103.652679443359375, 1.343518018722534 ], [ 103.652458190917912, 1.344002962112483 ], [ 103.652107238769531, 1.344396948814449 ], [ 103.651718139648438, 1.344715952873344 ], [ 103.651344299316406, 1.344997048378048 ], [ 103.650993347167955, 1.345253944397029 ], [ 103.650642395019588, 1.345489025115967 ], [ 103.650329589843864, 1.34575796127325 ], [ 103.649978637695256, 1.345960974693355 ], [ 103.649673461914119, 1.346176981926078 ], [ 103.649398803710881, 1.34641003608715 ], [ 103.649162292480568, 1.346654057502803 ], [ 103.648948669433651, 1.346879005432243 ], [ 103.648727416992244, 1.347090959548893 ], [ 103.648437499999943, 1.347273945808467 ], [ 103.648132324218736, 1.347537994384709 ], [ 103.647789001464901, 1.347895979881287 ], [ 103.647399902343807, 1.348320007324276 ], [ 103.64697265625, 1.34872496128088 ], [ 103.646591186523438, 1.349087953567619 ], [ 103.646232604980526, 1.349359035492 ], [ 103.646003723144531, 1.349666953086853 ], [ 103.64572906494152, 1.349920034408626 ], [ 103.645347595214957, 1.350116014480648 ], [ 103.645004272460881, 1.350442051887455 ], [ 103.644668579101548, 1.350852012634221 ], [ 103.644363403320369, 1.351333022117672 ], [ 103.644073486328125, 1.351824998855591 ], [ 103.643821716308707, 1.352298974990958 ], [ 103.643623352050895, 1.352769017219543 ], [ 103.643440246582131, 1.353194952011165 ], [ 103.643150329589844, 1.353515982627982 ], [ 103.64286041259777, 1.353839993476925 ], [ 103.642646789550838, 1.35425698757183 ], [ 103.64239501953125, 1.354665040969792 ], [ 103.642059326171932, 1.355000019073543 ], [ 103.64170837402348, 1.355303049087638 ], [ 103.641395568847599, 1.355589985847473 ], [ 103.641181945800895, 1.355860948562679 ], [ 103.641212463378906, 1.356215000152702 ], [ 103.641716003418068, 1.356850981712341 ], [ 103.642265319824261, 1.357138037681579 ], [ 103.642753601074205, 1.357308983802852 ], [ 103.643188476562557, 1.35758197307598 ], [ 103.643630981445412, 1.357761979103145 ], [ 103.644065856933537, 1.357900977134705 ], [ 103.644454956054688, 1.358106017112789 ], [ 103.644691467285156, 1.358432054519596 ], [ 103.644828796386648, 1.35884702205658 ], [ 103.644935607910199, 1.35931396484375 ], [ 103.644882202148423, 1.359868049621639 ], [ 103.644905090332088, 1.360520005226192 ], [ 103.645332336425838, 1.361124038696346 ], [ 103.645591735839787, 1.361103057861328 ], [ 103.645668029785199, 1.361078023910579 ], [ 103.646049499511776, 1.360957980155888 ], [ 103.64652252197277, 1.361086964607296 ], [ 103.647041320800838, 1.361242055893058 ], [ 103.647491455078068, 1.361515998840332 ], [ 103.647933959960938, 1.361785054206962 ], [ 103.64844512939446, 1.361876010894832 ], [ 103.648986816406364, 1.361763954162541 ], [ 103.649505615234432, 1.36193501949316 ], [ 103.650016784667969, 1.36213397979742 ], [ 103.650512695312614, 1.362316012382507 ], [ 103.650955200195312, 1.362522959709167 ], [ 103.651390075683636, 1.362735033035335 ], [ 103.651947021484375, 1.362779021263179 ], [ 103.652496337890625, 1.362779021263179 ], [ 103.653335571289119, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 103.653892517089901, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 103.654167175292898, 1.361665964126587 ], [ 103.654441833496151, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 103.654441833496151, 1.362779021263179 ], [ 103.654167175292898, 1.363067984580937 ], [ 103.654014587402344, 1.363471031188965 ], [ 103.653900146484432, 1.363895058632011 ], [ 103.65380859375, 1.364305973053035 ], [ 103.653617858886705, 1.364657044410819 ], [ 103.653419494628906, 1.36496198177349 ], [ 103.653221130371023, 1.365224003791752 ], [ 103.652969360351662, 1.365457057952995 ], [ 103.652786254882926, 1.365823030471745 ], [ 103.652580261230526, 1.366233944892997 ], [ 103.652481079101562, 1.36672401428234 ], [ 103.652366638183651, 1.367205023765621 ], [ 103.652351379394588, 1.367702007293701 ], [ 103.652397155761832, 1.368181943893489 ], [ 103.652725219726605, 1.368567943572998 ], [ 103.653053283691406, 1.368896007537842 ], [ 103.653343200683651, 1.36919903755188 ], [ 103.653617858886705, 1.369461059570369 ], [ 103.653869628906307, 1.369709014892578 ], [ 103.654090881347713, 1.369961977005005 ], [ 103.654220581054673, 1.370254039764404 ], [ 103.654380798339844, 1.370620965957642 ], [ 103.654556274413991, 1.371165990829468 ], [ 103.654754638671875, 1.37188100814825 ], [ 103.654983520507812, 1.372444033622855 ], [ 103.655242919921918, 1.372658967971915 ], [ 103.655548095703125, 1.37254905700695 ], [ 103.655952453613281, 1.372483015060482 ], [ 103.656372070312557, 1.372359991073722 ], [ 103.656784057617301, 1.372207045555115 ], [ 103.657165527343849, 1.37202703952795 ], [ 103.657600402831974, 1.371956944465751 ], [ 103.658073425293026, 1.371986031532344 ], [ 103.658576965332031, 1.372148036956901 ], [ 103.659126281738224, 1.372213959694022 ], [ 103.659683227539162, 1.372223019599915 ], [ 103.660209655761776, 1.372223019599915 ], [ 103.66083526611321, 1.372223019599915 ], [ 103.663887023925724, 1.372223019599915 ], [ 103.66416931152348, 1.372498989105338 ], [ 103.666389465332031, 1.372498989105338 ], [ 103.666664123535213, 1.372779011726379 ], [ 103.666946411132741, 1.372776985168457 ], [ 103.667221069335994, 1.373054981231803 ], [ 103.667312622070426, 1.372964024543762 ], [ 103.667503356933707, 1.372776985168457 ], [ 103.668891906738281, 1.372779011726379 ], [ 103.66972351074223, 1.371945023536796 ], [ 103.66972351074223, 1.371667027473449 ], [ 103.669998168945256, 1.371389031410331 ], [ 103.669998168945256, 1.37055504322052 ], [ 103.670280456543011, 1.370277047157344 ], [ 103.670280456543011, 1.368610978126526 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.368332982063407 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.367776989936942 ], [ 103.670829772949205, 1.367501020431519 ], [ 103.670829772949205, 1.3672230243684 ], [ 103.67138671875, 1.366667032241935 ], [ 103.671943664550781, 1.366667032241935 ], [ 103.672225952148494, 1.366389036178589 ], [ 103.672500610351562, 1.366389036178589 ], [ 103.672775268554744, 1.366667032241935 ], [ 103.673057556152273, 1.366667032241935 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.367501020431519 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.368332982063407 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.368610978126526 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.369166970252991 ], [ 103.674446105957017, 1.369444966316337 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.369722962379512 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.37055504322052 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.370833039283866 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.371111035346985 ], [ 103.673614501953068, 1.371389031410331 ], [ 103.673614501953068, 1.371667027473449 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.371945023536796 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.372220993041992 ], [ 103.671669006347756, 1.373888969421386 ], [ 103.671669006347756, 1.374166965484733 ], [ 103.67138671875, 1.374444961547852 ], [ 103.67138671875, 1.375277042388916 ], [ 103.671669006347756, 1.375555038452205 ], [ 103.671669006347756, 1.375833034515381 ], [ 103.673057556152273, 1.377220988273677 ], [ 103.673233032226491, 1.377555966377258 ], [ 103.673324584960994, 1.377967000007686 ], [ 103.673355102539119, 1.378337979316825 ], [ 103.673439025878849, 1.378636956215018 ], [ 103.673774719238395, 1.378851056098938 ], [ 103.674339294433707, 1.378898978233281 ], [ 103.674942016601676, 1.378638982772941 ], [ 103.675422668457074, 1.378429055214042 ], [ 103.675842285156307, 1.378350019454956 ], [ 103.676269531250114, 1.378330945968685 ], [ 103.676681518554631, 1.378335952758903 ], [ 103.677055358886662, 1.378370046615714 ], [ 103.677314758300781, 1.378494977950993 ], [ 103.677360534668011, 1.378810048103389 ], [ 103.677131652832088, 1.379302024841309 ], [ 103.676742553710938, 1.379601001739502 ], [ 103.676261901855582, 1.379693984985465 ], [ 103.675735473632798, 1.379732966423092 ], [ 103.675231933593793, 1.379801034927368 ], [ 103.674789428710923, 1.379940032959098 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.379999995231572 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.379999995231572 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.380555987358036 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.381665945053044 ], [ 103.673057556152273, 1.38194394111639 ], [ 103.673057556152273, 1.382222056388912 ], [ 103.672225952148494, 1.383056044578666 ], [ 103.670280456543011, 1.383056044578666 ], [ 103.670059204101562, 1.383046984672603 ], [ 103.66972351074223, 1.383038043975887 ], [ 103.669303894042955, 1.38294696807867 ], [ 103.668830871582131, 1.382812023162785 ], [ 103.668342590332031, 1.382779955863953 ], [ 103.667854309082145, 1.382779955863953 ], [ 103.667488098144645, 1.382779955863953 ], [ 103.667366027832017, 1.382779955863953 ], [ 103.666862487793011, 1.382779955863953 ], [ 103.666343688964957, 1.382773041725159 ], [ 103.665809631347585, 1.38273203372961 ], [ 103.665306091308651, 1.382611989975089 ], [ 103.664825439453224, 1.382485985755977 ], [ 103.664390563964901, 1.382321953773499 ], [ 103.663948059082031, 1.3821879625321 ], [ 103.663543701171875, 1.381957054138184 ], [ 103.663078308105582, 1.381741046905631 ], [ 103.662521362304801, 1.381718039512634 ], [ 103.661994934081974, 1.381893992424068 ], [ 103.661514282226619, 1.381942033767814 ], [ 103.661132812500057, 1.381966948509159 ], [ 103.660850524902287, 1.382061958313102 ], [ 103.660606384277457, 1.382205963134879 ], [ 103.660346984863338, 1.382354021072501 ], [ 103.660171508789119, 1.382598042488212 ], [ 103.659942626953111, 1.382840037345943 ], [ 103.659675598144645, 1.38309299945837 ], [ 103.659362792968736, 1.383291006088314 ], [ 103.658973693847642, 1.383283972740173 ], [ 103.658599853515625, 1.383054018020744 ], [ 103.658256530761776, 1.382761955261344 ], [ 103.657989501953068, 1.382437944412231 ], [ 103.657768249511818, 1.382174015045166 ], [ 103.65756988525402, 1.381963968276921 ], [ 103.657371520996207, 1.38180494308483 ], [ 103.657218933105412, 1.381665945053044 ], [ 103.656944274902401, 1.38194394111639 ], [ 103.656944274902401, 1.382778048515377 ], [ 103.657157897949261, 1.38349103927618 ], [ 103.657463073730469, 1.384019970893974 ], [ 103.657760620117301, 1.384515047073307 ], [ 103.658050537109361, 1.3849680423736 ], [ 103.65838623046875, 1.385311961174068 ], [ 103.658737182617131, 1.385583996772766 ], [ 103.659027099609418, 1.385900020599422 ], [ 103.659217834472713, 1.386329054832458 ], [ 103.659454345703239, 1.386793971061707 ], [ 103.659729003906236, 1.387295007705688 ], [ 103.660057067871207, 1.387807965278625 ], [ 103.660461425781193, 1.388267993927059 ], [ 103.660820007324332, 1.388825058937186 ], [ 103.661109924316463, 1.389469981193599 ], [ 103.661392211914176, 1.390151023864746 ], [ 103.661666870117173, 1.390831947326717 ], [ 103.661666870117173, 1.391111016273499 ], [ 103.661941528320412, 1.391389012336788 ], [ 103.661941528320412, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.662223815917955, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.662223815917955, 1.396389007568359 ], [ 103.661666870117173, 1.396944999694824 ], [ 103.661392211914176, 1.396944999694824 ], [ 103.660552978515682, 1.397776961326656 ], [ 103.660552978515682, 1.398054957389832 ], [ 103.66083526611321, 1.398332953453121 ], [ 103.66083526611321, 1.398610949516296 ], [ 103.661109924316463, 1.398888945579642 ], [ 103.661109924316463, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.662498474121151, 1.400555014610291 ], [ 103.662498474121151, 1.40083301067358 ], [ 103.662658691406307, 1.401257038116455 ], [ 103.662788391113281, 1.401775002479553 ], [ 103.662879943847699, 1.402259945869559 ], [ 103.662872314453182, 1.402735948562622 ], [ 103.662757873535099, 1.403241991996822 ], [ 103.662590026855455, 1.403805017471427 ], [ 103.66251373291027, 1.404461979866142 ], [ 103.662559509277273, 1.405138969421387 ], [ 103.662849426269588, 1.405701994895992 ], [ 103.663291931152457, 1.406108975410518 ], [ 103.663742065429688, 1.406463027000484 ], [ 103.664131164550781, 1.406806945800781 ], [ 103.664428710937614, 1.407178044319267 ], [ 103.664634704589943, 1.407582044601384 ], [ 103.664733886718807, 1.408033013343925 ], [ 103.664878845214844, 1.408470988273677 ], [ 103.665115356445369, 1.408849000930786 ], [ 103.66546630859375, 1.409158945083618 ], [ 103.665908813476619, 1.409396052360535 ], [ 103.666450500488324, 1.40944600105297 ], [ 103.666938781738224, 1.409441947937125 ], [ 103.667297363281364, 1.409396052360535 ], [ 103.66754150390625, 1.409245967865104 ], [ 103.667816162109432, 1.409096956253165 ], [ 103.668006896972713, 1.409499049186707 ], [ 103.668212890625057, 1.409669995307979 ], [ 103.668548583984432, 1.40979897975933 ], [ 103.668914794921861, 1.410027027130184 ], [ 103.669265747070312, 1.410351037979126 ], [ 103.669647216796861, 1.410637974739132 ], [ 103.669929504394588, 1.411010026931763 ], [ 103.670051574707031, 1.411522030830383 ], [ 103.670211791992188, 1.412057995796317 ], [ 103.670310974121151, 1.412600040435905 ], [ 103.670463562011776, 1.413074970245361 ], [ 103.670631408691406, 1.413486957550049 ], [ 103.670867919921932, 1.413740038871822 ], [ 103.671104431152457, 1.41387498378748 ], [ 103.671218872070369, 1.414186954498291 ], [ 103.671356201171875, 1.414492011070308 ], [ 103.67138671875, 1.41496396064764 ], [ 103.671401977539062, 1.415488004684448 ], [ 103.671463012695369, 1.415987014770508 ], [ 103.671630859375057, 1.416432023048344 ], [ 103.671676635742301, 1.416867017746029 ], [ 103.671745300292969, 1.417263984680232 ], [ 103.671905517578068, 1.417587041854858 ], [ 103.671966552734375, 1.418002009391785 ], [ 103.672096252441349, 1.418421030044613 ], [ 103.672248840332131, 1.418866038322506 ], [ 103.672485351562443, 1.419273972511348 ], [ 103.672706604003906, 1.419674992561397 ], [ 103.672813415527457, 1.42011296749115 ], [ 103.672943115234432, 1.42051100730896 ], [ 103.673042297363224, 1.42091703414917 ], [ 103.673103332519531, 1.421334028244075 ], [ 103.673286437988281, 1.421699047088737 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.422083973884583 ], [ 103.67337799072277, 1.422453045845145 ], [ 103.673553466796918, 1.422767996787968 ], [ 103.673622131347599, 1.423156976699943 ], [ 103.673713684082088, 1.423563003540153 ], [ 103.673866271972642, 1.423964023590202 ], [ 103.673995971679631, 1.424396991729793 ], [ 103.674163818359474, 1.424723029136601 ], [ 103.674446105957017, 1.425001025199947 ], [ 103.674446105957017, 1.425276994705314 ], [ 103.677497863769531, 1.428333044052238 ], [ 103.677497863769531, 1.428611040115413 ], [ 103.677780151367287, 1.428889036178703 ], [ 103.678054809570312, 1.428889036178703 ], [ 103.678337097168068, 1.429167985916138 ], [ 103.678886413574276, 1.429167985916138 ], [ 103.679168701171875, 1.428889036178703 ], [ 103.679725646972599, 1.428889036178703 ], [ 103.680000305175838, 1.429167985916138 ], [ 103.680831909179801, 1.429165005683899 ], [ 103.682777404785099, 1.431112051010132 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.431112051010132 ], [ 103.683517456054801, 1.431118011474609 ], [ 103.684097290039176, 1.431154966354484 ], [ 103.684631347656364, 1.431143999099845 ], [ 103.68503570556652, 1.431198000908012 ], [ 103.685302734375, 1.431342005729732 ], [ 103.685554504394588, 1.431383013725338 ], [ 103.685813903808707, 1.431439995765743 ], [ 103.686073303222656, 1.431614995002747 ], [ 103.686347961425895, 1.431895971298275 ], [ 103.686683654785213, 1.43218994140625 ], [ 103.687103271484432, 1.432387948036194 ], [ 103.687515258789176, 1.432554006576652 ], [ 103.687896728515739, 1.432772994041443 ], [ 103.688262939453239, 1.432983040809688 ], [ 103.688720703125, 1.433161020279044 ], [ 103.689270019531193, 1.433300018310604 ], [ 103.689834594726506, 1.433326959609929 ], [ 103.690368652343849, 1.433333992958069 ], [ 103.690864562988338, 1.433379054069519 ], [ 103.691291809082088, 1.433550000190792 ], [ 103.691787719726548, 1.433606982231197 ], [ 103.692291259765739, 1.433655023574943 ], [ 103.6927490234375, 1.433841943740845 ], [ 103.693206787109432, 1.434003949165401 ], [ 103.693656921386662, 1.43417501449585 ], [ 103.694107055664119, 1.434383988380432 ], [ 103.694564819336037, 1.434617042541617 ], [ 103.695045471191406, 1.434862971305904 ], [ 103.695526123046989, 1.435121059417668 ], [ 103.69600677490233, 1.435366988182182 ], [ 103.696411132812557, 1.435747027397212 ], [ 103.696807861328182, 1.43617403507244 ], [ 103.697189331054744, 1.436611056327876 ], [ 103.697570800781307, 1.436998963356018 ], [ 103.697807312011832, 1.43746995925909 ], [ 103.698097229003906, 1.437873959541378 ], [ 103.698394775390724, 1.438272953033504 ], [ 103.698814392089844, 1.438660025596619 ], [ 103.699256896972713, 1.439088940620479 ], [ 103.699783325195312, 1.439535021782035 ], [ 103.70029449462902, 1.440021038055477 ], [ 103.700790405273494, 1.440477013588008 ], [ 103.701278686523381, 1.440798044204826 ], [ 103.701751708984432, 1.441004991531486 ], [ 103.702156066894588, 1.441221952438354 ], [ 103.702499389648494, 1.441517949104252 ], [ 103.70281982421875, 1.441859960556144 ], [ 103.70316314697277, 1.442203998565788 ], [ 103.703506469726619, 1.442556977272147 ], [ 103.703796386718736, 1.442960977554435 ], [ 103.704093933105568, 1.44337797164917 ], [ 103.704391479492188, 1.443812966346854 ], [ 103.704750061035156, 1.444177985191288 ], [ 103.705154418945312, 1.444466948509273 ], [ 103.705543518066406, 1.444766044616813 ], [ 103.705902099609361, 1.445073962211723 ], [ 103.706245422363224, 1.445397019386348 ], [ 103.706619262695256, 1.445705056190548 ], [ 103.706932067871151, 1.446104049682674 ], [ 103.70723724365233, 1.446493029594421 ], [ 103.707725524902457, 1.446565985679683 ], [ 103.708145141601506, 1.446727991104239 ], [ 103.708541870117188, 1.44681894779211 ], [ 103.708839416503949, 1.447054028511104 ], [ 103.70908355712902, 1.44740104675293 ], [ 103.709411621093807, 1.447749018669128 ], [ 103.709861755371037, 1.448050022125244 ], [ 103.710327148437557, 1.448289036750736 ], [ 103.710800170898551, 1.448382973671016 ], [ 103.711181640625114, 1.44858098030096 ], [ 103.711616516113281, 1.448735952377376 ], [ 103.712020874023438, 1.448956966400146 ], [ 103.712463378906307, 1.449192047119084 ], [ 103.712936401367188, 1.449450016021672 ], [ 103.713447570800895, 1.449715971946716 ], [ 103.714019775390739, 1.449957966804447 ], [ 103.714622497558537, 1.450129032135066 ], [ 103.715232849121094, 1.450296998024101 ], [ 103.7158203125, 1.450487017631588 ], [ 103.716453552246151, 1.450492978096065 ], [ 103.717033386230526, 1.450500011444205 ], [ 103.717552185058594, 1.45054399967205 ], [ 103.718017578125099, 1.450590968132076 ], [ 103.71842193603527, 1.450744032859916 ], [ 103.718879699707017, 1.450834989547786 ], [ 103.719406127929616, 1.450932979583797 ], [ 103.720001220703125, 1.451076984405518 ], [ 103.720687866211051, 1.451109051704407 ], [ 103.721389770507869, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.721946716308594, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.450832962989864 ], [ 103.723052978515611, 1.450832962989864 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.451388955116329 ], [ 103.725280761718864, 1.451388955116329 ], [ 103.725555419921875, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.451110959053153 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.450832962989864 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.450832962989864 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.450554966926688 ], [ 103.728889465332145, 1.450554966926688 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.450276970863342 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.450276970863342 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.44861102104187 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.448333024978751 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.448055028915405 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.447777032852287 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.447222948074397 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.446944952011052 ], [ 103.732940673828054, 1.446491003036499 ], [ 103.733245849609432, 1.446185946464652 ], [ 103.733650207519645, 1.446007966995296 ], [ 103.73394775390625, 1.445698022842464 ], [ 103.734252929687614, 1.445402026176509 ], [ 103.734596252441449, 1.44514000415802 ], [ 103.734985351562614, 1.444864034652824 ], [ 103.735359191894588, 1.444499015808162 ], [ 103.735763549804801, 1.444128036499023 ], [ 103.736160278320426, 1.443742990493831 ], [ 103.736557006835866, 1.443410038948173 ], [ 103.736831665039105, 1.443011045455876 ], [ 103.737007141113281, 1.442559957504386 ], [ 103.737220764160199, 1.442221999168396 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.44194400310522 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.441388010978756 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.441110014915466 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.440834045410213 ], [ 103.738052368164176, 1.440556049346924 ], [ 103.738052368164176, 1.440278053283748 ], [ 103.738334655761719, 1.440000057220459 ], [ 103.738334655761719, 1.439721941947937 ], [ 103.73847198486321, 1.439443945884818 ], [ 103.73847198486321, 1.439165949821472 ], [ 103.738403320312543, 1.438681006431693 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.4375 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.436944007873535 ], [ 103.737220764160199, 1.43666601181036 ], [ 103.737258911132869, 1.436354041099605 ], [ 103.737480163574332, 1.435932040214539 ], [ 103.737670898437614, 1.435487985610962 ], [ 103.737762451171875, 1.435009002685604 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.434517025947684 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.434010982513541 ], [ 103.737747192382798, 1.433480024337768 ], [ 103.737617492675838, 1.432944059372062 ], [ 103.737358093261719, 1.432410955429191 ], [ 103.736846923828182, 1.431988954544124 ], [ 103.736335754394645, 1.431547045707816 ], [ 103.736312866210994, 1.430922031402645 ], [ 103.736701965332145, 1.430444002151603 ], [ 103.737251281738338, 1.43026602268219 ], [ 103.737724304199219, 1.430099964141959 ], [ 103.738059997558707, 1.429851055145263 ], [ 103.738197326660213, 1.429641962051505 ], [ 103.738090515136662, 1.429324984550533 ], [ 103.737525939941349, 1.428586006164664 ], [ 103.737243652343793, 1.428308010101318 ], [ 103.737243652343793, 1.427752017974854 ], [ 103.736968994140625, 1.427193999290466 ], [ 103.736763000488224, 1.426360011100826 ], [ 103.736480712890682, 1.425611972808895 ], [ 103.736267089843807, 1.42531597614294 ], [ 103.736289978027401, 1.425179004669133 ], [ 103.736015319824219, 1.424654960632381 ], [ 103.735740661621151, 1.424244999885616 ], [ 103.735870361328125, 1.423784017562866 ], [ 103.735801696777273, 1.423552036285514 ], [ 103.735870361328125, 1.423045992851314 ], [ 103.73583984375, 1.422638058662471 ], [ 103.735832214355455, 1.422186970710811 ], [ 103.735809326171818, 1.421712040901184 ], [ 103.735694885253949, 1.42124795913702 ], [ 103.735527038574276, 1.42080104351038 ], [ 103.735237121581974, 1.420431971550045 ], [ 103.73486328125, 1.420124053955135 ], [ 103.734504699707031, 1.419777035713253 ], [ 103.734176635742244, 1.419394969940299 ], [ 103.733848571777457, 1.418992996215934 ], [ 103.733482360839957, 1.418637990951652 ], [ 103.733055114746151, 1.418334960937614 ], [ 103.732635498046932, 1.418027043342704 ], [ 103.732254028320369, 1.41767597198492 ], [ 103.731903076171932, 1.417297959327698 ], [ 103.731536865234432, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 103.731163024902401, 1.416591048240662 ], [ 103.73081207275402, 1.416198968887329 ], [ 103.73044586181652, 1.415807008743343 ], [ 103.730087280273381, 1.415392041206416 ], [ 103.729644775390739, 1.415066003799552 ], [ 103.72913360595696, 1.414844989776611 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.41470396518713 ], [ 103.728134155273551, 1.414540052413997 ], [ 103.727600097656193, 1.414459943771419 ], [ 103.727027893066349, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.726432800293082, 1.414401054382438 ], [ 103.725868225097756, 1.414175033569336 ], [ 103.725379943847656, 1.413810968399162 ], [ 103.724990844726548, 1.413375020027161 ], [ 103.724517822265739, 1.413023948669377 ], [ 103.724075317382855, 1.412704944610653 ], [ 103.723625183105469, 1.412489056587276 ], [ 103.72321319580071, 1.412292957305965 ], [ 103.722770690918026, 1.412206053733769 ], [ 103.722343444824276, 1.412107944488639 ], [ 103.721931457519531, 1.412027955055237 ], [ 103.721511840820312, 1.411985039711055 ], [ 103.721092224121193, 1.411991953849849 ], [ 103.720664978027401, 1.412042021751461 ], [ 103.72021484375, 1.412109971046561 ], [ 103.719718933105526, 1.412176966667175 ], [ 103.719192504882926, 1.412246942520198 ], [ 103.71868896484375, 1.412420034408569 ], [ 103.718215942382926, 1.412662029266301 ], [ 103.71771240234375, 1.412929058075008 ], [ 103.717376708984432, 1.413419008254948 ], [ 103.716964721679673, 1.413884043693599 ], [ 103.716514587402457, 1.414291977882385 ], [ 103.71600341796875, 1.414551019668636 ], [ 103.715484619140682, 1.414692997932434 ], [ 103.715156555175881, 1.414713025093192 ], [ 103.714996337890739, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.714721679687557, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.714309692382812, 1.414307951927242 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.413887977600098 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.413609981536979 ], [ 103.713470458984489, 1.413403034210319 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.413334012031555 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.413053989410514 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 103.710281372070312, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 103.707809448242188, 1.412464022636414 ], [ 103.707015991210938, 1.412430047988948 ], [ 103.704925537109375, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 103.704742431640611, 1.412454962730521 ], [ 103.704376220703111, 1.412361025810185 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.411111950874442 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.410763025283813 ], [ 103.704605102539119, 1.410624027252254 ], [ 103.705001831054744, 1.410833954811153 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.411041975021419 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.411250948906059 ], [ 103.705627441406364, 1.411528944969177 ], [ 103.706039428710881, 1.411597967147884 ], [ 103.706459045410156, 1.411667943000736 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.411666035652161 ], [ 103.709724426269531, 1.411666035652161 ], [ 103.710281372070312, 1.411111950874442 ], [ 103.71097564697277, 1.409860968589783 ], [ 103.711662292480526, 1.409860968589783 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.411111950874442 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.411388039589042 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.411666035652161 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.411944031715507 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 103.713607788085994, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 103.714721679687557, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 103.715118408203182, 1.412408947944755 ], [ 103.715377807617301, 1.412276983261108 ], [ 103.715560913086051, 1.412171959877014 ], [ 103.715675354003963, 1.411983013153133 ], [ 103.715805053710938, 1.411766052246094 ], [ 103.715911865234489, 1.411476969718933 ], [ 103.716064453125057, 1.411175966262817 ], [ 103.716102600097756, 1.41080200672161 ], [ 103.716110229492301, 1.410410046577454 ], [ 103.716156005859304, 1.41004300117504 ], [ 103.716331481933707, 1.40976095199585 ], [ 103.716484069824332, 1.409495949745292 ], [ 103.716697692871207, 1.40929996967327 ], [ 103.716987609863281, 1.409188985824699 ], [ 103.717361450195312, 1.409165978431702 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.409175038337764 ], [ 103.718231201171974, 1.409245967865104 ], [ 103.718635559081974, 1.409435033798331 ], [ 103.719062805175781, 1.409602999687195 ], [ 103.719505310058651, 1.409721970558167 ], [ 103.719970703124943, 1.409834027290458 ], [ 103.720451354980526, 1.409968018531856 ], [ 103.721008300781307, 1.410015940666199 ], [ 103.721572875976619, 1.410117983818054 ], [ 103.722152709960994, 1.410441994667167 ], [ 103.722694396972656, 1.410488009452934 ], [ 103.722846984863281, 1.410398960113639 ], [ 103.723075866699205, 1.410264015197754 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.410019993782043 ], [ 103.723495483398494, 1.409819960594177 ], [ 103.723609924316406, 1.409407019615173 ], [ 103.723869323730526, 1.409319043159542 ], [ 103.724075317382855, 1.409528017044124 ], [ 103.724349975585881, 1.409597039222717 ], [ 103.724601745605455, 1.409808993339539 ], [ 103.72502136230473, 1.40969002246868 ], [ 103.725448608398551, 1.409414052963313 ], [ 103.725799560546932, 1.409067988395748 ], [ 103.726066589355412, 1.4086869955064 ], [ 103.726219177246207, 1.408234000206107 ], [ 103.726356506347699, 1.407755017280579 ], [ 103.726387023925838, 1.407219052314872 ], [ 103.726348876953182, 1.406679034233036 ], [ 103.726158142089901, 1.406216979026851 ], [ 103.726028442382926, 1.405781030654907 ], [ 103.725860595703239, 1.405439019203186 ], [ 103.725746154785156, 1.405079007148743 ], [ 103.725563049316406, 1.404744029045162 ], [ 103.725372314453125, 1.404361009597892 ], [ 103.725242614746151, 1.40390598773962 ], [ 103.725044250488324, 1.40349996089941 ], [ 103.724967956542955, 1.403059959411735 ], [ 103.724807739257812, 1.402698040008658 ], [ 103.724700927734489, 1.402341961860714 ], [ 103.724555969238224, 1.402039051056022 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.401736021041927 ], [ 103.724334716796989, 1.401417016983032 ], [ 103.724205017089844, 1.401075005531368 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.400632977485714 ], [ 103.724121093750114, 1.400146961212272 ], [ 103.723968505859304, 1.399703025817871 ], [ 103.723831176757812, 1.399296998977604 ], [ 103.723701477050838, 1.39896202087408 ], [ 103.723823547363281, 1.398663997650203 ], [ 103.724014282226562, 1.398354053497371 ], [ 103.724250793457088, 1.39803504943842 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.397673964500484 ], [ 103.724571228027344, 1.397305011749324 ], [ 103.724479675293026, 1.396908998489437 ], [ 103.724411010742188, 1.396478056907654 ], [ 103.724235534667955, 1.396052002906856 ], [ 103.724052429199261, 1.395596027374324 ], [ 103.723762512207131, 1.395179033279419 ], [ 103.723381042480582, 1.394881963729802 ], [ 103.723022460937429, 1.394562959671077 ], [ 103.722648620605412, 1.394279003143311 ], [ 103.722328186035156, 1.393969058990479 ], [ 103.722061157226506, 1.393663048744145 ], [ 103.72168731689446, 1.393396019935665 ], [ 103.721221923828182, 1.393195986747798 ], [ 103.720794677734361, 1.393007040023917 ], [ 103.719772338867116, 1.392753958702144 ], [ 103.719772338867116, 1.392475962638855 ], [ 103.719909667968807, 1.392194986343441 ], [ 103.720046997070369, 1.391916990280151 ], [ 103.720115661621207, 1.391499996185416 ], [ 103.720741271972585, 1.391499996185416 ], [ 103.721015930175838, 1.391710042953491 ], [ 103.721229553222713, 1.39198803901678 ], [ 103.721504211425724, 1.392197966575679 ], [ 103.721984863281293, 1.392405033111686 ], [ 103.722404479980568, 1.392570972442627 ], [ 103.722785949707145, 1.392838001251278 ], [ 103.723175048828239, 1.39307701587677 ], [ 103.723571777343864, 1.39332103729248 ], [ 103.723968505859304, 1.393529057502803 ], [ 103.724372863769531, 1.393694996833858 ], [ 103.724716186523551, 1.39391398429882 ], [ 103.724998474121094, 1.394162058830204 ], [ 103.725242614746151, 1.394420027732792 ], [ 103.725433349609432, 1.394711971283016 ], [ 103.725669860839957, 1.395001053810176 ], [ 103.725936889648423, 1.395297050476131 ], [ 103.72618103027348, 1.395627975463981 ], [ 103.726371765136776, 1.395972013473624 ], [ 103.726486206054688, 1.396324992179984 ], [ 103.726623535156349, 1.396636962890739 ], [ 103.726669311523423, 1.397024989128226 ], [ 103.726715087890625, 1.397467017173824 ], [ 103.726898193359375, 1.397948026657104 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.398478984832821 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.399011969566345 ], [ 103.726882934570298, 1.399502038955688 ], [ 103.726715087890625, 1.399922013282833 ], [ 103.726669311523423, 1.400339007377738 ], [ 103.7266845703125, 1.400771975517273 ], [ 103.72678375244152, 1.401221036911068 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.401672005653381 ], [ 103.727119445800838, 1.402125954627991 ], [ 103.727294921875057, 1.402555942535457 ], [ 103.727523803710994, 1.402884960174561 ], [ 103.72780609130858, 1.403100967407283 ], [ 103.728073120117244, 1.403295040130672 ], [ 103.728431701660142, 1.403336048126278 ], [ 103.728813171386719, 1.403337955474854 ], [ 103.729209899902401, 1.403288006782589 ], [ 103.729545593261719, 1.403071045875549 ], [ 103.729873657226662, 1.402775049209595 ], [ 103.730178833007869, 1.402423977851868 ], [ 103.730400085449261, 1.401983976364192 ], [ 103.730636596679801, 1.401579022407589 ], [ 103.730842590331974, 1.40119302272808 ], [ 103.731063842773438, 1.400856018066406 ], [ 103.731208801269645, 1.400478005409298 ], [ 103.731376647949318, 1.400110960006714 ], [ 103.731536865234432, 1.39971399307251 ], [ 103.731704711914119, 1.399289965629691 ], [ 103.731948852539176, 1.398877978324947 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.398447036743164 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.397984027862663 ], [ 103.732757568359318, 1.397497057914734 ], [ 103.732986450195312, 1.396991014480591 ], [ 103.733146667480469, 1.396461963653621 ], [ 103.733322143554631, 1.395995020866394 ], [ 103.733474731445426, 1.395573019981498 ], [ 103.733589172363338, 1.395215034484977 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.39489400386816 ], [ 103.733619689941463, 1.394608974456844 ], [ 103.733657836914162, 1.39430403709423 ], [ 103.733886718749929, 1.3938889503479 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.393610954284782 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.39305496215826 ], [ 103.734169006347713, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.733886718749929, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.734443664550895, 1.391667008399963 ], [ 103.735000610351676, 1.391667008399963 ], [ 103.735054016113281, 1.391960978508109 ], [ 103.735244750976562, 1.392243027687186 ], [ 103.735427856445256, 1.392508029937687 ], [ 103.735572814941506, 1.392740011215267 ], [ 103.735603332519474, 1.392953991890067 ], [ 103.735542297363324, 1.393288969993591 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.393514990806693 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.393841028213558 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.394230961799622 ], [ 103.735603332519474, 1.394641041755733 ], [ 103.735786437988395, 1.395043969154358 ], [ 103.735832214355455, 1.3955299854278 ], [ 103.735832214355455, 1.396078944206351 ], [ 103.735786437988395, 1.396653056144771 ], [ 103.735610961914006, 1.397171020507926 ], [ 103.735511779785213, 1.397706031799373 ], [ 103.735298156738281, 1.398157954216003 ], [ 103.735099792480469, 1.398604035377502 ], [ 103.734832763671989, 1.399045944213981 ], [ 103.734504699707031, 1.399497985839957 ], [ 103.734169006347713, 1.400007963180485 ], [ 103.73386383056652, 1.400560021400452 ], [ 103.733604431152386, 1.401124954223633 ], [ 103.733329772949148, 1.401664972305241 ], [ 103.733047485351605, 1.402186989784298 ], [ 103.732719421386832, 1.402673006057739 ], [ 103.732353210449332, 1.403115034103394 ], [ 103.732078552246136, 1.403625011444092 ], [ 103.731864929199219, 1.404163002967948 ], [ 103.731651306152344, 1.404693961143494 ], [ 103.731376647949318, 1.405161023140067 ], [ 103.731086730957031, 1.405567049980277 ], [ 103.730773925781307, 1.405884027481079 ], [ 103.730499267578111, 1.406152963638306 ], [ 103.730232238769645, 1.406430959701652 ], [ 103.730033874511832, 1.406774997711295 ], [ 103.729942321777344, 1.407178044319267 ], [ 103.729774475097699, 1.407536029815617 ], [ 103.729705810546818, 1.407989978790397 ], [ 103.729637145996151, 1.40848004817974 ], [ 103.729614257812557, 1.408951997756958 ], [ 103.729698181152287, 1.409325003624019 ], [ 103.729728698730469, 1.409687995910758 ], [ 103.729804992675838, 1.410051941871757 ], [ 103.730018615722713, 1.410349011421317 ], [ 103.730331420898438, 1.410598993301505 ], [ 103.730712890624986, 1.410838961601314 ], [ 103.731117248535213, 1.41111695766449 ], [ 103.731513977050838, 1.411458969116325 ], [ 103.731811523437486, 1.411952972412223 ], [ 103.732078552246136, 1.412590980529842 ], [ 103.732444763183636, 1.413120031356812 ], [ 103.7327880859375, 1.413581013679504 ], [ 103.733184814453125, 1.413880944251957 ], [ 103.733551025390611, 1.414116024971122 ], [ 103.733856201171989, 1.41435801982891 ], [ 103.734115600585938, 1.414631009101868 ], [ 103.734474182128849, 1.414785981178284 ], [ 103.734764099121151, 1.414996027946529 ], [ 103.735046386718693, 1.415202975273189 ], [ 103.735328674316449, 1.415410995483455 ], [ 103.735549926757869, 1.415766000747794 ], [ 103.735939025879006, 1.415982961654777 ], [ 103.736343383789176, 1.416232943534965 ], [ 103.73681640625, 1.416411042213497 ], [ 103.737266540527401, 1.416635036468506 ], [ 103.73773193359375, 1.416880965232963 ], [ 103.73825836181652, 1.417127013206596 ], [ 103.738723754882812, 1.417554974555969 ], [ 103.739273071289062, 1.417950034141541 ], [ 103.739593505859489, 1.418529033661002 ], [ 103.739707946777401, 1.419204950332585 ], [ 103.739768981933693, 1.419849991798515 ], [ 103.739990234374943, 1.420385956764278 ], [ 103.740242004394531, 1.420868992805481 ], [ 103.740509033203182, 1.421332001686153 ], [ 103.740859985351619, 1.421753048896733 ], [ 103.741287231445426, 1.422122955322266 ], [ 103.741737365722656, 1.422461986541862 ], [ 103.742187500000057, 1.422754049301261 ], [ 103.742591857910213, 1.423053026199454 ], [ 103.74296569824223, 1.423362970352287 ], [ 103.743301391601548, 1.423722982406559 ], [ 103.743591308593864, 1.424157977104244 ], [ 103.743820190429631, 1.424654960632381 ], [ 103.744056701660156, 1.425165057182425 ], [ 103.744293212890682, 1.425667047500724 ], [ 103.744583129882741, 1.426115989685115 ], [ 103.744880676269574, 1.426535010337773 ], [ 103.74522399902348, 1.426887989044133 ], [ 103.745552062988281, 1.427206993103027 ], [ 103.745841979980526, 1.427513003349361 ], [ 103.746086120605582, 1.427824974060115 ], [ 103.746238708496207, 1.428197026252747 ], [ 103.746398925781307, 1.428529024124259 ], [ 103.746559143066449, 1.428864002227783 ], [ 103.746475219726491, 1.429224014282283 ], [ 103.746330261230469, 1.429620981216431 ], [ 103.746139526367173, 1.430050015449467 ], [ 103.746086120605582, 1.430574059486446 ], [ 103.745964050292969, 1.431118011474609 ], [ 103.745803833007869, 1.431664943695182 ], [ 103.745536804199162, 1.432742953300533 ], [ 103.745468139648494, 1.433024048805237 ], [ 103.744987487792969, 1.433580040931702 ], [ 103.744781494140625, 1.434137940406799 ], [ 103.74422454833983, 1.434903979301509 ], [ 103.743812561035099, 1.43553102016449 ], [ 103.743614196777273, 1.436112046241874 ], [ 103.743415832519645, 1.436568021774405 ], [ 103.743148803710994, 1.436939001083317 ], [ 103.742813110351676, 1.437327027320976 ], [ 103.742500305175781, 1.437791943550224 ], [ 103.742309570312486, 1.438323020935115 ], [ 103.742393493652401, 1.438864946365356 ], [ 103.742576599121136, 1.439342021942252 ], [ 103.742843627929801, 1.43969297409069 ], [ 103.743164062500057, 1.43997502326971 ], [ 103.743553161621151, 1.440194010734672 ], [ 103.744049072265625, 1.440325975418091 ], [ 103.744583129882741, 1.440387964248714 ], [ 103.745109558105582, 1.440158009529114 ], [ 103.745605468750057, 1.439820051193294 ], [ 103.746116638183594, 1.43949902057642 ], [ 103.746643066406364, 1.439195990562553 ], [ 103.747222900390739, 1.438887953758297 ], [ 103.747497558593736, 1.438887953758297 ], [ 103.74777984619152, 1.43861198425293 ], [ 103.748054504394517, 1.43861198425293 ], [ 103.748886108398494, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.749443054199261, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.4375 ], [ 103.75, 1.4375 ], [ 103.750274658203239, 1.437222003936824 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.751663208007812, 1.438055992126465 ], [ 103.752502441406307, 1.438055992126465 ], [ 103.752777099609304, 1.438333988189811 ], [ 103.753051757812557, 1.438333988189811 ], [ 103.753448486328182, 1.438537001609916 ], [ 103.753990173339844, 1.438645958900565 ], [ 103.754501342773366, 1.438789963722342 ], [ 103.755065917968693, 1.438717007637081 ], [ 103.755599975586051, 1.438629984855709 ], [ 103.756111145019574, 1.438609957695007 ], [ 103.756607055664062, 1.438568949699402 ], [ 103.757057189941463, 1.438403010368347 ], [ 103.757553100585881, 1.438457012176514 ], [ 103.758018493652401, 1.438384056091422 ], [ 103.758438110351605, 1.438362002372741 ], [ 103.758796691894588, 1.438485026359672 ], [ 103.759529113769588, 1.438662052154598 ], [ 103.760086059570312, 1.438662052154598 ], [ 103.760566711425895, 1.438452959060612 ], [ 103.761123657226676, 1.438591957092399 ], [ 103.761741638183537, 1.438730955123958 ], [ 103.762229919433651, 1.439079046249503 ], [ 103.762298583984474, 1.439357995986938 ], [ 103.7625732421875, 1.439844965934867 ], [ 103.762847900390739, 1.440261960029545 ], [ 103.763084411621023, 1.440675020217952 ], [ 103.763374328613338, 1.441169023513794 ], [ 103.763740539550838, 1.441640973091182 ], [ 103.764129638671932, 1.442077040672359 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.442499995231685 ], [ 103.764724731445369, 1.442778944969177 ], [ 103.764724731445369, 1.443056941032467 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.445001006126461 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.445279002189579 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.445554018020687 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.445832967758292 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.446110963821468 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.446666955947933 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.446944952011052 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.447500944137516 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.447777032852287 ], [ 103.767936706543026, 1.447618961334285 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.447500944137516 ], [ 103.768333435058636, 1.447777032852287 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.447777032852287 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.448055028915405 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.448333024978751 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.448889017105216 ], [ 103.769515991211051, 1.449167013168392 ], [ 103.770622253418026, 1.449720978736877 ], [ 103.770835876464901, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.771110534667969, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.771385192871151, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.772499084472713, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.773056030273423, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.773338317871193, 1.450217962265015 ], [ 103.77371978759777, 1.450530052185115 ], [ 103.774185180664062, 1.450783014297542 ], [ 103.774787902832074, 1.450855970382804 ], [ 103.775398254394588, 1.451002001762504 ], [ 103.775894165039062, 1.451331973075866 ], [ 103.776412963867287, 1.451689958572445 ], [ 103.776916503906307, 1.452077031135559 ], [ 103.777351379394645, 1.45252001285553 ], [ 103.777725219726662, 1.4529869556427 ], [ 103.778099060058707, 1.453390002250728 ], [ 103.778480529785256, 1.45375299453741 ], [ 103.779022216796932, 1.453922986984367 ], [ 103.779541015625, 1.4541610479356 ], [ 103.780052185058537, 1.45439803600317 ], [ 103.780578613281364, 1.454596042633113 ], [ 103.781135559082074, 1.454759955406246 ], [ 103.781669616699276, 1.455001950263977 ], [ 103.782226562500057, 1.455283999443054 ], [ 103.782806396484432, 1.45561504364025 ], [ 103.783378601074276, 1.456004023551998 ], [ 103.783874511718693, 1.456519007682857 ], [ 103.784355163574276, 1.457056999206543 ], [ 103.784957885742301, 1.457458019256649 ], [ 103.785568237304801, 1.457829952240047 ], [ 103.786102294921989, 1.458286046981925 ], [ 103.786697387695412, 1.458639025688285 ], [ 103.787185668945369, 1.45902597904211 ], [ 103.787605285644588, 1.459414005279541 ], [ 103.788040161132926, 1.459702968597526 ], [ 103.788414001464957, 1.459997057914677 ], [ 103.788772583007926, 1.460268974304199 ], [ 103.789138793945369, 1.460507988929692 ], [ 103.789566040039176, 1.460685968399105 ], [ 103.789978027343693, 1.46088898181921 ], [ 103.790390014648438, 1.461137056350822 ], [ 103.790771484375, 1.461473941802979 ], [ 103.791107177734318, 1.461910009384269 ], [ 103.791404724121151, 1.462388038635311 ], [ 103.791732788085923, 1.462828040122986 ], [ 103.791946411132812, 1.463055968284664 ], [ 103.792221069336051, 1.463333964347839 ], [ 103.792503356933594, 1.463333964347839 ], [ 103.792778015136832, 1.463611960411129 ], [ 103.793052673339844, 1.463611960411129 ], [ 103.793334960937543, 1.463889956474304 ], [ 103.793609619140625, 1.463888049125728 ], [ 103.793891906738338, 1.464166045189017 ], [ 103.794166564941349, 1.464166045189017 ], [ 103.794441223144588, 1.464444041252193 ], [ 103.794441223144588, 1.464722037315312 ], [ 103.794723510742287, 1.465000033378658 ], [ 103.794723510742287, 1.465278029441777 ], [ 103.796112060546875, 1.46666598320013 ], [ 103.798332214355582, 1.46666598320013 ], [ 103.798614501953125, 1.466943979263249 ], [ 103.799446105957074, 1.466943979263249 ], [ 103.799583435058651, 1.467082977295035 ], [ 103.799720764160156, 1.467221975326595 ], [ 103.800003051757869, 1.467221975326595 ], [ 103.800277709960881, 1.467499971389771 ], [ 103.800552368164119, 1.467499971389771 ], [ 103.802223205566406, 1.469166040420589 ], [ 103.802780151367188, 1.469166040420589 ], [ 103.803054809570369, 1.469444036483878 ], [ 103.803611755371151, 1.469444036483878 ], [ 103.804443359375114, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.804725646972656, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.805206298828239, 1.470208048820495 ], [ 103.806114196777401, 1.470553994178886 ], [ 103.80673980712902, 1.470623016357422 ], [ 103.807365417480469, 1.470623016357422 ], [ 103.807777404785156, 1.470762014389038 ], [ 103.808334350585938, 1.470831990242061 ], [ 103.808609008789176, 1.470831990242061 ], [ 103.808891296386719, 1.470553994178886 ], [ 103.8094482421875, 1.470553994178886 ], [ 103.809722900390682, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.810279846191463, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.810600280761719, 1.470026016235408 ], [ 103.811027526855526, 1.470039010048026 ], [ 103.811538696289062, 1.470234990119991 ], [ 103.812126159667969, 1.470275998115596 ], [ 103.812728881835938, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.813339233398494, 1.470275998115596 ], [ 103.813949584961051, 1.470275998115596 ], [ 103.814582824706974, 1.470312952995243 ], [ 103.81520843505858, 1.470505952835197 ], [ 103.815834045410213, 1.470810055732727 ], [ 103.816505432128906, 1.471027970314026 ], [ 103.817161560058651, 1.471063017845154 ], [ 103.81768798828125, 1.470937013626155 ], [ 103.8182373046875, 1.471040010452327 ], [ 103.818641662597656, 1.470896005630607 ], [ 103.819038391113338, 1.470752954483146 ], [ 103.819458007812543, 1.470502018928642 ], [ 103.819847106933636, 1.470285058021659 ], [ 103.820266723632912, 1.470085024833736 ], [ 103.820701599121094, 1.469846010208244 ], [ 103.821121215820312, 1.469560980796814 ], [ 103.821548461914119, 1.469272971153259 ], [ 103.821922302246151, 1.468984007835502 ], [ 103.822219848632812, 1.468703985214233 ], [ 103.822433471679688, 1.468464016914425 ], [ 103.82249450683598, 1.46819102764124 ], [ 103.822425842285156, 1.467895030975342 ], [ 103.822021484374929, 1.46757805347454 ], [ 103.821594238281364, 1.467478036880607 ], [ 103.821166992187557, 1.467375040054435 ], [ 103.820487976074162, 1.467087984085197 ], [ 103.819953918457031, 1.466714024543819 ], [ 103.819480895996207, 1.466295003890991 ], [ 103.819084167480526, 1.465852022171077 ], [ 103.818771362304616, 1.465415000915584 ], [ 103.818595886230469, 1.464944958686829 ], [ 103.818550109863395, 1.464467048645133 ], [ 103.818687438964901, 1.463986039161682 ], [ 103.818885803222713, 1.463611960411129 ], [ 103.819168090820298, 1.463888049125728 ], [ 103.819168090820298, 1.464166045189017 ], [ 103.819442749023494, 1.464444041252193 ], [ 103.819442749023494, 1.464722037315312 ], [ 103.819725036621037, 1.465000033378658 ], [ 103.820159912109361, 1.465407967567501 ], [ 103.820640563964957, 1.46579098701477 ], [ 103.8212890625, 1.466160058975277 ], [ 103.821678161621094, 1.466362953186092 ], [ 103.822059631347656, 1.466567993164119 ], [ 103.822463989257812, 1.466642975807133 ], [ 103.822662353515682, 1.466680049896183 ], [ 103.822975158691349, 1.466493010520935 ], [ 103.82328796386723, 1.466321945190487 ], [ 103.823600769042955, 1.466101050376949 ], [ 103.823936462402344, 1.465875029564017 ], [ 103.824401855468807, 1.465847969055176 ], [ 103.824890136718736, 1.465970993042106 ], [ 103.825271606445312, 1.466315031051693 ], [ 103.825584411621207, 1.466698050498962 ], [ 103.825828552246023, 1.467069983482418 ], [ 103.826011657714787, 1.467416048049984 ], [ 103.826110839843807, 1.46777796745306 ], [ 103.826110839843807, 1.468055963516235 ], [ 103.826385498046989, 1.468333959579525 ], [ 103.826385498046989, 1.468610048294124 ], [ 103.826667785644574, 1.468888044357413 ], [ 103.826667785644574, 1.469166040420589 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.47000098228466 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.470553994178886 ], [ 103.828330993652344, 1.471387982368526 ], [ 103.828887939453068, 1.471387982368526 ], [ 103.830001831054801, 1.470275998115596 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.470278978347835 ], [ 103.831108093261776, 1.469444036483878 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.469166040420589 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.468610048294124 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.468055963516235 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.46777796745306 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.467499971389771 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.467499971389771 ], [ 103.831390380859361, 1.466943979263249 ], [ 103.831665039062557, 1.466943979263249 ], [ 103.831947326660156, 1.46666598320013 ], [ 103.832221984863338, 1.46666598320013 ], [ 103.832496643066349, 1.466387987136784 ], [ 103.833053588867301, 1.466390013694763 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.466112017631588 ], [ 103.83388519287108, 1.466112017631588 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.465834021568298 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.465556025505123 ], [ 103.834442138671875, 1.465278029441777 ], [ 103.834442138671875, 1.465000033378658 ], [ 103.834724426269588, 1.464722037315312 ], [ 103.835281372070369, 1.464166045189017 ], [ 103.835830688476619, 1.464166045189017 ], [ 103.836112976074332, 1.463888049125728 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.463889956474304 ], [ 103.837776184082088, 1.463611960411129 ], [ 103.838294982910156, 1.463446021080074 ], [ 103.838844299316406, 1.463111042976493 ], [ 103.839385986328125, 1.462759971618766 ], [ 103.839851379394588, 1.462363004684562 ], [ 103.840263366699261, 1.46198296546936 ], [ 103.840591430664119, 1.461635947227478 ], [ 103.840881347656364, 1.461334943771362 ], [ 103.841102600097656, 1.461068987846375 ], [ 103.841316223144531, 1.460862994194031 ], [ 103.841606140136832, 1.460739970207271 ], [ 103.841941833496136, 1.460569024085999 ], [ 103.842369079589957, 1.4604190587998 ], [ 103.84285736083983, 1.46026599407196 ], [ 103.843353271484474, 1.460062980651855 ], [ 103.843833923339901, 1.459820032119808 ], [ 103.84422302246098, 1.459444046020451 ], [ 103.844573974609375, 1.459038019180411 ], [ 103.844947814941392, 1.458670973777828 ], [ 103.845375061035213, 1.458349943161124 ], [ 103.845840454101676, 1.45805299282074 ], [ 103.846321105957088, 1.457772970199642 ], [ 103.846771240234489, 1.457499027252197 ], [ 103.847183227539006, 1.457252979278564 ], [ 103.847610473632812, 1.457098007202148 ], [ 103.847999572753892, 1.456938982010001 ], [ 103.848411560058651, 1.456766009330806 ], [ 103.848892211914176, 1.456632971763725 ], [ 103.849342346191406, 1.456387042999268 ], [ 103.849784851074276, 1.45611405372631 ], [ 103.850189208984489, 1.455836057662964 ], [ 103.850540161132869, 1.455554962158203 ], [ 103.850830078125, 1.455227017402592 ], [ 103.851097106933651, 1.45484900474554 ], [ 103.851325988769574, 1.454401969909725 ], [ 103.851501464843807, 1.453909993171806 ], [ 103.851638793945298, 1.453428983688354 ], [ 103.851661682128963, 1.452947974205074 ], [ 103.851608276367188, 1.452479004859924 ], [ 103.851432800292969, 1.452023029327393 ], [ 103.851325988769574, 1.451462030410767 ], [ 103.851051330566406, 1.450904011726493 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.450373053550777 ], [ 103.849899291992188, 1.450065016746521 ], [ 103.849296569824162, 1.449962019920349 ], [ 103.84885406494152, 1.449820995330811 ], [ 103.84833526611321, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.846946716308693, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.450001001358146 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.846107482910142, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.8460693359375, 1.449516057968196 ], [ 103.846031188964957, 1.449308037757873 ], [ 103.846015930175895, 1.449023008346614 ], [ 103.846145629882869, 1.448740959167594 ], [ 103.846366882324276, 1.448519945144653 ], [ 103.846618652343693, 1.448340058326721 ], [ 103.846931457519588, 1.448200941085929 ], [ 103.847290039062557, 1.448075056076163 ], [ 103.847694396972713, 1.448035955429191 ], [ 103.848098754882926, 1.448042988777274 ], [ 103.848495483398537, 1.448050022125244 ], [ 103.848876953125114, 1.448061943054199 ], [ 103.849273681640739, 1.448115944862366 ], [ 103.849678039550724, 1.448277950286922 ], [ 103.85014343261723, 1.448333024978751 ], [ 103.850616455078054, 1.448392033576908 ], [ 103.85107421875, 1.44855797290802 ], [ 103.851562500000114, 1.448613047599849 ], [ 103.852043151855526, 1.448675036430416 ], [ 103.852478027343864, 1.448840975761527 ], [ 103.852951049804673, 1.448889017105216 ], [ 103.853446960449332, 1.448889017105216 ], [ 103.853965759277401, 1.448827028274593 ], [ 103.854415893554801, 1.44856500625616 ], [ 103.854759216308651, 1.448125004768428 ], [ 103.855094909668026, 1.447672009468135 ], [ 103.855361938476676, 1.447221040725822 ], [ 103.855575561523381, 1.446789979934636 ], [ 103.855789184570298, 1.446393013000488 ], [ 103.855911254882926, 1.445961952209529 ], [ 103.856079101562543, 1.445574998855705 ], [ 103.856185913085938, 1.445137023925781 ], [ 103.856346130371037, 1.444715976715202 ], [ 103.856369018554688, 1.444198012352047 ], [ 103.856277465820369, 1.443619966507072 ], [ 103.856071472168026, 1.442999958992061 ], [ 103.855682373046932, 1.44239795207983 ], [ 103.855094909668026, 1.441884994506893 ], [ 103.854484558105469, 1.441367983818054 ], [ 103.853897094726548, 1.440827965736389 ], [ 103.853324890136719, 1.44028294086462 ], [ 103.852973937988281, 1.439563035964966 ], [ 103.852767944335938, 1.439213991165161 ], [ 103.852973937988281, 1.439074993133602 ], [ 103.853248596191506, 1.439074993133602 ], [ 103.853477478027273, 1.439200043678284 ], [ 103.854034423828239, 1.439530968666133 ], [ 103.854583740234474, 1.440024971961975 ], [ 103.855094909668026, 1.440508008003235 ], [ 103.85565185546875, 1.440984964370784 ], [ 103.856254577636776, 1.441483974456844 ], [ 103.856872558593864, 1.441650032997245 ], [ 103.857009887695369, 1.441601991653556 ], [ 103.857406616210994, 1.441460967064017 ], [ 103.857864379882756, 1.441128015518245 ], [ 103.858261108398381, 1.440791010856742 ], [ 103.858543395996151, 1.44047200679779 ], [ 103.858734130859432, 1.440168976783752 ], [ 103.858932495117244, 1.439936041832084 ], [ 103.859092712402386, 1.439720034599361 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.439507961273137 ], [ 103.859321594238338, 1.439363956451416 ], [ 103.85948181152348, 1.43914103508007 ], [ 103.859725952148537, 1.438871979713497 ], [ 103.860000610351562, 1.438521027565059 ], [ 103.860282897949276, 1.438138008117789 ], [ 103.860572814941406, 1.43775999546051 ], [ 103.860839843750057, 1.437397003173828 ], [ 103.861114501953054, 1.437085032463017 ], [ 103.861389160156307, 1.436823010444755 ], [ 103.861640930175881, 1.436588048934937 ], [ 103.86185455322277, 1.436344981193542 ], [ 103.862014770507926, 1.436064004898128 ], [ 103.862190246582074, 1.435812950134334 ], [ 103.862297058105469, 1.435508012771663 ], [ 103.862464904785156, 1.435235023498535 ], [ 103.862541198730526, 1.434864997863883 ], [ 103.862701416015625, 1.434494018554744 ], [ 103.862770080566449, 1.434105992317256 ], [ 103.862739562988338, 1.433732986450195 ], [ 103.862579345703168, 1.433385968208313 ], [ 103.862464904785156, 1.433009982109183 ], [ 103.862266540527287, 1.432651996612663 ], [ 103.862083435058594, 1.432247042656059 ], [ 103.861846923828239, 1.431867957115116 ], [ 103.861557006835923, 1.431537985801754 ], [ 103.861305236816349, 1.431185007095394 ], [ 103.861015319824276, 1.430884003639278 ], [ 103.860733032226506, 1.430631041526851 ], [ 103.860527038574332, 1.430397987365836 ], [ 103.860420227050781, 1.430140972137508 ], [ 103.860298156738395, 1.429869055748043 ], [ 103.8602294921875, 1.429456949233952 ], [ 103.860000610351562, 1.429054021835327 ], [ 103.859718322753949, 1.428671002388057 ], [ 103.859413146972656, 1.428346991538945 ], [ 103.859085083007812, 1.428102970123291 ], [ 103.858772277832145, 1.427919030189571 ], [ 103.858528137207088, 1.427685976028556 ], [ 103.858306884765611, 1.42739200592041 ], [ 103.858055114746037, 1.427059054374752 ], [ 103.85782623291027, 1.426669955253658 ], [ 103.857810974121151, 1.426223039627189 ], [ 103.857658386230582, 1.42596805095684 ], [ 103.857315063476562, 1.42522203922266 ], [ 103.857177734375, 1.424805045127982 ], [ 103.857109069824162, 1.424314975738639 ], [ 103.856819152832088, 1.423555970192012 ], [ 103.856529235839787, 1.423176050186157 ], [ 103.856307983398551, 1.42270398139965 ], [ 103.856101989746207, 1.42225003242504 ], [ 103.855857849121151, 1.421849012374992 ], [ 103.855606079101562, 1.421447992324943 ], [ 103.855308532714901, 1.421048998832816 ], [ 103.854988098144645, 1.420645952224788 ], [ 103.854644775390625, 1.420289993286246 ], [ 103.854316711425781, 1.419967055320796 ], [ 103.853988647460994, 1.419590950012264 ], [ 103.853584289550824, 1.41926896572113 ], [ 103.853218078613324, 1.419000029563904 ], [ 103.85292816162108, 1.418709039688167 ], [ 103.852745056152344, 1.418266057968196 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.417778968811092 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.417222976684627 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.416666030883903 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.416388034820557 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.415832042694092 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.413887977600098 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.413609981536979 ], [ 103.849998474121207, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 103.849998474121207, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 103.849723815917955, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 103.849723815917955, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 103.849441528320412, 1.411944031715507 ], [ 103.849441528320412, 1.411388039589042 ], [ 103.8477783203125, 1.409721970558167 ], [ 103.847503662109432, 1.409721970558167 ], [ 103.847366333007926, 1.409582972526607 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.409443974495048 ], [ 103.846946716308693, 1.409443974495048 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.409165978431702 ], [ 103.846168518066463, 1.408846974372977 ], [ 103.845726013183594, 1.408468008041439 ], [ 103.845222473144588, 1.408113002777156 ], [ 103.844642639160213, 1.407811999321041 ], [ 103.844062805175838, 1.40756797790533 ], [ 103.843566894531193, 1.407523036003226 ], [ 103.843162536621207, 1.4075909852981 ], [ 103.842826843261719, 1.407739043235779 ], [ 103.842483520507812, 1.407832980156059 ], [ 103.842163085937557, 1.408010005950985 ], [ 103.841781616210994, 1.408100962638855 ], [ 103.841438293457131, 1.408282041549796 ], [ 103.841056823730582, 1.408475041389579 ], [ 103.840583801269531, 1.408638954162711 ], [ 103.84007263183598, 1.408857941627502 ], [ 103.839469909668011, 1.409019947052002 ], [ 103.838851928710938, 1.409217953681946 ], [ 103.838294982910156, 1.40944600105297 ], [ 103.83780670166027, 1.409626007080135 ], [ 103.837265014648381, 1.409594058990479 ], [ 103.836677551269645, 1.409594058990479 ], [ 103.836158752441406, 1.40969002246868 ], [ 103.835678100585994, 1.409778952598629 ], [ 103.835227966308594, 1.410006999969482 ], [ 103.834724426269588, 1.41027295589447 ], [ 103.834144592285213, 1.410455942154044 ], [ 103.833488464355469, 1.410318970680237 ], [ 103.832817077636776, 1.410161972045898 ], [ 103.832214355468807, 1.409968018531856 ], [ 103.831741333007756, 1.409711003303528 ], [ 103.831321716308707, 1.409443974495048 ], [ 103.830924987793082, 1.409183979034481 ], [ 103.830497741699261, 1.408951997756958 ], [ 103.830062866210938, 1.408702969551086 ], [ 103.829711914062486, 1.4083110094071 ], [ 103.829460144042912, 1.407822966575679 ], [ 103.829269409179631, 1.407320022583121 ], [ 103.829139709472656, 1.406842947006169 ], [ 103.828964233398494, 1.406447052955684 ], [ 103.828849792480568, 1.406057000160274 ], [ 103.828674316406364, 1.405724048614445 ], [ 103.828536987304688, 1.405370950698966 ], [ 103.828346252441406, 1.405056953430233 ], [ 103.828193664550824, 1.404718995094413 ], [ 103.828079223632926, 1.404368042945805 ], [ 103.828079223632926, 1.404010057449455 ], [ 103.828201293945369, 1.40369105339056 ], [ 103.828460693359474, 1.403442978859005 ], [ 103.828674316406364, 1.403205990791434 ], [ 103.828910827636719, 1.403128027915955 ], [ 103.829170227050838, 1.403326988220215 ], [ 103.829444885253835, 1.403607010841483 ], [ 103.829711914062486, 1.403908014297599 ], [ 103.829933166503963, 1.404219985008353 ], [ 103.830101013183651, 1.404531955718937 ], [ 103.830284118652344, 1.404783010482788 ], [ 103.830490112304744, 1.404989957809448 ], [ 103.830703735351619, 1.405174970626945 ], [ 103.830879211425838, 1.405426025390568 ], [ 103.831115722656364, 1.405634999275208 ], [ 103.8314208984375, 1.405830979347343 ], [ 103.831832885742244, 1.405951976776123 ], [ 103.832305908203054, 1.406067967414913 ], [ 103.832824707031307, 1.40615105628973 ], [ 103.833290100097656, 1.406326055526676 ], [ 103.833770751953182, 1.406453967094421 ], [ 103.834190368652457, 1.406622052192802 ], [ 103.834625244140625, 1.406635999679508 ], [ 103.834976196289006, 1.406522035598869 ], [ 103.835227966308594, 1.40635800361639 ], [ 103.835380554199219, 1.406152963638306 ], [ 103.835472106933651, 1.405907034874019 ], [ 103.835319519043082, 1.405604004859981 ], [ 103.835067749023494, 1.405207037925834 ], [ 103.834793090820256, 1.40473997592926 ], [ 103.834480285644531, 1.404274940490836 ], [ 103.83425140380858, 1.40375995635992 ], [ 103.834175109863395, 1.403185009956417 ], [ 103.834220886230398, 1.40262496471405 ], [ 103.834442138671875, 1.402160048484802 ], [ 103.834701538085994, 1.401739954948482 ], [ 103.834899902343807, 1.4013370275498 ], [ 103.834983825683537, 1.400962948799076 ], [ 103.834991455078068, 1.400640010833854 ], [ 103.834922790527401, 1.400367975234985 ], [ 103.834785461425724, 1.400140047073478 ], [ 103.834709167480526, 1.399883031845206 ], [ 103.834625244140625, 1.399624943733215 ], [ 103.834571838379006, 1.399374961853084 ], [ 103.834701538085994, 1.399057984352112 ], [ 103.834861755371094, 1.398705005645752 ], [ 103.835182189941349, 1.398432970047111 ], [ 103.835548400878849, 1.398223996162471 ], [ 103.835906982421974, 1.398036956787223 ], [ 103.836212158203182, 1.397851943969727 ], [ 103.836540222167969, 1.397786021232548 ], [ 103.836906433105469, 1.397776961326656 ], [ 103.83734130859375, 1.39777505397808 ], [ 103.837890625, 1.39777505397808 ], [ 103.838523864746136, 1.397781968116874 ], [ 103.839172363281193, 1.397873044014091 ], [ 103.839706420898551, 1.398269057273978 ], [ 103.840225219726619, 1.398617982864437 ], [ 103.840560913085938, 1.39910101890564 ], [ 103.840827941894588, 1.399606943130436 ], [ 103.84104156494152, 1.400117993354797 ], [ 103.841163635253963, 1.400632977485714 ], [ 103.841384887695355, 1.401036024093685 ], [ 103.841636657714957, 1.401361942291373 ], [ 103.841896057128906, 1.401605963707084 ], [ 103.842262268066406, 1.401633024215755 ], [ 103.842666625976548, 1.401473999023438 ], [ 103.843070983886776, 1.401186943054256 ], [ 103.843467712402401, 1.400910973548832 ], [ 103.843849182128963, 1.40080797672266 ], [ 103.844131469726506, 1.400846958160514 ], [ 103.844367980957031, 1.401026964187622 ], [ 103.844627380371151, 1.40131402015686 ], [ 103.844879150390724, 1.401780962944031 ], [ 103.844985961914119, 1.402356028556937 ], [ 103.845046997070426, 1.402904987335319 ], [ 103.845199584960994, 1.403318047523498 ], [ 103.84543609619152, 1.403625011444092 ], [ 103.845764160156307, 1.403903007507381 ], [ 103.846191406250099, 1.404170036315918 ], [ 103.846702575683651, 1.404448032379207 ], [ 103.847267150878963, 1.404749035835323 ], [ 103.847831726074219, 1.405063033104057 ], [ 103.848243713378963, 1.405514955520687 ], [ 103.848686218261832, 1.40590405464178 ], [ 103.849136352539062, 1.406250953674316 ], [ 103.849555969238338, 1.4066179990769 ], [ 103.850051879882756, 1.406929969787711 ], [ 103.850570678711051, 1.407222032547111 ], [ 103.851066589355469, 1.407502055168208 ], [ 103.851493835449276, 1.407788991928214 ], [ 103.85182952880858, 1.408103942871094 ], [ 103.852073669433651, 1.408470988273677 ], [ 103.852279663085994, 1.40885603427887 ], [ 103.852478027343864, 1.409222960472164 ], [ 103.852645874023494, 1.40957605838787 ], [ 103.852851867675824, 1.409876942634583 ], [ 103.853179931640682, 1.410099983215446 ], [ 103.853614807128963, 1.41030299663538 ], [ 103.854064941406193, 1.410604000091496 ], [ 103.854530334472699, 1.410994052887077 ], [ 103.855056762695312, 1.411424040794429 ], [ 103.855613708496094, 1.411806941032523 ], [ 103.856086730957088, 1.412137985229549 ], [ 103.85648345947277, 1.41247296333313 ], [ 103.856895446777457, 1.412775993347168 ], [ 103.857315063476562, 1.413071990013123 ], [ 103.857704162597642, 1.413404941558895 ], [ 103.858039855957145, 1.413774013519287 ], [ 103.858322143554688, 1.414147973060665 ], [ 103.858566284179744, 1.414510011673087 ], [ 103.85870361328125, 1.414939045906124 ], [ 103.858901977539119, 1.415375947952384 ], [ 103.859146118164119, 1.415830016136113 ], [ 103.859390258789006, 1.416300058364925 ], [ 103.859756469726676, 1.416654944419861 ], [ 103.860168457031179, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 103.860557556152344, 1.417233943939323 ], [ 103.860900878906364, 1.417603015899658 ], [ 103.861129760742188, 1.418125033378715 ], [ 103.861381530761776, 1.418722033500728 ], [ 103.861618041992244, 1.419381022453422 ], [ 103.861923217773423, 1.4200119972229 ], [ 103.862228393554801, 1.420606970787162 ], [ 103.862518310546875, 1.42112398147583 ], [ 103.862731933593807, 1.421573042869625 ], [ 103.862777709961051, 1.422031998634395 ], [ 103.862808227539176, 1.422495961189327 ], [ 103.862983703613395, 1.422948002815303 ], [ 103.863342285156307, 1.423349022865352 ], [ 103.863761901855582, 1.42374503612524 ], [ 103.864250183105526, 1.424062013626212 ], [ 103.864799499511719, 1.424255967140254 ], [ 103.865325927734375, 1.424456954002437 ], [ 103.865821838378963, 1.424667954444999 ], [ 103.866348266601619, 1.424769043922367 ], [ 103.866851806640611, 1.424949049949703 ], [ 103.867485046386761, 1.425001025199947 ], [ 103.868156433105582, 1.425037980079651 ], [ 103.868797302246094, 1.425099015235958 ], [ 103.869384765625, 1.424800992012081 ], [ 103.870048522949332, 1.424684047698975 ], [ 103.870468139648381, 1.424504041671867 ], [ 103.870941162109432, 1.424249053001461 ], [ 103.871536254882869, 1.424005031585807 ], [ 103.87187194824223, 1.423894047737178 ], [ 103.8721923828125, 1.423388004303035 ], [ 103.872558593749943, 1.422932028770503 ], [ 103.872970581054688, 1.422579050064144 ], [ 103.873374938964844, 1.422212004661503 ], [ 103.873764038085938, 1.421813011169434 ], [ 103.874130249023438, 1.421398043632621 ], [ 103.874443054199318, 1.420930981636104 ], [ 103.874717712402344, 1.420433998107967 ], [ 103.874977111816463, 1.419932007789669 ], [ 103.875221252441349, 1.419461011886597 ], [ 103.875473022460938, 1.419039011001701 ], [ 103.875793457031193, 1.418696999549809 ], [ 103.876152038574332, 1.418370962143001 ], [ 103.876564025878835, 1.418069958686885 ], [ 103.877044677734432, 1.417808055877742 ], [ 103.877639770507855, 1.417580008506888 ], [ 103.878349304199219, 1.417400002479553 ], [ 103.878746032714901, 1.41722905635828 ], [ 103.87895202636723, 1.416955947875977 ], [ 103.879234313964773, 1.416664004325924 ], [ 103.879577636718864, 1.416391015052795 ], [ 103.879928588867244, 1.416170001030082 ], [ 103.880157470703239, 1.415928006172294 ], [ 103.880302429199276, 1.415696024894771 ], [ 103.880310058593793, 1.41511702537548 ], [ 103.880226135253906, 1.414348959922847 ], [ 103.880241394042969, 1.413789987564087 ], [ 103.880325317382926, 1.413414001464957 ], [ 103.880386352539006, 1.413020014762878 ], [ 103.880424499511719, 1.412626028060913 ], [ 103.880729675293082, 1.412441015243587 ], [ 103.880966186523423, 1.412750959396419 ], [ 103.881156921386705, 1.413275003433227 ], [ 103.881233215332074, 1.413884043693599 ], [ 103.881225585937557, 1.41459500789648 ], [ 103.881057739257869, 1.415380954742545 ], [ 103.881034851074276, 1.415992021560669 ], [ 103.881294250488395, 1.416331052780151 ], [ 103.881683349609489, 1.416648030281067 ], [ 103.882232666015724, 1.416882991790885 ], [ 103.882919311523438, 1.416990041732788 ], [ 103.883590698242287, 1.417024016380424 ], [ 103.884315490722713, 1.41682600975048 ], [ 103.884979248046875, 1.416591048240662 ], [ 103.88555908203125, 1.416273951530513 ], [ 103.886192321777401, 1.415941953659058 ], [ 103.886817932129006, 1.415627002716178 ], [ 103.887420654296974, 1.415335059165955 ], [ 103.887977600097756, 1.415076017379704 ], [ 103.888336181640739, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.88861083984375, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.889442443847713, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.889724731445256, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.890830993652457, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.89111328125, 1.414165973663444 ], [ 103.891670227050781, 1.414165973663444 ], [ 103.892227172851562, 1.414145946502686 ], [ 103.892723083496207, 1.414065957069511 ], [ 103.893264770507869, 1.414029002189636 ], [ 103.893737792968679, 1.41389703750616 ], [ 103.894096374511832, 1.413663029670829 ], [ 103.894378662109418, 1.413300037384147 ], [ 103.89463043212902, 1.412866950035209 ], [ 103.894844055175881, 1.412351965904293 ], [ 103.894889831542969, 1.411806941032523 ], [ 103.894729614257812, 1.411329030990657 ], [ 103.894515991210938, 1.410895943641719 ], [ 103.894325256347642, 1.410513043403625 ], [ 103.894126892089844, 1.410114049911556 ], [ 103.893882751464957, 1.409744977951163 ], [ 103.893623352050838, 1.409420967102051 ], [ 103.89337158203125, 1.40914094448101 ], [ 103.893142700195412, 1.408890008926505 ], [ 103.892929077148537, 1.408663988113403 ], [ 103.892677307128963, 1.408475041389579 ], [ 103.892463684082031, 1.40821099281311 ], [ 103.892173767089943, 1.407961964607239 ], [ 103.891784667968864, 1.407745957374516 ], [ 103.891387939453239, 1.407500028610229 ], [ 103.890556335449219, 1.406667947769222 ], [ 103.890556335449219, 1.406389951705876 ], [ 103.889999389648494, 1.405833959579581 ], [ 103.889724731445256, 1.405833959579581 ], [ 103.889724731445256, 1.405555963516292 ], [ 103.889442443847713, 1.405277967453117 ], [ 103.888336181640739, 1.405277967453117 ], [ 103.888053894042969, 1.404999971389827 ], [ 103.887779235839957, 1.404999971389827 ], [ 103.887359619140682, 1.404582023620605 ], [ 103.886947631835994, 1.404165029525871 ], [ 103.886947631835994, 1.40389001369482 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.403612017631644 ], [ 103.886390686035213, 1.403334021568355 ], [ 103.886108398437443, 1.403054952621517 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.402498960495052 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.402220964431763 ], [ 103.886947631835994, 1.401945948600826 ], [ 103.887222290039176, 1.401945948600826 ], [ 103.887496948242188, 1.402220964431763 ], [ 103.887496948242188, 1.402498960495052 ], [ 103.887779235839957, 1.402776956558228 ], [ 103.887779235839957, 1.403054952621517 ], [ 103.888053894042969, 1.403334021568355 ], [ 103.88861083984375, 1.403334021568355 ], [ 103.889167785644531, 1.403632044792232 ], [ 103.889671325683707, 1.403892040252742 ], [ 103.890144348144531, 1.404163002967948 ], [ 103.890586853027401, 1.404407024383659 ], [ 103.891014099121193, 1.40454804897314 ], [ 103.891380310058651, 1.404744029045162 ], [ 103.891716003418026, 1.405004024505672 ], [ 103.892059326171875, 1.405277967453117 ], [ 103.892395019531193, 1.405542016029358 ], [ 103.892723083496207, 1.405792951583862 ], [ 103.893035888671861, 1.406077980995292 ], [ 103.893409729003906, 1.40635097026825 ], [ 103.893844604492244, 1.406579017639274 ], [ 103.894332885742188, 1.406646966934204 ], [ 103.894790649414105, 1.406574010849113 ], [ 103.895278930664062, 1.406111955642757 ], [ 103.895553588867244, 1.406389951705876 ], [ 103.895553588867244, 1.406667947769222 ], [ 103.89444732666027, 1.407778024673576 ], [ 103.894721984863281, 1.408056020736694 ], [ 103.894721984863281, 1.40833401680004 ], [ 103.894996643066463, 1.408612012863216 ], [ 103.894996643066463, 1.408887982368583 ], [ 103.895553588867244, 1.409443974495048 ], [ 103.895553588867244, 1.410555958747977 ], [ 103.895729064941463, 1.410665035247803 ], [ 103.895980834961037, 1.410953044891357 ], [ 103.896186828613395, 1.411370038986206 ], [ 103.896354675293082, 1.41180503368372 ], [ 103.896469116210938, 1.4122589826585 ], [ 103.896667480468807, 1.412646055221671 ], [ 103.896942138671989, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 103.896942138671989, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.897644042968807, 1.416108012199459 ], [ 103.898063659668082, 1.416803002357483 ], [ 103.89847564697277, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.899444580078068, 1.417500972747803 ], [ 103.899719238281307, 1.417778968811092 ], [ 103.900039672851562, 1.417925000190792 ], [ 103.900474548339844, 1.418246030807495 ], [ 103.900993347167969, 1.418583035469169 ], [ 103.901260375976619, 1.418706059455928 ], [ 103.901664733886776, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 103.902221679687557, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 103.902496337890568, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.903335571289062, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.903610229492301, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 103.903892517089844, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.90444183349608, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.904724121093807, 1.41944503784174 ], [ 103.904998779296861, 1.41944503784174 ], [ 103.905555725097599, 1.420001029968261 ], [ 103.906112670898551, 1.420001029968261 ], [ 103.906387329101562, 1.420279026031551 ], [ 103.906669616699332, 1.420279026031551 ], [ 103.907218933105582, 1.420832991600093 ], [ 103.907501220703125, 1.420832991600093 ], [ 103.907775878906307, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.908058166503906, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.908332824707088, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 103.908607482910099, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 103.908889770507869, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.909721374511832, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.910110473632926, 1.421324968338012 ], [ 103.910491943359489, 1.421473026275635 ], [ 103.910873413086037, 1.421674013137817 ], [ 103.911293029785156, 1.421872019767761 ], [ 103.911804199218864, 1.42189002037054 ], [ 103.912330627441463, 1.421707987785453 ], [ 103.912933349609432, 1.421502947807426 ], [ 103.913436889648438, 1.420953989029044 ], [ 103.913528442382926, 1.42025196552288 ], [ 103.913330078125114, 1.419631958007869 ], [ 103.913101196289105, 1.419127941131649 ], [ 103.913009643554688, 1.418617010116634 ], [ 103.913009643554688, 1.418269038200435 ], [ 103.91294097900402, 1.417502999305725 ], [ 103.91294097900402, 1.41715395450592 ], [ 103.913009643554688, 1.416039943695011 ], [ 103.913352966308707, 1.415483951568717 ], [ 103.913352966308707, 1.414368987083549 ], [ 103.913467407226605, 1.414006948471126 ], [ 103.913154602050881, 1.413599014282283 ], [ 103.913078308105511, 1.413051962852535 ], [ 103.913032531738281, 1.412430047988948 ], [ 103.912864685058594, 1.411857008934135 ], [ 103.912857055664062, 1.411242008209342 ], [ 103.913055419921875, 1.410734057426566 ], [ 103.913276672363338, 1.410312056541443 ], [ 103.913467407226605, 1.409906983375549 ], [ 103.913757324218693, 1.409556031227112 ], [ 103.914016723632798, 1.40917897224432 ], [ 103.914291381836051, 1.408849000930786 ], [ 103.914710998535099, 1.408741950988883 ], [ 103.914993286132855, 1.408799052238464 ], [ 103.915191650390682, 1.4086190462113 ], [ 103.915428161621207, 1.408063054084835 ], [ 103.915687561035156, 1.40772104263317 ], [ 103.915962219238324, 1.407474994659538 ], [ 103.916290283203125, 1.407248973846436 ], [ 103.916656494140625, 1.406927943229732 ], [ 103.917037963867188, 1.406512975692806 ], [ 103.917396545410156, 1.406052947044373 ], [ 103.917800903320298, 1.405596971511841 ], [ 103.918258666992244, 1.405158996582088 ], [ 103.918708801269474, 1.404634952545166 ], [ 103.919097900390568, 1.404049038887081 ], [ 103.91949462890625, 1.403596043586788 ], [ 103.919845581054787, 1.403254032135123 ], [ 103.920280456542969, 1.403054952621517 ], [ 103.920280456542969, 1.402498960495052 ], [ 103.921112060546932, 1.40166699886322 ], [ 103.921112060546932, 1.401389002800045 ], [ 103.921386718749929, 1.401111006736755 ], [ 103.921386718749929, 1.40083301067358 ], [ 103.921112060546932, 1.400555014610291 ], [ 103.921112060546932, 1.399999022483769 ], [ 103.920280456542969, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.920280456542969, 1.39722299575817 ], [ 103.919998168945426, 1.396944999694824 ], [ 103.919998168945426, 1.396667003631649 ], [ 103.919723510742188, 1.396389007568359 ], [ 103.919723510742188, 1.396111011505184 ], [ 103.919441223144645, 1.395833015441895 ], [ 103.919441223144645, 1.395555019378719 ], [ 103.919723510742188, 1.39527702331543 ], [ 103.919723510742188, 1.395001053810176 ], [ 103.919441223144645, 1.394723057746887 ], [ 103.919441223144645, 1.394444942474365 ], [ 103.918609619140668, 1.393610954284782 ], [ 103.918334960937443, 1.393610954284782 ], [ 103.917778015136719, 1.39305496215826 ], [ 103.917434692382798, 1.392259001731986 ], [ 103.917297363281293, 1.392120003700256 ], [ 103.916877746582017, 1.391770958900452 ], [ 103.916809082031193, 1.391561985015812 ], [ 103.91660308837902, 1.391422986984253 ], [ 103.916534423828182, 1.391283988952694 ], [ 103.917160034179801, 1.390795946121273 ], [ 103.917846679687557, 1.391561985015812 ], [ 103.918266296386776, 1.392120003700256 ], [ 103.919303894042969, 1.393164038658142 ], [ 103.919784545898494, 1.39365196228033 ], [ 103.920410156250114, 1.394207954406795 ], [ 103.920959472656364, 1.394626975059452 ], [ 103.921585083007756, 1.395043969154358 ], [ 103.921928405761832, 1.395463943481502 ], [ 103.924034118652457, 1.397148013114929 ], [ 103.924659729003906, 1.397426009178275 ], [ 103.925140380859432, 1.397845029830932 ], [ 103.925765991210881, 1.398123025894279 ], [ 103.926521301269645, 1.398471951484737 ], [ 103.92694091796875, 1.398610949516296 ], [ 103.927780151367244, 1.398610949516296 ], [ 103.928054809570241, 1.398888945579642 ], [ 103.928337097168026, 1.398888945579642 ], [ 103.928886413574219, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.929168701171989, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.929443359374986, 1.399723052978572 ], [ 103.931114196777287, 1.399723052978572 ], [ 103.931388854980511, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.93194580078125, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.932220458984489, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.933052062988281, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.933334350585994, 1.398888945579642 ], [ 103.933944702148551, 1.398805022239685 ], [ 103.934516906738395, 1.398470044136104 ], [ 103.934921264648366, 1.397917985916195 ], [ 103.935111999511648, 1.397405028343258 ], [ 103.935302734374943, 1.39697194099432 ], [ 103.935501098632741, 1.396569013595695 ], [ 103.935546875, 1.396129012107792 ], [ 103.935554504394517, 1.395717024803275 ], [ 103.935592651367244, 1.395357012748775 ], [ 103.935737609863281, 1.395071983337516 ], [ 103.935821533203168, 1.394757032394523 ], [ 103.935844421386832, 1.394426941871757 ], [ 103.936080932617116, 1.393542051315364 ], [ 103.936286926269517, 1.392912983894462 ], [ 103.936630249023551, 1.392148017883414 ], [ 103.936904907226562, 1.391868948936406 ], [ 103.937187194824318, 1.39131295680994 ], [ 103.937393188476676, 1.390854954719657 ], [ 103.937667846679688, 1.3903950452804 ], [ 103.938087463378963, 1.39001202583313 ], [ 103.938583374023438, 1.389713048934993 ], [ 103.939178466796875, 1.389574050903377 ], [ 103.93975830078125, 1.389430999755916 ], [ 103.94017028808598, 1.389255046844482 ], [ 103.940383911132855, 1.388913035392818 ], [ 103.940643310546804, 1.388519048690853 ], [ 103.940979003906364, 1.38810396194458 ], [ 103.94142913818358, 1.38775098323822 ], [ 103.94193267822277, 1.387446045875549 ], [ 103.942420959472656, 1.387163043022213 ], [ 103.942878723144574, 1.386855006218013 ], [ 103.943367004394531, 1.386589050292969 ], [ 103.943916320800781, 1.386368036270255 ], [ 103.94443511962902, 1.386078000068778 ], [ 103.944854736328068, 1.385692954063416 ], [ 103.945213317871193, 1.385303020477352 ], [ 103.945564270019645, 1.384992957115173 ], [ 103.945899963378963, 1.384747028350887 ], [ 103.946304321289119, 1.384596943855286 ], [ 103.946784973144517, 1.38447105884552 ], [ 103.94730377197277, 1.384392023086605 ], [ 103.94777679443358, 1.384199976921138 ], [ 103.948234558105582, 1.383988022804317 ], [ 103.948562622070369, 1.383633017539978 ], [ 103.948844909667912, 1.383206009864921 ], [ 103.949272155761719, 1.383023977279663 ], [ 103.949729919433651, 1.382819056510925 ], [ 103.950271606445369, 1.38273203372961 ], [ 103.950790405273438, 1.382545948028621 ], [ 103.951339721679631, 1.382501959800777 ], [ 103.951873779296989, 1.382498025894279 ], [ 103.952384948730526, 1.382500052452201 ], [ 103.952888488769531, 1.382501959800777 ], [ 103.953414916992301, 1.382501959800777 ], [ 103.953979492187614, 1.382482051849422 ], [ 103.954536437988395, 1.38237202167511 ], [ 103.955024719238267, 1.382143974304256 ], [ 103.955551147460938, 1.381979942321777 ], [ 103.956138610839844, 1.38189804553997 ], [ 103.956718444824219, 1.381695032119865 ], [ 103.957321166992244, 1.381556034088135 ], [ 103.957878112792969, 1.381422042846737 ], [ 103.958419799804688, 1.381389975547847 ], [ 103.958923339843864, 1.381387948989925 ], [ 103.959388732910156, 1.381387948989925 ], [ 103.959823608398494, 1.381387948989925 ], [ 103.96024322509777, 1.381387948989925 ], [ 103.960639953613381, 1.381389975547847 ], [ 103.961021423339957, 1.381415009498596 ], [ 103.96140289306652, 1.381533980369625 ], [ 103.961807250976676, 1.381643056869621 ], [ 103.962265014648438, 1.381665945053044 ], [ 103.962783813476491, 1.381688952446041 ], [ 103.963333129882926, 1.381793022155875 ], [ 103.963890075683693, 1.38194394111639 ], [ 103.964447021484489, 1.38194394111639 ], [ 103.965194702148494, 1.381858944892997 ], [ 103.966438293457031, 1.381718039512634 ], [ 103.9674072265625, 1.381579041481075 ], [ 103.966995239257812, 1.382416009902954 ], [ 103.965888977050781, 1.382416009902954 ], [ 103.965332031250057, 1.38283300399786 ], [ 103.965553283691463, 1.383056044578666 ], [ 103.965553283691463, 1.383334040641842 ], [ 103.964996337890682, 1.383888006210384 ], [ 103.964996337890682, 1.384166002273673 ], [ 103.965278625488281, 1.384443998336849 ], [ 103.965278625488281, 1.384721994400138 ], [ 103.965553283691463, 1.384999990463314 ], [ 103.965553283691463, 1.385555982589779 ], [ 103.965888977050781, 1.385889053344727 ], [ 103.966392517089787, 1.38638794422161 ], [ 103.966918945312614, 1.385784029960632 ], [ 103.966842651367188, 1.385236978530884 ], [ 103.967803955078125, 1.384958982467708 ], [ 103.969192504882855, 1.385236978530884 ], [ 103.969825744628849, 1.385645031929073 ], [ 103.970794677734318, 1.386482000350895 ], [ 103.971389770507812, 1.387500047683772 ], [ 103.97171783447277, 1.387814998626766 ], [ 103.972129821777287, 1.388049960136414 ], [ 103.972434997558651, 1.38824999332428 ], [ 103.972579956054744, 1.388502955436706 ], [ 103.972724914550781, 1.388726949691829 ], [ 103.972824096679744, 1.388990998268241 ], [ 103.973014831543026, 1.389271020889339 ], [ 103.973190307617244, 1.389574050903377 ], [ 103.973365783691463, 1.389855027198792 ], [ 103.973587036132869, 1.390077948570308 ], [ 103.973800659179801, 1.390326023101863 ], [ 103.973991394043082, 1.390655040740967 ], [ 103.974212646484318, 1.391039967536983 ], [ 103.974494934082088, 1.391443014145011 ], [ 103.974792480468679, 1.391865015029907 ], [ 103.97513580322277, 1.392209053039551 ], [ 103.975471496582088, 1.392508029937687 ], [ 103.975814819335938, 1.392763018608036 ], [ 103.976242065429744, 1.392846941947994 ], [ 103.976928710937486, 1.392413973808402 ], [ 103.977699279785156, 1.392331957817077 ], [ 103.978462219238281, 1.392568945884818 ], [ 103.978813171386719, 1.392810940742606 ], [ 103.97916412353527, 1.393051981926021 ], [ 103.979598999023423, 1.393002033233756 ], [ 103.980041503906307, 1.392799019813651 ], [ 103.980545043945298, 1.39267194271082 ], [ 103.981109619140625, 1.392725944519043 ], [ 103.981681823730469, 1.39267194271082 ], [ 103.982192993164176, 1.392750978469905 ], [ 103.982704162597713, 1.392773985862732 ], [ 103.983215332031236, 1.392758011818046 ], [ 103.983757019042912, 1.39267897605896 ], [ 103.984359741210938, 1.392660021781865 ], [ 103.985000610351619, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.986114501953125, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.986389160156364, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.986663818359375, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.986946105957145, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.987503051757869, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.987777709960938, 1.392776966094971 ], [ 103.988052368164119, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.988609313964901, 1.392500996589774 ], [ 103.988891601562599, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.989723205566406, 1.392223000526428 ], [ 103.989997863769645, 1.391945004463309 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.391945004463309 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.391667008399963 ], [ 103.991386413574162, 1.391667008399963 ], [ 103.991668701171932, 1.391389012336788 ], [ 103.992500305175895, 1.391389012336788 ], [ 103.992774963378906, 1.391111016273499 ], [ 103.993057250976676, 1.391111016273499 ], [ 103.993331909179688, 1.390831947326717 ], [ 103.993927001953111, 1.390800952911491 ], [ 103.99446868896483, 1.390656948089713 ], [ 103.995010375976506, 1.390478968620357 ], [ 103.995552062988395, 1.390279054641837 ], [ 103.995834350585938, 1.390001058578491 ], [ 103.997497558593693, 1.390001058578491 ], [ 103.997619628906293, 1.390118956565857 ], [ 103.997779846191463, 1.390279054641837 ], [ 103.998054504394474, 1.390275955200195 ], [ 103.998886108398438, 1.391111016273499 ], [ 103.999725341796989, 1.391111016273499 ], [ 104.0, 1.390831947326717 ], [ 104.000274658203182, 1.390553951263541 ], [ 104.000350952148366, 1.389788985252494 ], [ 104.000274658203182, 1.388118028640804 ], [ 104.000350952148366, 1.387282013893241 ], [ 104.001113891601506, 1.386028051376343 ], [ 104.001129150390625, 1.385593056678829 ], [ 104.001228332519588, 1.385172963142509 ], [ 104.001388549804744, 1.384786009788513 ], [ 104.001556396484375, 1.384428024291992 ], [ 104.001693725585881, 1.384093046188411 ], [ 104.001861572265739, 1.383813023567313 ], [ 104.001937866210938, 1.383499979972896 ], [ 104.002006530761761, 1.38318395614624 ], [ 104.002159118652386, 1.382912039756775 ], [ 104.00223541259777, 1.382581949234009 ], [ 104.002365112304744, 1.382279038429317 ], [ 104.002586364746207, 1.38201904296875 ], [ 104.002700805664062, 1.381626963615417 ], [ 104.00278472900402, 1.381240010261649 ], [ 104.002906799316463, 1.380902051925659 ], [ 104.003135681152401, 1.380628943443298 ], [ 104.003280639648438, 1.38028001785284 ], [ 104.003417968749986, 1.379930973053035 ], [ 104.003593444824162, 1.379634976387081 ], [ 104.003738403320412, 1.379320979118404 ], [ 104.003868103027401, 1.378970026969967 ], [ 104.003952026367301, 1.378579974174556 ], [ 104.004127502441506, 1.378232955932731 ], [ 104.004203796386719, 1.377854943275452 ], [ 104.004364013671818, 1.377555966377258 ], [ 104.004478454589901, 1.377223968505916 ], [ 104.004699707031364, 1.37695503234869 ], [ 104.004882812500114, 1.376639962196293 ], [ 104.005035400390682, 1.376289010047913 ], [ 104.005256652832145, 1.375985980033875 ], [ 104.005462646484474, 1.375637054443359 ], [ 104.005622863769574, 1.375226974487418 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.375002026557979 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.374165058135986 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.374166965484733 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.373888969421386 ], [ 104.007774353027457, 1.373888969421386 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.373332977294922 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.373190045356807 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.373054981231803 ], [ 104.007499694824276, 1.372220993041992 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.372223019599915 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.371667027473449 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.371389031410331 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.371111035346985 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.370833039283866 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.37055504322052 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.370277047157344 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.369999051094055 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.369722962379512 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.368888974189872 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.368610978126526 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.3672230243684 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.366945028305054 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.366667032241935 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.366389036178589 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.365278959274406 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.36388897895813 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.363610029220695 ], [ 104.004722595214957, 1.363332033157405 ], [ 104.004646301269588, 1.36299097538 ], [ 104.004478454589901, 1.362642049789542 ], [ 104.004341125488381, 1.362243056297416 ], [ 104.004249572753963, 1.361817002296448 ], [ 104.004173278808537, 1.361338019371146 ], [ 104.004104614257869, 1.360715985298157 ], [ 104.003852844238281, 1.360147953033561 ], [ 104.003585815429631, 1.359699010848999 ], [ 104.003318786621136, 1.359362006187439 ], [ 104.00307464599608, 1.35907697677618 ], [ 104.002891540527344, 1.358796954155082 ], [ 104.002761840820355, 1.358507037162837 ], [ 104.002624511718864, 1.35822498798376 ], [ 104.002525329589886, 1.357890009880066 ], [ 104.00241851806652, 1.357480049133244 ], [ 104.002311706542969, 1.357000946998596 ], [ 104.002204895019645, 1.35649299621582 ], [ 104.002067565917912, 1.356080055236816 ], [ 104.001930236816406, 1.355700016021785 ], [ 104.001838684082145, 1.35529804229742 ], [ 104.001716613769517, 1.354954004287777 ], [ 104.001457214355568, 1.354694008827266 ], [ 104.001373291015611, 1.354395985603389 ], [ 104.001335144042969, 1.354007959365902 ], [ 104.001121520996037, 1.353530049324092 ], [ 104.000968933105469, 1.352975964546204 ], [ 104.0, 1.35277795791626 ], [ 103.999725341796989, 1.352452039718741 ], [ 103.999374389648551, 1.351405978202934 ], [ 103.998680114746094, 1.350152015686035 ], [ 103.998130798339844, 1.348690986633414 ], [ 103.997215270996151, 1.34667003154766 ], [ 103.997039794921932, 1.34613394737255 ], [ 103.996551513671875, 1.344763994217033 ], [ 103.996002197265625, 1.34378898143774 ], [ 103.996276855468807, 1.343093991279659 ], [ 103.995376586914176, 1.34197902679449 ], [ 103.995170593261832, 1.340587019920463 ], [ 103.995033264160156, 1.339750051498413 ], [ 103.994544982910213, 1.338775038719291 ], [ 103.993644714355582, 1.336824059486332 ], [ 103.993026733398494, 1.334943056106624 ], [ 103.99163818359375, 1.331599950790519 ], [ 103.990638732910142, 1.329311966896057 ], [ 103.990776062011832, 1.328964948654175 ], [ 103.991470336914119, 1.328894972801152 ], [ 103.991676330566463, 1.328546047210693 ], [ 103.992713928222585, 1.328129053115788 ], [ 103.992782592773438, 1.327502012252864 ], [ 103.993270874023551, 1.327224016189689 ], [ 103.993957519531307, 1.327224016189689 ], [ 103.994445800781193, 1.32694399356842 ], [ 103.995002746581974, 1.32694399356842 ], [ 103.996109008789176, 1.325834035873413 ], [ 103.996109008789176, 1.325556039810294 ], [ 103.995834350585938, 1.325278043746948 ], [ 103.995834350585938, 1.32500004768383 ], [ 103.994445800781193, 1.3236119747163 ], [ 103.994445800781193, 1.323333978652954 ], [ 103.994720458984432, 1.323055982589835 ], [ 103.994720458984432, 1.32277703285223 ], [ 103.995277404785213, 1.32277703285223 ], [ 103.996665954589901, 1.3213889598847 ], [ 103.997779846191463, 1.3213889598847 ], [ 103.998054504394474, 1.321110963821411 ], [ 103.999443054199219, 1.321110963821411 ], [ 104.0, 1.321946024894828 ], [ 104.000274658203182, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.000556945800767, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.000831604003963, 1.321946024894828 ], [ 104.001113891601506, 1.321946024894828 ], [ 104.001388549804744, 1.321668028831482 ], [ 104.001945495605469, 1.321668028831482 ], [ 104.002220153808707, 1.3213889598847 ], [ 104.00250244140625, 1.3213889598847 ], [ 104.003334045410213, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.004165649414006, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.004722595214957, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.005279541015739, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.006111145019531, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 104.007354736328224, 1.322353959083671 ], [ 104.007499694824276, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 104.00888824462902, 1.323055982589835 ], [ 104.009719848632812, 1.323055982589835 ], [ 104.010002136230526, 1.32277703285223 ], [ 104.011665344238281, 1.32277703285223 ], [ 104.011947631836051, 1.323055982589835 ], [ 104.01277923583983, 1.323055982589835 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.324167966842765 ], [ 104.014999389648551, 1.324167966842765 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.323889970779476 ], [ 104.015556335449332, 1.323889970779476 ], [ 104.015830993652344, 1.324167966842765 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.324167966842765 ], [ 104.016944885253849, 1.324444055557308 ], [ 104.017219543457074, 1.324444055557308 ], [ 104.018348693847642, 1.324653029441947 ], [ 104.021118164062614, 1.324653029441947 ], [ 104.022781372070369, 1.324699044227714 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.324722051620483 ], [ 104.025001525878892, 1.324722051620483 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.32500004768383 ], [ 104.026779174804744, 1.324839949607849 ], [ 104.028366088867301, 1.324839949607849 ], [ 104.028579711914006, 1.324926972389164 ], [ 104.029441833496136, 1.325278043746948 ], [ 104.032218933105469, 1.325278043746948 ], [ 104.032493591308651, 1.325003981590328 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.324722051620483 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.324444055557308 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.324167966842765 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.3236119747163 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.323333978652954 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.321946024894828 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.3213889598847 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.321110963821411 ], [ 104.034164428710923, 1.319723010063228 ], [ 104.034446716308707, 1.319723010063228 ], [ 104.035003662109432, 1.319167017936763 ], [ 104.035003662109432, 1.318333029746952 ], [ 104.034721374511719, 1.318055033683834 ], [ 104.034721374511719, 1.317499041557369 ], [ 104.034164428710923, 1.31694495677948 ], [ 104.033889770507926, 1.31694495677948 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.316388964653015 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.31583297252655 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.313333034515438 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 104.032218933105469, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 104.031669616699205, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.031669616699205, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 104.031112670898438, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 104.031112670898438, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.028335571289176, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.027778625488395, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 104.028335571289176, 1.318055033683834 ], [ 104.028335571289176, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 104.027221679687614, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.319723010063228 ], [ 104.026664733886662, 1.319723010063228 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.319167017936763 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.318889021873417 ], [ 104.025833129882869, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 104.025558471679673, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.318889021873417 ], [ 104.025001525878892, 1.318889021873417 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.319167017936763 ], [ 104.023330688476605, 1.319167017936763 ], [ 104.022781372070369, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 104.022781372070369, 1.31694495677948 ], [ 104.023056030273381, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 104.023056030273381, 1.316388964653015 ], [ 104.023330688476605, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 104.023330688476605, 1.31583297252655 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 104.024719238281349, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.025558471679673, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.311110973358154 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 104.027221679687614, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.027221679687614, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.026390075683651, 1.309165954589844 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.309165954589844 ], [ 104.025833129882869, 1.309445023536682 ], [ 104.025558471679673, 1.309445023536682 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 104.025001525878892, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 104.024719238281349, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.023330688476605, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.022499084472656, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 104.022499084472656, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.022224426269588, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 104.022224426269588, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 104.021942138671861, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 104.021942138671861, 1.313333034515438 ], [ 104.022224426269588, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 104.022224426269588, 1.314445018768367 ], [ 104.021667480468864, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.02138519287108, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 104.020835876464886, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 104.020553588867301, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.019721984863338, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.019447326660142, 1.315279006958008 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.315276980400029 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.011665344238281, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 104.01139068603527, 1.315276980400029 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.315279006958008 ], [ 104.010276794433537, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.010002136230526, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 104.009719848632812, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 104.00888824462902, 1.314167022705078 ], [ 104.007774353027457, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 104.007499694824276, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 104.006942749023494, 1.312499046325797 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 104.006111145019531, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 104.00555419921875, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 104.005279541015739, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 104.003608703613281, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.003051757812486, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.002220153808707, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.001945495605469, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.000556945800767, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 104.000274658203182, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 104.000274658203182, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 104.0, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 103.999725341796989, 1.311110973358154 ], [ 103.999168395996207, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 103.998886108398438, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 103.998611450195426, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 103.998336791992244, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 103.998054504394474, 1.311110973358154 ], [ 103.997779846191463, 1.311110973358154 ], [ 103.997497558593693, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 103.997222900390682, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 103.9969482421875, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 103.996665954589901, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 103.996391296386719, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 103.996109008789176, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 103.995834350585938, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 103.995277404785213, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 103.995002746581974, 1.311944961547908 ], [ 103.994445800781193, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.994163513183651, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.993888854980469, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.993614196777386, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.993331909179688, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 103.992774963378906, 1.313055038452092 ], [ 103.992225646972713, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.313889026641903 ], [ 103.990554809570369, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.989997863769645, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.989166259765625, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.989166259765625, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.988052368164119, 1.311388969421444 ], [ 103.987220764160156, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 103.986946105957145, 1.312222957611084 ], [ 103.986663818359375, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.985832214355582, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.984725952148438, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.985000610351619, 1.313889026641903 ], [ 103.985000610351619, 1.314445018768367 ], [ 103.984725952148438, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 103.984725952148438, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 103.984443664550838, 1.315276980400029 ], [ 103.984443664550838, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 103.983886718750057, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 103.983612060546875, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 103.983329772949332, 1.316388964653015 ], [ 103.983329772949332, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 103.98276519775402, 1.316403031349239 ], [ 103.982238769531193, 1.316388964653015 ], [ 103.981674194335938, 1.316439032554626 ], [ 103.981109619140625, 1.31661498546606 ], [ 103.980545043945298, 1.316612005233821 ], [ 103.980003356933594, 1.316416025161857 ], [ 103.979446411132869, 1.316256999969539 ], [ 103.978889465332088, 1.316084027290344 ], [ 103.978385925293082, 1.315842032432613 ], [ 103.977882385253906, 1.315562009811515 ], [ 103.977485656738281, 1.315181016921997 ], [ 103.977233886718864, 1.315237998962402 ], [ 103.976974487304744, 1.31537497043621 ], [ 103.976722717285156, 1.315570950508231 ], [ 103.976493835449332, 1.31576502323162 ], [ 103.976234436035213, 1.315847039222774 ], [ 103.976013183593807, 1.315945029258785 ], [ 103.975807189941406, 1.316081047058105 ], [ 103.975517272949332, 1.316144943237305 ], [ 103.975173950195256, 1.316275000572318 ], [ 103.974761962890739, 1.316295981407166 ], [ 103.974311828613338, 1.316282033920288 ], [ 103.973861694335938, 1.316365957260189 ], [ 103.97342681884777, 1.316383957862797 ], [ 103.973182678222713, 1.316359043121452 ], [ 103.973014831543026, 1.316341042518673 ], [ 103.972633361816463, 1.316166043281669 ], [ 103.972251892089886, 1.316043019294796 ], [ 103.971862792968793, 1.315894007682857 ], [ 103.971435546875057, 1.31576502323162 ], [ 103.971000671386719, 1.315603017807063 ], [ 103.970497131347713, 1.315562009811515 ], [ 103.969963073730526, 1.315547943115234 ], [ 103.969406127929801, 1.315489053726253 ], [ 103.968872070312429, 1.315328955650273 ], [ 103.968322753906236, 1.315265059471074 ], [ 103.967826843261776, 1.315176963806096 ], [ 103.967384338378906, 1.315034985542297 ], [ 103.966926574707145, 1.314950942993221 ], [ 103.966499328613338, 1.314785003662109 ], [ 103.966049194335938, 1.314684033393917 ], [ 103.965660095214844, 1.314563035964909 ], [ 103.965293884277344, 1.314455986023063 ], [ 103.964958190918026, 1.314211964607352 ], [ 103.964538574218736, 1.313972949981633 ], [ 103.964080810546989, 1.313686013221797 ], [ 103.963516235351676, 1.313434958457947 ], [ 103.962837219238267, 1.313580989837646 ], [ 103.962272644042969, 1.3138090372085 ], [ 103.961791992187614, 1.313881993293762 ], [ 103.961647033691406, 1.313871026039124 ], [ 103.961364746093807, 1.313850045204276 ], [ 103.960983276367244, 1.313686013221797 ], [ 103.960556030273423, 1.313573956489563 ], [ 103.960136413574219, 1.313369035720825 ], [ 103.959648132324276, 1.313236951828003 ], [ 103.959144592285099, 1.313032031059322 ], [ 103.958618164062486, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.958045959472656, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.957443237304631, 1.312206983566398 ], [ 103.956871032714787, 1.311843991279716 ], [ 103.956375122070369, 1.311377048492488 ], [ 103.955848693847713, 1.311015009880066 ], [ 103.955276489257869, 1.311146974563712 ], [ 103.954658508300838, 1.311341047287101 ], [ 103.954017639160156, 1.311354041099548 ], [ 103.953399658203239, 1.311198949813956 ], [ 103.952766418457088, 1.31107401847845 ], [ 103.952201843261776, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 103.951644897460994, 1.31062304973608 ], [ 103.951042175293026, 1.310652017593384 ], [ 103.950469970703182, 1.310747981071586 ], [ 103.949981689453239, 1.310601949691886 ], [ 103.949485778808594, 1.310559034347534 ], [ 103.948989868164176, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 103.948471069335881, 1.310557007789612 ], [ 103.94793701171875, 1.310538053512687 ], [ 103.947410583496151, 1.31044697761547 ], [ 103.946945190429631, 1.310258030891418 ], [ 103.946540832519645, 1.310029983520565 ], [ 103.946128845214957, 1.309865951538086 ], [ 103.945732116699276, 1.3096879720689 ], [ 103.945365905761818, 1.309458017349243 ], [ 103.944953918457088, 1.309250950813237 ], [ 103.944488525390625, 1.309088945388908 ], [ 103.944046020507926, 1.308917999267635 ], [ 103.94358825683598, 1.308828949928341 ], [ 103.943206787109432, 1.308658003807125 ], [ 103.942787170410156, 1.308567047119254 ], [ 103.942443847656307, 1.308334946632499 ], [ 103.942108154296932, 1.308050036430416 ], [ 103.941741943359489, 1.307718992233333 ], [ 103.941322326660213, 1.307340979576111 ], [ 103.940742492675838, 1.307072043418998 ], [ 103.940185546875057, 1.307173967361564 ], [ 103.939643859863395, 1.307217955589351 ], [ 103.939147949218736, 1.307222008705253 ], [ 103.938667297363338, 1.307183980941716 ], [ 103.93833160400402, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.937774658203239, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.9375, 1.306666016578788 ], [ 103.936943054199276, 1.306666016578788 ], [ 103.936668395996094, 1.306388020515442 ], [ 103.936386108398494, 1.306390047073421 ], [ 103.936111450195298, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.935836791992301, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.935554504394517, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.93527984619152, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.93499755859375, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.934722900390739, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.934448242187557, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.934165954589773, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.933891296386776, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.930557250976562, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.930274963378963, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.930000305175767, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.92972564697277, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.929443359374986, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.929168701171989, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.928825378417912, 1.304103970527706 ], [ 103.928329467773494, 1.303923964500427 ], [ 103.927757263183651, 1.303830981254578 ], [ 103.927177429199219, 1.303653001785392 ], [ 103.926567077636719, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.92594146728527, 1.303609967231864 ], [ 103.925315856933651, 1.303609967231864 ], [ 103.9246826171875, 1.303575992584229 ], [ 103.924072265625, 1.303416013717651 ], [ 103.923454284668082, 1.303331971168518 ], [ 103.922851562500057, 1.303241014480648 ], [ 103.922294616699332, 1.303087949752864 ], [ 103.921768188476506, 1.303007960319633 ], [ 103.921348571777457, 1.302811980247441 ], [ 103.920883178710938, 1.302680015564022 ], [ 103.920425415039006, 1.302485942840633 ], [ 103.919960021972713, 1.302268028259277 ], [ 103.919425964355582, 1.302171945571899 ], [ 103.918937683105469, 1.301947951316947 ], [ 103.918426513671932, 1.301735997200069 ], [ 103.917823791503892, 1.301669955253601 ], [ 103.917198181152287, 1.301610946655217 ], [ 103.916679382324219, 1.301385045051688 ], [ 103.916229248046818, 1.301113963127136 ], [ 103.915840148925895, 1.300861001014709 ], [ 103.91544342041027, 1.30071496963501 ], [ 103.91507720947277, 1.300573945045471 ], [ 103.914672851562614, 1.300480961799678 ], [ 103.914260864257855, 1.300300955772514 ], [ 103.91378021240233, 1.300163984298706 ], [ 103.913269042968807, 1.29997897148138 ], [ 103.91275787353527, 1.299721956253109 ], [ 103.912216186523551, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.911651611328068, 1.299165964126644 ], [ 103.91107940673821, 1.298899054527283 ], [ 103.910476684570426, 1.298701047897396 ], [ 103.909828186035199, 1.2985999584198 ], [ 103.90918731689446, 1.29848396778118 ], [ 103.908546447753963, 1.29836297035223 ], [ 103.907882690429673, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.907218933105582, 1.29828405380249 ], [ 103.906631469726619, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.906074523925881, 1.297778010368461 ], [ 103.905563354492131, 1.297463059425468 ], [ 103.905151367187614, 1.297045946121216 ], [ 103.904617309570312, 1.296769976616019 ], [ 103.904014587402457, 1.29667699337017 ], [ 103.903457641601506, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.902954101562486, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.902488708496207, 1.29662394523632 ], [ 103.902061462402386, 1.296448945999145 ], [ 103.901596069335938, 1.296339035034179 ], [ 103.901176452636662, 1.296143054962215 ], [ 103.900726318359418, 1.295994997024593 ], [ 103.900291442871151, 1.295812964439449 ], [ 103.899917602539119, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.899528503418026, 1.29529595375061 ], [ 103.899101257324219, 1.295094966888485 ], [ 103.898620605468793, 1.294965028762761 ], [ 103.898200988769588, 1.294744014740047 ], [ 103.89776611328125, 1.294566035270691 ], [ 103.897323608398551, 1.294394969940242 ], [ 103.89689636230473, 1.294165015220585 ], [ 103.896408081054631, 1.293936967849731 ], [ 103.895790100097756, 1.29382598400116 ], [ 103.895149230957088, 1.293655037880058 ], [ 103.894477844238381, 1.293599963188228 ], [ 103.893821716308636, 1.293499946594295 ], [ 103.893249511718807, 1.293238043785152 ], [ 103.89273834228527, 1.292912006378174 ], [ 103.89227294921875, 1.29261302947998 ], [ 103.891891479492188, 1.292263984680176 ], [ 103.891532897949276, 1.291941046714896 ], [ 103.891220092773551, 1.291615009307861 ], [ 103.890975952148494, 1.29125702381134 ], [ 103.890708923339844, 1.290940046310538 ], [ 103.890327453613281, 1.290760040283203 ], [ 103.889907836913991, 1.290596008300724 ], [ 103.889411926269531, 1.29051399230957 ], [ 103.888931274414176, 1.290325045585746 ], [ 103.888465881347713, 1.290112972259521 ], [ 103.888046264648423, 1.289845943451041 ], [ 103.887634277343693, 1.289572954177913 ], [ 103.887245178222599, 1.289278984069938 ], [ 103.886894226074219, 1.288938999175969 ], [ 103.886520385742188, 1.288617968559322 ], [ 103.886116027832031, 1.28831505775463 ], [ 103.885696411132912, 1.288007020950374 ], [ 103.885299682617301, 1.287644982337952 ], [ 103.884872436523494, 1.287310004234371 ], [ 103.884338378906364, 1.287101984024105 ], [ 103.883834838867188, 1.286878943443412 ], [ 103.883407592773551, 1.286610007286128 ], [ 103.883041381835866, 1.286293029785213 ], [ 103.882667541503849, 1.286005973815975 ], [ 103.882286071777287, 1.285738945007324 ], [ 103.881942749023438, 1.285434007644653 ], [ 103.881607055664119, 1.285143971443233 ], [ 103.881187438964844, 1.284942030906734 ], [ 103.880775451660156, 1.284716010093632 ], [ 103.880340576171974, 1.284494996070919 ], [ 103.879829406738281, 1.284366965293998 ], [ 103.879325866699276, 1.284152984619254 ], [ 103.878829956054801, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.878326416015625, 1.283596992492732 ], [ 103.877861022949332, 1.283249974250907 ], [ 103.877449035644588, 1.282847046852226 ], [ 103.877037048339886, 1.28247594833374 ], [ 103.876663208007869, 1.282134056091422 ], [ 103.876296997070369, 1.281862020492554 ], [ 103.875831604003906, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.875556945800895, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.875000000000114, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.874725341796861, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.874443054199318, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.871665954589844, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.871665954589844, 1.284723043441772 ], [ 103.870834350585881, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.870834350585881, 1.28583300113678 ], [ 103.869720458984375, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.869720458984375, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.869445800781307, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.869445800781307, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.868888854980582, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.868888854980582, 1.288611054420528 ], [ 103.86861419677733, 1.288889050483704 ], [ 103.86861419677733, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.868331909179787, 1.289445042610168 ], [ 103.868331909179787, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.868057250976619, 1.289999008178711 ], [ 103.868057250976619, 1.290555000305176 ], [ 103.867774963379006, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.867774963379006, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.867500305175838, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.867500305175838, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.867225646972585, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.867225646972585, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.866943359375057, 1.292776942253113 ], [ 103.866943359375057, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.866668701171875, 1.293333053588924 ], [ 103.866668701171875, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.866386413574261, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.866386413574261, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.866203308105526, 1.296198010444698 ], [ 103.866188049316463, 1.296972990036124 ], [ 103.866607666015739, 1.297623038292045 ], [ 103.867225646972585, 1.297577023506278 ], [ 103.867828369140625, 1.297600030899105 ], [ 103.868278503418011, 1.297582030296326 ], [ 103.868888854980582, 1.29764997959137 ], [ 103.869522094726562, 1.297788977622929 ], [ 103.870277404785099, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.870552062988338, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.870834350585881, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.871109008789119, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.871391296386832, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.871665954589844, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.872222900390625, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.872222900390625, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.871948242187599, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.871948242187599, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.871665954589844, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.871665954589844, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.870834350585881, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.870552062988338, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.870277404785099, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.870002746582074, 1.303887963294983 ], [ 103.869720458984375, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.869445800781307, 1.303887963294983 ], [ 103.869163513183594, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.868331909179787, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.868331909179787, 1.302500009536857 ], [ 103.868057250976619, 1.302222013473511 ], [ 103.868057250976619, 1.301666021347046 ], [ 103.867774963379006, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.867774963379006, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.867500305175838, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.867225646972585, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.866943359375057, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.866668701171875, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.865554809570312, 1.299999952316398 ], [ 103.865280151367287, 1.299999952316398 ], [ 103.864860534668011, 1.299582958221492 ], [ 103.86472320556652, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.86472320556652, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.863334655761776, 1.296390056610164 ], [ 103.863334655761776, 1.296111941337642 ], [ 103.863609313964844, 1.295833945274296 ], [ 103.863609313964844, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.294165015220585 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.293333053588924 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.864166259765568, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.863891601562543, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.863334655761776, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.863052368164062, 1.288889050483704 ], [ 103.862503051757798, 1.288889050483704 ], [ 103.862220764160256, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.861640930175881, 1.287019968032951 ], [ 103.862266540527287, 1.286393046379146 ], [ 103.862060546874943, 1.28618395328516 ], [ 103.862060546874943, 1.286044955253601 ], [ 103.86240386962902, 1.285974025726318 ], [ 103.862754821777401, 1.285624980926457 ], [ 103.863052368164062, 1.285277009010315 ], [ 103.863334655761776, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.863891601562543, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.86472320556652, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.864997863769517, 1.284167051315308 ], [ 103.865554809570312, 1.284167051315308 ], [ 103.865837097168068, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.866386413574261, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.866668701171875, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.866943359375057, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.867225646972585, 1.283331990242061 ], [ 103.867500305175838, 1.283331990242061 ], [ 103.871109008789119, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.871109008789119, 1.27916598320013 ], [ 103.871391296386832, 1.278887987136955 ], [ 103.871391296386832, 1.277500033378658 ], [ 103.871109008789119, 1.277222037315482 ], [ 103.871109008789119, 1.276944041252193 ], [ 103.870002746582074, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.869720458984375, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.869445800781307, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.869163513183594, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.868331909179787, 1.274721980094853 ], [ 103.868057250976619, 1.274721980094853 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.865837097168068, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.865280151367287, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.864997863769517, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.864715576171989, 1.271944046020621 ], [ 103.864341735839957, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.863975524902287, 1.271407961845341 ], [ 103.863571166992301, 1.271204948425407 ], [ 103.863136291503949, 1.271046042442322 ], [ 103.862739562988338, 1.270822048187313 ], [ 103.862388610839901, 1.27055299282074 ], [ 103.862052917480582, 1.270270943641662 ], [ 103.861717224121094, 1.269989967346305 ], [ 103.861358642578125, 1.269703030586243 ], [ 103.860954284667955, 1.269390940666312 ], [ 103.860527038574332, 1.269016981124935 ], [ 103.860046386718807, 1.268782019615287 ], [ 103.859565734863395, 1.269067049026603 ], [ 103.859153747558707, 1.269512057304439 ], [ 103.858711242675838, 1.269883036613578 ], [ 103.858184814453182, 1.269994974136466 ], [ 103.857688903808537, 1.270063042640743 ], [ 103.857254028320412, 1.270256996154785 ], [ 103.856796264648438, 1.270427942276058 ], [ 103.856361389160156, 1.270629048347587 ], [ 103.856040954589901, 1.270949959755058 ], [ 103.855682373046932, 1.271162033081055 ], [ 103.855384826660099, 1.271407961845341 ], [ 103.855110168457074, 1.271679043769893 ], [ 103.854804992675895, 1.271965980529785 ], [ 103.8544921875, 1.272259950637931 ], [ 103.854179382324276, 1.272544980049247 ], [ 103.853866577148366, 1.272802948951835 ], [ 103.853614807128963, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.85333251953125, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.853057861328224, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.852775573730469, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.852775573730469, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.852043151855526, 1.271898031234684 ], [ 103.852127075195426, 1.271613001823425 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.271216988563538 ], [ 103.852310180664176, 1.270761013031006 ], [ 103.852470397949276, 1.270341038703862 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.269914984703121 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.26948702335352 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.26901304721838 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.268465995788631 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.265128970146179 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.264466047286987 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.26389396190649 ], [ 103.852493286132926, 1.263463020324707 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.26313495635992 ], [ 103.852546691894531, 1.262799978256339 ], [ 103.852722167968693, 1.262374043464717 ], [ 103.852676391601676, 1.261773943901062 ], [ 103.852378845214844, 1.261144995689506 ], [ 103.851928710937614, 1.260555028915405 ], [ 103.851371765136832, 1.260105967521667 ], [ 103.850692749023423, 1.260175943374691 ], [ 103.850105285644531, 1.260547995567265 ], [ 103.849586486816463, 1.260987997055167 ], [ 103.849182128906307, 1.261528015136775 ], [ 103.848884582519645, 1.262102007865849 ], [ 103.848609924316463, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.848609924316463, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.848052978515668, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.847503662109432, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.261945009231681 ], [ 103.846107482910142, 1.261389017105216 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.26111102104187 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.260833024978751 ], [ 103.845832824707145, 1.260277032852287 ], [ 103.845558166503949, 1.260277032852287 ], [ 103.845275878906193, 1.260555028915405 ], [ 103.845275878906193, 1.260833024978751 ], [ 103.845001220703182, 1.26111102104187 ], [ 103.845001220703182, 1.261389017105216 ], [ 103.844444274902401, 1.261945009231681 ], [ 103.844444274902401, 1.262223005294857 ], [ 103.844085693359474, 1.262452960014457 ], [ 103.843704223632926, 1.26269900798809 ], [ 103.843368530273381, 1.263012051582336 ], [ 103.842987060546818, 1.26329696178442 ], [ 103.842559814453239, 1.263558983802909 ], [ 103.842155456543026, 1.263880014419613 ], [ 103.841766357421932, 1.264222025871277 ], [ 103.841468811035099, 1.26462996006012 ], [ 103.841140747070312, 1.265023946762199 ], [ 103.840797424316463, 1.265411972999686 ], [ 103.840377807617188, 1.265741944313049 ], [ 103.839935302734318, 1.266077041625977 ], [ 103.839462280273494, 1.26637601852417 ], [ 103.839019775390625, 1.266669988632316 ], [ 103.838623046875, 1.266947984695435 ], [ 103.8382568359375, 1.267179965973014 ], [ 103.837860107421875, 1.267182946205253 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.837219238281349, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.836570739746094, 1.26652204990387 ], [ 103.835556030273366, 1.266389012336731 ], [ 103.835281372070369, 1.266389012336731 ], [ 103.834999084472656, 1.266667008400077 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.266667008400077 ], [ 103.83388519287108, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.833053588867301, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.832778930664105, 1.266667008400077 ], [ 103.831947326660156, 1.266667008400077 ], [ 103.831665039062557, 1.266389012336731 ], [ 103.831390380859361, 1.266389012336731 ], [ 103.831108093261776, 1.266111016273612 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.266111016273612 ], [ 103.830696105957088, 1.265972018241825 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.265833020210266 ], [ 103.830001831054801, 1.265833020210266 ], [ 103.829795837402443, 1.26562595367443 ], [ 103.829170227050838, 1.264999032020683 ], [ 103.828887939453068, 1.265001058578605 ], [ 103.828330993652344, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.828056335449276, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.827774047851548, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.827224731445312, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.82694244384777, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.825836181640568, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.824996948242244, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.824722290039062, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.821662902832017, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.82138824462902, 1.262223005294857 ], [ 103.820274353027457, 1.262223005294857 ], [ 103.819999694824276, 1.261945009231681 ], [ 103.819435119628949, 1.262168049812374 ], [ 103.818832397460938, 1.262236952781734 ], [ 103.818626403808594, 1.262483000755367 ], [ 103.818397521972599, 1.262742996215934 ], [ 103.818016052246037, 1.262979984283504 ], [ 103.817436218261648, 1.263136982917842 ], [ 103.816955566406307, 1.263337969780025 ], [ 103.816627502441506, 1.263566017150879 ], [ 103.816322326660156, 1.263638019561824 ], [ 103.81607818603527, 1.263782024383602 ], [ 103.815773010253906, 1.263950943946895 ], [ 103.815422058105526, 1.264188051223812 ], [ 103.815055847168026, 1.264505028724784 ], [ 103.814704895019574, 1.264878034591675 ], [ 103.814331054687614, 1.265220046043396 ], [ 103.813873291015625, 1.265452980995235 ], [ 103.813400268554787, 1.265643954277039 ], [ 103.812988281250057, 1.26589298248291 ], [ 103.812591552734432, 1.266123056411743 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.266360044479484 ], [ 103.811828613281307, 1.266484975814819 ], [ 103.811485290527443, 1.266455054283256 ], [ 103.811149597167912, 1.266268968582267 ], [ 103.810859680175838, 1.265974998474064 ], [ 103.810592651367188, 1.26560997962963 ], [ 103.810279846191463, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.809997558593693, 1.264999032020683 ], [ 103.809722900390682, 1.265001058578605 ], [ 103.8094482421875, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.809165954589901, 1.265001058578605 ], [ 103.808891296386719, 1.264999032020683 ], [ 103.808609008789176, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.807502746582145, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.806663513183651, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.806663513183651, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.806114196777401, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.805686950683636, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.805313110351619, 1.263327956199646 ], [ 103.804992675781364, 1.263331055641231 ], [ 103.804672241210938, 1.263337969780025 ], [ 103.804328918457031, 1.26339495182043 ], [ 103.803993225097713, 1.263587951660213 ], [ 103.803565979003906, 1.26379299163824 ], [ 103.803062438964886, 1.264016985893193 ], [ 103.802513122558693, 1.264338016510066 ], [ 103.801986694335866, 1.264780044555721 ], [ 103.801483154296861, 1.265290975570679 ], [ 103.801017761230582, 1.265810012817496 ], [ 103.800582885742244, 1.26627504825592 ], [ 103.800247192382926, 1.266705989837703 ], [ 103.799972534179744, 1.267096042633113 ], [ 103.79965972900402, 1.267385005950928 ], [ 103.799247741699276, 1.267570018768424 ], [ 103.798889160156364, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.798614501953125, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.798057556152401, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.797775268554801, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.797500610351619, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.797225952148381, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.796669006347656, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.796386718750057, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.795829772949332, 1.268612027168331 ], [ 103.795555114746094, 1.268612027168331 ], [ 103.795280456543082, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.794998168945312, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.794441223144588, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.793609619140625, 1.269443035125732 ], [ 103.793334960937543, 1.269721031189022 ], [ 103.793052673339844, 1.269721031189022 ], [ 103.792503356933594, 1.270277976989803 ], [ 103.792221069336051, 1.270277976989803 ], [ 103.791946411132812, 1.270555973052979 ], [ 103.79166412353527, 1.270555973052979 ], [ 103.790557861328125, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.790275573730526, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.789718627929744, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.789443969726562, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.789169311523551, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.788772583007926, 1.272691011428947 ], [ 103.788352966308651, 1.272814035415649 ], [ 103.787902832031236, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.787422180175838, 1.273326992988586 ], [ 103.786926269531179, 1.273586988449154 ], [ 103.786483764648537, 1.273831009864864 ], [ 103.786209106445312, 1.274111032485905 ], [ 103.785858154296932, 1.274252057075614 ], [ 103.785102844238338, 1.274266004562321 ], [ 103.784538269043011, 1.27459895610815 ], [ 103.784149169921918, 1.274948000907955 ], [ 103.783721923828125, 1.275169014930668 ], [ 103.783218383789119, 1.275374054908752 ], [ 103.782669067382926, 1.275617957115287 ], [ 103.782089233398494, 1.275845050811824 ], [ 103.781478881835994, 1.276168942451591 ], [ 103.781005859374943, 1.276705026626644 ], [ 103.780677795410156, 1.277281045913696 ], [ 103.780502319335923, 1.277606964111385 ], [ 103.780281066894531, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.779998779296989, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.77972412109375, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.779441833496207, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.778892517089957, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.778610229492244, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.778335571289006, 1.278890013694763 ], [ 103.778053283691463, 1.278890013694763 ], [ 103.7772216796875, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.776947021484489, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.776664733886719, 1.279999971389713 ], [ 103.776390075683693, 1.279999971389713 ], [ 103.776107788085938, 1.28027796745306 ], [ 103.775276184081974, 1.28027796745306 ], [ 103.774444580078168, 1.279443979263249 ], [ 103.774444580078168, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.773887634277386, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.773330688476676, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.277222037315482 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.276944041252193 ], [ 103.772499084472713, 1.276666045189017 ], [ 103.772224426269474, 1.276666045189017 ], [ 103.771385192871151, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.770835876464901, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.770835876464901, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.274721980094853 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.273890018463192 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.273890018463192 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.274721980094853 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.276111960411129 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.279443979263249 ], [ 103.768280029296861, 1.279400944709721 ], [ 103.767227172851662, 1.279678940773067 ], [ 103.76612091064446, 1.279818058013973 ], [ 103.765640258789119, 1.280097961425895 ], [ 103.765220642089844, 1.28051495552063 ], [ 103.763771057128949, 1.280447006225529 ], [ 103.763557434082074, 1.281002998352051 ], [ 103.762733459472656, 1.28107404708868 ], [ 103.762382507324219, 1.281352043151855 ], [ 103.761001586914062, 1.281352043151855 ], [ 103.760375976562614, 1.281561970710754 ], [ 103.758789062500057, 1.282327055931148 ], [ 103.757820129394588, 1.283164024353027 ], [ 103.757820129394588, 1.283581018447933 ], [ 103.756851196289062, 1.284417033195496 ], [ 103.757263183593807, 1.284764051437378 ], [ 103.757957458496094, 1.284764051437378 ], [ 103.758300781249943, 1.284417033195496 ], [ 103.758369445800781, 1.283651947975216 ], [ 103.760307312011761, 1.282466053962708 ], [ 103.761070251464901, 1.282466053962708 ], [ 103.761619567871094, 1.282883048057613 ], [ 103.762176513671875, 1.282883048057613 ], [ 103.762313842773381, 1.283581018447933 ], [ 103.763702392578125, 1.283651947975216 ], [ 103.763839721679616, 1.283442020416317 ], [ 103.764045715332031, 1.283442020416317 ], [ 103.764320373535213, 1.282883048057613 ], [ 103.763908386230469, 1.282814979553222 ], [ 103.763908386230469, 1.282256960868949 ], [ 103.764183044433707, 1.282188057899589 ], [ 103.764251708984375, 1.281769037246761 ], [ 103.764526367187543, 1.281352043151855 ], [ 103.765083312988324, 1.28128099441534 ], [ 103.765708923339957, 1.280864000320434 ], [ 103.766601562500057, 1.281002998352051 ], [ 103.766601562500057, 1.28128099441534 ], [ 103.766464233398551, 1.281491041183585 ], [ 103.766601562500057, 1.281769037246761 ], [ 103.766952514648438, 1.281769037246761 ], [ 103.767295837402344, 1.28128099441534 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.281283974647579 ], [ 103.768402099609489, 1.28107404708868 ], [ 103.768821716308594, 1.28107404708868 ], [ 103.769027709960938, 1.280236959457511 ], [ 103.769165039062614, 1.279999971389713 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.280832052230948 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.281110048294067 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.281944036483878 ], [ 103.770553588867188, 1.282222986221313 ], [ 103.770553588867188, 1.283053994178885 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.283331990242061 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.769721984863381, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.768333435058636, 1.285279035568237 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.285279035568237 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.286110997200126 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.286110997200126 ], [ 103.766113281250114, 1.286666989326591 ], [ 103.765830993652401, 1.286666989326591 ], [ 103.764999389648438, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.764167785644645, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.763610839843849, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.763336181640625, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.760559082031364, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.760559082031364, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.760833740234375, 1.29444599151617 ], [ 103.761108398437557, 1.29444599151617 ], [ 103.761390686035156, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.761665344238324, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.295833945274296 ], [ 103.761947631835938, 1.296111941337642 ], [ 103.761634826660213, 1.29654502868658 ], [ 103.761283874511776, 1.296906948089656 ], [ 103.760894775390682, 1.297225952148551 ], [ 103.760513305664119, 1.297538042068481 ], [ 103.760131835937557, 1.297840952873173 ], [ 103.759849548339844, 1.298176050186271 ], [ 103.759513854980469, 1.29839301109314 ], [ 103.759201049804744, 1.298621058464164 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.757225036621094, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.757225036621094, 1.297778010368461 ], [ 103.756942749023551, 1.297500014305172 ], [ 103.757225036621094, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.757225036621094, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.756111145019574, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.755279541015625, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.754997253418026, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.752502441406307, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.752220153808594, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.751663208007812, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.751113891601562, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.750556945800781, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.750274658203239, 1.295833945274296 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.295833945274296 ], [ 103.749458312988338, 1.296054959297237 ], [ 103.749000549316392, 1.29615497589117 ], [ 103.748558044433707, 1.296378016471863 ], [ 103.748077392578111, 1.296617984771842 ], [ 103.747505187988281, 1.29678201675415 ], [ 103.746948242187543, 1.296942949295044 ], [ 103.746665954589787, 1.296942949295044 ], [ 103.746391296386776, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.745834350585994, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.745552062988281, 1.297500014305172 ], [ 103.74444580078125, 1.297500014305172 ], [ 103.743888854980526, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.742774963378963, 1.298056006431636 ], [ 103.742500305175781, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.742225646972713, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.741943359374986, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.741668701171989, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.741386413574205, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.740554809570426, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.740203857421875, 1.299096941948051 ], [ 103.739700317382869, 1.299222946167049 ], [ 103.739273071289062, 1.299402952194214 ], [ 103.738838195800895, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.738403320312543, 1.299445986747685 ], [ 103.737937927246094, 1.299450993537903 ], [ 103.737442016601619, 1.299471020698604 ], [ 103.736938476562443, 1.29946398735052 ], [ 103.736450195312557, 1.299548983573914 ], [ 103.73602294921875, 1.29973495006567 ], [ 103.735679626464844, 1.299936056137028 ], [ 103.735282897949219, 1.299965977668762 ], [ 103.734786987304744, 1.299867987632808 ], [ 103.734024047851619, 1.299847006797791 ], [ 103.733230590820369, 1.300068020820675 ], [ 103.73270416259777, 1.300168037414608 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.300050020217895 ], [ 103.731590270996207, 1.300035953521785 ], [ 103.730987548828239, 1.300168037414608 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.300487995147819 ], [ 103.730186462402386, 1.300845026969853 ], [ 103.729881286621037, 1.301273941993713 ], [ 103.729675292968864, 1.30186402797699 ], [ 103.729454040527457, 1.302515983581543 ], [ 103.729309082031193, 1.303200006485099 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.303609967231864 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.303887963294983 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.306388020515442 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.727218627929616, 1.307222008705253 ], [ 103.727218627929616, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 103.727149963378949, 1.310282945632991 ], [ 103.727149963378949, 1.310770988464412 ], [ 103.727355957031349, 1.311465978622437 ], [ 103.727706909179744, 1.311954021453801 ], [ 103.728256225585994, 1.31292903423315 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.313333034515438 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.313611030578556 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.314445018768367 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.315276980400029 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.31583297252655 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.31694495677948 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.318333029746952 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.318889021873417 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.319720983505306 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.320276975631771 ], [ 103.732780456542955, 1.320554971694889 ], [ 103.732780456542955, 1.321668028831482 ], [ 103.732986450195312, 1.322013974189758 ], [ 103.732498168945369, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.322499036789054 ], [ 103.731391906738395, 1.322221040725765 ], [ 103.731391906738395, 1.321943044662589 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.321668028831482 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.321110963821411 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.320554971694889 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.320276975631771 ], [ 103.730278015136662, 1.319998979568425 ], [ 103.730278015136662, 1.319720983505306 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.319445013999939 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.318889021873417 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.318611025810298 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.318333029746952 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.318055033683834 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.317916035652274 ], [ 103.728469848632869, 1.317222952842769 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.31694495677948 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.316666960716304 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.316388964653015 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.31611096858984 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.315554976463375 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.315276980400029 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.315001010894832 ], [ 103.727218627929616, 1.314723014831543 ], [ 103.727165222168082, 1.314658999443168 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.314393043518123 ], [ 103.726593017578239, 1.313905000686759 ], [ 103.72618103027348, 1.313138961792049 ], [ 103.725906372070312, 1.312651038169975 ], [ 103.725837707519645, 1.312023997306824 ], [ 103.725692749023381, 1.311398029327336 ], [ 103.725555419921875, 1.310978055000419 ], [ 103.725555419921875, 1.310351967811528 ], [ 103.725349426269531, 1.309795975685233 ], [ 103.725143432617188, 1.309447050094604 ], [ 103.724998474121094, 1.309165954589844 ], [ 103.724998474121094, 1.308609962463379 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.308056950569153 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.307778000831718 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.307500004768372 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.307222008705253 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.724723815918082, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.724998474121094, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.725555419921875, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.725830078125114, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.726028442382926, 1.304222941398734 ], [ 103.726264953613224, 1.303846955299434 ], [ 103.726455688476506, 1.303380012512264 ], [ 103.726676940917969, 1.302914977073613 ], [ 103.726898193359375, 1.302464008331299 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.301980018615779 ], [ 103.726936340332074, 1.301558971404972 ], [ 103.72686767578125, 1.301233053207511 ], [ 103.726676940917969, 1.301020979881286 ], [ 103.726402282714957, 1.300869941711426 ], [ 103.726043701171974, 1.300889015197868 ], [ 103.725662231445426, 1.301110029220581 ], [ 103.725204467773494, 1.301385045051688 ], [ 103.724670410156307, 1.301666021347046 ], [ 103.724105834960994, 1.301944017410392 ], [ 103.723571777343864, 1.302214980125427 ], [ 103.723091125488281, 1.30246102809906 ], [ 103.722717285156293, 1.302713990211487 ], [ 103.722396850586051, 1.302901029586906 ], [ 103.722160339355511, 1.303112983703556 ], [ 103.721939086914062, 1.303295016288871 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.721389770507869, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.721107482910085, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.720558166503892, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.720275878906307, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.719444274902344, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.719444274902344, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.717498779296818, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.71694183349608, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.71694183349608, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.717498779296818, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.717498779296818, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.720832824707088, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.720558166503892, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.720558166503892, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.720001220703125, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.720001220703125, 1.299721956253109 ], [ 103.719169616699332, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.299165964126644 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.299999952316398 ], [ 103.716110229492301, 1.299999952316398 ], [ 103.715835571289062, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.713607788085994, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.713333129882812, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.301666021347046 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.302222013473511 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.302500009536857 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.303887963294983 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.304165959358329 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.306666016578788 ], [ 103.710556030273494, 1.306388020515442 ], [ 103.710281372070312, 1.306390047073421 ], [ 103.70999908447277, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.709724426269531, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.302222013473511 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.708053588867244, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.707496643066463, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.706542968750057, 1.300869941711426 ], [ 103.706069946289062, 1.301018953323364 ], [ 103.705635070800895, 1.301136970520076 ], [ 103.705307006835938, 1.301331043243522 ], [ 103.704971313476562, 1.301385045051688 ], [ 103.704719543456974, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.703330993652457, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.703056335449219, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.702774047851676, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.701942443847713, 1.302222013473511 ], [ 103.701942443847713, 1.302500009536857 ], [ 103.701667785644474, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.701667785644474, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.700836181640668, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.700553894042969, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.700279235839957, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.699996948242188, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.699722290039176, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.699996948242188, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.699996948242188, 1.301666021347046 ], [ 103.699447631835994, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.699447631835994, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.699165344238395, 1.299999952316398 ], [ 103.699165344238395, 1.299721956253109 ], [ 103.698890686035213, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.698333740234432, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.69805908203125, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.697776794433651, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.697219848632926, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.695831298828182, 1.298611998558101 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.303889989852962 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.302500009536857 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.301666021347046 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.30139005184185 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.30111205577856 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.300833940506038 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.299721956253109 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.299721956253109 ], [ 103.691947937011719, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.691665649414119, 1.299443960189933 ], [ 103.691299438476619, 1.299200057983398 ], [ 103.690940856933707, 1.29902005195629 ], [ 103.690521240234432, 1.298980951309261 ], [ 103.690155029296932, 1.299077033996695 ], [ 103.689910888671932, 1.299137949943656 ], [ 103.689231872558707, 1.29912900924694 ], [ 103.688621520996151, 1.299044966697636 ], [ 103.688316345214773, 1.299190998077336 ], [ 103.688056945800838, 1.299386978149528 ], [ 103.687721252441506, 1.299414038658199 ], [ 103.687385559082031, 1.299301981925964 ], [ 103.687088012695355, 1.299118041992244 ], [ 103.686729431152443, 1.2989759445191 ], [ 103.685989379882926, 1.298974037170524 ], [ 103.685279846191406, 1.29888999462122 ], [ 103.684997558593793, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.683334350586051, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.683395385742173, 1.299337029457035 ], [ 103.683677673339957, 1.299962997436523 ], [ 103.683395385742173, 1.300518989563045 ], [ 103.683395385742173, 1.301146030425968 ], [ 103.683120727539176, 1.301566004753113 ], [ 103.683120727539176, 1.302680015564022 ], [ 103.6829833984375, 1.303585052490291 ], [ 103.682426452636719, 1.304072976112366 ], [ 103.681808471679801, 1.304420948028678 ], [ 103.681808471679801, 1.30379498004919 ], [ 103.682083129882798, 1.303236007690487 ], [ 103.682151794433707, 1.302399992942924 ], [ 103.681877136230469, 1.301772952079773 ], [ 103.682289123535199, 1.301007032394409 ], [ 103.682289123535199, 1.2998930215835 ], [ 103.682220458984375, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.68111419677733, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.680831909179801, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.680557250976548, 1.297073006630058 ], [ 103.680198669433651, 1.296936988830566 ], [ 103.679809570312557, 1.296784043312073 ], [ 103.679275512695355, 1.296694993972778 ], [ 103.678756713867301, 1.296687960624695 ], [ 103.678421020507812, 1.296743035316524 ], [ 103.678153991699332, 1.296851992607174 ], [ 103.677825927734318, 1.297003030777034 ], [ 103.677459716796861, 1.297287940979118 ], [ 103.677154541015682, 1.297737002372742 ], [ 103.676818847656364, 1.298181056976318 ], [ 103.676506042480469, 1.298583984375114 ], [ 103.676155090332031, 1.298915028572139 ], [ 103.675796508789119, 1.299203991889954 ], [ 103.675392150878892, 1.299386978149528 ], [ 103.675079345703168, 1.299636960029716 ], [ 103.674812316894517, 1.299906015396118 ], [ 103.674591064453125, 1.300219058990535 ], [ 103.674407958984375, 1.300614953041077 ], [ 103.674270629882869, 1.301031947135982 ], [ 103.674079895019588, 1.301355957985038 ], [ 103.673820495605412, 1.3016020059585 ], [ 103.673492431640625, 1.301789045333976 ], [ 103.67314147949223, 1.302029967308101 ], [ 103.672836303711051, 1.30245399475109 ], [ 103.672531127929673, 1.303012967109794 ], [ 103.672348022460938, 1.303585052490291 ], [ 103.672538757324219, 1.304025053977966 ], [ 103.672698974609375, 1.30438494682312 ], [ 103.672660827636662, 1.304756045341605 ], [ 103.672576904296932, 1.305163979530448 ], [ 103.672363281250057, 1.30545103549963 ], [ 103.672180175781307, 1.305701971054134 ], [ 103.671943664550781, 1.305817961692924 ], [ 103.671646118164119, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.671340942382756, 1.305814027786369 ], [ 103.671112060546989, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.671112060546989, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.304721951484794 ], [ 103.670280456543011, 1.304443955421505 ], [ 103.670280456543011, 1.303609967231864 ], [ 103.669998168945256, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.669998168945256, 1.303056001663322 ], [ 103.669998168945256, 1.302587032318172 ], [ 103.669784545898551, 1.302327036857662 ], [ 103.66972351074223, 1.302068948745728 ], [ 103.669715881347713, 1.301805019378662 ], [ 103.669746398925838, 1.301535964012203 ], [ 103.669860839843736, 1.301269054412898 ], [ 103.670066833496094, 1.301002979278508 ], [ 103.670150756836051, 1.300730943679866 ], [ 103.67024993896483, 1.300477981567439 ], [ 103.670539855957145, 1.300212025642452 ], [ 103.671081542968807, 1.299934029579276 ], [ 103.671676635742301, 1.29964005947113 ], [ 103.672111511230469, 1.299126982688961 ], [ 103.672264099121207, 1.298504948616028 ], [ 103.672477722167898, 1.297994017601013 ], [ 103.672775268554744, 1.297500014305172 ], [ 103.672775268554744, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.673057556152273, 1.296942949295044 ], [ 103.673332214355526, 1.296942949295044 ], [ 103.673614501953068, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.675277709960994, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.675277709960994, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.675552368164062, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.675552368164062, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.67472076416027, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.673889160156307, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.673614501953068, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.671669006347756, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.67138671875, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.671112060546989, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.670829772949205, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.670829772949205, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.670555114746207, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.66972351074223, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.669296264648438, 1.290112972259521 ], [ 103.668914794921861, 1.289829969406185 ], [ 103.668632507324332, 1.28951799869543 ], [ 103.668449401855582, 1.289172053337211 ], [ 103.668266296386832, 1.28883004188549 ], [ 103.668029785156307, 1.288488030433655 ], [ 103.667778015136719, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.667503356933707, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.667221069335994, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.666946411132741, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.666389465332031, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.666114807128963, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.665275573730469, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.665000915527457, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.664718627929673, 1.289445042610168 ], [ 103.664718627929673, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.664443969726676, 1.289999008178711 ], [ 103.664443969726676, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.663887023925724, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.663887023925724, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.663055419921932, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.66278076171875, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.662498474121151, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.662223815917955, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.660552978515682, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.659721374511719, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.659721374511719, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.660003662109432, 1.292776942253113 ], [ 103.659332275390625, 1.293444991111812 ], [ 103.659164428710938, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.658607482910142, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.658058166503949, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.657501220703168, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.657501220703168, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.657775878906364, 1.294167041778564 ], [ 103.657775878906364, 1.29444599151617 ], [ 103.658058166503949, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.658058166503949, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.658607482910142, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.658058166503949, 1.296111941337642 ], [ 103.657501220703168, 1.296111941337642 ], [ 103.656669616699219, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.656387329101619, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.656112670898423, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.655830383300895, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.655555725097642, 1.295276999473572 ], [ 103.654441833496151, 1.296390056610164 ], [ 103.654441833496151, 1.296664953231868 ], [ 103.654167175292898, 1.296942949295044 ], [ 103.654167175292898, 1.297222018241996 ], [ 103.653610229492188, 1.297778010368461 ], [ 103.653335571289119, 1.297778010368461 ], [ 103.650833129882869, 1.300277948379573 ], [ 103.650833129882869, 1.300555944442692 ], [ 103.648612976074332, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.648330688476619, 1.302778005600032 ], [ 103.645553588867301, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.645553588867301, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.644447326660099, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.644165039062557, 1.306944012641907 ], [ 103.644165039062557, 1.307778000831718 ], [ 103.644447326660099, 1.308056950569153 ], [ 103.644447326660099, 1.30833196640026 ], [ 103.645278930664105, 1.309165954589844 ], [ 103.645553588867301, 1.309165954589844 ], [ 103.645835876464844, 1.309445023536682 ], [ 103.647499084472599, 1.309445023536682 ], [ 103.647781372070369, 1.309723019599971 ], [ 103.647781372070369, 1.310001015663147 ], [ 103.648056030273366, 1.310279011726436 ], [ 103.648056030273366, 1.310554027557373 ], [ 103.648330688476619, 1.310832977294978 ], [ 103.648056030273366, 1.311110973358154 ], [ 103.648056030273366, 1.311666965484619 ], [ 103.646942138671875, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.646667480468807, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.646507263183707, 1.312618970870972 ], [ 103.646385192871094, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.646110534668082, 1.31250095367443 ], [ 103.645835876464844, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.644721984863338, 1.312777042388973 ], [ 103.644737243652401, 1.310696005821342 ], [ 103.644737243652401, 1.310176014900264 ], [ 103.644393920898551, 1.309617996215877 ], [ 103.643287658691349, 1.308364033699092 ], [ 103.642936706542969, 1.305508017540092 ], [ 103.638923645019517, 1.304465055465698 ], [ 103.638458251953168, 1.305899977684078 ], [ 103.638145446777287, 1.306857943534908 ], [ 103.637222290039048, 1.306390047073421 ], [ 103.636947631836051, 1.306112051010245 ], [ 103.636947631836051, 1.305834054946899 ], [ 103.636665344238281, 1.305556058883781 ], [ 103.636665344238281, 1.305277943611258 ], [ 103.63639068603527, 1.304999947547969 ], [ 103.63639068603527, 1.303611993789787 ], [ 103.6361083984375, 1.303333997726497 ], [ 103.635902404785156, 1.303109049797058 ], [ 103.635635375976676, 1.302850961685294 ], [ 103.635536193847656, 1.302526950836182 ], [ 103.635406494140682, 1.302219986915588 ], [ 103.635292053222599, 1.301903009414616 ], [ 103.635215759277401, 1.301542997360343 ], [ 103.635055541992301, 1.301167011260986 ], [ 103.635009765625057, 1.300711035728455 ], [ 103.635032653808651, 1.300194025039616 ], [ 103.635086059570256, 1.299664974212646 ], [ 103.634735107421875, 1.299167990684566 ], [ 103.634353637695312, 1.298750996589661 ], [ 103.634017944335938, 1.298403978347778 ], [ 103.633811950683594, 1.29803299903881 ], [ 103.633857727050838, 1.297667980194149 ], [ 103.634094238281364, 1.297376036643925 ], [ 103.634468078613381, 1.297178030013981 ], [ 103.634918212890611, 1.296949982643127 ], [ 103.635276794433523, 1.296612977981624 ], [ 103.635467529296804, 1.296267032623404 ], [ 103.635833740234489, 1.296072959900016 ], [ 103.636230468749943, 1.295869946479911 ], [ 103.636642456054673, 1.295672059059143 ], [ 103.637077331543026, 1.295447945594788 ], [ 103.637573242187443, 1.295230031013489 ], [ 103.638130187988395, 1.295045018196163 ], [ 103.638778686523438, 1.294963002205009 ], [ 103.639266967773551, 1.294849038124198 ], [ 103.63962554931652, 1.294636964797974 ], [ 103.639930725097656, 1.294239997863826 ], [ 103.640319824218807, 1.293779969215393 ], [ 103.640762329101676, 1.293411016464177 ], [ 103.641265869140611, 1.293077945709229 ], [ 103.641830444335938, 1.29287505149847 ], [ 103.642349243164006, 1.292677044868526 ], [ 103.642799377441463, 1.292503952980155 ], [ 103.643218994140682, 1.29239904880518 ], [ 103.643867492675724, 1.292202949524039 ], [ 103.644279479980455, 1.291923046112117 ], [ 103.645317077636776, 1.291643977165336 ], [ 103.646148681640568, 1.291296005249137 ], [ 103.646636962890682, 1.291223049163875 ], [ 103.646919250488224, 1.291074991226253 ], [ 103.647323608398438, 1.290971994400081 ], [ 103.647811889648494, 1.290552973747197 ], [ 103.648223876953239, 1.29000997543335 ], [ 103.648460388183594, 1.289553999900818 ], [ 103.648399353027457, 1.289165019989071 ], [ 103.648323059082017, 1.288707017898616 ], [ 103.648178100585994, 1.288210034370479 ], [ 103.648017883300895, 1.287781000137443 ], [ 103.647842407226676, 1.287361979484615 ], [ 103.647727966308594, 1.286932945251579 ], [ 103.647506713867173, 1.286545991897583 ], [ 103.647270202636818, 1.286175012588444 ], [ 103.646965026855469, 1.285902976989803 ], [ 103.646530151367116, 1.285830020904541 ], [ 103.646095275878949, 1.285796046257076 ], [ 103.645606994628906, 1.285738945007324 ], [ 103.644897460937557, 1.285912036895865 ], [ 103.643829345703239, 1.28585505485546 ], [ 103.643066406250114, 1.28599405288702 ], [ 103.642242431640682, 1.28599405288702 ], [ 103.641685485839886, 1.285923957824821 ], [ 103.640022277832145, 1.285923957824821 ], [ 103.639678955078068, 1.286134004592896 ], [ 103.637809753417969, 1.286134004592896 ], [ 103.636772155761832, 1.286203980445919 ], [ 103.63615417480473, 1.286273002624625 ], [ 103.635391235351619, 1.286342978477478 ], [ 103.634216308593807, 1.286412000656242 ], [ 103.632896423339901, 1.286481976509037 ], [ 103.632621765136662, 1.286692023277283 ], [ 103.631164550781293, 1.286692023277283 ], [ 103.629508972168082, 1.286898970603943 ], [ 103.629074096679744, 1.286939978599548 ], [ 103.628639221191406, 1.286947011947689 ], [ 103.628196716308707, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.627746582031307, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.627220153808707, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.626113891601676, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.625831604003963, 1.286666989326591 ], [ 103.625274658203182, 1.286666989326591 ], [ 103.625, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.624168395996207, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.623886108398438, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.623336791992188, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.622718811035142, 1.287225008010978 ], [ 103.622024536132869, 1.287266016006583 ], [ 103.621505737304801, 1.287490010261536 ], [ 103.621223449707031, 1.287893056869507 ], [ 103.620834350585938, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.618331909179673, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.618057250976619, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.616943359375114, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.616943359375114, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.616668701171932, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.616668701171932, 1.293333053588924 ], [ 103.616943359375114, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.616943359375114, 1.294721007347107 ], [ 103.616668701171932, 1.294999003410396 ], [ 103.616668701171932, 1.295554995536861 ], [ 103.616943359375114, 1.296460032463187 ], [ 103.618888854980412, 1.298334002494925 ], [ 103.618980407714901, 1.298624992370719 ], [ 103.619194030761776, 1.299072027206535 ], [ 103.619453430175724, 1.299525976181087 ], [ 103.619720458984432, 1.299988031387443 ], [ 103.619995117187614, 1.300467014312801 ], [ 103.620254516601562, 1.300955057144165 ], [ 103.620468139648438, 1.301452040672302 ], [ 103.620597839355412, 1.301947951316947 ], [ 103.620788574218693, 1.302363038063049 ], [ 103.620841979980469, 1.302783012390194 ], [ 103.620841979980469, 1.303190946579036 ], [ 103.620834350585938, 1.303617000579834 ], [ 103.620834350585938, 1.304101943969783 ], [ 103.620864868164119, 1.304658055305595 ], [ 103.621017456054673, 1.305235028266907 ], [ 103.621269226074276, 1.30576598644268 ], [ 103.621589660644531, 1.306228995323124 ], [ 103.621856689453182, 1.306735038757324 ], [ 103.622062683105511, 1.307297945022583 ], [ 103.622314453124943, 1.307767033577079 ], [ 103.622489929199332, 1.308213949203548 ], [ 103.622634887695369, 1.30872201919567 ], [ 103.622795104980511, 1.30919194221508 ], [ 103.622947692871094, 1.309679031372184 ], [ 103.623161315918011, 1.310130953788814 ], [ 103.623321533203111, 1.310601949691886 ], [ 103.623451232910099, 1.31109702587122 ], [ 103.623626708984489, 1.311589002609367 ], [ 103.623878479003906, 1.312036037445182 ], [ 103.624145507812557, 1.312471032142639 ], [ 103.624435424804688, 1.312880992889461 ], [ 103.624702453613338, 1.313320994377136 ], [ 103.624908447265682, 1.313827037811279 ], [ 103.625038146972656, 1.314419984817448 ], [ 103.625274658203182, 1.314946055412349 ], [ 103.625503540039176, 1.315454959869442 ], [ 103.625602722167955, 1.316017985344047 ], [ 103.625808715820312, 1.316526055335999 ], [ 103.625961303710938, 1.317070960998592 ], [ 103.626136779785099, 1.317607998848018 ], [ 103.626388549804688, 1.318114042282161 ], [ 103.626663208007926, 1.318626999855155 ], [ 103.626930236816406, 1.319162964820862 ], [ 103.627166748046932, 1.319725990295467 ], [ 103.627365112304744, 1.320291042327824 ], [ 103.627532958984375, 1.320827007293758 ], [ 103.627777099609432, 1.321254968643302 ], [ 103.628005981445426, 1.321648955345267 ], [ 103.628120422363338, 1.322070956230164 ], [ 103.628273010253906, 1.322410941124076 ], [ 103.628250122070298, 1.322823047637996 ], [ 103.628059387207031, 1.323384046554622 ], [ 103.627937316894574, 1.323979020118713 ], [ 103.628227233886662, 1.32459199428564 ], [ 103.628631591796875, 1.325042963027954 ], [ 103.628906250000043, 1.325515031814689 ], [ 103.629173278808537, 1.325942993164062 ], [ 103.629447937011776, 1.326364994049186 ], [ 103.629722595214957, 1.326791048049927 ], [ 103.629966735839844, 1.327232956886405 ], [ 103.630119323730568, 1.327736973762626 ], [ 103.630302429199332, 1.32820200920105 ], [ 103.630538940429688, 1.328619003295955 ], [ 103.630729675292969, 1.32905900478363 ], [ 103.630912780761719, 1.329530954361019 ], [ 103.631095886230412, 1.330042958259696 ], [ 103.631240844726662, 1.330618023872432 ], [ 103.631347656249986, 1.331298947334403 ], [ 103.631591796875057, 1.331905007362309 ], [ 103.631698608398438, 1.332434058189449 ], [ 103.631874084472656, 1.332895040512199 ], [ 103.631935119628963, 1.333369016647339 ], [ 103.631950378418026, 1.333845019340572 ], [ 103.631988525390739, 1.33432400226593 ], [ 103.63217926025402, 1.334776997566223 ], [ 103.632286071777344, 1.335307955741939 ], [ 103.632484436035156, 1.335821032524052 ], [ 103.632675170898438, 1.336369991302604 ], [ 103.632904052734432, 1.336897015571594 ], [ 103.633163452148551, 1.337350010871887 ], [ 103.633369445800724, 1.33778798580164 ], [ 103.633598327636719, 1.338157057762203 ], [ 103.6337890625, 1.338533043861332 ], [ 103.633911132812614, 1.338963985443172 ], [ 103.634078979492244, 1.339390039443913 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.340000987052861 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.341110944747868 ], [ 103.632774353027457, 1.342499017715568 ], [ 103.632774353027457, 1.343333005905208 ], [ 103.633331298828239, 1.343888998031673 ], [ 103.633331298828239, 1.344166994094962 ], [ 103.633613586425781, 1.344444990158138 ], [ 103.633613586425781, 1.344722986221257 ], [ 103.633888244628963, 1.34499895572668 ], [ 103.633888244628963, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.345554947853145 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 103.634445190429744, 1.346111059188956 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 103.634162902832031, 1.348333001136893 ], [ 103.633888244628963, 1.348610997200069 ], [ 103.633888244628963, 1.348889946937675 ], [ 103.633613586425781, 1.349167943000793 ], [ 103.633613586425781, 1.34972095489502 ], [ 103.633331298828239, 1.349998950958366 ], [ 103.633331298828239, 1.350278019905147 ], [ 103.633056640625, 1.350556015968323 ], [ 103.633056640625, 1.350834012031612 ], [ 103.633613586425781, 1.351390004158133 ], [ 103.635559082031307, 1.351390004158133 ], [ 103.635696411132812, 1.351529002189693 ], [ 103.635833740234489, 1.351668000221252 ], [ 103.63639068603527, 1.351668000221252 ], [ 103.636665344238281, 1.351943969726619 ], [ 103.636947631836051, 1.351943969726619 ], [ 103.637222290039048, 1.352221965789795 ], [ 103.637496948242244, 1.352221965789795 ], [ 103.638336181640568, 1.351390004158133 ], [ 103.638336181640568, 1.351112008094788 ], [ 103.638610839843793, 1.350834012031612 ], [ 103.638336181640568, 1.350556015968323 ], [ 103.638336181640568, 1.34972095489502 ], [ 103.63944244384777, 1.348610997200069 ], [ 103.639999389648551, 1.348610997200069 ], [ 103.640472412109361, 1.34823298454296 ], [ 103.640953063964957, 1.347838997840825 ], [ 103.641441345214844, 1.347507953643799 ], [ 103.641914367675895, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 103.642349243164006, 1.346948027610836 ], [ 103.642768859863281, 1.346694946289062 ], [ 103.643188476562557, 1.34649395942688 ], [ 103.643478393554631, 1.346220970153922 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.864997863769517, 1.4375 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.4375 ], [ 103.864440917968807, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.863609313964844, 1.438609957695007 ], [ 103.863609313964844, 1.439165949821472 ], [ 103.862777709961051, 1.440000057220459 ], [ 103.862220764160256, 1.440278053283748 ], [ 103.862220764160256, 1.441112041473389 ], [ 103.859725952148537, 1.443609952926693 ], [ 103.860000610351562, 1.443887948989868 ], [ 103.860000610351562, 1.446110963821468 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.446944952011052 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.447777032852287 ], [ 103.85888671875, 1.448055028915405 ], [ 103.85888671875, 1.448333024978751 ], [ 103.856941223144531, 1.450276970863342 ], [ 103.858329772949276, 1.450276970863342 ], [ 103.859443664550781, 1.449723005294857 ], [ 103.859443664550781, 1.449167013168392 ], [ 103.862503051757798, 1.446110963821468 ], [ 103.862503051757798, 1.444723010063285 ], [ 103.865554809570312, 1.441666007041931 ], [ 103.865280151367287, 1.441388010978756 ], [ 103.865837097168068, 1.440834045410213 ], [ 103.865837097168068, 1.440556049346924 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.440278053283748 ], [ 103.866111755371094, 1.438055992126465 ], [ 103.864997863769517, 1.437777996063346 ], [ 103.864997863769517, 1.4375 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.685371398925838, 1.433935046196041 ], [ 103.685089111328125, 1.433725953102226 ], [ 103.684745788574219, 1.433864951133841 ], [ 103.684402465820369, 1.433935046196041 ], [ 103.684188842773494, 1.43428194522852 ], [ 103.684188842773494, 1.434630990028381 ], [ 103.684471130371193, 1.434769988060111 ], [ 103.684974670410213, 1.434860944747982 ], [ 103.685302734375, 1.435191035270691 ], [ 103.685577392578182, 1.435191035270691 ], [ 103.685852050781236, 1.434978961944694 ], [ 103.685920715332088, 1.434630990028381 ], [ 103.685371398925838, 1.433935046196041 ] ] ], [ [ [ 104.058647155761776, 1.432044029235954 ], [ 104.058570861816406, 1.431797981262264 ], [ 104.059150695800781, 1.431838989257869 ], [ 104.059150695800781, 1.431519985198974 ], [ 104.059417724609432, 1.431560993194523 ], [ 104.059402465820369, 1.43126904964447 ], [ 104.059890747070312, 1.43126904964447 ], [ 104.060386657714957, 1.43123900890356 ], [ 104.061088562011776, 1.43126904964447 ], [ 104.061088562011776, 1.430752038955632 ], [ 104.061820983886719, 1.430731058120784 ], [ 104.061935424804801, 1.430672049522457 ], [ 104.063575744628963, 1.430672049522457 ], [ 104.065589904785085, 1.430672049522457 ], [ 104.069046020507798, 1.430050015449467 ], [ 104.071769714355526, 1.429993033409232 ], [ 104.073524475097713, 1.428632020950431 ], [ 104.076416015625114, 1.426337003707886 ], [ 104.079589843750057, 1.423900008201656 ], [ 104.080749511718807, 1.422737956047058 ], [ 104.083618164062557, 1.419335007667655 ], [ 104.085067749023438, 1.415212035179252 ], [ 104.084022521972713, 1.415171027183646 ], [ 104.083259582519588, 1.414754033088741 ], [ 104.083465576171989, 1.414196014404354 ], [ 104.083724975585938, 1.413836002349854 ], [ 104.083602905273494, 1.41375100612646 ], [ 104.08355712890625, 1.413486957550049 ], [ 104.083862304687614, 1.413503050804252 ], [ 104.083847045898537, 1.41320896148693 ], [ 104.08412933349608, 1.41320896148693 ], [ 104.084144592285156, 1.412958025932426 ], [ 104.084419250488395, 1.412917017936707 ], [ 104.084434509277457, 1.412402033805961 ], [ 104.084724426269531, 1.41237294673914 ], [ 104.084709167480455, 1.412094950676021 ], [ 104.084457397460881, 1.412107944488639 ], [ 104.084434509277457, 1.411803007125968 ], [ 104.084678649902344, 1.411816000938416 ], [ 104.084709167480455, 1.411244034767265 ], [ 104.085510253906307, 1.411273956298828 ], [ 104.085556030273551, 1.410437941551265 ], [ 104.085800170898381, 1.410437941551265 ], [ 104.085800170898381, 1.41014397144329 ], [ 104.085540771484432, 1.410130023956356 ], [ 104.085540771484432, 1.409909009933472 ], [ 104.085258483886719, 1.409878969192562 ], [ 104.085235595703054, 1.409309029579163 ], [ 104.08499908447277, 1.409322977066097 ], [ 104.084960937500057, 1.408781051635856 ], [ 104.084678649902344, 1.408781051635856 ], [ 104.084709167480455, 1.408514022827205 ], [ 104.083892822265568, 1.408499956130925 ], [ 104.083877563476676, 1.407930970192069 ], [ 104.083587646484432, 1.40794396400463 ], [ 104.083572387695312, 1.407649993896484 ], [ 104.083045959472713, 1.407652020454407 ], [ 104.083038330078182, 1.407379031181449 ], [ 104.083030700683651, 1.407107949256897 ], [ 104.08332061767571, 1.407107949256897 ], [ 104.083335876464844, 1.407399058342037 ], [ 104.083572387695312, 1.407385945320243 ], [ 104.083625793457088, 1.407153010368347 ], [ 104.083847045898537, 1.407109975814876 ], [ 104.083847045898537, 1.406802058219966 ], [ 104.083602905273494, 1.406818032264823 ], [ 104.083602905273494, 1.406551957130432 ], [ 104.083297729492301, 1.406538009643555 ], [ 104.083282470703239, 1.406008958816585 ], [ 104.083618164062557, 1.406008958816585 ], [ 104.083602905273494, 1.405158996582088 ], [ 104.083007812499986, 1.405145049095211 ], [ 104.083045959472713, 1.403779983520508 ], [ 104.083312988281193, 1.403794050216732 ], [ 104.083297729492301, 1.403516054153442 ], [ 104.083030700683651, 1.403501987457332 ], [ 104.083030700683651, 1.403069019317627 ], [ 104.083023071289119, 1.402956962585563 ], [ 104.082756042480412, 1.402930021286011 ], [ 104.082725524902457, 1.402109980583305 ], [ 104.083045959472713, 1.402109980583305 ], [ 104.083045959472713, 1.401551008224601 ], [ 104.082450866699276, 1.401538014411983 ], [ 104.082450866699276, 1.401286959648189 ], [ 104.082206726074219, 1.401245951652584 ], [ 104.082206726074219, 1.400159001350403 ], [ 104.082481384277386, 1.400145053863469 ], [ 104.082481384277386, 1.399613976478577 ], [ 104.082206726074219, 1.399600028991699 ], [ 104.082176208496037, 1.399350047111511 ], [ 104.081909179687557, 1.399350047111511 ], [ 104.081909179687557, 1.399072051048336 ], [ 104.081909179687557, 1.398597002029419 ], [ 104.081939697265739, 1.398236989975089 ], [ 104.082176208496037, 1.398251056671143 ], [ 104.082191467285142, 1.397943019866943 ], [ 104.081619262695312, 1.397943019866943 ], [ 104.081634521484375, 1.397693037986755 ], [ 104.081359863281364, 1.397678971290702 ], [ 104.081344604492244, 1.396564006805477 ], [ 104.081634521484375, 1.396564006805477 ], [ 104.081634521484375, 1.396286010742188 ], [ 104.081344604492244, 1.39627301692974 ], [ 104.081344604492244, 1.396021962165946 ], [ 104.081085205078125, 1.396005988121089 ], [ 104.081085205078125, 1.395742058754024 ], [ 104.080833435058537, 1.395727992057914 ], [ 104.080802917480582, 1.395158052444571 ], [ 104.0810546875, 1.395185947418156 ], [ 104.081069946289062, 1.394281029701233 ], [ 104.080818176269645, 1.394338011741638 ], [ 104.080802917480582, 1.393795013427791 ], [ 104.080513000488267, 1.393766045570374 ], [ 104.080543518066449, 1.392444014549312 ], [ 104.080291748046875, 1.392400026321525 ], [ 104.08023834228527, 1.392053961753959 ], [ 104.079978942871151, 1.392122030258179 ], [ 104.079986572265668, 1.391803026199455 ], [ 104.079727172851562, 1.391803026199455 ], [ 104.079696655273381, 1.391553044319096 ], [ 104.079406738281307, 1.39153695106512 ], [ 104.079437255859432, 1.391258955001945 ], [ 104.078590393066406, 1.391301989555473 ], [ 104.078552246093693, 1.391021966934204 ], [ 104.078025817871094, 1.391021966934204 ], [ 104.078041076660156, 1.390756964683646 ], [ 104.077751159668082, 1.390756964683646 ], [ 104.077751159668082, 1.391008019447326 ], [ 104.077468872070312, 1.390993952751217 ], [ 104.077468872070312, 1.390756964683646 ], [ 104.076637268066349, 1.390743970871085 ], [ 104.076637268066349, 1.390171051025447 ], [ 104.076904296875, 1.390171051025447 ], [ 104.076919555664119, 1.389893054962101 ], [ 104.076087951660156, 1.389893054962101 ], [ 104.076103210449205, 1.390102982521 ], [ 104.076087951660156, 1.390187025070304 ], [ 104.0755615234375, 1.390143990516776 ], [ 104.0755615234375, 1.390421986579895 ], [ 104.075256347656364, 1.390465974807739 ], [ 104.075271606445426, 1.390715956687927 ], [ 104.074165344238224, 1.39070296287548 ], [ 104.07413482666027, 1.390993952751217 ], [ 104.073875427246136, 1.391008019447326 ], [ 104.073875427246136, 1.391288042068595 ], [ 104.072502136230469, 1.391286015510616 ], [ 104.072486877441392, 1.391566038131714 ], [ 104.071357727050781, 1.391566038131714 ], [ 104.071365356445312, 1.391301989555473 ], [ 104.07023620605473, 1.391286015510616 ], [ 104.070259094238324, 1.390993952751217 ], [ 104.070022583007812, 1.390993952751217 ], [ 104.069992065429673, 1.390887022018546 ], [ 104.069953918457145, 1.390743970871085 ], [ 104.069717407226619, 1.390715956687927 ], [ 104.069664001464901, 1.390452027320862 ], [ 104.069152832031349, 1.390421986579895 ], [ 104.069122314453182, 1.389920949935913 ], [ 104.068878173828125, 1.389937043190116 ], [ 104.06884765625, 1.390171051025447 ], [ 104.068336486816463, 1.390171051025447 ], [ 104.068305969238281, 1.389893054962101 ], [ 104.067756652832088, 1.389879941940364 ], [ 104.067756652832088, 1.389615058898983 ], [ 104.067199707031307, 1.38962900638586 ], [ 104.067192077636776, 1.389323949813899 ], [ 104.066955566406236, 1.389336943626461 ], [ 104.066909790039006, 1.389615058898983 ], [ 104.066665649414105, 1.38962900638586 ], [ 104.066665649414105, 1.389351010322571 ], [ 104.066375732421861, 1.389323949813899 ], [ 104.066345214843679, 1.389073014259395 ], [ 104.065765380859304, 1.389029979705867 ], [ 104.065834045410156, 1.38877904415142 ], [ 104.065544128418082, 1.38877904415142 ], [ 104.065185546875114, 1.388792991638297 ], [ 104.064727783203168, 1.388792991638297 ], [ 104.064682006835938, 1.388501048088074 ], [ 104.064140319824276, 1.38848698139202 ], [ 104.064155578613338, 1.38824999332428 ], [ 104.062744140625, 1.388208985328674 ], [ 104.062759399414062, 1.387958049774227 ], [ 104.062202453613267, 1.387928962707576 ], [ 104.06219482421875, 1.387663960456905 ], [ 104.061904907226676, 1.387663960456905 ], [ 104.06192779541027, 1.387400031089783 ], [ 104.061653137207074, 1.387385964393729 ], [ 104.061653137207074, 1.387680053710881 ], [ 104.061378479003849, 1.387680053710881 ], [ 104.061363220214943, 1.387359023094234 ], [ 104.060791015625114, 1.387385964393729 ], [ 104.060791015625114, 1.386829972267265 ], [ 104.060012817382926, 1.386832952499503 ], [ 104.060005187988381, 1.386566042900199 ], [ 104.059165954589844, 1.386551976203918 ], [ 104.059181213378963, 1.386260986328182 ], [ 104.05859375, 1.386288046836853 ], [ 104.05859375, 1.385995984077454 ], [ 104.057975769042969, 1.385995984077454 ], [ 104.058059692382855, 1.385745048523006 ], [ 104.057449340820312, 1.385745048523006 ], [ 104.05747985839848, 1.385187029838562 ], [ 104.056961059570426, 1.385172963142509 ], [ 104.056907653808651, 1.384922981262321 ], [ 104.056655883789062, 1.384852051735038 ], [ 104.056655883789062, 1.384281992912292 ], [ 104.056396484375114, 1.384310007095451 ], [ 104.056381225586051, 1.383752942085323 ], [ 104.056106567382812, 1.383767008781376 ], [ 104.056091308593736, 1.383515954017753 ], [ 104.055549621582088, 1.383489012718258 ], [ 104.0555419921875, 1.382706999778861 ], [ 104.055274963378849, 1.382680058479366 ], [ 104.055259704589957, 1.382151007652396 ], [ 104.0555419921875, 1.382107973098869 ], [ 104.055549621582088, 1.381844043731803 ], [ 104.054420471191463, 1.381844043731803 ], [ 104.054420471191463, 1.38175201416027 ], [ 104.054428100585994, 1.381564974784851 ], [ 104.053863525390668, 1.381579041481075 ], [ 104.053894042968849, 1.381858944892997 ], [ 104.053604125976562, 1.381858944892997 ], [ 104.053596496582017, 1.381672978401184 ], [ 104.0535888671875, 1.381301045417729 ], [ 104.05332183837902, 1.381301045417729 ], [ 104.05332183837902, 1.381036996841488 ], [ 104.05192565917973, 1.381008982658329 ], [ 104.051940917968807, 1.380743026733512 ], [ 104.050262451171932, 1.380728960037288 ], [ 104.050277709961051, 1.381538033485526 ], [ 104.050018310546932, 1.381551980972404 ], [ 104.04998779296875, 1.381788969039974 ], [ 104.049751281738224, 1.38185703754425 ], [ 104.049751281738224, 1.382138013839778 ], [ 104.049423217773438, 1.382179021835384 ], [ 104.049446105957088, 1.382331013679561 ], [ 104.049171447753849, 1.382401943206844 ], [ 104.049186706542912, 1.382680058479366 ], [ 104.048843383789062, 1.382680058479366 ], [ 104.048896789550838, 1.382930994033813 ], [ 104.048606872558537, 1.382943987846431 ], [ 104.048622131347656, 1.383502960205135 ], [ 104.048324584960994, 1.383515954017753 ], [ 104.048339843750057, 1.38407301902771 ], [ 104.048049926757812, 1.38407301902771 ], [ 104.048049926757812, 1.384323000907841 ], [ 104.047760009765682, 1.384364008903617 ], [ 104.047760009765682, 1.384631037712097 ], [ 104.047195434570355, 1.384644985199031 ], [ 104.047195434570355, 1.384909033775443 ], [ 104.046928405761719, 1.384909033775443 ], [ 104.046928405761719, 1.385450959205627 ], [ 104.046684265136832, 1.38546705245983 ], [ 104.046653747558707, 1.386036992073059 ], [ 104.046943664550781, 1.386036992073059 ], [ 104.046928405761719, 1.386260986328182 ], [ 104.04666900634777, 1.3862739801408 ], [ 104.046623229980526, 1.386566042900199 ], [ 104.046127319335881, 1.386551976203918 ], [ 104.046089172363395, 1.386845946311951 ], [ 104.045532226562614, 1.386829972267265 ], [ 104.045547485351506, 1.387611985206661 ], [ 104.045562744140568, 1.388211011886654 ], [ 104.044456481933594, 1.388252019882202 ], [ 104.04443359375, 1.388795018196106 ], [ 104.044143676757869, 1.388795018196106 ], [ 104.044158935546918, 1.389073014259395 ], [ 104.043769836425838, 1.38908696174633 ], [ 104.043899536132812, 1.389881968498287 ], [ 104.043609619140724, 1.389922976493892 ], [ 104.043609619140724, 1.390117049217281 ], [ 104.043289184570298, 1.390174031257686 ], [ 104.043327331542969, 1.391037940979061 ], [ 104.042732238769531, 1.391023993492126 ], [ 104.042778015136776, 1.391301989555473 ], [ 104.042503356933523, 1.391301989555473 ], [ 104.042503356933523, 1.391553044319096 ], [ 104.042236328125057, 1.391579985618648 ], [ 104.04222106933598, 1.392125010490417 ], [ 104.041931152343693, 1.392138004303035 ], [ 104.041931152343693, 1.392403006553764 ], [ 104.0413818359375, 1.392403006553764 ], [ 104.041366577148381, 1.392694950103817 ], [ 104.041091918945369, 1.392694950103817 ], [ 104.041091918945369, 1.39296102523798 ], [ 104.040824890136719, 1.392958998680228 ], [ 104.040840148925781, 1.393226027488708 ], [ 104.04056549072277, 1.393210053443852 ], [ 104.040550231933707, 1.394325971603337 ], [ 104.040298461914119, 1.394323945045585 ], [ 104.040298461914119, 1.395133018493652 ], [ 104.041366577148381, 1.395174026489201 ], [ 104.041366577148381, 1.395452022552547 ], [ 104.041091918945369, 1.395424962043876 ], [ 104.041091918945369, 1.395732998847961 ], [ 104.040809631347656, 1.395732998847961 ], [ 104.040824890136719, 1.396038055419922 ], [ 104.040283203125, 1.396038055419922 ], [ 104.040260314941406, 1.395815014839286 ], [ 104.040267944335938, 1.395704984664974 ], [ 104.040092468261719, 1.395704984664974 ], [ 104.039970397949332, 1.395676016807499 ], [ 104.039970397949332, 1.395370006561393 ], [ 104.039978027343864, 1.395231008529663 ], [ 104.039718627929744, 1.39516103267681 ], [ 104.039154052734432, 1.395174026489201 ], [ 104.039154052734432, 1.395272016525382 ], [ 104.039161682128963, 1.395550012588558 ], [ 104.039161682128963, 1.395719051361198 ], [ 104.038337707519531, 1.395719051361198 ], [ 104.038322448730469, 1.396023988723869 ], [ 104.038032531738338, 1.396023988723869 ], [ 104.038070678711051, 1.397668004036007 ], [ 104.037780761718736, 1.397654056549129 ], [ 104.037765502929688, 1.398239970207328 ], [ 104.037506103515739, 1.39821195602417 ], [ 104.037506103515739, 1.398530960083065 ], [ 104.037223815917969, 1.398489952087516 ], [ 104.037239074707088, 1.39960503578186 ], [ 104.036949157714957, 1.399631977081356 ], [ 104.036933898925895, 1.400719046592769 ], [ 104.036643981933594, 1.400706052780151 ], [ 104.036643981933594, 1.401304960250968 ], [ 104.036384582519645, 1.401275038719234 ], [ 104.036384582519645, 1.401556015014591 ], [ 104.035827636718693, 1.401522040367183 ], [ 104.035827636718693, 1.401604056358337 ], [ 104.035812377929801, 1.402102947235164 ], [ 104.035575866699261, 1.402119040489197 ], [ 104.035530090332074, 1.402397036552543 ], [ 104.035285949707017, 1.402410030364933 ], [ 104.035255432128849, 1.402675032615662 ], [ 104.035018920898551, 1.402675032615662 ], [ 104.035003662109432, 1.402925968170166 ], [ 104.034454345703239, 1.402938961982727 ], [ 104.034423828125057, 1.402716040611267 ], [ 104.034164428710923, 1.402688980102596 ], [ 104.034149169921875, 1.403246998786983 ], [ 104.033042907714901, 1.403175950050297 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.40378904342657 ], [ 104.032501220703182, 1.403761982917899 ], [ 104.032463073730469, 1.404026031494141 ], [ 104.03224945068358, 1.404026031494141 ], [ 104.032241821289062, 1.404361009597892 ], [ 104.031120300292969, 1.404361009597892 ], [ 104.031112670898438, 1.404592037200985 ], [ 104.030570983886776, 1.404621005058402 ], [ 104.030555725097656, 1.40488600730896 ], [ 104.030265808105582, 1.40488600730896 ], [ 104.030281066894645, 1.405441999435425 ], [ 104.030006408691463, 1.405454993248043 ], [ 104.029991149902401, 1.405706048011836 ], [ 104.02970123291027, 1.405706048011836 ], [ 104.02970123291027, 1.405984044075012 ], [ 104.029449462890682, 1.406000018119869 ], [ 104.02946472167973, 1.406263947486934 ], [ 104.029159545898381, 1.406263947486934 ], [ 104.029144287109318, 1.406584024429321 ], [ 104.028869628906307, 1.406584024429321 ], [ 104.028869628906307, 1.407114982605037 ], [ 104.028327941894588, 1.407114982605037 ], [ 104.028343200683707, 1.407727956771907 ], [ 104.028343200683707, 1.408337950706596 ], [ 104.028350830078239, 1.408645987510624 ], [ 104.02838897705071, 1.408758044242916 ], [ 104.028861999511761, 1.408828973770198 ], [ 104.028861999511761, 1.409286975860709 ], [ 104.029174804687486, 1.409343957901115 ], [ 104.029151916503849, 1.409872055053768 ], [ 104.029472351074276, 1.409886002540702 ], [ 104.029472351074276, 1.410150051116943 ], [ 104.029716491699162, 1.410207033157349 ], [ 104.029693603515739, 1.410415053367672 ], [ 104.029998779296932, 1.410457968711796 ], [ 104.030006408691463, 1.410694956779537 ], [ 104.030021667480511, 1.411237955093441 ], [ 104.030288696289006, 1.411265015602112 ], [ 104.03025054931652, 1.411864042282104 ], [ 104.030258178711051, 1.412101030349845 ], [ 104.030265808105582, 1.412186026573238 ], [ 104.030273437500114, 1.412297010421867 ], [ 104.030273437500114, 1.412379026413021 ], [ 104.030532836914062, 1.412379026413021 ], [ 104.030853271484489, 1.412392973899898 ], [ 104.030838012695426, 1.412531971931457 ], [ 104.030815124511832, 1.412785053253231 ], [ 104.030853271484489, 1.412965059280396 ], [ 104.031105041503906, 1.412950992584285 ], [ 104.03108978271483, 1.413383960723877 ], [ 104.027893066406293, 1.412811994552726 ], [ 104.027763366699332, 1.414453029632625 ], [ 104.027824401855412, 1.415402054786739 ], [ 104.027839660644517, 1.415639042854309 ], [ 104.029365539550767, 1.415478944778556 ], [ 104.02991485595696, 1.415693044662532 ], [ 104.030677795410099, 1.415554046630916 ], [ 104.031158447265682, 1.415693044662532 ], [ 104.031150817871151, 1.415771007537955 ], [ 104.031074523925781, 1.416280984878654 ], [ 104.030838012695426, 1.416280984878654 ], [ 104.030830383300881, 1.416376948356742 ], [ 104.030815124511832, 1.416545987129211 ], [ 104.030616760253963, 1.416602969169617 ], [ 104.030548095703125, 1.416852951049805 ], [ 104.030395507812557, 1.416852951049805 ], [ 104.030273437500114, 1.416864991188106 ], [ 104.030258178711051, 1.417060971260128 ], [ 104.030296325683537, 1.417368054390067 ], [ 104.030258178711051, 1.417701005935669 ], [ 104.030258178711051, 1.417951941490116 ], [ 104.029998779296932, 1.417951941490116 ], [ 104.029998779296932, 1.418761014938354 ], [ 104.029846191406307, 1.418774962425289 ], [ 104.029693603515739, 1.41880202293396 ], [ 104.02970123291027, 1.418885946273861 ], [ 104.029716491699162, 1.419024944305477 ], [ 104.029609680175838, 1.419052958488407 ], [ 104.029441833496136, 1.419052958488407 ], [ 104.029441833496136, 1.419581055641288 ], [ 104.029548645019531, 1.419581055641288 ], [ 104.029716491699162, 1.4196519851684 ], [ 104.029716491699162, 1.419875025749263 ], [ 104.029594421386719, 1.419916033744869 ], [ 104.029441833496136, 1.419916033744869 ], [ 104.029434204101619, 1.420014977455139 ], [ 104.029426574707088, 1.42014002799999 ], [ 104.029273986816463, 1.42014002799999 ], [ 104.029174804687486, 1.420153975486869 ], [ 104.029151916503849, 1.420333981514034 ], [ 104.029136657714957, 1.420794010162467 ], [ 104.029151916503849, 1.421183943748474 ], [ 104.029151916503849, 1.421447992324943 ], [ 104.029098510742301, 1.421545982360897 ], [ 104.028984069824219, 1.421545982360897 ], [ 104.028884887695369, 1.421560049057007 ], [ 104.028900146484432, 1.421655058860779 ], [ 104.028915405273537, 1.421810030937195 ], [ 104.028915405273537, 1.422019958496037 ], [ 104.02883148193358, 1.422117948532218 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.422117948532218 ], [ 104.02862548828125, 1.422494053840751 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.422673940658512 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.422924995422363 ], [ 104.028640747070312, 1.423153042793388 ], [ 104.028808593749986, 1.423205018043632 ], [ 104.028846740722713, 1.423267006874028 ], [ 104.028930664062614, 1.423385024070797 ], [ 104.028930664062614, 1.423650026321468 ], [ 104.02883148193358, 1.423761010170097 ], [ 104.02872467041027, 1.423789024353084 ], [ 104.028594970703125, 1.423802018165645 ], [ 104.028594970703125, 1.423900008201656 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.424263000488395 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.424499988555965 ], [ 104.02862548828125, 1.424805045127982 ], [ 104.028594970703125, 1.424890041351375 ], [ 104.028808593749986, 1.424875974655265 ], [ 104.028900146484432, 1.424890041351375 ], [ 104.028900146484432, 1.425197005271968 ], [ 104.028861999511761, 1.425447940826416 ], [ 104.029029846191406, 1.425470948219356 ], [ 104.029174804687486, 1.425470948219356 ], [ 104.029182434082031, 1.425734996795654 ], [ 104.029777526855455, 1.42570805549633 ], [ 104.029708862304787, 1.425971984863395 ], [ 104.030288696289006, 1.425999999046326 ], [ 104.03025054931652, 1.425430059432983 ], [ 104.030830383300881, 1.425443053245601 ], [ 104.030830383300881, 1.425122022628898 ], [ 104.0322265625, 1.425151944160461 ], [ 104.032203674316349, 1.424885034561157 ], [ 104.03275299072277, 1.424885034561157 ], [ 104.03275299072277, 1.425179004669133 ], [ 104.035842895507798, 1.425165057182425 ], [ 104.035812377929801, 1.424885034561157 ], [ 104.036674499511776, 1.424885034561157 ], [ 104.036674499511776, 1.425151944160461 ], [ 104.036964416503849, 1.425135970115662 ], [ 104.036918640136818, 1.425443053245601 ], [ 104.037460327148494, 1.425443053245601 ], [ 104.037475585937557, 1.425179004669133 ], [ 104.037734985351506, 1.425165057182425 ], [ 104.037765502929688, 1.42541599273693 ], [ 104.038040161132869, 1.425443053245601 ], [ 104.038040161132869, 1.425693988800049 ], [ 104.038619995117244, 1.425734996795654 ], [ 104.038619995117244, 1.425971984863395 ], [ 104.039146423339886, 1.425986051559448 ], [ 104.039131164550781, 1.426249980926513 ], [ 104.040008544921989, 1.426280021667424 ], [ 104.039978027343864, 1.427086949348563 ], [ 104.040542602539176, 1.427114009857234 ], [ 104.040573120117301, 1.427672028541679 ], [ 104.041656494140682, 1.427685976028556 ], [ 104.041656494140682, 1.428508996963501 ], [ 104.041969299316406, 1.428508996963501 ], [ 104.041931152343693, 1.428786993026847 ], [ 104.041641235351605, 1.428786993026847 ], [ 104.041656494140682, 1.429664015769958 ], [ 104.04222106933598, 1.429636955261287 ], [ 104.042190551757798, 1.429873943328857 ], [ 104.042495727539006, 1.429901003837529 ], [ 104.04245758056652, 1.430166006088257 ], [ 104.042793273925838, 1.430176973342952 ], [ 104.043952941894588, 1.430176973342952 ], [ 104.04496002197277, 1.430176973342952 ], [ 104.045860290527386, 1.430091023445243 ], [ 104.046562194824219, 1.430199980735892 ], [ 104.047348022460994, 1.430222988128662 ], [ 104.04837799072277, 1.429891943931636 ], [ 104.048995971679631, 1.429782986640987 ], [ 104.049476623535213, 1.429739952087459 ], [ 104.050773620605469, 1.429695963859672 ], [ 104.052238464355412, 1.42965304851532 ], [ 104.053337097168068, 1.429872035980281 ], [ 104.054054260253963, 1.430289030075187 ], [ 104.054542541503892, 1.430878996849117 ], [ 104.054580688476562, 1.431427955627441 ], [ 104.055023193359432, 1.431777000427246 ], [ 104.055923461914062, 1.431866049766541 ], [ 104.057670593261761, 1.431887030601558 ], [ 104.057815551757812, 1.431977987289429 ], [ 104.05816650390625, 1.432044029235954 ], [ 104.058334350585881, 1.432086944580078 ], [ 104.058441162109432, 1.432114005088749 ], [ 104.058647155761776, 1.432044029235954 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.882675170898366, 1.418387055396977 ], [ 103.882362365722713, 1.418105006217957 ], [ 103.882102966308537, 1.41789698600769 ], [ 103.881637573242244, 1.417672038078422 ], [ 103.881309509277443, 1.417780995369071 ], [ 103.880905151367301, 1.417958974838257 ], [ 103.88043212890625, 1.418086051940861 ], [ 103.880119323730526, 1.418205022811889 ], [ 103.880012512207031, 1.418244004249516 ], [ 103.879486083984375, 1.418167948722839 ], [ 103.878967285156307, 1.418254971504211 ], [ 103.878425598144631, 1.41868102550518 ], [ 103.877914428710938, 1.419077992439327 ], [ 103.877494812011832, 1.419435977935848 ], [ 103.877136230468693, 1.419752001762333 ], [ 103.876770019531236, 1.420014977455139 ], [ 103.87642669677733, 1.42028105258953 ], [ 103.876106262207088, 1.420580029487667 ], [ 103.875823974609361, 1.420940041542167 ], [ 103.875549316406307, 1.421301960945243 ], [ 103.875259399414062, 1.421648979187125 ], [ 103.874961853027401, 1.42196094989788 ], [ 103.874664306640568, 1.422279953956604 ], [ 103.874389648437543, 1.42260396480566 ], [ 103.87409210205071, 1.422916054725647 ], [ 103.873779296875057, 1.423230051994381 ], [ 103.873435974121151, 1.423542976379451 ], [ 103.873039245605526, 1.423846006393489 ], [ 103.872573852539048, 1.424139976501465 ], [ 103.872055053710938, 1.42445898056036 ], [ 103.871421813964773, 1.424769043922367 ], [ 103.870689392089844, 1.425070047378483 ], [ 103.869987487793026, 1.425475001335258 ], [ 103.869628906250057, 1.425847053527889 ], [ 103.869422912597713, 1.426293969154358 ], [ 103.86924743652348, 1.426738023757935 ], [ 103.869400024414105, 1.427209973335266 ], [ 103.869544982910156, 1.427736043929997 ], [ 103.869796752929744, 1.428231000900382 ], [ 103.870178222656307, 1.428639054298344 ], [ 103.870559692382855, 1.429039955139274 ], [ 103.870971679687543, 1.429409027099609 ], [ 103.871429443359375, 1.429712057113704 ], [ 103.871902465820369, 1.429977059364376 ], [ 103.872314453125099, 1.430274963378906 ], [ 103.872688293457088, 1.430570960044861 ], [ 103.873046875000057, 1.430871963500977 ], [ 103.873413085937557, 1.431166052818298 ], [ 103.873840332031349, 1.431398987770194 ], [ 103.874267578124943, 1.431614995002747 ], [ 103.874763488769588, 1.431705951690788 ], [ 103.875236511230412, 1.431871056556702 ], [ 103.875701904296918, 1.43193697929388 ], [ 103.876174926757756, 1.431946039199943 ], [ 103.876640319824276, 1.431918025016784 ], [ 103.877090454101662, 1.431802034378165 ], [ 103.877548217773438, 1.43169295787817 ], [ 103.878028869628949, 1.431669950485172 ], [ 103.878501892089844, 1.431663036346436 ], [ 103.878959655761776, 1.431612968444938 ], [ 103.879371643066506, 1.431427955627441 ], [ 103.879806518554631, 1.431287050247306 ], [ 103.880195617675724, 1.431084036827144 ], [ 103.880584716796875, 1.430830955505371 ], [ 103.8809814453125, 1.430556058883667 ], [ 103.881393432617188, 1.43027305603033 ], [ 103.881813049316449, 1.429983019828853 ], [ 103.882202148437543, 1.429671049118099 ], [ 103.882606506347713, 1.429358959197998 ], [ 103.883056640624943, 1.429103970527592 ], [ 103.883506774902401, 1.428854942321721 ], [ 103.883934020996151, 1.428576946258602 ], [ 103.884384155273381, 1.428316950798034 ], [ 103.884841918945369, 1.428055047988948 ], [ 103.885322570800895, 1.427809000015259 ], [ 103.885856628418082, 1.427618026733455 ], [ 103.886306762695312, 1.427364945411682 ], [ 103.886657714843864, 1.427005052566585 ], [ 103.88700103759777, 1.426640033721924 ], [ 103.887397766113381, 1.426360011100826 ], [ 103.887756347656307, 1.426085948944205 ], [ 103.888031005859375, 1.425840020179749 ], [ 103.888137817382869, 1.425588965415955 ], [ 103.887710571289105, 1.425042033195552 ], [ 103.887260437011719, 1.424540996551514 ], [ 103.886932373046875, 1.424152970314083 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.423820972442741 ], [ 103.886459350586051, 1.42346298694622 ], [ 103.886291503906179, 1.423033952713013 ], [ 103.886085510254006, 1.422574043273926 ], [ 103.885795593261761, 1.422170996665955 ], [ 103.885437011718807, 1.421839952468929 ], [ 103.885055541992244, 1.421481966972351 ], [ 103.884704589843807, 1.421054005622977 ], [ 103.884346008300895, 1.420634031295833 ], [ 103.884040832519517, 1.420199036598149 ], [ 103.883728027343793, 1.419762015342712 ], [ 103.88339996337902, 1.419250965118522 ], [ 103.882980346679744, 1.418671965599117 ], [ 103.882675170898366, 1.418387055396977 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.977218627929801, 1.425832986831608 ], [ 103.976387023925781, 1.425832986831608 ], [ 103.976387023925781, 1.426110982894954 ], [ 103.975555419921818, 1.426388978958073 ], [ 103.975555419921818, 1.428611040115413 ], [ 103.97615814208983, 1.428915023803768 ], [ 103.976669311523537, 1.429170012474117 ], [ 103.978057861328125, 1.429170012474117 ], [ 103.978889465332088, 1.428889036178703 ], [ 103.978889465332088, 1.427780032158011 ], [ 103.977218627929801, 1.426110982894954 ], [ 103.977218627929801, 1.425832986831608 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.937225341796818, 1.427638053894043 ], [ 103.936943054199276, 1.427361965179443 ], [ 103.938140869140739, 1.426520943641719 ], [ 103.938163757324162, 1.426396012306213 ], [ 103.938613891601562, 1.426002025604305 ], [ 103.939735412597656, 1.425766944885311 ], [ 103.940444946289176, 1.425766944885311 ], [ 103.941383361816506, 1.425508975982723 ], [ 103.942352294921974, 1.425155997276363 ], [ 103.943115234375114, 1.424919009208793 ], [ 103.945381164550895, 1.424132943153324 ], [ 103.946380615234318, 1.4237979650498 ], [ 103.947685241699332, 1.423071026802063 ], [ 103.951202392578125, 1.421596050262565 ], [ 103.954292297363338, 1.420326948165894 ], [ 103.952781677246151, 1.419306039810181 ], [ 103.953117370605469, 1.419257998466491 ], [ 103.954231262207017, 1.419168949127197 ], [ 103.954788208007798, 1.417497992515564 ], [ 103.955337524413991, 1.417636990547294 ], [ 103.955558776855469, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.956390380859418, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.956390380859418, 1.417917966842708 ], [ 103.958892822265682, 1.417639970779533 ], [ 103.958900451660213, 1.418566942214966 ], [ 103.959068298339901, 1.418522000312862 ], [ 103.959823608398494, 1.418498992919922 ], [ 103.960762023925824, 1.418380022049064 ], [ 103.961654663085923, 1.418287038803044 ], [ 103.962539672851676, 1.418238997459525 ], [ 103.9630126953125, 1.418287038803044 ], [ 103.963859558105511, 1.418427944183406 ], [ 103.964515686035142, 1.418967962265015 ], [ 103.966667175293026, 1.419306039810181 ], [ 103.96722412109375, 1.419028043747062 ], [ 103.96722412109375, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.967781066894531, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.967781066894531, 1.419306039810181 ], [ 103.969444274902287, 1.419584035873527 ], [ 103.971664428710994, 1.419584035873527 ], [ 103.972221374511776, 1.419306039810181 ], [ 103.973052978515739, 1.419028043747062 ], [ 103.97360992431652, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.97360992431652, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.974998474121094, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.974998474121094, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.976112365722756, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.976943969726562, 1.418472051620597 ], [ 103.97715759277348, 1.418038010597343 ], [ 103.977912902832031, 1.41779899597168 ], [ 103.979652404785199, 1.417662024498043 ], [ 103.981163024902401, 1.418208956718445 ], [ 103.983589172363281, 1.418208956718445 ], [ 103.984207153320312, 1.418346047401428 ], [ 103.984375, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.985832214355582, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.985832214355582, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.987503051757869, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.987503051757869, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.988059997558651, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.989723205566406, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.990280151367188, 1.417917966842708 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.417083978653068 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.416805028915462 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.416527032852286 ], [ 103.991668701171932, 1.415971040725822 ], [ 103.991668701171932, 1.415696024894771 ], [ 103.991943359375114, 1.415416955947933 ], [ 103.991943359375114, 1.415138959884644 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.414304971695003 ], [ 103.991386413574162, 1.414029002189636 ], [ 103.991386413574162, 1.413195014 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.412917017936707 ], [ 103.991111755371151, 1.412639021873531 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.412361025810185 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.412083029747066 ], [ 103.990554809570369, 1.41180503368372 ], [ 103.990554809570369, 1.411527037620601 ], [ 103.990280151367188, 1.411250948906059 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.410694956779537 ], [ 103.990837097167969, 1.410416960716248 ], [ 103.990554809570369, 1.410138964653072 ], [ 103.991668701171932, 1.409582972526607 ], [ 103.991943359375114, 1.40930700302124 ], [ 103.991943359375114, 1.408195018768311 ], [ 103.988609313964901, 1.407917022705135 ], [ 103.985557556152401, 1.407639026641846 ], [ 103.984725952148438, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.984169006347656, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.984169006347656, 1.406806945800781 ], [ 103.983055114746094, 1.406806945800781 ], [ 103.983055114746094, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.982780456543068, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.981666564941349, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.981666564941349, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.980560302734375, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.980560302734375, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.980003356933594, 1.407917022705135 ], [ 103.978057861328125, 1.407917022705135 ], [ 103.977500915527344, 1.407639026641846 ], [ 103.976669311523537, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.976112365722756, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.975280761718807, 1.406806945800781 ], [ 103.974723815918011, 1.406528949737663 ], [ 103.973892211914062, 1.406250953674316 ], [ 103.973892211914062, 1.404029011726379 ], [ 103.97360992431652, 1.403751015663204 ], [ 103.972503662109318, 1.403473019599914 ], [ 103.972503662109318, 1.403193950653133 ], [ 103.972221374511776, 1.402915954589957 ], [ 103.971115112304801, 1.402637958526611 ], [ 103.971115112304801, 1.402084946632385 ], [ 103.97027587890625, 1.402084946632385 ], [ 103.97027587890625, 1.402362942695731 ], [ 103.970001220703224, 1.402637958526611 ], [ 103.968887329101506, 1.402637958526611 ], [ 103.968887329101506, 1.402084946632385 ], [ 103.968055725097699, 1.401250004768485 ], [ 103.965835571289006, 1.400972008705139 ], [ 103.961669921875, 1.40069401264202 ], [ 103.961944580078168, 1.400416016578674 ], [ 103.961387634277457, 1.400140047073478 ], [ 103.961387634277457, 1.399862051010189 ], [ 103.957778930664162, 1.399862051010189 ], [ 103.957778930664162, 1.400972008705139 ], [ 103.95611572265625, 1.402637958526611 ], [ 103.955558776855469, 1.402915954589957 ], [ 103.955558776855469, 1.403193950653133 ], [ 103.955001831054688, 1.403751015663204 ], [ 103.955001831054688, 1.404029011726379 ], [ 103.954444885253892, 1.404585003852844 ], [ 103.954444885253892, 1.404860973358211 ], [ 103.953887939453182, 1.405416965484676 ], [ 103.953056335449148, 1.405694961547851 ], [ 103.953056335449148, 1.405972957611198 ], [ 103.952224731445369, 1.406806945800781 ], [ 103.952781677246151, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.952781677246151, 1.407639026641846 ], [ 103.952224731445369, 1.408195018768311 ], [ 103.952224731445369, 1.410416960716248 ], [ 103.950836181640682, 1.410416960716248 ], [ 103.950836181640682, 1.409582972526607 ], [ 103.950553894043082, 1.40930700302124 ], [ 103.950553894043082, 1.4084730148316 ], [ 103.950279235839886, 1.408195018768311 ], [ 103.950279235839886, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.949447631835938, 1.407083034515324 ], [ 103.949447631835938, 1.40736103057867 ], [ 103.949165344238338, 1.407639026641846 ], [ 103.949165344238338, 1.407917022705135 ], [ 103.948608398437614, 1.4084730148316 ], [ 103.948890686035156, 1.408751010894775 ], [ 103.948890686035156, 1.40930700302124 ], [ 103.948333740234361, 1.409860968589783 ], [ 103.946945190429631, 1.410138964653072 ], [ 103.946945190429631, 1.410416960716248 ], [ 103.946113586425838, 1.411250948906059 ], [ 103.943336486816406, 1.411528944969177 ], [ 103.940559387207088, 1.412917017936707 ], [ 103.940559387207088, 1.413195014 ], [ 103.939170837402344, 1.414582967758179 ], [ 103.939445495605526, 1.414860963821468 ], [ 103.939445495605526, 1.415696024894771 ], [ 103.940002441406307, 1.41597402095806 ], [ 103.941390991211051, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.941390991211051, 1.417639970779533 ], [ 103.941108703613338, 1.417917966842708 ], [ 103.940559387207088, 1.417917966842708 ], [ 103.939170837402344, 1.416527032852286 ], [ 103.938613891601562, 1.416249036788997 ], [ 103.937782287597585, 1.41597402095806 ], [ 103.937782287597585, 1.415138959884644 ], [ 103.93527984619152, 1.415138959884644 ], [ 103.93527984619152, 1.415416955947933 ], [ 103.93499755859375, 1.415696024894771 ], [ 103.933891296386776, 1.41597402095806 ], [ 103.933891296386776, 1.416249036788997 ], [ 103.933609008789062, 1.416527032852286 ], [ 103.933609008789062, 1.416805028915462 ], [ 103.933334350585994, 1.417083978653068 ], [ 103.933891296386776, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.934165954589773, 1.417639970779533 ], [ 103.934165954589773, 1.417917966842708 ], [ 103.933891296386776, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.933609008789062, 1.418195962905997 ], [ 103.932502746582031, 1.417639970779533 ], [ 103.932502746582031, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.930274963378963, 1.417361974716243 ], [ 103.930274963378963, 1.417639970779533 ], [ 103.929168701171989, 1.418750047683716 ], [ 103.928054809570241, 1.419028043747062 ], [ 103.928054809570241, 1.419584035873527 ], [ 103.927780151367244, 1.419862031936646 ], [ 103.927780151367244, 1.42041802406311 ], [ 103.92749786376946, 1.420693993568534 ], [ 103.92749786376946, 1.420971989631653 ], [ 103.925834655761719, 1.422639966011104 ], [ 103.926109313964957, 1.422917962074393 ], [ 103.926109313964957, 1.424028038978576 ], [ 103.928886413574219, 1.424584031105042 ], [ 103.92972564697277, 1.42541599273693 ], [ 103.92972564697277, 1.426249980926513 ], [ 103.932502746582031, 1.42652797698986 ], [ 103.932502746582031, 1.427638053894043 ], [ 103.933334350585994, 1.427916049957332 ], [ 103.934165954589773, 1.427916049957332 ], [ 103.934165954589773, 1.427638053894043 ], [ 103.936386108398494, 1.427638053894043 ], [ 103.936386108398494, 1.428197026252747 ], [ 103.937225341796818, 1.428197026252747 ], [ 103.937225341796818, 1.427638053894043 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.738792419433636, 1.425907969474849 ], [ 103.739006042480582, 1.425840020179749 ], [ 103.739212036132912, 1.425979018211308 ], [ 103.739418029785085, 1.426049947738647 ], [ 103.739624023437443, 1.425907969474849 ], [ 103.739761352539176, 1.42556202411663 ], [ 103.739761352539176, 1.425212979316768 ], [ 103.739624023437443, 1.425004005432186 ], [ 103.739280700683594, 1.424934983253479 ], [ 103.738937377929744, 1.42472505569458 ], [ 103.738792419433636, 1.424445033073482 ], [ 103.738655090331974, 1.4239599704743 ], [ 103.738243103027443, 1.423539996147213 ], [ 103.737899780273381, 1.423333048820552 ], [ 103.737754821777344, 1.423262000084037 ], [ 103.737480163574332, 1.423262000084037 ], [ 103.737411499023494, 1.423333048820552 ], [ 103.737548828125, 1.423539996147213 ], [ 103.737754821777344, 1.423889040947017 ], [ 103.738037109375114, 1.424098968505916 ], [ 103.738243103027443, 1.424376964569205 ], [ 103.738380432128963, 1.42472505569458 ], [ 103.738243103027443, 1.424865007400626 ], [ 103.738243103027443, 1.425004005432186 ], [ 103.738380432128963, 1.425212979316768 ], [ 103.738380432128963, 1.425701022148189 ], [ 103.738243103027443, 1.426049947738647 ], [ 103.738037109375114, 1.426257014274654 ], [ 103.737899780273381, 1.426537036895752 ], [ 103.737899780273381, 1.426954030990657 ], [ 103.738105773925781, 1.427163958549556 ], [ 103.738204956054744, 1.427096009254456 ], [ 103.738311767578125, 1.427023053169364 ], [ 103.738380432128963, 1.426815032959041 ], [ 103.738586425781307, 1.426535010337773 ], [ 103.738792419433636, 1.426396012306213 ], [ 103.738792419433636, 1.425907969474849 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.889442443847713, 1.425001025199947 ], [ 103.889724731445256, 1.424723029136601 ], [ 103.889999389648494, 1.424723029136601 ], [ 103.890274047851676, 1.424445033073482 ], [ 103.890556335449219, 1.424445033073482 ], [ 103.890830993652457, 1.424167037010136 ], [ 103.89111328125, 1.424167037010136 ], [ 103.891944885253963, 1.423333048820552 ], [ 103.892219543457017, 1.423333048820552 ], [ 103.892776489257756, 1.422777056694087 ], [ 103.893058776855526, 1.422777056694087 ], [ 103.893333435058707, 1.422500967979488 ], [ 103.893890380859489, 1.422500967979488 ], [ 103.89444732666027, 1.421944975853023 ], [ 103.894721984863281, 1.421944975853023 ], [ 103.894996643066463, 1.421666979789734 ], [ 103.895278930664062, 1.421666979789734 ], [ 103.895835876464787, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.896110534668026, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.89749908447277, 1.419723033905086 ], [ 103.89749908447277, 1.41944503784174 ], [ 103.897781372070312, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.897781372070312, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 103.898056030273494, 1.418611049652156 ], [ 103.898056030273494, 1.418331980705375 ], [ 103.897781372070312, 1.418053984642029 ], [ 103.89749908447277, 1.418053984642029 ], [ 103.89749908447277, 1.417778968811092 ], [ 103.897224426269531, 1.417500972747803 ], [ 103.897026062011719, 1.416337966918888 ], [ 103.896469116210938, 1.415781974792594 ], [ 103.895835876464787, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 103.895553588867244, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.894996643066463, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.894721984863281, 1.414721965789908 ], [ 103.894721984863281, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.8941650390625, 1.414443969726562 ], [ 103.893608093261719, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.893058776855526, 1.414999961853027 ], [ 103.892776489257756, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 103.892219543457017, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 103.890769958496151, 1.415346980094909 ], [ 103.888885498046932, 1.415557026863155 ], [ 103.88861083984375, 1.415832042694092 ], [ 103.888336181640739, 1.415832042694092 ], [ 103.888053894042969, 1.416110038757381 ], [ 103.887779235839957, 1.416110038757381 ], [ 103.887222290039176, 1.416666030883903 ], [ 103.886947631835994, 1.416666030883903 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 103.886108398437443, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 103.885833740234432, 1.417222976684627 ], [ 103.88555908203125, 1.417222976684627 ], [ 103.885276794433636, 1.417500972747803 ], [ 103.884445190429688, 1.417500972747803 ], [ 103.883888244628963, 1.418053984642029 ], [ 103.883956909179801, 1.418403029441833 ], [ 103.884162902832145, 1.418611049652156 ], [ 103.884445190429688, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 103.884445190429688, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 103.885070800781307, 1.419999003410453 ], [ 103.88555908203125, 1.420554995536747 ], [ 103.886108398437443, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 103.886108398437443, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.421944975853023 ], [ 103.886665344238224, 1.422222971916199 ], [ 103.887222290039176, 1.422777056694087 ], [ 103.887222290039176, 1.423055052757377 ], [ 103.888473510742244, 1.424860000610408 ], [ 103.888961791992131, 1.424931049346924 ], [ 103.889251708984432, 1.424972057342529 ], [ 103.889442443847713, 1.425001025199947 ] ] ], [ [ [ 104.020553588867301, 1.421944975853023 ], [ 104.021110534668082, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 104.021667480468864, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 104.021942138671861, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 104.022781372070369, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.420001029968261 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.420001029968261 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.419723033905086 ], [ 104.025001525878892, 1.419723033905086 ], [ 104.025833129882869, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 104.025833129882869, 1.417775988578853 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.417500972747803 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.416666030883903 ], [ 104.026664733886662, 1.416110038757381 ], [ 104.026664733886662, 1.415557026863155 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.414165973663444 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.413334012031555 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 104.025558471679673, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.025001525878892, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.021667480468864, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.02138519287108, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 104.021110534668082, 1.412222027778625 ], [ 104.020835876464886, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.020553588867301, 1.412500023841971 ], [ 104.020278930664119, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 104.019996643066335, 1.41277801990509 ], [ 104.019721984863338, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 104.019447326660142, 1.413056015968436 ], [ 104.018333435058594, 1.414165973663444 ], [ 104.018058776855582, 1.414165973663444 ], [ 104.016944885253849, 1.415277957916373 ], [ 104.016944885253849, 1.415557026863155 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.415832042694092 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.416388034820557 ], [ 104.016387939453125, 1.416666030883903 ], [ 104.016387939453125, 1.416944980621338 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.417222976684627 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.418053984642029 ], [ 104.017219543457074, 1.418611049652156 ], [ 104.017219543457074, 1.418889045715275 ], [ 104.017501831054801, 1.419167041778621 ], [ 104.017501831054801, 1.41944503784174 ], [ 104.017776489257812, 1.419723033905086 ], [ 104.017776489257812, 1.420001029968261 ], [ 104.018333435058594, 1.420554995536747 ], [ 104.018333435058594, 1.420832991600093 ], [ 104.018608093261818, 1.421110987663212 ], [ 104.018608093261818, 1.421388983726558 ], [ 104.018890380859361, 1.421666979789734 ], [ 104.018890380859361, 1.422777056694087 ], [ 104.018608093261818, 1.423055052757377 ], [ 104.018981933593807, 1.423426032066345 ], [ 104.019165039062557, 1.423611044883842 ], [ 104.019447326660142, 1.423611044883842 ], [ 104.020278930664119, 1.422777056694087 ], [ 104.020278930664119, 1.422500967979488 ], [ 104.020553588867301, 1.422222971916199 ], [ 104.020553588867301, 1.421944975853023 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.920234680175724, 1.413444042205867 ], [ 103.920684814453111, 1.413388967514038 ], [ 103.921119689941463, 1.413555026054496 ], [ 103.921623229980469, 1.413566946983451 ], [ 103.922142028808537, 1.413386940956116 ], [ 103.922645568847713, 1.413012981414909 ], [ 103.923049926757912, 1.412588953971863 ], [ 103.923393249511776, 1.412220001220703 ], [ 103.923683166503849, 1.411862015724182 ], [ 103.92391204833983, 1.411460995674076 ], [ 103.924140930175838, 1.411052942276115 ], [ 103.92427825927733, 1.410588026046866 ], [ 103.924468994140625, 1.410137057304496 ], [ 103.924713134765682, 1.40969002246868 ], [ 103.924964904785256, 1.409240961074943 ], [ 103.925376892089943, 1.408898949623221 ], [ 103.925827026367173, 1.408607006072998 ], [ 103.926269531250043, 1.40829694271099 ], [ 103.926666259765682, 1.407914996147213 ], [ 103.927055358886832, 1.407482028007621 ], [ 103.927452087402457, 1.407026052475089 ], [ 103.927947998046918, 1.406677007675284 ], [ 103.928421020507926, 1.406376004219169 ], [ 103.928825378417912, 1.406062006950435 ], [ 103.929153442382926, 1.405722022056693 ], [ 103.929473876953168, 1.405372977256889 ], [ 103.929847717285156, 1.405030965804997 ], [ 103.930160522460881, 1.404551029205379 ], [ 103.930366516113267, 1.403998970985469 ], [ 103.930503845214957, 1.403481960296631 ], [ 103.930412292480455, 1.402971029281616 ], [ 103.930076599121136, 1.402577042579708 ], [ 103.929870605468807, 1.402397036552543 ], [ 103.929634094238281, 1.402392029762325 ], [ 103.929267883300781, 1.402732014656124 ], [ 103.928955078125057, 1.403249025344962 ], [ 103.928619384765739, 1.403725981712341 ], [ 103.928291320800781, 1.404137969017029 ], [ 103.927902221679688, 1.404458999633903 ], [ 103.927513122558594, 1.404775977134818 ], [ 103.927116394042912, 1.405076980590934 ], [ 103.926666259765682, 1.405300021171627 ], [ 103.926254272460994, 1.40549898147583 ], [ 103.925903320312543, 1.405511975288448 ], [ 103.925613403320298, 1.405365943908748 ], [ 103.925254821777344, 1.405243039131221 ], [ 103.924926757812557, 1.405035972595215 ], [ 103.924606323242301, 1.404860973358211 ], [ 103.924362182617244, 1.404744029045162 ], [ 103.923950195312557, 1.404952049255428 ], [ 103.923553466796875, 1.40539205074316 ], [ 103.923591613769588, 1.405711054802055 ], [ 103.923698425292955, 1.406054973602352 ], [ 103.923858642578054, 1.406381011009159 ], [ 103.923881530761719, 1.406697988510132 ], [ 103.923820495605582, 1.406980037689152 ], [ 103.923645019531364, 1.40721499919897 ], [ 103.923515319824219, 1.407462954521179 ], [ 103.923294067382756, 1.407699942588749 ], [ 103.922958374023438, 1.407930970192069 ], [ 103.922500610351676, 1.408123970031795 ], [ 103.922012329101562, 1.408493041992188 ], [ 103.921463012695369, 1.408867001533565 ], [ 103.921119689941463, 1.409343957901115 ], [ 103.920829772949219, 1.409852027893066 ], [ 103.920562744140682, 1.410357952118034 ], [ 103.920310974121094, 1.410851955413932 ], [ 103.920043945312443, 1.411316990852356 ], [ 103.919685363769531, 1.411689043045158 ], [ 103.919265747070412, 1.412006020546073 ], [ 103.918907165527287, 1.412369966506901 ], [ 103.918594360351562, 1.412745952606258 ], [ 103.918296813964943, 1.413079023361206 ], [ 103.917984008789062, 1.413341045379696 ], [ 103.917663574218793, 1.413578033447266 ], [ 103.917259216308594, 1.413774013519287 ], [ 103.916702270507869, 1.413884043693599 ], [ 103.91607666015625, 1.414365053176823 ], [ 103.915870666503906, 1.414932012557983 ], [ 103.915802001953239, 1.415313005447501 ], [ 103.915740966796932, 1.415572047233525 ], [ 103.915672302246037, 1.415855050087032 ], [ 103.915885925292955, 1.416131019592228 ], [ 103.916313171386776, 1.416151046752987 ], [ 103.916580200195426, 1.416131019592228 ], [ 103.916847229003906, 1.416110038757381 ], [ 103.917404174804688, 1.416015028953666 ], [ 103.917884826660213, 1.415781974792594 ], [ 103.91831207275402, 1.415472030639762 ], [ 103.918632507324276, 1.415027976036185 ], [ 103.918998718261776, 1.414585947990417 ], [ 103.919425964355582, 1.414173007011357 ], [ 103.919830322265739, 1.413779020309448 ], [ 103.920234680175724, 1.413444042205867 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.954170227050895, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.953330993652401, 1.399166941642761 ], [ 103.953330993652401, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.953056335449148, 1.399723052978572 ], [ 103.952499389648438, 1.399999022483769 ], [ 103.951667785644631, 1.40083301067358 ], [ 103.951110839843849, 1.401111006736755 ], [ 103.951110839843849, 1.401389002800045 ], [ 103.949996948242131, 1.402498960495052 ], [ 103.949996948242131, 1.402776956558228 ], [ 103.948333740234361, 1.404443025589046 ], [ 103.947219848632869, 1.404999971389827 ], [ 103.947219848632869, 1.405277967453117 ], [ 103.946662902832088, 1.405833959579581 ], [ 103.946662902832088, 1.406111955642757 ], [ 103.946113586425838, 1.406667947769222 ], [ 103.946113586425838, 1.406944036483765 ], [ 103.945274353027344, 1.407778024673576 ], [ 103.947219848632869, 1.407778024673576 ], [ 103.94777679443358, 1.407222032547111 ], [ 103.94777679443358, 1.406944036483765 ], [ 103.948333740234361, 1.406389951705876 ], [ 103.948333740234361, 1.406111955642757 ], [ 103.948608398437614, 1.405833959579581 ], [ 103.948608398437614, 1.404999971389827 ], [ 103.951110839843849, 1.402498960495052 ], [ 103.951110839843849, 1.401945948600826 ], [ 103.951667785644631, 1.40166699886322 ], [ 103.952774047851619, 1.400555014610291 ], [ 103.952774047851619, 1.400277018547115 ], [ 103.954170227050895, 1.399999022483769 ], [ 103.954170227050895, 1.399445056915283 ], [ 103.954170227050895, 1.399166941642761 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.728172302246037, 1.404391050338802 ], [ 103.72747802734375, 1.404391050338802 ], [ 103.727203369140724, 1.404530048370361 ], [ 103.727058410644531, 1.404669046401921 ], [ 103.727134704589901, 1.404808044433707 ], [ 103.727272033691392, 1.405156970024166 ], [ 103.727409362792898, 1.405156970024166 ], [ 103.72747802734375, 1.40564501285553 ], [ 103.727684020996151, 1.406131982803458 ], [ 103.728096008300824, 1.405992984771729 ], [ 103.728240966796875, 1.405784010887146 ], [ 103.728446960449276, 1.405436992645264 ], [ 103.728446960449276, 1.404809951782283 ], [ 103.728172302246037, 1.404391050338802 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.655082702636832, 1.377756953239441 ], [ 103.654594421386719, 1.377686023712101 ], [ 103.654594421386719, 1.378173947334346 ], [ 103.654876708984489, 1.378383994102592 ], [ 103.6551513671875, 1.378872036933956 ], [ 103.655632019043026, 1.379776000976619 ], [ 103.655914306640625, 1.38026404380804 ], [ 103.655914306640625, 1.380681037902889 ], [ 103.656188964843793, 1.380751967430228 ], [ 103.656463623046818, 1.380751967430228 ], [ 103.656745910644574, 1.380473971366882 ], [ 103.656532287597699, 1.379986047744865 ], [ 103.656532287597699, 1.379428029060477 ], [ 103.655982971191463, 1.378590941429252 ], [ 103.655914306640625, 1.378312945365906 ], [ 103.655708312988281, 1.378034949302787 ], [ 103.655082702636832, 1.377756953239441 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.65183258056652, 1.369632005691642 ], [ 103.651473999023551, 1.369536042213554 ], [ 103.651100158691506, 1.369737029075736 ], [ 103.650749206542969, 1.369992017746085 ], [ 103.650421142578125, 1.370201945304984 ], [ 103.650039672851562, 1.37031102180481 ], [ 103.649742126464943, 1.370540976524467 ], [ 103.649490356445369, 1.370875954627991 ], [ 103.649269104003906, 1.371312022209167 ], [ 103.649208068847599, 1.371860980987492 ], [ 103.649391174316335, 1.372424006462097 ], [ 103.649719238281307, 1.372900009155387 ], [ 103.650062561035213, 1.373293995857296 ], [ 103.650382995605469, 1.373607039451713 ], [ 103.650665283203182, 1.373886942863464 ], [ 103.650924682617131, 1.374147057533378 ], [ 103.651214599609432, 1.374359011650199 ], [ 103.651557922363281, 1.37444794178009 ], [ 103.651893615722656, 1.374541044235286 ], [ 103.652168273925838, 1.374698042869625 ], [ 103.6524658203125, 1.374822020530644 ], [ 103.65280914306652, 1.375004053115958 ], [ 103.653297424316463, 1.375115990638847 ], [ 103.65380859375, 1.374848961830196 ], [ 103.653976440429631, 1.374760031700248 ], [ 103.654258728027401, 1.37418794631958 ], [ 103.654464721679744, 1.373636007309017 ], [ 103.65415191650402, 1.371597051620597 ], [ 103.653923034668082, 1.371345996856803 ], [ 103.653434753417969, 1.370895028114433 ], [ 103.652931213378963, 1.370533943176326 ], [ 103.652511596679688, 1.370219945907593 ], [ 103.652053833007926, 1.369871020317134 ], [ 103.65183258056652, 1.369632005691642 ] ] ], [ [ [ 104.023887634277401, 1.365833044052124 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.365555047989005 ], [ 104.024719238281349, 1.365555047989005 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.365000963211116 ], [ 104.026107788085866, 1.365000963211116 ], [ 104.026390075683651, 1.364722967147941 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.364722967147941 ], [ 104.027221679687614, 1.364444971084652 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.364444971084652 ], [ 104.027778625488395, 1.364166975021476 ], [ 104.028053283691392, 1.364166975021476 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.363610029220695 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.363332033157405 ], [ 104.029167175292969, 1.363332033157405 ], [ 104.029998779296932, 1.362501025200004 ], [ 104.030281066894645, 1.362501025200004 ], [ 104.030830383300881, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 104.031112670898438, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 104.031387329101662, 1.361665964126587 ], [ 104.031944274902401, 1.361665964126587 ], [ 104.032218933105469, 1.361387968063411 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.361387968063411 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.360834002494869 ], [ 104.033607482910142, 1.360834002494869 ], [ 104.034164428710923, 1.360278010368404 ], [ 104.034446716308707, 1.360278010368404 ], [ 104.0352783203125, 1.359444022178593 ], [ 104.035552978515668, 1.359444022178593 ], [ 104.036392211913991, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.037109375000114, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.037185668945312, 1.358558058738765 ], [ 104.038612365722713, 1.35722196102148 ], [ 104.038612365722713, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.038139343261719, 1.356467962265071 ], [ 104.037780761718736, 1.356112003326473 ], [ 104.037498474121193, 1.356112003326473 ], [ 104.036941528320412, 1.355556011200008 ], [ 104.036941528320412, 1.355278015136719 ], [ 104.036666870117244, 1.355000019073543 ], [ 104.036666870117244, 1.354722023010254 ], [ 104.036941528320412, 1.354444026947078 ], [ 104.036392211913991, 1.353889942169189 ], [ 104.036392211913991, 1.353333950042724 ], [ 104.03583526611321, 1.353333950042724 ], [ 104.034721374511719, 1.354444026947078 ], [ 104.034164428710923, 1.354444026947078 ], [ 104.033332824707145, 1.35361194610607 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.353889942169189 ], [ 104.033058166503949, 1.354166030883732 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.354444026947078 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.354722023010254 ], [ 104.032501220703182, 1.355000019073543 ], [ 104.032501220703182, 1.356112003326473 ], [ 104.032775878906193, 1.356387972831726 ], [ 104.032501220703182, 1.356665968895015 ], [ 104.032501220703182, 1.35722196102148 ], [ 104.032218933105469, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.032218933105469, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.031829833984304, 1.358170032501334 ], [ 104.031669616699205, 1.358333945274467 ], [ 104.031669616699205, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.031112670898438, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.030281066894645, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.030281066894645, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.029998779296932, 1.35722196102148 ], [ 104.029441833496136, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.028892517089901, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.358055949211121 ], [ 104.028335571289176, 1.358055949211121 ], [ 104.028053283691392, 1.358333945274467 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.358333945274467 ], [ 104.027221679687614, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.026664733886662, 1.358610033989009 ], [ 104.026390075683651, 1.358333945274467 ], [ 104.026390075683651, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.026947021484418, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.027496337890611, 1.356665968895015 ], [ 104.027778625488395, 1.356665968895015 ], [ 104.028610229492188, 1.355834007263184 ], [ 104.029067993164119, 1.355695009231624 ], [ 104.029067993164119, 1.354997992515621 ], [ 104.028999328613281, 1.354648947715816 ], [ 104.028930664062614, 1.354300022125301 ], [ 104.028930664062614, 1.353744029998836 ], [ 104.028999328613281, 1.353466033935547 ], [ 104.028999328613281, 1.353186011314449 ], [ 104.028861999511761, 1.352838993072567 ], [ 104.028717041015739, 1.352211952209586 ], [ 104.028717041015739, 1.351515054702759 ], [ 104.028793334960938, 1.35123705863964 ], [ 104.028793334960938, 1.350468993186951 ], [ 104.028579711914006, 1.349982976913509 ], [ 104.028442382812486, 1.349774003028926 ], [ 104.028167724609489, 1.349635004997367 ], [ 104.027679443359375, 1.349424958229122 ], [ 104.027549743652386, 1.34930694103241 ], [ 104.027267456054688, 1.349097013473511 ], [ 104.026855468749943, 1.349028944969234 ], [ 104.026580810546918, 1.348819017410335 ], [ 104.025886535644645, 1.348119020462093 ], [ 104.025886535644645, 1.346655964851436 ], [ 104.025955200195312, 1.346029043197632 ], [ 104.026023864746151, 1.345679998397827 ], [ 104.025276184082088, 1.34499895572668 ], [ 104.024719238281349, 1.34499895572668 ], [ 104.024444580078125, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 104.024169921875114, 1.345554947853145 ], [ 104.023330688476605, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.023056030273381, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.022781372070369, 1.346667051315421 ], [ 104.021942138671861, 1.346667051315421 ], [ 104.02138519287108, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.018890380859361, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.018333435058594, 1.347777009010429 ], [ 104.017776489257812, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.017501831054801, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.346111059188956 ], [ 104.016387939453125, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 104.016387939453125, 1.345554947853145 ], [ 104.016113281250057, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 104.015556335449332, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 104.014999389648551, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.344722986221257 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.34527695178997 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.345554947853145 ], [ 104.013610839843807, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 104.013610839843807, 1.346111059188956 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.346945047378597 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.347499012947083 ], [ 104.01444244384777, 1.347777009010429 ], [ 104.01444244384777, 1.348055005073547 ], [ 104.014724731445312, 1.348333001136893 ], [ 104.014724731445312, 1.348889946937675 ], [ 104.014999389648551, 1.349167943000793 ], [ 104.014999389648551, 1.349442958831901 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.34972095489502 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.351112008094788 ], [ 104.015556335449332, 1.351390004158133 ], [ 104.015556335449332, 1.352221965789795 ], [ 104.015830993652344, 1.352499961853084 ], [ 104.015830993652344, 1.35277795791626 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.353333950042724 ], [ 104.014999389648551, 1.353333950042724 ], [ 104.014724731445312, 1.35361194610607 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.353055953979606 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.352499961853084 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.351668000221252 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.350556015968323 ], [ 104.013610839843807, 1.350278019905147 ], [ 104.013610839843807, 1.349998950958366 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.34972095489502 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.349442958831901 ], [ 104.013053894043026, 1.349167943000793 ], [ 104.013053894043026, 1.348333001136893 ], [ 104.01277923583983, 1.348055005073547 ], [ 104.01277923583983, 1.347777009010429 ], [ 104.012496948242244, 1.347499012947083 ], [ 104.012496948242244, 1.347221016883964 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.346945047378597 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.011947631836051, 1.346111059188956 ], [ 104.011947631836051, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 104.011665344238281, 1.345554947853145 ], [ 104.011665344238281, 1.34499895572668 ], [ 104.011108398437543, 1.344444990158138 ], [ 104.011108398437543, 1.343888998031673 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.343611001968497 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.343333005905208 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.343055009842033 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.342223048210201 ], [ 104.010276794433537, 1.341945052147025 ], [ 104.010276794433537, 1.341667056083736 ], [ 104.008613586425781, 1.340000987052861 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.340276956558284 ], [ 104.008056640625057, 1.340276956558284 ], [ 104.008056640625057, 1.339722990989742 ], [ 104.007774353027457, 1.339444994926396 ], [ 104.008056640625057, 1.339166998863277 ], [ 104.008056640625057, 1.337501049041805 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.336666941642818 ], [ 104.006874084472656, 1.336424946785087 ], [ 104.006599426269631, 1.33516895771038 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.334444046020565 ], [ 104.005279541015739, 1.334444046020565 ], [ 104.005279541015739, 1.334166049957275 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.3338880538941 ], [ 104.004997253417969, 1.333331942558288 ], [ 104.004722595214957, 1.333055973053092 ], [ 104.004722595214957, 1.331943988800163 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.331665992736816 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.331112027168274 ], [ 104.004165649414006, 1.331112027168274 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.330834031105155 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.330556035041809 ], [ 104.003608703613281, 1.330556035041809 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.331387996673641 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.331665992736816 ], [ 104.00250244140625, 1.331943988800163 ], [ 104.00250244140625, 1.332499980926627 ], [ 104.002220153808707, 1.332777976989746 ], [ 104.002220153808707, 1.333610057830811 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.334166049957275 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.335831999778748 ], [ 104.003334045410213, 1.336387991905212 ], [ 104.003334045410213, 1.336666941642818 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.337223052978629 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.337501049041805 ], [ 104.004165649414006, 1.337779045104924 ], [ 104.002777099609489, 1.339166998863277 ], [ 104.003051757812486, 1.339444994926396 ], [ 104.003051757812486, 1.339722990989742 ], [ 104.003334045410213, 1.339722990989742 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.340276956558284 ], [ 104.003890991210994, 1.340554952621574 ], [ 104.004165649414006, 1.340832948684749 ], [ 104.004165649414006, 1.341388940811214 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.341667056083736 ], [ 104.004447937011776, 1.342223048210201 ], [ 104.00555419921875, 1.343333005905208 ], [ 104.00555419921875, 1.343611001968497 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.343888998031673 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.344444990158138 ], [ 104.00555419921875, 1.344722986221257 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.34499895572668 ], [ 104.00583648681652, 1.345832943916434 ], [ 104.006111145019531, 1.346111059188956 ], [ 104.006111145019531, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.006385803222713, 1.346389055252075 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.346667051315421 ], [ 104.006668090820298, 1.346945047378597 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.347499012947083 ], [ 104.007225036621037, 1.347777009010429 ], [ 104.007499694824276, 1.348055005073547 ], [ 104.007499694824276, 1.348610997200069 ], [ 104.007774353027457, 1.348889946937675 ], [ 104.007774353027457, 1.350556015968323 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.351112008094788 ], [ 104.008331298828239, 1.351390004158133 ], [ 104.008613586425781, 1.351668000221252 ], [ 104.008613586425781, 1.351943969726619 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.35277795791626 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.353055953979606 ], [ 104.009719848632812, 1.353333950042724 ], [ 104.009719848632812, 1.353889942169189 ], [ 104.010002136230526, 1.354166030883732 ], [ 104.010002136230526, 1.354444026947078 ], [ 104.010276794433537, 1.354722023010254 ], [ 104.010276794433537, 1.355278015136719 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.355556011200008 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.355834007263184 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.009162902832017, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.008613586425781, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.008613586425781, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.00888824462902, 1.358055949211121 ], [ 104.00888824462902, 1.358888030052128 ], [ 104.009162902832017, 1.359166026115474 ], [ 104.009162902832017, 1.359722018241939 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.360000014305115 ], [ 104.009445190429744, 1.36055600643158 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.361943960189876 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.362221956253052 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.363610029220695 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.365000963211116 ], [ 104.012496948242244, 1.365278959274406 ], [ 104.013610839843807, 1.365278959274406 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.365000963211116 ], [ 104.013885498046804, 1.363610029220695 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.36305403709423 ], [ 104.013336181640611, 1.362501025200004 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.361387968063411 ], [ 104.012222290039062, 1.360278010368404 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.358888030052128 ], [ 104.010833740234318, 1.358333945274467 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.358055949211121 ], [ 104.010559082031307, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.01139068603527, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.012496948242244, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.013053894043026, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.013053894043026, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.014167785644588, 1.358888030052128 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.357777953147945 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.014724731445312, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.014724731445312, 1.356387972831726 ], [ 104.015274047851548, 1.356387972831726 ], [ 104.016670227050838, 1.355000019073543 ], [ 104.017776489257812, 1.356112003326473 ], [ 104.017776489257812, 1.356665968895015 ], [ 104.018058776855582, 1.356943964958191 ], [ 104.018058776855582, 1.357499957084656 ], [ 104.018608093261818, 1.358055949211121 ], [ 104.018608093261818, 1.358888030052128 ], [ 104.018890380859361, 1.359166026115474 ], [ 104.018890380859361, 1.359444022178593 ], [ 104.019447326660142, 1.360000014305115 ], [ 104.019447326660142, 1.36055600643158 ], [ 104.019721984863338, 1.360834002494869 ], [ 104.019721984863338, 1.361387968063411 ], [ 104.019996643066335, 1.361665964126587 ], [ 104.019996643066335, 1.362221956253052 ], [ 104.020278930664119, 1.362501025200004 ], [ 104.020278930664119, 1.362779021263179 ], [ 104.02138519287108, 1.36388897895813 ], [ 104.021667480468864, 1.36388897895813 ], [ 104.021942138671861, 1.364166975021476 ], [ 104.022224426269588, 1.364166975021476 ], [ 104.023056030273381, 1.365000963211116 ], [ 104.023056030273381, 1.365278959274406 ], [ 104.023612976074148, 1.365833044052124 ], [ 104.023887634277401, 1.365833044052124 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.693611145019645, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.692497253417912, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.691886901855582, 1.288831949234122 ], [ 103.691665649414119, 1.288611054420528 ], [ 103.691368103027273, 1.288303017616329 ], [ 103.691108703613324, 1.287996053695736 ], [ 103.690849304199219, 1.287665009498653 ], [ 103.690643310546875, 1.287268996238822 ], [ 103.690582275390724, 1.286712050438041 ], [ 103.690643310546875, 1.286087989807129 ], [ 103.690879821777401, 1.285627961158696 ], [ 103.691055297851619, 1.285248994827327 ], [ 103.690994262695298, 1.284891009330806 ], [ 103.690811157226562, 1.284562945366019 ], [ 103.690574645996207, 1.284283041954097 ], [ 103.690391540527457, 1.283980011940002 ], [ 103.690261840820298, 1.283619999885559 ], [ 103.690086364746094, 1.283295989036617 ], [ 103.68988037109375, 1.282940030098075 ], [ 103.689498901367188, 1.282547950744686 ], [ 103.688697814941349, 1.282364010810852 ], [ 103.68817138671875, 1.282464027404785 ], [ 103.687789916992188, 1.282441020012016 ], [ 103.687500000000114, 1.282176971435547 ], [ 103.687225341796861, 1.281774044036922 ], [ 103.686943054199332, 1.281276941299438 ], [ 103.686614990234375, 1.280748009681645 ], [ 103.686203002929631, 1.28030800819397 ], [ 103.686027526855412, 1.280089020729178 ], [ 103.685760498046932, 1.279978036880607 ], [ 103.685325622558594, 1.279860973358154 ], [ 103.684722900390625, 1.280084967613334 ], [ 103.684165954589844, 1.280555963516235 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.280832052230948 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.28250098228466 ], [ 103.681663513183594, 1.284723043441772 ], [ 103.681663513183594, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.681945800781293, 1.285279035568237 ], [ 103.681945800781293, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.684165954589844, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.684165954589844, 1.288611054420528 ], [ 103.685554504394588, 1.290001034736633 ], [ 103.685836791992131, 1.289999008178711 ], [ 103.686386108398537, 1.290555000305176 ], [ 103.686668395996151, 1.290555000305176 ], [ 103.687225341796861, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.687500000000114, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.687774658203125, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.688331604003906, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.688613891601605, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.688888549804631, 1.291110992431641 ], [ 103.689163208007869, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.689445495605412, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.689720153808651, 1.290555000305176 ], [ 103.690277099609375, 1.290555000305176 ], [ 103.690551757812614, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.691665649414119, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.692497253417912, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.692497253417912, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.693336486816392, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.291944980621452 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.707221984863281, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.707496643066463, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.708885192871207, 1.2936110496521 ], [ 103.709724426269531, 1.292776942253113 ], [ 103.709724426269531, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.711112976074276, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.711387634277287, 1.291666984558105 ], [ 103.711387634277287, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.292776942253113 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.292776942253113 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.29222297668457 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.713333129882812, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.289999008178711 ], [ 103.714721679687557, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.714721679687557, 1.289445042610168 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.286388993263245 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.286110997200126 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.28583300113678 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.285279035568237 ], [ 103.717498779296818, 1.285279035568237 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.28583300113678 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.28583300113678 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.282222986221313 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.282222986221313 ], [ 103.722747802734432, 1.282372951507568 ], [ 103.72308349609375, 1.2825510501861 ], [ 103.723388671875114, 1.28276002407074 ], [ 103.723854064941406, 1.282910943031425 ], [ 103.724563598632812, 1.282992959022579 ], [ 103.725151062011719, 1.283115983009338 ], [ 103.725639343261832, 1.283416986465454 ], [ 103.72618103027348, 1.283794999122676 ], [ 103.726837158203068, 1.284235000610408 ], [ 103.726928710937557, 1.284219026565552 ], [ 103.727218627929616, 1.284167051315308 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.284167051315308 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.283331990242061 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.282778978347778 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.28250098228466 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.730278015136662, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.733055114746151, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.733551025390611, 1.278373003006095 ], [ 103.734146118164062, 1.278375029564017 ], [ 103.734695434570298, 1.27859902381897 ], [ 103.734939575195355, 1.278658032417354 ], [ 103.735191345214957, 1.278718948364315 ], [ 103.735488891601548, 1.278432011604423 ], [ 103.735794067382756, 1.278143048286438 ], [ 103.736335754394645, 1.277598023414669 ], [ 103.736694335937557, 1.277091979980469 ], [ 103.736946105956974, 1.276666045189017 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.276111960411129 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.276111960411129 ], [ 103.738052368164176, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.738334655761719, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.739723205566463, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.739723205566463, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.270277976989803 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.269999980926513 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.735275268554673, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.733886718749929, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.733329772949148, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.733055114746151, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.269999980926513 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.269999980926513 ], [ 103.730644226074162, 1.270166039466915 ], [ 103.730346679687557, 1.270264029502925 ], [ 103.729949951171875, 1.270354986190796 ], [ 103.729606628418026, 1.270549058914185 ], [ 103.729240417480526, 1.270743012428397 ], [ 103.728828430175824, 1.270908951759338 ], [ 103.728401184082031, 1.271077990531978 ], [ 103.728218078613267, 1.271090984344596 ], [ 103.72794342041027, 1.271108984947205 ], [ 103.727462768554673, 1.271077990531978 ], [ 103.726982116699332, 1.27093601226818 ], [ 103.726478576660156, 1.271000027656555 ], [ 103.72591400146483, 1.271077990531978 ], [ 103.725250244140682, 1.271108984947205 ], [ 103.724617004394531, 1.27154195308691 ], [ 103.724357604980412, 1.272003054618835 ], [ 103.724128723144631, 1.272333025932369 ], [ 103.723831176757812, 1.272560954094047 ], [ 103.723480224609432, 1.272789001464901 ], [ 103.723075866699205, 1.273018956184387 ], [ 103.722549438476619, 1.273149013519401 ], [ 103.722007751464886, 1.273347973823604 ], [ 103.721488952636662, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.721008300781307, 1.273910999298209 ], [ 103.720558166503892, 1.274165987968388 ], [ 103.715835571289062, 1.278890013694763 ], [ 103.71555328369152, 1.278887987136955 ], [ 103.715278625488338, 1.27916598320013 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.27916598320013 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.71250152587902, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.711387634277287, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.711112976074276, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.710556030273494, 1.278890013694763 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.278887987136955 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.279443979263249 ], [ 103.708335876464787, 1.279443979263249 ], [ 103.708053588867244, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.280555963516235 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.7066650390625, 1.281666040420589 ], [ 103.7066650390625, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.706390380859489, 1.283889055252132 ], [ 103.706390380859489, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.285277009010315 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.286110997200126 ], [ 103.705833435058707, 1.286388993263245 ], [ 103.705833435058707, 1.286666989326591 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.289445042610168 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.290832996368465 ], [ 103.704444885253963, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.704719543456974, 1.291388988494987 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.291944980621452 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.292498946189937 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.293055057525635 ], [ 103.70644378662108, 1.293388009071407 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.293889045715389 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.293889045715389 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.723335266113338, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.287222981453056 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.286944985389709 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.287500977516174 ], [ 103.721946716308594, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.721946716308594, 1.288054943084717 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.288333058357239 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.288611054420528 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.289167046546993 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.289999008178711 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.290277004242 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.289723038673515 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.289445042610168 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.287776947021598 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.287222981453056 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.698890686035213, 1.28583300113678 ], [ 103.699165344238395, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.699722290039176, 1.285555005073604 ], [ 103.700279235839957, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.700836181640668, 1.285001039505119 ], [ 103.702224731445256, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.702224731445256, 1.282775998115539 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.281110048294067 ], [ 103.703887939453182, 1.280832052230948 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.280555963516235 ], [ 103.704170227050781, 1.279443979263249 ], [ 103.704444885253963, 1.27916598320013 ], [ 103.704444885253963, 1.278609991073665 ], [ 103.704719543456974, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.704719543456974, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.277500033378658 ], [ 103.705276489257756, 1.277222037315482 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.707496643066463, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.708053588867244, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.708335876464787, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.710556030273494, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.711112976074276, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.711387634277287, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.274721980094853 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.270833969116268 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.270833969116268 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.271111965179443 ], [ 103.719444274902344, 1.271111965179443 ], [ 103.720832824707088, 1.269721031189022 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.269721031189022 ], [ 103.723052978515611, 1.269443035125732 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.724563598632812, 1.269047021865845 ], [ 103.724723815918082, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.725830078125114, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.726387023925838, 1.268332958221549 ], [ 103.726623535156349, 1.267843008041382 ], [ 103.726715087890625, 1.267328023910466 ], [ 103.726585388183651, 1.266582965850773 ], [ 103.726425170898551, 1.265776038169861 ], [ 103.726310729980469, 1.265247941017208 ], [ 103.726173400878963, 1.264965057373047 ], [ 103.726058959961051, 1.264701008796806 ], [ 103.725875854492131, 1.264428973197937 ], [ 103.725769042968807, 1.264032959938049 ], [ 103.72554779052733, 1.263628959655761 ], [ 103.725250244140682, 1.263211965561027 ], [ 103.724884033203239, 1.26281297206873 ], [ 103.724464416503963, 1.262459993362427 ], [ 103.724052429199261, 1.262102007865849 ], [ 103.72365570068358, 1.261715054512081 ], [ 103.723251342773438, 1.261304974555912 ], [ 103.722785949707145, 1.260882973671016 ], [ 103.722167968750057, 1.260594010353032 ], [ 103.721832275390739, 1.260493040084839 ], [ 103.721519470214844, 1.260480046272391 ], [ 103.721107482910085, 1.260545969009513 ], [ 103.720672607421918, 1.260632038116569 ], [ 103.720298767089943, 1.260841965675468 ], [ 103.71994781494152, 1.261106014251709 ], [ 103.719566345214943, 1.261378049850577 ], [ 103.719139099121151, 1.261628031730709 ], [ 103.718704223632798, 1.261872053146419 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.26217794418335 ], [ 103.717964172363324, 1.262462019920349 ], [ 103.717567443847713, 1.262676954269409 ], [ 103.717094421386832, 1.262802004814262 ], [ 103.716644287109432, 1.262997984886283 ], [ 103.716224670410156, 1.263234972953853 ], [ 103.715934753418082, 1.263545036316032 ], [ 103.715583801269474, 1.263756990432853 ], [ 103.715240478515611, 1.264004945755062 ], [ 103.714866638183594, 1.264143943786678 ], [ 103.714439392089787, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.713958740234432, 1.264214992523136 ], [ 103.713500976562486, 1.264443039894161 ], [ 103.712959289550767, 1.264701008796806 ], [ 103.712341308593693, 1.264932990074158 ], [ 103.711860656738338, 1.265329957008362 ], [ 103.711433410644517, 1.265758037567252 ], [ 103.711097717285199, 1.266309976577816 ], [ 103.710762023925895, 1.266883969306889 ], [ 103.710426330566349, 1.267464995384273 ], [ 103.710151672363324, 1.268000960350037 ], [ 103.709953308105526, 1.268437981605473 ], [ 103.709701538085938, 1.268731951713676 ], [ 103.709419250488324, 1.268949031829834 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.708885192871207, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.708335876464787, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.708053588867244, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.707656860351605, 1.269047021865845 ], [ 103.707496643066463, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.268612027168331 ], [ 103.7066650390625, 1.268612027168331 ], [ 103.705833435058707, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.705833435058707, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.26722097396862 ], [ 103.705558776855526, 1.266389012336731 ], [ 103.705001831054744, 1.265833020210266 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.706108093261719, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.706390380859489, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.706390380859489, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.7066650390625, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.7066650390625, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.261945009231681 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.261389017105216 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.26111102104187 ], [ 103.708335876464787, 1.26111102104187 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.260833024978751 ], [ 103.709442138671989, 1.260833024978751 ], [ 103.70999908447277, 1.260277032852287 ], [ 103.710556030273494, 1.260277032852287 ], [ 103.710830688476548, 1.260000944137516 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.260000944137516 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.259722948074397 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.259722948074397 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.258054971694946 ], [ 103.713607788085994, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.713607788085994, 1.256945014 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.714164733886776, 1.255275964736882 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.713607788085994, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.713058471679801, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.712776184082031, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.71221923828125, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.711669921875057, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.711387634277287, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.711112976074276, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.710556030273494, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.710281372070312, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.70916748046875, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.708610534668026, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.707778930664062, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.707336425781364, 1.254834055900631 ], [ 103.707221984863281, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.70694732666027, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.705001831054744, 1.252778053283748 ], [ 103.704719543456974, 1.252778053283748 ], [ 103.70361328125, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.703330993652457, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.702774047851676, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.701667785644474, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.701385498046932, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.700836181640668, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.700553894042969, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.700279235839957, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.699447631835994, 1.251109957695007 ], [ 103.699165344238395, 1.25111198425293 ], [ 103.698890686035213, 1.250833988189811 ], [ 103.698608398437443, 1.250833988189811 ], [ 103.698333740234432, 1.25111198425293 ], [ 103.697502136230469, 1.25111198425293 ], [ 103.697219848632926, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.696113586425881, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.695831298828182, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.695556640624943, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.252221941947937 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.254166007041931 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.255275964736882 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.256945014 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.25750100612646 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.25777900218975 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.258054971694946 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.259166955947933 ], [ 103.693336486816392, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.693336486816392, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.691390991210938, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.691230773925767, 1.265120029449463 ], [ 103.691108703613324, 1.264999032020683 ], [ 103.690834045410156, 1.265001058578605 ], [ 103.690551757812614, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.690551757812614, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.689720153808651, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.688888549804631, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.688888549804631, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.688613891601605, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.688056945800838, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.687911987304801, 1.264582037925777 ], [ 103.687774658203125, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.687500000000114, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.686668395996151, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.686386108398537, 1.265277028083801 ], [ 103.685836791992131, 1.265833020210266 ], [ 103.685836791992131, 1.266667008400077 ], [ 103.685554504394588, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.685554504394588, 1.26722097396862 ], [ 103.685279846191406, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.685279846191406, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.684997558593793, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.684722900390625, 1.267776966095084 ], [ 103.684448242187599, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.684165954589844, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.266942977905273 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.267498970031738 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.268054962158203 ], [ 103.683334350586051, 1.268332958221549 ], [ 103.683334350586051, 1.268612027168331 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.268890023231506 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.269168019294796 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.269446015357971 ], [ 103.683891296386818, 1.270833969116268 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.271111965179443 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.271389961242733 ], [ 103.683334350586051, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.683334350586051, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.682777404785099, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.683052062988338, 1.273890018463192 ], [ 103.683609008789062, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.684448242187599, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.684448242187599, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.685279846191406, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.685836791992131, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.686668395996151, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.686943054199332, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.687225341796861, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.688056945800838, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.688362121582031, 1.274446010589656 ], [ 103.688613891601605, 1.275277972221375 ], [ 103.691108703613324, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.277778029441776 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.277222037315482 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.276944041252193 ], [ 103.693054199218864, 1.276666045189017 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.276388049125728 ], [ 103.692779541015682, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.692497253417912, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.274165987968388 ], [ 103.692222595214901, 1.273890018463192 ], [ 103.691947937011719, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.691947937011719, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.691665649414119, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.691947937011719, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.691947937011719, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.692497253417912, 1.271944046020621 ], [ 103.693336486816392, 1.271944046020621 ], [ 103.693611145019645, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.271666049957332 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.271944046020621 ], [ 103.693885803222656, 1.272222042083797 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.272500038146916 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.272778034210262 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.273056030273381 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.273334026336727 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.273612022399902 ], [ 103.694168090820426, 1.273890018463192 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.274443984031734 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.275555968284664 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.275833964347839 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.276666045189017 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.277500033378658 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.278056025505123 ], [ 103.695556640624943, 1.278334021568241 ], [ 103.695556640624943, 1.278887987136955 ], [ 103.695831298828182, 1.27916598320013 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.279721975326595 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.279999971389713 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.28027796745306 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.280555963516235 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.280832052230948 ], [ 103.694725036621136, 1.281110048294067 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.281388044357413 ], [ 103.694442749023438, 1.281944036483878 ], [ 103.694999694824219, 1.28250098228466 ], [ 103.695274353027401, 1.28250098228466 ], [ 103.695556640624943, 1.282778978347778 ], [ 103.696388244628906, 1.282778978347778 ], [ 103.696945190429688, 1.283331990242061 ], [ 103.696945190429688, 1.283611059188843 ], [ 103.697502136230469, 1.284167051315308 ], [ 103.697502136230469, 1.284445047378654 ], [ 103.698890686035213, 1.28583300113678 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.680046081543026, 1.27981603145605 ], [ 103.680496215820256, 1.27957904338848 ], [ 103.681037902832145, 1.279598951339665 ], [ 103.681388854980582, 1.27954196929943 ], [ 103.681564331054744, 1.279513001442012 ], [ 103.681999206543068, 1.279163956642151 ], [ 103.682418823242188, 1.278704047203121 ], [ 103.682907104492244, 1.278239011764526 ], [ 103.683456420898494, 1.277866959571895 ], [ 103.683914184570256, 1.277595996856689 ], [ 103.684242248535213, 1.2773339748382 ], [ 103.684371948242188, 1.27706694602972 ], [ 103.684211730957088, 1.276736974716187 ], [ 103.68387603759777, 1.276358008384761 ], [ 103.683525085449318, 1.275938987731933 ], [ 103.683120727539176, 1.27559494972229 ], [ 103.682640075683594, 1.275303006172237 ], [ 103.682014465331974, 1.275025010108948 ], [ 103.681716918945369, 1.274940967559814 ], [ 103.681297302246094, 1.274813055992126 ], [ 103.680717468261719, 1.274883985519409 ], [ 103.680191040039119, 1.275109052658195 ], [ 103.679763793945312, 1.275393962860107 ], [ 103.679412841796875, 1.275696992874202 ], [ 103.679046630859432, 1.275938987731933 ], [ 103.678657531738338, 1.276113986969108 ], [ 103.678298950195369, 1.276272058486938 ], [ 103.67795562744152, 1.276376962661857 ], [ 103.677604675293082, 1.276465058326835 ], [ 103.677238464355412, 1.276626944542045 ], [ 103.676811218261818, 1.27674305439001 ], [ 103.676445007324318, 1.276960015296993 ], [ 103.676200866699261, 1.277253985405025 ], [ 103.676177978515668, 1.277729988098258 ], [ 103.676239013671989, 1.278347969055176 ], [ 103.676307678222656, 1.278926968574581 ], [ 103.676414489746136, 1.279562950134277 ], [ 103.676681518554631, 1.280107021331787 ], [ 103.677078247070312, 1.280316948890686 ], [ 103.67758941650402, 1.280519962310791 ], [ 103.677917480468807, 1.280578970909175 ], [ 103.678253173828111, 1.280639052390995 ], [ 103.678680419921932, 1.280537962913627 ], [ 103.679115295410256, 1.280436038971061 ], [ 103.679649353027401, 1.280118942260742 ], [ 103.680046081543026, 1.27981603145605 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.813056945800724, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.811386108398438, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.811386108398438, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.810554504394645, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.811111450195426, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.811111450195426, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.811386108398438, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.811386108398438, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.811523437499943, 1.264582037925777 ], [ 103.811668395996207, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.264722943306083 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.813331604003963, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.813613891601506, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.813056945800724, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.813056945800724, 1.262501001358146 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.836669921875114, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.837776184082088, 1.263332962989807 ], [ 103.837776184082088, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.840278625488395, 1.260555028915405 ], [ 103.840553283691406, 1.260555028915405 ], [ 103.842498779296932, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.842498779296932, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.841667175292898, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.841392517089901, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.841110229492188, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.840278625488395, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.839447021484418, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.839164733886832, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.838333129882869, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.838195800781364, 1.255970954895133 ], [ 103.838058471679673, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.837776184082088, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.836387634277344, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.836112976074332, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.835830688476619, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.835556030273366, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.834999084472656, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.834724426269588, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.833053588867301, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.832778930664105, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.832496643066349, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.832221984863338, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.831665039062557, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.831390380859361, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.828330993652344, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.828056335449276, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.827774047851548, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.82694244384777, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.826385498046989, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.826385498046989, 1.258054971694946 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.259166955947933 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.259722948074397 ], [ 103.824996948242244, 1.260000944137516 ], [ 103.824996948242244, 1.260555028915405 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.260833024978751 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.26111102104187 ], [ 103.825553894043026, 1.261389017105216 ], [ 103.826110839843807, 1.261389017105216 ], [ 103.827224731445312, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.262501001358146 ], [ 103.827774047851548, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.828330993652344, 1.262776970863342 ], [ 103.828613281250057, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.828887939453068, 1.263054966926688 ], [ 103.829444885253835, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.829719543457088, 1.263610959053153 ], [ 103.830001831054801, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.263888955116329 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.830833435058594, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.831108093261776, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.831665039062557, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.831947326660156, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.832221984863338, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.832496643066349, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.83388519287108, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.834442138671875, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.835556030273366, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.836112976074332, 1.264444947242794 ], [ 103.836387634277344, 1.264166951179618 ], [ 103.836669921875114, 1.264444947242794 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.809722900390682, 1.259722948074397 ], [ 103.809997558593693, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.810279846191463, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.810554504394645, 1.259166955947933 ], [ 103.810836791992244, 1.259166955947933 ], [ 103.811111450195426, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.811943054199219, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.814163208007926, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.814445495605469, 1.258332967758292 ], [ 103.815551757812486, 1.258332967758292 ], [ 103.815834045410213, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.816947937011776, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.817222595214957, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.81833648681652, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.818611145019517, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.818885803222713, 1.258610963821468 ], [ 103.819168090820298, 1.258332967758292 ], [ 103.819725036621037, 1.258332967758292 ], [ 103.819999694824276, 1.258054971694946 ], [ 103.820831298828239, 1.258054971694946 ], [ 103.821113586425781, 1.25777900218975 ], [ 103.821945190429744, 1.25777900218975 ], [ 103.822502136230526, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.823333740234489, 1.257223010063285 ], [ 103.8236083984375, 1.256945014 ], [ 103.82389068603527, 1.256945014 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.82527923583983, 1.25527894496912 ], [ 103.825553894043026, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.825836181640568, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.826110839843807, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.826385498046989, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.826667785644574, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.827224731445312, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.827499389648551, 1.254166007041931 ], [ 103.829170227050838, 1.254166007041931 ], [ 103.829444885253835, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.829719543457088, 1.254166007041931 ], [ 103.830001831054801, 1.254166007041931 ], [ 103.830276489257812, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.25444400310522 ], [ 103.831108093261776, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.832778930664105, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.833053588867301, 1.253610014915409 ], [ 103.833335876464844, 1.253610014915409 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.253332018852291 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.253332018852291 ], [ 103.834999084472656, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.835556030273366, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.836669921875114, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.836944580078125, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.836944580078125, 1.250833988189811 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.250277996063289 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.25 ], [ 103.838058471679673, 1.249444007873535 ], [ 103.838333129882869, 1.249444007873535 ], [ 103.838470458984361, 1.249583005905265 ], [ 103.838607788085881, 1.249722003936824 ], [ 103.839164733886832, 1.249722003936824 ], [ 103.839447021484418, 1.25 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.25 ], [ 103.840835571289119, 1.250833988189811 ], [ 103.840835571289119, 1.251109957695007 ], [ 103.841392517089901, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.842224121093679, 1.251665949821472 ], [ 103.842498779296932, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.843330383300881, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.843612670898423, 1.252221941947937 ], [ 103.843887329101619, 1.252221941947937 ], [ 103.844169616699205, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.844718933105398, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.845558166503949, 1.252778053283748 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.252778053283748 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.251387953758297 ], [ 103.8477783203125, 1.250277996063289 ], [ 103.8477783203125, 1.25 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.249444007873535 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.24916601181036 ], [ 103.846946716308693, 1.24888801574707 ], [ 103.846946716308693, 1.248612046241817 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.248612046241817 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.248334050178528 ], [ 103.846107482910142, 1.247778058052063 ], [ 103.845764160156307, 1.247153043747005 ], [ 103.845626831054801, 1.246945977210998 ], [ 103.845275878906193, 1.246665954589901 ], [ 103.845001220703182, 1.246389985084534 ], [ 103.845001220703182, 1.245833992958069 ], [ 103.844718933105398, 1.24555599689495 ], [ 103.844718933105398, 1.245278000831604 ], [ 103.844444274902401, 1.245000004768428 ], [ 103.844444274902401, 1.244722008705139 ], [ 103.843887329101619, 1.244166016578674 ], [ 103.843269348144588, 1.243473052978572 ], [ 103.842918395996151, 1.243056058883667 ], [ 103.842498779296932, 1.242777943611145 ], [ 103.842224121093679, 1.24249899387371 ], [ 103.841941833496136, 1.24249899387371 ], [ 103.841392517089901, 1.241943001747245 ], [ 103.841110229492188, 1.241943001747245 ], [ 103.840835571289119, 1.241667985916138 ], [ 103.840835571289119, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.840278625488395, 1.240555047988892 ], [ 103.840278625488395, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.239999055862427 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.838890075683636, 1.238610982894954 ], [ 103.838333129882869, 1.238610982894954 ], [ 103.838058471679673, 1.238888978958073 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.238888978958073 ], [ 103.837501525878892, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.836669921875114, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.836387634277344, 1.239999055862427 ], [ 103.836112976074332, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.238054990768489 ], [ 103.834167480468864, 1.237776994705314 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.237221002578849 ], [ 103.832778930664105, 1.237221002578849 ], [ 103.830558776855582, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.830001831054801, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.829719543457088, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.829444885253835, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.828056335449276, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.828330993652344, 1.241389989853019 ], [ 103.828056335449276, 1.241667985916138 ], [ 103.828056335449276, 1.241943001747245 ], [ 103.827774047851548, 1.242220997810364 ], [ 103.827224731445312, 1.242220997810364 ], [ 103.826873779296932, 1.242223978042603 ], [ 103.826461791992173, 1.24215304851532 ], [ 103.824996948242244, 1.243334054946956 ], [ 103.824996948242244, 1.243890047073478 ], [ 103.824722290039062, 1.244166016578674 ], [ 103.824722290039062, 1.244444012641964 ], [ 103.824165344238281, 1.245000004768428 ], [ 103.824165344238281, 1.245278000831604 ], [ 103.8236083984375, 1.245833992958069 ], [ 103.8236083984375, 1.246665954589901 ], [ 103.822502136230526, 1.247778058052063 ], [ 103.821945190429744, 1.247778058052063 ], [ 103.821113586425781, 1.248612046241817 ], [ 103.821113586425781, 1.24888801574707 ], [ 103.820831298828239, 1.24916601181036 ], [ 103.820556640625, 1.24916601181036 ], [ 103.820274353027457, 1.249444007873535 ], [ 103.819168090820298, 1.249444007873535 ], [ 103.818885803222713, 1.249722003936824 ], [ 103.818611145019517, 1.249722003936824 ], [ 103.817779541015739, 1.250555992126465 ], [ 103.817779541015739, 1.250833988189811 ], [ 103.816665649414006, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.816390991210994, 1.251943945884761 ], [ 103.815834045410213, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.815551757812486, 1.252500057220459 ], [ 103.814445495605469, 1.253610014915409 ], [ 103.813888549804744, 1.253610014915409 ], [ 103.813613891601506, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.813056945800724, 1.253888010978756 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.254721999168396 ], [ 103.812225341796932, 1.255000948906002 ], [ 103.811668395996207, 1.255556941032467 ], [ 103.811668395996207, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.811386108398438, 1.255831956863403 ], [ 103.811111450195426, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.810836791992244, 1.256109952926693 ], [ 103.810554504394645, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.810279846191463, 1.256389021873474 ], [ 103.809997558593693, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.8094482421875, 1.25666701793682 ], [ 103.808334350585938, 1.25777900218975 ], [ 103.808052062988395, 1.25777900218975 ], [ 103.806945800781193, 1.258888959884757 ], [ 103.806945800781193, 1.259166955947933 ], [ 103.807220458984432, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.807777404785156, 1.259444952011222 ], [ 103.808052062988395, 1.259722948074397 ], [ 103.809722900390682, 1.259722948074397 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.838066101074219, 1.254377961158752 ], [ 103.838760375976676, 1.253958940506095 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.253958940506095 ], [ 103.839996337890611, 1.253680944442749 ], [ 103.839721679687614, 1.25340294837963 ], [ 103.839721679687614, 1.253124952316284 ], [ 103.837776184082088, 1.253124952316284 ], [ 103.837303161621094, 1.25340294837963 ], [ 103.837516784667969, 1.253960967064017 ], [ 103.838066101074219, 1.254377961158752 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.763053894043082, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.763336181640625, 1.240833044052238 ], [ 103.763610839843849, 1.240833044052238 ], [ 103.763885498046875, 1.240555047988892 ], [ 103.764167785644645, 1.240555047988892 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.764724731445369, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.764999389648438, 1.239999055862427 ], [ 103.765274047851619, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.238332986831779 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.238332986831779 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.237776994705314 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.237779021263066 ], [ 103.768333435058636, 1.237501025199947 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.237501025199947 ], [ 103.769165039062614, 1.237223029136601 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.237223029136601 ], [ 103.771942138671932, 1.234722971916199 ], [ 103.771942138671932, 1.234444975853023 ], [ 103.772499084472713, 1.233888983726558 ], [ 103.772499084472713, 1.233610987663212 ], [ 103.775558471679744, 1.230555057525692 ], [ 103.778892517089957, 1.227221965789909 ], [ 103.778892517089957, 1.226943969726562 ], [ 103.779167175292955, 1.226665973663444 ], [ 103.779167175292955, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.779441833496207, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.779441833496207, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.778892517089957, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.778892517089957, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.778610229492244, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.778335571289006, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.778053283691463, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.777778625488281, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.777496337890682, 1.223889946937618 ], [ 103.776947021484489, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.776664733886719, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.776107788085938, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.775833129882912, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.773887634277386, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.225556015968436 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.772087097167969, 1.227061033249015 ], [ 103.772087097167969, 1.22747802734375 ], [ 103.771881103515625, 1.22761702537548 ], [ 103.771530151367173, 1.22782397270214 ], [ 103.771461486816349, 1.228103995323238 ], [ 103.771186828613338, 1.228312015533504 ], [ 103.770912170410156, 1.228660941123962 ], [ 103.770286560058707, 1.228870034217948 ], [ 103.770080566406364, 1.228592038154602 ], [ 103.770011901855469, 1.227964997291622 ], [ 103.770011901855469, 1.227267980575675 ], [ 103.769943237304631, 1.226709961891231 ], [ 103.76924896240233, 1.226362943649349 ], [ 103.768905639648494, 1.226083040237427 ], [ 103.768554687500114, 1.225875020027161 ], [ 103.767448425293082, 1.225594997406063 ], [ 103.766067504882869, 1.225594997406063 ], [ 103.765441894531307, 1.225388050079402 ], [ 103.765167236328068, 1.225388050079402 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.764167785644645, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.763610839843849, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.763336181640625, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.762779235839901, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.22534894943243 ], [ 103.761528015136832, 1.22534894943243 ], [ 103.760833740234375, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.760559082031364, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.760002136230582, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.228057026863155 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.228057026863155 ], [ 103.757225036621094, 1.228332042694092 ], [ 103.756942749023551, 1.228332042694092 ], [ 103.756111145019574, 1.229166984558162 ], [ 103.756111145019574, 1.229444980621338 ], [ 103.755554199218793, 1.230000972747803 ], [ 103.755554199218793, 1.230278968811092 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.231667041778621 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.23194503784174 ], [ 103.753890991211051, 1.232223033905086 ], [ 103.753890991211051, 1.233054995536918 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.233332991600093 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.234444975853023 ], [ 103.753890991211051, 1.234722971916199 ], [ 103.753890991211051, 1.235277056694031 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.235555052757377 ], [ 103.754165649414048, 1.236111044883842 ], [ 103.754997253418026, 1.236945033073482 ], [ 103.755554199218793, 1.236945033073482 ], [ 103.755836486816335, 1.237223029136601 ], [ 103.756668090820369, 1.237223029136601 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.236111044883842 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.235833048820552 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.235555052757377 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.235277056694031 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.235000967979488 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.234722971916199 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.233888983726558 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.233888983726558 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.234166979789677 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.234444975853023 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.235000967979488 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.235833048820552 ], [ 103.760002136230582, 1.236111044883842 ], [ 103.760002136230582, 1.236389040947017 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.236667037010307 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.236945033073482 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.237498998642025 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.238054990768489 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.238332986831779 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.238888978958073 ], [ 103.761108398437557, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.761947631835938, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.240833044052238 ], [ 103.762496948242131, 1.241111040115413 ], [ 103.763053894043082, 1.241111040115413 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.751113891601562, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.239166975021419 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.238888978958073 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.238332986831779 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.235555052757377 ], [ 103.751113891601562, 1.235277056694031 ], [ 103.751113891601562, 1.235000967979488 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.234722971916199 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.234166979789677 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.233610987663212 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.233332991600093 ], [ 103.75, 1.233332991600093 ], [ 103.749443054199261, 1.232779026031551 ], [ 103.749168395996094, 1.232779026031551 ], [ 103.748336791992301, 1.23194503784174 ], [ 103.747497558593736, 1.23194503784174 ], [ 103.747222900390739, 1.231667041778621 ], [ 103.747222900390739, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.745277404785213, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.745002746582031, 1.231111049652156 ], [ 103.744720458984474, 1.231111049652156 ], [ 103.74444580078125, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.743614196777273, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.74333190917973, 1.231111049652156 ], [ 103.742774963378963, 1.231111049652156 ], [ 103.742500305175781, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.741943359374986, 1.231389045715446 ], [ 103.741668701171989, 1.231667041778621 ], [ 103.741386413574205, 1.231667041778621 ], [ 103.73944091796875, 1.233610987663212 ], [ 103.73944091796875, 1.233888983726558 ], [ 103.741111755371207, 1.235555052757377 ], [ 103.741386413574205, 1.235555052757377 ], [ 103.741943359374986, 1.236111044883842 ], [ 103.742225646972713, 1.236389040947017 ], [ 103.742774963378963, 1.236389040947017 ], [ 103.743057250976506, 1.236667037010307 ], [ 103.743057250976506, 1.236945033073482 ], [ 103.74333190917973, 1.237221002578849 ], [ 103.742500305175781, 1.238054990768489 ], [ 103.741943359374986, 1.238054990768489 ], [ 103.741668701171989, 1.238332986831779 ], [ 103.741668701171989, 1.238888978958073 ], [ 103.742225646972713, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.742500305175781, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.742721557617188, 1.239665985107479 ], [ 103.743057250976506, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.74333190917973, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.743888854980526, 1.239442944526786 ], [ 103.744163513183707, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.74444580078125, 1.239166975021419 ], [ 103.745002746582031, 1.239166975021419 ], [ 103.745552062988281, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.746109008788991, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.746391296386776, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.746948242187543, 1.240002036094666 ], [ 103.747222900390739, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.747497558593736, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.74777984619152, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.748054504394517, 1.239444971084538 ], [ 103.748886108398494, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.749168395996094, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.240833044052238 ], [ 103.750274658203239, 1.240833044052238 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.240277051925773 ], [ 103.750831604004006, 1.239999055862427 ], [ 103.751113891601562, 1.239722967147884 ], [ 103.751113891601562, 1.239444971084538 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.839111328125057, 1.22832095623022 ], [ 103.838706970214901, 1.228245973587036 ], [ 103.838493347168026, 1.228453040123043 ], [ 103.838264465332031, 1.228811025619564 ], [ 103.837905883789062, 1.229223012924308 ], [ 103.837486267089844, 1.229704022407532 ], [ 103.837036132812614, 1.230193972587699 ], [ 103.836685180664176, 1.230782032013053 ], [ 103.836410522460994, 1.231423020362911 ], [ 103.836288452148551, 1.232095003128165 ], [ 103.836418151855526, 1.23244404792797 ], [ 103.836502075195241, 1.232676029205379 ], [ 103.837005615234432, 1.232606053352356 ], [ 103.837356567382869, 1.232467055320797 ], [ 103.837699890136719, 1.232118010520935 ], [ 103.837905883789062, 1.231840014457816 ], [ 103.838180541992301, 1.231351971626225 ], [ 103.838462829589844, 1.231003999710083 ], [ 103.838737487793011, 1.230725049972648 ], [ 103.839218139648438, 1.230028033256644 ], [ 103.839569091796818, 1.229750037193298 ], [ 103.839843750000057, 1.229611039161739 ], [ 103.840026855468793, 1.22921705245983 ], [ 103.839736938476662, 1.228718042373771 ], [ 103.839111328125057, 1.22832095623022 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.856178283691392, 1.228680968284721 ], [ 103.855628967285156, 1.228680968284721 ], [ 103.855209350585881, 1.229166984558162 ], [ 103.855003356933537, 1.229444980621338 ], [ 103.854789733886832, 1.22993195056921 ], [ 103.855278015136776, 1.230278968811092 ], [ 103.855972290038991, 1.230762004852295 ], [ 103.856666564941463, 1.23194503784174 ], [ 103.856803894043026, 1.232084035873527 ], [ 103.856941223144531, 1.232223033905086 ], [ 103.857223510742244, 1.232223033905086 ], [ 103.857498168945256, 1.23194503784174 ], [ 103.858123779296875, 1.231111049652156 ], [ 103.857986450195369, 1.230417966842708 ], [ 103.857223510742244, 1.229375958442745 ], [ 103.856941223144531, 1.229166984558162 ], [ 103.856178283691392, 1.228680968284721 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.853614807128963, 1.230000972747803 ], [ 103.852920532226491, 1.229374051094169 ], [ 103.852363586425781, 1.228543996810913 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.228057026863155 ], [ 103.851600646972656, 1.227985978126469 ], [ 103.850692749023423, 1.227985978126469 ], [ 103.850273132324219, 1.228263974189815 ], [ 103.849441528320412, 1.228610038757381 ], [ 103.849441528320412, 1.229722976684627 ], [ 103.849929809570312, 1.23006200790411 ], [ 103.850204467773551, 1.23006200790411 ], [ 103.850547790527401, 1.22985303401947 ], [ 103.850761413574332, 1.229784011840934 ], [ 103.85103607177733, 1.229784011840934 ], [ 103.851593017578111, 1.22985303401947 ], [ 103.851867675781307, 1.230340003967399 ], [ 103.852416992187557, 1.230620980262813 ], [ 103.852630615234432, 1.230788946151847 ], [ 103.852767944335938, 1.230898976325932 ], [ 103.85333251953125, 1.230555057525692 ], [ 103.853614807128963, 1.230278968811092 ], [ 103.853614807128963, 1.230000972747803 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.851943969726676, 1.226665973663444 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.852775573730469, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.853057861328224, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.85333251953125, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.855278015136776, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.855552673339943, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.857223510742244, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.857498168945256, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.857734680175781, 1.222440958023128 ], [ 103.858016967773551, 1.222123980522213 ], [ 103.858238220214957, 1.221717953681946 ], [ 103.858299255371094, 1.221212029457149 ], [ 103.858207702636832, 1.220720052719173 ], [ 103.858070373535099, 1.220296025276184 ], [ 103.857948303222713, 1.219918012619075 ], [ 103.85782623291027, 1.219580054283085 ], [ 103.857780456543011, 1.219174981117362 ], [ 103.857635498046989, 1.218688964843693 ], [ 103.857086181640739, 1.218126058578491 ], [ 103.856765747070312, 1.217870950698909 ], [ 103.856536865234318, 1.217965006828422 ], [ 103.856201171874986, 1.218085050582886 ], [ 103.855903625488338, 1.218269944191036 ], [ 103.855682373046932, 1.218507051467952 ], [ 103.855537414550895, 1.218822002411002 ], [ 103.855354309082145, 1.219138026237488 ], [ 103.855094909668026, 1.219445943832341 ], [ 103.854782104492301, 1.219746947288456 ], [ 103.854438781738224, 1.220064043998775 ], [ 103.854080200195312, 1.220368981361446 ], [ 103.853767395019588, 1.220661044120845 ], [ 103.853614807128963, 1.22083401680004 ], [ 103.852775573730469, 1.221665978431701 ], [ 103.852775573730469, 1.221943974495048 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.852500915527457, 1.222499966621513 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.852218627929673, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.85166931152348, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.224722027778625 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.850830078125, 1.225556015968436 ], [ 103.850830078125, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.851051330566406, 1.226333975791931 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.226665973663444 ], [ 103.851943969726676, 1.226665973663444 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.753051757812557, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.752220153808594, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.752220153808594, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.752502441406307, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.752502441406307, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.751945495605526, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.751945495605526, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.751663208007812, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.751388549804787, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.752777099609304, 1.226387977600098 ], [ 103.753051757812557, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.753051757812557, 1.223889946937618 ], [ 103.753051757812557, 1.223611950874442 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.859725952148537, 1.224722027778625 ], [ 103.859725952148537, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.86027526855473, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.860557556152344, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.861114501953054, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.861389160156307, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.861663818359474, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.861991882324276, 1.223945021629447 ], [ 103.862213134765739, 1.223552942276115 ], [ 103.862396240234474, 1.223171949386597 ], [ 103.862564086914119, 1.222833037376461 ], [ 103.8626708984375, 1.222511053085327 ], [ 103.862457275390568, 1.222123980522213 ], [ 103.862220764160256, 1.221768021583614 ], [ 103.861984252929744, 1.221745967865104 ], [ 103.861656188964957, 1.221881985664425 ], [ 103.861114501953054, 1.221943974495048 ], [ 103.860832214355526, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.860557556152344, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.86027526855473, 1.222499966621513 ], [ 103.860000610351562, 1.222499966621513 ], [ 103.859725952148537, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.859443664550781, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.85888671875, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.858612060546989, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.858329772949276, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.857780456543011, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.857780456543011, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.857498168945256, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.857223510742244, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.857223510742244, 1.224722027778625 ], [ 103.856941223144531, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.857780456543011, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.858055114746037, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.858329772949276, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.85888671875, 1.226109981536979 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.859169006347756, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.859725952148537, 1.224722027778625 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.749725341796804, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.748886108398494, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.748886108398494, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.748336791992301, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.748054504394517, 1.223611950874442 ], [ 103.747497558593736, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.748054504394517, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.748054504394517, 1.225000023841971 ], [ 103.74777984619152, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.74777984619152, 1.225556015968436 ], [ 103.747497558593736, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.750274658203239, 1.225834012031555 ], [ 103.750274658203239, 1.22527801990509 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.224722027778625 ], [ 103.75, 1.224444031715507 ], [ 103.749443054199261, 1.224166035652161 ], [ 103.75, 1.223888039588985 ], [ 103.75, 1.223333954811153 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.749725341796804, 1.222777962684631 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.846389770507926, 1.222777962684631 ], [ 103.846664428710938, 1.222499966621513 ], [ 103.846946716308693, 1.222499966621513 ], [ 103.847221374511719, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.8477783203125, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.848052978515668, 1.222498059272766 ], [ 103.848609924316463, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.848892211914176, 1.223055958747977 ], [ 103.849723815917955, 1.222221970558167 ], [ 103.849723815917955, 1.221665978431701 ], [ 103.849998474121207, 1.221387982368583 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.221390008926505 ], [ 103.85166931152348, 1.220278024673576 ], [ 103.85166931152348, 1.220000028610229 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.219722032547111 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.219722032547111 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.219166040420646 ], [ 103.850555419921932, 1.218055963516292 ], [ 103.850830078125, 1.217777967453117 ], [ 103.850830078125, 1.217499971389771 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.217221975326652 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.216665029525871 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.21639001369482 ], [ 103.851387023925724, 1.215834021568298 ], [ 103.851112365722713, 1.21555602550518 ], [ 103.851081848144588, 1.215222954750004 ], [ 103.851043701171875, 1.214771032333374 ], [ 103.850608825683707, 1.214279055595455 ], [ 103.850448608398438, 1.214146971702633 ], [ 103.850112915039062, 1.214226961135864 ], [ 103.849723815917955, 1.214450001716727 ], [ 103.849357604980455, 1.214723944663945 ], [ 103.849067687988395, 1.215008974075431 ], [ 103.848838806152401, 1.215320944786185 ], [ 103.848625183105526, 1.215662956237907 ], [ 103.848419189453168, 1.216076970100346 ], [ 103.848098754882926, 1.216459989547843 ], [ 103.8477783203125, 1.216943979263306 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.218333959579581 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.218611955642757 ], [ 103.845558166503949, 1.219444036483765 ], [ 103.845283508300724, 1.21971499919897 ], [ 103.844955444335938, 1.220031976699943 ], [ 103.844512939453068, 1.220350980758667 ], [ 103.844055175781307, 1.220767974853572 ], [ 103.843536376953239, 1.221145987510795 ], [ 103.843185424804631, 1.221622943878174 ], [ 103.84322357177733, 1.222242951393184 ], [ 103.843711853027457, 1.222774028778133 ], [ 103.844245910644574, 1.223193049430961 ], [ 103.844779968261719, 1.223405003547782 ], [ 103.845222473144588, 1.223497986793632 ], [ 103.845420837402457, 1.223384022712764 ], [ 103.845565795898494, 1.223297953605709 ], [ 103.845870971679673, 1.223096966743583 ], [ 103.846168518066463, 1.222954034805298 ], [ 103.846389770507926, 1.222777962684631 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.761665344238324, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.763069152831974, 1.211181998252982 ], [ 103.764038085937443, 1.210832953453121 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.210832953453121 ], [ 103.764724731445369, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.765274047851619, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.766113281250114, 1.209722995758113 ], [ 103.766387939453111, 1.209722995758113 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.209444999694824 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.209444999694824 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.209167003631649 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.209167003631649 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.208611011505184 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.208611011505184 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.208889007568359 ], [ 103.770881652832131, 1.209274053573722 ], [ 103.771987915039176, 1.209620952606258 ], [ 103.772407531738395, 1.210039973259086 ], [ 103.773330688476676, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.774719238281193, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.774993896484432, 1.210831046104545 ], [ 103.775276184081974, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.776390075683693, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.776664733886719, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.776947021484489, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.777084350585994, 1.211527943611202 ], [ 103.7772216796875, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.777496337890682, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.777778625488281, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.778053283691463, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.778335571289006, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.778610229492244, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.779167175292955, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.779441833496207, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.780281066894531, 1.211418986320552 ], [ 103.780700683593807, 1.210513949394226 ], [ 103.78125, 1.209192037582397 ], [ 103.781600952148423, 1.208217024803275 ], [ 103.781600952148423, 1.205428957939148 ], [ 103.781669616699276, 1.20313203334814 ], [ 103.781669616699276, 1.201665997505188 ], [ 103.781669616699276, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.781387329101506, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.781387329101506, 1.200000047683716 ], [ 103.779998779296989, 1.198611974716243 ], [ 103.77972412109375, 1.198611974716243 ], [ 103.778083801269588, 1.198037981987 ], [ 103.776565551757912, 1.197410941124019 ], [ 103.775802612304801, 1.196715950965995 ], [ 103.775733947753906, 1.195392012596187 ], [ 103.775558471679744, 1.193889975547847 ], [ 103.775558471679744, 1.193333983421383 ], [ 103.775276184081974, 1.193055987358036 ], [ 103.77435302734375, 1.191882014274711 ], [ 103.773101806640682, 1.190768003463802 ], [ 103.772224426269474, 1.189721941947994 ], [ 103.771942138671932, 1.189721941947994 ], [ 103.771804809570426, 1.189581990242118 ], [ 103.771667480468693, 1.189442992210388 ], [ 103.771110534667969, 1.189442992210388 ], [ 103.770835876464901, 1.189167976379451 ], [ 103.770553588867188, 1.189167976379451 ], [ 103.770416259765682, 1.189028978347892 ], [ 103.770278930664162, 1.188889980316162 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.188889980316162 ], [ 103.769721984863381, 1.188611984252987 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.18833398818964 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.188611984252987 ], [ 103.767219543457145, 1.188611984252987 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.188889980316162 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.188889980316162 ], [ 103.766387939453111, 1.189167976379451 ], [ 103.766113281250114, 1.189164996147212 ], [ 103.765274047851619, 1.190000057220516 ], [ 103.765274047851619, 1.190278053283805 ], [ 103.765830993652401, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.766387939453111, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.190556049346981 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.190556049346981 ], [ 103.768058776855469, 1.190278053283805 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.190278053283805 ], [ 103.768890380859432, 1.190000057220516 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.190000057220516 ], [ 103.769721984863381, 1.190278053283805 ], [ 103.769996643066406, 1.190278053283805 ], [ 103.770553588867188, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.771110534667969, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.771385192871151, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.771667480468693, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.773887634277386, 1.193333983421383 ], [ 103.773887634277386, 1.193889975547847 ], [ 103.774169921875, 1.194165945053214 ], [ 103.774169921875, 1.195834040641842 ], [ 103.774444580078168, 1.196112036705131 ], [ 103.774444580078168, 1.196390032768306 ], [ 103.773612976074219, 1.197221994400138 ], [ 103.773056030273423, 1.197221994400138 ], [ 103.772781372070426, 1.197499990463314 ], [ 103.772499084472713, 1.197499990463314 ], [ 103.772224426269474, 1.197777986526603 ], [ 103.771942138671932, 1.197777986526603 ], [ 103.771385192871151, 1.198333978652897 ], [ 103.771110534667969, 1.198333978652897 ], [ 103.770835876464901, 1.198611974716243 ], [ 103.770553588867188, 1.198609948158321 ], [ 103.769721984863381, 1.199444055557251 ], [ 103.769447326660213, 1.199444055557251 ], [ 103.768608093261662, 1.200278043747062 ], [ 103.768333435058636, 1.200278043747062 ], [ 103.767776489257855, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.767501831054688, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.766944885253906, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.766670227050895, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.766387939453111, 1.201665997505188 ], [ 103.766113281250114, 1.201665997505188 ], [ 103.765830993652401, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.764999389648438, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.764724731445369, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.764167785644645, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.763885498046875, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.763336181640625, 1.200278043747062 ], [ 103.763336181640625, 1.200000047683716 ], [ 103.761108398437557, 1.197777986526603 ], [ 103.761108398437557, 1.197221994400138 ], [ 103.760833740234375, 1.196943998336849 ], [ 103.760833740234375, 1.195834040641842 ], [ 103.761947631835938, 1.194722056388855 ], [ 103.761947631835938, 1.19444394111639 ], [ 103.762222290039105, 1.19444394111639 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.192221999168453 ], [ 103.764442443847656, 1.191944003105277 ], [ 103.763885498046875, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.763610839843849, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.195834040641842 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.196112036705131 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.196390032768306 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.197221994400138 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.197499990463314 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.197777986526603 ], [ 103.760002136230582, 1.198055982589779 ], [ 103.760002136230582, 1.198333978652897 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.198609948158321 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.19888794422161 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.199166059494132 ], [ 103.759445190429631, 1.199444055557251 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.199722051620597 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.200000047683716 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.200278043747062 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.200556993484497 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.201665997505188 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.201944947242851 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.202222943305969 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.202501058578491 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.20277905464178 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.203057050704956 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.203333020210323 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.203889012336788 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.204167008399963 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.204445004463253 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.204723000526428 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.207223057746887 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.207499027252254 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.207777023315373 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.208055019378719 ], [ 103.757499694824318, 1.208889007568359 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.209167003631649 ], [ 103.757774353027344, 1.210000991821289 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.212499022483769 ], [ 103.758888244628835, 1.213611006736755 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.213889002800045 ], [ 103.758613586425838, 1.21416795253748 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.214720964431706 ], [ 103.758056640625057, 1.215834021568298 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.216112017631644 ], [ 103.758331298828125, 1.21639001369482 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.217221975326652 ], [ 103.759162902832088, 1.216943979263306 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.21639001369482 ], [ 103.759719848632869, 1.215276956558228 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.214720964431706 ], [ 103.76027679443358, 1.214442968368587 ], [ 103.761390686035156, 1.21333301067358 ], [ 103.761390686035156, 1.213055014610234 ], [ 103.761665344238324, 1.212777018547115 ], [ 103.761665344238324, 1.211666941642761 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.833335876464844, 1.214998960495052 ], [ 103.832496643066349, 1.214998960495052 ], [ 103.832496643066349, 1.215276956558228 ], [ 103.831947326660156, 1.21555602550518 ], [ 103.831947326660156, 1.216668009758109 ], [ 103.832221984863338, 1.216943979263306 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.216943979263306 ], [ 103.833610534668082, 1.21555602550518 ], [ 103.833335876464844, 1.215276956558228 ], [ 103.833335876464844, 1.214998960495052 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.834800720214773, 1.212789058685416 ], [ 103.834686279296932, 1.212617993354797 ], [ 103.834495544433651, 1.212779998779354 ], [ 103.833869934082031, 1.212777018547115 ], [ 103.83359527587902, 1.212916016578674 ], [ 103.833389282226619, 1.213264942169133 ], [ 103.83359527587902, 1.213543057441825 ], [ 103.83359527587902, 1.213822960853577 ], [ 103.833663940429688, 1.214025974273682 ], [ 103.833793640136832, 1.214468002319336 ], [ 103.834053039550781, 1.214941978454647 ], [ 103.834411621093693, 1.215502977371273 ], [ 103.83488464355473, 1.215746998786983 ], [ 103.835357666015568, 1.215754032135123 ], [ 103.835830688476619, 1.215633034706173 ], [ 103.836219787597699, 1.215242981910762 ], [ 103.836387634277344, 1.214586973190364 ], [ 103.836074829101676, 1.214112997054997 ], [ 103.835662841796918, 1.213750004768485 ], [ 103.835334777832145, 1.213376998901424 ], [ 103.835067749023494, 1.213037014007625 ], [ 103.834800720214773, 1.212789058685416 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.723609924316406, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.723609924316406, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.210832953453121 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.724723815918082, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.725280761718864, 1.210000991821289 ], [ 103.726112365722656, 1.210000991821289 ], [ 103.726387023925838, 1.210276961326656 ], [ 103.726669311523423, 1.210276961326656 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.727218627929616, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.727493286132855, 1.210831046104545 ], [ 103.727775573730582, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.210832953453121 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.730087280273381, 1.210147023200989 ], [ 103.730216979980568, 1.209867000579891 ], [ 103.730216979980568, 1.209450006484985 ], [ 103.729728698730469, 1.209380984306449 ], [ 103.729385375976562, 1.209380984306449 ], [ 103.728828430175824, 1.209239959716911 ], [ 103.728347778320426, 1.208822965622005 ], [ 103.728073120117244, 1.208474040031547 ], [ 103.728073120117244, 1.208057045936641 ], [ 103.728279113769588, 1.207918047905082 ], [ 103.728553771972599, 1.207779049873352 ], [ 103.729248046875057, 1.207638025283813 ], [ 103.73028564453125, 1.207638025283813 ], [ 103.730560302734432, 1.207430005073547 ], [ 103.731132507324261, 1.206943035125789 ], [ 103.731826782226562, 1.206665039062614 ], [ 103.731964111328239, 1.206593990325985 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.205832958221436 ], [ 103.733329772949148, 1.204723000526428 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.204723000526428 ], [ 103.733833312988338, 1.204195976257381 ], [ 103.733818054199276, 1.203655958175773 ], [ 103.733551025390611, 1.203207015991211 ], [ 103.733139038085881, 1.202908992767334 ], [ 103.732650756835994, 1.202833056450004 ], [ 103.732200622558594, 1.202970027923641 ], [ 103.731819152832031, 1.203122973442078 ], [ 103.731552124023537, 1.203312039375305 ], [ 103.731338500976619, 1.203420996665955 ], [ 103.731010437011832, 1.203557968139762 ], [ 103.730789184570426, 1.203415036201477 ], [ 103.730453491210881, 1.203143000602836 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.202823996543941 ], [ 103.729400634765682, 1.202618956565857 ], [ 103.728698730468864, 1.202461957931519 ], [ 103.727989196777287, 1.202234029770011 ], [ 103.727241516113281, 1.202077031135616 ], [ 103.726875305175781, 1.20203804969799 ], [ 103.726524353027344, 1.202182054519767 ], [ 103.726074218749943, 1.202280044555778 ], [ 103.725639343261832, 1.202486991882381 ], [ 103.72518157958983, 1.202684998512325 ], [ 103.724647521972713, 1.202816963195801 ], [ 103.724464416503963, 1.20287203788763 ], [ 103.724105834960994, 1.202976942062378 ], [ 103.723533630371151, 1.202947020530814 ], [ 103.722946166992244, 1.202823996543941 ], [ 103.722366333007869, 1.202782988548336 ], [ 103.721794128418011, 1.20277905464178 ], [ 103.721221923828182, 1.202774047851619 ], [ 103.720672607421918, 1.20272600650793 ], [ 103.720191955566392, 1.202520966529846 ], [ 103.719711303710994, 1.202371001243648 ], [ 103.71923828125, 1.202306985855103 ], [ 103.718727111816463, 1.202419042587337 ], [ 103.718276977539048, 1.202399969101066 ], [ 103.717857360839957, 1.202270030975399 ], [ 103.717414855957088, 1.202226996421871 ], [ 103.716949462890625, 1.20221996307373 ], [ 103.716484069824332, 1.202239036560172 ], [ 103.716056823730526, 1.202311038970947 ], [ 103.715667724609432, 1.202455043792725 ], [ 103.71527099609375, 1.20251905918127 ], [ 103.714904785156307, 1.202617049217281 ], [ 103.714546203613338, 1.202741980552787 ], [ 103.714149475097713, 1.202774047851619 ], [ 103.713714599609361, 1.202775955200195 ], [ 103.713272094726676, 1.202780961990413 ], [ 103.712821960449261, 1.20282697677618 ], [ 103.712394714355469, 1.203009009361267 ], [ 103.711944580078239, 1.203099966049308 ], [ 103.71152496337902, 1.203259944915885 ], [ 103.711067199707017, 1.203323006629944 ], [ 103.710578918457145, 1.203333020210323 ], [ 103.710067749023438, 1.203336954116878 ], [ 103.70953369140625, 1.203374028205928 ], [ 103.708992004394574, 1.20351505279541 ], [ 103.708427429199276, 1.203626990318298 ], [ 103.70787048339848, 1.203794956207332 ], [ 103.707328796386832, 1.204049944877681 ], [ 103.706977844238381, 1.204552054405326 ], [ 103.707000732421818, 1.205211043357792 ], [ 103.707336425781364, 1.205762028694267 ], [ 103.707771301269474, 1.206207036972159 ], [ 103.708244323730526, 1.206608057022208 ], [ 103.708816528320355, 1.206933975219727 ], [ 103.709419250488324, 1.207221031188908 ], [ 103.710006713867301, 1.207502961158809 ], [ 103.710563659668026, 1.207808971405086 ], [ 103.711051940917969, 1.208201050758419 ], [ 103.711456298828111, 1.208678960800285 ], [ 103.711845397949276, 1.209187984466496 ], [ 103.712211608886719, 1.209714055061397 ], [ 103.712577819824219, 1.210240960121268 ], [ 103.712966918945312, 1.210716962814331 ], [ 103.713409423828182, 1.21109497547161 ], [ 103.713890075683594, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.714447021484318, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.714584350586051, 1.211527943611202 ], [ 103.714721679687557, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.715278625488338, 1.211666941642761 ], [ 103.71555328369152, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.716110229492301, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.71694183349608, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.211945056915283 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.212499022483769 ], [ 103.719444274902344, 1.212499022483769 ], [ 103.719558715820426, 1.212617993354797 ], [ 103.719718933105526, 1.212777018547115 ], [ 103.720275878906307, 1.212777018547115 ], [ 103.720558166503892, 1.213055014610234 ], [ 103.720832824707088, 1.213055014610234 ], [ 103.721107482910085, 1.21333301067358 ], [ 103.721389770507869, 1.21333301067358 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.213611006736755 ], [ 103.721946716308594, 1.213611006736755 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.213889002800045 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.213889002800045 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.213055014610234 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.21222102642065 ], [ 103.723609924316406, 1.211945056915283 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.793609619140625, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.793891906738338, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.794441223144588, 1.211110949516296 ], [ 103.796112060546875, 1.209444999694824 ], [ 103.796112060546875, 1.208889007568359 ], [ 103.796386718750057, 1.208611011505184 ], [ 103.796386718750057, 1.208333015441895 ], [ 103.797225952148381, 1.207499027252254 ], [ 103.797225952148381, 1.207223057746887 ], [ 103.798057556152401, 1.2063889503479 ], [ 103.798614501953125, 1.2063889503479 ], [ 103.798889160156364, 1.206666946411246 ], [ 103.799003601074219, 1.206547975540218 ], [ 103.799163818359375, 1.2063889503479 ], [ 103.799446105957074, 1.2063889503479 ], [ 103.799720764160156, 1.206110954284725 ], [ 103.799720764160156, 1.205832958221436 ], [ 103.800003051757869, 1.20555496215826 ], [ 103.800003051757869, 1.205276966094971 ], [ 103.800277709960881, 1.205000996589774 ], [ 103.800552368164119, 1.205000996589774 ], [ 103.801109313964901, 1.204445004463253 ], [ 103.801109313964901, 1.204167008399963 ], [ 103.801940917968864, 1.203333020210323 ], [ 103.802223205566406, 1.203057050704956 ], [ 103.802223205566406, 1.201944947242851 ], [ 103.801940917968864, 1.201665997505188 ], [ 103.801940917968864, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.801216125488224, 1.200660943984985 ], [ 103.800277709960881, 1.200832009315604 ], [ 103.800003051757869, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.799446105957074, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.799163818359375, 1.201388001442069 ], [ 103.798889160156364, 1.201110005378723 ], [ 103.798110961914119, 1.201343059539795 ], [ 103.797393798828224, 1.201496005058232 ], [ 103.797126770019588, 1.201823949813843 ], [ 103.79689788818358, 1.202137947082576 ], [ 103.796669006347656, 1.202501058578491 ], [ 103.796386718750057, 1.202501058578491 ], [ 103.796112060546875, 1.20277905464178 ], [ 103.795829772949332, 1.20277905464178 ], [ 103.795555114746094, 1.203057050704956 ], [ 103.794998168945312, 1.203053951263541 ], [ 103.794166564941349, 1.203889012336788 ], [ 103.792503356933594, 1.203889012336788 ], [ 103.792221069336051, 1.204167008399963 ], [ 103.792221069336051, 1.204445004463253 ], [ 103.791946411132812, 1.204723000526428 ], [ 103.791946411132812, 1.20555496215826 ], [ 103.79166412353527, 1.205832958221436 ], [ 103.79166412353527, 1.206666946411246 ], [ 103.791389465332088, 1.206944942474365 ], [ 103.791389465332088, 1.207223057746887 ], [ 103.791221618652401, 1.207849979400635 ], [ 103.791389465332088, 1.208588004112244 ], [ 103.791625976562557, 1.209177970886344 ], [ 103.791709899902344, 1.209681987762565 ], [ 103.791915893554688, 1.20999002456665 ], [ 103.792221069336051, 1.210276961326656 ], [ 103.792503356933594, 1.210554957389832 ], [ 103.792503356933594, 1.210832953453121 ], [ 103.793052673339844, 1.211388945579585 ], [ 103.793609619140625, 1.211388945579585 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.728057861328182, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.728889465332145, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.19083404541027 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.18833398818964 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.188055038452205 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.18749904632574 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.186946034431514 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.186946034431514 ], [ 103.729164123535142, 1.186666965484733 ], [ 103.728889465332145, 1.186666965484733 ], [ 103.728889465332145, 1.186388969421387 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.186110973358268 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.185832977294922 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.185554981231803 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.184167027473449 ], [ 103.727500915527401, 1.183333039283809 ], [ 103.726387023925838, 1.183333039283809 ], [ 103.726112365722656, 1.18305504322052 ], [ 103.724723815918082, 1.18305504322052 ], [ 103.724441528320355, 1.182777047157344 ], [ 103.724166870117131, 1.182777047157344 ], [ 103.724006652832031, 1.182616949081421 ], [ 103.723892211914119, 1.182499051094055 ], [ 103.723609924316406, 1.182500958442802 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.182222962379456 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.182222962379456 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.181944966316337 ], [ 103.722221374511832, 1.181944966316337 ], [ 103.721664428711051, 1.181388974189872 ], [ 103.721107482910085, 1.181388974189872 ], [ 103.719718933105526, 1.180001020431519 ], [ 103.719444274902344, 1.180279016494865 ], [ 103.719169616699332, 1.180276989936942 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.180554986000061 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.180832982063407 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.181110978126526 ], [ 103.718612670898551, 1.181388974189872 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.181666970252991 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.181944966316337 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.182222962379456 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.182777047157344 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.18305504322052 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.183333039283809 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.183611035346985 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.184445023536796 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.184720993041992 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.184998989105281 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.185554981231803 ], [ 103.717224121093807, 1.185832977294922 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.186388969421387 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.186666965484733 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.186943054199275 ], [ 103.716392517089844, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.716667175293026, 1.18749904632574 ], [ 103.716804504394588, 1.187567949295101 ], [ 103.71707916259777, 1.187777042388916 ], [ 103.717781066894588, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.718055725097599, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.718330383300824, 1.18749904632574 ], [ 103.718887329101562, 1.18749904632574 ], [ 103.719169616699332, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.720001220703125, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.720275878906307, 1.186943054199275 ], [ 103.720832824707088, 1.186943054199275 ], [ 103.721107482910085, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.721389770507869, 1.187221050262451 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.18833398818964 ], [ 103.722503662109375, 1.188889980316162 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.189164996147212 ], [ 103.722778320312614, 1.189721941947994 ], [ 103.723052978515611, 1.190000057220516 ], [ 103.723052978515611, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.723335266113338, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.725280761718864, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.725555419921875, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.726669311523423, 1.191112041473446 ], [ 103.726943969726619, 1.191390037536564 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.191390037536564 ] ] ], [ [ [ 103.732780456542955, 1.176110982895011 ], [ 103.733055114746151, 1.175832033157405 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.175832033157405 ], [ 103.734443664550895, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.734725952148438, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.735000610351676, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.735275268554673, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.174443960189876 ], [ 103.735832214355455, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.73638916015625, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.736946105956974, 1.175279021263123 ], [ 103.737503051757926, 1.175279021263123 ], [ 103.737777709960938, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.738052368164176, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.738334655761719, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.73944091796875, 1.174723029136658 ], [ 103.739723205566463, 1.174443960189876 ], [ 103.740554809570426, 1.174443960189876 ], [ 103.741111755371207, 1.173887968063411 ], [ 103.741386413574205, 1.173887968063411 ], [ 103.741668701171989, 1.17416596412653 ], [ 103.741943359374986, 1.17416596412653 ], [ 103.742134094238281, 1.173614978790283 ], [ 103.742073059082131, 1.173117995262146 ], [ 103.741851806640739, 1.172683000564632 ], [ 103.741607666015682, 1.172322988510188 ], [ 103.741340637206974, 1.172032952308712 ], [ 103.741088867187614, 1.171769022941646 ], [ 103.740921020507926, 1.171509027481079 ], [ 103.740783691406236, 1.171262979507446 ], [ 103.740669250488338, 1.170977950096187 ], [ 103.740501403808651, 1.170694947242851 ], [ 103.740280151367244, 1.170397043228149 ], [ 103.740074157714901, 1.170029997825736 ], [ 103.739982604980582, 1.169556021690425 ], [ 103.739891052246136, 1.169057011604366 ], [ 103.739974975586051, 1.168552994728145 ], [ 103.73999786376946, 1.168041944503784 ], [ 103.739944458007926, 1.167541027069149 ], [ 103.739723205566463, 1.167222023010197 ], [ 103.739166259765682, 1.166666030883732 ], [ 103.7388916015625, 1.166389942169189 ], [ 103.738609313964943, 1.166666030883732 ], [ 103.738334655761719, 1.166389942169189 ], [ 103.73638916015625, 1.166389942169189 ], [ 103.736114501953182, 1.166666030883732 ], [ 103.735832214355455, 1.166666030883732 ], [ 103.735557556152457, 1.166944026947078 ], [ 103.733612060546932, 1.166944026947078 ], [ 103.731391906738395, 1.169165968895015 ], [ 103.731391906738395, 1.171110033989009 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.171388030052299 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.171944022178593 ], [ 103.730834960937443, 1.171944022178593 ], [ 103.730552673339886, 1.172222018241939 ], [ 103.728889465332145, 1.172222018241939 ], [ 103.728614807128906, 1.172500014305058 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.17305600643158 ], [ 103.728057861328182, 1.173334956169185 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.173609972000065 ], [ 103.728332519531364, 1.173887968063411 ], [ 103.729446411132869, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.729721069335923, 1.175001025200004 ], [ 103.730003356933651, 1.175279021263123 ], [ 103.730834960937443, 1.175279021263123 ], [ 103.731109619140668, 1.17555403709423 ], [ 103.731391906738395, 1.17555403709423 ], [ 103.731666564941406, 1.175832033157405 ], [ 103.731941223144645, 1.175832033157405 ], [ 103.732223510742188, 1.176110982895011 ], [ 103.732780456542955, 1.176110982895011 ] ] ] ] } }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/spain.geojson b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/countries/spain.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a60276
--- /dev/null
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6,47.5221336],[9.3136789,47.5247579],[9.3123318,47.5275667],[9.3153342,47.5302627],[9.318645,47.5315204],[9.3221946,47.5310817],[9.3241352,47.5292912],[9.3287484,47.5283965],[9.3296676,47.5296481],[9.3381187,47.5288425],[9.3401946,47.5264302],[9.3389825,47.524857],[9.3411612,47.5239876],[9.3414015,47.5223656],[9.3439152,47.5207557],[9.3531534,47.5192251],[9.3563952,47.5195004],[9.3558349,47.5163681],[9.3533793,47.5148831],[9.3503056,47.5152997],[9.3457669,47.511849],[9.3484967,47.5112532],[9.3461618,47.5080217],[9.3443072,47.5082828],[9.3432663,47.5064397],[9.3382993,47.5068369],[9.3363496,47.5022721],[9.3377213,47.5007801],[9.3397587,47.5031992],[9.3417981,47.5037224],[9.3465568,47.5019466],[9.3559026,47.5008718],[9.3560896,47.5034155],[9.3623022,47.5026659],[9.367792,47.500448],[9.3721996,47.5008819],[9.3744576,47.4996607],[9.3740695,47.4953604],[9.3730742,47.4944284],[9.3699466,47.4945004],[9.3684346,47.4920822],[9.3727856,47.490464],[9.3681951,47.4880415],[9.3665204,47.4854604],[9.3682145,47.4847397],[9.3731321,47.4853123],[9.3750363,47.487066],[9.3808231,47.4873097],[9.3796002,47.4854753],[9.3821622,47.4844994],[9.3845014,47.4824436],[9.3887828,47.4815637],[9.3916002,47.4786429],[9.3911096,47.4774009],[9.3932328,47.4759856],[9.3969824,47.4749806],[9.3963543,47.4778336],[9.3993032,47.4779255],[9.401195,47.4807878],[9.400506,47.4828141],[9.4020757,47.4849989],[9.4008701,47.486495],[9.4031607,47.4872463],[9.406458,47.4924896],[9.4095635,47.493387],[9.412755,47.4954993],[9.4135282,47.4975264],[9.4162927,47.4973748],[9.4212725,47.4961761],[9.4251069,47.5015032],[9.4295704,47.5034547],[9.430399,47.5046431],[9.435993,47.5066787],[9.502768,47.5472144],[9.5146841,47.5369248],[9.5319082,47.5357151],[9.550566,47.5371757],[9.5617745,47.5044908],[9.5612445,47.4991101],[9.5616754,47.4970249],[9.5634728,47.4942207],[9.5662306,47.4921022],[9.5787104,47.4853513],[9.5830298,47.4817344],[9.5929211,47.4659003],[9.5951426,47.4633095],[9.600392,47.4616476],[9.6035991,47.462373],[9.6050548,47.4640063],[9.606456,47.4694432],[9.6083244,47.4706],[9.6121465,47.4688272],[9.6169671,47.4619427],[9.6206905,47.4583866],[9.6262562,47.4566924],[9.6440906,47.4558639],[9.6544163,47.4542524],[9.6580748,47.4529725],[9.6594691,47.4513787],[9.6579866,47.4477909],[9.6473516,47.440331],[9.6443633,47.4358537],[9.6450712,47.4320533],[9.6485801,47.4256203],[9.6504423,47.4204335],[9.6518975,47.4083614],[9.6516178,47.404626],[9.6543745,47.4043994],[9.6573329,47.400157],[9.6600883,47.3975456],[9.6624418,47.3963943],[9.6706081,47.3936814],[9.6738212,47.3908307],[9.6741357,47.3893037],[9.6733513,47.3815101],[9.6702523,47.3774367],[9.6624091,47.3710805],[9.6587582,47.369461],[9.6538665,47.3680802],[9.6474958,47.3673501],[9.6368982,47.3674823],[9.6336017,47.3671317],[9.6262729,47.3650807],[9.6244598,47.3661451],[9.6052835,47.3514775],[9.6007126,47.3469074],[9.5993193,47.3448173],[9.5947963,47.3337548],[9.5892637,47.319113],[9.5882928,47.317549],[9.5835354,47.3126155],[9.5789382,47.3098531],[9.5655848,47.3041205],[9.5574369,47.2990776],[9.5544992,47.2956203],[9.5521967,47.2887358],[9.550933,47.2861331],[9.5463706,47.2802637],[9.5400379,47.2764186],[9.5331471,47.2730917],[9.5303885,47.2696813],[9.5302636,47.263364],[9.5298329,47.2618521],[9.5204517,47.2439624],[9.5180129,47.2406452],[9.5046405,47.2251254],[9.5016427,47.2201756],[9.4996332,47.2113569],[9.4906306,47.1981947],[9.4878765,47.1901944],[9.485929,47.1823578],[9.4859776,47.180525],[9.4906624,47.1644987],[9.4933084,47.159639],[9.4997225,47.1497721],[9.5058302,47.1439003],[9.5081841,47.1407276],[9.5123851,47.1303024],[9.5188549,47.1055048],[9.5195806,47.0983373],[9.5187523,47.0947891],[9.5156005,47.0878537],[9.5127602,47.0851421],[9.4922746,47.073844],[9.4750928,47.066967],[9.4718614,47.0642006],[9.4717767,47.0615162],[9.4757865,47.0517524],[9.4772452,47.049055],[9.4814701,47.0440851],[9.4852299,47.040302],[9.5060619,47.0186885],[9.5083283,47.0151058],[9.5106838,47.0091449],[9.5215774,46.9976232],[9.5455732,46.9765687],[9.5412247,46.9742934],[9.5348681,46.9746422],[9.5286421,46.9738731],[9.5277151,46.972852],[9.5230191,46.9725646],[9.5189416,46.9703551],[9.5173055,46.967447],[9.5186979,46.9650978],[9.5181317,46.9605252],[9.5188182,46.9565006],[9.5182555,46.9556507],[9.5058699,46.9541872],[9.5045972,46.9536684],[9.5029251,46.9493426],[9.5002045,46.9495933],[9.4986213,46.9450791],[9.4928638,46.9392167],[9.4937076,46.937716],[9.4865233,46.935524],[9.4866712,46.933234],[9.4857178,46.9303797],[9.483271,46.9276979],[9.4804315,46.9259786],[9.4791208,46.9222092],[9.4777845,46.9205665],[9.4785736,46.9156817],[9.4879923,46.9122928],[9.4822737,46.9082093],[9.4754217,46.9064212],[9.4723334,46.9040538],[9.4710062,46.9014202],[9.467249,46.8998878],[9.4677801,46.8963305],[9.4697363,46.8914727],[9.4668226,46.8860876],[9.4582931,46.8866497],[9.4542546,46.8860551],[9.4559388,46.881209],[9.4542782,46.8768809],[9.45254,46.874617],[9.4488629,46.8728865],[9.4406423,46.8787707],[9.4378018,46.8797379],[9.4332544,46.8845738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5.323651313781681],[103.47509765625017,15.318610191345215],[103.48493194580107,15.317779541015739],[103.48979949951172,15.309161186218262],[103.49579620361334,15.313741683960075],[103.49849700927763,15.305809974670353],[103.50247955322294,15.312170982360897],[103.50576019287121,15.310199737548885],[103.50495147705084,15.304160118103084],[103.50045776367205,15.301870346069393],[103.49968719482439,15.295911788940487],[103.50083923339861,15.2894802093507],[103.49536895751959,15.291290283203068],[103.49233245849632,15.289211273193416],[103.48562622070312,15.290121078491211],[103.48214721679705,15.293100357055664],[103.47895050048828,15.288651466369572],[103.4715499877932,15.284030914306697],[103.47173309326195,15.278420448303223],[103.46495056152338,15.280839920044059],[103.46550750732433,15.274060249328556],[103.46035766601574,15.264810562133903],[103.4631118774414,15.257681846618766],[103.46018981933588,15.25442886352539],[103.45401000976568,15.253951072692871],[103.44605255126964,15.261271476745605],[103.44296264648443,15.259241104126033],[103.44789123535179,15.251609802246207],[103.44107055664091,15.246709823608455],[103.43665313720709,15.23295974731451],[103.43624877929693,15.22772026062023],[103.43943023681658,15.221211433410758],[103.43765258789091,15.216990470886174],[103.43203735351568,15.215109825134334],[103.43180847167986,15.209321022033691],[103.43743133544928,15.20780086517334],[103.43345642089872,15.203360557556152],[103.4305267333985,15.206210136413631],[103.42626190185564,15.205660820007381],[103.42177581787115,15.201162338256893],[103.42263031005876,15.191899299621582],[103.42082214355474,15.187801361084098],[103.43006896972673,15.184082031250114],[103.43010711669922,15.177191734314079],[103.42489624023432,15.172180175781307],[103.42286682128906,15.16670131683361],[103.43080139160168,15.156431198120117],[103.42713165283209,15.15094089508051],[103.42314147949247,15.150250434875602],[103.4302215576173,15.14031124114996],[103.42707061767578,15.137361526489315],[103.4262008666995,15.127348899841365],[103.43035125732445,15.126380920410156],[103.43476104736334,15.119180679321289],[103.42887115478544,15.114439964294547],[103.4290924072265,15.103269577026424],[103.43533325195318,15.106792449951172],[103.4397659301759,15.107391357421989],[103.44348144531256,15.104290962219352],[103.44194030761719,15.098670959472656],[103.43363189697294,15.097880363464412],[103.433578491211,15.087569236755314],[103.43749237060541,15.083831787109375],[103.44068908691435,15.087531089782829],[103.44419097900408,15.085230827331543],[103.43901062011713,15.080250740051383],[103.43502807617205,15.070770263671989],[103.4273071289063,15.067959785461483],[103.42518615722662,15.064620971679744],[103.42880249023443,15.059219360351562],[103.43570709228521,15.058320999145508],[103.44264984130854,15.054549217224235],[103.44814300537138,15.047617912292424],[103.44993591308594,15.043060302734432],[103.44595336914062,15.037799835205135],[103.44506072998053,15.032840728759822],[103.44151306152361,15.028980255126953],[103.43402862548857,15.025540351867619],[103.42665100097673,15.028780937194824],[103.41944885253912,15.01292991638195],[103.41706848144543,15.003841400146541],[103.43000030517607,14.989839553833008],[103.424789428711,14.98314189910883],[103.43144226074219,14.981582641601562],[103.43335723876953,14.976800918579215],[103.42907714843761,14.974570274353084],[103.42324829101562,14.97599029541027],[103.42259979248058,14.971661567688045],[103.42473602294939,14.966280937194881],[103.42143249511747,14.963481903076286],[103.41954803466808,14.955809593200684],[103.42597198486334,14.952460289001522],[103.42482757568365,14.947250366210938],[103.42752838134794,14.941029548644963],[103.43051910400396,14.940370559692496],[103.42796325683588,14.931770324706974],[103.42820739746094,14.927290916442928],[103.42089080810541,14.91754055023199],[103.41384887695307,14.915670394897575],[103.40541076660185,14.918221473693961],[103.40248870849615,14.913230895996207],[103.40602874755854,14.905969619751033],[103.4015121459961,14.89995098114025],[103.40513610839844,14.897781372070426],[103.40447235107433,14.892350196838379],[103.39858245849604,14.89358139038086],[103.39250183105486,14.892902374267692],[103.39308929443376,14.883750915527344],[103.38272857666027,14.875920295715389],[103.38410186767595,14.871009826660213],[103.37841033935547,14.858320236206055],[103.37403869628906,14.860540390014762],[103.36458587646513,14.854789733886776],[103.36145782470703,14.846920013427791],[103.35267639160156,14.83772087097168],[103.347221374512,14.835519790649414],[103.34955596923822,14.830680847167912],[103.34422302246088,14.826320648193416],[103.33879852294945,14.830611228942985],[103.33171844482428,14.830510139465389],[103.3224411010745,14.825049400329647],[103.32260131835943,14.820390701294059],[103.31471252441406,14.811470031738281],[103.31143951416033,14.811441421508903],[103.31040191650396,14.806340217590446],[103.29705047607428,14.810608863830623],[103.29250335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2471046447697],[102.91916656494146,14.169699668884391],[102.91255950927763,14.166040420532227],[102.90097045898455,14.162640571594181],[102.893852233887,14.16819095611578],[102.88336944580107,14.172120094299316],[102.87734222412126,14.171629905700797],[102.87343597412138,14.167241096496582],[102.8713989257812,14.15609073638916],[102.87162780761719,14.149160385131836],[102.86389160156256,14.147259712219238],[102.86093139648455,14.14835071563715],[102.849349975586,14.15719032287609],[102.84420776367193,14.157980918884277],[102.83476257324213,14.165821075439567],[102.83106994628912,14.164961814880485],[102.8327407836914,14.157851219177303],[102.83042907714844,14.156669616699219],[102.8245468139649,14.161532402038631],[102.8204727172851,14.167579650878963],[102.81365203857422,14.170591354370174],[102.80988311767601,14.170499801635685],[102.80541229248064,14.167011260986271],[102.80483245849604,14.157720565795842],[102.8001327514649,14.158948898315487],[102.79579162597662,14.169900894165096],[102.79273223876959,14.169189453125114],[102.78784942626947,14.157771110534725],[102.7793807983399,14.1614608764649],[102.77452850341814,14.153809547424316],[102.77262878417986,14.148430824279728],[102.76731872558594,14.139459609985465],[102.7635116577149,14.137331962585506],[102.75595855712919,14.13728237152111],[102.74308776855469,14.139781951904297],[102.73676300048845,14.139849662780875],[102.72701263427729,14.136871337890682],[102.71936035156261,14.135821342468319],[102.7105331420899,14.13174057006836],[102.696830749512,14.129460334777775],[102.69114685058588,14.13264083862316],[102.69255065917969,14.141851425171012],[102.68383789062506,14.150201797485352],[102.67111968994135,14.156780242919922],[102.65513610839861,14.16382026672369],[102.64595031738276,14.157810211181754],[102.64134979248058,14.150049209594727],[102.63529205322283,14.147540092468205],[102.62622833251959,14.153609275817871],[102.61414337158203,14.167910575866813],[102.60600280761724,14.169330596923828],[102.59342193603521,14.164421081543082],[102.5915908813476,14.159619331359863],[102.5855484008789,14.154151916503906],[102.5768585205081,14.150570869445858],[102.56630706787115,14.144550323486328],[102.55316925048834,14.134181976318473],[102.54946136474626,14.133550643920898],[102.54032897949219,14.13672065734869],[102.53452301025419,14.136430740356559],[102.52474975585943,14.141349792480412],[102.51891326904291,14.139949798583984],[102.51058197021484,14.131360054016056],[102.50367736816423,14.130518913269157],[102.50122833251953,14.13529014587408],[102.49192047119146,14.134631156921387],[102.4893875122072,14.138371467590446],[102.48478698730486,14.13976097106945],[102.47582244873064,14.129751205444393],[102.46573638916033,14.133219718933049],[102.4574508666995,14.13462162017828],[102.45548248291021,14.140411376953068],[102.452621459961,14.142061233520565],[102.44673156738304,14.140980720520076],[102.43875885009794,14.141821861267147],[102.4347686767581,14.14541053771967],[102.43345642089838,14.150860786437988],[102.43530273437506,14.152058601379451],[102.44004058837896,14.161860466003418],[102.44239807128935,14.172268867492733],[102.4502563476562,14.183820724487418],[102.4514770507813,14.189069747924862],[102.45598602294939,14.192781448364258],[102.4707870483399,14.190540313720703],[102.47686004638695,14.198381423950309],[102.48074340820324,14.197271347045955],[102.4899673461914,14.187380790710563],[102.4989929199221,14.18583202362072],[102.50630950927746,14.188320159912223],[102.5100860595706,14.196450233459586],[102.51412963867199,14.199541091919059],[102.52017974853521,14.19917106628418],[102.54033660888672,14.200499534606934],[102.54363250732428,14.202920913696346],[102.55068969726568,14.21536922454834],[102.55658721923851,14.215410232543888],[102.57150268554716,14.220390319824219],[102.58029937744169,14.225690841674862],[102.58979797363287,14.234420776367301],[102.59876251220709,14.238331794738883],[102.61222839355469,14.252350807190055],[102.62454986572294,14.262841224670524],[102.64022827148432,14.272760391235408],[102.65109252929682,14.278180122375602],[102.66232299804699,14.28179931640625],[102.6703491210937,14.288460731506348],[102.67951965332026,14.293530464172363],[102.68827056884777,14.297068595886174],[102.67900848388672,14.29944038391119],[102.67610168457048,14.304880142211914],[102.66771697998064,14.314009666442871],[102.6644592285158,14.316082000732479],[102.64195251464861,14.32457160949707],[102.63479614257835,14.32445144653326],[102.62222290039068,14.318561553955135],[102.6142196655274,14.321301460266227],[102.60568237304699,14.32069015502941],[102.60064697265648,14.32649135589611],[102.58902740478521,14.33335971832281],[102.58924102783232,14.343541145324764],[102.58792877197294,14.349531173706112],[102.58380126953142,14.357131958007812],[102.576469421387,14.361982345580998],[102.56923675537138,14.361982345580998],[102.56398010253906,14.374681472778263],[102.56314086914074,14.382910728454647],[102.5648803710937,14.390081405639648],[102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18.003580093383903],[98.78939056396507,18.003450393676758],[98.79173278808622,18.00011062622076],[98.8037033081057,18.00558090209961],[98.80921936035162,18.006900787353516],[98.81160736083979,18.002929687500114],[98.82267761230486,17.996320724487305],[98.82892608642607,17.99460983276373],[98.83550262451172,17.984239578247127],[98.83229064941412,17.979101181030273],[98.83329010009794,17.972112655639705],[98.83954620361334,17.964490890502987],[98.84332275390625,17.948240280151367],[98.84339141845709,17.9428005218507],[98.85193634033209,17.928651809692383],[98.849838256836,17.924551010131836],[98.85352325439482,17.91349029541027],[98.8580093383789,17.907930374145565],[98.85639953613293,17.896699905395565],[98.86273956298845,17.89365005493164],[98.86355590820318,17.883911132812614],[98.86727905273449,17.880010604858455],[98.8674926757812,17.871200561523438],[98.87033081054699,17.85943031311035],[98.87180328369146,17.857719421386776],[98.87261962890636,17.848640441894645],[98.86624145507818,17.84943962097168],[98.86061096191418,17.853811264038086],[98.85410308837919,17.842439651489258],[98.85636138916021,17.828540802001896],[98.853500366211,17.821899414062557],[98.8565368652346,17.81241989135748],[98.83431243896501,17.80353927612316],[98.83027648925793,17.798469543457145],[98.82279205322271,17.79540061950678],[98.80796813964855,17.797458648681584],[98.80332183837913,17.794170379638786],[98.7992095947265,17.797458648681584],[98.79969787597679,17.801799774170036],[98.79467010498047,17.809600830078125],[98.79853057861334,17.81400108337408],[98.79498291015636,17.816749572753963],[98.79631042480497,17.82134056091303],[98.78959655761724,17.822919845581055],[98.78961944580107,17.82942008972168],[98.78479766845709,17.830972671508732],[98.77909088134788,17.82731246948248],[98.76901245117216,17.81208992004389],[98.76841735839866,17.806568145752067],[98.76412963867205,17.800251007080135],[98.75199890136724,17.800050735473746],[98.74666595459007,17.803140640258732],[98.7426681518557,17.803159713745174],[98.73530578613276,17.794740676879826],[98.72795104980474,17.79257965087902],[98.72592926025419,17.795871734619197],[98.71823120117193,17.796222686767635],[98.70896911621105,17.794689178466854],[98.69873046875,17.7904510498048],[98.6866073608399,17.789409637451286],[98.68733215332037,17.78110122680664],[98.69194793701178,17.775302886963004],[98.69004058837896,17.7652206420899],[98.68067932128929,17.757629394531307],[98.66934967041033,17.75187110900879],[98.66603851318388,17.747289657592887],[98.65068054199219,17.74283981323248],[98.64393615722668,17.73693084716797],[98.63880920410173,17.735260009765682],[98.63442230224626,17.742919921875057],[98.62924194335949,17.757900238037166],[98.6302719116211,17.764991760253906],[98.62827301025419,17.771139144897575],[98.62358093261719,17.776840209960994],[98.61483764648443,17.7784481048584],[98.60984802246094,17.78310966491705],[98.60523223876947,17.792211532592773],[98.59852600097668,17.800792694091854],[98.5913925170899,17.80351066589361],[98.58985900878912,17.79874992370611],[98.58480834960949,17.799669265747184],[98.5820083618164,17.805509567260685],[98.57398986816406,17.808322906494084],[98.57154846191412,17.80359077453619],[98.56455230712919,17.795070648193416],[98.5612411499024,17.794351577758732],[98.55169677734375,17.801990509033317],[98.54574584960955,17.809190750122184],[98.53163146972673,17.81345939636236],[98.52378845214838,17.82188987731945],[98.5206832885745,17.822851181030387],[98.5156478881836,17.820238113403377],[98.5168914794923,17.81620025634777],[98.51203155517584,17.811309814453125],[98.4981384277346,17.814159393310604],[98.4957427978515,17.812231063842773],[98.49392700195318,17.805231094360295],[98.49568939209013,17.79573059082037],[98.50354766845714,17.793291091919002],[98.51174926757824,17.787189483642578],[98.51058959960966,17.77863121032709],[98.5112533569336,17.77051925659191],[98.50776672363276,17.768451690673942],[98.50531768798845,17.75971984863287],[98.5075073242188,17.75093078613287],[98.51879119873075,17.734840393066406],[98.51876831054716,17.72711753845209],[98.52089691162121,17.723480224609432],[98.52230072021484,17.713750839233512],[98.52555847167969,17.709802627563533],[98.5264358520509,17.701639175415153],[98.52356719970714,17.6956081390382],[98.52343750000017,17.681400299072322],[98.52448272705084,17.671529769897518],[98.52963256835943,17.65811157226574],[98.5337982177735,17.63830184936529],[98.53079986572294,17.634460449218864],[98.53354644775408,17.619478225708008],[98.54075622558588,17.61585998535162],[98.55853271484392,17.615400314331055],[98.56430053710943,17.61423110961914],[98.58094787597685,17.595600128173885],[98.58506774902344,17.586240768432617],[98.58725738525419,17.578130722046012],[98.57849121093778,17.575782775878906],[98.5594787597658,17.567659378051815],[98.55075073242193,17.562330245971623],[98.54355621337896,17.55512046813965],[98.53621673584001,17.542289733886776],[98.53781890869163,17.539230346679744],[98.52883148193365,17.535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[98.16403198242199,18.1434001922608],[98.15799713134766,18.15802192687994],[98.15814971923822,18.163400650024528],[98.16725921630888,18.16551017761236],[98.16873168945318,18.180110931396484],[98.17735290527372,18.188209533691406],[98.17365264892578,18.19664192199707],[98.16799926757818,18.201721191406193],[98.17185974121105,18.217929840087947],[98.16239929199219,18.221691131591797],[98.16042327880871,18.219978332519645],[98.14890289306663,18.225290298461914],[98.14456176757841,18.23492050170904],[98.14154815673822,18.237529754638672],[98.14138031005876,18.242250442504883],[98.14427185058594,18.25101280212408],[98.13909149169939,18.256780624389762],[98.13703918457031,18.264520645141545],[98.14080047607439,18.278030395507812],[98.14642333984398,18.281660079956055],[98.15329742431663,18.283660888671932],[98.15860748291021,18.280599594116325],[98.16435241699241,18.281391143798828],[98.16883087158197,18.279991149902344],[98.17893981933588,18.281509399414062],[98.18386077880888,18.283660888671932],[98.18657684326189,18.28197288513178],[98.1959304809572,18.283439636230526],[98.2034759521485,18.28919982910162],[98.19267272949213,18.288360595703125],[98.18467712402361,18.29486846923828],[98.17649078369158,18.296190261840763],[98.17262268066418,18.30115127563488],[98.17196655273443,18.318809509277457],[98.17620086669928,18.3291912078858],[98.17575073242188,18.334379196167106],[98.17098236083984,18.346689224243278],[98.1645126342774,18.353370666503906],[98.15267181396484,18.357360839843693],[98.14753723144537,18.36083984375],[98.14128875732428,18.369989395141545],[98.13977050781256,18.377651214599723],[98.13716125488276,18.38298988342285],[98.13191223144537,18.385192871093864],[98.1250228881836,18.394092559814453],[98.12843322753906,18.399139404296818],[98.12657928466803,18.4045925140382],[98.11881256103544,18.406801223754826],[98.11395263671875,18.406507492065543],[98.10472106933605,18.41148948669428],[98.10172271728533,18.416780471801758],[98.09545135498047,18.41893005371105],[98.08342742919922,18.41554069519043],[98.07521057128923,18.426780700683537],[98.08233642578148,18.436410903930664],[98.08434295654314,18.444629669189396],[98.1016387939456,18.45491027832037],[98.10720062255871,18.456190109252987],[98.10817718505854,18.464839935302678],[98.11395263671875,18.480861663818303],[98.12023162841797,18.486230850219783],[98.12100982666016,18.49580955505371],[98.12361907958979,18.50059127807623],[98.13105773925776,18.50049972534174],[98.13243865966797,18.50296974182129],[98.14356231689476,18.508159637451172],[98.14762115478544,18.51209259033203],[98.1553878784182,18.510721206665153],[98.1655731201173,18.523540496826286],[98.17182159423857,18.52402114868164],[98.1715164184572,18.52779006958002],[98.17472076416027,18.53520011901861],[98.17619323730474,18.54528045654297],[98.18638610839861,18.546030044555778],[98.18987274169922,18.541620254516715],[98.19738006591825,18.538311004638672],[98.20140838623075,18.53975105285639],[98.20867156982433,18.535501480102653],[98.21790313720703,18.541660308838004],[98.22624206542963,18.55282974243164],[98.2330780029298,18.555751800537166],[98.23285675048857,18.562850952148438],[98.23806762695307,18.56792068481451],[98.23586273193365,18.574310302734432],[98.23100280761713,18.57917976379406],[98.22949218750017,18.583959579467773],[98.22400665283203,18.58699989318859],[98.21420288085949,18.588951110839844],[98.21604156494163,18.59733963012701],[98.21183776855474,18.605970382690487],[98.19822692871111,18.605970382690487],[98.18509674072266,18.60790061950695],[98.184326171875,18.621839523315543],[98.17484283447288,18.626380920410213],[98.1654129028322,18.624320983886776],[98.15762329101562,18.627281188964844],[98.15541839599638,18.631261825561523],[98.14598846435547,18.63717079162609],[98.12429046630865,18.631990432739315],[98.1188430786134,18.63309097290039],[98.11200714111345,18.642839431762752],[98.10714721679693,18.646730422973746],[98.11052703857422,18.663381576538143],[98.1138458251956,18.668319702148438],[98.11103057861322,18.672870635986385],[98.10649871826172,18.675870895385742],[98.10822296142578,18.689348220825195],[98.10208892822283,18.703830718994084],[98.1080322265625,18.709167480468807],[98.1045913696289,18.71627807617199],[98.10484313964866,18.72628974914545],[98.10341644287126,18.73402976989746],[98.09778594970726,18.73723030090332],[98.10768890380865,18.743040084838867],[98.10881805419928,18.74802970886236],[98.1166381835938,18.751911163330078],[98.12180328369146,18.756469726562557],[98.11991119384788,18.76112937927246],[98.12207031250011,18.773809432983455],[98.10993957519531,18.778060913085994],[98.10199737548834,18.773628234863338],[98.09350585937517,18.775390625000057],[98.09227752685553,18.783470153808537],[98.08685302734375,18.794290542602596],[98.08849334716825,18.80346107482916],[98.08364868164068,18.80981063842779],[98.08087158203136,18.816150665283317],[98.08312988281278,18.828210830688477],[98.08332061767607,18.835950851440487],[98.08969879150408,18.850931167602596],[98.0904769897461,18.8592529296875],[98.09252166748058,18.863769531249943],[98.1036376953125,18.882450103759822],[98.1118774414063,18.885641098022404],[98.11348724365246,18.89120101928711],[98.12137603759766,18.897069931030387],[98.12606811523466,18.905927658081055],[98.13247680664068,18.90998077392578],[98.14601898193365,18.910209655761776],[98.1502304077149,18.915132522583008],[98.15856170654314,18.917800903320312],[98.160209655762,18.927539825439567],[98.15882873535179,18.93539047241211],[98.16752624511736,18.937339782714957],[98.17289733886719,18.946058273315543],[98.17437744140642,18.954830169677678],[98.17392730712919,18.960420608520565],[98.16648864746122,18.974760055541992],[98.16532135009771,18.97980117797863],[98.16819000244146,18.982730865478516],[98.17163848876982,18.992862701416072],[98.17044830322271,18.995710372924805],[98.18173217773443,19.005159378051758],[98.1873016357423,19.014200210571346],[98.18759918212896,19.022539138793945],[98.18535614013678,19.024618148803768],[98.18692016601574,19.029609680175838],[98.19281768798857,19.033060073852596],[98.19165039062506,19.03960037231451],[98.202133178711,19.043220520019645],[98.20659637451166,19.046560287475643],[98.21060180664057,19.060411453247184],[98.216850280762,19.065998077392692],[98.21791076660156,19.069080352783146],[98.22486114501982,19.07571983337408],[98.22772979736357,19.0858993530274],[98.23381042480497,19.087869644165153],[98.23838043212896,19.092790603637752],[98.239486694336,19.099330902099666],[98.24436950683611,19.103219985961914],[98.25202941894531,19.106359481811523],[98.25332641601557,19.11138916015625],[98.24971008300798,19.116270065307617],[98.24897003173845,19.121000289917106],[98.24286651611345,19.12450027465826],[98.24546813964872,19.131940841674805],[98.24195861816412,19.138490676879883],[98.24420928955078,19.145532608032227],[98.24372100830084,19.149339675903263],[98.2543029785158,19.158590316772404],[98.26035308837902,19.1566104888916],[98.2659683227539,19.151100158691463],[98.27027893066418,19.153821945190373],[98.28630828857433,19.150909423828182],[98.29360198974626,19.15351104736328],[98.30297088623047,19.153430938720703],[98.3146362304688,19.15098190307623],[98.32116699218778,19.15398979187023],[98.3258895874024,19.153980255126953],[98.33174896240251,19.148330688476506],[98.3438415527346,19.149402618408203],[98.34085845947277,19.142669677734375],[98.34375000000017,19.13560295104986],[98.35003662109392,19.130317687988338],[98.3456268310548,19.12594985961914],[98.34706878662115,19.110099792480526],[98.35418701171903,19.098947525024528],[98.35491180419928,19.09185981750494],[98.36196136474632,19.086019515991268],[98.36499786376959,19.08671951293951],[98.37172698974638,19.083820343017578],[98.37599945068376,19.072530746460075],[98.3731460571289,19.065378189087028],[98.37726593017607,19.060880661010856],[98.38276672363287,19.057989120483455],[98.38501739501959,19.05995941162115],[98.39285278320335,19.051490783691406],[98.40213775634766,19.03766059875494],[98.40217590332037,19.03424263000494],[98.4158706665039,19.030179977417106],[98.42204284667991,19.02605056762701],[98.42536163330072,19.02911949157715],[98.42642974853538,19.03416252136236],[98.43041229248053,19.03980827331543],[98.43891143798822,19.045320510864315],[98.45873260498058,19.044450759887695],[98.47335815429693,19.039220809936523],[98.47973632812517,19.04078865051281],[98.48478698730491,19.038480758666992],[98.49214935302751,19.038639068603572],[98.49534606933605,19.036060333252067],[98.51712799072283,19.030179977417106],[98.52944183349615,19.022960662841797],[98.54721832275402,19.024339675903377],[98.55390930175793,19.029911041259822],[98.55619049072277,19.035360336303825],[98.5643997192384,19.03524971008312],[98.56942749023438,19.04356956481928],[98.5806274414062,19.04572105407715],[98.5877532958985,19.04503059387207],[98.5943679809572,19.04142951965332],[98.59800720214861,19.042379379272575],[98.60270690917997,19.049148559570256],[98.61530303955107,19.054950714111442],[98.62116241455101,19.055561065673828],[98.629379272461,19.059980392455998],[98.63404846191423,19.060350418090877],[98.64174652099615,19.067100524902344],[98.64122009277372,19.070659637451172],[98.64736938476574,19.075830459594783],[98.6497726440432,19.07971954345703],[98.65283966064459,19.092960357666016],[98.64488983154308,19.104152679443473],[98.64241027832043,19.11534118652338],[98.64221954345714,19.124378204345817],[98.63932800292997,19.132709503173885],[98.63327026367182,19.14069175720215],[98.63461303710955,19.146680831909237],[98.63401794433605,19.153961181640682],[98.62409973144543,19.15546035766613],[98.6210403442384,19.15975952148449],[98.6222229003908,19.164840698242244],[98.61048126220726,19.1701602935791],[98.60755920410156,19.177259445190543],[98.59607696533197,19.183130264282227],[98.58812713623047,19.184160232544002],[98.5835571289063,19.188190460205135],[98.5769729614259,19.20034027099615],[98.57048797607433,19.204891204833928],[98.57010650634777,19.21400070190441],[98.58106231689453,19.214902877807617],[98.58748626708979,19.216749191284293],[98.59996795654303,19.22800064086914],[98.59732818603538,19.2369327545166],[98.59471893310558,19.23935127258312],[98.59018707275408,19.251640319824276],[98.59091949462885,19.26126289367687],[98.59378051757807,19.26649093627924],[98.60549163818365,19.277551651000977],[98.59916687011719,19.28128242492687],[98.59597015380865,19.288938522338924],[98.6001586914063,19.295499801635856],[98.60025787353527,19.301580429077262],[98.6026458740235,19.30648994445812],[98.60070037841797,19.313989639282227],[98.59464263916021,19.321519851684684],[98.59069061279325,19.330631256103516],[98.59414672851574,19.338790893554744],[98.59137725830084,19.345340728759822],[98.59440612792969,19.35605049133312],[98.58230590820341,19.365161895751953],[98.57504272460966,19.38350105285656],[98.57482910156256,19.387659072876033],[98.57904052734403,19.395830154418945],[98.58242034912115,19.397140502929744],[98.58841705322277,19.395601272583008],[98.59568023681652,19.401279449462947],[98.59620666503935,19.404260635376033],[98.5883407592774,19.411180496215934],[98.58763885498075,19.41756057739252],[98.59101867675787,19.422380447387752],[98.58727264404308,19.431129455566463],[98.58629608154325,19.441650390625114],[98.59121704101585,19.44754028320324],[98.59358978271479,19.453269958496207],[98.59278869628935,19.461130142212028],[98.59883117675787,19.46243286132824],[98.60058593750006,19.467790603637752],[98.59774017334013,19.477481842041016],[98.59445953369163,19.48122978210455],[98.59651947021484,19.487720489502067],[98.59468841552763,19.491489410400447],[98.58506774902344,19.502719879150447],[98.58006286621111,19.507179260253963],[98.5755462646485,19.50811004638672],[98.57010650634777,19.506450653076172],[98.56671142578142,19.514102935791016],[98.56790161132812,19.522331237793082],[98.56549835205107,19.5260009765625],[98.5647659301759,19.53450012207037],[98.5670776367187,19.544759750366268],[98.55976867675787,19.54739952087408],[98.54608154296886,19.554340362548828],[98.54425048828125,19.55681037902832],[98.54238891601585,19.578540802001896],[98.53835296630865,19.58506011962902],[98.54014587402372,19.593700408935604],[98.53730773925793,19.600620269775504],[98.54100036621094,19.605840682983512],[98.54029083251976,19.60918045043951],[98.53016662597662,19.611991882324332],[98.52540588378912,19.61498069763195],[98.52355194091825,19.621839523315543],[98.51712799072283,19.62378120422369],[98.50544738769543,19.6297607421875],[98.50241851806635,19.634340286254996],[98.49394989013695,19.63916015625],[98.49057769775402,19.644332885742244],[98.48233032226568,19.652961730957145],[98.47480010986345,19.655540466308594],[98.47078704834001,19.659500122070256],[98.47297668457037,19.67450904846197],[98.46981048583979,19.688552856445312],[98.47042083740234,19.69205093383789],[98.47592163085955,19.69326972961437],[98.48464202880888,19.70059013366705],[98.49738311767601,19.703300476074276],[98.50910949707048,19.70856857299816],[98.51225280761741,19.715530395507926],[98.52053833007807,19.712890625000114],[98.54026031494146,19.690910339355526],[98.54225921630871,19.685819625854492],[98.55155181884788,19.683401107788143],[98.55768585205107,19.6789608001709],[98.56192016601574,19.673089981079045],[98.56948852539068,19.670711517333984],[98.56964874267584,19.677881240844727],[98.57138824462913,19.683010101318473],[98.57479858398443,19.70141029357916],[98.58615112304682,19.70754051208496],[98.58988189697288,19.710990905761832],[98.59542846679693,19.712390899658317],[98.60735321044939,19.70750999450695],[98.61557006835938,19.70848083496105],[98.620361328125,19.714050292968693],[98.62597656250028,19.71142959594738],[98.6298065185548,19.717929840088004],[98.62802124023443,19.724319458007926],[98.63535308837902,19.726440429687614],[98.64105224609403,19.730201721191463],[98.64647674560547,19.731519699096793],[98.65560913085955,19.736869812011776],[98.66013336181652,19.733650207519645],[98.66690826416021,19.737770080566406],[98.66657257080084,19.7448406219483],[98.67603302001953,19.748569488525447],[98.68142700195318,19.746990203857422],[98.68621063232445,19.751220703125114],[98.69631958007835,19.752101898193303],[98.70543670654303,19.75518989562994],[98.71086883544933,19.760469436645508],[98.71823120117193,19.760871887207088],[98.72107696533209,19.758760452270508],[98.7308883666995,19.758110046386662],[98.73442840576178,19.754100799560604],[98.7410888671875,19.751470565795955],[98.74700164794922,19.75340080261236],[98.75311279296875,19.75819015502941],[98.76030731201189,19.75481986999506],[98.77094268798857,19.75349998474121],[98.7768173217774,19.750019073486328],[98.78192901611334,19.75101089477539],[98.79013824462896,19.76252937316906],[98.80033111572277,19.77419853210455],[98.80574035644531,19.77394294738781],[98.81784820556669,19.780469894409237],[98.82485961914068,19.786409378051758],[98.83141326904308,19.793781280517635],[98.83003234863287,19.800228118896484],[98.83431243896501,19.80841064453136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0371],[99.46560668945324,20.101499557495174],[99.47489166259788,20.1055526733399],[99.48448944091808,20.10585975646984],[99.50211334228516,20.11475944519043],[99.50144195556669,20.12050819396984],[99.49814605712896,20.127460479736442],[99.5144500732423,20.14416122436529],[99.5161590576173,20.143569946289176],[99.52040100097673,20.13689041137701],[99.52860260009783,20.134889602661133],[99.53713226318371,20.130598068237305],[99.54161071777344,20.13042068481451],[99.54601287841803,20.127428054809513],[99.55802917480474,20.127389907837028],[99.5644607543947,20.122499465942383],[99.56851959228521,20.121299743652344],[99.57386779785162,20.11160850524908],[99.57200622558622,20.106201171874943],[99.56236267089861,20.098571777343693],[99.55414581298845,20.101221084594783],[99.54987335205084,20.101089477539062],[99.53939056396513,20.096990585327262],[99.5335922241211,20.09346961975092],[99.51737213134766,20.08678054809576],[99.50691223144537,20.083488464355582],[99.50100708007818,20.079280853271484],[99.4953231811524,20.07809066772461],[99.49276733398438,20.069320678710994],[99.49620819091797,20.062669754028377],[99.50225067138666,20.05805969238287],[99.51425170898449,20.052621841430778],[99.52066802978538,20.04809951782238],[99.52493286132824,20.04693984985363],[99.52719116210966,20.0390682220459],[99.51982116699236,20.04217910766613],[99.51722717285179,20.047121047973576],[99.50846099853538,20.05197906494152],[99.50129699707026,20.050212860107536],[99.49321746826178,20.041479110717887],[99.48583221435558,20.0370197296142],[99.47831726074241,20.03766059875494],[99.4749298095706,20.032970428466854],[99.4689559936524,20.031328201293945],[99.4692687988283,20.022172927856445],[99.47336578369163,20.01946258544922],[99.47920227050798,20.010320663452205],[99.47009277343756,20.005550384521598],[99.46716308593744,19.998910903930664],[99.46308135986334,19.9954509735108],[99.458251953125,19.982719421386776],[99.4492492675783,19.973241806030273],[99.44075012207054,19.97083282470703],[99.4353866577149,19.96145057678234],[99.4304962158206,19.962400436401367],[99.42307281494152,19.96096038818365],[99.42259216308594,19.954452514648494],[99.41938781738304,19.947668075561523],[99.41886901855497,19.939840316772404],[99.4168701171875,19.937561035156364],[99.41641235351574,19.930179595947322],[99.41867065429716,19.92076110839855],[99.42212677001964,19.91624069213873],[99.40943145751953,19.91316032409668],[99.40039062500011,19.90907287597662],[99.39698791503923,19.901081085205078],[99.3897705078125,19.895111083984375],[99.38555145263689,19.889429092407227],[99.38491058349638,19.884740829467773],[99.38932037353527,19.873090744018555],[99.3881378173831,19.866870880127067],[99.39247131347662,19.858779907226676],[99.41506195068371,19.838039398193416],[99.41059112548834,19.829179763793945],[99.42180633544922,19.81936073303234],[99.4216918945313,19.812030792236328],[99.41188049316423,19.810510635376033],[99.40773010253912,19.812139511108455],[99.39573669433616,19.812160491943473],[99.39215850830107,19.80537986755371],[99.38848876953148,19.805208206176815],[99.38352966308616,19.796949386596793],[99.37937927246122,19.792690277099723],[99.38108825683622,19.788259506225586],[99.37796020507812,19.779001235961914],[99.37339019775396,19.778621673583928],[99.36380767822283,19.774379730224723],[99.36760711669939,19.76630973815918],[99.36621856689482,19.759820938110465],[99.36643981933605,19.7522811889649],[99.36126708984403,19.742099761962947],[99.36331939697288,19.736299514770565],[99.36145019531278,19.72511100769043],[99.35819244384794,19.722860336303768],[99.34989929199219,19.72144126892084],[99.34610748291016,19.709140777588004],[99.33480072021501,19.71125030517578],[99.32644653320312,19.710269927978572],[99.31524658203148,19.705289840698242],[99.31478118896501,19.700439453125057],[99.30603790283203,19.693420410156364],[99.3058166503908,19.691061019897575],[99.29869842529325,19.683120727539176],[99.29553985595703,19.67719078063959],[99.28350067138689,19.671188354492188],[99.26621246337896,19.66064071655279],[99.26508331298851,19.652421951294002],[99.26081848144548,19.648660659790153],[99.26022338867205,19.644830703735465],[99.26252746582048,19.633449554443473],[99.26024627685564,19.626750946045036],[99.2667465209961,19.62311172485363],[99.26866149902344,19.607799530029354],[99.27982330322294,19.60121154785162],[99.28620147705078,19.60064125061035],[99.29154968261719,19.593902587890625],[99.29402160644531,19.586879730224723],[99.29112243652361,19.582912445068473],[99.29099273681646,19.578058242797965],[99.29646301269548,19.572902679443416],[99.2963485717774,19.568178176879996],[99.30007171630854,19.560529708862305],[99.30883026123058,19.551809310913143],[99.31671142578125,19.552429199218807],[99.31884765625006,19.550979614257756],[99.32163238525385,19.54026031494152],[99.32688903808616,19.53702926635748],[99.31951141357433,19.530889511108512],[99.31581878662132,19.525909423828182],[99.30995178222685,19.523040771484432],[99.3085632324221,19.516981124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,[100.89305877685575,13.049723625183105],[100.9038925170899,13.050830841064396],[100.90083312988287,13.054444313049316],[100.88944244384777,13.05194091796875],[100.881401062012,13.063881874084586],[100.87860870361345,13.070554733276367],[100.88027954101591,13.075554847717228],[100.87194824218767,13.07694053649908],[100.8716659545899,13.083333969116211],[100.87472534179716,13.087778091430607],[100.87583160400413,13.096390724182129],[100.87854766845732,13.102191925048828],[100.87889099121116,13.10999965667736],[100.88972473144531,13.119444847106934],[100.8925018310548,13.11916732788086],[100.89916992187511,13.126929283142147],[100.89781188964872,13.133831024169922],[100.90083312988287,13.144444465637264],[100.9038925170899,13.14527893066412],[100.9088897705081,13.151666641235465],[100.9091567993164,13.155559539794922],[100.91305541992193,13.15999984741211],[100.91971588134771,13.16471958160406],[100.91999816894548,13.167780876159668],[100.92500305175781,13.170554161071777],[100.92583465576178,13.177223205566406],[100.92833709716825,13.180555343628043],[100.93000030517601,13.191670417785645],[100.93277740478533,13.192779541015739],[100.93583679199236,13.204721450805664],[100.93389129638683,13.212219238281307],[100.93583679199236,13.217780113220329],[100.93360900878912,13.228891372680778],[100.9308319091798,13.23722076416027],[100.92749786376959,13.25777912139904],[100.91994476318388,13.275873184204102],[100.91494750976568,13.283370971679744],[100.90096282958984,13.299140930175781],[100.90277862548857,13.31359958648676],[100.91416931152366,13.31359958648676],[100.91777801513678,13.315833091735783],[100.92057037353533,13.324720382690543],[100.91999816894548,13.333332061767578],[100.9233322143557,13.333888053894043],[100.92391967773443,13.339315414428711],[100.93026733398449,13.341671943664664],[100.93611145019554,13.339166641235295],[100.93916320800804,13.342500686645565],[100.94972229003918,13.347780227661133],[100.96166992187523,13.348890304565487],[100.96870422363287,13.3522310256958],[100.97583007812528,13.359166145324764],[100.9744262695313,13.363332748413086],[100.97750091552757,13.3663911819458],[100.97666931152361,13.372499465942496],[100.98305511474615,13.378334045410213],[100.98443603515636,13.38500022888195],[100.98278045654297,13.390559196472168],[100.98388671874994,13.393891334533635],[100.98139190673822,13.401391983032227],[100.96971893310575,13.42499923706066],[100.96694183349626,13.434721946716309],[100.96833038330084,13.452779769897461],[100.97222137451183,13.466387748718375],[100.97873687744135,13.470134735107422],[100.98542022705095,13.463161468505973],[100.99124908447271,13.462320327758846],[100.99738311767607,13.464711189270133],[101.00810241699213,13.462689399719238],[101.01168060302763,13.465580940246582],[101.01323699951183,13.47120189666748],[101.01912689209013,13.473109245300293],[101.02958679199224,13.478841781616325],[101.03369140625017,13.48254108428955],[101.03581237792969,13.48875999450695],[101.0331115722658,13.49307918548584],[101.0343627929688,13.496081352233944],[101.04663085937494,13.498950004577694],[101.06134796142595,13.515070915222168],[101.06909179687528,13.514259338378906],[101.07189941406256,13.517360687255803],[101.0698165893557,13.522340774536133],[101.06549072265636,13.525340080261344],[101.0612411499024,13.534650802612305],[101.05462646484386,13.544179916381836],[101.05075836181646,13.546969413757324],[101.04116821289062,13.54911041259777],[101.04505157470732,13.557291984558162],[101.0521621704101,13.557090759277457],[101.05629730224615,13.551720619201717],[101.06957244873047,13.556119918823356],[101.07192230224615,13.553359985351562],[101.0891723632812,13.554451942443961],[101.09516906738287,13.552700996398926],[101.10427856445312,13.559499740600643],[101.11241912841808,13.56836128234869],[101.11573028564453,13.568490982055664],[101.1201171875,13.562841415405273],[101.12777709960943,13.566232681274471],[101.13060760498047,13.569279670715275],[101.1309814453125,13.57683086395275],[101.13639068603521,13.58018970489502],[101.13935852050798,13.588360786437988],[101.14279174804705,13.592630386352653],[101.15223693847662,13.598751068115291],[101.16770935058622,13.597750663757381],[101.17437744140653,13.59584999084484],[101.18441009521484,13.591230392455998],[101.190902709961,13.584330558776855],[101.20121002197271,13.583411216735954],[101.21668243408226,13.578959465026799],[101.2161407470706,13.576260566711483],[101.22447967529303,13.575399398803654],[101.24225616455084,13.568671226501522],[101.24872589111351,13.569320678711051],[101.25287628173828,13.56785106658947],[101.25377655029291,13.564291000366325],[101.2604217529298,13.564361572265739],[101.27404022216797,13.556778907775822],[101.27648162841814,13.552669525146484],[101.28317260742205,13.54944038391119],[101.2894592285158,13.539072036743107],[101.29530334472685,13.533540725707951],[101.29686737060541,13.524221420288143],[101.30075073242188,13.522999763488826],[101.30412292480463,13.516691207885742],[101.310340881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102.91024780273466,16.359741210937614],[102.90744781494135,16.356330871582145],[102.91143035888683,16.348171234130916],[102.90908050537115,16.346889495849723],[102.89830780029314,16.347642898559513],[102.89782714843756,16.3418426513673],[102.90033721923857,16.33735275268566],[102.89785003662138,16.33102989196783],[102.89730072021513,16.31624984741211],[102.8899230957033,16.3084011077882],[102.8710098266601,16.296670913696403],[102.86741638183611,16.288730621338004],[102.85315704345709,16.27738189697277],[102.84963226318371,16.2726211547851],[102.84729003906256,16.26074028015148],[102.85080718994158,16.250511169433537],[102.84664916992188,16.24274826049816],[102.84678649902338,16.23209953308117],[102.85205841064459,16.220731735229492],[102.84588623046875,16.21103096008312],[102.85050201416021,16.196950912475643],[102.84851074218744,16.189758300781307],[102.84987640380876,16.17769050598139],[102.85386657714861,16.17012023925787],[102.85957336425776,16.16493988037115],[102.85946655273443,16.156009674072266],[102.85096740722668,16.149232864379996],[102.84723663330078,16.14318084716797],[102.8560180664063,16.12688827514654],[102.85809326171875,16.125089645385856],[102.8682708740235,16.122270584106502],[102.86997222900413,16.118257522583065],[102.86251831054693,16.1002197265625],[102.86258697509794,16.09441947937023],[102.85774230957037,16.089759826660156],[102.85774230957037,16.0796794891358],[102.85169219970732,16.07510948181158],[102.85111236572271,16.06855964660656],[102.85482788085955,16.063430786132812],[102.86193847656256,16.058628082275447],[102.86219024658232,16.05377006530773],[102.85842132568354,16.04754066467291],[102.8588027954101,16.042640686035156],[102.86296081542997,16.038059234619197],[102.86859130859375,16.03972244262701],[102.875473022461,16.037250518798885],[102.87729644775385,16.034099578857536],[102.89643859863281,16.02350044250494],[102.88549041748058,16.012100219726562],[102.89289093017607,16.00295066833496],[102.90128326416044,15.999321937560978],[102.90663146972685,15.983071327209586],[102.90571594238276,15.97546100616455],[102.90728759765642,15.967579841613713],[102.9019165039062,15.960311889648494],[102.89691162109403,15.956199645996037],[102.89951324462896,15.949060440063477],[102.89507293701189,15.940549850463867],[102.89196014404325,15.938880920410156],[102.89235687255871,15.931719779968262],[102.89539337158232,15.926321029663143],[102.89829254150385,15.925420761108512],[102.89888000488298,15.916490554809627],[102.90081787109375,15.915260314941406],[102.90544891357445,15.900911331176871],[102.90841674804705,15.89609146118164],[102.91950225830078,15.882710456848145],[102.92437744140653,15.88206005096447],[102.92971801757841,15.876421928405762],[102.92722320556669,15.86860179901123],[102.9284896850586,15.861050605773983],[102.93341064453142,15.854900360107479],[102.92841339111322,15.850560188293514],[102.9262390136721,15.845040321350098],[102.92632293701166,15.838751792907715],[102.92424774169939,15.832441329956112],[102.9249877929687,15.828120231628418],[102.9217605590822,15.821611404418945],[102.92917633056635,15.817891120910645],[102.92917633056635,15.814611434936637],[102.93432617187494,15.811070442199764],[102.9328002929687,15.793951034545955],[102.90792083740257,15.789151191711483],[102.89620208740251,15.784790992736816],[102.88620758056646,15.774689674377441],[102.87979888916033,15.766980171203613],[102.8765869140625,15.733820915222282],[102.88191223144548,15.691371917724553],[102.87577819824213,15.670880317688045],[102.87386322021479,15.66250038146984],[102.8681716918947,15.64822959899908],[102.85774230957037,15.643011093139648],[102.84767913818365,15.639760971069336],[102.832290649414,15.633270263671989],[102.81716156005865,15.630719184875602],[102.80657958984392,15.631099700927678],[102.7814559936524,15.644010543823299],[102.7746200561524,15.649550437927303],[102.76773071289085,15.652489662170467],[102.76390838623053,15.6513414382934],[102.75876617431663,15.654980659484863],[102.75695800781244,15.6588392257691],[102.75150299072271,15.661899566650447],[102.74829101562506,15.668881416320744],[102.7409896850586,15.666130065917969],[102.7322006225586,15.666142463684139],[102.73021697998075,15.664250373840446],[102.71833801269554,15.664529800415096],[102.71620941162115,15.67177963256836],[102.71296691894537,15.676170349121207],[102.70997619628935,15.685250282287598],[102.70630645751959,15.68507003784174],[102.70229339599615,15.691660881042537],[102.6920013427735,15.701299667358512],[102.69474029541044,15.706771850585938],[102.69306182861322,15.712890625],[102.69789123535156,15.713321685791016],[102.70067596435541,15.718411445617733],[102.69922637939453,15.722850799560547],[102.69214630126953,15.722479820251579],[102.6815032958985,15.726779937744197],[102.6747283935548,15.721799850463867],[102.67417907714838,15.717460632324219],[102.66941833496111,15.71451187133789],[102.66027832031267,15.716071128845215],[102.65242004394526,15.713649749755973],[102.63848876953136,15.716640472412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142,19.514102935791016],[98.57010650634777,19.506450653076172],[98.5755462646485,19.50811004638672],[98.58006286621111,19.507179260253963],[98.58506774902344,19.502719879150447],[98.59468841552763,19.491489410400447],[98.59651947021484,19.487720489502067],[98.59445953369163,19.48122978210455],[98.59774017334013,19.477481842041016],[98.60058593750006,19.467790603637752],[98.59883117675787,19.46243286132824],[98.59278869628935,19.461130142212028],[98.59358978271479,19.453269958496207],[98.59121704101585,19.44754028320324],[98.58629608154325,19.441650390625114],[98.58727264404308,19.431129455566463],[98.59101867675787,19.422380447387752],[98.58763885498075,19.41756057739252],[98.5883407592774,19.411180496215934],[98.59620666503935,19.404260635376033],[98.59568023681652,19.401279449462947],[98.58841705322277,19.395601272583008],[98.58242034912115,19.397140502929744],[98.57904052734403,19.395830154418945],[98.57482910156256,19.387659072876033],[98.57504272460966,19.38350105285656],[98.58230590820341,19.365161895751953],[98.59440612792969,19.35605049133312],[98.59137725830084,19.345340728759822],[98.59414672851574,19.338790893554744],[98.59069061279325,19.330631256103516],[98.59464263916021,19.321519851684684],[98.60070037841797,19.313989639282227],[98.6026458740235,19.30648994445812],[98.60025787353527,19.301580429077262],[98.6001586914063,19.295499801635856],[98.59597015380865,19.288938522338924],[98.59916687011719,19.28128242492687],[98.60549163818365,19.277551651000977],[98.59378051757807,19.26649093627924],[98.59091949462885,19.26126289367687],[98.59018707275408,19.251640319824276],[98.59471893310558,19.23935127258312],[98.59732818603538,19.2369327545166],[98.59996795654303,19.22800064086914],[98.58748626708979,19.216749191284293],[98.58106231689453,19.214902877807617],[98.57010650634777,19.21400070190441],[98.57048797607433,19.204891204833928],[98.5769729614259,19.20034027099615],[98.5835571289063,19.188190460205135],[98.58812713623047,19.184160232544002],[98.59607696533197,19.183130264282227],[98.60755920410156,19.177259445190543],[98.61048126220726,19.1701602935791],[98.6222229003908,19.164840698242244],[98.6210403442384,19.15975952148449],[98.62409973144543,19.15546035766613],[98.63401794433605,19.153961181640682],[98.63461303710955,19.146680831909237],[98.63327026367182,19.14069175720215],[98.63932800292997,19.132709503173885],[98.64221954345714,19.124378204345817],[98.64241027832043,19.11534118652338],[98.64488983154308,19.104152679443473],[98.65283966064459,19.092960357666016],[98.6497726440432,19.07971954345703],[98.64736938476574,19.075830459594783],[98.64122009277372,19.070659637451172],[98.64174652099615,19.067100524902344],[98.63404846191423,19.060350418090877],[98.629379272461,19.059980392455998],[98.62116241455101,19.055561065673828],[98.61530303955107,19.054950714111442],[98.60270690917997,19.049148559570256],[98.59800720214861,19.042379379272575],[98.5943679809572,19.04142951965332],[98.5877532958985,19.04503059387207],[98.5806274414062,19.04572105407715],[98.56942749023438,19.04356956481928],[98.5643997192384,19.03524971008312],[98.55619049072277,19.035360336303825],[98.55390930175793,19.029911041259822],[98.54721832275402,19.024339675903377],[98.52944183349615,19.022960662841797],[98.51712799072283,19.030179977417106],[98.49534606933605,19.036060333252067],[98.49214935302751,19.038639068603572],[98.48478698730491,19.038480758666992],[98.47973632812517,19.04078865051281],[98.47335815429693,19.039220809936523],[98.45873260498058,19.044450759887695],[98.43891143798822,19.045320510864315],[98.43041229248053,19.03980827331543],[98.42642974853538,19.03416252136236],[98.42536163330072,19.02911949157715],[98.42204284667991,19.02605056762701],[98.4158706665039,19.030179977417106],[98.40217590332037,19.03424263000494],[98.40213775634766,19.03766059875494],[98.39285278320335,19.051490783691406],[98.38501739501959,19.05995941162115],[98.38276672363287,19.057989120483455],[98.37726593017607,19.060880661010856],[98.3731460571289,19.065378189087028],[98.37599945068376,19.072530746460075],[98.37172698974638,19.083820343017578],[98.36499786376959,19.08671951293951],[98.36196136474632,19.086019515991268],[98.35491180419928,19.09185981750494],[98.35418701171903,19.098947525024528],[98.34706878662115,19.110099792480526],[98.3456268310548,19.12594985961914],[98.35003662109392,19.130317687988338],[98.34375000000017,19.13560295104986],[98.34085845947277,19.142669677734375],[98.3438415527346,19.149402618408203],[98.33174896240251,19.148330688476506],[98.3258895874024,19.153980255126953],[98.32116699218778,19.15398979187023],[98.3146362304688,19.15098190307623],[98.30297088623047,19.153430938720703],[98.29360198974626,19.15351104736328],[98.28630828857433,19.150909423828182],[98.27027893066418,19.153821945190373],[98.2659683227539,19.151100158691463],[98.26035308837902,19.1566104888916],[98.2543029785158,19.158590316772404],[98.24372100830084,19.149339675903263],[98.24420928955078,19.145532608032227],[98.2419586181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639],[102.64231872558588,14.934120178222656],[102.61620330810564,14.934181213378963],[102.60198211669945,14.934989929199332],[102.57411193847662,14.956220626831112],[102.56328582763678,14.955840110778809],[102.55930328369169,14.954241752624569],[102.54891967773438,14.944190979003906],[102.56053924560547,14.937520027160701],[102.56524658203136,14.936332702636662],[102.5691833496096,14.925990104675293],[102.56349182128935,14.918010711669979],[102.56285095214844,14.915040969848633],[102.55591583251947,14.90846061706543],[102.5449829101563,14.902330398559627],[102.54280853271484,14.896809577941895],[102.54220581054705,14.887729644775447],[102.55255126953125,14.8776016235351],[102.5481262207033,14.871211051940918],[102.55391693115257,14.85952091217041],[102.55168151855497,14.848451614379826],[102.54479980468778,14.833820343017521],[102.54279327392595,14.824081420898494],[102.5352401733399,14.812960624694938],[102.52160644531267,14.805741310119629],[102.51033020019526,14.803931236267204],[102.50695037841797,14.801061630248967],[102.50251007080072,14.800919532775993],[102.49423980712896,14.805891036987305],[102.47779846191412,14.812491416931266],[102.47187805175787,14.818691253662166],[102.46190643310564,14.833270072937012],[102.4567108154298,14.830769538879508],[102.4492111206057,14.819259643554688],[102.44853973388666,14.806900978088379],[102.44716644287138,14.801181793213004],[102.44268798828125,14.79961013793951],[102.44190979003906,14.796271324157829],[102.4457626342774,14.78813171386713],[102.4458618164062,14.778690338134709],[102.44848632812528,14.776960372924862],[102.45411682128906,14.768241882324276],[102.46173095703142,14.76408863067627],[102.46994018554688,14.761851310730094],[102.47640991210955,14.754122734069824],[102.48281097412138,14.744449615478572],[102.48256683349615,14.735059738159123],[102.48960876464844,14.734331130981502],[102.49069213867182,14.73139953613287],[102.4798583984375,14.729949951171989],[102.46705627441423,14.720919609069824],[102.4609680175783,14.708149909973088],[102.46185302734403,14.699000358581543],[102.46726226806658,14.692569732666072],[102.46916198730486,14.687630653381461],[102.4715270996096,14.67136001586914],[102.47731018066418,14.653701782226562],[102.4781494140625,14.64202976226818],[102.47525787353533,14.6219100952149],[102.47223663330078,14.616669654846305],[102.47772979736345,14.61056041717535],[102.48258972167991,14.598711013794002],[102.4872283935548,14.583909988403263],[102.49649047851568,14.564400672912711],[102.49505615234386,14.558841705322266],[102.49449920654291,14.535949707031364],[102.49194335937506,14.528901100158805],[102.48517608642595,14.521600723266602],[102.48300933837919,14.513070106506461],[102.48567962646513,14.508911132812443],[102.49688720703148,14.504090309143123],[102.51355743408214,14.505660057067871],[102.52368927001947,14.505510330200138],[102.54460144042974,14.502939224243221],[102.56172180175787,14.499331474304256],[102.58539581298851,14.496340751648063],[102.60398101806635,14.495281219482422],[102.61158752441418,14.491299629211426],[102.60868835449224,14.4733505249024],[102.60822296142578,14.463810920715275],[102.6063232421875,14.457390785217399],[102.60186004638683,14.453989982605094],[102.60070800781278,14.44612026214594],[102.59642028808594,14.444450378417969],[102.58703613281267,14.4449720382691],[102.58339691162126,14.442881584167537],[102.57115173339855,14.426389694213924],[102.56910705566423,14.410051345825252],[102.56450653076166,14.399270057678223],[102.5648803710937,14.390081405639648],[102.56314086914074,14.382910728454647],[102.56398010253906,14.374681472778263],[102.56923675537138,14.361982345580998],[102.576469421387,14.361982345580998],[102.58380126953142,14.357131958007812],[102.58792877197294,14.349531173706112],[102.58924102783232,14.343541145324764],[102.58902740478521,14.33335971832281],[102.60064697265648,14.32649135589611],[102.60568237304699,14.32069015502941],[102.6142196655274,14.321301460266227],[102.62222290039068,14.318561553955135],[102.63479614257835,14.32445144653326],[102.64195251464861,14.32457160949707],[102.6644592285158,14.316082000732479],[102.66771697998064,14.314009666442871],[102.67610168457048,14.304880142211914],[102.67900848388672,14.29944038391119],[102.68827056884777,14.297068595886174],[102.67951965332026,14.293530464172363],[102.6703491210937,14.288460731506348],[102.66232299804699,14.28179931640625],[102.65109252929682,14.278180122375602],[102.64022827148432,14.272760391235408],[102.62454986572294,14.262841224670524],[102.61222839355469,14.252350807190055],[102.59876251220709,14.238331794738883],[102.58979797363287,14.234420776367301],[102.58029937744169,14.225690841674862],[102.57150268554716,14.220390319824219],[102.55658721923851,14.215410232543888],[102.55068969726568,14.21536922454834],[102.54363250732428,14.202920913696346],[102.54033660888672,14.200499534606934],[102.52017974853521,14.19917106628418],[102.51412963867199,14.199541091919059],[102.5100860595706,14.196450233459586],[102.50630950927746,14.188320159912223],[102.4989929199221,14.18583202362072],[102.4899673461914,14.187380790710563],[102.48074340820324,14.197271347045955],[102.47686004638695,14.198381423950309],[102.4707870483399,14.190540313720703],[102.45598602294939,14.192781448364258],[102.4514770507813,14.189069747924862],[102.4502563476562,14.183820724487418],[102.44239807128935,14.172268867492733],[102.44004058837896,14.161860466003418],[102.43530273437506,14.152058601379451],[102.43345642089838,14.150860786437988],[102.43045806884766,14.151211738586369],[102.42421722412132,14.156462669372559],[102.42011260986322,14.153109550476074],[102.41388702392578,14.15388011932373],[102.40847015380854,14.152380943298454],[102.40188598632818,14.14458179473877],[102.39170837402361,14.143342018127441],[102.38198089599626,14.145839691162053],[102.37648010253906,14.150650978088436],[102.36556243896479,14.163399696350154],[102.35994720459007,14.16272068023693],[102.36260986328148,14.149491310119686],[102.35903167724638,14.135490417480469],[102.3591918945313,14.130539894104004],[102.35447692871105,14.128540992736873],[102.35144042968744,14.124382019042912],[102.3418731689456,14.124490737915039],[102.33448028564447,14.119389533996582],[102.32846069335943,14.126640319824332],[102.32536315917969,14.126351356506348],[102.31062316894526,14.119680404663143],[102.30258941650419,14.122209548950195],[102.29814910888695,14.12947082519537],[102.291313171387,14.133919715881461],[102.28411102294916,14.130260467529297],[102.27564239501976,14.127740859985352],[102.27304840087885,14.129359245300407],[102.27236938476568,14.142361640930233],[102.26924133300776,14.145711898803711],[102.2606582641601,14.143870353698844],[102.24983978271484,14.139570236206168],[102.24030303955078,14.142720222473201],[102.22184753417991,14.142609596252498],[102.21659851074213,14.145180702209586],[102.21299743652361,14.153261184692383],[102.21495056152344,14.1607408523559],[102.21401214599615,14.169561386108398],[102.20548248291044,14.174901008605957],[102.20124816894554,14.179969787597713],[102.19703674316412,14.189049720764274],[102.19342803955101,14.193610191345215],[102.18717193603544,14.194741249084586],[102.18329620361334,14.193470954895076],[102.17726898193388,14.188559532165584],[102.1762619018557,14.182139396667537],[102.17331695556658,14.179349899292049],[102.16874694824236,14.17091178894043],[102.16883850097662,14.162890434265194],[102.1729125976562,14.156720161438102],[102.16934204101562,14.141981124877987],[102.16741180419939,14.14003944396984],[102.15421295166027,14.136141777038574],[102.13865661621094,14.135890960693473],[102.13298034667974,14.137579917907715],[102.12409973144526,14.145880699157829],[102.10817718505882,14.14956092834484],[102.10106658935547,14.154818534851074],[102.08509063720726,14.160280227661076],[102.07640838623041,14.161841392517147],[102.06954956054682,14.165360450744743],[102.06149291992216,14.174469947814998],[102.04869842529325,14.183600425720272],[102.04328918457031,14.186109542846793],[102.03752899169939,14.194211959838867],[102.03302764892601,14.19699859619152],[102.02265167236345,14.199990272521973],[102.0163803100586,14.200189590454102],[102.00183868408197,14.207270622253418],[101.99301910400419,14.215152740478572],[101.97019958496111,14.22542858123785],[101.97043609619146,14.228289604187069],[101.98439788818365,14.232510566711426],[101.99079132080095,14.237579345703182],[101.98906707763689,14.2397718429566],[101.97059631347656,14.245629310607967],[101.95738220214838,14.247111320495605],[101.95300292968744,14.249988555908146],[101.95304107666033,14.253790855407772],[101.95800018310564,14.256230354309139],[101.97280883789091,14.258469581604118],[101.97644042968761,14.263621330261287],[101.97753906250006,14.26906967163086],[101.98284149169928,14.271991729736385],[101.98416137695312,14.28157997131359],[101.98811340332048,14.284680366516227],[101.99488067626976,14.28351974487316],[102.00070190429705,14.288060188293514],[102.00028228759777,14.30342102050787],[101.99659729003929,14.312150001525879],[101.98361206054693,14.312870979309139],[101.97557067871094,14.314848899841422],[101.96035766601585,14.317042350769157],[101.95780944824236,14.30781078338623],[101.94860839843744,14.300821304321403],[101.94310760498064,14.30338001251232],[101.93808746337919,14.312271118164062],[101.93547058105486,14.3193998336792],[101.93118286132818,14.32589054107666],[101.92426300048828,14.32963085174572],[101.91877746582054,14.329840660095215],[101.91268920898443,14.325071334838924],[101.9039916992187,14.325791358947868],[101.8961563110351,14.328920364379883],[101.8934173583985,14.319379806518612],[101.88875579834001,14.321291923522892],[101.87828063964844,14.322059631347713],[101.86026000976591,14.340231895446891],[101.84774780273455,14.3482408523559],[101.8410873413086,14.350651741027889],[101.84028625488276,14.356860160827694],[101.84355163574236,14.36255073547369],[101.83287811279314,14.36173057556158],[101.82634735107416,14.350909233093262],[101.812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,[99.1571578979495,15.919530868530217],[99.16221618652344,15.923600196838322],[99.1743621826173,15.927761077880916],[99.17665100097668,15.933231353759766],[99.18755340576189,15.928131103515739],[99.19271087646501,15.932501792907829],[99.19239807128912,15.936709403991756],[99.20018768310547,15.938770294189453],[99.20559692382818,15.936861991882324],[99.20744323730469,15.946610450744686],[99.21037292480497,15.947731018066463],[99.21409606933594,15.939229965209961],[99.22030639648466,15.93672084808344],[99.22138214111334,15.943780899047908],[99.22412109375028,15.943301200866642],[99.22740173339838,15.935630798339844],[99.23223876953125,15.932870864868221],[99.23509216308594,15.928490638732967],[99.25148010253906,15.91760063171398],[99.26133728027355,15.913190841674918],[99.26680755615257,15.9075803756715],[99.27207183837908,15.91113090515131],[99.2740325927735,15.904040336608887],[99.2792282104495,15.90198040008545],[99.28131866455084,15.898089408874455],[99.29241943359386,15.894001007080135],[99.29238128662115,15.899499893188533],[99.2979125976563,15.908081054687614],[99.30219268798845,15.907340049743596],[99.30619049072283,15.903751373291072],[99.31154632568376,15.905241012573242],[99.31115722656267,15.917780876159668],[99.31881713867188,15.916249275207633],[99.32254028320341,15.925970077514762],[99.32830047607416,15.920460700988713],[99.32711791992216,15.916081428527775],[99.32972717285162,15.911801338195858],[99.33329772949236,15.911439895629883],[99.34680938720697,15.920912742614746],[99.35752868652344,15.926209449768123],[99.36917877197266,15.917901992797795],[99.37751007080072,15.915170669555721],[99.38318634033232,15.917181968689022],[99.394760131836,15.914871215820312],[99.40982055664068,15.910570144653377],[99.41860198974615,15.91162109375],[99.42489624023443,15.918940544128418],[99.4304962158206,15.914850234985295],[99.43232727050787,15.907951354980412],[99.43656921386724,15.909470558166618],[99.44696807861345,15.901439666748104],[99.45182037353538,15.904420852661133],[99.46128845214844,15.904740333557129],[99.46804809570318,15.899629592895508],[99.47780609130888,15.901301383972282],[99.47708892822283,15.905370712280387],[99.48208618164062,15.909601211547908],[99.47914123535185,15.916172027587947],[99.48001098632818,15.921211242675838],[99.49408721923845,15.92356109619152],[99.50215911865257,15.927460670471191],[99.50998687744163,15.923540115356502],[99.5188980102539,15.923041343688965],[99.5221786499024,15.92426967620861],[99.52744293212908,15.91760063171398],[99.53070831298845,15.921931266784611],[99.53582000732416,15.924189567566032],[99.54257965087896,15.92201137542736],[99.54908752441429,15.916851043701172],[99.55345916748053,15.915850639343262],[99.55616760253912,15.90658092498785],[99.56134796142607,15.906690597534237],[99.57054901123064,15.904550552368107],[99.57834625244152,15.904861450195426],[99.57894897460955,15.901069641113224],[99.58394622802734,15.897489547729549],[99.59609985351557,15.897080421447868],[99.6056289672851,15.89813041687023],[99.60978698730497,15.89603137969982],[99.61241149902366,15.889459609985465],[99.61683654785185,15.88605976104742],[99.63059997558605,15.885000228881779],[99.63890838623053,15.878512382507324],[99.64427947998053,15.8709716796875],[99.65747070312528,15.857280731201286],[99.6687469482423,15.859240531921387],[99.68151092529325,15.864049911499023],[99.68525695800787,15.869750976562614],[99.69270324707054,15.872171401977539],[99.69774627685558,15.875721931457576],[99.70391082763672,15.874601364135799],[99.70864105224626,15.878130912780762],[99.71607208251947,15.8728408813476],[99.72482299804699,15.872241973876953],[99.73039245605486,15.86872863769537],[99.73172760009783,15.864959716796932],[99.73844146728516,15.858210563659782],[99.74314117431652,15.857050895691032],[99.7464599609375,15.864421844482422],[99.74849700927729,15.87501144409191],[99.75144958496116,15.880779266357422],[99.76332092285185,15.893260002136287],[99.77230834960949,15.899411201477108],[99.77348327636713,15.90391921997076],[99.77037048339872,15.912361145019531],[99.77014923095726,15.919530868530217],[99.78145599365263,15.923090934753361],[99.78726959228516,15.92720985412609],[99.79653167724621,15.921199798583928],[99.80668640136736,15.921441078186092],[99.80562591552757,15.931460380554313],[99.80805969238281,15.940190315246639],[99.81355285644548,15.943890571594352],[99.8256225585938,15.949039459228459],[99.82917785644526,15.958009719848633],[99.82975769042986,15.962989807128963],[99.84646606445318,15.978660583496207],[99.8484878540039,15.983681678771916],[99.84718322753912,15.999691009521541],[99.84281921386741,16.005849838256893],[99.84217834472673,16.00950050354004],[99.84574127197277,16.015689849853572],[99.85218048095709,16.020578384399414],[99.8683471679688,16.035829544067383],[99.87545776367193,16.041088104248104],[99.88858795166038,16.048330307006836],[99.89717864990257,16.051130294799748],[99.91397857666021,16.04705047607422],[99.92304229736345,16.047189712524528],[99.93396759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99.58628845214866,7.957011222839469],[99.58470153808594,7.950480937957707],[99.57955932617188,7.944619178771973],[99.56965637207037,7.945190906524715],[99.56485748291016,7.9348602294921875],[99.56027221679705,7.933059215545654],[99.56198883056658,7.924230098724365],[99.55594635009788,7.917679786682243],[99.54718780517601,7.91789007186901],[99.54215240478533,7.909640789032096],[99.54084014892578,7.902290821075553],[99.5346984863283,7.897920131683463],[99.53346252441412,7.890710830688477],[99.53678894042986,7.889150142669678],[99.53485107421886,7.882581233978385],[99.5314331054687,7.87785005569458],[99.51403808593778,7.875239849090633],[99.50625610351557,7.882309913635311],[99.4946594238283,7.8821210861206055],[99.4909286499024,7.886418819427604],[99.48129272460955,7.880549907684383],[99.47518157959001,7.890689849853459],[99.47219085693365,7.9045000076293945],[99.46129608154297,7.896529197692871],[99.45565795898466,7.8892412185668945],[99.4469375610351,7.886980056762809],[99.44326782226591,7.879030227661133],[99.43811035156278,7.878159999847412],[99.43640136718778,7.874321937561092],[99.42598724365251,7.8755908012390705],[99.42395782470726,7.88106107711792],[99.4198608398437,7.883921146392822],[99.41961669921903,7.908938884735107],[99.42115783691435,7.919388771057243],[99.42414855957054,7.926428794860783],[99.41887664794933,7.931899070739803],[99.42077636718778,7.943190097808895],[99.4206008911134,7.953070163726807],[99.41564178466808,7.955821037292537],[99.41028594970732,7.953129768371582],[99.40782928466808,7.9551100730896565],[99.39736175537126,7.956021785736198],[99.39324188232428,7.962639808654842],[99.3984832763673,7.984269142150822],[99.40946197509788,7.996380805969181],[99.41470336914057,7.9988188743592445],[99.41583251953136,8.00177097320568],[99.4044265747072,8.01544094085699],[99.40553283691418,8.020660400390739],[99.4019012451173,8.027680397033748],[99.4009475708009,8.033598899841422],[99.3961715698245,8.041219711303654],[99.39205932617188,8.065441131591797],[99.39308166503912,8.070960998535213],[99.39330291748075,8.083660125732536],[99.39179992675793,8.090070724487305],[99.38523101806646,8.10792160034191],[99.34645080566423,8.135330200195312],[99.29676818847662,8.131951332092285],[99.29696655273466,8.140121459960938],[99.29927825927763,8.140930175781307],[99.29067993164091,8.153440475463867],[99.2898559570313,8.164150238037223],[99.30326080322294,8.170001029968319],[99.30835723876959,8.176719665527344],[99.30609893798851,8.186939239501953],[99.30732727050776,8.191640853881893],[99.31125640869146,8.194160461425838],[99.31501007080078,8.193060874939079],[99.31978607177734,8.201960563659668],[99.32182312011713,8.208560943603572],[99.31938171386719,8.214001655578556],[99.31307220459001,8.23558139801031],[99.31664276123058,8.24205112457281],[99.32022857666021,8.242611885070744],[99.32405853271513,8.252739906311092],[99.33310699462908,8.25846958160406],[99.33386230468767,8.267080307006836],[99.33090972900396,8.28034973144537],[99.33180999755865,8.285920143127498],[99.33043670654314,8.290951728820858],[99.32399749755865,8.29601192474371],[99.31730651855469,8.294470787048397],[99.31307220459001,8.299980163574219],[99.30773162841814,8.301630020141715],[99.30314636230486,8.306579589843693],[99.29843139648443,8.307340621948242],[99.29910278320324,8.315299987793026],[99.29148101806652,8.31287956237793],[99.28675842285173,8.31787109375],[99.28233337402338,8.318999290466309],[99.28269195556652,8.324310302734489],[99.2808609008789,8.330921173095703],[99.28157043457026,8.33750057220459],[99.27941894531278,8.341702461242733],[99.27440643310553,8.345479965209961],[99.2749862670899,8.351779937744197],[99.26914215087919,8.353111267089957],[99.2664413452149,8.349551200866813],[99.25939178466825,8.352391242981014],[99.25733184814464,8.357689857483024],[99.24559783935553,8.36820125579834],[99.24008941650413,8.369521141052246],[99.2386627197265,8.378789901733512],[99.23475646972679,8.38673114776617],[99.23677825927751,8.388979911804256],[99.23446655273432,8.397200584411621],[99.23977661132824,8.399898529052848],[99.24549102783232,8.4056911468507],[99.25003051757818,8.413590431213493],[99.24973297119158,8.420671463012809],[99.25583648681658,8.430171012878475],[99.25672912597685,8.433739662170467],[99.26214599609392,8.436981201171932],[99.25958251953153,8.445281982421875],[99.26281738281256,8.449449539184684],[99.26967620849615,8.454759597778377],[99.27760314941423,8.455780982971191],[99.27823638916038,8.462051391601562],[99.2865371704101,8.469129562377987],[99.29287719726562,8.470660209655875],[99.29566192626964,8.473528861999625],[99.29337310791027,8.481090545654354],[99.30341339111351,8.4792995452882],[99.3096084594726,8.483720779419002],[99.31233215332031,8.491760253906364],[99.31986999511747,8.494220733642578],[99.3268661499024,8.49857044219982],[99.33264160156278,8.500151634216252],[99.33486938476568,8.515569686889762],[99.33878326416027,8.520021438598746],[99.35243988037132,8.511861801147518],[99.35761260986334,8.5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103.69721221923834,16.213291168212947],[103.69975280761713,16.217140197753906],[103.69232940673845,16.221380233764705],[103.6936416625976,16.223369598388672],[103.70478057861328,16.220638275146598],[103.71402740478544,16.21647071838379],[103.71865081787126,16.216400146484375],[103.72634124755865,16.21962165832531],[103.73461151123075,16.219699859619084],[103.7362289428711,16.22174072265625],[103.73494720459007,16.228981018066406],[103.73863983154308,16.238769531250057],[103.73915863037115,16.246400833129883],[103.74935913085955,16.25354194641119],[103.75444030761747,16.25939750671398],[103.75699615478533,16.272611618041992],[103.75379943847656,16.28483963012701],[103.75801086425787,16.29224967956543],[103.7580184936524,16.29975128173828],[103.7559432983399,16.302732467651367],[103.74031066894537,16.31622123718273],[103.72706604003923,16.32691955566412],[103.72622680664091,16.330829620361385],[103.73075866699241,16.33763122558605],[103.73010253906267,16.34204292297369],[103.72618865966803,16.34888267517084],[103.71264648437506,16.36211013793951],[103.71054840087896,16.36561965942377],[103.70291137695335,16.37220954895031],[103.7010116577149,16.37532043457037],[103.70552825927734,16.38289070129406],[103.70865631103521,16.384822845459098],[103.71913146972662,16.385589599609375],[103.7374114990235,16.397621154785156],[103.73847961425776,16.405210494995117],[103.74350738525396,16.408781051635742],[103.76164245605474,16.418741226196403],[103.76805114746111,16.42123985290533],[103.77234649658209,16.425920486450252],[103.77326202392584,16.430780410766715],[103.77806854248053,16.433521270751896],[103.78317260742188,16.433870315551758],[103.78553009033232,16.438198089599666],[103.79718780517607,16.447130203247127],[103.80908203125017,16.452329635620174],[103.8134994506836,16.463138580322266],[103.82100677490263,16.467309951782283],[103.83007049560547,16.467470169067383],[103.83297729492193,16.463439941406307],[103.83895111084013,16.460950851440487],[103.85056304931646,16.460269927978516],[103.86033630371105,16.466220855712947],[103.86727142333984,16.468639373779297],[103.88086700439476,16.460269927978516],[103.88996124267578,16.451080322265682],[103.9001922607423,16.448440551757926],[103.90216827392578,16.44496917724615],[103.90672302246111,16.444982528686637],[103.90944671630865,16.449640274047965],[103.91319274902338,16.45061111450201],[103.91699218749994,16.443149566650447],[103.91719055175776,16.43702125549322],[103.92485046386736,16.436660766601506],[103.930419921875,16.43305015563965],[103.93405151367193,16.43335914611822],[103.94442749023466,16.44025993347168],[103.9511184692384,16.4406795501709],[103.97171783447277,16.431209564209098],[103.9808807373048,16.430030822753906],[103.98977661132835,16.434761047363224],[103.99565124511719,16.442720413208065],[104.00971984863298,16.441719055175838],[104.01232147216825,16.43980979919445],[104.02703094482433,16.438930511474666],[104.03237915039074,16.44147109985363],[104.04048156738287,16.43465042114252],[104.04212188720697,16.42494964599615],[104.03820800781256,16.413948059082145],[104.04289245605463,16.412008285522404],[104.04180908203125,16.40212059020996],[104.04382324218761,16.39969062805187],[104.04206085205084,16.394140243530273],[104.04432678222679,16.39073944091797],[104.0492019653322,16.389560699462947],[104.05274963378935,16.39291000366211],[104.05905151367216,16.39480972290039],[104.06587219238304,16.394861221313533],[104.07047271728521,16.398622512817383],[104.07026672363304,16.405900955200252],[104.07621002197294,16.406362533569393],[104.08258056640642,16.409429550170955],[104.08705902099615,16.407939910888786],[104.08934020996116,16.412410736083984],[104.09597778320312,16.412820816040153],[104.10115051269537,16.418651580810547],[104.10782623291021,16.41916084289545],[104.12101745605474,16.423370361328125],[104.13170623779303,16.425502777099553],[104.13796997070335,16.422639846801758],[104.14347839355474,16.426349639892635],[104.14792633056669,16.427080154419002],[104.1473999023437,16.434621810913143],[104.15534973144537,16.436330795288143],[104.16072845459013,16.44038009643549],[104.16575622558611,16.439880371093864],[104.16996002197266,16.442739486694336],[104.17514801025396,16.443420410156307],[104.17932891845703,16.441019058227596],[104.18681335449224,16.431768417358455],[104.19863128662132,16.428369522094727],[104.20849609375,16.429540634155387],[104.21997833251959,16.435310363769645],[104.22370147705072,16.435260772705078],[104.23612213134783,16.427560806274357],[104.24015808105469,16.42739105224615],[104.2462997436524,16.435050964355526],[104.2550277709961,16.43255996704096],[104.26117706298834,16.43477058410656],[104.26712036132818,16.433839797973576],[104.271537780762,16.435569763183594],[104.27614593505854,16.440990447998047],[104.28626251220697,16.447290420532283],[104.28914642334001,16.451190948486385],[104.2911911010745,16.45895004272461],[104.29264831542974,16.470109939575195],[104.29511260986334,16.47076988220215],[104.30636596679693,16.462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0279541072],[103.40666961669928,17.21860122680664],[103.40360260009766,17.219152450561637],[103.39489746093756,17.225280761718807],[103.38803100585943,17.228691101074276],[103.3816986083985,17.229101181030387],[103.3799667358399,17.234058380126953],[103.37191772460955,17.235280990600586],[103.36808013916033,17.23307991027832],[103.36363220214872,17.234340667724666],[103.36057281494169,17.240491867065487],[103.35450744628918,17.24333953857422],[103.35716247558622,17.248180389404297],[103.35308074951178,17.253520965576172],[103.34010314941412,17.253961563110465],[103.33454895019531,17.25875282287609],[103.32248687744135,17.26260948181158],[103.31884002685558,17.26180076599121],[103.30829620361334,17.268249511718864],[103.29244232177757,17.266160964965934],[103.28816223144548,17.26915931701666],[103.28572845458984,17.264970779419002],[103.2760620117188,17.271289825439453],[103.27423858642595,17.279689788818416],[103.26776123046892,17.285079956054688],[103.26364898681663,17.29144096374523],[103.25930023193388,17.302240371704215],[103.25959014892578,17.3075408935548],[103.25453186035185,17.309539794921932],[103.25556945800798,17.316080093383846],[103.25940704345703,17.325048446655217],[103.26877593994146,17.326730728149414],[103.27498626708979,17.340599060058594],[103.27497863769526,17.347471237182674],[103.27754211425787,17.35177993774414],[103.28472137451166,17.358650207519645],[103.28572082519531,17.36677932739252],[103.29061126708996,17.369859695434627],[103.2998275756836,17.38636970520014],[103.30425262451178,17.388458251953125],[103.30220031738287,17.39463996887207],[103.29840850830107,17.395740509033317],[103.29473876953148,17.40252113342291],[103.2911987304687,17.405250549316406],[103.28513336181658,17.41650009155279],[103.28533935546875,17.42246055603033],[103.28340911865251,17.429861068725643],[103.27870941162132,17.43400192260748],[103.27803039550776,17.44293022155756],[103.2823410034182,17.44688987731945],[103.28431701660168,17.456291198730582],[103.29223632812506,17.46611976623535],[103.28993988037115,17.46818923950201],[103.29038238525419,17.474300384521598],[103.28790283203153,17.47965049743658],[103.29213714599621,17.48496818542486],[103.29039001464872,17.488357543945426],[103.29131317138678,17.49770164489746],[103.30252075195312,17.502990722656307],[103.30416107177729,17.509420394897518],[103.31565856933594,17.517591476440487],[103.31867980957048,17.522190093994254],[103.31799316406256,17.527790069580078],[103.32174682617205,17.53720855712885],[103.32061004638689,17.54124069213873],[103.32575988769548,17.551851272583065],[103.32971954345697,17.547452926635685],[103.3341217041015,17.554790496826286],[103.33722686767578,17.555950164795036],[103.3425903320313,17.569231033325252],[103.33967590332048,17.570631027221737],[103.34288787841791,17.575889587402457],[103.34860992431635,17.578659057617188],[103.35251617431646,17.584720611572322],[103.36213684082043,17.589000701904297],[103.37062835693365,17.58335113525385],[103.3746871948245,17.578269958496094],[103.37931823730463,17.578069686889705],[103.37805938720709,17.589670181274528],[103.38329315185575,17.587591171264705],[103.38677215576189,17.591510772705078],[103.3984603881836,17.593080520629996],[103.40524291992199,17.589281082153434],[103.41088867187523,17.593420028686467],[103.41069030761724,17.598180770873967],[103.40093994140625,17.60807991027832],[103.39974212646501,17.61478042602539],[103.40241241455095,17.617940902710018],[103.40049743652338,17.62330245971691],[103.40500640869146,17.630790710449276],[103.40325927734398,17.63841819763195],[103.40065002441435,17.641178131103572],[103.40128326416033,17.648611068725586],[103.40918731689459,17.665910720825252],[103.40657043457043,17.671451568603516],[103.40744018554693,17.675239562988395],[103.40380859375006,17.684640884399528],[103.408256530762,17.692228317260685],[103.40547943115251,17.698009490966854],[103.40882110595709,17.700300216674805],[103.40863800048857,17.708641052246207],[103.40402984619163,17.715360641479492],[103.40924072265636,17.71882820129389],[103.40779113769531,17.721830368041992],[103.41259002685553,17.727832794189396],[103.40886688232433,17.742740631103516],[103.40294647216808,17.756069183349553],[103.39936828613298,17.75304985046398],[103.3952560424807,17.75375938415533],[103.3895111083985,17.75028038024908],[103.38582611084001,17.75213050842291],[103.38069915771484,17.759130477905387],[103.38044738769543,17.764299392700252],[103.38336944580078,17.767290115356445],[103.37928009033232,17.77305030822754],[103.3719482421875,17.776979446411246],[103.371109008789,17.79200172424322],[103.37496948242205,17.790849685669002],[103.38062286376982,17.793840408325195],[103.37689971923828,17.799829483032283],[103.38389587402338,17.80918121337885],[103.3856277465822,17.817541122436467],[103.39090728759794,17.82069015502941],[103.39231109619158,17.829170227050895],[103.38371276855463,17.83522033691412],[103.38844299316435,17.840789794921932],[103.39736938476568,17.841220855712947],[103.401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4.14176177978521,14.364109992980957],[104.14044952392601,14.371661186218262],[104.13301849365257,14.37479019165039],[104.1255493164063,14.372041702270508],[104.11020660400385,14.376721382141113],[104.1089172363283,14.369639396667537],[104.10070800781267,14.365300178527889],[104.0998229980471,14.360611915588436],[104.09372711181663,14.349020004272404],[104.09153747558611,14.347119331359863],[104.07247924804705,14.342020988464412],[104.05908203125011,14.343649864196891],[104.0595474243164,14.348291397094783],[104.0558319091798,14.354400634765568],[104.04821777343744,14.357191085815543],[104.04631042480463,14.360449790954704],[104.05287170410156,14.377281188964957],[104.04936218261713,14.386500358581657],[104.05162048339872,14.391850471496639],[104.04946136474615,14.406261444091797],[104.05565643310541,14.412700653076172],[104.05615234375023,14.417011260986442],[104.05329132080101,14.422730445861816],[104.05355834960932,14.4324111938476],[104.05751800537138,14.442131996154899],[104.05812072753918,14.452830314636287],[104.06095123291044,14.455519676208496],[104.0595474243164,14.46503925323492],[104.06076049804716,14.46727085113531],[104.05432891845697,14.471249580383244],[104.05134582519531,14.47764968872076],[104.05261230468744,14.488700866699219],[104.04592132568371,14.495261192321834],[104.04167938232428,14.493820190429801],[104.03679656982439,14.4985609054566],[104.03945922851557,14.516420364379883],[104.03576660156256,14.530229568481502],[104.03662109375017,14.535360336303654],[104.03441619873053,14.542769432067928],[104.03588104248047,14.544820785522518],[104.04776000976585,14.552451133728084],[104.04991149902372,14.556619644165153],[104.04825592041033,14.564190864562988],[104.05690765380882,14.574971199035758],[104.05866241455107,14.587862014770621],[104.06204223632818,14.601651191711483],[104.0598526000976,14.60885143280035],[104.05972290039062,14.624840736389274],[104.05457305908203,14.630940437316895],[104.05314636230497,14.636271476745662],[104.05602264404308,14.641921043396053],[104.05648803710938,14.649841308593864],[104.05446624755888,14.652270317077637],[104.05518341064459,14.65991020202631],[104.05179595947294,14.67150020599371],[104.04942321777344,14.674481391906795],[104.02326202392595,14.698179244995174],[104.00952148437517,14.714599609375057],[104.00341033935541,14.7255220413208],[104.00135040283203,14.734150886535645],[104.00209808349626,14.738812446594352],[104.00878143310564,14.747200965881348],[104.0103607177735,14.758550643920898],[104.00491333007824,14.774760246276912],[104.0021667480471,14.77943038940441],[104.00055694580095,14.79209136962902],[103.99832916259771,14.797250747680721],[103.98770141601568,14.804961204528809],[103.98217773437528,14.807491302490178],[103.95337677001982,14.817279815673828],[103.94460296630888,14.81931114196783],[103.92092895507818,14.826510429382438],[103.91124725341825,14.833919525146541],[103.90647888183622,14.841769218444938],[103.90451812744163,14.848241806030273],[103.90827941894531,14.853650093078727],[103.90963745117193,14.859371185302678],[103.91716766357433,14.868342399597168],[103.9220809936524,14.871240615844783],[103.91886901855497,14.876881599426326],[103.9221572875976,14.887729644775447],[103.92919158935558,14.90003967285162],[103.92996215820307,14.90315055847168],[103.93907928466825,14.907020568847656],[103.94055175781256,14.911431312561035],[103.94886016845697,14.920121192932243],[103.95292663574219,14.92232990264904],[103.95928955078153,14.94059944152832],[103.96717834472673,14.947429656982479],[103.96997070312528,14.947411537170524],[103.97055816650419,14.962550163268986],[103.96817779541016,14.969099998474235],[103.96975708007818,14.973299980163631],[103.97690582275408,14.977291107177734],[103.97789001464844,14.973060607910213],[103.98338317871088,14.97291088104248],[103.98246002197283,14.977051734924316],[103.98990631103516,14.983551979064998],[103.99595642089838,14.986100196838493],[104.00099945068365,14.990980148315543],[104.00212097167969,15.002429962158146],[103.99681854248053,15.015361785888786],[104.00569915771479,15.01965141296381],[104.01284790039085,15.0184907913208],[104.01486968994158,15.02445125579834],[104.01335144042986,15.027211189270133],[104.01815032958984,15.031499862670898],[104.01518249511747,15.035999298095646],[104.01541137695307,15.040789604187012],[104.0195999145509,15.040641784668082],[104.0231323242188,15.045410156250114],[104.0173416137697,15.050271034240723],[104.0137100219726,15.05753040313732],[104.00749969482428,15.0589017868042],[104.01506042480486,15.065299987792969],[104.0122909545899,15.069401741027775],[104.0217361450197,15.070891380310115],[104.02246093750011,15.077080726623649],[104.01705932617193,15.081260681152457],[104.00367736816412,15.07776927947998],[104.0012893676759,15.080361366271916],[104.00374603271513,15.084600448608455],[103.99578094482416,15.085940361022892],[104.00032806396496,15.092029571533317],[103.99681854248053,15.09586143493658],[103.9991302490235,15.099969863891658],[103.9962158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,[99.6894302368164,8.958470344543457],[99.69595336914085,8.951812744140739],[99.69834136962908,8.941670417785588],[99.69676208496122,8.93499946594244],[99.68814849853521,8.931099891662598],[99.67594909667974,8.928050041198844],[99.67122650146496,8.928450584411678],[99.66142272949241,8.923640251159782],[99.65656280517572,8.924921035766658],[99.65220642089861,8.921990394592285],[99.64338684082043,8.927580833435172],[99.63707733154308,8.92096042633051],[99.63252258300776,8.91323089599615],[99.62847900390653,8.911369323730582],[99.62284088134766,8.912190437316951],[99.6172561645509,8.918440818786564],[99.61841583251947,8.923041343688965],[99.6156005859375,8.927090644836483],[99.60430908203142,8.926931381225643],[99.59400177001947,8.923250198364371],[99.5920104980471,8.919990539550724],[99.58200073242205,8.917080879211426],[99.5810012817384,8.91329097747797],[99.57554626464844,8.909139633178711],[99.57620239257841,8.899180412292537],[99.57401275634766,8.891981124877987],[99.56764221191435,8.884949684143066],[99.55721282959001,8.875999450683594],[99.55663299560564,8.864950180053768],[99.55947113037104,8.859940528869572],[99.55986022949213,8.851360321044979],[99.55355834960932,8.848489761352653],[99.54425048828142,8.847531318664608],[99.53948211669939,8.851429939270133],[99.52983093261741,8.848930358886776],[99.52313995361351,8.843782424926758],[99.52036285400402,8.836461067199764],[99.5174407958985,8.834050178527946],[99.52200317382835,8.82726001739502],[99.5219497680664,8.818929672241268],[99.52658843994163,8.809321403503475],[99.52239227294945,8.794110298156795],[99.52239227294945,8.781959533691406],[99.52353668212913,8.777411460876522],[99.52298736572294,8.763099670410213],[99.52995300292969,8.760860443115234],[99.52884674072271,8.745889663696232],[99.52619171142601,8.73987102508545],[99.52556610107422,8.72791862487793],[99.52057647705095,8.718221664428768],[99.51708984375028,8.718001365661621],[99.50734710693388,8.712649345398006],[99.50727844238281,8.706980705261344],[99.49828338623064,8.699099540710506],[99.49205017089866,8.695780754089355],[99.49510192871116,8.692141532897892],[99.49700164794928,8.686231613159237],[99.49135589599621,8.68036079406744],[99.49444580078142,8.67621040344244],[99.49424743652338,8.671091079712028],[99.48867797851591,8.67114162445074],[99.48265838623047,8.661061286926383],[99.47824096679705,8.657329559326229],[99.48059844970709,8.648521423339957],[99.47587585449247,8.645442008972168],[99.47074890136747,8.645791053771973],[99.46266937255865,8.649420738220272],[99.45419311523432,8.642080307006836],[99.45329284667969,8.637331008911246],[99.44809722900408,8.632001876831055],[99.44985961914062,8.62732982635498],[99.448051452637,8.620340347290153],[99.45287322998064,8.615130424499512],[99.45600128173851,8.608599662780705],[99.45539093017578,8.60194015502924],[99.44995880126982,8.599849700927678],[99.4406204223634,8.599160194397086],[99.43589782714861,8.589659690856934],[99.43090820312511,8.582140922546387],[99.4237899780274,8.57384109497076],[99.4147109985351,8.566499710083065],[99.405029296875,8.55311203002924],[99.40415191650396,8.548671722412223],[99.40699768066429,8.544781684875488],[99.41304016113281,8.545649528503361],[99.41396331787126,8.541270256042424],[99.40879821777338,8.536310195922852],[99.40937805175798,8.529541015625114],[99.40206146240263,8.529830932617244],[99.39393615722673,8.52571010589594],[99.39507293701189,8.517719268798885],[99.39321899414062,8.513460159301758],[99.38906097412132,8.516209602356014],[99.37766265869169,8.51501178741455],[99.37374877929688,8.509511947631836],[99.36119842529303,8.500140190124569],[99.35761260986334,8.507170677185172],[99.35243988037132,8.511861801147518],[99.33878326416027,8.520021438598746],[99.33486938476568,8.515569686889762],[99.33264160156278,8.500151634216252],[99.3268661499024,8.49857044219982],[99.31986999511747,8.494220733642578],[99.31233215332031,8.491760253906364],[99.3096084594726,8.483720779419002],[99.30341339111351,8.4792995452882],[99.29337310791027,8.481090545654354],[99.29566192626964,8.473528861999625],[99.29287719726562,8.470660209655875],[99.2865371704101,8.469129562377987],[99.27823638916038,8.462051391601562],[99.27760314941423,8.455780982971191],[99.26967620849615,8.454759597778377],[99.26281738281256,8.449449539184684],[99.25958251953153,8.445281982421875],[99.26214599609392,8.436981201171932],[99.25672912597685,8.433739662170467],[99.25583648681658,8.430171012878475],[99.24973297119158,8.420671463012809],[99.25003051757818,8.413590431213493],[99.24549102783232,8.4056911468507],[99.23977661132824,8.399898529052848],[99.23446655273432,8.397200584411621],[99.23677825927751,8.388979911804256],[99.23475646972679,8.38673114776617],[99.2386627197265,8.378789901733512],[99.24008941650413,8.369521141052246],[99.24559783935553,8.36820125579834],[99.25733184814464,8.357689857483024],[99.25939178466825,8.352391242981014],[99.2664413452149,8.349551200866813],[99.26914215087919,8.353111267089957],[99.2749862670899,8.35177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52001896],[98.59593963623047,8.759539604187069],[98.59732055664085,8.763630867004451],[98.59732818603538,8.776921272277832],[98.60144042968767,8.782211303710994],[98.59937286376953,8.785401344299316],[98.5984115600586,8.796999931335563],[98.59480285644531,8.800291061401424],[98.58753204345703,8.802219390869084],[98.58502197265642,8.806230545043945],[98.57496643066406,8.803771018982047],[98.56913757324247,8.807040214538631],[98.56485748291016,8.807050704956055],[98.55465698242199,8.814029693603459],[98.55561828613293,8.821220397949219],[98.55317687988298,8.827660560608024],[98.5485916137697,8.8310804367066],[98.54265594482433,8.84064960479742],[98.53254699707043,8.844591140747127],[98.53621673584001,8.85660171508789],[98.53408813476557,8.859240531921387],[98.52488708496122,8.860540390014705],[98.52178955078148,8.85951042175293],[98.51380920410185,8.860530853271598],[98.5101089477539,8.866421699523983],[98.50643157958979,8.87903976440441],[98.49318695068382,8.883490562439079],[98.48327636718756,8.88566970825201],[98.4734268188476,8.89009952545166],[98.47139739990234,8.889170646667424],[98.45597839355474,8.890130043029785],[98.45108032226591,8.894710540771428],[98.44525146484375,8.895531654357967],[98.44712066650408,8.903519630432186],[98.45092773437494,8.908720970153752],[98.4541625976562,8.91598033905035],[98.45352935791021,8.924401283264103],[98.4562301635745,8.932500839233512],[98.45514678955095,8.936321258544922],[98.44741821289068,8.939500808715763],[98.44274139404314,8.945401191711483],[98.44921875000017,8.951399803161735],[98.44824981689447,8.95689964294445],[98.45059967041016,8.965941429138127],[98.462699890137,8.969300270080623],[98.47496032714838,8.976289749145621],[98.48281097412126,8.978161811828613],[98.4946517944336,8.985131263732967],[98.49846649169922,8.983009338378963],[98.5051498413086,8.983079910278377],[98.50637054443388,8.989130973815918],[98.51058197021513,8.997741699218807],[98.50482177734398,8.999840736389217],[98.49732971191406,9.011300086975154],[98.49250793457026,9.014981269836483],[98.48764801025413,9.016001701354924],[98.48903656005888,9.020530700683594],[98.48457336425787,9.028259277343807],[98.48486328125011,9.034100532531795],[98.4797973632813,9.036589622497615],[98.47495269775385,9.043901443481502],[98.4733276367188,9.049421310424918],[98.47440338134783,9.055191993713493],[98.47264099121105,9.06449985504156],[98.4806594848634,9.069768905639705],[98.4849777221682,9.070099830627555],[98.49385833740251,9.08110141754156],[98.49077606201183,9.086591720581168],[98.49091339111334,9.097060203552303],[98.48880004882835,9.10822963714594],[98.48426055908232,9.112560272216797],[98.48619079589855,9.11614131927496],[98.48085021972668,9.122281074523869],[98.48503112792997,9.13157939910883],[98.48088073730486,9.145449638366756],[98.48311614990263,9.149071693420524],[98.49214172363298,9.15038013458252],[98.4969482421875,9.153390884399471],[98.50196838378912,9.153499603271598],[98.50190734863281,9.15973091125494],[98.49585723876976,9.165269851684684],[98.49388885498047,9.172590255737362],[98.49578857421875,9.177201271057186],[98.4923400878908,9.18770980834961],[98.49736022949224,9.193291664123649],[98.49632263183588,9.201090812683162],[98.49845886230469,9.202779769897575],[98.50000762939453,9.21200084686285],[98.5025482177735,9.216990470886344],[98.50546264648449,9.216931343078613],[98.51111602783226,9.222820281982422],[98.51161193847673,9.226070404052734],[98.51714324951189,9.22815132141119],[98.51747894287121,9.231631278991756],[98.52334594726591,9.234309196472225],[98.52768707275396,9.24321079254156],[98.52768707275396,9.247819900512752],[98.53041076660185,9.254679679870605],[98.52680969238293,9.262630462646598],[98.5275268554688,9.270380973815975],[98.52462768554693,9.286620140075684],[98.52742004394548,9.293500900268612],[98.5268783569336,9.296531677246094],[98.51892089843756,9.299301147460994],[98.51468658447266,9.304059982299918],[98.50588226318376,9.308641433715877],[98.50601959228527,9.315870285034293],[98.5119705200197,9.322100639343375],[98.51233673095697,9.32643032073969],[98.52037048339861,9.33534145355236],[98.52748107910162,9.340379714965934],[98.52980804443382,9.345072746276855],[98.53803253173857,9.349040985107365],[98.54010009765648,9.354021072387695],[98.54640960693365,9.360570907592773],[98.55275726318371,9.359230995178336],[98.5620880126956,9.359528541564941],[98.56461334228533,9.358209609985352],[98.57171630859375,9.362778663635254],[98.57303619384766,9.36548042297369],[98.5831527709961,9.36532115936285],[98.58644866943382,9.367471694946403],[98.59037780761736,9.361810684204102],[98.58921051025385,9.356458663940487],[98.59764862060547,9.348119735717887],[98.6112670898438,9.34164047241211],[98.61508941650419,9.342450141906738],[98.6187820434572,9.346810340881404],[98.6288528442384,9.353840827941838],[98.63414001464866,9.356279373168945],[98.6390380859375,9.352640151977539],[98.64936828613287,9.348849296569824],[98.6590805053711,9.346830368041992],[98.6625366210938,9.3526296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6.866859436035213],[103.45790863037104,16.865009307861328],[103.45378875732428,16.850120544433707],[103.44654846191412,16.8472194671632],[103.44596862792974,16.84190940856945],[103.45156860351591,16.83559036254877],[103.45153808593756,16.8319091796875],[103.4476394653322,16.825641632080192],[103.44406890869146,16.823129653930607],[103.44140625000023,16.816999435424805],[103.43736267089844,16.812580108642635],[103.42310333251976,16.80029106140148],[103.4159927368164,16.80360984802246],[103.41226959228544,16.80743026733404],[103.41819000244169,16.81474113464361],[103.42253875732428,16.815820693969783],[103.42539215087913,16.820051193237305],[103.41860961914057,16.8267498016358],[103.41835784912115,16.830310821533203],[103.41300201416021,16.83807182312023],[103.41123962402344,16.843851089477596],[103.41175079345697,16.848688125610295],[103.40290832519537,16.851089477539176],[103.41081237792986,16.857551574707088],[103.41419982910168,16.862091064453182],[103.41220092773443,16.868459701538086],[103.40808105468778,16.873210906982422],[103.40589141845703,16.881378173828182],[103.40026092529325,16.88540267944336],[103.3973922729495,16.893310546875],[103.3901977539062,16.897281646728572],[103.3829498291015,16.9038600921632],[103.3756027221682,16.90099906921398],[103.37252044677734,16.9021511077882],[103.3631591796875,16.912630081176758],[103.35404205322271,16.919240951538086],[103.34358215332037,16.922269821166992],[103.3320922851563,16.923311233520508],[103.31842803955107,16.922399520874137],[103.31317138671892,16.920618057250977],[103.30316925048857,16.92039108276373],[103.28913116455095,16.92386817932129],[103.28026580810553,16.93382072448742],[103.27478027343761,16.941701889038086],[103.26351928710949,16.94572067260748],[103.25695037841803,16.951490402221737],[103.25422668457048,16.9591903686524],[103.24797058105469,16.958240509033203],[103.24077606201178,16.959028244018498],[103.2351379394533,16.95656967163086],[103.23062133789068,16.956710815429744],[103.22548675537115,16.963970184326172],[103.22158050537104,16.965892791748047],[103.21485900878935,16.961990356445312],[103.21373748779308,16.957750320434684],[103.20613861083979,16.957029342651424],[103.20123291015625,16.947179794311637],[103.19886779785168,16.948770523071346],[103.19127655029314,16.948009490966854],[103.18705749511713,16.945760726928768],[103.18383789062517,16.949689865112248],[103.17764282226568,16.951089859008903],[103.17227935791038,16.948770523071346],[103.16617584228538,16.948841094970817],[103.16477966308611,16.945970535278263],[103.1573715209961,16.947589874267578],[103.15229034423857,16.947032928466797],[103.14933776855469,16.949930191040153],[103.14111328125017,16.953220367431754],[103.1257095336914,16.95729827880865],[103.12316894531244,16.96058082580572],[103.11672973632812,16.956268310546875],[103.11171722412104,16.939809799194336],[103.10492706298834,16.936599731445312],[103.10256958007807,16.926090240478572],[103.1004028320313,16.92350959777832],[103.10125732421892,16.911651611328125],[103.0953598022461,16.908590316772518],[103.08666992187506,16.898860931396598],[103.08232879638683,16.897359848022518],[103.07630920410156,16.900421142578182],[103.06725311279308,16.894050598144474],[103.0651931762697,16.890319824218807],[103.0539016723634,16.884431838989258],[103.04910278320341,16.886470794677848],[103.04203796386724,16.885339736938477],[103.03150939941412,16.878030776977653],[103.0282058715822,16.873500823974723],[103.01953887939482,16.86928749084467],[103.0131607055664,16.8689804077149],[103.01046752929705,16.864429473876953],[103.00534057617188,16.864339828491268],[103.00109863281244,16.868352890014705],[102.99698638916021,16.85881996154785],[102.99291992187517,16.855569839477482],[102.9829711914062,16.852270126342773],[102.97897338867182,16.84608078002924],[102.97219085693365,16.845951080322266],[102.96501159667997,16.84412002563488],[102.95474243164057,16.837970733642635],[102.9461975097658,16.83855056762701],[102.93815612792963,16.83667755126953],[102.93007659912115,16.837070465088004],[102.92369842529297,16.833288192749137],[102.91980743408232,16.833089828491268],[102.913871765137,16.8368301391601],[102.91246032714844,16.84185028076172],[102.9032974243164,16.84925079345703],[102.90052032470732,16.85704040527338],[102.89253997802746,16.86180114746088],[102.88848114013678,16.86578941345215],[102.88430023193365,16.873252868652287],[102.87744903564482,16.871288299560547],[102.87429046630876,16.879070281982365],[102.86515045166016,16.877910614013786],[102.86090850830072,16.881710052490348],[102.85585021972679,16.880380630493164],[102.85092926025419,16.875539779663086],[102.84995269775396,16.8714275360108],[102.84319305419939,16.870830535888786],[102.82557678222685,16.861780166626033],[102.82174682617216,16.867628097534293],[102.82404327392607,16.87092018127447],[102.81722259521479,16.881261825561523],[102.81243896484386,16.89139938354498],[102.8140716552735,16.8971004486084],[102.81373596191435,16.905000686645508],[102.810951232910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71100616455135],[102.27812957763678,17.66554069519043],[102.2725677490235,17.664840698242188],[102.26844024658232,17.65958976745617],[102.26464843750011,17.658260345458984],[102.24961090087908,17.663690567016715],[102.24413299560547,17.663471221923885],[102.23412322998058,17.660400390625114],[102.22013092041038,17.658340454101562],[102.20526885986334,17.65941810607916],[102.18708038330078,17.665340423583984],[102.18003845214844,17.664539337158203],[102.17459869384794,17.660419464111385],[102.16757202148432,17.660631179809684],[102.16467285156278,17.663490295410156],[102.1506958007813,17.66136169433588],[102.14396667480486,17.656490325927848],[102.14102172851591,17.648250579834098],[102.13346862792986,17.645219802856445],[102.13468170166038,17.6409912109375],[102.13067626953148,17.63399124145502],[102.12201690673845,17.63141059875494],[102.11155700683594,17.63709068298334],[102.10555267334013,17.64501953125],[102.10102844238298,17.643739700317383],[102.08677673339844,17.633941650390625],[102.0791625976563,17.64479255676281],[102.07241058349604,17.64421081542963],[102.06661987304693,17.6519393920899],[102.05982208251947,17.655849456787166],[102.05484008789074,17.652168273925895],[102.046142578125,17.64829826354992],[102.0399017333985,17.649169921874943],[102.0320892333985,17.65574073791504],[102.03865051269526,17.657712936401367],[102.03089141845703,17.66807174682623],[102.02770996093756,17.677951812744197],[102.02812194824247,17.686470031738338],[102.02649688720703,17.708040237426815],[102.02358245849604,17.718460083007812],[102.02332305908209,17.730100631713924],[102.01824188232416,17.744979858398438],[102.01898193359386,17.75045967102062],[102.0241012573245,17.753330230712947],[102.0246200561524,17.763219833374023],[102.02968597412104,17.77248001098627],[102.02945709228544,17.780210494995117],[102.03102874755876,17.78310966491705],[102.0416717529298,17.78289031982422],[102.04666137695307,17.786962509155387],[102.04225921630854,17.793119430541935],[102.04096221923845,17.7987117767334],[102.03762817382818,17.80359840393072],[102.04876708984392,17.81709289550787],[102.05227661132818,17.83133125305187],[102.05016326904303,17.836679458618278],[102.05314636230463,17.84608840942377],[102.05020904541021,17.852039337158203],[102.05293273925793,17.866460800170955],[102.05116271972662,17.87200164794922],[102.04286956787126,17.88111114501953],[102.04009246826178,17.882520675659293],[102.04228210449236,17.888389587402344],[102.04228210449236,17.89466094970703],[102.03925323486345,17.90648269653326],[102.03415679931646,17.921360015869197],[102.03562164306658,17.92411994934082],[102.03360748291021,17.929540634155273],[102.03099822998058,17.943750381469727],[102.02645111084001,17.953308105468807],[102.02587890625017,17.962169647216854],[102.02838897705078,17.965419769287166],[102.02765655517584,17.973819732666072],[102.0206222534182,17.98040962219244],[102.02905273437528,17.989080429077205],[102.03972625732428,17.98905944824213],[102.04281616210949,17.9915008544923],[102.04096984863298,17.99929046630865],[102.0428771972658,18.01444816589361],[102.0412292480471,18.02001953125],[102.04605102539091,18.022481918335018],[102.05262756347656,18.031061172485295],[102.0566177368164,18.033391952514762],[102.0564575195313,18.050060272216797],[102.05829620361322,18.055149078369084],[102.05818176269537,18.0677108764649],[102.0561904907226,18.075920104980526],[102.05802154541021,18.08291053771984],[102.0709228515625,18.074079513549748],[102.07768249511724,18.062160491943473],[102.0873107910158,18.056079864502067],[102.09265136718767,18.05462074279791],[102.09442901611334,18.05764007568365],[102.10913085937523,18.060260772705192],[102.11427307128929,18.048101425171012],[102.11361694335955,18.042358398437557],[102.1055297851563,18.029939651489258],[102.10907745361328,18.023590087890625],[102.12200164794916,18.028562545776424],[102.12721252441406,18.03224945068365],[102.13661956787115,18.033399581909293],[102.1451416015625,18.032001495361385],[102.144828796387,18.02205085754406],[102.14288330078148,18.019010543823242],[102.14125823974604,18.006130218505803],[102.14694976806669,17.99978065490717],[102.14807128906278,17.993259429931697],[102.15666198730497,17.986831665039062],[102.16044616699224,17.987619400024414],[102.1653976440432,17.99958038330078],[102.17459869384794,18.015649795532227],[102.17807006835932,18.016010284423942],[102.18454742431635,18.011539459228572],[102.1891860961914,18.0108585357666],[102.20519256591814,18.019950866699162],[102.20672607421875,18.017721176147518],[102.20379638671886,18.010540008544922],[102.2057876586914,18.00687980651867],[102.21684265136719,18.003351211547965],[102.22315216064453,18.005790710449332],[102.22888183593756,18.004159927368107],[102.24044799804682,17.998809814453125],[102.24530792236351,17.9914493560791],[102.26325988769537,17.982299804687557],[102.26934051513695,17.98134994506836],[102.27549743652372,17.978229522705192],[102.28256225585966,17.980970382690543],[102.28308868408209,17.987480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+                33.598819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470963, 
+                33.60594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478366, 
+                33.620847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485875, 
+                33.637867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485577, 
+                33.65331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485528, 
+                33.663388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48452, 
+                33.687909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.484616, 
+                33.691592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48384, 
+                33.711332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.483874, 
+                33.716733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48287, 
+                33.750564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482862, 
+                33.75078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482777, 
+                33.753638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482682, 
+                33.756286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481842, 
+                33.789008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481543, 
+                33.795719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481361, 
+                33.802649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481355, 
+                33.802887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.480574, 
+                33.830166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.479954, 
+                33.85133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478994, 
+                33.881197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478842, 
+                33.881485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477387, 
+                33.937759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477318, 
+                33.940932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477038, 
+                33.953838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.476957, 
+                33.957365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474895, 
+                34.019655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474896, 
+                34.021838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474896, 
+                34.021877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470292, 
+                34.189864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465847, 
+                34.352073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465425, 
+                34.359548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464176, 
+                34.402713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463816, 
+                34.414465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463671, 
+                34.419585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.461149, 
+                34.507457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460058, 
+                34.545264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460052, 
+                34.547869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.4575, 
+                34.634945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.45753, 
+                34.642961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.454576, 
+                34.728962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.450233, 
+                34.855413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.45014, 
+                34.858694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.450065, 
+                34.861335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.44963, 
+                34.875253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449058, 
+                34.890556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449086, 
+                34.894152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449253, 
+                34.895869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.447889, 
+                34.933941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.441232, 
+                35.119724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.440754, 
+                35.128806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43955, 
+                35.169037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439509, 
+                35.171807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439056, 
+                35.193588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439084, 
+                35.197298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43847, 
+                35.208587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.438247, 
+                35.210992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.437774, 
+                35.239271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.437578, 
+                35.242202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435812, 
+                35.2713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435706, 
+                35.274267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435316, 
+                35.275893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43528, 
+                35.287485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43517, 
+                35.291494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.434115, 
+                35.306493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431815, 
+                35.362891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.432685, 
+                35.380806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.433742, 
+                35.386467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.433915, 
+                35.387391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431215, 
+                35.39429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431789, 
+                35.397659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463318, 
+                35.58266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464097, 
+                35.587265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464457, 
+                35.588909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465272, 
+                35.594037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.472647, 
+                35.638556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.487585, 
+                35.726147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48821, 
+                35.72924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.492932, 
+                35.759166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.493362, 
+                35.761892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.494549, 
+                35.768303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.499045, 
+                35.79346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.499647, 
+                35.79691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.500526, 
+                35.802642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.500764, 
+                35.80382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.501162, 
+                35.80643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.503011, 
+                35.81721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.504438, 
+                35.826369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.505642, 
+                35.833628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.507631, 
+                35.845901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522658, 
+                35.93425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522658, 
+                35.934799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522634, 
+                35.934892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52291, 
+                35.936127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.524344, 
+                35.94405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52464, 
+                35.945727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.528162, 
+                35.965665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.528305, 
+                35.966054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.532071, 
+                35.987852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.533646, 
+                35.996804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.534852, 
+                36.002678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.535724, 
+                36.007807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.547715, 
+                36.077271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.547871, 
+                36.078281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.552184, 
+                36.102235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.561165, 
+                36.15211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.562803, 
+                36.161749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.562828, 
+                36.161895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.565655, 
+                36.178439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.566588, 
+                36.183774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.571253, 
+                36.210901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.571806, 
+                36.213748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.574395, 
+                36.229996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.57488, 
+                36.232741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.575071, 
+                36.233682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.576003, 
+                36.24007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.577899, 
+                36.249548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.577883, 
+                36.25008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.5862, 
+                36.299969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.593397, 
+                36.345742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.599723, 
+                36.387587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.601984, 
+                36.40212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.602623, 
+                36.405283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.605408, 
+                36.421949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611609, 
+                36.461528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61383, 
+                36.476248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615311, 
+                36.484992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617919, 
+                36.499414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.55929, 
+                36.499496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.519478, 
+                36.499214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.111473, 
+                36.498597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.110673, 
+                36.498587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.100252, 
+                36.49867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.098588, 
+                36.498676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.077089, 
+                36.49873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.96392, 
+                36.498717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.95919, 
+                36.498717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.92184, 
+                36.498718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.906128, 
+                36.498718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.866758, 
+                36.498789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.728022, 
+                36.499037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.727552, 
+                36.499055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.718893, 
+                36.499178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.709956, 
+                36.499179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.700171, 
+                36.499135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.584282, 
+                36.498896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.584281, 
+                36.498896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.514512, 
+                36.498881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.507408, 
+                36.498911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.426989, 
+                36.498585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.396079, 
+                36.498669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.394718, 
+                36.498519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.315337, 
+                36.498408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.315324, 
+                36.498408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.296117, 
+                36.498389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.088988, 
+                36.498184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.087635, 
+                36.498239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.069512, 
+                36.498242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.068455, 
+                36.49825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.013742, 
+                36.49813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.894336, 
+                36.497867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.894001, 
+                36.49785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.854049, 
+                36.497983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.838876, 
+                36.498033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.838621, 
+                36.498079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.772341, 
+                36.497772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.772333, 
+                36.497772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.529145, 
+                36.497739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.318415, 
+                36.497711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.309424, 
+                36.497894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.216412, 
+                36.498417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.214143, 
+                36.498372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.211449, 
+                36.498395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.199396, 
+                36.498351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.150295, 
+                36.498634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.137741, 
+                36.498706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.120415, 
+                36.498863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.120306, 
+                36.498864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.098356, 
+                36.498803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.074934, 
+                36.498761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.057178, 
+                36.49867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.055789, 
+                36.49867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.028847, 
+                36.498642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.019375, 
+                36.498524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.988751, 
+                36.498498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.985802, 
+                36.498431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.865995, 
+                36.498783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.864385, 
+                36.498789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.805981, 
+                36.498987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.80204, 
+                36.498963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.7995, 
+                36.498952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.784713, 
+                36.499074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.766111, 
+                36.499114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.726663, 
+                36.499209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.687615, 
+                36.499397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.686026, 
+                36.499374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.672343, 
+                36.499463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.64259, 
+                36.499335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.631439, 
+                36.499198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.601317, 
+                36.499343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.596213, 
+                36.499162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.549163, 
+                36.499161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.539359, 
+                36.499116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.53687, 
+                36.499156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.529774, 
+                36.499022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.450005, 
+                36.497538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.446284, 
+                36.497469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.436502, 
+                36.497377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.433298, 
+                36.497262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.407261, 
+                36.497123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.407137, 
+                36.497112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.405141, 
+                36.497165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.404915, 
+                36.49712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.227398, 
+                36.497617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.218645, 
+                36.497564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.21736, 
+                36.497511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.126529, 
+                36.497712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.096277, 
+                36.497893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.09588, 
+                36.49787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.017974, 
+                36.498062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.008558, 
+                36.49827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.963063, 
+                36.498418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.960648, 
+                36.498426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.87922, 
+                36.498378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876867, 
+                36.498423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876567, 
+                36.498313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.873775, 
+                36.498074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.850434, 
+                36.498548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.784398, 
+                36.498524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.782454, 
+                36.498523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.765672, 
+                36.498494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.711226, 
+                36.498318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.693005, 
+                36.49851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.653246, 
+                36.498488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.648494, 
+                36.498447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.612554, 
+                36.498559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.60545, 
+                36.498459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.5943, 
+                36.498459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.585342, 
+                36.498497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.57618, 
+                36.498446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.576112, 
+                36.498446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.50016, 
+                36.498399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.495027, 
+                36.498371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.494575, 
+                36.498368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.339892, 
+                36.498213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.228943, 
+                36.497771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.220732, 
+                36.497858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.220702, 
+                36.497858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.217323, 
+                36.497797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.193943, 
+                36.497823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.152481, 
+                36.497952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.154409, 
+                36.496832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.156369, 
+                36.487748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.133993, 
+                36.437906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.072897, 
+                36.393007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.064514, 
+                36.382085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.06398, 
+                36.303038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.076301, 
+                36.280708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.083731, 
+                36.272332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.114922, 
+                36.265595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.198735, 
+                36.201382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.220425, 
+                36.184764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.319168, 
+                36.089976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.36443, 
+                36.013625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.368718, 
+                35.995812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.342616, 
+                35.995895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.339434, 
+                35.996033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.292376, 
+                35.996397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.288947, 
+                35.996418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.2888, 
+                35.996419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.158812, 
+                35.997375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.127331, 
+                35.997635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.12635, 
+                35.997596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.972563, 
+                35.998994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.965327, 
+                35.998813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.961075, 
+                35.999135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.959893, 
+                35.99902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.959377, 
+                35.99902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.959375, 
+                35.99902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.901183, 
+                35.999365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.896508, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.875586, 
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+                34.02482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.047798, 
+                34.021227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.050382, 
+                34.013331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.048926, 
+                34.009898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.046575, 
+                34.000002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.041311, 
+                33.994507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.025653, 
+                33.985553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.011123, 
+                33.979894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.003815, 
+                33.979547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.984316, 
+                33.983948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.978876, 
+                33.983081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.979913, 
+                33.969623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.976857, 
+                33.956693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.971141, 
+                33.950401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.97026, 
+                33.944359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.973691, 
+                33.942481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.00096, 
+                33.941554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.017715, 
+                33.936366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.046881, 
+                33.919597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.048315, 
+                33.917625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.048611, 
+                33.915775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.049682, 
+                33.914563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.077793, 
+                33.908886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.098601, 
+                33.907853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.105489, 
+                33.90428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.109137, 
+                33.899129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.121817, 
+                33.895712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.168974, 
+                33.91909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.179049, 
+                33.927994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.18984, 
+                33.947703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.192339, 
+                33.950266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.198602, 
+                33.952211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.200085, 
+                33.956904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.209372, 
+                33.972376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.224461, 
+                33.989059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.248484, 
+                33.999329
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.789798, 
+                34.05726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.770729, 
+                34.055051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.766081, 
+                34.05537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.763688, 
+                34.057155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.755521, 
+                34.056716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.739472, 
+                34.049299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.726437, 
+                34.047908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.712576, 
+                34.043265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.704628, 
+                34.037681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.686507, 
+                34.019805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.637742, 
+                34.013178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.619343, 
+                34.016468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.612226, 
+                34.021256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.604287, 
+                34.031561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.608798, 
+                34.035245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.609239, 
+                34.03735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.59324, 
+                34.049625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.57341, 
+                34.05011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.5667, 
+                34.053452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.529603, 
+                34.041155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.52064, 
+                34.034262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.52177, 
+                34.032247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.532413, 
+                34.024949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.538847, 
+                34.023988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.542449, 
+                34.021082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.54828, 
+                34.009819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.547072, 
+                34.005469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.554472, 
+                33.99782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.560464, 
+                33.99553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.575636, 
+                33.996009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.5902, 
+                33.989712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.596877, 
+                33.988611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.619082, 
+                33.987228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.621117, 
+                33.98899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.64771, 
+                33.987786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.662825, 
+                33.985889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.69011, 
+                33.972225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.706952, 
+                33.969178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.712363, 
+                33.965422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.714696, 
+                33.961439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.721206, 
+                33.959583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.742966, 
+                33.963877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.750438, 
+                33.963759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.758141, 
+                33.959212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.795938, 
+                33.962929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.842748, 
+                33.97034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.873358, 
+                33.980375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.877057, 
+                33.985757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.883033, 
+                34.000802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.884896, 
+                34.008814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.882531, 
+                34.011674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.876916, 
+                34.023527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.876329, 
+                34.032087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.892821, 
+                34.045529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.916216, 
+                34.058351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.923337, 
+                34.069361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.919155, 
+                34.07728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.912857, 
+                34.077508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89113, 
+                34.072856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.857304, 
+                34.071298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.825865, 
+                34.059794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.818742, 
+                34.052997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.807825, 
+                34.052127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.789798, 
+                34.05726
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -120.46258, 
+                34.042627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.440248, 
+                34.036918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.418768, 
+                34.052093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.415287, 
+                34.05496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.411314, 
+                34.052869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.403613, 
+                34.050442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.396188, 
+                34.050187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.390906, 
+                34.051994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.374211, 
+                34.062658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.368813, 
+                34.06778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.368584, 
+                34.071214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.370176, 
+                34.074907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.368278, 
+                34.076465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.362251, 
+                34.073056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.354982, 
+                34.059256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.36029, 
+                34.05582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.358608, 
+                34.050235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.346946, 
+                34.046576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.331161, 
+                34.049097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.319032, 
+                34.041979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.313175, 
+                34.036576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.302122, 
+                34.023574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.304543, 
+                34.021171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.317052, 
+                34.018837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.347706, 
+                34.020114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.35532, 
+                34.017914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.35793, 
+                34.015029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.375143, 
+                34.018775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.409368, 
+                34.032198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.415225, 
+                34.032245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.419021, 
+                34.028949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.427408, 
+                34.025425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.454134, 
+                34.028081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.459635, 
+                34.031537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.465329, 
+                34.038448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.46258, 
+                34.042627
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.543842, 
+                33.280329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.532941, 
+                33.284728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.528141, 
+                33.284929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.50504, 
+                33.272829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.48278, 
+                33.263973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.465717, 
+                33.259239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.458466, 
+                33.254661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.429559, 
+                33.228167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.444269, 
+                33.21919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.464725, 
+                33.215432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.476029, 
+                33.21552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.500684, 
+                33.220569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.511659, 
+                33.223027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.517514, 
+                33.226737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.545872, 
+                33.233406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.564971, 
+                33.24744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.565641, 
+                33.250029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.566014, 
+                33.252639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.570642, 
+                33.257729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.578942, 
+                33.278628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.562042, 
+                33.271129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.555242, 
+                33.273429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.547642, 
+                33.280328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.543842, 
+                33.280329
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.422972, 
+                34.004368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.427589, 
+                34.006445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.437734, 
+                34.01
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.441116, 
+                34.012426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.441226, 
+                34.014075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.433912, 
+                34.015975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.421376, 
+                34.015012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.411317, 
+                34.008005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.396251, 
+                34.005918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.389983, 
+                34.006099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.366591, 
+                34.016785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.357462, 
+                34.015919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.376396, 
+                34.010551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.391551, 
+                34.002505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.414528, 
+                34.004994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.422972, 
+                34.004368
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.524531, 
+                32.895488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.535823, 
+                32.90628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.551134, 
+                32.945155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.560887, 
+                32.957891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.573522, 
+                32.969183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.586928, 
+                33.008281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.596037, 
+                33.015357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.606559, 
+                33.01469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.605534, 
+                33.030999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.594033, 
+                33.035951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57516, 
+                33.033961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.569013, 
+                33.029151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.564445, 
+                33.024914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.564527, 
+                33.018637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.559171, 
+                33.006291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.540069, 
+                32.980933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.529228, 
+                32.970921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.496811, 
+                32.933847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.485288, 
+                32.923545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.479039, 
+                32.920363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.460623, 
+                32.90951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.446771, 
+                32.895424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.369984, 
+                32.839273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.353504, 
+                32.821962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.356541, 
+                32.817311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36053, 
+                32.819921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.379968, 
+                32.824545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.387375, 
+                32.825327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.394565, 
+                32.823978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.401268, 
+                32.820338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.425634, 
+                32.800595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.42943, 
+                32.805429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.428372, 
+                32.806872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44492, 
+                32.820593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.476074, 
+                32.841754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.487908, 
+                32.84459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.496298, 
+                32.851572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.506902, 
+                32.868503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.508095, 
+                32.871321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.507193, 
+                32.876264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.524641, 
+                32.893175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.524531, 
+                32.895488
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.500212, 
+                33.449592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.499669, 
+                33.447879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.48557, 
+                33.446213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.477646, 
+                33.448392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.445812, 
+                33.428907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.423576, 
+                33.427258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.382037, 
+                33.409883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.370323, 
+                33.409285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.368301, 
+                33.40711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.365094, 
+                33.388374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.32446, 
+                33.348782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.316083, 
+                33.342928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.310213, 
+                33.335795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.303174, 
+                33.320264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.305084, 
+                33.310323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.316787, 
+                33.301137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.325244, 
+                33.299075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.343249, 
+                33.305234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.360332, 
+                33.31533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.374768, 
+                33.320065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.402941, 
+                33.320901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.440047, 
+                33.318638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.456309, 
+                33.32182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.465368, 
+                33.326056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.481886, 
+                33.344123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.48877, 
+                33.356649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.482609, 
+                33.369914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.478465, 
+                33.38632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.484949, 
+                33.412131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.48875, 
+                33.419826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.503952, 
+                33.424234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.515914, 
+                33.422417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.516267, 
+                33.425075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.52323, 
+                33.430733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.53738, 
+                33.434608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.558715, 
+                33.433419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.563442, 
+                33.434381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.570927, 
+                33.439351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.575901, 
+                33.448261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.593969, 
+                33.467198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.601185, 
+                33.469853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.60403, 
+                33.47654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.603375, 
+                33.478098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.598783, 
+                33.477939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.585936, 
+                33.473819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.54453, 
+                33.474119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.530702, 
+                33.468071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.500212, 
+                33.449592
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.418698, 
+                37.852717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.434403, 
+                37.852434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.443302, 
+                37.855448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.446316, 
+                37.861046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.438565, 
+                37.868367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.430958, 
+                37.872242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.421439, 
+                37.869969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.421341, 
+                37.869946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.41847, 
+                37.861764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.41847, 
+                37.852721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.418698, 
+                37.852717
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -123.013916, 
+                37.700355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.013897, 
+                37.704478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.012194, 
+                37.706749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.004489, 
+                37.706262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.00019, 
+                37.702937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.997189, 
+                37.697909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.000677, 
+                37.690203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.005543, 
+                37.689392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.011464, 
+                37.691907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.014303, 
+                37.696205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.013916, 
+                37.700355
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.3785, 
+                37.826505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.377879, 
+                37.830648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.369941, 
+                37.832137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363244, 
+                37.823951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.358779, 
+                37.814278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.362661, 
+                37.807577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.372422, 
+                37.811301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37267, 
+                37.81651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.3785, 
+                37.826505
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -124.065521, 
+                41.464739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.066057, 
+                41.470258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.075917, 
+                41.501757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.081427, 
+                41.511228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.081987, 
+                41.547761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.092404, 
+                41.553615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.101123, 
+                41.569192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.101403, 
+                41.578524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.097385, 
+                41.585251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100961, 
+                41.602499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.114413, 
+                41.616768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.116037, 
+                41.628849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.120225, 
+                41.640354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.135552, 
+                41.657307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.139354, 
+                41.671652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.138373, 
+                41.678881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.143479, 
+                41.709284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.147412, 
+                41.717955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.154246, 
+                41.728801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.164716, 
+                41.740126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.17739, 
+                41.745756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.185363, 
+                41.739351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.19104, 
+                41.736079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.194953, 
+                41.736778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.203843, 
+                41.747035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.23972, 
+                41.7708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.242288, 
+                41.772034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.248704, 
+                41.771459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.255994, 
+                41.783014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.245027, 
+                41.7923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.230678, 
+                41.818681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.219592, 
+                41.846432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.208439, 
+                41.888192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.203402, 
+                41.940964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.204948, 
+                41.983441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.211605, 
+                41.99846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100921, 
+                41.996956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100216, 
+                41.996842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.087827, 
+                41.996891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.086661, 
+                41.996869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.821472, 
+                41.995473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.624554, 
+                41.999837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.518075, 
+                42.000436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.501997, 
+                42.000527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.498896, 
+                42.000474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.49883, 
+                42.000525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.347562, 
+                41.999108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.230764, 
+                42.003845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.230762, 
+                42.003845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.154908, 
+                42.008036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.045254, 
+                42.003049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.001152, 
+                42.003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.634739, 
+                42.004858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.501135, 
+                42.00846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.378193, 
+                42.009518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.289533, 
+                42.007764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.289527, 
+                42.007764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.161328, 
+                42.007637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.160438, 
+                42.007637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.156666, 
+                42.007384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.155408, 
+                42.007429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.001119, 
+                42.004017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.708199, 
+                42.000815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.705045, 
+                42.000766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.689159, 
+                42.000584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.675348, 
+                42.000351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.580865, 
+                41.998668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.52025, 
+                41.997983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.44754, 
+                41.997169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.43961, 
+                41.99708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.434977, 
+                41.997022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.376101, 
+                41.997026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.360253, 
+                41.99668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.340517, 
+                41.99622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.335734, 
+                41.996518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.334385, 
+                41.996655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.154347, 
+                41.996352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.035195, 
+                41.993323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.879481, 
+                41.993781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.693941, 
+                41.993676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.692219, 
+                41.993677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.326005, 
+                41.993122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.286424, 
+                41.993058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999168, 
+                41.99454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999866, 
+                41.183974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999358, 
+                40.873101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999232, 
+                40.867454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999231, 
+                40.865899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.995926, 
+                40.499901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.996155, 
+                40.321838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.996155, 
+                40.32125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.996182, 
+                40.263532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.996183, 
+                40.262461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.997124, 
+                40.126363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.997234, 
+                40.091591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.997175, 
+                40.077245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.997291, 
+                40.071803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.000607, 
+                39.780779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.000502, 
+                39.779956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.001319, 
+                39.72242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.001319, 
+                39.722416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.003116, 
+                39.445113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.003117, 
+                39.445045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.005318, 
+                39.316479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.00532, 
+                39.31635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.005413, 
+                39.313848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.005414, 
+                39.313345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.005743, 
+                39.228664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.005746, 
+                39.22521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.004504, 
+                39.165599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.003402, 
+                39.112687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.002461, 
+                39.067489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.001014, 
+                38.999574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.904315, 
+                38.933324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.587679, 
+                38.714734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.587066, 
+                38.714345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.585437, 
+                38.713212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.494183, 
+                38.649852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.494022, 
+                38.649734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.450612, 
+                38.619964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.450623, 
+                38.619965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.328498, 
+                38.534648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.156863, 
+                38.414743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.125982, 
+                38.39317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.746598, 
+                38.124926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.428581, 
+                37.895613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.039798, 
+                37.615273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.039849, 
+                37.615245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.832726, 
+                37.464929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.500909, 
+                37.220282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.166187, 
+                36.970862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.000895, 
+                36.847694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.488233, 
+                36.459097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.097216, 
+                36.158346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.093601, 
+                36.155805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.912858, 
+                36.015359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.892975, 
+                35.999967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84608, 
+                35.963596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.689302, 
+                35.842003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.648029, 
+                35.809629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.647683, 
+                35.809358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.647202, 
+                35.808995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.406079, 
+                35.618613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.404537, 
+                35.617605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.393996, 
+                35.609344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.391535, 
+                35.607271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.388866, 
+                35.605171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.303743, 
+                35.538207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.271342, 
+                35.51266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.225273, 
+                35.475907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.160599, 
+                35.424313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.160068, 
+                35.424129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.146788, 
+                35.413662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.145813, 
+                35.413182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92548, 
+                35.237054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.925381, 
+                35.237039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80503, 
+                35.140284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.804249, 
+                35.139689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.633013, 
+                35.002085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62919, 
+                34.991887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.629015, 
+                34.986148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.630877, 
+                34.907263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.636725, 
+                34.889107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.635176, 
+                34.875003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.633051, 
+                34.869971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.552682, 
+                34.766871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.465607, 
+                34.69226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.452547, 
+                34.653494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.339627, 
+                34.451435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.264317, 
+                34.401329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.199482, 
+                34.361373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.176909, 
+                34.349306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.138282, 
+                34.30323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.131489, 
+                34.260387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.133264, 
+                34.258462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.164476, 
+                34.251667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.225861, 
+                34.201774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.244191, 
+                34.179625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.312592, 
+                34.144453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.321618, 
+                34.138093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.366521, 
+                34.118575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.390565, 
+                34.110084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.401352, 
+                34.111652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.411681, 
+                34.110031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.420499, 
+                34.103466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43338, 
+                34.088413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.435429, 
+                34.079727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.434949, 
+                34.037784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.438266, 
+                34.022609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46361, 
+                33.993431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.499883, 
+                33.961789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.518434, 
+                33.917518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.525539, 
+                33.838614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.523365, 
+                33.80612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50434, 
+                33.756381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.494197, 
+                33.707922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.496489, 
+                33.696901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.519113, 
+                33.688473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.523959, 
+                33.685879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.530348, 
+                33.679245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.540617, 
+                33.591412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5403, 
+                33.580615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.535965, 
+                33.569154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.535664, 
+                33.568788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.558898, 
+                33.531819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.594534, 
+                33.495059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.622918, 
+                33.456561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.627125, 
+                33.433554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.665278, 
+                33.415358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.721233, 
+                33.396912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.700103, 
+                33.341045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.672088, 
+                33.258499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67536, 
+                33.185489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.679359, 
+                33.159519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.687074, 
+                33.142196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.696829, 
+                33.131209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.706175, 
+                33.105335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.707819, 
+                33.091102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.675104, 
+                33.047532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62387, 
+                33.02872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.606282, 
+                33.025703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.589778, 
+                33.026228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.584765, 
+                33.028231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.578287, 
+                33.035375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.571653, 
+                33.036624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.523578, 
+                33.030961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.516912, 
+                33.026871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.511343, 
+                33.023455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.468605, 
+                32.971649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46289, 
+                32.905797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.465715, 
+                32.87942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.465715, 
+                32.879191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.496284, 
+                32.822326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.496827, 
+                32.822119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.615733, 
+                32.729427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.615585, 
+                32.728446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65826, 
+                32.733799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65884, 
+                32.73383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.677091, 
+                32.736218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.678632, 
+                32.736614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.719633, 
+                32.718763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.465164, 
+                32.6671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.875842, 
+                32.636424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.106159, 
+                32.618328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.390091, 
+                32.59602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.118865, 
+                32.534661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.124862, 
+                32.534156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.133363, 
+                32.575625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.132963, 
+                32.597054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.136664, 
+                32.618754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.139464, 
+                32.627054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.159865, 
+                32.660652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.168866, 
+                32.671952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.180366, 
+                32.681652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.192967, 
+                32.687751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.196767, 
+                32.688851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.213068, 
+                32.687751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.223868, 
+                32.683051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.236239, 
+                32.671353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.246069, 
+                32.669352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.255169, 
+                32.700051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25757, 
+                32.72605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25537, 
+                32.745449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25257, 
+                32.752949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25497, 
+                32.786948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.26107, 
+                32.803148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.280971, 
+                32.822247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.28217, 
+                32.839547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.28117, 
+                32.843047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.27387, 
+                32.851447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.26497, 
+                32.848947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.26067, 
+                32.852647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25617, 
+                32.859447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25167, 
+                32.874346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25447, 
+                32.900146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.26047, 
+                32.931245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.262547, 
+                32.939542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.28077, 
+                33.012343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.29337, 
+                33.034642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.309771, 
+                33.07454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.315278, 
+                33.093504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.328359, 
+                33.121842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.359484, 
+                33.164231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.362572, 
+                33.168437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.39148, 
+                33.202762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.401926, 
+                33.213598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.445583, 
+                33.268517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.469794, 
+                33.296417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.50565, 
+                33.334063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.547693, 
+                33.365491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.571722, 
+                33.378988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59588, 
+                33.386629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.607905, 
+                33.406317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.631682, 
+                33.430528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.645582, 
+                33.440728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.645592, 
+                33.440733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.684584, 
+                33.461927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.689284, 
+                33.460155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.691984, 
+                33.456627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.691384, 
+                33.454028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.715349, 
+                33.460556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.726486, 
+                33.483427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.761387, 
+                33.516326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.784888, 
+                33.541525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.801288, 
+                33.546324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.814188, 
+                33.552224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.840289, 
+                33.573523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.87679, 
+                33.592322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.89979, 
+                33.599622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.927091, 
+                33.605521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.940591, 
+                33.620021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.957114, 
+                33.629466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.000593, 
+                33.654319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.029694, 
+                33.676418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.064895, 
+                33.711018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.088896, 
+                33.729817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.101097, 
+                33.734117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.116703, 
+                33.743549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.132698, 
+                33.753217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.1569, 
+                33.760317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.1755, 
+                33.763617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.180831, 
+                33.763072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.187701, 
+                33.749218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.1837, 
+                33.736118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.181367, 
+                33.717367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.207476, 
+                33.716905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.258687, 
+                33.703741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.277208, 
+                33.707091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.297104, 
+                33.708319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.317205, 
+                33.712818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.354705, 
+                33.732317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.360505, 
+                33.736817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.385006, 
+                33.741417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.396606, 
+                33.735917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.411211, 
+                33.741985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.428407, 
+                33.774715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.423407, 
+                33.782015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.405007, 
+                33.800215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.394376, 
+                33.804289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.394307, 
+                33.804315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.391507, 
+                33.815415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.392107, 
+                33.840915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.412708, 
+                33.883913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44241, 
+                33.940312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.460611, 
+                33.969111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.482729, 
+                33.995912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.484212, 
+                33.99771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.502813, 
+                34.015509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.519514, 
+                34.027509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.543115, 
+                34.038508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.569235, 
+                34.04164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.603572, 
+                34.039048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.609652, 
+                34.036424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.668358, 
+                34.038887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67543, 
+                34.037479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.679366, 
+                34.033255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.706215, 
+                34.029383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.732391, 
+                34.032743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.744952, 
+                34.032103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.783433, 
+                34.021543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.787094, 
+                34.019545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.805114, 
+                34.001239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.821579, 
+                34.013959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.84038, 
+                34.027527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.854653, 
+                34.034215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.896159, 
+                34.039207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.928048, 
+                34.045847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.938081, 
+                34.043383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.944887, 
+                34.04534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.954722, 
+                34.048167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.977751, 
+                34.059822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.99698, 
+                34.065943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.004644, 
+                34.066231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.037494, 
+                34.083111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.069959, 
+                34.09047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.088536, 
+                34.09831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.098216, 
+                34.099334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.109784, 
+                34.094566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.130169, 
+                34.100102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.159554, 
+                34.119653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.18864, 
+                34.139005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.20314, 
+                34.144505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.211241, 
+                34.144905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.216441, 
+                34.146105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.227743, 
+                34.161728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.237142, 
+                34.175804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.257043, 
+                34.213304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.265927, 
+                34.234609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.270144, 
+                34.252903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.278644, 
+                34.266902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.290945, 
+                34.274902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.302131, 
+                34.272761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.313034, 
+                34.275689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.337475, 
+                34.290576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.349187, 
+                34.304383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.370356, 
+                34.319486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.37578, 
+                34.321118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.388249, 
+                34.317398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.390449, 
+                34.318198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.42777, 
+                34.353016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.431066, 
+                34.355297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.435888, 
+                34.355839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.461036, 
+                34.374064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.472678, 
+                34.375628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.478265, 
+                34.377197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.510655, 
+                34.386295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.536957, 
+                34.395495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.559459, 
+                34.413395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.616862, 
+                34.420995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.638864, 
+                34.415696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.648664, 
+                34.417396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.671866, 
+                34.416096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.688167, 
+                34.412497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.684666, 
+                34.408297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.691749, 
+                34.403154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.709067, 
+                34.395397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.729369, 
+                34.395897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.74547, 
+                34.402898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.785871, 
+                34.415997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.794771, 
+                34.417597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.835771, 
+                34.415796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.853771, 
+                34.407996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.873971, 
+                34.408795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.925227, 
+                34.433931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.956433, 
+                34.435288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.971951, 
+                34.444641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.008077, 
+                34.460447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.038828, 
+                34.463434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.050682, 
+                34.461651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.088591, 
+                34.460208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.097212, 
+                34.461809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.118411, 
+                34.469927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.141165, 
+                34.473405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.183505, 
+                34.470372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.225498, 
+                34.470587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.238002, 
+                34.468098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.25777, 
+                34.467451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.283001, 
+                34.468354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.295051, 
+                34.470623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.299169, 
+                34.469731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.301822, 
+                34.467077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.341369, 
+                34.458789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.441975, 
+                34.451512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.451425, 
+                34.447094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.471376, 
+                34.447846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.47661, 
+                34.475131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.480372, 
+                34.481059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.490523, 
+                34.490075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.511421, 
+                34.522953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.524776, 
+                34.531291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.581293, 
+                34.556959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.608355, 
+                34.556656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.612005, 
+                34.553564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.622575, 
+                34.554017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.637805, 
+                34.56622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.645739, 
+                34.581035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.640244, 
+                34.604406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.625127, 
+                34.634489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.60197, 
+                34.692095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.60045, 
+                34.70464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.601672, 
+                34.709721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.614852, 
+                34.730709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.62632, 
+                34.738072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.637415, 
+                34.755895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.62297, 
+                34.7933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.616296, 
+                34.816308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.609898, 
+                34.842751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.610266, 
+                34.85818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.616325, 
+                34.866739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.639283, 
+                34.880413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.642212, 
+                34.894145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.647328, 
+                34.901133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.662889, 
+                34.901183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.670835, 
+                34.904115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.648905, 
+                34.974393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.63999, 
+                35.002963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.63357, 
+                35.033085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.629931, 
+                35.061515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.629583, 
+                35.078362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.630957, 
+                35.101941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.635787, 
+                35.123805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.644311, 
+                35.139616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.651134, 
+                35.147768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.662475, 
+                35.153357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.667994, 
+                35.15203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.675074, 
+                35.153061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.686974, 
+                35.160708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.698906, 
+                35.171192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.704203, 
+                35.173206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.714185, 
+                35.175998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.734231, 
+                35.178472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.74887, 
+                35.177795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.754823, 
+                35.174701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.756862, 
+                35.169208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.756086, 
+                35.160459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.760492, 
+                35.15971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.778998, 
+                35.168897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.786076, 
+                35.177666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.805258, 
+                35.184973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.846674, 
+                35.204429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.856047, 
+                35.206487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.873046, 
+                35.225688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.89679, 
+                35.247877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.896876, 
+                35.25399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.889354, 
+                35.277819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.87957, 
+                35.294184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.8672, 
+                35.327154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.862684, 
+                35.346776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.862133, 
+                35.360763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.866099, 
+                35.393045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.869209, 
+                35.403276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.884757, 
+                35.430196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.896862, 
+                35.442243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.907937, 
+                35.449069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.946546, 
+                35.446715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.950742, 
+                35.44802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.955863, 
+                35.453743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.969436, 
+                35.460197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.976122, 
+                35.459028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.003359, 
+                35.46071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.025621, 
+                35.484598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.05308, 
+                35.50753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.059913, 
+                35.509671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.101595, 
+                35.548814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.126027, 
+                35.593058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.133556, 
+                35.600455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.143561, 
+                35.606046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.166712, 
+                35.635399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.188897, 
+                35.643138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.195291, 
+                35.640734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.251034, 
+                35.656641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.272322, 
+                35.666711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.284973, 
+                35.674109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.289794, 
+                35.689428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.296473, 
+                35.696824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.304583, 
+                35.701794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.314632, 
+                35.71331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.315786, 
+                35.75252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.324918, 
+                35.769347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.332449, 
+                35.783106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.346363, 
+                35.795183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.356737, 
+                35.804187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.388053, 
+                35.823483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.406823, 
+                35.844623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.413146, 
+                35.855316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.426955, 
+                35.860103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.439584, 
+                35.86695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.462264, 
+                35.885618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.461227, 
+                35.896906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.463452, 
+                35.904416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.472435, 
+                35.91989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.4862, 
+                35.970348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.503112, 
+                36.000299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.51159, 
+                36.006598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.531876, 
+                36.014368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.553716, 
+                36.019798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.569612, 
+                36.021539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.574602, 
+                36.025156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.590395, 
+                36.050363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.589183, 
+                36.053775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.592853, 
+                36.065062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.606845, 
+                36.072065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.618672, 
+                36.087767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.622009, 
+                36.099695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.629634, 
+                36.114452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.680145, 
+                36.165818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.717176, 
+                36.195146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.779851, 
+                36.227407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.797059, 
+                36.234211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.806979, 
+                36.232907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.813734, 
+                36.234235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.826425, 
+                36.24186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.835785, 
+                36.250748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.83935, 
+                36.260478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.851967, 
+                36.277831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.874797, 
+                36.289064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.888491, 
+                36.30281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.894714, 
+                36.317806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.892917, 
+                36.340428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.905446, 
+                36.358269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.902669, 
+                36.363901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.901813, 
+                36.381879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.903195, 
+                36.393603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.905657, 
+                36.398206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.914378, 
+                36.404344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.917463, 
+                36.414809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.91474, 
+                36.42589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.9255, 
+                36.453918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.937205, 
+                36.472488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.9416, 
+                36.485602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.939216, 
+                36.496896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.938763, 
+                36.506423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.943678, 
+                36.511802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.944666, 
+                36.521861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.928769, 
+                36.523147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.925937, 
+                36.525173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.932508, 
+                36.559935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.942533, 
+                36.566435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.949659, 
+                36.567602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.95146, 
+                36.564009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.957335, 
+                36.564482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.972594, 
+                36.57337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.978592, 
+                36.580488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.970427, 
+                36.582754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.941666, 
+                36.618059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.938551, 
+                36.633908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.93643, 
+                36.636746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.929666, 
+                36.636959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.923866, 
+                36.634559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.890164, 
+                36.609259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.889064, 
+                36.601759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.886764, 
+                36.601459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.871364, 
+                36.604559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.860604, 
+                36.611136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.842263, 
+                36.630059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.831995, 
+                36.644856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.825052, 
+                36.657207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.814462, 
+                36.682858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.807062, 
+                36.714157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.805643, 
+                36.750239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.788278, 
+                36.803994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.791544, 
+                36.815186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.809363, 
+                36.848654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.810552, 
+                36.850648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.827664, 
+                36.879353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.862266, 
+                36.931552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.880167, 
+                36.950151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.894667, 
+                36.961851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.906468, 
+                36.96895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.930069, 
+                36.97815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.93947, 
+                36.97805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.95167, 
+                36.97145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.972771, 
+                36.954151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.975871, 
+                36.954051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.983896, 
+                36.958727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.012373, 
+                36.96455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.023373, 
+                36.96215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.027174, 
+                36.95115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.050122, 
+                36.948523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.066421, 
+                36.948271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.079356, 
+                36.950783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.105976, 
+                36.955951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.140578, 
+                36.97495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.155078, 
+                36.98085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.186879, 
+                37.00345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.20618, 
+                37.013949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.252181, 
+                37.059448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.260481, 
+                37.072548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.284882, 
+                37.101747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.292974, 
+                37.107318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.306139, 
+                37.116383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.313907, 
+                37.118161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.322971, 
+                37.11546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.330463, 
+                37.115338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.337071, 
+                37.117382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.338856, 
+                37.120854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.337085, 
+                37.130795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.337833, 
+                37.135936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.344029, 
+                37.144099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.359791, 
+                37.155574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.36179, 
+                37.163593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367085, 
+                37.172817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37927, 
+                37.181128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.390599, 
+                37.182988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.397065, 
+                37.187249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.405073, 
+                37.195791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.407181, 
+                37.219465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.408982, 
+                37.225258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.415822, 
+                37.232839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.419113, 
+                37.24147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.418452, 
+                37.248521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.411686, 
+                37.265844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.401323, 
+                37.337009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.40085, 
+                37.359225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.409258, 
+                37.374805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.423286, 
+                37.392542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.443687, 
+                37.435941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.445987, 
+                37.461541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.452087, 
+                37.48054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.467888, 
+                37.49814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.472388, 
+                37.50054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.476443, 
+                37.498768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.482351, 
+                37.496187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.485888, 
+                37.494641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.486749, 
+                37.49439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.487139, 
+                37.494277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493789, 
+                37.492341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.494429, 
+                37.49269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.499289, 
+                37.495341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.516689, 
+                37.52134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.519533, 
+                37.537302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.516589, 
+                37.544939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.514789, 
+                37.546139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.513688, 
+                37.552239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.518088, 
+                37.576138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.517187, 
+                37.590637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.501386, 
+                37.599637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.496786, 
+                37.612136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.494085, 
+                37.644035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.496784, 
+                37.686433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.502427, 
+                37.708133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.506483, 
+                37.723731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.509397, 
+                37.748841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.511983, 
+                37.77113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.514483, 
+                37.780829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.50531, 
+                37.788312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.492883, 
+                37.787929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.485783, 
+                37.790629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.478083, 
+                37.810828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.470336, 
+                37.808671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.463793, 
+                37.804653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.425942, 
+                37.810979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.407452, 
+                37.811441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.398139, 
+                37.80563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.385323, 
+                37.790724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.375854, 
+                37.734979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.370094, 
+                37.732331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367697, 
+                37.734943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.365478, 
+                37.734621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.356784, 
+                37.729505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.361749, 
+                37.71501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.370411, 
+                37.717572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.391374, 
+                37.708331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.39319, 
+                37.707531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.387626, 
+                37.67906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.374291, 
+                37.662206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.3756, 
+                37.652389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37789, 
+                37.650425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.387381, 
+                37.648462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.386072, 
+                37.637662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.365455, 
+                37.626208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.35531, 
+                37.615736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.358583, 
+                37.611155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.370364, 
+                37.614427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.373309, 
+                37.613773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.378545, 
+                37.605592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.360219, 
+                37.592501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.317676, 
+                37.590865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.315385, 
+                37.587265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.315713, 
+                37.583666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.305895, 
+                37.575484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.262698, 
+                37.572866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.251898, 
+                37.566321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.244372, 
+                37.55814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.242832, 
+                37.557136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.236323, 
+                37.552891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.225135, 
+                37.545594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.214264, 
+                37.538505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.196593, 
+                37.537196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.194957, 
+                37.522469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.168449, 
+                37.504143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.155686, 
+                37.501198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.149632, 
+                37.502671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.140142, 
+                37.507907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.130979, 
+                37.503652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.127706, 
+                37.500053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.116112, 
+                37.505386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.111344, 
+                37.50758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.111998, 
+                37.528851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.128688, 
+                37.560594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.133924, 
+                37.562885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.137524, 
+                37.567467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.144396, 
+                37.581866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.147014, 
+                37.588411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.145378, 
+                37.600846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.14636, 
+                37.607391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.152905, 
+                37.640771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.163049, 
+                37.667933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.170904, 
+                37.676114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.179085, 
+                37.680041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.197411, 
+                37.692804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.203971, 
+                37.697769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.213774, 
+                37.698695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.221628, 
+                37.705567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.246826, 
+                37.72193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.255989, 
+                37.735674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.257953, 
+                37.739601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.257134, 
+                37.745001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.252226, 
+                37.747619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.244938, 
+                37.750294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.242638, 
+                37.753744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.253753, 
+                37.761218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.264101, 
+                37.764667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.275408, 
+                37.76735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.286139, 
+                37.769458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.293996, 
+                37.770416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.304345, 
+                37.774632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.318909, 
+                37.77904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.329159, 
+                37.783173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.33079, 
+                37.78383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.330963, 
+                37.786035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.331748, 
+                37.796052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.33555, 
+                37.799538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.335675, 
+                37.799652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.333711, 
+                37.809797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.323567, 
+                37.823214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.317676, 
+                37.826814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.306222, 
+                37.827469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.303931, 
+                37.830087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.301313, 
+                37.847758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.310477, 
+                37.873938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.309986, 
+                37.892755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.313258, 
+                37.89701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.313496, 
+                37.897211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.32373, 
+                37.905845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.33453, 
+                37.908791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.35711, 
+                37.908791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.362346, 
+                37.904209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367582, 
+                37.903882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.378709, 
+                37.905191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.385908, 
+                37.908136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.389181, 
+                37.9101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.39049, 
+                37.922535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.395071, 
+                37.927117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.401289, 
+                37.928426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.413725, 
+                37.937262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.417371, 
+                37.943513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.430087, 
+                37.963115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.42976, 
+                37.965405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.415361, 
+                37.963115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.411761, 
+                37.960497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.408383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.399832, 
+                37.956009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367582, 
+                37.978168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.361905, 
+                37.989991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363001, 
+                37.994375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.366928, 
+                37.998458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.368891, 
+                38.007948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367909, 
+                38.01253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363655, 
+                38.014166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.359493, 
+                38.009941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.340093, 
+                38.003694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.331912, 
+                38.00533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.321112, 
+                38.012857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.315549, 
+                38.013511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.300823, 
+                38.010893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.283478, 
+                38.022674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.262861, 
+                38.0446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.262861, 
+                38.051473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.266669, 
+                38.06007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.273006, 
+                38.07438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.282824, 
+                38.082889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.301804, 
+                38.105142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.314567, 
+                38.115287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.366273, 
+                38.141467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.39638, 
+                38.149976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.403514, 
+                38.150624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.40358, 
+                38.15063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.409798, 
+                38.136231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.439577, 
+                38.116923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.450377, 
+                38.116269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.454958, 
+                38.118887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.484411, 
+                38.11496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.489974, 
+                38.112014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.490727, 
+                38.109755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.491283, 
+                38.108087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.489974, 
+                38.096961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.486702, 
+                38.090088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483757, 
+                38.071762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.492265, 
+                38.056381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.499465, 
+                38.032165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.497828, 
+                38.019402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.494556, 
+                38.015148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.481466, 
+                38.007621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.462812, 
+                38.003367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.452995, 
+                37.996167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448413, 
+                37.988313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448413, 
+                37.984713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.456595, 
+                37.978823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.462485, 
+                37.981441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.471975, 
+                37.981768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.488665, 
+                37.966714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.490302, 
+                37.964751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.490302, 
+                37.959188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.487684, 
+                37.948716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.480484, 
+                37.945443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.479175, 
+                37.941516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.48572, 
+                37.937589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.499465, 
+                37.939225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.503064, 
+                37.936607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.503064, 
+                37.928753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493574, 
+                37.921881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.486375, 
+                37.921881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.478193, 
+                37.918608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.471975, 
+                37.910427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.472303, 
+                37.902573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.458558, 
+                37.894064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448413, 
+                37.89341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.43925, 
+                37.88392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.438268, 
+                37.880974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.45005, 
+                37.871157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.462158, 
+                37.868866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.474266, 
+                37.874429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.480811, 
+                37.873448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483429, 
+                37.868866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483102, 
+                37.863957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.476536, 
+                37.832812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.476473, 
+                37.832513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.479151, 
+                37.825428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.47986, 
+                37.825641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483483, 
+                37.826728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.492474, 
+                37.82484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.505383, 
+                37.822128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.522836, 
+                37.824717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.523585, 
+                37.824828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.537285, 
+                37.830328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.548986, 
+                37.836227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.561487, 
+                37.851827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.584289, 
+                37.859227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.60129, 
+                37.875126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.627113, 
+                37.88608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.639977, 
+                37.897349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.656519, 
+                37.904519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.678474, 
+                37.906604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.682171, 
+                37.90645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.693569, 
+                37.901171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.70264, 
+                37.89382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.727297, 
+                37.904626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.732898, 
+                37.920225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.736898, 
+                37.925825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.754606, 
+                37.935527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.766138, 
+                37.938004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.783244, 
+                37.951334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.791739, 
+                37.969422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.797405, 
+                37.976657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.821383, 
+                37.996735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.856573, 
+                38.016717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.882114, 
+                38.025273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.939711, 
+                38.031908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.956811, 
+                38.02872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.972378, 
+                38.020247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.981776, 
+                38.009119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.982386, 
+                38.004274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.980147, 
+                38.000831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.976764, 
+                37.99568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.97439, 
+                37.992429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.024066, 
+                37.994878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.020562, 
+                37.999544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.016303, 
+                38.001691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.011533, 
+                38.003438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.99242, 
+                38.041758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.960889, 
+                38.112962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.952086, 
+                38.138562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.949074, 
+                38.15406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.949626, 
+                38.164041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.953629, 
+                38.17567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.965408, 
+                38.187113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.96637, 
+                38.198514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.968112, 
+                38.202428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.991953, 
+                38.233185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.993959, 
+                38.237602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.993235, 
+                38.239686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.987149, 
+                38.237538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.968569, 
+                38.242879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.967203, 
+                38.250691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.977082, 
+                38.267902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.986319, 
+                38.273164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.994603, 
+                38.283096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.997106, 
+                38.289458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.002911, 
+                38.295708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.004122, 
+                38.297012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.024333, 
+                38.310573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.038742, 
+                38.313576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.051061, 
+                38.310693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.053476, 
+                38.305722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.052021, 
+                38.302246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.053504, 
+                38.299385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.058239, 
+                38.298355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.063671, 
+                38.302178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.074684, 
+                38.322574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.068437, 
+                38.33521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.068265, 
+                38.359865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.085572, 
+                38.390525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.103706, 
+                38.415541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.122379, 
+                38.437314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.128825, 
+                38.450418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.145325, 
+                38.459422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.166428, 
+                38.474947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.202277, 
+                38.494314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.249797, 
+                38.511045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.287156, 
+                38.540223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.297151, 
+                38.543452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.331899, 
+                38.565542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.343338, 
+                38.590008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.349612, 
+                38.596805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.371876, 
+                38.607235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.379303, 
+                38.621953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.398166, 
+                38.647044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.40301, 
+                38.649449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.405663, 
+                38.656729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.43272, 
+                38.687131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.441774, 
+                38.699744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.461291, 
+                38.717001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.490021, 
+                38.732213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.514784, 
+                38.741966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.525152, 
+                38.753801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.533535, 
+                38.768408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.541837, 
+                38.776764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.571987, 
+                38.798189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.579856, 
+                38.802835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.58638, 
+                38.802857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.600221, 
+                38.814115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.601569, 
+                38.81899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.605317, 
+                38.822765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.638637, 
+                38.843865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.642676, 
+                38.844005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.647387, 
+                38.845472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.652212, 
+                38.854582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.654696, 
+                38.865638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.659846, 
+                38.872529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.688099, 
+                38.893594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.71054, 
+                38.91323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.725367, 
+                38.917438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.72763, 
+                38.9295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.726315, 
+                38.936367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.738886, 
+                38.95412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.732892, 
+                38.954994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.729053, 
+                38.956667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.721347, 
+                38.963879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.711149, 
+                38.977316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.6969, 
+                39.004401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.69074, 
+                39.021293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.690095, 
+                39.031157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.693969, 
+                39.057363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.713392, 
+                39.108422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.721505, 
+                39.125327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.735936, 
+                39.139644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.737913, 
+                39.143442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.742221, 
+                39.164885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.76101, 
+                39.191595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.765891, 
+                39.193657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.774998, 
+                39.212083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.777368, 
+                39.237214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.787893, 
+                39.264327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.798991, 
+                39.271355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.803848, 
+                39.278771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.801757, 
+                39.28353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.803081, 
+                39.291747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.811387, 
+                39.312825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.808772, 
+                39.324368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.817369, 
+                39.3388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.822085, 
+                39.343857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.825331, 
+                39.360814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.826306, 
+                39.36871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.822325, 
+                39.379987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.821887, 
+                39.406809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.81469, 
+                39.446538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.795639, 
+                39.492215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.78417, 
+                39.509419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.778521, 
+                39.521478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.766475, 
+                39.552803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.76721, 
+                39.559852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.787417, 
+                39.604552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.78354, 
+                39.609517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.782322, 
+                39.621486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.78636, 
+                39.659932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.792659, 
+                39.684122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.808208, 
+                39.710715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.824744, 
+                39.718128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.829545, 
+                39.723071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.831599, 
+                39.730629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.835092, 
+                39.738768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.838089, 
+                39.752409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.83715, 
+                39.776232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.839797, 
+                39.795637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.851714, 
+                39.832041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.853764, 
+                39.8341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.881458, 
+                39.845422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.907664, 
+                39.863028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.915142, 
+                39.875313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.915853, 
+                39.881114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.930047, 
+                39.909697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.954952, 
+                39.922373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.962655, 
+                39.937635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.980031, 
+                39.962458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.99586, 
+                39.973045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.023938, 
+                40.001284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.035904, 
+                40.013319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.056408, 
+                40.024305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.065069, 
+                40.024785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.068908, 
+                40.021307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.072509, 
+                40.022657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.079983, 
+                40.029773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.080709, 
+                40.06611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.087086, 
+                40.078442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.110549, 
+                40.103765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.139952, 
+                40.11635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.170767, 
+                40.124207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.187874, 
+                40.130542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.214895, 
+                40.160902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.231095, 
+                40.171581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.258405, 
+                40.184277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.296497, 
+                40.208816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.320912, 
+                40.226617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.327691, 
+                40.23737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.34307, 
+                40.243979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.352715, 
+                40.250453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.363414, 
+                40.260974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.363634, 
+                40.276212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.347853, 
+                40.314634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.353124, 
+                40.331425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.356595, 
+                40.335016
+              ], 
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+                32.963816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.423772, 
+                32.810514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.404949, 
+                32.747027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.405134, 
+                32.744964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.414761, 
+                32.63744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.418431, 
+                32.634704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.41866, 
+                32.629392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.411906, 
+                32.61841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.389338, 
+                32.595436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.389258, 
+                32.595385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.348155, 
+                32.569294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.328753, 
+                32.561228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.318255, 
+                32.559722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.286776, 
+                32.544831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.275415, 
+                32.539457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.199029, 
+                32.467286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.168032, 
+                32.368391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.140932, 
+                32.349393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.134332, 
+                32.341693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.122333, 
+                32.305395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.120333, 
+                32.285796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.128034, 
+                32.276297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.125457, 
+                32.22713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.122034, 
+                32.161803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.117234, 
+                32.117605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.113334, 
+                32.113205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.06185, 
+                32.087935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.042833, 
+                32.084508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.004115, 
+                32.072225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.885517, 
+                32.0346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.859111, 
+                32.023693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.852276, 
+                32.026676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.84313, 
+                32.024226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.840549, 
+                32.011306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.841913, 
+                32.002643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.848441, 
+                31.988279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.862814, 
+                31.969346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.882814, 
+                31.959075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.897687, 
+                31.949065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.911207, 
+                31.943769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.929101, 
+                31.944964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.930279, 
+                31.956705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.948491, 
+                31.95723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.972392, 
+                31.94127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.975714, 
+                31.923602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.968494, 
+                31.915822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.954469, 
+                31.911768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.941359, 
+                31.912984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.934508, 
+                31.90918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.947294, 
+                31.89621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.971434, 
+                31.877941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.99269, 
+                31.857641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.000317, 
+                31.856744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.014478, 
+                31.867474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.041548, 
+                31.876198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.065255, 
+                31.877095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.058596, 
+                31.857811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.05907, 
+                31.850106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.06279, 
+                31.84474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.076178, 
+                31.836132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.075812, 
+                31.829031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.057181, 
+                31.822687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.050946, 
+                31.822383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.04794, 
+                31.824881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.039808, 
+                31.823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.036958, 
+                31.819558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.036873, 
+                31.812721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.047345, 
+                31.802865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.068116, 
+                31.768735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.077057, 
+                31.761256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.097402, 
+                31.753126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.130634, 
+                31.722692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.138448, 
+                31.720934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.154686, 
+                31.726203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.16067, 
+                31.728144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.192784, 
+                31.733245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.198394, 
+                31.72607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.203572, 
+                31.719448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.186303, 
+                31.701509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.161084, 
+                31.691401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.154624, 
+                31.693874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.151888, 
+                31.698411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.149369, 
+                31.699304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.139394, 
+                31.699917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.131137, 
+                31.695774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.135608, 
+                31.683491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.136408, 
+                31.674832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.131728, 
+                31.654484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.133493, 
+                31.623348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.14997, 
+                31.593476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.160364, 
+                31.570436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.173079, 
+                31.555908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.178822, 
+                31.55553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.183252, 
+                31.560058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.186114, 
+                31.568032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.19438, 
+                31.568101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.204315, 
+                31.568183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.214536, 
+                31.557601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.240699, 
+                31.552313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.254218, 
+                31.55594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.260076, 
+                31.54828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.263905, 
+                31.532579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.263437, 
+                31.530932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.258809, 
+                31.52906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.217948, 
+                31.527284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.213519, 
+                31.528152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.199518, 
+                31.537596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.193016, 
+                31.535833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.181592, 
+                31.527697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.17831, 
+                31.52241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.177254, 
+                31.517074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.189643, 
+                31.503588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.204883, 
+                31.473124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.246911, 
+                31.422784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.258616, 
+                31.404425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.278798, 
+                31.367214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.279338, 
+                31.351127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.282923, 
+                31.326491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.274513, 
+                31.326237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.268027, 
+                31.324218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.25482, 
+                31.315452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.260958, 
+                31.30391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.269906, 
+                31.294489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.274688, 
+                31.289454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.276862, 
+                31.254734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.282842, 
+                31.24433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.289136, 
+                31.225487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.288403, 
+                31.211065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.293359, 
+                31.206332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.304957, 
+                31.206173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.314183, 
+                31.207938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.339028, 
+                31.186918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.35488, 
+                31.167204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.360791, 
+                31.155903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.359349, 
+                31.149166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.368241, 
+                31.136534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.38683, 
+                31.133214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.399677, 
+                31.134113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.402096, 
+                31.125383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.403732, 
+                31.107115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.401209, 
+                31.086143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.401267, 
+                31.072781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.415123, 
+                31.026718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.420474, 
+                31.016703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.424732, 
+                31.013678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.432475, 
+                31.012991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.43471, 
+                31.014641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.434923, 
+                31.017804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.44317, 
+                31.016661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.451444, 
+                31.015515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.457795, 
+                31.010259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.45924, 
+                31.005692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.469298, 
+                30.996028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.490586, 
+                30.984952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.493651, 
+                30.977528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.486966, 
+                30.969602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.475789, 
+                30.965976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.472321, 
+                30.969899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.466814, 
+                30.97091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.453568, 
+                30.965573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.447388, 
+                30.956732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.426929, 
+                30.956615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.420108, 
+                30.974076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.415825, 
+                30.977192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.408484, 
+                30.977718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.403409, 
+                30.957914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.405153, 
+                30.908203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.428577, 
+                30.836336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.430835, 
+                30.831156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.44013, 
+                30.821369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.446927, 
+                30.81039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.455287, 
+                30.79093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.460061, 
+                30.769912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.461065, 
+                30.753684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.45947, 
+                30.741979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.449375, 
+                30.715601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.444124, 
+                30.709714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.544618, 
+                30.712636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.606221, 
+                30.718135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.624298, 
+                30.736194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.637222, 
+                30.733835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.719927, 
+                30.744634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.732627, 
+                30.749934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.741278, 
+                30.762681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.759338, 
+                30.771377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.806652, 
+                30.789683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.827014, 
+                30.788933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.840375, 
+                30.786384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.868608, 
+                30.792754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.906014, 
+                30.822176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.999836, 
+                30.788348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.023213, 
+                30.781987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050432, 
+                30.676266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.049401, 
+                30.655296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.037609, 
+                30.633271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.01329, 
+                30.595665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.005477, 
+                30.563495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.01699, 
+                30.519358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.016103, 
+                30.497355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050031, 
+                30.36249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050069, 
+                30.362338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.124835, 
+                30.366564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.165192, 
+                30.358035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.171508, 
+                30.359869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.189583, 
+                30.376213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.204151, 
+                30.40133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.210291, 
+                30.42459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.20604, 
+                30.455507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.21233, 
+                30.499558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.214385, 
+                30.566958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.214847, 
+                30.567009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.249841, 
+                30.570863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.2581, 
+                30.571559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.287343, 
+                30.573458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.374844, 
+                30.579004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.418915, 
+                30.581745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.459544, 
+                30.584272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.459792, 
+                30.584287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.524899, 
+                30.588189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.536233, 
+                30.588885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.545055, 
+                30.589361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.553159, 
+                30.589934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565476, 
+                30.590622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.569237, 
+                30.590965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.584002, 
+                30.591796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.689271, 
+                30.597719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.689539, 
+                30.597734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.698618, 
+                30.598232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.698902, 
+                30.598271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.877259, 
+                30.609024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.878779, 
+                30.609082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.136616, 
+                30.624346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.15617, 
+                30.625504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.163309, 
+                30.625895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.174411, 
+                30.626444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.187391, 
+                30.627223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.256218, 
+                30.631279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309249, 
+                30.634405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.30925, 
+                30.634405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309455, 
+                30.634417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.311647, 
+                30.634577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.340852, 
+                30.636336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.341011, 
+                30.636346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.357703, 
+                30.637359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.37946, 
+                30.63868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.390062, 
+                30.639333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.429477, 
+                30.641519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.429584, 
+                30.641496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.440021, 
+                30.642023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.448895, 
+                30.64241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.611667, 
+                30.651255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.61172, 
+                30.651258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.674058, 
+                30.654747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.676773, 
+                30.654905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.743729, 
+                30.658396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.810536, 
+                30.66188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.820886, 
+                30.662612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855216, 
+                30.664412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.88022, 
+                30.665832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880317, 
+                30.665807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.007391, 
+                30.672097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.007454, 
+                30.6721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.039707, 
+                30.673819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.04181, 
+                30.673878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.046605, 
+                30.6742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.057228, 
+                30.674705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.083753, 
+                30.675954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.28121, 
+                30.685256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.282562, 
+                30.685316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.380719, 
+                30.689673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.535042, 
+                30.696523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.53937, 
+                30.696775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.606249, 
+                30.699872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.606386, 
+                30.699865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.863465, 
+                30.711487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.864693, 
+                30.711542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.896122, 
+                30.750591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.941925, 
+                30.887988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.959626, 
+                30.910587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983527, 
+                30.935486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.998628, 
+                30.971386
+              ], 
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+                -87.670512, 
+                42.05298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.670699, 
+                42.052305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671119, 
+                42.050781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671184, 
+                42.050548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671894, 
+                42.047972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671094, 
+                42.042802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.668982, 
+                42.029142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.630953, 
+                41.933132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.63087, 
+                41.932784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.627038, 
+                41.916738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.624763, 
+                41.907209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.624134, 
+                41.904574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.624052, 
+                41.904232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.622944, 
+                41.90202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.619852, 
+                41.901392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.617433, 
+                41.898032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.614163, 
+                41.893418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.612291, 
+                41.893335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.611659, 
+                41.892216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.611659, 
+                41.890708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.61268, 
+                41.889248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.614188, 
+                41.888421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.613556, 
+                41.88448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.613654, 
+                41.884412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.615734, 
+                41.882958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.616537, 
+                41.882396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.616251, 
+                41.868933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.60945, 
+                41.845233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.600549, 
+                41.826833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587123, 
+                41.811422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587054, 
+                41.811342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.580948, 
+                41.804334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.58092, 
+                41.804225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.58055, 
+                41.80275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.576347, 
+                41.786034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.560646, 
+                41.766034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.542845, 
+                41.752135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530745, 
+                41.748235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524141, 
+                41.72399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524044, 
+                41.708335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524944, 
+                41.702635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524844, 
+                41.691635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524642, 
+                41.634935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524742, 
+                41.632435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524642, 
+                41.622535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524641, 
+                41.563335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525669, 
+                41.470283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525671, 
+                41.470115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525623, 
+                41.453619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526768, 
+                41.298177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526768, 
+                41.298052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52657, 
+                41.166097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526567, 
+                41.163865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52666, 
+                41.16009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526719, 
+                41.159448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526693, 
+                41.153958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526696, 
+                41.149222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.5267, 
+                41.139658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526711, 
+                41.121485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52652, 
+                41.024837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526346, 
+                41.010583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526307, 
+                41.010355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526305, 
+                41.010346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526084, 
+                40.911914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526437, 
+                40.894209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525962, 
+                40.880618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526113, 
+                40.879703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525783, 
+                40.854357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526129, 
+                40.73695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526129, 
+                40.736885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526292, 
+                40.535409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526352, 
+                40.535111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526376, 
+                40.491574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526379, 
+                40.491237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526502, 
+                40.477158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526511, 
+                40.476879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526549, 
+                40.475659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526809, 
+                40.46217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530054, 
+                40.250671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.529992, 
+                40.250036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530828, 
+                40.191812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531133, 
+                40.17003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531438, 
+                40.148123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531439, 
+                40.148027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531759, 
+                40.144273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531561, 
+                40.133005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532308, 
+                40.011587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532308, 
+                40.011492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532287, 
+                40.000037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532331, 
+                39.997776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532542, 
+                39.987462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532683, 
+                39.977691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.53279, 
+                39.97501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532776, 
+                39.971077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533227, 
+                39.883127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533227, 
+                39.883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533142, 
+                39.810947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533056, 
+                39.803922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533058, 
+                39.796243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533066, 
+                39.781743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532703, 
+                39.664868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532444, 
+                39.646102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532365, 
+                39.646126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532196, 
+                39.607306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532008, 
+                39.564013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531939, 
+                39.545853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531965, 
+                39.526937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531692, 
+                39.495516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531627, 
+                39.491698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531663, 
+                39.47712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531663, 
+                39.47711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531624, 
+                39.469378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531608, 
+                39.466225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531489, 
+                39.449474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531355, 
+                39.437732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531355, 
+                39.436656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531646, 
+                39.347888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.537271, 
+                39.352089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544013, 
+                39.352907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.584852, 
+                39.337329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.589084, 
+                39.333831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.604043, 
+                39.313526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.61005, 
+                39.282232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.605543, 
+                39.261122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.604076, 
+                39.259459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.593486, 
+                39.247452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587507, 
+                39.249282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.605173, 
+                39.185897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.628727, 
+                39.157427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.642174, 
+                39.157097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.651719, 
+                39.150602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.658746, 
+                39.135997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.614881, 
+                39.102655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.572588, 
+                39.057286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512187, 
+                38.954417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.518826, 
+                38.923205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52791, 
+                38.908209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.528108, 
+                38.908027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.540804, 
+                38.896385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.553384, 
+                38.863344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550515, 
+                38.85956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.537248, 
+                38.853592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532064, 
+                38.852503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.528194, 
+                38.851691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525893, 
+                38.848795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.495211, 
+                38.78306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498515, 
+                38.758983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.519609, 
+                38.697198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531231, 
+                38.684036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.540052, 
+                38.679143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.579397, 
+                38.672475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.593678, 
+                38.667402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.60018, 
+                38.662462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.62012, 
+                38.639489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.627345, 
+                38.607237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.651529, 
+                38.568166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.670071, 
+                38.545237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.669232, 
+                38.541742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.656144, 
+                38.521668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.740001, 
+                38.415698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.750028, 
+                38.403027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.863032, 
+                38.280172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.923958, 
+                38.258409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.951715, 
+                38.239632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.955344, 
+                38.230008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.961103, 
+                38.214733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.959062, 
+                38.203712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.951307, 
+                38.193099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940694, 
+                38.181261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.928856, 
+                38.176771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.915666, 
+                38.173322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910792, 
+                38.167666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911034, 
+                38.162194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.92783, 
+                38.141545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.942176, 
+                38.131759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.974272, 
+                38.121981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.013118, 
+                38.103527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.042132, 
+                38.046345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041532, 
+                38.037345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.012574, 
+                37.977062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.013451, 
+                37.893951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.017073, 
+                37.889222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.021117, 
+                37.888057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.055373, 
+                37.891238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.071449, 
+                37.895813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.049453, 
+                37.845187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.027789, 
+                37.828298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.02803, 
+                37.799224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.039, 
+                37.775454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.045008, 
+                37.762436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.050969, 
+                37.752599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.059588, 
+                37.742608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.072538, 
+                37.733286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.122412, 
+                37.709685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.151646, 
+                37.675098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.158207, 
+                37.664542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.160187, 
+                37.657592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.156827, 
+                37.632801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.139973, 
+                37.586451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133416, 
+                37.574277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133393, 
+                37.574235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133306, 
+                37.574191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133235, 
+                37.574154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.121517, 
+                37.568166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.072242, 
+                37.528826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.063311, 
+                37.515755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.061311, 
+                37.505332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.061292, 
+                37.505232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.062562, 
+                37.489385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.083395, 
+                37.473683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.255193, 
+                37.456748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281667, 
+                37.452596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.312585, 
+                37.440591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.330622, 
+                37.429316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.358436, 
+                37.40486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.408808, 
+                37.425216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.414895, 
+                37.423461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.439333, 
+                37.416416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.456, 
+                37.408482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.470224, 
+                37.396255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.476592, 
+                37.386875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.514661, 
+                37.290948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.515939, 
+                37.284043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.509328, 
+                37.26213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.471753, 
+                37.220155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.458763, 
+                37.213536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.447764, 
+                37.203527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.424403, 
+                37.152428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.444605, 
+                37.098601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.458948, 
+                37.073796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.482856, 
+                37.067114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.490297, 
+                37.066669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.514356, 
+                37.065231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.531576, 
+                37.067192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.545403, 
+                37.070003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.560032, 
+                37.07601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.564152, 
+                37.07844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.576718, 
+                37.085852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.589207, 
+                37.099655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.625889, 
+                37.119458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.809206, 
+                37.189235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.916934, 
+                37.224291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.928021, 
+                37.226281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.942111, 
+                37.228811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.933385, 
+                37.225005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.933399, 
+                37.225007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.966831, 
+                37.229891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.98326, 
+                37.228685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.000968, 
+                37.224401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.041263, 
+                37.202881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.086526, 
+                37.165602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.168087, 
+                37.074218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.171881, 
+                37.068184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.175725, 
+                37.062069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.181369, 
+                37.046305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.182509, 
+                37.037275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.178975, 
+                37.020928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.173595, 
+                37.011409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.166447, 
+                37.003337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.132685, 
+                36.9822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.170008, 
+                36.970298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.185491, 
+                36.973518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.207013, 
+                36.982437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.226247, 
+                36.985287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.245481, 
+                36.98315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.261154, 
+                36.982437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.271127, 
+                36.985287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.278628, 
+                36.98867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.29213, 
+                36.992189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.322733, 
+                37.009033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.378277, 
+                37.039605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.383937, 
+                37.046441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.385434, 
+                37.05513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.414471, 
+                37.12505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.467631, 
+                37.2182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.491222, 
+                37.248629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.517032, 
+                37.28192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.518393, 
+                37.289354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.511842, 
+                37.310825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.489005, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.484598, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.474569, 
+                37.338165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.447556, 
+                37.340475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.43604, 
+                37.344441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.432836, 
+                37.347056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.428185, 
+                37.356158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.421054, 
+                37.387668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.42594, 
+                37.407471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.439769, 
+                37.4372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.450969, 
+                37.450069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.475525, 
+                37.471388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.492051, 
+                37.494008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.517051, 
+                37.537278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.521697, 
+                37.557325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.521523, 
+                37.566208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.521407, 
+                37.572143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.521274, 
+                37.578971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.518007, 
+                37.583962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.511936, 
+                37.584564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.506563, 
+                37.62505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.515436, 
+                37.67137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.671255, 
+                37.801144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.674304, 
+                37.803179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.739873, 
+                37.84693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.844786, 
+                37.905572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.851048, 
+                37.90398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.862949, 
+                37.896906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.881475, 
+                37.879591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.901832, 
+                37.869822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.923185, 
+                37.870672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.937383, 
+                37.874693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.938191, 
+                37.875111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.950594, 
+                37.881526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.973642, 
+                37.917661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.974918, 
+                37.926719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.997103, 
+                37.963225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.072283, 
+                38.017001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.126532, 
+                38.041666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.203847, 
+                38.088753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.243116, 
+                38.112669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.254112, 
+                38.12199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.334258, 
+                38.189932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.353902, 
+                38.213855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.363926, 
+                38.236355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.373929, 
+                38.281853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.372519, 
+                38.323354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.370819, 
+                38.333554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.350918, 
+                38.375053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.346118, 
+                38.381853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.340297, 
+                38.386998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.295316, 
+                38.426753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.285215, 
+                38.443453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.279215, 
+                38.472453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.263064, 
+                38.52022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.260314, 
+                38.528352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.257773, 
+                38.532008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.248913, 
+                38.544752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.224512, 
+                38.574651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.202511, 
+                38.588651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.196011, 
+                38.594451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18451, 
+                38.611551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.182625, 
+                38.617989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.17801, 
+                38.63375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.17771, 
+                38.64275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18111, 
+                38.65955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.181399, 
+                38.660378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18641, 
+                38.67475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.19521, 
+                38.68755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20221, 
+                38.69345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20921, 
+                38.70275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.21201, 
+                38.71175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20991, 
+                38.72605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.171309, 
+                38.766549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.165082, 
+                38.770618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.123107, 
+                38.798048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.117707, 
+                38.805748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.114707, 
+                38.815048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.109107, 
+                38.837448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.109407, 
+                38.843548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.113327, 
+                38.849306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.207035, 
+                38.898954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.22585, 
+                38.908923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250248, 
+                38.919344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.275932, 
+                38.926453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.385751, 
+                38.956848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.406367, 
+                38.962554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.450792, 
+                38.967764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.450809, 
+                38.967758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.467784, 
+                38.961809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.472122, 
+                38.958838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.482419, 
+                38.94446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.482725, 
+                38.934712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.486974, 
+                38.925982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.507451, 
+                38.902767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.54403, 
+                38.87505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.555693, 
+                38.870785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.566557, 
+                38.868847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.583388, 
+                38.86903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.625122, 
+                38.888654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.657254, 
+                38.92027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.663372, 
+                38.928042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.66587, 
+                38.934195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.71158, 
+                39.046798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.713629, 
+                39.053977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.712541, 
+                39.057064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.682744, 
+                39.088348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.681086, 
+                39.10059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.718996, 
+                39.224973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.726981, 
+                39.251173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.72996, 
+                39.255894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.799346, 
+                39.313087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.842175, 
+                39.341932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.882706, 
+                39.362254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.939983, 
+                39.393555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.993789, 
+                39.422959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.042351, 
+                39.452062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.158606, 
+                39.553048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.168419, 
+                39.564928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.178012, 
+                39.598196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.229317, 
+                39.620853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.313162, 
+                39.684907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.349039, 
+                39.712316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.367753, 
+                39.729029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.370009, 
+                39.732524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369953, 
+                39.745042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.367962, 
+                39.759124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365396, 
+                39.777266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.432919, 
+                39.840554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.446385, 
+                39.870394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.455887, 
+                39.945538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.460287, 
+                39.980333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.494865, 
+                40.037421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510322, 
+                40.127994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.512974, 
+                40.181062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510332, 
+                40.201142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505968, 
+                40.234305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.501435, 
+                40.248874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.489868, 
+                40.286048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.46214, 
+                40.342414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.444833, 
+                40.36317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.419422, 
+                40.378264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.38836, 
+                40.384929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.375746, 
+                40.391879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.372554, 
+                40.4012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.36391, 
+                40.490122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.364211, 
+                40.500043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369059, 
+                40.512532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.384531, 
+                40.530948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.404125, 
+                40.539127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.406851, 
+                40.547557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.405241, 
+                40.554641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.359873, 
+                40.601805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.348733, 
+                40.609695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.339719, 
+                40.613488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.306524, 
+                40.626231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.253074, 
+                40.637962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.218437, 
+                40.638437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.197906, 
+                40.636107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.18698, 
+                40.637297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.185415, 
+                40.638052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.138055, 
+                40.660893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.122421, 
+                40.670675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.112258, 
+                40.696218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.11194, 
+                40.697018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094728, 
+                40.797833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.097031, 
+                40.802471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.097553, 
+                40.808433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.092993, 
+                40.821079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.009536, 
+                40.900565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.9985, 
+                40.90812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.968995, 
+                40.919127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.962916, 
+                40.924957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.952233, 
+                40.954047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.942253, 
+                41.034702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.945549, 
+                41.06173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.948523, 
+                41.070248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.949383, 
+                41.07271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.949383, 
+                41.072711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.946627, 
+                41.096632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.989663, 
+                41.155716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.997906, 
+                41.162564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.005503, 
+                41.165622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.019036, 
+                41.16491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.049808, 
+                41.178033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.113648, 
+                41.241401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.114186, 
+                41.250029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.079657, 
+                41.333727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.078682, 
+                41.336089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.047819, 
+                41.4109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.039872, 
+                41.418523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027787, 
+                41.423603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.989976, 
+                41.431962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.847458, 
+                41.455019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.786282, 
+                41.452888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.771672, 
+                41.450761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.737537, 
+                41.450127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.655839, 
+                41.462132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.605937, 
+                41.494232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.499475, 
+                41.518055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474332, 
+                41.519733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.461432, 
+                41.523533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.39793, 
+                41.572233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.34165, 
+                41.621484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.343162, 
+                41.648141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.334525, 
+                41.679559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.317041, 
+                41.729104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.31522, 
+                41.734264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.309826, 
+                41.743321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.302782, 
+                41.750031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.278633, 
+                41.767358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.242747, 
+                41.783767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.222263, 
+                41.793133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20844, 
+                41.797176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.187969, 
+                41.803163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.181973, 
+                41.80707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.152104, 
+                41.928947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.1516, 
+                41.931002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.140613, 
+                41.995999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.141167, 
+                42.008931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.150916, 
+                42.02944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.154221, 
+                42.033073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164537, 
+                42.045007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.166495, 
+                42.054543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.168358, 
+                42.075779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.163405, 
+                42.087613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.161119, 
+                42.104404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.162225, 
+                42.11488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.167533, 
+                42.122475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.211328, 
+                42.15401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.234919, 
+                42.165431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.306531, 
+                42.190439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.316269, 
+                42.1936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.349162, 
+                42.204277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.356964, 
+                42.205445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.375129, 
+                42.214811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.391108, 
+                42.225473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.419326, 
+                42.254467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.430884, 
+                42.27823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.430735, 
+                42.284211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.424326, 
+                42.293326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.4162, 
+                42.321314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.416535, 
+                42.325109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.419027, 
+                42.328505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474834, 
+                42.381473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.477279, 
+                42.383794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.559451, 
+                42.430695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.624328, 
+                42.458904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.646727, 
+                42.471904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654027, 
+                42.478503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.656327, 
+                42.483603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.656527, 
+                42.489203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.655927, 
+                42.491703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.640927, 
+                42.508302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.617731, 
+                42.508077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.614589, 
+                42.508053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.565441, 
+                42.5076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.555862, 
+                42.507509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.551165, 
+                42.507691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544799, 
+                42.507713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544347, 
+                42.507707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.532254, 
+                42.507573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.491716, 
+                42.507624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.479446, 
+                42.507416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474955, 
+                42.507484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.437011, 
+                42.507147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.426378, 
+                42.507059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.405927, 
+                42.506891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.370673, 
+                42.507111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.367874, 
+                42.507114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.362652, 
+                42.507048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.303823, 
+                42.507469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.272864, 
+                42.507531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.269335, 
+                42.507726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.267143, 
+                42.507642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.253121, 
+                42.50734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250622, 
+                42.507521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.22319, 
+                42.507765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.206073, 
+                42.507747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.181572, 
+                42.508068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164363, 
+                42.508272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.142922, 
+                42.508151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.095004, 
+                42.507885
+              ], 
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+                -87.591582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.588426, 
+                37.868791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.588729, 
+                37.860984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591504, 
+                37.856642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.606599, 
+                37.838669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.615399, 
+                37.831974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.645858, 
+                37.825899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.670889, 
+                37.828429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.679188, 
+                37.836321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6819, 
+                37.84641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.681633, 
+                37.855917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.662865, 
+                37.885578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.666481, 
+                37.895786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.67573, 
+                37.90193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.684018, 
+                37.903498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700421, 
+                37.900858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.76226, 
+                37.890906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.783643, 
+                37.877759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.7909, 
+                37.875714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.830578, 
+                37.876516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.841193, 
+                37.882325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.857243, 
+                37.900649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.865558, 
+                37.915056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.87254, 
+                37.920999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.883321, 
+                37.926238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898062, 
+                37.927514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904789, 
+                37.924892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.927424, 
+                37.902038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936784, 
+                37.892587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940069, 
+                37.88767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940839, 
+                37.883338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940005, 
+                37.875044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936228, 
+                37.867937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.927303, 
+                37.858709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.914892, 
+                37.849618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910276, 
+                37.843416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907773, 
+                37.837611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903804, 
+                37.817762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.90681, 
+                37.807624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.943756, 
+                37.776843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.970869, 
+                37.783456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.976389, 
+                37.788004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.004706, 
+                37.800145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.017314, 
+                37.801911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.02803, 
+                37.799224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.027789, 
+                37.828298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.049453, 
+                37.845187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.071449, 
+                37.895813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.055373, 
+                37.891238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.021117, 
+                37.888057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.017073, 
+                37.889222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.013451, 
+                37.893951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.012574, 
+                37.977062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041532, 
+                38.037345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.042132, 
+                38.046345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.013118, 
+                38.103527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.974272, 
+                38.121981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.942176, 
+                38.131759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.92783, 
+                38.141545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911034, 
+                38.162194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910792, 
+                38.167666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.915666, 
+                38.173322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.928856, 
+                38.176771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940694, 
+                38.181261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.951307, 
+                38.193099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.959062, 
+                38.203712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.961103, 
+                38.214733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.955344, 
+                38.230008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.951715, 
+                38.239632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.923958, 
+                38.258409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.863032, 
+                38.280172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.750028, 
+                38.403027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.740001, 
+                38.415698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.656144, 
+                38.521668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.669232, 
+                38.541742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.670071, 
+                38.545237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.651529, 
+                38.568166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.627345, 
+                38.607237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.62012, 
+                38.639489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.60018, 
+                38.662462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.593678, 
+                38.667402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.579397, 
+                38.672475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.540052, 
+                38.679143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531231, 
+                38.684036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.519609, 
+                38.697198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498515, 
+                38.758983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.495211, 
+                38.78306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525893, 
+                38.848795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.528194, 
+                38.851691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532064, 
+                38.852503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.537248, 
+                38.853592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550515, 
+                38.85956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.553384, 
+                38.863344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.540804, 
+                38.896385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.528108, 
+                38.908027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52791, 
+                38.908209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.518826, 
+                38.923205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512187, 
+                38.954417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.572588, 
+                39.057286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.614881, 
+                39.102655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.658746, 
+                39.135997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.651719, 
+                39.150602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.642174, 
+                39.157097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.628727, 
+                39.157427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.605173, 
+                39.185897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587507, 
+                39.249282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.593486, 
+                39.247452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.604076, 
+                39.259459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.605543, 
+                39.261122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.61005, 
+                39.282232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.604043, 
+                39.313526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.589084, 
+                39.333831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.584852, 
+                39.337329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544013, 
+                39.352907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.537271, 
+                39.352089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531646, 
+                39.347888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531355, 
+                39.436656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531355, 
+                39.437732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531489, 
+                39.449474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531608, 
+                39.466225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531624, 
+                39.469378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531663, 
+                39.47711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531663, 
+                39.47712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531627, 
+                39.491698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531692, 
+                39.495516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531965, 
+                39.526937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531939, 
+                39.545853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532008, 
+                39.564013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532196, 
+                39.607306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532365, 
+                39.646126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532444, 
+                39.646102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532703, 
+                39.664868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533066, 
+                39.781743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533058, 
+                39.796243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533056, 
+                39.803922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533142, 
+                39.810947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533227, 
+                39.883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533227, 
+                39.883127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532776, 
+                39.971077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.53279, 
+                39.97501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532683, 
+                39.977691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532542, 
+                39.987462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532331, 
+                39.997776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532287, 
+                40.000037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532308, 
+                40.011492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532308, 
+                40.011587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531561, 
+                40.133005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531759, 
+                40.144273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531439, 
+                40.148027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531438, 
+                40.148123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.531133, 
+                40.17003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530828, 
+                40.191812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.529992, 
+                40.250036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530054, 
+                40.250671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526809, 
+                40.46217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526549, 
+                40.475659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526511, 
+                40.476879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526502, 
+                40.477158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526379, 
+                40.491237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526376, 
+                40.491574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526352, 
+                40.535111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526292, 
+                40.535409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526129, 
+                40.736885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526129, 
+                40.73695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525783, 
+                40.854357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526113, 
+                40.879703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525962, 
+                40.880618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526437, 
+                40.894209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526084, 
+                40.911914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526305, 
+                41.010346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526307, 
+                41.010355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526346, 
+                41.010583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52652, 
+                41.024837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526711, 
+                41.121485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.5267, 
+                41.139658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526696, 
+                41.149222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526693, 
+                41.153958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526719, 
+                41.159448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52666, 
+                41.16009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526567, 
+                41.163865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52657, 
+                41.166097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526768, 
+                41.298052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526768, 
+                41.298177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525623, 
+                41.453619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525671, 
+                41.470115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525669, 
+                41.470283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524641, 
+                41.563335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524642, 
+                41.622535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524742, 
+                41.632435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524642, 
+                41.634935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524844, 
+                41.691635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524944, 
+                41.702635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524044, 
+                41.708335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.520544, 
+                41.709935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515243, 
+                41.704235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.511043, 
+                41.696535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.505343, 
+                41.691535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.470742, 
+                41.672835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.463142, 
+                41.675535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.453041, 
+                41.673035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.446113, 
+                41.66934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.441987, 
+                41.671905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.43853, 
+                41.670679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437191, 
+                41.669006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.434849, 
+                41.666887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.432953, 
+                41.665102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.432396, 
+                41.66053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.438941, 
+                41.654335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.42984, 
+                41.646035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.42344, 
+                41.642835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.394539, 
+                41.637235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.365439, 
+                41.629536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.324338, 
+                41.623036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.287637, 
+                41.622236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.278437, 
+                41.619736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.261536, 
+                41.620336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.222644, 
+                41.624161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.22066, 
+                41.624356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.187651, 
+                41.629653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.160625, 
+                41.637266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.160784, 
+                41.645385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.125835, 
+                41.650302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.120322, 
+                41.645701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.066033, 
+                41.661845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.027888, 
+                41.674661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.00964, 
+                41.68152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.93483, 
+                41.709638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.932747, 
+                41.71104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.90913, 
+                41.726938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.875429, 
+                41.737939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.824828, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.823628, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.804427, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.801578, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.800707, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.800611, 
+                41.760251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.748096, 
+                41.759967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.746521, 
+                41.759982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.641186, 
+                41.759633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.640044, 
+                41.759671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.524223, 
+                41.759456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.519318, 
+                41.759447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501773, 
+                41.759553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.265496, 
+                41.760207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.226097, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.22607, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.21759, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.127844, 
+                41.760592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.12546, 
+                41.76056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.12506, 
+                41.760576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.062572, 
+                41.760283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.003683, 
+                41.760007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.991302, 
+                41.759949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.97498, 
+                41.759849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.974901, 
+                41.759849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.888825, 
+                41.759422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.874997, 
+                41.759341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.872041, 
+                41.759365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791363, 
+                41.759051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791335, 
+                41.759051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.775039, 
+                41.759147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.750469, 
+                41.75909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.749992, 
+                41.759091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.724534, 
+                41.759085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.65975, 
+                41.759101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.650738, 
+                41.759103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.647683, 
+                41.759125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.632714, 
+                41.759164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.624987, 
+                41.759093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.622608, 
+                41.759049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.608312, 
+                41.759193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.607548, 
+                41.759079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.518251, 
+                41.759513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.515959, 
+                41.759352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.432471, 
+                41.759684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.427553, 
+                41.759706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.379133, 
+                41.759875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.350174, 
+                41.759908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.330623, 
+                41.759982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.318129, 
+                41.759983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.30814, 
+                41.760097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.298365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.004557, 
+                32.215381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.006306, 
+                32.22415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.021507, 
+                32.236149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.039007, 
+                32.242349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.046507, 
+                32.241149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.122602, 
+                32.216929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.133587, 
+                32.213432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.158026, 
+                32.201956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.164171, 
+                32.196888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.171046, 
+                32.176526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.174552, 
+                32.154978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.171702, 
+                32.14425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.165452, 
+                32.13429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.162822, 
+                32.132694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.131403, 
+                32.126213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.067004, 
+                32.132144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.057487, 
+                32.135515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.052342, 
+                32.137337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.046615, 
+                32.138768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.040531, 
+                32.137337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.034447, 
+                32.134832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.030152, 
+                32.129821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.026931, 
+                32.123737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027125, 
+                32.120434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027535, 
+                32.113431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027946, 
+                32.112722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.034707, 
+                32.101053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.128009, 
+                31.985857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.248144, 
+                31.869848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.293413, 
+                31.86016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.326914, 
+                31.854961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.338414, 
+                31.851261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.345714, 
+                31.842861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.359514, 
+                31.799362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.363714, 
+                31.780363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365614, 
+                31.760763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365084, 
+                31.752743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369375, 
+                31.746903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.379935, 
+                31.733013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.397915, 
+                31.709364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.400115, 
+                31.688164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.398059, 
+                31.655922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.404668, 
+                31.637898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.42209, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.441315, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.45273, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.464746, 
+                31.628886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.474959, 
+                31.621677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.610863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.604855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.598247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477362, 
+                31.592239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.470754, 
+                31.58563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.458679, 
+                31.583226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.44862, 
+                31.583032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.437711, 
+                31.580824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.425094, 
+                31.57782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.415482, 
+                31.567006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.416683, 
+                31.561599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.422691, 
+                31.55439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.437616, 
+                31.546166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.450017, 
+                31.539666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.479718, 
+                31.530366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.511217, 
+                31.532612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51581, 
+                31.530894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.52292, 
+                31.519841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51513, 
+                31.449206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510356, 
+                31.438928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505301, 
+                31.432945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.500406, 
+                31.419008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505093, 
+                31.400933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.513795, 
+                31.386875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.525386, 
+                31.378904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.541242, 
+                31.35675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.539904, 
+                31.337336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.531201, 
+                31.326625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51982, 
+                31.311228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.508858, 
+                31.291644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.515614, 
+                31.27821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.522397, 
+                31.273423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.547588, 
+                31.264444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.574493, 
+                31.261289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.59849, 
+                31.205485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.599965, 
+                31.192318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.604197, 
+                31.154545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.577373, 
+                31.078179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.56415, 
+                31.06683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.561283, 
+                31.060906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.559907, 
+                31.054119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.562468, 
+                31.043213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.571695, 
+                31.029782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.58467, 
+                31.020185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.636942, 
+                30.999416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.625118, 
+                30.999167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.538727, 
+                30.999388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.425749, 
+                30.999007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.423621, 
+                30.998984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.224839, 
+                30.999183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.224068, 
+                30.999183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.176209, 
+                30.999144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.17614, 
+                30.999144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.108291, 
+                30.99888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.108114, 
+                30.998857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.080814, 
+                30.998909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.06827, 
+                30.99892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.060217, 
+                30.998935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.826027, 
+                30.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.825829, 
+                30.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.783745, 
+                30.999447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.779858, 
+                30.999457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.775981, 
+                30.999491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.769333, 
+                30.999374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.758775, 
+                30.999583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.734552, 
+                30.999222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.734473, 
+                30.999214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651193, 
+                30.99951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.648721, 
+                30.999486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.588676, 
+                30.99965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.587373, 
+                30.999604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.584448, 
+                30.999698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.583518, 
+                30.999698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.567195, 
+                30.999733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.547615, 
+                30.999723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.486749, 
+                30.999693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.485876, 
+                30.99974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.477284, 
+                30.999717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.475928, 
+                30.99974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474094, 
+                30.999798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.442479, 
+                30.999722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.441725, 
+                30.999729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.437351, 
+                30.99973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.426849, 
+                30.999776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.422117, 
+                30.99981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.369371, 
+                31.000335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.347241, 
+                31.000359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.34723, 
+                31.000359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.346007, 
+                31.000363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.259555, 
+                31.000657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164676, 
+                31.00098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164278, 
+                31.001025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.131395, 
+                31.000924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.128406, 
+                31.001047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.050706, 
+                31.001215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029574, 
+                31.00119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.022185, 
+                31.001302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.005332, 
+                31.001364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.97543, 
+                31.001692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.972802, 
+                31.001392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.927161, 
+                31.001437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.923119, 
+                31.001446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.897516, 
+                31.001913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.892708, 
+                31.001759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.856862, 
+                31.002075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835908, 
+                31.002059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835542, 
+                31.002059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.824617, 
+                31.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.816429, 
+                31.002084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.752642, 
+                31.001853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.732504, 
+                31.004831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728147, 
+                31.002431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728148, 
+                31.0023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728382, 
+                30.971141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.744789, 
+                30.918933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.756543, 
+                30.900431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.770931, 
+                30.899432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.77341, 
+                30.897693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.789863, 
+                30.851527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.826175, 
+                30.736594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.842596, 
+                30.666038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.842585, 
+                30.666005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.823384, 
+                30.608535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.806843, 
+                30.572039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.76057, 
+                30.515761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.732577, 
+                30.492502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724614, 
+                30.491902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.69058, 
+                30.458773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.68341, 
+                30.451793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.629941, 
+                30.339449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.629877, 
+                30.321017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.640694, 
+                30.301313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.643575, 
+                30.293099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.64344, 
+                30.287682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.607655, 
+                30.217096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.580754, 
+                30.186197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572654, 
+                30.180897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.524504, 
+                30.180753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.531213, 
+                30.177099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.537493, 
+                30.171745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.555013, 
+                30.170798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.562825, 
+                30.168667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.56827, 
+                30.163932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572093, 
+                30.160362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.587062, 
+                30.150648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.595021, 
+                30.149891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.598027, 
+                30.152409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.617542, 
+                30.156422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.62288, 
+                30.152368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.625053, 
+                30.150717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.640989, 
+                30.138612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.64455, 
+                30.134108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.650467, 
+                30.126625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.656986, 
+                30.118381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.658594, 
+                30.117364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.668164, 
+                30.111311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.668638, 
+                30.111011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.669157, 
+                30.110683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.669182, 
+                30.110667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.672881, 
+                30.11049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.674124, 
+                30.11043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.674633, 
+                30.110406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.674956, 
+                30.110212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.675762, 
+                30.109728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.676117, 
+                30.109515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678156, 
+                30.10829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678163, 
+                30.108286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678293, 
+                30.107746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678457, 
+                30.107059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678499, 
+                30.106886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.679655, 
+                30.102067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.679823, 
+                30.101367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.679838, 
+                30.101304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.680042, 
+                30.100452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.68035, 
+                30.099171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.680485, 
+                30.098605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.681265, 
+                30.095355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.681906, 
+                30.092682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682057, 
+                30.092052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682181, 
+                30.091536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682181, 
+                30.091531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682277, 
+                30.090565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.68228, 
+                30.090531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682331, 
+                30.090015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682371, 
+                30.089607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682393, 
+                30.089391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682409, 
+                30.089225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.682691, 
+                30.086365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.683051, 
+                30.082718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.683168, 
+                30.08153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.683712, 
+                30.076018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.697556, 
+                30.070842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.698461, 
+                30.070504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.698496, 
+                30.070491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.698909, 
+                30.070451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.699144, 
+                30.070428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.699629, 
+                30.070381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.711848, 
+                30.069194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.712942, 
+                30.069088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.713003, 
+                30.069061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.714085, 
+                30.068582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.714827, 
+                30.068253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.715494, 
+                30.067958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.715884, 
+                30.067785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716237, 
+                30.067628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716425, 
+                30.067545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.71675, 
+                30.067402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716887, 
+                30.067341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.721992, 
+                30.06508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724433, 
+                30.063999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72633, 
+                30.063158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.727453, 
+                30.062661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728026, 
+                30.061841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72957, 
+                30.059628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72968, 
+                30.05947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72979, 
+                30.059314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.729911, 
+                30.059139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.73099, 
+                30.057594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.730999, 
+                30.057581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731208, 
+                30.054558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731428, 
+                30.051377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731452, 
+                30.05104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731545, 
+                30.049694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731545, 
+                30.049691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.731544, 
+                30.04969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.7163, 
+                30.02811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.7163, 
+                30.028106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716301, 
+                30.028088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716328, 
+                30.027415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716336, 
+                30.02723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716358, 
+                30.026686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.716377, 
+                30.026222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724649, 
+                30.022454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724669, 
+                30.022453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72576, 
+                30.022403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.733323, 
+                30.022054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.734361, 
+                30.022884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.739028, 
+                30.026618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.739574, 
+                30.027055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.740886, 
+                30.028104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.745827, 
+                30.032056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.746313, 
+                30.032445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.746505, 
+                30.032599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.746506, 
+                30.0326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.757138, 
+                30.03865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.763216, 
+                30.042108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.782534, 
+                30.045372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.78463, 
+                30.045253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.813684, 
+                30.043605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.818561, 
+                30.043328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.829762, 
+                30.033275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.830442, 
+                30.032664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.832213, 
+                30.031075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.832965, 
+                30.0304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.833794, 
+                30.029656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.834644, 
+                30.028893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835202, 
+                30.028393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.839926, 
+                30.024153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.839933, 
+                30.024146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.840963, 
+                30.022995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.841739, 
+                30.022127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.854533, 
+                30.007821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.857558, 
+                30.004439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.852312, 
+                29.97765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.844202, 
+                29.955645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.8385, 
+                29.945816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.829023, 
+                29.939228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.81803, 
+                29.934145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.804463, 
+                29.932588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.775459, 
+                29.937416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.748492, 
+                29.945831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.727933, 
+                29.95878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.719067, 
+                29.953699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.71291, 
+                29.946349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.736311, 
+                29.936263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.742727, 
+                29.935894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.746273, 
+                29.928221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.742479, 
+                29.90817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.711158, 
+                29.879287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.692004, 
+                29.868722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.671555, 
+                29.867535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.660568, 
+                29.862909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.638016, 
+                29.864065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.613159, 
+                29.87216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.598129, 
+                29.881409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.591194, 
+                29.897018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.592346, 
+                29.917253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.583099, 
+                29.931705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.583099, 
+                29.945581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.574997, 
+                29.959455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.574425, 
+                29.983738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.58136, 
+                29.994722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.571533, 
+                29.999926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.551292, 
+                30.005709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.501587, 
+                30.034037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.494064, 
+                30.040972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.494637, 
+                30.0508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.499275, 
+                30.058893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.493484, 
+                30.072191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.481926, 
+                30.079128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.458946, 
+                30.06345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.444618, 
+                30.060959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.429047, 
+                30.05224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.418465, 
+                30.049747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.372375, 
+                30.054729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.368637, 
+                30.047256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.372375, 
+                30.036671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.381096, 
+                30.030441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.393555, 
+                30.029818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.41597, 
+                30.020477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.422813, 
+                30.015495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.432785, 
+                30.008022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.433411, 
+                29.991205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.432785, 
+                29.978752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.40538, 
+                29.965672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.393555, 
+                29.966295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.379227, 
+                29.963804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.378601, 
+                29.919588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.368019, 
+                29.911491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.331894, 
+                29.91585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.315453, 
+                29.923208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.283562, 
+                29.97332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.273315, 
+                29.99382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.250534, 
+                30.002361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.243706, 
+                29.997236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.249969, 
+                29.975597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.218071, 
+                29.97275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.22377, 
+                29.961929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.231178, 
+                29.925484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.244843, 
+                29.93004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.263062, 
+                29.929472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.280144, 
+                29.924915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.318306, 
+                29.898149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.322289, 
+                29.887333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.311462, 
+                29.881636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.289253, 
+                29.880499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.272179, 
+                29.886763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.241425, 
+                29.88961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.236298, 
+                29.886763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.236298, 
+                29.877081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.254517, 
+                29.864552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.269897, 
+                29.859997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.294952, 
+                29.857149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.317726, 
+                29.850885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.363289, 
+                29.84576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.383789, 
+                29.838928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.383217, 
+                29.830385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.372971, 
+                29.82526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.345634, 
+                29.820135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.342781, 
+                29.798496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.33197, 
+                29.790524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.318306, 
+                29.788815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.293251, 
+                29.803053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.277298, 
+                29.807608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.277298, 
+                29.799635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.284134, 
+                29.795649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.284706, 
+                29.770021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.269325, 
+                29.760912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.271034, 
+                29.756355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.305199, 
+                29.756926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.316025, 
+                29.760912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.325134, 
+                29.772301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.337662, 
+                29.779135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.354179, 
+                29.781412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.367271, 
+                29.775148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.386063, 
+                29.788815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.394608, 
+                29.784828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.399162, 
+                29.770592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.414536, 
+                29.752371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.428207, 
+                29.74155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.42421, 
+                29.697638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.44812, 
+                29.703316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.471992, 
+                29.718597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.486961, 
+                29.72592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.506065, 
+                29.731651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.530258, 
+                29.74375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.540131, 
+                29.74375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.560181, 
+                29.735472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572922, 
+                29.746616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.598068, 
+                29.74757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.634048, 
+                29.752981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.651237, 
+                29.749479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.649651, 
+                29.719872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.644562, 
+                29.710957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.618446, 
+                29.700768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.59903, 
+                29.704908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.592979, 
+                29.702042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.599663, 
+                29.690262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.596802, 
+                29.684212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.573883, 
+                29.674025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.55732, 
+                29.670204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.53376, 
+                29.670204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.487915, 
+                29.630405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.485367, 
+                29.624357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.486709, 
+                29.621003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.486931, 
+                29.620447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.504738, 
+                29.631508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.523018, 
+                29.639427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.535202, 
+                29.648567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.583336, 
+                29.652834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.608925, 
+                29.657707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.621109, 
+                29.657101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.62355, 
+                29.662584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.632698, 
+                29.671724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.644272, 
+                29.675381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.64975, 
+                29.672941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.641228, 
+                29.647961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.641228, 
+                29.635773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.647324, 
+                29.625414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.657677, 
+                29.624195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.674736, 
+                29.626633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.684486, 
+                29.624804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.688141, 
+                29.615055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.684486, 
+                29.602867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.671082, 
+                29.588243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.668648, 
+                29.580322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.684486, 
+                29.563263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.684486, 
+                29.551073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.681092, 
+                29.534487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.69623, 
+                29.525004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.699698, 
+                29.523423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.700845, 
+                29.520785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.700501, 
+                29.515967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.693877, 
+                29.508559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.665813, 
+                29.49002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.644039, 
+                29.492343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.63533, 
+                29.489294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.617558, 
+                29.468298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.596533, 
+                29.456303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.592474, 
+                29.449822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.589536, 
+                29.437662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.577096, 
+                29.433692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.574635, 
+                29.435734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.574653, 
+                29.4411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.548686, 
+                29.465723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.528429, 
+                29.454702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.53215, 
+                29.434567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.531943, 
+                29.425679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.518368, 
+                29.40023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.508551, 
+                29.386168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.505038, 
+                29.38604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.487308, 
+                29.393346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.484354, 
+                29.397471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.482318, 
+                29.406222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.47714, 
+                29.411241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.470142, 
+                29.401471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.457303, 
+                29.393148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.42238, 
+                29.390628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.380001, 
+                29.391785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.373109, 
+                29.387175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.355528, 
+                29.381569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.340304, 
+                29.381412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.336589, 
+                29.378228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.347615, 
+                29.365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.350694, 
+                29.349544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.32317, 
+                29.343982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.303766, 
+                29.357455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.283028, 
+                29.356467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.272543, 
+                29.351195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.2653, 
+                29.345352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.257852, 
+                29.336872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.253545, 
+                29.322802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.24087, 
+                29.310081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.224192, 
+                29.313792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.223444, 
+                29.318066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.219734, 
+                29.324412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.204703, 
+                29.338674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.200389, 
+                29.344418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.200599, 
+                29.347672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.189354, 
+                29.345061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.179547, 
+                29.339608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.177351, 
+                29.33521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.178221, 
+                29.32697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.165015, 
+                29.303039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.157593, 
+                29.296691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.140275, 
+                29.291085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.134337, 
+                29.27934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.136979, 
+                29.275239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.129688, 
+                29.265632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.100106, 
+                29.25022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.096173, 
+                29.24293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.095544, 
+                29.238028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.098389, 
+                29.232963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.105833, 
+                29.231608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.106244, 
+                29.215912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.10065, 
+                29.206314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.090724, 
+                29.199992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.068265, 
+                29.204166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.067371, 
+                29.208636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.029103, 
+                29.220956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.02185, 
+                29.218162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.015192, 
+                29.211561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.000674, 
+                29.180091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.00529, 
+                29.164949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.013254, 
+                29.16328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.018344, 
+                29.165046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.024269, 
+                29.170043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.043919, 
+                29.162528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.047233, 
+                29.157833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.03873, 
+                29.14238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.032004, 
+                29.144747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.024149, 
+                29.137298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.023942, 
+                29.1337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.026031, 
+                29.130126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.051953, 
+                29.106554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.055475, 
+                29.084167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.062335, 
+                29.070234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.09126, 
+                29.066931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.098068, 
+                29.067984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.105009, 
+                29.073641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.121542, 
+                29.069074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.143453, 
+                29.047591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.156339, 
+                29.028782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.162, 
+                29.01586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.162326, 
+                29.011713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.164788, 
+                29.008703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.16985, 
+                29.008703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.175732, 
+                29.012123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.186061, 
+                29.017993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.18215, 
+                29.025486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.189893, 
+                29.032635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.197871, 
+                29.029701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.202563, 
+                29.031603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.211144, 
+                29.040813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.216101, 
+                29.056371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.215531, 
+                29.06141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.217201, 
+                29.067275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.225865, 
+                29.07866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.23631, 
+                29.084605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.254726, 
+                29.083261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.257283, 
+                29.081086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.256869, 
+                29.0738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.25364, 
+                29.064954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.259354, 
+                29.058358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.283215, 
+                29.053325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.29109, 
+                29.053097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.304888, 
+                29.046379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.315389, 
+                29.039081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.318102, 
+                29.035342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.315182, 
+                29.032662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.32485, 
+                29.013805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.335228, 
+                29.015003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.338249, 
+                29.012935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.383814, 
+                28.947434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.41148, 
+                28.925011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.419865, 
+                28.929709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.412388, 
+                28.957504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.408157, 
+                28.965341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.398104, 
+                28.977016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.382106, 
+                28.981525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.375049, 
+                28.985368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.334735, 
+                29.040335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.339828, 
+                29.052221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.354798, 
+                29.072543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.374522, 
+                29.084174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.405654, 
+                29.086936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.411154, 
+                29.105838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.409371, 
+                29.127855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.417718, 
+                29.13869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.428965, 
+                29.14451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.432932, 
+                29.149023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.447472, 
+                29.178576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.455829, 
+                29.190991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.47231, 
+                29.20755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.482844, 
+                29.215053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.5366, 
+                29.236212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.606651, 
+                29.252023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.671781, 
+                29.289028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.697258, 
+                29.296679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.726162, 
+                29.304026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.782149, 
+                29.311132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.819859, 
+                29.310241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.850305, 
+                29.311768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.855109, 
+                29.334997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.853699, 
+                29.34064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.847124, 
+                29.349186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835, 
+                29.359043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.820824, 
+                29.377486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.816916, 
+                29.384385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.816155, 
+                29.393518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.816916, 
+                29.398845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.819199, 
+                29.404173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.822243, 
+                29.4095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.826049, 
+                29.415589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835392, 
+                29.418538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.843553, 
+                29.421677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.845075, 
+                29.434615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.836773, 
+                29.45404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.833659, 
+                29.456686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.833659, 
+                29.459731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.832898, 
+                29.463536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.833659, 
+                29.467341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.83442, 
+                29.470386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.840509, 
+                29.47343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.849642, 
+                29.477996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.86258, 
+                29.476474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.876224, 
+                29.472168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.902179, 
+                29.460011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.918999, 
+                29.444254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.932598, 
+                29.429288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.95543, 
+                29.428527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.96195, 
+                29.432874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.964563, 
+                29.434615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.972934, 
+                29.443748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.991961, 
+                29.463536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.01251, 
+                29.462775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.018598, 
+                29.45212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.022404, 
+                29.444509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029466, 
+                29.432015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.032298, 
+                29.427005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.031536, 
+                29.412545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.033295, 
+                29.393274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029468, 
+                29.388136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029614, 
+                29.386658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029967, 
+                29.383087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.030761, 
+                29.375043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.030764, 
+                29.375008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.030855, 
+                29.374876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.033604, 
+                29.370851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.035415, 
+                29.368201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.036374, 
+                29.363661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.032842, 
+                29.348624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.031815, 
+                29.344251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.034275, 
+                29.322661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.028536, 
+                29.307083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.013778, 
+                29.30271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.009678, 
+                29.294785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.016288, 
+                29.284257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.019517, 
+                29.282213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.032088, 
+                29.280027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.043293, 
+                29.282487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.057094, 
+                29.281331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.061057, 
+                29.276748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.059691, 
+                29.272648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.060511, 
+                29.267729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.070622, 
+                29.262537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.086747, 
+                29.259257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.091119, 
+                29.261443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.097678, 
+                29.26199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.101231, 
+                29.259804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.096038, 
+                29.240673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.073355, 
+                29.227282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.073355, 
+                29.210611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.070622, 
+                29.208698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.06361, 
+                29.209474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.04291, 
+                29.211765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.019772, 
+                29.231903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.005718, 
+                29.240627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.969981, 
+                29.255753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.965667, 
+                29.259126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.959509, 
+                29.267677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.951175, 
+                29.266124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.949925, 
+                29.263154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.950756, 
+                29.260801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.95646, 
+                29.253744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.022029, 
+                29.216065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.058512, 
+                29.183687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.079276, 
+                29.16997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.088684, 
+                29.162574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.104162, 
+                29.150407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.174273, 
+                29.105301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.223587, 
+                29.085075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.231984, 
+                29.08773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.245283, 
+                29.085824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.343293, 
+                29.057062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.348768, 
+                29.057817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.349891, 
+                29.063681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.325514, 
+                29.075138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.304129, 
+                29.077332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.29293, 
+                29.078761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.282983, 
+                29.082326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.26629, 
+                29.089421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.258145, 
+                29.091627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.253141, 
+                29.093772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.249806, 
+                29.100919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250044, 
+                29.108067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.243849, 
+                29.11045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.234235, 
+                29.110268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.234405, 
+                29.128824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.243435, 
+                29.136311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.248629, 
+                29.13837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.26901, 
+                29.139242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.280516, 
+                29.142521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.27832, 
+                29.150691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.297, 
+                29.171317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.302846, 
+                29.175098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.302948, 
+                29.187948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.300885, 
+                29.196171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.293183, 
+                29.199789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.2828, 
+                29.192545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.275851, 
+                29.193668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.271251, 
+                29.204639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.286621, 
+                29.225694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.300304, 
+                29.231241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.311663, 
+                29.237954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.311523, 
+                29.256374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.316093, 
+                29.264777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.332796, 
+                29.276956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.367166, 
+                29.274128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.368154, 
+                29.270736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.367012, 
+                29.264956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.372565, 
+                29.258923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.387924, 
+                29.252786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.383857, 
+                29.235606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.399465, 
+                29.201046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.408578, 
+                29.196421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.409416, 
+                29.196135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.432912, 
+                29.188132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.435907, 
+                29.188449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.443954, 
+                29.19583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.472489, 
+                29.192688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.473273, 
+                29.195224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.468773, 
+                29.198469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.467233, 
+                29.202549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.485786, 
+                29.209843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.494928, 
+                29.216713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.490987, 
+                29.220883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.46832, 
+                29.227532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.465764, 
+                29.242951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.462866, 
+                29.249809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.450674, 
+                29.263739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.452186, 
+                29.26625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.472779, 
+                29.272556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.495299, 
+                29.287277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.510555, 
+                29.290925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.517277, 
+                29.282719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.526216, 
+                29.276492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.552005, 
+                29.278512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.565436, 
+                29.285111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.582525, 
+                29.276037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.589724, 
+                29.248521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.58847, 
+                29.245863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.583924, 
+                29.242886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.576506, 
+                29.243986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.565378, 
+                29.242475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544547, 
+                29.230683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.543245, 
+                29.227843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544311, 
+                29.224292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.556501, 
+                29.219913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.55739, 
+                29.207881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.560889, 
+                29.204261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.575277, 
+                29.206827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.618413, 
+                29.20329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.624161, 
+                29.210366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.62742, 
+                29.211004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.633819, 
+                29.209128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.640223, 
+                29.196554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.645612, 
+                29.175867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.645169, 
+                29.172958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.640863, 
+                29.171261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.636973, 
+                29.164572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.647042, 
+                29.12858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.677724, 
+                29.118742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.691109, 
+                29.121722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.700893, 
+                29.12147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.718035, 
+                29.116611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.731239, 
+                29.122886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.764189, 
+                29.113374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.773458, 
+                29.100133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.799444, 
+                29.087377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.802053, 
+                29.083322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.803699, 
+                29.063709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.79872, 
+                29.054841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.781981, 
+                29.049431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.765188, 
+                29.049403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.750092, 
+                29.053247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.7253, 
+                29.066616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.709105, 
+                29.064305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.70535, 
+                29.062679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.702102, 
+                29.060275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.692205, 
+                29.059607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.683645, 
+                29.060944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.676958, 
+                29.063619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.665589, 
+                29.06723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.652348, 
+                29.069237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.644189, 
+                29.07151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.641247, 
+                29.072313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.63924, 
+                29.072848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.637623, 
+                29.072084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.636033, 
+                29.069792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.637495, 
+                29.066608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.648058, 
+                29.062649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.730899, 
+                29.042259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.755677, 
+                29.038997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.79768, 
+                29.039741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.811473, 
+                29.03658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.839345, 
+                29.039167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.842762, 
+                29.042947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.844849, 
+                29.048721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.841226, 
+                29.054266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.844593, 
+                29.06728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.862757, 
+                29.094863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.867766, 
+                29.095434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.877583, 
+                29.104891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885351, 
+                29.117016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.898215, 
+                29.131342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.925797, 
+                29.153116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.941877, 
+                29.162373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.948091, 
+                29.174104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.961278, 
+                29.180817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.981458, 
+                29.171211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.000096, 
+                29.169481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.023955, 
+                29.174784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.031786, 
+                29.182188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.05863, 
+                29.181734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094015, 
+                29.187711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.11476, 
+                29.207918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.129141, 
+                29.215863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.199647, 
+                29.221287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.219032, 
+                29.226051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.278792, 
+                29.247776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.302677, 
+                29.265958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.334885, 
+                29.298775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.33275, 
+                29.305816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.309314, 
+                29.305698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.299054, 
+                29.309017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.291821, 
+                29.311357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.29042, 
+                29.313062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.279742, 
+                29.326058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.276647, 
+                29.329825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.276187, 
+                29.332783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.274308, 
+                29.344878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.270582, 
+                29.355415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.270053, 
+                29.356912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.26994, 
+                29.357231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.266589, 
+                29.361218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.265479, 
+                29.361767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.251546, 
+                29.368659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.251232, 
+                29.368814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.249517, 
+                29.369662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.249109, 
+                29.369864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.245558, 
+                29.37058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.238515, 
+                29.371999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.235348, 
+                29.370638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.222377, 
+                29.360703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.207299, 
+                29.360703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.197465, 
+                29.369882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.200087, 
+                29.38955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.218463, 
+                29.407235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.215976, 
+                29.412505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.214284, 
+                29.416089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.211999, 
+                29.420931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.2151, 
+                29.427542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.217448, 
+                29.432549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.218067, 
+                29.433193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.219242, 
+                29.434418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.221166, 
+                29.436421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.24164, 
+                29.441021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.251319, 
+                29.444483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.258226, 
+                29.446954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.259537, 
+                29.458001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.259844, 
+                29.460582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.259988, 
+                29.461803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.260024, 
+                29.462102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.261588, 
+                29.464954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.265649, 
+                29.472362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.2813, 
+                29.481547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.294325, 
+                29.476894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.335742, 
+                29.485886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.343567, 
+                29.492593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.34588, 
+                29.504538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.356625, 
+                29.515191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.402214, 
+                29.511914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.420449, 
+                29.515745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.42713, 
+                29.520215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.432337, 
+                29.53283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.439941, 
+                29.540434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.447345, 
+                29.544749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.468748, 
+                29.544299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.517274, 
+                29.52974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.531021, 
+                29.531543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.531471, 
+                29.535374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.52584, 
+                29.545946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.525523, 
+                29.551904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.529217, 
+                29.558598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.537445, 
+                29.565888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.541974, 
+                29.594353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.553537, 
+                29.632766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.560908, 
+                29.63735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.570589, 
+                29.638312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.581843, 
+                29.637165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.600179, 
+                29.631156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.625114, 
+                29.626195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.643832, 
+                29.630625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.648941, 
+                29.633635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.648657, 
+                29.636713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.646478, 
+                29.639427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.643198, 
+                29.640274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.637344, 
+                29.647217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.627286, 
+                29.662132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.625114, 
+                29.671679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.626826, 
+                29.684753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.623829, 
+                29.69924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.618479, 
+                29.710816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.61809, 
+                29.720694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.621512, 
+                29.735429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.632829, 
+                29.742576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.667128, 
+                29.745822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.710935, 
+                29.738993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.737253, 
+                29.74937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.752259, 
+                29.748264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.783674, 
+                29.740689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.830499, 
+                29.718918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.845962, 
+                29.708763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.85864, 
+                29.703121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.866516, 
+                29.70715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.88075, 
+                29.710839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.880999, 
+                29.713338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.878331, 
+                29.716087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.875637, 
+                29.722316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.87557, 
+                29.722471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.87557, 
+                29.728043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.878355, 
+                29.735007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.879748, 
+                29.742668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.878355, 
+                29.751025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.874761, 
+                29.760083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.859151, 
+                29.783331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.854677, 
+                29.807436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.869998, 
+                29.828328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.889118, 
+                29.836023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.90689, 
+                29.83094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.915989, 
+                29.815654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.919143, 
+                29.815379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.940723, 
+                29.817008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.96123, 
+                29.810221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.970443, 
+                29.80431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.978381, 
+                29.799217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.983871, 
+                29.794516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.035666, 
+                29.781662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.056398, 
+                29.772313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.107486, 
+                29.744429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.144431, 
+                29.716418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.149349, 
+                29.697052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.134347, 
+                29.669516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.132804, 
+                29.660462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.111787, 
+                29.62177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.093419, 
+                29.618694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.06564, 
+                29.619967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.04767, 
+                29.624527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.02532, 
+                29.625647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.01627, 
+                29.618741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.000371, 
+                29.613143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.000003, 
+                29.613013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.965031, 
+                29.608019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.939903, 
+                29.610291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.935024, 
+                29.612239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.929567, 
+                29.61884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.922825, 
+                29.633173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.898996, 
+                29.63701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.896763, 
+                29.634618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.882318, 
+                29.62977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.866113, 
+                29.631583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.863018, 
+                29.633739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.841294, 
+                29.62962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.838981, 
+                29.624475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.840921, 
+                29.619913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.838297, 
+                29.616041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.821693, 
+                29.606049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.803831, 
+                29.599562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.784976, 
+                29.595204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.7785, 
+                29.58922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.774805, 
+                29.582113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.774686, 
+                29.576387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.74632, 
+                29.574337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.719102, 
+                29.565568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.715642, 
+                29.565844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.712002, 
+                29.56474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.709205, 
+                29.561012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.711654, 
+                29.55427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.733956, 
+                29.539504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.747058, 
+                29.535144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.765448, 
+                29.520844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.771927, 
+                29.504871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.772529, 
+                29.499016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.770069, 
+                29.493812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.770516, 
+                29.488953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.782387, 
+                29.482882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.789119, 
+                29.482081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.800121, 
+                29.486828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.803448, 
+                29.486851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.814609, 
+                29.482061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.821576, 
+                29.473925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.8385, 
+                29.478874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.848665, 
+                29.484144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.852598, 
+                29.494984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.862324, 
+                29.502393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.878746, 
+                29.502937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.886815, 
+                29.505577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.906175, 
+                29.518052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.915322, 
+                29.518513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.947007, 
+                29.53316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.969312, 
+                29.536893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.985726, 
+                29.547708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.02681, 
+                29.566805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.035462, 
+                29.57864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.041168, 
+                29.581648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.046316, 
+                29.584362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.066533, 
+                29.583842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.105923, 
+                29.586335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.158624, 
+                29.581616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.21259, 
+                29.562479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.25186, 
+                29.539354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.280392, 
+                29.533434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.309357, 
+                29.533026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.347236, 
+                29.539394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.402165, 
+                29.551269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.473585, 
+                29.561081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.558602, 
+                29.569935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.61627, 
+                29.578729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.617725, 
+                29.579092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.653651, 
+                29.588065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.744126, 
+                29.617608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.871232, 
+                29.670028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.940455, 
+                29.701033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.974305, 
+                29.71398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.065354, 
+                29.740966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.088182, 
+                29.749125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.17693, 
+                29.770487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.226934, 
+                29.777519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.267456, 
+                29.778113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.295573, 
+                29.775071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.342104, 
+                29.763402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.344993, 
+                29.759618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.347331, 
+                29.759046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.372029, 
+                29.763049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.438973, 
+                29.768949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.475252, 
+                29.769242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.538462, 
+                29.763299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.590786, 
+                29.755649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.635304, 
+                29.752806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.68364, 
+                29.747153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.741948, 
+                29.736343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.766048, 
+                29.7295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.79925, 
+                29.71526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818995, 
+                29.704076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.837971, 
+                29.690619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.892246, 
+                29.765241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.89847, 
+                29.771577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.890679, 
+                29.843159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.840799, 
+                29.914423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.789431, 
+                29.987812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.75663, 
+                30.014163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.752038, 
+                30.016403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.722481, 
+                30.050898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.721589, 
+                30.051939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.712101, 
+                30.067346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.695684, 
+                30.135729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.695252, 
+                30.1476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.712008, 
+                30.194304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.716223, 
+                30.244318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.720575, 
+                30.295961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.723586, 
+                30.294951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.735896, 
+                30.29944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.765822, 
+                30.333318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.757654, 
+                30.390423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.751437, 
+                30.396288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.741701, 
+                30.403007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.702665, 
+                30.429947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.698302, 
+                30.438657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.697828, 
+                30.443838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.710117, 
+                30.5064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.740045, 
+                30.538765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.727844, 
+                30.57407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.578395, 
+                30.802047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.563292, 
+                30.818503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558672, 
+                30.868829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558617, 
+                30.869424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.55497, 
+                30.876685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.554576, 
+                30.87747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.530936, 
+                30.924534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.540354, 
+                31.008135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.527644, 
+                31.074509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.531744, 
+                31.180817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.535097, 
+                31.185614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.548931, 
+                31.186601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.55254, 
+                31.185605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.552649, 
+                31.185575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.579215, 
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+                43.499604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.024348, 
+                43.499572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.024429, 
+                43.499572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.049192, 
+                43.499571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.228861, 
+                43.499567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.2718, 
+                43.499356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.399035, 
+                43.499485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.428509, 
+                43.499478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.468563, 
+                43.499473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.472804, 
+                43.4994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.482009, 
+                43.499482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.488261, 
+                43.499417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.49735, 
+                43.499456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.497405, 
+                43.499456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.528482, 
+                43.499471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.532178, 
+                43.499472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558631, 
+                43.499521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.576728, 
+                43.49952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.617131, 
+                43.499548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.648533, 
+                43.499559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.699345, 
+                43.499576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.704916, 
+                43.499568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.708771, 
+                43.499564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.716217, 
+                43.499563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.794285, 
+                43.499542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.795793, 
+                43.49952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.97076, 
+                43.499605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.970762, 
+                43.499605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.092894, 
+                43.500302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.094339, 
+                43.500302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.108068, 
+                43.5003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.10988, 
+                43.500283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.247965, 
+                43.500333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.377466, 
+                43.500379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.390597, 
+                43.500469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.442835, 
+                43.500583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.442848, 
+                43.500583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.447048, 
+                43.500639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.47042, 
+                43.50034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.560838, 
+                43.500377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.565665, 
+                43.50033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615916, 
+                43.500544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.854555, 
+                43.500614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.857867, 
+                43.500615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.860192, 
+                43.500546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.872725, 
+                43.500564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.874235, 
+                43.500557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.887291, 
+                43.500502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914523, 
+                43.50045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914634, 
+                43.50045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914905, 
+                43.50045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914955, 
+                43.50045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.934625, 
+                43.50049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.954477, 
+                43.500467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.974359, 
+                43.500508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.99446, 
+                43.500523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.014245, 
+                43.500872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.034, 
+                43.500811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.053504, 
+                43.500769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.054289, 
+                43.50086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.114874, 
+                43.500667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.122633, 
+                43.500755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.167294, 
+                43.500771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.167891, 
+                43.500885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.180423, 
+                43.500774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.214938, 
+                43.500885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.250762, 
+                43.500406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.250969, 
+                43.500464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.374737, 
+                43.500314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.375269, 
+                43.500322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.387787, 
+                43.50024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.387812, 
+                43.50024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.387851, 
+                43.50024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.434199, 
+                43.500314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.434293, 
+                43.50036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.454433, 
+                43.500644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.454706, 
+                43.500648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.454706, 
+                43.500563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.475065, 
+                43.500335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.486737, 
+                43.500274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.486803, 
+                43.500246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.514774, 
+                43.499865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.740813, 
+                43.499894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.741569, 
+                43.499891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.821277, 
+                43.499965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.834421, 
+                43.499966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.860946, 
+                43.499966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.861152, 
+                43.499966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.053163, 
+                43.500176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.198484, 
+                43.500335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.198766, 
+                43.500312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.208814, 
+                43.500391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.332062, 
+                43.500415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.351059, 
+                43.500333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453049, 
+                43.500415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453352, 
+                43.58704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453383, 
+                43.588183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453356, 
+                43.607544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453387, 
+                43.609944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453408, 
+                43.675008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45338, 
+                43.689637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453281, 
+                43.791435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453088, 
+                43.805123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453335, 
+                43.877029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453304, 
+                43.878583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453183, 
+                43.87865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453352, 
+                43.949122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453289, 
+                43.950814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453165, 
+                43.96654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453292, 
+                43.96718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453389, 
+                43.97806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453263, 
+                43.980277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453328, 
+                43.992871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453297, 
+                43.994723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453116, 
+                44.006876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453053, 
+                44.008887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453373, 
+                44.023744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453405, 
+                44.025413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453313, 
+                44.03643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453187, 
+                44.03835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452774, 
+                44.19678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452774, 
+                44.196895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452673, 
+                44.254588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452419, 
+                44.255274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452369, 
+                44.268967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452365, 
+                44.271972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452617, 
+                44.282702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.4525, 
+                44.285687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452334, 
+                44.297009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452239, 
+                44.298655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452369, 
+                44.312071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452248, 
+                44.313362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452372, 
+                44.325991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452309, 
+                44.328094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452248, 
+                44.340642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452152, 
+                44.342219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452305, 
+                44.345332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452282, 
+                44.354857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452213, 
+                44.360149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452134, 
+                44.383679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452073, 
+                44.38969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451924, 
+                44.441549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451816, 
+                44.460402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452218, 
+                44.470873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452122, 
+                44.473043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451974, 
+                44.506849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45201, 
+                44.516929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452236, 
+                44.526871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452016, 
+                44.543533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45199, 
+                44.543639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451888, 
+                44.544058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45172, 
+                44.630708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451761, 
+                44.631194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451761, 
+                44.63135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451543, 
+                44.703135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451573, 
+                44.76051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45138, 
+                44.761788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45162, 
+                44.776191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451823, 
+                44.790471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451888, 
+                44.792299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451829, 
+                44.797691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451559, 
+                44.805468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45156, 
+                44.805569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452009, 
+                44.89008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451853, 
+                44.906672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452047, 
+                44.910695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452347, 
+                44.962734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452092, 
+                44.977475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452092, 
+                44.977494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45224, 
+                45.042347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452177, 
+                45.050185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45221, 
+                45.051602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452219, 
+                45.093836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452026, 
+                45.095138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452418, 
+                45.122677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452353, 
+                45.124071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452304, 
+                45.178563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452162, 
+                45.203109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452152, 
+                45.204849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452315, 
+                45.208986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452948, 
+                45.268925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452949, 
+                45.269059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452791, 
+                45.28428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453067, 
+                45.298115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.454094, 
+                45.301546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.47002, 
+                45.326832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.489065, 
+                45.357071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521787, 
+                45.375645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.617726, 
+                45.408092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.680454, 
+                45.410499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.692541, 
+                45.417338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.732739, 
+                45.458737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.742509, 
+                45.478723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.745487, 
+                45.488712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.76528, 
+                45.521414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.784863, 
+                45.5413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.835451, 
+                45.586129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.843957, 
+                45.594003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.844334, 
+                45.594375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.849444, 
+                45.598944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.853646, 
+                45.602307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.857751, 
+                45.605962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.844211, 
+                45.639583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.840746, 
+                45.645294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.835769, 
+                45.649648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.745086, 
+                45.701576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.711157, 
+                45.717561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.672665, 
+                45.732336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.652226, 
+                45.746809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.583085, 
+                45.820024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.57974, 
+                45.82582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.576544, 
+                45.839945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.572984, 
+                45.861602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568772, 
+                45.888072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568281, 
+                45.891203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568053, 
+                45.898697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568315, 
+                45.902902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568918, 
+                45.911426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569265, 
+                45.911471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569401, 
+                45.913946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569069, 
+                45.914785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.564317, 
+                45.921074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.564518, 
+                45.926256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.56328, 
+                45.935238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.57035, 
+                45.963595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.577326, 
+                46.021757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.57794, 
+                46.026874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.566295, 
+                46.051416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.559271, 
+                46.058272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.55694, 
+                46.064601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.554835, 
+                46.084824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557952, 
+                46.102442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.578362, 
+                46.170112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.585647, 
+                46.177309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.599087, 
+                46.263701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.598233, 
+                46.312563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.631586, 
+                46.353752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.669794, 
+                46.384644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.721999, 
+                46.439986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.716438, 
+                46.444567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.739054, 
+                46.543708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.783003, 
+                46.630405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.783009, 
+                46.630418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.783014, 
+                46.630647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.784205, 
+                46.686768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.802013, 
+                46.812464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.767458, 
+                46.905163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.780258, 
+                46.928263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.791558, 
+                46.934264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.823222, 
+                46.970861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.824598, 
+                46.993309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.82318, 
+                46.999965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.824807, 
+                47.124968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.826655, 
+                47.150539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.832946, 
+                47.237588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.833019, 
+                47.238095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.852676, 
+                47.374973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.862312, 
+                47.422333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.853768, 
+                47.499527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.853286, 
+                47.503881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.84243, 
+                47.508225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.850955, 
+                47.598287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.88574, 
+                47.664266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.890671, 
+                47.672153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.980391, 
+                47.815662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.000356, 
+                47.860915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.023156, 
+                47.873978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.088158, 
+                48.059515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.098275, 
+                48.07131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.123135, 
+                48.109497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.14751, 
+                48.170572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.147498, 
+                48.173227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.147401, 
+                48.193779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.14717, 
+                48.242966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.143148, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.134534, 
+                48.249737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.12993, 
+                48.249731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.11657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.115581, 
+                48.323928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.126745, 
+                48.34214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.136373, 
+                48.352393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.145693, 
+                48.397431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.131479, 
+                48.406586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.123399, 
+                48.421201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.12677, 
+                48.520191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.150541, 
+                48.539449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.16111, 
+                48.543155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.163105, 
+                48.543855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.16305, 
+                48.543963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.092606, 
+                48.682033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.137571, 
+                48.749191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.157797, 
+                48.78768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.199549, 
+                48.881183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.23261, 
+                48.946561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.239155, 
+                48.967596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.238387, 
+                48.982631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.234005, 
+                48.99747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.229039, 
+                49.000687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.405412, 
+                48.99982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.368698, 
+                48.998729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.355819, 
+                48.998735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.340962, 
+                48.99874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.322946, 
+                48.998767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.319895, 
+                48.998769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153711, 
+                48.998903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153309, 
+                49.18488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153424, 
+                49.249995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153333, 
+                49.305655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153319, 
+                49.30772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153331, 
+                49.308442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.15333, 
+                49.309287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153284, 
+                49.343409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153344, 
+                49.343662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153407, 
+                49.354397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.15333, 
+                49.365886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153259, 
+                49.367691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153293, 
+                49.369107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.15335, 
+                49.383079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.153314, 
+                49.384358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.126467, 
+                49.369439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.058404, 
+                49.35317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.014415, 
+                49.356405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.988908, 
+                49.368897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.957465, 
+                49.370186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.909273, 
+                49.350176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.824291, 
+                49.308834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.797527, 
+                49.197791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.773223, 
+                49.120733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.750221, 
+                49.099763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.750218, 
+                48.999992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.718932, 
+                48.999991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.683069, 
+                48.883929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.683127, 
+                48.883376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.690302, 
+                48.863711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.690246, 
+                48.863363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.690889, 
+                48.778066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.690863, 
+                48.778047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.646256, 
+                48.749975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.64515, 
+                48.748991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.628854, 
+                48.738789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.533057, 
+                48.701262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.468728, 
+                48.696324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431854, 
+                48.706588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.416191, 
+                48.710948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.388848, 
+                48.711945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.308446, 
+                48.710239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.290737, 
+                48.707747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.260541, 
+                48.696381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.251169, 
+                48.683514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.250497, 
+                48.656654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.250191, 
+                48.656323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.244394, 
+                48.653442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.224276, 
+                48.649527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.126336, 
+                48.644447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.052452, 
+                48.64402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.840754, 
+                48.628548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.834323, 
+                48.624954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.822644, 
+                48.609067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.806763, 
+                48.577616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.805369, 
+                48.568393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.811201, 
+                48.542385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818375, 
+                48.534442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818253, 
+                48.530046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.815178, 
+                48.526508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.794454, 
+                48.516021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.771741, 
+                48.515825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.756483, 
+                48.515366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.662337, 
+                48.515708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.544361, 
+                48.529109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.467504, 
+                48.545664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.460798, 
+                48.550552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.456675, 
+                48.561834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.457046, 
+                48.567199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.461731, 
+                48.57403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.466007, 
+                48.587291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.464308, 
+                48.591792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.40366, 
+                48.607593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.367025, 
+                48.608283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.347528, 
+                48.62662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.254854, 
+                48.642784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.207398, 
+                48.642474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.17999, 
+                48.624926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.14242, 
+                48.624924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.088438, 
+                48.627597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.980484, 
+                48.624915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.728046, 
+                48.53929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.657881, 
+                48.546263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.634931, 
+                48.542873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.625739, 
+                48.518189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.625151, 
+                48.513048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.625374, 
+                48.512916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.631117, 
+                48.508252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.631137, 
+                48.508077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.627237, 
+                48.503383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.636696, 
+                48.499428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.661418, 
+                48.496557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.684866, 
+                48.497611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.698824, 
+                48.494892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.712562, 
+                48.463013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.687998, 
+                48.443889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.656027, 
+                48.436709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.575636, 
+                48.440827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.537202, 
+                48.447703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.507285, 
+                48.447875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.456325, 
+                48.414204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.415121, 
+                48.293841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.384387, 
+                48.242914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.325304, 
+                48.23703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.295053, 
+                48.276587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.295668, 
+                48.278118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.301451, 
+                48.288608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.306309, 
+                48.316442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.304561, 
+                48.322977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.288994, 
+                48.342991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.26228, 
+                48.354933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.055228, 
+                48.359213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.030872, 
+                48.325824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.989545, 
+                48.260214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.977555, 
+                48.24714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.977486, 
+                48.24634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.954432, 
+                48.251678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.954397, 
+                48.251199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.907597, 
+                48.238183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.906967, 
+                48.23777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.867641, 
+                48.218341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.798268, 
+                48.200086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.789693, 
+                48.197829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.742313, 
+                48.204491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.714931, 
+                48.19913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.710519, 
+                48.193898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.699336, 
+                48.144728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.708099, 
+                48.122985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.712226, 
+                48.116883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.71185, 
+                48.114598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.641062, 
+                48.097703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.569746, 
+                48.093348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.488067, 
+                48.068111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.340159, 
+                48.073236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.328738, 
+                48.070588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.290215, 
+                48.073945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.26638, 
+                48.078713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.250112, 
+                48.084087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.176181, 
+                48.125811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.140773, 
+                48.147689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.138311, 
+                48.151024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.138482, 
+                48.151458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.035858, 
+                48.189436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.03555, 
+                48.189459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.032942, 
+                48.190794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.976955, 
+                48.219452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.88548, 
+                48.245784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.847352, 
+                48.244443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.843624, 
+                48.243576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.839176, 
+                48.239511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.804207, 
+                48.177833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.789776, 
+                48.143472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.795308, 
+                48.135523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.793841, 
+                48.135569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.776133, 
+                48.122481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.775962, 
+                48.122229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.774225, 
+                48.118894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.774191, 
+                48.118575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.761625, 
+                48.098283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.751608, 
+                48.090968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.569763, 
+                48.106951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.495637, 
+                48.099444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.495398, 
+                48.099787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.452022, 
+                48.105006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.403219, 
+                48.105114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.344234, 
+                48.094447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.343484, 
+                48.095064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.337177, 
+                48.099771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.330052, 
+                48.102399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.312386, 
+                48.1053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.176605, 
+                48.112445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.136191, 
+                48.112136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.12509, 
+                48.107702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.1239, 
+                48.107131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.091639, 
+                48.10463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.073873, 
+                48.101138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.023595, 
+                48.084708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.997852, 
+                48.057567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.993822, 
+                48.049027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.996702, 
+                48.035391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.99305, 
+                48.028404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.968255, 
+                48.014482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.897414, 
+                47.987599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.873286, 
+                47.985419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.847571, 
+                47.992442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.819802, 
+                48.015099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.763967, 
+                48.022969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.749314, 
+                48.023325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724184, 
+                48.019818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.687891, 
+                48.010826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.655793, 
+                48.007532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.564288, 
+                48.00293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.489226, 
+                48.014528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.491739, 
+                48.005212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.495344, 
+                48.002356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.541521, 
+                47.992841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.551555, 
+                47.987305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.552939, 
+                47.980731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.555015, 
+                47.974849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572315, 
+                47.967238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.58823, 
+                47.9662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.59589, 
+                47.971046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.611412, 
+                47.980731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.624559, 
+                47.983153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.631825, 
+                47.980039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.637015, 
+                47.973465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.640129, 
+                47.96793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.639844, 
+                47.959826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.638285, 
+                47.954275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.639545, 
+                47.95359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.660616, 
+                47.951216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.697619, 
+                47.941288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.72973, 
+                47.925245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.737539, 
+                47.918183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.758714, 
+                47.906993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.793539, 
+                47.891358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.85396, 
+                47.873997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.87158, 
+                47.874194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.923649, 
+                47.862062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.930844, 
+                47.857723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.92752, 
+                47.850825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.933899, 
+                47.84676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.974296, 
+                47.830514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.01373, 
+                47.821373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.042761, 
+                47.817568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.072025, 
+                47.811105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.072241, 
+                47.807727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.075559, 
+                47.803303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.082354, 
+                47.803619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.08816, 
+                47.803041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.1168, 
+                47.79538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.132078, 
+                47.79572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.16079, 
+                47.792807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.178755, 
+                47.786414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.187636, 
+                47.77813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.229145, 
+                47.776198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.248794, 
+                47.772763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.295952, 
+                47.759054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.30634, 
+                47.756627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.313958, 
+                47.756681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.323446, 
+                47.753771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.330254, 
+                47.750892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.332686, 
+                47.746387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.386234, 
+                47.7411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.393823, 
+                47.738271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.42139, 
+                47.73515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.437712, 
+                47.731612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.441912, 
+                47.726404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.458365, 
+                47.7214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.537105, 
+                47.703055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.551291, 
+                47.690266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.584954, 
+                47.68074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.647837, 
+                47.656176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.686382, 
+                47.643594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.735927, 
+                47.624343
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+              ], 
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+                -88.700587, 
+                30.343689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.714077, 
+                30.342186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.728893, 
+                30.342671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.746945, 
+                30.347622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.771742, 
+                30.365403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.811615, 
+                30.384907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.812576, 
+                30.38768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.810127, 
+                30.391298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.810227, 
+                30.394698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.823724, 
+                30.402376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.841328, 
+                30.409598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.845609, 
+                30.405266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.857828, 
+                30.392898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.851442, 
+                30.375355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.880526, 
+                30.3866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.883789, 
+                30.389172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.884829, 
+                30.391998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.89393, 
+                30.393398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.922031, 
+                30.393798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.971233, 
+                30.390798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.016334, 
+                30.383898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.083237, 
+                30.368097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.18684, 
+                30.331197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.220442, 
+                30.322497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.271833, 
+                30.305491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.285744, 
+                30.303097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.291444, 
+                30.303296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.294444, 
+                30.307596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.291844, 
+                30.328096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.287844, 
+                30.333196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.281564, 
+                30.33198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.279818, 
+                30.34979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.292499, 
+                30.365635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.315067, 
+                30.375408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.335942, 
+                30.374016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.340947, 
+                30.372896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.349447, 
+                30.370995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.353248, 
+                30.368795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.363848, 
+                30.357395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.366116, 
+                30.352169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.345934, 
+                30.343573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.338847, 
+                30.342995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.332546, 
+                30.337895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.322345, 
+                30.319296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.322545, 
+                30.314896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.329946, 
+                30.302896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.344746, 
+                30.293196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.358546, 
+                30.288896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.365747, 
+                30.284896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.379547, 
+                30.270396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.383747, 
+                30.267796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.419348, 
+                30.25432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.424624, 
+                30.245391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.424493, 
+                30.239092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.430428, 
+                30.223218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.447465, 
+                30.205098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.44791, 
+                30.185352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.461275, 
+                30.174745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.463595, 
+                30.173943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.469792, 
+                30.176278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.475824, 
+                30.191561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.480214, 
+                30.193751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.490099, 
+                30.187677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.503231, 
+                30.183051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.522814, 
+                30.183076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.524504, 
+                30.180753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572654, 
+                30.180897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.580754, 
+                30.186197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.607655, 
+                30.217096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.64344, 
+                30.287682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.643575, 
+                30.293099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.640694, 
+                30.301313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.629877, 
+                30.321017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.629941, 
+                30.339449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.68341, 
+                30.451793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.69058, 
+                30.458773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724614, 
+                30.491902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.732577, 
+                30.492502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.76057, 
+                30.515761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.806843, 
+                30.572039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.823384, 
+                30.608535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.842585, 
+                30.666005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.842596, 
+                30.666038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.826175, 
+                30.736594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.789863, 
+                30.851527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.77341, 
+                30.897693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.770931, 
+                30.899432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.756543, 
+                30.900431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.744789, 
+                30.918933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728382, 
+                30.971141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728148, 
+                31.0023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.728147, 
+                31.002431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.732504, 
+                31.004831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.752642, 
+                31.001853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.816429, 
+                31.002084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.824617, 
+                31.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835542, 
+                31.002059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.835908, 
+                31.002059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.856862, 
+                31.002075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.892708, 
+                31.001759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.897516, 
+                31.001913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.923119, 
+                31.001446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.927161, 
+                31.001437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.972802, 
+                31.001392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.97543, 
+                31.001692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.005332, 
+                31.001364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.022185, 
+                31.001302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.029574, 
+                31.00119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.050706, 
+                31.001215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.128406, 
+                31.001047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.131395, 
+                31.000924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164278, 
+                31.001025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164676, 
+                31.00098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.259555, 
+                31.000657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.346007, 
+                31.000363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.34723, 
+                31.000359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.347241, 
+                31.000359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.369371, 
+                31.000335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.422117, 
+                30.99981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.426849, 
+                30.999776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.437351, 
+                30.99973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.441725, 
+                30.999729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.442479, 
+                30.999722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474094, 
+                30.999798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.475928, 
+                30.99974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.477284, 
+                30.999717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.485876, 
+                30.99974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.486749, 
+                30.999693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.547615, 
+                30.999723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.567195, 
+                30.999733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.583518, 
+                30.999698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.584448, 
+                30.999698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.587373, 
+                30.999604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.588676, 
+                30.99965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.648721, 
+                30.999486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651193, 
+                30.99951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.734473, 
+                30.999214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.734552, 
+                30.999222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.758775, 
+                30.999583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.769333, 
+                30.999374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.775981, 
+                30.999491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.779858, 
+                30.999457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.783745, 
+                30.999447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.825829, 
+                30.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.826027, 
+                30.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.060217, 
+                30.998935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.06827, 
+                30.99892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.080814, 
+                30.998909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.108114, 
+                30.998857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.108291, 
+                30.99888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.17614, 
+                30.999144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.176209, 
+                30.999144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.224068, 
+                30.999183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.224839, 
+                30.999183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.423621, 
+                30.998984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.425749, 
+                30.999007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.538727, 
+                30.999388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.625118, 
+                30.999167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.636942, 
+                30.999416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.58467, 
+                31.020185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.571695, 
+                31.029782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.562468, 
+                31.043213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.559907, 
+                31.054119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.561283, 
+                31.060906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.56415, 
+                31.06683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.577373, 
+                31.078179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.604197, 
+                31.154545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.599965, 
+                31.192318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.59849, 
+                31.205485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.574493, 
+                31.261289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.547588, 
+                31.264444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.522397, 
+                31.273423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.515614, 
+                31.27821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.508858, 
+                31.291644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51982, 
+                31.311228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.531201, 
+                31.326625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.539904, 
+                31.337336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.541242, 
+                31.35675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.525386, 
+                31.378904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.513795, 
+                31.386875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505093, 
+                31.400933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.500406, 
+                31.419008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505301, 
+                31.432945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510356, 
+                31.438928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51513, 
+                31.449206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.52292, 
+                31.519841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.51581, 
+                31.530894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.511217, 
+                31.532612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.479718, 
+                31.530366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.450017, 
+                31.539666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.437616, 
+                31.546166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.422691, 
+                31.55439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.416683, 
+                31.561599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.415482, 
+                31.567006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.425094, 
+                31.57782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.437711, 
+                31.580824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.44862, 
+                31.583032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.458679, 
+                31.583226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.470754, 
+                31.58563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477362, 
+                31.592239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.598247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.604855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.477963, 
+                31.610863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.474959, 
+                31.621677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.464746, 
+                31.628886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.45273, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.441315, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.42209, 
+                31.63129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.404668, 
+                31.637898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.398059, 
+                31.655922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.400115, 
+                31.688164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.397915, 
+                31.709364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.379935, 
+                31.733013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369375, 
+                31.746903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365084, 
+                31.752743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365614, 
+                31.760763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.363714, 
+                31.780363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.359514, 
+                31.799362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.345714, 
+                31.842861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.338414, 
+                31.851261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.326914, 
+                31.854961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.293413, 
+                31.86016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.248144, 
+                31.869848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.128009, 
+                31.985857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.034707, 
+                32.101053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027946, 
+                32.112722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027535, 
+                32.113431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.027125, 
+                32.120434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.026931, 
+                32.123737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.030152, 
+                32.129821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.034447, 
+                32.134832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.040531, 
+                32.137337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.046615, 
+                32.138768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.052342, 
+                32.137337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.057487, 
+                32.135515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.067004, 
+                32.132144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.131403, 
+                32.126213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.162822, 
+                32.132694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.165452, 
+                32.13429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.171702, 
+                32.14425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.174552, 
+                32.154978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.171046, 
+                32.176526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.164171, 
+                32.196888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.158026, 
+                32.201956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.133587, 
+                32.213432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.122602, 
+                32.216929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.046507, 
+                32.241149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.039007, 
+                32.242349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.021507, 
+                32.236149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.006306, 
+                32.22415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.004557, 
+                32.215381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.905173, 
+                32.315497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.898588, 
+                32.329094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.901511, 
+                32.337864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.912363, 
+                32.339454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.986672, 
+                32.35176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.000106, 
+                32.357695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.003506, 
+                32.362145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.004506, 
+                32.368144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.99408, 
+                32.403862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.029606, 
+                32.433542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.052907, 
+                32.438442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.070207, 
+                32.445141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.095308, 
+                32.458741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.108808, 
+                32.47204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.116008, 
+                32.48314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.116708, 
+                32.500139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.097878, 
+                32.544752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.093741, 
+                32.549128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.089436, 
+                32.553306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.090611, 
+                32.562705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.090771, 
+                32.563978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.096774, 
+                32.576652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.104111, 
+                32.584657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.119854, 
+                32.584795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.127912, 
+                32.586493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.141148, 
+                32.597209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.146204, 
+                32.604144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.151318, 
+                32.615919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.153821, 
+                32.631282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.152081, 
+                32.641508
+              ], 
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+              [
+                -114.515411, 
+                45.652842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.500925, 
+                45.666715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.495421, 
+                45.703321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.497553, 
+                45.710677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.504869, 
+                45.722176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.528667, 
+                45.731636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.547763, 
+                45.743309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.566172, 
+                45.773864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.514596, 
+                45.840785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.509303, 
+                45.845531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.498809, 
+                45.850676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44868, 
+                45.858891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39376, 
+                45.89402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.401552, 
+                45.963195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.412007, 
+                45.978057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.429638, 
+                45.986638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.465376, 
+                45.996077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.483379, 
+                46.008047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.490578, 
+                46.022872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4912, 
+                46.034059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4912, 
+                46.044003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.476284, 
+                46.062026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.467583, 
+                46.081914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.468205, 
+                46.099937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.476284, 
+                46.112988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48312, 
+                46.129147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.472643, 
+                46.162202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.426885, 
+                46.289671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.378, 
+                46.435371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.385297, 
+                46.467162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.346528, 
+                46.535789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.331093, 
+                46.607649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.331093, 
+                46.630248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.337942, 
+                46.641205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.341336, 
+                46.642803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.349584, 
+                46.646684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.370129, 
+                46.654217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.422176, 
+                46.652163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44683, 
+                46.645314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.461211, 
+                46.639151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.481943, 
+                46.631993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.592264, 
+                46.632861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.594707, 
+                46.633558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.614423, 
+                46.639188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.635868, 
+                46.65951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.642713, 
+                46.673145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.641745, 
+                46.679286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.641322, 
+                46.686404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.642692, 
+                46.694622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.644747, 
+                46.702155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.655704, 
+                46.711743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.667346, 
+                46.719276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.675505, 
+                46.719516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69063, 
+                46.719961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.717645, 
+                46.713994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.739253, 
+                46.715167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76718, 
+                46.738828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.825923, 
+                46.781949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.853279, 
+                46.799794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.888146, 
+                46.808573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.920459, 
+                46.827697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.927837, 
+                46.83599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.938713, 
+                46.869021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.936015, 
+                46.899761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.975789, 
+                46.932865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.072985, 
+                47.01376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.099178, 
+                47.048129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.193221, 
+                47.133026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.200547, 
+                47.139154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.266723, 
+                47.181101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.29211, 
+                47.209861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.294785, 
+                47.220914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.320184, 
+                47.255717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.339201, 
+                47.261623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.421645, 
+                47.271736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.479255, 
+                47.282089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.52369, 
+                47.298919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.551309, 
+                47.333856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.561439, 
+                47.351887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.576836, 
+                47.366825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.661341, 
+                47.402663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.69057, 
+                47.415059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.721084, 
+                47.42235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729861, 
+                47.447287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.725931, 
+                47.466934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.712178, 
+                47.488546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729861, 
+                47.518016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.739684, 
+                47.537663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.735755, 
+                47.555346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.721207, 
+                47.576323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.718072, 
+                47.592675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.706284, 
+                47.637864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.72377, 
+                47.696671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729123, 
+                47.703102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.919291, 
+                47.857406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.007254, 
+                47.944968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.048421, 
+                47.97682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.048424, 
+                47.977126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.04932, 
+                48.066644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049368, 
+                48.072134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049398, 
+                48.075395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049415, 
+                48.07722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049353, 
+                48.21546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049226, 
+                48.502058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049023, 
+                48.957947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049025, 
+                48.958351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049193, 
+                49.000912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.251126, 
+                48.999557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.728125, 
+                49.000623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.678217, 
+                49.000725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.674398, 
+                49.000679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43883, 
+                49.001076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.068151, 
+                48.999364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.692982, 
+                48.997632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.116356, 
+                48.998462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.110155, 
+                48.99855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.106891, 
+                48.998501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.103212, 
+                48.99853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.098147, 
+                48.998494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.095436, 
+                48.998533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.092055, 
+                48.998543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.087863, 
+                48.998557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.085576, 
+                48.998581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.011041, 
+                48.998643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.009895, 
+                48.998619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.193588, 
+                48.998229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.854088, 
+                48.998067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85409, 
+                48.998039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.761679, 
+                48.997614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.761613, 
+                48.99765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.270702, 
+                48.997895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.887459, 
+                48.998087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.886706, 
+                48.998124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.743209, 
+                48.998363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.216135, 
+                48.999239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.215516, 
+                48.999197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.171595, 
+                48.999262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.995618, 
+                48.999642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.489686, 
+                49.000267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.384762, 
+                49.000397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.384068, 
+                49.000374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06057, 
+                48.999666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.060292, 
+                48.999621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.000708, 
+                48.999234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.994722, 
+                48.999237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.543194, 
+                48.999377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.488063, 
+                48.999368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.236495, 
+                48.999405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.179865, 
+                48.999559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.625597, 
+                48.99964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.617539, 
+                48.999583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.518201, 
+                48.999564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.500592, 
+                48.999756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.374616, 
+                48.999617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.368151, 
+                48.999503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.274267, 
+                48.999312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24621, 
+                48.999258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.243154, 
+                48.999373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.233987, 
+                48.999423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.112108, 
+                48.999279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.050543, 
+                48.999207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.966197, 
+                48.999445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.834181, 
+                48.999707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.775808, 
+                48.999637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.65027, 
+                48.999444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.612577, 
+                48.999703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.607542, 
+                48.999624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.578616, 
+                48.999673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.522636, 
+                48.999591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.411972, 
+                48.999582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.407909, 
+                48.99948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.391379, 
+                48.999475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.38749, 
+                48.999382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.355888, 
+                48.999357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.277521, 
+                48.999457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.265192, 
+                48.9995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.057514, 
+                48.999448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.647389, 
+                48.999344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.543636, 
+                48.999541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048736, 
+                48.999877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048478, 
+                48.987007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048616, 
+                48.966736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048555, 
+                48.963772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.0488, 
+                48.958997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048627, 
+                48.957124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048698, 
+                48.951823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048872, 
+                48.94963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04877, 
+                48.943301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048701, 
+                48.940331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048807, 
+                48.933636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048744, 
+                48.912113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048746, 
+                48.906858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048643, 
+                48.902609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048719, 
+                48.879921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048893, 
+                48.875739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048883, 
+                48.874008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048824, 
+                48.867539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048652, 
+                48.865734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.0489, 
+                48.847387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048569, 
+                48.797052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048537, 
+                48.788552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048548, 
+                48.751356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04834, 
+                48.747133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047883, 
+                48.664191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047849, 
+                48.663163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047861, 
+                48.658856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047865, 
+                48.65745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047887, 
+                48.649911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047819, 
+                48.648631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047582, 
+                48.633984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047582, 
+                48.633976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04762, 
+                48.627015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047586, 
+                48.625644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04793, 
+                48.62019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.048212, 
+                48.599055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047974, 
+                48.591606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047811, 
+                48.56277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047783, 
+                48.539737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047648, 
+                48.531489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047876, 
+                48.530798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047513, 
+                48.525913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047675, 
+                48.517852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047555, 
+                48.49414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047392, 
+                48.467086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047259, 
+                48.452941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047294, 
+                48.452529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047192, 
+                48.447251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04709, 
+                48.445903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04696, 
+                48.421065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.047134, 
+                48.411057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046969, 
+                48.390675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046913, 
+                48.389433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046913, 
+                48.389429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046654, 
+                48.374773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046371, 
+                48.374154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046332, 
+                48.34229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.046039, 
+                48.256761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045861, 
+                48.255097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045645, 
+                48.246179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045729, 
+                48.244586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045692, 
+                48.241415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04556, 
+                48.193913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045424, 
+                48.192473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045498, 
+                48.176249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045399, 
+                48.16439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04412, 
+                47.996107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.044162, 
+                47.992836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.043933, 
+                47.971515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.043497, 
+                47.95449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.043329, 
+                47.949554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.04223, 
+                47.891031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.041662, 
+                47.862282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.041869, 
+                47.841699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.042567, 
+                47.808237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.042432, 
+                47.805358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.042384, 
+                47.803256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.043199, 
+                47.747292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.043242, 
+                47.747106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.044621, 
+                47.45938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.044797, 
+                47.438445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045069, 
+                47.397461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045333, 
+                47.343452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045313, 
+                47.331955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045307, 
+                47.330128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045121, 
+                47.276969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045155, 
+                47.27393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045088, 
+                47.271406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045057, 
+                47.266868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045091, 
+                47.265953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045159, 
+                47.263874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045081, 
+                47.092813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045018, 
+                47.081202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045354, 
+                47.078574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045259, 
+                47.063901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045227, 
+                47.057502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045195, 
+                47.053639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045052, 
+                47.040863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045076, 
+                47.037589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045566, 
+                46.941231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045535, 
+                46.934009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.045542, 
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+              ], 
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+                -100.000381, 
+                34.746358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000381, 
+                34.746461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000384, 
+                35.030385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000385, 
+                35.182702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000389, 
+                35.422364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000392, 
+                35.619115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000396, 
+                35.880948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000399, 
+                36.055677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.000406, 
+                36.499702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.003762, 
+                36.499699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.090021, 
+                36.499634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.181221, 
+                36.499633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.310643, 
+                36.499642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.311018, 
+                36.499688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.311245, 
+                36.499631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.32415, 
+                36.499679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.334441, 
+                36.49944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.334464, 
+                36.49942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.351842, 
+                36.499473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.351852, 
+                36.499487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.378592, 
+                36.499445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.378634, 
+                36.499517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.41355, 
+                36.499469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.413634, 
+                36.499444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.421301, 
+                36.499488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.421328, 
+                36.499447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.433959, 
+                36.499456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.441064, 
+                36.499462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.441065, 
+                36.49949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.522227, 
+                36.499291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.530314, 
+                36.499357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.530478, 
+                36.49924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.531215, 
+                36.49929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.531215, 
+                36.499341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.546145, 
+                36.499343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.578114, 
+                36.499439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.578114, 
+                36.499463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.583379, 
+                36.499443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.583539, 
+                36.499483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.592551, 
+                36.499429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.592556, 
+                36.499469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.592614, 
+                36.499469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.648344, 
+                36.499463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.648343, 
+                36.499495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.657763, 
+                36.4995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.657763, 
+                36.499483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.708628, 
+                36.499521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.708626, 
+                36.499553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.724361, 
+                36.499558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.724362, 
+                36.49958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.761811, 
+                36.49958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.761811, 
+                36.499618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.802886, 
+                36.499621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.802909, 
+                36.499621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.806172, 
+                36.499634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.80619, 
+                36.499674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.824218, 
+                36.499618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.824236, 
+                36.499618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.85084, 
+                36.4997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.859657, 
+                36.499687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.88408, 
+                36.499682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.884174, 
+                36.499682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.918513, 
+                36.499621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.936058, 
+                36.499602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.954153, 
+                36.499599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.977088, 
+                36.499595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.045331, 
+                36.49954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.052418, 
+                36.499563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.085156, 
+                36.499244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.623915, 
+                36.499528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.649966, 
+                36.499573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.653708, 
+                36.499573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.698685, 
+                36.499508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.709314, 
+                36.499722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.779435, 
+                36.499734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.78061, 
+                36.499727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.781987, 
+                36.499718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.783359, 
+                36.499709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.78811, 
+                36.499678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.826498, 
+                36.499535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.826565, 
+                36.499654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.032339, 
+                36.500066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.162463, 
+                36.500326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002434, 
+                36.500397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002565, 
+                36.526588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002188, 
+                36.602716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002252, 
+                36.61718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002518, 
+                36.675186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002198, 
+                36.719427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.001964, 
+                36.909573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002247, 
+                36.911587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.002199, 
+                37.000104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.986976, 
+                36.998524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.985807, 
+                36.998571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.979613, 
+                36.998549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.875481, 
+                36.999628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.570896, 
+                36.995136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.355367, 
+                36.994575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.355288, 
+                36.994506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.208316, 
+                36.99373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.184271, 
+                36.993593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.054503, 
+                36.993109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.04224, 
+                36.993083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.028207, 
+                36.993125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.028204, 
+                36.993125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.000447, 
+                36.993272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.000447, 
+                36.993249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.90244, 
+                36.993702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.601593, 
+                36.995095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.600396, 
+                36.995153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.55526, 
+                36.995414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.555239, 
+                36.995414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.519066, 
+                36.995546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.485326, 
+                36.995611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.415005, 
+                36.995966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.413868, 
+                36.996008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.37818, 
+                36.996164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.359674, 
+                36.996232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.357797, 
+                36.996271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.212909, 
+                36.997044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.211486, 
+                36.997124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.066742, 
+                36.997921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.053589, 
+                36.997967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.012641, 
+                36.998176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.996502, 
+                36.998044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.945566, 
+                36.998152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.945469, 
+                36.998153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.904588, 
+                36.998561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.904274, 
+                36.998745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.89166, 
+                36.998604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.855634, 
+                36.998626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.814277, 
+                36.999085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.806116, 
+                36.999091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.765484, 
+                36.999177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.756894, 
+                36.999357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.675552, 
+                36.999688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.633327, 
+                36.999936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.633323, 
+                36.999936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.62977, 
+                37.000025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.591413, 
+                37.000399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.591328, 
+                37.000376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.552683, 
+                37.000735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.551598, 
+                37.00062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.201676, 
+                37.002081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.193754, 
+                37.002133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.192371, 
+                37.002036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.187547, 
+                37.002082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.115722, 
+                37.002206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.089484, 
+                37.002092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.005706, 
+                37.001726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.002563, 
+                37.001706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.001286, 
+                37.001699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.995201, 
+                37.001631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.786016, 
+                37.000931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.774816, 
+                37.000841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.774255, 
+                37.000837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.657658, 
+                37.000197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.625399, 
+                36.999671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.558068, 
+                36.999528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.541116, 
+                36.999573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.508574, 
+                36.999658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.504093, 
+                36.999648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.502665, 
+                36.999645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.500395, 
+                36.999637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.500395, 
+                36.999576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.484333, 
+                36.999626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.456203, 
+                36.999471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.277506, 
+                36.999579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.24812, 
+                36.999565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.129449, 
+                36.999422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.124883, 
+                36.99942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.029337, 
+                36.999595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.000303, 
+                36.99951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.994371, 
+                36.999493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.88058, 
+                36.999309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.880009, 
+                36.999263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.869449, 
+                36.999286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.797452, 
+                36.999229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.793711, 
+                36.999227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.791936, 
+                36.999255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.761597, 
+                36.999425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.718465, 
+                36.99918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.714512, 
+                36.99906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.544872, 
+                36.998997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.54466, 
+                36.998996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.420209, 
+                36.998516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.418268, 
+                36.998538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.408991, 
+                36.998513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.354073, 
+                36.997961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.347149, 
+                36.997962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.346188, 
+                36.997962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.237712, 
+                36.997972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.219499, 
+                36.997824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.208218, 
+                36.997997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.177596, 
+                36.998009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.147452, 
+                36.998162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.111985, 
+                36.998133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.045342, 
+                36.998327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.03989, 
+                36.998349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.033955, 
+                36.998366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.802313, 
+                36.998713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.802298, 
+                36.998713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.783489, 
+                36.998847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.783432, 
+                36.998961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.768704, 
+                36.99875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.697104, 
+                36.998826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.650466, 
+                36.999004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.637137, 
+                36.99909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.606549, 
+                36.998682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.564536, 
+                36.998711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.546498, 
+                36.998747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.5459, 
+                36.998709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.527292, 
+                36.99875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.472861, 
+                36.998721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.462346, 
+                36.998685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.46228, 
+                36.998685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.384925, 
+                36.998843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.372421, 
+                36.998861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.147721, 
+                36.999111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.122597, 
+                36.999036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.120285, 
+                36.999014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.104276, 
+                36.99902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.100652, 
+                36.998998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.039784, 
+                36.999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.030082, 
+                36.998929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.975562, 
+                36.999019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.967371, 
+                36.999067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.934642, 
+                36.99907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.921915, 
+                36.999151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.917093, 
+                36.999182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.90351, 
+                36.999132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.902083, 
+                36.999155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.87629, 
+                36.999233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.867517, 
+                36.999217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.822791, 
+                36.999182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.795199, 
+                36.99886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.79206, 
+                36.99918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.749838, 
+                36.998988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.74127, 
+                36.999239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.73659, 
+                36.999286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.710482, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.705431, 
+                36.999203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.525493, 
+                36.999147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.415412, 
+                36.999113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.394272, 
+                36.999221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.279079, 
+                36.999272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.276368, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.217571, 
+                36.99907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.200028, 
+                36.999028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.184768, 
+                36.999211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154017, 
+                36.999161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.152384, 
+                36.999051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.149709, 
+                36.99904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.147143, 
+                36.999022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.143207, 
+                36.999134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.14121, 
+                36.998973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.00081, 
+                36.99886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.96427, 
+                36.999094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.936992, 
+                36.999268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.928122, 
+                36.999245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91018, 
+                36.999336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.877151, 
+                36.999304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.875257, 
+                36.999302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.873944, 
+                36.9993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.866899, 
+                36.999261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.80798, 
+                36.999124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.786762, 
+                36.99931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.768719, 
+                36.999205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.759905, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.741908, 
+                36.999244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.718054, 
+                36.999255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.714887, 
+                36.999279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.71038, 
+                36.999371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.696659, 
+                36.999215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.686452, 
+                36.999349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.664301, 
+                36.999322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.630079, 
+                36.99932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.62435, 
+                36.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.615934, 
+                36.999365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.61214, 
+                36.999321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.573598, 
+                36.99931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.534401, 
+                36.999332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.522415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.511578, 
+                36.999235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407683, 
+                36.999241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407572, 
+                36.999241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.33121, 
+                36.99938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.328327, 
+                36.999366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.328058, 
+                36.999365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.322565, 
+                36.999358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.195307, 
+                36.999565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.177301, 
+                36.99952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155372, 
+                36.99954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155187, 
+                36.999539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.073509, 
+                36.999509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.073504, 
+                36.999509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.049499, 
+                36.99958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.037857, 
+                36.999497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.030324, 
+                36.999517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011433, 
+                36.999535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00762, 
+                36.999514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.995293, 
+                36.999529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.853197, 
+                36.998874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.849801, 
+                36.998876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.840926, 
+                36.998833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.83128, 
+                36.998812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.777257, 
+                36.998764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.739324, 
+                36.998687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.737183, 
+                36.998665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.71277, 
+                36.998794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.701797, 
+                36.998814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.699735, 
+                36.998805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61808, 
+                36.998135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618049, 
+                36.996208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618031, 
+                36.994704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618026, 
+                36.950158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618109, 
+                36.946564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618166, 
+                36.937584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618295, 
+                36.929647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618207, 
+                36.926236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618282, 
+                36.911472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618243, 
+                36.897027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618658, 
+                36.880064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61838, 
+                36.84732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618307, 
+                36.76656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61813, 
+                36.701423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618025, 
+                36.66943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618019, 
+                36.667921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617815, 
+                36.612604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617865, 
+                36.606851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617853, 
+                36.59912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617814, 
+                36.577732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617897, 
+                36.536983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617868, 
+                36.53609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617997, 
+                36.53428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617883, 
+                36.517799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617877, 
+                36.514999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617919, 
+                36.499414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615311, 
+                36.484992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61383, 
+                36.476248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611609, 
+                36.461528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.605408, 
+                36.421949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.602623, 
+                36.405283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.601984, 
+                36.40212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.599723, 
+                36.387587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.593397, 
+                36.345742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.5862, 
+                36.299969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.577883, 
+                36.25008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.577899, 
+                36.249548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.576003, 
+                36.24007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.575071, 
+                36.233682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.57488, 
+                36.232741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.574395, 
+                36.229996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.571806, 
+                36.213748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.571253, 
+                36.210901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.566588, 
+                36.183774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.565655, 
+                36.178439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.562828, 
+                36.161895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.562803, 
+                36.161749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.561165, 
+                36.15211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.552184, 
+                36.102235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.547871, 
+                36.078281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.547715, 
+                36.077271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.535724, 
+                36.007807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.534852, 
+                36.002678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.533646, 
+                35.996804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.532071, 
+                35.987852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.528305, 
+                35.966054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.528162, 
+                35.965665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52464, 
+                35.945727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.524344, 
+                35.94405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52291, 
+                35.936127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522634, 
+                35.934892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522658, 
+                35.934799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522658, 
+                35.93425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.507631, 
+                35.845901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.505642, 
+                35.833628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.504438, 
+                35.826369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.503011, 
+                35.81721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.501162, 
+                35.80643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.500764, 
+                35.80382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.500526, 
+                35.802642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.499647, 
+                35.79691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.499045, 
+                35.79346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.494549, 
+                35.768303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.493362, 
+                35.761892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.492932, 
+                35.759166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48821, 
+                35.72924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.487585, 
+                35.726147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.472647, 
+                35.638556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465272, 
+                35.594037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464457, 
+                35.588909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464097, 
+                35.587265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463318, 
+                35.58266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431789, 
+                35.397659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431215, 
+                35.39429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.433915, 
+                35.387391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.433742, 
+                35.386467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.432685, 
+                35.380806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.431815, 
+                35.362891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.434115, 
+                35.306493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43517, 
+                35.291494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43528, 
+                35.287485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435316, 
+                35.275893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435706, 
+                35.274267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.435812, 
+                35.2713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.437578, 
+                35.242202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.437774, 
+                35.239271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.438247, 
+                35.210992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43847, 
+                35.208587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439084, 
+                35.197298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439056, 
+                35.193588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.439509, 
+                35.171807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.43955, 
+                35.169037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.440754, 
+                35.128806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.441232, 
+                35.119724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.447889, 
+                34.933941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449253, 
+                34.895869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449086, 
+                34.894152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.449058, 
+                34.890556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.44963, 
+                34.875253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.450065, 
+                34.861335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.45014, 
+                34.858694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.450233, 
+                34.855413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.454576, 
+                34.728962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.45753, 
+                34.642961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.4575, 
+                34.634945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460052, 
+                34.547869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460058, 
+                34.545264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.461149, 
+                34.507457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463671, 
+                34.419585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.463816, 
+                34.414465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464176, 
+                34.402713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465425, 
+                34.359548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.465847, 
+                34.352073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470292, 
+                34.189864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474896, 
+                34.021877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474896, 
+                34.021838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.474895, 
+                34.019655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.476957, 
+                33.957365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477038, 
+                33.953838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477318, 
+                33.940932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.477387, 
+                33.937759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478842, 
+                33.881485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478994, 
+                33.881197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.479954, 
+                33.85133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.480574, 
+                33.830166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481355, 
+                33.802887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481361, 
+                33.802649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481543, 
+                33.795719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.481842, 
+                33.789008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482682, 
+                33.756286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482777, 
+                33.753638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.482862, 
+                33.75078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48287, 
+                33.750564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.483874, 
+                33.716733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48384, 
+                33.711332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.484616, 
+                33.691592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48452, 
+                33.687909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485528, 
+                33.663388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485577, 
+                33.65331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485875, 
+                33.637867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.487611, 
+                33.628544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.490684, 
+                33.625586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.524055, 
+                33.615765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52838, 
+                33.615995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.660964, 
+                33.660322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.735128, 
+                33.691267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.746096, 
+                33.703016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.760604, 
+                33.727054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.822473, 
+                33.732716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.8693, 
+                33.745871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.039452, 
+                33.860621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.062284, 
+                33.903618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.063459, 
+                33.91404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.067253, 
+                33.917351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.129572, 
+                33.936718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155981, 
+                33.944027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.219358, 
+                33.961567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.226393, 
+                33.961954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.231113, 
+                33.960361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.252906, 
+                33.933648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.253623, 
+                33.92971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.249807, 
+                33.922241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.2482, 
+                33.912327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.249922, 
+                33.902024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.255541, 
+                33.892047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.260815, 
+                33.887653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.287565, 
+                33.873617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.310475, 
+                33.871481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.339758, 
+                33.868752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407795, 
+                33.866308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.445751, 
+                33.86885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.544346, 
+                33.880111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.548325, 
+                33.882744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552085, 
+                33.888422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552331, 
+                33.89442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.549475, 
+                33.901311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.549145, 
+                33.90795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.559414, 
+                33.930179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.567022, 
+                33.932697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.599678, 
+                33.934247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.757156, 
+                33.867293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.763622, 
+                33.847954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.82468, 
+                33.837726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.846334, 
+                33.841136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.949935, 
+                33.857452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.097526, 
+                33.847544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.14807, 
+                33.837799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.156717, 
+                33.813324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.1641, 
+                33.784261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.170055, 
+                33.76917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.181704, 
+                33.758504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.1999, 
+                33.752117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.220521, 
+                33.74739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.229859, 
+                33.74832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.304675, 
+                33.745901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.36959, 
+                33.716809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.378473, 
+                33.726648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.423362, 
+                33.776365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.436455, 
+                33.78005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.448045, 
+                33.781031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.500268, 
+                33.772583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.612925, 
+                33.833939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.61487, 
+                33.841234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.615843, 
+                33.853393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.612963, 
+                33.867651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.611466, 
+                33.875278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.613494, 
+                33.878321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.615356, 
+                33.881114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.622165, 
+                33.885977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.633351, 
+                33.889382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.646968, 
+                33.895218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.65864, 
+                33.900081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.672258, 
+                33.899595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.67858, 
+                33.892786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.682471, 
+                33.883059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.685389, 
+                33.872846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.68928, 
+                33.86166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.694629, 
+                33.849988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.700952, 
+                33.840748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.707274, 
+                33.835398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.712422, 
+                33.831633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.761588, 
+                33.824406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.85609, 
+                33.84749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.866438, 
+                33.853149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.88301, 
+                33.868019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.895728, 
+                33.896414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.899442, 
+                33.933728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.907387, 
+                33.950025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.9163, 
+                33.957798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.922114, 
+                33.959579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.934508, 
+                33.953748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.944611, 
+                33.948994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.97287, 
+                33.935698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.985567, 
+                33.886522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.00613, 
+                33.861884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.047972, 
+                33.817931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.092414, 
+                33.733214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.097154, 
+                33.727809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.107183, 
+                33.721119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.121102, 
+                33.717174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.13753, 
+                33.718664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.151257, 
+                33.722608
+              ], 
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+                -81.699601, 
+                36.512883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.699446, 
+                36.511504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.697744, 
+                36.508448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.697829, 
+                36.507544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.69729, 
+                36.504887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.69797, 
+                36.504063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.699923, 
+                36.500865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.700238, 
+                36.500475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.699928, 
+                36.498018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.698265, 
+                36.497221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.697261, 
+                36.496141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.696835, 
+                36.493393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.695907, 
+                36.49158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.697287, 
+                36.484738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.715082, 
+                36.453365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.714277, 
+                36.450978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.720969, 
+                36.3875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.725938, 
+                36.340364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.730976, 
+                36.341187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747842, 
+                36.337356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.764927, 
+                36.338672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.789712, 
+                36.348324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793688, 
+                36.360428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.800812, 
+                36.358073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.855005, 
+                36.337259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.908137, 
+                36.302013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.918113, 
+                36.28711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.932994, 
+                36.264881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.960101, 
+                36.228131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.02664, 
+                36.130222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.080143, 
+                36.10572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.080518, 
+                36.10571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.127146, 
+                36.104417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.130646, 
+                36.106417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.137974, 
+                36.119576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.136547, 
+                36.128817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.147948, 
+                36.149516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.211251, 
+                36.159012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.222052, 
+                36.156911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.234807, 
+                36.14172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.235479, 
+                36.140748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.236415, 
+                36.139926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.237737, 
+                36.139189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.325169, 
+                36.119363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.329177, 
+                36.117427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.348422, 
+                36.115929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.360919, 
+                36.110614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.366566, 
+                36.10765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.371383, 
+                36.106388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.375558, 
+                36.105609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.409458, 
+                36.083409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.416857, 
+                36.072885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.462958, 
+                36.007309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487411, 
+                35.991634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487451, 
+                35.991557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.50586, 
+                35.978342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.507068, 
+                35.977475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.512598, 
+                35.975664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.557529, 
+                35.954671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.596774, 
+                35.964987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.611262, 
+                35.973155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.615062, 
+                36.000306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.602877, 
+                36.039833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.619205, 
+                36.056556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.632265, 
+                36.065705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.637165, 
+                36.065805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.683565, 
+                36.046104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.715365, 
+                36.024253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.754465, 
+                36.004304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.778625, 
+                35.974792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830112, 
+                35.932972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.852554, 
+                35.949089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.874159, 
+                35.952698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.898505, 
+                35.945101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.898506, 
+                35.9451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.913338, 
+                35.924113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.89798, 
+                35.881278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.918356, 
+                35.845467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.962842, 
+                35.795126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.964108, 
+                35.7941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.98397, 
+                35.77801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.995803, 
+                35.773128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100225, 
+                35.774765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100329, 
+                35.774804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100233, 
+                35.774745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.164909, 
+                35.759965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.240669, 
+                35.72676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.251247, 
+                35.719916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.255489, 
+                35.714974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.250695, 
+                35.709349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.254231, 
+                35.695807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.297154, 
+                35.65775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.366941, 
+                35.638728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.445802, 
+                35.611803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.479082, 
+                35.583316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.478523, 
+                35.579202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.480617, 
+                35.576633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.485527, 
+                35.568204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.498335, 
+                35.562981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.640498, 
+                35.566075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.662957, 
+                35.569138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.676268, 
+                35.570289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.756917, 
+                35.563604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880074, 
+                35.518745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.933876, 
+                35.472438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.952676, 
+                35.460763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.952882, 
+                35.460635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961053, 
+                35.464143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961056, 
+                35.463738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961054, 
+                35.462838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.9614, 
+                35.459496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.999906, 
+                35.425201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.00225, 
+                35.422548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.024756, 
+                35.353896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.035343, 
+                35.350833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.037494, 
+                35.34985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.038081, 
+                35.348363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.03245, 
+                35.32653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.032479, 
+                35.325318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.02141, 
+                35.301383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.02351, 
+                35.295783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.029033, 
+                35.291049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.055712, 
+                35.268182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.097508, 
+                35.247382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.115048, 
+                35.249765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.115279, 
+                35.250438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.12115, 
+                35.250644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.124915, 
+                35.24983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.202879, 
+                35.255772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.211818, 
+                35.266078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.223718, 
+                35.269078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.227818, 
+                35.267878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.29024, 
+                35.225572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.292321, 
+                35.206677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.308437, 
+                35.093173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.308576, 
+                35.092761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.321869, 
+                34.988408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.393935, 
+                34.988068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.394903, 
+                34.98803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.509052, 
+                34.988033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.509886, 
+                34.98801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.621483, 
+                34.988329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.727434, 
+                34.98802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.731022, 
+                34.988088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.775852, 
+                34.9878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.808127, 
+                34.987592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.809184, 
+                34.987569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.810477, 
+                34.987607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.810742, 
+                34.987615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.817279, 
+                34.987753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.820478, 
+                34.987913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.82401, 
+                34.987707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.831799, 
+                34.988004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.858032, 
+                34.987746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.861314, 
+                34.987791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.939306, 
+                34.987916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.94442, 
+                34.987864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.955623, 
+                34.98783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.976973, 
+                34.987669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.97986, 
+                34.987647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.045052, 
+                34.986859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.045183, 
+                34.986883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.180553, 
+                34.986075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.185905, 
+                34.985995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.216554, 
+                34.985675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.217854, 
+                34.985675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.220554, 
+                34.985575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.221854, 
+                34.985475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.230354, 
+                34.985475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.235555, 
+                34.985475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.254955, 
+                34.985175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.265055, 
+                34.985075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.275856, 
+                34.984975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.277556, 
+                34.984975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.2945, 
+                34.984651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.301488, 
+                34.984475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.305457, 
+                34.984475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.308257, 
+                34.984375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.363919, 
+                34.983375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.474472, 
+                34.983972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.605165, 
+                34.984678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.824411, 
+                34.988142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.828724, 
+                34.988165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.863935, 
+                34.988379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.311274, 
+                34.991098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.318761, 
+                34.991147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.397203, 
+                34.99166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.433927, 
+                34.991085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.467798, 
+                34.990692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.528485, 
+                34.990677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.555864, 
+                34.990971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.571217, 
+                34.991011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.588962, 
+                34.991197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.600039, 
+                34.99124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.641212, 
+                34.99174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.65961, 
+                34.991792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.670853, 
+                34.992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.67436, 
+                34.992001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.676726, 
+                34.99207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.677616, 
+                34.99207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.783628, 
+                34.991925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.783648, 
+                34.991925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.820657, 
+                34.991764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.836306, 
+                34.991764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.83637, 
+                34.991764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.846466, 
+                34.99186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.849794, 
+                34.991924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.862147, 
+                34.991956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.96712, 
+                34.9944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.970236, 
+                34.994546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.972613, 
+                34.99461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.974412, 
+                34.994513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.000007, 
+                34.995121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.011174, 
+                34.995162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.210759, 
+                34.999024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.216683, 
+                34.999148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.224053, 
+                34.999327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.230544, 
+                34.999484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.270014, 
+                35.00039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.299185, 
+                35.000915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.349251, 
+                35.001662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.359281, 
+                35.001823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.381071, 
+                35.002118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.391314, 
+                35.002374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.4174, 
+                35.002669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.421543, 
+                35.002679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.428613, 
+                35.002795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.606031, 
+                35.003343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.664123, 
+                35.003523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671405, 
+                35.003537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.696834, 
+                35.003852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700543, 
+                35.003988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702321, 
+                35.003945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.709491, 
+                35.004089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.75889, 
+                35.004711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.767602, 
+                35.004783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.773586, 
+                35.004946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.851886, 
+                35.005656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.853411, 
+                35.005576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.853528, 
+                35.005541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872626, 
+                35.005571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.877742, 
+                35.005512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.877969, 
+                35.005468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.984916, 
+                35.006256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.18245, 
+                35.007712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.200064, 
+                34.995634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.253825, 
+                34.995553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.258111, 
+                34.995463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.363531, 
+                34.99559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.380508, 
+                34.99561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.469801, 
+                34.996052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.469877, 
+                34.996033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.786612, 
+                34.995252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.823049, 
+                34.995157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.017128, 
+                34.994649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.138997, 
+                34.99433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.139136, 
+                34.994307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.198288, 
+                34.994484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.352679, 
+                34.99442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.493739, 
+                34.994361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.511153, 
+                34.994755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.644282, 
+                34.995293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724324, 
+                34.994763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.795187, 
+                34.994293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.848488, 
+                34.994193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.883365, 
+                34.994261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.893402, 
+                34.994356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.309297, 
+                34.995694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.309877, 
+                35.00975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.295596, 
+                35.040093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.193859, 
+                35.061646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.174594, 
+                35.116682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.160058, 
+                35.12883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.142794, 
+                35.135091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.109393, 
+                35.118891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.100593, 
+                35.116691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.09061, 
+                35.118287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.08342, 
+                35.12167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.065392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.064612, 
+                35.140621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.073354, 
+                35.211004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.074262, 
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+                37.851328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.487485, 
+                37.832136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.514921, 
+                37.799149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.548082, 
+                37.742383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.556868, 
+                37.72441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.572464, 
+                37.701565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.581333, 
+                37.683593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.586136, 
+                37.660653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.60322, 
+                37.620243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.610808, 
+                37.605909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.612237, 
+                37.585602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.608123, 
+                37.578018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.595716, 
+                37.576657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.594044, 
+                37.569698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.60672, 
+                37.55717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.63337, 
+                37.52214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.666178, 
+                37.472124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.6655, 
+                37.467319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.664311, 
+                37.458901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.66179, 
+                37.455028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.665957, 
+                37.439209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.672648, 
+                37.429915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.697914, 
+                37.405301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.720739, 
+                37.373129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.727335, 
+                37.360346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.725634, 
+                37.358416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726691, 
+                37.350127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.735829, 
+                37.335426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.765401, 
+                37.305596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.778817, 
+                37.297176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.780766, 
+                37.297222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.784634, 
+                37.300976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.791913, 
+                37.300589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.798448, 
+                37.296285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.79083, 
+                37.276207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.799343, 
+                37.251779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.795881, 
+                37.236922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.790386, 
+                37.231225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.789929, 
+                37.228134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.790903, 
+                37.225066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.804446, 
+                37.208011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.800468, 
+                37.201029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.800755, 
+                37.197297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.830341, 
+                37.1706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.87767, 
+                37.135604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.886369, 
+                37.126085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.897298, 
+                37.118037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.906734, 
+                37.114193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.912308, 
+                37.115154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.913222, 
+                37.119849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.92552, 
+                37.133601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942539, 
+                37.125142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.945872, 
+                37.120514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962596, 
+                37.117535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.97043, 
+                37.118608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.970004, 
+                37.128861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.978083, 
+                37.157338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.998647, 
+                37.188739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006094, 
+                37.19481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.013071, 
+                37.205366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.013778, 
+                37.219263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010535, 
+                37.231579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.014026, 
+                37.235381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.025753, 
+                37.257407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.023664, 
+                37.268971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.015507, 
+                37.280874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.023475, 
+                37.289067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.018645, 
+                37.31782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.014251, 
+                37.331943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.997778, 
+                37.351739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.987122, 
+                37.368548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.97997, 
+                37.404608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.983105, 
+                37.415802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.981624, 
+                37.434116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976491, 
+                37.444878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.960877, 
+                37.467562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.963496, 
+                37.475352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.963326, 
+                37.481785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.958966, 
+                37.500133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.949974, 
+                37.521876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.940318, 
+                37.534582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937665, 
+                37.549652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937299, 
+                37.551729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.941153, 
+                37.558436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.941182, 
+                37.563839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.924756, 
+                37.600215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.909586, 
+                37.622671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.877059, 
+                37.660641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.868481, 
+                37.668224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.869523, 
+                37.674356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.868355, 
+                37.687609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859262, 
+                37.703111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.845579, 
+                37.707993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837685, 
+                37.712985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.830773, 
+                37.725486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831438, 
+                37.73169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.827922, 
+                37.737986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.82481, 
+                37.741671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.812155, 
+                37.749502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.803041, 
+                37.762464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.812125, 
+                37.776589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.818125, 
+                37.791698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.793399, 
+                37.804493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.784599, 
+                37.806826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.770607, 
+                37.804602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.743097, 
+                37.806656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.73588, 
+                37.816561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.723224, 
+                37.820124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.71659, 
+                37.826696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.714487, 
+                37.837777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.709114, 
+                37.8477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.702914, 
+                37.849659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.689837, 
+                37.861817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.685293, 
+                37.873341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.687584, 
+                37.88634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.709626, 
+                37.900622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.72049, 
+                37.901926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.724505, 
+                37.900184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726699, 
+                37.897299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.753048, 
+                37.896605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.758796, 
+                37.897615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.759835, 
+                37.899333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.757694, 
+                37.903912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.712065, 
+                37.936082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.704318, 
+                37.92901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.693942, 
+                37.930362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.669711, 
+                37.950796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.660956, 
+                37.959174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.646507, 
+                37.973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.646289, 
+                37.973209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.645251, 
+                37.974202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.645096, 
+                37.97435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644665, 
+                37.974763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644591, 
+                37.974833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644545, 
+                37.974877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.639786, 
+                37.979432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.635502, 
+                37.983531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.630222, 
+                37.988584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.626129, 
+                37.9925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.624341, 
+                37.994211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.435956, 
+                38.010282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.42881, 
+                38.010854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.398839, 
+                38.013277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.377851, 
+                38.015145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.263779, 
+                38.025295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.262088, 
+                38.025445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.260635, 
+                38.025574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.256076, 
+                38.02598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.250358, 
+                38.026489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.242296, 
+                38.027206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.242266, 
+                38.027209
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -75.973607, 
+                37.835817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.971705, 
+                37.830928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.977301, 
+                37.825821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.982158, 
+                37.806226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.987301, 
+                37.804917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.9983, 
+                37.812626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.001116, 
+                37.834947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.999658, 
+                37.848198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.996859, 
+                37.85042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992556, 
+                37.848889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.988018, 
+                37.841085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.982098, 
+                37.837253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.973607, 
+                37.835817
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -75.994739, 
+                37.953501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.993905, 
+                37.953489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.00313, 
+                37.947997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.017592, 
+                37.935161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032491, 
+                37.915008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035802, 
+                37.929008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.04653, 
+                37.953586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.045561, 
+                37.953669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.041691, 
+                37.954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.041402, 
+                37.954006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.038026, 
+                37.953901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.030122, 
+                37.953655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.029463, 
+                37.953775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.029405, 
+                37.953776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.022325, 
+                37.953878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.021714, 
+                37.953887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.020932, 
+                37.953879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.020796, 
+                37.953877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.017686, 
+                37.953832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.005888, 
+                37.953662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.994739, 
+                37.953501
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -78.869276, 
+                38.762991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.835191, 
+                38.811499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.808181, 
+                38.856175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.788031, 
+                38.885123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.779198, 
+                38.892298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.757278, 
+                38.903203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.719806, 
+                38.922638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.719755, 
+                38.922135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.716956, 
+                38.916273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.714135, 
+                38.911176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.710949, 
+                38.910175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.601655, 
+                38.964603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.557647, 
+                39.013189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.554222, 
+                39.019672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.565837, 
+                39.026303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.571901, 
+                39.031995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.544111, 
+                39.056676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.508132, 
+                39.08863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.459869, 
+                39.113351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.439429, 
+                39.132146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.418377, 
+                39.156656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.41074, 
+                39.171983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.426722, 
+                39.188903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.438651, 
+                39.198049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.437053, 
+                39.199766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.43213, 
+                39.204717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.431167, 
+                39.205744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.429803, 
+                39.207014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.427911, 
+                39.208611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.423968, 
+                39.212049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.399669, 
+                39.243874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.399785, 
+                39.244129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.360035, 
+                39.317771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.35894, 
+                39.319484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.34048, 
+                39.353492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.362267, 
+                39.357784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.347087, 
+                39.466012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.228766, 
+                39.391233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.033185, 
+                39.264626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.033183, 
+                39.264624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.032841, 
+                39.264403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.828157, 
+                39.132329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.822182, 
+                39.139985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.771415, 
+                39.236776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.767277, 
+                39.24938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.768992, 
+                39.256417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.768, 
+                39.257657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.761768, 
+                39.263031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.761217, 
+                39.263721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.758733, 
+                39.268114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.758412, 
+                39.269197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.755698, 
+                39.274575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.755193, 
+                39.275191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.753105, 
+                39.27734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.75306, 
+                39.277971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.753357, 
+                39.280331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.750267, 
+                39.289284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.719029, 
+                39.321125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.677505, 
+                39.318699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.667749, 
+                39.318129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.592739, 
+                39.30129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.560854, 
+                39.286152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.545846, 
+                39.271535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.543228, 
+                39.266937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.534461, 
+                39.262361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.511222, 
+                39.2535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.484605, 
+                39.245941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.46021, 
+                39.228359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.45768, 
+                39.22502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458779, 
+                39.22028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458884, 
+                39.219826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.478596, 
+                39.189168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.485971, 
+                39.185665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.505162, 
+                39.18205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.510631, 
+                39.178484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.516426, 
+                39.170891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.527282, 
+                39.146236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.524559, 
+                39.127821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.519929, 
+                39.120925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458202, 
+                39.073723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.42318, 
+                39.066878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.375079, 
+                39.061297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.340287, 
+                39.062991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.328002, 
+                39.058554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.291605, 
+                39.045408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.261403, 
+                39.031009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.251803, 
+                39.011409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.255703, 
+                39.002409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.249803, 
+                38.985909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.235403, 
+                38.97661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.221502, 
+                38.97131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.197502, 
+                38.96681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.166901, 
+                38.96811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.148179, 
+                38.965002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.137701, 
+                38.95531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1199, 
+                38.934311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.119863, 
+                38.934265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1012, 
+                38.911111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.0902, 
+                38.904211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.068199, 
+                38.899811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.040599, 
+                38.871212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.031698, 
+                38.850512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.032986, 
+                38.8395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.038598, 
+                38.791513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.039239, 
+                38.7852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.041398, 
+                38.763914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.05991, 
+                38.734419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.074599, 
+                38.711015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.086113, 
+                38.705792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1059, 
+                38.696815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.121101, 
+                38.686616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.132501, 
+                38.673816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.135901, 
+                38.649817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1302, 
+                38.635017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.157501, 
+                38.636417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.174902, 
+                38.624217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.202002, 
+                38.617217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.204302, 
+                38.617817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.205103, 
+                38.623917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.216303, 
+                38.637817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.22235, 
+                38.638091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.240604, 
+                38.638917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.246704, 
+                38.635217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.248904, 
+                38.628617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.245104, 
+                38.620717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.246441, 
+                38.599532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.247003, 
+                38.590618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.26443, 
+                38.582845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.265304, 
+                38.580319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.26083, 
+                38.56533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.276603, 
+                38.54712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.276303, 
+                38.53962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.283503, 
+                38.525221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.291103, 
+                38.515721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.29582, 
+                38.511457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.298844, 
+                38.508724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.300776, 
+                38.506978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.302457, 
+                38.504683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.310334, 
+                38.493926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.322622, 
+                38.467131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.32544, 
+                38.44885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.319036, 
+                38.417803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.310719, 
+                38.397669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.312201, 
+                38.390958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.314848, 
+                38.389579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.317288, 
+                38.383576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.296077, 
+                38.369797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.288145, 
+                38.359477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.28835, 
+                38.351286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.286202, 
+                38.347025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.286202, 
+                38.347024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.279633, 
+                38.339444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.265295, 
+                38.333165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.240072, 
+                38.331598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.199433, 
+                38.34089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.17934, 
+                38.341915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.162692, 
+                38.345994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.155191, 
+                38.351047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.138224, 
+                38.367917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.104717, 
+                38.369655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.094665, 
+                38.367715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.08481, 
+                38.368297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.069956, 
+                38.377895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.056032, 
+                38.3962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.051437, 
+                38.399083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.043526, 
+                38.400548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.024866, 
+                38.386791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.011827, 
+                38.374554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.016932, 
+                38.341697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.020947, 
+                38.329273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.030683, 
+                38.311623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.026304, 
+                38.302685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.99767, 
+                38.278047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.990255, 
+                38.273935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.981372, 
+                38.274214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.96215, 
+                38.256486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.957796, 
+                38.243183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.957417, 
+                38.236341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.962375, 
+                38.230093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.966553, 
+                38.229542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.967335, 
+                38.227185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.962311, 
+                38.214075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.937134, 
+                38.202384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.916922, 
+                38.199751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.910832, 
+                38.197073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.875272, 
+                38.172207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.838795, 
+                38.163476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.824274, 
+                38.163639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.802968, 
+                38.167988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.788445, 
+                38.169199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.760241, 
+                38.166581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.749685, 
+                38.162114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.743064, 
+                38.156988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.740278, 
+                38.152824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.738938, 
+                38.14651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.721722, 
+                38.137635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.704048, 
+                38.149264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.701297, 
+                38.155718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.684892, 
+                38.156497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.665127, 
+                38.147638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.643448, 
+                38.14825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.638983, 
+                38.151476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.629476, 
+                38.15305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.613939, 
+                38.148587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.604131, 
+                38.128771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.600937, 
+                38.110084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579497, 
+                38.09487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.543155, 
+                38.076971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535919, 
+                38.069532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.522354, 
+                38.04259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.519536, 
+                38.034814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.516547, 
+                38.026566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491998, 
+                38.017222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469343, 
+                38.013544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.465291, 
+                38.010226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.462542, 
+                37.998572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.427487, 
+                37.977038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.416299, 
+                37.966828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391439, 
+                37.958742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.360211, 
+                37.952329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343848, 
+                37.947345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265998, 
+                37.91138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.236725, 
+                37.889174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.245072, 
+                37.861918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.251358, 
+                37.833072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266057, 
+                37.8174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275178, 
+                37.812664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280544, 
+                37.812597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.282592, 
+                37.814109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281985, 
+                37.818068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.284904, 
+                37.822308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293525, 
+                37.822717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.307482, 
+                37.81235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310307, 
+                37.794849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.306489, 
+                37.788646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312108, 
+                37.750522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.304917, 
+                37.729913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312858, 
+                37.720338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.302803, 
+                37.704474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300067, 
+                37.695364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.302545, 
+                37.689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312079, 
+                37.684651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.315161, 
+                37.68472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320216, 
+                37.680666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.324808, 
+                37.676983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.339892, 
+                37.655966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332562, 
+                37.645817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.306464, 
+                37.642005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.292534, 
+                37.636098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.287959, 
+                37.631771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.279447, 
+                37.618225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.28037, 
+                37.613715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.309174, 
+                37.621892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36232, 
+                37.610368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381106, 
+                37.627003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.390054, 
+                37.630326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399236, 
+                37.628636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.443254, 
+                37.652347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.472392, 
+                37.665772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489576, 
+                37.666201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491799, 
+                37.663614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.497564, 
+                37.647056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.501522, 
+                37.643762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.510187, 
+                37.642324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536548, 
+                37.663574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.537698, 
+                37.66893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535302, 
+                37.687516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.537228, 
+                37.698892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.54005, 
+                37.704432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.560476, 
+                37.727827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.576387, 
+                37.757493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.584289, 
+                37.76889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.593835, 
+                37.772848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.595939, 
+                37.77168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.602024, 
+                37.772731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.615351, 
+                37.780759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.642276, 
+                37.792317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.651413, 
+                37.796239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.658302, 
+                37.806815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.680197, 
+                37.825654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.692747, 
+                37.82277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.701606, 
+                37.822677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.722156, 
+                37.83668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.72718, 
+                37.842263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.733046, 
+                37.852009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.738395, 
+                37.865373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.747552, 
+                37.875864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.765711, 
+                37.879274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.77539, 
+                37.874306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.784618, 
+                37.869569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.782826, 
+                37.863184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.766328, 
+                37.840437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.7512, 
+                37.824141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.734309, 
+                37.79866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.723863, 
+                37.788503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.715498, 
+                37.785873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.689773, 
+                37.78519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.683775, 
+                37.781391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.681901, 
+                37.778118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.683343, 
+                37.775783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.683359, 
+                37.770258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.683372, 
+                37.765507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.680922, 
+                37.759647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.677002, 
+                37.7561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.663887, 
+                37.751887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.639962, 
+                37.750941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.61971, 
+                37.744795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.617373, 
+                37.742347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.621433, 
+                37.737973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.61997, 
+                37.731271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.606466, 
+                37.724819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.597213, 
+                37.717269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.595943, 
+                37.712989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.598073, 
+                37.70912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.597868, 
+                37.702918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579591, 
+                37.671508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.583143, 
+                37.661986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.574049, 
+                37.646781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.542666, 
+                37.616857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.533777, 
+                37.61253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527188, 
+                37.611315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.435474, 
+                37.612807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.420252, 
+                37.598686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.410781, 
+                37.581815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383188, 
+                37.573056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.357835, 
+                37.573699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332641, 
+                37.570042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300144, 
+                37.561734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29796, 
+                37.557636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.302762, 
+                37.551295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330598, 
+                37.536391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.339989, 
+                37.53833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.348992, 
+                37.536548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.355084, 
+                37.527364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.360474, 
+                37.51924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.359378, 
+                37.513426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.352678, 
+                37.504913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32947, 
+                37.49492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.306952, 
+                37.497488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.297739, 
+                37.506863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296445, 
+                37.511235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298456, 
+                37.512677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.297651, 
+                37.515424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293599, 
+                37.516499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.288167, 
+                37.514118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281043, 
+                37.507821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265056, 
+                37.481365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.252415, 
+                37.447274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250454, 
+                37.421886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.246617, 
+                37.404122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.245283, 
+                37.386839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.24846, 
+                37.375135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258277, 
+                37.36202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262407, 
+                37.360786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264847, 
+                37.357399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.272888, 
+                37.335174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.272005, 
+                37.322194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275552, 
+                37.309964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.282555, 
+                37.319107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.291324, 
+                37.324145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308581, 
+                37.329366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.31205, 
+                37.338088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337476, 
+                37.364014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.366751, 
+                37.374495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387112, 
+                37.385061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391437, 
+                37.390284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.393958, 
+                37.39594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.393125, 
+                37.398068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.404756, 
+                37.400213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.415167, 
+                37.402133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.418719, 
+                37.3978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.418176, 
+                37.385064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.422503, 
+                37.381355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.437525, 
+                37.37975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.445333, 
+                37.36646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.434965, 
+                37.354524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.406388, 
+                37.332924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38777, 
+                37.30767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.385603, 
+                37.294108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381075, 
+                37.28534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.369029, 
+                37.279311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.352556, 
+                37.278334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.349489, 
+                37.273963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36229, 
+                37.270226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.392788, 
+                37.264973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.417173, 
+                37.26395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.421765, 
+                37.255198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.429141, 
+                37.25331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.475927, 
+                37.250543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.48284, 
+                37.254831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493302, 
+                37.24947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.4989, 
+                37.241015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.50364, 
+                37.233856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.494008, 
+                37.225408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.471799, 
+                37.216016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.394132, 
+                37.22515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.389793, 
+                37.222981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.3936, 
+                37.214049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.396052, 
+                37.201087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.389284, 
+                37.193503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391252, 
+                37.179887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.397883, 
+                37.164415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399659, 
+                37.160272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.394756, 
+                37.157568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381379, 
+                37.155711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375255, 
+                37.16084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.35969, 
+                37.16858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.348658, 
+                37.170655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343234, 
+                37.166207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.344898, 
+                37.164479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.34405, 
+                37.160367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340129, 
+                37.151823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334017, 
+                37.144223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330481, 
+                37.141727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.324353, 
+                37.142895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.311088, 
+                37.138495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.292344, 
+                37.126615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.287236, 
+                37.117453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274463, 
+                37.094544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271262, 
+                37.084544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.292863, 
+                37.035145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300352, 
+                37.00885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.304272, 
+                37.001378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312048, 
+                37.000371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.315008, 
+                37.001683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.314624, 
+                37.00933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.318065, 
+                37.013846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329531, 
+                37.014556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.34011, 
+                37.015212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340666, 
+                37.015246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.348066, 
+                37.006747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.356366, 
+                37.002947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.373567, 
+                36.998347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383367, 
+                36.993347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387711, 
+                36.989671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.396368, 
+                36.982347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.408568, 
+                36.969147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.411768, 
+                36.962847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.418969, 
+                36.964047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.428869, 
+                36.969947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.452118, 
+                36.998163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.452461, 
+                37.004603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.449891, 
+                37.004868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.448231, 
+                37.007705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.464471, 
+                37.027547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46949, 
+                37.030414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.507614, 
+                37.052188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.509339, 
+                37.053173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.512289, 
+                37.054858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.518242, 
+                37.055351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.526273, 
+                37.062947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527973, 
+                37.068247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.526573, 
+                37.070047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.526203, 
+                37.077773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.528997, 
+                37.079388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536875, 
+                37.083942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.555066, 
+                37.075859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.564219, 
+                37.077507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.567931, 
+                37.080467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579499, 
+                37.096627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.618252, 
+                37.119347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.62478, 
+                37.127091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.622252, 
+                37.142146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.617084, 
+                37.144498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.604476, 
+                37.160034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.606684, 
+                37.166674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.610972, 
+                37.166994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.611018, 
+                37.167097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.612517, 
+                37.170486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.613599, 
+                37.172931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.614221, 
+                37.174335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.616268, 
+                37.178962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.616804, 
+                37.18126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.617537, 
+                37.184409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.618008, 
+                37.186429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.61934, 
+                37.192146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.619962, 
+                37.193184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.621113, 
+                37.195103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.623292, 
+                37.198738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.629868, 
+                37.206738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.639608, 
+                37.214783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.641085, 
+                37.216002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.649869, 
+                37.220914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.689166, 
+                37.222866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.693373, 
+                37.221228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.698943, 
+                37.219059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.730951, 
+                37.213813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.73432, 
+                37.204211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.74, 
+                37.195379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.74304, 
+                37.192611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.75047, 
+                37.190098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.757765, 
+                37.191658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.773752, 
+                37.206061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.780532, 
+                37.209336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.791555, 
+                37.207564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.801023, 
+                37.206043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.803198, 
+                37.201513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.802511, 
+                37.198308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.796905, 
+                37.189404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.756899, 
+                37.161582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.747632, 
+                37.150548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.73728, 
+                37.146164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.73032, 
+                37.145395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.715295, 
+                37.148035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.696735, 
+                37.174403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.692926, 
+                37.186147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.691918, 
+                37.195731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.685614, 
+                37.198851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.669886, 
+                37.183571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.663774, 
+                37.173875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.66427, 
+                37.171027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.66867, 
+                37.166771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.67147, 
+                37.158739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.671588, 
+                37.14206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.669604, 
+                37.140534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.666542, 
+                37.138179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.665833, 
+                37.136098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.665641, 
+                37.135534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.66375, 
+                37.129979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.656894, 
+                37.109843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.657101, 
+                37.107617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.657703, 
+                37.101161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.65811, 
+                37.096787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.659394, 
+                37.094019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.66555, 
+                37.080746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.666526, 
+                37.078643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.667219, 
+                37.077149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.667646, 
+                37.076228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.668295, 
+                37.072656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.669118, 
+                37.068132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.669822, 
+                37.06426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.66835, 
+                37.05506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.662558, 
+                37.045748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.653998, 
+                37.039172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.646013, 
+                37.036228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.612124, 
+                37.035604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.586491, 
+                37.02874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.584478, 
+                37.027349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579393, 
+                37.023835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579236, 
+                37.023726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.57816, 
+                37.022982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.577531, 
+                37.022548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.576617, 
+                37.021374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.565803, 
+                37.007493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.562923, 
+                37.003796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.551246, 
+                36.998946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524853, 
+                36.983833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.522971, 
+                36.981085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524142, 
+                36.978316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.521006, 
+                36.973187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.513363, 
+                36.968057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.500355, 
+                36.965212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.487559, 
+                36.952372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.484107, 
+                36.928916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.482407, 
+                36.917364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.482135, 
+                36.901108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.483369, 
+                36.896239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469914, 
+                36.882898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.454692, 
+                36.884077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.45329, 
+                36.887031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.453941, 
+                36.89274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.447413, 
+                36.90322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.441605, 
+                36.906116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.43122, 
+                36.904532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.407507, 
+                36.897444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.406908, 
+                36.897507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387567, 
+                36.899547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.385867, 
+                36.923247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.353765, 
+                36.922747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.345569, 
+                36.924531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.344663, 
+                36.919313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333158, 
+                36.917293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328864, 
+                36.918447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330765, 
+                36.938647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327365, 
+                36.959447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322764, 
+                36.959147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.315867, 
+                36.955351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299364, 
+                36.965547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.297663, 
+                36.968147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.285063, 
+                36.968747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.267962, 
+                36.964547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234961, 
+                36.945147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.22166, 
+                36.939547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.189959, 
+                36.931447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177019, 
+                36.92929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.139557, 
+                36.923047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.095508, 
+                36.908817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.087955, 
+                36.908647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.058154, 
+                36.916947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.043054, 
+                36.927547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.033454, 
+                36.931946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.013753, 
+                36.930746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.007553, 
+                36.929047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.996252, 
+                36.922047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.991552, 
+                36.910847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.972151, 
+                36.842268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.965451, 
+                36.812449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94955, 
+                36.76115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.921748, 
+                36.692051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.890946, 
+                36.630753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.874145, 
+                36.583853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867044, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.879744, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880644, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.885945, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.886545, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.891945, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.893245, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.894145, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.903445, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.904745, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.909046, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.911446, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.922046, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.952847, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.953447, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.955748, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.957648, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.02675, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.034751, 
+                36.550653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.12236, 
+                36.550621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.313196, 
+                36.550551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.313215, 
+                36.550551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491497, 
+                36.550365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.541391, 
+                36.550312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.541687, 
+                36.550312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.781296, 
+                36.550659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.807078, 
+                36.550606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.915384, 
+                36.543856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.916001, 
+                36.543818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.916048, 
+                36.543815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1645, 
+                36.54633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.24969, 
+                36.544745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.296875, 
+                36.544746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.767117, 
+                36.544752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.87528, 
+                36.544754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.882357, 
+                36.544737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.899771, 
+                36.544663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.038938, 
+                36.544173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.03942, 
+                36.544196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.046202, 
+                36.544168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.132911, 
+                36.543811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.133323, 
+                36.543847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.245462, 
+                36.544411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.246681, 
+                36.544341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.323912, 
+                36.543809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.436333, 
+                36.542666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.441199, 
+                36.542687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.45697, 
+                36.542474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.470792, 
+                36.542316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.471022, 
+                36.542307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.529722, 
+                36.540981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.533013, 
+                36.541004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.663317, 
+                36.542011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.670051, 
+                36.542035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.734122, 
+                36.541902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.758392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.76543, 
+                36.541727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.7963, 
+                36.541713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.914543, 
+                36.541972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.91542, 
+                36.541974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.942009, 
+                36.542113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.942254, 
+                36.542079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.970577, 
+                36.542154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.971814, 
+                36.542123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.124736, 
+                36.541568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.126078, 
+                36.541533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.137936, 
+                36.541739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.208686, 
+                36.541571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.20948, 
+                36.541594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.218638, 
+                36.541579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.342696, 
+                36.541382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.445687, 
+                36.541218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.445961, 
+                36.541195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.470047, 
+                36.541025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.510647, 
+                36.540738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.510961, 
+                36.54074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.666827, 
+                36.541772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.667309, 
+                36.541772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.714855, 
+                36.541884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.920239, 
+                36.542365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.966979, 
+                36.542475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.967511, 
+                36.542502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.027269, 
+                36.542495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.053455, 
+                36.542623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.169535, 
+                36.54319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.171636, 
+                36.543219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.225408, 
+                36.543748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.228263, 
+                36.543867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.431605, 
+                36.550219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.432628, 
+                36.550302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.4401, 
+                36.55063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.612158, 
+                36.558127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.687539, 
+                36.561411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.744101, 
+                36.561686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.837089, 
+                36.559154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.837641, 
+                36.559118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.837954, 
+                36.559131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.901726, 
+                36.561751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.901836, 
+                36.561754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.944338, 
+                36.563058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.945988, 
+                36.563196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.058844, 
+                36.566976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.061866, 
+                36.56702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.307511, 
+                36.575024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.353169, 
+                36.574724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.353322, 
+                36.574723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.521032, 
+                36.58052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.60697, 
+                36.587094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.677535, 
+                36.588117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.6469, 
+                36.611918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.826742, 
+                36.614215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.922644, 
+                36.616213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.934144, 
+                36.594213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.14607, 
+                36.594712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.148569, 
+                36.594718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.150727, 
+                36.594673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.173982, 
+                36.594607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.177247, 
+                36.594768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.18074, 
+                36.594928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.188491, 
+                36.595179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.210497, 
+                36.595772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.211005, 
+                36.59586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.221713, 
+                36.595814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.223445, 
+                36.595721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.225716, 
+                36.595744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.226653, 
+                36.595743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.243274, 
+                36.595699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.293814, 
+                36.595565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.554294, 
+                36.594876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.559774, 
+                36.5948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.561074, 
+                36.5948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.609176, 
+                36.594099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.679879, 
+                36.593698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.69578, 
+                36.593698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830433, 
+                36.593761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.985087, 
+                36.593829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.02725, 
+                36.593847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.028357, 
+                36.593893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.248933, 
+                36.593827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.249899, 
+                36.593898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.250304, 
+                36.593935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.2763, 
+                36.598187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.472108, 
+                36.597284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.670128, 
+                36.600764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.670141, 
+                36.600797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.675413, 
+                36.600814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.649513, 
+                36.616683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.527212, 
+                36.665984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.498011, 
+                36.670485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.461013, 
+                36.664916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.460808, 
+                36.664885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.354606, 
+                36.696153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.353613, 
+                36.696699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.342804, 
+                36.701286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.199698, 
+                36.737487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.167396, 
+                36.739187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.136395, 
+                36.743088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.127833, 
+                36.750828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.125728, 
+                36.761276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.125655, 
+                36.761407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.131245, 
+                36.767105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.131694, 
+                36.781488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.099792, 
+                36.824889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.07259, 
+                36.854589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.973395, 
+                36.859097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.911824, 
+                36.874243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.91169, 
+                36.874248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.885618, 
+                36.900415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.873777, 
+                36.912299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.872136, 
+                36.913456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.863468, 
+                36.922308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861943, 
+                36.924236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858461, 
+                36.932717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858784, 
+                36.933065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860537, 
+                36.937439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861684, 
+                36.939316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861282, 
+                36.944848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860633, 
+                36.94584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856099, 
+                36.952471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.855705, 
+                36.953808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858443, 
+                36.954036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860534, 
+                36.956015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.862866, 
+                36.957765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.864211, 
+                36.957983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.865404, 
+                36.958084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.867358, 
+                36.963182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.87023, 
+                36.965498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.870274, 
+                36.965993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.869183, 
+                36.974182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.869183, 
+                36.974183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.868455, 
+                36.976481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.867535, 
+                36.977518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.866689, 
+                36.978052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.866019, 
+                36.978272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.864909, 
+                36.97901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.862926, 
+                36.979975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.852614, 
+                36.984963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.851397, 
+                36.984497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.840051, 
+                36.987113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.838549, 
+                36.987027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.836008, 
+                36.988837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.833843, 
+                36.991973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830802, 
+                36.993445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.829125, 
+                36.997541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830588, 
+                37.000945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.818006, 
+                37.006161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.815748, 
+                37.007196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.800531, 
+                37.007944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.79089, 
+                37.00676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.790462, 
+                37.007263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.789092, 
+                37.007995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.788897, 
+                37.00816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.777368, 
+                37.015279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.771795, 
+                37.015716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.722472, 
+                37.045101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.720597, 
+                37.081833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.721941, 
+                37.105689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.624878, 
+                37.162932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565375, 
+                37.196092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565329, 
+                37.196118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.553549, 
+                37.200867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.510826, 
+                37.218091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.350948, 
+                37.267077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.310793, 
+                37.297387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.305874, 
+                37.3011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.291908, 
+                37.311642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.968297, 
+                37.537798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.92787, 
+                37.512118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.94264, 
+                37.508844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.992916, 
+                37.482969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.996578, 
+                37.476705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.99227, 
+                37.460916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.987006, 
+                37.454878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.968795, 
+                37.451496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.949367, 
+                37.445687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.935621, 
+                37.438397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.92749, 
+                37.413251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.933895, 
+                37.372747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.930194, 
+                37.366728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.929915, 
+                37.366589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.926589, 
+                37.358942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.925643, 
+                37.357316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.921571, 
+                37.356423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.920711, 
+                37.355416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.911487, 
+                37.348839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.910875, 
+                37.348729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.907895, 
+                37.343783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.907322, 
+                37.343119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.906368, 
+                37.34276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.905945, 
+                37.342775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.903795, 
+                37.34305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.902992, 
+                37.34234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.899495, 
+                37.341102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.899459, 
+                37.340277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.896001, 
+                37.331967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.895489, 
+                37.332022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.894797, 
+                37.332012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.894768, 
+                37.331381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.893773, 
+                37.330105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.892876, 
+                37.330134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.887722, 
+                37.331156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.886952, 
+                37.330725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.885075, 
+                37.330665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.880886, 
+                37.331146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.879601, 
+                37.332074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.878713, 
+                37.331753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.878343, 
+                37.328837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.873213, 
+                37.325065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.865219, 
+                37.308839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.86476, 
+                37.308404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.853978, 
+                37.300418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.854465, 
+                37.299937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.853488, 
+                37.294763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.854059, 
+                37.291352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.843167, 
+                37.285586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.84231, 
+                37.285556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.810559, 
+                37.28298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.809184, 
+                37.283003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793639, 
+                37.282188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793425, 
+                37.281674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.774747, 
+                37.274847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.774684, 
+                37.274807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.767837, 
+                37.274216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.765195, 
+                37.275099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.763836, 
+                37.275218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.762776, 
+                37.275391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.761752, 
+                37.275713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.76022, 
+                37.275254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757631, 
+                37.274003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.75773, 
+                37.271934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757714, 
+                37.271124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757531, 
+                37.27001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.755012, 
+                37.26772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.752912, 
+                37.266614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.752123, 
+                37.265568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.75129, 
+                37.265131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747656, 
+                37.264329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.743505, 
+                37.247601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.74342, 
+                37.245858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.744291, 
+                37.244178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.738378, 
+                37.240917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.73332, 
+                37.238127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.728194, 
+                37.239823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.683544, 
+                37.211452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.678603, 
+                37.202467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.560625, 
+                37.206663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.558353, 
+                37.208145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.557315, 
+                37.207697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.507325, 
+                37.2338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.50488, 
+                37.247697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.504168, 
+                37.250115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.409729, 
+                37.284837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.409196, 
+                37.286071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.388132, 
+                37.319903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.386727, 
+                37.320474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.38581, 
+                37.320085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.384914, 
+                37.318832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.384127, 
+                37.318596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.380159, 
+                37.317838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.377349, 
+                37.318447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.371315, 
+                37.324115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.367599, 
+                37.327569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.369379, 
+                37.331827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.36809, 
+                37.332423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.367052, 
+                37.334504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.366315, 
+                37.335927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.362156, 
+                37.337687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.320105, 
+                37.299323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.225104, 
+                37.234874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.204774, 
+                37.243013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.167029, 
+                37.262881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.112596, 
+                37.278497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.084012, 
+                37.284401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.034652, 
+                37.290751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.981322, 
+                37.293465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.980044, 
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+                37.318596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.384914, 
+                37.318832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.38581, 
+                37.320085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.386727, 
+                37.320474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.388132, 
+                37.319903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.409196, 
+                37.286071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.409729, 
+                37.284837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.504168, 
+                37.250115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.50488, 
+                37.247697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.507325, 
+                37.2338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.557315, 
+                37.207697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.558353, 
+                37.208145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.560625, 
+                37.206663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.678603, 
+                37.202467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.683544, 
+                37.211452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.728194, 
+                37.239823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.73332, 
+                37.238127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.738378, 
+                37.240917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.744291, 
+                37.244178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.74342, 
+                37.245858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.743505, 
+                37.247601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747656, 
+                37.264329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.75129, 
+                37.265131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.752123, 
+                37.265568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.752912, 
+                37.266614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.755012, 
+                37.26772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757531, 
+                37.27001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757714, 
+                37.271124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.75773, 
+                37.271934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757631, 
+                37.274003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.76022, 
+                37.275254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.761752, 
+                37.275713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.762776, 
+                37.275391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.763836, 
+                37.275218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.765195, 
+                37.275099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.767837, 
+                37.274216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.774684, 
+                37.274807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.774747, 
+                37.274847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793425, 
+                37.281674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793639, 
+                37.282188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.809184, 
+                37.283003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.810559, 
+                37.28298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.84231, 
+                37.285556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.843167, 
+                37.285586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.854059, 
+                37.291352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.853488, 
+                37.294763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.854465, 
+                37.299937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.853978, 
+                37.300418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.86476, 
+                37.308404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.865219, 
+                37.308839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.873213, 
+                37.325065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.878343, 
+                37.328837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.878713, 
+                37.331753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.879601, 
+                37.332074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.880886, 
+                37.331146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.885075, 
+                37.330665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.886952, 
+                37.330725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.887722, 
+                37.331156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.892876, 
+                37.330134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.893773, 
+                37.330105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.894768, 
+                37.331381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.894797, 
+                37.332012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.895489, 
+                37.332022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.896001, 
+                37.331967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.899459, 
+                37.340277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.899495, 
+                37.341102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.902992, 
+                37.34234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.903795, 
+                37.34305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.905945, 
+                37.342775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.906368, 
+                37.34276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.907322, 
+                37.343119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.907895, 
+                37.343783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.910875, 
+                37.348729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.911487, 
+                37.348839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.920711, 
+                37.355416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.921571, 
+                37.356423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.925643, 
+                37.357316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.926589, 
+                37.358942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.929915, 
+                37.366589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.930194, 
+                37.366728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.933895, 
+                37.372747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.92749, 
+                37.413251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.935621, 
+                37.438397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.949367, 
+                37.445687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.968795, 
+                37.451496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.987006, 
+                37.454878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.99227, 
+                37.460916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.996578, 
+                37.476705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.992916, 
+                37.482969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.94264, 
+                37.508844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.92787, 
+                37.512118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.968297, 
+                37.537798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.998177, 
+                37.543082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.999844, 
+                37.542579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.008274, 
+                37.533357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.048521, 
+                37.531078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.116584, 
+                37.559588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.125892, 
+                37.574031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.125601, 
+                37.579021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.141814, 
+                37.595052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.21967, 
+                37.643046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.25028, 
+                37.657776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.297011, 
+                37.687273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.307235, 
+                37.707669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.325739, 
+                37.735799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.326404, 
+                37.740815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.319023, 
+                37.758892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.329867, 
+                37.775897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.400234, 
+                37.851833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.417679, 
+                37.870658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.474666, 
+                37.910388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.500386, 
+                37.936518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.497358, 
+                37.945338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.4973, 
+                37.945507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.464987, 
+                37.976859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.464096, 
+                37.982437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.465473, 
+                37.98478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487732, 
+                37.99833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.509812, 
+                38.001249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.519665, 
+                38.008538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.539139, 
+                38.039093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.547284, 
+                38.061094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.600127, 
+                38.117389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.602618, 
+                38.11835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.621164, 
+                38.123239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.636466, 
+                38.13786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.644739, 
+                38.165487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.60423, 
+                38.247303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.59497, 
+                38.245453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.584001, 
+                38.246371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.578254, 
+                38.254809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.574656, 
+                38.263873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.571877, 
+                38.315781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.593008, 
+                38.375082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.595382, 
+                38.382712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.595369, 
+                38.382722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.597113, 
+                38.412881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.596281, 
+                38.417681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.593673, 
+                38.421809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.560664, 
+                38.404338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.520178, 
+                38.407582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.50667, 
+                38.410092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.34064, 
+                38.440948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.330335, 
+                38.4445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.323999, 
+                38.449268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.320223, 
+                38.454516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.313935, 
+                38.468084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.295571, 
+                38.539783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.293271, 
+                38.560283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.293871, 
+                38.572683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.291271, 
+                38.578983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.287102, 
+                38.582588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.27427, 
+                38.593683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.26207, 
+                38.598183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.245969, 
+                38.598483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.218967, 
+                38.591683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.193824, 
+                38.593096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.181967, 
+                38.599384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.177267, 
+                38.603784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.175167, 
+                38.608484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.172066, 
+                38.619284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.172066, 
+                38.625984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.182467, 
+                38.708782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.188268, 
+                38.734082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.198882, 
+                38.757725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.220449, 
+                38.773739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.221566, 
+                38.787187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.215759, 
+                38.797462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.191172, 
+                38.815137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.184428, 
+                38.816529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.139279, 
+                38.866407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.098762, 
+                38.958288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.093165, 
+                38.97098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.051563, 
+                38.994378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.045663, 
+                39.003778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.041563, 
+                39.017878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.035963, 
+                39.025478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.017562, 
+                39.030078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.002261, 
+                39.027878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.935619, 
+                38.9895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.919783, 
+                38.968494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.900595, 
+                38.937671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.89847, 
+                38.929603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.90091, 
+                38.924338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.926671, 
+                38.901311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.928352, 
+                38.895371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.926967, 
+                38.891602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.908645, 
+                38.87846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.874857, 
+                38.881174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.759995, 
+                38.925828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.756131, 
+                38.933545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.764253, 
+                39.015279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.772854, 
+                39.026179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793304, 
+                39.040353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.803355, 
+                39.047678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.811655, 
+                39.059578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.814155, 
+                39.073478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.812355, 
+                39.082078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747253, 
+                39.095378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747253, 
+                39.095379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.749689, 
+                39.180742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.749853, 
+                39.186489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.740061, 
+                39.190652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.721551, 
+                39.212448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.695724, 
+                39.242859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.605816, 
+                39.275851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.542346, 
+                39.352874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.467744, 
+                39.403774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.456143, 
+                39.409274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.446543, 
+                39.410374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.435642, 
+                39.408474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.412706, 
+                39.394618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.406689, 
+                39.38809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.393794, 
+                39.351706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.384556, 
+                39.343449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.375961, 
+                39.341697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.371271, 
+                39.342062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.356911, 
+                39.343178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.347567, 
+                39.34577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.295373, 
+                39.37529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.270716, 
+                39.385914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.249088, 
+                39.389992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.223581, 
+                39.386062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.215617, 
+                39.388602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.127696, 
+                39.464879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.063587, 
+                39.520497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.038691, 
+                39.540464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.020055, 
+                39.55541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.943782, 
+                39.606926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.892208, 
+                39.616756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.88036, 
+                39.620706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.831871, 
+                39.705655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.829764, 
+                39.711839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.828618, 
+                39.720848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.812342, 
+                39.848845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.806179, 
+                39.897306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.809619, 
+                39.905626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.808722, 
+                39.91257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.806018, 
+                39.91713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.759455, 
+                39.958233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.743166, 
+                39.969113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.740126, 
+                39.970793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.732051, 
+                40.03324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.731504, 
+                40.037472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.730904, 
+                40.049172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.733104, 
+                40.058772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.726504, 
+                40.089072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.705482, 
+                40.153047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.703052, 
+                40.157231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.685391, 
+                40.187642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.652098, 
+                40.24497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.644598, 
+                40.25127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.637198, 
+                40.25507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.616696, 
+                40.28027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.602895, 
+                40.307069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.599895, 
+                40.317669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.609313, 
+                40.360468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.619196, 
+                40.381768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.617346, 
+                40.396004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.612295, 
+                40.434867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.599194, 
+                40.482566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.610259, 
+                40.490962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.666917, 
+                40.573664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.667957, 
+                40.582496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.665892, 
+                40.587728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.634355, 
+                40.616095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.627171, 
+                40.619936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.601494, 
+                40.625387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.594065, 
+                40.623664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.589041, 
+                40.620128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.56072, 
+                40.62368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.518991, 
+                40.638801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519039, 
+                40.616391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519086, 
+                40.616385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519086, 
+                40.590161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519055, 
+                40.590173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519057, 
+                40.517922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.519054, 
+                40.517922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.518692, 
+                40.477365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.517998, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.517991, 
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+                46.7888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.65892, 
+                46.7885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.660541, 
+                46.788221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.661154, 
+                46.788116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.661517, 
+                46.788054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.66326, 
+                46.787754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.679469, 
+                46.784964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.68763, 
+                46.78356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.688602, 
+                46.783393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.689259, 
+                46.78328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.691473, 
+                46.782899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.692974, 
+                46.782641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.696465, 
+                46.78204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.696934, 
+                46.782119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.706594, 
+                46.783752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.716456, 
+                46.785418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.723938, 
+                46.781737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.734915, 
+                46.772015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.73884, 
+                46.768539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.739425, 
+                46.768021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.758019, 
+                46.757969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.7625, 
+                46.755547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.763647, 
+                46.754927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.765221, 
+                46.754534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.766611, 
+                46.754187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.771228, 
+                46.753034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.774436, 
+                46.753086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.787751, 
+                46.753301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.78781, 
+                46.753302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.788304, 
+                46.75331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.788515, 
+                46.753313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.78843, 
+                46.753619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.788285, 
+                46.754145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.787554, 
+                46.756786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.785415, 
+                46.76452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.783086, 
+                46.772939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.788926, 
+                46.779191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.789243, 
+                46.779529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.790965, 
+                46.781373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.790992, 
+                46.781534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.791085, 
+                46.782097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.791358, 
+                46.783752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.791392, 
+                46.783955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.791517, 
+                46.784713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.791562, 
+                46.784983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.790231, 
+                46.786103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.781682, 
+                46.788835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.759119, 
+                46.796044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.758586, 
+                46.796214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.74572, 
+                46.798228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.740603, 
+                46.799029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.736609, 
+                46.799654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.733231, 
+                46.800183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.733001, 
+                46.800219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.732823, 
+                46.800385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.729581, 
+                46.803395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.728546, 
+                46.804356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.728384, 
+                46.805707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.727952, 
+                46.809319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.727818, 
+                46.810434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.720932, 
+                46.815897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.712381, 
+                46.820743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.704619, 
+                46.823508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.694496, 
+                46.827114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.682954, 
+                46.831225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.675364, 
+                46.833929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.672908, 
+                46.835202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.656946, 
+                46.843476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.656109, 
+                46.844108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.655873, 
+                46.844286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.655691, 
+                46.844424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654497, 
+                46.845325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654472, 
+                46.845344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651804, 
+                46.847359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651231, 
+                46.847792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.650914, 
+                46.848031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.647486, 
+                46.85062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.646982, 
+                46.851001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.643218, 
+                46.853844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.637885, 
+                46.859981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.637091, 
+                46.860895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.636718, 
+                46.861323
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -90.579568, 
+                46.91823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.592933, 
+                46.915558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.623547, 
+                46.909438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.624635, 
+                46.909221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.625685, 
+                46.909011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.637124, 
+                46.906724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.64412, 
+                46.908373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.644144, 
+                46.908379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.644218, 
+                46.908455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654796, 
+                46.919249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654805, 
+                46.919259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.654797, 
+                46.919276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651834, 
+                46.925267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.651043, 
+                46.926074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.646351, 
+                46.93086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.64534, 
+                46.931893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.64479, 
+                46.932453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.643966, 
+                46.933294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.643328, 
+                46.933944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.634507, 
+                46.942944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.633915, 
+                46.943113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.601876, 
+                46.952251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.601153, 
+                46.952457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.572383, 
+                46.958835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.530597, 
+                46.968099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.528804, 
+                46.968497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.528182, 
+                46.968396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.524874, 
+                46.96786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.523298, 
+                46.967604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.521791, 
+                46.966804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.514782, 
+                46.963084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.514616, 
+                46.962996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.513328, 
+                46.962312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.512884, 
+                46.962076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.512211, 
+                46.961719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.511623, 
+                46.961407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.50988, 
+                46.959108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.509372, 
+                46.958438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.508157, 
+                46.956836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.511124, 
+                46.952885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.524018, 
+                46.935714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.524056, 
+                46.935664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.532652, 
+                46.932489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.535368, 
+                46.931486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.539947, 
+                46.92785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.543583, 
+                46.923002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.543852, 
+                46.918289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.545105, 
+                46.917287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.545872, 
+                46.916673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.549104, 
+                46.915461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.550371, 
+                46.915829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.55328, 
+                46.916674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.557319, 
+                46.918693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.569169, 
+                46.920309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.579568, 
+                46.91823
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -87.500105, 
+                45.061117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498964, 
+                45.061231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.497254, 
+                45.061278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.496415, 
+                45.061072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.495479, 
+                45.060661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.494543, 
+                45.060044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.493381, 
+                45.059107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492864, 
+                45.058376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.49285, 
+                45.058325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492702, 
+                45.057805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492691, 
+                45.057799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492573, 
+                45.057736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492563, 
+                45.057653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.49254, 
+                45.057462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492516, 
+                45.057419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492411, 
+                45.057233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492314, 
+                45.056936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492023, 
+                45.056502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.491765, 
+                45.056273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.491636, 
+                45.056227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.491507, 
+                45.05609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.491345, 
+                45.056022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490216, 
+                45.055222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490151, 
+                45.055039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490189, 
+                45.055017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490312, 
+                45.054948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490925, 
+                45.055039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492668, 
+                45.055792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.494475, 
+                45.056523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498379, 
+                45.057733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.49867, 
+                45.057779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498863, 
+                45.057847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.500105, 
+                45.058167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.501572, 
+                45.058602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504281, 
+                45.059198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504967, 
+                45.059287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506055, 
+                45.059428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506086, 
+                45.059461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506184, 
+                45.059565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506109, 
+                45.059644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506054, 
+                45.059702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504488, 
+                45.060024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.50428, 
+                45.060067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.503602, 
+                45.060272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.50244, 
+                45.060706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.501802, 
+                45.060841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.500603, 
+                45.061094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.500105, 
+                45.061117
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -86.945964, 
+                45.407673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.943041, 
+                45.41525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.942901, 
+                45.415392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.941237, 
+                45.417075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.937393, 
+                45.420966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.936224, 
+                45.421035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.934724, 
+                45.421123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.934276, 
+                45.421149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.934091, 
+                45.420972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.930511, 
+                45.417536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.929028, 
+                45.41377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.928246, 
+                45.411784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.928045, 
+                45.411273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.927768, 
+                45.411183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.917686, 
+                45.40789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.914004, 
+                45.408052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.909743, 
+                45.408239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.902739, 
+                45.408547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.898049, 
+                45.408753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.892893, 
+                45.40898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.883364, 
+                45.412076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.880629, 
+                45.412965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.877502, 
+                45.413981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.865002, 
+                45.412489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.862174, 
+                45.412151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.861472, 
+                45.412067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.861317, 
+                45.411946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.859922, 
+                45.410853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.855993, 
+                45.407777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.853145, 
+                45.405547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.853082, 
+                45.405562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830353, 
+                45.410852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830331, 
+                45.410955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.829741, 
+                45.413705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.829352, 
+                45.415516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.829143, 
+                45.41649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.829905, 
+                45.420623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830123, 
+                45.421805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830175, 
+                45.422092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.8309, 
+                45.426023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830755, 
+                45.426186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.828731, 
+                45.428461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.828661, 
+                45.428539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.828071, 
+                45.428459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.82177, 
+                45.427602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.817069, 
+                45.426963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.816741, 
+                45.42676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.81551, 
+                45.425998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.810055, 
+                45.422619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.80991, 
+                45.422283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805978, 
+                45.413159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805868, 
+                45.412903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805843, 
+                45.412592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805767, 
+                45.411661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805652, 
+                45.410247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.805415, 
+                45.407324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.808303, 
+                45.406067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.808658, 
+                45.406143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.814956, 
+                45.407483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.815881, 
+                45.40768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.817148, 
+                45.40795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.818073, 
+                45.408147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.81954, 
+                45.407679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.822083, 
+                45.406868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.824383, 
+                45.406135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.82473, 
+                45.405798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.837482, 
+                45.393432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.841432, 
+                45.389601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.853103, 
+                45.370861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.853182, 
+                45.370816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.857308, 
+                45.36846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.858384, 
+                45.367846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.863367, 
+                45.365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.863563, 
+                45.364888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.8636, 
+                45.364783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.863694, 
+                45.364518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.863719, 
+                45.364446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.864314, 
+                45.362764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.867743, 
+                45.353065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.86771, 
+                45.35289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.866244, 
+                45.344992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.866126, 
+                45.344356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.865528, 
+                45.341136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.865499, 
+                45.340981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.865634, 
+                45.340686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.866054, 
+                45.339765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.869031, 
+                45.333244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.869041, 
+                45.333223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.86951, 
+                45.333041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.872296, 
+                45.331962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.874685, 
+                45.331037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.874761, 
+                45.331008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.875117, 
+                45.33087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.879361, 
+                45.331335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.880572, 
+                45.331467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.887802, 
+                45.332259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.895055, 
+                45.329035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.899488, 
+                45.322588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.896667, 
+                45.307275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.896922, 
+                45.298521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.896928, 
+                45.2983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.899891, 
+                45.295185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.900636, 
+                45.295431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.901602, 
+                45.29575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.904362, 
+                45.296662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.904898, 
+                45.296839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.913995, 
+                45.31211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.925681, 
+                45.3242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.937368, 
+                45.333065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.940715, 
+                45.333762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.94107, 
+                45.333836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946796, 
+                45.335027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946943, 
+                45.335058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.948087, 
+                45.335296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.95155, 
+                45.338298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.95499, 
+                45.34128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.955456, 
+                45.341684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.955577, 
+                45.341788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.955691, 
+                45.341888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.956054, 
+                45.342202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.956129, 
+                45.342267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.95614, 
+                45.343785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.956192, 
+                45.351179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.956198, 
+                45.352006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.954435, 
+                45.353706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.953389, 
+                45.354715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.95336, 
+                45.35472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.948272, 
+                45.355682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946297, 
+                45.35869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946475, 
+                45.359826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946503, 
+                45.360004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946791, 
+                45.361845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947142, 
+                45.364085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.94751, 
+                45.366434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947604, 
+                45.366645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947684, 
+                45.366825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.948731, 
+                45.369178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.948743, 
+                45.369205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.948803, 
+                45.369338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.95497, 
+                45.383194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.955204, 
+                45.383721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.954329, 
+                45.385989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.953773, 
+                45.38743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.951866, 
+                45.392373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.951176, 
+                45.394162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947346, 
+                45.40409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947074, 
+                45.404796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946837, 
+                45.40541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.945964, 
+                45.407673
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -87.76262, 
+                44.965796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.7627, 
+                44.965786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.762846, 
+                44.965768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.766115, 
+                44.965351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.766872, 
+                44.965254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781298, 
+                44.961738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781464, 
+                44.961697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.788987, 
+                44.959863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.789934, 
+                44.959633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.791372, 
+                44.959282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.791987, 
+                44.959132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.792325, 
+                44.95905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812594, 
+                44.954109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812989, 
+                44.954013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813276, 
+                44.953885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813866, 
+                44.953623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.815134, 
+                44.95306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.816151, 
+                44.952608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.817285, 
+                44.952104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.817551, 
+                44.951986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.817713, 
+                44.951914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.817912, 
+                44.951826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.818113, 
+                44.951736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819313, 
+                44.951203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819369, 
+                44.951178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819525, 
+                44.951109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.820281, 
+                44.950358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.820848, 
+                44.949793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.82105, 
+                44.949593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.821485, 
+                44.949161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.821983, 
+                44.948665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.822192, 
+                44.948457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.837647, 
+                44.933091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.839028, 
+                44.931718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.843433, 
+                44.924355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.844299, 
+                44.918524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842844, 
+                44.912586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842719, 
+                44.912077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.84264, 
+                44.911916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842375, 
+                44.911371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.840382, 
+                44.907289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.839561, 
+                44.905607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.837017, 
+                44.902509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.836743, 
+                44.902177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.836082, 
+                44.901371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.834275, 
+                44.899172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.833731, 
+                44.89851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.833521, 
+                44.898254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.832137, 
+                44.896569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.827751, 
+                44.891229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.832764, 
+                44.880939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.835497, 
+                44.877544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.836916, 
+                44.87578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.838359, 
+                44.873987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.847616, 
+                44.870692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.848324, 
+                44.87044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.84914, 
+                44.86942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.852789, 
+                44.86486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.854184, 
+                44.859633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.854681, 
+                44.857771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.854938, 
+                44.857386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.855962, 
+                44.855854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.857121, 
+                44.85412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.857469, 
+                44.853599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.865898, 
+                44.840988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.866237, 
+                44.840481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.871679, 
+                44.839816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.878218, 
+                44.839016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.885709, 
+                44.835208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.89257, 
+                44.83172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895812, 
+                44.830072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897931, 
+                44.828995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.899787, 
+                44.828051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901137, 
+                44.827365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901814, 
+                44.825616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.902166, 
+                44.824708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903395, 
+                44.821534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903844, 
+                44.820376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904281, 
+                44.819246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904484, 
+                44.818723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.905444, 
+                44.816997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906582, 
+                44.814949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911366, 
+                44.806345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.918874, 
+                44.79284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.923588, 
+                44.784361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.925845, 
+                44.780301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.926816, 
+                44.778555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.941453, 
+                44.75608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.95156, 
+                44.753107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.956849, 
+                44.749272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.964714, 
+                44.74357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.972654, 
+                44.733687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.983065, 
+                44.72073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.983494, 
+                44.720196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.983941, 
+                44.717781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98395, 
+                44.717735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.984094, 
+                44.716955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.984247, 
+                44.716129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.984401, 
+                44.715298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.986055, 
+                44.70636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.986134, 
+                44.705936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.987296, 
+                44.699657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.987417, 
+                44.699005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.988667, 
+                44.692255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98925, 
+                44.689107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.989344, 
+                44.688598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.989376, 
+                44.688424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98947, 
+                44.687918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.989717, 
+                44.686582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.989912, 
+                44.677587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.990081, 
+                44.669791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.99011, 
+                44.668455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.998964, 
+                44.665187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.000321, 
+                44.664686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.002085, 
+                44.664035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.002254, 
+                44.663442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.002677, 
+                44.661956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.00334, 
+                44.65963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.007287, 
+                44.645779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009766, 
+                44.637081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009523, 
+                44.631711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009486, 
+                44.630897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009472, 
+                44.630594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009463, 
+                44.630398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.008717, 
+                44.628932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.007489, 
+                44.626521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.007158, 
+                44.625871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.007013, 
+                44.625586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.006871, 
+                44.625306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.006409, 
+                44.624399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.001172, 
+                44.614112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.998836, 
+                44.609523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.998716, 
+                44.609288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.001943, 
+                44.603909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.012395, 
+                44.602438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.014735, 
+                44.5964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.015092, 
+                44.595478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.016373, 
+                44.592172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.016404, 
+                44.592092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.019465, 
+                44.588344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.022853, 
+                44.584196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.027103, 
+                44.578992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.028148, 
+                44.578736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.034535, 
+                44.577175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.036103, 
+                44.576792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.036104, 
+                44.576791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.039092, 
+                44.574324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.039489, 
+                44.573995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041162, 
+                44.572614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041202, 
+                44.572581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041358, 
+                44.571809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041485, 
+                44.571183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041561, 
+                44.570804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041659, 
+                44.57032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.041775, 
+                44.569746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.042261, 
+                44.567344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.042414, 
+                44.566589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.037178, 
+                44.562705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.020707, 
+                44.550484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.016709, 
+                44.547518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.005518, 
+                44.539216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.000099, 
+                44.537827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.999002, 
+                44.537546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.998536, 
+                44.537426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.990985, 
+                44.535491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.990468, 
+                44.535358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.986059, 
+                44.534228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.982821, 
+                44.533398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.977901, 
+                44.532137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.970702, 
+                44.530292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.943801, 
+                44.529693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.939972, 
+                44.531323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.935707, 
+                44.533138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.929001, 
+                44.535993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.924044, 
+                44.540991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.917467, 
+                44.547622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.917, 
+                44.548093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.915846, 
+                44.549612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901206, 
+                44.568887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901178, 
+                44.568924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901177, 
+                44.568925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900668, 
+                44.570084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.899368, 
+                44.573043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898907, 
+                44.574091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898888, 
+                44.574135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.899183, 
+                44.574576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900198, 
+                44.576095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900634, 
+                44.576747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901061, 
+                44.577386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901236, 
+                44.577648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903689, 
+                44.581317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.902319, 
+                44.583079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901179, 
+                44.584545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896412, 
+                44.58678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.894356, 
+                44.587745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.891727, 
+                44.588977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.891717, 
+                44.588982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.890868, 
+                44.589647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.88741, 
+                44.592356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.867941, 
+                44.607606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.866884, 
+                44.608434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842164, 
+                44.618826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.837416, 
+                44.620822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.836101, 
+                44.621375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.830848, 
+                44.623583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.829229, 
+                44.624521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.823444, 
+                44.62787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.820083, 
+                44.629816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.809076, 
+                44.636189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.808819, 
+                44.636338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.808366, 
+                44.636378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.78824, 
+                44.638137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.77516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.765774, 
+                44.642023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.762912, 
+                44.64411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.762376, 
+                44.644501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.756048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.756031, 
+                44.649129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.750899, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.74909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.748409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.733701, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.729836, 
+                44.682015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.71978, 
+                44.693246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.718413, 
+                44.707765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.718409, 
+                44.707811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.718427, 
+                44.70787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720248, 
+                44.713833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720599, 
+                44.714984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.721816, 
+                44.718969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.721252, 
+                44.722361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.721059, 
+                44.723522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720889, 
+                44.724548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720312, 
+                44.725073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.714401, 
+                44.730449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.705852, 
+                44.738225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.705733, 
+                44.738364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.704653, 
+                44.73963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.703557, 
+                44.740914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.701022, 
+                44.743882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700778, 
+                44.744169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700539, 
+                44.744448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.698653, 
+                44.746657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.698584, 
+                44.746738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.698246, 
+                44.747133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.698167, 
+                44.747226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.688207, 
+                44.758892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.687497, 
+                44.759567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.679709, 
+                44.766973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.678368, 
+                44.768247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.677995, 
+                44.768602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.662056, 
+                44.783758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.647764, 
+                44.797347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6463, 
+                44.798739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.645229, 
+                44.800466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.644646, 
+                44.801407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.644637, 
+                44.801423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.644545, 
+                44.801571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.637104, 
+                44.813575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.635416, 
+                44.815124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.635265, 
+                44.815263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.634476, 
+                44.815986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.63439, 
+                44.816065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.634381, 
+                44.816073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.634059, 
+                44.816369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.633418, 
+                44.816956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.632977, 
+                44.817361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.632892, 
+                44.817439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.632699, 
+                44.817616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.622014, 
+                44.827419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.616384, 
+                44.832585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.616242, 
+                44.832715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.611852, 
+                44.836743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.611118, 
+                44.837416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.610245, 
+                44.838217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.610063, 
+                44.838384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.610018, 
+                44.838405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.609784, 
+                44.838514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.581635, 
+                44.851638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.581306, 
+                44.851791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.573175, 
+                44.853118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.570851, 
+                44.852932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.560183, 
+                44.85208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550288, 
+                44.85129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550003, 
+                44.851381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.534723, 
+                44.85625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530999, 
+                44.857437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530794, 
+                44.857594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515142, 
+                44.869596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.51459, 
+                44.86938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.513775, 
+                44.869061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.513413, 
+                44.868919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512129, 
+                44.868416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504868, 
+                44.865573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504405, 
+                44.865392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504303, 
+                44.865352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.502431, 
+                44.864619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.501578, 
+                44.864285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.499063, 
+                44.864207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.478489, 
+                44.863572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.472639, 
+                44.86769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.456688, 
+                44.878918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.441339, 
+                44.889723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437084, 
+                44.892718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.433128, 
+                44.892741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.433005, 
+                44.892691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.428144, 
+                44.890738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.421007, 
+                44.887869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.420327, 
+                44.887596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419106, 
+                44.885378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419114, 
+                44.885285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419135, 
+                44.885052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419951, 
+                44.87594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419253, 
+                44.87496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.410919, 
+                44.863259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.410015, 
+                44.86199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.408779, 
+                44.861453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.405658, 
+                44.860098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.405541, 
+                44.860047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.384821, 
+                44.865532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.384593, 
+                44.869277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383874, 
+                44.881116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383839, 
+                44.881685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383833, 
+                44.881788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.38367, 
+                44.884475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383655, 
+                44.884723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383631, 
+                44.885115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.385396, 
+                44.889964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.386111, 
+                44.890699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.386375, 
+                44.890972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.386396, 
+                44.890993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.38649, 
+                44.89109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.390604, 
+                44.895323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.390651, 
+                44.895372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.3908, 
+                44.895524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.39107, 
+                44.895803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.39198, 
+                44.896739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.39227, 
+                44.897037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393399, 
+                44.898199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.396972, 
+                44.899955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.397184, 
+                44.900059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.397359, 
+                44.900145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.400488, 
+                44.901683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.401947, 
+                44.9024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.406199, 
+                44.90449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.405361, 
+                44.909626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.405005, 
+                44.911806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.398368, 
+                44.925226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393752, 
+                44.933751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393672, 
+                44.933899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393405, 
+                44.934393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393058, 
+                44.934677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.389006, 
+                44.937988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.387253, 
+                44.939421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.385066, 
+                44.942445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.384669, 
+                44.942993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.382436, 
+                44.94608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.374805, 
+                44.956631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.373046, 
+                44.960388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.372599, 
+                44.961343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.372568, 
+                44.96141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.371854, 
+                44.962935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.370075, 
+                44.966736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.363492, 
+                44.980798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.360288, 
+                44.987643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.351487, 
+                44.997203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.345091, 
+                45.004151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.336548, 
+                45.013431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.336457, 
+                45.01353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.322117, 
+                45.034201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.322022, 
+                45.03429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.315879, 
+                45.040103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.307394, 
+                45.04813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.303475, 
+                45.051838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.30342, 
+                45.05189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.303149, 
+                45.052146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.302831, 
+                45.052447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.30247, 
+                45.052666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.300887, 
+                45.053625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.300724, 
+                45.053724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.300146, 
+                45.054075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.28428, 
+                45.063694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.284208, 
+                45.06376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.269231, 
+                45.077396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.268737, 
+                45.077847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.268695, 
+                45.077884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.264877, 
+                45.081361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.260631, 
+                45.092355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.260542, 
+                45.092585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.260595, 
+                45.106007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.257449, 
+                45.121644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.254072, 
+                45.126323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.250487, 
+                45.131289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.240813, 
+                45.137559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.240308, 
+                45.137886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.242331, 
+                45.146773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.242924, 
+                45.149377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.238426, 
+                45.166492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.238229, 
+                45.167238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.238224, 
+                45.167259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.23822, 
+                45.167262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.231925, 
+                45.172316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.231214, 
+                45.172887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.224065, 
+                45.174551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.222316, 
+                45.174959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.221971, 
+                45.175039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.221707, 
+                45.174716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.220937, 
+                45.173773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.21437, 
+                45.165735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.213483, 
+                45.165614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.207963, 
+                45.164857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.200385, 
+                45.163819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.195876, 
+                45.163201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.195213, 
+                45.16311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.17517, 
+                45.173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.175068, 
+                45.17305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.173722, 
+                45.17485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.171272, 
+                45.178123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.171233, 
+                45.178175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.170266, 
+                45.179468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.170062, 
+                45.179741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.168298, 
+                45.182099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.168252, 
+                45.18216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.167179, 
+                45.183594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.163169, 
+                45.185331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.147709, 
+                45.190711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.147657, 
+                45.190719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.142708, 
+                45.191437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.13303, 
+                45.192843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.132874, 
+                45.192794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.12981, 
+                45.191825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.128597, 
+                45.191441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124549, 
+                45.190162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.123689, 
+                45.18989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119972, 
+                45.191103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119971, 
+                45.191125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119968, 
+                45.191198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119925, 
+                45.19228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119921, 
+                45.192386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119894, 
+                45.193071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119887, 
+                45.193242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119876, 
+                45.193527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119874, 
+                45.193581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119868, 
+                45.193724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119864, 
+                45.193843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119825, 
+                45.194814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119822, 
+                45.194908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119784, 
+                45.195866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.11978, 
+                45.195965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119768, 
+                45.196271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119534, 
+                45.202184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119522, 
+                45.202488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119511, 
+                45.202754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119413, 
+                45.205237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119405, 
+                45.20544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.11945, 
+                45.205529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119654, 
+                45.20593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121541, 
+                45.209649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121566, 
+                45.209698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121609, 
+                45.209783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122098, 
+                45.215121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122194, 
+                45.216168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122226, 
+                45.216519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122248, 
+                45.216764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122364, 
+                45.218023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122708, 
+                45.221786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.122819, 
+                45.222997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121667, 
+                45.226337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121288, 
+                45.227438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121266, 
+                45.2275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.117391, 
+                45.23874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.116456, 
+                45.24145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.116432, 
+                45.24152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.109541, 
+                45.255397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.109014, 
+                45.256458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.108743, 
+                45.257003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.10843, 
+                45.257093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.101681, 
+                45.259027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.078316, 
+                45.265723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.071035, 
+                45.280355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.070845, 
+                45.280532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057627, 
+                45.292838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.053417, 
+                45.287901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.052927, 
+                45.287326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.052872, 
+                45.287262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.051979, 
+                45.286215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.0517, 
+                45.285888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.050796, 
+                45.285758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048745, 
+                45.285464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.043895, 
+                45.284767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.043724, 
+                45.28482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.043497, 
+                45.28489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.04313, 
+                45.285003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041463, 
+                45.285518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034206, 
+                45.287758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034077, 
+                45.287844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.021088, 
+                45.296541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.017036, 
+                45.299254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.015797, 
+                45.29919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.994112, 
+                45.298061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.993528, 
+                45.297915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.993201, 
+                45.297833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984223, 
+                45.295585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.98388, 
+                45.295499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983355, 
+                45.295368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983227, 
+                45.29526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.980058, 
+                45.292598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.97778, 
+                45.290684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.977714, 
+                45.290575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.970355, 
+                45.278455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.972786, 
+                45.274591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973227, 
+                45.27389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.974346, 
+                45.272113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.974528, 
+                45.271823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.974622, 
+                45.271752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.977355, 
+                45.269687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983597, 
+                45.264971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984398, 
+                45.264366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984495, 
+                45.263409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984938, 
+                45.259036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984975, 
+                45.258674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984172, 
+                45.255346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983066, 
+                45.250764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.982669, 
+                45.249117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.982393, 
+                45.24898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.976711, 
+                45.246146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973287, 
+                45.246381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973022, 
+                45.246399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973453, 
+                45.244966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.97346, 
+                45.244944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973483, 
+                45.244867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.973651, 
+                45.244308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.974086, 
+                45.242864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.978697, 
+                45.227538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.978759, 
+                45.227333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.98108, 
+                45.223646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.981956, 
+                45.222254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983001, 
+                45.220593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.983708, 
+                45.21947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.985973, 
+                45.215872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.988075, 
+                45.21536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.995804, 
+                45.213478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.997316, 
+                45.21311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.000112, 
+                45.212429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.002806, 
+                45.211773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.005243, 
+                45.213607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.005359, 
+                45.213694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.005468, 
+                45.214114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.00754, 
+                45.222127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.007583, 
+                45.222127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032521, 
+                45.222274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032546, 
+                45.222274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032576, 
+                45.222235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034524, 
+                45.219734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.040909, 
+                45.211535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.040924, 
+                45.211421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041063, 
+                45.210375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041075, 
+                45.210283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041106, 
+                45.210052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045899, 
+                45.173902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045883, 
+                45.173543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045701, 
+                45.169351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045687, 
+                45.169016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045681, 
+                45.168889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.04566, 
+                45.168403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.04548, 
+                45.164271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045242, 
+                45.158798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045225, 
+                45.158401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.044176, 
+                45.15763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041145, 
+                45.155404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.038479, 
+                45.153445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.036716, 
+                45.15215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034083, 
+                45.150216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.030225, 
+                45.147382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.029164, 
+                45.146603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.02898, 
+                45.146467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.028847, 
+                45.14637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.028957, 
+                45.14625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.030105, 
+                45.145009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.030126, 
+                45.144986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.031167, 
+                45.14386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.031307, 
+                45.143709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032194, 
+                45.142748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032344, 
+                45.142586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.032461, 
+                45.14246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.03292, 
+                45.141963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.033114, 
+                45.141753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.033117, 
+                45.141752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.033546, 
+                45.141522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.03355, 
+                45.141519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034621, 
+                45.140946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.034667, 
+                45.140921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.035465, 
+                45.140494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.035838, 
+                45.140294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.040175, 
+                45.137972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.041564, 
+                45.137228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.042114, 
+                45.136933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.042286, 
+                45.136841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.045748, 
+                45.134987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.054282, 
+                45.120074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.054342, 
+                45.119968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.051049, 
+                45.116172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.05075, 
+                45.115111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.049346, 
+                45.110122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.049268, 
+                45.109845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.049231, 
+                45.109712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048951, 
+                45.108718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048911, 
+                45.107665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048406, 
+                45.094259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048346, 
+                45.092647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048213, 
+                45.089124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.048359, 
+                45.089098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.05078, 
+                45.088663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057415, 
+                45.087472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057444, 
+                45.087467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058259, 
+                45.086304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.061966, 
+                45.081015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.063129, 
+                45.079356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.063157, 
+                45.079316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.063376, 
+                45.079202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.064864, 
+                45.078427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.079552, 
+                45.070783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.079555, 
+                45.07077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.080271, 
+                45.067154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.080755, 
+                45.06471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.081866, 
+                45.059103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.082419, 
+                45.058879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.086351, 
+                45.057287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.090849, 
+                45.055465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.091639, 
+                45.055145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.091761, 
+                45.055158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.092177, 
+                45.055203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.096387, 
+                45.055654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.097479, 
+                45.055771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.121156, 
+                45.058311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124701, 
+                45.052936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124722, 
+                45.050833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124727, 
+                45.050344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124737, 
+                45.049268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124744, 
+                45.048608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124788, 
+                45.044141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124797, 
+                45.043262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.124808, 
+                45.042167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.132344, 
+                45.026862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.134354, 
+                45.02278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.138024, 
+                45.015327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.139384, 
+                45.012565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.141048, 
+                45.012175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.154084, 
+                45.009117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.163477, 
+                45.004913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.163529, 
+                45.00489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.163561, 
+                45.004848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.167474, 
+                44.999736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.16797, 
+                44.999088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.169494, 
+                44.997096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.169676, 
+                44.99686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.169694, 
+                44.996836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.181428, 
+                44.981505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.181901, 
+                44.980887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.182922, 
+                44.979221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.187585, 
+                44.971606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.189134, 
+                44.969078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.189407, 
+                44.968632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.189402, 
+                44.968524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.189383, 
+                44.968164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.188582, 
+                44.952193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.188399, 
+                44.94856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.188375, 
+                44.948077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.188074, 
+                44.947886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.179974, 
+                44.942753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.17524, 
+                44.939753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.1717, 
+                44.931476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.17492, 
+                44.927749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.182421, 
+                44.926297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.185858, 
+                44.925632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.186732, 
+                44.925463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.187984, 
+                44.924845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.204238, 
+                44.916819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.215808, 
+                44.906744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.215977, 
+                44.906597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.216059, 
+                44.906009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.216074, 
+                44.9059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.216146, 
+                44.905379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.217171, 
+                44.898013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.217195, 
+                44.897839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.217149, 
+                44.897789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.21671, 
+                44.897309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.212587, 
+                44.892809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.209265, 
+                44.889182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.206285, 
+                44.885928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.206184, 
+                44.885329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.204815, 
+                44.877199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.204809, 
+                44.877159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.204545, 
+                44.875593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.204904, 
+                44.875429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.211398, 
+                44.872461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.224891, 
+                44.866295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.246171, 
+                44.856571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.267061, 
+                44.847025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.267441, 
+                44.846851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.267564, 
+                44.846655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.274769, 
+                44.835187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.27603, 
+                44.83318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.282561, 
+                44.814729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.294869, 
+                44.809131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.304824, 
+                44.804603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.307482, 
+                44.801377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.313363, 
+                44.794237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.313692, 
+                44.793838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.313751, 
+                44.793766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.31388, 
+                44.793595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.314247, 
+                44.793109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.315813, 
+                44.791034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.320397, 
+                44.784963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.319796, 
+                44.77917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.319169, 
+                44.773135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.31903, 
+                44.771794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.319013, 
+                44.771632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.318982, 
+                44.771335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.319903, 
+                44.769672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.320855, 
+                44.767953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.337584, 
+                44.737751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.339155, 
+                44.732839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.339904, 
+                44.730498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.341226, 
+                44.726364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.341491, 
+                44.725535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.343508, 
+                44.719228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.348082, 
+                44.711526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.349559, 
+                44.709039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.353789, 
+                44.701915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.354172, 
+                44.701445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.354249, 
+                44.70135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.36115, 
+                44.692876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.367992, 
+                44.684474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.368263, 
+                44.684141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.373228, 
+                44.675593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.37849, 
+                44.666534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.38684, 
+                44.652157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393521, 
+                44.640655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.401629, 
+                44.631191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.403724, 
+                44.628974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.40541, 
+                44.627191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.418028, 
+                44.62087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.435766, 
+                44.606472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437493, 
+                44.605071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437751, 
+                44.604559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.446963, 
+                44.586274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.467089, 
+                44.553557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.467214, 
+                44.553355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.467398, 
+                44.553055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.468093, 
+                44.551925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.472934, 
+                44.539338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.481884, 
+                44.516065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.483696, 
+                44.511354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.483873, 
+                44.505742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.483914, 
+                44.504425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.484042, 
+                44.503856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.486822, 
+                44.491477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.490024, 
+                44.477224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492333, 
+                44.472804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.494678, 
+                44.468314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.495176, 
+                44.46736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.495252, 
+                44.467215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498662, 
+                44.460686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.49886, 
+                44.459737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498872, 
+                44.45968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.498934, 
+                44.459384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.499349, 
+                44.457395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.499674, 
+                44.455837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.499719, 
+                44.455625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.502309, 
+                44.443219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506362, 
+                44.423804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.507651, 
+                44.421418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.511387, 
+                44.414502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.511635, 
+                44.414043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512311, 
+                44.411941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512886, 
+                44.410153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515482, 
+                44.402077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.517965, 
+                44.394356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.517881, 
+                44.390082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.517597, 
+                44.375696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.51774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.518094, 
+                44.374519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.519106, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.521047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.521663, 
+                44.366719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533583, 
+                44.351111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533606, 
+                44.351052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541517, 
+                44.331123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.54295, 
+                44.327513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.545382, 
+                44.321385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544725, 
+                44.307068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544716, 
+                44.306864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544675, 
+                44.306707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541382, 
+                44.294018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541265, 
+                44.293567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541156, 
+                44.293147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541155, 
+                44.293143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.541053, 
+                44.292968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526466, 
+                44.268016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526391, 
+                44.267888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.526226, 
+                44.267605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525824, 
+                44.266918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525797, 
+                44.266871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525703, 
+                44.266711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525643, 
+                44.266609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525485, 
+                44.266338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525455, 
+                44.266285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525294, 
+                44.26601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.525211, 
+                44.265869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524691, 
+                44.264979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524459, 
+                44.264583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524193, 
+                44.264128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.523179, 
+                44.262393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52284, 
+                44.261813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.522557, 
+                44.261329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.521862, 
+                44.26014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.521755, 
+                44.259957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.52133, 
+                44.258993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.521318, 
+                44.258965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515406, 
+                44.245537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515399, 
+                44.245522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.515314, 
+                44.245328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.508457, 
+                44.229755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.508419, 
+                44.229669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.508412, 
+                44.229546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.507419, 
+                44.210803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512903, 
+                44.192808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.51966, 
+                44.17987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.53994, 
+                44.15969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550076, 
+                44.152933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.563181, 
+                44.144195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.563551, 
+                44.144072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.567045, 
+                44.142914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.567817, 
+                44.142658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.570533, 
+                44.141757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.59668, 
+                44.133088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.59791, 
+                44.13268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.599055, 
+                44.132301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.600882, 
+                44.131695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.603572, 
+                44.13039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.621082, 
+                44.121895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6458, 
+                44.105222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.646583, 
+                44.104694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.646719, 
+                44.104335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.647551, 
+                44.102128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.647603, 
+                44.101991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.651507, 
+                44.091639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.654935, 
+                44.082552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.655183, 
+                44.081894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.653483, 
+                44.067194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.653691, 
+                44.065961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.656062, 
+                44.051919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.656083, 
+                44.051794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.671316, 
+                44.03735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.683361, 
+                44.020139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.686389, 
+                44.01252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.691479, 
+                43.99971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.695053, 
+                43.990715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.695503, 
+                43.989582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.695511, 
+                43.989524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.69892, 
+                43.965936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.699029, 
+                43.965734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700125, 
+                43.963712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700321, 
+                43.963351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702707, 
+                43.958946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702719, 
+                43.958926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.703951, 
+                43.956651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.704679, 
+                43.955872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.706656, 
+                43.953753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.709463, 
+                43.950747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.716037, 
+                43.943705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.71817, 
+                43.939498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.719041, 
+                43.937781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.719041, 
+                43.93778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.719194, 
+                43.9371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720121, 
+                43.932958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720382, 
+                43.931794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.720734, 
+                43.930224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.721268, 
+                43.92784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.7221, 
+                43.924128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.723716, 
+                43.916915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.724244, 
+                43.914557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726766, 
+                43.903297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726803, 
+                43.903133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726841, 
+                43.90304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.728542, 
+                43.89892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.728885, 
+                43.89809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.73063, 
+                43.893862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.730645, 
+                43.893825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.731322, 
+                43.892184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.733735, 
+                43.88634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.734457, 
+                43.88459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735436, 
+                43.882219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736178, 
+                43.880421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736017, 
+                43.873721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.734881, 
+                43.87043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.728698, 
+                43.852524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.728728, 
+                43.851833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.729217, 
+                43.840582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.7296, 
+                43.831782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.727686, 
+                43.818989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726772, 
+                43.812885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726408, 
+                43.810454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726407, 
+                43.810445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.726405, 
+                43.810442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700251, 
+                43.76735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700245, 
+                43.767129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.70009, 
+                43.76159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700085, 
+                43.761395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702985, 
+                43.749695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.703047, 
+                43.749565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.70463, 
+                43.746256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.705185, 
+                43.745095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.708167, 
+                43.742979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.708285, 
+                43.742895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.708321, 
+                43.742737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.709885, 
+                43.735795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.708185, 
+                43.722895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.707923, 
+                43.722064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.703144, 
+                43.706901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702985, 
+                43.706395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.702685, 
+                43.687596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.703671, 
+                43.685339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.706204, 
+                43.679542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.706242, 
+                43.679488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.72646, 
+                43.650462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.733622, 
+                43.640181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.734312, 
+                43.63919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735065, 
+                43.638217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735489, 
+                43.637668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735972, 
+                43.637044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736146, 
+                43.636819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.737859, 
+                43.634604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.738638, 
+                43.633597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.742485, 
+                43.628622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.742522, 
+                43.628574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.780175, 
+                43.579889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781255, 
+                43.578493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.782271, 
+                43.576726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.789105, 
+                43.564844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.790135, 
+                43.563054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.790277, 
+                43.562376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.793075, 
+                43.54899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.794321, 
+                43.543034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.797608, 
+                43.52731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.797336, 
+                43.510623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.793239, 
+                43.492783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.807799, 
+                43.461136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.827319, 
+                43.434849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.855608, 
+                43.405441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.865048, 
+                43.39357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.867504, 
+                43.389158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.869099, 
+                43.386295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872504, 
+                43.380178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.877448, 
+                43.369235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.882392, 
+                43.352099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888122, 
+                43.314731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888312, 
+                43.313489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888314, 
+                43.313476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888328, 
+                43.313388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888335, 
+                43.313342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888342, 
+                43.313294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889207, 
+                43.307652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897813, 
+                43.291628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900255, 
+                43.287081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901847, 
+                43.284117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.902967, 
+                43.280319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903094, 
+                43.279887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903141, 
+                43.279728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903451, 
+                43.278676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904251, 
+                43.275962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906465, 
+                43.268454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906483, 
+                43.268393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906502, 
+                43.26833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906565, 
+                43.268115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906583, 
+                43.268055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906599, 
+                43.268002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906605, 
+                43.26798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906611, 
+                43.26796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907289, 
+                43.265661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907291, 
+                43.265653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907306, 
+                43.265604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.909053, 
+                43.259678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910345, 
+                43.255296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911787, 
+                43.250406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911512, 
+                43.248064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910172, 
+                43.236634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910087, 
+                43.235907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897331, 
+                43.200046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897326, 
+                43.200031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897316, 
+                43.200003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.897125, 
+                43.199468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896286, 
+                43.197108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895554, 
+                43.196225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.89209, 
+                43.192044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.88857, 
+                43.187795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.887586, 
+                43.186608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.886266, 
+                43.183359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.884878, 
+                43.179944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.884872, 
+                43.179929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.884769, 
+                43.179674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.881085, 
+                43.170609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.88638, 
+                43.160255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888849, 
+                43.155429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889327, 
+                43.154493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889375, 
+                43.1544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889634, 
+                43.153894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.891059, 
+                43.151108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.892285, 
+                43.14871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896008, 
+                43.143405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898105, 
+                43.140417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.89902, 
+                43.139112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900285, 
+                43.13731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901345, 
+                43.133357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901385, 
+                43.13321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901359, 
+                43.133002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900496, 
+                43.126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900485, 
+                43.12591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900463, 
+                43.125874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.893185, 
+                43.114011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.879169, 
+                43.101717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.877915, 
+                43.100617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.876084, 
+                43.099011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872493, 
+                43.08981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872362, 
+                43.089474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872352, 
+                43.089449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.872255, 
+                43.089199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.871928, 
+                43.088363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.870459, 
+                43.084598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.866487, 
+                43.074419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.866484, 
+                43.074412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.870184, 
+                43.064412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.870217, 
+                43.064376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.87546, 
+                43.058516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.876343, 
+                43.057529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.88193, 
+                43.051285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.882069, 
+                43.05113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.882084, 
+                43.051113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889883, 
+                43.045834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.894813, 
+                43.042497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895028, 
+                43.042351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895084, 
+                43.042313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895127, 
+                43.042152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896227, 
+                43.038028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896598, 
+                43.036637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898184, 
+                43.030689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898684, 
+                43.028813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896836, 
+                43.02053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896647, 
+                43.01968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896398, 
+                43.018565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.896157, 
+                43.017486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.895784, 
+                43.015814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.893511, 
+                43.011521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889342, 
+                43.003647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.889095, 
+                43.003181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.888804, 
+                43.002631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.887789, 
+                43.000715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.887703, 
+                43.000552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.887683, 
+                43.000514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.878683, 
+                42.992415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.857182, 
+                42.978015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.845181, 
+                42.962015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.844739, 
+                42.958848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.843835, 
+                42.952375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.843575, 
+                42.950519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842786, 
+                42.944865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.84276, 
+                42.944679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.842681, 
+                42.944116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.844578, 
+                42.923688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.846708, 
+                42.900756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.847745, 
+                42.889595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.84778, 
+                42.889216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.845811, 
+                42.884256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.834879, 
+                42.856717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.831176, 
+                42.849886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.827021, 
+                42.842222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.825352, 
+                42.839144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.824, 
+                42.836649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.823278, 
+                42.835318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.822324, 
+                42.834371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.804033, 
+                42.816205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.803773, 
+                42.815948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.796201, 
+                42.808428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.793976, 
+                42.806218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.789953, 
+                42.803691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.786291, 
+                42.801391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.785936, 
+                42.801168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.773699, 
+                42.793481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.773623, 
+                42.793388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.766675, 
+                42.784896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.769774, 
+                42.773719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.77134, 
+                42.771687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.777432, 
+                42.763781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778174, 
+                42.762819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778774, 
+                42.760556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.780782, 
+                42.752973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781016, 
+                42.75209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781949, 
+                42.74857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.782174, 
+                42.747719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781849, 
+                42.745847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781655, 
+                42.744733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781642, 
+                42.744656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781333, 
+                42.742879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.779527, 
+                42.732482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778824, 
+                42.728432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778627, 
+                42.727299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.78032, 
+                42.718679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.782023, 
+                42.710008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.782374, 
+                42.708219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.783489, 
+                42.705164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.784015, 
+                42.70372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.785074, 
+                42.700819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.786774, 
+                42.700719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.794874, 
+                42.689919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.802377, 
+                42.676651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.802876, 
+                42.675768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.802989, 
+                42.675569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.803028, 
+                42.675501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.803074, 
+                42.675419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.803127, 
+                42.675276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.805421, 
+                42.669067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.805768, 
+                42.668128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.807082, 
+                42.664571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.80988, 
+                42.656997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.809885, 
+                42.656982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.811371, 
+                42.652959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813445, 
+                42.647345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.814674, 
+                42.64402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819407, 
+                42.617327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819674, 
+                42.61582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.819374, 
+                42.60662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.815736, 
+                42.596045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.815074, 
+                42.59412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.810873, 
+                42.58732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.811617, 
+                42.584809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812871, 
+                42.580576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813273, 
+                42.57922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813223, 
+                42.576759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813142, 
+                42.572768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813135, 
+                42.572424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812851, 
+                42.558352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812724, 
+                42.552104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812632, 
+                42.547562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.812273, 
+                42.52982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.809672, 
+                42.51482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.800477, 
+                42.49192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.800561, 
+                42.49192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.815872, 
+                42.49192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.843594, 
+                42.492307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900242, 
+                42.49302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.971279, 
+                42.494019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.99018, 
+                42.494519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.049782, 
+                42.495319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.199521, 
+                42.496013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.200172, 
+                42.496016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.2169, 
+                42.495923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.271691, 
+                42.494818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.304692, 
+                42.494773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.417396, 
+                42.494618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.461397, 
+                42.494618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.470597, 
+                42.494672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.506912, 
+                42.494883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.707378, 
+                42.493587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.70738, 
+                42.493587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.776496, 
+                42.49402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.940388, 
+                42.495046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.940391, 
+                42.495046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.943264, 
+                42.495114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.992659, 
+                42.496025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.992977, 
+                42.496026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.013667, 
+                42.496087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.013804, 
+                42.496097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.042898, 
+                42.496255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.071141, 
+                42.496208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.099012, 
+                42.496499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.116949, 
+                42.49691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.120365, 
+                42.496992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.125111, 
+                42.496957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.164905, 
+                42.497347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.166728, 
+                42.497256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.22627, 
+                42.497957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.228279, 
+                42.498047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.246972, 
+                42.49813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.250759, 
+                42.497994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.290896, 
+                42.498853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.361561, 
+                42.500012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.366031, 
+                42.500274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.401416, 
+                42.500433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.401432, 
+                42.500433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.420991, 
+                42.500589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.422567, 
+                42.50068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.423926, 
+                42.500818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.425162, 
+                42.500726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.4843, 
+                42.501426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.492612, 
+                42.501514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.493216, 
+                42.501514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.522542, 
+                42.501889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.564407, 
+                42.502628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.594779, 
+                42.503468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.600001, 
+                42.503672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.603523, 
+                42.503557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.61341, 
+                42.503942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.644176, 
+                42.50452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.650324, 
+                42.504613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.667596, 
+                42.50496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.690088, 
+                42.505191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.693487, 
+                42.505099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.742395, 
+                42.505382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.769643, 
+                42.505322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.780302, 
+                42.505349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.793957, 
+                42.505466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.799704, 
+                42.505421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.801897, 
+                42.505444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.837587, 
+                42.505543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.926224, 
+                42.505788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.926374, 
+                42.505788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.926484, 
+                42.505787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.985072, 
+                42.506464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.985645, 
+                42.506431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.997213, 
+                42.506755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.999314, 
+                42.506914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.017028, 
+                42.507127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.018665, 
+                42.507288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.093026, 
+                42.50816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.095004, 
+                42.507885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.142922, 
+                42.508151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164363, 
+                42.508272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.181572, 
+                42.508068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.206073, 
+                42.507747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.22319, 
+                42.507765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250622, 
+                42.507521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.253121, 
+                42.50734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.267143, 
+                42.507642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.269335, 
+                42.507726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.272864, 
+                42.507531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.303823, 
+                42.507469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.362652, 
+                42.507048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.367874, 
+                42.507114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.370673, 
+                42.507111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.405927, 
+                42.506891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.426378, 
+                42.507059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.437011, 
+                42.507147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.474955, 
+                42.507484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.479446, 
+                42.507416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.491716, 
+                42.507624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.532254, 
+                42.507573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544347, 
+                42.507707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.544799, 
+                42.507713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.551165, 
+                42.507691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.555862, 
+                42.507509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.565441, 
+                42.5076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.614589, 
+                42.508053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.617731, 
+                42.508077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.640927, 
+                42.508302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.636927, 
+                42.513202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.636727, 
+                42.518702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.645627, 
+                42.5441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.702671, 
+                42.630756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.709204, 
+                42.636078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.720209, 
+                42.640758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.769495, 
+                42.651443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.84391, 
+                42.663071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.896961, 
+                42.674407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.949213, 
+                42.685573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.976314, 
+                42.695996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.053733, 
+                42.738238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.064896, 
+                42.757272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.069549, 
+                42.769628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.077643, 
+                42.803798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.100565, 
+                42.883078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.117411, 
+                42.895837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.143375, 
+                42.90467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.14556, 
+                42.90798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.163064, 
+                42.986781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.175167, 
+                43.041267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.178087, 
+                43.062044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.177222, 
+                43.080247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.178251, 
+                43.124982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.175253, 
+                43.134665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.1562, 
+                43.142945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.1462, 
+                43.152405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.062562, 
+                43.243165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.057918, 
+                43.255366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.085652, 
+                43.29187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.107237, 
+                43.313645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.210233, 
+                43.372064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.20555, 
+                43.422949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.217706, 
+                43.50055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.265091, 
+                43.609977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.268748, 
+                43.615348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.273316, 
+                43.668307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.268198, 
+                43.726571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.262436, 
+                43.792166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.284138, 
+                43.847065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.298815, 
+                43.856555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.310991, 
+                43.867381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.363242, 
+                43.926563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.420114, 
+                43.984243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.432522, 
+                43.996827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.43738, 
+                43.999962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.463515, 
+                44.009041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505918, 
+                44.018651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.547028, 
+                44.022226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.559197, 
+                44.023959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.580019, 
+                44.026925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.59207, 
+                44.031372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.67252, 
+                44.091286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.721552, 
+                44.130342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.740871, 
+                44.133918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.808064, 
+                44.159262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.862858, 
+                44.193001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.875158, 
+                44.200575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.892698, 
+                44.231105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.892963, 
+                44.235149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.887905, 
+                44.246398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.887189, 
+                44.252513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.918625, 
+                44.322671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.92559, 
+                44.333548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.9636, 
+                44.362112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.972493, 
+                44.36676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.046285, 
+                44.394398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.083925, 
+                44.406211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.115296, 
+                44.416056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.221083, 
+                44.440386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.233897, 
+                44.446334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.24201, 
+                44.454254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.276784, 
+                44.473649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.291005, 
+                44.485464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.302215, 
+                44.500298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.303046, 
+                44.518646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.314071, 
+                44.538014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.316425, 
+                44.540792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.319938, 
+                44.54494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.329013, 
+                44.550895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.340058, 
+                44.555273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.357313, 
+                44.55848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.491773, 
+                44.566003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.534186, 
+                44.570375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.549685, 
+                44.576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.619774, 
+                44.629214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.621733, 
+                44.638983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.632105, 
+                44.649027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.732042, 
+                44.713775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.737259, 
+                44.717155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.802402, 
+                44.745167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.802201, 
+                44.745714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.784443, 
+                44.793958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.765461, 
+                44.836202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.761845, 
+                44.860879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.761677, 
+                44.862022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.750645, 
+                44.937299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.768606, 
+                45.008016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.791206, 
+                45.045698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.792875, 
+                45.078489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.76713, 
+                45.194165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.765898, 
+                45.210173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.760615, 
+                45.278827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.751735, 
+                45.292667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.746139, 
+                45.296046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.732594, 
+                45.304224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.704794, 
+                45.326526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.664102, 
+                45.393309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.680234, 
+                45.464344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.72623, 
+                45.531085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.803432, 
+                45.5625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.823309, 
+                45.560934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.871082, 
+                45.567581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.883749, 
+                45.575483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.886421, 
+                45.594881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.888114, 
+                45.628377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.885661, 
+                45.644126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.883987, 
+                45.65487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.869193, 
+                45.717568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.863703, 
+                45.72182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.841051, 
+                45.730024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.803971, 
+                45.749805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.784621, 
+                45.764196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.76843, 
+                45.79801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.76249, 
+                45.819239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.734039, 
+                45.868108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.721128, 
+                45.883805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.707702, 
+                45.894901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.656125, 
+                45.924442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.443285, 
+                46.014648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.326877, 
+                46.066618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.306756, 
+                46.07241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.294033, 
+                46.074377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.294069, 
+                46.078346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.29353, 
+                46.113824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293706, 
+                46.157321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293744, 
+                46.166838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293857, 
+                46.180073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293558, 
+                46.224578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293619, 
+                46.244043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293074, 
+                46.295129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.293007, 
+                46.297987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.29284, 
+                46.304319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292839, 
+                46.307107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.29288, 
+                46.313752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292803, 
+                46.314628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292782, 
+                46.319312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292999, 
+                46.321894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.29286, 
+                46.41722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292847, 
+                46.420876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292727, 
+                46.431993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.29251, 
+                46.478761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292371, 
+                46.495585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.291647, 
+                46.604649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.291597, 
+                46.624941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.292192, 
+                46.663242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.277155, 
+                46.655596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.276373, 
+                46.655198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.274465, 
+                46.654227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.269948, 
+                46.65193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.264462, 
+                46.651393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.262503, 
+                46.651201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.256654, 
+                46.650628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.254379, 
+                46.650405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.250861, 
+                46.650061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.242493, 
+                46.649241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.234815, 
+                46.64942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.232647, 
+                46.64947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.231944, 
+                46.649486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.228155, 
+                46.649574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.222338, 
+                46.64971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.221731, 
+                46.649724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.212392, 
+                46.649941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.207092, 
+                46.651941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.202292, 
+                46.655041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.197145, 
+                46.663408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.191501, 
+                46.672586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.191075, 
+                46.673278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.187592, 
+                46.678941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.187795, 
+                46.690185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.193439, 
+                46.695202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.194087, 
+                46.696626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.194562, 
+                46.697672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.196575, 
+                46.7021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.196435, 
+                46.702938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.196264, 
+                46.703966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.195321, 
+                46.709626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.189091, 
+                46.717541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.172997, 
+                46.724444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.170413, 
+                46.725553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.11659, 
+                46.74864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.08949, 
+                46.74924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.03399, 
+                46.708939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.02472, 
+                46.705624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.020289, 
+                46.704039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.01529, 
+                46.706469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.007989, 
+                46.705039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.987889, 
+                46.692739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.973389, 
+                46.686439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.961889, 
+                46.682539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.942988, 
+                46.679939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.930261, 
+                46.682273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.886963, 
+                46.690211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.87873, 
+                46.690811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.877371, 
+                46.69091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.876183, 
+                46.690997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.87484, 
+                46.691095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.866583, 
+                46.691697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.864491, 
+                46.69185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.857462, 
+                46.692362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.840288, 
+                46.689693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.831355, 
+                46.689906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.820027, 
+                46.690176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.817185, 
+                46.690604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.817099, 
+                46.690617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.814669, 
+                46.690982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.799987, 
+                46.693192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.798455, 
+                46.693422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.790473, 
+                46.694624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.790132, 
+                46.694675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.781928, 
+                46.697604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.758619, 
+                46.705927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.74965, 
+                46.709129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.748787, 
+                46.709341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.735632, 
+                46.712575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.677021, 
+                46.726984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.675621, 
+                46.727329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.667534, 
+                46.729317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.662426, 
+                46.730572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.66067, 
+                46.731004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.658739, 
+                46.731479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.652915, 
+                46.732911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.646146, 
+                46.734575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.645502, 
+                46.734733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.636919, 
+                46.737802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.63604, 
+                46.738116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.636005, 
+                46.738128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.635161, 
+                46.73843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.635107, 
+                46.738449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.625387, 
+                46.741924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.593442, 
+                46.753345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.592742, 
+                46.753595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.592203, 
+                46.753788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.590684, 
+                46.754331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.576632, 
+                46.757037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.574291, 
+                46.757488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.574019, 
+                46.757466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.571423, 
+                46.75726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.569075, 
+                46.757074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.557503, 
+                46.756155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.551445, 
+                46.755674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.551408, 
+                46.755666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.543057, 
+                46.755153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.537583, 
+                46.754817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.537115, 
+                46.754788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.535764, 
+                46.754926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.524766, 
+                46.756052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.517712, 
+                46.756774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.511077, 
+                46.757453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510595, 
+                46.757614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.507819, 
+                46.758538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.507586, 
+                46.758615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.50716, 
+                46.758757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.500042, 
+                46.761128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.499696, 
+                46.761243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.493643, 
+                46.765757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.493037, 
+                46.76621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.492493, 
+                46.766615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.492429, 
+                46.766663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.491744, 
+                46.766732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.489125, 
+                46.766997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.488247, 
+                46.767086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.472097, 
+                46.768717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.470181, 
+                46.768911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.470124, 
+                46.768923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.467168, 
+                46.769546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.462774, 
+                46.770471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.44957, 
+                46.773252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.449327, 
+                46.773303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.436955, 
+                46.777586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.428526, 
+                46.780504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.426491, 
+                46.781208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.423713, 
+                46.78217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.411799, 
+                46.78964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.398256, 
+                46.791213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.39714, 
+                46.791047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.396959, 
+                46.79102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.396261, 
+                46.790917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.394764, 
+                46.790694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.391469, 
+                46.790205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.390774, 
+                46.790316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.386155, 
+                46.791057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.380577, 
+                46.791951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369387, 
+                46.793745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.368819, 
+                46.793836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.367498, 
+                46.794545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.366888, 
+                46.794872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365974, 
+                46.795362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365536, 
+                46.795597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365277, 
+                46.795736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.363644, 
+                46.796612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.360804, 
+                46.798136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.359434, 
+                46.799612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.35533, 
+                46.804035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.352191, 
+                46.807417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.33825, 
+                46.817704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.33757, 
+                46.817969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.330463, 
+                46.820735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.330433, 
+                46.820746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.328848, 
+                46.821363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.326045, 
+                46.822454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.322202, 
+                46.82395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.32101, 
+                46.824414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.315061, 
+                46.826729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.314815, 
+                46.826825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.30705, 
+                46.829007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.305487, 
+                46.829446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.304512, 
+                46.82972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.303594, 
+                46.829978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.302295, 
+                46.830343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.301879, 
+                46.830384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.289541, 
+                46.831604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.278558, 
+                46.832689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.266404, 
+                46.833891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.265866, 
+                46.833944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.265816, 
+                46.83396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.263725, 
+                46.834632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.263445, 
+                46.834722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.256873, 
+                46.836833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.256705, 
+                46.836887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.256563, 
+                46.836989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.250806, 
+                46.841135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.249471, 
+                46.842531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.23773, 
+                46.854809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.235283, 
+                46.857368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.232733, 
+                46.860035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.226796, 
+                46.86361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.214886, 
+                46.866137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.211647, 
+                46.866824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.211113, 
+                46.866696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.207524, 
+                46.865835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.204839, 
+                46.859727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.204439, 
+                46.858816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.200107, 
+                46.854017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.178292, 
+                46.844259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.168297, 
+                46.844727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.167601, 
+                46.84476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.156108, 
+                46.855414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.148026, 
+                46.862906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.147837, 
+                46.863082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.144266, 
+                46.870301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.143877, 
+                46.870576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.14385, 
+                46.870595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.140301, 
+                46.873105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.140165, 
+                46.873201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.139758, 
+                46.873148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134668, 
+                46.87249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.133772, 
+                46.871043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.133337, 
+                46.870341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.133674, 
+                46.869348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134184, 
+                46.867843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134724, 
+                46.86625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134882, 
+                46.865784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.136512, 
+                46.860975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134977, 
+                46.859023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134948, 
+                46.858986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.134732, 
+                46.858935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.12353, 
+                46.856273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.123109, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.11854, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.107323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.10549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.09878, 
+                46.86056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.098346, 
+                46.86075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.098125, 
+                46.860847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.09755, 
+                46.861098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.096565, 
+                46.86153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.096342, 
+                46.862965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.096028, 
+                46.864987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.095058, 
+                46.871234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094828, 
+                46.872714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094724, 
+                46.873383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.09462, 
+                46.87405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094498, 
+                46.874837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.094096, 
+                46.877423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.093714, 
+                46.879882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.090916, 
+                46.88267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.088721, 
+                46.882877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.085077, 
+                46.88322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.080951, 
+                46.883609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.072584, 
+                46.880126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.069331, 
+                46.878772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.06822, 
+                46.878309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.066193, 
+                46.87871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.056258, 
+                46.880678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.052991, 
+                46.881325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.050153, 
+                46.883037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.049232, 
+                46.883593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.04922, 
+                46.8836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.042992, 
+                46.887358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.03989, 
+                46.88923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.036622, 
+                46.893594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.036193, 
+                46.895523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.035936, 
+                46.896679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.034518, 
+                46.903053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.033447, 
+                46.903642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.032508, 
+                46.904158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.030583, 
+                46.905215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.024009, 
+                46.908827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.023976, 
+                46.908845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.021538, 
+                46.910185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.01967, 
+                46.911211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.019141, 
+                46.911502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.018045, 
+                46.911872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.018024, 
+                46.911879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.016237, 
+                46.912481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.016184, 
+                46.912499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.010689, 
+                46.914352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.007997, 
+                46.915259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.005872, 
+                46.915976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.005199, 
+                46.916203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.004892, 
+                46.916192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.004752, 
+                46.916187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.998848, 
+                46.915975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.997943, 
+                46.916367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.996825, 
+                46.916851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.995149, 
+                46.917577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.987013, 
+                46.923776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.985815, 
+                46.924689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.984617, 
+                46.925602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.983192, 
+                46.927662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.980235, 
+                46.931937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.973755, 
+                46.941304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.968419, 
+                46.94391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.964865, 
+                46.94378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.964072, 
+                46.943369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.954612, 
+                46.938468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.954537, 
+                46.938429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.953865, 
+                46.938283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.953685, 
+                46.938244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.94056, 
+                46.935394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.92204, 
+                46.931372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.921811, 
+                46.931322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.921382, 
+                46.931434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.914044, 
+                46.933346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.913838, 
+                46.9334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.908654, 
+                46.941221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.908598, 
+                46.941305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.880358, 
+                46.957661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.879621, 
+                46.958088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.877324, 
+                46.95891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.877165, 
+                46.958967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.877092, 
+                46.958993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876778, 
+                46.959106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876544, 
+                46.959189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876213, 
+                46.959308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876211, 
+                46.959309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876006, 
+                46.959382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.875995, 
+                46.959386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.875635, 
+                46.959515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.871126, 
+                46.961129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.855874, 
+                46.962232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.855165, 
+                46.962045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.838814, 
+                46.957728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.837973, 
+                46.957506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.837716, 
+                46.957438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.837617, 
+                46.957379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.833091, 
+                46.954686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.805028, 
+                46.937987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.786595, 
+                46.927019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.786502, 
+                46.926964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.78601, 
+                46.926672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.785606, 
+                46.926431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.760095, 
+                46.903296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.759364, 
+                46.902634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.75563, 
+                46.899247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.754552, 
+                46.89827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.754388, 
+                46.898037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.752725, 
+                46.89568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.751329, 
+                46.893702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.751048, 
+                46.893305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.750858, 
+                46.893035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.750871, 
+                46.892643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.750889, 
+                46.892136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.750952, 
+                46.890293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.751031, 
+                46.887963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.751151, 
+                46.887863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.754692, 
+                46.884915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.754734, 
+                46.88488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.754753, 
+                46.884875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.761295, 
+                46.883238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.761567, 
+                46.88317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.77017, 
+                46.876296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.77024, 
+                46.876184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.780972, 
+                46.858989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.781011, 
+                46.858911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.78804, 
+                46.844886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.792034, 
+                46.836916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.793713, 
+                46.833566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.795693, 
+                46.829614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.795957, 
+                46.829087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.796437, 
+                46.828129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.797404, 
+                46.8262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.798545, 
+                46.823922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.798936, 
+                46.823143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.801041, 
+                46.821626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.80137, 
+                46.821389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.80927, 
+                46.815695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.821967, 
+                46.806545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.825696, 
+                46.803858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.826337, 
+                46.80211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.82735, 
+                46.799345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.828057, 
+                46.797415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.829048, 
+                46.79641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.829933, 
+                46.795513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.830094, 
+                46.795349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.831645, 
+                46.793777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.835008, 
+                46.790366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.835028, 
+                46.790346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.835319, 
+                46.790051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.835607, 
+                46.789759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.847214, 
+                46.789274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.854916, 
+                46.788952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.855472, 
+                46.788929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.855746, 
+                46.788918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.856317, 
+                46.788894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.856531, 
+                46.788885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.856677, 
+                46.788712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.859999, 
+                46.784769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.863542, 
+                46.780565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.859724, 
+                46.774433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.859445, 
+                46.773985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.86088, 
+                46.771079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.862333, 
+                46.768135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.866337, 
+                46.764626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.866586, 
+                46.764408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.866694, 
+                46.764361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.874598, 
+                46.760902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.875925, 
+                46.760321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885021, 
+                46.756341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.883443, 
+                46.747255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.883396, 
+                46.746987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.882099, 
+                46.744622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.881622, 
+                46.743753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.87881, 
+                46.738629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.878343, 
+                46.737777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876538, 
+                46.734487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876426, 
+                46.734284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876334, 
+                46.734115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.876039, 
+                46.733577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.875829, 
+                46.733195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.871612, 
+                46.725509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870577, 
+                46.723623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870396, 
+                46.723293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.869461, 
+                46.722039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868607, 
+                46.720896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868531, 
+                46.720794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868273, 
+                46.720448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868024, 
+                46.720115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.863864, 
+                46.714539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.861353, 
+                46.711173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.860897, 
+                46.710562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.859797, 
+                46.709088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.859601, 
+                46.708826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.853225, 
+                46.70028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.852916, 
+                46.699866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.852704, 
+                46.699582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.852731, 
+                46.699437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.853644, 
+                46.694464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.853807, 
+                46.693579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.853829, 
+                46.693457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.853927, 
+                46.693369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.854539, 
+                46.692822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.854692, 
+                46.692686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.865494, 
+                46.683033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.865745, 
+                46.682808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.867423, 
+                46.681309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.867823, 
+                46.680952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.867981, 
+                46.68081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868376, 
+                46.680457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.868468, 
+                46.680375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870079, 
+                46.679449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870532, 
+                46.679189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870739, 
+                46.67907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.870956, 
+                46.678945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885869, 
+                46.670374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885943, 
+                46.670353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.896529, 
+                46.667315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.905273, 
+                46.664807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.905567, 
+                46.664722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.909176, 
+                46.663687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.909688, 
+                46.66354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.911281, 
+                46.663083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.911353, 
+                46.662996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.914619, 
+                46.659054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.915152, 
+                46.65841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.915367, 
+                46.657615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920813, 
+                46.637432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920835, 
+                46.637351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.92085, 
+                46.636492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920867, 
+                46.635515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920936, 
+                46.631606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920936, 
+                46.631584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.924487, 
+                46.625417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.924489, 
+                46.625415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.926745, 
+                46.622698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.931623, 
+                46.616822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.93212, 
+                46.616223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.933208, 
+                46.614913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.93831, 
+                46.608768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.938617, 
+                46.608398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.93868, 
+                46.608322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.949532, 
+                46.603019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.949621, 
+                46.602975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.950215, 
+                46.602248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.950544, 
+                46.601845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.951418, 
+                46.600774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.951543, 
+                46.600621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.951528, 
+                46.599827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.951476, 
+                46.597033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.947572, 
+                46.59351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.947287, 
+                46.593253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.947159, 
+                46.593138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.942101, 
+                46.588573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.94193, 
+                46.588419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.941374, 
+                46.588293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.941102, 
+                46.588232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.927387, 
+                46.585132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.92356, 
+                46.584267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.923438, 
+                46.584239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.921483, 
+                46.583797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920411, 
+                46.583555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.920132, 
+                46.583492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.91992, 
+                46.583444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.918414, 
+                46.583103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.918352, 
+                46.583089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.918266, 
+                46.58307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.916982, 
+                46.583014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.909815, 
+                46.582703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.906058, 
+                46.58343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.905572, 
+                46.583524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.901918, 
+                46.585519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.901725, 
+                46.585624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.891944, 
+                46.590964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.886197, 
+                46.594102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885103, 
+                46.5947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.885007, 
+                46.594752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.873154, 
+                46.601223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.86712, 
+                46.601911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.864284, 
+                46.602965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.858725, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.13204, 
+                32.764211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.136776, 
+                32.746512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.137136, 
+                32.745168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.114737, 
+                32.685634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.10479, 
+                32.642542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.082454, 
+                32.607022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.080288, 
+                32.603577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.079935, 
+                32.602889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.069583, 
+                32.58393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.044606, 
+                32.559499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.022509, 
+                32.542923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.0071, 
+                32.523868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.001324, 
+                32.512973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.001052, 
+                32.510477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.00103, 
+                32.510157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.000779, 
+                32.506548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.998231, 
+                32.469842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983831, 
+                32.445643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.979431, 
+                32.412244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987278, 
+                32.381623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987386, 
+                32.381201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.008096, 
+                32.336677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.007103, 
+                32.328362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.001874, 
+                32.322015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.93868, 
+                32.300708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.916611, 
+                32.281177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.909052, 
+                32.26354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.92165, 
+                32.233306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.923638, 
+                32.231539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.964828, 
+                32.194952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.995929, 
+                32.184852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.047865, 
+                32.142033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.056029, 
+                32.063055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.050212, 
+                32.024196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.062246, 
+                31.991857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.07233, 
+                31.964758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.08213, 
+                31.944658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.10663, 
+                31.915159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.132931, 
+                31.88826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.141831, 
+                31.839861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.141331, 
+                31.783163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.138668, 
+                31.780425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.130731, 
+                31.772263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.12523, 
+                31.767063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.124501, 
+                31.763081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.11893, 
+                31.732664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.12223, 
+                31.722764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.12653, 
+                31.716764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.12553, 
+                31.694965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.087029, 
+                31.640966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.065236, 
+                31.624351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.059534, 
+                31.621717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.057473, 
+                31.618624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.041305, 
+                31.540987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.046859, 
+                31.517451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.068065, 
+                31.427586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.087651, 
+                31.308677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.101561, 
+                31.283362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.111871, 
+                31.258388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.107516, 
+                31.186451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.100207, 
+                31.16549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.092106, 
+                31.160293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.083582, 
+                31.15963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.076628, 
+                31.156927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.035615, 
+                31.108192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.029736, 
+                31.096163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.022121, 
+                31.07548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.999428, 
+                31.013843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.002368, 
+                31.000682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.024108, 
+                31.000681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.027512, 
+                31.00067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.030107, 
+                31.000653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.031155, 
+                31.000647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.052088, 
+                31.000585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.054802, 
+                31.000585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.057534, 
+                31.000585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.145835, 
+                31.000695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.152085, 
+                31.000888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.152218, 
+                31.000834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.154452, 
+                31.000835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.488298, 
+                30.997041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.497992, 
+                30.996931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.498272, 
+                30.996928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.035039, 
+                30.99332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.052462, 
+                30.993247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.056213, 
+                30.993133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.162886, 
+                30.993682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.168979, 
+                30.993706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.175204, 
+                30.993798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.180232, 
+                30.994005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.187246, 
+                30.993992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.289247, 
+                30.993798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.304596, 
+                30.994029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.364907, 
+                30.994455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.36927, 
+                30.994477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.374545, 
+                30.994474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.388646, 
+                30.994181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.388647, 
+                30.994181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.391937, 
+                30.994172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.404912, 
+                30.994049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.454704, 
+                30.993791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.458319, 
+                30.993998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.512834, 
+                30.9937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.519938, 
+                30.993245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.563436, 
+                30.995223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.567586, 
+                30.995109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.664681, 
+                30.994534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.678383, 
+                30.994537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.688294, 
+                30.995029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.725379, 
+                30.996872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.727293, 
+                30.996882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.728392, 
+                30.996739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.785692, 
+                30.996977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.785918, 
+                30.996978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.830497, 
+                30.997401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.831934, 
+                30.997378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.872989, 
+                30.997631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.888135, 
+                30.997577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.027107, 
+                30.999255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.036366, 
+                30.999348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.039989, 
+                30.999594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.053737, 
+                30.999131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.064063, 
+                30.999191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.068633, 
+                30.999143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.162614, 
+                30.999055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.163084, 
+                30.999051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.25498, 
+                30.998285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.255592, 
+                30.998216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.257002, 
+                30.998194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.25796, 
+                30.998263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.259689, 
+                30.998172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.26054, 
+                30.998195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.265564, 
+                30.998267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.288905, 
+                30.998345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.290995, 
+                30.998352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.301567, 
+                30.998434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.30403, 
+                30.998191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.312183, 
+                30.998435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.333973, 
+                30.998272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.355656, 
+                30.998244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.364011, 
+                30.998218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.367842, 
+                30.998292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.425774, 
+                30.99809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.432292, 
+                30.998205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.449811, 
+                30.998272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.455705, 
+                30.998318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.458658, 
+                30.998386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.461638, 
+                30.998202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.461783, 
+                30.998201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.466827, 
+                30.998178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.466879, 
+                30.998178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.478706, 
+                30.998213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.479703, 
+                30.998197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.480243, 
+                30.998202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.548543, 
+                30.997927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.571281, 
+                30.99787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.598928, 
+                30.997457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.598927, 
+                30.997454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.594111, 
+                30.976335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.601355, 
+                30.936294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.622203, 
+                30.897508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.634938, 
+                30.865886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.624137, 
+                30.845713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532607, 
+                30.743489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.502926, 
+                30.722369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.497515, 
+                30.720123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.481225, 
+                30.716508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.449362, 
+                30.698913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.407118, 
+                30.671796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.396997, 
+                30.65364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.394219, 
+                30.641699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.394479, 
+                30.625192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.449921, 
+                30.51469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.449841, 
+                30.514369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.448332, 
+                30.513063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.430578, 
+                30.491096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.419177, 
+                30.410198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.427478, 
+                30.408398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.440678, 
+                30.391498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.451378, 
+                30.367199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.450962, 
+                30.346262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.450078, 
+                30.3111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.452378, 
+                30.300201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.518324, 
+                30.280435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.544533, 
+                30.275659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.558097, 
+                30.274437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.581362, 
+                30.269257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.656888, 
+                30.249709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.73553, 
+                30.240679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.80056, 
+                30.229365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.838462, 
+                30.227185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.926119, 
+                30.230373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.962253, 
+                30.229522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.999996, 
+                30.225753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.014572, 
+                30.222366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.028401, 
+                30.221132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.029272, 
+                30.222714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.023991, 
+                30.23039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.966847, 
+                30.235618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.948979, 
+                30.256564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936041, 
+                30.261469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.918247, 
+                30.253308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.913762, 
+                30.247837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.90046, 
+                30.241531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.893201, 
+                30.239237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.879343, 
+                30.23859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.860085, 
+                30.240289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.817743, 
+                30.254292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.802087, 
+                30.253054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.78775, 
+                30.254244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.766626, 
+                30.262353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.755263, 
+                30.277292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.755516, 
+                30.291217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.772758, 
+                30.311701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.796717, 
+                30.324198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.809266, 
+                30.332702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.82988, 
+                30.353809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.837239, 
+                30.369324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.845132, 
+                30.377446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.853806, 
+                30.378481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.865017, 
+                30.38345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.906343, 
+                30.40938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.908908, 
+                30.41424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.914136, 
+                30.446144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.920031, 
+                30.470645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.924211, 
+                30.4761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.931902, 
+                30.4811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.933355, 
+                30.487357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911141, 
+                30.525848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.905343, 
+                30.537566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.901711, 
+                30.550879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904168, 
+                30.565985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907891, 
+                30.573114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911431, 
+                30.576261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.914956, 
+                30.585893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.91253, 
+                30.615795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.919346, 
+                30.63606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.93107, 
+                30.652694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936717, 
+                30.657432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.955989, 
+                30.658862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.981196, 
+                30.67509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.008396, 
+                30.684956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.012444, 
+                30.68319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.022076, 
+                30.673873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.026706, 
+                30.66149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.034588, 
+                30.653715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.044339, 
+                30.652568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.061998, 
+                30.644891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.059598, 
+                30.619091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.053998, 
+                30.612491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.064898, 
+                30.588292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.074898, 
+                30.578892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.085493, 
+                30.563258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.081617, 
+                30.546317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.082792, 
+                30.528713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.090734, 
+                30.52357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.100874, 
+                30.50975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.103768, 
+                30.500903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.102988, 
+                30.493029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.096867, 
+                30.471053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.100646, 
+                30.46122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.106437, 
+                30.452738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.10407, 
+                30.4273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.107274, 
+                30.377246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.115432, 
+                30.35657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.124611, 
+                30.341623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.128052, 
+                30.338509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.136173, 
+                30.320729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.155775, 
+                30.327184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.171967, 
+                30.324679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.191542, 
+                30.317002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.195664, 
+                30.321242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.198361, 
+                30.338819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.196353, 
+                30.343586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.188532, 
+                30.345053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.188527, 
+                30.348124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.200065, 
+                30.362378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.204495, 
+                30.362102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.260695, 
+                30.382381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.282635, 
+                30.382876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.290649, 
+                30.370741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.311608, 
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+              ], 
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+                -81.392947, 
+                24.743371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.390287, 
+                24.73846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.389468, 
+                24.731298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.38558, 
+                24.726182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.36041, 
+                24.708788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.345881, 
+                24.70756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.319282, 
+                24.701238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.314787, 
+                24.691764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.313933, 
+                24.680707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.309664, 
+                24.665017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.298028, 
+                24.656774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.298369, 
+                24.654326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.303113, 
+                24.651665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.332831, 
+                24.639528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.395096, 
+                24.621062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.401946, 
+                24.623564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.403319, 
+                24.640294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.414187, 
+                24.647167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.432315, 
+                24.645949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.448623, 
+                24.640172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.470411, 
+                24.641985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.480951, 
+                24.645121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.48183, 
+                24.647369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.477915, 
+                24.649893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.47641, 
+                24.653197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.480504, 
+                24.659757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.49858, 
+                24.66498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.502992, 
+                24.660877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.505585, 
+                24.654609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.50874, 
+                24.64421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.509028, 
+                24.631516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.511165, 
+                24.625135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.518595, 
+                24.620304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.54645, 
+                24.614895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.602998, 
+                24.586444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.664209, 
+                24.573143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.674694, 
+                24.564359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.685278, 
+                24.558739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.691575, 
+                24.559886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.732511, 
+                24.556423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.765993, 
+                24.552103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.786157, 
+                24.54658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.810333, 
+                24.544701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.81289, 
+                24.546468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.814446, 
+                24.56358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.811386, 
+                24.56975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.800676, 
+                24.570989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.794057, 
+                24.586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.773808, 
+                24.584977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.748071, 
+                24.590199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.739241, 
+                24.589973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.734573, 
+                24.584148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.730473, 
+                24.58196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.715944, 
+                24.587956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.71548, 
+                24.592498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.705364, 
+                24.597647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.699349, 
+                24.597647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.694235, 
+                24.591932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.687017, 
+                24.592534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.678595, 
+                24.597647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.66897, 
+                24.607873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.655735, 
+                24.616295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.637087, 
+                24.621408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.614829, 
+                24.642764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.614529, 
+                24.650584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.597685, 
+                24.655397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.587759, 
+                24.655998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.582923, 
+                24.658732
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -82.15068, 
+                24.576331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.143075, 
+                24.593395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.135423, 
+                24.596879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.125268, 
+                24.597426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.104187, 
+                24.588256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.101051, 
+                24.584679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.099417, 
+                24.572522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.104429, 
+                24.561167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.116787, 
+                24.549144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.159439, 
+                24.548212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.165206, 
+                24.552159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.164426, 
+                24.563375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.15068, 
+                24.576331
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -81.249799, 
+                24.673357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.246095, 
+                24.675832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.243232, 
+                24.673998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.244761, 
+                24.669202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.281778, 
+                24.65375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.278312, 
+                24.660448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.260006, 
+                24.674848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.249799, 
+                24.673357
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -80.909954, 
+                24.781154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.906288, 
+                24.769867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.912042, 
+                24.76505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.938543, 
+                24.767535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.015933, 
+                24.719881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.023794, 
+                24.716901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.028616, 
+                24.720618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.032447, 
+                24.727323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.03429, 
+                24.727341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.064554, 
+                24.715453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.071034, 
+                24.711722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.075855, 
+                24.704266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.078716, 
+                24.696557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.078439, 
+                24.692382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.108041, 
+                24.688592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.124094, 
+                24.704873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.125371, 
+                24.708291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.107355, 
+                24.71276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.105287, 
+                24.71128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.099135, 
+                24.711993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.066816, 
+                24.723926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.05057, 
+                24.737581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.041797, 
+                24.742965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.036698, 
+                24.742827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.035192, 
+                24.739982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.02217, 
+                24.733091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.016918, 
+                24.734676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.994426, 
+                24.743991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.986454, 
+                24.752749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.960129, 
+                24.764226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.910431, 
+                24.782324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.909954, 
+                24.781154
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -81.317673, 
+                24.75729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.305468, 
+                24.756612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.290801, 
+                24.736862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.288259, 
+                24.720881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.302984, 
+                24.714199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.310744, 
+                24.727068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.318505, 
+                24.729477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.326844, 
+                24.728375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.350162, 
+                24.746524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.357417, 
+                24.756834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.342695, 
+                24.75625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.327555, 
+                24.762315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.324637, 
+                24.76721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.317673, 
+                24.75729
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -80.89054, 
+                24.791678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.884572, 
+                24.791561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.88402, 
+                24.790414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.892649, 
+                24.785991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.906874, 
+                24.783744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.89054, 
+                24.791678
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -80.788263, 
+                24.824218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.790497, 
+                24.817789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.796053, 
+                24.81194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.822342, 
+                24.812629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.846191, 
+                24.802968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.850338, 
+                24.8026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.850866, 
+                24.803701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.846142, 
+                24.807488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.830158, 
+                24.81428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.814551, 
+                24.827953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.79278, 
+                24.843918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.780564, 
+                24.84052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.788263, 
+                24.824218
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -80.729275, 
+                24.865361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.719977, 
+                24.864644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.703028, 
+                24.880873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.691762, 
+                24.885759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.690354, 
+                24.881539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.703176, 
+                24.869495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.71185, 
+                24.863323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.761359, 
+                24.836225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.766966, 
+                24.836158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.745468, 
+                24.850652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.740611, 
+                24.857421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.732343, 
+                24.86481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.729275, 
+                24.865361
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -82.255777, 
+                26.703437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.255159, 
+                26.70816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.246535, 
+                26.706435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.24251, 
+                26.694361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.24596, 
+                26.688612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.246535, 
+                26.683437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.23744, 
+                26.661976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.218342, 
+                26.626407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.214337, 
+                26.602944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.196514, 
+                26.559823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.187315, 
+                26.527626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.177541, 
+                26.502328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.166042, 
+                26.489679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.149368, 
+                26.477605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.131545, 
+                26.47703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.120046, 
+                26.473581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.088423, 
+                26.455182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.076924, 
+                26.466106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.062551, 
+                26.470131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.038403, 
+                26.456907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.015607, 
+                26.454858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.013713, 
+                26.454258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.013913, 
+                26.452058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.063114, 
+                26.425459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.075015, 
+                26.422059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.082915, 
+                26.422059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.098115, 
+                26.424959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.126671, 
+                26.436279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.148716, 
+                26.455458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.172917, 
+                26.467658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.177017, 
+                26.471558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.180717, 
+                26.476257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.186441, 
+                26.489221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.201402, 
+                26.55631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.205523, 
+                26.566536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.222131, 
+                26.590402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.238872, 
+                26.636433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.248659, 
+                26.654337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.263008, 
+                26.673388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.268007, 
+                26.682791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.264351, 
+                26.698496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.255777, 
+                26.703437
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -84.777208, 
+                29.707398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.729836, 
+                29.738881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.716994, 
+                29.749066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.696726, 
+                29.76993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.694125, 
+                29.764593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.694939, 
+                29.761844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.713747, 
+                29.74139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.765117, 
+                29.699724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.776954, 
+                29.692191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.799129, 
+                29.681565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.853829, 
+                29.66472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.884632, 
+                29.652248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.957779, 
+                29.612635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.036219, 
+                29.588919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.051033, 
+                29.586928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.054624, 
+                29.592084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.069453, 
+                29.605282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.09519, 
+                29.62249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.097082, 
+                29.625215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.094882, 
+                29.627757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.06653, 
+                29.609952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.038497, 
+                29.599552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.023501, 
+                29.597073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.017205, 
+                29.604379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987775, 
+                29.610307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.968314, 
+                29.617238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.932592, 
+                29.637232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.925842, 
+                29.644949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.920333, 
+                29.648638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.895885, 
+                29.657444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.862099, 
+                29.672572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813352, 
+                29.687028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.79816, 
+                29.699321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.777208, 
+                29.707398
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -85.156415, 
+                29.679628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.137397, 
+                29.684348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.134639, 
+                29.686569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.114268, 
+                29.688658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.093902, 
+                29.684838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.083719, 
+                29.679019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.077237, 
+                29.670862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.091399, 
+                29.648634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.097218, 
+                29.633004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.124913, 
+                29.628433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.142746, 
+                29.635404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.16252, 
+                29.650282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.18453, 
+                29.663987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.204314, 
+                29.672695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.222546, 
+                29.678039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.220324, 
+                29.680138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.208981, 
+                29.681775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.184776, 
+                29.68271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.168625, 
+                29.682409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.156415, 
+                29.679628
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -82.821585, 
+                27.964443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.829801, 
+                27.968469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.828625, 
+                28.019795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.823025, 
+                28.030695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.823063, 
+                28.044758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.826282, 
+                28.05345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.831825, 
+                28.062893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.836326, 
+                28.073193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.833225, 
+                28.082193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830525, 
+                28.085293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.826125, 
+                28.083793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.823063, 
+                28.068258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.818288, 
+                28.057613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.813435, 
+                28.03716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.815168, 
+                28.012547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.821408, 
+                28.008387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.821755, 
+                28.002494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.817248, 
+                27.992094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.815168, 
+                27.973721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.821585, 
+                27.964443
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -83.309455, 
+                30.634417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.30925, 
+                30.634405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309249, 
+                30.634405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.256218, 
+                30.631279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.187391, 
+                30.627223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.174411, 
+                30.626444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.163309, 
+                30.625895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.15617, 
+                30.625504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.136616, 
+                30.624346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.878779, 
+                30.609082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.877259, 
+                30.609024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.698902, 
+                30.598271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.698618, 
+                30.598232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.689539, 
+                30.597734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.689271, 
+                30.597719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.584002, 
+                30.591796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.569237, 
+                30.590965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565476, 
+                30.590622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.553159, 
+                30.589934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.545055, 
+                30.589361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.536233, 
+                30.588885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.524899, 
+                30.588189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.459792, 
+                30.584287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.459544, 
+                30.584272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.418915, 
+                30.581745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.374844, 
+                30.579004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.287343, 
+                30.573458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.2581, 
+                30.571559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.249841, 
+                30.570863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.214847, 
+                30.567009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.214385, 
+                30.566958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.21233, 
+                30.499558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.20604, 
+                30.455507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.210291, 
+                30.42459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.204151, 
+                30.40133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.189583, 
+                30.376213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.171508, 
+                30.359869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.165192, 
+                30.358035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.124835, 
+                30.366564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050069, 
+                30.362338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050031, 
+                30.36249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.016103, 
+                30.497355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.01699, 
+                30.519358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.005477, 
+                30.563495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.01329, 
+                30.595665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.037609, 
+                30.633271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.049401, 
+                30.655296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.050432, 
+                30.676266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.023213, 
+                30.781987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.999836, 
+                30.788348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.906014, 
+                30.822176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.868608, 
+                30.792754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.840375, 
+                30.786384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.827014, 
+                30.788933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.806652, 
+                30.789683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.759338, 
+                30.771377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.741278, 
+                30.762681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.732627, 
+                30.749934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.719927, 
+                30.744634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.637222, 
+                30.733835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.624298, 
+                30.736194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.606221, 
+                30.718135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.544618, 
+                30.712636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.444124, 
+                30.709714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.432725, 
+                30.703017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.42742, 
+                30.69802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.430843, 
+                30.669393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.443099, 
+                30.600938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.442564, 
+                30.555189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.434064, 
+                30.522569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.442784, 
+                30.50992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.447087, 
+                30.503679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.440108, 
+                30.497678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.42601, 
+                30.496739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.410809, 
+                30.482039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.407008, 
+                30.42204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.397422, 
+                30.400626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.396407, 
+                30.34004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.391606, 
+                30.303441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.385505, 
+                30.273841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.379879, 
+                30.252914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.355591, 
+                30.162563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.308978, 
+                29.96944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.295268, 
+                29.928614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.288955, 
+                29.91518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.27654, 
+                29.90046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.270442, 
+                29.883106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.264693, 
+                29.858212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.263396, 
+                29.820663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.256711, 
+                29.784693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.240924, 
+                29.739218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.229015, 
+                29.714693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.212878, 
+                29.670667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.211565, 
+                29.667085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.163581, 
+                29.55529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.123896, 
+                29.474465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.101923, 
+                29.427055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.046678, 
+                29.307856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.995423, 
+                29.206052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.966176, 
+                29.14796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.944376, 
+                29.110861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.907275, 
+                29.064262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.893675, 
+                29.036163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.878275, 
+                29.010563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.787021, 
+                28.875266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.732244, 
+                28.791237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.713183, 
+                28.761997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.713108, 
+                28.761882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.712714, 
+                28.761277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.709725, 
+                28.756692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.708545, 
+                28.755202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.672232, 
+                28.709363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.663183, 
+                28.69794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.647924, 
+                28.678677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.64776, 
+                28.67847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.647288, 
+                28.677875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.645839, 
+                28.675817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.641436, 
+                28.669564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.639019, 
+                28.666131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.631314, 
+                28.655188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.61679, 
+                28.634561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.583884, 
+                28.597705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.574868, 
+                28.585166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.567361, 
+                28.562353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.560973, 
+                28.530736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.536115, 
+                28.478647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.525094, 
+                28.459454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.526732, 
+                28.451705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.562877, 
+                28.437779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.574136, 
+                28.427764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.587813, 
+                28.410856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.596174, 
+                28.390682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.603374, 
+                28.363983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.606874, 
+                28.336484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.608074, 
+                28.311285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.604214, 
+                28.257733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.589975, 
+                28.17799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.566432, 
+                28.09563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.547675, 
+                28.048795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.508871, 
+                27.970477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.446973, 
+                27.861954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.447084, 
+                27.860755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.447179, 
+                27.859731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.383695, 
+                27.740045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.351717, 
+                27.642623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.350553, 
+                27.628361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.34437, 
+                27.616226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.330956, 
+                27.597541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.324699, 
+                27.569178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.321271, 
+                27.557378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.311757, 
+                27.524625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.30117, 
+                27.500314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.293171, 
+                27.500314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.265535, 
+                27.420542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.253665, 
+                27.37979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.233538, 
+                27.341307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.226753, 
+                27.322736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.199288, 
+                27.263022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.19309, 
+                27.249546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.16147, 
+                27.192814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.153375, 
+                27.169308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.159554, 
+                27.163325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.14982, 
+                27.143557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.138605, 
+                27.111517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.116772, 
+                27.072397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.093909, 
+                27.018587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.079531, 
+                26.9705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.066697, 
+                26.927579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.046263, 
+                26.859238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.031362, 
+                26.796339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.03212, 
+                26.77153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.036362, 
+                26.77124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.037462, 
+                26.76634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.032862, 
+                26.715242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.032862, 
+                26.700842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.035763, 
+                26.676043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.035363, 
+                26.612346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.038863, 
+                26.569347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.050363, 
+                26.509549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.060564, 
+                26.444652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.070564, 
+                26.336455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.072264, 
+                26.335356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.074837, 
+                26.321032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.075264, 
+                26.318656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.079865, 
+                26.264358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.085565, 
+                26.249259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.089365, 
+                26.231859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.101366, 
+                26.147762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.105266, 
+                26.096264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.106813, 
+                26.092991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.108995, 
+                26.088372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.109566, 
+                26.087165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.112334, 
+                26.053193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.117778, 
+                25.986369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.117798, 
+                25.975152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.117904, 
+                25.915772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.12087, 
+                25.883152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.119684, 
+                25.841043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.122056, 
+                25.817913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.127394, 
+                25.791224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.127987, 
+                25.772245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.137476, 
+                25.750301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.144, 
+                25.740812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.152896, 
+                25.702855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.154082, 
+                25.683283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.152303, 
+                25.676759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.154972, 
+                25.66549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.160903, 
+                25.664897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.176916, 
+                25.685062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.170392, 
+                25.710565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.164461, 
+                25.721833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.166241, 
+                25.72895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.172765, 
+                25.737847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.184626, 
+                25.745557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.197674, 
+                25.74437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.229107, 
+                25.732509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.240376, 
+                25.724206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.244528, 
+                25.717089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.250459, 
+                25.688028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.265879, 
+                25.658373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.267065, 
+                25.651849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.277147, 
+                25.637022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.288416, 
+                25.630498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.296719, 
+                25.622195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.301464, 
+                25.613299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.305615, 
+                25.593134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.305615, 
+                25.575342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.302057, 
+                25.567632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.313918, 
+                25.539164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.324594, 
+                25.535605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.328746, 
+                25.53264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.339421, 
+                25.499427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.339421, 
+                25.478669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.337049, 
+                25.465621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.328152, 
+                25.443084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.320442, 
+                25.437153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.326373, 
+                25.422919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.32578, 
+                25.39801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.320442, 
+                25.391486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.31036, 
+                25.389707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.306801, 
+                25.384369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.31036, 
+                25.3731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.335269, 
+                25.338701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.352469, 
+                25.329805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.361662, 
+                25.327433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.374116, 
+                25.31735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.383013, 
+                25.301337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.385978, 
+                25.288289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.419191, 
+                25.26338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.437815, 
+                25.253077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.447066, 
+                25.24796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.462832, 
+                25.236248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.467824, 
+                25.23254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.468366, 
+                25.231977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.469843, 
+                25.230442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.483244, 
+                25.216526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.487591, 
+                25.207829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.488035, 
+                25.206942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.488216, 
+                25.206757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.495341, 
+                25.199463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.496179, 
+                25.199637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.498361, 
+                25.200091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.498644, 
+                25.20015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.502983, 
+                25.20316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.503125, 
+                25.203259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.50778, 
+                25.206488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.508113, 
+                25.206719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.508116, 
+                25.206725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.512928, 
+                25.216719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.514724, 
+                25.217702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.515297, 
+                25.218016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.520359, 
+                25.220788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.52319, 
+                25.22008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.525784, 
+                25.218649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.530207, 
+                25.216207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.540947, 
+                25.21821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.54204, 
+                25.22185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.540947, 
+                25.224945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.540765, 
+                25.229678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.548491, 
+                25.236535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.558223, 
+                25.239012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.570785, 
+                25.239366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.589186, 
+                25.223796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.587593, 
+                25.207695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.584783, 
+                25.200695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.584771, 
+                25.200665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.594338, 
+                25.193437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.601627, 
+                25.187931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.609607, 
+                25.181902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.609609, 
+                25.181901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.618989, 
+                25.177345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.619024, 
+                25.177328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.633992, 
+                25.176829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.639873, 
+                25.176633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.640275, 
+                25.17662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.640823, 
+                25.176364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.642456, 
+                25.175601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.645737, 
+                25.174069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.645822, 
+                25.174029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.646099, 
+                25.173599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.648565, 
+                25.169773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.649251, 
+                25.168708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.656944, 
+                25.168216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.660692, 
+                25.167976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.66995, 
+                25.167384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.674324, 
+                25.167104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.679852, 
+                25.166751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.683909, 
+                25.166491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.688361, 
+                25.164711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.695038, 
+                25.157588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.70127, 
+                25.146683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.703718, 
+                25.139115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.715099, 
+                25.140872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.721886, 
+                25.145101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.728602, 
+                25.144316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.734741, 
+                25.143598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.73833, 
+                25.143178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.742877, 
+                25.142646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.746379, 
+                25.148559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.746264, 
+                25.155303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.751866, 
+                25.163762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.757581, 
+                25.166734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.795456, 
+                25.172337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.796219, 
+                25.17245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.815193, 
+                25.164956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.817116, 
+                25.164196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.823441, 
+                25.161698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.826465, 
+                25.160504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.82653, 
+                25.160478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.826544, 
+                25.160509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.827179, 
+                25.161888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.827489, 
+                25.162562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.828435, 
+                25.164619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.830034, 
+                25.168094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.838227, 
+                25.174791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.843703, 
+                25.176312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.846395, 
+                25.17706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.8464, 
+                25.17706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.858167, 
+                25.176576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.858801, 
+                25.176493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.874323, 
+                25.174469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.874815, 
+                25.174405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.87546, 
+                25.174321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.875731, 
+                25.174185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.878982, 
+                25.172562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.879235, 
+                25.172436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.891681, 
+                25.166221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.899459, 
+                25.162337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900066, 
+                25.162034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900124, 
+                25.161726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.90111, 
+                25.156496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.901592, 
+                25.153933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.901617, 
+                25.153803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.90022, 
+                25.150627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.898911, 
+                25.147652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900559, 
+                25.139755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900577, 
+                25.139669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900668, 
+                25.139679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.902311, 
+                25.139853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.906578, 
+                25.140307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.915924, 
+                25.141301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.915965, 
+                25.141291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.931353, 
+                25.137424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.93675, 
+                25.136068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.939272, 
+                25.135434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.940988, 
+                25.135003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.943164, 
+                25.134456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.943216, 
+                25.134443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.954567, 
+                25.13545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.955577, 
+                25.13554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.95615, 
+                25.135591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.957427, 
+                25.135704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.958727, 
+                25.135546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.967465, 
+                25.134482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.967506, 
+                25.134477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.96774, 
+                25.134448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.967832, 
+                25.134437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.970185, 
+                25.13415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.970727, 
+                25.134084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.970797, 
+                25.134076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.971585, 
+                25.13398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.971664, 
+                25.13397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.971765, 
+                25.133958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.973129, 
+                25.133473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.977198, 
+                25.132028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.991949, 
+                25.126789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.994096, 
+                25.126026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.999176, 
+                25.124222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.999772, 
+                25.12429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.009598, 
+                25.125403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.022989, 
+                25.129393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.025154, 
+                25.129305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.033404, 
+                25.128969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.038021, 
+                25.128781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.049308, 
+                25.128322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.049344, 
+                25.12832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.049445, 
+                25.128316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.049896, 
+                25.128298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.050505, 
+                25.128273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.079859, 
+                25.118797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.094524, 
+                25.127054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.111943, 
+                25.14547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.120616, 
+                25.152302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.133567, 
+                25.156295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.141024, 
+                25.163868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.142278, 
+                25.183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.142471, 
+                25.18344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.142897, 
+                25.184406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.146737, 
+                25.193139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.155252, 
+                25.207706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.155481, 
+                25.208098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.15582, 
+                25.208389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.168046, 
+                25.218854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.171265, 
+                25.221609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.172044, 
+                25.222276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.171978, 
+                25.223648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.171455, 
+                25.234483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.171369, 
+                25.236268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.170953, 
+                25.244898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.170907, 
+                25.245857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.169709, 
+                25.249231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.169509, 
+                25.249795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.169294, 
+                25.250398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.168307, 
+                25.253178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.16207, 
+                25.289833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.159293, 
+                25.298595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.1523, 
+                25.305543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.148915, 
+                25.318067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.151916, 
+                25.324766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.148103, 
+                25.332793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.140099, 
+                25.341117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.133913, 
+                25.342996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.12141, 
+                25.33875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.118208, 
+                25.34522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.117265, 
+                25.354953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.128492, 
+                25.380511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.141395, 
+                25.381358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.150508, 
+                25.387255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.150656, 
+                25.399206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.147144, 
+                25.404297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.146765, 
+                25.407577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.168652, 
+                25.463848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.179406, 
+                25.475427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.191924, 
+                25.484745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.208201, 
+                25.504937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.210149, 
+                25.516888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.203175, 
+                25.53416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.204389, 
+                25.538908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.209321, 
+                25.548611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.225557, 
+                25.55847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.232705, 
+                25.573366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.233051, 
+                25.586587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.240519, 
+                25.599041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.240677, 
+                25.613629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.253951, 
+                25.638181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.268924, 
+                25.656927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.277374, 
+                25.66498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.290328, 
+                25.687506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.328935, 
+                25.717233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.335037, 
+                25.715649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.346078, 
+                25.721473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.345972, 
+                25.736536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.343984, 
+                25.747668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.346767, 
+                25.754029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.355116, 
+                25.76039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.359489, 
+                25.766354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.361875, 
+                25.772715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.344779, 
+                25.782257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.340406, 
+                25.786631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.341598, 
+                25.794582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.344564, 
+                25.803322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.349152, 
+                25.816847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.352731, 
+                25.822015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.362272, 
+                25.824401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.386127, 
+                25.839906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.394476, 
+                25.851834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.417536, 
+                25.864954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.424295, 
+                25.867737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.429066, 
+                25.865351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.441391, 
+                25.863761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.458487, 
+                25.868929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.471607, 
+                25.881652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.473992, 
+                25.888411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.48751, 
+                25.888411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.501027, 
+                25.884037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.508979, 
+                25.884037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.512955, 
+                25.886423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.511762, 
+                25.89676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.515738, 
+                25.899941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.527665, 
+                25.901531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.541183, 
+                25.900338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.577363, 
+                25.889206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.584519, 
+                25.888808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.614735, 
+                25.893977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.623482, 
+                25.897158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.640084, 
+                25.897784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.644553, 
+                25.897953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.654493, 
+                25.893579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.663821, 
+                25.885605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.672633, 
+                25.856654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.678287, 
+                25.845301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.6848, 
+                25.847205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.68954, 
+                25.85271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.713172, 
+                25.897568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.717687, 
+                25.902039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.727086, 
+                25.907207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.73195, 
+                25.931506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.738118, 
+                25.942009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.745579, 
+                25.949643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.749724, 
+                25.960463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.747834, 
+                25.994273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.750668, 
+                25.998425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.757463, 
+                26.000374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.762439, 
+                26.00607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.801663, 
+                26.088227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.808833, 
+                26.152246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.81461, 
+                26.173167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.81681, 
+                26.207166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.820675, 
+                26.236735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.833142, 
+                26.294518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.844555, 
+                26.327712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.845834, 
+                26.330378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.868983, 
+                26.378648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.90191, 
+                26.410859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.90271, 
+                26.416159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.91171, 
+                26.427158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.923611, 
+                26.436658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.938411, 
+                26.445058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.956611, 
+                26.452358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.964212, 
+                26.457957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.967112, 
+                26.462857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.966212, 
+                26.465057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.969509, 
+                26.476505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.980712, 
+                26.480957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.997012, 
+                26.484856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.008961, 
+                26.484052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.01368, 
+                26.490829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.00908, 
+                26.505203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.024604, 
+                26.512677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.043577, 
+                26.519577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.06715, 
+                26.513252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.07175, 
+                26.492554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.094748, 
+                26.48393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.105672, 
+                26.48393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.111996, 
+                26.54085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.118896, 
+                26.560973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.122345, 
+                26.579371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.137869, 
+                26.637441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.149943, 
+                26.654115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.181565, 
+                26.681712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.17984, 
+                26.696661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.173516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.151668, 
+                26.704136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.139019, 
+                26.702986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.125795, 
+                26.699536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.118896, 
+                26.690912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.106247, 
+                26.667339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.099922, 
+                26.662739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.093023, 
+                26.665614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.086698, 
+                26.685162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.084974, 
+                26.702411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.079799, 
+                26.716784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.066575, 
+                26.742657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.062029, 
+                26.770439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.061401, 
+                26.774279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.061401, 
+                26.789228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.055076, 
+                26.802452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.057951, 
+                26.822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.058526, 
+                26.838674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.056801, 
+                26.858797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.059101, 
+                26.876621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.066575, 
+                26.88237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.090723, 
+                26.888694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.093023, 
+                26.906518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.090148, 
+                26.923191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.083249, 
+                26.927791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.067725, 
+                26.927791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.061976, 
+                26.931241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.061401, 
+                26.938715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.063126, 
+                26.950214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.076349, 
+                26.958263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.107972, 
+                26.957688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.113039, 
+                26.955788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.117171, 
+                26.954239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.124645, 
+                26.945615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.137294, 
+                26.926066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.162017, 
+                26.925491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.169491, 
+                26.923191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.175241, 
+                26.916867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.172941, 
+                26.897319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.156267, 
+                26.851898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.147068, 
+                26.789803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.151093, 
+                26.783479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.172941, 
+                26.778879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.17869, 
+                26.772555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.209329, 
+                26.772146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.221812, 
+                26.77198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.232193, 
+                26.78288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.233311, 
+                26.784054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.234019, 
+                26.783251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.241935, 
+                26.774279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.251134, 
+                26.755881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.259867, 
+                26.717398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.263804, 
+                26.725644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.264682, 
+                26.756836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.269499, 
+                26.784674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.271699, 
+                26.789516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.281552, 
+                26.811203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.289086, 
+                26.827784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.301736, 
+                26.841588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.351649, 
+                26.908384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.375737, 
+                26.946041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.400618, 
+                26.984937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.419218, 
+                27.020736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.445718, 
+                27.060634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.460319, 
+                27.099933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.465319, 
+                27.110732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.46889, 
+                27.113612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.477019, 
+                27.141231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.512319, 
+                27.207528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.539719, 
+                27.254326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.54512, 
+                27.261026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.55902, 
+                27.268826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.569754, 
+                27.279452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.569248, 
+                27.298588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.57602, 
+                27.309324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.597629, 
+                27.335754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.623863, 
+                27.362206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.642821, 
+                27.38972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.642837, 
+                27.389737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.675121, 
+                27.424318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.691821, 
+                27.437218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.691004, 
+                27.444331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.707821, 
+                27.487615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.714521, 
+                27.500415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.724522, 
+                27.513614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.743017, 
+                27.531086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.745748, 
+                27.538834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.742437, 
+                27.53936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.708121, 
+                27.523514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.710621, 
+                27.501715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.706821, 
+                27.498415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.690421, 
+                27.496415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.686421, 
+                27.497215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.686921, 
+                27.508015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.683621, 
+                27.513115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.674621, 
+                27.519614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.66202, 
+                27.522814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.65072, 
+                27.523115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.646014, 
+                27.53354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.632053, 
+                27.551908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.612019, 
+                27.571231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.613003, 
+                27.582837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.612749, 
+                27.583319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.611717, 
+                27.585283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.596488, 
+                27.594045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.584629, 
+                27.596021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.570607, 
+                27.608882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565667, 
+                27.615713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.558538, 
+                27.638678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.554499, 
+                27.645145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.537146, 
+                27.672933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.514265, 
+                27.705588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.494891, 
+                27.718963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.482449, 
+                27.719886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.477638, 
+                27.723004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.476297, 
+                27.729929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.477129, 
+                27.735216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.482305, 
+                27.742649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.478339, 
+                27.74625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.457543, 
+                27.752571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.434635, 
+                27.764355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.43198, 
+                27.768092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.433981, 
+                27.774087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.419066, 
+                27.793767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.418401, 
+                27.803187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.410837, 
+                27.810868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.402857, 
+                27.812671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.393383, 
+                27.837519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.397463, 
+                27.851631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.402615, 
+                27.882602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.413915, 
+                27.901401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.432316, 
+                27.901301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.451591, 
+                27.907506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.460016, 
+                27.9116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.459616, 
+                27.9169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.462078, 
+                27.920066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.478063, 
+                27.92768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.489817, 
+                27.9196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.491117, 
+                27.9145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487417, 
+                27.895001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.488057, 
+                27.863566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.480137, 
+                27.853246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.471624, 
+                27.847342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.46884, 
+                27.843295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.47244, 
+                27.822559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.475273, 
+                27.820991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.489849, 
+                27.822607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.511193, 
+                27.828015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.553946, 
+                27.848462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.552918, 
+                27.862702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.538618, 
+                27.864901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.533218, 
+                27.870701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.529918, 
+                27.877501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.539318, 
+                27.885001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.542818, 
+                27.890601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.541747, 
+                27.893706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.535818, 
+                27.898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.531318, 
+                27.9039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.533718, 
+                27.932999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.541218, 
+                27.948998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.553918, 
+                27.966998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.589419, 
+                27.970898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.61952, 
+                27.969698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.648616, 
+                27.966309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.716522, 
+                27.958398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.720522, 
+                27.955798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.724122, 
+                27.948098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.721975, 
+                27.941819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.721429, 
+                27.940222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.720395, 
+                27.937199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.720122, 
+                27.936399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.710022, 
+                27.928299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.691621, 
+                27.924899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.685121, 
+                27.916299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.671221, 
+                27.913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.628063, 
+                27.910397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.63422, 
+                27.9037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.63212, 
+                27.8911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.61002, 
+                27.873501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.567919, 
+                27.883701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.567826, 
+                27.881537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.566819, 
+                27.858002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.598443, 
+                27.857582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.594819, 
+                27.843402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.589319, 
+                27.835702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.586519, 
+                27.816703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.60742, 
+                27.798904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.622723, 
+                27.779868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.63052, 
+                27.753905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.62502, 
+                27.732706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.62572, 
+                27.727006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.63362, 
+                27.710607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.63982, 
+                27.703907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.652521, 
+                27.700307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.662921, 
+                27.702307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.663246, 
+                27.702442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.667445, 
+                27.704179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.668772, 
+                27.704728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.670449, 
+                27.705422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.670942, 
+                27.705626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.671549, 
+                27.705877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.671621, 
+                27.705907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.672093, 
+                27.705932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.673061, 
+                27.705983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.674123, 
+                27.706039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.677321, 
+                27.706207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.679019, 
+                27.696054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.679251, 
+                27.694665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.693748, 
+                27.700217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.713629, 
+                27.698661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.718822, 
+                27.692007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.723022, 
+                27.671208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.721622, 
+                27.663908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.716322, 
+                27.651409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.712555, 
+                27.646647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.698091, 
+                27.638858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.705017, 
+                27.62531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.733076, 
+                27.612972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.736552, 
+                27.617326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.737312, 
+                27.623115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.73779, 
+                27.626758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.739122, 
+                27.636909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.738022, 
+                27.706807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.740323, 
+                27.718206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.746223, 
+                27.731306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.753723, 
+                27.736306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.760923, 
+                27.745205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.770023, 
+                27.767904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.783124, 
+                27.783804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.790224, 
+                27.791603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.820433, 
+                27.813742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.828561, 
+                27.822254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.846526, 
+                27.854301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.849126, 
+                27.8632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.851126, 
+                27.8863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.847826, 
+                27.910199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.840882, 
+                27.937162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.831388, 
+                27.962117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.824875, 
+                27.960201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.821975, 
+                27.956868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830819, 
+                27.930926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.838484, 
+                27.909111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.832155, 
+                27.909242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.820715, 
+                27.927268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.808745, 
+                27.953112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.805462, 
+                27.960201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.79782, 
+                27.990563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.792635, 
+                28.01116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.792635, 
+                28.032307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.782724, 
+                28.055894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.783824, 
+                28.106292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.782181, 
+                28.120287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.781324, 
+                28.127591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.786624, 
+                28.144991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.790724, 
+                28.15249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.799024, 
+                28.15179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.808474, 
+                28.154803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.805097, 
+                28.172181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.797762, 
+                28.187789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.762643, 
+                28.219013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.76446, 
+                28.220069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.764103, 
+                28.244345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.759072, 
+                28.25402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.746188, 
+                28.261192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.732792, 
+                28.291933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.735463, 
+                28.30039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.73146, 
+                28.325075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.715822, 
+                28.345501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.706112, 
+                28.368057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.706322, 
+                28.401325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.697433, 
+                28.420166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.684137, 
+                28.428019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.678743, 
+                28.433456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.677839, 
+                28.434367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.674787, 
+                28.441956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.680396, 
+                28.457194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.67241, 
+                28.464746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.665055, 
+                28.484434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.66447, 
+                28.488788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.66639, 
+                28.49733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.670146, 
+                28.500769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.669416, 
+                28.519879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.66804, 
+                28.528199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.663705, 
+                28.530193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.656694, 
+                28.544814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.661729, 
+                28.549743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.66165, 
+                28.554143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.65705, 
+                28.568028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.654138, 
+                28.590837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.664055, 
+                28.606584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.656649, 
+                28.623727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.65851, 
+                28.636756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.654167, 
+                28.668395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.646411, 
+                28.694434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.645482, 
+                28.697553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.652926, 
+                28.705618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.656028, 
+                28.712443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.652926, 
+                28.719267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.656028, 
+                28.727952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.662232, 
+                28.737258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.651065, 
+                28.747184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.645482, 
+                28.767037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.643, 
+                28.782546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.643, 
+                28.789991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.648584, 
+                28.796195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.650445, 
+                28.80488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.652926, 
+                28.830936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.638657, 
+                28.843344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.643, 
+                28.860094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.639898, 
+                28.876224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.644861, 
+                28.889252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.656028, 
+                28.899179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.673399, 
+                28.900419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.688864, 
+                28.905609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.702618, 
+                28.932955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.708793, 
+                28.935979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.723861, 
+                28.953506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.735754, 
+                28.973709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.737872, 
+                28.995703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.758906, 
+                28.993277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.760551, 
+                28.993087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.764055, 
+                28.999707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.759378, 
+                29.006619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.753513, 
+                29.026496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.759704, 
+                29.054192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.783328, 
+                29.064619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.780558, 
+                29.07358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.816925, 
+                29.076215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.823659, 
+                29.098902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.809483, 
+                29.10462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.801166, 
+                29.105103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.799117, 
+                29.110647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.798876, 
+                29.114504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.805703, 
+                29.129848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.804736, 
+                29.146624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.827073, 
+                29.158425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858179, 
+                29.162275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.887211, 
+                29.161741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.922613, 
+                29.169769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.932405, 
+                29.167891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.945302, 
+                29.167821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.974676, 
+                29.17091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.979522, 
+                29.171817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.987162, 
+                29.180094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.991653, 
+                29.180664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.996144, 
+                29.178074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.018212, 
+                29.151417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.019071, 
+                29.141324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.030453, 
+                29.134023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.053207, 
+                29.130839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.056867, 
+                29.146263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.068249, 
+                29.153135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.060947, 
+                29.170959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.061162, 
+                29.176113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.065242, 
+                29.184489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.078986, 
+                29.196944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.087839, 
+                29.21642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.074734, 
+                29.247975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.077265, 
+                29.255331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.089013, 
+                29.266502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.107477, 
+                29.268889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.125567, 
+                29.278845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.128027, 
+                29.282733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.146445, 
+                29.289194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.149764, 
+                29.289768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.16073, 
+                29.286611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.166091, 
+                29.28888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.169576, 
+                29.290355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.176736, 
+                29.31422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.17826, 
+                29.327916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.176852, 
+                29.329269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.175518, 
+                29.34469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.189581, 
+                29.363417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.200702, 
+                29.373855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.202446, 
+                29.394422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.218075, 
+                29.420492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.240509, 
+                29.433178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.263965, 
+                29.435806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.272019, 
+                29.432256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.294747, 
+                29.437923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.307094, 
+                29.459651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.307828, 
+                29.468861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.311546, 
+                29.475666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.323214, 
+                29.476789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.33113, 
+                29.475594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.350067, 
+                29.489358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.356722, 
+                29.499901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.370288, 
+                29.499901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.379254, 
+                29.503558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.383973, 
+                29.512995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.400252, 
+                29.517242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.401552, 
+                29.523291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.39983, 
+                29.533042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.405256, 
+                29.578319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.405068, 
+                29.59557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.39948, 
+                29.612956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.404081, 
+                29.640798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.412278, 
+                29.666922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.412768, 
+                29.668485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.414701, 
+                29.670536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.436259, 
+                29.677389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.444635, 
+                29.677155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.448194, 
+                29.675254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.455356, 
+                29.676444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.483143, 
+                29.690478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.483567, 
+                29.698542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.493728, 
+                29.708388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.512716, 
+                29.71648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.537645, 
+                29.72306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.547172, 
+                29.732223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.554993, 
+                29.7426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.566018, 
+                29.761434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.578955, 
+                29.768378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.584716, 
+                29.77608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.586089, 
+                29.784644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.583045, 
+                29.787307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.581903, 
+                29.792063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.585899, 
+                29.811754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.595493, 
+                29.827984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.605244, 
+                29.836387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.618568, 
+                29.842336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.63798, 
+                29.886073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.659951, 
+                29.899524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.679219, 
+                29.918513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.686423, 
+                29.923735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.757249, 
+                29.957943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.788729, 
+                29.976982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.82869, 
+                29.983187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.845427, 
+                29.998068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.93151, 
+                30.039068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.933668, 
+                30.041152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.931879, 
+                30.044175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.933432, 
+                30.046305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.95968, 
+                30.064943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.991607, 
+                30.08392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.000716, 
+                30.096209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.024274, 
+                30.103271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.048715, 
+                30.103208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.06299, 
+                30.101378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.076043, 
+                30.095464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.083057, 
+                30.092286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.087034, 
+                30.092103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.094725, 
+                30.094964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.10273, 
+                30.093611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.11384, 
+                30.085478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.124889, 
+                30.090601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.135683, 
+                30.083018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.157278, 
+                30.072714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.167881, 
+                30.071422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.179149, 
+                30.073187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.19853, 
+                30.087937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.201585, 
+                30.087982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.203349, 
+                30.085875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.20801, 
+                30.084776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.237014, 
+                30.08556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.245668, 
+                30.093021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.247491, 
+                30.10114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.256439, 
+                30.103791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.269363, 
+                30.09766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.272511, 
+                30.092358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.274003, 
+                30.083079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.270368, 
+                30.075469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.270792, 
+                30.068094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.277168, 
+                30.060263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.289727, 
+                30.057197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.297836, 
+                30.057451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.315344, 
+                30.069492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.342022, 
+                30.063858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.358923, 
+                30.058224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.365882, 
+                30.024588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.361962, 
+                29.987739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.359986, 
+                29.984739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.3477, 
+                29.984123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.343041, 
+                29.9751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.341261, 
+                29.960775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.339426, 
+                29.946007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.336511, 
+                29.942508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.333746, 
+                29.923721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.335953, 
+                29.912962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.343389, 
+                29.899539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.349066, 
+                29.896812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.378937, 
+                29.893112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.404958, 
+                29.901229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.423834, 
+                29.902996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.434287, 
+                29.906328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.443652, 
+                29.913785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.451705, 
+                29.929085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.470323, 
+                29.924524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.494562, 
+                29.913957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.511996, 
+                29.916574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.535873, 
+                29.910092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.57744, 
+                29.887828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.603303, 
+                29.876117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.613154, 
+                29.867984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.647958, 
+                29.847104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.656318, 
+                29.837943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.65645, 
+                29.834277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.669728, 
+                29.82891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.683934, 
+                29.831327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.692053, 
+                29.829059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.730327, 
+                29.8069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.755595, 
+                29.78854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.762998, 
+                29.788846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.824197, 
+                29.758288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.837168, 
+                29.755926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.868271, 
+                29.742454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.881777, 
+                29.733882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.888031, 
+                29.722406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.892493, 
+                29.72266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.901781, 
+                29.735723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.890066, 
+                29.755802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.877111, 
+                29.772888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.893992, 
+                29.785176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.90413, 
+                29.786279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.91511, 
+                29.783303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.920917, 
+                29.772901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.93837, 
+                29.750211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.946595, 
+                29.745032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.964007, 
+                29.742422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.968841, 
+                29.72708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.977004, 
+                29.721209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.993264, 
+                29.714961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.037212, 
+                29.711074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.072123, 
+                29.719027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.101682, 
+                29.718748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.121473, 
+                29.715854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.153238, 
+                29.708231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.177284, 
+                29.700193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.217355, 
+                29.694953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.22745, 
+                29.693633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.259719, 
+                29.681296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.29074, 
+                29.684081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.319215, 
+                29.681494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.343619, 
+                29.672004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.347711, 
+                29.66719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.344768, 
+                29.654793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.352615, 
+                29.659787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.369419, 
+                29.681048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.380303, 
+                29.698485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.397871, 
+                29.740498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.413983, 
+                29.799865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.417971, 
+                29.828855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.416548, 
+                29.842628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.413575, 
+                29.85294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.405815, 
+                29.865817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.392469, 
+                29.870914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.39874, 
+                29.859267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.405011, 
+                29.830151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.405907, 
+                29.80193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.395528, 
+                29.762368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.37796, 
+                29.709621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.3638, 
+                29.693526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.353885, 
+                29.684765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.344986, 
+                29.685015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.317661, 
+                29.691286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.31139, 
+                29.697557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.301331, 
+                29.797117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.302591, 
+                29.808094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.304877, 
+                29.811096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.31142, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+                -111.915837, 
+                41.998519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.109528, 
+                41.997105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.163956, 
+                41.996708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.239107, 
+                42.001217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.264936, 
+                42.000991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.38617, 
+                42.001126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.450567, 
+                42.001092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.450814, 
+                42.000953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.648019, 
+                42.000307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.709375, 
+                42.000309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.788542, 
+                41.999681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.833084, 
+                41.999305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.833125, 
+                41.999345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.880619, 
+                41.998921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.882367, 
+                41.998922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.909587, 
+                41.998791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.979218, 
+                41.998263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.00082, 
+                41.998223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.000821, 
+                41.998223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.396497, 
+                41.99425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40223, 
+                41.994161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.431563, 
+                41.993799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.76453, 
+                41.989459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.796082, 
+                41.989104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.893261, 
+                41.988057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.041723, 
+                41.99372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.048246, 
+                41.993721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.048257, 
+                41.993814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.061774, 
+                41.993797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.061763, 
+                41.993939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.107259, 
+                41.993831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.107428, 
+                41.993965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.281854, 
+                41.994264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.498243, 
+                41.994636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.498259, 
+                41.994599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.598267, 
+                41.994511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.763825, 
+                41.999909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.914187, 
+                41.999909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.031783, 
+                41.996008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.038256, 
+                41.996025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.98688, 
+                41.998534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.012212, 
+                41.998035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.012219, 
+                41.998048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.018945, 
+                41.997722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.01896, 
+                41.997762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.030758, 
+                41.997383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.030754, 
+                41.997399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.03857, 
+                41.997413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.038602, 
+                41.99746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.160833, 
+                41.997508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.163931, 
+                41.997555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.463528, 
+                41.996547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.483094, 
+                41.996885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.485823, 
+                41.996861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.510452, 
+                41.997096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.586937, 
+                41.99737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.62677, 
+                41.99775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.018294, 
+                41.999358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026222, 
+                42.000252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026331, 
+                42.807015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026303, 
+                42.80717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026253, 
+                42.807447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026683, 
+                43.024876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026652, 
+                43.025128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026746, 
+                43.577526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026774, 
+                43.578674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026922, 
+                43.593632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026889, 
+                43.596033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026824, 
+                43.600357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.02676, 
+                43.601912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026789, 
+                43.610669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026937, 
+                43.617614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.027001, 
+                43.621032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026905, 
+                43.62488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026705, 
+                43.631659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026661, 
+                43.664385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026717, 
+                43.675523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026623, 
+                43.680865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026586, 
+                43.683001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026825, 
+                43.706193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026725, 
+                43.714815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026841, 
+                43.732905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026651, 
+                43.733935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026634, 
+                43.808104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.996504, 
+                43.864714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.982482, 
+                43.872799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.979186, 
+                43.879973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.961535, 
+                43.918388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.935301, 
+                43.988616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.931719, 
+                44.102474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.897145, 
+                44.152537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.895931, 
+                44.154295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.894083, 
+                44.160191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.895757, 
+                44.171267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.902752, 
+                44.179467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.975905, 
+                44.242844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.98687, 
+                44.245477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.027558, 
+                44.248881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03317, 
+                44.248192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041144, 
+                44.243653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.170342, 
+                44.25889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.190107, 
+                44.273958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.196597, 
+                44.287529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.197777, 
+                44.295789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.197506, 
+                44.29728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.196597, 
+                44.30228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.194827, 
+                44.31054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.191546, 
+                44.329621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.189769, 
+                44.336585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.214889, 
+                44.466901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.208454, 
+                44.485928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.156489, 
+                44.528312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.149242, 
+                44.536151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.144161, 
+                44.545647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1159, 
+                44.623339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.095868, 
+                44.664737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.062273, 
+                44.727143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.044217, 
+                44.74514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03827, 
+                44.748179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.016216, 
+                44.755572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.931499, 
+                44.792281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.891463, 
+                44.840531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.852427, 
+                44.887577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.83199, 
+                44.933007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.835702, 
+                44.940633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.844653, 
+                44.949338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.850737, 
+                44.958113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.858277, 
+                44.978008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.845369, 
+                45.017059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.783902, 
+                45.079022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.729607, 
+                45.142091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.709536, 
+                45.203015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.696047, 
+                45.254679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.691197, 
+                45.269245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.673793, 
+                45.321511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.553473, 
+                45.499107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.481208, 
+                45.580597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.463635, 
+                45.602785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.463504, 
+                45.615785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.471504, 
+                45.628467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.48912, 
+                45.65114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.510938, 
+                45.668114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.528272, 
+                45.681473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.535396, 
+                45.691734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.538014, 
+                45.714929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.535698, 
+                45.734231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.54809, 
+                45.752364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59421, 
+                45.77908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.633377, 
+                45.784681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.789099, 
+                45.847749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.796418, 
+                45.853807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.857254, 
+                45.904159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.866544, 
+                45.916958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.875125, 
+                45.9422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.915989, 
+                45.995413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.94353, 
+                46.062173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.925621, 
+                46.158888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.958801, 
+                46.24232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.985333, 
+                46.294617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.987939, 
+                46.298031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.047469, 
+                46.342884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.061045, 
+                46.367747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.046915, 
+                46.379577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039813, 
+                46.425425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039741, 
+                46.462704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039763, 
+                46.46957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039771, 
+                46.471779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039783, 
+                46.541785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039828, 
+                46.815443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039657, 
+                46.825798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039821, 
+                47.127265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039836, 
+                47.154734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039871, 
+                47.181858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039888, 
+                47.203282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039899, 
+                47.225515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040019, 
+                47.259272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039843, 
+                47.347201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039857, 
+                47.366093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039882, 
+                47.399085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03995, 
+                47.412412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039948, 
+                47.434885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039971, 
+                47.463309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039945, 
+                47.477823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040514, 
+                47.522351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040545, 
+                47.527562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040745, 
+                47.532909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041276, 
+                47.55821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041174, 
+                47.55853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.67814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.678185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.68
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041532, 
+                47.683194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041633, 
+                47.7064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041678, 
+                47.72271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042135, 
+                47.7441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042059, 
+                47.7451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042657, 
+                47.760857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042623, 
+                47.761223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042521, 
+                47.764896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042485, 
+                47.766525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041874, 
+                47.977387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041676, 
+                48.04556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041401, 
+                48.0855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039552, 
+                48.17396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039413, 
+                48.17725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039618, 
+                48.178142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039583, 
+                48.180313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039582, 
+                48.180853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039582, 
+                48.181124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039615, 
+                48.184015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039599, 
+                48.184387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035178, 
+                48.370878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035178, 
+                48.371221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035289, 
+                48.422732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035254, 
+                48.423144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035285, 
+                48.429816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035285, 
+                48.430113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.034499, 
+                48.620769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.034358, 
+                48.628523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.033177, 
+                48.846563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.032351, 
+                48.999188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.757185, 
+                48.999791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.757234, 
+                48.999943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049193, 
+                49.000912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049025, 
+                48.958351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049023, 
+                48.957947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049226, 
+                48.502058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049353, 
+                48.21546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049415, 
+                48.07722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049398, 
+                48.075395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.049368, 
+                48.072134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.04932, 
+                48.066644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.048424, 
+                47.977126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.048421, 
+                47.97682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.007254, 
+                47.944968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.919291, 
+                47.857406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729123, 
+                47.703102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.72377, 
+                47.696671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.706284, 
+                47.637864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.718072, 
+                47.592675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.721207, 
+                47.576323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.735755, 
+                47.555346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.739684, 
+                47.537663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729861, 
+                47.518016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.712178, 
+                47.488546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.725931, 
+                47.466934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.729861, 
+                47.447287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.721084, 
+                47.42235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.69057, 
+                47.415059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.661341, 
+                47.402663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.576836, 
+                47.366825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.561439, 
+                47.351887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.551309, 
+                47.333856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.52369, 
+                47.298919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.479255, 
+                47.282089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.421645, 
+                47.271736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.339201, 
+                47.261623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.320184, 
+                47.255717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.294785, 
+                47.220914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.29211, 
+                47.209861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.266723, 
+                47.181101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.200547, 
+                47.139154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.193221, 
+                47.133026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.099178, 
+                47.048129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.072985, 
+                47.01376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.975789, 
+                46.932865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.936015, 
+                46.899761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.938713, 
+                46.869021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.927837, 
+                46.83599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.920459, 
+                46.827697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.888146, 
+                46.808573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.853279, 
+                46.799794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.825923, 
+                46.781949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76718, 
+                46.738828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.739253, 
+                46.715167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.717645, 
+                46.713994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69063, 
+                46.719961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.675505, 
+                46.719516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.667346, 
+                46.719276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.655704, 
+                46.711743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.644747, 
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+              ], 
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+                38.268819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.044613, 
+                38.312324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.044944, 
+                38.384419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045263, 
+                38.505395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045262, 
+                38.505532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045112, 
+                38.523784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045223, 
+                38.543797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045189, 
+                38.558732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045211, 
+                38.581609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045288, 
+                38.615168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045288, 
+                38.615249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045074, 
+                38.669617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045102, 
+                38.674946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.04516, 
+                38.675221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045127, 
+                38.686725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045156, 
+                38.688555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045212, 
+                38.697567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045375, 
+                38.754339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045287, 
+                38.755528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045371, 
+                38.770064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045448, 
+                38.783453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045334, 
+                38.799463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.045388, 
+                38.813392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.046571, 
+                39.047038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.047134, 
+                39.129701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.047189, 
+                39.133147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.04725, 
+                39.13702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.048449, 
+                39.303138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.04896, 
+                39.373712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049167, 
+                39.403597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.04937, 
+                39.41821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049369, 
+                39.423333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049679, 
+                39.506183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049673, 
+                39.536691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049554, 
+                39.538932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049764, 
+                39.56818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049806, 
+                39.574058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.049954, 
+                39.592331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.050594, 
+                39.675594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.051254, 
+                39.818992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.051318, 
+                39.833311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.051363, 
+                39.843471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.051569, 
+                39.849805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.051744, 
+                40.003078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.916696, 
+                40.003142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.904176, 
+                40.003162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.841025, 
+                40.002784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.832161, 
+                40.002933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.807687, 
+                40.002798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.804862, 
+                40.002752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.627071, 
+                40.00262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.625809, 
+                40.002711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.542273, 
+                40.002609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.417209, 
+                40.002424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.411043, 
+                40.002365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.409953, 
+                40.002354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.374326, 
+                40.002521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.342859, 
+                40.00258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.325514, 
+                40.002687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.324036, 
+                40.002696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.293991, 
+                40.002559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.286555, 
+                40.002559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.248673, 
+                40.002543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.215033, 
+                40.002555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.192219, 
+                40.002491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.178805, 
+                40.002468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.168704, 
+                40.002547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.130907, 
+                40.002427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.060317, 
+                40.002307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.027686, 
+                40.002256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.937427, 
+                40.002145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.75883, 
+                40.002302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.752183, 
+                40.002128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.738826, 
+                40.002228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.733296, 
+                40.00227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.729904, 
+                40.002111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.721128, 
+                40.002069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.683435, 
+                40.002234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.66023, 
+                40.002162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.645445, 
+                40.001883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.600945, 
+                40.001906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.594757, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.567238, 
+                40.001889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.551886, 
+                40.001889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.511065, 
+                40.00184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.487159, 
+                40.001767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.477018, 
+                40.001752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.475854, 
+                40.001768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.468773, 
+                40.001724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.447072, 
+                40.001795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.439081, 
+                40.001774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.39008, 
+                40.001809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.231652, 
+                40.001623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.229479, 
+                40.001693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.215406, 
+                40.001629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.196959, 
+                40.001494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.193597, 
+                40.001573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.19359, 
+                40.001573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.190323, 
+                40.001586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.188181, 
+                40.001541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.177823, 
+                40.001593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.177795, 
+                40.001593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.990926, 
+                40.001503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.986611, 
+                40.00155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.948167, 
+                40.001813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.944417, 
+                40.001584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.930433, 
+                40.001516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.906658, 
+                40.001512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.813401, 
+                40.0014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.77564, 
+                40.001647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.772121, 
+                40.001804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.764214, 
+                40.001551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.756835, 
+                40.001342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.746628, 
+                40.00182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.731959, 
+                40.001827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.719639, 
+                40.001808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.628346, 
+                40.001866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.628255, 
+                40.001866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.62598, 
+                40.001865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.625324, 
+                40.001866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.501792, 
+                40.002026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.498999, 
+                40.001957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.49766, 
+                40.001912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.493465, 
+                40.001937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.480728, 
+                40.001942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.412645, 
+                40.001868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.403389, 
+                40.001969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.290703, 
+                40.001949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.286656, 
+                40.002017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.282967, 
+                40.001879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.254012, 
+                40.002074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.25037, 
+                40.001957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.216376, 
+                40.002016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.197592, 
+                40.002033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.188905, 
+                40.002023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.186962, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.179133, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.178965, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.169816, 
+                40.001925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.123033, 
+                40.002165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.11351, 
+                40.002193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.085597, 
+                40.002133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.067022, 
+                40.00217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.020338, 
+                40.002264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.018701, 
+                40.002333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.992135, 
+                40.002192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.972287, 
+                40.002245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.971721, 
+                40.002268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.961009, 
+                40.002317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.960919, 
+                40.002271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.934792, 
+                40.002205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.834456, 
+                40.002363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.82059, 
+                40.002319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.777203, 
+                40.002359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.774941, 
+                40.002336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.726373, 
+                40.002222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.726295, 
+                40.002222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.710404, 
+                40.00218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.693096, 
+                40.002373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.691443, 
+                40.002505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.690287, 
+                40.002548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.672819, 
+                40.002364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.669724, 
+                40.00241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.653833, 
+                40.002269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.652494, 
+                40.002245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.64071, 
+                40.002493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.613755, 
+                40.0024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.593342, 
+                40.002476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.575219, 
+                40.00248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.560578, 
+                40.002274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.543186, 
+                40.002285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.523053, 
+                40.002336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.504455, 
+                40.002329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.490533, 
+                40.002323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.274017, 
+                40.002516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.274015, 
+                40.002516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.268218, 
+                40.00249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.250008, 
+                40.002307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.193483, 
+                40.002614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.179315, 
+                40.002483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.172269, 
+                40.002438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.142031, 
+                40.002452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.099659, 
+                40.002227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.076034, 
+                40.002301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.068701, 
+                40.002355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.050057, 
+                40.002278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.047469, 
+                40.002186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.014412, 
+                40.002223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.010157, 
+                40.002153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.972186, 
+                40.002114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.931826, 
+                40.00205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.931811, 
+                40.00205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.876261, 
+                40.002102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.85745, 
+                40.002065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.838379, 
+                40.00191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.821598, 
+                40.002004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.821496, 
+                40.002002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.819426, 
+                40.001958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.777155, 
+                40.002167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.770776, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.769204, 
+                40.001995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.767746, 
+                40.001994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.515308, 
+                40.001901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.511381, 
+                40.001899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.510264, 
+                40.001835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.463285, 
+                40.002047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.444662, 
+                40.001958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.425443, 
+                40.002048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.417826, 
+                40.002024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.415833, 
+                40.002001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369199, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369199, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369103, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.350896, 
+                40.00193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.350272, 
+                40.001976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.245169, 
+                40.001513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.24508, 
+                40.001467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.20231, 
+                40.001442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.20019, 
+                40.001549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.181775, 
+                40.00155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.142448, 
+                40.001495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.137866, 
+                40.001814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.049663, 
+                40.001323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.030803, 
+                40.001342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.009165, 
+                40.001463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.916407, 
+                40.001506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.916093, 
+                40.001506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.880459, 
+                40.001448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.878253, 
+                40.001466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.875057, 
+                40.001448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.873812, 
+                40.00145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.805768, 
+                40.001371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.622401, 
+                40.001158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.610349, 
+                40.000881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.604884, 
+                40.000891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.580852, 
+                40.000966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.570854, 
+                40.001091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557863, 
+                40.000968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.538977, 
+                40.000851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.527111, 
+                40.001031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.469945, 
+                40.000966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.467536, 
+                40.001035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.463713, 
+                40.000968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.46364, 
+                40.000967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.304555, 
+                40.000629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.301066, 
+                40.000632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.239208, 
+                40.000691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.239172, 
+                40.000691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.223839, 
+                40.000729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.220171, 
+                40.00072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154365, 
+                40.000495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154246, 
+                40.00045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.147167, 
+                40.000479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.125937, 
+                40.000432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.125788, 
+                40.000467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.089781, 
+                40.000519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.081395, 
+                40.000603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.051691, 
+                40.000727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.02409, 
+                40.000719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.01068, 
+                40.000638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.010678, 
+                40.000638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.958139, 
+                40.000521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.882524, 
+                40.00047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.788111, 
+                40.000452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.788024, 
+                40.000452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.784575, 
+                40.000463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.375257, 
+                40.0
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.339896, 
+                39.999999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.30829, 
+                39.999998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.30778, 
+                39.990618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.301549, 
+                39.983603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.181222, 
+                39.899996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.132695, 
+                39.875925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107745, 
+                39.868579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.085003, 
+                39.861883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.042142, 
+                39.864805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.035047, 
+                39.866807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.027931, 
+                39.871522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.02525, 
+                39.877688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.02524, 
+                39.8897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01632, 
+                39.898766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00844, 
+                39.900596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.993348, 
+                39.900747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.954155, 
+                39.901138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.935963, 
+                39.894355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.927897, 
+                39.886112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.908267, 
+                39.812172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.895268, 
+                39.76321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.916932, 
+                39.728186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.937924, 
+                39.725471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011103, 
+                39.677572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01531, 
+                39.674262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.069592, 
+                39.615106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107454, 
+                39.573843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.113077, 
+                39.559133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.113557, 
+                39.553941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.109304, 
+                39.542285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.102888, 
+                39.533347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.969061, 
+                39.418876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.946662, 
+                39.399717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.909954, 
+                39.367459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.908337, 
+                39.355647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.910641, 
+                39.348335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.907569, 
+                39.320623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.901009, 
+                39.30168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.832399, 
+                39.227218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.793948, 
+                39.201276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.752338, 
+                39.173203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.736537, 
+                39.169203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.723637, 
+                39.169003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.714137, 
+                39.170403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.706723, 
+                39.173801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.601733, 
+                39.159603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.596033, 
+                39.157703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.591933, 
+                39.155003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.589933, 
+                39.140403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607354, 
+                39.113444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607234, 
+                39.089604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607334, 
+                39.081704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607234, 
+                39.065704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607391, 
+                39.044086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608134, 
+                38.942006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608134, 
+                38.940006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607866, 
+                38.937398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607978, 
+                38.93687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.883807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.869207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.868107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607993, 
+                38.867271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.861207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.855007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.847207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608041, 
+                38.811064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609039, 
+                38.760611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609399, 
+                38.74244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609456, 
+                38.7407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609509, 
+                38.738102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611602, 
+                38.635384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611858, 
+                38.620485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611908, 
+                38.609272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611887, 
+                38.580139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611902, 
+                38.58011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612176, 
+                38.576546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612157, 
+                38.549817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612272, 
+                38.547917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612644, 
+                38.491644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612726, 
+                38.484367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612696, 
+                38.483154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612865, 
+                38.477602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612866, 
+                38.477571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613365, 
+                38.403422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613265, 
+                38.392426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613275, 
+                38.388718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613329, 
+                38.369618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613312, 
+                38.364407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613, 
+                38.335801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612825, 
+                38.324387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612788, 
+                38.320142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612673, 
+                38.314832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612673, 
+                38.302527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612844, 
+                38.291423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612849, 
+                38.289914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612692, 
+                38.270394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612614, 
+                38.237766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612635, 
+                38.226987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612659, 
+                38.219251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612658, 
+                38.217649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612822, 
+                38.203918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612848, 
+                38.200714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613073, 
+                38.190552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613422, 
+                38.167908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613748, 
+                38.160633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613856, 
+                38.149769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614061, 
+                38.067343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614089, 
+                38.065901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614055, 
+                38.060088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614055, 
+                38.060056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613981, 
+                38.037057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613981, 
+                38.036949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614212, 
+                37.992462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614465, 
+                37.987799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614557, 
+                37.971037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614562, 
+                37.951517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614594, 
+                37.949978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614612, 
+                37.944362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614754, 
+                37.940769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614835, 
+                37.9367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614778, 
+                37.9342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615181, 
+                37.915944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615393, 
+                37.906392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615469, 
+                37.901775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615706, 
+                37.886843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615921, 
+                37.878331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615834, 
+                37.87251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616, 
+                37.863126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616426, 
+                37.845282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61645, 
+                37.83756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616862, 
+                37.819456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617808, 
+                37.729707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617975, 
+                37.722176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617805, 
+                37.690178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617651, 
+                37.687671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617687, 
+                37.686653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617885, 
+                37.682214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617734, 
+                37.673127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617734, 
+                37.673105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617576, 
+                37.653671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617575, 
+                37.653577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617477, 
+                37.63717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.6173, 
+                37.610495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617428, 
+                37.609522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617283, 
+                37.571896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617315, 
+                37.571499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617081, 
+                37.567013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61716, 
+                37.557308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617186, 
+                37.553485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616908, 
+                37.527804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616789, 
+                37.52151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617023, 
+                37.483765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617183, 
+                37.469665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61718, 
+                37.465203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617222, 
+                37.460476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617205, 
+                37.460373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617201, 
+                37.454788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617132, 
+                37.439818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617265, 
+                37.425536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617511, 
+                37.410909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617557, 
+                37.396375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617625, 
+                37.367576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617626, 
+                37.367445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617537, 
+                37.364355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617538, 
+                37.364167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617636, 
+                37.338417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617636, 
+                37.338415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617695, 
+                37.336842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617648, 
+                37.323589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618075, 
+                37.240436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618158, 
+                37.237597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618123, 
+                37.229334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61815, 
+                37.228121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618219, 
+                37.207772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618305, 
+                37.207337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618319, 
+                37.188774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618505, 
+                37.181184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618473, 
+                37.174782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618351, 
+                37.160211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618072, 
+                37.132345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618075, 
+                37.129755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618212, 
+                37.113169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618151, 
+                37.103968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618059, 
+                37.096676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618088, 
+                37.093671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61809, 
+                37.093494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618082, 
+                37.086432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61812, 
+                37.085934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617982, 
+                37.075077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617875, 
+                37.056798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617875, 
+                37.056797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617965, 
+                37.040537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617995, 
+                37.009016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61808, 
+                36.998135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.699735, 
+                36.998805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.701797, 
+                36.998814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.71277, 
+                36.998794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.737183, 
+                36.998665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.739324, 
+                36.998687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.777257, 
+                36.998764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.83128, 
+                36.998812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.840926, 
+                36.998833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.849801, 
+                36.998876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.853197, 
+                36.998874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.995293, 
+                36.999529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00762, 
+                36.999514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011433, 
+                36.999535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.030324, 
+                36.999517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.037857, 
+                36.999497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.049499, 
+                36.99958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.073504, 
+                36.999509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.073509, 
+                36.999509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155187, 
+                36.999539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155372, 
+                36.99954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.177301, 
+                36.99952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.195307, 
+                36.999565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.322565, 
+                36.999358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.328058, 
+                36.999365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.328327, 
+                36.999366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.33121, 
+                36.99938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407572, 
+                36.999241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407683, 
+                36.999241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.511578, 
+                36.999235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.522415, 
+                36.999281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.534401, 
+                36.999332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.573598, 
+                36.99931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.61214, 
+                36.999321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.615934, 
+                36.999365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.62435, 
+                36.99936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.630079, 
+                36.99932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.664301, 
+                36.999322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.686452, 
+                36.999349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.696659, 
+                36.999215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.71038, 
+                36.999371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.714887, 
+                36.999279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.718054, 
+                36.999255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.741908, 
+                36.999244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.759905, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.768719, 
+                36.999205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.786762, 
+                36.99931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.80798, 
+                36.999124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.866899, 
+                36.999261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.873944, 
+                36.9993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.875257, 
+                36.999302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.877151, 
+                36.999304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91018, 
+                36.999336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.928122, 
+                36.999245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.936992, 
+                36.999268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.96427, 
+                36.999094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.00081, 
+                36.99886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.14121, 
+                36.998973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.143207, 
+                36.999134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.147143, 
+                36.999022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.149709, 
+                36.99904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.152384, 
+                36.999051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154017, 
+                36.999161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.184768, 
+                36.999211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.200028, 
+                36.999028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.217571, 
+                36.99907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.276368, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.279079, 
+                36.999272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.394272, 
+                36.999221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.415412, 
+                36.999113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.525493, 
+                36.999147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.705431, 
+                36.999203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.710482, 
+                36.999271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.73659, 
+                36.999286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.74127, 
+                36.999239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.749838, 
+                36.998988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.79206, 
+                36.99918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.795199, 
+                36.99886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.822791, 
+                36.999182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.867517, 
+                36.999217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.87629, 
+                36.999233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.902083, 
+                36.999155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.90351, 
+                36.999132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.917093, 
+                36.999182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.921915, 
+                36.999151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.934642, 
+                36.99907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.967371, 
+                36.999067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.975562, 
+                36.999019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.030082, 
+                36.998929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.039784, 
+                36.999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.100652, 
+                36.998998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.104276, 
+                36.99902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.120285, 
+                36.999014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.122597, 
+                36.999036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.147721, 
+                36.999111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.372421, 
+                36.998861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.384925, 
+                36.998843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.46228, 
+                36.998685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.462346, 
+                36.998685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.472861, 
+                36.998721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.527292, 
+                36.99875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.5459, 
+                36.998709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.546498, 
+                36.998747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.564536, 
+                36.998711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.606549, 
+                36.998682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.637137, 
+                36.99909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.650466, 
+                36.999004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.697104, 
+                36.998826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.768704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46528, 
+                38.907406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46938, 
+                38.907613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46948, 
+                38.911513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.475761, 
+                38.914469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49368, 
+                38.910013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493791, 
+                38.904225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493798, 
+                38.903865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493806, 
+                38.903443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493856, 
+                38.900846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49388, 
+                38.899614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49278, 
+                38.895614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49088, 
+                38.894514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.490403, 
+                38.892254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.490339, 
+                38.891955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489933, 
+                38.890031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489713, 
+                38.888991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489675, 
+                38.888811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489667, 
+                38.888772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.48938, 
+                38.887414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49068, 
+                38.884814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491107, 
+                38.884492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491442, 
+                38.884239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.4944, 
+                38.88201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.494588, 
+                38.881868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.494858, 
+                38.881665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.498467, 
+                38.878944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.507858, 
+                38.871866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.511135, 
+                38.869396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.519442, 
+                38.863135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.516944, 
+                38.851157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.516582, 
+                38.851026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.509285, 
+                38.848388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.509211, 
+                38.848416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499158, 
+                38.852156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.497562, 
+                38.852749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.496579, 
+                38.853115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.496474, 
+                38.852953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.493639, 
+                38.848595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.492761, 
+                38.847246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.492017, 
+                38.846102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491581, 
+                38.845433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491494, 
+                38.845299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489919, 
+                38.842878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489878, 
+                38.842815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.489878, 
+                38.838715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.490107, 
+                38.838176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491387, 
+                38.835161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491606, 
+                38.834644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491684, 
+                38.834462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491831, 
+                38.834116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.496965, 
+                38.822022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.497692, 
+                38.820309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.498878, 
+                38.817516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499056, 
+                38.817258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.50291, 
+                38.811648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.50653, 
+                38.80638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.506876, 
+                38.805875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.509314, 
+                38.802328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.510078, 
+                38.801216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51113, 
+                38.800769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.514296, 
+                38.799425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51583, 
+                38.798774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.523405, 
+                38.795557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524679, 
+                38.795016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524806, 
+                38.794871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524999, 
+                38.79465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.525039, 
+                38.794605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52521, 
+                38.794409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.525531, 
+                38.794043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527455, 
+                38.791844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527479, 
+                38.791816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527463, 
+                38.791667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527372, 
+                38.790788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52737, 
+                38.790774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527105, 
+                38.788223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527045, 
+                38.787645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.526979, 
+                38.787016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527315, 
+                38.78666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.528136, 
+                38.78579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532487, 
+                38.781181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.533975, 
+                38.779604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535207, 
+                38.778298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535352, 
+                38.778145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535379, 
+                38.778116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535426, 
+                38.778095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535642, 
+                38.778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536284, 
+                38.777719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536819, 
+                38.777484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536849, 
+                38.777471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.53723, 
+                38.777304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.539088, 
+                38.776488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.542973, 
+                38.774783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.544372, 
+                38.774169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.544413, 
+                38.774151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.554443, 
+                38.769749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.554693, 
+                38.769639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.559697, 
+                38.767443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.559884, 
+                38.767361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.559778, 
+                38.766342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.558933, 
+                38.758177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.557535, 
+                38.744687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.5573, 
+                38.744229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.557091, 
+                38.743823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.556954, 
+                38.743554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.553978, 
+                38.737756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.552743, 
+                38.73535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.551971, 
+                38.734636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.544561, 
+                38.727784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.544475, 
+                38.727705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.543853, 
+                38.727736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.54357, 
+                38.72775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.543435, 
+                38.727757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.542053, 
+                38.727826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.539769, 
+                38.72794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529868, 
+                38.728435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529284, 
+                38.728137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52718, 
+                38.727062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.526655, 
+                38.72443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529237, 
+                38.713561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529532, 
+                38.712317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529721, 
+                38.711523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.530575, 
+                38.707929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.530799, 
+                38.706983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.530824, 
+                38.706881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532465, 
+                38.699974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532537, 
+                38.699669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532527, 
+                38.698207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532432, 
+                38.6836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532409, 
+                38.680064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532398, 
+                38.678363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.532056, 
+                38.676936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.530454, 
+                38.670263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52785, 
+                38.659416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.527428, 
+                38.657655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.525007, 
+                38.647568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52462, 
+                38.645956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524122, 
+                38.645044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.517862, 
+                38.633586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.516988, 
+                38.631985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515554, 
+                38.629361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.511278, 
+                38.615745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.512452, 
+                38.609827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.512583, 
+                38.609168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.514812, 
+                38.59793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515741, 
+                38.593248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51576, 
+                38.593154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515764, 
+                38.593131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51634, 
+                38.590229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515106, 
+                38.555763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515376, 
+                38.553895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515409, 
+                38.553667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515415, 
+                38.553623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51552, 
+                38.5529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.517506, 
+                38.539149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515754, 
+                38.52926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.515706, 
+                38.528988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.51535, 
+                38.528093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.507489, 
+                38.5083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.50686, 
+                38.506716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.506023, 
+                38.50461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499256, 
+                38.493559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.498792, 
+                38.4928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.498222, 
+                38.491869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.492699, 
+                38.482849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491642, 
+                38.481944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.473372, 
+                38.46629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.471253, 
+                38.464474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467342, 
+                38.461123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467194, 
+                38.460996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467186, 
+                38.46099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46401, 
+                38.458268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.461078, 
+                38.455756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.455799, 
+                38.451233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.456002, 
+                38.447891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.45414, 
+                38.44588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.450937, 
+                38.442422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.445376, 
+                38.439012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.442441, 
+                38.437212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.442431, 
+                38.437206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.44118, 
+                38.436439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.438919, 
+                38.435053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.436271, 
+                38.433429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.435674, 
+                38.432893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.415384, 
+                38.414682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.40271, 
+                38.396003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.393378, 
+                38.389477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.388348, 
+                38.387781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.388328, 
+                38.387727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386229, 
+                38.382013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386243, 
+                38.381631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386931, 
+                38.363184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386957, 
+                38.362462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387002, 
+                38.361267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387408, 
+                38.360811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.388806, 
+                38.359238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.388915, 
+                38.359115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.398261, 
+                38.348602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.400871, 
+                38.345666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.401532, 
+                38.344923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.402043, 
+                38.344348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.403101, 
+                38.343157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.40494, 
+                38.341089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.409291, 
+                38.325891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.405716, 
+                38.317794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.402894, 
+                38.311402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.382163, 
+                38.303389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381493, 
+                38.30313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38012, 
+                38.302343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.37531, 
+                38.299583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375023, 
+                38.299419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.374517, 
+                38.296556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.374481, 
+                38.296348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.376607, 
+                38.294393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.382051, 
+                38.289384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.394171, 
+                38.278233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.396913, 
+                38.27165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.398852, 
+                38.266997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399013, 
+                38.264338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399049, 
+                38.263753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399078, 
+                38.263275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399313, 
+                38.259398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.39932, 
+                38.259284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399078, 
+                38.258569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.392464, 
+                38.239055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.39228, 
+                38.238511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391659, 
+                38.23668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391623, 
+                38.236573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.385244, 
+                38.217751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.378104, 
+                38.209897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.377693, 
+                38.209445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.372535, 
+                38.203771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.364135, 
+                38.194532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361877, 
+                38.192048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.359887, 
+                38.188737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.353799, 
+                38.178606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.353516, 
+                38.178135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.352561, 
+                38.177214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.352395, 
+                38.177054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.347983, 
+                38.172802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343517, 
+                38.168497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337611, 
+                38.162805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336106, 
+                38.161353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329711, 
+                38.15519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329705, 
+                38.155184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329688, 
+                38.155155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328864, 
+                38.153703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328805, 
+                38.1536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328778, 
+                38.153552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328419, 
+                38.152921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327124, 
+                38.150641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320492, 
+                38.138966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320136, 
+                38.138339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.324108, 
+                38.134266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330982, 
+                38.127217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331812, 
+                38.126366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335243, 
+                38.122848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335637, 
+                38.122444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337342, 
+                38.120696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338161, 
+                38.119856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338535, 
+                38.119472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337411, 
+                38.110888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337402, 
+                38.11082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331807, 
+                38.101092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331484, 
+                38.100531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33124, 
+                38.100106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330807, 
+                38.099354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330794, 
+                38.099331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330787, 
+                38.099201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329433, 
+                38.073986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329308, 
+                38.07166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329165, 
+                38.071247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.325044, 
+                38.059368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320592, 
+                38.046531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.319476, 
+                38.043315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321499, 
+                38.03805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32195, 
+                38.036874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322093, 
+                38.036503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.326994, 
+                38.045105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332812, 
+                38.049938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341172, 
+                38.053596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341404, 
+                38.053697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.344327, 
+                38.053565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.345697, 
+                38.053502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.350656, 
+                38.053277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.35275, 
+                38.053182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361237, 
+                38.059542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361538, 
+                38.060114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361668, 
+                38.06036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361779, 
+                38.06057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.369306, 
+                38.074853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.370204, 
+                38.076556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.370845, 
+                38.077771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.37179, 
+                38.079565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.378292, 
+                38.086949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.380991, 
+                38.090014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381298, 
+                38.090362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381752, 
+                38.090878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381842, 
+                38.090981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383896, 
+                38.093312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.384886, 
+                38.094437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.390917, 
+                38.101286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.391823, 
+                38.102315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.392058, 
+                38.102581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.392335, 
+                38.102896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.393121, 
+                38.103142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.394006, 
+                38.103419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.396478, 
+                38.104192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.397656, 
+                38.104561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.398067, 
+                38.10469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.405368, 
+                38.106974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.405972, 
+                38.106967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.41316, 
+                38.106884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.414475, 
+                38.105943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.414994, 
+                38.105572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.41655, 
+                38.104459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.421066, 
+                38.105989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.421214, 
+                38.106039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.421896, 
+                38.107026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.429384, 
+                38.117875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.429471, 
+                38.118001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.430425, 
+                38.119383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.430412, 
+                38.119488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.43013, 
+                38.121753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.429744, 
+                38.124856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.429581, 
+                38.126165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.437242, 
+                38.135699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.439841, 
+                38.138933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.459236, 
+                38.139471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.459689, 
+                38.139484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.460072, 
+                38.138717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.460673, 
+                38.137515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.465727, 
+                38.127408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469798, 
+                38.119264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469795, 
+                38.119061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469787, 
+                38.118606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469784, 
+                38.118381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46976, 
+                38.116874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46974, 
+                38.115653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.469738, 
+                38.115534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467333, 
+                38.112546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.466973, 
+                38.112099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.466568, 
+                38.111596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.466404, 
+                38.111392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.466387, 
+                38.111302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.466364, 
+                38.111183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.465892, 
+                38.108738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.465479, 
+                38.106603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46533, 
+                38.10583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467879, 
+                38.104932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.473266, 
+                38.103035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.475448, 
+                38.104271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.476222, 
+                38.104709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.478168, 
+                38.109221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.47861, 
+                38.110247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.478797, 
+                38.11068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.478817, 
+                38.110726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.479056, 
+                38.111281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.479799, 
+                38.113005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.481, 
+                38.115789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.481036, 
+                38.115873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.48105, 
+                38.115889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.481073, 
+                38.115915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.482007, 
+                38.116974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.48403, 
+                38.119266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.485149, 
+                38.120535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.485961, 
+                38.121456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.486274, 
+                38.12181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.48632, 
+                38.121862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.492029, 
+                38.128333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.49504, 
+                38.131746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.497081, 
+                38.134059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.497866, 
+                38.13495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499018, 
+                38.136255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499842, 
+                38.137189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499923, 
+                38.137221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.500332, 
+                38.137381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.501258, 
+                38.137744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.502306, 
+                38.138156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.508825, 
+                38.140713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.514824, 
+                38.141219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.522418, 
+                38.139391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.52899, 
+                38.134708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529439, 
+                38.134388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.529868, 
+                38.134083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.54038, 
+                38.152991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.545335, 
+                38.165373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.547333, 
+                38.175673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.547455, 
+                38.175923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.547902, 
+                38.176839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.548256, 
+                38.177566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.548946, 
+                38.178982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.552957, 
+                38.187209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.566297, 
+                38.198492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.57444, 
+                38.203751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.588683, 
+                38.21295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.590637, 
+                38.214212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.624387, 
+                38.223429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.625659, 
+                38.223777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.628078, 
+                38.224437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.629703, 
+                38.224881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.629893, 
+                38.224933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.631958, 
+                38.225497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.631997, 
+                38.225508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.632464, 
+                38.225635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.632544, 
+                38.225657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.643929, 
+                38.22508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.643999, 
+                38.225102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.645034, 
+                38.225429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.645166, 
+                38.22547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.659182, 
+                38.229894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.673462, 
+                38.234401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.678687, 
+                38.234259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.687075, 
+                38.23403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.712594, 
+                38.233334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.716139, 
+                38.233237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.716376, 
+                38.233231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.717537, 
+                38.233329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.719602, 
+                38.233503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.740055, 
+                38.235227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.744265, 
+                38.230716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.749384, 
+                38.225231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.752017, 
+                38.222409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.752085, 
+                38.222336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.752286, 
+                38.222121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.769988, 
+                38.226388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.778625, 
+                38.22847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.779865, 
+                38.229026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.791932, 
+                38.234441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.79659, 
+                38.236531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.797452, 
+                38.236918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.811647, 
+                38.250129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.811815, 
+                38.251318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.811927, 
+                38.252115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.809009, 
+                38.252193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.80888, 
+                38.252197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.808411, 
+                38.252209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.805949, 
+                38.252275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.80577, 
+                38.252615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.805224, 
+                38.253648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.802947, 
+                38.275094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.802347, 
+                38.280743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.804922, 
+                38.2833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.805037, 
+                38.283414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.805363, 
+                38.283738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.80547, 
+                38.283844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.806596, 
+                38.284962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.810596, 
+                38.288934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.811182, 
+                38.289516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.815098, 
+                38.293404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.816323, 
+                38.29462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.820799, 
+                38.299064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.821569, 
+                38.299829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.82167, 
+                38.299869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.824834, 
+                38.30113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.824889, 
+                38.301152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.834046, 
+                38.29968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.845846, 
+                38.297783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.846118, 
+                38.297739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.846252, 
+                38.297718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.846221, 
+                38.29196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.84622, 
+                38.291768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.841703, 
+                38.289768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.841241, 
+                38.289564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.840383, 
+                38.289184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.838539, 
+                38.28417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.834908, 
+                38.274299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.834803, 
+                38.274012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.835136, 
+                38.272628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.837697, 
+                38.26199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.837789, 
+                38.261609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.842038, 
+                38.254657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.842139, 
+                38.254491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.843422, 
+                38.254925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.844221, 
+                38.255195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.844885, 
+                38.25542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.846036, 
+                38.255809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.847074, 
+                38.25616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.864292, 
+                38.268945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.866302, 
+                38.269673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.866416, 
+                38.269715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.886535, 
+                38.277004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.908506, 
+                38.28843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.920778, 
+                38.291529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.920932, 
+                38.291568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.922161, 
+                38.311086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.922177, 
+                38.311339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.923629, 
+                38.314932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.924668, 
+                38.316011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.927019, 
+                38.318454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.929554, 
+                38.321088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.942132, 
+                38.329601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.953928, 
+                38.333282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.966349, 
+                38.341372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.975092, 
+                38.347067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.975492, 
+                38.347327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.983582, 
+                38.362999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.986464, 
+                38.382618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.986699, 
+                38.384213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.986996, 
+                38.386237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.987838, 
+                38.391965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.98828, 
+                38.394975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.989271, 
+                38.396352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.989306, 
+                38.396401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.990305, 
+                38.397788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.993839, 
+                38.402699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.996663, 
+                38.406623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.996724, 
+                38.406708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.998585, 
+                38.409294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.998843, 
+                38.410362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.000997, 
+                38.419293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.001541, 
+                38.421548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.001638, 
+                38.421952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.001902, 
+                38.422376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.00257, 
+                38.423447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.006495, 
+                38.429738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.006767, 
+                38.430176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.016371, 
+                38.445572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.016674, 
+                38.44556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.040638, 
+                38.444618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.042046, 
+                38.443983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.042879, 
+                38.443607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.044188, 
+                38.443016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.053187, 
+                38.437753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.05329, 
+                38.437693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.053445, 
+                38.437602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.053663, 
+                38.437475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.053979, 
+                38.43729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.054972, 
+                38.436709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.055162, 
+                38.436598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.05532, 
+                38.436505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.056892, 
+                38.435586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.057277, 
+                38.435361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.05746, 
+                38.435254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.057684, 
+                38.435123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.062607, 
+                38.432244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.074174, 
+                38.425479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.074339, 
+                38.425382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.074703, 
+                38.42517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.075489, 
+                38.42471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.081252, 
+                38.419449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.081418, 
+                38.419297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.086393, 
+                38.414755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.091073, 
+                38.407546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.106571, 
+                38.406237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.106968, 
+                38.406531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.107631, 
+                38.407022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.107881, 
+                38.407207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.109055, 
+                38.408076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.109171, 
+                38.408162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.110586, 
+                38.40921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.110623, 
+                38.409214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.123325, 
+                38.410646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.125933, 
+                38.404845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.127392, 
+                38.4016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.127737, 
+                38.400833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.128377, 
+                38.40019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.128649, 
+                38.399917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.128823, 
+                38.399742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.128872, 
+                38.399692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.12909, 
+                38.399474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.130287, 
+                38.398271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.135224, 
+                38.393311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.136434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.136728, 
+                38.391799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.136947, 
+                38.391684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.139968, 
+                38.390102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.143152, 
+                38.388435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.147541, 
+                38.386136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.163531, 
+                38.377761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.168697, 
+                38.375055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.177, 
+                38.370706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1798, 
+                38.369239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.182638, 
+                38.367753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.183268, 
+                38.367423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.184917, 
+                38.366559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.18668, 
+                38.365636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.189412, 
+                38.364872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.205009, 
+                38.360511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.207214, 
+                38.359894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.207312, 
+                38.359867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.207371, 
+                38.359888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.208334, 
+                38.360224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.212189, 
+                38.361572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.216729, 
+                38.363159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.216834, 
+                38.363221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.236231, 
+                38.374601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.250172, 
+                38.382781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.250862, 
+                38.384325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.25122, 
+                38.385127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.253202, 
+                38.389567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.256412, 
+                38.396755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.257177, 
+                38.39847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.261937, 
+                38.409131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.264238, 
+                38.414282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.26129, 
+                38.42367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.259962, 
+                38.427902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.259962, 
+                38.435821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.26076, 
+                38.438394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.263682, 
+                38.44781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.266845, 
+                38.458004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.269474, 
+                38.466476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.274021, 
+                38.481127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.27417, 
+                38.481608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.27422, 
+                38.48177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.274125, 
+                38.482044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.271099, 
+                38.490753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.263599, 
+                38.512344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.257378, 
+                38.521847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.254882, 
+                38.52566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.246089, 
+                38.539093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.242736, 
+                38.544214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.237724, 
+                38.55187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.236728, 
+                38.552071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.226465, 
+                38.554139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.221117, 
+                38.555217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.209905, 
+                38.56887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.205261, 
+                38.574525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.183767, 
+                38.600699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.175969, 
+                38.604113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.169968, 
+                38.60674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.169671, 
+                38.60687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.167523, 
+                38.60674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.163945, 
+                38.606524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.163409, 
+                38.606492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.16316, 
+                38.606477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.162649, 
+                38.606446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.161585, 
+                38.606381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.148651, 
+                38.6056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.146087, 
+                38.606748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.135539, 
+                38.611473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.129213, 
+                38.614306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.129084, 
+                38.614364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.128841, 
+                38.61466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.12634, 
+                38.6177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.125191, 
+                38.619096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.12463, 
+                38.619778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1302, 
+                38.635017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.135901, 
+                38.649817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.132501, 
+                38.673816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.121101, 
+                38.686616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1059, 
+                38.696815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.086113, 
+                38.705792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.074599, 
+                38.711015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.05991, 
+                38.734419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.041398, 
+                38.763914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.039239, 
+                38.7852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.038598, 
+                38.791513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.024392, 
+                38.80297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.001397, 
+                38.821513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.953696, 
+                38.858512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.949696, 
+                38.861312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.920195, 
+                38.884412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.919295, 
+                38.885112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.910795, 
+                38.891712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.909395, 
+                38.892812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.941722, 
+                38.918019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.002498, 
+                38.96541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.002636, 
+                38.965521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.008298, 
+                38.97011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.013798, 
+                38.97441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.015598, 
+                38.97591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.036299, 
+                38.99171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.040999, 
+                38.99511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.054299, 
+                38.98511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1007, 
+                38.94891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1199, 
+                38.934311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.137701, 
+                38.95531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.148179, 
+                38.965002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.166901, 
+                38.96811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.197502, 
+                38.96681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.221502, 
+                38.97131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.235403, 
+                38.97661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.249803, 
+                38.985909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.255703, 
+                39.002409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.251803, 
+                39.011409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.261403, 
+                39.031009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.291605, 
+                39.045408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.328002, 
+                39.058554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.340287, 
+                39.062991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.375079, 
+                39.061297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.42318, 
+                39.066878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458202, 
+                39.073723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.519929, 
+                39.120925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.524559, 
+                39.127821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.527282, 
+                39.146236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.516426, 
+                39.170891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.510631, 
+                39.178484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.505162, 
+                39.18205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.485971, 
+                39.185665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.478596, 
+                39.189168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458884, 
+                39.219826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.458779, 
+                39.22028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.45768, 
+                39.22502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.46021, 
+                39.228359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.484605, 
+                39.245941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.511222, 
+                39.2535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.534461, 
+                39.262361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.543228, 
+                39.266937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.545846, 
+                39.271535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.560854, 
+                39.286152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.592739, 
+                39.30129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.667749, 
+                39.318129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.677505, 
+                39.318699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.719029, 
+                39.321125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.727379, 
+                39.321666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.755789, 
+                39.333899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.760586, 
+                39.338864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.760435, 
+                39.344171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.739204, 
+                39.38573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.765442, 
+                39.428574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.807821, 
+                39.490241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.825411, 
+                39.494036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.845105, 
+                39.498285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.865423, 
+                39.516472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.888945, 
+                39.55595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.886135, 
+                39.560432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.884536, 
+                39.568174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.902649, 
+                39.587796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.946442, 
+                39.58491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.009985, 
+                39.602893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.023427, 
+                39.61986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.035992, 
+                39.63572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.074595, 
+                39.666686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.107834, 
+                39.682137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.143478, 
+                39.690412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.176625, 
+                39.695967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.182759, 
+                39.69511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.191107, 
+                39.690262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.224337, 
+                39.66327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.271122, 
+                39.619642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.283039, 
+                39.62047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.313033, 
+                39.631001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.334044, 
+                39.63577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.355218, 
+                39.640576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.43025, 
+                39.62329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.457187, 
+                39.587379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.458456, 
+                39.581158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.454376, 
+                39.574319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.450207, 
+                39.570889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.432033, 
+                39.561053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.436939, 
+                39.538959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.468639, 
+                39.516789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.565929, 
+                39.519444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.655984, 
+                39.534695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.657324, 
+                39.535087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.676219, 
+                39.540622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.689455, 
+                39.54577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.760196, 
+                39.582154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.76749, 
+                39.587487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.772048, 
+                39.593833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.769029, 
+                39.599871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.760497, 
+                39.609984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.787461, 
+                39.627492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.824788, 
+                39.590233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.874744, 
+                39.522611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.968996, 
+                39.441543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.025681, 
+                39.465539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.04244, 
+                39.479339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.067072, 
+                39.474658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.08445, 
+                39.471356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.201676, 
+                39.379726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.213192, 
+                39.367897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.25688, 
+                39.356077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.280039, 
+                39.340076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.378687, 
+                39.27192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.402911, 
+                39.250106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.486873, 
+                39.205961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.485874, 
+                39.264905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.486179, 
+                39.26497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.486737, 
+                39.278149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.487651, 
+                39.279933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.482648, 
+                39.521364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.482354, 
+                39.524682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.478866, 
+                39.531689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.476662, 
+                39.721078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.392458, 
+                39.72134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.931176, 
+                39.722775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.931175, 
+                39.722775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.808387, 
+                39.722726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.380599, 
+                39.722554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.342834, 
+                39.722539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.34252, 
+                39.722539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.340498, 
+                39.722514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.339539, 
+                39.722552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.337111, 
+                39.722461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.330715, 
+                39.722689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.26902, 
+                39.722613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.268948, 
+                39.72259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.243103, 
+                39.722481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.240334, 
+                39.722498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.20445, 
+                39.72252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.202895, 
+                39.722416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.09914, 
+                39.722322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.075771, 
+                39.722301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.073736, 
+                39.722314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.768534, 
+                39.721358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.743204, 
+                39.721205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.732615, 
+                39.721094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.724115, 
+                39.720894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.674522, 
+                39.720847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.672249, 
+                39.720778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.534758, 
+                39.720134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.533371, 
+                39.720165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.469145, 
+                39.720018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.459427, 
+                39.720017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.243307, 
+                39.719998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.239807, 
+                39.719998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.217024, 
+                39.719998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.216806, 
+                39.719998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.058904, 
+                39.7201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.058204, 
+                39.7202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.047104, 
+                39.72
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.999465, 
+                39.720128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.897566, 
+                39.720401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.8901, 
+                39.720401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.809197, 
+                39.720702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.806397, 
+                39.720602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.787097, 
+                39.720802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.787096, 
+                39.720802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.715594, 
+                39.721103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.711894, 
+                39.721103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.569475, 
+                39.721203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.569389, 
+                39.721203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.517087, 
+                39.721304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491887, 
+                39.721304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.418784, 
+                39.721204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.418684, 
+                39.721304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.395583, 
+                39.721204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.380583, 
+                39.721304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.380083, 
+                39.721304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239805, 
+                39.721305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233277, 
+                39.721305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233259, 
+                39.721305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.224191, 
+                39.721328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.135584, 
+                39.721556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.027618, 
+                39.721833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.013067, 
+                39.72192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.810068, 
+                39.721906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.799563, 
+                39.721882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788359, 
+                39.721811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788395, 
+                39.700287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788395, 
+                39.700031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788658, 
+                39.681911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788616, 
+                39.680742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.78745, 
+                39.637455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.78689, 
+                39.630575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.779383, 
+                39.536522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.77924, 
+                39.534737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.766693, 
+                39.377537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.766667, 
+                39.377216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.760104, 
+                39.296817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.755962, 
+                39.246069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.755953, 
+                39.245958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.747671, 
+                39.143345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.747668, 
+                39.143306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.746121, 
+                39.120318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.745793, 
+                39.114935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.725829, 
+                38.869296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.725565, 
+                38.868152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.724061, 
+                38.847781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.724002, 
+                38.846682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722882, 
+                38.833156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.72261, 
+                38.830008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722599, 
+                38.829859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722028, 
+                38.822078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.707352, 
+                38.635359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.707346, 
+                38.63528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.706585, 
+                38.626125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.706235, 
+                38.621296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.70586, 
+                38.616268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.705774, 
+                38.61474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.703981, 
+                38.592066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.703445, 
+                38.58512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.701565, 
+                38.560736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.701465, 
+                38.559433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.700179, 
+                38.542717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.698777, 
+                38.522001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.696688, 
+                38.496467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.696369, 
+                38.492373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.693521, 
+                38.460128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.665585, 
+                38.4589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.662843, 
+                38.458759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.630457, 
+                38.457904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.598069, 
+                38.456855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.593082, 
+                38.456404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.589307, 
+                38.456286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.583601, 
+                38.456424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.57411, 
+                38.455991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.559934, 
+                38.455579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.559212, 
+                38.455563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.533763, 
+                38.454958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.52273, 
+                38.454657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.521304, 
+                38.454657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.502961, 
+                38.45422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.500142, 
+                38.454144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.47915, 
+                38.453699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.428728, 
+                38.452671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.424831, 
+                38.45261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.410884, 
+                38.4524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.394786, 
+                38.45216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.393563, 
+                38.452114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.371054, 
+                38.452107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.355797, 
+                38.452008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.34125, 
+                38.45197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.341247, 
+                38.45197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.26035, 
+                38.451492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.252723, 
+                38.451397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.185413, 
+                38.451013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.141894, 
+                38.451196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.089649, 
+                38.451254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.088281, 
+                38.451256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.085814, 
+                38.451258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.070356, 
+                38.451276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.069909, 
+                38.451276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.066327, 
+                38.451291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053483, 
+                38.451274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.05251, 
+                38.451273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.049268, 
+                38.451264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.048939, 
+                38.451263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.049365, 
+                38.448518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.049442, 
+                38.448023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.049582, 
+                38.447117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.051997, 
+                38.431549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052008, 
+                38.431479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052167, 
+                38.430457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052206, 
+                38.430206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052226, 
+                38.430077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052368, 
+                38.429159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052426, 
+                38.428784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052467, 
+                38.428521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052471, 
+                38.428493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052505, 
+                38.428275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052746, 
+                38.42672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.052804, 
+                38.426349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.05282, 
+                38.426243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.0531, 
+                38.424441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053137, 
+                38.424201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053277, 
+                38.423297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053309, 
+                38.423095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.054591, 
+                38.41483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.055838, 
+                38.410164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.056, 
+                38.40956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.056182, 
+                38.408876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.057288, 
+                38.404738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.06137, 
+                38.389466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.068111, 
+                38.368716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.068162, 
+                38.368559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.068404, 
+                38.367812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.068548, 
+                38.36737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.068559, 
+                38.367335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.069817, 
+                38.363463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.069845, 
+                38.363376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.071329, 
+                38.358809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.071632, 
+                38.357876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.071687, 
+                38.357707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.071694, 
+                38.357686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.072111, 
+                38.356402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.072476, 
+                38.355278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.073852, 
+                38.352006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.074532, 
+                38.35039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.084149, 
+                38.327526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.085171, 
+                38.325096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.085327, 
+                38.324724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.085468, 
+                38.324389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.085518, 
+                38.32427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.087466, 
+                38.322769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.092142, 
+                38.323252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.093888, 
+                38.323432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.102947, 
+                38.311525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.103757, 
+                38.309349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.116837, 
+                38.274229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.143229, 
+                38.220475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.155351, 
+                38.192572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.15897, 
+                38.184242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.16164, 
+                38.176383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.177394, 
+                38.130014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.178945, 
+                38.126798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.192925, 
+                38.097819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.193796, 
+                38.096013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.195382, 
+                38.093582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.204684, 
+                38.079317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.204911, 
+                38.07897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.206515, 
+                38.07651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.216117, 
+                38.061786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.22434, 
+                38.050912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.227592, 
+                38.046612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.23586, 
+                38.035679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.236065, 
+                38.035409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.237538, 
+                38.033461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.241817, 
+                38.027802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.242266, 
+                38.027209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.242296, 
+                38.027206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.250358, 
+                38.026489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.256076, 
+                38.02598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.260635, 
+                38.025574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.262088, 
+                38.025445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.263779, 
+                38.025295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.377851, 
+                38.015145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.398839, 
+                38.013277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.42881, 
+                38.010854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.435956, 
+                38.010282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.624341, 
+                37.994211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.626129, 
+                37.9925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.630222, 
+                37.988584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.635502, 
+                37.983531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.639786, 
+                37.979432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644545, 
+                37.974877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644591, 
+                37.974833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.644665, 
+                37.974763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.645096, 
+                37.97435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.645251, 
+                37.974202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.646289, 
+                37.973209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.646507, 
+                37.973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.660956, 
+                37.959174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.669711, 
+                37.950796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.665057, 
+                37.956282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.663095, 
+                37.961195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.66502, 
+                37.962401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.669374, 
+                37.96513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.671681, 
+                37.966576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.685995, 
+                37.967607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.686525, 
+                37.967783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.708179, 
+                37.974972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.71315, 
+                37.976623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722085, 
+                37.973416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722662, 
+                37.97131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.724692, 
+                37.969754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.72533, 
+                37.969266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.727952, 
+                37.967256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.735125, 
+                37.964592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.737514, 
+                37.963705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.737997, 
+                37.963526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.750244, 
+                37.968873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.759091, 
+                37.970663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.776773, 
+                37.972044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.778975, 
+                37.972216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.783444, 
+                37.972565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.783815, 
+                37.972594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.785007, 
+                37.971714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.785209, 
+                37.971564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.785273, 
+                37.971517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.785487, 
+                37.971359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.788351, 
+                37.969244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.789943, 
+                37.968068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.806147, 
+                37.9561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.80693, 
+                37.955522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.807755, 
+                37.954912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.819088, 
+                37.946542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.820774, 
+                37.945297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.822901, 
+                37.943726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.824242, 
+                37.942736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.824448, 
+                37.942584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.829901, 
+                37.938556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.830154, 
+                37.938028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831707, 
+                37.934789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831836, 
+                37.934519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.832414, 
+                37.933313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.832793, 
+                37.933112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.843768, 
+                37.927297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.845992, 
+                37.926118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.846621, 
+                37.925785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847207, 
+                37.925474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847473, 
+                37.925333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847817, 
+                37.925151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847933, 
+                37.925089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.848133, 
+                37.924983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.849103, 
+                37.92447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.860727, 
+                37.91831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.881913, 
+                37.912563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.883708, 
+                37.912076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.885032, 
+                37.911717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.892686, 
+                37.916848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.895791, 
+                37.921406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.89594, 
+                37.921625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.898316, 
+                37.925114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.894065, 
+                37.93079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.893655, 
+                37.933879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.89281, 
+                37.940239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.890871, 
+                37.954847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.898956, 
+                37.974514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.882768, 
+                38.002995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.875297, 
+                38.011965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.875399, 
+                38.028241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.87319, 
+                38.034375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.869513, 
+                38.035407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.865912, 
+                38.036418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864648, 
+                38.036773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.858891, 
+                38.03839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.857507, 
+                38.038778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.856854, 
+                38.038583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.855468, 
+                38.03817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.854711, 
+                38.037944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.852655, 
+                38.037331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.850531, 
+                38.036697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.850343, 
+                38.035877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.84998, 
+                38.034294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847922, 
+                38.03437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847716, 
+                38.034468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.836018, 
+                38.040007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.834643, 
+                38.040657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.833657, 
+                38.041125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.833418, 
+                38.041238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.830023, 
+                38.042845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.829375, 
+                38.043152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.829276, 
+                38.043247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.826492, 
+                38.045915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.825987, 
+                38.0464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.812913, 
+                38.058932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.813378, 
+                38.059481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.813468, 
+                38.059587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.819415, 
+                38.066606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.819479, 
+                38.066682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.819591, 
+                38.066814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.830017, 
+                38.06912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831103, 
+                38.069361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.832742, 
+                38.069723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.839935, 
+                38.071314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.841057, 
+                38.071562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.841206, 
+                38.071595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.844265, 
+                38.072272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.84718, 
+                38.071289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.852305, 
+                38.069561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.858944, 
+                38.067323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859026, 
+                38.067208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859568, 
+                38.066448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.860072, 
+                38.065743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859717, 
+                38.064073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85944, 
+                38.062769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859281, 
+                38.062018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859005, 
+                38.060717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.858881, 
+                38.060135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.860629, 
+                38.05996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.860946, 
+                38.059928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.861033, 
+                38.059919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.86153, 
+                38.05987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.866194, 
+                38.059402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867267, 
+                38.059295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867511, 
+                38.05927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.868899, 
+                38.059131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.871503, 
+                38.05887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.874189, 
+                38.060288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880515, 
+                38.075011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.871394, 
+                38.089183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.870282, 
+                38.090911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.865697, 
+                38.098036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.865146, 
+                38.098893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.86381, 
+                38.100968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.842604, 
+                38.113111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837563, 
+                38.113753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837204, 
+                38.114468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837165, 
+                38.114546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837048, 
+                38.114777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.827993, 
+                38.132803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.827892, 
+                38.133004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.827674, 
+                38.133438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.827712, 
+                38.133464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.843862, 
+                38.144599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.849919, 
+                38.144414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.854507, 
+                38.142567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.858667, 
+                38.140893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85954, 
+                38.140542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.866, 
+                38.134886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.868636, 
+                38.134381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.870056, 
+                38.134684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.871037, 
+                38.134893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880707, 
+                38.136957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880978, 
+                38.137015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.900355, 
+                38.14115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.901058, 
+                38.140826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.902004, 
+                38.14039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.903442, 
+                38.139726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.905599, 
+                38.138732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.906497, 
+                38.138317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.907264, 
+                38.137964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.923797, 
+                38.130339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.932738, 
+                38.126216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.936773, 
+                38.124355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937089, 
+                38.124209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937055, 
+                38.123077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937015, 
+                38.121749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.936866, 
+                38.116745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.936663, 
+                38.109956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.938484, 
+                38.109976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.945297, 
+                38.113091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.949557, 
+                38.118127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.956428, 
+                38.131115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.956434, 
+                38.131126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.958786, 
+                38.135572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.959496, 
+                38.136915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.959616, 
+                38.137141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.952411, 
+                38.158513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951425, 
+                38.161436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951273, 
+                38.161887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.949752, 
+                38.164486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.947534, 
+                38.168274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.947487, 
+                38.168736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.947417, 
+                38.169439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94728, 
+                38.170792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948129, 
+                38.171778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94822, 
+                38.171884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948566, 
+                38.172285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948709, 
+                38.172451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951812, 
+                38.176053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951972, 
+                38.176239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.95185, 
+                38.176794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951583, 
+                38.178014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951566, 
+                38.178093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.949575, 
+                38.180037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94942, 
+                38.180188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948891, 
+                38.180704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948738, 
+                38.180854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.946586, 
+                38.182955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.945419, 
+                38.184094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942375, 
+                38.187066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.941448, 
+                38.187352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.933932, 
+                38.18967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.888073, 
+                38.203813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.886217, 
+                38.203309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.88494, 
+                38.200493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.884603, 
+                38.199751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.884544, 
+                38.199739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.878293, 
+                38.198407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.877751, 
+                38.198292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.87725, 
+                38.198386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.870975, 
+                38.199566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.86847, 
+                38.200037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864104, 
+                38.200858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.862444, 
+                38.201759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85696, 
+                38.204734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.854406, 
+                38.20612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.852258, 
+                38.207286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.848473, 
+                38.20934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847299, 
+                38.209977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847032, 
+                38.210122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.846713, 
+                38.210295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.846377, 
+                38.210477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.851396, 
+                38.226432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.851528, 
+                38.22655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85916, 
+                38.233407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864628, 
+                38.23832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.87031, 
+                38.243425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.870318, 
+                38.243432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.872464, 
+                38.243968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.874653, 
+                38.244514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.882873, 
+                38.244449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.883435, 
+                38.244445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.8852, 
+                38.243395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.886841, 
+                38.242418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.887409, 
+                38.24208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.888513, 
+                38.241423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.889356, 
+                38.2395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.885676, 
+                38.231006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.885909, 
+                38.230866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.890669, 
+                38.228009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.894583, 
+                38.228439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.895689, 
+                38.228561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.895879, 
+                38.228717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.899781, 
+                38.231921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.90004, 
+                38.232133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.900661, 
+                38.233206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.901381, 
+                38.234448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.905852, 
+                38.242165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.906016, 
+                38.242447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.90845, 
+                38.246648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.908272, 
+                38.252045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.911143, 
+                38.257951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.917297, 
+                38.263126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.919446, 
+                38.264056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.920279, 
+                38.264415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.925492, 
+                38.26667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.938577, 
+                38.272329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.940302, 
+                38.271611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942462, 
+                38.270711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942703, 
+                38.270611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948346, 
+                38.268261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.95136, 
+                38.267006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951497, 
+                38.266949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951512, 
+                38.266936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951563, 
+                38.266892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951647, 
+                38.266819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954483, 
+                38.264366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954568, 
+                38.264293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954701, 
+                38.264177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954737, 
+                38.264146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954824, 
+                38.264071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954908, 
+                38.263998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954908, 
+                38.263997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.95481, 
+                38.261016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954582, 
+                38.254108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954561, 
+                38.253476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954542, 
+                38.252894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.950056, 
+                38.249699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.949458, 
+                38.249273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948796, 
+                38.248802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.947876, 
+                38.248875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.945678, 
+                38.249051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.9445, 
+                38.249145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.943032, 
+                38.248279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942465, 
+                38.247945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942263, 
+                38.247826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.940697, 
+                38.246902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94119, 
+                38.246211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.942804, 
+                38.243949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.946414, 
+                38.23889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.948197, 
+                38.238504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.951156, 
+                38.237862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.955164, 
+                38.236994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.955833, 
+                38.236849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.958338, 
+                38.236306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.958794, 
+                38.236208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961972, 
+                38.235519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962111, 
+                38.235489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962729, 
+                38.235355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962931, 
+                38.235311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.970514, 
+                38.233668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.971487, 
+                38.233457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.972212, 
+                38.2333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.9704, 
+                38.235043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.970115, 
+                38.235317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.969383, 
+                38.236021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.969326, 
+                38.236076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.964528, 
+                38.240692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.964119, 
+                38.241085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.963969, 
+                38.241598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962235, 
+                38.24754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.963453, 
+                38.251793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.984274, 
+                38.265155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.985815, 
+                38.276466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.987814, 
+                38.279287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.988731, 
+                38.280581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.990385, 
+                38.282915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.991162, 
+                38.283894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.991687, 
+                38.284555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992669, 
+                38.285792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992829, 
+                38.285994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.993391, 
+                38.286702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.000241, 
+                38.295331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.00401, 
+                38.300079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.007118, 
+                38.303994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.007254, 
+                38.304165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.007375, 
+                38.304318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.007478, 
+                38.304351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011245, 
+                38.305572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011458, 
+                38.30564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016291, 
+                38.307206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016314, 
+                38.307247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016514, 
+                38.3076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.017308, 
+                38.309007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.017364, 
+                38.309106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009377, 
+                38.311997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.008647, 
+                38.312261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.991151, 
+                38.31411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.990485, 
+                38.314181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.986025, 
+                38.314652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.984784, 
+                38.314783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.984433, 
+                38.314821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.983186, 
+                38.314952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.983171, 
+                38.314954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.982523, 
+                38.315022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.981345, 
+                38.315147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.969577, 
+                38.320044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.96929, 
+                38.320164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.96888, 
+                38.320498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.964237, 
+                38.324285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961944, 
+                38.332572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961945, 
+                38.33583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961946, 
+                38.336018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961948, 
+                38.341431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.965366, 
+                38.348429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.966397, 
+                38.35054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.968881, 
+                38.355623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.969161, 
+                38.356197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.97084, 
+                38.359635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.971019, 
+                38.360002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.971541, 
+                38.361069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.97191, 
+                38.361826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.972174, 
+                38.362365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.972281, 
+                38.362584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.973876, 
+                38.36585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.979727, 
+                38.367627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.98018, 
+                38.367765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.980829, 
+                38.367962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.995706, 
+                38.37248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.001839, 
+                38.374343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002156, 
+                38.374439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002282, 
+                38.374477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.004946, 
+                38.372045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006949, 
+                38.370216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011869, 
+                38.360582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.012149, 
+                38.357077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011033, 
+                38.354844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010737, 
+                38.354251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010255, 
+                38.353287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010217, 
+                38.353211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010366, 
+                38.352732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010437, 
+                38.352504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016682, 
+                38.332429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.033947, 
+                38.323211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.041431, 
+                38.322163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.041618, 
+                38.322137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.041659, 
+                38.322097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.04318, 
+                38.32061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.043923, 
+                38.319884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.044649, 
+                38.319175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.045057, 
+                38.318776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.045599, 
+                38.318246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.045964, 
+                38.317452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.046367, 
+                38.316576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.047401, 
+                38.314329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.047992, 
+                38.313044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.048637, 
+                38.311643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.048965, 
+                38.31093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.049207, 
+                38.310404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.049523, 
+                38.309718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.04958, 
+                38.309594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.049609, 
+                38.309348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.049647, 
+                38.309017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.05022, 
+                38.304101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.047147, 
+                38.301582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.040019, 
+                38.295738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.030532, 
+                38.28796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.028234, 
+                38.282035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.027557, 
+                38.280288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.027487, 
+                38.280108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032595, 
+                38.268875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032664, 
+                38.268722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032771, 
+                38.268487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032998, 
+                38.267989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.03361, 
+                38.266644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.033737, 
+                38.266363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.038935, 
+                38.254932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.039738, 
+                38.254093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.043927, 
+                38.249712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.044251, 
+                38.249373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.044141, 
+                38.243447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.044108, 
+                38.241682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.043814, 
+                38.241294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.03796, 
+                38.233551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.037109, 
+                38.232426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.037103, 
+                38.232418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.036102, 
+                38.231094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035695, 
+                38.230556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.033455, 
+                38.222046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.033338, 
+                38.221599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032044, 
+                38.216684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.05801, 
+                38.227079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.069502, 
+                38.238455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.070831, 
+                38.241836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.071154, 
+                38.242657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.073493, 
+                38.248609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.073725, 
+                38.2492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074491, 
+                38.251148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074515, 
+                38.251208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074568, 
+                38.251344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074607, 
+                38.251443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074726, 
+                38.251745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.07476, 
+                38.251832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074897, 
+                38.252181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.082268, 
+                38.252616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.082549, 
+                38.252633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.089797, 
+                38.253061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.092417, 
+                38.253216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.092723, 
+                38.253234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.094689, 
+                38.25335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.09972, 
+                38.253647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.107592, 
+                38.262525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.102549, 
+                38.277153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.111296, 
+                38.286946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.12694, 
+                38.283751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.131085, 
+                38.282904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.137238, 
+                38.281648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.137442, 
+                38.281606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.138479, 
+                38.281394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.138524, 
+                38.281385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.138596, 
+                38.281406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.140674, 
+                38.282006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.140947, 
+                38.282085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.143127, 
+                38.282714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.149398, 
+                38.284525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.149876, 
+                38.284663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.160474, 
+                38.290983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.160838, 
+                38.290948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.161348, 
+                38.290898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.166154, 
+                38.290431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.173418, 
+                38.285326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.173555, 
+                38.28523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.173844, 
+                38.284869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174011, 
+                38.284659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174104, 
+                38.284543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174152, 
+                38.284483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174484, 
+                38.284068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174598, 
+                38.283924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174683, 
+                38.283818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180115, 
+                38.277019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180165, 
+                38.276956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180103, 
+                38.276739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.179123, 
+                38.273291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.178282, 
+                38.270336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175783, 
+                38.261551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.171254, 
+                38.256984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.164388, 
+                38.250061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163249, 
+                38.248913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.146297, 
+                38.249678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.135169, 
+                38.245872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.13498, 
+                38.245807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.132544, 
+                38.244974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.130952, 
+                38.24443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.126623, 
+                38.242949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.126453, 
+                38.242046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.125856, 
+                38.23888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.125756, 
+                38.238348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.128452, 
+                38.235704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.128898, 
+                38.235267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.131332, 
+                38.23288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.140068, 
+                38.231305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.151035, 
+                38.234215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.17335, 
+                38.247037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.188644, 
+                38.267434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.189627, 
+                38.272487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.189655, 
+                38.272633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.190531, 
+                38.277139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197155, 
+                38.28522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197693, 
+                38.285877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197871, 
+                38.286094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.201591, 
+                38.290633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.201603, 
+                38.290647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202334, 
+                38.291539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202628, 
+                38.291898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202897, 
+                38.292226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.20343, 
+                38.292876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203909, 
+                38.293461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211446, 
+                38.302656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.216266, 
+                38.305023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.217616, 
+                38.305686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.218051, 
+                38.305899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.226376, 
+                38.309988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.226408, 
+                38.309989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.243897, 
+                38.310313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.254473, 
+                38.31512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258189, 
+                38.318373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266602, 
+                38.339502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264186, 
+                38.346436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259286, 
+                38.341619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259261, 
+                38.341595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259235, 
+                38.341603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258383, 
+                38.341865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257898, 
+                38.342014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238452, 
+                38.347986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238478, 
+                38.348355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238541, 
+                38.349238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238611, 
+                38.350233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.23901, 
+                38.350738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239056, 
+                38.350795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239601, 
+                38.351486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239902, 
+                38.351866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.240196, 
+                38.352238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.24041, 
+                38.352508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.24735, 
+                38.361285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248766, 
+                38.363076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249666, 
+                38.364214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.256788, 
+                38.366712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257479, 
+                38.366702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258022, 
+                38.366695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273003, 
+                38.366483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278722, 
+                38.382919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278813, 
+                38.383179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280749, 
+                38.388743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281214, 
+                38.390079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.28132, 
+                38.390384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281396, 
+                38.390604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281697, 
+                38.39147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.282144, 
+                38.392754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.282271, 
+                38.393118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280551, 
+                38.403143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.28302, 
+                38.413512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.290681, 
+                38.424404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300186, 
+                38.437916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301488, 
+                38.439767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.3116, 
+                38.450266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.311767, 
+                38.450439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320843, 
+                38.459862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331383, 
+                38.473323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331469, 
+                38.473432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331559, 
+                38.473548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331758, 
+                38.474324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33199, 
+                38.475225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33636, 
+                38.492235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327257, 
+                38.500121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.318054, 
+                38.498199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.289507, 
+                38.503906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.283595, 
+                38.504157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281761, 
+                38.502165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263968, 
+                38.503452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262133, 
+                38.504874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.26035, 
+                38.506255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.247894, 
+                38.523019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.2473, 
+                38.523818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.244396, 
+                38.536966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248885, 
+                38.539023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250265, 
+                38.539131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.251033, 
+                38.539191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.253624, 
+                38.539393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274057, 
+                38.531207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278106, 
+                38.532468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281047, 
+                38.53613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277461, 
+                38.541851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275913, 
+                38.548809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.27964, 
+                38.557231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.283189, 
+                38.5613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.283632, 
+                38.561807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.289017, 
+                38.567982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.290043, 
+                38.569158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.290667, 
+                38.569247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296469, 
+                38.570076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299301, 
+                38.57048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308321, 
+                38.571769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.305172, 
+                38.575293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.291998, 
+                38.581988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.290895, 
+                38.582548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273496, 
+                38.59139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.268633, 
+                38.597753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.272584, 
+                38.601997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274611, 
+                38.604174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274888, 
+                38.604471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275246, 
+                38.604856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275282, 
+                38.604895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275658, 
+                38.605298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.279589, 
+                38.60952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278146, 
+                38.610662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.276734, 
+                38.611779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271827, 
+                38.615661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264155, 
+                38.615109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263577, 
+                38.615475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262791, 
+                38.615973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.261135, 
+                38.617021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.260317, 
+                38.617539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.253926, 
+                38.621586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.247896, 
+                38.625404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.24651, 
+                38.626282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.23665, 
+                38.628598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.235987, 
+                38.626827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234929, 
+                38.624002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231187, 
+                38.61401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229358, 
+                38.613301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229159, 
+                38.613224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.22882, 
+                38.613093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.222982, 
+                38.61083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.220701, 
+                38.609945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212427, 
+                38.606738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212414, 
+                38.606744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203065, 
+                38.610741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202598, 
+                38.613011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.190902, 
+                38.621092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174969, 
+                38.628791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.170066, 
+                38.629225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.160148, 
+                38.625452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152885, 
+                38.631819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.147158, 
+                38.63684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.147577, 
+                38.637893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.148202, 
+                38.639463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.148559, 
+                38.640362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.148955, 
+                38.641356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.149353, 
+                38.642356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152554, 
+                38.6504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152603, 
+                38.650523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152622, 
+                38.650572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.15299, 
+                38.651495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.153414, 
+                38.652562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.153769, 
+                38.653455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.154093, 
+                38.654269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.154581, 
+                38.655495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.154604, 
+                38.655553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.154889, 
+                38.656268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.154924, 
+                38.656358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.155611, 
+                38.658083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.160539, 
+                38.661903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.164465, 
+                38.664946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.168824, 
+                38.668325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174611, 
+                38.672811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175159, 
+                38.673236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.196716, 
+                38.67286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.199722, 
+                38.671127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.199948, 
+                38.670997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.200334, 
+                38.670774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212808, 
+                38.681892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.226343, 
+                38.698057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229242, 
+                38.701519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231392, 
+                38.704088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231758, 
+                38.704524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232127, 
+                38.704964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232365, 
+                38.705249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232535, 
+                38.705452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232814, 
+                38.705785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232845, 
+                38.705823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232875, 
+                38.705859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232893, 
+                38.70588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234249, 
+                38.707499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234379, 
+                38.707655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234392, 
+                38.70767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234828, 
+                38.708191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.237818, 
+                38.711762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.237916, 
+                38.711879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238077, 
+                38.712071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238172, 
+                38.712185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238306, 
+                38.712344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238725, 
+                38.712845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239377, 
+                38.71688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239427, 
+                38.717191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239841, 
+                38.719756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.23704, 
+                38.724518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238685, 
+                38.735434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255093, 
+                38.736476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255348, 
+                38.736273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257335, 
+                38.734691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257423, 
+                38.734621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257437, 
+                38.734609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257851, 
+                38.73428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258738, 
+                38.733573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259238, 
+                38.733176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259665, 
+                38.732836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259741, 
+                38.732775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259867, 
+                38.732675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.259876, 
+                38.732667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.260001, 
+                38.732568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.260976, 
+                38.731791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.261863, 
+                38.731085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.268288, 
+                38.725969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.268739, 
+                38.725609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.26937, 
+                38.725107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.26952, 
+                38.724988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.270277, 
+                38.724385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271243, 
+                38.716209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271447, 
+                38.71448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271553, 
+                38.713576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271596, 
+                38.713216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275015, 
+                38.712714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275019, 
+                38.712715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298499, 
+                38.718005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299171, 
+                38.719287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296603, 
+                38.723183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296537, 
+                38.723283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295957, 
+                38.724162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298186, 
+                38.726255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29935, 
+                38.727347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299401, 
+                38.727395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312756, 
+                38.730708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.316146, 
+                38.729586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321803, 
+                38.723565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321885, 
+                38.723478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322019, 
+                38.723335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322028, 
+                38.723326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322663, 
+                38.72265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322705, 
+                38.722605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322706, 
+                38.722604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32273, 
+                38.722578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322807, 
+                38.722496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32286, 
+                38.722439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322975, 
+                38.722317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323214, 
+                38.722063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32353, 
+                38.721727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.326135, 
+                38.718954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327162, 
+                38.717861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328035, 
+                38.716932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.328338, 
+                38.716609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330149, 
+                38.714682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331479, 
+                38.713266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332517, 
+                38.709118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333066, 
+                38.706927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333532, 
+                38.705063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333777, 
+                38.704086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334017, 
+                38.703127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333862, 
+                38.702953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332079, 
+                38.700956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321865, 
+                38.689512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321881, 
+                38.689217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321898, 
+                38.688902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321905, 
+                38.688768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.321915, 
+                38.688584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322418, 
+                38.679304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33861, 
+                38.672023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340065, 
+                38.671369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340341, 
+                38.671245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.34322, 
+                38.67688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343277, 
+                38.676992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343784, 
+                38.677985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.344199, 
+                38.678798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.347998, 
+                38.686234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.345072, 
+                38.703546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.344597, 
+                38.706352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340543, 
+                38.730338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340567, 
+                38.731008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340608, 
+                38.732179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340618, 
+                38.732464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340628, 
+                38.732756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340632, 
+                38.732857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340635, 
+                38.73296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340637, 
+                38.733003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340641, 
+                38.733123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340645, 
+                38.733225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340677, 
+                38.734136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340715, 
+                38.735215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340732, 
+                38.735712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340739, 
+                38.735894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.34074, 
+                38.735932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341093, 
+                38.745959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341096, 
+                38.746058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.3411, 
+                38.746148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341288, 
+                38.751505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341293, 
+                38.751654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341297, 
+                38.751756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341302, 
+                38.751901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334619, 
+                38.772911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333752, 
+                38.77342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329721, 
+                38.775789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323768, 
+                38.779287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.3227, 
+                38.780657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312886, 
+                38.793247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310743, 
+                38.795996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310664, 
+                38.796098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310626, 
+                38.796147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310556, 
+                38.796237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310081, 
+                38.796846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308922, 
+                38.813346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308306, 
+                38.814331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308294, 
+                38.814349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308127, 
+                38.814618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.307267, 
+                38.815993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301886, 
+                38.824595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300889, 
+                38.82619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.300886, 
+                38.826192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298956, 
+                38.827519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.2978, 
+                38.828314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296564, 
+                38.828186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296471, 
+                38.828176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296394, 
+                38.828168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296364, 
+                38.828165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296329, 
+                38.828162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29632, 
+                38.828161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296259, 
+                38.828155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295992, 
+                38.828127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29555, 
+                38.828081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295454, 
+                38.828071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295436, 
+                38.828069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293648, 
+                38.827884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.292144, 
+                38.827729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.288455, 
+                38.827347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.284768, 
+                38.828706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277854, 
+                38.831256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277748, 
+                38.831295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277411, 
+                38.831419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.27742, 
+                38.831468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278151, 
+                38.835494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.27804, 
+                38.835768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274405, 
+                38.844766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271575, 
+                38.851771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.267175, 
+                38.851652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265999, 
+                38.85162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264221, 
+                38.851572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265759, 
+                38.847638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265808, 
+                38.847512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265678, 
+                38.847326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262179, 
+                38.842325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.261907, 
+                38.841936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.261627, 
+                38.841536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257353, 
+                38.835428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255787, 
+                38.833189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255343, 
+                38.832554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255322, 
+                38.832525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250364, 
+                38.825438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250296, 
+                38.825389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.245886, 
+                38.822232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.23877, 
+                38.81959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229199, 
+                38.816036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.228071, 
+                38.815617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.221162, 
+                38.813052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.219328, 
+                38.812371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.198138, 
+                38.81444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197432, 
+                38.815541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.196488, 
+                38.817015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.196426, 
+                38.817111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19537, 
+                38.818759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19343, 
+                38.821787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.193272, 
+                38.822319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.193073, 
+                38.822989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19302, 
+                38.823165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192924, 
+                38.823489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192865, 
+                38.823687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192765, 
+                38.824024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192537, 
+                38.82479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19109, 
+                38.82966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.191172, 
+                38.829834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192874, 
+                38.83345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192946, 
+                38.833603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.192973, 
+                38.833661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197705, 
+                38.843712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.197736, 
+                38.84383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.199544, 
+                38.850817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.200728, 
+                38.855389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202598, 
+                38.862616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202314, 
+                38.864906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.200082, 
+                38.882885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.205063, 
+                38.892726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.204544, 
+                38.905715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.204129, 
+                38.916096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.204122, 
+                38.916269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.204091, 
+                38.917058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203638, 
+                38.928382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.207695, 
+                38.931954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.213731, 
+                38.937269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.213842, 
+                38.937366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.22813, 
+                38.941412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.228405, 
+                38.941489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232038, 
+                38.942518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233895, 
+                38.942123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234681, 
+                38.941956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250157, 
+                38.938667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250868, 
+                38.92825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250838, 
+                38.928204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249622, 
+                38.926297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249246, 
+                38.925707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248896, 
+                38.925159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248844, 
+                38.925076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248702, 
+                38.924855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248574, 
+                38.924655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248472, 
+                38.924494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248023, 
+                38.92379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249163, 
+                38.9218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249285, 
+                38.921587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249355, 
+                38.921465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249674, 
+                38.920907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.249889, 
+                38.920841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255819, 
+                38.919008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.25619, 
+                38.918893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.256397, 
+                38.918829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.25808, 
+                38.91916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258206, 
+                38.919185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262226, 
+                38.919976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264683, 
+                38.924576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264692, 
+                38.924764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264943, 
+                38.930297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265772, 
+                38.931482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.26626, 
+                38.932179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.269179, 
+                38.936349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.270954, 
+                38.938886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.271625, 
+                38.939844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273022, 
+                38.94184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273083, 
+                38.941927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273258, 
+                38.941826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.276033, 
+                38.940213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.284227, 
+                38.935452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.288813, 
+                38.932787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.291211, 
+                38.931394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29558, 
+                38.928855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295911, 
+                38.928663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298208, 
+                38.92206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299431, 
+                38.918542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.299406, 
+                38.918505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298492, 
+                38.917121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293963, 
+                38.910266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293867, 
+                38.910121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293843, 
+                38.909826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293829, 
+                38.909649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293794, 
+                38.909222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293492, 
+                38.905499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293358, 
+                38.903854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293341, 
+                38.903635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293328, 
+                38.903479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293309, 
+                38.903244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293255, 
+                38.902582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293254, 
+                38.902568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.308425, 
+                38.898404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.317947, 
+                38.911312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.317977, 
+                38.911311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.31853, 
+                38.911299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.319272, 
+                38.911282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322715, 
+                38.911205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323252, 
+                38.911193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.324097, 
+                38.911174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.324102, 
+                38.911172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336104, 
+                38.905977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336116, 
+                38.905907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336827, 
+                38.901905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336966, 
+                38.901118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337097, 
+                38.90038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337227, 
+                38.899653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337358, 
+                38.898915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338047, 
+                38.895034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338123, 
+                38.894601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338416, 
+                38.892954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338501, 
+                38.892474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337946, 
+                38.891332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336986, 
+                38.889357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33656, 
+                38.888481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.336326, 
+                38.888001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335681, 
+                38.886673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335364, 
+                38.886021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335341, 
+                38.885907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333801, 
+                38.878194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333258, 
+                38.875478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333211, 
+                38.875241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332651, 
+                38.872438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331103, 
+                38.864686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33103, 
+                38.86432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334019, 
+                38.860238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337901, 
+                38.857579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338136, 
+                38.857418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.339667, 
+                38.85637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340587, 
+                38.85574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.348826, 
+                38.857134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.35039, 
+                38.857399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.356361, 
+                38.854396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.35996, 
+                38.852586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.360095, 
+                38.852518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361141, 
+                38.851992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36132, 
+                38.851589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.366501, 
+                38.839936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.368164, 
+                38.836194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.368195, 
+                38.836125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.368359, 
+                38.836205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.372719, 
+                38.838324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.373122, 
+                38.838519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375086, 
+                38.839474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375138, 
+                38.839981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375303, 
+                38.841611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375443, 
+                38.842988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.376031, 
+                38.848777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.376202, 
+                38.850461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.376183, 
+                38.8505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.375874, 
+                38.851126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.372553, 
+                38.85786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.367549, 
+                38.868009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.367344, 
+                38.868424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.364678, 
+                38.873831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.365225, 
+                38.892614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.365388, 
+                38.898219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.365658, 
+                38.907477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36513, 
+                38.911736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36478, 
+                38.914553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.364523, 
+                38.916632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36205, 
+                38.936568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.361727, 
+                38.939175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.359669, 
+                38.94388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.357933, 
+                38.947848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.357752, 
+                38.948262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.354949, 
+                38.954672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.353828, 
+                38.957234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.351637, 
+                38.960214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343672, 
+                38.971048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333703, 
+                38.984607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33129, 
+                38.98789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323293, 
+                38.998767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322679, 
+                38.999602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322346, 
+                39.005488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322296, 
+                39.006375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323557, 
+                39.008961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.32259, 
+                39.0131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320277, 
+                39.022998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320274, 
+                39.023013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.320269, 
+                39.02302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.311766, 
+                39.035257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.302029, 
+                39.039571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301847, 
+                39.039651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301645, 
+                39.037663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301506, 
+                39.036298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301054, 
+                39.031862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.30104, 
+                39.031721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.301027, 
+                39.031595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.302846, 
+                39.025828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.30265, 
+                39.025346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29409, 
+                39.004263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293962, 
+                39.003948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.2919, 
+                39.001264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.289326, 
+                38.997914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.286484, 
+                38.994215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.284893, 
+                38.992143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.28328, 
+                38.990044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280355, 
+                38.986236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278058, 
+                38.983246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277478, 
+                38.982492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277457, 
+                38.982493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275964, 
+                38.982587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258813, 
+                38.983664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258724, 
+                38.983646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.246049, 
+                38.981035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.243619, 
+                38.980534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229993, 
+                38.977728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229277, 
+                38.97758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.228748, 
+                38.97722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.218929, 
+                38.970538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.218773, 
+                38.970562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.20236, 
+                38.973079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202081, 
+                38.973272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.187165, 
+                38.983558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.182461, 
+                38.986802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180663, 
+                38.988042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.168332, 
+                38.996546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.164004, 
+                38.99953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163988, 
+                38.999541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163988, 
+                38.999542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163956, 
+                39.000437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163898, 
+                39.002096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.163616, 
+                39.010057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.167574, 
+                39.018273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.173393, 
+                39.02555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.174633, 
+                39.0271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177832, 
+                39.031102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.178115, 
+                39.031456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.178281, 
+                39.031663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.184207, 
+                39.046264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.179456, 
+                39.052941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177046, 
+                39.056329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175284, 
+                39.058805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.16906, 
+                39.062787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.15896, 
+                39.065486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.156572, 
+                39.069433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.153465, 
+                39.074568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.150528, 
+                39.079421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.145174, 
+                39.092824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.15809, 
+                39.093998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.167347, 
+                39.094839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.169087, 
+                39.094997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.169414, 
+                39.095027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.169891, 
+                39.09507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.183908, 
+                39.096344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.189907, 
+                39.093042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.194703, 
+                39.090403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203333, 
+                39.085654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203383, 
+                39.085626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203548, 
+                39.085101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.205108, 
+                39.080129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.207604, 
+                39.072176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.210041, 
+                39.06441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.210251, 
+                39.062511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.210876, 
+                39.056874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211838, 
+                39.048184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212563, 
+                39.041641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212602, 
+                39.041288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.212616, 
+                39.041158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.21204, 
+                39.03887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211589, 
+                39.03708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.210477, 
+                39.032664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.209827, 
+                39.030081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.209517, 
+                39.028848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.208502, 
+                39.024818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.208346, 
+                39.024614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.206852, 
+                39.022649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.206796, 
+                39.022575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.205958, 
+                39.021475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.200666, 
+                39.01452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.201005, 
+                39.014339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202176, 
+                39.013714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.209114, 
+                39.01001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.209285, 
+                39.010074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.21685, 
+                39.012916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.221148, 
+                39.01453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.223671, 
+                39.015478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231765, 
+                39.018518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.240226, 
+                39.026581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.241932, 
+                39.028206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.242687, 
+                39.028926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.240905, 
+                39.039798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239443, 
+                39.041977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.2375, 
+                39.044872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.237065, 
+                39.045521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231212, 
+                39.060769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231117, 
+                39.061017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231427, 
+                39.071714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.231748, 
+                39.082826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233457, 
+                39.091385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.240603, 
+                39.106856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.24505, 
+                39.116484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.252946, 
+                39.133577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.252968, 
+                39.133626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.260343, 
+                39.142722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.260894, 
+                39.143402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.264417, 
+                39.143874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.26654, 
+                39.144158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.268096, 
+                39.144367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274907, 
+                39.145279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.276721, 
+                39.145522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278527, 
+                39.145764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.276807, 
+                39.154484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.27566, 
+                39.160304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274741, 
+                39.164961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274637, 
+                39.16549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274303, 
+                39.166115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.269467, 
+                39.175163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.268631, 
+                39.176727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266963, 
+                39.179848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266602, 
+                39.180523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.255831, 
+                39.191595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.251032, 
+                39.199214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.248741, 
+                39.203333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232612, 
+                39.232333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.232051, 
+                39.233341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.22622, 
+                39.246485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.220475, 
+                39.259433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.219338, 
+                39.261997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.219312, 
+                39.262022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.218339, 
+                39.262963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.21752, 
+                39.263754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211306, 
+                39.269761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211253, 
+                39.269812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.211179, 
+                39.269813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.210748, 
+                39.269816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.203031, 
+                39.269871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.20259, 
+                39.270265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.193029, 
+                39.278801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.191285, 
+                39.280358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.189868, 
+                39.281623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.185909, 
+                39.285157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.185674, 
+                39.285367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.181496, 
+                39.291797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.181478, 
+                39.291829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177712, 
+                39.298686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177704, 
+                39.298701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.177178, 
+                39.303099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.176804, 
+                39.306229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.176778, 
+                39.306447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.176865, 
+                39.306584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.178983, 
+                39.309926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.179092, 
+                39.310098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.186024, 
+                39.312462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.186637, 
+                39.315426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.186647, 
+                39.315475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.186001, 
+                39.317814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.185581, 
+                39.319334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.185507, 
+                39.319396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.170588, 
+                39.331954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.170541, 
+                39.331994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.170422, 
+                39.332094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.169411, 
+                39.332453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.168365, 
+                39.332824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.159673, 
+                39.335909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.157163, 
+                39.335641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152722, 
+                39.335167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.145524, 
+                39.334399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.133225, 
+                39.340491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.135105, 
+                39.34246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.136971, 
+                39.344414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.13495, 
+                39.35107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.129983, 
+                39.353702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.116698, 
+                39.360744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.116356, 
+                39.360925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.115935, 
+                39.361744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.113215, 
+                39.367032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.110598, 
+                39.372119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.110527, 
+                39.372257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.108942, 
+                39.372215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.108373, 
+                39.3722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.074992, 
+                39.371312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.065887, 
+                39.37107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.065716, 
+                39.371066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.061504, 
+                39.370954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.059335, 
+                39.370896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.05872, 
+                39.37088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.057876, 
+                39.370857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.054157, 
+                39.370759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.049846, 
+                39.370644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.032923, 
+                39.367414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.031767, 
+                39.366772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.030064, 
+                39.365826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.02299, 
+                39.361896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.019091, 
+                39.362958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006546, 
+                39.366374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002408, 
+                39.367501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002463, 
+                39.37644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002514, 
+                39.384805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002515, 
+                39.385024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006805, 
+                39.385174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.022304, 
+                39.385716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035464, 
+                39.386176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035568, 
+                39.38618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035644, 
+                39.386213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.039279, 
+                39.387796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.039932, 
+                39.38808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.039973, 
+                39.388327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.040854, 
+                39.393594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.040962, 
+                39.394237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.040612, 
+                39.394692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035298, 
+                39.401609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035002, 
+                39.401994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.03472, 
+                39.402093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.018726, 
+                39.407696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.018061, 
+                39.407929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016531, 
+                39.408465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.015763, 
+                39.408947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.012567, 
+                39.410955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009693, 
+                39.41276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.00688, 
+                39.414527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002856, 
+                39.421225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.998586, 
+                39.428333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.997396, 
+                39.430314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.996697, 
+                39.430549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992742, 
+                39.431877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992425, 
+                39.431983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.98884, 
+                39.433187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.982585, 
+                39.435287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.977751, 
+                39.44302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976747, 
+                39.444627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976698, 
+                39.44569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976601, 
+                39.447808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.990005, 
+                39.458646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.990128, 
+                39.458624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.991779, 
+                39.458332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.994432, 
+                39.457862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.998276, 
+                39.457182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002497, 
+                39.450231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002513, 
+                39.450204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002579, 
+                39.450194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009071, 
+                39.449256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009452, 
+                39.449201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009536, 
+                39.449316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.01188, 
+                39.452524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.012312, 
+                39.453115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011716, 
+                39.454165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.010009, 
+                39.45717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002926, 
+                39.469642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.99657, 
+                39.476658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.995289, 
+                39.483014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.994135, 
+                39.488743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.993469, 
+                39.490583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.986298, 
+                39.510398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.985403, 
+                39.512108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.985238, 
+                39.512424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.980279, 
+                39.5219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976105, 
+                39.529876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.976057, 
+                39.529968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.975313, 
+                39.530678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.973678, 
+                39.532237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.966955, 
+                39.53865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.966959, 
+                39.538839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.967093, 
+                39.544623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.967173, 
+                39.548047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.967186, 
+                39.548627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.967221, 
+                39.55014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.970337, 
+                39.557637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.992633, 
+                39.563098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.999669, 
+                39.560488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.00019, 
+                39.559696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.001244, 
+                39.558096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.002793, 
+                39.555741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.003434, 
+                39.554768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.004207, 
+                39.553594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006213, 
+                39.550546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006272, 
+                39.550457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.006341, 
+                39.550352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.03042, 
+                39.548784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.046876, 
+                39.547713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063379, 
+                39.546638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063811, 
+                39.54661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.075714, 
+                39.543032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.096072, 
+                39.536912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.102955, 
+                39.523639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.105571, 
+                39.518595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.105678, 
+                39.518388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.106215, 
+                39.517353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.107126, 
+                39.515597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.111583, 
+                39.507001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.116831, 
+                39.496882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.117253, 
+                39.496068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.11461, 
+                39.488619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.113929, 
+                39.486701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.108813, 
+                39.482333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.104665, 
+                39.478792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.100218, 
+                39.476918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.099506, 
+                39.476618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.098315, 
+                39.476116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.083286, 
+                39.47786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.083082, 
+                39.477809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.08159, 
+                39.477438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.073119, 
+                39.475331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.072309, 
+                39.47513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.071975, 
+                39.475047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.071836, 
+                39.47476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.069814, 
+                39.470577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063874, 
+                39.458295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.062259, 
+                39.454955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.060931, 
+                39.452208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.060944, 
+                39.451174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.060988, 
+                39.447775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.060989, 
+                39.447722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.081176, 
+                39.436712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.081409, 
+                39.436891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.083269, 
+                39.438321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.083405, 
+                39.438302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.093595, 
+                39.436871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.102232, 
+                39.435659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.112761, 
+                39.429852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.115096, 
+                39.428565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.11682, 
+                39.427614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.117172, 
+                39.42717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.120991, 
+                39.422358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.121754, 
+                39.421396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.121889, 
+                39.421226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.132114, 
+                39.414579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.142224, 
+                39.408007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.146373, 
+                39.40531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.147048, 
+                39.405364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.150249, 
+                39.405623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.150516, 
+                39.405644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.150934, 
+                39.405678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.151948, 
+                39.40576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152059, 
+                39.405769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.152357, 
+                39.405793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.157108, 
+                39.406176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.158592, 
+                39.406295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.158774, 
+                39.40631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.159358, 
+                39.405661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.171134, 
+                39.392588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.171474, 
+                39.39221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.171747, 
+                39.391747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175121, 
+                39.386019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175597, 
+                39.38521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.175928, 
+                39.384648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180057, 
+                39.377638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.180074, 
+                39.377609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.199356, 
+                39.366221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.202346, 
+                39.364455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.226976, 
+                39.349908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.227625, 
+                39.350109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.229614, 
+                39.350723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233776, 
+                39.352008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234743, 
+                39.353498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.234765, 
+                39.353532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.235795, 
+                39.355119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.23652, 
+                39.356236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.237943, 
+                39.358429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.239877, 
+                39.361408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.241268, 
+                39.361567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.243377, 
+                39.361808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.244443, 
+                39.361731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.244988, 
+                39.361691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.245273, 
+                39.361671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250107, 
+                39.36132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.250483, 
+                39.361136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266365, 
+                39.353352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265277, 
+                39.350008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263019, 
+                39.348634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258377, 
+                39.345808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.258342, 
+                39.345737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.253928, 
+                39.336768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262008, 
+                39.334708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.262471, 
+                39.33459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263073, 
+                39.334436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263577, 
+                39.334308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.263624, 
+                39.334265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265615, 
+                39.33245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265777, 
+                39.332302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266094, 
+                39.332013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266257, 
+                39.331864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.266407, 
+                39.331727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.272671, 
+                39.326015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.276078, 
+                39.322908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277813, 
+                39.318738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277866, 
+                39.31861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278239, 
+                39.317712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278351, 
+                39.317444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.278499, 
+                39.317088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280599, 
+                39.312037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.280778, 
+                39.311608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281088, 
+                39.30793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281374, 
+                39.304531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281429, 
+                39.303872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281556, 
+                39.302369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.281578, 
+                39.302108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.2817, 
+                39.30211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296546, 
+                39.302383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.297878, 
+                39.302408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.291078, 
+                39.318108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298778, 
+                39.329208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298778, 
+                39.333958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298778, 
+                39.339278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298778, 
+                39.340208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.297569, 
+                39.342244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295558, 
+                39.345631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.294978, 
+                39.346608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.295678, 
+                39.350008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.30177, 
+                39.352216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310618, 
+                39.355423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.310829, 
+                39.3555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.31136, 
+                39.355693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.311679, 
+                39.355808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.31261, 
+                39.355917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.312864, 
+                39.355946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.314356, 
+                39.35612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322687, 
+                39.357092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323679, 
+                39.357208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.330027, 
+                39.356139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341443, 
+                39.354217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.339942, 
+                39.350169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335412, 
+                39.337949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334401, 
+                39.335222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.334021, 
+                39.334197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.333924, 
+                39.333935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.338898, 
+                39.325783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33957, 
+                39.324681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33382, 
+                39.319611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327579, 
+                39.314108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337858, 
+                39.305799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.339817, 
+                39.304216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341432, 
+                39.30291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.353205, 
+                39.31065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.354817, 
+                39.311709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.355495, 
+                39.312155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36439, 
+                39.31184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.365532, 
+                39.31095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.380662, 
+                39.299161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.380734, 
+                39.298765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383021, 
+                39.286231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383345, 
+                39.284455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383891, 
+                39.281465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.384901, 
+                39.275928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.385151, 
+                39.275766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.395136, 
+                39.269293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.395301, 
+                39.269042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.400094, 
+                39.261753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.400187, 
+                39.261612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.401103, 
+                39.260219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.402047, 
+                39.258783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.402355, 
+                39.258315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.401911, 
+                39.258053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386937, 
+                39.249216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38138, 
+                39.249508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.382358, 
+                39.247292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38438, 
+                39.242708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.384699, 
+                39.242242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38938, 
+                39.235408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.389563, 
+                39.235261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.393626, 
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+                -75.754289, 
+                35.199402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.753765, 
+                35.199612
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -75.675245, 
+                35.929024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.65954, 
+                35.919564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.662938, 
+                35.916166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.662019, 
+                35.906522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.653478, 
+                35.904686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.648519, 
+                35.906982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.64512, 
+                35.905788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.62767, 
+                35.883149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.616833, 
+                35.856331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.619772, 
+                35.847606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.614361, 
+                35.815659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.620454, 
+                35.809253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.624235, 
+                35.809387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.63898, 
+                35.818639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.667891, 
+                35.82354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.675054, 
+                35.830204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.660086, 
+                35.83861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.660598, 
+                35.862541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.663356, 
+                35.869835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.67283, 
+                35.882423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.681415, 
+                35.88398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.697672, 
+                35.901639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.696871, 
+                35.909556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.702165, 
+                35.915428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.723782, 
+                35.925569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.727251, 
+                35.93362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726807, 
+                35.935844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.718266, 
+                35.939714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.705323, 
+                35.939403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.69115, 
+                35.936932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.686358, 
+                35.932973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.675245, 
+                35.929024
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -76.491497, 
+                36.550365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.313215, 
+                36.550551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.313196, 
+                36.550551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.12236, 
+                36.550621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.034751, 
+                36.550653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.02675, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.957648, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.955748, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.953447, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.952847, 
+                36.550553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.922046, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.911446, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.909046, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.904745, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.903445, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.894145, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.893245, 
+                36.550654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.891945, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.886545, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.885945, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880644, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.879744, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867044, 
+                36.550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.856901, 
+                36.500155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.834975, 
+                36.42265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.818735, 
+                36.357579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.79641, 
+                36.290351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.773329, 
+                36.231529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.77251, 
+                36.22944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.759637, 
+                36.204705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.738431, 
+                36.154282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.71831, 
+                36.113674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.696742, 
+                36.077497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.658537, 
+                36.02043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.569794, 
+                35.863301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.552299, 
+                35.822173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.538739, 
+                35.797396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.533012, 
+                35.787377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.536428, 
+                35.780118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.543259, 
+                35.779691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.546675, 
+                35.787377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.553934, 
+                35.799332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.566238, 
+                35.813072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.573083, 
+                35.828867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.588878, 
+                35.844926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.60125, 
+                35.867302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.619151, 
+                35.889415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.617045, 
+                35.906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.617552, 
+                35.914186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.620114, 
+                35.925288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.631215, 
+                35.941512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.648899, 
+                35.965758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.668379, 
+                35.978394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.671801, 
+                35.985238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.678909, 
+                35.993925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.723662, 
+                36.003139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.727084, 
+                36.01051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726558, 
+                36.02104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722082, 
+                36.03236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.722609, 
+                36.037362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726821, 
+                36.040521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.737088, 
+                36.040784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.74051, 
+                36.046839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.741563, 
+                36.055526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.739457, 
+                36.066846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.73972, 
+                36.07527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.75025, 
+                36.121076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.750479, 
+                36.131208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.752226, 
+                36.140817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.75572, 
+                36.153922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.775814, 
+                36.201097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.783676, 
+                36.215949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.793286, 
+                36.226432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.794371, 
+                36.227336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.798528, 
+                36.2308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.80369, 
+                36.235853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.811588, 
+                36.244014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.811851, 
+                36.247699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.808165, 
+                36.259545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.814483, 
+                36.285344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.822907, 
+                36.291662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.833964, 
+                36.292188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837913, 
+                36.294558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.845284, 
+                36.305614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.841335, 
+                36.328517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831858, 
+                36.339047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.831595, 
+                36.346418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.836201, 
+                36.363135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.843046, 
+                36.371032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847258, 
+                36.372085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85147, 
+                36.379456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.852523, 
+                36.384721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.85147, 
+                36.415785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864106, 
+                36.430527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.880428, 
+                36.435792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.888325, 
+                36.441583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.891484, 
+                36.460537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.899908, 
+                36.482124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.907279, 
+                36.485809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.913071, 
+                36.486336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.917283, 
+                36.485809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.924127, 
+                36.482124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.927333, 
+                36.482815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.935473, 
+                36.490601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.960069, 
+                36.495025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.972545, 
+                36.494671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.003708, 
+                36.506235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.019261, 
+                36.503506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.023627, 
+                36.500778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.029221, 
+                36.494365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.031949, 
+                36.482496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.020216, 
+                36.45862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.012337, 
+                36.447462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.003912, 
+                36.441864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.989869, 
+                36.436808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.98005, 
+                36.435464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962285, 
+                36.41724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.940676, 
+                36.41885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.936446, 
+                36.423079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.932694, 
+                36.427627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.928369, 
+                36.428588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.923601, 
+                36.425788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.916409, 
+                36.38901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.916949, 
+                36.383167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.923511, 
+                36.367796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.923331, 
+                36.361863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.917758, 
+                36.353593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.915331, 
+                36.352335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.895285, 
+                36.319615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.888211, 
+                36.293414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.882154, 
+                36.284674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.872721, 
+                36.28277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864933, 
+                36.284674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.86052, 
+                36.280607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.861818, 
+                36.266415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867356, 
+                36.252483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.864154, 
+                36.235522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.858703, 
+                36.222628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.848838, 
+                36.21657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.838367, 
+                36.200129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.841222, 
+                36.193812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.839924, 
+                36.17711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.823915, 
+                36.158332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.822531, 
+                36.145957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.813444, 
+                36.136871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.800378, 
+                36.112728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.791637, 
+                36.082267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.793974, 
+                36.07171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.799779, 
+                36.07264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.836084, 
+                36.092616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.847785, 
+                36.10199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867792, 
+                36.127262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.866323, 
+                36.14141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.867385, 
+                36.151182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.869828, 
+                36.15458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.875033, 
+                36.157448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.887415, 
+                36.160233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.904999, 
+                36.164188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.920028, 
+                36.164853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.924654, 
+                36.163591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.939047, 
+                36.165518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.995191, 
+                36.178072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.016984, 
+                36.186367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.018936, 
+                36.188318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.031784, 
+                36.189131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.0471, 
+                36.183106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.051626, 
+                36.181325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063498, 
+                36.173518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.065287, 
+                36.170591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.06545, 
+                36.165224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.05992, 
+                36.15514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.05927, 
+                36.149285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.064224, 
+                36.143775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.071672, 
+                36.140183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.092555, 
+                36.135794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.178946, 
+                36.123424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.184133, 
+                36.121562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19051, 
+                36.116333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.190784, 
+                36.116108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.19238, 
+                36.113448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.191715, 
+                36.107197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.216599, 
+                36.095409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.238712, 
+                36.098568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265037, 
+                36.104886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.28715, 
+                36.104886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.298733, 
+                36.1012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.303998, 
+                36.092776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.323478, 
+                36.084879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.331902, 
+                36.083826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.337168, 
+                36.086458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.355069, 
+                36.086458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.410878, 
+                36.078034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.411844, 
+                36.075376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.412984, 
+                36.072243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.420881, 
+                36.06066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.442994, 
+                36.042758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.451418, 
+                36.039073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.458789, 
+                36.028016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.459316, 
+                36.024331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491959, 
+                36.018013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.514335, 
+                36.00564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.547505, 
+                36.009852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.5633, 
+                36.009852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.575936, 
+                36.006167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.580674, 
+                36.00722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.589625, 
+                36.015644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.60384, 
+                36.033018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.615423, 
+                36.037757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.631745, 
+                36.038283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.653332, 
+                36.035124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.668814, 
+                36.020968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.671759, 
+                36.018276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.684922, 
+                36.009852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.683869, 
+                36.000375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.679657, 
+                35.991951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.684922, 
+                35.983001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.695452, 
+                35.973524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.70019, 
+                35.964573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.697558, 
+                35.951937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.692376, 
+                35.945342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.691766, 
+                35.944566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.673865, 
+                35.935089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.667547, 
+                35.933509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.657017, 
+                35.935089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.608052, 
+                35.936668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.60384, 
+                35.939827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.586992, 
+                35.941933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.528551, 
+                35.944039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.507491, 
+                35.949831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.496961, 
+                35.955096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.473795, 
+                35.960888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.460632, 
+                35.970365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.398242, 
+                35.984317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.389818, 
+                35.980105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.38192, 
+                35.971681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.381394, 
+                35.96273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.36521, 
+                35.944697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.362966, 
+                35.942197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340327, 
+                35.94325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.317687, 
+                35.946935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.272408, 
+                35.972734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.213966, 
+                35.988002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.176585, 
+                35.993267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.093697, 
+                35.993001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.083131, 
+                35.989845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.062071, 
+                35.993004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.024162, 
+                35.970891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.014685, 
+                35.960361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.014159, 
+                35.957202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.01995, 
+                35.934036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.011526, 
+                35.914029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.004682, 
+                35.905078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.999386, 
+                35.903521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.97783, 
+                35.897181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.966247, 
+                35.899287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.962562, 
+                35.901393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94782, 
+                35.920347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.934131, 
+                35.928244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.929919, 
+                35.928771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.927286, 
+                35.93193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.92676, 
+                35.940354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.937816, 
+                35.950884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.943608, 
+                35.952464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.946767, 
+                35.955623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.947293, 
+                35.959835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.938343, 
+                35.9651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.899382, 
+                35.977209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.879374, 
+                35.978789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.86042, 
+                35.978262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.84989, 
+                35.976156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.80935, 
+                35.959308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.805138, 
+                35.954043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.800926, 
+                35.944566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.782498, 
+                35.935615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.782498, 
+                35.928244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.778813, 
+                35.918241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.768809, 
+                35.901393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.751961, 
+                35.878227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.753014, 
+                35.871382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.748276, 
+                35.852428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.734587, 
+                35.839266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.727216, 
+                35.822703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.726689, 
+                35.811361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.732612, 
+                35.790666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.738233, 
+                35.778301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.739357, 
+                35.770994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.735422, 
+                35.767622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.724743, 
+                35.742892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.719123, 
+                35.714227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.715188, 
+                35.708045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.71294, 
+                35.69849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.713502, 
+                35.693993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.741605, 
+                35.672073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.742167, 
+                35.655212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.737109, 
+                35.63835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.729802, 
+                35.628795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.729802, 
+                35.625985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.747225, 
+                35.610248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.762963, 
+                35.603503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.778138, 
+                35.592262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.775328, 
+                35.579335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.797248, 
+                35.574276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.837154, 
+                35.570904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.851767, 
+                35.578773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.859636, 
+                35.586641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.869869, 
+                35.582743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.895045, 
+                35.573152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.906848, 
+                35.559101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.908534, 
+                35.555166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.908534, 
+                35.546174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.916403, 
+                35.538305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.94563, 
+                35.53437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.950126, 
+                35.530998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.954623, 
+                35.526502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.964178, 
+                35.511326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.96474, 
+                35.504582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.961929, 
+                35.496713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.963053, 
+                35.493903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.987222, 
+                35.484348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.995652, 
+                35.475355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.994528, 
+                35.463552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.997901, 
+                35.453435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.009704, 
+                35.442194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.012514, 
+                35.432639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.01139, 
+                35.423084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.014762, 
+                35.416902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.020945, 
+                35.410719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.025441, 
+                35.408471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.037244, 
+                35.414091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.050171, 
+                35.415778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.059726, 
+                35.410157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063661, 
+                35.405099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.063661, 
+                35.398354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.06085, 
+                35.392733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.059726, 
+                35.383741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.069281, 
+                35.370813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.092887, 
+                35.361259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.123238, 
+                35.351142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.132793, 
+                35.349455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.14291, 
+                35.338776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.14291, 
+                35.32866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.149655, 
+                35.326411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.165392, 
+                35.328659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.168764, 
+                35.332032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.182254, 
+                35.336528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.20586, 
+                35.336528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.235087, 
+                35.350017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.253072, 
+                35.350017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.257569, 
+                35.344397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.265437, 
+                35.343273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.282299, 
+                35.345521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.304781, 
+                35.355638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.327263, 
+                35.356762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.335132, 
+                35.355638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.340752, 
+                35.346645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.349745, 
+                35.345521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.365483, 
+                35.348893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.374475, 
+                35.355638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.382344, 
+                35.356762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.387965, 
+                35.356762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.399206, 
+                35.348893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.408199, 
+                35.350017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.409323, 
+                35.35339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.420564, 
+                35.35901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.431805, 
+                35.362383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.436301, 
+                35.37812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.448666, 
+                35.383741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.455411, 
+                35.383741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.462156, 
+                35.380368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.472273, 
+                35.371375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.485762, 
+                35.371375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.499251, 
+                35.381492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.521733, 
+                35.391609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.546901, 
+                35.389673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.580187, 
+                35.387113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.606041, 
+                35.387113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.620654, 
+                35.37812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.628125, 
+                35.368515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.628523, 
+                35.368003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.61953, 
+                35.345521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.604962, 
+                35.337751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.602669, 
+                35.336528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.588055, 
+                35.333156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.554332, 
+                35.332032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.548712, 
+                35.328659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.500375, 
+                35.321915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.482389, 
+                35.314046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.472273, 
+                35.294936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467776, 
+                35.276951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.467776, 
+                35.261213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.477893, 
+                35.243228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.483514, 
+                35.240979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.490258, 
+                35.233111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491382, 
+                35.220745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.494755, 
+                35.212877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.504872, 
+                35.207256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.521733, 
+                35.192643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536346, 
+                35.174657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.539719, 
+                35.166788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536346, 
+                35.149927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.536346, 
+                35.142058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.546463, 
+                35.122948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.557704, 
+                35.116204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.561077, 
+                35.108335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.568945, 
+                35.097094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.57569, 
+                35.092598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.586931, 
+                35.092598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.592552, 
+                35.083605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.593676, 
+                35.075736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.60042, 
+                35.067867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.61391, 
+                35.061123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.622902, 
+                35.061123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.631895, 
+                35.056626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.639764, 
+                35.051006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.646509, 
+                35.042013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.646509, 
+                35.025151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.644562, 
+                35.019799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.642012, 
+                35.012786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.628523, 
+                34.994801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.588055, 
+                34.991428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.566697, 
+                34.998173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.539719, 
+                35.000421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.502623, 
+                35.007166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.495879, 
+                35.011662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.491382, 
+                35.017283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.490258, 
+                35.034144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.480141, 
+                35.05213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.474521, 
+                35.070116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.468796, 
+                35.075345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.463468, 
+                35.076411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.435762, 
+                35.057941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.432565, 
+                35.049061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.431855, 
+                35.030945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.425461, 
+                35.001464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.406281, 
+                34.987256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.398466, 
+                34.9766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.395625, 
+                34.975179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.332044, 
+                34.970917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.326361, 
+                34.976245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.329557, 
+                34.986901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.350159, 
+                35.016737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.360815, 
+                35.025973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.364367, 
+                35.031301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.364367, 
+                35.034853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.35229, 
+                35.033077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.318546, 
+                35.020645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293682, 
+                35.009633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.288354, 
+                35.005726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.288709, 
+                34.997201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.29093, 
+                34.994285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.293851, 
+                34.991948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296188, 
+                34.98669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.296524, 
+                34.976245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.290691, 
+                34.969059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.275567, 
+                34.960971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.274856, 
+                34.953867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.277698, 
+                34.940014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.284092, 
+                34.936817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.311442, 
+                34.910177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.319967, 
+                34.897745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.33382, 
+                34.882116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.347673, 
+                34.872171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.368274, 
+                34.872881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.377154, 
+                34.867553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.379641, 
+                34.86258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.395269, 
+                34.855476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.400242, 
+                34.855476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.411609, 
+                34.841268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.415871, 
+                34.82564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.415871, 
+                34.813563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.403108, 
+                34.806153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.390254, 
+                34.805568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.383827, 
+                34.807906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.373247, 
+                34.817115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.362591, 
+                34.824219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.341279, 
+                34.842689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.322808, 
+                34.86116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.273986, 
+                34.897298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233672, 
+                34.925926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.194936, 
+                34.962747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.160127, 
+                34.991163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.11182, 
+                35.034497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.093349, 
+                35.048705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.069906, 
+                35.075701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.064933, 
+                35.077121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.043621, 
+                35.070017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.038648, 
+                35.065045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.035933, 
+                35.058987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.073, 
+                35.030509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.137269, 
+                34.987858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.233088, 
+                34.905477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.31021, 
+                34.852309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.386804, 
+                34.784579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.450454, 
+                34.71445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.494068, 
+                34.66197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.524199, 
+                34.615416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.535946, 
+                34.588577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.555196, 
+                34.615993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.553806, 
+                34.628252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.550423, 
+                34.630789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.549343, 
+                34.645585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.579467, 
+                34.660174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.618719, 
+                34.67255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.642939, 
+                34.677618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.662645, 
+                34.685524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.676312, 
+                34.693151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.693751, 
+                34.692509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.726969, 
+                34.69669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.770044, 
+                34.696899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.817453, 
+                34.693722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.906257, 
+                34.68282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.990262, 
+                34.669623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.031105, 
+                34.661184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.1128, 
+                34.639352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.136843, 
+                34.632926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.169701, 
+                34.622023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.209161, 
+                34.605032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.240991, 
+                34.587507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.322524, 
+                34.535574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.462922, 
+                34.471354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.491796, 
+                34.456098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.51796, 
+                34.440483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.556943, 
+                34.417218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.582323, 
+                34.400506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.635034, 
+                34.359555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.661673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.687226, 
+                34.320444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.713322, 
+                34.294879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.715916, 
+                34.292719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.740136, 
+                34.272546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.764022, 
+                34.245641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.829209, 
+                34.162618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.841785, 
+                34.140747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.870327, 
+                34.079221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.874384, 
+                34.075671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.878161, 
+                34.067963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.915536, 
+                33.971723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.927926, 
+                33.945265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.937313, 
+                33.928645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.946568, 
+                33.912261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.956881, 
+                33.87779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.960172, 
+                33.853315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.970606, 
+                33.844517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.006765, 
+                33.858704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.009973, 
+                33.861406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.009426, 
+                33.867823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.018689, 
+                33.888289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.095429, 
+                33.906031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.136952, 
+                33.912178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.17772, 
+                33.914272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.276147, 
+                33.912364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.383964, 
+                33.901946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.509042, 
+                33.865515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.541087, 
+                33.851112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.6505, 
+                33.944035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.710141, 
+                33.994688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.712206, 
+                33.996732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.071169, 
+                34.29924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.143242, 
+                34.359817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.151485, 
+                34.366753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.190739, 
+                34.399751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.192041, 
+                34.40104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.198982, 
+                34.406699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.323249, 
+                34.514634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.324854, 
+                34.516282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.331328, 
+                34.521869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.358317, 
+                34.545358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.450034, 
+                34.621036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.459766, 
+                34.629027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.461318, 
+                34.630126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.461754, 
+                34.630432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.468717, 
+                34.635323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.471599, 
+                34.6372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.479305, 
+                34.64464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.490201, 
+                34.653819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.519043, 
+                34.677321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.520269, 
+                34.678327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.554454, 
+                34.706363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.561691, 
+                34.711996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.631577, 
+                34.768835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.634216, 
+                34.771012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.688088, 
+                34.804897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.690201, 
+                34.804937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.692948, 
+                34.804973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.744116, 
+                34.805651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.744925, 
+                34.805686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.772829, 
+                34.805954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.773607, 
+                34.805931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.927618, 
+                34.806555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.027464, 
+                34.808726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.042764, 
+                34.809097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.072912, 
+                34.809736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.077223, 
+                34.809716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.098022, 
+                34.810147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.098994, 
+                34.810147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.320413, 
+                34.813813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.399871, 
+                34.815128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.417014, 
+                34.815508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.418433, 
+                34.815622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.419586, 
+                34.815581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.425902, 
+                34.81581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.434843, 
+                34.815968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.448766, 
+                34.816332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.45166, 
+                34.816396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.485683, 
+                34.816732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.561657, 
+                34.817481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.561674, 
+                34.817481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.621222, 
+                34.818174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.625993, 
+                34.818239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.626077, 
+                34.818217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.644656, 
+                34.818568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.646601, 
+                34.818592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.771792, 
+                34.819646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.777712, 
+                34.819697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.79675, 
+                34.825281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.782042, 
+                34.935782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.806461, 
+                34.962894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.806784, 
+                34.963249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.840461, 
+                35.001566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.906417, 
+                35.076608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.906553, 
+                35.076763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.93495, 
+                35.107409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.95787, 
+                35.092639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.041489, 
+                35.044703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.057465, 
+                35.061983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.058029, 
+                35.07319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.057236, 
+                35.086129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.052078, 
+                35.096276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.046524, 
+                35.100617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.036163, 
+                35.103205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.032547, 
+                35.109102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.042758, 
+                35.146042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.043407, 
+                35.14839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.090215, 
+                35.152627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.239358, 
+                35.159974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.241686, 
+                35.160081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.269199, 
+                35.16114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.32802, 
+                35.163404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.366599, 
+                35.164889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.366691, 
+                35.164893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.452398, 
+                35.168293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.461408, 
+                35.168657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.493401, 
+                35.169951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.494265, 
+                35.169882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.768073, 
+                35.180132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.857832, 
+                35.183492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.874433, 
+                35.184113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.969325, 
+                35.187215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.167676, 
+                35.193699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.176874, 
+                35.19379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.185513, 
+                35.194355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.195483, 
+                35.194951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.216217, 
+                35.196044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.230517, 
+                35.196764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.230915, 
+                35.196784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.257515, 
+                35.198636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.288453, 
+                35.198605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.35243, 
+                35.206595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.384029, 
+                35.210542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.476136, 
+                35.175486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.51691, 
+                35.163029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.517284, 
+                35.162643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.535804, 
+                35.158699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.536527, 
+                35.159137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.574406, 
+                35.144216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.580127, 
+                35.141963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.582264, 
+                35.142268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.686496, 
+                35.121822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.686738, 
+                35.11979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.764464, 
+                35.068177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.781973, 
+                35.066817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.780546, 
+                35.069043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.779116, 
+                35.073674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.777407, 
+                35.076885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.781062, 
+                35.084492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.78113, 
+                35.084585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.897499, 
+                35.056021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.008447, 
+                35.026974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.108535, 
+                35.000771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.108714, 
+                35.000768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.483064, 
+                34.993737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.549381, 
+                34.992492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.620185, 
+                34.992091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.673621, 
+                34.987111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.936413, 
+                34.987485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.936646, 
+                34.987485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.005457, 
+                34.98744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.021357, 
+                34.98743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.029954, 
+                34.987321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.129455, 
+                34.987504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.129555, 
+                34.987504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.321869, 
+                34.988408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.308576, 
+                35.092761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.308437, 
+                35.093173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.292321, 
+                35.206677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.29024, 
+                35.225572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.227818, 
+                35.267878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.223718, 
+                35.269078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.211818, 
+                35.266078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.202879, 
+                35.255772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.124915, 
+                35.24983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.12115, 
+                35.250644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.115279, 
+                35.250438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.115048, 
+                35.249765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.097508, 
+                35.247382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.055712, 
+                35.268182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.029033, 
+                35.291049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.02351, 
+                35.295783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.02141, 
+                35.301383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.032479, 
+                35.325318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.03245, 
+                35.32653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.038081, 
+                35.348363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.037494, 
+                35.34985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.035343, 
+                35.350833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.024756, 
+                35.353896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.00225, 
+                35.422548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.999906, 
+                35.425201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.9614, 
+                35.459496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961054, 
+                35.462838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961056, 
+                35.463738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.961053, 
+                35.464143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.952882, 
+                35.460635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.952676, 
+                35.460763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.933876, 
+                35.472438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880074, 
+                35.518745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.756917, 
+                35.563604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.676268, 
+                35.570289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.662957, 
+                35.569138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.640498, 
+                35.566075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.498335, 
+                35.562981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.485527, 
+                35.568204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.480617, 
+                35.576633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.478523, 
+                35.579202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.479082, 
+                35.583316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.445802, 
+                35.611803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.366941, 
+                35.638728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.297154, 
+                35.65775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.254231, 
+                35.695807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.250695, 
+                35.709349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.255489, 
+                35.714974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.251247, 
+                35.719916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.240669, 
+                35.72676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.164909, 
+                35.759965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100233, 
+                35.774745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100329, 
+                35.774804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.100225, 
+                35.774765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.995803, 
+                35.773128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.98397, 
+                35.77801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.964108, 
+                35.7941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.962842, 
+                35.795126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.918356, 
+                35.845467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.89798, 
+                35.881278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.913338, 
+                35.924113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.898506, 
+                35.9451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.898505, 
+                35.945101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.874159, 
+                35.952698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.852554, 
+                35.949089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.830112, 
+                35.932972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.778625, 
+                35.974792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.754465, 
+                36.004304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.715365, 
+                36.024253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.683565, 
+                36.046104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.637165, 
+                36.065805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.632265, 
+                36.065705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.619205, 
+                36.056556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.602877, 
+                36.039833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.615062, 
+                36.000306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.611262, 
+                35.973155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.596774, 
+                35.964987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.557529, 
+                35.954671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.512598, 
+                35.975664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.507068, 
+                35.977475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.50586, 
+                35.978342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487451, 
+                35.991557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.487411, 
+                35.991634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.462958, 
+                36.007309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.416857, 
+                36.072885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.409458, 
+                36.083409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.375558, 
+                36.105609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.371383, 
+                36.106388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.366566, 
+                36.10765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.360919, 
+                36.110614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.348422, 
+                36.115929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.329177, 
+                36.117427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.325169, 
+                36.119363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.237737, 
+                36.139189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.236415, 
+                36.139926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.235479, 
+                36.140748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.234807, 
+                36.14172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.222052, 
+                36.156911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.211251, 
+                36.159012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.147948, 
+                36.149516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.136547, 
+                36.128817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.137974, 
+                36.119576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.130646, 
+                36.106417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.127146, 
+                36.104417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.080518, 
+                36.10571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.080143, 
+                36.10572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.02664, 
+                36.130222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.960101, 
+                36.228131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.932994, 
+                36.264881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.918113, 
+                36.28711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.908137, 
+                36.302013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.855005, 
+                36.337259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.800812, 
+                36.358073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.793688, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.789712, 
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+              ], 
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+                -122.73503, 
+                48.199964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.744612, 
+                48.20965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.763042, 
+                48.215342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.770045, 
+                48.224395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.769939, 
+                48.227548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.752563, 
+                48.260061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.732022, 
+                48.279425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.72259, 
+                48.304268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.707077, 
+                48.315286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.673731, 
+                48.354683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.664928, 
+                48.374823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.664659, 
+                48.401508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.644798, 
+                48.405488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.634991, 
+                48.404244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.632643, 
+                48.401068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.634024, 
+                48.398858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.637339, 
+                48.398029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.637892, 
+                48.395681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.63582, 
+                48.395128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.627809, 
+                48.3972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.617174, 
+                48.407145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.609715, 
+                48.411565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.60198, 
+                48.409907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.596732, 
+                48.405626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.595351, 
+                48.3972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.585038, 
+                48.395166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.588891, 
+                48.363005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.585162, 
+                48.353304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.565525, 
+                48.348217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.551334, 
+                48.342138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.515979, 
+                48.320419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.506568, 
+                48.310041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.504729, 
+                48.300373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.505828, 
+                48.297677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.519535, 
+                48.288314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.522756, 
+                48.285504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.530976, 
+                48.282445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.551793, 
+                48.281512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.558332, 
+                48.282061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.574872, 
+                48.294903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.584086, 
+                48.297987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.599532, 
+                48.298303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.618466, 
+                48.294159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.626757, 
+                48.288991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.620748, 
+                48.282961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.623779, 
+                48.269431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.652639, 
+                48.265081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.65343, 
+                48.25934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.66921, 
+                48.240614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.668385, 
+                48.223967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.63126, 
+                48.220686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.628352, 
+                48.222467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.606406, 
+                48.208262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.588138, 
+                48.18594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.585778, 
+                48.182352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.582595, 
+                48.170424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.574905, 
+                48.155593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.567936, 
+                48.148624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.558205, 
+                48.119579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.559911, 
+                48.114186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.571615, 
+                48.105113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.571853, 
+                48.102143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.554559, 
+                48.077392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.54512, 
+                48.05255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.538953, 
+                48.050232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.516314, 
+                48.057181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.513994, 
+                48.059077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.511081, 
+                48.075301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.516906, 
+                48.081085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.525422, 
+                48.096537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.513276, 
+                48.097538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.491104, 
+                48.094242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.461606, 
+                48.068501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448419, 
+                48.054323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.431266, 
+                48.045001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.400628, 
+                48.036563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.387382, 
+                48.03403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.376259, 
+                48.034457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.373263, 
+                48.000791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.369161, 
+                47.995295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.353611, 
+                47.981433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.350254, 
+                47.969355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.349597, 
+                47.958796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.350741, 
+                47.953235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.358812, 
+                47.93742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367876, 
+                47.932415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.376837, 
+                47.923703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37578, 
+                47.910252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.3773, 
+                47.905941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.380497, 
+                47.904023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.39042, 
+                47.905696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.397349, 
+                47.912401
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.649405, 
+                48.588457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.642597, 
+                48.588339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.629321, 
+                48.5722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.610841, 
+                48.561146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.592901, 
+                48.553635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.583985, 
+                48.551534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.578856, 
+                48.54813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.572967, 
+                48.529028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.583565, 
+                48.53234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.590194, 
+                48.536259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.599948, 
+                48.536904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.619858, 
+                48.529246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.635738, 
+                48.526021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.640414, 
+                48.52586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.649256, 
+                48.528769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.652041, 
+                48.531329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.654342, 
+                48.537956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.653612, 
+                48.548975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.650786, 
+                48.554019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.652385, 
+                48.583432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.649405, 
+                48.588457
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.714512, 
+                48.60878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.694672, 
+                48.596602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.691745, 
+                48.590612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.670638, 
+                48.568812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.68944, 
+                48.543903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.717278, 
+                48.539739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.722407, 
+                48.540606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.724031, 
+                48.549906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.73048, 
+                48.565602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.736199, 
+                48.569005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.73944, 
+                48.573893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.739898, 
+                48.583949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.72493, 
+                48.603263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.714512, 
+                48.60878
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.699266, 
+                48.621115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.69806, 
+                48.62308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.674173, 
+                48.629944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.657016, 
+                48.609891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.666149, 
+                48.608088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.676796, 
+                48.610055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.686136, 
+                48.613267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.699266, 
+                48.621115
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.800217, 
+                48.60169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.804869, 
+                48.595932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.801096, 
+                48.585425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.786586, 
+                48.576666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.771206, 
+                48.562426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.770349, 
+                48.558106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.772384, 
+                48.552143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.782618, 
+                48.545191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.788503, 
+                48.530393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.787347, 
+                48.523012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.777467, 
+                48.517799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.779124, 
+                48.508911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.800414, 
+                48.494467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.816332, 
+                48.487841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.817912, 
+                48.483888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.81973, 
+                48.458843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.8131, 
+                48.452856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.807708, 
+                48.444058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.802509, 
+                48.433098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.803521, 
+                48.428748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.812208, 
+                48.422326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.825803, 
+                48.424131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.874135, 
+                48.418196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.883759, 
+                48.418793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.893646, 
+                48.422655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.889016, 
+                48.435947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.903214, 
+                48.436979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.913888, 
+                48.443231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.917771, 
+                48.439781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.928004, 
+                48.439966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.91646, 
+                48.453263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.920099, 
+                48.458428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.926901, 
+                48.460874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.937881, 
+                48.456221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.962009, 
+                48.451161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.039156, 
+                48.460003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.058154, 
+                48.471522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.067675, 
+                48.479497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.119451, 
+                48.492576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.141478, 
+                48.505291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.151065, 
+                48.513955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.163234, 
+                48.529544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.164057, 
+                48.535622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.161853, 
+                48.539255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.16147, 
+                48.547618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.172412, 
+                48.556486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.176266, 
+                48.562131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.175852, 
+                48.568483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.171958, 
+                48.572255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.173061, 
+                48.579086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.184941, 
+                48.58697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.197754, 
+                48.586216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.20268, 
+                48.590214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.203026, 
+                48.596178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.195725, 
+                48.607055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.178425, 
+                48.622115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.151643, 
+                48.623686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.139705, 
+                48.622786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.135645, 
+                48.620171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.107362, 
+                48.622451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.098462, 
+                48.612834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.098254, 
+                48.610092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.102074, 
+                48.604035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.101552, 
+                48.59782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.074611, 
+                48.591816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.06004, 
+                48.582105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.048403, 
+                48.569216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.033669, 
+                48.563409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.015046, 
+                48.560821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.987296, 
+                48.561895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.98611, 
+                48.569984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.989649, 
+                48.574668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.995026, 
+                48.578162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.0048, 
+                48.580788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.016647, 
+                48.580244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.034101, 
+                48.591767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.024902, 
+                48.594484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.023433, 
+                48.599477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.041189, 
+                48.611947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.04653, 
+                48.61149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.048652, 
+                48.621002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.023495, 
+                48.634001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.015592, 
+                48.642567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.014829, 
+                48.647503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.009924, 
+                48.655064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.988884, 
+                48.667246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.984853, 
+                48.672686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.949116, 
+                48.693398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.941316, 
+                48.702904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.942367, 
+                48.706723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.918252, 
+                48.713505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.894599, 
+                48.71503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.875938, 
+                48.71212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.833124, 
+                48.698173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.802545, 
+                48.682682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.800267, 
+                48.67962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.743049, 
+                48.661991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.742082, 
+                48.660689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.755031, 
+                48.649512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.783875, 
+                48.635419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.792147, 
+                48.633502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.809622, 
+                48.619035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.808864, 
+                48.61531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.79901, 
+                48.604683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.79877, 
+                48.602352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.800217, 
+                48.60169
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -123.197953, 
+                48.68466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.186076, 
+                48.684917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.172066, 
+                48.679866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.14799, 
+                48.668001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.130962, 
+                48.656789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.122016, 
+                48.647065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.106165, 
+                48.633473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.119677, 
+                48.632972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.134956, 
+                48.63724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.215917, 
+                48.669352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.237148, 
+                48.683466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.236567, 
+                48.68895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.212892, 
+                48.689713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.197953, 
+                48.68466
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -123.025486, 
+                48.717966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.019699, 
+                48.721312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.009787, 
+                48.722291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.007511, 
+                48.718863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.005086, 
+                48.694342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.014449, 
+                48.684978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.021215, 
+                48.681416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.042337, 
+                48.675663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.041645, 
+                48.678633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.035672, 
+                48.68535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.03636, 
+                48.69008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.047058, 
+                48.695772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.070427, 
+                48.699971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.040179, 
+                48.717296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.025486, 
+                48.717966
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.321721, 
+                48.019977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.303455, 
+                48.005603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.306629, 
+                48.004397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.326115, 
+                48.010295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.334524, 
+                48.018916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.328343, 
+                48.021335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.321721, 
+                48.019977
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -123.035393, 
+                49.002154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.021459, 
+                48.977299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.028091, 
+                48.973943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.040967, 
+                48.977305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.060717, 
+                48.975388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.083834, 
+                48.976139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.084498, 
+                48.986535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.090546, 
+                49.001976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.035393, 
+                49.002154
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.695907, 
+                48.737273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.668947, 
+                48.706644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.663259, 
+                48.697077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.644901, 
+                48.691389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.618225, 
+                48.670721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.609576, 
+                48.645018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.616956, 
+                48.645563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.635299, 
+                48.651846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.673538, 
+                48.680809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.691795, 
+                48.711498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.702223, 
+                48.717004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.718833, 
+                48.716818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.721981, 
+                48.723375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.722262, 
+                48.731624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.715709, 
+                48.748672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.70306, 
+                48.743602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.695907, 
+                48.737273
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -122.418268, 
+                47.320614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.364168, 
+                47.335953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.336934, 
+                47.341421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.324833, 
+                47.348521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.325734, 
+                47.391521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.328434, 
+                47.400621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.335234, 
+                47.408421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.348035, 
+                47.415921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.355135, 
+                47.441921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367036, 
+                47.447621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.383136, 
+                47.450521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.368036, 
+                47.459221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363062, 
+                47.475702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.361336, 
+                47.481421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.365236, 
+                47.48842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.386637, 
+                47.50222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.396538, 
+                47.51522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.393938, 
+                47.52482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.398338, 
+                47.55012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.409839, 
+                47.56892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.421139, 
+                47.57602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.401839, 
+                47.58392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.387139, 
+                47.59572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.375421, 
+                47.585181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.370167, 
+                47.583087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.358238, 
+                47.58482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.342937, 
+                47.59122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.339513, 
+                47.599113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.344937, 
+                47.60912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.367819, 
+                47.624213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.386039, 
+                47.63172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.393739, 
+                47.63102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.40424, 
+                47.63392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.414645, 
+                47.639766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.429841, 
+                47.658919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.407841, 
+                47.680119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.403841, 
+                47.689419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.393248, 
+                47.701602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.38044, 
+                47.709119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37644, 
+                47.716519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.375607, 
+                47.719724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37314, 
+                47.729219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.382641, 
+                47.749119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.380241, 
+                47.758519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.394442, 
+                47.772219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.396422, 
+                47.777927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.397043, 
+                47.779719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.394944, 
+                47.803318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.392044, 
+                47.807718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.353244, 
+                47.840618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.346544, 
+                47.842418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.339944, 
+                47.846718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.33595, 
+                47.852306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.329545, 
+                47.869418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.330145, 
+                47.875318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.333543, 
+                47.880246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.328546, 
+                47.897917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.321847, 
+                47.911817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.311927, 
+                47.923703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.310747, 
+                47.925117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.309747, 
+                47.929117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.311148, 
+                47.936717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.307048, 
+                47.949117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.278047, 
+                47.956517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.249007, 
+                47.959507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.230046, 
+                47.970917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.226346, 
+                47.976417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.232391, 
+                47.987713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.23022, 
+                48.007154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.228767, 
+                48.012468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.224979, 
+                48.016626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.231761, 
+                48.029876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.281087, 
+                48.049793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.305838, 
+                48.073415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.321709, 
+                48.085507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.326119, 
+                48.092877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.343241, 
+                48.097631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363842, 
+                48.12393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.365078, 
+                48.125822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363797, 
+                48.142759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.364744, 
+                48.151304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.370253, 
+                48.164809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363479, 
+                48.174438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.362044, 
+                48.187568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.372492, 
+                48.193022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.382102, 
+                48.207106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.385703, 
+                48.217811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.395499, 
+                48.228551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.396121, 
+                48.229233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.425572, 
+                48.232887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.430578, 
+                48.236237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.433767, 
+                48.23655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.449605, 
+                48.232598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.45371, 
+                48.228859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.453618, 
+                48.22683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.449513, 
+                48.214736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.444508, 
+                48.214522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.441731, 
+                48.211776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.442051, 
+                48.20935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.45493, 
+                48.196639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.461888, 
+                48.193137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.464801, 
+                48.194767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.47025, 
+                48.194007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.478535, 
+                48.188087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.479008, 
+                48.175703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.475803, 
+                48.166792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.442383, 
+                48.130841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.411649, 
+                48.11321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.379481, 
+                48.087384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.360345, 
+                48.061527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.358375, 
+                48.056133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.363107, 
+                48.054546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.377114, 
+                48.057568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.38769, 
+                48.065189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.390787, 
+                48.069477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.393413, 
+                48.078472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.400692, 
+                48.085255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.423703, 
+                48.102941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.44966, 
+                48.114041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.4675, 
+                48.130353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.477983, 
+                48.129048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.486736, 
+                48.12095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.489986, 
+                48.120617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.512031, 
+                48.133931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.522576, 
+                48.161712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.53722, 
+                48.183745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.538916, 
+                48.209683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.534431, 
+                48.223005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.535209, 
+                48.240213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.530996, 
+                48.249821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.503786, 
+                48.257045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.499648, 
+                48.256611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.497727, 
+                48.253389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493448, 
+                48.252043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.480925, 
+                48.251706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.474494, 
+                48.255227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.466803, 
+                48.269604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.463962, 
+                48.270541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.406516, 
+                48.25183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.405757, 
+                48.252193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.395328, 
+                48.257187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.392058, 
+                48.269628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.371693, 
+                48.287839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.376818, 
+                48.296099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.37821, 
+                48.29759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.38431, 
+                48.304123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.408718, 
+                48.326413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.424102, 
+                48.334346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.442678, 
+                48.337934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.475529, 
+                48.359912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.482423, 
+                48.361737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.497686, 
+                48.361837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.507437, 
+                48.364666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.533452, 
+                48.383409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.539449, 
+                48.39719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.547492, 
+                48.399889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.554536, 
+                48.40604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.558403, 
+                48.426758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.551221, 
+                48.439465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.557298, 
+                48.444438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.568348, 
+                48.44499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.575254, 
+                48.443333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.581607, 
+                48.429244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.61448, 
+                48.41488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.649839, 
+                48.408526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.665338, 
+                48.416453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.674158, 
+                48.424726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.678928, 
+                48.439466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.677072, 
+                48.444059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.674188, 
+                48.443327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.674085, 
+                48.441979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.667249, 
+                48.442503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.654844, 
+                48.454087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.657753, 
+                48.47294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.664623, 
+                48.478128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.689121, 
+                48.476849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.695725, 
+                48.464785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.695587, 
+                48.460558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.700603, 
+                48.457632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.710362, 
+                48.461584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.712322, 
+                48.464143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.712981, 
+                48.47879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.701644, 
+                48.497622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.684521, 
+                48.509123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.679122, 
+                48.507797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.676922, 
+                48.504484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.671386, 
+                48.50398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.615183, 
+                48.521427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.606961, 
+                48.522152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.599951, 
+                48.520946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.598469, 
+                48.512169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.568071, 
+                48.50821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.556834, 
+                48.498812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.537355, 
+                48.466749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.532845, 
+                48.466057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.526943, 
+                48.468004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.515056, 
+                48.465554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.511348, 
+                48.461825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.500721, 
+                48.460887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.471832, 
+                48.470724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.469634, 
+                48.472187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.46967, 
+                48.474975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.473763, 
+                48.47975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.478851, 
+                48.481736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483501, 
+                48.49243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.484996, 
+                48.50962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483872, 
+                48.521891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.485288, 
+                48.528106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.498463, 
+                48.556206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.504428, 
+                48.564775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.52537, 
+                48.567344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.531978, 
+                48.568644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.534719, 
+                48.574246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.534787, 
+                48.57596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.512372, 
+                48.578067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.495904, 
+                48.575927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.488421, 
+                48.564665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.482406, 
+                48.559653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.478431, 
+                48.559303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.44456, 
+                48.570115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.433059, 
+                48.581609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.425271, 
+                48.599522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448702, 
+                48.622624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.46425, 
+                48.625717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.486878, 
+                48.643122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.488754, 
+                48.645358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.49399, 
+                48.651596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.500308, 
+                48.656163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.506718, 
+                48.669692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.519172, 
+                48.713095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.515511, 
+                48.720992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.505684, 
+                48.724524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.495301, 
+                48.737328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.490401, 
+                48.751128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.510902, 
+                48.757728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.528203, 
+                48.768428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.535803, 
+                48.776128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.567498, 
+                48.779185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.596844, 
+                48.771492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.598033, 
+                48.769489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.606787, 
+                48.759143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.627808, 
+                48.74466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.637146, 
+                48.735708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.638082, 
+                48.732486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.626287, 
+                48.72093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.612562, 
+                48.714932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.605733, 
+                48.701066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.606105, 
+                48.698556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.615169, 
+                48.693839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.620338, 
+                48.693651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.630422, 
+                48.696625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.646323, 
+                48.708001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.673472, 
+                48.733082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.666953, 
+                48.748445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.661111, 
+                48.753962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.647443, 
+                48.773998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.645743, 
+                48.781538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.646777, 
+                48.785011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.656528, 
+                48.784969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.659708, 
+                48.786523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.680246, 
+                48.80275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.693683, 
+                48.804475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.697219, 
+                48.80281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.698675, 
+                48.800522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.699507, 
+                48.794906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.699303, 
+                48.789063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.703106, 
+                48.786321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.709815, 
+                48.786205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.7112, 
+                48.79146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.709169, 
+                48.817829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.711805, 
+                48.832408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.717073, 
+                48.84719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.722685, 
+                48.852855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.785659, 
+                48.885066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.793175, 
+                48.892927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.792584, 
+                48.894732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.783747, 
+                48.894639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.751289, 
+                48.911239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.747514, 
+                48.915582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.745371, 
+                48.921227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.746596, 
+                48.930731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.755624, 
+                48.93866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.766096, 
+                48.941955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.770432, 
+                48.942528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.787539, 
+                48.931702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.818232, 
+                48.939062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.821631, 
+                48.941369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.822464, 
+                48.944911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.817226, 
+                48.95597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.796887, 
+                48.975026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.774276, 
+                48.991038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.766307, 
+                48.991672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.756318, 
+                48.996881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.756037, 
+                48.999512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.75802, 
+                49.002357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.407829, 
+                49.002193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.405989, 
+                49.002239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.098357, 
+                49.002146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.751252, 
+                48.997399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.12624, 
+                49.001412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.851202, 
+                49.001191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.702016, 
+                49.000269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.701218, 
+                49.000258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.4577, 
+                49.000261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.428678, 
+                49.000253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.137274, 
+                49.000297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.132102, 
+                49.000262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.836794, 
+                49.000209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.196891, 
+                49.000094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.429539, 
+                48.999957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.268192, 
+                48.999928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.268247, 
+                48.999818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.032351, 
+                48.999188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.033177, 
+                48.846563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.034358, 
+                48.628523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.034499, 
+                48.620769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035285, 
+                48.430113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035285, 
+                48.429816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035254, 
+                48.423144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035289, 
+                48.422732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035178, 
+                48.371221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.035178, 
+                48.370878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039599, 
+                48.184387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039615, 
+                48.184015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039582, 
+                48.181124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039582, 
+                48.180853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039583, 
+                48.180313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039618, 
+                48.178142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039413, 
+                48.17725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039552, 
+                48.17396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041401, 
+                48.0855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041676, 
+                48.04556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041874, 
+                47.977387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042485, 
+                47.766525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042521, 
+                47.764896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042623, 
+                47.761223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042657, 
+                47.760857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042059, 
+                47.7451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.042135, 
+                47.7441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041678, 
+                47.72271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041633, 
+                47.7064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041532, 
+                47.683194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.68
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.678185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041431, 
+                47.67814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041174, 
+                47.55853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041276, 
+                47.55821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040745, 
+                47.532909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040545, 
+                47.527562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040514, 
+                47.522351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039945, 
+                47.477823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039971, 
+                47.463309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039948, 
+                47.434885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03995, 
+                47.412412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039882, 
+                47.399085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039857, 
+                47.366093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039843, 
+                47.347201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.040019, 
+                47.259272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039899, 
+                47.225515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039888, 
+                47.203282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039871, 
+                47.181858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039836, 
+                47.154734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039821, 
+                47.127265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039657, 
+                46.825798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039828, 
+                46.815443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039783, 
+                46.541785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039771, 
+                46.471779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039763, 
+                46.46957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039741, 
+                46.462704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.039813, 
+                46.425425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.046915, 
+                46.379577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.061045, 
+                46.367747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.047469, 
+                46.342884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.987939, 
+                46.298031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.985333, 
+                46.294617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.958801, 
+                46.24232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.925621, 
+                46.158888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.94353, 
+                46.062173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.915989, 
+                45.995413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.212616, 
+                45.998321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.214534, 
+                45.99832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.216731, 
+                45.998356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.475148, 
+                45.997893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.47536, 
+                45.997855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.480103, 
+                45.99787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.48013, 
+                45.99787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.504833, 
+                45.998317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.603163, 
+                45.998887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.977766, 
+                46.000695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.996911, 
+                46.000787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.126197, 
+                46.000282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.131019, 
+                46.00028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.228941, 
+                46.000421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.236584, 
+                46.000418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.25253, 
+                46.000459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.256368, 
+                46.000439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.314982, 
+                46.000453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36779, 
+                46.000622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.37836, 
+                46.000574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.470756, 
+                46.000632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.497027, 
+                46.00062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.537119, 
+                46.00084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.569392, 
+                46.000773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57571, 
+                46.000718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.579906, 
+                46.000818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.637725, 
+                46.00097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.639332, 
+                46.000994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.658717, 
+                46.000955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67787, 
+                46.000935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.987129, 
+                45.999855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.008558, 
+                45.97927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.027056, 
+                45.969134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.093221, 
+                45.942745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.12612, 
+                45.932859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.169496, 
+                45.927603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.19553, 
+                45.92787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.225745, 
+                45.932725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.25715, 
+                45.939926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.322509, 
+                45.933183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.37613, 
+                45.920974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.432067, 
+                45.913629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.487829, 
+                45.906307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.524632, 
+                45.908605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.571584, 
+                45.925456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.600549, 
+                45.919581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.623393, 
+                45.905639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.669877, 
+                45.856867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.772927, 
+                45.845578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.802655, 
+                45.84753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.868135, 
+                45.835962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999506, 
+                45.812199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.001148, 
+                45.811902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.141352, 
+                45.773152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.170453, 
+                45.761951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.210754, 
+                45.725951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.40396, 
+                45.699249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.482362, 
+                45.694449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.505863, 
+                45.700048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.521964, 
+                45.709848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.559465, 
+                45.738348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.591166, 
+                45.746547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.634968, 
+                45.745847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.653559, 
+                45.737237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.668869, 
+                45.730147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.68937, 
+                45.715847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.788872, 
+                45.686246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.855674, 
+                45.671545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.870042, 
+                45.661242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.915876, 
+                45.641345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.943977, 
+                45.656445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.06437, 
+                45.652549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.086675, 
+                45.646667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.195233, 
+                45.629513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.200367, 
+                45.649829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.215779, 
+                45.671238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.312198, 
+                45.699925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.33777, 
+                45.704949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.372574, 
+                45.703111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.401739, 
+                45.692887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.423592, 
+                45.69399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.441045, 
+                45.69727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.462849, 
+                45.701367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.522392, 
+                45.724677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.533106, 
+                45.726541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.626185, 
+                45.705915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.707358, 
+                45.694809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.735104, 
+                45.694039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.811304, 
+                45.706761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.820055, 
+                45.704649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.867167, 
+                45.693277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.901855, 
+                45.670716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.900858, 
+                45.662009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.908267, 
+                45.654399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.922242, 
+                45.648495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.983038, 
+                45.622812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.101675, 
+                45.583516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.112356, 
+                45.581409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.126197, 
+                45.582617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.126197, 
+                45.582573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.12949, 
+                45.582967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.129548, 
+                45.582945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.14075, 
+                45.584508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.183695, 
+                45.577696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.2017, 
+                45.564141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.248993, 
+                45.547745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.266701, 
+                45.543841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.294901, 
+                45.543541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.331502, 
+                45.548241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.352802, 
+                45.569441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.380302, 
+                45.575941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.492259, 
+                45.583281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.643907, 
+                45.609739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.675008, 
+                45.618039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.738109, 
+                45.644138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.76381, 
+                45.657138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.774511, 
+                45.680437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.772511, 
+                45.699637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.762182, 
+                45.728598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.760108, 
+                45.734413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.761451, 
+                45.759163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.769532, 
+                45.780583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.795605, 
+                45.81
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.795963, 
+                45.825024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.785515, 
+                45.850536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.785026, 
+                45.867699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.813998, 
+                45.960984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.884478, 
+                46.06028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.904119, 
+                46.083734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.115904, 
+                46.185268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.166414, 
+                46.188973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.213054, 
+                46.172541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.280166, 
+                46.144843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.363638, 
+                46.146241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.371433, 
+                46.146372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.430847, 
+                46.181827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.427629, 
+                46.229348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.447592, 
+                46.249832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.468743, 
+                46.264531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.474844, 
+                46.267831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.484244, 
+                46.269531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.547659, 
+                46.259109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.547636, 
+                46.265595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.559923, 
+                46.265098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.564405, 
+                46.262172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.581642, 
+                46.260502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.613544, 
+                46.259988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.669501, 
+                46.266832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.679125, 
+                46.272502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.68008, 
+                46.277943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.678069, 
+                46.286469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.67876, 
+                46.290721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.680574, 
+                46.296025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.687763, 
+                46.299235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.700764, 
+                46.305278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.724273, 
+                46.301161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.724038, 
+                46.295058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.727913, 
+                46.289661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.728585, 
+                46.288725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.741478, 
+                46.290274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.75956, 
+                46.275073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.766682, 
+                46.273499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.775054, 
+                46.274599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.782654, 
+                46.280227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.795556, 
+                46.284501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.806139, 
+                46.283588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.875525, 
+                46.239787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.909306, 
+                46.245491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.919581, 
+                46.251217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.954353, 
+                46.277001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.969427, 
+                46.291398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.970912, 
+                46.293866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.970355, 
+                46.299352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.974509, 
+                46.303063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.985204, 
+                46.309039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.001264, 
+                46.31326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.020551, 
+                46.315737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.029924, 
+                46.308312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.035599, 
+                46.296843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.038797, 
+                46.283675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.044018, 
+                46.275925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.060961, 
+                46.278761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.080671, 
+                46.267239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.082187, 
+                46.269159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.081729, 
+                46.274714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.076262, 
+                46.296498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.071384, 
+                46.305504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.064624, 
+                46.326899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.058351, 
+                46.386503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.057425, 
+                46.409315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.057024, 
+                46.493338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.061953, 
+                46.556165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.06842, 
+                46.601397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.069583, 
+                46.630651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.068655, 
+                46.634879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.062715, 
+                46.642582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.056476, 
+                46.645645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.048444, 
+                46.645827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.035874, 
+                46.630822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.052708, 
+                46.622796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.050842, 
+                46.617421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.028799, 
+                46.59104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.023566, 
+                46.582559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.023148, 
+                46.564113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.026019, 
+                46.531589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.031737, 
+                46.496375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.026032, 
+                46.462978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.001271, 
+                46.459992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.990615, 
+                46.463019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.99087, 
+                46.465738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.994181, 
+                46.468868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.99268, 
+                46.488617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.988386, 
+                46.497008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.983688, 
+                46.498542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.979053, 
+                46.497378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.979213, 
+                46.489949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.97083, 
+                46.47537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.968044, 
+                46.473497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.943667, 
+                46.477197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.921192, 
+                46.507731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.896703, 
+                46.522665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.897242, 
+                46.52848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.894254, 
+                46.537028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.903321, 
+                46.55191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.916902, 
+                46.562633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.920247, 
+                46.567343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.922332, 
+                46.577057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.928861, 
+                46.588875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.939139, 
+                46.596326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.955556, 
+                46.60357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.959175, 
+                46.613581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.960642, 
+                46.636364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.940616, 
+                46.640862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.921913, 
+                46.650262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.920916, 
+                46.653576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.923269, 
+                46.672708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.915596, 
+                46.678649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.895601, 
+                46.683672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.864902, 
+                46.698685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.851356, 
+                46.70256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.84621, 
+                46.716795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.848725, 
+                46.719898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.862149, 
+                46.727749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.870782, 
+                46.728327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.87668, 
+                46.730657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.893054, 
+                46.750204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.898641, 
+                46.750205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.910716, 
+                46.746715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.916371, 
+                46.741322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.91584, 
+                46.737322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.91285, 
+                46.730647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.916874, 
+                46.726739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.929073, 
+                46.725278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.948683, 
+                46.725369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.968564, 
+                46.736106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.974994, 
+                46.733391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.979655, 
+                46.724658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.975157, 
+                46.713971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.966886, 
+                46.705184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.973663, 
+                46.703353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.987521, 
+                46.707507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.994242, 
+                46.707929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.003458, 
+                46.702337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.022413, 
+                46.708973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.042478, 
+                46.72004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.042111, 
+                46.722783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.046399, 
+                46.725686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.063117, 
+                46.733664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.080983, 
+                46.735003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.092176, 
+                46.741624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.096515, 
+                46.746202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.095041, 
+                46.756812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.096655, 
+                46.784374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.098359, 
+                46.794157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.101232, 
+                46.810656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.108078, 
+                46.836388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.122979, 
+                46.879809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.138225, 
+                46.905534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.117712, 
+                46.91238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.110641, 
+                46.91252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.093392, 
+                46.901168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.090422, 
+                46.8955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.089286, 
+                46.867716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.073113, 
+                46.861493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.066349, 
+                46.863504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.061051, 
+                46.865127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.055085, 
+                46.870429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.049279, 
+                46.891253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.046344, 
+                46.893972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.03624, 
+                46.898473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.01366, 
+                46.90363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.009519, 
+                46.910325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.985082, 
+                46.921916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.979378, 
+                46.923038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.957493, 
+                46.921261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.915256, 
+                46.932964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.882884, 
+                46.939946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.86018, 
+                46.948556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.876136, 
+                46.961054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.889402, 
+                46.968904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.898245, 
+                46.971927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.921617, 
+                46.971864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.939214, 
+                46.969739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.947996, 
+                46.971818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.959185, 
+                46.981759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.991612, 
+                46.980215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.012218, 
+                46.985176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.019727, 
+                46.991189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.010068, 
+                46.997882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.005248, 
+                47.003915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.017035, 
+                47.011717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.016999, 
+                47.014848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.026345, 
+                47.030187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.065856, 
+                47.04114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.106378, 
+                47.04264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.122057, 
+                47.04165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.141517, 
+                47.035142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.149043, 
+                47.029294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.151288, 
+                47.021112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.139733, 
+                46.98837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.138035, 
+                46.970959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.124386, 
+                46.94387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.141267, 
+                46.940266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.158624, 
+                46.929439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.180111, 
+                46.926357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.174503, 
+                46.941623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.171161, 
+                46.958443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.169113, 
+                46.994508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.173501, 
+                47.06637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.176745, 
+                47.092999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.183833, 
+                47.124807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.182802, 
+                47.134041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.185806, 
+                47.136017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.189725, 
+                47.146827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.195893, 
+                47.174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.209017, 
+                47.218151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.236349, 
+                47.287287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.242234, 
+                47.295101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.25359, 
+                47.30248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.257452, 
+                47.304059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.271193, 
+                47.305025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.286369, 
+                47.325162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.293288, 
+                47.339309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.299943, 
+                47.34836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.307509, 
+                47.352268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.319379, 
+                47.355559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.324091, 
+                47.367602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.32665, 
+                47.388759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.336724, 
+                47.415996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.345155, 
+                47.48903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.353651, 
+                47.53361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.355955, 
+                47.545698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.359028, 
+                47.547616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.366221, 
+                47.582439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.371746, 
+                47.599575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.374927, 
+                47.603891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.382215, 
+                47.632302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.395983, 
+                47.665534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.412106, 
+                47.691199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.420219, 
+                47.725294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.425195, 
+                47.738434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.430546, 
+                47.746249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.453927, 
+                47.765334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.471687, 
+                47.766907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.47657, 
+                47.769671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.482154, 
+                47.797454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.489737, 
+                47.816988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.497987, 
+                47.822605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.50668, 
+                47.82391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.51278, 
+                47.822518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.539927, 
+                47.836967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.558254, 
+                47.855979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.559034, 
+                47.863085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.562363, 
+                47.866216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.588172, 
+                47.877878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.609538, 
+                47.879996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.610763, 
+                47.880607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.625512, 
+                47.887963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.630153, 
+                47.892467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.629706, 
+                47.896968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.645442, 
+                47.935338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.651966, 
+                47.943177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.662334, 
+                47.951451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.672427, 
+                47.964414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.67083, 
+                47.982366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.679024, 
+                48.015697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.682157, 
+                48.035987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.685393, 
+                48.049238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.688359, 
+                48.054927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.693676, 
+                48.058697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.696542, 
+                48.069274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.695114, 
+                48.087096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.688602, 
+                48.092466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.687101, 
+                48.098657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.695088, 
+                48.114878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.721725, 
+                48.153185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.731703, 
+                48.160402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.733174, 
+                48.163393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.731746, 
+                48.169997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.704153, 
+                48.184422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.696111, 
+                48.198599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.6909, 
+                48.212617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.690389, 
+                48.219745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.705031, 
+                48.238774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.70592, 
+                48.239894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.699663, 
+                48.245812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.684677, 
+                48.255228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.680877, 
+                48.26535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.676319, 
+                48.295143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.669265, 
+                48.296353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.665908, 
+                48.299324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.662068, 
+                48.31045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.65894, 
+                48.331057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.670072, 
+                48.341341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.696703, 
+                48.349748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.713817, 
+                48.366309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.727022, 
+                48.371101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.730863, 
+                48.3762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.731828, 
+                48.381157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.725839, 
+                48.386012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.716947, 
+                48.389776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.694511, 
+                48.389004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.653243, 
+                48.390691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.639389, 
+                48.385524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.631108, 
+                48.376522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.611782, 
+                48.378182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.599278, 
+                48.381035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.597331, 
+                48.381882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.590733, 
+                48.373604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.572864, 
+                48.366228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.564841, 
+                48.367921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.546259, 
+                48.353594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.538821, 
+                48.349893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.525453, 
+                48.349022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.510582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.414007, 
+                48.300887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.395593, 
+                48.288772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.380874, 
+                48.284699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.361351, 
+                48.287582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.342412, 
+                48.277695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.299146, 
+                48.268239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.295589, 
+                48.262983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.296924, 
+                48.261796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.297643, 
+                48.260676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.295693, 
+                48.259282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.272017, 
+                48.25441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.265824, 
+                48.254842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.255109, 
+                48.258972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.252267, 
+                48.261004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.250882, 
+                48.264773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.238582, 
+                48.262471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.217873, 
+                48.253294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.192692, 
+                48.246316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.14129, 
+                48.227413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.110974, 
+                48.220557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.101773, 
+                48.216883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.107215, 
+                48.200082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.090717, 
+                48.196458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.072124, 
+                48.189903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.050734, 
+                48.177747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.981032, 
+                48.164761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.955347, 
+                48.165455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.934921, 
+                48.16084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.915589, 
+                48.159352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.880068, 
+                48.160621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.866677, 
+                48.154796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.858821, 
+                48.154273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.831571, 
+                48.157937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.778122, 
+                48.155466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.756395, 
+                48.161057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.728736, 
+                48.1628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.72829, 
+                48.160858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.725352, 
+                48.159191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.71835, 
+                48.158713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.706226, 
+                48.1634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.706432, 
+                48.165822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.702743, 
+                48.166783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.672445, 
+                48.162715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.651408, 
+                48.156952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.636967, 
+                48.150319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.641108, 
+                48.146127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.628819, 
+                48.139279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.590839, 
+                48.134949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.574214, 
+                48.140756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.560591, 
+                48.150697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.551131, 
+                48.151382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.534879, 
+                48.14578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.52232, 
+                48.135539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.507235, 
+                48.131807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.473379, 
+                48.134079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.455458, 
+                48.140047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.440128, 
+                48.142014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.439127, 
+                48.141278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.441972, 
+                48.124259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.424668, 
+                48.118065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.395048, 
+                48.114243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.360923, 
+                48.115864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.332699, 
+                48.11297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.314578, 
+                48.113725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.288265, 
+                48.121036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.280178, 
+                48.117309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.268917, 
+                48.116094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.248615, 
+                48.115745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.239129, 
+                48.118217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.21719, 
+                48.127203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.191521, 
+                48.143821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.1644, 
+                48.165894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.144783, 
+                48.175943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.133445, 
+                48.177276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.132417, 
+                48.174704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.139258, 
+                48.16648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.143229, 
+                48.156633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.131422, 
+                48.152736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.124816, 
+                48.153472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.116479, 
+                48.150208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.085154, 
+                48.127137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.06621, 
+                48.120469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.050446, 
+                48.102825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.038727, 
+                48.081138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.016651, 
+                48.08538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.004128, 
+                48.090516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.979413, 
+                48.09594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.946119, 
+                48.098552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.929095, 
+                48.096244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.917942, 
+                48.091535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.920911, 
+                48.088199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.926644, 
+                48.0741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.927975, 
+                48.06665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.927146, 
+                48.065133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.926851, 
+                48.064593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.918602, 
+                48.058238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.877641, 
+                48.047025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.849273, 
+                48.053808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.857727, 
+                48.065774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.878255, 
+                48.076072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.882013, 
+                48.100779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.876282, 
+                48.110877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.833173, 
+                48.134406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.784076, 
+                48.142974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.760448, 
+                48.14324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.748911, 
+                48.117026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.773177, 
+                48.106864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.778466, 
+                48.106135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.792902, 
+                48.09718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.798464, 
+                48.092451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.801399, 
+                48.087561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.770559, 
+                48.053432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.770496, 
+                48.047897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.766648, 
+                48.04429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.74229, 
+                48.049324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.740007, 
+                48.054116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.739271, 
+                48.069153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.741184, 
+                48.070958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.747389, 
+                48.070795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.748345, 
+                48.072097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.733257, 
+                48.091232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.718558, 
+                48.097567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.698465, 
+                48.103102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.68724, 
+                48.101662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.69164, 
+                48.096726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.69222, 
+                48.087081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.682264, 
+                48.042723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.677153, 
+                48.036346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.668942, 
+                48.032026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.669868, 
+                48.017217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.686898, 
+                48.008305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.690066, 
+                48.00842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.697185, 
+                48.014978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.70184, 
+                48.016106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.723374, 
+                48.008095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.718082, 
+                47.987739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.701294, 
+                47.972979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.683223, 
+                47.972226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.6788, 
+                47.96793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.676215, 
+                47.958743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.684688, 
+                47.944049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.68445, 
+                47.939593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.681924, 
+                47.936415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.66238, 
+                47.9307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.657722, 
+                47.931156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.651063, 
+                47.920985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.65399, 
+                47.91589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.655085, 
+                47.905058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.646494, 
+                47.894771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.637425, 
+                47.889945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.618873, 
+                47.890242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.610341, 
+                47.887343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.631857, 
+                47.874815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.633879, 
+                47.868401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.63636, 
+                47.866186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.650083, 
+                47.86386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.666417, 
+                47.867497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.69376, 
+                47.868002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.690974, 
+                47.860118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.681602, 
+                47.850405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.683742, 
+                47.838773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.688596, 
+                47.831438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.719609, 
+                47.813036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.731956, 
+                47.809741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.748061, 
+                47.800546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.75054, 
+                47.773966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.757885, 
+                47.757744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.758498, 
+                47.746036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.749199, 
+                47.741063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.740159, 
+                47.736228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.733012, 
+                47.737625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.722686, 
+                47.748827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.719712, 
+                47.760976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.714801, 
+                47.768176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.690562, 
+                47.778372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.684085, 
+                47.798574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.682015, 
+                47.800882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.648108, 
+                47.825123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.623192, 
+                47.836199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.614585, 
+                47.850806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.608105, 
+                47.856728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.573672, 
+                47.857582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.573098, 
+                47.874081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.586339, 
+                47.902023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.588235, 
+                47.912923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.596228, 
+                47.92021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.616701, 
+                47.925139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.620316, 
+                47.931553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.617022, 
+                47.938987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.611956, 
+                47.940772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.603861, 
+                47.940478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.601507, 
+                47.931726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.592184, 
+                47.922519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.581846, 
+                47.920282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.549072, 
+                47.919072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.527593, 
+                47.905882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.513986, 
+                47.880807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.512778, 
+                47.863879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.506122, 
+                47.831745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.502224, 
+                47.826395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.482529, 
+                47.815511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.482437, 
+                47.809255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.485214, 
+                47.804128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.495346, 
+                47.79704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.495458, 
+                47.786692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.471402, 
+                47.765965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.470333, 
+                47.757109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.471844, 
+                47.749819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.477344, 
+                47.746019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.488491, 
+                47.743605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.507638, 
+                47.74304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.515193, 
+                47.743911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.519325, 
+                47.74622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.537318, 
+                47.74714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.554454, 
+                47.745704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.543161, 
+                47.710941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.53094, 
+                47.704814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.525851, 
+                47.705095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.523962, 
+                47.708034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.511196, 
+                47.708715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.504604, 
+                47.699136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.504452, 
+                47.685888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.508709, 
+                47.670843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.518277, 
+                47.65132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.502116, 
+                47.639074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493205, 
+                47.635122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.492809, 
+                47.629591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.494518, 
+                47.623625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.500357, 
+                47.617816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.49824, 
+                47.598242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493933, 
+                47.588963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.483805, 
+                47.586721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.479089, 
+                47.583654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.503672, 
+                47.575178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.518367, 
+                47.57408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.529915, 
+                47.568441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.534664, 
+                47.566122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.543118, 
+                47.556326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.542355, 
+                47.53784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.547207, 
+                47.528257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.546611, 
+                47.52355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.532909, 
+                47.522184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.52305, 
+                47.524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.500543, 
+                47.51528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.494882, 
+                47.510265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.484993, 
+                47.512731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.467796, 
+                47.509956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.452399, 
+                47.503471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.460503, 
+                47.494773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.460029, 
+                47.486861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.433386, 
+                47.46643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.43984, 
+                47.458083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.440083, 
+                47.417647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.437657, 
+                47.407424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.427327, 
+                47.402129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.395054, 
+                47.399277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.373629, 
+                47.388718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.378482, 
+                47.38533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.401768, 
+                47.381325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.437809, 
+                47.365607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.448399, 
+                47.354987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.453998, 
+                47.343337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.457494, 
+                47.342567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.469703, 
+                47.344623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.491237, 
+                47.335172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.491063, 
+                47.332427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.493123, 
+                47.330253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.504918, 
+                47.33068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.51885, 
+                47.33332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.52416, 
+                47.33837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.528129, 
+                47.345542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.52603, 
+                47.358908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.537935, 
+                47.359203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.551536, 
+                47.35954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.55584, 
+                47.347519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.57134, 
+                47.327219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.575985, 
+                47.32642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.573739, 
+                47.318419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.571239, 
+                47.315619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.547747, 
+                47.316403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.547408, 
+                47.317734
+              ], 
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+                40.584403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.097296, 
+                40.584014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.098507, 
+                40.583973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.260612, 
+                40.580797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.317605, 
+                40.580671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.345442, 
+                40.580514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.374386, 
+                40.580334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.441767, 
+                40.579916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.465297, 
+                40.580164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.466887, 
+                40.580072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.524124, 
+                40.580481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.527607, 
+                40.580436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.528177, 
+                40.580367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.548284, 
+                40.580417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.553986, 
+                40.580303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.556899, 
+                40.580235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558938, 
+                40.580189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.560798, 
+                40.580304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.56524, 
+                40.580143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.56581, 
+                40.580075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.566189, 
+                40.580117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.597352, 
+                40.579496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.656211, 
+                40.578352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.659272, 
+                40.57833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.661913, 
+                40.578354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.668845, 
+                40.578241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.677099, 
+                40.578127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.690333, 
+                40.577875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.722443, 
+                40.577641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.728355, 
+                40.577547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.737259, 
+                40.577542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.742759, 
+                40.577518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.750223, 
+                40.57772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.770231, 
+                40.577615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.774344, 
+                40.577584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.815485, 
+                40.577278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818725, 
+                40.577086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.84093, 
+                40.576791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.853656, 
+                40.576606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.898327, 
+                40.576011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.899317, 
+                40.575942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.900877, 
+                40.575874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.913961, 
+                40.575672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.935687, 
+                40.57533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.936317, 
+                40.575284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.937097, 
+                40.575421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.938627, 
+                40.575284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.939857, 
+                40.575192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.963863, 
+                40.574754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.976766, 
+                40.574635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.015492, 
+                40.573914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.034134, 
+                40.573585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.080223, 
+                40.572899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.080463, 
+                40.572899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.089194, 
+                40.572806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.091085, 
+                40.572897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.23224, 
+                40.571907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.28735, 
+                40.571521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.294813, 
+                40.571341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.310724, 
+                40.571524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.324765, 
+                40.571477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.336556, 
+                40.571475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.336706, 
+                40.571452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.358307, 
+                40.571363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.429725, 
+                40.571041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460088, 
+                40.570947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470648, 
+                40.57083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.471213, 
+                40.570825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48928, 
+                40.570707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.533878, 
+                40.570739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.537058, 
+                40.570763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.538318, 
+                40.570763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.541828, 
+                40.570809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.542154, 
+                40.570809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.594001, 
+                40.570966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.632032, 
+                40.571186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.632035, 
+                40.571186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.682601, 
+                40.571787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.714925, 
+                40.572201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.716665, 
+                40.572201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.773988, 
+                40.572977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.811188, 
+                40.573532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.819978, 
+                40.573714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.823758, 
+                40.573942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.896801, 
+                40.574738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.901451, 
+                40.574877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914896, 
+                40.575068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.955134, 
+                40.575669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.966491, 
+                40.575839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.068921, 
+                40.57688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.079742, 
+                40.577007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.097607, 
+                40.577168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107213, 
+                40.577116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.110303, 
+                40.57716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.110663, 
+                40.577206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.112222, 
+                40.577228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.120829, 
+                40.577413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.154499, 
+                40.57786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.164058, 
+                40.578017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.202264, 
+                40.578528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.211408, 
+                40.57865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.21159, 
+                40.578654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.212715, 
+                40.578679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.213327, 
+                40.578689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.217455, 
+                40.578759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.218783, 
+                40.578781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.221525, 
+                40.578827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.335588, 
+                40.579871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.357802, 
+                40.5801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.373893, 
+                40.580501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.373923, 
+                40.580501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.415406, 
+                40.581014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.469319, 
+                40.58154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.525392, 
+                40.58209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.526682, 
+                40.582136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.533182, 
+                40.582249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.554959, 
+                40.582629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.574046, 
+                40.582963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.611069, 
+                40.583495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.64184, 
+                40.584234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.687442, 
+                40.58438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.6875, 
+                40.584381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.746443, 
+                40.584935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.765645, 
+                40.585208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.753148, 
+                40.59284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.750053, 
+                40.597052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.748626, 
+                40.603355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.776251, 
+                40.647463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.786568, 
+                40.657253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.795489, 
+                40.662384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.822913, 
+                40.66724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.842801, 
+                40.677496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.883178, 
+                40.717579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.888907, 
+                40.731855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.88669, 
+                40.742101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.881529, 
+                40.750611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.872281, 
+                40.758349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.861695, 
+                40.762871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.854172, 
+                40.784012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.821193, 
+                40.876682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.823123, 
+                40.900924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.829074, 
+                40.975688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.835434, 
+                40.984184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.867286, 
+                41.001599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.867246, 
+                41.043671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.866289, 
+                41.051731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.853396, 
+                41.16028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.852788, 
+                41.165398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91459, 
+                41.185098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92319, 
+                41.190998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.923219, 
+                41.191046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92599, 
+                41.195698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.927491, 
+                41.202198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.924891, 
+                41.211198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.90249, 
+                41.273398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91379, 
+                41.320197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92569, 
+                41.322197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.939291, 
+                41.328897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.953091, 
+                41.339896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.956691, 
+                41.345496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.956791, 
+                41.349196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.93831, 
+                41.392162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.937346, 
+                41.394403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.930705, 
+                41.433894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.981319, 
+                41.506837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.994784, 
+                41.526242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.030593, 
+                41.527292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.036603, 
+                41.509047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.040701, 
+                41.507076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.046707, 
+                41.507085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.055096, 
+                41.509577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.089714, 
+                41.531778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.09409, 
+                41.539265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.118105, 
+                41.613495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.116233, 
+                41.621574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.097728, 
+                41.639633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.095046, 
+                41.647365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.095415, 
+                41.652736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.099837, 
+                41.66103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.121726, 
+                41.68274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.096795, 
+                41.698681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.077088, 
+                41.715403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.064537, 
+                41.793002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.06577, 
+                41.798174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.071007, 
+                41.804639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.077646, 
+                41.808804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.086407, 
+                41.81138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.110907, 
+                41.830818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.139554, 
+                41.86583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.144483, 
+                41.871854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.161756, 
+                41.90182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.161988, 
+                41.905553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.159098, 
+                41.910057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.142265, 
+                41.915379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.136743, 
+                41.920826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.129186, 
+                41.965136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.129505, 
+                41.971673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.22173, 
+                42.026205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.251714, 
+                42.040472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.272877, 
+                42.047238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.279079, 
+                42.074026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.307421, 
+                42.130707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.344121, 
+                42.162091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.349688, 
+                42.172043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.35987, 
+                42.210545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.356666, 
+                42.215077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.356591, 
+                42.215182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.336323, 
+                42.218922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.323723, 
+                42.229887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.322868, 
+                42.233637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.328905, 
+                42.254734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.348814, 
+                42.282024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.375307, 
+                42.318339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.384169, 
+                42.325874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.407998, 
+                42.337408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.413895, 
+                42.343393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.417786, 
+                42.351449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.415509, 
+                42.400294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.413609, 
+                42.407894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.387608, 
+                42.432494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.380707, 
+                42.446394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.381307, 
+                42.461694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.385407, 
+                42.473094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.396107, 
+                42.484095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.409408, 
+                42.487595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.443408, 
+                42.489495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.466253, 
+                42.497702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.476947, 
+                42.508677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.481308, 
+                42.516556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.479909, 
+                42.524195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.477709, 
+                42.535595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.476952, 
+                42.556079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.479685, 
+                42.561238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.516338, 
+                42.630435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.542366, 
+                42.660736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.575299, 
+                42.682665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.601989, 
+                42.697429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.60614, 
+                42.694661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.610975, 
+                42.694751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.630617, 
+                42.70588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.639704, 
+                42.737071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.633168, 
+                42.768325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.632142, 
+                42.770863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.577813, 
+                42.828102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.563058, 
+                42.831051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.552092, 
+                42.836057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.549513, 
+                42.839143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.54146, 
+                42.857682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.523264, 
+                42.909059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.510749, 
+                42.944397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.509479, 
+                42.971122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.513111, 
+                43.02788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.466017, 
+                43.062235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.455107, 
+                43.083366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.439335, 
+                43.113916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.436589, 
+                43.120842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.475571, 
+                43.221054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.485264, 
+                43.224183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557126, 
+                43.224192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.572489, 
+                43.249178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.584124, 
+                43.268101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.586317, 
+                43.274319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.56911, 
+                43.295535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.551929, 
+                43.292974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.530392, 
+                43.300034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.525564, 
+                43.312467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521264, 
+                43.374978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521697, 
+                43.386897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.524044, 
+                43.394762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.529152, 
+                43.397735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.531159, 
+                43.39561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.53746, 
+                43.395246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557586, 
+                43.406792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.594254, 
+                43.434153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.60286, 
+                43.450907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.600039, 
+                43.45708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.58407, 
+                43.468856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.587151, 
+                43.484697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.598928, 
+                43.500457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.591213, 
+                43.500514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453049, 
+                43.500415
+              ], 
+              [
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+                36.956015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858443, 
+                36.954036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.855705, 
+                36.953808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856099, 
+                36.952471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860633, 
+                36.94584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861282, 
+                36.944848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861684, 
+                36.939316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860537, 
+                36.937439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858784, 
+                36.933065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858461, 
+                36.932717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861943, 
+                36.924236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.863468, 
+                36.922308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.872136, 
+                36.913456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.873777, 
+                36.912299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.885618, 
+                36.900415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.91169, 
+                36.874248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.911824, 
+                36.874243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.973395, 
+                36.859097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.07259, 
+                36.854589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.099792, 
+                36.824889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.131694, 
+                36.781488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.131245, 
+                36.767105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.125655, 
+                36.761407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.125728, 
+                36.761276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.127833, 
+                36.750828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.136395, 
+                36.743088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.167396, 
+                36.739187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.199698, 
+                36.737487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.342804, 
+                36.701286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.353613, 
+                36.696699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.354606, 
+                36.696153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.460808, 
+                36.664885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.461013, 
+                36.664916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.498011, 
+                36.670485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.527212, 
+                36.665984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.649513, 
+                36.616683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.675413, 
+                36.600814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.677114, 
+                36.596582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.690714, 
+                36.582581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.930669, 
+                36.588249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.987612, 
+                36.589595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.987842, 
+                36.5896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.227295, 
+                36.591685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.261333, 
+                36.591981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.778455, 
+                36.603222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.785341, 
+                36.603372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.785399, 
+                36.603374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.859759, 
+                36.606428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.859738, 
+                36.606495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.974888, 
+                36.614327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.086415, 
+                36.621913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.096128, 
+                36.622483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.276284, 
+                36.626511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.276289, 
+                36.626511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.29599, 
+                36.625488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.436418, 
+                36.618194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.471338, 
+                36.61638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.508605, 
+                36.61502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.551483, 
+                36.615727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.552017, 
+                36.615782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.788613, 
+                36.621845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.788645, 
+                36.621846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.976421, 
+                36.6284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.03277, 
+                36.630367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.033139, 
+                36.630413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.038366, 
+                36.630804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.080666, 
+                36.63394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.081944, 
+                36.633848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.197573, 
+                36.639363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.204859, 
+                36.639741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.205468, 
+                36.639783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.216183, 
+                36.640527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.21641, 
+                36.640595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.219081, 
+                36.640824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.222151, 
+                36.640891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.333051, 
+                36.648778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.411387, 
+                36.65055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.468497, 
+                36.651841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.47219, 
+                36.651763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.473413, 
+                36.651676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.473497, 
+                36.651671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.564143, 
+                36.633472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.564252, 
+                36.633522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.605042, 
+                36.652125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.606394, 
+                36.652107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.75892, 
+                36.649018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.763295, 
+                36.648907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.813037, 
+                36.647647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.816186, 
+                36.647722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.818405, 
+                36.647639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.833155, 
+                36.64721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.854268, 
+                36.646884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.906023, 
+                36.646302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.906583, 
+                36.646255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.060843, 
+                36.643412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.114976, 
+                36.642414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.114983, 
+                36.642414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.23053, 
+                36.641895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.231037, 
+                36.641888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.247655, 
+                36.641841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.278398, 
+                36.641718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.281506, 
+                36.641761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.33598, 
+                36.641543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.344131, 
+                36.64151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.347796, 
+                36.64144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.414309, 
+                36.641047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.425009, 
+                36.641047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.436509, 
+                36.640747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.563052, 
+                36.639113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.564928, 
+                36.639113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.641146, 
+                36.638036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.64115, 
+                36.638036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.694186, 
+                36.636838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.853204, 
+                36.633247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.849567, 
+                36.663701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.011792, 
+                36.677025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.070532, 
+                36.678118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.068208, 
+                36.659747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.055604, 
+                36.63571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.045127, 
+                36.602939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.035625, 
+                36.561736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.032489, 
+                36.540662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.037822, 
+                36.51385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.039481, 
+                36.510408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.053205, 
+                36.497129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.053292, 
+                36.49713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.320794, 
+                36.500432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.325895, 
+                36.500483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.330799, 
+                36.500531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.41636, 
+                36.500756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.450161, 
+                36.501101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.452543, 
+                36.500872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.472564, 
+                36.501028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.489075, 
+                36.501068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.48921, 
+                36.501068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.51192, 
+                36.501457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.51227, 
+                36.501506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.516346, 
+                36.501431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.516427, 
+                36.50143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.545192, 
+                36.501814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.577283, 
+                36.50194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.661133, 
+                36.502243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.715255, 
+                36.502662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.747523, 
+                36.502834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.799594, 
+                36.502757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.816765, 
+                36.502815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.827012, 
+                36.50285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.827301, 
+                36.502852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.834626, 
+                36.502914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.834866, 
+                36.502911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.874725, 
+                36.502446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.964471, 
+                36.502191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.000063, 
+                36.502633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.006825, 
+                36.502684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.010439, 
+                36.50271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.034649, 
+                36.502964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.058871, 
+                36.503157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.072118, 
+                36.503249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.090146, 
+                36.503392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.117537, 
+                36.503603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.119805, 
+                36.503647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.163224, 
+                36.504522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.163429, 
+                36.504526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.211409, 
+                36.50563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.279091, 
+                36.506511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.282298, 
+                36.506782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.346053, 
+                36.50321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.346056, 
+                36.50321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.356593, 
+                36.502195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.380085, 
+                36.500416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.381792, 
+                36.500062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.403913, 
+                36.499141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.417293, 
+                36.499033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.400581, 
+                36.538337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.38814, 
+                36.573416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.376367, 
+                36.613868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.365548, 
+                36.625059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.343753, 
+                36.630991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.327578, 
+                36.632127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.326731, 
+                36.632186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.313405, 
+                36.62012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.294637, 
+                36.593729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.27171, 
+                36.571387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.259994, 
+                36.565149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.236542, 
+                36.566824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.227319, 
+                36.569375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.213563, 
+                36.580119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.202607, 
+                36.601576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.200902, 
+                36.618177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.197654, 
+                36.628936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.187749, 
+                36.641115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.174741, 
+                36.650416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.174733, 
+                36.650476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.171882, 
+                36.672526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.19948, 
+                36.716045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.201047, 
+                36.725772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.197808, 
+                36.739412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.184523, 
+                36.753638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.169106, 
+                36.759473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.142313, 
+                36.755369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.130399, 
+                36.751702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.123548, 
+                36.78522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.12353, 
+                36.785309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.179229, 
+                36.812915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.178574, 
+                36.816554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.177177, 
+                36.835779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.147674, 
+                36.847148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.100766, 
+                36.943973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.100794, 
+                36.944006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.132685, 
+                36.9822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.166447, 
+                37.003337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.173595, 
+                37.011409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.178975, 
+                37.020928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.182509, 
+                37.037275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.181369, 
+                37.046305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.175725, 
+                37.062069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.171881, 
+                37.068184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.168087, 
+                37.074218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.086526, 
+                37.165602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.041263, 
+                37.202881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.000968, 
+                37.224401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.98326, 
+                37.228685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.966831, 
+                37.229891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.933399, 
+                37.225007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.933385, 
+                37.225005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.942111, 
+                37.228811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.928021, 
+                37.226281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.916934, 
+                37.224291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.809206, 
+                37.189235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.625889, 
+                37.119458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.589207, 
+                37.099655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.576718, 
+                37.085852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.564152, 
+                37.07844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.560032, 
+                37.07601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.545403, 
+                37.070003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.531576, 
+                37.067192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.514356, 
+                37.065231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.490297, 
+                37.066669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.482856, 
+                37.067114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.458948, 
+                37.073796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.444605, 
+                37.098601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.424403, 
+                37.152428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.447764, 
+                37.203527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.458763, 
+                37.213536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.471753, 
+                37.220155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.509328, 
+                37.26213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.515939, 
+                37.284043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.514661, 
+                37.290948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.476592, 
+                37.386875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.470224, 
+                37.396255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.456, 
+                37.408482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.439333, 
+                37.416416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.414895, 
+                37.423461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.408808, 
+                37.425216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.358436, 
+                37.40486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.330622, 
+                37.429316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.312585, 
+                37.440591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281667, 
+                37.452596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.255193, 
+                37.456748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.083395, 
+                37.473683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.062562, 
+                37.489385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.061292, 
+                37.505232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.061311, 
+                37.505332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.063311, 
+                37.515755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.072242, 
+                37.528826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.121517, 
+                37.568166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133235, 
+                37.574154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133306, 
+                37.574191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133393, 
+                37.574235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.133416, 
+                37.574277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.139973, 
+                37.586451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.156827, 
+                37.632801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.160187, 
+                37.657592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.158207, 
+                37.664542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.151646, 
+                37.675098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.122412, 
+                37.709685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.072538, 
+                37.733286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.059588, 
+                37.742608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.050969, 
+                37.752599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.045008, 
+                37.762436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.039, 
+                37.775454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.02803, 
+                37.799224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.017314, 
+                37.801911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.004706, 
+                37.800145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.976389, 
+                37.788004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.970869, 
+                37.783456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.943756, 
+                37.776843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.90681, 
+                37.807624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.903804, 
+                37.817762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.907773, 
+                37.837611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910276, 
+                37.843416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.914892, 
+                37.849618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.927303, 
+                37.858709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936228, 
+                37.867937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940005, 
+                37.875044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940839, 
+                37.883338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.940069, 
+                37.88767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.936784, 
+                37.892587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.927424, 
+                37.902038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.904789, 
+                37.924892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898062, 
+                37.927514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.883321, 
+                37.926238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.87254, 
+                37.920999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.865558, 
+                37.915056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.857243, 
+                37.900649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.841193, 
+                37.882325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.830578, 
+                37.876516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.7909, 
+                37.875714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.783643, 
+                37.877759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.76226, 
+                37.890906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.700421, 
+                37.900858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.684018, 
+                37.903498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.67573, 
+                37.90193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.666481, 
+                37.895786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.662865, 
+                37.885578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.681633, 
+                37.855917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6819, 
+                37.84641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.679188, 
+                37.836321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.670889, 
+                37.828429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.645858, 
+                37.825899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.615399, 
+                37.831974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.606599, 
+                37.838669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591504, 
+                37.856642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.588729, 
+                37.860984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.588426, 
+                37.868791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591582, 
+                37.887194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.597118, 
+                37.892394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.620272, 
+                37.906922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.626256, 
+                37.916138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.62896, 
+                37.926714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.601416, 
+                37.972542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.592916, 
+                37.975842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.585916, 
+                37.975442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.581115, 
+                37.973442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.574715, 
+                37.967742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.573415, 
+                37.962642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.574287, 
+                37.954842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.57203, 
+                37.947466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.559342, 
+                37.931146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.550333, 
+                37.92489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.511499, 
+                37.906426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.451185, 
+                37.941034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.450458, 
+                37.941451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.436859, 
+                37.944192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.418585, 
+                37.944763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.402632, 
+                37.942267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.380247, 
+                37.935596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.302324, 
+                37.898445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.269561, 
+                37.877155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.26293, 
+                37.872846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.20224, 
+                37.843791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.132621, 
+                37.791008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.128749, 
+                37.785728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.119229, 
+                37.782848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.111133, 
+                37.782512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.090636, 
+                37.787808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.077404, 
+                37.796209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.067836, 
+                37.806065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057836, 
+                37.827457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.043854, 
+                37.870796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.043407, 
+                37.87994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.046237, 
+                37.889866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.042249, 
+                37.898291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.033444, 
+                37.906593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.010315, 
+                37.919668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.978957, 
+                37.9302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.97883, 
+                37.930214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.919329, 
+                37.936664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.902413, 
+                37.946161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.884961, 
+                37.964373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.85595, 
+                37.987292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.823491, 
+                37.998939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.815267, 
+                37.998877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.814776, 
+                37.998638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.794985, 
+                37.988982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.787695, 
+                37.971449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.770179, 
+                37.940264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.75099, 
+                37.912893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.740877, 
+                37.902568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.73146, 
+                37.89434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.72351, 
+                37.892831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.718462, 
+                37.893123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.709164, 
+                37.89764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.660293, 
+                37.865057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.655296, 
+                37.842508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.655285, 
+                37.842506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.648028, 
+                37.841425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.634271, 
+                37.843845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.604624, 
+                37.858272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.525174, 
+                37.968228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.524969, 
+                38.027879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.521825, 
+                38.038327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.517289, 
+                38.042634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.51176, 
+                38.044448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.490858, 
+                38.045796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.490853, 
+                38.045796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.466876, 
+                38.046597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.452192, 
+                38.05049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.438236, 
+                38.060426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.432789, 
+                38.067171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.430091, 
+                38.078638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.426508, 
+                38.081784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.398661, 
+                38.106238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.332567, 
+                38.130131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.326788, 
+                38.134604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.323453, 
+                38.139032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.314292, 
+                38.14261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.309727, 
+                38.144393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.283964, 
+                38.143185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.271223, 
+                38.130112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.278034, 
+                38.102426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.27872, 
+                38.089303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.273584, 
+                38.067443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.266891, 
+                38.057125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.220371, 
+                38.027922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.178983, 
+                38.011308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.172186, 
+                38.00992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.029509, 
+                37.99264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.998609, 
+                37.997775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.951467, 
+                38.005608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.947952, 
+                38.007083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.941403, 
+                38.009831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.930235, 
+                38.018311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.922395, 
+                38.028679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.911607, 
+                38.06689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.906163, 
+                38.08617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.904564, 
+                38.10027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.905164, 
+                38.11107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.909464, 
+                38.14007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.908764, 
+                38.161169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.89955, 
+                38.180343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.897664, 
+                38.184269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.829364, 
+                38.276769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.823764, 
+                38.280569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.816164, 
+                38.282969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791575, 
+                38.288566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791563, 
+                38.288569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.780963, 
+                38.288469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.773363, 
+                38.286169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.765963, 
+                38.280469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.766563, 
+                38.27767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.761062, 
+                38.27257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.750962, 
+                38.26787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.744862, 
+                38.26717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.683561, 
+                38.295469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.675017, 
+                38.301317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.653641, 
+                38.327108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.638777, 
+                38.361443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.638044, 
+                38.38027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.638041, 
+                38.380338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.632937, 
+                38.395666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.620521, 
+                38.423105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.607629, 
+                38.439295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.462518, 
+                38.512602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.433136, 
+                38.523914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.432928, 
+                38.524072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.423077, 
+                38.531581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.417322, 
+                38.540763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.4156, 
+                38.546341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.415821, 
+                38.563558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.427467, 
+                38.586735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.439351, 
+                38.610388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.456978, 
+                38.689135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.452114, 
+                38.709348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.434065, 
+                38.729455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.422021, 
+                38.734834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.410925, 
+                38.73708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.333285, 
+                38.74048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.289226, 
+                38.74241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.275454, 
+                38.741172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.258846, 
+                38.737754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.246505, 
+                38.731821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.226062, 
+                38.705456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.213257, 
+                38.695446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.201498, 
+                38.691575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.189362, 
+                38.687579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.172528, 
+                38.688082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.156158, 
+                38.692251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.13868, 
+                38.699168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.106902, 
+                38.720789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.100963, 
+                38.7268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.024205, 
+                38.763311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.995939, 
+                38.776756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.984627, 
+                38.779072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.973432, 
+                38.778847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.944296, 
+                38.775184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.844412, 
+                38.787078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.81335, 
+                38.79833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.791078, 
+                38.855859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.785799, 
+                38.869496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.785111, 
+                38.879988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.789521, 
+                38.884687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813182, 
+                38.930583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.849445, 
+                39.000923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.878614, 
+                39.030296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.889065, 
+                39.04082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.897171, 
+                39.052407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.897364, 
+                39.057378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.888873, 
+                39.066376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.831197, 
+                39.10192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.820157, 
+                39.10548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.78768, 
+                39.115297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.766749, 
+                39.138558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.754449, 
+                39.146658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.744149, 
+                39.147458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.732048, 
+                39.144458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.718548, 
+                39.137059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.689747, 
+                39.104159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.684847, 
+                39.100459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.632446, 
+                39.07676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.623732, 
+                39.074427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.620112, 
+                39.073457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.603444, 
+                39.073699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.510057, 
+                39.093593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.509743, 
+                39.09366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.506082, 
+                39.095081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.502062, 
+                39.096641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.493743, 
+                39.10246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.432841, 
+                39.094261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.326539, 
+                39.027463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.319936, 
+                39.022081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.31368, 
+                39.016981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.304698, 
+                39.006455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.234453, 
+                38.893226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.232132, 
+                38.880483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.232478, 
+                38.874638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.233727, 
+                38.853576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.231306, 
+                38.830552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.229954, 
+                38.82765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.2253, 
+                38.817665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.212904, 
+                38.805707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.205592, 
+                38.802588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.071491, 
+                38.770475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.052707, 
+                38.770542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.044486, 
+                38.770572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.978814, 
+                38.787104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.962123, 
+                38.787384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.943978, 
+                38.783616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.903971, 
+                38.76816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.903918, 
+                38.76815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.870443, 
+                38.761608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859028, 
+                38.756793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.85333, 
+                38.752572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.777823, 
+                38.674453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.773682, 
+                38.661309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.769347, 
+                38.65522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.762445, 
+                38.652103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.706043, 
+                38.637101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.679484, 
+                38.630036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.663911, 
+                38.62793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.655425, 
+                38.629735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.649737, 
+                38.632753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.646701, 
+                38.637489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.642994, 
+                38.643273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.636208, 
+                38.670584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.626922, 
+                38.679387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.615736, 
+                38.684145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.574754, 
+                38.692671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.533339, 
+                38.702105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.520953, 
+                38.703045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.512571, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -68.965896, 
+                44.249754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.967074, 
+                44.251968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.965264, 
+                44.259332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.953686, 
+                44.272346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.942826, 
+                44.281073
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.499465, 
+                44.12419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.492892, 
+                44.116921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.491521, 
+                44.109833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.502942, 
+                44.099722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.51706, 
+                44.10341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.518703, 
+                44.113222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.511266, 
+                44.125082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.506979, 
+                44.127237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.499465, 
+                44.12419
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.358388, 
+                44.125082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.35301, 
+                44.127884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.346724, 
+                44.127749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.330716, 
+                44.110598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.331032, 
+                44.10758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.338012, 
+                44.101473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.365176, 
+                44.101464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.376593, 
+                44.112207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.376591, 
+                44.113762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.375382, 
+                44.11646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.365514, 
+                44.124079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.358388, 
+                44.125082
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.453236, 
+                44.189998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.437789, 
+                44.188216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.424441, 
+                44.190753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.416434, 
+                44.187047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.408207, 
+                44.176298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.384903, 
+                44.154955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.396634, 
+                44.14069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.427534, 
+                44.119266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.438518, 
+                44.11618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.448646, 
+                44.125581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.447505, 
+                44.133493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.456813, 
+                44.145268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.479934, 
+                44.1478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.484696, 
+                44.146495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.496639, 
+                44.146855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.502096, 
+                44.152388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.500817, 
+                44.160026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.495511, 
+                44.162429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.474365, 
+                44.181875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.453236, 
+                44.189998
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.680773, 
+                44.279242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.675416, 
+                44.279753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.668213, 
+                44.276511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.658849, 
+                44.268588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.623554, 
+                44.255622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.611669, 
+                44.244818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.605906, 
+                44.230772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.612749, 
+                44.207722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.624994, 
+                44.197637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.625715, 
+                44.194756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.619592, 
+                44.189354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.618511, 
+                44.186472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.618872, 
+                44.18107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.643002, 
+                44.15766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.652366, 
+                44.153698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.670014, 
+                44.151537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.671454, 
+                44.138572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.675056, 
+                44.137131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.681899, 
+                44.138212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.686581, 
+                44.147216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.692343, 
+                44.153698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.700987, 
+                44.15838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.709631, 
+                44.158741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.713232, 
+                44.160541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.716474, 
+                44.162702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.720435, 
+                44.169185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.718995, 
+                44.183231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.715033, 
+                44.191154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.714313, 
+                44.20376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.721156, 
+                44.212404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.722956, 
+                44.219607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.722956, 
+                44.223568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.718635, 
+                44.228611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.711792, 
+                44.228971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.700627, 
+                44.234013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.694144, 
+                44.248779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.680458, 
+                44.262105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.677577, 
+                44.268948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.677577, 
+                44.275431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.680773, 
+                44.279242
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.355279, 
+                44.199096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.333227, 
+                44.207308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.32423, 
+                44.205732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.31606, 
+                44.200244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.314789, 
+                44.197157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.318476, 
+                44.196608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.321178, 
+                44.199032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.332639, 
+                44.192131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.339029, 
+                44.171839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.347416, 
+                44.169459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.378872, 
+                44.184222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.371235, 
+                44.193003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.364469, 
+                44.197534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.355279, 
+                44.199096
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.472831, 
+                44.219767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.460205, 
+                44.212498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.453843, 
+                44.201683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.454224, 
+                44.199534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.459182, 
+                44.197681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.48452, 
+                44.202886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.487227, 
+                44.209517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.482726, 
+                44.227058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.480565, 
+                44.228591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.470323, 
+                44.22832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.468572, 
+                44.223999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.472831, 
+                44.219767
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.792139, 
+                44.237819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.769833, 
+                44.222787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.769047, 
+                44.213351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.780055, 
+                44.203129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.789884, 
+                44.203915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.801285, 
+                44.208633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.809149, 
+                44.212565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.815439, 
+                44.214137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.822909, 
+                44.216496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.829593, 
+                44.21689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.837849, 
+                44.227112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.839422, 
+                44.236547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.833524, 
+                44.240872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.827627, 
+                44.242838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.825631, 
+                44.242556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.792139, 
+                44.237819
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.23638, 
+                44.266254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.214641, 
+                44.263156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.211329, 
+                44.257074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.212474, 
+                44.255405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.221383, 
+                44.257254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.231469, 
+                44.256016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.23713, 
+                44.25343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.24031, 
+                44.251622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.241545, 
+                44.247543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.240806, 
+                44.239723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.248913, 
+                44.235443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.266669, 
+                44.234033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.274427, 
+                44.237099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.276857, 
+                44.240794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.274719, 
+                44.258675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.262128, 
+                44.260774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.254153, 
+                44.257836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.246598, 
+                44.257836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.241142, 
+                44.260354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.23638, 
+                44.266254
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -68.498637, 
+                44.369686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.478785, 
+                44.319563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.489641, 
+                44.313705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.515173, 
+                44.324797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.530394, 
+                44.333583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.528635, 
+                44.344605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.520671, 
+                44.358357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.52193, 
+                44.367591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.518573, 
+                44.381022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.512697, 
+                44.384799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.50766, 
+                44.385219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.501364, 
+                44.382281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.498637, 
+                44.369686
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -69.02859, 
+                44.249139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.029434, 
+                44.248558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.040193, 
+                44.233673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.043599, 
+                44.225029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.042807, 
+                44.215173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.05181, 
+                44.19592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.05269, 
+                44.188082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.054546, 
+                44.171542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.06124, 
+                44.165498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.077776, 
+                44.165043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.079835, 
+                44.160953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.080978, 
+                44.156768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.079608, 
+                44.143962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.075667, 
+                44.129991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.080331, 
+                44.117824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.100863, 
+                44.104529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.101107, 
+                44.093601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.092, 
+                44.085734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.089078, 
+                44.085326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.076452, 
+                44.090634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.056303, 
+                44.095162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.050814, 
+                44.094888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.043403, 
+                44.092164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.031878, 
+                44.079036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.048917, 
+                44.062506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.050566, 
+                44.063152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.050622, 
+                44.068017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.056093, 
+                44.06949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.064299, 
+                44.069911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.067876, 
+                44.067596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.079805, 
+                44.055256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.073767, 
+                44.046135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.081131, 
+                44.041295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.094177, 
+                44.038981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.113113, 
+                44.028881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.125738, 
+                44.019623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.128052, 
+                44.017309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.124475, 
+                44.007419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.128611, 
+                44.005922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.148883, 
+                43.998582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.162559, 
+                43.999003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.170345, 
+                43.995637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.193805, 
+                43.975543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.197803, 
+                43.967547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.193805, 
+                43.959762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.19633, 
+                43.950504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.203668, 
+                43.941806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.214205, 
+                43.935583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.237368, 
+                43.931596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.24271, 
+                43.925465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.259838, 
+                43.921427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.265257, 
+                43.933393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.267515, 
+                43.943667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.280498, 
+                43.95744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.282559, 
+                43.958105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.283998, 
+                43.958569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.288513, 
+                43.957665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.307776, 
+                43.943451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.31427, 
+                43.942951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.319751, 
+                43.94487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.305176, 
+                43.956676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.304301, 
+                43.962068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.321808, 
+                43.969975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.331411, 
+                43.974311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.351961, 
+                43.974748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.366702, 
+                43.964755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.375478, 
+                43.964584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.388059, 
+                43.96434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.398455, 
+                43.971804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.416165, 
+                43.977267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.42876, 
+                43.957929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.431686, 
+                43.964546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.436495, 
+                43.966878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.441596, 
+                43.964254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.45107, 
+                43.941955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.459637, 
+                43.903316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.483498, 
+                43.88028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.486243, 
+                43.869118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.50329, 
+                43.837673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.514889, 
+                43.831298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.516212, 
+                43.837222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.513267, 
+                43.84479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.520301, 
+                43.868498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.524673, 
+                43.875639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.543912, 
+                43.881615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.54945, 
+                43.880012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.550908, 
+                43.877971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.550616, 
+                43.872579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.545028, 
+                43.861241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.552606, 
+                43.841347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.558122, 
+                43.84066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.568325, 
+                43.844449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.572697, 
+                43.844012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.575466, 
+                43.841972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.578527, 
+                43.823316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.588551, 
+                43.81836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.604179, 
+                43.813551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.605928, 
+                43.814862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.604616, 
+                43.825793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.598495, 
+                43.825502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.592373, 
+                43.830895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.589167, 
+                43.851299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.594705, 
+                43.858878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.604616, 
+                43.858004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.613215, 
+                43.845032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.613069, 
+                43.837453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.61511, 
+                43.831623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.621086, 
+                43.826814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.630268, 
+                43.837016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.629685, 
+                43.843429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.634932, 
+                43.845907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.649798, 
+                43.836287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.65315, 
+                43.817194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.650818, 
+                43.803785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.653337, 
+                43.79103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.664922, 
+                43.791033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.685473, 
+                43.816328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.685579, 
+                43.820546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.692429, 
+                43.824336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.697239, 
+                43.825065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.697858, 
+                43.824918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.705838, 
+                43.823024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.714873, 
+                43.810264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.717804, 
+                43.801047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.717074, 
+                43.792403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.719723, 
+                43.786685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.752801, 
+                43.75594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.761587, 
+                43.757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.780097, 
+                43.755397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.782429, 
+                43.753794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.782283, 
+                43.75117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.778494, 
+                43.747089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.778348, 
+                43.744612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.835323, 
+                43.721125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.838689, 
+                43.70514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.851297, 
+                43.703581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.855081, 
+                43.704746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.857927, 
+                43.723915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.855595, 
+                43.73266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.858947, 
+                43.740531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.868673, 
+                43.742701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.862155, 
+                43.758962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.869732, 
+                43.775656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.884066, 
+                43.778035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.88739, 
+                43.777052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.903164, 
+                43.77239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.915593, 
+                43.775112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.927011, 
+                43.780174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.948539, 
+                43.765948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.953246, 
+                43.768806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.958056, 
+                43.767786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.982574, 
+                43.750801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.989131, 
+                43.743227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.994479, 
+                43.728451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.992396, 
+                43.726852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.992615, 
+                43.724793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.001645, 
+                43.717666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.006954, 
+                43.717065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.005205, 
+                43.727559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.001125, 
+                43.733389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.998793, 
+                43.740385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.001708, 
+                43.744466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.041351, 
+                43.738053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.040768, 
+                43.745049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.034355, 
+                43.759041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.02561, 
+                43.769534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.005205, 
+                43.787607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.99821, 
+                43.798684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.999376, 
+                43.805097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.002874, 
+                43.812093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011035, 
+                43.810927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.026193, 
+                43.822587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.026193, 
+                43.829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.023278, 
+                43.834247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.006954, 
+                43.844158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.002874, 
+                43.848239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.002874, 
+                43.852903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.009869, 
+                43.859315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.019197, 
+                43.858733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.022845, 
+                43.856245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.032023, 
+                43.849988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.053594, 
+                43.828417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.053011, 
+                43.821421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.064671, 
+                43.813259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.06642, 
+                43.819672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.080995, 
+                43.819672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.107229, 
+                43.809178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.142792, 
+                43.791688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.153869, 
+                43.781194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.153869, 
+                43.774781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.176023, 
+                43.76079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.177772, 
+                43.764871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.172525, 
+                43.773615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.17544, 
+                43.777113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.190014, 
+                43.771866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.194678, 
+                43.766037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.197593, 
+                43.753211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.194095, 
+                43.745632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.194678, 
+                43.742134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.217998, 
+                43.71998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.219164, 
+                43.715899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.215666, 
+                43.707737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.216832, 
+                43.704822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.227909, 
+                43.701907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.23199, 
+                43.704822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.251812, 
+                43.683251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.254144, 
+                43.676839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.252961, 
+                43.67501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.247321, 
+                43.671973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.242289, 
+                43.669544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.239512, 
+                43.665986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.240119, 
+                43.664685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.241942, 
+                43.663296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.240987, 
+                43.659132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.22299, 
+                43.639023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.211204, 
+                43.625765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.217087, 
+                43.596717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.214369, 
+                43.590445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.20112, 
+                43.586515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.196911, 
+                43.565146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.206123, 
+                43.557627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.216782, 
+                43.556874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.219784, 
+                43.562149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.231963, 
+                43.561118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.244331, 
+                43.551849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.261917, 
+                43.553687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.272497, 
+                43.562616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.299184, 
+                43.550589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.307764, 
+                43.544315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.341793, 
+                43.540484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.352826, 
+                43.535855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.353392, 
+                43.535405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.361214, 
+                43.52919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.379123, 
+                43.507202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.384885, 
+                43.49604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.385615, 
+                43.487031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.382928, 
+                43.469674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.380233, 
+                43.46423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.37223, 
+                43.45508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.349684, 
+                43.442032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.362015, 
+                43.439077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.370514, 
+                43.434133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.384949, 
+                43.418839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.383981, 
+                43.41294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.39089, 
+                43.402607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.400035, 
+                43.399927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.401666, 
+                43.401262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.406416, 
+                43.400942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.421282, 
+                43.395777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.427672, 
+                43.389254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.424421, 
+                43.379656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.424986, 
+                43.375928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.442438, 
+                43.356487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.460717, 
+                43.34325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.465975, 
+                43.340246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.472933, 
+                43.343972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.485312, 
+                43.346391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.517695, 
+                43.344037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.535244, 
+                43.336771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.536702, 
+                43.335605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.553854, 
+                43.321886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.562779, 
+                43.310614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.585184, 
+                43.270113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.593907, 
+                43.249295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.591022, 
+                43.237851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.575787, 
+                43.221859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.576692, 
+                43.217651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.587814, 
+                43.199858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.618973, 
+                43.163625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.634455, 
+                43.127603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.634311, 
+                43.122162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.638355, 
+                43.114182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.654213, 
+                43.099065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.655322, 
+                43.098008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.656223, 
+                43.093164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.665958, 
+                43.076234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.673114, 
+                43.070314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.703936, 
+                43.059621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.756397, 
+                43.079988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.784108, 
+                43.098963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.819549, 
+                43.123231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.8281, 
+                43.129086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.8338, 
+                43.146886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.829174, 
+                43.180365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.828301, 
+                43.186685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.816232, 
+                43.234997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.817773, 
+                43.237408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.817865, 
+                43.237911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.822959, 
+                43.240187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.823309, 
+                43.240343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.825071, 
+                43.24093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.826711, 
+                43.241301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.828022, 
+                43.241597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.83365, 
+                43.242868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.839717, 
+                43.250393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.839213, 
+                43.251224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.863231, 
+                43.265098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.86323, 
+                43.265109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.909805, 
+                43.306682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.91246, 
+                43.308289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.916751, 
+                43.317731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.930783, 
+                43.329569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.952356, 
+                43.333983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.967229, 
+                43.343777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.984335, 
+                43.376128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.984305, 
+                43.376814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.987733, 
+                43.391513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.986812, 
+                43.414264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.964433, 
+                43.473276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.964542, 
+                43.473262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.963742, 
+                43.476248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.954755, 
+                43.509802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.962556, 
+                43.53431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.958958, 
+                43.537634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.955337, 
+                43.54098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.955346, 
+                43.540697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.953322, 
+                43.552718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972716, 
+                43.570255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.979985, 
+                43.673195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.980758, 
+                43.684141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.981946, 
+                43.70096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.981978, 
+                43.701965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.982238, 
+                43.711865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.982083, 
+                43.715043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.989041, 
+                43.792152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.989067, 
+                43.79244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.992086, 
+                43.886261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.992986, 
+                43.914232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.001367, 
+                44.092931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.001335, 
+                44.093205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.008764, 
+                44.258443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.008736, 
+                44.258825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.010239, 
+                44.284774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.01349, 
+                44.340882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.029101, 
+                44.610331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.037518, 
+                44.755607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.060101, 
+                45.019661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.07564, 
+                45.224093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.084334, 
+                45.305293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.030565, 
+                45.312652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.014268, 
+                45.316761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.00905, 
+                45.319022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.002401, 
+                45.327956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.005087, 
+                45.331545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.990233, 
+                45.336277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.950824, 
+                45.33453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.917904, 
+                45.311924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.912176, 
+                45.296768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.913732, 
+                45.292746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.907978, 
+                45.269316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.896898, 
+                45.242031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.885029, 
+                45.234873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.857042, 
+                45.22916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.842845, 
+                45.234422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.839482, 
+                45.237829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.831612, 
+                45.260055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.808322, 
+                45.325824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.807664, 
+                45.378118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.824053, 
+                45.391094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.825612, 
+                45.400305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.798483, 
+                45.42474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.781471, 
+                45.431159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.753977, 
+                45.427789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.744077, 
+                45.421091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.743775, 
+                45.411925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.729972, 
+                45.399359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.712286, 
+                45.390611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.660029, 
+                45.377901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.651986, 
+                45.377146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.634661, 
+                45.383608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.626527, 
+                45.407011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.635498, 
+                45.427817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.650161, 
+                45.443685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.663701, 
+                45.447049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.67591, 
+                45.452582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.716332, 
+                45.486909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.723167, 
+                45.507606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.721611, 
+                45.515058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.700776, 
+                45.532777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.686531, 
+                45.54999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.688214, 
+                45.563981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.659286, 
+                45.58688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.564789, 
+                45.65515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.551038, 
+                45.661885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.469869, 
+                45.701639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.451503, 
+                45.704432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.39721, 
+                45.756872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.40775, 
+                45.773654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.417674, 
+                45.79457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.396362, 
+                45.802703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.398159, 
+                45.80412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.397208, 
+                45.807572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.387916, 
+                45.819043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.36702, 
+                45.834993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.34244, 
+                45.852192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.307798, 
+                45.85894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.284204, 
+                45.872034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.262655, 
+                45.887853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.253704, 
+                45.902981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.240177, 
+                45.943729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.252242, 
+                45.954777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.26541, 
+                45.962692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.312055, 
+                45.971544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.313364, 
+                46.016383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.310609, 
+                46.064544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.28978, 
+                46.094325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.284554, 
+                46.098713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.252411, 
+                46.106221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.237947, 
+                46.147378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.278034, 
+                46.175001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.290896, 
+                46.185838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.292736, 
+                46.191599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.207415, 
+                46.331316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.188046, 
+                46.350015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.174709, 
+                46.358472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.133367, 
+                46.368906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.056433, 
+                46.41659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.023016, 
+                46.573486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.997086, 
+                46.69523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.818552, 
+                46.87503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.566383, 
+                47.125032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.22442, 
+                47.459686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.146439, 
+                47.44886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.055465, 
+                47.432274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.042702, 
+                47.426651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.032909, 
+                47.407907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.031127, 
+                47.403106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.04079, 
+                47.39808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.041733, 
+                47.397326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.03928, 
+                47.385052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.043958, 
+                47.383682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.046448, 
+                47.383934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.053819, 
+                47.375036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.050334, 
+                47.256621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.0402, 
+                47.2451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.033456, 
+                47.240984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.982002, 
+                47.220295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.941948, 
+                47.206248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.926421, 
+                47.19786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.900985, 
+                47.178519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.85343, 
+                47.193443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.723168, 
+                47.239569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.580398, 
+                47.286957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.474851, 
+                47.297534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.361559, 
+                47.355605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.33368, 
+                47.36007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.284101, 
+                47.360389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.240168, 
+                47.354217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.224005, 
+                47.348456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -68.153509, 
+                47.314038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.955669, 
+                47.199542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.952269, 
+                47.196142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.949369, 
+                47.182542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.935868, 
+                47.164843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.889155, 
+                47.118772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.846865, 
+                47.092404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.816345, 
+                47.081188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.790515, 
+                47.067921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.789461, 
+                47.062544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.78938, 
+                46.765528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.789284, 
+                46.758219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.782114, 
+                46.279381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.781095, 
+                45.943032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.768709, 
+                45.901997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.763955, 
+                45.829983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.763767, 
+                45.820315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.780443, 
+                45.816206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.801989, 
+                45.803546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.806598, 
+                45.794723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.817892, 
+                45.693705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.805483, 
+                45.680241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.803313, 
+                45.677886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.754245, 
+                45.667791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.64581, 
+                45.613597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.561359, 
+                45.594906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.51858, 
+                45.587925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.499444, 
+                45.587014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.490923, 
+                45.591488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.488452, 
+                45.594643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.491061, 
+                45.598917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.489793, 
+                45.60118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.476704, 
+                45.604157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.455406, 
+                45.604665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.449674, 
+                45.60286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.425452, 
+                45.579086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.423646, 
+                45.572153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.420875, 
+                45.55056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.425674, 
+                45.502917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.448729, 
+                45.510576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.463481, 
+                45.508516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.503771, 
+                45.488522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.473366, 
+                45.425328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.460281, 
+                45.419594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.430001, 
+                45.392965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.422153, 
+                45.379661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.429161, 
+                45.344247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.460101, 
+                45.301179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.465833, 
+                45.297223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.485683, 
+                45.291433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.489333, 
+                45.281282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.46357, 
+                45.244097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.405208, 
+                45.165686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.354306, 
+                45.129886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.345004, 
+                45.12621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.339869, 
+                45.125594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.305472, 
+                45.144826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.302568, 
+                45.161348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.290603, 
+                45.187589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.283619, 
+                45.192022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.271076, 
+                45.191081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.161247, 
+                45.162879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.128935, 
+                45.132168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.112414, 
+                45.112323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.090786, 
+                45.068721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.105899, 
+                45.065786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.117688, 
+                45.05673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.099749, 
+                45.04501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.082074, 
+                45.029608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.074914, 
+                45.019254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.072753, 
+                45.008329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.068274, 
+                45.001014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.05461, 
+                44.986764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.038299, 
+                44.945433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.033474, 
+                44.939923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.002118, 
+                44.918836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.990937, 
+                44.917835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.984466, 
+                44.912557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.983558, 
+                44.903277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.985901, 
+                44.89715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.989235, 
+                44.89648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.990351, 
+                44.882551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.981008, 
+                44.862813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.978142, 
+                44.856963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.99296, 
+                44.849181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.996523, 
+                44.844654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.986318, 
+                44.820657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.975009, 
+                44.815495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.966468, 
+                44.819063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.952112, 
+                44.82007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.949895, 
+                44.817419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.950569, 
+                44.814539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.961068, 
+                44.807269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.970026, 
+                44.805713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.97626, 
+                44.808315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.979708, 
+                44.80736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.989351, 
+                44.79878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -66.995154, 
+                44.791073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.01995, 
+                44.771427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.02615, 
+                44.768199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.04335, 
+                44.765071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.05516, 
+                44.771442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.062239, 
+                44.769543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.063308, 
+                44.758238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.073439, 
+                44.741957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.083477, 
+                44.739899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.092542, 
+                44.742693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.098931, 
+                44.741311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.103957, 
+                44.717444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.128792, 
+                44.695421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.139209, 
+                44.693849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.148061, 
+                44.684114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.155119, 
+                44.66944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.154479, 
+                44.668114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.169857, 
+                44.662105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.181785, 
+                44.663699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.186612, 
+                44.66265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.192068, 
+                44.655515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.191438, 
+                44.64775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.189427, 
+                44.645533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.213025, 
+                44.63922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.234275, 
+                44.637201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.24726, 
+                44.641664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.251247, 
+                44.640825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.274122, 
+                44.626345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.27706, 
+                44.61795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.273076, 
+                44.610873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.27916, 
+                44.606782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.293403, 
+                44.599265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.302427, 
+                44.597323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.314938, 
+                44.598215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.32297, 
+                44.609394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.322491, 
+                44.612458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.310745, 
+                44.613212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.293665, 
+                44.634316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.292462, 
+                44.648455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.298449, 
+                44.654377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.309627, 
+                44.659316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.307909, 
+                44.691295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.300144, 
+                44.696752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.299176, 
+                44.705705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.308538, 
+                44.707454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.347782, 
+                44.69948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.355966, 
+                44.69906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.376742, 
+                44.681852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.381149, 
+                44.66947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.37905, 
+                44.665483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.374014, 
+                44.662965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.367298, 
+                44.652472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.363158, 
+                44.631825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.368269, 
+                44.624672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.377554, 
+                44.619757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.386605, 
+                44.626974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.388704, 
+                44.626554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.395839, 
+                44.612914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.398987, 
+                44.602631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.405492, 
+                44.594236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.411815, 
+                44.596954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.418923, 
+                44.60347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.420602, 
+                44.607877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.428367, 
+                44.609136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.443686, 
+                44.605779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.447464, 
+                44.60326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.448513, 
+                44.600322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.457747, 
+                44.598014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.492373, 
+                44.61795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.493632, 
+                44.628863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.505804, 
+                44.636837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.522802, 
+                44.63306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.524061, 
+                44.626554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.530777, 
+                44.621938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.533925, 
+                44.621518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.54022, 
+                44.626345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.543368, 
+                44.626554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.551133, 
+                44.621938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.552392, 
+                44.619629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.575056, 
+                44.560659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.569836, 
+                44.556788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.562321, 
+                44.539435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.568159, 
+                44.531117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.648506, 
+                44.525403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.653123, 
+                44.525823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.656901, 
+                44.535896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.660678, 
+                44.537575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.685861, 
+                44.537155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.696354, 
+                44.533798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.702649, 
+                44.527922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.698872, 
+                44.51575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.703489, 
+                44.504837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.71419, 
+                44.495238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.722876, 
+                44.498524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.733986, 
+                44.496252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.743353, 
+                44.497418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.742789, 
+                44.506176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.740076, 
+                44.508944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.742942, 
+                44.526453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.753854, 
+                44.543661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.758891, 
+                44.546599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.767285, 
+                44.548278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.774001, 
+                44.547438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.779457, 
+                44.543661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.781975, 
+                44.534008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.781556, 
+                44.520577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.79726, 
+                44.520685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.802541, 
+                44.523934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.805479, 
+                44.52981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.805479, 
+                44.536946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.808837, 
+                44.544081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.829823, 
+                44.557512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.839896, 
+                44.558771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.844513, 
+                44.556252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.845772, 
+                44.551636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.843254, 
+                44.542822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.856684, 
+                44.523934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.853746, 
+                44.497492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.851228, 
+                44.492456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.851648, 
+                44.484901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.855579, 
+                44.478676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.860994, 
+                44.477576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.866801, 
+                44.471812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.868774, 
+                44.465272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.868875, 
+                44.456881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.851764, 
+                44.428695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.851697, 
+                44.424282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.855108, 
+                44.419434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -67.868856, 
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+              ], 
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+                41.420703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.446233, 
+                41.39648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.449268, 
+                41.380422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.448262, 
+                41.353651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.451084, 
+                41.348161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.496162, 
+                41.346452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.538294, 
+                41.348958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.599157, 
+                41.349272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.709826, 
+                41.341723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.733253, 
+                41.336226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.747541, 
+                41.329952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.764188, 
+                41.318706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.768015, 
+                41.311959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.766166, 
+                41.308962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.768687, 
+                41.303702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.775665, 
+                41.300982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.802083, 
+                41.314207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.819415, 
+                41.327212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.838777, 
+                41.347209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.833802, 
+                41.353386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.812309, 
+                41.355745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.800289, 
+                41.3538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.783291, 
+                41.347829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.774974, 
+                41.349176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.768901, 
+                41.353246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.729225, 
+                41.397728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.724366, 
+                41.398942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.712432, 
+                41.40885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.711493, 
+                41.41546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.701378, 
+                41.430925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.686881, 
+                41.441334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.64933, 
+                41.461068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.603555, 
+                41.482384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.598444, 
+                41.481151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.59628, 
+                41.471905
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -70.092142, 
+                41.297741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.082072, 
+                41.299093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.062565, 
+                41.308726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.046088, 
+                41.321651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.031332, 
+                41.339332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.028805, 
+                41.359919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.030924, 
+                41.367453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.035162, 
+                41.372161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.038458, 
+                41.376399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.045586, 
+                41.383598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.049564, 
+                41.3879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.049053, 
+                41.391702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.033514, 
+                41.385816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.018446, 
+                41.36863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.960277, 
+                41.278731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.960181, 
+                41.264546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.964422, 
+                41.25457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.965725, 
+                41.252466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.975, 
+                41.247392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.001586, 
+                41.239353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.015225, 
+                41.237964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.052807, 
+                41.242685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.083239, 
+                41.2444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.096967, 
+                41.24085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.118669, 
+                41.242351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.170681, 
+                41.255881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.237175, 
+                41.282724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.256164, 
+                41.288123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.266776, 
+                41.294453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.273478, 
+                41.301528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.275526, 
+                41.310464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.260632, 
+                41.310092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.249276, 
+                41.305623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.244435, 
+                41.303203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.240153, 
+                41.295384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.229541, 
+                41.290171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.20869, 
+                41.290171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.196304, 
+                41.294612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.12446, 
+                41.293851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.092142, 
+                41.297741
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -72.198828, 
+                42.030982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.397428, 
+                42.033302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.509187, 
+                42.034607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.695927, 
+                42.036788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.714134, 
+                42.036608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.755838, 
+                42.036195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.757467, 
+                42.020947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.758151, 
+                42.020865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.766139, 
+                42.007695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.766739, 
+                42.002995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.774757, 
+                42.002129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.816741, 
+                41.997595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.813541, 
+                42.036494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.863619, 
+                42.037709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.863733, 
+                42.03771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.008739, 
+                42.039356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.053254, 
+                42.039861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.127276, 
+                42.041964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.229798, 
+                42.044877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.231056, 
+                42.044945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.293097, 
+                42.04694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.29442, 
+                42.046984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.487314, 
+                42.049638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.496879, 
+                42.049675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.508142, 
+                42.086257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.410647, 
+                42.351738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.352527, 
+                42.510002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.307004, 
+                42.632653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.264957, 
+                42.74594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.142487, 
+                42.743508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.022903, 
+                42.741133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.018646, 
+                42.741025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.930271, 
+                42.738789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.927291, 
+                42.738714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.86418, 
+                42.737117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.458519, 
+                42.726853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.451257, 
+                42.726653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.412011, 
+                42.725569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.282968, 
+                42.722008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.111068, 
+                42.717264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.078463, 
+                42.716364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.928811, 
+                42.712234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.898714, 
+                42.711478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.80545, 
+                42.709137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.77251, 
+                42.70831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.636214, 
+                42.704888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.631814, 
+                42.704788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.54252, 
+                42.702726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.294205, 
+                42.69699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.254532, 
+                42.734136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.245504, 
+                42.742589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.208302, 
+                42.743314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.208227, 
+                42.743294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.208137, 
+                42.743273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.181803, 
+                42.73759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.186104, 
+                42.790689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.165603, 
+                42.808689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.149703, 
+                42.815489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.113858, 
+                42.827865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.058407, 
+                42.847009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.037901, 
+                42.854089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.996901, 
+                42.864589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.931699, 
+                42.884189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.930799, 
+                42.884589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.914899, 
+                42.886589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.914886, 
+                42.886564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.902768, 
+                42.88653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.886136, 
+                42.88261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.848625, 
+                42.860939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.817296, 
+                42.87229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.817731, 
+                42.850613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.80522, 
+                42.781798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.792867, 
+                42.747118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.772267, 
+                42.711064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.770453, 
+                42.704824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.778552, 
+                42.69852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.778671, 
+                42.693622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.764421, 
+                42.68565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.748752, 
+                42.683878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.744427, 
+                42.682092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.72982, 
+                42.669602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.728845, 
+                42.663877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.689402, 
+                42.653319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.682594, 
+                42.654525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.681594, 
+                42.662342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.663548, 
+                42.677603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.645101, 
+                42.689423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.630077, 
+                42.692699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.620031, 
+                42.688006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.622864, 
+                42.67599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.623815, 
+                42.665481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.622791, 
+                42.660873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.61482, 
+                42.65765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.595474, 
+                42.660336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.591742, 
+                42.648508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.591469, 
+                42.639821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.594014, 
+                42.63503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.605611, 
+                42.634898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.61842, 
+                42.62864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.635635, 
+                42.600243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.654727, 
+                42.582234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.664887, 
+                42.580436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.668022, 
+                42.581732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.668115, 
+                42.585361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.668488, 
+                42.589643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.670442, 
+                42.592249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.672583, 
+                42.594296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.675747, 
+                42.594669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.678819, 
+                42.594389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.681428, 
+                42.593173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.684502, 
+                42.588858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.698574, 
+                42.577393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.729688, 
+                42.57151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.737044, 
+                42.576863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.757283, 
+                42.570455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.804091, 
+                42.561595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.815391, 
+                42.554195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.823291, 
+                42.551495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.848492, 
+                42.550195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.871382, 
+                42.546404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.872357, 
+                42.542952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.866279, 
+                42.522617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.859751, 
+                42.520441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.857125, 
+                42.521492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.842091, 
+                42.519495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.831091, 
+                42.503596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.835991, 
+                42.490496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.841591, 
+                42.487596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.847391, 
+                42.491496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.857791, 
+                42.490296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.879692, 
+                42.478796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.886493, 
+                42.470197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.887992, 
+                42.467096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.887292, 
+                42.464896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.894292, 
+                42.460896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.908092, 
+                42.466896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.917693, 
+                42.467996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.921993, 
+                42.466696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.934993, 
+                42.457896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.934264, 
+                42.444646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.933155, 
+                42.437833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.928226, 
+                42.430986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.913192, 
+                42.427697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.908392, 
+                42.425197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.901992, 
+                42.420297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.905692, 
+                42.416197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.936393, 
+                42.418097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.943295, 
+                42.436248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.943612, 
+                42.452092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.94702, 
+                42.456236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.96047, 
+                42.446166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.960647, 
+                42.443787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.960835, 
+                42.441272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.982994, 
+                42.423996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.987694, 
+                42.416696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.990595, 
+                42.407098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.989195, 
+                42.402598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.985068, 
+                42.402041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.983426, 
+                42.396246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.980336, 
+                42.391513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972706, 
+                42.389968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.970195, 
+                42.388036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.97174, 
+                42.387071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972513, 
+                42.385042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972706, 
+                42.381759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972223, 
+                42.377316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.960798, 
+                42.360648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.953292, 
+                42.349698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.953022, 
+                42.343973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.963578, 
+                42.34686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.972418, 
+                42.353875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.974897, 
+                42.355843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.979927, 
+                42.356382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.982282, 
+                42.35592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.998253, 
+                42.352788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.006877, 
+                42.347039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.010146, 
+                42.339234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.011804, 
+                42.335274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.01568, 
+                42.326019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.013165, 
+                42.315419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.005399, 
+                42.307196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.000948, 
+                42.302483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.006158, 
+                42.28811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.0049, 
+                42.28272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.996097, 
+                42.271222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.98909, 
+                42.267449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.967351, 
+                42.268168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.948971, 
+                42.272505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.945547, 
+                42.269081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.935886, 
+                42.264189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.923169, 
+                42.263211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.910941, 
+                42.265412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.906302, 
+                42.271636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.896267, 
+                42.2851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.895778, 
+                42.292436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.897123, 
+                42.29586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.915588, 
+                42.302463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.91749, 
+                42.305686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.907556, 
+                42.307889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.882764, 
+                42.30886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.881242, 
+                42.300663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.870873, 
+                42.285668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.861807, 
+                42.275965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.851093, 
+                42.26827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.831075, 
+                42.267424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.824661, 
+                42.265935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.811742, 
+                42.262935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.788724, 
+                42.25392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.780722, 
+                42.251792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.770964, 
+                42.249197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.764757, 
+                42.244062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.754488, 
+                42.228673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.74723, 
+                42.221816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.73056, 
+                42.21094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.722269, 
+                42.207959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.718707, 
+                42.184853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.714301, 
+                42.168783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.706264, 
+                42.163137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.685315, 
+                42.133025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.663931, 
+                42.108336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.640169, 
+                42.088633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.63848, 
+                42.081579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.647349, 
+                42.076331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.64819, 
+                42.068441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.643208, 
+                42.050821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.644337, 
+                42.045895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.650874, 
+                42.046247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.66936, 
+                42.037116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.671666, 
+                42.02139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.667512, 
+                42.01232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.670934, 
+                42.007786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.678798, 
+                42.00551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.686798, 
+                42.012764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.695809, 
+                42.013346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.712204, 
+                42.007586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.710034, 
+                41.999544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.698981, 
+                41.987103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.662476, 
+                41.960592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.651673, 
+                41.958701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.648365, 
+                41.961672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.631251, 
+                41.950475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.623513, 
+                41.943273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.616491, 
+                41.940204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.608166, 
+                41.940701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.598078, 
+                41.947772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.583572, 
+                41.950007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.552941, 
+                41.929641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.546386, 
+                41.916751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.54741, 
+                41.911934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.545949, 
+                41.907158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.532084, 
+                41.889568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.525567, 
+                41.85873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.535487, 
+                41.839381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.542065, 
+                41.831263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.543168, 
+                41.824446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.54103, 
+                41.815754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.537289, 
+                41.810859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.533823, 
+                41.806323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.533303, 
+                41.805643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.532656, 
+                41.804796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.52507, 
+                41.797907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.518468, 
+                41.791912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.517615, 
+                41.791139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.517411, 
+                41.790953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.516921, 
+                41.790595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.516651, 
+                41.790398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.516101, 
+                41.789996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.514603, 
+                41.788901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.514483, 
+                41.788814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.514424, 
+                41.788771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.494048, 
+                41.773883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.493016, 
+                41.773318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.492884, 
+                41.773245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.483477, 
+                41.768094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.482152, 
+                41.767368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.474051, 
+                41.762931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.473707, 
+                41.762743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.473335, 
+                41.762539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.471999, 
+                41.761808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.471969, 
+                41.761791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.471807, 
+                41.761702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.471552, 
+                41.761563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.458968, 
+                41.757906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.413713, 
+                41.744756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.412476, 
+                41.744397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.412071, 
+                41.744336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.376992, 
+                41.739029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.375341, 
+                41.738779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.375253, 
+                41.738774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.318091, 
+                41.735748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.31529, 
+                41.7356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.314667, 
+                41.735567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.291301, 
+                41.73433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.290957, 
+                41.734312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.290788, 
+                41.734224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.288323, 
+                41.732946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.277064, 
+                41.727108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.275393, 
+                41.726242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.275203, 
+                41.726143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.275164, 
+                41.726079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.274188, 
+                41.724471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.272289, 
+                41.721346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.263831, 
+                41.714263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.263654, 
+                41.714115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.263097, 
+                41.714095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.26144, 
+                41.714035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.259205, 
+                41.713954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.256395, 
+                41.716236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.252686, 
+                41.719248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.251794, 
+                41.719973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.250704, 
+                41.720858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.247935, 
+                41.723106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.247379, 
+                41.723558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.24705, 
+                41.723825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.237418, 
+                41.731648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.235048, 
+                41.733572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.23485, 
+                41.733733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.225881, 
+                41.73815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.225312, 
+                41.738431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.224462, 
+                41.738849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.224006, 
+                41.739074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.220842, 
+                41.740632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.216697, 
+                41.742674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.216073, 
+                41.742981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.198037, 
+                41.749034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.197525, 
+                41.749206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.193202, 
+                41.750657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.189254, 
+                41.751982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.189117, 
+                41.751961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.182076, 
+                41.750885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.176566, 
+                41.752134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.159127, 
+                41.756085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.143848, 
+                41.759547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.143444, 
+                41.759639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.141533, 
+                41.760072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.141519, 
+                41.760071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.14038, 
+                41.759999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.136007, 
+                41.759724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.129065, 
+                41.759287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.124364, 
+                41.758991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.12407, 
+                41.758973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.122132, 
+                41.758851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.121978, 
+                41.758841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.115895, 
+                41.76065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.115067, 
+                41.760896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.109319, 
+                41.762606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.097666, 
+                41.766072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.097658, 
+                41.766074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.096768, 
+                41.766339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.096061, 
+                41.766549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.086376, 
+                41.76847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.081833, 
+                41.769371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.067603, 
+                41.772193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.065142, 
+                41.772681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.064314, 
+                41.772845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.060674, 
+                41.77418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.03439, 
+                41.783822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.033874, 
+                41.784011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.033223, 
+                41.78425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.024734, 
+                41.787364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.024658, 
+                41.787427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.023082, 
+                41.788726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.022809, 
+                41.788952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.022381, 
+                41.789305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.009936, 
+                41.79957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.008882, 
+                41.80044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.008462, 
+                41.800786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.003842, 
+                41.80852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.004486, 
+                41.838826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.009013, 
+                41.876625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.000188, 
+                41.886938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.002922, 
+                41.890315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.012154, 
+                41.891656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.024335, 
+                41.89882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.025553, 
+                41.911699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.030537, 
+                41.929154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.044995, 
+                41.930049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.054464, 
+                41.927366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.065671, 
+                41.911658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.065723, 
+                41.899641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.065372, 
+                41.887702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.064084, 
+                41.878924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.066002, 
+                41.877011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.067566, 
+                41.877793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.070889, 
+                41.882973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.073039, 
+                41.899783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.074006, 
+                41.93865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.077421, 
+                41.985497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.083775, 
+                42.012041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.089578, 
+                42.024896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.095595, 
+                42.032832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.10806, 
+                42.043601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.123043, 
+                42.051668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.147411, 
+                42.06159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.148294, 
+                42.06195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.155415, 
+                42.062409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.169781, 
+                42.059736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.178468, 
+                42.05642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.186816, 
+                42.05045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.194456, 
+                42.03947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.195345, 
+                42.034163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.193074, 
+                42.027576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.186295, 
+                42.021308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.186708, 
+                42.019904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.190834, 
+                42.020028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.196693, 
+                42.022429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.208016, 
+                42.03073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.218701, 
+                42.045848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.233256, 
+                42.057714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.238875, 
+                42.060479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.24354, 
+                42.060569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.245385, 
+                42.063733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.238087, 
+                42.072878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.225626, 
+                42.078601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.206899, 
+                42.0819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.189305, 
+                42.082337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.160166, 
+                42.078628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.154177, 
+                42.077139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.115968, 
+                42.067638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.082624, 
+                42.054657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.058531, 
+                42.040363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.034806, 
+                42.018916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.033501, 
+                42.017736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.031054, 
+                42.014562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.029953, 
+                42.013135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.029449, 
+                42.012482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.01628, 
+                41.995403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.014109, 
+                41.992587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.013876, 
+                41.992285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011957, 
+                41.989796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011898, 
+                41.98972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.01051, 
+                41.987563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.005717, 
+                41.980113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.005458, 
+                41.97971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.005332, 
+                41.979515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.004608, 
+                41.978389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.004271, 
+                41.977865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.986196, 
+                41.949769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.986085, 
+                41.949597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.986024, 
+                41.949465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.968598, 
+                41.9117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.945314, 
+                41.845222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.935952, 
+                41.809422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928652, 
+                41.74125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928311, 
+                41.697981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928308, 
+                41.697681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928275, 
+                41.693504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928265, 
+                41.692247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928265, 
+                41.692242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928261, 
+                41.6917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.928723, 
+                41.689634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.929377, 
+                41.686713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.929457, 
+                41.686357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.9309, 
+                41.67991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.933114, 
+                41.670014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.933149, 
+                41.669955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.93412, 
+                41.668304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.942742, 
+                41.653649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.943474, 
+                41.652406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.947599, 
+                41.645394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.951169, 
+                41.640799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.951911, 
+                41.640656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.952844, 
+                41.640476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.953924, 
+                41.640268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.956862, 
+                41.639701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.958272, 
+                41.639429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.963234, 
+                41.633794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.967869, 
+                41.627503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.976478, 
+                41.603664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.982768, 
+                41.581812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.988215, 
+                41.554704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.988495, 
+                41.55439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.996546, 
+                41.54536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.998071, 
+                41.54365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.999063, 
+                41.5434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.003768, 
+                41.542213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.004136, 
+                41.54212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.004554, 
+                41.542166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011211, 
+                41.542892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011504, 
+                41.542924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011725, 
+                41.54312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.014456, 
+                41.545534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.016584, 
+                41.550772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.015059, 
+                41.553037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.011596, 
+                41.552766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.010644, 
+                41.552692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.008854, 
+                41.55451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.00153, 
+                41.561953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.001281, 
+                41.56247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.000937, 
+                41.563184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.000627, 
+                41.563827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.994357, 
+                41.576846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.991723, 
+                41.58851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.987192, 
+                41.608579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.987111, 
+                41.608765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.982946, 
+                41.618316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.980418, 
+                41.624113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.977489, 
+                41.630832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.976886, 
+                41.632213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.976641, 
+                41.632777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.975579, 
+                41.635212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.975245, 
+                41.635978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.973035, 
+                41.641046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.973037, 
+                41.641126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.973153, 
+                41.646963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.975719, 
+                41.653738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.975811, 
+                41.653798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.990659, 
+                41.663471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.990668, 
+                41.663476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.990734, 
+                41.663519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.990748, 
+                41.663528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.99079, 
+                41.663556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.996194, 
+                41.667076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.996359, 
+                41.667184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -69.996509, 
+                41.667246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.002697, 
+                41.669799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.003016, 
+                41.669931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.006833, 
+                41.671506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.007011, 
+                41.671579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.007153, 
+                41.671587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.014211, 
+                41.671971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.015789, 
+                41.67153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.020964, 
+                41.670085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.029119, 
+                41.667807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.029319, 
+                41.667751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.029346, 
+                41.667744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.037145, 
+                41.66688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.037255, 
+                41.666868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.037757, 
+                41.666812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.055523, 
+                41.664843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.089238, 
+                41.662813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.119904, 
+                41.655455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.120935, 
+                41.655208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.121351, 
+                41.655108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.122597, 
+                41.654809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.122689, 
+                41.654787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.134702, 
+                41.651905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.140163, 
+                41.650594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.140207, 
+                41.650584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.140437, 
+                41.650529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.140877, 
+                41.650423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.141049, 
+                41.650423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.141141, 
+                41.650423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.142592, 
+                41.650424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.145882, 
+                41.650427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.147011, 
+                41.650428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.148435, 
+                41.650429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.158621, 
+                41.650438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.191061, 
+                41.645259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.245867, 
+                41.628479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.25621, 
+                41.620698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.25542, 
+                41.617541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.259601, 
+                41.610863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.265424, 
+                41.609333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.267587, 
+                41.610912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.269687, 
+                41.617775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.26913, 
+                41.625742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.274522, 
+                41.632927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.28132, 
+                41.635125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.29062, 
+                41.635196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.321588, 
+                41.630508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.329924, 
+                41.634578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.338067, 
+                41.636338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.351634, 
+                41.634687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.360352, 
+                41.631069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.364892, 
+                41.626721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.364744, 
+                41.623671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.369854, 
+                41.615888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.379151, 
+                41.611361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.400581, 
+                41.606382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.401148, 
+                41.606451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.408535, 
+                41.607345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.413944, 
+                41.606965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.437246, 
+                41.605329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.437889, 
+                41.604249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.440556, 
+                41.599767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.442225, 
+                41.596963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.44435, 
+                41.593393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.445289, 
+                41.591815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.446543, 
+                41.590247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.450382, 
+                41.585445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.456052, 
+                41.578355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.457356, 
+                41.576724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.461093, 
+                41.572051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.461278, 
+                41.57182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.46196, 
+                41.571213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.462206, 
+                41.570995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.462239, 
+                41.570965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.472778, 
+                41.561595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.473328, 
+                41.561106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.476231, 
+                41.558524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.476256, 
+                41.558502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.476275, 
+                41.558493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.48335, 
+                41.555259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.485155, 
+                41.554434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.485571, 
+                41.554244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.486815, 
+                41.553887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.493244, 
+                41.552044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.522009, 
+                41.548999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.522327, 
+                41.548965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.53164, 
+                41.548807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.559482, 
+                41.548334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.559689, 
+                41.54833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.559728, 
+                41.548326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.560909, 
+                41.548203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.561261, 
+                41.548167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.574023, 
+                41.54684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.588412, 
+                41.545345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.588494, 
+                41.545336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.58881, 
+                41.545304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.588894, 
+                41.545295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.58957, 
+                41.545225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.59657, 
+                41.544497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.611081, 
+                41.542989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.611147, 
+                41.542975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.613006, 
+                41.542584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.614398, 
+                41.542292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.616715, 
+                41.541805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.617223, 
+                41.541698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.617638, 
+                41.541611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.617911, 
+                41.541553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.633607, 
+                41.538254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.633713, 
+                41.538192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.6338, 
+                41.538141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.643627, 
+                41.532357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.650059, 
+                41.524172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.650128, 
+                41.524084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.651566, 
+                41.522254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.65205, 
+                41.521639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.654104, 
+                41.519025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.654168, 
+                41.518992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.663856, 
+                41.514031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.669518, 
+                41.513339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.675379, 
+                41.512623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.705181, 
+                41.496677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.734306, 
+                41.486335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.757171, 
+                41.469917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.756481, 
+                41.465977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.760863, 
+                41.460947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.79027, 
+                41.446339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.817478, 
+                41.445562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.835867, 
+                41.441877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.857528, 
+                41.425767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.866946, 
+                41.422378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.902763, 
+                41.421061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.928197, 
+                41.415781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.937282, 
+                41.411618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.948431, 
+                41.409193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.951045, 
+                41.411777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.949861, 
+                41.415323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.928165, 
+                41.431265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.923698, 
+                41.430716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.918983, 
+                41.4253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.91164, 
+                41.424484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.906011, 
+                41.425708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.883247, 
+                41.432239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.855265, 
+                41.448892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.828546, 
+                41.456448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.802186, 
+                41.460864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.787769, 
+                41.474609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.775268, 
+                41.477465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.753905, 
+                41.492256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.745053, 
+                41.500966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.6948, 
+                41.52564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.658659, 
+                41.543385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.654302, 
+                41.549926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.655365, 
+                41.557498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.653899, 
+                41.56516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.64878, 
+                41.56987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.642748, 
+                41.572385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.640948, 
+                41.577325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.64204, 
+                41.583066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.652449, 
+                41.60521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.651986, 
+                41.610184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.640003, 
+                41.624616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.645251, 
+                41.633547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.652614, 
+                41.637829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.650419, 
+                41.644202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.638695, 
+                41.649427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.637632, 
+                41.654573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.646308, 
+                41.678433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.649285, 
+                41.680943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.661475, 
+                41.681756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.645962, 
+                41.693794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.62544, 
+                41.698691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.623652, 
+                41.707398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.626529, 
+                41.712995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.642914, 
+                41.71841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.644641, 
+                41.71898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.651093, 
+                41.715715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.656596, 
+                41.715401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.670453, 
+                41.721912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.708193, 
+                41.730959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.718739, 
+                41.73574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.726331, 
+                41.732731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.728933, 
+                41.723433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.721302, 
+                41.712968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.717451, 
+                41.69398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.719575, 
+                41.685002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.729395, 
+                41.68814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.744396, 
+                41.696967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.755347, 
+                41.694326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.761481, 
+                41.676808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.761497, 
+                41.676641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.76236, 
+                41.667735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.758198, 
+                41.661225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.757622, 
+                41.654265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.765463, 
+                41.641575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.769318, 
+                41.641145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.773654, 
+                41.645033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.775798, 
+                41.649145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.776709, 
+                41.650756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.809118, 
+                41.656437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.813286, 
+                41.65567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.815729, 
+                41.652796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.816351, 
+                41.645995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.804664, 
+                41.641157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.800215, 
+                41.631753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.801063, 
+                41.629513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.810279, 
+                41.624873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.835296, 
+                41.624532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.843177, 
+                41.628487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.843522, 
+                41.62866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.843528, 
+                41.628663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.844165, 
+                41.628983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.852518, 
+                41.626919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.855031, 
+                41.624283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.855162, 
+                41.624145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.854232, 
+                41.618429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.854211, 
+                41.618302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.853445, 
+                41.613592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.850181, 
+                41.593529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.85222, 
+                41.589223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.852488, 
+                41.588658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.852551, 
+                41.588526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.853121, 
+                41.587321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.85324, 
+                41.587332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.857239, 
+                41.587705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.862852, 
+                41.600678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.862998, 
+                41.601014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.863486, 
+                41.602143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.868501, 
+                41.613733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.868904, 
+                41.614664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.86836, 
+                41.622664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.869624, 
+                41.625608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.872665, 
+                41.627816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.87904, 
+                41.629777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.887643, 
+                41.632422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.889209, 
+                41.632904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.88926, 
+                41.632875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.889594, 
+                41.632685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.904513, 
+                41.624205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.905765, 
+                41.623494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.913202, 
+                41.619266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.904522, 
+                41.610361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.899981, 
+                41.593504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.901381, 
+                41.592504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.910814, 
+                41.595506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.916581, 
+                41.607483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.920074, 
+                41.61081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.927172, 
+                41.611253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.929722, 
+                41.609479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.93, 
+                41.600441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.927393, 
+                41.594064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.931338, 
+                41.5842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -70.937978, 
+                41.577416
+              ], 
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+              [
+                -86.115699, 
+                44.999093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.133655, 
+                44.996874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.154824, 
+                45.002394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.156689, 
+                45.010535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.154557, 
+                45.018102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.141644, 
+                45.040251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.138095, 
+                45.043038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.117908, 
+                45.048478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.093166, 
+                45.041492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.079103, 
+                45.030795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.093451, 
+                45.03166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.097094, 
+                45.030128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.100315, 
+                45.02624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.101894, 
+                45.022811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.101214, 
+                45.018101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.093536, 
+                45.007838
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -86.033174, 
+                45.15842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.005946, 
+                45.155751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.993194, 
+                45.152805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.989412, 
+                45.151069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.976803, 
+                45.138363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.976434, 
+                45.120706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.980433, 
+                45.113046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.984095, 
+                45.087073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.982799, 
+                45.080787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.977082, 
+                45.072993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.976883, 
+                45.06266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.99736, 
+                45.055929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.013073, 
+                45.063774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.019874, 
+                45.071665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.037129, 
+                45.086576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.052424, 
+                45.095311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.058653, 
+                45.100776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.060396, 
+                45.104617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.065016, 
+                45.140266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.059393, 
+                45.152291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.050473, 
+                45.158418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.04443, 
+                45.159582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.033174, 
+                45.15842
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -83.372198, 
+                41.874122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.372445, 
+                41.874477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.379705, 
+                41.871729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.381955, 
+                41.870877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.389289, 
+                41.861668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.393822, 
+                41.855976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.39622, 
+                41.852965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.40822, 
+                41.832654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.409596, 
+                41.830325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.422316, 
+                41.822278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.422391, 
+                41.822255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.425393, 
+                41.821316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.426321, 
+                41.821026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.431183, 
+                41.819506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.434204, 
+                41.818562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.435946, 
+                41.816823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.436298, 
+                41.816471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.439612, 
+                41.813162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.441668, 
+                41.808646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.442316, 
+                41.80119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.442521, 
+                41.79883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.442843, 
+                41.795121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.443364, 
+                41.789118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.437935, 
+                41.771086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.437516, 
+                41.769694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.437231, 
+                41.76915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.437197, 
+                41.769085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.435571, 
+                41.765983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.434238, 
+                41.763439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.432973, 
+                41.761025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.432832, 
+                41.760756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.432078, 
+                41.759316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.431951, 
+                41.759074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.431103, 
+                41.757457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.427377, 
+                41.750346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.427336, 
+                41.750267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.427308, 
+                41.750214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.42643, 
+                41.747639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.42418, 
+                41.741042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.424076, 
+                41.740738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.424155, 
+                41.74071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.43436, 
+                41.737058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.451897, 
+                41.734486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.453832, 
+                41.732647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.497733, 
+                41.731847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.499733, 
+                41.731647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.503433, 
+                41.731547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.504334, 
+                41.731547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.585235, 
+                41.729348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.593835, 
+                41.729148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.595235, 
+                41.729148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.636636, 
+                41.727849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.639636, 
+                41.727749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.665937, 
+                41.726949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.685337, 
+                41.726449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.763155, 
+                41.72391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880387, 
+                41.720086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880539, 
+                41.720081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.360419, 
+                41.706925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.396547, 
+                41.705935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.39943, 
+                41.705761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.399546, 
+                41.705758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.438067, 
+                41.704903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806082, 
+                41.696089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806018, 
+                41.707485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806042, 
+                41.720544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806065, 
+                41.732909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806074, 
+                41.737603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806134, 
+                41.743115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.818873, 
+                41.760059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.82513, 
+                41.759991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.825196, 
+                41.75999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.932484, 
+                41.759691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.96086, 
+                41.759438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.961562, 
+                41.759552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.971551, 
+                41.759527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.972803, 
+                41.759366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.037817, 
+                41.759801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.039436, 
+                41.759985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.117267, 
+                41.7597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.123102, 
+                41.759743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.17223, 
+                41.759618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.196637, 
+                41.759735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.196774, 
+                41.759735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.232835, 
+                41.759839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.272216, 
+                41.759999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.272951, 
+                41.759911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.273713, 
+                41.75977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.292099, 
+                41.759962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.292178, 
+                41.759963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.298365, 
+                41.760028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.30814, 
+                41.760097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.318129, 
+                41.759983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.330623, 
+                41.759982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.350174, 
+                41.759908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.379133, 
+                41.759875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.427553, 
+                41.759706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.432471, 
+                41.759684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.515959, 
+                41.759352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.518251, 
+                41.759513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.607548, 
+                41.759079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.608312, 
+                41.759193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.622608, 
+                41.759049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.624987, 
+                41.759093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.632714, 
+                41.759164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.647683, 
+                41.759125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.650738, 
+                41.759103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.65975, 
+                41.759101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.724534, 
+                41.759085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.749992, 
+                41.759091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.750469, 
+                41.75909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.775039, 
+                41.759147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791335, 
+                41.759051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791363, 
+                41.759051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.872041, 
+                41.759365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.874997, 
+                41.759341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.888825, 
+                41.759422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.974901, 
+                41.759849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.97498, 
+                41.759849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.991302, 
+                41.759949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.003683, 
+                41.760007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.062572, 
+                41.760283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.12506, 
+                41.760576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.12546, 
+                41.76056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.127844, 
+                41.760592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.21759, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.22607, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.226097, 
+                41.760016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.265496, 
+                41.760207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501773, 
+                41.759553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.519318, 
+                41.759447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.524223, 
+                41.759456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.640044, 
+                41.759671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.641186, 
+                41.759633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.746521, 
+                41.759982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.748096, 
+                41.759967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.800611, 
+                41.760251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.800707, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.801578, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.804427, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.823628, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.824828, 
+                41.76024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.82355, 
+                41.760898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.802065, 
+                41.771956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.801772, 
+                41.772107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.794712, 
+                41.77574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.794632, 
+                41.775782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.79351, 
+                41.776359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.777943, 
+                41.784371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.777227, 
+                41.78474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.77608, 
+                41.785399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.774798, 
+                41.786137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.751292, 
+                41.799652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.735207, 
+                41.808901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.717037, 
+                41.819349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.715578, 
+                41.820334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.697541, 
+                41.832513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.679672, 
+                41.844579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.679355, 
+                41.844793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.648971, 
+                41.869659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.6476, 
+                41.870782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.645296, 
+                41.872668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.644048, 
+                41.873689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.643965, 
+                41.873757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.629867, 
+                41.885295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.629344, 
+                41.885723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.623837, 
+                41.89023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.623774, 
+                41.890282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.621259, 
+                41.89234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.619442, 
+                41.893827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.616978, 
+                41.896625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.616886, 
+                41.89673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.616029, 
+                41.897703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.612251, 
+                41.901993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.61208, 
+                41.902188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.611511, 
+                41.902833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.610896, 
+                41.903532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.600524, 
+                41.91531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.597899, 
+                41.918291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.596802, 
+                41.919964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.588662, 
+                41.93238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.587827, 
+                41.933653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.587763, 
+                41.933752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.586721, 
+                41.935341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.585696, 
+                41.936904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.585264, 
+                41.937562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.582894, 
+                41.941179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.582197, 
+                41.942241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.581518, 
+                41.943765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.564722, 
+                41.981427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.564276, 
+                41.982427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.564077, 
+                41.982874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.563904, 
+                41.983262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.563598, 
+                41.983948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.561542, 
+                41.988559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.556537, 
+                41.999782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.556421, 
+                42.000042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.549328, 
+                42.01092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.549237, 
+                42.011059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.545288, 
+                42.017115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.544867, 
+                42.017761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.541718, 
+                42.02259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.541089, 
+                42.023555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.536063, 
+                42.031262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.533855, 
+                42.034648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.532934, 
+                42.036061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.53264, 
+                42.036512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.532161, 
+                42.037246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.508856, 
+                42.072986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501322, 
+                42.08454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.490122, 
+                42.105139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.485223, 
+                42.118239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.479031, 
+                42.123519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.466576, 
+                42.134138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.466262, 
+                42.134406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.464913, 
+                42.135752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.464897, 
+                42.135767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.464356, 
+                42.136308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.463967, 
+                42.136696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.463685, 
+                42.136977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.440762, 
+                42.159847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.439416, 
+                42.16119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437909, 
+                42.162694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437148, 
+                42.163453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.404146, 
+                42.196379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.402183, 
+                42.198542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.398915, 
+                42.202143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.398536, 
+                42.202561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.397692, 
+                42.203491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.394997, 
+                42.20646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.394183, 
+                42.207357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.393565, 
+                42.208039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.393518, 
+                42.20809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.386591, 
+                42.215723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.385179, 
+                42.217279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.383665, 
+                42.219207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.383585, 
+                42.21931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.381434, 
+                42.222048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.380407, 
+                42.223357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.380035, 
+                42.22383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.36488, 
+                42.243133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.356218, 
+                42.254166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.321803, 
+                42.310743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.297168, 
+                42.358207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.284448, 
+                42.394563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.284969, 
+                42.401814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.276878, 
+                42.413317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.273893, 
+                42.41928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.261573, 
+                42.443894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.24971, 
+                42.480212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.241446, 
+                42.534697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.240642, 
+                42.54
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.23528, 
+                42.564958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.235254, 
+                42.565023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.234755, 
+                42.566302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.234594, 
+                42.566715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.23119, 
+                42.575435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.228082, 
+                42.583397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.226037, 
+                42.592811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.225978, 
+                42.593084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.225613, 
+                42.594765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.22905, 
+                42.637693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.226638, 
+                42.644922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.21602, 
+                42.664413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.208654, 
+                42.69209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.206834, 
+                42.719424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.208309, 
+                42.762789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.208886, 
+                42.76754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.210863, 
+                42.783832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.211815, 
+                42.833236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.210737, 
+                42.859128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.214138, 
+                42.883555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.216209, 
+                42.919007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.226305, 
+                42.988284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.232707, 
+                43.015762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.244277, 
+                43.049681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.250069, 
+                43.057489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.250517, 
+                43.066993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.254646, 
+                43.083409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.271996, 
+                43.118365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.280756, 
+                43.136015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.299048, 
+                43.166465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.311336, 
+                43.18692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.311887, 
+                43.187837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.316259, 
+                43.195114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.329836, 
+                43.2158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.344643, 
+                43.23836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.348647, 
+                43.244459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.34891, 
+                43.24486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.349801, 
+                43.246217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.350027, 
+                43.246562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.352192, 
+                43.24986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.352314, 
+                43.250047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.354505, 
+                43.253385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.357996, 
+                43.258703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.382882, 
+                43.29662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.383821, 
+                43.298051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.386096, 
+                43.301516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.386374, 
+                43.301941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.388493, 
+                43.305168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.38941, 
+                43.306565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.392124, 
+                43.310701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.393385, 
+                43.312622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.39575, 
+                43.316225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.401684, 
+                43.327135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.40301, 
+                43.329572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.403541, 
+                43.330548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.404831, 
+                43.33292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.407832, 
+                43.338436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.411941, 
+                43.347209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.427585, 
+                43.380607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.434757, 
+                43.395919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.434842, 
+                43.3961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.435124, 
+                43.396702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.435271, 
+                43.397083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437896, 
+                43.40389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.438028, 
+                43.404231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.438267, 
+                43.404851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.438875, 
+                43.406427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.448479, 
+                43.431329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.448743, 
+                43.432013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.45457, 
+                43.449475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.456083, 
+                43.45401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.456845, 
+                43.456294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.457561, 
+                43.458441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.462195, 
+                43.472328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.468747, 
+                43.491963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.468754, 
+                43.491979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.468919, 
+                43.492344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.476956, 
+                43.510184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.477424, 
+                43.511223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.478716, 
+                43.514091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.479276, 
+                43.515335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.479552, 
+                43.51575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.481158, 
+                43.518158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.48165, 
+                43.518896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.48187, 
+                43.519225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.482255, 
+                43.519803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.483043, 
+                43.520984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.483083, 
+                43.521045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.505799, 
+                43.555112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.509205, 
+                43.560221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.509339, 
+                43.560421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.512317, 
+                43.564887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514168, 
+                43.567664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.515108, 
+                43.569074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.515838, 
+                43.570169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.516295, 
+                43.570854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.516725, 
+                43.571499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.517493, 
+                43.572651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.518698, 
+                43.574458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.519912, 
+                43.576278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.520205, 
+                43.576718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.520248, 
+                43.576796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.529507, 
+                43.593462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.537923, 
+                43.615965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538497, 
+                43.617501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538876, 
+                43.619957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538921, 
+                43.620244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.539103, 
+                43.621424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.539291, 
+                43.622642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.539303, 
+                43.62272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.540916, 
+                43.633158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.540906, 
+                43.634047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.540896, 
+                43.634969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.54081, 
+                43.642516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.540787, 
+                43.644593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.54064, 
+                43.645499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538763, 
+                43.657061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538482, 
+                43.658795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538186, 
+                43.659403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.529686, 
+                43.676849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.529179, 
+                43.677889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.527667, 
+                43.679552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.526863, 
+                43.680435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.517867, 
+                43.690326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.516152, 
+                43.692212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514371, 
+                43.69417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.511008, 
+                43.697867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.510319, 
+                43.698625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.50762, 
+                43.701138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.50669, 
+                43.702004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.504679, 
+                43.703878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.503192, 
+                43.705263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.502989, 
+                43.705452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501899, 
+                43.706467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.496187, 
+                43.711787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.488381, 
+                43.719056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.486983, 
+                43.720358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.481854, 
+                43.725135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.480655, 
+                43.726407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.480628, 
+                43.726436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.480267, 
+                43.726819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.463436, 
+                43.744687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.461554, 
+                43.746685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.460444, 
+                43.748366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.445532, 
+                43.770945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.445123, 
+                43.771564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.444903, 
+                43.772069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.442786, 
+                43.776934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437722, 
+                43.788573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437391, 
+                43.789334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.43114, 
+                43.815569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431043, 
+                43.815975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431063, 
+                43.819178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431064, 
+                43.819406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431172, 
+                43.836638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431176, 
+                43.837177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431182, 
+                43.838119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431198, 
+                43.84072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431238, 
+                43.840941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.432894, 
+                43.850013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.433471, 
+                43.853176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.433915, 
+                43.855608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.434078, 
+                43.85609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.434258, 
+                43.856623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.434985, 
+                43.858771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.445455, 
+                43.889726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.44573, 
+                43.892897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.445938, 
+                43.89529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.446463, 
+                43.901349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.447915, 
+                43.918089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.448009, 
+                43.918416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.448147, 
+                43.918897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.44955, 
+                43.92377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.451275, 
+                43.929763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.454401, 
+                43.940624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.462756, 
+                43.969655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.463087, 
+                43.970807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.463136, 
+                43.970976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.46322, 
+                43.971101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.481606, 
+                43.998599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.483331, 
+                44.001179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.484399, 
+                44.002382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501738, 
+                44.021912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.502998, 
+                44.023839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.504133, 
+                44.025575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.50444, 
+                44.026044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.508827, 
+                44.032755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514742, 
+                44.04792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514704, 
+                44.057672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514702, 
+                44.058119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.514573, 
+                44.05833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.509052, 
+                44.067408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.508764, 
+                44.067881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.508415, 
+                44.068206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.501243, 
+                44.074873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.500453, 
+                44.075607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.497937, 
+                44.077033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.469295, 
+                44.093267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.454895, 
+                44.101429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.447678, 
+                44.105519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.447126, 
+                44.105832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.446883, 
+                44.10597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.446609, 
+                44.106193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.429871, 
+                44.119782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.426873, 
+                44.123099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.425876, 
+                44.124203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.425162, 
+                44.124993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.421576, 
+                44.128962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.421108, 
+                44.12948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.400645, 
+                44.156848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.397874, 
+                44.161239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.397023, 
+                44.162589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.3965, 
+                44.163418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.386867, 
+                44.178685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.380188, 
+                44.189272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.380062, 
+                44.189472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.362847, 
+                44.208113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.354592, 
+                44.223811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.354313, 
+                44.224342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.351638, 
+                44.229429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.349294, 
+                44.235459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.343793, 
+                44.249608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.327287, 
+                44.263057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.326902, 
+                44.263781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.319063, 
+                44.278503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.318328, 
+                44.279884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.316651, 
+                44.283034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.316513, 
+                44.283293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.316025, 
+                44.28421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.313612, 
+                44.287882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.312774, 
+                44.289158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.311943, 
+                44.290422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.304691, 
+                44.301459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.304433, 
+                44.301852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.300264, 
+                44.308197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.26871, 
+                44.345324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.251926, 
+                44.400984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248083, 
+                44.420946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.24832, 
+                44.434758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.251843, 
+                44.451632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.251605, 
+                44.465443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248914, 
+                44.483004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248897, 
+                44.483024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248816, 
+                44.483116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.243745, 
+                44.488929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.238743, 
+                44.501682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.233503, 
+                44.518278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.223788, 
+                44.549043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.220697, 
+                44.566742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.22545, 
+                44.59459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.231828, 
+                44.609107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.25395, 
+                44.64808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.259029, 
+                44.663654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.256796, 
+                44.686769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.254996, 
+                44.691935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248474, 
+                44.699046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.232482, 
+                44.70605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.172201, 
+                44.720623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.169323, 
+                44.722448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.160585, 
+                44.727988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.160268, 
+                44.728189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.122946, 
+                44.727982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.122466, 
+                44.727979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.121125, 
+                44.727972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.120759, 
+                44.728048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.108303, 
+                44.730646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.106182, 
+                44.731088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.105473, 
+                44.731522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.09074, 
+                44.740544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.089186, 
+                44.741496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.077933, 
+                44.758234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.077068, 
+                44.760494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.076811, 
+                44.761167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.076719, 
+                44.761407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.074658, 
+                44.766792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.073506, 
+                44.769803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.073073, 
+                44.778393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.071746, 
+                44.804717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.065966, 
+                44.821522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.066031, 
+                44.834852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.071112, 
+                44.86542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.072468, 
+                44.884788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.07099, 
+                44.895876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.066745, 
+                44.905685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.058862, 
+                44.911012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.038332, 
+                44.915696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.031194, 
+                44.907349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.021513, 
+                44.902774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.009355, 
+                44.899454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.992535, 
+                44.900026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.980219, 
+                44.906136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.972824, 
+                44.914781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.967169, 
+                44.929484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.961603, 
+                44.935567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.952721, 
+                44.940758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.942099, 
+                44.954317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.938589, 
+                44.964559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.9316, 
+                44.968788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.915851, 
+                44.968307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.897626, 
+                44.962014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.891543, 
+                44.957783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.879934, 
+                44.943305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.869852, 
+                44.939031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.854304, 
+                44.938147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.83615, 
+                44.940256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.815451, 
+                44.945631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.807403, 
+                44.949814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.780439, 
+                44.977932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.778278, 
+                44.983075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.776207, 
+                45.000574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.771395, 
+                45.015181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.761943, 
+                45.023454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.746444, 
+                45.051229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.740836, 
+                45.055575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.712262, 
+                45.065622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.695715, 
+                45.076461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.681096, 
+                45.092693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.675671, 
+                45.10554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.674861, 
+                45.116216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.656024, 
+                45.145788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.618639, 
+                45.186771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.613174, 
+                45.184624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.611684, 
+                45.181104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.606963, 
+                45.178477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593064, 
+                45.178527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.585986, 
+                45.180381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.564654, 
+                45.192546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.561809, 
+                45.200524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.551072, 
+                45.210742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.540497, 
+                45.210169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.526734, 
+                45.189316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.531461, 
+                45.177247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.536892, 
+                45.173385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.552179, 
+                45.167352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.56168, 
+                45.15894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.562104, 
+                45.156954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.563102, 
+                45.155358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.5639, 
+                45.154361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.564897, 
+                45.153962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.566493, 
+                45.153762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.568489, 
+                45.153762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.570178, 
+                45.155145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.573893, 
+                45.155488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.590434, 
+                45.153175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.599801, 
+                45.149286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.614319, 
+                45.127562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.609266, 
+                45.11351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.583198, 
+                45.071304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.573353, 
+                45.068382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.566066, 
+                45.059201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.56613, 
+                45.043633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.57016, 
+                45.041278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.573976, 
+                45.043361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.597181, 
+                45.040547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.599652, 
+                45.021749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.609123, 
+                45.013103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.621878, 
+                45.004529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.606588, 
+                44.990662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.604301, 
+                44.990983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.602356, 
+                44.974272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.602034, 
+                44.926743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.621403, 
+                44.923123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.625497, 
+                44.921107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.639842, 
+                44.890255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.645456, 
+                44.883645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.648932, 
+                44.87401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.652355, 
+                44.849092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.651435, 
+                44.831624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.641652, 
+                44.810816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.637, 
+                44.790078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.640781, 
+                44.775561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.640216, 
+                44.775051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.636097, 
+                44.771329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.627982, 
+                44.767508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.624541, 
+                44.767038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.623607, 
+                44.766911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.620551, 
+                44.766494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.619648, 
+                44.766371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.610776, 
+                44.76516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.607701, 
+                44.765363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.605586, 
+                44.765502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.599874, 
+                44.765878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.599256, 
+                44.765919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.599103, 
+                44.765996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593833, 
+                44.768651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593571, 
+                44.768783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593474, 
+                44.769348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593449, 
+                44.769499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.591852, 
+                44.778839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.591145, 
+                44.782981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.591124, 
+                44.7831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.590985, 
+                44.783914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.581717, 
+                44.807784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.581392, 
+                44.808294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.545891, 
+                44.864024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.539042, 
+                44.868868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.532931, 
+                44.87319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.530729, 
+                44.889182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.530711, 
+                44.889314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.530649, 
+                44.889763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.553348, 
+                44.890916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.553509, 
+                44.890924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.559524, 
+                44.888113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.564509, 
+                44.895246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.562936, 
+                44.896612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.562503, 
+                44.896987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.557257, 
+                44.901541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.556647, 
+                44.90207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.556471, 
+                44.902223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.551567, 
+                44.906481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.539703, 
+                44.916779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.538945, 
+                44.917885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.538288, 
+                44.918845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.533553, 
+                44.925762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.530477, 
+                44.933732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.529233, 
+                44.936955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.520205, 
+                44.960347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.520443, 
+                44.961149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.520698, 
+                44.962008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.5221, 
+                44.966727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.521896, 
+                44.967446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.520789, 
+                44.971338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.520034, 
+                44.973996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.518875, 
+                44.974665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.4926, 
+                44.989834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.492386, 
+                44.989849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.475204, 
+                44.991053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.472676, 
+                44.985558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.471708, 
+                44.983453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.470462, 
+                44.980745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.470215, 
+                44.979864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.468293, 
+                44.973008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.46802, 
+                44.972035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.466848, 
+                44.967853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.464944, 
+                44.961062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.46665, 
+                44.958844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.470688, 
+                44.959238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.471261, 
+                44.959294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.471646, 
+                44.959331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.472258, 
+                44.959391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.474274, 
+                44.958529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.48574, 
+                44.953626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.489049, 
+                44.938087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.489895, 
+                44.934118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.490713, 
+                44.930274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491215, 
+                44.927918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491239, 
+                44.927804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491286, 
+                44.927585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491393, 
+                44.925868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491403, 
+                44.925695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491414, 
+                44.925531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491471, 
+                44.92461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.491496, 
+                44.924205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.492397, 
+                44.909719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.49249, 
+                44.90822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.489477, 
+                44.903145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.488927, 
+                44.902217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.488624, 
+                44.901707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.489704, 
+                44.897533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.489921, 
+                44.896694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.498007, 
+                44.865451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.500872, 
+                44.85883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.502182, 
+                44.855802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.502386, 
+                44.855551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.508227, 
+                44.848352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.508617, 
+                44.847872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.511751, 
+                44.847114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.513575, 
+                44.846674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.516997, 
+                44.845846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.518845, 
+                44.8454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.519096, 
+                44.845339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.527181, 
+                44.841002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.533434, 
+                44.837648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.538522, 
+                44.834918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.539924, 
+                44.834166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.542706, 
+                44.831395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.546021, 
+                44.828092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.547119, 
+                44.826998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.551797, 
+                44.822338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.55285, 
+                44.821288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.553844, 
+                44.820298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.555894, 
+                44.818256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.557952, 
+                44.814372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560231, 
+                44.810072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560232, 
+                44.809974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560253, 
+                44.808359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560348, 
+                44.800772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560352, 
+                44.800454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.5604, 
+                44.796655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560409, 
+                44.79595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560424, 
+                44.794772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560488, 
+                44.78969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.560488, 
+                44.789679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.568781, 
+                44.774477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.571018, 
+                44.770377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.57517, 
+                44.762766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.576239, 
+                44.760807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.576566, 
+                44.760208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.575916, 
+                44.759602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.571301, 
+                44.755293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.554774, 
+                44.748917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.554326, 
+                44.748744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.554083, 
+                44.748715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.538285, 
+                44.746821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.527216, 
+                44.748235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.523296, 
+                44.751702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.509432, 
+                44.763964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.504775, 
+                44.768082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.504772, 
+                44.768102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.5047, 
+                44.768518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.503935, 
+                44.772951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.504079, 
+                44.773901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.504787, 
+                44.778577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.505244, 
+                44.781594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.507113, 
+                44.784271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.509251, 
+                44.787334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.508462, 
+                44.788682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.507473, 
+                44.790372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.499591, 
+                44.803838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.496314, 
+                44.805308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.484668, 
+                44.810531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.481972, 
+                44.81174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.477423, 
+                44.813781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.475748, 
+                44.814532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.475114, 
+                44.814816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.474796, 
+                44.814959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.474622, 
+                44.815107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.462943, 
+                44.825044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.462916, 
+                44.825067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.462906, 
+                44.82511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.462622, 
+                44.826327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.460445, 
+                44.835667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.457475, 
+                44.839609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.457472, 
+                44.839613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.457328, 
+                44.839804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.456007, 
+                44.841558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.455336, 
+                44.842448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.452683, 
+                44.845969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.44225, 
+                44.859817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.425804, 
+                44.881646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.423003, 
+                44.895019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.406173, 
+                44.911773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.3958, 
+                44.931018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.378286, 
+                44.998587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.381654, 
+                45.018407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.380659, 
+                45.046319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.377586, 
+                45.055713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.366412, 
+                45.069023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.366908, 
+                45.116938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.372571, 
+                45.126241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.376948, 
+                45.142881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.380464, 
+                45.180876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.386726, 
+                45.189497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.387463, 
+                45.207565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.388593, 
+                45.23524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.371593, 
+                45.270834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.355478, 
+                45.282774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.335016, 
+                45.294027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.323941, 
+                45.303355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.307646, 
+                45.31314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.294848, 
+                45.316408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.289568, 
+                45.314052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.273789, 
+                45.315443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.262996, 
+                45.319507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.25505, 
+                45.325675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.252193, 
+                45.330863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.235629, 
+                45.339374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.209673, 
+                45.356937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.196704, 
+                45.360641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.182471, 
+                45.360824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.143651, 
+                45.370369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.095985, 
+                45.367001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.073617, 
+                45.36542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.066969, 
+                45.364951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.06425, 
+                45.364758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.063459, 
+                45.364703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.060905, 
+                45.364522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.054805, 
+                45.364091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.046635, 
+                45.362287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.045526, 
+                45.362041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.043721, 
+                45.361643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.043446, 
+                45.361582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.043101, 
+                45.361506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.032813, 
+                45.361251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.022234, 
+                45.366701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.998603, 
+                45.370173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.975357, 
+                45.373587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.959119, 
+                45.375973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.91585, 
+                45.393115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.912537, 
+                45.402828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.912956, 
+                45.409776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.916165, 
+                45.417639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.922006, 
+                45.421914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.97637, 
+                45.428801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.976623, 
+                45.428833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.978969, 
+                45.429131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.980467, 
+                45.42932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.980953, 
+                45.429382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.981192, 
+                45.429336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.990041, 
+                45.427618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.990785, 
+                45.425264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.989224, 
+                45.424253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987416, 
+                45.423082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987143, 
+                45.422906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.984928, 
+                45.421471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983836, 
+                45.420764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.978373, 
+                45.420171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.977116, 
+                45.420035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.978608, 
+                45.418663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.994191, 
+                45.423173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.034856, 
+                45.434941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.037741, 
+                45.435776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.040272, 
+                45.436509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.040936, 
+                45.436701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.046943, 
+                45.441429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.050234, 
+                45.444019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.050747, 
+                45.444423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.052994, 
+                45.446191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.069573, 
+                45.459239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.070485, 
+                45.460096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.087756, 
+                45.476335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.088386, 
+                45.476928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.097142, 
+                45.495684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.103943, 
+                45.510252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.109252, 
+                45.521626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.109353, 
+                45.521915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.110884, 
+                45.526285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.110955, 
+                45.526488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.115479, 
+                45.539406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.115785, 
+                45.541533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.11587, 
+                45.542125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.117406, 
+                45.552811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.117656, 
+                45.55455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.119494, 
+                45.567338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.119675, 
+                45.568597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.119721, 
+                45.568915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.119737, 
+                45.569026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.119026, 
+                45.573002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.118825, 
+                45.574123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.118637, 
+                45.575175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.118353, 
+                45.575625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.117812, 
+                45.576482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.11243, 
+                45.585004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.112406, 
+                45.585042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.111909, 
+                45.585829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.111737, 
+                45.585962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.107744, 
+                45.589067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.106909, 
+                45.589716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.106246, 
+                45.590231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.105458, 
+                45.590844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.103521, 
+                45.59235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.103077, 
+                45.592695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.102917, 
+                45.59282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.102221, 
+                45.59336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.101977, 
+                45.59355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.096798, 
+                45.597576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.095531, 
+                45.598562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.093525, 
+                45.600121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.079528, 
+                45.617083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.07937, 
+                45.617355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.076284, 
+                45.62266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.075686, 
+                45.623688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.075678, 
+                45.623742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.075461, 
+                45.625295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.07491, 
+                45.629242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.074243, 
+                45.629752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.071381, 
+                45.63194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.065716, 
+                45.636272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.063974, 
+                45.637604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.061488, 
+                45.639505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.061006, 
+                45.639631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.044872, 
+                45.643847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.041037, 
+                45.644849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.03559, 
+                45.646273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.020107, 
+                45.650319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.019374, 
+                45.65051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.015341, 
+                45.651564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.014352, 
+                45.652134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.013218, 
+                45.652789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.007026, 
+                45.65636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.005645, 
+                45.657504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.002344, 
+                45.660239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.001154, 
+                45.661225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.997431, 
+                45.667762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.996336, 
+                45.669685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.996067, 
+                45.669861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.974237, 
+                45.684178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.97095, 
+                45.686334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.970213, 
+                45.686984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.94565, 
+                45.708621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.943756, 
+                45.71029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.942636, 
+                45.714292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.941073, 
+                45.719879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.940526, 
+                45.721832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.942098, 
+                45.728349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.942125, 
+                45.72846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.942543, 
+                45.728865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.943982, 
+                45.730257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.945958, 
+                45.732169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.947266, 
+                45.733435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.950226, 
+                45.736299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.95084, 
+                45.736893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.951745, 
+                45.737326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.954275, 
+                45.738537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.955394, 
+                45.739072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.95813, 
+                45.740381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.968309, 
+                45.745252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.982328, 
+                45.75196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.982973, 
+                45.752022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983316, 
+                45.752055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983829, 
+                45.752104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.983933, 
+                45.752114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.984568, 
+                45.752175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.985318, 
+                45.752247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.996755, 
+                45.753347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.001656, 
+                45.753819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.002914, 
+                45.75394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.011433, 
+                45.757962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.014509, 
+                45.760329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.009173, 
+                45.762463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.00741, 
+                45.763168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.995105, 
+                45.759855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.938312, 
+                45.759892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.93779, 
+                45.759777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.931463, 
+                45.758389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.926802, 
+                45.757366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.92523, 
+                45.757021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.924664, 
+                45.756897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.922478, 
+                45.755842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.920691, 
+                45.754979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.919996, 
+                45.754643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.910398, 
+                45.75001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.866976, 
+                45.752066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.840981, 
+                45.744751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.810953, 
+                45.745993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.810411, 
+                45.746015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.808285, 
+                45.746103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806642, 
+                45.746171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.805114, 
+                45.746378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.800664, 
+                45.74698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.799558, 
+                45.74713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.792474, 
+                45.75053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.78958, 
+                45.751919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.788893, 
+                45.752248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.788821, 
+                45.752283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.788808, 
+                45.752298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.781995, 
+                45.760345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.781373, 
+                45.76108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.7798, 
+                45.76965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.787228, 
+                45.774892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.79229, 
+                45.778464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.792337, 
+                45.778497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.793153, 
+                45.780463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.780313, 
+                45.787224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.774156, 
+                45.788918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.774014, 
+                45.788957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.772765, 
+                45.789301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.751571, 
+                45.782733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.742, 
+                45.784134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.734065, 
+                45.788205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.732388, 
+                45.787928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.726192, 
+                45.786905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.718904, 
+                45.777599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.715996, 
+                45.766174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.681967, 
+                45.756197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.679546, 
+                45.749095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.644822, 
+                45.73999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.604712, 
+                45.721668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.573631, 
+                45.710381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.555496, 
+                45.702268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.553311, 
+                45.698566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.539167, 
+                45.69048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.539165, 
+                45.690478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.538998, 
+                45.690383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.46168, 
+                45.652404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.442348, 
+                45.654771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.435415, 
+                45.664106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.427495, 
+                45.669201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.413642, 
+                45.669427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.400283, 
+                45.663345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.376403, 
+                45.655565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.329537, 
+                45.66438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.289685, 
+                45.653296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.270238, 
+                45.64479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.215268, 
+                45.634767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.204218, 
+                45.627116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.196043, 
+                45.621456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.180514, 
+                45.604639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.157121, 
+                45.585305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.139462, 
+                45.573714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.128867, 
+                45.562284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.126532, 
+                45.556616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.126971, 
+                45.542428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.122309, 
+                45.523788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.116687, 
+                45.51305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.109238, 
+                45.505171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.095905, 
+                45.497298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.075792, 
+                45.490537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.056138, 
+                45.489349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.039958, 
+                45.493733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.036286, 
+                45.496245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.028813, 
+                45.497225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.009582, 
+                45.495069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.99835, 
+                45.491158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.978017, 
+                45.494138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.939261, 
+                45.493189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.909472, 
+                45.485784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.881813, 
+                45.467907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.85856, 
+                45.446865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.841543, 
+                45.435287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.806622, 
+                45.419159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.788777, 
+                45.416415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.773171, 
+                45.417302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.755569, 
+                45.411034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.737321, 
+                45.410943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.721815, 
+                45.413304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.697316, 
+                45.396239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.667934, 
+                45.384675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.64379, 
+                45.37171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.599273, 
+                45.352561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.570361, 
+                45.347198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.550268, 
+                45.350832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.546799, 
+                45.352637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.545729, 
+                45.358397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.538306, 
+                45.358167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.520258, 
+                45.347239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.514717, 
+                45.34646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.496704, 
+                45.357536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.488826, 
+                45.355872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.477794, 
+                45.341891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.477728, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.468099, 
+                45.33245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.445672, 
+                45.310612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.43304, 
+                45.303688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.42514, 
+                45.296808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.423178, 
+                45.292506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.422486, 
+                45.290989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.422389, 
+                45.290775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.422272, 
+                45.290713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.42051, 
+                45.289787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.401091, 
+                45.279572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.40088, 
+                45.279528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.400753, 
+                45.279502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.400261, 
+                45.2794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.398845, 
+                45.279107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.388274, 
+                45.276916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.385104, 
+                45.274195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.381743, 
+                45.268983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.388034, 
+                45.254976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.412569, 
+                45.245807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.41241, 
+                45.238905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.405914, 
+                45.227157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.387587, 
+                45.207107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.384265, 
+                45.203472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.381647, 
+                45.203357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.368896, 
+                45.182168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.368046, 
+                45.172478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.363678, 
+                45.166469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.359895, 
+                45.16302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.348684, 
+                45.161516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.337822, 
+                45.14712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.316118, 
+                45.141958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315924, 
+                45.139992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.319315, 
+                45.137684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318442, 
+                45.12893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.30788, 
+                45.099093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298275, 
+                45.090483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.290827, 
+                45.069157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.291346, 
+                45.062597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.280272, 
+                45.045962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.277037, 
+                45.044767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.271464, 
+                45.038114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.265896, 
+                45.026844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.271506, 
+                45.023417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.287974, 
+                45.026462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.302153, 
+                45.032315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.340257, 
+                45.041545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.357609, 
+                45.050613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.36747, 
+                45.062268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.399255, 
+                45.070364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.433798, 
+                45.057616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.442052, 
+                45.051056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.453363, 
+                45.035331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.454168, 
+                45.03188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.446342, 
+                45.016655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.435249, 
+                45.011883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.431254, 
+                45.007998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.435822, 
+                45.000012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.438948, 
+                45.000011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.450013, 
+                44.990219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.443718, 
+                44.952247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.438856, 
+                44.940843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.433032, 
+                44.93289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.425311, 
+                44.926741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.404596, 
+                44.918761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.398879, 
+                44.906417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.39396, 
+                44.903056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.352815, 
+                44.886164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.320503, 
+                44.880571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321093, 
+                44.858494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321237, 
+                44.853102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321241, 
+                44.852962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321089, 
+                44.852723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318373, 
+                44.84844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314429, 
+                44.84222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.31433, 
+                44.842131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.31294, 
+                44.840882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.312831, 
+                44.840783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.312478, 
+                44.840466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.308578, 
+                44.83696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.306854, 
+                44.83541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.300648, 
+                44.829831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.299737, 
+                44.823362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298618, 
+                44.815416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29553, 
+                44.793486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.295518, 
+                44.793397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29565, 
+                44.790237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.295696, 
+                44.789112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.296125, 
+                44.778828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.296969, 
+                44.758543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.296971, 
+                44.758495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298021, 
+                44.755632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298287, 
+                44.754907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298237, 
+                44.754465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.297797, 
+                44.750547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.297526, 
+                44.74814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29742, 
+                44.747203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.2973, 
+                44.746134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.296265, 
+                44.743502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.290944, 
+                44.729974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.290665, 
+                44.729265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.288214, 
+                44.726453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.284724, 
+                44.72245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.284128, 
+                44.721766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.283098, 
+                44.721011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.277213, 
+                44.7167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.274747, 
+                44.714893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.274103, 
+                44.714421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.273393, 
+                44.713901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.274674, 
+                44.70477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.275078, 
+                44.701891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.275281, 
+                44.700441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.275318, 
+                44.700177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.2755, 
+                44.698882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.275543, 
+                44.698574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.275601, 
+                44.698161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.276137, 
+                44.69434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.276836, 
+                44.689354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.277476, 
+                44.687507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.279129, 
+                44.682735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.279288, 
+                44.682278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.285992, 
+                44.662927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.286874, 
+                44.66038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.287211, 
+                44.659409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.287585, 
+                44.658328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.287802, 
+                44.657703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.289442, 
+                44.652968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.295377, 
+                44.64536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.307116, 
+                44.630313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.307504, 
+                44.629816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309222, 
+                44.62465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309802, 
+                44.622906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309869, 
+                44.622703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.31445, 
+                44.608926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314517, 
+                44.608725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314534, 
+                44.608512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315037, 
+                44.60219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.31504, 
+                44.602152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315277, 
+                44.599178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315435, 
+                44.597193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315603, 
+                44.595079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315503, 
+                44.593514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314127, 
+                44.572043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314098, 
+                44.571592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.314013, 
+                44.570266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313925, 
+                44.568888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313893, 
+                44.568395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313813, 
+                44.567148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313792, 
+                44.566822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313744, 
+                44.566076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313649, 
+                44.564588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.313623, 
+                44.564498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309234, 
+                44.549444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309117, 
+                44.549043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.308918, 
+                44.54836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.308906, 
+                44.54814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.308471, 
+                44.539902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.309385, 
+                44.537528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.310185, 
+                44.535448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.310376, 
+                44.534952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.311245, 
+                44.532693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.311529, 
+                44.531956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318104, 
+                44.514871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318279, 
+                44.514416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318276, 
+                44.514294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318216, 
+                44.511734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.31761, 
+                44.486058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.326824, 
+                44.444411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.327171, 
+                44.429234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.324616, 
+                44.415039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321553, 
+                44.409119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.321648, 
+                44.404502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.333757, 
+                44.372486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.335248, 
+                44.357995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.332533, 
+                44.340464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.336988, 
+                44.332919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.343738, 
+                44.329763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.352115, 
+                44.332366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.364312, 
+                44.33259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.373607, 
+                44.327784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.401822, 
+                44.301831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.414301, 
+                44.294543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.419236, 
+                44.2878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.425762, 
+                44.272487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.429689, 
+                44.269708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.442731, 
+                44.265361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.445805, 
+                44.273378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.447742, 
+                44.273991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.460958, 
+                44.278176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.463049, 
+                44.278838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.479531, 
+                44.28009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.500392, 
+                44.27661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.508839, 
+                44.273711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.524817, 
+                44.261558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.53771, 
+                44.248171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.549096, 
+                44.227282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.552872, 
+                44.210718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.553834, 
+                44.197956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.565225, 
+                44.163517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.565257, 
+                44.163418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.565984, 
+                44.161219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.566366, 
+                44.160066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.567744, 
+                44.155899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.567941, 
+                44.150983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.5682, 
+                44.144542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568238, 
+                44.143587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568243, 
+                44.143475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568803, 
+                44.129513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568831, 
+                44.128819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568915, 
+                44.126734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.568509, 
+                44.124343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.567978, 
+                44.121207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.567714, 
+                44.119652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.573071, 
+                44.101298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.588004, 
+                44.086758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.591361, 
+                44.079237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.590437, 
+                44.069569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.58409, 
+                44.056748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.601173, 
+                44.054686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.621078, 
+                44.056186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.650116, 
+                44.052404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.679654, 
+                44.036365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.687892, 
+                44.020709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.680108, 
+                43.994196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.708741, 
+                43.992997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.743806, 
+                43.991529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.746779, 
+                43.988807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.757063, 
+                43.986599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.76283, 
+                43.985361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.763015, 
+                43.985321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.763345, 
+                43.98525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.763774, 
+                43.985158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.779086, 
+                43.985235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.787863, 
+                43.985279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.82808, 
+                43.989003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.828398, 
+                43.989032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.829077, 
+                43.989095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.829102, 
+                43.989085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.829123, 
+                43.989077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.848276, 
+                43.981594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.851496, 
+                43.979403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.85175, 
+                43.979231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.851884, 
+                43.97914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.853582, 
+                43.977984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.85493, 
+                43.977067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855219, 
+                43.975997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855516, 
+                43.974899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855572, 
+                43.974691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855602, 
+                43.974581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.855653, 
+                43.974391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.856077, 
+                43.972822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.856128, 
+                43.972632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.856371, 
+                43.972414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.858373, 
+                43.970618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.858528, 
+                43.970479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859114, 
+                43.969953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859305, 
+                43.969782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859459, 
+                43.969643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859615, 
+                43.969504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859743, 
+                43.969389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.869406, 
+                43.960719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.869614, 
+                43.960682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.877047, 
+                43.959351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.877694, 
+                43.959235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880011, 
+                43.955428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880113, 
+                43.955261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.885328, 
+                43.946691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.885526, 
+                43.946197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.885543, 
+                43.946154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.890145, 
+                43.934672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.890912, 
+                43.923314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.907388, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.911128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.916815, 
+                43.89905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.917875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.926345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.929375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.945426, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.954792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.956021, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.954347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.939297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.929462, 
+                43.701269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.909479, 
+                43.672622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.897078, 
+                43.664022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.852076, 
+                43.644922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.814674, 
+                43.643022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.806774, 
+                43.641221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.778919, 
+                43.630056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.770693, 
+                43.628691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.769886, 
+                43.634924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.725793, 
+                43.618691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.703446, 
+                43.597646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.699253, 
+                43.596792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.669795, 
+                43.59079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.666052, 
+                43.591292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.654192, 
+                43.59929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.618602, 
+                43.628891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.595579, 
+                43.650249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.563157, 
+                43.684564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.553707, 
+                43.685432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.549044, 
+                43.693798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.55147, 
+                43.699901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.540187, 
+                43.708746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.524837, 
+                43.716948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.515853, 
+                43.718157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.513461, 
+                43.714607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.506657, 
+                43.710907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.48007, 
+                43.714636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.470053, 
+                43.723418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.467429, 
+                43.72892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.46508, 
+                43.733843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.459628, 
+                43.740931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.440171, 
+                43.761694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.438878, 
+                43.767135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.441591, 
+                43.770175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.446752, 
+                43.77186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.438311, 
+                43.786846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.426068, 
+                43.799915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.416378, 
+                43.801034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.411453, 
+                43.805033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.410663, 
+                43.80773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.412456, 
+                43.817569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.410853, 
+                43.825585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.407647, 
+                43.831998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.390344, 
+                43.839132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.389017, 
+                43.840457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.389424, 
+                43.844229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.358869, 
+                43.857395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.33227, 
+                43.880522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.331788, 
+                43.893901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.333532, 
+                43.89852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.340976, 
+                43.904541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.348007, 
+                43.906388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.348648, 
+                43.909915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.347365, 
+                43.91216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.338067, 
+                43.915687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.318656, 
+                43.91762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.30569, 
+                43.922489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.28231, 
+                43.938031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.26898, 
+                43.956132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.26185, 
+                43.969021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.26153, 
+                43.973525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.227093, 
+                43.981003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.195688, 
+                43.983137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.180618, 
+                43.982109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.145407, 
+                43.989441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.134881, 
+                43.993147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.120659, 
+                44.00095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.10782, 
+                44.003245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.079297, 
+                44.001079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.066026, 
+                44.003366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.058741, 
+                44.006224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.046577, 
+                44.01571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.029868, 
+                44.041175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.024604, 
+                44.045174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.999283, 
+                44.04651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.990728, 
+                44.048846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.967439, 
+                44.066138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.958688, 
+                44.065774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.956658, 
+                44.063306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.947368, 
+                44.062187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.928884, 
+                44.069389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.915976, 
+                44.070503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.889831, 
+                44.050952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.875889, 
+                44.045046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.833103, 
+                44.036851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.793205, 
+                44.023247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.788298, 
+                44.013712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.783198, 
+                44.009366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.765018, 
+                44.006845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.746255, 
+                43.996037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.738992, 
+                43.989506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.728528, 
+                43.972615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.712235, 
+                43.94961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.709839, 
+                43.948226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.693505, 
+                43.91798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.678642, 
+                43.88373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.65545, 
+                43.867883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.643166, 
+                43.852468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.642899, 
+                43.846419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.647467, 
+                43.84449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.647784, 
+                43.842684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.644345, 
+                43.837539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.633641, 
+                43.831224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.617955, 
+                43.768596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.619079, 
+                43.756088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.617213, 
+                43.746788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.612224, 
+                43.739771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.606233, 
+                43.690437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.60483, 
+                43.678884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.605783, 
+                43.669489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.6005, 
+                43.602935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.597911, 
+                43.590016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.593785, 
+                43.581467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.585654, 
+                43.543969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565691, 
+                43.502904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.565505, 
+                43.497063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.55354, 
+                43.464111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.539517, 
+                43.437539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.538578, 
+                43.431594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.53993, 
+                43.422378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.535627, 
+                43.368062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.536794, 
+                43.34851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.530128, 
+                43.333805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.529416, 
+                43.316243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.532396, 
+                43.30577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.523086, 
+                43.225361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.519123, 
+                43.212737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.508881, 
+                43.196748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.503157, 
+                43.168946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.50299, 
+                43.168137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.501656, 
+                43.161656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.501529, 
+                43.161351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.500061, 
+                43.157827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.495685, 
+                43.147316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.494194, 
+                43.143736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.494072, 
+                43.142864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.494052, 
+                43.142722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.494014, 
+                43.142453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.493977, 
+                43.142186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.493347, 
+                43.137685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.493021, 
+                43.135363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.490979, 
+                43.120782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.490634, 
+                43.118314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.490614, 
+                43.118172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.490494, 
+                43.117759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.486684, 
+                43.104688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.486042, 
+                43.102486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.471053, 
+                43.087581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.457319, 
+                43.06147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.457221, 
+                43.061285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.450724, 
+                43.051229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.443433, 
+                43.039942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.422768, 
+                43.007956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.415937, 
+                43.005555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.447778, 
+                42.937066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.455027, 
+                42.926866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.469912, 
+                42.887459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.483697, 
+                42.733212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.509935, 
+                42.637294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.518782, 
+                42.613888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.523337, 
+                42.607486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.583996, 
+                42.554041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.589779, 
+                42.550678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.607068, 
+                42.548843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.624907, 
+                42.557229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.679059, 
+                42.52221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.686417, 
+                42.518597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.685397, 
+                42.528659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.679522, 
+                42.53552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.670956, 
+                42.537989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.664335, 
+                42.546244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.680758, 
+                42.557909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.681036, 
+                42.574695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.688061, 
+                42.588417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.701152, 
+                42.585991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.711151, 
+                42.590884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.713042, 
+                42.597904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.700818, 
+                42.606687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.683482, 
+                42.609433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.681593, 
+                42.618672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.690124, 
+                42.625033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.689836, 
+                42.627148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.669103, 
+                42.637225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.645715, 
+                42.631145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.630922, 
+                42.64211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.626396, 
+                42.647385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.623043, 
+                42.655951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.623797, 
+                42.665395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.630851, 
+                42.673341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.635262, 
+                42.675552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.659781, 
+                42.678618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.674287, 
+                42.687049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.6855, 
+                42.690036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.700964, 
+                42.689548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.706135, 
+                42.683578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.707841, 
+                42.68351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.726366, 
+                42.682768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.753317, 
+                42.669732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.765583, 
+                42.655725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.780817, 
+                42.652232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.792418, 
+                42.655132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.797318, 
+                42.654032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.813518, 
+                42.640833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.820118, 
+                42.626333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.819017, 
+                42.616333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.811017, 
+                42.610933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.789017, 
+                42.603434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.787573, 
+                42.5983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.788977, 
+                42.592661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.788116, 
+                42.582835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.781514, 
+                42.571634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.782414, 
+                42.564834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.784514, 
+                42.563634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.789114, 
+                42.568434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.796715, 
+                42.571034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.821016, 
+                42.570734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.834216, 
+                42.567849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.845916, 
+                42.560634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.849316, 
+                42.555734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.851016, 
+                42.548935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.859316, 
+                42.541935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.860213, 
+                42.540842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.874416, 
+                42.523535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.882316, 
+                42.501035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.883915, 
+                42.471836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.870572, 
+                42.451235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.870347, 
+                42.450888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.886113, 
+                42.408137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.888413, 
+                42.398237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.894013, 
+                42.389437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.898413, 
+                42.385437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.915114, 
+                42.378137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.919114, 
+                42.374437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.928815, 
+                42.359437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.92397, 
+                42.352068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.959416, 
+                42.339638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.988619, 
+                42.332439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.01832, 
+                42.329739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.064121, 
+                42.317738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.079721, 
+                42.308638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.096521, 
+                42.290138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.128022, 
+                42.238839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.131343, 
+                42.20276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.133923, 
+                42.17474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.124522, 
+                42.137641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.133511, 
+                42.088143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.157624, 
+                42.085542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.168759, 
+                42.073601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.170589, 
+                42.07294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.188598, 
+                42.066431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.189115, 
+                42.061853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.186877, 
+                42.061206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.185526, 
+                42.052243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.18824, 
+                42.031329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.185858, 
+                42.029451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.185822, 
+                42.029367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.181475, 
+                42.019301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.187246, 
+                42.007573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.190535, 
+                42.006172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.208647, 
+                42.00504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.209379, 
+                41.995736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.216835, 
+                41.98862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.216897, 
+                41.988561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.223354, 
+                41.989191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.223369, 
+                41.989185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.224947, 
+                41.988603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.227744, 
+                41.987571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.22841, 
+                41.987325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.228502, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.228607, 
+                41.987216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.22929, 
+                41.986725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.248741, 
+                41.972735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.249204, 
+                41.972402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.249828, 
+                41.971386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.255123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.256803, 
+                41.960021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.257009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.257043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.257143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.257199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.257292, 
+                41.950745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.269521, 
+                41.939042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.270491, 
+                41.939337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.28713, 
+                41.944397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.292761, 
+                41.944616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.293015, 
+                41.944626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.295982, 
+                41.944742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29823, 
+                41.9442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.299467, 
+                41.943902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.302904, 
+                41.943073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.303465, 
+                41.942762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.305639, 
+                41.941557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.315859, 
+                41.935893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.326007, 
+                41.924979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.326024, 
+                41.924961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.326029, 
+                41.924948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.32706, 
+                41.922554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.330498, 
+                41.914565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.332998, 
+                41.908757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.333642, 
+                41.907261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.334173, 
+                41.903247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.334346, 
+                41.901939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.335103, 
+                41.896209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.335132, 
+                41.895992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.335658, 
+                41.892009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.335961, 
+                41.889721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.341557, 
+                41.879956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.359467, 
+                41.867849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.366187, 
+                41.865505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.372198, 
+                41.874122
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -88.932558, 
+                46.073601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.943279, 
+                46.077943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.948698, 
+                46.080205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.990807, 
+                46.097298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.990885, 
+                46.09733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.058745, 
+                46.124952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.125136, 
+                46.144531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.161757, 
+                46.151816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.166887, 
+                46.152868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.194508, 
+                46.157942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.201283, 
+                46.159426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.203289, 
+                46.16002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.205657, 
+                46.160408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.218156, 
+                46.162988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.219964, 
+                46.163319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.276489, 
+                46.174047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.276883, 
+                46.174116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.908196, 
+                46.296037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.90991, 
+                46.296402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.929093, 
+                46.300087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.120489, 
+                46.336852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.119691, 
+                46.359755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.119757, 
+                46.359748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.134663, 
+                46.374947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.134656, 
+                46.374979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.166909, 
+                46.439311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.166919, 
+                46.439851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.17786, 
+                46.440548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.204572, 
+                46.478998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.284545, 
+                46.518714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.307716, 
+                46.518392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.313839, 
+                46.516199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.313894, 
+                46.516199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.357676, 
+                46.540271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.374461, 
+                46.539212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.400041, 
+                46.544384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.400429, 
+                46.544384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.414464, 
+                46.55732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.414596, 
+                46.55732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.418136, 
+                46.566094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.417943, 
+                46.56619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.398478, 
+                46.575832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.39735, 
+                46.576391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.39731, 
+                46.57641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.396772, 
+                46.576677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.394936, 
+                46.577586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.371717, 
+                46.589088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.355341, 
+                46.5972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.353284, 
+                46.598219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.348407, 
+                46.600635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.347801, 
+                46.600842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.327626, 
+                46.607744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.327604, 
+                46.607739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.306609, 
+                46.602741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.29546, 
+                46.606998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.28455, 
+                46.611164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.284189, 
+                46.611302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.28315, 
+                46.611698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.279723, 
+                46.613007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.278287, 
+                46.613555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.265294, 
+                46.618516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.265291, 
+                46.618517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.251669, 
+                46.621454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250176, 
+                46.621776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.237609, 
+                46.624485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.164026, 
+                46.645515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.100695, 
+                46.655132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.04542, 
+                46.668272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.028392, 
+                46.67439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.996034, 
+                46.693225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.985817, 
+                46.70319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.973803, 
+                46.710322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.957101, 
+                46.716929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.918466, 
+                46.740324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.907516, 
+                46.74987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.892355, 
+                46.763088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.888687, 
+                46.765826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.875069, 
+                46.775991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.862544, 
+                46.785341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.851966, 
+                46.793237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.850979, 
+                46.793974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.848652, 
+                46.795711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.846962, 
+                46.796556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.844691, 
+                46.79769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.841453, 
+                46.799308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.831956, 
+                46.804053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.830863, 
+                46.804434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.830093, 
+                46.804703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.828129, 
+                46.805389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.790663, 
+                46.818469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.788353, 
+                46.818861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.78708, 
+                46.819077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.757585, 
+                46.824082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.724471, 
+                46.829701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.720277, 
+                46.830413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.717848, 
+                46.830559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.713354, 
+                46.830829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.710062, 
+                46.831026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.708873, 
+                46.831098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.708303, 
+                46.831132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.708084, 
+                46.831145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.678469, 
+                46.832923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.677771, 
+                46.832965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.676878, 
+                46.833019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.673375, 
+                46.833229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.660625, 
+                46.831056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.659681, 
+                46.830762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.651795, 
+                46.828309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.646854, 
+                46.826771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.64344, 
+                46.825709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.642255, 
+                46.82534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.637309, 
+                46.821384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.634938, 
+                46.819488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.619329, 
+                46.81889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.598527, 
+                46.824338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.578217, 
+                46.829657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.572423, 
+                46.831174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.570326, 
+                46.831723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.569808, 
+                46.831859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.564509, 
+                46.832483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.542408, 
+                46.835086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.540709, 
+                46.835286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.538927, 
+                46.835496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.535683, 
+                46.835878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.534331, 
+                46.836248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.525656, 
+                46.838625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.516895, 
+                46.841025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.515665, 
+                46.841362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.513938, 
+                46.841835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.500227, 
+                46.841638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.499248, 
+                46.841623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.49908, 
+                46.841621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.49776, 
+                46.841086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.494019, 
+                46.83957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.491307, 
+                46.83847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.491252, 
+                46.838448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.491079, 
+                46.838438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.485166, 
+                46.838112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.475333, 
+                46.837569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.471849, 
+                46.837376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.47154, 
+                46.837359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.470915, 
+                46.837398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.470619, 
+                46.837416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.470547, 
+                46.837421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.469651, 
+                46.837477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.469446, 
+                46.83749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.453185, 
+                46.838505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.448454, 
+                46.8388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.448445, 
+                46.838801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.446583, 
+                46.838917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.445969, 
+                46.838955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.445313, 
+                46.838996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.440145, 
+                46.839319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.437047, 
+                46.839512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.434016, 
+                46.840131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.415154, 
+                46.843983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.413413, 
+                46.844524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.401123, 
+                46.848344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.395386, 
+                46.850127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.372032, 
+                46.857386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.370788, 
+                46.857851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.33613, 
+                46.870807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.317396, 
+                46.877811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.304623, 
+                46.882586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.28578, 
+                46.88963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.278612, 
+                46.89231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.249938, 
+                46.903029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.249143, 
+                46.903326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.228362, 
+                46.912751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.227914, 
+                46.912954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.226244, 
+                46.914105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.202811, 
+                46.930253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.201511, 
+                46.931149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.199648, 
+                46.933075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.18373, 
+                46.949529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.168493, 
+                46.965279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.168244, 
+                46.965536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.142595, 
+                46.984859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.142425, 
+                46.984954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.142282, 
+                46.985033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.128698, 
+                46.992599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.128101, 
+                46.992692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.124799, 
+                46.993209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.118339, 
+                46.99422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.118106, 
+                46.994002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.115903, 
+                46.991933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.113158, 
+                46.989356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.106277, 
+                46.98648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.086742, 
+                46.985298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.063103, 
+                46.988522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.058591, 
+                46.990604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.048164, 
+                46.995416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.03949, 
+                46.999419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.038116, 
+                46.999643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.02893, 
+                47.00114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.027648, 
+                46.999839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -89.022994, 
+                46.99512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.998907, 
+                46.99531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.998417, 
+                46.995314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.992399, 
+                46.996347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.99172, 
+                46.996463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.987197, 
+                46.997239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.982483, 
+                46.99883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.978813, 
+                47.000068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.978433, 
+                47.000196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.972802, 
+                47.002096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.960337, 
+                47.008053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.959409, 
+                47.008496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.957276, 
+                47.010111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.944045, 
+                47.020129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.933329, 
+                47.0322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.925586, 
+                47.040923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.924492, 
+                47.042156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.923458, 
+                47.043872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.914976, 
+                47.05794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.914189, 
+                47.059246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.908288, 
+                47.074396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.903933, 
+                47.085579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.903706, 
+                47.086161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.899857, 
+                47.089969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.890708, 
+                47.099024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.890422, 
+                47.099306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.890122, 
+                47.099603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.88914, 
+                47.100575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.885418, 
+                47.102084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.885361, 
+                47.102107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.872087, 
+                47.107487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.855372, 
+                47.114263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.855126, 
+                47.11429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.854656, 
+                47.114343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.848176, 
+                47.115065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.826028, 
+                47.132558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.825619, 
+                47.132881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.825475, 
+                47.132994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.816684, 
+                47.139938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.816553, 
+                47.140042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.815403, 
+                47.14095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.815355, 
+                47.140987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.814834, 
+                47.141399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.813748, 
+                47.141813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.798779, 
+                47.147511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.789813, 
+                47.150925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.784612, 
+                47.150722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.783821, 
+                47.150691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.779188, 
+                47.15051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.778022, 
+                47.150465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.764351, 
+                47.155762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.750496, 
+                47.167782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.746724, 
+                47.171055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.74665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.729688, 
+                47.185834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.728541, 
+                47.18656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.728327, 
+                47.186695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.712138, 
+                47.196937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.702086, 
+                47.203296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.702029, 
+                47.203333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.700047, 
+                47.204586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.69966, 
+                47.204831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.698919, 
+                47.20522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.698282, 
+                47.205554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.676624, 
+                47.216918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.674917, 
+                47.217814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.673771, 
+                47.218415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.673172, 
+                47.218729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.672395, 
+                47.219137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.666614, 
+                47.221475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.657496, 
+                47.225164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.656359, 
+                47.225624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.648001, 
+                47.226229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.642047, 
+                47.226659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.640323, 
+                47.226784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.633915, 
+                47.228915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.625119, 
+                47.23184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.623579, 
+                47.232352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.623302, 
+                47.232484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.618613, 
+                47.234715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.609867, 
+                47.238877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.60983, 
+                47.238894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.608087, 
+                47.239137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.598622, 
+                47.240454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.585196, 
+                47.242321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.584912, 
+                47.242361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.584652, 
+                47.242447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.573997, 
+                47.245989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.573326, 
+                47.246424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.573301, 
+                47.246441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.57172, 
+                47.247466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.526764, 
+                47.276641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.518091, 
+                47.282269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.515276, 
+                47.284096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.514786, 
+                47.284414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.512421, 
+                47.285948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.504898, 
+                47.290831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.50116, 
+                47.293256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.50078, 
+                47.293503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.498756, 
+                47.295256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.487116, 
+                47.305335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.478951, 
+                47.312405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.477733, 
+                47.31346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.471103, 
+                47.326442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.470484, 
+                47.327653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.465888, 
+                47.33267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.465089, 
+                47.333542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.459262, 
+                47.339903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.458952, 
+                47.340142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.432162, 
+                47.360791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.431753, 
+                47.361106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.431446, 
+                47.361343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.418841, 
+                47.371058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.418673, 
+                47.371188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.400224, 
+                47.379551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.399726, 
+                47.379777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.394239, 
+                47.382264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.39144, 
+                47.383533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.389459, 
+                47.384431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.378917, 
+                47.387513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.360313, 
+                47.392951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.324083, 
+                47.403542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.303447, 
+                47.412204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.301214, 
+                47.413451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.285635, 
+                47.422146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.285195, 
+                47.422392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28406, 
+                47.422579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.274709, 
+                47.424118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.23944, 
+                47.429923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.239161, 
+                47.429969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.238091, 
+                47.430437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.228645, 
+                47.434568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.227446, 
+                47.435093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.225797, 
+                47.436279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.218424, 
+                47.441585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.216977, 
+                47.445493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.217822, 
+                47.448738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.217662, 
+                47.448778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.213141, 
+                47.449898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.213059, 
+                47.449918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.207853, 
+                47.451208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.207239, 
+                47.45136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.206036, 
+                47.451658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.18182, 
+                47.457657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.181763, 
+                47.457661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.179998, 
+                47.457799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.169383, 
+                47.458627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.167703, 
+                47.458758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.167009, 
+                47.458812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.15076, 
+                47.460078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.150571, 
+                47.460093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.150437, 
+                47.460125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.143573, 
+                47.461759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.140537, 
+                47.462482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.139651, 
+                47.462693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.137698, 
+                47.462918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.129274, 
+                47.463889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.12848, 
+                47.46398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.090299, 
+                47.46838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.089966, 
+                47.468418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.085252, 
+                47.468961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.08485, 
+                47.468906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.08358, 
+                47.468733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.081892, 
+                47.468503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.081277, 
+                47.468419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.080916, 
+                47.46837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.080796, 
+                47.468353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.080271, 
+                47.468282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.079183, 
+                47.468133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.076388, 
+                47.467752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.074681, 
+                47.46788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.073982, 
+                47.467933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.07358, 
+                47.467963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.067043, 
+                47.468454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.049326, 
+                47.469785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.048226, 
+                47.470008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.048077, 
+                47.474973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.047857, 
+                47.475002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.046665, 
+                47.475159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.040291, 
+                47.475999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.040242, 
+                47.476002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.03659, 
+                47.476205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.03113, 
+                47.47651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.031089, 
+                47.476512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.027085, 
+                47.476735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.021555, 
+                47.477044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.017268, 
+                47.477283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.015502, 
+                47.477381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.014516, 
+                47.477436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.01083, 
+                47.477642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.010415, 
+                47.477665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.009704, 
+                47.477704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.982227, 
+                47.479236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98174, 
+                47.479264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.978934, 
+                47.47942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.978121, 
+                47.479409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.962546, 
+                47.479195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.959166, 
+                47.479148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.958042, 
+                47.479133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.957582, 
+                47.479126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.95669, 
+                47.479114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.955374, 
+                47.479096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.954672, 
+                47.479086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.954458, 
+                47.479083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.951912, 
+                47.479048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.948287, 
+                47.478999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.929672, 
+                47.478743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.929269, 
+                47.478737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.928726, 
+                47.478703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.928137, 
+                47.478666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.927548, 
+                47.478629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.922224, 
+                47.478293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.921103, 
+                47.478222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.920321, 
+                47.478173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.920259, 
+                47.478169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.902416, 
+                47.477045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.898036, 
+                47.474872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.816958, 
+                47.471998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.801184, 
+                47.473301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.756739, 
+                47.460717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.730804, 
+                47.449112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.715942, 
+                47.439816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.710471, 
+                47.4062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.712421, 
+                47.4014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.721274, 
+                47.401032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.742417, 
+                47.405823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.75138, 
+                47.405066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.759057, 
+                47.403013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.765019, 
+                47.398652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.800294, 
+                47.392148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.815371, 
+                47.38479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.827115, 
+                47.38616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.834822, 
+                47.390478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.848252, 
+                47.394864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.8567, 
+                47.395387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.882245, 
+                47.395588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.941613, 
+                47.390073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.957058, 
+                47.38726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.965063, 
+                47.37443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.965598, 
+                47.368645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.962567, 
+                47.362543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.954796, 
+                47.356809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.947397, 
+                47.355461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.938787, 
+                47.346777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.93825, 
+                47.342299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.94336, 
+                47.335899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.946352, 
+                47.334254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.958386, 
+                47.334435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.968604, 
+                47.332582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.989133, 
+                47.322633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.016478, 
+                47.306275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.054849, 
+                47.29824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.06009, 
+                47.295796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.071476, 
+                47.286768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.096851, 
+                47.261351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.108833, 
+                47.259131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.117456, 
+                47.255174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.131943, 
+                47.239554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.163059, 
+                47.216278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.194218, 
+                47.209242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.204849, 
+                47.210498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.212361, 
+                47.209423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.227552, 
+                47.199938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.228987, 
+                47.199042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.229132, 
+                47.198862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.235041, 
+                47.191532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.236892, 
+                47.189236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.237024, 
+                47.188862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.240295, 
+                47.179609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242006, 
+                47.174767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242109, 
+                47.172184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242142, 
+                47.171358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242157, 
+                47.170988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242561, 
+                47.160902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.24266, 
+                47.158426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.242062, 
+                47.157059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.239487, 
+                47.151176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.23947, 
+                47.151137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.238408, 
+                47.150423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.236961, 
+                47.149449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.236721, 
+                47.149287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.236566, 
+                47.149297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.234295, 
+                47.149446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.231797, 
+                47.149609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.232164, 
+                47.145975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.239895, 
+                47.139436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.247628, 
+                47.135981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.249571, 
+                47.136231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.249838, 
+                47.137106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.250645, 
+                47.139752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.250785, 
+                47.140209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.250814, 
+                47.140231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.253834, 
+                47.142524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.254205, 
+                47.142807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.254267, 
+                47.142853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.255303, 
+                47.14364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.255676, 
+                47.143715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.262537, 
+                47.145087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.262972, 
+                47.145174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.263292, 
+                47.145115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.272017, 
+                47.143511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281652, 
+                47.138239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281701, 
+                47.138212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281743, 
+                47.138163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.288994, 
+                47.129743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28904, 
+                47.129689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.289058, 
+                47.129581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.289543, 
+                47.126604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28865, 
+                47.125947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.288481, 
+                47.125823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28787, 
+                47.125374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287792, 
+                47.124822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28726, 
+                47.121041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287173, 
+                47.12042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287313, 
+                47.119721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287822, 
+                47.117174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287901, 
+                47.116779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.287981, 
+                47.116376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.288309, 
+                47.114738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.288347, 
+                47.114547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28869, 
+                47.113954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.28893, 
+                47.113539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.289005, 
+                47.11341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.289534, 
+                47.112494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.290598, 
+                47.110655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.290708, 
+                47.110465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.291217, 
+                47.109585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.291688, 
+                47.10877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.294082, 
+                47.10463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.296645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.297547, 
+                47.098639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.297625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.297772, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.313033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.315051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.333076, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.337406, 
+                47.081617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.340052, 
+                47.080494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.344658, 
+                47.079718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.346501, 
+                47.079407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.346709, 
+                47.079372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.347197, 
+                47.078921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.349952, 
+                47.076377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.353191, 
+                47.069063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.353952, 
+                47.058047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.354011, 
+                47.057835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.356884, 
+                47.047524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.357556, 
+                47.045113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.357661, 
+                47.044739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.358201, 
+                47.042798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.35855, 
+                47.041546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.358873, 
+                47.040389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.359054, 
+                47.039739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.359139, 
+                47.039536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.367624, 
+                47.019213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.368062, 
+                47.018733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.368358, 
+                47.018408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.373966, 
+                47.012262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.374238, 
+                47.012081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.379268, 
+                47.008736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.384442, 
+                47.005296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.385338, 
+                47.0047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.385507, 
+                47.004588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.385606, 
+                47.004522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.386153, 
+                47.003909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.386538, 
+                47.003477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.387612, 
+                47.002275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.388564, 
+                47.001208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.389698, 
+                46.999937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.404498, 
+                46.983353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.405352, 
+                46.982663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.406229, 
+                46.981955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.410157, 
+                46.978782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.41089, 
+                46.97819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.411145, 
+                46.977984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.41616, 
+                46.977106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.416364, 
+                46.977071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.443901, 
+                46.972251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.44857, 
+                46.946769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.450823, 
+                46.939038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.452129, 
+                46.934557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.452354, 
+                46.933787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.454333, 
+                46.926996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.454353, 
+                46.926928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.454781, 
+                46.925458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.455117, 
+                46.924305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.455404, 
+                46.923321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.457776, 
+                46.918999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.474217, 
+                46.889034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.475859, 
+                46.886042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.476098, 
+                46.881957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.476918, 
+                46.867946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.47762, 
+                46.855937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.477681, 
+                46.854902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.477845, 
+                46.852091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.477935, 
+                46.85056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.483748, 
+                46.831727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.482579, 
+                46.826197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.473342, 
+                46.806226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.462349, 
+                46.786711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.438427, 
+                46.786714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.433835, 
+                46.793502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.415225, 
+                46.811715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.38141, 
+                46.838466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.382204, 
+                46.844477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.381947, 
+                46.84611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.381727, 
+                46.847868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.380849, 
+                46.850064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.38019, 
+                46.852481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.378432, 
+                46.854897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.375577, 
+                46.857313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.372501, 
+                46.858192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.368767, 
+                46.857313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.362502, 
+                46.856432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.361936, 
+                46.856352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.360868, 
+                46.856202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.36026, 
+                46.856258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.352145, 
+                46.857009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.35194, 
+                46.857028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.35173, 
+                46.857193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.34743, 
+                46.860571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.334647, 
+                46.870613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.333168, 
+                46.871775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.333092, 
+                46.871835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.310714, 
+                46.889415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.31029, 
+                46.889748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.308786, 
+                46.890622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.307978, 
+                46.891092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.307261, 
+                46.891509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.305045, 
+                46.892797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.299515, 
+                46.896012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.296476, 
+                46.897778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.289298, 
+                46.90195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.288767, 
+                46.902259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.286473, 
+                46.903592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.282087, 
+                46.906142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.282066, 
+                46.906154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.281244, 
+                46.906632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.276915, 
+                46.908589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.27473, 
+                46.909577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.273929, 
+                46.909939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.272478, 
+                46.910595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.261593, 
+                46.915516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.258072, 
+                46.918409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.250141, 
+                46.924926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.246953, 
+                46.927545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.246872, 
+                46.927611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.244437, 
+                46.929612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.243175, 
+                46.93009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.241858, 
+                46.930589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.24134, 
+                46.930785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.240926, 
+                46.930942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.240846, 
+                46.930972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.238324, 
+                46.931927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.2358, 
+                46.932883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.235702, 
+                46.93292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.233334, 
+                46.933817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.232969, 
+                46.933955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.194361, 
+                46.948578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.176758, 
+                46.955245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.167373, 
+                46.9588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.167227, 
+                46.958855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.164704, 
+                46.960178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.164059, 
+                46.960516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.162856, 
+                46.961146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.162833, 
+                46.961158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.162437, 
+                46.961366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.160571, 
+                46.962345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.160086, 
+                46.962599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.156273, 
+                46.964598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.15543, 
+                46.96504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.155374, 
+                46.965069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.145561, 
+                46.966409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.143688, 
+                46.966665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.143614, 
+                46.966635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.142893, 
+                46.966337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.142807, 
+                46.966302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.142528, 
+                46.966186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.142339, 
+                46.966108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.142057, 
+                46.965992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.14175, 
+                46.965865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.132957, 
+                46.962237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.132876, 
+                46.962204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.13521, 
+                46.959689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.150114, 
+                46.94363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.156359, 
+                46.939518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.167989, 
+                46.931861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.170905, 
+                46.92994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.171317, 
+                46.929669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.175568, 
+                46.92687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.176156, 
+                46.926483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.177921, 
+                46.92532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.185964, 
+                46.920025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.187522, 
+                46.918999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.18295, 
+                46.91365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.181908, 
+                46.912431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.175197, 
+                46.90458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.161913, 
+                46.904941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.160704, 
+                46.90511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.130288, 
+                46.909369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.126927, 
+                46.90984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.126378, 
+                46.909998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.124935, 
+                46.910413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.124573, 
+                46.910517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.122862, 
+                46.911009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.106377, 
+                46.915751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.105195, 
+                46.916091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.102816, 
+                46.916775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.102362, 
+                46.916906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.101457, 
+                46.917166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.101315, 
+                46.917207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.100133, 
+                46.917405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.099227, 
+                46.917556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.0989, 
+                46.917611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.098858, 
+                46.917618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.097609, 
+                46.917827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.083937, 
+                46.920112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.08377, 
+                46.92014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.082263, 
+                46.920392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.08187, 
+                46.920458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.080087, 
+                46.920255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.074736, 
+                46.919647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.065192, 
+                46.918563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.063614, 
+                46.918097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.044551, 
+                46.912473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.032911, 
+                46.909038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.032408, 
+                46.90889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.030053, 
+                46.90873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.029373, 
+                46.908684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.004298, 
+                46.906982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -88.003693, 
+                46.906948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98629, 
+                46.905967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.986113, 
+                46.905957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.98334, 
+                46.906242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.982258, 
+                46.906353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.97549, 
+                46.907048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.958255, 
+                46.908819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.957115, 
+                46.908936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.956, 
+                46.909051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.955745, 
+                46.909054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.954687, 
+                46.909066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.915943, 
+                46.909508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.914489, 
+                46.909525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.911474, 
+                46.909559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.910624, 
+                46.909569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.908791, 
+                46.90959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900695, 
+                46.909682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.900339, 
+                46.909686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.90007, 
+                46.909508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.88792, 
+                46.901451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.875051, 
+                46.892918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.874538, 
+                46.892578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.873893, 
+                46.892381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.847037, 
+                46.884163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.846195, 
+                46.883905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.844637, 
+                46.884049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.841228, 
+                46.884363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.838889, 
+                46.885252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.830204, 
+                46.888556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.827162, 
+                46.889713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.816794, 
+                46.891154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.81412, 
+                46.888808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813228, 
+                46.888025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.813226, 
+                46.888023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.793194, 
+                46.880822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.788186, 
+                46.880373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.783216, 
+                46.879927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.782461, 
+                46.879859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.781969, 
+                46.87958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.777749, 
+                46.87719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.777527, 
+                46.877064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.777156, 
+                46.876854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.77693, 
+                46.876726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.776672, 
+                46.874999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.776567, 
+                46.874293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.776313, 
+                46.872591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.776346, 
+                46.872562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778289, 
+                46.870834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.778752, 
+                46.870422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.776804, 
+                46.866823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.766243, 
+                46.861446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.765989, 
+                46.861316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.765835, 
+                46.861303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.755937, 
+                46.860459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.755868, 
+                46.860453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.755748, 
+                46.860518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.754448, 
+                46.861219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.748498, 
+                46.864428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.746646, 
+                46.865427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.745665, 
+                46.865396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.744893, 
+                46.865371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.744403, 
+                46.865355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.741857, 
+                46.865274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.741014, 
+                46.865247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.740917, 
+                46.865007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.740846, 
+                46.864834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.73487, 
+                46.85012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735039, 
+                46.849856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.735106, 
+                46.849751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736732, 
+                46.847216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736539, 
+                46.846393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.736469, 
+                46.846096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.734325, 
+                46.836955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.731522, 
+                46.831196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.727358, 
+                46.827656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.72588, 
+                46.827426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.725649, 
+                46.82739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.713737, 
+                46.825534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.69459, 
+                46.827182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.685787, 
+                46.832477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.685698, 
+                46.83253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.685735, 
+                46.832639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.68793, 
+                46.839159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.687875, 
+                46.839343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.68728, 
+                46.841351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.687164, 
+                46.841742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.68672, 
+                46.841794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.681561, 
+                46.842392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.680668, 
+                46.842496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.679573, 
+                46.841507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.675046, 
+                46.83742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.674541, 
+                46.836964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.673469, 
+                46.829598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.673433, 
+                46.82935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.673177, 
+                46.827593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.673274, 
+                46.8273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.673973, 
+                46.825179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.674345, 
+                46.82405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.672015, 
+                46.820415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.662261, 
+                46.815157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.65151, 
+                46.812411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.646539, 
+                46.813094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.642789, 
+                46.813609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.641887, 
+                46.813733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.640839, 
+                46.813534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6333, 
+                46.812107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.628786, 
+                46.806096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.628284, 
+                46.805428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.628081, 
+                46.805157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.627356, 
+                46.804553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.627124, 
+                46.80436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.619747, 
+                46.79821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.617852, 
+                46.796631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.6168, 
+                46.795753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.613654, 
+                46.793131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.613586, 
+                46.793074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.610582, 
+                46.790571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.609008, 
+                46.789258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.607988, 
+                46.788408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.595307, 
+                46.78295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.595276, 
+                46.782745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.594384, 
+                46.776863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.593148, 
+                46.768713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.592227, 
+                46.762635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.59222, 
+                46.762594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591973, 
+                46.760965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591907, 
+                46.760525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591455, 
+                46.757544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591362, 
+                46.756932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.591082, 
+                46.755087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.590865, 
+                46.753653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.590767, 
+                46.753009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.590502, 
+                46.752267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.589671, 
+                46.749937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587755, 
+                46.744568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.587626, 
+                46.744206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.584568, 
+                46.735637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.58357, 
+                46.732839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.582745, 
+                46.730527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.581674, 
+                46.729399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.573203, 
+                46.720471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.567343, 
+                46.716714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.557436, 
+                46.710364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.553048, 
+                46.707551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.551989, 
+                46.706872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.549097, 
+                46.705019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.54392, 
+                46.7017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.534504, 
+                46.695664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.533529, 
+                46.69504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.532638, 
+                46.694469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.523308, 
+                46.688488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.523361, 
+                46.687977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.523744, 
+                46.6843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524419, 
+                46.67783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.524444, 
+                46.677586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.519176, 
+                46.670186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.506657, 
+                46.652599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.503238, 
+                46.647796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.503025, 
+                46.647497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.501511, 
+                46.646762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.493405, 
+                46.642826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.49286, 
+                46.642561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.492409, 
+                46.642435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.469023, 
+                46.635918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.467965, 
+                46.635623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.466537, 
+                46.631555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.467563, 
+                46.626228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.464108, 
+                46.614811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.451368, 
+                46.605923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.442612, 
+                46.602776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.411167, 
+                46.601669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.403275, 
+                46.595215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.383961, 
+                46.59307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.381649, 
+                46.580059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.392974, 
+                46.572523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.392828, 
+                46.570852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.382206, 
+                46.553681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.375613, 
+                46.54714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.3903, 
+                46.542577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.393985, 
+                46.533183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.38929, 
+                46.524472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.381349, 
+                46.517292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.366767, 
+                46.507303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.352448, 
+                46.501324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.351071, 
+                46.500749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.312109, 
+                46.49231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.310755, 
+                46.492017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.309402, 
+                46.491919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.259116, 
+                46.488283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.258732, 
+                46.488255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.258145, 
+                46.488282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.205147, 
+                46.490702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.202404, 
+                46.490827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.200147, 
+                46.491382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.175105, 
+                46.497538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.175065, 
+                46.497548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.145946, 
+                46.495387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.12744, 
+                46.494014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.116618, 
+                46.495163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.107559, 
+                46.496124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.09876, 
+                46.503609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.077279, 
+                46.515339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.046022, 
+                46.519956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.029892, 
+                46.525599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.017136, 
+                46.53355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.008724, 
+                46.532723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.976958, 
+                46.526581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.964534, 
+                46.516549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.962842, 
+                46.509646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.94698, 
+                46.484567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.946218, 
+                46.479059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.949526, 
+                46.476315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.947077, 
+                46.472064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.927725, 
+                46.464566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.903742, 
+                46.466138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.889094, 
+                46.458499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.883976, 
+                46.450976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.883919, 
+                46.441514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.875151, 
+                46.43728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.850111, 
+                46.434114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.837448, 
+                46.434186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.816026, 
+                46.437892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.810967, 
+                46.449663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.808817, 
+                46.460611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.803557, 
+                46.466669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.787905, 
+                46.477729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.768516, 
+                46.479072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.750157, 
+                46.479109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.735929, 
+                46.475231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.731096, 
+                46.47176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.730829, 
+                46.468057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.710573, 
+                46.444908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.70323, 
+                46.439378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.698139, 
+                46.438624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.686412, 
+                46.454965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.688816, 
+                46.463152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.686468, 
+                46.471655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.683819, 
+                46.498079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.696001, 
+                46.50316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.701929, 
+                46.511571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.709325, 
+                46.543914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.695645, 
+                46.555026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.678182, 
+                46.561039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.675764, 
+                46.557061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.670927, 
+                46.556489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.656479, 
+                46.558453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.652865, 
+                46.560555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.62738, 
+                46.53371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.629086, 
+                46.518144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.632109, 
+                46.508865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.63453, 
+                46.504523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.641088, 
+                46.500438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.645528, 
+                46.492039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.646393, 
+                46.485776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.636671, 
+                46.478298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.627441, 
+                46.47754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.620603, 
+                46.483873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.618061, 
+                46.489452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.612173, 
+                46.493295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.609393, 
+                46.492976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.606932, 
+                46.478531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.609039, 
+                46.470239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.586168, 
+                46.463324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.557731, 
+                46.487434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.524959, 
+                46.505381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.495054, 
+                46.524874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.484003, 
+                46.535965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.481956, 
+                46.542709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.469306, 
+                46.551422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.45993, 
+                46.551928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.44439, 
+                46.548137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.437167, 
+                46.54896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.390409, 
+                46.563194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.34989, 
+                46.578035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.188024, 
+                46.654008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.161681, 
+                46.669475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.138295, 
+                46.672935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.119862, 
+                46.657256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.112126, 
+                46.655044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.099843, 
+                46.654615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.074219, 
+                46.657799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.036969, 
+                46.667627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.995044, 
+                46.673676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.95367, 
+                46.676869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.924047, 
+                46.684733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.877908, 
+                46.690914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.864549, 
+                46.690182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.857755, 
+                46.68981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.85662, 
+                46.689748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.841057, 
+                46.688896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.840211, 
+                46.688753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.815747, 
+                46.68461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.796641, 
+                46.681374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.794923, 
+                46.681083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.792506, 
+                46.68088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.751345, 
+                46.67743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.750606, 
+                46.677368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.742834, 
+                46.677322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.739929, 
+                46.677305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.738624, 
+                46.677298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.714415, 
+                46.677156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.700945, 
+                46.678114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.674011, 
+                46.68003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.668753, 
+                46.680404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.663673, 
+                46.680227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.647387, 
+                46.679658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.624573, 
+                46.678862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.61747, 
+                46.678054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.595806, 
+                46.67559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.594158, 
+                46.675402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.593558, 
+                46.675334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.587741, 
+                46.674672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.587345, 
+                46.674627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.584989, 
+                46.674608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.558762, 
+                46.674395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.547593, 
+                46.674304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.542517, 
+                46.674263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.50951, 
+                46.675786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.482978, 
+                46.680283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.482096, 
+                46.680432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.369805, 
+                46.713754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.362572, 
+                46.716548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.347047, 
+                46.722546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.296395, 
+                46.742114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.289846, 
+                46.744644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.257999, 
+                46.753078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.25686, 
+                46.75338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.256031, 
+                46.753481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.237873, 
+                46.755703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.173042, 
+                46.763634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.063556, 
+                46.757856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.036286, 
+                46.760435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.00924, 
+                46.769224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.989497, 
+                46.772403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.964652, 
+                46.772845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.954009, 
+                46.771362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.95158, 
+                46.769488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.987539, 
+                46.745483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.007616, 
+                46.728339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.020159, 
+                46.712463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.027513, 
+                46.697451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.030078, 
+                46.684769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.028291, 
+                46.675125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.035504, 
+                46.625021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.037056, 
+                46.600995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.035476, 
+                46.581547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.031507, 
+                46.568703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.029594, 
+                46.554419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.027374, 
+                46.553756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.025491, 
+                46.546397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.027083, 
+                46.543038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.045534, 
+                46.537694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.052954, 
+                46.532827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.056133, 
+                46.52652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.054943, 
+                46.51475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.049847, 
+                46.503963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.033766, 
+                46.48767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.025598, 
+                46.483028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.015211, 
+                46.479712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.969464, 
+                46.47629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.955307, 
+                46.480269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.947269, 
+                46.487399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.937145, 
+                46.489252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.934432, 
+                46.480315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.921931, 
+                46.469962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.915184, 
+                46.467515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.893423, 
+                46.465406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.87507, 
+                46.466781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.861448, 
+                46.46993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.849767, 
+                46.460245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.843907, 
+                46.448661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.829491, 
+                46.444071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.800101, 
+                46.446219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.769151, 
+                46.453523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.723338, 
+                46.468266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.689672, 
+                46.483923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.678423, 
+                46.487694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.65388, 
+                46.48225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.63102, 
+                46.484868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.616489, 
+                46.47187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.607945, 
+                46.456747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.584167, 
+                46.43941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.573522, 
+                46.427895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.551496, 
+                46.418522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.503719, 
+                46.43919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.493401, 
+                46.440313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.479513, 
+                46.432573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.471848, 
+                46.434289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.462597, 
+                46.44094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.455527, 
+                46.453897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.455256, 
+                46.462785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.463322, 
+                46.467435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.445149, 
+                46.489016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.420274, 
+                46.501077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.394725, 
+                46.499242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.37504, 
+                46.508669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.325371, 
+                46.500021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.264266, 
+                46.495055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.226131, 
+                46.53392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.193729, 
+                46.53992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.139426, 
+                46.532219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.128925, 
+                46.530119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.117925, 
+                46.517619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.111225, 
+                46.504119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.125026, 
+                46.470143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.146172, 
+                46.41852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.138906, 
+                46.372221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.115563, 
+                46.268225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.108089, 
+                46.241238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.118175, 
+                46.233968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.125024, 
+                46.232885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.134652, 
+                46.23214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.14595, 
+                46.224995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.14715, 
+                46.224184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.14922, 
+                46.223808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.150725, 
+                46.223808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.151666, 
+                46.224184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.152042, 
+                46.224937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.15223, 
+                46.226254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.152499, 
+                46.227875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.159485, 
+                46.233233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.182732, 
+                46.23545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.219494, 
+                46.231992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.233117, 
+                46.224037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.249164, 
+                46.206461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.245233, 
+                46.192571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.247687, 
+                46.17989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.251424, 
+                46.175888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.221001, 
+                46.163062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.196669, 
+                46.16615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.177298, 
+                46.183993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.17164, 
+                46.181731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.125022, 
+                46.180209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.114941, 
+                46.174114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.113259, 
+                46.16886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.100126, 
+                46.15077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.095818, 
+                46.147733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.089309, 
+                46.146432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.060383, 
+                46.146138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.026536, 
+                46.131648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.031036, 
+                46.123186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.038696, 
+                46.12562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.0519, 
+                46.11981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.061329, 
+                46.113482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.069147, 
+                46.103978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.072398, 
+                46.09669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.071741, 
+                46.092441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.066257, 
+                46.087438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.051712, 
+                46.079189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.027861, 
+                46.054784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.006082, 
+                46.044586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.989526, 
+                46.032823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.963808, 
+                46.027833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.95141, 
+                46.029042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.943933, 
+                46.031465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.939012, 
+                46.029226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.93547, 
+                46.020385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.931175, 
+                46.017871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.908583, 
+                46.011471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.900535, 
+                45.998918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.873147, 
+                45.993426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.868233, 
+                45.995075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.845399, 
+                46.025679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.830146, 
+                46.022324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.818202, 
+                46.002425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.794055, 
+                45.995801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.776436, 
+                46.004202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.765277, 
+                46.018363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.765233, 
+                46.031935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.773785, 
+                46.051471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.796555, 
+                46.056688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.81252, 
+                46.073469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.824036, 
+                46.103638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.815826, 
+                46.108529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.81241, 
+                46.108598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.792867, 
+                46.101971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.779996, 
+                46.093515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.771821, 
+                46.090999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.755991, 
+                46.092159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.728165, 
+                46.090957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.7233, 
+                46.09381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.719791, 
+                46.101031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.703861, 
+                46.103366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.661161, 
+                46.100258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.63498, 
+                46.103953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.625554, 
+                46.102212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.615343, 
+                46.095976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.598612, 
+                46.090085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.581315, 
+                46.089613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.57609, 
+                46.083513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.57264, 
+                46.074922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.572574, 
+                46.069895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.565351, 
+                46.061898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.554059, 
+                46.058882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.547202, 
+                46.047868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.543366, 
+                46.037196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.540845, 
+                46.021247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.532913, 
+                46.011328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.49484, 
+                45.999541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.488348, 
+                45.999543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.480639, 
+                45.996164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.473946, 
+                45.988558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.473221, 
+                45.984422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.481765, 
+                45.971873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.488809, 
+                45.96874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.510623, 
+                45.929324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.517242, 
+                45.923614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.526347, 
+                45.918636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.561838, 
+                45.912562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.583052, 
+                45.915919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.632214, 
+                45.932287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.65766, 
+                45.945463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.687695, 
+                45.935389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.719433, 
+                45.934078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.732986, 
+                45.937641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.742778, 
+                45.938002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.766233, 
+                45.935221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.768854, 
+                45.932069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.78611, 
+                45.933375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.80104, 
+                45.937582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.803332, 
+                45.943362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.808147, 
+                45.945693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.82281, 
+                45.943985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.827566, 
+                45.941236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.835505, 
+                45.941843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.840869, 
+                45.952726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.846437, 
+                45.953181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.864859, 
+                45.959465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.879616, 
+                45.966196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.881055, 
+                45.968185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.910838, 
+                45.965613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.921257, 
+                45.958075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.952183, 
+                45.965498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.985141, 
+                45.967133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.996471, 
+                45.961461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.017565, 
+                45.959046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.080071, 
+                45.970822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.090391, 
+                45.967256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.10537, 
+                45.972948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.107204, 
+                45.977161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.111174, 
+                45.978675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.114284, 
+                45.978322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.140461, 
+                45.975348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.140816, 
+                45.975308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.169368, 
+                45.966919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.17225, 
+                45.966072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.174763, 
+                45.967414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.175244, 
+                45.967671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.17806, 
+                45.969175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.203135, 
+                45.968516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.213885, 
+                45.968233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.218951, 
+                45.9681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.238174, 
+                45.967595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.253993, 
+                45.956727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.254952, 
+                45.956068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.2613, 
+                45.956083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.261858, 
+                45.956084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.266673, 
+                45.956096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.281663, 
+                45.956132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.317422, 
+                45.956217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.319565, 
+                45.956222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.320017, 
+                45.956223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.320494, 
+                45.956224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.324647, 
+                45.956234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.325115, 
+                45.956235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.325787, 
+                45.956237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.326413, 
+                45.956238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.327177, 
+                45.95624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.330021, 
+                45.956247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.330346, 
+                45.956043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.331572, 
+                45.955274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.345451, 
+                45.946569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.353259, 
+                45.941671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.353272, 
+                45.941663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.353714, 
+                45.941478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.357525, 
+                45.939881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.376429, 
+                45.931962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.376431, 
+                45.931963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.387383, 
+                45.937497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.391464, 
+                45.93956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.398007, 
+                45.942866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.398323, 
+                45.943026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.39854, 
+                45.943136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.399134, 
+                45.943436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.39946, 
+                45.9436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.399582, 
+                45.943662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.411212, 
+                45.949539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.428239, 
+                45.958144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.428689, 
+                45.958371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.436454, 
+                45.971722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.436574, 
+                45.97193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.437633, 
+                45.97375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.443086, 
+                45.977825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.443138, 
+                45.977863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.44314, 
+                45.977862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.443336, 
+                45.977775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.459956, 
+                45.970343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.463128, 
+                45.968925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.473694, 
+                45.974321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.478576, 
+                45.976814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.480436, 
+                45.977764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.4808, 
+                45.978385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.482563, 
+                45.981391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.483062, 
+                45.982242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.482506, 
+                45.985109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.482442, 
+                45.985441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.482773, 
+                45.986035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.484009, 
+                45.98825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.485625, 
+                45.988453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.488536, 
+                45.98882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.507201, 
+                45.991169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.514123, 
+                45.987242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.514071, 
+                45.971292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.525052, 
+                45.968578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.532392, 
+                45.969448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.534422, 
+                45.972762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.534648, 
+                45.978132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.530444, 
+                45.991385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.533426, 
+                46.00572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.540995, 
+                46.019501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.544405, 
+                46.02286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.563891, 
+                46.032459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.581081, 
+                46.031041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.586592, 
+                46.026584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.609063, 
+                46.026418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.647609, 
+                46.049704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.656567, 
+                46.052654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.66671, 
+                46.050486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.675835, 
+                46.046009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.687322, 
+                46.03488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.692735, 
+                46.027019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.6927, 
+                46.016963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.686269, 
+                45.979144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.684368, 
+                45.977499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.685254, 
+                45.973454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.687712, 
+                45.97126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.703948, 
+                45.970901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.723039, 
+                45.967279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.730179, 
+                45.961198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.738849, 
+                45.945792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.73937, 
+                45.941816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.733041, 
+                45.932837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.718955, 
+                45.927449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.713614, 
+                45.920366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.713251, 
+                45.916047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.734002, 
+                45.907026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.730252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.729482, 
+                45.895263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.721277, 
+                45.873911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.721276, 
+                45.873908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.715501, 
+                45.865962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.715481, 
+                45.865934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.715365, 
+                45.86583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.709727, 
+                45.860766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.702122, 
+                45.853935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.701594, 
+                45.853461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.701183, 
+                45.853092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.702256, 
+                45.850557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.702295, 
+                45.850464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.704647, 
+                45.849425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.705036, 
+                45.849253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.705923, 
+                45.848861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.705978, 
+                45.848837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.706383, 
+                45.848658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.707676, 
+                45.848609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.709261, 
+                45.848548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.720609, 
+                45.848116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.720836, 
+                45.848107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.721011, 
+                45.847972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.721468, 
+                45.84762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.722764, 
+                45.846621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.723005, 
+                45.845845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.723552, 
+                45.84408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.725734, 
+                45.837045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.726921, 
+                45.836964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.746985, 
+                45.835597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.747033, 
+                45.835621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.751507, 
+                45.837878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.754672, 
+                45.839475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.758333, 
+                45.841322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.773761, 
+                45.849105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.7754, 
+                45.849932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.792763, 
+                45.858691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.820557, 
+                45.868293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.828996, 
+                45.871209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.831396, 
+                45.872038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.831947, 
+                45.872776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.834213, 
+                45.87581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.834236, 
+                45.875841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.835147, 
+                45.87706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.838282, 
+                45.881258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.838427, 
+                45.881452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.838472, 
+                45.881512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.838228, 
+                45.883685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.837841, 
+                45.887123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.837717, 
+                45.888226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.837624, 
+                45.889054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.837635, 
+                45.889075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.839639, 
+                45.893042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.840666, 
+                45.895074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.842147, 
+                45.898005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.842243, 
+                45.898194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.843087, 
+                45.898346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.844615, 
+                45.89862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.846035, 
+                45.898875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.850592, 
+                45.899694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.852916, 
+                45.900111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.853303, 
+                45.900296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.855982, 
+                45.901574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.859025, 
+                45.903026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.860544, 
+                45.903751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.861494, 
+                45.904204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.867851, 
+                45.907237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.870355, 
+                45.908432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.873254, 
+                45.909815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.873273, 
+                45.909832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.877253, 
+                45.91348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.878969, 
+                45.915053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.879507, 
+                45.915546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.879835, 
+                45.915847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.902572, 
+                45.923557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.902913, 
+                45.923673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.917288, 
+                45.930576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.917484, 
+                45.93067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.936565, 
+                45.955217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.936953, 
+                45.955716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.937134, 
+                45.955949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.971232, 
+                45.984208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.973556, 
+                45.986134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.974668, 
+                45.986874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.974714, 
+                45.986905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.992511, 
+                45.998751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.003597, 
+                46.00613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.010208, 
+                46.009084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.010941, 
+                46.009412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.01399, 
+                46.010774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.020951, 
+                46.012845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.047028, 
+                46.020603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.047974, 
+                46.020885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.048972, 
+                46.021182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.054297, 
+                46.022766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.055581, 
+                46.023148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.081934, 
+                46.027295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.088345, 
+                46.028304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.088818, 
+                46.028378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.102862, 
+                46.032477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.102899, 
+                46.032488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.105148, 
+                46.033598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.106684, 
+                46.034356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.113601, 
+                46.037769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.124796, 
+                46.043294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.125243, 
+                46.043515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.127046, 
+                46.044404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.127202, 
+                46.044481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.130433, 
+                46.046076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.133704, 
+                46.047184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.13765, 
+                46.048522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.139572, 
+                46.049173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.140835, 
+                46.049601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.142456, 
+                46.049764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.14516, 
+                46.050035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.147103, 
+                46.05023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.151738, 
+                46.050696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.151825, 
+                46.050705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.152027, 
+                46.050725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.19063, 
+                46.047622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.194724, 
+                46.045992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.195201, 
+                46.045802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.197523, 
+                46.044878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.210834, 
+                46.053301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.214657, 
+                46.055719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.217705, 
+                46.057648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.220289, 
+                46.059283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.221206, 
+                46.059864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.222416, 
+                46.060629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.222511, 
+                46.060689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.222959, 
+                46.060741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.225052, 
+                46.060984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.248414, 
+                46.063694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.255375, 
+                46.064502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.266385, 
+                46.065779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.268308, 
+                46.066365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.278345, 
+                46.069426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.287693, 
+                46.072276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.287936, 
+                46.072398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.290046, 
+                46.073456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.295321, 
+                46.076103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.304238, 
+                46.080576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.310613, 
+                46.083773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.316264, 
+                46.086608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.335466, 
+                46.092459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.335911, 
+                46.092595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.33628, 
+                46.092586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.3561, 
+                46.092089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.356214, 
+                46.092086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.356339, 
+                46.092022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.366622, 
+                46.086778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.367158, 
+                46.086606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.381263, 
+                46.082086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.381394, 
+                46.082044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.382312, 
+                46.083035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.382781, 
+                46.08354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.382927, 
+                46.083698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.390047, 
+                46.091381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.393832, 
+                46.095465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.404194, 
+                46.098859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.409463, 
+                46.100585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.412064, 
+                46.101437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.426916, 
+                46.101964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.42921, 
+                46.101021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.429533, 
+                46.100888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.432064, 
+                46.099848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.437352, 
+                46.097675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.437768, 
+                46.097504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.44157, 
+                46.095942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.441879, 
+                46.095815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.441932, 
+                46.095793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.441934, 
+                46.095783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.442112, 
+                46.094867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.442293, 
+                46.093941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.442255, 
+                46.093916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.440908, 
+                46.093053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.440191, 
+                46.092593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.445835, 
+                46.086426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.445976, 
+                46.086272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.44699, 
+                46.085164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.45315, 
+                46.087219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.466828, 
+                46.091783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.468899, 
+                46.092474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.476097, 
+                46.094876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.480315, 
+                46.096283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.480603, 
+                46.096379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.48072, 
+                46.096382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.486316, 
+                46.096543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.499422, 
+                46.09692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.5001, 
+                46.09694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.50024, 
+                46.096915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.512696, 
+                46.094727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.521424, 
+                46.091314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.52157, 
+                46.091257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.521636, 
+                46.091217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.528403, 
+                46.087121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.528947, 
+                46.086791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.529058, 
+                46.086724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.533341, 
+                46.084131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.539479, 
+                46.080416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.540858, 
+                46.079581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.542974, 
+                46.077926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.54595, 
+                46.075598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.561097, 
+                46.063751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.563567, 
+                46.06182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.603785, 
+                46.030363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.615661, 
+                46.01168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.617577, 
+                46.008665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.617709, 
+                46.008458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.625118, 
+                46.002515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.628293, 
+                45.999968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.628998, 
+                45.999403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.62933, 
+                45.999136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.646279, 
+                45.985541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.646359, 
+                45.985477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.64743, 
+                45.984619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.647554, 
+                45.984519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.648581, 
+                45.983695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.648942, 
+                45.983103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.650434, 
+                45.980656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.650942, 
+                45.979824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.654686, 
+                45.973686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.654738, 
+                45.973648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.663966, 
+                45.967013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.664609, 
+                45.96688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.688149, 
+                45.962025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.697203, 
+                45.960158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.697609, 
+                45.960237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.701627, 
+                45.961017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.704237, 
+                45.961524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.704951, 
+                45.961662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.706548, 
+                45.961973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.716228, 
+                45.963852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.724246, 
+                45.965409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.725153, 
+                45.965398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.731776, 
+                45.965317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.74353, 
+                45.965174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.743618, 
+                45.965173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.760165, 
+                45.968914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.770938, 
+                45.971349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.774055, 
+                45.972337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.790279, 
+                45.97748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.790639, 
+                45.977594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.791841, 
+                45.977745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.8092, 
+                45.979931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.810442, 
+                45.980087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.811054, 
+                45.980032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.817066, 
+                45.979491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.817558, 
+                45.979447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.818006, 
+                45.979276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.820721, 
+                45.978239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.825819, 
+                45.976292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.826034, 
+                45.976021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.826278, 
+                45.975714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.82978, 
+                45.9713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.832261, 
+                45.968172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.832603, 
+                45.967742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.834504, 
+                45.967258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.835217, 
+                45.967077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.835456, 
+                45.967016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.838133, 
+                45.966334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.838366, 
+                45.966275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.839025, 
+                45.966107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.842404, 
+                45.965247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.843016, 
+                45.965342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.86019, 
+                45.968016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.861157, 
+                45.968167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.865402, 
+                45.968257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.882442, 
+                45.96862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.893196, 
+                45.967253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.9091, 
+                45.959074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.91237, 
+                45.956487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.912604, 
+                45.956302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.922737, 
+                45.948287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.926213, 
+                45.938093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.926017, 
+                45.932104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.917238, 
+                45.927782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.910264, 
+                45.922112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.913769, 
+                45.919439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.920581, 
+                45.920994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.954063, 
+                45.936629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -85.998868, 
+                45.950968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.050956, 
+                45.962205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.072067, 
+                45.965313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.094753, 
+                45.966704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.123567, 
+                45.964748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.145714, 
+                45.957372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.150173, 
+                45.954494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.159415, 
+                45.953765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.196618, 
+                45.963185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.208255, 
+                45.962978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.220546, 
+                45.958883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.22906, 
+                45.94857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.233613, 
+                45.945802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.248008, 
+                45.944849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.254768, 
+                45.94864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.278007, 
+                45.942057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.315981, 
+                45.915247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.324232, 
+                45.90608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.332625, 
+                45.851813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.349134, 
+                45.83416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.355062, 
+                45.805355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.351658, 
+                45.798132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.363808, 
+                45.790057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.369918, 
+                45.789254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.395809, 
+                45.78974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.401656, 
+                45.795412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.415971, 
+                45.793793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.424828, 
+                45.789747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.428423, 
+                45.785587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.428946, 
+                45.782524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.427183, 
+                45.77905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.428294, 
+                45.77562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.431921, 
+                45.767756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.435493, 
+                45.764485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.43553, 
+                45.764452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.439661, 
+                45.760669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.440329, 
+                45.760508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.442335, 
+                45.760026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.455534, 
+                45.75685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.459866, 
+                45.758042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.466039, 
+                45.759741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.47905, 
+                45.757416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.486028, 
+                45.746608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.496251, 
+                45.749255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.504216, 
+                45.75423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.51457, 
+                45.752337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.518281, 
+                45.747688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.523197, 
+                45.736498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.525166, 
+                45.720797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.53328, 
+                45.710849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.537258, 
+                45.708361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.54143, 
+                45.70811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.570627, 
+                45.716412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.580936, 
+                45.71192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.585847, 
+                45.704922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.584771, 
+                45.682007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.587528, 
+                45.666456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.593613, 
+                45.665625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.611306, 
+                45.669733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.62043, 
+                45.667098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.625132, 
+                45.663819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.627938, 
+                45.659293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.616972, 
+                45.620581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.616893, 
+                45.606796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.62387, 
+                45.613262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.633224, 
+                45.618249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.648439, 
+                45.615992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.666127, 
+                45.621689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.687208, 
+                45.634253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.688772, 
+                45.639969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.695275, 
+                45.648175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.708038, 
+                45.649202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.717828, 
+                45.668106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.718191, 
+                45.67732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.715781, 
+                45.683949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.705184, 
+                45.690901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.689102, 
+                45.687862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.676184, 
+                45.691862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.665677, 
+                45.702217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.665511, 
+                45.70903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.669263, 
+                45.71086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.67148, 
+                45.72053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.662762, 
+                45.728964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.647319, 
+                45.732618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.633138, 
+                45.747654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.634902, 
+                45.763536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.631018, 
+                45.782019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.617336, 
+                45.783538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.612137, 
+                45.779356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.597661, 
+                45.775385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.583391, 
+                45.778242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.576869, 
+                45.788502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.581071, 
+                45.791802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.581759, 
+                45.794797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.576858, 
+                45.801473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.571172, 
+                45.805452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.563392, 
+                45.804469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.557215, 
+                45.808172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.555547, 
+                45.813499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.559044, 
+                45.822323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.555186, 
+                45.831696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.549723, 
+                45.836039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.545602, 
+                45.836495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.538831, 
+                45.840083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.529208, 
+                45.853043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.528224, 
+                45.856974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.529573, 
+                45.874974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.532989, 
+                45.882665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.541464, 
+                45.890234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.553608, 
+                45.896476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.567719, 
+                45.9005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.583304, 
+                45.898784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.593184, 
+                45.88511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.603293, 
+                45.876626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.613536, 
+                45.875982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.625736, 
+                45.868295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.633168, 
+                45.860068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.632478, 
+                45.843309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.645998, 
+                45.833888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.721113, 
+                45.845431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.72852, 
+                45.848759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.742466, 
+                45.864719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.749638, 
+                45.867796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.758449, 
+                45.867274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.78208, 
+                45.860195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.784177, 
+                45.854641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.782259, 
+                45.82995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.777225, 
+                45.827183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.774612, 
+                45.821696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.773279, 
+                45.811385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.785722, 
+                45.794517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.801476, 
+                45.780027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.821523, 
+                45.770356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.823743, 
+                45.765486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.820868, 
+                45.760776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.821814, 
+                45.757164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.838658, 
+                45.741831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.841818, 
+                45.729051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.838746, 
+                45.722307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.870392, 
+                45.710087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.876904, 
+                45.711891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.895342, 
+                45.711464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.904089, 
+                45.709546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.92106, 
+                45.697868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.944158, 
+                45.695833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.964275, 
+                45.672761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.966885, 
+                45.675001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.967315, 
+                45.684923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.969765, 
+                45.691895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.981349, 
+                45.696463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.984588, 
+                45.705812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.982413, 
+                45.719873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.977655, 
+                45.728768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.975224, 
+                45.75313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.981341, 
+                45.76616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.981624, 
+                45.792221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -86.988438, 
+                45.810621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.00508, 
+                45.831718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.006095, 
+                45.832244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.006225, 
+                45.832312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.018902, 
+                45.838886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.031435, 
+                45.837238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.039842, 
+                45.834245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.050104, 
+                45.823844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.052043, 
+                45.821879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057439, 
+                45.812483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057863, 
+                45.80917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057882, 
+                45.809021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058207, 
+                45.806483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058277, 
+                45.80594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058489, 
+                45.804285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058844, 
+                45.80151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058682, 
+                45.796447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058628, 
+                45.794772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058413, 
+                45.788071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058127, 
+                45.779152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.058601, 
+                45.778126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.063975, 
+                45.76651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.064302, 
+                45.758828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.062406, 
+                45.753296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.05555, 
+                45.751535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.052908, 
+                45.747983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.057444, 
+                45.736822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.061721, 
+                45.732821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.070442, 
+                45.718779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.059953, 
+                45.708893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.059533, 
+                45.708497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.061339, 
+                45.708122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.073932, 
+                45.705508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.074813, 
+                45.705325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.074873, 
+                45.705312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.093365, 
+                45.701473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.095455, 
+                45.701039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.099401, 
+                45.698614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.099411, 
+                45.698514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.099725, 
+                45.695231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.100265, 
+                45.694808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.111638, 
+                45.685905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.112524, 
+                45.685696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.12857, 
+                45.681909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.129412, 
+                45.68171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.146713, 
+                45.673662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.15033, 
+                45.67198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.161593, 
+                45.666741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.172241, 
+                45.661788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.173493, 
+                45.66049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.191496, 
+                45.641827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.196852, 
+                45.636275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.21122, 
+                45.616468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.215616, 
+                45.610408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.218989, 
+                45.60576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.223647, 
+                45.599338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.232472, 
+                45.59087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.234612, 
+                45.588817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.250122, 
+                45.569059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.260709, 
+                45.555573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.261979, 
+                45.553954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.263488, 
+                45.552032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.263763, 
+                45.551482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.264446, 
+                45.550118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.280709, 
+                45.517624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.288726, 
+                45.501606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.289443, 
+                45.50053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.306122, 
+                45.475513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.317416, 
+                45.466712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.319703, 
+                45.464929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.330262, 
+                45.451011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.333147, 
+                45.447208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.333407, 
+                45.446056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.334033, 
+                45.443273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.334249, 
+                45.442315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.333309, 
+                45.437269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.33324, 
+                45.436897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.331107, 
+                45.433673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.329958, 
+                45.431937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.32864, 
+                45.431331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.327367, 
+                45.430745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.326855, 
+                45.43051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.325834, 
+                45.43004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.326069, 
+                45.429459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.327749, 
+                45.425307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.328248, 
+                45.424716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.329505, 
+                45.423229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.330882, 
+                45.421598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.336152, 
+                45.41536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.338083, 
+                45.41436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.350852, 
+                45.407743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.351306, 
+                45.407328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.359512, 
+                45.399829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.360078, 
+                45.398512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.360529, 
+                45.397464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.364368, 
+                45.388532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.371282, 
+                45.383738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.387851, 
+                45.372251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.389181, 
+                45.371329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.389478, 
+                45.371123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.389849, 
+                45.370866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.391446, 
+                45.369759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.3925, 
+                45.369028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.39452, 
+                45.363702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.399973, 
+                45.349322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.409987, 
+                45.33892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.427379, 
+                45.320854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.431684, 
+                45.316383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.436128, 
+                45.307705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437257, 
+                45.3055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.437507, 
+                45.30367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.438908, 
+                45.293405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.455519, 
+                45.280736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.456414, 
+                45.280053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.464794, 
+                45.273662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.465201, 
+                45.273351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.496869, 
+                45.240364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.503302, 
+                45.233662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.504186, 
+                45.232742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.512336, 
+                45.224252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.530499, 
+                45.208056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.535346, 
+                45.203734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.548964, 
+                45.191591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -87.552468, 
+                45.189767
+              ], 
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+              [
+                -92.309424, 
+                36.497894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.318415, 
+                36.497711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.529145, 
+                36.497739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.772333, 
+                36.497772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.772341, 
+                36.497772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.838621, 
+                36.498079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.838876, 
+                36.498033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.854049, 
+                36.497983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.894001, 
+                36.49785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.894336, 
+                36.497867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.013742, 
+                36.49813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.068455, 
+                36.49825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.069512, 
+                36.498242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.087635, 
+                36.498239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.088988, 
+                36.498184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.296117, 
+                36.498389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.315324, 
+                36.498408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.315337, 
+                36.498408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.394718, 
+                36.498519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.396079, 
+                36.498669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.426989, 
+                36.498585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.507408, 
+                36.498911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.514512, 
+                36.498881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.584281, 
+                36.498896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.584282, 
+                36.498896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.700171, 
+                36.499135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.709956, 
+                36.499179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.718893, 
+                36.499178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.727552, 
+                36.499055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.728022, 
+                36.499037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.866758, 
+                36.498789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.906128, 
+                36.498718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.92184, 
+                36.498718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.95919, 
+                36.498717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.96392, 
+                36.498717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.077089, 
+                36.49873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.098588, 
+                36.498676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.100252, 
+                36.49867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.110673, 
+                36.498587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.111473, 
+                36.498597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.519478, 
+                36.499214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.55929, 
+                36.499496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617919, 
+                36.499414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617877, 
+                36.514999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617883, 
+                36.517799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617997, 
+                36.53428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617868, 
+                36.53609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617897, 
+                36.536983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617814, 
+                36.577732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617853, 
+                36.59912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617865, 
+                36.606851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617815, 
+                36.612604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618019, 
+                36.667921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618025, 
+                36.66943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61813, 
+                36.701423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618307, 
+                36.76656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61838, 
+                36.84732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618658, 
+                36.880064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618243, 
+                36.897027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618282, 
+                36.911472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618207, 
+                36.926236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618295, 
+                36.929647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618166, 
+                36.937584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618109, 
+                36.946564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618026, 
+                36.950158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618031, 
+                36.994704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618049, 
+                36.996208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61808, 
+                36.998135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617995, 
+                37.009016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617965, 
+                37.040537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617875, 
+                37.056797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617875, 
+                37.056798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617982, 
+                37.075077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61812, 
+                37.085934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618082, 
+                37.086432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61809, 
+                37.093494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618088, 
+                37.093671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618059, 
+                37.096676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618151, 
+                37.103968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618212, 
+                37.113169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618075, 
+                37.129755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618072, 
+                37.132345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618351, 
+                37.160211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618473, 
+                37.174782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618505, 
+                37.181184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618319, 
+                37.188774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618305, 
+                37.207337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618219, 
+                37.207772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61815, 
+                37.228121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618123, 
+                37.229334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618158, 
+                37.237597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618075, 
+                37.240436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617648, 
+                37.323589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617695, 
+                37.336842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617636, 
+                37.338415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617636, 
+                37.338417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617538, 
+                37.364167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617537, 
+                37.364355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617626, 
+                37.367445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617625, 
+                37.367576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617557, 
+                37.396375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617511, 
+                37.410909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617265, 
+                37.425536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617132, 
+                37.439818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617201, 
+                37.454788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617205, 
+                37.460373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617222, 
+                37.460476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61718, 
+                37.465203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617183, 
+                37.469665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617023, 
+                37.483765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616789, 
+                37.52151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616908, 
+                37.527804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617186, 
+                37.553485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61716, 
+                37.557308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617081, 
+                37.567013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617315, 
+                37.571499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617283, 
+                37.571896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617428, 
+                37.609522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.6173, 
+                37.610495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617477, 
+                37.63717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617575, 
+                37.653577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617576, 
+                37.653671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617734, 
+                37.673105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617734, 
+                37.673127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617885, 
+                37.682214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617687, 
+                37.686653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617651, 
+                37.687671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617805, 
+                37.690178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617975, 
+                37.722176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.617808, 
+                37.729707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616862, 
+                37.819456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.61645, 
+                37.83756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616426, 
+                37.845282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.616, 
+                37.863126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615834, 
+                37.87251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615921, 
+                37.878331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615706, 
+                37.886843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615469, 
+                37.901775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615393, 
+                37.906392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.615181, 
+                37.915944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614778, 
+                37.9342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614835, 
+                37.9367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614754, 
+                37.940769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614612, 
+                37.944362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614594, 
+                37.949978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614562, 
+                37.951517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614557, 
+                37.971037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614465, 
+                37.987799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614212, 
+                37.992462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613981, 
+                38.036949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613981, 
+                38.037057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614055, 
+                38.060056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614055, 
+                38.060088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614089, 
+                38.065901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.614061, 
+                38.067343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613856, 
+                38.149769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613748, 
+                38.160633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613422, 
+                38.167908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613073, 
+                38.190552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612848, 
+                38.200714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612822, 
+                38.203918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612658, 
+                38.217649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612659, 
+                38.219251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612635, 
+                38.226987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612614, 
+                38.237766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612692, 
+                38.270394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612849, 
+                38.289914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612844, 
+                38.291423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612673, 
+                38.302527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612673, 
+                38.314832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612788, 
+                38.320142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612825, 
+                38.324387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613, 
+                38.335801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613312, 
+                38.364407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613329, 
+                38.369618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613275, 
+                38.388718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613265, 
+                38.392426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.613365, 
+                38.403422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612866, 
+                38.477571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612865, 
+                38.477602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612696, 
+                38.483154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612726, 
+                38.484367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612644, 
+                38.491644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612272, 
+                38.547917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612157, 
+                38.549817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.612176, 
+                38.576546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611902, 
+                38.58011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611887, 
+                38.580139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611908, 
+                38.609272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611858, 
+                38.620485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.611602, 
+                38.635384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609509, 
+                38.738102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609456, 
+                38.7407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609399, 
+                38.74244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.609039, 
+                38.760611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608041, 
+                38.811064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.847207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.855007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.861207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607993, 
+                38.867271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.868107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.869207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608033, 
+                38.883807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607978, 
+                38.93687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607866, 
+                38.937398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608134, 
+                38.940006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608134, 
+                38.942006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607391, 
+                39.044086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607234, 
+                39.065704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607334, 
+                39.081704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607234, 
+                39.089604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.607354, 
+                39.113444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.589933, 
+                39.140403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.591933, 
+                39.155003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.596033, 
+                39.157703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.601733, 
+                39.159603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.706723, 
+                39.173801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.714137, 
+                39.170403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.723637, 
+                39.169003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.736537, 
+                39.169203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.752338, 
+                39.173203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.793948, 
+                39.201276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.832399, 
+                39.227218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.901009, 
+                39.30168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.907569, 
+                39.320623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.910641, 
+                39.348335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.908337, 
+                39.355647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.909954, 
+                39.367459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.946662, 
+                39.399717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.969061, 
+                39.418876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.102888, 
+                39.533347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.109304, 
+                39.542285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.113557, 
+                39.553941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.113077, 
+                39.559133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107454, 
+                39.573843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.069592, 
+                39.615106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01531, 
+                39.674262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011103, 
+                39.677572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.937924, 
+                39.725471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.916932, 
+                39.728186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.895268, 
+                39.76321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.908267, 
+                39.812172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.927897, 
+                39.886112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.935963, 
+                39.894355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.954155, 
+                39.901138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.993348, 
+                39.900747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00844, 
+                39.900596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01632, 
+                39.898766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.02524, 
+                39.8897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.02525, 
+                39.877688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.027931, 
+                39.871522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.035047, 
+                39.866807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.042142, 
+                39.864805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.085003, 
+                39.861883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107745, 
+                39.868579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.132695, 
+                39.875925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.181222, 
+                39.899996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.301549, 
+                39.983603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.30778, 
+                39.990618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.30829, 
+                39.999998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.312211, 
+                40.009395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.521925, 
+                40.24947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552473, 
+                40.261904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552314, 
+                40.264443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.550966, 
+                40.285947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.553292, 
+                40.291158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.622684, 
+                40.342323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.68728, 
+                40.465059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.692665, 
+                40.483022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.681409, 
+                40.49082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.659281, 
+                40.519808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.696673, 
+                40.545137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.697281, 
+                40.536985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.709974, 
+                40.523798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.74868, 
+                40.524275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.75711, 
+                40.52599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.76692, 
+                40.531563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.769281, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.774704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.773549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.765645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.746443, 
+                40.584935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.6875, 
+                40.584381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.687442, 
+                40.58438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.64184, 
+                40.584234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.611069, 
+                40.583495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.574046, 
+                40.582963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.554959, 
+                40.582629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.533182, 
+                40.582249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.526682, 
+                40.582136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.525392, 
+                40.58209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.469319, 
+                40.58154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.415406, 
+                40.581014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.373923, 
+                40.580501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.373893, 
+                40.580501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.357802, 
+                40.5801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.335588, 
+                40.579871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.221525, 
+                40.578827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.218783, 
+                40.578781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.217455, 
+                40.578759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.213327, 
+                40.578689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.212715, 
+                40.578679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.21159, 
+                40.578654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.211408, 
+                40.57865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.202264, 
+                40.578528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.164058, 
+                40.578017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.154499, 
+                40.57786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.120829, 
+                40.577413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.112222, 
+                40.577228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.110663, 
+                40.577206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.110303, 
+                40.57716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.107213, 
+                40.577116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.097607, 
+                40.577168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.079742, 
+                40.577007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.068921, 
+                40.57688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.966491, 
+                40.575839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.955134, 
+                40.575669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.914896, 
+                40.575068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.901451, 
+                40.574877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.896801, 
+                40.574738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.823758, 
+                40.573942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.819978, 
+                40.573714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.811188, 
+                40.573532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.773988, 
+                40.572977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.716665, 
+                40.572201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.714925, 
+                40.572201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.682601, 
+                40.571787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.632035, 
+                40.571186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.632032, 
+                40.571186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.594001, 
+                40.570966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.542154, 
+                40.570809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.541828, 
+                40.570809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.538318, 
+                40.570763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.537058, 
+                40.570763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.533878, 
+                40.570739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.48928, 
+                40.570707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.471213, 
+                40.570825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470648, 
+                40.57083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.460088, 
+                40.570947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.429725, 
+                40.571041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.358307, 
+                40.571363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.336706, 
+                40.571452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.336556, 
+                40.571475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.324765, 
+                40.571477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.310724, 
+                40.571524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.294813, 
+                40.571341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.28735, 
+                40.571521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.23224, 
+                40.571907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.091085, 
+                40.572897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.089194, 
+                40.572806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.080463, 
+                40.572899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.080223, 
+                40.572899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.034134, 
+                40.573585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.015492, 
+                40.573914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.976766, 
+                40.574635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.963863, 
+                40.574754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.939857, 
+                40.575192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.938627, 
+                40.575284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.937097, 
+                40.575421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.936317, 
+                40.575284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.935687, 
+                40.57533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.913961, 
+                40.575672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.900877, 
+                40.575874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.899317, 
+                40.575942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.898327, 
+                40.576011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.853656, 
+                40.576606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.84093, 
+                40.576791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818725, 
+                40.577086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.815485, 
+                40.577278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.774344, 
+                40.577584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.770231, 
+                40.577615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.750223, 
+                40.57772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.742759, 
+                40.577518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.737259, 
+                40.577542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.728355, 
+                40.577547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.722443, 
+                40.577641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.690333, 
+                40.577875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.677099, 
+                40.578127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.668845, 
+                40.578241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.661913, 
+                40.578354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.659272, 
+                40.57833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.656211, 
+                40.578352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.597352, 
+                40.579496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.566189, 
+                40.580117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.56581, 
+                40.580075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.56524, 
+                40.580143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.560798, 
+                40.580304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558938, 
+                40.580189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.556899, 
+                40.580235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.553986, 
+                40.580303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.548284, 
+                40.580417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.528177, 
+                40.580367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.527607, 
+                40.580436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.524124, 
+                40.580481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.466887, 
+                40.580072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.465297, 
+                40.580164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.441767, 
+                40.579916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.374386, 
+                40.580334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.345442, 
+                40.580514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.317605, 
+                40.580671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.260612, 
+                40.580797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.098507, 
+                40.583973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.097296, 
+                40.584014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.085517, 
+                40.584403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.957747, 
+                40.58743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.941595, 
+                40.587743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.903544, 
+                40.58786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.889796, 
+                40.588039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.879178, 
+                40.588341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.863034, 
+                40.588175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.857391, 
+                40.58836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.835074, 
+                40.588484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.827992, 
+                40.588515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.828061, 
+                40.588593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.757407, 
+                40.588908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.742232, 
+                40.589207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.714598, 
+                40.589564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.689854, 
+                40.589884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.686693, 
+                40.589809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.639223, 
+                40.590825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.637898, 
+                40.590853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.580278, 
+                40.592151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.484588, 
+                40.594924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.482394, 
+                40.594894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.481692, 
+                40.594941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.461609, 
+                40.595355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.453745, 
+                40.595288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.379691, 
+                40.596509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.350807, 
+                40.597273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.350776, 
+                40.597274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.331445, 
+                40.597714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.331205, 
+                40.597805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.298754, 
+                40.598469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.236484, 
+                40.599531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.217603, 
+                40.599832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.201669, 
+                40.59998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.196162, 
+                40.600069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.17978, 
+                40.600529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.096387, 
+                40.60183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.092875, 
+                40.602082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.0832, 
+                40.602244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.082339, 
+                40.602176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.069521, 
+                40.602772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.067904, 
+                40.602648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -92.029649, 
+                40.603713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.998683, 
+                40.604433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.970988, 
+                40.605112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.943114, 
+                40.605913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.868401, 
+                40.608059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.832481, 
+                40.609797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.824826, 
+                40.610191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.813968, 
+                40.610526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.800133, 
+                40.610953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.795374, 
+                40.611101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.785916, 
+                40.611488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.729115, 
+                40.61364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.716769, 
+                40.59853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.696359, 
+                40.588148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.620071, 
+                40.540817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.618028, 
+                40.53403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.622362, 
+                40.514362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.619486, 
+                40.507134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.524612, 
+                40.410765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.490977, 
+                40.393484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.484507, 
+                40.3839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.419422, 
+                40.378264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.444833, 
+                40.36317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.46214, 
+                40.342414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.489868, 
+                40.286048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.501435, 
+                40.248874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.505968, 
+                40.234305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510332, 
+                40.201142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.512974, 
+                40.181062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.510322, 
+                40.127994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.494865, 
+                40.037421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.460287, 
+                39.980333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.455887, 
+                39.945538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.446385, 
+                39.870394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.432919, 
+                39.840554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.365396, 
+                39.777266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.367962, 
+                39.759124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.369953, 
+                39.745042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.370009, 
+                39.732524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.367753, 
+                39.729029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.349039, 
+                39.712316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.313162, 
+                39.684907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.229317, 
+                39.620853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.178012, 
+                39.598196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.168419, 
+                39.564928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.158606, 
+                39.553048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -91.042351, 
+                39.452062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.993789, 
+                39.422959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.939983, 
+                39.393555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.882706, 
+                39.362254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.842175, 
+                39.341932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.799346, 
+                39.313087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.72996, 
+                39.255894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.726981, 
+                39.251173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.718996, 
+                39.224973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.681086, 
+                39.10059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.682744, 
+                39.088348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.712541, 
+                39.057064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.713629, 
+                39.053977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.71158, 
+                39.046798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.66587, 
+                38.934195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.663372, 
+                38.928042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.657254, 
+                38.92027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.625122, 
+                38.888654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.583388, 
+                38.86903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.566557, 
+                38.868847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.555693, 
+                38.870785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.54403, 
+                38.87505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.507451, 
+                38.902767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.486974, 
+                38.925982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.482725, 
+                38.934712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.482419, 
+                38.94446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.472122, 
+                38.958838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.467784, 
+                38.961809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.450809, 
+                38.967758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.450792, 
+                38.967764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.406367, 
+                38.962554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.385751, 
+                38.956848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.275932, 
+                38.926453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.250248, 
+                38.919344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.22585, 
+                38.908923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.207035, 
+                38.898954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.113327, 
+                38.849306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.109407, 
+                38.843548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.109107, 
+                38.837448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.114707, 
+                38.815048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.117707, 
+                38.805748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.123107, 
+                38.798048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.165082, 
+                38.770618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.171309, 
+                38.766549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20991, 
+                38.72605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.21201, 
+                38.71175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20921, 
+                38.70275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.20221, 
+                38.69345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.19521, 
+                38.68755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18641, 
+                38.67475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.181399, 
+                38.660378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18111, 
+                38.65955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.17771, 
+                38.64275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.17801, 
+                38.63375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.182625, 
+                38.617989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.18451, 
+                38.611551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.196011, 
+                38.594451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.202511, 
+                38.588651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.224512, 
+                38.574651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.248913, 
+                38.544752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.257773, 
+                38.532008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.260314, 
+                38.528352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.263064, 
+                38.52022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.279215, 
+                38.472453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.285215, 
+                38.443453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.295316, 
+                38.426753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.340297, 
+                38.386998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.346118, 
+                38.381853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.350918, 
+                38.375053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.370819, 
+                38.333554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.372519, 
+                38.323354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.373929, 
+                38.281853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -90.363926, 
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+                42.8865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.309741, 
+                42.881232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.204506, 
+                42.846845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.165835, 
+                42.837011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.157405, 
+                42.831899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.056625, 
+                42.770781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.035034, 
+                42.764205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.017228, 
+                42.762411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.000348, 
+                42.763256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.950147, 
+                42.769619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.936716, 
+                42.775754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.908983, 
+                42.794909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.888562, 
+                42.817251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.879878, 
+                42.835395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.875345, 
+                42.858724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.865695, 
+                42.86286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.84527, 
+                42.867734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.828496, 
+                42.868797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.814382, 
+                42.861119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.774456, 
+                42.849774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.686506, 
+                42.842435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.635115, 
+                42.844984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.531867, 
+                42.850105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.485376, 
+                42.854838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.42319, 
+                42.861168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.328511, 
+                42.859501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.257089, 
+                42.853854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.218269, 
+                42.829561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.190135, 
+                42.805076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.163082, 
+                42.793385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.13746, 
+                42.782313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.05218, 
+                42.770187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.026103, 
+                42.762625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.015691, 
+                42.758697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.961021, 
+                42.738075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.920494, 
+                42.731432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.906797, 
+                42.7338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.813148, 
+                42.706397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.806553, 
+                42.703405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.724033, 
+                42.665971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.712871, 
+                42.648136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.707245, 
+                42.631258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.710604, 
+                42.619625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.711332, 
+                42.610399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.708049, 
+                42.601594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.635982, 
+                42.524324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.625958, 
+                42.513576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.611489, 
+                42.506088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.48749, 
+                42.479846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.475565, 
+                42.480036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.443408, 
+                42.489495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.409408, 
+                42.487595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.396107, 
+                42.484095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.385407, 
+                42.473094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.381307, 
+                42.461694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.380707, 
+                42.446394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.387608, 
+                42.432494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.413609, 
+                42.407894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.415509, 
+                42.400294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.417786, 
+                42.351449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.413895, 
+                42.343393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.407998, 
+                42.337408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.384169, 
+                42.325874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.375307, 
+                42.318339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.348814, 
+                42.282024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.328905, 
+                42.254734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.322868, 
+                42.233637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.323723, 
+                42.229887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.336323, 
+                42.218922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.356591, 
+                42.215182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.356666, 
+                42.215077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.35987, 
+                42.210545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.349688, 
+                42.172043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.344121, 
+                42.162091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.307421, 
+                42.130707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.279079, 
+                42.074026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.272877, 
+                42.047238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.251714, 
+                42.040472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.22173, 
+                42.026205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.129505, 
+                41.971673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.129186, 
+                41.965136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.136743, 
+                41.920826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.142265, 
+                41.915379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.159098, 
+                41.910057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.161988, 
+                41.905553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.161756, 
+                41.90182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.144483, 
+                41.871854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.139554, 
+                41.86583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.110907, 
+                41.830818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.086407, 
+                41.81138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.077646, 
+                41.808804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.071007, 
+                41.804639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.06577, 
+                41.798174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.064537, 
+                41.793002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.077088, 
+                41.715403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.096795, 
+                41.698681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.121726, 
+                41.68274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.099837, 
+                41.66103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.095415, 
+                41.652736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.095046, 
+                41.647365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.097728, 
+                41.639633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.116233, 
+                41.621574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.118105, 
+                41.613495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.09409, 
+                41.539265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.089714, 
+                41.531778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.055096, 
+                41.509577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.046707, 
+                41.507085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.040701, 
+                41.507076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.036603, 
+                41.509047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.030593, 
+                41.527292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.994784, 
+                41.526242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.981319, 
+                41.506837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.930705, 
+                41.433894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.937346, 
+                41.394403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.93831, 
+                41.392162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.956791, 
+                41.349196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.956691, 
+                41.345496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.953091, 
+                41.339896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.939291, 
+                41.328897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92569, 
+                41.322197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91379, 
+                41.320197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.90249, 
+                41.273398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.924891, 
+                41.211198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.927491, 
+                41.202198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92599, 
+                41.195698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.923219, 
+                41.191046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.92319, 
+                41.190998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.91459, 
+                41.185098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.852788, 
+                41.165398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.853396, 
+                41.16028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.866289, 
+                41.051731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.867246, 
+                41.043671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.867286, 
+                41.001599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.835434, 
+                40.984184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.829074, 
+                40.975688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.823123, 
+                40.900924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.821193, 
+                40.876682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.854172, 
+                40.784012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.861695, 
+                40.762871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.872281, 
+                40.758349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.881529, 
+                40.750611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.88669, 
+                40.742101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.888907, 
+                40.731855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.883178, 
+                40.717579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.842801, 
+                40.677496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.822913, 
+                40.66724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.795489, 
+                40.662384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.786568, 
+                40.657253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.776251, 
+                40.647463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.748626, 
+                40.603355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.750053, 
+                40.597052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.753148, 
+                40.59284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.765645, 
+                40.585208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.773549, 
+                40.578205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.774704, 
+                40.573574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.769281, 
+                40.536656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.76692, 
+                40.531563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.75711, 
+                40.52599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.74868, 
+                40.524275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.709974, 
+                40.523798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.697281, 
+                40.536985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.696673, 
+                40.545137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.659281, 
+                40.519808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.681409, 
+                40.49082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.692665, 
+                40.483022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.68728, 
+                40.465059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.622684, 
+                40.342323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.553292, 
+                40.291158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.550966, 
+                40.285947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552314, 
+                40.264443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552473, 
+                40.261904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.521925, 
+                40.24947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.312211, 
+                40.009395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.30829, 
+                39.999998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.339896, 
+                39.999999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.375257, 
+                40.0
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.784575, 
+                40.000463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.788024, 
+                40.000452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.788111, 
+                40.000452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.882524, 
+                40.00047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.958139, 
+                40.000521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.010678, 
+                40.000638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.01068, 
+                40.000638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.02409, 
+                40.000719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.051691, 
+                40.000727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.081395, 
+                40.000603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.089781, 
+                40.000519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.125788, 
+                40.000467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.125937, 
+                40.000432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.147167, 
+                40.000479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154246, 
+                40.00045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.154365, 
+                40.000495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.220171, 
+                40.00072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.223839, 
+                40.000729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.239172, 
+                40.000691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.239208, 
+                40.000691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.301066, 
+                40.000632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.304555, 
+                40.000629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.46364, 
+                40.000967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.463713, 
+                40.000968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.467536, 
+                40.001035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.469945, 
+                40.000966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.527111, 
+                40.001031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.538977, 
+                40.000851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557863, 
+                40.000968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.570854, 
+                40.001091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.580852, 
+                40.000966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.604884, 
+                40.000891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.610349, 
+                40.000881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.622401, 
+                40.001158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.805768, 
+                40.001371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.873812, 
+                40.00145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.875057, 
+                40.001448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.878253, 
+                40.001466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.880459, 
+                40.001448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.916093, 
+                40.001506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.916407, 
+                40.001506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.009165, 
+                40.001463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.030803, 
+                40.001342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.049663, 
+                40.001323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.137866, 
+                40.001814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.142448, 
+                40.001495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.181775, 
+                40.00155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.20019, 
+                40.001549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.20231, 
+                40.001442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.24508, 
+                40.001467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.245169, 
+                40.001513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.350272, 
+                40.001976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.350896, 
+                40.00193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369103, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369199, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369199, 
+                40.00206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.415833, 
+                40.002001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.417826, 
+                40.002024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.425443, 
+                40.002048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.444662, 
+                40.001958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.463285, 
+                40.002047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.510264, 
+                40.001835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.511381, 
+                40.001899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.515308, 
+                40.001901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.767746, 
+                40.001994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.769204, 
+                40.001995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.770776, 
+                40.001977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.777155, 
+                40.002167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.819426, 
+                40.001958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.821496, 
+                40.002002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.821598, 
+                40.002004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.838379, 
+                40.00191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.85745, 
+                40.002065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.876261, 
+                40.002102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.931811, 
+                40.00205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.931826, 
+                40.00205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.972186, 
+                40.002114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.010157, 
+                40.002153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.014412, 
+                40.002223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.047469, 
+                40.002186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.050057, 
+                40.002278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.068701, 
+                40.002355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.076034, 
+                40.002301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.099659, 
+                40.002227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.142031, 
+                40.002452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.172269, 
+                40.002438
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.179315, 
+                40.002483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.193483, 
+                40.002614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.250008, 
+                40.002307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.268218, 
+                40.00249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.274015, 
+                40.002516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.274017, 
+                40.002516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.490533, 
+                40.002323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.504455, 
+                40.002329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.523053, 
+                40.002336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.543186, 
+                40.002285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.560578, 
+                40.002274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.575219, 
+                40.00248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.593342, 
+                40.002476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.613755, 
+                40.0024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.64071, 
+                40.002493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.652494, 
+                40.002245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.653833, 
+                40.002269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.669724, 
+                40.00241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.672819, 
+                40.002364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.690287, 
+                40.002548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.691443, 
+                40.002505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.693096, 
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+              ], 
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+                -98.726373, 
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+              ], 
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+                -98.774941, 
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+              ], 
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+                -98.777203, 
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+              ], 
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+                -98.82059, 
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+                -100.177823, 
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+                -100.188181, 
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+                -100.190323, 
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+                -100.19359, 
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+                -100.193597, 
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+                -100.196959, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.274393, 
+                42.942482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.274466, 
+                42.940361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.278673, 
+                42.83341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.285388, 
+                42.834093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.290944, 
+                42.80192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.276421, 
+                42.746019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.264957, 
+                42.74594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.307004, 
+                42.632653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.352527, 
+                42.510002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.410647, 
+                42.351738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.508142, 
+                42.086257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.496879, 
+                42.049675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.487314, 
+                42.049638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.504944, 
+                41.824285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.505008, 
+                41.823773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.510171, 
+                41.758686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.517473, 
+                41.666646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.521457, 
+                41.616429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.530067, 
+                41.527194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.533969, 
+                41.479693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.534055, 
+                41.478968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.53415, 
+                41.47806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.534269, 
+                41.476911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.534269, 
+                41.476394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.534369, 
+                41.475894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.535769, 
+                41.457159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.535857, 
+                41.455709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.535885, 
+                41.455236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.535986, 
+                41.45306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.536067, 
+                41.451331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.536969, 
+                41.441094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.537469, 
+                41.43589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.537673, 
+                41.433905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.543641, 
+                41.376778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.544728, 
+                41.366375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.550961, 
+                41.295422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.482709, 
+                41.21276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.509487, 
+                41.200814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.514617, 
+                41.198434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.614407, 
+                41.153001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.632153, 
+                41.144921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.639672, 
+                41.141495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.727775, 
+                41.100696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.694273, 
+                41.059296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.687173, 
+                41.050697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.679973, 
+                41.041797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.670472, 
+                41.030097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.655371, 
+                41.012797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.654671, 
+                41.011697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.657336, 
+                40.985171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.655972, 
+                40.979597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.659972, 
+                40.968398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.662072, 
+                40.966198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.664472, 
+                40.967198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.678073, 
+                40.962798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.683273, 
+                40.948998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.686473, 
+                40.945198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.697974, 
+                40.939598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.721739, 
+                40.932037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.731775, 
+                40.924999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.756776, 
+                40.912599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.781338, 
+                40.885447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.783545, 
+                40.88104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.784803, 
+                40.878528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.785502, 
+                40.869079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.788786, 
+                40.858485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.78806, 
+                40.854131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.784754, 
+                40.851793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.782174, 
+                40.847358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.782093, 
+                40.844616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.782254, 
+                40.842359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.781206, 
+                40.838891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.782577, 
+                40.837601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.783867, 
+                40.836795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.785399, 
+                40.838004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.788221, 
+                40.842036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.791044, 
+                40.846552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.789512, 
+                40.85139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.792253, 
+                40.855825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.793785, 
+                40.855583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.797252, 
+                40.852196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.799543, 
+                40.848027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.806914, 
+                40.849501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.81281, 
+                40.846737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.815574, 
+                40.835129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.815205, 
+                40.831075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.811889, 
+                40.825363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.804518, 
+                40.818546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.797332, 
+                40.815597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.785964, 
+                40.800862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.781369, 
+                40.794907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.776032, 
+                40.795275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.768431, 
+                40.800704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.768301, 
+                40.800797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.754032, 
+                40.820941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.7544, 
+                40.826837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.728275, 
+                40.8529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.726675, 
+                40.8568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.730675, 
+                40.8654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.729575, 
+                40.8665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.713674, 
+                40.870099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.675573, 
+                40.856999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.670692, 
+                40.858708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.655872, 
+                40.863899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.654372, 
+                40.878199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.641072, 
+                40.892599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.633771, 
+                40.898198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.626972, 
+                40.899397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.617571, 
+                40.897898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.60187, 
+                40.902798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.59517, 
+                40.907298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.569969, 
+                40.915398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.566169, 
+                40.915798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.548068, 
+                40.908698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.519267, 
+                40.914298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.514999, 
+                40.912821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.499941, 
+                40.918166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.497061, 
+                40.922801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.496642, 
+                40.923476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.491765, 
+                40.942097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.485365, 
+                40.946397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.484798, 
+                40.946065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.48011, 
+                40.943319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.478365, 
+                40.942297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.47441, 
+                40.941056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.463708, 
+                40.937697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.460603, 
+                40.937375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.456523, 
+                40.936953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.445026, 
+                40.935763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.437509, 
+                40.934985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.436664, 
+                40.934897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.429863, 
+                40.929797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.429665, 
+                40.928203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.428836, 
+                40.921506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.406074, 
+                40.920235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.402963, 
+                40.925097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.403462, 
+                40.942197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.400862, 
+                40.953997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.399762, 
+                40.955197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.392862, 
+                40.955297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.374462, 
+                40.937597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.365961, 
+                40.931697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.352761, 
+                40.926697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.345561, 
+                40.925297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.344161, 
+                40.927297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.33136, 
+                40.929597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.295061, 
+                40.924497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.295059, 
+                40.924497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.229285, 
+                40.905121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.148994, 
+                40.928898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.146242, 
+                40.935074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.144673, 
+                40.955842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.140785, 
+                40.966178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.110368, 
+                40.971938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.081582, 
+                40.973058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.043701, 
+                40.962185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.040445, 
+                40.964498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.995931, 
+                40.966498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.955163, 
+                40.966146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.913834, 
+                40.962466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.88825, 
+                40.962962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.826057, 
+                40.969794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.774104, 
+                40.965314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.760031, 
+                40.975334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.714425, 
+                40.985596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.689341, 
+                40.989776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.665018, 
+                40.987496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.635374, 
+                40.990536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.585327, 
+                40.997587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.565406, 
+                41.009508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.560974, 
+                41.015444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.549853, 
+                41.019844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.521548, 
+                41.037652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.477306, 
+                41.052212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.460778, 
+                41.067012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.445242, 
+                41.086116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.417945, 
+                41.087955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.397, 
+                41.096307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.356087, 
+                41.133635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.333351, 
+                41.138018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.322381, 
+                41.140664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.291109, 
+                41.155874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.278789, 
+                41.158722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.272997, 
+                41.15501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.2681, 
+                41.154146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.245348, 
+                41.161217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.238211, 
+                41.15949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.237731, 
+                41.156434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.253572, 
+                41.137138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.265124, 
+                41.128482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.300374, 
+                41.112274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.300044, 
+                41.132059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.306381, 
+                41.13784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.312734, 
+                41.138546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.318146, 
+                41.137134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.32663, 
+                41.132162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.335271, 
+                41.120274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.335177, 
+                41.106917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.317238, 
+                41.088659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.297718, 
+                41.081042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.280373, 
+                41.080402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.276709, 
+                41.076722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.283093, 
+                41.067874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.273657, 
+                41.051533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.260515, 
+                41.042065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.241252, 
+                41.04477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.229364, 
+                41.044355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.217476, 
+                41.040611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.201859, 
+                41.032275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.190563, 
+                41.032579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.183266, 
+                41.035619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.17949, 
+                41.038435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.174882, 
+                41.046147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.162898, 
+                41.053187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.16037, 
+                41.053827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.153857, 
+                41.051859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.137297, 
+                41.039684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.135137, 
+                41.031284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.137409, 
+                41.023908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.116368, 
+                40.999796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.109008, 
+                40.994084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.10216, 
+                40.991509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.095456, 
+                40.991349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.083039, 
+                40.996453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.079951, 
+                41.003429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.079208, 
+                41.006437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.076175, 
+                41.009093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.061448, 
+                41.009442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.057934, 
+                41.004789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.057075, 
+                41.004893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.055188, 
+                41.005236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.051585, 
+                41.006437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.049526, 
+                41.009697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.051549, 
+                41.015741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.051928, 
+                41.020506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.047468, 
+                41.022565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.035792, 
+                41.020759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.015013, 
+                41.028348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.99926, 
+                41.039669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.96704, 
+                41.047772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.961078, 
+                41.054277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.960355, 
+                41.059878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.961563, 
+                41.064021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.959595, 
+                41.071237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.93825, 
+                41.077413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.919385, 
+                41.080517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.899256, 
+                41.080837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.895496, 
+                41.077381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.889543, 
+                41.075701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.869558, 
+                41.075046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.86447, 
+                41.076918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.857494, 
+                41.073558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.856214, 
+                41.070598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.87391, 
+                41.052278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.903736, 
+                41.040166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -71.935689, 
+                41.034182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.029357, 
+                40.999909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.114448, 
+                40.972085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.39585, 
+                40.86666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.469996, 
+                40.84274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.573441, 
+                40.813251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.745208, 
+                40.767091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.753112, 
+                40.763571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.757176, 
+                40.764371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.768152, 
+                40.761587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.863164, 
+                40.732962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -72.923214, 
+                40.713282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.012545, 
+                40.679651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.054963, 
+                40.666371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.145266, 
+                40.645491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.20844, 
+                40.630884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.23914, 
+                40.6251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.262106, 
+                40.621476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.264493, 
+                40.621437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.306396, 
+                40.620756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.30974, 
+                40.622532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.319257, 
+                40.635795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.351465, 
+                40.6305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.391967, 
+                40.617501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.423806, 
+                40.609869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.450369, 
+                40.603501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.562372, 
+                40.583703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.583773, 
+                40.586703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.610873, 
+                40.587703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.646674, 
+                40.582804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.701138, 
+                40.58361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.754776, 
+                40.584404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.754323, 
+                40.586357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.753349, 
+                40.59056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.774928, 
+                40.590759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.80143, 
+                40.585659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.806834, 
+                40.584619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.834408, 
+                40.577201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.878906, 
+                40.560888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.934512, 
+                40.545175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.934466, 
+                40.555281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.932729, 
+                40.560266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.935686, 
+                40.564914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.938598, 
+                40.566161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.944558, 
+                40.568716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.95005, 
+                40.573363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.95938, 
+                40.572682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.991346, 
+                40.57035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.002056, 
+                40.570623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.00903, 
+                40.572846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.012022, 
+                40.574528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.012996, 
+                40.578169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.007276, 
+                40.583616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.00635, 
+                40.584767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.001591, 
+                40.590684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.003281, 
+                40.595754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.010926, 
+                40.600789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.032856, 
+                40.604421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.03959, 
+                40.612934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.042412, 
+                40.624847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.038336, 
+                40.637074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.035868, 
+                40.640776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.032066, 
+                40.646479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.018272, 
+                40.659019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.020467, 
+                40.67877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.022911, 
+                40.681267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.023982, 
+                40.68236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.024827, 
+                40.687007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.021721, 
+                40.693504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.01849, 
+                40.695457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.0168, 
+                40.701794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.019526, 
+                40.706985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.024543, 
+                40.709436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.013784, 
+                40.756601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.009184, 
+                40.763601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.000905, 
+                40.776488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.993029, 
+                40.788746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.986864, 
+                40.798344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.948281, 
+                40.858399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.938081, 
+                40.874699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.933408, 
+                40.882075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.933406, 
+                40.882078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.92747, 
+                40.895682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.919705, 
+                40.913478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.917905, 
+                40.917577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.893979, 
+                40.997197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.90268, 
+                40.997297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -73.91188, 
+                41.001297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.041049, 
+                41.059086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.041054, 
+                41.059088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.092486, 
+                41.081896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.096786, 
+                41.083796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.213373, 
+                41.133828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.234473, 
+                41.142883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.365664, 
+                41.2034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.392098, 
+                41.215594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.457584, 
+                41.248225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.694914, 
+                41.357423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.689767, 
+                41.361558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.691129, 
+                41.367324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.752562, 
+                41.426518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.75595, 
+                41.426804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.799165, 
+                41.430451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.876721, 
+                41.440338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.891948, 
+                41.448853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.912517, 
+                41.475605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.93976, 
+                41.483371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -74.984226, 
+                41.506299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.04049, 
+                41.569688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.050074, 
+                41.606893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053077, 
+                41.618552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.048199, 
+                41.632011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.053431, 
+                41.752538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.090799, 
+                41.811991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.114399, 
+                41.843583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.140241, 
+                41.852078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.146446, 
+                41.850899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.263005, 
+                41.885109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.279094, 
+                41.938917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.292589, 
+                41.953897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.341868, 
+                41.993262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.359579, 
+                41.999445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.431961, 
+                41.999363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.436216, 
+                41.999353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.477144, 
+                41.999407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.48315, 
+                41.999259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.483738, 
+                41.999244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.98025, 
+                41.999035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -75.983082, 
+                41.999035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.10584, 
+                41.998858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.123696, 
+                41.998954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.131201, 
+                41.998954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.145519, 
+                41.998913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.343722, 
+                41.998346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.349898, 
+                41.99841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.462155, 
+                41.998934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.46654, 
+                41.999025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.557624, 
+                42.000149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.558118, 
+                42.000155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.815878, 
+                42.001673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.835079, 
+                42.001773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.920784, 
+                42.001774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.921884, 
+                42.001674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.927084, 
+                42.001674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.937084, 
+                42.001674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.942585, 
+                42.001574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.965686, 
+                42.001274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -76.965728, 
+                42.001274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.007536, 
+                42.000819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.007635, 
+                42.000848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.124693, 
+                41.999395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.505308, 
+                42.00007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.610028, 
+                41.999519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.749931, 
+                41.998782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.822799, 
+                41.998547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.83203, 
+                41.998524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.030963, 
+                41.999392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.031177, 
+                41.999415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.12473, 
+                42.000452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.206606, 
+                41.999989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.308128, 
+                41.999415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.59665, 
+                41.999877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.874759, 
+                41.997559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.918854, 
+                41.997961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.052473, 
+                41.999179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.061265, 
+                41.999259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.538445, 
+                41.998527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.551385, 
+                41.998666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.610839, 
+                41.998989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.625301, 
+                41.999068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.625287, 
+                41.999003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761374, 
+                41.999067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.762122, 
+                42.131246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761861, 
+                42.150712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761759, 
+                42.162675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761921, 
+                42.173319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761929, 
+                42.179693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761833, 
+                42.183627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.762152, 
+                42.243054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761964, 
+                42.251354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.761951, 
+                42.26986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.717825, 
+                42.284711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.645358, 
+                42.315631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.593992, 
+                42.341641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.546262, 
+                42.363417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.510999, 
+                42.382373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.474794, 
+                42.404291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.453533, 
+                42.411157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.429119, 
+                42.42838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.405458, 
+                42.453281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.381943, 
+                42.466491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.36213, 
+                42.480195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.351989, 
+                42.48892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.342316, 
+                42.489664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.335129, 
+                42.488321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.331483, 
+                42.489076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.323079, 
+                42.494795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.31774, 
+                42.499884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.283364, 
+                42.511228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.264624, 
+                42.523159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.242889, 
+                42.531757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.223195, 
+                42.536087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.193232, 
+                42.545881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.148723, 
+                42.553672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.138569, 
+                42.564462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.136725, 
+                42.569693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.12963, 
+                42.589824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.126261, 
+                42.590937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.121921, 
+                42.594234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.113713, 
+                42.605994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.111361, 
+                42.613358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.078761, 
+                42.640058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.073261, 
+                42.639958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.06376, 
+                42.644758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.062261, 
+                42.668358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.04886, 
+                42.689158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.01886, 
+                42.701558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.00616, 
+                42.704558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.991159, 
+                42.705358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.944158, 
+                42.731958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.918157, 
+                42.737258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.868556, 
+                42.770258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.853455, 
+                42.783958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.851355, 
+                42.791758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.856456, 
+                42.800258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.859356, 
+                42.800658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.863656, 
+                42.813058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.865656, 
+                42.826758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.860445, 
+                42.83511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.859456, 
+                42.841358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.865592, 
+                42.852358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.872227, 
+                42.853306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.882557, 
+                42.867258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.891655, 
+                42.884845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.912458, 
+                42.886557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.905758, 
+                42.899957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.905659, 
+                42.923357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.909159, 
+                42.933257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.918859, 
+                42.946857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.921206, 
+                42.948422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.93236, 
+                42.955857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.972524, 
+                42.966804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.011563, 
+                42.985256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.019964, 
+                42.994756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.028353, 
+                43.066897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.028653, 
+                43.069474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.058399, 
+                43.075231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.066269, 
+                43.09097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.056767, 
+                43.126855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.044066, 
+                43.138055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.042366, 
+                43.143655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.058399, 
+                43.238924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.070469, 
+                43.262454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -79.019848, 
+                43.273686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.971866, 
+                43.281254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.930764, 
+                43.293254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.859362, 
+                43.310955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.836261, 
+                43.318455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.834061, 
+                43.317555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.777759, 
+                43.327055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.747158, 
+                43.334555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.696856, 
+                43.341255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.634346, 
+                43.357624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.547395, 
+                43.369541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.488857, 
+                43.374763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.482526, 
+                43.374425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.473099, 
+                43.370812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.465502, 
+                43.371232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.370221, 
+                43.376505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.358711, 
+                43.373988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.250641, 
+                43.370866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.233609, 
+                43.36907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.145195, 
+                43.37551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.104509, 
+                43.375628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -78.023609, 
+                43.366575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.995591, 
+                43.365293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.994838, 
+                43.365259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.976438, 
+                43.369159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.965238, 
+                43.368059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.952937, 
+                43.36346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.922736, 
+                43.35696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.904836, 
+                43.35696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.875335, 
+                43.34966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.816533, 
+                43.34356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.797381, 
+                43.339857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.785132, 
+                43.339261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.760231, 
+                43.341161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.756931, 
+                43.337361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.73063, 
+                43.330161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.714129, 
+                43.323561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.701429, 
+                43.308261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.660359, 
+                43.282998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.653759, 
+                43.279484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.628315, 
+                43.271303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.602161, 
+                43.256949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.577223, 
+                43.243263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.551022, 
+                43.235763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.534184, 
+                43.234569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.50092, 
+                43.250363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.476642, 
+                43.254522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.436831, 
+                43.265701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.414516, 
+                43.269263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.391015, 
+                43.276363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.385388, 
+                43.276847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.376038, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -77.341092, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+                38.593096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.218967, 
+                38.591683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.245969, 
+                38.598483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.26207, 
+                38.598183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.27427, 
+                38.593683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.287102, 
+                38.582588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.291271, 
+                38.578983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.293871, 
+                38.572683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.293271, 
+                38.560283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.295571, 
+                38.539783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.313935, 
+                38.468084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.320223, 
+                38.454516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.323999, 
+                38.449268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.330335, 
+                38.4445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.34064, 
+                38.440948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.50667, 
+                38.410092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.520178, 
+                38.407582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.560664, 
+                38.404338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.593673, 
+                38.421809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.665485, 
+                38.505734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.665548, 
+                38.505808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.690509, 
+                38.536576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.696621, 
+                38.542112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.724846, 
+                38.5576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.730958, 
+                38.559264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.789776, 
+                38.559951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.800112, 
+                38.563183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.816012, 
+                38.570733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.820161, 
+                38.572703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.839538, 
+                38.586159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.847186, 
+                38.595166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.853554, 
+                38.610926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.869592, 
+                38.678177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.873492, 
+                38.710077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.870392, 
+                38.722077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.869992, 
+                38.730477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.871292, 
+                38.739376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.874466, 
+                38.745346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.875492, 
+                38.747276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.879492, 
+                38.751476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.889193, 
+                38.756076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.894193, 
+                38.756576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.923694, 
+                38.750076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.943147, 
+                38.74328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.968695, 
+                38.728776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.979395, 
+                38.725976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.011816, 
+                38.730057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.030702, 
+                38.72572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.030889, 
+                38.72556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.127652, 
+                38.642451
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.135046, 
+                38.631719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.142836, 
+                38.625076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.156926, 
+                38.620547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.265769, 
+                38.605278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.2821, 
+                38.602987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.320531, 
+                38.622713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.324157, 
+                38.633326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.333347, 
+                38.641562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.369077, 
+                38.659334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.512571, 
+                38.701716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.520953, 
+                38.703045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.533339, 
+                38.702105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.574754, 
+                38.692671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.615736, 
+                38.684145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.626922, 
+                38.679387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.636208, 
+                38.670584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.642994, 
+                38.643273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.646701, 
+                38.637489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.649737, 
+                38.632753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.655425, 
+                38.629735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.663911, 
+                38.62793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.679484, 
+                38.630036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.706043, 
+                38.637101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.762445, 
+                38.652103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.769347, 
+                38.65522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.773682, 
+                38.661309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.777823, 
+                38.674453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.85333, 
+                38.752572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.859028, 
+                38.756793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.870443, 
+                38.761608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.903918, 
+                38.76815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.903971, 
+                38.76816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.943978, 
+                38.783616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.962123, 
+                38.787384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.978814, 
+                38.787104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.044486, 
+                38.770572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.052707, 
+                38.770542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.071491, 
+                38.770475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.205592, 
+                38.802588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.212904, 
+                38.805707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.2253, 
+                38.817665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.229954, 
+                38.82765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.231306, 
+                38.830552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.233727, 
+                38.853576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.232478, 
+                38.874638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.232132, 
+                38.880483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.234453, 
+                38.893226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.304698, 
+                39.006455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.31368, 
+                39.016981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.319936, 
+                39.022081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.326539, 
+                39.027463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.432841, 
+                39.094261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.493743, 
+                39.10246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.502062, 
+                39.096641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.506082, 
+                39.095081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.509743, 
+                39.09366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.510057, 
+                39.093593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.603444, 
+                39.073699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.620112, 
+                39.073457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.623732, 
+                39.074427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.632446, 
+                39.07676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.684847, 
+                39.100459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.689747, 
+                39.104159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.718548, 
+                39.137059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.732048, 
+                39.144458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.744149, 
+                39.147458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.754449, 
+                39.146658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.766749, 
+                39.138558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.78768, 
+                39.115297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.820157, 
+                39.10548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819985, 
+                39.149081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819826, 
+                39.156504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819802, 
+                39.157613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819813, 
+                39.244334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819801, 
+                39.247806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819859, 
+                39.251018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819633, 
+                39.261855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819622, 
+                39.27159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819451, 
+                39.305152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819451, 
+                39.305153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.819352, 
+                39.309454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.817453, 
+                39.391753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815754, 
+                39.477352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815754, 
+                39.477358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815555, 
+                39.510952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815555, 
+                39.511052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815355, 
+                39.52195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815355, 
+                39.521951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815155, 
+                39.548051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814955, 
+                39.566251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814955, 
+                39.567251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815036, 
+                39.567695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.815156, 
+                39.568351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814705, 
+                39.628854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814619, 
+                39.669174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.81453, 
+                39.680429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814129, 
+                39.726556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814129, 
+                39.72662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814189, 
+                39.785569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814179, 
+                39.786853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814209, 
+                39.799755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.81412, 
+                39.811398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.814179, 
+                39.814212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813852, 
+                39.824621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813793, 
+                39.826771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813703, 
+                39.843059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813674, 
+                39.843173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813549, 
+                39.850773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.813464, 
+                39.853261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.81305, 
+                39.872958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812787, 
+                39.89083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812698, 
+                39.891585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812411, 
+                39.916915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812411, 
+                39.916916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812357, 
+                39.921764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.812193, 
+                39.92734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.81067, 
+                40.005074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.810099, 
+                40.034214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.809737, 
+                40.048929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.808706, 
+                40.107216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.808305, 
+                40.127018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.808291, 
+                40.129027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806766, 
+                40.180128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806347, 
+                40.192252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.80634, 
+                40.192327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806175, 
+                40.197995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.805627, 
+                40.223659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804098, 
+                40.302498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803918, 
+                40.310094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803917, 
+                40.310115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804119, 
+                40.352757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804119, 
+                40.352844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803068, 
+                40.465388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802483, 
+                40.528046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802265, 
+                40.572212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802265, 
+                40.572215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802135, 
+                40.644859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802193, 
+                40.660298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.80222, 
+                40.674776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802157, 
+                40.689324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802127, 
+                40.691405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802094, 
+                40.702476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802181, 
+                40.718602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802119, 
+                40.728146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802119, 
+                40.728163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802266, 
+                40.742298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802538, 
+                40.765515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802935, 
+                40.922377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.802936, 
+                40.922568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803313, 
+                40.989209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803313, 
+                40.989394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803374, 
+                41.089302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803378, 
+                41.096867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803413, 
+                41.164649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803594, 
+                41.173203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803472, 
+                41.173889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803492, 
+                41.252531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803492, 
+                41.252562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.80358, 
+                41.270942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803581, 
+                41.271079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803582, 
+                41.271273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803926, 
+                41.367959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804133, 
+                41.408292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804046, 
+                41.408361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804015, 
+                41.411655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803956, 
+                41.426044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803956, 
+                41.426128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.803919, 
+                41.435531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804457, 
+                41.488224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804551, 
+                41.500364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804729, 
+                41.530092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804729, 
+                41.530135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.804729, 
+                41.530231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.805812, 
+                41.61304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.805696, 
+                41.631398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.805673, 
+                41.632342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.80621, 
+                41.67455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.806082, 
+                41.696089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.438067, 
+                41.704903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.399546, 
+                41.705758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.39943, 
+                41.705761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.396547, 
+                41.705935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -84.360419, 
+                41.706925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880539, 
+                41.720081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.880387, 
+                41.720086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.763155, 
+                41.72391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.685337, 
+                41.726449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.665937, 
+                41.726949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.639636, 
+                41.727749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.636636, 
+                41.727849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.595235, 
+                41.729148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.593835, 
+                41.729148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.585235, 
+                41.729348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.504334, 
+                41.731547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.503433, 
+                41.731547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.499733, 
+                41.731647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.497733, 
+                41.731847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.453832, 
+                41.732647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.455626, 
+                41.727445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.449001, 
+                41.710719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.446032, 
+                41.706847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.409531, 
+                41.691247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.39263, 
+                41.691947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.37573, 
+                41.686647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.357073, 
+                41.687763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.341817, 
+                41.693518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.337985, 
+                41.698682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.337977, 
+                41.70341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.326825, 
+                41.701562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.298731, 
+                41.683871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29561, 
+                41.681905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.293928, 
+                41.680846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.29068, 
+                41.676794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.289682, 
+                41.676409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.288469, 
+                41.675941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.287125, 
+                41.675423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.285181, 
+                41.674673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.278455, 
+                41.672078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.238191, 
+                41.651167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.23166, 
+                41.644218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.194524, 
+                41.631008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.165713, 
+                41.623246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.145887, 
+                41.617904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.103928, 
+                41.613558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.086036, 
+                41.60668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.066593, 
+                41.59534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.048222, 
+                41.573951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.043287, 
+                41.568205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.043079, 
+                41.567963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.042909, 
+                41.567823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.031653, 
+                41.558592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.030764, 
+                41.557864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.028072, 
+                41.555656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.019057, 
+                41.550174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.017473, 
+                41.549211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -83.016753, 
+                41.548773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.999916, 
+                41.538534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.999897, 
+                41.538525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.96985, 
+                41.524327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.969642, 
+                41.524229
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.969574, 
+                41.52421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.958481, 
+                41.521104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.934369, 
+                41.514353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.897728, 
+                41.519241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.896854, 
+                41.519541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.8882, 
+                41.522508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.882305, 
+                41.52577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.875229, 
+                41.529684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.869422, 
+                41.533962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.866262, 
+                41.537534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.861323, 
+                41.543116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.857841, 
+                41.547051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.85677, 
+                41.548262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856533, 
+                41.55065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.855197, 
+                41.564114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856088, 
+                41.566633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856647, 
+                41.568216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.858702, 
+                41.574025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.859531, 
+                41.576371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.857945, 
+                41.578049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.857316, 
+                41.578714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.856919, 
+                41.579135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.854263, 
+                41.581945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.852957, 
+                41.583327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.847657, 
+                41.585639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.834101, 
+                41.587587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.820207, 
+                41.570664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.794324, 
+                41.546486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.785496, 
+                41.540675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.77201, 
+                41.54058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.749907, 
+                41.54647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.739868, 
+                41.545047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.732886, 
+                41.544057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.7319, 
+                41.543918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.731628, 
+                41.543879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.730516, 
+                41.543721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.728489, 
+                41.543434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.727656, 
+                41.543316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.722069, 
+                41.542524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.720539, 
+                41.542307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.717878, 
+                41.54193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.717595, 
+                41.541715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.715227, 
+                41.539913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.711332, 
+                41.53695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.710935, 
+                41.536648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.710967, 
+                41.536221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.711632, 
+                41.527201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.716492, 
+                41.522227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.721914, 
+                41.516677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.719956, 
+                41.510735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.719811, 
+                41.510296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.713904, 
+                41.501697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.710013, 
+                41.49759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.694722, 
+                41.493945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.687921, 
+                41.492324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.658302, 
+                41.461878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.617745, 
+                41.431833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.616952, 
+                41.428425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.55808, 
+                41.400005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.513827, 
+                41.384257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.499099, 
+                41.381541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.481214, 
+                41.381342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.460599, 
+                41.386316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.431315, 
+                41.396866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.398086, 
+                41.413945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.361784, 
+                41.426644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.348076, 
+                41.428431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.334182, 
+                41.430243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.29158, 
+                41.428442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.283488, 
+                41.429283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.268479, 
+                41.430842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.254678, 
+                41.434441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.193375, 
+                41.46454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.18885, 
+                41.468097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.186174, 
+                41.47344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.184774, 
+                41.47404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.181598, 
+                41.471634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.165373, 
+                41.47444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.094169, 
+                41.495039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -82.011966, 
+                41.515639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.994565, 
+                41.51444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.96813, 
+                41.506422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.964912, 
+                41.505446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.962664, 
+                41.501341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.958463, 
+                41.498642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.937862, 
+                41.491443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.930404, 
+                41.490457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.928652, 
+                41.490226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.87736, 
+                41.483445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.860262, 
+                41.483841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.850141, 
+                41.486255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.837092, 
+                41.489367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.836059, 
+                41.489614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.810992, 
+                41.495592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.810758, 
+                41.495648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.801207, 
+                41.496223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.800253, 
+                41.496281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.799746, 
+                41.496311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.794449, 
+                41.49663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.794157, 
+                41.496648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.782258, 
+                41.49605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.768898, 
+                41.491663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.768856, 
+                41.491649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.762489, 
+                41.49046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.75861, 
+                41.489736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.746095, 
+                41.4874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.745818, 
+                41.487348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.744755, 
+                41.48715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.744272, 
+                41.487263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.741852, 
+                41.487827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.738755, 
+                41.48855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.732674, 
+                41.491437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.727806, 
+                41.493749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.726429, 
+                41.494402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.725763, 
+                41.494718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.71931, 
+                41.497782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.716836, 
+                41.498957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.71559, 
+                41.499549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.710986, 
+                41.501734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.710953, 
+                41.50175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.707622, 
+                41.505108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.706864, 
+                41.505872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.69325, 
+                41.514161
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.691248, 
+                41.515379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.688058, 
+                41.517321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.664884, 
+                41.53143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.664851, 
+                41.53145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.649872, 
+                41.535775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.648453, 
+                41.536185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.641055, 
+                41.538321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.633652, 
+                41.540458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.627431, 
+                41.544163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.61691, 
+                41.550428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.616567, 
+                41.550633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.615816, 
+                41.551079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.610163, 
+                41.554446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.60967, 
+                41.55474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.599747, 
+                41.560649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.593144, 
+                41.565462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.593092, 
+                41.5655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.591981, 
+                41.56631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.591471, 
+                41.566682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.579815, 
+                41.575178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.579746, 
+                41.575228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.579727, 
+                41.575243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.579285, 
+                41.575565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.578666, 
+                41.576016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.577459, 
+                41.576896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.575715, 
+                41.578167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.575577, 
+                41.578267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.562844, 
+                41.587549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.531674, 
+                41.612972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.531612, 
+                41.613023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.529955, 
+                41.614374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.529742, 
+                41.614548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.527026, 
+                41.615373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.520707, 
+                41.617292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.509359, 
+                41.620739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.50044, 
+                41.623448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.48864, 
+                41.631348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.486919, 
+                41.632704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.477544, 
+                41.640086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.466038, 
+                41.649148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.452461, 
+                41.663139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.447734, 
+                41.668011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.443647, 
+                41.672222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.442843, 
+                41.673051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.44272, 
+                41.673178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.442645, 
+                41.673255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.442552, 
+                41.673314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.441803, 
+                41.673783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.441339, 
+                41.674074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.438971, 
+                41.67556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.437809, 
+                41.676289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.437014, 
+                41.676788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.435582, 
+                41.677686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.431441, 
+                41.680285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.413062, 
+                41.691816
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.407984, 
+                41.695002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.406098, 
+                41.696185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.404476, 
+                41.697203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.402417, 
+                41.698495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.400686, 
+                41.699581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.400617, 
+                41.699624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.388632, 
+                41.707144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.388269, 
+                41.707355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.380935, 
+                41.711622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.374509, 
+                41.715361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.374454, 
+                41.715393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.373666, 
+                41.715852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.372587, 
+                41.71648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.368913, 
+                41.718618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.36867, 
+                41.718759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.367498, 
+                41.719441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.353229, 
+                41.727743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.330154, 
+                41.737938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.309499, 
+                41.747064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.30701, 
+                41.748164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.306495, 
+                41.748392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.301626, 
+                41.750543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.288892, 
+                41.758945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.286925, 
+                41.760243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.279925, 
+                41.759944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.279187, 
+                41.759859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.265576, 
+                41.758298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.264224, 
+                41.758143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.263751, 
+                41.758239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.26311, 
+                41.758369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.259349, 
+                41.75913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.25552, 
+                41.759905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.252977, 
+                41.76042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.251918, 
+                41.760634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.248672, 
+                41.761291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.248609, 
+                41.761316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.247832, 
+                41.761623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.247607, 
+                41.761712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.202359, 
+                41.77957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.201721, 
+                41.779822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.192684, 
+                41.783389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.184368, 
+                41.786671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.183328, 
+                41.78712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.167638, 
+                41.793903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.122295, 
+                41.813503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.112885, 
+                41.817571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.098931, 
+                41.821319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.095592, 
+                41.822216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.092716, 
+                41.822988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.05192, 
+                41.839557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.024525, 
+                41.846469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.01049, 
+                41.853962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.002663, 
+                41.854846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -81.002117, 
+                41.854908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.991799, 
+                41.856074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.973674, 
+                41.858122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.971141, 
+                41.858409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.958494, 
+                41.859838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.936244, 
+                41.862352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.916528, 
+                41.865954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.900342, 
+                41.868912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.853542, 
+                41.884685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.852064, 
+                41.885183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.826889, 
+                41.893668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.819165, 
+                41.896271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.816444, 
+                41.897188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.814943, 
+                41.897694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.81324, 
+                41.89876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.812659, 
+                41.899125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.808697, 
+                41.901606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.80801, 
+                41.902304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.806133, 
+                41.904211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.801436, 
+                41.908982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.800794, 
+                41.909635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.799822, 
+                41.909749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.798311, 
+                41.909926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.794388, 
+                41.910386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.78641, 
+                41.911322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.785497, 
+                41.911429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.784682, 
+                41.911525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.782944, 
+                41.908294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.782052, 
+                41.906635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.781112, 
+                41.906897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.77709, 
+                41.908018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.771784, 
+                41.909496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.770756, 
+                41.909782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.76802, 
+                41.910545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.766046, 
+                41.911095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.762176, 
+                41.912173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.757945, 
+                41.913352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.727504, 
+                41.918593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.720816, 
+                41.919744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.717469, 
+                41.920656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -80.712218, 
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+                -116.48912, 
+                45.65114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.471504, 
+                45.628467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.463504, 
+                45.615785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.463635, 
+                45.602785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.481208, 
+                45.580597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.553473, 
+                45.499107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.673793, 
+                45.321511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.691197, 
+                45.269245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.696047, 
+                45.254679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.709536, 
+                45.203015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.729607, 
+                45.142091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.783902, 
+                45.079022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.845369, 
+                45.017059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.858277, 
+                44.978008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.850737, 
+                44.958113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.844653, 
+                44.949338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.835702, 
+                44.940633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.83199, 
+                44.933007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.852427, 
+                44.887577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.891463, 
+                44.840531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.931499, 
+                44.792281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.016216, 
+                44.755572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03827, 
+                44.748179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.044217, 
+                44.74514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.062273, 
+                44.727143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.095868, 
+                44.664737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1159, 
+                44.623339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.144161, 
+                44.545647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.149242, 
+                44.536151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.156489, 
+                44.528312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.208454, 
+                44.485928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.214889, 
+                44.466901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.189769, 
+                44.336585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.191546, 
+                44.329621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.194827, 
+                44.31054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.196597, 
+                44.30228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.197506, 
+                44.29728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.197777, 
+                44.295789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.196597, 
+                44.287529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.190107, 
+                44.273958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.170342, 
+                44.25889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.041144, 
+                44.243653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.03317, 
+                44.248192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.027558, 
+                44.248881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.98687, 
+                44.245477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.975905, 
+                44.242844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.902752, 
+                44.179467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.895757, 
+                44.171267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.894083, 
+                44.160191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.895931, 
+                44.154295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.897145, 
+                44.152537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.931719, 
+                44.102474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.935301, 
+                43.988616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.961535, 
+                43.918388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.979186, 
+                43.879973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.982482, 
+                43.872799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.996504, 
+                43.864714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026634, 
+                43.808104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026651, 
+                43.733935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026841, 
+                43.732905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026725, 
+                43.714815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026825, 
+                43.706193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026586, 
+                43.683001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026623, 
+                43.680865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026717, 
+                43.675523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026661, 
+                43.664385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026705, 
+                43.631659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026905, 
+                43.62488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.027001, 
+                43.621032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026937, 
+                43.617614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026789, 
+                43.610669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.02676, 
+                43.601912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026824, 
+                43.600357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026889, 
+                43.596033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026922, 
+                43.593632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026774, 
+                43.578674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026746, 
+                43.577526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026652, 
+                43.025128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026683, 
+                43.024876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026253, 
+                42.807447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026303, 
+                42.80717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026331, 
+                42.807015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.026222, 
+                42.000252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.197189, 
+                41.996995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.775869, 
+                41.992692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.777228, 
+                41.992671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.324182, 
+                41.994278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.360177, 
+                41.994384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.790087, 
+                41.997544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.986678, 
+                41.995842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.999168, 
+                41.99454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.286424, 
+                41.993058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.326005, 
+                41.993122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.692219, 
+                41.993677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.693941, 
+                41.993676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.879481, 
+                41.993781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.035195, 
+                41.993323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.154347, 
+                41.996352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.334385, 
+                41.996655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.335734, 
+                41.996518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.340517, 
+                41.99622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.360253, 
+                41.99668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.376101, 
+                41.997026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.434977, 
+                41.997022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.43961, 
+                41.99708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.44754, 
+                41.997169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.52025, 
+                41.997983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.580865, 
+                41.998668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.675348, 
+                42.000351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.689159, 
+                42.000584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.705045, 
+                42.000766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -121.708199, 
+                42.000815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.001119, 
+                42.004017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.155408, 
+                42.007429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.156666, 
+                42.007384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.160438, 
+                42.007637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.161328, 
+                42.007637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.289527, 
+                42.007764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.289533, 
+                42.007764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.378193, 
+                42.009518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.501135, 
+                42.00846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -122.634739, 
+                42.004858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.001152, 
+                42.003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.045254, 
+                42.003049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.154908, 
+                42.008036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.230762, 
+                42.003845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.230764, 
+                42.003845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.347562, 
+                41.999108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.49883, 
+                42.000525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.498896, 
+                42.000474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.501997, 
+                42.000527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.518075, 
+                42.000436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.624554, 
+                41.999837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -123.821472, 
+                41.995473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.086661, 
+                41.996869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.087827, 
+                41.996891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100216, 
+                41.996842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100921, 
+                41.996956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.211605, 
+                41.99846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.214213, 
+                42.005939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.270464, 
+                42.045553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.287374, 
+                42.046016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.299649, 
+                42.051736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.314289, 
+                42.067864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.34101, 
+                42.092929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.356229, 
+                42.114952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.357122, 
+                42.118016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.351535, 
+                42.129796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.351784, 
+                42.134965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.355696, 
+                42.141964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.361563, 
+                42.143767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.366028, 
+                42.152343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.366832, 
+                42.15845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.363389, 
+                42.158588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.360318, 
+                42.162272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.361009, 
+                42.180752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.367751, 
+                42.188321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.373175, 
+                42.190218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.374949, 
+                42.193129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.376215, 
+                42.196381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.375553, 
+                42.20882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.377762, 
+                42.218809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.383633, 
+                42.22716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.410982, 
+                42.250547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.411534, 
+                42.254115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.408514, 
+                42.260588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.405148, 
+                42.278107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.410556, 
+                42.307431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.429288, 
+                42.331746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.427222, 
+                42.33488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.425554, 
+                42.351874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.424066, 
+                42.377242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.424863, 
+                42.395426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.428068, 
+                42.420333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.434882, 
+                42.434916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.435105, 
+                42.440163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.422038, 
+                42.461226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.423084, 
+                42.478952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.421381, 
+                42.491737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.399065, 
+                42.539928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.390664, 
+                42.566593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.389977, 
+                42.574758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.400918, 
+                42.597518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.399421, 
+                42.618079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.401177, 
+                42.627192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.413119, 
+                42.657934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.416774, 
+                42.661594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.45074, 
+                42.675798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.451484, 
+                42.677787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.447487, 
+                42.68474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.448418, 
+                42.689909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.473864, 
+                42.732671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.491679, 
+                42.741789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.498473, 
+                42.741077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.499122, 
+                42.738606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.510017, 
+                42.734746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.513368, 
+                42.735068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.514669, 
+                42.736806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.516236, 
+                42.753632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.524439, 
+                42.789793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.536073, 
+                42.814175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.544179, 
+                42.822958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.552441, 
+                42.840568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.500141, 
+                42.917502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.480938, 
+                42.951495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.479344, 
+                42.95497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.462619, 
+                42.99143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.456918, 
+                43.000315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.436198, 
+                43.071312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.432236, 
+                43.097383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.434451, 
+                43.115986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.424113, 
+                43.126859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.401726, 
+                43.184896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.395302, 
+                43.211101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.395607, 
+                43.223908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.38246, 
+                43.270167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.388891, 
+                43.290523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.393988, 
+                43.29926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.400404, 
+                43.302121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.402814, 
+                43.305872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.387642, 
+                43.325968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.373037, 
+                43.338953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.353332, 
+                43.342667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.341587, 
+                43.351337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.315012, 
+                43.388389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.286896, 
+                43.436296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.255609, 
+                43.502172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.233534, 
+                43.55713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.218876, 
+                43.610319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.203028, 
+                43.667825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.204888, 
+                43.673976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.198275, 
+                43.689481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.193455, 
+                43.706085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.168392, 
+                43.808903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.158684, 
+                43.863504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.150267, 
+                43.91085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.142704, 
+                43.958182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.133547, 
+                44.035845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.122406, 
+                44.104442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.125824, 
+                44.12613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.117006, 
+                44.171913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.114424, 
+                44.198164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.115671, 
+                44.206554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.111054, 
+                44.235071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.108945, 
+                44.265475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.109744, 
+                44.270597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.114869, 
+                44.272721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.115953, 
+                44.274641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.115849, 
+                44.276277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.1152, 
+                44.286486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.10907, 
+                44.303707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.108088, 
+                44.309926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.109556, 
+                44.314545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.100587, 
+                44.331926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.092101, 
+                44.370388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.084401, 
+                44.415611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.080989, 
+                44.419728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.071706, 
+                44.423662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.067569, 
+                44.428582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.073941, 
+                44.434481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.079301, 
+                44.430863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.082113, 
+                44.441518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.082061, 
+                44.478171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.084429, 
+                44.486927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.083601, 
+                44.501123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.076387, 
+                44.531214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.067251, 
+                44.60804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.06914, 
+                44.612979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.082326, 
+                44.608861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.084476, 
+                44.611056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.065202, 
+                44.622445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.065008, 
+                44.632504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.058281, 
+                44.658866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.060043, 
+                44.669361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.070394, 
+                44.683514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.063406, 
+                44.703177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.059077, 
+                44.737656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.066325, 
+                44.762671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.075473, 
+                44.771403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.074066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -124.066746, 
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+              ], 
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+                -103.660779, 
+                45.945241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.660779, 
+                45.945231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.577083, 
+                45.945283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.55871, 
+                45.945131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.434851, 
+                45.945291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.432393, 
+                45.945313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.41804, 
+                45.945186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.411325, 
+                45.945264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.284109, 
+                45.945152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.284092, 
+                45.945149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.218396, 
+                45.945208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.210634, 
+                45.945222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.161251, 
+                45.945309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.140939, 
+                45.945257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.097872, 
+                45.945262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.078477, 
+                45.945289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.047779, 
+                45.945335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.026058, 
+                45.945307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.995668, 
+                45.945167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.995345, 
+                45.945166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.989902, 
+                45.945211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.94207, 
+                45.945092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.920482, 
+                45.945038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.880252, 
+                45.945069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.704871, 
+                45.945072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.674077, 
+                45.945274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.672474, 
+                45.945244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.666684, 
+                45.945307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.65162, 
+                45.94545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.642555, 
+                45.945404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.558579, 
+                45.945129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.550947, 
+                45.945015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.476024, 
+                45.945183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.467563, 
+                45.945159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.459586, 
+                45.945081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.446419, 
+                45.945083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.425397, 
+                45.945041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.425358, 
+                45.94499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.420173, 
+                45.94507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.410346, 
+                45.945079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.406176, 
+                45.944997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.398575, 
+                45.944868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.396359, 
+                45.944916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.392767, 
+                45.944979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.392696, 
+                45.944951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.354283, 
+                45.944901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.353384, 
+                45.944984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.32823, 
+                45.944806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.217867, 
+                45.944711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.176993, 
+                45.944622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.176698, 
+                45.944622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.159439, 
+                45.944641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.157965, 
+                45.944641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.156393, 
+                45.944663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.145356, 
+                45.944659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.135269, 
+                45.944586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.125429, 
+                45.944652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.124628, 
+                45.944813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.087555, 
+                45.944598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.085122, 
+                45.944642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.06093, 
+                45.944622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.000679, 
+                45.944515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.000656, 
+                45.944515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.000425, 
+                45.944581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.998703, 
+                45.944557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.998618, 
+                45.944556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.992187, 
+                45.944471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.989501, 
+                45.944472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.973749, 
+                45.944456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.957439, 
+                45.944484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.886838, 
+                45.944559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.852642, 
+                45.944457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.832991, 
+                45.944464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.794606, 
+                45.944397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.790054, 
+                45.944442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.766177, 
+                45.944322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.765293, 
+                45.944367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.764277, 
+                45.944412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.758611, 
+                45.944478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.730069, 
+                45.944356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.72338, 
+                45.944187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.708785, 
+                45.944348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.681819, 
+                45.944444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.680574, 
+                45.944329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.657631, 
+                45.944387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.628597, 
+                45.944293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.562156, 
+                45.944237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.557276, 
+                45.9441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.373769, 
+                45.944265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.37069, 
+                45.944198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.365283, 
+                45.944092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.333871, 
+                45.944166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.313272, 
+                45.944164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.287223, 
+                45.944107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.271524, 
+                45.944209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.224006, 
+                45.944025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.203787, 
+                45.943895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.179103, 
+                45.943896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.175693, 
+                45.943983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.171074, 
+                45.943959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.163241, 
+                45.943915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.146076, 
+                45.943842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.142571, 
+                45.943841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.106826, 
+                45.943984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.101334, 
+                45.943841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.980693, 
+                45.944068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.976565, 
+                45.943864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.964411, 
+                45.943822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.938989, 
+                45.943848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.935582, 
+                45.943757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.890176, 
+                45.943861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.769751, 
+                45.943766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.76211, 
+                45.943767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.762072, 
+                45.943803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.750407, 
+                45.943649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.720865, 
+                45.944024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.65082, 
+                45.94368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.627681, 
+                45.943642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.511949, 
+                45.943654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.511793, 
+                45.943654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.499354, 
+                45.943632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.462838, 
+                45.943566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.430597, 
+                45.943638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.424438, 
+                45.943569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.420162, 
+                45.943533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.410386, 
+                45.943453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.294126, 
+                45.943269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.285345, 
+                45.94313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.284134, 
+                45.942951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.275614, 
+                45.942922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.274762, 
+                45.942945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.170826, 
+                45.942514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.152084, 
+                45.942486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.14173, 
+                45.942506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.110339, 
+                45.942367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.108471, 
+                45.942391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.084163, 
+                45.942301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.06902, 
+                45.94217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.005486, 
+                45.94195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.965775, 
+                45.941822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.880292, 
+                45.941672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.880062, 
+                45.94167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.83868, 
+                45.941293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.750396, 
+                45.940935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.749494, 
+                45.940956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.749325, 
+                45.940935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.74787, 
+                45.940933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.718073, 
+                45.940907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.718071, 
+                45.940907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.692975, 
+                45.940949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.671938, 
+                45.941062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.61116, 
+                45.941098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.58878, 
+                45.941104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.49314, 
+                45.940383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.490254, 
+                45.940362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.40126, 
+                45.940367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.385565, 
+                45.940407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.378486, 
+                45.940403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.34496, 
+                45.940299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.344774, 
+                45.940299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.317875, 
+                45.940263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.297272, 
+                45.940165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.283968, 
+                45.940195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.276266, 
+                45.940188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.257745, 
+                45.94006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.222269, 
+                45.940071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.221672, 
+                45.940069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.213644, 
+                45.940116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.212571, 
+                45.940108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.102372, 
+                45.940158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.092868, 
+                45.940184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.005754, 
+                45.939944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.005642, 
+                45.939944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.905477, 
+                45.93952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.904429, 
+                45.93952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.724375, 
+                45.938685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.18563, 
+                45.936185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.184637, 
+                45.936183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.070515, 
+                45.93618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.008202, 
+                45.936096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.008102, 
+                45.936095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.986893, 
+                45.935961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.978778, 
+                45.935937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.958718, 
+                45.935878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.784575, 
+                45.935327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.77704, 
+                45.935393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.696691, 
+                45.935352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.542598, 
+                45.935258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.519035, 
+                45.935304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.518944, 
+                45.935304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.491892, 
+                45.935111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.481967, 
+                45.935138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.318899, 
+                45.935054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.312184, 
+                45.935077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.228323, 
+                45.935141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.228304, 
+                45.935141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.228291, 
+                45.935141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.144987, 
+                45.935278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.118053, 
+                45.935485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.019596, 
+                45.935382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.998652, 
+                45.9357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.791505, 
+                45.935857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.701313, 
+                45.935807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.680646, 
+                45.935716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.659895, 
+                45.93556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.639066, 
+                45.935318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.618295, 
+                45.935407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.607142, 
+                45.935301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.597432, 
+                45.935209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.576897, 
+                45.935259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.56328, 
+                45.935238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.564518, 
+                45.926256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.564317, 
+                45.921074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569069, 
+                45.914785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569401, 
+                45.913946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.569265, 
+                45.911471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568918, 
+                45.911426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568315, 
+                45.902902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568053, 
+                45.898697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568281, 
+                45.891203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.568772, 
+                45.888072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.572984, 
+                45.861602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.576544, 
+                45.839945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.57974, 
+                45.82582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.583085, 
+                45.820024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.652226, 
+                45.746809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.672665, 
+                45.732336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.711157, 
+                45.717561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.745086, 
+                45.701576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.835769, 
+                45.649648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.840746, 
+                45.645294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.844211, 
+                45.639583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.857751, 
+                45.605962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.853646, 
+                45.602307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.849444, 
+                45.598944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.844334, 
+                45.594375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.843957, 
+                45.594003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.835451, 
+                45.586129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.784863, 
+                45.5413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.76528, 
+                45.521414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.745487, 
+                45.488712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.742509, 
+                45.478723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.732739, 
+                45.458737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.692541, 
+                45.417338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.680454, 
+                45.410499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.617726, 
+                45.408092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521787, 
+                45.375645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.489065, 
+                45.357071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.47002, 
+                45.326832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.454094, 
+                45.301546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453067, 
+                45.298115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452791, 
+                45.28428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452949, 
+                45.269059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452948, 
+                45.268925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452315, 
+                45.208986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452152, 
+                45.204849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452162, 
+                45.203109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452304, 
+                45.178563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452353, 
+                45.124071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452418, 
+                45.122677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452026, 
+                45.095138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452219, 
+                45.093836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45221, 
+                45.051602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452177, 
+                45.050185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45224, 
+                45.042347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452092, 
+                44.977494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452092, 
+                44.977475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452347, 
+                44.962734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452047, 
+                44.910695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451853, 
+                44.906672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452009, 
+                44.89008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45156, 
+                44.805569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451559, 
+                44.805468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451829, 
+                44.797691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451888, 
+                44.792299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451823, 
+                44.790471
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45162, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451573, 
+                44.76051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451543, 
+                44.703135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451761, 
+                44.63135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451761, 
+                44.631194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45172, 
+                44.630708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451888, 
+                44.544058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45199, 
+                44.543639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452016, 
+                44.543533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452236, 
+                44.526871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45201, 
+                44.516929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451974, 
+                44.506849
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452122, 
+                44.473043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452218, 
+                44.470873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451816, 
+                44.460402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.451924, 
+                44.441549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452073, 
+                44.38969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452134, 
+                44.383679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452213, 
+                44.360149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452282, 
+                44.354857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452305, 
+                44.345332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452152, 
+                44.342219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452248, 
+                44.340642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452309, 
+                44.328094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452372, 
+                44.325991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452248, 
+                44.313362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452369, 
+                44.312071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452239, 
+                44.298655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452334, 
+                44.297009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.4525, 
+                44.285687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452617, 
+                44.282702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452365, 
+                44.271972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452369, 
+                44.268967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452419, 
+                44.255274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452673, 
+                44.254588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452774, 
+                44.196895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.452774, 
+                44.19678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453187, 
+                44.03835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453313, 
+                44.03643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453405, 
+                44.025413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453373, 
+                44.023744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453053, 
+                44.008887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453116, 
+                44.006876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453297, 
+                43.994723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453328, 
+                43.992871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453263, 
+                43.980277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453389, 
+                43.97806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453292, 
+                43.96718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453165, 
+                43.96654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453289, 
+                43.950814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453352, 
+                43.949122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453183, 
+                43.87865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453304, 
+                43.878583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453335, 
+                43.877029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453264, 
+                43.849501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453088, 
+                43.805123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453281, 
+                43.791435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.45338, 
+                43.689637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453408, 
+                43.675008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453387, 
+                43.609944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453356, 
+                43.607544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453383, 
+                43.588183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453352, 
+                43.58704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.453049, 
+                43.500415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.591213, 
+                43.500514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.598928, 
+                43.500457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.587151, 
+                43.484697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.58407, 
+                43.468856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.600039, 
+                43.45708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.60286, 
+                43.450907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.594254, 
+                43.434153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557586, 
+                43.406792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.53746, 
+                43.395246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.531159, 
+                43.39561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.529152, 
+                43.397735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.524044, 
+                43.394762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521697, 
+                43.386897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.521264, 
+                43.374978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.525564, 
+                43.312467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.530392, 
+                43.300034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.551929, 
+                43.292974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.56911, 
+                43.295535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.586317, 
+                43.274319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.584124, 
+                43.268101
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.572489, 
+                43.249178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.557126, 
+                43.224192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.485264, 
+                43.224183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.475571, 
+                43.221054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.436589, 
+                43.120842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.439335, 
+                43.113916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.455107, 
+                43.083366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.466017, 
+                43.062235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.513111, 
+                43.02788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.509479, 
+                42.971122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.510749, 
+                42.944397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.523264, 
+                42.909059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.54146, 
+                42.857682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.549513, 
+                42.839143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.552092, 
+                42.836057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.563058, 
+                42.831051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.577813, 
+                42.828102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.632142, 
+                42.770863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.633168, 
+                42.768325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.639704, 
+                42.737071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.630617, 
+                42.70588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.610975, 
+                42.694751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.60614, 
+                42.694661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.601989, 
+                42.697429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.575299, 
+                42.682665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.542366, 
+                42.660736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.516338, 
+                42.630435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.479685, 
+                42.561238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.476952, 
+                42.556079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.477709, 
+                42.535595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.479909, 
+                42.524195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.481308, 
+                42.516556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.476947, 
+                42.508677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.466253, 
+                42.497702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.443408, 
+                42.489495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.475565, 
+                42.480036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.48749, 
+                42.479846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.611489, 
+                42.506088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.625958, 
+                42.513576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.635982, 
+                42.524324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.708049, 
+                42.601594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.711332, 
+                42.610399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.710604, 
+                42.619625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.707245, 
+                42.631258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.712871, 
+                42.648136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.724033, 
+                42.665971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.806553, 
+                42.703405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.813148, 
+                42.706397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.906797, 
+                42.7338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.920494, 
+                42.731432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.961021, 
+                42.738075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.015691, 
+                42.758697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.026103, 
+                42.762625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.05218, 
+                42.770187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.13746, 
+                42.782313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.163082, 
+                42.793385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.190135, 
+                42.805076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.218269, 
+                42.829561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.257089, 
+                42.853854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.328511, 
+                42.859501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.42319, 
+                42.861168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.485376, 
+                42.854838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.531867, 
+                42.850105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.635115, 
+                42.844984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.686506, 
+                42.842435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.774456, 
+                42.849774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.814382, 
+                42.861119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.828496, 
+                42.868797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.84527, 
+                42.867734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.865695, 
+                42.86286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.875345, 
+                42.858724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.879878, 
+                42.835395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.888562, 
+                42.817251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.908983, 
+                42.794909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.936716, 
+                42.775754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.950147, 
+                42.769619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.000348, 
+                42.763256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.017228, 
+                42.762411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.035034, 
+                42.764205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.056625, 
+                42.770781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.157405, 
+                42.831899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.165835, 
+                42.837011
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.204506, 
+                42.846845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.309741, 
+                42.881232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.325864, 
+                42.8865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.447047, 
+                42.935117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.467356, 
+                42.947556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.490483, 
+                42.977948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.495747, 
+                42.988032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.49855, 
+                42.99856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.565072, 
+                42.9984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.568936, 
+                42.998537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.663712, 
+                42.998444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.665613, 
+                42.998536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.742394, 
+                42.998343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.764378, 
+                42.998323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.801304, 
+                42.998241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.823989, 
+                42.99831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.899944, 
+                42.998122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.903154, 
+                42.998306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.919136, 
+                42.998242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.919234, 
+                42.998241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.962081, 
+                42.998286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.00037, 
+                42.998273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.021909, 
+                42.998365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.0223, 
+                42.998237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.080011, 
+                42.998357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.08188, 
+                42.998288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.135961, 
+                42.998301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.139045, 
+                42.998508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.151143, 
+                42.998344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.161388, 
+                42.998465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.195199, 
+                42.998107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.234462, 
+                42.998281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.254297, 
+                42.998138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.254454, 
+                42.99814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.26271, 
+                42.998234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.288045, 
+                42.998152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.347283, 
+                42.998217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.368628, 
+                42.99814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.371121, 
+                42.998093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.374268, 
+                42.998047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.395568, 
+                42.99817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.471353, 
+                42.997967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.474531, 
+                42.998081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.490798, 
+                42.998143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.494287, 
+                42.998118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.534049, 
+                42.998041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.535375, 
+                42.998038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.569277, 
+                42.997995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.699234, 
+                42.99788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.701446, 
+                42.997994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.719177, 
+                42.997899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.726788, 
+                42.997892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.743138, 
+                42.997912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.768524, 
+                42.998125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.788247, 
+                42.998016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.800306, 
+                42.997972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.803328, 
+                42.998064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.809373, 
+                42.998178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.821868, 
+                42.997995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.850037, 
+                42.998171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.859945, 
+                42.997962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.869885, 
+                42.998094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.877697, 
+                42.998094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.918401, 
+                42.998057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.927645, 
+                42.998113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.950411, 
+                42.998286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.950921, 
+                42.998291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.961204, 
+                42.998335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.004757, 
+                42.998392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.027815, 
+                42.998424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.034389, 
+                42.998425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.119297, 
+                42.998689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.126427, 
+                42.99871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.126896, 
+                42.998711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.198412, 
+                42.998542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.198413, 
+                42.998542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.198434, 
+                42.998542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.277793, 
+                42.998674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.283713, 
+                42.998767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.349548, 
+                42.99874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.355406, 
+                42.99876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.472742, 
+                42.999288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.534335, 
+                42.999017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.544018, 
+                42.998795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.553131, 
+                42.998721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.887898, 
+                42.997881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.906714, 
+                42.99791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.958365, 
+                42.997796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.96419, 
+                42.997886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.226494, 
+                42.997901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.226853, 
+                42.997896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.228104, 
+                42.997874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.229203, 
+                42.997854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.230325, 
+                42.997899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.625424, 
+                42.996238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.875424, 
+                42.999298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.082486, 
+                42.999356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.082546, 
+                42.999356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.440547, 
+                42.999609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.487329, 
+                42.999559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.792111, 
+                42.99998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.000897, 
+                43.000474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.13174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.132955, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.340829, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.404579, 
+                43.000737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.5051, 
+                43.00077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.505219, 
+                43.00077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.506151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.506556, 
+                43.000771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.576329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.576966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.813939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.815573, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+                -99.261321, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.211423, 
+                34.337897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.211396, 
+                34.337688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.209724, 
+                34.324935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.2116, 
+                34.31397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.211648, 
+                34.292232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.19089, 
+                34.215251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.157114, 
+                34.207414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.119204, 
+                34.201747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.060344, 
+                34.204761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.966743, 
+                34.201185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.952527, 
+                34.195621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.920042, 
+                34.182908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.858419, 
+                34.152732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.76557, 
+                34.136376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.700182, 
+                34.135995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.665824, 
+                34.151617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.652347, 
+                34.161029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.637575, 
+                34.162284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.610112, 
+                34.161039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.599789, 
+                34.160571
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.577356, 
+                34.1491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.553717, 
+                34.13366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.504182, 
+                34.072371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.475066, 
+                34.064269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.433769, 
+                34.096116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.400494, 
+                34.121778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.398441, 
+                34.128456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.383222, 
+                34.147806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.364023, 
+                34.157109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.325445, 
+                34.151025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.300209, 
+                34.134579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.293901, 
+                34.13302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.200075, 
+                34.116783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.16912, 
+                34.114171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.106261, 
+                34.033696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.088203, 
+                34.005481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.08526, 
+                34.003259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.041117, 
+                33.993456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.019485, 
+                33.993804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.983521, 
+                34.001559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.94573, 
+                33.989839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.953395, 
+                33.936445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.977859, 
+                33.889929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.97781, 
+                33.889894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.966706, 
+                33.881949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.877387, 
+                33.850236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.865765, 
+                33.849393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.834333, 
+                33.857671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.785317, 
+                33.890701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.733723, 
+                33.936392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.700477, 
+                33.972246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.69311, 
+                33.983699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.688023, 
+                33.986607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.671772, 
+                33.99137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.65621, 
+                33.989488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.609091, 
+                33.968093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.589598, 
+                33.953554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.588828, 
+                33.951882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.597115, 
+                33.917868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.596289, 
+                33.913769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.587441, 
+                33.902479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.581041, 
+                33.900396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.561054, 
+                33.898006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.555002, 
+                33.897282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.545526, 
+                33.900396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.519171, 
+                33.913638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.50096, 
+                33.919643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.486505, 
+                33.916994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.484071, 
+                33.91568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.458069, 
+                33.901635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.450954, 
+                33.891398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.451469, 
+                33.87093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.457617, 
+                33.855126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.461486, 
+                33.84956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.462857, 
+                33.841772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.459068, 
+                33.834581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.453057, 
+                33.828536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.444193, 
+                33.823773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.426493, 
+                33.819398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.372941, 
+                33.819454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.310843, 
+                33.872461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.226522, 
+                33.914642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.210921, 
+                33.916064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.185458, 
+                33.9007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.180845, 
+                33.895204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.166629, 
+                33.847311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.166824, 
+                33.840395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.171627, 
+                33.835335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.18137, 
+                33.831375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.194678, 
+                33.831192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.1997, 
+                33.827322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.204995, 
+                33.81887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.204827, 
+                33.799908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.172192, 
+                33.737545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.163149, 
+                33.729322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.162803, 
+                33.729127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.151257, 
+                33.722608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.13753, 
+                33.718664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.121102, 
+                33.717174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.107183, 
+                33.721119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.097154, 
+                33.727809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.092414, 
+                33.733214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.047972, 
+                33.817931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.00613, 
+                33.861884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.985567, 
+                33.886522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.97287, 
+                33.935698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.944611, 
+                33.948994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.934508, 
+                33.953748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.922114, 
+                33.959579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.9163, 
+                33.957798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.907387, 
+                33.950025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.899442, 
+                33.933728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.895728, 
+                33.896414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.88301, 
+                33.868019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.866438, 
+                33.853149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.85609, 
+                33.84749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.761588, 
+                33.824406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.712422, 
+                33.831633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.707274, 
+                33.835398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.700952, 
+                33.840748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.694629, 
+                33.849988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.68928, 
+                33.86166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.685389, 
+                33.872846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.682471, 
+                33.883059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.67858, 
+                33.892786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.672258, 
+                33.899595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.65864, 
+                33.900081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.646968, 
+                33.895218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.633351, 
+                33.889382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.622165, 
+                33.885977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.615356, 
+                33.881114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.613494, 
+                33.878321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.611466, 
+                33.875278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.612963, 
+                33.867651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.615843, 
+                33.853393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.61487, 
+                33.841234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.612925, 
+                33.833939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.500268, 
+                33.772583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.448045, 
+                33.781031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.436455, 
+                33.78005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.423362, 
+                33.776365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.378473, 
+                33.726648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.36959, 
+                33.716809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.304675, 
+                33.745901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.229859, 
+                33.74832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.220521, 
+                33.74739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.1999, 
+                33.752117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.181704, 
+                33.758504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.170055, 
+                33.76917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.1641, 
+                33.784261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.156717, 
+                33.813324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.14807, 
+                33.837799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.097526, 
+                33.847544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.949935, 
+                33.857452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.846334, 
+                33.841136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.82468, 
+                33.837726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.763622, 
+                33.847954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.757156, 
+                33.867293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.599678, 
+                33.934247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.567022, 
+                33.932697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.559414, 
+                33.930179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.549145, 
+                33.90795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.549475, 
+                33.901311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552331, 
+                33.89442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.552085, 
+                33.888422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.548325, 
+                33.882744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.544346, 
+                33.880111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.445751, 
+                33.86885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.407795, 
+                33.866308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.339758, 
+                33.868752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.310475, 
+                33.871481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.287565, 
+                33.873617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.260815, 
+                33.887653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.255541, 
+                33.892047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.249922, 
+                33.902024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.2482, 
+                33.912327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.249807, 
+                33.922241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.253623, 
+                33.92971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.252906, 
+                33.933648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.231113, 
+                33.960361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.226393, 
+                33.961954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.219358, 
+                33.961567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.155981, 
+                33.944027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.129572, 
+                33.936718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.067253, 
+                33.917351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.063459, 
+                33.91404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.062284, 
+                33.903618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.039452, 
+                33.860621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.8693, 
+                33.745871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.822473, 
+                33.732716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.760604, 
+                33.727054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.746096, 
+                33.703016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.735128, 
+                33.691267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.660964, 
+                33.660322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.52838, 
+                33.615995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.524055, 
+                33.615765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.490684, 
+                33.625586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.487611, 
+                33.628544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.485875, 
+                33.637867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.478366, 
+                33.620847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.470963, 
+                33.60594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.464336, 
+                33.598819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.409329, 
+                33.568265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.355945, 
+                33.54318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.257801, 
+                33.582508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.252656, 
+                33.586144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.181805, 
+                33.593217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.085243, 
+                33.575546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.066846, 
+                33.568909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04345, 
+                33.552253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043428, 
+                33.551425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043375, 
+                33.542315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043009, 
+                33.493039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043279, 
+                33.49103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043188, 
+                33.470324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042988, 
+                33.435824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042988, 
+                33.431024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042887, 
+                33.420225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043053, 
+                33.377716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042869, 
+                33.37117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043128, 
+                33.358757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043067, 
+                33.352097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043067, 
+                33.347351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043067, 
+                33.330498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04299, 
+                33.271243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04299, 
+                33.271227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04305, 
+                33.260904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043004, 
+                33.250128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04273, 
+                33.241823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042876, 
+                33.215219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042892, 
+                33.202666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042875, 
+                33.199785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043185, 
+                33.143476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043077, 
+                33.138162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043007, 
+                33.13389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04287, 
+                33.092727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043036, 
+                33.079485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042964, 
+                33.019219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043088, 
+                32.955592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043067, 
+                32.937903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043092, 
+                32.910021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042885, 
+                32.898911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042859, 
+                32.892771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042886, 
+                32.881089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042886, 
+                32.880965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043025, 
+                32.880446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042785, 
+                32.871486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043026, 
+                32.797476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042747, 
+                32.786973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042829, 
+                32.785277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042938, 
+                32.780558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043027, 
+                32.776863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042947, 
+                32.767991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043147, 
+                32.693031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043147, 
+                32.69303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042913, 
+                32.655127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04278, 
+                32.643466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042824, 
+                32.640305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042926, 
+                32.622015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042929, 
+                32.61826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042919, 
+                32.610142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043083, 
+                32.564261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043142, 
+                32.559502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043081, 
+                32.513613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042885, 
+                32.505145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042911, 
+                32.492852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043089, 
+                32.486561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.043072, 
+                32.4843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042955, 
+                32.480261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042995, 
+                32.478004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042902, 
+                32.472906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042875, 
+                32.471348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042903, 
+                32.470386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042908, 
+                32.439891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042986, 
+                32.435507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042899, 
+                32.400659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042923, 
+                32.399918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042901, 
+                32.392283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042763, 
+                32.373332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042739, 
+                32.363559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042733, 
+                32.269696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042732, 
+                32.26962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042662, 
+                32.218146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042621, 
+                32.196005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042566, 
+                32.166894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042539, 
+                32.166826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042591, 
+                32.158097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042681, 
+                32.137956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.042337, 
+                32.119914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.0427, 
+                32.056012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.04272, 
+                31.999265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.01563, 
+                31.979856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.975377, 
+                31.92366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.932135, 
+                31.893672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.92029, 
+                31.888651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.889193, 
+                31.856819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.878225, 
+                31.844276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.840029, 
+                31.800596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.812477, 
+                31.715246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.817059, 
+                31.671694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.82629, 
+                31.614903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.834924, 
+                31.586211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.834923, 
+                31.58621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.818582, 
+                31.554826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.798087, 
+                31.534044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.729613, 
+                31.487922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.695866, 
+                31.409392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.670182, 
+                31.387184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.640805, 
+                31.372546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.671676, 
+                31.299586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.644407, 
+                31.27711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.620829, 
+                31.271299
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.614402, 
+                31.260869
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.608158, 
+                31.227835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.607243, 
+                31.204806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.602315, 
+                31.181742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.599705, 
+                31.176456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.598828, 
+                31.174679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.588503, 
+                31.165581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.579215, 
+                31.167422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.552649, 
+                31.185575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.55254, 
+                31.185605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.548931, 
+                31.186601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.535097, 
+                31.185614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.531744, 
+                31.180817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.527644, 
+                31.074509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.540354, 
+                31.008135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.530936, 
+                30.924534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.554576, 
+                30.87747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.55497, 
+                30.876685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558617, 
+                30.869424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.558672, 
+                30.868829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.563292, 
+                30.818503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.578395, 
+                30.802047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.727844, 
+                30.57407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.740045, 
+                30.538765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.710117, 
+                30.5064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.697828, 
+                30.443838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.698302, 
+                30.438657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.702665, 
+                30.429947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.741701, 
+                30.403007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.751437, 
+                30.396288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.757654, 
+                30.390423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.765822, 
+                30.333318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.735896, 
+                30.29944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.723586, 
+                30.294951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.720575, 
+                30.295961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.716223, 
+                30.244318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.712008, 
+                30.194304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.695252, 
+                30.1476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.695684, 
+                30.135729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.712101, 
+                30.067346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.721589, 
+                30.051939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.722481, 
+                30.050898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.752038, 
+                30.016403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.75663, 
+                30.014163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.789431, 
+                29.987812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.840799, 
+                29.914423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.890679, 
+                29.843159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.89847, 
+                29.771577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.892246, 
+                29.765241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.837971, 
+                29.690619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.852868, 
+                29.675885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.866981, 
+                29.673085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.88999, 
+                29.674013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -93.931, 
+                29.679612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.001406, 
+                29.681486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.056506, 
+                29.671163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.132577, 
+                29.646217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.354163, 
+                29.561459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.370866, 
+                29.55507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.500807, 
+                29.505367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.594853, 
+                29.467903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.631084, 
+                29.451464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.670389, 
+                29.43078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.694158, 
+                29.415632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.708473, 
+                29.403049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.723959, 
+                29.383268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.731047, 
+                29.369141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.744834, 
+                29.369158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.761491, 
+                29.361883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.778691, 
+                29.361483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.782356, 
+                29.364266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.783131, 
+                29.375642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.766848, 
+                29.393489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.7541, 
+                29.401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.723818, 
+                29.426536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.706365, 
+                29.436805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.686386, 
+                29.466509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.681541, 
+                29.471389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.6724, 
+                29.476843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.665853, 
+                29.478401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.656737, 
+                29.478033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.645948, 
+                29.473769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.628217, 
+                29.475986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.608557, 
+                29.483345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.594211, 
+                29.492127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.59544, 
+                29.507669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.591407, 
+                29.513858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.580274, 
+                29.525295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.566674, 
+                29.531988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.55399, 
+                29.529559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.546994, 
+                29.524379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.532348, 
+                29.5178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.511045, 
+                29.51965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.495025, 
+                29.525031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.503429, 
+                29.54325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.509487, 
+                29.54259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.511086, 
+                29.542971
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.522421, 
+                29.545672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.523743, 
+                29.545987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.526336, 
+                29.552634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.532021, 
+                29.558379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.541108, 
+                29.567561
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.542532, 
+                29.569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.546385, 
+                29.572048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.553988, 
+                29.573882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.570006, 
+                29.572232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.570593, 
+                29.571878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.570867, 
+                29.571713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.578211, 
+                29.567281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.593518, 
+                29.561319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.610147, 
+                29.556947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.618028, 
+                29.554875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.621819, 
+                29.553878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.621953, 
+                29.553843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.62589, 
+                29.552808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.682706, 
+                29.539825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.689353, 
+                29.538306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.691625, 
+                29.537787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.718276, 
+                29.533547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.740699, 
+                29.525858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.755514, 
+                29.524776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.757689, 
+                29.524617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.757788, 
+                29.524626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.757883, 
+                29.524635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.767246, 
+                29.525523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.768676, 
+                29.525659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.769418, 
+                29.525988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.769573, 
+                29.526057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.77084, 
+                29.526618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.774571, 
+                29.528271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.774798, 
+                29.528372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.779674, 
+                29.530533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.779708, 
+                29.530548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.779831, 
+                29.530602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.780938, 
+                29.531093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.783296, 
+                29.535314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.784034, 
+                29.536635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.786512, 
+                29.541073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.786649, 
+                29.541319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.78954, 
+                29.546494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.790605, 
+                29.548401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.779439, 
+                29.549472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.771053, 
+                29.548439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.755237, 
+                29.562782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.734626, 
+                29.584046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.708741, 
+                29.625226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.693154, 
+                29.694453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.692434, 
+                29.70361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.695317, 
+                29.723052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.724616, 
+                29.774766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.735271, 
+                29.785433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.740919, 
+                29.787081
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.771512, 
+                29.773889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.792238, 
+                29.767433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.816085, 
+                29.75671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.851108, 
+                29.721373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.865007, 
+                29.695337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.867438, 
+                29.678768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.872551, 
+                29.67125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.893107, 
+                29.661336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.915413, 
+                29.656614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.921318, 
+                29.658178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.931154, 
+                29.673874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.934167, 
+                29.678682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.936089, 
+                29.692704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.942681, 
+                29.697778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.965963, 
+                29.70033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.972666, 
+                29.68487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.988924, 
+                29.672202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.005398, 
+                29.659366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.005648, 
+                29.658985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.006381, 
+                29.657871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.007623, 
+                29.65598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011025, 
+                29.650803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.011683, 
+                29.649802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01272, 
+                29.647088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.013777, 
+                29.644322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.015636, 
+                29.639457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.0156, 
+                29.639285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.013623, 
+                29.62979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.013499, 
+                29.629194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.01166, 
+                29.627768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.000781, 
+                29.619331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00046, 
+                29.619082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.999481, 
+                29.618323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.999082, 
+                29.618014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.988871, 
+                29.610095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.984831, 
+                29.604361
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.982936, 
+                29.60167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.982706, 
+                29.601344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.982855, 
+                29.601103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.982923, 
+                29.600992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.988993, 
+                29.591155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.00767, 
+                29.574257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.016145, 
+                29.559336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.016353, 
+                29.55897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.016627, 
+                29.558487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.016672, 
+                29.558388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.018253, 
+                29.554885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.018198, 
+                29.554618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.018191, 
+                29.554584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.016889, 
+                29.548303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.015165, 
+                29.539989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.013378, 
+                29.537822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.999581, 
+                29.521093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.981916, 
+                29.511141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.958443, 
+                29.505013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.934876, 
+                29.501079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.933483, 
+                29.500847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.933039, 
+                29.500773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.909898, 
+                29.49691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.909465, 
+                29.496838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.913385, 
+                29.487254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.925914, 
+                29.469047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.930861, 
+                29.450504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.919401, 
+                29.448031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.8908, 
+                29.433432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.8873, 
+                29.415132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.886536, 
+                29.366386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.894234, 
+                29.338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.893994, 
+                29.30817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.886536, 
+                29.297826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.875952, 
+                29.293015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.865126, 
+                29.293977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.84973, 
+                29.297345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.824953, 
+                29.306005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.822547, 
+                29.321882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.822307, 
+                29.344254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.810696, 
+                29.353435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.784895, 
+                29.335535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.779995, 
+                29.334935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.777064, 
+                29.336811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.745529, 
+                29.334235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.744945, 
+                29.33641
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.73132, 
+                29.338066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.72253, 
+                29.331446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.731082, 
+                29.331833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.769695, 
+                29.304936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.786095, 
+                29.290737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -94.803695, 
+                29.279237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.026219, 
+                29.148064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.081773, 
+                29.111222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.110484, 
+                29.088224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.119271, 
+                29.077844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.122525, 
+                29.074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.125134, 
+                29.067321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.191391, 
+                29.02309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.238924, 
+                28.988644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.272266, 
+                28.961546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.297147, 
+                28.934073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.309704, 
+                28.928262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.353451, 
+                28.898145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.376979, 
+                28.87616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.38239, 
+                28.866348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.416174, 
+                28.859482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.439594, 
+                28.859022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.486769, 
+                28.836287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.507041, 
+                28.824755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.568136, 
+                28.789998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.812504, 
+                28.664942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.884026, 
+                28.633098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.000682, 
+                28.588238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.077868, 
+                28.556626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.194412, 
+                28.502224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.220376, 
+                28.491966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.244751, 
+                28.475055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.270391, 
+                28.46193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.303212, 
+                28.441871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.32156, 
+                28.425148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.328817, 
+                28.423659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.341617, 
+                28.417334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.371117, 
+                28.397661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.372101, 
+                28.393875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.370717, 
+                28.387667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.378616, 
+                28.383909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.379372, 
+                28.386089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.381864, 
+                28.393276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.37596, 
+                28.401682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.374138, 
+                28.404275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.335119, 
+                28.437795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.268341, 
+                28.477992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.223825, 
+                28.495067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.218978, 
+                28.500383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.21505, 
+                28.509679
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.145448, 
+                28.544741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.104735, 
+                28.559499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.046211, 
+                28.58698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.032979, 
+                28.589016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.007534, 
+                28.599703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.98616, 
+                28.606319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.982088, 
+                28.614461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.985651, 
+                28.621077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.983106, 
+                28.641942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.978526, 
+                28.650594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.986066, 
+                28.655468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -95.996338, 
+                28.658736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.002954, 
+                28.656192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.006516, 
+                28.648049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.033488, 
+                28.652629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.047737, 
+                28.649067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.072165, 
+                28.635326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.099137, 
+                28.624639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.148501, 
+                28.611408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.187178, 
+                28.593596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.198374, 
+                28.58698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.221784, 
+                28.580364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.228909, 
+                28.580873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.233998, 
+                28.596649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.233998, 
+                28.601738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.222293, 
+                28.607336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.21415, 
+                28.613443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.212624, 
+                28.622604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.230944, 
+                28.641433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.208552, 
+                28.662298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.214659, 
+                28.665352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.192267, 
+                28.687744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.19125, 
+                28.69436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.19583, 
+                28.69894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.202446, 
+                28.700976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.222802, 
+                28.698431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.231453, 
+                28.696395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.256899, 
+                28.68469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.263515, 
+                28.683673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.268604, 
+                28.688762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.287942, 
+                28.683164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.304227, 
+                28.671459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.305245, 
+                28.660263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.303718, 
+                28.644996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.322921, 
+                28.64186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.328655, 
+                28.640924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.373439, 
+                28.626675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.376492, 
+                28.620059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.384635, 
+                28.615988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.473694, 
+                28.57324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.487943, 
+                28.569677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.482854, 
+                28.580364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.480309, 
+                28.596649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.485907, 
+                28.607845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.490488, 
+                28.610899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.510844, 
+                28.61497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.510335, 
+                28.617515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.497612, 
+                28.625148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.496595, 
+                28.630746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.499648, 
+                28.635835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.506264, 
+                28.63838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.54545, 
+                28.645505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.555119, 
+                28.646013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.563262, 
+                28.644487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.572931, 
+                28.667897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.570386, 
+                28.674003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.55919, 
+                28.687235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.559699, 
+                28.691306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.561226, 
+                28.696395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.566824, 
+                28.697922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.575141, 
+                28.702837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.577727, 
+                28.704365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.57802, 
+                28.704538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.579639, 
+                28.712312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.579669, 
+                28.712455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.580564, 
+                28.716752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.584091, 
+                28.722798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.584127, 
+                28.722859
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.584196, 
+                28.722877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.591647, 
+                28.724838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.593796, 
+                28.725403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.604921, 
+                28.72221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.634419, 
+                28.713743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.634912, 
+                28.713601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.645867, 
+                28.710457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.648758, 
+                28.709627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.655528, 
+                28.704167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.664534, 
+                28.696904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.657918, 
+                28.687744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.635018, 
+                28.668914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.634, 
+                28.654665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.627893, 
+                28.650085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.623313, 
+                28.649576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.615679, 
+                28.644487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.61059, 
+                28.638889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.61059, 
+                28.636344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.61975, 
+                28.627693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.622804, 
+                28.622095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.611099, 
+                28.585962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.608045, 
+                28.583418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.573949, 
+                28.584436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.565297, 
+                28.5824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.564279, 
+                28.576293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.561226, 
+                28.570695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.536289, 
+                28.559499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.526111, 
+                28.557972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.52204, 
+                28.55441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.514406, 
+                28.535071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.505755, 
+                28.525911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.450284, 
+                28.490796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.419749, 
+                28.467387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.410589, 
+                28.459244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.402446, 
+                28.449066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.403973, 
+                28.44245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.46148, 
+                28.421585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.481836, 
+                28.407844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.504737, 
+                28.397666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.520513, 
+                28.394104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.542905, 
+                28.385452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.559699, 
+                28.377819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.570386, 
+                28.368658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.59176, 
+                28.357462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.600412, 
+                28.354409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.650794, 
+                28.346775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.672677, 
+                28.335579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.688453, 
+                28.347284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.69456, 
+                28.347284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.698122, 
+                28.342704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.705247, 
+                28.348811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.700158, 
+                28.369676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.705756, 
+                28.400211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.710336, 
+                28.406827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.72255, 
+                28.408862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.749013, 
+                28.408862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.762245, 
+                28.411916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.76696, 
+                28.410737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.768352, 
+                28.410389
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.772209, 
+                28.408074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.775985, 
+                28.405809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.780796, 
+                28.398421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.790235, 
+                28.383926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794554, 
+                28.365688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794796, 
+                28.364668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794815, 
+                28.364587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794812, 
+                28.364515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794812, 
+                28.364503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794357, 
+                28.350865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794306, 
+                28.34932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.794016, 
+                28.347249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.793926, 
+                28.346606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.793835, 
+                28.345959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.793765, 
+                28.345453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.79254, 
+                28.336705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.790744, 
+                28.323874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.791159, 
+                28.319095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.791761, 
+                28.31217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.806011, 
+                28.296902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.809573, 
+                28.290287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.806011, 
+                28.282144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.799302, 
+                28.272716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.787181, 
+                28.255681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.787181, 
+                28.250083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.800413, 
+                28.224128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.810037, 
+                28.217086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.842143, 
+                28.193594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.872678, 
+                28.176291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.898123, 
+                28.152881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.910337, 
+                28.147283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.934765, 
+                28.123873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -96.962755, 
+                28.123365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.000414, 
+                28.137614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.007539, 
+                28.136087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.027386, 
+                28.124382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.028913, 
+                28.117258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.022806, 
+                28.107588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.023824, 
+                28.103517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.031966, 
+                28.093848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.035528, 
+                28.084688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.035528, 
+                28.074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.031457, 
+                28.053644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.025859, 
+                28.041939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.030948, 
+                28.033288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.040618, 
+                28.028708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.04876, 
+                28.022092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.061992, 
+                27.996138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.075732, 
+                27.986977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.121534, 
+                27.923364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.129168, 
+                27.919801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.134801, 
+                27.902467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.135783, 
+                27.899445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.136615, 
+                27.898956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.144435, 
+                27.894356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.155122, 
+                27.880615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.183455, 
+                27.833231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.184639, 
+                27.831251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.186709, 
+                27.825453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.186871, 
+                27.825001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.187183, 
+                27.824126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.188866, 
+                27.823772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.192874, 
+                27.822928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.193701, 
+                27.822754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.196852, 
+                27.822091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.209127, 
+                27.822091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.209575, 
+                27.822091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.211226, 
+                27.822391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.219738, 
+                27.823939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.220771, 
+                27.824126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.222212, 
+                27.824649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.222957, 
+                27.824919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.225176, 
+                27.825723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.225435, 
+                27.826145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.225811, 
+                27.826755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.226012, 
+                27.827083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.227317, 
+                27.829204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.227317, 
+                27.830939
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.227317, 
+                27.831258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.227317, 
+                27.832895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.227317, 
+                27.832952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.226514, 
+                27.838307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.228388, 
+                27.843661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.234512, 
+                27.849063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.241127, 
+                27.857714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.241393, 
+                27.858953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.242654, 
+                27.864839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.242922, 
+                27.865208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.250797, 
+                27.876035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.256394, 
+                27.877901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.258305, 
+                27.878538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.26301, 
+                27.880106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.272253, 
+                27.881427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.273698, 
+                27.881633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.276632, 
+                27.881144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.285466, 
+                27.879672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.295072, 
+                27.878071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.301455, 
+                27.875907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.317892, 
+                27.870335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.325097, 
+                27.867893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.327494, 
+                27.866405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.354614, 
+                27.849572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.360212, 
+                27.85059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.360547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.361246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.379042, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.391764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.393291, 
+                27.782905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.386166, 
+                27.76662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.368355, 
+                27.741683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.34698, 
+                27.725398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.316446, 
+                27.712676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.253955, 
+                27.696696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.259957, 
+                27.679597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.266064, 
+                27.678579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.296598, 
+                27.613947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.298634, 
+                27.604787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.297616, 
+                27.59868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.294054, 
+                27.5941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.302196, 
+                27.585957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.321535, 
+                27.571199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.325118, 
+                27.560927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.336802, 
+                27.527433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.343418, 
+                27.517764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.347489, 
+                27.503005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.350543, 
+                27.478578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.359194, 
+                27.458221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.36581, 
+                27.450588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.371917, 
+                27.425142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369881, 
+                27.41242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.372935, 
+                27.401224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.37955, 
+                27.390028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.399398, 
+                27.344735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.401942, 
+                27.335574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.404996, 
+                27.329977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.413138, 
+                27.321325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.420263, 
+                27.317254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.430441, 
+                27.313691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.450798, 
+                27.313691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.482859, 
+                27.297915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.508304, 
+                27.275014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.532223, 
+                27.278577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.544437, 
+                27.284175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.546981, 
+                27.290791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.536803, 
+                27.289264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.526625, 
+                27.291808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.524589, 
+                27.297915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.517465, 
+                27.30504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.504742, 
+                27.30504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.498126, 
+                27.308602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.502706, 
+                27.322343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.499144, 
+                27.327941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.483877, 
+                27.338628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.483877, 
+                27.351351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.48693, 
+                27.358984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.501688, 
+                27.366618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.514411, 
+                27.361529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.520518, 
+                27.352877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.53833, 
+                27.335574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.5709, 
+                27.315727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.584132, 
+                27.30962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.609068, 
+                27.285193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.621791, 
+                27.287228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.63146, 
+                27.28621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.636549, 
+                27.282139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.63668, 
+                27.281727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.640111, 
+                27.270943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.639094, 
+                27.253131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.635022, 
+                27.247024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.628916, 
+                27.242953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.597363, 
+                27.242444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.582605, 
+                27.240409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.573953, 
+                27.238882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.561231, 
+                27.232775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.54291, 
+                27.229213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.520009, 
+                27.231248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.509831, 
+                27.23532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.503215, 
+                27.2399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.500162, 
+                27.24448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.485149, 
+                27.250841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.467083, 
+                27.25364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.458431, 
+                27.259493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.450289, 
+                27.262546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.42408, 
+                27.264073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.422299, 
+                27.257712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.434767, 
+                27.202241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.444945, 
+                27.144734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.443673, 
+                27.116235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.452324, 
+                27.115217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.455887, 
+                27.110383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.45665, 
+                27.099695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.461739, 
+                27.095624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.47548, 
+                27.098423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.480569, 
+                27.102494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.49151, 
+                27.101222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.495836, 
+                27.094098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.493291, 
+                27.078067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.477515, 
+                27.066108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.479042, 
+                27.0628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.482257, 
+                27.061942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.48693, 
+                27.057711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.487693, 
+                27.053639
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.486676, 
+                27.03481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.477515, 
+                27.03252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.473953, 
+                27.029212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.473444, 
+                27.02285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.478533, 
+                26.999186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.480569, 
+                26.997659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.484131, 
+                27.000458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.536803, 
+                26.999695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.549271, 
+                26.995878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.555378, 
+                26.99028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.551053, 
+                26.980865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.549526, 
+                26.965344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.552325, 
+                26.952112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.555378, 
+                26.947277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.555378, 
+                26.93888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.540874, 
+                26.90631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.540111, 
+                26.900967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.547999, 
+                26.895114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.552325, 
+                26.888499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.552325, 
+                26.867633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.558432, 
+                26.864325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.563266, 
+                26.842188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.552579, 
+                26.827938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.547745, 
+                26.824631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.537566, 
+                26.824885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.509831, 
+                26.803511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.484385, 
+                26.763562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.478024, 
+                26.7572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.471663, 
+                26.758727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.468609, 
+                26.740915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.467337, 
+                26.710126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.444945, 
+                26.633535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.445708, 
+                26.609362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.441206, 
+                26.599901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.428151, 
+                26.572466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.416955, 
+                26.553637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.422299, 
+                26.520303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.425861, 
+                26.516741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.430696, 
+                26.506563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.430696, 
+                26.494603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.42637, 
+                26.484425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.429169, 
+                26.478064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.43553, 
+                26.470176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.441383, 
+                26.466614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.441383, 
+                26.455418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.437566, 
+                26.44982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.425861, 
+                26.446003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.421026, 
+                26.446766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.41721, 
+                26.44982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.411612, 
+                26.447275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.412884, 
+                26.433026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.42179, 
+                26.417249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.4195, 
+                26.413178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.406014, 
+                26.409107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.398126, 
+                26.410888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.394309, 
+                26.41445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.395072, 
+                26.417249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.382485, 
+                26.411326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.377769, 
+                26.409107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369627, 
+                26.394603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.374461, 
+                26.380862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.388965, 
+                26.36585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.392019, 
+                26.339386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.391001, 
+                26.332262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.387947, 
+                26.330481
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.376242, 
+                26.336333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.372171, 
+                26.339895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.369372, 
+                26.348547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.358176, 
+                26.356435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.343418, 
+                26.359234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.335275, 
+                26.355672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.330441, 
+                26.350582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.336802, 
+                26.331753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.352833, 
+                26.318521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.354359, 
+                26.313941
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.34698, 
+                26.311396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.347489, 
+                26.292821
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.343927, 
+                26.267376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.341128, 
+                26.265595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.331967, 
+                26.265595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.322807, 
+                26.271956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.311866, 
+                26.273737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.307031, 
+                26.253126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.308049, 
+                26.249055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.32128, 
+                26.236078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.32128, 
+                26.228699
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.304486, 
+                26.20249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.296598, 
+                26.200709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.294817, 
+                26.192312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.296089, 
+                26.182388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.306776, 
+                26.159487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.296598, 
+                26.142439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.28536, 
+                26.128378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.282094, 
+                26.120301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.283112, 
+                26.117757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.294054, 
+                26.11394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.295072, 
+                26.108342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.279804, 
+                26.092057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.270898, 
+                26.086459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.24698, 
+                26.080352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.208048, 
+                26.079589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.199651, 
+                26.077044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.195071, 
+                26.04193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.204995, 
+                26.030225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.214918, 
+                26.030734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.224842, 
+                26.027426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.226114, 
+                26.024372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.219244, 
+                25.996128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.216954, 
+                25.993838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.208557, 
+                25.991802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.195834, 
+                25.993074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.17446, 
+                26.000072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.167208, 
+                26.007069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.162755, 
+                26.014576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.162628, 
+                26.023482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.172043, 
+                26.044729
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.178659, 
+                26.045492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.18273, 
+                26.053126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.164982, 
+                26.063876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.152009, 
+                26.062108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.15321, 
+                26.038906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.151922, 
+                26.017653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.145567, 
+                25.971132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.172633, 
+                25.962883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.228025, 
+                25.958936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.271382, 
+                25.951832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.348275, 
+                25.931143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.362345, 
+                25.915724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.367045, 
+                25.903021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.366723, 
+                25.885066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.408357, 
+                25.856459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.496861, 
+                25.880058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.511161, 
+                25.887458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.582565, 
+                25.937857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.668099, 
+                26.022522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.671568, 
+                26.033955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.863056, 
+                26.061273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -97.888699, 
+                26.064931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.008307, 
+                26.061147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.011883, 
+                26.056608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.044517, 
+                26.043746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.132605, 
+                26.057507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.241664, 
+                26.074544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.264514, 
+                26.085507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.386694, 
+                26.157872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.438822, 
+                26.212022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.466167, 
+                26.223245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.58581, 
+                26.257403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.58672, 
+                26.257456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.623335, 
+                26.259592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.6329, 
+                26.250348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.705676, 
+                26.27748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.751164, 
+                26.331307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.807348, 
+                26.369421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.822373, 
+                26.370902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -98.861354, 
+                26.36599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.047575, 
+                26.406922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.105719, 
+                26.43872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.167996, 
+                26.557799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.172058, 
+                26.57086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.208951, 
+                26.689489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.242444, 
+                26.788262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.268613, 
+                26.843213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.321819, 
+                26.906846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.379149, 
+                26.93449
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.446524, 
+                27.023008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.452316, 
+                27.062669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.451035, 
+                27.066765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.446593, 
+                27.070593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.429879, 
+                27.094323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.426348, 
+                27.176262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.441549, 
+                27.24992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.452391, 
+                27.264046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.453949, 
+                27.264673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.463309, 
+                27.268437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.47088, 
+                27.265444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.494678, 
+                27.277595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.529654, 
+                27.306051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.536443, 
+                27.312538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.537771, 
+                27.316073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.50696, 
+                27.35642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.492831, 
+                27.390491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.487704, 
+                27.409924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.480219, 
+                27.485796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.519381, 
+                27.573569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.541644, 
+                27.605772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.600619, 
+                27.641314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.623478, 
+                27.644136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.626294, 
+                27.64245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.627123, 
+                27.638412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.666175, 
+                27.638324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.843463, 
+                27.77456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.876174, 
+                27.806276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.901486, 
+                27.864162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.904385, 
+                27.875284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.895828, 
+                27.904178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.922046, 
+                27.922119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -99.991447, 
+                27.99456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.057049, 
+                28.095656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.080868, 
+                28.137192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.083393, 
+                28.144035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.088143, 
+                28.147503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.14414, 
+                28.168238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.171323, 
+                28.17623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.202448, 
+                28.190554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.209464, 
+                28.196866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.257788, 
+                28.240341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.291391, 
+                28.275398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.346986, 
+                28.407232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.333814, 
+                28.499252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.338518, 
+                28.501833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.386963, 
+                28.514023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.405058, 
+                28.53578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.429856, 
+                28.596441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.446659, 
+                28.608659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.500354, 
+                28.66196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.510055, 
+                28.690723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.511998, 
+                28.705352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.506701, 
+                28.716745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.507613, 
+                28.740599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.535438, 
+                28.805195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.546804, 
+                28.825374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.589854, 
+                28.861618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.640092, 
+                28.915833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.651512, 
+                28.943432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.648104, 
+                28.98386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.645894, 
+                28.986421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.664065, 
+                29.073206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.668356, 
+                29.08397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.674656, 
+                29.099777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.793662, 
+                29.242146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.797671, 
+                29.246943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.954042, 
+                29.347598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -100.995607, 
+                29.363403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.037642, 
+                29.414681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.043364, 
+                29.42988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.060151, 
+                29.458661
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.087149, 
+                29.469414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.137503, 
+                29.473542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.235275, 
+                29.524854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.247319, 
+                29.618482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.250383, 
+                29.624171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.314135, 
+                29.659054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.343743, 
+                29.662047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.403926, 
+                29.757587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.455007, 
+                29.770188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.625958, 
+                29.771063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.635128, 
+                29.758675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.646418, 
+                29.754304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.761839, 
+                29.777187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.786353, 
+                29.782047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.883655, 
+                29.796193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.944913, 
+                29.801468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.040539, 
+                29.790061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.050044, 
+                29.78507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.116076, 
+                29.792527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.262466, 
+                29.853765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.282247, 
+                29.863598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.297331, 
+                29.875194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.320819, 
+                29.875193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.323389, 
+                29.875193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.364647, 
+                29.843624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.386677, 
+                29.76148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.404422, 
+                29.765105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.434063, 
+                29.7767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.486819, 
+                29.786725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.500741, 
+                29.781446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.554915, 
+                29.748966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.612879, 
+                29.748182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.665194, 
+                29.737421
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.689738, 
+                29.722349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.698347, 
+                29.695591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.745494, 
+                29.592967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.781807, 
+                29.542454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.808692, 
+                29.522319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.831938, 
+                29.437943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.83332, 
+                29.408981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.875813, 
+                29.353715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.895886, 
+                29.284778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.886308, 
+                29.24568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.881135, 
+                29.246022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.871347, 
+                29.241625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.866846, 
+                29.225015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.87802, 
+                29.214698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.95089, 
+                29.176835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.995688, 
+                29.161219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.10443, 
+                29.03359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.115328, 
+                28.98527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.156646, 
+                28.972831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.163865, 
+                28.972099
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.281903, 
+                28.990089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.383508, 
+                29.024112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.471037, 
+                29.075368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.470518, 
+                29.085108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.503236, 
+                29.11911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.525471, 
+                29.137744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.558679, 
+                29.154962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.61007, 
+                29.165727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.627067, 
+                29.163336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.714867, 
+                29.184137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.767814, 
+                29.224954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.792005, 
+                29.262695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.792705, 
+                29.262931
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.838303, 
+                29.278304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.924976, 
+                29.293913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.963076, 
+                29.298404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.025488, 
+                29.314404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.143692, 
+                29.383278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.167506, 
+                29.402928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.21341, 
+                29.462069
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.235847, 
+                29.496744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.264155, 
+                29.514001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.290728, 
+                29.519326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.321603, 
+                29.527923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.394351, 
+                29.560535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.515512, 
+                29.641493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.538569, 
+                29.677396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.549773, 
+                29.716091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.549117, 
+                29.728814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.566055, 
+                29.771379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.633275, 
+                29.870485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.667301, 
+                29.910401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.674932, 
+                29.911112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.679877, 
+                29.920946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.693592, 
+                30.019077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.685793, 
+                30.092656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.687296, 
+                30.179464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.708916, 
+                30.235826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.761634, 
+                30.301148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.78102, 
+                30.314564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.859521, 
+                30.390413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.872808, 
+                30.500145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.929778, 
+                30.59924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.972071, 
+                30.61026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.985365, 
+                30.623792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.044407, 
+                30.683895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.129328, 
+                30.750139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.211234, 
+                30.799609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.250028, 
+                30.799068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.265479, 
+                30.802536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.394627, 
+                30.85892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.411833, 
+                30.893367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.55679, 
+                30.989469
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.57765, 
+                31.019811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.579756, 
+                31.036588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.585323, 
+                31.057488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.60333, 
+                31.082625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.648834, 
+                31.115902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.709491, 
+                31.136375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.750519, 
+                31.16494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.793719, 
+                31.201713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.869353, 
+                31.288634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.900315, 
+                31.300008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.923131, 
+                31.312089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.981027, 
+                31.375122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.997658, 
+                31.386489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00693, 
+                31.392826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.099393, 
+                31.41476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.132782, 
+                31.425367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.202851, 
+                31.464073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.206018, 
+                31.466648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.207524, 
+                31.467872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2092, 
+                31.469234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.212918, 
+                31.473409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.218538, 
+                31.47972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.254062, 
+                31.547512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.356938, 
+                31.70221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.381039, 
+                31.73211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41794, 
+                31.752009
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.436743, 
+                31.756872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.472514, 
+                31.751802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.528543, 
+                31.783907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.528543, 
+                31.784407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.527997, 
+                31.786945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.527623, 
+                31.789119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.527738, 
+                31.789761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.527943, 
+                31.790507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.530515, 
+                31.792103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53248, 
+                31.791914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.533, 
+                31.791829
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.533043, 
+                31.791907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.534743, 
+                31.796107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.535154, 
+                31.797089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.535343, 
+                31.797507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.535843, 
+                31.798607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.542097, 
+                31.802146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.542144, 
+                31.802107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.544714, 
+                31.804287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.545344, 
+                31.805007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.563444, 
+                31.812606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.566844, 
+                31.813306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.605245, 
+                31.845905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.605845, 
+                31.846305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.614637, 
+                31.84649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.621857, 
+                31.852854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.625763, 
+                31.856276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.627808, 
+                31.860593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.616136, 
+                31.948439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.614702, 
+                31.956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.599096, 
+                32.000731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.598639, 
+                32.000754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.595333, 
+                32.000778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.587972, 
+                32.000749
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.566056, 
+                32.000759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.565142, 
+                32.000736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.411075, 
+                32.001334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.394298, 
+                32.001484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.377174, 
+                32.00149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.313307, 
+                32.001512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.205915, 
+                32.001762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.200699, 
+                32.001785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18184, 
+                32.00205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.09976, 
+                32.002174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.998003, 
+                32.002328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.9006, 
+                32.0021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.886159, 
+                32.00197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.429281, 
+                32.000577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.428582, 
+                32.0006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.427049, 
+                32.000638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.390396, 
+                32.000607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.153994, 
+                32.000497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.15031, 
+                32.000497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.14824, 
+                32.000485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.132916, 
+                32.000518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.131377, 
+                32.000524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.11804, 
+                32.000485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.078605, 
+                32.000533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.077046, 
+                32.000579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.918272, 
+                32.000496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.847757, 
+                32.000482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.643526, 
+                32.000443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.640918, 
+                32.000396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.531937, 
+                32.000311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.531756, 
+                32.000117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.024521, 
+                32.00001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.980179, 
+                32.000125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.722853, 
+                32.000221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.326501, 
+                32.00037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.278521, 
+                32.000419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.270383, 
+                32.000326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.267708, 
+                32.000324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.267633, 
+                32.000475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.215641, 
+                32.000513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.088698, 
+                32.000453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.085876, 
+                32.000465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064423, 
+                32.000518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064344, 
+                32.087051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064348, 
+                32.123041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064422, 
+                32.145006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064696, 
+                32.522193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064761, 
+                32.587983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064788, 
+                32.600397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064761, 
+                32.601863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064815, 
+                32.624537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064633, 
+                32.64642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064864, 
+                32.682647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064798, 
+                32.690761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064799, 
+                32.708694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064827, 
+                32.726628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064807, 
+                32.777303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064698, 
+                32.783602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064711, 
+                32.784593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064699, 
+                32.827531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064672, 
+                32.82847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064889, 
+                32.849359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064916, 
+                32.85726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064807, 
+                32.857696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064862, 
+                32.868346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.064701, 
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+              [
+                -113.22406205697736, 
+                22.512051850924074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21883104650726, 
+                22.519088872233315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21321733559574, 
+                22.52304534358097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21247716273731, 
+                22.525050137334418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21591671878157, 
+                22.530332530891453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21784075867645, 
+                22.53145968643043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22685636720662, 
+                22.525819307878184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23777900316828, 
+                22.52820112104439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.24660333147347, 
+                22.553171005695955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.24637476549611, 
+                22.55781267776296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23057471211253, 
+                22.580160230124154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22130036484127, 
+                22.574874194179415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21583667530494, 
+                22.56968537490701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21309660581298, 
+                22.56449295400748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21297210900156, 
+                22.563410878454707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21394848225272, 
+                22.562844075602086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21388059536028, 
+                22.56138098069263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21303306014153, 
+                22.559738417628562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20710175184237, 
+                22.562784507546315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20315584771407, 
+                22.566609612031726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20193151598272, 
+                22.569822913008203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20209385789438, 
+                22.572196920901376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20730785747716, 
+                22.581564510155342
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.05923487214115, 
+                22.560572998367252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05777829193646, 
+                22.562170038870878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0411449579694, 
+                22.564741872765723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.03163241926998, 
+                22.564122938070103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02883864413911, 
+                22.558601784993108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02071073574534, 
+                22.528853268648586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02068819280132, 
+                22.526871811752578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02093508022894, 
+                22.525993773612083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04183291543066, 
+                22.50735338615791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04709521695327, 
+                22.50607370244529
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0499718674119, 
+                22.50765307829148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0506118674399, 
+                22.508923074383265
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05082799645973, 
+                22.52141496487247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04916923930843, 
+                22.527902478962687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04437520342094, 
+                22.534233444837454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04654293435149, 
+                22.54409393395138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05706754635999, 
+                22.54886515641082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05923487214115, 
+                22.560572998367252
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.08920659178543, 
+                22.613704971814247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08128847458725, 
+                22.611251571532453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07984822431355, 
+                22.610153398770038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07671716250945, 
+                22.601755309130336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07543901439297, 
+                22.593024550763996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07723541770781, 
+                22.590533839142136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07857184491849, 
+                22.589768538455875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08174000212165, 
+                22.577963250634742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08067731453505, 
+                22.567691387287965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07782345632889, 
+                22.56503556854379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.06611420974451, 
+                22.557686862504145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.06599685476556, 
+                22.555991603126895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.066733534576, 
+                22.553604497034648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07107297928056, 
+                22.549221818499277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0733894536109, 
+                22.55041100477252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07898226206518, 
+                22.556089685524434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08829880693764, 
+                22.555237154991918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09353053278922, 
+                22.548223325674236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10203402242782, 
+                22.542292366135673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10307462045012, 
+                22.542807753666132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10467900425272, 
+                22.544361867266822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10652157382891, 
+                22.547327698158796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10834607363695, 
+                22.55468061406111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1088007876689, 
+                22.578525933210592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10513941592714, 
+                22.58429130936037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0999927609498, 
+                22.599218791032254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09931081582565, 
+                22.613393561174426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09195995030205, 
+                22.645535291950715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09151371617091, 
+                22.64574841220355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0859537754773, 
+                22.637853016437255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08538792125722, 
+                22.63196084703322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08596450562175, 
+                22.625323340569267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08920659178543, 
+                22.613704971814247
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.63059995014171, 
+                22.520056697800605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.62398666002362, 
+                22.51293112540949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61892786993971, 
+                22.51106980122811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61513704588495, 
+                22.5108724700308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61218122554494, 
+                22.51157137799594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.60044441809602, 
+                22.506551693622974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59149777989359, 
+                22.50160555851669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58972345475459, 
+                22.50027540288575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58324476593526, 
+                22.492724746072096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58281842309762, 
+                22.49163210058272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58210325233827, 
+                22.484976381186687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58350091910664, 
+                22.482657351396607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.585254968454, 
+                22.48133394010145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58958626186734, 
+                22.480449969453698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59189704757983, 
+                22.481359380150053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5964150376825, 
+                22.485191777287113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59673874310049, 
+                22.487000209164236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5952281631488, 
+                22.490550020747293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59528048601148, 
+                22.493004405464355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5975356353669, 
+                22.49818868480791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.60131951067474, 
+                22.50055883081895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.60547736459445, 
+                22.500245114641125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61097227029103, 
+                22.49874132351128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61532346140162, 
+                22.494723980212846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61609289174537, 
+                22.493175085997553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61562580534286, 
+                22.490848335509625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.61798063420231, 
+                22.48619943895085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.62805103498869, 
+                22.473398031477654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.63500401541889, 
+                22.47504658365933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64315740393741, 
+                22.482334732776582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6505507521461, 
+                22.491383901468037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6518510493538, 
+                22.497166433701658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.65288880998871, 
+                22.49827341005879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6615926452156, 
+                22.502969738782582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66451099523908, 
+                22.503164404762952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6703884132415, 
+                22.502092530387685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67391300877348, 
+                22.505784557615403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67508264108882, 
+                22.50862402918936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67350358050687, 
+                22.517550419121932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66487675431608, 
+                22.525487668251294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.65957874465164, 
+                22.52768244034852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6359513891962, 
+                22.523001283924962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.63059995014171, 
+                22.520056697800605
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.34268431141312, 
+                22.641725107639765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34937472564143, 
+                22.648147521166454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35088479931261, 
+                22.64794205771898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35732309646312, 
+                22.64181235471399
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35966965441617, 
+                22.632912448826314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3593515021429, 
+                22.62962560465838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35883660056977, 
+                22.62749648733715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35299783998565, 
+                22.61455828975871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34853018414492, 
+                22.611064889180305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34215270405163, 
+                22.60828029466104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32685178557469, 
+                22.58105914916036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32600369703233, 
+                22.575703775263516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32719844912943, 
+                22.568219612951108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3314812518877, 
+                22.550422992418106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36635314166651, 
+                22.559574054875018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37245964290281, 
+                22.564959728982256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37730209676992, 
+                22.574573342560665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37895236330785, 
+                22.58132605288095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39423570762393, 
+                22.571908214598423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39615996699895, 
+                22.567053082303893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39494055643816, 
+                22.563150582076734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39883428419472, 
+                22.542710822304322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40109222829797, 
+                22.53828506038267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40430965854509, 
+                22.53414899683824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40525909714653, 
+                22.535093707812372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40479076146384, 
+                22.545214552683188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40379821869381, 
+                22.551944322138386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40480528093899, 
+                22.55770935971437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40928248377763, 
+                22.56612898768595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41618756493311, 
+                22.573114765802938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.4229812949575, 
+                22.61418650732369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42870739733299, 
+                22.624889245650365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42629774603253, 
+                22.63523234462768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.4188530128609, 
+                22.65590464872763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41461289063432, 
+                22.6598567300394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39901801393565, 
+                22.66888567767592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3932892152801, 
+                22.669303213741696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38771255538286, 
+                22.668621993064956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38277485144228, 
+                22.66452754708912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38158436636786, 
+                22.662052483659032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37957168380677, 
+                22.650389432296105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37967250399126, 
+                22.643780115264196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37090304825597, 
+                22.647111570111853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36383615219198, 
+                22.667386408211097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36260215684032, 
+                22.668084053595248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35694278649697, 
+                22.66789685599628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34940250254955, 
+                22.66499786802238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35013329079831, 
+                22.662537061014973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3499000569718, 
+                22.660693232606285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34940188725795, 
+                22.657946050125506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34834820490968, 
+                22.656778880110696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3234183778736, 
+                22.64982007590448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.31941549187812, 
+                22.651728637651193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.31847956479527, 
+                22.65403967118171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.309524370533, 
+                22.663331520952305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30519376009396, 
+                22.66385378859458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30232153539652, 
+                22.662957847612752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2999723314994, 
+                22.66004469839123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29661447452823, 
+                22.653662469161244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29102207634982, 
+                22.637936286198002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29362282516794, 
+                22.617701848410917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29548534464024, 
+                22.613077510087713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30393282769349, 
+                22.615622228721723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30603767093871, 
+                22.61849390429785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30692141732408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3104952679862, 
+                22.627170300218626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32420550536003, 
+                22.63061898607552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3260724073896, 
+                22.629785796014996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32763573186236, 
+                22.627116208049024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.33000461377752, 
+                22.625370315650546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.33182378423417, 
+                22.6252439333796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3335267074006, 
+                22.62618922042416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34398941674739, 
+                22.632781064011667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34696058161151, 
+                22.637013607291536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34268431141312, 
+                22.641725107639765
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.27983575780385, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26093413149934, 
+                22.711772931550584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.25697079446046, 
+                22.68251086833313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.25683975478495, 
+                22.680809477667825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.25771911404011, 
+                22.677895707323604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2592117612122, 
+                22.677640937893557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.27264031186493, 
+                22.68228228116897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2918849766545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29883488474744, 
+                22.67900302944981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30189918415324, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3078184772907, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.31107421258821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3110562178533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30650120614041, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29400658239774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29252752763148, 
+                22.71307737589264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2840846329547, 
+                22.71278489012615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.27983575780385, 
+                22.71132339670044
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.5929773068025, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58155065885012, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58004382414583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57692890834811, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57072660180418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5594161212942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55783589822816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55569580493002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55847054106846, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58118216809602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59278306553934, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60709311892255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61355656284809, 
+                21.903132393895316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61406940358702, 
+                21.905400179526627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61531115029297, 
+                21.9063544144985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61918664517165, 
+                21.907391898950344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62280521118669, 
+                21.907515651041923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63635865219115, 
+                21.904234666022116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64484244758455, 
+                21.898784120728976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64655147601657, 
+                21.896067772523175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65123030153534, 
+                21.89491067841381
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66763940896992, 
+                21.92153437249202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67221993145947, 
+                21.93010444880277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67061519618817, 
+                21.940356937412083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66734291425936, 
+                21.955145342346405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6491662271361, 
+                21.974502257643792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64467421964385, 
+                21.978372278704644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63485168967603, 
+                21.978952832052343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61642163199343, 
+                21.978275365216962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61509434573924, 
+                21.977639346559485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61416996387143, 
+                21.97643232391386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6136941513187, 
+                21.97077406331766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61468821355054, 
+                21.965902160738228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61651190804436, 
+                21.96288781666509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61254793403572, 
+                21.956194745707567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61124756238577, 
+                21.955089067210103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60428685036499, 
+                21.953212240228858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60306829140083, 
+                21.953448317624506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60139351277616, 
+                21.95506069942496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59529434280002, 
+                21.964317560880616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59444823173247, 
+                21.964470284158157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59403939863661, 
+                21.963644713204562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5929773068025, 
+                21.959109894498855
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.45637428112772, 
+                21.934470086524907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45533406567412, 
+                21.934465263933934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44526265432154, 
+                21.92123379774427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44530804648791, 
+                21.919984610063967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4476445840913, 
+                21.916664452021568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46814224012843, 
+                21.918588445323874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47166940280549, 
+                21.92120865493167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47923144523591, 
+                21.922073252723866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50239685578293, 
+                21.916874526822138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50899915013734, 
+                21.91910282488505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5093192812503, 
+                21.920397914576704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50571815525333, 
+                21.92285131057673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49851740375397, 
+                21.925549516758007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46937012213671, 
+                21.932892179453994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45637428112772, 
+                21.934470086524907
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.38353694684673, 
+                21.95903189209185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3738732489875, 
+                21.960869646233718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3691971565826, 
+                21.957483123921225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36803868636636, 
+                21.951730746745643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36819219857144, 
+                21.949373941621992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37429887068777, 
+                21.93334238091418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37606861019046, 
+                21.932232875054236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3968646769045, 
+                21.92598723770355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43867308792454, 
+                21.93226580361313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44106980793741, 
+                21.933188996885352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44392899309418, 
+                21.938297571275314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43915948975761, 
+                21.945691073480948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42529720858802, 
+                21.953730137276185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41174656483383, 
+                21.95346359191062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40609785026516, 
+                21.951691160791373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40161109571346, 
+                21.95139640554701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39472243680522, 
+                21.95210032086202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39163321723481, 
+                21.95847501205648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38353694684673, 
+                21.95903189209185
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.53221752872234, 
+                22.023965830747336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52694203865964, 
+                22.024191066113936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52053593192382, 
+                22.022770097309753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51970351629164, 
+                22.017386931584035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52016476566843, 
+                22.01647327871054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52829116861595, 
+                22.012181880917367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53831881125114, 
+                22.00202401106892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53844850547252, 
+                22.000431319240626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5380032485096, 
+                21.998621171636763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53640448812139, 
+                21.995361935754765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52461863540866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52031007219526, 
+                21.983220973899098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51600364664877, 
+                21.984682623779364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49730355009217, 
+                21.98599079141928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49327079613352, 
+                21.9822987085429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49087775234996, 
+                21.97896976378016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4939323035151, 
+                21.969814029531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49730928924384, 
+                21.970229591189185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49991265228911, 
+                21.971692986629808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51360402230664, 
+                21.970527073083137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51475342652431, 
+                21.96914936541546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5258276524637, 
+                21.94464281641175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52821030989813, 
+                21.936288051268903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53210957265027, 
+                21.934064162861528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53474256618878, 
+                21.93408528460912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54500574331398, 
+                21.939026913851112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54986447056369, 
+                21.944102525893346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55547237729857, 
+                21.97501299396585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55208322813986, 
+                21.979345669634117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54548685651913, 
+                21.984684755642423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54374738754855, 
+                21.987023153678688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54259099482721, 
+                21.990166577994046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54494080004118, 
+                21.994006930448457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54737378667447, 
+                21.995945007080664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55174154883126, 
+                21.997390904083748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55254797238041, 
+                21.996528551683575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55446732137798, 
+                21.991182826422055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55790118034332, 
+                21.98899713375334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56533111382778, 
+                21.988113388121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56883668096093, 
+                21.991531828968114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57030525067793, 
+                21.99446046024908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5702306422806, 
+                21.9975141450303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56884378249637, 
+                22.004529503224163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56074797253763, 
+                22.020603159011486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55807580659904, 
+                22.02146889962769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55545841350053, 
+                22.020963612130604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55265332727944, 
+                22.019673295386056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54735339089127, 
+                22.015472457100042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53221752872234, 
+                22.023965830747336
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -113.85480695651277, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8535944290705, 
+                22.181594268010837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.83525750026968, 
+                22.175841312096082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.79819357639998, 
+                22.16842994976319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78823493448212, 
+                22.157699811815384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78662941431875, 
+                22.15390258622683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78464680925558, 
+                22.142929820812164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78679066654608, 
+                22.138267920519503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.79819227021841, 
+                22.129954688962286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82856265212686, 
+                22.141440246814156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8361782275021, 
+                22.127821580873533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.83579380845825, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84158667267745, 
+                22.12803760341142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86506158330593, 
+                22.148897787021358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86141454643383, 
+                22.180016852715035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.85480695651277, 
+                22.180130569058257
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -116.4746272880492, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.47036438396674, 
+                24.912293547366446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.46995940308081, 
+                24.931433733290948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.45737653412222, 
+                24.948499335289306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44822335806622, 
+                24.94805395986021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44217919716401, 
+                24.94481618845075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.43066910126485, 
+                24.90743378763896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.43077833776921, 
+                24.90154502239491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.42657090010653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.38787794914401, 
+                24.859654601332167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.385994019623, 
+                24.857364741966993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.33683387289899, 
+                24.8435414853975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.30898554941481, 
+                24.833627120797388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.30657206890369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.30478812787595, 
+                24.8254259270714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.29107498642712, 
+                24.810566984162705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.28780580548523, 
+                24.810539957712475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.28783664491999, 
+                24.806954387919095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.29584221932099, 
+                24.804763161144923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.32734792043375, 
+                24.811353941197183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.33960117868617, 
+                24.812882978481063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.34269164842019, 
+                24.81091173313131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.34579536081236, 
+                24.80789376915659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.35196703201447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.36118144529168, 
+                24.804329380730575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.36626637343923, 
+                24.806635006092527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.36824205235588, 
+                24.81195496200359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.39755886490498, 
+                24.834163632101525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.40905618419644, 
+                24.849635296208596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.43897419351342, 
+                24.884970156103474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44061545404534, 
+                24.88554097756408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44225333542586, 
+                24.884898172237833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44742725595673, 
+                24.885396967239302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.47524197893877, 
+                24.896830863469688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.47549747587573, 
+                24.902948042717043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.4746272880492, 
+                24.90431718492627
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.84674108035301, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84668031997984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84567675863602, 
+                24.74399785295321
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84190030328718, 
+                24.743179829993217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8408440356773, 
+                24.744323711208484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83781942321068, 
+                24.744802027695403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83584821936589, 
+                24.742647030419917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83296015195826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83315061099228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83491071162612, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83456064264163, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8244638004188, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.81009023211068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79904847645035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79745154284922, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79868074826743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79984683582907, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80494352833294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83131165980467, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83514264301196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8363194482767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83743738613703, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84399068914833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87723913187641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89973330857359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91014859811023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91220523348342, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90836787064329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90441678108498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90213839446452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9017032496929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90263479512137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9081083407532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9291882956295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9350214647445, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9341644102313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93389210383651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93629013922454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94095835557776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95233305313145, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98272554583805, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98854551130945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99588485118787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01179660892994, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0276074028089, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0363585464513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04273816935215, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.04975977566305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05854064811804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06923864991897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07829683091776, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.09370693162275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09976041663018, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.12367946420581, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.13960478395897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1493367975629, 
+                24.651768268715504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15230675995993, 
+                24.652748542473592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15425213030903, 
+                24.65407247217704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17477522519171, 
+                24.67453872643659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18135130501207, 
+                24.683055878008513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18896041596551, 
+                24.685120016708137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19548181425355, 
+                24.685332837522743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20192285955538, 
+                24.68756708328508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20277677685931, 
+                24.68858269097267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20288397072088, 
+                24.689789113529493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20127815304737, 
+                24.696233498808677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20137671394367, 
+                24.698785525134756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20421512093964, 
+                24.712318574671176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20542836031916, 
+                24.716001841420567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20914621053335, 
+                24.72355456098464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22366080649024, 
+                24.74528733821534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22357295565199, 
+                24.750142968400915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.21269153145633, 
+                24.75993360572404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20037201548303, 
+                24.766455821978898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17593652292324, 
+                24.76708691494881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15463044653232, 
+                24.76561983466932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.14913433511664, 
+                24.762502298034658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.14098224185061, 
+                24.759707819002426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11680491590242, 
+                24.75452988704148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11060122991505, 
+                24.75509694212225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09702598118665, 
+                24.75900258804595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08970886296909, 
+                24.765969659431796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0881445175374, 
+                24.77307339785758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08996179424386, 
+                24.780885583908553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09388099454502, 
+                24.78492000094788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09589834866661, 
+                24.78612451411777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09555106686341, 
+                24.78803296025049
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09190947346096, 
+                24.793266618277766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0810146853343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07581086975854, 
+                24.80710571742904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05927473058853, 
+                24.811932321075457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04750419833864, 
+                24.811665845596607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04078431340808, 
+                24.81226461591076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.03903795742548, 
+                24.814269618874317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.03830302981383, 
+                24.82978610408407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02421177640315, 
+                24.846085206366325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00623250714986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0047272517713, 
+                24.834642222557186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99983862625126, 
+                24.831971070123984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99526432928185, 
+                24.831525243236086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98354994193365, 
+                24.841195074063442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9597096248623, 
+                24.849827424535498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9544268487779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95448362691681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95284865145875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94655203251502, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9437393253953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94357058766958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9456105410367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94246630276017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93218730580163, 
+                24.819420761323318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91594163284014, 
+                24.816760891213836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91047470554795, 
+                24.81713281485675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8975156013021, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89690628498577, 
+                24.821370479415382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89684517740683, 
+                24.82383312610454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8963955327398, 
+                24.826149860431016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89560840291128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88845611082017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86654262447978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.85010495213865, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84585933357904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84262488880854, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8423726345578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84307673920651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8446512591465, 
+                24.7607242403085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84674108035301, 
+                24.751468787867314
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.69486550465365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69347550412117, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68818081029897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68127838813834, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67933708295877, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67648523659278, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67501839532406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66445393002117, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66150271302392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66176804813931, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66091203206244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65556646852176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64942586161905, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6428063344383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63798227710471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63311079727927, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62990737070011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62635017869742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61790709894238, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61430903758031, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60465670492657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59391670378132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59198550483062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59116927341182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58203152107143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57339551502717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56443363621736, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55622755009847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55558223846805, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5564353781666, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55671465127494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55081850756311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5483276002647, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.54297792040262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.53185569051583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51711850505247, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51393115947093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51101863469762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.50993080973014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5113458186682, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51026113520459, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.50564930077954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49828040925543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4801855156863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47321104588006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47013962033309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46823325053778, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.45236623056549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44232072094658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42925788022904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42671599677897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42633256012611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42659057168918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42462027312003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40133386446026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38953276192753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37808536837562, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37649120950988, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37361052940103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37183614445345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36542421067965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35929413421005, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35853624713909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35815730975186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35861544091516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36559646430551, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37587739510823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37801285464681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38059508611649, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39982493705209, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41680732550121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41963588124139, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4303785695752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44233135091308, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44928418686379, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.45944163740111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46866786883497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4812115962299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49063211931556, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49052204751167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49316457472781, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49574132570923, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49833671704424, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.50401428180948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51101442335401, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5159621782982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5147376885023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.49503098104917, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47555715868748, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47105626155228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46645938326037, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46596261069706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47247617015165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46386676340722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.45881841244302, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42245162688724, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4207667677669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4150167016308, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40296110801368, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39473992251986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39166953727128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38721710464739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.3850547131299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37912324902041, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37323286518259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36614609031993, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36023517366867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.34499922486813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36179931355143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35857993005243, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33011723503571, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32647505546377, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32530417269771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32524592911841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33446567281493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33539587325781, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33850931292974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.34721088327528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35521598879747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36046064482089, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36841304191694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36868763968798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36126842817836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35905835051199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35551785502022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.35664181231942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36026922482662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37229915398287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.37443010910376, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38241406048748, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38682508412396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38192108718837, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38268587178278, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39528978635911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39397361393898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39587577090792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40959792460498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41977010286689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4432909604307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47060874903485, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47198192332672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4711073235673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46804694543192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46025695040807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47092610085318, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.47432442291239, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.47858936126784, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.47943022963581, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47938902393564, 
+                25.49100982010921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47855453828079, 
+                25.489365013135323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46553252007092, 
+                25.486990058855827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46397560380905, 
+                25.488722729604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4647935453144, 
+                25.497312237269753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4967194496487, 
+                25.514800782164983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52234135131731, 
+                25.530092052749822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52228795870425, 
+                25.53484433645498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52420993193006, 
+                25.539818743010564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.53371694156105, 
+                25.54981988443928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55473247134498, 
+                25.56101637638827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55858937113024, 
+                25.56352508975982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57818347105162, 
+                25.589750674904543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58155006155378, 
+                25.593471475886638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58366840638901, 
+                25.595207656392468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58828140530086, 
+                25.595776117975703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59394671899082, 
+                25.600513167309167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60058076417329, 
+                25.61479870713252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60122051710829, 
+                25.626531678762706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61070991949954, 
+                25.646343542532644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62552618247207, 
+                25.663418489944192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63070059647283, 
+                25.667801884287233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63423313718066, 
+                25.669982735181343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65419740994484, 
+                25.701462726431707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65846538474558, 
+                25.70621815129342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66334168554005, 
+                25.709348203375143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67906373758464, 
+                25.729018582423482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68111387253856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6844100865211, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70162877350634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71694913182884, 
+                25.769809884278054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71938190494765, 
+                25.770745298422256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72258949757438, 
+                25.769713014688197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72485396166614, 
+                25.769870907054635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7300360186378, 
+                25.772540967981723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73767833729826, 
+                25.779221773258715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75888377761585, 
+                25.802396781017983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78144825465223, 
+                25.834917630779085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78710849257031, 
+                25.85042701730644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78746890955988, 
+                25.853547997394422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76769106589761, 
+                25.846303889654752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73612580401164, 
+                25.833611586262865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73463762019693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73107410805098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72188496383718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71639623068845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7094240041044, 
+                25.82252646504947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70714330360302, 
+                25.82099786609114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69486550465365, 
+                25.803005663217967
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.20227931370036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2025133937322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18781203764134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1848947958098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18150277425218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17552340510831, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17449512359772, 
+                24.90267310610735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17419705075135, 
+                24.902051992544653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17344987362422, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17596034879017, 
+                24.874574487714213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17714571205897, 
+                24.87011616746249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1973611108445, 
+                24.859023095262753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23668153797502, 
+                24.86573635230589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24582104079174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24923809192872, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24883760677258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23609724525444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.209053286889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20469756744164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20227931370036, 
+                24.923614635881936
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.41046136318768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39305871688693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38227429403744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3766517288875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.36730649777473, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.36673241293414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.37142640293388, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35954983504831, 
+                24.959653630986672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35974572473938, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35047554408973, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.36984921770157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38363344913222, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38459073245944, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38484127297156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.407177387122, 
+                24.96028420874659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41316507893441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.43209758826974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44110120727397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44125898355868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.43645277006392, 
+                25.02053050325982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42969058673762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42889753560313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42655378337857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42334597471408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41046136318768, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -112.59895205360795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.58938105469744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5849567028057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.58394369029358, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.58676565063654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.59121171812545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.59227170545356, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5953614429893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60464727590961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.61926135835299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62117077044651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62528681134494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62640976761942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.63054124046336, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66797400995554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66893605210339, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66940081277447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66461329975444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66277888110756, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65498610476071, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.63022553502438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.61663420003902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.61312409578758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.59895205360795, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.65569110646604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62228052020299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61945581702314, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61220993827456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6015745339242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58907137668317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58884722546215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58809308231662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.56044705131194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53958307388308, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53797691647925, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53826745975924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54417241123193, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55098130362143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55722374071533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55842174369745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5642320582425, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57234624759226, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57492148396453, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57862611451152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.59093978154893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.59370115637017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.59765467062043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6097729114645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62257588129202, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64133018660446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65421139850156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.66259719588183, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.67720521207114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.68136529590373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.68953264638822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.69665630194756, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.70510696730692, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.70942889448412, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.714722166895, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71770058661939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71791294284898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71705550933508, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71603150075913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.73031653955005, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75243929721375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75458327662395, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75463805531719, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75004047463645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75004110633914, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.76093426250549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.76933765443975, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.77107942572717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.77972931144912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.79243407839202, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80130851712664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80500538397118, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80803638980237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81375964710121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81404129576003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81451172392592, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82418011194734, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82883271058378, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.83483737050733, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.83895741900552, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84141099544102, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84050969121712, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8428839005875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85690818732667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.86059223468949, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.86142324316437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.86024693163208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85983700275101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85976369895239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.86487530310862, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8715447408985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.87700715286262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8901329827492, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.90637615622576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.91572190911887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.946394395275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.97686309481313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.98845254900117, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.9972595078503, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.01734885979515, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.02401781318872, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.05820404185755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.06044135885223, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.06189468364904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.06213691741696, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.06165480552461, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.06276205048253, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.07157583973171, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.09204689302851, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.09831850236817, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.11765103880832, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13843833117217, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.15280098370043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.16344747756152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.16773946527458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.16895272891414, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -116.17041926218765, 
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+              ], 
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+                -116.16859392963039, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.1464811242302, 
+                26.399571201099747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14534712924667, 
+                26.402569512935973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14478257084306, 
+                26.406291279959888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14507191405433, 
+                26.41110008428858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14670998690494, 
+                26.418418079954826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14754419055045, 
+                26.429098101575814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.14648308376519, 
+                26.429875439661394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13889428723328, 
+                26.428176092859918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13750175118803, 
+                26.428531839817804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13540713164544, 
+                26.430791308054545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13357729481413, 
+                26.430955101025415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13243258688078, 
+                26.4297414064951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13110167040567, 
+                26.425069734716036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.1280217708994, 
+                26.422613685089186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12720647060029, 
+                26.41714283026418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12720111737951, 
+                26.41258019700893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12790044155663, 
+                26.410734936434476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13026246876063, 
+                26.40784085213745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13025164095048, 
+                26.406612155746483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12953714787672, 
+                26.405766333153576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12917173541875, 
+                26.403190123431536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13065611153279, 
+                26.393409451925137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.13020549237498, 
+                26.390576843959153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.1283712117697, 
+                26.386220812177193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.1268840384932, 
+                26.383892721365847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.12248585418737, 
+                26.379602892617317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.10535816181975, 
+                26.36908428840013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.07781714247852, 
+                26.354891884261882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.04240205393972, 
+                26.342590069122096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.0228482066054, 
+                26.33371779342066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.01115087269754, 
+                26.329228720655667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.99255075704663, 
+                26.323875073188507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.98382033857987, 
+                26.32457548463414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.98187589277322, 
+                26.325732418343563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.9740603117726, 
+                26.33156056062978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.96541729120437, 
+                26.340191191641036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94144920430415, 
+                26.358623497758714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.92293114271529, 
+                26.370400477238196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.89923315494285, 
+                26.38117215331065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.89603167827545, 
+                26.38202575179282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.89419818236858, 
+                26.381681697973296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8898845286676, 
+                26.378759798750053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.87653483620666, 
+                26.37631897819077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.87364532500473, 
+                26.37626557985165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.87265246791893, 
+                26.37840911028089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.87071162329143, 
+                26.37945455804834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.86494783796849, 
+                26.378271016871892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85824747808473, 
+                26.37491364754037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85541137265538, 
+                26.370543956127577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.85353715788061, 
+                26.36619054003538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.83752420949487, 
+                26.346627950399274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.83323251438813, 
+                26.343550469359172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8303062598567, 
+                26.342391628611978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82492233005873, 
+                26.34210174581456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82149724436974, 
+                26.34038950890796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81778164707329, 
+                26.32873723515131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81088745814237, 
+                26.29833277086522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81225427468296, 
+                26.282730854662027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80824608743725, 
+                26.27825185022456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80445178512834, 
+                26.27572904174266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.79783079358431, 
+                26.273391540130905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78411272609232, 
+                26.267089068232817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.77426873818906, 
+                26.259692425972982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75230266542121, 
+                26.25516568909406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7339889261922, 
+                26.253699531518617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.73131681337826, 
+                26.252683358087335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7186127896221, 
+                26.24090796539172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71593673336514, 
+                26.234257553692945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71571178558231, 
+                26.232773045114186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71348705717806, 
+                26.228818387778237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.71198981180486, 
+                26.226762553434884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.70667217035867, 
+                26.22352261808472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.68547845607965, 
+                26.218749607411578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.67918301971234, 
+                26.21910173514766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.66485032999303, 
+                26.217477274903384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65848482925105, 
+                26.215145363461385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65569110646604, 
+                26.213085787483426
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.32222502339742, 
+                26.405717196812972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3169204546893, 
+                26.40775244416297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3114223878191, 
+                26.412567579809778
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30810010579373, 
+                26.413547063980083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30201014183119, 
+                26.41135517174392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29884904187757, 
+                26.408056541341075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28952742652841, 
+                26.408582962395514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2872295790092, 
+                26.40937574484626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2853749650307, 
+                26.411075094286716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28457322026242, 
+                26.413116371821605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28461490786978, 
+                26.413907947959324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28516602474383, 
+                26.41454544238772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28459641525589, 
+                26.416039349800418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27989984288908, 
+                26.415633649570527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27414647882051, 
+                26.412487530976374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26625239143418, 
+                26.39815149453546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26508273050027, 
+                26.378525911721745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27134178769555, 
+                26.374188031535162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27930910046291, 
+                26.375078500111005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29002784804673, 
+                26.374088907619573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30639275404852, 
+                26.36945649247832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3081044319248, 
+                26.367497033964316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.31891019762853, 
+                26.36810155252652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33194050551144, 
+                26.373899038377225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3328743297661, 
+                26.374376913727154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33907680798222, 
+                26.38348470121255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33432960371087, 
+                26.38694444260672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32743325112295, 
+                26.396245603028273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32222502339742, 
+                26.405717196812972
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.45051773197332, 
+                26.989343360001584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.45010074203596, 
+                26.991374704736533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.44270491065842, 
+                27.001172771637066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.44024012241594, 
+                27.00358841321876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.43507405132819, 
+                27.00616599932104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42495321958306, 
+                27.010361230292247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.41131401353293, 
+                27.008469249567295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40504962525446, 
+                27.004635593697472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40135542447432, 
+                27.00138281012719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.39577568797677, 
+                26.991748132552605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.39422271576437, 
+                26.985167060384356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.3936541848638, 
+                26.9764362390112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.39462458167853, 
+                26.97215029088921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40105749953433, 
+                26.959043374249394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40544996727422, 
+                26.95424746875126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.41710184300234, 
+                26.947738390324194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.4274527165597, 
+                26.9484698062521
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.43633718931014, 
+                26.95179522254553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.4459742717612, 
+                26.959402915764088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.4504345983126, 
+                26.96706811859035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.45120178823912, 
+                26.974771774961617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.45122989952226, 
+                26.98248258473196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.45051773197332, 
+                26.989343360001584
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.58918799830604, 
+                27.344775735330312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5881341498311, 
+                27.347070052718273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58624192777181, 
+                27.34860870840836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58217100773413, 
+                27.350172846210537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57969901009339, 
+                27.349781648189182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5781622379462, 
+                27.33808588413284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57922404509492, 
+                27.33574868923272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58010582179527, 
+                27.33516335052163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5852887626368, 
+                27.3354070237582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58704676597854, 
+                27.337180817585676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58898992634198, 
+                27.340281727735118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5895251621754, 
+                27.343949243225687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58918799830604, 
+                27.344775735330312
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.04917505748406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0490778614216, 
+                27.590378473449743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0468513745932, 
+                27.58491855492255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05533857748027, 
+                27.581695335168867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06087636050137, 
+                27.577430278891413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06518912916775, 
+                27.566507405226133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06822451239799, 
+                27.564210375144246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07094052489617, 
+                27.56513927205427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07429806154202, 
+                27.567888945463324
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07452648746506, 
+                27.568567984702977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0757845999994, 
+                27.572307862674503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07568986813362, 
+                27.575446597392887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07348747942616, 
+                27.577556903358577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07115913144469, 
+                27.58104316661474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06704171464357, 
+                27.58419815208277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06197364800042, 
+                27.587151063341278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05546069643898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05309263976586, 
+                27.59037409753456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04917505748406, 
+                27.59037854957214
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.11184225786559, 
+                24.929511607253538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10615647295509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09552052111731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08502412379242, 
+                24.939507048116564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08072505731772, 
+                24.942869526442156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0734733394404, 
+                24.945346427908234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07151320849711, 
+                24.94429162714371
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07054314231966, 
+                24.93841294422446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07071874768445, 
+                24.936000768233058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07167135505512, 
+                24.93444993717503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07406435924345, 
+                24.933923492442858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07832367648533, 
+                24.929567637132383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08418118772089, 
+                24.91872932487431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08690755433386, 
+                24.91130545694607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08675833455683, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08983116467242, 
+                24.893786058673882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09104051941003, 
+                24.89095835397369
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10304247094908, 
+                24.88892490633667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10845119547459, 
+                24.8896598167407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11989091701152, 
+                24.909112874588082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1243077313269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11886272751278, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11184225786559, 
+                24.929511607253538
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.10556042902634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09763024932371, 
+                24.998949317286808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09344538449305, 
+                24.985200668240758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09260602337163, 
+                24.97885992709786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0927795473297, 
+                24.97700432587117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09371809330246, 
+                24.976975014031225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1032058546763, 
+                24.98243284329031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11075324117577, 
+                24.988373161570177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11863852035722, 
+                24.992709074322168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12812358864451, 
+                24.992381390632573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13025442574185, 
+                24.992899942781836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14832412548083, 
+                25.010727677868115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1514031743739, 
+                25.015249145002915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14754063148995, 
+                25.02104453946898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14986741068418, 
+                25.031021160661126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16914207610247, 
+                25.051108451988306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1764816157584, 
+                25.07094567960837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.18844074261374, 
+                25.07434425233834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19234019567688, 
+                25.073930541358767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19353747302611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20511209361396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19917418445088, 
+                25.11794273076015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19487935483654, 
+                25.13381446299754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19833834803455, 
+                25.1421475427791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20183008709216, 
+                25.145501711193077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20743489923535, 
+                25.14813155062624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21375709166095, 
+                25.14592952430207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21697316749747, 
+                25.146747233929524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21823173880314, 
+                25.14935155226119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21822652347565, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21545019549143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20787819302154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20187270527555, 
+                25.150939191636677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19802470878473, 
+                25.147653812883068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.18423685606126, 
+                25.139709988764647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1620075469663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15958758013656, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15994765576134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16251190417944, 
+                25.155868116092172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.18453114240367, 
+                25.170749348586394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19787000479444, 
+                25.171817839914382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.24041366463138, 
+                25.187639258813398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25220098678159, 
+                25.194289640864707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25861564062275, 
+                25.208696453444844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2725721841925, 
+                25.21707095025147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2918455600966, 
+                25.221444221817347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.30925748902077, 
+                25.23681400904086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33741109346118, 
+                25.280057514388126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33894693704904, 
+                25.283416767378537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33923722009162, 
+                25.287986143973413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33659300127489, 
+                25.30155147968837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.3326916407801, 
+                25.314506038983193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.3292068329834, 
+                25.31990931407998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32405130617155, 
+                25.322275430791716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32188589724309, 
+                25.322246007961656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29069556742306, 
+                25.315024122165013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.28875931052222, 
+                25.313474257515708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.28411304376748, 
+                25.313002432760868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.28032022104412, 
+                25.31901553829218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.28231079247337, 
+                25.325539312475797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.28664239302333, 
+                25.328838920536842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29513415535101, 
+                25.328468742496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.30651150898291, 
+                25.32914790839896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32460899870222, 
+                25.334713015022796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32473090739904, 
+                25.335718450546356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32000597714774, 
+                25.33879686427164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.31325788892907, 
+                25.339708047060807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29906498311954, 
+                25.337377784548366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29468396528814, 
+                25.340071026961613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29270877248779, 
+                25.348054138125633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29666332071119, 
+                25.35279258893546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29857867747842, 
+                25.35630062947394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29449204465723, 
+                25.35656015353344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2813691268827, 
+                25.355095256203853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.26258515296462, 
+                25.345682484572464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.23391590012078, 
+                25.32575303304996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.22215011883596, 
+                25.3174377465199
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20878553829857, 
+                25.3038371994602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20825324393826, 
+                25.292699683986154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20697474806757, 
+                25.291848906593316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19678257499167, 
+                25.291047155989958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19057982396437, 
+                25.293934688852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19072170483024, 
+                25.300301039592746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19392782156753, 
+                25.309637472098455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.198181680519, 
+                25.316428298717156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20064996459575, 
+                25.31964723638737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20259128875225, 
+                25.32078417536405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20439931071249, 
+                25.321401984119674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20594533930282, 
+                25.320353993465933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2079501922532, 
+                25.32128223570283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21098329112286, 
+                25.32486399809311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21146648470159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.20503275504511, 
+                25.33105342888735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19820303393615, 
+                25.330906622517823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1915252836638, 
+                25.32901716840104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17778156212121, 
+                25.330355642840033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17193397240032, 
+                25.329974651205593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16835196192646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16579156545154, 
+                25.3208069655065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16628590527448, 
+                25.309951986116122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1639898902131, 
+                25.305703417875307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15829544497808, 
+                25.29734560608524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15652875200323, 
+                25.293688089381526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15338999196776, 
+                25.28954764133467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14982187461943, 
+                25.290388147926013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13921486739905, 
+                25.279933192356545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13643868649687, 
+                25.27520302030703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1261483666612, 
+                25.263860626342233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12493123186978, 
+                25.261612767104328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12527455445543, 
+                25.25701931664292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1246776230356, 
+                25.251398804857082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15127511982959, 
+                25.238389604895485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14875371386762, 
+                25.208267711697797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14480848004357, 
+                25.19941806133812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13887654737533, 
+                25.197791881020212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13391773523934, 
+                25.19526647844327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11944636505918, 
+                25.184249573693293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11885614577324, 
+                25.183090872162293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12301608010503, 
+                25.180151034311926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12574532975862, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13009566432164, 
+                25.17507859241817
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1281401349428, 
+                25.149701381702318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11611130695003, 
+                25.14841278813889
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10315029045357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09801875195791, 
+                25.14455259393052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09418895625576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08809637914403, 
+                25.098264848487357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08751651426574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09062727634183, 
+                25.085449091912718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0944362438161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09649223150996, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09644978304114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0958937897081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08400589056576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07318040774688, 
+                25.035209649126795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07395756917767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07769845653289, 
+                25.02576829956969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08419794848976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.086552385085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09426704276103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09723073452787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09842822229915, 
+                25.042532898891082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1001034791828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10269433823846, 
+                25.053342207575234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11125411367172, 
+                25.06571147810904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12340718349779, 
+                25.07567774487189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.124848409209, 
+                25.076153635695366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13105691014152, 
+                25.072140490583813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1305306406737, 
+                25.066990838550435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12559529022894, 
+                25.052311655625815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13431288689473, 
+                25.042257507139237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13631333608015, 
+                25.041488750799314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13863563848344, 
+                25.0360117911032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13906138523909, 
+                25.03120464679593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13179418167311, 
+                25.03077078313785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12155061752891, 
+                25.033471927190067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11834599735454, 
+                25.035706585821412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10464539592209, 
+                25.010949221220933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10556042902634, 
+                25.005985931326617
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.86430141030493, 
+                25.402249705054004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85981031984163, 
+                25.39775695423304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85825265137801, 
+                25.394159008010092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86765940082675, 
+                25.3747949366742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87055979964866, 
+                25.371334597490687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87105191109819, 
+                25.371653748158195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87579216672212, 
+                25.368464182132854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88217600937891, 
+                25.353637019269595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88421149049499, 
+                25.34532628050367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89641366863479, 
+                25.329361272960245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90091841510475, 
+                25.326247892896916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.91676378764753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94253165942762, 
+                25.313821140181428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9426116466042, 
+                25.312833567789387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.95667935172325, 
+                25.309461432821813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97119534470741, 
+                25.319912183536907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97755088210123, 
+                25.32949431647825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.971946993206, 
+                25.345810346121286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00537016368129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01568651291242, 
+                25.363086406970712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03012164323076, 
+                25.367692247124406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04301573453445, 
+                25.376528099160627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0500709291676, 
+                25.38248015980579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0552666470427, 
+                25.387720205809835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05669138431303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0571616238433, 
+                25.391004806942185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.06253053787297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07166632997485, 
+                25.401467950709137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07507200629051, 
+                25.400691431188875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0805287713068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07851400310729, 
+                25.37703630260347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07562655396313, 
+                25.37253327248466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0674758996083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.06214057914252, 
+                25.363230142749956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05602129596727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05491127885475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05536489082601, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05643515180306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05642501218496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05488216638985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03816457988898, 
+                25.363763743515914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03661203079996, 
+                25.359973663901897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0354779108101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02874052630114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02441409274785, 
+                25.341615110036226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00763072918205, 
+                25.344130942800188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99321796846634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99172978191864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9712187592558, 
+                25.310721754464065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96864584515761, 
+                25.306151477244114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97518647074087, 
+                25.3055377555929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98172944567013, 
+                25.304032490585385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98163912630996, 
+                25.301871600228427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97977842918368, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97823091642641, 
+                25.297199726338494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9739499850061, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96913422464893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96973384224572, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9709599982275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97786045362837, 
+                25.262575843690964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01551491003663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01776839469886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02208490921913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02607358034962, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02747570102498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0334355443911, 
+                25.25900970952297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03658285654872, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03578878085584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03759825838142, 
+                25.235405635826645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04570236019063, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04981915569753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.06602729200648, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07465979092525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07928586186995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08227258963485, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09277943414101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10131095496624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10473015107058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10513646066144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10480053738432, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10545801993682, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10692647066088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11106057743432, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11479974925533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11782908890336, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12007325007771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12597326978552, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13049796711641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13383692484763, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13742959567718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14368778723575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14588623647137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.14723611744095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15392628404831, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15616260407882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15928327399168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16138527332548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.16437803159941, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17296890208023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17518260194433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17565880818844, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.17893714684995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.18305510272465, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.19104418332158, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1935148776185, 
+                25.34483623814356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.21472205552129, 
+                25.34501662366337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.22369494110495, 
+                25.35190689368567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.24011045558416, 
+                25.36704162307295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.24000187819632, 
+                25.373601000332407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25136740741704, 
+                25.38527516187744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.26731823209121, 
+                25.390745115040424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29460319412208, 
+                25.397975344211677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29847923996084, 
+                25.41331513981862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2952614158429, 
+                25.420650078032175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.27311941687279, 
+                25.44348244532801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.24335228148531, 
+                25.44875421129086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.22463591981098, 
+                25.45133815104248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2031232297958, 
+                25.458521246131124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.18154651210978, 
+                25.459636804220658
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.15733228476846, 
+                25.462467049720207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13581120571952, 
+                25.46694241966457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13146506864285, 
+                25.467471764150876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13049620159742, 
+                25.466802801090505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12839970768341, 
+                25.4681792603668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12835388522751, 
+                25.47291876705882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.12526790935048, 
+                25.47604291301386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0776678289222, 
+                25.495743851296144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03973805731943, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03288416556641, 
+                25.478810585441853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01279768701731, 
+                25.46037743197709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00347972342801, 
+                25.4493657220834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99958515391764, 
+                25.44269040273413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9881323930151, 
+                25.43873016544851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98003061934776, 
+                25.440118202777843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97560633685154, 
+                25.442229865774422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9673961210224, 
+                25.444415058839837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9455025966481, 
+                25.43503025972947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9343289212346, 
+                25.426034055035725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.93233357844186, 
+                25.42167692382179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90752628545313, 
+                25.41743507170508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89650263236248, 
+                25.4173270786351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89527364171146, 
+                25.417903903727208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89272159034495, 
+                25.415177121929773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89243931339753, 
+                25.411457612987295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89138244616754, 
+                25.408140354369472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89000073232411, 
+                25.40710050978575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8873762474895, 
+                25.40705759721924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88138963692914, 
+                25.4020837236417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8767768054865, 
+                25.39920853590709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87197281773432, 
+                25.4013543899807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8678034079303, 
+                25.40106185161861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86625070864469, 
+                25.402221236772192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86430141030493, 
+                25.402249705054004
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.34436491589184, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34274559398473, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.33933133347873, 
+                24.999860749252523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32703380602358, 
+                24.99654080192806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32059967357569, 
+                24.997987904672193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31737125931674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31500310949276, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.305868977766, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.300372694829, 
+                24.987869618099847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29722595966126, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29389368614865, 
+                24.99151704244527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28798587147053, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27188112386344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26464180685305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26705270495144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26725147840173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24424682137882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23968005673737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23938885854636, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24054893124679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26253608522993, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26705083111591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27119150933042, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27224182741071, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2797395722725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28619681439734, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28632882366591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28919460213176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29210138770013, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30244983338451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30570811197765, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30288314847104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30461595571079, 
+                24.919728158812656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31250784761407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31421682513178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31149931942447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3057870884069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30735934004534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31420923139474, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32278307430545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32729994402371, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34318703428728, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34656373502513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34436491589184, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80373559469665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79970078700529, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79710745142607, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79395282695357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7908463336049, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79637782659383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80125378174652, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80781663028245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80929771514452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81484620607988, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8194403572543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81440635602026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80570752186775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80284426236904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80088673474418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79829637190555, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79562197350337, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79654507126685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80101510161165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80975848895912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81888931908247, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.816573155165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81358066680406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80831293183455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80879779581237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81190336973462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81610269048475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84086820605407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84197813315036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84407216961851, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84153701629528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83988711108451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83989352829123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84506443864608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85521938706674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88860496929401, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89088616764938, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89366662093838, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89709249954669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90733014268392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90737321512096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90590511294589, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87696807965158, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86731349888761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86626667204825, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8616163331608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86163566299744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86407576550802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86694978712802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86816816727891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86625106372459, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86500487124366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86238378156986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85726630485178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85016284344223, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84757425993625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8504902555774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85191170167977, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85141040686463, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83749704846407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83013959012207, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83566847821642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83739335180341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83758742750341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83442886784816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81831354060364, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04573207829881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0431565723204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00145818241317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98117033170503, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96997772231052, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.95810287604391, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.95129368802756, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94020054238095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9100224249123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90537981953649, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90200748097588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88322583906361, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87938330082119, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88014719847725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87853804094946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87709012158041, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87352748194715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82427098349274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81434761431757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80152885080177, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73256798113815, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.72643404700857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7249117270472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.72295870361042, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.71277724022158, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.69468702817153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67900025442138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66383476968655, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63968481564918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63325020453223, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51950199327338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52306118501583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53681881244054, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54116628923713, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+                -106.57813859126004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.560650084357, 
+                24.94456699109963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5374403275055, 
+                24.965686944340945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53318978379536, 
+                24.96636117927649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51654396640811, 
+                24.953999897761747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50021665735132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48857088301394, 
+                24.945021712576843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47411507007881, 
+                24.932031920549175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46999378093248, 
+                24.93052614370965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46589836411647, 
+                24.932342142484316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46408609322367, 
+                24.926948878948608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4638828413947, 
+                24.92298750772108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46663441465452, 
+                24.910240839352415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47143604428184, 
+                24.907402426605387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48504374796622, 
+                24.904372424427073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48682674430296, 
+                24.899528529330517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47973050484643, 
+                24.895313802807692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47716392114272, 
+                24.89446796503225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45439747049798, 
+                24.896889031852368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44936211145342, 
+                24.900230010924908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44685525451784, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44740044536137, 
+                24.912287796099076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44940284640971, 
+                24.917038777639977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45230757437386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45296015576463, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4527438142516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45046304597155, 
+                24.93772546603648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44879519368658, 
+                24.939534492079126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44045379606982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.43730042849299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42293090261052, 
+                24.91980150818534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41542472427541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41458620359009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42136822397028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42142085817107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41808785530253, 
+                24.879033677095713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41712681029698, 
+                24.878354797081542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4110975913438, 
+                24.87947447436999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4085739002074, 
+                24.863363248790424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41069063392433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41989563040114, 
+                24.82211175396905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42257139080787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42542284707085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42743860659382, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42711689981977, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4224682784861, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40984740460678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40835000150068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40063488705852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39733233003179, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39521840184098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38807507424892, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38264410645668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34284867822329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34049700229934, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.33493157354665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.325894408821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32307932259192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31947716870583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31901861285762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31960892311675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34384748728726, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34975191749834, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35579944578234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.36261334830785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38016060325667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38173494150476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38424044655974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38404126236429, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38161855066146, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38186096214483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38875749512012, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42108840486223, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4217005881617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42065692909587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41861477913677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41624986309455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41787257087664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45095097263079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47043913526785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49510953392526, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50345757383539, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51448086660473, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51605429739747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51885212854062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52023687688306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5173182924654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51335351943575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51360089011987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.527976746008, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53316423608322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53366902315909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5364484737252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54195890811911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53980422458088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53917203952098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53795468767137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53787959318268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53877219767287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53978704336416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54499047516289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55094255744145, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55290317262846, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.552936204868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5523281877892, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55164129286305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55232017311717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5641394987711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56883753658661, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56997111827677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56626143960627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56541531436093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56201687259708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56662047158153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.57257655845488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58121507682284, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56789035604598, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54953783410602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5469330903405, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54706164125581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55368475923183, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.57215793600054, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58698477946663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6035329115539, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6082807427114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61291687449705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61352748672164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61000740456866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60983526373575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61024262178087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61331571931947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62593447810363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6444577410673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64582982501709, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65664932938793, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66045754808677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67404424229915, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67821755744528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.69570248710889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.69637441334469, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67098404805189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64432595080656, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62855232047315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62571654655294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62843445733627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62852656544075, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62439519800364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60843521975468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.57529174764842, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.57433396105841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56459884613572, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54411811415778, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53902312801094, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53928577036451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54465131420777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54722363043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54980662819892, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55369214552614, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55205127383289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53697391661449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51025987452273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48302218370793, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47377125713432, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47239371487876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4741308265107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48299930756669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48855636575303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49874685208339, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5048676575044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5098996062032, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5116771841389, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51638391405558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5165951122023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51456621858271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51010313800218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49582681344447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46679604511561, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46496996561875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46492459433287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46834930048006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48885933459052, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51582306519173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51703573623705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51894250157076, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52194839650572, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53017091204036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53672498252251, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54366512198285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.54643758992215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5516688203074, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55495498354964, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.58901991675786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61862941798147, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6290885199602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64674276416676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -106.65955608481924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66076510708292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68755694345982, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.68642857956574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -106.66667646538458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66563927310939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67758165953927, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68686776163442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68787252816325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68969335814745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.69127155841566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.69357681099916, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -106.7512412204184, 
+                24.757347438028184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7548395490216, 
+                24.748737004824424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75673057883346, 
+                24.746328577100545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75817854990106, 
+                24.744825478834574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76264110222343, 
+                24.743054770852897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76709493745639, 
+                24.744267165145214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77765341266782, 
+                24.75366396763219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77978591305563, 
+                24.756660043458204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7823011121077, 
+                24.761653269174815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.78772234801399, 
+                24.778697836988904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.78898414776339, 
+                24.784775022109443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7873706439863, 
+                24.79078010535899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.78036815054573, 
+                24.800258473967776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77153228551609, 
+                24.80763950549144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76650550584723, 
+                24.809178899858534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75910345155299, 
+                24.805935284695185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75594484587226, 
+                24.80179444165351
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75543477038146, 
+                24.800549398415622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74541412128828, 
+                24.792470305302285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73900497270388, 
+                24.793508202126343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73433976089197, 
+                24.798393828550804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73488894590707, 
+                24.804380019452932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73554724179631, 
+                24.806417667990097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74263138341935, 
+                24.807874150934943
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75152122977694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75366291804498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75481096848078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75485453965265, 
+                24.82226825379974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75390317139819, 
+                24.826672136408085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74997488790434, 
+                24.836241348453246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7463073352657, 
+                24.83933946160728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73932293487395, 
+                24.840454483205963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7327001316266, 
+                24.86177741539926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73142571605442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74617099758147, 
+                24.877206427594842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75934825375451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75473365697562, 
+                24.895310522837445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75695792522498, 
+                24.899812546024126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.773513866949, 
+                24.916805301968715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.78325234035523, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79927439361543, 
+                24.906246962810418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80475638863668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81081768212627, 
+                24.91047058881807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83895214573565, 
+                24.911712768784284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85614649944758, 
+                24.91542560521026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85660474110374, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85451786642147, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8519355709113, 
+                24.928401725056048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8510699241571, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85498530441332, 
+                24.941220416987736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87202056015454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87900826052531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89460340786022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89771193837126, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89448976036516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88907053009974, 
+                24.944161096949923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.888490076904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88631904888317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88300764149534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88231660059246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88790226232294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.894869004494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90303399674067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.91585558421568, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92203318236403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94502134481334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94584409457408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94319139132644, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.94063205135446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92638410402618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92290389894386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89058509789663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8840046656393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87022828066101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86927751610645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86785332181064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88085752887334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88559930270215, 
+                25.01849407932909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89423147200594, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89645870091604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90382831257237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92978394571183, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.95045019168658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.95235882801317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96243518214685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97473923841254, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00058658213023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01168613208436, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01675475820768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01406848117409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01090337920795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00793219655539, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00702306500433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00759554444986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00647568223793, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00255425711545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99007267660728, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99260455823477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99681722020773, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0127655852548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02289052173583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05276142656903, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05453353454882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05302741482261, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05098801012254, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04949893469332, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0502058647647, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05103876951779, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.00674329061933, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00155080551355, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99952069005525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99814925163643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99888250934156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00521828867898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00770239303587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01426174422237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01834283796569, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02783782774259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03084196884943, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03119393498169, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03066315734632, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02417404266608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02085758056108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.017705412122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01443500571939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00840943050464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.00674329061933, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.82019060996869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.82057599156805, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.81821393935498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.81464397986147, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79665660792978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78983907016404, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78097469173953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75396415554684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75156804152334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74540109137068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73197956976288, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72141851976804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6994758097491, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69048171201268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6821639290204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67367620313821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66335426471547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66128463133899, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65719787862173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64883149877362, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64564834976728, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64032639481582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6311636114787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62698399185513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60338624848643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5957987105619, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56803575558341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56713064474434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57158605297126, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57685031189884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60314370146055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61852629095618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62041317353845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63651069070123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67090252818615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69582009755916, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71538828435855, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74021593049153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75306461188038, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.77067392051813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7733561763259, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.78379552771231, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79656156323964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.80166157834256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79697470642287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79363363175925, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.781276364345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76058404934207, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75636293074578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7525203754981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74656237903399, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74098983451022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74137294553987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7432688770517, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74886332586638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75092128565299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75247314380404, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74924813151081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7403830806045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74037113847538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73961546761804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73543706019568, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72612760931918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72383214746651, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.7214878604261, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.72175366966873, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.73154540226888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73140897706921, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.72956303362939, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.72851048181836, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.73386831849223, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73753153913242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73614043017334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -107.74211115158512, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.8631916714847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.87824228800933, 
+                25.411143616809255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8851973525357, 
+                25.411905537584794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8982274711791, 
+                25.406348898279504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.90520129906785, 
+                25.409282370145206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.9375335716973, 
+                25.43386906911032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.95342876166501, 
+                25.447142114353113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.95370656014785, 
+                25.453198786545574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.95646390299227, 
+                25.45612552578212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.97876234169183, 
+                25.470306970486348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.98064731914435, 
+                25.470983777345094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.98120481910995, 
+                25.471184007879263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.98539838737632, 
+                25.469261619829783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00473938470736, 
+                25.470893657705844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0117792928895, 
+                25.476503545088836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01895573742917, 
+                25.485587158178504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03357030640757, 
+                25.487546859690486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03842163168912, 
+                25.484393973093336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04289228666431, 
+                25.485490223157328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04484828359986, 
+                25.488773698081964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06431448848498, 
+                25.533887647583388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06927622071491, 
+                25.54574904981615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0711846482623, 
+                25.551698881132136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07060344695782, 
+                25.560204810818373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06433222719758, 
+                25.568771084162577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05825198211697, 
+                25.56984670655616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05591560341995, 
+                25.568717127454388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05215351319872, 
+                25.587979375286476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05766294875453, 
+                25.623890354981786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0690586860821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07010643232233, 
+                25.647940315594212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05604237112948, 
+                25.655526469286443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05018561503428, 
+                25.656749745176924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04831447649131, 
+                25.653800948531842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04695250488726, 
+                25.649100414483893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0405128174394, 
+                25.639385159895717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03610584437459, 
+                25.634015917329023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01578819587621, 
+                25.61624121635878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00722728935406, 
+                25.623697863264645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00791939718991, 
+                25.62496324058897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01032580406945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01147172441341, 
+                25.627114646638706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01285755473855, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01332783144596, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01266721737073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00872508497471, 
+                25.65461487445435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.9850159926114, 
+                25.66315114183515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.98153307623123, 
+                25.657895373995913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.96835484313094, 
+                25.66237783909003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.96799753550523, 
+                25.667239802202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.96322031515743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.95123107399534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.94727131361711, 
+                25.71533274259681
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.94316506618509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.93480941039095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.92304026644182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.91634367078501, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.89650056495735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.88551210882817, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.86516165934377, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.85894253868543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.85621235466145, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8521907755636, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.85181523617764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.85785245081685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.86281761098564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8513519298375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.84558242753168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.84035647692714, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.83943803638792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.83917044840122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.84167687707969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.844794302077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.84483857503403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.84424437942504, 
+                25.65035705238981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8389199631008, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8388638590868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.83399797676029, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.83242678210011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8290160071169, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79246446998897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78925675002387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75389548546868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74705703277354, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74537255010681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73985720847548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71690438693324, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71433692228335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70839814394652, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70169968665496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68796015693154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68057902397857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6789490061605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68845604463098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7271657808474, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73307253692646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72747870088878, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72133384832665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71673402004235, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69879130438333, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67533938171687, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66298137620876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65960027896594, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67086608773101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70867177876555, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71504316494297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74050073503516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75045435457594, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7667439445484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7750541197985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.80137650069503, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.81351112827598, 
+                25.58551008414236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.81990072203459, 
+                25.582634124296405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.82019060996869, 
+                25.5796124112676
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.25200703642881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25174860027981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25307667844677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.26204845974888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29788015176963, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.31147736789762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32105614672095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.3493263072727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36226456836856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38688806130524, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40322287841313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41592496023658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41725621849643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42047627107364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42552980910361, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42553753540645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42371672975213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42041952354028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41765013375407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41466642896116, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41190999665093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41511217165906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.419859152583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42466950925305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.43158046717902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.43115762489961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.43535638308578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.43963218087639, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44184101919802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44531671220221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44744719237403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46286526696244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46325028549158, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.47504894675039, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.48812040628017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.50253584917982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51454254532437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52086875649022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52213446913153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51879553908513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51589280826259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51777045554734, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52644502634845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.53455575764909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.54678035125028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5564318046921, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55872538894695, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56354176605826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56016985814638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55969852398985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56929872678742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57853034852978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58526636563326, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58432452177374, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58031132480754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57785044448516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5782044385109, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58247984323403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5883942048767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.58999251129329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59640762624353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59879343986722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59804837286327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59879986220554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60487493003058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60755658907325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60878308943322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61367900938306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61643354908355, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61776854566797, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61903833535472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62266516072738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62587724962512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63272061251386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63102250728646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62768125536212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63054482219881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6337916444221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63264538210748, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63406971196842, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63679883438616, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64635336727852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.64823836943303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65527632386066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66160450125291, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66351062803982, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.66860632291751, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66904174245036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67547290023951, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67980305668132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68369311869488, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.69747972318358, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69887305259275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69884187420271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70046755597785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70934798829953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71146081603035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71266683338979, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72424673542677, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.73319105522879, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -107.727866355647, 
+                25.373182065277614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72624996229348, 
+                25.374192769249266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72349007043007, 
+                25.380716783725745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72069667710358, 
+                25.38551045901871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71757633911302, 
+                25.387327524968867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71581131118013, 
+                25.39278704200047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71806716207826, 
+                25.396789407038085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71893244081727, 
+                25.397129125060346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7194844211495, 
+                25.396472405319965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7199082168637, 
+                25.39679790245149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7203727172949, 
+                25.39753547779581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72084825195174, 
+                25.39846845672486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72043761721626, 
+                25.399704890990954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72024747792307, 
+                25.400635751000447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71663175869408, 
+                25.40225580916226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71613002726605, 
+                25.404513413980297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72201479864759, 
+                25.417223550714674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73149965966168, 
+                25.426700309250883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72656089737038, 
+                25.429424617032055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72338978627057, 
+                25.442004536370224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71784493411242, 
+                25.457335094421193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71394990610371, 
+                25.46286828613646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69759797168447, 
+                25.465390492587307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69508778914593, 
+                25.464917842091896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6861087434805, 
+                25.460800574007415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67506505612624, 
+                25.45471664187736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67470331730175, 
+                25.453825279675954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67494140961918, 
+                25.44690295322576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67017511578736, 
+                25.443417004874746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6623802164067, 
+                25.44573178131326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65860478751476, 
+                25.44893122780911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65569700900919, 
+                25.453477253631494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65141308242467, 
+                25.4549983309241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63483220068956, 
+                25.44888075292085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63505189128784, 
+                25.445498548468628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.63127429493049, 
+                25.442968927106246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.62695328473662, 
+                25.441773374186596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.60468103901724, 
+                25.44243910043405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5988231336496, 
+                25.44485629092994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.59639595614424, 
+                25.44722725784586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.57440601183517, 
+                25.45880831659587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56655007277644, 
+                25.461512168411414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55455194862036, 
+                25.46212571429512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.53067839479549, 
+                25.439563426923087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52326570598682, 
+                25.42191793350509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52579279919556, 
+                25.417822825696703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52840771617542, 
+                25.41968465753861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.54573703201481, 
+                25.42621611049581
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55414100356509, 
+                25.422480037585903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.56034287219659, 
+                25.418425495160495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55991046835955, 
+                25.41614512609775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55715718907123, 
+                25.410275263083175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55601715699808, 
+                25.40916403881542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55396529627485, 
+                25.408665557285058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.54863524813847, 
+                25.411534763441963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.53579082510531, 
+                25.409955887549003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.52536816676952, 
+                25.40322323555309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.51901826401549, 
+                25.398155740433392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.45965963797526, 
+                25.330953002635194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.44547571099206, 
+                25.31360249775621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.43675037825683, 
+                25.296722425467483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4330406762348, 
+                25.28864943025975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42423366212563, 
+                25.283139591190988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.4129637141444, 
+                25.274397978512834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40319498623819, 
+                25.2539614964682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.39215185434524, 
+                25.246400916922408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.38538188528396, 
+                25.23936984449428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.36266946251166, 
+                25.21213293910179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.34616866532158, 
+                25.188482011580124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.3392494856398, 
+                25.177426569440055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32411100031915, 
+                25.142695712436044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32303756427257, 
+                25.136701169867937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32384470982393, 
+                25.135225509552857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.33147510373755, 
+                25.13266863789613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32758056552225, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.32180281617002, 
+                25.118204168647168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.31881645917512, 
+                25.115371768915338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.31747204125588, 
+                25.114696714722022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.31103436553853, 
+                25.107843350648352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.29494821368574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2753904400697, 
+                25.0463121446166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2690313784376, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2649636661711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.2550913295237, 
+                24.99690673539091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25311788245781, 
+                24.989841833062354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.25200703642881, 
+                24.984043456377652
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.72768717735035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72623778444661, 
+                25.331970139007826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72537047727941, 
+                25.328852039265723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71483089621307, 
+                25.317579616778307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70496474927826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70367632706224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70293183179672, 
+                25.312494171440704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70242835420427, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70187155366344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70085278682228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69513806087302, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68899026731755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68765653123872, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67716383909134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67061227132129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66928951067364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66772667633863, 
+                25.274298753573216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66577218742002, 
+                25.273886642234178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66494551828315, 
+                25.278263911963545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66362405638502, 
+                25.278861277640207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.66071349777458, 
+                25.278634902189616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65866825139945, 
+                25.2745988691611
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65408584014905, 
+                25.260133055288897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65181322004659, 
+                25.25624396201503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65068911632022, 
+                25.220600142895957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65262733848549, 
+                25.21601690973942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65986204277512, 
+                25.21367124576575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67454768236274, 
+                25.202103960311575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67665319973534, 
+                25.200013738846085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67610198801326, 
+                25.197428078183677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.67654153735513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.68588149979338, 
+                25.186638370638423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6945770797493, 
+                25.185938406664857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69569291439218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70122848399151, 
+                25.20019280920267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70733465953792, 
+                25.217993873400907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70996714615997, 
+                25.227037822750475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7065836554054, 
+                25.23637911604102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70122672313269, 
+                25.241829552447374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.69827037486235, 
+                25.247593840649788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.6999285132174, 
+                25.262150219903948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70064311237633, 
+                25.263643652965705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.70727693394542, 
+                25.267236522853295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7103780038477, 
+                25.26802607797552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71658231551308, 
+                25.267380877440342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.71914232236135, 
+                25.264016189208927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72839243590417, 
+                25.269272359440418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74310820074126, 
+                25.293118460580043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75174921998587, 
+                25.313004195507613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75687271042702, 
+                25.3167822573979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76150506845244, 
+                25.317406735580665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76298627342538, 
+                25.31828548932405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76479317745793, 
+                25.32131933622089
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.76392242107666, 
+                25.324777196514884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7614693335626, 
+                25.32686520613053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.74494452290742, 
+                25.336661441819352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73685180688204, 
+                25.337825303248533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.73211449663006, 
+                25.33678140245924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72768717735035, 
+                25.33452594243839
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -110.90366944620884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90128110980275, 
+                25.67426226152757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89849769040843, 
+                25.66820893178662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89809699030224, 
+                25.656413434027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90332060616527, 
+                25.641491725691036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90114391717492, 
+                25.62251904071619
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89631133869614, 
+                25.610104439164807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90498576506154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90724925645739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90300806156561, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89198996596197, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88945345367462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88672088809045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88728083326477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88978566788462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89361684196398, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88702885433428, 
+                25.52141260564627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88592750929973, 
+                25.51329013378627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8857153188502, 
+                25.50097071732425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88827157184716, 
+                25.478351773157282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88923057801028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89389919842277, 
+                25.478857324738065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9043934358314, 
+                25.48447555964825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91211970208101, 
+                25.489701977326106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90953721631558, 
+                25.49165327078892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9089831646311, 
+                25.493151389623655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9101268001897, 
+                25.49606007105485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9171146898204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92983677740968, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93742357233386, 
+                25.494820197197104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9406939276068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94151477417654, 
+                25.50383999062901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94182799504772, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94026053687823, 
+                25.585866986644568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93904410934744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93779689445292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93696977743292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93325767270242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9335178868988, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92516559041148, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92245888461879, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91843365861794, 
+                25.60858528827655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91764862699605, 
+                25.610726102706813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92147363969525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92421063393483, 
+                25.61843564590439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92832321253105, 
+                25.63167739044185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92815865201896, 
+                25.63464798419425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91274352570909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90457957164, 
+                25.676490721364534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90366944620884, 
+                25.676280544635976
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -110.89477236239573, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88340515964416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8610539488673, 
+                25.731197101099937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8589966089241, 
+                25.72890969137884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86251908577982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86346188126417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88641756272769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89260934006731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90084046233864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90198211221764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9015181242757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89591852289033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89477236239573, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -111.0094186480309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99868591517686, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98119731312718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98026205427009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98091156388945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98176202126155, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9936529088522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00421545279258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02177032170914, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01365588603537, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01132178373001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0094186480309, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
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+            [
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -110.8538830486629, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84413788589045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84206887220732, 
+                25.845938115003296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8432000425426, 
+                25.836409537419666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84879699684235, 
+                25.826651799565536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85143829038182, 
+                25.823893908833476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86329550442692, 
+                25.823827211781474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86984437433752, 
+                25.825654209434177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87784400654317, 
+                25.824692319663313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88992008561652, 
+                25.82137112132585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89390084638974, 
+                25.8216737776027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89335026079391, 
+                25.823303843189514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87732657636249, 
+                25.84279254696809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87369105507562, 
+                25.843144940533477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86927149466561, 
+                25.84174103636014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86629983116408, 
+                25.84303612831466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85742841782753, 
+                25.850247176910035
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -110.78936990641687, 
+                25.574845163190425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78598901768116, 
+                25.581212055191266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7857241842918, 
+                25.589021397466485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78648689433273, 
+                25.58993265762182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78917117144887, 
+                25.59059163017605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79245797014632, 
+                25.58893813987289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79356059165382, 
+                25.589632256365885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79538236455684, 
+                25.59270921427194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79576075755564, 
+                25.596935860702448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79543621898581, 
+                25.598220557549684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7852554856929, 
+                25.613995987293755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77891895257092, 
+                25.62007968493952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77557966192037, 
+                25.620040821843364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77358417041229, 
+                25.61888515117416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77221421165052, 
+                25.61651746075768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77213297820202, 
+                25.613795860175987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77363660521772, 
+                25.610122356680627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76971505047243, 
+                25.604285568034758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76463293216656, 
+                25.604465774396676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75217663822673, 
+                25.610759514220522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75055198512061, 
+                25.610919029510125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.74965797402903, 
+                25.609856026918997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.74887028638139, 
+                25.607247053641835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.74963034873574, 
+                25.60134622015812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76147912017254, 
+                25.58298798207554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76267193821809, 
+                25.57689640567466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76245889985894, 
+                25.575508607926672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75567222926534, 
+                25.572000791395425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7529520084484, 
+                25.575181110231707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.73672695816832, 
+                25.600349575512794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.73328142540959, 
+                25.603418477935403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72709361119539, 
+                25.60485382709806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72542121717801, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72360334342041, 
+                25.597665905382716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72763870183287, 
+                25.583128726376216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.73402809194444, 
+                25.563095342628973
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7563579238519, 
+                25.530402737891357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76607487625265, 
+                25.513940251443007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77203697223301, 
+                25.494189829539735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78640796949098, 
+                25.455647206796407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78700934137622, 
+                25.440241743004854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78609622255966, 
+                25.437261899762543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79281525917712, 
+                25.42096233420001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80212197968689, 
+                25.40880938550281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8029528884401, 
+                25.406480626193822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80227295696452, 
+                25.40018863819166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79947008856321, 
+                25.395698129014306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79781549310891, 
+                25.394518549417604
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79508851406729, 
+                25.39446804336384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79370859678865, 
+                25.395229851666887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78687012017939, 
+                25.394650733604113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78544725426877, 
+                25.393970300011805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78273975079206, 
+                25.378991025620557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78447646704714, 
+                25.373455120588275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79650508028499, 
+                25.36121717205102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7985138904758, 
+                25.361012837963994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79880339449481, 
+                25.362830454800985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7998580710056, 
+                25.364452620958627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80715572840109, 
+                25.365711379209337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81267205169188, 
+                25.364072853401645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81796212446511, 
+                25.36128452080911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82237312295068, 
+                25.352604971502487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82253520836618, 
+                25.349111785375836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82191397644203, 
+                25.34713093234799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82164295170412, 
+                25.343742905016374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82381322810237, 
+                25.33785861744624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8271680306582, 
+                25.33571822402327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.83464962100233, 
+                25.33374198642127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.83751088525453, 
+                25.334374616300334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.83886860789224, 
+                25.333425697146456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85052180191836, 
+                25.32043793516579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85328668236319, 
+                25.31374952911826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86182498111422, 
+                25.307874425584878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87158343953092, 
+                25.309175184373565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87525042622781, 
+                25.311626473340144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87646307076885, 
+                25.313065689537133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87887348262109, 
+                25.335940224332994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87829357592561, 
+                25.343926268300454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87590546035203, 
+                25.349701297817088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87220587653997, 
+                25.354180887855836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86179483764569, 
+                25.358097193706197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86230565660316, 
+                25.36815106429929
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8668213859019, 
+                25.37346349119205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86756385922558, 
+                25.379466397952985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85776064220772, 
+                25.397576566029485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85561267421208, 
+                25.398958811070962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8501874983104, 
+                25.398070422589477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84638566913738, 
+                25.398808596467326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84560278555885, 
+                25.399644737629064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84191538245766, 
+                25.408251743389467
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84350172489162, 
+                25.410926628940093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84271445664956, 
+                25.420256727932493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82903192092766, 
+                25.44628981990188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81600407134444, 
+                25.462575729817424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81145702989565, 
+                25.469393746303076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80863060277534, 
+                25.474224755575698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80498943689149, 
+                25.483256522828974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80315319666309, 
+                25.490464242698646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79710020963209, 
+                25.52308397577191
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79794633482132, 
+                25.528717788935747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80116095670259, 
+                25.533408104299262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79995450152339, 
+                25.53766242378268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.79383920877544, 
+                25.541472702212488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78723181930356, 
+                25.544403296371026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78642284128283, 
+                25.545956508684412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78406859289562, 
+                25.557346695244295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78350169170079, 
+                25.565192669477153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78936990641687, 
+                25.574845163190425
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.98572899153736, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.98661094671952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.99345010829808, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.00127439591198, 
+                20.631511675711202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.0037303912828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.00651089708367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.00378083457612, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.99739377172102, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.99237555066945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.98732437336582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.98572899153736, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.9548596486428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.95491422585046, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.95780096181207, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.96156070766978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.96371863609357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.96463510416321, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.9647576296398, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.96088399469234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.95729120321293, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.94739741616246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.94409287090294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.94275119164676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.9548596486428, 
+                20.682901818515663
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.5506297538442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.54577936332738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.52994459709195, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.51979990982393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.51593275282076, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.51650315642995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.51628566601107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.51579276982454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.49464570141939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.47591356060343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.46958465722297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.45864338885153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.4531860039662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44959736003054, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44618215211327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.43937366644737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.43723035569832, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.43647328311184, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.43493852896879, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.42765244836625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.40883353914657, 
+                20.770753083245147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.39525702374512, 
+                20.768623130074484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.3914371572955, 
+                20.766268399503794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.37530140999196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.37407773368153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.3787689418253, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.39229643436411, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.39482823774674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.39616229026068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.40081450598524, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.42889182307697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.43955733723395, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44002186531098, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.44304081413475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.47127234092991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.48089515088776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.48738414517295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.49266595102729, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.50391668963812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.50834743304871, 
+                20.850115552318332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.53628208755008, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.53936681715477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.54911533834974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.55184742174806, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.5563354880871, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57233698193973, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.5907963820496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.5914006046689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.5927994192566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.58718227394372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.58223490251613, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57925240481858, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57770612858877, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.57571897076902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.56324036451947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.5506297538442, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.37384318876742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38341097981437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38684960012694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38149953893965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.37744596463618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.36757741715722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.36341405306558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.35757593451096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.3395933233099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.33875655185221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.33265601332769, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              [
+                -117.32301247746373, 
+                20.899341370179307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32215590672594, 
+                20.901431262333674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.3234134228788, 
+                20.913552111640854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32499376963996, 
+                20.914293836457368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32585561146999, 
+                20.913739022944476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32688904851342, 
+                20.91222854530602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.3353602441041, 
+                20.891641619497662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.33634841105936, 
+                20.888229809263066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.33717602074937, 
+                20.88242432035119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.33755391875296, 
+                20.871409834269738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32444800581831, 
+                20.862127440829767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.31566931539165, 
+                20.859743231235903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.30887108608187, 
+                20.859675856914357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.30637437509341, 
+                20.86251834025306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.27745086563755, 
+                20.87071781520249
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.25460423709357, 
+                20.87125212799336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24908608910948, 
+                20.870704407097023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24813417429962, 
+                20.869776143989945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24662667519144, 
+                20.86665069002704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24220600289698, 
+                20.844527637523278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24238862825258, 
+                20.82933254580159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24374069983769, 
+                20.823065426827423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.24774945654815, 
+                20.809026708601607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.26194286955882, 
+                20.805240681359088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.29665478885228, 
+                20.81516456014281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.30284330079252, 
+                20.822334363702588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.30619833385241, 
+                20.823479983551195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.30872623995431, 
+                20.821380287564775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.32509323438768, 
+                20.791124892668638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.331886006829, 
+                20.792357219546496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.35682565296864, 
+                20.790504834038874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.3595722504426, 
+                20.789736668619003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.36549267209564, 
+                20.780191824493336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.36953021892788, 
+                20.767686890955076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38263152774974, 
+                20.758537750547074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38459657509877, 
+                20.759989103676734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.3886148535656, 
+                20.768701257705754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38934253575901, 
+                20.77202783784935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38633003232687, 
+                20.78091654307769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.392598797003, 
+                20.792036832613494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.39939200463164, 
+                20.79360269665068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40974293158253, 
+                20.77114847133308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41685700871489, 
+                20.751318389443718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41896518548407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4230232097081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.43110212435244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.43194062286328, 
+                20.759338614745012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.43311405109546, 
+                20.76991385689197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.43145924186835, 
+                20.783179380943988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.42932227199472, 
+                20.78725340431586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.42250475209727, 
+                20.796302585368807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41745564428574, 
+                20.800845413604982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41108894999257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40848007292765, 
+                20.801651051960157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40250805396595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40176340693591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40169970412803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.40489917639849, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41102271350901, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41456487848745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41435462031384, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41280381845785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.41104904005782, 
+                20.854467369925764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.39835518343517, 
+                20.856566625272347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.38086851927166, 
+                20.85463901493559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.37384318876742, 
+                20.878020680421482
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.64810721216122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.64695343711129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.6515902977595, 
+                20.848310837936626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.65908439283636, 
+                20.838703587393173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.65911694128994, 
+                20.83405241943823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.65795668660338, 
+                20.831364821169505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.65516370832975, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.6550183891301, 
+                20.82577453222912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.65882100982614, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.66276651086795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.66584623373211, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.66819318526827, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67110221078848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67418990570853, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67505737041866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67931587997676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68198119044351, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68200882381657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68110643995601, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67839397769222, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67509297606694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67587745435279, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67670263830898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68226360763653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68620754185974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68772769911004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68954122219627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.69124178026452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.71932871987133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72369683586307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72980808127967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.73205293809221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72844576133011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.70660993493131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.69088675438162, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68930353068924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68701318561048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68671656012837, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68767899680134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68945504622283, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.69157898593843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.69957420879635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.71122708222477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.71650752033193, 
+                20.869976403045705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72213003648532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72355832959954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.74639111422881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.75756932269164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.75993285160995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.76089119649667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.76003260543176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.75900244896087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.7527271191964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.74689852439136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.73906050555105, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.73364160455044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.72463935043604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.71934723574431, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.71687446609857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.70137177005464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.69118142748894, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68811659957663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.67788933335684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.68080994082001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.6800856044441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.66376000978079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.66178398633373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.63730835456775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.61937341227399, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59920361464908, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59898932394856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60174018640083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60811192732115, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.6177093955775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.61944574600012, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.63101550487876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.64734434186977, 
+                20.86637385488231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.64810721216122, 
+                20.859346048762475
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.53146527831235, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.53952539551571, 
+                20.828284707715607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.54664777419326, 
+                20.827658063307123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.55379455317366, 
+                20.825709490624497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.5587585723047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.56573705644543, 
+                20.817164684219595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.57907382177588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.5871765912074, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59701808029814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59932014751006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60321920685999, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60555417475122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.6042970573963, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60839574519139, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.61360494521338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.62344136823327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.62277454626542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.62077105205357, 
+                20.82595648151209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.60553527971507, 
+                20.835405397514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.59426605168817, 
+                20.829836595610594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.58305004927973, 
+                20.82629480388698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.57822446381473, 
+                20.82602301164338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.57256808374436, 
+                20.827174042038877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.56793662354113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.55823051852369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.51075689552495, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4993483698687, 
+                20.855533236578793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.49245545415245, 
+                20.861473848605584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.49083187782645, 
+                20.865263154790476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.48963803339602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.48932573186265, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4896384652152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.48906416362331, 
+                20.917447844932042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.48747454323129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4848191178702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.47784918250976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.46315164322023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.45129443987517, 
+                20.903679833113397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.44869456025577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.45800387476343, 
+                20.878975566949247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.46834697628522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.47050214501174, 
+                20.869781930950364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4726340895174, 
+                20.860818241908596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4708214137875, 
+                20.836218650542847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.46796971884004, 
+                20.82512920759968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.4685123559062, 
+                20.820230648068907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.47447367778447, 
+                20.810302463071526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.50510959322386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.50868611826293, 
+                20.80054321877476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.51433581902253, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.51969732221285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.5200765096027, 
+                20.80764047991921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.52010260355704, 
+                20.809259199450246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.51969660303466, 
+                20.811089236647728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.52149083286423, 
+                20.81625851464448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.52677490002121, 
+                20.821435295484598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.53146527831235, 
+                20.824746093713234
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.91033970074018, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91449603782584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91649462788384, 
+                20.87299515296115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.9314617518273, 
+                20.89051105432125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.93063264568474, 
+                20.89641156000754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.92737335878236, 
+                20.908238152103966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91949057416349, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91705142600564, 
+                20.915917918272513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91488906713951, 
+                20.91541487671687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.90893056131168, 
+                20.911715928504712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.9034748733232, 
+                20.90664893081092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.89841154215432, 
+                20.899818894654526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.89458163456536, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.8991956593621, 
+                20.875163078805503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.90616807483248, 
+                20.87159288350835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.91033970074018, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.65485298157755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.65816713313441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.65913772514772, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.66564356038958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.66657249878556, 
+                20.982637486800524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67096429745162, 
+                20.98446707030615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67357366824523, 
+                20.986487856791655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67450297372461, 
+                20.987460394203474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.6891036571843, 
+                21.00867582217738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.69130958248671, 
+                21.014336955756455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67344143245157, 
+                21.008441564194474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.67223601810666, 
+                21.007415083165704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.6699365177744, 
+                21.005023884181394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.66671171724421, 
+                21.001322186236205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.66584872437565, 
+                21.0002300760977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.6568579656915, 
+                20.983137249359274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.65485298157755, 
+                20.977940397752928
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.1647814386862, 
+                20.872698880438666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1611206609075, 
+                20.874732918981657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.15986284649293, 
+                20.868950497822574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.160005924464, 
+                20.862828388715695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.16209958961781, 
+                20.852525688910177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.16764346367424, 
+                20.855770223726317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18457185223967, 
+                20.85404967221252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19831450535263, 
+                20.83813224726179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2043068017938, 
+                20.834829474936083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.20845284004963, 
+                20.8349438315001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.22002938023829, 
+                20.83796591209183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.22903983823932, 
+                20.841242557987613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.23405656068579, 
+                20.84652269005878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.23426726320537, 
+                20.847862894778846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.22974249226216, 
+                20.870515386734212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2267801136954, 
+                20.87430248561795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21825555523597, 
+                20.873407087471243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21714481118573, 
+                20.87223931840825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21686143305406, 
+                20.870894339056886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21474891064274, 
+                20.867139853150263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.20932490469683, 
+                20.861988134241553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19822914549661, 
+                20.8593272465967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19330831536904, 
+                20.860424587148387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19122209062192, 
+                20.86470553165657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19156384430113, 
+                20.86584902265802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.19304433318578, 
+                20.86805702718205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.20284986757191, 
+                20.874500547211763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2018069106378, 
+                20.875719020741197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18971756620053, 
+                20.88114354701269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17786645611294, 
+                20.88430259720596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1705968511799, 
+                20.88442147438987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.16853042752034, 
+                20.882297278043268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1647814386862, 
+                20.872698880438666
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.85318991925283, 
+                21.130698865525137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85984129514748, 
+                21.126368790326158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86126507956953, 
+                21.125099628159422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.87066480481965, 
+                21.115734796645466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8723181781971, 
+                21.11179387177222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.87078192504242, 
+                21.10643810033605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86984218560038, 
+                21.104727476411053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86257574691656, 
+                21.101302858260116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8604981206563, 
+                21.100590711014277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8531664679782, 
+                21.10120957763203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85221200702178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85279956227163, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85415055052242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85566229151316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86638678285934, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8861215140197, 
+                21.09182804863751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.90546590585443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.91504475454408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92199595955091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92854139709576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92850336580955, 
+                21.07405935828021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9267693916735, 
+                21.071711462361545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92739186146459, 
+                21.061137061398654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93102030821348, 
+                21.05415630770308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93368070333145, 
+                21.05338610485825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93580389010818, 
+                21.05542240939742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9380313119752, 
+                21.05956157858702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9374471520833, 
+                21.060687638843703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93797882237867, 
+                21.063528501056666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9429273348396, 
+                21.069897549257355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.95240281560645, 
+                21.079271504280285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.95835692048392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.96045123502267, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.96101144530081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.96020622838363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.95187676162297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.94147512300745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93663008971848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9226033274794, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92133781465357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.90319110351554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.88473866987407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.88094429199418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.87898905803436, 
+                21.131469478630713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.87819752841057, 
+                21.134943694748664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.87774310163711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86566947730088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.86050886362615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.84990057844753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8351791400111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8319531575347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.83460998734073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.83681187679163, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.83831090570027, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.84142191537433, 
+                21.15355172082058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.84393334902852, 
+                21.152314717298545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85094918306405, 
+                21.136126558594164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.85318991925283, 
+                21.130698865525137
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.29007336454274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.29232448192747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.29471572091502, 
+                20.996312964444268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.29693269557484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.3197769396902, 
+                20.98156885731426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.32253429925107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.32902976407195, 
+                20.981918915317138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.35298408807397, 
+                20.997080516945058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36241296987521, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36456023021904, 
+                21.018040137631672
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36209809281122, 
+                21.039298027955464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.36100699858537, 
+                21.039682738983732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.35355101536481, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.35051665110244, 
+                21.03690685471297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.3471884164577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.33848095849348, 
+                21.049507802645028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.33530664896347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.32486511485965, 
+                21.054246998956508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.31820510796463, 
+                21.053953006047916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.3141417852484, 
+                21.05182353322916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.30361603321394, 
+                21.041807789794962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.28584613789978, 
+                21.02316428876344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.28476210452885, 
+                21.01898815248357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.28515143809656, 
+                21.01736726925059
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.28789371994478, 
+                21.01244028608289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.29007336454274, 
+                21.01226668295702
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.63327631255503, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.62878984392094, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.62482101447814, 
+                21.079990950788282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.60572666732844, 
+                21.07057334463779
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.60112988941864, 
+                21.067053238234365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.59593613072806, 
+                21.058908526013646
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.59642749484595, 
+                21.05555167693947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.60276954253003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.61055154377034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.61599801505784, 
+                21.036749214648978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.62028826825251, 
+                21.03735374911178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.62471546813062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.62868498018717, 
+                21.053910373167565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.63161569701583, 
+                21.068136292452945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.63327631255503, 
+                21.076849131707174
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.08855772098673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.08661346870538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.0858348854559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.08190048324188, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.08120223258278, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.08135198003461, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.09802533118854, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.10135249160365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1060965392805, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.10625020923281, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.10504414571537, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.10322945818307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.10081843565658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.08855772098673, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -117.17833299442928, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18507416935617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18180394477862, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18056786712812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17899796396149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17917632242246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18044686716836, 
+                20.914555211041847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18815085718327, 
+                20.911637092495702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.1939976880803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.22098950558345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2222821371341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.22701140030074, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2298304405913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.2281941233648, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21992566642668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.21233459513392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.18965074371597, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17070713100034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17335546096366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -117.17833299442928, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.71783569858549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.71736549124064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.71149480978264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.7029099694576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.70189511493027, 
+                21.113906775062407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.69966342240885, 
+                21.099368626974425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.70422671860273, 
+                21.094431913133924
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.71528307355638, 
+                21.09395382720458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.72200304828766, 
+                21.10046416525563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.72270200747298, 
+                21.10323667996253
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.7241744313386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.72059578406383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.71783569858549, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -116.7294428210983, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73522596159579, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74119418510699, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74200389888968, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74707920479608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75763407167649, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76927243155367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77056769148417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77004990686471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76738435895679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76471898020176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75181938567037, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74719341620526, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74498023142549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74039775038051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73797413667296, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73473690410414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73573674963929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73845851182493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73839911862494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73719232761856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.70121933673863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.69342801433528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.66999643643737, 
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+              ], 
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+                -116.65572751817461, 
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+              ], 
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+                -116.6480923048229, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.65891609220317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.66493191963629, 
+                21.005293056408757
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.6711170740048, 
+                21.004753874958073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67712953600551, 
+                21.00720628470443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.69596644491507, 
+                21.010418671897185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.69731461799992, 
+                21.010060144923177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.70122592780994, 
+                21.003852275616868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.70155868304124, 
+                21.000389413972904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7003346588119, 
+                20.992804403078342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.69845911493029, 
+                20.990122693247763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.69433582023025, 
+                20.985963248750416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.6835889360031, 
+                20.979267755830648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67115622376761, 
+                20.964947645252007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.66908219111282, 
+                20.96154938882585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.6684417687799, 
+                20.95962165843631
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67027291966876, 
+                20.94991162305739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67163479210461, 
+                20.948562283691686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67367090563651, 
+                20.948762776669223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.675662082008, 
+                20.952879979946847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.67713140763233, 
+                20.95481505937308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.68465078480142, 
+                20.959035949526186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7014063485931, 
+                20.955509516020257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.704392133446, 
+                20.950132838087306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.72681341406124, 
+                20.954082827716295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73519159598244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73879304567959, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74312483515601, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74734018798328, 
+                20.940975600644904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75432005745262, 
+                20.925780393979803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76550136802729, 
+                20.93205181540105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77994486763018, 
+                20.92981818429687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7801033615165, 
+                20.926842995930585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.79244528454566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.79895591671408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.80246016297352, 
+                20.92625983575953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.80814842289908, 
+                20.920594024821874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.83386213792261, 
+                20.91105353041591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.839633657403, 
+                20.910124435123812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.85234521544741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.87955682741884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.90122751726841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.90978732209645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.91336284463885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.91318212011099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.93442616052664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.93694396059688, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.9504762145593, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.9820608465782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.98681069232605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.98882659871846, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.98932168408669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.99472317324168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.99973858167587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.99596366897346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.96164226306007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.95138771106657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.94504394535024, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.94088140558353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.94101319849912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.93987230112391, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.93420437786754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.9217080641097, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.90879662979431, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.90798300596896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.9049052376343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.89379721328721, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.88997923248155, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.89150815883083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.8896419061779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.88588713498248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.87548439709774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.86817910526548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.85421415010427, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.82002644173112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.80668404385256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.79732735629419, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7945890505913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.79406376860096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7870238683718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77913575628402, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77080813256669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76824336338586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75976791886553, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75746261714944, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7548441011754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75511286787219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76923000408114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.77075802012651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.76842635108771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.75430990753881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.74379937386769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.73533698670161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.72760257479452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.71515168757949, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.71725899290534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.7294428210983, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -116.54271436394423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.53939759276133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.51841826220564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.51378251687738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.50636405238494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.48169864611312, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.48175266312442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.48087274112389, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.47673715015051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.44532532183905, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.42832438600298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.41545766118762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.41402715988013, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.41068520373335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.3997881824952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.38744002909547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.37118723322615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.37161144491377, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.39045962999093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.39423071819306, 
+                20.925583481482665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.41033985615911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.43613665209581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.46429587669037, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.49323983614204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.51611951594579, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.5257275027511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.54303971399003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.57132419232185, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59269904630624, 
+                20.921894221862562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59720189653646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59807107903534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.60089198064702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.61945478695333, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.62917900603192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.62887908494386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.63901617212403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.6445713652045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.64704783483846, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.64957363556113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.65611639880181, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.65937818997843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.6609947481457, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.66002756823882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.65702298292582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.64298075097507, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.61824387721188, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.60214211527195, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.60024832850984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59870272522258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.59451324864234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.5735905222714, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.55627047931804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.54857464137874, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.54271436394423, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -118.91600120905498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9217806274531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92457425265653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92852107471639, 
+                21.17900467571458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93200128598981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93352910504962, 
+                21.191287786493387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93403341675017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93340175568368, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.93133246920159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.9265457158161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.92021061428396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.91719427036192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.91009104581369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.90588368948531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89951708027546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89538937081832, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89250214667587, 
+                21.199832661760347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.8907135050685, 
+                21.193905494406884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89110110033745, 
+                21.184077876858016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89226108130592, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89441306647896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.89631367903932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.90359561791628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.90767712147513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -118.91600120905498, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -116.28965704934075, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.28710170070212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.27616511403127, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.27466487711618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.25097386945106, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.24422443440731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.23287693787142, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.21152604403167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.20730097662113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.20453753674761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.20394817610892, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.20677332209338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.23226951301676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.26164378436138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.2829280200627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.2850723941353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -116.28965704934075, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.28210850139406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.28423485964034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.28707975011136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.29096679168681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.2903479740911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.28183667986266, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.27079759903349, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.26698587493891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.27356627830066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.28210850139406, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
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+            [
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.84719051658458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.83299451562927, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.824524540463, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.82378632187283, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.82403235540346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.82899650191749, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.83311747140462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.84196331013912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.84592017150304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.84759592632892, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -119.84500609103935, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -119.87254598592021, 
+                21.511755458664233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.87479982484263, 
+                21.51890318715765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.87605168896033, 
+                21.523601410720012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.8834367590785, 
+                21.52545572982212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88797061645296, 
+                21.522419595443623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.8964301612985, 
+                21.52074487211241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.90375135618163, 
+                21.52174883990758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9084037452653, 
+                21.523416888887045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.91067899999484, 
+                21.526404926364595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.92540736857764, 
+                21.53625443365497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9278416209305, 
+                21.537533830042833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.93520835403373, 
+                21.539220307459946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.93533529761808, 
+                21.540070730957133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.927911427811, 
+                21.551018966451313
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.91149112952553, 
+                21.557635670997925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9099971287146, 
+                21.557938534736266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.90489571217351, 
+                21.55159127284753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9028381498454, 
+                21.549853460827038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89655419270228, 
+                21.547867971688436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89003316692282, 
+                21.549800517052965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88868043515394, 
+                21.55036415471771
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88276264452132, 
+                21.55723662084857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88272150226973, 
+                21.55864316174906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88352710544264, 
+                21.56174963072689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.88069201124462, 
+                21.562754555894067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.87269701863563, 
+                21.559542892824823
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.94257473861659, 
+                21.09859124009017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94375845179778, 
+                21.09746648126084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94506623030493, 
+                21.0980438135296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94814698630472, 
+                21.10882848850097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.948693363661, 
+                21.118487223268545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94759430664335, 
+                21.12225205202436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.9437872632134, 
+                21.12850583673504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94030283651446, 
+                21.132187025461104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.93394405623492, 
+                21.135641532956107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.91826081985228, 
+                21.12167731642596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.91783256587118, 
+                21.120708329312514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.92064035314337, 
+                21.10707269028706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.92193817266524, 
+                21.104380586425133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.92738021630272, 
+                21.098363804760716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.93141470704154, 
+                21.09785262934897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.94257473861659, 
+                21.09859124009017
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.82721742523488, 
+                21.14951296535918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8263948869735, 
+                21.1691506828485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82418589182674, 
+                21.184712594926125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82358706586288, 
+                21.186212730891647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80144368192325, 
+                21.206940455353333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78736009333988, 
+                21.215587195565075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.77744561619046, 
+                21.21541016855586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7628095959426, 
+                21.2083360680802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75805593376955, 
+                21.20499475615273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75697262792526, 
+                21.201779860365207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75583909494345, 
+                21.194376779422004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.75708389254979, 
+                21.18901032740057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.76626246925008, 
+                21.170601904915163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7743281789939, 
+                21.167679150453925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7804581106567, 
+                21.166716374774207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78214172359718, 
+                21.16737746583845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78306778364083, 
+                21.169909895246995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7848351010513, 
+                21.17116132463124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78726935374878, 
+                21.1707118946263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.79043960767368, 
+                21.168742769798772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80014998732456, 
+                21.160405784318524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80764996282238, 
+                21.149735094371383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80981297898991, 
+                21.144272869209335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81257177808737, 
+                21.14123028319601
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82721742523488, 
+                21.14951296535918
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.73754608505568, 
+                21.65282619008509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.73138511700634, 
+                21.654875256429644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.73015360381287, 
+                21.655280922231707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.72132327524201, 
+                21.648552846655555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.71847002865722, 
+                21.645362999294846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.71642902946559, 
+                21.63851858682563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.7159136744275, 
+                21.634534895441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.71625722055836, 
+                21.633971104802267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.72854911903254, 
+                21.63800709503603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.73765358947738, 
+                21.64481893011775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.73848878745365, 
+                21.651182301975922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.73754608505568, 
+                21.65282619008509
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.65943881545712, 
+                21.258191585799814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6485607737873, 
+                21.25956693926383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63056693079501, 
+                21.253387355115052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62819711158531, 
+                21.25134615297235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62767310297673, 
+                21.24650842177734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62782857000822, 
+                21.240471414097545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63092250717249, 
+                21.230280677794703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63272573366139, 
+                21.228422232596454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64208251552297, 
+                21.22625029008522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6569317692156, 
+                21.22653121484365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.66074429255467, 
+                21.22861078718242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.66107701101535, 
+                21.22910697032177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65943881545712, 
+                21.258191585799814
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.75463285967867, 
+                21.64950697838903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.76237558755255, 
+                21.655938631082243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.76493977008231, 
+                21.66075498525163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.76652899182032, 
+                21.66584656531638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.76603399733054, 
+                21.667438270933527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.7586830418128, 
+                21.664584976826497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.75376937179854, 
+                21.661133142396768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.74984406147867, 
+                21.65344519338131
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.75463285967867, 
+                21.64950697838903
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -119.77163928723645, 
+                21.666440289223868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.7719792845359, 
+                21.668252588256014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.77330712347137, 
+                21.669631190354472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.78114413899408, 
+                21.670663625227455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.78547778417726, 
+                21.67706487872886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.78845073968395, 
+                21.683421405953776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.78690646338937, 
+                21.683809291255713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.78336097098271, 
+                21.682929075986877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.77944326323384, 
+                21.680437634076956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.77141479969976, 
+                21.67216345095266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.7695811064086, 
+                21.668483605426687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.77163928723645, 
+                21.666440289223868
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -120.06421294388237, 
+                21.775142409517144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.06183871734113, 
+                21.786563173760577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.06122858379723, 
+                21.79336372016091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.0635583861427, 
+                21.801167318987247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.0896267495119, 
+                21.83116725638319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.10380197086337, 
+                21.83280956824102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.11336935391623, 
+                21.831866373825758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.12288994033034, 
+                21.82987621459737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.13362825517636, 
+                21.835658610961147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.13458069250821, 
+                21.84361404575477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.08820341781667, 
+                21.867746353699197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.08442502945579, 
+                21.86855482337218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.0580928530543, 
+                21.86462278134694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9681606527362, 
+                21.833445660785205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.96459783064898, 
+                21.831162247312538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.96234793470714, 
+                21.829227652934488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.95596374449403, 
+                21.821153225251397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.95347030190125, 
+                21.81391908540179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.94465359966503, 
+                21.80151119310582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.93849555228533, 
+                21.802003727815805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.93439996111886, 
+                21.801352035726396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.92417860423639, 
+                21.790403205157872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89645892104662, 
+                21.74407120126179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89569680108893, 
+                21.73674566441634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89677316883088, 
+                21.73605367528702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.89955687495616, 
+                21.73628865109598
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.92783474000427, 
+                21.740946275498075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.93213057418299, 
+                21.744254432370074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.94466793279985, 
+                21.761038374031624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.94592506238212, 
+                21.76146777964538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.9511528763653, 
+                21.759116894415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.95636999232363, 
+                21.751946906349023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.96144359518915, 
+                21.740025620407664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.96360698923658, 
+                21.73611602782096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.97021509311759, 
+                21.733389913982688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.97238164222442, 
+                21.73300451755602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -119.97642126993229, 
+                21.734045239195293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.00617121590612, 
+                21.747541631290883
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.03208307917325, 
+                21.73687276135316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.05444936758023, 
+                21.755948963822537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -120.06421294388237, 
+                21.775142409517144
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.6029407786275, 
+                21.295044702231138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.59275157973248, 
+                21.29157442860752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58109002716796, 
+                21.294241088361062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57087590725095, 
+                21.303888623250682
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55984453708251, 
+                21.31165341201654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55345223736728, 
+                21.311250295587186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54158540900879, 
+                21.308253719358913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53075288219499, 
+                21.298236002368927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53370519238474, 
+                21.28045894970002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53781236391096, 
+                21.265023520819707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54971458776366, 
+                21.263155243753307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.57377368033272, 
+                21.275121753511616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58460618272407, 
+                21.274319409596433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58609655034519, 
+                21.27075546211319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.58857042030914, 
+                21.26768291244379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.59614714863324, 
+                21.263081208837676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.60228010516047, 
+                21.261045187370108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6053043483374, 
+                21.26157597092562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61436813664719, 
+                21.268330240833848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61982211638494, 
+                21.280648017581623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61824694427233, 
+                21.287991988860806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61493098035389, 
+                21.292528184056017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61116471725494, 
+                21.293833939016316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6029407786275, 
+                21.295044702231138
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.16889786831713, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17277811692195, 
+                21.493905558516644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18359554992813, 
+                21.487791280283517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18950066626073, 
+                21.4802264464751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19314763728978, 
+                21.474437174122475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19943082180049, 
+                21.460413310213333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19877327977179, 
+                21.446046117787738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2050380802268, 
+                21.43342980726625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2097969539763, 
+                21.43074827315112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.21445144317526, 
+                21.424487495914093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2192146567192, 
+                21.416430325001148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22121225943577, 
+                21.41241955556862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22290414648072, 
+                21.407456213801897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22358554769494, 
+                21.398379790678366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2331815861642, 
+                21.388394154103093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24066459974074, 
+                21.384888490800243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24556518012221, 
+                21.38515275604623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24758787945763, 
+                21.386813001227022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.25412800465047, 
+                21.384961900382077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.25632702600697, 
+                21.38358811793292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.26232418725593, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.26479908360332, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.27986833401383, 
+                21.35415066345752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.29312864578084, 
+                21.34662263909021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30949724909603, 
+                21.334118184106856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.3332873720728, 
+                21.313499468518632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.36645807545379, 
+                21.291385309452235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.38179461552724, 
+                21.283830510218852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.37084458067568, 
+                21.302454793372608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.36707471921828, 
+                21.305583585406705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.35512980329837, 
+                21.307768396650197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.34992320773175, 
+                21.310102796886113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.34694393466134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.32492690433756, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30849358710151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30400684067698, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30342030594007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30624899366235, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30840865611458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.31198996789709, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.31557751971316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.3168282302256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.31643377433507, 
+                21.4359667574964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.31508868972426, 
+                21.441610184071397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.31437639238061, 
+                21.443995313056234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.30872024301736, 
+                21.454553683344244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.27417589637717, 
+                21.492538940840117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.25362431667008, 
+                21.488986575628857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24991858852673, 
+                21.48943694924214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24401632559085, 
+                21.49203563415001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2416121525445, 
+                21.495261733082557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22978422075957, 
+                21.49636975106038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22110159194668, 
+                21.493229485085298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20883459343871, 
+                21.4910138161052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20761086188786, 
+                21.49117363476767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20344928262102, 
+                21.495994017823527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.21108237905524, 
+                21.51768775648255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.212923094214, 
+                21.52111265532656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.21415255747148, 
+                21.52186517067168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22337902109373, 
+                21.534655210551747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22204349749315, 
+                21.574623584639795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2124440833829, 
+                21.59589691757257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20591651984698, 
+                21.59886596496539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20106682364454, 
+                21.602513424212898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18787130477106, 
+                21.61688852852599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18770004971876, 
+                21.618495691011212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17847801632871, 
+                21.624613011332627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1645956824041, 
+                21.630516062923512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12946466835017, 
+                21.641848307402913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12319216185094, 
+                21.64011004412432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11812537500565, 
+                21.63676611988357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11757627601418, 
+                21.636080022214045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11841048402334, 
+                21.631768193080468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11802939015834, 
+                21.629663508004025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11076353047551, 
+                21.624381841782043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10090249644202, 
+                21.621858699887603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09752095366207, 
+                21.621640602659667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07890177701202, 
+                21.621742857328574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07385883514995, 
+                21.62347998246148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07235146003408, 
+                21.623538389289788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07178981974899, 
+                21.622747449022494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07081996716128, 
+                21.62024866088114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06962908143619, 
+                21.61428405819305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07024815631142, 
+                21.61020278911789
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0745538183195, 
+                21.60128772416051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08278276316868, 
+                21.591513110847185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0848721290347, 
+                21.587459084640063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08583976841766, 
+                21.583866485820387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08501853308518, 
+                21.5795457537616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08334680367537, 
+                21.57617141964338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08138997026107, 
+                21.574515523528273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07969016338215, 
+                21.571237198754638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07904051754858, 
+                21.563817059325174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07929915964381, 
+                21.560079479989678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08147173210675, 
+                21.556128231793174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08630269298702, 
+                21.550760847087037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08763875340826, 
+                21.550479886787855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10741342936284, 
+                21.537734997610123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11445286506986, 
+                21.531669839952972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11927030793265, 
+                21.52566412443634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12655625749039, 
+                21.519227433937605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15574963956469, 
+                21.50072061503291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16889786831713, 
+                21.49471858488454
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.6179620858709, 
+                21.308989193243256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61830544968481, 
+                21.30549040579761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61901785617437, 
+                21.303695151177887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62207556049489, 
+                21.298950912121974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63067016291555, 
+                21.292761730609076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64292752201187, 
+                21.298823739581056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64833200687285, 
+                21.30821542725078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64864718392522, 
+                21.313355500233964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64390450087429, 
+                21.321583206154877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64191377866044, 
+                21.323616488415286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63216522613695, 
+                21.323902583417198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62512152483725, 
+                21.32090465949632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62005271479431, 
+                21.31766058979209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61817885162434, 
+                21.31410129844523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6179620858709, 
+                21.308989193243256
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.54837880708014, 
+                21.336637837448148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55359145505226, 
+                21.33857547574516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55860225232229, 
+                21.345839909407378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55947519626177, 
+                21.347841805425194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.56024870345145, 
+                21.35087085671671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55748409788696, 
+                21.371309226747137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.55674951393785, 
+                21.372547395545894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54556632324325, 
+                21.377368417361442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54090844821566, 
+                21.378089489775196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53655063136442, 
+                21.37298718098736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.53609340074972, 
+                21.371724564588014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.5358091468412, 
+                21.360381559838473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54269357740273, 
+                21.342007087753533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.54837880708014, 
+                21.336637837448148
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -114.8232823635754, 
+                21.863796088509762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8106613309633, 
+                21.871317744031355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80234010856907, 
+                21.87048812349255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80024925357736, 
+                21.869454990339587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79531309828664, 
+                21.864745066128528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7893531926007, 
+                21.85690050376439
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78491779787682, 
+                21.846005531084554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7892994625284, 
+                21.843616768343484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79344468778669, 
+                21.8425887828479
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79824942556003, 
+                21.828227436429227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79605415296881, 
+                21.823089451329217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78958378318137, 
+                21.814605032218562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78350674563538, 
+                21.81054192672719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77760519321049, 
+                21.80870555181488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77385792777127, 
+                21.80873964276025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75611815998191, 
+                21.817751802612875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74556886413386, 
+                21.825165403940723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74407073072193, 
+                21.82827983147788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74394318314413, 
+                21.83028769282258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74628224741008, 
+                21.846644112777593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7329370921664, 
+                21.87306003412617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73128751164505, 
+                21.87264582240937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7283017464338, 
+                21.86977730901236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72748876076199, 
+                21.868284744757574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72723361168538, 
+                21.866650307379224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72769253712065, 
+                21.858001757758316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71656522697783, 
+                21.850803185532676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7074067821866, 
+                21.86195197528374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70333854391237, 
+                21.859903870213294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68730110732744, 
+                21.840421242694593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6865008777653, 
+                21.838393726113555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68622522347616, 
+                21.830548298018886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69103915334426, 
+                21.81567371363892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69449064831237, 
+                21.813321256354264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.711784367021, 
+                21.808662718649053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7193935069635, 
+                21.80297421826501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72753380262654, 
+                21.790128469098295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7303393829368, 
+                21.77915138587766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73741896816212, 
+                21.773348726301528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76374650709738, 
+                21.748764106467917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7638410514035, 
+                21.738956026042707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76021495916187, 
+                21.733306606239942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74292895986379, 
+                21.74386540101269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74119664536826, 
+                21.74862731352539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73182867769466, 
+                21.756892093703545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71168485055561, 
+                21.770019842990695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70331336634185, 
+                21.772696087313403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68145931708167, 
+                21.786254062714303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68207561717458, 
+                21.787758273018593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6819634987337, 
+                21.791207181494528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67893319437718, 
+                21.795331536043022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65976378313441, 
+                21.805608762961572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65792780578, 
+                21.80511881199795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65343486589595, 
+                21.800888891458463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6522980610709, 
+                21.798726815603153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65329781571987, 
+                21.769423500034765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66514275408818, 
+                21.74818247222873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67312146004194, 
+                21.74475460798842
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68825899088458, 
+                21.73259050836686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68853091355953, 
+                21.7300101758738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69043270069835, 
+                21.724719060262704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69242028205645, 
+                21.723154529069568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.731646971354, 
+                21.69996685824379
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73779555755208, 
+                21.70232156635235
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75368145017588, 
+                21.69371330921628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75879930777835, 
+                21.690044148588996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76084060940356, 
+                21.64630305724642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77795303449827, 
+                21.624838485496664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77941890390522, 
+                21.623910935018735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78091142182913, 
+                21.624129496709358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79306035796283, 
+                21.62914788232996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79931028829911, 
+                21.632579804871167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8018049219254, 
+                21.636251874158784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8084784861995, 
+                21.627167015124247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.81045723269148, 
+                21.6067504745205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82910326638155, 
+                21.60122660573784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83224480468178, 
+                21.594465034509323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84434361589668, 
+                21.598974431341965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.85449716935474, 
+                21.60519104022079
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.862240573447, 
+                21.592259888897193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87405600356345, 
+                21.60094973392501
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87715963931255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87682612834442, 
+                21.593174001650038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88296697370173, 
+                21.5890070036972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89201375565798, 
+                21.584612051560388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89562670509414, 
+                21.58850118978279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89821947913907, 
+                21.588773947848274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91417436072268, 
+                21.574437996970687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93585965863078, 
+                21.557321414235705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93738910598123, 
+                21.544483476124174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93859176470194, 
+                21.543203741993434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94902819022543, 
+                21.542102822846953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95931568910558, 
+                21.544991133192834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9727947683195, 
+                21.535016132666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97764432682644, 
+                21.52296381386546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98200547608688, 
+                21.510170788566093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98900778427932, 
+                21.509200414215837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9933831869392, 
+                21.512609657549273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9956579280108, 
+                21.51351913001005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00912210298054, 
+                21.517868487008727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01148625788746, 
+                21.51743643805296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01432573757299, 
+                21.515995451891442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01581177882125, 
+                21.499533276292958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02153998178221, 
+                21.499452598087867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06328305155155, 
+                21.513182845791047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.073338722776, 
+                21.519643514069802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07801770148323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07855692653465, 
+                21.52687459726512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06360325171649, 
+                21.536970274588654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04495882904935, 
+                21.5594070546887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04115149858774, 
+                21.562750413480742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.03065917403883, 
+                21.565289074878073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02230568740796, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98939072607031, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.986399990852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98641092672116, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98252178347066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96600431508666, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96037759175847, 
+                21.588117828508057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95534506485157, 
+                21.58452176429575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9498716955679, 
+                21.588870345429267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94724622575735, 
+                21.59755891929016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94336299629592, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93818661506623, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93534484053693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.924108410167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92172993746009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91705876106073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91566565406937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90839989996577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89446957300895, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89665312770676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90354460006995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90489112654343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91429995703247, 
+                21.671960453138087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91509314647173, 
+                21.67561955010445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91439479058468, 
+                21.677299495358575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90988842810377, 
+                21.682095568348746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90180563620818, 
+                21.68543139691824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8975902567631, 
+                21.68586298838792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89549436587681, 
+                21.68273684181465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89143109505656, 
+                21.67986602398527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88940944202729, 
+                21.68008240401339
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87665619515195, 
+                21.688025163872428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87674560697025, 
+                21.691159193175555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87944052695207, 
+                21.694073557422026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88281371702546, 
+                21.696189843894974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89416636284624, 
+                21.70112965738753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89418394975519, 
+                21.71130621636277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89219868175155, 
+                21.716863223161567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88842541168295, 
+                21.721341383074797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88395800452253, 
+                21.725146533296957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87817728032292, 
+                21.72693011929946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.85872945978609, 
+                21.72869069791213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.85134882890512, 
+                21.72822597575493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83990654601426, 
+                21.70864095564151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83983625041265, 
+                21.701516450293163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83227240017307, 
+                21.701125125807586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82579676278624, 
+                21.705456648684347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82188667006803, 
+                21.73074077950731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82456043667695, 
+                21.737813500022384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84296782125989, 
+                21.742609334631332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86623359467568, 
+                21.751594963633867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87119523610848, 
+                21.75470212659166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87495180843435, 
+                21.75372756647322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87672103756125, 
+                21.75178793420478
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87873410962493, 
+                21.74756525707238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88169456888417, 
+                21.74402870555981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8845138967544, 
+                21.743618175081092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88671231069767, 
+                21.744565540716508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90120827984117, 
+                21.757304489283083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92015967276214, 
+                21.775245554446034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9218616945868, 
+                21.7938261122258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9037576745747, 
+                21.824436173343106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89763461011479, 
+                21.832034749330212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87340160718195, 
+                21.847985267301453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86101139134871, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84569360439467, 
+                21.857725825996017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82974794371144, 
+                21.869449069794506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82836670843747, 
+                21.869952557212116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.827398740373, 
+                21.869341577410694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8232823635754, 
+                21.863796088509762
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.6247648368123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61876656489348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.61360993962516, 
+                23.054544347667196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.60511450886396, 
+                23.05047768430542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.60465548749832, 
+                23.04913515595657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.60872645126192, 
+                23.04184924690569
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.62662182457134, 
+                23.02159719252593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6298084512419, 
+                23.01967307687452
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64396565901384, 
+                23.021915615201696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64628684830379, 
+                23.022853171219566
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.64820004691386, 
+                23.024276009294397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65080054357239, 
+                23.027626574187288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65218513680361, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65199008230269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65323815494791, 
+                23.038800830017603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6553671517708, 
+                23.04108390042853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.67296231000175, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.68070596713935, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.68178430890447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.67554882898584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.65504018017319, 
+                23.05434930229938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.63859862415308, 
+                23.05238878600138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.6247648368123, 
+                23.053420923286065
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -115.81206352562481, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81346486454237, 
+                23.303494104418082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81679180741462, 
+                23.308114350223676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8217911705268, 
+                23.30897475933395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8300924336878, 
+                23.308651480390832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84493840735192, 
+                23.31101862867266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84549308894745, 
+                23.314834274574913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8451750120165, 
+                23.32537087028148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.84484154290435, 
+                23.325880289258183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.8411804887979, 
+                23.330152738332632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.83825931452243, 
+                23.332182771446107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.82465041966978, 
+                23.337484373990858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81989402357728, 
+                23.33826235399962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81505767806077, 
+                23.334956202920992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80927236173906, 
+                23.334312047447263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.80267931399513, 
+                23.336216137930105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.7844883704297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78178481364334, 
+                23.340297834634733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.78568326329709, 
+                23.32052595961372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.81206352562481, 
+                23.29556967879374
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -112.19369471683174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18092827814131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17798275351664, 
+                23.120237446599713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17634086117631, 
+                23.1139055442782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17874154844203, 
+                23.097138657678347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16979553319877, 
+                23.08061035976545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16817849804755, 
+                23.071512413337192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17088703533263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17604143237077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1870362351713, 
+                23.06119277402158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20363710688113, 
+                23.05586901003649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20665152288768, 
+                23.058376941993323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.21643001454807, 
+                23.076542879971743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.21574515478831, 
+                23.081240594404704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19926789249632, 
+                23.098432260196773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19649261403232, 
+                23.11494180569811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19369471683174, 
+                23.121832584804658
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -111.96993928654153, 
+                23.48541478917573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96642928425888, 
+                23.481529643711813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96532726797973, 
+                23.47967155425492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96519057926847, 
+                23.47786759749185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97371393498854, 
+                23.466702860856998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99253598835068, 
+                23.447343536716232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00176268544863, 
+                23.44124386470724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01423854343813, 
+                23.427863590282254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02057179508282, 
+                23.417325117074448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02440045557576, 
+                23.408977739705247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02610565036244, 
+                23.402692345766607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03172994481841, 
+                23.391793795126105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03302437714147, 
+                23.390478180729577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0383241579754, 
+                23.38914494958075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04120382555993, 
+                23.389786232185752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04513538565784, 
+                23.392192186907053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04865683508073, 
+                23.395367331265934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05086451044839, 
+                23.398707091211662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05173153418652, 
+                23.40167984736607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0478359585909, 
+                23.415796835085615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0423763281849, 
+                23.433156922468708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03699098301202, 
+                23.44615588930839
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0043528082734, 
+                23.490982712735498
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00229615732191, 
+                23.493048412071673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99978026275775, 
+                23.49368018406142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98400517038087, 
+                23.495502485313903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.973770643869, 
+                23.491395399858476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9704213446336, 
+                23.489211730261854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96927702805027, 
+                23.48751694145905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96993928654153, 
+                23.48541478917573
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -111.8572034844048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85188899603769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84324156935304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84045138154575, 
+                23.508592371662917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83916256140539, 
+                23.505805819535823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84178379391054, 
+                23.496732976879347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85451131956039, 
+                23.481218406545985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8637495076667, 
+                23.476513944154895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89410131192062, 
+                23.469479386590837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9002161257018, 
+                23.470116299646964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90527074806418, 
+                23.46973972902396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91262691738595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91987975683936, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93839327159853, 
+                23.459506857746852
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94855463187315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94979310021542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95463188287161, 
+                23.466829336112063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95670476278272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9539810005341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94903556749827, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94510786231959, 
+                23.502010157114075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93563989912143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93114359512386, 
+                23.51353455091775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9275682967886, 
+                23.5128085285139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92622520714716, 
+                23.511803590001723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92080417092029, 
+                23.511568025050078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90989210643845, 
+                23.516726051322376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9051114145183, 
+                23.521332294374286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90278289041437, 
+                23.5223209409516
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90101740435125, 
+                23.52277281988134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89929408215808, 
+                23.521757385777462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8961117279505, 
+                23.517248190863782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89392309014129, 
+                23.51125085276841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89231787603354, 
+                23.508672538986115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8812153466161, 
+                23.49821298466881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8768278290851, 
+                23.49712831035897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87293930764275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8572034844048, 
+                23.504810066730784
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -111.64034064929113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62955726133214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62718190080811, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61973001013196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61182821647695, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61196182416171, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61267387567352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6167441312239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61837811962204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61897805788553, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62149072239248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62737071595109, 
+                24.138180696601292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6418984924478, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64592215274325, 
+                24.12897757949956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64676082863491, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65000108105956, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64945209085757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63643882373842, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62913259059783, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62159518568157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62099475039214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61974225081335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62282476123086, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62613444161522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62718679324992, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62676596480621, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61928638880387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61645120548812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6126463727907, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60958430791355, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60443394133192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5958234233788, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58277590646816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56254458612148, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55818152239564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55557793461186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55421961605695, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55416361141958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56975098207032, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57601799150248, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -111.57524258818061, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61893125379996, 
+                23.976795586337996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63343955806756, 
+                23.98109883024125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64275764876072, 
+                23.988224424512953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65314892825552, 
+                23.984353708269012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65680825578951, 
+                23.982278416657433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6622084925627, 
+                23.9823201686064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67116867212845, 
+                23.985726641711018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67239641122904, 
+                23.986895010372642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67290197553437, 
+                23.98983191291785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67439853220921, 
+                23.992334843304864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68048353018663, 
+                23.99634039568002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68667435497147, 
+                23.994135450265407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69225121698857, 
+                23.98799871081156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69465311516859, 
+                23.987524564628007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69880895505456, 
+                23.987705765897434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70254785421383, 
+                23.989260940100237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71460186903793, 
+                23.99029222733061
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72819763004303, 
+                23.991410497637514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73182699920142, 
+                23.990693294208086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73354503855636, 
+                23.98634813106231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73351275962546, 
+                23.985323952712537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72789776447848, 
+                23.981112468906357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72563362389502, 
+                23.98145400348667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.721869640311, 
+                23.98409929415454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71278365458983, 
+                23.979362792403236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67952482740266, 
+                23.973740355303683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67371185184903, 
+                23.970574856063593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66733598938593, 
+                23.965277386271552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65340937198712, 
+                23.95919867974928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64236575624305, 
+                23.958308678698987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6396397991667, 
+                23.957104027359044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63286196262374, 
+                23.94957416735181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6319715704576, 
+                23.94101620179431
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63282753453032, 
+                23.921352436335113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63698960525473, 
+                23.91124398442815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64338622534535, 
+                23.899102790169362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64561781177963, 
+                23.89604660186809
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64685732083318, 
+                23.896722432236764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66292280032934, 
+                23.89857691306803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66496582559031, 
+                23.893077525607968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67040138249838, 
+                23.884837627247784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68946376710174, 
+                23.892452365568662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69417132691478, 
+                23.896813702306158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69858134129704, 
+                23.90580476854456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71819018637439, 
+                23.908438271792363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72377287675016, 
+                23.906985232366722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7337510062897, 
+                23.899569710084368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73840419298243, 
+                23.894990013800808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74175246411326, 
+                23.888748681894914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74431156609349, 
+                23.881868648682687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73960152038106, 
+                23.87807876776461
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73837459929484, 
+                23.87836071437841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72567825863918, 
+                23.884512117337927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.721117696442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72101683395385, 
+                23.88893015755407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72022068318847, 
+                23.888755887267386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70837908264201, 
+                23.883674658908458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69938335345978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6989651736096, 
+                23.873812078064688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69982388461936, 
+                23.8698242287777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70881023600835, 
+                23.859173818709465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72090985525516, 
+                23.848430589363165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72547586329974, 
+                23.845746520998745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73674952424716, 
+                23.84318986442596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74624128052423, 
+                23.843193905591892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74815053641345, 
+                23.84440071777276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75586800544619, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75742920558073, 
+                23.841459324932345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75808368827632, 
+                23.838733423045493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75782629218449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75683420571953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74276886444926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73222070674078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7267729007426, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72176528851588, 
+                23.835105330774518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69235460624884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67345739021248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67171826263461, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66936108863771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67446228292063, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67641655442877, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68491717085405, 
+                23.812212399861096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69588410331791, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72135925157654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72395148719136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72512743461434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72593435470016, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72903779432579, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73627818896367, 
+                23.787688687389664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74255307498083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74298269379156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74255500274299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74214676481363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7397689119679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7379181448967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73508692291203, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73510262636022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73945790032964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7532436940038, 
+                23.734601006472662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75599244053691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76647804787159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76687585643948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76311268856215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76463635750288, 
+                23.75655523489958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7776010657979, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78378997349519, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78623087142111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78779763508813, 
+                23.76861970176685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78709305588544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78664957502271, 
+                23.787829118187652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78055692456422, 
+                23.798341945869744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77673249829338, 
+                23.80041228810499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76988725230639, 
+                23.817166608300827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76980587522397, 
+                23.818109444552395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77161906217069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77838656560746, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7876306034254, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79107436772199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79074184595768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78971076960902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80789187344831, 
+                23.766374249582224
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80736264948298, 
+                23.761188001430853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80850628392915, 
+                23.756490548271067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81871218420244, 
+                23.760040408454632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82657487203734, 
+                23.763751916029733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83014072922319, 
+                23.764519529608307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84754348646858, 
+                23.756335863175906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85099066863685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84925714500747, 
+                23.74180554314708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8463084332449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8318156516131, 
+                23.746822379826668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83047879963004, 
+                23.746975075592744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.826113220229, 
+                23.744571562847508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8112125225379, 
+                23.722625646523824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81141944496163, 
+                23.71007699279677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81891160977081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82467129231877, 
+                23.691895120709724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83462385235691, 
+                23.687548331799306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84100067629636, 
+                23.682947377908484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84441245454026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83900095684639, 
+                23.66070662598181
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83641879414391, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83467654030774, 
+                23.66294390741826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83195772411517, 
+                23.6593073110152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83269048756773, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83600708193704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84908527749172, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85427388390274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85589459336008, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85761166510424, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86015082140221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86653223466037, 
+                23.63551069021095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86742427931331, 
+                23.634116347778544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87443808806628, 
+                23.61211548575269
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87642152511961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8836216957424, 
+                23.588276640968935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8853510038413, 
+                23.586576817714583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88956498162285, 
+                23.584839086279644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89581207392237, 
+                23.5834826013766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89871536706637, 
+                23.588716816974056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90301096498654, 
+                23.591255320980018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90621468819619, 
+                23.59056390653761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90912689292136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91311658918458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91763056227099, 
+                23.57942349628435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92262193964486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92454209363133, 
+                23.57630656673994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9277203918958, 
+                23.577144085268205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92627268881621, 
+                23.595285513640082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92007124892896, 
+                23.624078621262296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9192324730864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91689158573823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9138910713176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91150229601948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90435710890627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89567915876194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88705989825755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88146352649136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87992120759348, 
+                23.688424112309846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.886052756422, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89359491609748, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89583097600337, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89644460259865, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90014719315816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90973753648653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91119477822218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.914318231953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91098872663503, 
+                23.731214912444283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90301544883967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90045960969562, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89645168947972, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88631653747119, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88333044149661, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88295102239746, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88527908425137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88779405255684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89156134262679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89382523138322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89380143983912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90046841272171, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92334576099974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92422907611494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92774949798246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9319571808584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93514620031411, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9447136536706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94865453291213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95197991185758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95327462341767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.960742187638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96198015010624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96142745911514, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9605245934053, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96135091051994, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97004275104575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97456410926264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97621570477939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9754582200511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97624548902724, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97977370990976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98354061805547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98570356811551, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.00736956543749, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01357355142753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03164480163964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0405167143383, 
+                23.666360941596192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04394187267309, 
+                23.66704479770227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04595314222571, 
+                23.671449082101564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04621125655802, 
+                23.68483127998179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05091676669765, 
+                23.706318325083853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06407601429595, 
+                23.74634644543429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06654605952662, 
+                23.752710688988845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06929711580942, 
+                23.75816426558005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08215372305578, 
+                23.77588608811981
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08885863766899, 
+                23.782540059731055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09441466710543, 
+                23.78633038506624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11459540192874, 
+                23.789552915763338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11612874428783, 
+                23.78929985262653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12520903895961, 
+                23.783613303822772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13436664922592, 
+                23.783240180547605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13853736432186, 
+                23.785481050826697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13918620405094, 
+                23.786361652113243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13117904767687, 
+                23.79706968280714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12991829080183, 
+                23.800651379673216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12896676888307, 
+                23.84169200214776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12996794582936, 
+                23.847005137710312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1314682350391, 
+                23.85029089079877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1319657089088, 
+                23.86225911646125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1237346950899, 
+                23.89438426372686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.121658203747, 
+                23.897102309677035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11825960308155, 
+                23.89964390554133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1156902137784, 
+                23.900142735519534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10598611576839, 
+                23.912242852494934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10558681517196, 
+                23.93037211196807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10313782224581, 
+                23.931325747875352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10012281964421, 
+                23.930003560966494
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09219450686881, 
+                23.929847803448325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08516610797717, 
+                23.938252689904015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08181926140797, 
+                23.94546679769212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06953277584888, 
+                23.963575189442814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04501732305637, 
+                23.983530189328977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0386509354257, 
+                23.986525228908846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03557665823128, 
+                23.984358493928397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01103918389067, 
+                23.985457214933803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00440430989134, 
+                23.988575209205354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99954921717531, 
+                23.993674950112492
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99046032717719, 
+                23.993897332253216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98699060933708, 
+                23.991351776284684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98671750287943, 
+                23.99066530939553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98251824740471, 
+                23.970978808833905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97631870774939, 
+                23.94807083855764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97222883471079, 
+                23.94252306303216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96678832916848, 
+                23.944162417343787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96459107530636, 
+                23.943736970805126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96173772383789, 
+                23.9420227310327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96049184582962, 
+                23.94032274422545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95883686841508, 
+                23.93649534103026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95634866365063, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9543039374554, 
+                23.921005823021186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94717249088214, 
+                23.902409579974123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94175261462603, 
+                23.894057793783794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91208450926374, 
+                23.86726146462135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91008295393502, 
+                23.866853940401107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90636284633075, 
+                23.873024263217093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90745048833328, 
+                23.878544856592082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92085747731802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93895670082748, 
+                23.905893453494127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93947853955206, 
+                23.90675375016302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94914755628855, 
+                23.93142036805815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95026717174484, 
+                23.94918505821599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94964999347174, 
+                23.95362308142949
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94567731130405, 
+                23.958684826015062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9420859103257, 
+                23.96757913169541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94054608987561, 
+                23.97312667562908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94402487430828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95106699493778, 
+                23.98206904742116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95249051671018, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96014863393391, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96115530521449, 
+                23.989865554741513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96114216227642, 
+                23.9955650246831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96012527887349, 
+                23.9974940292052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95800663736826, 
+                23.998671837480323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93188137465955, 
+                24.002430011312434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92103890992345, 
+                24.002457134824095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91192305984451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91102127987564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90924325905836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91223124260397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91750677857696, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94879084370822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96509814342647, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97082721269722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97683342676274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97974561457522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98113094294798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99349183612259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97307280372341, 
+                24.096377564300745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95918853652044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95207575937893, 
+                24.11337832606485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9340879492803, 
+                24.11261005998485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91079016548031, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90102145540425, 
+                24.076262048624166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89845918621262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.898566633516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89685803720516, 
+                24.052555260512847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89470214004116, 
+                24.047244941890515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89312792942982, 
+                24.0454941014762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88493370001663, 
+                24.046738688203302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88115091814383, 
+                24.053226642154826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87990000301528, 
+                24.071620453660802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88135403845561, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88767293724958, 
+                24.092567416566755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89146571672555, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89048445151347, 
+                24.104853524739028
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88368693540642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87206806098429, 
+                24.10289850611376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85758798117325, 
+                24.097381482844774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85534495064141, 
+                24.098454219232917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85327708396277, 
+                24.108506296459893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85334147643498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85521501254668, 
+                24.116271391066302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85613204082497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87287233820096, 
+                24.116964938599047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88644562430852, 
+                24.121442221250426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8906898069396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90547350460646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9107328094077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91354828970418, 
+                24.141420773925677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91391584050527, 
+                24.1462321463541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91339186217746, 
+                24.15689781462013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9123469330477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90652907130537, 
+                24.164725781313656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90309196735976, 
+                24.165908656872446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90066581628504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89767781743262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84798632856759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84651536705044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83960675471917, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81017188061807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80905124823586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8028394982575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80232175291762, 
+                24.1369506770064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8349620218604, 
+                24.15972630906518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84423670957752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85480905765316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86447773049974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86589363769956, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86538825440823, 
+                24.18393397481925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86069238549817, 
+                24.186013631814042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85083381442803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84692928350131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84530688900857, 
+                24.18269490484964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82077663808334, 
+                24.17101856283214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80556943926929, 
+                24.168949629677815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.801836773495, 
+                24.17093524729945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80180558404602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79756348800095, 
+                24.181562851425465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76038969184609, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7594320168439, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75746710128307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75974824380681, 
+                24.199134550826518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76254788399709, 
+                24.207889779634698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75951364793913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73171660179231, 
+                24.214146401254887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7310096365863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73013926877317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7316769255877, 
+                24.186538112794423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74002481862449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.743379489242, 
+                24.163494148493275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75395648524626, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75490165428704, 
+                24.131858691510622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75432207078502, 
+                24.122643170123553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75138717410381, 
+                24.10478496372786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74626381253466, 
+                24.09637257730053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7425933008029, 
+                24.09309356106559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73963628709329, 
+                24.09206785582141
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73784661106468, 
+                24.092336389694765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7324506437869, 
+                24.094646385452915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73261407697069, 
+                24.097727661406694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73430338527548, 
+                24.10001191731893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7369236424545, 
+                24.10787996900857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74166489028022, 
+                24.130984487934832
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74065456801688, 
+                24.135384631689142
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7377586797808, 
+                24.142249909637997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7319373505611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72245193887666, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72068507378043, 
+                24.142302851589097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7142498720567, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70010203405532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69634368581535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69759857763202, 
+                24.17456715045693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70178397881537, 
+                24.177909890322173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70255260650421, 
+                24.17905235147338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70333628664586, 
+                24.184416333181293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70291335945159, 
+                24.18660298984815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69281149995615, 
+                24.19307128981005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69023845751802, 
+                24.184766405431812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68502960984677, 
+                24.182389954474477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6808868391059, 
+                24.183316848353183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67697731292354, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67133826908601, 
+                24.205540978045285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66965081123116, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66252147037946, 
+                24.223904460233232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65988620307812, 
+                24.224400773352382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65814042929647, 
+                24.22360412419267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65687469306867, 
+                24.222119323453967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65702016605408, 
+                24.212300552450387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65948103049178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65910605428195, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65585333042004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64633801552408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64039860623888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63045151011256, 
+                24.20377104055374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63092453554064, 
+                24.196982927431296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63608005946222, 
+                24.18684480655012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63925964102636, 
+                24.18737668362568
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64182787661804, 
+                24.188618346896988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64428241026299, 
+                24.189849970730855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64712112590742, 
+                24.192241721823407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64986471056723, 
+                24.192067720218073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65762877720891, 
+                24.190298348751586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66071253494403, 
+                24.18289221681716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64514449511344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64364975207134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64034064929113, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -111.6495169150448, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65833837169137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66296148516906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6423546947119, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64313806997482, 
+                24.299752943336287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6585285748833, 
+                24.29281393538171
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67218979442143, 
+                24.290135149377544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.678409542798, 
+                24.291831052109906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6918894169994, 
+                24.28950585335957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6975210883368, 
+                24.280754833307586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69844511761414, 
+                24.270782890019735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6980649505159, 
+                24.268025931064706
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70016893310935, 
+                24.265557946506654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70326722380338, 
+                24.265239772474956
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70412086050207, 
+                24.265901061793603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71023499093731, 
+                24.277819865802506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7127139129821, 
+                24.29896122009353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71444295031728, 
+                24.303395904549433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71593048618186, 
+                24.306363758941608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72195434426465, 
+                24.309372665279835
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72412487034188, 
+                24.3051406246311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72091119653567, 
+                24.275847017559038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72070165003312, 
+                24.259635727920436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72422658210336, 
+                24.248865858417634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.734603422659, 
+                24.24133812878643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74910223834529, 
+                24.236016997603024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75102709011125, 
+                24.23719405208197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75308747157057, 
+                24.243753093027358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75683684359677, 
+                24.246338198620382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.761484956851, 
+                24.248161267405536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78039676753589, 
+                24.25166520814226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80032759695447, 
+                24.25646065134151
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80468469341936, 
+                24.259659655870344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80816510488381, 
+                24.263046146097217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81127841076423, 
+                24.262282777585263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82549559267905, 
+                24.24236952866114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82527449287727, 
+                24.24076775550754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81828691250318, 
+                24.231797187274378
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81139136094427, 
+                24.22495876788116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80662051570462, 
+                24.221179385213915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79248858082836, 
+                24.21961116230187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76846138531148, 
+                24.210142830899738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76696965842837, 
+                24.209070569763668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76663185757087, 
+                24.20814934717819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78273353129973, 
+                24.19775599662111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79094904713816, 
+                24.196315056161982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81985428921142, 
+                24.198701526152718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84706902424945, 
+                24.20427868152578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84931035930038, 
+                24.20601570260721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85123129116853, 
+                24.209103796804843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85221919013203, 
+                24.20957306753298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86951452096028, 
+                24.20847558985483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88120167937777, 
+                24.201090718088537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88583954397096, 
+                24.199245294855896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90067347302062, 
+                24.205470345221542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90082742851699, 
+                24.207524027838314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90021044053928, 
+                24.210396262050246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88562210320033, 
+                24.2472788426994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87850058213645, 
+                24.252369327248335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87679149409885, 
+                24.25303627974854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87378402876794, 
+                24.252332539119827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86325993508919, 
+                24.24455697650202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8543013723573, 
+                24.236588564764887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84572565589565, 
+                24.232196831831562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84308985566595, 
+                24.23363662591418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84310987393485, 
+                24.241226316434997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84989514800557, 
+                24.249871705239908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8621285073476, 
+                24.257607807333606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86668110742872, 
+                24.26209134365427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86696755545526, 
+                24.28378738584848
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86038414848798, 
+                24.289449882699955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83578413493453, 
+                24.285140854598563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83269799010912, 
+                24.285599318317338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8276487638697, 
+                24.289061553658136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82073256800224, 
+                24.296672799344588
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82042395746383, 
+                24.297862755980862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8233405191044, 
+                24.300815871240363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83749883564072, 
+                24.30393075802524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84328972823312, 
+                24.306723791140243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84924755191824, 
+                24.311655445441232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84964737535145, 
+                24.312698716402092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.849342777578, 
+                24.31453441667544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84141201306956, 
+                24.33646797536152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83152897852152, 
+                24.335919620254664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82852213823188, 
+                24.33480906819708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8250389746285, 
+                24.3315035647899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81469421867278, 
+                24.33027978139922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80287021393733, 
+                24.334807666082877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80133190187415, 
+                24.337756737040728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80109770560095, 
+                24.345571656306994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80461350962172, 
+                24.345748225082893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81116546320662, 
+                24.34420266964145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81384474467147, 
+                24.346430308476503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8193807850213, 
+                24.35325519840618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81980370186652, 
+                24.355241714213268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81784377022134, 
+                24.357974225681417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81153857915297, 
+                24.362169454122363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80474784586947, 
+                24.359292837966095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79275819277933, 
+                24.358787458217925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79005487973083, 
+                24.364665104026077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78608304267595, 
+                24.378581574964347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7894023515424, 
+                24.3788061699857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8016949326993, 
+                24.377442340341812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8149215593374, 
+                24.38746889208508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81724830070559, 
+                24.39113860810233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81680922140603, 
+                24.391814412429213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81119011792559, 
+                24.39022376750149
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80625489736178, 
+                24.390717020414147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79898824162049, 
+                24.392785618748608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7942686397864, 
+                24.397658637388982
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79217560329131, 
+                24.40215498723991
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79250290221088, 
+                24.406715805064053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78748566889547, 
+                24.422704660673382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78519972151273, 
+                24.4239373916332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77733330596135, 
+                24.42481786427893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76104692197134, 
+                24.436372468603974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76058814277302, 
+                24.44342870018289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76084418328915, 
+                24.445509314384328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76292826214066, 
+                24.44557349752226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76497212464675, 
+                24.443887515232106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76585426084297, 
+                24.443914002845503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77433088431145, 
+                24.447694001466154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78145997482535, 
+                24.463718685463686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78372378895101, 
+                24.47283231951607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78005983017611, 
+                24.48461220642532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77657019513495, 
+                24.49229810709599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76772785119122, 
+                24.503699255738884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76582233927802, 
+                24.50340044366267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76260712851457, 
+                24.500079436703434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76129217898374, 
+                24.495678128134955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75946411900945, 
+                24.492921022723102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74973807828279, 
+                24.494950360452126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74141714645847, 
+                24.508898278683308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7210741909727, 
+                24.52333991662063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71715460035523, 
+                24.523904537455266
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71469054265944, 
+                24.52200694719252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71142316741707, 
+                24.50243115361073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71277703276142, 
+                24.474627270813862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71531878728064, 
+                24.470054110112304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72145453307606, 
+                24.46490687656062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72821917954926, 
+                24.44490360634807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73230302169269, 
+                24.431053518269795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73301688141261, 
+                24.42724360568341
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73294998937332, 
+                24.420372936898946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7203740261908, 
+                24.389046004115414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71600063295317, 
+                24.38836626841165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69643817067715, 
+                24.39730045685882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69182590254303, 
+                24.40088041129401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69039780090986, 
+                24.414051805900424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6923476739524, 
+                24.418245162465062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69521411425556, 
+                24.423004793746788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69634361428784, 
+                24.42392320738552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69664972212112, 
+                24.427586055541127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69148465751061, 
+                24.434050940747277
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68970107430644, 
+                24.434240799723103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68478964766454, 
+                24.43303960565284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67821506303456, 
+                24.428608811103853
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66178678014104, 
+                24.414034057751966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66169297385703, 
+                24.40722632458197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65891351773136, 
+                24.40572064490905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65316413718031, 
+                24.406204765382896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64150326979804, 
+                24.42864851817487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64060275915352, 
+                24.428868341797713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62982033173068, 
+                24.420327520630117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62896497079372, 
+                24.418179806181815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63148668625723, 
+                24.399566588841623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63181686816881, 
+                24.383321252977613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63049446590043, 
+                24.37002819540818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6282616888125, 
+                24.362113678626997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62130164038471, 
+                24.363604248973775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62072529490398, 
+                24.36943991705272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62295867571868, 
+                24.378228400429563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62062408745591, 
+                24.392919213680347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60329003797364, 
+                24.416546467019955
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60199531344792, 
+                24.41571834542233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59663010732083, 
+                24.409859634736137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59563870052453, 
+                24.408339010467603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58864103898628, 
+                24.381672377406765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58594858863682, 
+                24.364157862664808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58719251520216, 
+                24.355803286019675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60207055508462, 
+                24.323760237668807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60857703761543, 
+                24.31939047564197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6306231423919, 
+                24.325928766599418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63956951188906, 
+                24.333471279194427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64074370291647, 
+                24.336766802225846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64013853244721, 
+                24.33878167999671
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63729559442103, 
+                24.339498320969
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63709624004012, 
+                24.342287109280157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64768026741021, 
+                24.354450475794117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6495169150448, 
+                24.352972836790425
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.92477596505871, 
+                25.28574949843263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9223321754071, 
+                25.291745630758335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.91734109143326, 
+                25.298344484622884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9104939539136, 
+                25.30244578639834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90475631598741, 
+                25.304926747543192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8955575101406, 
+                25.303445506441236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88896592475383, 
+                25.30413850163624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88673427194799, 
+                25.30595064267436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88489651234565, 
+                25.311172473015947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88337843633961, 
+                25.313163046139305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87396719044472, 
+                25.32160152449086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86899318145171, 
+                25.322312956073368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85491988094722, 
+                25.32216413501876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84326118752749, 
+                25.318968364686636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84065592432884, 
+                25.317312501361354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83328883865634, 
+                25.308324143698293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83709321313981, 
+                25.298520189484105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83782024455927, 
+                25.29469696010649
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83844070879067, 
+                25.286796789374357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83759937584203, 
+                25.282826154809662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83310309824168, 
+                25.278740590544874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82710772451037, 
+                25.275388568625374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82181901548535, 
+                25.269605695712574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82001741797232, 
+                25.266361708137488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8169065998021, 
+                25.2573609006363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82673766736588, 
+                25.24391775091111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83833590047044, 
+                25.23592764571056
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.850271995447, 
+                25.221762844832813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85828359694754, 
+                25.218332810189473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90375352941908, 
+                25.2301815620344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.91414255635149, 
+                25.23059632150354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92198885353825, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92726432268324, 
+                25.240887323139873
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9274309871984, 
+                25.241939503757752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92579693398082, 
+                25.24377393771668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92533997529597, 
+                25.250673343864623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92621543619961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92657298674325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9284028668258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92901884563284, 
+                25.27570887867336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92850475803739, 
+                25.279232075708865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.92477596505871, 
+                25.28574949843263
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.8927317458008, 
+                25.797634807775207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.89577515117392, 
+                25.796176630027674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.89567784233792, 
+                25.793429821147086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.90405241319083, 
+                25.785123277614666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.90718411522819, 
+                25.786488988609882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.91813201380444, 
+                25.789456183818444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.93678348523646, 
+                25.79084902619325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.93868489638601, 
+                25.79014268000139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.95360265870544, 
+                25.76723204196547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.97368869797188, 
+                25.75429563695108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.98958016620792, 
+                25.742068742567298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.99198752211203, 
+                25.74113273196239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.99361671001992, 
+                25.742639313598044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.9941081515607, 
+                25.744068992132743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.99456718236488, 
+                25.757421589538158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0014495677168, 
+                25.77116545354239
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00841902521304, 
+                25.774829254020734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.00979418367977, 
+                25.773709825465964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01003100922975, 
+                25.768097697964603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0111369681312, 
+                25.767399403948975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02417503952921, 
+                25.767688785273577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02754265347184, 
+                25.76909031257445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03001786914106, 
+                25.77289296247801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.029569138994, 
+                25.776631074893398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02606229524889, 
+                25.78196930918894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02294881329135, 
+                25.78248057534495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02107235142607, 
+                25.78440314176806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01495638128746, 
+                25.79279038195428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01359557198526, 
+                25.797505096649434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01812323332034, 
+                25.805476275784184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02358086870373, 
+                25.80616595151036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03334609950669, 
+                25.817784822046747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03910825373846, 
+                25.83807773471585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07989742832599, 
+                25.865737926265503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08276800526384, 
+                25.869578895937114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08317113623286, 
+                25.874056263997257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08607407117037, 
+                25.878389753809746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.10138897775155, 
+                25.890505436342227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.1147641863445, 
+                25.89755550167762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11769964887655, 
+                25.89986043230894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11689712589153, 
+                25.90487325892691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11219903315201, 
+                25.912634193178288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12897784320334, 
+                25.94352862661628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13409165811724, 
+                25.948219326543022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15525449845164, 
+                25.958765664387297
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.1623389860552, 
+                25.95960241821402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.16622026572797, 
+                25.95806651709345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.16560047675442, 
+                25.956324502836406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.16261082769901, 
+                25.952110451678713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15743923841035, 
+                25.94707202299538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14728704840383, 
+                25.940516841647824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13133599466323, 
+                25.917877274614096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11916464791518, 
+                25.86988589991472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12056479077849, 
+                25.86667879732583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13161246390679, 
+                25.861005489797925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13930244302855, 
+                25.85830812987877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.18402321679525, 
+                25.86756271102861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.19244191662835, 
+                25.86635479340551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.20442070585288, 
+                25.866988977918194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.21018542989607, 
+                25.868406983334648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.23558905823283, 
+                25.901411923770347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.24044320797837, 
+                25.912184967986693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.24698590402583, 
+                25.915554670981503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.24944400334705, 
+                25.912469460607657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.25089297474923, 
+                25.908740258478733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.24948349929294, 
+                25.90404707046319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2459600854321, 
+                25.896847767768406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.24438098532269, 
+                25.88779197274331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.25016574555286, 
+                25.875573466934053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.25942892564197, 
+                25.872787691734054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.26118664129145, 
+                25.87285206081532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.26684700475089, 
+                25.874796554753797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.27112721992391, 
+                25.877979379956837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2773175480828, 
+                25.87968736307052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.28421654420026, 
+                25.879975355101696
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29250639474452, 
+                25.87927494698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.293698336665, 
+                25.87855767881957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29414267462461, 
+                25.8717629428319
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.301760448689, 
+                25.866585122766626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.30832493294628, 
+                25.869695757234624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.31000509390574, 
+                25.874352735256892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.31821863237927, 
+                25.880337858430654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.324049713116, 
+                25.87009780355769
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.3217501158319, 
+                25.866741130272334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.32092235783428, 
+                25.85607532169675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.32148173882683, 
+                25.85586612764759
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.31963974590667, 
+                25.852822113361878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.31692468429158, 
+                25.84985773442625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.30082835884198, 
+                25.84979064234406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2761214609431, 
+                25.853813596189834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2722257923189, 
+                25.8586089266638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2533763388724, 
+                25.85715114471268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.23753119048743, 
+                25.85939801879826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.22966434352652, 
+                25.859330476445354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.21598018273876, 
+                25.856132032314065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.19206363987082, 
+                25.84811867749128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15098670703655, 
+                25.822653180598824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14876245986186, 
+                25.819545568736963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14941164782658, 
+                25.810789014163063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.1518855986744, 
+                25.80313918810925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15385911469166, 
+                25.799634853852538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15620445585992, 
+                25.797625951127348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.16028722468755, 
+                25.790929975455047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.1631742798754, 
+                25.77904758378392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.1563788394464, 
+                25.777767512107886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14419009450214, 
+                25.794489272974175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13837319664606, 
+                25.80472377401416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13959894730294, 
+                25.81342036801579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13805461499345, 
+                25.81798671329349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12098427145438, 
+                25.821917397885144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12077286514388, 
+                25.829006025599462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11834575859795, 
+                25.829079754909408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11422790793654, 
+                25.82600824244562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.09314893768011, 
+                25.79412729386445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08094924769898, 
+                25.77643393364811
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07696520829269, 
+                25.774442674987803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05621070499164, 
+                25.77081248225768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05240919925515, 
+                25.761232972299798
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04168560892514, 
+                25.750783979677188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.03470313087948, 
+                25.748387808950774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02896247729794, 
+                25.741850251558308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01894949377474, 
+                25.727898427678618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0237830564154, 
+                25.710001998175976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02670935974551, 
+                25.7053909369993
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05488719550092, 
+                25.678157054925844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.05715464814584, 
+                25.676795187381888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06013541503931, 
+                25.676530522423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06236559653236, 
+                25.67664304331499
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06510743274356, 
+                25.677869131002435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06637628509226, 
+                25.679901681674952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06746009234203, 
+                25.683194828289782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0678425195847, 
+                25.68635348881847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06765411208127, 
+                25.69070098210065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06613413587962, 
+                25.692233184380356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.06652409108065, 
+                25.697218980576594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0692074252004, 
+                25.697895493563564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07106521688185, 
+                25.698224346738744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08317713360704, 
+                25.696542543428368
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.09013800140744, 
+                25.685853894661108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.0831982753184, 
+                25.681059649756918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08163702113366, 
+                25.68049211748767
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07784194116469, 
+                25.674630648069382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07541606743663, 
+                25.662145953607364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07601585987109, 
+                25.660355847000684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07867495213608, 
+                25.65833966120045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.09860859157548, 
+                25.653721274450557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11755521668472, 
+                25.65879947098926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12259855949955, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13395411010016, 
+                25.65907003252702
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13807825008523, 
+                25.656210907950875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14034723387488, 
+                25.6515212451345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13972550423406, 
+                25.64573425140102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.135445820429, 
+                25.643777788572134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11599520419672, 
+                25.631451431889136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11260605189669, 
+                25.62839352362788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.10747500026245, 
+                25.61899187750623
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.10730229791372, 
+                25.6054340731238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.10788990993589, 
+                25.60372178181067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11186336635471, 
+                25.59932977259197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.11991989088261, 
+                25.59431828927075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.13174690300964, 
+                25.594904605307633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14172723741184, 
+                25.603053473252608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14568955678426, 
+                25.607009979414308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.14604113535782, 
+                25.615350586062654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15145858787253, 
+                25.61917365664549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.15863292636824, 
+                25.61617518099237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.16425649564692, 
+                25.615451990604654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.18556062072795, 
+                25.6185822019607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.18617380798995, 
+                25.624611079391357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.22043096971275, 
+                25.64096201942549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2313257055481, 
+                25.64139894206591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.23735186992735, 
+                25.641057939703913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2393836954342, 
+                25.640261701669644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.25022042716975, 
+                25.6294955512578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2566773323119, 
+                25.624118905631626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.26442892356353, 
+                25.6275743185168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.2790649871604, 
+                25.63256014738363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29669499413457, 
+                25.636133308414962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.30025644469225, 
+                25.63610295668863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.3065744531874, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.31166884799677, 
+                25.635837113488737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.34624833531626, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.37383336279666, 
+                25.653379241533134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.39537923235511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.40687090248218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.41191603957117, 
+                25.65731627882491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.4234562401006, 
+                25.65988140774841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.42668456188724, 
+                25.661577078945975
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.43065922136361, 
+                25.672202839584315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.43474069594419, 
+                25.677091153674926
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.43655900590161, 
+                25.678626840863107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.47170443567124, 
+                25.692709187127846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.49555181889274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.50287565871156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.51160682808937, 
+                25.702638392754295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.51725619268576, 
+                25.706982834443618
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.51933456911371, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.51993093771632, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.52045235360711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.51991803850422, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.52048241236213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.52304950091353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.52952762759823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.5371417078743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.54891098757332, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.57575397522494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.59710857443496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.59856712922273, 
+                25.774463609470413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.59753004678835, 
+                25.779824079559404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.59950164070936, 
+                25.783328906334066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.60640160525685, 
+                25.783646812204726
+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.63308906748051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.73298718482978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.75406209196197, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.77198829364394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.796536628268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.81666516627622, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.84970831816511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.90944549922142, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.92861371013338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.94960704641088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.98379409028918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.99959544251948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04294972626136, 
+                25.831359557344218
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.0726007767623, 
+                25.835369209265508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07549120351003, 
+                25.83790710575796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07566245939468, 
+                25.839027205393258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.0745511335022, 
+                25.84472084567897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07336575479071, 
+                25.84751832897491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.0653480539163, 
+                25.847090800843052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06234046507574, 
+                25.853125977696752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06491111017215, 
+                25.868583695751635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06449719285288, 
+                25.88600246938938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06420766931573, 
+                25.88820714339714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06212003574551, 
+                25.89119496575959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06005046153973, 
+                25.892799016256223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05053862190147, 
+                25.894878302851946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04697848057198, 
+                25.893754406716194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.044995506192, 
+                25.888531148056217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04722221631361, 
+                25.884875739387592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04746421992351, 
+                25.882590607165458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04509651530373, 
+                25.879465314609845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04035765770662, 
+                25.87904525130591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03318473886378, 
+                25.88101257615139
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03155060813693, 
+                25.882301743930988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.02725873217369, 
+                25.8884503764607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.02661992059781, 
+                25.890301418712784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.02765345607085, 
+                25.892021825774673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03006838950361, 
+                25.8935376292039
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03198954780765, 
+                25.895512541796087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03370674828295, 
+                25.90388333660205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.02739974939976, 
+                25.928735143115638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03318243725039, 
+                25.93847733924881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03830283399789, 
+                25.93352933378216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04495932824133, 
+                25.933378485888593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04734478223146, 
+                25.934078918265655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04974587614029, 
+                25.93595608967419
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05009528490305, 
+                25.937545524884236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04969312520889, 
+                25.942659974182796
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04914771763559, 
+                25.944424226751764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04631781064275, 
+                25.94783912323136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.04529213547411, 
+                25.953182110326267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05278514339894, 
+                25.96098694624985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05872743791892, 
+                25.965612016132937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.06534522814648, 
+                25.97313517316163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.0808392932954, 
+                25.99292455111906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08623698787704, 
+                26.000916971452487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08959793495359, 
+                26.010513162447715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08961881491574, 
+                26.013102346836895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.0886237363752, 
+                26.01438592659202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08570800280862, 
+                26.01555431478177
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08227052361003, 
+                26.019267295241136
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07653474243128, 
+                26.030040675209708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07560666557077, 
+                26.032794956590823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.07739683552846, 
+                26.059140076497194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08001021521031, 
+                26.066603540278233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.08908972920992, 
+                26.076105161439212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.09967223522882, 
+                26.071574069532783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.09994154658666, 
+                26.059727600819283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.09513924574676, 
+                26.034370166830605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.09520208249452, 
+                26.032242441793837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.10426688189914, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.10948094835281, 
+                26.020550204173503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11123457789961, 
+                26.018215516261737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11270680218969, 
+                26.014693741107287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11613899789802, 
+                25.985337475654003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11104041364838, 
+                25.974195117782845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11143983949034, 
+                25.9710994565765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11465619508104, 
+                25.96354547758736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.11620901292667, 
+                25.961297395425607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.13317974823396, 
+                25.942797736539227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.16539213885356, 
+                25.90431070013153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.17243381136257, 
+                25.89800126815473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.17641214731084, 
+                25.89336425517787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.17819133825762, 
+                25.889559977880893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.17858357018056, 
+                25.884296475990585
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.1816446321681, 
+                25.87826403610258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.1892032423039, 
+                25.86902526786355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.19219788285625, 
+                25.866596225113657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.19472579685592, 
+                25.864629959461183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.20087385872186, 
+                25.86190670790238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.21632243509839, 
+                25.856165267872246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.26548089482992, 
+                25.842764924084733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.2727559246807, 
+                25.839057782435894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.29244872493265, 
+                25.83459931917298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.3307029708206, 
+                25.82852656991642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.34154845811679, 
+                25.82814000917178
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.36498536952385, 
+                25.83228889812546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.40290683973548, 
+                25.836868185997794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.41815949969184, 
+                25.837512533288432
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.46991221764517, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.47484445120837, 
+                25.837614559492504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.47962448869492, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.4972388629961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.51183722154542, 
+                25.874072860283693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.53102169213389, 
+                25.85927647659097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.54537868836327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.58848951003704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.5994850438884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.61268150976557, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.62029293281111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.63418314148392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.64278018986379, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.64983153962275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.67788078859034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.74649539524876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.75841703443986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.78267029391981, 
+                25.8263353596655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.80696515748245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.82058467405457, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.82747684770486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.85835441086509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.87171695148757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.88435374788803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.92999764380852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.97315885835559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.98781188226812, 
+                25.71861572970746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.02320990146738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.02434165797034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.03335838902322, 
+                25.687885984993617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.04488068365602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.0475834534969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.04827289301547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.0494524817349, 
+                25.691486866965935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.0520964558742, 
+                25.69207802547312
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.05537169928928, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.06192446261508, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.06635487385785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.06729954438542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.0651512239303, 
+                25.70610171501519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.09697379556735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.1144291481979, 
+                25.72614231518635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.12072010625144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.12954153059563, 
+                25.7346029295938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.13223555778798, 
+                25.74189068849352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.14722340432579, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.15565107967836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.1575376890324, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.15708950148517, 
+                25.726382412987014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.16968640598554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.17273862817966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.18038922359912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.18660867806298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.19384778401665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.19567510755026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.19676052171718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.19651063801128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.19706660944152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.20588947886648, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.22213822770918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.2273862415683, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.22759006012457, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.22909395176788, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.23058701404341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.24543630463961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.25551127405785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.26307328481802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.28696016882348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.28970885767154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.2971126057453, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.3020056817153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.29987885944581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.29792141049361, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.29744339734998, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.30232824955137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.30818306864113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.31075617578047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.31212073448845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.32546497440265, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.33001058758065, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.33635188070436, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.35782969167535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.36240357996225, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.36644251287413, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.36676307598047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.36620690193156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.35231161156992, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.33474740452546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.33599474187653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.35886803977365, 
+                25.718407641878965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.39508115396133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.43281594557101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.43749773901139, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.43633571485255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.43674939688263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.43752172947829, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.44641250351516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.45357599287976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.46188830751771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.47996142562359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.49574847585288, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.50750235808141, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.51672567401357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52277917929405, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.53826076232387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.54135846946293, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5427199678522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.54296742443204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.53670785542438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52707878593961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5167509728517, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.50688496367437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.51371170110266, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.51907824938048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52079881343138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52214917803452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5250817989681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52674492663033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55059554917881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56362041474502, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56930304010238, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5754725011489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59558127976257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60225628426544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61724452475448, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61873763871776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62512989419439, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62528486050704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62203520214757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6181409666672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61373364179364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6101713214568, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60536824128778, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57502221606963, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57342702280002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57228102944062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5722955464698, 
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+              ], 
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+                -110.56336866398456, 
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+              ], 
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+                -110.56785682330941, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57853168739761, 
+                25.674601036845722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59176147472803, 
+                25.664504363139393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59931147915505, 
+                25.66264447729288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6157446852614, 
+                25.646819369480983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62696973946979, 
+                25.633445549575733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63213162287089, 
+                25.62585339628491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63938567576868, 
+                25.611984714853342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64969706110821, 
+                25.59434001214446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65395616055315, 
+                25.59221905621143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65696500429239, 
+                25.59185381395291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65930607401563, 
+                25.592098890100612
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67173572541681, 
+                25.601675040251163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67390433274188, 
+                25.60497474134554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67451200409107, 
+                25.607172087801874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67307978685405, 
+                25.611308166336865
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66807519312442, 
+                25.619075382622444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65852318558657, 
+                25.629911353629858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65355196292148, 
+                25.63178517151188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64923722811332, 
+                25.641373941470917
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64746246968187, 
+                25.647643430841743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65251137299809, 
+                25.649515788746363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65948006248713, 
+                25.646921834941907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66550214020705, 
+                25.642285625580666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66774156004834, 
+                25.636632861258605
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67445173062087, 
+                25.63401310696354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68899643104942, 
+                25.633713011275066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69219381776438, 
+                25.63764806820395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69583196499971, 
+                25.649757546789893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69653065299235, 
+                25.65376138034844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6885973098018, 
+                25.69028260163626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68543438059334, 
+                25.70015319890315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68194739559014, 
+                25.703884414692904
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66880827022526, 
+                25.708661601995896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66704493057675, 
+                25.706926538483962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66158894114666, 
+                25.70371487732577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64906235806768, 
+                25.702189904369074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63254239114934, 
+                25.714943514811356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6238688073912, 
+                25.72586040037974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6207690318332, 
+                25.735615771053073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59356048192261, 
+                25.74963698091037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57969965986666, 
+                25.76226026587986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55704083862909, 
+                25.785971330490373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5444578713079, 
+                25.794446103770376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.54133860054883, 
+                25.795061343670138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.53551035956343, 
+                25.797805796107827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52722502283736, 
+                25.80416948655169
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52706249472743, 
+                25.80765227369693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.52747839977809, 
+                25.808490371842563
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.53318940447993, 
+                25.810948480171756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.53713512358067, 
+                25.810901191186282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5416397431722, 
+                25.807517943764076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.54846601670998, 
+                25.804943891534407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55037996018329, 
+                25.80502231515459
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55097931999339, 
+                25.805719876688638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55284061917419, 
+                25.812332111046402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5527220381337, 
+                25.812625970517693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55636230910602, 
+                25.822000025040214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5545538158553, 
+                25.82595405877404
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55236703885113, 
+                25.83081741888365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.54952851022077, 
+                25.84095440649222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55011725470118, 
+                25.842631832602073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55084074508166, 
+                25.84257486286628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5523430601975, 
+                25.841925455199018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55350397126344, 
+                25.840878362468043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55653931269015, 
+                25.837449147204826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55911638439962, 
+                25.832124771877453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.55972773679912, 
+                25.830456600985425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56179080987269, 
+                25.820554026292953
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.5619664597071, 
+                25.819025864861583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56206252857834, 
+                25.810891909116837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56186443209175, 
+                25.810205837063307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56683034068554, 
+                25.804836396566433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57362732627146, 
+                25.798899849441394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57424285365589, 
+                25.79924879817325
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57457698733808, 
+                25.799437879627686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.575411013374, 
+                25.80055084089689
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57624370540209, 
+                25.80296069068119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57668259934009, 
+                25.810271995208296
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57417602371883, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56953382107771, 
+                25.8328326202867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.568727093986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56611238603823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56478811858723, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56666910393133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.56751774257853, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.57859354580857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.58422567236951, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.58579015969876, 
+                25.81903221927933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59138093933049, 
+                25.81400060830844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.59696441383913, 
+                25.808959966726015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60225132589645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60465172496995, 
+                25.80025211164968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60651446773089, 
+                25.797086098709933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60701014274984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61467290011318, 
+                25.789912742281697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62836782054312, 
+                25.78436330445232
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63008094689302, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63191940107721, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63445542508285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63532662908314, 
+                25.79295161815054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63577517061621, 
+                25.794297744058944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63473044034389, 
+                25.796337511013306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62390250602745, 
+                25.817070671221508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62247678674026, 
+                25.81953292658737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61669358530352, 
+                25.829203368245203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61384539209801, 
+                25.832430101898318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60992597651688, 
+                25.837017166048156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60123212679973, 
+                25.85159208306666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.60309002797113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.605230832171, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6105351027394, 
+                25.864536609604425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6106623844696, 
+                25.863040061717424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61102997143539, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61260616837583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6131802051346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.61736133467492, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62360223347567, 
+                25.835935930880964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.62512732804595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63102726602877, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63305270075446, 
+                25.836668060908096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63389467510068, 
+                25.837138302777582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63454764696768, 
+                25.840369128260107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63658321703109, 
+                25.84033097243708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6379173472974, 
+                25.838601308584714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.639483361936, 
+                25.835178076211356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63803199960897, 
+                25.82910186473418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.63917263122914, 
+                25.826268833848417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64249993981296, 
+                25.82334421692925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65230073924451, 
+                25.820211562375768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.655218413848, 
+                25.821522770235088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6564163884733, 
+                25.822668084364608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.656944162729, 
+                25.823789505778517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6572619335023, 
+                25.828769978488275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66478525397201, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67035674538741, 
+                25.814991616032614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67067666920887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67236202233279, 
+                25.802742298341613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68427200536681, 
+                25.794596608781173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68957473017635, 
+                25.792203525722034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69457156062242, 
+                25.79441118458391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69792218579559, 
+                25.79411733039409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.70792679802182, 
+                25.79110729721697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.71344711769272, 
+                25.787485551607276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.71604715635856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72200260874888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72733595356162, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.73968420424401, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.74200461893713, 
+                25.804943759424535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72330521484214, 
+                25.818974593587143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.71406440452185, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.70294389030505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.69508554961297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67463212381153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.664779501274, 
+                25.856885171635323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65604369801203, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6460017049644, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64590251247812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.64663633959549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.65032039723727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66592995675013, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.66665619733841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.6681909432686, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67106661346818, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.67440734981264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.68601649715417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.71893723782807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.72018193504942, 
+                25.844679224518423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.74234372519153, 
+                25.86582744847841
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75197219552857, 
+                25.863611999243087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75652742009612, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75843654257578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75795407851898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75554380666836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75578063832215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75652518795052, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76233008431653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77171807935187, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77723203089153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78079763475182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7822094256746, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77746199258681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77613640390375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77279630167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.76472052839547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.75931353369998, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.7656091855381, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77284097747341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77869086573442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78156708305856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77634405040388, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77478951638406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.77835416915184, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.78497949423071, 
+                25.945711539701577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80175518868103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80945078272453, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81000705800484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80895353921433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.80974696431224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81120656174535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.81889110636469, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.82678133003103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84182513905077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84587705354593, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8515227834588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85146699005628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85043221906245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.85558107693679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86324204458123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86600761703606, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86810249860264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86731688976214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86298203175848, 
+                25.86446035964701
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86373626445489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.86879781833962, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87088104380135, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.87725455757803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88021078085748, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88209085132512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88455581807062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88410481576878, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88595902637456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89262028189057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89537286041788, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88977616494651, 
+                25.842026792051396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90519117011301, 
+                25.81848332068442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92313427015284, 
+                25.820740595795073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92385269182557, 
+                25.82202387466403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.927523010194, 
+                25.834532773414015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93003327607042, 
+                25.841214642542433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93644110617092, 
+                25.846924763219505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94043464294465, 
+                25.845900311199053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93955861585944, 
+                25.831449182520593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93845697550978, 
+                25.82888780927231
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93757774252711, 
+                25.828805537522985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93464677351898, 
+                25.825861043293425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93727145626339, 
+                25.81664386320847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9390704259358, 
+                25.816679380981427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9438990009278, 
+                25.81866635964345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94598208374602, 
+                25.820260789312332
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9584885831299, 
+                25.869670096493007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95951031586993, 
+                25.874973580913704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95978640654747, 
+                25.889394920156207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95838719965639, 
+                25.89492278414711
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96411970356303, 
+                25.90466719020122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96721472732222, 
+                25.906126149361707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.974053245224, 
+                25.903354414849723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97214932429064, 
+                25.900077426699102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97132945648858, 
+                25.895394640063667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96969860185948, 
+                25.864891111725207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9691977038234, 
+                25.842775169129567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96560666680494, 
+                25.835010129988223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9570302960998, 
+                25.819669738025603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94939917641918, 
+                25.803152770561592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94926963693132, 
+                25.791476798260184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95376527175307, 
+                25.78773935023979
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96226707914707, 
+                25.783445184911383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96348833243603, 
+                25.78484906125386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96800496191537, 
+                25.79526493080636
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96562482429808, 
+                25.798384796843184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96744832711306, 
+                25.802044557635426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98497470839764, 
+                25.80980605922375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99174267823294, 
+                25.808674162461678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9919540987784, 
+                25.789615710735106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98900335345446, 
+                25.78570024498905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9849313056282, 
+                25.78221696952122
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98115965933651, 
+                25.782701920503204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97355452173281, 
+                25.771914759289942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97209571189632, 
+                25.76927295498211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97274134674359, 
+                25.768463943330577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97446120342414, 
+                25.76645911161442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98132581412972, 
+                25.762982401087733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99304139410302, 
+                25.7617548625336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9995227587372, 
+                25.76213504700236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01240240893509, 
+                25.76025018481315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01193154394967, 
+                25.757430801705876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0121912700209, 
+                25.754237919378234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03255745378347, 
+                25.734074003107754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04676698916656, 
+                25.731380466304746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0550801912697, 
+                25.731123046500443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05808240207944, 
+                25.732999273888165
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06245203268234, 
+                25.74173202209065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06316265737468, 
+                25.74657241261645
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.062693450991, 
+                25.780468116747354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06172657550012, 
+                25.78996542967365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06003401696928, 
+                25.79972250465071
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05437040970807, 
+                25.817607754570627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04789326701612, 
+                25.847004349013023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04882750644093, 
+                25.85217588399932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05439157538511, 
+                25.859526180445464
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05787782498207, 
+                25.862222604023923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06023548947806, 
+                25.862872529697107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06196174868015, 
+                25.862008958506987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06290578791452, 
+                25.857217025064415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06239446605166, 
+                25.85435851709854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06897006426456, 
+                25.828566451440047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07436012952476, 
+                25.82748002156874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07624741809613, 
+                25.829908239570333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0816367760559, 
+                25.83962451812559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09059500545094, 
+                25.853920562674073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09647584835972, 
+                25.85500487771364
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09909364405107, 
+                25.85068594073234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09521986417889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09228457433478, 
+                25.81945535033519
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09309164154253, 
+                25.805827452069824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09495381240876, 
+                25.796665946551517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09769165094949, 
+                25.788281903919806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10261219093249, 
+                25.786135754893397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10349133329812, 
+                25.777018965988482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09899657276135, 
+                25.75207813343987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09892983066027, 
+                25.740152081489523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10175948868621, 
+                25.725617066264093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10317376838131, 
+                25.722768273451035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.1084537861154, 
+                25.720943709092552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11176183475241, 
+                25.720984901699804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11435325657642, 
+                25.72406682219458
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12254650304627, 
+                25.72803423764329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12433699437786, 
+                25.718713376949168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12353379329987, 
+                25.71307997706584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12278318562612, 
+                25.710000357718876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11927855957957, 
+                25.705537300882895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11619736889591, 
+                25.703534919659138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11184749917393, 
+                25.708869020620977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10970576089065, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10618879594135, 
+                25.70839131172694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10152457231413, 
+                25.70503875421247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09798655410252, 
+                25.69422123650109
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09495018351632, 
+                25.669714431400944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09077435332301, 
+                25.66374301753936
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08617586243746, 
+                25.668788203379393
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08543835185503, 
+                25.682960851361482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08134977014424, 
+                25.705104663087575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07961287117978, 
+                25.707560780390676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07198270232956, 
+                25.71307530297021
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05362311234298, 
+                25.715922253594453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04648165309543, 
+                25.713496855871302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04237783419723, 
+                25.71034815956058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03047167844994, 
+                25.683588986296485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02901111690673, 
+                25.67699724112691
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03429314777588, 
+                25.65680949435608
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0494100894056, 
+                25.63908027458966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05179377414676, 
+                25.640821359033172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05478157629007, 
+                25.63749537766633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05900851469184, 
+                25.622071445420804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05989788271187, 
+                25.61473705516207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06214619010356, 
+                25.605087260407963
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06304896538172, 
+                25.604124641163157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.062054228881, 
+                25.591289761092227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06031574801538, 
+                25.585006200211133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05488131806982, 
+                25.580639534775425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04812973568487, 
+                25.58592236793538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04128844655068, 
+                25.592950991177496
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04060619639925, 
+                25.59654589312965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04204251563674, 
+                25.599491800300562
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04140100239259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03618143657269, 
+                25.62505225513998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02472324217365, 
+                25.646985897068554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0224032213787, 
+                25.6486419035305
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01853975034548, 
+                25.648612073463752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9850772648496, 
+                25.622255408392075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97953115370875, 
+                25.61610339975329
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97896185601167, 
+                25.608495870571396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97951759692545, 
+                25.605676465774092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96683003391523, 
+                25.591891817619736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96550566739486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96260896405093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97067674007194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98227808726288, 
+                25.50852826617405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99197248664913, 
+                25.513571531303484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99354593955901, 
+                25.51637130847022
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9948065120879, 
+                25.52007176294344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99527639657856, 
+                25.52429866473667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99576722799543, 
+                25.525796171368622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00174074418129, 
+                25.529288943492567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00698301662257, 
+                25.5295398621143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0112332208264, 
+                25.524668373619434
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00920825116988, 
+                25.518910027949733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00667682672791, 
+                25.514268545355627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0067358803027, 
+                25.511408118852692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01782825960176, 
+                25.493707810060528
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02281613539151, 
+                25.488439250207648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0254615530014, 
+                25.487042610366288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02805225060678, 
+                25.467162954967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02192019612859, 
+                25.464941345402625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02059192618398, 
+                25.465650750873067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0187005214045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01294648878489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00158869560465, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9996443278369, 
+                25.493628481066725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99517369475333, 
+                25.491707709127514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99383981851035, 
+                25.49023385484311
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99385881525129, 
+                25.487002216486932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99495470771693, 
+                25.48422599461837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00096914761897, 
+                25.482028382795857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00047618424217, 
+                25.47633484758674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98871424258405, 
+                25.47188707746201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98307422689592, 
+                25.47321766308326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98247841621813, 
+                25.476028503658615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98331943643134, 
+                25.482735758551886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98441356408054, 
+                25.4868472083952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.98230042539686, 
+                25.49014186983441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9680969099832, 
+                25.482389725235436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97066572953656, 
+                25.469881390800555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97382091796034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9736053227581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.97065585538297, 
+                25.45958163786647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96933963205163, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96184092889442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95990888241862, 
+                25.46369341367263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96155930101887, 
+                25.46924937815861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96363197095882, 
+                25.47139694952152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96331083221226, 
+                25.472602029443063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95978740050217, 
+                25.477372621811387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95788991626948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94382088552798, 
+                25.47078845256441
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94347492570857, 
+                25.467207850962968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94453246232447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94587459714904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94637974489206, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95334299210273, 
+                25.45466034372547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95664937454026, 
+                25.440078941299316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95569876900477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94897259608119, 
+                25.416496311589878
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94641658581294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94311181311018, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94315508265798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93875205353372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92993179221394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91814642293268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91189353902557, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90954973390373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90944037310075, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92202612094532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92728605016495, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92725053293498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92526663491519, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9225075649844, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91597507287622, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90751136595088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.90418237464642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9023089663266, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89907293394911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89669495789, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88936943540462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88744511418956, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.88673276126636, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8867323346182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.89024501929323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.8991433755577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.91512262148593, 
+                25.376867816392643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92002817913935, 
+                25.372653566619515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92123344535958, 
+                25.3726697561989
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9259496152866, 
+                25.377089926027995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.92689575431507, 
+                25.380561299437442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93011655711399, 
+                25.38611295482785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93289990408752, 
+                25.38463176456997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93480480977514, 
+                25.378510109542887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.93783920486274, 
+                25.37362937463226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94308648128423, 
+                25.367165558570697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94657193662512, 
+                25.363997860589215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96154294554853, 
+                25.357337090615317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96759593501653, 
+                25.356569989961773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9684153405732, 
+                25.357851608544493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96506610500637, 
+                25.377525186392553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96135167235464, 
+                25.38072226328533
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.957909049159, 
+                25.38065226539408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95069263826504, 
+                25.382025907654207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.94771436331122, 
+                25.384242294512546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9477042066249, 
+                25.386993003614162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.95115680334088, 
+                25.390237194903502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96110764140371, 
+                25.393878373552738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.96805394409773, 
+                25.38783824414491
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.9807887100837, 
+                25.381706168390984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99250791140626, 
+                25.385544010012474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99329870217036, 
+                25.39760846577503
+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.99068641183761, 
+                25.40103705427001
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00349804567685, 
+                25.440818019588054
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00772893873061, 
+                25.44447671826358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0106361536664, 
+                25.44543309554819
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01665901967597, 
+                25.44203282798031
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01844859163043, 
+                25.438820483067108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01606093520587, 
+                25.422529807240398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01122316725929, 
+                25.396443187619308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00654446631832, 
+                25.366448191810395
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.00884262431033, 
+                25.35216682328731
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01172991045561, 
+                25.348720198502548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.01845469244915, 
+                25.35146446978088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02143246383542, 
+                25.353415072783733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02243214307734, 
+                25.35486278379555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02205048639613, 
+                25.357942671806242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.02412871136566, 
+                25.36204200608578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03080829784568, 
+                25.3617107027945
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03852929652014, 
+                25.359377050781344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03880996010894, 
+                25.350752637740595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.03801249582968, 
+                25.348948333128074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.04366263730422, 
+                25.333046599596273
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05022201615043, 
+                25.32573470815402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0592375924258, 
+                25.32552875542213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0600696957309, 
+                25.32642270310551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06056281435923, 
+                25.328594837292787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0598390248478, 
+                25.335045761510532
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05961763761235, 
+                25.33621368296695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0596933946547, 
+                25.33728923036603
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06038312322056, 
+                25.338082965161007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0617957666283, 
+                25.338462846365026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06315716700789, 
+                25.337678377653017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.06558530397685, 
+                25.33471803635114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0706702399093, 
+                25.330402608016538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07315437988595, 
+                25.33043558351465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07372754525362, 
+                25.33089794121531
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07514457099181, 
+                25.333977464826425
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07796147631905, 
+                25.337205484917206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07982339168679, 
+                25.338809106708773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08166120593792, 
+                25.339750539147555
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08299120097438, 
+                25.339711324577415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08392513216376, 
+                25.339294409185204
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08466385780031, 
+                25.338581814125448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08520805745725, 
+                25.337926637815258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.08540707252772, 
+                25.336242197145637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09075565035032, 
+                25.33177052416664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0912728895745, 
+                25.330875304196038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09166067638793, 
+                25.324679271135988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0959845042476, 
+                25.317102851598403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10347130835144, 
+                25.31510376916617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10678830932034, 
+                25.316548764021885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10916755382532, 
+                25.321088813604554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.1130293456947, 
+                25.323276894413716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11676264997314, 
+                25.326902144668352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11757051592504, 
+                25.328423740269447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11794336402677, 
+                25.331179581973092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11942481325782, 
+                25.332034709872595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12437499645738, 
+                25.332245850562124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.12849619370111, 
+                25.33070495317076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.13177578597637, 
+                25.325695067063137
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.13340229072504, 
+                25.320988351634938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.13857269510792, 
+                25.317151579601394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14147358837458, 
+                25.317587962773764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14237674788299, 
+                25.31984259544233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14290443703423, 
+                25.323315026156372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14466806071947, 
+                25.326042716292786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14737771063818, 
+                25.325550681623625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15055449059678, 
+                25.316544956667308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15663685829875, 
+                25.31517833807768
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.158221161173, 
+                25.316009947511475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15914092295951, 
+                25.318231067535777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15954558484995, 
+                25.31916589555158
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.1595441138957, 
+                25.31964622527549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15914440433097, 
+                25.320722126436717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15855161359357, 
+                25.32147011546064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15768011076433, 
+                25.32271128880774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15812079819355, 
+                25.32499663912871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15650888959652, 
+                25.33269208752214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15113656432605, 
+                25.33953786378019
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15150441398724, 
+                25.344108192434163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15321470015452, 
+                25.34752906101999
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15646760291196, 
+                25.35133209781724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.15888118218858, 
+                25.35192709997724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.1649961216888, 
+                25.34214153362502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.17302386950988, 
+                25.33994937724935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.18410789864095, 
+                25.319711587082256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.1848322182704, 
+                25.306888740832697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.18168515791446, 
+                25.286827675788988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.18897486168296, 
+                25.269328315627515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.20803170778673, 
+                25.302239017768184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.20957223042096, 
+                25.308472936891786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.22277791704671, 
+                25.340783117717695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23010027222574, 
+                25.35055379470748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23703228776493, 
+                25.34770058737582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.24080808475168, 
+                25.341416159149052
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.22913307817915, 
+                25.301386039299615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23129458154257, 
+                25.2999001414552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23219091779232, 
+                25.29704181690343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23310408123217, 
+                25.277475270093582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23624273563333, 
+                25.277792909373552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.24473316669385, 
+                25.28100474584857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.24828140826247, 
+                25.258626509687907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.24914540226531, 
+                25.233231235903162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23434079260406, 
+                25.216629681781445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.22542309921101, 
+                25.211366233946652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.22180099542682, 
+                25.1855094356456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23816946634545, 
+                25.183449715228353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.25298285829848, 
+                25.200056227288083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.26509118073028, 
+                25.220903661977058
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.2815384889933, 
+                25.24486226850057
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.28571929786703, 
+                25.22027664319315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.26610382683532, 
+                25.16426064577774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.26706883680554, 
+                25.15705203885242
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.26618879984068, 
+                25.147842325559186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.26886159175304, 
+                25.14142133850226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.27228451371037, 
+                25.13646182619656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.28511162456442, 
+                25.14416682800997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.29075618026131, 
+                25.166849944035928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.30614728331113, 
+                25.178130871148934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.32748921951182, 
+                25.179960180698448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.33713773722695, 
+                25.17120585879082
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3382991693362, 
+                25.16308587873663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.32998576162313, 
+                25.15673710688996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3207993689115, 
+                25.154967477462097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.31052405716197, 
+                25.14484073699091
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3112226912681, 
+                25.13511328434951
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.31825091249013, 
+                25.126218084175818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.31925175697066, 
+                25.11294198078201
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.31600652141603, 
+                25.093917368020097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3270470361463, 
+                25.10210601679655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3344657297848, 
+                25.105241308258957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.33158887710835, 
+                25.08438218441167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.33967918378868, 
+                25.062212719819602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.34908029006641, 
+                25.04921637449318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.35368755496971, 
+                25.039282464970896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.36464825956877, 
+                25.03019829249962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.37238745510601, 
+                25.029800961422172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.37398058522865, 
+                25.043218353928236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.37264943717669, 
+                25.05397574045306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.37757444469145, 
+                25.069939922975205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.38443404259513, 
+                25.068787260345974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3858527771032, 
+                25.067200705409846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.39308045806898, 
+                25.044388662755257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.39232981889991, 
+                25.025402470666176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3959462482284, 
+                24.997873530406544
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40016599186221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40479051178575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40664379764438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40749562250278, 
+                25.00241590345078
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40707690937037, 
+                25.00370204935409
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40713715685007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40779899058721, 
+                25.0080915013046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.41027440247699, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4136536204035, 
+                25.012051472994514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.416757436664, 
+                25.01681837080387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42031362603805, 
+                25.023826641243502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42166411797345, 
+                25.02904181023524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42092753261875, 
+                25.040806795565206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.424076661362, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42582280228974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42753863625393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42940094107833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43243920703824, 
+                25.045453222160287
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43368591347628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43337694419552, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43419328804167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4369388756858, 
+                25.028083795625687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44103706377103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44264484687315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44060931313003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43773919650525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43268879535273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4269360773884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42576907756893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42396911690066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42100633341929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42059630422126, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42060982745993, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.41871141782386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.41714061919724, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.41918817212455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42950605739232, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42995584099691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43340395979237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43502172203776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43787159679711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44152159486086, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44801004843798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44973917875932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45009393482395, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44822856965372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45038614291907, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45487435089765, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4595800834871, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46230147707286, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46775628618232, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47460737848604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4741028267113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46792997150689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46465450055557, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46397147366629, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46471604329125, 
+                24.882803737889684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47193356664681, 
+                24.87017051919626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47574453804268, 
+                24.868866911348018
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47968734539832, 
+                24.869526599625107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48197694890564, 
+                24.866257676650207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4827733742051, 
+                24.863003469678436
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48407213937966, 
+                24.862657035775552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48641001748794, 
+                24.86637886927746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48840119015135, 
+                24.871786238588427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48876069462213, 
+                24.874442044404898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48715685755398, 
+                24.87779809097523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48927777383209, 
+                24.883573706901377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.49441642238077, 
+                24.881236462925514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.49731962431358, 
+                24.88365552102733
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50215970749103, 
+                24.890849458758815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50323201063247, 
+                24.893295610641914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50612701419493, 
+                24.89364838511855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5072639958063, 
+                24.88675638096343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50633245892996, 
+                24.88522199454362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50680214331675, 
+                24.883650860995406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50877690790608, 
+                24.877297401210125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50976890382705, 
+                24.87722275776723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5122012247632, 
+                24.8737058016834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50846855369225, 
+                24.863987311692465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5073247569446, 
+                24.858640353878517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50716631939817, 
+                24.853493301508863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51041198255592, 
+                24.848893788503194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51787618008944, 
+                24.84345505430655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52302639282175, 
+                24.84217736456475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5245390280991, 
+                24.843591978411684
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52546717992666, 
+                24.845520676543003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52945283024734, 
+                24.84832140744773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.53400027077836, 
+                24.84951014196254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5420453225356, 
+                24.84547025657669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54589036880856, 
+                24.848903900886203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54750559978118, 
+                24.848865300271225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54813300131993, 
+                24.84732773781637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54828846838411, 
+                24.845958424529872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54780505385835, 
+                24.843534027731053
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54832156297691, 
+                24.840955112386343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55065505545373, 
+                24.83809605382957
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56022349044888, 
+                24.84161089590331
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57111168029046, 
+                24.84815921036546
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57383021988402, 
+                24.851449374741275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5762870800117, 
+                24.85767657878309
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5796241064024, 
+                24.862069509270427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58173722165512, 
+                24.86310544767455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5854352095202, 
+                24.857014133882384
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58556396531196, 
+                24.850066288003468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58749019908359, 
+                24.846937717042426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59505908829729, 
+                24.839866931061938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59936581151473, 
+                24.837171774650482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6008885452947, 
+                24.834836549678304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60174488577749, 
+                24.83206880071948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59970057001414, 
+                24.82879388968159
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59570775142693, 
+                24.82781848437596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59398642144318, 
+                24.825963034377697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59316165718558, 
+                24.824480292515922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59290705168145, 
+                24.822606692357446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59316284322156, 
+                24.820115657198944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59743500402094, 
+                24.81920100709886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60622350757717, 
+                24.819105008132247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60937184545449, 
+                24.816030639870828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60950065710786, 
+                24.812360832803808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60709085428796, 
+                24.805834071469416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60709758697706, 
+                24.80233489171548
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60901726578297, 
+                24.80017260262198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63349944489738, 
+                24.7944956629314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63555740375028, 
+                24.791600843358403
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63763895632498, 
+                24.790107315252833
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64171071811394, 
+                24.789026096274295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64412581001388, 
+                24.789637637612607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64980713707828, 
+                24.79620284397506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65250781878065, 
+                24.809614051069804
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6530806777972, 
+                24.81445288830267
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65435623079385, 
+                24.816775185967195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67024016736647, 
+                24.806925586425553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67866027817436, 
+                24.80610323217002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68975762812444, 
+                24.81067271275264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69054210939571, 
+                24.812243312220826
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6897622355292, 
+                24.81502806962962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68883743386111, 
+                24.815859087145697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68965165221776, 
+                24.819973845147928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69498276050584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70073419699396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70187949241868, 
+                24.817127981186236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70696316692077, 
+                24.818757450069715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71676580022334, 
+                24.844650755074884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71400169746504, 
+                24.86021260649509
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71218143383099, 
+                24.862786584647004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70633545798343, 
+                24.86664285391909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70233284491853, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70105494354058, 
+                24.87687166880489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70132782671271, 
+                24.88124895311868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70748274090379, 
+                24.88572738128113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70750937266715, 
+                24.88845268317896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70565656050407, 
+                24.89840740468504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69423171426003, 
+                24.90986097577795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68293714926655, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67843282106764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67505530815906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6725082871292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67110779666412, 
+                24.9177040307146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67028894519565, 
+                24.92725694459579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6683179977102, 
+                24.930400021301818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6565164398929, 
+                24.9401111079276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64055371141446, 
+                24.937823857918524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6341541084572, 
+                24.938584690291435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63168294652894, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62719432617378, 
+                24.945127075727004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62248557321803, 
+                24.94559431555179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61884242307566, 
+                24.945017096496542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61918205064667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62214443672823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6179771932864, 
+                24.972808800778836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61542223527385, 
+                24.97698543376357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60354787927224, 
+                24.98175427226928
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59532121283219, 
+                24.988502751362383
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58450138296371, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58403696187843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5843189892874, 
+                24.999766502112347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58679588662038, 
+                25.00285369214485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5898833735861, 
+                25.008008280986502
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59033553421764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58991503070276, 
+                25.011777823991906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5730047158872, 
+                25.013614555258634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57186925641675, 
+                25.007482662462504
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57252969361178, 
+                25.005248974707747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57098024353725, 
+                25.00016613812398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56756198047316, 
+                25.001241872744295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56414839266745, 
+                25.013814483475734
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5636649543017, 
+                25.017327047764216
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5661182716266, 
+                25.020093947108776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57202093540333, 
+                25.022033499296736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5784681000851, 
+                25.0305928384128
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58018969571795, 
+                25.035071864731748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57983450471292, 
+                25.037690870234012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57404281688858, 
+                25.04197070487972
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56539521814977, 
+                25.05210616018875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56510394902617, 
+                25.055221940124937
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56578516560243, 
+                25.056489171341724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56658082965302, 
+                25.06499357579642
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56412904523883, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55219609678437, 
+                25.097514028164625
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.53636212575009, 
+                25.119219591821413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54081711184305, 
+                25.117446340365763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54748818621644, 
+                25.111564028522995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55219888556164, 
+                25.112616470219354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55386778079254, 
+                25.114356296181654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55890522120659, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5665021946856, 
+                25.111086488541346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57568118226074, 
+                25.1011044493144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58556570148933, 
+                25.086209444318357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59233331875294, 
+                25.074223239435675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61241261835606, 
+                25.047031948990703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6226201227486, 
+                25.0432634796727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63195339730338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63407620020725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63428170536483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63356949868381, 
+                25.027235952344693
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63461196973913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6368032486573, 
+                25.02141169403473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64515926552028, 
+                25.01479634603968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67765866218014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68892648284186, 
+                25.016426668414713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7052731041285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71833453235561, 
+                25.02944323984262
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72747017053803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73433756528439, 
+                25.041911233009003
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73755962406211, 
+                25.046086688205676
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74206445633507, 
+                25.054232418885984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74274088061823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74190919838752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73924350300078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73835771878154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73997025930733, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73884304360756, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73658902447458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73446227418981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73427946105302, 
+                25.139401903787203
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73631689779646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73562104851037, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72937664392343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72467924261842, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72229784115899, 
+                25.215926283812397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71218427866822, 
+                25.232196624049294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70803936700462, 
+                25.241141912488455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70427399214593, 
+                25.252833879463083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69487267768919, 
+                25.27675331588366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69334862274378, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69380082004001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69598762691953, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69969628990209, 
+                25.329300261304045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70311817545297, 
+                25.343772437780157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7029676603669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70153042877591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68998679758795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68876894968369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68840432230824, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69053293983023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69133373156289, 
+                25.382837337769143
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69276581422862, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69918395694015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69958409494069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69917510426347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70069179343771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70967331355651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71568343205809, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71782962819525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72130218619108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72470893511228, 
+                25.458990528269805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72603629281207, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72840297247387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73324453580246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74118260159271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7471500784513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75026239434267, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75114867236736, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74694866462474, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7442831522943, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73187839803697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72629733129615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72474666125193, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72353250601233, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72368937329445, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72491960671816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72359192902529, 
+                25.535404514787167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71555012892007, 
+                25.54050350517622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69306879548336, 
+                25.547979146537887
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68411843206952, 
+                25.552066719936615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67934243153435, 
+                25.556269334908627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67734426023532, 
+                25.558619112014643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67766922104894, 
+                25.56056910925255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67580431221054, 
+                25.564641987659535
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65589603748009, 
+                25.590678623088827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65465228579764, 
+                25.593389729532284
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65440148742728, 
+                25.595201333732064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64812008769162, 
+                25.604468419530413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6416955823105, 
+                25.612550097468517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63594996440419, 
+                25.623579461672637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62519064026611, 
+                25.638986695070628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.62176080010677, 
+                25.64962040480394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6075353111605, 
+                25.66109681309226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6040388171022, 
+                25.6656706508207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59168012432234, 
+                25.677225059142316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59151764991039, 
+                25.679976411054113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58989107226037, 
+                25.681749177764587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58081038396831, 
+                25.6882829808386
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57682250768666, 
+                25.69286038603959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5718843195029, 
+                25.700030359537134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56695648169521, 
+                25.702748555589245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56105127087602, 
+                25.700869510755233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55756308902072, 
+                25.698194700165367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54664658179468, 
+                25.68469422436121
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.53873836230103, 
+                25.675987054397723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.53124320701843, 
+                25.669067324596664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52625253836547, 
+                25.6660300613226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51943989587375, 
+                25.663809668337617
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51247384672706, 
+                25.663239472484992
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48917441020214, 
+                25.66450520822282
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48594199765681, 
+                25.66523192102092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48018880146874, 
+                25.665068295200665
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48167108494454, 
+                25.667423296582633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48161165553559, 
+                25.668917288386652
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48029113463916, 
+                25.670161960826164
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4627820235481, 
+                25.679567509929182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45502682583391, 
+                25.685257687046175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44988031710238, 
+                25.69733880546278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4461648657616, 
+                25.701771816749396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44246878645201, 
+                25.703493726388512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43821566169461, 
+                25.703769587860155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42833351957944, 
+                25.706837577591255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42667725579149, 
+                25.7053040940703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4239649406201, 
+                25.705417614627947
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42338561812777, 
+                25.71783174350455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42446089127935, 
+                25.720803947679762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.427940242045, 
+                25.73042612861781
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43144391800675, 
+                25.73283071523793
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44012784237346, 
+                25.737104264641246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44061382903722, 
+                25.738229833103045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.44724824317765, 
+                25.744869331579743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45499837266539, 
+                25.751063791871687
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46073628658608, 
+                25.750812773250583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47598748111226, 
+                25.757241649147538
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.48718032469256, 
+                25.760765414339776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50762222041313, 
+                25.768893279254637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51406773578817, 
+                25.770348792622396
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51679230213608, 
+                25.77206763506794
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51641267595849, 
+                25.776859374165465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50864581973983, 
+                25.796819661681013
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50611141789207, 
+                25.806603621196647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50670440638316, 
+                25.809087867688127
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50768313397722, 
+                25.81318748452788
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52853990088269, 
+                25.815053399748138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54137087542557, 
+                25.813638582328085
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55692678946906, 
+                25.810169527868872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56681574565306, 
+                25.80508163226333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56893507473313, 
+                25.8029554898554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57055821442928, 
+                25.80266771086984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57411953057799, 
+                25.80449603934742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5776747417686, 
+                25.803543382384245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57747145219867, 
+                25.80284045744514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5790745301423, 
+                25.80153115971012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58349729711014, 
+                25.79903785860669
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59595707256271, 
+                25.7946287275524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60203547998614, 
+                25.79130167148637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61124393934696, 
+                25.788384091970418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61487382501345, 
+                25.788659625524083
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61776202373589, 
+                25.78977495386719
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6353984840345, 
+                25.799404687515985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64145551178105, 
+                25.79778563702365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64157323521107, 
+                25.79680399010895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64457847651643, 
+                25.795169614525577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64994273246518, 
+                25.7969067182602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65517756535577, 
+                25.80134060776807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65739015715835, 
+                25.801455758650444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65850411438946, 
+                25.79982250677577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65776219646584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65868064643762, 
+                25.785791797029674
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66015226060836, 
+                25.782272884416187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.66360303524762, 
+                25.77746123319959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68561343004369, 
+                25.760863562979523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6883401613497, 
+                25.758162358725276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68928308567514, 
+                25.756193977067074
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69793629735699, 
+                25.74837709890261
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7042133048903, 
+                25.745510482296922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70733578737423, 
+                25.74656293229596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70786838818229, 
+                25.74625615661147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70863173439153, 
+                25.74543779025739
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70855110810858, 
+                25.744346748987443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70823819817096, 
+                25.74293059965476
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70852133980065, 
+                25.740787450855745
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70987588400077, 
+                25.738183491793844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71212823467242, 
+                25.736646202926064
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71566570421687, 
+                25.734232932784927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71981047042415, 
+                25.730468976972148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.72186186334514, 
+                25.72762438942909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7277902673063, 
+                25.70866219270987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7280459196357, 
+                25.704665417532986
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73192808613032, 
+                25.683612944029147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73147044013012, 
+                25.68015545638006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73190413777915, 
+                25.67687603627662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7335185077297, 
+                25.669761654653858
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.73675431976461, 
+                25.66115651785183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74140556396097, 
+                25.658209840764112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7543771328533, 
+                25.653535517172752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76271849698115, 
+                25.649363549011678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76521105245108, 
+                25.64648906483411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.76571508963771, 
+                25.64415775770933
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7683317504527, 
+                25.63815535451401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77161759500964, 
+                25.63488208790221
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77438779774222, 
+                25.633888428810188
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7882945894407, 
+                25.632067126726792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7973783938373, 
+                25.629416034115557
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7998734842564, 
+                25.62805708284962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81011618094095, 
+                25.616407418592637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81590554858175, 
+                25.607371517417402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82396266410947, 
+                25.59659528085925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82625136040805, 
+                25.590933170555008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8265325754931, 
+                25.588706409898247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8325581295496, 
+                25.57785383038651
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83484100445772, 
+                25.575026877703685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83927911297783, 
+                25.573337396791274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83936888892468, 
+                25.567493941262075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84119284365016, 
+                25.56099408901033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84878329051266, 
+                25.548283446290377
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84995836409561, 
+                25.545310112857397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85074125947905, 
+                25.540666755680206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84828747120503, 
+                25.534209864772112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84441588038374, 
+                25.527405042293484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84089853600224, 
+                25.52268103372429
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83293231623846, 
+                25.514397890655157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81615154319, 
+                25.49194745271727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81541803719628, 
+                25.48995495224935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81489732723563, 
+                25.48547903913222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81533985129879, 
+                25.48281093814834
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81636768670914, 
+                25.481488397803037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82263622271468, 
+                25.480843766145515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82395618816273, 
+                25.481349461841656
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82711925110992, 
+                25.483992107254252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8328613620753, 
+                25.485087524944017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83738458661558, 
+                25.484984229601885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.83936459220327, 
+                25.48600954216549
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84295685072044, 
+                25.48990292895814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84537346479418, 
+                25.491639668941065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85062964930849, 
+                25.49352475485615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85231425488276, 
+                25.49272637828271
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85302760190879, 
+                25.491209763230735
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84833982000556, 
+                25.486622958395913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84768583841445, 
+                25.485559758653874
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.84763173604364, 
+                25.48475968405954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85159989436286, 
+                25.480593176538893
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86058465826292, 
+                25.473902982810344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86135448992952, 
+                25.476027247031666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86175824669367, 
+                25.479447462350375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86260208430726, 
+                25.48019503244457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86376730639545, 
+                25.48059696637317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86824193309387, 
+                25.47915276842489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86772768486527, 
+                25.476973425754824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86788330680936, 
+                25.47423539625123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87067867983232, 
+                25.473041712507705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87288836293702, 
+                25.47576107820401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89292708786357, 
+                25.453944611768634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89387426711237, 
+                25.425903550369103
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89243361324552, 
+                25.39994175434172
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89481954117971, 
+                25.398167856844257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89820184494769, 
+                25.397783279735805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90424736831585, 
+                25.3928517127961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91517773508714, 
+                25.375273956285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92201816942811, 
+                25.358514810752016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92257994237302, 
+                25.355271995577677
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9231914136895, 
+                25.342674831737245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9221992722166, 
+                25.336820586664025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91957734027633, 
+                25.329178476002376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91768394933776, 
+                25.325701916383007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91311784298333, 
+                25.32000425664996
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91020139012434, 
+                25.317849032114704
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89314100409587, 
+                25.31237966765162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90493219986271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90611246943449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90708633295507, 
+                25.292459536420488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91471640619258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91744675951769, 
+                25.287184235622583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91824918386237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91889379355399, 
+                25.283189035952258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91902287116518, 
+                25.27476847806805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91760821142931, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91740213947882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92003867992139, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92191354902245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92699869526007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92946771783802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9340158428333, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94160461242865, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9430843493157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94359772241309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94486930274952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95915121920152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95974599032115, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96008941968839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96058745156516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9641430094037, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96947486126757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97199718741383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97778554440087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9816338995851, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98759320489337, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98581388782482, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98687137101106, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98599689596841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98336686193174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97839595286277, 
+                25.18790268009663
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96980291349263, 
+                25.18546629527466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96733968012335, 
+                25.186320176576547
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96482152773837, 
+                25.185832706831274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.962670683467, 
+                25.180782423404843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96434169830113, 
+                25.174972749379293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96381329590865, 
+                25.173875955379657
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95589595931837, 
+                25.168160417168462
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95010271638724, 
+                25.16682273748867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94007981395433, 
+                25.1622850544884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93328053597375, 
+                25.155084321839002
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93075366552543, 
+                25.150675425979543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92948538244154, 
+                25.13986794237102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93143621629673, 
+                25.133580791816016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93433280767678, 
+                25.12788445205576
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93410260895456, 
+                25.123059263245743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9331384529202, 
+                25.12017283153026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93924602603249, 
+                25.10909888906423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9436241426897, 
+                25.09847954393629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9428900681475, 
+                25.081961755011474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94309696796246, 
+                25.076013524865473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94378350346516, 
+                25.073469543252916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95111416225714, 
+                25.066468461381742
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96101704343954, 
+                25.060526863035104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96301766219005, 
+                25.05593334686783
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96264487704128, 
+                25.05143030939813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97353092207017, 
+                25.047259133566552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97696278003397, 
+                25.047589604066808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97911712499929, 
+                25.04920928354234
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98302498267292, 
+                25.04819123030043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98700865158831, 
+                25.045312574697668
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99359706968609, 
+                25.043274317802116
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99778799840577, 
+                25.044514253984914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00615978473303, 
+                25.044994874491337
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00996976785316, 
+                25.043854222102084
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0155362886478, 
+                25.04073257206448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02144099370283, 
+                25.03397809833358
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03474511725076, 
+                25.02550052660488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0501539245218, 
+                25.023267293333983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05257332056152, 
+                25.020599002810506
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05263136486673, 
+                25.01822718177474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05710148538837, 
+                25.009204548249556
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06104674630008, 
+                25.004297081647913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06179136001269, 
+                25.00056243312274
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06130005684174, 
+                24.998890579965845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.059149842411, 
+                24.99663786800577
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05452298779369, 
+                24.997667657966026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05101179741285, 
+                25.003720928211884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04708808448375, 
+                25.005992526612847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0426357761072, 
+                25.00709032160278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03903709209652, 
+                25.006785267532614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02903096870496, 
+                25.00216068570659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02306802905504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01942769840545, 
+                25.016613968247185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00475413027807, 
+                25.020454809414318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00152456096181, 
+                25.01957244274268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99996638101193, 
+                25.01810059841117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99552405908018, 
+                25.0112501678352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99400187609682, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9948295486789, 
+                24.97054684466472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99584430282022, 
+                24.955139409405465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00717364666643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00998899786312, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01483549369215, 
+                24.93303330096705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0258398064024, 
+                24.92094258232457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03140381279621, 
+                24.91875957597302
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03503272672904, 
+                24.92073776158513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03765139445503, 
+                24.922491547520814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04298924184297, 
+                24.9325273746318
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04583317536066, 
+                24.933253704249065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04904433653948, 
+                24.931775291538486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05153100372553, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0516261454451, 
+                24.92936371494736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05135911366145, 
+                24.92828874947189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04868709124015, 
+                24.924879147445523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0447921423889, 
+                24.91746681905152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04434401402314, 
+                24.91575491212129
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04487534348283, 
+                24.913349902734005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04601884719726, 
+                24.91214890682718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05314919316892, 
+                24.908401342308213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05975700032522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06355651813563, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06596838338545, 
+                24.913700253227457
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06957613076017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07103922863698, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07213130440752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07249007823408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.068512109905, 
+                24.922557167590185
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06740724593102, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06825086679909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07203827342983, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09217887514474, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09629953911609, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09415888869383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0899789178603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08743675042103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08552551959657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0835873952378, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0829984430533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0835030052264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0851188319186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09858522394049, 
+                24.902049738911934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10427482615565, 
+                24.904830775088822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11066145392901, 
+                24.909329171848427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11338479048902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11360735914356, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11256754669873, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10761996093267, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09952181288817, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09744987390727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09691793213109, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09860138840885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09981536917006, 
+                24.864542742639884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10724706013997, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11140016231238, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11487513538445, 
+                24.86294001743626
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12960575362936, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13830949351986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1371603115309, 
+                24.84219838986515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12817088673073, 
+                24.83641720146761
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11910523428813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11593057824112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11933718305686, 
+                24.805172221478667
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1231423374987, 
+                24.801612111505207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1355020040235, 
+                24.793971274316327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13899865139416, 
+                24.79249754256847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14834040051991, 
+                24.793246851137845
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1554584373503, 
+                24.788965915805345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.15825622175615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16051928206302, 
+                24.781567261971997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16305460395414, 
+                24.771926522796708
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16446739410131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16578980448485, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16740175399879, 
+                24.776039067584815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1741506537686, 
+                24.774479338240944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17476221293512, 
+                24.77305274099372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17493480169082, 
+                24.771488621819998
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17480392515655, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17652861349653, 
+                24.767212406792805
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18057445030588, 
+                24.765824549931086
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18338281037745, 
+                24.7674783346583
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18551356331622, 
+                24.767911574000227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18709646765572, 
+                24.767008940350806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18895424895318, 
+                24.764520139185027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19311303744847, 
+                24.756602645504575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19587241028495, 
+                24.755061910421844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19956695052663, 
+                24.753993490818445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19998229726811, 
+                24.751556190493346
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19911879457442, 
+                24.748233854215517
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19391364016982, 
+                24.744499157871697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17847088623935, 
+                24.748576303991772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17666684838153, 
+                24.745857049652443
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17605555768807, 
+                24.741110476833153
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18523200559446, 
+                24.732585277935524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19182227673691, 
+                24.72461732136428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19262634102637, 
+                24.71876728234483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19322735157347, 
+                24.706846446563983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18943186993774, 
+                24.685940191800228
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18640796819966, 
+                24.683739776771482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19202185825964, 
+                24.66453102601029
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19930796738079, 
+                24.653015003674806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20518352030575, 
+                24.64820850348736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.2086575732338, 
+                24.646895335348635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.2089031945332, 
+                24.644688204534148
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20530956702635, 
+                24.63604428127774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20336624797676, 
+                24.633066509713732
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.20205769864508, 
+                24.63507216704107
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.2016271708511, 
+                24.637272585054248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19940778025064, 
+                24.640640710871192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18866392205625, 
+                24.64201724851407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18676215563134, 
+                24.64100974457048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18315690151482, 
+                24.632535719567716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18204511700257, 
+                24.628077769957905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18245410887091, 
+                24.624604694197753
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18638531190936, 
+                24.617143718801564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1860070576134, 
+                24.613291180635244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18247227536065, 
+                24.60607780471654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.17605684446391, 
+                24.597009103311027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1722395175908, 
+                24.59249592099197
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1726262143676, 
+                24.595837554240628
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1675088954567, 
+                24.600242862758456
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.163294552161, 
+                24.60689845514994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.15684427970118, 
+                24.62503448491048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14984164553208, 
+                24.627344110237445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14449517884601, 
+                24.628186546762375
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13059862139508, 
+                24.628445629543574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12629048733389, 
+                24.6274852492876
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1065751414498, 
+                24.627368411629465
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10409843878887, 
+                24.629059103570597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10002959702017, 
+                24.634506338950633
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09933432049114, 
+                24.637475873182915
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09788338811619, 
+                24.638482790211167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09580536616947, 
+                24.638577272308094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08409912372194, 
+                24.632484983683042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08421462810911, 
+                24.635242105318802
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08434150962715, 
+                24.63827123755195
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07596057196878, 
+                24.645202588167223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07384891359885, 
+                24.644845193479174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05826275823428, 
+                24.627138527769294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04865188628999, 
+                24.618874582411536
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03060056240082, 
+                24.612183637106877
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02473317827359, 
+                24.611425287073935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0209474879277, 
+                24.61349708468814
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01659249326833, 
+                24.620923788249186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.01191098161291, 
+                24.618053899176374
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00789237907186, 
+                24.613894093566635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00438219395006, 
+                24.61178019614251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00080717435769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99497624310675, 
+                24.61216400531495
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99213472042871, 
+                24.605755506837777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99052664098016, 
+                24.60340877245486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98331159482062, 
+                24.596788087111356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97968514679232, 
+                24.5947811787875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9755858540774, 
+                24.59518765491027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97149711607703, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96424338284383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96387314477657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96286720871856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96048553082477, 
+                24.5726902752721
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95828320469056, 
+                24.5720971638932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95447594659717, 
+                24.574958417092976
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95101436742073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94978894120875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94987673320155, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96376826392618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96586280468009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96824329963862, 
+                24.563024048033135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96985229956081, 
+                24.561733474000146
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97087552946194, 
+                24.559882436349856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97194395404891, 
+                24.556420698305423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9726349205551, 
+                24.548918590608995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97054796898553, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97021467161777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97159819364386, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97476765406611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97766834863577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98073720026588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98345032378869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.98551312505197, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99982399100887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00370557174574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0040156960542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00363151786101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00524079710269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.02020604367306, 
+                24.43861797905579
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04107115912451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04908660682746, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05571454001789, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.05998892494252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06984660526186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07013901465514, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06533423684755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06292204705875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06589017640766, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0665676329152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07172057307419, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0749073606926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07611368917065, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08173289859488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09393073484262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09655785701452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09637865596822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09493001702911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09336230100665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09196330962455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08628777391499, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08113051831613, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07960556903241, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07734622725464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07338605072944, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06714860483946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.06880237959987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08804254087123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09703495873508, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09863608303273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10157026135238, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10571168825957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10590597996935, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10392358994466, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10328141100224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1014060021129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09671840199212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08254841756121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0848647759028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09010882666166, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09191249797985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09440936130987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13064614283337, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14295079567192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14560844545016, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1508385828428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14889424654142, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14642019282624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1427834273633, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14231275111324, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.145178786912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.15978623823057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16343849790111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.16576080482625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18169342834476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18450751544455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18427207754448, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18501787189946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.18708279974683, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.19246594889981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.22203269009555, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.23867697557526, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.26012932574112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.27581660906598, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.2689054628189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.26668440959061, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.26562163275759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.26500639558058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.26988065120855, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.29886495723044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.32208592885189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.32222871933429, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.31684216357768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.30432166357821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.32002248613888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.344406052318, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.37935336054761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.37633425374896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.39045457776173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.38729492847241, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.38704053920404, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.44791411508925, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.44403611110867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.4432892995725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.44427196319887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.46074362190046, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.46286396880747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.47464226881553, 
+                23.801882002963602
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.48659164169823, 
+                23.80436920871703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.48917482573071, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49219651677014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49089524014516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49155689876721, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49270863871737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49904686612142, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51703684066628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.520725616948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52343939575053, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.54306534674669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.54975500016575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.55436999595085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.55502386087312, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5512522660103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.54364335876437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52605636692948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50848468588482, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50093447053504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50077428702306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50154262817149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5055406516962, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50990071344029, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51430400283472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51397972742828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.511559121401, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5083669376421, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49925113905157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49572700417619, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49489820869093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.4931673952926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.4959634559941, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.49622419920148, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.49814234224657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51178081311929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51140538455878, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.51016268081369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.50925138420145, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52243160076338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52802967788789, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.53186922913495, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52675323698769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52490012904867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52551112651305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.52649558753484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.54721406572911, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.5829513741732, 
+                23.50985911869675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.58653479320353, 
+                23.51113802581861
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.59924128890357, 
+                23.52798967809823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60238883380912, 
+                23.532309305062306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60290514030926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.6023350948381, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60267411878903, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60370417065269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.605567015039, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.60935770307104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.61133365429623, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.61454568452672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.611258351455, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62248789060855, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62656447184857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.62834803391085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.6315671215971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.63653295773074, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65666847589462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65701155192754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65664746026751, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.64932969523352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.64809485497369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65158717586806, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.65645181174828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.66064124762336, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.68338559449775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.68536685227409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.68612790225151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.68850903710818, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.69858701381294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71174680094627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71579918747544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71841513249313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72537019041799, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72936899451874, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.73155749931077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.73018883864343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7269783776759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7253567170646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72271706474088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72021611972029, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71637398945099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71558901200133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71192190463422, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71154722849998, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.73572713463214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7382682372442, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.74029390199868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.74102743093083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.74159875965259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.73642781840705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.73386426548504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72477835076322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7226502963208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71877686989751, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71821251424863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7092550069587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.70886255176684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.70912427602222, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71003233563239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71086607223617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.71750318262094, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72697249532108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.72962164806837, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.74031756268859, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.74630183215471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.75967192182632, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.76883205571015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.77204194832761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7731726527109, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.77432206150014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.78062833253696, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82314848225742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82613744835061, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8458455764514, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84438613781599, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.83490671942486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82990462861352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8261672921711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.7909282664826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.78569876603811, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.79289870342991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8359283679011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85869549577254, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86017294761062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85766393461566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8550293283456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85426394722313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85387868973697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85548242856534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8846261691774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89525647622018, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93818444878315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93850838427015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93765860058092, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93259908844976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.91899450372428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90912477669742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8943397178979, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89248934190462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89068212429957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86002881332828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85804923461353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86003376542794, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86750983053982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.87282316829221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88542662407681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88536569000743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88287474426279, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86642626926665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84999115049565, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84697547731803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.83403429723663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.83302178842114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.83223677865742, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.83261474383602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85770369260496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.87434234325441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88640120387984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88751945709978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88523951973224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89280584818727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8984515600545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89855054159443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89719708442739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89770177675015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.9000126943357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.9052371576306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90734661366011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90621226948154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89744332941258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88836684864677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88391432148073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88451138559044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88793234202241, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89958076168266, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90168421742541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90784854391502, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90770399362843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90519810438724, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90433508878267, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90300583469502, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90330330277551, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90575579843777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93343751283311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93780703456991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.935869761729, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93376802538306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.9340789060834, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.9410669172219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94702992275316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94938885043196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.95273537048456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.95270739945717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94747864793837, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94491313630068, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94215614808643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.94040145026679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93895481074301, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.93798453180045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.96227305489224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.96143937604155, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.96638213203715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.9918922274674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.998127570206, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.99949334004873, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02087545811784, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08432676460417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10189147899735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1080168994891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11206162097471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11259784460457, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11236660104383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11136066394715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10899349281242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11302222995843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11612514494489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12782516980053, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12930490717035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12947364159038, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.12861279495638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12950292266194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.13684332124654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.13955423853403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14702538136467, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14791690718415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1368404089566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12849092243276, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.12929402830943, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                22.817192850893104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14465677867652, 
+                22.798081436314362
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16224765163638, 
+                22.784717160790315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16998868993531, 
+                22.781776107711675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17114245671492, 
+                22.781751671091293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17623886404564, 
+                22.795066282002818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17623793349439, 
+                22.79676145109776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17484952555401, 
+                22.800415712009627
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17242696866253, 
+                22.802497180457525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1601640644489, 
+                22.805751275509024
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15849583881915, 
+                22.80482852161891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1518813313976, 
+                22.80733024858217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14967319071586, 
+                22.813085811997468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15315843846437, 
+                22.819577036933897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15599273611846, 
+                22.822921322641047
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16478015967145, 
+                22.823139959114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16723972261006, 
+                22.834711957515715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1709190576184, 
+                22.860461773086797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17116579007211, 
+                22.86681734806724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16426576914786, 
+                22.892486590820923
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16374793878721, 
+                22.893248350852694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15819552565135, 
+                22.894274910576712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1602782716678, 
+                22.897655904850755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17049837893981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.18874873094828, 
+                22.908901974212124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21366541510459, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22016785181955, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22323964459358, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22407795369496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2207460649164, 
+                22.893414726330565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2181584830927, 
+                22.88369117742445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22065616321417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22372657016602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.22777394401233, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.24024104891934, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.25771139342268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26124255694715, 
+                22.872237641490965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26511938246576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2656026238528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26499011802346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26412692950498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26345532140017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.27792055576744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.28969683936107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.31149499592014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32294954326159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.33030264696417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34565738656048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34703715302149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34816184010664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34973370359491, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3499729286131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34912072133665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3362153106279, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34458656090234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34649338382852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34840996608436, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34816375596884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34585894765785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34592382543, 
+                22.72530254556629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34920080082885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35324013610638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3578586109541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36168695190537, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36571624669871, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36979462660511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3794398296911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38418353709208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38900102607558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39328114248924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39615367049701, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39932585836617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41008584191275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41749537730786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42074087772971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42407871697108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42507402000747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42395915790586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41380423046114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39561222716637, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39367122112658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39111102188164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39019835905819, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39002862102082, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.39271022514082, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42426181707104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43574429300581, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.43868084645113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43743228340988, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43460163367591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43449935235604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43697111888737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.44272881447769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.44697395997093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47029313152288, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47047847716529, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46961387608341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47041062220228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47295277293586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47628615894726, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.52468107177394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.53660926071596, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5481177700971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5464063002134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.54578439142091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.54699738074966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.55520308855752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.55966853449591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5784542485901, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58155149401969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5879486830851, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59354712437255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5968323549842, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59601351378053, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59321532361484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59191201751415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59202631327494, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.593140115522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.59502396720146, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5939427388691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57631785897118, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57488881553869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57398900110256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5749391348177, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57678140607064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58470931290832, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5908351761166, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.60718461446653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6178012193924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.63205252800036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.63548916243802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.63742439098955, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.65234678603798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.65228251694981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64483899616444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64226361021196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64119485734575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64723896535091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66745162154047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66877690387889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67142593802016, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67483307420109, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67664738955932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67696647895706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67543149400896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67491329596889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67535674035467, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6803088188971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.68455427604387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.69541873098851, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.70130907238888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.71419491613025, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.7168875179891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.71770805409452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.71733176070603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.70220621321114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6925164158701, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6862245174258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.68684866195329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.68752027008915, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.70822901409538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.72661759982483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73131243058906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.72941955984173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73212430117032, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73607034062404, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.74491571306882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.75255657504168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.75329009939253, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.75270342688106, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.74712287539928, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.7529939832164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.75438275833082, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.7580222099814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.76153966623413, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.76504860029817, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.76768541342065, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.78305005740451, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.79549350396698, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.81101769492363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.81650485040348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82357453568996, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82719975547153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8278154354174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82454300360669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8067334113918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.80308761287718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -113.79959630346755, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.79954393563548, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.81142689692714, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.8278598930629, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82915124642537, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.83450471279525, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.83532407426836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.85631613109331, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86694643874493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8723390685273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87518749463737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87905452992497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8825288060628, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.88401515024853, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84707314527883, 
+                22.479174901973867
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84936136680358, 
+                22.479456778074027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.85097699516452, 
+                22.465690803326922
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84329173495598, 
+                22.446765714382067
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.83297270392332, 
+                22.429734181574155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82987304714192, 
+                22.409164218155762
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.83459873446955, 
+                22.40895889264304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84249662558196, 
+                22.41544231501411
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.85097030079535, 
+                22.418806653389552
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86131442618358, 
+                22.417093425656372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86571167435199, 
+                22.414243476257422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86767803342693, 
+                22.41190964670921
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8682918453695, 
+                22.40880840915264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86442637428249, 
+                22.405417444625698
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86348570037255, 
+                22.402707504203715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86380760363443, 
+                22.399136693826176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87769070654872, 
+                22.385424375464357
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.89312808130354, 
+                22.380858987542254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8959495156989, 
+                22.380595375085786
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9055349918464, 
+                22.38314044620315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.91460741391825, 
+                22.389358058699106
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9322800925082, 
+                22.411143538431023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93218897365965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93065204282006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93115024113996, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93361412583522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94530273774178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95934903604244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96477684643394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96673513105577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97471329094844, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98737463097001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99266408775634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99720990197218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99910526821542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9989505195292, 
+                22.423182490093115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99631076104882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99460416260067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98802318176845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98413298311867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97764127420544, 
+                22.412104769715402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95492422624434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95010182863416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9447186295766, 
+                22.382286612873433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95101693199935, 
+                22.373892479474065
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96936455732958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98305973707664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00327977216297, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01537320331116, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01983340409552, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01908113918543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00980363580283, 
+                22.29178530304256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00384568640202, 
+                22.28548721148844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9803175624001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97825345731654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9717305856707, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9706653240488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9596646225741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.948548674134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93286966683735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93022013507641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93150398770564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94102303624715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94876880172804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95438796882956, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96595409116317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96826535149272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97134936057569, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98958228520556, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00061527030024, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0045496455327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00584162111392, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00942279240792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01429342813141, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01809681853786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02067439523704, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02707630952534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02804339821856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0270022714577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02693302802389, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03519356740215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03934732942693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05830502493284, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.06018417218462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.06097465519757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08342026523785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10315793589064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11743443716902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13172514694129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15455084957773, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15813525146062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18730068472087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20987965838775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22236249285005, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.227909539083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24393799125795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24510757276524, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24431699782637, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24228076618758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24218631011284, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24529267442344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2594653913447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2687962944958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27920720377824, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28453416982323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29989451800776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30446609321282, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.31362435420762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3400308447085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35199028801726, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3669875915414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37640141876976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37710780729273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38675750669678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38875841537653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39614557555132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39897591169269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4027659832585, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4027586246105, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39966716889575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39666239887961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37615653111294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3590474093099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35440893191131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35116649746858, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34720838764768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.332719980124, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32352708534646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3212327880874, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32332459483275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32065061628131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30674146126546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2944787104466, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29246436006353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2779237402176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27448607515878, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27186000680378, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2691522648635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25747896584335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23698717778586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23666608102839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22787154019157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21754380710192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21474341498147, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20906646854614, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.202731742242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19542515286608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18711983843669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1806224493864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17329141693992, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16890360657244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16571067081671, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16330495727459, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15996894258404, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15552500499228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14633764044811, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14057983988056, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1366242402409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12781931098489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10412013911663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08476435752364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07595530703314, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0739791360144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07486116092836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07316838678621, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0538153170827, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04833168165091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04402040276558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0400824836808, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03278038731077, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03248442935673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0340576006546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0343958771778, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03386685094884, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03274024966558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02797465218319, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01479594034782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01141965211042, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01273236294091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01319839001779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01834876396984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02038904568886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02160002902032, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0222579804798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0212994251946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01771788223289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01551720028962, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00874304411084, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0058345583181, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9965444838444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99623081982567, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9971170227354, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01331478689058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01780400091465, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02413522411096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02494688485967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02647875133515, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02733692161779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02647006206128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01627774934656, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00070273109654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99052719918136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97800315540775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97194494850268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97148237862923, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.96875355702292, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.95909767343286, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94033738633108, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.92248657553836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.91832842388538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9147360554445, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.91673578859698, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.91921068352235, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92048898575271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92364909222758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92591673083191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92941534047787, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.93124108973414, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.93161972098802, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.93153954073982, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87694207125854, 
+                22.587900264153387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87251885123845, 
+                22.609305736073217
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86533973006395, 
+                22.627907628072958
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.86419811423085, 
+                22.628192611132484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.85506530515906, 
+                22.63903169534407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84886430026266, 
+                22.646775777183255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84469532454703, 
+                22.65322325688222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82915532605253, 
+                22.684283560605373
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8139903026653, 
+                22.712604164350132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.80645538752164, 
+                22.73011531667279
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.79895722839936, 
+                22.745446428606115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78721717690844, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.77701491829912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.76557571056303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.76356909576913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73985383153268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.72407813840803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.71638509111845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.70770115801547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.70585314110545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.69779358027148, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.68330292894896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66668254062711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.65463432457173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.62277866897918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.60648263612676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58579511211713, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5829547422969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.58214751368864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57715022738589, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.56840999877335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.56403009021847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.53619127828446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5302945235231, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.52387892236366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.51931868717791, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.51861835306669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.49108566077062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48504634892628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48221320364277, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46645832647937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46522072969198, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46471065772522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46922398502417, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48982411631236, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.49300772711675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.49039077609397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48809385295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43077079403845, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41351273548803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41180653339882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41093032941298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41166834962533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41396405560472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42261638036612, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.44108798683062, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.43145720069067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41679672817303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39880820973082, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39575362577486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3856218883291, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38184618850569, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37482543600967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36229176142214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32017527188768, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.32759435643418, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39883432182752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.41306411146536, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38636632253585, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38466089482664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3722782899817, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3634142173338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.32420564402058, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30701796793912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3019645593144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29427211155549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2731580825334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.27052148975423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23113846246595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20909986423663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.18727806929564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17172009215543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16197247561351, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15033559809865, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15497573128027, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15156996079324, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12923969921006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11875516021185, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10037717145833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08879966136725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08817002617504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.08721084570202, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.08113311697409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07455615682055, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05891959144448, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.85336020740002, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86603063954112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.862846780057, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.83418087070122, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.8372384535871, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.84366623089291, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.84882221298949, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.88256532908085, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.88503279463627, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.88483813506885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84940778899326, 
+                24.24469216176875
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8450867249123, 
+                24.262035283875857
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84273624303947, 
+                24.266961299121004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84003444383997, 
+                24.272626657969322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82686227766102, 
+                24.293700105125367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80794781481829, 
+                24.31961814677489
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80588301858388, 
+                24.328468679934964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80167841453952, 
+                24.37207720318911
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80232291902418, 
+                24.381216670164587
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80259029469536, 
+                24.382335431119916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80508056627612, 
+                24.386149999545584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8075823087315, 
+                24.392783248777327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80783725580226, 
+                24.398568423872728
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80291166873508, 
+                24.40548992500776
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80199499038456, 
+                24.406778890034573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.79990620251212, 
+                24.413303967090112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.80528893575816, 
+                24.429622236152316
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.81883932010899, 
+                24.434303634998468
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82013801261357, 
+                24.429226528987662
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.81759017003051, 
+                24.414397869274737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82216259031325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8221657612708, 
+                24.40151658684653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8309323597864, 
+                24.390359807795306
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84578149671397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.84815643815908, 
+                24.37659852089236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85121013790867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.85672816169003, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.86073421855352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.8643807070464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.88052338337656, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.89567601781248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.90770444297999, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.91767228628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.91843886616373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.91888209150336, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.92022249336961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.95152200662338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.95674512426443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.96307159831674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.97223365568257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.98356536048294, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0140075454512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.02145378448984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.03529862495782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.04367645685615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.05505097116911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.06064361258021, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.06521078266954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.07569088159711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.082032292523, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09025225409795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09186054243848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09236040128204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.0922252551987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09368691104598, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.09843345270284, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1013985758942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.10887239574772, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.11534473696454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12139404151212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.12915445966179, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14277360927726, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.14914181612498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15227589826564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15631193050875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15702379026179, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15756698850791, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1582219613541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.15965413010768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16236125993375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17190433303247, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17748665065491, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.19674608736169, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.19942203909672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20324102661898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20759293358219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20865656576403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20846098118739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20807511441372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20517252700806, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20240921135303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20095254730741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.200569984838, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2023221528401, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20482912280849, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20699223702769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21016434309027, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21486801922272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.20259209076416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.18291060706346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16781523550702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16264898446651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.17773191070232, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.18501119468213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1995829105602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.21123758542807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23641623246813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2408437653803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.24645736268505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2797517723589, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.29728328140176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.33257596814447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.34225652569143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.35870256997069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.37235193461055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38004254569941, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38581773276759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39153532648423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40632813761512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39973703575649, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39739661705384, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3974841661511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40016518605658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40258196515984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40645339198429, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41298153224095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41638871269028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42365503726793, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.42820499576051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43100989205776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43304949673345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43231454422755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.4453206129564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.43895032030571, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.44066972392551, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.46217692035903, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48709989129985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.48633509935856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.50322175511252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.51028002151288, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.52378400122178, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.52829021194421, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5450643706021, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.5603747409049, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.56934633254261, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.55705214659274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.57628573094321, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.609366837967, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.64282246249206, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.66456810328712, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.67753139405472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.6860320488875, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.71736710986782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.72448083353048, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73670862757564, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.75498084381957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78741678856251, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.78863544463897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.79312919751366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.79033593032193, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82779681119897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84472778333995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87044678640694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87671826342165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.90325442055635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94711578287647, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97305662309375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93479699295483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92000455737563, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.90640919404781, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.90486618599522, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.88842611407864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.88867624515518, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9037602467904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95984697576739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9810941309658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97664156031952, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94354461499853, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.94159128249981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.93547322463556, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.92366870182741, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -114.1052165945466, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -114.12541141809827, 
+                24.731998013280634
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13080491485472, 
+                24.727155665365615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1424342634077, 
+                24.71989641888413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15038702893375, 
+                24.71652241072534
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15526798795116, 
+                24.716546731197624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16417522357396, 
+                24.7186489250983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17644081753527, 
+                24.715920883392354
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17636974617511, 
+                24.712406822847015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17793625596008, 
+                24.709374662702366
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18023985818425, 
+                24.706960283453824
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1945154891491, 
+                24.696663372438014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2112319805409, 
+                24.687729007387862
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2254275668466, 
+                24.678232247402782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23724198612658, 
+                24.66661255951037
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25314680584779, 
+                24.654507918600114
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26637233591258, 
+                24.64545454748813
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30449668260862, 
+                24.63000196513524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.31292976301599, 
+                24.627325109284797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35053301190644, 
+                24.617031257029932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37338090762786, 
+                24.612281891979347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38276710586732, 
+                24.61100909024952
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39787851371807, 
+                24.610036853119823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43370282527445, 
+                24.61073237577966
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4681095290434, 
+                24.61909490730909
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47638055546325, 
+                24.62244600174797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48086447614114, 
+                24.62624526768096
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48773305201405, 
+                24.634593242962428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49928732381363, 
+                24.657705411460512
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5015884077827, 
+                24.666098642342437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50226704126025, 
+                24.66997960214027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50219910433867, 
+                24.672873501873102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50029584664976, 
+                24.675868067189747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49617857965407, 
+                24.679344947686424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49234507000675, 
+                24.68072387484017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48444914995535, 
+                24.681640280975174
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48252946841785, 
+                24.68579748562104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4870575923747, 
+                24.693846884631437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50182987861099, 
+                24.708211363125283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52786850519256, 
+                24.71999761892119
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53528221209098, 
+                24.7200049131567
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54717110922711, 
+                24.729190017093444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56654333534523, 
+                24.756031324459286
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57619511454534, 
+                24.770588921369225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57544385097135, 
+                24.773853147982944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5758569292649, 
+                24.77730047711104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5787668185386, 
+                24.781505990201236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58163114136453, 
+                24.783711934284227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58719098190069, 
+                24.785989732343882
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59094432537395, 
+                24.786525797769293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59993912272421, 
+                24.793245346180655
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60561317538536, 
+                24.79845867202263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60922593023038, 
+                24.80194792453582
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61229181086644, 
+                24.806546595473105
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61392781355605, 
+                24.810841303586578
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61438135613683, 
+                24.813220173814592
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62563767369282, 
+                24.825663396060133
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63154916867212, 
+                24.822966910792744
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64281941391766, 
+                24.823238149120062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65933496981438, 
+                24.826610845551773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67064340304131, 
+                24.831959822379062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68550145677047, 
+                24.841605187343333
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69572623360305, 
+                24.85031550722192
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70818467013153, 
+                24.86183668429348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.725764041257, 
+                24.882819536928412
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72672383149578, 
+                24.88516875617117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7253301238514, 
+                24.89009432736553
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72451246707088, 
+                24.89108815804035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71366855326875, 
+                24.89636772143868
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70916356609315, 
+                24.896969811960183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70209213647233, 
+                24.90209129826473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69864159647277, 
+                24.906563799212176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69171230190152, 
+                24.92011793565902
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69143368439995, 
+                24.929236010241908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69255121278461, 
+                24.931968630394827
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6936778215859, 
+                24.93322592823422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69505562942702, 
+                24.93446619900648
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69859773754057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71412589661588, 
+                24.935517302308398
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7415534137609, 
+                24.911838274202772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7533349565119, 
+                24.910257068497344
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77971475000359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78313771854327, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78993227650409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79384685977514, 
+                24.933082399492715
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79378491643531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79298130290228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78620808131689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7833930029978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77878704996554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77123921604931, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76612202643206, 
+                24.946595650998773
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76167438272428, 
+                24.948633467338755
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74357704852954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74198178056307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73770166861644, 
+                24.98375920698703
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72072838422685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71848801407066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71635288419256, 
+                25.002194383359978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71285776563641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70550714415839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70152349671085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7007317111432, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70073081052456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70233504987208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71131134179443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7145508760779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71658502836716, 
+                25.036122956028223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71895994865137, 
+                25.041873166126422
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71977123919433, 
+                25.047324263790014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7189173282325, 
+                25.049525247758382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71768461989359, 
+                25.04853064015594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71496293244273, 
+                25.048171926796208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.705857991158, 
+                25.05105417051784
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69910269786868, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69492489640099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6987427668969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71374151166583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71629327676659, 
+                25.061903865511365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71847472624187, 
+                25.066861079125573
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71903818616362, 
+                25.072459460944554
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71465304309486, 
+                25.090316635476317
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7037948379592, 
+                25.112340226177263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70252998284904, 
+                25.114165219695916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6996123594083, 
+                25.114502862002062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69789311224221, 
+                25.11606369415063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69545571165581, 
+                25.122814873074905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69937575468404, 
+                25.124551585124962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7034107308092, 
+                25.12373845198033
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71709179416528, 
+                25.11189263678259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72184563914183, 
+                25.10311427753241
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71809848333342, 
+                25.097327869897537
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73086816779372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74171174189355, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75122811249014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75181046198117, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76311960851658, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7623306901901, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74946039913601, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74947313104434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75360475077893, 
+                25.117988760939614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75965881238056, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7598742125725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75896899464647, 
+                25.137633134062334
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74776967178231, 
+                25.151552516071323
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74399182526183, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74006252681274, 
+                25.154594951308063
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73987241835509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73687025368083, 
+                25.153065871593245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72317243024077, 
+                25.153156818798298
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71848897202062, 
+                25.15472585388426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71093672348913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70893148927219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70943690893436, 
+                25.171368531513167
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70584122119257, 
+                25.188602182320967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70008069921113, 
+                25.185964944208713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6932745833438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69336444893223, 
+                25.195082066367565
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69704388146346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69882160665382, 
+                25.200245892989365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70969903657938, 
+                25.200718587715006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71838846168403, 
+                25.19957574811113
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72036208874357, 
+                25.198291159591175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7216347977819, 
+                25.19689397679077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7209366258563, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71975114571357, 
+                25.18383617544251
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71909313329424, 
+                25.181986980087437
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71954871897726, 
+                25.175333695978246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72269705911292, 
+                25.172289119501766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72672036591004, 
+                25.17296423445359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73303878479896, 
+                25.175221490157497
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74708788548718, 
+                25.183122312251097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75863795036413, 
+                25.19866951378372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76055393158069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76109840855976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75921124916144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75905626474675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75999338023082, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76095403832285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7677028749067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78728903242418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79122810947447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79459147257543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79711418900906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79771178083581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79746185421261, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7963828243624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79519048053598, 
+                25.180645382034818
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7939631323527, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.794064167979, 
+                25.177646637177688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79511281802537, 
+                25.176238755368985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80083998041799, 
+                25.174127543601507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8078600681204, 
+                25.17380085631572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82893368536926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84021531855845, 
+                25.18169477786638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8467661784858, 
+                25.187010080308823
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84982484248081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86222889246154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86320332258829, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86245644522124, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86129165699204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86218815821823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86508753046822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87119047354706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89839349728989, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90300003180978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90440996451017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90771486802309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91400651730149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91890838553672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92814523703505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92982747935025, 
+                25.323927815804243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93018136516379, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92974406719877, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91453792745443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9054038299079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90339241007497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89850718994516, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8950940105164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89502127671628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8970032980846, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90928129405468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93242074437389, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94339269817374, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94706149719849, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94779783842787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95049670681082, 
+                25.386759553655523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95787500296916, 
+                25.38427101523795
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96649532965854, 
+                25.382634816414292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.969026976602, 
+                25.377926424645327
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9669092246559, 
+                25.37362678640764
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96190541661898, 
+                25.36778030287782
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9653570534977, 
+                25.36412236994444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97235762092987, 
+                25.363528677259247
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97609557843136, 
+                25.36903336296347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98439251564876, 
+                25.38587765013087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98610847087687, 
+                25.39004091746511
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9896202939575, 
+                25.401184085173423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99048377025683, 
+                25.40419894513888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99085561858097, 
+                25.407520767943463
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98883484248046, 
+                25.460001525557193
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98799363743218, 
+                25.466824231646008
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98624861405452, 
+                25.471318332428442
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98422877432535, 
+                25.471216109979117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98390675609393, 
+                25.470295976227607
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98385394481585, 
+                25.464286769870093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98362959820557, 
+                25.444663561165637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98319084994634, 
+                25.431801046311595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9828400637799, 
+                25.42842795562686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98127987120249, 
+                25.428166773781413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96484410917444, 
+                25.4320916230487
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96021989503154, 
+                25.43373153691828
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95680087126986, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9470033949521, 
+                25.44060851047797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93364471274285, 
+                25.445617847189173
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91650487797743, 
+                25.449804854886285
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91398258768187, 
+                25.451073882291045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91446997677866, 
+                25.45868660472787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92444126020948, 
+                25.45878895594713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9414723507552, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9544304842743, 
+                25.47234810724093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95734069824131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9773543167055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97789228032394, 
+                25.50960329349551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97817833796482, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97635045849944, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9492825290577, 
+                25.523746927290183
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93128581051776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90746704179317, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90513830720835, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9031341063435, 
+                25.526450485302714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90321508832659, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90203229030416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89490592735973, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88313756034752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87665143497108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87499154134287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.87794995559668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89051774588367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89863091471588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90407284032541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.908060527024, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91227249461735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91240040830532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91170115624357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.91104959808298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90948311299431, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90449751104349, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89822953400441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8884087612237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86558644994456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84156602965683, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8346770932774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82989539848974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82707925871416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82244396123676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.80926496536122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78934330257043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77950127669871, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74358130993006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72399347476903, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72598664859768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72995418107749, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73941226885708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74979009988328, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75408384603887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7573350629362, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7589578156961, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76003609960819, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7605688088909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75932196914282, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75554666238332, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74547203056599, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74333438450971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73912009182578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73510444623642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74748713884291, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74893324943767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75036063249023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75210372686881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75261268319072, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75243314472134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74835170931289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7457565371821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73751282164007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73237165853067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72970946042268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72852565764946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72998215418146, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73443914793802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73461229737946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72600732770313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72003414055021, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70043803359718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70008335042239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70672977736497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71260791471518, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71318635604342, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71356709630722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71300790016585, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7119099634931, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68572567190887, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6726478905118, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66094382201709, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63046807763959, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61664670867218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60190867401928, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59569726674758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5817961911891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56888836922764, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56358461656991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54386845767772, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53703900296085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53228742528414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53080082571529, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53030299610141, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52554720505287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51350502575708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50597279454541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50082694868128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48816674194528, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48584982767409, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48271765906911, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47555092794776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46684962828812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46331853060856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45147403805015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44080493168511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40339463279604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38805729887412, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38545650498546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37795113750848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36319414455669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35973276158545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34928925550864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34813268241354, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34776227519635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34978891416849, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34980692287974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.349038712765, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34666042457205, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33665086384453, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33446127366649, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33204866493395, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32730644274551, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32024203067849, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.31546029846257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30221272685586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2993753220646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27607815523498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27529586389892, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27454671622947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27540355907011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27429037722918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26799725716478, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26226140429681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25293667282418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24735651587127, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2469184079829, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24702462708002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25257149274995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25565565436385, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25482177696774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2459708362621, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23290844835476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22460745159057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21866996703814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21567794596083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2086192853519, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20118364923191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20134893269201, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20212382942974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20210403078761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19933391193928, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19601007480577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1767370537151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15851461837153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1438668480699, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13220196366547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12637355996408, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10872262647722, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10682720206708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1006957541242, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08036967570423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05276048639954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02969752065555, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01946298524359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01906594746211, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01750554805768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01481086885214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00302046373697, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.98404644028746, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.98061208349613, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9653330463625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96129902777108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95883055568596, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.95915406222906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96219313060038, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96821461670665, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.97466453014918, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.98541453793085, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.99169034322243, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.99506555665239, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -114.08849810470164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09845801861961, 
+                26.79231916071635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1184015596324, 
+                26.800035524653758
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12862263990672, 
+                26.797973984981223
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1299670094613, 
+                26.79724016953772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1339222819447, 
+                26.79169577263912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13696488207138, 
+                26.798471361997017
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13480091745339, 
+                26.828257349666202
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13375644331268, 
+                26.83778442178391
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11924727770885, 
+                26.851591277071222
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11641251059804, 
+                26.852948811456304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11395475011038, 
+                26.849431184339043
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11140329238665, 
+                26.847130056940394
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10523343515946, 
+                26.844300997809697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08755335531886, 
+                26.839961234373135
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0803283586521, 
+                26.839023840447407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07192674172028, 
+                26.839062669465747
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05675134851312, 
+                26.84050340122014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04649753954436, 
+                26.84429841787539
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.044837345671, 
+                26.845610943460542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0447336790077, 
+                26.848141546422866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04596236215724, 
+                26.852482383436215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05019293932371, 
+                26.854388906070575
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05196610185436, 
+                26.855447467415182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05352616188468, 
+                26.856929074945615
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05420015949568, 
+                26.85867790229012
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05381446309934, 
+                26.861045413965844
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05336074450828, 
+                26.86275707779959
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04239715523254, 
+                26.864171278793968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0381625391966, 
+                26.86586623712475
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03259323177514, 
+                26.869362575456705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00856321270177, 
+                26.900324277099372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00731326409502, 
+                26.90465464758632
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00715871732493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00843111922731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01019698490121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.03015367279305, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.04486243879848, 
+                26.995044576481977
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05517200097688, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07487985900917, 
+                27.013643069006402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0798475849507, 
+                27.01826859902488
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08651383869072, 
+                27.025713043492445
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09035231487526, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09050788144341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.08998944547113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09613410755246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09897413028536, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09942208151526, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09995130743967, 
+                27.027752329485125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09963722687309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09898273938127, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10140205692244, 
+                27.01710821174272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11018265517775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11534309577966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12100686327615, 
+                26.98999922739629
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12573086493637, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12691200904838, 
+                26.972532819479518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12592426151798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1263694866081, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.127944505083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13455337396691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13755933218224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15442836368196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16990719920501, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17694552930708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18012206091608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18487790710988, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22240068934617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22683542375596, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23379201344468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26399614689717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27200768479099, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27754534911668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28103969738274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28592020224697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28603597622697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28790356873367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29439686017157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29826933204464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30781826499246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.343963162088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34645737406245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35613557051653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35623665170783, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35324489631167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35309200135964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3563785262893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35868098365547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36292855961958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37245055077517, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38110182078498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38505650683983, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38622734485577, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38845754629688, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38999348501233, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38989722070794, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38893176611789, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39008596787191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39132505522711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39835331503296, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40408106560699, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40480925913157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42262171059839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42833905814952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44015870696676, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44241039389823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4398327130972, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43872257932063, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43716392877532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4483077341359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45041598717303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4525736108963, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45848286401007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46336854979319, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4750010500307, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47980580412428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48103591562639, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5014172093984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51416376324323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.52202214944155, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55150237138187, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56217735374679, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59707120772299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6059807022161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60970158858758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62454884891558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62849528379535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63852392442234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64388035668101, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65860705790281, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68062374488566, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68974925857509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71164676052908, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72477922595935, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.73554872338481, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78450570155567, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.78985587267859, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79734160468144, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8221148930224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.82497431048054, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86443696252766, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90396479704225, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93101878449838, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97059088009499, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98401046216796, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00366861997547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05666295257176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06600637932087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09704227313398, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10140808706869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10932193514974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11414178679847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11609313640632, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1162742555814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11601386972079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10679805568559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1043438429761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10315128197585, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10267859865023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1029253762755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10341513562352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10479187494605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10814415248602, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12774992284811, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.13865404522475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.14433642823363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.14855502614257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1591148791942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16193514818342, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16205311372138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16017947407222, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15908683966899, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1599180201441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16075853685562, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.16791175530611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.185023640554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19271507370188, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19764911601605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20289682290736, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20262975361439, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20199347067279, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2003066049476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19819566479929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19550302288026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18870159695703, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18656707235026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18463675440309, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17286795875427, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15656664863876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15050984361937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1498887964369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1445801828576, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12858282384657, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12634393645642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12085570947181, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11797334051134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11724468823711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11733617382443, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11840372952531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12048307806637, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12064840746964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11629591012755, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10405459283582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09689128607347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09959476626493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10295830981713, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11492326240035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12389747764652, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.13015242722966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.13633905506568, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1404417986351, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1450187290689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15041056691393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15594938963214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1606258338593, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.18278882832033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19344421752429, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2026554747269, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.22690588120194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.24116372307635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.25416155606372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              [
+                -115.35675870425924, 
+                27.22427220004722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.38149892778054, 
+                27.238755401266307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.38328207747078, 
+                27.242442263741108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.39428326938526, 
+                27.24824042586268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40510006205761, 
+                27.25172471543243
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.41076318732586, 
+                27.252010434130124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42025160331107, 
+                27.256496146074905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42543678571572, 
+                27.25981583569683
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42991727778934, 
+                27.267205267672505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42997502534709, 
+                27.270389500647678
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.42937106649654, 
+                27.27125479686806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.43009518027645, 
+                27.275969437617825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.43516496466135, 
+                27.28322855991145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.43658773452454, 
+                27.289887047493227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.4355058714621, 
+                27.29687082954433
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.4307674865408, 
+                27.31086139278707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.40759614188595, 
+                27.330939225285032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.38468209861237, 
+                27.343541621710507
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.3620102999229, 
+                27.35403327676596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.32552121232648, 
+                27.37551151058974
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.28386442429779, 
+                27.40629893731741
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.27117129481037, 
+                27.4188852975062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.25151613922499, 
+                27.43645905163968
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.22175644370924, 
+                27.45966171177854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.2177805826808, 
+                27.465116957541916
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19424794161289, 
+                27.486079129217792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15208989222198, 
+                27.518867528419314
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.13913674403545, 
+                27.529969573658885
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1035237060791, 
+                27.553373100053523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0992584096829, 
+                27.549208509090654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09440375562926, 
+                27.547880683759256
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08761644572775, 
+                27.544767863888985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08347471043614, 
+                27.545432352165125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07744407296538, 
+                27.54395418893541
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.07573491468419, 
+                27.542715418897707
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06872253211415, 
+                27.540465302887338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06560777366165, 
+                27.538682951155675
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06466170008451, 
+                27.53751219249278
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06467244691535, 
+                27.536015552401896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.067701038615, 
+                27.534772286365225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0696459696661, 
+                27.532046079993638
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06942414925916, 
+                27.530393973266154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06741368944135, 
+                27.527768234932072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.06056383472561, 
+                27.52486039623938
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05787502103699, 
+                27.52235156662884
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05742047423935, 
+                27.52038863942727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05643598912907, 
+                27.519133660452866
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05018147391743, 
+                27.517142761805722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.04345083308661, 
+                27.518761281166594
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.03416041252703, 
+                27.51849606602196
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02777381358997, 
+                27.519520679596006
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0218935105175, 
+                27.521949440529152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01887553553226, 
+                27.521620389900505
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01293765297356, 
+                27.518672927677564
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00434185494744, 
+                27.515690469547586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99773301015354, 
+                27.515061981175144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99678156415011, 
+                27.512315679351353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99216701104703, 
+                27.514058470910363
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98565105838512, 
+                27.517981772794766
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98475376939548, 
+                27.517675935247727
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97918815650593, 
+                27.52474936310913
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97688790750784, 
+                27.52560458262301
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97638750021811, 
+                27.524968410473427
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97698483181951, 
+                27.52335284508965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97650486679917, 
+                27.52278624696454
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97343135310933, 
+                27.524860293256097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96909924261368, 
+                27.525869711642233
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96770085951083, 
+                27.52513319076724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96564066366722, 
+                27.526162222396948
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96499644556349, 
+                27.530761280520718
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9579008879241, 
+                27.537337731681713
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95798620219794, 
+                27.54154848858342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95941834440882, 
+                27.54598750789175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96446878512273, 
+                27.546548443609385
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96739295463426, 
+                27.5486645718787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97245221812952, 
+                27.554269578679367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.97868671267845, 
+                27.559542083291408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98557891913325, 
+                27.56371407642098
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99858078266587, 
+                27.566679673249194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00831241891876, 
+                27.565163177249104
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01478437360554, 
+                27.56685659650584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01571721613377, 
+                27.567433565891328
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01836697540922, 
+                27.571147950372985
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01979757923652, 
+                27.574417433920125
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02050258067567, 
+                27.580134662651716
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01854766719433, 
+                27.583369814505513
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01636304314165, 
+                27.590977273454097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01766015889291, 
+                27.596075334037405
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02008578946062, 
+                27.60066924325417
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0216723224463, 
+                27.60568811553591
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.02203230783371, 
+                27.607823496102426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0222334757078, 
+                27.613339972396016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.01984892461986, 
+                27.615539138662307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.00826115314199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.98358037853774, 
+                27.638434851600483
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.93646552087108, 
+                27.667807323384032
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.89685569164455, 
+                27.690555535069215
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.88545545524235, 
+                27.694865259239005
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.81122677211512, 
+                27.731147242766244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7554104432904, 
+                27.752370828374175
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75540989690897, 
+                27.752370861308226
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74525803432596, 
+                27.75285820183664
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69988528754386, 
+                27.76104597881994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67898662890157, 
+                27.763193487890245
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67868602521038, 
+                27.76259031857514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67872230550655, 
+                27.761840376445402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67970241841884, 
+                27.754818698121763
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66514184956591, 
+                27.746417465738872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65915807924057, 
+                27.747883991074474
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65475721711908, 
+                27.75044567039097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6369161319296, 
+                27.74616836031152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63114579535262, 
+                27.730309620837925
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63091733581112, 
+                27.72201366651799
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63109644731733, 
+                27.7186550182695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63600797697214, 
+                27.70130171886787
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64229341495214, 
+                27.69247577279559
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65020344991812, 
+                27.683588291840724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65219620235618, 
+                27.67893883934995
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6547823572097, 
+                27.66930891030259
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65333044603379, 
+                27.641225470235486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64842359870305, 
+                27.631816202411777
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6466191232534, 
+                27.63028149912048
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64422722304873, 
+                27.61940902492772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6440393924263, 
+                27.615507555470586
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64614196490022, 
+                27.60970720686162
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65679548673445, 
+                27.595191790613423
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66590309396231, 
+                27.588449471722118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68251796796851, 
+                27.58371408510621
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68821432559594, 
+                27.579774965546335
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69039005468183, 
+                27.571600167294147
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68969654697979, 
+                27.57062068792392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68771516097371, 
+                27.570136571556613
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67452823242692, 
+                27.57025366301036
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65799514506284, 
+                27.57655228590281
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65018801167615, 
+                27.56300341096236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6464773345325, 
+                27.552251910900257
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64352221991727, 
+                27.54567011370072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63485124047824, 
+                27.535998701065484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62862251460041, 
+                27.527982958482983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6276484938728, 
+                27.52420129678654
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62716072678174, 
+                27.51824122460051
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60045301098154, 
+                27.518987181854076
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58521838756616, 
+                27.525533947616644
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57858681400127, 
+                27.531268601021413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57743068582644, 
+                27.533323434759062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54940652673919, 
+                27.535237964713176
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5433987532461, 
+                27.531203427573182
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5383883076029, 
+                27.52876838774584
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51598086975059, 
+                27.525897658977268
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51193312750051, 
+                27.52631188084426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50206706541323, 
+                27.52872170545898
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49371895049154, 
+                27.531898373888367
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48476445502472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46242302360469, 
+                27.541237946420903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44689996412517, 
+                27.54548337216291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43941813570216, 
+                27.546596216591983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42561774315462, 
+                27.534459449914912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42530103598641, 
+                27.53288130511855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42392676264609, 
+                27.530929097268643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41650683001016, 
+                27.525366306014725
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41393416799492, 
+                27.52519928181038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39711907914858, 
+                27.529258850890248
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3840068587093, 
+                27.536726983850272
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37737630496129, 
+                27.532851434214198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37498992983421, 
+                27.526589366010988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37076425720377, 
+                27.52400730354697
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3670693895539, 
+                27.523998392386595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35959520753744, 
+                27.526273144841397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.348524730724, 
+                27.53227789779879
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33720064728752, 
+                27.54015542185572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32567395141858, 
+                27.551518075235705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3252760331599, 
+                27.551428771215722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32351746348269, 
+                27.547372375947543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32197161751637, 
+                27.546541428499307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30397023556692, 
+                27.546126959058846
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28908474191098, 
+                27.537063003977792
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26759773541214, 
+                27.530904899743376
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26410967958665, 
+                27.536145613599942
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26354954773659, 
+                27.54020828209724
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26152277948196, 
+                27.546760124821446
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25795037886766, 
+                27.555695878329388
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24180190983185, 
+                27.574949962444872
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23938283927326, 
+                27.580127707383838
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23350153339817, 
+                27.595174638581653
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23328879599417, 
+                27.59933772471424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23200222769603, 
+                27.606276213770673
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2223758342458, 
+                27.636711750517186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21147912156992, 
+                27.648318090301593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18981707452453, 
+                27.648806318006372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18475222833185, 
+                27.64768122443023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18354505724389, 
+                27.642245978041736
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18232154993356, 
+                27.639237757753207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17970543146808, 
+                27.63353015394428
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.17817038273745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16877092915685, 
+                27.630288823086246
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15669151578882, 
+                27.63008298282349
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14718279688024, 
+                27.63540525859659
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1370555009255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13350241340544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13053253830427, 
+                27.642261154891912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12735214428155, 
+                27.641871720246304
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12089422259264, 
+                27.644298178616015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11983197778099, 
+                27.645029006172326
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11939850128243, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.11937663878365, 
+                27.647535157859075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12093908043258, 
+                27.65307013938685
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1215520699473, 
+                27.654388137385187
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1342976163643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.13864892549876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14079521778771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14481414341616, 
+                27.686070087565092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.14910031246508, 
+                27.689279766593856
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.15552743939102, 
+                27.691404822666254
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.16623071478234, 
+                27.69334959903026
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19321527106605, 
+                27.70309834885426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22430371376127, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2552566488028, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27654284566465, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29347411138822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29427669495189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28957554165036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28858720275645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28790106254316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28977092415123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29257602013446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3233880687889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33543673778104, 
+                27.796200897099236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3367473652477, 
+                27.79789535419791
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33859294741035, 
+                27.80364891692307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34057265766859, 
+                27.811388910268214
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34298036892704, 
+                27.816612916325372
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34635297227356, 
+                27.82256373345918
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35349666699288, 
+                27.832642761248295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3638982264404, 
+                27.841929995602353
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37144998947502, 
+                27.84503407836209
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38643273065236, 
+                27.84779100330179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3997627908777, 
+                27.84887611784891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4144313686196, 
+                27.85267845889961
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41449674367864, 
+                27.856048628060737
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41514203655025, 
+                27.86024210820851
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41756362876234, 
+                27.868815033090822
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.424154091652, 
+                27.880885062414112
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42981862836396, 
+                27.88994199801522
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43417140751542, 
+                27.89529015286044
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43814245617077, 
+                27.899063626392984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43950776581265, 
+                27.9009893142227
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44024427532179, 
+                27.902869324626472
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44069749687813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44048545125325, 
+                27.911834611581988
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43930925038012, 
+                27.91734432541365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4372463634181, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43414355730998, 
+                27.92633059615477
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41923009253487, 
+                27.93486251695944
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39249057558733, 
+                27.944158388984025
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38013097498306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37807449865609, 
+                27.93117255346034
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36908208460864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34669503334588, 
+                27.88482318504599
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3426618635871, 
+                27.880547336327094
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33829351627044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3337503105177, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32728104863357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32618739112017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3286346677699, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33038386664984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33330252421624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33479387104298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33574026330662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33662519176337, 
+                27.836654152477514
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3349922767998, 
+                27.823297307830508
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3337521457713, 
+                27.817436700247907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.33273385883336, 
+                27.814962125118225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32571040514628, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.31298745621748, 
+                27.796752464057903
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30980964638667, 
+                27.792282220029435
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30531819877078, 
+                27.783479597373752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30359992735596, 
+                27.778365475077184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30149757349088, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29390145002765, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27202376865252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24445621055257, 
+                27.732423269091225
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23481559669065, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22437277127945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20999002443641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19099918091071, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.18355661871652, 
+                27.7643153192211
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1866235525034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.20607072583788, 
+                27.770517636409444
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21608384816537, 
+                27.768870282772184
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.21887398969275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22160851170784, 
+                27.76989855904871
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22362473293681, 
+                27.772185441112686
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2240286544581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22258224170885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2221740078964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22420909777773, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23436353786398, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2452378890234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25798534055272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26341630508558, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29794484668886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30117650654493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30037140827565, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29819296630284, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29434935241547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28985480445087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28837976629546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28826588957446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27900458843348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27507221807191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27431218140627, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27494729878383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27460313284823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2724802025725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.25211178649306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23823623309514, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23783143222659, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.23844320798257, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24260647502004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24745360800864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26476332387702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27837036123047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.28059348852236, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29024275831907, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.29792743586366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30001124343308, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30473741982945, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.30723714744963, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3149324150127, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.35531589779086, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3705721586515, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37435208670375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37425204779923, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37511265032987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39576422201792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40123280401433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.406562048056, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40958362404574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41266931254468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41525902097429, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41617466038177, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41542712040096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41677262174616, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41843106522293, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42009877221136, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42177219125962, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42416516825341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42576300533769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42607086437629, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44105987235677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44765921736513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45020840070076, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45173699900569, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45180206125754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45154309913198, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45201216389958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.45524411793004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4595146777926, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47413598992625, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48251122890343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48403139157743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48568198718013, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.48821918880051, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49441471596691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5306038847777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56720530717234, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58540854788744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.59313147764128, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60294149011062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61769711893331, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.62643370572187, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63999021353328, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64588128040981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64790646134969, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64742860202152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64786197008867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64843312675475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.64958000031929, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65374502855511, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66700052465467, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67334584215295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.67836831470326, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70331131980869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.71698014267493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72239819266795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72892680880672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74078027851137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.79886688460826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.84277585924714, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.86576778303642, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.8924254831271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.90511253846357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.9159646361192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92242211473821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92326423775519, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.92489647135591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.94571648637503, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.95800639787345, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.96898655609303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.99806034287347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.03287496367584, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05054801077729, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.05195237195908, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0544687501412, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.0555913353821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1095443986768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11989812579047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.13799419154483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.15376762450741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17309383508787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.1907561760191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19845223069198, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20131406813096, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.20202475749909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19988302209475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.19537473156393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.17733348312913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.12143950999838, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11881925827775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.11546528185454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10928728129937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10886396406454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.108621165591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.10748792374092, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09889021740145, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.09708232854375, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.09668775976469, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09640571206705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09368518929935, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09136113709143, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09094596521152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08931442758107, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.08971298517518, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09056974456648, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09196117608704, 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.09505630869054, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -115.09532526808735, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -115.00223154383686, 
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+              ], 
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+                -114.98650770229739, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.83374175963736, 
+                28.832521031516855
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.81240048135533, 
+                28.837578465748198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.77451369771522, 
+                28.844085147137303
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.76689333856349, 
+                28.846072213049045
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.75173983712392, 
+                28.853358029855027
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.74673392026196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.7367482194672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.72102387873366, 
+                28.87387258486892
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70812078544319, 
+                28.887165000116163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.70240634618173, 
+                28.895370761967307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.69748723770489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.68072757264648, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.66975760789839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6567209931632, 
+                28.942516237144808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.65059076793814, 
+                28.95108785970934
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.63778602389934, 
+                28.97655895700526
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.61361227094123, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.60357426968083, 
+                29.019795217333574
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.6027469991949, 
+                29.020690432587397
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5886104958308, 
+                29.053149654305493
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58454659775008, 
+                29.064202418930797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5836764179361, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58403816841138, 
+                29.076325733620962
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5836419395976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57951130624477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5769215336583, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57610455855335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57447657638258, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57314262900964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57211895590468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5728209598304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57469851611373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58206827700137, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58955160341483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58937149333366, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.58861078183736, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57468868899122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5587342862885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55969219962752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56630766524984, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57448928165994, 
+                29.22884276112336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5757383492538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57849069959363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.57532291980804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.56732591164469, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55981342227311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.55431173053512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.54855632069743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.53748612294365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.5287227846182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51448647240112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51291404127423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51202544499174, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.51081219516283, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.50990141148776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49395495617603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49259801543066, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4915044362103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49273276815848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49236760606715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.49108853390199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.481532102497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47481129915263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47561386578056, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.47611123326695, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.46978411520548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.44636120647213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.43742933506647, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42570793115966, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.42079324962987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41726901246165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.41199058019207, 
+                29.503153623143213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40239234965848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40088686590508, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39995395561016, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39953633368383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3998342946184, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.4001667050901, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.40008961052827, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39761475207274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.39211729479221, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38854772412603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3870874348801, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38696335827672, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.38569208967957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37498308924292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.37223913738134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36995487699394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.36512217968462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.34747606963293, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.32760978957057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3139466521965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.3055757257663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.27941154101475, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.2699374366298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26587904598937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.26376971265239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.24255591072108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.22663360896897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1968953212507, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19096330510935, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.19038150539093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.189804775031, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.1513450838525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.12918539236041, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.10896697633768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.09251504992004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.07155293352605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.06242567593272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.05404229645775, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00665378768802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.00111322959866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99745320940505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9981339823149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99706191079878, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99321203450219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99717486078985, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0169361587282, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02303051384264, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.0234937544397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.02396173633917, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01630377690078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -114.01262328139275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.99126143010761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.97028188053677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96667316188653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96349456450803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96577845528589, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96757883199727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.96786915450997, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.91800425440034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.9105170811256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8773422856084, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87729564199496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87830562344708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.87793652892313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.8566742575259, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.84253044779024, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.82373743745393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.77675649407193, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.74792337924133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.73686357569729, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.73311105508836, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.53735007204587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.53387592217933, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.52553355178365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.50279510572386, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.46183467254995, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.47693101135334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.47742380791728, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.48342927708516, 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.4927175240453, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -113.51676536005559, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40858898736013, 
+                29.969960405463453
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40833692579885, 
+                29.96817062081352
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.40731290181434, 
+                29.965321276926897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.398715138488, 
+                29.9544147547765
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39694510923268, 
+                29.953001213944415
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39551811701747, 
+                29.95313878053932
+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39434513040644, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39287173286364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39228566501937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39247615698932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39381936159532, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3967155149548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41391838138972, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41438170767645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.41463158681023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.4131594824351, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.4124138349357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3982656662771, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39765000617204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3971524349342, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39612314993425, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.39224954549213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38912134681009, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38323843603891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3833852436452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.3849272897167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38945332348636, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38683969120287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.38250414630947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.36765453745129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.33956164655487, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.31103783490569, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30893526625611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30438806627612, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30109933985348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30423422018733, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30534162965957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30831139934932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.30460230614761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2917042758797, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.28183713020388, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2791200551033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.27688414325104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.26877425713192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.25708977238519, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.2415367259575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23565233112156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23430698747329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.23540769042872, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1968240066064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.19555523590353, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.19590216864228, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.1898547395084, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.16859371560794, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -113.13393419127206, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.82311394775107, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.40909855517647, 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.38559143467602, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -112.36973055889325, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -112.16083996428695, 
+                29.87709638490589
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1559623896813, 
+                29.880065270575336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.14622790554205, 
+                29.88289198864189
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.13329436893002, 
+                29.885175075238543
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.12037534487217, 
+                29.883431957180907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.11537246848333, 
+                29.88319626819111
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.1127092832078, 
+                29.883957185502908
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.10750814904304, 
+                29.886607543763954
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.09472792722804, 
+                29.90509634240946
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0916561540642, 
+                29.900596845684365
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08981624125099, 
+                29.895386982366382
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.08595585270655, 
+                29.888677406326213
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07790220362988, 
+                29.88229066631901
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.07411168140258, 
+                29.88115709761263
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04644184363788, 
+                29.88548683079062
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.04416445225029, 
+                29.888166610075714
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.03684602031517, 
+                29.900450962707666
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.0347023355697, 
+                29.90707350566854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00969323149144, 
+                29.90955673937077
+              ], 
+              [
+                -112.00640741302166, 
+                29.910499791707455
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.99349319437921, 
+                29.91767323883315
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.97574346687821, 
+                29.924729539949016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.96615641203215, 
+                29.9263666120482
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.95993608055302, 
+                29.925807301205772
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.9474957753485, 
+                29.92862153853208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.94384285467098, 
+                29.930997176476207
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.93788098256763, 
+                29.93187995530965
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.92080926939002, 
+                29.93185016313015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91318726036425, 
+                29.9308898698609
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.91025918858008, 
+                29.929894405638322
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.90629179990766, 
+                29.926461662403426
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.89155345103526, 
+                29.92874196277014
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.88352263225977, 
+                29.931123552590343
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87797082661962, 
+                29.93394362763118
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.871806877043, 
+                29.938844278427407
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.87176820474971, 
+                29.94700326721806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.86908601872254, 
+                29.946936698356392
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.8588905927697, 
+                29.9427328053156
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85659257443247, 
+                29.93912118561402
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85264739524628, 
+                29.935252750056545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.85126667531382, 
+                29.934446760790255
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.82432450426965, 
+                29.92305069980075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.81654188211081, 
+                29.92189797317895
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80762084829242, 
+                29.92501946734927
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.80461709359696, 
+                29.924570794263886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79690418135668, 
+                29.91969082855401
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.79536040861595, 
+                29.915045950210356
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78851558089855, 
+                29.91181955753803
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.78361507495748, 
+                29.91079392837095
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.77040343758476, 
+                29.91071944596978
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.75654596083753, 
+                29.91289560424092
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.7506338067452, 
+                29.909736522820292
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.745632278588, 
+                29.90547228182551
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.74170156200847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71464192810829, 
+                29.908853668104705
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.71078356968515, 
+                29.908449588328754
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70529415089811, 
+                29.903882466300132
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.70253565764887, 
+                29.90234609535088
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69519987389329, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69082570467535, 
+                29.91233108033595
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69029117449873, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69104109493954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.69071445248828, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.68010225883195, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.67035413940197, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65945180344947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.65138272810177, 
+                29.923793417516166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.64791552994525, 
+                29.92888541948622
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6396241545977, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.63494152169571, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.6175277136304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.61482166882132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.60009409715559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.59266940148241, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58749850816645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.58647568721827, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57974430411322, 
+                29.990313913839408
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.57773258000333, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56371613927978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.56014650536325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.55201192770325, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.5428854112104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54233800230575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.54017604508662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.52684406616716, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51950699306316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51643767926103, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51753831867651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51769415341111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.51506511674921, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50943222474133, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50101679358893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50053316472814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50094005995562, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.50034469666711, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.49875848555804, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.49649559565246, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.49503499658141, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4874772899047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.47264329888894, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46905440633806, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46880658243191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46193786716644, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.46034386668104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.45040931706622, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4425165666844, 
+                30.05645003115717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43850303039471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.43210762820667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.4225174671942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.42281435803959, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.40459444942465, 
+                30.0578189911289
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.3698514243255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.32065828538104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.31125820347218, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.30080138330194, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.29729356063903, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.27520144055545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.2685458624085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.24333643429652, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23745021949486, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23615936383655, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23471632672418, 
+                30.00921318180775
+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.23071229659769, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.21756821043192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.20982925788292, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.20691134581857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.20521734406093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.19717694177311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.19326866324603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.16946236930185, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.14826895766757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.13194616755334, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.11012737068413, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10756805045841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.10460275630825, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.09563058724014, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.092056457244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07623372022132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0729243953434, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07307038324524, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07389827094444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.07376857715578, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.05772129793219, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -111.0348711611055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.84671065784697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.40425094896668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -110.40414102477114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.73291603295897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.47063392222154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.45569224050777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.34188500453403, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.34384457113181, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.21866088544992, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.18501344099897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05878963377741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.05159269040556, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -109.03353137339556, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.983625196567, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.91727424143073, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.89375195663605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.86723570210545, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.86662257663886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.85016672712537, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.83163690917438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.65659066120479, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.53062462479913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.45784517784415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.44835089433124, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.44811231024546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.43165491540213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.41010127875684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.35009681496152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.34599512270265, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29438590464898, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29316519853376, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29353989592866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.32235526030708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.30469005568322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.3034048013876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29423729031186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29197410916782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.29948049257618, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.3062330616301, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.30579794551531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.27009821633476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.244851830012, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.22458147396424, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.18705009477743, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.12889810150979, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08678678576786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.08243282124371, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.07390302144509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.04302891289574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02664377240474, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.02100792182209, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -108.01099895709987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.99537904751605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.9870751777779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.97016396448254, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.91809784061446, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.89156825238678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.8537569105011, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.83541504245923, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.79567687110863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.78784202394237, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.77853141413942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.7755439122216, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.75868478288794, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.72875762816415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.65530945383793, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.61263568584768, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.5655298673514, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.55635997313662, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.50777935030328, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.46524371695534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.45259078014452, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.4457373274363, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.41288441119596, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.40639776010916, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.36169432194794, 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.34367222538785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98938569798196, 
+                25.7164214115694
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.93405786687515, 
+                25.677301923970905
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.90166129283756, 
+                25.639271521586117
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.86554426167173, 
+                25.626202620787208
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83053036905353, 
+                25.582419114774144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79553988347038, 
+                25.55923614780219
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77448233335019, 
+                25.5572859358752
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75396919479186, 
+                25.54693577183206
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.71369115252838, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68347106769315, 
+                25.500738324414836
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64875333435825, 
+                25.519281147463097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59715006343565, 
+                25.50773976027345
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51835584179452, 
+                25.50442146655518
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4908762330313, 
+                25.49817385184717
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49028553470825, 
+                25.49803982544307
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41306807918863, 
+                25.51982704017712
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39803948566613, 
+                25.515344321173387
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3540999149785, 
+                25.500611874750597
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.33117440092889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.31253667932603, 
+                25.508852508825264
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28017647648268, 
+                25.475385259217997
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22935310052029, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20179954777457, 
+                25.506260844147068
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1670080138128, 
+                25.484157951679812
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.15912066580248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.15065036706335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1345904114094, 
+                25.4397473138155
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1290668963849, 
+                25.394920521298896
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.13398711129881, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.13393442427046, 
+                25.380895696413123
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.13071802207686, 
+                25.36448166731647
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.12600839655924, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.12124708659752, 
+                25.349040222536523
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.11796425847983, 
+                25.3446119523748
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.11018414914868, 
+                25.341031394140515
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.10196597422113, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.08178672966258, 
+                25.29535821706891
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.07621102123274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.05131512559285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.03264422925315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00963168052549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00120293350295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98325937063319, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98148252393437, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97853937456182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97823917764282, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97888914227302, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.9811942007084, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98503213398062, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98504795050947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98394801414616, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98025567188105, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97476125384608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97355159498346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97326324115045, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.9736349157549, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.97639128774179, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.98830170376718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.99932746218735, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.01210866717821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.01313960966002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.0010200082681, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00427167777876, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00985890462654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.00934998689291, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.0121554707132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.02975805070757, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.03644803997148, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.03480902151036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.03527111097965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.03904120656979, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.04208765051702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.0537401006897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.0574328814456, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.05116235380451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.04970991121344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.05129781400171, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.0556498299975, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.06007499688685, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.06347459759039, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.07433062752168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.07963589708132, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.09528113538421, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.09744966129418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.10931585000749, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.11955133721295, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.12316209478638, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1284085288271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.13040976829978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.13603425438167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.14741443245036, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1495411483921, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.15539817828501, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.15956030577425, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.15970624133574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.16336373718612, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17138885171059, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.17736076918925, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18688737870384, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.19573158174303, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20378648403626, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20533254178731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21328705985306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21332556583816, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20110743695383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.19959112379762, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20354470649315, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.19952929006976, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.19585542850912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18555832704841, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18514047127721, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.18770137520795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.1903412762047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20304828636752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22803735510708, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23001152152595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23192159794179, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23293157059567, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2323869173645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23438342025412, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24071977201912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.25792170943208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2856015275809, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3073077302645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32798071934991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.37496323713786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40341208581906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.41004410185847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42312805512857, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42619385896465, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42730753832365, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42682938324974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42560812488665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42216543059165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39052201268439, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35413735546668, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3436906217715, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.33393763054272, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.33239796342464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.313708829975, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29830595895007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28512276134038, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26366714636164, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26333808524981, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2694785543454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26883199535304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.25497942106738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23108485868921, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22313960418889, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20916151175717, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20863198338705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.20947914412586, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21101439626321, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21315256741116, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21586852562204, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23929971159083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.242733836712, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24822590300906, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24563626826495, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24273534379546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24133031472428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23931982686864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23221365991529, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22034651265523, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22268236502646, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23010008880145, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23554239230428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24065358948289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24745479640364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.25628413292121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27026625535802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27501157003114, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27168914208285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26903421193151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26922023284364, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27463352516332, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27649950209067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28298098844363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28453694261653, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29948121735534, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2960886306425, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28804119067406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28205722171087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2795657691002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28420512274027, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29538842773488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30154291889306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30581522730056, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4049482235214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.45901989070184, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46023324079972, 
+                25.11773258025831
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46144797536674, 
+                25.119689617252046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46192760752636, 
+                25.124202053644154
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46373309488179, 
+                25.131209815962414
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46827859641547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47170609713376, 
+                25.147835924146527
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47948060967882, 
+                25.151085065776723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4833342013066, 
+                25.154171630266152
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48424078264684, 
+                25.163071412256212
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48240388055946, 
+                25.167359507308692
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4727466705293, 
+                25.17928584660115
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47436418477187, 
+                25.18692472162205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4752544854058, 
+                25.188546518123907
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47966808939948, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48633157998792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48875192049604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48929945755025, 
+                25.18332113824614
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48906962631483, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49027235385819, 
+                25.180835597457023
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49523485423514, 
+                25.18675955322179
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50654533350867, 
+                25.20469130861004
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50548615287639, 
+                25.20920060365236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50593980749063, 
+                25.216430403410413
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50810121067238, 
+                25.22107480241825
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50938479912344, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51742999201521, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52669867761199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53810256377461, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53969956112529, 
+                25.19845917724348
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5339779335871, 
+                25.19181925399293
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52639745879561, 
+                25.186007563727134
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51421643160617, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50990284970192, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50778596810524, 
+                25.17251926051042
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50207969810904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50180722138633, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49460107589864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49081801030277, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49096347604306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4922791511867, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50639741894149, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5099328304274, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50834679203714, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49619311175286, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48581039479623, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4855873729864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4895004612813, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49926662975075, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5105915816833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.51608158792287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52640249243122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53025313848352, 
+                25.036824813382545
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5382274534697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5406783922864, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55444270179079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56417771890312, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56721924205134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56808468953093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.56950707589407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58293229671581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58930793940897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59452045195026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60439036300995, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61636747121783, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.61649710775347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6122088861693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60782417702858, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59923247573441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59324234039738, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59069902617713, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59194013517342, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5975646646085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59966779897971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60208838595663, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59238215568097, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58876974635191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58694460871497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.59225699725673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60521251841449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6314687731829, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63419992410915, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63402408316423, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6249105450102, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62383684724118, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6302035445693, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63540037925819, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6393983882561, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64703445282765, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65024252174938, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64286686806084, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64789278441452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6529073034834, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65776160977464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62505801843761, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62273768894359, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62385092548152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.62564837175582, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63116151370856, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64049993914814, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65198320930182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65294042588819, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64981276543669, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64533714640801, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64486825682759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.64558326544598, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6564764064554, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.65811589969195, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66855824336682, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66995325925168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67445433142213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.68540741564523, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.71087037467215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73213725812273, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74117023214389, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75153077934203, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75927819600788, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75766480980496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75680899215777, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75836529614168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77941559335635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79150368457267, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80230799230759, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81705974229665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81524407503224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81143815350484, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80887246478078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80355327956958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79738761528493, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.795443684952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79962712575121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80109193741369, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80194412655673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80264532076255, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80093002565839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7845262048497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.78180862080222, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77900785268565, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7716115113946, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76128556670278, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76035318585166, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75894362907752, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75198196099912, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75160919654276, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75248684216393, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75888664000017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77218663415215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80306642831312, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80325201127341, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80180605690977, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.79642375971643, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76320911048667, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75956108668346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75147858906166, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75261563739262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7484752833909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.74172245820111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.7348082041691, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73342406349896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73292559178925, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73334395706796, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.73576892725268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.75478246872468, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.76603307768825, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77312444154632, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77727976063964, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.77995354411006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80445989420745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.80646549759774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81676430579833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81915950085536, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81942010392694, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8132561452913, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81336723216285, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81196211783396, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81441304902287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.81779417485026, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8244247805509, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82751965253507, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.82938029876489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83264651894318, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.83959169989156, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84361392340531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.84625011718745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.85769430050472, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8630890797631, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8814422499269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.8832351143275, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88479839901544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87771735510428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87153428321095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87299084639675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.87791305394376, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88107436489263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.88766622826817, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89481563316635, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.89571814326045, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.89259431645948, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.89446933900918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9234220462359, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.9657748996386, 
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+              ], 
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+                -106.97475950361459, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99357057434507, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.9990260669113, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+                -107.02596814752444, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03347743379524, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02738583593727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02143118857488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01798066706063, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -101.47683860840237, 
+                24.873939173072294
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.46860479622367, 
+                24.863784515383987
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.4604005201481, 
+                24.861667020863738
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.44511343126601, 
+                24.863928203837276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.42815375794717, 
+                24.874439794990035
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.38822681565578, 
+                24.872583246208695
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.37687258522611, 
+                24.86134607529723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.36277870419785, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.35323288921774, 
+                24.822117389104108
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.3534529048526, 
+                24.803324122378797
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.34676178938791, 
+                24.772140292055308
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.33552972195122, 
+                24.763203096945624
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.32383851706244, 
+                24.757143432266144
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.30974893587987, 
+                24.75552377653854
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.30679336673289, 
+                24.75318399273126
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.30620104819617, 
+                24.750827761701295
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.30800347606223, 
+                24.742430563176914
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.30236213972285, 
+                24.73336003512808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.28752235738973, 
+                24.7254185293743
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.28075706434826, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.27573358773861, 
+                24.71392272489709
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.25139418570521, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.2196193285136, 
+                24.681913288603774
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.19530758254979, 
+                24.67339206544801
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.17770013498235, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.16667604064304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.15266993416799, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.14625375475934, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.14544762586505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.15220907403138, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.16479768580682, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.19063163132162, 
+                24.560575206812967
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.2081197238233, 
+                24.54926734980912
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.24452772808631, 
+                24.521244971565785
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.25728750661774, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.27509794629407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.2885942276906, 
+                24.4736140296424
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.32572653305606, 
+                24.456584099977007
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.3650297745879, 
+                24.442968815061338
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.41275065131782, 
+                24.41812585684899
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.4308628125276, 
+                24.40399400455124
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.45589220110993, 
+                24.396977947248843
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.4690784648615, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.48386617855449, 
+                24.395644806485418
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.4919657538965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.50173324678323, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.54261125350568, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.56427063101471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.59560241748002, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.6019541044867, 
+                24.395157541943448
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.60960165809347, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.63492917280578, 
+                24.368052191852055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.63987372328678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.64992111465172, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.66707826382745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.6791612180414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.70386359371214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.7122095442991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.71604712126496, 
+                24.30641897675416
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.73392689952034, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.74538185331069, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.78412190858599, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.79274969627791, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.78926484590197, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.78851894954413, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.79480302806573, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.80120918869942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.80361726495858, 
+                24.251616264972288
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.8155213805035, 
+                24.229038237876168
+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.82154343951807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.82709971682043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.82210779369129, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.81899039402954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.81981669595304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.82639039924624, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.83577759699989, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.84020124775108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.85013155960695, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.84713231260262, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.85084309220902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.8629762625182, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.87288062549162, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.8722305453199, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.88205393589561, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.89966565086758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.9120515633645, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.9223182243476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.92923502444776, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.93344738876719, 
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+              ], 
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+                -101.93806632546007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -101.97726723380208, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.01801582270497, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.06762650522506, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.11837260054683, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.14905201419894, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.15213793703873, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.15755993209675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.18016025938296, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.18499197669085, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.2060003736954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.20848942288937, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.20608138979122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.21005088488975, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.2130636740544, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.20887720598978, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.20881886927536, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.21254460262504, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.21600268608802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.23202078670451, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.25180895551787, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.24967292729055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.26544001699067, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.2696255431159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27610730652783, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27549386037131, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27757275618595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.2847794801611, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.29014401806513, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.29021593010559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.29295582202893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.30653469316253, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.30838187708818, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.31318753045782, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.32707217783431, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.32989802019533, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33347185348767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33793275257322, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.34533738558001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.35686470246006, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.38337010170247, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.41669135938461, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.4214439589311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.42458621548168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.42474544093623, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.41926794481469, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.42243814264538, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.4315279262741, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.44531134757287, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.44997402612901, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.45365802658013, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.46808183509047, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.46299735826167, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.46067715551385, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.4623998751991, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.43795000898363, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.42503127834955, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.40633439924402, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.40094241753079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.38971726692498, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.37415077193629, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.36943464769057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.36412372339575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.35057501093702, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.35381250515346, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.35322820086783, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.3454533052779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33614671843972, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33015127076007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33124436312863, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33023943911641, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.3081671872939, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.30035400376086, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.28562420138091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.28329672085779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27994367525152, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27775479247092, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27708828818716, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27918963174271, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.28372717522087, 
+                25.203593432600847
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.31147763080678, 
+                25.232068904277863
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.33140421535859, 
+                25.24916624987236
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.3542830198447, 
+                25.278506737479194
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.3768282427275, 
+                25.31888725715258
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.39490387405506, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.39589506048296, 
+                25.41102766342994
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.3884636647219, 
+                25.43052224599244
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.38169014545218, 
+                25.438190476094807
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.37365490259242, 
+                25.442698065586473
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.35326063044273, 
+                25.445840562162093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.30839564431938, 
+                25.43285384494347
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.27695880247369, 
+                25.417605040217722
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.2717160889255, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.42417818925716, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41965909535737, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41120196460724, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.40679385498544, 
+                27.058699511490087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41338306305882, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.41907521374941, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.42417818925716, 
+                27.0801262286652
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -107.03512299655316, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0329971832743, 
+                27.361031018041075
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.02905597945936, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.0134664579774, 
+                27.399408039062806
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98885130409079, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97367705552861, 
+                27.392292706095276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96467872164331, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96483087215886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.96810163074608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97220433548725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97536750230091, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97757011305161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98662343824266, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98919309064122, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.98030319794427, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.97667918457505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.99496459499795, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.01956516179371, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04276500172422, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.05567518111506, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.06596735783839, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.07691114901276, 
+                27.220150729893447
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08669020275374, 
+                27.18661851314046
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08131962228373, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.08562067453674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09888840654605, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.11815788765665, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1369315492965, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13825551131015, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.13072520722731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1291247337915, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.1154228659414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10840902097543, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.10641151402245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.09554722410891, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.04559793477898, 
+                27.347127804009485
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03683921542672, 
+                27.35370782181041
+              ], 
+              [
+                -107.03512299655316, 
+                27.357272856896696
+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -106.37079611870612, 
+                27.591613747754984
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.34765714260169, 
+                27.601277257536466
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.3266706700675, 
+                27.592867793308486
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32389864381746, 
+                27.58943650204525
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30410971625707, 
+                27.583324604732198
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29617862239023, 
+                27.582882075796572
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.29401381495569, 
+                27.585749145772205
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2904810336675, 
+                27.585509739965815
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.27467412600875, 
+                27.57546127438359
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24585115641267, 
+                27.552030280159894
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23336807365595, 
+                27.51961660280542
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22100841875664, 
+                27.513134448870616
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21810181117529, 
+                27.507703998634355
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21496513322427, 
+                27.493141958485484
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.21393576929893, 
+                27.4762143999881
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22890490706631, 
+                27.443426329356406
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23010265357664, 
+                27.425626308745688
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23244393054277, 
+                27.420905866747756
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24043180773647, 
+                27.417168061707336
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24384192634055, 
+                27.40911290772983
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.24419262288131, 
+                27.391209401207558
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22580847312746, 
+                27.33336756363935
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22411142093216, 
+                27.324299422373635
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.22520636680203, 
+                27.321216539395166
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.23988606056004, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.2437988564192, 
+                27.30012463568897
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.26748335003823, 
+                27.28587256096097
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.28928394776815, 
+                27.259692650297886
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.30492544424335, 
+                27.246918816845238
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.32387089261611, 
+                27.234679146995283
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.35189486997662, 
+                27.247452367859186
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.37239631109108, 
+                27.254488107660087
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40051223866233, 
+                27.2579276541906
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.43896042871921, 
+                27.26007907547038
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45996821688925, 
+                27.266381854887808
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46353199860953, 
+                27.270519876766016
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46992333124803, 
+                27.269343205889864
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49642372639933, 
+                27.269884387365746
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52810501597071, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.5414839924843, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.57014103432367, 
+                27.333085489334593
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.58054605940289, 
+                27.33664455858093
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60551373689931, 
+                27.34125125363055
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6220954374365, 
+                27.349527353286145
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6629133774335, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.6716783857464, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.70035198204161, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.70550194264959, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.70681921949411, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.70179550550039, 
+                27.456932340426643
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.67401655127033, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66963141522847, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66650011419482, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.66057541345536, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.63617600091585, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.60625353647673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.55024865924595, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.53466891498023, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.52812626114093, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.50362738960177, 
+                27.6071363213102
+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49783759381299, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.49177705624022, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.48245566641076, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.47620097558786, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.46477960827531, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45996187207348, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45807979258947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.45467110329288, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44635091924535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.44032441260588, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.4426548052119, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.43143334235488, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.42273801623159, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.40815325198982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.39746509510677, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.38227509038097, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -106.37079611870612, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -103.70877371803853, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.69236685682306, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.68498577554705, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.68204532847896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.6798247400205, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.68240556484244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.68234891876173, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.67321810914822, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.66789398590188, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.66064591611415, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.63702384143308, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.60705828652115, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.59118834437007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.58608310676496, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.58464509809112, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.58554032903834, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.55487628788212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.52851228830187, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.50961905607214, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.45893615123269, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.42828165012097, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.42354160561084, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.41997673343954, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.40267065642942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.39539438820094, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.39520941757202, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.40377379141675, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.42291854292574, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.44721110848697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.46092158321902, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.46325396864108, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.50319143447057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.53334857920385, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.54341672743718, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.55903591487767, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.56305134547604, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.6251641293999, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.67837942118356, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70319078960485, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70958246712928, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.716566062836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.76103955077383, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.77718441485754, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.80683349084256, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.82467269702587, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.9367835129562, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.98296984788074, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.000228042311, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.9905886298897, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.99151159996357, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.98752111894674, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.9799769894942, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.97289978770922, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.97080793847263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.95806185179471, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.95391334479895, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.95185713202893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.95413098044372, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.96239971164154, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.96739095724848, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.96971883508236, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.96805691796168, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.96465216237603, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.94758993061407, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.93199830164146, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.91759260163609, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.90693638605349, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.89491102084692, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.88749109359546, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.85747580348215, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.84829043870974, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.84503629247209, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.8280311505971, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.81216558596958, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.79644451903886, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.76031685912388, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.74878011819304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
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+                -103.73579206216792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70877371803853, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
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+            [
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11189184495758, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.12239851914909, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1473713495035, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.16771785096104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.19390849263512, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.20414298310237, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.21006645680265, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.23056103155024, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.24539287228477, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.27038017960844, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.26990116208957, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.26586390345634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.25175225079057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.22413455440001, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.19027345712703, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.18754522401825, 
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+              ], 
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+                -103.15525110431601, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.14498670981739, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.12926828585017, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1157661589557, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11435011469854, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11965687665594, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.12215937016452, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1184838142263, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1045036579397, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.10263764408063, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1063759497939, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -103.26756710915298, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.26807523462432, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.2633972789191, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.24881427020905, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.23442311056779, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.21560411452313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.2003015919547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.19672234174823, 
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+              ], 
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+                -103.17147758302123, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.13112983958845, 
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+              ], 
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+                -103.12626741021893, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11053234030169, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.05321603962435, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.01717362752883, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.00661241202428, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              [
+                -102.85724180935352, 
+                26.120716880325837
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.8536159656534, 
+                26.119376944245015
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.84910686834277, 
+                26.12086991339342
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.84458610120825, 
+                26.11893912106276
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.8412043515546, 
+                26.10912002555596
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.79148116224181, 
+                26.07669262070291
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.78835228039253, 
+                26.074219014033073
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.78292471816191, 
+                26.064914588092524
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.7472711096289, 
+                26.05926437610163
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.74138669179425, 
+                26.044967034775237
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.72374419793044, 
+                26.023781636447275
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.70798526095251, 
+                26.0244283354066
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.69853617874853, 
+                26.027509504158964
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.6634377571619, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.63589943209406, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.60313699553633, 
+                25.98713270682919
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.60142287742042, 
+                25.980844227271138
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.583726489111, 
+                25.96713056919888
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.57864148557474, 
+                25.9577442670723
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.57933316953469, 
+                25.948705586074606
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.57524915548449, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.57316766385078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.57593234374853, 
+                25.902932758889072
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.5836626515695, 
+                25.887369398646637
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.59396631189433, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.60021222226338, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.61031310130235, 
+                25.872466704423157
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.61839711537252, 
+                25.862868531998252
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.62049287587807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.62837929020162, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.63447872470994, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.65713062601189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.66413303776807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.69377089799671, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.70176193845944, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.71410713955821, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.71615295786121, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.7206535100236, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.72964674764351, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.74248935049812, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.74563822302689, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.75808971634908, 
+                25.82424444282751
+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.76704173510753, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.78416765344043, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.7985748809547, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.80835078298591, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.83618967894078, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.85414393287499, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.85705603600172, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.8620023204438, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.87097968070097, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.8920812797896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.92127995242996, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.92846401026435, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.93922058664454, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.94622723276092, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.98618900459245, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.98911696649343, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.98809175347111, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.99104426304213, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -102.99713393587086, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.00121785473367, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.01259477694836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.0198004311745, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.01949458728869, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.03264864248183, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.02907586589673, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.0280407752559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.04206633427623, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.04829774125055, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.0512623598304, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.05792028136153, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.06497186893189, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.08328007897094, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.10097109897418, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11373923720744, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.11809288653117, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.13432572333541, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.1467147672289, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.250780169, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.30771388786252, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.32159690051725, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.32395621408445, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.32834717709706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.33528956817447, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.33859555071803, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.33851661619859, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.3300087812784, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.31911962611697, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.30606730562225, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.30044567832087, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.29799336565416, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.30003659919083, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.29960250466425, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.27586326418226, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.26756710915298, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
+          [
+            [
+              [
+                -103.65767216175239, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.63744057843151, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.61773175117644, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.58267543416792, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.56264979035394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.53956407996104, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.46857485948593, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.45414249999634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.43360283250807, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.43143908125394, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.43040385317727, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.43589067239836, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.4517760255706, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.4592559030918, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.46441812142525, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.48213342611896, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.50135048765684, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.51959924353302, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.56036103716559, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.57896421925766, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.6001762117313, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.61514388242968, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.6152352037678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.62023661301268, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.63919017121823, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.64485863945731, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.69368154795212, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70026745131248, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70286307931575, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70678947105932, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.70497572175654, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.68357922993634, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.67362359735581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -103.65767216175239, 
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+              ]
+            ]
+          ], 
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+            [
+              [
+                -104.78522121215799, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.82878541716651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.84398396145134, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.8543362994244, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.86565926012352, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.86809017719224, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.85804960749307, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.86116659549293, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.86715296553535, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.89563093967855, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.90734251031269, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.92166131114608, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.94583113673414, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.9491827916947, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.97783872152678, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.99404689291833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.01581087038885, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.01805766824057, 
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+              ], 
+              [
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.04182391514904, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.07468389098888, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -105.07334700161196, 
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+              ], 
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+                -105.05022456277462, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.98552106890651, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.96366476475798, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.91898692414007, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.90140240953933, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.90252858209476, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.90588894315982, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.90486264618664, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.87957980019891, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.86896164385165, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.87041939045976, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.84590939255428, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.82916961316548, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.80414696841747, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.79955103264176, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.780734284952, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.7546159003994, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.7425608366032, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.73097196773865, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.72460862077544, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.72007187962053, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.71987780351125, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.70330896601044, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.69188600446157, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.6626034265064, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.66117470023124, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.65448436559542, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.64982023073581, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.6382521988505, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.63403009074852, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.61307198736196, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.61029876953282, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.6223554374553, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.62374382078146, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.61045505517987, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.60453747429749, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.58730759502923, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.57757625059489, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.57333416854426, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.56330181503427, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.54083691384415, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.53431076367251, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.52951822288095, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.52899949289441, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.53580759310866, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.53377428669802, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.5265991775186, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.51601556541833, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.49858614531972, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.49203836924458, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.48955617368378, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.4930242278163, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.49549553503387, 
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+              ], 
+              [
+                -104.49425481895763, 
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+              ], 
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+                -104.48972084851492, 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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+              ], 
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3742f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e59031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Country Map'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class CountryMapChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactCountryMap.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b613d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { linearColorScheme, numberFormat, selectCountry } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    country: selectCountry,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    numberFormat,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7a0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Event Flow for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import EventFlowChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow';
+new EventFlowChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'event-flow' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="event-flow"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f0540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Event Flow",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/event-flow": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/EventFlow.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/EventFlow.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c663e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/EventFlow.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { App as EventFlowApp } from '@data-ui/event-flow';
+import { t, TimeseriesDataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export interface EventFlowProps {
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[];
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+  initialMinEventCount: number;
+export default function EventFlow({
+  data,
+  initialMinEventCount,
+  height = 400,
+  width = 400,
+}: EventFlowProps) {
+  if (data) {
+    return (
+      <EventFlowApp
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        data={data}
+        initialMinEventCount={initialMinEventCount}
+        initialShowControls={false}
+      />
+    );
+  }
+  return (
+    <div style={{ height, width }}>
+      <div>{t('Sorry, there appears to be no data')}</div>
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..325ec94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  formatSelectOptionsForRange,
+  ColumnOption,
+  columnChoices,
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  sections,
+  SelectControlConfig,
+  ColumnMeta,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Event definition'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['entity'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_x',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Event Names'),
+              description: t('Columns to display'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state?.datasource),
+              }),
+              // choices is from `mapStateToProps`
+              default: (control: { choices?: string[] }) =>
+                control.choices && control.choices.length > 0 ? control.choices[0][0] : null,
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_by_entity',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Order by entity id'),
+              description: t(
+                'Important! Select this if the table is not already sorted by entity id, ' +
+                  'else there is no guarantee that all events for each entity are returned.',
+              ),
+              default: true,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'min_leaf_node_event_count',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: false,
+              label: t('Minimum leaf node event count'),
+              default: 1,
+              choices: formatSelectOptionsForRange(1, 10),
+              description: t(
+                'Leaf nodes that represent fewer than this number of events will be initially ' +
+                  'hidden in the visualization',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Additional metadata'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns',
+            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              multi: true,
+              label: t('Metadata'),
+              default: [],
+              description: t('Select any columns for metadata inspection'),
+              optionRenderer: c => <ColumnOption showType column={c} />,
+              valueRenderer: c => <ColumnOption column={c} />,
+              valueKey: 'column_name',
+              allowAll: true,
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                options: state.datasource ? state.datasource.columns : [],
+              }),
+              commaChoosesOption: false,
+              freeForm: true,
+            } as SelectControlConfig<ColumnMeta>,
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    entity: {
+      label: t('Entity ID'),
+      description: t('e.g., a "user id" column'),
+    },
+    row_limit: {
+      label: t('Max Events'),
+      description: t('The maximum number of events to return, equivalent to the number of rows'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de10a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edb535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1626886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Event Flow'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class EventFlowChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./EventFlow'),
+      loadTransformProps: () => import('./transformProps'),
+      metadata,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb9990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, TimeseriesDataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { cleanEvents, TS, EVENT_NAME, ENTITY_ID } from '@data-ui/event-flow';
+export interface EventFlowFormData {
+  allColumnsX: string;
+  entity: string;
+  minLeafNodeEventCount: number;
+export interface EventFlowChartProps extends ChartProps {
+  formData: EventFlowFormData;
+  queriesData: {
+    data: TimeseriesDataRecord[];
+  }[];
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { formData, queriesData, width, height } = chartProps as EventFlowChartProps;
+  const { allColumnsX, entity, minLeafNodeEventCount } = formData;
+  const { data } = queriesData[0];
+  const hasData = data && data.length > 0;
+  if (hasData) {
+    const userKey = entity;
+    const eventNameKey = allColumnsX;
+    // map from the Superset form fields to <EventFlow />'s expected data keys
+    const accessorFunctions = {
+      [ENTITY_ID]: (datum: TimeseriesDataRecord) => String(datum[userKey]),
+      [EVENT_NAME]: (datum: TimeseriesDataRecord) => datum[eventNameKey] as string,
+      [TS]: (datum: TimeseriesDataRecord): Date | null =>
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
+        datum.__timestamp || datum.__timestamp === 0 ? new Date(datum.__timestamp) : null,
+    };
+    const cleanData = cleanEvents(data, accessorFunctions);
+    return {
+      data: cleanData,
+      height,
+      initialMinEventCount: minLeafNodeEventCount,
+      width,
+    };
+  }
+  return { data: null, height, width };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bcffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+declare module '*.png';
+declare module '@data-ui/event-flow';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca55d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Force-directed Graph for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import ChordChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed';
+new ChordChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'force-directed' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="force-directed"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f97d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Force-directed Graph",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "prop-types": "^15.7.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ForceDirected.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ForceDirected.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5847e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ForceDirected.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types, func-names, no-param-reassign */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      source: PropTypes.string,
+      target: PropTypes.string,
+      value: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  linkLength: PropTypes.number,
+  charge: PropTypes.number,
+/* Modified from */
+function ForceDirected(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, linkLength = 200, charge = -500 } = props;
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-force-directed', true);
+  const links = data;
+  const nodes = {};
+  // Compute the distinct nodes from the links.
+  links.forEach(link => {
+    link.source =
+      nodes[link.source] ||
+      (nodes[link.source] = {
+        name: link.source,
+      });
+ =
+      nodes[] ||
+      (nodes[] = {
+        name:,
+      });
+    link.value = Number(link.value);
+    const targetName =;
+    const sourceName =;
+    if (nodes[targetName].total === undefined) {
+      nodes[targetName].total = link.value;
+    }
+    if (nodes[sourceName].total === undefined) {
+      nodes[sourceName].total = 0;
+    }
+    if (nodes[targetName].max === undefined) {
+      nodes[targetName].max = 0;
+    }
+    if (link.value > nodes[targetName].max) {
+      nodes[targetName].max = link.value;
+    }
+    if (nodes[targetName].min === undefined) {
+      nodes[targetName].min = 0;
+    }
+    if (link.value > nodes[targetName].min) {
+      nodes[targetName].min = link.value;
+    }
+    nodes[targetName].total += link.value;
+  });
+  /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
+  // add the curvy lines
+  function tick() {
+    path.attr('d', d => {
+      const dx = - d.source.x;
+      const dy = - d.source.y;
+      const dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+      return `M${d.source.x},${d.source.y}A${dr},${dr} 0 0,1 ${},${}`;
+    });
+    node.attr('transform', d => `translate(${d.x},${d.y})`);
+  }
+  /* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */
+  const force = d3.layout
+    .force()
+    .nodes(d3.values(nodes))
+    .links(links)
+    .size([width, height])
+    .linkDistance(linkLength)
+    .charge(charge)
+    .on('tick', tick)
+    .start();
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const svg = div.append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
+  // build the arrow.
+  svg
+    .append('svg:defs')
+    .selectAll('marker')
+    .data(['end']) // Different link/path types can be defined here
+    .enter()
+    .append('svg:marker') // This section adds in the arrows
+    .attr('id', String)
+    .attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10')
+    .attr('refX', 15)
+    .attr('refY', -1.5)
+    .attr('markerWidth', 6)
+    .attr('markerHeight', 6)
+    .attr('orient', 'auto')
+    .append('svg:path')
+    .attr('d', 'M0,-5L10,0L0,5');
+  const edgeScale = d3.scale.linear().range([0.1, 0.5]);
+  // add the links and the arrows
+  const path = svg
+    .append('svg:g')
+    .selectAll('path')
+    .data(force.links())
+    .enter()
+    .append('svg:path')
+    .attr('class', 'link')
+    .style('opacity', d => edgeScale(d.value /
+    .attr('marker-end', 'url(#end)');
+  // define the nodes
+  const node = svg
+    .selectAll('.node')
+    .data(force.nodes())
+    .enter()
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'node')
+    .on('mouseenter', function () {
+'circle').transition().style('stroke-width', 5);
+'text').transition().style('font-size', 25);
+    })
+    .on('mouseleave', function () {
+'circle').transition().style('stroke-width', 1.5);
+'text').transition().style('font-size', 12);
+    })
+    .call(force.drag);
+  // add the nodes
+  const ext = d3.extent(d3.values(nodes), d => Math.sqrt(;
+  const circleScale = d3.scale.linear().domain(ext).range([3, 30]);
+  node.append('circle').attr('r', d => circleScale(Math.sqrt(;
+  // add the text
+  node
+    .append('text')
+    .attr('x', 6)
+    .attr('dy', '.35em')
+    .text(d =>;
+ForceDirected.displayName = 'ForceDirected';
+ForceDirected.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default ForceDirected;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ReactForceDirected.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ReactForceDirected.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90088cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/ReactForceDirected.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { reactify, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Component from './ForceDirected';
+const ReactComponent = reactify(Component);
+const ForceDirected = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactComponent {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+ForceDirected.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+export default styled(ForceDirected)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-force-directed {
+ {
+      fill: none;
+      stroke: #000;
+      stroke-width: 1.5px;
+    }
+    circle {
+      fill: #ccc;
+      stroke: #000;
+      stroke-width: 1.5px;
+      stroke-opacity: 1;
+      opacity: 0.75;
+    }
+    text {
+      fill: #000;
+      font: 10px sans-serif;
+      pointer-events: none;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2255958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+export default {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'link_length',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Link Length'),
+              default: '200',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['10', '25', '50', '75', '100', '150', '200', '250']),
+              description: t('Link length in the force layout'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'charge',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Charge'),
+              default: '-500',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                '-50',
+                '-75',
+                '-100',
+                '-150',
+                '-200',
+                '-250',
+                '-500',
+                '-1000',
+                '-2500',
+                '-5000',
+              ]),
+              description: t('Charge in the force layout'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Source / Target'),
+      description: t('Choose a source and a target'),
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fad14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d3031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87eb07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Force-directed Graph'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class ForceDirectedChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactForceDirected'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d463407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { charge, linkLength } = formData;
+  return {
+    charge,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    height,
+    linkLength,
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35bb9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Heatmap for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import HeatmapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap';
+new HeatmapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'heatmap' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="heatmap"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c6d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Heatmap",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-svg-legend": "^1.x",
+    "d3-tip": "^0.9.1",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d44fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.css
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap {
+  position: relative;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  height: 100%;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .axis text {
+  font: 12px sans-serif;
+  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+  fill: #555;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .background-rect {
+  stroke: #ddd;
+  fill-opacity: 0;
+  pointer-events: all;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .axis path,
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .axis line {
+  fill: none;
+  stroke: #ddd;
+  shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap canvas,
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap img {
+  image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; /* Older versions of FF          */
+  image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; /* FF 6.0+                       */
+  image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari                        */
+  image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; /* OS X & Windows Opera (12.02+) */
+  image-rendering: pixelated; /* Awesome future-browsers       */
+  -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; /* IE                            */
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .legendCells text {
+  font-size: 10px;
+  font-weight: normal;
+  opacity: 0;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .legendCells .cell:first-child text {
+  opacity: 1;
+.superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .legendCells .cell:last-child text {
+  opacity: 1;
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-heatmap .axis text {
+  font-size: 10px;
+  opacity: 0.75;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf9f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/Heatmap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable func-names, react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import 'd3-svg-legend';
+import d3tip from 'd3-tip';
+import { getNumberFormatter, NumberFormats, getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import './vendor/d3tip.css';
+import './Heatmap.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.shape({
+    records: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+      PropTypes.shape({
+        x: PropTypes.string,
+        y: PropTypes.string,
+        v: PropTypes.number,
+        perc: PropTypes.number,
+        rank: PropTypes.number,
+      }),
+    ),
+    extents: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  }),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  bottomMargin: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  columnX: PropTypes.string,
+  columnY: PropTypes.string,
+  leftMargin: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
+  metric: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]),
+  normalized: PropTypes.bool,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  showLegend: PropTypes.bool,
+  showPercentage: PropTypes.bool,
+  showValues: PropTypes.bool,
+  sortXAxis: PropTypes.string,
+  sortYAxis: PropTypes.string,
+  xScaleInterval: PropTypes.number,
+  yScaleInterval: PropTypes.number,
+  yAxisBounds: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+function cmp(a, b) {
+  return a > b ? 1 : -1;
+// Inspired from
+function Heatmap(element, props) {
+  const {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    bottomMargin,
+    canvasImageRendering,
+    colorScheme,
+    columnX,
+    columnY,
+    leftMargin,
+    metric,
+    normalized,
+    numberFormat,
+    showLegend,
+    showPercentage,
+    showValues,
+    sortXAxis,
+    sortYAxis,
+    xScaleInterval,
+    yScaleInterval,
+    yAxisBounds,
+  } = props;
+  const { records, extents } = data;
+  const margin = {
+    top: 10,
+    right: 10,
+    bottom: 35,
+    left: 35,
+  };
+  const valueFormatter = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  // Dynamically adjusts  based on max x / y category lengths
+  function adjustMargins() {
+    const pixelsPerCharX = 4.5; // approx, depends on font size
+    const pixelsPerCharY = 6; // approx, depends on font size
+    let longestX = 1;
+    let longestY = 1;
+    records.forEach(datum => {
+      longestX = Math.max(longestX, (datum.x && datum.x.toString().length) || 1);
+      longestY = Math.max(longestY, (datum.y && datum.y.toString().length) || 1);
+    });
+    if (leftMargin === 'auto') {
+      margin.left = Math.ceil(Math.max(margin.left, pixelsPerCharY * longestY));
+    } else {
+      margin.left = leftMargin;
+    }
+    if (showLegend) {
+      margin.right += 40;
+    }
+    margin.bottom =
+      bottomMargin === 'auto'
+        ? Math.ceil(Math.max(margin.bottom, pixelsPerCharX * longestX))
+        : bottomMargin;
+  }
+  function ordScale(k, rangeBands, sortMethod) {
+    let domain = {};
+    const actualKeys = {}; // hack to preserve type of keys when number
+    records.forEach(d => {
+      domain[d[k]] = (domain[d[k]] || 0) + d.v;
+      actualKeys[d[k]] = d[k];
+    });
+    // Not usgin object.keys() as it converts to strings
+    const keys = Object.keys(actualKeys).map(s => actualKeys[s]);
+    if (sortMethod === 'alpha_asc') {
+      domain = keys.sort(cmp);
+    } else if (sortMethod === 'alpha_desc') {
+      domain = keys.sort(cmp).reverse();
+    } else if (sortMethod === 'value_desc') {
+      domain = Object.keys(domain).sort((a, b) => (domain[a] > domain[b] ? -1 : 1));
+    } else if (sortMethod === 'value_asc') {
+      domain = Object.keys(domain).sort((a, b) => (domain[b] > domain[a] ? -1 : 1));
+    }
+    if (k === 'y' && rangeBands) {
+      domain.reverse();
+    }
+    if (rangeBands) {
+      return d3.scale.ordinal().domain(domain).rangeBands(rangeBands);
+    }
+    return d3.scale.ordinal().domain(domain).range(d3.range(domain.length));
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+  element.innerHTML = '';
+  const matrix = {};
+  adjustMargins();
+  const hmWidth = width - (margin.left + margin.right);
+  const hmHeight = height - (margin.bottom +;
+  const fp = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT);
+  const xScale = ordScale('x', null, sortXAxis);
+  const yScale = ordScale('y', null, sortYAxis);
+  const xRbScale = ordScale('x', [0, hmWidth], sortXAxis);
+  const yRbScale = ordScale('y', [hmHeight, 0], sortYAxis);
+  const X = 0;
+  const Y = 1;
+  const heatmapDim = [xRbScale.domain().length, yRbScale.domain().length];
+  const minBound = yAxisBounds[0] || 0;
+  const maxBound = yAxisBounds[1] || 1;
+  const colorScale = getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+    .get(colorScheme)
+    .createLinearScale([minBound, maxBound]);
+  const scale = [
+    d3.scale.linear().domain([0, heatmapDim[X]]).range([0, hmWidth]),
+    d3.scale.linear().domain([0, heatmapDim[Y]]).range([0, hmHeight]),
+  ];
+  const container =;
+  container.classed('superset-legacy-chart-heatmap', true);
+  const canvas = container
+    .append('canvas')
+    .attr('width', heatmapDim[X])
+    .attr('height', heatmapDim[Y])
+    .style('width', `${hmWidth}px`)
+    .style('height', `${hmHeight}px`)
+    .style('image-rendering', canvasImageRendering)
+    .style('left', `${margin.left}px`)
+    .style('top', `${}px`)
+    .style('position', 'absolute');
+  const svg = container
+    .append('svg')
+    .attr('width', width)
+    .attr('height', height)
+    .style('position', 'relative');
+  if (showValues) {
+    const cells = svg
+      .selectAll('rect')
+      .data(records)
+      .enter()
+      .append('g')
+      .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${})`);
+    cells
+      .append('text')
+      .attr('transform', d => `translate(${xRbScale(d.x)}, ${yRbScale(d.y)})`)
+      .attr('y', yRbScale.rangeBand() / 2)
+      .attr('x', xRbScale.rangeBand() / 2)
+      .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+      .attr('dy', '.35em')
+      .text(d => valueFormatter(d.v))
+      .attr('font-size', `${Math.min(yRbScale.rangeBand(), xRbScale.rangeBand()) / 3}px`)
+      .attr('fill', d => (d.v >= extents[1] / 2 ? 'white' : 'black'));
+  }
+  if (showLegend) {
+    const colorLegend = d3.legend
+      .color()
+      .labelFormat(valueFormatter)
+      .scale(colorScale)
+      .shapePadding(0)
+      .cells(10)
+      .shapeWidth(10)
+      .shapeHeight(10)
+      .labelOffset(3);
+    svg
+      .append('g')
+      .attr('transform', `translate(${width - 40}, ${})`)
+      .call(colorLegend);
+  }
+  const tip = d3tip()
+    .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
+    .offset(function () {
+      const k = d3.mouse(this);
+      const x = k[0] - hmWidth / 2;
+      return [k[1] - 20, x];
+    })
+    .html(function () {
+      let s = '';
+      const k = d3.mouse(this);
+      const m = Math.floor(scale[0].invert(k[0]));
+      const n = Math.floor(scale[1].invert(k[1]));
+      const metricLabel = typeof metric === 'object' ? metric.label : metric;
+      if (m in matrix && n in matrix[m]) {
+        const obj = matrix[m][n];
+        s += `<div><b>${columnX}: </b>${obj.x}<div>`;
+        s += `<div><b>${columnY}: </b>${obj.y}<div>`;
+        s += `<div><b>${metricLabel}: </b>${valueFormatter(obj.v)}<div>`;
+        if (showPercentage) {
+          s += `<div><b>%: </b>${fp(normalized ? obj.rank : obj.perc)}<div>`;
+        }
+'display', null);
+      } else {
+        // this is a hack to hide the tooltip because we have map it to a single <rect>
+        // d3-tip toggles opacity and calling hide here is undone by the lib after this call
+'display', 'none');
+      }
+      return s;
+    });
+  const rect = svg
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${})`)
+    .append('rect')
+    .classed('background-rect', true)
+    .on('mousemove',
+    .on('mouseout', tip.hide)
+    .attr('width', hmWidth)
+    .attr('height', hmHeight);
+  const xAxis = d3.svg
+    .axis()
+    .scale(xRbScale)
+    .outerTickSize(0)
+    .tickValues(xRbScale.domain().filter((d, i) => !(i % xScaleInterval)))
+    .orient('bottom');
+  const yAxis = d3.svg
+    .axis()
+    .scale(yRbScale)
+    .outerTickSize(0)
+    .tickValues(yRbScale.domain().filter((d, i) => !(i % yScaleInterval)))
+    .orient('left');
+  svg
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'x axis')
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${ + hmHeight})`)
+    .call(xAxis)
+    .selectAll('text')
+    .attr('x', -4)
+    .attr('y', 10)
+    .attr('dy', '0.3em')
+    .style('text-anchor', 'end')
+    .attr('transform', 'rotate(-45)');
+  svg
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'y axis')
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})`)
+    .call(yAxis);
+  const context = canvas.node().getContext('2d');
+  context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+  // Compute the pixel colors; scaled by CSS.
+  function createImageObj() {
+    const imageObj = new Image();
+    const image = context.createImageData(heatmapDim[0], heatmapDim[1]);
+    const pixs = {};
+    records.forEach(d => {
+      const c = d3.rgb(colorScale(normalized ? d.rank : d.perc));
+      const x = xScale(d.x);
+      const y = yScale(d.y);
+      pixs[x + y * xScale.domain().length] = c;
+      if (matrix[x] === undefined) {
+        matrix[x] = {};
+      }
+      if (matrix[x][y] === undefined) {
+        matrix[x][y] = d;
+      }
+    });
+    let p = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < heatmapDim[0] * heatmapDim[1]; i += 1) {
+      let c = pixs[i];
+      let alpha = 255;
+      if (c === undefined) {
+        c = d3.rgb('#F00');
+        alpha = 0;
+      }
+[p + 0] = c.r;
+[p + 1] = c.g;
+[p + 2] = c.b;
+[p + 3] = alpha;
+      p += 4;
+    }
+    context.putImageData(image, 0, 0);
+    imageObj.src = canvas.node().toDataURL();
+  }
+  createImageObj();
+Heatmap.displayName = 'Heatmap';
+Heatmap.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Heatmap;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/ReactHeatmap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/ReactHeatmap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b98c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/ReactHeatmap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Heatmap';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9a7ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  columnChoices,
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  formatSelectOptionsForRange,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const sortAxisChoices = [
+  ['alpha_asc', t('Axis ascending')],
+  ['alpha_desc', t('Axis descending')],
+  ['value_asc', t('Metric ascending')],
+  ['value_desc', t('Metric descending')],
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_x',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: 'X Axis',
+              default: null,
+              description: t('Columns to display'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_y',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: 'Y Axis',
+              default: null,
+              description: t('Columns to display'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Heatmap Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['linear_color_scheme'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'xscale_interval',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('XScale Interval'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: formatSelectOptionsForRange(1, 50),
+              default: '1',
+              clearable: false,
+              description: t('Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'yscale_interval',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('YScale Interval'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptionsForRange(1, 50),
+              default: '1',
+              clearable: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'canvas_image_rendering',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Rendering'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: [
+                ['pixelated', 'pixelated (Sharp)'],
+                ['auto', 'auto (Smooth)'],
+              ],
+              default: 'pixelated',
+              description: t(
+                'image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that ' +
+                  'defines how the browser scales up the image',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'normalize_across',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Normalize Across'),
+              choices: [
+                ['heatmap', 'heatmap'],
+                ['x', 'x'],
+                ['y', 'y'],
+              ],
+              default: 'heatmap',
+              description: t(
+                'Color will be rendered based on a ratio ' +
+                  'of the cell against the sum of across this ' +
+                  'criteria',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'left_margin',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              clearable: false,
+              label: t('Left Margin'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
+              default: 'auto',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'bottom_margin',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              clearable: false,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Bottom Margin'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
+              default: 'auto',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'y_axis_bounds',
+            config: {
+              type: 'BoundsControl',
+              label: t('Value bounds'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: [null, null],
+              description: t(
+                'Hard value bounds applied for color coding. Is only relevant ' +
+                  'and applied when the normalization is applied against the whole heatmap.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          'y_axis_format',
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_legend',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Legend'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to display the legend (toggles)'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'show_perc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show percentage'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Whether to include the percentage in the tooltip'),
+              default: true,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_values',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Values'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to display the numerical values within the cells'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'normalized',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Normalized'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Whether to apply a normal distribution based on rank on the color scale',
+              ),
+              default: false,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'sort_x_axis',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Sort X Axis'),
+              choices: sortAxisChoices,
+              clearable: false,
+              default: 'alpha_asc',
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'sort_y_axis',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Sort Y Axis'),
+              choices: sortAxisChoices,
+              clearable: false,
+              default: 'alpha_asc',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Value Format'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1703fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfeabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa82119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Heatmap'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class HeatmapChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactHeatmap.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9381250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    bottomMargin,
+    canvasImageRendering,
+    allColumnsX,
+    allColumnsY,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    leftMargin,
+    metric,
+    normalized,
+    showLegend,
+    showPerc,
+    showValues,
+    sortXAxis,
+    sortYAxis,
+    xscaleInterval,
+    yscaleInterval,
+    yAxisBounds,
+    yAxisFormat,
+  } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    bottomMargin,
+    canvasImageRendering,
+    colorScheme: linearColorScheme,
+    columnX: allColumnsX,
+    columnY: allColumnsY,
+    leftMargin,
+    metric,
+    normalized,
+    numberFormat: yAxisFormat,
+    showLegend,
+    showPercentage: showPerc,
+    showValues,
+    sortXAxis,
+    sortYAxis,
+    xScaleInterval: parseInt(xscaleInterval, 10),
+    yScaleInterval: parseInt(yscaleInterval, 10),
+    yAxisBounds,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/vendor/d3tip.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/vendor/d3tip.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980a5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/vendor/d3tip.css
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* from d3-tip */
+.d3-tip {
+  line-height: 1;
+  padding: 12px;
+  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+  color: #fff;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  z-index: 1000;
+/* Creates a small triangle extender for the tooltip */
+.d3-tip:after {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  display: inline;
+  font-size: 10px;
+  width: 100%;
+  line-height: 1;
+  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+  position: absolute;
+  pointer-events: none;
+/* Northward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.n:after {
+  content: '\25BC';
+  margin: -1px 0 0 0;
+  top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  text-align: center;
+/* Eastward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.e:after {
+  content: '\25C0';
+  margin: -4px 0 0 0;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: -8px;
+/* Southward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.s:after {
+  content: '\25B2';
+  margin: 0 0 1px 0;
+  top: -8px;
+  left: 0;
+  text-align: center;
+/* Westward tooltips */
+.d3-tip.w:after {
+  content: '\25B6';
+  margin: -4px 0 0 -1px;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: 100%;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f4222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Histogram for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import HistogramChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram';
+new HistogramChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'histogram' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="histogram"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b72373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Histogram",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/histogram": "^0.0.84",
+    "@data-ui/theme": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@vx/legend": "^0.0.198",
+    "@vx/responsive": "^0.0.199",
+    "@vx/scale": "^0.0.197",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a579f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
+import { Histogram, BarSeries, XAxis, YAxis } from '@data-ui/histogram';
+import { chartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { LegendOrdinal } from '@vx/legend';
+import { scaleOrdinal } from '@vx/scale';
+import { CategoricalColorNamespace, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import WithLegend from './WithLegend';
+const propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      key: PropTypes.string,
+      values: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+    }),
+  ).isRequired,
+  width: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+  height: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  normalized: PropTypes.bool,
+  binCount: PropTypes.number,
+  opacity: PropTypes.number,
+  xAxisLabel: PropTypes.string,
+  yAxisLabel: PropTypes.string,
+  showLegend: PropTypes.bool,
+const defaultProps = {
+  binCount: 15,
+  className: '',
+  colorScheme: '',
+  normalized: false,
+  opacity: 1,
+  xAxisLabel: '',
+  yAxisLabel: '',
+class CustomHistogram extends React.PureComponent {
+  render() {
+    const {
+      className,
+      data,
+      width,
+      height,
+      binCount,
+      colorScheme,
+      normalized,
+      opacity,
+      xAxisLabel,
+      yAxisLabel,
+      showLegend,
+    } = this.props;
+    const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+    const keys = => d.key);
+    const colorScale = scaleOrdinal({
+      domain: keys,
+      range: => colorFn(x)),
+    });
+    return (
+      <WithLegend
+        className={`superset-legacy-chart-histogram ${className}`}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        position="top"
+        renderLegend={({ direction, style }) =>
+          showLegend && (
+            <LegendOrdinal
+              style={style}
+              scale={colorScale}
+              direction={direction}
+              shape="rect"
+              labelMargin="0 15px 0 0"
+            />
+          )
+        }
+        renderChart={parent => (
+          <Histogram
+            width={parent.width}
+            height={parent.height}
+            ariaLabel="Histogram"
+            normalized={normalized}
+            binCount={binCount}
+            binType="numeric"
+            margin={{ top: 20, right: 20 }}
+            renderTooltip={({ datum, color }) => (
+              <div>
+                <strong style={{ color }}>
+                  {datum.bin0} to {datum.bin1}
+                </strong>
+                <div>
+                  <strong>count </strong>
+                  {datum.count}
+                </div>
+                <div>
+                  <strong>cumulative </strong>
+                  {datum.cumulative}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            )}
+            valueAccessor={datum => datum}
+            theme={chartTheme}
+          >
+            { => (
+              <BarSeries
+                key={series.key}
+                animated
+                rawData={series.values}
+                fill={colorScale(series.key)}
+                fillOpacity={opacity}
+              />
+            ))}
+            <XAxis label={xAxisLabel} />
+            <YAxis label={yAxisLabel} />
+          </Histogram>
+        )}
+      />
+    );
+  }
+CustomHistogram.propTypes = propTypes;
+CustomHistogram.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default styled(CustomHistogram)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-histogram {
+    overflow: hidden;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/WithLegend.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/WithLegend.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..867dd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/WithLegend.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types, react/jsx-sort-default-props */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { ParentSize } from '@vx/responsive';
+const propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
+  height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
+  renderChart: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+  renderLegend: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+  position: PropTypes.oneOf(['top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right']),
+  legendJustifyContent: PropTypes.oneOf(['center', 'flex-start', 'flex-end']),
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  width: 'auto',
+  height: 'auto',
+  position: 'top',
+  legendJustifyContent: undefined,
+  display: 'flex',
+  flexGrow: 0,
+  flexShrink: 0,
+  order: -1,
+  paddingTop: '5px',
+  fontSize: '0.9em',
+  flexGrow: 1,
+  flexShrink: 1,
+  flexBasis: 'auto',
+  position: 'relative',
+class WithLegend extends React.Component {
+  getContainerDirection() {
+    const { position } = this.props;
+    switch (position) {
+      case 'left':
+        return 'row';
+      case 'right':
+        return 'row-reverse';
+      case 'bottom':
+        return 'column-reverse';
+      default:
+      case 'top':
+        return 'column';
+    }
+  }
+  getLegendJustifyContent() {
+    const { legendJustifyContent, position } = this.props;
+    if (legendJustifyContent) {
+      return legendJustifyContent;
+    }
+    switch (position) {
+      case 'left':
+        return 'flex-start';
+      case 'right':
+        return 'flex-start';
+      case 'bottom':
+        return 'flex-end';
+      default:
+      case 'top':
+        return 'flex-end';
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { className, width, height, position, renderChart, renderLegend } = this.props;
+    const isHorizontal = position === 'left' || position === 'right';
+    const style = {
+      display: 'flex',
+      flexDirection: this.getContainerDirection(),
+    };
+    if (width) {
+      style.width = width;
+    }
+    if (height) {
+      style.height = height;
+    }
+    const chartStyle = { ...CHART_STYLE_BASE };
+    if (isHorizontal) {
+      chartStyle.width = 0;
+    } else {
+      chartStyle.height = 0;
+    }
+    const legendDirection = isHorizontal ? 'column' : 'row';
+    const legendStyle = {
+      flexDirection: legendDirection,
+      justifyContent: this.getLegendJustifyContent(),
+    };
+    const legendContainerStyle = {
+      flexWrap: 'wrap',
+      display: 'flex',
+      flexDirection: legendDirection,
+    };
+    return (
+      <div className={`with-legend ${className}`} style={style}>
+        <div className="legend-container" style={legendStyle}>
+          {renderLegend({
+            // Pass flexDirection for @vx/legend to arrange legend items
+            direction: legendDirection,
+            style: legendContainerStyle,
+          })}
+        </div>
+        <div className="main-container" style={chartStyle}>
+          <ParentSize>
+            {parent =>
+              parent.width > 0 && parent.height > 0
+                ? // Only render when necessary
+                  renderChart(parent)
+                : null
+            }
+          </ParentSize>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+WithLegend.propTypes = propTypes;
+WithLegend.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default WithLegend;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c9cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  columnChoices,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_x',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Columns'),
+              default: null,
+              description: t('Select the numeric columns to draw the histogram'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+              multi: true,
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        ['groupby'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_legend',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Legend'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to display the legend (toggles)'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'link_length',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('No of Bins'),
+              default: 5,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['10', '25', '50', '75', '100', '150', '200', '250']),
+              description: t('Select the number of bins for the histogram'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'x_axis_label',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('X Axis Label'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: '',
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'y_axis_label',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Y Axis Label'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: '',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'normalized',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Normalized'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Whether to normalize the histogram'),
+              default: false,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e5ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c63c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3579f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Histogram'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class HistogramChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./Histogram'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd6856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    linkLength,
+    normalized,
+    globalOpacity,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    showLegend,
+  } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    binCount: parseInt(linkLength, 10),
+    colorScheme,
+    normalized,
+    opacity: globalOpacity,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    showLegend,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df47bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Horizon for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import HorizonChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon';
+new HorizonChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'horizon' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="horizon"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6cc7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Horizon",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3-array": "^2.0.3",
+    "d3-scale": "^3.0.1",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbdf6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.css
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-horizon {
+  overflow: auto;
+  position: relative;
+.superset-legacy-chart-horizon .horizon-row {
+  border-bottom: solid 1px #ddd;
+  border-top: 0px;
+  padding: 0px;
+  margin: 0px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-horizon .horizon-row span.title {
+  position: absolute;
+  color: #333;
+  font-size: 0.8em;
+  margin: 0;
+  text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833aeba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonChart.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/jsx-sort-default-props, react/sort-prop-types */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { extent as d3Extent } from 'd3-array';
+import HorizonRow, { DEFAULT_COLORS } from './HorizonRow';
+import './HorizonChart.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  seriesHeight: PropTypes.number,
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      key: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+      values: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          y: PropTypes.number,
+        }),
+      ),
+    }),
+  ).isRequired,
+  // number of bands in each direction (positive / negative)
+  bands: PropTypes.number,
+  colors: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  colorScale: PropTypes.string,
+  mode: PropTypes.string,
+  offsetX: PropTypes.number,
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  width: 800,
+  height: 600,
+  seriesHeight: 20,
+  bands: Math.floor(DEFAULT_COLORS.length / 2),
+  colors: DEFAULT_COLORS,
+  colorScale: 'series',
+  mode: 'offset',
+  offsetX: 0,
+class HorizonChart extends React.PureComponent {
+  render() {
+    const {
+      className,
+      width,
+      height,
+      data,
+      seriesHeight,
+      bands,
+      colors,
+      colorScale,
+      mode,
+      offsetX,
+    } = this.props;
+    let yDomain;
+    if (colorScale === 'overall') {
+      const allValues = data.reduce((acc, current) => acc.concat(current.values), []);
+      yDomain = d3Extent(allValues, d => d.y);
+    }
+    return (
+      <div className={`superset-legacy-chart-horizon ${className}`} style={{ height }}>
+        { => (
+          <HorizonRow
+            key={row.key}
+            width={width}
+            height={seriesHeight}
+            title={row.key.join(', ')}
+            data={row.values}
+            bands={bands}
+            colors={colors}
+            colorScale={colorScale}
+            mode={mode}
+            offsetX={offsetX}
+            yDomain={yDomain}
+          />
+        ))}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+HorizonChart.propTypes = propTypes;
+HorizonChart.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default HorizonChart;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonRow.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonRow.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b124e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/HorizonRow.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-continue, no-bitwise */
+/* eslint-disable react/jsx-sort-default-props */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { extent as d3Extent } from 'd3-array';
+import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale';
+export const DEFAULT_COLORS = [
+  '#313695',
+  '#4575b4',
+  '#74add1',
+  '#abd9e9',
+  '#fee090',
+  '#fdae61',
+  '#f46d43',
+  '#d73027',
+const propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      y: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ).isRequired,
+  bands: PropTypes.number,
+  colors: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  colorScale: PropTypes.string,
+  mode: PropTypes.string,
+  offsetX: PropTypes.number,
+  title: PropTypes.string,
+  yDomain: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  width: 800,
+  height: 20,
+  bands: DEFAULT_COLORS.length >> 1,
+  colors: DEFAULT_COLORS,
+  colorScale: 'series',
+  mode: 'offset',
+  offsetX: 0,
+  title: '',
+  yDomain: undefined,
+class HorizonRow extends React.PureComponent {
+  componentDidMount() {
+    this.drawChart();
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate() {
+    this.drawChart();
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    this.canvas = null;
+  }
+  drawChart() {
+    if (this.canvas) {
+      const {
+        data: rawData,
+        yDomain,
+        width,
+        height,
+        bands,
+        colors,
+        colorScale,
+        offsetX,
+        mode,
+      } = this.props;
+      const data =
+        colorScale === 'change' ? => ({ ...d, y: d.y - rawData[0].y })) : rawData;
+      const context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+      context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+      context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
+      // Reset transform
+      context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+      context.translate(0.5, 0.5);
+      const step = width / data.length;
+      // the data frame currently being shown:
+      const startIndex = Math.floor(Math.max(0, -(offsetX / step)));
+      const endIndex = Math.floor(Math.min(data.length, startIndex + width / step));
+      // skip drawing if there's no data to be drawn
+      if (startIndex > data.length) {
+        return;
+      }
+      // Create y-scale
+      const [min, max] = yDomain || d3Extent(data, d => d.y);
+      const y = scaleLinear()
+        .domain([0, Math.max(-min, max)])
+        .range([0, height]);
+      // we are drawing positive & negative bands separately to avoid mutating canvas state
+      //
+      let hasNegative = false;
+      // draw positive bands
+      let value;
+      let bExtents;
+      for (let b = 0; b < bands; b += 1) {
+        context.fillStyle = colors[bands + b];
+        // Adjust the range based on the current band index.
+        bExtents = (b + 1 - bands) * height;
+        y.range([bands * height + bExtents, bExtents]);
+        // only the current data frame is being drawn i.e. what's visible:
+        for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += 1) {
+          value = data[i].y;
+          if (value <= 0) {
+            hasNegative = true;
+            continue;
+          }
+          if (value !== undefined) {
+            context.fillRect(offsetX + i * step, y(value), step + 1, y(0) - y(value));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // draw negative bands
+      if (hasNegative) {
+        // mirror the negative bands, by flipping the canvas
+        if (mode === 'offset') {
+          context.translate(0, height);
+          context.scale(1, -1);
+        }
+        for (let b = 0; b < bands; b += 1) {
+          context.fillStyle = colors[bands - b - 1];
+          // Adjust the range based on the current band index.
+          bExtents = (b + 1 - bands) * height;
+          y.range([bands * height + bExtents, bExtents]);
+          // only the current data frame is being drawn i.e. what's visible:
+          for (let ii = startIndex; ii < endIndex; ii += 1) {
+            value = data[ii].y;
+            if (value >= 0) {
+              continue;
+            }
+            context.fillRect(offsetX + ii * step, y(-value), step + 1, y(0) - y(-value));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { className, title, width, height } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <div className={`horizon-row ${className}`}>
+        <span className="title">{title}</span>
+        <canvas
+          ref={c => {
+            this.canvas = c;
+          }}
+          width={width}
+          height={height}
+        />
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+HorizonRow.propTypes = propTypes;
+HorizonRow.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default HorizonRow;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe3cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['limit', 'timeseries_limit_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'contribution',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Contribution'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'series_height',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Series Height'),
+              default: '25',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['10', '25', '40', '50', '75', '100', '150', '200']),
+              description: t('Pixel height of each series'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'horizon_color_scale',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              label: t('Value Domain'),
+              choices: [
+                ['series', 'series'],
+                ['overall', 'overall'],
+                ['change', 'change'],
+              ],
+              default: 'series',
+              description: t(
+                'series: Treat each series independently; overall: All series use the same scale; change: Show changes compared to the first data point in each series',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2c5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f091dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56be0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Horizon Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class HorizonChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./HorizonChart'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fba63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { height, width, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { horizonColorScale, seriesHeight } = formData;
+  return {
+    colorScale: horizonColorScale,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    height,
+    seriesHeight: parseInt(seriesHeight, 10),
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e30ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides MapBox for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import MapBoxChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box';
+new MapBoxChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'map-box' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="map-box"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aa9077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - MapBox",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "immutable": "^3.8.2",
+    "mapbox-gl": "^0.53.0",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2",
+    "react-map-gl": "^4.0.10",
+    "supercluster": "^4.1.1",
+    "viewport-mercator-project": "^6.1.1"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adade29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.css
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.mapbox .slice_container div {
+  padding-top: 0px;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8871300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/MapBox.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/jsx-sort-default-props, react/sort-prop-types */
+/* eslint-disable react/forbid-prop-types, react/require-default-props */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import MapGL from 'react-map-gl';
+import Immutable from 'immutable';
+import ViewportMercator from 'viewport-mercator-project';
+import ScatterPlotGlowOverlay from './ScatterPlotGlowOverlay';
+import './MapBox.css';
+const NOOP = () => {};
+export const DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 16;
+export const DEFAULT_POINT_RADIUS = 60;
+const propTypes = {
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  aggregatorName: PropTypes.string,
+  clusterer: PropTypes.object,
+  globalOpacity: PropTypes.number,
+  hasCustomMetric: PropTypes.bool,
+  mapStyle: PropTypes.string,
+  mapboxApiKey: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  onViewportChange: PropTypes.func,
+  pointRadius: PropTypes.number,
+  pointRadiusUnit: PropTypes.string,
+  renderWhileDragging: PropTypes.bool,
+  rgb: PropTypes.array,
+  bounds: PropTypes.array,
+const defaultProps = {
+  width: 400,
+  height: 400,
+  globalOpacity: 1,
+  onViewportChange: NOOP,
+  pointRadiusUnit: 'Pixels',
+class MapBox extends React.Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    const { width, height, bounds } = this.props;
+    // Get a viewport that fits the given bounds, which all marks to be clustered.
+    // Derive lat, lon and zoom from this viewport. This is only done on initial
+    // render as the bounds don't update as we pan/zoom in the current design.
+    const mercator = new ViewportMercator({
+      width,
+      height,
+    }).fitBounds(bounds);
+    const { latitude, longitude, zoom } = mercator;
+    this.state = {
+      viewport: {
+        longitude,
+        latitude,
+        zoom,
+      },
+    };
+    this.handleViewportChange = this.handleViewportChange.bind(this);
+  }
+  handleViewportChange(viewport) {
+    this.setState({ viewport });
+    const { onViewportChange } = this.props;
+    onViewportChange(viewport);
+  }
+  render() {
+    const {
+      width,
+      height,
+      aggregatorName,
+      clusterer,
+      globalOpacity,
+      mapStyle,
+      mapboxApiKey,
+      pointRadius,
+      pointRadiusUnit,
+      renderWhileDragging,
+      rgb,
+      hasCustomMetric,
+      bounds,
+    } = this.props;
+    const { viewport } = this.state;
+    const isDragging = viewport.isDragging === undefined ? false : viewport.isDragging;
+    // Compute the clusters based on the original bounds and current zoom level. Note when zoom/pan
+    // to an area outside of the original bounds, no additional queries are made to the backend to
+    // retrieve additional data.
+    const bbox = [bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1]];
+    const clusters = clusterer.getClusters(bbox, Math.round(viewport.zoom));
+    return (
+      <MapGL
+        {...viewport}
+        mapStyle={mapStyle}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        mapboxApiAccessToken={mapboxApiKey}
+        onViewportChange={this.handleViewportChange}
+      >
+        <ScatterPlotGlowOverlay
+          {...viewport}
+          isDragging={isDragging}
+          locations={Immutable.fromJS(clusters)}
+          dotRadius={pointRadius}
+          pointRadiusUnit={pointRadiusUnit}
+          rgb={rgb}
+          globalOpacity={globalOpacity}
+          compositeOperation="screen"
+          renderWhileDragging={renderWhileDragging}
+          aggregation={hasCustomMetric ? aggregatorName : null}
+          lngLatAccessor={location => {
+            const coordinates = location.get('geometry').get('coordinates');
+            return [coordinates.get(0), coordinates.get(1)];
+          }}
+        />
+      </MapGL>
+    );
+  }
+MapBox.propTypes = propTypes;
+MapBox.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default MapBox;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/ScatterPlotGlowOverlay.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/ScatterPlotGlowOverlay.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8f8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/ScatterPlotGlowOverlay.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/require-default-props */
+import Immutable from 'immutable';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
+import { CanvasOverlay } from 'react-map-gl';
+import { kmToPixels, MILES_PER_KM } from './utils/geo';
+import roundDecimal from './utils/roundDecimal';
+import luminanceFromRGB from './utils/luminanceFromRGB';
+import 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  aggregation: PropTypes.string,
+  compositeOperation: PropTypes.string,
+  dotRadius: PropTypes.number,
+  lngLatAccessor: PropTypes.func,
+  locations: PropTypes.instanceOf(Immutable.List).isRequired,
+  pointRadiusUnit: PropTypes.string,
+  renderWhileDragging: PropTypes.bool,
+  rgb: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number])),
+  zoom: PropTypes.number,
+const defaultProps = {
+  // Same as browser default.
+  compositeOperation: 'source-over',
+  dotRadius: 4,
+  lngLatAccessor: location => [location.get(0), location.get(1)],
+  renderWhileDragging: true,
+const computeClusterLabel = (properties, aggregation) => {
+  const count = properties.get('point_count');
+  if (!aggregation) {
+    return count;
+  }
+  if (aggregation === 'sum' || aggregation === 'min' || aggregation === 'max') {
+    return properties.get(aggregation);
+  }
+  const sum = properties.get('sum');
+  const mean = sum / count;
+  if (aggregation === 'mean') {
+    return Math.round(100 * mean) / 100;
+  }
+  const squaredSum = properties.get('squaredSum');
+  const variance = squaredSum / count - (sum / count) ** 2;
+  if (aggregation === 'var') {
+    return Math.round(100 * variance) / 100;
+  }
+  if (aggregation === 'stdev') {
+    return Math.round(100 * Math.sqrt(variance)) / 100;
+  }
+  // fallback to point_count, this really shouldn't happen
+  return count;
+class ScatterPlotGlowOverlay extends React.PureComponent {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.redraw = this.redraw.bind(this);
+  }
+  drawText(ctx, pixel, options = {}) {
+    const IS_DARK_THRESHOLD = 110;
+    const { fontHeight = 0, label = '', radius = 0, rgb = [0, 0, 0], shadow = false } = options;
+    const maxWidth = radius * 1.8;
+    const luminance = luminanceFromRGB(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]);
+    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
+    ctx.fillStyle = luminance <= IS_DARK_THRESHOLD ? 'white' : 'black';
+    ctx.font = `${fontHeight}px sans-serif`;
+    ctx.textAlign = 'center';
+    ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
+    if (shadow) {
+      ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
+      ctx.shadowColor = luminance <= IS_DARK_THRESHOLD ? 'black' : '';
+    }
+    const textWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width;
+    if (textWidth > maxWidth) {
+      const scale = fontHeight / textWidth;
+      ctx.font = `${scale * maxWidth}px sans-serif`;
+    }
+    const { compositeOperation } = this.props;
+    ctx.fillText(label, pixel[0], pixel[1]);
+    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;
+    ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
+    ctx.shadowColor = '';
+  }
+  // Modified:
+  redraw({ width, height, ctx, isDragging, project }) {
+    const {
+      aggregation,
+      compositeOperation,
+      dotRadius,
+      lngLatAccessor,
+      locations,
+      pointRadiusUnit,
+      renderWhileDragging,
+      rgb,
+      zoom,
+    } = this.props;
+    const radius = dotRadius;
+    const clusterLabelMap = [];
+    locations.forEach((location, i) => {
+      if (location.get('properties').get('cluster')) {
+        clusterLabelMap[i] = computeClusterLabel(location.get('properties'), aggregation);
+      }
+    }, this);
+    const maxLabel = Math.max(...clusterLabelMap.filter(v => !Number.isNaN(v)));
+    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
+    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;
+    if ((renderWhileDragging || !isDragging) && locations) {
+      locations.forEach(function _forEach(location, i) {
+        const pixel = project(lngLatAccessor(location));
+        const pixelRounded = [roundDecimal(pixel[0], 1), roundDecimal(pixel[1], 1)];
+        if (
+          pixelRounded[0] + radius >= 0 &&
+          pixelRounded[0] - radius < width &&
+          pixelRounded[1] + radius >= 0 &&
+          pixelRounded[1] - radius < height
+        ) {
+          ctx.beginPath();
+          if (location.get('properties').get('cluster')) {
+            let clusterLabel = clusterLabelMap[i];
+            const scaledRadius = roundDecimal((clusterLabel / maxLabel) ** 0.5 * radius, 1);
+            const fontHeight = roundDecimal(scaledRadius * 0.5, 1);
+            const [x, y] = pixelRounded;
+            const gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, scaledRadius, x, y, 0);
+            gradient.addColorStop(1, `rgba(${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${rgb[3]}, 0.8)`);
+            gradient.addColorStop(0, `rgba(${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${rgb[3]}, 0)`);
+            ctx.arc(pixelRounded[0], pixelRounded[1], scaledRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
+            ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
+            ctx.fill();
+            if (Number.isFinite(parseFloat(clusterLabel))) {
+              if (clusterLabel >= 10000) {
+                clusterLabel = `${Math.round(clusterLabel / 1000)}k`;
+              } else if (clusterLabel >= 1000) {
+                clusterLabel = `${Math.round(clusterLabel / 100) / 10}k`;
+              }
+              this.drawText(ctx, pixelRounded, {
+                fontHeight,
+                label: clusterLabel,
+                radius: scaledRadius,
+                rgb,
+                shadow: true,
+              });
+            }
+          } else {
+            const defaultRadius = radius / 6;
+            const radiusProperty = location.get('properties').get('radius');
+            const pointMetric = location.get('properties').get('metric');
+            let pointRadius = radiusProperty === null ? defaultRadius : radiusProperty;
+            let pointLabel;
+            if (radiusProperty !== null) {
+              const pointLatitude = lngLatAccessor(location)[1];
+              if (pointRadiusUnit === 'Kilometers') {
+                pointLabel = `${roundDecimal(pointRadius, 2)}km`;
+                pointRadius = kmToPixels(pointRadius, pointLatitude, zoom);
+              } else if (pointRadiusUnit === 'Miles') {
+                pointLabel = `${roundDecimal(pointRadius, 2)}mi`;
+                pointRadius = kmToPixels(pointRadius * MILES_PER_KM, pointLatitude, zoom);
+              }
+            }
+            if (pointMetric !== null) {
+              pointLabel = Number.isFinite(parseFloat(pointMetric))
+                ? roundDecimal(pointMetric, 2)
+                : pointMetric;
+            }
+            // Fall back to default points if pointRadius wasn't a numerical column
+            if (!pointRadius) {
+              pointRadius = defaultRadius;
+            }
+            ctx.arc(pixelRounded[0], pixelRounded[1], roundDecimal(pointRadius, 1), 0, Math.PI * 2);
+            ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${rgb[3]})`;
+            ctx.fill();
+            if (pointLabel !== undefined) {
+              this.drawText(ctx, pixelRounded, {
+                fontHeight: roundDecimal(pointRadius, 1),
+                label: pointLabel,
+                radius: pointRadius,
+                rgb,
+                shadow: false,
+              });
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }, this);
+    }
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <CanvasOverlay redraw={this.redraw} />;
+  }
+ScatterPlotGlowOverlay.propTypes = propTypes;
+ScatterPlotGlowOverlay.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default ScatterPlotGlowOverlay;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a25c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  columnChoices,
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_x',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Longitude'),
+              default: null,
+              description: t('Column containing longitude data'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns_y',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Latitude'),
+              default: null,
+              description: t('Column containing latitude data'),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'clustering_radius',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Clustering Radius'),
+              default: '60',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                '0',
+                '20',
+                '40',
+                '60',
+                '80',
+                '100',
+                '200',
+                '500',
+                '1000',
+              ]),
+              description: t(
+                'The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. ' +
+                  'Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large ' +
+                  'number of points (>1000) will cause lag.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Points'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'point_radius',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Point Radius'),
+              default: 'Auto',
+              description: t(
+                'The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). ' +
+                  'Either a numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based ' +
+                  'on the largest cluster',
+              ),
+              mapStateToProps: state => {
+                const datasourceChoices = columnChoices(state.datasource);
+                const choices: [string, string][] = formatSelectOptions(['Auto']);
+                return {
+                  choices: choices.concat(datasourceChoices),
+                };
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'point_radius_unit',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Point Radius Unit'),
+              default: 'Pixels',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['Pixels', 'Miles', 'Kilometers']),
+              description: t('The unit of measure for the specified point radius'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Labelling'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'mapbox_label',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              multi: true,
+              label: t('label'),
+              default: [],
+              description: t(
+                '`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. ' +
+                  'Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. ' +
+                  'Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. ' +
+                  'Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster.',
+              ),
+              mapStateToProps: state => ({
+                choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
+              }),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'pandas_aggfunc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Cluster label aggregator'),
+              clearable: false,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'var']),
+              default: 'sum',
+              description: t(
+                'Aggregate function applied to the list of points ' +
+                  'in each cluster to produce the cluster label.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Visual Tweaks'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'render_while_dragging',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Live render'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Points and clusters will update as the viewport is being changed'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'mapbox_style',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Map Style'),
+              clearable: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: [
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9', 'Streets'],
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9', 'Dark'],
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', 'Light'],
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9', 'Satellite Streets'],
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9', 'Satellite'],
+                ['mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9', 'Outdoors'],
+              ],
+              default: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
+              description: t('Base layer map style'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'global_opacity',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Opacity'),
+              default: 1,
+              isFloat: true,
+              description: t('Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'mapbox_color',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('RGB Color'),
+              default: 'rgb(0, 122, 135)',
+              choices: [
+                ['rgb(0, 139, 139)', 'Dark Cyan'],
+                ['rgb(128, 0, 128)', 'Purple'],
+                ['rgb(255, 215, 0)', 'Gold'],
+                ['rgb(69, 69, 69)', 'Dim Gray'],
+                ['rgb(220, 20, 60)', 'Crimson'],
+                ['rgb(34, 139, 34)', 'Forest Green'],
+              ],
+              description: t('The color for points and clusters in RGB'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Viewport'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'viewport_longitude',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Default longitude'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: -122.405293,
+              isFloat: true,
+              description: t('Longitude of default viewport'),
+              places: 8,
+              // Viewport longitude changes shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
+              dontRefreshOnChange: true,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'viewport_latitude',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Default latitude'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 37.772123,
+              isFloat: true,
+              description: t('Latitude of default viewport'),
+              places: 8,
+              // Viewport latitude changes shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
+              dontRefreshOnChange: true,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'viewport_zoom',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Zoom'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              isFloat: true,
+              default: 11,
+              description: t('Zoom level of the map'),
+              places: 8,
+              // Viewport zoom shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
+              dontRefreshOnChange: true,
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      description: t(
+        'One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude ' +
+          'and longitude columns must be present.',
+      ),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c05e3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19b1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e07e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('MapBox'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class MapBoxChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./MapBox'),
+      loadTransformProps: () => import('./transformProps.js'),
+      metadata,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670ed45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import supercluster from 'supercluster';
+const NOOP = () => {};
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, hooks, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { onError = NOOP, setControlValue = NOOP } = hooks;
+  const { bounds, geoJSON, hasCustomMetric, mapboxApiKey } = queriesData[0].data;
+  const {
+    clusteringRadius,
+    globalOpacity,
+    mapboxColor,
+    mapboxStyle,
+    pandasAggfunc,
+    pointRadius,
+    pointRadiusUnit,
+    renderWhileDragging,
+  } = formData;
+  // Validate mapbox color
+  const rgb = /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/.exec(mapboxColor);
+  if (rgb === null) {
+    onError("Color field must be of form 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)'");
+    return {};
+  }
+  const opts = {
+    maxZoom: DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM,
+    radius: clusteringRadius,
+  };
+  if (hasCustomMetric) {
+    opts.initial = () => ({
+      sum: 0,
+      squaredSum: 0,
+      min: Infinity,
+      max: -Infinity,
+    });
+ = prop => ({
+      sum: prop.metric,
+      squaredSum: prop.metric ** 2,
+      min: prop.metric,
+      max: prop.metric,
+    });
+    opts.reduce = (accu, prop) => {
+      // Temporarily disable param-reassignment linting to work with supercluster's api
+      /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
+      accu.sum += prop.sum;
+      accu.squaredSum += prop.squaredSum;
+      accu.min = Math.min(accu.min, prop.min);
+      accu.max = Math.max(accu.max, prop.max);
+      /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
+    };
+  }
+  const clusterer = supercluster(opts);
+  clusterer.load(geoJSON.features);
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    aggregatorName: pandasAggfunc,
+    bounds,
+    clusterer,
+    globalOpacity,
+    hasCustomMetric,
+    mapboxApiKey,
+    mapStyle: mapboxStyle,
+    onViewportChange({ latitude, longitude, zoom }) {
+      setControlValue('viewport_longitude', longitude);
+      setControlValue('viewport_latitude', latitude);
+      setControlValue('viewport_zoom', zoom);
+    },
+    pointRadius: pointRadius === 'Auto' ? DEFAULT_POINT_RADIUS : pointRadius,
+    pointRadiusUnit,
+    renderWhileDragging,
+    rgb,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/geo.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/geo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1777e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/geo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import roundDecimal from './roundDecimal';
+export const EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE_KM = 40075.16;
+export const MILES_PER_KM = 1.60934;
+export function kmToPixels(kilometers, latitude, zoomLevel) {
+  // Algorithm from:
+  const latitudeRad = latitude * (Math.PI / 180);
+  // Seems like the zoomLevel is off by one
+  const kmPerPixel = (EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE_KM * Math.cos(latitudeRad)) / 2 ** (zoomLevel + 9);
+  return roundDecimal(kilometers / kmPerPixel, 2);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/luminanceFromRGB.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/luminanceFromRGB.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ddd14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/luminanceFromRGB.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export const LUMINANCE_RED_WEIGHT = 0.2126;
+export const LUMINANCE_GREEN_WEIGHT = 0.7152;
+export const LUMINANCE_BLUE_WEIGHT = 0.0722;
+export default function luminanceFromRGB(r, g, b) {
+  // Formula:
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/roundDecimal.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/roundDecimal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c72856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/utils/roundDecimal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+export default function roundDecimal(number, precision) {
+  let roundedNumber;
+  let p = precision;
+  if (precision) {
+    roundedNumber = Math.round(number * (p = 10 ** p)) / p;
+  } else {
+    roundedNumber = Math.round(number);
+  }
+  return roundedNumber;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/utils/roundDecimal.test.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/utils/roundDecimal.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..286fe9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test/utils/roundDecimal.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import roundDecimal from '../../src/utils/roundDecimal';
+describe('roundDecimal', () => {
+  it('rounding method to limit the number of decimal digits', () => {
+    expect(roundDecimal(1.139, 2)).toBe(1.14);
+    expect(roundDecimal(1.13929, 3)).toBe(1.139);
+    expect(roundDecimal(1.13929)).toBe(1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4501a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Paired T Test for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import PairedTTestChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test';
+new PairedTTestChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'paired-t-test' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="paired-t-test"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0577523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Paired T Test",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "distributions": "^1.0.0",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2",
+    "reactable-arc": "0.15.0"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee62864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.css
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-paired_ttest .scrollbar-container {
+  overflow: auto;
+.paired-ttest-table .scrollbar-content {
+  padding-left: 5px;
+  padding-right: 5px;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.paired-ttest-table table {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.paired-ttest-table h1 {
+  margin-left: 5px;
+.reactable-data tr,
+.reactable-header-sortable {
+  -webkit-transition: ease-in-out 0.1s;
+  transition: ease-in-out 0.1s;
+.reactable-data tr:hover {
+  background-color: #e0e0e0;
+.reactable-data tr .false {
+  color: #f44336;
+.reactable-data tr .true {
+  color: #4caf50;
+.reactable-data tr .control {
+  color: #2196f3;
+.reactable-data tr .invalid {
+  color: #ff9800;
+.reactable-data .control td {
+  background-color: #eeeeee;
+.reactable-header-sort-desc {
+  background-color: #e0e0e0;
+  position: relative;
+.reactable-header-sort-asc:after {
+  content: '\25bc';
+  position: absolute;
+  right: 10px;
+.reactable-header-sort-desc:after {
+  content: '\25b2';
+  position: absolute;
+  right: 10px;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2486edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/PairedTTest.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/no-array-index-key */
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
+import TTestTable, { dataPropType } from './TTestTable';
+import './PairedTTest.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  alpha: PropTypes.number,
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  data: PropTypes.objectOf(dataPropType).isRequired,
+  groups: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
+  liftValPrec: PropTypes.number,
+  metrics: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
+  pValPrec: PropTypes.number,
+const defaultProps = {
+  alpha: 0.05,
+  className: '',
+  liftValPrec: 4,
+  pValPrec: 6,
+class PairedTTest extends React.PureComponent {
+  render() {
+    const { className, metrics, groups, data, alpha, pValPrec, liftValPrec } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <div className={`superset-legacy-chart-paired-t-test ${className}`}>
+        <div className="paired-ttest-table scrollbar-container">
+          <div className="scrollbar-content">
+            {, i) => (
+              <TTestTable
+                key={i}
+                metric={metric}
+                groups={groups}
+                data={data[metric]}
+                alpha={alpha}
+                pValPrec={Math.min(pValPrec, 32)}
+                liftValPrec={Math.min(liftValPrec, 32)}
+              />
+            ))}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+PairedTTest.propTypes = propTypes;
+PairedTTest.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default PairedTTest;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/TTestTable.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/TTestTable.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086b285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/TTestTable.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/no-array-index-key, react/jsx-no-bind */
+import dist from 'distributions';
+import React from 'react';
+import { Table, Tr, Td, Thead, Th } from 'reactable-arc';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+export const dataPropType = PropTypes.arrayOf(
+  PropTypes.shape({
+    group: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+    values: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+      PropTypes.shape({
+        x: PropTypes.number,
+        y: PropTypes.number,
+      }),
+    ),
+  }),
+const propTypes = {
+  alpha: PropTypes.number,
+  data: dataPropType.isRequired,
+  groups: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
+  liftValPrec: PropTypes.number,
+  metric: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  pValPrec: PropTypes.number,
+const defaultProps = {
+  alpha: 0.05,
+  liftValPrec: 4,
+  pValPrec: 6,
+class TTestTable extends React.Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      control: 0,
+      liftValues: [],
+      pValues: [],
+    };
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+    const { control } = this.state;
+    this.computeTTest(control); // initially populate table
+  }
+  getLiftStatus(row) {
+    const { control, liftValues } = this.state;
+    // Get a css class name for coloring
+    if (row === control) {
+      return 'control';
+    }
+    const liftVal = liftValues[row];
+    if (Number.isNaN(liftVal) || !Number.isFinite(liftVal)) {
+      return 'invalid'; // infinite or NaN values
+    }
+    return liftVal >= 0 ? 'true' : 'false'; // green on true, red on false
+  }
+  getPValueStatus(row) {
+    const { control, pValues } = this.state;
+    if (row === control) {
+      return 'control';
+    }
+    const pVal = pValues[row];
+    if (Number.isNaN(pVal) || !Number.isFinite(pVal)) {
+      return 'invalid';
+    }
+    return ''; // p-values won't normally be colored
+  }
+  getSignificance(row) {
+    const { control, pValues } = this.state;
+    const { alpha } = this.props;
+    // Color significant as green, else red
+    if (row === control) {
+      return 'control';
+    }
+    // p-values significant below set threshold
+    return pValues[row] <= alpha;
+  }
+  computeLift(values, control) {
+    const { liftValPrec } = this.props;
+    // Compute the lift value between two time series
+    let sumValues = 0;
+    let sumControl = 0;
+    values.forEach((value, i) => {
+      sumValues += value.y;
+      sumControl += control[i].y;
+    });
+    return (((sumValues - sumControl) / sumControl) * 100).toFixed(liftValPrec);
+  }
+  computePValue(values, control) {
+    const { pValPrec } = this.props;
+    // Compute the p-value from Student's t-test
+    // between two time series
+    let diffSum = 0;
+    let diffSqSum = 0;
+    let finiteCount = 0;
+    values.forEach((value, i) => {
+      const diff = control[i].y - value.y;
+      /* eslint-disable-next-line */
+      if (isFinite(diff)) {
+        finiteCount += 1;
+        diffSum += diff;
+        diffSqSum += diff * diff;
+      }
+    });
+    const tvalue = -Math.abs(
+      diffSum * Math.sqrt((finiteCount - 1) / (finiteCount * diffSqSum - diffSum * diffSum)),
+    );
+    try {
+      return (2 * new dist.Studentt(finiteCount - 1).cdf(tvalue)).toFixed(pValPrec); // two-sided test
+    } catch (error) {
+      return NaN;
+    }
+  }
+  computeTTest(control) {
+    // Compute lift and p-values for each row
+    // against the selected control
+    const { data } = this.props;
+    const pValues = [];
+    const liftValues = [];
+    if (!data) {
+      return;
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
+      if (i === control) {
+        pValues.push('control');
+        liftValues.push('control');
+      } else {
+        pValues.push(this.computePValue(data[i].values, data[control].values));
+        liftValues.push(this.computeLift(data[i].values, data[control].values));
+      }
+    }
+    this.setState({ control, liftValues, pValues });
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { data, metric, groups } = this.props;
+    const { control, liftValues, pValues } = this.state;
+    // Render column header for each group
+    const columns =, i) => (
+      <Th key={i} column={group}>
+        {group}
+      </Th>
+    ));
+    const numGroups = groups.length;
+    // Columns for p-value, lift-value, and significance (true/false)
+    columns.push(
+      <Th key={numGroups + 1} column="pValue">
+        p-value
+      </Th>,
+    );
+    columns.push(
+      <Th key={numGroups + 2} column="liftValue">
+        Lift %
+      </Th>,
+    );
+    columns.push(
+      <Th key={numGroups + 3} column="significant">
+        Significant
+      </Th>,
+    );
+    const rows =, i) => {
+      const values =
+        group,
+        j, // group names
+      ) => <Td key={j} column={group} data={[j]} />);
+      values.push(
+        <Td
+          key={numGroups + 1}
+          className={this.getPValueStatus(i)}
+          column="pValue"
+          data={pValues[i]}
+        />,
+      );
+      values.push(
+        <Td
+          key={numGroups + 2}
+          className={this.getLiftStatus(i)}
+          column="liftValue"
+          data={liftValues[i]}
+        />,
+      );
+      values.push(
+        <Td
+          key={numGroups + 3}
+          className={this.getSignificance(i).toString()}
+          column="significant"
+          data={this.getSignificance(i)}
+        />,
+      );
+      return (
+        <Tr
+          key={i}
+          className={i === control ? 'control' : ''}
+          onClick={this.computeTTest.bind(this, i)}
+        >
+          {values}
+        </Tr>
+      );
+    });
+    // When sorted ascending, 'control' will always be at top
+    const sortConfig = groups.concat([
+      {
+        column: 'pValue',
+        sortFunction: (a, b) => {
+          if (a === 'control') {
+            return -1;
+          }
+          if (b === 'control') {
+            return 1;
+          }
+          return a > b ? 1 : -1; // p-values ascending
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        column: 'liftValue',
+        sortFunction: (a, b) => {
+          if (a === 'control') {
+            return -1;
+          }
+          if (b === 'control') {
+            return 1;
+          }
+          return parseFloat(a) > parseFloat(b) ? -1 : 1; // lift values descending
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        column: 'significant',
+        sortFunction: (a, b) => {
+          if (a === 'control') {
+            return -1;
+          }
+          if (b === 'control') {
+            return 1;
+          }
+          return a > b ? -1 : 1; // significant values first
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+    return (
+      <div>
+        <h3>{metric}</h3>
+        <Table className="table" id={`table_${metric}`} sortable={sortConfig}>
+          <Thead>{columns}</Thead>
+          {rows}
+        </Table>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+TTestTable.propTypes = propTypes;
+TTestTable.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+export default TTestTable;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts
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index 0000000..1f2803f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['limit', 'timeseries_limit_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'contribution',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Contribution'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Parameters'),
+      expanded: false,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'significance_level',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Significance Level'),
+              default: 0.05,
+              description: t('Threshold alpha level for determining significance'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'pvalue_precision',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('p-value precision'),
+              default: 6,
+              description: t('Number of decimal places with which to display p-values'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'liftvalue_precision',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Lift percent precision'),
+              default: 4,
+              description: t('Number of decimal places with which to display lift values'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnail.png
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index 0000000..62ab0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6e692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7279d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Paired t-test Table'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class PairedTTestChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./PairedTTest'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e00e807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { groupby, liftvaluePrecision, metrics, pvaluePrecision, significanceLevel } = formData;
+  return {
+    alpha: significanceLevel,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    groups: groupby,
+    liftValPrec: parseInt(liftvaluePrecision, 10),
+    metrics,
+    pValPrec: parseInt(pvaluePrecision, 10),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/
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index 0000000..a983ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Parallel Coordinates for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import ParallelCoordinatesChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates';
+new ParallelCoordinatesChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'parallel-coordinates' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="parallel-coordinates"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43288b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Parallel Coordinates",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "prop-types": "^15.7.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ParallelCoordinates.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ParallelCoordinates.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c3428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ParallelCoordinates.js
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import parcoords from './vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords';
+import divgrid from './vendor/parcoords/divgrid';
+import './vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  // Standard tabular data [{ fieldName1: value1, fieldName2: value2 }]
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorMetric: PropTypes.string,
+  includeSeries: PropTypes.bool,
+  linearColorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  metrics: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  series: PropTypes.string,
+  showDatatable: PropTypes.bool,
+function ParallelCoordinates(element, props) {
+  const {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    colorMetric,
+    includeSeries,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    metrics,
+    series,
+    showDatatable,
+  } = props;
+  const cols = includeSeries ? [series].concat(metrics) : metrics;
+  const ttypes = {};
+  ttypes[series] = 'string';
+  metrics.forEach(v => {
+    ttypes[v] = 'number';
+  });
+  const colorScale = colorMetric
+    ? getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+        .get(linearColorScheme)
+        .createLinearScale(d3.extent(data, d => d[colorMetric]))
+    : () => 'grey';
+  const color = d => colorScale(d[colorMetric]);
+  const container ='superset-legacy-chart-parallel-coordinates', true);
+  container.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const effHeight = showDatatable ? height / 2 : height;
+  const div = container.append('div').style('height', `${effHeight}px`).classed('parcoords', true);
+  const chart = parcoords()(div.node())
+    .width(width)
+    .color(color)
+    .alpha(0.5)
+    .composite('darken')
+    .height(effHeight)
+    .data(data)
+    .dimensions(cols)
+    .types(ttypes)
+    .render()
+    .createAxes()
+    .shadows()
+    .reorderable()
+    .brushMode('1D-axes');
+  if (showDatatable) {
+    // create data table, row hover highlighting
+    const grid = divgrid();
+    container
+      .append('div')
+      .style('height', `${effHeight}px`)
+      .datum(data)
+      .call(grid)
+      .classed('parcoords grid', true)
+      .selectAll('.row')
+      .on({
+        mouseover(d) {
+          chart.highlight([d]);
+        },
+        mouseout: chart.unhighlight,
+      });
+    // update data table on brush event
+    chart.on('brush', d => {
+        .datum(d)
+        .call(grid)
+        .selectAll('.row')
+        .on({
+          mouseover(dd) {
+            chart.highlight([dd]);
+          },
+          mouseout: chart.unhighlight,
+        });
+    });
+  }
+ParallelCoordinates.displayName = 'ParallelCoordinates';
+ParallelCoordinates.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default ParallelCoordinates;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ReactParallelCoordinates.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ReactParallelCoordinates.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8633607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/ReactParallelCoordinates.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled, reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Component from './ParallelCoordinates';
+const ReactComponent = reactify(Component);
+const ParallelCoordianes = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactComponent {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+ParallelCoordianes.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+export default styled(ParallelCoordianes)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-parallel-coordinates {
+    div.grid {
+      overflow: auto;
+      div.row {
+        &:hover {
+          background-color: #ccc;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2227bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['series'],
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['secondary_metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['limit', 'row_limit'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_datatable',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Data Table'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Whether to display the interactive data table'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'include_series',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Include Series'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Include series name as an axis'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['linear_color_scheme'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a8bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e877b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0920c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Parallel Coordinates'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class ParallelCoordinatesChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactParallelCoordinates'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91741a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    includeSeries,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    metrics,
+    secondaryMetric,
+    series,
+    showDatatable,
+  } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    includeSeries,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    metrics: => m.label || m),
+    colorMetric: secondaryMetric && secondaryMetric.label ? secondaryMetric.label : secondaryMetric,
+    series,
+    showDatatable,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc82bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.css
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* [LICENSE TBD] */
+.parcoords svg,
+.parcoords canvas {
+  font-size: 12px;
+  position: absolute;
+.parcoords > canvas {
+  pointer-events: none;
+.parcoords text.label {
+  font: 100%;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  cursor: drag;
+.parcoords rect.background {
+  fill: transparent;
+.parcoords rect.background:hover {
+  fill: rgba(120, 120, 120, 0.2);
+.parcoords .resize rect {
+  fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+.parcoords rect.extent {
+  fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
+  stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+.parcoords .axis line,
+.parcoords .axis path {
+  fill: none;
+  stroke: #222;
+  shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+.parcoords canvas {
+  opacity: 1;
+  -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s;
+  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s;
+  -o-transition: opacity 0.3s;
+.parcoords canvas.faded {
+  opacity: 0.25;
+.parcoords {
+  -webkit-touch-callout: none;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+  -khtml-user-select: none;
+  -moz-user-select: none;
+  -ms-user-select: none;
+  user-select: none;
+  background-color: white;
+/* data table styles */
+.parcoords .row,
+.parcoords .header {
+  clear: left;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 18px;
+  height: 18px;
+  margin: 0px;
+.parcoords .row:nth-child(odd) {
+  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+.parcoords .header {
+  font-weight: bold;
+.parcoords .cell {
+  float: left;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  width: 100px;
+  height: 18px;
+.parcoords .col-0 {
+  width: 180px;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884973d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/d3.parcoords.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2362 @@
+/* [LICENSE TBD] */
+/* eslint-disable */
+export default function (config) {
+  var __ = {
+    data: [],
+    highlighted: [],
+    dimensions: [],
+    dimensionTitles: {},
+    dimensionTitleRotation: 0,
+    types: {},
+    brushed: false,
+    brushedColor: null,
+    alphaOnBrushed: 0.0,
+    mode: 'default',
+    rate: 20,
+    width: 600,
+    height: 300,
+    margin: { top: 24, right: 0, bottom: 12, left: 0 },
+    nullValueSeparator: 'undefined', // set to "top" or "bottom"
+    nullValueSeparatorPadding: { top: 8, right: 0, bottom: 8, left: 0 },
+    color: '#069',
+    composite: 'source-over',
+    alpha: 0.7,
+    bundlingStrength: 0.5,
+    bundleDimension: null,
+    smoothness: 0.0,
+    showControlPoints: false,
+    hideAxis: [],
+  };
+  extend(__, config);
+  var pc = function (selection) {
+    selection = pc.selection =;
+    __.width = selection[0][0].clientWidth;
+    __.height = selection[0][0].clientHeight;
+    // canvas data layers
+    ['marks', 'foreground', 'brushed', 'highlight'].forEach(function (layer) {
+      canvas[layer] = selection.append('canvas').attr('class', layer)[0][0];
+      ctx[layer] = canvas[layer].getContext('2d');
+    });
+    // svg tick and brush layers
+    pc.svg = selection
+      .append('svg')
+      .attr('width', __.width)
+      .attr('height', __.height)
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('transform', 'translate(' + __.margin.left + ',' + + ')');
+    return pc;
+  };
+  var events = d3.dispatch.apply(
+      this,
+      ['render', 'resize', 'highlight', 'brush', 'brushend', 'axesreorder'].concat(d3.keys(__)),
+    ),
+    w = function () {
+      return __.width - __.margin.right - __.margin.left;
+    },
+    h = function () {
+      return __.height - - __.margin.bottom;
+    },
+    flags = {
+      brushable: false,
+      reorderable: false,
+      axes: false,
+      interactive: false,
+      debug: false,
+    },
+    xscale = d3.scale.ordinal(),
+    yscale = {},
+    dragging = {},
+    line = d3.svg.line(),
+    axis = d3.svg.axis().orient('left').ticks(5),
+    g, // groups for axes, brushes
+    ctx = {},
+    canvas = {},
+    clusterCentroids = [];
+  // side effects for setters
+  var side_effects = d3.dispatch
+    .apply(this, d3.keys(__))
+    .on('composite', function (d) {
+      ctx.foreground.globalCompositeOperation = d.value;
+      ctx.brushed.globalCompositeOperation = d.value;
+    })
+    .on('alpha', function (d) {
+      ctx.foreground.globalAlpha = d.value;
+      ctx.brushed.globalAlpha = d.value;
+    })
+    .on('brushedColor', function (d) {
+      ctx.brushed.strokeStyle = d.value;
+    })
+    .on('width', function (d) {
+      pc.resize();
+    })
+    .on('height', function (d) {
+      pc.resize();
+    })
+    .on('margin', function (d) {
+      pc.resize();
+    })
+    .on('rate', function (d) {
+      brushedQueue.rate(d.value);
+      foregroundQueue.rate(d.value);
+    })
+    .on('dimensions', function (d) {
+      xscale.domain(__.dimensions);
+      if (flags.interactive) {
+        pc.render().updateAxes();
+      }
+    })
+    .on('bundleDimension', function (d) {
+      if (!__.dimensions.length) pc.detectDimensions();
+      if (!(__.dimensions[0] in yscale)) pc.autoscale();
+      if (typeof d.value === 'number') {
+        if (d.value < __.dimensions.length) {
+          __.bundleDimension = __.dimensions[d.value];
+        } else if (d.value < __.hideAxis.length) {
+          __.bundleDimension = __.hideAxis[d.value];
+        }
+      } else {
+        __.bundleDimension = d.value;
+      }
+      __.clusterCentroids = compute_cluster_centroids(__.bundleDimension);
+    })
+    .on('hideAxis', function (d) {
+      if (!__.dimensions.length) pc.detectDimensions();
+      pc.dimensions(without(__.dimensions, d.value));
+    });
+  // expose the state of the chart
+  pc.state = __;
+  pc.flags = flags;
+  // create getter/setters
+  getset(pc, __, events);
+  // expose events
+  d3.rebind(pc, events, 'on');
+  // getter/setter with event firing
+  function getset(obj, state, events) {
+    d3.keys(state).forEach(function (key) {
+      obj[key] = function (x) {
+        if (!arguments.length) {
+          return state[key];
+        }
+        var old = state[key];
+        state[key] = x;
+        side_effects[key].call(pc, { value: x, previous: old });
+        events[key].call(pc, { value: x, previous: old });
+        return obj;
+      };
+    });
+  }
+  function extend(target, source) {
+    for (var key in source) {
+      target[key] = source[key];
+    }
+    return target;
+  }
+  function without(arr, item) {
+    return arr.filter(function (elem) {
+      return item.indexOf(elem) === -1;
+    });
+  }
+  /** adjusts an axis' default range [h()+1, 1] if a NullValueSeparator is set */
+  function getRange() {
+    if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'bottom') {
+      return [h() + 1 - __.nullValueSeparatorPadding.bottom -, 1];
+    } else if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'top') {
+      return [h() + 1, 1 + __.nullValueSeparatorPadding.bottom +];
+    }
+    return [h() + 1, 1];
+  }
+  pc.autoscale = function () {
+    // yscale
+    var defaultScales = {
+      date: function (k) {
+        var extent = d3.extent(, function (d) {
+          return d[k] ? d[k].getTime() : null;
+        });
+        // special case if single value
+        if (extent[0] === extent[1]) {
+          return d3.scale.ordinal().domain([extent[0]]).rangePoints(getRange());
+        }
+        return d3.time.scale().domain(extent).range(getRange());
+      },
+      number: function (k) {
+        var extent = d3.extent(, function (d) {
+          return +d[k];
+        });
+        // special case if single value
+        if (extent[0] === extent[1]) {
+          return d3.scale.ordinal().domain([extent[0]]).rangePoints(getRange());
+        }
+        return d3.scale.linear().domain(extent).range(getRange());
+      },
+      string: function (k) {
+        var counts = {},
+          domain = [];
+        // Let's get the count for each value so that we can sort the domain based
+        // on the number of items for each value.
+ (p) {
+          if (p[k] === undefined && __.nullValueSeparator !== 'undefined') {
+            return; // null values will be drawn beyond the horizontal null value separator!
+          }
+          if (counts[p[k]] === undefined) {
+            counts[p[k]] = 1;
+          } else {
+            counts[p[k]] = counts[p[k]] + 1;
+          }
+        });
+        domain = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(counts).sort(function (a, b) {
+          return counts[a] - counts[b];
+        });
+        return d3.scale.ordinal().domain(domain).rangePoints(getRange());
+      },
+    };
+    __.dimensions.forEach(function (k) {
+      yscale[k] = defaultScales[__.types[k]](k);
+    });
+    __.hideAxis.forEach(function (k) {
+      yscale[k] = defaultScales[__.types[k]](k);
+    });
+    // xscale
+    xscale.rangePoints([0, w()], 1);
+    // canvas sizes
+    pc.selection
+      .selectAll('canvas')
+      .style('margin-top', + 'px')
+      .style('margin-left', __.margin.left + 'px')
+      .attr('width', w() + 2)
+      .attr('height', h() + 2);
+    // default styles, needs to be set when canvas width changes
+    ctx.foreground.strokeStyle = __.color;
+    ctx.foreground.lineWidth = 1.4;
+    ctx.foreground.globalCompositeOperation = __.composite;
+    ctx.foreground.globalAlpha = __.alpha;
+    ctx.brushed.strokeStyle = __.brushedColor;
+    ctx.brushed.lineWidth = 1.4;
+    ctx.brushed.globalCompositeOperation = __.composite;
+    ctx.brushed.globalAlpha = __.alpha;
+    ctx.highlight.lineWidth = 3;
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.scale = function (d, domain) {
+    yscale[d].domain(domain);
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.flip = function (d) {
+    //yscale[d].domain().reverse();         // does not work
+    yscale[d].domain(yscale[d].domain().reverse()); // works
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.commonScale = function (global, type) {
+    var t = type || 'number';
+    if (typeof global === 'undefined') {
+      global = true;
+    }
+    // scales of the same type
+    var scales = __.dimensions.concat(__.hideAxis).filter(function (p) {
+      return __.types[p] == t;
+    });
+    if (global) {
+      var extent = d3.extent(
+        scales
+          .map(function (p, i) {
+            return yscale[p].domain();
+          })
+          .reduce(function (a, b) {
+            return a.concat(b);
+          }),
+      );
+      scales.forEach(function (d) {
+        yscale[d].domain(extent);
+      });
+    } else {
+      scales.forEach(function (k) {
+        yscale[k].domain(
+          d3.extent(, function (d) {
+            return +d[k];
+          }),
+        );
+      });
+    }
+    // update centroids
+    if (__.bundleDimension !== null) {
+      pc.bundleDimension(__.bundleDimension);
+    }
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.detectDimensions = function () {
+    pc.types(pc.detectDimensionTypes(;
+    pc.dimensions(d3.keys(pc.types()));
+    return this;
+  };
+  // a better "typeof" from this post:
+  pc.toType = function (v) {
+    return {}.toString
+      .call(v)
+      .match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1]
+      .toLowerCase();
+  };
+  // try to coerce to number before returning type
+  pc.toTypeCoerceNumbers = function (v) {
+    if (parseFloat(v) == v && v != null) {
+      return 'number';
+    }
+    return pc.toType(v);
+  };
+  // attempt to determine types of each dimension based on first row of data
+  pc.detectDimensionTypes = function (data) {
+    var types = {};
+    d3.keys(data[0]).forEach(function (col) {
+      types[col] = pc.toTypeCoerceNumbers(data[0][col]);
+    });
+    return types;
+  };
+  pc.render = function () {
+    // try to autodetect dimensions and create scales
+    if (!__.dimensions.length) pc.detectDimensions();
+    if (!(__.dimensions[0] in yscale)) pc.autoscale();
+    pc.render[__.mode]();
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.renderBrushed = function () {
+    if (!__.dimensions.length) pc.detectDimensions();
+    if (!(__.dimensions[0] in yscale)) pc.autoscale();
+    pc.renderBrushed[__.mode]();
+    return this;
+  };
+  function isBrushed() {
+    if (__.brushed && __.brushed.length !== return true;
+    var object = brush.currentMode().brushState();
+    for (var key in object) {
+      if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  pc.render.default = function () {
+    pc.clear('foreground');
+    pc.clear('highlight');
+    pc.renderBrushed.default();
+  };
+  var foregroundQueue = d3
+    .renderQueue(path_foreground)
+    .rate(50)
+    .clear(function () {
+      pc.clear('foreground');
+      pc.clear('highlight');
+    });
+  pc.render.queue = function () {
+    pc.renderBrushed.queue();
+    foregroundQueue(;
+  };
+  pc.renderBrushed.default = function () {
+    pc.clear('brushed');
+    if (isBrushed()) {
+      __.brushed.forEach(path_brushed);
+    }
+  };
+  var brushedQueue = d3
+    .renderQueue(path_brushed)
+    .rate(50)
+    .clear(function () {
+      pc.clear('brushed');
+    });
+  pc.renderBrushed.queue = function () {
+    if (isBrushed()) {
+      brushedQueue(__.brushed);
+    } else {
+      brushedQueue([]); // This is needed to clear the currently brushed items
+    }
+  };
+  function compute_cluster_centroids(d) {
+    var clusterCentroids =;
+    var clusterCounts =;
+    // determine clusterCounts
+ (row) {
+      var scaled = yscale[d](row[d]);
+      if (!clusterCounts.has(scaled)) {
+        clusterCounts.set(scaled, 0);
+      }
+      var count = clusterCounts.get(scaled);
+      clusterCounts.set(scaled, count + 1);
+    });
+ (row) {
+ (p, i) {
+        var scaled = yscale[d](row[d]);
+        if (!clusterCentroids.has(scaled)) {
+          var map =;
+          clusterCentroids.set(scaled, map);
+        }
+        if (!clusterCentroids.get(scaled).has(p)) {
+          clusterCentroids.get(scaled).set(p, 0);
+        }
+        var value = clusterCentroids.get(scaled).get(p);
+        value += yscale[p](row[p]) / clusterCounts.get(scaled);
+        clusterCentroids.get(scaled).set(p, value);
+      });
+    });
+    return clusterCentroids;
+  }
+  function compute_centroids(row) {
+    var centroids = [];
+    var p = __.dimensions;
+    var cols = p.length;
+    var a = 0.5; // center between axes
+    for (var i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
+      // centroids on 'real' axes
+      var x = position(p[i]);
+      var y = yscale[p[i]](row[p[i]]);
+      centroids.push($V([x, y]));
+      // centroids on 'virtual' axes
+      if (i < cols - 1) {
+        var cx = x + a * (position(p[i + 1]) - x);
+        var cy = y + a * (yscale[p[i + 1]](row[p[i + 1]]) - y);
+        if (__.bundleDimension !== null) {
+          var leftCentroid = __.clusterCentroids
+            .get(yscale[__.bundleDimension](row[__.bundleDimension]))
+            .get(p[i]);
+          var rightCentroid = __.clusterCentroids
+            .get(yscale[__.bundleDimension](row[__.bundleDimension]))
+            .get(p[i + 1]);
+          var centroid = 0.5 * (leftCentroid + rightCentroid);
+          cy = centroid + (1 - __.bundlingStrength) * (cy - centroid);
+        }
+        centroids.push($V([cx, cy]));
+      }
+    }
+    return centroids;
+  }
+  function compute_control_points(centroids) {
+    var cols = centroids.length;
+    var a = __.smoothness;
+    var cps = [];
+    cps.push(centroids[0]);
+    cps.push(
+      $V([centroids[0].e(1) + a * 2 * (centroids[1].e(1) - centroids[0].e(1)), centroids[0].e(2)]),
+    );
+    for (var col = 1; col < cols - 1; ++col) {
+      var mid = centroids[col];
+      var left = centroids[col - 1];
+      var right = centroids[col + 1];
+      var diff = left.subtract(right);
+      cps.push(mid.add(diff.x(a)));
+      cps.push(mid);
+      cps.push(mid.subtract(diff.x(a)));
+    }
+    cps.push(
+      $V([
+        centroids[cols - 1].e(1) + a * 2 * (centroids[cols - 2].e(1) - centroids[cols - 1].e(1)),
+        centroids[cols - 1].e(2),
+      ]),
+    );
+    cps.push(centroids[cols - 1]);
+    return cps;
+  }
+  pc.shadows = function () {
+    flags.shadows = true;
+    pc.alphaOnBrushed(0.1);
+    pc.render();
+    return this;
+  };
+  // draw dots with radius r on the axis line where data intersects
+  pc.axisDots = function (r) {
+    var r = r || 0.1;
+    var ctx = pc.ctx.marks;
+    var startAngle = 0;
+    var endAngle = 2 * Math.PI;
+    ctx.globalAlpha = d3.min([1 / Math.pow(, 1 / 2), 1]);
+ (d) {
+ (p, i) {
+        ctx.beginPath();
+        ctx.arc(position(p), yscale[p](d[p]), r, startAngle, endAngle);
+        ctx.stroke();
+        ctx.fill();
+      });
+    });
+    return this;
+  };
+  // draw single cubic bezier curve
+  function single_curve(d, ctx) {
+    var centroids = compute_centroids(d);
+    var cps = compute_control_points(centroids);
+    ctx.moveTo(cps[0].e(1), cps[0].e(2));
+    for (var i = 1; i < cps.length; i += 3) {
+      if (__.showControlPoints) {
+        for (var j = 0; j < 3; j += 1) {
+          ctx.fillRect(cps[i + j].e(1), cps[i + j].e(2), 2, 2);
+        }
+      }
+      ctx.bezierCurveTo(
+        cps[i].e(1),
+        cps[i].e(2),
+        cps[i + 1].e(1),
+        cps[i + 1].e(2),
+        cps[i + 2].e(1),
+        cps[i + 2].e(2),
+      );
+    }
+  }
+  // draw single polyline
+  function color_path(d, ctx) {
+    ctx.beginPath();
+    if ((__.bundleDimension !== null && __.bundlingStrength > 0) || __.smoothness > 0) {
+      single_curve(d, ctx);
+    } else {
+      single_path(d, ctx);
+    }
+    ctx.stroke();
+  }
+  // draw many polylines of the same color
+  function paths(data, ctx) {
+    ctx.clearRect(-1, -1, w() + 2, h() + 2);
+    ctx.beginPath();
+    data.forEach(function (d) {
+      if ((__.bundleDimension !== null && __.bundlingStrength > 0) || __.smoothness > 0) {
+        single_curve(d, ctx);
+      } else {
+        single_path(d, ctx);
+      }
+    });
+    ctx.stroke();
+  }
+  // returns the y-position just beyond the separating null value line
+  function getNullPosition() {
+    if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'bottom') {
+      return h() + 1;
+    } else if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'top') {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      console.log(
+        "A value is NULL, but nullValueSeparator is not set; set it to 'bottom' or 'top'.",
+      );
+    }
+    return h() + 1;
+  }
+  function single_path(d, ctx) {
+ (p, i) {
+      if (i == 0) {
+        ctx.moveTo(position(p), typeof d[p] == 'undefined' ? getNullPosition() : yscale[p](d[p]));
+      } else {
+        ctx.lineTo(position(p), typeof d[p] == 'undefined' ? getNullPosition() : yscale[p](d[p]));
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  function path_brushed(d, i) {
+    if (__.brushedColor !== null) {
+      ctx.brushed.strokeStyle = d3.functor(__.brushedColor)(d, i);
+    } else {
+      ctx.brushed.strokeStyle = d3.functor(__.color)(d, i);
+    }
+    return color_path(d, ctx.brushed);
+  }
+  function path_foreground(d, i) {
+    ctx.foreground.strokeStyle = d3.functor(__.color)(d, i);
+    return color_path(d, ctx.foreground);
+  }
+  function path_highlight(d, i) {
+    ctx.highlight.strokeStyle = d3.functor(__.color)(d, i);
+    return color_path(d, ctx.highlight);
+  }
+  pc.clear = function (layer) {
+    ctx[layer].clearRect(0, 0, w() + 2, h() + 2);
+    // This will make sure that the foreground items are transparent
+    // without the need for changing the opacity style of the foreground canvas
+    // as this would stop the css styling from working
+    if (layer === 'brushed' && isBrushed()) {
+      ctx.brushed.fillStyle ='background-color');
+      ctx.brushed.globalAlpha = 1 - __.alphaOnBrushed;
+      ctx.brushed.fillRect(0, 0, w() + 2, h() + 2);
+      ctx.brushed.globalAlpha = __.alpha;
+    }
+    return this;
+  };
+  d3.rebind(
+    pc,
+    axis,
+    'ticks',
+    'orient',
+    'tickValues',
+    'tickSubdivide',
+    'tickSize',
+    'tickPadding',
+    'tickFormat',
+  );
+  function flipAxisAndUpdatePCP(dimension) {
+    var g = pc.svg.selectAll('.dimension');
+    pc.flip(dimension);
+    pc.render();
+  }
+  function rotateLabels() {
+    var delta = d3.event.deltaY;
+    delta = delta < 0 ? -5 : delta;
+    delta = delta > 0 ? 5 : delta;
+    __.dimensionTitleRotation += delta;
+    pc.svg
+      .selectAll('text.label')
+      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,-5) rotate(' + __.dimensionTitleRotation + ')');
+    d3.event.preventDefault();
+  }
+  function dimensionLabels(d) {
+    return d in __.dimensionTitles ? __.dimensionTitles[d] : d; // dimension display names
+  }
+  pc.createAxes = function () {
+    if (g) pc.removeAxes();
+    // Add a group element for each dimension.
+    g = pc.svg
+      .selectAll('.dimension')
+      .data(__.dimensions, function (d) {
+        return d;
+      })
+      .enter()
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'dimension')
+      .attr('transform', function (d) {
+        return 'translate(' + xscale(d) + ')';
+      });
+    // Add an axis and title.
+    g.append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'axis')
+      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)')
+      .each(function (d) {
+      })
+      .append('svg:text')
+      .attr({
+        'text-anchor': 'middle',
+        y: 0,
+        transform: 'translate(0,-5) rotate(' + __.dimensionTitleRotation + ')',
+        x: 0,
+        class: 'label',
+      })
+      .text(dimensionLabels)
+      .on('dblclick', flipAxisAndUpdatePCP)
+      .on('wheel', rotateLabels);
+    if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'top') {
+      pc.svg
+        .append('line')
+        .attr('x1', 0)
+        .attr('y1', 1 +
+        .attr('x2', w())
+        .attr('y2', 1 +
+        .attr('stroke-width', 1)
+        .attr('stroke', '#777')
+        .attr('fill', 'none')
+        .attr('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges');
+    } else if (__.nullValueSeparator == 'bottom') {
+      pc.svg
+        .append('line')
+        .attr('x1', 0)
+        .attr('y1', h() + 1 - __.nullValueSeparatorPadding.bottom)
+        .attr('x2', w())
+        .attr('y2', h() + 1 - __.nullValueSeparatorPadding.bottom)
+        .attr('stroke-width', 1)
+        .attr('stroke', '#777')
+        .attr('fill', 'none')
+        .attr('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges');
+    }
+    flags.axes = true;
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.removeAxes = function () {
+    g.remove();
+    return this;
+  };
+  pc.updateAxes = function () {
+    var g_data = pc.svg.selectAll('.dimension').data(__.dimensions);
+    // Enter
+    g_data
+      .enter()
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'dimension')
+      .attr('transform', function (p) {
+        return 'translate(' + position(p) + ')';
+      })
+      .style('opacity', 0)
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'axis')
+      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)')
+      .each(function (d) {
+      })
+      .append('svg:text')
+      .attr({
+        'text-anchor': 'middle',
+        y: 0,
+        transform: 'translate(0,-5) rotate(' + __.dimensionTitleRotation + ')',
+        x: 0,
+        class: 'label',
+      })
+      .text(dimensionLabels)
+      .on('dblclick', flipAxisAndUpdatePCP)
+      .on('wheel', rotateLabels);
+    // Update
+    g_data.attr('opacity', 0);
+    g_data
+      .select('.axis')
+      .transition()
+      .duration(1100)
+      .each(function (d) {
+      });
+    g_data
+      .select('.label')
+      .transition()
+      .duration(1100)
+      .text(dimensionLabels)
+      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,-5) rotate(' + __.dimensionTitleRotation + ')');
+    // Exit
+    g_data.exit().remove();
+    g = pc.svg.selectAll('.dimension');
+    g.transition()
+      .duration(1100)
+      .attr('transform', function (p) {
+        return 'translate(' + position(p) + ')';
+      })
+      .style('opacity', 1);
+    pc.svg
+      .selectAll('.axis')
+      .transition()
+      .duration(1100)
+      .each(function (d) {
+      });
+    if (flags.brushable) pc.brushable();
+    if (flags.reorderable) pc.reorderable();
+    if (pc.brushMode() !== 'None') {
+      var mode = pc.brushMode();
+      pc.brushMode('None');
+      pc.brushMode(mode);
+    }
+    return this;
+  };
+  // Jason Davies,
+  pc.reorderable = function () {
+    if (!g) pc.createAxes();
+'cursor', 'move').call(
+      d3.behavior
+        .drag()
+        .on('dragstart', function (d) {
+          dragging[d] = this.__origin__ = xscale(d);
+        })
+        .on('drag', function (d) {
+          dragging[d] = Math.min(w(), Math.max(0, (this.__origin__ += d3.event.dx)));
+          __.dimensions.sort(function (a, b) {
+            return position(a) - position(b);
+          });
+          xscale.domain(__.dimensions);
+          pc.render();
+          g.attr('transform', function (d) {
+            return 'translate(' + position(d) + ')';
+          });
+        })
+        .on('dragend', function (d) {
+          // Let's see if the order has changed and send out an event if so.
+          var i = 0,
+            j = __.dimensions.indexOf(d),
+            elem = this,
+            parent = this.parentElement;
+          while ((elem = elem.previousElementSibling) != null) ++i;
+          if (i !== j) {
+  , __.dimensions);
+            // We now also want to reorder the actual dom elements that represent
+            // the axes. That is, the g.dimension elements. If we don't do this,
+            // we get a weird and confusing transition when updateAxes is called.
+            // This is due to the fact that, initially the nth g.dimension element
+            // represents the nth axis. However, after a manual reordering,
+            // without reordering the dom elements, the nth dom elements no longer
+            // necessarily represents the nth axis.
+            //
+            // i is the original index of the dom element
+            // j is the new index of the dom element
+            if (i > j) {
+              // Element moved left
+              parent.insertBefore(this, parent.children[j - 1]);
+            } else {
+              // Element moved right
+              if (j + 1 < parent.children.length) {
+                parent.insertBefore(this, parent.children[j + 1]);
+              } else {
+                parent.appendChild(this);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          delete this.__origin__;
+          delete dragging[d];
+            .transition()
+            .attr('transform', 'translate(' + xscale(d) + ')');
+          pc.render();
+        }),
+    );
+    flags.reorderable = true;
+    return this;
+  };
+  // Reorder dimensions, such that the highest value (visually) is on the left and
+  // the lowest on the right. Visual values are determined by the data values in
+  // the given row.
+  pc.reorder = function (rowdata) {
+    var dims = __.dimensions.slice(0);
+    __.dimensions.sort(function (a, b) {
+      var pixelDifference = yscale[a](rowdata[a]) - yscale[b](rowdata[b]);
+      // Array.sort is not necessarily stable, this means that if pixelDifference is zero
+      // the ordering of dimensions might change unexpectedly. This is solved by sorting on
+      // variable name in that case.
+      if (pixelDifference === 0) {
+        return a.localeCompare(b);
+      } // else
+      return pixelDifference;
+    });
+    // NOTE: this is relatively cheap given that:
+    // number of dimensions < number of data items
+    // Thus we check equality of order to prevent rerendering when this is the case.
+    var reordered = false;
+    dims.some(function (val, index) {
+      reordered = val !== __.dimensions[index];
+      return reordered;
+    });
+    if (reordered) {
+      xscale.domain(__.dimensions);
+      var highlighted = __.highlighted.slice(0);
+      pc.unhighlight();
+      g.transition()
+        .duration(1500)
+        .attr('transform', function (d) {
+          return 'translate(' + xscale(d) + ')';
+        });
+      pc.render();
+      // pc.highlight() does not check whether highlighted is length zero, so we do that here.
+      if (highlighted.length !== 0) {
+        pc.highlight(highlighted);
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  // pairs of adjacent dimensions
+  pc.adjacent_pairs = function (arr) {
+    var ret = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i += 1) {
+      ret.push([arr[i], arr[i + 1]]);
+    }
+    return ret;
+  };
+  var brush = {
+    modes: {
+      None: {
+        install: function (pc) {}, // Nothing to be done.
+        uninstall: function (pc) {}, // Nothing to be done.
+        selected: function () {
+          return [];
+        }, // Nothing to return
+        brushState: function () {
+          return {};
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    mode: 'None',
+    predicate: 'AND',
+    currentMode: function () {
+      return this.modes[this.mode];
+    },
+  };
+  // This function can be used for 'live' updates of brushes. That is, during the
+  // specification of a brush, this method can be called to update the view.
+  //
+  // @param newSelection - The new set of data items that is currently contained
+  //                       by the brushes
+  function brushUpdated(newSelection) {
+    __.brushed = newSelection;
+, __.brushed);
+    pc.renderBrushed();
+  }
+  function brushPredicate(predicate) {
+    if (!arguments.length) {
+      return brush.predicate;
+    }
+    predicate = String(predicate).toUpperCase();
+    if (predicate !== 'AND' && predicate !== 'OR') {
+      throw 'Invalid predicate ' + predicate;
+    }
+    brush.predicate = predicate;
+    __.brushed = brush.currentMode().selected();
+    pc.renderBrushed();
+    return pc;
+  }
+  pc.brushModes = function () {
+    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(brush.modes);
+  };
+  pc.brushMode = function (mode) {
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      return brush.mode;
+    }
+    if (pc.brushModes().indexOf(mode) === -1) {
+      throw 'pc.brushmode: Unsupported brush mode: ' + mode;
+    }
+    // Make sure that we don't trigger unnecessary events by checking if the mode
+    // actually changes.
+    if (mode !== brush.mode) {
+      // When changing brush modes, the first thing we need to do is clearing any
+      // brushes from the current mode, if any.
+      if (brush.mode !== 'None') {
+        pc.brushReset();
+      }
+      // Next, we need to 'uninstall' the current brushMode.
+      brush.modes[brush.mode].uninstall(pc);
+      // Finally, we can install the requested one.
+      brush.mode = mode;
+      brush.modes[brush.mode].install();
+      if (mode === 'None') {
+        delete pc.brushPredicate;
+      } else {
+        pc.brushPredicate = brushPredicate;
+      }
+    }
+    return pc;
+  };
+  // brush mode: 1D-Axes
+  (function () {
+    var brushes = {};
+    function is_brushed(p) {
+      return !brushes[p].empty();
+    }
+    // data within extents
+    function selected() {
+      var actives = __.dimensions.filter(is_brushed),
+        extents = (p) {
+          return brushes[p].extent();
+        });
+      // We don't want to return the full data set when there are no axes brushed.
+      // Actually, when there are no axes brushed, by definition, no items are
+      // selected. So, let's avoid the filtering and just return false.
+      //if (actives.length === 0) return false;
+      // Resolves broken examples for now. They expect to get the full dataset back from empty brushes
+      if (actives.length === 0) return;
+      // test if within range
+      var within = {
+        date: function (d, p, dimension) {
+          if (typeof yscale[p].rangePoints === 'function') {
+            // if it is ordinal
+            return (
+              extents[dimension][0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= extents[dimension][1]
+            );
+          } else {
+            return extents[dimension][0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= extents[dimension][1];
+          }
+        },
+        number: function (d, p, dimension) {
+          if (typeof yscale[p].rangePoints === 'function') {
+            // if it is ordinal
+            return (
+              extents[dimension][0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= extents[dimension][1]
+            );
+          } else {
+            return extents[dimension][0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= extents[dimension][1];
+          }
+        },
+        string: function (d, p, dimension) {
+          return (
+            extents[dimension][0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= extents[dimension][1]
+          );
+        },
+      };
+      return (d) {
+        switch (brush.predicate) {
+          case 'AND':
+            return actives.every(function (p, dimension) {
+              return within[__.types[p]](d, p, dimension);
+            });
+          case 'OR':
+            return actives.some(function (p, dimension) {
+              return within[__.types[p]](d, p, dimension);
+            });
+          default:
+            throw 'Unknown brush predicate ' + __.brushPredicate;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    function brushExtents(extents) {
+      if (typeof extents === 'undefined') {
+        var extents = {};
+        __.dimensions.forEach(function (d) {
+          var brush = brushes[d];
+          if (brush !== undefined && !brush.empty()) {
+            var extent = brush.extent();
+            extent.sort(d3.ascending);
+            extents[d] = extent;
+          }
+        });
+        return extents;
+      } else {
+        //first get all the brush selections
+        var brushSelections = {};
+        g.selectAll('.brush').each(function (d) {
+          brushSelections[d] =;
+        });
+        // loop over each dimension and update appropriately (if it was passed in through extents)
+        __.dimensions.forEach(function (d) {
+          if (extents[d] === undefined) {
+            return;
+          }
+          var brush = brushes[d];
+          if (brush !== undefined) {
+            //update the extent
+            brush.extent(extents[d]);
+            //redraw the brush
+            brush(brushSelections[d]);
+            //fire some events
+            brush.event(brushSelections[d]);
+          }
+        });
+        //redraw the chart
+        pc.renderBrushed();
+      }
+    }
+    function brushFor(axis) {
+      var brush = d3.svg.brush();
+      brush
+        .y(yscale[axis])
+        .on('brushstart', function () {
+          if (d3.event.sourceEvent !== null) {
+            d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation();
+          }
+        })
+        .on('brush', function () {
+          brushUpdated(selected());
+        })
+        .on('brushend', function () {
+, __.brushed);
+        });
+      brushes[axis] = brush;
+      return brush;
+    }
+    function brushReset(dimension) {
+      __.brushed = false;
+      if (g) {
+        g.selectAll('.brush').each(function (d) {
+        });
+        pc.renderBrushed();
+      }
+      return this;
+    }
+    function install() {
+      if (!g) pc.createAxes();
+      // Add and store a brush for each axis.
+      g.append('svg:g')
+        .attr('class', 'brush')
+        .each(function (d) {
+        })
+        .selectAll('rect')
+        .style('visibility', null)
+        .attr('x', -15)
+        .attr('width', 30);
+      pc.brushExtents = brushExtents;
+      pc.brushReset = brushReset;
+      return pc;
+    }
+    brush.modes['1D-axes'] = {
+      install: install,
+      uninstall: function () {
+        g.selectAll('.brush').remove();
+        brushes = {};
+        delete pc.brushExtents;
+        delete pc.brushReset;
+      },
+      selected: selected,
+      brushState: brushExtents,
+    };
+  })();
+  // brush mode: 2D-strums
+  //
+  (function () {
+    var strums = {},
+      strumRect;
+    function drawStrum(strum, activePoint) {
+      var svg ='svg').select('g#strums'),
+        id = strum.dims.i,
+        points = [strum.p1, strum.p2],
+        line = svg.selectAll('line#strum-' + id).data([strum]),
+        circles = svg.selectAll('circle#strum-' + id).data(points),
+        drag = d3.behavior.drag();
+      line
+        .enter()
+        .append('line')
+        .attr('id', 'strum-' + id)
+        .attr('class', 'strum');
+      line
+        .attr('x1', function (d) {
+          return d.p1[0];
+        })
+        .attr('y1', function (d) {
+          return d.p1[1];
+        })
+        .attr('x2', function (d) {
+          return d.p2[0];
+        })
+        .attr('y2', function (d) {
+          return d.p2[1];
+        })
+        .attr('stroke', 'black')
+        .attr('stroke-width', 2);
+      drag
+        .on('drag', function (d, i) {
+          var ev = d3.event;
+          i = i + 1;
+          strum['p' + i][0] = Math.min(Math.max(strum.minX + 1, ev.x), strum.maxX);
+          strum['p' + i][1] = Math.min(Math.max(strum.minY, ev.y), strum.maxY);
+          drawStrum(strum, i - 1);
+        })
+        .on('dragend', onDragEnd());
+      circles
+        .enter()
+        .append('circle')
+        .attr('id', 'strum-' + id)
+        .attr('class', 'strum');
+      circles
+        .attr('cx', function (d) {
+          return d[0];
+        })
+        .attr('cy', function (d) {
+          return d[1];
+        })
+        .attr('r', 5)
+        .style('opacity', function (d, i) {
+          return activePoint !== undefined && i === activePoint ? 0.8 : 0;
+        })
+        .on('mouseover', function () {
+'opacity', 0.8);
+        })
+        .on('mouseout', function () {
+'opacity', 0);
+        })
+        .call(drag);
+    }
+    function dimensionsForPoint(p) {
+      var dims = { i: -1, left: undefined, right: undefined };
+      __.dimensions.some(function (dim, i) {
+        if (xscale(dim) < p[0]) {
+          var next = __.dimensions[i + 1];
+          dims.i = i;
+          dims.left = dim;
+          dims.right = next;
+          return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+      });
+      if (dims.left === undefined) {
+        // Event on the left side of the first axis.
+        dims.i = 0;
+        dims.left = __.dimensions[0];
+        dims.right = __.dimensions[1];
+      } else if (dims.right === undefined) {
+        // Event on the right side of the last axis
+        dims.i = __.dimensions.length - 1;
+        dims.right = dims.left;
+        dims.left = __.dimensions[__.dimensions.length - 2];
+      }
+      return dims;
+    }
+    function onDragStart() {
+      // First we need to determine between which two axes the sturm was started.
+      // This will determine the freedom of movement, because a strum can
+      // logically only happen between two axes, so no movement outside these axes
+      // should be allowed.
+      return function () {
+        var p = d3.mouse(strumRect[0][0]),
+          dims,
+          strum;
+        p[0] = p[0] - __.margin.left;
+        p[1] = p[1] -;
+        (dims = dimensionsForPoint(p)),
+          (strum = {
+            p1: p,
+            dims: dims,
+            minX: xscale(dims.left),
+            maxX: xscale(dims.right),
+            minY: 0,
+            maxY: h(),
+          });
+        strums[dims.i] = strum;
+ = dims.i;
+        // Make sure that the point is within the bounds
+        strum.p1[0] = Math.min(Math.max(strum.minX, p[0]), strum.maxX);
+        strum.p2 = strum.p1.slice();
+      };
+    }
+    function onDrag() {
+      return function () {
+        var ev = d3.event,
+          strum = strums[];
+        // Make sure that the point is within the bounds
+        strum.p2[0] = Math.min(Math.max(strum.minX + 1, ev.x - __.margin.left), strum.maxX);
+        strum.p2[1] = Math.min(Math.max(strum.minY, ev.y -, strum.maxY);
+        drawStrum(strum, 1);
+      };
+    }
+    function containmentTest(strum, width) {
+      var p1 = [strum.p1[0] - strum.minX, strum.p1[1] - strum.minX],
+        p2 = [strum.p2[0] - strum.minX, strum.p2[1] - strum.minX],
+        m1 = 1 - width / p1[0],
+        b1 = p1[1] * (1 - m1),
+        m2 = 1 - width / p2[0],
+        b2 = p2[1] * (1 - m2);
+      // test if point falls between lines
+      return function (p) {
+        var x = p[0],
+          y = p[1],
+          y1 = m1 * x + b1,
+          y2 = m2 * x + b2;
+        if (y > Math.min(y1, y2) && y < Math.max(y1, y2)) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+      };
+    }
+    function selected() {
+      var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strums),
+        brushed =;
+      // Get the ids of the currently active strums.
+      ids = ids.filter(function (d) {
+        return !isNaN(d);
+      });
+      function crossesStrum(d, id) {
+        var strum = strums[id],
+          test = containmentTest(strum, strums.width(id)),
+          d1 = strum.dims.left,
+          d2 = strum.dims.right,
+          y1 = yscale[d1],
+          y2 = yscale[d2],
+          point = [y1(d[d1]) - strum.minX, y2(d[d2]) - strum.minX];
+        return test(point);
+      }
+      if (ids.length === 0) {
+        return brushed;
+      }
+      return brushed.filter(function (d) {
+        switch (brush.predicate) {
+          case 'AND':
+            return ids.every(function (id) {
+              return crossesStrum(d, id);
+            });
+          case 'OR':
+            return ids.some(function (id) {
+              return crossesStrum(d, id);
+            });
+          default:
+            throw 'Unknown brush predicate ' + __.brushPredicate;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    function removeStrum() {
+      var strum = strums[],
+        svg ='svg').select('g#strums');
+      delete strums[];
+ = undefined;
+      svg.selectAll('line#strum-' + strum.dims.i).remove();
+      svg.selectAll('circle#strum-' + strum.dims.i).remove();
+    }
+    function onDragEnd() {
+      return function () {
+        var brushed =,
+          strum = strums[];
+        // Okay, somewhat unexpected, but not totally unsurprising, a mousclick is
+        // considered a drag without move. So we have to deal with that case
+        if (strum && strum.p1[0] === strum.p2[0] && strum.p1[1] === strum.p2[1]) {
+          removeStrum(strums);
+        }
+        brushed = selected(strums);
+ = undefined;
+        __.brushed = brushed;
+        pc.renderBrushed();
+, __.brushed);
+      };
+    }
+    function brushReset(strums) {
+      return function () {
+        var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strums).filter(function (d) {
+          return !isNaN(d);
+        });
+        ids.forEach(function (d) {
+ = d;
+          removeStrum(strums);
+        });
+        onDragEnd(strums)();
+      };
+    }
+    function install() {
+      var drag = d3.behavior.drag();
+      // Map of current strums. Strums are stored per segment of the PC. A segment,
+      // being the area between two axes. The left most area is indexed at 0.
+ = undefined;
+      // Returns the width of the PC segment where currently a strum is being
+      // placed. NOTE: even though they are evenly spaced in our current
+      // implementation, we keep for when non-even spaced segments are supported as
+      // well.
+      strums.width = function (id) {
+        var strum = strums[id];
+        if (strum === undefined) {
+          return undefined;
+        }
+        return strum.maxX - strum.minX;
+      };
+      pc.on('axesreorder.strums', function () {
+        var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strums).filter(function (d) {
+          return !isNaN(d);
+        });
+        // Checks if the first dimension is directly left of the second dimension.
+        function consecutive(first, second) {
+          var length = __.dimensions.length;
+          return __.dimensions.some(function (d, i) {
+            return d === first ? i + i < length && __.dimensions[i + 1] === second : false;
+          });
+        }
+        if (ids.length > 0) {
+          // We have some strums, which might need to be removed.
+          ids.forEach(function (d) {
+            var dims = strums[d].dims;
+   = d;
+            // If the two dimensions of the current strum are not next to each other
+            // any more, than we'll need to remove the strum. Otherwise we keep it.
+            if (!consecutive(dims.left, dims.right)) {
+              removeStrum(strums);
+            }
+          });
+          onDragEnd(strums)();
+        }
+      });
+      // Add a new svg group in which we draw the strums.
+      pc.selection
+        .select('svg')
+        .append('g')
+        .attr('id', 'strums')
+        .attr('transform', 'translate(' + __.margin.left + ',' + + ')');
+      // Install the required brushReset function
+      pc.brushReset = brushReset(strums);
+      drag
+        .on('dragstart', onDragStart(strums))
+        .on('drag', onDrag(strums))
+        .on('dragend', onDragEnd(strums));
+      // NOTE: The styling needs to be done here and not in the css. This is because
+      //       for 1D brushing, the canvas layers should not listen to
+      //       pointer-events.
+      strumRect = pc.selection
+        .select('svg')
+        .insert('rect', 'g#strums')
+        .attr('id', 'strum-events')
+        .attr('x', __.margin.left)
+        .attr('y',
+        .attr('width', w())
+        .attr('height', h() + 2)
+        .style('opacity', 0)
+        .call(drag);
+    }
+    brush.modes['2D-strums'] = {
+      install: install,
+      uninstall: function () {
+        pc.on('axesreorder.strums', undefined);
+        delete pc.brushReset;
+        strumRect = undefined;
+      },
+      selected: selected,
+      brushState: function () {
+        return strums;
+      },
+    };
+  })();
+  // brush mode: 1D-Axes with multiple extents
+  // requires d3.svg.multibrush
+  (function () {
+    if (typeof d3.svg.multibrush !== 'function') {
+      return;
+    }
+    var brushes = {};
+    function is_brushed(p) {
+      return !brushes[p].empty();
+    }
+    // data within extents
+    function selected() {
+      var actives = __.dimensions.filter(is_brushed),
+        extents = (p) {
+          return brushes[p].extent();
+        });
+      // We don't want to return the full data set when there are no axes brushed.
+      // Actually, when there are no axes brushed, by definition, no items are
+      // selected. So, let's avoid the filtering and just return false.
+      //if (actives.length === 0) return false;
+      // Resolves broken examples for now. They expect to get the full dataset back from empty brushes
+      if (actives.length === 0) return;
+      // test if within range
+      var within = {
+        date: function (d, p, dimension, b) {
+          if (typeof yscale[p].rangePoints === 'function') {
+            // if it is ordinal
+            return b[0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= b[1];
+          } else {
+            return b[0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= b[1];
+          }
+        },
+        number: function (d, p, dimension, b) {
+          if (typeof yscale[p].rangePoints === 'function') {
+            // if it is ordinal
+            return b[0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= b[1];
+          } else {
+            return b[0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= b[1];
+          }
+        },
+        string: function (d, p, dimension, b) {
+          return b[0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= b[1];
+        },
+      };
+      return (d) {
+        switch (brush.predicate) {
+          case 'AND':
+            return actives.every(function (p, dimension) {
+              return extents[dimension].some(function (b) {
+                return within[__.types[p]](d, p, dimension, b);
+              });
+            });
+          case 'OR':
+            return actives.some(function (p, dimension) {
+              return extents[dimension].some(function (b) {
+                return within[__.types[p]](d, p, dimension, b);
+              });
+            });
+          default:
+            throw 'Unknown brush predicate ' + __.brushPredicate;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    function brushExtents() {
+      var extents = {};
+      __.dimensions.forEach(function (d) {
+        var brush = brushes[d];
+        if (brush !== undefined && !brush.empty()) {
+          var extent = brush.extent();
+          extents[d] = extent;
+        }
+      });
+      return extents;
+    }
+    function brushFor(axis) {
+      var brush = d3.svg.multibrush();
+      brush
+        .y(yscale[axis])
+        .on('brushstart', function () {
+          if (d3.event.sourceEvent !== null) {
+            d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation();
+          }
+        })
+        .on('brush', function () {
+          brushUpdated(selected());
+        })
+        .on('brushend', function () {
+          // d3.svg.multibrush clears extents just before calling 'brushend'
+          // so we have to update here again.
+          // This fixes issue #103 for now, but should be changed in d3.svg.multibrush
+          // to avoid unnecessary computation.
+          brushUpdated(selected());
+, __.brushed);
+        })
+        .extentAdaption(function (selection) {
+'visibility', null).attr('x', -15).attr('width', 30);
+        })
+        .resizeAdaption(function (selection) {
+          selection.selectAll('rect').attr('x', -15).attr('width', 30);
+        });
+      brushes[axis] = brush;
+      return brush;
+    }
+    function brushReset(dimension) {
+      __.brushed = false;
+      if (g) {
+        g.selectAll('.brush').each(function (d) {
+        });
+        pc.renderBrushed();
+      }
+      return this;
+    }
+    function install() {
+      if (!g) pc.createAxes();
+      // Add and store a brush for each axis.
+      g.append('svg:g')
+        .attr('class', 'brush')
+        .each(function (d) {
+        })
+        .selectAll('rect')
+        .style('visibility', null)
+        .attr('x', -15)
+        .attr('width', 30);
+      pc.brushExtents = brushExtents;
+      pc.brushReset = brushReset;
+      return pc;
+    }
+    brush.modes['1D-axes-multi'] = {
+      install: install,
+      uninstall: function () {
+        g.selectAll('.brush').remove();
+        brushes = {};
+        delete pc.brushExtents;
+        delete pc.brushReset;
+      },
+      selected: selected,
+      brushState: brushExtents,
+    };
+  })();
+  // brush mode: angular
+  // code based on 2D.strums.js
+  (function () {
+    var arcs = {},
+      strumRect;
+    function drawStrum(arc, activePoint) {
+      var svg ='svg').select('g#arcs'),
+        id = arc.dims.i,
+        points = [arc.p2, arc.p3],
+        line = svg.selectAll('line#arc-' + id).data([
+          { p1: arc.p1, p2: arc.p2 },
+          { p1: arc.p1, p2: arc.p3 },
+        ]),
+        circles = svg.selectAll('circle#arc-' + id).data(points),
+        drag = d3.behavior.drag(),
+        path = svg.selectAll('path#arc-' + id).data([arc]);
+      path
+        .enter()
+        .append('path')
+        .attr('id', 'arc-' + id)
+        .attr('class', 'arc')
+        .style('fill', 'orange')
+        .style('opacity', 0.5);
+      path.attr('d', arc.arc).attr('transform', 'translate(' + arc.p1[0] + ',' + arc.p1[1] + ')');
+      line
+        .enter()
+        .append('line')
+        .attr('id', 'arc-' + id)
+        .attr('class', 'arc');
+      line
+        .attr('x1', function (d) {
+          return d.p1[0];
+        })
+        .attr('y1', function (d) {
+          return d.p1[1];
+        })
+        .attr('x2', function (d) {
+          return d.p2[0];
+        })
+        .attr('y2', function (d) {
+          return d.p2[1];
+        })
+        .attr('stroke', 'black')
+        .attr('stroke-width', 2);
+      drag
+        .on('drag', function (d, i) {
+          var ev = d3.event,
+            angle = 0;
+          i = i + 2;
+          arc['p' + i][0] = Math.min(Math.max(arc.minX + 1, ev.x), arc.maxX);
+          arc['p' + i][1] = Math.min(Math.max(arc.minY, ev.y), arc.maxY);
+          angle = i === 3 ? arcs.startAngle(id) : arcs.endAngle(id);
+          if (
+            (arc.startAngle < Math.PI && arc.endAngle < Math.PI && angle < Math.PI) ||
+            (arc.startAngle >= Math.PI && arc.endAngle >= Math.PI && angle >= Math.PI)
+          ) {
+            if (i === 2) {
+              arc.endAngle = angle;
+              arc.arc.endAngle(angle);
+            } else if (i === 3) {
+              arc.startAngle = angle;
+              arc.arc.startAngle(angle);
+            }
+          }
+          drawStrum(arc, i - 2);
+        })
+        .on('dragend', onDragEnd());
+      circles
+        .enter()
+        .append('circle')
+        .attr('id', 'arc-' + id)
+        .attr('class', 'arc');
+      circles
+        .attr('cx', function (d) {
+          return d[0];
+        })
+        .attr('cy', function (d) {
+          return d[1];
+        })
+        .attr('r', 5)
+        .style('opacity', function (d, i) {
+          return activePoint !== undefined && i === activePoint ? 0.8 : 0;
+        })
+        .on('mouseover', function () {
+'opacity', 0.8);
+        })
+        .on('mouseout', function () {
+'opacity', 0);
+        })
+        .call(drag);
+    }
+    function dimensionsForPoint(p) {
+      var dims = { i: -1, left: undefined, right: undefined };
+      __.dimensions.some(function (dim, i) {
+        if (xscale(dim) < p[0]) {
+          var next = __.dimensions[i + 1];
+          dims.i = i;
+          dims.left = dim;
+          dims.right = next;
+          return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+      });
+      if (dims.left === undefined) {
+        // Event on the left side of the first axis.
+        dims.i = 0;
+        dims.left = __.dimensions[0];
+        dims.right = __.dimensions[1];
+      } else if (dims.right === undefined) {
+        // Event on the right side of the last axis
+        dims.i = __.dimensions.length - 1;
+        dims.right = dims.left;
+        dims.left = __.dimensions[__.dimensions.length - 2];
+      }
+      return dims;
+    }
+    function onDragStart() {
+      // First we need to determine between which two axes the arc was started.
+      // This will determine the freedom of movement, because a arc can
+      // logically only happen between two axes, so no movement outside these axes
+      // should be allowed.
+      return function () {
+        var p = d3.mouse(strumRect[0][0]),
+          dims,
+          arc;
+        p[0] = p[0] - __.margin.left;
+        p[1] = p[1] -;
+        (dims = dimensionsForPoint(p)),
+          (arc = {
+            p1: p,
+            dims: dims,
+            minX: xscale(dims.left),
+            maxX: xscale(dims.right),
+            minY: 0,
+            maxY: h(),
+            startAngle: undefined,
+            endAngle: undefined,
+            arc: d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(0),
+          });
+        arcs[dims.i] = arc;
+ = dims.i;
+        // Make sure that the point is within the bounds
+        arc.p1[0] = Math.min(Math.max(arc.minX, p[0]), arc.maxX);
+        arc.p2 = arc.p1.slice();
+        arc.p3 = arc.p1.slice();
+      };
+    }
+    function onDrag() {
+      return function () {
+        var ev = d3.event,
+          arc = arcs[];
+        // Make sure that the point is within the bounds
+        arc.p2[0] = Math.min(Math.max(arc.minX + 1, ev.x - __.margin.left), arc.maxX);
+        arc.p2[1] = Math.min(Math.max(arc.minY, ev.y -, arc.maxY);
+        arc.p3 = arc.p2.slice();
+        drawStrum(arc, 1);
+      };
+    }
+    // some helper functions
+    function hypothenuse(a, b) {
+      return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+    }
+    var rad = (function () {
+      var c = Math.PI / 180;
+      return function (angle) {
+        return angle * c;
+      };
+    })();
+    var deg = (function () {
+      var c = 180 / Math.PI;
+      return function (angle) {
+        return angle * c;
+      };
+    })();
+    // [0, 2*PI] -> [-PI/2, PI/2]
+    var signedAngle = function (angle) {
+      var ret = angle;
+      if (angle > Math.PI) {
+        ret = angle - 1.5 * Math.PI;
+        ret = angle - 1.5 * Math.PI;
+      } else {
+        ret = angle - 0.5 * Math.PI;
+        ret = angle - 0.5 * Math.PI;
+      }
+      return -ret;
+    };
+    /**
+     * angles are stored in radians from in [0, 2*PI], where 0 in 12 o'clock.
+     * However, one can only select lines from 0 to PI, so we compute the
+     * 'signed' angle, where 0 is the horizontal line (3 o'clock), and +/- PI/2
+     * are 12 and 6 o'clock respectively.
+     */
+    function containmentTest(arc) {
+      var startAngle = signedAngle(arc.startAngle);
+      var endAngle = signedAngle(arc.endAngle);
+      if (startAngle > endAngle) {
+        var tmp = startAngle;
+        startAngle = endAngle;
+        endAngle = tmp;
+      }
+      // test if segment angle is contained in angle interval
+      return function (a) {
+        if (a >= startAngle && a <= endAngle) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+      };
+    }
+    function selected() {
+      var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arcs),
+        brushed =;
+      // Get the ids of the currently active arcs.
+      ids = ids.filter(function (d) {
+        return !isNaN(d);
+      });
+      function crossesStrum(d, id) {
+        var arc = arcs[id],
+          test = containmentTest(arc),
+          d1 = arc.dims.left,
+          d2 = arc.dims.right,
+          y1 = yscale[d1],
+          y2 = yscale[d2],
+          a = arcs.width(id),
+          b = y1(d[d1]) - y2(d[d2]),
+          c = hypothenuse(a, b),
+          angle = Math.asin(b / c); // rad in [-PI/2, PI/2]
+        return test(angle);
+      }
+      if (ids.length === 0) {
+        return brushed;
+      }
+      return brushed.filter(function (d) {
+        switch (brush.predicate) {
+          case 'AND':
+            return ids.every(function (id) {
+              return crossesStrum(d, id);
+            });
+          case 'OR':
+            return ids.some(function (id) {
+              return crossesStrum(d, id);
+            });
+          default:
+            throw 'Unknown brush predicate ' + __.brushPredicate;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    function removeStrum() {
+      var arc = arcs[],
+        svg ='svg').select('g#arcs');
+      delete arcs[];
+ = undefined;
+      svg.selectAll('line#arc-' + arc.dims.i).remove();
+      svg.selectAll('circle#arc-' + arc.dims.i).remove();
+      svg.selectAll('path#arc-' + arc.dims.i).remove();
+    }
+    function onDragEnd() {
+      return function () {
+        var brushed =,
+          arc = arcs[];
+        // Okay, somewhat unexpected, but not totally unsurprising, a mousclick is
+        // considered a drag without move. So we have to deal with that case
+        if (arc && arc.p1[0] === arc.p2[0] && arc.p1[1] === arc.p2[1]) {
+          removeStrum(arcs);
+        }
+        if (arc) {
+          var angle = arcs.startAngle(;
+          arc.startAngle = angle;
+          arc.endAngle = angle;
+          arc.arc.outerRadius(arcs.length(;
+        }
+        brushed = selected(arcs);
+ = undefined;
+        __.brushed = brushed;
+        pc.renderBrushed();
+, __.brushed);
+      };
+    }
+    function brushReset(arcs) {
+      return function () {
+        var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arcs).filter(function (d) {
+          return !isNaN(d);
+        });
+        ids.forEach(function (d) {
+ = d;
+          removeStrum(arcs);
+        });
+        onDragEnd(arcs)();
+      };
+    }
+    function install() {
+      var drag = d3.behavior.drag();
+      // Map of current arcs. arcs are stored per segment of the PC. A segment,
+      // being the area between two axes. The left most area is indexed at 0.
+ = undefined;
+      // Returns the width of the PC segment where currently a arc is being
+      // placed. NOTE: even though they are evenly spaced in our current
+      // implementation, we keep for when non-even spaced segments are supported as
+      // well.
+      arcs.width = function (id) {
+        var arc = arcs[id];
+        if (arc === undefined) {
+          return undefined;
+        }
+        return arc.maxX - arc.minX;
+      };
+      // returns angles in [-PI/2, PI/2]
+      angle = function (p1, p2) {
+        var a = p1[0] - p2[0],
+          b = p1[1] - p2[1],
+          c = hypothenuse(a, b);
+        return Math.asin(b / c);
+      };
+      // returns angles in [0, 2 * PI]
+      arcs.endAngle = function (id) {
+        var arc = arcs[id];
+        if (arc === undefined) {
+          return undefined;
+        }
+        var sAngle = angle(arc.p1, arc.p2),
+          uAngle = -sAngle + Math.PI / 2;
+        if (arc.p1[0] > arc.p2[0]) {
+          uAngle = 2 * Math.PI - uAngle;
+        }
+        return uAngle;
+      };
+      arcs.startAngle = function (id) {
+        var arc = arcs[id];
+        if (arc === undefined) {
+          return undefined;
+        }
+        var sAngle = angle(arc.p1, arc.p3),
+          uAngle = -sAngle + Math.PI / 2;
+        if (arc.p1[0] > arc.p3[0]) {
+          uAngle = 2 * Math.PI - uAngle;
+        }
+        return uAngle;
+      };
+      arcs.length = function (id) {
+        var arc = arcs[id];
+        if (arc === undefined) {
+          return undefined;
+        }
+        var a = arc.p1[0] - arc.p2[0],
+          b = arc.p1[1] - arc.p2[1],
+          c = hypothenuse(a, b);
+        return c;
+      };
+      pc.on('axesreorder.arcs', function () {
+        var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arcs).filter(function (d) {
+          return !isNaN(d);
+        });
+        // Checks if the first dimension is directly left of the second dimension.
+        function consecutive(first, second) {
+          var length = __.dimensions.length;
+          return __.dimensions.some(function (d, i) {
+            return d === first ? i + i < length && __.dimensions[i + 1] === second : false;
+          });
+        }
+        if (ids.length > 0) {
+          // We have some arcs, which might need to be removed.
+          ids.forEach(function (d) {
+            var dims = arcs[d].dims;
+   = d;
+            // If the two dimensions of the current arc are not next to each other
+            // any more, than we'll need to remove the arc. Otherwise we keep it.
+            if (!consecutive(dims.left, dims.right)) {
+              removeStrum(arcs);
+            }
+          });
+          onDragEnd(arcs)();
+        }
+      });
+      // Add a new svg group in which we draw the arcs.
+      pc.selection
+        .select('svg')
+        .append('g')
+        .attr('id', 'arcs')
+        .attr('transform', 'translate(' + __.margin.left + ',' + + ')');
+      // Install the required brushReset function
+      pc.brushReset = brushReset(arcs);
+      drag
+        .on('dragstart', onDragStart(arcs))
+        .on('drag', onDrag(arcs))
+        .on('dragend', onDragEnd(arcs));
+      // NOTE: The styling needs to be done here and not in the css. This is because
+      //       for 1D brushing, the canvas layers should not listen to
+      //       pointer-events.
+      strumRect = pc.selection
+        .select('svg')
+        .insert('rect', 'g#arcs')
+        .attr('id', 'arc-events')
+        .attr('x', __.margin.left)
+        .attr('y',
+        .attr('width', w())
+        .attr('height', h() + 2)
+        .style('opacity', 0)
+        .call(drag);
+    }
+    brush.modes['angular'] = {
+      install: install,
+      uninstall: function () {
+        pc.on('axesreorder.arcs', undefined);
+        delete pc.brushReset;
+        strumRect = undefined;
+      },
+      selected: selected,
+      brushState: function () {
+        return arcs;
+      },
+    };
+  })();
+  pc.interactive = function () {
+    flags.interactive = true;
+    return this;
+  };
+  // expose a few objects
+  pc.xscale = xscale;
+  pc.yscale = yscale;
+  pc.ctx = ctx;
+  pc.canvas = canvas;
+  pc.g = function () {
+    return g;
+  };
+  // rescale for height, width and margins
+  // TODO currently assumes chart is brushable, and destroys old brushes
+  pc.resize = function () {
+    // selection size
+'svg').attr('width', __.width).attr('height', __.height);
+    pc.svg.attr('transform', 'translate(' + __.margin.left + ',' + + ')');
+    // FIXME: the current brush state should pass through
+    if (flags.brushable) pc.brushReset();
+    // scales
+    pc.autoscale();
+    // axes, destroys old brushes.
+    if (g) pc.createAxes();
+    if (flags.brushable) pc.brushable();
+    if (flags.reorderable) pc.reorderable();
+, { width: __.width, height: __.height, margin: __.margin });
+    return this;
+  };
+  // highlight an array of data
+  pc.highlight = function (data) {
+    if (arguments.length === 0) {
+      return __.highlighted;
+    }
+    __.highlighted = data;
+    pc.clear('highlight');
+    d3.selectAll([canvas.foreground, canvas.brushed]).classed('faded', true);
+    data.forEach(path_highlight);
+, data);
+    return this;
+  };
+  // clear highlighting
+  pc.unhighlight = function () {
+    __.highlighted = [];
+    pc.clear('highlight');
+    d3.selectAll([canvas.foreground, canvas.brushed]).classed('faded', false);
+    return this;
+  };
+  // calculate 2d intersection of line a->b with line c->d
+  // points are objects with x and y properties
+  pc.intersection = function (a, b, c, d) {
+    return {
+      x:
+        ((a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x) * (c.x - d.x) - (a.x - b.x) * (c.x * d.y - c.y * d.x)) /
+        ((a.x - b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x - d.x)),
+      y:
+        ((a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x * d.y - c.y * d.x)) /
+        ((a.x - b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x - d.x)),
+    };
+  };
+  function position(d) {
+    var v = dragging[d];
+    return v == null ? xscale(d) : v;
+  }
+  pc.version = '0.7.0';
+  // this descriptive text should live with other introspective methods
+  pc.toString = function () {
+    return (
+      'Parallel Coordinates: ' +
+      __.dimensions.length +
+      ' dimensions (' +
+      d3.keys([0]).length +
+      ' total) , ' +
+ +
+      ' rows'
+    );
+  };
+  return pc;
+d3.renderQueue = function (func) {
+  var _queue = [], // data to be rendered
+    _rate = 10, // number of calls per frame
+    _clear = function () {}, // clearing function
+    _i = 0; // current iteration
+  var rq = function (data) {
+    if (data);
+    rq.invalidate();
+    _clear();
+    rq.render();
+  };
+  rq.render = function () {
+    _i = 0;
+    var valid = true;
+    rq.invalidate = function () {
+      valid = false;
+    };
+    function doFrame() {
+      if (!valid) return true;
+      if (_i > _queue.length) return true;
+      // Typical d3 behavior is to pass a data item *and* its index. As the
+      // render queue splits the original data set, we'll have to be slightly
+      // more carefull about passing the correct index with the data item.
+      var end = Math.min(_i + _rate, _queue.length);
+      for (var i = _i; i < end; i += 1) {
+        func(_queue[i], i);
+      }
+      _i += _rate;
+    }
+    d3.timer(doFrame);
+  };
+ = function (data) {
+    rq.invalidate();
+    _queue = data.slice(0);
+    return rq;
+  };
+  rq.rate = function (value) {
+    if (!arguments.length) return _rate;
+    _rate = value;
+    return rq;
+  };
+  rq.remaining = function () {
+    return _queue.length - _i;
+  };
+  // clear the canvas
+  rq.clear = function (func) {
+    if (!arguments.length) {
+      _clear();
+      return rq;
+    }
+    _clear = func;
+    return rq;
+  };
+  rq.invalidate = function () {};
+  return rq;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/divgrid.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/divgrid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a499699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/vendor/parcoords/divgrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* [LICENSE TBD] */
+/* eslint-disable */
+// from
+export default function (config) {
+  var columns = [];
+  var dg = function (selection) {
+    if (columns.length == 0) columns = d3.keys([0][0]);
+    // header
+    selection.selectAll('.header').data([true]).enter().append('div').attr('class', 'header');
+    var header ='.header').selectAll('.cell').data(columns);
+    header
+      .enter()
+      .append('div')
+      .attr('class', function (d, i) {
+        return 'col-' + i;
+      })
+      .classed('cell', true);
+    selection.selectAll('.header .cell').text(function (d) {
+      return d;
+    });
+    header.exit().remove();
+    // rows
+    var rows = selection.selectAll('.row').data(function (d) {
+      return d;
+    });
+    rows.enter().append('div').attr('class', 'row');
+    rows.exit().remove();
+    var cells = selection
+      .selectAll('.row')
+      .selectAll('.cell')
+      .data(function (d) {
+        return (col) {
+          return d[col];
+        });
+      });
+    // cells
+    cells
+      .enter()
+      .append('div')
+      .attr('class', function (d, i) {
+        return 'col-' + i;
+      })
+      .classed('cell', true);
+    cells.exit().remove();
+    selection.selectAll('.cell').text(function (d) {
+      return d;
+    });
+    return dg;
+  };
+  dg.columns = function (_) {
+    if (!arguments.length) return columns;
+    columns = _;
+    return this;
+  };
+  return dg;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c3c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Partition for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import PartitionChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition';
+new PartitionChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'partition' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="partition"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4facb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-partition",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Partition",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-hierarchy": "^1.1.8",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/OptionDescription.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/OptionDescription.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719bf8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/OptionDescription.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { ColumnMeta, InfoTooltipWithTrigger } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const propTypes = {
+  option: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+// This component provides a general tooltip for options
+// in a SelectControl
+export default function OptionDescription({ option }: { option: ColumnMeta }) {
+  return (
+    <span>
+      <span className="m-r-5 option-label">{option.label}</span>
+      {option.description && (
+        <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+          className="m-r-5 text-muted"
+          icon="question-circle-o"
+          tooltip={option.description}
+          label={`descr-${option.label}`}
+        />
+      )}
+    </span>
+  );
+OptionDescription.propTypes = propTypes;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fce208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.css
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition {
+  position: relative;
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition .chart {
+  display: block;
+  margin: auto;
+  font-size: 11px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition rect {
+  stroke: #eee;
+  fill: #aaa;
+  fill-opacity: 0.8;
+  transition: fill-opacity 180ms linear;
+  cursor: pointer;
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition rect:hover {
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition g text {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition g:hover text {
+  fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
+.superset-legacy-chart-partition .partition-tooltip {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  opacity: 0;
+  padding: 5px;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
+  border-radius: 5px;
+.partition-tooltip td {
+  padding-left: 5px;
+  font-size: 11px;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c662092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/Partition.js
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint no-param-reassign: [2, {"props": false}] */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { hierarchy } from 'd3-hierarchy';
+import { getNumberFormatter, getTimeFormatter, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import './Partition.css';
+// Compute dx, dy, x, y for each node and
+// return an array of nodes in breadth-first order
+function init(root) {
+  const flat = [];
+  const dy = 1 / (root.height + 1);
+  let prev = null;
+  root.each(n => {
+    n.y = dy * n.depth;
+    n.dy = dy;
+    if (n.parent) {
+      n.x = prev.depth === n.parent.depth ? 0 : prev.x + prev.dx;
+      n.dx = (n.weight / n.parent.sum) * n.parent.dx;
+    } else {
+      n.x = 0;
+      n.dx = 1;
+    }
+    prev = n;
+    flat.push(n);
+  });
+  return flat;
+// Declare PropTypes for recursive data structures
+/* eslint-disable-next-line  no-undef */
+const lazyFunction = f => () => f().apply(this, arguments);
+const leafType = PropTypes.shape({
+  name: PropTypes.string,
+  val: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+const parentShape = {
+  name: PropTypes.string,
+  val: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+  children: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.shape(lazyFunction(() => parentShape)), leafType]),
+  ),
+const nodeType = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.shape(parentShape), leafType]);
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(nodeType), // array of rootNode
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  dateTimeFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  equalDateSize: PropTypes.bool,
+  levels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  metrics: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object])),
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  partitionLimit: PropTypes.number,
+  partitionThreshold: PropTypes.number,
+  timeSeriesOption: PropTypes.string,
+  useLogScale: PropTypes.bool,
+  useRichTooltip: PropTypes.bool,
+function getAncestors(d) {
+  const ancestors = [d];
+  let node = d;
+  while (node.parent) {
+    ancestors.push(node.parent);
+    node = node.parent;
+  }
+  return ancestors;
+// This vis is based on
+function Icicle(element, props) {
+  const {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data,
+    colorScheme,
+    dateTimeFormat,
+    equalDateSize,
+    levels,
+    useLogScale = false,
+    metrics = [],
+    numberFormat,
+    partitionLimit,
+    partitionThreshold,
+    useRichTooltip,
+    timeSeriesOption = 'not_time',
+  } = props;
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-partition', true);
+  // Chart options
+  const chartType = timeSeriesOption;
+  const hasTime = ['adv_anal', 'time_series'].includes(chartType);
+  const format = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const timeFormat = getTimeFormatter(dateTimeFormat);
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const tooltip = div.append('div').classed('partition-tooltip', true);
+  function hasDateNode(n) {
+    return metrics.includes( && hasTime;
+  }
+  function getCategory(depth) {
+    if (!depth) {
+      return 'Metric';
+    }
+    if (hasTime && depth === 1) {
+      return 'Date';
+    }
+    return levels[depth - (hasTime ? 2 : 1)];
+  }
+  function drawVis(i, dat) {
+    const datum = dat[i];
+    const w = width;
+    const h = height / data.length;
+    const x = d3.scale.linear().range([0, w]);
+    const y = d3.scale.linear().range([0, h]);
+    const viz = div
+      .append('div')
+      .attr('class', 'chart')
+      .style('width', `${w}px`)
+      .style('height', `${h}px`)
+      .append('svg:svg')
+      .attr('width', w)
+      .attr('height', h);
+    // Add padding between multiple visualizations
+    if (i !== data.length - 1 && data.length > 1) {
+'padding-bottom', '3px');
+    }
+    if (i !== 0 && data.length > 1) {
+'padding-top', '3px');
+    }
+    const root = hierarchy(datum);
+    // is the metric/group name
+    // node.disp is the display value
+    // node.value determines sorting order
+    // node.weight determines partition height
+    // node.sum is the sum of children weights
+    root.eachAfter(n => {
+      n.disp =;
+      n.value = n.disp < 0 ? -n.disp : n.disp;
+      n.weight = n.value;
+ =;
+      // If the parent is a metric and we still have
+      // the time column, perform a date-time format
+      if (n.parent && hasDateNode(n.parent)) {
+        // Format timestamp values
+        n.weight = equalDateSize ? 1 : n.value;
+        n.value =;
+ = timeFormat(;
+      }
+      if (useLogScale) n.weight = Math.log(n.weight + 1);
+      n.disp = n.disp && !Number.isNaN(n.disp) && Number.isFinite(n.disp) ? format(n.disp) : '';
+    });
+    // Perform sort by weight
+    root.sort((a, b) => {
+      const v = b.value - a.value;
+      if (v === 0) {
+        return > ? 1 : -1;
+      }
+      return v;
+    });
+    // Prune data based on partition limit and threshold
+    // both are applied at the same time
+    if (partitionThreshold && partitionThreshold >= 0) {
+      // Compute weight sums as we go
+      root.each(n => {
+        n.sum = n.children ? n.children.reduce((a, v) => a + v.weight, 0) || 1 : 1;
+        if (n.children) {
+          // Dates are not ordered by weight
+          if (hasDateNode(n)) {
+            if (equalDateSize) {
+              return;
+            }
+            const removeIndices = [];
+            // Keep at least one child
+            for (let j = 1; j < n.children.length; j += 1) {
+              if (n.children[j].weight / n.sum < partitionThreshold) {
+                removeIndices.push(j);
+              }
+            }
+            for (let j = removeIndices.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
+              n.children.splice(removeIndices[j], 1);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // Find first child that falls below the threshold
+            let j;
+            for (j = 1; j < n.children.length; j += 1) {
+              if (n.children[j].weight / n.sum < partitionThreshold) {
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            n.children = n.children.slice(0, j);
+          }
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    if (partitionLimit && partitionLimit >= 0) {
+      root.each(n => {
+        if (n.children && n.children.length > partitionLimit) {
+          if (!hasDateNode(n)) {
+            n.children = n.children.slice(0, partitionLimit);
+          }
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    // Compute final weight sums
+    root.eachAfter(n => {
+      n.sum = n.children ? n.children.reduce((a, v) => a + v.weight, 0) || 1 : 1;
+    });
+    function positionAndPopulate(tip, d) {
+      let t = '<table>';
+      if (useRichTooltip) {
+        const nodes = getAncestors(d);
+        nodes.reverse().forEach(n => {
+          const atNode = n.depth === d.depth;
+          t += '<tbody>';
+          t +=
+            '<tr>' +
+            '<td>' +
+            '<div ' +
+            `style='border: 2px solid ${atNode ? 'black' : 'transparent'};` +
+            `background-color: ${n.color};'` +
+            '></div>' +
+            '</td>' +
+            `<td>${getCategory(n.depth)}</td>` +
+            `<td>${}</td>` +
+            `<td>${n.disp}</td>` +
+            '</tr>';
+        });
+      } else {
+        t +=
+          '<thead><tr><td colspan="3">' +
+          `<strong>${getCategory(d.depth)}</strong>` +
+          '</td></tr></thead><tbody>';
+        t +=
+          '<tr>' +
+          '<td>' +
+          `<div style='border: thin solid grey; background-color: ${d.color};'` +
+          '></div>' +
+          '</td>' +
+          `<td>${}</td>` +
+          `<td>${d.disp}</td>` +
+          '</tr>';
+      }
+      t += '</tbody></table>';
+      const [tipX, tipY] = d3.mouse(element);
+      tip
+        .html(t)
+        .style('left', `${tipX + 15}px`)
+        .style('top', `${tipY}px`);
+    }
+    const nodes = init(root);
+    let zoomX = w / root.dx;
+    let zoomY = h / 1;
+    // Keep text centered in its division
+    function transform(d) {
+      return `translate(8,${(d.dx * zoomY) / 2})`;
+    }
+    const g = viz
+      .selectAll('g')
+      .data(nodes)
+      .enter()
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('transform', d => `translate(${x(d.y)},${y(d.x)})`)
+      .on('mouseover', d => {
+        tooltip.interrupt().transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 0.9);
+        positionAndPopulate(tooltip, d);
+      })
+      .on('mousemove', d => {
+        positionAndPopulate(tooltip, d);
+      })
+      .on('mouseout', () => {
+        tooltip.interrupt().transition().duration(250).style('opacity', 0);
+      });
+    // When clicking a subdivision, the vis will zoom in to it
+    function click(d) {
+      if (!d.children) {
+        if (d.parent) {
+          // Clicking on the rightmost level should zoom in
+          return click(d.parent);
+        }
+        return false;
+      }
+      zoomX = (d.y ? w - 40 : w) / (1 - d.y);
+      zoomY = h / d.dx;
+      x.domain([d.y, 1]).range([d.y ? 40 : 0, w]);
+      y.domain([d.x, d.x + d.dx]);
+      const t = g
+        .transition()
+        .duration(d3.event.altKey ? 7500 : 750)
+        .attr('transform', nd => `translate(${x(nd.y)},${y(nd.x)})`);
+        .attr('width', d.dy * zoomX)
+        .attr('height', nd => nd.dx * zoomY);
+        .attr('transform', transform)
+        .style('opacity', nd => (nd.dx * zoomY > 12 ? 1 : 0));
+      d3.event.stopPropagation();
+      return true;
+    }
+    g.on('click', click);
+    g.append('svg:rect')
+      .attr('width', root.dy * zoomX)
+      .attr('height', d => d.dx * zoomY);
+    g.append('svg:text')
+      .attr('transform', transform)
+      .attr('dy', '0.35em')
+      .style('opacity', d => (d.dx * zoomY > 12 ? 1 : 0))
+      .text(d => {
+        if (!d.disp) {
+          return;
+        }
+        return `${}: ${d.disp}`;
+      });
+    // Apply color scheme
+    g.selectAll('rect').style('fill', d => {
+      d.color = colorFn(;
+      return d.color;
+    });
+  }
+  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
+    drawVis(i, data);
+  }
+Icicle.displayName = 'Icicle';
+Icicle.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Icicle;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/ReactPartition.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/ReactPartition.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d61a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/ReactPartition.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Partition';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6a7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ColumnMeta,
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import OptionDescription from './OptionDescription';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['limit', 'timeseries_limit_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'contribution',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Contribution'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Time Series Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'time_series_option',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Options'),
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+              default: 'not_time',
+              valueKey: 'value',
+              options: [
+                {
+                  label: t('Not Time Series'),
+                  value: 'not_time',
+                  description: t('Ignore time'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Time Series'),
+                  value: 'time_series',
+                  description: t('Standard time series'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Aggregate Mean'),
+                  value: 'agg_mean',
+                  description: t('Mean of values over specified period'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Aggregate Sum'),
+                  value: 'agg_sum',
+                  description: t('Sum of values over specified period'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Difference'),
+                  value: 'point_diff',
+                  description: t('Metric change in value from `since` to `until`'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Percent Change'),
+                  value: 'point_percent',
+                  description: t('Metric percent change in value from `since` to `until`'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Factor'),
+                  value: 'point_factor',
+                  description: t('Metric factor change from `since` to `until`'),
+                },
+                {
+                  label: t('Advanced Analytics'),
+                  value: 'adv_anal',
+                  description: t('Use the Advanced Analytics options below'),
+                },
+              ],
+              optionRenderer: (op: ColumnMeta) => <OptionDescription option={op} />,
+              valueRenderer: (op: ColumnMeta) => <OptionDescription option={op} />,
+              description: t('Settings for time series'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'date_time_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Date Time Format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'smart_date',
+              choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'partition_limit',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Partition Limit'),
+              isInt: true,
+              default: '5',
+              description: t(
+                'The maximum number of subdivisions of each group; ' +
+                  'lower values are pruned first',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'partition_threshold',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Partition Threshold'),
+              isFloat: true,
+              default: '0.05',
+              description: t(
+                'Partitions whose height to parent height proportions are ' +
+                  'below this value are pruned',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'log_scale',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Log Scale'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Use a log scale'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'equal_date_size',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Equal Date Sizes'),
+              default: true,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Check to force date partitions to have the same height'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rich_tooltip',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Rich Tooltip'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Advanced Analytics'),
+      tabOverride: 'data',
+      description: t(
+        'This section contains options ' +
+          'that allow for advanced analytical post processing ' +
+          'of query results',
+      ),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Rolling Window')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Rolling Function'),
+              default: 'None',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']),
+              description: t(
+                'Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along ' +
+                  'with the [Periods] text box',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Defines the size of the rolling window function, ' +
+                  'relative to the time granularity selected',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'min_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Min Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'The minimum number of rolling periods required to show ' +
+                  'a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days ' +
+                  'you may want your "Min Period" to be 7, so that all data points ' +
+                  'shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the "ramp up" ' +
+                  'taking place over the first 7 periods',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Time Comparison')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'time_compare',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              multi: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Time Shift'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                '1 day',
+                '1 week',
+                '28 days',
+                '30 days',
+                '52 weeks',
+                '1 year',
+                '104 weeks',
+                '2 years',
+              ]),
+              description: t(
+                'Overlay one or more timeseries from a ' +
+                  'relative time period. Expects relative time deltas ' +
+                  'in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, ' +
+                  '52 weeks, 365 days). Free text is supported.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'comparison_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Calculation type'),
+              default: 'values',
+              choices: [
+                ['values', 'Actual Values'],
+                ['absolute', 'Absolute difference'],
+                ['percentage', 'Percentage change'],
+                ['ratio', 'Ratio'],
+              ],
+              description: t(
+                'How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the ' +
+                  'absolute difference between the main time series and each time shift; ' +
+                  'as the percentage change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Python Functions')}</h1>],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h2 className="section-header">pandas.resample</h2>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'resample_rule',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Rule'),
+              default: null,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS']),
+              description: t('Pandas resample rule'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'resample_method',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Method'),
+              default: null,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['asfreq', 'bfill', 'ffill', 'median', 'mean', 'sum']),
+              description: t('Pandas resample method'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b35d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3ef62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5852c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Partition Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class PartitionChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactPartition.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d69de4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, datasource, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    dateTimeFormat,
+    equalDateSize,
+    groupby,
+    logScale,
+    metrics,
+    numberFormat,
+    partitionLimit,
+    partitionThreshold,
+    richTooltip,
+    timeSeriesOption,
+  } = formData;
+  const { verboseMap } = datasource;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+    dateTimeFormat,
+    equalDateSize,
+    levels: => verboseMap[g] || g),
+    metrics,
+    numberFormat,
+    partitionLimit: partitionLimit && parseInt(partitionLimit, 10),
+    partitionThreshold: partitionThreshold && parseInt(partitionThreshold, 10),
+    timeSeriesOption,
+    useLogScale: logScale,
+    useRichTooltip: richTooltip,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/OptionDescription.test.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/OptionDescription.test.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f23ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/OptionDescription.test.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { InfoTooltipWithTrigger } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import OptionDescription from '../src/OptionDescription';
+const defaultProps = {
+  option: {
+    label: 'Some option',
+    description: 'Description for some option',
+  },
+describe('OptionDescription', () => {
+  let wrapper;
+  let props;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    props = { option: { ...defaultProps.option } };
+    wrapper = shallow(<OptionDescription {...props} />);
+  });
+  it('renders an InfoTooltipWithTrigger', () => {
+    expect(wrapper.find(InfoTooltipWithTrigger)).toHaveLength(1);
+  });
+  it('renders a span with the label', () => {
+    expect(wrapper.find('.option-label').text()).toBe('Some option');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0480634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Pivot Table for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import PivottableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table';
+new PivottableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'pivot-table' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="pivot-table"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d364fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Pivot Table",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "": "^1.10.15",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/PivotTable.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/PivotTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa7997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/PivotTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import dt from '';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import {
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { formatCellValue, formatDateCellValue } from './utils/formatCells';
+import fixTableHeight from './utils/fixTableHeight';
+import '';
+if (window.$) {
+  dt(window, window.$);
+const $ = window.$ || dt.$;
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.shape({
+    // TODO: replace this with raw data in SIP-6
+    html: PropTypes.string,
+    columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+      PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
+    ),
+  }),
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  columnFormats: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string),
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  numGroups: PropTypes.number,
+  verboseMap: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string),
+function PivotTable(element, props) {
+  const {
+    columnFormats,
+    data,
+    dateFormat,
+    granularity,
+    height,
+    numberFormat,
+    numGroups,
+    verboseMap,
+  } = props;
+  const { html, columns } = data;
+  const container = element;
+  const $container = $(element);
+  let dateFormatter;
+  if (dateFormat === && granularity) {
+    dateFormatter = getTimeFormatterForGranularity(granularity);
+  } else if (dateFormat) {
+    dateFormatter = getTimeFormatter(dateFormat);
+  } else {
+    dateFormatter = String;
+  }
+  // queryData data is a string of html with a single table element
+  container.innerHTML = html;
+  const cols = Array.isArray(columns[0]) ? => col[0]) : columns;
+  const dateRegex = /^__timestamp:(-?\d*\.?\d*)$/;
+  $container.find('thead tr th').each(function () {
+    const cellValue = formatDateCellValue(
+      $(this)[0].textContent,
+      verboseMap,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    $(this)[0].textContent = cellValue;
+  });
+  $container.find('tbody tr th').each(function () {
+    const cellValue = formatDateCellValue(
+      $(this)[0].textContent,
+      verboseMap,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    $(this)[0].textContent = cellValue;
+  });
+  $container.find('tbody tr').each(function eachRow() {
+    $(this)
+      .find('td')
+      .each(function eachTd(index) {
+        const tdText = $(this)[0].textContent;
+        const { textContent, attr } = formatCellValue(
+          index,
+          cols,
+          tdText,
+          columnFormats,
+          numberFormat,
+          dateRegex,
+          dateFormatter,
+        );
+        $(this)[0].textContent = textContent;
+        $(this).attr = attr;
+      });
+  });
+  if (numGroups === 1) {
+    // When there is only 1 group by column,
+    // we use the DataTable plugin to make the header fixed.
+    // The plugin takes care of the scrolling so we don't need
+    // overflow: 'auto' on the table.
+ = 'hidden';
+    const table = $container.find('table').DataTable({
+      paging: false,
+      searching: false,
+      bInfo: false,
+      scrollY: `${height}px`,
+      scrollCollapse: true,
+      scrollX: true,
+    });
+    table.column('-1').order('desc').draw();
+    fixTableHeight($container.find('.dataTables_wrapper'), height);
+  } else {
+    // When there is more than 1 group by column we just render the table, without using
+    // the DataTable plugin, so we need to handle the scrolling ourselves.
+    // In this case the header is not fixed.
+ = 'auto';
+ = `${height + 10}px`;
+  }
+PivotTable.displayName = 'PivotTable';
+PivotTable.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default PivotTable;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/ReactPivotTable.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/ReactPivotTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3885f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/ReactPivotTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './PivotTable';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60f8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['columns'],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Pivot Options'),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'pandas_aggfunc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Aggregation function'),
+              clearable: false,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'var']),
+              default: 'sum',
+              description: t(
+                'Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and ' +
+                  'computing the total rows and columns',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'pivot_margins',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show totals'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Display total row/column'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'combine_metric',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Combine Metrics'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t(
+                'Display metrics side by side within each column, as ' +
+                  'opposed to each column being displayed side by side for each metric.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'transpose_pivot',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Transpose Pivot'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Swap Groups and Columns'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'date_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Date format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              default: 'smart_date',
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: { includeTime: true },
+    columns: { includeTime: true },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f00326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e4745e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be34b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Pivot Table'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class PivotTableChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactPivotTable.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6f9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { height, datasource, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { timeGrainSqla, groupby, numberFormat, dateFormat } = formData;
+  const { columnFormats, verboseMap } = datasource;
+  return {
+    columnFormats,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    dateFormat,
+    granularity: timeGrainSqla,
+    height,
+    numberFormat,
+    numGroups: groupby.length,
+    verboseMap,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/fixTableHeight.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/fixTableHeight.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35543d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/fixTableHeight.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Fix the height of the table body of a DataTable with scrollY set
+ */
+export default function fixTableHeight($tableDom, height) {
+  const headHeight = $tableDom.find('.dataTables_scrollHead').height();
+  const filterHeight = $tableDom.find('.dataTables_filter').height() || 0;
+  const pageLengthHeight = $tableDom.find('.dataTables_length').height() || 0;
+  const paginationHeight = $tableDom.find('.dataTables_paginate').height() || 0;
+  const controlsHeight = pageLengthHeight > filterHeight ? pageLengthHeight : filterHeight;
+  $tableDom
+    .find('.dataTables_scrollBody')
+    .css('max-height', height - headHeight - controlsHeight - paginationHeight);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/formatCells.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/formatCells.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eac30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/utils/formatCells.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { formatNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+function formatCellValue(
+  i: number,
+  cols: string[],
+  tdText: string,
+  columnFormats: any,
+  numberFormat: string,
+  dateRegex: RegExp,
+  dateFormatter: any,
+) {
+  const metric: string = cols[i];
+  const format: string = columnFormats[metric] || numberFormat || '.3s';
+  let textContent: string = tdText;
+  let sortAttributeValue: any = tdText;
+  if (parseFloat(tdText)) {
+    const parsedValue = parseFloat(tdText);
+    textContent = formatNumber(format, parsedValue);
+    sortAttributeValue = parsedValue;
+  } else {
+    const regexMatch = dateRegex.exec(tdText);
+    if (regexMatch) {
+      const date = new Date(parseFloat(regexMatch[1]));
+      textContent = dateFormatter(date);
+      sortAttributeValue = date;
+    } else if (tdText === 'null') {
+      textContent = '';
+      sortAttributeValue = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+    }
+  }
+  // @ts-ignore
+  const attr = ('data-sort', sortAttributeValue);
+  return { textContent, attr };
+function formatDateCellValue(text: string, verboseMap: any, dateRegex: RegExp, dateFormatter: any) {
+  const regexMatch = dateRegex.exec(text);
+  let cellValue;
+  if (regexMatch) {
+    const date = new Date(parseFloat(regexMatch[1]));
+    cellValue = dateFormatter(date);
+  } else {
+    cellValue = verboseMap[text] || text;
+  }
+  return cellValue;
+export { formatCellValue, formatDateCellValue };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/test/PivotTable.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/test/PivotTable.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04966a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/test/PivotTable.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { getTimeFormatterForGranularity } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { formatCellValue } from '../src/utils/formatCells';
+describe('pivot table plugin format cells', () => {
+  const i = 0;
+  const cols = ['SUM'];
+  let tdText = '2222222';
+  const columnFormats = {};
+  const numberFormat = 'SMART_NUMBER';
+  const dateRegex = /^__timestamp:(-?\d*\.?\d*)$/;
+  const dateFormatter = getTimeFormatterForGranularity('P1D');
+  it('render number', () => {
+    const { textContent, attr } = formatCellValue(
+      i,
+      cols,
+      tdText,
+      columnFormats,
+      numberFormat,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    expect(textContent).toEqual('2.22M');
+    expect(attr).toEqual(('data-sort', 2222222));
+  });
+  it('render date', () => {
+    tdText = '__timestamp:-126230400000.0';
+    const { textContent } = formatCellValue(
+      i,
+      cols,
+      tdText,
+      columnFormats,
+      numberFormat,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    expect(textContent).toEqual('1966-01-01');
+  });
+  it('render string', () => {
+    tdText = 'some-text';
+    const { textContent, attr } = formatCellValue(
+      i,
+      cols,
+      tdText,
+      columnFormats,
+      numberFormat,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    expect(textContent).toEqual(tdText);
+    expect(attr).toEqual(('data-sort', tdText));
+  });
+  it('render null', () => {
+    tdText = 'null';
+    const { textContent, attr } = formatCellValue(
+      i,
+      cols,
+      tdText,
+      columnFormats,
+      numberFormat,
+      dateRegex,
+      dateFormatter,
+    );
+    expect(textContent).toEqual('');
+    expect(attr).toEqual(('data-sort', Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab2b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Nightingale Rose Diagram for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import RoseChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose';
+new RoseChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'rose' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="rose"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d10ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-rose",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Nightingale Rose Diagram",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "nvd3": "1.8.6",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/ReactRose.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/ReactRose.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfdd152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/ReactRose.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Rose';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441e95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.css
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-rose path {
+  transition: fill-opacity 180ms linear;
+  stroke: #fff;
+  stroke-width: 1px;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 0.75;
+.superset-legacy-chart-rose text {
+  font: 400 12px Arial, sans-serif;
+  pointer-events: none;
+.superset-legacy-chart-rose .clickable path {
+  cursor: pointer;
+.superset-legacy-chart-rose .hover path {
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+.nv-legend .nv-series {
+  cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8daec52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/Rose.js
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint no-use-before-define: ["error", { "functions": false }] */
+/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import nv from 'nvd3';
+import { getTimeFormatter, getNumberFormatter, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import './Rose.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  // Data is an object hashed by numeric value, perhaps timestamp
+  data: PropTypes.objectOf(
+    PropTypes.arrayOf(
+      PropTypes.shape({
+        key: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+        name: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+        time: PropTypes.number,
+        value: PropTypes.number,
+      }),
+    ),
+  ),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  dateTimeFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  useRichTooltip: PropTypes.bool,
+  useAreaProportions: PropTypes.bool,
+function copyArc(d) {
+  return {
+    startAngle: d.startAngle,
+    endAngle: d.endAngle,
+    innerRadius: d.innerRadius,
+    outerRadius: d.outerRadius,
+  };
+function sortValues(a, b) {
+  if (a.value === b.value) {
+    return > ? 1 : -1;
+  }
+  return b.value - a.value;
+function Rose(element, props) {
+  const {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    colorScheme,
+    dateTimeFormat,
+    numberFormat,
+    useRichTooltip,
+    useAreaProportions,
+  } = props;
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-rose', true);
+  const datum = data;
+  const times = Object.keys(datum)
+    .map(t => parseInt(t, 10))
+    .sort((a, b) => a - b);
+  const numGrains = times.length;
+  const numGroups = datum[times[0]].length;
+  const format = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const timeFormat = getTimeFormatter(dateTimeFormat);
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const arc = d3.svg.arc();
+  const legend = nv.models.legend();
+  const tooltip = nv.models.tooltip();
+  const state = { disabled: datum[times[0]].map(() => false) };
+  const svg = div.append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
+  const g = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'rose').append('g');
+  const legendWrap = g.append('g').attr('class', 'legendWrap');
+  function legendData(adatum) {
+    return adatum[times[0]].map((v, i) => ({
+      disabled: state.disabled[i],
+      key:,
+    }));
+  }
+  function tooltipData(d, i, adatum) {
+    const timeIndex = Math.floor(d.arcId / numGroups);
+    const series = useRichTooltip
+      ? adatum[times[timeIndex]]
+          .filter(v => !state.disabled[ % numGroups])
+          .map(v => ({
+            key:,
+            value: v.value,
+            color: colorFn(,
+            highlight: === d.arcId,
+          }))
+      : [{ key:, value: d.val, color: colorFn( }];
+    return {
+      key: 'Date',
+      value: d.time,
+      series,
+    };
+  }
+  legend.width(width).color(d => colorFn(d.key));
+  legendWrap.datum(legendData(datum)).call(legend);
+  tooltip.headerFormatter(timeFormat).valueFormatter(format);
+  // Compute max radius, which the largest value will occupy
+  const roseHeight = height - legend.height();
+  const margin = { top: legend.height() };
+  const edgeMargin = 35; // space between outermost radius and slice edge
+  const maxRadius = Math.min(width, roseHeight) / 2 - edgeMargin;
+  const labelThreshold = 0.05;
+  const gro = 8; // mouseover radius growth in pixels
+  const mini = 0.075;
+  const centerTranslate = `translate(${width / 2},${roseHeight / 2 +})`;
+  const roseWrap = g.append('g').attr('transform', centerTranslate).attr('class', 'roseWrap');
+  const labelsWrap = g.append('g').attr('transform', centerTranslate).attr('class', 'labelsWrap');
+  const groupLabelsWrap = g
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('transform', centerTranslate)
+    .attr('class', 'groupLabelsWrap');
+  // Compute inner and outer angles for each data point
+  function computeArcStates(adatum) {
+    // Find the max sum of values across all time
+    let maxSum = 0;
+    let grain = 0;
+    const sums = [];
+    for (const t of times) {
+      const sum = datum[t].reduce((a, v, i) => a + (state.disabled[i] ? 0 : v.value), 0);
+      maxSum = sum > maxSum ? sum : maxSum;
+      sums[grain] = sum;
+      grain += 1;
+    }
+    // Compute angle occupied by each time grain
+    const dtheta = (Math.PI * 2) / numGrains;
+    const angles = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i <= numGrains; i += 1) {
+      angles.push(dtheta * i - Math.PI / 2);
+    }
+    // Compute proportion
+    const P = maxRadius / maxSum;
+    const Q = P * maxRadius;
+    const computeOuterRadius = (value, innerRadius) =>
+      useAreaProportions
+        ? Math.sqrt(Q * value + innerRadius * innerRadius)
+        : P * value + innerRadius;
+    const arcSt = {
+      data: [],
+      extend: {},
+      push: {},
+      pieStart: {},
+      pie: {},
+      pieOver: {},
+      mini: {},
+      labels: [],
+      groupLabels: [],
+    };
+    let arcId = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < numGrains; i += 1) {
+      const t = times[i];
+      const startAngle = angles[i];
+      const endAngle = angles[i + 1];
+      const G = (2 * Math.PI) / sums[i];
+      let innerRadius = 0;
+      let outerRadius;
+      let pieStartAngle = 0;
+      let pieEndAngle;
+      for (const v of adatum[t]) {
+        const val = state.disabled[arcId % numGroups] ? 0 : v.value;
+        const { name, time } = v;
+ = arcId;
+        outerRadius = computeOuterRadius(val, innerRadius);
+{ startAngle, endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius, name, arcId, val, time });
+        arcSt.extend[arcId] = {
+          startAngle,
+          endAngle,
+          innerRadius,
+          name,
+          outerRadius: outerRadius + gro,
+        };
+        arcSt.push[arcId] = {
+          startAngle,
+          endAngle,
+          innerRadius: innerRadius + gro,
+          outerRadius: outerRadius + gro,
+        };
+        arcSt.pieStart[arcId] = {
+          startAngle,
+          endAngle,
+          innerRadius: mini * maxRadius,
+          outerRadius: maxRadius,
+        };
+[arcId] = {
+          startAngle,
+          endAngle,
+          innerRadius: innerRadius * mini,
+          outerRadius: outerRadius * mini,
+        };
+        arcId += 1;
+        innerRadius = outerRadius;
+      }
+      const labelArc = {[i * numGroups] };
+      labelArc.outerRadius = maxRadius + 20;
+      labelArc.innerRadius = maxRadius + 15;
+      arcSt.labels.push(labelArc);
+      for (const v of adatum[t].concat().sort(sortValues)) {
+        const val = state.disabled[ % numGroups] ? 0 : v.value;
+        pieEndAngle = G * val + pieStartAngle;
+        arcSt.pie[] = {
+          startAngle: pieStartAngle,
+          endAngle: pieEndAngle,
+          innerRadius: maxRadius * mini,
+          outerRadius: maxRadius,
+          percent: v.value / sums[i],
+        };
+        arcSt.pieOver[] = {
+          startAngle: pieStartAngle,
+          endAngle: pieEndAngle,
+          innerRadius: maxRadius * mini,
+          outerRadius: maxRadius + gro,
+        };
+        pieStartAngle = pieEndAngle;
+      }
+    }
+    arcSt.groupLabels =, numGroups);
+    return arcSt;
+  }
+  let arcSt = computeArcStates(datum);
+  function tween(target, resFunc) {
+    return function doTween(d) {
+      const interpolate = d3.interpolate(copyArc(d), copyArc(target));
+      return t => resFunc(Object.assign(d, interpolate(t)));
+    };
+  }
+  function arcTween(target) {
+    return tween(target, d => arc(d));
+  }
+  function translateTween(target) {
+    return tween(target, d => `translate(${arc.centroid(d)})`);
+  }
+  // Grab the ID range of segments stand between
+  // this segment and the edge of the circle
+  const segmentsToEdgeCache = {};
+  function getSegmentsToEdge(arcId) {
+    if (segmentsToEdgeCache[arcId]) {
+      return segmentsToEdgeCache[arcId];
+    }
+    const timeIndex = Math.floor(arcId / numGroups);
+    segmentsToEdgeCache[arcId] = [arcId + 1, numGroups * (timeIndex + 1) - 1];
+    return segmentsToEdgeCache[arcId];
+  }
+  // Get the IDs of all segments in a timeIndex
+  const segmentsInTimeCache = {};
+  function getSegmentsInTime(arcId) {
+    if (segmentsInTimeCache[arcId]) {
+      return segmentsInTimeCache[arcId];
+    }
+    const timeIndex = Math.floor(arcId / numGroups);
+    segmentsInTimeCache[arcId] = [timeIndex * numGroups, (timeIndex + 1) * numGroups - 1];
+    return segmentsInTimeCache[arcId];
+  }
+  let clickId = -1;
+  let inTransition = false;
+  const ae = roseWrap
+    .selectAll('g')
+    .data(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( // deep copy data state
+    .enter()
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'segment')
+    .classed('clickable', true)
+    .on('mouseover', mouseover)
+    .on('mouseout', mouseout)
+    .on('mousemove', mousemove)
+    .on('click', click);
+  const labels = labelsWrap
+    .selectAll('g')
+    .data(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arcSt.labels)))
+    .enter()
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'roseLabel')
+    .attr('transform', d => `translate(${arc.centroid(d)})`);
+  labels
+    .append('text')
+    .style('text-anchor', 'middle')
+    .style('fill', '#000')
+    .text(d => timeFormat(d.time));
+  const groupLabels = groupLabelsWrap
+    .selectAll('g')
+    .data(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arcSt.groupLabels)))
+    .enter()
+    .append('g');
+  groupLabels
+    .style('opacity', 0)
+    .attr('class', 'roseGroupLabels')
+    .append('text')
+    .style('text-anchor', 'middle')
+    .style('fill', '#000')
+    .text(d =>;
+  const arcs = ae
+    .append('path')
+    .attr('class', 'arc')
+    .attr('fill', d => colorFn(
+    .attr('d', arc);
+  function mousemove() {
+    tooltip();
+  }
+  function mouseover(b, i) {
+, i, datum)).hidden(false);
+    const $this =;
+    $this.classed('hover', true);
+    if (clickId < 0 && !inTransition) {
+      $this
+        .select('path')
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(180)
+        .attrTween('d', arcTween(arcSt.extend[i]));
+      const edge = getSegmentsToEdge(i);
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => edge[0] <= d.arcId && d.arcId <= edge[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(180)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween(arcSt.push[d.arcId])(d));
+    } else if (!inTransition) {
+      const segments = getSegmentsInTime(clickId);
+      if (segments[0] <= b.arcId && b.arcId <= segments[1]) {
+        $this
+          .select('path')
+          .interrupt()
+          .transition()
+          .duration(180)
+          .attrTween('d', arcTween(arcSt.pieOver[i]));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  function mouseout(b, i) {
+    tooltip.hidden(true);
+    const $this =;
+    $this.classed('hover', false);
+    if (clickId < 0 && !inTransition) {
+      $this
+        .select('path')
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(180)
+        .attrTween('d', arcTween([i]));
+      const edge = getSegmentsToEdge(i);
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => edge[0] <= d.arcId && d.arcId <= edge[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(180)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween([d.arcId])(d));
+    } else if (!inTransition) {
+      const segments = getSegmentsInTime(clickId);
+      if (segments[0] <= b.arcId && b.arcId <= segments[1]) {
+        $this
+          .select('path')
+          .interrupt()
+          .transition()
+          .duration(180)
+          .attrTween('d', arcTween(arcSt.pie[i]));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  function click(b, i) {
+    if (inTransition) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const delay = d3.event.altKey ? 3750 : 375;
+    const segments = getSegmentsInTime(i);
+    if (clickId < 0) {
+      inTransition = true;
+      clickId = i;
+      labels
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('transform', d =>
+          translateTween({
+            outerRadius: 0,
+            innerRadius: 0,
+            startAngle: d.startAngle,
+            endAngle: d.endAngle,
+          })(d),
+        )
+        .style('opacity', 0);
+      groupLabels
+        .attr(
+          'transform',
+          `translate(${arc.centroid({
+            outerRadius: maxRadius + 20,
+            innerRadius: maxRadius + 15,
+            startAngle:[i].startAngle,
+            endAngle:[i].endAngle,
+          })})`,
+        )
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .delay(delay)
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('transform', d =>
+          translateTween({
+            outerRadius: maxRadius + 20,
+            innerRadius: maxRadius + 15,
+            startAngle: arcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].startAngle,
+            endAngle: arcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].endAngle,
+          })(d),
+        )
+        .style('opacity', d =>
+          state.disabled[d.arcId] || arcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].percent < labelThreshold
+            ? 0
+            : 1,
+        );
+      ae.classed('clickable', d => segments[0] > d.arcId || d.arcId > segments[1]);
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => segments[0] <= d.arcId && d.arcId <= segments[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween(arcSt.pieStart[d.arcId])(d))
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween(arcSt.pie[d.arcId])(d))
+        .each('end', () => {
+          inTransition = false;
+        });
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => segments[0] > d.arcId || d.arcId > segments[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween([d.arcId])(d));
+    } else if (clickId < segments[0] || segments[1] < clickId) {
+      inTransition = true;
+      const clickSegments = getSegmentsInTime(clickId);
+      labels
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .delay(delay)
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('transform', d => translateTween(arcSt.labels[d.arcId / numGroups])(d))
+        .style('opacity', 1);
+      groupLabels
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween(
+          'transform',
+          translateTween({
+            outerRadius: maxRadius + 20,
+            innerRadius: maxRadius + 15,
+            startAngle:[clickId].startAngle,
+            endAngle:[clickId].endAngle,
+          }),
+        )
+        .style('opacity', 0);
+      ae.classed('clickable', true);
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => clickSegments[0] <= d.arcId && d.arcId <= clickSegments[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween(arcSt.pieStart[d.arcId])(d))
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween([d.arcId])(d))
+        .each('end', () => {
+          clickId = -1;
+          inTransition = false;
+        });
+      arcs
+        .filter(d => clickSegments[0] > d.arcId || d.arcId > clickSegments[1])
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .delay(delay)
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween([d.arcId])(d));
+    }
+  }
+  function updateActive() {
+    const delay = d3.event.altKey ? 3000 : 300;
+    legendWrap.datum(legendData(datum)).call(legend);
+    const nArcSt = computeArcStates(datum);
+    inTransition = true;
+    if (clickId < 0) {
+      arcs
+        .style('opacity', 1)
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d => arcTween([d.arcId])(d))
+        .each('end', () => {
+          inTransition = false;
+          arcSt = nArcSt;
+        })
+        .transition()
+        .duration(0)
+        .style('opacity', d => (state.disabled[d.arcId % numGroups] ? 0 : 1));
+    } else {
+      const segments = getSegmentsInTime(clickId);
+      arcs
+        .style('opacity', 1)
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('d', d =>
+          segments[0] <= d.arcId && d.arcId <= segments[1]
+            ? arcTween(nArcSt.pie[d.arcId])(d)
+            : arcTween([d.arcId])(d),
+        )
+        .each('end', () => {
+          inTransition = false;
+          arcSt = nArcSt;
+        })
+        .transition()
+        .duration(0)
+        .style('opacity', d => (state.disabled[d.arcId % numGroups] ? 0 : 1));
+      groupLabels
+        .interrupt()
+        .transition()
+        .duration(delay)
+        .attrTween('transform', d =>
+          translateTween({
+            outerRadius: maxRadius + 20,
+            innerRadius: maxRadius + 15,
+            startAngle: nArcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].startAngle,
+            endAngle: nArcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].endAngle,
+          })(d),
+        )
+        .style('opacity', d =>
+          state.disabled[d.arcId] || arcSt.pie[segments[0] + d.arcId].percent < labelThreshold
+            ? 0
+            : 1,
+        );
+    }
+  }
+  legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', newState => {
+    if (state.disabled !== newState.disabled) {
+      state.disabled = newState.disabled;
+      updateActive();
+    }
+  });
+Rose.displayName = 'Rose';
+Rose.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Rose;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4486fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['limit', 'timeseries_limit_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'contribution',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Contribution'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'date_time_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Date Time Format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'smart_date',
+              choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rich_tooltip',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Rich Tooltip'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'rose_area_proportion',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Use Area Proportions'),
+              description: t(
+                'Check if the Rose Chart should use segment area instead of ' +
+                  'segment radius for proportioning',
+              ),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Advanced Analytics'),
+      tabOverride: 'data',
+      description: t(
+        'This section contains options ' +
+          'that allow for advanced analytical post processing ' +
+          'of query results',
+      ),
+      controlSetRows: [
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Rolling Window')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Rolling Function'),
+              default: 'None',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']),
+              description: t(
+                'Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along ' +
+                  'with the [Periods] text box',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Defines the size of the rolling window function, ' +
+                  'relative to the time granularity selected',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'min_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Min Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'The minimum number of rolling periods required to show ' +
+                  'a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days ' +
+                  'you may want your "Min Period" to be 7, so that all data points ' +
+                  'shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the "ramp up" ' +
+                  'taking place over the first 7 periods',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Time Comparison')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'time_compare',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              multi: true,
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Time Shift'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                '1 day',
+                '1 week',
+                '28 days',
+                '30 days',
+                '52 weeks',
+                '1 year',
+                '104 weeks',
+                '2 years',
+              ]),
+              description: t(
+                'Overlay one or more timeseries from a ' +
+                  'relative time period. Expects relative time deltas ' +
+                  'in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, ' +
+                  '52 weeks, 365 days). Free text is supported.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'comparison_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Calculation type'),
+              default: 'values',
+              choices: [
+                ['values', 'Actual Values'],
+                ['absolute', 'Absolute difference'],
+                ['percentage', 'Percentage change'],
+                ['ratio', 'Ratio'],
+              ],
+              description: t(
+                'How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the ' +
+                  'absolute difference between the main time series and each time shift; ' +
+                  'as the percentage change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Python Functions')}</h1>],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h2 className="section-header">pandas.resample</h2>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'resample_rule',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Rule'),
+              default: null,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS']),
+              description: t('Pandas resample rule'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'resample_method',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Method'),
+              default: null,
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['asfreq', 'bfill', 'ffill', 'median', 'mean', 'sum']),
+              description: t('Pandas resample method'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e01036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03935f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ffee26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Nightingale Rose Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class RoseChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactRose.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a384841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme, dateTimeFormat, numberFormat, richTooltip, roseAreaProportion } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+    dateTimeFormat,
+    numberFormat,
+    useAreaProportions: roseAreaProportion,
+    useRichTooltip: richTooltip,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf3485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Sankey Diagram with loops for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import SankeyLoopChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop';
+new SankeyLoopChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sankey' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="sankey-loop"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7915e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Sankey Diagram with Loops",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3-sankey-diagram": "^0.7.3",
+    "d3-selection": "^1.4.0",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/ReactSankeyLoop.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/ReactSankeyLoop.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034f975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/ReactSankeyLoop.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './SankeyLoop';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd18e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.css
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .node rect {
+  cursor: move;
+  fill-opacity: 0.9;
+  shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .node text {
+  pointer-events: none;
+  text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link {
+  fill: none;
+  stroke: #000;
+  stroke-opacity: 0.2;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link:hover {
+  stroke-opacity: 0.5;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link path {
+  opacity: 0.2;
+  stroke-opacity: 0;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link:hover path {
+  opacity: 0.5;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link text {
+  fill: #666;
+  font-size: 10px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop .link:hover text {
+  opacity: 1;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b8a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/SankeyLoop.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { select } from 'd3-selection';
+import { sankeyDiagram, sankey } from 'd3-sankey-diagram';
+import { getNumberFormatter, NumberFormats, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import './SankeyLoop.css';
+// a problem with 'd3-sankey-diagram'  is that the sankey().extent() paramters, which
+// informs the layout of the bounding box of the sankey columns, does not account
+// for labels and paths which happen to be layedout outside that rectangle.
+// for that reason i've selected relatively large default left/right margins, and have
+// made 'margin' a property.   i have raised an issue in the chart repo:
+const defaultMargin = {
+  top: 0,
+  right: 80,
+  bottom: 0,
+  left: 80,
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      source: PropTypes.string,
+      target: PropTypes.string,
+      value: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  margin: PropTypes.shape({
+    top: PropTypes.number,
+    right: PropTypes.number,
+    bottom: PropTypes.number,
+    left: PropTypes.number,
+  }),
+const percentFormat = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_1_POINT);
+const countFormat = getNumberFormatter();
+function computeGraph(links) {
+  // this assumes source and target are string values
+  const nodes = Array.from(
+    links.reduce((set, { source, target }) => set.add(source).add(target), new Set()),
+  ).map(id => ({ id, name: id }));
+  return {
+    nodes,
+    // links are shallow copied as the chart layout modifies them, and it is best to
+    // leave the passed data un-altered
+    links: => ({ ...d })),
+  };
+function SankeyLoop(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, colorScheme } = props;
+  const color = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  const margin = { ...defaultMargin, ...props.margin };
+  const innerWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right;
+  const innerHeight = height - - margin.bottom;
+  const layout = sankey()
+    .nodeId(d =>
+    .extent([
+      [margin.left,],
+      [innerWidth, innerHeight],
+    ]);
+  const diagram = sankeyDiagram()
+    .nodeTitle(d =>
+    .linkTitle(
+      ({ source: { name: sName, value: sValue }, target: { name: tName }, value }) =>
+        `${sName} → ${tName}: ${countFormat(value)} (${percentFormat(value / sValue)})`,
+    )
+    .linkColor(d => color(;
+  const svg = select(element)
+    .append('svg')
+    .classed('superset-legacy-chart-sankey-loop', true)
+    .style('width', width)
+    .style('height', height)
+    .datum(layout(computeGraph(data)))
+    .call(diagram);
+  svg
+    .selectAll('')
+    .classed('link', true)
+    .append('text')
+    .attr('x', d => d.points[0].x)
+    .attr('y', d => d.points[0].y)
+    .attr('dy', 3)
+    .attr('dx', 2)
+    .text(d => `${countFormat(d.value)} (${percentFormat(d.value / d.source.value)})`);
+SankeyLoop.displayName = 'SankeyLoop';
+SankeyLoop.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default SankeyLoop;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f659aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'label_colors']],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Source / Target'),
+      description: t('Choose a source and a target'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d81458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d81458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a3389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Sankey Diagram with Loops'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class SankeyChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactSankeyLoop.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62639a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData, margin } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+    margin,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0b203a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Sankey Diagram for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import SankeyChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey';
+new SankeyChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sankey' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="sankey"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..418af31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Sankey Diagram",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-sankey": "^0.4.2",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/ReactSankey.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/ReactSankey.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228c9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/ReactSankey.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { reactify, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import SanKey from './Sankey';
+const ReactSanKey = reactify(SanKey);
+const SankeyComponent = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactSanKey {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+SankeyComponent.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+export default styled(SankeyComponent)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-sankey {
+    .node {
+      rect {
+        cursor: move;
+        fill-opacity: 0.9;
+        shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+      }
+      text {
+        pointer-events: none;
+        text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
+      }
+    }
+    .link {
+      fill: none;
+      stroke: #000;
+      stroke-opacity: 0.2;
+      &:hover {
+        stroke-opacity: 0.5;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-sankey-tooltip {
+    position: absolute;
+    width: auto;
+    background: #ddd;
+    padding: 10px;
+    font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.s};
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.light};
+    color: #333;
+    border: 1px solid #fff;
+    text-align: center;
+    pointer-events: none;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/Sankey.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/Sankey.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23cbd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/Sankey.js
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { sankey as d3Sankey } from 'd3-sankey';
+import { getNumberFormatter, NumberFormats, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      source: PropTypes.string,
+      target: PropTypes.string,
+      value: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+const formatNumber = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.FLOAT);
+function Sankey(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, colorScheme } = props;
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-sankey', true);
+  const margin = {
+    top: 5,
+    right: 5,
+    bottom: 5,
+    left: 5,
+  };
+  const innerWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right;
+  const innerHeight = height - - margin.bottom;
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  const svg = div
+    .append('svg')
+    .attr('width', innerWidth + margin.left + margin.right)
+    .attr('height', innerHeight + + margin.bottom)
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})`);
+  const tooltip = div.append('div').attr('class', 'sankey-tooltip').style('opacity', 0);
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  const sankey = d3Sankey().nodeWidth(15).nodePadding(10).size([innerWidth, innerHeight]);
+  const path =;
+  let nodes = {};
+  // Compute the distinct nodes from the links.
+  const links = => {
+    const link = { ...row };
+    link.source = nodes[link.source] || (nodes[link.source] = { name: link.source });
+ = nodes[] || (nodes[] = { name: });
+    link.value = Number(link.value);
+    return link;
+  });
+  nodes = d3.values(nodes);
+  sankey.nodes(nodes).links(links).layout(32);
+  function getTooltipHtml(d) {
+    let html;
+    if (d.sourceLinks) {
+      // is node
+      html = `${} Value: <span class='emph'>${formatNumber(d.value)}</span>`;
+    } else {
+      const val = formatNumber(d.value);
+      const sourcePercent = d3.round((d.value / d.source.value) * 100, 1);
+      const targetPercent = d3.round((d.value / * 100, 1);
+      html = [
+        "<div class=''>Path Value: <span class='emph'>",
+        val,
+        '</span></div>',
+        "<div class='percents'>",
+        "<span class='emph'>",
+        Number.isFinite(sourcePercent) ? sourcePercent : '100',
+        '%</span> of ',
+        '<br/>',
+        `<span class='emph'>${Number.isFinite(targetPercent) ? targetPercent : '--'}%</span> of `,
+        '</div>',
+      ].join('');
+    }
+    return html;
+  }
+  function onmouseover(d) {
+    tooltip
+      .html(() => getTooltipHtml(d))
+      .transition()
+      .duration(200)
+      .style('left', `${d3.event.offsetX + 10}px`)
+      .style('top', `${d3.event.offsetY + 10}px`)
+      .style('opacity', 0.95);
+  }
+  function onmouseout() {
+    tooltip.transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 0);
+  }
+  const link = svg
+    .append('g')
+    .selectAll('.link')
+    .data(links)
+    .enter()
+    .append('path')
+    .attr('class', 'link')
+    .attr('d', path)
+    .style('stroke-width', d => Math.max(1, d.dy))
+    .sort((a, b) => b.dy - a.dy)
+    .on('mouseover', onmouseover)
+    .on('mouseout', onmouseout);
+  function dragmove(d) {
+      'transform',
+      `translate(${d.x},${(d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(height - d.dy, d3.event.y)))})`,
+    );
+    sankey.relayout();
+    link.attr('d', path);
+  }
+  const node = svg
+    .append('g')
+    .selectAll('.node')
+    .data(nodes)
+    .enter()
+    .append('g')
+    .attr('class', 'node')
+    .attr('transform', d => `translate(${d.x},${d.y})`)
+    .call(
+      d3.behavior
+        .drag()
+        .origin(d => d)
+        .on('dragstart', function dragStart() {
+          this.parentNode.append(this);
+        })
+        .on('drag', dragmove),
+    );
+  const minRectHeight = 5;
+  node
+    .append('rect')
+    .attr('height', d => (d.dy > minRectHeight ? d.dy : minRectHeight))
+    .attr('width', sankey.nodeWidth())
+    .style('fill', d => {
+      const name = || 'N/A';
+      d.color = colorFn(name.replace(/ .*/, ''));
+      return d.color;
+    })
+    .style('stroke', d => d3.rgb(d.color).darker(2))
+    .on('mouseover', onmouseover)
+    .on('mouseout', onmouseout);
+  node
+    .append('text')
+    .attr('x', -6)
+    .attr('y', d => d.dy / 2)
+    .attr('dy', '.35em')
+    .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
+    .attr('transform', null)
+    .text(d =>
+    .filter(d => d.x < innerWidth / 2)
+    .attr('x', 6 + sankey.nodeWidth())
+    .attr('text-anchor', 'start');
+Sankey.displayName = 'Sankey';
+Sankey.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Sankey;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1386d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'groupby',
+            override: {
+              label: t('Source / Target'),
+              description: t('Choose a source and a target'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'row_limit',
+            override: {
+              description: t(
+                'Limiting rows may result in incomplete data and misleading charts. Consider filtering or grouping source/target names instead.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'sort_by_metric',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort by metric'),
+              description: t('Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'label_colors']],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf13f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..231316b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a579d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Sankey Diagram'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class SankeyChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactSankey'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..938d30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme } = formData;
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f2f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Sunburst for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import SunburstChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst';
+new SunburstChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'sunburst' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="sunburst"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4376e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Sunburst",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/ReactSunburst.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/ReactSunburst.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15303c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/ReactSunburst.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Sunburst';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f836ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.css
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst text {
+  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst path {
+  stroke: #ddd;
+  stroke-width: 0.5px;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .center-label {
+  text-anchor: middle;
+  fill: #333;
+  pointer-events: none;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-abs-percent {
+  font-size: 3em;
+  font-weight: 700;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-cond-percent {
+  font-size: 2em;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-metrics {
+  color: #777;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-ratio {
+  color: #777;
+.superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .breadcrumbs text {
+  font-weight: 600;
+  font-size: 1.2em;
+  text-anchor: middle;
+  fill: #333;
+/* dashboard specific */
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-sunburst text {
+  font-size: 1em;
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-abs-percent {
+  font-size: 2em;
+  font-weight: 700;
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-cond-percent {
+  font-size: 1.5em;
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-metrics {
+  font-size: 1em;
+.dashboard .superset-legacy-chart-sunburst .path-ratio {
+  font-size: 1em;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5be0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/Sunburst.js
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import {
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormats,
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import wrapSvgText from './utils/wrapSvgText';
+import './Sunburst.css';
+const propTypes = {
+  // Each row is an array of [hierarchy-lvl1, hierarchy-lvl2, metric1, metric2]
+  // hierarchy-lvls are string. metrics are number
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.array),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  linearColorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  metrics: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.oneOfType([
+      PropTypes.string,
+      PropTypes.object, // The metric object
+    ]),
+  ),
+function metricLabel(metric) {
+  return typeof metric === 'string' || metric instanceof String ? metric : metric.label;
+// Given a node in a partition layout, return an array of all of its ancestor
+// nodes, highest first, but excluding the root.
+function getAncestors(node) {
+  const path = [];
+  let current = node;
+  while (current.parent) {
+    path.unshift(current);
+    current = current.parent;
+  }
+  return path;
+function buildHierarchy(rows) {
+  const root = {
+    name: 'root',
+    children: [],
+  };
+  // each record [groupby1val, groupby2val, (<string> or 0)n, m1, m2]
+  rows.forEach(row => {
+    const m1 = Number(row[row.length - 2]);
+    const m2 = Number(row[row.length - 1]);
+    const levels = row.slice(0, -2);
+    if (Number.isNaN(m1)) {
+      // e.g. if this is a header row
+      return;
+    }
+    let currentNode = root;
+    for (let level = 0; level < levels.length; level += 1) {
+      const children = currentNode.children || [];
+      const nodeName = levels[level].toString();
+      // If the next node has the name '0', it will
+      const isLeafNode = level >= levels.length - 1 || levels[level + 1] === 0;
+      let childNode;
+      if (!isLeafNode) {
+        childNode = children.find(child => === nodeName && child.level === level);
+        if (!childNode) {
+          childNode = {
+            name: nodeName,
+            children: [],
+            level,
+          };
+          children.push(childNode);
+        }
+        currentNode = childNode;
+      } else if (nodeName !== 0) {
+        // Reached the end of the sequence; create a leaf node.
+        childNode = {
+          name: nodeName,
+          m1,
+          m2,
+        };
+        children.push(childNode);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  function recurse(node) {
+    if (node.children) {
+      let sums;
+      let m1 = 0;
+      let m2 = 0;
+      for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i += 1) {
+        sums = recurse(node.children[i]);
+        m1 += sums[0];
+        m2 += sums[1];
+      }
+      node.m1 = m1;
+      node.m2 = m2;
+    }
+    return [node.m1, node.m2];
+  }
+  recurse(root);
+  return root;
+// Modified from
+function Sunburst(element, props) {
+  const container =;
+  container.classed('superset-legacy-chart-sunburst', true);
+  const { data, width, height, colorScheme, linearColorScheme, metrics, numberFormat } = props;
+  // vars with shared scope within this function
+  const margin = { top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10, left: 5 };
+  const containerWidth = width;
+  const containerHeight = height;
+  const breadcrumbHeight = containerHeight * 0.085;
+  const visWidth = containerWidth - margin.left - margin.right;
+  const visHeight = containerHeight - - margin.bottom - breadcrumbHeight;
+  const radius = Math.min(visWidth, visHeight) / 2;
+  let colorByCategory = true; // color by category if primary/secondary metrics match
+  let maxBreadcrumbs;
+  let breadcrumbDims; // set based on data
+  let totalSize; // total size of all segments; set after loading the data.
+  let breadcrumbs;
+  let vis;
+  let arcs;
+  let gMiddleText; // dom handles
+  const categoricalColorScale = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  let linearColorScale;
+  // Helper + path gen functions
+  const partition = d3.layout
+    .partition()
+    .size([2 * Math.PI, radius * radius])
+    .value(d => d.m1);
+  const arc = d3.svg
+    .arc()
+    .startAngle(d => d.x)
+    .endAngle(d => d.x + d.dx)
+    .innerRadius(d => Math.sqrt(d.y))
+    .outerRadius(d => Math.sqrt(d.y + d.dy));
+  const formatNum = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat || NumberFormats.SI_3_DIGIT);
+  const formatPerc = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_3_POINT);
+  const svg = container
+    .append('svg:svg')
+    .attr('width', containerWidth)
+    .attr('height', containerHeight);
+  function createBreadcrumbs(firstRowData) {
+    // -2 bc row contains 2x metrics, +extra for %label and buffer
+    maxBreadcrumbs = firstRowData.length - 2 + 1;
+    breadcrumbDims = {
+      width: visWidth / maxBreadcrumbs,
+      height: breadcrumbHeight * 0.8, // more margin
+      spacing: 3,
+      tipTailWidth: 10,
+    };
+    breadcrumbs = svg
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'breadcrumbs')
+      .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})`);
+    breadcrumbs.append('svg:text').attr('class', 'end-label');
+  }
+  // Generate a string that describes the points of a breadcrumb polygon.
+  function breadcrumbPoints(d, i) {
+    const points = [];
+    points.push('0,0');
+    points.push(`${breadcrumbDims.width},0`);
+    points.push(
+      `${breadcrumbDims.width + breadcrumbDims.tipTailWidth},${breadcrumbDims.height / 2}`,
+    );
+    points.push(`${breadcrumbDims.width},${breadcrumbDims.height}`);
+    points.push(`0,${breadcrumbDims.height}`);
+    if (i > 0) {
+      // Leftmost breadcrumb; don't include 6th vertex.
+      points.push(`${breadcrumbDims.tipTailWidth},${breadcrumbDims.height / 2}`);
+    }
+    return points.join(' ');
+  }
+  function updateBreadcrumbs(sequenceArray, percentageString) {
+    const g = breadcrumbs.selectAll('g').data(sequenceArray, d => + d.depth);
+    // Add breadcrumb and label for entering nodes.
+    const entering = g.enter().append('svg:g');
+    entering
+      .append('svg:polygon')
+      .attr('points', breadcrumbPoints)
+      .style('fill', d =>
+        colorByCategory ? categoricalColorScale( : linearColorScale(d.m2 / d.m1),
+      );
+    entering
+      .append('svg:text')
+      .attr('x', (breadcrumbDims.width + breadcrumbDims.tipTailWidth) / 2)
+      .attr('y', breadcrumbDims.height / 4)
+      .attr('dy', '0.85em')
+      .style('fill', d => {
+        // Make text white or black based on the lightness of the background
+        const col = d3.hsl(
+          colorByCategory ? categoricalColorScale( : linearColorScale(d.m2 / d.m1),
+        );
+        return col.l < 0.5 ? 'white' : 'black';
+      })
+      .attr('class', 'step-label')
+      .text(d =>, ' '))
+      .call(wrapSvgText, breadcrumbDims.width, breadcrumbDims.height / 2);
+    // Set position for entering and updating nodes.
+    g.attr(
+      'transform',
+      (d, i) => `translate(${i * (breadcrumbDims.width + breadcrumbDims.spacing)}, 0)`,
+    );
+    // Remove exiting nodes.
+    g.exit().remove();
+    // Now move and update the percentage at the end.
+    breadcrumbs
+      .select('.end-label')
+      .attr('x', (sequenceArray.length + 0.5) * (breadcrumbDims.width + breadcrumbDims.spacing))
+      .attr('y', breadcrumbDims.height / 2)
+      .attr('dy', '0.35em')
+      .text(percentageString);
+    // Make the breadcrumb trail visible, if it's hidden.
+'visibility', null);
+  }
+  // Fade all but the current sequence, and show it in the breadcrumb trail.
+  function mouseenter(d) {
+    const sequenceArray = getAncestors(d);
+    const parentOfD = sequenceArray[sequenceArray.length - 2] || null;
+    const absolutePercentage = (d.m1 / totalSize).toPrecision(3);
+    const conditionalPercentage = parentOfD ? (d.m1 / parentOfD.m1).toPrecision(3) : null;
+    const absolutePercString = formatPerc(absolutePercentage);
+    const conditionalPercString = parentOfD ? formatPerc(conditionalPercentage) : '';
+    // 3 levels of text if inner-most level, 4 otherwise
+    const yOffsets = ['-25', '7', '35', '60'];
+    let offsetIndex = 0;
+    // If metrics match, assume we are coloring by category
+    const metricsMatch = Math.abs(d.m1 - d.m2) < 0.00001;
+    gMiddleText.selectAll('*').remove();
+    offsetIndex += 1;
+    gMiddleText
+      .append('text')
+      .attr('class', 'path-abs-percent')
+      .attr('y', yOffsets[offsetIndex])
+      .text(`${absolutePercString} of total`);
+    if (conditionalPercString) {
+      offsetIndex += 1;
+      gMiddleText
+        .append('text')
+        .attr('class', 'path-cond-percent')
+        .attr('y', yOffsets[offsetIndex])
+        .text(`${conditionalPercString} of parent`);
+    }
+    offsetIndex += 1;
+    gMiddleText
+      .append('text')
+      .attr('class', 'path-metrics')
+      .attr('y', yOffsets[offsetIndex])
+      .text(
+        `${metricLabel(metrics[0])}: ${formatNum(d.m1)}${
+          metricsMatch ? '' : `, ${metricLabel(metrics[1])}: ${formatNum(d.m2)}`
+        }`,
+      );
+    offsetIndex += 1;
+    gMiddleText
+      .append('text')
+      .attr('class', 'path-ratio')
+      .attr('y', yOffsets[offsetIndex])
+      .text(
+        metricsMatch
+          ? ''
+          : `${metricLabel(metrics[1])}/${metricLabel(metrics[0])}: ${formatPerc(d.m2 / d.m1)}`,
+      );
+    // Reset and fade all the segments.
+    arcs.selectAll('path').style('stroke-width', null).style('stroke', null).style('opacity', 0.3);
+    // Then highlight only those that are an ancestor of the current segment.
+    arcs
+      .selectAll('path')
+      .filter(node => sequenceArray.includes(node))
+      .style('opacity', 1)
+      .style('stroke', '#aaa');
+    updateBreadcrumbs(sequenceArray, absolutePercString);
+  }
+  // Restore everything to full opacity when moving off the visualization.
+  function mouseleave() {
+    // Hide the breadcrumb trail
+'visibility', 'hidden');
+    gMiddleText.selectAll('*').remove();
+    // Deactivate all segments during transition.
+    arcs.selectAll('path').on('mouseenter', null);
+    // Transition each segment to full opacity and then reactivate it.
+    arcs
+      .selectAll('path')
+      .transition()
+      .duration(200)
+      .style('opacity', 1)
+      .style('stroke', null)
+      .style('stroke-width', null)
+      .each('end', function end() {
+'mouseenter', mouseenter);
+      });
+  }
+  // Main function to draw and set up the visualization, once we have the data.
+  function createVisualization(rows) {
+    const root = buildHierarchy(rows);
+    vis = svg
+      .append('svg:g')
+      .attr('class', 'sunburst-vis')
+      .attr(
+        'transform',
+        'translate(' +
+          `${margin.left + visWidth / 2},` +
+          `${ + breadcrumbHeight + visHeight / 2}` +
+          ')',
+      )
+      .on('mouseleave', mouseleave);
+    arcs = vis.append('svg:g').attr('id', 'arcs');
+    gMiddleText = vis.append('svg:g').attr('class', 'center-label');
+    // Bounding circle underneath the sunburst, to make it easier to detect
+    // when the mouse leaves the parent g.
+    arcs.append('svg:circle').attr('r', radius).style('opacity', 0);
+    // For efficiency, filter nodes to keep only those large enough to see.
+    const nodes = partition.nodes(root).filter(d => d.dx > 0.005); // 0.005 radians = 0.29 degrees
+    if (metrics[0] !== metrics[1] && metrics[1]) {
+      colorByCategory = false;
+      const ext = d3.extent(nodes, d => d.m2 / d.m1);
+      linearColorScale = getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+        .get(linearColorScheme)
+        .createLinearScale(ext);
+    }
+    arcs
+      .selectAll('path')
+      .data(nodes)
+      .enter()
+      .append('svg:path')
+      .attr('display', d => (d.depth ? null : 'none'))
+      .attr('d', arc)
+      .attr('fill-rule', 'evenodd')
+      .style('fill', d =>
+        colorByCategory ? categoricalColorScale( : linearColorScale(d.m2 / d.m1),
+      )
+      .style('opacity', 1)
+      .on('mouseenter', mouseenter);
+    // Get total size of the tree = value of root node from partition.
+    totalSize = root.value;
+  }
+  createBreadcrumbs(data[0]);
+  createVisualization(data);
+Sunburst.displayName = 'Sunburst';
+Sunburst.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Sunburst;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366189c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['metric'],
+        ['secondary_metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'linear_color_scheme']],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    metric: {
+      label: t('Primary Metric'),
+      description: t('The primary metric is used to define the arc segment sizes'),
+    },
+    secondary_metric: {
+      label: t('Secondary Metric'),
+      default: null,
+      description: t(
+        '[optional] this secondary metric is used to ' +
+          'define the color as a ratio against the primary metric. ' +
+          'When omitted, the color is categorical and based on labels',
+      ),
+    },
+    color_scheme: {
+      description: t('When only a primary metric is provided, a categorical color scale is used.'),
+    },
+    linear_color_scheme: {
+      description: t('When a secondary metric is provided, a linear color scale is used.'),
+    },
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Hierarchy'),
+      description: t('This defines the level of the hierarchy'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f8262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c4706b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060d180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Sunburst Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class SunburstChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactSunburst.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c42e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData, datasource } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme, linearColorScheme, metric, secondaryMetric } = formData;
+  const returnProps = {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    metrics: [metric, secondaryMetric],
+  };
+  if (datasource && datasource.metrics) {
+    const metricWithFormat = datasource.metrics.find(
+      ({ metric_name: metricName, d3format }) => metricName === formData.metric && d3format,
+    );
+    if (metricWithFormat) {
+      Object.assign(returnProps, { numberFormat: metricWithFormat.d3format });
+    }
+  }
+  return returnProps;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/utils/wrapSvgText.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/utils/wrapSvgText.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45fafb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/utils/wrapSvgText.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  Utility function that takes a d3 svg:text selection and a max width, and splits the
+  text's text across multiple tspan lines such that any given line does not exceed max width
+  If text does not span multiple lines AND adjustedY is passed,
+  will set the text to the passed val
+import d3 from 'd3';
+export default function wrapSvgText(text, width, adjustedY) {
+  const lineHeight = 1;
+  // ems
+  text.each(function each() {
+    const d3Text =;
+    const words = d3Text.text().split(/\s+/);
+    let line = [];
+    let lineNumber = 0;
+    const x = d3Text.attr('x');
+    const y = d3Text.attr('y');
+    const dy = parseFloat(d3Text.attr('dy'));
+    let tspan = d3Text.text(null).append('tspan').attr('x', x).attr('y', y).attr('dy', `${dy}em`);
+    let didWrap = false;
+    words.forEach(word => {
+      line.push(word);
+      tspan.text(line.join(' '));
+      if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width) {
+        lineNumber += 1;
+        line.pop();
+        // remove word that pushes over the limit
+        tspan.text(line.join(' '));
+        line = [word];
+        tspan = d3Text
+          .append('tspan')
+          .attr('x', x)
+          .attr('y', y)
+          .attr('dy', `${lineNumber * lineHeight + dy}em`)
+          .text(word);
+        didWrap = true;
+      }
+    });
+    if (!didWrap && typeof adjustedY !== 'undefined') {
+      tspan.attr('y', adjustedY);
+    }
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2237029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-time-table
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Time Table for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import TimeTableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table';
+new TimeTableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'time-table' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="time-table"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1236a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Chart Plugin - Time Table",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/sparkline": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/d3-scale": "^2.0.2",
+    "d3-scale": "^3.2.1",
+    "emotion-theming": "^10.0.27",
+    "moment": "^2.26.0",
+    "mustache": "^4.0.1",
+    "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
+    "reactable-arc": "^0.15.0"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "react": "^16.3.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/FormattedNumber.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/FormattedNumber.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249aa28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/FormattedNumber.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { formatNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+interface Props {
+  format: string;
+  num: number;
+function FormattedNumber({ num = 0, format = '' }: Props) {
+  if (format) {
+    return <span title={num.toString()}>{formatNumber(format, num)}</span>;
+  }
+  return <span>{num}</span>;
+export default FormattedNumber;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/SparklineCell.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/SparklineCell.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769201c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/SparklineCell.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+  Sparkline,
+  LineSeries,
+  PointSeries,
+  HorizontalReferenceLine,
+  VerticalReferenceLine,
+  WithTooltip,
+} from '@data-ui/sparkline';
+import { getTextDimension, formatNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+interface Props {
+  ariaLabel: string;
+  className?: string;
+  height: number;
+  numberFormat: string;
+  renderTooltip: ({ index }: { index: number }) => void;
+  showYAxis: boolean;
+  width: number;
+  yAxisBounds: Array<number>;
+  data: Array<number>;
+interface TooltipProps {
+  onMouseLeave: () => void;
+  onMouseMove: () => void;
+  tooltipData: {
+    index: number;
+  };
+interface Yscale {
+  min?: number;
+  max?: number;
+const MARGIN = {
+  top: 8,
+  right: 8,
+  bottom: 8,
+  left: 8,
+const tooltipProps = {
+  style: {
+    opacity: 0.8,
+  },
+  offsetTop: 0,
+function getSparklineTextWidth(text: string) {
+  return (
+    getTextDimension({
+      text,
+      style: {
+        fontSize: '12px',
+        fontWeight: 200,
+        letterSpacing: 0.4,
+      },
+    }).width + 5
+  );
+function isValidBoundValue(value?: number) {
+  // @ts-ignore
+  return value !== null && value !== undefined && value !== '' && !Number.isNaN(value);
+class SparklineCell extends React.Component<Props, {}> {
+  renderHorizontalReferenceLine(value?: number, label?: string) {
+    return (
+      <HorizontalReferenceLine
+        reference={value}
+        labelPosition="right"
+        renderLabel={() => label}
+        stroke="#bbb"
+        strokeDasharray="3 3"
+        strokeWidth={1}
+      />
+    );
+  }
+  render() {
+    const {
+      width = 300,
+      height = 50,
+      data,
+      ariaLabel,
+      numberFormat = undefined,
+      yAxisBounds = [undefined, undefined],
+      showYAxis = false,
+      renderTooltip = () => <div />,
+    } = this.props;
+    const yScale: Yscale = {};
+    let hasMinBound = false;
+    let hasMaxBound = false;
+    if (yAxisBounds) {
+      const [minBound, maxBound] = yAxisBounds;
+      hasMinBound = isValidBoundValue(minBound);
+      if (hasMinBound) {
+        yScale.min = minBound;
+      }
+      hasMaxBound = isValidBoundValue(maxBound);
+      if (hasMaxBound) {
+        yScale.max = maxBound;
+      }
+    }
+    let min: number | undefined;
+    let max: number | undefined;
+    let minLabel: string;
+    let maxLabel: string;
+    let labelLength = 0;
+    if (showYAxis) {
+      const [minBound, maxBound] = yAxisBounds;
+      min = hasMinBound ? minBound : data.reduce((acc, current) => Math.min(acc, current), data[0]);
+      max = hasMaxBound ? maxBound : data.reduce((acc, current) => Math.max(acc, current), data[0]);
+      minLabel = formatNumber(numberFormat, min);
+      maxLabel = formatNumber(numberFormat, max);
+      labelLength = Math.max(getSparklineTextWidth(minLabel), getSparklineTextWidth(maxLabel));
+    }
+    const margin = {
+      ...MARGIN,
+      right: MARGIN.right + labelLength,
+    };
+    return (
+      <WithTooltip tooltipProps={tooltipProps} hoverStyles={null} renderTooltip={renderTooltip}>
+        {({ onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, tooltipData }: TooltipProps) => (
+          <Sparkline
+            ariaLabel={ariaLabel}
+            width={width}
+            height={height}
+            margin={margin}
+            data={data}
+            onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave}
+            onMouseMove={onMouseMove}
+            {...yScale}
+          >
+            {showYAxis && this.renderHorizontalReferenceLine(min, minLabel)}
+            {showYAxis && this.renderHorizontalReferenceLine(max, maxLabel)}
+            <LineSeries showArea={false} stroke="#767676" />
+            {tooltipData && (
+              <VerticalReferenceLine
+                reference={tooltipData.index}
+                strokeDasharray="3 3"
+                strokeWidth={1}
+              />
+            )}
+            {tooltipData && (
+              <PointSeries points={[tooltipData.index]} fill="#767676" strokeWidth={1} />
+            )}
+          </Sparkline>
+        )}
+      </WithTooltip>
+    );
+  }
+export default SparklineCell;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTable.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTable.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c214b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTable.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import Mustache from 'mustache';
+import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale';
+import { Table, Thead, Th, Tr, Td } from 'reactable-arc';
+import { formatNumber, formatTime, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { InfoTooltipWithTrigger, MetricOption, Metric } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import moment from 'moment';
+import FormattedNumber from './FormattedNumber';
+import SparklineCell from './SparklineCell';
+const ACCESSIBLE_COLOR_BOUNDS = ['#ca0020', '#0571b0'];
+interface ColorFromBoundProps {
+  value: number;
+  bounds: Array<string>;
+  colorBounds: Array<string>;
+function colorFromBounds(
+  value: number,
+  bounds: number[],
+): ColorFromBoundProps | null {
+  if (bounds) {
+    const [min, max] = bounds;
+    const [minColor, maxColor] = colorBounds;
+    if (min !== null && max !== null) {
+      const colorScale = scaleLinear()
+        .domain([min, (max + min) / 2, max])
+        // @ts-ignore
+        .range([minColor, 'grey', maxColor]);
+      // @ts-ignore
+      return colorScale(value);
+    }
+    if (min !== null) {
+      // @ts-ignore
+      return value >= min ? maxColor : minColor;
+    }
+    if (max !== null) {
+      // @ts-ignore
+      return value < max ? maxColor : minColor;
+    }
+  }
+  return null;
+interface ColumnConfigProps {
+  colType: string;
+  comparisonType: string;
+  d3format: string;
+  key: string;
+  label: string;
+  timeLag: number;
+  tooltip: any;
+  bounds: number[];
+  dateFormat: string;
+  width: string;
+  height: string;
+  yAxisBounds: number[];
+  showYAxis: boolean;
+  timeRatio: number;
+interface RowData {
+  label: string;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+  metric_name: string;
+interface ChartProps {
+  className: string | undefined;
+  columnConfigs: Array<ColumnConfigProps>;
+  data: object;
+  height: number;
+  rows: Array<RowData>;
+  rowType: string;
+  url: string;
+  row: Array<unknown>;
+interface Entry {
+  [key: string]: number;
+class TimeTable extends React.PureComponent<ChartProps, {}> {
+  renderLeftCell(row: RowData) {
+    const { rowType, url } = this.props;
+    const context = { metric: row };
+    const fullUrl = url ? Mustache.render(url, context) : null;
+    if (rowType === 'column') {
+      const column = row;
+      if (fullUrl) {
+        return (
+          <a href={fullUrl} rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">
+            {column.label}
+          </a>
+        );
+      }
+      return column.label;
+    }
+    return (
+      <MetricOption openInNewWindow metric={row as Metric} url={fullUrl} showFormula={false} />
+    );
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+  renderSparklineCell(valueField: string, column: ColumnConfigProps, entries: Entry[]) {
+    let sparkData: number[];
+    if (column.timeRatio) {
+      // Period ratio sparkline
+      sparkData = [];
+      for (let i = column.timeRatio; i < entries.length; i += 1) {
+        const prevData = entries[i - column.timeRatio][valueField];
+        if (prevData && prevData !== 0) {
+          sparkData.push(entries[i][valueField] / prevData);
+        } else {
+          // @ts-ignore
+          sparkData.push(null);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      sparkData = => d[valueField]);
+    }
+    return (
+      <Td key={column.key} column={column.key} value={sparkData[sparkData.length - 1]}>
+        <SparklineCell
+          width={parseInt(column.width, 10) || 300}
+          height={parseInt(column.height, 10) || 50}
+          data={sparkData}
+          ariaLabel={`spark-${valueField}`}
+          numberFormat={column.d3format}
+          yAxisBounds={column.yAxisBounds}
+          showYAxis={column.showYAxis}
+          renderTooltip={({ index }: { index: number }) => (
+            <div>
+              <strong>{formatNumber(column.d3format, sparkData[index])}</strong>
+              <div>{formatTime(column.dateFormat, moment.utc(entries[index].time).toDate())}</div>
+            </div>
+          )}
+        />
+      </Td>
+    );
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+  renderValueCell(valueField: string, column: ColumnConfigProps, reversedEntries: Entry[]) {
+    const recent = reversedEntries[0][valueField];
+    let v = 0;
+    let errorMsg;
+    if (column.colType === 'time') {
+      // Time lag ratio
+      const timeLag = column.timeLag || 0;
+      const totalLag = Object.keys(reversedEntries).length;
+      if (timeLag >= totalLag) {
+        errorMsg = `The time lag set at ${timeLag} is too large for the length of data at ${reversedEntries.length}. No data available.`;
+      } else {
+        v = reversedEntries[timeLag][valueField];
+      }
+      if (column.comparisonType === 'diff') {
+        v = recent - v;
+      } else if (column.comparisonType === 'perc') {
+        v = recent / v;
+      } else if (column.comparisonType === 'perc_change') {
+        v = recent / v - 1;
+      }
+      v = v || 0;
+    } else if (column.colType === 'contrib') {
+      // contribution to column total
+      v =
+        recent /
+        Object.keys(reversedEntries[0])
+          .map(k => (k === 'time' ? 0 : reversedEntries[0][k]))
+          .reduce((a, b) => a + b);
+    } else if (column.colType === 'avg') {
+      // Average over the last {timeLag}
+      v =
+        reversedEntries
+          .map((k: Entry, i: number) => (i < column.timeLag ? k[valueField] : 0))
+          .reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b) / column.timeLag;
+    }
+    const color = colorFromBounds(v, column.bounds);
+    return (
+      <Td
+        key={column.key}
+        column={column.key}
+        value={v}
+        style={
+          color && {
+            boxShadow: `inset 0px -2.5px 0px 0px ${color}`,
+            borderRight: '2px solid #fff',
+          }
+        }
+      >
+        {errorMsg ? (
+          <div>{errorMsg}</div>
+        ) : (
+          // @ts-ignore
+          <div style={{ color }}>
+            <FormattedNumber num={v} format={column.d3format} />
+          </div>
+        )}
+      </Td>
+    );
+  }
+  renderRow(row: RowData, entries: Entry[], reversedEntries: Entry[]) {
+    const { columnConfigs } = this.props;
+    const valueField: string = row.label || row.metric_name;
+    const leftCell = this.renderLeftCell(row);
+    return (
+      <Tr key={leftCell}>
+        <Td column="metric" data={leftCell}>
+          {leftCell}
+        </Td>
+        { =>
+          c.colType === 'spark'
+            ? this.renderSparklineCell(valueField, c, entries)
+            : this.renderValueCell(valueField, c, reversedEntries),
+        )}
+      </Tr>
+    );
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { className, height, data, columnConfigs, rowType, rows } = this.props;
+    const entries = Object.keys(data)
+      .sort()
+      // @ts-ignore
+      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
+      .map(time => ({[time], time }));
+    const reversedEntries = entries.concat().reverse();
+    const defaultSort =
+      rowType === 'column' && columnConfigs.length > 0
+        ? {
+            column: columnConfigs[0].key,
+            direction: 'desc',
+          }
+        : false;
+    return (
+      <div className={`time-table ${className}`} style={{ height }}>
+        <Table
+          className="table table-no-hover"
+          defaultSort={defaultSort}
+          sortBy={defaultSort}
+          sortable={ => c.key)}
+        >
+          <Thead>
+            <Th column="metric">Metric</Th>
+            {, i) => (
+              <Th key={c.key} column={c.key} width={c.colType === 'spark' ? '1%' : null}>
+                {c?.label}{' '}
+                {c?.tooltip && (
+                  <InfoTooltipWithTrigger
+                    tooltip={c?.tooltip}
+                    label={`tt-col-${i}`}
+                    placement="top"
+                  />
+                )}
+              </Th>
+            ))}
+          </Thead>
+          { => this.renderRow(row, entries, reversedEntries))}
+        </Table>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+export default styled(TimeTable)`
+  .time-table {
+    overflow: auto;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef1933b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  name: t('Time-series Table'),
+  description: '',
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class TimeTableChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      metadata,
+      // @ts-ignore
+      transformProps,
+      loadChart: () => import('./TimeTable'),
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941bd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'column_collection',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CollectionControl',
+              label: t('Time Series Columns'),
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+              controlName: 'TimeSeriesColumnControl',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'url',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('URL'),
+              description: t(
+                "Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} " +
+                  'or other values coming from the controls.',
+              ),
+              default: '',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      multiple: false,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22c2ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd4b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b430e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  name: t('Time-series Table'),
+  description: '',
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class TimeTableChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./TimeTable'),
+      metadata,
+      // @ts-ignore
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be4d44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/src/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, DataRecord, Metric } from '@superset-ui/core';
+interface FormData {
+  groupby: string[];
+  metrics: Array<object>;
+  url: string;
+  columnCollection: Array<object> | [];
+interface QueryData {
+  data: {
+    records: DataRecord[];
+    columns: string[];
+  };
+export type TableChartProps = ChartProps & {
+  formData: FormData;
+  queriesData: QueryData[];
+interface ColumnData {
+  timeLag?: string | number;
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: TableChartProps) {
+  const { height, datasource, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { columnCollection, groupby, metrics, url } = formData;
+  const { records, columns } = queriesData[0].data;
+  const isGroupBy = groupby?.length > 0;
+  // When there is a "group by",
+  // each row in the table is a database column
+  // Otherwise,``
+  // each row in the table is a metric
+  let rows;
+  if (isGroupBy) {
+    rows = => (typeof column === 'object' ? column : { label: column }));
+  } else {
+    const metricMap = datasource.metrics.reduce((acc, current) => {
+      const map = acc;
+      if (current.metric_name) {
+        map[current.metric_name] = current;
+      }
+      return map;
+    }, {} as Record<string, Metric>);
+    rows = => (typeof metric === 'object' ? metric : metricMap[metric]));
+  }
+  // TODO: Better parse this from controls instead of mutative value here.
+  columnCollection.forEach(column => {
+    const c: ColumnData = column;
+    if (typeof c.timeLag === 'string' && c.timeLag) {
+      c.timeLag = parseInt(c.timeLag, 10);
+    }
+  });
+  return {
+    height,
+    data: records,
+    columnConfigs: columnCollection,
+    rows,
+    rowType: isGroupBy ? 'column' : 'metric',
+    url,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc8dbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module '*.png';
+declare module '@data-ui/sparkline';
+declare module 'reactable-arc';
+declare module 'mustache';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37a4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Treemap for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import TreemapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap';
+new TreemapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'treemap' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="treemap"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6e5d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Treemap",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3-hierarchy": "^1.1.8",
+    "d3-selection": "^1.4.0",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/ReactTreemap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/ReactTreemap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743115c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/ReactTreemap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Component from './Treemap';
+export default reactify(Component);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.css b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49b425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.css
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.superset-legacy-chart-treemap text {
+  font-size: 11px;
+  pointer-events: none;
+.superset-legacy-chart-treemap tspan:last-child {
+  font-size: 9px;
+  fill-opacity: 0.8;
+.superset-legacy-chart-treemap .node rect {
+  shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+.superset-legacy-chart-treemap .node--hover rect {
+  stroke: #000;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d12838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/Treemap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, func-names */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import { select as d3Select, selectAll as d3SelectAll } from 'd3-selection';
+import { treemap as d3Treemap, hierarchy as d3Hierarchy, treemapSquarify } from 'd3-hierarchy';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { getNumberFormatter, CategoricalColorNamespace } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import './Treemap.css';
+// Declare PropTypes for recursive data structures
+/* eslint-disable-next-line  no-undef */
+const lazyFunction = f => () => f().apply(this, arguments);
+const leafType = PropTypes.shape({
+  name: PropTypes.string,
+  value: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+const parentShape = {
+  name: PropTypes.string,
+  children: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.shape(lazyFunction(() => parentShape)), leafType]),
+  ),
+const nodeType = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.shape(parentShape), leafType]);
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(nodeType),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  margin: PropTypes.shape({
+    top: PropTypes.number,
+    right: PropTypes.number,
+    bottom: PropTypes.number,
+    left: PropTypes.number,
+  }),
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  treemapRatio: PropTypes.number,
+function hovered(hover) {
+  return function (node) {
+    d3SelectAll(node.ancestors().map(d => d.node))
+      .classed('node--hover', hover)
+      .select('rect')
+      .attr('width', d => d.x1 - d.x0 - hover)
+      .attr('height', d => d.y1 - d.y0 - hover);
+  };
+/* Modified from */
+function Treemap(element, props) {
+  const { data: rawData, width, height, numberFormat, colorScheme, treemapRatio } = props;
+  const div = d3Select(element);
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-treemap', true);
+  const formatNumber = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme);
+  const rootNodes = rawData;
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  if (rootNodes.length > 0) {
+    const [rootNode] = rootNodes;
+    const treemap = d3Treemap()
+      .size([width, height])
+      .paddingOuter(3)
+      .paddingTop(19)
+      .paddingInner(1)
+      .tile(treemapSquarify.ratio(treemapRatio))
+      .round(true);
+    const root = treemap(
+      d3Hierarchy(rootNode)
+        .sum(d => d.value)
+        .sort((a, b) => b.height - a.height || b.value - a.value),
+    );
+    const svg = div
+      .append('svg')
+      .attr('class', 'treemap')
+      .attr('width', width)
+      .attr('height', height);
+    const cell = svg
+      .selectAll('.node')
+      .data(root.descendants())
+      .enter()
+      .append('g')
+      .attr('transform', d => `translate(${d.x0},${d.y0})`)
+      .attr('class', 'node')
+      .each(function (d) {
+        d.node = this;
+      })
+      .on('mouseover', hovered(true))
+      .on('mouseout', hovered(false));
+    cell
+      .append('rect')
+      .attr('id', d => `rect-${}`)
+      .attr('width', d => d.x1 - d.x0)
+      .attr('height', d => d.y1 - d.y0)
+      .style('fill', d => colorFn(d.depth));
+    cell
+      .append('clipPath')
+      .attr('id', d => `clip-${}`)
+      .append('use')
+      .attr('xlink:href', d => `#rect-${}`);
+    const label = cell.append('text').attr('clip-path', d => `url(#clip-${})`);
+    label
+      .filter(d => d.children)
+      .selectAll('tspan')
+      .data(d =>
+          .slice(Math.max(0,'.') + 1))
+          .split(/(?=[A-Z][^A-Z])/g)
+          .concat(`\u00A0${formatNumber(d.value)}`),
+      )
+      .enter()
+      .append('tspan')
+      .attr('x', (d, i) => (i ? null : 4))
+      .attr('y', 13)
+      .text(d => d);
+    label
+      .filter(d => !d.children)
+      .selectAll('tspan')
+      .data(d =>
+          .slice(Math.max(0,'.') + 1))
+          .split(/(?=[A-Z][^A-Z])/g)
+          .concat(formatNumber(d.value)),
+      )
+      .enter()
+      .append('tspan')
+      .attr('x', 4)
+      .attr('y', (d, i) => 13 + i * 10)
+      .text(d => d);
+    cell.append('title').text(d => `${}\n${formatNumber(d.value)}`);
+  }
+Treemap.displayName = 'Treemap';
+Treemap.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default Treemap;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798e7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metrics'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['groupby'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'treemap_ratio',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Ratio'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              isFloat: true,
+              default: 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)), // d3 default, golden ratio
+              description: t('Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    color_scheme: {
+      renderTrigger: false,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba7798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e00e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a792a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Treemap'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class TreemapChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactTreemap.js'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6c915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme, treemapRatio } = formData;
+  let { numberFormat } = formData;
+  if (!numberFormat && chartProps.datasource && chartProps.datasource.metrics) {
+    chartProps.datasource.metrics.forEach(metric => {
+      if (metric.metric_name === chartProps.formData.metrics[0] && metric.d3format) {
+        numberFormat = metric.d3format;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    colorScheme,
+    numberFormat,
+    treemapRatio,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30bb4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides World Map for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import WorldmapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map';
+new WorldmapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'world-map' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="world-map"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0329ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - World Map",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-array": "^2.4.0",
+    "d3-color": "^1.4.1",
+    "datamaps": "^0.5.8",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/ReactWorldMap.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/ReactWorldMap.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f23e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/ReactWorldMap.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { styled, reactify } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import WorldMap from './WorldMap';
+const ReactWorldMap = reactify(WorldMap);
+const WorldMapComponent = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactWorldMap {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+WorldMapComponent.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+export default styled(WorldMapComponent)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-world-map {
+    position: relative;
+    svg {
+      background-color: #feffff;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/WorldMap.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/WorldMap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db8950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/WorldMap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { extent as d3Extent } from 'd3-array';
+import { getNumberFormatter, getSequentialSchemeRegistry } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import Datamap from 'datamaps/dist/';
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.arrayOf(
+    PropTypes.shape({
+      country: PropTypes.string,
+      latitude: PropTypes.number,
+      longitude: PropTypes.number,
+      name: PropTypes.string,
+      m1: PropTypes.number,
+      m2: PropTypes.number,
+    }),
+  ),
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  maxBubbleSize: PropTypes.number,
+  showBubbles: PropTypes.bool,
+  linearColorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  color: PropTypes.string,
+const formatter = getNumberFormatter();
+function WorldMap(element, props) {
+  const { data, width, height, maxBubbleSize, showBubbles, linearColorScheme, color } = props;
+  const div =;
+  div.classed('superset-legacy-chart-world-map', true);
+  div.selectAll('*').remove();
+  // Ignore XXX's to get better normalization
+  const filteredData = data.filter(d => && !== 'XXX');
+  const extRadius = d3.extent(filteredData, d => Math.sqrt(d.m2));
+  const radiusScale = d3.scale
+    .linear()
+    .domain([extRadius[0], extRadius[1]])
+    .range([1, maxBubbleSize]);
+  const colorScale = getSequentialSchemeRegistry()
+    .get(linearColorScheme)
+    .createLinearScale(d3Extent(filteredData, d => d.m1));
+  const processedData = => ({
+    ...d,
+    radius: radiusScale(Math.sqrt(d.m2)),
+    fillColor: colorScale(d.m1),
+  }));
+  const mapData = {};
+  processedData.forEach(d => {
+    mapData[] = d;
+  });
+  const map = new Datamap({
+    element,
+    width,
+    height,
+    data: processedData,
+    fills: {
+      defaultFill: '#eee',
+    },
+    geographyConfig: {
+      popupOnHover: true,
+      highlightOnHover: true,
+      borderWidth: 1,
+      borderColor: '#feffff',
+      highlightBorderColor: '#feffff',
+      highlightFillColor: color,
+      highlightBorderWidth: 1,
+      popupTemplate: (geo, d) =>
+        `<div class="hoverinfo"><strong>${}</strong><br>${formatter(d.m1)}</div>`,
+    },
+    bubblesConfig: {
+      borderWidth: 1,
+      borderOpacity: 1,
+      borderColor: color,
+      popupOnHover: true,
+      radius: null,
+      popupTemplate: (geo, d) =>
+        `<div class="hoverinfo"><strong>${}</strong><br>${formatter(d.m2)}</div>`,
+      fillOpacity: 0.5,
+      animate: true,
+      highlightOnHover: true,
+      highlightFillColor: color,
+      highlightBorderColor: 'black',
+      highlightBorderWidth: 2,
+      highlightBorderOpacity: 1,
+      highlightFillOpacity: 0.85,
+      exitDelay: 100,
+      key: JSON.stringify,
+    },
+  });
+  map.updateChoropleth(mapData);
+  if (showBubbles) {
+    map.bubbles(processedData);
+    div.selectAll('circle.datamaps-bubble').style('fill', color).style('stroke', color);
+  }
+WorldMap.displayName = 'WorldMap';
+WorldMap.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default WorldMap;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866b6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['entity'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'country_fieldtype',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Country Field Type'),
+              default: 'cca2',
+              choices: [
+                ['name', 'Full name'],
+                ['cioc', 'code International Olympic Committee (cioc)'],
+                ['cca2', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)'],
+                ['cca3', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)'],
+              ],
+              description: t(
+                'The country code standard that Superset should expect ' +
+                  'to find in the [country] column',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_bubbles',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Bubbles'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Whether to display bubbles on top of countries'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['secondary_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'max_bubble_size',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Max Bubble Size'),
+              default: '25',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['5', '10', '15', '25', '50', '75', '100']),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['color_picker'],
+        ['linear_color_scheme'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    entity: {
+      label: t('Country Column'),
+      description: t('3 letter code of the country'),
+    },
+    metric: {
+      label: t('Metric for Color'),
+      description: t('Metric that defines the color of the country'),
+    },
+    secondary_metric: {
+      label: t('Bubble Size'),
+      description: t('Metric that defines the size of the bubble'),
+    },
+    color_picker: {
+      label: t('Bubble Color'),
+    },
+    linear_color_scheme: {
+      label: t('Country Color Scheme'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688bb5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677dba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ab95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('World Map'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class WorldMapChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./ReactWorldMap'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed10ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { rgb } from 'd3-color';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { maxBubbleSize, showBubbles, linearColorScheme, colorPicker } = formData;
+  const { r, g, b } = colorPicker;
+  return {
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    maxBubbleSize: parseInt(maxBubbleSize, 10),
+    showBubbles,
+    linearColorScheme,
+    color: rgb(r, g, b).hex(),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c88857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Big Number for Superset.
+### Usage
+Import the preset and register. This will register the `BigNumber` and `BigNumberTotal` charts with
+key `big-number` and `big-number-total`, respectively.
+import { BigNumberChartPreset } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number';
+new BigNumberChartPreset().register();
+or register charts one by one. Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin.
+This `key` will be used to lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import {
+  BigNumberChartPlugin,
+  BigNumberTotalChartPlugin,
+} from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number';
+new BigNumberChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big-number' }).register();
+new BigNumberTotalChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big-number-total' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="big-number"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281b69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-big-number",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - Big Number",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/xy-chart": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/d3-color": "^1.2.2",
+    "@types/shortid": "^0.0.29",
+    "d3-color": "^1.2.3",
+    "shortid": "^2.2.14"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e97b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import shortid from 'shortid';
+import {
+  t,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormatter,
+  smartDateVerboseFormatter,
+  TimeFormatter,
+  computeMaxFontSize,
+  styled,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { XYChart, AreaSeries, CrossHair, LinearGradient } from '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+const defaultNumberFormatter = getNumberFormatter();
+const CHART_MARGIN = {
+  top: 4,
+  right: 4,
+  bottom: 4,
+  left: 4,
+const PROPORTION = {
+  // text size: proportion of the chart container sans trendline
+  HEADER: 0.3,
+  SUBHEADER: 0.125,
+  // trendline size: proportion of the whole chart container
+  TRENDLINE: 0.3,
+type TimeSeriesDatum = {
+  x: number; // timestamp as a number
+  y: number | null;
+export function renderTooltipFactory(
+  formatDate = smartDateVerboseFormatter,
+  formatValue = defaultNumberFormatter,
+) {
+  return function renderTooltip({ datum: { x, y } }: { datum: TimeSeriesDatum }) {
+    // even though `formatDate` supports timestamp as numbers, we need
+    // `new Date` to pass type check
+    return (
+      <div style={{ padding: '4px 8px' }}>
+        {formatDate(new Date(x))}
+        <br />
+        <strong>{y === null ? t('N/A') : formatValue(y)}</strong>
+      </div>
+    );
+  };
+type BigNumberVisProps = {
+  className?: string;
+  width: number;
+  height: number;
+  bigNumber?: number | null;
+  bigNumberFallback?: TimeSeriesDatum;
+  formatNumber: NumberFormatter;
+  formatTime: TimeFormatter;
+  fromDatetime?: number;
+  toDatetime?: number;
+  headerFontSize: number;
+  subheader: string;
+  subheaderFontSize: number;
+  showTrendLine?: boolean;
+  startYAxisAtZero?: boolean;
+  timeRangeFixed?: boolean;
+  trendLineData?: TimeSeriesDatum[];
+  mainColor: string;
+class BigNumberVis extends React.PureComponent<BigNumberVisProps, {}> {
+  private gradientId: string = shortid.generate();
+  static defaultProps = {
+    className: '',
+    formatNumber: (num: number) => String(num),
+    formatTime: smartDateVerboseFormatter.formatFunc,
+    headerFontSize: PROPORTION.HEADER,
+    mainColor: BRAND_COLOR,
+    showTrendLine: false,
+    startYAxisAtZero: true,
+    subheader: '',
+    subheaderFontSize: PROPORTION.SUBHEADER,
+    timeRangeFixed: false,
+  };
+  getClassName() {
+    const { className, showTrendLine, bigNumberFallback } = this.props;
+    const names = `superset-legacy-chart-big-number ${className} ${
+      bigNumberFallback ? 'is-fallback-value' : ''
+    }`;
+    if (showTrendLine) return names;
+    return `${names} no-trendline`;
+  }
+  createTemporaryContainer() {
+    const container = document.createElement('div');
+    container.className = this.getClassName();
+ = 'absolute'; // so it won't disrupt page layout
+ = '0'; // and not visible
+    return container;
+  }
+  renderFallbackWarning() {
+    const { bigNumberFallback, formatTime } = this.props;
+    if (!bigNumberFallback) return null;
+    return (
+      <span
+        className="alert alert-warning"
+        role="alert"
+        title={t(`Last available value seen on %s`, formatTime(bigNumberFallback.x))}
+      >
+        {t('Not up to date')}
+      </span>
+    );
+  }
+  renderHeader(maxHeight: number) {
+    const { bigNumber, formatNumber, width } = this.props;
+    const text = bigNumber === null ? t('No data') : formatNumber(bigNumber);
+    const container = this.createTemporaryContainer();
+    document.body.append(container);
+    const fontSize = computeMaxFontSize({
+      text,
+      maxWidth: width,
+      maxHeight,
+      className: 'header-line',
+      container,
+    });
+    container.remove();
+    return (
+      <div
+        className="header-line"
+        style={{
+          fontSize,
+          height: maxHeight,
+        }}
+      >
+        {text}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+  renderSubheader(maxHeight: number) {
+    const { bigNumber, subheader, width, bigNumberFallback } = this.props;
+    let fontSize = 0;
+    const NO_DATA_OR_HASNT_LANDED = t(
+      'No data after filtering or data is NULL for the latest time record',
+    );
+    const NO_DATA = t('Try applying different filters or ensuring your datasource has data');
+    let text = subheader;
+    if (bigNumber === null) {
+      text = bigNumberFallback ? NO_DATA : NO_DATA_OR_HASNT_LANDED;
+    }
+    if (text) {
+      const container = this.createTemporaryContainer();
+      document.body.append(container);
+      fontSize = computeMaxFontSize({
+        text,
+        maxWidth: width,
+        maxHeight,
+        className: 'subheader-line',
+        container,
+      });
+      container.remove();
+      return (
+        <div
+          className="subheader-line"
+          style={{
+            fontSize,
+            height: maxHeight,
+          }}
+        >
+          {text}
+        </div>
+      );
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  renderTrendline(maxHeight: number) {
+    const {
+      width,
+      trendLineData,
+      mainColor,
+      subheader,
+      startYAxisAtZero,
+      formatNumber,
+      formatTime,
+      fromDatetime,
+      timeRangeFixed,
+    } = this.props;
+    // if can't find any non-null values, no point rendering the trendline
+    if (!trendLineData?.some(d => d.y !== null)) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    // Apply a fixed X range if a time range is specified.
+    //
+    // XYChart checks the existence of `domain` property and decide whether to
+    // apply a domain or not, so it must not be `null` or `undefined`
+    const xScale: { type: string; domain?: number[] } = { type: 'timeUtc' };
+    const tooltipData = trendLineData && [...trendLineData];
+    if (tooltipData && timeRangeFixed && fromDatetime) {
+      const toDatetime = this.props.toDatetime ??;
+      if (tooltipData[0].x > fromDatetime) {
+        tooltipData.unshift({
+          x: fromDatetime,
+          y: null,
+        });
+      }
+      if (tooltipData[tooltipData.length - 1].x < toDatetime) {
+        tooltipData.push({
+          x: toDatetime,
+          y: null,
+        });
+      }
+      xScale.domain = [fromDatetime, toDatetime];
+    }
+    return (
+      <XYChart
+        snapTooltipToDataX
+        ariaLabel={`Big number visualization ${subheader}`}
+        renderTooltip={renderTooltipFactory(formatTime, formatNumber)}
+        xScale={xScale}
+        yScale={{
+          type: 'linear',
+          includeZero: startYAxisAtZero,
+        }}
+        width={Math.floor(width)}
+        height={maxHeight}
+        margin={CHART_MARGIN}
+        eventTrigger="container"
+      >
+        <LinearGradient id={this.gradientId} from={mainColor} to="#fff" />
+        <AreaSeries data={tooltipData} fill={`url(#${this.gradientId})`} stroke={mainColor} />
+        <CrossHair
+          fullHeight
+          stroke={mainColor}
+          circleFill={mainColor}
+          circleStroke="#fff"
+          showHorizontalLine={false}
+          strokeDasharray="5,2"
+        />
+      </XYChart>
+    );
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { showTrendLine, height, headerFontSize, subheaderFontSize } = this.props;
+    const className = this.getClassName();
+    if (showTrendLine) {
+      const chartHeight = Math.floor(PROPORTION.TRENDLINE * height);
+      const allTextHeight = height - chartHeight;
+      return (
+        <div className={className}>
+          <div className="text-container" style={{ height: allTextHeight }}>
+            {this.renderFallbackWarning()}
+            {this.renderHeader(Math.ceil(headerFontSize * (1 - PROPORTION.TRENDLINE) * height))}
+            {this.renderSubheader(
+              Math.ceil(subheaderFontSize * (1 - PROPORTION.TRENDLINE) * height),
+            )}
+          </div>
+          {this.renderTrendline(chartHeight)}
+        </div>
+      );
+    }
+    return (
+      <div className={className} style={{ height }}>
+        {this.renderHeader(Math.ceil(headerFontSize * height))}
+        {this.renderSubheader(Math.ceil(subheaderFontSize * height))}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+export default styled(BigNumberVis)`
+  font-family: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.families.sansSerif};
+  position: relative;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: center;
+  &.no-trendline .subheader-line {
+    padding-bottom: 0.3em;
+  }
+  .text-container {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: flex-start;
+    .alert {
+      font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.s};
+      margin: -0.5em 0 0.4em;
+      line-height: 1;
+      padding: 2px 4px 3px;
+      border-radius: 3px;
+    }
+  }
+  .header-line {
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.normal};
+    position: relative;
+    line-height: 1em;
+    span {
+      position: absolute;
+      bottom: 0;
+    }
+  }
+  .subheader-line {
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.light};
+    line-height: 1em;
+    padding-bottom: 0;
+  }
+  &.is-fallback-value {
+    .header-line,
+    .subheader-line {
+      opacity: 0.5;
+    }
+  }
+  .superset-data-ui-tooltip {
+    z-index: 1000;
+    background: #000;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5148ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import React from 'react';
+import { headerFontSize, subheaderFontSize } from '../sharedControls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metric'], ['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      tabOverride: 'data',
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'compare_lag',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Comparison Period Lag'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t('Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'compare_suffix',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Comparison suffix'),
+              description: t('Suffix to apply after the percentage display'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_trend_line',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Trend Line'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to display the trend line'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'start_y_axis_at_zero',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Start y-axis at 0'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Start y-axis at zero. Uncheck to start y-axis at minimum value in the data.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'time_range_fixed',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Fix to selected Time Range'),
+              description: t(
+                'Fix the trend line to the full time range specified in case filtered results do not include the start or end dates',
+              ),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              visibility(props) {
+                const { time_range: timeRange } = props.form_data;
+                // only display this option when a time range is selected
+                return !!timeRange && timeRange !== 'No filter';
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_picker', null], [headerFontSize], [subheaderFontSize]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Advanced Analytics'),
+      expanded: false,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Rolling Window')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Rolling Function'),
+              default: 'None',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']),
+              description: t(
+                'Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along ' +
+                  'with the [Periods] text box',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rolling_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Defines the size of the rolling window function, ' +
+                  'relative to the time granularity selected',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'min_periods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Min Periods'),
+              isInt: true,
+              description: t(
+                'The minimum number of rolling periods required to show ' +
+                  'a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days ' +
+                  'you may want your "Min Period" to be 7, so that all data points ' +
+                  'shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the "ramp up" ' +
+                  'taking place over the first 7 periods',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Number format'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15aa9ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e3ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2bdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps, { BigNumberChartProps, BigNumberFormData } from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Big Number with Trendline'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BigNumberChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<
+  BigNumberFormData,
+  BigNumberChartProps
+> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./BigNumber'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2dc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import * as color from 'd3-color';
+import {
+  TimeGranularity,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormats,
+  ChartProps,
+  LegacyQueryData,
+  QueryFormData,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+const TIME_COLUMN = '__timestamp';
+const formatPercentChange = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_SIGNED_1_POINT);
+// we trust both the x (time) and y (big number) to be numeric
+export interface BigNumberDatum {
+  [key: string]: number | null;
+export type BigNumberFormData = QueryFormData & {
+  colorPicker?: {
+    r: number;
+    g: number;
+    b: number;
+  };
+  metric?:
+    | {
+        label: string;
+      }
+    | string;
+  compareLag?: string | number;
+  yAxisFormat?: string;
+  timeGrainSqla?: TimeGranularity;
+export type BigNumberChartProps = ChartProps & {
+  formData: BigNumberFormData;
+  queriesData: (LegacyQueryData & {
+    data?: BigNumberDatum[];
+  })[];
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: BigNumberChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, queriesData, formData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    colorPicker,
+    compareLag: compareLag_,
+    compareSuffix = '',
+    headerFontSize,
+    metric = 'value',
+    showTrendLine,
+    startYAxisAtZero,
+    subheader = '',
+    subheaderFontSize,
+    timeGrainSqla: granularity,
+    vizType,
+    timeRangeFixed = false,
+  } = formData;
+  let { yAxisFormat } = formData;
+  const { data = [], from_dttm: fromDatetime, to_dttm: toDatetime } = queriesData[0];
+  const metricName = typeof metric === 'string' ? metric : metric.label;
+  const compareLag = Number(compareLag_) || 0;
+  const supportTrendLine = vizType === 'big_number';
+  const supportAndShowTrendLine = supportTrendLine && showTrendLine;
+  let formattedSubheader = subheader;
+  let mainColor;
+  if (colorPicker) {
+    const { r, g, b } = colorPicker;
+    mainColor = color.rgb(r, g, b).hex();
+  }
+  let trendLineData;
+  let percentChange = 0;
+  let bigNumber = data.length === 0 ? null : data[0][metricName];
+  let bigNumberFallback;
+  if (data.length > 0) {
+    const sortedData = (data as BigNumberDatum[])
+      .map(d => ({ x: d[TIME_COLUMN], y: d[metricName] }))
+      // sort in time descending order
+      .sort((a, b) => (a.x !== null && b.x !== null ? b.x - a.x : 0));
+    bigNumber = sortedData[0].y;
+    if (bigNumber === null) {
+      bigNumberFallback = sortedData.find(d => d.y !== null);
+      bigNumber = bigNumberFallback ? bigNumberFallback.y : null;
+    }
+    if (compareLag > 0) {
+      const compareIndex = compareLag;
+      if (compareIndex < sortedData.length) {
+        const compareValue = sortedData[compareIndex].y;
+        // compare values must both be non-nulls
+        if (bigNumber !== null && compareValue !== null && compareValue !== 0) {
+          percentChange = (bigNumber - compareValue) / Math.abs(compareValue);
+          formattedSubheader = `${formatPercentChange(percentChange)} ${compareSuffix}`;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (supportTrendLine) {
+      // must reverse to ascending order otherwise it confuses tooltip triggers
+      sortedData.reverse();
+      trendLineData = supportAndShowTrendLine ? sortedData : undefined;
+    }
+  }
+  let className = '';
+  if (percentChange > 0) {
+    className = 'positive';
+  } else if (percentChange < 0) {
+    className = 'negative';
+  }
+  if (!yAxisFormat && chartProps.datasource && chartProps.datasource.metrics) {
+    chartProps.datasource.metrics.forEach(metricEntry => {
+      if (metricEntry.metric_name === metric && metricEntry.d3format) {
+        yAxisFormat = metricEntry.d3format;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  const formatNumber = getNumberFormatter(yAxisFormat);
+  const formatTime = getTimeFormatterForGranularity(granularity);
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    bigNumber,
+    bigNumberFallback,
+    className,
+    formatNumber,
+    formatTime,
+    headerFontSize,
+    subheaderFontSize,
+    mainColor,
+    showTrendLine: supportAndShowTrendLine,
+    startYAxisAtZero,
+    subheader: formattedSubheader,
+    trendLineData,
+    fromDatetime,
+    toDatetime,
+    timeRangeFixed,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a78c802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import { headerFontSize, subheaderFontSize } from '../sharedControls';
+export default {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metric'], ['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'subheader',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Subheader'),
+              description: t('Description text that shows up below your Big Number'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [[headerFontSize], [subheaderFontSize]],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Number format'),
+    },
+  },
+} as ControlPanelConfig;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bab5074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef66511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0efbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps, {
+  BigNumberChartProps,
+  BigNumberFormData,
+} from '../BigNumber/transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Big Number'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BigNumberTotalChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<
+  BigNumberFormData,
+  BigNumberChartProps
+> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../BigNumber/BigNumber'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5110f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export { default as BigNumberChartPlugin } from './BigNumber/index';
+export { default as BigNumberTotalChartPlugin } from './BigNumberTotal/index';
+export { default as BigNumberChartPreset } from './preset';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/preset.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/preset.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e330e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/preset.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Preset } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import BigNumberChartPlugin from './BigNumber';
+import BigNumberTotalChartPlugin from './BigNumberTotal';
+export default class BigNumberChartPreset extends Preset {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      name: 'BigNumber charts',
+      plugins: [
+        new BigNumberChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big_number' }),
+        new BigNumberTotalChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'big_number_total' }),
+      ],
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de13c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// These are control configurations that are shared ONLY within the BigNumber viz plugin repo.
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { CustomControlItem } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+export const headerFontSize: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'header_font_size',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    label: t('Big Number Font Size'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    clearable: false,
+    default: 0.4,
+    // Values represent the percentage of space a header should take
+    options: [
+      {
+        label: t('Tiny'),
+        value: 0.2,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Small'),
+        value: 0.3,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Normal'),
+        value: 0.4,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Large'),
+        value: 0.5,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Huge'),
+        value: 0.6,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+export const subheaderFontSize: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'subheader_font_size',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    label: t('Subheader Font Size'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    clearable: false,
+    default: 0.15,
+    // Values represent the percentage of space a subheader should take
+    options: [
+      {
+        label: t('Tiny'),
+        value: 0.125,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Small'),
+        value: 0.15,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Normal'),
+        value: 0.2,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Large'),
+        value: 0.3,
+      },
+      {
+        label: t('Huge'),
+        value: 0.4,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e696397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+declare module '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+declare module '*.png';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/transformProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/transformProps.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a0fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/transformProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DatasourceType, TimeGranularity } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps, {
+  BignumberChartProps,
+  BigNumberDatum,
+} from '../src/BigNumber/transformProps';
+const formData = {
+  metric: 'value',
+  colorPicker: {
+    r: 0,
+    g: 122,
+    b: 135,
+    a: 1,
+  },
+  compareLag: 1,
+  timeGrainSqla: 'P0.25Y' as TimeGranularity,
+  compareSuffix: 'over last quarter',
+  vizType: 'big_number',
+  yAxisFormat: '.3s',
+function generateProps(
+  data: BigNumberDatum[],
+  extraFormData = {},
+  extraQueryData = {},
+): BignumberChartProps {
+  return {
+    width: 200,
+    height: 500,
+    annotationData: {},
+    datasource: {
+      id: 0,
+      name: '',
+      type: DatasourceType.Table,
+      columns: [],
+      metrics: [],
+      columnFormats: {},
+      verboseMap: {},
+    },
+    rawDatasource: {},
+    rawFormData: {},
+    hooks: {},
+    initialValues: {},
+    formData: {
+      ...formData,
+      ...extraFormData,
+    },
+    queriesData: [
+      {
+        data,
+        ...extraQueryData,
+      },
+    ],
+  };
+describe('BigNumber', () => {
+  const props = generateProps(
+    [
+      {
+        __timestamp: 0,
+        value: 1.2345,
+      },
+      {
+        __timestamp: 100,
+        value: null,
+      },
+    ],
+    { showTrendLine: true },
+  );
+  describe('transformProps()', () => {
+    it('should fallback and format time', () => {
+      const transformed = transformProps(props);
+      // the first item is the last item sorted by __timestamp
+      const lastDatum = transformed.trendLineData?.pop();
+      // should use last available value
+      expect(lastDatum?.x).toStrictEqual(100);
+      expect(lastDatum?.y).toBeNull();
+      // should note this is a fallback
+      expect(transformed.bigNumber).toStrictEqual(1.2345);
+      expect(transformed.bigNumberFallback).not.toBeNull();
+      // should successfully formatTime by ganularity
+      expect(transformed.formatTime(new Date('2020-01-01'))).toStrictEqual('2020 Q1');
+    });
+    it('should respect datasource d3 format', () => {
+      const propsWithDatasource = {
+        ...props,
+        datasource: {
+          ...props.datasource,
+          metrics: [
+            {
+              label: 'value',
+              metric_name: 'value',
+              d3format: '.2f',
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      };
+      const transformed = transformProps(propsWithDatasource);
+      expect(transformed.formatNumber(transformed.bigNumber)).toStrictEqual('1.23');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe3ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+## @superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Big Number for Superset.
+### Usage
+Import the preset and register. This will register all the chart plugins under nvd3.
+import { NVD3ChartPreset } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new NVD3ChartPreset().register();
+or register charts one by one. Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin.
+This `key` will be used to lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import { AreaChartPlugin, LineChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3';
+new AreaChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'area' }).register();
+new LineChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'line' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="line"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38065aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Legacy Chart - NVD3",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/xy-chart": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "d3": "^3.5.17",
+    "d3-tip": "^0.9.1",
+    "dompurify": "^2.0.6",
+    "fast-safe-stringify": "^2.0.6",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.11",
+    "mathjs": "^8.0.1",
+    "moment": "^2.20.1",
+    "nvd3-fork": "^2.0.5",
+    "prop-types": "^15.6.2",
+    "urijs": "^1.18.10"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^15 || ^16"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..204770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  lineInterpolation,
+  showBrush,
+  showLegend,
+  showControls,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  richTooltip,
+  timeSeriesSection,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    timeSeriesSection[0],
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [showBrush, showLegend],
+        [
+          lineInterpolation,
+          {
+            name: 'stacked_style',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Stacked Style'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: [
+                ['stack', 'stack'],
+                ['stream', 'stream'],
+                ['expand', 'expand'],
+              ],
+              default: 'stack',
+              description: '',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [richTooltip, showControls],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel, bottomMargin],
+        [xTicksLayout, xAxisFormat],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['y_axis_format', yAxisBounds],
+        [yLogScale, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    timeSeriesSection[1],
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270ed23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b23be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd41515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import { ANNOTATION_TYPES } from '../vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Area Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class AreaChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9e6595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  lineInterpolation,
+  showBrush,
+  showLegend,
+  showControls,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  richTooltip,
+  showBarValue,
+  barStacked,
+  reduceXTicks,
+  leftMargin,
+  timeSeriesSection,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    timeSeriesSection[0],
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme'],
+        ['label_colors'],
+        [showBrush],
+        [showLegend],
+        [showBarValue],
+        [richTooltip],
+        [barStacked],
+        [lineInterpolation],
+        [showControls],
+        [bottomMargin],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel],
+        [bottomMargin],
+        [xTicksLayout],
+        [xAxisFormat],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax],
+        [reduceXTicks],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [yAxisLabel],
+        [leftMargin],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax],
+        [yLogScale],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    timeSeriesSection[1],
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3ef120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a14d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import { ANNOTATION_TYPES } from '../vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: 'A bar chart where the x axis is time',
+  name: t('Time-series Bar Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BarChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece94d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35eff28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5a5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Box Plot'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BoxPlotChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5061038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  showLegend,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  leftMargin,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [],
+        ['series', 'entity'],
+        ['x'],
+        ['y'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['size'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'max_bubble_size',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Max Bubble Size'),
+              default: '25',
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['5', '10', '15', '25', '50', '75', '100']),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [showLegend, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel, leftMargin],
+        [
+          {
+            name:,
+            config: {
+              ...xAxisFormat.config,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+            },
+          },
+          xTicksLayout,
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'x_log_scale',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('X Log Scale'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Use a log scale for the X-axis'),
+            },
+          },
+          xAxisShowMinmax,
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [yAxisLabel, bottomMargin],
+        ['y_axis_format', null],
+        [yLogScale, yAxisShowMinmax],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    color_scheme: {
+      renderTrigger: false,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c27ba47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c112768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3254bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Bubble Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BubbleChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f82e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metric'], ['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'ranges',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Ranges'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('Ranges to highlight with shading'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'range_labels',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Range labels'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('Labels for the ranges'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'markers',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Markers'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('List of values to mark with triangles'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'marker_labels',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Marker labels'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('Labels for the markers'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'marker_lines',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Marker lines'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('List of values to mark with lines'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'marker_line_labels',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Marker line labels'),
+              default: '',
+              description: t('Labels for the marker lines'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e9a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5829117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eacde7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Bullet Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class BulletChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a68fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  xAxisLabel,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  leftMargin,
+  timeSeriesSection,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    timeSeriesSection[0],
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'label_colors']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel, bottomMargin],
+        [xTicksLayout, xAxisFormat],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [yAxisLabel, leftMargin],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax, yLogScale],
+        ['y_axis_format', yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    timeSeriesSection[1],
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df29a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b3806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed5d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: t('A line chart component where you can compare the % change over time'),
+  name: t('Time-series Percent Change'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class CompareChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43cf59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  showLegend,
+  showControls,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  showBarValue,
+  barStacked,
+  reduceXTicks,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisBounds,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['columns'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'contribution',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Contribution'),
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme'],
+        ['label_colors'],
+        [showLegend],
+        [showBarValue],
+        [barStacked],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_bars',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Bars'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Sort bars by x labels.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [yAxisLabel],
+        [showControls, null],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax],
+        [yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [[xAxisLabel], [bottomMargin], [xTicksLayout], [reduceXTicks]],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Series'),
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+    },
+    columns: {
+      label: t('Breakdowns'),
+      description: t('Defines how each series is broken down'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e9e6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfaeeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8106ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: t('A bar chart where the x axis is time'),
+  name: t('Bar Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class DistBarChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78f33e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yAxis2Format,
+  showLegend,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxis2Bounds,
+  yAxis2ShowMinmax,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['color_scheme', 'label_colors'], [showLegend], [xAxisFormat]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis 1'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metric', 'y_axis_format'], [yAxisShowMinmax], [yAxisBounds]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis 2'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metric_2', yAxis2Format], [yAxis2ShowMinmax], [yAxis2Bounds]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    metric: {
+      label: t('Left Axis Metric'),
+      description: t('Choose a metric for left axis'),
+    },
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Left Axis Format'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a62ecfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c11fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3a849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Dual Line Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class DualLineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7815375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  lineInterpolation,
+  showBrush,
+  showLegend,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  richTooltip,
+  leftMargin,
+  showMarkers,
+  timeSeriesSection,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    timeSeriesSection[0],
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme'],
+        ['label_colors'],
+        [showBrush],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'send_time_range',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Propagate'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Send range filter events to other charts'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [showLegend],
+        [richTooltip],
+        [showMarkers],
+        [lineInterpolation],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel],
+        [bottomMargin],
+        [xTicksLayout],
+        [xAxisFormat],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [yAxisLabel],
+        [leftMargin],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax],
+        [yLogScale],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    timeSeriesSection[1],
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 50000,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a0d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cae308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d087184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import { ANNOTATION_TYPES } from '../vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  canBeAnnotationTypes: [ANNOTATION_TYPES.TIME_SERIES],
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Line Chart'),
+  supportedAnnotationTypes: [
+  ],
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b9c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  lineInterpolation,
+  showLegend,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xTicksLayout,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  showMarkers,
+  yAxis2Format,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  yAxis2ShowMinmax,
+  yAxis2Bounds,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+export type Result = {
+  id: unknown;
+  slice_name: string;
+export type Data = {
+  result?: Result[];
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    {
+      ...sections.legacyRegularTime,
+      controlSetRows: [['time_range']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      tabOverride: 'customize',
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'prefix_metric_with_slice_name',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Prefix metric name with slice name'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+        [showLegend],
+        [showMarkers],
+        [lineInterpolation, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel],
+        [bottomMargin],
+        [xTicksLayout],
+        [xAxisFormat],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax, null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis Left'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'line_charts',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectAsyncControl',
+              multi: true,
+              label: t('Left Axis chart(s)'),
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+              default: [],
+              description: t('Choose one or more charts for left axis'),
+              dataEndpoint: '/sliceasync/api/read?_flt_0_viz_type=line&_flt_7_viz_type=line_multi',
+              placeholder: t('Select charts'),
+              onAsyncErrorMessage: t('Error while fetching charts'),
+              mutator: (data?: Data) => {
+                if (!data || !data.result) {
+                  return [];
+                }
+                return => ({
+                  value:,
+                  label: o.slice_name,
+                }));
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax],
+        [yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis Right'),
+      expanded: false,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'line_charts_2',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectAsyncControl',
+              multi: true,
+              label: t('Right Axis chart(s)'),
+              validators: [],
+              default: [],
+              description: t('Choose one or more charts for right axis'),
+              dataEndpoint: '/sliceasync/api/read?_flt_0_viz_type=line&_flt_7_viz_type=line_multi',
+              placeholder: t('Select charts'),
+              onAsyncErrorMessage: t('Error while fetching charts'),
+              mutator: (data: Data) => {
+                if (!data || !data.result) {
+                  return [];
+                }
+                return => ({
+                  value:,
+                  label: o.slice_name,
+                }));
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [yAxis2Format],
+        [yAxis2ShowMinmax],
+        [yAxis2Bounds],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+    sections.annotations,
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    y_axis_format: {
+      label: t('Left Axis Format'),
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5b396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1bc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2172037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Multiple Line Charts'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43b224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/jsx-key */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  ControlPanelSectionConfig,
+  CustomControlItem,
+  formatSelectOptions,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+  Plugins in question:
+  AreaChartPlugin,
+  BarChartPlugin,
+  BubbleChartPlugin,
+  BulletChartPlugin,
+  CompareChartPlugin,
+  DistBarChartPlugin,
+  DualLineChartPlugin,
+  LineChartPlugin,
+  LineMultiChartPlugin,
+  PieChartPlugin,
+  TimePivotChartPlugin,
+export const yAxis2Format: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_2_format',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    freeForm: true,
+    label: t('Right Axis Format'),
+    default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+    choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+    description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+  },
+export const showMarkers: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'show_markers',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Show Markers'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t('Show data points as circle markers on the lines'),
+  },
+export const leftMargin: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'left_margin',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    freeForm: true,
+    clearable: false,
+    label: t('Left Margin'),
+    choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
+    default: 'auto',
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels'),
+  },
+export const yAxisShowMinmax: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_showminmax',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Y bounds'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t('Whether to display the min and max values of the Y-axis'),
+  },
+export const yAxis2ShowMinmax: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_2_showminmax',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Y 2 bounds'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t('Whether to display the min and max values of the Y-axis'),
+  },
+export const lineInterpolation: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'line_interpolation',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    label: t('Line Style'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    choices: formatSelectOptions([
+      'linear',
+      'basis',
+      'cardinal',
+      'monotone',
+      'step-before',
+      'step-after',
+    ]),
+    default: 'linear',
+    description: t('Line interpolation as defined by d3.js'),
+  },
+export const showBrush: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'show_brush',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    label: t('Show Range Filter'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    clearable: false,
+    default: 'auto',
+    choices: [
+      ['yes', 'Yes'],
+      ['no', 'No'],
+      ['auto', 'Auto'],
+    ],
+    description: t('Whether to display the time range interactive selector'),
+  },
+export const showLegend: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'show_legend',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Legend'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t('Whether to display the legend (toggles)'),
+  },
+export const showControls: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'show_controls',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Extra Controls'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t(
+      'Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls ' +
+        'include things like making mulitBar charts stacked ' +
+        'or side by side.',
+    ),
+  },
+export const xAxisLabel: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'x_axis_label',
+  config: {
+    type: 'TextControl',
+    label: t('X Axis Label'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: '',
+  },
+export const bottomMargin: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'bottom_margin',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    clearable: false,
+    freeForm: true,
+    label: t('Bottom Margin'),
+    choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
+    default: 'auto',
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels'),
+  },
+export const xTicksLayout: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'x_ticks_layout',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    label: t('X Tick Layout'),
+    choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 'flat', '45°', 'staggered']),
+    default: 'auto',
+    clearable: false,
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis'),
+  },
+export const xAxisFormat: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'x_axis_format',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    freeForm: true,
+    label: t('X Axis Format'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+    default: 'smart_date',
+    description: D3_FORMAT_DOCS,
+  },
+export const yLogScale: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_log_scale',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Y Log Scale'),
+    default: false,
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Use a log scale for the Y-axis'),
+  },
+export const yAxisBounds: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_bounds',
+  config: {
+    type: 'BoundsControl',
+    label: t('Y Axis Bounds'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: [null, null],
+    description: t(
+      'Bounds for the Y-axis. When left empty, the bounds are ' +
+        'dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that ' +
+        "this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't " +
+        "narrow the data's extent.",
+    ),
+  },
+export const yAxis2Bounds: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_2_bounds',
+  config: {
+    type: 'BoundsControl',
+    label: t('Y Axis 2 Bounds'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: [null, null],
+    description: t(
+      'Bounds for the Y-axis. When left empty, the bounds are ' +
+        'dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that ' +
+        "this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't " +
+        "narrow the data's extent.",
+    ),
+  },
+export const xAxisShowMinmax: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'x_axis_showminmax',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('X bounds'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t('Whether to display the min and max values of the X-axis'),
+  },
+export const richTooltip: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'rich_tooltip',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Rich Tooltip'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: true,
+    description: t('The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time'),
+  },
+export const showBarValue: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'show_bar_value',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Bar Values'),
+    default: false,
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Show the value on top of the bar'),
+  },
+export const barStacked: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'bar_stacked',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Stacked Bars'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: null,
+  },
+export const reduceXTicks: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'reduce_x_ticks',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Reduce X ticks'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: false,
+    description: t(
+      'Reduces the number of X-axis ticks to be rendered. ' +
+        'If true, the x-axis will not overflow and labels may be ' +
+        'missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied ' +
+        'to columns and the width may overflow into an ' +
+        'horizontal scroll.',
+    ),
+  },
+export const yAxisLabel: CustomControlItem = {
+  name: 'y_axis_label',
+  config: {
+    type: 'TextControl',
+    label: t('Y Axis Label'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: '',
+  },
+export const timeSeriesSection: ControlPanelSectionConfig[] = [
+  {
+    label: t('Query'),
+    expanded: true,
+    controlSetRows: [
+      ['metrics'],
+      ['adhoc_filters'],
+      ['groupby'],
+      ['limit'],
+      ['timeseries_limit_metric'],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'order_desc',
+          config: {
+            type: 'CheckboxControl',
+            label: t('Sort Descending'),
+            default: true,
+            description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'contribution',
+          config: {
+            type: 'CheckboxControl',
+            label: t('Contribution'),
+            default: false,
+            description: t('Compute the contribution to the total'),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      ['row_limit', null],
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    label: t('Advanced Analytics'),
+    tabOverride: 'data',
+    description: t(
+      'This section contains options ' +
+        'that allow for advanced analytical post processing ' +
+        'of query results',
+    ),
+    controlSetRows: [
+      [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Rolling Window')}</h1>],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'rolling_type',
+          config: {
+            type: 'SelectControl',
+            label: t('Rolling Function'),
+            default: 'None',
+            choices: formatSelectOptions(['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']),
+            description: t(
+              'Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along ' +
+                'with the [Periods] text box',
+            ),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'rolling_periods',
+          config: {
+            type: 'TextControl',
+            label: t('Periods'),
+            isInt: true,
+            description: t(
+              'Defines the size of the rolling window function, ' +
+                'relative to the time granularity selected',
+            ),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'min_periods',
+          config: {
+            type: 'TextControl',
+            label: t('Min Periods'),
+            isInt: true,
+            description: t(
+              'The minimum number of rolling periods required to show ' +
+                'a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days ' +
+                'you may want your "Min Period" to be 7, so that all data points ' +
+                'shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the "ramp up" ' +
+                'taking place over the first 7 periods',
+            ),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Time Comparison')}</h1>],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'time_compare',
+          config: {
+            type: 'SelectControl',
+            multi: true,
+            freeForm: true,
+            label: t('Time Shift'),
+            choices: formatSelectOptions([
+              '1 day',
+              '1 week',
+              '28 days',
+              '30 days',
+              '52 weeks',
+              '1 year',
+              '104 weeks',
+              '2 years',
+            ]),
+            description: t(
+              'Overlay one or more timeseries from a ' +
+                'relative time period. Expects relative time deltas ' +
+                'in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, ' +
+                '52 weeks, 365 days). Free text is supported.',
+            ),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'comparison_type',
+          config: {
+            type: 'SelectControl',
+            label: t('Calculation type'),
+            default: 'values',
+            choices: [
+              ['values', 'Actual Values'],
+              ['absolute', 'Absolute difference'],
+              ['percentage', 'Percentage change'],
+              ['ratio', 'Ratio'],
+            ],
+            description: t(
+              'How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the ' +
+                'absolute difference between the main time series and each time shift; ' +
+                'as the percentage change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts.',
+            ),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Python Functions')}</h1>],
+      [<h2 className="section-header">pandas.resample</h2>],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'resample_rule',
+          config: {
+            type: 'SelectControl',
+            freeForm: true,
+            label: t('Rule'),
+            default: null,
+            choices: formatSelectOptions(['1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS']),
+            description: t('Pandas resample rule'),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      [
+        {
+          name: 'resample_method',
+          config: {
+            type: 'SelectControl',
+            freeForm: true,
+            label: t('Method'),
+            default: null,
+            choices: formatSelectOptions(['asfreq', 'bfill', 'ffill', 'median', 'mean', 'sum']),
+            description: t('Pandas resample method'),
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Vis.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Vis.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba128868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Vis.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1180 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { kebabCase, throttle } from 'lodash';
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import nv from 'nvd3-fork';
+import { parse as mathjsParse } from 'mathjs';
+import moment from 'moment';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import {
+  t,
+  isDefined,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  smartDateVerboseFormatter,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormats,
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import 'nvd3-fork/build/nv.d3.css';
+/* eslint-disable-next-line */
+import ANNOTATION_TYPES, { applyNativeColumns } from './vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes';
+import isTruthy from './utils/isTruthy';
+import {
+  cleanColorInput,
+  computeBarChartWidth,
+  computeYDomain,
+  computeStackedYDomain,
+  drawBarValues,
+  generateBubbleTooltipContent,
+  generateCompareTooltipContent,
+  generateMultiLineTooltipContent,
+  generateRichLineTooltipContent,
+  generateTimePivotTooltip,
+  generateTooltipClassName,
+  generateAreaChartTooltipContent,
+  getMaxLabelSize,
+  getTimeOrNumberFormatter,
+  hideTooltips,
+  tipFactory,
+  tryNumify,
+  removeTooltip,
+  setAxisShowMaxMin,
+  stringifyTimeRange,
+  wrapTooltip,
+} from './utils';
+import {
+  annotationLayerType,
+  boxPlotValueType,
+  bulletDataType,
+  categoryAndValueXYType,
+  rgbObjectType,
+  numericXYType,
+  numberOrAutoType,
+  stringOrObjectWithLabelType,
+} from './PropTypes';
+  { text: 'No data', dy: '-.75em', class: 'header' },
+  { text: 'Adjust filters or check the Datasource.', dy: '.75em', class: 'body' },
+// Override the noData render function to make a prettier UX
+// Code adapted from
+nv.utils.noData = function noData(chart, container) {
+  const opt = chart.options();
+  const margin = opt.margin();
+  const height = nv.utils.availableHeight(null, container, margin);
+  const width = nv.utils.availableWidth(null, container, margin);
+  const x = margin.left + width / 2;
+  const y = + height / 2;
+  // Remove any previously created chart components
+  container.selectAll('g').remove();
+  const noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data(NO_DATA_RENDER_DATA);
+  noDataText
+    .enter()
+    .append('text')
+    .attr('class', d => `nvd3 nv-noData ${d.class}`)
+    .attr('dy', d => d.dy)
+    .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+  noDataText
+    .attr('x', x)
+    .attr('y', y)
+    .text(d => d.text);
+const { getColor, getScale } = CategoricalColorNamespace;
+// Limit on how large axes margins can grow as the chart window is resized
+const MAX_MARGIN_PAD = 30;
+const MIN_HEIGHT_FOR_BRUSH = 480;
+const BREAKPOINTS = {
+  small: 340,
+  'line',
+  'dual_line',
+  'line_multi',
+  'area',
+  'compare',
+  'bar',
+  'time_pivot',
+const propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.oneOfType([
+    PropTypes.arrayOf(
+      PropTypes.oneOfType([
+        // pie
+        categoryAndValueXYType,
+        // dist-bar
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          key: PropTypes.string,
+          values: PropTypes.arrayOf(categoryAndValueXYType),
+        }),
+        // area, line, compare, bar
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          key: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+          values: PropTypes.arrayOf(numericXYType),
+        }),
+        // dual-line
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          classed: PropTypes.string,
+          key: PropTypes.string,
+          type: PropTypes.string,
+          values: PropTypes.arrayOf(numericXYType),
+          yAxis: PropTypes.number,
+        }),
+        // box-plot
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          label: PropTypes.string,
+          values: PropTypes.arrayOf(boxPlotValueType),
+        }),
+        // bubble
+        PropTypes.shape({
+          key: PropTypes.string,
+          values: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
+        }),
+      ]),
+    ),
+    // bullet
+    bulletDataType,
+  ]),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
+  height: PropTypes.number,
+  annotationData: PropTypes.object,
+  annotationLayers: PropTypes.arrayOf(annotationLayerType),
+  bottomMargin: numberOrAutoType,
+  colorScheme: PropTypes.string,
+  comparisonType: PropTypes.string,
+  contribution: PropTypes.bool,
+  leftMargin: numberOrAutoType,
+  onError: PropTypes.func,
+  showLegend: PropTypes.bool,
+  showMarkers: PropTypes.bool,
+  useRichTooltip: PropTypes.bool,
+  vizType: PropTypes.oneOf([
+    'area',
+    'bar',
+    'box_plot',
+    'bubble',
+    'bullet',
+    'compare',
+    'column',
+    'dist_bar',
+    'line',
+    'line_multi',
+    'time_pivot',
+    'pie',
+    'dual_line',
+  ]),
+  xAxisFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  numberFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  xAxisLabel: PropTypes.string,
+  xAxisShowMinMax: PropTypes.bool,
+  xIsLogScale: PropTypes.bool,
+  xTicksLayout: PropTypes.oneOf(['auto', 'staggered', '45°']),
+  yAxisFormat: PropTypes.string,
+  yAxisBounds: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  yAxisLabel: PropTypes.string,
+  yAxisShowMinMax: PropTypes.bool,
+  yIsLogScale: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'dist-bar' only
+  orderBars: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'bar' or 'dist-bar'
+  isBarStacked: PropTypes.bool,
+  showBarValue: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'bar', 'dist-bar' or 'column'
+  reduceXTicks: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'bar', 'dist-bar' or 'area'
+  showControls: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'line' only
+  showBrush: PropTypes.oneOf([true, 'yes', false, 'no', 'auto']),
+  onBrushEnd: PropTypes.func,
+  // 'line-multi' or 'dual-line'
+  yAxis2Format: PropTypes.string,
+  // 'line', 'time-pivot', 'dual-line' or 'line-multi'
+  lineInterpolation: PropTypes.string,
+  // 'pie' only
+  isDonut: PropTypes.bool,
+  isPieLabelOutside: PropTypes.bool,
+  pieLabelType: PropTypes.oneOf([
+    'key',
+    'value',
+    'percent',
+    'key_value',
+    'key_percent',
+    'key_value_percent',
+  ]),
+  showLabels: PropTypes.bool,
+  // 'area' only
+  areaStackedStyle: PropTypes.string,
+  // 'bubble' only
+  entity: PropTypes.string,
+  maxBubbleSize: PropTypes.number,
+  xField: stringOrObjectWithLabelType,
+  yField: stringOrObjectWithLabelType,
+  sizeField: stringOrObjectWithLabelType,
+  // time-pivot only
+  baseColor: rgbObjectType,
+const NOOP = () => {};
+const formatter = getNumberFormatter();
+function nvd3Vis(element, props) {
+  const {
+    data,
+    width: maxWidth,
+    height: maxHeight,
+    annotationData,
+    annotationLayers = [],
+    areaStackedStyle,
+    baseColor,
+    bottomMargin,
+    colorScheme,
+    comparisonType,
+    contribution,
+    entity,
+    isBarStacked,
+    isDonut,
+    isPieLabelOutside,
+    leftMargin,
+    lineInterpolation = 'linear',
+    markerLabels,
+    markerLines,
+    markerLineLabels,
+    markers,
+    maxBubbleSize,
+    onBrushEnd = NOOP,
+    onError = NOOP,
+    orderBars,
+    pieLabelType,
+    rangeLabels,
+    ranges,
+    reduceXTicks = false,
+    showBarValue,
+    showBrush,
+    showControls,
+    showLabels,
+    showLegend,
+    showMarkers,
+    sizeField,
+    useRichTooltip,
+    vizType,
+    xAxisFormat,
+    numberFormat,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    xAxisShowMinMax = false,
+    xField,
+    xIsLogScale,
+    xTicksLayout,
+    yAxisFormat,
+    yAxis2Format,
+    yAxisBounds,
+    yAxis2Bounds,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    yAxisShowMinMax = false,
+    yAxis2ShowMinMax = false,
+    yField,
+    yIsLogScale,
+  } = props;
+  const isExplore = document.querySelector('#explorer-container') !== null;
+  const container = element;
+  container.innerHTML = '';
+  const activeAnnotationLayers = annotationLayers.filter(layer =>;
+  const chartId =
+    container.parentElement && !== ''
+      ?
+      : null;
+  let chart;
+  let width = maxWidth;
+  let colorKey = 'key';
+ = `${maxWidth}px`;
+ = `${maxHeight}px`;
+  function isVizTypes(types) {
+    return types.includes(vizType);
+  }
+  const drawGraph = function drawGraph() {
+    const d3Element =;
+    d3Element.classed('superset-legacy-chart-nvd3', true);
+    d3Element.classed(`superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-${kebabCase(vizType)}`, true);
+    let svg ='svg');
+    if (svg.empty()) {
+      svg = d3Element.append('svg');
+    }
+    const height = vizType === 'bullet' ? Math.min(maxHeight, 50) : maxHeight;
+    const isTimeSeries = isVizTypes(TIMESERIES_VIZ_TYPES);
+    // Handling xAxis ticks settings
+    const staggerLabels = xTicksLayout === 'staggered';
+    const xLabelRotation =
+      (xTicksLayout === 'auto' && isVizTypes(['column', 'dist_bar'])) || xTicksLayout === '45°'
+        ? 45
+        : 0;
+    if (xLabelRotation === 45 && isTruthy(showBrush)) {
+      onError(t('You cannot use 45° tick layout along with the time range filter'));
+      return null;
+    }
+    const canShowBrush =
+      isTruthy(showBrush) ||
+      (showBrush === 'auto' && maxHeight >= MIN_HEIGHT_FOR_BRUSH && xTicksLayout !== '45°');
+    const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+    switch (vizType) {
+      case 'line':
+        if (canShowBrush) {
+          chart = nv.models.lineWithFocusChart();
+          if (staggerLabels) {
+            // Give a bit more room to focus area if X axis ticks are staggered
+            chart.focus.margin({ bottom: 40 });
+            chart.focusHeight(80);
+          }
+          chart.focus.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        } else {
+          chart = nv.models.lineChart();
+        }
+        chart.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        chart.interpolate(lineInterpolation);
+        chart.clipEdge(false);
+        break;
+      case 'time_pivot':
+        chart = nv.models.lineChart();
+        chart.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        chart.interpolate(lineInterpolation);
+        break;
+      case 'dual_line':
+      case 'line_multi':
+        chart = nv.models.multiChart();
+        chart.interpolate(lineInterpolation);
+        chart.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        break;
+      case 'bar':
+        chart = nv.models.multiBarChart().showControls(showControls).groupSpacing(0.1);
+        if (!reduceXTicks) {
+          width = computeBarChartWidth(data, isBarStacked, maxWidth);
+        }
+        chart.width(width);
+        chart.xAxis.showMaxMin(false);
+        chart.stacked(isBarStacked);
+        break;
+      case 'dist_bar':
+        chart = nv.models
+          .multiBarChart()
+          .showControls(showControls)
+          .reduceXTicks(reduceXTicks)
+          .groupSpacing(0.1); // Distance between each group of bars.
+        chart.xAxis.showMaxMin(false);
+        chart.stacked(isBarStacked);
+        if (orderBars) {
+          data.forEach(d => {
+            d.values.sort((a, b) => (tryNumify(a.x) < tryNumify(b.x) ? -1 : 1));
+          });
+        }
+        if (!reduceXTicks) {
+          width = computeBarChartWidth(data, isBarStacked, maxWidth);
+        }
+        chart.width(width);
+        break;
+      case 'pie':
+        chart = nv.models.pieChart();
+        colorKey = 'x';
+        chart.valueFormat(numberFormatter);
+        if (isDonut) {
+          chart.donut(true);
+        }
+        chart.showLabels(showLabels);
+        chart.labelsOutside(isPieLabelOutside);
+        // Configure the minimum slice size for labels to show up
+        chart.labelThreshold(0.05);
+        chart.cornerRadius(true);
+        if (['key', 'value', 'percent'].includes(pieLabelType)) {
+          chart.labelType(pieLabelType);
+        } else if (pieLabelType === 'key_value') {
+          chart.labelType(d => `${}: ${numberFormatter(}`);
+        } else {
+          // pieLabelType in ['key_percent', 'key_value_percent']
+          const total = d3.sum(data, d => d.y);
+          const percentFormatter = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_2_POINT);
+          if (pieLabelType === 'key_percent') {
+            chart.tooltip.valueFormatter(d => percentFormatter(d));
+            chart.labelType(d => `${}: ${percentFormatter( / total)}`);
+          } else {
+            // pieLabelType === 'key_value_percent'
+            chart.tooltip.valueFormatter(
+              d => `${numberFormatter(d)} (${percentFormatter(d / total)})`,
+            );
+            chart.labelType(
+              d =>
+                `${}: ${numberFormatter(} (${percentFormatter( / total)})`,
+            );
+          }
+        }
+        // Pie chart does not need top margin
+        chart.margin({ top: 0 });
+        break;
+      case 'column':
+        chart = nv.models.multiBarChart().reduceXTicks(false);
+        break;
+      case 'compare':
+        chart = nv.models.cumulativeLineChart();
+        chart.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        chart.useInteractiveGuideline(true);
+        chart.xAxis.showMaxMin(false);
+        break;
+      case 'bubble':
+        chart = nv.models.scatterChart();
+        chart.showDistX(false);
+        chart.showDistY(false);
+        chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+          generateBubbleTooltipContent({
+            point: d.point,
+            entity,
+            xField,
+            yField,
+            sizeField,
+            xFormatter: getTimeOrNumberFormatter(xAxisFormat),
+            yFormatter: getTimeOrNumberFormatter(yAxisFormat),
+            sizeFormatter: formatter,
+          }),
+        );
+        chart.pointRange([5, maxBubbleSize ** 2]);
+        chart.pointDomain([0, d3.max(data, d => d3.max(d.values, v => v.size))]);
+        break;
+      case 'area':
+        chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart();
+        chart.showControls(showControls);
+        chart.xScale(d3.time.scale.utc());
+        break;
+      case 'box_plot':
+        colorKey = 'label';
+        chart = nv.models.boxPlotChart();
+        chart.x(d => d.label);
+        chart.maxBoxWidth(75); // prevent boxes from being incredibly wide
+        break;
+      case 'bullet':
+        chart = nv.models.bulletChart();
+        data.rangeLabels = rangeLabels;
+        data.ranges = ranges;
+        data.markerLabels = markerLabels;
+        data.markerLines = markerLines;
+        data.markerLineLabels = markerLineLabels;
+        data.markers = markers;
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw new Error(`Unrecognized visualization for nvd3${vizType}`);
+    }
+    // Assuming the container has padding already other than for top margin
+    chart.margin({ left: 0, bottom: 0 });
+    if (showBarValue) {
+      drawBarValues(svg, data, isBarStacked, yAxisFormat);
+      chart.dispatch.on('stateChange.drawBarValues', () => {
+        drawBarValues(svg, data, isBarStacked, yAxisFormat);
+      });
+    }
+    if (canShowBrush && onBrushEnd !== NOOP) {
+      if (chart.focus) {
+        chart.focus.dispatch.on('brush', event => {
+          const timeRange = stringifyTimeRange(event.extent);
+          if (timeRange) {
+            event.brush.on('brushend', () => {
+              onBrushEnd(timeRange);
+            });
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    }
+    if (chart.xAxis && chart.xAxis.staggerLabels) {
+      chart.xAxis.staggerLabels(staggerLabels);
+    }
+    if (chart.xAxis && chart.xAxis.rotateLabels) {
+      chart.xAxis.rotateLabels(xLabelRotation);
+    }
+    if (chart.x2Axis && chart.x2Axis.staggerLabels) {
+      chart.x2Axis.staggerLabels(staggerLabels);
+    }
+    if (chart.x2Axis && chart.x2Axis.rotateLabels) {
+      chart.x2Axis.rotateLabels(xLabelRotation);
+    }
+    if ('showLegend' in chart && typeof showLegend !== 'undefined') {
+      if (width < BREAKPOINTS.small && vizType !== 'pie') {
+        chart.showLegend(false);
+      } else {
+        chart.showLegend(showLegend);
+      }
+    }
+    if (yIsLogScale) {
+      chart.yScale(d3.scale.log());
+    }
+    if (xIsLogScale) {
+      chart.xScale(d3.scale.log());
+    }
+    let xAxisFormatter;
+    if (isTimeSeries) {
+      xAxisFormatter = getTimeFormatter(xAxisFormat);
+      // In tooltips, always use the verbose time format
+      chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.headerFormatter(smartDateVerboseFormatter);
+    } else {
+      xAxisFormatter = getTimeOrNumberFormatter(xAxisFormat);
+    }
+    if (chart.x2Axis && chart.x2Axis.tickFormat) {
+      chart.x2Axis.tickFormat(xAxisFormatter);
+    }
+    if (chart.xAxis && chart.xAxis.tickFormat) {
+      const isXAxisString = isVizTypes(['dist_bar', 'box_plot']);
+      if (isXAxisString) {
+        chart.xAxis.tickFormat(d =>
+          d.length > MAX_NO_CHARACTERS_IN_LABEL
+            ? `${d.slice(0, Math.max(0, MAX_NO_CHARACTERS_IN_LABEL))}…`
+            : d,
+        );
+      } else {
+        chart.xAxis.tickFormat(xAxisFormatter);
+      }
+    }
+    let yAxisFormatter = getTimeOrNumberFormatter(yAxisFormat);
+    if (chart.yAxis && chart.yAxis.tickFormat) {
+      if (
+        (contribution || comparisonType === 'percentage') &&
+        (!yAxisFormat ||
+          yAxisFormat === NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER ||
+          yAxisFormat === NumberFormats.SMART_NUMBER_SIGNED)
+      ) {
+        // When computing a "Percentage" or "Contribution" selected,
+        // force a percentage format if no custom formatting set
+        yAxisFormatter = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_1_POINT);
+      }
+      chart.yAxis.tickFormat(yAxisFormatter);
+    }
+    if (chart.y2Axis && chart.y2Axis.tickFormat) {
+      chart.y2Axis.tickFormat(yAxisFormatter);
+    }
+    if (chart.yAxis) {
+      chart.yAxis.ticks(5);
+    }
+    if (chart.y2Axis) {
+      chart.y2Axis.ticks(5);
+    }
+    // Set showMaxMin for all axis
+    setAxisShowMaxMin(chart.xAxis, xAxisShowMinMax);
+    setAxisShowMaxMin(chart.x2Axis, xAxisShowMinMax);
+    setAxisShowMaxMin(chart.yAxis, yAxisShowMinMax);
+    setAxisShowMaxMin(chart.y2Axis, yAxis2ShowMinMax || yAxisShowMinMax);
+    if (vizType === 'time_pivot') {
+      if (baseColor) {
+        const { r, g, b } = baseColor;
+        chart.color(d => {
+          const alpha = d.rank > 0 ? d.perc * 0.5 : 1;
+          return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${alpha})`;
+        });
+      }
+      chart.useInteractiveGuideline(true);
+      chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+        generateTimePivotTooltip(d, xAxisFormatter, yAxisFormatter),
+      );
+    } else if (vizType !== 'bullet') {
+      const colorFn = getScale(colorScheme);
+      chart.color(d => d.color || colorFn(cleanColorInput(d[colorKey])));
+    }
+    if (isVizTypes(['line', 'area']) && useRichTooltip) {
+      chart.useInteractiveGuideline(true);
+      if (vizType === 'line') {
+        chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+          generateRichLineTooltipContent(d, smartDateVerboseFormatter, yAxisFormatter),
+        );
+      } else {
+        // area chart
+        chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+          generateAreaChartTooltipContent(d, smartDateVerboseFormatter, yAxisFormatter, chart),
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    if (isVizTypes(['compare'])) {
+      chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+        generateCompareTooltipContent(d, yAxisFormatter),
+      );
+    }
+    if (isVizTypes(['dual_line', 'line_multi'])) {
+      const yAxisFormatter1 = getNumberFormatter(yAxisFormat);
+      const yAxisFormatter2 = getNumberFormatter(yAxis2Format);
+      chart.yAxis1.tickFormat(yAxisFormatter1);
+      chart.yAxis2.tickFormat(yAxisFormatter2);
+      const yAxisFormatters = =>
+        datum.yAxis === 1 ? yAxisFormatter1 : yAxisFormatter2,
+      );
+      chart.useInteractiveGuideline(true);
+      chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d =>
+        generateMultiLineTooltipContent(d, xAxisFormatter, yAxisFormatters),
+      );
+    }
+    // This is needed for correct chart dimensions if a chart is rendered in a hidden container
+    chart.width(width);
+    chart.height(height);
+    svg
+      .datum(data)
+      .transition()
+      .duration(500)
+      .attr('height', height)
+      .attr('width', width)
+      .call(chart);
+    // For log scale, only show 1, 10, 100, 1000, ...
+    if (yIsLogScale) {
+      chart.yAxis.tickFormat(d => (d !== 0 && Math.log10(d) % 1 === 0 ? yAxisFormatter(d) : ''));
+    }
+    if (xLabelRotation > 0) {
+      // shift labels to the left so they look better
+      const xTicks ='.nv-x.nv-axis > g').selectAll('g');
+      xTicks.selectAll('text').attr('dx', -6.5);
+    }
+    const applyYAxisBounds = () => {
+      if (chart.yDomain && Array.isArray(yAxisBounds) && yAxisBounds.length === 2) {
+        const [customMin, customMax] = yAxisBounds;
+        const hasCustomMin = isDefined(customMin) && !Number.isNaN(customMin);
+        const hasCustomMax = isDefined(customMax) && !Number.isNaN(customMax);
+        if ((hasCustomMin || hasCustomMax) && vizType === 'area' && === 'expand') {
+          // Because there are custom bounds, we need to override them back to 0%-100% since this
+          // is an expanded area chart
+          chart.yDomain([0, 1]);
+        } else if (
+          (hasCustomMin || hasCustomMax) &&
+          vizType === 'area' &&
+ === 'stream'
+        ) {
+          // Because there are custom bounds, we need to override them back to the domain of the
+          // data since this is a stream area chart
+          chart.yDomain(computeStackedYDomain(data));
+        } else if (hasCustomMin && hasCustomMax) {
+          // Override the y domain if there's both a custom min and max
+          chart.yDomain([customMin, customMax]);
+          chart.clipEdge(true);
+        } else if (hasCustomMin || hasCustomMax) {
+          // Only one of the bounds has been set, so we need to manually calculate the other one
+          let [trueMin, trueMax] = [0, 1];
+          // These viz types can be stacked
+          // They correspond to the nvd3 stackedAreaChart and multiBarChart
+          if (vizType === 'area' || (isVizTypes(['bar', 'dist_bar']) && chart.stacked())) {
+            // This is a stacked area chart or a stacked bar chart
+            [trueMin, trueMax] = computeStackedYDomain(data);
+          } else {
+            [trueMin, trueMax] = computeYDomain(data);
+          }
+          const min = hasCustomMin ? customMin : trueMin;
+          const max = hasCustomMax ? customMax : trueMax;
+          chart.yDomain([min, max]);
+          chart.clipEdge(true);
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    applyYAxisBounds();
+    // Also reapply on each state change to account for enabled/disabled series
+    if (chart.dispatch && chart.dispatch.stateChange) {
+      chart.dispatch.on('stateChange.applyYAxisBounds', applyYAxisBounds);
+    }
+    // align yAxis1 and yAxis2 ticks
+    if (isVizTypes(['dual_line', 'line_multi'])) {
+      const count = chart.yAxis1.ticks();
+      const ticks1 = chart.yAxis1.scale().domain(chart.yAxis1.domain()).nice(count).ticks(count);
+      const ticks2 = chart.yAxis2.scale().domain(chart.yAxis2.domain()).nice(count).ticks(count);
+      // match number of ticks in both axes
+      const difference = ticks1.length - ticks2.length;
+      if (ticks1.length > 0 && ticks2.length > 0 && difference !== 0) {
+        const smallest = difference < 0 ? ticks1 : ticks2;
+        const delta = smallest[1] - smallest[0];
+        for (let i = 0; i < Math.abs(difference); i += 1) {
+          if (i % 2 === 0) {
+            smallest.unshift(smallest[0] - delta);
+          } else {
+            smallest.push(smallest[smallest.length - 1] + delta);
+          }
+        }
+        chart.yDomain1([ticks1[0], ticks1[ticks1.length - 1]]);
+        chart.yDomain2([ticks2[0], ticks2[ticks2.length - 1]]);
+        chart.yAxis1.tickValues(ticks1);
+        chart.yAxis2.tickValues(ticks2);
+      }
+      chart.yDomain1([yAxisBounds[0] || ticks1[0], yAxisBounds[1] || ticks1[ticks1.length - 1]]);
+      chart.yDomain2([yAxis2Bounds[0] || ticks2[0], yAxis2Bounds[1] || ticks2[ticks2.length - 1]]);
+    }
+    if (showMarkers) {
+      svg.selectAll('.nv-point').style('stroke-opacity', 1).style('fill-opacity', 1);
+      // redo on legend toggle; nvd3 calls the callback *before* the line is
+      // drawn, so we need to add a small delay here
+      chart.dispatch.on('stateChange.showMarkers', () => {
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          svg.selectAll('.nv-point').style('stroke-opacity', 1).style('fill-opacity', 1);
+        }, 10);
+      });
+    }
+    if (chart.yAxis !== undefined || chart.yAxis2 !== undefined) {
+      // Hack to adjust y axis left margin to accommodate long numbers
+      const marginPad = Math.ceil(Math.min(maxWidth * (isExplore ? 0.01 : 0.03), MAX_MARGIN_PAD));
+      // Hack to adjust margins to accommodate long axis tick labels.
+      // - has to be done only after the chart has been rendered once
+      // - measure the width or height of the labels
+      // ---- (x axis labels are rotated 45 degrees so we use height),
+      // - adjust margins based on these measures and render again
+      const margins = chart.margin();
+      if (chart.xAxis) {
+        margins.bottom = 28;
+      }
+      const maxYAxisLabelWidth = getMaxLabelSize(svg, chart.yAxis2 ? 'nv-y1' : 'nv-y');
+      const maxXAxisLabelHeight = getMaxLabelSize(svg, 'nv-x');
+      margins.left = maxYAxisLabelWidth + marginPad;
+      if (yAxisLabel && yAxisLabel !== '') {
+        margins.left += 25;
+      }
+      if (showBarValue) {
+        // Add more margin to avoid label colliding with legend.
+ += 24;
+      }
+      if (xAxisShowMinMax) {
+        // If x bounds are shown, we need a right margin
+        margins.right = Math.max(20, maxXAxisLabelHeight / 2) + marginPad;
+      }
+      if (xLabelRotation === 45) {
+        margins.bottom =
+          maxXAxisLabelHeight * Math.sin((Math.PI * xLabelRotation) / 180) + marginPad + 30;
+        margins.right =
+          maxXAxisLabelHeight * Math.cos((Math.PI * xLabelRotation) / 180) + marginPad;
+      } else if (staggerLabels) {
+        margins.bottom = 40;
+      }
+      if (isVizTypes(['dual_line', 'line_multi'])) {
+        const maxYAxis2LabelWidth = getMaxLabelSize(svg, 'nv-y2');
+        margins.right = maxYAxis2LabelWidth + marginPad;
+      }
+      if (bottomMargin && bottomMargin !== 'auto') {
+        margins.bottom = parseInt(bottomMargin, 10);
+      }
+      if (leftMargin && leftMargin !== 'auto') {
+        margins.left = leftMargin;
+      }
+      if (xAxisLabel && xAxisLabel !== '' && chart.xAxis) {
+        margins.bottom += 25;
+        let distance = 0;
+        if (margins.bottom && !Number.isNaN(margins.bottom)) {
+          distance = margins.bottom - 45;
+        }
+        // nvd3 bug axisLabelDistance is disregarded on xAxis
+        //
+        chart.xAxis.axisLabel(xAxisLabel).axisLabelDistance(distance);
+      }
+      if (yAxisLabel && yAxisLabel !== '' && chart.yAxis) {
+        let distance = 0;
+        if (margins.left && !Number.isNaN(margins.left)) {
+          distance = margins.left - 70;
+        }
+        chart.yAxis.axisLabel(yAxisLabel).axisLabelDistance(distance);
+      }
+      if (isTimeSeries && annotationData && activeAnnotationLayers.length > 0) {
+        // Time series annotations add additional data
+        const timeSeriesAnnotations = activeAnnotationLayers
+          .filter(layer => layer.annotationType === ANNOTATION_TYPES.TIME_SERIES)
+          .reduce(
+            (bushel, a) =>
+              bushel.concat(
+                (annotationData[] || []).map(series => {
+                  if (!series) {
+                    return {};
+                  }
+                  const key = Array.isArray(series.key)
+                    ? `${}, ${series.key.join(', ')}`
+                    : `${}, ${series.key}`;
+                  return {
+                    ...series,
+                    key,
+                    color: a.color,
+                    strokeWidth: a.width,
+                    classed: `${a.opacity} ${} nv-timeseries-annotation-layer showMarkers${a.showMarkers} hideLine${a.hideLine}`,
+                  };
+                }),
+              ),
+            [],
+          );
+        data.push(...timeSeriesAnnotations);
+      }
+      // Uniquely identify tooltips based on chartId so this chart instance only
+      // controls its own tooltips
+      if (chartId) {
+        if (chart && chart.interactiveLayer && chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip) {
+          chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.classes([generateTooltipClassName(chartId)]);
+        }
+        if (chart && chart.tooltip) {
+          chart.tooltip.classes([generateTooltipClassName(chartId)]);
+        }
+      }
+      // render chart
+      chart.margin(margins);
+      svg
+        .datum(data)
+        .transition()
+        .duration(500)
+        .attr('width', width)
+        .attr('height', height)
+        .call(chart);
+      // On scroll, hide (not remove) tooltips so they can reappear on hover.
+      // Throttle to only 4x/second.
+      window.addEventListener(
+        'scroll',
+        throttle(() => hideTooltips(false), 250),
+      );
+      // The below code should be run AFTER rendering because chart is updated in call()
+      if (isTimeSeries && activeAnnotationLayers.length > 0) {
+        // Formula annotations
+        const formulas = activeAnnotationLayers
+          .filter(a => a.annotationType === ANNOTATION_TYPES.FORMULA)
+          .map(a => ({ ...a, formula: mathjsParse(a.value) }));
+        let xMax;
+        let xMin;
+        let xScale;
+        if (vizType === 'bar') {
+          xMin = d3.min(data[0].values, d => d.x);
+          xMax = d3.max(data[0].values, d => d.x);
+          xScale = d3.scale.quantile().domain([xMin, xMax]).range(chart.xAxis.range());
+        } else {
+          xMin = chart.xAxis.scale().domain()[0].valueOf();
+          xMax = chart.xAxis.scale().domain()[1].valueOf();
+          if (chart.xScale) {
+            xScale = chart.xScale();
+          } else if (chart.xAxis.scale) {
+            xScale = chart.xAxis.scale();
+          } else {
+            xScale = d3.scale.linear();
+          }
+        }
+        if (xScale && xScale.clamp) {
+          xScale.clamp(true);
+        }
+        if (formulas.length > 0) {
+          const xValues = [];
+          if (vizType === 'bar') {
+            // For bar-charts we want one data point evaluated for every
+            // data point that will be displayed.
+            const distinct = data.reduce((xVals, d) => {
+              d.values.forEach(x => xVals.add(x.x));
+              return xVals;
+            }, new Set());
+            xValues.push(...distinct.values());
+            xValues.sort();
+          } else {
+            // For every other time visualization it should be ok, to have a
+            // data points in even intervals.
+            let period = Math.min(
+     => Math.min(...d.values.slice(1).map((v, i) => v.x - d.values[i].x))),
+            );
+            const dataPoints = (xMax - xMin) / (period || 1);
+            // make sure that there are enough data points and not too many
+            period = dataPoints < 100 ? (xMax - xMin) / 100 : period;
+            period = dataPoints > 500 ? (xMax - xMin) / 500 : period;
+            xValues.push(xMin);
+            for (let x = xMin; x < xMax; x += period) {
+              xValues.push(x);
+            }
+            xValues.push(xMax);
+          }
+          const formulaData = => ({
+            key:,
+            values: => ({ y: fo.formula.evaluate({ x }), x })),
+            color: fo.color,
+            strokeWidth: fo.width,
+            classed: `${fo.opacity} ${}`,
+          }));
+          data.push(...formulaData);
+        }
+        const xAxis = chart.xAxis1 ? chart.xAxis1 : chart.xAxis;
+        const yAxis = chart.yAxis1 ? chart.yAxis1 : chart.yAxis;
+        const chartWidth = xAxis.scale().range()[1];
+        const annotationHeight = yAxis.scale().range()[0];
+        if (annotationData) {
+          // Event annotations
+          activeAnnotationLayers
+            .filter(
+              x =>
+                x.annotationType === ANNOTATION_TYPES.EVENT &&
+                annotationData &&
+                annotationData[],
+            )
+            .forEach((config, index) => {
+              const e = applyNativeColumns(config);
+              // Add event annotation layer
+              const annotations = d3
+                .select(element)
+                .select('.nv-wrap')
+                .append('g')
+                .attr('class', `nv-event-annotation-layer-${index}`);
+              const aColor = e.color || getColor(cleanColorInput(, colorScheme);
+              const tip = tipFactory({
+                ...e,
+                annotationTipClass: `arrow-down nv-event-annotation-layer-${config.sourceType}`,
+              });
+              const records = (annotationData[].records || [])
+                .map(r => {
+                  const timeValue = new Date(moment.utc(r[e.timeColumn]));
+                  return {
+                    ...r,
+                    [e.timeColumn]: timeValue,
+                  };
+                })
+                .filter(record => !Number.isNaN(record[e.timeColumn].getMilliseconds()));
+              if (records.length > 0) {
+                annotations
+                  .selectAll('line')
+                  .data(records)
+                  .enter()
+                  .append('line')
+                  .attr({
+                    x1: d => xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                    y1: 0,
+                    x2: d => xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                    y2: annotationHeight,
+                  })
+                  .attr('class', `${e.opacity} ${}`)
+                  .style('stroke', aColor)
+                  .style('stroke-width', e.width)
+                  .on('mouseover',
+                  .on('mouseout', tip.hide)
+                  .call(tip);
+              }
+              // update annotation positions on brush event
+              if (chart.focus) {
+                chart.focus.dispatch.on('onBrush.event-annotation', () => {
+                  annotations
+                    .selectAll('line')
+                    .data(records)
+                    .attr({
+                      x1: d => xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                      y1: 0,
+                      x2: d => xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                      y2: annotationHeight,
+                      opacity: d => {
+                        const x = xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn]));
+                        return x > 0 && x < chartWidth ? 1 : 0;
+                      },
+                    });
+                });
+              }
+            });
+          // Interval annotations
+          activeAnnotationLayers
+            .filter(
+              x =>
+                x.annotationType === ANNOTATION_TYPES.INTERVAL &&
+                annotationData &&
+                annotationData[],
+            )
+            .forEach((config, index) => {
+              const e = applyNativeColumns(config);
+              // Add interval annotation layer
+              const annotations = d3
+                .select(element)
+                .select('.nv-wrap')
+                .append('g')
+                .attr('class', `nv-interval-annotation-layer-${index}`);
+              const aColor = e.color || getColor(cleanColorInput(, colorScheme);
+              const tip = tipFactory(e);
+              const records = (annotationData[].records || [])
+                .map(r => {
+                  const timeValue = new Date(moment.utc(r[e.timeColumn]));
+                  const intervalEndValue = new Date(moment.utc(r[e.intervalEndColumn]));
+                  return {
+                    ...r,
+                    [e.timeColumn]: timeValue,
+                    [e.intervalEndColumn]: intervalEndValue,
+                  };
+                })
+                .filter(
+                  record =>
+                    !Number.isNaN(record[e.timeColumn].getMilliseconds()) &&
+                    !Number.isNaN(record[e.intervalEndColumn].getMilliseconds()),
+                );
+              if (records.length > 0) {
+                annotations
+                  .selectAll('rect')
+                  .data(records)
+                  .enter()
+                  .append('rect')
+                  .attr({
+                    x: d =>
+                      Math.min(
+                        xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                        xScale(new Date(d[e.intervalEndColumn])),
+                      ),
+                    y: 0,
+                    width: d =>
+                      Math.max(
+                        Math.abs(
+                          xScale(new Date(d[e.intervalEndColumn])) -
+                            xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                        ),
+                        1,
+                      ),
+                    height: annotationHeight,
+                  })
+                  .attr('class', `${e.opacity} ${}`)
+                  .style('stroke-width', e.width)
+                  .style('stroke', aColor)
+                  .style('fill', aColor)
+                  .style('fill-opacity', 0.2)
+                  .on('mouseover',
+                  .on('mouseout', tip.hide)
+                  .call(tip);
+              }
+              // update annotation positions on brush event
+              if (chart.focus) {
+                chart.focus.dispatch.on('onBrush.interval-annotation', () => {
+                  annotations
+                    .selectAll('rect')
+                    .data(records)
+                    .attr({
+                      x: d => xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn])),
+                      width: d => {
+                        const x1 = xScale(new Date(d[e.timeColumn]));
+                        const x2 = xScale(new Date(d[e.intervalEndColumn]));
+                        return x2 - x1;
+                      },
+                    });
+                });
+              }
+            });
+        }
+        // rerender chart appended with annotation layer
+        svg.datum(data).attr('height', height).attr('width', width).call(chart);
+        // Display styles for Time Series Annotations
+        chart.dispatch.on('renderEnd.timeseries-annotation', () => {
+          d3.selectAll('.slice_container .nv-timeseries-annotation-layer.showMarkerstrue .nv-point')
+            .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+            .style('fill-opacity', 1);
+          d3.selectAll('.slice_container .nv-timeseries-annotation-layer.hideLinetrue').style(
+            'stroke-width',
+            0,
+          );
+        });
+      }
+    }
+    wrapTooltip(chart);
+    return chart;
+  };
+  // Remove tooltips before rendering chart, if the chart is being re-rendered sometimes
+  // there are left over tooltips in the dom,
+  // this will clear them before rendering the chart again.
+  if (chartId) {
+    removeTooltip(chartId);
+  } else {
+    hideTooltips(true);
+  }
+  nv.addGraph(drawGraph);
+nvd3Vis.displayName = 'NVD3';
+nvd3Vis.propTypes = propTypes;
+export default nvd3Vis;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf3232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import { showLegend } from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'pie_label_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Label Type'),
+              default: 'key',
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: [
+                ['key', 'Category Name'],
+                ['value', 'Value'],
+                ['percent', 'Percentage'],
+                ['key_value', 'Category and Value'],
+                ['key_percent', 'Category and Percentage'],
+                ['key_value_percent', 'Category, Value and Percentage'],
+              ],
+              description: t('What should be shown on the label?'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: `${t('D3 format syntax:')} ${t(
+                'Only applies when the "Label Type" is not set to a percentage.',
+              )}`,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'donut',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Donut'),
+              default: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Do you want a donut or a pie?'),
+            },
+          },
+          showLegend,
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_labels',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Labels'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Whether to display the labels. Note that the label only displays when the the 5% ' +
+                  'threshold.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'labels_outside',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Put labels outside'),
+              default: true,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Put the labels outside the pie?'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 25,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcb780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8115f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c6e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Pie Chart'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class PieChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/PropTypes.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/PropTypes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c13087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/PropTypes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/sort-prop-types */
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { ANNOTATION_TYPES } from './vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes';
+export const numberOrAutoType = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.oneOf(['auto'])]);
+export const stringOrObjectWithLabelType = PropTypes.oneOfType([
+  PropTypes.string,
+  PropTypes.shape({
+    label: PropTypes.string,
+  }),
+export const rgbObjectType = PropTypes.shape({
+  r: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+  g: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+  b: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+export const numericXYType = PropTypes.shape({
+  x: PropTypes.number,
+  y: PropTypes.number,
+export const categoryAndValueXYType = PropTypes.shape({
+  x: PropTypes.string,
+  y: PropTypes.number,
+export const boxPlotValueType = PropTypes.shape({
+  outliers: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  Q1: PropTypes.number,
+  Q2: PropTypes.number,
+  Q3: PropTypes.number,
+  whisker_high: PropTypes.number,
+  whisker_low: PropTypes.number,
+export const bulletDataType = PropTypes.shape({
+  markerLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  markerLineLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  markerLines: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  markers: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  measures: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+  rangeLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+  ranges: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
+export const annotationLayerType = PropTypes.shape({
+  annotationType: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(ANNOTATION_TYPES)),
+  color: PropTypes.string,
+  hideLine: PropTypes.bool,
+  name: PropTypes.string,
+  opacity: PropTypes.string,
+  show: PropTypes.bool,
+  showMarkers: PropTypes.bool,
+  sourceType: PropTypes.string,
+  style: PropTypes.string,
+  value: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
+  width: PropTypes.number,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/ReactNVD3.jsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/ReactNVD3.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea29e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/ReactNVD3.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { reactify, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Component from './NVD3Vis';
+import { hideTooltips, removeTooltip } from './utils';
+function componentWillUnmount() {
+  const { id } = this.props;
+  if (id !== null && id !== undefined) {
+    removeTooltip(id);
+  } else {
+    hideTooltips(true);
+  }
+const ReactNVD3 = reactify(Component, { componentWillUnmount });
+const NVD3 = ({ className, ...otherProps }) => (
+  <div className={className}>
+    <ReactNVD3 {...otherProps} />
+  </div>
+NVD3.propTypes = {
+  className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+export default styled(NVD3)`
+  .superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-dist-bar, .superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-bar {
+    overflow-x: auto !important;
+    svg {
+      &.nvd3-svg {
+        width: auto;
+        font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.m};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-nvd3 {
+    nv-x text {
+      font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.m};
+    }
+    g.superset path {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
+    }
+    .nvtooltip tr.highlight td {
+      font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.bold};
+      font-size: 15px !important;
+    }
+    text.nv-axislabel {
+      font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.m} !important;
+    }
+    g.solid path,
+    line.solid {
+      stroke-dasharray: unset;
+    }
+    g.dashed path,
+    line.dashed {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
+    }
+    g.longDashed path,
+    line.dotted {
+      stroke-dasharray: 1, 1;
+    }
+    g.opacityLow path,
+    line.opacityLow {
+      stroke-opacity: 0.2;
+    }
+    g.opacityMedium path,
+    line.opacityMedium {
+      stroke-opacity: 0.5;
+    }
+    g.opacityHigh path,
+    line.opacityHigh {
+      stroke-opacity: 0.8;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-0 path,
+    line.time-shift-0 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-1 path,
+    line.time-shift-1 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 1, 5;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-2 path,
+    line.time-shift-3 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 1;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-3 path,
+    line.time-shift-3 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 1;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-4 path,
+    line.time-shift-4 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 10;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-5 path,
+    line.time-shift-5 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 0.9;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-6 path,
+    line.time-shift-6 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 15, 10, 5;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-7 path,
+    line.time-shift-7 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 15, 10, 5, 10;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-8 path,
+    line.time-shift-8 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 15, 10, 5, 10, 15;
+    }
+    g.time-shift-9 path,
+    line.time-shift-9 {
+      stroke-dasharray: 5, 5, 1, 5;
+    }
+    .nv-noData.body {
+      font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.m};
+      font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.normal};
+    }
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-tr-highlight {
+    border-top: 1px solid;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid;
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.bold};
+  }
+  .superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-tr-total {
+    font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.bold};
+  }
+  .nvtooltip {
+    .tooltip-header {
+      white-space: nowrap;
+      font-weight: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.weights.bold};
+    }
+    tbody tr:not(.tooltip-header) td:nth-child(2) {
+      word-break: break-word;
+    }
+  }
+  .d3-tip.nv-event-annotation-layer-table,
+  .d3-tip.nv-event-annotation-layer-NATIVE {
+    width: 200px;
+    border-radius: 2px;
+    background-color: #484848;
+    fill-opacity: 0.6;
+    margin: 8px;
+    padding: 8px;
+    color: #fff;
+    &:after {
+      content: '\25BC';
+      font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.m};
+      color: #484848;
+      position: absolute;
+      bottom: -14px;
+      left: 94px;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c83e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  lineInterpolation,
+  showLegend,
+  xAxisLabel,
+  bottomMargin,
+  xAxisFormat,
+  yLogScale,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  xAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisShowMinmax,
+  yAxisLabel,
+  leftMargin,
+} from '../NVD3Controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'freq',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Frequency'),
+              default: 'W-MON',
+              freeForm: true,
+              clearable: false,
+              choices: [
+                ['AS', 'Year (freq=AS)'],
+                ['52W-MON', '52 weeks starting Monday (freq=52W-MON)'],
+                ['W-SUN', '1 week starting Sunday (freq=W-SUN)'],
+                ['W-MON', '1 week starting Monday (freq=W-MON)'],
+                ['D', 'Day (freq=D)'],
+                ['4W-MON', '4 weeks (freq=4W-MON)'],
+              ],
+              description: t(
+                `The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide
+            "Pandas" offset alias.
+            Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted "freq" expressions.`,
+              ),
+              tooltipOnClick: () => {
+                  '',
+                );
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [[showLegend], [lineInterpolation], ['color_picker', null]],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('X Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [xAxisLabel],
+        [bottomMargin],
+        [xAxisShowMinmax],
+        [
+          {
+            name:,
+            config: {
+              ...xAxisFormat.config,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Y Axis'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [yAxisLabel],
+        [leftMargin],
+        [yAxisShowMinmax],
+        [yLogScale],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [yAxisBounds],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    metric: {
+      clearable: false,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dde48ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnailLarge.png
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index 0000000..489eccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad93f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Time-series Period Pivot'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class TimePivotChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../ReactNVD3'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/index.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/index.js
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index 0000000..f28da16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+export { default as NVD3ChartPreset } from './preset';
+export { default as AreaChartPlugin } from './Area';
+export { default as BarChartPlugin } from './Bar';
+export { default as BoxPlotChartPlugin } from './BoxPlot';
+export { default as BubbleChartPlugin } from './Bubble';
+export { default as BulletChartPlugin } from './Bullet';
+export { default as CompareChartPlugin } from './Compare';
+export { default as DistBarChartPlugin } from './DistBar';
+export { default as DualLineChartPlugin } from './DualLine';
+export { default as LineChartPlugin } from './Line';
+export { default as LineMultiChartPlugin } from './LineMulti';
+export { default as PieChartPlugin } from './Pie';
+export { default as TimePivotChartPlugin } from './TimePivot';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/preset.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/preset.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cccb877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/preset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { Preset } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import AreaChartPlugin from './Area';
+import BarChartPlugin from './Bar';
+import BoxPlotChartPlugin from './BoxPlot';
+import BubbleChartPlugin from './Bubble';
+import BulletChartPlugin from './Bullet';
+import CompareChartPlugin from './Compare';
+import DistBarChartPlugin from './DistBar';
+import DualLineChartPlugin from './DualLine';
+import LineChartPlugin from './Line';
+import LineMultiChartPlugin from './LineMulti';
+import PieChartPlugin from './Pie';
+import TimePivotChartPlugin from './TimePivot';
+export default class NVD3ChartPreset extends Preset {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      name: 'NVD3 charts',
+      plugins: [
+        new AreaChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'area' }),
+        new BarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bar' }),
+        new BoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'box_plot' }),
+        new BubbleChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bubble' }),
+        new BulletChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'bullet' }),
+        new CompareChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'compare' }),
+        new DistBarChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'dist_bar' }),
+        new DualLineChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'dual_line' }),
+        new LineChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'line' }),
+        new LineMultiChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'line_multi' }),
+        new PieChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'pie' }),
+        new TimePivotChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'time_pivot' }),
+      ],
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/transformProps.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/transformProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09631a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/transformProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import isTruthy from './utils/isTruthy';
+import { tokenizeToNumericArray, tokenizeToStringArray } from './utils/tokenize';
+import { formatLabel } from './utils';
+const NOOP = () => {};
+const grabD3Format = (datasource, targetMetric) => {
+  let foundFormatter;
+  const { metrics = [] } = datasource || {};
+  metrics.forEach(metric => {
+    if (metric.d3format && metric.metric_name === targetMetric) {
+      foundFormatter = metric.d3format;
+    }
+  });
+  return foundFormatter;
+export default function transformProps(chartProps) {
+  const { width, height, annotationData, datasource, formData, hooks, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { onAddFilter = NOOP, onError = NOOP } = hooks;
+  const {
+    annotationLayers,
+    barStacked,
+    bottomMargin,
+    colorPicker,
+    colorScheme,
+    comparisonType,
+    contribution,
+    donut,
+    entity,
+    labelsOutside,
+    leftMargin,
+    lineInterpolation,
+    maxBubbleSize,
+    metric,
+    metric2,
+    metrics = [],
+    orderBars,
+    pieLabelType,
+    reduceXTicks,
+    richTooltip,
+    sendTimeRange,
+    showBarValue,
+    showBrush,
+    showControls,
+    showLabels,
+    showLegend,
+    showMarkers,
+    size,
+    stackedStyle,
+    vizType,
+    x,
+    xAxisFormat,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    xAxisShowminmax,
+    xLogScale,
+    xTicksLayout,
+    y,
+    yAxisBounds,
+    yAxis2Bounds,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    yAxisShowminmax,
+    yAxis2Showminmax,
+    yLogScale,
+  } = formData;
+  let {
+    markerLabels,
+    markerLines,
+    markerLineLabels,
+    markers,
+    numberFormat,
+    rangeLabels,
+    ranges,
+    yAxisFormat,
+    yAxis2Format,
+  } = formData;
+  const rawData = queriesData[0].data || [];
+  const data = Array.isArray(rawData)
+    ? => ({
+        ...row,
+        key: formatLabel(row.key, datasource.verboseMap),
+      }))
+    : rawData;
+  if (vizType === 'pie') {
+    numberFormat = numberFormat || grabD3Format(datasource, metric);
+  } else if (vizType === 'dual_line') {
+    yAxisFormat = yAxisFormat || grabD3Format(datasource, metric);
+    yAxis2Format = yAxis2Format || grabD3Format(datasource, metric2);
+  } else if (['line', 'dist_bar', 'bar', 'area'].includes(chartProps.formData.vizType)) {
+    yAxisFormat =
+      yAxisFormat || grabD3Format(datasource, metrics.length > 0 ? metrics[0] : undefined);
+  } else if (vizType === 'bullet') {
+    ranges = tokenizeToNumericArray(ranges) || [0, data.measures * 1.1];
+    rangeLabels = tokenizeToStringArray(rangeLabels);
+    markerLabels = tokenizeToStringArray(markerLabels);
+    markerLines = tokenizeToNumericArray(markerLines);
+    markerLineLabels = tokenizeToStringArray(markerLineLabels);
+    markers = tokenizeToNumericArray(markers);
+  }
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data,
+    annotationData,
+    annotationLayers,
+    areaStackedStyle: stackedStyle,
+    baseColor: colorPicker,
+    bottomMargin,
+    colorScheme,
+    comparisonType,
+    contribution,
+    entity,
+    isBarStacked: barStacked,
+    isDonut: donut,
+    isPieLabelOutside: labelsOutside,
+    leftMargin,
+    lineInterpolation,
+    markerLabels,
+    markerLines,
+    markerLineLabels,
+    markers,
+    maxBubbleSize: parseInt(maxBubbleSize, 10),
+    numberFormat,
+    onBrushEnd: isTruthy(sendTimeRange)
+      ? timeRange => {
+          onAddFilter('__time_range', timeRange, false, true);
+        }
+      : undefined,
+    onError,
+    orderBars,
+    pieLabelType,
+    rangeLabels,
+    ranges,
+    reduceXTicks,
+    showBarValue,
+    showBrush,
+    showControls,
+    showLabels,
+    showLegend,
+    showMarkers,
+    sizeField: size,
+    useRichTooltip: richTooltip,
+    vizType,
+    xAxisFormat,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    xAxisShowMinMax: xAxisShowminmax,
+    xField: x,
+    xIsLogScale: xLogScale,
+    xTicksLayout,
+    yAxisFormat,
+    yAxis2Format,
+    yAxisBounds,
+    yAxis2Bounds,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    yAxisShowMinMax: yAxisShowminmax,
+    yAxis2ShowMinMax: yAxis2Showminmax,
+    yField: y,
+    yIsLogScale: yLogScale,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f62111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import d3 from 'd3';
+import d3tip from 'd3-tip';
+import dompurify from 'dompurify';
+import { smartDateFormatter, getNumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+// Regexp for the label added to time shifted series
+// (1 hour offset, 2 days offset, etc.)
+const TIME_SHIFT_PATTERN = /\d+ \w+ offset/;
+const ANIMATION_TIME = 1000;
+export function cleanColorInput(value) {
+  // for superset series that should have the same color
+  return String(value)
+    .trim()
+    .replace(' (right axis)', '')
+    .split(', ')
+    .filter(k => !TIME_SHIFT_PATTERN.test(k))
+    .join(', ');
+ * If format is smart_date, format date
+ * Otherwise, format number with the given format name
+ * @param {*} format
+ */
+export function getTimeOrNumberFormatter(format) {
+  return format === 'smart_date' ? smartDateFormatter : getNumberFormatter(format);
+export function drawBarValues(svg, data, stacked, axisFormat) {
+  const format = getNumberFormatter(axisFormat);
+  const countSeriesDisplayed = data.filter(d => !d.disabled).length;
+  const totalStackedValues =
+    stacked && data.length !== 0
+      ? data[0], iBar) => {
+          const bars = data.filter(series => !series.disabled).map(series => series.values[iBar]);
+          return d3.sum(bars, d => d.y);
+        })
+      : [];
+  svg.selectAll('.bar-chart-label-group').remove();
+  setTimeout(() => {
+    svg.selectAll('.bar-chart-label-group').remove();
+    const groupLabels = svg
+      .select('g.nv-barsWrap')
+      .append('g')
+      .attr('class', 'bar-chart-label-group');
+    svg
+      .selectAll('g.nv-group')
+      .filter((d, i) => !stacked || i === countSeriesDisplayed - 1)
+      .selectAll('rect')
+      .each(function each(d, index) {
+        const rectObj =;
+        const transformAttr = rectObj.attr('transform');
+        const xPos = parseFloat(rectObj.attr('x'));
+        const yPos = parseFloat(rectObj.attr('y'));
+        const rectWidth = parseFloat(rectObj.attr('width'));
+        const rectHeight = parseFloat(rectObj.attr('height'));
+        const textEls = groupLabels
+          .append('text')
+          .text(format(stacked ? totalStackedValues[index] : d.y))
+          .attr('transform', transformAttr)
+          .attr('class', 'bar-chart-label');
+        // fine tune text position
+        const bbox = textEls.node().getBBox();
+        const labelWidth = bbox.width;
+        const labelHeight = bbox.height;
+        textEls.attr('x', xPos + rectWidth / 2 - labelWidth / 2);
+        if (rectObj.attr('class').includes('positive')) {
+          textEls.attr('y', yPos - 5);
+        } else {
+          textEls.attr('y', yPos + rectHeight + labelHeight);
+        }
+      });
+// Formats the series key to account for a possible NULL value
+function getFormattedKey(seriesKey, shouldDompurify) {
+  if (seriesKey === '<NULL>') {
+    return `&lt;${seriesKey.slice(1, -1)}&gt;`;
+  }
+  return shouldDompurify ? dompurify.sanitize(seriesKey) : seriesKey;
+// Custom sorted tooltip
+// use a verbose formatter for times
+export function generateRichLineTooltipContent(d, timeFormatter, valueFormatter) {
+  let tooltip = '';
+  tooltip +=
+    "<table><thead><tr><td colspan='3'>" +
+    `<strong class='x-value'>${timeFormatter(d.value)}</strong>` +
+    '</td></tr></thead><tbody>';
+  d.series.sort((a, b) => (a.value >= b.value ? -1 : 1));
+  d.series.forEach(series => {
+    const key = getFormattedKey(series.key, true);
+    tooltip +=
+      `<tr class="${series.highlight ? 'emph' : ''}">` +
+      `<td class='legend-color-guide' style="opacity: ${series.highlight ? '1' : '0.75'};"">` +
+      '<div ' +
+      `style="border: 2px solid ${series.highlight ? 'black' : 'transparent'}; background-color: ${
+        series.color
+      };"` +
+      '></div>' +
+      '</td>' +
+      `<td>${key}</td>` +
+      `<td>${valueFormatter(series.value)}</td>` +
+      '</tr>';
+  });
+  tooltip += '</tbody></table>';
+  return dompurify.sanitize(tooltip);
+export function generateCompareTooltipContent(d, valueFormatter) {
+  let tooltip = '';
+  tooltip +=
+    "<table><thead><tr><td colspan='3'>" +
+    `<strong class='x-value'>${d.value}</strong>` +
+    '</td></tr></thead><tbody>';
+  d.series.sort((a, b) => (a.value >= b.value ? -1 : 1));
+  d.series.forEach(series => {
+    const key = getFormattedKey(series.key, true);
+    tooltip +=
+      `<tr class="${series.highlight ? 'emph' : ''}">` +
+      `<td class='legend-color-guide' style="opacity: ${series.highlight ? '1' : '0.75'};"">` +
+      '<div ' +
+      `style="border: 2px solid ${series.highlight ? 'black' : 'transparent'}; background-color: ${
+        series.color
+      };"` +
+      '></div>' +
+      '</td>' +
+      `<td>${key}</td>` +
+      `<td>${valueFormatter(series.value)}</td>` +
+      '</tr>';
+  });
+  tooltip += '</tbody></table>';
+  return dompurify.sanitize(tooltip);
+export function generateAreaChartTooltipContent(d, timeFormatter, valueFormatter, chart) {
+  const total =
+ === 'expand'
+      ? // expand mode does not include total row
+        d3.sum(d.series, s => s.value)
+      : // other modes include total row at the end
+        d.series[d.series.length - 1].value;
+  let tooltip = '';
+  tooltip +=
+    "<table><thead><tr><td colspan='4'>" +
+    `<strong class='x-value'>${timeFormatter(d.value)}</strong>` +
+    '</td></tr></thead><tbody>' +
+    '<tr class="tooltip-header"><td></td><td>Category</td><td>Value</td><td>% to total</td></tr>';
+  d.series.forEach(series => {
+    const key = getFormattedKey(series.key, true);
+    let trClass = '';
+    if (series.highlight) {
+      trClass = 'superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-tr-highlight';
+    } else if (series.key === 'TOTAL') {
+      trClass = 'superset-legacy-chart-nvd3-tr-total';
+    }
+    tooltip +=
+      `<tr class="${trClass}" style="border-color: ${series.color}">` +
+      `<td style="color: ${series.color}">${series.key === 'TOTAL' ? '' : '&#9724;'}</td>` +
+      `<td>${key}</td>` +
+      `<td>${valueFormatter(series.value)}</td>` +
+      `<td>${((100 * series.value) / total).toFixed(2)}%</td>` +
+      '</tr>';
+  });
+  tooltip += '</tbody></table>';
+  return dompurify.sanitize(tooltip);
+export function generateMultiLineTooltipContent(d, xFormatter, yFormatters) {
+  const tooltipTitle = xFormatter(d.value);
+  let tooltip = '';
+  tooltip +=
+    "<table><thead><tr><td colspan='3'>" +
+    `<strong class='x-value'>${tooltipTitle}</strong>` +
+    '</td></tr></thead><tbody>';
+  d.series.forEach((series, i) => {
+    const yFormatter = yFormatters[i];
+    const key = getFormattedKey(series.key, false);
+    tooltip +=
+      "<tr><td class='legend-color-guide'>" +
+      `<div style="background-color: ${series.color};"></div></td>` +
+      `<td class='key'>${key}</td>` +
+      `<td class='value'>${yFormatter(series.value)}</td></tr>`;
+  });
+  tooltip += '</tbody></table>';
+  return tooltip;
+export function generateTimePivotTooltip(d, xFormatter, yFormatter) {
+  const tooltipTitle = xFormatter(d.value);
+  let tooltip = '';
+  tooltip +=
+    "<table><thead><tr><td colspan='3'>" +
+    `<strong class='x-value'>${tooltipTitle}</strong>` +
+    '</td></tr></thead><tbody>';
+  d.series.forEach(series => {
+    if (series.highlight) {
+      let label = '';
+      if (series.key === 'current') {
+        label = series.key;
+      } else {
+        label = `${series.key} of the selected frequency:`;
+      }
+      tooltip +=
+        "<tr><td class='legend-color-guide'>" +
+        `<div style="background-color: ${series.color};"></div></td>` +
+        `<td class='key'>${label}</td>` +
+        `<td class='value'>${yFormatter(series.value)}</td></tr>`;
+    }
+  });
+  tooltip += '</tbody></table>';
+  return dompurify.sanitize(tooltip);
+function getLabel(stringOrObjectWithLabel) {
+  return stringOrObjectWithLabel.label || stringOrObjectWithLabel;
+function createHTMLRow(col1, col2) {
+  return `<tr><td>${col1}</td><td>${col2}</td></tr>`;
+export function generateBubbleTooltipContent({
+  point,
+  entity,
+  xField,
+  yField,
+  sizeField,
+  xFormatter,
+  yFormatter,
+  sizeFormatter,
+}) {
+  let s = '<table>';
+  s +=
+    `<tr><td style="color: ${point.color};">` +
+    `<strong>${point[entity]}</strong> (${})` +
+    '</td></tr>';
+  s += createHTMLRow(getLabel(xField), xFormatter(point.x));
+  s += createHTMLRow(getLabel(yField), yFormatter(point.y));
+  s += createHTMLRow(getLabel(sizeField), sizeFormatter(point.size));
+  s += '</table>';
+  return s;
+// shouldRemove indicates whether the nvtooltips should be removed from the DOM
+export function hideTooltips(shouldRemove) {
+  const targets = document.querySelectorAll('.nvtooltip');
+  if (targets.length > 0) {
+    // Only set opacity to 0 when hiding tooltips so they would reappear
+    // on hover, which sets the opacity to 1
+    targets.forEach(t => {
+      if (shouldRemove) {
+        t.remove();
+      } else {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
+ = 0;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+export function generateTooltipClassName(uuid) {
+  return `tooltip-${uuid}`;
+export function removeTooltip(uuid) {
+  const classSelector = `.${generateTooltipClassName(uuid)}`;
+  const target = document.querySelector(classSelector);
+  if (target) {
+    target.remove();
+  }
+export function wrapTooltip(chart) {
+  const tooltipLayer =
+    chart.useInteractiveGuideline && chart.useInteractiveGuideline()
+      ? chart.interactiveLayer
+      : chart;
+  const tooltipGeneratorFunc = tooltipLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator();
+  tooltipLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(d => {
+    let tooltip = `<div>`;
+    tooltip += tooltipGeneratorFunc(d);
+    tooltip += '</div>';
+    return tooltip;
+  });
+export function tipFactory(layer) {
+  return d3tip()
+    .attr('class', `d3-tip ${layer.annotationTipClass || ''}`)
+    .direction('n')
+    .offset([-5, 0])
+    .html(d => {
+      if (!d) {
+        return '';
+      }
+      const title =
+        d[layer.titleColumn] && d[layer.titleColumn].length > 0
+          ? `${d[layer.titleColumn]} - ${}`
+          :;
+      const body = Array.isArray(layer.descriptionColumns)
+        ? => d[c])
+        : Object.values(d);
+      return `<div><strong>${title}</strong></div><br/><div>${body.join(', ')}</div>`;
+    });
+export function getMaxLabelSize(svg, axisClass) {
+  // axis class = .nv-y2  // second y axis on dual line chart
+  // axis class = .nv-x  // x axis on time series line chart
+  const tickTexts = svg.selectAll(`.${axisClass} g.tick text`);
+  if (tickTexts.length > 0) {
+    const lengths = tickTexts[0].map(text => text.getComputedTextLength());
+    return Math.ceil(Math.max(0, ...lengths));
+  }
+  return 0;
+export function formatLabel(input, verboseMap = {}) {
+  // The input for label may be a string or an array of string
+  // When using the time shift feature, the label contains a '---' in the array
+  const verboseLookup = s => verboseMap[s] || s;
+  return Array.isArray(input) && input.length > 0
+    ? => (TIME_SHIFT_PATTERN.test(l) ? l : verboseLookup(l))).join(', ')
+    : verboseLookup(input);
+const MIN_BAR_WIDTH = 18;
+export function computeBarChartWidth(data, stacked, maxWidth) {
+  const barCount = stacked
+    ? d3.max(data, d => d.values.length)
+    : d3.sum(data, d => d.values.length);
+  const barWidth = barCount * MIN_BAR_WIDTH;
+  return Math.max(barWidth, maxWidth);
+export function tryNumify(s) {
+  // Attempts casting to Number, returns string when failing
+  const n = Number(s);
+  return Number.isNaN(n) ? s : n;
+export function stringifyTimeRange(extent) {
+  if (extent.some(d => d.toISOString === undefined)) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return => d.toISOString().slice(0, -1)).join(' : ');
+export function setAxisShowMaxMin(axis, showminmax) {
+  if (axis && axis.showMaxMin && showminmax !== undefined) {
+    axis.showMaxMin(showminmax);
+  }
+export function computeYDomain(data) {
+  if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0 && Array.isArray(data[0].values)) {
+    const extents = data.filter(d => !d.disabled).map(row => d3.extent(row.values, v => v.y));
+    const minOfMin = d3.min(extents, ([min]) => min);
+    const maxOfMax = d3.max(extents, ([, max]) => max);
+    return [minOfMin, maxOfMax];
+  }
+  return [0, 1];
+export function computeStackedYDomain(data) {
+  if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0 && Array.isArray(data[0].values)) {
+    const series = data.filter(d => !d.disabled).map(d => => v.y));
+    const stackedValues = series[0].map((_, i) => series.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur[i], 0));
+    return [Math.min(0, ...stackedValues), Math.max(0, ...stackedValues)];
+  }
+  return [0, 1];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/isTruthy.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/isTruthy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2594a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/isTruthy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function isTruthy(obj) {
+  if (typeof obj === 'boolean') {
+    return obj;
+  }
+  if (typeof obj === 'string') {
+    return ['yes', 'y', 'true', 't', '1'].includes(obj.toLowerCase());
+  }
+  return !!obj;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/tokenize.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/tokenize.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa667f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/utils/tokenize.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { validateNumber } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export function tokenizeToNumericArray(value: string): number[] | null {
+  if (!value.trim()) return null;
+  const tokens = value.split(',');
+  if (tokens.some(token => validateNumber(token))) throw new Error('All values should be numeric');
+  return => parseFloat(token));
+export function tokenizeToStringArray(value: string): string[] | null {
+  if (!value.trim()) return null;
+  const tokens = value.split(',');
+  return => token.trim());
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf87360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/AnnotationTypes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+function extractTypes(metadata) {
+  return Object.keys(metadata).reduce((prev, key) => {
+    const result = prev;
+    result[key] = key;
+    return result;
+  }, {});
+    value: 'FORMULA',
+    label: 'Formula',
+  },
+  EVENT: {
+    value: 'EVENT',
+    label: 'Event',
+    supportNativeSource: true,
+  },
+    value: 'INTERVAL',
+    label: 'Interval',
+    supportNativeSource: true,
+  },
+    value: 'TIME_SERIES',
+    label: 'Time Series',
+  },
+  NATIVE: {
+    value: 'NATIVE',
+    label: 'Superset annotation',
+  },
+export function requiresQuery(annotationSourceType) {
+  return !!annotationSourceType;
+  descriptionColumns: ['long_descr'],
+  intervalEndColumn: 'end_dttm',
+  timeColumn: 'start_dttm',
+  titleColumn: 'short_descr',
+export function applyNativeColumns(annotation) {
+  if (annotation.sourceType === ANNOTATION_SOURCE_TYPES.NATIVE) {
+    return { ...annotation, ...NATIVE_COLUMN_NAMES };
+  }
+  return annotation;
+export default ANNOTATION_TYPES;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/exploreUtils.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/exploreUtils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baae329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/vendor/superset/exploreUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint camelcase: 0 */
+import URI from 'urijs';
+import safeStringify from 'fast-safe-stringify';
+const MAX_URL_LENGTH = 8000;
+export function getURIDirectory(formData, endpointType = 'base') {
+  // Building the directory part of the URI
+  let directory = '/superset/explore/';
+  if (['json', 'csv', 'query', 'results', 'samples'].includes(endpointType)) {
+    directory = '/superset/explore_json/';
+  }
+  return directory;
+export function getExploreLongUrl(formData, endpointType, allowOverflow = true, extraSearch = {}) {
+  if (!formData.datasource) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const uri = new URI('/');
+  const directory = getURIDirectory(formData, endpointType);
+  const search =;
+  Object.keys(extraSearch).forEach(key => {
+    search[key] = extraSearch[key];
+  });
+  search.form_data = safeStringify(formData);
+  if (endpointType === 'standalone') {
+    search.standalone = 'true';
+  }
+  const url =;
+  if (!allowOverflow && url.length > MAX_URL_LENGTH) {
+    const minimalFormData = {
+      datasource: formData.datasource,
+      viz_type: formData.viz_type,
+    };
+    return getExploreLongUrl(minimalFormData, endpointType, false, {
+      URL_IS_TOO_LONG_TO_SHARE: null,
+    });
+  }
+  return url;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils.test.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c042e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  computeStackedYDomain,
+  computeYDomain,
+  getTimeOrNumberFormatter,
+  formatLabel,
+  tryNumify,
+} from '../src/utils';
+const DATA = [
+  {
+    key: ['East Asia & Pacific'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 1031863394.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 1034767718.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['South Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 572036107.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 584143236.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Europe & Central Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 660881033.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 668526708.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    disabled: true,
+    key: ['East Asia & Pacific'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 1031863394.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 1034767718.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    disabled: true,
+    key: ['South Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 572036107.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 584143236.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  {
+    key: ['Europe & Central Asia'],
+    values: [
+      {
+        x: -315619200000.0,
+        y: 660881033.0,
+      },
+      {
+        x: -283996800000.0,
+        y: 668526708.0,
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+describe('nvd3/utils', () => {
+  describe('getTimeOrNumberFormatter(format)', () => {
+    it('is a function', () => {
+      expect(typeof getTimeOrNumberFormatter).toBe('function');
+    });
+    it('returns a date formatter if format is smart_date', () => {
+      const time = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 21, 22, 11));
+      expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter('smart_date')(time)).toBe('10:11');
+    });
+    it('returns a number formatter otherwise', () => {
+      expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter('.3s')(3000000)).toBe('3.00M');
+      expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter()(3000100)).toBe('3M');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('formatLabel()', () => {
+    const verboseMap = {
+      foo: 'Foo',
+      bar: 'Bar',
+    };
+    it('formats simple labels', () => {
+      expect(formatLabel('foo')).toBe('foo');
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo'])).toBe('foo');
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo', 'bar'])).toBe('foo, bar');
+    });
+    it('formats simple labels with lookups', () => {
+      expect(formatLabel('foo', verboseMap)).toBe('Foo');
+      expect(formatLabel('baz', verboseMap)).toBe('baz');
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo'], verboseMap)).toBe('Foo');
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], verboseMap)).toBe('Foo, Bar, baz');
+    });
+    it('deals with time shift properly', () => {
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo', '1 hour offset'], verboseMap)).toBe('Foo, 1 hour offset');
+      expect(formatLabel(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', '2 hours offset'], verboseMap)).toBe(
+        'Foo, Bar, baz, 2 hours offset',
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('tryNumify()', () => {
+    it('tryNumify works as expected', () => {
+      expect(tryNumify(5)).toBe(5);
+      expect(tryNumify('5')).toBe(5);
+      expect(tryNumify('5.1')).toBe(5.1);
+      expect(tryNumify('a string')).toBe('a string');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('computeYDomain()', () => {
+    it('works with invalid data', () => {
+      expect(computeYDomain('foo')).toEqual([0, 1]);
+    });
+    it('works with all series enabled', () => {
+      expect(computeYDomain(DATA)).toEqual([572036107.0, 1034767718.0]);
+    });
+    it('works with some series disabled', () => {
+      expect(computeYDomain(DATA_WITH_DISABLED_SERIES)).toEqual([660881033.0, 668526708.0]);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('computeStackedYDomain()', () => {
+    it('works with invalid data', () => {
+      expect(computeStackedYDomain('foo')).toEqual([0, 1]);
+    });
+    it('works with all series enabled', () => {
+      expect(computeStackedYDomain(DATA)).toEqual([0, 2287437662.0]);
+    });
+    it('works with some series disabled', () => {
+      expect(computeStackedYDomain(DATA_WITH_DISABLED_SERIES)).toEqual([0, 668526708.0]);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/isTruthy.test.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/isTruthy.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1914ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/isTruthy.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import isTruthy from '../../src/utils/isTruthy';
+describe('isTruthy', () => {
+  it('evals false-looking strings properly', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy('f')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('false')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('no')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('n')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('F')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('False')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('NO')).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy('N')).toBe(false);
+  });
+  it('evals true-looking strings properly', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy('t')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('true')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('yes')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('y')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('Y')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('True')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('Yes')).toBe(true);
+    expect(isTruthy('YES')).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('evals bools properly', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy(false)).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy(true)).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('evals ints properly', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy(0)).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy(1)).toBe(true);
+  });
+  it('evals constants properly', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy(null)).toBe(false);
+    expect(isTruthy(undefined)).toBe(false);
+  });
+  it('string auto is false', () => {
+    expect(isTruthy('false')).toBe(false);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/tokenize.test.js b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/tokenize.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1507e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test/utils/tokenize.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { tokenizeToNumericArray, tokenizeToStringArray } from '../../src/utils/tokenize';
+describe('tokenizeToNumericArray', () => {
+  it('evals numeric strings properly', () => {
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('1')).toStrictEqual([1]);
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('1,2,3,4')).toStrictEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]);
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('1.1,2.2,3.0,4')).toStrictEqual([1.1, 2.2, 3, 4]);
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('   1, 2,   3,    4 ')).toStrictEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]);
+  });
+  it('evals empty strings to null', () => {
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('')).toBeNull();
+    expect(tokenizeToNumericArray('    ')).toBeNull();
+  });
+  it('throws error on incorrect string', () => {
+    expect(() => tokenizeToNumericArray('qwerty,1,2,3')).toThrow(Error);
+  });
+describe('tokenizeToStringArray', () => {
+  it('evals numeric strings properly', () => {
+    expect(tokenizeToStringArray('a')).toStrictEqual(['a']);
+    expect(tokenizeToStringArray('1.1 , 2.2, 3.0 ,4')).toStrictEqual(['1.1', '2.2', '3.0', '4']);
+    expect(tokenizeToStringArray('1.1,a,3, bc ,d')).toStrictEqual(['1.1', 'a', '3', 'bc', 'd']);
+  });
+  it('evals empty string to null', () => {
+    expect(tokenizeToStringArray('')).toBeNull();
+    expect(tokenizeToStringArray('    ')).toBeNull();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1adc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-choropleth-map
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Choropleth Map for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import ChoroplethMapChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-choropleth-map';
+new ChoroplethMapChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'choropleth-map' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="choropleth-map"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be2a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-choropleth-map",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Chart - Choropleth Map",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "private": true,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/d3-geo": "^1.11.1",
+    "@types/geojson": "^7946.0.3",
+    "@types/topojson-client": "^3.0.0",
+    "@types/topojson-specification": "^1.0.0",
+    "@vx/clip-path": "^0.0.197",
+    "@vx/event": "^0.0.198",
+    "@vx/pattern": "^0.0.197",
+    "@vx/tooltip": "^0.0.199",
+    "@vx/zoom": "^0.0.197",
+    "d3-geo": "^1.12.0",
+    "encodable": "^0.7.6",
+    "geojson": "^0.5.0",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.15",
+    "topojson-client": "^3.1.0"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/ChoroplethMap.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/ChoroplethMap.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61004c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/ChoroplethMap.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { Zoom } from '@vx/zoom';
+import { localPoint } from '@vx/event';
+import { RectClipPath } from '@vx/clip-path';
+import { withTooltip } from '@vx/tooltip';
+import { keyBy } from 'lodash';
+import { geoPath } from 'd3-geo';
+import type { FeatureCollection } from 'geojson';
+import { WithTooltipProvidedProps } from '@vx/tooltip/lib/enhancers/withTooltip';
+import loadMap from './loadMap';
+import MapMetadata from './MapMetadata';
+import {
+  RelativeDiv,
+  IconButton,
+  TextButton,
+  ZoomControls,
+  MiniMapControl,
+} from './components';
+import {
+  ChoroplethMapEncoding,
+  choroplethMapEncoderFactory,
+  DefaultChannelOutputs,
+} from './Encoder';
+import MapTooltip, { MapDataPoint } from './MapTooltip';
+  scaleX: 1,
+  scaleY: 1,
+  translateX: 0,
+  translateY: 0,
+  skewX: 0,
+  skewY: 0,
+ * These props should be stored when saving the chart.
+ */
+export type ChoroplethMapVisualProps = {
+  encoding?: Partial<ChoroplethMapEncoding>;
+  map?: string;
+export type ChoroplethMapProps = ChoroplethMapVisualProps &
+  WithTooltipProvidedProps<MapDataPoint> & {
+    data: Record<string, unknown>[];
+    height: number;
+    width: number;
+  };
+const defaultProps = {
+  data: [],
+  encoding: {},
+  map: 'world',
+const missingItem = DefaultChannelOutputs;
+class ChoroplethMap extends React.PureComponent<
+  ChoroplethMapProps & typeof defaultProps,
+  {
+    mapShape?: {
+      metadata: MapMetadata;
+      object: FeatureCollection;
+    };
+    mapData: {
+      [key: string]: MapDataPoint;
+    };
+    showMiniMap: boolean;
+  }
+> {
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  createEncoder = choroplethMapEncoderFactory.createSelector();
+  constructor(props: ChoroplethMapProps & typeof defaultProps) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      mapData: {},
+      mapShape: undefined,
+      showMiniMap: true,
+    };
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+    this.loadMap();
+    this.processData();
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ChoroplethMapProps) {
+    if ( !== {
+      this.loadMap();
+    }
+    if ( !== || prevProps.encoding !== this.props.encoding) {
+      this.processData();
+    }
+  }
+  handleMouseOver = (event: React.MouseEvent<SVGPathElement>, datum?: MapDataPoint) => {
+    const coords = localPoint(event);
+    this.props.showTooltip({
+      tooltipLeft: coords?.x,
+      tooltipTop: coords?.y,
+      tooltipData: datum,
+    });
+  };
+  toggleMiniMap = () => {
+    const { showMiniMap } = this.state;
+    this.setState({
+      showMiniMap: !showMiniMap,
+    });
+  };
+  processData() {
+    const { data, encoding } = this.props;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    const { key, fill, opacity, stroke, strokeWidth } = encoder.channels;
+    encoder.setDomainFromDataset(data);
+    const mapData = keyBy(
+ => ({
+        key: key.getValueFromDatum<string>(d, DefaultChannelOutputs.key),
+        fill: fill.encodeDatum(d, DefaultChannelOutputs.fill),
+        opacity: opacity.encodeDatum(d, DefaultChannelOutputs.opacity),
+        stroke: stroke.encodeDatum(d, DefaultChannelOutputs.stroke),
+        strokeWidth: strokeWidth.encodeDatum(d, DefaultChannelOutputs.strokeWidth),
+        datum: d,
+      })),
+      d => d.key,
+    );
+    this.setState({ mapData });
+  }
+  loadMap() {
+    const { map } = this.props;
+    this.setState({ mapShape: undefined });
+    loadMap(map).then(mapShape => {
+      this.setState({ mapShape });
+    });
+  }
+  renderMap() {
+    const { height, width, hideTooltip } = this.props;
+    const { mapShape, mapData } = this.state;
+    if (typeof mapShape !== 'undefined') {
+      const { metadata, object } = mapShape;
+      const { keyAccessor } = metadata;
+      const projection = metadata.createProjection().fitExtent(
+        [
+          [PADDING, PADDING],
+          [width - PADDING * 2, height - PADDING * 2],
+        ],
+        object,
+      );
+      const path = geoPath().projection(projection);
+      return => {
+        const key = keyAccessor(f);
+        const encodedDatum = mapData[key] || missingItem;
+        const { stroke, fill, strokeWidth, opacity } = encodedDatum;
+        return (
+          // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events
+          <path
+            key={key}
+            vectorEffect="non-scaling-stroke"
+            stroke={stroke}
+            strokeWidth={strokeWidth}
+            fill={fill}
+            opacity={opacity}
+            d={path(f) || ''}
+            onMouseOver={event => this.handleMouseOver(event, encodedDatum)}
+            onMouseMove={event => this.handleMouseOver(event, encodedDatum)}
+            onMouseOut={hideTooltip}
+            onBlur={hideTooltip}
+          />
+        );
+      });
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  render() {
+    const {
+      height,
+      width,
+      encoding,
+      tooltipOpen,
+      tooltipLeft,
+      tooltipTop,
+      tooltipData,
+    } = this.props;
+    const { showMiniMap } = this.state;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    const renderedMap = this.renderMap();
+    const miniMapTransform = `translate(${(width * 3) / 4 - PADDING}, ${
+      (height * 3) / 4 - PADDING
+    }) scale(0.25)`;
+    return (
+      <>
+        <Zoom
+          style={{ width, height }}
+          width={width}
+          height={height}
+          scaleXMin={0.75}
+          scaleXMax={8}
+          scaleYMin={0.75}
+          scaleYMax={8}
+          transformMatrix={INITIAL_TRANSFORM}
+        >
+          {zoom => (
+            <RelativeDiv>
+              <svg
+                width={width}
+                height={height}
+                style={{ cursor: zoom.isDragging ? 'grabbing' : 'grab' }}
+              >
+                <RectClipPath id="zoom-clip" width={width} height={height} />
+                <g
+                  onWheel={zoom.handleWheel}
+                  // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-handler-names
+                  onMouseDown={zoom.dragStart}
+                  // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-handler-names
+                  onMouseMove={zoom.dragMove}
+                  // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-handler-names
+                  onMouseUp={zoom.dragEnd}
+                  onMouseLeave={() => {
+                    if (!zoom.isDragging) return;
+                    zoom.dragEnd();
+                  }}
+                  onDoubleClick={event => {
+                    const point = localPoint(event) || undefined;
+                    zoom.scale({ scaleX: 1.1, scaleY: 1.1, point });
+                  }}
+                >
+                  <rect width={width} height={height} fill="transparent" />
+                  <g transform={zoom.toString()}>{renderedMap}</g>
+                </g>
+                {showMiniMap && (
+                  <g clipPath="url(#zoom-clip)" transform={miniMapTransform}>
+                    <rect width={width} height={height} fill="#fff" stroke="#999" />
+                    {renderedMap}
+                    <rect
+                      width={width}
+                      height={height}
+                      fill="white"
+                      fillOpacity={0.2}
+                      stroke="#999"
+                      strokeWidth={4}
+                      transform={zoom.toStringInvert()}
+                    />
+                  </g>
+                )}
+              </svg>
+              <ZoomControls>
+                <IconButton type="button" onClick={() => zoom.scale({ scaleX: 1.2, scaleY: 1.2 })}>
+                  +
+                </IconButton>
+                <IconButton type="button" onClick={() => zoom.scale({ scaleX: 0.8, scaleY: 0.8 })}>
+                  -
+                </IconButton>
+                <TextButton
+                  type="button"
+                  // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-handler-names
+                  onClick={zoom.clear}
+                >
+                  Reset
+                </TextButton>
+              </ZoomControls>
+              <MiniMapControl>
+                <TextButton
+                  type="button"
+                  // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-handler-names
+                  onClick={this.toggleMiniMap}
+                >
+                  {showMiniMap ? t('Hide Mini Map') : t('Show Mini Map')}
+                </TextButton>
+              </MiniMapControl>
+            </RelativeDiv>
+          )}
+        </Zoom>
+        {tooltipOpen && (
+          <MapTooltip
+            encoder={encoder}
+            top={tooltipTop}
+            left={tooltipLeft}
+            tooltipData={tooltipData}
+          />
+        )}
+      </>
+    );
+  }
+export default withTooltip(ChoroplethMap);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Encoder.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Encoder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20503b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Encoder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { createEncoderFactory, DeriveEncoding, Encoder, DeriveChannelOutputs } from 'encodable';
+type ChoroplethMapEncodingConfig = {
+  key: ['Text', string];
+  fill: ['Color', string];
+  opacity: ['Numeric', number];
+  stroke: ['Color', string];
+  strokeWidth: ['Numeric', number];
+  tooltip: ['Text', string, 'multiple'];
+export type ChoroplethMapEncoding = DeriveEncoding<ChoroplethMapEncodingConfig>;
+export type ChoroplethMapEncoder = Encoder<ChoroplethMapEncodingConfig>;
+export type ChoroplethMapChannelOutputs = DeriveChannelOutputs<ChoroplethMapEncodingConfig>;
+export const DefaultChannelOutputs = {
+  key: '',
+  fill: '#f0f0f0',
+  opacity: 1,
+  stroke: '#ccc',
+  strokeWidth: 1,
+export const choroplethMapEncoderFactory = createEncoderFactory<ChoroplethMapEncodingConfig>({
+  channelTypes: {
+    key: 'Text',
+    fill: 'Color',
+    opacity: 'Numeric',
+    stroke: 'Color',
+    strokeWidth: 'Numeric',
+    tooltip: 'Text',
+  },
+  defaultEncoding: {
+    key: { field: 'key', title: 'Location' },
+    fill: { value: DefaultChannelOutputs.fill },
+    opacity: { value: DefaultChannelOutputs.opacity },
+    stroke: { value: DefaultChannelOutputs.stroke },
+    strokeWidth: { value: DefaultChannelOutputs.strokeWidth },
+    tooltip: [],
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapMetadata.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8f494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import type { FeatureCollection } from 'geojson';
+import { feature } from 'topojson-client';
+import { get } from 'lodash/fp';
+import { RawMapMetadata } from '../types';
+import Projection from './Projection';
+export default class MapMetadata {
+  config: RawMapMetadata;
+  keyAccessor: (...args: unknown[]) => string;
+  constructor(metadata: RawMapMetadata) {
+    const { keyField } = metadata;
+    this.config = metadata;
+    this.keyAccessor = get(keyField);
+  }
+  loadMap(): Promise<FeatureCollection> {
+    const { key } = this.config;
+    return this.config.type === 'topojson'
+      ? this.config.load().then(map => feature(map, map.objects[key]) as FeatureCollection)
+      : this.config.load();
+  }
+  createProjection() {
+    const { projection = 'Mercator', rotate } = this.config;
+    const projectionFn = Projection[projection]();
+    if (rotate) {
+      projectionFn.rotate(rotate);
+    }
+    return projectionFn;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapTooltip.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapTooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6d4af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/MapTooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { isCompleteFieldDef } from 'encodable';
+import { uniqBy } from 'lodash';
+import { Tooltip } from '@vx/tooltip';
+import { TooltipFrame, TooltipTable } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ChoroplethMapChannelOutputs, ChoroplethMapEncoder } from './Encoder';
+export type MapDataPoint = Omit<ChoroplethMapChannelOutputs, 'tooltip'> & {
+  datum: Record<string, unknown>;
+export type MapTooltipProps = {
+  top?: number;
+  left?: number;
+  encoder: ChoroplethMapEncoder;
+  tooltipData?: MapDataPoint;
+export default function MapTooltip({ encoder, left, top, tooltipData }: MapTooltipProps) {
+  if (!tooltipData) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const { channels } = encoder;
+  const { key, fill, stroke, strokeWidth, opacity, tooltip } = channels;
+  const { datum } = tooltipData;
+  const tooltipRows = [
+    { key: 'key', keyColumn: key.getTitle(), valueColumn: key.formatDatum(datum) },
+  ];
+  [fill, stroke, opacity, strokeWidth].forEach(channel => {
+    if (isCompleteFieldDef<string | number>(channel.definition)) {
+      tooltipRows.push({
+        key: as string,
+        keyColumn: channel.getTitle(),
+        valueColumn: channel.formatDatum(datum),
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  tooltip.forEach(g => {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: `${}`,
+      keyColumn: g.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: g.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  });
+  return (
+    <Tooltip top={top} left={left}>
+      <TooltipFrame>
+        <TooltipTable data={uniqBy(tooltipRows, row => row.keyColumn)} />
+      </TooltipFrame>
+    </Tooltip>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Projection.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Projection.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c31935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/Projection.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { geoMercator, geoEquirectangular, geoAlbers, geoAlbersUsa } from 'd3-geo';
+const Projection = {
+  Mercator: geoMercator,
+  Equirectangular: geoEquirectangular,
+  Albers: geoAlbers,
+  AlbersUsa: geoAlbersUsa,
+type Projection = keyof typeof Projection;
+export default Projection;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/components.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/components.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075ce35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/components.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import { styled, supersetTheme } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export const PADDING = supersetTheme.gridUnit * 4;
+export const RelativeDiv = styled.div`
+  position: relative;
+export const ZoomControls = styled.div`
+  position: absolute;
+  top: ${PADDING}px;
+  right: ${PADDING}px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: flex-end;
+export const MiniMapControl = styled.div`
+  position: absolute;
+  bottom: ${PADDING + 6}px;
+  right: ${PADDING + 1}px;
+export const IconButton = styled.button`
+  width: ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit * 6}px;
+  font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.xl}px;
+  text-align: center;
+  color: #222;
+  margin: 0px;
+  margin-bottom: 2px;
+  background: #f5f8fb;
+  padding: 0px ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit}px;
+  border-radius: ${({ theme }) => theme.borderRadius}px;
+  border: none;
+export const TextButton = styled.button`
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: ${({ theme }) => theme.typography.sizes.s}px;
+  color: #222;
+  margin: 0px;
+  background: #f5f8fb;
+  padding: ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit / 2}px ${({ theme }) => theme.gridUnit * 1.5}px;
+  border-radius: ${({ theme }) => theme.borderRadius}px;
+  border: none;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/loadMap.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/loadMap.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..954ad70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/chart/loadMap.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { mapsLookup } from '../maps';
+import MapMetadata from './MapMetadata';
+export default function loadMap(key: string) {
+  if (key in mapsLookup) {
+    const metadata = new MapMetadata(mapsLookup[key]);
+    return metadata.loadMap().then(object => ({ metadata, object }));
+  }
+  return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unknown map: ${key}`));
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/configureEncodable.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/configureEncodable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc99044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/configureEncodable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import {
+  Encodable,
+  ColorSchemeResolver,
+  TimeFormatResolver,
+  CategoricalColorScaleResolver,
+  defaultColorSchemeResolver,
+  addPrefix,
+} from 'encodable';
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+const timeFormat: TimeFormatResolver = ({ format, formatInLocalTime = false } = {}) => {
+  const formatString = formatInLocalTime
+    ? addPrefix(LOCAL_PREFIX, format ?? getTimeFormatterRegistry().getDefaultKey()!)
+    : format;
+  return getTimeFormatter(formatString);
+const colorSchemeResolver: ColorSchemeResolver = ({ name, type = 'categorical' } = {}) => {
+  if (type === 'sequential') {
+    const scheme = getSequentialSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'sequential', ...scheme };
+  }
+  if (type === 'categorical') {
+    const scheme = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'categorical', ...scheme };
+  }
+  return defaultColorSchemeResolver({ name, type });
+const colorScaleResolver: CategoricalColorScaleResolver = ({ name, namespace } = {}) =>
+  CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(name, namespace);
+export default function configureEncodable() {
+  Encodable.setNumberFormatResolver(getNumberFormatter)
+    .setTimeFormatResolver(timeFormat)
+    .setColorSchemeResolver(colorSchemeResolver)
+    .setCategoricalColorScaleResolver(colorScaleResolver);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd31d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f2b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export { default as ChoroplethMapChartPlugin } from './plugin';
+export { maps, mapsLookup } from './maps';
+export { default as configureEncodable } from './configureEncodable';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/belgium-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/belgium-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9449de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/belgium-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3131 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [11670, 14542],
+      [17, -7],
+      [58, 5],
+      [32, -66],
+      [9, -29],
+      [2, -47],
+      [17, -22],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [43, -91],
+      [0, -28],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-12, -44],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [5, -26],
+      [50, -9],
+      [52, -36],
+      [42, -42],
+      [40, -49],
+      [28, -56],
+      [11, -48],
+      [2, -87],
+      [-7, -62],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-50, -20],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [13, -35],
+      [15, -15],
+      [59, -36],
+      [46, -36],
+      [42, -26],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-86, -39],
+      [0, -50],
+      [-65, -7],
+      [-73, -25],
+      [-28, -15],
+      [-55, -43],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-81, -36],
+      [-79, -33],
+      [-36, 4],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-59, 11],
+      [-65, 6],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-54, 0],
+      [-86, 9],
+      [14, 57],
+      [3, 43],
+      [-7, 34],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-43, 67],
+      [-31, 39],
+      [-47, 8],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [0, 36],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [-128, 17],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-16, 40],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-38, 8],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [16, 38],
+      [33, 25],
+      [19, 35],
+      [5, 35],
+      [10, 16],
+      [32, 13],
+      [50, 3],
+      [40, 19],
+      [31, 6],
+      [17, 24],
+      [12, 50],
+      [1, 69],
+      [7, 18],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [10, 35],
+      [65, 75],
+      [44, 47],
+      [35, 25],
+      [-33, 55],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [24, 14],
+      [13, 53],
+      [57, -11],
+      [33, -1],
+      [30, 8],
+      [79, 56],
+      [38, 11],
+      [105, -4],
+      [56, -11],
+      [28, -14],
+      [24, 15],
+      [70, 55],
+      [16, 8],
+      [20, 27],
+      [44, 19],
+      [64, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15151, 20146],
+      [29, -60],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-46, -27],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [7, -49],
+      [-43, -25],
+      [-50, 8],
+      [-52, 27],
+      [-12, 58],
+      [5, 101],
+      [19, 25],
+      [40, 14],
+      [41, -10],
+      [121, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16891, 18169],
+      [-62, -136],
+      [-13, -67],
+      [-4, -160],
+      [3, -76],
+      [11, -44],
+      [25, -46],
+      [85, -61],
+      [25, -33],
+      [40, -40],
+      [24, -46],
+      [23, -58],
+      [15, -78],
+      [13, -46],
+      [12, -62],
+      [20, -57],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-34, -77],
+      [-57, -91],
+      [-72, -19],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-105, -2],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-26, -21],
+      [-28, -46],
+      [-31, -69],
+      [-14, -46],
+      [-260, 7],
+      [-93, 9],
+      [-48, -42],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-40, -79],
+      [-131, -183],
+      [-43, -30],
+      [-126, -24],
+      [-56, -26],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-113, -4],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-71, -134],
+      [-45, -68],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [-18, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15350, 15895],
+      [-72, 28],
+      [-80, 24],
+      [-84, 10],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-58, -18],
+      [-74, -11],
+      [-35, -13],
+      [-30, -22],
+      [-75, -69],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-73, -48],
+      [-58, -25],
+      [-64, -33],
+      [-60, -10],
+      [-136, 3],
+      [-47, 76],
+      [-69, 91],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-63, 25],
+      [-78, 49],
+      [-76, -41],
+      [-30, -48],
+      [-76, -37],
+      [-62, -26],
+      [-26, -19],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-28, -62],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [-66, -50],
+      [-11, 133],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-45, 5],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-84, 5],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-42, -9],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [-50, -26],
+      [-47, -35],
+      [-47, -55],
+      [-56, -95],
+      [-58, -16],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-95, 47],
+      [-75, 19],
+      [-111, 39],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [-55, 29],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-85, 15],
+      [-19, -48],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [-18, -39],
+      [-16, -21],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-80, 37],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-56, -17],
+      [-89, -22],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-52, 32],
+      [-47, 24],
+      [-73, 14],
+      [4, 148],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-45, -2],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-128, 39],
+      [-136, 26],
+      [-64, 59],
+      [-56, 35],
+      [-63, 22],
+      [-44, 7],
+      [-46, -2],
+      [-37, -6],
+      [-116, -36],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [-30, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10626, 15915],
+      [-123, -43],
+      [-35, -9],
+      [-59, -3],
+      [-108, 4],
+      [13, 113],
+      [-1, 124],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [-13, 68],
+      [-24, 62],
+      [-47, 67],
+      [-30, 69],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [14, 57],
+      [23, 39],
+      [51, 47],
+      [109, 109],
+      [53, 31],
+      [49, 7],
+      [63, -1],
+      [50, -6],
+      [70, -20],
+      [74, -4],
+      [61, 9],
+      [59, 24],
+      [85, 21],
+      [60, 2],
+      [91, -3],
+      [51, 101],
+      [3, 175],
+      [3, 456],
+      [-44, 71],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [-25, 62],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [-29, 84],
+      [-14, 68],
+      [-15, 56],
+      [-10, 109],
+      [-11, 66],
+      [65, 150],
+      [5, 34],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [-30, 46],
+      [-110, 75],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-23, 50],
+      [-25, 87],
+      [-6, 128],
+      [-9, 49],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-43, 67],
+      [-49, 63],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [-31, 28],
+      [-60, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10554, 19130],
+      [-12, 19],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-8, 68],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [33, 61],
+      [83, 5],
+      [102, -2],
+      [166, 5],
+      [13, 33],
+      [10, 2],
+      [357, 10],
+      [57, -212],
+      [126, 5],
+      [84, -7],
+      [106, -5],
+      [74, 42],
+      [90, 38],
+      [30, 87],
+      [-18, 100],
+      [-156, 182],
+      [-48, 140],
+      [20, 321],
+      [85, 107],
+      [39, 17],
+      [70, 40],
+      [104, 69],
+      [151, 56],
+      [75, 46],
+      [68, -10],
+      [99, 10],
+      [86, 20],
+      [119, 19],
+      [42, -55],
+      [47, -75],
+      [-15, -42],
+      [-67, -106],
+      [-34, -59],
+      [-20, -51],
+      [1, -16],
+      [42, -225],
+      [338, 79],
+      [37, -16],
+      [110, -22],
+      [115, -9],
+      [51, -29],
+      [43, -4],
+      [47, 19],
+      [40, -7],
+      [10, 26],
+      [102, -19],
+      [0, 54],
+      [-10, 75],
+      [8, 67],
+      [89, 61],
+      [92, 56],
+      [29, 103],
+      [46, 17],
+      [26, 28],
+      [30, 44],
+      [27, 73],
+      [27, 52],
+      [96, 112],
+      [171, 65],
+      [161, -69],
+      [212, -178],
+      [8, -223],
+      [-67, -191],
+      [36, -177],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [-116, 17],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [-96, 43],
+      [-80, -31],
+      [30, -82],
+      [29, -57],
+      [54, -43],
+      [39, -18],
+      [223, -2],
+      [326, 65],
+      [258, -175],
+      [65, -11],
+      [57, 45],
+      [100, 121],
+      [63, 66],
+      [80, 71],
+      [68, 66],
+      [76, 59],
+      [27, 59],
+      [14, 58],
+      [24, 48],
+      [-1, 45],
+      [-11, 48],
+      [18, 67],
+      [29, 52],
+      [50, 58],
+      [43, 41],
+      [87, -142],
+      [195, -48],
+      [80, -185],
+      [17, -210],
+      [-131, -245],
+      [-5, -99],
+      [293, -360],
+      [90, -459],
+      [257, 31],
+      [24, 21],
+      [106, 9],
+      [74, 21],
+      [145, -107],
+      [80, -81],
+      [-51, -179],
+      [-58, -152],
+      [11, -61],
+      [59, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21023, 12994],
+      [-42, -104],
+      [-26, -80],
+      [-3, -67],
+      [13, -58],
+      [4, -98],
+      [-3, -83],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-75, -11],
+      [-60, 2],
+      [-133, 35],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [-134, 16],
+      [-39, 59],
+      [-27, 63],
+      [-62, 63],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-94, 13],
+      [-72, 28],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-28, -2],
+      [-41, -25],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [-67, -1],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-27, 43],
+      [-39, 93],
+      [-4, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19741, 13002],
+      [19, -21],
+      [22, 6],
+      [49, 40],
+      [161, -1],
+      [140, 163],
+      [43, 10],
+      [23, 23],
+      [53, 33],
+      [61, -52],
+      [20, -52],
+      [27, -55],
+      [17, 4],
+      [126, -101],
+      [121, 40],
+      [146, -29],
+      [160, 84],
+      [94, -100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19732, 13505],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [-64, -67],
+      [-123, -121],
+      [-51, -40],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-96, -37],
+      [-70, -15],
+      [-128, -38],
+      [-95, -4],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-32, -87],
+      [-6, -71],
+      [-74, -39],
+      [-46, -19],
+      [-80, -24],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [-55, -13],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [-38, -26],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [-42, -20],
+      [-85, -17],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [-65, 27],
+      [-32, 32],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [5, 116],
+      [-4, 44],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [-20, 17],
+      [-62, -5],
+      [-80, -18],
+      [-83, -8],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-93, -50],
+      [-73, -29],
+      [-66, -43],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-60, -80],
+      [-127, 39],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-41, -15],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-112, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16827, 12608],
+      [2, 165],
+      [7, 63],
+      [20, 32],
+      [2, 95],
+      [-28, 71],
+      [-30, 34],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-48, 3],
+      [-68, -7],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-42, -8],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [-32, -7],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [-63, -23],
+      [-31, -2],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [-54, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16045, 12983],
+      [28, 46],
+      [22, 44],
+      [12, 51],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [-45, 102],
+      [88, 20],
+      [79, 27],
+      [22, 16],
+      [22, 38],
+      [12, 40],
+      [2, 49],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-6, 60],
+      [4, 35],
+      [32, 123],
+      [40, 91],
+      [37, 108],
+      [1, 57],
+      [12, 61],
+      [30, 54],
+      [27, 24],
+      [63, 29],
+      [29, 20],
+      [34, 34],
+      [19, 31],
+      [11, 47],
+      [2, 61],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-152, 7],
+      [-80, 21],
+      [-96, 9],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-68, -10],
+      [-65, -26],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-30, 71],
+      [-34, 54],
+      [-64, 3],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-40, 29],
+      [-24, 30],
+      [-35, 65],
+      [5, 79],
+      [12, 59],
+      [66, 28],
+      [96, 69],
+      [32, 51],
+      [10, 40],
+      [-1, 34],
+      [-10, 31],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [3, 31],
+      [25, 30],
+      [43, 20],
+      [72, 51],
+      [56, 31],
+      [65, 28],
+      [38, 8],
+      [8, 82],
+      [23, 41],
+      [34, 30],
+      [56, 26],
+      [31, 19],
+      [106, 87],
+      [-41, 87],
+      [-20, 31],
+      [-49, 57],
+      [-79, 79],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [-108, 6],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [-72, -24],
+      [-48, -2],
+      [-85, 2],
+      [-98, 10],
+      [-51, 54],
+      [-54, 42],
+      [-93, 43],
+      [-27, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16891, 18169],
+      [9, -6],
+      [150, 53],
+      [92, -24],
+      [344, -7],
+      [148, 93],
+      [397, -121],
+      [46, 53],
+      [31, 51],
+      [55, 27],
+      [39, 51],
+      [57, 34],
+      [75, 18],
+      [74, 42],
+      [56, 97],
+      [41, 4],
+      [106, -49],
+      [243, -272],
+      [55, -388],
+      [105, -123],
+      [240, -81],
+      [230, -95],
+      [24, -138],
+      [341, -52],
+      [48, 14],
+      [34, -8],
+      [167, 83],
+      [88, -25],
+      [123, -65],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [16, -32],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [35, -43],
+      [-22, -57],
+      [246, 28],
+      [6, 28],
+      [33, 35],
+      [39, -3],
+      [20, -37],
+      [10, -48],
+      [27, -64],
+      [47, -35],
+      [51, -48],
+      [-65, -71],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [-53, -11],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [-50, -88],
+      [-8, -60],
+      [22, -29],
+      [45, -7],
+      [42, -23],
+      [21, -52],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-74, -60],
+      [-73, 13],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [34, -87],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [14, -92],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-85, 31],
+      [-21, -38],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-58, -124],
+      [-29, -77],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [39, -30],
+      [29, -48],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-18, -66],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [22, -2],
+      [-49, -194],
+      [-234, -292],
+      [-5, -41],
+      [37, -37],
+      [43, -2],
+      [42, 22],
+      [47, 11],
+      [33, -31],
+      [1, -34],
+      [-62, -116],
+      [-38, -59],
+      [-58, -120],
+      [-24, -93],
+      [-31, -65],
+      [-102, -12],
+      [-23, -19],
+      [-38, -95],
+      [-33, -76],
+      [-16, -28],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [-74, -1],
+      [-115, -80],
+      [-25, -129],
+      [-3, -82],
+      [8, -70],
+      [6, -86],
+      [18, -75],
+      [50, -78],
+      [75, -25],
+      [117, -107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10626, 15915],
+      [-10, -91],
+      [-23, -103],
+      [-3, -123],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [-28, -69],
+      [-44, -65],
+      [-96, -75],
+      [-107, 14],
+      [-33, 7],
+      [-62, 26],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-30, -60],
+      [-43, -74],
+      [-53, -82],
+      [6, -50],
+      [9, -34],
+      [15, -27],
+      [48, -66],
+      [22, -45],
+      [11, -34],
+      [13, -66],
+      [-59, -79],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [-21, -61],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-58, 49],
+      [-81, 57],
+      [-76, 37],
+      [-56, 4],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [-2, -105],
+      [-6, -59],
+      [-27, -56],
+      [-40, -35],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [1, -75],
+      [7, -48],
+      [26, -69],
+      [27, -49],
+      [-49, -77],
+      [-26, -62],
+      [-27, -84],
+      [-22, -30],
+      [-56, -65],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [-5, -44],
+      [16, -38],
+      [39, -14],
+      [65, -3],
+      [35, -21],
+      [12, -52],
+      [-2, -135],
+      [-44, -92],
+      [-81, -113],
+      [-67, -82],
+      [-28, -56],
+      [-126, -54],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-51, 8],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [-89, -29],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-42, 24],
+      [-20, 24],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-31, 1],
+      [-31, -7],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [1, -48],
+      [9, -32],
+      [25, -45],
+      [61, -36],
+      [32, -40],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-84, -26],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-87, 13],
+      [-54, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8361, 12761],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [-23, 27],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-32, 8],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [-30, -21],
+      [-64, -57],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-73, 26],
+      [-49, 26],
+      [-50, 16],
+      [-70, 3],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [-16, 20],
+      [-37, 70],
+      [-48, 72],
+      [-48, 20],
+      [-35, 1],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [-51, 11],
+      [-77, 3],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-16, -46],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-37, -120],
+      [-12, -80],
+      [-17, -36],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [-37, -55],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-62, 29],
+      [-102, 33],
+      [-36, 4],
+      [-72, -5],
+      [-45, -15],
+      [-57, -6],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-73, 24],
+      [-104, 47],
+      [39, 71],
+      [40, 103],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-60, -7],
+      [-99, -3],
+      [-61, 3],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-66, 39],
+      [-55, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5737, 13066],
+      [79, 95],
+      [91, 93],
+      [40, 31],
+      [75, 44],
+      [35, 30],
+      [22, 27],
+      [46, 75],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [-17, 188],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [-13, 67],
+      [-23, 74],
+      [-33, 63],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-61, 19],
+      [-76, 28],
+      [16, 93],
+      [24, 59],
+      [19, 74],
+      [4, 75],
+      [-4, 61],
+      [-18, 69],
+      [-7, 56],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-52, -30],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-28, 63],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [50, 43],
+      [43, 54],
+      [41, 88],
+      [-87, 103],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [3, 41],
+      [9, 19],
+      [44, 62],
+      [11, 43],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [-33, 72],
+      [-5, 36],
+      [4, 30],
+      [15, 29],
+      [37, 55],
+      [11, 33],
+      [5, 48],
+      [4, 130],
+      [-45, 81],
+      [-64, 72],
+      [29, 58],
+      [32, 54],
+      [13, 47],
+      [2, 37],
+      [-11, 61],
+      [-19, 29],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-76, 36],
+      [-63, 47],
+      [-82, 55],
+      [-142, 78],
+      [-87, 73],
+      [-21, 14],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-1, 71],
+      [35, 28],
+      [82, 51],
+      [57, 62],
+      [65, 39],
+      [70, 88],
+      [35, 64],
+      [20, 61],
+      [36, 92],
+      [15, 90],
+      [10, 46],
+      [-25, 82],
+      [-51, 105],
+      [-66, 101],
+      [-64, 89],
+      [64, 66],
+      [26, 49],
+      [8, 29],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-32, 34],
+      [-11, 49],
+      [6, 33],
+      [26, 38],
+      [68, 55],
+      [21, 38],
+      [8, 27],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [-33, 60],
+      [-38, 31],
+      [-24, 43],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [12, 38],
+      [16, 11],
+      [45, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5309, 18250],
+      [45, -65],
+      [50, -3],
+      [59, -28],
+      [25, -49],
+      [16, -60],
+      [68, -44],
+      [97, -12],
+      [101, 8],
+      [210, 11],
+      [122, 22],
+      [-56, 343],
+      [-14, 70],
+      [80, 29],
+      [76, -14],
+      [30, 29],
+      [56, -12],
+      [22, 60],
+      [32, 5],
+      [79, -60],
+      [36, -8],
+      [16, 54],
+      [10, 52],
+      [53, 57],
+      [86, -43],
+      [94, -55],
+      [143, -66],
+      [150, 12],
+      [104, -57],
+      [65, -40],
+      [125, -92],
+      [77, -19],
+      [57, 16],
+      [54, -7],
+      [75, 5],
+      [41, -38],
+      [17, -54],
+      [39, -17],
+      [45, 11],
+      [134, -70],
+      [-52, -118],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [-5, -265],
+      [122, -106],
+      [429, 88],
+      [50, -128],
+      [113, -22],
+      [139, 119],
+      [241, 57],
+      [234, 260],
+      [360, 69],
+      [299, 205],
+      [497, 387],
+      [216, 328],
+      [88, 95],
+      [34, 48],
+      [-29, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16045, 12983],
+      [5, -55],
+      [2, -86],
+      [13, -69],
+      [31, -67],
+      [12, -89],
+      [15, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16123, 12564],
+      [-74, -62],
+      [-41, -25],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-58, -2],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-70, 49],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-54, 73],
+      [11, 32],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-28, 55],
+      [-51, 49],
+      [-29, 13],
+      [-58, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15546, 12871],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-28, 39],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-82, -20],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-86, -16],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-63, -37],
+      [-67, -22],
+      [-79, 13],
+      [-85, 0],
+      [-35, -7],
+      [-80, -36],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-15, 89],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-34, 27],
+      [-81, 29],
+      [-35, 24],
+      [-39, 58],
+      [-115, 68],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [-68, 71],
+      [-64, 24],
+      [-100, 44],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-48, -3],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [-54, -30],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-59, -33],
+      [-26, -32],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-83, 1],
+      [-83, 6],
+      [-79, 20],
+      [-104, 8],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-16, -74],
+      [-3, -48],
+      [8, -70],
+      [43, -130],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-66, 6],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-37, 9],
+      [-38, 24],
+      [-63, 59],
+      [-61, -18],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-30, -56],
+      [-11, -65],
+      [-128, -10],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-41, -28],
+      [-73, -70],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [-72, 4],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [-30, 53],
+      [-14, 67],
+      [3, 73],
+      [-69, -4],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-30, -19],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [-39, -55],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-50, -89],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [-79, -1],
+      [-44, -4],
+      [-93, -27],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [-7, -75],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-45, -52],
+      [-49, 88],
+      [-57, 82],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-66, 40],
+      [-1, -44],
+      [-8, -41],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-16, -20],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-18, -45],
+      [-60, -117],
+      [-48, -2],
+      [-74, 5],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [-28, 1],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-60, -15],
+      [-48, 40],
+      [-94, 59],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-48, 11],
+      [-111, 5],
+      [-47, 15],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-90, 100],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-49, 17],
+      [-69, -6],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-43, -38],
+      [-39, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9768, 12483],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-69, -10],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-68, -55],
+      [-49, -27],
+      [-90, -18],
+      [-81, -33],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-123, 0],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-98, -55],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-67, 7],
+      [-68, 17],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [-131, 4],
+      [-63, 12],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [-85, 127],
+      [-46, 74],
+      [-15, 34],
+      [-7, 61],
+      [1, 75],
+      [6, 50],
+      [16, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5737, 13066],
+      [-40, -34],
+      [-30, -40],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [-8, -43],
+      [-184, -105],
+      [-94, -76],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-84, -53],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-54, -58],
+      [-56, -77],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-77, 48],
+      [-54, 40],
+      [-29, 18],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-28, 122],
+      [-27, 70],
+      [-35, 71],
+      [-22, 36],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-34, -1],
+      [-79, -21],
+      [-57, -5],
+      [-35, 5],
+      [-165, 43],
+      [-115, 4],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [-81, 5],
+      [-16, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3940, 12916],
+      [-125, 209],
+      [-91, 181],
+      [-134, -22],
+      [-86, 54],
+      [-60, -124],
+      [-78, -67],
+      [-60, -16],
+      [-138, 81],
+      [-114, -53],
+      [-25, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3029, 13117],
+      [-13, 40],
+      [-77, 147],
+      [-33, 53],
+      [-25, 56],
+      [-40, 44],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-67, -16],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [-95, -7],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [-40, -50],
+      [-27, -56],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [-7, -84],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-57, -58],
+      [-43, 16],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [-83, 0],
+      [-50, -11],
+      [-43, -39],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [-54, -46],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [2, -51],
+      [26, -34],
+      [54, -39],
+      [24, -26],
+      [19, -41],
+      [6, -34],
+      [9, -151],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-9, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1988, 12413],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-136, 194],
+      [-222, -50],
+      [-139, 109],
+      [-58, 208],
+      [-141, 152],
+      [9, 70],
+      [-42, 55],
+      [-99, 61],
+      [-85, 156],
+      [-9, 142],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [-237, 20],
+      [-75, 73],
+      [-50, -49],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-120, -5],
+      [-64, 239],
+      [-49, 50],
+      [-15, 70],
+      [-98, 22],
+      [1, 36],
+      [77, 106],
+      [-26, 92],
+      [10, 244],
+      [-26, 105],
+      [12, 64],
+      [-92, 34],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [120, 123],
+      [132, 152],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [-146, 408],
+      [-57, 36],
+      [-110, 108],
+      [-59, 428],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-90, 478],
+      [150, 82],
+      [84, 48],
+      [98, 69],
+      [77, 46],
+      [10, 11],
+      [59, 35],
+      [21, 20],
+      [56, 40],
+      [46, 20],
+      [24, 17],
+      [140, 57],
+      [129, 66],
+      [35, 28],
+      [81, 55],
+      [63, 48],
+      [98, 40],
+      [45, 29],
+      [46, 34],
+      [52, 29],
+      [17, 17],
+      [56, 34],
+      [77, 52],
+      [112, 80],
+      [56, 34],
+      [17, 18],
+      [102, 71],
+      [7, 0],
+      [49, 40],
+      [52, 37],
+      [284, 212],
+      [48, 22],
+      [46, 43],
+      [0, 12],
+      [28, 23],
+      [56, 34],
+      [31, -3],
+      [46, 34],
+      [77, 43],
+      [56, 40],
+      [111, 69],
+      [11, 11],
+      [94, 63],
+      [7, 0],
+      [74, 57],
+      [17, 6],
+      [28, 26],
+      [35, 23],
+      [42, 17],
+      [7, 14],
+      [42, 32],
+      [18, 5],
+      [52, 35],
+      [14, 20],
+      [28, 11],
+      [56, 46],
+      [21, 8],
+      [14, 26],
+      [17, 3],
+      [39, 32],
+      [14, 34],
+      [56, 31],
+      [21, 0],
+      [80, 49],
+      [21, 6],
+      [28, 20],
+      [28, 5],
+      [7, 12],
+      [49, 23],
+      [42, 14],
+      [129, 54],
+      [39, 9],
+      [66, 34],
+      [49, 12],
+      [18, 14],
+      [38, 17],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-11, 48],
+      [-31, 60],
+      [-7, 46],
+      [10, 26],
+      [53, -11],
+      [10, 22],
+      [21, 18],
+      [17, -18],
+      [-10, -22],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [32, -9],
+      [27, 37],
+      [49, 0],
+      [21, 20],
+      [35, -2],
+      [0, -35],
+      [-31, -11],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [17, 0],
+      [7, -57],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [7, -43],
+      [25, 20],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [17, 20],
+      [0, 34],
+      [18, 6],
+      [7, 28],
+      [21, -5],
+      [31, -32],
+      [4, 29],
+      [28, 11],
+      [21, -20],
+      [21, 17],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [11, 31],
+      [-21, 12],
+      [-35, 77],
+      [45, 11],
+      [21, -8],
+      [11, -78],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [0, -63],
+      [10, -23],
+      [84, 23],
+      [46, -3],
+      [73, 40],
+      [42, 0],
+      [91, 46],
+      [35, 34],
+      [101, 32],
+      [70, 28],
+      [66, 6],
+      [32, 17],
+      [84, 34],
+      [77, 12],
+      [34, 14],
+      [52, -62],
+      [24, -45],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-8, -42],
+      [27, -34],
+      [40, -37],
+      [26, -61],
+      [1, -57],
+      [-63, -61],
+      [-32, -89],
+      [31, -249],
+      [48, -34],
+      [-9, -54],
+      [-3, -62],
+      [74, -27],
+      [30, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5100, 19242],
+      [22, 5],
+      [24, -26],
+      [7, -46],
+      [-53, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15546, 12871],
+      [-22, -70],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [2, -90],
+      [19, -50],
+      [12, -135],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [-21, -79],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-3, -139],
+      [-7, -49],
+      [-64, -133],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-41, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15326, 11777],
+      [-95, 36],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [-27, -9],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-51, -71],
+      [-46, -96],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-168, -46],
+      [-34, -19],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-32, -32],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-48, -23],
+      [-131, -31],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-92, -13],
+      [-66, -17],
+      [-45, -3],
+      [-121, 1],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [-72, -24],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-64, -58],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-48, 8],
+      [-35, 57],
+      [-53, 123],
+      [-74, -40],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-34, -48],
+      [-24, -25],
+      [-29, -18],
+      [-55, -6],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-104, 59],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [10, -29],
+      [30, -52],
+      [26, -60],
+      [27, -109],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-61, -1],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-108, 17],
+      [2, 19],
+      [-21, 16],
+      [-24, -3],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-61, -31],
+      [-99, -78],
+      [12, -47],
+      [9, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12758, 10700],
+      [-104, -4],
+      [-48, -8],
+      [-82, -26],
+      [-71, -27],
+      [-73, -37],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [-23, 44],
+      [-24, 15],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [-16, 69],
+      [-31, 72],
+      [-50, 38],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-33, 18],
+      [-84, 21],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-88, -18],
+      [-118, -3],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-122, -40],
+      [-77, -2],
+      [-39, 62],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-93, 43],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [-42, 43],
+      [-40, 56],
+      [-43, 39],
+      [-38, 44],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-61, 21],
+      [-59, 13],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-3, 55],
+      [4, 70],
+      [14, 61],
+      [-46, 4],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-79, 12],
+      [-108, 53],
+      [-21, 21],
+      [-10, 56],
+      [5, 49],
+      [16, 57],
+      [4, 45],
+      [-16, 56],
+      [-63, 94],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-87, -6],
+      [-101, -108],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-31, -67],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-15, -24],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-48, 24],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [-26, 33],
+      [-51, 104],
+      [-46, 103],
+      [-10, 47],
+      [-3, 74],
+      [16, 22],
+      [26, 56],
+      [6, 50],
+      [-14, 55],
+      [-5, 83],
+      [4, 30],
+      [28, 68],
+      [57, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12758, 10700],
+      [-30, -56],
+      [-45, -68],
+      [-37, -76],
+      [-24, -74],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [-5, -123],
+      [10, -55],
+      [16, -16],
+      [41, -9],
+      [51, 11],
+      [40, 36],
+      [27, 5],
+      [39, -16],
+      [24, -24],
+      [27, -54],
+      [-9, -81],
+      [-28, -84],
+      [-38, -91],
+      [-19, -107],
+      [1, -67],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [155, -25],
+      [29, -13],
+      [23, -24],
+      [9, -21],
+      [6, -47],
+      [-9, -74],
+      [-57, -161],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [11, -56],
+      [3, -47],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [-41, -124],
+      [-7, -88],
+      [3, -89],
+      [21, -95],
+      [2, -62],
+      [-8, -49],
+      [-27, -67],
+      [-127, -10],
+      [-84, -26],
+      [-52, -20],
+      [-82, -24],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-70, 9],
+      [-41, 81],
+      [-46, 44],
+      [-39, 20],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-32, -66],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [-33, -42],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-65, 19],
+      [-79, 16],
+      [-45, 15],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [-36, -107],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-89, -39],
+      [-46, -24],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [-49, -40],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-30, -17],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-62, -40],
+      [-68, -49],
+      [-31, -60],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [20, -41],
+      [24, -27],
+      [46, -38],
+      [147, -77],
+      [25, -5],
+      [39, 4],
+      [36, 25],
+      [21, 27],
+      [23, 55],
+      [37, 38],
+      [32, 8],
+      [53, -12],
+      [50, -33],
+      [118, -73],
+      [-4, -110],
+      [-19, -82],
+      [-7, -98],
+      [1, -177],
+      [-7, -61],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-22, -26],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-48, -40],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [-6, -35],
+      [2, -35],
+      [13, -34],
+      [21, -28],
+      [52, -44],
+      [13, -19],
+      [28, -74],
+      [41, -134],
+      [18, -45],
+      [-10, -69],
+      [-31, -85],
+      [12, -85],
+      [-1, -206],
+      [5, -62],
+      [28, -97],
+      [26, -74],
+      [41, -85],
+      [30, -124],
+      [7, -144],
+      [16, -70],
+      [5, -98],
+      [-2, -150],
+      [6, -60],
+      [13, -38],
+      [22, -41],
+      [30, -34],
+      [51, -41],
+      [32, -63],
+      [8, -59],
+      [-1, -171]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11928, 4544],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-167, 95],
+      [-126, 20],
+      [-68, 5],
+      [-48, 50],
+      [-198, -15],
+      [-89, 108],
+      [-100, 17],
+      [-55, 43],
+      [-126, -46],
+      [-203, -1],
+      [-159, -64],
+      [-224, -34],
+      [-12, 133],
+      [-136, 89],
+      [-124, -10],
+      [-83, 38],
+      [96, 87],
+      [39, 96],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [-87, 44],
+      [-74, 115],
+      [12, 68],
+      [148, 265],
+      [64, -6],
+      [123, 25],
+      [66, 77],
+      [146, 77],
+      [37, 56],
+      [-16, 102],
+      [-140, 188],
+      [-4, 67],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [36, 60],
+      [-52, 199],
+      [-202, 5],
+      [-107, -63],
+      [-121, 61],
+      [87, 194],
+      [79, 68],
+      [12, 70],
+      [-32, 97],
+      [41, 98],
+      [-2, 69],
+      [27, 56],
+      [-61, 156],
+      [95, 17],
+      [45, 70],
+      [65, 106],
+      [98, 86],
+      [35, 1],
+      [102, 141],
+      [-93, 187],
+      [-135, 28],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-60, 91],
+      [-60, 3],
+      [-53, -92],
+      [93, -101],
+      [-20, -101],
+      [-181, 18],
+      [22, 26],
+      [-29, 128],
+      [-62, -13],
+      [7, 172],
+      [-42, 132],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-57, 84],
+      [-127, -25],
+      [-13, 112],
+      [-157, 186],
+      [-91, 44],
+      [-78, 154],
+      [-73, -67],
+      [-129, -37],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [-93, 42],
+      [-30, -61],
+      [-1, 71],
+      [-34, 6],
+      [-264, -163],
+      [-119, -49],
+      [-93, -4],
+      [18, 64],
+      [-20, 64],
+      [-95, -8],
+      [-82, 94],
+      [-110, 62],
+      [-95, -18],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [-63, -11],
+      [16, 67],
+      [-54, 34],
+      [-57, -34],
+      [-98, 20],
+      [-98, -21],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [-131, 0],
+      [-48, -90],
+      [-4, -72],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [12, -154],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-77, 61],
+      [16, -92],
+      [-40, -48],
+      [-124, 155],
+      [-37, 96],
+      [-71, 76],
+      [14, 67],
+      [-67, 78],
+      [8, 137],
+      [-54, 85],
+      [95, 190],
+      [3, 212],
+      [-29, 276],
+      [-53, 83],
+      [3, 135],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [-65, 6],
+      [-89, 188],
+      [-135, 155],
+      [-155, -56],
+      [-93, 93],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-234, -39],
+      [-88, -55],
+      [-32, -14],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [8, 36],
+      [116, 174],
+      [5, 35],
+      [-14, 34],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [-199, 51],
+      [-30, -17],
+      [-88, -111],
+      [-38, -139],
+      [-67, 0],
+      [-24, 19],
+      [-189, -106],
+      [-97, -21],
+      [-81, -60],
+      [-107, 131],
+      [-161, 43],
+      [-37, 3],
+      [-49, 94],
+      [-217, 106],
+      [-43, 127],
+      [12, 133],
+      [-35, 59],
+      [53, 35],
+      [-40, 50],
+      [23, 97],
+      [-35, 56],
+      [13, 129],
+      [-46, 116],
+      [-9, 67],
+      [-84, 102],
+      [16, 65],
+      [-51, 82],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [27, 57],
+      [-23, 52],
+      [-18, 157],
+      [11, 32],
+      [113, 63],
+      [-52, 157],
+      [34, 7],
+      [6, 71],
+      [-72, 111],
+      [-237, 33],
+      [-117, 125],
+      [43, 94],
+      [-17, 31],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-24, 91],
+      [-18, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3029, 13117],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [-126, 36],
+      [-34, -58],
+      [-167, -111],
+      [-71, -72],
+      [-94, 26],
+      [-107, -76],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [37, -90],
+      [-40, -39],
+      [-44, -49],
+      [-1, -139],
+      [-49, -92],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [-14, -94],
+      [-60, -11],
+      [-101, 130],
+      [-82, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21023, 12994],
+      [54, -45],
+      [345, 71],
+      [91, -21],
+      [79, -24],
+      [79, -14],
+      [50, 9],
+      [29, -4],
+      [3, -27],
+      [103, -299],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [41, -35],
+      [160, -64],
+      [117, 9],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [138, -12],
+      [114, -102],
+      [191, -328],
+      [155, -190],
+      [-27, -59],
+      [52, -46],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-2, 39],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [53, -70],
+      [32, -160],
+      [154, 100],
+      [9, -7],
+      [69, 5],
+      [119, -69],
+      [191, 12],
+      [41, -36],
+      [1, -18],
+      [78, -39],
+      [-169, -250],
+      [-61, 15],
+      [-60, -67],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-78, 33],
+      [-51, -71],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [4, -76],
+      [-75, -44],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-22, -96],
+      [54, -180],
+      [186, -164],
+      [85, -152],
+      [144, -14],
+      [2, -27],
+      [38, 2],
+      [2, -38],
+      [38, 2],
+      [-2, 39],
+      [36, 40],
+      [40, -36],
+      [39, -1],
+      [135, -14],
+      [102, 50],
+      [94, -92],
+      [78, -302],
+      [134, -125],
+      [18, 20],
+      [40, -36],
+      [2, -40],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-78, -260],
+      [-1, -164],
+      [-136, -145],
+      [-5, -111],
+      [33, -41],
+      [118, -110],
+      [2, -42],
+      [55, -69],
+      [24, 0],
+      [5, -37],
+      [35, 1],
+      [79, -73],
+      [4, -76],
+      [37, 1],
+      [2, -37],
+      [38, 1],
+      [-31, -115],
+      [-74, -40],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-160, -73],
+      [-95, 102],
+      [-101, -17],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-115, -8],
+      [6, -114],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [6, -114],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [6, -114],
+      [-33, -95],
+      [4, -60],
+      [-131, -10],
+      [-77, -23],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [-67, -4],
+      [-165, -51],
+      [-68, -116],
+      [-135, -75],
+      [121, -481],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-101, -83],
+      [-80, -18],
+      [4, -62],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-31, 28],
+      [-70, -197],
+      [114, -52],
+      [-23, -126],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [2, -35],
+      [-78, -2],
+      [-85, 38],
+      [56, 138],
+      [-31, 125],
+      [-118, 79],
+      [-131, 16],
+      [-21, -147],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-65, 11],
+      [-104, 38],
+      [-79, 46],
+      [-31, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21843, 7004],
+      [12, 2],
+      [16, 80],
+      [12, 45],
+      [2, 30],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-38, 61],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-26, 167],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [-19, 52],
+      [-26, 103],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [10, 65],
+      [17, 77],
+      [11, 150],
+      [19, 69],
+      [5, 36],
+      [6, 99],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [-12, 45],
+      [-25, 35],
+      [-132, 108],
+      [-76, 41],
+      [-88, 55],
+      [-46, 22],
+      [-30, 8],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [-58, 51],
+      [-36, 20],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-62, -59],
+      [-44, -73],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [39, -112],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-9, -59],
+      [-40, -88],
+      [1, -50],
+      [11, -19],
+      [26, -20],
+      [21, -7],
+      [67, -4],
+      [39, -15],
+      [17, -41],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-80, -27],
+      [-84, -23],
+      [-117, -12],
+      [-69, -16],
+      [-73, -2],
+      [-124, 4],
+      [-48, 6],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-58, -2],
+      [-91, -33],
+      [-118, -12],
+      [-59, -16],
+      [20, 99],
+      [31, 77],
+      [61, 109],
+      [34, 50],
+      [8, 29],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-38, 29],
+      [-24, 27],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [0, 63],
+      [4, 102],
+      [7, 49],
+      [32, 78],
+      [27, 51],
+      [30, 43],
+      [-127, 35],
+      [-152, 57],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-50, 32],
+      [-87, 6],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [-37, 63],
+      [-70, 100],
+      [-54, 53],
+      [-38, 55],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-50, 3],
+      [-94, -36],
+      [-102, -28],
+      [-47, -6],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-46, 25],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-60, 72],
+      [-10, 69],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [-58, 114],
+      [-109, -90],
+      [-52, -27],
+      [-85, -21],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-42, 15],
+      [-112, 74],
+      [-74, 67],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [1, -48],
+      [10, -55],
+      [18, -41],
+      [39, -71],
+      [6, -33],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [-44, -50],
+      [-70, -64],
+      [-63, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17893, 9101],
+      [-49, 7],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-64, -13],
+      [-98, -10],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-99, -107],
+      [-46, -41],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [-43, 4],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [-31, 41],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-25, 55],
+      [-13, 50],
+      [-27, 84],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-49, 44],
+      [-48, 23],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-82, 11],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [31, 139],
+      [27, 70],
+      [26, 49],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-19, 58],
+      [-50, 52],
+      [-20, 33],
+      [-20, 53],
+      [-11, 82],
+      [-30, 77],
+      [-53, 76],
+      [-90, -66],
+      [-28, -15],
+      [-41, -9],
+      [-60, -1],
+      [-56, 108],
+      [-54, 85],
+      [-51, 71],
+      [-28, 64],
+      [-54, 15],
+      [-71, 2],
+      [-42, 16],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [-18, 55],
+      [-22, 46],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-31, 9],
+      [-67, -6],
+      [-101, -40],
+      [-106, -12],
+      [-55, -15],
+      [-96, -16],
+      [18, 112],
+      [9, 31],
+      [47, 96],
+      [45, 69],
+      [30, 68],
+      [19, 86],
+      [-43, 49],
+      [-20, 30],
+      [-49, 106],
+      [-15, 50],
+      [-34, 76],
+      [-44, 30],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-23, 32],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-31, 46],
+      [-89, 109],
+      [8, 58],
+      [18, 69],
+      [5, 58],
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+      [-39, 8],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-67, -8],
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+      [-8, -61],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [-37, -129],
+      [-43, -78],
+      [-39, -9],
+      [-60, -90],
+      [6, -43],
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+      [96, -50],
+      [78, -58],
+      [1, -58],
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+      [-38, -67],
+      [-10, -9],
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+      [-5, -12],
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+      [-11, -31],
+      [-28, -21],
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+      [-7, -47],
+      [6, -79],
+      [-5, -76],
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+      [-23, -63],
+      [7, -62],
+      [-43, -65],
+      [-28, -69],
+      [5, -78],
+      [-58, -43],
+      [-50, -43],
+      [-12, -70],
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+      [36, 3],
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+      [-42, -55],
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+      [-53, -35],
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+      [-77, 68],
+      [-125, 25],
+      [-53, 40],
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+      [-78, -68],
+      [0, -36],
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+      [-101, -2],
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+      [-7, 19],
+      [31, 13],
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+      [-294, 142],
+      [-42, -132],
+      [-114, -40],
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+      [-76, 70],
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+      [-95, 35],
+      [-97, -12],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [-57, -22],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-152, -17],
+      [-5, 170],
+      [-29, 60],
+      [-58, 25],
+      [-51, -86],
+      [-129, 83],
+      [11, 99],
+      [-177, 338],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [-130, -33],
+      [-140, 88],
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+      [-82, 146],
+      [-65, 67],
+      [-124, 2]
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+      [27, 31],
+      [53, 33],
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+      [12, 28],
+      [45, 44],
+      [57, 66],
+      [48, 35],
+      [79, 68],
+      [49, 33],
+      [39, 41],
+      [13, 31],
+      [3, 30],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [1, 55],
+      [11, 45],
+      [2, 41],
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+      [-23, 25],
+      [-69, 43],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-26, 60],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [-32, 37],
+      [-43, 40],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-20, 19],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-37, 125],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [-76, 113],
+      [-48, 43],
+      [-6, 42],
+      [-22, 69],
+      [-19, 42],
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+      [69, 81],
+      [34, 49],
+      [50, 46],
+      [52, 25],
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+      [11, 94],
+      [22, 36],
+      [110, 43],
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+      [1, -37],
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+      [37, -40],
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+      [47, 6],
+      [77, 20],
+      [79, 1],
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+      [79, -49],
+      [147, -1],
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+      [79, 13],
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+      [79, 10],
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+      [46, 6],
+      [73, 0],
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+      [-6, 60],
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+      [-6, 82],
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+      [10, 30],
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+      [18, 34],
+      [2, 33],
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+      [-3, 56],
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+      [-24, 27],
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+      [-38, 63],
+      [-24, 59],
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+      [-22, 46],
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+      [-14, 16],
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+      [47, 26],
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+      [49, 6],
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+      [27, 34],
+      [31, 25],
+      [50, 24],
+      [28, 28],
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+      [29, 33],
+      [18, 61],
+      [19, 45],
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+      [-45, 13],
+      [-49, 1],
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+      [-32, -7],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-1, 34],
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+      [28, 16],
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+      [56, 23],
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+      [-28, 51]
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+      [-1, 72],
+      [-55, 39],
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+      [9, 135],
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+      [-31, -3],
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+            "VARNAME_2": "Brussel Hoofstadt|Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest|Brüssel|Bruxelas|Région de Bruxelles-Capitale|Brussels|Bruselas"
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+      [-47, 50],
+      [-68, 113],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [-40, 59],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-77, 71],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [-62, 37],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [45, 16],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-66, 26],
+      [-63, 64],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [15, 51],
+      [53, 56],
+      [70, 15],
+      [-12, 54],
+      [-39, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [87, 15485],
+      [280, -133],
+      [338, -159],
+      [267, -58],
+      [92, -30],
+      [239, -57],
+      [347, -85],
+      [311, -71],
+      [512, -291],
+      [142, -73],
+      [215, -119],
+      [91, -44],
+      [373, -168],
+      [336, -150],
+      [286, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21280, 14445],
+      [-35, -56],
+      [-50, -109],
+      [-50, -64],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-99, -108],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-50, -33],
+      [-134, -204],
+      [-122, -117],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [-53, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20600, 13520],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [-73, 4],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [-42, 46],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-83, 42],
+      [-65, 76],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-63, 51],
+      [-40, 1],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [-74, 39],
+      [-89, 17],
+      [-71, 60],
+      [-41, -5],
+      [-55, 52],
+      [-64, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19716, 14093],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [-69, 14],
+      [-45, 65],
+      [18, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19606, 14220],
+      [61, 72],
+      [62, 15],
+      [77, 98],
+      [5, 50],
+      [38, 21],
+      [64, -94],
+      [56, 35],
+      [40, -40],
+      [84, -39],
+      [45, -65],
+      [82, -27],
+      [72, -76],
+      [46, 67],
+      [39, -15],
+      [57, 11],
+      [59, -37],
+      [82, 73],
+      [39, -6],
+      [50, 33],
+      [43, 71],
+      [40, 8],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [118, 55],
+      [68, 6],
+      [22, -38],
+      [43, 13],
+      [83, 45],
+      [201, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12914, 20861],
+      [50, -98],
+      [-26, -35],
+      [-39, -15],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [-8, 61],
+      [58, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12854, 20902],
+      [52, -43],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [-1, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13096, 20033],
+      [-47, 4],
+      [-105, -22],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-21, -69],
+      [-57, -123],
+      [-49, -49],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-104, -41],
+      [-50, -68],
+      [-82, -25],
+      [-76, -116],
+      [-57, -113],
+      [-75, -80],
+      [-49, -84],
+      [-2, -140],
+      [-66, -71],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-58, -57],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [-117, 17],
+      [-46, 53],
+      [8, 86],
+      [-23, 25],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [11, 86],
+      [-21, 79],
+      [-57, -6],
+      [-31, 51],
+      [6, 106],
+      [-91, 96],
+      [-45, 6],
+      [-24, 95],
+      [-64, 137],
+      [-45, 71],
+      [17, 183],
+      [-25, 42],
+      [-121, 94],
+      [-26, 121],
+      [34, 24],
+      [-23, 31],
+      [-65, 30],
+      [10, 33],
+      [-135, 36],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [-114, 91],
+      [-38, 13],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-58, 22],
+      [-79, -5],
+      [-15, 96],
+      [-21, 57],
+      [2, 58],
+      [24, 37],
+      [-26, 37],
+      [9, 27],
+      [-40, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10465, 21047],
+      [68, 22],
+      [22, -80],
+      [85, -2],
+      [43, -64],
+      [53, -7],
+      [22, -30],
+      [83, 9],
+      [39, -30],
+      [14, 37],
+      [69, 26],
+      [9, 30],
+      [62, 15],
+      [22, 30],
+      [61, -46],
+      [120, 26],
+      [21, -26],
+      [82, 4],
+      [53, -42],
+      [56, 1],
+      [48, -30],
+      [46, 13],
+      [27, 54],
+      [99, 52],
+      [64, 86],
+      [3, 53],
+      [67, 157],
+      [18, 8],
+      [37, 111],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [36, 59],
+      [29, 8],
+      [168, 304],
+      [69, 67],
+      [23, 63],
+      [52, 31],
+      [29, 108],
+      [28, 13],
+      [-9, 53],
+      [33, 53],
+      [60, -41],
+      [102, -129],
+      [22, -81],
+      [28, -58],
+      [27, -10],
+      [-7, -90],
+      [5, -144],
+      [-5, -74],
+      [31, -89],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [53, -181],
+      [32, -44],
+      [22, -60],
+      [7, -74],
+      [20, -7],
+      [41, -127],
+      [-2, -25],
+      [71, -102],
+      [3, -41],
+      [31, -29],
+      [41, -74],
+      [32, -8],
+      [126, 8],
+      [83, -34],
+      [52, -34],
+      [15, -59],
+      [11, -146],
+      [-23, -38],
+      [29, -49],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [0, -64],
+      [-82, -127],
+      [-6, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5799, 20914],
+      [50, -34],
+      [77, 11],
+      [12, -45],
+      [53, -47],
+      [41, 9],
+      [60, -8],
+      [73, -45],
+      [-14, -70],
+      [4, -62],
+      [-44, -70],
+      [40, -54],
+      [52, -38],
+      [27, -104],
+      [36, -99],
+      [42, -63],
+      [-22, -64],
+      [15, -47],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-2, -117],
+      [47, -75],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [8, -73],
+      [21, -78],
+      [37, -26],
+      [15, -76],
+      [41, -42],
+      [-5, -57],
+      [36, -34],
+      [-21, -55],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [17, -50],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [-56, 10],
+      [-18, -51],
+      [58, -23],
+      [46, -64],
+      [77, -44],
+      [40, -53],
+      [45, -26],
+      [66, -147],
+      [54, 8],
+      [106, -39],
+      [12, 55],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [44, 129],
+      [-18, 94],
+      [20, 34],
+      [2, 55],
+      [45, 58],
+      [60, 36],
+      [68, 21],
+      [0, 31],
+      [75, 3],
+      [61, -36],
+      [118, -116],
+      [4, -58],
+      [54, -12],
+      [35, 17],
+      [33, -13],
+      [29, 61],
+      [24, -1],
+      [72, 36],
+      [-53, 117],
+      [30, 40],
+      [30, 86],
+      [3, 48],
+      [35, 43],
+      [10, 60],
+      [33, 41],
+      [15, 56],
+      [31, 17],
+      [12, 58],
+      [331, 0],
+      [295, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8255, 19780],
+      [1, -159],
+      [17, -39],
+      [-10, -69],
+      [5, -85],
+      [81, -58],
+      [8, -46],
+      [-12, -62],
+      [94, -103],
+      [56, -34],
+      [24, -60],
+      [-8, -35],
+      [33, -23],
+      [25, -45],
+      [38, 6],
+      [50, -56],
+      [45, 60],
+      [35, 12],
+      [28, -58],
+      [-17, -81],
+      [43, -44],
+      [52, -11],
+      [28, -40],
+      [33, 2],
+      [19, -52],
+      [48, 8],
+      [63, -57],
+      [35, 3],
+      [33, -35],
+      [43, 14],
+      [96, -38],
+      [34, -80],
+      [97, -60],
+      [61, 2],
+      [15, -22],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [49, -42],
+      [36, 2],
+      [47, 41],
+      [63, -21],
+      [101, 69],
+      [71, 17],
+      [-38, -69],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-66, -28],
+      [-44, -94],
+      [34, -15],
+      [-95, -213],
+      [-171, -393],
+      [-72, -174],
+      [-127, -285],
+      [-164, -368],
+      [-171, -395],
+      [-221, -505],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-43, -32],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [-2, -48],
+      [26, -74],
+      [53, -44],
+      [85, -113],
+      [7, -78],
+      [18, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8671, 15349],
+      [-41, -60],
+      [6, -94],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [6, -40],
+      [45, -97],
+      [-17, -55],
+      [2, -94],
+      [-54, -94],
+      [14, -58],
+      [-25, -65],
+      [23, -44],
+      [-58, -13],
+      [-344, -1],
+      [-400, 2],
+      [-309, 2],
+      [-235, -1],
+      [-403, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6781, 14510],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [-71, -11],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-35, 123],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-54, 47],
+      [3, 56],
+      [-57, 34],
+      [-29, -26],
+      [-37, 65],
+      [-35, 21],
+      [-23, 83],
+      [-96, 68],
+      [-348, 0],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [0, -35],
+      [-40, -75],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-44, 25],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [2, -71],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [27, -56],
+      [-34, -6],
+      [-27, -63],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-9, -58],
+      [9, -59],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-6, 39],
+      [-68, -28],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-20, -18],
+      [-155, -1],
+      [-38, -66],
+      [11, -55],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-29, -57],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [-14, 80],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-72, -39],
+      [-34, 8],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-24, -62],
+      [-42, -15],
+      [-14, 32],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [-32, 42],
+      [-84, 2],
+      [-27, -15],
+      [-47, 14],
+      [-64, -9],
+      [-9, -43],
+      [-60, -78],
+      [-150, -69],
+      [-17, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [87, 15485],
+      [31, 73],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [28, 56],
+      [42, 53],
+      [52, 38],
+      [84, 27],
+      [19, 26],
+      [83, 15],
+      [39, 41],
+      [15, 55],
+      [-32, 78],
+      [-47, 73],
+      [6, 66],
+      [23, 15],
+      [22, 80],
+      [55, 43],
+      [51, 80],
+      [0, 111],
+      [49, 102],
+      [-10, 75],
+      [96, 64],
+      [51, 1],
+      [13, 32],
+      [118, 78],
+      [9, 33],
+      [82, 20],
+      [63, 36],
+      [36, 40],
+      [30, 8],
+      [44, 55],
+      [63, 27],
+      [83, -15],
+      [141, 49],
+      [52, -10],
+      [27, 34],
+      [174, 12],
+      [63, 104],
+      [29, 14],
+      [42, -21],
+      [129, 37],
+      [80, -17],
+      [17, -86],
+      [31, -9],
+      [29, 31],
+      [43, -9],
+      [22, -44],
+      [33, 20],
+      [28, 97],
+      [79, 444],
+      [93, 554],
+      [88, 519],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [46, 83],
+      [-3, 93],
+      [-35, 84],
+      [-94, 159],
+      [32, 62],
+      [-21, 73],
+      [-77, 39],
+      [-66, 70],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-87, 105],
+      [17, 294],
+      [-1, 102],
+      [70, 25],
+      [61, -3],
+      [81, 50],
+      [101, 37],
+      [60, -65],
+      [35, 15],
+      [51, -27],
+      [48, 30],
+      [-38, 45],
+      [25, 80],
+      [-65, 92],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-83, 10],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-55, -16],
+      [-1, 376],
+      [63, 11],
+      [47, -5],
+      [55, 29],
+      [88, -29],
+      [265, 0],
+      [383, 2],
+      [-22, 93],
+      [19, 68],
+      [53, -24],
+      [99, -78],
+      [89, 116],
+      [87, -4],
+      [38, 69],
+      [89, 59],
+      [25, -22],
+      [4, -63],
+      [32, -129],
+      [66, -16],
+      [33, -67],
+      [14, -169],
+      [-9, -160],
+      [127, 37],
+      [295, -277],
+      [58, 15],
+      [34, -21],
+      [45, 35],
+      [54, 1],
+      [19, 44],
+      [93, 48],
+      [15, 21],
+      [84, 5],
+      [43, -54],
+      [-31, -140],
+      [61, 6],
+      [31, 37],
+      [-1, 42],
+      [38, 64],
+      [48, -6],
+      [42, 17],
+      [6, 101],
+      [28, 19],
+      [44, -24],
+      [64, 73],
+      [53, 43],
+      [25, -49],
+      [23, 4],
+      [72, 58],
+      [33, 57],
+      [98, 48],
+      [-26, -72],
+      [31, -6],
+      [22, 49],
+      [87, 67],
+      [43, 54],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [9, 100],
+      [48, 35],
+      [80, -13],
+      [146, 95],
+      [39, -9],
+      [52, 18],
+      [13, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8263, 18330],
+      [-125, -39],
+      [-35, -51],
+      [-12, -50],
+      [62, -61],
+      [51, 9],
+      [76, -24],
+      [38, 8],
+      [53, -44],
+      [99, -23],
+      [27, 30],
+      [83, 23],
+      [59, -31],
+      [9, -49],
+      [38, -64],
+      [38, 30],
+      [45, 7],
+      [14, 40],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-89, 45],
+      [-88, 99],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [-53, 22],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-66, -30],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [-53, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19342, 12137],
+      [43, -41],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-72, -56],
+      [-2, 46],
+      [68, 54],
+      [-8, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18802, 8955],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-293, 198]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18498, 9170],
+      [-22, 34],
+      [48, 40],
+      [-26, 69],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-34, 59],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-35, 33],
+      [-33, 71],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [26, 117],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [18, 95],
+      [30, 58],
+      [68, 6],
+      [47, -15],
+      [13, 55],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [33, 120],
+      [58, 29],
+      [80, 97],
+      [35, 20],
+      [42, 74],
+      [15, 47],
+      [-36, 50],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-39, 61],
+      [-107, -1],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-56, -29],
+      [-37, 51],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-86, -10],
+      [-58, 22],
+      [-25, -38],
+      [-89, -27],
+      [-25, 13],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-14, 142],
+      [-243, 232],
+      [-84, -43],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-32, 48],
+      [-61, -15],
+      [-98, 38],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-104, 45],
+      [-71, 58],
+      [-83, 49],
+      [-25, 31],
+      [-123, 33],
+      [-74, -11],
+      [-82, -44],
+      [-28, -29],
+      [-114, 39],
+      [-90, 44],
+      [5, 77],
+      [50, 106],
+      [-111, 41],
+      [-27, -12],
+      [-113, 28],
+      [-104, -28],
+      [-69, -28],
+      [-141, -98],
+      [-34, -55],
+      [-90, -47],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [-177, -131],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [-59, -79],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [-103, -9],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-9, 49],
+      [38, 46],
+      [5, 42],
+      [-39, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15309, 10976],
+      [28, 148],
+      [-7, 111],
+      [39, 11],
+      [-20, 73],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-120, 89],
+      [11, 74],
+      [-28, 22],
+      [22, 98],
+      [-15, 47],
+      [51, 60],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [14, 89],
+      [44, 15],
+      [47, 39],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-118, -50],
+      [-28, 55],
+      [19, 71],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [27, 49],
+      [81, 31],
+      [6, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15266, 12114],
+      [-104, -18],
+      [23, 68],
+      [-15, 117],
+      [17, 48],
+      [54, 12],
+      [1, 31],
+      [-49, 22],
+      [-69, 85],
+      [0, 160],
+      [49, 75],
+      [-49, 10],
+      [32, 131],
+      [71, 22],
+      [-70, 39],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-56, 32],
+      [-16, 60],
+      [-37, 46],
+      [19, 32],
+      [60, 32],
+      [40, 115],
+      [64, 51],
+      [49, 109],
+      [-10, 40],
+      [83, 33],
+      [19, 30],
+      [88, 60],
+      [24, 44],
+      [39, 7],
+      [30, 54],
+      [-15, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15481, 13721],
+      [66, 27],
+      [47, -103],
+      [48, -43],
+      [15, -61],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [7, -65],
+      [42, -66],
+      [61, -52],
+      [95, -11],
+      [78, -51],
+      [68, 37],
+      [11, 33],
+      [41, 27],
+      [68, 75],
+      [60, -4],
+      [79, 53],
+      [39, -44],
+      [54, -11],
+      [51, 37],
+      [26, 61],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [60, -5],
+      [45, 71],
+      [1, 31],
+      [31, 40],
+      [11, 62],
+      [37, -2],
+      [14, 51],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [30, 43],
+      [-72, 44],
+      [-31, 73],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [44, 62],
+      [45, 14],
+      [62, 58],
+      [62, 33],
+      [96, -92],
+      [91, 27],
+      [59, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16968, 14156],
+      [30, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16998, 14140],
+      [6, -49],
+      [69, -58],
+      [31, 1],
+      [26, 35],
+      [52, 9],
+      [94, 46],
+      [72, 83],
+      [42, 18],
+      [78, 4],
+      [71, 19],
+      [26, -17],
+      [47, 21],
+      [21, 55],
+      [66, 79],
+      [74, 43],
+      [31, 55],
+      [35, 24],
+      [36, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17875, 14563],
+      [42, -17],
+      [30, 19],
+      [61, 0],
+      [8, -45],
+      [36, -3],
+      [63, -28],
+      [38, -69],
+      [18, -74],
+      [83, -46],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [8, -64],
+      [55, -21],
+      [102, 70],
+      [43, -9],
+      [28, 62],
+      [19, 111],
+      [34, 10],
+      [45, -27],
+      [34, 27],
+      [59, 9],
+      [47, 68],
+      [0, 63],
+      [109, 21],
+      [-9, 72],
+      [46, 4],
+      [122, 71],
+      [53, -17],
+      [30, -83],
+      [108, -17],
+      [51, -40],
+      [82, 5],
+      [48, -39],
+      [7, -42],
+      [29, -31],
+      [38, 91],
+      [56, -20],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [60, -53],
+      [49, 28],
+      [1, -87],
+      [44, -110],
+      [19, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19716, 14093],
+      [-21, -33],
+      [19, -46],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [6, -53],
+      [31, -22],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [16, -30],
+      [75, -22],
+      [31, -84],
+      [21, -110],
+      [-52, -24],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [25, -48],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [9, -62],
+      [-102, -42],
+      [-32, 32],
+      [-85, 0],
+      [-15, -100],
+      [35, -61],
+      [35, -14],
+      [22, -83],
+      [50, -27],
+      [-12, -53],
+      [19, -59],
+      [55, -30],
+      [30, -41],
+      [78, -29],
+      [0, -63],
+      [33, 12],
+      [36, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19967, 12911],
+      [84, 21],
+      [-70, -141],
+      [-50, -118],
+      [-79, -149],
+      [-110, -162],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [-176, -209],
+      [-83, -51],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [7, 63],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [-60, 7],
+      [-42, 56],
+      [-32, -46],
+      [-20, -78],
+      [20, -33],
+      [-30, -122],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [7, -64],
+      [34, -28],
+      [-23, -75],
+      [23, -35],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [10, -37],
+      [-53, -74],
+      [63, -9],
+      [-15, -132],
+      [6, -53],
+      [-45, -193],
+      [2, -86],
+      [16, -7],
+      [17, -117],
+      [0, -143],
+      [30, -172],
+      [3, -75],
+      [45, -117],
+      [-54, -142],
+      [3, -29],
+      [-40, -64],
+      [7, -66],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [-26, -164],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-1, -66],
+      [-21, -138],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-5, -86],
+      [16, -81],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [31, -65],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-46, -75],
+      [-86, -39],
+      [-26, -26],
+      [-86, -148],
+      [-17, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20128, 16817],
+      [-213, -55],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-36, -82],
+      [4, -49],
+      [-36, -27],
+      [-31, -93],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-51, -68],
+      [20, -34],
+      [-34, -49],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [-70, -71],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [-40, -80],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [13, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19413, 15883],
+      [-48, -83],
+      [-17, -68],
+      [17, -55],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-44, -24],
+      [14, -63],
+      [33, -21],
+      [-4, -70],
+      [78, -73],
+      [-28, -82],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-33, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19325, 15194],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-66, -28],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [-75, 37],
+      [-25, 69],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-70, 63],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [-137, -16],
+      [-25, -29],
+      [-157, -26],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-125, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18320, 15328],
+      [19, 52],
+      [13, 107],
+      [34, 49],
+      [-3, 129],
+      [-24, 45],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-56, 22],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-23, 24],
+      [-9, 76],
+      [14, 28],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [3, 54],
+      [-51, 267],
+      [21, 33],
+      [-17, 39],
+      [-2, 106],
+      [12, 34],
+      [-8, 79],
+      [-83, 47],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-55, 41],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [41, 118],
+      [-32, 33],
+      [23, 55],
+      [17, 78],
+      [22, 40],
+      [-10, 112],
+      [10, 49],
+      [-71, 27],
+      [16, 28],
+      [-31, 67],
+      [12, 71],
+      [-48, 13],
+      [9, 84],
+      [-10, 69],
+      [-43, 29],
+      [55, 110],
+      [36, 53],
+      [4, 35],
+      [-39, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17896, 17930],
+      [32, 19],
+      [138, -4],
+      [83, 18],
+      [142, 8],
+      [57, 36],
+      [31, -14],
+      [140, -2],
+      [105, -16],
+      [75, -36],
+      [78, -59],
+      [55, -16],
+      [124, -90],
+      [87, -31],
+      [78, -88],
+      [45, -3],
+      [51, -61],
+      [57, -25],
+      [29, -41],
+      [58, -41],
+      [86, -23],
+      [70, -90],
+      [49, -36],
+      [86, -119],
+      [118, -114],
+      [74, -34],
+      [31, -67],
+      [67, -65],
+      [146, -43],
+      [40, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14611, 10301],
+      [0, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14611, 10292],
+      [-532, 0],
+      [15, 66],
+      [-19, 55],
+      [40, 48],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [22, 50],
+      [0, 70],
+      [430, 0],
+      [23, -45],
+      [27, -6],
+      [7, -87],
+      [-35, -84],
+      [4, -69],
+      [33, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18802, 8955],
+      [-33, -101],
+      [-9, -98],
+      [1, -149],
+      [30, -202],
+      [-24, -104],
+      [-47, -104],
+      [-86, -46],
+      [-48, -69],
+      [-56, -110],
+      [-18, -103],
+      [-47, -80],
+      [-79, -163],
+      [-37, -14],
+      [-48, -83],
+      [-88, -26],
+      [-35, -61],
+      [-3, -47],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [-48, -56],
+      [-5, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18094, 7241],
+      [-67, 44],
+      [-68, -13],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-136, 24],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-102, 49],
+      [12, 69],
+      [-16, 94],
+      [-73, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17592, 7549],
+      [41, 168],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [36, 21],
+      [14, 50],
+      [189, 0],
+      [16, 10],
+      [41, 103],
+      [4, 43],
+      [63, 29],
+      [11, 46],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [12, 44],
+      [108, 97],
+      [2, 44],
+      [34, 70],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [-34, 60],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [15, 48],
+      [-55, 53],
+      [-63, 24],
+      [5, 33],
+      [54, 0],
+      [13, -24],
+      [81, -2],
+      [26, 15],
+      [-15, 75],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [15, 102],
+      [-83, 8],
+      [67, 59],
+      [51, -24],
+      [61, -64],
+      [115, -13],
+      [63, 25],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [14, 29],
+      [-20, 46],
+      [40, 49],
+      [-7, 52],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [14, 56],
+      [47, 27],
+      [113, -27],
+      [54, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15309, 10976],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-20, 66],
+      [-80, 62],
+      [-41, -26],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [15, -107],
+      [15, -27],
+      [-67, -22],
+      [-86, 41],
+      [-41, 5],
+      [-34, -23],
+      [16, -36],
+      [-26, -54],
+      [5, -29],
+      [50, -39],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-11, -65],
+      [52, -39],
+      [23, -97],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [-125, -30],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [-43, -47],
+      [-44, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14611, 10292],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [17, -58],
+      [-24, -58],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [-9, -85],
+      [106, -73],
+      [57, -212],
+      [-113, -79],
+      [-37, -78],
+      [-62, -54],
+      [17, -71],
+      [94, -5],
+      [37, -56],
+      [-4, -31],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [-12, -87],
+      [41, -99],
+      [-41, -16],
+      [-76, -66],
+      [-46, -19],
+      [-65, -85],
+      [-60, -14],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-23, -7],
+      [-104, 57],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-89, -9],
+      [-93, 20],
+      [-101, -1],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-38, -39],
+      [-15, -88],
+      [-84, -11],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-92, -67],
+      [-36, 45],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [-88, -29],
+      [-75, -49],
+      [-56, 19],
+      [-72, 6],
+      [-35, -43],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-80, -20],
+      [-36, -65],
+      [-69, -69],
+      [1, -61],
+      [-47, -60],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-76, -88],
+      [-31, -67],
+      [-34, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12622, 8305],
+      [-67, 80],
+      [-137, 65],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-29, 32],
+      [-95, 23],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [-88, 49],
+      [-66, 50],
+      [-78, 9],
+      [-55, 60],
+      [-89, 16],
+      [-58, 76],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-21, -19],
+      [-129, 11],
+      [-48, 30],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [112, 104],
+      [-11, 26],
+      [-92, 17],
+      [-66, -27],
+      [-17, 19],
+      [-23, 133],
+      [39, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11450, 9136],
+      [1, 30],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-25, 93],
+      [-33, 25],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [11, 117],
+      [18, 26],
+      [-12, 48],
+      [82, 157],
+      [31, 96],
+      [27, -2],
+      [45, 53],
+      [49, 21],
+      [25, 64],
+      [61, 46],
+      [17, 50],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [16, 21],
+      [61, 12],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [121, 56],
+      [41, 102],
+      [134, 4],
+      [34, 44],
+      [30, -12],
+      [71, 108],
+      [-7, 51],
+      [39, 35],
+      [18, 73],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [20, 75],
+      [29, 14],
+      [34, 50],
+      [59, 35],
+      [70, 13],
+      [32, -28],
+      [87, 69],
+      [-3, 44],
+      [70, 182],
+      [-20, 63],
+      [21, 99],
+      [71, 102],
+      [-18, 205],
+      [33, 18],
+      [22, 93],
+      [54, 51],
+      [0, 39],
+      [32, 38],
+      [16, 151],
+      [28, 43],
+      [9, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12855, 12147],
+      [50, 138],
+      [29, 45],
+      [84, 64],
+      [3, -79],
+      [-48, -65],
+      [-9, -66],
+      [70, -58],
+      [58, -5],
+      [76, -30],
+      [313, -184],
+      [15, 11],
+      [2, 110],
+      [49, 95],
+      [71, 65],
+      [79, -97],
+      [58, 89],
+      [73, -68],
+      [3, -40],
+      [51, -16],
+      [33, -63],
+      [58, -10],
+      [14, -82],
+      [84, 38],
+      [66, 41],
+      [12, -92],
+      [71, 16],
+      [73, -23],
+      [36, 4],
+      [79, -91],
+      [22, 45],
+      [-16, 106],
+      [28, 61],
+      [30, -47],
+      [46, 0],
+      [24, -49],
+      [31, 22],
+      [30, -16],
+      [52, 37],
+      [120, 32],
+      [104, 80],
+      [38, 19],
+      [163, -1],
+      [20, 86],
+      [28, -24],
+      [2, -73],
+      [92, 20],
+      [44, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17394, 18065],
+      [50, -26],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-43, 23],
+      [10, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17405, 18066],
+      [83, -3],
+      [-10, -50],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-37, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16535, 18236],
+      [32, -29],
+      [-27, -61],
+      [-28, 5],
+      [1, 60],
+      [22, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16633, 18318],
+      [-10, -87],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [13, 80],
+      [48, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15890, 18892],
+      [40, -44],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-4, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17624, 18031],
+      [-27, -76],
+      [38, -53],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [-56, -53],
+      [-41, -73],
+      [-63, -12],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-66, 1],
+      [-38, -23],
+      [-59, -3],
+      [-92, -115],
+      [3, -31],
+      [-31, -105],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [-22, -58],
+      [-69, -82],
+      [14, -83],
+      [50, -30],
+      [2, -79],
+      [-47, -73],
+      [3, -45],
+      [71, -190],
+      [10, -62],
+      [-14, -86],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-66, -112],
+      [-36, -24],
+      [0, -156],
+      [27, -65],
+      [0, -50],
+      [45, -46],
+      [52, -29],
+      [15, -32],
+      [-17, -78],
+      [3, -55],
+      [-26, -92],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-133, -7],
+      [-19, -18],
+      [-98, -29],
+      [-99, 74],
+      [-86, 10],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [-109, -76],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-73, -112],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-101, -63],
+      [-68, -97],
+      [-71, 19],
+      [-59, -63],
+      [-66, -24],
+      [-61, -2],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-71, -64],
+      [-28, -115],
+      [-30, -82],
+      [-3, -74],
+      [-44, -55],
+      [-14, -61],
+      [-31, -56],
+      [3, -29],
+      [-43, -77],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [-54, -40],
+      [-31, -83],
+      [28, -51],
+      [25, -113],
+      [-5, -51],
+      [60, -70],
+      [8, -36],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [6, -138],
+      [-24, -51],
+      [13, -47],
+      [-20, -98],
+      [-37, -50],
+      [0, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15359, 13661],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-69, -6],
+      [-63, 62],
+      [-19, 52],
+      [3, 65],
+      [-22, 45],
+      [-71, 34],
+      [34, 91],
+      [4, 62],
+      [-30, 7],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [-3, 55],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [-9, 41],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [36, 101],
+      [49, 38],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [25, 23],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [36, 35],
+      [36, 95],
+      [81, 29],
+      [49, 0],
+      [32, 69],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [24, 48],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-62, 50],
+      [-57, -8],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-63, -60],
+      [-25, 8],
+      [-55, 93],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [-21, 46],
+      [-66, 55],
+      [0, 31],
+      [-64, 70],
+      [-1, 108],
+      [-49, 17],
+      [-34, -21],
+      [-46, 48],
+      [-5, 33],
+      [46, 6],
+      [63, 79],
+      [21, 83],
+      [5, 117],
+      [66, 233],
+      [-21, 54],
+      [-17, 108],
+      [3, 94],
+      [-28, 58],
+      [5, 97],
+      [-39, 57],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-68, 45],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-32, 74],
+      [-65, 15],
+      [-41, -24],
+      [-55, 9],
+      [-102, 53],
+      [-85, -14],
+      [-47, -83],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-41, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13818, 16516],
+      [176, 147],
+      [339, 280],
+      [14, 17],
+      [61, -13],
+      [54, 51],
+      [57, 96],
+      [2, 24],
+      [51, 55],
+      [34, 101],
+      [54, 29],
+      [46, 67],
+      [26, 15],
+      [24, 86],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [20, 58],
+      [23, 12],
+      [16, 70],
+      [55, 41],
+      [22, 55],
+      [34, 36],
+      [51, 106],
+      [9, 85],
+      [21, 32],
+      [-38, 36],
+      [25, 52],
+      [64, 17],
+      [39, 59],
+      [1, 125],
+      [77, 78],
+      [10, 62],
+      [30, 84],
+      [-6, 66],
+      [-48, 3],
+      [14, 42],
+      [37, -2],
+      [39, 29],
+      [12, 57],
+      [-25, 60],
+      [21, 18],
+      [18, 65],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [6, 31],
+      [37, 20],
+      [18, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15301, 18984],
+      [39, 34],
+      [14, -83],
+      [31, 42],
+      [57, -74],
+      [32, 23],
+      [53, -79],
+      [26, 44],
+      [63, -65],
+      [58, -11],
+      [35, 36],
+      [0, -94],
+      [-33, -124],
+      [26, -23],
+      [52, 52],
+      [-16, 26],
+      [14, 42],
+      [41, 42],
+      [31, 9],
+      [51, -18],
+      [29, -59],
+      [24, -15],
+      [73, 22],
+      [54, 4],
+      [20, -30],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [87, -36],
+      [46, -64],
+      [15, -94],
+      [-52, -58],
+      [68, -5],
+      [35, -40],
+      [23, -73],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [44, -49],
+      [42, 5],
+      [82, 43],
+      [27, -2],
+      [-5, -86],
+      [-24, -3],
+      [-31, -70],
+      [-70, -33],
+      [16, -21],
+      [55, -3],
+      [59, 72],
+      [39, 19],
+      [14, 37],
+      [78, 7],
+      [40, 43],
+      [53, -27],
+      [28, 16],
+      [47, -19],
+      [17, 105],
+      [69, 5],
+      [47, -12],
+      [175, -80],
+      [70, -39],
+      [54, -8],
+      [40, -40],
+      [77, -45],
+      [63, 5],
+      [49, -23],
+      [26, -34],
+      [101, 2],
+      [24, 54],
+      [102, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12622, 8305],
+      [6, -53],
+      [-35, -18],
+      [-32, -86],
+      [26, -98],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [11, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12586, 7946],
+      [-38, -96],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-71, -13],
+      [-30, -20],
+      [-95, -131],
+      [-40, -35],
+      [-21, -62],
+      [12, -78],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-42, -76],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [17, -69],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [-33, -60],
+      [-38, -35],
+      [-33, 7],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [30, -49],
+      [-30, -60],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-16, -43],
+      [-70, -74],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [-77, -89],
+      [-51, -21],
+      [-120, -74],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-79, -32],
+      [-58, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11432, 6470],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [-95, -37],
+      [-99, -61],
+      [-40, -40],
+      [-16, -101],
+      [-74, -144],
+      [-116, -51],
+      [-51, -177],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [-27, -54],
+      [-85, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10785, 5630],
+      [-63, 75],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [-106, 39],
+      [-125, -53],
+      [-15, -33],
+      [-99, 1],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [-48, 47],
+      [0, 103],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-1, 97],
+      [19, 38],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [16, 32],
+      [-10, 56],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-27, 68],
+      [-15, 92],
+      [21, 59],
+      [0, 86],
+      [-53, 43],
+      [-12, 92],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-39, 60],
+      [-109, -8],
+      [-81, 7],
+      [-73, 44],
+      [-34, 75],
+      [-64, -15],
+      [-30, -56],
+      [-42, -35],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-43, -37],
+      [-93, 44],
+      [-137, -11],
+      [-183, 45],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-46, 2],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-90, 7],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [33, 124],
+      [13, 101],
+      [-10, 65],
+      [-26, 22],
+      [57, 139],
+      [7, 123],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [26, 34],
+      [-56, 58],
+      [33, 19],
+      [-5, 70],
+      [-25, 35],
+      [-55, 36],
+      [6, 106],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [-37, 5],
+      [-1, 65],
+      [58, 29],
+      [95, 78],
+      [-61, 45],
+      [-80, 76],
+      [192, 421],
+      [40, 1],
+      [-5, 78],
+      [-26, -1],
+      [115, 384],
+      [29, 23],
+      [-38, 40],
+      [-14, 49],
+      [-66, 128],
+      [3, 54],
+      [-39, 52],
+      [18, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8882, 9412],
+      [22, 12],
+      [16, -100],
+      [33, -12],
+      [11, -40],
+      [69, -32],
+      [117, 23],
+      [20, 22],
+      [62, 1],
+      [70, 71],
+      [25, 62],
+      [36, 11],
+      [65, 120],
+      [89, -3],
+      [58, 20],
+      [25, -19],
+      [90, 41],
+      [16, 24],
+      [76, 30],
+      [53, -14],
+      [3, -28],
+      [74, -17],
+      [84, -47],
+      [76, -17],
+      [34, -55],
+      [122, -40],
+      [94, -65],
+      [84, 21],
+      [62, -4],
+      [56, 34],
+      [6, 25],
+      [134, 25],
+      [46, -34],
+      [47, -72],
+      [86, 34],
+      [51, -9],
+      [26, 77],
+      [47, 16],
+      [72, 96],
+      [34, 30],
+      [43, -6],
+      [-13, -238],
+      [-83, -24],
+      [-55, -105],
+      [65, -30],
+      [35, -38],
+      [62, 14],
+      [106, -34],
+      [92, 23],
+      [69, -27],
+      [56, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13010, 13901],
+      [-46, -116],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [5, -51],
+      [-22, -63],
+      [-51, -102],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-46, -57],
+      [18, -53],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [-6, -56],
+      [13, -77],
+      [-27, -35],
+      [2, -52],
+      [-48, -138],
+      [1, -49],
+      [45, -31],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [19, -74],
+      [26, -15],
+      [-23, -62],
+      [8, -43],
+      [-6, -89],
+      [28, -96],
+      [2, -42],
+      [-46, -90],
+      [46, -72],
+      [5, -49],
+      [57, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8882, 9412],
+      [-80, 61],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [-99, 51],
+      [-84, 104],
+      [-44, 145],
+      [6, 164],
+      [15, 35],
+      [51, 44],
+      [-7, 52],
+      [19, 29],
+      [1, 63],
+      [-61, -30],
+      [-570, 24],
+      [-385, 10],
+      [-35, 459],
+      [-178, 210],
+      [173, 9],
+      [-15, 277],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-7, 58],
+      [-32, 47],
+      [2, 34],
+      [-33, 47],
+      [-18, 62],
+      [6, 49],
+      [51, 61],
+      [-35, 35],
+      [-14, 77],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-22, 33],
+      [-45, 5],
+      [-94, 63],
+      [-50, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7145, 11748],
+      [30, 3],
+      [88, 127],
+      [183, 3],
+      [49, 107],
+      [8, 33],
+      [46, 64],
+      [36, 5],
+      [21, 46],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [34, 104],
+      [68, 52],
+      [19, -6],
+      [41, 80],
+      [-51, 58],
+      [-8, 76],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [-3, 67],
+      [-63, 40],
+      [-12, 77],
+      [17, 92],
+      [93, 91],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [-30, 45],
+      [-20, 61],
+      [-77, 19],
+      [-127, 1],
+      [-38, 61],
+      [-532, 1],
+      [-55, 5],
+      [17, 162],
+      [13, 54],
+      [8, 109],
+      [-40, 51],
+      [-37, 104],
+      [38, 95],
+      [13, 75],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [8, 44],
+      [29, 45],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [-40, 48],
+      [16, 42],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [6, 35],
+      [51, 51],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [48, 101],
+      [-32, 58],
+      [-31, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8671, 15349],
+      [43, -26],
+      [48, -78],
+      [18, -69],
+      [22, -13],
+      [14, -73],
+      [21, -47],
+      [3, -53],
+      [55, -70],
+      [14, -43],
+      [33, -27],
+      [-20, -61],
+      [-1, -66],
+      [24, -47],
+      [25, -142],
+      [34, 5],
+      [63, -27],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [125, -46],
+      [54, -51],
+      [31, -47],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [34, -29],
+      [97, -7],
+      [26, -85],
+      [55, 14],
+      [483, -42],
+      [437, -38],
+      [487, -39],
+      [534, -42],
+      [482, -37],
+      [434, -31],
+      [341, -23],
+      [337, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17592, 7549],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [-94, -25],
+      [32, -44],
+      [-46, -38],
+      [-35, -107],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-34, -54],
+      [22, -17],
+      [-52, -54],
+      [42, -78],
+      [-47, -15],
+      [-239, -110],
+      [-155, -94],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-45, 37],
+      [-47, 4],
+      [-77, -38],
+      [-173, 3],
+      [-115, -48],
+      [-62, -14],
+      [-62, -42],
+      [-120, -3],
+      [-61, -47],
+      [-146, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15982, 6596],
+      [-49, -27],
+      [-89, -12],
+      [-64, -45],
+      [-128, -59],
+      [-33, 36],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [-48, -28],
+      [-36, -45],
+      [7, -31],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-85, 11],
+      [-48, -38],
+      [-80, 14],
+      [-104, -23],
+      [-18, 45],
+      [23, 39],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [24, 47],
+      [-32, 72],
+      [-97, 51],
+      [-48, 69],
+      [26, 77],
+      [32, 20],
+      [-40, 65],
+      [23, 37],
+      [-26, 80],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-8, 95],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-37, 37],
+      [61, 63],
+      [-69, 45],
+      [-86, -37],
+      [-102, 140],
+      [3, 47],
+      [-16, 71],
+      [-53, 56],
+      [29, 90],
+      [37, 14],
+      [12, 37],
+      [-31, 72],
+      [-75, 41],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [37, 75],
+      [-43, 55],
+      [-52, 24],
+      [-34, 69],
+      [-62, -18],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-38, 40],
+      [-85, -8],
+      [-19, -76],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-59, 30],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-62, -40],
+      [-226, -21],
+      [-69, -19],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [10, -76],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [3, 76],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [-42, 6],
+      [-29, -67],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-40, 79],
+      [1, 120],
+      [-78, -12],
+      [-61, 44],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-78, 4],
+      [-59, -11],
+      [-84, 16],
+      [-31, 23],
+      [-139, 7],
+      [-65, 49],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [-70, -18],
+      [-100, -57],
+      [-19, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13096, 20033],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [38, -186],
+      [76, -12],
+      [129, 51],
+      [54, -24],
+      [90, -182],
+      [26, -110],
+      [67, 10],
+      [106, -11],
+      [37, -34],
+      [58, -1],
+      [71, -17],
+      [38, 12],
+      [128, -11],
+      [17, -34],
+      [175, -204],
+      [37, -20],
+      [36, 41],
+      [47, -33],
+      [5, 44],
+      [58, -24],
+      [25, 40],
+      [70, -34],
+      [37, 18],
+      [87, 8],
+      [17, -29],
+      [37, 5],
+      [7, -41],
+      [48, 14],
+      [31, -72],
+      [55, 22],
+      [28, -35],
+      [41, 49],
+      [17, -59],
+      [41, -8],
+      [54, 37],
+      [19, -24],
+      [-29, -81],
+      [53, 18],
+      [131, -47],
+      [49, 74],
+      [39, -66],
+      [59, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13818, 16516],
+      [69, -35],
+      [65, -12],
+      [64, 21],
+      [51, -75],
+      [89, -46],
+      [-20, -62],
+      [-53, -10],
+      [-11, -63],
+      [33, -65],
+      [-49, -23],
+      [21, -56],
+      [-84, -65],
+      [13, -65],
+      [-48, -26],
+      [-62, -60],
+      [-28, -68],
+      [6, -41],
+      [-89, -65],
+      [-112, -18],
+      [-53, -50],
+      [-51, -33],
+      [13, -180],
+      [-26, -52],
+      [-80, -100],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [22, -52],
+      [99, -78],
+      [-1, -64],
+      [-29, -171],
+      [-37, -107],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [-33, -94],
+      [-101, -151],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-87, -99],
+      [-35, -85],
+      [-79, -81],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [9, -41],
+      [-76, -174]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8255, 19780],
+      [0, 561]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8255, 20341],
+      [55, -29],
+      [27, 13],
+      [30, 52],
+      [101, -14],
+      [19, 20],
+      [-5, 95],
+      [55, 5],
+      [3, 43],
+      [32, 28],
+      [97, -49],
+      [77, -2],
+      [1, 94],
+      [37, -12],
+      [63, 19],
+      [26, 24],
+      [71, -17],
+      [53, 6],
+      [66, 119],
+      [66, 49],
+      [27, -27],
+      [72, 41],
+      [75, -61],
+      [39, 5],
+      [63, -32],
+      [42, 33],
+      [52, 11],
+      [20, -14],
+      [76, 17],
+      [49, -3],
+      [60, -30],
+      [23, 5],
+      [119, -38],
+      [49, 35],
+      [-2, 82],
+      [-76, 114],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [20, 57],
+      [25, -4],
+      [32, 48],
+      [0, 53],
+      [26, 8],
+      [110, -76],
+      [81, 18],
+      [89, 4],
+      [71, 48],
+      [48, -6],
+      [45, 34],
+      [15, -28],
+      [71, 48],
+      [7, -35],
+      [51, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16968, 14156],
+      [-1, 80],
+      [18, 10],
+      [-15, 63],
+      [59, -42],
+      [1, -37],
+      [50, -46],
+      [-82, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21380, 15854],
+      [3, -84],
+      [17, -32],
+      [19, -105],
+      [40, -77],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [27, -83],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-17, -124],
+      [-40, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21419, 15239],
+      [-34, 4],
+      [-15, 44],
+      [-60, 32],
+      [-80, 19],
+      [-98, -58],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-15, -97],
+      [-69, -44],
+      [-118, -30],
+      [-18, -25],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-40, 19],
+      [-98, -6],
+      [-96, -14],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [-28, -23],
+      [-49, 12],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [0, -72],
+      [-69, -47],
+      [-78, -29],
+      [-52, -36],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-40, 49],
+      [5, 94],
+      [-79, 26],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [32, 18],
+      [8, 39],
+      [50, 35],
+      [-31, 69],
+      [40, 53],
+      [76, 32],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [-77, 30],
+      [-37, 36],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-29, -39],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-36, -67],
+      [-70, -29],
+      [-53, -56],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [-62, -72],
+      [-37, 17],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-47, 29],
+      [-41, -29],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [-97, -30],
+      [-53, -3],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-49, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19413, 15883],
+      [85, 16],
+      [61, -55],
+      [77, 8],
+      [22, -66],
+      [32, 12],
+      [23, 88],
+      [44, 6],
+      [37, 28],
+      [47, 83],
+      [36, 32],
+      [34, -8],
+      [43, 20],
+      [60, 6],
+      [89, 55],
+      [67, -2],
+      [5, -67],
+      [-84, -64],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-11, -98],
+      [-38, -12],
+      [-10, -102],
+      [94, 12],
+      [27, -25],
+      [5, -46],
+      [36, -8],
+      [28, 22],
+      [70, -48],
+      [56, 66],
+      [41, 14],
+      [57, -61],
+      [-19, -58],
+      [85, 0],
+      [20, 46],
+      [37, 26],
+      [-28, 59],
+      [24, 68],
+      [38, 20],
+      [-45, 34],
+      [14, 83],
+      [39, -2],
+      [19, 40],
+      [48, 7],
+      [7, -65],
+      [25, -26],
+      [103, 16],
+      [31, -41],
+      [127, -1],
+      [63, 21],
+      [43, -24],
+      [97, -2],
+      [40, -31],
+      [54, 7],
+      [47, -12],
+      [97, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14091, 4892],
+      [3, -76],
+      [-51, 29],
+      [48, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13903, 4518],
+      [-198, -1],
+      [-21, -18],
+      [-97, 6],
+      [-116, -90],
+      [-39, -4],
+      [-53, -43],
+      [-50, 16],
+      [-120, 101],
+      [-71, 14],
+      [-107, -47],
+      [25, -63],
+      [-24, -42],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-57, 91],
+      [15, 34],
+      [-54, 39],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-60, -95],
+      [-114, -58],
+      [-50, 32],
+      [-133, -55],
+      [-31, -56],
+      [41, -100],
+      [-32, -36],
+      [-83, -20],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [-108, 32],
+      [-115, -19],
+      [-75, 19],
+      [-56, 53],
+      [-106, 20],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-39, -9],
+      [-46, 37],
+      [-171, 2],
+      [-55, -24],
+      [-119, 76],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-56, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11161, 4356],
+      [-69, 76],
+      [3, 31],
+      [-65, 63],
+      [-6, 75],
+      [14, 24],
+      [-29, 89],
+      [-61, 37],
+      [-95, 20],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-90, -60],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-11, 79],
+      [66, 104],
+      [32, 78],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [33, 141],
+      [38, 109],
+      [1, 91],
+      [39, 67],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [-25, 26],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [26, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11432, 6470],
+      [72, 30],
+      [63, -22],
+      [86, -11],
+      [66, 34],
+      [43, -38],
+      [37, 16],
+      [114, -34],
+      [39, 12],
+      [17, 73],
+      [101, -28],
+      [37, -35],
+      [55, 8],
+      [26, -28],
+      [61, 0],
+      [30, -20],
+      [63, 25],
+      [76, -12],
+      [82, -45],
+      [116, -31],
+      [29, 6],
+      [55, -64],
+      [46, -28],
+      [18, 30],
+      [54, -2],
+      [81, -24],
+      [86, 9],
+      [49, -14],
+      [64, 16],
+      [58, -2],
+      [33, -40],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [102, -35],
+      [26, -32],
+      [46, -117],
+      [-14, -140],
+      [39, -56],
+      [-7, -67],
+      [41, -119],
+      [80, -67],
+      [0, -37],
+      [55, -106],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [2, -63],
+      [57, -22],
+      [94, 24],
+      [63, -9],
+      [51, 12],
+      [28, -24],
+      [89, 16],
+      [62, -44],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-6, -97],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [38, -47],
+      [30, 51],
+      [35, 19],
+      [106, -56],
+      [56, -102],
+      [31, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14200, 4935],
+      [-70, -84],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [-92, 15],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-4, -56],
+      [-103, 17],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [94, -23],
+      [44, -43],
+      [-90, -145],
+      [-19, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21419, 15239],
+      [49, -42],
+      [-45, -86],
+      [23, -31],
+      [16, -62],
+      [-29, -68],
+      [-44, -147],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-26, -96],
+      [-49, -74],
+      [6, -32],
+      [-36, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17875, 14563],
+      [84, 43],
+      [31, 58],
+      [54, 31],
+      [38, 48],
+      [30, -28],
+      [31, 51],
+      [50, 33],
+      [80, 94],
+      [49, 102],
+      [0, 75],
+      [-60, 31],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [19, 69],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [-6, 46],
+      [86, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17624, 18031],
+      [101, -81],
+      [171, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15481, 13721],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-46, 16],
+      [-37, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16300, 6207],
+      [51, -54],
+      [-59, -19],
+      [-53, 27],
+      [61, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18094, 7241],
+      [-2, -38],
+      [-61, -87],
+      [34, -67],
+      [-6, -64],
+      [27, -120],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [-135, -80],
+      [-137, -39],
+      [-102, -45],
+      [-57, -44],
+      [-48, -65],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-20, -39],
+      [1, -54],
+      [45, -50],
+      [-35, -28],
+      [-44, -76],
+      [-168, 14],
+      [-120, 1],
+      [-184, -25],
+      [-73, 6],
+      [-48, 48],
+      [58, 79],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [-84, -38],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [52, -38],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-69, -30],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [-90, -23],
+      [-179, -13],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [38, -10],
+      [106, 21],
+      [-54, 27],
+      [-51, 44],
+      [-138, -22],
+      [-37, -47],
+      [-117, 16],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-10, -33],
+      [-123, -24],
+      [-25, -102],
+      [108, -29],
+      [-37, -47],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-50, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16028, 6035],
+      [-89, 85],
+      [34, 36],
+      [18, 89],
+      [27, 36],
+      [75, 36],
+      [77, 0],
+      [108, 32],
+      [7, 36],
+      [53, 53],
+      [-40, 40],
+      [-87, 21],
+      [-64, -40],
+      [-75, 23],
+      [-60, 109],
+      [-30, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20128, 16817],
+      [52, -67],
+      [66, -2],
+      [43, 17],
+      [43, -18],
+      [87, -79],
+      [61, -5],
+      [89, 17],
+      [76, -25],
+      [101, 11],
+      [81, 29],
+      [105, -20],
+      [163, -47],
+      [65, -74],
+      [60, -116],
+      [22, -114],
+      [37, -119],
+      [1, -41],
+      [25, -31],
+      [5, -92],
+      [33, -40],
+      [2, -52],
+      [23, -29],
+      [12, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13292, 2571],
+      [-113, -159],
+      [-37, -65],
+      [-97, -211],
+      [-78, -216],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-171, -247],
+      [-41, -67],
+      [-61, -68],
+      [-87, -76],
+      [-98, -103],
+      [-130, -104],
+      [-169, -95],
+      [-110, -86],
+      [-75, 110],
+      [52, 9],
+      [43, -25],
+      [66, 14],
+      [1, 29],
+      [63, 5],
+      [41, 28],
+      [94, 133],
+      [52, -15],
+      [63, 45],
+      [41, 105],
+      [-10, 115],
+      [37, -14],
+      [71, 35],
+      [7, 75],
+      [30, 2],
+      [92, 54],
+      [23, 38],
+      [12, 80],
+      [-11, 107],
+      [49, -35],
+      [23, 16],
+      [17, 107],
+      [-32, 46],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-7, -56],
+      [-60, 7],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [-61, 8],
+      [-12, -65],
+      [-65, 31],
+      [14, 58],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [-55, 5],
+      [-27, 101],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-4, -102],
+      [8, -70],
+      [67, -47],
+      [-47, -46],
+      [-25, -96],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-11, -63],
+      [18, -68],
+      [-37, 3],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [18, -101],
+      [-88, -31],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [-93, -3],
+      [-64, -23],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-18, -84],
+      [-51, -15],
+      [21, -72],
+      [-85, -42],
+      [3, -70],
+      [45, -26],
+      [-55, -39],
+      [6, -30],
+      [50, -14],
+      [20, -59],
+      [-79, -63],
+      [-76, -141],
+      [-57, -195],
+      [-83, -161],
+      [-80, -95],
+      [-202, -173],
+      [-122, -94],
+      [-82, 35],
+      [13, 167],
+      [-17, 112],
+      [25, 75],
+      [102, 75],
+      [28, 50],
+      [85, 81],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [-136, 53],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-61, 60],
+      [-60, 176],
+      [-48, 16],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [-91, 58],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-200, 140],
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+      [-46, 67],
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+      [-56, -4],
+      [-68, 50],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [-56, -22],
+      [-71, 38],
+      [-52, 76],
+      [-23, 55],
+      [-120, 108],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-26, -4],
+      [-94, -71],
+      [-76, 10],
+      [-4, 73],
+      [15, 44],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [-60, 28],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [-216, 203],
+      [-41, 15],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-75, 65],
+      [-150, -14],
+      [-53, -98],
+      [-58, 14],
+      [-46, -25],
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+      [79, 100],
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+      [72, 17],
+      [122, 138],
+      [29, 13],
+      [35, 64],
+      [31, 10],
+      [63, 139],
+      [93, 30],
+      [8, 56],
+      [52, 35],
+      [17, 72],
+      [50, 11],
+      [28, 41],
+      [71, 57],
+      [7, 59],
+      [58, 13],
+      [14, 74],
+      [54, -8],
+      [44, -28],
+      [12, 45],
+      [-54, 38],
+      [81, 66],
+      [28, -1],
+      [103, 70],
+      [-3, 29],
+      [34, 36],
+      [66, 36],
+      [29, -14],
+      [71, 55],
+      [40, 9],
+      [24, 78],
+      [65, 36],
+      [90, 21],
+      [94, 42],
+      [57, 5],
+      [68, 46],
+      [19, 67],
+      [42, -18],
+      [83, 60],
+      [6, 27],
+      [65, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11034, 3825],
+      [44, -12],
+      [46, 17],
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+      [64, 32],
+      [15, 26],
+      [49, -25],
+      [90, -23],
+      [69, 26],
+      [19, -47],
+      [107, 5],
+      [54, -23],
+      [220, -33],
+      [34, -16],
+      [50, 16],
+      [44, -25],
+      [56, -57],
+      [77, -28],
+      [52, 5],
+      [65, -45],
+      [59, -5],
+      [32, -49],
+      [57, -12],
+      [23, -44],
+      [46, -16],
+      [76, -54],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [70, -40],
+      [29, -40],
+      [11, -57],
+      [35, -2],
+      [22, -62],
+      [48, -53],
+      [48, -32],
+      [114, -18],
+      [54, -19],
+      [69, 6],
+      [59, -19],
+      [37, 23],
+      [51, -9],
+      [82, -37],
+      [0, -61],
+      [-49, -10],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-15, -55],
+      [14, -83],
+      [-17, -88],
+      [3, -48],
+      [52, -15],
+      [15, -31],
+      [70, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7145, 11748],
+      [-232, 32],
+      [-84, -36],
+      [-43, 33],
+      [-123, -27],
+      [-35, 54],
+      [-81, 58],
+      [-54, 55],
+      [-6, 60],
+      [-68, 18],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-74, 15],
+      [-32, 34],
+      [-86, 15],
+      [-25, 32],
+      [-74, 6],
+      [-61, 81],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-21, 56],
+      [-54, 57],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [-28, 52],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-64, 47],
+      [-62, 10],
+      [-49, -8],
+      [-20, -39],
+      [-130, 4],
+      [-52, 42],
+      [-78, -7],
+      [-76, 70],
+      [11, 31],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-83, 32],
+      [-68, 94],
+      [-110, 16],
+      [4, 56],
+      [-17, 86],
+      [-76, -3],
+      [3, 89],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-35, 143],
+      [3, 72],
+      [38, 21],
+      [-8, 35],
+      [28, 28],
+      [-14, 66],
+      [-39, 53],
+      [-1, 62],
+      [-44, 111],
+      [22, 55],
+      [45, 52],
+      [14, 58],
+      [-26, 88],
+      [4, 82],
+      [20, 35],
+      [-38, 71],
+      [-49, 32],
+      [-60, -97],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-49, 45],
+      [-67, -20],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-85, -20],
+      [-61, 1],
+      [-34, -28],
+      [-56, 1],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-108, -10],
+      [-18, -11]
+    ],
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+      [-52, 0],
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+      [-20, 27],
+      [36, 71],
+      [2, 55],
+      [-63, 129],
+      [-73, 94],
+      [15, 44],
+      [-26, 129],
+      [38, 52],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-56, 82],
+      [-77, 47],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-53, 58],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [-52, 44],
+      [-32, 67],
+      [-42, 32],
+      [-8, 41],
+      [24, 24],
+      [49, -24],
+      [35, -62],
+      [37, -21],
+      [70, 19],
+      [78, 5],
+      [65, -9],
+      [32, -21],
+      [43, -92],
+      [47, -27],
+      [54, 36],
+      [82, -3],
+      [27, 34],
+      [44, -69],
+      [65, -15],
+      [55, 59],
+      [81, -5],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [16, -41],
+      [44, -4],
+      [34, -31],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [48, -44],
+      [82, 74],
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+      [-2, 53],
+      [-29, 54],
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+      [49, 10],
+      [47, -13],
+      [26, 33],
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+      [41, 38],
+      [86, 5],
+      [81, 52],
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+      [37, 19],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [34, 31],
+      [46, -4],
+      [34, 19],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [67, -3],
+      [40, -25],
+      [87, 19],
+      [34, 53],
+      [21, 61],
+      [31, 0],
+      [56, 31],
+      [79, 116],
+      [-47, 119],
+      [6, 30],
+      [50, -19],
+      [73, -7],
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+      [64, 38],
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+      [20, -55],
+      [60, -67],
+      [-31, -142],
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+      [-35, -66],
+      [-37, -44],
+      [205, -44],
+      [63, -39],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [3, -73],
+      [47, -19],
+      [6, -46],
+      [26, -55],
+      [-4, -81],
+      [-49, -28],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-101, -64],
+      [-11, -24],
+      [34, -38],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [20, -49],
+      [-39, -50],
+      [-15, -64],
+      [-34, -56],
+      [-13, -78],
+      [-3, -146],
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+      [12, -100],
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+      [29, -1],
+      [-3, -62],
+      [11, -86],
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+      [40, -72],
+      [34, -32],
+      [38, -1],
+      [93, -123],
+      [23, 0],
+      [46, -70],
+      [54, -29],
+      [132, -29],
+      [10, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14545, 5277],
+      [-160, -115],
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+      [-16, 18],
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+      [28, 13],
+      [32, 30],
+      [59, 40],
+      [18, -8],
+      [31, 19]
+    ],
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+      [-47, -74],
+      [-48, -19],
+      [-4, 54],
+      [55, 3],
+      [44, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15697, 5831],
+      [53, -32],
+      [-40, -77],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [53, 45],
+      [20, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16028, 6035],
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+      [-38, -39],
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+      [-1, -46],
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+      [-20, -1],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-7, -3],
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+      [-67, -75],
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+      [7, 33],
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+      [3, 60],
+      [30, 117],
+      [1, 61],
+      [32, 0],
+      [15, 46]
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+      [78, -6],
+      [125, 49],
+      [17, 80],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [-18, 235],
+      [26, 70],
+      [55, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15864, 15098],
+      [108, -9],
+      [57, 29],
+      [18, -16],
+      [72, 12],
+      [26, -43],
+      [54, 45],
+      [12, -61],
+      [69, -95],
+      [54, 10],
+      [5, -48],
+      [42, 3],
+      [93, 65],
+      [19, 26],
+      [99, -3],
+      [25, -65],
+      [73, -44],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [5, -77],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [10, -32],
+      [132, -34],
+      [3, -18],
+      [74, -21],
+      [4, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16854, 14609],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-48, -77],
+      [-6, -99],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [5, -34],
+      [37, -24],
+      [13, -44],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [-51, 41],
+      [-56, 4],
+      [-53, -29],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [-46, -80],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [43, -35],
+      [-34, -50],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [38, -106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15553, 12736],
+      [-75, 27],
+      [-89, 56],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-97, -21],
+      [-34, -23],
+      [-10, -63],
+      [12, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15208, 12728],
+      [-88, 19],
+      [-44, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15076, 12701],
+      [-19, 34],
+      [-3, 79],
+      [-60, 64],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-13, 61],
+      [29, 111],
+      [-4, 81],
+      [21, 173],
+      [-13, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14969, 13348],
+      [6, 12],
+      [136, 0],
+      [102, 56],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [64, 71],
+      [33, -47],
+      [68, -50],
+      [45, -1],
+      [51, 28],
+      [-11, -72],
+      [48, -87],
+      [39, -15],
+      [56, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15583, 13263],
+      [32, -99],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [59, -153],
+      [-19, -100],
+      [12, -17],
+      [-87, -82],
+      [-11, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16915, 12565],
+      [52, -30],
+      [87, -8],
+      [47, 17],
+      [30, -22],
+      [28, -156]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17159, 12366],
+      [5, -55],
+      [102, -61],
+      [-59, -146]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17207, 12104],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-115, -2],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-60, 10],
+      [18, -64],
+      [-17, -58],
+      [-33, -43],
+      [-83, -79],
+      [6, -59],
+      [-30, -52],
+      [5, -74],
+      [-69, 21],
+      [-98, -5],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-148, 61],
+      [-65, 6],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-160, 11],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-73, 122],
+      [11, 15],
+      [146, -17],
+      [-30, 52],
+      [-24, 95],
+      [-71, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16210, 12168],
+      [17, 15],
+      [98, -11],
+      [68, 10],
+      [23, 22],
+      [20, 85],
+      [-42, 101],
+      [54, 16],
+      [136, -42],
+      [15, 22],
+      [76, 18],
+      [7, 56],
+      [32, 40],
+      [118, 7],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [92, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15583, 13263],
+      [118, 82],
+      [11, 32],
+      [82, -27],
+      [68, 2],
+      [71, -18],
+      [85, 55],
+      [22, 59],
+      [33, 21],
+      [13, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16448, 13844],
+      [138, -70],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [49, -51],
+      [48, -5],
+      [-35, -89],
+      [54, -4],
+      [21, -46],
+      [83, -24],
+      [27, 38],
+      [64, 19],
+      [94, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16971, 13504],
+      [-50, -169],
+      [61, -43],
+      [63, -147],
+      [-15, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17030, 13128],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-12, -104],
+      [-37, -87],
+      [89, -42],
+      [19, -54],
+      [-41, -61],
+      [-82, -46],
+      [-31, -111],
+      [-1, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16210, 12168],
+      [-44, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16166, 12175],
+      [-14, 138],
+      [-98, 0],
+      [-84, -26],
+      [-54, -39],
+      [-97, -14],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [31, 29],
+      [-32, 65],
+      [37, 39],
+      [29, 88],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-105, 24],
+      [-96, 121],
+      [-36, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18275, 13700],
+      [0, -29],
+      [51, -57],
+      [42, -25],
+      [13, -144],
+      [-99, 12],
+      [-57, -4],
+      [-24, -61],
+      [-76, -77],
+      [3, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18128, 13297],
+      [-81, 46],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-37, 96],
+      [-116, 28],
+      [-75, -2],
+      [-37, 38],
+      [-141, -5],
+      [-89, -24],
+      [18, -126],
+      [-57, -63],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-69, -34],
+      [-92, 2],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [-33, 20],
+      [-78, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16971, 13504],
+      [26, -30],
+      [61, 11],
+      [70, 114],
+      [0, 50],
+      [35, 111],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [-15, 47],
+      [18, 65],
+      [30, 32],
+      [77, 23],
+      [-11, 40],
+      [25, 111],
+      [68, -4],
+      [49, 27],
+      [35, 58],
+      [44, 23],
+      [-41, 81],
+      [1, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17402, 14341],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [49, 21],
+      [25, 34],
+      [46, -52],
+      [28, 13],
+      [32, 70],
+      [43, 64],
+      [29, -99],
+      [62, -44],
+      [10, -100],
+      [153, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17869, 14261],
+      [27, -83],
+      [32, -48],
+      [10, -73],
+      [80, -9],
+      [106, -65],
+      [26, -33],
+      [24, -102],
+      [40, -66],
+      [62, -1],
+      [-1, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16854, 14609],
+      [24, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16878, 14658],
+      [73, -31],
+      [56, -72],
+      [76, -28],
+      [29, 13],
+      [69, -46],
+      [17, 52],
+      [69, -6],
+      [26, -33],
+      [1, -112],
+      [94, -16],
+      [14, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17509, 12535],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-48, -60],
+      [39, -63],
+      [-115, -52],
+      [-88, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18128, 13297],
+      [-28, -102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18100, 13195],
+      [-108, -47],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-73, -7],
+      [-12, 83],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-61, -66],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [36, -37],
+      [-38, -38],
+      [25, -43],
+      [-70, -42],
+      [-94, -26],
+      [-47, 12],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [31, -31],
+      [-10, -76],
+      [44, -59],
+      [34, -116],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-18, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1643, 9015],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [10, 98],
+      [-60, 13],
+      [-28, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1539, 9208],
+      [39, 64],
+      [8, 55],
+      [54, 41],
+      [24, 74],
+      [-45, 89],
+      [65, 59],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [5, 100],
+      [68, 28],
+      [189, 100],
+      [53, 93],
+      [135, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2124, 10020],
+      [45, -16],
+      [120, -72],
+      [-25, -56],
+      [8, -40],
+      [72, -92],
+      [-9, -101],
+      [51, -7],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [115, -20],
+      [166, 24],
+      [94, 37],
+      [38, -41],
+      [61, 42],
+      [72, -7],
+      [72, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2989, 9681],
+      [8, -36],
+      [41, -54],
+      [4, -54],
+      [-68, -194],
+      [-134, -6],
+      [-26, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2814, 9316],
+      [-92, 7],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-58, -57],
+      [-66, 40],
+      [-108, 1],
+      [-57, 21],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [-30, -93],
+      [-117, 38],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [23, -36],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-65, -18],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-34, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2006, 8999],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-96, -47],
+      [-47, -80],
+      [-59, 66],
+      [-86, 12],
+      [-22, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3354, 8618],
+      [49, 14],
+      [78, 57],
+      [35, 8],
+      [1, 45],
+      [-34, 64],
+      [38, 48],
+      [-9, 78],
+      [22, 53],
+      [-35, 82],
+      [22, 45],
+      [32, 13],
+      [15, 100],
+      [39, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3607, 9238],
+      [35, 6],
+      [94, -79],
+      [52, 8],
+      [75, -105],
+      [12, -48],
+      [98, -20],
+      [27, -25],
+      [128, 3],
+      [56, 53],
+      [57, 20],
+      [22, 42],
+      [35, 16],
+      [16, -48],
+      [44, -3],
+      [18, 63],
+      [40, -7],
+      [13, -42],
+      [53, -34],
+      [38, 26],
+      [67, -42],
+      [61, -131],
+      [71, -29],
+      [38, 11],
+      [44, 96],
+      [66, 26],
+      [39, 48],
+      [69, -21],
+      [43, 0],
+      [15, -99],
+      [63, 33],
+      [53, -28],
+      [44, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5193, 8956],
+      [7, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5200, 8899],
+      [-51, -17],
+      [-46, -75],
+      [-29, -98],
+      [7, -107],
+      [-33, -72],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [-36, -25],
+      [-35, -108],
+      [-8, -67],
+      [-51, -110],
+      [-24, -35],
+      [-122, -10],
+      [-59, -22],
+      [-18, -57],
+      [10, -73],
+      [-102, 20],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-93, -25],
+      [-14, -30],
+      [10, -112],
+      [42, -1],
+      [12, -33],
+      [96, -36],
+      [-14, -67],
+      [50, -5],
+      [63, -44],
+      [-15, -217],
+      [40, -57],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [18, -33],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-5, -97],
+      [69, -27],
+      [76, -128],
+      [29, -13],
+      [47, 17],
+      [33, -32],
+      [39, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4987, 7053],
+      [22, -13],
+      [-26, -76],
+      [70, -36],
+      [30, -60],
+      [1, -55],
+      [44, -21],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [20, -61],
+      [-7, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5135, 6603],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-51, -33],
+      [-75, -14],
+      [-94, 44],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-70, 26],
+      [-44, -48],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-46, 78],
+      [8, 51],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [26, 37],
+      [21, 123],
+      [-10, 33],
+      [-116, 97],
+      [2, 75],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-51, 29],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-68, 40],
+      [-89, -76],
+      [64, -68],
+      [-2, -36],
+      [28, -59],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [-79, -31],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [-63, 53],
+      [-63, 71],
+      [-52, 5],
+      [-128, 76],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-45, 80],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [-44, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3671, 7221],
+      [38, 67],
+      [-47, 52],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [-105, 12],
+      [-38, 43],
+      [-75, 22],
+      [-22, 42],
+      [-58, 12],
+      [-44, 28],
+      [-64, 10],
+      [-112, 1],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [52, 62],
+      [75, 46],
+      [12, 57],
+      [-48, 99],
+      [40, 42],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-85, 27],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-57, 24],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-27, 30],
+      [-68, 13],
+      [-122, 40],
+      [7, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2752, 8222],
+      [59, 70],
+      [22, 46],
+      [47, 22],
+      [114, 14],
+      [107, -17],
+      [51, -61],
+      [82, 24],
+      [70, -11],
+      [60, 94],
+      [25, 64],
+      [-71, 80],
+      [36, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5135, 6603],
+      [44, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5179, 6590],
+      [-35, -72],
+      [19, -39],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [16, -69],
+      [82, 5],
+      [39, -22],
+      [63, -62],
+      [92, -173]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5426, 6126],
+      [-34, -40],
+      [7, -55],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [18, -242],
+      [-28, -79],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-24, -75],
+      [31, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5354, 5459],
+      [-28, -232],
+      [15, -29],
+      [63, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5404, 5179],
+      [33, -83],
+      [-96, 39],
+      [-48, -19],
+      [-75, 86],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-74, 32],
+      [-20, -106],
+      [-49, -1],
+      [-108, 33],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-12, -123],
+      [-50, -75],
+      [17, -33],
+      [-40, -62],
+      [3, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4782, 4736],
+      [-63, 6],
+      [-69, -19],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-110, 23],
+      [-32, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4479, 4799],
+      [8, 43],
+      [39, 46],
+      [48, -8],
+      [28, 30],
+      [11, 53],
+      [-57, 83],
+      [-50, 29],
+      [-51, -15],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-89, 13],
+      [-34, 177],
+      [-41, 21],
+      [-111, -29],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-133, -43],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-95, -23],
+      [-65, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3789, 5231],
+      [-25, 38],
+      [12, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3776, 5322],
+      [60, 131],
+      [71, 58],
+      [16, 103],
+      [81, 28],
+      [26, -35],
+      [47, 2],
+      [-21, 46],
+      [-22, 115],
+      [16, 62],
+      [-152, 74],
+      [-47, 78],
+      [-78, 47],
+      [-13, 37],
+      [35, 54],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [-75, 144],
+      [-48, 24],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-62, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3559, 6261],
+      [-37, 45],
+      [13, 44],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-83, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3411, 6354],
+      [20, 89],
+      [50, 38],
+      [-16, 77],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-22, 58],
+      [-4, 77],
+      [10, 126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3398, 6849],
+      [1, 38],
+      [47, 56],
+      [4, 47],
+      [80, 30],
+      [19, 101],
+      [33, 56],
+      [47, 48],
+      [42, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4759, 9787],
+      [-2, -36],
+      [25, -81],
+      [50, -20],
+      [44, -49],
+      [-65, -42],
+      [-20, -30],
+      [29, -63],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [78, -26],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [24, -51],
+      [57, -20],
+      [58, 13],
+      [55, -31],
+      [32, -63],
+      [83, -74],
+      [-7, -143]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3607, 9238],
+      [26, 145],
+      [21, 19],
+      [-93, 39],
+      [26, 134],
+      [-105, 8],
+      [-40, -43],
+      [-73, 16],
+      [14, 65],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-64, -88],
+      [-11, 63],
+      [32, 35],
+      [-5, 76],
+      [16, 34],
+      [-76, 27],
+      [-72, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3032, 9788],
+      [-20, 69],
+      [-9, 143],
+      [62, -3],
+      [14, 30],
+      [118, -24],
+      [21, 43],
+      [45, 152],
+      [37, 2],
+      [101, 71],
+      [27, 101],
+      [-59, 62],
+      [-37, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3332, 10451],
+      [51, 7],
+      [48, -17],
+      [70, 6],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [22, 43],
+      [45, 1],
+      [122, -47],
+      [99, 71],
+      [28, 139],
+      [163, -13],
+      [19, -18],
+      [64, 10],
+      [22, 31],
+      [40, -16],
+      [48, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4153, 10715],
+      [12, -22],
+      [77, -36],
+      [29, 42],
+      [42, -28],
+      [83, 8],
+      [14, -53],
+      [33, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4443, 10575],
+      [-86, -62],
+      [-34, -53],
+      [-19, -97],
+      [43, -33],
+      [43, -104],
+      [73, 8],
+      [11, -61],
+      [32, -83],
+      [51, -23],
+      [34, -75],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [28, -43],
+      [102, -59],
+      [51, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6761, 8436],
+      [5, -71],
+      [29, -31],
+      [49, -12],
+      [32, -80],
+      [44, -76],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-34, -42],
+      [57, -63],
+      [-13, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6862, 7919],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-68, 120],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-109, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6616, 8065],
+      [17, 25],
+      [-7, 119],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [-30, 133]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6545, 8355],
+      [38, 0],
+      [9, 63],
+      [50, 42],
+      [79, -32],
+      [40, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5200, 8899],
+      [63, 13],
+      [86, -14],
+      [21, -94],
+      [22, -46],
+      [48, 4],
+      [32, -36],
+      [60, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5532, 8720],
+      [46, -139],
+      [-85, -41],
+      [-59, -5],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [-56, -22],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [-33, -81],
+      [-79, -9],
+      [-30, -49],
+      [20, -86],
+      [-31, -33],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [0, -36],
+      [50, -21],
+      [31, -104],
+      [40, -51],
+      [96, -12],
+      [48, 51],
+      [23, -10],
+      [31, -79],
+      [-3, -35],
+      [44, -17],
+      [113, -93],
+      [28, 62],
+      [53, 54],
+      [17, 60],
+      [33, -36],
+      [93, -28],
+      [94, -63],
+      [84, -2],
+      [16, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5954, 7782],
+      [94, -48],
+      [-29, -58],
+      [30, -76],
+      [-18, -96],
+      [15, -55],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-14, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5996, 7327],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-77, -17],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-49, 42],
+      [-14, 59],
+      [-86, 26],
+      [-75, -32],
+      [-93, 48],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-121, -30],
+      [-13, -21],
+      [-163, 13],
+      [-28, -86],
+      [17, -75],
+      [-60, -91],
+      [-19, -59],
+      [1, -79],
+      [13, -39],
+      [-72, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5426, 6126],
+      [60, -19],
+      [36, 40],
+      [51, -17],
+      [70, 44],
+      [60, -57],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [30, -34],
+      [111, -29],
+      [-80, -122],
+      [-80, -54],
+      [7, -43],
+      [-19, -53],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-52, -63],
+      [-32, -70],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-98, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7892, 8120],
+      [17, -33],
+      [-40, -62],
+      [103, -76],
+      [43, -72],
+      [31, -28],
+      [96, -10],
+      [110, -106],
+      [15, -61],
+      [29, -38],
+      [68, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8364, 7594],
+      [2, -55],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [-46, -18],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [31, -37],
+      [-64, -44],
+      [-81, 31],
+      [-34, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8120, 7334],
+      [-34, 67],
+      [-125, 10],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-76, -82],
+      [-43, 136],
+      [-114, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7703, 7502],
+      [-23, 100],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [-36, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7572, 7722],
+      [77, 35],
+      [13, 33],
+      [-34, 101],
+      [78, 30],
+      [10, 49],
+      [86, 26],
+      [23, 134]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7825, 8130],
+      [67, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5568, 5264],
+      [-112, 14],
+      [-52, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5179, 6590],
+      [92, -15],
+      [22, -24],
+      [61, -7],
+      [58, -39],
+      [128, -50],
+      [27, -18],
+      [79, -4],
+      [89, -56],
+      [88, 2],
+      [29, -46],
+      [30, 66],
+      [91, -45],
+      [108, 52],
+      [132, -39],
+      [88, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6301, 6389],
+      [16, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6317, 6332],
+      [-35, -28],
+      [7, -71],
+      [-31, -103],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [77, -98],
+      [128, -76],
+      [8, -29],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-81, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6314, 5735],
+      [-107, 35],
+      [-44, 31],
+      [5, 50],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [-64, 13],
+      [-36, -15],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [26, -52],
+      [-110, -240],
+      [-55, -42],
+      [-48, -81],
+      [-142, -25],
+      [-99, -130],
+      [-27, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2752, 8222],
+      [-75, 27],
+      [13, 33],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [-2, 100],
+      [-180, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2482, 8464],
+      [24, 57],
+      [-46, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2460, 8567],
+      [50, 9],
+      [113, 54],
+      [9, 50],
+      [52, 21],
+      [26, 84],
+      [89, 88],
+      [52, 18],
+      [33, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2884, 8927],
+      [61, -5],
+      [31, -100],
+      [113, -45],
+      [115, -86],
+      [150, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7982, 8430],
+      [2, -110],
+      [-63, -104],
+      [-1, -87],
+      [-28, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7825, 8130],
+      [-54, 55],
+      [-109, -13],
+      [-13, 68],
+      [-35, 40],
+      [-55, -31],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-118, -14],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-36, 86],
+      [5, 76],
+      [23, 34],
+      [9, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7366, 8524],
+      [59, 42],
+      [165, -10],
+      [144, -70],
+      [50, -56],
+      [75, 27],
+      [75, -34],
+      [48, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6817, 9499],
+      [50, 3],
+      [12, -30],
+      [102, -43],
+      [90, 32],
+      [43, -31],
+      [45, -159],
+      [-21, -71],
+      [-21, -184],
+      [11, -76],
+      [93, -42],
+      [-47, -31],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [21, -17],
+      [75, 46],
+      [44, -5],
+      [-32, -65],
+      [-158, -54],
+      [-25, -68],
+      [-81, -24],
+      [0, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6967, 8569],
+      [-65, -42],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-69, -44],
+      [-4, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6545, 8355],
+      [-116, 53],
+      [-84, 60],
+      [-141, 55],
+      [-31, 35],
+      [-74, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6099, 8591],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [2, 62],
+      [-58, 58],
+      [25, 47],
+      [-50, 40],
+      [-68, -1],
+      [-31, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5873, 8828],
+      [10, 51],
+      [-11, 103],
+      [36, 49],
+      [87, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5995, 9020],
+      [32, 21],
+      [43, -11],
+      [97, 8],
+      [54, 69],
+      [45, 9],
+      [86, -15],
+      [-17, 42],
+      [72, -2],
+      [25, 54],
+      [64, 20],
+      [28, 46],
+      [29, 0],
+      [56, 39],
+      [173, 141],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [53, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6862, 7919],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [39, -101],
+      [25, -32],
+      [49, -6],
+      [19, -67],
+      [39, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7026, 7624],
+      [-5, -67],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-20, -77],
+      [-60, -36],
+      [-89, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6802, 7439],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-77, 84],
+      [-71, 130],
+      [-44, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6612, 7718],
+      [18, 40],
+      [-44, 77],
+      [17, 55],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [-37, 24],
+      [-13, 46],
+      [23, 60],
+      [47, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5877, 10088],
+      [87, 1],
+      [149, -17],
+      [56, -23],
+      [-1, -59],
+      [41, -25],
+      [43, -2],
+      [65, 38],
+      [2, 100],
+      [33, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6352, 10168],
+      [39, -44],
+      [87, -16],
+      [59, 71],
+      [100, -24],
+      [8, -83],
+      [-15, -82],
+      [50, -50],
+      [16, -108],
+      [35, -72],
+      [36, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6767, 9735],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-14, -93],
+      [54, -40],
+      [42, -7],
+      [20, -41],
+      [-7, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5995, 9020],
+      [-35, 131],
+      [-3, 71],
+      [-43, 93],
+      [3, 81],
+      [34, 52],
+      [-51, 56],
+      [6, 44],
+      [-88, 66],
+      [7, 79],
+      [30, 69],
+      [39, 27],
+      [-7, 67],
+      [29, 74],
+      [-62, 104],
+      [23, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3032, 9788],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [-15, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2124, 10020],
+      [11, 70],
+      [37, 42],
+      [37, 135],
+      [58, 46],
+      [76, 22],
+      [120, 107],
+      [47, 137],
+      [9, 110],
+      [-43, 60],
+      [79, 114],
+      [-1, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2554, 10895],
+      [33, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2587, 10922],
+      [42, -10],
+      [57, -62],
+      [22, -85],
+      [49, -7],
+      [3, -40],
+      [48, 3],
+      [71, -87],
+      [70, -111],
+      [25, -60],
+      [45, 19],
+      [74, -41],
+      [150, -8],
+      [47, 37],
+      [42, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5996, 7327],
+      [37, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6033, 7296],
+      [21, -56],
+      [75, -92],
+      [-19, -87],
+      [178, -140],
+      [46, -106],
+      [47, 48],
+      [11, -58],
+      [30, -25],
+      [71, 17],
+      [119, 50],
+      [80, -21],
+      [32, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6724, 6760],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-46, -117],
+      [-8, -109],
+      [-80, -102],
+      [-60, -15],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-104, -8],
+      [-48, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6967, 8569],
+      [40, 7],
+      [165, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7172, 8522],
+      [0, -58],
+      [-39, -162],
+      [-65, -141],
+      [-8, -161],
+      [33, -65],
+      [87, -137],
+      [34, -12],
+      [54, 22],
+      [-18, -64],
+      [22, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7272, 7719],
+      [-37, -25],
+      [-70, 19],
+      [-94, -33],
+      [-45, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6802, 7439],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-9, -43],
+      [-76, -22],
+      [-44, -51],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-155, 92],
+      [-25, 41],
+      [-65, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6336, 7435],
+      [-25, 69],
+      [21, 69],
+      [-77, 85],
+      [64, 37],
+      [69, 92],
+      [66, 9],
+      [21, -32],
+      [94, 9],
+      [43, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7572, 7722],
+      [-82, -8],
+      [-103, 26],
+      [-67, 8],
+      [-48, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7172, 8522],
+      [42, -22],
+      [152, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5532, 8720],
+      [146, -62],
+      [45, 15],
+      [20, 44],
+      [36, 17],
+      [11, 42],
+      [66, 21],
+      [17, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6099, 8591],
+      [-28, -86],
+      [31, -16],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [12, -53],
+      [-21, -28],
+      [20, -97],
+      [-41, -185],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [82, -67],
+      [-23, -69],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [5, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2460, 8567],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-50, -40],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-102, 66],
+      [4, 41],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [12, 42],
+      [-24, 62],
+      [-47, -17],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-47, -88],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-35, 67],
+      [86, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2814, 9316],
+      [13, -115],
+      [-46, -2],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [52, -112],
+      [49, -60],
+      [29, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4759, 9787],
+      [38, 58],
+      [14, 80],
+      [42, 54],
+      [9, 45],
+      [108, 71],
+      [62, 57],
+      [45, -79],
+      [77, -59],
+      [57, -11],
+      [30, -29],
+      [42, -3],
+      [91, 74],
+      [78, 78],
+      [51, 74],
+      [132, 5],
+      [55, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5690, 10193],
+      [38, -59],
+      [43, -20],
+      [106, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6336, 7435],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-63, -45],
+      [-80, -4],
+      [-68, -76],
+      [-36, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18251, 10433],
+      [13, -53],
+      [-82, -47],
+      [-133, -176],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-82, 74],
+      [-56, 23],
+      [-45, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17832, 10198],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-179, 78],
+      [-38, 54],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-67, 74],
+      [-119, -7],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-40, 79],
+      [-127, -9],
+      [-12, 42],
+      [-63, -3],
+      [-37, 49],
+      [15, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17112, 10670],
+      [48, 3],
+      [-7, 49],
+      [49, 41],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [71, 141],
+      [73, 22],
+      [72, 167],
+      [-9, 105],
+      [11, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17386, 11263],
+      [42, -24],
+      [201, 29],
+      [86, -15],
+      [22, -66],
+      [51, -10],
+      [59, -94],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [55, -45],
+      [37, 1],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-9, -61],
+      [25, -39],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [44, -40],
+      [21, -87],
+      [0, -59],
+      [63, 75],
+      [26, -25],
+      [46, 28],
+      [56, -77],
+      [79, -43],
+      [58, -112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18747, 12552],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-61, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18513, 12502],
+      [29, 63],
+      [-45, 20],
+      [8, 60],
+      [-81, 12],
+      [-69, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18355, 12653],
+      [17, 10],
+      [-15, 227],
+      [-33, 71],
+      [27, 40],
+      [7, 72],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [-78, 17],
+      [-23, 40],
+      [-143, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18275, 13700],
+      [55, 1],
+      [162, 84],
+      [26, 48],
+      [71, -32],
+      [110, -20],
+      [68, 36],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-88, -27],
+      [1, -122],
+      [76, -22],
+      [66, -63],
+      [136, 60],
+      [15, -42],
+      [41, 3],
+      [106, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19131, 13520],
+      [-53, -16],
+      [61, -76],
+      [62, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19201, 13405],
+      [-60, -59],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-88, -94],
+      [22, -71],
+      [-106, -132],
+      [-70, -26],
+      [-12, -94],
+      [-53, -40],
+      [20, -54],
+      [73, -50],
+      [11, -29],
+      [-86, -38],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-106, -70],
+      [4, -54],
+      [36, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18996, 10795],
+      [-19, -50],
+      [96, -27],
+      [28, -40],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-59, -81],
+      [-62, -103],
+      [-10, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18909, 10393],
+      [-67, 54],
+      [-57, 5],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-60, 25],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-171, 53],
+      [-80, 5],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-108, -9],
+      [-48, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17386, 11263],
+      [-45, 52],
+      [-68, 32],
+      [-11, 46],
+      [-52, 15],
+      [23, 89],
+      [22, 12],
+      [44, 79],
+      [30, 111],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [51, 55],
+      [87, 22],
+      [21, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17454, 11797],
+      [79, 12],
+      [43, 85],
+      [61, 24],
+      [102, 2],
+      [26, -28],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [27, -66],
+      [55, 12],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [75, 15],
+      [158, -89],
+      [52, 9],
+      [70, 36],
+      [30, 57],
+      [96, -2],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-138, 267],
+      [259, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18451, 12237],
+      [78, -130]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18529, 12107],
+      [-34, -66],
+      [-104, -140],
+      [0, -35],
+      [44, -29],
+      [13, -78],
+      [109, -27],
+      [17, -55],
+      [76, -45],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [43, -4],
+      [18, -100],
+      [55, -85],
+      [-15, -71],
+      [-86, -31],
+      [-60, 53],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-134, 56],
+      [40, -149],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [49, -84],
+      [67, -50],
+      [55, 7],
+      [170, -51],
+      [4, 49],
+      [100, -58],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [57, -54],
+      [24, -69],
+      [50, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19471, 12678],
+      [-19, -25],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-47, -127],
+      [2, -67],
+      [-91, 25],
+      [-56, 85],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-50, -29],
+      [-17, -79],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [-105, -12],
+      [21, 101],
+      [-91, 93],
+      [-86, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19201, 13405],
+      [128, 11],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [103, -92],
+      [19, -67],
+      [11, -120],
+      [334, 98],
+      [7, 22],
+      [70, 9],
+      [27, -62],
+      [78, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19975, 13208],
+      [-18, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19957, 13162],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [20, -42],
+      [-147, -106],
+      [-57, -59],
+      [-149, -36],
+      [-35, -84],
+      [-66, -40],
+      [-7, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18355, 12653],
+      [-35, -42],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [-149, -21],
+      [9, 43],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-68, -2],
+      [2, -35],
+      [-105, -39],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-10, -72],
+      [-92, 50],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [-56, -31],
+      [-76, -62],
+      [-57, 49],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-68, -5],
+      [-2, 100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18639, 9565],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [-158, -75],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-59, -46],
+      [-41, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18320, 9415],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-33, 109],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-96, 16],
+      [-71, -55],
+      [-57, 31],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [-23, 63],
+      [-119, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17753, 9518],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [1, 48],
+      [36, 106],
+      [-37, 87],
+      [70, 62],
+      [9, 51],
+      [58, 86],
+      [20, 61],
+      [-41, 81],
+      [-5, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18909, 10393],
+      [49, -30],
+      [25, -77],
+      [-62, -37],
+      [68, -29],
+      [36, 34],
+      [84, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19109, 10234],
+      [-22, -58],
+      [38, -35],
+      [-21, -49],
+      [19, -35],
+      [-110, -26],
+      [-59, 16],
+      [-2, -60],
+      [-124, 16],
+      [-112, -1],
+      [-164, -106],
+      [-18, -68],
+      [-8, -94],
+      [24, -69],
+      [84, -40],
+      [5, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19625, 12270],
+      [-81, -32],
+      [45, -45],
+      [-38, -24],
+      [3, -41],
+      [-70, -5],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [3, -55],
+      [-73, -4],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [50, -14],
+      [-4, -83],
+      [61, -106],
+      [39, -23],
+      [10, -46],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [0, -114],
+      [10, -24],
+      [-117, -30],
+      [-18, -34],
+      [-37, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19262, 11450],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-102, -44],
+      [-49, 52],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-154, 88],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-45, 51],
+      [4, 151],
+      [15, 131],
+      [-101, 26],
+      [-31, 19],
+      [-78, 113],
+      [-2, 26],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-51, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18451, 12237],
+      [4, 80],
+      [37, 73],
+      [21, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19471, 12678],
+      [6, -43],
+      [73, -11],
+      [53, -48],
+      [-4, -53],
+      [-46, -53],
+      [64, -120],
+      [8, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19262, 11450],
+      [-48, -70],
+      [2, -81],
+      [60, -17],
+      [14, -81],
+      [60, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19350, 11191],
+      [9, -61],
+      [-17, -60],
+      [34, -91],
+      [6, -71],
+      [42, -31],
+      [6, -55],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-44, 27],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [-32, -60],
+      [-81, -54],
+      [-176, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16943, 10221],
+      [10, 19],
+      [92, -14],
+      [31, 32],
+      [8, 77],
+      [-64, -8],
+      [-68, 100],
+      [7, 125],
+      [34, 82],
+      [-55, 69],
+      [174, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17753, 9518],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-94, 37],
+      [-139, 20],
+      [-50, -87],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-50, -22],
+      [-35, -72],
+      [-94, -2],
+      [-45, -15],
+      [-85, 18],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-120, 36],
+      [60, 144],
+      [-65, 9],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [-54, -24],
+      [-69, -1],
+      [-23, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16606, 9742],
+      [54, 29],
+      [92, 86],
+      [31, -7],
+      [58, 45],
+      [-47, 21],
+      [18, 39],
+      [-74, 22],
+      [28, 105],
+      [124, -9],
+      [47, 19],
+      [11, 32],
+      [-14, 60],
+      [9, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17454, 11797],
+      [21, 94],
+      [-60, 173],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [-47, 39],
+      [-63, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1926, 7749],
+      [31, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1957, 7741],
+      [33, -52],
+      [-31, -97],
+      [70, -36],
+      [29, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2058, 7518],
+      [10, -51],
+      [-83, -68],
+      [-54, -73],
+      [9, -76],
+      [33, -8],
+      [179, 88],
+      [-7, -93],
+      [8, -41],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-13, -72],
+      [-60, 30],
+      [-67, -35],
+      [43, -30],
+      [85, -146],
+      [-71, -17],
+      [-186, -185],
+      [-34, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1790, 6700],
+      [-2, 96],
+      [-51, 119],
+      [11, 85],
+      [-52, 78],
+      [-29, 12],
+      [-6, 75],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-21, 82],
+      [20, 88],
+      [-24, 72],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [29, 71],
+      [57, 6],
+      [-45, 76],
+      [3, 39],
+      [52, 46],
+      [-5, 79],
+      [84, -15],
+      [33, -112],
+      [52, -58],
+      [26, -7],
+      [25, 87],
+      [34, 17],
+      [27, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3398, 6849],
+      [-37, 19],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [-91, 24],
+      [-45, 94],
+      [-105, 44],
+      [-32, 56],
+      [-112, 144],
+      [-89, 64],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [-86, 101],
+      [-41, -2],
+      [-36, 56],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-162, 37],
+      [-19, 29],
+      [-88, -6],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-76, -31],
+      [-23, 24],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-31, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1957, 7741],
+      [50, 20],
+      [24, 51],
+      [4, 50],
+      [49, 23],
+      [69, 76],
+      [47, 0],
+      [43, -25],
+      [-10, -67],
+      [18, -22],
+      [129, 64],
+      [50, 62],
+      [10, 66],
+      [-59, 42],
+      [-34, 130],
+      [5, 76],
+      [43, 74],
+      [24, -34],
+      [34, 24],
+      [34, -11],
+      [22, 42],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [12, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1926, 7749],
+      [-88, 37],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [-103, 91],
+      [-38, -65],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [-66, 13],
+      [-158, -20],
+      [-104, 95],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-59, 54],
+      [-17, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1088, 8099],
+      [-5, 85],
+      [139, 106],
+      [62, -27],
+      [1, 63],
+      [36, 44],
+      [60, -3],
+      [20, 75],
+      [28, 15],
+      [68, -20],
+      [65, 26],
+      [57, -9],
+      [100, 56],
+      [94, 39],
+      [-74, 205],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-53, 94],
+      [41, 71],
+      [-24, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1790, 6700],
+      [15, -17],
+      [-49, -60],
+      [-86, -5],
+      [34, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1704, 6569],
+      [-131, 23],
+      [-61, 70],
+      [-41, 23],
+      [-9, 79],
+      [11, 40],
+      [-56, 63],
+      [-63, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1354, 6894],
+      [2, 55],
+      [38, -1],
+      [1, 70],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [16, 36],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-75, 39],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [1, 144],
+      [-43, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1121, 7354],
+      [26, 54],
+      [-12, 107],
+      [30, 20],
+      [26, 60],
+      [-56, 39],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [-56, 49],
+      [-24, 95],
+      [16, 65],
+      [-32, 25],
+      [37, 120],
+      [-12, 46],
+      [47, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1121, 7354],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-13, 61],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-43, 145],
+      [16, 47],
+      [-25, 67],
+      [-62, 108],
+      [-47, -31],
+      [-50, -5],
+      [-72, -29],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [-37, 59],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-14, 55],
+      [-88, -12],
+      [-50, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [411, 7865],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [55, 65],
+      [13, 49],
+      [-69, 73],
+      [49, 32],
+      [21, 92],
+      [40, 58],
+      [37, 5],
+      [20, 94],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [-45, 88],
+      [-64, 77],
+      [-10, 72],
+      [-63, 80],
+      [-6, 91],
+      [13, 19],
+      [95, 41],
+      [24, -8],
+      [95, 89],
+      [73, 52],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [82, 75],
+      [154, -107],
+      [-11, 71],
+      [45, 91],
+      [78, -1],
+      [61, 23],
+      [82, -100],
+      [64, 28],
+      [98, -61],
+      [64, 69],
+      [127, 24],
+      [32, -22],
+      [40, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3411, 6354],
+      [-70, -24],
+      [-50, -43],
+      [-95, 1],
+      [13, 28],
+      [-30, 59],
+      [-91, -16],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [-42, 83],
+      [20, 36],
+      [-66, 55],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [-49, -56],
+      [-17, -74],
+      [4, -64],
+      [-37, -14],
+      [-55, 59],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-85, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2674, 6348],
+      [-38, 85],
+      [-53, 2],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [-48, 20],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-47, -75],
+      [-89, 46],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-31, -33],
+      [-84, -13],
+      [-26, -130],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-90, 55],
+      [-28, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2026, 6303],
+      [-73, -18],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-70, 16],
+      [-56, -2],
+      [17, 61],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [-24, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10080, 1078],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [-26, 108],
+      [-85, 86],
+      [28, 59],
+      [-24, 78],
+      [14, 23],
+      [-107, 141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9856, 1648],
+      [79, 44],
+      [43, -13],
+      [26, 92],
+      [44, 5],
+      [-1, 122],
+      [28, 14],
+      [-12, 54],
+      [36, 76],
+      [121, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10220, 2075],
+      [52, 43],
+      [28, -34],
+      [43, -15],
+      [1, -37],
+      [68, -31],
+      [19, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10431, 1954],
+      [-25, -97],
+      [12, -42],
+      [66, -45],
+      [13, -68],
+      [-15, -90],
+      [40, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10522, 1563],
+      [-34, -45],
+      [21, -77],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-69, -135],
+      [-44, -15],
+      [0, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10345, 1238],
+      [-49, -77],
+      [-46, -19],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-83, -42],
+      [-27, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6699, 1596],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [54, 142],
+      [5, 71],
+      [18, 48],
+      [48, 56],
+      [57, -4],
+      [45, 25],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [-74, -18],
+      [-41, 57],
+      [10, 102],
+      [47, 26],
+      [16, 63],
+      [32, 40],
+      [-6, 61],
+      [-40, 44],
+      [-88, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6757, 2434],
+      [75, 67],
+      [26, 46],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [70, 36],
+      [-27, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6888, 2648],
+      [65, -15],
+      [41, 44],
+      [87, 53],
+      [87, 78],
+      [6, -70],
+      [37, -32],
+      [62, -13],
+      [76, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7349, 2695],
+      [5, -33],
+      [-21, -50],
+      [38, -79],
+      [-2, -56],
+      [77, -33],
+      [78, -4],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [63, -82],
+      [10, -91],
+      [-30, -100],
+      [-67, -71],
+      [-2, -97],
+      [-12, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7494, 1883],
+      [-84, -63],
+      [-44, -87],
+      [-65, 32],
+      [-80, -115],
+      [6, -55],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-58, 77],
+      [0, 38],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-65, -32],
+      [-108, 66],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-98, -50],
+      [-6, -54],
+      [-63, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9307, 1006],
+      [37, 57],
+      [36, 20],
+      [34, 55],
+      [5, 43],
+      [68, 76],
+      [11, 50],
+      [55, 155],
+      [42, -19],
+      [-9, 76],
+      [58, 6],
+      [15, 110],
+      [58, 23],
+      [56, 5],
+      [13, 24],
+      [70, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10080, 1078],
+      [-8, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10072, 963],
+      [-72, -3],
+      [-52, -49],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [-78, 50],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-76, 17],
+      [12, -92],
+      [-31, -79],
+      [5, -92],
+      [-48, -44],
+      [-56, 74],
+      [-84, 36],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [-63, 30],
+      [-39, 93],
+      [-7, 82],
+      [-46, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8702, 2908],
+      [-49, 30],
+      [-10, 195],
+      [-42, 67],
+      [21, 89],
+      [33, 37],
+      [-34, 95],
+      [3, 121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8624, 3542],
+      [34, 35],
+      [43, -6],
+      [43, 35],
+      [47, 8],
+      [46, 44],
+      [59, 5],
+      [41, 57],
+      [60, -5],
+      [73, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9070, 3739],
+      [123, -21],
+      [54, -24],
+      [22, -41],
+      [44, -8],
+      [45, 17],
+      [68, -32],
+      [31, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9457, 3529],
+      [50, -124],
+      [39, -37],
+      [-48, -69],
+      [-56, -104],
+      [-64, -37],
+      [33, -119],
+      [60, -12],
+      [21, -75],
+      [54, 11],
+      [95, -23],
+      [-38, -101],
+      [-39, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9564, 2762],
+      [-97, -69],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [-34, 6],
+      [8, -71],
+      [-45, -72],
+      [7, -26],
+      [-71, -28],
+      [-46, -87],
+      [11, -52],
+      [-105, -52],
+      [14, 38],
+      [-28, 39],
+      [-3, 88],
+      [-58, 21],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-74, 68],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [-67, 58],
+      [-122, 124],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-85, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7922, 1600],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-52, 6],
+      [-104, -71],
+      [-36, 4],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [31, 74],
+      [-58, 73],
+      [-70, 45],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-53, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7349, 2695],
+      [38, 8],
+      [22, -42],
+      [117, -31],
+      [24, 57],
+      [78, 14],
+      [12, 41],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [49, 79],
+      [33, -26],
+      [40, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7750, 2912],
+      [68, -35],
+      [-36, -72],
+      [15, -96],
+      [40, -54],
+      [-46, -102],
+      [8, -47],
+      [47, -65],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [51, -44],
+      [7, -47],
+      [35, -10],
+      [61, 42],
+      [23, -75],
+      [6, -88],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-31, -89],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [-62, -32],
+      [-66, 48],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [41, -91],
+      [98, -84],
+      [24, -52],
+      [-15, -53],
+      [10, -41],
+      [46, -18],
+      [1, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10690, 3106],
+      [-58, -93],
+      [-32, -96],
+      [-8, -74],
+      [35, -53],
+      [44, 18],
+      [34, -71],
+      [-33, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10672, 2684],
+      [36, -137],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [44, -110],
+      [11, -65],
+      [-22, -69],
+      [33, -21],
+      [21, -90],
+      [-47, -53],
+      [-35, -2],
+      [-57, -77],
+      [-77, -47],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-71, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10220, 2075],
+      [-61, 61],
+      [-64, -60],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [-31, 29],
+      [-45, 187],
+      [77, 21],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-86, 22],
+      [-69, 156],
+      [-13, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9893, 2627],
+      [56, 35],
+      [56, -32],
+      [29, 26],
+      [29, 69],
+      [-10, 83],
+      [88, 17],
+      [101, -57],
+      [20, 46],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-17, 127],
+      [5, 47],
+      [30, 58],
+      [7, 114]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10257, 3174],
+      [149, 187],
+      [56, -68],
+      [66, -41],
+      [9, -37],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [16, -21],
+      [66, -12],
+      [37, 31],
+      [60, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11023, 895],
+      [9, -59],
+      [-71, -101],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-6, -63],
+      [35, -29],
+      [85, -19],
+      [45, -49],
+      [38, -100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11104, 417],
+      [-136, 71],
+      [-50, 2],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [15, 47],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-69, -52],
+      [-61, 24],
+      [-66, 78],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [-78, 40],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-88, 38],
+      [-84, 24],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-98, 67],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [-95, 122]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10345, 1238],
+      [60, -32],
+      [95, 2],
+      [56, -37],
+      [77, -17],
+      [48, -64],
+      [91, 32],
+      [137, -43],
+      [53, 2],
+      [14, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10976, 1122],
+      [73, 8],
+      [15, -91],
+      [-5, -49],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [24, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11044, 1478],
+      [33, -95],
+      [-32, -93],
+      [4, -50],
+      [-73, -118]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10522, 1563],
+      [72, -53],
+      [15, -61],
+      [30, -34],
+      [77, 8],
+      [9, 83],
+      [44, 76],
+      [44, 38],
+      [130, -66],
+      [56, -59],
+      [45, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8702, 2908],
+      [-16, -128],
+      [-53, -132],
+      [-73, -88],
+      [-34, -11],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [0, -47],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [-31, -79],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [-27, -27],
+      [-90, 39],
+      [-19, -67],
+      [41, -25],
+      [-49, -60],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [59, -15],
+      [93, 15],
+      [10, -62],
+      [-15, -74],
+      [51, -44],
+      [35, -3],
+      [62, -58],
+      [-11, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8428, 1799],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-76, -68],
+      [-7, -91],
+      [-51, -41],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-106, 11],
+      [-34, 62],
+      [-88, -21],
+      [-53, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7750, 2912],
+      [-47, 69],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [33, 139],
+      [44, 65],
+      [-9, 57],
+      [86, 91],
+      [36, 87],
+      [38, -11],
+      [38, 38],
+      [71, -1],
+      [64, 39],
+      [31, 99],
+      [61, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8190, 3694],
+      [41, 34],
+      [-46, 101],
+      [-41, 21],
+      [25, 51],
+      [25, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8194, 3912],
+      [35, -38],
+      [16, -56],
+      [47, 13],
+      [30, -20],
+      [78, 5],
+      [73, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8473, 3800],
+      [38, -56],
+      [-6, -79],
+      [89, -63],
+      [30, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9564, 2762],
+      [7, -72],
+      [39, 1],
+      [3, -42],
+      [124, -53],
+      [-14, -51],
+      [58, -53],
+      [37, 37],
+      [6, 77],
+      [69, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9307, 1006],
+      [-70, 23],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-52, 32],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [-71, 4],
+      [32, 76],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-57, 6],
+      [-43, -44],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-41, 74],
+      [7, 86],
+      [-18, 60],
+      [-88, 44],
+      [-42, 142],
+      [7, 75],
+      [-68, 140],
+      [29, 63],
+      [-75, 77],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [-60, -56],
+      [-42, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17431, 4198],
+      [-32, -58],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-54, -52],
+      [-21, -66],
+      [-100, 14],
+      [-65, 42],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-106, 17],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-41, 31],
+      [-83, 16],
+      [-53, 36],
+      [-18, -77],
+      [-126, -101],
+      [-99, -119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16542, 3845],
+      [-15, 59],
+      [-61, 82],
+      [-8, 27],
+      [-69, 51],
+      [12, 84],
+      [-37, 10],
+      [-44, 67],
+      [14, 47],
+      [106, 139],
+      [-6, 108],
+      [-31, 42],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [27, 30],
+      [0, 49],
+      [-30, 106],
+      [56, 69],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [55, 47],
+      [-15, 62],
+      [56, 87],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-92, -64],
+      [6, 115],
+      [-98, -19],
+      [22, -30],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [-119, 84],
+      [-60, -76],
+      [-116, 33],
+      [-55, 64],
+      [-34, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15796, 5204],
+      [32, 51],
+      [-2, 81],
+      [11, 100],
+      [51, 107],
+      [111, -56],
+      [63, 11],
+      [57, -24],
+      [27, -33],
+      [46, 6],
+      [26, 57],
+      [145, 10],
+      [74, 82],
+      [86, -19],
+      [41, -30],
+      [30, 41],
+      [39, 4],
+      [5, 81],
+      [-37, 36],
+      [-16, 61],
+      [93, 44],
+      [39, -19],
+      [131, 97],
+      [65, 23],
+      [71, 8],
+      [25, -32],
+      [77, 57],
+      [156, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17242, 6012],
+      [22, -119],
+      [24, -55],
+      [59, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17347, 5779],
+      [-74, -33],
+      [-29, -129],
+      [-35, -73],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-60, -59],
+      [-84, -122],
+      [35, -129],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [-40, -50],
+      [0, -52],
+      [35, -54],
+      [40, -22],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [75, -8],
+      [22, -63],
+      [42, -72],
+      [-33, -107],
+      [45, -42],
+      [-33, -67],
+      [15, -42],
+      [63, -68],
+      [-29, -48],
+      [-15, -82],
+      [107, -71],
+      [92, 29],
+      [4, -44],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [28, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16572, 7469],
+      [-11, -77],
+      [47, -46],
+      [-32, -37],
+      [111, -125],
+      [13, -66],
+      [39, -28],
+      [81, 20],
+      [90, -93],
+      [4, -34],
+      [119, -1],
+      [68, -89],
+      [10, -54],
+      [-5, -121],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [72, -4],
+      [48, -33],
+      [41, 34],
+      [5, -75],
+      [17, -46],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [-102, -130],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-93, -62],
+      [-23, -128],
+      [56, -71],
+      [53, 32],
+      [3, -84],
+      [33, -37],
+      [81, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15796, 5204],
+      [-16, -48],
+      [-100, -1],
+      [-125, 67],
+      [-134, 19],
+      [-36, 50],
+      [-53, 4],
+      [-72, 46],
+      [-67, -40],
+      [-39, 65],
+      [-63, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15091, 5414],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [-80, 35],
+      [26, 21],
+      [-23, 53],
+      [-8, 92],
+      [28, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16070, 6705],
+      [104, -125],
+      [33, 73],
+      [99, 14],
+      [40, -17],
+      [-17, 113],
+      [23, 46],
+      [60, -19],
+      [49, 71],
+      [36, -19],
+      [74, 130],
+      [-28, 103],
+      [-31, 50],
+      [-89, -8],
+      [25, 120],
+      [-20, 70],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-31, 15],
+      [-5, -92],
+      [63, -40],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [5, -56],
+      [-68, 18],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [-77, 4],
+      [-51, 33],
+      [-53, -99],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [58, -137],
+      [6, -45],
+      [-62, -70],
+      [25, -39],
+      [38, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17142, 8066],
+      [18, -55],
+      [43, -16],
+      [59, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17262, 7950],
+      [-15, -61],
+      [65, -88],
+      [59, -1],
+      [16, -77],
+      [30, -12],
+      [27, -88],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [17, -103],
+      [101, -80],
+      [-19, -130],
+      [121, -125],
+      [31, -21],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [61, -25],
+      [40, -49],
+      [65, 9],
+      [-45, -88],
+      [57, -13],
+      [-28, -105],
+      [23, -50],
+      [229, 14],
+      [26, -30],
+      [-1, -51],
+      [88, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18148, 6655],
+      [-7, -81],
+      [-42, -35],
+      [-67, -23],
+      [-141, 3],
+      [-141, -67],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [22, -64],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [73, -3],
+      [79, -109],
+      [67, -34],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [28, -48],
+      [4, -44],
+      [-41, -71],
+      [48, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17960, 5894],
+      [-56, -21],
+      [-81, 16],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-100, -21],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-109, -13],
+      [-26, 17],
+      [-42, 80],
+      [-34, -7],
+      [-59, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18502, 4747],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [-82, -61],
+      [26, -58],
+      [-80, -138],
+      [-100, -5],
+      [-2, -72],
+      [13, -25],
+      [-73, -100],
+      [-34, -30],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [-86, 2],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-46, -51],
+      [-121, 28],
+      [-58, -49],
+      [-34, -10],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-17, 24],
+      [-51, 1],
+      [-80, 55],
+      [-28, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17960, 5894],
+      [73, -68],
+      [109, 7],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-63, -49],
+      [-4, -36],
+      [-57, -107],
+      [32, -67],
+      [59, -82],
+      [69, 3],
+      [-20, -91],
+      [-123, -57],
+      [-20, -112],
+      [31, -133],
+      [33, 3],
+      [31, -51],
+      [57, -6],
+      [22, -153],
+      [50, -44],
+      [52, 33],
+      [48, -27],
+      [82, -13],
+      [84, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4153, 11255],
+      [98, -48],
+      [54, -82],
+      [86, -52],
+      [-43, -73],
+      [-29, 16],
+      [-31, -49],
+      [-138, -16],
+      [-43, -37],
+      [-46, -103],
+      [35, -65],
+      [27, 7],
+      [30, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3332, 10451],
+      [9, 33],
+      [-54, 61],
+      [-2, 54],
+      [30, 87],
+      [57, 220],
+      [49, 19],
+      [59, 76],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [-80, 30],
+      [43, 144],
+      [86, 73],
+      [53, -7],
+      [74, 69],
+      [84, -16],
+      [56, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3783, 11367],
+      [44, -47],
+      [34, 20],
+      [30, -49],
+      [83, -43],
+      [38, 9],
+      [141, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4432, 14481],
+      [-43, -92],
+      [26, -64],
+      [34, -40],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-176, -13],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-68, -3],
+      [-75, 21],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [-147, 3],
+      [-85, -29],
+      [-68, -158]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3792, 14000],
+      [-45, 3],
+      [-116, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3631, 13937],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-49, -24],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [-29, -25],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-55, 16],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-106, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3158, 13837],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [-56, 24],
+      [-219, 120],
+      [-109, -49],
+      [-43, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2701, 13914],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-154, 18],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-43, 35],
+      [-66, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2390, 14028],
+      [26, 115],
+      [101, 20],
+      [80, -57],
+      [24, 44],
+      [95, -21],
+      [15, 22],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-73, 37],
+      [-83, 8],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [0, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2518, 14316],
+      [147, -27],
+      [34, -36],
+      [54, -3],
+      [276, 49],
+      [249, 116],
+      [152, 67],
+      [70, 10],
+      [83, 42],
+      [332, 13],
+      [84, -9],
+      [126, 25],
+      [109, -8],
+      [122, -58],
+      [76, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1846, 11660],
+      [-123, 68],
+      [-52, 83],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [-6, 65],
+      [-82, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1536, 11973],
+      [32, 61],
+      [47, 51],
+      [72, 152],
+      [8, 33],
+      [60, 44],
+      [39, 93],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [-66, 83],
+      [27, 100],
+      [82, -48],
+      [6, 61],
+      [37, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1878, 12692],
+      [75, -40],
+      [37, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1990, 12679],
+      [62, -31],
+      [91, 44],
+      [29, -39],
+      [17, -111],
+      [-8, -47],
+      [57, -26],
+      [93, 2],
+      [70, -34],
+      [64, -15],
+      [64, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2529, 12438],
+      [52, -54],
+      [44, -133],
+      [-13, -72],
+      [69, -37],
+      [-91, -61],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [-56, -29],
+      [-76, -9],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [-61, -86],
+      [-49, -53],
+      [-130, -12],
+      [-89, -38],
+      [-100, 6],
+      [-81, -30],
+      [-70, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3631, 13937],
+      [30, -16],
+      [-66, -210],
+      [124, -36],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-22, -76],
+      [11, -78],
+      [-65, 19],
+      [-50, -23],
+      [-40, -67],
+      [-28, -140],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-26, -65],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [5, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3240, 13017],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-22, -108],
+      [-136, -9],
+      [-12, 43],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [-175, 122],
+      [-20, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2763, 13134],
+      [10, 80],
+      [46, -18],
+      [41, 113],
+      [50, 19],
+      [14, 48],
+      [53, 69],
+      [2, 48],
+      [56, 33],
+      [25, 49],
+      [80, 9],
+      [37, -29],
+      [41, 158],
+      [-52, 16],
+      [9, 31],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [30, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2763, 13134],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-108, -7],
+      [-254, -142],
+      [-87, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2302, 13031],
+      [22, 63],
+      [-22, 78],
+      [14, 93],
+      [56, 71],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [23, 109],
+      [34, 24],
+      [134, 62],
+      [-8, 33],
+      [65, 21],
+      [1, 37],
+      [57, 5],
+      [42, -22],
+      [69, 44],
+      [28, -5],
+      [-15, 81],
+      [-43, 148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4289, 13260],
+      [-57, -42],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-42, -67],
+      [-69, -23],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-5, -52],
+      [-131, -6],
+      [1, -38],
+      [-60, 1],
+      [-7, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3827, 12957],
+      [-111, 5],
+      [-68, 23],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [-98, -8],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [-80, 44],
+      [-33, 57],
+      [-59, 20],
+      [-31, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3792, 14000],
+      [170, -88],
+      [6, -88],
+      [-29, -112],
+      [99, -42],
+      [17, -29],
+      [2, -188],
+      [23, 0],
+      [23, -62],
+      [-2, -48],
+      [191, -26],
+      [-3, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4675, 13036],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [-103, 14],
+      [-37, -15],
+      [-38, 62],
+      [-82, 63],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [0, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4432, 14481],
+      [124, -34],
+      [113, -108],
+      [146, -82],
+      [193, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5008, 14225],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [2, -91],
+      [22, -177],
+      [3, -133],
+      [-47, 18],
+      [-78, -236]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4893, 13544],
+      [-36, -7],
+      [-31, -74],
+      [26, -10],
+      [-41, -98],
+      [33, -15],
+      [-29, -70],
+      [-63, -27],
+      [-62, -85],
+      [27, -27],
+      [-42, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2554, 10895],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-55, 47],
+      [-85, 23],
+      [-80, -24],
+      [-83, 90],
+      [-48, 13],
+      [-58, 62],
+      [-89, 125],
+      [-6, 71],
+      [-40, 39],
+      [-41, 7],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [12, 58],
+      [-30, 29],
+      [-26, 57],
+      [-19, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2529, 12438],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [50, 104],
+      [57, 57],
+      [66, -61],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [25, -70],
+      [75, -51],
+      [50, 10],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [33, -113],
+      [40, -26],
+      [-27, -99],
+      [1, -49],
+      [36, -25],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [-60, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2836, 11911],
+      [-111, -89],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-4, -114],
+      [-85, -75],
+      [-9, -49],
+      [55, -31],
+      [-12, -94],
+      [21, -96],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-63, 1],
+      [-31, -69],
+      [5, -73],
+      [50, -56],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [0, -101],
+      [20, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3827, 12957],
+      [-59, -131],
+      [-3, -103],
+      [-69, -21],
+      [-104, -85],
+      [-84, 46],
+      [-54, -101],
+      [170, -117],
+      [37, -3],
+      [145, -122],
+      [10, -52],
+      [35, -12],
+      [63, -74],
+      [57, 67],
+      [26, 4],
+      [81, -61],
+      [50, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4128, 12187],
+      [43, -73],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [15, -83],
+      [-73, -42],
+      [-12, -72],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-37, -130],
+      [15, -48],
+      [-76, -51],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [-8, -59],
+      [-43, -9],
+      [-63, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3805, 11472],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-30, 169],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-64, 63],
+      [-44, -29],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-58, -62],
+      [-98, 56],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-73, 30],
+      [6, 53],
+      [-106, 37],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-67, 36],
+      [23, 76],
+      [-196, -93],
+      [-27, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1990, 12679],
+      [4, 36],
+      [39, 23],
+      [36, 50],
+      [5, 75],
+      [17, 40],
+      [65, 55],
+      [43, 15],
+      [8, 34],
+      [95, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3805, 11472],
+      [-27, -28],
+      [5, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4675, 13036],
+      [4, -26],
+      [94, -44],
+      [85, -88],
+      [38, 18],
+      [45, -51],
+      [105, -67],
+      [-11, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5035, 12729],
+      [-33, -38],
+      [-98, 27],
+      [-75, 10],
+      [-37, -34],
+      [-17, -58],
+      [-34, -39],
+      [25, -25],
+      [-62, -34],
+      [-17, 43],
+      [-67, -16],
+      [-78, -40],
+      [-81, 43],
+      [8, 16],
+      [-81, 74],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-49, -67],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [-42, -66],
+      [-32, -101],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-50, -100],
+      [-37, -54],
+      [27, -19],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [25, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8327, 4228],
+      [-12, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8315, 4200],
+      [-59, -39],
+      [-5, -99],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-24, -67],
+      [-56, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8190, 3694],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-105, -34],
+      [-94, 53],
+      [-92, -22],
+      [-70, 10],
+      [-73, 40],
+      [-36, -12],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [37, 70],
+      [-19, 54],
+      [34, 70],
+      [-47, 82],
+      [-8, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7663, 4165],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [119, 97],
+      [21, 60],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [61, 56],
+      [-23, 90],
+      [23, 48],
+      [-4, 89],
+      [142, 151]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7977, 4851],
+      [83, 8],
+      [126, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8186, 4886],
+      [31, -1],
+      [22, -48],
+      [60, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8299, 4759],
+      [-88, -46],
+      [2, -83],
+      [-19, -96],
+      [48, -47],
+      [23, -92],
+      [-2, -79],
+      [64, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6314, 5735],
+      [54, -32],
+      [66, -14],
+      [28, 10],
+      [55, -27],
+      [113, 41],
+      [120, -93],
+      [17, -53],
+      [19, -209],
+      [-50, 1],
+      [-50, -33],
+      [-48, -101],
+      [-100, -185]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6538, 5040],
+      [-61, -51],
+      [-46, -2],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-74, -67],
+      [-187, -38],
+      [-79, -9],
+      [-60, -19],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [-113, 41],
+      [-177, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5670, 4808],
+      [-25, 34],
+      [10, 92],
+      [72, 21],
+      [-7, 36],
+      [-77, 41],
+      [-30, 42],
+      [-87, 55],
+      [4, 85],
+      [38, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7252, 5743],
+      [-9, -50],
+      [35, -30],
+      [66, -131],
+      [-7, -86],
+      [81, -7],
+      [-42, -111],
+      [-161, -114],
+      [18, -81],
+      [-35, 2],
+      [5, -56],
+      [-54, 3],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-3, -78],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-10, -144]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7063, 4829],
+      [-74, -3],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-99, 6],
+      [-84, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6773, 4960],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-52, -21],
+      [-47, 44],
+      [-102, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6317, 6332],
+      [45, -54],
+      [62, -14],
+      [28, -23],
+      [74, 11],
+      [74, -72],
+      [265, -85],
+      [42, 12],
+      [62, -68],
+      [68, -19],
+      [82, -99],
+      [63, 43],
+      [16, -25],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [30, -25],
+      [22, -96],
+      [36, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6432, 3215],
+      [18, -96],
+      [141, -114],
+      [67, -35],
+      [30, -38],
+      [13, -66],
+      [-13, -27],
+      [95, -49],
+      [43, 19],
+      [32, -92],
+      [45, -40],
+      [-15, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6757, 2434],
+      [-65, 50],
+      [-61, 27],
+      [27, 27],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [-50, 31],
+      [-65, 9],
+      [-60, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6476, 2699],
+      [-48, 48],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [-110, 65],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-50, 45],
+      [-53, 18],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-50, 40],
+      [-45, 63],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-62, 57],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [-62, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5811, 3226],
+      [-188, 103],
+      [28, 119],
+      [-47, 42],
+      [-6, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5598, 3559],
+      [37, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5635, 3651],
+      [59, 19],
+      [78, -78],
+      [5, -38],
+      [46, -70],
+      [54, -12],
+      [37, -41],
+      [78, 4],
+      [50, 36],
+      [18, 39],
+      [40, 18],
+      [105, -158],
+      [55, -12],
+      [18, -49],
+      [38, -47],
+      [36, -5],
+      [38, -39],
+      [42, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7663, 4165],
+      [-149, -40],
+      [-80, 36],
+      [22, 29],
+      [-92, 51],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [-36, 35],
+      [0, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7256, 4376],
+      [25, 24],
+      [24, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7305, 4535],
+      [17, 17],
+      [162, 84],
+      [57, 77],
+      [21, 76],
+      [-6, 31],
+      [28, 88],
+      [48, -13],
+      [100, 102],
+      [51, 27],
+      [34, -13],
+      [51, -80],
+      [36, -81],
+      [73, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6432, 3215],
+      [0, 61],
+      [43, 114],
+      [40, 25],
+      [30, 54],
+      [-18, 20],
+      [45, 141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6572, 3630],
+      [120, 23],
+      [80, -31],
+      [17, 33],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [54, 66],
+      [40, 24],
+      [45, -15],
+      [44, -58],
+      [30, 49],
+      [-9, 74],
+      [93, 75],
+      [-61, 52],
+      [-45, 72],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [34, 34],
+      [160, -7],
+      [8, 17],
+      [-99, 52],
+      [24, 51],
+      [100, -12],
+      [13, 31],
+      [-29, 65],
+      [48, 19],
+      [29, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7420, 6116],
+      [46, -53],
+      [63, -24],
+      [-27, -59],
+      [83, -67],
+      [8, -42],
+      [-20, -79],
+      [-53, 9],
+      [-50, -73],
+      [-69, 31],
+      [-149, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6724, 6760],
+      [63, -34],
+      [9, -34],
+      [52, -51],
+      [92, 1],
+      [84, -73],
+      [27, -5],
+      [21, -49],
+      [97, -84],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [56, -100],
+      [4, -44],
+      [117, -84],
+      [42, -46],
+      [56, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6773, 4960],
+      [-34, -88],
+      [14, -73],
+      [-51, -10],
+      [-29, -100],
+      [14, -53],
+      [-17, -110],
+      [1, -75],
+      [64, -23],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-86, -78],
+      [-9, -95],
+      [-46, -139],
+      [-78, -42],
+      [-31, -96],
+      [13, -89],
+      [0, -90],
+      [54, -57],
+      [30, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5635, 3651],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [0, 58],
+      [-36, 91],
+      [-54, 54],
+      [56, 181],
+      [-39, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5518, 4123],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [30, 58],
+      [70, 39],
+      [8, 44],
+      [51, 38],
+      [43, 53],
+      [70, 38],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [-105, 60],
+      [1, 104],
+      [30, 93],
+      [-22, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8120, 7334],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [33, -61],
+      [-6, -55],
+      [-55, -73],
+      [-104, -111],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [30, -35],
+      [15, -68],
+      [76, -6],
+      [86, -58],
+      [-26, -87],
+      [35, -12],
+      [32, -63],
+      [-14, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8197, 6600],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-13, -49],
+      [6, -55],
+      [69, -37],
+      [-35, -55],
+      [10, -56],
+      [-10, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8183, 6275],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-38, -14],
+      [-103, 71],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-123, -35],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [-75, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7739, 6333],
+      [-23, 36],
+      [-93, 98],
+      [-39, 66],
+      [22, 47],
+      [126, 6],
+      [87, 90],
+      [-34, 48],
+      [-16, 56],
+      [-129, -5],
+      [-101, 80],
+      [4, 59],
+      [-22, 101],
+      [1, 58],
+      [48, 108],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [83, 122],
+      [56, 40],
+      [26, 101],
+      [-10, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8183, 6275],
+      [123, -112],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [73, -78],
+      [-19, -98],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-35, 25],
+      [-35, -56],
+      [74, -65],
+      [16, -31],
+      [-8, -52],
+      [64, -12],
+      [-1, -74],
+      [30, -132]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8418, 5520],
+      [-20, -208],
+      [30, -51],
+      [74, 2],
+      [2, -96],
+      [68, -13],
+      [0, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8572, 5095],
+      [-93, -25],
+      [-82, -46],
+      [2, 40],
+      [-82, 5],
+      [-85, -71],
+      [-27, -50],
+      [-44, -1],
+      [25, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7305, 4535],
+      [-109, 55],
+      [-42, 84],
+      [-4, 39],
+      [-67, 41],
+      [-20, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7420, 6116],
+      [-10, 35],
+      [24, 61],
+      [72, 30],
+      [48, -20],
+      [9, -29],
+      [77, 34],
+      [12, 61],
+      [28, 50],
+      [59, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17869, 14261],
+      [41, 56],
+      [57, 7],
+      [128, 134],
+      [24, -46],
+      [57, 13],
+      [-29, 43],
+      [-56, 8],
+      [-6, 117],
+      [9, 72],
+      [-114, 7],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-28, 83],
+      [119, 9],
+      [18, 107],
+      [32, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18076, 14889],
+      [52, -42],
+      [55, 48],
+      [39, -50],
+      [170, 59],
+      [29, 88],
+      [106, 47],
+      [56, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18583, 15010],
+      [39, -63],
+      [51, 17],
+      [39, -64],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [25, -66],
+      [105, 29],
+      [17, 23],
+      [99, 1],
+      [72, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19019, 14817],
+      [122, -81],
+      [39, -58],
+      [-25, -56],
+      [-65, -110],
+      [113, 25],
+      [31, -107],
+      [81, 0],
+      [36, -12],
+      [38, -141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19389, 14277],
+      [-59, -44],
+      [-8, -73],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-81, -175],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-55, -61],
+      [0, -157],
+      [-39, -40],
+      [64, -85],
+      [22, 0],
+      [45, -59],
+      [2, -100],
+      [-54, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16878, 14658],
+      [18, 58],
+      [204, 49],
+      [2, 44],
+      [-35, 48],
+      [24, 66],
+      [50, 21],
+      [29, 132],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [9, 36],
+      [129, -42],
+      [56, 101],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [1, 139],
+      [26, 97],
+      [46, -13],
+      [58, 83],
+      [-40, 122],
+      [26, 31],
+      [9, 62],
+      [-24, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17373, 15836],
+      [315, 195],
+      [88, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17776, 16060],
+      [-15, -60],
+      [-3, -110],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [108, -184],
+      [129, -61],
+      [20, -46],
+      [-52, -23],
+      [-7, -65],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [50, -80],
+      [-56, -75],
+      [96, 0],
+      [1, -120],
+      [80, -50],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [25, -10],
+      [-5, -68],
+      [-46, -46],
+      [30, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15864, 15098],
+      [-9, 122],
+      [-28, 33],
+      [10, 60],
+      [51, 6],
+      [43, 34],
+      [12, 86],
+      [-46, 29],
+      [-79, 4],
+      [-20, 68],
+      [-60, 18],
+      [5, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15743, 15601],
+      [85, 25],
+      [168, -39],
+      [88, -12],
+      [152, 55],
+      [175, 55],
+      [82, 4],
+      [172, -24],
+      [87, 34],
+      [193, 37],
+      [55, 45],
+      [87, 29],
+      [93, -19],
+      [193, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19975, 15484],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [1, -186],
+      [-73, -50],
+      [-34, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19861, 15142],
+      [-30, 41],
+      [-91, -60],
+      [-60, -15],
+      [-85, 7],
+      [-21, 82],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [30, 58],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [-50, 34],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-60, -23],
+      [36, -49],
+      [-299, -164],
+      [-30, -109],
+      [-10, -77],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [-18, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18583, 15010],
+      [52, 74],
+      [-59, 57],
+      [39, 69],
+      [-46, 72],
+      [-39, 13],
+      [9, 59],
+      [25, 16],
+      [-15, 59],
+      [-80, 45],
+      [82, 139],
+      [-63, 81],
+      [-192, 10],
+      [-17, 224],
+      [15, 35],
+      [15, 125],
+      [-18, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18291, 16148],
+      [50, 24],
+      [115, 16],
+      [35, -39],
+      [93, -22],
+      [111, 27],
+      [104, 14],
+      [117, -48],
+      [80, -63],
+      [171, -23],
+      [52, 9],
+      [110, 47],
+      [32, -21],
+      [24, -71],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [56, -134],
+      [256, -92],
+      [57, -110],
+      [113, -147],
+      [136, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19861, 15142],
+      [-17, -48],
+      [37, -177],
+      [-72, -58],
+      [6, -102],
+      [-28, -81],
+      [35, -107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19822, 14569],
+      [1, -53],
+      [-86, -138],
+      [-81, -23],
+      [-33, 15],
+      [-78, -25],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [-79, 7],
+      [-49, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21004, 15316],
+      [-145, -44],
+      [-67, -59],
+      [48, -106],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-6, -65],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [21, -37],
+      [40, 0],
+      [-10, -69],
+      [-108, -50],
+      [-33, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20600, 14768],
+      [-66, 120],
+      [-37, 31],
+      [-92, 11],
+      [-7, -72],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [6, -56],
+      [27, -30],
+      [-61, -59],
+      [-8, -89],
+      [-66, -89],
+      [-73, -8],
+      [-16, 46],
+      [-34, -6],
+      [-77, 136],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-100, -66],
+      [-39, 30],
+      [-55, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19975, 15484],
+      [137, 28],
+      [564, -57],
+      [123, 199],
+      [119, -102],
+      [86, -236]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17776, 16060],
+      [124, 69],
+      [86, -5],
+      [159, 18],
+      [70, -12],
+      [76, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12128, 9287],
+      [-28, -55],
+      [81, -59],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [-32, -82],
+      [-44, -21],
+      [3, -85],
+      [-16, -52],
+      [-62, 10],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [33, -34],
+      [-22, -54],
+      [4, -89],
+      [13, -21],
+      [98, -46],
+      [6, -158]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12108, 8492],
+      [1, -66],
+      [-45, -83],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-57, 54],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-71, 16],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [-69, 31],
+      [-8, 34],
+      [-67, 7],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-104, -15],
+      [-63, 52],
+      [-39, -4],
+      [-25, -65],
+      [-36, -49],
+      [-88, 56],
+      [-24, 87],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [-126, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11103, 8647],
+      [-4, 42],
+      [-41, 76],
+      [24, 97],
+      [-15, 77],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [9, 70],
+      [-89, 41],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-86, 45],
+      [27, 77],
+      [1, 87],
+      [-31, 38],
+      [-6, 52],
+      [48, 5],
+      [30, 70],
+      [31, -26],
+      [50, 52],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [-56, 168],
+      [33, 7],
+      [5, 42],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [4, 39],
+      [87, -9],
+      [75, 28],
+      [56, -67],
+      [77, -20],
+      [51, -50],
+      [136, -8],
+      [89, 74],
+      [62, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11540, 9728],
+      [10, -59],
+      [45, -54],
+      [44, -16],
+      [15, 37],
+      [154, 1],
+      [46, -35],
+      [170, 58],
+      [45, -74],
+      [22, -57],
+      [-26, -21],
+      [1, -57],
+      [-27, -17],
+      [37, -121],
+      [52, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11766, 10115],
+      [5, -36],
+      [-56, -141],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-18, -79],
+      [-36, -18],
+      [-51, 8],
+      [-20, -104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11103, 8647],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-147, -121],
+      [-130, -7],
+      [-93, -89],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-78, 12],
+      [-73, 73],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [-41, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10456, 8422],
+      [3, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10459, 8465],
+      [-6, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10453, 8515],
+      [26, 66],
+      [-40, 77],
+      [-10, 100],
+      [-51, 44],
+      [-53, 96],
+      [-1, 102],
+      [-69, 23],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [20, 82],
+      [-95, 28],
+      [-135, -45],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [-65, 59],
+      [-20, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9928, 9334],
+      [28, 110],
+      [-65, 76],
+      [10, 19],
+      [-13, 128],
+      [30, 239]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9918, 9906],
+      [45, -7],
+      [41, 43],
+      [204, 53],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-74, 22],
+      [36, 74],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-33, 50],
+      [29, 52],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [-15, 131],
+      [38, 52],
+      [130, 28],
+      [37, 90],
+      [10, 108],
+      [-37, 49],
+      [-30, 117],
+      [16, 52],
+      [51, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10292, 10886],
+      [54, 14],
+      [71, -18],
+      [34, -53],
+      [45, -14],
+      [204, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10700, 10811],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [18, -78],
+      [63, -79],
+      [139, -22],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [-34, -62],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [31, -46],
+      [0, -61],
+      [36, -32],
+      [30, 39],
+      [76, 22],
+      [2, 29],
+      [58, -3],
+      [43, -22],
+      [83, 28],
+      [98, -51],
+      [164, 30],
+      [61, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11501, 10434],
+      [83, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11584, 10435],
+      [2, -44],
+      [40, -31],
+      [-16, -138],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [4, -76],
+      [86, 0],
+      [83, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12818, 8635],
+      [-34, -25],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [20, -18],
+      [82, -15],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-63, -50],
+      [39, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12835, 8419],
+      [-55, -3],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [-106, 95],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-38, 5],
+      [-36, -50],
+      [-64, 53],
+      [-96, 19],
+      [-112, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12268, 8457],
+      [-24, 45],
+      [-136, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12128, 9287],
+      [71, -28],
+      [32, 11],
+      [-1, 116],
+      [62, -20],
+      [33, -33],
+      [124, -29],
+      [41, 66],
+      [71, 2],
+      [36, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12597, 9416],
+      [22, -3],
+      [-7, -87],
+      [76, 12],
+      [53, -22],
+      [57, 35],
+      [30, -74],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [-41, -45],
+      [59, -22],
+      [-2, -52],
+      [40, -98],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [12, -39],
+      [-59, -46],
+      [-25, -46],
+      [69, -105],
+      [0, -51],
+      [21, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11766, 10115],
+      [87, -7],
+      [62, 17],
+      [20, -52],
+      [63, -19],
+      [115, 15],
+      [55, 48],
+      [83, 11],
+      [33, -79],
+      [33, 4],
+      [67, -23],
+      [153, 20],
+      [42, -89],
+      [160, -33],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-51, -61],
+      [-16, -64],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-15, -67],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [14, -81],
+      [-7, -47],
+      [19, -49],
+      [-23, -37],
+      [21, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13659, 2745],
+      [31, -4],
+      [43, 40],
+      [83, -10],
+      [86, 8],
+      [44, -23],
+      [56, 39],
+      [67, -5],
+      [30, -50],
+      [25, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14124, 2749],
+      [44, -46],
+      [-15, -49],
+      [71, -159],
+      [6, -89],
+      [-69, -74],
+      [1, -75],
+      [47, -50],
+      [24, 1],
+      [44, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14277, 2137],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-32, -90],
+      [-33, -144],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-94, 10],
+      [-57, -55],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [-31, 54],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [-85, 77],
+      [-69, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13704, 2102],
+      [-24, 63],
+      [-19, 145],
+      [-104, 15],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-58, -38],
+      [-16, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13444, 2347],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-38, 78],
+      [-73, 14],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-51, 96],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [29, 126],
+      [55, 12],
+      [175, -12],
+      [83, 14],
+      [21, -9],
+      [79, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12013, 4181],
+      [-76, 54],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-65, -24],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-113, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11647, 4140],
+      [-33, 82],
+      [12, 96],
+      [-66, 184],
+      [51, 95],
+      [28, -8],
+      [22, 67],
+      [75, 34],
+      [28, 87],
+      [4, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11768, 4892],
+      [124, -53],
+      [63, 7],
+      [41, -46],
+      [86, -46],
+      [1, 54],
+      [75, 10],
+      [15, 57],
+      [26, 7],
+      [32, 62],
+      [3, 89],
+      [-34, 51],
+      [1, 68],
+      [49, 17],
+      [50, -12],
+      [55, 58],
+      [84, 23],
+      [21, -59],
+      [103, -49],
+      [126, 66],
+      [34, 143]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12723, 5339],
+      [73, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12796, 5374],
+      [81, -109],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [-15, -212],
+      [34, -40],
+      [45, 1],
+      [37, 48],
+      [118, 34],
+      [28, -27],
+      [63, -7],
+      [24, -42],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [56, -17],
+      [18, -50],
+      [-3, -67],
+      [69, -163],
+      [89, -18],
+      [-21, -42],
+      [23, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13403, 4547],
+      [29, 3],
+      [-21, -189],
+      [-32, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13379, 4324],
+      [-105, 38],
+      [-37, 104],
+      [-61, -64],
+      [-39, -85],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-11, -41],
+      [-119, -60],
+      [-43, 35],
+      [-170, -81],
+      [-95, 15],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [-49, 12],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [-106, 17],
+      [-57, 69],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-94, 42],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-22, -45],
+      [-61, -22],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-60, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14277, 2137],
+      [54, -45],
+      [33, 9],
+      [63, 180],
+      [56, 25],
+      [8, -30],
+      [64, -13],
+      [28, -65],
+      [72, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14655, 2261],
+      [32, 7],
+      [6, -62],
+      [24, -28],
+      [87, -15],
+      [26, 35],
+      [45, 12],
+      [2, -104],
+      [36, -38],
+      [10, -60],
+      [-10, -226],
+      [18, -11],
+      [96, 7],
+      [8, -13],
+      [25, -180],
+      [-51, -94],
+      [-4, -61],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [-7, -77],
+      [73, -54],
+      [102, -148],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-65, -35],
+      [-52, -68],
+      [20, -74],
+      [-29, -51],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-15, -112],
+      [-127, 10],
+      [-76, -64],
+      [-51, 27],
+      [-57, -20],
+      [-65, 22],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-80, -9],
+      [-27, -35],
+      [-15, -66],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-56, -44],
+      [-111, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14131, 473],
+      [-25, 110],
+      [7, 56],
+      [-43, 55],
+      [33, 68],
+      [-126, -34],
+      [-24, 32],
+      [67, 97],
+      [-60, -18],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [-99, -6],
+      [-58, 21],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [-25, 73],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-10, 131],
+      [87, 97],
+      [38, 9],
+      [52, 76],
+      [-42, 38],
+      [-25, 50],
+      [-34, -39],
+      [-55, 43],
+      [-12, 63],
+      [-37, 52],
+      [-69, 20],
+      [-20, 55],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-46, 29],
+      [-29, 62],
+      [15, 42],
+      [101, -27],
+      [-15, 70],
+      [39, 118],
+      [-9, 74],
+      [32, -12],
+      [137, 97],
+      [34, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13412, 4011],
+      [57, 3],
+      [19, -61],
+      [65, -29],
+      [78, -10],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [15, -116],
+      [18, -53],
+      [-67, -8],
+      [12, -39],
+      [83, -36],
+      [46, 0],
+      [39, -21],
+      [36, -64],
+      [-58, -37],
+      [-17, -81],
+      [33, -50],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [11, -37],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-30, 16],
+      [-50, -26],
+      [-45, 48],
+      [-104, 46],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [-48, -37],
+      [-11, -56],
+      [-56, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13251, 3170],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-26, -16],
+      [-109, -1],
+      [-26, 91],
+      [-35, 78],
+      [-9, 62],
+      [-82, -45],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [12, -98],
+      [-59, -85],
+      [-97, 15],
+      [-14, -46],
+      [21, -21],
+      [-44, -78],
+      [-16, 22],
+      [-60, -73],
+      [9, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12592, 2904],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [-78, 28],
+      [-7, 55],
+      [-53, 14],
+      [-77, -44],
+      [-73, 66],
+      [-30, 61],
+      [-68, 47],
+      [-25, -17],
+      [-54, 16],
+      [-56, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11999, 3081],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-48, 101],
+      [-8, 100],
+      [-43, 61],
+      [-27, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11841, 3375],
+      [-31, 55],
+      [10, 32],
+      [-58, 78],
+      [103, -46],
+      [14, 18],
+      [78, 14],
+      [71, 68],
+      [-19, 54],
+      [-41, 61],
+      [26, 30],
+      [4, 49],
+      [89, 71],
+      [-26, 130],
+      [-106, 137],
+      [47, 15],
+      [11, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13379, 4324],
+      [3, -73],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [48, -36],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [-35, 11],
+      [15, -114],
+      [46, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11841, 3375],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-38, -63],
+      [40, -15],
+      [-41, -49],
+      [-63, -15],
+      [-35, 48],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [-77, -39],
+      [-31, 74],
+      [-118, 62],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-63, -2],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [29, 105],
+      [-82, 67],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [18, 100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11257, 3675],
+      [129, 6],
+      [47, 51],
+      [22, 100],
+      [66, 113],
+      [64, 22],
+      [26, 50],
+      [-10, 31],
+      [47, 30],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [29, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13251, 3170],
+      [75, -52],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [45, -14],
+      [7, -35],
+      [144, -6],
+      [36, -33],
+      [17, -74],
+      [45, -94],
+      [31, -28],
+      [18, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13444, 2347],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [-43, -75],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [-92, -46],
+      [-73, 51],
+      [-93, 21],
+      [-63, -72],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-31, 66],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [-46, -17],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [20, 53],
+      [-11, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12767, 2262],
+      [79, 82],
+      [43, 33],
+      [52, 138],
+      [-3, 35],
+      [-53, 78],
+      [-5, 132],
+      [-96, 52],
+      [-65, 47],
+      [6, 71],
+      [-111, -33],
+      [-22, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16542, 3845],
+      [39, -77],
+      [52, -54],
+      [-64, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16569, 3629],
+      [-71, -13],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-51, 118],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-55, 38],
+      [55, 91],
+      [-5, 35],
+      [-44, 80],
+      [35, 150],
+      [-125, 103],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [-98, 73],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-58, -78],
+      [32, -66],
+      [59, -24],
+      [5, -65],
+      [-47, 5],
+      [-78, -42],
+      [-40, 4],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [-9, 128],
+      [-34, 89],
+      [-111, 66],
+      [-22, 33],
+      [-73, 47],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-88, -14],
+      [-64, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15347, 4226],
+      [-56, 37],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [-40, 28],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-51, -6],
+      [-97, 45],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [-12, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14919, 4462],
+      [14, 64],
+      [16, 172],
+      [-66, 91],
+      [-26, 124],
+      [17, 203]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14874, 5116],
+      [21, 48],
+      [51, 8],
+      [46, 38],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [8, 75],
+      [75, 46],
+      [25, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14609, 2637],
+      [-60, 48],
+      [-84, -10],
+      [-37, 35],
+      [4, 67],
+      [44, 32],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [32, 126],
+      [79, 77],
+      [65, 4],
+      [126, 43],
+      [65, -20],
+      [82, 60],
+      [23, 48],
+      [-86, 29],
+      [-51, 91],
+      [71, 72],
+      [22, 65],
+      [110, 97],
+      [6, 97],
+      [55, 0],
+      [19, -28],
+      [75, 22],
+      [34, 181],
+      [-35, 71],
+      [-12, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15147, 3946],
+      [140, 142],
+      [61, -12],
+      [21, 107],
+      [-22, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16569, 3629],
+      [43, -53],
+      [4, -33],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-5, -66],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-55, -138],
+      [-452, -3],
+      [-215, -12],
+      [-103, -208],
+      [-8, -68],
+      [-28, -43],
+      [-22, -84],
+      [1, -63],
+      [69, -68],
+      [47, -76],
+      [-109, 24],
+      [-72, -33],
+      [-70, 7],
+      [-74, 22],
+      [-109, 59],
+      [-54, 71],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-54, -52],
+      [-87, 25],
+      [-88, 70],
+      [-113, -72],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-23, -76],
+      [-105, 18],
+      [-62, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14413, 4476],
+      [-98, -60],
+      [-74, 41],
+      [-28, -61],
+      [-63, -81],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-113, -2],
+      [-62, 27],
+      [-55, -25],
+      [16, -61],
+      [-32, -37],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [-59, -25],
+      [-66, 47],
+      [-57, -23],
+      [-132, -6],
+      [-49, -46],
+      [4, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13403, 4547],
+      [66, 27],
+      [41, 91],
+      [48, 15],
+      [12, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13570, 4720],
+      [93, -13],
+      [25, 25],
+      [48, 92],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [28, 42],
+      [-6, 37],
+      [54, 37],
+      [57, 3],
+      [0, -97],
+      [42, -6],
+      [36, 43],
+      [36, 14],
+      [62, -81],
+      [76, -22],
+      [38, 7],
+      [92, -48],
+      [166, -197],
+      [14, -122]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14609, 2637],
+      [-37, -62],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [15, -145],
+      [21, -60],
+      [48, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14124, 2749],
+      [-27, 172],
+      [32, 122],
+      [26, 7],
+      [63, 60],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [0, 109],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [-23, 57],
+      [25, 51],
+      [44, -25],
+      [125, 10],
+      [45, 34],
+      [66, 11],
+      [22, 22],
+      [0, 71],
+      [32, 36],
+      [-48, 57],
+      [54, 36],
+      [114, -74],
+      [-7, 46],
+      [19, 49],
+      [28, 139],
+      [45, 31],
+      [98, -27],
+      [57, 75],
+      [65, 69],
+      [46, 31],
+      [86, 13],
+      [75, -7],
+      [42, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14413, 4476],
+      [78, -91],
+      [69, -19],
+      [60, 24],
+      [58, 43],
+      [37, 47],
+      [62, -12],
+      [62, 20],
+      [80, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6576, 10969],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-79, 14],
+      [-21, 50],
+      [-71, 10],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [41, 66],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [36, 77],
+      [-24, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6316, 11301],
+      [-43, 48],
+      [77, 89],
+      [9, 27],
+      [-26, 55],
+      [2, 56],
+      [-39, 144],
+      [32, 24],
+      [4, 74],
+      [113, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6445, 11846],
+      [69, 7],
+      [8, -29],
+      [93, 0],
+      [12, 14],
+      [86, -13],
+      [89, 1],
+      [20, 125],
+      [-8, 39],
+      [46, 59],
+      [136, 27],
+      [57, 36],
+      [73, -17],
+      [28, 48],
+      [53, -8],
+      [9, 66],
+      [149, 5],
+      [12, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7377, 12144],
+      [49, -140],
+      [-41, -103],
+      [73, -45],
+      [39, 57],
+      [54, -30],
+      [37, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7588, 11897],
+      [61, -33],
+      [-8, -58],
+      [57, -28],
+      [48, -60],
+      [-56, -47],
+      [-35, -50],
+      [-43, -108],
+      [35, -19],
+      [-14, -99],
+      [23, -56],
+      [32, -12],
+      [62, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7750, 11245],
+      [-84, -99],
+      [-97, -3],
+      [-66, -33],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-85, 34],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-134, 41],
+      [-15, 34],
+      [-125, -21],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-45, 15],
+      [-81, -31],
+      [-95, -64],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-62, -74],
+      [-68, 3],
+      [-1, -37],
+      [79, -22],
+      [12, -61],
+      [-108, 60],
+      [-78, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10309, 11473],
+      [-125, -4],
+      [0, 53],
+      [-56, 1],
+      [14, -67],
+      [-121, -26],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [-52, 32],
+      [-211, 7],
+      [2, 18],
+      [-77, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9665, 11579],
+      [36, 86],
+      [17, 98],
+      [64, 61],
+      [19, 47],
+      [-67, 34],
+      [-86, -26],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-67, -27],
+      [-38, 38],
+      [-89, 37],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [48, 91],
+      [37, 26],
+      [-7, 84],
+      [54, 23],
+      [65, 9],
+      [51, -31],
+      [117, -24],
+      [27, 21],
+      [17, 66],
+      [118, 39],
+      [54, 6],
+      [29, 79],
+      [96, 9],
+      [73, 91],
+      [39, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10196, 12435],
+      [65, -29],
+      [-18, -63],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [-33, -189],
+      [6, -127],
+      [10, -33],
+      [59, -27],
+      [219, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10475, 11926],
+      [-1, -93],
+      [54, -6],
+      [1, -61],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-1, -87],
+      [45, 4],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-143, 29],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-8, -117]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8346, 12229],
+      [2, 76],
+      [120, -35],
+      [54, 14],
+      [43, 37],
+      [11, 75],
+      [38, -25],
+      [36, 106],
+      [95, -35],
+      [14, 44],
+      [58, 28],
+      [111, -31],
+      [71, 42],
+      [22, 29],
+      [88, -4],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [38, 73],
+      [62, -21],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [69, 18],
+      [13, 58],
+      [-79, 17],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [11, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9141, 12779],
+      [15, -1],
+      [81, 70],
+      [43, 61],
+      [77, 19],
+      [70, -23],
+      [64, 15],
+      [18, 52],
+      [83, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9592, 12957],
+      [25, 34],
+      [69, -11],
+      [-17, -73],
+      [69, -8],
+      [57, -32],
+      [19, -33],
+      [-41, -38],
+      [-22, -68],
+      [10, -36],
+      [151, -23],
+      [108, -45],
+      [40, 7],
+      [24, -34],
+      [-7, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10077, 12552],
+      [75, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10152, 12519],
+      [55, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10207, 12497],
+      [-11, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9665, 11579],
+      [-30, -9],
+      [-201, -6],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-48, 3],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-90, -58],
+      [-81, -18],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [17, -50],
+      [-20, -42],
+      [-52, 3],
+      [-5, 71],
+      [-59, 85],
+      [12, -154],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [-45, -29],
+      [16, -55],
+      [-126, -39],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-89, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8737, 10956],
+      [-19, 25],
+      [-174, 16],
+      [-185, 109],
+      [-48, -24],
+      [-33, -56],
+      [-70, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8208, 11045],
+      [-59, 53],
+      [0, 105],
+      [-113, 45],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [24, 29],
+      [-12, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8007, 11347],
+      [71, -53],
+      [59, 7],
+      [23, 25],
+      [47, -10],
+      [82, -77],
+      [77, 100],
+      [87, 12],
+      [31, 87],
+      [29, 24],
+      [59, 11],
+      [-1, 174],
+      [39, 79],
+      [-142, 30],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-37, 69],
+      [-68, 43],
+      [-45, 74],
+      [74, 109],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [56, 25],
+      [-10, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9634, 13777],
+      [28, -73],
+      [43, -191],
+      [32, -89],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [-73, -6],
+      [-13, -127],
+      [31, -6],
+      [0, -114],
+      [49, -20],
+      [-91, -79],
+      [4, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9141, 12779],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-4, 76],
+      [-40, 29],
+      [5, 159],
+      [-41, 30],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [35, 46],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-103, 41],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-24, -29],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-145, 35],
+      [-76, -58],
+      [-60, -74],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [-63, 25],
+      [4, 107],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [-126, 30],
+      [-17, 59],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-21, 54],
+      [16, 63],
+      [54, 75],
+      [38, -11],
+      [21, 69],
+      [0, 89],
+      [-57, 69],
+      [-9, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8193, 13959],
+      [26, -9],
+      [216, 114],
+      [46, 1],
+      [226, -43],
+      [208, -69],
+      [73, -50],
+      [109, -89],
+      [19, -30],
+      [121, -102],
+      [98, -43],
+      [66, 1],
+      [102, 47],
+      [102, 82],
+      [29, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8007, 11347],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-152, -53],
+      [-17, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7588, 11897],
+      [26, 60],
+      [48, 12],
+      [33, 31],
+      [31, 66],
+      [70, 74],
+      [20, -10],
+      [9, 137],
+      [-6, 76],
+      [74, 9],
+      [-4, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7889, 12388],
+      [432, -118],
+      [25, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7125, 13177],
+      [27, -34],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [0, -81],
+      [109, -112],
+      [121, -30],
+      [23, 23],
+      [55, 1],
+      [39, 23],
+      [150, 19],
+      [106, 54],
+      [0, -46],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-14, -44],
+      [124, -29],
+      [39, -38],
+      [33, -102],
+      [35, -6],
+      [-44, -157],
+      [24, -202]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7377, 12144],
+      [67, 29],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [-49, 83],
+      [44, 143],
+      [31, 44],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-112, 30],
+      [-143, 53],
+      [-1, 227],
+      [40, 30],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-110, 97],
+      [-54, 131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6963, 13134],
+      [59, 62],
+      [65, 1],
+      [38, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7739, 13715],
+      [68, -13],
+      [52, 13],
+      [106, 73],
+      [5, 38],
+      [46, 31],
+      [45, 58],
+      [132, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7125, 13177],
+      [152, 244],
+      [27, -2],
+      [183, -54],
+      [33, 19],
+      [31, 69],
+      [100, -41],
+      [46, 87],
+      [20, 143],
+      [22, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10077, 12552],
+      [28, 66],
+      [124, -35],
+      [-77, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11183, 12949],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [59, -90],
+      [26, 10],
+      [59, -69],
+      [-49, -44],
+      [-48, -5],
+      [-2, -143],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-1, -107],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-70, -18],
+      [3, -51],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [-15, -36],
+      [-57, 32],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [16, -77],
+      [-7, -42],
+      [65, -20],
+      [127, 32],
+      [73, 29],
+      [64, -58],
+      [3, -85],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [0, -204],
+      [59, 8],
+      [21, -25],
+      [65, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11335, 11892],
+      [0, -69],
+      [71, -9],
+      [-4, -70],
+      [-67, -24],
+      [-36, -97],
+      [-64, -56],
+      [-122, -53],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [-80, -63],
+      [-66, -114]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10964, 11304],
+      [-13, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10951, 11306],
+      [-47, 16],
+      [-55, -3],
+      [15, 92],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [-5, 68],
+      [-54, 26],
+      [-12, 64],
+      [-87, 242],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [12, 105],
+      [-97, 12],
+      [-34, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10207, 12497],
+      [2, 38],
+      [34, 36],
+      [74, -35],
+      [67, 22],
+      [15, 54],
+      [50, 28],
+      [112, 34],
+      [120, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10681, 12684],
+      [-2, -111],
+      [107, 6],
+      [154, 104],
+      [12, 73],
+      [46, 21],
+      [55, 85],
+      [88, -4],
+      [42, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6553, 13121],
+      [21, 68],
+      [40, 22],
+      [63, 2],
+      [73, -55],
+      [58, 83],
+      [155, -107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6445, 11846],
+      [-5, 108],
+      [26, 70],
+      [28, -21],
+      [39, 46],
+      [42, 75],
+      [78, 42],
+      [53, 101],
+      [45, 65],
+      [-53, 29],
+      [10, 25],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-110, 23],
+      [-20, 60],
+      [-46, 228],
+      [-57, 39],
+      [24, 69],
+      [35, -12],
+      [82, 284]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9634, 13777],
+      [98, 14],
+      [124, -40],
+      [279, 55],
+      [0, 41],
+      [72, 34],
+      [213, -24],
+      [39, -63],
+      [113, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10572, 13700],
+      [-32, -49],
+      [-25, -71],
+      [36, -61],
+      [-84, 37],
+      [-36, -7],
+      [-65, -45],
+      [-77, 2],
+      [42, -45],
+      [-41, -76],
+      [76, -30],
+      [-16, -42],
+      [68, 0],
+      [7, -21],
+      [162, -9],
+      [27, 56],
+      [67, -4],
+      [-18, -52],
+      [-142, -83],
+      [8, -24],
+      [-136, -120],
+      [33, -69],
+      [79, -43],
+      [61, -5],
+      [78, 14],
+      [28, 42],
+      [43, -5],
+      [159, -57],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-52, 1],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-46, -41],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-21, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11554, 13463],
+      [-135, -23],
+      [-101, 5],
+      [-78, -83],
+      [24, -118],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-76, -80],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [-60, -28],
+      [107, -73],
+      [4, -39],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [11, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10572, 13700],
+      [56, -33],
+      [208, -40],
+      [103, 50],
+      [118, 26],
+      [74, -6],
+      [143, -47],
+      [117, -29],
+      [61, -47],
+      [102, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20726, 10820],
+      [15, 45],
+      [60, 2],
+      [72, 20],
+      [48, 29],
+      [69, 10],
+      [4, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20994, 10960],
+      [85, 89],
+      [48, -27],
+      [52, 1],
+      [34, -38],
+      [94, 43],
+      [53, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21360, 11024],
+      [11, -59],
+      [22, -19],
+      [-2, -68],
+      [-186, 8],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [16, -72],
+      [-28, -132]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21165, 10657],
+      [-44, 56],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-12, -77],
+      [-72, 11],
+      [-12, 28],
+      [-121, 30],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [-1, 51],
+      [-73, -9],
+      [29, -45],
+      [-51, -17],
+      [-53, -74],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [41, 46],
+      [10, 119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20444, 10145],
+      [30, 69],
+      [-55, 60],
+      [-5, 31],
+      [-70, 41],
+      [20, 69],
+      [25, -12],
+      [60, 70],
+      [76, 22],
+      [-32, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20493, 10566],
+      [31, 31],
+      [49, 84],
+      [45, 50],
+      [108, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21165, 10657],
+      [35, -21],
+      [59, 26],
+      [70, -37],
+      [18, -60],
+      [35, -42],
+      [85, 23],
+      [22, 46],
+      [119, 8],
+      [3, -27],
+      [52, -26],
+      [45, -108],
+      [100, -60],
+      [94, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21902, 10413],
+      [-44, -247],
+      [-89, -110],
+      [-2, -107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21767, 9949],
+      [-84, -1],
+      [-50, -60],
+      [-40, -13],
+      [-97, 63],
+      [-121, -5],
+      [-138, -24],
+      [-83, 28],
+      [-31, 44],
+      [-11, 52],
+      [-64, 5],
+      [-5, 35],
+      [-66, 83],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [-109, 22],
+      [-50, -58],
+      [5, -130],
+      [-94, 12],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-46, -76],
+      [-79, 1],
+      [-22, 88],
+      [-35, 44],
+      [-67, 13],
+      [1, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20153, 10149],
+      [-15, -94],
+      [102, -49],
+      [-67, -105],
+      [22, -148],
+      [90, -6],
+      [-53, -87],
+      [16, -32],
+      [-38, -66],
+      [38, -40],
+      [-16, -42],
+      [31, -51],
+      [49, -27],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-83, -43],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-93, -31],
+      [-135, 11],
+      [-93, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19857, 9289],
+      [-165, 34],
+      [-7, 47],
+      [-117, 106],
+      [-71, -11],
+      [4, 46],
+      [49, 65],
+      [-10, 42],
+      [-140, 30],
+      [-66, 38],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-94, 15],
+      [-153, 14],
+      [-137, -46],
+      [-69, -48],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [-76, -26],
+      [-127, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19109, 10234],
+      [79, 61],
+      [54, -48],
+      [52, 14],
+      [156, -68],
+      [7, 18],
+      [76, 12],
+      [43, 54],
+      [6, 45],
+      [65, 37],
+      [127, 12],
+      [83, -18],
+      [20, -28],
+      [-27, -107],
+      [26, -63],
+      [39, -24],
+      [46, 28],
+      [44, -28],
+      [43, 51],
+      [50, 27],
+      [55, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20265, 11195],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-44, -59],
+      [26, -50],
+      [28, 4],
+      [28, 46],
+      [91, -76],
+      [47, -26],
+      [-10, -130],
+      [-53, -81],
+      [23, -45],
+      [78, -89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20444, 10145],
+      [-187, 57],
+      [-46, -64],
+      [-58, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19350, 11191],
+      [94, -5],
+      [49, -25],
+      [44, 27],
+      [45, -8],
+      [17, 42],
+      [87, 38],
+      [27, -5],
+      [146, 99],
+      [131, 19],
+      [46, -18],
+      [82, 15],
+      [4, -93],
+      [12, -33],
+      [82, -87],
+      [49, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20434, 11351],
+      [-83, 167],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [-26, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20277, 11626],
+      [42, 52],
+      [2, 60],
+      [72, 16],
+      [87, 164],
+      [13, 50],
+      [56, 63],
+      [46, -60],
+      [62, -39],
+      [118, 4],
+      [65, 25],
+      [60, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20900, 12031],
+      [14, -64],
+      [150, -15],
+      [28, -155],
+      [30, -83],
+      [-69, -7],
+      [5, -60],
+      [38, -2],
+      [50, -79],
+      [39, -89],
+      [13, -89],
+      [28, -90],
+      [-111, -27],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-64, 52],
+      [-28, -64],
+      [-58, -97],
+      [-47, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20878, 11134],
+      [-63, 10],
+      [10, 89],
+      [-7, 64],
+      [-38, 52],
+      [-27, 5],
+      [-105, -69],
+      [6, -67],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-43, 41],
+      [-72, 18],
+      [-42, 41],
+      [-24, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20434, 11351],
+      [-25, -61],
+      [-116, -69],
+      [-28, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19625, 12270],
+      [73, 20],
+      [13, -76],
+      [57, -3],
+      [24, -41],
+      [76, -34],
+      [1, -46],
+      [-22, -37],
+      [-3, -108],
+      [48, -36],
+      [44, -6],
+      [34, -58],
+      [30, 10],
+      [41, -76],
+      [88, 39],
+      [19, -70],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [53, -108],
+      [93, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21814, 9526],
+      [21, -97],
+      [-37, -50],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [22, -147],
+      [-18, -77],
+      [20, -107],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-29, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21740, 8922],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [-82, -12],
+      [-65, -34],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-30, -11],
+      [-60, 26],
+      [-230, 125],
+      [-96, 78],
+      [11, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21035, 9131],
+      [-57, 81],
+      [10, 64],
+      [54, 58],
+      [104, -56],
+      [162, 50],
+      [43, 34],
+      [5, 56],
+      [161, 69],
+      [130, 90],
+      [83, 4],
+      [84, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20994, 10960],
+      [-46, 73],
+      [-43, 35],
+      [-27, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20900, 12031],
+      [12, 96],
+      [-1, 97],
+      [75, 161],
+      [-42, -9],
+      [-20, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20924, 12469],
+      [68, 29],
+      [35, -6],
+      [77, -45],
+      [13, -38],
+      [65, -67],
+      [68, -114],
+      [39, 0],
+      [63, -56],
+      [89, -99],
+      [81, 10],
+      [9, -78],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [53, -43],
+      [46, -79],
+      [105, -60],
+      [16, 43],
+      [36, 14],
+      [88, 119],
+      [92, 82],
+      [43, -47],
+      [19, 21],
+      [132, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22148, 11982],
+      [43, -16],
+      [56, -76],
+      [20, -94],
+      [22, -6],
+      [-6, -69],
+      [156, -139]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22439, 11582],
+      [-47, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22392, 11503],
+      [-78, -25],
+      [-48, -29],
+      [-25, -91],
+      [-29, -67],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-75, 39],
+      [-53, -67],
+      [-80, -41],
+      [-107, 119],
+      [-26, 55],
+      [9, 98],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-15, -97],
+      [-40, 22],
+      [-8, -56],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-130, 28],
+      [-27, -71],
+      [25, -98],
+      [-5, -68],
+      [-116, 7],
+      [-43, -16],
+      [-34, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22392, 11503],
+      [-15, -139],
+      [-73, -179],
+      [-48, -102],
+      [-26, -32],
+      [-59, -16],
+      [-66, 5],
+      [-76, -36],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-66, -40],
+      [-71, -103],
+      [16, -56],
+      [127, -21],
+      [5, -20],
+      [-27, -188],
+      [-35, -39],
+      [-28, -118]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19957, 13162],
+      [40, -88],
+      [23, 13],
+      [28, -56],
+      [85, -39],
+      [40, -98],
+      [34, -57],
+      [0, -109],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [73, -72],
+      [129, -11],
+      [138, 63],
+      [51, 42],
+      [15, 108],
+      [92, -37],
+      [81, -65],
+      [30, -94],
+      [-31, -27],
+      [40, -51],
+      [114, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21767, 9949],
+      [16, -237],
+      [31, -186]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21035, 9131],
+      [-68, 45],
+      [-94, 0],
+      [-62, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20811, 9206],
+      [-84, 50],
+      [-108, -12],
+      [7, -58],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [-36, 2],
+      [-97, -26],
+      [4, -55],
+      [-97, 15],
+      [-29, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20286, 9128],
+      [-4, 63],
+      [-91, -18],
+      [-19, 33],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [-83, -14],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-50, -5],
+      [-43, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4479, 4799],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-46, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4383, 4681],
+      [-110, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4273, 4597],
+      [-86, -43],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-77, 43],
+      [-274, 35],
+      [-43, 66],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-75, 20],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [-64, -2],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-23, 25],
+      [-48, -1],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [-75, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3238, 4761],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-55, 12],
+      [-84, -9],
+      [-83, 60],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [-47, -22],
+      [-56, 36],
+      [21, 55],
+      [-13, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2798, 5036],
+      [16, 48],
+      [79, 69],
+      [147, 33],
+      [94, 50],
+      [50, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3184, 5331],
+      [22, 6],
+      [98, -67],
+      [27, 21],
+      [44, -27],
+      [105, 20],
+      [71, -18],
+      [29, -32],
+      [54, 29],
+      [94, 13],
+      [31, -59],
+      [30, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3238, 4761],
+      [-19, -50],
+      [-90, -25],
+      [-75, -82],
+      [-56, -17],
+      [-74, 1],
+      [-87, -57],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-49, -46],
+      [-83, 29],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [8, 58],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-71, -23],
+      [-82, 9],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-9, 99],
+      [-75, 35],
+      [-47, -94],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-76, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2137, 4619],
+      [-73, 39],
+      [-60, 57],
+      [-12, 92],
+      [26, 24],
+      [44, 101],
+      [0, 59],
+      [25, 108],
+      [84, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2171, 5179],
+      [74, -21],
+      [23, 32],
+      [126, -45],
+      [56, -33],
+      [37, -148],
+      [74, 9],
+      [39, -28],
+      [37, 20],
+      [-26, 74],
+      [75, -10],
+      [0, 33],
+      [112, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1354, 6894],
+      [-65, -36],
+      [16, -30],
+      [-8, -96],
+      [-38, -66],
+      [-158, -1],
+      [-68, 78],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-57, -6],
+      [-42, 89],
+      [14, 50],
+      [-57, -14],
+      [-81, 125]
+    ],
+    [
+      [793, 6959],
+      [-49, 125],
+      [-105, 111],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-58, 47],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-58, 42],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [-125, 25],
+      [10, 130],
+      [28, 31],
+      [9, 92],
+      [54, 115],
+      [11, 46],
+      [-24, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3776, 5322],
+      [-84, 37],
+      [-58, 78],
+      [-106, 69],
+      [-76, 15],
+      [-93, 64],
+      [-66, 68],
+      [-95, 154],
+      [-51, 31],
+      [25, 30],
+      [253, 66],
+      [90, 54],
+      [-15, 103],
+      [47, 82],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [21, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [952, 4812],
+      [-36, 56],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [-58, 43],
+      [-69, 93],
+      [-77, 26],
+      [-49, 104],
+      [-42, 66],
+      [-18, 94],
+      [0, 53],
+      [-60, 29],
+      [-59, 1],
+      [-46, 94],
+      [-11, 52],
+      [-59, 101],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-80, 61],
+      [-51, 79],
+      [2, 39],
+      [-49, 33],
+      [-42, 72],
+      [-72, 11],
+      [31, 63],
+      [119, 22],
+      [22, 34],
+      [47, -18],
+      [35, 19],
+      [34, -52],
+      [87, 58],
+      [31, 62],
+      [-16, 92],
+      [40, 81],
+      [44, 24],
+      [-3, 76],
+      [159, 20],
+      [11, 85],
+      [48, 47],
+      [1, 57],
+      [23, 50],
+      [9, 126],
+      [39, 47],
+      [20, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2026, 6303],
+      [-10, -61],
+      [48, -40],
+      [60, -172],
+      [3, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2127, 5997],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-84, -26],
+      [-76, -81],
+      [-9, -76],
+      [-53, -109],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-59, -22],
+      [-37, -32],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-102, -106],
+      [-85, -28],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [-86, -13],
+      [-12, -96],
+      [26, -81],
+      [-14, -76],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-8, -99],
+      [-19, -99],
+      [-47, -24],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-19, 60],
+      [-48, 4],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-34, -67],
+      [-47, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2674, 6348],
+      [45, -127],
+      [28, -22],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [27, -104],
+      [51, -139],
+      [41, -26],
+      [6, -39],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-91, -60],
+      [-52, 45],
+      [-95, -38],
+      [11, -166]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2560, 5602],
+      [-29, -8],
+      [-45, -70],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [-52, -16],
+      [-74, 68],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [40, -45],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-13, -59],
+      [-38, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2221, 5379],
+      [-1, 53],
+      [24, 54],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [26, 60],
+      [-8, 60],
+      [6, 83],
+      [46, 34],
+      [1, 34],
+      [-63, -22],
+      [3, 49],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-1, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3184, 5331],
+      [-87, 3],
+      [-81, 70],
+      [-140, -95],
+      [-26, 54],
+      [-99, 0],
+      [26, 67],
+      [-136, 22],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [37, 54],
+      [-51, 64],
+      [-62, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2171, 5179],
+      [-6, 93],
+      [50, 26],
+      [6, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2137, 4619],
+      [42, -71],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-39, -108],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [-40, -15],
+      [-25, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2007, 4379],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-78, -25],
+      [-70, 43],
+      [-64, 98],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-121, 56],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-30, 20],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [-45, 61],
+      [-78, -29],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-116, 74],
+      [-81, 95],
+      [-71, 5],
+      [-51, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15651, 11033],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-17, -42],
+      [-146, -6],
+      [-29, 61],
+      [-65, 12],
+      [9, 59],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [-58, -1],
+      [-136, -26],
+      [-19, 22],
+      [-81, -10],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-33, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14766, 10997],
+      [-45, 41],
+      [-56, 86],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [-108, 48],
+      [26, 64],
+      [70, 25],
+      [62, 68],
+      [0, 59],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [-52, 77],
+      [-115, 47],
+      [-48, -18],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-64, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14351, 11595],
+      [45, 219],
+      [-40, 47],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-105, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14175, 11878],
+      [-45, 90],
+      [-18, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14112, 11968],
+      [8, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14120, 12058],
+      [37, 31],
+      [34, -24],
+      [73, 19],
+      [44, 115],
+      [140, 139]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14448, 12338],
+      [57, 6],
+      [24, -37],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [78, -11],
+      [44, -42],
+      [69, -4],
+      [81, -45],
+      [73, 1],
+      [80, -30],
+      [82, 65],
+      [20, -78],
+      [109, 48],
+      [6, 55],
+      [59, 3],
+      [11, 60],
+      [3, 114],
+      [-82, 112],
+      [38, 46],
+      [35, 0],
+      [52, 88],
+      [-63, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16166, 12175],
+      [-74, -77],
+      [-1, -50],
+      [-110, -125],
+      [-79, -1],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [-15, -53],
+      [-86, -29],
+      [-61, -4],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [11, -67],
+      [26, -51],
+      [8, -62],
+      [107, -28],
+      [19, -61],
+      [50, -42],
+      [-63, -21],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-51, -42],
+      [32, -76],
+      [1, -51],
+      [-64, -65],
+      [-34, -3],
+      [-48, -53],
+      [-27, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15869, 10784],
+      [0, 85],
+      [-45, 81],
+      [-90, -5],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [-73, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16943, 10221],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-136, 39],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-102, 44],
+      [-1, 32],
+      [-36, 57],
+      [-94, -26],
+      [-127, 21],
+      [-68, 19],
+      [-90, -2],
+      [-45, 78],
+      [52, 43],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [26, 46],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-84, -12],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [-61, -36],
+      [-51, 49],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-6, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14992, 9555],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-62, 2],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-25, -30],
+      [-91, 10],
+      [-87, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14632, 9706],
+      [-5, 32],
+      [40, 97],
+      [120, 33],
+      [38, 51],
+      [-22, 69],
+      [-95, 5],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [-43, 10],
+      [-22, 50],
+      [13, 49],
+      [-28, 77],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-42, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14544, 10338],
+      [30, 52],
+      [53, 26],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [-60, 39],
+      [15, 90],
+      [41, 14],
+      [12, 108],
+      [-15, 41],
+      [104, 19],
+      [19, 41],
+      [43, -1],
+      [22, 29],
+      [-39, 173]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15869, 10784],
+      [2, -36],
+      [-38, -52],
+      [-54, 23],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-36, -33],
+      [-104, -3],
+      [-41, -25],
+      [-66, 27],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [29, -61],
+      [47, -13],
+      [58, -40],
+      [-12, -113],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [0, -101],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [-62, -187],
+      [5, -57],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [23, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14448, 12338],
+      [2, 68],
+      [57, 65],
+      [-47, 61],
+      [31, 47],
+      [2, 60],
+      [22, 38],
+      [83, 27],
+      [40, -13],
+      [71, 49],
+      [47, -1],
+      [42, -21],
+      [43, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14841, 12740],
+      [36, 25],
+      [52, -17],
+      [19, -27],
+      [128, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21527, 4244],
+      [-179, 72],
+      [-92, -86],
+      [-66, 50],
+      [-5, 133],
+      [-71, 21],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-7, 122],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [-55, -37],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-8, 53],
+      [-70, 95],
+      [-60, 37],
+      [3, 43],
+      [-60, 51],
+      [15, 116],
+      [96, 36],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [31, 10],
+      [-25, 110],
+      [-74, -20],
+      [-9, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20790, 5191],
+      [22, -1],
+      [96, 99],
+      [81, 39],
+      [11, 81],
+      [47, 75],
+      [37, 18],
+      [95, 2],
+      [32, -32],
+      [33, 13],
+      [78, -6],
+      [7, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21329, 5513],
+      [58, -57],
+      [45, 3],
+      [57, -52],
+      [23, -53],
+      [62, -21],
+      [76, -113],
+      [-28, -43],
+      [128, -119],
+      [41, -3],
+      [71, -180],
+      [59, -53],
+      [70, 15],
+      [32, -63],
+      [6, -43],
+      [50, -84],
+      [51, -42],
+      [44, -93],
+      [43, -33],
+      [-4, -27],
+      [49, -43],
+      [25, -133],
+      [37, -35],
+      [18, -79],
+      [-92, -18],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [-66, 21],
+      [-75, -44],
+      [-101, 14],
+      [-59, -33],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-38, 47],
+      [-1, 57],
+      [-89, 44],
+      [-75, 3],
+      [12, -32],
+      [-65, -23],
+      [-64, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18320, 9415],
+      [5, -62],
+      [31, -70],
+      [54, -19],
+      [19, -43],
+      [40, -218],
+      [82, -69],
+      [49, 5],
+      [36, -44],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [-85, -5],
+      [-67, -22],
+      [-26, -38],
+      [2, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18436, 8716],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-57, -16],
+      [-90, 19],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-1, -75],
+      [19, -3],
+      [-7, -88],
+      [-34, -48],
+      [-83, -32],
+      [-79, 47],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [8, -56],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-29, -178],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-71, -10],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-56, 49],
+      [-128, -3],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-94, 25],
+      [-39, -88],
+      [28, -95],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [29, -84],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-23, -29],
+      [-82, 27],
+      [-82, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19688, 6500],
+      [-15, 42],
+      [116, 68],
+      [-59, 102],
+      [-13, 81],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [-47, 52],
+      [-100, 29],
+      [11, 88],
+      [-25, 27],
+      [-65, 18],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-61, -7],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-56, 8],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [-45, 6],
+      [-90, 120],
+      [27, 30],
+      [-26, 67],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-13, 80],
+      [164, -8],
+      [47, -17],
+      [28, -71],
+      [29, 5],
+      [71, -66],
+      [85, -11],
+      [110, 49],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [90, 82],
+      [1, 48],
+      [32, 33],
+      [-179, 184],
+      [-85, -28],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [-57, -3],
+      [-49, -34],
+      [-92, 78],
+      [-19, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19192, 7656],
+      [43, 43],
+      [74, 7],
+      [43, 135],
+      [20, 11],
+      [141, -1],
+      [82, -34],
+      [71, 19],
+      [24, 63],
+      [-1, 58],
+      [82, 8],
+      [14, -41],
+      [32, -8],
+      [61, 24],
+      [28, 88],
+      [3, 87],
+      [-33, 27],
+      [15, 52],
+      [77, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19968, 8219],
+      [112, 1],
+      [131, -59],
+      [-20, -91],
+      [66, -112],
+      [38, -4],
+      [16, -110],
+      [-48, -28],
+      [-2, -107],
+      [12, -35],
+      [38, -12],
+      [19, -147],
+      [49, -58],
+      [13, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20392, 7367],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [-66, -39],
+      [-73, -114],
+      [-34, -126],
+      [-4, -78],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-84, -4],
+      [-44, -31],
+      [4, -88],
+      [81, -102],
+      [15, 60],
+      [28, 44],
+      [48, -86],
+      [68, -45],
+      [8, -56],
+      [40, 10],
+      [70, 105],
+      [0, 46],
+      [82, -54],
+      [42, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20512, 6737],
+      [-43, -62],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [7, -66],
+      [-41, -3],
+      [-31, -112],
+      [-1, -60],
+      [-119, -54],
+      [37, -123],
+      [70, -20],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-35, -108],
+      [-43, -77],
+      [-88, -2],
+      [-97, -31],
+      [8, 74],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [-24, 78],
+      [-9, 74],
+      [27, 77],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-67, 36],
+      [-41, -16],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [-29, 4],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-114, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18899, 7659],
+      [-30, -42],
+      [-127, -40],
+      [4, -58],
+      [-82, -157],
+      [23, -82],
+      [55, -47],
+      [29, 33],
+      [25, -48],
+      [-21, -41],
+      [48, -55],
+      [9, -89],
+      [-100, -45],
+      [30, -81],
+      [59, -80],
+      [-33, -38],
+      [-4, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18784, 6723],
+      [-96, 53],
+      [-170, 29],
+      [-210, -4],
+      [-59, -76],
+      [-27, -54],
+      [-74, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18436, 8716],
+      [-27, -49],
+      [12, -24],
+      [86, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18507, 8634],
+      [-9, -57],
+      [-59, -33],
+      [10, -75],
+      [76, -121],
+      [40, 54],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [20, 89],
+      [57, -38],
+      [-5, -65],
+      [-36, -85],
+      [25, -104],
+      [51, -67],
+      [11, -75],
+      [67, -4],
+      [7, -57],
+      [-36, -10],
+      [-14, -72],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [18, -44],
+      [50, -50],
+      [34, -6],
+      [49, 22],
+      [28, -30],
+      [57, 24],
+      [28, -129]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18784, 6723],
+      [89, -35],
+      [78, -62],
+      [105, -17],
+      [59, -25],
+      [100, -61],
+      [35, 40],
+      [30, -25],
+      [25, 34],
+      [97, -71],
+      [63, -33],
+      [59, 28],
+      [60, -149],
+      [-3, -94],
+      [29, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19610, 6231],
+      [-94, -63],
+      [-73, -8],
+      [19, -62],
+      [-53, -62],
+      [-20, -60],
+      [-8, -119],
+      [118, -84],
+      [-25, -90],
+      [46, -102],
+      [31, -11],
+      [45, -58],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [-96, -19],
+      [-13, -71],
+      [-19, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19423, 5368],
+      [-31, 21],
+      [-70, -24],
+      [-46, -73],
+      [27, -44],
+      [40, -15],
+      [-22, -84],
+      [4, -27],
+      [46, -20],
+      [28, -50],
+      [-2, -133],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-43, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19342, 4822],
+      [-76, -14],
+      [-54, 32],
+      [-71, -36],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [-56, -13],
+      [-18, -54],
+      [35, -71],
+      [-62, -4],
+      [-56, 56],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-24, 38],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-23, 57],
+      [-55, 37],
+      [-154, 31],
+      [-52, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18507, 8634],
+      [131, -16],
+      [43, -30],
+      [45, -82],
+      [62, -16],
+      [64, -44],
+      [30, 27],
+      [97, -13],
+      [49, 70],
+      [91, -12],
+      [41, 45],
+      [70, -14],
+      [225, -17],
+      [79, 20],
+      [85, -27],
+      [111, 14],
+      [119, 2],
+      [8, -17],
+      [80, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19937, 8488],
+      [2, -97],
+      [-21, -106],
+      [44, -24],
+      [6, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19192, 7656],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-63, 76],
+      [-52, -9],
+      [-116, -40],
+      [-13, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20286, 9128],
+      [-73, -48],
+      [-25, -55],
+      [-12, -95],
+      [-41, -24],
+      [11, -74],
+      [51, 7],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [7, -132],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-60, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20237, 5273],
+      [16, 57],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [36, 59],
+      [-30, 34],
+      [26, 94],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [1, 63],
+      [28, 59],
+      [54, 61],
+      [11, 158],
+      [55, 46],
+      [-2, 67],
+      [107, 20],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [64, 108],
+      [8, 41],
+      [76, 59],
+      [53, 64],
+      [48, -17],
+      [39, -86],
+      [100, -34],
+      [106, -94],
+      [13, -92],
+      [29, -21],
+      [85, 55],
+      [-7, 36],
+      [37, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21137, 6134],
+      [38, -50],
+      [60, -4],
+      [68, 51],
+      [51, -5],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [12, -107],
+      [-35, -64],
+      [-73, -51],
+      [-13, -163],
+      [22, -61],
+      [86, -42],
+      [-1, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20790, 5191],
+      [-68, -19],
+      [-22, 119],
+      [-108, 8],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [-131, -48],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [-24, 78],
+      [-118, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21740, 8922],
+      [14, -128],
+      [58, -242],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [5, -76],
+      [37, -122],
+      [-6, -107],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-53, 16],
+      [-152, 0],
+      [-73, 21],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-190, 41],
+      [-119, 2],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-33, -150],
+      [12, -47],
+      [33, -27],
+      [-51, -87],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-57, -84],
+      [-40, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20890, 7811],
+      [-33, 93],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [6, 129],
+      [-51, -6],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [-61, 81],
+      [12, 128],
+      [-65, 14],
+      [-43, 37],
+      [-34, 70],
+      [12, 105],
+      [-36, 2],
+      [24, 177],
+      [58, -17],
+      [68, 83],
+      [46, 6],
+      [10, 27],
+      [22, 190],
+      [41, 61],
+      [43, 14],
+      [49, 91],
+      [-87, -5],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [22, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21527, 4244],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [-11, -91],
+      [29, -7],
+      [-23, -62],
+      [52, -9],
+      [10, -75],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-45, -31],
+      [-50, 60],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-30, 70],
+      [-41, 29],
+      [-100, 23],
+      [-53, 55],
+      [-17, -35],
+      [-145, 24],
+      [-46, -35],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [-90, -17],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-36, -45],
+      [-87, 22],
+      [18, -53],
+      [-49, -56],
+      [-33, 49],
+      [-65, -60],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [-31, -49],
+      [-28, -106],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [-40, 81],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [-74, 116],
+      [-80, -34],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-73, 18],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [-63, -12],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [-25, 84],
+      [-69, -2],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [-41, 35],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-7, 70],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-25, 129],
+      [-54, 72],
+      [-109, 9],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-75, 64],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [-26, 60],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-34, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19423, 5368],
+      [26, -8],
+      [61, 32],
+      [64, -26],
+      [30, -50],
+      [111, 85],
+      [38, -10],
+      [33, -53],
+      [95, -39],
+      [36, 33],
+      [50, -5],
+      [15, -42],
+      [123, -19],
+      [54, 30],
+      [57, -36],
+      [21, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19688, 6500],
+      [20, -85],
+      [-94, -37],
+      [2, -56],
+      [32, -40],
+      [-38, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20512, 6737],
+      [48, 14],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [29, 23],
+      [45, -48],
+      [71, -35],
+      [137, 36],
+      [-24, -130],
+      [23, -57],
+      [41, -33],
+      [44, -10],
+      [86, 72],
+      [35, -63],
+      [34, -23],
+      [66, 21],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-54, 4],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [12, -139],
+      [49, -108],
+      [33, -26],
+      [-4, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20890, 7811],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-45, -73],
+      [-18, -115],
+      [11, -147],
+      [29, -72],
+      [44, -53],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-39, 52],
+      [-58, 21],
+      [-66, -40],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-95, -75],
+      [-75, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24449, 12453],
+      [-100, -191],
+      [-64, -84],
+      [-60, -50],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-59, -100],
+      [-42, -41],
+      [-24, -88],
+      [-53, 76],
+      [-136, 36],
+      [-112, 96],
+      [-206, 62],
+      [-103, 15],
+      [-90, -33],
+      [-24, 5],
+      [-192, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23111, 12067],
+      [19, 219],
+      [62, 52],
+      [-25, 38],
+      [126, 90],
+      [-19, 29],
+      [144, 56],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-102, 127],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-52, 64],
+      [-95, 205]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23080, 12961],
+      [142, 87],
+      [-41, 107],
+      [135, 71],
+      [-14, 39],
+      [174, 97],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [99, 16],
+      [121, 6],
+      [-4, 93],
+      [117, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23797, 13534],
+      [32, 1],
+      [94, -81],
+      [57, -185],
+      [-26, -8],
+      [45, -145],
+      [-138, -46],
+      [10, -86],
+      [42, -77],
+      [-107, -141],
+      [22, -42],
+      [92, -80],
+      [86, 41],
+      [54, -134],
+      [46, -34],
+      [29, 11],
+      [29, -74],
+      [64, 33],
+      [45, -18],
+      [19, 67],
+      [69, 10],
+      [15, -22],
+      [82, -9],
+      [-9, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20716, 14356],
+      [-48, -96],
+      [-98, -82],
+      [-41, 44],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [-34, 73],
+      [-98, 18],
+      [10, -59],
+      [-26, -125],
+      [-67, -24],
+      [23, -72],
+      [6, -69],
+      [-86, -124],
+      [1, -99],
+      [-57, -208],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-27, -96],
+      [-51, -113],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [9, -70],
+      [-46, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20600, 14768],
+      [-42, -47],
+      [-30, -79],
+      [48, 0],
+      [-4, -50],
+      [38, -64],
+      [16, -117],
+      [28, -26],
+      [19, -55],
+      [43, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23797, 13534],
+      [-11, 76],
+      [113, 17],
+      [-34, 208],
+      [98, 18],
+      [-8, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23955, 13905],
+      [525, 28],
+      [-25, -81],
+      [22, -89],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [-47, -38],
+      [-1, -104],
+      [18, -134],
+      [39, -79],
+      [-23, -44],
+      [-21, -152],
+      [42, -131],
+      [100, -143],
+      [14, -73],
+      [-23, -109],
+      [-54, -113],
+      [-9, -51],
+      [-57, -97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21387, 13301],
+      [47, 6],
+      [139, -7],
+      [98, -14],
+      [-3, -64],
+      [42, -13],
+      [35, 22],
+      [30, -28],
+      [-33, -48],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [38, -85],
+      [-45, -61],
+      [20, -18],
+      [-70, -131],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-102, 1],
+      [-23, -92],
+      [4, -42],
+      [-86, -9],
+      [-12, 56],
+      [-38, 60],
+      [-149, 4],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-5, 35],
+      [-79, -3],
+      [-10, 169],
+      [59, 1],
+      [41, 33],
+      [51, 119],
+      [78, 75],
+      [6, -92],
+      [35, -40],
+      [32, 33],
+      [11, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23111, 12067],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [-114, -12],
+      [-56, 4],
+      [-61, 41],
+      [-54, -3],
+      [-181, -135],
+      [-49, -24],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-56, -155],
+      [8, -42],
+      [-37, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22148, 11982],
+      [17, 108],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [-48, 63],
+      [52, 28],
+      [-17, 131],
+      [21, 127],
+      [-63, -10],
+      [-56, 126],
+      [21, 16],
+      [-36, 105],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [62, 128],
+      [26, -14],
+      [34, 68],
+      [89, -3],
+      [-50, 112],
+      [28, 23],
+      [-30, 67],
+      [147, 72],
+      [-62, 141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22247, 13318],
+      [196, 25],
+      [76, -168],
+      [97, 46],
+      [20, -46],
+      [34, 16],
+      [23, -50],
+      [31, 15],
+      [41, -36],
+      [60, -107],
+      [41, -90],
+      [98, 40],
+      [116, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22247, 13318],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [-96, -41],
+      [-2, 83],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [-26, 67],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-23, 55],
+      [-102, 7],
+      [-57, 17],
+      [3, 74],
+      [-97, -11],
+      [-19, 257],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [-71, 150],
+      [-55, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21572, 14149],
+      [-50, 143],
+      [52, 70],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [53, 78],
+      [27, -19],
+      [73, 112],
+      [31, -16],
+      [16, 199],
+      [-43, 94],
+      [-67, 69],
+      [-39, 19],
+      [85, 54],
+      [-130, 218]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21546, 15194],
+      [40, 5],
+      [289, 234],
+      [108, -131],
+      [39, -248],
+      [78, -196],
+      [79, -345],
+      [152, -71],
+      [341, -190],
+      [459, -209],
+      [442, -35],
+      [382, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20716, 14356],
+      [89, 59],
+      [45, -3],
+      [96, -139],
+      [47, -100],
+      [52, -68],
+      [1, -67],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [65, -50],
+      [43, 3],
+      [38, -45],
+      [96, 26],
+      [-40, 93],
+      [117, 54],
+      [11, -21],
+      [137, 62],
+      [73, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21004, 15316],
+      [57, -156],
+      [110, -33],
+      [69, 28],
+      [306, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10453, 8515],
+      [6, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10456, 8422],
+      [-93, 24],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [52, -8],
+      [15, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10427, 8361],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-164, -46],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-36, 35],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-35, -73],
+      [-133, 48],
+      [-56, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9875, 8273],
+      [-24, 156],
+      [22, 66],
+      [7, 80],
+      [-139, 89],
+      [-59, 134],
+      [46, 59],
+      [14, 76],
+      [-49, 51],
+      [31, 51],
+      [-17, 82],
+      [-78, 63],
+      [-56, 76],
+      [12, 43],
+      [70, 11],
+      [42, -29],
+      [50, 35],
+      [8, 26],
+      [101, -16],
+      [72, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8312, 9157],
+      [-79, 98],
+      [-101, 34],
+      [-114, 2],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-61, -5],
+      [-32, 103],
+      [-136, 63],
+      [-43, 39],
+      [14, 106],
+      [37, 20],
+      [75, 160],
+      [6, 70],
+      [22, 51],
+      [-28, 85],
+      [-107, 15],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-78, 9],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [-39, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7588, 10127],
+      [69, 53],
+      [78, 39],
+      [25, 54],
+      [-31, 127],
+      [0, 55],
+      [47, 41],
+      [82, 207],
+      [-1, 57],
+      [26, 30],
+      [-9, 52],
+      [16, 39],
+      [81, 12],
+      [21, 33],
+      [163, -71],
+      [59, 56],
+      [38, -3],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-39, 42],
+      [-6, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8737, 10956],
+      [-83, -90],
+      [-17, -108],
+      [51, -41],
+      [-70, -27],
+      [-39, -133],
+      [-65, -39],
+      [-14, -97],
+      [48, -70],
+      [35, 13],
+      [86, -69],
+      [31, 9],
+      [62, -37],
+      [2, -38],
+      [43, -58],
+      [31, 12],
+      [25, -42],
+      [44, 4],
+      [61, 55],
+      [59, -25],
+      [57, 11],
+      [-40, -71],
+      [-20, -90],
+      [-1, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9023, 9944],
+      [-88, 25],
+      [-153, -28],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-75, 16],
+      [-94, -11],
+      [-22, 14],
+      [-113, -22],
+      [-62, 37],
+      [-51, -10],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-88, 26],
+      [-20, -155],
+      [-23, -70],
+      [114, -116],
+      [42, -80],
+      [-45, -20],
+      [74, -139],
+      [3, -66],
+      [-19, -108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7473, 10171],
+      [-66, -26],
+      [-59, -85],
+      [-99, 28],
+      [-50, -23],
+      [-89, 23],
+      [-85, -74],
+      [19, -67],
+      [-59, -38],
+      [11, -79],
+      [53, -117],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-152, 1],
+      [-19, 40],
+      [-57, 24],
+      [-52, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6352, 10168],
+      [-1, 105],
+      [-47, 78],
+      [18, 115],
+      [97, -32],
+      [48, -36],
+      [108, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6575, 10422],
+      [125, -14],
+      [131, 23],
+      [42, 23],
+      [12, 37],
+      [48, -31],
+      [126, -13],
+      [79, -45],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [82, -16],
+      [46, 32],
+      [137, -30],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [43, -48],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [108, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9875, 8273],
+      [-71, -15],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-56, -1],
+      [-46, -28],
+      [-88, 18],
+      [-37, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9536, 8244],
+      [-102, -45],
+      [-136, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9298, 8233],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-101, 54],
+      [-38, 46],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [-59, 41],
+      [-25, 93],
+      [-73, 54],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [-126, 62],
+      [-78, 21],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-112, -9],
+      [-71, 34],
+      [-68, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8408, 8672],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [12, 85],
+      [32, 27],
+      [32, 70],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [13, 47],
+      [-75, 112],
+      [-28, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9023, 9944],
+      [64, -15],
+      [41, -114],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [18, -33],
+      [61, 10],
+      [61, -15],
+      [40, 21],
+      [70, 2],
+      [16, 97],
+      [41, 12],
+      [92, -9],
+      [269, 62],
+      [63, -6],
+      [31, 18],
+      [40, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7588, 10127],
+      [-115, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6575, 10422],
+      [-16, 126],
+      [-32, 38],
+      [38, 79],
+      [14, 85],
+      [-42, 65],
+      [57, 88],
+      [-18, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8408, 8672],
+      [-52, -69],
+      [18, -76],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-79, -4],
+      [-72, 29],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-129, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10309, 11473],
+      [116, -10],
+      [36, -149],
+      [-26, -79],
+      [12, -100],
+      [-165, 3],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [20, -96],
+      [11, -143]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10951, 11306],
+      [-9, -81],
+      [-26, -78],
+      [-48, -93],
+      [-16, -128],
+      [-40, -83],
+      [-112, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4094, 891],
+      [-56, 33],
+      [35, 63],
+      [13, 72],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-75, 0],
+      [0, 125],
+      [8, 57],
+      [-57, 75],
+      [-18, -29],
+      [-72, 15],
+      [-92, -86],
+      [-105, 53],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [-53, 102],
+      [-76, -25],
+      [-101, 58],
+      [10, 91],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-44, -20],
+      [-89, 22],
+      [-57, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3119, 1649],
+      [20, 69],
+      [-13, 46],
+      [113, 95],
+      [56, 32],
+      [66, -17],
+      [2, 50],
+      [42, 63],
+      [-24, 111],
+      [51, 31],
+      [45, 89],
+      [33, 18],
+      [11, 88],
+      [27, 50],
+      [92, 51],
+      [16, 36],
+      [97, 10],
+      [37, 63],
+      [14, 64],
+      [65, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3869, 2676],
+      [46, 42],
+      [73, 14],
+      [16, 70],
+      [86, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4090, 2838],
+      [11, -50],
+      [92, -53],
+      [57, 22],
+      [85, -99],
+      [34, -77],
+      [38, 23],
+      [55, -11],
+      [25, -33],
+      [70, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4557, 2548],
+      [13, -101],
+      [25, -78],
+      [135, -117],
+      [47, -90],
+      [116, -84],
+      [39, -44],
+      [4, -94],
+      [13, -25],
+      [-13, -89],
+      [73, -121],
+      [-12, -81],
+      [8, -30],
+      [76, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5081, 1523],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [16, -128],
+      [19, -52],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [25, -34],
+      [-13, -92],
+      [-33, -65],
+      [12, -47],
+      [-46, -93],
+      [32, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5079, 882],
+      [-7, -74],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-33, 23],
+      [-34, -13],
+      [-43, 55],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [-102, -24],
+      [-58, 43],
+      [-12, 45],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-151, -36],
+      [-192, 39],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-26, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3969, 4130],
+      [-30, -184],
+      [-41, -40],
+      [-65, -20],
+      [1, -106],
+      [-48, -59],
+      [-12, -81],
+      [-97, -191],
+      [4, -44],
+      [68, -30],
+      [48, -43],
+      [50, 0],
+      [-5, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3842, 3267],
+      [-84, -22],
+      [-78, 10],
+      [-8, -34],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [-60, 2],
+      [-113, -76],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-63, 67],
+      [-75, -28],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-43, -118],
+      [-21, -35],
+      [-60, -20],
+      [-42, 61],
+      [-52, 44],
+      [-61, 9],
+      [-58, -93],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-116, -138],
+      [-103, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2579, 2918],
+      [-17, 53],
+      [-73, 13],
+      [-77, -5],
+      [-27, 25],
+      [1, 80],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [-52, 105],
+      [12, 60],
+      [-26, 107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2282, 3405],
+      [37, 17],
+      [30, -26],
+      [92, 0],
+      [12, 57],
+      [121, 36],
+      [22, 93],
+      [33, 58],
+      [-9, 78],
+      [54, 33],
+      [-10, 75],
+      [2, 168],
+      [57, 38],
+      [48, 15],
+      [45, -20],
+      [86, 9],
+      [35, -24],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [67, -46],
+      [1, -29],
+      [92, 20],
+      [41, 32],
+      [25, 66],
+      [82, 8],
+      [89, 54],
+      [45, 80],
+      [7, 44],
+      [139, 82],
+      [19, -3],
+      [50, 76],
+      [22, 6],
+      [88, -41],
+      [28, -81],
+      [58, -2],
+      [110, -77],
+      [59, 0],
+      [45, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4273, 4597],
+      [-14, -79],
+      [10, -42],
+      [-70, -25],
+      [10, -67],
+      [-106, -78],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [-40, -19],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [-30, -59],
+      [-17, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2282, 3405],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [-21, 72],
+      [-38, 72],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-10, 146],
+      [-32, 88],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-22, 158],
+      [17, 121],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [4, 106],
+      [-46, 26],
+      [24, 49],
+      [-12, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5458, 3454],
+      [26, 60],
+      [66, 52],
+      [48, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5811, 3226],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-39, -103],
+      [-75, -2],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-77, -23],
+      [-64, -73],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [-98, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5375, 2820],
+      [-64, -2],
+      [-78, -58],
+      [40, -91],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-47, -14],
+      [-83, 23],
+      [-63, -7],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [-116, -24],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-69, 50],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-49, -64],
+      [-27, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4090, 2838],
+      [15, 55],
+      [-7, 120],
+      [-82, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4016, 3104],
+      [118, 221],
+      [94, 101],
+      [28, -14],
+      [67, 30],
+      [62, 61],
+      [59, -4],
+      [22, 50],
+      [75, -88],
+      [68, -25],
+      [64, 2],
+      [45, 55],
+      [74, -8],
+      [70, 37],
+      [1, -70],
+      [48, -92],
+      [94, -38],
+      [-11, -74],
+      [59, 22],
+      [56, 62],
+      [67, -1],
+      [47, 40],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [35, 40],
+      [66, 35],
+      [39, 4],
+      [42, -28],
+      [55, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6699, 1596],
+      [0, -57],
+      [21, -74],
+      [-18, -69],
+      [43, -45],
+      [5, -73],
+      [-68, -28],
+      [-34, -48],
+      [-44, 29],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-26, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6532, 1294],
+      [-158, 37],
+      [-64, 102],
+      [-64, 44],
+      [62, 61],
+      [-28, 98],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [-82, 116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6157, 1877],
+      [14, 41],
+      [55, 50],
+      [14, 45],
+      [-85, -15],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-10, 61],
+      [-76, 63],
+      [25, 25],
+      [35, 79],
+      [-11, 65],
+      [-35, 63],
+      [-3, 92],
+      [65, 36],
+      [13, 53],
+      [25, 21],
+      [120, 38],
+      [36, 52],
+      [102, 41],
+      [59, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4094, 891],
+      [-86, -78],
+      [-55, -15],
+      [-48, -68],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-77, 198],
+      [-43, -7],
+      [-54, 16],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-88, -77],
+      [-101, -42],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [21, -93],
+      [-29, -77],
+      [-92, -68],
+      [-76, -28],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [-228, -5],
+      [-44, -21],
+      [-101, 18],
+      [-184, 72],
+      [-117, -12],
+      [-78, 28],
+      [-44, -17],
+      [-139, 47],
+      [46, 59],
+      [64, 2],
+      [-12, 149],
+      [17, 79],
+      [-21, 70],
+      [-36, 67],
+      [47, 78],
+      [54, 58],
+      [-2, 59],
+      [-51, 68],
+      [-15, 154],
+      [38, 68],
+      [5, 57],
+      [-50, 114],
+      [7, 43],
+      [38, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2411, 1733],
+      [77, 24],
+      [52, -11],
+      [58, -45],
+      [98, -17],
+      [60, 76],
+      [55, 8],
+      [36, -65],
+      [75, -103],
+      [44, 12],
+      [37, 50],
+      [116, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3842, 3267],
+      [47, -48],
+      [7, -63],
+      [120, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3869, 2676],
+      [-51, 11],
+      [-83, -42],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [-114, -39],
+      [-62, -105],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-104, -135],
+      [-74, -54],
+      [-68, 67],
+      [-81, 64],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-54, -2],
+      [-102, 26],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-97, 7],
+      [-40, 29],
+      [-21, 45],
+      [-66, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2664, 2639],
+      [-8, 82],
+      [-63, 182],
+      [-14, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6157, 1877],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-42, 6],
+      [-40, -53],
+      [-59, 35],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [-48, -26],
+      [-87, -87],
+      [-52, 68],
+      [-38, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5764, 1749],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [-63, 25],
+      [-46, 53],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-15, 128],
+      [-35, 87],
+      [-38, 37],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [44, 50],
+      [-4, 66],
+      [-36, 91],
+      [4, 106],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-10, 116],
+      [-39, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4383, 4681],
+      [48, -82],
+      [49, -51],
+      [53, -26],
+      [57, -56],
+      [8, -31],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [-17, -25],
+      [41, -157],
+      [52, -116],
+      [13, -106],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [29, -57],
+      [0, -61],
+      [34, -70],
+      [43, -11],
+      [0, -48],
+      [67, -33],
+      [-14, -78],
+      [76, -17],
+      [70, 69],
+      [65, 15],
+      [91, -27],
+      [122, -19],
+      [63, -57],
+      [57, -7],
+      [82, 26],
+      [-40, -77],
+      [95, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5081, 1523],
+      [19, 50],
+      [95, 39],
+      [52, -2],
+      [65, -72],
+      [29, -17],
+      [43, 20],
+      [-23, 66],
+      [48, 8],
+      [33, 57],
+      [62, -11],
+      [90, 67],
+      [79, -41],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [99, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6532, 1294],
+      [-35, -61],
+      [-104, -90],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-52, 55],
+      [-77, 121],
+      [-66, 59],
+      [-27, -18],
+      [2, -49],
+      [-15, -70],
+      [-62, -39],
+      [-133, -1],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-84, -30],
+      [-88, 5],
+      [-32, -56],
+      [-12, -50],
+      [-34, -30],
+      [-51, -93],
+      [-35, 36],
+      [-112, 29],
+      [-139, -19],
+      [-82, 35],
+      [-48, -60],
+      [-55, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2411, 1733],
+      [-1, 95],
+      [-16, 81],
+      [-52, 44],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [14, 140],
+      [-20, 68],
+      [14, 61],
+      [32, 21],
+      [78, 11],
+      [60, 146],
+      [24, 18],
+      [83, 138],
+      [47, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5518, 4123],
+      [-81, -22],
+      [-110, 23],
+      [-34, 33],
+      [-59, -23],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-44, -8],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-80, -40],
+      [-27, -63],
+      [-96, -25],
+      [-38, 13],
+      [17, 39],
+      [7, 96],
+      [28, 132],
+      [-21, 69],
+      [5, 58],
+      [-66, 37],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [10, 55],
+      [47, 37],
+      [-25, 87],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [-46, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14969, 13348],
+      [-73, -8],
+      [-33, 18],
+      [-27, 59],
+      [29, 30],
+      [-27, 114],
+      [18, 137]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14856, 13698],
+      [12, -12],
+      [135, 171],
+      [82, -28],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [136, 56],
+      [1, 55],
+      [86, 43],
+      [-1, 157],
+      [88, -27],
+      [162, 7],
+      [24, -26],
+      [72, -25],
+      [7, 23],
+      [57, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12441, 12649],
+      [-52, 19],
+      [46, 62],
+      [-63, 74],
+      [-69, 20],
+      [-8, 44],
+      [-53, 26],
+      [29, 28],
+      [-56, 70],
+      [10, 45],
+      [84, 13],
+      [62, 52],
+      [105, 50],
+      [43, 59],
+      [57, 10],
+      [-3, 102],
+      [-39, 41],
+      [7, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12541, 13400],
+      [65, 8],
+      [234, 148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12840, 13556],
+      [21, -64],
+      [55, 10],
+      [42, -142],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [115, -29],
+      [38, -93],
+      [54, -31],
+      [43, -43],
+      [91, -24],
+      [17, -54],
+      [40, -22],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-27, -79],
+      [-43, -35],
+      [50, -55],
+      [20, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13300, 12766],
+      [-114, -64],
+      [-40, -57],
+      [-14, -43],
+      [98, 10],
+      [25, 26],
+      [76, -70],
+      [-86, -13],
+      [4, 42],
+      [-60, -12],
+      [-70, 9],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [11, -106],
+      [-139, -9],
+      [-60, 163],
+      [-73, 63],
+      [-96, -104],
+      [-30, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12644, 12629],
+      [-91, 69],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [-45, 2],
+      [-6, -37],
+      [-53, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14856, 13698],
+      [-149, 200],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-60, 20],
+      [34, 104],
+      [-55, -13],
+      [-22, 26],
+      [-68, -38],
+      [-29, 59],
+      [-38, 35],
+      [-101, 1],
+      [-172, -146],
+      [-109, -42],
+      [-103, 26],
+      [-28, 77],
+      [-122, 10],
+      [-35, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13796, 14091],
+      [82, 91],
+      [11, 64],
+      [82, 99],
+      [42, 87],
+      [83, 130],
+      [50, 42],
+      [95, 59],
+      [97, 76],
+      [173, 107],
+      [103, 162],
+      [93, 108],
+      [39, 83],
+      [39, 44],
+      [126, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14911, 15299],
+      [21, -40],
+      [42, -182],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-27, -103],
+      [42, -19],
+      [12, -32],
+      [58, -19],
+      [11, -40],
+      [37, -9],
+      [76, -78],
+      [41, -12],
+      [18, -82],
+      [77, -141],
+      [15, -52],
+      [106, 60],
+      [38, 48],
+      [43, -19],
+      [91, 33],
+      [3, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13738, 12327],
+      [-9, -65],
+      [75, 17],
+      [88, -24],
+      [18, -49],
+      [122, -28],
+      [10, -32],
+      [78, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14112, 11968],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [-72, -32],
+      [-86, 20],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-144, -60],
+      [-55, 17],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [-80, -2],
+      [-17, 12],
+      [-126, 17],
+      [-29, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13469, 11938],
+      [-90, 31],
+      [-60, -16],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-32, 108],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-114, 2],
+      [11, -61],
+      [-37, -70],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-93, -1],
+      [-33, 53],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-13, 75],
+      [-58, 21],
+      [-57, 51],
+      [-72, 18],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [96, 54],
+      [-15, 95],
+      [9, 127],
+      [28, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13300, 12766],
+      [-4, -32],
+      [150, -40],
+      [7, -44],
+      [-10, -95],
+      [43, -26],
+      [42, -129],
+      [-4, -38],
+      [149, 4],
+      [45, 33],
+      [25, -35],
+      [-5, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14351, 11595],
+      [-128, 11],
+      [-87, 31],
+      [-26, 58],
+      [-10, 134],
+      [75, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14841, 12740],
+      [-12, 83],
+      [-45, 39],
+      [-61, 16],
+      [-1, 104],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-103, 66],
+      [-85, -2],
+      [-126, -37],
+      [-68, 7],
+      [-62, 44],
+      [-42, 5],
+      [-17, 64],
+      [56, 24],
+      [-79, 36],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-48, 44],
+      [-73, -27],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [-79, -34],
+      [-45, 21],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [-45, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13714, 13281],
+      [-23, 35],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [-38, 56],
+      [1, 38],
+      [-73, 5],
+      [-4, 72],
+      [-45, 49],
+      [-112, 28],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [0, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13382, 13728],
+      [97, 57],
+      [37, 46],
+      [53, 117],
+      [62, 57],
+      [55, 8],
+      [76, 42],
+      [34, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12840, 13556],
+      [202, 113],
+      [184, 1],
+      [61, 6],
+      [95, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13714, 13281],
+      [19, -48],
+      [-43, -118],
+      [13, -124],
+      [23, -77],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-31, -103],
+      [17, -60],
+      [55, -10],
+      [2, -87],
+      [54, -89],
+      [33, -31],
+      [-30, -176],
+      [-28, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14911, 15299],
+      [90, 5],
+      [97, -6],
+      [338, 146],
+      [96, 91],
+      [121, 31],
+      [90, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12593, 448],
+      [-51, -31],
+      [-53, -181],
+      [-120, 51],
+      [-111, 4],
+      [-10, -27],
+      [-148, -40],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-159, -40],
+      [-85, 10],
+      [-37, -43],
+      [-65, -26],
+      [-23, -38],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-38, 21],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [-32, -53],
+      [-90, 49],
+      [-127, 17],
+      [3, 42],
+      [-38, 67],
+      [-13, 83],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-69, 35],
+      [-16, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11023, 895],
+      [61, 49],
+      [117, 11],
+      [44, 83],
+      [-25, 41],
+      [15, 36],
+      [54, 11],
+      [46, -56],
+      [88, 0],
+      [101, -44],
+      [52, 38],
+      [29, 54],
+      [99, 21],
+      [81, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11785, 1137],
+      [44, -40],
+      [43, -14],
+      [37, 44],
+      [62, -12],
+      [0, 28],
+      [106, 37],
+      [76, -35],
+      [57, -8],
+      [83, 20],
+      [8, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12301, 1139],
+      [-27, -63],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [3, -54],
+      [21, -35],
+      [42, -20],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [7, -131],
+      [-32, -96],
+      [1, -54],
+      [33, -15],
+      [64, 26],
+      [57, -17],
+      [19, 24],
+      [54, -3],
+      [17, -62],
+      [55, -52],
+      [23, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12709, 2256],
+      [58, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14131, 473],
+      [-53, 2],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-39, -4],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [-87, -18],
+      [-59, 55],
+      [14, 77],
+      [-79, 2],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [-80, -28],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-45, 4],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-80, 10],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-16, -130],
+      [-50, -5],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [-89, -53],
+      [-146, 33],
+      [-50, 51],
+      [-64, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12301, 1139],
+      [99, -40],
+      [14, -73],
+      [28, -31],
+      [29, 31],
+      [80, -23],
+      [-28, 79],
+      [100, 71],
+      [12, -18],
+      [94, -7],
+      [12, 85],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [28, 138],
+      [-26, 17],
+      [-23, 64],
+      [-32, 4],
+      [21, 106],
+      [56, 49],
+      [10, 65],
+      [23, 50],
+      [27, 8],
+      [6, 88],
+      [-88, 144],
+      [-79, 101],
+      [6, 46],
+      [53, 62],
+      [18, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10672, 2684],
+      [47, 19],
+      [89, 2],
+      [63, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10871, 2776],
+      [92, -75],
+      [103, -18],
+      [38, 14],
+      [103, 7],
+      [69, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11276, 2742],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [28, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11297, 2621],
+      [33, -121],
+      [40, -5],
+      [32, -76],
+      [34, -27],
+      [28, -55],
+      [-54, -23],
+      [-53, -72],
+      [-20, -8],
+      [-15, -73],
+      [-77, -72],
+      [2, -62],
+      [61, -42],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [95, -37],
+      [-44, -61],
+      [56, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11383, 1842],
+      [-17, -59],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-124, -30],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [53, -76],
+      [-97, 7],
+      [-71, -64],
+      [-23, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11785, 1137],
+      [61, 22],
+      [-9, 104],
+      [13, 96],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [7, 79],
+      [-10, 72],
+      [49, 67],
+      [-27, 132],
+      [-102, -52],
+      [-55, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11697, 1788],
+      [28, 32],
+      [93, 46],
+      [40, 3],
+      [88, 41],
+      [44, 56],
+      [17, 63],
+      [146, 18],
+      [4, -50],
+      [32, -8],
+      [67, 18],
+      [41, -31],
+      [64, 52],
+      [26, 52],
+      [87, 37],
+      [-42, 107],
+      [117, 32],
+      [40, 21],
+      [120, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10871, 2776],
+      [48, 73],
+      [98, 25],
+      [123, -18],
+      [25, 25],
+      [73, -24],
+      [38, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11697, 1788],
+      [-113, 5],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-143, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11297, 2621],
+      [65, 20],
+      [14, 47],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [19, 67],
+      [58, 1],
+      [18, -50],
+      [75, 45],
+      [47, -48],
+      [32, -56],
+      [53, 8],
+      [41, -20],
+      [8, -41],
+      [40, -32],
+      [67, 35],
+      [50, -24],
+      [59, 76],
+      [5, 86],
+      [-52, 32],
+      [36, 42],
+      [27, 70],
+      [87, 77],
+      [-29, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10690, 3106],
+      [30, -30],
+      [47, 47],
+      [93, 17],
+      [-41, 61],
+      [5, 44],
+      [42, 50],
+      [58, 11],
+      [36, 33],
+      [19, 48],
+      [-1, 148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10978, 3535],
+      [98, 30],
+      [40, 57],
+      [17, 69],
+      [89, 17],
+      [35, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11501, 10434],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-45, 38],
+      [-12, 92],
+      [-42, 43],
+      [43, 70],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [20, 86],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [16, 63],
+      [-128, 40],
+      [-61, -26],
+      [-145, 91],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [131, 12],
+      [16, 68],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-25, 41],
+      [-11, 68],
+      [-47, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11335, 11892],
+      [83, 10],
+      [16, 99],
+      [37, 36],
+      [95, 41],
+      [213, 7],
+      [8, -28],
+      [84, 48],
+      [0, 16],
+      [159, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12030, 12123],
+      [39, -26],
+      [41, -54],
+      [-1, -85],
+      [-27, -20],
+      [48, -192],
+      [54, 13],
+      [59, -55],
+      [28, -55],
+      [22, -144],
+      [67, -81],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [81, -32],
+      [23, -53],
+      [56, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12512, 11263],
+      [4, -73],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [1, -50],
+      [-81, 48],
+      [-87, -33],
+      [-59, 60],
+      [-100, -2],
+      [-36, -54],
+      [63, -44],
+      [1, -256],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-1, -71],
+      [26, 0],
+      [11, -87],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [28, -48],
+      [-103, -31],
+      [-72, -54],
+      [-67, -13],
+      [27, 95],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [-64, 10],
+      [-59, -20],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [-132, -89],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-17, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14160, 10470],
+      [31, 33],
+      [-68, 55],
+      [-16, -11],
+      [-50, 135],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [14, 71],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-103, -58],
+      [-61, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13842, 10769],
+      [-80, 77],
+      [-7, 74],
+      [53, 51],
+      [49, -3],
+      [41, 24],
+      [-29, 75],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-50, 72],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-91, 30],
+      [-85, -6],
+      [-59, -30],
+      [-34, 39],
+      [-23, 99],
+      [-26, 161],
+      [134, 37],
+      [40, -12],
+      [43, 23],
+      [62, -5],
+      [36, 33],
+      [38, -9],
+      [-4, 64],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-72, -46],
+      [-6, 58],
+      [-152, 5],
+      [-115, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13399, 11689],
+      [22, 28],
+      [49, -2],
+      [-1, 223]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14544, 10338],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-70, 7],
+      [-173, 38],
+      [-46, 95],
+      [-63, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13694, 8581],
+      [-177, 38],
+      [-70, -27],
+      [-111, 49],
+      [-97, 11],
+      [-10, 60],
+      [-22, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13207, 8730],
+      [6, 27],
+      [49, 15],
+      [22, 56],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [41, 61],
+      [49, 19],
+      [20, 33],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-88, 4],
+      [-31, 83],
+      [-35, 60],
+      [8, 69],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [20, 46],
+      [-47, 8],
+      [-28, 69],
+      [116, 50],
+      [30, -20],
+      [14, 71],
+      [-40, 47],
+      [84, 88],
+      [34, -51],
+      [99, 66],
+      [40, -20],
+      [89, 35],
+      [82, -31],
+      [41, 37],
+      [45, -10],
+      [47, 37],
+      [12, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13790, 9739],
+      [47, -27],
+      [60, 51],
+      [68, 35],
+      [52, -27],
+      [111, 7],
+      [0, 21],
+      [77, 13],
+      [80, 107],
+      [61, 14],
+      [65, -45],
+      [11, -156],
+      [111, 3],
+      [30, -29],
+      [69, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12441, 12649],
+      [-23, -47],
+      [-89, -40],
+      [6, -60],
+      [-95, -9],
+      [-14, -17],
+      [44, -127],
+      [-96, -19],
+      [-65, -60],
+      [-70, 4],
+      [13, -36],
+      [-22, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11554, 13463],
+      [113, -58],
+      [113, -97],
+      [126, -39],
+      [92, 7],
+      [159, 40],
+      [117, 70],
+      [146, 32],
+      [121, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13633, 10078],
+      [-56, -27],
+      [-157, 15],
+      [-61, 27],
+      [-167, 7],
+      [23, 94],
+      [-23, 67],
+      [-54, 86],
+      [-42, 43],
+      [9, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13105, 10420],
+      [26, -3],
+      [89, 114],
+      [19, 72],
+      [40, 62],
+      [55, -45],
+      [95, -10],
+      [24, -20],
+      [59, 13],
+      [71, 81],
+      [68, 24],
+      [88, -11],
+      [58, 12],
+      [3, 38],
+      [42, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14160, 10470],
+      [-27, -28],
+      [-73, 12],
+      [-19, -36],
+      [-62, 26],
+      [-123, -78],
+      [-48, -9],
+      [-74, -39],
+      [-27, -37],
+      [13, -71],
+      [-65, 16],
+      [-9, -115],
+      [-13, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13105, 10420],
+      [-59, 33],
+      [-48, 60],
+      [-65, -24],
+      [-77, 3],
+      [-20, 73],
+      [17, 60],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [-4, 72],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-23, 132],
+      [9, 125],
+      [35, -41],
+      [49, 17],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-11, 158]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12843, 11192],
+      [140, 47],
+      [59, 47],
+      [41, -5],
+      [13, 53],
+      [117, 0],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [56, 14],
+      [-54, 135],
+      [18, 31],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [98, 69],
+      [71, 4],
+      [32, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13790, 9739],
+      [20, 24],
+      [4, 72],
+      [-19, 189],
+      [-96, 19],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [-65, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13207, 8730],
+      [-52, 25],
+      [-77, -2],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [-62, -14],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [-70, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12512, 11263],
+      [226, 18],
+      [61, 29],
+      [44, -118]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10978, 3535],
+      [-28, -53],
+      [-138, 86],
+      [19, 115],
+      [-5, 73],
+      [-32, 178],
+      [19, 65],
+      [52, 9],
+      [18, 39],
+      [-20, 88],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [29, 51],
+      [-12, 89],
+      [-24, 46],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-79, 101],
+      [49, 106],
+      [98, 45],
+      [-24, 114],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-24, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10692, 4767],
+      [70, 21],
+      [10, 73],
+      [43, 4],
+      [88, 254],
+      [69, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10972, 5138],
+      [54, -38],
+      [30, 3],
+      [-27, 101],
+      [38, -4],
+      [-13, 59],
+      [35, -1],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [84, 26],
+      [4, -46],
+      [77, -16],
+      [38, 36],
+      [94, 45],
+      [37, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11421, 5282],
+      [68, -156],
+      [67, -51],
+      [84, 6],
+      [54, -168],
+      [19, -28],
+      [55, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8315, 4200],
+      [-9, -28],
+      [36, -95],
+      [43, -76],
+      [10, -79],
+      [35, -43],
+      [85, -11],
+      [-42, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8431, 4681],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [26, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8435, 4613],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [23, -103],
+      [-16, -102],
+      [-61, -54],
+      [-4, -66],
+      [-20, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8299, 4759],
+      [1, -25],
+      [75, -75],
+      [56, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9457, 3529],
+      [38, 40],
+      [-37, 90],
+      [52, 19],
+      [64, 46],
+      [11, 28],
+      [161, 77],
+      [30, -85],
+      [28, -18],
+      [25, -63],
+      [-28, -75],
+      [63, -37],
+      [91, 0],
+      [83, -28],
+      [72, -49],
+      [-29, -75],
+      [8, -30],
+      [102, -165],
+      [66, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9706, 5095],
+      [151, 1],
+      [122, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9979, 5128],
+      [-81, -68],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-7, -195],
+      [-38, -14],
+      [-19, -57],
+      [11, -73],
+      [40, -37],
+      [-2, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9864, 4605],
+      [-82, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9782, 4581],
+      [-30, 79],
+      [-48, -77],
+      [-87, 118],
+      [-37, -14],
+      [-35, -95],
+      [-47, -79],
+      [-32, -32],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-165, -27],
+      [-8, 31],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [22, -60],
+      [-34, -66],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [26, -55],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [-21, -156],
+      [29, -91],
+      [-44, -77],
+      [6, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9107, 3834],
+      [-33, -49],
+      [-4, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8435, 4613],
+      [50, 41],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [87, -52],
+      [14, -30],
+      [-6, -92],
+      [27, -26],
+      [17, -79],
+      [57, 15],
+      [1, -45],
+      [53, 34],
+      [27, 108],
+      [-7, 107],
+      [36, 43],
+      [-41, 33],
+      [-44, 78],
+      [4, 49],
+      [-30, 103],
+      [19, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8696, 4875],
+      [60, 87],
+      [11, 104],
+      [-62, 5],
+      [-93, 42],
+      [-40, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8418, 5520],
+      [240, -1],
+      [14, 25],
+      [71, 4],
+      [46, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8789, 5517],
+      [35, -59],
+      [8, -125],
+      [0, -204],
+      [49, -3],
+      [-3, -45],
+      [118, 25],
+      [47, -48],
+      [90, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9133, 5096],
+      [-14, -66],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-5, -81],
+      [13, -46],
+      [-6, -65],
+      [119, -48],
+      [108, 42],
+      [27, -1],
+      [46, 67],
+      [30, 10],
+      [18, -47],
+      [52, 48],
+      [51, -22],
+      [44, 28],
+      [25, 85],
+      [97, 84],
+      [1, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10427, 8361],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [52, -171],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-13, -66],
+      [13, -164],
+      [-3, -155],
+      [-52, -77],
+      [-15, -109],
+      [53, -56],
+      [33, -182],
+      [-22, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10465, 7269],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-78, 19],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [18, -98],
+      [66, -61],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [-8, -160],
+      [-61, 9],
+      [-144, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10132, 6962],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-103, 20],
+      [-54, -17],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-51, 62],
+      [-63, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9772, 7057],
+      [30, 84],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-71, 96],
+      [-14, 49],
+      [-40, 64],
+      [-81, -114],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-125, 35],
+      [-59, 58],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-32, -30],
+      [-68, 24],
+      [-96, 2],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-69, 44],
+      [-91, -12],
+      [-81, 34],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [-123, 41],
+      [-44, 57],
+      [-43, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9298, 8233],
+      [-58, -114],
+      [-24, -76],
+      [21, -32],
+      [-17, -65],
+      [33, -86],
+      [71, -7],
+      [18, -78],
+      [72, -44],
+      [45, 27],
+      [91, 12],
+      [-48, 57],
+      [48, 59],
+      [45, 135],
+      [-28, 127],
+      [-27, 27],
+      [-4, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9300, 5936],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [-85, -15],
+      [-35, -86],
+      [-51, 53],
+      [-46, 2],
+      [10, -78],
+      [-40, -62],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-143, 21],
+      [-87, -130],
+      [28, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8197, 6600],
+      [51, -36],
+      [70, -85],
+      [109, -12],
+      [-23, -72],
+      [51, -22],
+      [41, -69],
+      [69, 78],
+      [54, -2],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [56, 39],
+      [42, -11],
+      [95, -61],
+      [24, 80],
+      [55, -41],
+      [73, -4],
+      [46, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8999, 6369],
+      [69, -125],
+      [54, -4],
+      [25, -33],
+      [74, -177],
+      [79, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9133, 5096],
+      [36, 19],
+      [-18, 120],
+      [92, -19],
+      [24, 22],
+      [-2, 109],
+      [95, -5],
+      [82, 16],
+      [44, -68],
+      [37, 2],
+      [3, -57],
+      [107, 5],
+      [43, -51],
+      [-33, -85],
+      [63, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9658, 5827],
+      [2, 34],
+      [112, 5],
+      [34, 23],
+      [122, 246]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9928, 6135],
+      [72, -31],
+      [10, 32],
+      [178, -81],
+      [43, 16],
+      [33, 81],
+      [46, -34],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [145, -61],
+      [24, 12],
+      [53, -98],
+      [24, -26],
+      [64, -118],
+      [0, -41],
+      [77, -15],
+      [38, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10725, 5674],
+      [15, -187],
+      [-22, -208],
+      [76, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10794, 5236],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-152, -13],
+      [4, -70],
+      [-71, -41],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-50, 45],
+      [-144, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10305, 5133],
+      [6, 94],
+      [49, 23],
+      [31, 115],
+      [-27, 47],
+      [-97, 82],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [-69, 62],
+      [-164, -15],
+      [24, -115],
+      [-157, 33],
+      [-64, -24],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [-13, 103],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-27, 87],
+      [-74, 15],
+      [-2, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10794, 5236],
+      [64, -44],
+      [31, -50],
+      [83, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10692, 4767],
+      [-61, 11],
+      [3, -41],
+      [-119, 16],
+      [-44, -20],
+      [-22, -41],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-62, -50],
+      [44, -22],
+      [17, -51],
+      [-102, -59],
+      [-91, 2],
+      [-50, 58],
+      [-63, -47],
+      [-167, -9],
+      [-13, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9979, 5128],
+      [80, 4],
+      [53, -15],
+      [34, 23],
+      [71, 10],
+      [42, -52],
+      [46, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8431, 4681],
+      [7, 36],
+      [55, 69],
+      [48, 18],
+      [59, 71],
+      [70, 40],
+      [26, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9928, 6135],
+      [-56, 61],
+      [24, 51],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [25, 133],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [84, 114],
+      [36, 20],
+      [85, 5],
+      [62, 40],
+      [16, 57],
+      [-60, -3],
+      [-66, 55],
+      [9, 118],
+      [66, 106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10465, 7269],
+      [39, -22],
+      [9, -35],
+      [41, -33],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [111, -50],
+      [38, -82],
+      [47, -1],
+      [26, 21],
+      [183, 5],
+      [58, 25],
+      [71, -24],
+      [12, -42],
+      [55, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11151, 6993],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-14, -72],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-34, -58],
+      [3, -47],
+      [39, -41],
+      [96, -44],
+      [42, -52],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-26, -127],
+      [-49, 5],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-58, 52],
+      [-86, 16],
+      [-42, 65],
+      [-46, -42],
+      [-36, -108],
+      [20, -43],
+      [26, -173],
+      [-16, -93],
+      [41, -226],
+      [-17, -79],
+      [69, 30],
+      [39, -1],
+      [11, -62],
+      [78, -4],
+      [-9, -46],
+      [-81, -46],
+      [-91, 11],
+      [-122, -13],
+      [-63, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9772, 7057],
+      [-23, -47],
+      [-79, 55],
+      [-81, -1],
+      [-56, 22],
+      [0, -97],
+      [-128, -24],
+      [8, -86],
+      [-29, -113],
+      [-35, -76],
+      [-15, -92],
+      [17, -42],
+      [-92, 21],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-99, -80],
+      [-61, 1],
+      [-57, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9107, 3834],
+      [34, 30],
+      [84, 20],
+      [40, -35],
+      [63, -1],
+      [103, -27],
+      [48, 43],
+      [29, -4],
+      [44, 43],
+      [92, -10],
+      [10, 102],
+      [-117, 53],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [87, 0],
+      [25, 85],
+      [35, 47],
+      [12, 46],
+      [53, 66],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-7, 99],
+      [19, 45],
+      [56, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9658, 5827],
+      [-101, -2],
+      [-4, 28],
+      [-135, 58],
+      [-44, -2],
+      [-74, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1595, 16432],
+      [-52, -126],
+      [-90, -70],
+      [-41, -57],
+      [23, -60],
+      [-53, -99],
+      [72, -43],
+      [19, 70],
+      [74, -26],
+      [19, 47],
+      [109, -50],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-15, -116],
+      [22, -143],
+      [61, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1730, 15706],
+      [-6, -37],
+      [-103, 74],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [-47, 20],
+      [22, 44],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-122, -34],
+      [-77, -32],
+      [-47, -46],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-56, 28],
+      [-59, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1110, 15622],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-47, -14],
+      [-69, 55],
+      [20, 30],
+      [-55, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [896, 15734],
+      [143, 5],
+      [13, 53],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [0, 86],
+      [-38, 51],
+      [41, 244],
+      [25, 41],
+      [-54, 41],
+      [22, 41],
+      [60, 6],
+      [-5, 59],
+      [91, 127]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1175, 16541],
+      [63, -62],
+      [37, 25],
+      [-51, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1224, 16550],
+      [27, 37],
+      [76, -62],
+      [216, -37],
+      [52, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [944, 15367],
+      [-68, -77],
+      [10, -82],
+      [28, -11],
+      [-23, -54],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [3, -70],
+      [-54, -2],
+      [-214, -172],
+      [-22, -34],
+      [-67, 105],
+      [-19, 126],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [-121, -6],
+      [-104, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [202, 15059],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [21, 38],
+      [7, 97],
+      [-18, 83],
+      [3, 95],
+      [125, 34],
+      [4, 35],
+      [101, -9],
+      [75, 27],
+      [81, -8],
+      [92, 14],
+      [49, 71],
+      [-6, 47],
+      [-28, 56],
+      [78, 8],
+      [20, 22],
+      [82, -19],
+      [17, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1110, 15622],
+      [-46, -72],
+      [14, -23],
+      [90, -6],
+      [-160, -83],
+      [-64, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1803, 13017],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-53, 3],
+      [-19, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1647, 13114],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-62, -4],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-62, 43],
+      [46, 27],
+      [-89, 55],
+      [-20, 41],
+      [-56, 47],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [52, -11],
+      [59, 112],
+      [0, 28],
+      [-132, 176],
+      [-57, 31],
+      [-39, -84],
+      [-42, 2],
+      [-38, 39],
+      [15, 45],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [-29, 23],
+      [31, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1095, 13911],
+      [35, 5],
+      [115, 89],
+      [31, -20],
+      [44, 24],
+      [47, -15],
+      [28, 66],
+      [92, 27],
+      [12, 103],
+      [24, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1523, 14214],
+      [23, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1546, 14283],
+      [151, -45],
+      [70, 63],
+      [73, 26],
+      [26, 77],
+      [54, 17],
+      [92, 4],
+      [42, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2054, 14460],
+      [108, -42],
+      [107, -13],
+      [58, -27],
+      [17, -31],
+      [88, -26],
+      [86, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2390, 14028],
+      [-30, -63],
+      [-56, -5],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [-93, -13],
+      [15, -71],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-49, 6],
+      [26, -94],
+      [-15, -44],
+      [-86, -44],
+      [9, -39],
+      [-30, -76],
+      [-84, -87],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-92, -5],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [15, -52],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [11, -66],
+      [41, -26],
+      [-8, -67],
+      [41, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1878, 12692],
+      [-43, 43],
+      [20, 45],
+      [-10, 96],
+      [21, 61],
+      [-20, 61],
+      [-43, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1595, 16432],
+      [130, -136],
+      [69, -53],
+      [97, -37],
+      [131, -78],
+      [110, -103],
+      [97, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2229, 15960],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-21, -61],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-37, -61],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [-116, 1],
+      [-53, 69],
+      [-66, 8],
+      [-111, -21],
+      [6, -80],
+      [-19, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1175, 16541],
+      [49, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2229, 15960],
+      [7, -5],
+      [309, -37],
+      [80, -34],
+      [51, -54],
+      [34, -88],
+      [-32, -107],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [-66, -83],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [-124, -39],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-170, -45],
+      [-137, -48],
+      [-51, -57],
+      [-41, -189],
+      [-32, -77],
+      [8, -55],
+      [-57, -109],
+      [-37, -98],
+      [2, -49],
+      [56, -152],
+      [53, -68],
+      [50, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1546, 14283],
+      [1, 62],
+      [88, 121],
+      [-50, 66],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-11, 127],
+      [-60, 2],
+      [71, 180],
+      [-77, 14],
+      [-66, 48],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-40, -12],
+      [-61, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1292, 14901],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-9, 86],
+      [36, 17],
+      [44, 71],
+      [1, 35],
+      [-40, 31],
+      [63, 87],
+      [-139, 113],
+      [-68, 44],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-99, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1647, 13114],
+      [-65, -46],
+      [-6, -51],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-139, -78],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [42, 37],
+      [-10, 126],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-43, -79],
+      [-143, -130],
+      [-91, 54],
+      [-83, 0],
+      [-41, 33],
+      [-39, -108],
+      [6, -47],
+      [45, -41],
+      [39, -6],
+      [-29, -61],
+      [6, -39],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [-43, -62],
+      [-22, -104],
+      [12, -61],
+      [-17, -102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [861, 12403],
+      [-87, -13],
+      [-81, 55],
+      [-105, 250],
+      [-20, 73],
+      [5, 67],
+      [-50, 80],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [33, 86],
+      [-35, 39],
+      [25, 52],
+      [-20, 98],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [37, 44],
+      [2, 33],
+      [-60, 102],
+      [-69, 8],
+      [-76, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [325, 13571],
+      [37, 48],
+      [45, 92],
+      [16, 57],
+      [51, 48],
+      [64, -4],
+      [84, 98],
+      [119, 86],
+      [20, -51],
+      [42, 19],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [61, -21],
+      [78, 92],
+      [48, 23],
+      [54, -55],
+      [39, 23],
+      [20, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [615, 14352],
+      [79, -46],
+      [6, -32],
+      [52, -14],
+      [63, 22],
+      [42, -109],
+      [124, -19],
+      [98, 23],
+      [39, 58],
+      [90, -5],
+      [175, 44],
+      [29, 0],
+      [111, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [325, 13571],
+      [-59, 26],
+      [-66, 98],
+      [-13, 114],
+      [-25, 113],
+      [4, 99],
+      [-60, 74],
+      [-106, 231],
+      [14, 77],
+      [37, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51, 14446],
+      [159, 41],
+      [-7, -45],
+      [39, -86],
+      [53, -16],
+      [97, 3],
+      [41, -38],
+      [66, -13],
+      [82, 19],
+      [34, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [615, 14352],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [112, 68],
+      [-30, 68],
+      [75, 8],
+      [42, -39],
+      [100, 25],
+      [50, -21],
+      [38, 26],
+      [58, 77],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [42, 81],
+      [-85, 9],
+      [12, 58],
+      [266, 95],
+      [48, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51, 14446],
+      [37, 92],
+      [59, 343],
+      [-24, 98],
+      [74, 62],
+      [5, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1536, 11973],
+      [-59, 16],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [-170, -6],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-23, 129],
+      [-88, 41],
+      [-44, -29],
+      [-117, 42],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-18, 69],
+      [-43, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5574, 12975],
+      [4, 96],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-109, 41],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [-109, 39],
+      [0, 47],
+      [-81, 36],
+      [14, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5244, 13302],
+      [54, -15],
+      [53, 63],
+      [93, 49],
+      [78, -2],
+      [110, 45],
+      [103, 91],
+      [42, -6],
+      [32, 56],
+      [9, 180],
+      [84, 145],
+      [35, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5937, 14020],
+      [38, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5975, 14011],
+      [-10, -47],
+      [-37, -67],
+      [9, -43],
+      [78, -35],
+      [108, -72],
+      [-48, -45],
+      [84, -24],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [68, -14],
+      [-8, -130],
+      [45, -38],
+      [-15, -118],
+      [53, -32],
+      [-22, -60],
+      [68, -26],
+      [-5, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6331, 13189],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-87, 21],
+      [-43, -66],
+      [-129, -25],
+      [-159, 42],
+      [-50, -71],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-28, -88],
+      [-127, 40],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-69, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5519, 12785],
+      [-34, 17],
+      [-43, -75],
+      [-13, -156],
+      [-123, 28],
+      [-136, 67],
+      [-78, 72],
+      [-27, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5065, 12707],
+      [-30, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4893, 13544],
+      [148, -64],
+      [10, -42],
+      [170, -90],
+      [23, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5574, 12975],
+      [-46, -98],
+      [26, -18],
+      [-35, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6553, 13121],
+      [-154, 28],
+      [-68, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5975, 14011],
+      [136, -26],
+      [259, -33],
+      [192, -78],
+      [122, -43],
+      [143, -107],
+      [80, -9],
+      [239, -95],
+      [100, 11],
+      [223, 38],
+      [18, 8],
+      [234, 40],
+      [18, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5065, 12707],
+      [-51, -114],
+      [2, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5016, 12553],
+      [-99, -52],
+      [5, -43],
+      [-53, -27],
+      [-94, -160],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [68, -76],
+      [22, -75],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [39, -43],
+      [21, -67],
+      [-73, -25],
+      [-32, -46],
+      [-109, -27],
+      [-44, 40],
+      [-70, -32],
+      [-40, -49],
+      [-56, -8],
+      [-81, -100],
+      [-17, -42],
+      [-62, 6],
+      [-57, -58],
+      [30, -81],
+      [-91, -88],
+      [-5, -126],
+      [-31, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5519, 12785],
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+      [57, -45],
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+      [85, -14],
+      [36, -26],
+      [-13, -94],
+      [14, -87],
+      [23, -53],
+      [-32, -14],
+      [-34, -69],
+      [0, -88],
+      [40, -7],
+      [1, -53],
+      [63, -23],
+      [-29, -121],
+      [-35, -13],
+      [-75, -70],
+      [-6, -71],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-63, 35],
+      [-12, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5580, 11808],
+      [-43, 53],
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+      [-27, 38],
+      [-27, 110],
+      [-133, 72],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-71, 63],
+      [18, 40],
+      [-8, 41],
+      [-120, 65],
+      [18, 38],
+      [-47, 122],
+      [-13, 122]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5008, 14225],
+      [134, 45],
+      [198, 23],
+      [162, -19],
+      [38, -79],
+      [65, -34],
+      [113, -23],
+      [81, -54],
+      [138, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5690, 10193],
+      [35, 75],
+      [10, 51],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [-26, 119],
+      [39, 80],
+      [113, 9],
+      [11, -58],
+      [55, -7],
+      [-3, 78],
+      [67, 22],
+      [40, -4],
+      [17, 35],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-37, 94],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-62, 48],
+      [68, 134],
+      [37, 19],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [-46, 48],
+      [5, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5863, 11270],
+      [64, 17],
+      [49, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5976, 11274],
+      [99, -73],
+      [53, -15],
+      [66, 2],
+      [122, 113]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5976, 11274],
+      [26, 28],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [21, 43],
+      [-1, 62],
+      [36, 82],
+      [-94, 22],
+      [-91, -53],
+      [-59, 72],
+      [-117, 114],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-73, 15],
+      [-8, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5863, 11270],
+      [-45, 26],
+      [-56, -14],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [-85, 19],
+      [-16, -65],
+      [-64, -49],
+      [12, -53],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-27, -37],
+      [-65, 27],
+      [-53, 3],
+      [-29, 73],
+      [-59, -75],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-32, 36],
+      [-36, -8],
+      [-65, -62],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-45, -97],
+      [-15, -74],
+      [-93, -49],
+      [13, -40],
+      [-53, -99],
+      [42, -90],
+      [56, -61],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [38, -95],
+      [-64, -49],
+      [-113, -26],
+      [-65, 20],
+      [-12, 92],
+      [-33, -14],
+      [-73, 40],
+      [30, 53],
+      [-27, 45],
+      [-51, 49],
+      [-18, -45],
+      [-84, -10],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [-5, -58],
+      [-57, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13978, 6295],
+      [-48, 1],
+      [-30, -60],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-18, 44],
+      [-36, 27],
+      [-56, 95],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-124, -4],
+      [-30, -102],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-27, -38],
+      [-52, 27],
+      [-59, -27],
+      [-64, 6],
+      [9, -47],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-93, -7],
+      [9, -48],
+      [-62, -30],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [54, -126],
+      [43, -30],
+      [74, -24],
+      [39, 43],
+      [88, -48],
+      [23, -92],
+      [-48, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13361, 5788],
+      [-70, -19],
+      [-64, 39],
+      [-35, 48],
+      [-89, 18],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-34, -7],
+      [-91, -142],
+      [-37, -21],
+      [40, -97],
+      [5, -54],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [-8, -58],
+      [-30, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12723, 5339],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-96, 65],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-84, -84],
+      [-117, 83],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-58, 41],
+      [16, 76],
+      [-93, 65],
+      [114, 74],
+      [29, -2],
+      [9, 87],
+      [26, -5],
+      [32, 94],
+      [-13, 111],
+      [-52, 61],
+      [-33, -34],
+      [-81, -29],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [-36, 55],
+      [-81, 19],
+      [-6, 78],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [68, 152],
+      [49, 10],
+      [24, 33],
+      [-112, -4],
+      [-130, 59],
+      [-70, -25],
+      [-120, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11764, 6315],
+      [21, 15],
+      [-4, 64],
+      [50, -13],
+      [57, 31],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-28, 83],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [15, 58],
+      [-48, 12],
+      [-35, 47],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-77, 30],
+      [-65, 80],
+      [-25, 155]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11498, 6922],
+      [27, 27],
+      [73, -11],
+      [22, -48],
+      [91, -1],
+      [55, 51],
+      [73, 4],
+      [84, 97],
+      [13, 89],
+      [54, 21],
+      [75, -17],
+      [134, -55],
+      [39, 19],
+      [45, -82],
+      [51, -45],
+      [87, 14],
+      [38, 33],
+      [48, 68]
+    ],
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+      [12507, 7086],
+      [69, 15],
+      [15, 39],
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+      [21, 43],
+      [87, -34],
+      [68, 18],
+      [76, -39],
+      [71, 14],
+      [13, 56],
+      [91, 23],
+      [29, 75],
+      [57, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13171, 7298],
+      [49, 0],
+      [53, 24],
+      [29, -75],
+      [154, 59],
+      [56, 52],
+      [61, -31],
+      [87, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13660, 7379],
+      [62, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13361, 5788],
+      [37, -28],
+      [25, -79],
+      [46, 7],
+      [15, -98],
+      [38, -41],
+      [148, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13670, 5506],
+      [-11, -101],
+      [-85, -47],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-38, -63],
+      [-79, 31],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [13, -132],
+      [60, -80],
+      [19, -47],
+      [76, -116],
+      [-19, -87],
+      [68, -104],
+      [11, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11764, 6315],
+      [-39, -49],
+      [-51, -9],
+      [-47, -32],
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+      [-48, -33],
+      [-109, 49],
+      [-28, -29],
+      [23, -99],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-6, -73],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-17, -113],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [20, -60],
+      [49, 11],
+      [49, -26],
+      [-3, -116],
+      [-16, -122],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-27, -35],
+      [20, -36],
+      [22, -121],
+      [-29, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11151, 6993],
+      [67, 6],
+      [37, -44],
+      [47, 1],
+      [16, 32],
+      [-10, 45],
+      [59, 12],
+      [23, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11390, 7070],
+      [87, -72],
+      [21, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13171, 7298],
+      [11, 86],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-21, 85],
+      [87, 51],
+      [61, 102],
+      [-38, 122],
+      [-4, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13242, 7822],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [33, 25],
+      [111, -6],
+      [33, 39],
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+      [69, -44],
+      [-11, -29],
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+      [10, -70]
+    ],
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+      [-38, 32],
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+      [-67, 89],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [-39, 76],
+      [-32, -2],
+      [-69, 171]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12268, 8457],
+      [50, -64],
+      [-39, -58],
+      [-6, -114],
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+      [35, 0],
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+      [16, -82],
+      [-64, 5],
+      [-22, -21],
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+      [-6, -95],
+      [85, -44],
+      [30, -57],
+      [41, 16],
+      [40, -17],
+      [-21, -59],
+      [10, -40],
+      [-44, -41],
+      [12, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11390, 7070],
+      [-17, 52],
+      [-48, -8],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [-29, 74],
+      [28, 58],
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+      [0, 115],
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+      [-40, 76],
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+      [-70, 22],
+      [-8, 23]
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+      [-26, -3],
+      [-60, -65],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [-11, 90],
+      [8, 35],
+      [-13, 107],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-2, -72],
+      [-98, 51],
+      [-42, 90],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [-65, -9],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-16, 48],
+      [-39, 43],
+      [11, 76],
+      [27, 81],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-40, 24],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-57, 30],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-25, 48],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [7, 96],
+      [-9, 95],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [-31, -3],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-23, -54],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-64, 39],
+      [-43, 49],
+      [-6, 72],
+      [-32, -14],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [1, 81],
+      [64, 116],
+      [-69, 6],
+      [-22, 93],
+      [3, 121],
+      [51, 29],
+      [15, 98],
+      [96, 87],
+      [13, 40],
+      [-24, 77],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [-101, -67],
+      [-11, 58],
+      [-51, 49],
+      [-32, -86],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [25, 29],
+      [2, 68],
+      [27, 107],
+      [3, 70],
+      [-29, -20],
+      [-46, 9],
+      [-17, 43],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [-23, 84],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [-32, 55],
+      [0, 58],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [38, 43],
+      [24, 141],
+      [-15, 52],
+      [-40, -77],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-6, -129],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-75, 106],
+      [-34, 81],
+      [-71, 107],
+      [-3, 124],
+      [-47, 57],
+      [7, 66],
+      [-55, 25],
+      [6, 92],
+      [22, 44],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [39, 24],
+      [57, 204],
+      [72, 174],
+      [-11, 56],
+      [-43, -178],
+      [-51, -102],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [17, 60],
+      [38, 60],
+      [-20, 99],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [6, 69],
+      [-11, 48],
+      [31, 68],
+      [1, 72],
+      [-25, 66],
+      [-35, -15],
+      [-44, 26],
+      [-10, 59],
+      [-38, 14],
+      [-39, 58],
+      [-74, 22],
+      [-94, 85],
+      [-27, 34],
+      [-62, -7],
+      [-10, 119],
+      [-61, 39],
+      [19, 99],
+      [-79, 27],
+      [30, 69],
+      [-30, 80],
+      [-45, 85],
+      [-77, 198],
+      [-49, 93],
+      [-25, 88],
+      [-70, 136],
+      [19, 25],
+      [-78, 102],
+      [-35, 70],
+      [-101, 76],
+      [-37, 68],
+      [-18, 88],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [-63, 18],
+      [-34, 85],
+      [17, 79],
+      [-50, 76],
+      [-60, 59],
+      [-114, -78],
+      [-61, -14],
+      [-26, -100],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [2, -105],
+      [-30, -67],
+      [-60, -4],
+      [-112, -92],
+      [-41, -53],
+      [-38, 194],
+      [-245, 298],
+      [-24, 85],
+      [-84, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12719, 8767],
+      [-165, -236],
+      [-193, -284],
+      [-178, -274],
+      [-119, -187],
+      [-86, -146],
+      [-161, -262],
+      [-237, -406],
+      [-155, -213],
+      [-218, -312],
+      [1, -1787],
+      [0, -211]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11208, 4449],
+      [0, -220],
+      [-1518, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9690, 4229],
+      [-14, 308],
+      [0, 204],
+      [-14, 409],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [0, 205],
+      [-7, 204],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-2, 385],
+      [-22, 515],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-8, 88],
+      [0, 204],
+      [-8, 95],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 3],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 3],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [1, 205],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [0, 202],
+      [-9, 72],
+      [0, 8],
+      [1, 110],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-9, 90],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 6],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 113],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [1, 176],
+      [0, 2],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [0, 7],
+      [1, 174],
+      [-12, 89],
+      [0, 19],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 8],
+      [0, 253],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 69],
+      [0, 3],
+      [0, 100],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 72],
+      [0, 9],
+      [0, 50],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 11],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 39],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 83],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 662],
+      [0, 68],
+      [0, 23],
+      [0, 10],
+      [0, 25],
+      [0, 5],
+      [0, 42],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 47],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 118],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 34],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 5],
+      [0, 4],
+      [0, 6],
+      [0, 63],
+      [0, 72],
+      [0, 14],
+      [0, 7],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, 400]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9534, 10582],
+      [1755, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11289, 10582],
+      [7, -118],
+      [-9, -89],
+      [28, -158],
+      [-24, -80],
+      [8, -119],
+      [43, -56],
+      [4, -41],
+      [44, -87],
+      [57, 40],
+      [33, -7],
+      [87, 15],
+      [123, -29],
+      [18, -151],
+      [54, -175],
+      [47, -247],
+      [48, -125],
+      [17, -99],
+      [-2, -56],
+      [-43, -161],
+      [37, 35],
+      [59, 17],
+      [42, -15],
+      [41, 15],
+      [183, 103],
+      [59, 8],
+      [62, -15],
+      [67, -49],
+      [95, -83],
+      [112, -46],
+      [133, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18142, 1804],
+      [10, -86],
+      [-37, 5],
+      [27, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18668, 3586],
+      [30, -21],
+      [-35, -70],
+      [-13, 61],
+      [18, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18810, 2486],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-31, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18754, 2401],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-30, -54],
+      [-23, 31],
+      [-29, -80],
+      [-43, -29],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-74, -50],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [-66, -35],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-48, -75],
+      [-62, -40],
+      [-15, 37],
+      [-43, -44],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-16, 69],
+      [-27, -19],
+      [-55, 37],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [-30, 87],
+      [14, 51],
+      [-39, 130],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [2, 152],
+      [-1, 646],
+      [-42, 79],
+      [-70, 88],
+      [-33, -37],
+      [-50, -1],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-70, -40],
+      [-38, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17587, 3247],
+      [62, 29],
+      [56, 45],
+      [45, 73],
+      [1, 209],
+      [63, 0],
+      [0, 49],
+      [128, 0],
+      [1, -44],
+      [57, -39],
+      [108, 74],
+      [36, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18144, 3650],
+      [34, 4],
+      [39, 33],
+      [89, -62],
+      [68, -27],
+      [24, -45],
+      [23, -92],
+      [37, 3],
+      [75, 83],
+      [43, 11],
+      [9, -27],
+      [41, 7],
+      [9, -73],
+      [-34, -74],
+      [1, -87],
+      [-18, -70],
+      [-74, -95],
+      [28, -43],
+      [36, 28],
+      [51, -6],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [-24, -63],
+      [4, -69],
+      [43, -33],
+      [13, -129],
+      [38, -83],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [59, -3],
+      [26, -21],
+      [81, -27],
+      [-50, -62],
+      [-2, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21282, 3775],
+      [17, -33],
+      [35, -6],
+      [35, 23],
+      [4, -56],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-19, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20071, 4058],
+      [26, -101],
+      [-111, -4],
+      [37, 61],
+      [48, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21229, 4664],
+      [9, -83],
+      [-42, -27],
+      [-8, 65],
+      [41, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20801, 5748],
+      [7, -63],
+      [34, -12],
+      [65, 58],
+      [-1, -95],
+      [-34, -74],
+      [-49, 23],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [30, -18],
+      [1, -65],
+      [-32, -86],
+      [-59, -123],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [-66, -134],
+      [-19, -78],
+      [-68, -143],
+      [6, -42],
+      [-26, -96],
+      [21, -64],
+      [32, 82],
+      [50, 62],
+      [62, 136],
+      [105, -132],
+      [50, 43],
+      [11, -36],
+      [-52, -64],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-20, -48],
+      [55, -161],
+      [42, -3],
+      [25, 48],
+      [33, -52],
+      [8, 78],
+      [36, -33],
+      [-27, -82],
+      [1, -51],
+      [68, 29],
+      [27, -4],
+      [45, 56],
+      [30, 85],
+      [20, -66],
+      [37, 6],
+      [14, -39],
+      [24, 48],
+      [34, 6],
+      [82, -61],
+      [48, -76],
+      [-30, -66],
+      [-79, -116],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [27, -80],
+      [16, -109],
+      [27, 16],
+      [21, -52],
+      [30, 94],
+      [39, -38],
+      [52, 68],
+      [19, -32],
+      [-14, -87],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-23, 6],
+      [-33, -61],
+      [-52, -63],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [4, -90],
+      [61, -1],
+      [13, -52],
+      [-53, -153],
+      [34, -88],
+      [41, -11],
+      [10, 114],
+      [48, 146],
+      [74, 48],
+      [4, -58],
+      [-69, -210],
+      [46, -87],
+      [40, 41],
+      [32, 155],
+      [16, -28],
+      [19, -158],
+      [-62, -228],
+      [2, -88],
+      [-11, -73],
+      [-38, -98],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-36, 66],
+      [-47, -80],
+      [-23, 55],
+      [12, 108],
+      [-3, 138],
+      [-41, -58],
+      [-32, -84],
+      [-36, -50],
+      [-30, 10],
+      [4, 101],
+      [23, 67],
+      [35, 160],
+      [7, 129],
+      [-24, 110],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-63, -183],
+      [-8, -63],
+      [-39, -41],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-40, -76],
+      [-4, -77],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [-17, -65],
+      [-35, -34],
+      [-47, 26],
+      [-61, -34],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [51, 63],
+      [61, 23],
+      [44, 60],
+      [12, 84],
+      [27, 45],
+      [54, 20],
+      [-69, 88],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [1, -87],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [-14, 92],
+      [-26, 86],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [-83, -57],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-51, 35],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-140, 15],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-46, -23],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-63, -45],
+      [-65, -6],
+      [-67, -21],
+      [-34, 46],
+      [1, 60],
+      [-23, 100],
+      [76, 102],
+      [26, 17],
+      [88, 156],
+      [44, 28],
+      [-25, 55],
+      [-42, 12],
+      [6, 67],
+      [37, 115],
+      [9, 74],
+      [24, 73],
+      [14, -47],
+      [44, 6],
+      [24, 86],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [10, 76],
+      [63, 109],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [33, 126],
+      [14, 21],
+      [42, 145],
+      [32, 175],
+      [21, 33],
+      [7, 97],
+      [64, 46],
+      [29, 59],
+      [44, 208],
+      [24, 54],
+      [64, 43],
+      [131, 126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19538, 8370],
+      [6, -93],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [31, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19374, 8506],
+      [60, 0],
+      [6, -52],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-7, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19439, 8825],
+      [27, -164],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [-31, 49],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [16, 130],
+      [31, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19378, 9162],
+      [5, -80],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [36, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19337, 9191],
+      [24, -50],
+      [-36, -33],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [38, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19363, 9339],
+      [32, -37],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [17, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18807, 10508],
+      [9, -92],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [9, 86],
+      [15, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20506, 5630],
+      [0, 331],
+      [-1148, -2],
+      [-489, 1],
+      [32, 50],
+      [-18, 102],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-20, 60],
+      [14, 55],
+      [45, 35],
+      [103, 13],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [-33, 45],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-49, -1],
+      [-18, -90],
+      [25, -104],
+      [-28, -95],
+      [-14, -147],
+      [-17, -72],
+      [18, -60],
+      [-68, -98],
+      [-24, 72],
+      [-39, 44],
+      [-85, -7],
+      [-61, 119],
+      [-67, 77],
+      [-47, 3],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-20, 61],
+      [-36, -47],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [25, 72],
+      [2, 237],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [-34, -3],
+      [-15, -110],
+      [-51, -51],
+      [-13, 48],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-61, 58],
+      [-18, 142],
+      [58, 15],
+      [21, -39],
+      [15, 51],
+      [21, 134],
+      [-6, 44],
+      [-29, 35],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [-43, 49],
+      [-9, 53],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [-7, 95],
+      [-53, 64],
+      [12, 72],
+      [26, 3],
+      [-6, 87],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [45, 43],
+      [28, 52],
+      [29, -39],
+      [70, 102],
+      [-66, 121],
+      [-32, 92],
+      [47, 8],
+      [4, -32],
+      [80, -126],
+      [66, -19],
+      [7, 38],
+      [-29, 95],
+      [0, 125],
+      [32, 36],
+      [87, -161],
+      [58, -33],
+      [43, -9],
+      [3, -52],
+      [35, -74],
+      [58, 11],
+      [5, 33],
+      [55, 36],
+      [31, 71],
+      [27, -19],
+      [55, -71],
+      [-7, -47],
+      [54, -11],
+      [17, 46],
+      [73, -48],
+      [33, -63],
+      [35, 2],
+      [34, 55],
+      [-29, 39],
+      [24, 109],
+      [32, -33],
+      [20, 51],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [19, 163],
+      [-33, 46],
+      [-1, 133],
+      [-27, 86],
+      [11, 73],
+      [24, 55],
+      [-54, 66],
+      [-40, -41],
+      [-1, 116],
+      [23, 154],
+      [-53, 96],
+      [33, 86],
+      [27, 16],
+      [3, 121],
+      [17, -6],
+      [19, 95],
+      [-28, 54],
+      [23, 61],
+      [-1, 70],
+      [16, 59],
+      [-72, 86],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-48, 168],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [3, 67],
+      [50, 36],
+      [11, 66],
+      [36, 5],
+      [9, 42],
+      [35, 14],
+      [-15, 61],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [-18, 23],
+      [14, 80],
+      [24, -10],
+      [108, 33],
+      [-10, 55],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-76, -41],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-23, 68],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-81, 54],
+      [14, 54],
+      [78, -54],
+      [-12, 255],
+      [-53, 26],
+      [-34, 69],
+      [27, 173],
+      [-34, 104],
+      [37, -6],
+      [37, 35],
+      [-64, 88],
+      [78, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18691, 10760],
+      [23, -103],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [13, -41],
+      [52, 0],
+      [25, -86],
+      [0, -95],
+      [71, -41],
+      [40, -68],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [42, -12],
+      [60, -46],
+      [2, -108],
+      [50, -26],
+      [4, -70],
+      [35, -18],
+      [44, -130],
+      [-35, -64],
+      [-43, -32],
+      [37, -51],
+      [22, 34],
+      [70, 15],
+      [7, -168],
+      [-11, -26],
+      [-100, -5],
+      [2, -31],
+      [126, 43],
+      [21, -9],
+      [59, -142],
+      [15, 31],
+      [61, -201],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-20, -63],
+      [74, -39],
+      [-15, -89],
+      [24, -42],
+      [90, -7],
+      [23, -32],
+      [5, -68],
+      [-44, -13],
+      [-25, -48],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-32, -145],
+      [-7, -89],
+      [14, -114],
+      [82, 1],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [18, -62],
+      [50, 5],
+      [12, -80],
+      [82, 7],
+      [4, -48],
+      [67, 21],
+      [32, -31],
+      [-13, -52],
+      [48, -141],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-26, -140],
+      [24, 7],
+      [27, 59],
+      [37, -54],
+      [71, 79],
+      [21, -20],
+      [-15, -80],
+      [43, 8],
+      [24, 37],
+      [30, -95],
+      [27, 82],
+      [62, -25],
+      [16, -46],
+      [13, -126],
+      [52, -7],
+      [60, -42],
+      [56, 14],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [59, -4],
+      [66, -133],
+      [63, 10],
+      [19, -87],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-63, -42],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-19, -68],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-40, -73],
+      [-79, -23],
+      [-134, -97],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-6, -127],
+      [-55, -51],
+      [76, -19],
+      [42, 88],
+      [69, 19],
+      [52, 76],
+      [86, 29],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [51, 88],
+      [33, 2],
+      [39, 37],
+      [40, 7],
+      [3, 95],
+      [52, 26],
+      [75, -22],
+      [108, -8],
+      [54, -183],
+      [16, -79],
+      [-65, -48],
+      [21, -50],
+      [1, -58],
+      [42, 44],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [43, 62],
+      [48, -7],
+      [17, 23],
+      [22, -62],
+      [46, -25],
+      [17, 15],
+      [34, -36],
+      [46, 3],
+      [10, -107],
+      [39, -27],
+      [-8, -140],
+      [-17, -52],
+      [22, -67],
+      [-44, -69],
+      [14, -56],
+      [45, 7],
+      [-15, -102],
+      [47, -50],
+      [-16, -112],
+      [3, -82],
+      [-48, -78],
+      [-75, -97],
+      [-117, -91],
+      [-43, -101],
+      [-62, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18645, 10873],
+      [60, -57],
+      [4, -53],
+      [-96, 53],
+      [32, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1280, 15956],
+      [28, -16],
+      [1, -80],
+      [-47, 54],
+      [18, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5040, 16030],
+      [-162, -16],
+      [36, -896],
+      [217, -143],
+      [347, -236],
+      [374, -156],
+      [164, -131],
+      [257, -214],
+      [355, -314],
+      [281, -264],
+      [286, 29],
+      [0, 0],
+      [178, 16],
+      [253, -222],
+      [178, -161],
+      [453, -63],
+      [399, -66],
+      [175, -32],
+      [378, -82],
+      [2, 0],
+      [248, -59],
+      [0, 0],
+      [75, -19],
+      [0, -33],
+      [0, -1],
+      [0, -215],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -18],
+      [0, -1],
+      [0, -7],
+      [0, -4],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -1],
+      [0, -407],
+      [0, -3],
+      [0, -70],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -3],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -387],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -77],
+      [0, -1],
+      [0, -4],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -43],
+      [0, -1],
+      [0, -458],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -216],
+      [0, -4],
+      [0, -115],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -47],
+      [0, -2],
+      [0, -301]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9534, 10582],
+      [-1955, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4208, 10582],
+      [-51, 63],
+      [-30, 56],
+      [-23, 91],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-15, 66],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [20, 50],
+      [-12, 122],
+      [-55, 11],
+      [-15, -70],
+      [-79, -3],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-66, 26],
+      [-33, -6],
+      [-40, 46],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-25, -48],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [-51, 25],
+      [-2, 91],
+      [-27, 68],
+      [-26, 10],
+      [18, 89],
+      [-26, 137],
+      [-33, 24],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-73, 63],
+      [-68, 78],
+      [6, 55],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-15, 62],
+      [-73, 104],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [-53, 43],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [-34, 92],
+      [14, 142],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-59, 90],
+      [-24, 77],
+      [-2, 65],
+      [21, 67],
+      [-37, 10],
+      [-78, 141],
+      [47, 36],
+      [-24, 140],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-15, 147],
+      [-48, -28],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [-81, 49],
+      [-44, 79],
+      [3, 42],
+      [-31, 101],
+      [-55, 50],
+      [-81, -54],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [23, 61],
+      [-54, 67],
+      [-25, 61],
+      [-78, 50],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [51, 167],
+      [-50, 17],
+      [-56, 54],
+      [57, 97],
+      [39, 30],
+      [51, 115],
+      [-35, 79],
+      [-61, 53],
+      [17, 82],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-62, -76],
+      [-3, 78],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-68, -54],
+      [-62, 12],
+      [27, 122],
+      [-19, 74],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [27, 166],
+      [-42, 81],
+      [21, 45],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [28, 55],
+      [-570, 0],
+      [-18, 100],
+      [24, 35],
+      [-15, 190],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [-39, 9],
+      [-2, 95],
+      [-3, 608]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1109, 15702],
+      [28, 4],
+      [42, -5],
+      [31, -43],
+      [20, 24],
+      [44, -18],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [8, 14],
+      [46, -23],
+      [31, -30],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [0, -3],
+      [50, 0],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [53, -68],
+      [5, -5],
+      [11, -12],
+      [12, 4],
+      [11, -8],
+      [8, 10],
+      [-57, 35],
+      [27, 28],
+      [11, -28],
+      [17, 28],
+      [-76, 90],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [-6, 64],
+      [35, 5],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-26, 23],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-82, 59],
+      [1, 76],
+      [47, -58],
+      [51, -32],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [14, 2],
+      [13, 29],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-19, 78],
+      [40, 3],
+      [37, -29],
+      [16, 87],
+      [34, -54],
+      [5, 75],
+      [61, -3],
+      [40, 20],
+      [15, -52],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [5, -3],
+      [9, 56],
+      [33, 47],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [50, -12],
+      [7, -45],
+      [23, -31],
+      [37, 12],
+      [29, -31],
+      [21, 42],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [-39, -55],
+      [-28, -39],
+      [12, -32],
+      [34, 40],
+      [46, 8],
+      [45, 35],
+      [73, -16],
+      [52, 22],
+      [9, 90],
+      [4, 31],
+      [1, 6],
+      [68, 13],
+      [46, -22],
+      [37, 56],
+      [32, -13],
+      [59, 6],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [35, 7],
+      [45, 55],
+      [52, 16],
+      [5, 41],
+      [79, -45],
+      [34, 86],
+      [5, 18],
+      [46, 0],
+      [45, 31],
+      [20, -9],
+      [32, -3],
+      [21, -10],
+      [56, -26],
+      [24, 17],
+      [22, 48],
+      [39, -17],
+      [10, 47],
+      [34, -36],
+      [-14, -4],
+      [37, -28],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-168, -88],
+      [-65, -50],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [-35, -8],
+      [-46, -71],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-26, 7],
+      [-108, -31],
+      [-48, -23],
+      [-21, -74],
+      [-72, -38],
+      [26, -48],
+      [68, 0],
+      [74, 67],
+      [3, 35],
+      [44, 35],
+      [49, -12],
+      [37, 61],
+      [11, 42],
+      [36, -58],
+      [33, -86],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [11, -73],
+      [16, 98],
+      [45, 60],
+      [66, 101],
+      [30, 68],
+      [62, 9],
+      [93, 41],
+      [27, 23],
+      [101, 13],
+      [10, -86],
+      [36, -33],
+      [19, 21],
+      [18, 44],
+      [50, 69],
+      [72, 46],
+      [12, -9],
+      [9, -9],
+      [6, 3],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-34, 74],
+      [37, 38],
+      [61, -43],
+      [14, 61],
+      [97, 25],
+      [1, -38],
+      [15, -1],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-8, 42],
+      [-74, 9],
+      [-55, 23],
+      [-30, 46],
+      [10, 75],
+      [37, 39],
+      [152, -121],
+      [78, -115],
+      [85, -237],
+      [104, -129],
+      [92, -78],
+      [36, -9],
+      [62, -30],
+      [46, 33],
+      [8, 42],
+      [5, 49],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-40, 18],
+      [15, 44],
+      [40, 4],
+      [43, 34],
+      [31, 110],
+      [-54, 54],
+      [30, 4],
+      [103, 20],
+      [13, 47],
+      [31, -29],
+      [-14, -79],
+      [12, -70],
+      [-6, -80],
+      [70, -2],
+      [-29, -85],
+      [-44, -44],
+      [-11, -62],
+      [32, -15],
+      [68, -3],
+      [19, 15],
+      [9, 16],
+      [31, -16],
+      [33, -10],
+      [47, 16],
+      [38, 66],
+      [34, 13],
+      [22, 71],
+      [10, 52],
+      [33, 60],
+      [48, -19],
+      [31, 18],
+      [114, -18],
+      [100, 7],
+      [56, -23],
+      [30, 5],
+      [69, -52],
+      [46, -12],
+      [135, -133]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7616, 18051],
+      [2, -231]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7618, 17820],
+      [-50, 67],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-12, 89],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [3, 46],
+      [55, 9],
+      [94, -13],
+      [57, -25],
+      [0, -1],
+      [-2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7616, 17768],
+      [-1, -726],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-3, -724],
+      [-228, 5],
+      [-521, -1],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [10, -106],
+      [-73, 6],
+      [-12, 100],
+      [-387, -11],
+      [-269, 2],
+      [-269, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5789, 16298],
+      [-10, 79],
+      [97, 52],
+      [246, 61],
+      [266, 33],
+      [87, 20],
+      [101, -5],
+      [58, -22],
+      [153, 3],
+      [69, -28],
+      [40, 3],
+      [66, -23],
+      [89, 54],
+      [69, -15],
+      [43, 7],
+      [17, 51],
+      [-79, 10],
+      [-32, 64],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-69, -7],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-74, 54],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [-63, 39],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-32, -21],
+      [-69, 2],
+      [-17, -21],
+      [-116, -22],
+      [-98, 3],
+      [-109, -8],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [-41, -6],
+      [-56, 59],
+      [-65, -1],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-192, 11],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [-88, 53],
+      [-51, 46],
+      [-38, 56],
+      [18, 38],
+      [129, 73],
+      [74, 10],
+      [105, 32],
+      [61, 6],
+      [13, 25],
+      [130, 42],
+      [63, -1],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [71, 35],
+      [68, -15],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-113, -36],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-132, -41],
+      [-53, 2],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-84, -13],
+      [-83, 9],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-66, 12],
+      [-9, 50],
+      [62, 40],
+      [72, -12],
+      [-63, 81],
+      [-41, -38],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-88, 2],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-10, 108],
+      [38, 71],
+      [57, 41],
+      [52, 82],
+      [93, 16],
+      [-11, 77],
+      [-70, 2],
+      [-16, 72],
+      [52, 56],
+      [83, 63],
+      [86, 48],
+      [53, 70],
+      [155, 61],
+      [124, 63],
+      [72, 15],
+      [130, 50],
+      [34, 25],
+      [129, 41],
+      [18, 22],
+      [59, 0],
+      [61, -26],
+      [65, -97],
+      [-18, -83],
+      [-3, -120],
+      [-45, -2],
+      [-22, -71],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [49, -43],
+      [88, 59],
+      [42, -10],
+      [103, 60],
+      [-13, 48],
+      [25, 58],
+      [67, 48],
+      [151, -37],
+      [66, -33],
+      [65, -10],
+      [53, -35],
+      [39, -4],
+      [87, -47],
+      [-12, -92],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [-17, -47],
+      [-68, -34],
+      [2, -43],
+      [83, 67],
+      [24, -43],
+      [49, -10],
+      [32, 56],
+      [32, 17],
+      [27, 57],
+      [75, -32],
+      [17, 21],
+      [73, -66],
+      [43, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4762, 18988],
+      [105, -22],
+      [37, -51],
+      [131, -62],
+      [71, -26],
+      [110, -23],
+      [4, -64],
+      [33, 49],
+      [95, 3],
+      [41, -123],
+      [33, 36],
+      [15, 84],
+      [143, 38],
+      [135, -16],
+      [80, -26],
+      [121, -94],
+      [41, -22],
+      [77, -75],
+      [138, -113],
+      [99, -72],
+      [-8, -49],
+      [-97, -72],
+      [-209, -70],
+      [-64, -47],
+      [-135, -52],
+      [-138, -96],
+      [-58, -17],
+      [-179, -106],
+      [-64, -8],
+      [4, -88],
+      [-42, -102],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [-59, -49],
+      [-91, 6],
+      [3, -81],
+      [-71, -81],
+      [24, -72],
+      [-23, -132],
+      [-27, -49],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-155, -53],
+      [-94, 62],
+      [-42, -40],
+      [-37, -70],
+      [-111, -44],
+      [-79, -80],
+      [-78, -2],
+      [-72, 80],
+      [-49, 161],
+      [-43, 25],
+      [-41, 76],
+      [-60, 42],
+      [-96, 27],
+      [-120, 69],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-89, -16],
+      [18, 62],
+      [-17, 49],
+      [67, 113],
+      [37, 79],
+      [89, 46],
+      [-1, 69],
+      [-20, 121],
+      [26, -12],
+      [112, 33],
+      [-42, 62],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [25, 69],
+      [48, 50],
+      [11, 67],
+      [48, 73],
+      [59, 24],
+      [0, 67],
+      [50, 32],
+      [4, 67],
+      [-84, 27],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [-52, 71],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [-38, 55],
+      [38, 50],
+      [93, 17],
+      [147, 11],
+      [141, 21],
+      [88, 1],
+      [81, 14],
+      [103, 36],
+      [54, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5709, 19891],
+      [38, -9],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [-52, -58],
+      [-50, -103],
+      [-76, -67],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-63, -30],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [14, 71],
+      [115, 113],
+      [78, 44],
+      [50, 0],
+      [15, 32],
+      [64, -2],
+      [10, -19],
+      [36, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7619, 20104],
+      [0, -139]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7619, 19965],
+      [-52, -4],
+      [-27, 33],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-18, 72],
+      [133, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7614, 19552],
+      [6, 0],
+      [0, -378]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7620, 19174],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [-57, -33],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-155, -68],
+      [-104, -56],
+      [-163, -42],
+      [-158, -15],
+      [-134, 15],
+      [-73, 24],
+      [-101, 60],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [17, 70],
+      [110, 37],
+      [58, -2],
+      [61, 30],
+      [21, 29],
+      [74, 30],
+      [75, 11],
+      [160, 3],
+      [46, -12],
+      [36, 16],
+      [134, 93],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-172, -19],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-23, 48],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [-39, -46],
+      [-9, -43],
+      [-108, -28],
+      [-143, -16],
+      [-19, 26],
+      [35, 129],
+      [-36, 77],
+      [-42, -123],
+      [-85, -107],
+      [-64, -16],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-53, -14],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-12, 108],
+      [-98, -119],
+      [-65, 12],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-47, 8],
+      [-6, 91],
+      [-80, -29],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-62, 29],
+      [-53, -3],
+      [-120, 46],
+      [23, 62],
+      [75, 69],
+      [42, 9],
+      [265, 1],
+      [100, 58],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [-115, -27],
+      [-42, -20],
+      [-188, 9],
+      [-8, 53],
+      [73, 76],
+      [205, 7],
+      [13, 35],
+      [-118, 0],
+      [-70, 14],
+      [9, 80],
+      [34, 49],
+      [79, 46],
+      [98, 26],
+      [18, 75],
+      [67, 18],
+      [73, 36],
+      [98, 9],
+      [150, -9],
+      [24, -25],
+      [-11, -71],
+      [40, -65],
+      [71, 1],
+      [97, 44],
+      [95, -8],
+      [8, -23],
+      [86, -24],
+      [23, -77],
+      [98, -22],
+      [68, -57],
+      [-86, -17],
+      [-2, -36],
+      [67, 13],
+      [47, -9],
+      [66, -52],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [25, -72],
+      [67, 4],
+      [134, 26],
+      [11, -17],
+      [131, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6581, 20337],
+      [80, -2],
+      [66, -34],
+      [-5, -55],
+      [-118, -8],
+      [-167, 18],
+      [0, 69],
+      [28, 10],
+      [116, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6003, 20710],
+      [68, -23],
+      [29, -27],
+      [78, -17],
+      [66, -42],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [-160, -36],
+      [-30, -36],
+      [28, -64],
+      [88, -27],
+      [-16, -48],
+      [-79, 27],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [80, -40],
+      [-11, -76],
+      [-70, -54],
+      [-51, -10],
+      [-132, -2],
+      [18, -129],
+      [-77, -45],
+      [-76, 10],
+      [-61, 31],
+      [-47, 45],
+      [17, 60],
+      [10, 97],
+      [35, 22],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-21, -74],
+      [2, -58],
+      [-54, -29],
+      [-63, 34],
+      [5, -60],
+      [52, -30],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [-59, -5],
+      [-22, -86],
+      [-38, -15],
+      [-42, 17],
+      [-43, 96],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [1, -186],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [-80, -22],
+      [-35, 30],
+      [-25, -51],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [9, 103],
+      [-42, -8],
+      [-26, 22],
+      [-3, 82],
+      [-33, 18],
+      [-40, -31],
+      [0, -57],
+      [-79, -73],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-47, -17],
+      [-24, -35],
+      [-63, -36],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [11, 69],
+      [-28, 31],
+      [-8, 95],
+      [69, 34],
+      [101, 24],
+      [43, -13],
+      [58, 11],
+      [28, 24],
+      [53, 124],
+      [41, -21],
+      [44, 37],
+      [77, 27],
+      [13, -10],
+      [41, 78],
+      [169, 147],
+      [59, 23],
+      [14, 42],
+      [39, 39],
+      [49, -20],
+      [26, 33],
+      [69, 10],
+      [113, -6],
+      [84, 6],
+      [124, -43],
+      [55, 37],
+      [44, -20],
+      [-21, 82],
+      [78, 43],
+      [38, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6520, 21020],
+      [10, -43],
+      [41, -4],
+      [54, -49],
+      [48, -10],
+      [5, -59],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-124, -20],
+      [-185, 121],
+      [85, 58],
+      [92, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7626, 21038],
+      [-6, -98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7620, 20940],
+      [-99, -22],
+      [-134, -11],
+      [29, -63],
+      [145, 6],
+      [1, -124],
+      [-37, -36],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-73, -36],
+      [-109, 12],
+      [-101, -42],
+      [-80, -10],
+      [-97, 20],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [-74, -1],
+      [-8, 32],
+      [-61, 3],
+      [11, 55],
+      [-36, 88],
+      [21, 84],
+      [52, -8],
+      [88, 20],
+      [38, 31],
+      [132, 14],
+      [36, 20],
+      [23, -14],
+      [104, 36],
+      [82, -8],
+      [61, 17],
+      [182, 4],
+      [35, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7623, 21343],
+      [-3, -185],
+      [0, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7620, 21152],
+      [-44, 18],
+      [-87, -33],
+      [-88, 13],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-72, 2],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-94, 3],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-200, -45],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [3, 75],
+      [103, 44],
+      [82, 17],
+      [47, 24],
+      [132, -3],
+      [32, 26],
+      [40, 1],
+      [51, 59],
+      [87, 16],
+      [28, 19],
+      [70, 3],
+      [139, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18810, 2486],
+      [35, 0],
+      [23, -52],
+      [35, -24],
+      [58, 11],
+      [33, -82],
+      [74, 39],
+      [67, -19],
+      [57, -83],
+      [98, 98],
+      [37, 58],
+      [5, -116],
+      [66, -32],
+      [38, 35],
+      [55, -138],
+      [-42, -61],
+      [107, -5],
+      [-14, -60],
+      [-67, 10],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-76, -73],
+      [-85, -50],
+      [-195, -129],
+      [-12, -31],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-36, -26],
+      [-27, -102],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-73, 24],
+      [-2, 93],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [-34, -9],
+      [-9, -113],
+      [12, -59],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-43, -64],
+      [-44, -118],
+      [-48, -82],
+      [-45, 34],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [-16, -87],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-8, 103],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [-21, 221],
+      [19, 125],
+      [68, 133],
+      [-16, 31],
+      [150, 184],
+      [106, 116],
+      [111, 77],
+      [15, -60],
+      [32, -34],
+      [12, 46],
+      [89, 73],
+      [58, 0],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [-43, 4],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-70, -20],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [-69, -30],
+      [-15, 44],
+      [55, 61],
+      [100, 172]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19655, 3098],
+      [34, -48],
+      [6, -46],
+      [31, -19],
+      [-12, -133],
+      [-26, -106],
+      [5, -81],
+      [-52, -102],
+      [-47, -26],
+      [5, -73],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [3, -49],
+      [-32, -30],
+      [88, -41],
+      [6, 103],
+      [-13, 36],
+      [55, 67],
+      [39, 73],
+      [63, 37],
+      [43, -30],
+      [14, -69],
+      [-2, -92],
+      [-19, -30],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [1, -59],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [-39, -60],
+      [-84, -49],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [-59, -33],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [-33, 88],
+      [-21, 187],
+      [34, 88],
+      [25, 25],
+      [56, 141],
+      [46, 176],
+      [49, 74],
+      [25, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15126, 8551],
+      [-43, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15083, 8559],
+      [15, 29],
+      [28, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18577, 11556],
+      [66, -28],
+      [16, -93],
+      [-24, -93],
+      [-26, -4],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [-24, -1],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [-40, 17],
+      [-13, 74],
+      [96, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18542, 11700],
+      [74, -72],
+      [-21, -56],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [22, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17080, 12251],
+      [89, -31],
+      [90, -55],
+      [56, -96],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-78, 13],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [-14, 65],
+      [-69, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14363, 12307],
+      [83, -27],
+      [-15, -139],
+      [-43, -55],
+      [-37, -11],
+      [-39, -72],
+      [-45, -39],
+      [-44, -69],
+      [-74, -51],
+      [-45, 42],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-75, -63],
+      [-1, 71],
+      [-50, 86],
+      [1, 43],
+      [68, 52],
+      [30, 149],
+      [59, 54],
+      [16, -43],
+      [52, -7],
+      [75, 56],
+      [75, -3],
+      [37, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18730, 12813],
+      [54, -21],
+      [-23, -72],
+      [-26, 26],
+      [-5, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15492, 12914],
+      [-15, -67],
+      [-27, 1],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [75, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14689, 12958],
+      [56, -62],
+      [32, -13],
+      [-8, -65],
+      [91, -41],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-71, -13],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-82, -58],
+      [-26, -52],
+      [-146, 66],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-81, 42],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-5, 79],
+      [70, 24],
+      [11, 42],
+      [27, -8],
+      [89, 64],
+      [88, 26],
+      [78, -50],
+      [8, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18577, 13093],
+      [24, -53],
+      [-18, -39],
+      [-24, 31],
+      [18, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13569, 14002],
+      [26, -56],
+      [50, -11],
+      [31, -135],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [51, -82],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [31, -76],
+      [21, 4],
+      [15, 80],
+      [48, 76],
+      [49, -59],
+      [31, -13],
+      [13, -81],
+      [82, -35],
+      [75, 1],
+      [45, -51],
+      [4, -40],
+      [34, -36],
+      [81, -51],
+      [66, -64],
+      [44, -2],
+      [67, -28],
+      [87, -117],
+      [-5, -86],
+      [44, -90],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [-58, -18],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [-57, -56],
+      [-23, -74],
+      [-62, 40],
+      [-88, 18],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [19, 80],
+      [-130, -45],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [-12, -163],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-17, -45],
+      [-44, -27],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-24, -109],
+      [-30, -47],
+      [-150, -105],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-35, 39],
+      [-12, 138],
+      [17, 125],
+      [-17, 58],
+      [36, 98],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [-30, -44],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [-58, -3],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-52, 10],
+      [-13, 90],
+      [73, 113],
+      [168, 102],
+      [4, 45],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-17, 72],
+      [-5, 120],
+      [50, 180],
+      [-4, 73],
+      [19, 65],
+      [-5, 115],
+      [17, 133],
+      [26, 112],
+      [91, 100],
+      [27, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13675, 14064],
+      [50, -33],
+      [37, -107],
+      [35, -60],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-40, -43],
+      [-37, 77],
+      [-58, 48],
+      [-10, 106],
+      [24, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13836, 14129],
+      [90, -52],
+      [86, -68],
+      [-5, -87],
+      [53, -32],
+      [55, -3],
+      [-2, -57],
+      [-101, 10],
+      [-30, 62],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-19, 131],
+      [-49, 5],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [12, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19214, 14728],
+      [-50, -51],
+      [0, 48],
+      [50, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8166, 14751],
+      [42, -50],
+      [-11, -32],
+      [-31, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18943, 14830],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [47, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18832, 14994],
+      [39, -44],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [6, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8052, 15012],
+      [29, -20],
+      [-24, -100],
+      [-13, 58],
+      [8, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7771, 15203],
+      [35, -28],
+      [35, 15],
+      [2, -80],
+      [-72, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16299, 15305],
+      [52, -61],
+      [80, -47],
+      [55, 31],
+      [42, -91],
+      [-5, -64],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 16],
+      [-115, -23],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [-43, 56],
+      [-27, 58],
+      [9, 58],
+      [60, -13],
+      [41, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13288, 15376],
+      [55, -50],
+      [4, -120],
+      [10, -63],
+      [-22, -70],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-62, 22],
+      [-38, 94],
+      [1, 67],
+      [16, 79],
+      [60, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15906, 15402],
+      [70, -14],
+      [43, -30],
+      [85, -20],
+      [30, -41],
+      [-36, -126],
+      [33, -30],
+      [-12, -62],
+      [4, -105],
+      [-35, -97],
+      [-41, -35],
+      [-106, -66],
+      [-111, -6],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-41, -6],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-101, 24],
+      [-35, 91],
+      [5, 41],
+      [-24, 101],
+      [39, 123],
+      [40, 87],
+      [75, 108],
+      [84, 34],
+      [67, -12],
+      [29, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15123, 15413],
+      [49, -4],
+      [31, -46],
+      [-48, -54],
+      [-45, 34],
+      [13, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16302, 15473],
+      [58, -76],
+      [-38, -49],
+      [-36, 78],
+      [16, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16235, 15480],
+      [30, -110],
+      [-49, 35],
+      [19, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15229, 15528],
+      [13, -45],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [4, 75],
+      [29, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8819, 15545],
+      [79, -15],
+      [49, -45],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-75, 3],
+      [-57, 44],
+      [15, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16074, 15622],
+      [63, -32],
+      [11, -54],
+      [41, -70],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-41, 45],
+      [2, 66],
+      [36, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9563, 15676],
+      [51, -44],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [-68, 15],
+      [4, 43],
+      [50, 60],
+      [29, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12488, 15684],
+      [29, -34],
+      [-35, -67],
+      [-22, 62],
+      [28, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9908, 15807],
+      [37, -10],
+      [7, -36],
+      [40, -29],
+      [-8, -65],
+      [-57, -52],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [-28, -15],
+      [3, 130],
+      [30, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12310, 15998],
+      [50, -58],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [-36, 49],
+      [12, 18],
+      [23, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15283, 16007],
+      [41, -5],
+      [26, -51],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-20, 18],
+      [-24, -80],
+      [-42, -48],
+      [-24, -53],
+      [-111, -48],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [51, 98],
+      [60, 8],
+      [53, 133],
+      [57, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12420, 16032],
+      [13, -31],
+      [-26, -69],
+      [-36, 24],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [52, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15618, 16039],
+      [49, -42],
+      [56, 24],
+      [5, -62],
+      [-42, -30],
+      [-64, -78],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-20, 96],
+      [6, 68],
+      [51, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10966, 16113],
+      [20, -70],
+      [-13, -60],
+      [-50, 34],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [8, 37],
+      [39, 6],
+      [22, -30],
+      [37, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9715, 16119],
+      [52, -25],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [-8, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11060, 16144],
+      [45, -12],
+      [59, -52],
+      [-9, -64],
+      [-30, -44],
+      [-41, 8],
+      [5, 114],
+      [-62, -107],
+      [-14, 89],
+      [22, 58],
+      [25, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17863, 16190],
+      [35, -26],
+      [-44, -82],
+      [-52, 29],
+      [25, 57],
+      [36, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15365, 16216],
+      [40, -30],
+      [-23, -69],
+      [-90, -36],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-43, -34],
+      [-12, 26],
+      [72, 75],
+      [86, 27],
+      [16, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14232, 16248],
+      [72, -20],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-18, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15004, 16250],
+      [45, -7],
+      [8, -73],
+      [-63, -33],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-58, -103],
+      [-64, 80],
+      [-68, -2],
+      [13, 48],
+      [43, -16],
+      [11, 40],
+      [36, -11],
+      [36, 17],
+      [55, -46],
+      [83, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10509, 16287],
+      [51, 1],
+      [31, -43],
+      [52, -15],
+      [24, -59],
+      [36, -8],
+      [83, -94],
+      [31, -1],
+      [114, -82],
+      [43, -99],
+      [44, -11],
+      [1, -68],
+      [26, -90],
+      [42, -33],
+      [97, 38],
+      [4, -53],
+      [-59, -57],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [-24, -79],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [-34, -3],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-102, 49],
+      [-30, 35],
+      [-7, -49],
+      [-123, 49],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-67, 20],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-14, 55],
+      [-23, -63],
+      [-37, 29],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-14, 59],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-57, 43],
+      [-22, 104],
+      [30, 33],
+      [82, -1],
+      [30, 28],
+      [50, -5],
+      [24, 72],
+      [26, -16],
+      [19, 64],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [33, 55],
+      [41, 29],
+      [16, 115],
+      [37, 12],
+      [14, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13179, 16446],
+      [77, -38],
+      [34, 17],
+      [46, -67],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-123, 20],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [45, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9510, 16548],
+      [46, -51],
+      [65, 37],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-66, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9911, 16745],
+      [48, -41],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [4, 40],
+      [40, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9272, 16752],
+      [42, -36],
+      [-23, -46],
+      [-19, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16900, 16971],
+      [49, -26],
+      [72, -7],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-111, -56],
+      [-17, 58],
+      [21, 75],
+      [38, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16584, 17256],
+      [7, -58],
+      [33, 36],
+      [17, -50],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-67, 106],
+      [54, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16685, 17316],
+      [-3, -75],
+      [-65, 23],
+      [7, 43],
+      [61, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5040, 16030],
+      [107, -52],
+      [169, -23],
+      [147, -46],
+      [65, -67],
+      [101, -54],
+      [65, -22],
+      [80, -8],
+      [68, -38],
+      [28, 28],
+      [83, -45],
+      [68, 11],
+      [37, -27],
+      [73, 57],
+      [31, 16],
+      [6, 19],
+      [137, -58],
+      [31, -27],
+      [24, 11],
+      [38, -32],
+      [16, -39],
+      [64, -24],
+      [19, -40],
+      [61, -46],
+      [27, -52],
+      [-5, -38],
+      [21, -93],
+      [-49, 4],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [-45, -31],
+      [-35, 2],
+      [-31, -52],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-41, -120],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [55, -11],
+      [73, -51],
+      [66, 17],
+      [23, -25],
+      [31, 12],
+      [30, -31],
+      [87, -9],
+      [80, -25],
+      [130, 12],
+      [16, -18],
+      [161, 2],
+      [51, 33],
+      [169, 14],
+      [31, -20],
+      [50, 64],
+      [57, -38],
+      [65, 54],
+      [86, 55],
+      [47, 15],
+      [33, 14],
+      [66, -100],
+      [12, -66],
+      [51, -17],
+      [29, 37],
+      [83, -17],
+      [22, -60],
+      [13, -111],
+      [31, -42],
+      [27, 160],
+      [25, -19],
+      [20, -126],
+      [25, 37],
+      [24, -38],
+      [71, -50],
+      [24, -70],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [-51, 17],
+      [-39, -31],
+      [47, -62],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [42, -31],
+      [49, -104],
+      [49, -38],
+      [72, -118],
+      [-1, 44],
+      [-70, 83],
+      [-39, 106],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [19, 64],
+      [46, -54],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [57, -49],
+      [1, 41],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [7, 61],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-26, 70],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [-28, 95],
+      [-68, 75],
+      [17, 58],
+      [77, 48],
+      [-51, 54],
+      [78, 24],
+      [40, -13],
+      [55, 45],
+      [76, 3],
+      [14, 55],
+      [45, 20],
+      [30, -19],
+      [11, 68],
+      [51, 32],
+      [110, 9],
+      [21, 38],
+      [-23, 77],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-64, 12],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [-25, -112],
+      [-58, 65],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-51, -37],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-119, 10],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [70, -50],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-94, 37],
+      [-33, 58],
+      [-67, -42],
+      [-5, 67],
+      [26, 20],
+      [59, 124],
+      [23, 17],
+      [88, 6],
+      [37, 6],
+      [101, 26],
+      [89, 39],
+      [42, 30],
+      [37, 0],
+      [109, 73],
+      [81, -40],
+      [23, 6],
+      [79, -78],
+      [-13, -38],
+      [29, -64],
+      [-13, -66],
+      [103, -83],
+      [97, -37],
+      [-5, -52],
+      [34, -63],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [59, -12],
+      [49, 42],
+      [21, -12],
+      [117, 42],
+      [7, 48],
+      [30, -7],
+      [2, -54],
+      [37, -50],
+      [59, -25],
+      [30, -43],
+      [51, -27],
+      [48, -1],
+      [52, -40],
+      [64, 44],
+      [42, -53],
+      [87, -7],
+      [45, 17],
+      [38, 42],
+      [26, -25],
+      [71, 58],
+      [34, -26],
+      [30, 24],
+      [203, -35],
+      [15, 13],
+      [57, -21],
+      [28, -36],
+      [24, 20],
+      [40, -23],
+      [22, 37],
+      [28, -7],
+      [65, 26],
+      [-59, 94],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [32, 17],
+      [91, -109],
+      [25, -81],
+      [38, -38],
+      [40, -13],
+      [50, -49],
+      [15, 59],
+      [84, -40],
+      [5, 128],
+      [-51, 12],
+      [-70, 85],
+      [-68, -56],
+      [-63, -7],
+      [-53, 63],
+      [-26, 51],
+      [11, 47],
+      [-54, 95],
+      [18, 16],
+      [30, -31],
+      [23, 21],
+      [62, -34],
+      [54, 146],
+      [142, -27],
+      [61, -65],
+      [23, -62],
+      [30, -25],
+      [48, 16],
+      [48, -46],
+      [-55, -65],
+      [9, -45],
+      [54, 79],
+      [67, 42],
+      [40, -72],
+      [-34, -98],
+      [-13, -77],
+      [13, -109],
+      [-37, 5],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [26, -61],
+      [51, -25],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [20, -55],
+      [79, 65],
+      [13, 33],
+      [36, -49],
+      [66, -30],
+      [-24, -106],
+      [26, -100],
+      [25, 54],
+      [-31, 51],
+      [32, 136],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-16, 84],
+      [14, 36],
+      [-42, 60],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [39, 75],
+      [-2, 51],
+      [24, 38],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [53, -17],
+      [22, 28],
+      [77, -41],
+      [54, 79],
+      [95, 65],
+      [1, 67],
+      [55, 53],
+      [80, 30],
+      [4, 159],
+      [14, 24],
+      [-23, 80],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-39, -127],
+      [-98, -15],
+      [-24, 140],
+      [40, -16],
+      [57, 103],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [18, 86],
+      [138, 14],
+      [-52, -57],
+      [3, -58],
+      [98, 94],
+      [-22, 48],
+      [-6, 71],
+      [-62, -20],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-94, 1],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-48, 42],
+      [-19, 46],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-79, 44],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-64, 39],
+      [-19, 82],
+      [-35, 8],
+      [-57, 74],
+      [-18, 107],
+      [20, 66],
+      [38, 10],
+      [18, 82],
+      [29, -12],
+      [23, 68],
+      [-36, 18],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [-28, 26],
+      [-40, 113],
+      [46, 131],
+      [-21, 100],
+      [40, 3],
+      [25, 62],
+      [34, 14],
+      [47, -21],
+      [11, -33],
+      [64, -23],
+      [20, 59],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [-70, 11],
+      [-6, 69],
+      [36, 4],
+      [55, 58],
+      [17, 62],
+      [48, -1],
+      [10, 66],
+      [120, 26],
+      [35, -1],
+      [21, -43],
+      [-10, -63],
+      [50, -47],
+      [10, 31],
+      [67, -24],
+      [45, 14],
+      [4, -93],
+      [59, -55],
+      [42, -19],
+      [76, -64],
+      [26, -45],
+      [22, -88],
+      [-17, -113],
+      [7, -71],
+      [50, -22],
+      [8, -54],
+      [34, -1],
+      [64, -46],
+      [1, -65],
+      [78, -68],
+      [54, -10],
+      [39, -123],
+      [-106, -21],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-62, 11],
+      [-15, -59],
+      [82, 8],
+      [-5, -73],
+      [-21, -37],
+      [-72, -56],
+      [-1, -66],
+      [73, -26],
+      [29, -56],
+      [71, -41],
+      [40, 41],
+      [33, 59],
+      [55, -1],
+      [34, -83],
+      [35, 10],
+      [37, -17],
+      [15, 26],
+      [78, -25],
+      [-80, -84],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [41, -140],
+      [55, -58],
+      [-17, -84],
+      [12, -91],
+      [-15, -99],
+      [53, -20],
+      [10, -77],
+      [25, -9],
+      [66, 126],
+      [-8, 101],
+      [64, 107],
+      [-22, 86],
+      [30, 55],
+      [49, 39],
+      [30, 72],
+      [45, -70],
+      [42, 47],
+      [51, -91],
+      [40, -10],
+      [90, -65],
+      [35, -45],
+      [38, -85],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [44, -72],
+      [7, -137],
+      [-78, -16],
+      [-18, 73],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-9, -46],
+      [28, -79],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [65, -175],
+      [47, -36],
+      [154, -232],
+      [57, -4],
+      [20, 78],
+      [58, 43],
+      [50, -45],
+      [16, 119],
+      [-6, 86],
+      [102, 163],
+      [36, 17],
+      [25, 66],
+      [-1, 63],
+      [23, 70],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [23, 82],
+      [-10, 43],
+      [25, 57],
+      [50, 23],
+      [27, -36],
+      [18, 27],
+      [33, -12],
+      [18, 97],
+      [62, 73],
+      [-110, 49],
+      [-42, 47],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [-14, 122],
+      [8, 87],
+      [50, 83],
+      [54, -25],
+      [53, 37],
+      [35, -3],
+      [60, 21],
+      [87, -35],
+      [11, -29],
+      [107, -39],
+      [223, -6],
+      [20, 12],
+      [11, -76],
+      [85, -24],
+      [-5, -171],
+      [44, -4],
+      [22, 26],
+      [68, -2],
+      [65, -42],
+      [27, 2],
+      [6, -51],
+      [-43, -29],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [-23, 3],
+      [-37, -53],
+      [-91, -84],
+      [-90, -36],
+      [25, -43],
+      [61, -30],
+      [5, 40],
+      [52, 3],
+      [-15, 90],
+      [28, 29],
+      [35, -10],
+      [17, 32],
+      [66, -75],
+      [34, -14],
+      [15, -51],
+      [-64, -37],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [-39, 9],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [-27, 49],
+      [-30, -31],
+      [-71, 17],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [42, -47],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [47, -82],
+      [5, -62],
+      [30, -78],
+      [51, -42],
+      [53, -79],
+      [56, -42],
+      [42, -84],
+      [-33, -82],
+      [-14, -138],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-41, -101],
+      [-51, -36],
+      [-51, -83],
+      [-98, -8],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [-99, -80],
+      [-30, 7],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-72, 34],
+      [-16, 74],
+      [-66, 6],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [-26, 21],
+      [-122, -4],
+      [-6, -71],
+      [38, 22],
+      [9, 40],
+      [48, 6],
+      [72, -143],
+      [51, -8],
+      [10, -77],
+      [57, -61],
+      [15, -84],
+      [38, -74],
+      [-65, 6],
+      [-77, 73],
+      [-41, -95],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-29, 1],
+      [-70, 55],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-15, 90],
+      [-28, 93],
+      [-80, -45],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-69, 25],
+      [-52, 3],
+      [-53, -16],
+      [6, -67],
+      [26, -50],
+      [71, -14],
+      [107, -58],
+      [-23, -90],
+      [-87, -78],
+      [-36, -56],
+      [-12, -53],
+      [-24, -2],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [-88, -66],
+      [-25, -72],
+      [-72, -26],
+      [-106, 4],
+      [-84, 56],
+      [-106, 138],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-41, -5],
+      [-35, 43],
+      [-132, 103],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [10, -63],
+      [62, -67],
+      [24, -65],
+      [43, -28],
+      [31, -67],
+      [107, -5],
+      [7, -10],
+      [123, -13],
+      [125, 10],
+      [123, -30],
+      [20, -112],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-92, -205],
+      [-57, -29],
+      [-11, -71],
+      [-39, -51],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [-41, -15],
+      [-30, -40],
+      [-59, -28],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [-68, -24],
+      [-76, 41],
+      [-76, 13],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [-46, -55],
+      [-21, -90],
+      [-69, -48],
+      [-65, -10],
+      [2, -85],
+      [-70, 55],
+      [-33, 42],
+      [-68, 13],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [-139, 3],
+      [-67, 23],
+      [-22, 32],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-121, 45],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-28, -93],
+      [26, -18],
+      [33, 72],
+      [34, -36],
+      [53, 4],
+      [25, -42],
+      [69, -43],
+      [20, 32],
+      [30, -43],
+      [58, -14],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [97, 62],
+      [64, -65],
+      [50, -28],
+      [40, -49],
+      [33, -4],
+      [67, -64],
+      [23, -171],
+      [-19, -62],
+      [-85, -28],
+      [-83, -68],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-107, 32],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-60, 31],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [27, -45],
+      [53, -15],
+      [25, -1],
+      [-4, -69],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-84, -72],
+      [-51, -9],
+      [4, -93],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [13, -54],
+      [-65, -8],
+      [8, -62],
+      [-6, -60],
+      [-42, -61],
+      [-51, 20],
+      [-20, -119],
+      [-33, -70],
+      [-73, -108],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [73, -12],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-33, -50],
+      [-46, -150],
+      [-35, -59],
+      [-46, -152],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [6, -69],
+      [-18, -57],
+      [-2, -77],
+      [-22, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10835, 18030],
+      [-7, -97],
+      [-56, 6],
+      [15, 69],
+      [48, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10799, 18198],
+      [44, -30],
+      [24, -63],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [-66, -8],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-10, 60],
+      [23, 35],
+      [48, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7616, 17768],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [7, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7616, 18051],
+      [49, 2],
+      [3, -50],
+      [134, -64],
+      [24, -49],
+      [-1, -52],
+      [40, 3],
+      [42, 29],
+      [24, -62],
+      [-22, -104],
+      [61, -97],
+      [34, -147],
+      [0, -72],
+      [73, -57],
+      [38, -48],
+      [1, 74],
+      [34, -19],
+      [15, 33],
+      [58, 46],
+      [-22, 86],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [-24, 9],
+      [-7, 113],
+      [-19, 66],
+      [4, 75],
+      [-28, 22],
+      [-33, 120],
+      [2, 99],
+      [-31, 106],
+      [50, 8],
+      [1, 85],
+      [65, -8],
+      [77, -27],
+      [60, -54],
+      [37, 47],
+      [38, 21],
+      [48, -46],
+      [55, -2],
+      [19, -41],
+      [198, -140],
+      [53, -65],
+      [4, -70],
+      [22, -149],
+      [71, -125],
+      [-6, -76],
+      [35, -39],
+      [3, -69],
+      [27, -42],
+      [52, -35],
+      [20, -64],
+      [-1, -64],
+      [28, -38],
+      [1, -58],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [-47, -117],
+      [72, -64],
+      [33, -6],
+      [36, -43],
+      [5, -60],
+      [94, -66],
+      [32, -56],
+      [50, 5],
+      [56, -47],
+      [77, 6],
+      [75, -42],
+      [42, -41],
+      [14, -101],
+      [102, -58],
+      [9, 40],
+      [62, -27],
+      [46, 34],
+      [86, -2],
+      [14, -71],
+      [-20, -107],
+      [15, -91],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-29, 62],
+      [-46, -46],
+      [-83, 38],
+      [-68, 84],
+      [-20, -91],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [1, -95],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-74, 29],
+      [-30, 50],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [13, -76],
+      [69, -31],
+      [10, -158],
+      [50, 83],
+      [64, 16],
+      [34, 42],
+      [83, -5],
+      [28, -21],
+      [-28, -81],
+      [36, -27],
+      [49, -61],
+      [-16, -96],
+      [-66, 7],
+      [-39, -35],
+      [-40, 9],
+      [-16, -51],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-29, -34],
+      [-62, -3],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-43, -35],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-86, 36],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [-96, 53],
+      [-22, -48],
+      [-145, 19],
+      [21, 69],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-61, 17],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [-75, 18],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-58, -4],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [34, 30],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-28, -59],
+      [-47, -13],
+      [12, -71],
+      [-44, -35],
+      [-54, -85],
+      [-44, -24],
+      [-163, -28],
+      [-75, 8],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-101, -78],
+      [-99, -19],
+      [-60, -33],
+      [-99, -12],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-100, -43],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [-84, 16],
+      [-119, -17],
+      [-22, 8],
+      [-81, -23],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-38, -24],
+      [-140, 71],
+      [-24, 59],
+      [-43, 57],
+      [-6, 82],
+      [18, 50],
+      [-30, 76],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-73, 30],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-243, -20],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-165, 14],
+      [-99, 60],
+      [-38, 5],
+      [-14, 80],
+      [-64, 22],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-90, 56],
+      [-31, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14432, 18513],
+      [98, -6],
+      [65, -72],
+      [36, -116],
+      [-1, -82],
+      [138, -59],
+      [18, -41],
+      [-30, -47],
+      [3, -46],
+      [31, -52],
+      [40, -12],
+      [25, -46],
+      [-75, -58],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-49, -29],
+      [6, -40],
+      [39, 33],
+      [28, -32],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [-70, -56],
+      [-15, -63],
+      [26, -107],
+      [86, 31],
+      [17, 31],
+      [26, 125],
+      [37, 44],
+      [77, 25],
+      [23, -25],
+      [14, 43],
+      [76, -33],
+      [67, -63],
+      [17, -53],
+      [-29, -131],
+      [38, 25],
+      [26, 79],
+      [3, 93],
+      [107, 33],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [32, 85],
+      [110, 65],
+      [46, 4],
+      [40, 27],
+      [80, 12],
+      [55, -21],
+      [82, -11],
+      [18, -44],
+      [46, -18],
+      [164, -15],
+      [133, -44],
+      [26, -73],
+      [43, -61],
+      [-14, -51],
+      [-61, -47],
+      [27, -51],
+      [31, 54],
+      [198, -26],
+      [28, -62],
+      [-13, -55],
+      [-55, -38],
+      [-30, 12],
+      [-56, -47],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [28, -43],
+      [49, 36],
+      [-43, -123],
+      [70, 62],
+      [13, 38],
+      [47, 17],
+      [8, 35],
+      [48, -15],
+      [49, 41],
+      [43, 3],
+      [-24, -88],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [1, -76],
+      [56, 110],
+      [44, -21],
+      [8, -48],
+      [27, -19],
+      [-24, -67],
+      [-40, -44],
+      [9, -44],
+      [54, 100],
+      [20, 1],
+      [26, -63],
+      [46, -10],
+      [26, 50],
+      [-6, 57],
+      [44, -3],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [30, 24],
+      [32, 81],
+      [99, -45],
+      [50, -7],
+      [111, -58],
+      [75, -107],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [-48, -95],
+      [-95, 30],
+      [-52, -18],
+      [-24, -67],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [18, -86],
+      [25, -13],
+      [67, 13],
+      [65, 41],
+      [73, 16],
+      [28, 74],
+      [33, 9],
+      [66, 55],
+      [44, -32],
+      [10, -86],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [0, -43],
+      [-95, -53],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [7, -80],
+      [53, 122],
+      [36, -5],
+      [91, 65],
+      [38, -12],
+      [88, 76],
+      [3, -61],
+      [-84, -74],
+      [32, -19],
+      [28, 27],
+      [64, 23],
+      [63, 51],
+      [64, -12],
+      [28, -26],
+      [138, -58],
+      [58, -54],
+      [-54, -85],
+      [-41, 35],
+      [-4, -49],
+      [-47, -31],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-88, -25],
+      [-103, -59],
+      [1, -52],
+      [64, 65],
+      [81, 15],
+      [26, -19],
+      [30, 15],
+      [74, 6],
+      [-36, -102],
+      [28, -55],
+      [66, 79],
+      [19, -6],
+      [9, 94],
+      [67, 56],
+      [144, -102],
+      [55, -102],
+      [19, -115],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [-71, 34],
+      [-98, -6],
+      [-52, -78],
+      [-124, 15],
+      [2, -41],
+      [65, -7],
+      [139, -67],
+      [51, 16],
+      [117, -6],
+      [104, -61],
+      [43, -50],
+      [-19, -81],
+      [-100, 30],
+      [-118, -12],
+      [-126, 82],
+      [-29, -26],
+      [22, -70],
+      [102, -60],
+      [-83, -39],
+      [4, -63],
+      [45, -51],
+      [-128, 38],
+      [-42, 2],
+      [-16, -65],
+      [68, -2],
+      [-4, -81],
+      [72, -12],
+      [0, -23],
+      [87, -3],
+      [28, 23],
+      [60, -49],
+      [23, 6],
+      [25, -50],
+      [26, 45],
+      [45, -35],
+      [-18, -70],
+      [53, -34],
+      [-17, -72],
+      [61, 11],
+      [58, -54],
+      [23, 24],
+      [14, -50],
+      [45, 9],
+      [33, -107],
+      [15, 0],
+      [45, 97],
+      [37, -3],
+      [18, -46],
+      [57, 22],
+      [30, 54],
+      [31, -1],
+      [16, -67],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [-14, -85],
+      [77, 40],
+      [49, 6],
+      [49, -65],
+      [26, 1],
+      [10, -66],
+      [50, -86],
+      [13, -66],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [35, -57],
+      [27, 35],
+      [95, -6],
+      [6, -37],
+      [46, 86],
+      [31, 13],
+      [39, -29],
+      [-7, -65],
+      [-66, -31],
+      [15, -78],
+      [28, -14],
+      [5, 71],
+      [36, -19],
+      [20, -46],
+      [68, -9],
+      [21, -61],
+      [24, 44],
+      [34, 15],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [53, 10],
+      [11, -79],
+      [90, -40],
+      [-7, -29],
+      [67, -34],
+      [28, -73],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-52, -20],
+      [10, -113],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-28, -29],
+      [-38, 26],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-10, 56],
+      [-63, 3],
+      [40, -66],
+      [-34, -67],
+      [96, -47],
+      [-2, -78],
+      [-64, 3],
+      [-42, 30],
+      [28, -102],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-7, -96],
+      [-146, 18],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [-9, -112],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [62, -177],
+      [-34, -21],
+      [7, -49],
+      [-23, -121],
+      [-70, 50],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-50, 60],
+      [-10, 70],
+      [-41, -92],
+      [-48, 60],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [30, 72],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-11, 70],
+      [-39, 44],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [-39, 24],
+      [4, 92],
+      [26, 48],
+      [102, 49],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [-97, -55],
+      [-77, -3],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-26, 96],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-47, 75],
+      [-29, -31],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [-1, 87],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-46, 109],
+      [-68, -45],
+      [7, -101],
+      [-11, -22],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-40, 67],
+      [-23, 2],
+      [-62, 53],
+      [51, -119],
+      [-3, -39],
+      [70, -55],
+      [39, -18],
+      [24, -49],
+      [-12, -61],
+      [-53, -10],
+      [-67, 19],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [-31, 18],
+      [-35, 97],
+      [-34, -50],
+      [23, -39],
+      [6, -72],
+      [38, -29],
+      [11, -71],
+      [64, 22],
+      [77, 2],
+      [10, -61],
+      [-18, -55],
+      [67, -12],
+      [-11, -75],
+      [11, -43],
+      [64, -108],
+      [34, -117],
+      [28, 97],
+      [22, -51],
+      [81, -32],
+      [50, -85],
+      [-2, 77],
+      [58, -9],
+      [51, -102],
+      [50, 27],
+      [-19, -107],
+      [45, -26],
+      [21, 10],
+      [-20, -158],
+      [36, -96],
+      [-4, -40],
+      [86, 13],
+      [11, -61],
+      [28, -16],
+      [69, -138],
+      [-5, -175],
+      [-47, 144],
+      [-3, -180],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-19, 77],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-10, -110],
+      [47, -21],
+      [13, -177],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [30, -163],
+      [67, -48],
+      [71, -2],
+      [2, -51],
+      [-66, -60],
+      [-61, 45],
+      [-36, 69],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-37, 71],
+      [-5, 83],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-13, 46],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-68, 19],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-60, 29],
+      [-47, 52],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [-37, 66],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [-22, 60],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-38, 61],
+      [-31, 21],
+      [-52, 112],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [41, -106],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [-61, 94],
+      [-96, 62],
+      [-27, 51],
+      [-47, 18],
+      [-63, -48],
+      [32, -72],
+      [56, -64],
+      [23, 8],
+      [68, -151],
+      [62, -27],
+      [36, -38],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [60, 15],
+      [91, -111],
+      [38, -81],
+      [36, -32],
+      [30, 7],
+      [76, -132],
+      [110, -156],
+      [-24, -91],
+      [27, -76],
+      [-80, -6],
+      [-80, 39],
+      [-25, 49],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-66, 37],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-67, 22],
+      [-167, 40],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-118, 66],
+      [-43, 78],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-30, 109],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [-43, -37],
+      [-78, 76],
+      [-76, 11],
+      [-52, 73],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-42, 40],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-42, 111],
+      [-57, 67],
+      [98, -18],
+      [64, 65],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-38, 95],
+      [-71, -6],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-37, -6],
+      [-34, 38],
+      [32, 62],
+      [-25, 29],
+      [-22, -69],
+      [-52, 57],
+      [-7, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [7, 83],
+      [-36, 24],
+      [-26, 49],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [-32, -19],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [-69, -26],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [0, 208],
+      [-35, -67],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-67, 68],
+      [23, 90],
+      [-18, 36],
+      [-19, -129],
+      [55, -62],
+      [-42, -94],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [-85, 49],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-61, 52],
+      [-65, 28],
+      [-25, -124],
+      [-42, 24],
+      [-28, -12],
+      [-44, -61],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-67, -39],
+      [-73, 35],
+      [-58, -34],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [-112, 14],
+      [-49, 103],
+      [-26, 20],
+      [-1, 108],
+      [26, 35],
+      [-18, 76],
+      [46, 56],
+      [49, 20],
+      [39, 36],
+      [28, -6],
+      [42, 40],
+      [-47, 60],
+      [41, 98],
+      [41, -5],
+      [19, -34],
+      [70, 13],
+      [79, -38],
+      [90, -56],
+      [43, 33],
+      [112, -22],
+      [55, -20],
+      [34, 13],
+      [2, 68],
+      [79, -7],
+      [16, 36],
+      [21, -59],
+      [26, -4],
+      [39, 38],
+      [5, 48],
+      [29, 0],
+      [21, 36],
+      [31, -20],
+      [49, 11],
+      [56, -38],
+      [3, 51],
+      [-45, 124],
+      [-112, 101],
+      [-49, 79],
+      [8, 82],
+      [103, 74],
+      [52, 63],
+      [75, 70],
+      [58, 71],
+      [40, 12],
+      [150, -36],
+      [50, 11],
+      [59, -15],
+      [100, -51],
+      [46, -5],
+      [21, -24],
+      [18, -86],
+      [23, -12],
+      [-16, -192],
+      [23, -25],
+      [66, 112],
+      [47, 30],
+      [6, 63],
+      [43, -44],
+      [28, -52],
+      [22, 5],
+      [40, 53],
+      [67, -41],
+      [68, 0],
+      [41, 121],
+      [-49, 14],
+      [-82, -56],
+      [-5, 76],
+      [27, 19],
+      [25, -22],
+      [33, 13],
+      [6, 62],
+      [-35, 9],
+      [-25, 37],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [-90, 3],
+      [-1, -51],
+      [-77, 148],
+      [-23, 9],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [-31, -103],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-30, -101],
+      [-90, 29],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [-82, 25],
+      [-110, -3],
+      [-96, 31],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [39, 58],
+      [12, 69],
+      [40, 25],
+      [58, -1],
+      [33, 39],
+      [8, 55],
+      [-27, 71],
+      [-35, 146],
+      [-35, 21],
+      [4, 74],
+      [-18, 52],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [-20, 60],
+      [5, 67],
+      [-23, 100],
+      [-36, -14],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-104, 42],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [51, 109],
+      [-38, 50],
+      [-75, 14],
+      [66, -94],
+      [-48, -26],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-45, 67],
+      [-79, 74],
+      [-10, 82],
+      [14, 90],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [-41, -91],
+      [-54, 32],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-30, -81],
+      [-34, -19],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-77, -49],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [42, 63],
+      [-22, 27],
+      [7, 89],
+      [46, -94],
+      [79, -16],
+      [17, -30],
+      [22, 39],
+      [40, -3],
+      [0, 41],
+      [60, 106],
+      [-19, 76],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [-109, 67],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-90, 84],
+      [-86, 41],
+      [42, 102],
+      [-102, 14],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-7, -54],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-14, 131],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-7, 72],
+      [-50, 36],
+      [-70, -40],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [-40, 86],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-26, 59],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-60, 57],
+      [-18, -54],
+      [-33, 67],
+      [-53, -83],
+      [59, -15],
+      [53, -33],
+      [23, 21],
+      [66, -100],
+      [22, -115],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [-156, -2],
+      [-70, -8],
+      [-48, 85],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-67, 36],
+      [-113, 7],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-81, -3],
+      [-79, 25],
+      [4, -34],
+      [64, -29],
+      [37, 4],
+      [38, -57],
+      [41, -31],
+      [51, -69],
+      [-35, -21],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [-22, 37],
+      [-58, 33],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [-71, 26],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-44, -22],
+      [-20, 19],
+      [-27, -52],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-24, 62],
+      [-78, 57],
+      [-50, 4],
+      [-89, -37],
+      [-115, 19],
+      [-145, 11],
+      [-58, 32],
+      [-71, 14],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [-86, 44],
+      [-109, 97],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [-42, -28],
+      [-76, 3],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-33, 44],
+      [-166, 63],
+      [-58, 52],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [-101, 97],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [25, 52],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [48, -35],
+      [95, 14],
+      [56, -6],
+      [73, -63],
+      [93, 13],
+      [98, -8],
+      [52, 38],
+      [172, -13],
+      [68, 18],
+      [110, 76],
+      [112, 18],
+      [45, -18],
+      [11, 31],
+      [41, -2],
+      [21, -39],
+      [-19, -61],
+      [2, -52],
+      [30, -1],
+      [-5, 77],
+      [6, 158],
+      [20, 61],
+      [35, 1],
+      [2, 64],
+      [-17, 71],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [-112, 30],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-24, 82],
+      [-56, 35],
+      [7, 48],
+      [60, 13],
+      [17, 100],
+      [32, 17],
+      [82, -10],
+      [26, 69],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-64, 17],
+      [-48, 38],
+      [-42, 104],
+      [6, 89],
+      [21, 93],
+      [68, 6],
+      [92, -46],
+      [100, -30],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [-31, 27],
+      [-62, 22],
+      [-93, 10],
+      [30, 65],
+      [45, -48],
+      [23, 51],
+      [73, -33],
+      [149, -22],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [-141, 39],
+      [-86, 44],
+      [10, 45],
+      [88, 46],
+      [34, -54],
+      [7, 65],
+      [111, 43],
+      [72, -20],
+      [6, 54],
+      [160, 72],
+      [35, -12],
+      [46, 53],
+      [144, -7],
+      [73, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8686, 18535],
+      [94, -14],
+      [83, -66],
+      [38, -14],
+      [27, -49],
+      [-16, -126],
+      [-93, -124],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [-68, -51],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-60, 67],
+      [-57, 35],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [-41, 14],
+      [-3, 57],
+      [-148, 85],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [8, 69],
+      [43, 31],
+      [89, 11],
+      [109, -1],
+      [56, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14739, 18537],
+      [65, -5],
+      [79, -39],
+      [27, 21],
+      [28, -23],
+      [157, -35],
+      [79, 15],
+      [191, 6],
+      [63, -34],
+      [102, -30],
+      [63, -29],
+      [37, -52],
+      [11, -48],
+      [56, -7],
+      [51, -55],
+      [-10, -57],
+      [73, -19],
+      [-6, -73],
+      [67, -24],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-80, -1],
+      [-97, 11],
+      [-152, 34],
+      [-156, -2],
+      [-118, -35],
+      [-62, -34],
+      [-68, -19],
+      [-52, 3],
+      [-127, 68],
+      [-42, 112],
+      [15, 73],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-113, 27],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [22, 71],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [35, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13407, 18586],
+      [140, -24],
+      [120, -4],
+      [43, -21],
+      [-5, -63],
+      [-67, -36],
+      [-160, -121],
+      [-66, -88],
+      [-65, -140],
+      [-69, -82],
+      [-16, -77],
+      [12, -38],
+      [61, -60],
+      [46, -63],
+      [-47, -134],
+      [15, -116],
+      [63, -124],
+      [103, -92],
+      [21, -32],
+      [107, -83],
+      [36, 4],
+      [45, -28],
+      [8, -71],
+      [-78, 16],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [-32, 6],
+      [-32, -47],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-59, -15],
+      [-57, -63],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [-138, -22],
+      [-90, 30],
+      [-100, 53],
+      [-22, 70],
+      [-60, -23],
+      [-177, 19],
+      [-240, 44],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-11, 97],
+      [31, 115],
+      [-24, 86],
+      [7, 79],
+      [31, 34],
+      [-49, 110],
+      [30, 67],
+      [27, 22],
+      [8, 76],
+      [39, 47],
+      [15, 48],
+      [24, -2],
+      [31, 86],
+      [20, 115],
+      [62, 94],
+      [27, 9],
+      [54, 76],
+      [41, 15],
+      [48, 63],
+      [106, 66],
+      [150, 59],
+      [29, 0],
+      [113, 34],
+      [120, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10041, 18638],
+      [36, -47],
+      [75, -23],
+      [61, -49],
+      [145, 26],
+      [95, 10],
+      [70, 21],
+      [43, 41],
+      [76, -30],
+      [66, -2],
+      [62, -67],
+      [-24, -77],
+      [-45, -32],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [4, -52],
+      [37, -76],
+      [-89, -23],
+      [-53, -28],
+      [-25, -53],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-68, -71],
+      [5, -76],
+      [32, 58],
+      [85, 39],
+      [100, -14],
+      [57, -25],
+      [8, -69],
+      [89, -97],
+      [50, 16],
+      [49, -27],
+      [43, -142],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-51, -15],
+      [4, -43],
+      [28, -36],
+      [7, -99],
+      [-5, -76],
+      [-26, -54],
+      [-61, -2],
+      [0, -46],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-84, -53],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-37, 35],
+      [-52, 15],
+      [-64, -15],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [58, -72],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-73, -74],
+      [-57, -23],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-80, 56],
+      [-34, 118],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [-36, 110],
+      [-43, 27],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-12, 38],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-51, 95],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [-97, 7],
+      [-8, 45],
+      [-34, 33],
+      [-68, -20],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [-39, 20],
+      [-24, 47],
+      [-65, 37],
+      [-88, 102],
+      [-2, 58],
+      [20, 74],
+      [43, 59],
+      [63, -6],
+      [60, -24],
+      [49, -74],
+      [32, 23],
+      [33, -76],
+      [61, -62],
+      [44, 21],
+      [82, 7],
+      [11, 21],
+      [66, -10],
+      [-12, 85],
+      [31, 22],
+      [15, -49],
+      [24, 10],
+      [-41, 151],
+      [-48, -9],
+      [-29, 80],
+      [-93, -3],
+      [-19, 34],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-60, 32],
+      [21, 59],
+      [40, -6],
+      [12, 29],
+      [93, -6],
+      [33, -56],
+      [28, 1],
+      [4, 60],
+      [-77, 14],
+      [-40, 73],
+      [23, 37],
+      [60, 6],
+      [41, 22],
+      [52, -26],
+      [91, -21],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-62, -6],
+      [-10, 50],
+      [82, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10583, 18738],
+      [16, -46],
+      [-110, -87],
+      [-79, -27],
+      [-108, -21],
+      [-59, 3],
+      [-63, 27],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [100, 26],
+      [57, 42],
+      [60, 0],
+      [126, 44],
+      [74, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11613, 18769],
+      [114, -13],
+      [108, -25],
+      [69, -43],
+      [9, -49],
+      [30, -2],
+      [56, 41],
+      [98, 6],
+      [94, -9],
+      [193, -59],
+      [0, -64],
+      [-29, -47],
+      [-115, -137],
+      [-65, -90],
+      [-39, -79],
+      [-107, -179],
+      [-56, -65],
+      [-79, -34],
+      [-239, 67],
+      [-57, -23],
+      [-93, -3],
+      [2, -45],
+      [86, -62],
+      [34, -80],
+      [-49, -68],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-49, -127],
+      [-54, -45],
+      [-52, 6],
+      [-168, -30],
+      [-13, 163],
+      [13, 131],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-13, 64],
+      [-55, 28],
+      [-22, 61],
+      [13, 84],
+      [-6, 106],
+      [21, 26],
+      [-13, 210],
+      [-17, 55],
+      [13, 62],
+      [83, 21],
+      [38, -44],
+      [46, 18],
+      [-85, 85],
+      [3, 66],
+      [149, 56],
+      [124, 26],
+      [66, 0],
+      [97, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10654, 19030],
+      [9, -67],
+      [-60, -28],
+      [-6, 73],
+      [57, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11095, 19042],
+      [71, -32],
+      [22, -51],
+      [-61, -2],
+      [-85, 38],
+      [53, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9017, 19508],
+      [75, -52],
+      [35, -75],
+      [7, -51],
+      [-53, -51],
+      [-143, -16],
+      [-68, 25],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [26, 99],
+      [67, 57],
+      [69, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11269, 19614],
+      [87, -10],
+      [58, -19],
+      [112, -109],
+      [44, -21],
+      [39, -175],
+      [29, -84],
+      [-22, -141],
+      [-50, -19],
+      [-152, 6],
+      [-85, -11],
+      [-89, 26],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [-48, 29],
+      [-109, 24],
+      [-27, -12],
+      [-77, 56],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-20, 33],
+      [62, 91],
+      [66, 15],
+      [29, 78],
+      [43, 75],
+      [38, 6],
+      [72, 39],
+      [18, -4],
+      [87, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10925, 19624],
+      [97, -46],
+      [-52, -68],
+      [-26, 1],
+      [-39, 56],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [-74, -42],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [7, 44],
+      [39, -4],
+      [21, 28],
+      [58, 13],
+      [38, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11369, 19814],
+      [50, -132],
+      [-78, -6],
+      [-49, 28],
+      [-9, 89],
+      [86, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9500, 19817],
+      [35, -31],
+      [-107, -37],
+      [-43, -61],
+      [-61, -12],
+      [-116, 4],
+      [9, 35],
+      [39, 17],
+      [18, 34],
+      [84, 27],
+      [142, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9435, 19877],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [-204, -57],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-26, 66],
+      [73, 11],
+      [164, 55],
+      [108, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15170, 19887],
+      [19, -47],
+      [-75, -38],
+      [-66, -84],
+      [-28, -1],
+      [1, 76],
+      [65, 32],
+      [42, 59],
+      [42, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9322, 20007],
+      [53, -12],
+      [17, -79],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [-127, -36],
+      [-168, -5],
+      [-137, 47],
+      [35, 55],
+      [109, 10],
+      [172, 43],
+      [69, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12818, 20164],
+      [17, -26],
+      [-32, -88],
+      [-2, 111],
+      [17, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9016, 20213],
+      [112, -50],
+      [17, -33],
+      [94, -34],
+      [45, -35],
+      [-84, -46],
+      [-104, -13],
+      [-61, 28],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [-23, 64],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [70, 36],
+      [60, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10345, 20219],
+      [52, -4],
+      [56, -47],
+      [78, -19],
+      [6, -28],
+      [52, -15],
+      [-15, -83],
+      [5, -45],
+      [62, -54],
+      [-22, -50],
+      [-17, -83],
+      [11, -49],
+      [-37, -77],
+      [90, -21],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [8, -92],
+      [-75, 68],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [-16, -141],
+      [36, -7],
+      [52, -83],
+      [-58, -6],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-90, 0],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-85, -3],
+      [-25, 35],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [-34, -58],
+      [-147, 11],
+      [-50, 18],
+      [-19, 116],
+      [42, 2],
+      [11, 48],
+      [-68, -11],
+      [-9, 85],
+      [126, 15],
+      [41, 67],
+      [11, 57],
+      [-185, -21],
+      [-79, -21],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-50, -19],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-134, -26],
+      [-83, -2],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-30, 24],
+      [16, 80],
+      [79, 34],
+      [15, 73],
+      [106, 26],
+      [40, -33],
+      [88, -38],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-14, 73],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-31, 143],
+      [-65, 2],
+      [39, 128],
+      [102, -4],
+      [46, -16],
+      [50, -48],
+      [0, -41],
+      [142, -79],
+      [47, -39],
+      [57, -77],
+      [63, 11],
+      [-59, 64],
+      [-21, 78],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [-7, 38],
+      [89, -5],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-106, -7],
+      [-32, 32],
+      [4, 51],
+      [50, 38],
+      [80, 30],
+      [87, -17],
+      [60, 12],
+      [87, -69],
+      [17, -41],
+      [38, 8],
+      [53, -13],
+      [-19, 80],
+      [61, 10],
+      [5, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9882, 20264],
+      [-13, -63],
+      [-153, -48],
+      [-48, 48],
+      [98, 18],
+      [11, 21],
+      [105, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12467, 20307],
+      [71, -52],
+      [-29, -47],
+      [-30, -114],
+      [-33, 7],
+      [-125, 142],
+      [30, 42],
+      [116, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7614, 19552],
+      [23, 2],
+      [19, -9],
+      [29, 5],
+      [34, -12],
+      [54, 1],
+      [72, -19],
+      [-1, 45],
+      [31, 34],
+      [-57, 77],
+      [-97, 34],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [2, 39],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [55, 15],
+      [59, 45],
+      [9, 57],
+      [-92, 39],
+      [-31, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7619, 20104],
+      [0, 2],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [36, 58],
+      [22, -9],
+      [35, 82],
+      [37, 42],
+      [161, 20],
+      [33, -40],
+      [6, -61],
+      [-15, -67],
+      [-2, -74],
+      [71, -13],
+      [27, -52],
+      [-45, -71],
+      [-13, -77],
+      [65, 1],
+      [36, 15],
+      [68, -19],
+      [4, -43],
+      [-54, -47],
+      [12, -51],
+      [34, 51],
+      [77, 19],
+      [63, -4],
+      [57, -125],
+      [17, 41],
+      [-1, 123],
+      [52, 49],
+      [30, 4],
+      [145, -32],
+      [82, -43],
+      [33, -41],
+      [25, -107],
+      [-28, -78],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-16, -63],
+      [11, -38],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-15, -43],
+      [-57, -95],
+      [-88, -26],
+      [-68, 2],
+      [-33, -42],
+      [-72, -11],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [-86, 17],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [-31, -46],
+      [-65, -6],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [-60, 17],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-71, -26],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-110, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11073, 20439],
+      [69, -5],
+      [60, -38],
+      [62, -11],
+      [76, 3],
+      [34, -32],
+      [52, -21],
+      [48, 2],
+      [16, 26],
+      [90, -18],
+      [82, -90],
+      [15, -58],
+      [-46, -112],
+      [73, 75],
+      [68, 19],
+      [52, -14],
+      [123, 14],
+      [42, 28],
+      [120, 14],
+      [117, -23],
+      [41, -41],
+      [54, -8],
+      [-15, -67],
+      [-73, 19],
+      [-48, -3],
+      [-57, 23],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [97, -5],
+      [23, -13],
+      [142, -18],
+      [81, -20],
+      [58, -25],
+      [116, -11],
+      [20, -46],
+      [-53, -26],
+      [-110, 5],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-95, 15],
+      [-89, -16],
+      [0, -84],
+      [-65, 1],
+      [41, -62],
+      [34, 48],
+      [14, -25],
+      [66, -1],
+      [95, 15],
+      [85, -47],
+      [-20, -61],
+      [100, 16],
+      [38, -85],
+      [19, -98],
+      [66, -48],
+      [43, 32],
+      [-23, 63],
+      [48, 38],
+      [5, -37],
+      [50, -22],
+      [45, -47],
+      [38, 32],
+      [53, 18],
+      [59, -39],
+      [39, 66],
+      [23, 11],
+      [48, -23],
+      [23, -34],
+      [63, -30],
+      [59, -7],
+      [19, -55],
+      [29, 18],
+      [112, 6],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [77, 57],
+      [13, -22],
+      [58, 0],
+      [51, 58],
+      [92, -17],
+      [9, 32],
+      [82, 9],
+      [25, 34],
+      [40, -8],
+      [23, 41],
+      [114, -23],
+      [34, -30],
+      [53, 22],
+      [50, -12],
+      [67, 36],
+      [74, 12],
+      [68, -12],
+      [174, -12],
+      [14, -87],
+      [96, -8],
+      [95, 18],
+      [71, -17],
+      [35, -25],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [59, -26],
+      [36, 7],
+      [17, -42],
+      [32, -4],
+      [-31, -123],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [-40, -98],
+      [89, 18],
+      [29, -14],
+      [42, -73],
+      [-151, -40],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-22, -132],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-117, -8],
+      [-99, 14],
+      [-128, -69],
+      [-148, 34],
+      [-19, 27],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-71, 55],
+      [-9, 108],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-58, 50],
+      [-1, -61],
+      [54, -32],
+      [-60, -114],
+      [-168, -30],
+      [-94, -2],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [-36, 10],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-67, 34],
+      [-17, -25],
+      [-138, -14],
+      [-13, 58],
+      [-30, -50],
+      [-82, -16],
+      [-129, -2],
+      [-66, 12],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-233, 24],
+      [-2, 76],
+      [32, 65],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [-58, -27],
+      [-34, -83],
+      [-39, 61],
+      [-21, -75],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [-89, -23],
+      [-87, -1],
+      [-95, 38],
+      [-62, 12],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-32, 103],
+      [-107, -112],
+      [-71, 1],
+      [-31, 43],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [-39, 42],
+      [-4, 110],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-21, 83],
+      [-39, 22],
+      [-14, 56],
+      [4, 87],
+      [49, 71],
+      [37, 17],
+      [14, 57],
+      [-28, 127],
+      [-63, 27],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-17, 73],
+      [-24, 38],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-32, 73],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-73, -40],
+      [-61, -20],
+      [-76, 11],
+      [-103, -1],
+      [-16, 16],
+      [-78, -38],
+      [-55, 72],
+      [-147, 16],
+      [-67, 52],
+      [10, 58],
+      [-50, 32],
+      [-35, -2],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-87, 6],
+      [0, 67],
+      [60, -34],
+      [-10, 64],
+      [-33, -9],
+      [5, 74],
+      [106, -2],
+      [4, 37],
+      [160, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12211, 20545],
+      [37, 0],
+      [7, -68],
+      [-40, 3],
+      [-4, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13649, 20736],
+      [42, -3],
+      [33, -53],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-12, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12260, 20781],
+      [31, -15],
+      [104, -7],
+      [136, -90],
+      [5, -93],
+      [-43, -43],
+      [-92, -18],
+      [-182, 68],
+      [-43, 40],
+      [-6, 67],
+      [15, 68],
+      [75, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8588, 20842],
+      [79, -22],
+      [85, -56],
+      [51, -58],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [67, -3],
+      [85, -79],
+      [22, -68],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-68, 13],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-95, 39],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-92, 157],
+      [-42, 134],
+      [26, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11131, 20865],
+      [36, -23],
+      [54, -7],
+      [34, 18],
+      [169, -3],
+      [94, -22],
+      [53, 24],
+      [106, -28],
+      [-23, -53],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-114, -19],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-142, 4],
+      [-78, 10],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-112, -5],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-1, 76],
+      [75, 37],
+      [80, 8],
+      [34, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9595, 20924],
+      [86, -19],
+      [68, -63],
+      [-10, -25],
+      [-88, 5],
+      [-74, -33],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [-103, 57],
+      [4, 48],
+      [92, 18],
+      [88, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7626, 21038],
+      [40, -2],
+      [-6, -81],
+      [-40, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9312, 21135],
+      [20, -44],
+      [-59, -43],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [73, 57],
+      [24, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7623, 21343],
+      [111, -46],
+      [19, -52],
+      [-12, -73],
+      [-121, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10564, 21453],
+      [68, -12],
+      [125, -37],
+      [26, -24],
+      [90, -9],
+      [53, -37],
+      [29, -59],
+      [57, -23],
+      [55, 27],
+      [51, -5],
+      [155, -69],
+      [-19, -50],
+      [-50, -12],
+      [16, -59],
+      [51, -42],
+      [-53, -97],
+      [-73, 14],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-154, -40],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-66, -12],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [-3, 58],
+      [-89, 50],
+      [-49, 5],
+      [2, 39],
+      [180, -5],
+      [0, 35],
+      [-93, 44],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-47, 14],
+      [-25, 39],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-11, 61],
+      [-71, 32],
+      [15, 42],
+      [67, 21],
+      [-77, 48],
+      [-3, 72],
+      [42, 22],
+      [104, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13503, 21595],
+      [130, -11],
+      [3, -35],
+      [-138, -36],
+      [-152, -21],
+      [33, 69],
+      [124, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9057, 21770],
+      [54, -5],
+      [80, -40],
+      [76, -5],
+      [50, -67],
+      [63, -41],
+      [-5, -82],
+      [27, -48],
+      [35, 35],
+      [2, 49],
+      [53, 8],
+      [50, 32],
+      [89, -7],
+      [99, -68],
+      [36, -88],
+      [111, -4],
+      [57, 21],
+      [28, -38],
+      [32, -4],
+      [63, -37],
+      [27, -55],
+      [57, -24],
+      [-62, -93],
+      [-5, -58],
+      [67, -6],
+      [43, -52],
+      [94, -87],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-114, -43],
+      [-70, 3],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [-58, 21],
+      [-51, 0],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [-66, 61],
+      [-27, 96],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [-178, 31],
+      [-94, -32],
+      [-59, 29],
+      [-2, 59],
+      [-80, -9],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-102, -10],
+      [-51, -43],
+      [-105, 8],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-37, -3],
+      [-72, 71],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [52, 41],
+      [98, -2],
+      [31, -20],
+      [104, -18],
+      [85, -3],
+      [-7, 155],
+      [-87, 20],
+      [-44, -28],
+      [27, 94],
+      [-43, 33],
+      [-80, -16],
+      [-67, -77],
+      [-62, -12],
+      [2, 31],
+      [40, 30],
+      [26, 76],
+      [-68, 2],
+      [-69, -16],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [4, 70],
+      [43, 45],
+      [4, 46],
+      [61, -24],
+      [305, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10126, 22219],
+      [33, -25],
+      [92, 15],
+      [41, -24],
+      [47, -69],
+      [-6, -54],
+      [24, -42],
+      [-45, -77],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [-97, 20],
+      [13, 51],
+      [-61, 25],
+      [-125, -8],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [10, 89],
+      [21, 30],
+      [56, 29],
+      [52, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11153, 22538],
+      [63, -2],
+      [-17, -53],
+      [-46, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11612, 22927],
+      [109, -17],
+      [65, -25],
+      [87, -16],
+      [99, -31],
+      [66, -43],
+      [3, -45],
+      [56, -50],
+      [22, -42],
+      [77, -52],
+      [10, -38],
+      [104, -32],
+      [27, -72],
+      [38, -15],
+      [129, -13],
+      [62, 9],
+      [91, -9],
+      [47, -25],
+      [-19, -148],
+      [91, -59],
+      [74, -13],
+      [17, 50],
+      [-44, 18],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [4, 53],
+      [68, 31],
+      [106, -7],
+      [79, -19],
+      [19, -119],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-67, -6],
+      [8, -41],
+      [56, 11],
+      [106, -2],
+      [31, -40],
+      [11, -49],
+      [32, -6],
+      [-42, -153],
+      [-71, -46],
+      [21, -65],
+      [39, 69],
+      [150, 48],
+      [65, -10],
+      [59, -41],
+      [12, -77],
+      [36, 46],
+      [9, 55],
+      [74, -25],
+      [15, -52],
+      [51, -50],
+      [32, -4],
+      [45, -37],
+      [14, -36],
+      [-76, -19],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [-233, -48],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-27, -52],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-55, 49],
+      [-1, -87],
+      [-79, -49],
+      [-51, -80],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-64, 40],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [12, 127],
+      [-48, -1],
+      [-26, -89],
+      [27, -105],
+      [37, -10],
+      [22, -41],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [-61, -11],
+      [-94, 95],
+      [-25, -54],
+      [49, -53],
+      [5, -28],
+      [-49, -78],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [-51, 8],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-43, 62],
+      [-72, 62],
+      [-91, 112],
+      [-15, -77],
+      [74, -60],
+      [38, -59],
+      [-12, -41],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-42, 56],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-2, -79],
+      [-155, -3],
+      [-57, 18],
+      [-100, 6],
+      [-55, 28],
+      [-54, -16],
+      [-37, 45],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-78, 51],
+      [-72, 34],
+      [25, 49],
+      [57, -12],
+      [30, 18],
+      [133, 8],
+      [72, -7],
+      [112, 29],
+      [54, -10],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [-77, 9],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-72, -16],
+      [-142, 3],
+      [-91, 10],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [-81, -12],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-6, 92],
+      [-66, -6],
+      [-43, 45],
+      [-31, 59],
+      [52, 20],
+      [76, 3],
+      [68, 68],
+      [107, -6],
+      [43, 9],
+      [73, -11],
+      [98, 2],
+      [208, 25],
+      [102, 3],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [-82, 1],
+      [-119, -19],
+      [-151, -5],
+      [-61, 58],
+      [130, -7],
+      [67, 18],
+      [108, 8],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [-70, -4],
+      [-68, -19],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-59, 37],
+      [79, 42],
+      [9, 66],
+      [-30, 16],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-45, -73],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-75, -28],
+      [-54, 41],
+      [-11, -72],
+      [-59, -11],
+      [-8, 45],
+      [-35, -39],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [-9, -41],
+      [-83, -21],
+      [-13, 78],
+      [-73, 23],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [-106, -23],
+      [-20, -23],
+      [-47, 13],
+      [-27, 69],
+      [-28, -22],
+      [-81, 28],
+      [7, 54],
+      [29, 25],
+      [72, 3],
+      [195, 42],
+      [48, 23],
+      [-1, 49],
+      [-41, -7],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-194, -24],
+      [-100, 11],
+      [-67, 53],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [2, 80],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [94, -5],
+      [69, -35],
+      [92, -20],
+      [124, -4],
+      [70, 9],
+      [21, 29],
+      [64, 27],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [-46, -41],
+      [-145, -24],
+      [-149, 44],
+      [-117, 49],
+      [38, 56],
+      [137, 1],
+      [-43, 48],
+      [-12, 53],
+      [102, 24],
+      [134, 8],
+      [80, -29],
+      [20, 28],
+      [-30, 69],
+      [-77, 24],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [-76, -14],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [17, 69],
+      [37, 52],
+      [93, 29],
+      [85, -13],
+      [26, -41],
+      [27, 27],
+      [44, -2],
+      [10, 49],
+      [65, 6],
+      [81, -14],
+      [69, 4],
+      [-1, 73],
+      [-187, -6],
+      [-93, 23],
+      [59, 71],
+      [107, -17],
+      [38, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17382, 23927],
+      [56, -13],
+      [34, -52],
+      [130, 16],
+      [44, -53],
+      [20, 27],
+      [59, -15],
+      [39, 13],
+      [74, -12],
+      [129, -1],
+      [137, -17],
+      [102, 5],
+      [4, -35],
+      [-106, -38],
+      [-103, -27],
+      [-214, -39],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [79, 8],
+      [116, -1],
+      [123, 38],
+      [59, -7],
+      [10, 22],
+      [223, 57],
+      [60, -7],
+      [42, -23],
+      [28, 52],
+      [85, 13],
+      [43, -56],
+      [61, -31],
+      [97, 44],
+      [114, 0],
+      [23, -47],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [52, -12],
+      [11, -31],
+      [56, -5],
+      [29, -43],
+      [168, 9],
+      [57, -24],
+      [122, -8],
+      [97, -61],
+      [0, -61],
+      [-39, -35],
+      [-81, -26],
+      [-68, -8],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [-59, -32],
+      [-221, -80],
+      [-128, -24],
+      [-50, -31],
+      [-75, -9],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [-62, -18],
+      [-78, 6],
+      [-29, 18],
+      [-152, -18],
+      [2, -31],
+      [-94, -23],
+      [-197, -5],
+      [-234, -13],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [145, 8],
+      [63, -10],
+      [10, -31],
+      [-380, -89],
+      [-87, -30],
+      [-159, -30],
+      [-103, -32],
+      [5, -31],
+      [109, 47],
+      [74, 8],
+      [197, 33],
+      [136, 36],
+      [189, 28],
+      [318, 65],
+      [108, 17],
+      [144, 11],
+      [16, -53],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-91, -40],
+      [-151, -57],
+      [-123, -10],
+      [-53, -47],
+      [-37, -10],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [-164, -69],
+      [-74, -7],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [-66, -20],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-52, -9],
+      [-262, -155],
+      [-37, -64],
+      [-99, -29],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-31, 56],
+      [-93, 56],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [59, -41],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [51, -16],
+      [7, -57],
+      [-137, 5],
+      [-175, -37],
+      [66, -26],
+      [78, 24],
+      [62, -7],
+      [-37, -78],
+      [-131, -15],
+      [59, -39],
+      [-31, -62],
+      [-80, -33],
+      [-117, -10],
+      [-83, -31],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [-60, -4],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-89, 11],
+      [-85, -7],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [-83, 4],
+      [-102, -20],
+      [15, -39],
+      [187, 5],
+      [18, -21],
+      [49, 10],
+      [66, -26],
+      [50, -61],
+      [-2, -55],
+      [-50, -15],
+      [-95, 1],
+      [-51, 28],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [-153, 1],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [-74, -53],
+      [-95, -1],
+      [-123, 18],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-150, 1],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-26, -5],
+      [-1, -104],
+      [114, 12],
+      [169, -5],
+      [61, -25],
+      [27, 6],
+      [281, -2],
+      [3, -127],
+      [-99, 6],
+      [-146, 23],
+      [-68, 22],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-137, 0],
+      [-110, -7],
+      [-48, 9],
+      [-84, -21],
+      [237, -10],
+      [129, -18],
+      [2, -24],
+      [-186, 6],
+      [-101, -16],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-82, 25],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-12, -78],
+      [69, 66],
+      [34, 14],
+      [97, 4],
+      [142, 27],
+      [16, -9],
+      [147, -7],
+      [21, -41],
+      [80, -27],
+      [69, 7],
+      [122, -36],
+      [7, -45],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-49, -61],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-145, -21],
+      [174, -74],
+      [-64, -39],
+      [-25, -53],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-118, 25],
+      [-117, 2],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [108, -13],
+      [31, -18],
+      [39, 16],
+      [103, -10],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-61, -53],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-18, -29],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-30, -54],
+      [19, -70],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-83, -13],
+      [-64, -30],
+      [-44, 19],
+      [-31, 41],
+      [-2, -72],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [-75, -26],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-63, -32],
+      [-102, 16],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-46, -23],
+      [-101, 11],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-138, 57],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [-17, -67],
+      [57, -28],
+      [31, -40],
+      [-186, 4],
+      [59, -40],
+      [25, -50],
+      [120, 57],
+      [105, 11],
+      [138, -45],
+      [0, -72],
+      [82, 71],
+      [84, 25],
+      [76, -12],
+      [52, -29],
+      [-13, -55],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [12, -73],
+      [68, -13],
+      [104, 20],
+      [36, 39],
+      [62, 21],
+      [54, -27],
+      [42, -54],
+      [2, -154],
+      [-49, 6],
+      [-38, -67],
+      [-45, -10],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [-40, -85],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-123, -46],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-98, -19],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [51, 127],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [-84, 19],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-96, 5],
+      [-95, 23],
+      [0, -68],
+      [-88, 1],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-81, 50],
+      [0, 54],
+      [-32, 8],
+      [-8, -95],
+      [-100, 7],
+      [-19, 25],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-14, 61],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [0, -98],
+      [-80, -13],
+      [-65, 22],
+      [-25, 47],
+      [-35, 16],
+      [20, -95],
+      [78, -17],
+      [-13, -47],
+      [-55, -13],
+      [-79, -1],
+      [-120, 42],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-81, 10],
+      [-23, 27],
+      [-66, 12],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-52, 6],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-19, -46],
+      [-195, 23],
+      [16, 71],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [2, 128],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [-7, -56],
+      [-46, -113],
+      [-56, 9],
+      [-71, 43],
+      [-2, 96],
+      [-21, 106],
+      [30, 28],
+      [153, 59],
+      [92, 74],
+      [179, 11],
+      [50, -10],
+      [23, 33],
+      [49, 18],
+      [-17, 87],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-95, 15],
+      [-10, 100],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-52, 16],
+      [19, 106],
+      [191, 47],
+      [124, -6],
+      [99, -26],
+      [54, -26],
+      [58, -49],
+      [61, -159],
+      [45, 14],
+      [27, -42],
+      [65, 2],
+      [64, -13],
+      [75, -39],
+      [7, 58],
+      [47, -9],
+      [61, 8],
+      [71, -18],
+      [14, 54],
+      [45, 6],
+      [55, 30],
+      [114, 116],
+      [84, 114],
+      [-2, 64],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-98, -83],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [-60, -67],
+      [-65, -47],
+      [-59, -14],
+      [-132, 14],
+      [-73, -1],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-83, 30],
+      [-27, 121],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-48, 52],
+      [146, 82],
+      [27, 82],
+      [26, 26],
+      [22, 134],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-48, -135],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-51, -51],
+      [-180, -32],
+      [13, 64],
+      [52, 65],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [-88, -101],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-54, -59],
+      [-100, -9],
+      [-79, 9],
+      [-21, 131],
+      [11, 61],
+      [76, 56],
+      [77, 0],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [10, 52],
+      [56, 40],
+      [54, 12],
+      [107, 6],
+      [105, 18],
+      [81, 37],
+      [68, -6],
+      [91, -30],
+      [116, 0],
+      [105, -15],
+      [33, -22],
+      [142, -58],
+      [39, 5],
+      [48, -51],
+      [51, -23],
+      [-38, 94],
+      [-64, 0],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-85, 24],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [126, 4],
+      [103, -8],
+      [50, 13],
+      [94, -1],
+      [-31, 91],
+      [-64, -61],
+      [-110, -12],
+      [-65, 21],
+      [-109, 8],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-142, 15],
+      [-129, 33],
+      [37, 74],
+      [94, -14],
+      [59, -49],
+      [15, 42],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-54, 83],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [-83, 32],
+      [-49, 85],
+      [-106, 45],
+      [-83, 2],
+      [-139, 32],
+      [-13, 100],
+      [-46, 105],
+      [31, 104],
+      [28, 15],
+      [132, 7],
+      [123, -35],
+      [308, 0],
+      [68, -9],
+      [65, -27],
+      [76, -57],
+      [108, -55],
+      [75, -54],
+      [47, -8],
+      [52, -39],
+      [25, -78],
+      [38, -16],
+      [21, -51],
+      [30, -4],
+      [27, 29],
+      [78, -11],
+      [33, -19],
+      [95, -6],
+      [15, 19],
+      [180, 27],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-150, -27],
+      [-84, 8],
+      [-48, 21],
+      [-84, 8],
+      [-23, 35],
+      [13, 101],
+      [-134, 30],
+      [-168, 106],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [30, 52],
+      [87, 5],
+      [109, 20],
+      [38, -4],
+      [214, 27],
+      [93, 17],
+      [59, -5],
+      [34, 40],
+      [108, 2],
+      [113, 12],
+      [125, 0],
+      [105, 29],
+      [-170, 3],
+      [-78, -9],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [134, 35],
+      [193, 37],
+      [166, 18],
+      [223, 4],
+      [62, -24],
+      [13, -39],
+      [26, 34],
+      [-65, 48],
+      [-195, 7],
+      [-129, 12],
+      [-280, -33],
+      [23, 89],
+      [99, 47],
+      [30, 53],
+      [60, 18],
+      [17, 26],
+      [90, 40],
+      [91, 12],
+      [65, 26],
+      [17, 28],
+      [-302, -81],
+      [-98, -61],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [-79, 21],
+      [-60, 33],
+      [18, -75],
+      [-5, -80],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [-189, -69],
+      [-136, -32],
+      [-36, -15],
+      [-163, -34],
+      [-301, -35],
+      [-84, 5],
+      [15, 54],
+      [69, 28],
+      [141, 15],
+      [83, 35],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [-131, -39],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-201, -36],
+      [-42, 14],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-47, -127],
+      [-190, -20],
+      [-192, 0],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-137, 0],
+      [-156, 41],
+      [22, 44],
+      [93, 64],
+      [133, 104],
+      [140, 23],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-110, -1],
+      [-127, -51],
+      [-67, -57],
+      [-135, -79],
+      [-65, -58],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-169, 38],
+      [-64, 31],
+      [-213, 71],
+      [42, 48],
+      [244, 34],
+      [64, 0],
+      [94, -15],
+      [105, 1],
+      [145, 21],
+      [47, 23],
+      [92, 14],
+      [18, 19],
+      [124, 55],
+      [122, 30],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-213, -45],
+      [-72, -47],
+      [-158, -15],
+      [-96, -21],
+      [-126, -4],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-186, -12],
+      [-193, -23],
+      [-68, 4],
+      [-66, 22],
+      [-38, 67],
+      [125, 78],
+      [134, 72],
+      [71, 19],
+      [35, 26],
+      [134, 10],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [-113, -17],
+      [-208, -50],
+      [-206, -57],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [5, 45],
+      [105, 42],
+      [3, 47],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [-93, 10],
+      [-50, -23],
+      [-38, -58],
+      [-89, -5],
+      [7, 41],
+      [-67, 15],
+      [7, 71],
+      [48, 19],
+      [70, -7],
+      [35, 42],
+      [84, 4],
+      [27, 26],
+      [230, 17],
+      [10, -29],
+      [63, -27],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [105, 55],
+      [104, 29],
+      [116, 11],
+      [4, 11],
+      [169, -23],
+      [56, -72],
+      [63, -33],
+      [-2, 97],
+      [144, -4],
+      [80, -24],
+      [70, -46],
+      [1, 46],
+      [112, 0],
+      [94, -12],
+      [7, -41],
+      [33, -17],
+      [0, 55],
+      [-49, 25],
+      [-207, 15],
+      [-84, 30],
+      [-120, 8],
+      [-65, 32],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [225, -1],
+      [44, 10],
+      [86, -6],
+      [2, 85],
+      [50, -12],
+      [47, -53],
+      [87, 6],
+      [-6, 46],
+      [127, 13],
+      [106, -13],
+      [82, -53],
+      [1, -23],
+      [93, -41],
+      [-19, -56],
+      [79, 10],
+      [2, 41],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [133, -32],
+      [35, -32],
+      [60, -9],
+      [180, -48],
+      [24, -62],
+      [35, 18],
+      [218, -12],
+      [51, -52],
+      [5, 76],
+      [-171, 13],
+      [-87, 27],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-95, 5],
+      [-284, 92],
+      [-16, 98],
+      [40, 5],
+      [156, -10],
+      [29, 25],
+      [56, 2],
+      [8, 45],
+      [68, -21],
+      [63, -50],
+      [57, -17],
+      [69, 8],
+      [-105, 69],
+      [34, 57],
+      [127, -16],
+      [32, 27],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [71, 15],
+      [44, 32],
+      [80, 24],
+      [89, -12],
+      [13, 17],
+      [57, -12],
+      [32, -41],
+      [62, -2],
+      [40, 38],
+      [48, 7],
+      [164, -39],
+      [104, -78],
+      [28, -33],
+      [135, -41],
+      [-5, -64],
+      [107, 83],
+      [-102, 34],
+      [-56, 6],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [-72, 38],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-149, 44],
+      [12, 40],
+      [185, -2],
+      [123, 20],
+      [79, -4],
+      [97, -17],
+      [44, 12],
+      [157, -7],
+      [111, -40],
+      [47, -62],
+      [128, -51],
+      [160, -40],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [22, -74],
+      [36, -15],
+      [18, 49],
+      [6, 89],
+      [-115, 35],
+      [-79, 16],
+      [-45, 23],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [27, 23],
+      [224, 49],
+      [169, -1],
+      [-11, -61],
+      [53, -29],
+      [74, 11],
+      [-25, 58],
+      [154, 28],
+      [180, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14578, 6666],
+      [45, -12],
+      [49, -41],
+      [38, -70],
+      [37, -155],
+      [-17, -24],
+      [-77, 30],
+      [-51, 46],
+      [-69, 22],
+      [-98, 55],
+      [-25, 37],
+      [56, 87],
+      [112, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15030, 5650],
+      [-1, -260],
+      [0, -1993],
+      [-15, -83],
+      [37, -95],
+      [-4, -87],
+      [56, -154],
+      [11, -5],
+      [44, -159],
+      [77, -134],
+      [70, -15],
+      [19, -23],
+      [44, 13],
+      [18, -18],
+      [120, -48],
+      [62, -77],
+      [30, -94],
+      [50, -45],
+      [14, 61],
+      [36, -11],
+      [3, -81],
+      [27, -99],
+      [72, -60],
+      [40, 36],
+      [52, -23],
+      [46, -58],
+      [30, 47],
+      [135, 67],
+      [44, 39],
+      [75, -3],
+      [63, -42],
+      [-23, -152],
+      [31, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16293, 2038],
+      [-49, -82],
+      [-109, -50],
+      [-77, -79],
+      [-112, -185],
+      [-14, -51],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [-68, -108],
+      [-87, -267],
+      [-460, 1],
+      [-128, -105],
+      [32, -110],
+      [16, -161],
+      [25, -45],
+      [-8, -43],
+      [-278, -253],
+      [-290, -108],
+      [-92, -106],
+      [-188, -199],
+      [-67, 0],
+      [-95, 107],
+      [-19, 99],
+      [13, 145],
+      [55, 25],
+      [56, 131],
+      [29, 32],
+      [24, 224],
+      [73, 341],
+      [-72, 761],
+      [-26, 251],
+      [-261, 276],
+      [38, 103],
+      [-33, 61],
+      [-62, 8],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-29, 76],
+      [-17, 132],
+      [3, 66],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [-51, 101],
+      [-20, 146],
+      [-293, 288],
+      [-178, 171],
+      [-267, 249],
+      [-124, 110],
+      [-78, -36],
+      [-158, -157],
+      [-37, 24],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-24, -15],
+      [-40, 57],
+      [-173, 10],
+      [-24, 77],
+      [-73, -53],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [-71, 40],
+      [-8, 43],
+      [-64, 34],
+      [-17, 57],
+      [-51, -3],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [-23, -10],
+      [-35, 125],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [-54, 47],
+      [-76, 13],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [-69, -15],
+      [-24, 64],
+      [-91, 17],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [-68, -1],
+      [-36, 62],
+      [1, 40],
+      [-36, 240],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [-48, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12719, 8767],
+      [28, 2],
+      [49, -97],
+      [40, -26],
+      [44, -56],
+      [80, -44],
+      [37, -77],
+      [47, -131],
+      [47, -61],
+      [60, -43],
+      [69, -8],
+      [59, -48],
+      [73, -42],
+      [20, -26],
+      [84, -28],
+      [86, -82],
+      [59, -86],
+      [56, -30],
+      [7, -40],
+      [34, 9],
+      [42, -23],
+      [71, 0],
+      [49, 23],
+      [55, -14],
+      [46, 25],
+      [53, -14],
+      [49, -34],
+      [71, -10],
+      [50, 16],
+      [52, -54],
+      [25, 18],
+      [52, -24],
+      [43, -40],
+      [2, -86],
+      [17, -59],
+      [-22, -85],
+      [-8, -76],
+      [-29, -138],
+      [3, -47],
+      [43, -80],
+      [32, -164],
+      [-18, -53],
+      [-2, -92],
+      [23, -148],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-17, -86],
+      [14, -75],
+      [69, -88],
+      [7, -41],
+      [63, -112],
+      [31, -37],
+      [24, -155],
+      [19, -40],
+      [94, -68],
+      [16, -45],
+      [62, -71],
+      [23, -57],
+      [29, -178],
+      [31, -41],
+      [48, -10],
+      [55, -72],
+      [23, -6],
+      [27, 61],
+      [-9, 52],
+      [52, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18824, 3103],
+      [4, -98],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [40, -109],
+      [23, -116],
+      [19, 72],
+      [97, -43],
+      [11, -35],
+      [63, -18],
+      [89, 38],
+      [117, 12],
+      [-4, -79],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [-36, -133],
+      [-8, -81],
+      [-81, -9],
+      [-32, 65],
+      [-3, 70],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-84, 47],
+      [-84, 120],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [2, 71],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [57, 131],
+      [42, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17587, 3247],
+      [2, 60],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-190, -440],
+      [-15, -162],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-24, -88],
+      [-5, -130],
+      [11, -47],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [6, -37],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-65, -151],
+      [4, -47],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-15, 57],
+      [-51, -55],
+      [-29, 32],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [-24, -119],
+      [-197, -6],
+      [-180, 7],
+      [-268, -14],
+      [-82, 26],
+      [20, 52],
+      [59, 44],
+      [16, 54],
+      [52, 10],
+      [23, 28],
+      [68, 36],
+      [3, 65],
+      [21, 92],
+      [35, 63],
+      [30, 140],
+      [51, 46],
+      [48, 22],
+      [62, 85],
+      [60, 55],
+      [22, 78],
+      [75, 47],
+      [47, -4],
+      [41, 44],
+      [55, 32],
+      [24, 48],
+      [43, 2],
+      [28, 34],
+      [78, 55],
+      [52, 91],
+      [36, 94],
+      [34, 39],
+      [8, 64],
+      [57, 72],
+      [58, 130],
+      [17, 66],
+      [129, 195],
+      [92, 88],
+      [97, 111],
+      [53, 28],
+      [24, 32],
+      [145, 105],
+      [43, 23],
+      [86, 74],
+      [65, 24],
+      [58, 39],
+      [165, 35],
+      [59, -3],
+      [97, -27],
+      [80, -56],
+      [51, -59],
+      [44, -77],
+      [-27, -151],
+      [23, -64],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [-86, -48],
+      [-20, -76],
+      [-44, -32],
+      [-52, -61],
+      [-71, -22],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [-68, 30],
+      [-35, 43],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-111, -4],
+      [-68, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18786, 4779],
+      [55, -38],
+      [133, -35],
+      [72, -34],
+      [139, -103],
+      [29, -60],
+      [64, -48],
+      [58, -28],
+      [44, -91],
+      [-18, -69],
+      [-111, -8],
+      [-57, 38],
+      [-112, 37],
+      [-74, 51],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [-64, 31],
+      [-22, 85],
+      [-79, 93],
+      [-105, 59],
+      [-12, 66],
+      [77, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15073, 6017],
+      [5, -72],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-6, 44],
+      [66, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14911, 6765],
+      [17, -73],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [0, 66],
+      [20, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15233, 8524],
+      [6, -130],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [-14, 121],
+      [32, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15024, 8582],
+      [-23, -112],
+      [-16, -27],
+      [-85, -73],
+      [4, 82],
+      [44, 5],
+      [56, 45],
+      [20, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15126, 8551],
+      [26, -71],
+      [-19, -63],
+      [-33, -48],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [-39, -95],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [18, 68],
+      [0, 59],
+      [-62, -129],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [35, 87],
+      [31, 37],
+      [47, -3],
+      [24, 160]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17543, 10096],
+      [28, -55],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [-24, 15],
+      [20, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17811, 10926],
+      [29, -9],
+      [46, -78],
+      [-30, -64],
+      [-91, -79],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [51, 183],
+      [23, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15339, 11052],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [86, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15012, 11974],
+      [31, -16],
+      [49, -85],
+      [-10, -125],
+      [-36, -47],
+      [-24, -111],
+      [-35, -78],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-20, 89],
+      [-52, 19],
+      [-16, 33],
+      [-6, 92],
+      [31, 121],
+      [50, 92],
+      [86, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20506, 5630],
+      [-32, 46],
+      [-153, -64],
+      [-29, -44],
+      [-79, -33],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [-48, -60],
+      [-84, -140],
+      [-1, -88],
+      [-86, -71],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-32, -86],
+      [-58, -26],
+      [-15, -80],
+      [-62, -39],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-20, -30],
+      [-58, -12],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-77, -28],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-60, -20],
+      [-71, -45],
+      [-30, 80],
+      [-32, -9],
+      [-101, 46],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [-39, 16],
+      [-92, 0],
+      [-6, -27],
+      [-56, -23],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-84, -1],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-62, 35],
+      [-31, -19],
+      [-109, -9],
+      [-87, 21],
+      [-84, -28],
+      [-73, 9],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-23, 48],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [-45, -32],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [-14, -76],
+      [-40, -47],
+      [3, -58],
+      [-17, -43],
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+      [-46, -28],
+      [-42, -64],
+      [-47, -16],
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+      [-27, -42],
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+      [-9, -134],
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+      [-15, 101],
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+      [33, 72],
+      [24, 5],
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+      [41, 60],
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+      [85, -25],
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+      [38, 8],
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+      [50, -54],
+      [35, -4],
+      [26, -43],
+      [20, -35],
+      [21, -85],
+      [29, 58],
+      [78, -55],
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+      [-10, -52],
+      [28, -58],
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+      [20, 55],
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+      [-10, -41],
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+      [1, -38],
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+      [-33, 0],
+      [-3, 79],
+      [-32, 54],
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+      [57, 113],
+      [44, 51],
+      [39, 19],
+      [63, -12],
+      [83, 16],
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+      [10, 76],
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+      [1, 0],
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bceeb23
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+      [-19, 105],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-84, 78],
+      [5, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16985, 8429],
+      [73, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17058, 8460],
+      [99, -78],
+      [42, -6],
+      [41, -45],
+      [36, 10],
+      [42, -118],
+      [67, -57],
+      [64, 11],
+      [23, -32],
+      [41, 17],
+      [25, -40],
+      [73, -50],
+      [-11, -81],
+      [82, 1],
+      [72, 17],
+      [20, -26],
+      [-78, -222],
+      [27, -73],
+      [69, 27],
+      [21, -126],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [50, -66],
+      [136, 0],
+      [14, 70],
+      [41, 53],
+      [65, 1],
+      [42, -71],
+      [26, 4],
+      [15, -102],
+      [-34, -73],
+      [-165, 61],
+      [-64, -22],
+      [51, -47],
+      [-11, -132],
+      [-62, -13],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [38, -31],
+      [12, -47],
+      [79, -38],
+      [-6, -36],
+      [75, -9],
+      [7, -89],
+      [-70, -78],
+      [34, -35],
+      [121, 3],
+      [28, 32],
+      [125, -73],
+      [63, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17462, 11337],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-56, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17388, 11263],
+      [-73, -26],
+      [-71, 5],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [9, -33],
+      [56, -31],
+      [-10, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17268, 11064],
+      [-38, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17230, 11019],
+      [-80, 10],
+      [-101, -93],
+      [-84, 60],
+      [-84, 15],
+      [-70, -42],
+      [-27, 45],
+      [-45, -2],
+      [-40, 38],
+      [28, 66],
+      [-39, 117],
+      [93, 57],
+      [59, 2],
+      [53, 63],
+      [-90, 123],
+      [72, 60],
+      [32, -19],
+      [48, 21],
+      [54, 85],
+      [83, 2],
+      [-1, 97],
+      [86, -1],
+      [20, -39],
+      [46, -31],
+      [65, -76],
+      [55, 4],
+      [75, -24],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-42, -41],
+      [29, -98],
+      [45, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14348, 6963],
+      [55, -11],
+      [14, -50],
+      [74, -47],
+      [48, -55],
+      [33, -11],
+      [21, -126],
+      [-30, -27],
+      [20, -57],
+      [-36, -94],
+      [-72, 45],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-54, -70],
+      [-77, -52],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [-24, 55],
+      [-67, -44],
+      [-14, 58],
+      [-62, -14],
+      [-55, -64],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [-53, -58],
+      [-53, 6],
+      [-7, -57],
+      [66, -64],
+      [-17, -90],
+      [-4, -107],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [27, -58],
+      [55, 60],
+      [27, -4],
+      [7, -81],
+      [78, -28],
+      [-1, -98],
+      [42, -61],
+      [53, 17],
+      [0, -77],
+      [49, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14209, 5619],
+      [29, -30],
+      [-27, -96],
+      [13, -108],
+      [20, -39],
+      [-18, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14226, 5300],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [-55, -75],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [16, 100],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-23, -84],
+      [-32, 102],
+      [26, 49],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-65, 24],
+      [17, 51],
+      [-33, 139],
+      [-94, 20],
+      [-80, -62],
+      [-29, 47],
+      [4, 43],
+      [-86, 17],
+      [-8, 24],
+      [-64, -32],
+      [-15, -73],
+      [27, -30],
+      [-19, -51],
+      [-66, -39],
+      [-40, 58],
+      [-44, -3],
+      [-77, -76],
+      [18, -52],
+      [-56, -54],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [18, 54],
+      [-46, 94],
+      [-5, -91],
+      [-52, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13070, 5314],
+      [-50, 138],
+      [3, 28],
+      [-57, 24],
+      [-50, 42],
+      [-75, -21],
+      [-32, 88],
+      [-9, 83],
+      [-99, 11],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [38, 62],
+      [73, 38],
+      [18, 51],
+      [45, 10],
+      [6, 88],
+      [-58, 42],
+      [-14, 38],
+      [22, 43],
+      [39, 22],
+      [32, 59],
+      [76, -21],
+      [63, -33],
+      [25, -55],
+      [62, 11],
+      [34, 32],
+      [47, 6],
+      [65, -139],
+      [59, -5],
+      [38, 28],
+      [24, -24],
+      [80, 99],
+      [54, 125],
+      [47, 70],
+      [-24, 71],
+      [36, 52],
+      [143, -19],
+      [40, 44],
+      [-9, 48],
+      [41, 32],
+      [-16, 29],
+      [29, 46],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [42, 35],
+      [21, 92],
+      [34, -2],
+      [32, 51],
+      [55, 35],
+      [-3, 42],
+      [-96, 88],
+      [35, 131],
+      [56, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13924, 7210],
+      [64, -53],
+      [27, 0],
+      [57, -58],
+      [57, -15],
+      [98, -86],
+      [5, -42],
+      [116, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17385, 2784],
+      [-56, 44],
+      [-34, 107],
+      [5, 46],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [27, 53],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [-12, 76],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-12, 56],
+      [-84, -6],
+      [-40, 47],
+      [-79, 55],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [-16, 23],
+      [-60, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16862, 3463],
+      [11, 77],
+      [-21, 66],
+      [62, 57],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [24, 44],
+      [0, 69],
+      [33, 40],
+      [0, 53],
+      [64, 28],
+      [51, 78],
+      [-15, 85],
+      [84, 128],
+      [-12, 80],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [13, 61],
+      [52, 71],
+      [107, 31],
+      [89, 132],
+      [-28, 125],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [2, 51],
+      [71, 12],
+      [39, 47],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [75, 33],
+      [106, -68],
+      [19, 48],
+      [57, 37],
+      [64, 20],
+      [22, 29],
+      [78, 15],
+      [34, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17878, 5191],
+      [23, -26],
+      [49, 8],
+      [36, 27],
+      [44, -41],
+      [-5, -55],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [5, -43],
+      [41, -50],
+      [28, -119],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [17, -39],
+      [38, 20],
+      [45, -29],
+      [48, -10],
+      [52, 59],
+      [40, 2],
+      [32, 71],
+      [60, -83],
+      [15, -78],
+      [53, -32],
+      [51, 40],
+      [97, 27],
+      [41, -20],
+      [36, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18681, 4614],
+      [-72, -66],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [-49, -5],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [27, -29],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [-58, -8],
+      [31, 77],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-11, -56],
+      [-39, 30],
+      [-53, 5],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [43, -13],
+      [38, -71],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [44, -59],
+      [-46, -27],
+      [-81, -101],
+      [78, -36],
+      [-37, -62],
+      [-9, -104],
+      [-48, -24],
+      [9, -40],
+      [38, -17],
+      [-6, -51],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [-40, 36],
+      [-46, -23],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [85, -67],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-51, -4],
+      [-26, 36],
+      [-92, -75],
+      [28, -67],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-83, -50],
+      [45, -24],
+      [-35, -45],
+      [-9, -46],
+      [-72, 27],
+      [-116, -32],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-32, -53],
+      [39, -17],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [-83, 26],
+      [-8, -41],
+      [61, 9],
+      [31, -71],
+      [-68, -36],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [-83, -46],
+      [6, -31],
+      [-33, -50],
+      [-25, 31],
+      [-47, -66],
+      [-69, -25],
+      [-33, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9404, 12647],
+      [261, -574],
+      [-85, -82],
+      [12, -47],
+      [124, -156],
+      [147, -98],
+      [14, -39],
+      [-45, -159],
+      [151, 6],
+      [84, 101],
+      [133, 66],
+      [155, -8],
+      [48, 43],
+      [130, -13],
+      [41, -22],
+      [43, -71],
+      [7, -62],
+      [-89, -108],
+      [-45, -95],
+      [-115, -76],
+      [-63, -97],
+      [121, 5],
+      [105, -77],
+      [89, -25],
+      [33, -91],
+      [68, -17],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [135, 2],
+      [-3, -98],
+      [13, -54],
+      [59, -77],
+      [71, 5],
+      [56, -95],
+      [81, -29],
+      [34, -33],
+      [63, 2],
+      [122, 119],
+      [-106, 106],
+      [154, 35],
+      [102, 43],
+      [61, -37],
+      [161, -40],
+      [48, 53],
+      [91, 71],
+      [190, 58],
+      [42, 3],
+      [59, -24],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [61, -105],
+      [-12, -78],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-62, -127],
+      [-183, -119],
+      [22, -34],
+      [28, -99],
+      [-72, -33],
+      [18, -123],
+      [104, -34],
+      [89, -100],
+      [114, -95],
+      [40, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12234, 9896],
+      [78, 6],
+      [80, -17],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-43, -29],
+      [23, -37],
+      [57, 22],
+      [46, -75],
+      [50, -42],
+      [54, -16],
+      [4, -43],
+      [38, -17],
+      [20, -44],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [18, -86],
+      [45, -26],
+      [16, -63],
+      [30, -42],
+      [12, -74],
+      [-71, -64],
+      [4, -69],
+      [61, -83],
+      [70, 12],
+      [19, -50],
+      [42, -40],
+      [60, -17],
+      [48, -64],
+      [59, -3],
+      [3, -29],
+      [44, -60],
+      [47, 39],
+      [15, 65],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [14, 33],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [44, 25],
+      [80, -29],
+      [70, 62],
+      [-28, 46],
+      [32, 25],
+      [5, 76],
+      [-35, 55],
+      [-156, 49],
+      [19, 82],
+      [-28, 56],
+      [32, 87],
+      [51, 44],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [27, 53],
+      [-16, 33],
+      [78, 22],
+      [90, -20],
+      [54, 19],
+      [44, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13428, 9717],
+      [10, -72],
+      [71, -17],
+      [27, -42],
+      [141, -34],
+      [24, -54],
+      [81, -48],
+      [71, -2],
+      [36, -63],
+      [75, -1],
+      [41, -43],
+      [-29, -46],
+      [25, -64],
+      [-26, -98],
+      [-56, -27],
+      [9, -133],
+      [35, -38],
+      [6, -74],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-137, -22],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-86, -35],
+      [-93, 31],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [18, -51],
+      [43, -46],
+      [-20, -25],
+      [-92, 8],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-94, 12],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-111, 109],
+      [-148, -4],
+      [-23, -75],
+      [25, -41],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [-92, -85],
+      [8, -36],
+      [49, 5],
+      [101, -81],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [-4, -56],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-33, -119],
+      [25, -86],
+      [42, -60],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-35, 57],
+      [-57, -5],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-91, 32],
+      [-46, -61],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [6, -48],
+      [74, -55],
+      [-4, -95],
+      [-75, -52],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-36, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12720, 7569],
+      [-46, -15],
+      [27, -74],
+      [-122, -71],
+      [-44, 24],
+      [-59, -24],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [-82, 7],
+      [-58, 49],
+      [-79, 39],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [38, 28],
+      [-3, 65],
+      [-43, 140],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-25, 71],
+      [6, 34],
+      [-47, 39],
+      [-113, -14],
+      [-70, 28],
+      [-21, -21],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [-33, -5],
+      [-79, 34],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [19, 78],
+      [-28, 46],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-33, 65],
+      [-76, -21],
+      [-54, -63],
+      [-71, -31],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [-46, -39],
+      [58, -99],
+      [0, -56],
+      [40, -18],
+      [1, -65],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-53, -4],
+      [-7, -78],
+      [-40, 18],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [-84, -3],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [42, 41],
+      [26, 63],
+      [-41, 87],
+      [-25, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11235, 7898],
+      [-58, -24],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-61, -23],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-53, 90],
+      [-48, 24],
+      [-69, 127],
+      [-2, 78],
+      [39, 41],
+      [55, -28],
+      [47, -3],
+      [132, -63],
+      [49, -8],
+      [14, -32],
+      [99, 6],
+      [44, 27],
+      [27, 52],
+      [69, 37],
+      [-69, 95],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-112, 83],
+      [78, 20],
+      [4, 53],
+      [32, 54],
+      [110, 55],
+      [41, 93],
+      [-38, 94],
+      [61, 9],
+      [36, 65],
+      [76, -19],
+      [14, 45],
+      [-29, 75],
+      [35, 51],
+      [73, 3],
+      [-9, 125],
+      [24, 81],
+      [-66, 46],
+      [-43, 134],
+      [-49, 46],
+      [51, 32],
+      [-70, 81],
+      [-31, 17],
+      [6, 65],
+      [43, 36],
+      [-92, 66],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [-110, 60],
+      [23, 39],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [-9, 73],
+      [-40, -31],
+      [-10, -78],
+      [-123, 61],
+      [-173, 144],
+      [-64, 37],
+      [-126, 48],
+      [-18, 77],
+      [-103, 36],
+      [-41, 67],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-14, -41],
+      [31, -42],
+      [9, -47],
+      [-141, 68],
+      [-68, 41],
+      [-84, 80],
+      [-35, 59],
+      [-56, 36],
+      [-160, 152],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-67, -74],
+      [-51, 9],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [-114, -110],
+      [-238, 135],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-139, 32],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [2, -206],
+      [-22, -77],
+      [21, -16],
+      [-13, -130],
+      [-58, 9],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-75, 22],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-83, 54],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-80, 67],
+      [-41, 7],
+      [-49, 54],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [-170, 161],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-95, 33],
+      [-74, -1],
+      [-41, 35],
+      [-137, 0],
+      [-163, -25],
+      [-108, 3],
+      [-144, -42],
+      [-107, -18],
+      [-12, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7714, 10793],
+      [-9, 63],
+      [6, 85],
+      [-26, 45],
+      [-45, 172],
+      [61, 115],
+      [-1, 204],
+      [175, -14],
+      [117, 76],
+      [64, 132],
+      [108, 145],
+      [136, 121],
+      [104, 118],
+      [147, 77],
+      [196, 43],
+      [59, -17],
+      [73, 11],
+      [48, 26],
+      [26, 63],
+      [-12, 49],
+      [29, 252],
+      [107, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9077, 12619],
+      [130, 13],
+      [96, -15],
+      [101, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14418, 1727],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [63, 19],
+      [14, 87],
+      [140, 43],
+      [39, -9],
+      [-14, 103],
+      [34, 56],
+      [80, -27],
+      [35, 75],
+      [-5, 73],
+      [20, 72],
+      [117, 40],
+      [24, 46],
+      [40, 3],
+      [56, 74],
+      [29, 75],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-9, 99],
+      [14, 83],
+      [28, 34],
+      [17, 64],
+      [45, 3],
+      [12, 90],
+      [66, 1],
+      [0, 35],
+      [46, 41],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [0, 72],
+      [57, 34],
+      [17, 36],
+      [-31, 56],
+      [7, 39],
+      [-30, 42],
+      [37, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15321, 3362],
+      [60, 88],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [14, 83],
+      [85, -18],
+      [105, -7],
+      [48, -119],
+      [90, 17],
+      [-15, 119],
+      [5, 48],
+      [-45, -4],
+      [-4, 42],
+      [65, 10],
+      [56, 72],
+      [56, 4],
+      [28, -49],
+      [68, -18],
+      [19, -22],
+      [68, 19],
+      [23, -16],
+      [32, 57],
+      [27, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16097, 3731],
+      [63, -74],
+      [45, -12],
+      [62, 15],
+      [58, 51],
+      [80, -93],
+      [-35, -82],
+      [-101, -65],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-48, -87],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [73, -44],
+      [29, -52],
+      [41, 34],
+      [61, -9],
+      [42, 37],
+      [34, -22],
+      [25, 43],
+      [41, 25],
+      [27, -17],
+      [42, 31],
+      [80, 29],
+      [25, -11],
+      [35, -68],
+      [44, -15],
+      [20, -31],
+      [44, 14],
+      [-28, 52],
+      [0, 68],
+      [20, 54],
+      [26, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17385, 2784],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-74, -1],
+      [-19, -65],
+      [-40, -39],
+      [9, -44],
+      [-68, -32],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [13, -53],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-76, 0],
+      [-40, -45],
+      [-115, -34],
+      [-85, 42],
+      [-59, -63],
+      [-50, -33],
+      [-64, 72],
+      [-115, -32],
+      [10, -47],
+      [-33, -40],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-15, 102],
+      [-53, -28],
+      [-14, -88],
+      [27, -35],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [-22, 68],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-108, -49],
+      [-77, 29],
+      [-37, 91],
+      [-78, -1],
+      [33, -49],
+      [-39, -110],
+      [21, -51],
+      [-19, -58],
+      [-13, -23],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [9, -64],
+      [-73, -9],
+      [-84, 54],
+      [-2, -83],
+      [-41, -42],
+      [-29, 48],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-63, -83],
+      [-65, 30],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [-82, -54],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-9, -49],
+      [-56, -39],
+      [-57, -19],
+      [-86, -4],
+      [-93, -24],
+      [-57, -33],
+      [-48, 4],
+      [-55, -87],
+      [-86, -18],
+      [-35, -45],
+      [80, -60],
+      [-72, 4],
+      [-72, -38],
+      [14, -39],
+      [73, -14],
+      [8, -84],
+      [24, 9],
+      [26, -99],
+      [-36, -77],
+      [-63, -40],
+      [-62, -7],
+      [-28, 27],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-18, 91],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-25, 126],
+      [-33, 58],
+      [15, 99],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [38, 48],
+      [1, 58],
+      [50, 26],
+      [-58, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14418, 1727],
+      [-67, 9],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-104, -27],
+      [-46, 26],
+      [50, 39],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-25, 39],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-23, -50],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-21, -36],
+      [-67, 9],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [-39, 9],
+      [-42, -24],
+      [-117, -7],
+      [-32, 74],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-10, 62],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-42, 26],
+      [-14, 82],
+      [13, 23],
+      [-21, 58],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [21, 81],
+      [49, -7],
+      [16, 116],
+      [-70, 60],
+      [-101, -39],
+      [-59, 69],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [-32, -22],
+      [-47, 22],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-56, 2],
+      [-15, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12737, 2566],
+      [19, 62],
+      [39, 30],
+      [51, 68],
+      [31, 12],
+      [68, -19],
+      [51, 179],
+      [-75, 151],
+      [-37, -7],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-31, 23],
+      [-47, -8],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-15, -53],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-26, -23],
+      [-24, 131],
+      [-61, 59],
+      [-25, -15],
+      [-85, 23],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-43, 108],
+      [12, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12335, 3359],
+      [73, -57],
+      [51, 30],
+      [13, 33],
+      [63, 27],
+      [3, 43],
+      [67, 60],
+      [25, -33],
+      [61, 1],
+      [33, -65],
+      [36, 0],
+      [71, -48],
+      [65, 5],
+      [23, -40],
+      [71, 63],
+      [10, 37],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [62, 16],
+      [111, 56],
+      [25, 39],
+      [101, 16],
+      [45, 42],
+      [-19, 72],
+      [40, 74],
+      [45, 10],
+      [62, -41],
+      [-3, -44],
+      [38, -10],
+      [5, -54],
+      [30, -37],
+      [41, 27],
+      [81, -71],
+      [128, 53],
+      [4, 79],
+      [38, 19],
+      [29, 53],
+      [66, -38],
+      [58, -62],
+      [-8, 71],
+      [26, 58],
+      [108, -15],
+      [37, -20],
+      [3, 73],
+      [26, 76],
+      [53, -43],
+      [30, 24],
+      [68, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14309, 4028],
+      [91, -13],
+      [-20, -64],
+      [66, 16],
+      [-17, 44],
+      [35, 19],
+      [36, 81],
+      [52, -27],
+      [4, -61],
+      [93, -15],
+      [17, 53],
+      [77, 86],
+      [17, 37],
+      [59, -43],
+      [70, 20],
+      [22, 22],
+      [69, -14],
+      [39, -49],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [6, -61],
+      [85, -9],
+      [-7, -56],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [8, -62],
+      [-19, -89],
+      [-77, -80],
+      [-37, -59],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [20, -59],
+      [40, 11],
+      [0, 43],
+      [71, 61],
+      [64, -23],
+      [12, -39],
+      [-7, -85],
+      [12, -31],
+      [-20, -61],
+      [55, -21],
+      [49, 72],
+      [32, 4],
+      [100, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14226, 5300],
+      [-1, -95],
+      [44, -27],
+      [-31, -98],
+      [27, -27],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [27, -111],
+      [25, 1],
+      [10, -85],
+      [-85, -81],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-38, -77],
+      [-63, -40],
+      [5, -28],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [18, -31],
+      [95, 64],
+      [21, -25],
+      [38, 30],
+      [51, 16],
+      [48, -46],
+      [17, -65],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-57, -67],
+      [10, -119],
+      [-42, -75],
+      [25, -25],
+      [37, 12],
+      [28, -76],
+      [-7, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12335, 3359],
+      [6, 48],
+      [65, 88],
+      [-18, 38],
+      [35, 75],
+      [-40, 42],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [-40, 28],
+      [7, 58],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [39, 75],
+      [24, 111],
+      [23, 48],
+      [6, 72],
+      [56, 64],
+      [-50, 110],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-26, 66],
+      [-45, -48],
+      [-71, 15],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [-78, 10],
+      [-27, 50],
+      [9, 52],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [24, 24],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [-48, 81],
+      [28, 11],
+      [50, 65],
+      [39, 90],
+      [101, -87],
+      [30, 21],
+      [34, 76],
+      [59, -25],
+      [50, -52],
+      [48, 17],
+      [52, -26],
+      [83, 65],
+      [64, 6],
+      [5, 66],
+      [22, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12642, 4891],
+      [73, 35],
+      [55, -57],
+      [57, 28],
+      [169, 19],
+      [58, 37],
+      [-6, 75],
+      [-24, 54],
+      [-45, 45],
+      [-68, -26],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [3, 58],
+      [-42, 48],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-1, 106],
+      [41, 46],
+      [53, -12],
+      [38, 83],
+      [55, -60],
+      [73, -49],
+      [35, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14792, 1005],
+      [40, -79],
+      [60, -4],
+      [22, -92],
+      [-5, -93],
+      [-88, -111],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [-34, -115],
+      [-8, -58],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [7, -91],
+      [-41, -56],
+      [-69, -14],
+      [-62, -66],
+      [-20, -74],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-59, -14],
+      [-14, -80],
+      [-77, -11],
+      [-25, 34],
+      [-58, 15],
+      [-68, -7],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [4, 117],
+      [-29, 56],
+      [14, 48],
+      [-18, 84],
+      [26, 43],
+      [-18, 56],
+      [20, 42],
+      [38, 12],
+      [91, 97],
+      [69, 36],
+      [-8, 68],
+      [39, 40],
+      [103, 21],
+      [24, 38],
+      [55, 17],
+      [18, -24],
+      [73, 15],
+      [19, -31],
+      [55, 35],
+      [103, 40],
+      [50, -32],
+      [71, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17388, 11263],
+      [-25, -83],
+      [36, -34],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-4, -88],
+      [-71, 8],
+      [-32, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18201, 11896],
+      [-20, -62],
+      [-118, -125],
+      [-20, -75],
+      [61, -58],
+      [59, -30],
+      [63, -54],
+      [96, 11],
+      [25, -49],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [26, -81],
+      [37, -13],
+      [27, -110]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18430, 11209],
+      [-89, -33],
+      [-95, -99],
+      [-35, -115],
+      [19, -40],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-77, -27],
+      [-71, 12],
+      [-118, -73],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [-53, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17714, 10817],
+      [-1, 74],
+      [-56, 45],
+      [24, 68],
+      [-94, 0],
+      [-46, 76],
+      [-26, 81],
+      [13, 52],
+      [103, -1],
+      [-24, 46],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-33, 59],
+      [-71, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17230, 11019],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [34, -57],
+      [-7, -94],
+      [15, -52],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-21, -55],
+      [19, -93],
+      [66, -25],
+      [41, 6],
+      [33, -60],
+      [41, 21],
+      [26, -30],
+      [117, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17535, 10528],
+      [52, -141],
+      [65, -59],
+      [6, -3],
+      [0, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17658, 10322],
+      [-68, -92],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-50, -104],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-204, 0],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-75, -105],
+      [-70, -81],
+      [-82, 1],
+      [-26, -48],
+      [-70, -22],
+      [-48, -135],
+      [-72, -131],
+      [-75, -26],
+      [-64, -80],
+      [-23, -61],
+      [34, -79],
+      [40, -43],
+      [4, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16701, 9247],
+      [-46, -38],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-54, 18],
+      [-46, -72],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [-124, -5],
+      [-103, 62],
+      [-109, 17],
+      [-57, 37],
+      [-72, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16003, 9346],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [-40, 44],
+      [5, 54],
+      [62, 24],
+      [8, 36],
+      [47, 20],
+      [-14, 93],
+      [58, 121],
+      [23, 20],
+      [63, 124],
+      [4, 55],
+      [-63, 70],
+      [-35, 114],
+      [-69, 81],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-18, 75],
+      [23, 43],
+      [-8, 47],
+      [20, 45],
+      [65, 33],
+      [32, 62],
+      [-35, 67],
+      [52, 55],
+      [61, 35],
+      [23, -43],
+      [102, 27],
+      [23, 105],
+      [52, 124],
+      [-58, 53],
+      [-6, 112],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-101, 37],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [28, 55],
+      [-12, 33],
+      [162, 53],
+      [24, 40],
+      [-86, 13],
+      [-18, 60],
+      [5, 53],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-25, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16164, 11599],
+      [-64, 126],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [21, 53],
+      [6, 110],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [60, 41],
+      [54, 4],
+      [33, 58],
+      [-11, 83],
+      [50, 63],
+      [65, 26],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [33, 42],
+      [86, -11],
+      [50, -61],
+      [18, -88],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [0, -67],
+      [130, -29],
+      [57, 17],
+      [-15, 45],
+      [41, 14],
+      [152, 95],
+      [42, 17],
+      [34, -66],
+      [78, 24],
+      [52, 73],
+      [83, -35],
+      [72, 3],
+      [66, 38],
+      [9, 192],
+      [47, 34],
+      [155, 10],
+      [26, 56],
+      [83, -2],
+      [39, 19],
+      [97, -120],
+      [33, -110],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [84, -65],
+      [11, -60],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-50, 21],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [87, -206],
+      [168, 6],
+      [48, -27],
+      [124, -10],
+      [15, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23006, 13011],
+      [-45, -20],
+      [-67, 30],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-56, 60],
+      [-88, 39],
+      [-74, 165],
+      [-131, -35],
+      [-2, 59],
+      [-55, 8],
+      [-81, -74],
+      [-77, 1],
+      [-27, -28],
+      [-66, -4],
+      [-11, -119],
+      [-80, -29],
+      [-61, 21],
+      [-46, 122],
+      [-32, 45],
+      [-55, 121],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [1, 111],
+      [-42, 70],
+      [-60, -41],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [19, -71],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [-74, -24],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-46, 47],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [-56, 66],
+      [-10, 106],
+      [-94, 13],
+      [-75, -22],
+      [4, 59],
+      [-21, 36],
+      [6, 53],
+      [33, 37],
+      [-47, 63],
+      [-143, 83],
+      [-83, -9],
+      [-63, -41],
+      [-89, 8],
+      [-45, 20],
+      [-82, 74],
+      [-7, 89],
+      [-110, -39],
+      [-134, -22],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-67, -26],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-84, -27],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-20, 55],
+      [-51, 43],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-71, 162],
+      [32, 36],
+      [-58, 148],
+      [-65, -25],
+      [-87, 0],
+      [-56, -17],
+      [-77, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19772, 14437],
+      [-63, 88],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [103, 20],
+      [35, 32],
+      [95, 6],
+      [14, 60],
+      [-108, 30],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-19, -52],
+      [-52, -9],
+      [-55, 47],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [-95, 36],
+      [-86, 114],
+      [43, 32],
+      [21, 59],
+      [108, 71],
+      [152, 82],
+      [36, 69],
+      [113, 46],
+      [72, 84],
+      [127, 116],
+      [78, 51],
+      [15, -85],
+      [79, -124],
+      [27, 69],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [1, 74],
+      [39, 66],
+      [13, 75],
+      [95, 183],
+      [107, -18],
+      [46, 111],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-9, 130],
+      [32, 200],
+      [67, 44],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [78, 95],
+      [74, 50],
+      [-12, 97],
+      [110, 115],
+      [-36, 71],
+      [-51, 58],
+      [-38, 8],
+      [-24, 54],
+      [-139, 151],
+      [-86, 5],
+      [-35, -54],
+      [-45, -15],
+      [-28, -62],
+      [-68, -24],
+      [-81, 24],
+      [-34, -56],
+      [-66, 38],
+      [-140, -13],
+      [-71, 41],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-141, -35],
+      [-126, 43],
+      [-48, 74],
+      [1, 66],
+      [-43, 71],
+      [-9, 121],
+      [-38, 81],
+      [56, 21],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-97, 75],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [-70, 1],
+      [-75, -92],
+      [-93, 10],
+      [-29, 65],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-130, 76],
+      [68, 41],
+      [100, 88],
+      [38, 74],
+      [40, 35],
+      [-65, 60],
+      [10, 29],
+      [-73, 49],
+      [81, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19182, 18114],
+      [153, 17],
+      [102, 39],
+      [45, -28],
+      [156, 5],
+      [169, 56],
+      [105, -4],
+      [129, -33],
+      [108, -75],
+      [52, 11],
+      [52, -61],
+      [62, -26],
+      [53, 2],
+      [68, -34],
+      [59, 30],
+      [82, 0],
+      [117, -52],
+      [39, -5],
+      [63, -50],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [74, -29],
+      [197, -239],
+      [-16, -89],
+      [99, -48],
+      [-33, -100],
+      [37, -41],
+      [108, -170],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [78, -68],
+      [-33, -62],
+      [10, -67],
+      [76, -64],
+      [99, -180],
+      [-29, -55],
+      [29, -38],
+      [3, -57],
+      [81, -26],
+      [9, -36],
+      [-37, -57],
+      [6, -117],
+      [53, -29],
+      [14, -54],
+      [47, -42],
+      [64, 10],
+      [41, -35],
+      [78, -22],
+      [53, 46],
+      [57, 6],
+      [69, -19],
+      [26, -48],
+      [88, -11],
+      [49, -52],
+      [35, 26],
+      [45, -23],
+      [26, 40],
+      [55, -10],
+      [10, -58],
+      [49, -5],
+      [70, -63],
+      [25, -59],
+      [140, -99],
+      [74, 20],
+      [77, -44],
+      [-44, -91],
+      [30, -63],
+      [48, -5],
+      [18, -78],
+      [24, -28],
+      [-70, -98],
+      [13, -36],
+      [72, -55],
+      [35, -59],
+      [1, -51],
+      [56, -20],
+      [63, 27],
+      [99, -3],
+      [31, -34],
+      [41, 23],
+      [49, -19],
+      [176, 19],
+      [52, 25],
+      [52, -22],
+      [74, 125],
+      [38, -14],
+      [36, 37],
+      [52, 10],
+      [61, 45],
+      [78, -1],
+      [45, -19],
+      [133, 68],
+      [102, 70],
+      [132, 26],
+      [75, -11],
+      [38, -103],
+      [-48, -72],
+      [15, -60],
+      [73, -79],
+      [-41, -88],
+      [-70, -72],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [29, -40],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [-46, -137],
+      [-2, -86],
+      [-41, -38],
+      [-24, -62],
+      [23, -98],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [14, -57],
+      [-31, -56],
+      [-77, -56],
+      [5, -90],
+      [-53, -55],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [16, -83],
+      [-65, -55],
+      [-48, 18],
+      [-62, -188],
+      [-54, -69],
+      [-98, 31],
+      [-81, 64],
+      [28, 111],
+      [-49, 144],
+      [-93, 38],
+      [-56, -101],
+      [-86, -79],
+      [-50, 11],
+      [-30, -30],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-70, -61],
+      [56, -65],
+      [76, -315],
+      [-36, -132],
+      [10, -116],
+      [19, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16701, 9247],
+      [-13, -80],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [-8, -86],
+      [188, 106],
+      [85, 28],
+      [9, -48],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [-42, -62],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-35, -43],
+      [-24, -72],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-60, -37],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-62, -57],
+      [15, -89],
+      [93, 3],
+      [32, -44],
+      [93, -67],
+      [5, -62],
+      [37, -50],
+      [56, -9],
+      [169, 24],
+      [36, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16658, 6794],
+      [-65, 18],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-32, -50],
+      [-89, -25],
+      [-115, 80],
+      [16, 72],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-48, 49],
+      [-73, -50],
+      [-13, 54],
+      [-42, -6],
+      [-43, 206],
+      [10, 64],
+      [-39, 24],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [-62, -34],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-53, 65],
+      [-30, -22],
+      [-114, 8],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [-89, 28],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-114, 16],
+      [-82, 69],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-67, 52],
+      [-58, -6],
+      [-50, 64],
+      [-29, 57],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-7, 80],
+      [-102, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14907, 7749],
+      [17, 60],
+      [-9, 107],
+      [-68, 47],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [-73, 45],
+      [33, 34],
+      [-35, 76],
+      [22, 32],
+      [-87, 60],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-56, 96],
+      [10, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14669, 8442],
+      [120, -6],
+      [28, 32],
+      [58, 3],
+      [101, 76],
+      [28, -9],
+      [139, 30],
+      [47, 73],
+      [55, 42],
+      [90, -12],
+      [9, 92],
+      [144, 1],
+      [134, -11],
+      [58, 20],
+      [44, 59],
+      [33, -15],
+      [38, 56],
+      [115, 45],
+      [26, 61],
+      [5, 87],
+      [33, 10],
+      [3, 146],
+      [26, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16963, 5980],
+      [-35, -38],
+      [-66, -8],
+      [-75, 60],
+      [-73, -5],
+      [-41, -79],
+      [-101, -14],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-57, 30],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [-57, -36],
+      [-90, 20],
+      [-18, -66],
+      [-69, -12],
+      [-52, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16089, 5580],
+      [-49, 30],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-51, 93],
+      [23, 65],
+      [35, 36],
+      [-29, 33],
+      [24, 33],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [5, 70],
+      [-47, -28],
+      [-91, -117],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-38, -18],
+      [-15, 161],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [-49, -74],
+      [-94, 20],
+      [-32, -50],
+      [-116, 102],
+      [-115, 90],
+      [-96, -9],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-62, 65],
+      [-122, 11],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-118, -33],
+      [-9, -76],
+      [43, -41],
+      [10, -37],
+      [-103, -64],
+      [-107, 78],
+      [-97, -7],
+      [-83, -92],
+      [-55, 12],
+      [-60, -100],
+      [-15, -81],
+      [-29, -20],
+      [-12, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14348, 6963],
+      [20, 119],
+      [-4, 75],
+      [-50, 99],
+      [2, 41],
+      [52, 114],
+      [112, -4],
+      [46, -23],
+      [71, 41],
+      [-25, 90],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [-105, 19],
+      [12, 82],
+      [-42, 25],
+      [-45, -3],
+      [-55, 22],
+      [30, 44],
+      [132, 5],
+      [74, -29],
+      [54, 9],
+      [21, -24],
+      [97, 10],
+      [140, -18],
+      [68, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16089, 5580],
+      [5, -40],
+      [42, -60],
+      [35, -17],
+      [-11, -114],
+      [36, -66],
+      [17, -71],
+      [-68, -77],
+      [-18, -49],
+      [-46, -45],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-29, -49],
+      [12, -42],
+      [-62, -89],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [13, -93],
+      [33, -7],
+      [69, 28],
+      [-10, -84],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [15, -46],
+      [42, -46],
+      [-33, -82],
+      [27, -93],
+      [86, -15],
+      [-14, -92],
+      [-47, -88],
+      [30, -27],
+      [51, 11],
+      [11, -43],
+      [-62, -27],
+      [-6, -77],
+      [-46, -102],
+      [31, -90],
+      [-11, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18222, 8692],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [-21, -103],
+      [47, -57],
+      [62, -2],
+      [2, -35],
+      [132, -106],
+      [64, -12],
+      [128, -71],
+      [26, -96],
+      [61, -156],
+      [19, -21],
+      [54, -138],
+      [-15, -54],
+      [32, -20],
+      [47, -112],
+      [1, -55],
+      [28, -19],
+      [7, -65],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [19, -77],
+      [32, -33],
+      [132, -63],
+      [31, -26],
+      [-4, -99],
+      [20, -33],
+      [90, -31],
+      [76, -76],
+      [32, -96],
+      [-23, -23],
+      [-97, 27],
+      [-120, 73],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-68, -50],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [38, -30],
+      [58, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19036, 6846],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-34, -87],
+      [-26, -23],
+      [-7, -63],
+      [-64, -1],
+      [6, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18864, 6592],
+      [-77, -20],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-50, -21],
+      [-30, -47],
+      [-29, 69],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [-84, -8],
+      [-63, 46],
+      [-33, 77],
+      [-50, 3],
+      [-61, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17058, 8460],
+      [16, 113],
+      [21, 20],
+      [127, 23],
+      [73, -34],
+      [64, -122],
+      [18, -81],
+      [29, -13],
+      [45, 70],
+      [51, -58],
+      [30, -7],
+      [49, 40],
+      [46, -12],
+      [8, 68],
+      [60, 11],
+      [52, -14],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [34, -96],
+      [95, 23],
+      [24, 123],
+      [101, 43],
+      [82, 155],
+      [78, 0],
+      [68, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17785, 5759],
+      [6, -23],
+      [-68, -72],
+      [4, -60],
+      [21, -52],
+      [33, -6],
+      [72, -87],
+      [29, -71],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [23, -51],
+      [-17, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23006, 13011],
+      [12, -44],
+      [-46, -99],
+      [6, -29],
+      [-43, -64],
+      [12, -46],
+      [-39, -35],
+      [-96, 1],
+      [-98, -29],
+      [-5, -57],
+      [37, -39],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [-78, 6],
+      [-67, 73],
+      [7, 90],
+      [-59, 9],
+      [-19, 34],
+      [-69, 17],
+      [-54, -150],
+      [-8, -127],
+      [-86, -40],
+      [-32, 28],
+      [-84, -35],
+      [-38, -118],
+      [-74, -35],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [-80, 13],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-113, 19],
+      [-90, -36],
+      [9, -78],
+      [23, -46],
+      [61, -47],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-44, -89],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-153, -2],
+      [-83, 15],
+      [-99, 43],
+      [-46, 105],
+      [-40, 24],
+      [-75, -32],
+      [-58, -43],
+      [-66, -149],
+      [-55, -67],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-61, -99],
+      [-38, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20866, 11680],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-32, -19],
+      [-14, 58],
+      [46, 93],
+      [-61, 90],
+      [-78, 137],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-52, 7],
+      [-13, 80],
+      [13, 69],
+      [65, 85],
+      [-58, 5],
+      [-28, 60],
+      [-43, 43],
+      [4, 42],
+      [-37, 35],
+      [-35, 141],
+      [-57, 47],
+      [8, 59],
+      [-32, 69],
+      [-106, -126],
+      [-60, 20],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [32, 42],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [-105, 36],
+      [-102, 97],
+      [-25, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19982, 12956],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [-64, 14],
+      [2, 32],
+      [72, 18],
+      [10, 37],
+      [-22, 99],
+      [-52, 85],
+      [15, 70],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-68, 117],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [-68, -55],
+      [-169, -89],
+      [-68, 22],
+      [10, 105],
+      [-77, 86],
+      [-5, 140],
+      [15, 128],
+      [46, 33],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [9, 67],
+      [-59, 30],
+      [-27, 112],
+      [-67, -11],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [55, 83],
+      [7, 73],
+      [98, -50],
+      [70, -62],
+      [49, 55],
+      [48, -29],
+      [27, -47],
+      [65, -25],
+      [30, 30],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-17, 94],
+      [103, 16],
+      [53, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18201, 11896],
+      [65, 82],
+      [-37, 99],
+      [-8, 62],
+      [12, 93],
+      [24, 64],
+      [-58, 58],
+      [20, 34],
+      [103, 45],
+      [26, -52],
+      [96, -21],
+      [-1, -61],
+      [112, -167],
+      [84, 107],
+      [57, 23],
+      [-5, 41],
+      [111, 61],
+      [72, 26],
+      [42, -13],
+      [96, 66],
+      [54, 55],
+      [74, 17],
+      [28, -41],
+      [80, 54],
+      [30, 74],
+      [109, 20],
+      [50, -26],
+      [88, 78],
+      [27, -26],
+      [177, 0],
+      [44, 42],
+      [31, 71],
+      [73, 23],
+      [49, -16],
+      [27, 37],
+      [29, 151]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20866, 11680],
+      [-55, -3],
+      [-86, -63],
+      [-42, -50],
+      [-105, -31],
+      [-121, -71],
+      [-200, -179],
+      [-18, -73],
+      [-55, -62],
+      [-79, -31],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-99, -65],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-145, -78],
+      [-38, -32],
+      [-56, 2],
+      [-73, -65],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [-59, -45],
+      [-55, -81],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-106, -114],
+      [-51, 4],
+      [-59, -53],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-16, 104],
+      [44, 2],
+      [45, 36],
+      [136, 39],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [59, 55],
+      [-16, 67],
+      [-50, -4],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [-38, 66],
+      [-48, 45],
+      [80, 19],
+      [-26, 58],
+      [6, 33],
+      [92, 62],
+      [27, -8],
+      [134, 169],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [84, 93],
+      [-59, 65],
+      [2, 41],
+      [-115, 69],
+      [-55, 16],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-129, 19],
+      [-96, -77],
+      [2, -42],
+      [-43, -7],
+      [-62, -72],
+      [-70, -110],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-65, -39],
+      [-85, -29],
+      [-53, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16164, 11599],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-1, -91],
+      [-84, -35],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [-92, -79],
+      [-95, -16],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [-143, -42],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-109, 68],
+      [-58, -25],
+      [-133, -234],
+      [-17, -91],
+      [-66, -15],
+      [-110, 35],
+      [-62, -123],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-30, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14970, 10894],
+      [-30, 21],
+      [28, 59],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [-66, -39],
+      [-98, -124],
+      [-34, 65],
+      [-59, -32],
+      [-61, 69],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [38, -79],
+      [-80, -36],
+      [-64, -64],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-16, -69],
+      [-101, -66],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [-96, -80],
+      [-71, -112],
+      [-11, -88],
+      [45, -44],
+      [-44, -82],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-38, -22],
+      [0, -137],
+      [-210, -9],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-53, 27],
+      [-20, 64],
+      [-123, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13580, 10125],
+      [-90, 35],
+      [-40, 78],
+      [-63, 33],
+      [-68, -18],
+      [-85, 25],
+      [-97, 53],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [44, 39],
+      [29, 72],
+      [-5, 48],
+      [52, 79],
+      [63, 68],
+      [0, 48],
+      [-49, 22],
+      [-21, 72],
+      [0, 65],
+      [-79, 2],
+      [-36, -32],
+      [-90, -20],
+      [6, -49],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [-29, -92],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [-49, -151],
+      [-10, -99],
+      [11, -90],
+      [-31, -33],
+      [2, -53],
+      [24, -39],
+      [-32, -107],
+      [-47, -11],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [-114, 1],
+      [-81, -35],
+      [-49, -46],
+      [-121, -20],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-67, -11],
+      [-53, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9404, 12647],
+      [333, -45],
+      [91, -24],
+      [307, -17],
+      [191, -18],
+      [199, 40],
+      [115, -8],
+      [17, 27],
+      [234, -20],
+      [361, -88],
+      [98, -132],
+      [141, -40],
+      [129, -3],
+      [95, -56],
+      [138, -61],
+      [215, -51],
+      [49, 0],
+      [223, 39],
+      [-4, -114],
+      [164, -9],
+      [36, -40],
+      [92, 88],
+      [16, -2],
+      [198, 115],
+      [83, 31],
+      [269, 124],
+      [232, 50],
+      [12, 27],
+      [63, 28],
+      [40, -18],
+      [143, -8],
+      [130, 26],
+      [22, -12],
+      [93, 8],
+      [102, -23],
+      [74, 24],
+      [108, -14],
+      [124, 22],
+      [114, 79],
+      [123, 6],
+      [109, 68],
+      [15, 46],
+      [67, 37],
+      [33, 65],
+      [44, 38],
+      [93, 110],
+      [156, 67],
+      [54, 8],
+      [72, 103],
+      [86, 25],
+      [18, 27],
+      [-65, 104],
+      [-72, 21],
+      [-111, 148],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [51, 101],
+      [18, 69],
+      [72, 123],
+      [37, 45],
+      [57, 21],
+      [175, -15],
+      [56, -49],
+      [81, -49],
+      [56, -3],
+      [88, -33],
+      [136, -5],
+      [65, -24],
+      [67, 53],
+      [86, 44],
+      [148, 120],
+      [68, 120],
+      [81, 28],
+      [99, -45],
+      [136, 9],
+      [152, 28],
+      [18, 34],
+      [119, 89],
+      [53, 5],
+      [30, 39],
+      [-4, 97],
+      [137, 179],
+      [133, 28],
+      [172, 1],
+      [25, 114],
+      [73, 2],
+      [34, -37],
+      [136, 63],
+      [91, 81],
+      [117, -9],
+      [43, 18],
+      [52, -12],
+      [54, 20],
+      [110, -44],
+      [76, -52],
+      [0, -92],
+      [43, 3],
+      [38, 49],
+      [67, 34],
+      [59, 62],
+      [-47, 93],
+      [19, 92],
+      [-60, 47],
+      [50, 36],
+      [-44, 30],
+      [-86, 7],
+      [-71, 52],
+      [5, 49],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-25, 95],
+      [-139, 53],
+      [-119, 100],
+      [-90, 0],
+      [-74, 20],
+      [-123, -26],
+      [-81, -103],
+      [-72, -78],
+      [-107, 89],
+      [-112, 45],
+      [-74, -4],
+      [-76, -24],
+      [-78, 17],
+      [-47, -21],
+      [-75, -81],
+      [-158, 139],
+      [-15, 121],
+      [118, 40],
+      [4, 139],
+      [115, 135],
+      [-23, 43],
+      [259, 496],
+      [93, -59],
+      [136, -48],
+      [81, -2],
+      [145, -63],
+      [127, 80],
+      [155, 131],
+      [49, 17],
+      [161, 18],
+      [49, 15],
+      [66, 83],
+      [-7, 89],
+      [-65, -1],
+      [36, 132],
+      [62, 47],
+      [61, 146],
+      [67, 64],
+      [3, 57],
+      [44, 44],
+      [48, 80],
+      [40, 112],
+      [35, 6],
+      [119, 104],
+      [71, 26],
+      [44, 92],
+      [-2, 68],
+      [-55, 36],
+      [40, 111],
+      [-106, 57],
+      [-156, -29],
+      [-15, 90],
+      [102, 55],
+      [99, 106],
+      [139, 111],
+      [136, -3],
+      [189, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13580, 10125],
+      [-11, -47],
+      [-52, -9],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [-68, -58],
+      [-24, -137],
+      [32, -82],
+      [-24, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11235, 7898],
+      [0, -47],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-13, -46],
+      [34, -26],
+      [-43, -85],
+      [-57, 59],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-97, -34],
+      [-19, -69],
+      [1, -60],
+      [47, -48],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-57, -40],
+      [-85, 30],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-13, -68],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [36, 59],
+      [-54, 89],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [-5, 115],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [-81, 6],
+      [7, -46],
+      [-18, -60],
+      [-152, 85],
+      [-36, -12],
+      [-30, 74],
+      [-137, 65],
+      [-33, 64],
+      [6, 42],
+      [-23, 75],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [6, 51],
+      [-55, 75],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [1, 34],
+      [-93, 18],
+      [-83, -48],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-51, -29],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [24, -77],
+      [33, -52],
+      [17, -60],
+      [85, -25],
+      [-60, -43],
+      [-4, -31],
+      [-48, -56],
+      [21, -59],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [-61, -22],
+      [8, -84],
+      [42, -69],
+      [96, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9621, 7373],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-100, 21],
+      [4, -114],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [16, -53],
+      [-135, -32],
+      [-60, -1],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [29, -46],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [31, -53],
+      [-41, -26],
+      [-22, 27],
+      [-44, -7],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [-48, 75],
+      [-27, -5],
+      [-46, -59],
+      [46, -63],
+      [-76, 14],
+      [-80, -3],
+      [-88, 35],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-59, 110],
+      [30, 52],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [-57, 51],
+      [-84, -5],
+      [-49, 48],
+      [-24, 62],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-77, 96],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-61, -1],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [-65, -3],
+      [-27, -42],
+      [-69, 27],
+      [-42, -6],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-62, 9],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [-52, 24],
+      [-56, 70],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-17, 55],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-66, 33],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-117, 21],
+      [-63, -7],
+      [2, 56],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-69, 64],
+      [-93, 56],
+      [-73, 95],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [-72, -9],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [-87, -12],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-59, 11],
+      [-88, 66],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [-56, 57],
+      [-33, 93],
+      [-78, 43],
+      [8, 29],
+      [-30, 54],
+      [-77, 64],
+      [-33, 54],
+      [1, 37],
+      [61, 38],
+      [1, 192],
+      [-34, 100],
+      [51, 38],
+      [-17, 51],
+      [-89, -7],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [7, 83],
+      [-49, 60],
+      [15, 66],
+      [77, 28],
+      [18, 26],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [30, 146],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-102, 38],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [47, 0],
+      [82, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6430, 9204],
+      [56, -2],
+      [47, 38],
+      [16, 64],
+      [81, -59],
+      [94, -16],
+      [83, -1],
+      [67, -57],
+      [48, 42],
+      [54, -4],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [-28, 62],
+      [2, 104],
+      [-119, 28],
+      [-6, 104],
+      [53, 64],
+      [51, -1],
+      [63, 50],
+      [68, 3],
+      [-10, 69],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-37, 126],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-61, 84],
+      [-105, 45],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [27, 64],
+      [-60, 91],
+      [-37, 89],
+      [-38, 48],
+      [109, 48],
+      [86, 93],
+      [48, -7],
+      [145, 26],
+      [72, 21],
+      [56, 32],
+      [142, 27],
+      [99, 45],
+      [138, 26],
+      [46, 53],
+      [140, 16],
+      [39, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14970, 10894],
+      [29, -70],
+      [-45, -104],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [16, -51],
+      [-54, -130],
+      [11, -31],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-31, -3],
+      [-42, -64],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [-25, -51],
+      [-3, -88],
+      [67, -117],
+      [48, -125],
+      [-16, -44],
+      [-42, -15],
+      [21, -43],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [-94, -132],
+      [7, -174],
+      [30, -39],
+      [-22, -214],
+      [27, -143],
+      [15, -10],
+      [20, -135],
+      [-34, -103],
+      [-45, -66],
+      [-35, -137],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [7, -179],
+      [37, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13924, 7210],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [-96, 4],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-71, 95],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-59, 80],
+      [-45, -70],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [9, 37],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [-107, -4],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-63, -22],
+      [-42, 28],
+      [-61, 12],
+      [-87, 78],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [-78, -56],
+      [-49, 108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17658, 10322],
+      [96, -58],
+      [144, -16],
+      [149, 17],
+      [39, -23],
+      [22, -74],
+      [36, -23],
+      [3, -40],
+      [35, -20],
+      [42, -56],
+      [-101, -1],
+      [-43, -81],
+      [15, -130],
+      [111, -72],
+      [24, -41],
+      [50, 31],
+      [127, 3],
+      [55, 60],
+      [-17, 71],
+      [96, 35],
+      [92, 86],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [57, 31],
+      [44, 3],
+      [72, 40],
+      [80, -12],
+      [35, -52],
+      [42, 1],
+      [1, -57],
+      [93, -20],
+      [33, -42],
+      [54, -26],
+      [137, 23],
+      [51, 31],
+      [37, -50],
+      [34, 14],
+      [33, -27],
+      [61, 5],
+      [37, -30],
+      [-7, -46],
+      [27, -34],
+      [-66, -31],
+      [19, -111],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-51, 11],
+      [-100, -45],
+      [-54, -37],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-114, -46],
+      [-84, -75],
+      [-28, -46],
+      [-64, 6],
+      [-25, -42],
+      [-6, -72],
+      [15, -57],
+      [-167, -36],
+      [33, 61],
+      [-61, 21],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [45, -60],
+      [-14, -38],
+      [-50, -34],
+      [-18, -83],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [-69, -1],
+      [-42, -25],
+      [-31, -105],
+      [-61, -60],
+      [-13, -86],
+      [-35, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19012, 6426],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [-49, 35],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [5, 89],
+      [-40, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19036, 6846],
+      [76, -60],
+      [60, -32],
+      [78, -110],
+      [24, -73],
+      [-13, -64],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [-115, -19],
+      [-104, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19024, 7033],
+      [148, -113],
+      [90, -29],
+      [29, -52],
+      [-53, -28],
+      [-176, 92],
+      [-92, 88],
+      [54, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12642, 4891],
+      [-50, 185],
+      [-47, 16],
+      [-35, -21],
+      [-37, -76],
+      [-60, -6],
+      [-66, -24],
+      [-100, 94],
+      [30, 14],
+      [28, 57],
+      [-8, 53],
+      [-73, 62],
+      [3, 128],
+      [-152, -10],
+      [-38, -56],
+      [32, -108],
+      [-67, -53],
+      [-53, 12],
+      [-54, -89],
+      [26, -18],
+      [4, -93],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-66, -62],
+      [-55, -107],
+      [-60, -27],
+      [-42, -36],
+      [10, -79],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [11, -60],
+      [34, -60],
+      [15, -107],
+      [-11, -117],
+      [-84, -30],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [9, 48],
+      [-88, -21],
+      [-60, -43],
+      [-48, -65],
+      [-125, -3],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [6, 78],
+      [-97, 88],
+      [34, 62],
+      [-43, 44],
+      [-3, 63],
+      [-90, 75],
+      [10, 86],
+      [-47, 11],
+      [-87, 238],
+      [-47, 63],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [-51, -58],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [-49, -78],
+      [-55, 121],
+      [-43, 44],
+      [-21, 68],
+      [54, 22],
+      [6, 51],
+      [-47, 31],
+      [-41, 101],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [1, 30],
+      [-39, 34],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [-41, -14],
+      [-33, -64],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [13, -56],
+      [-45, -32],
+      [-54, 98],
+      [8, 42],
+      [-33, 185],
+      [8, 25],
+      [-7, 178]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10173, 5685],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-9, 136],
+      [-23, 58],
+      [10, 88],
+      [21, 45],
+      [-12, 78],
+      [-22, 36],
+      [-19, 227],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [23, 18],
+      [-75, 90],
+      [12, 48],
+      [-81, 122],
+      [35, 52],
+      [36, -43],
+      [41, 59],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [-53, 43],
+      [-57, 68],
+      [-67, 134],
+      [13, 54],
+      [-52, 60],
+      [-35, 111],
+      [-97, 67],
+      [-96, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17714, 10817],
+      [-71, -21],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [-10, -65],
+      [-56, -102],
+      [-7, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6430, 9204],
+      [-97, 34],
+      [-101, 74],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [-92, 59],
+      [-65, -30],
+      [-58, 45],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-92, -7],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-64, 5],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-71, 5],
+      [-71, -22],
+      [-70, 38],
+      [-91, -62],
+      [-61, 6],
+      [-100, -8],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-112, -15],
+      [-78, -40],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [-50, -96],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-103, -17],
+      [-34, -49],
+      [-138, 64],
+      [-93, -17],
+      [-78, -55],
+      [-156, -50],
+      [2, -33],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [-95, -26],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [-71, -21],
+      [-138, -12],
+      [-119, 40],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [-51, 44],
+      [-13, 94],
+      [-71, 10],
+      [-23, -25],
+      [-41, 28],
+      [-88, 4],
+      [-32, -72],
+      [-112, -57],
+      [1, -45],
+      [-78, -53],
+      [-67, -12],
+      [-61, 11],
+      [-34, 50],
+      [-91, -18],
+      [-66, 43],
+      [-7, -47],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-62, -4],
+      [-66, 60],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-57, -44],
+      [1, -49],
+      [-59, -86],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-23, -102],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [20, -21],
+      [-47, -117],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-110, -21],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [-44, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2119, 8322],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [-108, 105],
+      [-60, -3],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-31, 51],
+      [-9, 59],
+      [-41, 104],
+      [-37, 152],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [-77, -21],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-64, 34],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-52, 37],
+      [-117, 36],
+      [-74, 74],
+      [5, 41],
+      [-147, -22],
+      [-57, 87],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-28, 55],
+      [48, 57],
+      [-28, 52],
+      [10, 60],
+      [-35, 86],
+      [-76, 65],
+      [-73, 10],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-32, 114],
+      [-57, 8],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-47, -42],
+      [-40, 65],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [-59, -11],
+      [-38, 21],
+      [30, 63],
+      [153, -9],
+      [17, 35],
+      [73, 16],
+      [7, 60],
+      [-32, 47],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [39, 54],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [4, 86],
+      [-37, 38],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [0, 87],
+      [33, 25],
+      [-1, 49],
+      [-59, 12],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-99, 36],
+      [-99, 8],
+      [-26, -70],
+      [-58, 2],
+      [-47, 50],
+      [-40, 130],
+      [55, 32],
+      [-40, 43],
+      [-51, 106],
+      [21, 79],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [85, 13],
+      [31, 63],
+      [-11, 58],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [3, 41],
+      [73, 134],
+      [91, 18],
+      [35, -26],
+      [73, 62],
+      [64, 73],
+      [86, -4],
+      [-35, 60],
+      [7, 36],
+      [63, -38],
+      [83, -6],
+      [159, 113],
+      [19, -78],
+      [31, -11],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [23, -35],
+      [80, 19],
+      [21, 28],
+      [140, -5],
+      [78, 47],
+      [7, 37],
+      [41, 46],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [62, 53],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [31, 31],
+      [73, 20],
+      [42, -23],
+      [72, 7],
+      [55, -15],
+      [79, 0],
+      [83, 38],
+      [77, -14],
+      [48, 17],
+      [33, 69],
+      [45, 29],
+      [8, 74],
+      [93, 29],
+      [28, 41],
+      [51, 13],
+      [40, 36],
+      [205, 105],
+      [88, -30],
+      [84, 127],
+      [98, -1],
+      [61, 19],
+      [-14, 77],
+      [17, 20],
+      [-32, 86],
+      [5, 56],
+      [-21, 52],
+      [36, 98],
+      [56, 0],
+      [68, 50],
+      [-69, 36],
+      [6, 32],
+      [73, 39],
+      [82, 22],
+      [-22, 63],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [34, 70],
+      [-62, 151],
+      [-28, 47],
+      [-47, 188],
+      [-24, 146],
+      [59, 118],
+      [-60, 56],
+      [-37, 10],
+      [-83, -20],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [49, 88],
+      [128, 2],
+      [17, 26],
+      [64, 3],
+      [58, 25],
+      [41, -15],
+      [88, 23],
+      [15, 24],
+      [136, 25],
+      [94, 50],
+      [40, -30],
+      [15, -55],
+      [72, -22],
+      [93, 40],
+      [98, -59],
+      [43, 57],
+      [15, 66],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [-64, 12],
+      [-62, 40],
+      [5, 44],
+      [86, 181],
+      [10, 103],
+      [84, 172],
+      [27, 120],
+      [69, 144],
+      [20, 94],
+      [58, 6],
+      [67, -25],
+      [85, -55],
+      [192, -53],
+      [153, 23],
+      [34, -17],
+      [79, 10],
+      [49, -85],
+      [54, 20],
+      [103, 93],
+      [123, 4],
+      [19, 68],
+      [46, 14],
+      [3, 92],
+      [-38, 63],
+      [7, 45],
+      [-32, 171],
+      [28, 112],
+      [50, 111],
+      [41, 28],
+      [150, 5],
+      [41, 33],
+      [106, 21],
+      [72, 90],
+      [19, 69],
+      [-35, 73],
+      [52, 60],
+      [53, -2],
+      [59, 24],
+      [121, -34],
+      [105, 44],
+      [52, 3],
+      [1, -60],
+      [32, -38],
+      [-66, -49],
+      [70, -66],
+      [59, -36],
+      [-27, -65],
+      [138, -49],
+      [100, -65],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [39, -53],
+      [90, -28],
+      [52, -41],
+      [5, -48],
+      [60, 2],
+      [50, 40],
+      [99, 11],
+      [20, -53],
+      [72, -66],
+      [53, -1],
+      [157, -77],
+      [53, -93],
+      [25, -125],
+      [86, -125],
+      [59, -13],
+      [29, -77],
+      [39, -52],
+      [10, -83],
+      [-48, -117],
+      [-9, -68],
+      [35, -47],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [-65, -60],
+      [-60, -100],
+      [-14, -89],
+      [42, -49],
+      [18, -70],
+      [50, -53],
+      [87, 6],
+      [86, -46],
+      [43, 16],
+      [68, -41],
+      [146, 6],
+      [62, -20],
+      [67, 11],
+      [69, -21],
+      [222, 4],
+      [175, -27],
+      [275, -156],
+      [54, -72],
+      [97, -38],
+      [48, -52],
+      [117, -48],
+      [173, 18],
+      [-21, -41],
+      [2, -97],
+      [70, -17],
+      [50, -145],
+      [82, -157],
+      [14, -87],
+      [63, -56],
+      [32, -59],
+      [68, -66],
+      [16, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10173, 5685],
+      [-60, -54],
+      [20, -58],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-7, -89],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-25, 99],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [17, -78],
+      [-38, -32],
+      [14, -92],
+      [50, -80],
+      [-17, -51],
+      [-126, -65],
+      [-9, 73],
+      [-38, 71],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [25, -51],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-9, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9786, 5066],
+      [3, 33],
+      [-98, 133],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-29, 82],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-29, -65],
+      [-6, -52],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-90, 63],
+      [-51, -21],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-44, 47],
+      [-117, -36],
+      [12, 86],
+      [74, 82],
+      [9, 40],
+      [-35, 86],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-47, -53],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [27, 44],
+      [51, 17],
+      [19, 44],
+      [-63, -7],
+      [-57, 110],
+      [-54, -38],
+      [-72, -14],
+      [-76, -71],
+      [-16, -1],
+      [-37, -92],
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "ID_1": 23,
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Shāndōng"
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+            "ID_1": 24,
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Municipality",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "上海|上海",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Shànghǎi"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[-47, -55, -78, -70]],
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "CN-14",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 25,
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "山西",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Shānxī"
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
+            "ISO": "CN-51",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 26,
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+            "TYPE_1": "Shěng",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "四川",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Sìchuān"
+          }
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+        {
+          "arcs": [[85, -43, -9, -39, -7, -42]],
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
+            "ISO": "CN-12",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 27,
+            "NAME_1": "Tianjin",
+            "TYPE_1": "Zhíxiáshì",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Municipality",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "天津|天津",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Tiānjīn"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-25, -77, 86, 87]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
+            "ISO": "CN-65",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 28,
+            "NAME_1": "Xinjiang Uygur",
+            "TYPE_1": "Zìzhìqu",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Autonomous Region",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Xīnjiāng Wéiwúěr"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[-76, -85, 88, 89, -87]],
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
+            "ISO": "CN-54",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 29,
+            "NAME_1": "Xizang",
+            "TYPE_1": "Zìzhìqu",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Autonomous Region",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "西藏自治區|西藏自治区",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Tibet|Xīzàng"
+          }
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "CN-53",
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+            "ID_1": 30,
+            "NAME_1": "Yunnan",
+            "TYPE_1": "Shěng",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "雲南|云南",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Yúnnán"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[[91]], [[92]], [[-18, -64, -1, -62, -81, 93]]],
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ID_1": 31,
+            "NAME_1": "Zhejiang",
+            "TYPE_1": "Shěng",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "浙江",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Zhèjiāng"
+          }
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+          "arcs": [[94]],
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
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+            "ID_1": 32,
+            "NAME_1": "Taiwan",
+            "TYPE_1": "Shěng",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Táiwān"
+          }
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "CN-91",
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+            "ID_1": 33,
+            "NAME_1": "Hong Kong",
+            "TYPE_1": "Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Special Administrative Region",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "香港",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Xiānggǎng"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[96]],
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 49,
+            "ISO": "CN-92",
+            "NAME_0": "China",
+            "ID_1": 34,
+            "NAME_1": "Macao",
+            "TYPE_1": "Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Special Administrative Region",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "澳门",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Àomén"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3617560
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+      [39, -14],
+      [34, 33],
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+      [62, -53],
+      [158, -30],
+      [6, -44],
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+      [-1, -46],
+      [-32, -32]
+    ],
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+      [-21, 71],
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+      [-4, 32]
+    ],
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+      [3, 46]
+    ],
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+      [62, 83],
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+      [37, 53],
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+      [-28, 42],
+      [-37, -4],
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+      [-3, -51],
+      [-31, -49],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-64, 33],
+      [13, 102],
+      [-104, 60],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [35, 30],
+      [23, 63],
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+      [0, 70],
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+      [4, 50],
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+    ],
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+      [40, 46],
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+      [-39, 46],
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+      [-55, 45],
+      [-114, 30],
+      [-29, 88]
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+      [49, 119],
+      [26, 17],
+      [51, 107],
+      [-39, 22],
+      [43, 103],
+      [30, 24],
+      [65, 160],
+      [77, 106]
+    ],
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+      [57, -11],
+      [2, -31],
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+      [0, -54],
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+      [30, -36],
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+      [84, -49],
+      [19, 12],
+      [142, -40],
+      [-32, -44],
+      [11, -102],
+      [76, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10171, 8378],
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+      [42, -127],
+      [-30, -51],
+      [22, -54],
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+      [-57, -10],
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+      [-54, 12],
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+      [-45, 26],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-77, -19],
+      [-110, 4],
+      [-15, 56],
+      [-111, -21],
+      [-14, -49],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-53, 29],
+      [-64, -19],
+      [-83, -56],
+      [-78, 37],
+      [-11, 69],
+      [-35, 101],
+      [-61, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8392, 7789],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [-26, 120],
+      [28, -6],
+      [52, 49],
+      [-42, 41],
+      [-49, 10],
+      [-72, -60],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-68, 19],
+      [-170, -4],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [-50, 24],
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+      [-44, 71],
+      [19, 79],
+      [35, 30],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [58, 127],
+      [-42, 100],
+      [-75, 13],
+      [-58, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7871, 8568],
+      [5, 88],
+      [63, 117]
+    ],
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+      [49, -2],
+      [28, 58],
+      [-33, 112],
+      [33, 127],
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+      [33, 41],
+      [84, 40],
+      [51, 87],
+      [63, 34],
+      [16, 77],
+      [-23, 63],
+      [114, 58],
+      [19, 62],
+      [65, 107]
+    ],
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+      [9, -44],
+      [44, 13],
+      [45, 96],
+      [38, -51],
+      [81, 26],
+      [57, -20],
+      [62, 8],
+      [38, -113],
+      [59, -53],
+      [51, 26],
+      [71, -45],
+      [-72, -89],
+      [26, -38],
+      [42, 16],
+      [35, -53],
+      [42, 17],
+      [63, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6824, 9087],
+      [104, -14],
+      [126, 21],
+      [2, -78],
+      [83, -26],
+      [63, 17],
+      [88, -60],
+      [16, -58],
+      [-21, -73],
+      [63, -123],
+      [24, 31],
+      [135, -66],
+      [29, -61],
+      [101, -46],
+      [74, -10],
+      [50, 57],
+      [36, 14],
+      [34, -47],
+      [40, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8392, 7789],
+      [-67, -28],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [-64, -50],
+      [-64, -26],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [-55, -24],
+      [127, -91],
+      [-44, -106],
+      [-68, -57],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-21, -82],
+      [-48, 13],
+      [-82, -113],
+      [6, -103],
+      [27, -13],
+      [-27, -77],
+      [46, -72],
+      [-73, -66],
+      [-77, -15],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [79, -94],
+      [2, -52],
+      [-85, -81],
+      [-81, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7715, 6560],
+      [-83, 101],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [3, -135],
+      [-77, -27],
+      [-57, 20],
+      [-122, 15],
+      [-11, 64],
+      [20, 112],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [-74, 6],
+      [-59, 32],
+      [-16, 59],
+      [-151, 100],
+      [-4, 79],
+      [-67, 31],
+      [-22, -30],
+      [-64, 10],
+      [-72, -17],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-99, -21],
+      [-115, 56],
+      [-81, -32],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [41, 110],
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+      [-60, -7],
+      [-85, 54],
+      [-34, -68],
+      [-226, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5996, 7113],
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+      [90, -10],
+      [81, 25],
+      [18, 35],
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+      [19, 29],
+      [-166, 155],
+      [-29, -13],
+      [-51, -98],
+      [-27, -19],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-2, -57],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [12, 131],
+      [45, 351],
+      [32, 308],
+      [34, 418],
+      [29, 285],
+      [2, 262],
+      [14, 61],
+      [-7, 60],
+      [26, 84],
+      [58, 80],
+      [19, 58],
+      [79, -70],
+      [-48, -35],
+      [152, -153],
+      [50, -22],
+      [54, -80],
+      [93, -68],
+      [63, -76],
+      [64, -156],
+      [22, -95],
+      [3, -87],
+      [85, -250],
+      [58, -91],
+      [68, -79],
+      [35, 4],
+      [-28, 72],
+      [-52, 61],
+      [-49, 125],
+      [-1, 87],
+      [-27, 110],
+      [-17, 122],
+      [-30, 138]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [1, -33],
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+      [-38, -129],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [24, -96]
+    ],
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+      [-13, -46],
+      [-90, -84],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-80, -18],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [-50, -30],
+      [60, -45],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [29, -55],
+      [-7, -56],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [4, -55],
+      [34, -81],
+      [-82, -64],
+      [11, -87],
+      [-53, -127],
+      [42, 0],
+      [7, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7558, 5089],
+      [-63, -2],
+      [-35, -56],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [-27, 24],
+      [-81, 15],
+      [-67, -42],
+      [-17, 33],
+      [45, 44],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-160, -122],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [-51, -45],
+      [-90, 48],
+      [-77, -4],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [-95, 87],
+      [-52, -53],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [-53, -45],
+      [-59, 20],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-100, 13],
+      [-7, -83],
+      [-218, 37],
+      [-63, 59],
+      [-181, -109],
+      [-48, 15],
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+      [-74, 4],
+      [-17, 35],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-35, 48],
+      [-68, -22]
+    ],
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+      [53, 107],
+      [66, 158],
+      [12, 132],
+      [31, 171],
+      [75, 352],
+      [93, 513],
+      [60, 470],
+      [27, 248]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9594, 7365],
+      [-96, -95],
+      [13, -205],
+      [56, -44],
+      [10, -112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9577, 6909],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-170, -15],
+      [-47, 57],
+      [-50, -45],
+      [13, -42],
+      [-41, -85],
+      [126, -78],
+      [-49, -85],
+      [16, -18],
+      [-41, -92],
+      [-32, -37],
+      [9, -58],
+      [-29, -51],
+      [-112, 43],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [-60, -31],
+      [-19, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9079, 6190],
+      [-52, -16],
+      [-71, -77],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-91, 84],
+      [-40, -43],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-42, 23],
+      [-80, -17],
+      [-27, -61],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-108, 41],
+      [-28, 31],
+      [-39, -18],
+      [-79, -88],
+      [-48, 20],
+      [-49, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7783, 5083],
+      [15, -91],
+      [27, 10],
+      [40, -55],
+      [-8, -71],
+      [26, -60],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-6, -68],
+      [41, -55],
+      [41, 78],
+      [41, -50],
+      [-22, -107],
+      [51, -66],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-58, 5],
+      [-30, -61],
+      [5, -45],
+      [35, -32],
+      [-41, -82],
+      [-45, -26],
+      [10, -104],
+      [-75, 5],
+      [-46, -117],
+      [-80, -65],
+      [11, -112],
+      [-51, -40],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-6, -65],
+      [-36, -10],
+      [-3, -102],
+      [16, -43],
+      [-69, -90],
+      [26, -79],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [32, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7480, 3378],
+      [-89, -12],
+      [-52, -68],
+      [-47, 4],
+      [-47, -22],
+      [-99, 67],
+      [-32, -77],
+      [-58, -25],
+      [-10, 61],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-3, 63],
+      [-72, 58],
+      [-47, 63],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [0, 110],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-38, -29],
+      [-86, -2],
+      [-70, 30],
+      [-38, -26],
+      [-63, 25],
+      [-55, 64],
+      [-95, 15],
+      [-63, 54],
+      [-105, 25],
+      [-49, 44],
+      [-54, -21],
+      [-94, 62],
+      [14, 52],
+      [45, 60],
+      [-76, -12],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [2, -85],
+      [-15, -64],
+      [-135, 42],
+      [-48, 81],
+      [1, 23],
+      [86, 85],
+      [22, 114],
+      [26, 23],
+      [1, 149],
+      [-45, 46],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-82, 34],
+      [-22, 27],
+      [-78, -31],
+      [-28, -67],
+      [-65, 16],
+      [-21, 63],
+      [10, 44],
+      [-71, 23],
+      [-92, -41],
+      [-15, 75],
+      [-73, 57],
+      [0, 42],
+      [72, 17],
+      [171, 77],
+      [46, 45],
+      [48, 99],
+      [33, 42],
+      [36, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7558, 5089],
+      [102, 27],
+      [22, -34],
+      [101, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7789, 4605],
+      [9, -92],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [53, -13],
+      [17, 107],
+      [-44, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7795, 4438],
+      [-44, 15],
+      [-35, -82],
+      [34, -70],
+      [44, 29],
+      [16, 41],
+      [-15, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12618, 12449],
+      [27, -85],
+      [52, -46],
+      [71, -23],
+      [59, -84],
+      [57, -28],
+      [99, 85],
+      [46, 0],
+      [31, -63],
+      [74, 5],
+      [22, 50],
+      [83, 0],
+      [23, -50],
+      [10, -88],
+      [48, 19],
+      [52, 57],
+      [43, -14],
+      [1, 60],
+      [73, 46],
+      [-28, 55],
+      [80, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13541, 12345],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [74, -157],
+      [39, -25],
+      [28, -116],
+      [32, -16],
+      [10, -100],
+      [23, -55],
+      [86, -36],
+      [39, 25],
+      [42, -43],
+      [2, -53],
+      [42, -20],
+      [37, 35],
+      [65, -13],
+      [62, -58],
+      [6, -56],
+      [-38, -98],
+      [21, -63],
+      [-12, -120],
+      [-126, -57],
+      [-4, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13958, 11259],
+      [-47, -28],
+      [-95, -15],
+      [-8, -43],
+      [-45, -26],
+      [32, -42],
+      [-4, -119],
+      [18, -107],
+      [28, -46],
+      [-24, -85],
+      [33, -121],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-64, -35],
+      [-61, -14],
+      [-50, 17],
+      [-25, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13640, 10468],
+      [-24, 58],
+      [-60, 21],
+      [-59, 114],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [-141, -8],
+      [-30, 32],
+      [-21, 82],
+      [-52, 24],
+      [-78, -45],
+      [-57, -3],
+      [-74, 29],
+      [-80, -5],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [-85, -19],
+      [-91, 36],
+      [-15, 68],
+      [-63, -25],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-35, 47],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-43, 107],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [0, 88],
+      [32, 19],
+      [0, 51],
+      [-119, 31],
+      [-62, -34],
+      [-3, -84],
+      [-47, -15],
+      [-84, 57],
+      [-15, -96],
+      [-72, -22],
+      [-34, -107],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-111, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11897, 10955],
+      [-10, 71],
+      [-47, 25],
+      [-21, 123],
+      [-41, 26],
+      [-28, 83],
+      [-42, 20],
+      [-88, 85],
+      [-44, -20],
+      [-67, 26],
+      [-3, 95],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-9, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11457, 11591],
+      [6, 70],
+      [32, 56],
+      [97, 98],
+      [120, 6],
+      [57, 27],
+      [83, -30],
+      [115, 73],
+      [-19, 101],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [24, 91],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [94, 30],
+      [71, 74],
+      [42, 79],
+      [40, 21],
+      [20, -40],
+      [48, -27],
+      [29, 34],
+      [53, 4],
+      [81, 79],
+      [123, 78],
+      [112, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12728, 9146],
+      [15, -62],
+      [-19, -25],
+      [18, -72],
+      [75, 10],
+      [102, -40],
+      [-7, -60],
+      [24, -63],
+      [53, -20],
+      [-17, -82],
+      [41, -122],
+      [20, 9],
+      [79, -45],
+      [-62, -55],
+      [-21, -103],
+      [60, -24],
+      [40, -81],
+      [-3, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13126, 8268],
+      [-116, -103],
+      [-64, 12],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [13, -48],
+      [-69, -61],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-34, 63],
+      [-62, -41],
+      [-12, -67],
+      [-72, -117],
+      [0, -92],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [-3, -76],
+      [-21, -11],
+      [-53, -154]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12540, 7519],
+      [-66, 75],
+      [-24, 118],
+      [16, 119],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-47, -14],
+      [-53, 145],
+      [-6, 47],
+      [-72, 4],
+      [-41, 32],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [-59, 70],
+      [-49, -76],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-45, -86],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-38, -67],
+      [-7, -113],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-16, -48],
+      [3, -80],
+      [-86, -77],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-33, -36],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-84, 22],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [-41, 64],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-120, -52],
+      [-1, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11344, 7452],
+      [-59, 52],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [20, 30],
+      [-38, 57],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [8, 70],
+      [28, 85],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [-84, 140],
+      [35, 59],
+      [-49, 55],
+      [7, 39],
+      [-28, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11120, 8280],
+      [48, 21],
+      [61, 0],
+      [12, 45],
+      [-37, 38],
+      [-34, 78],
+      [75, 70],
+      [45, -12],
+      [23, 81],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [49, 25],
+      [17, 54],
+      [-29, 25],
+      [-12, 90],
+      [70, 64],
+      [46, 94],
+      [32, -3],
+      [39, 77],
+      [58, 18],
+      [24, 129],
+      [-29, 54],
+      [48, 9],
+      [93, -67],
+      [127, -6],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [-47, 37],
+      [33, 138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11809, 9431],
+      [55, 1],
+      [59, -60],
+      [36, 2],
+      [84, -43],
+      [44, 6],
+      [-11, -65],
+      [51, -64],
+      [41, 27],
+      [68, -20],
+      [47, 37],
+      [120, -49],
+      [42, -39],
+      [44, -122],
+      [107, -50],
+      [64, 45],
+      [6, 56],
+      [62, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13955, 9152],
+      [32, -6],
+      [32, 39],
+      [61, 10],
+      [22, -45],
+      [47, -25],
+      [34, 24],
+      [54, 0],
+      [62, 29],
+      [37, 36],
+      [57, 18],
+      [31, -22],
+      [67, 7],
+      [42, -58],
+      [56, 25],
+      [63, -24],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-49, -44],
+      [53, -40],
+      [-25, -54],
+      [33, -40],
+      [75, 35],
+      [98, -89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14860, 8876],
+      [-17, -130],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-15, -95],
+      [-42, 47],
+      [-54, 8],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [38, -52],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-17, -79],
+      [47, -28],
+      [1, -38],
+      [-43, -20],
+      [-51, 5],
+      [-42, -74],
+      [36, -56],
+      [-89, -30],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-11, -68],
+      [-50, -58],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [-36, -28],
+      [-74, 9],
+      [-61, -24],
+      [-47, 12],
+      [-62, -113],
+      [-82, 2],
+      [-32, -126],
+      [-75, -29],
+      [-21, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13901, 7746],
+      [-36, 8],
+      [-9, 64],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [-97, 161],
+      [-120, -21],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-76, -3],
+      [4, -39],
+      [-45, -57],
+      [-95, -22],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [-48, 57],
+      [-32, 112],
+      [-39, 86],
+      [-11, 90],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [-39, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12728, 9146],
+      [120, -5],
+      [58, 40],
+      [27, 58],
+      [79, 11],
+      [34, 43],
+      [32, -49],
+      [40, 59],
+      [37, -49],
+      [117, -2],
+      [37, 45],
+      [118, -60],
+      [21, 19],
+      [33, -104],
+      [42, -43],
+      [70, 57],
+      [148, -16],
+      [47, 6],
+      [3, 60],
+      [69, -4],
+      [26, -49],
+      [69, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13640, 10468],
+      [43, -19],
+      [51, -84],
+      [-55, -82],
+      [12, -46],
+      [-41, -107],
+      [44, -17],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [44, -20],
+      [41, -81],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [71, -134],
+      [51, -16],
+      [38, -49],
+      [41, -16],
+      [72, -94],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [29, -99],
+      [31, -33],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [12, -53],
+      [-118, -89],
+      [-13, -37],
+      [11, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11809, 9431],
+      [15, 92],
+      [-4, 81],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [-51, 87],
+      [23, 31],
+      [12, 75],
+      [43, -3],
+      [1, 60],
+      [22, 38],
+      [-11, 67],
+      [-46, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11783, 10025],
+      [-89, 74],
+      [-5, 43],
+      [-66, 89],
+      [92, 42],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [76, -6],
+      [30, 52],
+      [64, 56],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [41, 87],
+      [59, 20],
+      [-22, 68],
+      [15, 84],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-35, 91],
+      [0, 74],
+      [23, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11519, 16929],
+      [51, -23],
+      [26, -42],
+      [215, 33],
+      [33, -80],
+      [62, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11906, 16799],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-11, -87],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [37, -75],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-1, -49],
+      [-31, -103],
+      [25, -17],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [4, -125],
+      [26, -59],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [-50, -20],
+      [-73, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11645, 15948],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-89, 49],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-48, 9],
+      [-96, 68],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [11, -37],
+      [-169, -7],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [-76, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11014, 15869],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [36, 45],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [25, 55],
+      [-15, 81],
+      [-59, 52],
+      [-26, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10903, 16262],
+      [-8, 36],
+      [69, 141],
+      [-37, 61],
+      [123, -9],
+      [27, 108],
+      [35, 29],
+      [-58, 57],
+      [21, 83],
+      [75, 16],
+      [43, 66],
+      [-15, 50],
+      [116, 49],
+      [19, 35],
+      [60, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11373, 16992],
+      [66, -36],
+      [22, -60],
+      [58, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11536, 17086],
+      [-17, -157]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11373, 16992],
+      [-77, 87],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [-1, 119],
+      [30, 57],
+      [48, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11333, 17296],
+      [103, 86],
+      [37, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11473, 17393],
+      [67, -22],
+      [-32, -63],
+      [9, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11517, 17277],
+      [-136, -72],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [46, -38],
+      [121, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11666, 17160],
+      [79, -24],
+      [-9, -47],
+      [-90, 25],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [-50, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11517, 17277],
+      [108, 2],
+      [37, -65],
+      [4, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13318, 17166],
+      [0, -61],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-20, -51],
+      [108, -52],
+      [6, -118],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [53, -80],
+      [24, 22],
+      [98, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13427, 16635],
+      [-73, -34],
+      [-67, -81],
+      [26, -47],
+      [-48, -48],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [45, -71],
+      [-78, -44],
+      [33, -56],
+      [-20, -65],
+      [43, -22],
+      [-9, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13209, 16107],
+      [-46, 20],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-82, -6],
+      [-42, 20],
+      [-50, -38],
+      [-72, -2],
+      [-36, 24],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-63, -34],
+      [-76, 5],
+      [-14, -71],
+      [-39, -50],
+      [44, -81],
+      [-59, -143],
+      [-53, -14],
+      [-57, -57],
+      [3, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12470, 15587],
+      [-108, -17],
+      [-71, -60],
+      [-61, 86],
+      [-40, -50],
+      [-75, -47],
+      [-65, -10],
+      [-39, 42],
+      [-95, -16],
+      [-62, 20],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [-95, 30],
+      [96, 139],
+      [-26, 91],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-99, 64],
+      [1, 75],
+      [-28, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11906, 16799],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [41, 52],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [29, 67],
+      [-22, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11938, 17064],
+      [6, 15],
+      [-57, 163],
+      [41, 23],
+      [10, 124],
+      [-40, 60],
+      [21, 26],
+      [-41, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11878, 17528],
+      [41, 84],
+      [16, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11935, 17688],
+      [67, 66],
+      [91, -73],
+      [49, 9],
+      [17, -46],
+      [40, 6],
+      [74, 79],
+      [56, -29],
+      [17, -34],
+      [70, 35],
+      [113, -24],
+      [126, 62],
+      [24, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12679, 17775],
+      [144, -41],
+      [-14, -33],
+      [54, -81],
+      [-30, -86],
+      [121, -88],
+      [31, -84],
+      [54, 26],
+      [13, -63],
+      [26, -31],
+      [49, 27],
+      [32, -106],
+      [159, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11938, 17064],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-112, 81],
+      [-124, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11473, 17393],
+      [11, 35],
+      [130, 11],
+      [38, -34],
+      [81, -3],
+      [80, 60],
+      [65, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11333, 17296],
+      [8, 94],
+      [-50, 8],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-73, 36],
+      [-1, 45],
+      [-65, 14],
+      [-90, -32],
+      [-70, 42],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [-72, -63],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [22, 55],
+      [-65, 44],
+      [-154, -73],
+      [-46, 27],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-95, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10419, 17684],
+      [72, 120],
+      [32, 188],
+      [43, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10566, 18038],
+      [56, -20],
+      [-38, -40],
+      [41, -60],
+      [53, 12],
+      [164, -52],
+      [141, 48],
+      [39, -18],
+      [35, 30],
+      [91, 42],
+      [23, -39],
+      [88, -14],
+      [24, -44],
+      [80, 33],
+      [33, -63],
+      [70, 19],
+      [22, 55],
+      [32, 1],
+      [58, -85],
+      [126, -3],
+      [90, -54],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [107, -20],
+      [48, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10903, 16262],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-88, 15],
+      [-20, 47],
+      [-50, 2],
+      [-39, 102],
+      [16, 94],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-80, 15],
+      [9, 80],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [-39, 71],
+      [-59, 42],
+      [13, 58],
+      [-44, 36],
+      [66, 103],
+      [-62, 33],
+      [-13, 50],
+      [21, 73],
+      [-11, 93],
+      [-57, 34],
+      [27, 41],
+      [-39, 72],
+      [-57, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10253, 17370],
+      [-10, 57],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [10, 92],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-16, 62],
+      [61, -4],
+      [53, 38],
+      [128, 35],
+      [8, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8571, 17392],
+      [-55, 50],
+      [-32, -52],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-38, 26],
+      [-108, -27],
+      [-80, -3],
+      [-49, -36],
+      [-30, 58],
+      [-109, -56],
+      [-14, -54],
+      [-102, -43],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-108, -74],
+      [-95, -27],
+      [-190, 48],
+      [-48, -10],
+      [-72, -62],
+      [-101, 110],
+      [-83, 2],
+      [-70, -57],
+      [-62, 1],
+      [-115, -44],
+      [-103, 44],
+      [14, -56],
+      [-96, -69],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-43, -61],
+      [-51, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6633, 16937],
+      [-125, 44],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-41, -29],
+      [-129, -2],
+      [-39, 13],
+      [-28, 80],
+      [-86, 26],
+      [86, 94],
+      [66, 25],
+      [58, 64],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-69, 13],
+      [14, 61],
+      [102, -17],
+      [72, 37],
+      [45, 51],
+      [15, 50],
+      [66, 35],
+      [-21, 65],
+      [-16, 169],
+      [-79, 49],
+      [56, 126],
+      [-30, 38],
+      [-79, -64],
+      [-80, 23],
+      [-20, 41],
+      [-59, 26],
+      [-32, 45],
+      [-58, 44],
+      [-10, 87],
+      [41, 39],
+      [-7, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6206, 18295],
+      [0, 34],
+      [72, 72],
+      [96, 13],
+      [116, -4],
+      [58, -44],
+      [100, -39],
+      [166, -25],
+      [119, -2],
+      [81, -15],
+      [120, 12],
+      [103, -23],
+      [59, 2],
+      [71, -25],
+      [122, -72],
+      [92, -38],
+      [27, 19],
+      [87, 3],
+      [88, 27],
+      [165, 72],
+      [91, 73],
+      [92, 95],
+      [147, 58],
+      [108, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8386, 18499],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8392, 18499],
+      [18, -107],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [34, -72],
+      [-26, -49],
+      [24, -51],
+      [67, -3],
+      [26, -71],
+      [-94, -36],
+      [24, -40],
+      [87, -55],
+      [-10, -124],
+      [70, -25],
+      [-51, -95],
+      [13, -55],
+      [-44, -13],
+      [9, -78],
+      [61, -11],
+      [33, -30],
+      [-51, -157]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6633, 16937],
+      [68, -99],
+      [87, -65],
+      [-50, -55],
+      [31, -85],
+      [-35, -132],
+      [-46, -28],
+      [-65, -66],
+      [-20, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6603, 16362],
+      [-55, -15],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [-31, -50],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-89, 60],
+      [-15, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6279, 16378],
+      [-73, 30],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-128, 31],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [-97, -46],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [-56, -37],
+      [-69, 12],
+      [-41, 59],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-9, 44],
+      [-58, 94],
+      [19, 41],
+      [-28, 69],
+      [-42, 40],
+      [-19, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5494, 16682],
+      [78, 2],
+      [31, -24],
+      [54, 18],
+      [98, 9],
+      [-78, 64],
+      [-64, 32],
+      [-51, 105],
+      [-57, 28],
+      [-3, 175],
+      [-17, 71],
+      [17, 69],
+      [24, 261],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-35, 152],
+      [-2, 53],
+      [28, 84],
+      [-33, 189],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-31, 84],
+      [-73, 142],
+      [-105, 118],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [-6, 128],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-11, 89],
+      [-57, 54],
+      [75, 93],
+      [-9, 109],
+      [-45, 85],
+      [-98, 29],
+      [-15, 84],
+      [41, 44],
+      [77, -44],
+      [52, 7],
+      [21, -46],
+      [78, -23],
+      [94, -4],
+      [64, -48],
+      [66, 4],
+      [40, -33],
+      [52, 26],
+      [93, 10],
+      [114, 88],
+      [84, 16],
+      [144, -32],
+      [71, -85],
+      [21, -113],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-59, -43],
+      [4, -91],
+      [84, -129],
+      [103, -124],
+      [34, -72],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [47, -9],
+      [44, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8571, 17392],
+      [-42, -92],
+      [88, -67],
+      [49, 13],
+      [34, -19],
+      [82, -9],
+      [56, 9],
+      [52, -59],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [127, -88],
+      [63, -19],
+      [68, -111],
+      [-37, -76],
+      [27, -77],
+      [72, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9192, 16749],
+      [13, -45],
+      [-2, -96],
+      [37, 1],
+      [5, -53],
+      [28, -28],
+      [90, -32],
+      [-2, -50],
+      [67, -32],
+      [-23, -101],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [30, -70],
+      [-11, -100],
+      [-63, -72],
+      [-123, -64],
+      [-66, -4],
+      [-44, -92],
+      [63, -20],
+      [-16, -69],
+      [65, -115],
+      [-49, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9165, 15658],
+      [-59, -33],
+      [-55, 42],
+      [-56, 97],
+      [-54, 52],
+      [-61, -47],
+      [-102, 17],
+      [-81, 76],
+      [17, 24],
+      [-117, 34],
+      [-53, 29],
+      [-35, 204],
+      [14, 33],
+      [-29, 62],
+      [-101, 65],
+      [-123, -14],
+      [-71, -23],
+      [-29, -59],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [-69, -59],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [-90, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7848, 16088],
+      [-4, 108],
+      [10, 50],
+      [-89, -6],
+      [-62, 24],
+      [-28, 129],
+      [34, 29],
+      [-97, 80],
+      [-54, 13],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [27, -27],
+      [-39, -38],
+      [-80, 5],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-48, -21],
+      [-122, 50],
+      [-48, -31],
+      [-48, 17],
+      [-68, -82],
+      [-62, -5],
+      [-94, -60],
+      [-6, 69],
+      [-104, -3],
+      [15, -52],
+      [-63, -32],
+      [-33, 65],
+      [-59, 14],
+      [-69, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14292, 13202],
+      [-1, 53],
+      [103, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14394, 13265],
+      [8, -37],
+      [-57, -47],
+      [-53, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15201, 15259],
+      [70, -37],
+      [62, 8],
+      [-2, -97],
+      [88, -11],
+      [31, -44],
+      [-48, -79],
+      [35, -26],
+      [28, 55],
+      [48, -7],
+      [74, -114],
+      [12, -60],
+      [50, -48],
+      [-12, -37],
+      [-105, -61],
+      [10, -38],
+      [53, 3],
+      [19, -70],
+      [-26, -65],
+      [26, -29],
+      [131, 11],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [125, -62],
+      [50, 68],
+      [20, -56],
+      [59, -27],
+      [40, -57],
+      [29, -93],
+      [78, 71],
+      [104, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16236, 14306],
+      [40, -17],
+      [40, 80],
+      [82, -61],
+      [28, -134],
+      [-76, -117],
+      [-75, 7],
+      [-30, -76],
+      [95, -45],
+      [-17, -57],
+      [33, -86],
+      [70, 10],
+      [-3, -108],
+      [-32, -60],
+      [69, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16460, 13617],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [-14, -160],
+      [-46, -35],
+      [14, -48],
+      [-30, -90],
+      [-38, -23],
+      [-45, -117],
+      [-95, -18],
+      [-63, -63],
+      [-12, -45],
+      [65, -25],
+      [-66, -41],
+      [-30, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16053, 12873],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-89, -57],
+      [-139, -7],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [-71, -21],
+      [-10, -26],
+      [-127, 16],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-134, -42],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-54, 13],
+      [-91, -54],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [19, 42],
+      [-128, 50],
+      [-43, 89],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [11, 56],
+      [-66, -18],
+      [-35, 46],
+      [-97, 19],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-5, 74],
+      [-91, -22],
+      [8, 56],
+      [-112, 25],
+      [-39, 54],
+      [-64, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14438, 13276],
+      [3, 59],
+      [29, 36],
+      [-18, 52],
+      [-64, 76],
+      [-66, -35],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [-15, 133],
+      [23, 30],
+      [-38, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14277, 13697],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-43, 36],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [72, 68],
+      [14, 62],
+      [-20, 32],
+      [-2, 70],
+      [36, 11],
+      [28, 71],
+      [26, 0],
+      [62, 177],
+      [54, 71],
+      [28, 104],
+      [-38, 46],
+      [30, 38],
+      [50, -18],
+      [59, 53],
+      [-17, 127],
+      [7, 82],
+      [-96, -7],
+      [3, 63],
+      [45, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14567, 15042],
+      [30, 84],
+      [61, -13],
+      [99, 26],
+      [47, -27],
+      [75, 27],
+      [100, 8],
+      [-38, 80],
+      [66, 50],
+      [59, 7],
+      [87, -37],
+      [48, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14438, 13276],
+      [-44, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14292, 13202],
+      [-85, -6],
+      [-34, -94],
+      [50, -50],
+      [-21, -96],
+      [-31, -72],
+      [25, -57],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [7, -105],
+      [37, -10],
+      [41, -56],
+      [-6, -35],
+      [-66, -44],
+      [21, -120],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-117, -48],
+      [-54, -57],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-29, -42],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-17, 78],
+      [-70, 37],
+      [-119, -33],
+      [-49, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12618, 12449],
+      [39, 70],
+      [18, 62],
+      [-12, 103],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [43, 102],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [17, 121],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-63, 40],
+      [14, 67],
+      [-5, 82],
+      [-47, 166],
+      [-29, 65],
+      [6, 70],
+      [-108, 111],
+      [-48, 23],
+      [-18, 55],
+      [76, 157],
+      [18, 69],
+      [-88, 183]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12374, 14113],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [8, 37],
+      [63, 7],
+      [26, 26],
+      [68, -20],
+      [28, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12532, 14225],
+      [62, -26],
+      [65, 25],
+      [45, 41],
+      [37, -7],
+      [17, -102],
+      [65, -50],
+      [61, 13],
+      [47, -77],
+      [62, 5],
+      [16, 28],
+      [84, -57],
+      [63, 20],
+      [17, 43],
+      [90, -6],
+      [60, -23],
+      [10, 63],
+      [30, 13],
+      [58, -54],
+      [43, -13],
+      [5, -83],
+      [149, -33],
+      [55, -93],
+      [37, -23],
+      [68, 19],
+      [47, -56],
+      [79, 123],
+      [45, -55],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [16, -60],
+      [57, 34],
+      [86, -37],
+      [13, -70],
+      [43, -52],
+      [39, 3],
+      [35, 59],
+      [89, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16053, 12873],
+      [12, -60],
+      [68, -39],
+      [33, -108],
+      [49, -12],
+      [48, 23],
+      [37, -74],
+      [68, -15],
+      [0, -56],
+      [-130, -9],
+      [-72, -32],
+      [6, -35],
+      [89, -63],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [45, -16],
+      [49, -122],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [39, -37],
+      [-41, -53],
+      [-13, -76],
+      [-58, -33],
+      [-14, -108],
+      [96, -45],
+      [-2, -46],
+      [-71, -46],
+      [-78, 5],
+      [-20, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16138, 11651],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-90, 45],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [-93, 2],
+      [-133, -56],
+      [-115, 71],
+      [-41, -26],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-31, -60],
+      [-2, -60],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [-9, -97],
+      [-46, -81],
+      [-11, -96],
+      [-63, -164],
+      [-47, -178]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15319, 11032],
+      [-79, 6],
+      [-12, 40],
+      [23, 83],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [3, 77],
+      [-42, 46],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-33, -48],
+      [-47, -27],
+      [-45, 59],
+      [-30, -56],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-24, 48],
+      [-82, 26],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [-16, -147]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14713, 11131],
+      [-38, -49],
+      [-57, -31],
+      [-68, -65],
+      [-58, 72],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-43, -48],
+      [-70, 8],
+      [-45, 49],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-50, -44],
+      [-60, 1],
+      [-37, 76],
+      [-74, 2],
+      [-41, 24],
+      [28, 106],
+      [-14, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12532, 14225],
+      [-56, 66],
+      [-12, 66],
+      [33, 43],
+      [-55, 55],
+      [9, 29],
+      [-116, 79],
+      [11, 103],
+      [88, 18],
+      [35, -14],
+      [82, 52],
+      [54, 1],
+      [-15, 104],
+      [30, 27],
+      [-34, 72],
+      [0, 68],
+      [145, 97],
+      [35, 58],
+      [-11, 85],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [-11, 72],
+      [-69, 42],
+      [-36, 134],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-119, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13209, 16107],
+      [55, -40],
+      [84, -17],
+      [62, -71],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [67, -49],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [51, -24],
+      [14, -38],
+      [-35, -39],
+      [31, -30],
+      [-72, -85],
+      [29, -23],
+      [72, 14],
+      [42, -104],
+      [59, 13],
+      [61, 51],
+      [36, -79],
+      [51, -60],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [43, -52],
+      [-7, -45],
+      [75, -63],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [16, -46],
+      [99, -19],
+      [-19, -85],
+      [129, -18],
+      [107, -1],
+      [54, 32],
+      [37, -36],
+      [83, 73],
+      [87, -27],
+      [35, -41],
+      [73, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4648, 16603],
+      [2, -30],
+      [47, -50],
+      [53, -3],
+      [40, -44],
+      [48, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4838, 16516],
+      [51, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4889, 16442],
+      [70, 20],
+      [20, -65],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-5, -97],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [16, -61],
+      [-13, -121],
+      [25, -43],
+      [-56, -13],
+      [17, -55],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-98, 28],
+      [-48, -84],
+      [-64, 9],
+      [-58, -34],
+      [-7, -82],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-17, -98],
+      [-90, -58],
+      [-6, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4399, 15519],
+      [-67, -31],
+      [-67, 10],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [-70, 73],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [30, -59],
+      [-57, -81],
+      [5, -44],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-69, -75],
+      [-70, 23],
+      [26, 167],
+      [-22, 29],
+      [-56, -31],
+      [-71, -12],
+      [-41, -61],
+      [-15, 82],
+      [-40, 54],
+      [-61, -12],
+      [-64, 54],
+      [-81, 16],
+      [-86, -25],
+      [-29, 70],
+      [-57, 35],
+      [-115, -18],
+      [-1, -50],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-69, 6],
+      [-35, -27],
+      [-108, -19],
+      [-80, 64],
+      [-125, -60],
+      [-7, 64],
+      [-90, 29],
+      [-81, -18],
+      [-49, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2425, 15638],
+      [36, 54],
+      [-19, 73],
+      [42, 46],
+      [5, 47],
+      [-46, 26],
+      [7, 50],
+      [-22, 74],
+      [12, 69],
+      [-82, 26],
+      [14, 78],
+      [75, 58],
+      [-65, 38],
+      [-18, 68],
+      [69, 76],
+      [9, 32],
+      [-63, 102],
+      [-54, 6],
+      [-38, 67],
+      [-15, 83],
+      [21, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2293, 16742],
+      [107, 8],
+      [20, 34],
+      [-26, 79],
+      [54, 29],
+      [0, 32],
+      [-59, 57],
+      [34, 86],
+      [61, 51],
+      [54, -4],
+      [90, -36],
+      [9, -35],
+      [118, 52],
+      [43, 39],
+      [47, -16],
+      [69, 61],
+      [48, 18],
+      [8, -57],
+      [33, -4],
+      [150, 72],
+      [27, -27],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [84, -32],
+      [44, 4],
+      [-26, -87],
+      [24, -39],
+      [94, -4],
+      [39, -128],
+      [56, -23],
+      [17, -57],
+      [36, -1],
+      [59, -55],
+      [-3, -128],
+      [65, -21],
+      [26, -44],
+      [75, -31],
+      [-2, -67],
+      [40, -51],
+      [39, 76],
+      [94, 46],
+      [78, 96],
+      [88, 30],
+      [35, 35],
+      [6, 60],
+      [51, 5],
+      [25, -27],
+      [140, 75],
+      [64, -12],
+      [-39, -81],
+      [23, -14],
+      [57, 43],
+      [27, -57],
+      [63, -85],
+      [35, -16],
+      [40, 92],
+      [43, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [98, 16327],
+      [36, -50],
+      [-62, -46],
+      [-72, 35],
+      [98, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2425, 15638],
+      [-87, -34],
+      [-78, -44],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-56, -90],
+      [37, -34],
+      [10, -76],
+      [42, -23],
+      [52, -158],
+      [134, 14],
+      [88, -35],
+      [27, -59],
+      [96, 49],
+      [38, -35],
+      [8, -69],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [11, -83],
+      [-71, -17],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-51, 31],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [29, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2495, 14761],
+      [-21, -84],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-212, 38],
+      [-73, 57],
+      [-34, -30],
+      [-125, 14],
+      [-88, 83],
+      [-20, 73],
+      [-78, 73],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [13, -65],
+      [-95, -17],
+      [-59, 42],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [-53, -32],
+      [3, -62],
+      [-48, -63],
+      [-159, -8],
+      [-80, 19],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [68, 59],
+      [-26, 124],
+      [-93, 168],
+      [-44, 43],
+      [-138, 71],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [-130, 56],
+      [-85, 5],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-4, 74],
+      [67, -8],
+      [210, 65],
+      [74, -6],
+      [18, 22],
+      [67, 1],
+      [25, 23],
+      [66, 7],
+      [105, -49],
+      [31, 33],
+      [19, 119],
+      [-65, 111],
+      [-70, 5],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-134, 45],
+      [-39, -5],
+      [-43, -102],
+      [-49, 6],
+      [-17, 98],
+      [-89, 69],
+      [74, 36],
+      [-13, 81],
+      [53, 17],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [51, 8],
+      [37, -36],
+      [69, 26],
+      [63, -40],
+      [65, 5],
+      [90, 44],
+      [82, -36],
+      [39, 34],
+      [-88, 40],
+      [-62, 3],
+      [33, 63],
+      [-92, 4],
+      [-9, -40],
+      [-107, -1],
+      [-6, 54],
+      [34, 39],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-102, -13],
+      [-48, -44],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-86, -49],
+      [-111, 41],
+      [-45, -59],
+      [-93, -5],
+      [-18, 60],
+      [29, 57],
+      [-52, 81],
+      [18, 68],
+      [37, 60],
+      [-31, 58],
+      [6, 56],
+      [40, 56],
+      [71, 61],
+      [142, 6],
+      [101, 144],
+      [39, 1],
+      [31, -35],
+      [60, 14],
+      [52, 59],
+      [52, 6],
+      [76, 49],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -61],
+      [80, 7],
+      [52, 70],
+      [115, 28],
+      [113, 15],
+      [78, 52],
+      [45, -7],
+      [-19, -54],
+      [11, -54],
+      [79, -5],
+      [31, -63],
+      [62, 13],
+      [0, 80],
+      [22, 48],
+      [42, 21],
+      [53, -32],
+      [68, 16],
+      [82, -48],
+      [43, 20],
+      [10, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4648, 16603],
+      [-10, 74],
+      [71, -9],
+      [47, 13],
+      [46, -54],
+      [36, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6279, 16378],
+      [-11, -40],
+      [20, -55],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [0, -57],
+      [42, -83],
+      [-11, -69],
+      [22, -49],
+      [-58, -76],
+      [-24, -103],
+      [38, -117],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [21, -49],
+      [24, -158],
+      [42, -49],
+      [-18, -82],
+      [18, -85],
+      [-73, -29],
+      [-60, 14],
+      [-75, -56],
+      [-51, -222],
+      [-76, -132]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6019, 14777],
+      [-11, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6008, 14700],
+      [-183, 55],
+      [-42, 64],
+      [-140, 8],
+      [21, -60],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-98, -20],
+      [-51, -37],
+      [-17, -87],
+      [-142, -52],
+      [-65, -2],
+      [-141, 20],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-78, -21],
+      [-58, 17],
+      [-60, -63],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [-53, -32],
+      [-23, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4693, 14367],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [13, 66],
+      [-29, 15],
+      [20, 122],
+      [77, 5],
+      [-78, 93],
+      [58, 30],
+      [4, 45],
+      [53, 51],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-29, 82],
+      [54, 93],
+      [-39, 74],
+      [-65, 74],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-95, 44],
+      [-76, -18],
+      [22, 91],
+      [48, 49],
+      [79, 0],
+      [31, 24],
+      [-16, 46],
+      [-104, 2],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-47, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4889, 16442],
+      [14, 29],
+      [-103, 211],
+      [59, 53],
+      [23, 43],
+      [56, 26],
+      [64, -5],
+      [54, 20],
+      [39, -50],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-10, -55],
+      [51, -69],
+      [87, -17],
+      [113, 3],
+      [104, 26],
+      [54, 48],
+      [40, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2908, 13816],
+      [90, -57],
+      [59, -8],
+      [14, -67],
+      [67, -41],
+      [70, -9],
+      [-26, -58],
+      [-96, 2],
+      [-59, 32],
+      [-68, -18],
+      [-48, 53],
+      [-22, 82],
+      [19, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2530, 14420],
+      [107, -30],
+      [-56, -49],
+      [-65, 41],
+      [14, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4693, 14367],
+      [16, -64],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [6, -141],
+      [-85, -27],
+      [-2, -55],
+      [-54, -5],
+      [-42, 26],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-28, -121],
+      [-146, -8],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-54, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4135, 13946],
+      [-62, 21],
+      [14, 36],
+      [69, 62],
+      [-118, 62],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-161, 14],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [-56, 22],
+      [-150, -48],
+      [-57, 30],
+      [6, 30],
+      [-96, 111],
+      [137, -40],
+      [50, 23],
+      [54, -35],
+      [62, 104],
+      [-71, 72],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-104, -5],
+      [-59, -35],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-33, 46],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [51, -82],
+      [-59, 9],
+      [-129, 46],
+      [-72, -31],
+      [-41, 5],
+      [-13, -77],
+      [38, -101],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-2, 59],
+      [27, 38],
+      [-7, 80],
+      [-36, 70],
+      [-49, 26],
+      [-25, 49],
+      [3, 62],
+      [63, 26],
+      [68, 93],
+      [-66, 21],
+      [-79, -149],
+      [-98, 49],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-61, 19],
+      [-26, 29],
+      [-47, -1],
+      [-13, -41],
+      [-109, -15],
+      [-74, 80],
+      [-46, 113],
+      [18, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11457, 11591],
+      [-128, 18],
+      [-47, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11282, 11599],
+      [-25, 77],
+      [65, 30],
+      [16, 43],
+      [-70, 156],
+      [13, 72],
+      [27, 31],
+      [8, 91],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [28, 46],
+      [-138, 115],
+      [74, 75],
+      [-15, 42],
+      [-50, 37],
+      [-37, 52],
+      [46, 13],
+      [16, 64],
+      [80, 55],
+      [23, 50],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-61, 48],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [32, 28],
+      [10, 105],
+      [-105, 76],
+      [41, 71],
+      [-14, 68],
+      [-31, -7],
+      [-46, 55],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-66, -46],
+      [-58, -8],
+      [-84, 48],
+      [-83, 21],
+      [104, 108],
+      [-5, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10774, 13422],
+      [56, -28],
+      [43, 19],
+      [20, 43],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [42, 20],
+      [28, 61],
+      [86, -56],
+      [47, 6],
+      [71, 37],
+      [92, -8],
+      [38, 44],
+      [-59, 76],
+      [12, 27],
+      [-37, 106],
+      [132, 101],
+      [26, -67],
+      [60, 20],
+      [-9, 124],
+      [15, 52],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-8, 58],
+      [-32, 64],
+      [-96, 5],
+      [-18, 74],
+      [57, 42],
+      [128, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11393, 14343],
+      [78, 19],
+      [128, -100],
+      [101, 56],
+      [81, -88],
+      [92, 7],
+      [66, -38],
+      [30, -73],
+      [67, -36],
+      [3, -47],
+      [45, -16],
+      [63, 36],
+      [-6, 57],
+      [60, 3],
+      [54, -63],
+      [45, 1],
+      [74, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11014, 15869],
+      [-44, -73],
+      [-5, -73],
+      [21, -51],
+      [-7, -51],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-58, -95],
+      [-15, -51],
+      [-95, -58],
+      [-123, -32],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-53, -26],
+      [0, -36],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-72, 32],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [9, -106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10282, 15172],
+      [-122, 67],
+      [-7, -81],
+      [-46, -13],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-63, -23],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [-53, -12],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [-64, 138],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-28, 59],
+      [8, 45],
+      [-73, 12],
+      [-86, -4],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [81, 52],
+      [-55, 30],
+      [-84, -71],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-73, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9233, 15449],
+      [14, 68],
+      [99, 7],
+      [-47, 59],
+      [-67, 9],
+      [-67, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9192, 16749],
+      [74, 41],
+      [21, 63],
+      [69, -15],
+      [66, 40],
+      [80, 6],
+      [73, 69],
+      [79, -29],
+      [7, 84],
+      [52, 6],
+      [17, -38],
+      [128, 1],
+      [19, -27],
+      [60, 23],
+      [47, -17],
+      [76, 72],
+      [-31, 54],
+      [5, 36],
+      [69, 68],
+      [82, 25],
+      [20, 60],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [21, 30],
+      [62, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9983, 13346],
+      [26, -29],
+      [31, -88],
+      [-13, -61],
+      [-59, -12],
+      [-64, -143],
+      [-67, -61],
+      [-79, 62],
+      [-160, -58],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [3, -107],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-6, -80],
+      [-36, -165],
+      [-2, -48],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [41, -101],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-83, 42],
+      [-62, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9273, 12342],
+      [-84, 100],
+      [-8, 86],
+      [-84, 72],
+      [-75, 97],
+      [2, 76],
+      [-25, 89],
+      [-102, 43],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-79, -12],
+      [10, -44],
+      [39, -19],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [-144, 8],
+      [-93, -43],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-115, 44],
+      [-61, -41],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [-19, 73],
+      [18, 130],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [-31, 56],
+      [-56, -40],
+      [-48, 46],
+      [36, 42],
+      [-29, 54],
+      [-30, -35],
+      [-46, 49],
+      [-84, 5],
+      [-37, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8016, 13297],
+      [29, 114],
+      [15, 166],
+      [54, 104],
+      [46, 30],
+      [10, 41],
+      [44, 43],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [42, 41],
+      [0, 84],
+      [61, 111],
+      [7, 58],
+      [-38, 37],
+      [22, 59],
+      [31, 22],
+      [-7, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8288, 14314],
+      [45, 9],
+      [25, -30],
+      [72, -9],
+      [27, -35],
+      [61, -26],
+      [37, 23],
+      [-59, 100],
+      [28, 48],
+      [61, -54],
+      [45, 4],
+      [15, 52],
+      [58, 2],
+      [147, 62],
+      [32, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8882, 14511],
+      [22, 32],
+      [71, -21],
+      [58, -39],
+      [36, 31],
+      [80, -33],
+      [73, -9],
+      [39, -24],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [30, -104],
+      [54, 9],
+      [32, 66],
+      [111, -29],
+      [-6, -66],
+      [70, 36],
+      [67, -103],
+      [-49, -70],
+      [76, -140],
+      [61, -49],
+      [-35, -93],
+      [18, -122],
+      [-43, -61],
+      [21, -69],
+      [36, -9],
+      [47, -51],
+      [95, 50],
+      [110, -133],
+      [50, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11282, 11599],
+      [-147, -9],
+      [-123, 25],
+      [-22, 24],
+      [-81, -22],
+      [-166, -1],
+      [-32, 54],
+      [-78, -12],
+      [19, -51],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-64, -28],
+      [-40, 56],
+      [-66, -74],
+      [-62, 78],
+      [-84, -55],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-114, -145],
+      [-34, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10119, 11423],
+      [-12, 35],
+      [-97, 89],
+      [-52, -62],
+      [-93, 5],
+      [-50, -19],
+      [-63, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9752, 11507],
+      [55, 113],
+      [-96, 39],
+      [-24, 47],
+      [21, 72],
+      [-91, 81],
+      [-108, -1],
+      [-8, 70],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [-76, 34],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-34, 73],
+      [34, 51],
+      [-21, 61],
+      [35, 52],
+      [-41, 82],
+      [-48, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9983, 13346],
+      [102, 52],
+      [44, 47],
+      [95, 22],
+      [80, -35],
+      [-17, 73],
+      [107, 44],
+      [87, -7],
+      [25, -29],
+      [54, 12],
+      [24, 29],
+      [93, -104],
+      [31, 15],
+      [66, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10282, 15172],
+      [69, 17],
+      [-14, -79],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [83, -59],
+      [7, -80],
+      [-74, -69],
+      [8, -49],
+      [45, -47],
+      [-35, -62],
+      [75, -61],
+      [51, 38],
+      [68, -46],
+      [60, -16],
+      [54, -174],
+      [100, -9],
+      [52, 15],
+      [32, 38],
+      [110, 4],
+      [8, -36],
+      [82, 6],
+      [21, 30],
+      [86, -6],
+      [15, 17],
+      [116, -27],
+      [84, 18],
+      [57, -85],
+      [-2, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8882, 14511],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [44, 29],
+      [28, 60],
+      [38, 9],
+      [95, 81],
+      [86, 93],
+      [8, 45],
+      [-21, 109],
+      [42, 31],
+      [36, -8],
+      [9, 60],
+      [45, 45],
+      [-39, 78],
+      [32, 71],
+      [-71, 64],
+      [13, 57],
+      [61, 2],
+      [-2, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16266, 18920],
+      [-25, -56],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-49, -72],
+      [-71, -48],
+      [-43, 62],
+      [-116, -5],
+      [-22, 51],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-36, -80],
+      [2, -55],
+      [-58, -67],
+      [77, -111],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [30, -34],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-50, -24],
+      [-45, -54],
+      [6, -63],
+      [40, -34],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-92, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15583, 18048],
+      [-58, 64],
+      [-49, -16],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-128, 14],
+      [-83, 37],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-24, 74],
+      [-45, 61],
+      [-56, -21],
+      [-134, -24],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-23, 58],
+      [-34, -17],
+      [-70, 23],
+      [-94, 124],
+      [-72, 7],
+      [-19, 34],
+      [-71, 13],
+      [-147, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14187, 18435],
+      [-16, 75],
+      [37, 20],
+      [-30, 55],
+      [-2, 86],
+      [52, 23],
+      [2, 47],
+      [-37, 14],
+      [39, 59],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [-59, 60],
+      [37, 34],
+      [101, -4],
+      [18, 103],
+      [90, 48],
+      [9, 38],
+      [53, 27],
+      [25, 87],
+      [-55, 33],
+      [42, 158],
+      [24, 19],
+      [10, 108],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [23, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14473, 19701],
+      [120, 25],
+      [60, -37],
+      [49, 3],
+      [100, -38],
+      [101, 22],
+      [46, 49],
+      [85, 41],
+      [58, 3],
+      [81, 40],
+      [17, 125],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [32, 64],
+      [75, 37],
+      [22, 59],
+      [57, 32],
+      [112, 5],
+      [-4, -141],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-1, -120],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [-8, -71],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-8, -54],
+      [84, -22],
+      [52, -62],
+      [6, -54],
+      [-48, -82],
+      [34, -100],
+      [-28, -56],
+      [117, -18],
+      [38, 32],
+      [55, -1],
+      [36, -47],
+      [84, -42],
+      [32, 8],
+      [83, -127],
+      [35, -38],
+      [66, 4],
+      [58, -18],
+      [34, 21],
+      [99, -97],
+      [22, -52],
+      [72, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15149, 16432],
+      [-26, -141],
+      [-27, -32],
+      [59, -28],
+      [65, -114],
+      [68, -16],
+      [-9, -48],
+      [134, -62],
+      [-42, -38],
+      [57, -61],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [13, -124],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [36, -40],
+      [-37, -67],
+      [18, -63],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [-21, -58],
+      [-129, 36],
+      [-63, -109],
+      [50, -60],
+      [-30, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13427, 16635],
+      [37, -36],
+      [38, -74],
+      [42, -2],
+      [19, -81],
+      [136, 3],
+      [100, -22],
+      [45, -29],
+      [41, 22],
+      [18, 103],
+      [53, 13],
+      [16, 60],
+      [63, 4],
+      [81, 139],
+      [66, -7],
+      [28, 25],
+      [27, 67],
+      [79, -34],
+      [72, 50],
+      [85, -13],
+      [99, 25],
+      [46, -37],
+      [11, -53],
+      [-24, -56],
+      [20, -46],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [120, -112],
+      [47, -30],
+      [112, -35],
+      [96, 8],
+      [54, 23],
+      [120, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15641, 16782],
+      [27, -168],
+      [41, 5],
+      [29, 45],
+      [29, -85],
+      [74, -21],
+      [39, -54],
+      [33, 5],
+      [99, -80],
+      [68, -37],
+      [84, -12],
+      [34, -63],
+      [75, -20],
+      [18, -63],
+      [56, -48],
+      [38, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16385, 16177],
+      [-93, -64],
+      [51, -31],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [12, -68],
+      [75, 54],
+      [80, -17],
+      [11, -50],
+      [80, -103],
+      [40, 26],
+      [66, -53],
+      [-20, -60],
+      [108, -51],
+      [31, -70],
+      [-79, -25],
+      [8, -64],
+      [-44, -69],
+      [-36, -83],
+      [91, -20],
+      [75, -61],
+      [55, -61],
+      [28, -59],
+      [-25, -43],
+      [16, -58],
+      [70, 16],
+      [78, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17025, 15043],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-46, -85],
+      [11, -39],
+      [-104, 17],
+      [-20, -68],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-33, -101],
+      [47, -26],
+      [4, -52],
+      [-31, -26],
+      [-1, -112],
+      [-142, -31],
+      [-21, 68],
+      [-25, 14],
+      [-57, -76],
+      [-74, 24],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [-98, -3],
+      [-48, -120],
+      [-2, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15149, 16432],
+      [84, 22],
+      [115, -27],
+      [-48, 146],
+      [133, 44],
+      [-19, 85],
+      [-107, 5],
+      [40, 59],
+      [107, -24],
+      [67, 50],
+      [120, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15583, 18048],
+      [30, -3],
+      [33, -56],
+      [-77, -56],
+      [84, -184],
+      [21, -164],
+      [39, -28],
+      [4, -111],
+      [-11, -45],
+      [-89, -59],
+      [-57, -15],
+      [-35, -56],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [36, -66],
+      [-72, -54],
+      [7, -46],
+      [63, -15],
+      [85, -111],
+      [31, -2],
+      [-32, -130]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13318, 17166],
+      [67, 138],
+      [59, 3],
+      [12, 58],
+      [41, 18],
+      [31, 44],
+      [29, 87],
+      [58, 28],
+      [-42, 58],
+      [-55, -18],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [4, 47],
+      [69, 62],
+      [-34, 95],
+      [22, 54],
+      [92, 7],
+      [30, -25],
+      [70, 35],
+      [4, 44],
+      [-69, 6],
+      [-46, 61],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-33, 59],
+      [-19, 76],
+      [40, 66],
+      [104, 25],
+      [103, 53],
+      [75, -32],
+      [13, 84],
+      [78, 32],
+      [22, 28],
+      [56, -70],
+      [40, 4],
+      [40, -47],
+      [35, 3],
+      [19, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22460, 1132],
+      [7, -96],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [21, -72],
+      [-11, -170],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [23, -44],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-55, -87],
+      [75, -21],
+      [-57, -83],
+      [-53, -44],
+      [-34, -84],
+      [15, -59],
+      [-29, -18],
+      [-57, -102],
+      [47, -29],
+      [-36, -44],
+      [-24, -60],
+      [-63, -6],
+      [-22, 46],
+      [-116, 31],
+      [23, 68],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-98, 39],
+      [-54, 48],
+      [-108, 25],
+      [-50, 31],
+      [-57, 65],
+      [-105, 64],
+      [-7, 47],
+      [21, 91],
+      [87, 54],
+      [42, 9],
+      [-1, 101],
+      [-52, 1],
+      [-49, 42],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-17, 75],
+      [-76, -40],
+      [-62, 53],
+      [46, 31],
+      [57, 118],
+      [38, 1],
+      [24, 92],
+      [-7, 62],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-33, 76],
+      [-66, -15],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-119, 5],
+      [-73, 129],
+      [82, 6],
+      [33, 33],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [46, 40],
+      [45, 5],
+      [51, 47],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [-19, 60],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-62, 37],
+      [-69, 80],
+      [4, 48],
+      [-18, 60],
+      [5, 80],
+      [48, 25],
+      [129, 30],
+      [-3, 44],
+      [-43, 45],
+      [-79, 13],
+      [31, 55],
+      [-40, 48],
+      [-62, -48],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [35, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21181, 2327],
+      [42, -23],
+      [55, 6],
+      [72, -57],
+      [48, 1],
+      [64, -23],
+      [23, -30],
+      [76, -20],
+      [64, 30],
+      [-1, -70],
+      [68, -104],
+      [28, 6],
+      [40, -51],
+      [36, -4],
+      [79, -66],
+      [35, 9],
+      [3, -73],
+      [26, -23],
+      [42, -112],
+      [49, -26],
+      [16, -34],
+      [-3, -87],
+      [43, -60],
+      [95, 2],
+      [-9, -75],
+      [16, -52],
+      [-20, -125],
+      [52, -19],
+      [-30, -123],
+      [127, -54],
+      [105, 78],
+      [38, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21181, 2327],
+      [53, 16],
+      [-5, 66],
+      [87, 21],
+      [23, 117],
+      [-18, 83],
+      [61, 33],
+      [38, 83],
+      [44, 17],
+      [41, -31],
+      [30, 28],
+      [10, 83],
+      [92, 6],
+      [16, 49],
+      [64, 22],
+      [41, -13],
+      [112, 23],
+      [62, 41],
+      [-11, 48],
+      [109, 116],
+      [68, 10],
+      [53, -27],
+      [85, -15],
+      [3, -40],
+      [41, -59],
+      [57, 48],
+      [-2, 42],
+      [37, 47],
+      [-12, 70],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-51, 84],
+      [32, 86],
+      [4, 80],
+      [34, 24],
+      [6, 63],
+      [-20, 32],
+      [-4, 97],
+      [117, 27],
+      [66, -55],
+      [-7, -85],
+      [19, -34],
+      [35, -327],
+      [-32, -57],
+      [-38, -189],
+      [4, -65],
+      [41, -81],
+      [80, -133],
+      [10, -107],
+      [-7, -67],
+      [18, -75],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-13, -88],
+      [10, -103],
+      [32, -119],
+      [-11, -97],
+      [10, -103],
+      [-7, -168],
+      [-29, -74],
+      [-121, -206],
+      [-88, -126],
+      [23, -32],
+      [-28, -121],
+      [7, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18450, 14210],
+      [15, -34],
+      [135, 1],
+      [33, -66],
+      [-27, -58],
+      [49, -139]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18655, 13914],
+      [1, -55],
+      [-87, -88],
+      [57, -36],
+      [122, 21],
+      [75, -10],
+      [19, -43],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [-105, -37],
+      [22, -100],
+      [-112, -97],
+      [-59, -66],
+      [13, -28],
+      [-78, -70],
+      [-95, -51],
+      [-69, -93],
+      [31, -36],
+      [-96, -65],
+      [-31, -55],
+      [-198, -74],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-98, -106],
+      [48, -87],
+      [-7, -88],
+      [-28, -49],
+      [-11, -64],
+      [35, -31],
+      [-51, -78],
+      [-126, -101],
+      [-112, -63],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [-143, -144],
+      [-58, -40],
+      [-38, -49],
+      [39, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17417, 11905],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-127, 124],
+      [16, 39],
+      [68, 64],
+      [-49, 80],
+      [102, 83],
+      [66, 41],
+      [41, 57],
+      [-84, 122],
+      [-72, 59],
+      [-66, 29],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-22, 97],
+      [-41, 29],
+      [23, 58],
+      [-49, 32],
+      [22, 37],
+      [-17, 38],
+      [-68, 2],
+      [-26, 43],
+      [-104, 20],
+      [-75, 32],
+      [-65, -12],
+      [2, 54],
+      [52, 32],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [32, 28],
+      [41, 75],
+      [-8, 78],
+      [-49, 54],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-63, 59],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [-31, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16738, 13527],
+      [56, -3],
+      [93, 60],
+      [77, 25],
+      [126, 101],
+      [150, -28],
+      [24, 28],
+      [62, 23],
+      [41, 65],
+      [97, 20],
+      [14, 55],
+      [129, 29],
+      [113, 178],
+      [52, 17],
+      [34, -17],
+      [33, 36],
+      [76, -22],
+      [24, -39],
+      [38, 34],
+      [26, -31],
+      [87, -2],
+      [12, 104],
+      [70, -26],
+      [67, 65],
+      [108, -3],
+      [63, -47],
+      [40, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18476, 14784],
+      [-58, -71],
+      [-44, -79],
+      [2, -57],
+      [33, -76],
+      [-5, -55],
+      [33, -50],
+      [-20, -75],
+      [33, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16738, 13527],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-53, -45],
+      [-63, 9],
+      [-106, 60],
+      [-22, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17025, 15043],
+      [52, 49],
+      [5, 54],
+      [40, 20],
+      [36, -52],
+      [49, -2],
+      [54, 104],
+      [54, 32],
+      [57, -7],
+      [35, 27],
+      [38, -40],
+      [8, -111],
+      [32, -3],
+      [86, -56],
+      [61, 48],
+      [70, -8],
+      [66, 29],
+      [67, -45],
+      [36, 2],
+      [72, -134],
+      [98, 39],
+      [41, 73],
+      [51, 23],
+      [43, -37],
+      [24, -56],
+      [91, -52],
+      [53, -44],
+      [72, -29],
+      [11, -44],
+      [49, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17417, 11905],
+      [27, -28],
+      [-54, -65],
+      [-36, -79],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [19, -48],
+      [-35, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17302, 11581],
+      [-51, -65],
+      [-72, -58],
+      [-66, -122],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [-90, -51],
+      [-131, 15],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-17, 109],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-54, 53],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-23, -65],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-39, -55],
+      [-99, -8],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [27, 89],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-21, 75],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [-43, 29],
+      [7, 69],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-60, 25],
+      [20, 43],
+      [-18, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18950, 14073],
+      [-80, -32],
+      [-84, 35],
+      [-64, -23],
+      [24, -98],
+      [-91, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18476, 14784],
+      [35, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10581, 18444],
+      [9, -32],
+      [61, -62],
+      [23, -75],
+      [-3, -96],
+      [47, -47],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-55, 37],
+      [-67, -12],
+      [-11, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8392, 18499],
+      [138, 32],
+      [75, 30],
+      [91, 55],
+      [43, -11],
+      [92, -105],
+      [82, 0],
+      [41, -71],
+      [120, 12],
+      [45, 25],
+      [51, -9],
+      [28, -39],
+      [153, -29],
+      [3, -107],
+      [-93, 15],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [80, -24],
+      [63, 9],
+      [39, -79],
+      [57, -77],
+      [80, 22],
+      [21, 45],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [73, 27],
+      [60, 1],
+      [18, 59],
+      [103, 32],
+      [92, -5],
+      [22, 90],
+      [34, 22],
+      [2, 74],
+      [54, 41],
+      [104, 21],
+      [100, -10],
+      [39, -27],
+      [115, 1],
+      [48, -67],
+      [32, 3],
+      [103, -39],
+      [30, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10691, 19243],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [-47, -20],
+      [3, -52],
+      [58, -60],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-25, -59],
+      [21, -53],
+      [-43, -51],
+      [39, -43],
+      [11, -91],
+      [36, -112],
+      [59, 29],
+      [-18, -75],
+      [-77, -81],
+      [-19, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8386, 18499],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-109, 24],
+      [-87, 5],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [-82, 48],
+      [-44, 52],
+      [10, 51],
+      [125, 257],
+      [15, 94],
+      [67, 65],
+      [110, 49],
+      [66, 12],
+      [94, 65],
+      [219, 125],
+      [73, 58],
+      [183, 50],
+      [119, 2],
+      [102, 39],
+      [155, 41],
+      [44, 29],
+      [93, -9],
+      [132, 48],
+      [155, 84],
+      [190, 167],
+      [79, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10065, 19947],
+      [65, 10],
+      [57, -16],
+      [-10, -45],
+      [115, -106],
+      [73, -52],
+      [34, -59],
+      [127, -69],
+      [52, -72],
+      [34, -167],
+      [79, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11897, 4718],
+      [28, -24],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [-26, -103],
+      [67, -25],
+      [27, -82],
+      [90, -12],
+      [27, 47],
+      [31, 7],
+      [5, -78],
+      [81, -64],
+      [31, 8],
+      [22, 68],
+      [78, 79],
+      [74, 25],
+      [94, -49],
+      [90, 18],
+      [2, -77],
+      [75, -14],
+      [35, -39],
+      [108, -36],
+      [85, 1],
+      [58, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12938, 4237],
+      [-124, -140],
+      [-120, -175],
+      [-111, 78],
+      [8, 54],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [1, -122],
+      [-42, -11],
+      [5, -47],
+      [65, -51],
+      [6, -41],
+      [50, 0],
+      [29, -48],
+      [-46, -106],
+      [1, -54],
+      [44, -52],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [-67, -14],
+      [-25, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12551, 3437],
+      [-111, 47],
+      [-51, 33],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [-121, -55],
+      [-39, -49],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [-42, -40],
+      [-70, -8],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-100, -1],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-62, -6],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-67, -30],
+      [-115, 25],
+      [-72, -17],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [34, -56],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [19, -106],
+      [-51, -45],
+      [-101, -23],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [-106, -62],
+      [-15, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11280, 2977],
+      [14, 43],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [-160, 126],
+      [-84, -50],
+      [-83, 9],
+      [-63, 71],
+      [30, 14],
+      [-51, 79],
+      [-55, 42],
+      [24, 57],
+      [110, 10],
+      [59, 33],
+      [7, 91],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [3, 30],
+      [67, 19],
+      [10, 145],
+      [-38, 99],
+      [-25, 127],
+      [-44, 26],
+      [-41, -23],
+      [-24, 44],
+      [-75, 7],
+      [-176, 94],
+      [20, 59],
+      [-56, 140]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10542, 4375],
+      [73, 98],
+      [16, 62],
+      [40, -14],
+      [51, 51],
+      [-1, 74],
+      [80, 119],
+      [71, -80],
+      [86, 39],
+      [51, -37],
+      [33, 13],
+      [26, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11068, 4750],
+      [37, -15],
+      [31, -80],
+      [55, -3],
+      [95, 49],
+      [26, -48],
+      [43, -28],
+      [22, 59],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [53, 58],
+      [39, -28],
+      [34, 15],
+      [98, -57],
+      [48, -14],
+      [45, 40],
+      [103, 6],
+      [38, -31],
+      [72, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15116, 6661],
+      [79, -125],
+      [25, -92],
+      [3, -81],
+      [-20, -74],
+      [28, -66],
+      [61, -11],
+      [123, -146],
+      [-2, -57],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [3, -53],
+      [-58, -61],
+      [-59, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15255, 5867],
+      [-70, -89],
+      [-80, -41],
+      [38, -47],
+      [-36, -34],
+      [17, -53],
+      [-4, -57],
+      [-36, -61],
+      [-25, -75],
+      [23, -76],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-94, 47],
+      [-79, -19],
+      [-14, -59],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [-38, -88],
+      [18, -33],
+      [55, -17],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-83, -81],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-94, -76],
+      [-75, -29],
+      [-23, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14468, 4802],
+      [-88, 22],
+      [-56, 29],
+      [-36, 58],
+      [43, 49],
+      [-61, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14270, 5020],
+      [-2, 70],
+      [77, 1],
+      [68, 151],
+      [-47, 88],
+      [-34, 110],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-43, 63],
+      [-170, 137],
+      [-23, 60],
+      [-56, 12],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [-96, -13],
+      [-41, -22],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [44, 77],
+      [-12, 42],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [-87, 9],
+      [-72, -44],
+      [-20, -95],
+      [-74, 15],
+      [-63, -90],
+      [-6, -78],
+      [-89, 49],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [-46, -12],
+      [-72, -63],
+      [0, 85],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [-101, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13122, 5843],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [40, 67],
+      [44, 6],
+      [20, 52],
+      [38, 23],
+      [12, 46],
+      [-99, 75],
+      [-76, 8],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-42, -24],
+      [-50, 53],
+      [94, 38],
+      [-6, 62],
+      [25, 50],
+      [57, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13145, 6432],
+      [85, -50],
+      [16, -42],
+      [103, -10],
+      [60, -27],
+      [32, 20],
+      [64, -16],
+      [41, 12],
+      [22, 53],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [52, 20],
+      [51, -41],
+      [86, -35],
+      [58, -54],
+      [54, 23],
+      [63, -20],
+      [84, 75],
+      [2, 46],
+      [34, 81],
+      [-6, 55],
+      [43, 43],
+      [-53, 56],
+      [-27, 49],
+      [32, 29],
+      [-50, 120],
+      [-39, 40],
+      [49, 40],
+      [43, -10],
+      [81, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14110, 7095],
+      [73, -60],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [47, -36],
+      [-40, -26],
+      [22, -68],
+      [-8, -108],
+      [34, 27],
+      [82, 20],
+      [25, -56],
+      [54, 10],
+      [14, -41],
+      [90, -73],
+      [44, 9],
+      [24, 47],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [46, 16],
+      [12, 38],
+      [118, -8],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [19, -38],
+      [70, 19],
+      [3, 86],
+      [85, 14],
+      [61, -47],
+      [18, -36],
+      [117, -44],
+      [25, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14270, 5020],
+      [-73, 7],
+      [-130, -37],
+      [-106, -62],
+      [-105, -91],
+      [-49, -72],
+      [-112, -59],
+      [-59, -60],
+      [-54, -3],
+      [-36, -28],
+      [-106, -120],
+      [-75, -119],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-99, -24],
+      [-93, -57],
+      [-107, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11897, 4718],
+      [63, 20],
+      [90, 74],
+      [-15, 69],
+      [6, 52],
+      [-65, 111],
+      [21, 40],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [57, 111],
+      [107, -17],
+      [49, -65],
+      [63, 24],
+      [30, 34],
+      [90, 16],
+      [70, 34],
+      [2, 61],
+      [24, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12468, 5341],
+      [72, 30],
+      [77, -35],
+      [45, 0],
+      [-7, 143],
+      [28, 29],
+      [-40, 78],
+      [25, 78],
+      [37, -1],
+      [60, -41],
+      [120, -10],
+      [68, 38],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [8, 46],
+      [38, 51],
+      [117, -5],
+      [25, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13901, 7746],
+      [14, -148],
+      [36, -67],
+      [-1, -79],
+      [45, -100],
+      [39, 2],
+      [59, -162],
+      [17, -97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13145, 6432],
+      [-20, 71],
+      [-92, 11],
+      [-95, -36],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [17, 59],
+      [-108, 36],
+      [-9, 62],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [45, 55],
+      [-53, 124],
+      [26, 65],
+      [-3, 146],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [-74, 66],
+      [22, 133],
+      [-71, 80],
+      [-86, 113]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10690, 2775],
+      [83, 19],
+      [42, -9],
+      [70, 64],
+      [90, 20],
+      [45, 101],
+      [45, -19],
+      [72, 30],
+      [84, 15],
+      [59, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12551, 3437],
+      [-49, -38],
+      [27, -100],
+      [81, 12],
+      [-20, 42],
+      [43, 25],
+      [-12, -371],
+      [4, -154],
+      [33, -167],
+      [122, -47],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [35, -11],
+      [30, -98],
+      [-102, -4],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-60, 72],
+      [-93, 37],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [-34, 34],
+      [-42, -55],
+      [-121, 6],
+      [-71, -93],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-77, -41],
+      [-32, -39],
+      [34, -104],
+      [-92, 8],
+      [-52, 26],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-20, -43],
+      [-68, 20],
+      [-136, 113],
+      [-84, 28],
+      [-70, 55],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-53, 35],
+      [-86, -50],
+      [-68, 16],
+      [-37, -21],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [-97, -19],
+      [-58, 15],
+      [-33, 47],
+      [-47, 164],
+      [-28, -18],
+      [-106, 51],
+      [-65, 46],
+      [-115, 9],
+      [-10, 64],
+      [22, 104],
+      [71, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10993, 2589],
+      [-37, -84],
+      [75, -23],
+      [-38, 107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11120, 8280],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-94, -23],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-32, -50],
+      [-86, -30],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [-62, 5],
+      [-47, 24],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [-62, 29],
+      [-8, 39],
+      [-50, 41],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-172, 44],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-70, -58],
+      [-18, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9869, 9352],
+      [50, 106],
+      [100, -54],
+      [34, 58],
+      [27, 9],
+      [30, 70],
+      [67, 20],
+      [1, 39],
+      [90, 0],
+      [9, 28],
+      [64, -31],
+      [41, 12],
+      [24, 53],
+      [38, -1],
+      [52, 41],
+      [9, 34],
+      [71, 68],
+      [61, 10],
+      [41, 36],
+      [14, 49],
+      [63, -40],
+      [75, -1],
+      [37, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10867, 9935],
+      [31, 31],
+      [39, -11],
+      [19, 39],
+      [53, -2],
+      [36, 72],
+      [71, -2],
+      [82, -62],
+      [139, -22],
+      [12, -33],
+      [93, -25],
+      [1, -63],
+      [75, 14],
+      [73, 98],
+      [105, -32],
+      [87, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10867, 9935],
+      [-39, 67],
+      [35, 74],
+      [-20, 80],
+      [-62, 44],
+      [-43, 1],
+      [-58, 43],
+      [-34, 52],
+      [-41, -28],
+      [-118, 5],
+      [-78, 27],
+      [-1, 74],
+      [61, 15],
+      [-56, 84],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-51, 33],
+      [7, 44],
+      [74, 30],
+      [3, 76],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [15, 89],
+      [-23, 53],
+      [13, 38],
+      [-81, 75],
+      [25, 34],
+      [-54, 61],
+      [-27, 72],
+      [-83, 11],
+      [-30, 77],
+      [44, 80],
+      [27, 100],
+      [26, 12],
+      [-3, 74],
+      [-39, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8906, 9972],
+      [36, 57],
+      [65, 52],
+      [24, 92],
+      [49, 5],
+      [64, -25],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [22, 22],
+      [48, 121],
+      [-21, 32],
+      [13, 80],
+      [60, -27],
+      [37, 9],
+      [87, 84],
+      [-26, 114],
+      [-105, 45],
+      [-59, 41],
+      [1, 68],
+      [21, 62],
+      [-14, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9205, 10921],
+      [35, 23],
+      [-50, 136],
+      [-8, 69],
+      [54, 25],
+      [28, 53],
+      [43, 15],
+      [18, 44],
+      [51, -14],
+      [111, -1],
+      [33, 143],
+      [33, 30],
+      [124, 13],
+      [75, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17039, 18645],
+      [56, -27],
+      [19, -75],
+      [-47, -103],
+      [79, -144],
+      [-18, -40],
+      [53, -51],
+      [23, -68],
+      [45, -58],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-76, -88],
+      [59, -53],
+      [-10, -41],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [25, -83],
+      [-104, 1],
+      [40, -140],
+      [74, -31],
+      [61, -50],
+      [-2, -80],
+      [58, -33],
+      [51, 10],
+      [22, -42],
+      [72, -30],
+      [135, -6],
+      [76, -95],
+      [-2, -66],
+      [-34, -45],
+      [79, -24],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [96, -91],
+      [59, 33],
+      [43, -50],
+      [46, -5],
+      [67, -36],
+      [43, 15],
+      [57, -93],
+      [97, -22],
+      [51, -75],
+      [48, -20],
+      [45, 12],
+      [43, -62],
+      [80, 2],
+      [21, -45],
+      [70, 2],
+      [57, 25],
+      [47, -63],
+      [114, -64],
+      [69, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18939, 16390],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-197, -92],
+      [-113, -120],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-53, -66],
+      [-76, 15],
+      [-82, 46],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-79, 51],
+      [-41, 86],
+      [-56, -29],
+      [-25, -50],
+      [-53, -15],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-70, 6],
+      [-107, -58],
+      [-122, 46],
+      [-17, 50],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [-127, -20],
+      [-95, -100],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-116, -7],
+      [-62, -24],
+      [-31, 59],
+      [8, 47],
+      [-140, 46],
+      [59, 74],
+      [-13, 48],
+      [24, 31],
+      [-73, 55],
+      [-72, -20],
+      [-37, -35],
+      [-33, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16841, 16351],
+      [-7, 57],
+      [24, 44],
+      [-94, 50],
+      [4, 66],
+      [57, 35],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-25, 60],
+      [31, 101],
+      [-71, 73],
+      [34, 48],
+      [-1, 42],
+      [40, 39],
+      [24, 106],
+      [-25, 86],
+      [33, 12],
+      [-54, 98],
+      [38, 10],
+      [36, 48],
+      [49, -5],
+      [27, 39],
+      [-71, 60],
+      [28, 75],
+      [50, 47],
+      [-47, 111],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [-89, -4],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [16, 66],
+      [-19, 22],
+      [30, 82],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [32, 30],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [6, 51],
+      [56, 22],
+      [3, 80],
+      [-47, -8],
+      [-18, 44],
+      [26, 59],
+      [-68, 95],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [-90, 52],
+      [-76, -43],
+      [-82, -26],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-35, 48],
+      [-11, 56],
+      [10, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16386, 18645],
+      [94, 35],
+      [34, 36],
+      [62, -15],
+      [103, 71],
+      [63, -30],
+      [86, 7],
+      [24, 46],
+      [98, -48],
+      [0, -50],
+      [43, -42],
+      [46, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16841, 16351],
+      [-39, -70],
+      [-38, -12],
+      [-60, 25],
+      [-95, -72],
+      [-84, 3],
+      [-70, -27],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-52, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16266, 18920],
+      [58, -56],
+      [18, -97],
+      [35, -32],
+      [-28, -42],
+      [37, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17039, 18645],
+      [80, 6],
+      [39, -22],
+      [6, -54],
+      [105, -43],
+      [22, 40],
+      [67, 4],
+      [69, 48],
+      [19, 34],
+      [122, 12],
+      [62, -10],
+      [30, -50],
+      [59, -34],
+      [108, -2],
+      [29, 23],
+      [71, -26],
+      [104, -70],
+      [30, -35],
+      [-22, -41],
+      [67, -38],
+      [24, -41],
+      [-53, -40],
+      [78, -107],
+      [80, -51],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [35, -12],
+      [13, -79],
+      [58, -25],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [39, -57],
+      [71, 8],
+      [78, -39],
+      [41, 63],
+      [-36, 75],
+      [32, 23],
+      [55, -26],
+      [63, 28],
+      [35, -42],
+      [118, -36],
+      [-9, -39],
+      [46, -135],
+      [72, 60],
+      [84, -41],
+      [134, 21],
+      [74, -34],
+      [50, 65],
+      [57, 4],
+      [5, 62],
+      [123, 27],
+      [17, -45],
+      [54, 10],
+      [19, -42],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [44, -40],
+      [20, -50],
+      [58, -40],
+      [48, 8],
+      [43, -22],
+      [12, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10690, 2775],
+      [-87, 32],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [-132, 2],
+      [-46, 55],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-111, -41],
+      [1, -54],
+      [-49, -25],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [-25, 90],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-56, 40],
+      [9, 34],
+      [-163, -11],
+      [-35, 30],
+      [-99, -42],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [-35, 43],
+      [-52, 25],
+      [-102, 18],
+      [-35, -9],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-104, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9259, 3348],
+      [-24, 147],
+      [-25, 59],
+      [79, 28],
+      [-4, 69],
+      [58, 4],
+      [103, 34],
+      [40, 73],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-5, 89],
+      [9, 66],
+      [28, 51],
+      [44, -30],
+      [38, 88],
+      [39, -11],
+      [56, 53],
+      [33, -42],
+      [45, 5],
+      [56, -59],
+      [19, -67],
+      [59, 13],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [45, 35],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-77, 9],
+      [10, 81],
+      [35, -9],
+      [36, 27],
+      [59, -12],
+      [20, 33],
+      [66, 14],
+      [7, 64],
+      [-87, 29],
+      [-38, 31],
+      [12, 52],
+      [34, 50],
+      [34, 14],
+      [124, -137],
+      [-14, -67],
+      [80, -39],
+      [55, 92],
+      [-24, 44],
+      [88, 19],
+      [31, -50],
+      [26, 31],
+      [84, -34],
+      [57, 63],
+      [23, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12468, 5341],
+      [-25, 86],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-86, 51],
+      [-51, -56],
+      [-64, -19],
+      [-41, 30],
+      [-50, 4],
+      [-81, 84],
+      [-31, 61],
+      [-73, 90],
+      [22, 82],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [3, 68],
+      [-70, 55],
+      [23, 80],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [-37, 59],
+      [-78, 13],
+      [-33, 89],
+      [-48, 16],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [-73, -25],
+      [0, 56],
+      [-88, 45],
+      [-35, 2],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-129, -88],
+      [-62, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11008, 6383],
+      [-25, 74],
+      [-94, 16],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [37, 69],
+      [46, -1],
+      [14, 78],
+      [-47, 15],
+      [-60, -8],
+      [-64, 98],
+      [34, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10841, 6821],
+      [40, 53],
+      [-61, 78],
+      [7, 61],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-15, 96],
+      [124, 29],
+      [28, 55],
+      [29, 7],
+      [41, 65],
+      [53, 19],
+      [56, 56],
+      [46, 11],
+      [30, -31],
+      [75, 0],
+      [26, 46],
+      [45, 4],
+      [14, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9079, 6190],
+      [34, -81],
+      [90, 59],
+      [42, -48],
+      [-54, -27],
+      [19, -58],
+      [-103, -120],
+      [16, -53],
+      [60, 24],
+      [48, -38],
+      [38, 17],
+      [38, -44],
+      [-5, -73],
+      [28, -26],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [46, -18],
+      [-43, -100],
+      [88, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9407, 5553],
+      [8, -35],
+      [105, -141],
+      [59, -24],
+      [-25, -55],
+      [63, -73],
+      [88, -20],
+      [18, -69],
+      [34, 20],
+      [30, -42],
+      [-1, -61],
+      [-55, 6],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-43, -48],
+      [-58, 14],
+      [-13, -116],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [37, -29],
+      [-35, -70],
+      [6, -43],
+      [-33, -48],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-76, 81],
+      [-82, 21],
+      [-67, 3],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [-57, 40],
+      [-60, -103],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-63, -114],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [-58, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8870, 4461],
+      [-92, 43],
+      [-63, 8],
+      [-20, -18],
+      [-151, 20],
+      [-26, 49],
+      [-73, -29],
+      [-9, 73],
+      [-42, 32],
+      [-103, -48],
+      [-77, 8],
+      [-73, 118],
+      [48, 45],
+      [-54, 73],
+      [-29, 99],
+      [-90, 3],
+      [-37, 60],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [-20, 92],
+      [-92, 2],
+      [-35, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10336, 5854],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [12, -72],
+      [58, -58],
+      [-7, -59],
+      [57, -36],
+      [47, -80],
+      [6, -56],
+      [72, -60],
+      [-66, -51],
+      [88, -13],
+      [13, -70],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-23, -46],
+      [182, -118],
+      [51, -3],
+      [18, -66],
+      [58, -74],
+      [153, -87],
+      [50, -20],
+      [15, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9259, 3348],
+      [-88, 34],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [-109, 58],
+      [-71, -46],
+      [14, -81],
+      [-18, -123],
+      [32, -67],
+      [-18, -78],
+      [-221, 30],
+      [-15, -24],
+      [-60, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8670, 3059],
+      [7, 29],
+      [-30, 62],
+      [-11, 73],
+      [13, 72],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [32, 139],
+      [42, -22],
+      [90, -18],
+      [21, 23],
+      [37, 131],
+      [71, 76],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [11, 62],
+      [-55, 52],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [-40, -45],
+      [-10, 83],
+      [44, 85],
+      [-92, 49],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [-74, 36],
+      [122, 143],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [53, -8],
+      [-1, 62],
+      [131, 145],
+      [-45, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9407, 5553],
+      [128, 36],
+      [34, -10],
+      [38, 41],
+      [49, -43],
+      [65, 47],
+      [40, -55],
+      [50, -9],
+      [-4, -51],
+      [95, 42],
+      [132, 71],
+      [-8, 44],
+      [-62, -8],
+      [7, 57],
+      [71, 73],
+      [82, -41],
+      [46, 4],
+      [45, 80],
+      [30, -46],
+      [91, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8670, 3059],
+      [-65, -23],
+      [-60, 10],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [-51, -42],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-52, -34],
+      [-46, 41],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [-56, 6],
+      [-73, 40],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-76, -31],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-61, -48],
+      [-53, 12],
+      [-22, -36],
+      [-96, 22],
+      [-12, 49],
+      [-53, 13],
+      [-68, 119],
+      [-97, 53],
+      [-128, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10841, 6821],
+      [-86, -38],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-17, -40],
+      [-64, 23],
+      [-60, -27],
+      [-81, -72],
+      [-52, -12],
+      [1, 45],
+      [-66, 8],
+      [18, -115],
+      [-20, -36],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-43, 100],
+      [-55, 23],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-115, -76],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-92, 25],
+      [33, 64],
+      [2, 71],
+      [-71, -25],
+      [-12, -31],
+      [-102, 39],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [-92, 47],
+      [-20, 56],
+      [11, 41],
+      [48, 17],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [-47, -5],
+      [-59, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11008, 6383],
+      [-76, -3],
+      [-34, 35],
+      [-175, -84],
+      [-43, -68],
+      [-49, 41],
+      [-116, 3],
+      [-7, -117],
+      [41, -11],
+      [17, -36],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-60, -27],
+      [-50, -88],
+      [6, -28],
+      [-109, 5],
+      [-21, -36],
+      [60, -19],
+      [-34, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12716, 20172],
+      [-91, -74],
+      [-56, -24],
+      [5, 68],
+      [55, 8],
+      [36, 47],
+      [51, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14331, 19750],
+      [-87, -19],
+      [-46, 34],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [-78, 49],
+      [23, 57],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-50, -40],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-55, -38],
+      [-8, 52],
+      [-69, 36],
+      [-142, 13],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [-79, -36],
+      [-77, -65],
+      [-31, 43],
+      [-81, 18],
+      [-80, -75],
+      [-96, 7],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [-70, 3],
+      [-25, -42],
+      [-88, -5],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-63, 1],
+      [-88, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12835, 19826],
+      [-76, 28],
+      [-51, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12708, 19921],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [40, 39],
+      [-28, 74],
+      [61, 37],
+      [4, 60],
+      [29, 33],
+      [-39, 42],
+      [18, 45],
+      [56, -1],
+      [12, 37],
+      [-61, 26],
+      [3, 37],
+      [-159, 31],
+      [-16, 26],
+      [74, 55],
+      [-109, 110],
+      [-36, 82],
+      [121, 70],
+      [-93, 69],
+      [25, 59],
+      [-92, 72],
+      [-85, -30],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [7, 69],
+      [-96, -28],
+      [-25, 122],
+      [0, 67],
+      [51, 45],
+      [44, 8],
+      [-53, 64],
+      [-41, 24],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-34, -134],
+      [-45, 55],
+      [-136, -26],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-103, -16],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [-67, -22],
+      [-94, 57],
+      [-68, 96],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [-21, 56],
+      [107, 60],
+      [-143, 36],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-116, 77],
+      [-15, 89],
+      [-127, 297],
+      [-72, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11139, 22109],
+      [142, 26],
+      [57, 32],
+      [192, 45],
+      [58, -23],
+      [279, 107],
+      [20, -44],
+      [30, -161],
+      [43, -25],
+      [37, -99],
+      [-37, -76],
+      [-11, -136],
+      [39, -40],
+      [16, -53],
+      [55, 19],
+      [76, -21],
+      [8, -37],
+      [137, -181],
+      [54, 11],
+      [34, -43],
+      [61, -20],
+      [31, 40],
+      [12, 71],
+      [187, 87],
+      [34, -18],
+      [102, 39],
+      [81, -128],
+      [18, -49],
+      [58, -7],
+      [21, -77],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [1, -66],
+      [52, -107],
+      [-3, -82],
+      [16, -71],
+      [140, -84],
+      [90, 41],
+      [61, 56],
+      [65, -35],
+      [7, -54],
+      [73, 13],
+      [60, -8],
+      [95, -138],
+      [6, -109],
+      [-23, -42],
+      [24, -82],
+      [57, -73],
+      [33, 20],
+      [17, 83],
+      [150, 14],
+      [71, -62],
+      [117, 48],
+      [39, -13],
+      [59, 36],
+      [80, -86],
+      [64, -42],
+      [9, -67],
+      [61, -36],
+      [25, 45],
+      [41, -10],
+      [22, -42],
+      [-84, -90],
+      [-25, -88],
+      [5, -37],
+      [-41, -59],
+      [106, 0],
+      [16, -84],
+      [34, -42],
+      [-5, -35],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-37, -59],
+      [30, -79],
+      [-24, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12708, 19921],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-96, 29],
+      [-63, -38],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-49, -40],
+      [-63, 20],
+      [-32, 77],
+      [-75, -36],
+      [-19, -28],
+      [-66, -22],
+      [13, 67],
+      [33, 49],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [-79, 34],
+      [-59, -78],
+      [-68, 6],
+      [-26, 29],
+      [-85, 14],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [-27, 59],
+      [-93, -22],
+      [-39, -99],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [22, 106],
+      [39, 40],
+      [125, 49],
+      [-67, 82],
+      [-108, -10],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [-46, -21],
+      [-50, 34],
+      [-148, -45],
+      [-119, -3],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-31, 68],
+      [-159, 71],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [45, 42],
+      [-27, 31],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [-69, 23],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-100, 58],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [-131, -63],
+      [-47, 14],
+      [-48, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10429, 20643],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-42, 55],
+      [20, 67],
+      [16, 217],
+      [41, 48],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [0, 156],
+      [-25, 136],
+      [72, 154],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [-43, 144],
+      [10, 42],
+      [84, 11],
+      [109, 117],
+      [95, 56],
+      [190, 63],
+      [94, 50],
+      [95, -5],
+      [91, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6008, 14700],
+      [14, -48],
+      [-28, -53],
+      [92, -47],
+      [23, -35],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [29, -19],
+      [8, -56],
+      [31, -39],
+      [53, 3],
+      [44, -33],
+      [77, -16],
+      [26, -26],
+      [-53, -56],
+      [-202, 22],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [37, -89],
+      [74, -19],
+      [96, 11],
+      [51, -36],
+      [71, 4],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [30, -104],
+      [39, -55],
+      [-82, -64],
+      [-86, -14],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-141, -14],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-70, -10],
+      [-121, -36],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [69, 8],
+      [29, -80],
+      [69, -69],
+      [41, 31],
+      [37, -28],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [30, -114],
+      [-95, -89],
+      [4, -73],
+      [89, -15],
+      [34, -54],
+      [51, -16],
+      [-4, -51],
+      [-47, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6158, 12987],
+      [-74, 24],
+      [-110, 102],
+      [-78, -115],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-61, -34],
+      [26, -111],
+      [-11, -56],
+      [-76, -28],
+      [-66, -43],
+      [-1, 70],
+      [-26, 57],
+      [20, 21],
+      [-16, 94],
+      [-42, 22],
+      [-67, -85],
+      [-17, -57],
+      [51, -87],
+      [-13, -75],
+      [45, -57],
+      [-70, -24],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-142, 42],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-41, 35],
+      [-45, -12],
+      [-25, 26],
+      [-22, 79],
+      [-45, -12],
+      [-81, 16],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-62, 0],
+      [-64, 44],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [-51, 20],
+      [-50, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4870, 12983],
+      [-30, 70],
+      [-79, 80],
+      [-69, 30],
+      [-94, 17],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-103, 21],
+      [32, 55],
+      [87, 28],
+      [12, 100],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [11, 85],
+      [58, 20],
+      [109, 16],
+      [34, 47],
+      [-121, 5],
+      [-66, -28],
+      [-201, -133],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [-61, -7],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [-104, 53],
+      [105, 28],
+      [-57, 74],
+      [-58, -29],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-41, 67],
+      [-34, 11],
+      [165, 157],
+      [-18, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7343, 14663],
+      [12, -47],
+      [62, -43],
+      [71, -5],
+      [79, -33],
+      [53, 47],
+      [28, -45],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [30, -75],
+      [127, -33],
+      [14, 49],
+      [82, -19],
+      [74, -2],
+      [27, -44],
+      [61, -52],
+      [97, -1],
+      [51, -56],
+      [55, 41],
+      [3, 40],
+      [68, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8016, 13297],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-47, -44],
+      [-34, -66],
+      [-17, -79],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-26, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7775, 13068],
+      [-41, -24],
+      [-59, 61],
+      [40, 36],
+      [-68, 27],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-88, -34],
+      [-22, 17],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-128, -10],
+      [-12, 37],
+      [-105, -48],
+      [-3, -74],
+      [-52, -72],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-78, 18],
+      [-67, -35],
+      [-73, 17],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [-32, -30],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-17, -36],
+      [-51, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6555, 12864],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-52, 37],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-67, 53],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [-146, 28],
+      [-59, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6019, 14777],
+      [70, -55],
+      [83, -3],
+      [100, -24],
+      [83, 1],
+      [66, -29],
+      [29, 78],
+      [99, -49],
+      [4, -24],
+      [83, -28],
+      [36, 44],
+      [87, -42],
+      [15, -26],
+      [215, -14],
+      [40, 52],
+      [80, -17],
+      [40, 79],
+      [82, -64],
+      [39, 23],
+      [73, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7848, 16088],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-52, 9],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [6, -39],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [30, -90],
+      [-41, -82],
+      [30, -86],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-61, -49],
+      [-70, -34],
+      [-15, -96],
+      [35, -47],
+      [-19, -108],
+      [-67, 12],
+      [-93, -73],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [45, -15],
+      [18, -142],
+      [-64, -25],
+      [-71, -4],
+      [-33, -47],
+      [45, -53],
+      [3, -68],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-55, -59],
+      [21, -52],
+      [71, -9],
+      [10, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4260, 12315],
+      [88, -38],
+      [37, -34],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [-93, 56],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [37, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4444, 12987],
+      [60, -42],
+      [-4, -86],
+      [101, -54],
+      [13, -84],
+      [-110, 116],
+      [-64, -15],
+      [-66, 84],
+      [24, 70],
+      [46, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6244, 11349],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-52, -32],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-103, 87],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [-50, 87],
+      [-61, 40],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-103, 5],
+      [-54, 127],
+      [-188, 32],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-104, 74],
+      [-23, 35],
+      [-70, 22],
+      [-18, 103],
+      [-40, 142],
+      [-59, 67],
+      [-64, 112],
+      [-74, 47],
+      [3, 29],
+      [-143, 151],
+      [-109, 82],
+      [-18, 164],
+      [40, 7],
+      [69, 101],
+      [40, 31],
+      [45, 134],
+      [72, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6555, 12864],
+      [16, -67],
+      [78, -35],
+      [24, -120],
+      [52, -82],
+      [80, -50],
+      [31, 0],
+      [-26, -121],
+      [48, -53],
+      [11, -45],
+      [50, -59],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [65, -53],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [53, -62],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [21, -41],
+      [17, -125],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [29, -32],
+      [8, -132],
+      [15, -60],
+      [113, -61],
+      [-34, -59],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-53, -58],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-83, 13],
+      [-44, -50],
+      [-38, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6773, 11324],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-125, 63],
+      [-13, -49],
+      [-59, 20],
+      [-72, -33],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [38, 84],
+      [-47, 12],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-65, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14331, 19750],
+      [142, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12679, 17775],
+      [34, 56],
+      [71, 28],
+      [-44, 37],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [-134, 43],
+      [-37, -56],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-12, 102],
+      [116, -3],
+      [-20, 69],
+      [13, 58],
+      [-64, 6],
+      [-45, 75],
+      [58, 43],
+      [46, -20],
+      [57, 37],
+      [40, 71],
+      [0, 128],
+      [50, -6],
+      [44, 52],
+      [-74, 32],
+      [22, 58],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [38, 24],
+      [14, 50],
+      [-14, 135],
+      [-44, 47],
+      [29, 20],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [43, 29],
+      [-14, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12751, 19124],
+      [-37, 118],
+      [-51, 55],
+      [38, 24],
+      [3, 169],
+      [48, 40],
+      [-2, 71],
+      [73, 77],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [45, 33],
+      [-57, 32],
+      [26, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10691, 19243],
+      [38, -9],
+      [44, -53],
+      [17, -67],
+      [70, -4],
+      [60, 46],
+      [24, -44],
+      [45, 24],
+      [87, -1],
+      [38, -36],
+      [101, -16],
+      [48, 32],
+      [115, 0],
+      [117, -44],
+      [41, -4],
+      [65, -58],
+      [59, 12],
+      [52, -19],
+      [50, -73],
+      [43, 35],
+      [32, -16],
+      [69, -74],
+      [68, 34],
+      [25, -75],
+      [60, 5],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [31, 59],
+      [85, -1],
+      [65, -28],
+      [22, 111],
+      [60, -2],
+      [33, 56],
+      [40, 8],
+      [41, 48],
+      [57, -38],
+      [65, 34],
+      [56, -63],
+      [37, 77],
+      [102, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10065, 19947],
+      [115, 104],
+      [42, 139],
+      [31, 55],
+      [85, 50],
+      [102, -48],
+      [-11, 52],
+      [-55, 91],
+      [-55, 9],
+      [-10, 57],
+      [29, 179],
+      [91, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5760, 10740],
+      [110, -80],
+      [30, -48],
+      [126, -26],
+      [-12, -64],
+      [16, -68],
+      [68, -89],
+      [-30, -85],
+      [17, -47],
+      [-75, -43],
+      [-26, 139],
+      [-191, 176],
+      [-17, 66],
+      [12, 55],
+      [-39, 96],
+      [11, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5596, 11222],
+      [48, -26],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [121, 5],
+      [-24, -58],
+      [103, 1],
+      [65, -44],
+      [43, 3],
+      [39, -77],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-109, 77],
+      [-107, 58],
+      [-63, -23],
+      [-52, 20],
+      [-36, 68],
+      [73, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6773, 11324],
+      [23, -83],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [93, -60],
+      [13, -49],
+      [103, -136],
+      [107, 12],
+      [31, -19],
+      [36, -64],
+      [82, -12],
+      [75, -41],
+      [188, -17],
+      [11, -45],
+      [96, -27],
+      [34, -44],
+      [68, -50],
+      [14, -60],
+      [51, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7774, 10557],
+      [11, -89],
+      [-86, -10],
+      [6, -59],
+      [50, -65],
+      [-36, -61],
+      [3, -58],
+      [-39, -68],
+      [-92, -36],
+      [-41, 70],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-32, -44],
+      [-212, -47],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [68, 5],
+      [-5, -41],
+      [16, -155],
+      [-36, -72],
+      [69, 5],
+      [17, -40],
+      [124, -103],
+      [-37, -68],
+      [101, -35],
+      [5, -64],
+      [-26, -82],
+      [31, -48],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-92, -97],
+      [61, -43],
+      [-19, -113],
+      [84, 30],
+      [51, -36],
+      [53, 2],
+      [82, -39],
+      [-11, -96],
+      [102, 2],
+      [26, -33],
+      [56, -14],
+      [1, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6824, 9087],
+      [-46, 155],
+      [-46, 91],
+      [-81, 122],
+      [-112, 95],
+      [-22, 46],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-70, 56],
+      [-5, 55],
+      [-35, 47],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-68, 28],
+      [-71, 68],
+      [-82, 49],
+      [-38, 38],
+      [-8, 159],
+      [46, 24],
+      [41, -8],
+      [80, 65],
+      [-48, 59],
+      [20, 45],
+      [47, -12],
+      [68, 96],
+      [12, 114],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [3, 74],
+      [45, 31],
+      [-12, 78],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-16, 93],
+      [-109, 101],
+      [-92, 29],
+      [48, 143],
+      [39, 21],
+      [79, 95],
+      [-14, 89],
+      [15, 41],
+      [1, 5],
+      [45, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7774, 10557],
+      [68, 38],
+      [50, 161],
+      [70, -8],
+      [84, 94],
+      [41, -6],
+      [56, 29],
+      [49, -45],
+      [46, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8238, 10846],
+      [34, -3],
+      [111, -80],
+      [36, 13],
+      [136, -5],
+      [16, -32],
+      [82, 27],
+      [15, 55],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [39, 99],
+      [56, 4],
+      [48, -106],
+      [104, -18],
+      [3, 27],
+      [121, 18],
+      [-17, 35],
+      [47, 37],
+      [63, 23],
+      [117, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7775, 13068],
+      [32, -118],
+      [75, -76],
+      [-19, -47],
+      [36, -49],
+      [20, -70],
+      [-30, -66],
+      [80, -57],
+      [-53, -15],
+      [-53, -54],
+      [80, -31],
+      [-48, -55],
+      [5, -46],
+      [70, -59],
+      [-38, -57],
+      [-14, -76],
+      [-40, -73],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [75, -50],
+      [51, -4],
+      [-4, -69],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [16, -60],
+      [-21, -49],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-13, -126],
+      [46, -4],
+      [-15, -143],
+      [84, -74],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [24, -65],
+      [76, -54],
+      [69, 96],
+      [51, -8],
+      [33, -35],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [30, -59],
+      [-67, -26],
+      [21, -84],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [-9, -60],
+      [49, -15],
+      [24, -51],
+      [95, -35],
+      [-42, -70],
+      [13, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18678, 7541],
+      [11, -75],
+      [-31, -104],
+      [-32, -40],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-34, -52],
+      [33, -105],
+      [44, -33],
+      [56, -96],
+      [-71, -22],
+      [-11, -120]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18595, 6883],
+      [-71, -54],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-68, -66],
+      [-16, -64],
+      [-46, -61],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-11, -96],
+      [-47, -92],
+      [32, -101],
+      [75, -103],
+      [-16, -84],
+      [67, -49],
+      [10, -31],
+      [66, -42],
+      [16, -79],
+      [99, -64],
+      [45, -69],
+      [-76, -16],
+      [-93, 65],
+      [-48, -19],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [-52, -27],
+      [-80, 7],
+      [-43, -102],
+      [50, -13],
+      [14, -32],
+      [-113, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18187, 5557],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-50, -50],
+      [-52, 54],
+      [-52, -33],
+      [-110, -6],
+      [-5, -63],
+      [-45, -64],
+      [-45, 5],
+      [-134, 96],
+      [-28, 53],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [-64, -105],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-63, -94],
+      [-55, -28],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [-52, 62],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-26, -61],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-37, 52],
+      [-78, 23],
+      [-37, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16829, 5420],
+      [-64, 63],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [-46, 82],
+      [-42, 13],
+      [-86, -4],
+      [-36, 43],
+      [37, 36],
+      [53, 120],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-25, 61],
+      [-84, 7],
+      [10, 111],
+      [36, 70],
+      [3, 104],
+      [-65, -15],
+      [-6, 120]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16429, 6306],
+      [67, 40],
+      [52, 122],
+      [52, 10],
+      [45, -56],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [73, -10],
+      [6, 40],
+      [-57, 9],
+      [9, 50],
+      [38, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16703, 6480],
+      [25, -12],
+      [96, 54],
+      [87, 2],
+      [31, -24],
+      [122, -20],
+      [-46, 47],
+      [-32, 76],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-13, 40],
+      [40, 55],
+      [41, -22],
+      [7, -45],
+      [50, -50],
+      [2, 89],
+      [18, 57],
+      [-43, 12],
+      [62, 95],
+      [25, 81],
+      [101, 55],
+      [98, 133],
+      [113, -35],
+      [111, -184],
+      [54, 70],
+      [-45, 118],
+      [45, 5],
+      [48, 35],
+      [31, -34],
+      [37, 10],
+      [38, 118],
+      [57, -64],
+      [26, -58],
+      [35, 7],
+      [67, -41],
+      [117, -19],
+      [116, 3],
+      [14, 88],
+      [41, 34],
+      [23, 72],
+      [86, 52],
+      [47, 73],
+      [80, 50],
+      [37, 5],
+      [21, 41],
+      [37, 7],
+      [51, 66],
+      [60, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18645, 4849],
+      [-75, 51],
+      [17, 45],
+      [-25, 24],
+      [44, 88],
+      [7, 63],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [-61, 54],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-59, 86],
+      [21, 64],
+      [-32, 101],
+      [-65, 5],
+      [-46, 40],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-32, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18595, 6883],
+      [49, -30],
+      [11, -48],
+      [44, -47],
+      [1, -32],
+      [54, -44],
+      [12, -82],
+      [41, -42],
+      [60, 14],
+      [101, -69],
+      [83, -9],
+      [37, -59],
+      [35, -2],
+      [34, -54],
+      [125, -4],
+      [24, -66],
+      [80, 2],
+      [31, 26],
+      [46, -4],
+      [69, 42],
+      [97, 24],
+      [69, -4],
+      [30, 50],
+      [78, 2],
+      [-24, -113],
+      [70, -92],
+      [-19, -103],
+      [-56, -31],
+      [5, -73],
+      [-25, -49],
+      [-63, -45],
+      [-62, -26],
+      [-16, -104],
+      [-96, -63],
+      [47, -202],
+      [-62, -43],
+      [-82, -33],
+      [-49, -76],
+      [-73, 8],
+      [-80, -84],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [-62, -7],
+      [-56, -99],
+      [-71, 21],
+      [-48, -64],
+      [-13, -126],
+      [-65, -11],
+      [-78, -77],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-50, -21],
+      [-32, -70],
+      [29, -19],
+      [-37, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16823, 5409],
+      [47, -19],
+      [7, -45],
+      [38, -17],
+      [-22, -67],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [-107, -41],
+      [-31, -72],
+      [11, -62],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [93, -55],
+      [-4, -115],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [44, -34],
+      [80, -131],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [33, -103],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [4, -64],
+      [55, 10],
+      [56, -81],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-92, -46],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [-18, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16695, 4160],
+      [-74, 16],
+      [-35, -59],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [-63, 92],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [-82, 32],
+      [-53, -14],
+      [-31, 18],
+      [-64, -14],
+      [-22, 55],
+      [50, 71],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [28, 66],
+      [-37, 81],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [-74, -55],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-240, -9],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-13, 60],
+      [-53, 74],
+      [-15, 59],
+      [-68, 14],
+      [-114, -80],
+      [-15, -49],
+      [43, -19],
+      [-5, -57],
+      [-59, -20],
+      [-70, 30],
+      [-87, 6],
+      [-103, -9],
+      [-122, 37],
+      [-36, 33],
+      [45, 50],
+      [-10, 80],
+      [-73, 42],
+      [-139, 8],
+      [-19, -15],
+      [-309, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15255, 5867],
+      [179, -31],
+      [74, -53],
+      [104, -41],
+      [89, -94],
+      [32, -89],
+      [213, -125],
+      [78, 28],
+      [122, -25],
+      [43, -41],
+      [157, -89],
+      [132, -48],
+      [118, -1],
+      [53, 31],
+      [49, 49],
+      [61, -7],
+      [64, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18180, 8585],
+      [60, -112],
+      [24, -91],
+      [82, 6],
+      [36, -121],
+      [-1, -131],
+      [78, -62],
+      [20, -33],
+      [68, -42],
+      [66, -20],
+      [56, 42],
+      [85, -55],
+      [29, -38],
+      [-20, -69],
+      [25, -44],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [63, -81],
+      [15, -46],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-45, 23],
+      [-48, -9],
+      [-70, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16703, 6480],
+      [8, 90],
+      [-13, 34],
+      [21, 47],
+      [-61, 2],
+      [-10, 61],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [4, 38],
+      [-117, 0],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-78, 101],
+      [-15, 70],
+      [9, 50],
+      [53, -29],
+      [-23, 177],
+      [82, -15],
+      [143, -60],
+      [46, 84],
+      [48, 0],
+      [-57, 74],
+      [-47, 20],
+      [16, 58],
+      [65, 117],
+      [-12, 73],
+      [65, -3],
+      [64, -23],
+      [44, 47],
+      [57, -16],
+      [16, 49],
+      [45, 38],
+      [-44, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16897, 7661],
+      [43, 82],
+      [29, 21],
+      [58, -10],
+      [52, 13],
+      [94, 65],
+      [-47, 54],
+      [83, 36],
+      [41, 40],
+      [41, -51],
+      [87, 69],
+      [27, 38],
+      [61, -23],
+      [41, 15],
+      [81, -14],
+      [28, 38],
+      [58, 8],
+      [49, -56],
+      [30, 15],
+      [4, 199],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-49, 128],
+      [-66, -17],
+      [-82, 37],
+      [27, 122],
+      [35, 10],
+      [-21, 85],
+      [48, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17606, 8625],
+      [51, -42],
+      [63, 33],
+      [48, -48],
+      [49, -92],
+      [58, 2],
+      [29, -24],
+      [52, 9],
+      [-8, 78],
+      [44, 43],
+      [38, -23],
+      [64, 55],
+      [58, -5],
+      [28, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17576, 3806],
+      [15, -60],
+      [-61, 7],
+      [46, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18645, 4849],
+      [-21, -75],
+      [-42, -44],
+      [-64, -40],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-62, -15],
+      [-30, 35],
+      [-60, -63],
+      [-13, -115],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-57, -34],
+      [-69, -63],
+      [16, -34],
+      [65, 27],
+      [85, -51],
+      [-44, -30],
+      [4, -63],
+      [-74, -111],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [-71, 13],
+      [-97, -88],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-92, -18],
+      [-52, -27],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [8, -67],
+      [-49, 10],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-56, -16],
+      [-53, 6],
+      [-70, -62],
+      [-16, -58],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [-59, 20],
+      [-88, -23],
+      [-37, 61],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-104, -8],
+      [36, -73],
+      [-64, 12],
+      [-55, -65],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-35, 73],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-61, 23],
+      [-30, 33],
+      [-93, 30],
+      [-1, 65],
+      [-36, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16823, 5409],
+      [6, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15116, 6661],
+      [3, 136]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15119, 6797],
+      [45, -21],
+      [128, 10],
+      [64, -48],
+      [0, -80],
+      [14, -84],
+      [19, -9],
+      [84, 76],
+      [82, 1],
+      [87, 54],
+      [110, 51],
+      [25, -55],
+      [51, -8],
+      [61, 46],
+      [19, -126],
+      [22, -57],
+      [96, -17],
+      [29, 38],
+      [73, -48],
+      [49, -11],
+      [31, 22],
+      [45, -29],
+      [-2, -105],
+      [50, -2],
+      [49, -41],
+      [11, -40],
+      [68, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15641, 7011],
+      [46, -70],
+      [80, -37],
+      [-70, -35],
+      [-18, -82],
+      [-52, -65],
+      [-89, 27],
+      [-50, -11],
+      [-31, 94],
+      [58, 68],
+      [18, 76],
+      [108, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17302, 11581],
+      [52, -18],
+      [110, -94],
+      [-102, -189],
+      [31, -73],
+      [-136, -36],
+      [-110, -93],
+      [46, -28],
+      [-57, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17136, 10929],
+      [-55, -2],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [6, -52],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-42, -56],
+      [-7, -79],
+      [9, -131],
+      [33, -34],
+      [-4, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16943, 10485],
+      [-3, -56],
+      [-52, -193],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [-16, -218],
+      [-42, -52],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [13, -58],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [3, -53],
+      [-54, -16],
+      [-45, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16622, 9740],
+      [-34, 90],
+      [-87, 81],
+      [0, 59],
+      [-95, 91],
+      [-95, 123],
+      [17, 58],
+      [-45, 56],
+      [-76, 60],
+      [-81, -80],
+      [-19, -77],
+      [-36, -57],
+      [-66, -47],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-52, 71],
+      [-87, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15815, 10199],
+      [-131, -18],
+      [-82, 12],
+      [-61, -16],
+      [-4, 66],
+      [-58, 108],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [-49, 36],
+      [-68, -38],
+      [4, 56],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-72, 8],
+      [36, 75],
+      [-23, 168],
+      [34, 46],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [74, 110],
+      [10, 39],
+      [-34, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15350, 9018],
+      [14, -25],
+      [-12, -95],
+      [16, -94],
+      [0, -91],
+      [26, -26],
+      [-38, -73],
+      [39, -56],
+      [-1, -57],
+      [49, -40],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-8, -70],
+      [37, -96],
+      [40, -67],
+      [-50, -92],
+      [11, -42],
+      [-59, -88],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [-94, -106],
+      [5, -129],
+      [27, -83],
+      [-4, -55],
+      [-60, -120],
+      [-45, -47],
+      [-29, -81],
+      [22, -29],
+      [-26, -95],
+      [15, -28],
+      [-6, -79],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [-4, -71],
+      [-24, -60],
+      [3, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14860, 8876],
+      [82, 1],
+      [107, 38],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [38, 86],
+      [99, 83],
+      [117, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15281, 9172],
+      [26, -26],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [59, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15350, 9018],
+      [90, 24],
+      [31, -26],
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+      [55, -52],
+      [20, -71],
+      [-57, -140],
+      [14, -57],
+      [-41, -35],
+      [-76, 38],
+      [-51, 70],
+      [-59, 45],
+      [38, 47],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [-110, -4],
+      [-23, -61],
+      [-60, -8],
+      [-72, 96],
+      [-143, -16],
+      [-61, 16],
+      [39, -121],
+      [-70, -11],
+      [-119, 22],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [-55, -44],
+      [-66, 21],
+      [-92, -11],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [-36, -62],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-41, -56],
+      [-78, -57],
+      [-119, -9],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [-108, 5],
+      [9, 31],
+      [-91, 109],
+      [11, 49],
+      [-93, -30],
+      [-71, 60],
+      [-72, 13],
+      [-21, -38],
+      [-70, 4],
+      [-27, 55],
+      [-23, -107],
+      [23, -30],
+      [11, -70],
+      [-124, -177],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-51, 31],
+      [51, 109],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [24, 23],
+      [-87, 74],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [-118, 19],
+      [8, 47],
+      [-41, 16],
+      [-35, -70],
+      [-91, 35],
+      [-10, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2699, 3147],
+      [-29, 55],
+      [33, 31],
+      [-15, 65],
+      [47, 60],
+      [-68, 129],
+      [-26, 105],
+      [8, 181],
+      [-34, -1],
+      [22, 95],
+      [87, 18],
+      [30, -24],
+      [53, 57],
+      [116, -23],
+      [35, -71],
+      [84, 17],
+      [-10, 162],
+      [22, 31],
+      [53, -19],
+      [57, 26],
+      [-11, 40],
+      [72, 42],
+      [16, 169],
+      [104, -35],
+      [87, 62],
+      [44, 67],
+      [0, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3476, 4417],
+      [49, 46],
+      [88, 5],
+      [74, -81],
+      [29, -5],
+      [74, -132],
+      [34, 10],
+      [30, -66],
+      [74, -30],
+      [25, -56],
+      [5, -91],
+      [97, -20],
+      [62, 92],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [29, 46],
+      [62, 40],
+      [86, 6],
+      [87, -65],
+      [62, 30],
+      [38, -60],
+      [73, -75],
+      [20, 207],
+      [-19, 81],
+      [64, 15],
+      [39, 46],
+      [49, -10],
+      [-10, -86],
+      [97, -96],
+      [49, 31],
+      [24, -20],
+      [64, 10],
+      [74, 36],
+      [33, -41],
+      [84, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6093, 6967],
+      [-70, 37],
+      [21, 65],
+      [47, 55],
+      [-45, 21],
+      [33, 70],
+      [46, 14],
+      [11, 60],
+      [117, -8],
+      [56, 19],
+      [22, 45],
+      [50, -31],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [45, -26],
+      [73, -92],
+      [4, -51],
+      [60, -22],
+      [24, -51],
+      [-74, -114],
+      [-49, 72],
+      [-51, -9],
+      [-95, 28],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [-141, 59],
+      [-41, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7125, 8246],
+      [26, -100],
+      [-57, -71],
+      [3, -122],
+      [-35, -91],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-107, -64],
+      [11, -111],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [13, -41],
+      [63, -6],
+      [35, -47],
+      [96, -65],
+      [79, -110],
+      [117, -71],
+      [22, -53],
+      [-22, -27],
+      [13, -85],
+      [-66, -63],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [48, -129],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [108, -66],
+      [-21, -61],
+      [17, -30],
+      [-22, -71],
+      [60, -71],
+      [-41, -117],
+      [11, -56],
+      [-43, -90],
+      [-51, -47],
+      [3, -49],
+      [44, -15],
+      [5, -73],
+      [54, -66],
+      [22, -111],
+      [-29, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7371, 5871],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-183, -9],
+      [-100, -53],
+      [-43, 23],
+      [-116, 17],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-36, -104],
+      [-54, -100],
+      [-36, 33],
+      [-36, -24],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-81, -28],
+      [-182, 26],
+      [-82, 68],
+      [-95, -7],
+      [-81, -38],
+      [-27, 101],
+      [21, 55],
+      [-58, 82],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [-36, -9],
+      [-29, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 5957],
+      [97, 58],
+      [-1, 151],
+      [-34, 61],
+      [-74, 32],
+      [6, 40],
+      [-61, 2],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [-91, -3],
+      [-4, 46],
+      [-120, 48],
+      [-45, 6],
+      [-26, -35],
+      [-66, 1],
+      [-49, 67],
+      [-46, -19],
+      [-55, 36],
+      [-75, 82],
+      [-44, 81],
+      [37, 70],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [48, 130],
+      [-8, 101],
+      [26, 70],
+      [-55, 36],
+      [-77, 6],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [22, 90],
+      [52, 55],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [6, 60],
+      [42, 50],
+      [-19, 71],
+      [-128, 53],
+      [-87, -14],
+      [-61, 21],
+      [-67, 46],
+      [-71, 87],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-72, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4778, 7840],
+      [-77, 21],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [-88, -34],
+      [-68, 67],
+      [0, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4504, 7960],
+      [104, -1],
+      [63, 24],
+      [57, -21],
+      [42, 121],
+      [37, 40],
+      [57, -1],
+      [25, -35],
+      [58, 49],
+      [57, 5],
+      [130, 63],
+      [27, 61],
+      [93, -12],
+      [52, 25],
+      [25, -36],
+      [113, -38],
+      [0, -30],
+      [51, -37],
+      [62, 14],
+      [66, -27],
+      [47, 15],
+      [14, -41],
+      [62, -2],
+      [20, -51],
+      [108, 13],
+      [55, -47],
+      [106, 104],
+      [119, 27],
+      [42, 30],
+      [51, -2],
+      [35, -41],
+      [28, 70],
+      [52, 3],
+      [44, 105],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [63, 19],
+      [12, 45],
+      [59, 44],
+      [78, 3],
+      [18, 60],
+      [46, -27],
+      [33, -72],
+      [104, -28],
+      [64, 17],
+      [52, -26],
+      [53, -2],
+      [-3, -50],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-78, -73],
+      [25, -26],
+      [68, -12],
+      [61, 39],
+      [17, 34],
+      [80, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2196, 8114],
+      [79, -63],
+      [98, -1],
+      [21, -24],
+      [72, -3],
+      [27, -40],
+      [88, 3],
+      [3, -132],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-130, 36],
+      [-41, -6],
+      [-17, 55],
+      [-31, 14],
+      [-39, 105],
+      [-89, 42],
+      [-12, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2203, 8484],
+      [35, 4],
+      [8, 58],
+      [-32, 58],
+      [-5, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2209, 8622],
+      [61, -18],
+      [42, -60],
+      [5, -52],
+      [-37, -36],
+      [-77, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3709, 8399],
+      [-60, -51],
+      [-59, 4],
+      [-103, 90],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [-75, -5],
+      [-38, 40],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-53, 45],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [5, 66],
+      [-38, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3212, 8571],
+      [5, 35],
+      [47, 36],
+      [54, -20],
+      [57, 81],
+      [60, -10],
+      [9, 46],
+      [59, -5],
+      [10, 55],
+      [74, -14],
+      [7, -56],
+      [39, -60],
+      [-15, -55],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [7, -75],
+      [43, -5],
+      [22, -50],
+      [61, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3390, 5592],
+      [10, -102],
+      [65, -36],
+      [41, -71],
+      [99, -31],
+      [35, -31],
+      [-73, -170],
+      [45, -16],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-130, 21],
+      [-24, -106],
+      [41, -61],
+      [-54, -85],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-20, -71],
+      [11, -45],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [9, -50],
+      [52, -11],
+      [4, 56],
+      [81, 8],
+      [31, -61],
+      [-40, -25],
+      [21, -77],
+      [-19, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2132, 3151],
+      [-29, 43],
+      [-26, 79],
+      [18, 41],
+      [53, 23],
+      [-51, 133],
+      [8, 41],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [14, 31],
+      [-26, 89],
+      [-65, 73],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-167, -78],
+      [-83, -6],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [-70, 61],
+      [53, 41],
+      [9, 57],
+      [63, -20],
+      [4, 41],
+      [-35, 55],
+      [23, 31],
+      [78, 37],
+      [100, 89],
+      [-35, 45],
+      [-11, 61],
+      [-62, 34],
+      [-11, 132],
+      [56, 83],
+      [44, -29],
+      [34, 26],
+      [14, 62],
+      [-44, 82],
+      [11, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1886, 4651],
+      [38, 70],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [28, 51],
+      [80, 101],
+      [78, -25],
+      [66, 71],
+      [17, 66],
+      [57, 62],
+      [1, 117],
+      [105, -7],
+      [34, 22],
+      [9, 46],
+      [44, 42],
+      [-23, 106],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [-90, -38],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [53, 83],
+      [55, 32],
+      [106, 39],
+      [41, -19],
+      [69, 18],
+      [-28, 136],
+      [98, 43],
+      [59, -33],
+      [1, -71],
+      [49, 1],
+      [94, 94],
+      [79, 109],
+      [-30, 24],
+      [90, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2985, 5954],
+      [64, -23],
+      [83, 2],
+      [51, -64],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-14, -76],
+      [21, -44],
+      [1, -70],
+      [-57, -43],
+      [15, -45],
+      [69, -42],
+      [62, 13],
+      [-25, 49],
+      [75, 71],
+      [91, 11],
+      [22, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4504, 7960],
+      [-62, 82],
+      [-88, 47],
+      [-83, 163],
+      [-67, 8],
+      [-57, -38],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-73, 78],
+      [-92, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3941, 8305],
+      [20, 25],
+      [15, 100],
+      [46, -1],
+      [103, 82],
+      [4, 50],
+      [73, 18],
+      [36, 104],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-68, 67],
+      [-7, 101],
+      [10, 71],
+      [95, 53],
+      [6, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4189, 9098],
+      [120, 68],
+      [118, 13],
+      [57, -39],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [68, 20],
+      [98, -64],
+      [31, 65],
+      [-87, 24],
+      [1, 30],
+      [66, 36],
+      [41, -19],
+      [58, 34],
+      [40, 57],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [63, 64],
+      [162, -6],
+      [111, 40],
+      [82, -3],
+      [68, 87],
+      [124, 79],
+      [59, 110],
+      [48, 56],
+      [36, 86],
+      [32, -37],
+      [93, -19],
+      [164, -2],
+      [-77, -38],
+      [-107, 6],
+      [-103, -56],
+      [-65, 4],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-53, -50],
+      [21, -32],
+      [76, 32],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [52, 13],
+      [146, 98],
+      [9, -53],
+      [69, -1],
+      [35, -27],
+      [42, 66],
+      [86, 49],
+      [94, -179],
+      [95, -88],
+      [50, -6],
+      [52, -96],
+      [24, 16],
+      [83, -79],
+      [183, 41],
+      [93, -71],
+      [-42, -95],
+      [64, -58],
+      [65, -80],
+      [-5, 88],
+      [106, -67],
+      [11, 76],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-26, 66],
+      [-40, 6],
+      [-134, -44],
+      [40, 85],
+      [-52, 89],
+      [53, 25],
+      [24, -74],
+      [39, -42],
+      [108, -54],
+      [169, -167],
+      [-26, -78],
+      [-130, 0],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-106, -19],
+      [87, -87],
+      [125, -47],
+      [52, -2],
+      [38, 35],
+      [51, -139],
+      [23, -186],
+      [34, -46],
+      [12, -85],
+      [35, -131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6302, 10089],
+      [-44, -67],
+      [14, -52],
+      [53, -37],
+      [149, 20],
+      [37, -31],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [-82, -69],
+      [24, -78],
+      [66, -23],
+      [-4, -61],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-80, -65],
+      [-18, -101],
+      [-159, 65],
+      [-50, 36],
+      [-21, 49],
+      [13, 54],
+      [87, -4],
+      [2, 52],
+      [-56, 24],
+      [0, 38],
+      [60, 26],
+      [-59, 48],
+      [-7, 51],
+      [65, 13],
+      [38, -15],
+      [64, 17],
+      [73, -113],
+      [38, 9],
+      [5, 93],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-111, -13],
+      [32, 75],
+      [-3, 62],
+      [120, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [742, 8639],
+      [-35, -75],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [90, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2689, 9000],
+      [86, 3],
+      [74, -23],
+      [59, -63],
+      [38, -89],
+      [85, -77],
+      [34, -105],
+      [105, -66],
+      [42, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3709, 8399],
+      [60, -10],
+      [96, -69],
+      [76, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4778, 7840],
+      [-31, -50],
+      [-41, 5],
+      [-32, -85],
+      [-130, -85],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-67, 36],
+      [-135, 7],
+      [-47, -79],
+      [-142, 4],
+      [-9, -84],
+      [24, -71],
+      [115, -183],
+      [38, -145],
+      [-31, -55],
+      [83, -101],
+      [21, -51],
+      [-51, -9],
+      [77, -152],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [40, -16],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [-85, -38],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-97, -8],
+      [-139, 2],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [67, -174],
+      [-55, -47],
+      [-5, -62],
+      [20, -56],
+      [61, -95],
+      [26, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4031, 5951],
+      [-55, -33],
+      [1, -53],
+      [-99, -40],
+      [-65, 51],
+      [-50, -40],
+      [-38, -60],
+      [-138, -95],
+      [-123, -34],
+      [-74, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2985, 5954],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [22, 76],
+      [-16, 74],
+      [52, 47],
+      [-8, 85],
+      [-60, 9],
+      [-32, 75],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-7, 66],
+      [-70, -1],
+      [14, 46],
+      [-21, 35],
+      [3, 71],
+      [-27, 65],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-7, 61],
+      [24, 56],
+      [-87, 39],
+      [13, 66],
+      [34, 47],
+      [50, 16],
+      [34, 77],
+      [-22, 61],
+      [24, 36],
+      [-67, 23],
+      [-53, -92],
+      [-54, -43],
+      [-56, -16],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [2, 112],
+      [-48, 75],
+      [-80, -43],
+      [-42, 19],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-24, -56],
+      [-106, -9],
+      [7, -50],
+      [109, -57],
+      [20, -152],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [19, -96],
+      [-50, -21],
+      [-8, -41],
+      [-97, 28],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-72, -63],
+      [-101, -16],
+      [-54, -39],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [103, 40],
+      [2, 83],
+      [-66, 2],
+      [-3, 174],
+      [40, 13],
+      [-32, 68],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [-70, -14],
+      [-76, 41],
+      [-22, 74],
+      [-67, 22],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [1, -65],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-117, -81],
+      [-77, -64],
+      [-117, 5],
+      [-73, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1000, 6768],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [43, 85],
+      [-67, 158],
+      [-58, -45],
+      [-64, 31],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [5, 198],
+      [56, 36],
+      [99, -1],
+      [36, -17],
+      [95, 6],
+      [15, 227],
+      [11, 44],
+      [99, 118],
+      [35, 92],
+      [2, 133],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [48, 98],
+      [-11, 54],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [17, 98],
+      [-187, 9],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [22, 170],
+      [33, 56],
+      [57, 10],
+      [-36, 52],
+      [56, 78],
+      [116, 72],
+      [149, 4],
+      [74, -12],
+      [108, 36],
+      [181, 22],
+      [85, -8],
+      [13, -68],
+      [72, -65],
+      [46, -96],
+      [-16, -42],
+      [-75, -16],
+      [32, -75],
+      [32, 10],
+      [60, -69],
+      [36, -4],
+      [53, 89],
+      [0, 70],
+      [-70, 5],
+      [9, 85],
+      [51, 48],
+      [35, -10],
+      [32, -49],
+      [101, -31],
+      [7, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2209, 8622],
+      [-31, 67],
+      [0, 53],
+      [59, 182],
+      [53, 73],
+      [54, 13],
+      [87, -79],
+      [84, -7],
+      [107, 10],
+      [70, 37],
+      [-3, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1886, 4651],
+      [-133, 118],
+      [6, 76],
+      [-122, 69],
+      [16, 61],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [-37, -32],
+      [7, -56],
+      [-50, -73],
+      [-35, -78],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-100, -67],
+      [-97, -22],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-86, -36],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-38, -33],
+      [-78, 5],
+      [-41, -53],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [19, -65],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-44, -70],
+      [48, -104],
+      [-79, -31],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [-72, 19],
+      [-108, -24],
+      [-61, 23],
+      [14, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [443, 4153],
+      [-53, 79],
+      [29, 90],
+      [-37, 65],
+      [-89, 11],
+      [-40, 79],
+      [63, 44],
+      [7, 45],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-65, 105],
+      [-75, 23],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [57, 36],
+      [47, 78],
+      [-4, 58],
+      [-57, 16],
+      [15, 63],
+      [-104, 29],
+      [-30, 58],
+      [45, 16],
+      [36, -29],
+      [25, 65],
+      [33, 19],
+      [88, 106],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [0, 78],
+      [128, 165],
+      [-15, 59],
+      [14, 91],
+      [-9, 44],
+      [-52, 82],
+      [-55, 49],
+      [23, 75],
+      [-70, 31],
+      [1, 60],
+      [-55, 112],
+      [76, 57],
+      [90, -9],
+      [-42, 62],
+      [42, 17],
+      [41, -48],
+      [59, 12],
+      [18, -35],
+      [72, 28],
+      [69, -23],
+      [61, 39],
+      [116, 51],
+      [42, -29],
+      [80, 90],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [-63, 48],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [2, 46],
+      [49, 17],
+      [8, 47],
+      [70, -2],
+      [53, 79],
+      [44, 17],
+      [16, 48],
+      [69, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1966, 2311],
+      [-115, 29],
+      [-34, 32],
+      [-62, 21],
+      [-33, 38],
+      [-58, -31],
+      [-56, 41],
+      [-108, -24],
+      [-36, 37],
+      [-49, 9],
+      [-66, 77],
+      [1, 43],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-66, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1246, 2587],
+      [-55, 57],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [74, 58],
+      [25, 101],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [-27, 79],
+      [42, 32],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [-14, 95],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [-71, 61],
+      [-28, -22],
+      [-110, -23],
+      [-97, -72],
+      [-110, -29],
+      [-101, -14],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [-68, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [422, 3100],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [38, 45],
+      [1, 56],
+      [66, 67],
+      [13, 65],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [-92, 24],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-116, 58],
+      [-15, 81],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-37, 120],
+      [5, 100],
+      [24, 69],
+      [36, 22],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [88, 40],
+      [21, 72],
+      [85, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1246, 2587],
+      [-61, -76],
+      [-40, 20],
+      [-72, -12],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-20, 103],
+      [-83, 46],
+      [-81, -14],
+      [20, -45],
+      [-22, -37],
+      [-81, 18],
+      [-37, 72],
+      [-21, 86],
+      [-44, 30],
+      [-42, 63],
+      [29, 24],
+      [-50, 47],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [-94, 57],
+      [-46, -13],
+      [9, 111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 5957],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-76, -33],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [-62, -49],
+      [-75, 22],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [-112, -37],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-50, 1],
+      [-36, -49],
+      [15, -36],
+      [-41, -59],
+      [20, -30],
+      [-6, -75],
+      [14, -61],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [38, -96],
+      [14, -90],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [20, -40],
+      [54, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5358, 5205],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [29, -40],
+      [-46, -95],
+      [-49, 36],
+      [-125, -8],
+      [-49, 60],
+      [-85, 56],
+      [-100, -15],
+      [-49, 31],
+      [-50, 55],
+      [-129, -15],
+      [-30, 61],
+      [16, 60],
+      [-44, 76],
+      [50, 71],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [-120, 20],
+      [-89, 5],
+      [-59, 35],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-25, 101],
+      [-54, 86],
+      [5, 51],
+      [-35, 56],
+      [-130, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7371, 5871],
+      [17, -77],
+      [81, -36],
+      [68, -11],
+      [45, -54],
+      [3, -123],
+      [55, -93],
+      [4, -74],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-24, -180],
+      [-37, -71],
+      [-28, -106],
+      [-66, -78],
+      [3, -38],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [-113, 31],
+      [-30, 20],
+      [17, 50],
+      [-51, 51],
+      [25, 71],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [-70, 22],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-49, 30],
+      [-73, -19],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [119, -42],
+      [-24, -73],
+      [-65, -19],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-31, -48],
+      [-147, -63],
+      [-48, 7],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-32, -84],
+      [-170, 15],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-19, -105],
+      [-50, -43],
+      [-74, 31],
+      [-77, -65],
+      [-30, 18],
+      [-44, -125],
+      [-87, -2],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-4, -81],
+      [-77, -57],
+      [-77, 65],
+      [-69, -20],
+      [-46, -43],
+      [-158, -12],
+      [-19, -69],
+      [-73, -39],
+      [3, -31],
+      [-43, -42],
+      [-30, -113],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-8, 72],
+      [-65, 60],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [-57, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5050, 4296],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [40, 46],
+      [-67, 91],
+      [35, 5],
+      [21, 56],
+      [64, 0],
+      [4, -61],
+      [80, 31],
+      [72, 91],
+      [50, -10],
+      [47, 66],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-39, 70],
+      [11, 95],
+      [89, 18],
+      [25, 35],
+      [49, -12],
+      [40, 69],
+      [94, 12],
+      [45, 24],
+      [-28, 86],
+      [-69, 17],
+      [-28, 90],
+      [-143, 54],
+      [-40, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4335, 9885],
+      [84, -18],
+      [60, -38],
+      [59, -124],
+      [-57, 13],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-65, 18],
+      [-1, 40],
+      [-75, -1],
+      [4, 57],
+      [49, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2352, 9916],
+      [-11, -80],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [83, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2072, 10126],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [47, -106],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-59, 84],
+      [54, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2225, 10186],
+      [46, -52],
+      [-24, -51],
+      [-72, 1],
+      [-68, 29],
+      [19, 56],
+      [99, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2689, 9000],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [-66, -9],
+      [-48, 45],
+      [-73, 137],
+      [43, 28],
+      [75, -14],
+      [15, 34],
+      [-49, 96],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-52, 70],
+      [32, 122],
+      [-88, 34],
+      [-52, -29],
+      [-82, 54],
+      [80, 80],
+      [-4, 46],
+      [118, 16],
+      [36, -13],
+      [52, 29],
+      [79, 90],
+      [-19, 39],
+      [-81, -82],
+      [-72, 16],
+      [2, 40],
+      [51, 36],
+      [6, 100],
+      [-52, 72],
+      [-50, 38],
+      [-62, 143],
+      [-63, 75],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-64, -3],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-40, -12],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [16, 57],
+      [70, 160],
+      [38, -42],
+      [-72, -68],
+      [8, -81],
+      [82, -43],
+      [50, 9],
+      [56, 3],
+      [42, 37],
+      [77, -24],
+      [68, 29],
+      [32, -32],
+      [104, 10],
+      [60, -43],
+      [80, 2],
+      [82, -29],
+      [34, -64],
+      [49, 8],
+      [39, 41],
+      [34, -32],
+      [134, 44],
+      [30, -21],
+      [142, -57],
+      [47, -48],
+      [88, 34],
+      [31, -123],
+      [32, -39],
+      [-5, -149],
+      [-50, -64],
+      [-105, -52],
+      [21, -25],
+      [131, 38],
+      [94, 12],
+      [48, -38],
+      [-4, -87],
+      [-39, -45],
+      [28, -27],
+      [33, 89],
+      [97, 42],
+      [49, -13],
+      [81, -50],
+      [97, -36],
+      [66, -71],
+      [86, 1],
+      [71, 64],
+      [65, 36],
+      [103, -55],
+      [17, -196],
+      [-116, -81],
+      [-53, -63],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-43, -70],
+      [29, -56],
+      [76, -13],
+      [16, -43]
+    ]
+  ],
+  "transform": {
+    "scale": [0.0011991174479294346, 0.0007349236821249691],
+    "translate": [5.87205886840826, 47.26985931396496]
+  },
+  "objects": {
+    "germany": {
+      "type": "GeometryCollection",
+      "geometries": [
+        {
+          "arcs": [[0, 1, 2, 3]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-BW",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "Baden-Württemberg",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[4, 5, -4, 6, 7]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-BY",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 2,
+            "NAME_1": "Bayern",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Bavaria"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[8]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-BE",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 3,
+            "NAME_1": "Berlin",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [-9]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-BB",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 4,
+            "NAME_1": "Brandenburg",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[14]], [[15, 16]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-HB",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 5,
+            "NAME_1": "Bremen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[17, 18]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-HH",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 6,
+            "NAME_1": "Hamburg",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[19, -7, -3, 20, 21, 22]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-HE",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 7,
+            "NAME_1": "Hessen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Hesse"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[-14, 23, 24, 25]], [[26]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-MV",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 8,
+            "NAME_1": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Mecklenburg-West Pomerania"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[27]], [[28, -18, 29, -24, -13, 30, 31, -23, 32, 33, -17, 34], [-15]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-NI",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 9,
+            "NAME_1": "Niedersachsen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Lower Saxony"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-22, 35, 36, -33]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-NW",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 10,
+            "NAME_1": "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "North Rhine-Westphalia"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-21, -2, 37, 38, 39, -36]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-RP",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 11,
+            "NAME_1": "Rheinland-Pfalz",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Rhineland-Palatinate"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[40, -39]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-SL",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 12,
+            "NAME_1": "Saarland",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[41, 42, -31, -12]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-ST",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 13,
+            "NAME_1": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Saxony-Anhalt"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-11, 43, -5, 44, -42]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-SN",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 14,
+            "NAME_1": "Sachsen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Saxony"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[45]], [[46]], [[47]], [[48]], [[-25, -30, -19, -29, 49]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-SH",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 15,
+            "NAME_1": "Schleswig-Holstein",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-45, -8, -20, -32, -43]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 86,
+            "ISO": "DE-TH",
+            "NAME_0": "Germany",
+            "ID_1": 16,
+            "NAME_1": "Thüringen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Land",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "State",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Thuringia"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd9bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import { keyBy } from 'lodash/fp';
+import { RawMapMetadata } from '../types';
+// Edit here if you are adding a new map
+const mapsInfo: Record<string, Omit<RawMapMetadata, 'key'>> = {
+  belgium: {
+    name: 'Belgium',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./belgium-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  brazil: {
+    name: 'Brazil',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./brazil-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  bulgaria: {
+    name: 'Bulgaria',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./bulgaria-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  canada: {
+    name: 'Canada',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./canada-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.NAME_1',
+  },
+  china: {
+    name: 'China',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./china-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.NAME_1',
+  },
+  france: {
+    name: 'France',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./france-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  germany: {
+    name: 'Germany',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./germany-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  india: {
+    name: 'India',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./india-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  iran: {
+    name: 'Iran',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./iran-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  italy: {
+    name: 'Italy',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./italy-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  japan: {
+    name: 'Japan',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./japan-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  korea: {
+    name: 'Korea',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./korea-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  liechtenstein: {
+    name: 'Liechtenstein',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./liechtenstein-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  morocco: {
+    name: 'Morocco',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./morocco-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  myanmar: {
+    name: 'Myanmar',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./myanmar-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  netherlands: {
+    name: 'Netherlands',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./netherlands-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  portugal: {
+    name: 'Portugal',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./portugal-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  russia: {
+    name: 'Russia',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./russia-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+    rotate: [-9, 0, 0],
+  },
+  singapore: {
+    name: 'Singapore',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./singapore-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  spain: {
+    name: 'Spain',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./spain-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  switzerland: {
+    name: 'Switzerland',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./switzerland-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  thailand: {
+    name: 'Thailand',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./thailand-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.NAME_1',
+  },
+  timorleste: {
+    name: 'Timor-Leste',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./timorleste-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  uk: {
+    name: 'United Kingdom',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./uk-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.ISO',
+  },
+  ukraine: {
+    name: 'Ukraine',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./ukraine-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.NAME_1',
+  },
+  usa: {
+    name: 'USA',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./usa-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'properties.STATE',
+    projection: 'Albers',
+  },
+  world: {
+    name: 'World Map',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./world-topo.json'),
+    keyField: 'id',
+    projection: 'Equirectangular',
+    rotate: [-9, 0, 0],
+  },
+  zambia: {
+    name: 'Zambia',
+    type: 'topojson',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    load: () => import('./zambia-topo.json'),
+    keyField: '',
+  },
+/** List of available maps */
+export const maps: RawMapMetadata[] = Object.entries(mapsInfo).map(
+  ([key, metadata]) =>
+    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
+    ({ ...metadata, key } as RawMapMetadata),
+/** All maps indexed by map key */
+export const mapsLookup = keyBy((m: RawMapMetadata) => m.key)(maps);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/india-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/india-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c94f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/india-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15073 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [56424, 1124],
+      [49, -57],
+      [46, -219],
+      [-8, -80],
+      [64, -88],
+      [44, -199],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [-44, -98],
+      [-8, -128],
+      [33, -20],
+      [-27, -77],
+      [-95, 24],
+      [-13, -82],
+      [-41, -59],
+      [-48, 19],
+      [15, 105],
+      [-61, 65],
+      [-13, 105],
+      [-83, 101],
+      [7, 85],
+      [-101, 115],
+      [-64, 3],
+      [-32, 262],
+      [44, 32],
+      [-2, 84],
+      [25, 31],
+      [104, -6],
+      [47, 56],
+      [116, 8],
+      [2, 32],
+      [87, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56127, 1594],
+      [26, -107],
+      [70, -53],
+      [-70, -149],
+      [-100, -59],
+      [-68, -97],
+      [-43, 60],
+      [-5, 86],
+      [21, 36],
+      [-11, 93],
+      [68, 45],
+      [100, 30],
+      [12, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55395, 2937],
+      [65, -41],
+      [-15, -75],
+      [125, -85],
+      [32, -97],
+      [-169, 14],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-78, 44],
+      [7, 55],
+      [-65, 40],
+      [-17, 44],
+      [57, 116],
+      [40, -10],
+      [56, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55763, 2945],
+      [36, -8],
+      [42, -76],
+      [-20, -145],
+      [-146, 130],
+      [88, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55717, 3415],
+      [39, -15],
+      [1, -66],
+      [-89, -120],
+      [97, -130],
+      [10, -50],
+      [-63, -34],
+      [-19, 74],
+      [-71, -15],
+      [-54, 109],
+      [-8, 118],
+      [78, 54],
+      [9, 55],
+      [70, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54837, 3703],
+      [38, -22],
+      [-38, -160],
+      [61, -79],
+      [88, -42],
+      [3, -74],
+      [-159, 65],
+      [-83, 122],
+      [22, 154],
+      [68, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55914, 4206],
+      [15, -102],
+      [26, -11],
+      [17, -132],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [-4, 111],
+      [-32, 68],
+      [13, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54093, 5757],
+      [69, -72],
+      [28, -115],
+      [-46, -91],
+      [-175, 1],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [2, 156],
+      [98, 3],
+      [50, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53495, 9579],
+      [93, -79],
+      [7, -119],
+      [58, -58],
+      [-11, -102],
+      [32, -138],
+      [-98, -104],
+      [-18, -103],
+      [52, -40],
+      [-81, -133],
+      [-71, -17],
+      [-142, 86],
+      [-72, -39],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [56, 91],
+      [24, 72],
+      [-27, 79],
+      [-60, 41],
+      [3, 123],
+      [-14, 143],
+      [82, 17],
+      [39, 76],
+      [58, 42],
+      [3, 53],
+      [126, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53771, 10995],
+      [59, -45],
+      [37, -132],
+      [-46, -89],
+      [58, -58],
+      [-115, -54],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-40, 46],
+      [15, 80],
+      [76, 7],
+      [3, 84],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [11, 62],
+      [56, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52842, 11185],
+      [112, -17],
+      [10, -115],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-74, 7],
+      [-19, 43],
+      [24, 103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53547, 11211],
+      [59, -26],
+      [-29, -70],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [5, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54605, 11766],
+      [93, 3],
+      [-29, -75],
+      [-64, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54492, 12206],
+      [75, -11],
+      [11, -72],
+      [64, -117],
+      [36, -118],
+      [-69, 11],
+      [-62, 94],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-28, 71],
+      [-59, 12],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [85, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54540, 12380],
+      [27, -9],
+      [-11, -136],
+      [-81, 60],
+      [-4, 81],
+      [69, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54620, 12491],
+      [17, -137],
+      [-161, 58],
+      [3, 65],
+      [65, -23],
+      [76, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54710, 12617],
+      [37, -38],
+      [19, -108],
+      [-4, -96],
+      [-49, -45],
+      [-71, 109],
+      [68, 178]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53901, 12673],
+      [33, -156],
+      [46, 32],
+      [42, -64],
+      [-45, -152],
+      [89, -134],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [-69, -33],
+      [-21, -54],
+      [34, -119],
+      [33, 76],
+      [67, 15],
+      [23, -30],
+      [-19, -77],
+      [18, -48],
+      [-71, -356],
+      [-116, -59],
+      [31, -60],
+      [88, -1],
+      [-7, -130],
+      [-50, -119],
+      [-5, -93],
+      [-141, -26],
+      [-39, 40],
+      [10, 65],
+      [-95, 99],
+      [2, 92],
+      [-29, 71],
+      [9, 57],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [-77, 10],
+      [8, 118],
+      [-23, 128],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-24, 51],
+      [28, 108],
+      [86, 112],
+      [28, -37],
+      [17, -90],
+      [55, -40],
+      [-11, 121],
+      [15, 192],
+      [28, 128],
+      [-4, 95],
+      [48, 176],
+      [96, 130],
+      [25, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53967, 12689],
+      [70, -31],
+      [3, -109],
+      [-89, 16],
+      [16, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54068, 12845],
+      [72, 6],
+      [45, -29],
+      [88, 2],
+      [39, -98],
+      [-62, -27],
+      [28, -47],
+      [-162, -273],
+      [-12, -60],
+      [-62, -45],
+      [-56, 83],
+      [57, 179],
+      [7, 118],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [86, 91],
+      [-11, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56406, 12870],
+      [72, -123],
+      [18, -72],
+      [-119, 19],
+      [-26, 94],
+      [55, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54337, 14245],
+      [22, -75],
+      [43, 0],
+      [56, -175],
+      [-43, -60],
+      [56, -62],
+      [37, -85],
+      [-25, -86],
+      [-20, -168],
+      [42, -153],
+      [-56, -179],
+      [-58, -66],
+      [-100, -42],
+      [-107, 25],
+      [19, -71],
+      [79, -103],
+      [28, -70],
+      [-119, -48],
+      [-51, 29],
+      [-82, 7],
+      [-53, -41],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-41, 83],
+      [-6, 194],
+      [23, 163],
+      [-31, 54],
+      [32, 97],
+      [-4, 84],
+      [18, 100],
+      [64, 81],
+      [-6, 123],
+      [-45, 147],
+      [7, 92],
+      [30, 4],
+      [119, 140],
+      [71, 12],
+      [8, -22],
+      [13, -1],
+      [13, 14],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [3, -7],
+      [7, -1],
+      [66, 16],
+      [53, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53890, 14421],
+      [52, -29],
+      [5, -210],
+      [-15, -59],
+      [-55, -66],
+      [-39, -93],
+      [-50, 154],
+      [34, 46],
+      [12, 164],
+      [56, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54624, 15765],
+      [31, -157],
+      [-23, -110],
+      [7, -91],
+      [32, -29],
+      [26, -104],
+      [36, -45],
+      [-16, -43],
+      [-70, 1],
+      [-27, 51],
+      [-53, 19],
+      [-58, -67],
+      [80, -40],
+      [72, -111],
+      [22, -61],
+      [-53, -126],
+      [11, -91],
+      [-15, -162],
+      [-53, -88],
+      [-77, -3],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [-98, 91],
+      [-28, -74],
+      [9, -88],
+      [-55, -2],
+      [-12, -86],
+      [-44, -27],
+      [33, -120],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [6, 19],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-92, 22],
+      [-24, 258],
+      [13, 179],
+      [51, 27],
+      [-22, 120],
+      [48, 140],
+      [42, 61],
+      [-62, 86],
+      [30, 207],
+      [36, 47],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [59, 16],
+      [10, 137],
+      [59, 52],
+      [57, 10],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [102, 18],
+      [62, 50],
+      [49, -38],
+      [31, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54594, 16003],
+      [-2, -74],
+      [-63, -3],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [75, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20498, 21193],
+      [11, 52],
+      [3, 33],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [0, 14],
+      [10, 54],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-24, 58],
+      [19, 54],
+      [8, 44],
+      [-36, 98],
+      [-7, 99],
+      [11, 47],
+      [14, 19],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-17, 85],
+      [30, 42],
+      [26, 7],
+      [14, 0],
+      [11, -2],
+      [89, 64],
+      [34, -27],
+      [17, 22],
+      [6, 21],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-109, 58],
+      [-35, 40],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-44, -5],
+      [-51, -2],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-85, 40],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-15, 17],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-28, 88],
+      [160, 30],
+      [12, -1],
+      [30, 3],
+      [10, 8],
+      [8, -5],
+      [14, 0],
+      [18, 2],
+      [6, 42],
+      [9, 9],
+      [13, 11],
+      [5, 2],
+      [43, 10],
+      [25, -5],
+      [7, 9],
+      [12, 110],
+      [35, 37],
+      [14, 2],
+      [29, -3],
+      [9, 6],
+      [8, 2],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [4, 8],
+      [8, -1],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [38, 84],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [-36, 58],
+      [45, 9],
+      [20, 17],
+      [41, 10],
+      [6, 43],
+      [0, 13],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-18, -14],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [30, 112],
+      [66, 31],
+      [9, 6],
+      [1, 14],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-13, 44],
+      [8, 47],
+      [-15, 151],
+      [31, 18],
+      [-9, 28],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [33, 36],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-3, 35],
+      [10, 20],
+      [36, 20],
+      [-81, 223],
+      [-190, 79],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [45, 135],
+      [163, 130],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [8, 20],
+      [6, 2],
+      [20, 40],
+      [15, 69],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [0, 30],
+      [4, 17],
+      [61, -2],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [5, -9],
+      [18, -11],
+      [36, -1],
+      [24, 12],
+      [24, 7],
+      [1, 56],
+      [27, 29],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-35, 16],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [29, 21],
+      [23, 10],
+      [33, -14],
+      [20, 1],
+      [33, -13],
+      [1, 57],
+      [38, -14],
+      [12, -13],
+      [19, 1],
+      [13, 3],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [82, 26],
+      [37, -11],
+      [42, -8],
+      [1, 29],
+      [7, 30],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-65, 24],
+      [1, 38],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-82, -21],
+      [-46, 55],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-47, 10],
+      [24, 118],
+      [-11, 58],
+      [12, 70],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [16, 18],
+      [36, 5],
+      [10, 4],
+      [5, 9],
+      [8, -7],
+      [11, 7],
+      [10, 21],
+      [100, 22],
+      [27, 21],
+      [6, 15],
+      [16, 14],
+      [9, 39],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-30, 1],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [6, 24],
+      [8, 20],
+      [16, 14],
+      [17, 9],
+      [0, 35],
+      [39, -1],
+      [13, -19],
+      [11, 29],
+      [10, 19],
+      [10, 7],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [8, 1],
+      [3, 38],
+      [12, 16],
+      [11, -4],
+      [8, 11],
+      [25, -14],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [-20, 44],
+      [4, 23],
+      [33, -11],
+      [10, 4],
+      [26, -6],
+      [6, 25],
+      [1, 38],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [7, 14],
+      [19, 10],
+      [34, -5],
+      [7, 16],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [20, 15],
+      [-102, 112],
+      [-118, 39],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [3, 23],
+      [21, -3],
+      [8, 20],
+      [15, 12],
+      [22, 2],
+      [28, 7],
+      [16, 10],
+      [7, 35],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-40, 24],
+      [-16, 39],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [0, 24],
+      [23, -1],
+      [23, 39],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [19, 36],
+      [48, 51],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-24, 19],
+      [11, 16],
+      [33, 23],
+      [-37, 54],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-13, 59],
+      [44, 47],
+      [17, 6],
+      [13, 70],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [2, 5],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [6, 30],
+      [69, -12],
+      [50, 18],
+      [-27, 55],
+      [13, 39],
+      [32, -6],
+      [5, -17],
+      [17, 1],
+      [6, 26],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [24, 103],
+      [30, 0],
+      [5, -12],
+      [6, 1],
+      [1, 13],
+      [28, 5],
+      [25, 7],
+      [18, -3],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [27, -21],
+      [120, 63],
+      [34, -7],
+      [43, 87],
+      [-39, 124],
+      [0, 6],
+      [1, 6],
+      [2, 17],
+      [5, 1],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [10, 28],
+      [26, 18],
+      [11, 14],
+      [1, 18],
+      [17, 22],
+      [14, 2],
+      [10, -15],
+      [1, -26],
+      [38, -15],
+      [0, 24],
+      [35, 50],
+      [1, 31],
+      [45, 91],
+      [31, 90],
+      [48, 15],
+      [106, 36],
+      [77, -17],
+      [4, 46],
+      [-99, 59],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-12, 26],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [-27, 4],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [8, 44],
+      [10, 2],
+      [11, 48],
+      [-51, -4],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [9, 52],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-22, 109],
+      [8, 52],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [4, 6],
+      [21, -13],
+      [15, -5],
+      [12, 2],
+      [17, -10],
+      [8, -1],
+      [6, 2],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [17, 31],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [6, 7],
+      [6, 4],
+      [21, 0],
+      [16, -16],
+      [7, -11],
+      [7, -16],
+      [11, 4],
+      [18, 0],
+      [5, 22],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-11, 32],
+      [34, 52],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [3, 7],
+      [0, 12],
+      [6, 22],
+      [12, 9],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [4, 20],
+      [14, 18],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [13, 20],
+      [7, 18],
+      [2, 18],
+      [12, 28],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [38, 11],
+      [16, -7],
+      [18, -2],
+      [12, 26],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-29, 10],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [22, 9],
+      [9, 7],
+      [28, 8],
+      [12, 20],
+      [42, -7],
+      [30, 32],
+      [24, 9],
+      [8, 16],
+      [18, -3],
+      [30, -22],
+      [9, -10],
+      [23, -15],
+      [19, -28],
+      [22, -7],
+      [35, -11],
+      [15, -11],
+      [19, -41],
+      [41, -18],
+      [5, -54],
+      [7, -13],
+      [14, -5],
+      [39, 16],
+      [15, 19],
+      [29, -12],
+      [9, -10],
+      [60, 2],
+      [28, -16],
+      [23, -21],
+      [44, 14],
+      [30, 12],
+      [-1, 87],
+      [31, 122],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [18, 98],
+      [81, 89],
+      [47, -11],
+      [14, 2],
+      [21, 23],
+      [11, 18],
+      [14, 14],
+      [20, -2],
+      [20, -10],
+      [13, 0],
+      [26, 18],
+      [6, 22],
+      [1, 31],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [-10, 77],
+      [3, 49],
+      [33, 31],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [2, 41],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [-14, 48],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [8, 16],
+      [27, 45],
+      [66, 2],
+      [65, 53],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [2, 24],
+      [17, 7],
+      [17, 38],
+      [15, 63],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [0, 59],
+      [-79, 15],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [36, 146],
+      [20, 6],
+      [20, 2],
+      [14, -14],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [5, -10],
+      [24, -17],
+      [23, -4],
+      [42, 3],
+      [40, -9],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [4, -18],
+      [0, -7],
+      [7, -15],
+      [19, -23],
+      [25, -15],
+      [43, -15],
+      [79, -16],
+      [26, 0],
+      [17, -21],
+      [12, -20],
+      [10, -13],
+      [21, -1],
+      [13, 20],
+      [6, 30],
+      [15, 13],
+      [16, 4],
+      [204, -30],
+      [64, -16],
+      [84, -27],
+      [21, 0],
+      [13, -10],
+      [32, -43],
+      [18, 5],
+      [16, 9],
+      [14, 15],
+      [102, -2],
+      [27, -23],
+      [14, -20],
+      [9, -5],
+      [21, 6],
+      [18, 0],
+      [29, 4],
+      [13, -7],
+      [3, -2],
+      [17, -47],
+      [8, -16],
+      [1, -26],
+      [9, -32],
+      [4, -21],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [42, 1],
+      [29, -3],
+      [54, 29],
+      [85, -10],
+      [16, -11],
+      [16, -22],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [-11, -51],
+      [39, -75],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [89, -93],
+      [45, 12],
+      [28, 0],
+      [19, -15],
+      [7, -17],
+      [23, -6],
+      [64, -2],
+      [4, -35],
+      [78, -27],
+      [36, -36],
+      [27, -41],
+      [19, -16],
+      [25, -5],
+      [59, 120],
+      [17, 15],
+      [18, 9],
+      [11, 14],
+      [29, 117],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [15, 7],
+      [25, -3],
+      [83, -34],
+      [26, -15],
+      [10, -19],
+      [10, -38],
+      [59, 19],
+      [160, -93],
+      [36, 4],
+      [25, -4],
+      [37, -33],
+      [15, -23],
+      [12, -27],
+      [94, 47],
+      [6, 10],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [1, 3],
+      [24, 9],
+      [37, 6],
+      [5, -34],
+      [6, -18],
+      [10, -14],
+      [29, -21],
+      [17, -10],
+      [21, -8],
+      [19, -3],
+      [14, 4],
+      [7, 10],
+      [45, 132],
+      [40, 23],
+      [84, 4],
+      [39, 10],
+      [21, 1],
+      [17, 4],
+      [37, 31],
+      [23, 15],
+      [31, -2],
+      [51, -10],
+      [17, -10],
+      [2, -9],
+      [16, -22],
+      [51, -26],
+      [25, -74],
+      [62, -46],
+      [17, -8],
+      [14, -20],
+      [17, -10],
+      [53, -9],
+      [20, -10],
+      [14, -16],
+      [13, -18],
+      [21, -20],
+      [9, -5],
+      [7, -5],
+      [10, -13],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [60, -92],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-4, -22],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [0, -23],
+      [14, -42],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-30, -58],
+      [-25, -76],
+      [5, -53],
+      [44, -64],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [7, -102],
+      [65, -33],
+      [56, 4],
+      [21, -11],
+      [16, -30],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [21, -85],
+      [-4, -182],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-69, -15],
+      [49, -78],
+      [35, -30],
+      [176, -40],
+      [75, -106],
+      [79, -43],
+      [5, -4],
+      [5, -7],
+      [30, -30],
+      [14, -17],
+      [9, -3],
+      [11, -1],
+      [12, 13],
+      [34, 13],
+      [12, -2],
+      [14, 17],
+      [21, 6],
+      [14, -13],
+      [6, -24],
+      [18, -10],
+      [30, 0],
+      [11, 30],
+      [17, 20],
+      [13, 7],
+      [15, 2],
+      [24, -12],
+      [47, 12],
+      [45, 39],
+      [8, -11],
+      [15, -6],
+      [41, -58],
+      [7, -15],
+      [18, -62],
+      [16, -37],
+      [9, -34],
+      [27, -58],
+      [11, -14],
+      [5, -5],
+      [7, -4],
+      [15, 4],
+      [9, 6],
+      [31, 32],
+      [32, -26],
+      [151, 76],
+      [84, 1],
+      [21, -21],
+      [28, -5],
+      [7, -6],
+      [3, -13],
+      [6, -9],
+      [9, -6],
+      [14, -17],
+      [1, -2],
+      [1, -7],
+      [2, -2],
+      [4, -6],
+      [152, -95],
+      [69, -61],
+      [40, -107],
+      [26, -15],
+      [8, -8],
+      [8, -3],
+      [24, -18],
+      [5, -20],
+      [20, -10],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [48, -31],
+      [10, 8],
+      [2, 1],
+      [23, -14],
+      [-29, -38],
+      [0, -4],
+      [1, -6],
+      [5, -8],
+      [9, -8],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [136, -273],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [1, -26],
+      [4, -52],
+      [23, -16],
+      [20, -2],
+      [19, -2],
+      [78, 7],
+      [45, 60],
+      [12, 96],
+      [34, -13],
+      [43, -5],
+      [6, -10],
+      [13, -33],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-27, 4],
+      [29, -156],
+      [85, 4],
+      [25, 9],
+      [44, 25],
+      [8, 7],
+      [2, 6],
+      [16, 5],
+      [13, 16],
+      [9, 7],
+      [43, 3],
+      [1, -23],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-40, -34],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [5, -30],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [39, -111],
+      [41, -278],
+      [16, -9],
+      [6, -12],
+      [16, -114],
+      [3, -36],
+      [3, -25],
+      [18, -50],
+      [43, -62],
+      [28, -14],
+      [24, -2],
+      [39, 8],
+      [13, 20],
+      [17, 19],
+      [4, 18],
+      [19, 14],
+      [136, 82],
+      [37, -8],
+      [34, -5],
+      [47, -32],
+      [16, -9],
+      [16, -7],
+      [58, -33],
+      [97, -5],
+      [37, 6],
+      [44, -3],
+      [21, 1],
+      [28, -3],
+      [22, -5],
+      [15, -6],
+      [22, -5],
+      [22, 11],
+      [19, -6],
+      [14, -1],
+      [134, 42],
+      [24, -47],
+      [160, 31],
+      [23, 22],
+      [23, 4],
+      [55, -28],
+      [25, 0],
+      [10, 15],
+      [18, 6],
+      [16, 14],
+      [12, 13],
+      [13, 7],
+      [45, 87],
+      [55, 18],
+      [22, -21],
+      [11, -33],
+      [51, 30],
+      [70, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29840, 25753],
+      [80, -114],
+      [-91, -59],
+      [-52, 2],
+      [-120, -121],
+      [-114, -10],
+      [-110, -102],
+      [-4, -71],
+      [-150, -226],
+      [46, -40],
+      [-49, -77],
+      [-18, -210],
+      [-114, -155],
+      [-57, -46],
+      [-67, -15],
+      [-138, 79],
+      [-73, -120],
+      [-48, -40],
+      [-170, 17],
+      [-40, -51],
+      [-20, -168],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-224, -62],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-91, -16],
+      [-119, 59],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [17, -128],
+      [-94, 1],
+      [-34, -81],
+      [20, -36],
+      [-11, -104],
+      [-79, -30],
+      [-306, 72],
+      [-119, 95],
+      [-153, 65],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-116, -52],
+      [-26, -104],
+      [-85, -91],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-56, 122],
+      [-62, -48],
+      [48, -99],
+      [-62, -100],
+      [180, -59],
+      [76, -55],
+      [31, 62],
+      [65, -27],
+      [24, 32],
+      [116, -55],
+      [5, -122],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-22, -102],
+      [68, -42],
+      [26, -50],
+      [-76, -52],
+      [-161, 31],
+      [-73, 32],
+      [-9, 59],
+      [-74, 62],
+      [-101, -72],
+      [-31, 101],
+      [-87, 37],
+      [-39, 197],
+      [-86, 126],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-51, 39],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-29, 62],
+      [-106, -138],
+      [-62, -9],
+      [-48, -42],
+      [-84, 5],
+      [-19, -67],
+      [-61, -68],
+      [-39, -101],
+      [91, -25],
+      [19, -61],
+      [61, -29],
+      [-47, -158],
+      [-124, -122],
+      [-41, -76],
+      [-67, -63],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [-72, 44],
+      [-64, 112],
+      [-113, -18],
+      [-78, 90],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-61, -64],
+      [-88, -5],
+      [-77, -66],
+      [-106, 3],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [-83, -28],
+      [-86, -2],
+      [-103, -50],
+      [-53, -61],
+      [-178, -7],
+      [-175, -42],
+      [-78, -98],
+      [-14, -62],
+      [27, -78],
+      [-38, -47],
+      [-17, -174],
+      [36, -60],
+      [-6, -201],
+      [-106, -76],
+      [-118, 48],
+      [-226, 15],
+      [-247, -123],
+      [-5, -61],
+      [36, -99],
+      [-46, -56],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-35, 112],
+      [-54, -16],
+      [10, -149],
+      [-63, -95],
+      [-72, -53],
+      [-80, -5],
+      [-115, 44],
+      [-110, 118],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-98, -93],
+      [-238, 57],
+      [-100, 0],
+      [-78, -49],
+      [-65, -16],
+      [-53, -55],
+      [-106, 13],
+      [-37, -21],
+      [19, -71],
+      [-37, -134],
+      [-139, -84],
+      [-33, -119],
+      [-86, 0],
+      [-54, -49],
+      [-83, 38],
+      [-52, 124],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-33, -83],
+      [-64, 35],
+      [-98, 5],
+      [-89, 45],
+      [-71, -46],
+      [-124, -25],
+      [-183, 50],
+      [-71, -30],
+      [-97, 22],
+      [-73, 66],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-51, 3],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-49, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26302, 15870],
+      [41, -66],
+      [-36, -90],
+      [-52, 63],
+      [47, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31102, 23052],
+      [16, -91],
+      [-45, -77],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [-58, 26],
+      [6, 84],
+      [127, 34],
+      [34, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29840, 25753],
+      [39, 27],
+      [14, 11],
+      [8, 9],
+      [33, 52],
+      [42, 22],
+      [29, 13],
+      [30, -1],
+      [196, 77],
+      [145, 91],
+      [6, 25],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [11, 11],
+      [23, 13],
+      [17, 7],
+      [77, -30],
+      [28, 48],
+      [44, -30],
+      [34, 3],
+      [47, -13],
+      [7, -30],
+      [33, 11],
+      [28, 8],
+      [8, -5],
+      [21, -37],
+      [8, -11],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [7, -12],
+      [17, -7],
+      [13, 3],
+      [13, 0],
+      [47, -34],
+      [10, -3],
+      [17, 2],
+      [14, -4],
+      [3, -18],
+      [7, -10],
+      [26, 1],
+      [17, 5],
+      [14, 9],
+      [7, 27],
+      [0, 29],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [65, 60],
+      [36, -49],
+      [39, 25],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [11, -5],
+      [14, 16],
+      [2, 4],
+      [13, 44],
+      [0, 33],
+      [-24, 27],
+      [1, 30],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [11, 19],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [34, 45],
+      [-85, 29],
+      [-9, 49],
+      [30, 13],
+      [29, 34],
+      [-6, 36],
+      [3, 35],
+      [5, 13],
+      [7, 32],
+      [15, 13],
+      [51, -2],
+      [11, 7],
+      [22, 24],
+      [7, 11],
+      [5, 27],
+      [12, 13],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-34, -7],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [24, 11],
+      [33, 50],
+      [20, 16],
+      [15, 7],
+      [11, 31],
+      [7, 5],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-20, 24],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [11, 8],
+      [2, 9],
+      [10, 7],
+      [13, 4],
+      [44, 69],
+      [32, 30],
+      [18, 12],
+      [15, 17],
+      [22, 47],
+      [28, 32],
+      [8, 13],
+      [45, 46],
+      [17, 4],
+      [8, -11],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [13, -33],
+      [91, -26],
+      [3, -33],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [0, -5],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [11, 1],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [15, -24],
+      [8, 4],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [3, -14],
+      [6, -1],
+      [6, 6],
+      [7, 4],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [13, -4],
+      [7, 1],
+      [6, -7],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-1, -44],
+      [46, -2],
+      [98, -52],
+      [-9, -58],
+      [2, -17],
+      [6, -7],
+      [8, -24],
+      [-32, -2],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [8, -13],
+      [3, 0],
+      [3, -1],
+      [11, 3],
+      [7, -23],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [5, -8],
+      [5, -1],
+      [4, -1],
+      [3, -8],
+      [1, -13],
+      [20, -5],
+      [6, -6],
+      [19, -6],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [6, -11],
+      [6, -3],
+      [9, -4],
+      [14, -17],
+      [11, -1],
+      [12, 15],
+      [18, 13],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [44, 78],
+      [37, 5],
+      [19, 10],
+      [7, 0],
+      [10, -2],
+      [152, 80],
+      [9, 20],
+      [28, 34],
+      [-14, 38],
+      [21, 45],
+      [-24, 68],
+      [50, 46],
+      [43, -14],
+      [66, -43],
+      [16, -9],
+      [15, -7],
+      [16, -4],
+      [20, 19],
+      [12, -4],
+      [14, -33],
+      [0, -14],
+      [26, -84],
+      [12, 8],
+      [8, -5],
+      [7, -2],
+      [11, 7],
+      [17, 3],
+      [11, -22],
+      [96, 8],
+      [4, 14],
+      [6, 12],
+      [11, 0],
+      [4, 8],
+      [9, 13],
+      [43, 7],
+      [13, 15],
+      [14, -19],
+      [18, -7],
+      [11, -8],
+      [6, 0],
+      [30, 12],
+      [6, 5],
+      [23, 35],
+      [-16, 15],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [2, 8],
+      [23, 21],
+      [16, 9],
+      [6, 6],
+      [33, 33],
+      [80, 128],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-95, 124],
+      [27, 39],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [1, 11],
+      [4, 6],
+      [24, 13],
+      [30, 7],
+      [33, 15],
+      [11, 30],
+      [32, 51],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-1, 5],
+      [19, 27],
+      [22, 16],
+      [40, 60],
+      [23, 22],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [8, 9],
+      [38, 24],
+      [78, -31],
+      [12, -6],
+      [7, -5],
+      [8, -14],
+      [10, -10],
+      [15, -5],
+      [21, 1],
+      [4, -5],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [1, -9],
+      [8, -8],
+      [37, 44],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [5, 5],
+      [4, 0],
+      [3, 1],
+      [38, -17],
+      [12, -2],
+      [22, 2],
+      [24, -4],
+      [12, 14],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [1, 10],
+      [12, 24],
+      [9, 9],
+      [177, 41],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [26, 25],
+      [24, -26],
+      [7, 2],
+      [15, 10],
+      [8, -1],
+      [21, 11],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [21, 10],
+      [9, 8],
+      [1, 6],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [-88, 115],
+      [30, 75],
+      [-105, 31],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [2, 6],
+      [6, 3],
+      [19, -1],
+      [28, -6],
+      [2, 21],
+      [1, 3],
+      [4, 3],
+      [5, 16],
+      [60, -27],
+      [12, -3],
+      [21, 3],
+      [26, 12],
+      [9, -2],
+      [7, -8],
+      [11, 1],
+      [2, -2],
+      [5, -5],
+      [5, 4],
+      [5, 3],
+      [4, -8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [13, -4],
+      [61, -70],
+      [28, -5],
+      [15, 31],
+      [-26, 54],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [4, 5],
+      [18, 1],
+      [20, -8],
+      [9, 0],
+      [6, 3],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [7, 23],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [1, 20],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [6, 32],
+      [39, 13],
+      [34, -47],
+      [8, 1],
+      [9, 15],
+      [5, 6],
+      [6, 0],
+      [12, -38],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [0, -9],
+      [8, -26],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [79, -13],
+      [8, 54],
+      [2, 4],
+      [15, 15],
+      [11, 19],
+      [10, 5],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [35, 10],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [1, -19],
+      [21, 2],
+      [25, -6],
+      [5, 12],
+      [2, 18],
+      [1, 30],
+      [39, 21],
+      [10, 8],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-17, 29],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [0, 23],
+      [54, 50],
+      [56, -66],
+      [27, -89],
+      [6, -12],
+      [7, -8],
+      [9, -4],
+      [21, -28],
+      [18, -20],
+      [21, -52],
+      [13, -14],
+      [13, -69],
+      [6, -4],
+      [6, 3],
+      [12, -6],
+      [21, -16],
+      [2, -22],
+      [20, -62],
+      [21, -48],
+      [22, -4],
+      [34, -35],
+      [13, 7],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [-35, 59],
+      [-24, -1],
+      [-21, 92],
+      [104, 55],
+      [103, -228],
+      [6, -2],
+      [5, -10],
+      [5, -37],
+      [3, -85],
+      [45, -28],
+      [6, -36],
+      [7, -12],
+      [8, -2],
+      [21, 5],
+      [3, -4],
+      [1, -18],
+      [4, -11],
+      [19, 22],
+      [27, 3],
+      [57, -22],
+      [13, -24],
+      [9, 0],
+      [11, 2],
+      [15, 13],
+      [59, -7],
+      [55, 10],
+      [27, -15],
+      [6, 2],
+      [3, 6],
+      [7, 2],
+      [16, -27],
+      [10, -7],
+      [20, -9],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [3, -8],
+      [20, -6],
+      [5, -13],
+      [11, -25],
+      [57, -15],
+      [95, 50],
+      [12, 2],
+      [17, 9],
+      [7, 9],
+      [18, -1],
+      [17, -12],
+      [28, -2],
+      [81, 42],
+      [17, -7],
+      [6, 7],
+      [8, -4],
+      [1, -13],
+      [33, -15],
+      [28, 3],
+      [12, 13],
+      [8, 0],
+      [11, 5],
+      [5, 11],
+      [7, 5],
+      [12, 3],
+      [36, -21],
+      [15, 0],
+      [4, -8],
+      [8, 2],
+      [1, 7],
+      [6, 9],
+      [25, 8],
+      [11, 6],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [32, 7],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [0, 14],
+      [1, 14],
+      [3, 7],
+      [9, -2],
+      [10, -8],
+      [6, -6],
+      [9, -21],
+      [24, 0],
+      [16, 19],
+      [4, 10],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-27, 11],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [7, 12],
+      [62, -31],
+      [7, 31],
+      [52, 18],
+      [43, 53],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [11, 27],
+      [31, 32],
+      [7, 5],
+      [6, 3],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-18, 17],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [10, 13],
+      [49, -29],
+      [23, -12],
+      [20, -5],
+      [9, 25],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [5, 27],
+      [10, 5],
+      [16, 25],
+      [45, 38],
+      [38, 3],
+      [9, 13],
+      [8, 3],
+      [28, 1],
+      [13, 3],
+      [13, 28],
+      [14, 13],
+      [4, -4],
+      [2, -6],
+      [4, -1],
+      [13, 10],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-7, -56],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [10, -38],
+      [21, -13],
+      [20, 15],
+      [8, 31],
+      [16, 29],
+      [10, 10],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [3, 3],
+      [23, 1],
+      [15, -14],
+      [15, 18],
+      [24, -3],
+      [15, -8],
+      [10, 26],
+      [9, 2],
+      [3, 4],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [6, 5],
+      [33, -14],
+      [113, 10],
+      [9, 81],
+      [91, -30],
+      [-20, -81],
+      [140, -86],
+      [-160, -227],
+      [-162, -164],
+      [-56, -69],
+      [-76, -177],
+      [-142, -131],
+      [-108, -137],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-171, -175],
+      [-15, -73],
+      [-155, -128],
+      [-147, -138],
+      [-145, -151],
+      [-61, -111],
+      [10, -33],
+      [-132, -88],
+      [-262, -137],
+      [-142, -49],
+      [-51, -46],
+      [-172, -66],
+      [-156, -84],
+      [-315, -223],
+      [-25, -71],
+      [-65, -79],
+      [-171, -114],
+      [-18, -64],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-18, -108],
+      [-54, -72],
+      [-69, -51],
+      [-28, -79],
+      [-95, -66],
+      [-7, -44],
+      [-122, -97],
+      [-11, -52],
+      [-162, -116],
+      [-125, -38],
+      [-214, -106],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-551, -268],
+      [-177, -103],
+      [-200, -129],
+      [-205, -164],
+      [-236, -232],
+      [-64, -73],
+      [-53, -112],
+      [12, -35],
+      [-72, -98],
+      [-1, -67],
+      [42, -70],
+      [92, -48],
+      [104, -14],
+      [-39, -220],
+      [-92, -91],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-132, -10],
+      [82, -66],
+      [-9, -86],
+      [54, -38],
+      [47, -103],
+      [-87, -95],
+      [-85, -33],
+      [-326, -169],
+      [-283, -157],
+      [-117, -21],
+      [-108, -38],
+      [-150, -83],
+      [-122, -52],
+      [-70, 48],
+      [-276, 30],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [-160, -12],
+      [-171, -25],
+      [-162, -67],
+      [-78, -51],
+      [-89, -95],
+      [-83, -171],
+      [-35, -168],
+      [-106, -197],
+      [10, -103],
+      [-125, -100],
+      [-200, -233],
+      [18, -113],
+      [-16, -71],
+      [-133, -74],
+      [-47, 5],
+      [-173, -26],
+      [-35, 9],
+      [-42, 72],
+      [19, 38],
+      [-39, 111],
+      [40, 53],
+      [-58, 67],
+      [-163, 46],
+      [-149, -6],
+      [-169, -39],
+      [-256, -106],
+      [-244, -156],
+      [-152, -172],
+      [-73, -167],
+      [-81, -313],
+      [-161, -208],
+      [-66, -143],
+      [-31, -119],
+      [12, -99],
+      [-49, -145],
+      [-40, -157],
+      [6, -141],
+      [39, -233],
+      [32, -88],
+      [8, -155],
+      [54, -180],
+      [71, -100],
+      [50, -182],
+      [68, -67],
+      [-33, -145],
+      [-27, -392],
+      [-69, -210],
+      [-26, -240],
+      [13, -152],
+      [33, -168],
+      [53, -101],
+      [52, -137],
+      [109, -243],
+      [16, -85],
+      [-35, -161],
+      [-8, -101],
+      [23, -129],
+      [-122, 80],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [-73, 77],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [13, -75],
+      [-19, -112],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-50, 99],
+      [-71, -45],
+      [2, -62],
+      [-41, -58],
+      [72, -72],
+      [50, -75],
+      [64, -16],
+      [51, -53],
+      [35, 12],
+      [131, -25],
+      [55, -26],
+      [26, -65],
+      [86, -39],
+      [6, -130],
+      [-87, 41],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [6, 4],
+      [2, 0],
+      [4, 0],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-17, 76],
+      [-96, 80],
+      [-141, -7],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [-2, 3],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [65, -58],
+      [40, -6],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-24, 5],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [-20, -44],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [1, -16],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [5, -23],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [7, -45],
+      [39, -25],
+      [-62, -88],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-14, -8],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-43, -20],
+      [-60, -2],
+      [-34, 6],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-45, -52],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-26, -4],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [1, -15],
+      [39, -26],
+      [14, -14],
+      [16, -10],
+      [49, -23],
+      [18, -14],
+      [0, -23],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-64, -52],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [1, 9],
+      [14, 29],
+      [1, 24],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [6, 26],
+      [23, 22],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-27, -17],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [-6, 51],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-55, -2],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-54, 7],
+      [-82, -6],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [24, -20],
+      [44, -21],
+      [36, 3],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-15, -21],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [5, -18],
+      [13, 1],
+      [3, 14],
+      [39, 26],
+      [14, -1],
+      [7, -17],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-53, -19],
+      [4, -22],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-30, 16],
+      [5, -87],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-20, 41],
+      [-23, 8],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-25, -5],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-37, 3],
+      [-26, -87],
+      [-47, -17],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [16, -35],
+      [0, -11],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-20, -9],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-73, 35],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-15, 17],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [-20, 13],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [11, -8],
+      [13, -1],
+      [29, 3],
+      [6, -9],
+      [16, -12],
+      [2, -4],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [-56, -7],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [3, 43],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [-175, 14],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-82, 25],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [-11, -73],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-55, 16],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-37, -33],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [14, -11],
+      [39, -45],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [14, -35],
+      [25, -44],
+      [-49, -11],
+      [-73, -175],
+      [-25, -165],
+      [-48, -36],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [12, -6],
+      [7, 0],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [15, -23],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-13, 30],
+      [5, 11],
+      [10, -6],
+      [4, 6],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [11, -16],
+      [15, -14],
+      [5, -14],
+      [34, -14],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [1, -56],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [4, -54],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [1, -33],
+      [-44, -1],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-20, 19],
+      [-21, 15],
+      [-46, 27],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-43, 56],
+      [-81, -5],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [-1, 5],
+      [12, 27],
+      [3, 4],
+      [8, -1],
+      [7, 6],
+      [15, 1],
+      [23, 9],
+      [15, 27],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [22, 35],
+      [27, 116],
+      [-1, 81],
+      [7, 9],
+      [21, -4],
+      [19, 16],
+      [89, -21],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [15, -1],
+      [24, -6],
+      [2, 11],
+      [11, 15],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [7, 8],
+      [1, 20],
+      [6, 10],
+      [13, -7],
+      [11, -1],
+      [24, 40],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [1, 6],
+      [13, 6],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [1, 6],
+      [10, 8],
+      [34, -38],
+      [17, -23],
+      [21, -15],
+      [11, 0],
+      [4, 2],
+      [8, 22],
+      [63, -39],
+      [20, 31],
+      [21, -4],
+      [0, -27],
+      [5, -6],
+      [1, -15],
+      [17, -12],
+      [14, -21],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [4, -6],
+      [6, 30],
+      [3, 32],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [-19, 20],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [6, 11],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [16, 9],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [2, 13],
+      [6, 3],
+      [18, -2],
+      [53, -13],
+      [0, 17],
+      [8, 20],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [1, 5],
+      [2, 8],
+      [34, 23],
+      [83, 26],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-13, 24],
+      [33, 35],
+      [2, 15],
+      [29, 14],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [0, 14],
+      [9, 2],
+      [19, 20],
+      [31, 4],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [2, 10],
+      [11, 12],
+      [18, 5],
+      [25, -3],
+      [24, 10],
+      [-8, 35],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [27, 4],
+      [15, 102],
+      [7, 12],
+      [20, 24],
+      [11, 31],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-146, 13],
+      [-68, 38],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-14, -8],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-19, 24],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [2, 19],
+      [37, -11],
+      [24, -2],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [36, 83],
+      [-13, 77],
+      [4, 16],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [2, 17],
+      [8, 17],
+      [0, 66],
+      [40, 84],
+      [1, 29],
+      [26, 51],
+      [-38, 35],
+      [-29, -2],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-68, 13],
+      [-138, -21],
+      [-123, 47],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-3, 51],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-16, -7],
+      [-79, 11],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-16, 6],
+      [5, 11],
+      [7, 7],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [3, 6],
+      [47, -17],
+      [44, 8],
+      [4, 33],
+      [6, 12],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-54, 54],
+      [73, 100],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [21, 42],
+      [-24, 73],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [4, -53],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-43, -96],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [7, 11],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [-8, 72],
+      [79, 51],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [-3, 44],
+      [11, 54],
+      [-26, 7],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-13, -18],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-108, 69],
+      [-106, 9],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [32, -65],
+      [14, -41],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [19, -12],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [-63, -21],
+      [7, -18],
+      [6, -9],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-72, -94],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-35, -15],
+      [7, 41],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-76, -36],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [5, -20],
+      [46, -13],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-17, -9],
+      [-15, 6],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [26, -27],
+      [2, -15],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [-41, 39],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-7, -59],
+      [-58, -5],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [39, 110],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-23, 39],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [12, 12],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [27, 34],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-31, 4],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [-71, -43],
+      [-8, 32],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-48, -26],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-43, -7],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-14, 48],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-8, -29],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-30, 8],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [15, 93],
+      [-57, -4],
+      [2, -19],
+      [10, -21],
+      [2, -14],
+      [5, -23],
+      [-5, -22],
+      [-51, 5],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [3, -15],
+      [33, -12],
+      [12, -7],
+      [27, -22],
+      [9, -11],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-18, -34],
+      [38, -66],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-27, 9],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [1, -37],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-55, 71],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-10, -33],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-21, 14],
+      [-25, 100],
+      [-27, 56],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [7, 10],
+      [11, 6],
+      [16, 15],
+      [49, 51],
+      [4, 30],
+      [10, 3],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [13, 50],
+      [23, 9],
+      [29, 1],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [-61, 50],
+      [-19, 7],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [6, 44],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [6, 42],
+      [9, 16],
+      [12, -1],
+      [14, 2],
+      [48, 10],
+      [6, 12],
+      [2, 18],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-36, 13],
+      [-11, 41],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-22, -16],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [7, 12],
+      [5, 34],
+      [5, 19],
+      [12, 6],
+      [45, -10],
+      [12, 14],
+      [31, 5],
+      [5, 5],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [5, 6],
+      [6, -3],
+      [11, -10],
+      [10, -7],
+      [10, -12],
+      [61, -7],
+      [44, 5],
+      [18, -4],
+      [12, -1],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [-3, -47],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [12, -4],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [34, -104],
+      [99, -14],
+      [2, -18],
+      [15, -3],
+      [31, 0],
+      [67, 9],
+      [8, -17],
+      [7, -37],
+      [13, -21],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [3, -14],
+      [29, -15],
+      [15, -3],
+      [38, 42],
+      [50, -13],
+      [106, 8],
+      [29, 33],
+      [19, 13],
+      [16, 4],
+      [6, -28],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [13, -2],
+      [55, 46],
+      [22, -5],
+      [7, -7],
+      [1, -15],
+      [15, -23],
+      [14, -24],
+      [-1, -3],
+      [0, 0],
+      [1, -7],
+      [7, -6],
+      [27, -5],
+      [18, -8],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [41, -12],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-44, -70],
+      [2, -14],
+      [11, -22],
+      [155, -4],
+      [-25, 95],
+      [33, 7],
+      [13, 10],
+      [1, 30],
+      [4, 13],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [-126, 36],
+      [11, 39],
+      [15, 32],
+      [27, -1],
+      [18, 13],
+      [6, 16],
+      [24, 14],
+      [16, 43],
+      [35, 30],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-82, -31],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [5, 33],
+      [0, 17],
+      [2, 15],
+      [16, -1],
+      [48, 14],
+      [4, 20],
+      [9, 21],
+      [15, 14],
+      [1, 27],
+      [17, 3],
+      [27, 7],
+      [14, -1],
+      [16, -9],
+      [87, -2],
+      [56, -26],
+      [26, -5],
+      [5, 14],
+      [17, 35],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-7, 29],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-14, 22],
+      [-7, 31],
+      [21, 76],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [-26, 8],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-1, -2],
+      [-23, -10],
+      [-31, -17],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-2, 30],
+      [-1, 44],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-35, -28],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [2, -23],
+      [33, -78],
+      [24, -2],
+      [9, -27],
+      [9, -58],
+      [13, -15],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-68, -27],
+      [-16, 58],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [-20, 16],
+      [9, 91],
+      [-176, 15],
+      [7, 61],
+      [-3, 66],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [-29, -8],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-97, 54],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [-14, -67],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [19, -11],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-22, -9],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-23, 36],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-63, -21],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-68, -10],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-17, 25],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [24, 11],
+      [18, 11],
+      [11, 12],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-96, 32],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [10, 90],
+      [66, 54],
+      [12, -5],
+      [40, -23],
+      [10, -4],
+      [5, 8],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [2, 12],
+      [33, 1],
+      [12, 14],
+      [22, 43],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [-147, 13],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-44, 80],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-47, 119],
+      [-38, 39],
+      [23, 180],
+      [21, 38],
+      [10, 39],
+      [28, 63],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-15, 25],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-11, 29],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [67, 5],
+      [14, 9],
+      [7, 3],
+      [13, 0],
+      [11, -6],
+      [5, 2],
+      [14, 104],
+      [44, 141],
+      [12, 108],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [2, 21],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-114, 14],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [12, 15],
+      [6, -1],
+      [3, 4],
+      [4, 11],
+      [3, 11],
+      [22, 12],
+      [11, 25],
+      [-26, 112],
+      [7, 10],
+      [18, 15],
+      [28, 35],
+      [54, -37],
+      [18, -1],
+      [17, -5],
+      [13, -14],
+      [38, -22],
+      [8, -16],
+      [12, -13],
+      [16, -36],
+      [80, 5],
+      [40, -10],
+      [25, 1],
+      [17, -6],
+      [36, -26],
+      [33, -6],
+      [3, 23],
+      [27, 8],
+      [11, 13],
+      [102, -1],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [45, -10],
+      [38, -3],
+      [4, 18],
+      [3, 33],
+      [14, 2],
+      [5, 11],
+      [24, -1],
+      [18, 3],
+      [4, 22],
+      [10, 5],
+      [5, 24],
+      [16, 41],
+      [4, 58],
+      [44, 32],
+      [14, 31],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [11, 15],
+      [19, 3],
+      [26, -4],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [10, 8],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-14, 59],
+      [-36, 56],
+      [14, 156],
+      [-72, 10],
+      [-4, 68],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-66, -17],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [3, 37],
+      [-55, 48],
+      [10, 37],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [6, 39],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-20, 16],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [56, 20],
+      [21, 7],
+      [46, -6],
+      [5, 20],
+      [0, 38],
+      [-11, 118],
+      [7, 123],
+      [120, 54],
+      [76, -64],
+      [11, 28],
+      [8, 51],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-18, 21],
+      [-22, 17],
+      [-54, 28],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-64, 8],
+      [-1, 61],
+      [11, -3],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [3, 7],
+      [9, -1],
+      [19, 34],
+      [10, 41],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [5, 58],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [24, 49],
+      [17, 25],
+      [25, 29],
+      [30, 53],
+      [24, 24],
+      [29, 19],
+      [32, 15],
+      [55, 14],
+      [30, 24],
+      [30, 8],
+      [30, 3],
+      [22, 10],
+      [150, 18],
+      [74, -24],
+      [156, -8],
+      [32, -18],
+      [18, -6],
+      [21, 2],
+      [15, 6],
+      [33, -3],
+      [41, 15],
+      [89, -34],
+      [36, 2],
+      [31, -5],
+      [27, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59479, 46082],
+      [-3, 60],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [58, 113],
+      [-60, 32],
+      [-67, 154],
+      [99, 48],
+      [9, 81],
+      [-37, 31],
+      [-48, 129],
+      [1, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59387, 46907],
+      [116, -30],
+      [135, 118],
+      [125, 73],
+      [87, 13],
+      [114, 40],
+      [23, 127],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [62, 84],
+      [105, 57],
+      [87, -45],
+      [34, -50],
+      [104, 17],
+      [104, 48],
+      [276, 54],
+      [111, 31],
+      [26, -63],
+      [57, -6],
+      [18, 63],
+      [125, 59],
+      [15, 46],
+      [99, 89],
+      [-92, 141],
+      [-88, 23],
+      [-111, -6],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [11, 190],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-90, 67],
+      [-51, 61],
+      [-42, 122],
+      [-19, 137],
+      [22, 88],
+      [94, 118],
+      [117, 76],
+      [102, 102],
+      [71, 94],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [55, 62],
+      [-333, 20],
+      [-482, -45],
+      [-138, -103],
+      [-62, -73],
+      [-289, -92],
+      [-149, 68],
+      [-176, -53],
+      [-406, -135],
+      [-29, -28],
+      [-114, -16],
+      [-226, -67],
+      [-51, -6],
+      [-27, -66],
+      [-60, -34],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-116, -80],
+      [-98, 9],
+      [-128, -84],
+      [-106, -19],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-104, -26],
+      [-57, -43],
+      [-103, -15],
+      [-71, 71],
+      [-118, -57],
+      [-175, 35],
+      [-116, 94],
+      [-27, -74],
+      [8, -58],
+      [66, -42],
+      [6, -80],
+      [-224, -103],
+      [6, -27],
+      [-162, -143],
+      [-56, -95],
+      [-134, -67],
+      [-134, -142],
+      [-84, -73],
+      [-73, -99],
+      [-133, -112],
+      [40, -72],
+      [25, -95],
+      [-259, -136],
+      [-95, -111],
+      [-201, -43],
+      [-255, -32],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-220, 21],
+      [-178, -16],
+      [-182, -40],
+      [-362, -51],
+      [-224, 110],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [-97, 53],
+      [-228, 59],
+      [-121, -16],
+      [-121, 29],
+      [-29, -119],
+      [-133, -59],
+      [-176, 12],
+      [-130, -15],
+      [-102, -79],
+      [-102, 22],
+      [-111, -27],
+      [-58, -50],
+      [-48, 23],
+      [-131, -50],
+      [-191, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52598, 46562],
+      [20, 89],
+      [-31, 174],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-35, 73],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-38, 61],
+      [-12, 84],
+      [32, 55],
+      [-25, 77],
+      [68, 41],
+      [30, 79],
+      [0, 124],
+      [70, -19],
+      [34, 54],
+      [-128, 80],
+      [-28, 120],
+      [18, 49],
+      [-34, 84],
+      [-49, 49],
+      [5, 51],
+      [-175, -45],
+      [-198, 51],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-120, -11],
+      [-132, 22],
+      [-52, 67],
+      [-81, -46],
+      [-129, 131],
+      [-72, 103],
+      [33, 36],
+      [-42, 78],
+      [75, 115],
+      [70, 53],
+      [16, 151],
+      [-6, 68],
+      [-65, 46],
+      [-73, -13],
+      [-43, 73],
+      [52, 32],
+      [83, -15],
+      [136, 6],
+      [55, -80],
+      [114, -43],
+      [180, 10],
+      [72, -164],
+      [40, -35],
+      [146, 16],
+      [23, 51],
+      [62, 45],
+      [157, -25],
+      [222, 180],
+      [97, 46],
+      [120, 12],
+      [27, -19],
+      [38, -107],
+      [50, -66],
+      [160, 37],
+      [6, 47],
+      [68, 17],
+      [66, -51],
+      [107, 83],
+      [50, 8],
+      [63, -53],
+      [37, 9],
+      [98, 130],
+      [141, 53],
+      [70, 77],
+      [84, 129],
+      [-96, 136],
+      [-72, 34],
+      [38, 127],
+      [226, 152],
+      [37, 43],
+      [47, -65],
+      [163, 70],
+      [39, 71],
+      [113, 62],
+      [79, -72],
+      [74, 75],
+      [-27, 85],
+      [162, 16],
+      [65, 46],
+      [151, -20],
+      [64, 53],
+      [19, 138],
+      [-90, 58],
+      [85, 120],
+      [103, 63],
+      [64, 142],
+      [-11, 77],
+      [61, 20],
+      [10, 58],
+      [175, 45],
+      [74, 53],
+      [63, -51],
+      [47, 70],
+      [63, -53],
+      [182, -12],
+      [274, 77],
+      [96, -48],
+      [151, 90],
+      [47, -9],
+      [85, -62],
+      [67, 1],
+      [68, 107],
+      [7, 65],
+      [72, 55],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [21, 100],
+      [77, 28],
+      [107, 121],
+      [168, 113],
+      [39, 86],
+      [27, 109],
+      [65, 104],
+      [161, 148],
+      [137, 5],
+      [49, 92],
+      [129, 85],
+      [139, -24],
+      [140, 29],
+      [35, 107],
+      [81, 60],
+      [38, 109],
+      [108, -48],
+      [75, -54],
+      [122, -119],
+      [69, -99],
+      [0, -105],
+      [162, 45],
+      [103, -50],
+      [108, -6],
+      [95, -61],
+      [63, 44],
+      [129, -20],
+      [52, -64],
+      [122, -18],
+      [161, 3],
+      [-1, -95],
+      [36, -25],
+      [80, 12],
+      [94, -39],
+      [142, -28],
+      [97, 7],
+      [76, 122],
+      [32, 123],
+      [95, -33],
+      [-4, 201],
+      [90, 5],
+      [28, 102],
+      [72, -30],
+      [92, 51],
+      [63, 68],
+      [56, 5],
+      [111, 124],
+      [29, -42],
+      [109, 36],
+      [89, 88],
+      [167, -21],
+      [127, 90],
+      [90, 85],
+      [82, -4],
+      [45, -67],
+      [81, -66],
+      [78, -126],
+      [-6, -82],
+      [45, -36],
+      [68, -116],
+      [36, -23],
+      [93, 6],
+      [43, 53],
+      [137, 57],
+      [39, -63],
+      [-75, -173],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-189, -25],
+      [-94, -51],
+      [-38, -75],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [-99, -16],
+      [57, -64],
+      [76, -150],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-78, -72],
+      [47, -73],
+      [135, 54],
+      [145, 160],
+      [116, 78],
+      [196, 12],
+      [197, 97],
+      [-106, -197],
+      [23, -67],
+      [74, 0],
+      [38, -102],
+      [-2, -85],
+      [102, -145],
+      [54, -54],
+      [15, -77],
+      [-65, -100],
+      [-118, -24],
+      [-136, -62],
+      [55, -94],
+      [-112, -88],
+      [-96, -100],
+      [-102, -4],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [80, -48],
+      [14, -70],
+      [-222, -144],
+      [85, -29],
+      [33, -43],
+      [112, 19],
+      [20, -70],
+      [43, -45],
+      [52, 15],
+      [20, 94],
+      [57, 64],
+      [115, -2],
+      [108, 80],
+      [86, 30],
+      [145, -1],
+      [37, -33],
+      [167, -83],
+      [37, -96],
+      [115, -16],
+      [159, 44],
+      [60, -95],
+      [59, -12],
+      [96, -54],
+      [58, 23],
+      [64, 73],
+      [89, 27],
+      [74, -31],
+      [72, -68],
+      [23, -57],
+      [121, -5],
+      [37, -57],
+      [90, 2],
+      [203, -117],
+      [-5, -58],
+      [-91, -87],
+      [18, -100],
+      [-63, -61],
+      [3, -54],
+      [119, -4],
+      [25, -67],
+      [47, -12],
+      [-45, -111],
+      [1, -157],
+      [23, -50],
+      [-100, -5],
+      [-77, 83],
+      [-114, -48],
+      [-212, -201],
+      [-127, -67],
+      [-13, -101],
+      [-64, 23],
+      [-114, -44],
+      [-82, -159],
+      [-109, -37],
+      [-21, -57],
+      [-48, -24],
+      [37, -75],
+      [3, -70],
+      [49, -65],
+      [-53, -96],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [65, -82],
+      [53, -27],
+      [7, -67],
+      [63, -73],
+      [13, -58],
+      [81, -51],
+      [7, -42],
+      [111, -96],
+      [3, -62],
+      [71, -83],
+      [49, -16],
+      [48, -96],
+      [-55, -79],
+      [-84, 43],
+      [-101, -24],
+      [-71, 71],
+      [-100, 58],
+      [-146, 20],
+      [-115, 56],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [59, 41],
+      [-11, 72],
+      [-65, 29],
+      [-13, 60],
+      [-72, 53],
+      [-32, 58],
+      [-136, 23],
+      [-61, 38],
+      [-42, -35],
+      [-161, 16],
+      [-43, -65],
+      [-86, -45],
+      [-68, -62],
+      [-68, 26],
+      [-146, 1],
+      [-92, -35],
+      [-97, -15],
+      [-81, 32],
+      [-71, -53],
+      [-97, 13],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-119, -35],
+      [-280, -135],
+      [-43, -96],
+      [-83, -102],
+      [-49, -98],
+      [-175, -110],
+      [-136, 4],
+      [-120, -135],
+      [-13, -129],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-66, 53],
+      [-81, -72],
+      [-10, -69],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-145, 39],
+      [-68, -57],
+      [-69, -135],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-93, -124],
+      [-169, -43],
+      [-97, -51],
+      [-67, 16],
+      [-26, 54],
+      [-50, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47680, 43426],
+      [19, -113],
+      [-55, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47644, 43284],
+      [36, 142]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59387, 46907],
+      [-90, -86],
+      [-83, -51],
+      [-66, -72],
+      [-223, -80],
+      [-62, 59],
+      [-95, -2],
+      [-61, -24],
+      [-77, -118],
+      [-66, -62],
+      [-42, -112],
+      [-64, -26],
+      [-37, -52],
+      [-54, -19],
+      [-99, -73],
+      [-144, -26],
+      [-63, -43],
+      [-104, 19],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-48, -64],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-30, -71],
+      [-98, -52],
+      [11, -77],
+      [-40, -124],
+      [-160, -116],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-25, 191],
+      [-93, -120],
+      [-118, -118],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [7, -100],
+      [-32, -66],
+      [-124, -78],
+      [-83, -153],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-37, -122],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-60, -237],
+      [-68, -177],
+      [2, -76],
+      [59, -111],
+      [-50, -49],
+      [-97, -40],
+      [-73, -97],
+      [-68, 40],
+      [-60, -37],
+      [-63, -76],
+      [-35, 74],
+      [41, 147],
+      [-29, 112],
+      [-215, -113],
+      [42, -130],
+      [-63, -56],
+      [-65, -11],
+      [-57, -103],
+      [-171, -122],
+      [-3, -58],
+      [-132, -129],
+      [-143, -58],
+      [-99, -120],
+      [-88, -46],
+      [126, -147],
+      [0, -38],
+      [146, -63],
+      [47, -143],
+      [-58, -83],
+      [49, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55602, 42899],
+      [-155, -107],
+      [-111, -188],
+      [-5, -86],
+      [-33, -113],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-59, -101],
+      [-63, 4],
+      [-47, -105],
+      [36, -87],
+      [-42, -52],
+      [20, -58],
+      [-44, -79],
+      [-82, -88],
+      [-6, -93],
+      [-79, -33],
+      [-98, 23],
+      [-53, -215],
+      [23, -98],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [27, -151],
+      [-98, -87],
+      [0, -58],
+      [-37, -52],
+      [28, -50],
+      [-36, -108],
+      [15, -41],
+      [-85, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54560, 40804],
+      [-44, 15],
+      [-98, -33],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [-107, -31],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-95, 92],
+      [-85, 229],
+      [-76, -158],
+      [-86, -222],
+      [-144, -51],
+      [-32, -188],
+      [-134, -17],
+      [-46, -164],
+      [-91, -29],
+      [-55, -60],
+      [-59, 37],
+      [-38, 97],
+      [7, 136],
+      [-276, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53013, 40454],
+      [-185, -6],
+      [133, 322],
+      [-37, 110],
+      [-56, 56],
+      [0, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52868, 41037],
+      [19, 222],
+      [51, 205],
+      [78, 110],
+      [-11, 109],
+      [-34, 108],
+      [-74, 44],
+      [3, 141],
+      [152, -6],
+      [74, -66],
+      [38, 6],
+      [65, -61],
+      [213, 43],
+      [22, 87],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [-76, 23],
+      [-52, 48],
+      [-25, 69],
+      [5, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53297, 42257],
+      [88, 59],
+      [40, 117],
+      [93, -5],
+      [-4, 79],
+      [125, -19],
+      [88, -32],
+      [50, 77],
+      [72, 72],
+      [154, 59],
+      [72, -11],
+      [-22, 152],
+      [49, 42],
+      [-17, 105],
+      [-52, 7],
+      [-54, 89],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-148, 132],
+      [-96, -31],
+      [-19, 123],
+      [-38, 54],
+      [89, 48],
+      [51, 50],
+      [35, 110],
+      [-161, -74],
+      [-58, 49],
+      [-8, 87],
+      [-131, 35],
+      [-71, 128],
+      [-69, 12],
+      [-39, 123],
+      [-99, 13],
+      [-71, -45],
+      [-225, -43],
+      [-147, -97],
+      [-31, 99],
+      [20, 82],
+      [-31, 90],
+      [5, 68],
+      [61, 89],
+      [0, 47],
+      [97, 69],
+      [-143, 31],
+      [12, 114],
+      [199, 149],
+      [39, 86],
+      [-71, -8],
+      [-139, 39],
+      [-99, -77],
+      [-87, 6],
+      [-89, -37],
+      [-136, 19],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [-97, -26],
+      [-111, 36],
+      [-31, 62],
+      [14, 94],
+      [-124, 49],
+      [-64, -73],
+      [-130, -65],
+      [-17, -66],
+      [-7, -177],
+      [-112, -112],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-39, 72],
+      [-12, 95],
+      [17, 84],
+      [-137, 12],
+      [-41, -122],
+      [-72, -38],
+      [-110, -229],
+      [-60, -41],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-177, -51],
+      [-124, -197],
+      [-45, 3],
+      [-69, -57],
+      [-78, 36],
+      [-19, 86],
+      [50, 149],
+      [-109, 22],
+      [-71, -43],
+      [-119, -13],
+      [-39, 53],
+      [-62, -61],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [27, 135],
+      [-102, 7],
+      [-21, 108],
+      [-165, 41],
+      [-29, -22],
+      [-108, 14],
+      [-52, -16],
+      [-41, -77],
+      [-83, 16],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [-59, 26],
+      [-189, -81],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-111, 47],
+      [-16, -43],
+      [-101, -88],
+      [20, 131],
+      [-63, 88],
+      [-63, 45],
+      [-107, -61],
+      [-70, 58],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-89, -83],
+      [-83, -24],
+      [-162, -23],
+      [-218, 8],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-121, -159],
+      [-124, -83],
+      [7, -84],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-61, -27],
+      [94, -94],
+      [22, -64],
+      [127, -81],
+      [30, -36],
+      [-36, -56],
+      [-254, -61],
+      [-36, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47677, 43442],
+      [36, 147],
+      [-28, 115],
+      [-79, 126],
+      [-16, 53],
+      [32, 51],
+      [-35, 119],
+      [-32, 19],
+      [83, 167],
+      [64, 70],
+      [10, 56],
+      [-119, -5],
+      [47, 107],
+      [-60, 50],
+      [-88, 182],
+      [9, 29],
+      [-91, 132],
+      [-66, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47344, 44879],
+      [-15, 143],
+      [12, 73],
+      [55, 83],
+      [85, 82],
+      [2, 52],
+      [99, 31],
+      [67, 41],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [54, 88],
+      [-37, 91],
+      [27, 191],
+      [27, 32],
+      [-13, 230],
+      [-32, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47648, 46123],
+      [12, 76],
+      [59, -29],
+      [151, -3],
+      [97, 26],
+      [117, -11],
+      [294, 95],
+      [-14, 78],
+      [27, 66],
+      [69, 59],
+      [188, -17],
+      [75, 59],
+      [20, 45],
+      [121, 14],
+      [338, -237],
+      [147, -18],
+      [41, -40],
+      [67, 13],
+      [45, -28],
+      [90, 16],
+      [343, 9],
+      [218, 22],
+      [127, -20],
+      [77, 90],
+      [90, -23],
+      [111, 7],
+      [180, -15],
+      [72, -46],
+      [91, -13],
+      [95, 51],
+      [63, 78],
+      [154, -101],
+      [32, -5],
+      [216, 35],
+      [72, 38],
+      [122, -38],
+      [105, 18],
+      [165, 91],
+      [66, 57],
+      [47, 83],
+      [96, 9],
+      [125, -66],
+      [70, -68],
+      [153, -24],
+      [93, 48],
+      [23, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43798, 45734],
+      [58, -53],
+      [73, 21],
+      [44, 52],
+      [105, -28],
+      [-119, -88],
+      [32, -51],
+      [109, -53],
+      [27, -77],
+      [-58, -60],
+      [18, -34],
+      [80, 5],
+      [34, -61],
+      [-62, -30],
+      [-75, -79],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [-105, -64],
+      [-71, -21],
+      [-153, -165],
+      [-83, -9],
+      [-84, -86],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [0, -105],
+      [-21, -58],
+      [-103, 16],
+      [-156, -108],
+      [-35, -140],
+      [10, -50],
+      [-52, -75],
+      [34, -135],
+      [194, -45],
+      [-51, -44],
+      [50, -42],
+      [-21, -79],
+      [81, -51],
+      [92, -92],
+      [157, -76],
+      [-33, -104],
+      [6, -106],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [11, -68],
+      [92, -93],
+      [-15, -64],
+      [-127, 20],
+      [-107, 101],
+      [-69, -5],
+      [-52, -66],
+      [-67, -10],
+      [-14, -86],
+      [-65, -2],
+      [-56, -71],
+      [-48, 34],
+      [-52, -123],
+      [57, -54],
+      [-16, -78],
+      [104, -81],
+      [47, -14],
+      [-2, -102],
+      [-59, -44],
+      [15, -70],
+      [-92, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43098, 42693],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-167, 23],
+      [-52, 125],
+      [-169, 2],
+      [-88, 52],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-20, -81],
+      [-125, -2],
+      [31, -69],
+      [-51, -57],
+      [-1, -106],
+      [-176, 76],
+      [-52, -48],
+      [-99, 37],
+      [-71, -309],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-55, -43],
+      [-49, 9],
+      [-76, -59],
+      [-72, -124],
+      [21, -45],
+      [-13, -169],
+      [23, -75],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [-91, -34],
+      [-63, -91],
+      [12, -67],
+      [-18, -80],
+      [16, -46],
+      [-60, -125],
+      [-22, -108],
+      [-75, -41],
+      [-99, 59],
+      [-64, -3],
+      [-84, -101],
+      [-96, -84],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-62, -10],
+      [-38, 119],
+      [-83, -1],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [-170, -66],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-100, 75],
+      [-37, -62],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-51, 1],
+      [-73, -119],
+      [-3, -137],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-9, -104],
+      [-102, 5],
+      [-93, 85],
+      [-43, 61],
+      [-75, -5],
+      [-57, 84],
+      [41, 74],
+      [-43, 180],
+      [-169, 11],
+      [-110, -17],
+      [-89, 65],
+      [-16, 70],
+      [34, 77],
+      [-62, 140],
+      [-93, 36],
+      [-33, 62],
+      [-92, -29],
+      [-123, -78],
+      [-87, 50],
+      [-72, 108],
+      [-112, 21],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-74, 11],
+      [-89, 55],
+      [-73, -151],
+      [3, -67],
+      [-98, -124],
+      [26, -128],
+      [-16, -87],
+      [-124, 7],
+      [-70, 42],
+      [-18, -88],
+      [-75, -76],
+      [-66, -6],
+      [-21, 49],
+      [-135, -34],
+      [-66, 20],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [-227, -31],
+      [-122, -111],
+      [-156, -16],
+      [36, -81],
+      [-120, -47],
+      [-49, -63],
+      [-40, 62],
+      [-93, 39],
+      [-92, -30],
+      [-48, -84],
+      [-143, -9],
+      [-89, 198],
+      [-79, 28],
+      [12, 96],
+      [-28, 31],
+      [-88, -46],
+      [-83, -20],
+      [-37, -54],
+      [-102, -38],
+      [-45, -145],
+      [-126, 17],
+      [-63, 26],
+      [-58, -89],
+      [-54, 5],
+      [-9, -98],
+      [-52, -108],
+      [-63, 50],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [-82, -17],
+      [12, 64],
+      [-61, 20],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [-102, 14],
+      [-12, 81],
+      [-82, 46],
+      [2, 69],
+      [61, 21],
+      [-6, 75],
+      [-57, 101],
+      [-52, -4],
+      [-24, -61],
+      [-83, 29],
+      [-105, -19],
+      [-139, -140],
+      [-46, 52],
+      [2, 69],
+      [-66, 100],
+      [-29, 81],
+      [-120, 60],
+      [-43, -96],
+      [-97, -113],
+      [-133, -34],
+      [-151, -7],
+      [-181, -58],
+      [-76, 25],
+      [-181, -6],
+      [-127, 30],
+      [-97, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33666, 41090],
+      [42, 51],
+      [38, 154],
+      [-81, 83],
+      [34, 63],
+      [-52, 62],
+      [-21, 74],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-92, 97],
+      [-54, 21],
+      [8, 113],
+      [-86, 161],
+      [13, 121],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [0, 108],
+      [-53, 11],
+      [8, 76],
+      [66, 233],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [14, 93],
+      [85, 19],
+      [47, 98],
+      [112, 6],
+      [44, 70],
+      [61, 9],
+      [80, 63],
+      [145, 44],
+      [101, 72],
+      [66, 14],
+      [51, 59],
+      [85, 21],
+      [75, -13],
+      [45, 79],
+      [78, 10],
+      [-10, 60],
+      [192, 228],
+      [51, 13],
+      [154, 113],
+      [137, 49],
+      [-15, 135],
+      [84, 65],
+      [131, -5],
+      [59, -42],
+      [11, -72],
+      [39, -19],
+      [161, -3],
+      [62, 21],
+      [16, 151],
+      [63, 15],
+      [86, -34],
+      [18, -68],
+      [103, 34],
+      [39, -67],
+      [51, 13],
+      [59, -31],
+      [93, 54],
+      [-7, 82],
+      [156, 12],
+      [-57, 44],
+      [45, 73],
+      [-163, 114],
+      [-40, 84],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-119, 8],
+      [-51, 90],
+      [-125, 65],
+      [-131, -26],
+      [-113, 80],
+      [-85, 41],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-12, 61],
+      [-67, 50],
+      [-100, 115],
+      [-93, 7],
+      [-46, 146],
+      [-57, 63],
+      [70, 97],
+      [87, -17],
+      [81, 40],
+      [6, 46],
+      [98, -2],
+      [53, 129],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [9, 83],
+      [-241, 37],
+      [-56, 41],
+      [-44, 79],
+      [-72, -16],
+      [-178, 35],
+      [10, 131],
+      [52, 42],
+      [77, -30],
+      [181, 73],
+      [3, 42],
+      [78, 113],
+      [-10, 70],
+      [158, -5],
+      [33, -33],
+      [77, 0],
+      [154, -58],
+      [55, 38],
+      [258, 27],
+      [-27, 101],
+      [-168, 30],
+      [-16, 74],
+      [-45, 86],
+      [-123, -52],
+      [-39, 61],
+      [61, 119],
+      [0, 84],
+      [-52, 57],
+      [-114, -38],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [-82, 49],
+      [-3, 68],
+      [-83, -17],
+      [-89, 32],
+      [-10, 93],
+      [-27, 39],
+      [31, 97],
+      [-55, 125],
+      [-65, 38],
+      [57, 79],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [-124, -43],
+      [-30, 78],
+      [96, 143],
+      [-81, 130],
+      [-102, 32],
+      [-13, 58],
+      [50, 36],
+      [-24, 87],
+      [-117, -44],
+      [8, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34458, 47619],
+      [69, 17],
+      [39, 72],
+      [-71, 6],
+      [-11, 84],
+      [139, 48],
+      [32, -19],
+      [234, 4],
+      [37, 84],
+      [58, 24],
+      [29, 74],
+      [93, -11],
+      [-4, -72],
+      [231, -78],
+      [82, -154],
+      [221, -40],
+      [108, 5],
+      [99, -27],
+      [300, -52],
+      [147, -263],
+      [-30, -120],
+      [17, -62],
+      [-17, -94],
+      [-65, -63],
+      [-7, -65],
+      [250, -103],
+      [81, -17],
+      [53, 58],
+      [82, -29],
+      [9, -47],
+      [114, -46],
+      [113, -17],
+      [36, -47],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [73, -51],
+      [87, -8],
+      [-32, -75],
+      [33, -19],
+      [148, 50],
+      [171, -6],
+      [10, -64],
+      [-36, -62],
+      [45, -106],
+      [300, -64],
+      [90, 44],
+      [71, 71],
+      [100, -22],
+      [95, 38],
+      [103, 92],
+      [141, 44],
+      [161, -33],
+      [90, -53],
+      [29, -56],
+      [-24, -281],
+      [52, -80],
+      [116, -35],
+      [39, -50],
+      [74, 16],
+      [16, -95],
+      [72, 60],
+      [141, 81],
+      [3, 45],
+      [158, 40],
+      [91, -22],
+      [187, -109],
+      [82, 11],
+      [11, -49],
+      [74, -3],
+      [48, 55],
+      [121, 9],
+      [192, -80],
+      [133, -40],
+      [95, -60],
+      [95, -8],
+      [50, -87],
+      [135, -46],
+      [13, -33],
+      [141, -42],
+      [65, -53],
+      [47, 6],
+      [49, 72],
+      [141, -47],
+      [136, 65],
+      [-4, 47],
+      [80, 5],
+      [6, 63],
+      [182, 35],
+      [60, 84],
+      [64, 40],
+      [44, -313],
+      [156, -107],
+      [52, 24],
+      [130, 0],
+      [46, -21],
+      [-1, -73],
+      [105, -15],
+      [60, -45],
+      [39, 31],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [71, 72],
+      [86, 7],
+      [86, 42],
+      [109, -22],
+      [80, -58],
+      [77, -31],
+      [141, 3],
+      [127, 78],
+      [53, -45],
+      [86, 27],
+      [43, 114],
+      [124, -75],
+      [21, 63],
+      [92, 32],
+      [53, -71],
+      [18, -67],
+      [73, -48],
+      [135, -35],
+      [149, 129],
+      [19, 68],
+      [-18, 114],
+      [18, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18981, 55329],
+      [-55, -38],
+      [-109, 49],
+      [-66, 53],
+      [-54, 108],
+      [90, 39],
+      [61, 51],
+      [152, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19000, 55509],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [30, -59],
+      [-37, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34775, 36452],
+      [-58, -43],
+      [144, -88],
+      [-3, -73],
+      [-57, -66],
+      [-29, -80],
+      [-75, -27],
+      [-113, 4],
+      [-41, -46],
+      [-79, 9],
+      [-85, -65],
+      [-112, -134],
+      [-57, -38],
+      [-115, 10],
+      [-104, -48],
+      [-59, -65],
+      [-29, -90],
+      [-107, -133],
+      [95, -80],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-99, 1],
+      [-10, -77],
+      [32, -36],
+      [-29, -100],
+      [143, -121],
+      [-64, -91],
+      [28, -44],
+      [-23, -53],
+      [-93, 5],
+      [12, -88],
+      [-100, 34],
+      [-34, -80],
+      [18, -75],
+      [-61, -109],
+      [-80, -45],
+      [46, -46],
+      [93, -36],
+      [-44, -78],
+      [-48, 29],
+      [0, 72],
+      [-133, -85],
+      [-41, -93],
+      [-44, -201],
+      [18, -96],
+      [44, -18],
+      [52, -85],
+      [0, -88],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-231, 81],
+      [-33, -100],
+      [28, -146],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [-62, -59],
+      [10, -63],
+      [-25, -52],
+      [-32, -143],
+      [-69, -18],
+      [-92, -71],
+      [-174, 42],
+      [-66, 61],
+      [-67, 28],
+      [-171, 12],
+      [-51, -32],
+      [-86, 33],
+      [-127, -51],
+      [-54, 40],
+      [-161, -1],
+      [-107, -20],
+      [20, -110],
+      [-79, -88],
+      [29, -63],
+      [-88, -115],
+      [-64, -105],
+      [-154, -96],
+      [-12, -123],
+      [-136, -47],
+      [-31, 84],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-28, -100],
+      [3, -190],
+      [23, -69],
+      [-5, -69],
+      [49, -87],
+      [4, -73],
+      [-55, -125],
+      [-41, -50],
+      [55, -71],
+      [70, -31],
+      [16, -132],
+      [69, 11],
+      [22, -73],
+      [-43, -53],
+      [1, -59],
+      [-36, -97],
+      [63, -59],
+      [12, -72],
+      [-50, -35],
+      [18, -142],
+      [-76, -133],
+      [26, -59],
+      [11, -162],
+      [176, -44],
+      [58, -38],
+      [91, -3],
+      [85, -52],
+      [71, -6],
+      [79, 28],
+      [110, -15],
+      [23, -22],
+      [-23, -177],
+      [23, -134],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [-116, -3],
+      [-59, -91],
+      [-89, -24],
+      [-15, 121],
+      [56, 75],
+      [-148, 50],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-50, 36],
+      [-73, 5],
+      [-118, -49],
+      [-109, -119],
+      [-90, 123],
+      [-81, 204],
+      [-68, 61],
+      [-102, -39],
+      [-116, 73],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-128, 91],
+      [-95, -70],
+      [-90, 130],
+      [-87, 54],
+      [-98, -129],
+      [-65, -46],
+      [-50, -170],
+      [47, -117],
+      [87, -48],
+      [137, -55],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [50, -93],
+      [159, -11],
+      [11, -87],
+      [-44, -115],
+      [31, -184],
+      [-36, -95],
+      [24, -103],
+      [-52, -85],
+      [153, 18],
+      [11, -112],
+      [49, -86],
+      [113, 13],
+      [28, -40],
+      [-37, -107],
+      [-53, -41],
+      [83, -37],
+      [-26, -96],
+      [-36, -59],
+      [8, -159],
+      [51, -87],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [50, -40],
+      [38, -88],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [62, -90],
+      [38, -256],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-95, -48],
+      [-28, -91],
+      [16, -51],
+      [-43, -131],
+      [-119, -40],
+      [-28, -102],
+      [-99, 16],
+      [-173, -90],
+      [-17, -118],
+      [-70, 16],
+      [-60, -35],
+      [146, -79],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [-101, -5],
+      [-9, -67],
+      [-74, -25],
+      [-30, -66],
+      [-192, -179],
+      [-38, -153],
+      [-191, -14],
+      [5, -54],
+      [-147, -34],
+      [-57, -65],
+      [-87, -32],
+      [-51, -174],
+      [39, -62],
+      [-30, -150],
+      [-77, -147],
+      [6, -127],
+      [-71, -119],
+      [-15, -107],
+      [-92, 27],
+      [5, -94],
+      [-30, -49],
+      [2, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29020, 25553],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-15, 6],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-134, -1],
+      [-58, 33],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-47, 32],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-136, -82],
+      [-19, -14],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-39, -8],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-28, 14],
+      [-43, 62],
+      [-18, 50],
+      [-3, 25],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [-16, 114],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-41, 278],
+      [-39, 111],
+      [4, 29],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [4, 15],
+      [40, 34],
+      [11, 13],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-25, -9],
+      [-85, -4],
+      [-29, 156],
+      [27, -4],
+      [10, 5],
+      [3, 6],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-15, -20],
+      [3, -76],
+      [-45, -60],
+      [-78, -7],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [3, 31],
+      [51, 24],
+      [61, 32],
+      [-136, 273],
+      [1, 15],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [0, 4],
+      [29, 38],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-2, -1],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-48, 31],
+      [9, 35],
+      [8, 4],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-40, 107],
+      [-69, 61],
+      [-152, 95],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-2, 2],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-28, 5],
+      [-21, 21],
+      [-84, -1],
+      [-151, -76],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-27, 58],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [-18, 62],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-41, 58],
+      [-15, 6],
+      [-8, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26562, 27660],
+      [-58, 71],
+      [68, 31],
+      [61, 72],
+      [102, 41],
+      [-23, 104],
+      [-157, 195],
+      [8, 108],
+      [60, 96],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [60, 42],
+      [34, 84],
+      [-23, 55],
+      [54, 88],
+      [78, 42],
+      [-9, 84],
+      [25, 60],
+      [68, 16],
+      [58, 46],
+      [55, 136],
+      [95, 45],
+      [100, 114],
+      [54, -47],
+      [4, -56],
+      [40, -95],
+      [30, -17],
+      [103, 51],
+      [46, -33],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [145, 0],
+      [37, 49],
+      [160, 109],
+      [-58, 64],
+      [-54, 101],
+      [103, 37],
+      [72, 2],
+      [54, 51],
+      [-29, 124],
+      [-59, 12],
+      [-72, 95],
+      [-75, -12],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-95, 54],
+      [-130, 1],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [21, 155],
+      [-71, 61],
+      [-113, 45],
+      [-93, 85],
+      [10, 84],
+      [-58, 41],
+      [-92, -2],
+      [-52, -81],
+      [-115, 2],
+      [132, 79],
+      [33, 67],
+      [49, 27],
+      [-17, 58],
+      [-63, 22],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-91, 37],
+      [8, 53],
+      [82, 46],
+      [57, -44],
+      [111, -6],
+      [53, 117],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [30, 143],
+      [-13, 102],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [-158, 48],
+      [-54, -34],
+      [-73, 32],
+      [2, 87],
+      [41, 13],
+      [-67, 126],
+      [162, 62],
+      [119, 2],
+      [69, 86],
+      [164, 44],
+      [-32, 117],
+      [-35, 36],
+      [38, 95],
+      [21, 364],
+      [-75, 55],
+      [-130, -69],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-41, 69],
+      [18, 53],
+      [64, 51],
+      [131, 39],
+      [-40, 76],
+      [-37, 185],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-14, 160],
+      [-32, 98],
+      [-167, -7],
+      [-78, 188],
+      [54, 92],
+      [-29, 115],
+      [49, 170],
+      [114, 25],
+      [25, 46],
+      [89, 6],
+      [93, 49],
+      [78, 64],
+      [74, 130],
+      [-35, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27418, 33700],
+      [61, 97],
+      [33, 96],
+      [68, 134],
+      [-18, 55],
+      [19, 99],
+      [-47, 151],
+      [27, 31],
+      [-31, 125],
+      [36, 51],
+      [5, 87],
+      [30, 59],
+      [49, 3],
+      [45, -42],
+      [63, 18],
+      [45, 132],
+      [17, 164],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [18, 138],
+      [77, 150],
+      [23, 114],
+      [42, 94],
+      [42, 45],
+      [73, -18],
+      [33, -72],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [78, 7],
+      [11, 76],
+      [-38, 84],
+      [64, 4],
+      [22, 151],
+      [-14, 73],
+      [64, 34],
+      [79, 6],
+      [64, 110],
+      [4, 115],
+      [-32, 91],
+      [20, 134],
+      [84, 34],
+      [49, 74],
+      [52, -60],
+      [65, -24],
+      [124, 109],
+      [79, -21],
+      [15, 80],
+      [123, -44],
+      [22, -140],
+      [56, 9],
+      [7, 58],
+      [63, 51],
+      [74, -6],
+      [78, 101],
+      [92, -11],
+      [13, 44],
+      [101, -34],
+      [89, 92],
+      [-18, 72],
+      [82, 96],
+      [45, -7],
+      [83, 53],
+      [64, 17],
+      [-42, 116],
+      [83, 93],
+      [-52, 157],
+      [19, 90],
+      [136, 22],
+      [65, 25],
+      [116, 126],
+      [59, 20],
+      [-7, 122],
+      [-41, 72],
+      [43, 86],
+      [92, 17],
+      [106, -9],
+      [73, 80],
+      [120, -28],
+      [77, 87],
+      [-30, 54],
+      [11, 145],
+      [60, 98],
+      [43, 34],
+      [-4, 87],
+      [-60, 23],
+      [-49, 68],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-14, 80],
+      [-165, -32],
+      [0, 61],
+      [-116, 32],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-46, 43],
+      [-3, 71],
+      [-72, 82],
+      [-81, -32],
+      [-115, -16],
+      [-65, 86],
+      [-91, 9],
+      [-59, 29],
+      [-80, -96],
+      [-85, 19],
+      [-51, -92],
+      [-57, 44],
+      [-7, 99],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-16, 78],
+      [72, 26],
+      [23, 141],
+      [66, -2],
+      [14, 54],
+      [52, 23],
+      [31, 64],
+      [-39, 84],
+      [-68, 47],
+      [9, 62],
+      [-37, 72],
+      [-60, 41],
+      [20, 115],
+      [119, 52],
+      [78, -92],
+      [12, -52],
+      [53, -52],
+      [101, -62],
+      [86, -11],
+      [181, 80],
+      [49, 67],
+      [76, -47],
+      [109, 24],
+      [76, -47],
+      [23, -51],
+      [195, -6],
+      [143, 32],
+      [71, -56],
+      [52, 33],
+      [93, -32],
+      [200, -16],
+      [165, 22],
+      [48, -52],
+      [68, -9],
+      [62, 23],
+      [8, 75],
+      [83, -9],
+      [96, 37],
+      [68, 73],
+      [-12, 83],
+      [103, 43],
+      [102, -6],
+      [131, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32148, 39786],
+      [90, -37],
+      [71, -85],
+      [160, -87],
+      [182, 24],
+      [54, -18],
+      [146, 34],
+      [39, 46],
+      [98, 26],
+      [47, 91],
+      [11, 67],
+      [132, 78],
+      [36, 125],
+      [68, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33282, 40106],
+      [131, -4],
+      [39, -41],
+      [54, 4],
+      [49, -95],
+      [136, -40],
+      [7, -135],
+      [58, -77],
+      [23, -94],
+      [45, -6],
+      [25, -66],
+      [165, -42],
+      [86, -83],
+      [75, -122],
+      [6, -116],
+      [-39, -51],
+      [82, -78],
+      [51, -114],
+      [101, -34],
+      [251, -51],
+      [-12, 71],
+      [18, 67],
+      [83, 19],
+      [98, -71],
+      [5, -129],
+      [-30, -103],
+      [-86, -120],
+      [21, -49],
+      [-27, -121],
+      [87, -50],
+      [31, 53],
+      [50, -4],
+      [59, -101],
+      [-43, -206],
+      [12, -103],
+      [-59, -99],
+      [82, -108],
+      [47, 6],
+      [94, -107],
+      [-13, -75],
+      [43, -99],
+      [52, -40],
+      [24, 120],
+      [84, -107],
+      [135, -35],
+      [117, 41],
+      [85, -9],
+      [41, -84],
+      [-29, -151],
+      [-122, -56],
+      [-23, -116],
+      [-54, -82],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-77, -69],
+      [15, -107],
+      [-181, -126],
+      [-153, 5],
+      [-71, -98],
+      [-94, -57],
+      [-6, -112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11058, 30906],
+      [6, -57],
+      [-83, -106],
+      [-40, 50],
+      [-100, 13],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-89, 7],
+      [-58, -28],
+      [-60, 77],
+      [-69, 30],
+      [28, 62],
+      [-34, 127]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10517, 31115],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-37, 50],
+      [48, 58],
+      [63, -50],
+      [35, 47],
+      [122, 1],
+      [20, 76],
+      [79, 3],
+      [23, 68],
+      [89, -89],
+      [78, -12],
+      [-89, -120],
+      [-77, -73],
+      [-69, -17],
+      [5, -134],
+      [46, 24],
+      [58, -35],
+      [71, 48],
+      [-23, 51],
+      [87, 2],
+      [102, -36],
+      [-63, -59],
+      [4, -73],
+      [34, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10275, 31713],
+      [-49, -78],
+      [16, -70],
+      [-52, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10190, 31482],
+      [15, 145],
+      [70, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6102, 32310],
+      [33, -60],
+      [-188, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5947, 32261],
+      [17, 36],
+      [86, 29],
+      [52, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5864, 32366],
+      [1, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5865, 32363],
+      [-32, -51],
+      [67, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5900, 32285],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [-275, 33],
+      [-127, 67],
+      [-28, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5467, 32389],
+      [24, 65],
+      [-12, 121],
+      [33, 90],
+      [52, 68],
+      [4, 57],
+      [59, 120],
+      [58, -64],
+      [132, 17],
+      [104, -30],
+      [47, -121],
+      [-38, -69],
+      [-96, -36],
+      [21, -61],
+      [89, 3],
+      [7, -88],
+      [-68, -30],
+      [-19, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20120, 50296],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-111, -66],
+      [29, -94],
+      [-77, -36],
+      [-88, -11],
+      [-51, 63],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-37, 79],
+      [13, 40],
+      [-77, 61],
+      [-34, -15],
+      [-91, 45],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [-82, 30],
+      [-52, -32],
+      [-143, 24],
+      [-92, 76],
+      [-11, 59],
+      [62, 46],
+      [37, 82],
+      [72, 0],
+      [28, 73],
+      [50, 33],
+      [-11, 77],
+      [20, 69],
+      [-28, 131],
+      [11, 40],
+      [82, 37],
+      [114, 0],
+      [40, 84],
+      [173, -18],
+      [24, -55],
+      [105, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19789, 51124],
+      [67, -73],
+      [-51, -77],
+      [144, -148],
+      [102, -47],
+      [47, -60],
+      [-36, -109],
+      [55, -83],
+      [-64, -28],
+      [-26, -82],
+      [93, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13058, 20567],
+      [104, 4],
+      [5, 42],
+      [107, -46],
+      [68, 9],
+      [27, -86],
+      [-29, -118],
+      [73, -92],
+      [-68, -84],
+      [57, -108],
+      [-15, -44],
+      [32, -99],
+      [84, -32],
+      [-11, -87],
+      [40, -85],
+      [-143, -43],
+      [-28, -75],
+      [84, -32],
+      [44, -102],
+      [-71, -94],
+      [-19, -96],
+      [47, -143],
+      [-89, -113],
+      [26, -36],
+      [-70, -67],
+      [-83, -20],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-82, -80],
+      [-79, -18],
+      [-35, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12995, 18823],
+      [-120, 52],
+      [15, 90],
+      [-37, 97],
+      [-87, 44],
+      [-58, 110],
+      [-79, 29],
+      [-17, 74],
+      [39, 21],
+      [16, 65],
+      [-74, 290],
+      [-43, 136],
+      [-47, 89],
+      [-70, -23],
+      [-72, 37],
+      [17, 65],
+      [60, 10],
+      [85, -24],
+      [10, 75],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-28, 55],
+      [-104, 21],
+      [8, 78],
+      [-83, -9],
+      [-28, 127],
+      [-51, 100],
+      [2, 66],
+      [-99, 237],
+      [-16, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12078, 20739],
+      [134, -13],
+      [17, 27],
+      [83, -17],
+      [74, 39],
+      [99, 133],
+      [95, -128],
+      [81, -2],
+      [57, -125],
+      [10, -135],
+      [58, -46],
+      [172, 40],
+      [100, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5865, 32363],
+      [35, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9871, 33296],
+      [62, -51],
+      [-64, -66],
+      [-24, 100],
+      [26, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3167, 36310],
+      [63, -79],
+      [-44, -43],
+      [-89, 41],
+      [-4, 49],
+      [74, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3807, 36527],
+      [29, -18],
+      [27, -51],
+      [-63, -27],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [11, 76],
+      [41, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4006, 36619],
+      [39, -58],
+      [-42, -32],
+      [-97, -20],
+      [6, 76],
+      [94, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [815, 38285],
+      [119, -50],
+      [6, -42],
+      [-93, -30],
+      [-71, 13],
+      [39, 109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [628, 38670],
+      [48, -53],
+      [-21, -122],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-50, 140],
+      [64, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [648, 38939],
+      [7, -50],
+      [-95, -93],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [105, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [376, 39421],
+      [87, -47],
+      [62, 26],
+      [-17, -156],
+      [-61, -170],
+      [-70, -63],
+      [-26, -68],
+      [-115, -45],
+      [-19, 61],
+      [-146, -32],
+      [-71, 45],
+      [44, 71],
+      [136, 19],
+      [26, 46],
+      [127, 146],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [52, 107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [265, 39464],
+      [10, -5],
+      [21, -42],
+      [-14, -90],
+      [19, -70],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-60, -50],
+      [-8, 127],
+      [30, 86],
+      [43, 16],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [39, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [680, 39481],
+      [51, -30],
+      [-16, -68],
+      [10, -78],
+      [-65, -41],
+      [-111, 14],
+      [42, 71],
+      [-19, 74],
+      [108, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [458, 39590],
+      [47, -17],
+      [48, -85],
+      [-85, -103],
+      [-127, 109],
+      [117, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [576, 39729],
+      [15, -9],
+      [-17, -96],
+      [8, -26],
+      [-54, -38],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-47, 17],
+      [-88, -45],
+      [1, 99],
+      [66, 8],
+      [75, 34],
+      [15, 27],
+      [49, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [765, 39747],
+      [80, -88],
+      [-49, -75],
+      [-63, -43],
+      [-67, 24],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [96, 60],
+      [11, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [648, 39855],
+      [43, -47],
+      [37, -111],
+      [-142, -99],
+      [4, 109],
+      [11, 11],
+      [-29, 14],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [42, 99],
+      [76, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [534, 39861],
+      [4, -83],
+      [-65, -90],
+      [-114, -28],
+      [-29, -206],
+      [-69, 13],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [0, -5],
+      [16, -11],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-27, -86],
+      [-14, -112],
+      [-38, -71],
+      [-100, 116],
+      [73, 73],
+      [-36, 112],
+      [98, 110],
+      [55, 132],
+      [103, -4],
+      [36, 24],
+      [8, 83],
+      [62, 55],
+      [56, -38],
+      [67, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13491, 37705],
+      [58, -75],
+      [47, -117],
+      [-64, -35],
+      [88, -127],
+      [82, 20],
+      [97, -11],
+      [35, -127],
+      [-31, -101],
+      [-56, -13],
+      [0, -55],
+      [-80, -127],
+      [-41, -201],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-188, 26],
+      [-92, -78],
+      [-50, -107],
+      [-123, -82],
+      [-66, -18],
+      [-96, 58],
+      [-87, -17],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [92, -20],
+      [-16, -99],
+      [49, 8],
+      [10, -82],
+      [40, -29],
+      [72, 44],
+      [179, -2],
+      [59, -34],
+      [21, -73],
+      [-74, -37],
+      [-92, -78],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [-125, 24],
+      [-49, 91],
+      [-88, -26],
+      [-28, -173],
+      [42, -40],
+      [-5, -107],
+      [103, -21],
+      [22, -270],
+      [82, 12],
+      [-16, -94],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [-80, -81],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [117, -35],
+      [-17, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13102, 35141],
+      [-218, -72],
+      [-52, -39],
+      [-316, -155],
+      [-83, -1],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [41, -162],
+      [97, -72],
+      [17, -101],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [-89, -27],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-91, -34],
+      [81, -62],
+      [21, -104],
+      [59, -133],
+      [169, 57],
+      [81, 8],
+      [20, 42],
+      [186, 40],
+      [260, 0],
+      [45, -69],
+      [69, 48],
+      [73, -32],
+      [45, 52],
+      [96, -43],
+      [-17, -103],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [-187, -49],
+      [-82, 18],
+      [-55, -31],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-140, 14],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-198, -76],
+      [-29, -221],
+      [-124, -82],
+      [-132, 12],
+      [9, -58],
+      [-35, -47],
+      [5, -116],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [-84, 6],
+      [-63, -38],
+      [-70, 3],
+      [-98, -45],
+      [125, -73],
+      [93, 5],
+      [26, -146],
+      [82, -47],
+      [50, 7],
+      [19, -61],
+      [198, -30],
+      [-22, -116],
+      [76, -109],
+      [1, -87],
+      [30, -19],
+      [-10, -165],
+      [20, -61],
+      [-63, -44],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [-56, -85],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [8, -182],
+      [-89, -51],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-86, -81],
+      [-103, 26],
+      [-78, -36],
+      [-64, 38],
+      [-32, 106],
+      [-68, 46],
+      [-62, 5],
+      [-71, 60],
+      [-71, -46],
+      [-2, 76],
+      [-33, 72],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-41, -114],
+      [-80, -29],
+      [81, -132],
+      [89, -27],
+      [-11, -205],
+      [-59, -65],
+      [-58, -121],
+      [-18, -76],
+      [49, -230],
+      [-36, -58],
+      [14, -128],
+      [-112, -16],
+      [-143, 29],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [-1, -93],
+      [-68, -59],
+      [-102, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10517, 31115],
+      [-189, 33],
+      [-75, -44],
+      [-47, -118],
+      [-91, -62],
+      [-110, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10005, 30939],
+      [20, 146],
+      [-12, 104],
+      [32, 110],
+      [42, 27],
+      [2, 69],
+      [101, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10275, 31713],
+      [60, 100],
+      [-3, 83],
+      [25, 55],
+      [-24, 156],
+      [-25, 22],
+      [-51, 192],
+      [40, 28],
+      [-78, 82],
+      [9, 39],
+      [-104, 226],
+      [-13, 60],
+      [-70, 48],
+      [-66, 215],
+      [62, 60],
+      [-101, 27],
+      [-13, 63],
+      [35, 92],
+      [-77, 41],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-13, -152],
+      [-73, 4],
+      [-16, 308],
+      [-48, 63],
+      [-8, 143],
+      [63, 78],
+      [2, 68],
+      [92, 121],
+      [-27, 80],
+      [49, 137],
+      [-105, -45],
+      [-63, 98],
+      [17, 82],
+      [49, 86],
+      [97, 25],
+      [71, 56],
+      [41, -31],
+      [111, 61],
+      [-83, 57],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [-250, 5],
+      [-110, -51],
+      [-51, 50],
+      [-10, 77],
+      [52, 68],
+      [19, 115],
+      [36, 73],
+      [-99, 59],
+      [-46, 198],
+      [11, 136],
+      [88, 360],
+      [53, 94],
+      [65, 53],
+      [104, 8],
+      [113, -75],
+      [127, -24],
+      [91, 146],
+      [42, 24],
+      [113, -56],
+      [-37, 135],
+      [-93, -38],
+      [-112, -78],
+      [-149, 13],
+      [-120, 109],
+      [-63, -12],
+      [-77, -57],
+      [-89, -6],
+      [-60, -53],
+      [-77, 32],
+      [-78, 135],
+      [-41, -38],
+      [0, -133],
+      [-58, -101],
+      [-6, -55],
+      [-138, -30],
+      [-98, -415],
+      [-62, 46],
+      [20, 74],
+      [-47, 94],
+      [-57, -141],
+      [38, -167],
+      [56, -84],
+      [8, -245],
+      [22, -63],
+      [-23, -78],
+      [102, -219],
+      [-82, -131],
+      [-31, -160],
+      [-42, -106],
+      [-223, -269],
+      [-54, -92],
+      [3, -33],
+      [-63, -94],
+      [73, -101],
+      [-130, -69],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-124, -42],
+      [-87, -55],
+      [-79, -15],
+      [-262, -125],
+      [-72, -85],
+      [-96, 1],
+      [-90, -56],
+      [-91, -18],
+      [-4, -38],
+      [-234, -70],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-83, -135],
+      [-88, -49],
+      [-91, -8],
+      [-52, -27],
+      [-109, -17],
+      [-265, -133],
+      [-90, -18],
+      [-27, -54],
+      [-138, -3],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-58, -11],
+      [-132, 32],
+      [-63, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5947, 32261],
+      [-40, 4],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-43, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5467, 32389],
+      [-63, -1],
+      [-131, 43],
+      [-77, 53],
+      [-109, 44],
+      [-166, 91],
+      [-70, 72],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [-97, 62],
+      [-207, 165],
+      [-279, 244],
+      [-204, 218],
+      [-185, 215],
+      [-253, 307],
+      [-209, 240],
+      [113, 117],
+      [-45, 132],
+      [-115, -15],
+      [46, -45],
+      [-17, -47],
+      [45, -46],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-76, 64],
+      [-153, 164],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-115, 101],
+      [-134, 137],
+      [-154, 128],
+      [-55, 70],
+      [-114, 79],
+      [-193, 179],
+      [-161, 178],
+      [-173, 203],
+      [-58, 52],
+      [-169, 199],
+      [-62, 85],
+      [8, 28],
+      [-45, 119],
+      [51, 92],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [61, 111],
+      [51, 59],
+      [158, 90],
+      [-11, -57],
+      [-67, -53],
+      [54, -82],
+      [90, 32],
+      [32, -23],
+      [147, 51],
+      [21, -72],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-51, -176],
+      [94, -93],
+      [44, -19],
+      [149, 41],
+      [94, 66],
+      [14, 61],
+      [174, -34],
+      [78, 45],
+      [75, 7],
+      [3, 40],
+      [68, 55],
+      [4, 109],
+      [61, -52],
+      [20, -86],
+      [88, -42],
+      [120, 24],
+      [21, 80],
+      [77, 4],
+      [-18, 129],
+      [110, 14],
+      [114, -125],
+      [32, 4],
+      [47, 108],
+      [103, -9],
+      [76, 60],
+      [6, 33],
+      [48, 57],
+      [19, -2],
+      [6, 38],
+      [214, 67],
+      [48, -24],
+      [215, 11],
+      [64, 72],
+      [16, 80],
+      [45, 30],
+      [56, 91],
+      [20, 131],
+      [103, 72],
+      [18, 89],
+      [32, 20],
+      [66, 148],
+      [48, 70],
+      [102, 77],
+      [17, 55],
+      [92, 130],
+      [48, 145],
+      [-122, -29],
+      [-90, -84],
+      [-8, -145],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [-73, -31],
+      [-139, 33],
+      [-79, 63],
+      [-49, 11],
+      [-45, -59],
+      [-104, -21],
+      [-65, 43],
+      [0, -85],
+      [-57, -36],
+      [-256, -21],
+      [-84, -16],
+      [-110, -64],
+      [-79, 17],
+      [-149, -51],
+      [-99, -71],
+      [-13, -60],
+      [-70, -98],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-46, 34],
+      [-114, 24],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-98, 60],
+      [-64, 11],
+      [-109, -39],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-99, 67],
+      [-182, 54],
+      [-114, -19],
+      [-153, 33],
+      [-155, 86],
+      [-63, 50],
+      [-243, 136],
+      [-339, 206],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [-110, 42],
+      [-59, 54],
+      [-183, 122],
+      [-56, 74],
+      [-91, 80],
+      [61, 15],
+      [61, 89],
+      [-20, 68],
+      [12, 110],
+      [-69, 84],
+      [-84, -3],
+      [-19, 97],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-67, 127],
+      [-33, 115],
+      [-1, 221],
+      [62, 62],
+      [23, 61],
+      [67, 72],
+      [81, 29],
+      [78, 62],
+      [54, 92],
+      [65, 50],
+      [104, 27],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [-126, 15],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-106, 4],
+      [-50, -43],
+      [-88, -149],
+      [-40, 61],
+      [15, 79],
+      [60, 51],
+      [47, 94],
+      [92, 54],
+      [-55, 44],
+      [-64, 3],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [21, 36],
+      [444, -2],
+      [23, 170],
+      [10, 574],
+      [19, 24],
+      [118, 33],
+      [47, -232],
+      [110, -22],
+      [53, 139],
+      [56, 41],
+      [51, -90],
+      [95, -20],
+      [158, 91],
+      [251, -77],
+      [165, 78],
+      [78, 18],
+      [114, -24],
+      [153, 17],
+      [153, -43],
+      [219, 53],
+      [177, -168],
+      [95, -70],
+      [413, -25],
+      [246, 12],
+      [54, 33],
+      [63, 74],
+      [72, 160],
+      [89, 36],
+      [190, 39],
+      [132, 52],
+      [161, 32],
+      [196, 77],
+      [254, 77],
+      [80, -43],
+      [-42, -99],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [34, -137],
+      [-34, -47],
+      [47, -57],
+      [136, -35],
+      [155, -10],
+      [175, 5],
+      [106, 57],
+      [89, 22],
+      [-20, 78],
+      [164, 128],
+      [85, 33],
+      [32, -31],
+      [75, 1],
+      [91, 78],
+      [74, 22],
+      [26, 53],
+      [-90, 51],
+      [-142, -5],
+      [-46, 20],
+      [17, 186],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [5, 134],
+      [44, 72],
+      [56, 19],
+      [134, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6420, 41445],
+      [27, -28],
+      [392, -141],
+      [63, 82],
+      [67, 26],
+      [53, -76],
+      [91, 39],
+      [145, 83],
+      [107, 11],
+      [175, -19],
+      [99, -86],
+      [121, 48],
+      [64, 0],
+      [86, 34],
+      [62, -18],
+      [-2, -91],
+      [76, -16],
+      [49, 20],
+      [5, 113],
+      [121, -24],
+      [18, -81],
+      [130, 69],
+      [1, 48],
+      [129, 65],
+      [72, -20],
+      [-1, -102],
+      [70, -45],
+      [75, 2],
+      [77, -57],
+      [97, 54],
+      [99, -25],
+      [4, -53],
+      [-57, -44],
+      [46, -69],
+      [51, -28],
+      [138, 33],
+      [63, -120],
+      [76, 17],
+      [60, -34],
+      [-25, -76],
+      [43, -51],
+      [18, -72],
+      [100, 26],
+      [-21, 74],
+      [91, 126],
+      [102, -75],
+      [155, -37],
+      [75, 8],
+      [1, -94],
+      [86, -134],
+      [182, -7],
+      [116, 17],
+      [72, -33],
+      [51, -58],
+      [118, 75],
+      [-29, 77],
+      [58, 67],
+      [-22, 69],
+      [90, 33],
+      [64, 0],
+      [96, 68],
+      [28, -87],
+      [-2, -85],
+      [-47, -59],
+      [93, -60],
+      [116, -42],
+      [68, 58],
+      [45, -25],
+      [-45, -71],
+      [-53, 2],
+      [-30, -78],
+      [-62, 15],
+      [-13, -64],
+      [-51, -40],
+      [-53, -97],
+      [-20, -83],
+      [90, -103],
+      [106, -67],
+      [114, -30],
+      [-51, -123],
+      [115, -79],
+      [84, 38],
+      [78, 81],
+      [19, 122],
+      [76, -6],
+      [0, -57],
+      [97, -85],
+      [-7, -122],
+      [24, -55],
+      [-3, -119],
+      [-74, -40],
+      [-58, -119],
+      [28, -75],
+      [-26, -70],
+      [33, -58],
+      [53, 40],
+      [45, -11],
+      [67, -61],
+      [62, -101],
+      [68, -28],
+      [-19, -142],
+      [55, -58],
+      [97, 100],
+      [106, -5],
+      [92, -66],
+      [-52, -212],
+      [47, -40],
+      [-32, -40],
+      [-24, -102],
+      [157, 7],
+      [28, -85],
+      [105, 92],
+      [40, -56],
+      [96, 29],
+      [88, -118],
+      [61, -136],
+      [98, 10],
+      [52, 92],
+      [62, -101],
+      [92, -12],
+      [35, -86],
+      [127, -2],
+      [65, -68],
+      [8, -88],
+      [-33, -47],
+      [5, -64],
+      [62, -49],
+      [61, -12],
+      [54, 92],
+      [93, -32],
+      [49, -52],
+      [36, -86],
+      [-13, -55],
+      [89, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20642, 54632],
+      [37, -31],
+      [-48, -78],
+      [1, -60],
+      [-84, -56],
+      [-80, -123],
+      [-50, -105],
+      [-58, -46],
+      [-51, 0],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [7, -81],
+      [-89, -42],
+      [-92, -66],
+      [-135, -37],
+      [6, -33],
+      [-50, -105],
+      [-156, -200],
+      [7, -67],
+      [-59, -130],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [-75, -41],
+      [-12, -62],
+      [60, -72],
+      [-120, -270],
+      [53, -110],
+      [-55, -45],
+      [85, -110],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [47, -33],
+      [-32, -47],
+      [31, -88],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [7, -62],
+      [58, -11],
+      [17, -65],
+      [-55, -102],
+      [30, -81],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [28, -107],
+      [-29, -65],
+      [26, -44],
+      [-31, -77],
+      [72, -55],
+      [12, -67],
+      [114, -99],
+      [-51, -102],
+      [57, -142],
+      [-78, -24],
+      [12, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20120, 50296],
+      [50, -26],
+      [82, -90],
+      [62, -10],
+      [22, -53],
+      [85, -42],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [54, -83],
+      [-61, -40],
+      [65, -79],
+      [-7, -61],
+      [100, -207],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [-72, -17],
+      [1, -93],
+      [-58, -44],
+      [10, -126],
+      [127, -129],
+      [1, -64],
+      [-37, -78],
+      [-111, 2],
+      [3, -88],
+      [-61, -38],
+      [-44, 37],
+      [-45, -29],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-160, 1],
+      [-58, -68],
+      [-82, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19984, 48672],
+      [-91, -48],
+      [-186, 62],
+      [-6, -60],
+      [-101, -2],
+      [-63, 55],
+      [-75, 24],
+      [-34, -76],
+      [121, -115],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-47, 48],
+      [-83, -15],
+      [-33, -83],
+      [-19, -113],
+      [-80, 41],
+      [-54, -42],
+      [-40, 53],
+      [51, 49],
+      [-57, 43],
+      [15, 154],
+      [27, 115],
+      [41, -4],
+      [-1, 139],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [13, 123],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [61, 170],
+      [34, 168],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-127, 100],
+      [-45, 76],
+      [-67, 0],
+      [-95, -72],
+      [3, -84],
+      [-80, -25],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [-61, -80],
+      [-76, -12],
+      [27, -170],
+      [-134, -21],
+      [-115, -89],
+      [-35, 19],
+      [17, 138],
+      [-182, 17],
+      [31, 92],
+      [61, 47],
+      [-56, 99],
+      [-77, 6],
+      [-170, -20],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [-98, 39],
+      [-68, -34],
+      [171, -93],
+      [-52, -50],
+      [12, -78],
+      [35, -17],
+      [-37, -83],
+      [-102, 1],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-86, 50],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-123, 6],
+      [57, -66],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-45, -68],
+      [56, -45],
+      [-21, -146],
+      [80, -143],
+      [-73, -94],
+      [-99, 60],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [-75, 32],
+      [-17, -40],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-89, 34],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [4, 104],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [11, 58],
+      [-28, 61],
+      [41, 112],
+      [79, -1],
+      [-73, 110],
+      [-90, 22],
+      [129, 132],
+      [73, 51],
+      [103, -1],
+      [-48, 120],
+      [-92, 40],
+      [17, 91],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-66, 98],
+      [-64, 15],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [-263, 105],
+      [-54, 100],
+      [-95, 35],
+      [4, 34],
+      [-103, 27],
+      [-54, 79],
+      [-80, 30],
+      [-43, 138],
+      [-118, 20],
+      [-36, 80],
+      [-19, 194],
+      [-32, 91],
+      [-39, 35],
+      [33, 114],
+      [-56, 53],
+      [1, 89],
+      [-47, 65],
+      [67, 35],
+      [42, 79],
+      [-12, 81],
+      [-83, 22],
+      [-85, -8],
+      [-10, 111],
+      [-109, 13],
+      [0, 93],
+      [34, 41],
+      [-77, 33],
+      [17, 63],
+      [70, 44],
+      [-46, 174],
+      [-143, -65],
+      [10, 133],
+      [-94, -46],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-168, -24],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [-72, -52],
+      [-152, -31],
+      [-120, 136],
+      [-72, -45],
+      [-83, 23],
+      [-6, 85],
+      [-51, 106],
+      [-171, 89],
+      [-88, -10],
+      [-74, -89],
+      [-97, -15],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-134, 8],
+      [-19, -95],
+      [-101, -7],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-59, 74],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [-86, 44],
+      [8, 93],
+      [97, -15],
+      [72, 168],
+      [-88, 56],
+      [15, 229],
+      [55, 154],
+      [4, 73],
+      [-148, 2],
+      [-27, -29],
+      [-118, 7],
+      [-15, 100],
+      [58, 90],
+      [90, 30],
+      [46, 61],
+      [-43, 85],
+      [-63, 12],
+      [30, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13922, 53612],
+      [147, -66],
+      [119, -25],
+      [0, 43],
+      [90, 62],
+      [32, 52],
+      [63, -23],
+      [114, 29],
+      [56, 42],
+      [106, -77],
+      [164, -41],
+      [42, -90],
+      [59, -29],
+      [44, -77],
+      [104, 58],
+      [62, -6],
+      [27, 77],
+      [55, -36],
+      [-38, -120],
+      [37, -98],
+      [50, 7],
+      [126, 76],
+      [41, -20],
+      [-7, -78],
+      [73, -102],
+      [-72, -49],
+      [-21, -116],
+      [-66, -26],
+      [32, -91],
+      [105, -54],
+      [-22, -56],
+      [59, -71],
+      [116, 23],
+      [31, 62],
+      [-54, 34],
+      [60, 68],
+      [23, 88],
+      [97, 98],
+      [37, -4],
+      [40, 115],
+      [103, 58],
+      [1, 50],
+      [136, -78],
+      [110, -19],
+      [15, -50],
+      [131, 22],
+      [6, 45],
+      [90, -1],
+      [69, -41],
+      [18, 124],
+      [94, 8],
+      [51, 31],
+      [53, -43],
+      [53, 20],
+      [96, -146],
+      [74, 7],
+      [81, -53],
+      [84, 0],
+      [69, 43],
+      [83, -5],
+      [72, 75],
+      [8, 56],
+      [85, -21],
+      [50, 47],
+      [60, 3],
+      [61, 62],
+      [75, 22],
+      [-7, 71],
+      [-93, 20],
+      [-9, 121],
+      [55, -5],
+      [-32, 139],
+      [21, 71],
+      [68, 106],
+      [2, 64],
+      [-57, 45],
+      [13, 65],
+      [89, -86],
+      [170, -21],
+      [45, 42],
+      [90, -1],
+      [26, 70],
+      [-45, 59],
+      [39, 36],
+      [65, -44],
+      [-5, -74],
+      [57, -109],
+      [85, -8],
+      [23, -47],
+      [118, 51],
+      [76, -45],
+      [66, 37],
+      [22, 91],
+      [-15, 82],
+      [36, 83],
+      [-107, 111],
+      [177, 150],
+      [59, 13],
+      [90, 81],
+      [-85, 78],
+      [107, 77],
+      [131, -34],
+      [53, 50],
+      [71, -58],
+      [73, -106],
+      [65, 60],
+      [-82, 111],
+      [8, 122],
+      [41, 10],
+      [17, 71],
+      [-77, 37],
+      [62, 137],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-90, 47],
+      [10, 72],
+      [-98, -25],
+      [2, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19000, 55509],
+      [41, 67],
+      [-42, 92],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-71, 79],
+      [2, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18872, 55839],
+      [88, 55],
+      [28, -97],
+      [65, -41],
+      [110, 62],
+      [55, -139],
+      [58, -60],
+      [97, 7],
+      [33, -167],
+      [75, 15],
+      [122, -41],
+      [112, -97],
+      [20, -116],
+      [-11, -90],
+      [-101, -75],
+      [57, -66],
+      [105, -30],
+      [38, -105],
+      [108, 9],
+      [26, -41],
+      [104, -30],
+      [78, 19],
+      [75, -36],
+      [33, -58],
+      [68, 46],
+      [59, -2],
+      [-40, -84],
+      [124, 31],
+      [41, 73],
+      [72, -119],
+      [71, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22480, 59550],
+      [83, -50],
+      [-23, -78],
+      [88, -70],
+      [89, -17],
+      [-126, -189],
+      [6, -136],
+      [-55, -73],
+      [96, -8],
+      [133, 13],
+      [109, -69],
+      [3, -70],
+      [-44, -69],
+      [49, -81],
+      [113, -38],
+      [10, -44],
+      [83, -98],
+      [103, -96],
+      [75, -10],
+      [-56, -173],
+      [-46, -93],
+      [-9, -114],
+      [-61, -49],
+      [-3, -48],
+      [94, -235],
+      [100, -5],
+      [10, -66],
+      [94, -77],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [-56, -57],
+      [-104, -63],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-31, -46],
+      [20, -78],
+      [62, 7],
+      [113, -87],
+      [-7, -81],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [112, -49],
+      [29, -62],
+      [-25, -56],
+      [85, -67],
+      [26, -71],
+      [61, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23571, 56655],
+      [6, -59],
+      [56, -27],
+      [24, -66],
+      [56, -26],
+      [14, -85],
+      [41, -65],
+      [-120, -29],
+      [-84, 24],
+      [-52, -27],
+      [-135, 101],
+      [-52, 133],
+      [-101, -24],
+      [-217, 8],
+      [-32, 50],
+      [-78, 38],
+      [-75, -5],
+      [-64, -63],
+      [-148, -7],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [-103, 90],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-53, 59],
+      [-155, 1],
+      [-65, -39],
+      [-80, -84],
+      [-105, -27],
+      [-81, 19],
+      [-122, -90],
+      [-138, -17],
+      [-49, -65],
+      [-116, 50],
+      [-116, -46],
+      [-51, -79],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-19, -69],
+      [-83, -63],
+      [43, -113],
+      [-62, -81],
+      [-94, 16],
+      [-45, -63],
+      [27, -63],
+      [105, 8],
+      [-22, -124],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-29, -71],
+      [28, -33],
+      [-87, -133],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [116, -135],
+      [-17, -57],
+      [72, -48],
+      [20, -55],
+      [-95, -79],
+      [48, -85],
+      [115, -22],
+      [14, -53],
+      [-29, -61],
+      [-69, -17],
+      [-234, -128],
+      [-127, -26],
+      [-90, -47],
+      [1, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20616, 54679],
+      [26, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18872, 55839],
+      [-97, 76],
+      [-29, 56],
+      [-98, 15],
+      [-128, 79],
+      [-24, 114],
+      [59, 131],
+      [-80, 41],
+      [20, 54],
+      [-18, 73],
+      [99, 70],
+      [-143, 155],
+      [-54, -56],
+      [-77, 62],
+      [-49, -22],
+      [-48, 86],
+      [-85, 34],
+      [-81, 124],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [-68, 42],
+      [-96, -30],
+      [31, -53],
+      [1, -79],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [-210, -49],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [-14, 80],
+      [-59, 27],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [49, 51],
+      [-62, 90],
+      [-97, 216],
+      [-179, 253],
+      [4, 38],
+      [-60, 97],
+      [-71, 177],
+      [-51, 83],
+      [68, 15],
+      [-7, 56],
+      [-121, 235],
+      [-128, 74],
+      [-91, 16],
+      [-134, 113],
+      [-52, -3],
+      [-40, 54],
+      [-94, 41],
+      [-112, -26],
+      [-43, 36],
+      [69, 42],
+      [99, 107],
+      [2, 71],
+      [-79, 19],
+      [5, 115],
+      [117, 68],
+      [133, 22],
+      [237, 244],
+      [61, 45],
+      [119, 30],
+      [-23, 86],
+      [-132, 117],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [47, 126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16899, 59699],
+      [112, 157],
+      [-55, 85],
+      [30, 177],
+      [-85, 131],
+      [-116, 67],
+      [-74, 117],
+      [46, 84],
+      [130, 1],
+      [72, -34],
+      [74, -72],
+      [184, 77],
+      [143, 118],
+      [25, 83],
+      [129, 42],
+      [187, 23],
+      [39, 45],
+      [43, 120],
+      [185, 123],
+      [56, 59],
+      [186, -7],
+      [59, 37],
+      [114, 32],
+      [85, -13],
+      [29, -70],
+      [60, -26],
+      [154, 44],
+      [73, -5],
+      [66, 105],
+      [8, 68],
+      [73, -30],
+      [55, 16],
+      [-52, -173],
+      [11, -41],
+      [108, -102],
+      [55, 6],
+      [88, -186],
+      [178, -102],
+      [81, 24],
+      [87, -61],
+      [62, 32],
+      [74, -16],
+      [0, -52],
+      [46, -103],
+      [53, 5],
+      [103, -46],
+      [133, -99],
+      [72, -70],
+      [76, 6],
+      [5, 72],
+      [46, 57],
+      [102, 6],
+      [65, -50],
+      [64, 57],
+      [77, 2],
+      [136, 120],
+      [69, 5],
+      [89, 41],
+      [26, 62],
+      [104, -33],
+      [171, -153],
+      [-63, -94],
+      [140, -58],
+      [79, -55],
+      [13, -60],
+      [112, -77],
+      [-32, -147],
+      [37, -32],
+      [124, -202],
+      [130, 0],
+      [18, 85],
+      [52, -7],
+      [57, 84],
+      [50, -45],
+      [44, 64],
+      [75, 16],
+      [30, -31],
+      [90, 27],
+      [26, 44],
+      [130, 42],
+      [-18, 58],
+      [126, 59],
+      [61, -7],
+      [11, -95],
+      [-32, -109],
+      [17, -78],
+      [39, -35],
+      [-125, -88],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [5, -111],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [70, -74],
+      [158, 124],
+      [63, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16899, 59699],
+      [-77, -89],
+      [-73, -117],
+      [-129, -24],
+      [-75, -135],
+      [-140, -68],
+      [-122, -16],
+      [-104, -48],
+      [-46, -49],
+      [-19, -97],
+      [-106, 46],
+      [13, 50],
+      [-129, -35],
+      [-183, 47],
+      [-20, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15689, 59147],
+      [-200, 143],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-45, 54],
+      [-70, -28],
+      [-143, 154],
+      [-116, 27],
+      [-93, -97],
+      [-85, 10],
+      [-34, 31],
+      [-75, -3],
+      [-95, 61],
+      [-83, 8],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-221, 2],
+      [-42, 71],
+      [2, 53],
+      [-61, 50],
+      [-23, 118],
+      [74, 127],
+      [-47, 61],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [38, 112],
+      [72, 139],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [-85, -35],
+      [-1, -72],
+      [-60, -79],
+      [-104, -6],
+      [-78, -33],
+      [-144, 94],
+      [-79, 146],
+      [-2, 81],
+      [-34, 56],
+      [-145, 10],
+      [-66, 27],
+      [6, 50],
+      [57, 56],
+      [11, 110],
+      [-212, 82],
+      [-110, -13],
+      [-63, 148],
+      [-142, 132],
+      [-64, 38],
+      [-124, 18],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-2, 119],
+      [25, 29],
+      [120, -5],
+      [53, 24],
+      [140, 170],
+      [40, 91],
+      [-13, 97],
+      [17, 69],
+      [-19, 61],
+      [-121, 142],
+      [-77, 70],
+      [-75, -19],
+      [-56, 22],
+      [-63, 113],
+      [-53, 162],
+      [-43, 62],
+      [22, 46],
+      [74, 28],
+      [62, 54],
+      [46, 76],
+      [90, 41],
+      [88, 3],
+      [88, 28],
+      [109, 63],
+      [91, 133],
+      [4, 115],
+      [-31, 91],
+      [-75, 57],
+      [-117, 1],
+      [-102, 35],
+      [-62, -37],
+      [-178, -36],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-224, 6],
+      [-27, 98],
+      [41, 50],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [160, 207],
+      [-1, 122],
+      [-78, 86],
+      [-46, 94],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-127, -50],
+      [-75, 43],
+      [-98, 7],
+      [31, 131],
+      [171, 132],
+      [96, 51],
+      [-26, 45],
+      [19, 73],
+      [116, 61],
+      [-46, 169],
+      [73, 117],
+      [115, 30],
+      [64, -52],
+      [236, 19],
+      [118, 95],
+      [148, 61],
+      [72, 80],
+      [95, -16],
+      [65, 30],
+      [216, -30],
+      [72, -35],
+      [162, -12],
+      [129, -85],
+      [71, -76],
+      [125, -28],
+      [236, -25],
+      [128, 16],
+      [275, -100],
+      [272, 49],
+      [141, -38],
+      [131, -15],
+      [-9, -66],
+      [195, -113],
+      [97, -31],
+      [245, -26],
+      [188, 6],
+      [221, -43],
+      [125, -13],
+      [97, 42],
+      [110, 94],
+      [166, 70],
+      [30, 45],
+      [150, 26],
+      [79, 80],
+      [109, 3],
+      [79, -58],
+      [79, -7],
+      [258, 116],
+      [90, 88],
+      [153, 10],
+      [113, 65],
+      [71, 64],
+      [98, -19],
+      [105, -59],
+      [242, -2],
+      [34, 14],
+      [42, 88],
+      [84, 100],
+      [-13, 132],
+      [52, 72],
+      [107, 6],
+      [115, 82],
+      [44, -1],
+      [147, -68],
+      [104, -4],
+      [28, 39],
+      [8, 182],
+      [120, -25],
+      [194, 71],
+      [273, 193],
+      [356, 222],
+      [94, 74],
+      [219, 133],
+      [144, 100],
+      [187, 154],
+      [245, 155],
+      [35, -98],
+      [57, -68],
+      [86, 27],
+      [51, 76],
+      [87, 31],
+      [195, 12],
+      [69, -45],
+      [-29, -39],
+      [-168, -90],
+      [-68, -87],
+      [26, -196],
+      [35, -103],
+      [87, -151],
+      [129, -91],
+      [2, -78],
+      [-75, -67],
+      [111, -258],
+      [113, -207],
+      [49, -267],
+      [90, -164],
+      [80, -64],
+      [89, -26],
+      [137, -10],
+      [43, -35],
+      [25, -72],
+      [141, -5],
+      [121, 25],
+      [70, -5],
+      [92, -67],
+      [108, -123],
+      [154, -77],
+      [72, -83],
+      [165, -125],
+      [186, -72],
+      [130, -98],
+      [26, -102],
+      [-82, -164],
+      [-187, -140],
+      [-312, -143],
+      [-50, -54],
+      [12, -50],
+      [107, -33],
+      [7, -80],
+      [-106, -86],
+      [4, -171],
+      [54, -116],
+      [73, -90],
+      [19, -72],
+      [-19, -55],
+      [-145, -154],
+      [45, -144],
+      [119, -196],
+      [87, -114],
+      [215, -196],
+      [113, -72],
+      [35, -47],
+      [172, -119],
+      [18, -155],
+      [146, -66],
+      [382, -26],
+      [137, 2],
+      [72, -25],
+      [2, -100],
+      [-98, -175],
+      [-36, -148],
+      [33, -90],
+      [49, -55],
+      [98, -65],
+      [55, -78],
+      [17, -126],
+      [44, -63],
+      [93, -51],
+      [30, -44],
+      [52, -180],
+      [-41, -146],
+      [-81, -37],
+      [-98, 2],
+      [-258, -152],
+      [-58, -82],
+      [-51, -6],
+      [-60, 67],
+      [-48, 11],
+      [-99, -27],
+      [-119, -62],
+      [-68, -78],
+      [7, -79],
+      [-37, -102],
+      [-81, 30],
+      [-94, -41],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-51, -47],
+      [-123, 53],
+      [-88, 110],
+      [-85, 25],
+      [-121, 115],
+      [-35, 231],
+      [33, 54],
+      [-44, 198],
+      [-52, 27],
+      [-181, -108],
+      [-48, -88],
+      [-64, -15],
+      [-97, 18],
+      [-72, -14],
+      [-90, -76],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-89, -54],
+      [-3, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43098, 42693],
+      [-36, -157],
+      [3, -123],
+      [45, -54],
+      [157, -83],
+      [92, -125],
+      [122, -116],
+      [25, -91],
+      [-15, -35],
+      [-151, -89],
+      [-71, -158],
+      [-56, -84],
+      [134, -38],
+      [-32, -101],
+      [56, -36],
+      [-22, -115],
+      [18, -43],
+      [-50, -72],
+      [-86, -27],
+      [-114, 26],
+      [5, -163],
+      [42, -54],
+      [-65, -84],
+      [21, -116],
+      [-80, -113],
+      [-11, -69],
+      [-165, -132],
+      [-75, 5],
+      [-21, -85],
+      [73, -14],
+      [57, -70],
+      [-16, -59],
+      [-136, 31],
+      [-105, -4],
+      [55, -68],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-25, -83],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-94, 64],
+      [-12, -147],
+      [23, -69],
+      [-66, -26],
+      [-71, -76],
+      [-109, 55],
+      [-73, 17],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [37, 61],
+      [-128, 2],
+      [-67, 24],
+      [-24, -41],
+      [59, -126],
+      [71, -33],
+      [-15, -50],
+      [16, -101],
+      [-60, -36],
+      [-43, -108],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [6, 70],
+      [-77, -1],
+      [-113, 26],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [79, -73],
+      [-39, -58],
+      [-94, 12],
+      [-108, 39],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [-157, 65],
+      [-44, -51],
+      [-42, 54],
+      [-64, 32],
+      [-111, -134],
+      [-103, -56],
+      [42, -50],
+      [-54, -205],
+      [-119, -23],
+      [-59, 46],
+      [-137, -34],
+      [-128, -47],
+      [-136, -77],
+      [-104, 14],
+      [-80, -8],
+      [-192, -205],
+      [-13, -183],
+      [-114, -47],
+      [-166, -18],
+      [-8, 47],
+      [-92, 44],
+      [-80, 5],
+      [27, 62],
+      [-26, 54],
+      [22, 56],
+      [-32, 42],
+      [-223, 32],
+      [-58, -52],
+      [67, -164],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-181, -76],
+      [-70, 38],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-32, -59],
+      [8, -95],
+      [72, -76],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [12, -80],
+      [-22, -62],
+      [-78, -93],
+      [19, -164],
+      [50, 5],
+      [44, -83],
+      [82, -67],
+      [64, 0],
+      [84, 38],
+      [120, -5],
+      [17, -74],
+      [104, -49],
+      [53, 7],
+      [131, -186],
+      [56, 5],
+      [25, -54],
+      [108, 8],
+      [40, 35],
+      [116, -50],
+      [61, 18],
+      [73, -52],
+      [51, 48],
+      [103, -23],
+      [75, 11],
+      [33, -54],
+      [-56, -71],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [-83, -71],
+      [67, -44],
+      [-66, -84],
+      [2, -74],
+      [-39, -120],
+      [84, -39],
+      [54, -86],
+      [156, -27],
+      [150, -87],
+      [41, -42],
+      [-5, -134],
+      [38, -49],
+      [120, 10],
+      [110, -14],
+      [61, -69],
+      [12, -161],
+      [-97, -9],
+      [41, -111],
+      [91, -14],
+      [85, -48],
+      [-32, -165],
+      [130, -100],
+      [-6, -67],
+      [-144, 19],
+      [-64, -99],
+      [-95, -23],
+      [-55, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40757, 35745],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-74, 38],
+      [-6, 59],
+      [-123, 48],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-118, 12],
+      [-54, 88],
+      [-167, -80],
+      [-157, 90],
+      [-143, 185],
+      [-50, 33],
+      [-98, 22],
+      [-40, 49],
+      [-222, 46],
+      [-71, 122],
+      [-67, 48],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [-129, -80],
+      [-35, -101],
+      [87, -78],
+      [35, 5],
+      [28, -99],
+      [-63, -101],
+      [60, -20],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [-105, -142],
+      [125, -134],
+      [-71, -124],
+      [18, -43],
+      [-132, -217],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-76, -95],
+      [-242, 1],
+      [-62, 69],
+      [50, 64],
+      [-19, 35],
+      [39, 60],
+      [94, 0],
+      [-63, 78],
+      [-175, -122],
+      [-90, -22],
+      [-81, 96],
+      [-118, -36],
+      [-231, 97],
+      [-166, 91],
+      [-104, -3],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [-85, 1],
+      [-108, -104],
+      [-73, -156],
+      [-57, -5],
+      [-9, 75],
+      [-154, 71],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-44, 69],
+      [-165, 37],
+      [3, 97],
+      [97, 177],
+      [2, 96],
+      [77, 44],
+      [-69, 133],
+      [20, 69],
+      [-57, 153],
+      [35, 65],
+      [-48, 15],
+      [-200, -82],
+      [-176, -61],
+      [-5, 58],
+      [-93, -35],
+      [-76, 37],
+      [-106, -3],
+      [-20, -63],
+      [-181, -2],
+      [-65, 34],
+      [-286, -31],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-107, -114],
+      [-118, -7],
+      [-182, -27],
+      [-94, 84],
+      [-116, -5],
+      [-128, 113],
+      [4, 108],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-107, 84],
+      [-121, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33282, 40106],
+      [56, 58],
+      [65, 172],
+      [-4, 69],
+      [55, 82],
+      [-12, 63],
+      [-45, 46],
+      [61, 56],
+      [68, 23],
+      [19, 58],
+      [-29, 72],
+      [-68, 19],
+      [4, 58],
+      [-43, 43],
+      [26, 105],
+      [231, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20587, 26673],
+      [24, -19],
+      [21, 17],
+      [9, -8],
+      [20, -9],
+      [43, -11],
+      [-67, -87],
+      [27, -55],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-23, 1],
+      [0, -24],
+      [13, -2],
+      [61, -86],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [7, -15],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [14, -16],
+      [2, -28],
+      [118, -39],
+      [102, -112],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [7, -22],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [11, -21],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [6, -19],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-36, 2],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [20, -44],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [-13, 19],
+      [-39, 1],
+      [0, -35],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [11, -6],
+      [30, -1],
+      [25, -11],
+      [5, -10],
+      [39, -21],
+      [25, 6],
+      [-9, -39],
+      [-22, -29],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [-100, -22],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-36, -5],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-12, -70],
+      [11, -58],
+      [-24, -118],
+      [47, -10],
+      [8, -6],
+      [9, -15],
+      [11, -7],
+      [35, 3],
+      [15, -53],
+      [11, -6],
+      [17, 19],
+      [10, 19],
+      [29, 37],
+      [46, -55],
+      [82, 21],
+      [14, -60],
+      [16, 3],
+      [9, -7],
+      [29, -3],
+      [11, -17],
+      [53, -8],
+      [24, 6],
+      [11, -15],
+      [10, -11],
+      [48, -27],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-82, -26],
+      [1, -39],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-38, 14],
+      [-1, -57],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-33, 14],
+      [-23, -10],
+      [-29, -21],
+      [2, -34],
+      [35, -16],
+      [15, 1],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-27, -29],
+      [12, -17],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [7, 12],
+      [9, 3],
+      [-61, 2],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [0, -30],
+      [14, -12],
+      [-8, -39],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-4, -28],
+      [-20, -40],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [29, 2],
+      [12, -6],
+      [4, -24],
+      [-163, -130],
+      [24, -63],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [15, -23],
+      [19, -6],
+      [2, -25],
+      [190, -79],
+      [81, -223],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [3, -35],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-33, -36],
+      [1, -29],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [9, -11],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [15, -151],
+      [-8, -47],
+      [13, -44],
+      [7, -9],
+      [13, -10],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-50, 8],
+      [-20, -5],
+      [4, -34],
+      [-30, -112],
+      [4, -7],
+      [10, 0],
+      [7, -6],
+      [9, -3],
+      [18, 14],
+      [7, 0],
+      [17, -7],
+      [10, 6],
+      [13, -3],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-6, -43],
+      [-41, -10],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [25, -29],
+      [5, -13],
+      [13, -5],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [24, -4],
+      [10, 7],
+      [14, 14],
+      [14, 9],
+      [18, -5],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-10, -26],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [21, -6],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [6, -4],
+      [6, -8],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [-12, -110],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [-18, -2],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-160, -30],
+      [28, -88],
+      [11, -16],
+      [12, -12],
+      [7, -17],
+      [15, -17],
+      [21, -8],
+      [28, -13],
+      [56, -13],
+      [23, -20],
+      [21, -7],
+      [45, 7],
+      [33, -19],
+      [52, -21],
+      [23, 1],
+      [12, 5],
+      [23, 22],
+      [51, 2],
+      [44, 5],
+      [63, -17],
+      [20, 0],
+      [35, -40],
+      [109, -58],
+      [5, -17],
+      [9, -20],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [-34, 27],
+      [-89, -64],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-30, -42],
+      [17, -85],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [3, -26],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-11, -47],
+      [7, -99],
+      [36, -98],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-19, -54],
+      [42, -66],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [0, -14],
+      [8, -12],
+      [13, -10],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [-11, -52],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [-31, 5],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [-89, 34],
+      [-41, -15],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-21, -2],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-156, 8],
+      [-74, 24],
+      [-150, -18],
+      [-22, -10],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-29, -19],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-30, -53],
+      [-25, -29],
+      [-17, -25],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-14, -30],
+      [4, -5],
+      [9, -9],
+      [22, -1],
+      [7, -8],
+      [18, -4],
+      [6, 10],
+      [25, -3],
+      [-5, -58],
+      [2, -46],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [11, -5],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [1, -61],
+      [64, -8],
+      [18, -29],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [54, -28],
+      [22, -17],
+      [18, -21],
+      [13, -7],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [-76, 64],
+      [-120, -54],
+      [-7, -123],
+      [11, -118],
+      [0, -38],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-67, -1],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [12, -21],
+      [44, -33],
+      [10, -14],
+      [3, -14],
+      [9, -17],
+      [20, -16],
+      [19, -6],
+      [8, -8],
+      [7, -20],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [11, -12],
+      [17, -11],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-10, -37],
+      [55, -48],
+      [1, -23],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [17, -6],
+      [66, 17],
+      [23, 2],
+      [1, -16],
+      [7, -3],
+      [4, -68],
+      [72, -10],
+      [-14, -156],
+      [36, -56],
+      [14, -59],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [7, -16],
+      [39, -10],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-26, -15],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-4, -22],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-7, -51],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-23, 7],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [12, 24],
+      [5, 18],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-102, 1],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-16, 36],
+      [-20, 29],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-54, 37],
+      [-28, -35],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [26, -112],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-18, -14],
+      [15, -31],
+      [114, -14],
+      [27, -29],
+      [18, 18],
+      [11, 5],
+      [52, 7],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-12, -108],
+      [-44, -141],
+      [-14, -104],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-67, -5],
+      [2, -12],
+      [11, -29],
+      [4, -23],
+      [15, -25],
+      [7, -15],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [-21, -38],
+      [-23, -180],
+      [38, -39],
+      [47, -119],
+      [12, -7],
+      [13, -2],
+      [19, -8],
+      [18, 6],
+      [1, -2],
+      [8, -16],
+      [26, -14],
+      [23, -24],
+      [14, -27],
+      [7, -29],
+      [14, -14],
+      [22, 5],
+      [12, 12],
+      [19, 11],
+      [27, 8],
+      [147, -13],
+      [2, -19],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-33, -1],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [3, -34],
+      [1, -38],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-40, 23],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-66, -54],
+      [-10, -90],
+      [1, -11],
+      [14, -16],
+      [30, -47],
+      [96, -32],
+      [8, -11],
+      [8, -15],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [3, -18],
+      [17, -25],
+      [5, -11],
+      [4, -20],
+      [12, -9],
+      [18, -5],
+      [68, 10],
+      [15, -5],
+      [8, -7],
+      [4, 6],
+      [21, -10],
+      [100, 19],
+      [23, -36],
+      [16, -14],
+      [17, -20],
+      [21, -2],
+      [23, 2],
+      [22, 9],
+      [10, 19],
+      [2, 24],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [9, 20],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [11, 60],
+      [12, 9],
+      [18, 23],
+      [14, 67],
+      [19, 13],
+      [13, -9],
+      [12, 13],
+      [97, -54],
+      [30, -3],
+      [29, 4],
+      [20, -9],
+      [29, 8],
+      [13, 14],
+      [15, 12],
+      [34, 14],
+      [17, -2],
+      [3, -66],
+      [-7, -61],
+      [176, -15],
+      [-9, -91],
+      [20, -16],
+      [27, -15],
+      [16, -58],
+      [68, 27],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-33, 78],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [11, 28],
+      [35, 28],
+      [32, -5],
+      [25, -12],
+      [11, -2],
+      [36, -26],
+      [0, -44],
+      [3, -30],
+      [24, -13],
+      [31, 17],
+      [23, 10],
+      [12, -20],
+      [17, -9],
+      [9, 1],
+      [7, -26],
+      [-21, -76],
+      [21, -53],
+      [3, -26],
+      [7, -29],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-17, -35],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-26, 5],
+      [-56, 26],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-27, -7],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-1, -27],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-64, -13],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [9, 7],
+      [9, 14],
+      [82, 31],
+      [10, -9],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [-16, -43],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-27, 1],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [39, -9],
+      [13, -6],
+      [27, -1],
+      [47, -20],
+      [7, -77],
+      [74, 6],
+      [14, -8],
+      [9, -10],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [25, -95],
+      [-155, 4],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [22, 37],
+      [22, 33],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-41, 12],
+      [8, 11],
+      [0, 12],
+      [14, 36],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-27, 5],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [0, 0],
+      [1, 3],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [4, 19],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [-106, -8],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-99, 14],
+      [0, 70],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [13, 32],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [8, 11],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [2, 12],
+      [3, 47],
+      [11, 27],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-44, -5],
+      [-61, 7],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [5, -20],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [63, -21],
+      [10, 6],
+      [12, 10],
+      [10, -4],
+      [23, -28],
+      [12, -7],
+      [64, -84],
+      [1, -17],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-48, -10],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [39, -36],
+      [58, -24],
+      [5, -6],
+      [0, 0],
+      [17, -15],
+      [20, -14],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-6, -44],
+      [14, -9],
+      [9, -6],
+      [19, -7],
+      [13, -18],
+      [11, -11],
+      [37, -21],
+      [12, -65],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [2, -10],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [-49, -51],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [1, -10],
+      [25, -7],
+      [8, -7],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [25, -100],
+      [21, -14],
+      [21, -9],
+      [5, 34],
+      [10, 33],
+      [3, 19],
+      [34, -1],
+      [55, -71],
+      [45, -3],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [2, 17],
+      [12, 11],
+      [21, 6],
+      [35, -14],
+      [27, -9],
+      [24, 5],
+      [7, 6],
+      [20, -2],
+      [44, 0],
+      [7, 15],
+      [3, 25],
+      [-38, 66],
+      [18, 34],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-27, 22],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [14, 1],
+      [20, 21],
+      [51, -5],
+      [5, 22],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [46, 41],
+      [11, -37],
+      [-15, -93],
+      [8, -3],
+      [30, -8],
+      [36, 51],
+      [-2, -42],
+      [8, 3],
+      [12, 18],
+      [8, 29],
+      [3, 16],
+      [7, 15],
+      [19, -1],
+      [14, -2],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [1, -18],
+      [3, -18],
+      [7, -13],
+      [20, -10],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [12, 0],
+      [43, 7],
+      [17, -4],
+      [5, 12],
+      [24, 17],
+      [24, 9],
+      [8, -14],
+      [12, -27],
+      [8, -32],
+      [71, 43],
+      [46, -30],
+      [18, 0],
+      [19, 4],
+      [31, -4],
+      [46, -11],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [1, -7],
+      [24, 1],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [7, -5],
+      [19, -2],
+      [49, -6],
+      [3, -12],
+      [4, -5],
+      [10, -66],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-39, -110],
+      [11, -47],
+      [58, 5],
+      [7, 59],
+      [17, 8],
+      [34, -5],
+      [9, -10],
+      [3, -27],
+      [9, -7],
+      [20, 5],
+      [14, 45],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [10, 16],
+      [22, 4],
+      [22, -5],
+      [4, -20],
+      [15, -33],
+      [41, 20],
+      [15, -6],
+      [17, 9],
+      [31, 30],
+      [19, -2],
+      [25, -33],
+      [13, -2],
+      [34, 18],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [9, 11],
+      [76, 36],
+      [16, 2],
+      [17, -2],
+      [13, 4],
+      [4, -18],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-13, -24],
+      [11, 0],
+      [35, 15],
+      [24, 6],
+      [72, 94],
+      [60, 13],
+      [30, 2],
+      [20, 10],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [63, 21],
+      [17, 26],
+      [38, 20],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [-32, 65],
+      [4, 12],
+      [13, 19],
+      [106, -9],
+      [108, -69],
+      [40, 27],
+      [20, 37],
+      [16, 8],
+      [6, -3],
+      [4, 2],
+      [8, 21],
+      [2, 12],
+      [13, 18],
+      [12, 2],
+      [26, -7],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [3, -44],
+      [7, -28],
+      [-79, -51],
+      [8, -72],
+      [5, -25],
+      [0, -10],
+      [39, -11],
+      [43, 96],
+      [43, 0],
+      [24, -17],
+      [49, -3],
+      [7, 12],
+      [4, 13],
+      [-4, 53],
+      [16, -5],
+      [14, -12],
+      [35, -17],
+      [9, -40],
+      [69, -3],
+      [24, -73],
+      [-21, -42],
+      [17, -37],
+      [6, -25],
+      [-73, -100],
+      [54, -54],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-4, -33],
+      [-44, -8],
+      [-47, 17],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [16, -6],
+      [31, -32],
+      [61, -8],
+      [18, -3],
+      [16, 7],
+      [13, -1],
+      [38, 3],
+      [21, -2],
+      [7, -8],
+      [3, -51],
+      [12, -5],
+      [44, 0],
+      [18, -12],
+      [3, -33],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [123, -47],
+      [138, 21],
+      [68, -13],
+      [39, 2],
+      [13, 4],
+      [29, 2],
+      [38, -35],
+      [-26, -51],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-40, -84],
+      [0, -66],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [3, -33],
+      [7, -15],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [13, -77],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [63, -30],
+      [30, -23],
+      [-4, -22],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [35, -14],
+      [19, -24],
+      [24, 9],
+      [11, 6],
+      [18, 16],
+      [12, 5],
+      [8, 0],
+      [5, -3],
+      [5, -2],
+      [3, -21],
+      [12, -22],
+      [75, -11],
+      [68, -38],
+      [146, -13],
+      [19, -10],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [25, -18],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [3, -17],
+      [10, -3],
+      [15, 3],
+      [6, 0],
+      [7, 0],
+      [8, -6],
+      [3, -8],
+      [2, -5],
+      [8, -35],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [0, -14],
+      [5, -16],
+      [12, -13],
+      [13, -3],
+      [12, -5],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [13, -24],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-83, -26],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [1, -26],
+      [11, -57],
+      [13, -25],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [-53, 13],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [4, -19],
+      [8, -9],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [10, -20],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [2, -13],
+      [10, -15],
+      [19, -20],
+      [47, -36],
+      [5, -30],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [1, 23],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-17, 12],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-86, 15],
+      [-21, 15],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [-34, 38],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [7, -15],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [12, -4],
+      [11, -1],
+      [3, 11],
+      [11, -5],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-89, 21],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [1, -81],
+      [-46, -138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22062, 13868],
+      [-220, 40],
+      [-124, 139],
+      [-93, 26],
+      [-90, -71],
+      [-51, 60],
+      [-55, -55],
+      [-52, 21],
+      [41, 66],
+      [-30, 54],
+      [-70, -35],
+      [-125, 1],
+      [-54, -88],
+      [-29, -92],
+      [-65, -120],
+      [-18, -97],
+      [-102, -31],
+      [-18, -52],
+      [-61, -2],
+      [-30, 55],
+      [-140, -39],
+      [16, -84],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [-27, -109],
+      [19, -118],
+      [102, -69],
+      [-20, -167],
+      [-27, -118],
+      [-77, -69],
+      [-28, -62],
+      [-83, -64],
+      [-106, -18],
+      [-9, -137],
+      [100, -43],
+      [204, 26],
+      [113, -17],
+      [156, -47],
+      [30, -88],
+      [59, -47],
+      [-46, -92],
+      [-56, -37],
+      [-68, -100],
+      [-57, -132],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-140, -38],
+      [-55, 16],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-73, 20],
+      [-32, -93],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [5, -119],
+      [-56, -156],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-126, 38],
+      [-64, -45],
+      [-91, 91],
+      [-95, 9],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-82, -2],
+      [-167, -49],
+      [-39, -89],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-77, 124],
+      [-81, 59],
+      [-132, -51],
+      [-98, 5],
+      [-41, -136],
+      [-60, -59],
+      [-52, -115],
+      [-1, -46],
+      [47, -64],
+      [-76, -10],
+      [-143, 22],
+      [-276, -7],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-119, 29],
+      [-29, 133],
+      [-80, 64],
+      [-116, -99],
+      [-61, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18110, 11340],
+      [-47, 55],
+      [37, 89],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [-153, -45],
+      [-53, 31],
+      [-24, 74],
+      [-54, 57],
+      [-125, -1],
+      [-33, 113],
+      [-43, 34],
+      [-167, -29],
+      [0, 276],
+      [-77, -22],
+      [-95, -65],
+      [-117, -18],
+      [-219, 36],
+      [-115, 101],
+      [7, 43],
+      [-61, 63],
+      [-10, 102],
+      [-71, 10],
+      [-101, -38],
+      [-73, 92],
+      [-79, 8],
+      [-29, 85],
+      [-128, 20],
+      [-96, 111],
+      [11, 28],
+      [-122, 174],
+      [-114, 13],
+      [-45, 114],
+      [25, 59],
+      [-95, 46],
+      [-28, 47],
+      [2, 103],
+      [81, -9],
+      [46, 43],
+      [-22, 70],
+      [-73, -12],
+      [-20, -52],
+      [-69, -30],
+      [-13, 79],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [-22, 82],
+      [67, 105],
+      [-55, 29],
+      [-84, -110],
+      [-53, 22],
+      [-28, 119],
+      [-102, -13],
+      [14, 103],
+      [-107, 28],
+      [-143, -37],
+      [4, 126],
+      [-102, -2],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [37, 51],
+      [-7, 58],
+      [-77, -30],
+      [-36, 16],
+      [-131, -54],
+      [-60, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14688, 13872],
+      [-101, 228],
+      [-53, 278],
+      [-86, 410],
+      [-69, 277],
+      [10, 39],
+      [-37, 109],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-8, 235],
+      [-28, 215],
+      [-44, 250],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-51, 273],
+      [-40, 176],
+      [-86, 194],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-78, 88],
+      [-29, 84],
+      [-30, 203],
+      [-38, 168],
+      [-38, 43],
+      [-88, 268],
+      [-38, 213],
+      [-80, 213],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-98, -1],
+      [-11, 75],
+      [-69, 135],
+      [5, 156],
+      [-36, 88],
+      [-62, 73],
+      [-90, -53],
+      [-38, 59],
+      [-80, 64],
+      [-72, 16],
+      [-38, 43],
+      [74, 29],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [-60, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13058, 20567],
+      [34, 116],
+      [-14, 51],
+      [72, 62],
+      [64, 2],
+      [45, 66],
+      [58, -79],
+      [67, 20],
+      [40, -32],
+      [129, 56],
+      [54, 77],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [40, 80],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [36, 63],
+      [64, -3],
+      [-16, 62],
+      [95, 116],
+      [63, 165],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-60, 24],
+      [-111, -51],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [140, 118],
+      [120, -54],
+      [17, 58],
+      [-13, 68],
+      [15, 91],
+      [33, 16],
+      [-10, 80],
+      [-53, 55],
+      [-136, 25],
+      [-3, 54],
+      [-66, -12],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-69, -4],
+      [-55, 143],
+      [42, 109],
+      [-9, 119],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-60, 57],
+      [-40, 106],
+      [67, 20],
+      [55, 57],
+      [118, -61],
+      [39, 119],
+      [82, 46],
+      [70, 14],
+      [51, 53],
+      [123, 13],
+      [-4, -95],
+      [53, -93],
+      [147, 69],
+      [118, 77],
+      [-75, 52],
+      [25, 60],
+      [54, 26],
+      [4, 93],
+      [85, 2],
+      [93, 76],
+      [157, 27],
+      [10, 24],
+      [151, -2],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-9, 163],
+      [81, 56],
+      [9, 61],
+      [112, 91],
+      [98, -17],
+      [101, 20],
+      [1, -60],
+      [96, -66],
+      [6, -45],
+      [68, -20],
+      [25, -52],
+      [103, -3],
+      [24, 51],
+      [92, 26],
+      [4, 183],
+      [133, -2],
+      [109, 55],
+      [80, -30],
+      [81, 51],
+      [55, -93],
+      [81, 48],
+      [89, -5],
+      [-1, 98],
+      [87, -7],
+      [3, -77],
+      [75, -43],
+      [74, 29],
+      [-22, 45],
+      [8, 121],
+      [-53, 25],
+      [73, 57],
+      [-16, 98],
+      [-94, 108],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [73, 64],
+      [-14, 131],
+      [-56, 4],
+      [-58, 72],
+      [16, 90],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-12, 73],
+      [82, 21],
+      [-1, 70],
+      [45, 128],
+      [99, -55],
+      [23, -95],
+      [101, 21],
+      [72, -35],
+      [27, -64],
+      [64, -21],
+      [23, 115],
+      [75, -28],
+      [85, -4],
+      [-2, -121],
+      [82, -68],
+      [152, 32],
+      [34, 29],
+      [105, 3],
+      [34, -50],
+      [51, 74],
+      [42, 10],
+      [93, -59],
+      [43, 36],
+      [101, 16],
+      [91, -16],
+      [12, -60],
+      [91, -3],
+      [58, 48],
+      [19, -91],
+      [65, 3],
+      [64, 83],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [-101, 13],
+      [24, 137],
+      [-87, -5],
+      [-6, 85],
+      [42, 7],
+      [-40, 284],
+      [185, 22],
+      [29, 93],
+      [122, 58],
+      [4, 101],
+      [82, 4],
+      [0, 101],
+      [80, 10],
+      [21, -137],
+      [39, 9],
+      [37, 111],
+      [50, 1],
+      [9, -63],
+      [54, -29],
+      [17, -66],
+      [64, 40],
+      [57, 99],
+      [3, 86],
+      [44, -14],
+      [81, 47],
+      [26, 63],
+      [-49, 56],
+      [-63, 14],
+      [7, 95],
+      [56, 1],
+      [19, -50],
+      [174, 49],
+      [60, -11],
+      [71, 102],
+      [14, 111],
+      [-4, 111],
+      [75, 10],
+      [3, 167],
+      [-68, 14],
+      [70, 159],
+      [82, 4],
+      [14, -45],
+      [131, -34],
+      [113, 1],
+      [16, 34],
+      [-45, 64],
+      [96, 28],
+      [39, 106],
+      [46, 66],
+      [62, -9],
+      [8, 83],
+      [38, 72],
+      [29, 148],
+      [160, 71],
+      [113, -22],
+      [12, -68],
+      [67, -7],
+      [-17, -132],
+      [-66, -74],
+      [99, -21],
+      [127, -91],
+      [104, 51],
+      [16, 58],
+      [66, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18110, 11340],
+      [-5, -79],
+      [-90, -6],
+      [-21, -67],
+      [-160, -67],
+      [-59, 66],
+      [-100, -66],
+      [17, -106],
+      [54, -105],
+      [44, 3],
+      [94, -69],
+      [29, 33],
+      [61, -25],
+      [191, -154],
+      [197, -69],
+      [4, -71],
+      [-58, -136],
+      [-148, -73],
+      [-7, -70],
+      [138, 4],
+      [34, -27],
+      [124, 15],
+      [100, -26],
+      [162, 106],
+      [65, -58],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [-78, -62],
+      [24, -58],
+      [96, -53],
+      [12, -60],
+      [-25, -46],
+      [49, -91],
+      [-99, 18],
+      [-47, -35],
+      [-28, -87],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-17, -94],
+      [176, -90],
+      [88, 1],
+      [98, -45],
+      [94, -144],
+      [62, 0],
+      [20, -67],
+      [-49, -148],
+      [-44, -79],
+      [33, -20],
+      [6, -80],
+      [-149, -7],
+      [23, -88],
+      [31, -7],
+      [-27, -339],
+      [-22, -55],
+      [18, -65],
+      [52, -62],
+      [-43, -149],
+      [93, -30],
+      [67, -115],
+      [196, -30],
+      [125, 66],
+      [17, 60],
+      [60, 50],
+      [90, 34],
+      [107, 83],
+      [130, -14],
+      [-17, -80],
+      [80, -120],
+      [1, -68],
+      [64, -40],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [-7, -118],
+      [-68, -20],
+      [-93, -57],
+      [134, -184],
+      [-18, -30],
+      [45, -91],
+      [-86, -94],
+      [-51, -132],
+      [55, -53],
+      [-11, -69],
+      [33, -57],
+      [-53, -20],
+      [-3, -134],
+      [-41, -15],
+      [4, -67],
+      [-57, -88],
+      [-22, -108],
+      [67, 10],
+      [81, -77],
+      [84, -14],
+      [95, 61],
+      [102, -122],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [101, -69],
+      [-53, -118],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-66, -102],
+      [-2, -126],
+      [-119, -139],
+      [-16, -154],
+      [-20, -79],
+      [3, -109],
+      [-42, -58],
+      [-81, -68],
+      [-34, -101],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-48, -58],
+      [106, -149],
+      [57, -125],
+      [74, -58],
+      [16, -84],
+      [-65, -80],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [-84, -95],
+      [6, -81],
+      [42, -136],
+      [66, -65],
+      [81, -174],
+      [-39, -84],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [41, -117],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-20, -59],
+      [-57, -73],
+      [-9, -129],
+      [-61, 3],
+      [-69, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19577, 3568],
+      [-164, 136],
+      [-82, 58],
+      [-34, 83],
+      [-216, 274],
+      [-353, 459],
+      [-74, 117],
+      [-113, 151],
+      [-85, 70],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-54, 84],
+      [-50, 237],
+      [-33, 66],
+      [-329, 755],
+      [-32, 89],
+      [-63, 257],
+      [-23, 145],
+      [-36, 380],
+      [-51, 296],
+      [-51, 181],
+      [49, 14],
+      [17, -70],
+      [60, -30],
+      [-14, -64],
+      [92, -43],
+      [27, -88],
+      [62, -40],
+      [-25, -48],
+      [27, -128],
+      [-17, -89],
+      [59, -54],
+      [0, -49],
+      [-52, -109],
+      [-31, -165],
+      [9, -33],
+      [316, 9],
+      [-182, 70],
+      [26, 121],
+      [-60, 82],
+      [25, 114],
+      [-69, 18],
+      [18, 87],
+      [-48, 121],
+      [39, 38],
+      [-1, 69],
+      [-71, 162],
+      [-24, -59],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-108, 233],
+      [5, 60],
+      [-47, 88],
+      [18, 76],
+      [-86, 94],
+      [-26, -59],
+      [67, -165],
+      [9, -106],
+      [-42, -17],
+      [-92, 355],
+      [-100, 297],
+      [-51, 193],
+      [-74, 197],
+      [-88, 180],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-236, 560],
+      [-73, 351],
+      [-96, 371],
+      [-68, 135],
+      [-121, 361],
+      [-99, 226],
+      [-46, 76],
+      [-139, 90],
+      [-97, 277],
+      [-97, 222],
+      [-124, 135],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-25, 62],
+      [-82, 95],
+      [-83, 31],
+      [-147, 204],
+      [-22, 107],
+      [46, 146]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15665, 12242],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [71, 111],
+      [25, -21],
+      [63, 53],
+      [-73, 53],
+      [-126, -98],
+      [-91, 20],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [21, -177]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15487, 12184],
+      [-57, -45],
+      [-42, 82],
+      [-31, 173],
+      [-75, 163],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-101, 263],
+      [-59, 137],
+      [-70, 97],
+      [-87, 180],
+      [-139, 364],
+      [-95, 227]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10760, 3638],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-4, -51],
+      [-41, -45],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [61, 72],
+      [8, 28],
+      [27, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27418, 33700],
+      [-85, -26],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-63, 76],
+      [-99, 73],
+      [-156, 30],
+      [-12, -66],
+      [-96, 15],
+      [-22, 63],
+      [49, 71],
+      [-23, 63],
+      [-57, 59],
+      [-10, 69],
+      [-72, 41],
+      [-39, 81],
+      [-54, 4],
+      [-78, 103],
+      [-87, -1],
+      [-71, 34],
+      [-97, -68],
+      [-56, 9],
+      [-121, -125],
+      [-82, 5],
+      [-72, -51],
+      [-48, 47],
+      [-98, -3],
+      [-25, -68],
+      [-129, 15],
+      [-71, 37],
+      [-73, 80],
+      [-130, 49],
+      [-180, -101],
+      [-92, -7],
+      [-72, -29],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [7, 48],
+      [-74, 58],
+      [14, 84],
+      [-52, 110],
+      [-66, 31],
+      [-104, 8],
+      [-37, -38],
+      [-241, 45],
+      [-60, 55],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-37, -78],
+      [-3, -72],
+      [-152, 24],
+      [-14, -49],
+      [-82, -69],
+      [-208, -19],
+      [-76, 37],
+      [-76, -55],
+      [-59, -3],
+      [-2, -67],
+      [42, -175],
+      [-79, 30],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-183, 0],
+      [-81, -59],
+      [-88, 41],
+      [-139, -10],
+      [-79, 21],
+      [-55, 64],
+      [-113, 32],
+      [-62, -51],
+      [-92, -6],
+      [-36, 139],
+      [1, 88],
+      [-99, -14],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-40, -35],
+      [-104, 41],
+      [-4, -52],
+      [-119, -39],
+      [-76, 11],
+      [-25, -139],
+      [-232, -138],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [-139, -74],
+      [-178, -56],
+      [-220, 78],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-103, -15],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-75, 26],
+      [-75, -11],
+      [-53, 47],
+      [-100, -10],
+      [2, -55],
+      [-116, 37],
+      [-135, -8],
+      [-39, 183],
+      [-69, 37],
+      [-38, 100],
+      [6, 61],
+      [75, 32],
+      [103, -4],
+      [137, -58],
+      [89, 31],
+      [-77, 103],
+      [-30, 188],
+      [-36, 74],
+      [-100, 112],
+      [-103, 33],
+      [-107, -17],
+      [-140, 12],
+      [-133, -4],
+      [22, -54],
+      [-64, -47],
+      [-73, 4],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-190, 73],
+      [-115, -9],
+      [-21, -28],
+      [-136, -64],
+      [-232, -188],
+      [-87, 34],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-84, 10],
+      [-34, -81],
+      [12, -63],
+      [-50, -29],
+      [64, -76],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [-90, -54],
+      [-24, -79],
+      [-140, -91],
+      [-94, -92],
+      [77, -109],
+      [-83, -208],
+      [-140, 31],
+      [-67, -39],
+      [-83, 20],
+      [-36, -106],
+      [-49, -86],
+      [-90, -17],
+      [-78, -70],
+      [-208, -4],
+      [-27, 41],
+      [-188, -7],
+      [-106, 83],
+      [-48, 89],
+      [30, 31],
+      [87, -17],
+      [-17, 205],
+      [-66, 89],
+      [-67, 176],
+      [-102, -49],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-109, 28],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-115, -10],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-122, -38],
+      [-69, 16],
+      [-93, -11],
+      [-115, 13],
+      [-73, -25],
+      [-97, 2],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [-157, -48],
+      [-52, 34],
+      [-123, 16],
+      [-185, -20],
+      [-178, 22],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [-106, -20],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-198, 88],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-36, 104],
+      [-71, 117],
+      [-88, 18],
+      [-82, 54],
+      [-120, 33],
+      [-51, 45],
+      [-80, 3],
+      [-90, -49],
+      [-223, 32],
+      [-148, 70],
+      [-149, 26],
+      [-62, 52],
+      [-21, 73],
+      [-88, 19],
+      [13, 91],
+      [-29, 93],
+      [18, 32],
+      [13, 151],
+      [21, 52],
+      [-75, 105],
+      [-92, 31],
+      [-35, 146],
+      [-104, -25],
+      [-94, -104],
+      [-97, -19],
+      [-20, -68],
+      [-195, -28],
+      [-127, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13491, 37705],
+      [55, 18],
+      [95, 96],
+      [93, -15],
+      [75, -47],
+      [99, 8],
+      [50, 29],
+      [23, 71],
+      [137, 29],
+      [134, 131],
+      [102, -15],
+      [67, 40],
+      [-98, 139],
+      [-62, 6],
+      [-90, -26],
+      [-37, 49],
+      [-147, 5],
+      [-32, 83],
+      [26, 95],
+      [59, 45],
+      [1, 83],
+      [56, 24],
+      [33, 73],
+      [100, 13],
+      [23, 39],
+      [160, 83],
+      [70, 55],
+      [64, -22],
+      [106, 54],
+      [76, 114],
+      [44, 38],
+      [74, 17],
+      [-34, 88],
+      [0, 117],
+      [36, 37],
+      [-28, 146],
+      [-38, 6],
+      [12, 104],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [21, 102],
+      [59, 111],
+      [48, 31],
+      [20, 69],
+      [46, 60],
+      [-74, 186],
+      [-45, 26],
+      [-25, 83],
+      [-60, 40],
+      [-45, 97],
+      [57, 40],
+      [-67, 102],
+      [-49, -18],
+      [-83, 16],
+      [-94, -12],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [57, 48],
+      [2, 117],
+      [61, 97],
+      [100, 97],
+      [-95, 95],
+      [-126, -8],
+      [-91, 78],
+      [70, 31],
+      [21, 64],
+      [-20, 76],
+      [92, 33],
+      [-14, 60],
+      [74, 80],
+      [-90, 34],
+      [29, 94],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [85, 52],
+      [121, -222],
+      [63, -30],
+      [92, 14],
+      [44, 88],
+      [79, 19],
+      [-14, 102],
+      [58, 0],
+      [-16, 95],
+      [-93, -7],
+      [-144, 15],
+      [-102, 36],
+      [-6, 93],
+      [-63, 106],
+      [-7, 95],
+      [19, 63],
+      [65, -3],
+      [11, -67],
+      [73, 6],
+      [27, -94],
+      [71, -49],
+      [149, -9],
+      [67, -34],
+      [67, 65],
+      [99, 4],
+      [-7, 177],
+      [49, 48],
+      [58, 12],
+      [-21, 86],
+      [42, 58],
+      [59, -45],
+      [242, 27],
+      [86, -10],
+      [4, -38],
+      [-72, -43],
+      [41, -101],
+      [-44, -129],
+      [-65, 44],
+      [-46, -28],
+      [-12, -57],
+      [109, -46],
+      [33, 40],
+      [101, -21],
+      [115, 35],
+      [-16, -67],
+      [-256, -113],
+      [-37, 81],
+      [-93, 25],
+      [19, 80],
+      [-107, -26],
+      [99, -144],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-55, -73],
+      [7, -66],
+      [72, -58],
+      [492, -97],
+      [69, 10],
+      [114, 52],
+      [102, 6],
+      [70, -79],
+      [100, 31],
+      [46, 60],
+      [136, 76],
+      [98, 11],
+      [115, -82],
+      [-23, -143],
+      [35, 3],
+      [19, -127],
+      [47, -17],
+      [23, -58],
+      [58, -11],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [40, -28],
+      [-43, -76],
+      [-5, -137],
+      [-92, -53],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [-95, 83],
+      [-110, -127],
+      [5, -128],
+      [59, -86],
+      [71, 8],
+      [35, -31],
+      [-17, -164],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-66, -188],
+      [77, -11],
+      [24, -58],
+      [90, -4],
+      [-2, -83],
+      [-110, -23],
+      [2, -60],
+      [-40, -88],
+      [-136, -67],
+      [-69, 149],
+      [-75, -78],
+      [-144, -1],
+      [5, 42],
+      [-87, 32],
+      [-39, 40],
+      [-50, -102],
+      [-59, -55],
+      [-18, -139],
+      [68, -23],
+      [36, -43],
+      [129, -78],
+      [8, -99],
+      [36, -35],
+      [75, 13],
+      [72, -15],
+      [83, -60],
+      [24, 33],
+      [-17, 74],
+      [70, 16],
+      [12, 87],
+      [-65, 29],
+      [9, 63],
+      [57, -5],
+      [68, -48],
+      [46, -61],
+      [161, 91],
+      [56, -22],
+      [214, 112],
+      [9, 95],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [0, 64],
+      [66, 11],
+      [81, 47],
+      [36, 55],
+      [201, 49],
+      [5, 83],
+      [-30, 171],
+      [68, 89],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [59, 34],
+      [36, 82],
+      [45, -48],
+      [-25, -60],
+      [25, -120],
+      [155, -38],
+      [91, 80],
+      [77, -5],
+      [129, -91],
+      [26, 40],
+      [88, 5],
+      [99, -66],
+      [32, -86],
+      [125, 40],
+      [-19, 76],
+      [94, 66],
+      [5, 48],
+      [137, 18],
+      [52, -50],
+      [-62, -128],
+      [103, -74],
+      [105, 7],
+      [49, -90],
+      [81, 0],
+      [62, 31],
+      [97, -18],
+      [35, 133],
+      [61, 23],
+      [-153, 167],
+      [-82, 208],
+      [27, 17],
+      [-15, 93],
+      [20, 140],
+      [-81, 151],
+      [69, 39],
+      [118, -8],
+      [41, -28],
+      [-8, -111],
+      [100, -63],
+      [71, 30],
+      [127, 123],
+      [31, 87],
+      [-11, 181],
+      [-88, 168],
+      [-104, 38],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [-92, -25],
+      [-168, 7],
+      [4, 42],
+      [-98, 131],
+      [77, 33],
+      [127, -4],
+      [69, 24],
+      [49, 54],
+      [-77, 34],
+      [24, 52],
+      [-116, 103],
+      [-6, 130],
+      [70, 53],
+      [149, 51],
+      [33, 50],
+      [205, -45],
+      [82, 25],
+      [31, 46],
+      [64, -1],
+      [27, 58],
+      [112, -8],
+      [91, 21],
+      [90, -82],
+      [100, 33],
+      [84, 56],
+      [9, 153],
+      [60, 11],
+      [-26, 77],
+      [-96, 55],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [55, 79],
+      [-67, 189],
+      [37, 58],
+      [-123, 55],
+      [-187, -146],
+      [-5, -97],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-82, 4],
+      [-83, 50],
+      [-88, 11],
+      [-80, -34],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-144, -9],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [-131, 101],
+      [-111, 19],
+      [-154, -34],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-58, 27],
+      [-131, -6],
+      [-98, 81],
+      [-74, 20],
+      [-30, 98],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-11, 72],
+      [-86, 131],
+      [-23, 115],
+      [11, 125],
+      [-34, 33],
+      [25, 57],
+      [-73, 52],
+      [11, 53],
+      [97, 30],
+      [6, 154],
+      [150, 182],
+      [75, -3],
+      [21, 72],
+      [73, 13],
+      [129, -22],
+      [64, 45],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [75, 4],
+      [53, 62],
+      [47, 93],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [88, 62],
+      [38, 85],
+      [112, 30],
+      [123, 73],
+      [64, 89],
+      [160, 44],
+      [38, 83],
+      [112, 31],
+      [65, -20],
+      [160, 93],
+      [90, 90],
+      [22, 72],
+      [106, 58],
+      [145, -15],
+      [-10, 97],
+      [209, 19],
+      [63, 59],
+      [105, 32],
+      [61, 66],
+      [97, 62],
+      [53, -20],
+      [70, 33],
+      [27, 63],
+      [61, 25],
+      [101, 3],
+      [17, 104],
+      [48, 36],
+      [81, 12],
+      [54, 106],
+      [79, -8],
+      [64, 32],
+      [51, 60],
+      [211, -37],
+      [3, 119],
+      [49, 27],
+      [-36, 92],
+      [52, 30],
+      [59, -25],
+      [74, 22],
+      [-41, 60],
+      [108, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22038, 46429],
+      [101, -37],
+      [58, 101],
+      [177, 17],
+      [50, -100],
+      [89, 10],
+      [71, -86],
+      [126, -23],
+      [111, -64],
+      [79, -4],
+      [41, 45],
+      [85, -14],
+      [40, 53],
+      [83, 19],
+      [57, -18],
+      [46, -60],
+      [109, -3],
+      [117, -140],
+      [86, 20],
+      [97, -39],
+      [0, -79],
+      [79, 54],
+      [38, -27],
+      [-32, -62],
+      [42, -85],
+      [-52, -38],
+      [35, -100],
+      [77, -34],
+      [61, -76],
+      [-30, -97],
+      [48, -34],
+      [53, 25],
+      [74, -29],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [-80, -27],
+      [18, -66],
+      [61, -54],
+      [22, -87],
+      [-63, -3],
+      [-45, -63],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-38, -126],
+      [-85, -76],
+      [-3, -96],
+      [-89, -2],
+      [-35, -39],
+      [129, -128],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-84, -85],
+      [-3, -107],
+      [-61, -96],
+      [-85, -77],
+      [16, -91],
+      [-57, -10],
+      [-31, -62],
+      [48, -25],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [-105, 67],
+      [-88, -161],
+      [-63, -29],
+      [30, -65],
+      [67, -24],
+      [44, -83],
+      [0, -67],
+      [-36, -65],
+      [-259, -54],
+      [-62, -66],
+      [-98, 50],
+      [-51, -53],
+      [-74, 1],
+      [-146, 36],
+      [-70, -64],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-38, -66],
+      [28, -123],
+      [-78, -59],
+      [-111, -54],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-85, -86],
+      [64, -28],
+      [18, -43],
+      [-51, -59],
+      [81, -31],
+      [38, -75],
+      [-15, -36],
+      [66, -126],
+      [124, -88],
+      [-38, -75],
+      [-77, 5],
+      [-50, -52],
+      [-91, -47],
+      [28, -131],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-84, -73],
+      [-166, -122],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [-65, -26],
+      [-11, -85],
+      [47, -13],
+      [86, -153],
+      [1, -93],
+      [92, -154],
+      [-25, -49],
+      [29, -77],
+      [-32, -146],
+      [-69, -25],
+      [34, -120],
+      [52, -15],
+      [8, -82],
+      [211, -160],
+      [-79, -92],
+      [32, -71],
+      [98, -80],
+      [108, 57],
+      [12, 64],
+      [60, 32],
+      [17, 65],
+      [54, 62],
+      [116, -78],
+      [56, -8],
+      [86, -141],
+      [82, -52],
+      [32, -66],
+      [65, -24],
+      [61, 42],
+      [61, -13],
+      [67, -143],
+      [57, 54],
+      [105, 11],
+      [50, 36],
+      [-5, 58],
+      [68, 44],
+      [-4, 65],
+      [132, 129],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [45, 126],
+      [-12, 45],
+      [-83, -10],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-26, 58],
+      [92, -8],
+      [6, 158],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [-69, 135],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-71, -75],
+      [-63, -2],
+      [-55, -34],
+      [-55, 21],
+      [-26, 133],
+      [71, 103],
+      [-17, 210],
+      [35, 46],
+      [-36, 107],
+      [-149, 77],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-32, 97],
+      [-63, 41],
+      [37, 230],
+      [-48, 69],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-8, 137],
+      [-71, 162],
+      [16, 72],
+      [-105, 68],
+      [-70, 10],
+      [-77, -50],
+      [-53, 61],
+      [86, 15],
+      [41, 39],
+      [82, -32],
+      [19, 57],
+      [94, 48],
+      [3, 58],
+      [56, 93],
+      [64, 37],
+      [125, 28],
+      [24, -44],
+      [-93, -88],
+      [114, -28],
+      [57, -62],
+      [63, 21],
+      [-12, 106],
+      [14, 60],
+      [-89, 77],
+      [143, 46],
+      [141, -72],
+      [7, 35],
+      [-51, 113],
+      [93, 19],
+      [21, 84],
+      [88, -2],
+      [36, -66],
+      [-56, -34],
+      [41, -52],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [-59, -50],
+      [57, -43],
+      [68, 24],
+      [22, -42],
+      [9, -111],
+      [-219, 35],
+      [-81, -82],
+      [-10, -48],
+      [-88, -89],
+      [92, -138],
+      [24, 1],
+      [36, 114],
+      [-13, 78],
+      [63, 69],
+      [101, -33],
+      [86, -95],
+      [-136, -39],
+      [-26, -57],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [21, -81],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [21, -64],
+      [104, 111],
+      [63, 24],
+      [65, -50],
+      [39, 39],
+      [-62, 62],
+      [32, 74],
+      [57, -2],
+      [31, -91],
+      [65, -21],
+      [-70, -90],
+      [87, -33],
+      [59, 9],
+      [62, -30],
+      [-25, -45],
+      [57, -76],
+      [142, 40],
+      [89, -27],
+      [26, 103],
+      [57, -94],
+      [84, 73],
+      [-68, 87],
+      [-12, 49],
+      [138, 45],
+      [-2, 98],
+      [-56, -26],
+      [-62, 45],
+      [-66, -3],
+      [8, 71],
+      [76, 69],
+      [236, -141],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [72, -47],
+      [18, -49],
+      [-72, -28],
+      [-57, -89],
+      [12, -115],
+      [104, -29],
+      [118, -58],
+      [60, 44],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [80, 101],
+      [182, -84],
+      [73, -14],
+      [162, 37],
+      [192, -99],
+      [74, 129],
+      [-34, 186],
+      [60, 40],
+      [46, -17],
+      [123, 44],
+      [105, 11],
+      [52, 169],
+      [108, 0],
+      [29, 29],
+      [97, -35],
+      [70, 86],
+      [63, 14],
+      [2, 52],
+      [124, -3],
+      [63, 46],
+      [78, -77],
+      [-14, -77],
+      [20, -56],
+      [-20, -86],
+      [84, -42],
+      [37, -64],
+      [96, -70],
+      [49, -108],
+      [-81, -26],
+      [-84, -51],
+      [-97, -151],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-33, -77],
+      [104, -61],
+      [118, 50],
+      [58, 108],
+      [102, 23],
+      [65, -86],
+      [71, 42],
+      [90, 11],
+      [78, 48],
+      [35, 154],
+      [61, -76],
+      [-31, -54],
+      [73, -13],
+      [70, -90],
+      [118, 41],
+      [107, -24],
+      [0, 52],
+      [-125, 46],
+      [-4, 58],
+      [74, 29],
+      [149, -26],
+      [51, 87],
+      [61, 48],
+      [79, -56],
+      [-89, -95],
+      [13, -121],
+      [-92, -95],
+      [47, -62],
+      [-70, -68],
+      [-36, -68],
+      [120, -20],
+      [176, 85],
+      [35, -76],
+      [104, 1],
+      [59, 34],
+      [109, -6],
+      [29, -64],
+      [85, -71],
+      [60, 88],
+      [13, 62],
+      [98, -45],
+      [-9, 131],
+      [40, 26],
+      [91, 142],
+      [-35, 86],
+      [27, 26],
+      [24, 111],
+      [135, 17],
+      [42, -12],
+      [87, -99],
+      [86, 21],
+      [19, -86],
+      [104, -49],
+      [20, 82],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [32, 63],
+      [59, 8],
+      [30, 77],
+      [74, 24],
+      [34, -63],
+      [84, -30],
+      [-61, -44],
+      [88, -77],
+      [-83, -61],
+      [61, -46],
+      [54, 42],
+      [68, -24],
+      [9, -48],
+      [76, 21],
+      [166, -99],
+      [83, 21],
+      [159, -84],
+      [19, -144],
+      [-17, -84],
+      [53, -54],
+      [84, -45],
+      [88, 21],
+      [169, -66],
+      [67, -69],
+      [44, 29],
+      [59, -29],
+      [109, 13],
+      [-29, -79],
+      [94, -21],
+      [10, -122],
+      [108, -85],
+      [14, -85],
+      [69, -10],
+      [68, -51],
+      [107, -9],
+      [-13, 88],
+      [18, 51],
+      [-22, 60],
+      [41, 49],
+      [146, -69],
+      [70, 7],
+      [24, -61],
+      [299, 111],
+      [67, -56],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [163, -16],
+      [5, -102],
+      [62, 5],
+      [10, -109],
+      [-121, -25],
+      [-65, 36],
+      [-2, -102],
+      [46, -31],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [5, -116],
+      [-41, -95],
+      [25, -32],
+      [92, 4],
+      [8, -186],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [-1, -73],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [21, -127],
+      [-35, -68],
+      [-71, 12],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [97, -87],
+      [16, -38],
+      [102, -17],
+      [-20, -139],
+      [122, -28],
+      [14, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26562, 27660],
+      [-45, -39],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-24, 12],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-14, -17],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-34, -13],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-79, 43],
+      [-75, 106],
+      [-176, 40],
+      [-35, 30],
+      [-49, 78],
+      [22, 9],
+      [47, 6],
+      [18, 17],
+      [12, 33],
+      [4, 182],
+      [-11, 46],
+      [-8, 32],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [7, 109],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-56, -4],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [-22, 56],
+      [-7, 102],
+      [29, 43],
+      [76, 45],
+      [36, 35],
+      [9, 9],
+      [32, 8],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [25, 76],
+      [30, 58],
+      [8, 11],
+      [28, 20],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [0, 23],
+      [16, 38],
+      [5, 23],
+      [1, 32],
+      [8, 17],
+      [4, 22],
+      [1, 22],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-30, 35],
+      [1, 23],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [-53, 9],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [-62, 46],
+      [-25, 74],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [-16, 22],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-31, 2],
+      [-23, -15],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-84, -4],
+      [-40, -23],
+      [-45, -132],
+      [-21, -14],
+      [-19, 3],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-29, 21],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [-37, -6],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-1, -3],
+      [3, -9],
+      [0, -34],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-94, -47],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [-25, 4],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-160, 93],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-83, 34],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [1, -23],
+      [13, -14],
+      [11, -15],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [-7, -75],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-16, -59],
+      [22, -47],
+      [-65, -14],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-19, 16],
+      [-27, 41],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-78, 27],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [-64, 2],
+      [-23, 6],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-45, -12],
+      [-56, 51],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [52, 40],
+      [-33, 86],
+      [11, 51],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-16, 22],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-85, 10],
+      [-54, -29],
+      [-71, 2],
+      [1, 29],
+      [9, 25],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-102, 2],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-84, 27],
+      [-64, 16],
+      [-204, 30],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-21, 1],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-79, 16],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-40, 9],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [8, 10],
+      [17, 11],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-28, -91],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [20, -9],
+      [79, -15],
+      [0, -59],
+      [28, -8],
+      [19, -10],
+      [14, -26],
+      [2, -31],
+      [-15, -63],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-22, -11],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [6, -7],
+      [33, -13],
+      [11, -24],
+      [14, -48],
+      [26, -44],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [5, -19],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [8, -55],
+      [2, -22],
+      [9, -24],
+      [14, -17],
+      [5, -16],
+      [-1, -31],
+      [-32, -40],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-47, 11],
+      [-81, -89],
+      [-7, -63],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [6, -18],
+      [11, -15],
+      [22, -16],
+      [-31, -122],
+      [1, -87],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-28, 16],
+      [-60, -2],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-29, 12],
+      [-15, -19],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-5, 54],
+      [-41, 18],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [-35, 11],
+      [-22, 7],
+      [-19, 28],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-80, -54],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [3, -15],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [2, -8],
+      [29, -10],
+      [56, -7],
+      [11, -22],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [18, -26],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-25, -39],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [6, -6],
+      [11, -32],
+      [14, -11],
+      [-2, -42],
+      [-5, -22],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-30, 43],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-14, -64],
+      [8, -46],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-8, -52],
+      [22, -109],
+      [43, 6],
+      [66, -4],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [5, -1],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [32, -9],
+      [7, 11],
+      [51, 4],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-18, -46],
+      [35, -12],
+      [28, 9],
+      [27, -4],
+      [2, -28],
+      [12, -26],
+      [25, -40],
+      [15, -1],
+      [42, -19],
+      [42, -39],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-106, -36],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-31, -90],
+      [-45, -91],
+      [-1, -31],
+      [-35, -50],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-37, -32],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [11, -4],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [0, -6],
+      [14, -28],
+      [15, -22],
+      [10, -74],
+      [-43, -87],
+      [-34, 7],
+      [-120, -63],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [9, 11],
+      [6, 20],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-18, 3],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-24, -103],
+      [17, -21],
+      [19, -6],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-32, 6],
+      [-13, -39],
+      [27, -55],
+      [-50, -18],
+      [-69, 12],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [22, -9],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [20, -2],
+      [24, -6],
+      [-13, -70],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-44, -47],
+      [13, -59],
+      [33, -12],
+      [24, -6],
+      [37, -54],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-11, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12078, 20739],
+      [-65, 179],
+      [-54, 116],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [-55, 114],
+      [-167, 69],
+      [-40, 97],
+      [-21, 130],
+      [-37, 78],
+      [-36, 194],
+      [-71, 209],
+      [-25, 119],
+      [-83, 153],
+      [-28, 192],
+      [-52, 98],
+      [-44, 124],
+      [53, 43],
+      [-41, 92],
+      [76, 49],
+      [-41, 45],
+      [-6, 106],
+      [-54, 97],
+      [-1, 87],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-49, 50],
+      [3, 169],
+      [-33, 134],
+      [27, 88],
+      [-36, 111],
+      [24, 56],
+      [-8, 111],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-57, 201],
+      [-52, 133],
+      [43, 117],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-25, 123],
+      [-66, 7],
+      [16, 162],
+      [20, 20],
+      [-27, 96],
+      [-87, 89],
+      [47, 52],
+      [-79, 159],
+      [14, 37],
+      [-44, 83],
+      [47, 48],
+      [-53, 179],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [-56, 182],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [-50, 30],
+      [-17, 106],
+      [-34, 53],
+      [14, 52],
+      [-50, 149],
+      [-24, 19],
+      [19, 121],
+      [-14, 75],
+      [-81, 70],
+      [-20, 135],
+      [78, -24],
+      [7, -55],
+      [61, 1],
+      [136, -48],
+      [-20, 100],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-59, 46],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [-86, 124],
+      [-86, 49],
+      [22, 86],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-8, 97],
+      [-23, 40],
+      [36, 154],
+      [38, 25],
+      [-95, 210],
+      [-33, 30],
+      [-33, 131],
+      [20, 58],
+      [-2, 162],
+      [80, 30],
+      [36, -27],
+      [60, 82],
+      [30, -62],
+      [56, 21],
+      [-10, 122],
+      [-77, -40],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-41, 80],
+      [32, 61],
+      [84, 27],
+      [-47, 54],
+      [34, 39],
+      [137, 40],
+      [-34, 67],
+      [-19, 113],
+      [-66, -1],
+      [-18, -73],
+      [-80, -63],
+      [-124, 7],
+      [-39, -170],
+      [-99, 69],
+      [26, 100],
+      [50, 53],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [10, 96],
+      [-18, 70],
+      [-65, 60],
+      [17, 111],
+      [-45, 55],
+      [18, 186],
+      [32, 66],
+      [-91, 104],
+      [6, 90],
+      [-33, 94],
+      [76, 83],
+      [-84, 57],
+      [-43, 74],
+      [-14, 97],
+      [34, 20],
+      [-40, 106],
+      [-5, 133],
+      [-51, 105],
+      [-17, 152],
+      [-58, 38],
+      [61, 81],
+      [-9, 126],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [127, 132],
+      [-31, 189],
+      [41, 32],
+      [24, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58259, 43246],
+      [-14, -90],
+      [-99, -77],
+      [-20, -117],
+      [-52, -110],
+      [-29, -170],
+      [36, -47],
+      [317, -136],
+      [11, -169],
+      [-19, -88],
+      [-89, -131],
+      [9, -79],
+      [-30, -80],
+      [-78, -61],
+      [-34, -57],
+      [-35, -148],
+      [18, -46],
+      [-50, -99],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-88, 13],
+      [-1, -96],
+      [-66, -134],
+      [-78, -80],
+      [-43, -16],
+      [-79, -190],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [-27, -130],
+      [-29, -66],
+      [-75, -99],
+      [-56, -7],
+      [3, -107],
+      [-32, -89],
+      [-40, -33],
+      [-25, -139],
+      [-46, -28],
+      [-7, -180],
+      [-32, -105],
+      [-111, -183],
+      [3, -63],
+      [-58, -21],
+      [-18, -176],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-59, 118],
+      [-99, 15],
+      [-73, 78],
+      [-106, 0],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-126, 11],
+      [-66, -39],
+      [-128, -11],
+      [-32, 79],
+      [-69, 85],
+      [-49, -11],
+      [-192, 33],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-15, -86],
+      [-173, -29],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-94, 55],
+      [-12, 66],
+      [-50, 66],
+      [-25, 78],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-136, 42],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [7, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55301, 39995],
+      [-108, -4],
+      [-54, 49],
+      [-81, 32],
+      [-22, -85],
+      [-91, 9],
+      [-61, 79],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [-60, 23],
+      [-50, 67],
+      [-57, -29],
+      [-71, 25],
+      [-77, 64],
+      [42, 73],
+      [40, 132],
+      [-37, 84],
+      [3, 61],
+      [60, 88],
+      [-30, 65],
+      [6, 101],
+      [-53, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55602, 42899],
+      [6, -70],
+      [74, -8],
+      [-14, -52],
+      [129, -15],
+      [99, -103],
+      [174, 298],
+      [116, 123],
+      [15, 50],
+      [76, 43],
+      [72, 139],
+      [-109, 71],
+      [33, 52],
+      [89, 15],
+      [37, 43],
+      [56, -12],
+      [66, 25],
+      [161, -28],
+      [103, 44],
+      [126, -38],
+      [50, -61],
+      [102, -21],
+      [31, 56],
+      [86, 7],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [71, -79],
+      [113, 14],
+      [63, -19],
+      [270, 135],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [113, 106],
+      [38, -4],
+      [106, 72],
+      [74, 107],
+      [53, -24],
+      [-46, -98],
+      [17, -24],
+      [-62, -112],
+      [17, -107],
+      [-13, -62],
+      [149, -101],
+      [126, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53297, 42257],
+      [-173, 47],
+      [-19, 67],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-177, 63],
+      [-198, 104],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [-146, 54],
+      [-169, -33],
+      [-147, 26],
+      [-141, -22],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-129, -32],
+      [-47, 26],
+      [-43, -67],
+      [-67, 19],
+      [-25, -46],
+      [-113, -38],
+      [-82, 47],
+      [-59, 69],
+      [-48, -54],
+      [-186, -36],
+      [-107, 74],
+      [-105, 1],
+      [-154, 39],
+      [-74, 49],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-125, 10],
+      [-133, -14],
+      [-123, 9],
+      [-336, -85],
+      [-97, 8],
+      [-71, -19],
+      [-86, 15],
+      [-63, 50],
+      [-101, -50],
+      [-77, -16],
+      [-83, 74],
+      [-66, -35],
+      [-89, 8],
+      [-194, -10],
+      [-117, -63],
+      [-159, 44],
+      [-99, 72],
+      [-43, -11],
+      [-263, 54],
+      [-52, 25],
+      [-121, 4],
+      [-138, 89],
+      [-179, 86],
+      [-152, 14],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [-64, -5],
+      [-77, 142],
+      [-8, 83],
+      [73, 210]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47680, 43426],
+      [-3, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55301, 39995],
+      [0, -163],
+      [61, -85],
+      [74, -37],
+      [1, -245],
+      [23, -24],
+      [-11, -89],
+      [27, -146],
+      [61, -69],
+      [-36, -66],
+      [10, -165],
+      [-11, -111],
+      [-44, -60],
+      [-21, -225],
+      [35, -53],
+      [-106, -78],
+      [29, -50],
+      [-2, -177],
+      [36, -74],
+      [-65, -249],
+      [-15, -89],
+      [-56, -98],
+      [-68, -63],
+      [-107, -4],
+      [-103, 116],
+      [-161, -22],
+      [-9, -108],
+      [74, -201],
+      [-54, -47],
+      [-36, -71],
+      [-12, -107],
+      [-38, -14],
+      [30, -153],
+      [-46, -80],
+      [51, -163],
+      [47, -37],
+      [20, -85],
+      [-66, -73],
+      [34, -66],
+      [8, -119],
+      [90, -54],
+      [34, -56],
+      [14, -109],
+      [10, -229],
+      [-25, -72],
+      [-95, -7],
+      [35, -149],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [-88, 20],
+      [-72, -37],
+      [23, -66],
+      [-18, -62],
+      [41, -84],
+      [-109, 7],
+      [-33, -115],
+      [19, -166],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-47, 102],
+      [-54, -20],
+      [-58, -123],
+      [-47, 108],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [-10, 71],
+      [-47, 4],
+      [-70, 77],
+      [-95, 35],
+      [-90, 89],
+      [-65, 10],
+      [-29, -261],
+      [-21, -62],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-47, -61],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [-16, 179],
+      [-75, 173],
+      [96, 33],
+      [-22, 83],
+      [-15, 172],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [3, 73],
+      [-48, 164],
+      [-18, 163],
+      [-35, 212],
+      [-21, 236],
+      [-31, 119],
+      [-73, 131],
+      [-15, 78],
+      [-43, 65],
+      [0, 106],
+      [-61, 41],
+      [-26, 53],
+      [-94, 63],
+      [13, 162],
+      [26, 111],
+      [-62, 121],
+      [14, 114],
+      [-23, 86],
+      [-1, 94],
+      [105, 11],
+      [-77, 183],
+      [22, 74],
+      [-52, 64],
+      [2, 66],
+      [-44, 49],
+      [-32, 179],
+      [-30, 59],
+      [12, 48],
+      [-40, 163],
+      [-44, 43],
+      [33, 117],
+      [-58, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52951, 39244],
+      [-20, 200],
+      [62, 120],
+      [49, -10],
+      [47, 114],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [-1, 83],
+      [36, 45],
+      [-26, 64],
+      [21, 136],
+      [4, 208],
+      [-9, 91],
+      [-59, 50],
+      [-2, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59479, 46082],
+      [-69, -86],
+      [-53, -13],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [0, -90],
+      [-88, -76],
+      [13, -42],
+      [-114, -146],
+      [88, -99],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [68, -31],
+      [-16, -77],
+      [6, -143],
+      [-23, -41],
+      [17, -166],
+      [-25, -93],
+      [24, -60],
+      [-2, -83],
+      [86, -5],
+      [42, -33],
+      [-45, -115],
+      [-104, -109],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [-108, -49],
+      [-64, -63],
+      [-28, -110],
+      [74, -144],
+      [7, -109],
+      [-41, -49],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-57, -79],
+      [-107, -92],
+      [-31, -115],
+      [-73, -63],
+      [38, -47],
+      [-114, -9],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-53, -127],
+      [-88, -33],
+      [-198, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41082, 32408],
+      [203, -12],
+      [60, 12],
+      [36, -66],
+      [-12, -63],
+      [-145, 1],
+      [-110, -62],
+      [-70, -76],
+      [-68, 44],
+      [-2, -66],
+      [-101, 8],
+      [57, 76],
+      [62, 177],
+      [90, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40757, 35745],
+      [-22, -85],
+      [5, -81],
+      [165, 25],
+      [35, -92],
+      [92, -37],
+      [134, -28],
+      [106, -7],
+      [84, -86],
+      [49, -11],
+      [37, -120],
+      [-64, -113],
+      [-16, -76],
+      [71, -98],
+      [141, -11],
+      [-2, 110],
+      [104, 27],
+      [42, 33],
+      [1, 66],
+      [76, -21],
+      [88, 2],
+      [37, -77],
+      [-38, -59],
+      [22, -90],
+      [79, -133],
+      [81, -31],
+      [76, 0],
+      [47, -44],
+      [155, -13],
+      [59, -124],
+      [-6, -143],
+      [31, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42426, 34343],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-131, -116],
+      [-70, -13],
+      [-153, 11],
+      [-210, -21],
+      [-205, -88],
+      [-62, -64],
+      [-199, -139],
+      [-227, -241],
+      [-151, -288],
+      [2, -125],
+      [75, -191],
+      [67, -89],
+      [47, -142],
+      [108, -212],
+      [23, -82],
+      [-26, -99],
+      [-169, 29],
+      [-103, -49],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [-109, -183],
+      [124, 3],
+      [58, 15],
+      [113, 102],
+      [76, 34],
+      [201, -34],
+      [-339, -227],
+      [-194, -144],
+      [-55, -70],
+      [-57, -117],
+      [0, -120],
+      [106, -34],
+      [18, -68],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-207, -168],
+      [-126, -49],
+      [-180, -86],
+      [-105, -76],
+      [14, -32],
+      [-41, -122],
+      [-135, -138],
+      [-8, -94],
+      [-53, -56],
+      [-85, 14],
+      [-44, 110],
+      [-76, 57],
+      [-69, 18],
+      [-48, -75],
+      [33, -26],
+      [87, 14],
+      [74, -106],
+      [75, -59],
+      [-147, -40],
+      [-149, -80],
+      [-212, -72],
+      [-191, -53],
+      [-201, -39],
+      [-237, -67],
+      [-400, -143],
+      [-354, -185],
+      [-184, -84],
+      [-272, -160],
+      [-343, -255],
+      [-74, -66],
+      [-99, -120],
+      [-166, -102],
+      [-218, -187],
+      [-92, -97],
+      [-149, -200],
+      [-76, 30],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-129, 38],
+      [-9, -81],
+      [-113, -10],
+      [-33, 14],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [0, -6],
+      [9, -14],
+      [15, -43],
+      [26, -10],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [7, -20],
+      [26, -9],
+      [5, 4],
+      [2, 10],
+      [22, 13],
+      [9, -1],
+      [12, -7],
+      [12, -23],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-10, -26],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [2, -9],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [-41, -2],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [3, 6],
+      [7, 56],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-13, -28],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-28, -1],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-23, 12],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [2, -12],
+      [18, -17],
+      [13, -23],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [4, -10],
+      [6, -9],
+      [21, -37],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [13, -28],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-52, -18],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [-62, 31],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [1, -13],
+      [5, -6],
+      [12, -7],
+      [27, -11],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [0, -14],
+      [4, -24],
+      [5, -12],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-32, -7],
+      [9, -32],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-33, 15],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-81, -42],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-17, 12],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-17, -9],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-95, -50],
+      [-57, 15],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-20, 6],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [-59, 7],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-13, 24],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-21, -5],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-58, 76],
+      [-3, 85],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-103, 228],
+      [-104, -55],
+      [21, -92],
+      [24, 1],
+      [35, -59],
+      [6, -27],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-21, 16],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-13, 69],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-21, 52],
+      [-18, 20],
+      [-21, 28],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-27, 89],
+      [-56, 66],
+      [-54, -50],
+      [0, -23],
+      [5, -12],
+      [17, -29],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-46, 4],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [2, 9],
+      [7, 10],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-13, 27],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [14, -27],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-6, 54],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [-62, 25],
+      [-39, -13],
+      [-6, -32],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [6, -18],
+      [26, -24],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-20, 8],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [4, -40],
+      [26, -54],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [-28, 5],
+      [-74, 112],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-2, 2],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-26, -12],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [-16, 33],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, -3],
+      [1, -10],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [7, -9],
+      [13, -38],
+      [105, -31],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [88, -115],
+      [15, -7],
+      [16, -3],
+      [6, -2],
+      [3, -2],
+      [12, -13],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [3, -36],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-21, -11],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-177, -41],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [4, -8],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [1, -11],
+      [12, -25],
+      [-37, -44],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-39, 32],
+      [-38, -24],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [12, -18],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-40, -60],
+      [-22, -16],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [1, -5],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-32, -51],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [5, -9],
+      [7, -3],
+      [6, -7],
+      [8, -30],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [95, -124],
+      [7, 0],
+      [7, 0],
+      [31, 18],
+      [34, -3],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-80, -128],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [5, -9],
+      [15, -9],
+      [28, -4],
+      [64, -98],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-21, -28],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-2, 1],
+      [-24, -21],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-96, -8],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [-39, 52],
+      [13, 32],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-66, 43],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [24, -68],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [14, -38],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [-152, -80],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-19, -28],
+      [-25, -50],
+      [6, -28],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [8, 7],
+      [9, 5],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [10, 16],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [4, 6],
+      [11, 5],
+      [14, 18],
+      [32, 2],
+      [-8, 24],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [9, 58],
+      [-98, 52],
+      [-45, 46],
+      [4, 9],
+      [5, 11],
+      [12, 0],
+      [2, 16],
+      [9, 6],
+      [2, 17],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [1, 6],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [3, 8],
+      [9, 5],
+      [13, 15],
+      [0, 22],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [1, 6],
+      [0, 5],
+      [10, 6],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-91, 26],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [5, 5],
+      [9, 2],
+      [7, 3],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-32, -30],
+      [-44, -69],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [11, -15],
+      [14, -12],
+      [26, -59],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-33, -50],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [33, 2],
+      [16, 19],
+      [34, 7],
+      [8, -1],
+      [9, -18],
+      [10, -11],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-22, -24],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-51, 2],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-3, -35],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-59, -47],
+      [7, -14],
+      [2, -35],
+      [85, -29],
+      [36, -51],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-28, 22],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [4, -35],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [5, -28],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [24, -27],
+      [0, -33],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-36, 49],
+      [-65, -60],
+      [17, -21],
+      [6, -13],
+      [4, -22],
+      [0, -29],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-26, -1],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-24, 19],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [6, 12],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-47, 13],
+      [-34, -3],
+      [-72, -18],
+      [-77, 30],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-23, -13],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [1, -49],
+      [-145, -91],
+      [-196, -77],
+      [-30, 1],
+      [-29, -13],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-109, -71],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-32, -2],
+      [-45, -87],
+      [-41, -34],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-55, 28],
+      [-46, -26],
+      [-160, -31],
+      [-24, 47],
+      [-134, -42],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-20, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25654, 9761],
+      [-7, -376]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25647, 9385],
+      [-69, -6],
+      [-37, 139],
+      [-66, 43],
+      [-101, 18],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-12, 90],
+      [50, 1],
+      [57, 64],
+      [68, -30],
+      [40, 44],
+      [116, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25617, 11991],
+      [-30, -136],
+      [-52, -170]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25535, 11685],
+      [-31, 69],
+      [-69, 45],
+      [-54, -25],
+      [-81, 16],
+      [69, 87],
+      [-89, 83],
+      [38, 57],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [-115, 2],
+      [11, 50],
+      [97, 46],
+      [31, -92],
+      [97, 20],
+      [-36, -90],
+      [32, -42],
+      [125, 79],
+      [21, -52],
+      [51, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15665, 12242],
+      [-27, -46],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [-72, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13922, 53612],
+      [-253, 10],
+      [-250, 20],
+      [-84, -2],
+      [-402, 31],
+      [-391, 3],
+      [-22, 61],
+      [38, 132],
+      [43, 34],
+      [98, 137],
+      [8, 156]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12707, 54194],
+      [-19, 154],
+      [-51, 96],
+      [-135, 186],
+      [67, 77],
+      [53, 10],
+      [10, 86],
+      [67, -2],
+      [57, 109],
+      [226, 158],
+      [2, 58],
+      [69, 72],
+      [60, 8],
+      [101, 91],
+      [78, 110],
+      [91, 55],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [93, 112],
+      [19, 61],
+      [123, 12],
+      [-14, 75],
+      [118, 61],
+      [3, 33],
+      [110, 93],
+      [57, 2],
+      [92, 70],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [48, 123],
+      [40, 11],
+      [63, -55],
+      [123, 25],
+      [59, 41],
+      [25, 54],
+      [-34, 78],
+      [-116, 15],
+      [-75, -19],
+      [-9, -79],
+      [-91, -11],
+      [-5, 66],
+      [-84, 43],
+      [-11, 102],
+      [46, 157],
+      [-24, 57],
+      [42, 61],
+      [48, -1],
+      [93, 228],
+      [68, 62],
+      [37, 87],
+      [-152, 135],
+      [57, 18],
+      [4, 93],
+      [-49, 129],
+      [-134, 230],
+      [1, 51],
+      [75, 29],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [28, 122],
+      [210, 187],
+      [112, 35],
+      [216, 85],
+      [36, 74],
+      [110, 86],
+      [128, 80],
+      [76, -24],
+      [83, -61],
+      [116, 29],
+      [40, 39],
+      [112, 58],
+      [143, 1],
+      [18, 71],
+      [41, 11],
+      [60, -74],
+      [72, 59],
+      [25, 68],
+      [57, 29],
+      [30, 108],
+      [90, 85],
+      [7, 71],
+      [-60, 45],
+      [-7, 79],
+      [-31, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19984, 48672],
+      [62, -43],
+      [15, -118],
+      [-19, -55],
+      [70, -12],
+      [18, -127],
+      [-68, -95],
+      [32, -35],
+      [32, -166],
+      [79, -15],
+      [38, -84],
+      [79, -46],
+      [-31, -85],
+      [36, -61],
+      [144, -41],
+      [100, -90],
+      [70, -36],
+      [92, 27],
+      [-16, -117],
+      [77, -113],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [68, -33],
+      [-40, -58],
+      [-87, -1],
+      [-39, -106],
+      [-116, -31],
+      [-58, -64],
+      [104, -23],
+      [-14, -68],
+      [87, -46],
+      [128, -14],
+      [31, 61],
+      [72, -113],
+      [-26, -49],
+      [-109, -27],
+      [-138, -84],
+      [-213, -63],
+      [-71, -66],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-11, -56],
+      [47, -55],
+      [-23, -77],
+      [79, -37],
+      [36, 42],
+      [38, 139],
+      [50, -60],
+      [193, 29],
+      [107, 51],
+      [32, 40],
+      [97, 17],
+      [17, 96],
+      [91, 35],
+      [234, -75],
+      [41, -37],
+      [43, 57],
+      [71, -33],
+      [46, 29],
+      [112, -9],
+      [62, 16],
+      [98, -31],
+      [57, 59],
+      [5, 63],
+      [54, 5],
+      [205, -54],
+      [63, -4],
+      [-29, -72],
+      [-95, -54],
+      [11, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6420, 41445],
+      [-75, 73],
+      [-83, 200],
+      [-69, 125],
+      [-128, 189],
+      [-44, 139],
+      [-69, 346],
+      [-297, 302],
+      [-33, 107],
+      [-154, 158],
+      [30, 298],
+      [-25, 13],
+      [10, 316],
+      [-33, 85],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [-99, -8],
+      [-152, -62],
+      [-93, -1],
+      [-199, -28],
+      [-252, 81],
+      [-29, 23],
+      [-61, 133],
+      [-90, 90],
+      [-56, 33],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-129, 185],
+      [-34, 95],
+      [-23, 215],
+      [30, 91],
+      [112, 159],
+      [60, 182],
+      [-13, 143],
+      [26, 99],
+      [-5, 193],
+      [17, 124],
+      [-35, 148],
+      [-134, 89],
+      [-90, 23],
+      [-91, -1],
+      [-234, -38],
+      [-138, 1],
+      [-88, 22],
+      [-96, 49],
+      [-110, 93],
+      [-438, 190],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [-52, 133],
+      [37, 218],
+      [27, 269],
+      [115, 282],
+      [47, 91],
+      [174, 170],
+      [323, 250],
+      [108, 100],
+      [164, 229],
+      [175, 125],
+      [19, 32],
+      [183, 455],
+      [108, 156],
+      [111, 118],
+      [210, 141],
+      [139, 144],
+      [248, 58],
+      [113, -2],
+      [71, -30],
+      [215, -206],
+      [26, -38],
+      [13, -174],
+      [131, -224],
+      [44, -57],
+      [135, -30],
+      [193, -9],
+      [279, 131],
+      [384, 155],
+      [142, 41],
+      [300, 55],
+      [267, -1],
+      [122, 12],
+      [158, -4],
+      [526, 205],
+      [33, 210],
+      [40, 170],
+      [143, 197],
+      [287, 223],
+      [128, 126],
+      [54, 97],
+      [204, 612],
+      [54, 79],
+      [128, 151],
+      [297, 149],
+      [288, 173],
+      [200, 104],
+      [410, 166],
+      [35, 23],
+      [123, 271],
+      [173, 199],
+      [129, 222],
+      [119, 229],
+      [176, 297],
+      [152, 490],
+      [99, 363],
+      [60, 54],
+      [436, 169],
+      [314, 79],
+      [88, 30],
+      [96, 91],
+      [283, 199]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45218, 47150],
+      [-75, -10],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [-60, 35],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-89, 59],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-157, -45],
+      [3, -57],
+      [-57, -58],
+      [-64, -26],
+      [-27, -56],
+      [-49, -19],
+      [-150, 39],
+      [-130, 70],
+      [-60, 6],
+      [-99, -27],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-76, -1],
+      [-46, -47],
+      [-48, 6],
+      [-111, 57],
+      [-6, 54],
+      [-55, 113],
+      [-91, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43602, 47314],
+      [36, 71],
+      [2, 84],
+      [77, 114],
+      [-54, 82],
+      [19, 96],
+      [62, 45],
+      [-77, 108],
+      [39, 77],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [70, 133],
+      [46, 31],
+      [14, 80],
+      [54, 47],
+      [30, 174],
+      [44, 14],
+      [42, 101],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [35, 62],
+      [-115, 91],
+      [-47, 12],
+      [-36, 70],
+      [56, 119],
+      [76, -43],
+      [65, 50],
+      [65, -1],
+      [24, -41],
+      [207, 92],
+      [112, -24],
+      [83, 70],
+      [77, 27],
+      [45, 59],
+      [113, -20],
+      [91, 113],
+      [138, 44],
+      [64, -70],
+      [42, 11],
+      [143, -13],
+      [107, -99],
+      [65, -36],
+      [26, -55],
+      [-10, -137],
+      [50, -15],
+      [46, -70],
+      [2, -130],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [-8, -92],
+      [22, -91],
+      [-37, -89],
+      [3, -73],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [-10, -90],
+      [-84, -88],
+      [47, -84],
+      [-11, -169],
+      [57, -117],
+      [63, -61],
+      [40, 19],
+      [74, -117],
+      [71, -23],
+      [-51, -119],
+      [-59, -37],
+      [-82, 10],
+      [-75, -36],
+      [0, -62],
+      [-36, -90],
+      [-57, -23],
+      [-15, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24462, 5952],
+      [50, -40],
+      [-42, -61],
+      [26, -58],
+      [107, -99],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-112, 76],
+      [-97, 41],
+      [-123, 29],
+      [-2, 57],
+      [104, 3],
+      [47, 62],
+      [51, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25535, 11685],
+      [-51, -228],
+      [-44, -291],
+      [9, -108],
+      [58, -141],
+      [44, -73],
+      [48, -208],
+      [21, -15],
+      [1, -151],
+      [22, -115],
+      [21, -216],
+      [-10, -378]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25647, 9385],
+      [11, -524],
+      [21, -395],
+      [40, -255],
+      [-37, -45],
+      [-69, -25],
+      [-201, -1],
+      [43, 60],
+      [-127, 52],
+      [-130, -8],
+      [-43, 59],
+      [-31, -65],
+      [14, -43],
+      [-490, 44],
+      [-58, -51],
+      [-98, -32],
+      [-68, -49],
+      [-60, -72],
+      [29, -39],
+      [-87, -74],
+      [-33, -190],
+      [57, -74],
+      [11, -75],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-192, -214],
+      [-58, -88],
+      [-9, -69],
+      [-73, -85],
+      [-75, -129],
+      [-39, -19],
+      [-131, -177],
+      [-44, -131],
+      [-56, -55],
+      [-23, -80],
+      [-20, -181],
+      [-30, -59],
+      [57, -106],
+      [90, -110],
+      [118, -109],
+      [96, -65],
+      [97, -26],
+      [78, 6],
+      [54, -27],
+      [-167, -45],
+      [-252, 31],
+      [-117, -17],
+      [-42, -38],
+      [-102, 9],
+      [-227, -87],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [-112, 16],
+      [-49, -36],
+      [13, -52],
+      [-81, -16],
+      [-85, -48],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-208, -25],
+      [-102, -34],
+      [-136, -117],
+      [-169, -129],
+      [-78, -49],
+      [-94, -106],
+      [-51, -119],
+      [-19, -263],
+      [20, -64],
+      [-38, -78],
+      [-117, -170],
+      [0, -61],
+      [83, -54],
+      [-36, -167],
+      [17, -43],
+      [-94, -104],
+      [-50, -78],
+      [-22, -86],
+      [-70, -53],
+      [-94, -43],
+      [-58, -61],
+      [-143, -94],
+      [-195, -73],
+      [-35, -81],
+      [-91, -72],
+      [-59, -22],
+      [-227, -37],
+      [-81, -33],
+      [-37, -37],
+      [2, -68],
+      [-52, -28],
+      [-248, 50],
+      [-161, 53],
+      [-102, 21],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [-260, 177],
+      [-50, 61],
+      [-155, 119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22062, 13868],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [21, -62],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [10, -12],
+      [-1, -3],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [1, -5],
+      [12, -3],
+      [3, -3],
+      [8, -7],
+      [61, -4],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [81, 5],
+      [43, -56],
+      [7, -21],
+      [7, -12],
+      [40, -7],
+      [46, -27],
+      [21, -15],
+      [20, -19],
+      [27, -20],
+      [17, -7],
+      [70, 3],
+      [16, 10],
+      [11, 1],
+      [13, 6],
+      [15, -13],
+      [32, 4],
+      [26, -2],
+      [7, -9],
+      [11, 12],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [6, 2],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-4, 54],
+      [79, 17],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [4, 23],
+      [6, -12],
+      [26, 1],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-15, 14],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [11, 11],
+      [21, -10],
+      [7, -15],
+      [10, -6],
+      [3, -8],
+      [1, -11],
+      [8, 0],
+      [8, 20],
+      [3, -32],
+      [8, -10],
+      [23, -6],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [13, -30],
+      [7, -1],
+      [8, 2],
+      [22, 12],
+      [24, 28],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [6, 18],
+      [9, 13],
+      [4, 13],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [19, 40],
+      [9, 13],
+      [48, 36],
+      [25, 165],
+      [73, 175],
+      [49, 11],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [-14, 35],
+      [19, 3],
+      [-39, 45],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [15, 9],
+      [37, 33],
+      [10, 11],
+      [15, 34],
+      [5, 3],
+      [94, -31],
+      [5, 19],
+      [11, 73],
+      [3, 28],
+      [82, -25],
+      [14, 0],
+      [18, 4],
+      [51, 14],
+      [12, 7],
+      [8, 14],
+      [31, 31],
+      [175, -14],
+      [1, -59],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [6, -13],
+      [18, 0],
+      [56, 7],
+      [16, -3],
+      [4, -7],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-29, -3],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [16, 39],
+      [30, 37],
+      [35, -4],
+      [14, 9],
+      [20, -15],
+      [30, 4],
+      [8, 14],
+      [41, 11],
+      [15, -8],
+      [15, -22],
+      [11, -12],
+      [24, 0],
+      [26, -4],
+      [6, -15],
+      [17, -9],
+      [23, -5],
+      [20, -13],
+      [2, -23],
+      [15, -17],
+      [18, -15],
+      [30, -4],
+      [48, 27],
+      [33, -4],
+      [73, -35],
+      [19, 10],
+      [20, 9],
+      [6, 9],
+      [8, 24],
+      [0, 8],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-16, 35],
+      [21, 16],
+      [4, 16],
+      [14, 23],
+      [4, 18],
+      [9, 11],
+      [20, 2],
+      [11, 2],
+      [16, 13],
+      [26, 87],
+      [37, -3],
+      [2, 18],
+      [7, 16],
+      [9, -4],
+      [3, -11],
+      [8, -11],
+      [11, 9],
+      [13, 1],
+      [9, -7],
+      [3, -26],
+      [2, -14],
+      [25, 5],
+      [7, -11],
+      [23, -8],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [23, -1],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [6, 16],
+      [10, 13],
+      [30, 4],
+      [11, 15],
+      [5, -10],
+      [15, 1],
+      [12, 4],
+      [-5, 87],
+      [30, -16],
+      [8, 10],
+      [5, 12],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [20, 15],
+      [14, 5],
+      [29, 4],
+      [34, -1],
+      [16, -4],
+      [7, 7],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [4, 13],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [53, 19],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [2, 19],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [3, 21],
+      [8, 25],
+      [15, 21],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [1, 13],
+      [15, 15],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [59, 29],
+      [35, 14],
+      [82, 6],
+      [54, -7],
+      [18, -11],
+      [23, -4],
+      [55, 2],
+      [28, -11],
+      [7, -23],
+      [6, -51],
+      [29, -46],
+      [24, -22],
+      [12, -5],
+      [20, -5],
+      [12, 4],
+      [2, 15],
+      [5, 16],
+      [27, 17],
+      [148, 33],
+      [24, -29],
+      [11, -30],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [5, -14],
+      [16, -3],
+      [9, 13],
+      [16, 10],
+      [9, -10],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [23, -19],
+      [13, 15],
+      [13, 3],
+      [9, 9],
+      [6, 19],
+      [10, -2],
+      [8, -10],
+      [13, -6],
+      [11, -22],
+      [2, -17],
+      [13, -7],
+      [17, 22],
+      [12, 2],
+      [35, 28],
+      [9, -1],
+      [13, 2],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-49, 23],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [19, 7],
+      [26, 4],
+      [10, 7],
+      [8, 25],
+      [2, 19],
+      [7, 9],
+      [32, -30],
+      [25, -18],
+      [16, 6],
+      [29, 46],
+      [18, 1],
+      [34, -6],
+      [60, 2],
+      [43, 20],
+      [9, 13],
+      [12, 7],
+      [13, 2],
+      [25, 19],
+      [14, 8],
+      [47, 7],
+      [62, 88],
+      [-46, 70],
+      [40, 9],
+      [17, 10],
+      [10, 12],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [5, 30],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [14, 12],
+      [43, 13],
+      [6, 0],
+      [1, -6],
+      [10, 0],
+      [20, 44],
+      [3, 22],
+      [42, -3],
+      [24, -5],
+      [-102, 98],
+      [10, 6],
+      [30, 7],
+      [15, -9],
+      [7, -8],
+      [26, -4],
+      [10, -4],
+      [25, 1],
+      [12, 19],
+      [19, 5],
+      [13, 5],
+      [4, 3],
+      [5, 4],
+      [42, -28],
+      [18, -40],
+      [6, -4],
+      [2, -3],
+      [45, -7],
+      [26, -15],
+      [11, -11],
+      [15, -12],
+      [17, -16],
+      [141, 7],
+      [96, -80],
+      [17, -76],
+      [22, -16],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-2, 0],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [5, -19],
+      [87, -41],
+      [31, 66],
+      [35, -168],
+      [-6, -129],
+      [-72, -251],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [9, -113],
+      [-49, -86],
+      [-6, -73],
+      [-39, -175],
+      [-26, -206],
+      [-6, -125],
+      [16, -63],
+      [-194, -588],
+      [-19, -124],
+      [-93, -155],
+      [-134, -159],
+      [-89, -166],
+      [-62, -30],
+      [9, -60],
+      [-230, -369],
+      [-83, -196],
+      [-21, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52951, 39244],
+      [-47, -10],
+      [-1, -75],
+      [-64, 8],
+      [-148, 86],
+      [-139, -182],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [-151, 102],
+      [-41, 95],
+      [-47, -5],
+      [-43, -106],
+      [47, -238],
+      [-6, -145],
+      [33, -47],
+      [-77, -81],
+      [1, -54],
+      [-84, 9],
+      [-116, -89],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [-78, -96],
+      [-82, -174],
+      [62, -155],
+      [34, -134],
+      [44, -108],
+      [-25, -37],
+      [-100, -25],
+      [-48, -114],
+      [-61, -44],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [-91, -37],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [-135, 58],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [16, 80],
+      [-85, 166],
+      [12, 32],
+      [-50, 72],
+      [18, 83],
+      [-37, 36],
+      [-70, 124],
+      [-79, 3],
+      [-57, -78],
+      [-10, -164],
+      [67, -215],
+      [-97, 11],
+      [-54, 86],
+      [-50, 130],
+      [-11, 222],
+      [-62, 156],
+      [27, 79],
+      [-38, 25],
+      [-20, 102],
+      [-51, 88],
+      [-13, 96],
+      [-109, 80],
+      [-24, 116],
+      [-54, 48],
+      [-14, 76],
+      [30, 67],
+      [68, -13],
+      [-13, 94],
+      [-94, -2],
+      [-6, 74],
+      [37, 66],
+      [84, -1],
+      [51, 41],
+      [8, 98],
+      [44, 65],
+      [-56, 138],
+      [109, 187],
+      [54, 42],
+      [119, -28],
+      [67, 99],
+      [12, 51],
+      [-42, 69],
+      [-4, 61],
+      [77, 8],
+      [176, -30],
+      [120, -50],
+      [112, 9],
+      [84, 52],
+      [23, 154],
+      [34, 42],
+      [110, -82],
+      [115, -20],
+      [-42, 240],
+      [216, -114],
+      [67, -55],
+      [36, -86],
+      [47, 13],
+      [5, 68],
+      [66, 221],
+      [-48, 158],
+      [81, 47],
+      [38, -57],
+      [53, 18],
+      [-44, 95],
+      [260, -11],
+      [49, 19],
+      [44, 94],
+      [74, 15],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [8, 120],
+      [27, 50],
+      [74, -63],
+      [52, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26133, 51038],
+      [105, -3],
+      [117, -108],
+      [98, -61],
+      [76, 6],
+      [12, -66],
+      [47, -45],
+      [87, -23],
+      [19, -78],
+      [101, -86],
+      [95, 23],
+      [102, -42],
+      [23, -70],
+      [77, -52],
+      [33, 20],
+      [-40, 204],
+      [80, 59],
+      [111, -25],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [69, -51],
+      [87, -12],
+      [139, -153],
+      [117, -5],
+      [37, -84],
+      [156, -74],
+      [45, 29],
+      [72, -28],
+      [-6, -74],
+      [85, -25],
+      [76, -47],
+      [45, 45],
+      [176, -160],
+      [288, -56],
+      [53, -83],
+      [-4, -83],
+      [193, -212],
+      [-6, -147],
+      [117, 20],
+      [9, 80],
+      [78, -5],
+      [80, -33],
+      [6, -45],
+      [75, -52],
+      [-12, -83],
+      [151, -77],
+      [212, -128],
+      [129, -17],
+      [226, -192],
+      [63, -14],
+      [151, -101],
+      [145, 174],
+      [226, -15],
+      [115, -133],
+      [68, 3],
+      [119, -54],
+      [209, -161],
+      [140, -71],
+      [77, -92],
+      [103, -56],
+      [54, -5],
+      [94, 32],
+      [55, -11],
+      [141, 47],
+      [220, 25],
+      [29, -68],
+      [-9, -57],
+      [51, -51],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [49, -69],
+      [-39, -96],
+      [26, -56],
+      [-32, -45],
+      [147, -16],
+      [73, 12],
+      [208, -2],
+      [54, -76],
+      [176, -44],
+      [287, 20],
+      [52, -8],
+      [49, -69],
+      [136, -94],
+      [-15, -42],
+      [64, -72],
+      [127, 13],
+      [79, 83],
+      [38, 69],
+      [-48, 85],
+      [40, 35],
+      [-29, 51],
+      [497, -23],
+      [476, -231],
+      [55, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20616, 54679],
+      [159, 13],
+      [84, -59],
+      [82, -106],
+      [89, -33],
+      [134, -78],
+      [230, -80],
+      [27, -38],
+      [-55, -57],
+      [-18, -67],
+      [-167, -214],
+      [-74, 15],
+      [-62, -124],
+      [34, -33],
+      [-72, -88],
+      [-2, -82],
+      [-49, -55],
+      [33, -50],
+      [-65, -106],
+      [59, -33],
+      [27, -101],
+      [49, -56],
+      [-15, -160],
+      [87, -42],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [92, -23],
+      [87, 69],
+      [57, -9],
+      [90, 39],
+      [10, -64],
+      [70, -104],
+      [17, -133],
+      [-13, -70],
+      [118, -6],
+      [25, 96],
+      [76, 15],
+      [27, 58],
+      [165, 126],
+      [61, 71],
+      [83, -14],
+      [158, 124],
+      [63, 89],
+      [119, -51],
+      [224, -76],
+      [43, -116],
+      [9, -93],
+      [42, -62],
+      [101, -100],
+      [139, -76],
+      [118, -90],
+      [73, 0],
+      [86, -58],
+      [220, -56],
+      [76, -8],
+      [-8, -75],
+      [-88, -88],
+      [-93, -36],
+      [-66, -63],
+      [-59, 16],
+      [-70, -46],
+      [4, -39],
+      [190, -140],
+      [38, 19],
+      [72, -26],
+      [78, -108],
+      [12, -91],
+      [87, -32],
+      [49, 37],
+      [75, -113],
+      [26, 75],
+      [133, 7],
+      [61, -47],
+      [91, -28],
+      [-16, -87],
+      [67, -71],
+      [7, -82],
+      [78, 31],
+      [74, -52],
+      [91, -97],
+      [155, -29],
+      [114, -46],
+      [-13, -108],
+      [35, -69],
+      [211, 17],
+      [57, 63],
+      [45, -27],
+      [-6, -76],
+      [91, 48],
+      [59, 2],
+      [103, -44],
+      [96, 71],
+      [142, 29],
+      [63, -46],
+      [-3, -89],
+      [105, 28],
+      [-19, -85],
+      [106, -53],
+      [51, -48],
+      [38, -89],
+      [129, -22],
+      [56, 47],
+      [59, 106],
+      [-32, 39],
+      [72, 82],
+      [30, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23571, 56655],
+      [21, 17],
+      [30, 165],
+      [111, 44],
+      [57, 101],
+      [60, 63],
+      [7, 68],
+      [43, 34],
+      [159, -77],
+      [107, -154],
+      [97, -81],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [60, -55],
+      [-31, -98],
+      [63, -21],
+      [57, -114],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [38, -74],
+      [56, -45],
+      [125, -26],
+      [21, -83],
+      [33, -13],
+      [15, -91],
+      [184, 9],
+      [90, -116],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [118, -69],
+      [152, 96],
+      [94, -9],
+      [108, 57],
+      [140, -67],
+      [100, 4],
+      [55, -124],
+      [77, -77],
+      [59, 0],
+      [117, -57],
+      [66, -55],
+      [42, 1],
+      [66, -103],
+      [64, -46],
+      [124, 75],
+      [56, -59],
+      [12, -53],
+      [71, 4],
+      [32, -57],
+      [-39, -101],
+      [-86, -63],
+      [63, -57],
+      [4, -145],
+      [64, -39],
+      [83, 21],
+      [199, -111],
+      [71, 10],
+      [51, -59],
+      [135, -35],
+      [100, -68],
+      [55, 14],
+      [24, 50],
+      [59, -15],
+      [122, -85],
+      [26, 1],
+      [155, -101],
+      [62, -62],
+      [29, -63],
+      [85, -65],
+      [439, -132],
+      [-73, -57],
+      [-107, -5],
+      [-142, -155],
+      [35, -84],
+      [-73, -70],
+      [-86, -29],
+      [-150, -209],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-95, -97],
+      [-160, 1],
+      [-64, -82],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [-42, -95],
+      [-102, -70],
+      [-32, -64],
+      [-63, 16],
+      [-124, -24],
+      [-48, -96],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [44, -151],
+      [71, -55],
+      [10, -49],
+      [-29, -81],
+      [-149, -197],
+      [-97, -50],
+      [14, -81],
+      [-124, -15],
+      [-10, -81],
+      [74, -45],
+      [-9, -66],
+      [57, -92],
+      [43, -19],
+      [-27, -70],
+      [-23, -203],
+      [-79, -23],
+      [33, -99],
+      [-87, -61],
+      [-108, 44],
+      [-88, -79],
+      [-35, -98],
+      [-3, -127],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-83, -136],
+      [14, -183],
+      [13, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44659, 34322],
+      [71, -38],
+      [2, -95],
+      [-108, 31],
+      [35, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45400, 34340],
+      [127, -65],
+      [17, -63],
+      [-101, -5],
+      [-57, 63],
+      [14, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45168, 34409],
+      [16, -62],
+      [46, -25],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-15, -36],
+      [-71, 39],
+      [10, 80],
+      [36, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44746, 34412],
+      [103, -64],
+      [6, -52],
+      [-81, -57],
+      [-29, 57],
+      [-58, 30],
+      [59, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45262, 34446],
+      [5, -78],
+      [53, -64],
+      [-92, -37],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [18, 20],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-6, 79],
+      [80, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45689, 34419],
+      [49, 8],
+      [15, -43],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-69, 10],
+      [21, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44833, 34535],
+      [49, -117],
+      [-14, -53],
+      [-77, 39],
+      [42, 131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45730, 34567],
+      [21, -131],
+      [65, 9],
+      [11, -111],
+      [-63, -6],
+      [-14, 90],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-51, -4],
+      [-31, 131],
+      [46, -7],
+      [28, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45339, 34569],
+      [-22, -118],
+      [-42, 20],
+      [-41, -2],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [63, 1],
+      [6, 17],
+      [96, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44249, 34569],
+      [87, -61],
+      [7, -71],
+      [-36, -65],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [24, 84],
+      [-12, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44563, 34576],
+      [37, -81],
+      [-43, -125],
+      [-67, 72],
+      [-2, 89],
+      [75, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45098, 34584],
+      [13, -60],
+      [82, -75],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-83, 105],
+      [22, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44015, 34603],
+      [26, -48],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [39, -17],
+      [20, 3],
+      [15, -69],
+      [-58, -73],
+      [-52, 184],
+      [51, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45894, 34604],
+      [72, -127],
+      [2, -69],
+      [-95, -38],
+      [-52, 54],
+      [1, 102],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [90, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45715, 34616],
+      [92, -63],
+      [-4, -89],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [-40, 126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44765, 34638],
+      [55, -9],
+      [34, -77],
+      [-44, -15],
+      [3, -63],
+      [-58, -59],
+      [-53, 167],
+      [63, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45507, 34659],
+      [67, -45],
+      [62, -84],
+      [-44, -131],
+      [-79, 65],
+      [-28, 77],
+      [22, 118]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44472, 34626],
+      [35, -66],
+      [-33, -27],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [46, -74],
+      [-98, -34],
+      [-17, 156],
+      [42, 41],
+      [30, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44051, 34698],
+      [111, -18],
+      [2, -61],
+      [86, -130],
+      [-40, -81],
+      [-4, -171],
+      [-95, 2],
+      [-7, 65],
+      [-61, 64],
+      [38, 37],
+      [-4, 77],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [4, 20],
+      [44, 26],
+      [-20, 40],
+      [20, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45604, 34697],
+      [83, -27],
+      [16, -119],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-61, 44],
+      [11, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44368, 34702],
+      [0, -97],
+      [72, -20],
+      [-88, -61],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [25, 39],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [50, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45775, 34704],
+      [112, -81],
+      [-77, -29],
+      [-35, 110]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45394, 34707],
+      [65, -10],
+      [-47, -107],
+      [2, -62],
+      [42, -106],
+      [-45, -52],
+      [-67, 45],
+      [31, 72],
+      [-14, 85],
+      [-71, 6],
+      [15, 90],
+      [49, 3],
+      [40, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44845, 34734],
+      [3, -38],
+      [8, -21],
+      [64, -27],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-51, 115],
+      [29, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45763, 34752],
+      [11, -161],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-22, 101],
+      [72, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44906, 34763],
+      [30, -39],
+      [-5, -78],
+      [-77, 39],
+      [7, 54],
+      [7, 12],
+      [38, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44573, 34759],
+      [36, 6],
+      [-17, -125],
+      [-26, -61],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-22, 143],
+      [78, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45140, 34802],
+      [23, -61],
+      [71, -51],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [52, -18],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [13, -31],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-34, -2],
+      [-27, 13],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [52, -37],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-80, 73],
+      [-36, 125],
+      [47, 146]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44762, 34809],
+      [55, -38],
+      [-15, -78],
+      [-83, -96],
+      [-45, 74],
+      [1, 51],
+      [87, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44492, 34811],
+      [40, -51],
+      [-86, -104],
+      [-39, 82],
+      [85, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45386, 34795],
+      [5, -86],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-57, 41],
+      [93, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45297, 34658],
+      [-68, -27],
+      [18, 118],
+      [43, -27],
+      [7, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45579, 34845],
+      [9, -6],
+      [33, -2],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [12, -8],
+      [-39, -84],
+      [-10, 58],
+      [-34, 77],
+      [20, 6],
+      [18, 18],
+      [29, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45635, 34894],
+      [12, -18],
+      [15, -32],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-76, -77],
+      [11, 29],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [21, 18],
+      [12, 33],
+      [9, 6],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [18, 4],
+      [5, 18],
+      [14, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44293, 34926],
+      [46, -14],
+      [21, -136],
+      [40, -20],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [12, -68],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-4, 100],
+      [-48, 70],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [-9, 31],
+      [13, 15],
+      [41, 21],
+      [51, 17],
+      [51, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45447, 34936],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [48, -13],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [12, -39],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [38, -60],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-123, 44],
+      [9, 155],
+      [37, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43866, 34959],
+      [45, -104],
+      [30, -197],
+      [-38, -121],
+      [3, -92],
+      [-87, -62],
+      [-162, 54],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [16, 101],
+      [38, 39],
+      [24, 101],
+      [109, 202],
+      [33, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45300, 34967],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [7, -11],
+      [21, 17],
+      [10, -9],
+      [56, -8],
+      [-18, -89],
+      [-58, -29],
+      [-63, 42],
+      [24, 80],
+      [27, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45718, 35001],
+      [114, -71],
+      [-24, -104],
+      [-96, -31],
+      [-55, 87],
+      [62, 64],
+      [-1, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44932, 35011],
+      [68, -67],
+      [-31, -194],
+      [-36, 20],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [-56, 74],
+      [59, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44801, 35011],
+      [31, -21],
+      [-29, -133],
+      [-71, 42],
+      [21, 49],
+      [48, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44547, 35028],
+      [31, -26],
+      [51, -20],
+      [15, -80],
+      [-80, -66],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-110, 71],
+      [17, 93],
+      [37, 33],
+      [6, 37],
+      [35, -4],
+      [24, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45144, 35033],
+      [19, -18],
+      [46, -6],
+      [8, -23],
+      [14, -18],
+      [38, -32],
+      [-53, -149],
+      [-55, -15],
+      [-65, 111],
+      [48, 150]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44972, 35067],
+      [59, -20],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [-65, 48],
+      [36, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45404, 35058],
+      [110, -8],
+      [62, 31],
+      [125, -66],
+      [-15, -84],
+      [-36, -50],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-27, -21],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-26, 93],
+      [-28, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45156, 35090],
+      [19, -28],
+      [49, 16],
+      [99, -16],
+      [32, -39],
+      [-38, -60],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [13, 14],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-74, 53],
+      [15, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45204, 35201],
+      [9, -48],
+      [110, -77],
+      [-83, 12],
+      [-64, -13],
+      [-23, 40],
+      [6, 83],
+      [45, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45016, 35292],
+      [123, -43],
+      [-83, -133],
+      [-98, 20],
+      [3, 102],
+      [55, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43876, 35309],
+      [-119, -217],
+      [-91, -40],
+      [53, 174],
+      [52, 48],
+      [105, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45352, 35293],
+      [191, -15],
+      [17, -193],
+      [-112, -24],
+      [-69, 48],
+      [-109, 8],
+      [-52, 36],
+      [-4, 53],
+      [25, 75],
+      [88, 35],
+      [25, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45550, 35352],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [-55, -9],
+      [-50, 66],
+      [107, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45799, 35365],
+      [54, -4],
+      [60, -82],
+      [22, -63],
+      [-32, -120],
+      [-72, -18],
+      [-68, 54],
+      [41, 59],
+      [-97, 44],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [39, 77],
+      [66, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45350, 35388],
+      [44, -78],
+      [-113, 24],
+      [69, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45479, 35430],
+      [23, -77],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-68, 46],
+      [112, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45332, 35445],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-72, 25],
+      [68, 101],
+      [54, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45363, 35532],
+      [65, -13],
+      [41, -83],
+      [-62, -19],
+      [-71, 27],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [41, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45467, 35634],
+      [46, -5],
+      [81, -129],
+      [-13, -41],
+      [-98, -8],
+      [-57, 77],
+      [41, 106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45654, 35685],
+      [77, -95],
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+      [-55, -136],
+      [41, -51],
+      [-26, -48],
+      [16, -69],
+      [47, -40],
+      [2, -66],
+      [59, -46],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-134, 81],
+      [-41, 121],
+      [7, 37],
+      [-31, 123],
+      [63, 79],
+      [-46, 83],
+      [22, 63],
+      [67, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45768, 35708],
+      [24, -8],
+      [21, -109],
+      [59, -36],
+      [-40, -90],
+      [17, -89],
+      [-167, 13],
+      [39, 42],
+      [35, 141],
+      [-52, 123],
+      [64, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45094, 35730],
+      [80, -34],
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+      [53, -53],
+      [-50, -54],
+      [-67, -31],
+      [-103, -98],
+      [-1, -70],
+      [90, -50],
+      [-20, -75],
+      [-125, 43],
+      [-25, 132],
+      [-40, 57],
+      [42, 132],
+      [93, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45422, 35685],
+      [12, -107],
+      [-113, -41],
+      [-108, -102],
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+      [-80, 49],
+      [72, 63],
+      [30, 69],
+      [48, 17],
+      [78, 82],
+      [58, -31],
+      [26, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45615, 35768],
+      [48, -8],
+      [15, -64],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [51, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45352, 35903],
+      [28, -98],
+      [-54, -30],
+      [31, -108],
+      [-57, -7],
+      [-51, 38],
+      [-41, 10],
+      [11, 72],
+      [47, 47],
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+      [13, 2],
+      [3, 7],
+      [43, 51]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-12, 56],
+      [-135, 59],
+      [51, 48],
+      [-3, 54],
+      [-49, 71],
+      [6, 86],
+      [23, 59],
+      [30, -2],
+      [40, 12]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-41, -100],
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+      [-11, 95],
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+      [-46, 93],
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+      [66, 50]
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+      [11, -16],
+      [7, -33],
+      [17, -25],
+      [-8, -52],
+      [36, -28],
+      [-80, -54],
+      [-5, 63],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [0, 198],
+      [13, 73],
+      [67, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45588, 36555],
+      [79, -33],
+      [49, -159],
+      [37, -34],
+      [-13, -65],
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+      [-9, -90],
+      [-35, -44],
+      [-12, -102],
+      [-80, 59],
+      [-23, 101],
+      [43, 28],
+      [22, 32],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [-32, 38],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-19, 25],
+      [9, 25],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [38, 72],
+      [-39, 106],
+      [53, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45218, 47150],
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+      [96, -21],
+      [19, -163],
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+      [5, -124],
+      [36, 10],
+      [49, 76],
+      [77, -39],
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+      [94, 40],
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+      [40, -87],
+      [-5, -54],
+      [60, -63],
+      [100, 29],
+      [33, -30],
+      [137, 18],
+      [149, 85],
+      [142, 20],
+      [11, -46],
+      [129, -17],
+      [25, -65],
+      [81, -8],
+      [71, 37],
+      [275, -109],
+      [-26, -57],
+      [135, -23],
+      [114, -38],
+      [48, -50],
+      [67, 37],
+      [109, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47344, 44879],
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+      [-51, 23],
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+      [-57, -90],
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+      [41, -108],
+      [-143, -86],
+      [-9, -122],
+      [-51, -32],
+      [-29, 68],
+      [-171, 9],
+      [-75, 40],
+      [-79, 11],
+      [-75, -29],
+      [-76, 68],
+      [-147, 62],
+      [-17, 89],
+      [-52, 47],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [-83, 47],
+      [-43, 88],
+      [14, 128],
+      [-80, 125],
+      [66, 23],
+      [-80, 77],
+      [-10, 120],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [-59, -5],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [-62, 8],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [-56, 25],
+      [-29, -73],
+      [-58, -57],
+      [-16, -69],
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+      [-7, -72],
+      [55, -26],
+      [84, 6],
+      [-20, -111],
+      [-210, -1],
+      [-59, 101],
+      [-119, 5],
+      [-62, -125],
+      [-74, 54],
+      [6, 95],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [-93, -26],
+      [0, 77],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-115, -20],
+      [-25, 89],
+      [-79, 102],
+      [-115, 51],
+      [-88, 18],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-54, 53],
+      [-72, 24],
+      [-13, 57],
+      [-119, 23],
+      [-32, 184],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-51, -77],
+      [-55, -189],
+      [-40, -77],
+      [62, -55],
+      [27, 75],
+      [86, -35],
+      [155, -27],
+      [22, -102],
+      [68, -100],
+      [-36, -32],
+      [-143, -6],
+      [-90, -92],
+      [-113, -81],
+      [2, -143],
+      [-71, -43],
+      [-153, -28],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-116, -59],
+      [-11, -85],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [58, -68],
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+      [-43, -126],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [45, -75],
+      [15, -74],
+      [-19, -55],
+      [115, -112],
+      [63, 53],
+      [35, -23],
+      [149, 45],
+      [4, -65],
+      [234, -158],
+      [-8, -39],
+      [71, -59],
+      [109, -20],
+      [-18, -110],
+      [53, -74],
+      [174, -150],
+      [160, -48],
+      [89, -57],
+      [78, -1],
+      [22, 60],
+      [68, 11],
+      [57, -23],
+      [68, 71],
+      [36, -80],
+      [38, -4],
+      [23, -74],
+      [-34, -126],
+      [40, -16],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [135, -61],
+      [31, -63],
+      [82, -2],
+      [72, -28],
+      [-68, -80],
+      [1, -96],
+      [-46, -45],
+      [-32, -76],
+      [-56, 40],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-62, 65],
+      [-97, -87],
+      [-124, 30],
+      [-84, 56],
+      [-85, -21],
+      [-124, 11],
+      [-84, -62],
+      [-49, 41],
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+      [22, -108],
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+      [-7, 58],
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+      [59, -124],
+      [-122, -118],
+      [-98, -145],
+      [-16, -80],
+      [-104, -102],
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+      [135, -212],
+      [89, -92],
+      [61, -36],
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+      [141, -34],
+      [101, 20],
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+      [-71, -73],
+      [24, -108],
+      [58, -147],
+      [10, -164],
+      [-18, -162],
+      [-146, -71],
+      [-74, -52],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-103, -32],
+      [57, -99],
+      [-46, -65],
+      [-13, -121],
+      [-23, -50],
+      [21, -103],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [69, -44],
+      [-12, -61],
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+      [80, 39],
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+      [-58, -44],
+      [23, -71],
+      [-110, -58],
+      [59, -54],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [108, -33],
+      [35, -48],
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+      [37, 65],
+      [48, -46],
+      [134, 12],
+      [105, -92],
+      [-52, -48],
+      [-14, -71],
+      [-75, -75],
+      [-60, -23],
+      [-8, -63],
+      [27, -92],
+      [-22, -140],
+      [63, -45],
+      [26, -166],
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+      [-91, -17],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-22, -109],
+      [-16, -152],
+      [-6, -159],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-16, -7],
+      [-29, -67],
+      [4, -104],
+      [-26, -18],
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+      [9, 47],
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+      [-21, -20],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [-60, -50],
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+      [-7, -73],
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+      [-2, 39],
+      [-57, 59],
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+      [-15, 32],
+      [10, 75],
+      [-5, 103],
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+      [-29, 51],
+      [-75, 75],
+      [-39, 72],
+      [-55, 57],
+      [1, 85],
+      [-30, 76],
+      [-23, 17]
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+      [-10, -65]
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+      [-48, -23],
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+      [70, 66]
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+      [36, -26],
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+      [-52, -7]
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+      [-16, 77],
+      [90, 49],
+      [36, 2],
+      [34, 105],
+      [35, 53],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [30, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3079, 5528],
+      [30, 39],
+      [90, 56],
+      [73, 9],
+      [42, 21],
+      [49, 2],
+      [85, 35],
+      [53, 53],
+      [43, -18],
+      [22, 97],
+      [36, 27],
+      [17, 38],
+      [-7, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3612, 5926],
+      [-18, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3594, 5931],
+      [-13, 19],
+      [12, 39],
+      [5, 33],
+      [5, 66],
+      [0, 13],
+      [12, 20],
+      [12, 14],
+      [42, 14],
+      [79, 16],
+      [122, -3],
+      [31, 1],
+      [36, 7],
+      [6, 0],
+      [19, 8],
+      [24, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3986, 6191],
+      [17, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4003, 6211],
+      [75, -50],
+      [61, -19],
+      [67, 15],
+      [86, 2],
+      [118, -31],
+      [49, -25],
+      [123, -37],
+      [135, 3],
+      [37, -6],
+      [153, 2],
+      [36, 7],
+      [172, 3],
+      [79, 14],
+      [172, 2],
+      [18, 6],
+      [295, 2],
+      [122, 14],
+      [57, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4563, 4281],
+      [113, -45],
+      [72, -45],
+      [55, -59],
+      [42, -78],
+      [19, -78],
+      [102, -267],
+      [23, -32],
+      [65, -137],
+      [94, -117],
+      [18, -78],
+      [5, -103],
+      [29, -46],
+      [169, -98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5369, 3098],
+      [0, -38],
+      [57, -117],
+      [11, -52],
+      [52, -39],
+      [106, -1],
+      [35, -13],
+      [78, -259],
+      [23, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5731, 2546],
+      [33, -117],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [144, -131],
+      [46, -52],
+      [5, -65],
+      [-38, -197],
+      [41, -26],
+      [35, -51],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [-23, -25],
+      [-85, 2],
+      [-45, -43],
+      [-44, -23],
+      [-26, -93],
+      [-43, -55],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-40, 19],
+      [-86, 13],
+      [-57, -37],
+      [-47, 26],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-74, -50],
+      [7, -58],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [0, -51],
+      [-51, -32],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-98, 32],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-81, 64],
+      [-103, -5],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [-23, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3389, 3329],
+      [52, 20],
+      [94, -12],
+      [64, 47],
+      [47, 14],
+      [58, 47],
+      [-7, 104],
+      [-31, 58],
+      [5, 46],
+      [29, 20],
+      [166, -95],
+      [75, 39],
+      [5, 33],
+      [-19, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3376, 7814],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-71, -50],
+      [-10, -86],
+      [-59, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3236, 7607],
+      [-68, 10],
+      [-129, -52],
+      [-36, -28],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [-56, -2],
+      [-57, 18],
+      [-60, 65],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [-52, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2688, 7700],
+      [-32, 122],
+      [-92, 98],
+      [-64, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2358, 8751],
+      [41, -12],
+      [54, 31],
+      [46, -5],
+      [-8, -93],
+      [18, -90],
+      [4, -85],
+      [17, -44],
+      [33, -154],
+      [37, -48],
+      [77, -64],
+      [52, -26],
+      [113, -32],
+      [211, -22],
+      [112, -26],
+      [28, -25],
+      [5, -42],
+      [35, -89],
+      [95, -87],
+      [48, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6267, 8533],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [12, -55],
+      [-16, -76],
+      [16, -27],
+      [55, -21],
+      [5, -73],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-84, -17],
+      [-64, -52],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-40, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6112, 8055],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-43, -66],
+      [-30, -78],
+      [-61, -72],
+      [-18, -150],
+      [-56, -32],
+      [-136, 29],
+      [-113, -12],
+      [-82, -45],
+      [-86, -104],
+      [-109, -53],
+      [-71, 19],
+      [-79, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5209, 7485],
+      [-29, 52],
+      [-81, 63],
+      [-88, 44],
+      [-16, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4995, 7694],
+      [119, -10],
+      [50, 17],
+      [2, 94],
+      [-53, 171],
+      [-19, 80],
+      [179, -20],
+      [59, 23],
+      [77, 56],
+      [39, 16],
+      [37, -16],
+      [74, 61],
+      [11, 54],
+      [-18, 18],
+      [21, 60],
+      [105, 91],
+      [53, 57],
+      [29, 5],
+      [183, 84],
+      [141, 17],
+      [87, -31],
+      [96, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2161, 6964],
+      [27, -45],
+      [38, -12],
+      [63, 22],
+      [103, -56],
+      [69, 9],
+      [-2, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2459, 6929],
+      [18, 20],
+      [69, -4],
+      [65, -63],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [20, -38],
+      [131, 6],
+      [70, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2789, 6799],
+      [1, -40],
+      [26, -31],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [47, -96],
+      [-18, -40],
+      [-62, 3],
+      [20, -45],
+      [81, -21],
+      [52, -63],
+      [16, -103],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-58, 75],
+      [17, 60],
+      [-169, 3],
+      [15, -91],
+      [-37, -15],
+      [8, -71],
+      [-112, -33],
+      [64, -29],
+      [-11, -105],
+      [52, -94],
+      [16, -95],
+      [-67, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2546, 5849],
+      [-101, 32],
+      [-52, 29],
+      [-57, 3],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-121, 7],
+      [-66, 67],
+      [-78, 29],
+      [-117, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1886, 6085],
+      [30, 61],
+      [84, -10],
+      [38, 9],
+      [5, 106],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-39, 5],
+      [-91, 36],
+      [-20, 26],
+      [19, 40],
+      [77, 3],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [44, 35],
+      [5, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1967, 6480],
+      [12, 20],
+      [97, -23],
+      [42, 61],
+      [11, 67],
+      [-40, 58],
+      [-65, 44],
+      [-29, 99],
+      [-55, 111],
+      [43, 34],
+      [35, -65],
+      [49, 35],
+      [24, 48],
+      [70, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6263, 1267],
+      [62, -24],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [-103, -100],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-60, -33],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-174, -63],
+      [-5, 76],
+      [34, -10],
+      [119, 46],
+      [39, 36],
+      [65, 21],
+      [9, 96],
+      [56, -32],
+      [138, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5731, 2546],
+      [99, -7],
+      [64, -40],
+      [34, -52],
+      [46, -39],
+      [53, 19],
+      [78, 76],
+      [77, 38],
+      [34, -58],
+      [2, -163],
+      [-7, -77],
+      [-19, -39],
+      [5, -45],
+      [109, -125],
+      [40, -27],
+      [93, -14],
+      [95, 55],
+      [49, 77],
+      [36, 18],
+      [75, -41],
+      [-9, -84],
+      [21, -98],
+      [63, -28],
+      [28, -66],
+      [51, -54],
+      [4, -52],
+      [-36, -25],
+      [51, -47],
+      [21, -79],
+      [4, -193],
+      [5, -57],
+      [29, -46],
+      [56, -9],
+      [46, -40],
+      [28, -1],
+      [51, -60],
+      [46, 37],
+      [12, 37],
+      [57, -8],
+      [103, -99],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [11, -83],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [-6, -69],
+      [6, -89],
+      [-17, -87],
+      [63, 17],
+      [58, -21],
+      [40, 23],
+      [23, -19],
+      [46, -2],
+      [10, -101],
+      [75, -3],
+      [23, 37],
+      [51, -21],
+      [17, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7662, 618],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [130, -118],
+      [22, -77],
+      [85, -91],
+      [-16, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7860, 254],
+      [-67, -32],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-37, 52],
+      [-66, 46],
+      [-58, -3],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-130, -1],
+      [-52, -17],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-44, 68],
+      [-69, -27],
+      [-47, 61],
+      [-42, -12],
+      [-122, 18],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [-11, 64],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [-10, 53],
+      [20, 53],
+      [-43, 38],
+      [-40, 95],
+      [12, 127],
+      [-13, 92],
+      [-26, 83],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [-77, 92],
+      [-128, 25],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-81, -35],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-39, -38],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-113, -26],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-22, -22],
+      [-21, -90],
+      [-53, -42],
+      [-67, 24],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-61, -26],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-44, -15],
+      [-64, -66],
+      [-115, -11],
+      [-31, 57],
+      [-83, 5],
+      [-46, 78],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-87, 35],
+      [-99, -32],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [-49, 25],
+      [-61, 59],
+      [-13, 77],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-208, 89],
+      [-66, 43],
+      [-81, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1727, 5881],
+      [28, -62],
+      [-22, -59],
+      [-68, -59],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-92, -28],
+      [-38, -33],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-27, -27],
+      [54, -93],
+      [39, -43],
+      [61, -43],
+      [78, -24],
+      [139, -133],
+      [55, -32],
+      [37, -83],
+      [41, -70],
+      [46, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1992, 4939],
+      [-27, -88],
+      [-62, -87],
+      [17, -68],
+      [-15, -36],
+      [-64, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1841, 4619],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [16, 33],
+      [-63, 65],
+      [3, 49],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-147, 148],
+      [-218, 160],
+      [-125, 5],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [31, 32],
+      [-13, 37],
+      [30, 36],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [-79, 84],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [-64, 102],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-16, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [879, 5626],
+      [13, 116],
+      [30, 72],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [99, 9],
+      [33, 20],
+      [76, -52],
+      [65, 10],
+      [52, -29],
+      [67, -59],
+      [95, -33],
+      [94, -1],
+      [68, 33],
+      [83, -23],
+      [18, 63],
+      [-34, 62],
+      [89, 29],
+      [32, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7130, 4307],
+      [77, -29],
+      [101, -62],
+      [72, -29],
+      [125, -69],
+      [119, -50],
+      [84, -49],
+      [60, -22],
+      [125, -189],
+      [35, -84],
+      [71, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7999, 3632],
+      [-56, -252],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [-30, -136],
+      [-28, -90],
+      [16, -46],
+      [52, -47],
+      [-2, -46],
+      [22, -151],
+      [-2, -45],
+      [-80, -149],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [33, -60],
+      [-52, -70],
+      [-68, -51],
+      [-92, -43],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [-8, -46],
+      [64, -28],
+      [27, -53],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [-62, -57],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [12, -111],
+      [-7, -137],
+      [-28, -84],
+      [-29, -122],
+      [-11, -110],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-4, -104],
+      [62, -53],
+      [17, -33],
+      [-2, -84],
+      [-30, -31],
+      [41, -46],
+      [-47, -55],
+      [0, -38],
+      [45, -59],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-24, -144]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5369, 3098],
+      [30, 20],
+      [58, -1],
+      [-5, 65],
+      [1, 143],
+      [19, 71],
+      [-6, 32],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-23, 130],
+      [-59, 91],
+      [6, 65],
+      [30, 72],
+      [60, 71],
+      [89, 0],
+      [185, 45],
+      [125, -20],
+      [114, 12],
+      [54, 26],
+      [13, 46],
+      [8, 98],
+      [-3, 158],
+      [25, 40],
+      [116, 45],
+      [148, 85],
+      [75, 79],
+      [93, 46],
+      [49, 39],
+      [190, -75],
+      [113, -51],
+      [231, -121],
+      [60, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1886, 6085],
+      [-57, 5],
+      [-8, -110],
+      [-75, -3],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [23, -69],
+      [-18, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [879, 5626],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [-71, 134],
+      [-41, 7],
+      [20, 86],
+      [50, 46],
+      [7, 90],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [-29, -12],
+      [-26, 86],
+      [30, 5],
+      [7, 64],
+      [84, -2],
+      [32, -12],
+      [-11, 75],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [12, 64],
+      [90, 59],
+      [14, 38],
+      [-10, 47],
+      [30, 33],
+      [58, -22],
+      [56, 24],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [24, 23],
+      [-26, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1089, 6694],
+      [76, -57],
+      [86, -99],
+      [61, -109],
+      [43, -17],
+      [-14, -54],
+      [84, -22],
+      [67, 10],
+      [4, 47],
+      [50, 16],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [127, 46],
+      [11, 67],
+      [84, -3],
+      [11, 80],
+      [47, -45],
+      [32, 1],
+      [27, -45],
+      [72, -71],
+      [25, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2541, 3496],
+      [42, -5],
+      [22, -24],
+      [36, 19],
+      [29, -12],
+      [21, -63],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-34, 39],
+      [-48, 24],
+      [1, 34],
+      [-25, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3211, 4209],
+      [-43, -85],
+      [-65, -23],
+      [-69, -62],
+      [4, -84],
+      [26, -83],
+      [-15, -66],
+      [42, -17],
+      [58, 36],
+      [13, -52],
+      [30, -31],
+      [78, -36],
+      [25, -51],
+      [-40, -66],
+      [1, -33],
+      [36, -44],
+      [9, -135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3100, 3368],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-152, -115],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-7, 57],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-107, -17],
+      [-7, 58],
+      [10, 44],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [-10, 85],
+      [-95, -47],
+      [-44, 7],
+      [-33, -65],
+      [36, -51],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-13, -95],
+      [-119, -7],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-62, 69],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [-30, 38],
+      [8, 55],
+      [-74, 84],
+      [-29, -8],
+      [-15, 63],
+      [-69, 39],
+      [-3, 335],
+      [-170, 0],
+      [-2, 267],
+      [86, 248],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [-80, 134],
+      [-21, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1992, 4939],
+      [37, 46],
+      [18, 78],
+      [52, 140],
+      [62, 10],
+      [93, -1],
+      [61, 23],
+      [56, -3],
+      [60, -61],
+      [130, 1],
+      [112, -103],
+      [62, -10],
+      [61, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1089, 6694],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-32, 76],
+      [14, 118],
+      [74, 6],
+      [89, 50],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-69, -19],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-32, -18],
+      [-67, 4],
+      [-72, -23],
+      [-65, 102],
+      [-67, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [752, 7171],
+      [67, 66],
+      [44, 97],
+      [97, 4],
+      [22, 19],
+      [-11, 62],
+      [60, 50],
+      [46, 4],
+      [49, -34],
+      [52, 11],
+      [159, -1],
+      [84, 26],
+      [63, -67],
+      [86, -20],
+      [90, 12],
+      [13, 92],
+      [26, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1699, 7500],
+      [21, -31],
+      [51, 9],
+      [53, -23],
+      [143, -18],
+      [34, -39],
+      [10, -72],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-8, -114],
+      [-42, -61],
+      [151, -95],
+      [27, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2546, 5849],
+      [2, -57],
+      [-29, -65],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [38, -17],
+      [114, -13],
+      [42, 34],
+      [10, 70],
+      [57, 3],
+      [23, 33],
+      [32, -11],
+      [40, -67],
+      [-17, -59],
+      [32, -30],
+      [75, -41],
+      [11, 52],
+      [63, -22],
+      [1, -52],
+      [44, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3520, 6875],
+      [15, -66],
+      [-51, -154]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3484, 6655],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [-5, -66],
+      [-47, -35],
+      [-74, -4],
+      [-48, -35],
+      [-36, -8],
+      [-50, 10],
+      [-30, -28],
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+      [-76, -3]
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+      [-125, 113]
+    ],
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+    ],
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+      [-29, -37]
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+      [48, -60],
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+      [-43, 30],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [-60, 85]
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+      [-60, 17],
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+      [-7, 93],
+      [-46, 21],
+      [-48, -8]
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+      [-2, 58]
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+      [3, -34],
+      [-40, -75],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [-29, -79],
+      [-11, -182],
+      [-54, -30],
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+      [-44, 3],
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+      [-94, 16]
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+      [6, 54]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-13, 39],
+      [14, 103]
+    ],
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+      [-40, -18],
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+    ],
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+      [-45, 49],
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+      [-64, 74],
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+      [-31, 82],
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+      [-60, 67],
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+      [-45, 40],
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+      [45, -10]
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+      [29, -62],
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+      [-63, -15]
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+      [-9, 173],
+      [-20, 102],
+      [-37, 117],
+      [-67, 107],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-62, 235],
+      [-20, 101],
+      [-6, 98],
+      [-22, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9685, 3607],
+      [28, -58],
+      [60, -41],
+      [18, -35],
+      [-24, -77],
+      [-5, -83],
+      [38, -59],
+      [-29, -80],
+      [-5, -60],
+      [58, -80],
+      [-3, -102],
+      [-52, -55],
+      [-121, 36],
+      [-86, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9274, 2318],
+      [-14, -60],
+      [-64, -80],
+      [-43, -34],
+      [-120, -51],
+      [-152, -209],
+      [-15, -124],
+      [-41, -92],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-63, -11],
+      [-68, 18],
+      [-148, -16],
+      [-80, 47],
+      [-37, 61],
+      [15, 37],
+      [-22, 92],
+      [24, 41],
+      [-22, 71],
+      [3, 53],
+      [105, 31],
+      [43, 30],
+      [32, 55],
+      [49, 136],
+      [19, 11],
+      [17, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8657, 2365],
+      [38, 24],
+      [41, -11],
+      [70, 58],
+      [106, -82],
+      [56, -17],
+      [13, -50],
+      [80, -19],
+      [36, 23],
+      [-34, 60],
+      [-6, 53],
+      [41, 47],
+      [25, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8657, 2365],
+      [11, 42],
+      [-97, 109],
+      [23, 46],
+      [90, 37],
+      [34, 41],
+      [52, 5],
+      [55, -20],
+      [78, 48],
+      [29, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8112, 5329],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-14, -49],
+      [-38, -32],
+      [7, -72],
+      [-75, -13],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [-206, 56],
+      [-79, -10],
+      [-83, 13],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [-63, -22],
+      [-57, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7432, 5345],
+      [-26, 42],
+      [7, 68],
+      [-12, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7401, 5551],
+      [22, 61],
+      [62, -2],
+      [156, -26],
+      [37, 29],
+      [99, 45],
+      [33, 32],
+      [-46, 72],
+      [35, 32],
+      [-17, 78],
+      [26, 12],
+      [106, -18],
+      [25, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7401, 5551],
+      [-38, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7363, 5556],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [-81, -4],
+      [15, 56],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [65, 63],
+      [-41, 102],
+      [29, 54],
+      [33, 9],
+      [-31, 90],
+      [45, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7338, 6028],
+      [92, -25],
+      [64, 54],
+      [42, -8],
+      [45, 22],
+      [23, 44],
+      [61, -35],
+      [142, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7224, 6103],
+      [68, -19],
+      [46, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7363, 5556],
+      [-10, -33],
+      [-108, -2],
+      [-100, 24],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-119, -12],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-114, -40],
+      [12, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6897, 5410],
+      [-51, 99],
+      [-52, 61],
+      [-24, 83],
+      [-65, 106],
+      [-59, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6646, 5823],
+      [53, 29],
+      [8, 40],
+      [51, 18],
+      [-8, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6750, 5970],
+      [12, 60],
+      [-22, 31],
+      [107, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6847, 6128],
+      [26, -12],
+      [35, -77],
+      [60, 30],
+      [-27, 39],
+      [44, 77],
+      [39, -16],
+      [69, 2],
+      [80, -55],
+      [51, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6748, 5235],
+      [76, -25],
+      [11, -39],
+      [-86, -19],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [17, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7432, 5345],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [-75, -42],
+      [67, -81],
+      [-23, -53],
+      [20, -51],
+      [-99, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7306, 5055],
+      [-138, -64],
+      [15, 69],
+      [57, 17],
+      [75, 91],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-110, 107],
+      [-60, -5],
+      [-42, -51],
+      [-23, 30],
+      [-74, 17],
+      [-33, 37],
+      [-14, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8400, 4317],
+      [-65, 47],
+      [-67, -18],
+      [-76, -91],
+      [-72, 16],
+      [-56, 37],
+      [-11, 51],
+      [-144, 131],
+      [-49, -16],
+      [-68, 68],
+      [-71, 25],
+      [27, 55],
+      [-1, 71],
+      [51, 28],
+      [-13, 84],
+      [-71, 155],
+      [-78, 120],
+      [-61, 47],
+      [-62, -55],
+      [-52, 19],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [-48, -12],
+      [-50, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4346, 10380],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [27, -68],
+      [78, 87],
+      [87, -16],
+      [131, -63],
+      [76, -101],
+      [50, 28],
+      [67, -25],
+      [-10, -102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4808, 10064],
+      [-10, -65],
+      [19, -54],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [51, -29],
+      [-47, -84],
+      [-72, -74],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-57, -53],
+      [-50, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4562, 9559],
+      [-72, 53],
+      [-25, 51],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-58, -64],
+      [-75, -19],
+      [2, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4261, 9487],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-102, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4119, 9473],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [-53, -39],
+      [-90, 21],
+      [-31, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3900, 9505],
+      [8, 85],
+      [30, 32],
+      [48, -2],
+      [47, 26],
+      [8, 97],
+      [43, -3],
+      [26, 41],
+      [-17, 52],
+      [24, 55],
+      [-48, 17],
+      [48, 46],
+      [11, 72],
+      [84, 78],
+      [-20, 61],
+      [-47, 20],
+      [37, 81],
+      [12, 92],
+      [72, 27],
+      [80, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5375, 10366],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-48, -79],
+      [-16, -118],
+      [28, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 10158],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-77, -92],
+      [-117, 16],
+      [-27, 50],
+      [-196, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4346, 10380],
+      [17, 32],
+      [53, 19],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-105, 44],
+      [11, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4302, 10569],
+      [75, 14],
+      [93, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4470, 10568],
+      [98, -17],
+      [87, -61],
+      [111, 61],
+      [53, 50],
+      [112, -2],
+      [39, 16],
+      [126, -20],
+      [39, -55],
+      [27, 18],
+      [52, -25],
+      [52, 24],
+      [5, -91],
+      [47, -23],
+      [19, -49],
+      [38, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5361, 9643],
+      [61, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5422, 9564],
+      [5, -63],
+      [-83, -83],
+      [29, -21],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [-44, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5305, 9308],
+      [-26, -41],
+      [-118, -39],
+      [-61, -139],
+      [4, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5104, 9045],
+      [-112, 10],
+      [-37, 37],
+      [-85, 32],
+      [-136, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4734, 9202],
+      [7, 57],
+      [-67, 86],
+      [46, 58],
+      [54, 110],
+      [-34, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4740, 9514],
+      [4, 46],
+      [101, 52],
+      [56, -36],
+      [23, 47],
+      [59, 62],
+      [55, 94],
+      [63, -75],
+      [96, -65],
+      [68, 16],
+      [65, -54],
+      [31, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3900, 9505],
+      [-67, 52],
+      [-95, 5],
+      [-16, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3722, 9512],
+      [-92, 46],
+      [-51, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3579, 9646],
+      [54, 159],
+      [64, 16],
+      [69, 135],
+      [65, 51],
+      [24, 42],
+      [14, 108],
+      [31, 37],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [8, 141],
+      [68, 136]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3968, 10522],
+      [50, 10],
+      [53, 42],
+      [70, 10],
+      [74, -38],
+      [87, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3573, 10551],
+      [38, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3611, 10533],
+      [-76, -162],
+      [21, -88],
+      [-30, -79],
+      [-11, -127],
+      [-56, -51],
+      [-9, -50],
+      [-72, -43],
+      [-46, -75],
+      [-59, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3273, 9809],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-102, 74],
+      [16, 35],
+      [-71, 51],
+      [-103, -7],
+      [-82, -111],
+      [-42, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2849, 9824],
+      [-30, 58],
+      [-89, 34],
+      [-75, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2655, 9879],
+      [-19, 42],
+      [36, 52],
+      [-4, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2668, 10066],
+      [53, 41],
+      [70, 87],
+      [58, 24],
+      [73, 8],
+      [1, 37],
+      [49, 64],
+      [57, 10],
+      [2, 44],
+      [51, 43],
+      [46, 11],
+      [23, 39],
+      [-22, 76],
+      [41, 61],
+      [13, 58],
+      [35, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3218, 10687],
+      [22, -28],
+      [48, 28],
+      [89, -32],
+      [19, -25],
+      [85, -42],
+      [48, 15],
+      [44, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2668, 10066],
+      [-68, 31],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [-37, 37],
+      [-91, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2398, 10139],
+      [-3, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2395, 10232],
+      [92, -7],
+      [32, 69],
+      [-44, 31],
+      [64, 67],
+      [-12, 74],
+      [-56, 33],
+      [62, 129],
+      [21, 65],
+      [64, 57],
+      [58, 13],
+      [44, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2720, 10800],
+      [36, -42],
+      [117, -52],
+      [62, 39],
+      [96, -19],
+      [8, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3039, 10798],
+      [95, -2],
+      [26, -66],
+      [58, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 10158],
+      [12, -57],
+      [5, -156],
+      [64, -243],
+      [25, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4740, 9514],
+      [-59, -28],
+      [-52, 32],
+      [13, 44],
+      [-80, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3579, 9646],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-60, 55],
+      [-70, 21],
+      [-40, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3377, 9700],
+      [-104, 109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3611, 10533],
+      [64, -17],
+      [51, 19],
+      [55, 79],
+      [41, 6],
+      [12, -54],
+      [134, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5705, 9317],
+      [-22, -55],
+      [-5, -81],
+      [-39, -42],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-32, 80],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [-69, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5462, 9249],
+      [20, 43],
+      [-43, 38],
+      [-58, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5381, 9293],
+      [-76, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5422, 9564],
+      [2, 1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [56, -69],
+      [62, -46],
+      [53, -64],
+      [77, -64],
+      [33, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6494, 11683],
+      [-16, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6478, 11623],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [32, -18],
+      [-110, -61],
+      [-46, -9],
+      [-3, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6290, 11556],
+      [57, 75],
+      [-16, 104],
+      [-29, 59],
+      [70, 106],
+      [26, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6398, 11969],
+      [-16, -75],
+      [63, -11],
+      [64, 14],
+      [35, -15],
+      [-56, -155],
+      [6, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5917, 11693],
+      [-46, -21],
+      [-64, 42],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [-49, -22],
+      [-63, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5621, 11640],
+      [-52, 58],
+      [-64, 39],
+      [-30, 70],
+      [-77, 41],
+      [5, 51],
+      [-27, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5376, 11957],
+      [27, 44],
+      [52, 35],
+      [14, 44],
+      [-63, 91],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [5, 36],
+      [47, 62],
+      [30, -1],
+      [81, 103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5469, 12429],
+      [25, -50],
+      [56, -7],
+      [48, -36],
+      [65, -17],
+      [107, 39],
+      [50, -30],
+      [80, 5],
+      [14, -87],
+      [-10, -94],
+      [-45, -153],
+      [-12, -140],
+      [10, -63],
+      [56, -53],
+      [4, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6494, 11683],
+      [141, -69],
+      [68, -56],
+      [63, -76],
+      [14, -54],
+      [-71, -60],
+      [-74, 16],
+      [22, 49],
+      [-24, 68],
+      [-108, 106],
+      [-47, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6290, 11556],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [0, 1],
+      [-81, 11],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [-122, -51],
+      [-6, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6014, 11466],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-15, 65],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-21, 109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5469, 12429],
+      [7, 37],
+      [59, 44],
+      [35, -15],
+      [44, 26],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [80, 42],
+      [24, 65],
+      [-6, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5690, 12713],
+      [85, -8],
+      [22, -32],
+      [74, 7],
+      [220, -26],
+      [68, -42],
+      [66, -2],
+      [63, 30],
+      [43, -24],
+      [130, -9],
+      [140, -38],
+      [-2, -60],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-84, -18],
+      [-30, -52],
+      [-80, -47],
+      [-72, -90],
+      [55, -100],
+      [21, 29],
+      [86, -52],
+      [90, -17],
+      [8, -40],
+      [-84, -81],
+      [-69, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6813, 6415],
+      [44, -43],
+      [21, -59],
+      [-8, -49],
+      [22, -55],
+      [-49, -41],
+      [4, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6750, 5970],
+      [-103, -47],
+      [-44, 43],
+      [-91, -20],
+      [-65, 127],
+      [-112, 47],
+      [10, -40],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [-92, 3],
+      [-36, 61],
+      [31, 23],
+      [-26, 68],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-44, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6099, 6282],
+      [-23, 17],
+      [-3, 81],
+      [-141, 149],
+      [13, 61],
+      [52, 10],
+      [34, 35],
+      [49, -22],
+      [83, 68],
+      [49, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6646, 5823],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [-79, 9],
+      [-102, -50],
+      [-112, 69],
+      [-93, 28],
+      [-129, -37],
+      [-83, -60],
+      [-24, 12],
+      [-42, 113],
+      [-66, 77],
+      [-83, 45],
+      [-56, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5725, 6069],
+      [-32, 39],
+      [-17, 74],
+      [-62, 36],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-47, 70],
+      [17, 34],
+      [68, 62],
+      [18, -81],
+      [42, 3],
+      [61, -39],
+      [86, 143],
+      [78, 27],
+      [4, -50],
+      [77, -94],
+      [81, -59],
+      [58, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5965, 6959],
+      [-49, 19],
+      [-45, -27],
+      [-59, -7],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [-86, 51],
+      [-38, -37],
+      [-56, -4],
+      [-39, 38],
+      [18, 85],
+      [-106, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5489, 7187],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-41, 131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5419, 7320],
+      [20, -5],
+      [20, 5],
+      [29, -40],
+      [137, 94],
+      [70, 37],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [43, 5],
+      [69, 51],
+      [42, 14],
+      [4, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5840, 7597],
+      [151, 8],
+      [80, 30],
+      [27, 25],
+      [15, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6113, 7746],
+      [60, -15],
+      [30, 24],
+      [53, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5725, 6069],
+      [-99, 51],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-80, 137],
+      [-88, 109],
+      [-83, 76],
+      [-112, 67],
+      [-16, 79],
+      [-47, 104],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [-64, 35],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [-93, 65],
+      [-76, -13],
+      [-32, 72],
+      [-62, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4755, 7013],
+      [89, 12],
+      [61, 88],
+      [80, -38],
+      [22, -62],
+      [107, 5],
+      [55, 22],
+      [88, 4],
+      [54, -46],
+      [43, 50],
+      [21, 59],
+      [60, -33],
+      [25, 82],
+      [29, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4906, 7875],
+      [34, -72],
+      [45, -17],
+      [-49, -77],
+      [14, -27],
+      [82, -42],
+      [122, 34],
+      [77, -62],
+      [-4, -72],
+      [72, -106],
+      [33, -19],
+      [40, 33],
+      [16, -68],
+      [31, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4755, 7013],
+      [-25, 76],
+      [-65, 95],
+      [-81, 63],
+      [-93, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4491, 7292],
+      [7, 32],
+      [56, 40],
+      [94, 3],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [22, 32],
+      [139, 81],
+      [48, 82],
+      [32, 92],
+      [-68, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4768, 7813],
+      [53, 19],
+      [42, 48],
+      [43, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2655, 9879],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [43, -40],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [69, -71],
+      [-59, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2684, 9633],
+      [-63, 27],
+      [-50, 55],
+      [-142, 81],
+      [-34, -53],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [7, 33],
+      [-47, 29],
+      [-336, 72],
+      [-101, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1868, 9841],
+      [-38, 31],
+      [11, 42],
+      [56, 16],
+      [-11, 70],
+      [-72, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1814, 10007],
+      [84, 93],
+      [51, -4],
+      [43, -71],
+      [144, 55],
+      [-37, 92],
+      [46, 47],
+      [76, -12],
+      [39, -58],
+      [45, -14],
+      [46, -46],
+      [47, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1291, 9499],
+      [13, -77],
+      [-46, -46],
+      [35, -44],
+      [62, 5],
+      [48, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1403, 9281],
+      [-57, -62],
+      [-152, -71],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-149, -45],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-78, 20],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-29, 113],
+      [58, 34],
+      [10, 58],
+      [75, 40],
+      [12, 67],
+      [44, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1008, 9437],
+      [32, 94],
+      [168, -32],
+      [83, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2849, 9824],
+      [111, -106],
+      [45, -18],
+      [4, -39],
+      [100, -87],
+      [34, -79],
+      [62, -12],
+      [-47, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3158, 9414],
+      [-52, -10],
+      [-103, 86],
+      [-74, -37],
+      [-99, 85],
+      [-146, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1868, 9841],
+      [-119, -66],
+      [-53, -51],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-68, -101],
+      [-102, -48],
+      [-45, -81],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [-52, -53],
+      [5, -60],
+      [-35, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1291, 9499],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [54, -14],
+      [25, 40],
+      [-27, 52],
+      [23, 73],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [69, 40],
+      [14, 67],
+      [68, 57],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [53, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1512, 10031],
+      [9, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1521, 10020],
+      [122, -54],
+      [10, 40],
+      [161, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3299, 11977],
+      [54, -11],
+      [-48, -98],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [11, -55],
+      [38, -29],
+      [-80, -95],
+      [2, -126],
+      [-20, -18],
+      [-95, -13],
+      [-51, -80],
+      [-35, 1],
+      [-12, -67],
+      [38, -97],
+      [11, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3038, 11175],
+      [-61, 24],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-93, 75],
+      [-25, -52],
+      [-68, 44],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-26, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2693, 11274],
+      [18, 99],
+      [-40, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2671, 11446],
+      [-18, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2653, 11483],
+      [-29, 116],
+      [50, 16],
+      [-26, 110],
+      [47, 19],
+      [14, 106],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [22, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2700, 11919],
+      [46, 11],
+      [62, 51],
+      [115, 5],
+      [61, -22],
+      [71, -1],
+      [119, 53],
+      [125, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3621, 12341],
+      [47, -21],
+      [18, -100],
+      [-41, -76],
+      [22, -27],
+      [-22, -81],
+      [-47, -47],
+      [-31, -74],
+      [47, -131],
+      [0, -104],
+      [52, -51],
+      [81, 37],
+      [4, 25],
+      [173, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3924, 11691],
+      [-129, -203],
+      [-69, -90],
+      [14, -188],
+      [11, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3751, 11161],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-85, 0],
+      [-34, 34],
+      [-57, -37],
+      [15, -74],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-106, -138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3437, 10892],
+      [-48, 59],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [-111, 30],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-89, 61],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [6, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3299, 11977],
+      [-10, 130],
+      [126, 82],
+      [31, 81],
+      [40, 8],
+      [80, 75],
+      [55, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2595, 12079],
+      [-53, 17],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-11, -85],
+      [-26, -42],
+      [21, -76],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [59, -78],
+      [-82, -124],
+      [3, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2439, 11577],
+      [-48, -57],
+      [-120, -17],
+      [-10, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2261, 11454],
+      [-119, 11],
+      [21, 97],
+      [-47, 68],
+      [12, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2128, 11694],
+      [36, 13],
+      [69, -30],
+      [43, 119],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [3, 155],
+      [53, 17],
+      [-5, 65],
+      [46, 22],
+      [115, 126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2437, 12200],
+      [81, 4],
+      [86, -61],
+      [-9, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3437, 10892],
+      [58, -85],
+      [53, -3],
+      [-24, -114],
+      [77, 36],
+      [42, -25],
+      [-78, -92],
+      [8, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3039, 10798],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [-81, 11],
+      [-71, 116],
+      [-86, 47],
+      [-26, 79],
+      [-74, -9],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [28, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2660, 11202],
+      [33, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2653, 11483],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-93, -10],
+      [-38, 93],
+      [-25, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2595, 12079],
+      [0, -54],
+      [89, -41],
+      [16, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2720, 10800],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-50, -5],
+      [-100, 106],
+      [-52, 19],
+      [40, 42],
+      [-18, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2524, 11030],
+      [39, 7],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [50, 39],
+      [10, 73],
+      [62, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4264, 10771],
+      [-4, -63],
+      [122, -87],
+      [77, -31],
+      [11, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3751, 11161],
+      [40, -46],
+      [37, -118],
+      [42, 36],
+      [60, -75],
+      [81, -30],
+      [53, -47],
+      [7, -48],
+      [69, -76],
+      [62, 32],
+      [62, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2258, 11425],
+      [53, -3],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [63, 5],
+      [99, -60],
+      [44, -7],
+      [147, 85],
+      [13, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2524, 11030],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [-135, -28],
+      [-96, -9],
+      [-50, -48],
+      [-37, 62],
+      [-72, 37],
+      [-22, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2062, 11133],
+      [-50, 86],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-56, 21],
+      [-19, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1936, 11342],
+      [92, 55],
+      [58, -12],
+      [50, 25],
+      [17, 39],
+      [59, -82],
+      [52, 5],
+      [-6, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2258, 11425],
+      [3, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2395, 10232],
+      [13, 84],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [-48, -10],
+      [-52, 49],
+      [16, 27],
+      [-94, 99],
+      [8, 31],
+      [-71, 51],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [-52, -51],
+      [-59, 38],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-5, 66],
+      [-62, 99],
+      [-30, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1787, 10845],
+      [15, 36],
+      [-35, 29],
+      [16, 43],
+      [-28, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1755, 11030],
+      [13, 39],
+      [79, 14],
+      [97, -66],
+      [10, 38],
+      [62, 59],
+      [46, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3565, 12586],
+      [19, -51],
+      [71, -5],
+      [65, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3720, 12475],
+      [8, -58],
+      [-107, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2437, 12200],
+      [48, 105],
+      [-18, 132],
+      [7, 108],
+      [81, -2],
+      [16, -35],
+      [70, 50],
+      [-10, -107],
+      [15, -66],
+      [25, -10],
+      [48, -77],
+      [84, -20],
+      [70, 8],
+      [11, 59],
+      [41, -7],
+      [163, 51],
+      [43, -45],
+      [5, -72],
+      [54, -24],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [70, -5],
+      [47, 38],
+      [-19, 50],
+      [-46, 51],
+      [58, 96],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [17, 131],
+      [63, 78],
+      [55, 24],
+      [104, -93],
+      [114, -2],
+      [36, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1936, 11342],
+      [-17, 104],
+      [-40, 104],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-43, 62],
+      [35, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1830, 11686],
+      [-20, 93],
+      [137, 140],
+      [-2, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1945, 12034],
+      [60, -6],
+      [64, -28],
+      [-56, -85],
+      [117, -119],
+      [14, -53],
+      [-16, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6533, 8689],
+      [17, -51],
+      [-71, 11],
+      [-95, -8],
+      [-31, 11],
+      [-104, -68],
+      [-85, 86],
+      [-31, -54],
+      [-53, -4],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-48, -127],
+      [-82, -74],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-32, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5808, 8354],
+      [-108, 228],
+      [26, 15],
+      [-7, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5719, 8671],
+      [36, 56],
+      [77, 50],
+      [29, 52],
+      [39, 17],
+      [23, 74],
+      [78, 47],
+      [9, 44],
+      [86, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6096, 9039],
+      [93, -81],
+      [138, -83],
+      [57, -18],
+      [26, 29],
+      [58, -74],
+      [53, -30],
+      [12, -93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6727, 8170],
+      [37, -159],
+      [24, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6113, 7746],
+      [69, 95],
+      [-27, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6155, 7917],
+      [6, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6161, 7948],
+      [49, 42],
+      [80, -25],
+      [28, 24],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [30, 13],
+      [122, 14],
+      [70, 57],
+      [144, 60],
+      [59, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6161, 7948],
+      [-23, 75],
+      [49, 29],
+      [58, 63],
+      [56, -15],
+      [64, 11],
+      [4, 76],
+      [-32, 40],
+      [30, 67],
+      [52, 13],
+      [3, 45],
+      [67, 0],
+      [7, 74],
+      [132, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6628, 8459],
+      [95, -250],
+      [4, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6533, 8689],
+      [72, -193],
+      [23, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6155, 7917],
+      [-21, -34],
+      [-48, -12],
+      [-45, 73],
+      [-54, 40],
+      [-73, -64],
+      [1, 71],
+      [-76, 49],
+      [10, 90],
+      [-8, 74],
+      [-33, 93],
+      [0, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5719, 8671],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-35, -20],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [-60, 78],
+      [-94, -10],
+      [-50, 51],
+      [26, 39],
+      [-15, 42],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-75, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5204, 8862],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [171, 93],
+      [-79, 64],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-72, 11],
+      [-53, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5381, 9293],
+      [3, -58],
+      [2, -7],
+      [76, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5705, 9317],
+      [46, -6],
+      [87, -54],
+      [166, -131],
+      [92, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7224, 6103],
+      [7, 79],
+      [97, 86],
+      [15, 46],
+      [-80, 45],
+      [9, 35],
+      [81, 35],
+      [-33, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7594, 6900],
+      [110, -61],
+      [95, -21],
+      [65, -75],
+      [63, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1521, 10020],
+      [38, 57],
+      [10, 49],
+      [36, 39],
+      [3, 54],
+      [61, 21],
+      [1, 50],
+      [55, 26],
+      [20, 43],
+      [-118, 77],
+      [2, 176],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [-46, 100],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-77, -46],
+      [-46, 86],
+      [18, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1397, 10788],
+      [21, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1418, 10846],
+      [60, -6],
+      [50, 22],
+      [68, -12],
+      [19, 33],
+      [124, 1],
+      [48, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1512, 10031],
+      [-8, 60],
+      [-46, 67],
+      [59, 118],
+      [-116, 33],
+      [-2, 81],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [-95, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1224, 10436],
+      [-47, 87],
+      [9, 65],
+      [24, 22],
+      [0, 155],
+      [57, 30],
+      [130, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1302, 11144],
+      [11, 49],
+      [-65, 43],
+      [-78, 70],
+      [10, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1180, 11382],
+      [40, 68],
+      [-31, 49],
+      [29, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1218, 11553],
+      [60, -5],
+      [119, 48],
+      [185, -140],
+      [-67, -50],
+      [38, -70],
+      [-31, -67],
+      [-72, -65],
+      [-59, -94],
+      [-89, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1008, 9437],
+      [2, 32],
+      [-43, 51],
+      [15, 63],
+      [-65, -29],
+      [-101, -12],
+      [-41, -23],
+      [-95, -13],
+      [-14, 37],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [-64, 64],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-61, 38],
+      [-61, 15],
+      [-73, 141],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [7, 68],
+      [43, 13],
+      [-60, 71],
+      [-21, 58],
+      [69, 57],
+      [12, 99],
+      [43, 42],
+      [56, -8],
+      [4, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [404, 10263],
+      [54, 20],
+      [35, 43],
+      [170, 29],
+      [9, -40],
+      [61, 18],
+      [50, -12],
+      [55, 34],
+      [60, 65],
+      [56, -3],
+      [29, -27],
+      [75, 16],
+      [15, 26],
+      [113, -28],
+      [38, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1755, 11030],
+      [-16, 78],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [-46, 47],
+      [-2, 143],
+      [-13, 111],
+      [-49, 57],
+      [38, 96],
+      [-26, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1603, 11615],
+      [102, 128],
+      [38, -50],
+      [87, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1302, 11144],
+      [-2, -50],
+      [-57, -42],
+      [25, -29],
+      [0, -100],
+      [51, -37],
+      [99, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [404, 10263],
+      [-37, 45],
+      [-3, 97],
+      [-68, 51],
+      [-34, -23],
+      [-81, 35],
+      [-59, 52],
+      [1, 73],
+      [-22, 67],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-52, 112],
+      [56, 37],
+      [76, 21],
+      [76, -33],
+      [44, 45],
+      [49, 15],
+      [21, 41],
+      [148, 59],
+      [-21, 86],
+      [67, 104],
+      [-59, 43],
+      [-18, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [439, 11222],
+      [19, 54],
+      [95, -46],
+      [43, 57],
+      [98, 2],
+      [84, 77],
+      [86, 17],
+      [164, -51],
+      [108, 66],
+      [44, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1603, 11615],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [17, 98],
+      [-30, 53],
+      [-114, 77],
+      [-88, -33],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-80, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1162, 11811],
+      [-3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1159, 11815],
+      [8, 59],
+      [25, 27],
+      [79, 1],
+      [40, 56],
+      [2, 66],
+      [68, 19],
+      [32, 30],
+      [19, 61],
+      [-68, 101],
+      [47, 49],
+      [67, 10],
+      [45, 70],
+      [46, 24],
+      [-22, 37],
+      [78, 55],
+      [55, 9],
+      [35, -122],
+      [-42, -85],
+      [35, -91],
+      [65, -8],
+      [68, -88],
+      [3, -47],
+      [101, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1218, 11553],
+      [-69, 85],
+      [13, 173]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2597, 3779],
+      [38, 31],
+      [44, -25],
+      [18, -42],
+      [118, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2815, 3693],
+      [-18, -68],
+      [9, -67],
+      [-43, -124],
+      [9, -68],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [-5, -128],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [-63, -2],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [-71, 51],
+      [-73, 18],
+      [-71, -53],
+      [-42, 36],
+      [-72, -84],
+      [-2, -78],
+      [27, -36],
+      [-17, -76],
+      [-108, -105],
+      [-65, -52],
+      [-103, 69],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-42, 32],
+      [-8, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1847, 2939],
+      [78, 91],
+      [41, 26],
+      [81, 4],
+      [25, 41],
+      [-29, 43],
+      [4, 38],
+      [-52, 39],
+      [-29, 129],
+      [-36, 53],
+      [-2, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1928, 3470],
+      [54, 38],
+      [74, 8],
+      [87, -14],
+      [45, 28],
+      [-17, 52],
+      [52, 31],
+      [-15, 85],
+      [44, 111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2252, 3809],
+      [33, 30],
+      [61, 17],
+      [57, -67],
+      [81, -28],
+      [18, -33],
+      [67, 12],
+      [28, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1619, 3136],
+      [49, -7],
+      [33, -29],
+      [11, -49],
+      [-21, -97],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-47, 142],
+      [15, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1564, 3231],
+      [-2, -110],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-39, 90],
+      [74, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1847, 2939],
+      [-36, 24],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-35, 50],
+      [-47, 32],
+      [-47, 91],
+      [-33, 25],
+      [-34, 68],
+      [66, 77],
+      [-20, 59],
+      [-40, 51],
+      [28, 37],
+      [-10, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1641, 3560],
+      [98, 48],
+      [36, -5],
+      [87, -90],
+      [21, -37],
+      [45, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1641, 3560],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [48, 68],
+      [33, 99],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [2, 97],
+      [46, 20],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [5, -5],
+      [1, 1],
+      [47, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1796, 3876],
+      [47, -5],
+      [22, -46],
+      [104, -34],
+      [38, 35],
+      [73, 18],
+      [48, 68],
+      [10, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2138, 3959],
+      [11, 27],
+      [58, -24],
+      [58, -4],
+      [-13, -149]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2792, 4552],
+      [-46, -37],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-40, -81],
+      [-91, -41],
+      [-16, -97],
+      [-39, -64],
+      [-5, -121],
+      [18, -48],
+      [-39, -100],
+      [55, -72],
+      [70, 22],
+      [30, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2138, 3959],
+      [-29, 18],
+      [75, 37],
+      [13, 37],
+      [-17, 83],
+      [25, 81],
+      [-47, 68],
+      [39, 56],
+      [45, -9],
+      [0, 58],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [7, 73],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [-119, -10],
+      [-55, -24],
+      [-114, 23],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-6, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1855, 4672],
+      [18, -24],
+      [91, 68],
+      [70, 14],
+      [73, 49],
+      [54, -44],
+      [74, -91],
+      [13, 38],
+      [119, 58],
+      [54, 72],
+      [48, 104],
+      [-90, -2],
+      [6, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2385, 4950],
+      [91, -14],
+      [80, 58],
+      [6, 50],
+      [39, 61],
+      [61, -17],
+      [72, 44],
+      [25, 147],
+      [48, 33],
+      [20, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2827, 5354],
+      [25, -57],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [19, -63],
+      [36, -40],
+      [-7, -67],
+      [46, -73],
+      [30, -87],
+      [-65, -155],
+      [-58, -44],
+      [-56, -91],
+      [-4, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2792, 4552],
+      [26, -104],
+      [76, -86],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [-20, -100],
+      [-1, -148],
+      [-15, -82],
+      [3, -95],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [0, -145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2385, 4950],
+      [5, 113],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-50, -20],
+      [-101, 43],
+      [16, 84],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [-50, 89],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [86, 55],
+      [-17, 55],
+      [-90, -29],
+      [-44, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2048, 5474],
+      [42, 59],
+      [8, 42],
+      [48, 21],
+      [73, 101],
+      [88, 11],
+      [44, 27],
+      [8, 103],
+      [67, 29],
+      [43, -38],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [54, -7],
+      [35, 23],
+      [55, -46],
+      [19, -46],
+      [67, 9],
+      [50, -42],
+      [-33, -34],
+      [-3, -71],
+      [31, -1],
+      [27, -73],
+      [-31, -64],
+      [87, -50],
+      [10, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2598, 5880],
+      [20, -67],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [35, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1796, 3876],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [35, 55],
+      [13, 97],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [-82, -13],
+      [8, 162],
+      [76, 63],
+      [-28, 92],
+      [2, 81],
+      [20, 92],
+      [-52, 63],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [14, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1649, 4786],
+      [21, -17],
+      [86, 34],
+      [99, -131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1649, 4786],
+      [-25, 104],
+      [-37, 29],
+      [-36, 101],
+      [-91, -28],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [39, 20],
+      [16, 64],
+      [-61, 50],
+      [24, 80],
+      [51, 99],
+      [4, 30],
+      [-43, 54],
+      [25, 49],
+      [32, -25],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [77, -80],
+      [96, -7],
+      [31, -22],
+      [81, 5],
+      [79, 47],
+      [22, 34],
+      [54, 29],
+      [81, 14],
+      [35, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1573, 5692],
+      [19, -79],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [31, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6619, 1317],
+      [63, 6],
+      [9, -59],
+      [-42, -57],
+      [-91, -28],
+      [21, -25],
+      [0, -69],
+      [-31, -37],
+      [87, -56],
+      [71, 6],
+      [77, -58],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [42, -37],
+      [32, 0],
+      [62, -71],
+      [-42, -106],
+      [50, -63],
+      [0, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6902, 582],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-69, -18],
+      [-74, 63],
+      [-68, 5],
+      [-84, 58],
+      [-101, 118],
+      [-98, 8],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-78, 41],
+      [-100, 126],
+      [-38, 35],
+      [-89, 20],
+      [-36, -13],
+      [-85, 97],
+      [-48, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5839, 1180],
+      [20, 145],
+      [44, 51],
+      [44, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5947, 1393],
+      [64, -62],
+      [100, -3],
+      [23, -66],
+      [39, -28],
+      [20, 37],
+      [43, 3],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [35, -59],
+      [38, 19],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [3, 69],
+      [39, -13],
+      [77, 20],
+      [51, -30],
+      [35, 26],
+      [51, 3],
+      [15, 39],
+      [57, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6933, 1354],
+      [7, -31],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [34, 69],
+      [25, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6994, 1232],
+      [-8, -125],
+      [14, -52],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [12, -106],
+      [77, -19],
+      [60, 30],
+      [80, -27],
+      [33, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7196, 837],
+      [27, -28],
+      [-5, -100],
+      [53, -29],
+      [40, -59],
+      [-29, -106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7282, 515],
+      [-99, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7183, 447],
+      [-90, 83],
+      [-79, 38],
+      [-112, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6619, 1317],
+      [64, 76],
+      [11, -49],
+      [47, -19],
+      [38, -41],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [53, -41],
+      [66, 21],
+      [14, 54],
+      [34, -1],
+      [53, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8040, 1475],
+      [-50, -86],
+      [13, -41],
+      [-41, -99],
+      [2, -71],
+      [-57, -57],
+      [-29, -61],
+      [5, -156]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7883, 904],
+      [-100, 19],
+      [-56, 49],
+      [-74, -42],
+      [1, -70],
+      [44, -16],
+      [-41, -67],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-35, -44],
+      [90, -42],
+      [-71, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7608, 615],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-20, 20],
+      [-86, -40],
+      [-44, -44],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-71, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7196, 837],
+      [75, -17],
+      [62, 20],
+      [-5, 48],
+      [90, 35],
+      [-9, 36],
+      [41, 41],
+      [-93, 36],
+      [-2, 69],
+      [20, 33],
+      [49, -9],
+      [79, 28],
+      [98, -69],
+      [33, 171],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [6, 74],
+      [-69, -37],
+      [17, 174]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7560, 1489],
+      [56, -3],
+      [-40, 67],
+      [2, 82],
+      [37, 26],
+      [51, -34],
+      [66, 43],
+      [26, -63],
+      [88, -21],
+      [57, 15],
+      [92, -59],
+      [45, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6994, 1232],
+      [25, 68],
+      [51, 10],
+      [48, 34],
+      [24, 49],
+      [-24, 42],
+      [11, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7129, 1517],
+      [43, -3],
+      [74, 36],
+      [81, -53],
+      [56, 19],
+      [38, -34],
+      [80, -22],
+      [59, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7129, 1517],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [-85, 146]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7039, 1744],
+      [121, -14],
+      [56, 9],
+      [46, 31],
+      [47, -9],
+      [72, 32],
+      [74, 15],
+      [41, 34],
+      [66, 86],
+      [39, -16],
+      [97, 27],
+      [22, 24],
+      [50, -50],
+      [73, -2],
+      [13, -29],
+      [49, -2],
+      [53, 31],
+      [54, 74],
+      [114, 9],
+      [91, 44],
+      [68, 61],
+      [122, -42],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-22, -82],
+      [-79, -164],
+      [-34, -39],
+      [-124, -185],
+      [-46, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7763, 2386],
+      [-5, -109],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [6, 41],
+      [53, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7629, 2463],
+      [52, -4],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-55, 35],
+      [20, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5947, 1393],
+      [72, 35],
+      [-31, 51],
+      [-78, 18],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [10, 66],
+      [65, 7],
+      [22, 47],
+      [-65, 128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5915, 1771],
+      [93, 60],
+      [-21, 56],
+      [46, 76],
+      [82, -28],
+      [75, 36],
+      [80, -8],
+      [23, -106],
+      [53, -17],
+      [91, 22],
+      [2, -69],
+      [77, -61],
+      [114, -51],
+      [83, 16],
+      [103, 57],
+      [83, 17],
+      [28, -28],
+      [112, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7800, 67],
+      [-42, -11],
+      [-41, 38],
+      [-55, 7],
+      [-64, -32],
+      [-90, 22],
+      [-53, 56],
+      [-128, 26],
+      [-33, 38],
+      [-20, 87],
+      [-91, 149]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7608, 615],
+      [21, -29],
+      [1, -62],
+      [65, -91],
+      [9, -81],
+      [-40, -124],
+      [93, -31],
+      [32, -34],
+      [11, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7883, 904],
+      [13, -63],
+      [112, -51],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [-6, -51],
+      [50, -102],
+      [52, -10],
+      [-13, -94],
+      [21, -24],
+      [-107, -87],
+      [-28, -35],
+      [-19, -66],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [42, -144],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-77, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4960, 243],
+      [91, -51],
+      [4, -49],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-38, 13],
+      [-52, 73],
+      [26, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5291, 1663],
+      [57, -43],
+      [-78, -10],
+      [21, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5839, 1180],
+      [-108, 5],
+      [-100, -27],
+      [-55, 97],
+      [-47, 33],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-45, 57],
+      [1, 50],
+      [-44, 74],
+      [36, 18],
+      [19, 53],
+      [-16, 71],
+      [25, 86],
+      [63, 107],
+      [77, 16],
+      [18, 45],
+      [45, -4],
+      [53, 66],
+      [21, -66],
+      [36, -57],
+      [61, -53],
+      [78, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5204, 8862],
+      [-57, -98],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [46, -25],
+      [-82, -53],
+      [-22, -48],
+      [37, -38],
+      [43, -8],
+      [28, -140],
+      [-59, -23],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-20, -78],
+      [-62, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4968, 8298],
+      [-92, 8],
+      [-27, 65],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-70, 42],
+      [-58, 84],
+      [-85, 54],
+      [-35, 45],
+      [-1, 74],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [-70, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4443, 8783],
+      [63, 42],
+      [52, 0],
+      [-31, 59],
+      [115, 85],
+      [-36, 52],
+      [10, 42],
+      [72, 132],
+      [46, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4443, 8783],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-86, 5],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [-40, -37],
+      [-71, 52],
+      [-54, 16],
+      [-57, -53],
+      [-2, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4028, 8661],
+      [-77, 11],
+      [-41, 95],
+      [21, 34],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [17, 30],
+      [57, 15],
+      [-34, 100],
+      [-73, -20],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [-68, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3803, 9086],
+      [16, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3819, 9122],
+      [144, -26],
+      [76, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4039, 9120],
+      [20, -36],
+      [66, -33],
+      [36, 78],
+      [50, 59],
+      [19, 67],
+      [10, 157],
+      [21, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4491, 7292],
+      [-66, 23],
+      [-148, 23],
+      [-58, -66],
+      [-58, 39],
+      [-6, 43],
+      [64, 10],
+      [32, 96],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-34, 91],
+      [-72, 43],
+      [-43, 89],
+      [-59, 33],
+      [-109, 25],
+      [-38, 28],
+      [29, 40],
+      [2, 99],
+      [-64, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3798, 8010],
+      [71, 85],
+      [-1, 71],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-15, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3809, 8223],
+      [73, 67],
+      [108, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3990, 8292],
+      [100, 30],
+      [59, -130],
+      [140, 9],
+      [60, -17],
+      [63, 5],
+      [-7, -145],
+      [95, -13],
+      [56, 30],
+      [49, -14],
+      [49, -53],
+      [0, -80],
+      [16, -84],
+      [98, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3525, 7923],
+      [29, -34],
+      [-9, -81],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-55, 8],
+      [-193, -41],
+      [-32, 44],
+      [17, 46],
+      [120, -2],
+      [26, 29],
+      [74, -31],
+      [53, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3798, 8010],
+      [-54, 14],
+      [-83, -3],
+      [-13, -37],
+      [-47, 13],
+      [-11, 65],
+      [30, 18],
+      [22, 140],
+      [-2, 110],
+      [-29, 117],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-38, 104],
+      [-40, 60],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-35, 94],
+      [10, 47],
+      [40, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3463, 8847],
+      [85, 46],
+      [58, -12],
+      [-33, -108],
+      [40, -138],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [39, -101],
+      [45, -41],
+      [80, -33],
+      [22, -73],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [50, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3722, 9512],
+      [92, -48],
+      [-3, -50],
+      [-45, -80],
+      [3, -134],
+      [50, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3803, 9086],
+      [-60, 13],
+      [-22, -50],
+      [-114, -5],
+      [-44, 16],
+      [-1, 49],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-35, -20],
+      [-69, 19],
+      [-46, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3381, 9124],
+      [-17, 70],
+      [-90, 133]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3274, 9327],
+      [28, 15],
+      [65, 127],
+      [-53, 47],
+      [1, 105],
+      [41, 28],
+      [21, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3274, 9327],
+      [-73, 65],
+      [-43, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4028, 8661],
+      [44, -66],
+      [13, -46],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-1, -61],
+      [25, -40],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-28, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3463, 8847],
+      [-33, -14],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-1, -1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-1, 0],
+      [-39, 115],
+      [15, 16],
+      [-23, 161]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4119, 9473],
+      [-9, -71],
+      [-27, -37],
+      [55, -28],
+      [-39, -56],
+      [-12, -132],
+      [-48, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4968, 8298],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [6, -56],
+      [54, -32],
+      [-44, -188],
+      [18, -10],
+      [6, -34],
+      [-24, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4942, 7919],
+      [-36, -44]
+    ],
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+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": "Trévise"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[335]], [[-332, -326, 336]], [[-126, 337, -324, -334, -120]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 112,
+            "ISO": "IT-VE",
+            "NAME_0": "Italy",
+            "ID_1": 20,
+            "NAME_1": "Veneto",
+            "ID_2": 108,
+            "NAME_2": "Venezia",
+            "TYPE_2": "Provincia",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": "Venecia|Venedig|Veneza|Venezia|Venise|"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[338, -328, -331, -182, -165, -318]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 112,
+            "ISO": "IT-VR",
+            "NAME_0": "Italy",
+            "ID_1": 20,
+            "NAME_1": "Veneto",
+            "ID_2": 109,
+            "NAME_2": "Verona",
+            "TYPE_2": "Provincia",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": "Vérone"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-322, -335, -329, -339, -317]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 112,
+            "ISO": "IT-VI",
+            "NAME_0": "Italy",
+            "ID_1": 20,
+            "NAME_1": "Veneto",
+            "ID_2": 110,
+            "NAME_2": "Vicenza",
+            "TYPE_2": "Provincia",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": "Vicence"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/japan-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/japan-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5057ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/japan-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7724 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [28965, 25896],
+      [-20, -106],
+      [52, -51],
+      [0, -49],
+      [77, 26],
+      [49, -1],
+      [43, 43],
+      [115, 7],
+      [10, -21],
+      [74, -4],
+      [22, -38],
+      [84, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29471, 25728],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-35, -54],
+      [45, -25],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [-34, -24],
+      [8, -45],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [-27, -61],
+      [-54, -43],
+      [-66, -88],
+      [-3, -102],
+      [-55, -60],
+      [-38, -12],
+      [-35, -114],
+      [-84, -51],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-43, 5],
+      [-116, -41],
+      [-34, -63],
+      [8, -48],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-4, -50],
+      [30, -135],
+      [-10, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [28813, 24492],
+      [-164, -31],
+      [-139, -35],
+      [-264, -83],
+      [-120, -47],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-93, -26],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [94, 185],
+      [109, -55],
+      [51, 22],
+      [121, 77],
+      [116, 44],
+      [-5, 46],
+      [42, 32],
+      [72, 5],
+      [4, 88],
+      [15, 23],
+      [-38, 54],
+      [-44, 18],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-74, 33],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-31, -48],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-72, 21],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-40, 23],
+      [-77, -17],
+      [-86, 101],
+      [-53, 24],
+      [-44, 57],
+      [-39, -203],
+      [68, -69],
+      [30, -13],
+      [18, -64],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-110, 48],
+      [-53, 39],
+      [-40, 63],
+      [28, 62],
+      [23, 105],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [-65, 76],
+      [-9, 162],
+      [50, 77],
+      [44, 96],
+      [51, 60],
+      [-32, 53],
+      [-74, -137],
+      [-77, -3],
+      [-13, -32],
+      [-114, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27324, 25309],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-53, 192],
+      [-48, 21],
+      [-18, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27194, 25576],
+      [16, 81],
+      [6, 130],
+      [66, 104],
+      [26, 23],
+      [77, 158],
+      [55, 10],
+      [74, -25],
+      [84, 36],
+      [83, 12],
+      [82, 42],
+      [12, 44],
+      [41, -13],
+      [53, -66],
+      [77, -36],
+      [-2, -62],
+      [33, -5],
+      [7, -61],
+      [27, -31],
+      [82, -1],
+      [108, -60],
+      [42, -39],
+      [106, 39],
+      [49, 47],
+      [63, 2],
+      [56, -39],
+      [12, -30],
+      [59, 4],
+      [24, -38],
+      [99, -48],
+      [125, 88],
+      [48, 47],
+      [81, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33773, 36978],
+      [129, -83],
+      [21, -36],
+      [-4, -134],
+      [-39, -91],
+      [-64, -39],
+      [-122, 30],
+      [-58, 42],
+      [41, 96],
+      [-23, 51],
+      [41, 33],
+      [23, 51],
+      [30, 14],
+      [25, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35686, 37328],
+      [-40, -52],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-52, -82],
+      [-47, -31],
+      [39, -43],
+      [-22, -41],
+      [8, -99],
+      [-53, -41],
+      [13, -70],
+      [-13, -89],
+      [-2, -113],
+      [24, -91],
+      [38, -79],
+      [-59, -42],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [-82, -40],
+      [7, -96],
+      [113, -59],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-78, -106],
+      [-39, -13],
+      [24, -65],
+      [42, -40],
+      [13, -98],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-8, -50],
+      [-41, -14],
+      [-61, -78],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [27, -43],
+      [-54, -101],
+      [-2, -42],
+      [-66, -56],
+      [5, -73],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [39, -9],
+      [26, -84],
+      [34, -29],
+      [-15, -84],
+      [53, -68],
+      [60, -31],
+      [61, -60],
+      [-34, -28],
+      [-8, -48],
+      [65, -19],
+      [-88, -124],
+      [27, -20],
+      [-28, -89],
+      [97, -34],
+      [15, -36],
+      [-29, -63],
+      [-51, -63],
+      [-9, -37],
+      [18, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35327, 34354],
+      [-92, -31],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-60, -24],
+      [-61, -64],
+      [-93, -6],
+      [-84, -27],
+      [-27, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34886, 34179],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [-66, -10],
+      [-45, 48],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-23, 58],
+      [-7, 70],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [-106, 7],
+      [-31, 45],
+      [-67, 47],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-116, 30],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-65, 20],
+      [1, 52],
+      [-104, -15],
+      [-101, 73],
+      [-50, 8],
+      [-23, 61],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-98, -22],
+      [-59, -36],
+      [-231, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33530, 34732],
+      [26, 31],
+      [43, 105],
+      [-23, 81],
+      [42, 83],
+      [3, 62],
+      [25, 29],
+      [76, 13],
+      [37, 62],
+      [62, 156],
+      [54, 239],
+      [25, 171],
+      [15, 209],
+      [-11, 157],
+      [-41, 90],
+      [7, 49],
+      [-34, 86],
+      [-40, 61],
+      [-109, 93],
+      [46, 70],
+      [84, -23],
+      [40, -65],
+      [25, 1],
+      [14, 86],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [39, 53],
+      [15, 66],
+      [4, 120],
+      [-34, 67],
+      [-136, 62],
+      [-57, -88],
+      [-19, -49],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [28, -39],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [-15, -80],
+      [48, -28],
+      [22, -80],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [-76, 25],
+      [-84, -12],
+      [-24, -23],
+      [15, -49],
+      [-80, -19],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-70, -25],
+      [-38, 53],
+      [-3, 58],
+      [-37, 14],
+      [-29, 71],
+      [-15, 87],
+      [59, 5],
+      [83, -15],
+      [65, -42],
+      [103, 39],
+      [112, 109],
+      [79, 126],
+      [76, 190],
+      [21, 127],
+      [16, 10],
+      [36, 173],
+      [5, 142],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-62, 30],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [-65, 38],
+      [-20, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33662, 37748],
+      [126, 8],
+      [39, -30],
+      [26, 78],
+      [57, 28],
+      [75, -25],
+      [22, -44],
+      [127, 2],
+      [103, -15],
+      [49, 21],
+      [87, 13],
+      [86, -16],
+      [50, 89],
+      [61, 16],
+      [71, -6],
+      [27, -75],
+      [80, 0],
+      [50, -46],
+      [44, 3],
+      [50, -27],
+      [73, 39],
+      [61, -29],
+      [44, -46],
+      [87, 36],
+      [13, 20],
+      [76, 4],
+      [73, 55],
+      [71, -9],
+      [11, 78],
+      [75, 55],
+      [46, -24],
+      [-1, -179],
+      [108, 5],
+      [107, 16],
+      [28, -165],
+      [-42, -24],
+      [-56, -133],
+      [20, -93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32509, 40272],
+      [44, -1],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [39, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37125, 37794],
+      [-28, -35],
+      [-141, -54],
+      [-29, -38],
+      [0, -51],
+      [-90, -61],
+      [-125, 69],
+      [-68, -8],
+      [-113, -72],
+      [-60, -26],
+      [-33, 70],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [-62, -57],
+      [-42, 5],
+      [-132, -97],
+      [-42, 4],
+      [-72, -22],
+      [-75, -45],
+      [15, -44],
+      [-65, -22],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [-102, -35],
+      [-55, 9],
+      [-46, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33662, 37748],
+      [26, 162],
+      [-19, 125],
+      [-44, 76],
+      [-101, -1],
+      [-14, 67],
+      [128, 70],
+      [80, 89],
+      [75, 131],
+      [127, 62],
+      [83, -55],
+      [80, 12],
+      [92, 70],
+      [94, 15],
+      [42, 54],
+      [59, 138],
+      [43, 182],
+      [13, 180],
+      [40, -52],
+      [34, -12],
+      [30, 71],
+      [-100, 64],
+      [-8, 80],
+      [-72, 72],
+      [75, 58],
+      [29, 97],
+      [-7, 109],
+      [23, 56],
+      [93, -53],
+      [81, -97],
+      [58, -29],
+      [91, 28],
+      [39, 58],
+      [42, 17],
+      [117, -39],
+      [72, -85],
+      [-24, -172],
+      [42, -230],
+      [70, -285],
+      [32, -55],
+      [61, -50],
+      [109, 0],
+      [116, 87],
+      [51, 86],
+      [-4, 78],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [35, 123],
+      [34, 0],
+      [54, -37],
+      [51, 0],
+      [77, -90],
+      [-18, -49],
+      [61, 1],
+      [60, -37],
+      [45, -4],
+      [36, -61],
+      [42, -33],
+      [91, 18],
+      [73, 79],
+      [63, 119],
+      [41, 146],
+      [17, 185],
+      [48, 59],
+      [13, 55],
+      [-28, 89],
+      [-66, 107],
+      [-84, 77],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [-95, -150],
+      [-78, -31],
+      [-41, -40],
+      [-75, 31],
+      [-71, 6],
+      [-61, -55],
+      [-142, -18],
+      [-85, -40],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-64, 1],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-10, 125],
+      [42, 80],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [33, 61],
+      [41, 137],
+      [34, 155],
+      [65, 71],
+      [74, 117],
+      [12, 40],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [53, 27],
+      [55, -30],
+      [56, -61],
+      [81, -29],
+      [82, 0],
+      [76, -41],
+      [80, -70],
+      [98, -108],
+      [92, -55],
+      [67, -22],
+      [77, -7],
+      [63, 17],
+      [105, 48],
+      [112, 101],
+      [19, -78],
+      [-45, -100],
+      [-68, -256],
+      [-27, -138],
+      [9, -100],
+      [-4, -103],
+      [-17, -185],
+      [4, -161],
+      [19, -206],
+      [32, -207],
+      [69, -273],
+      [74, -180],
+      [136, -70],
+      [25, 30],
+      [105, -86],
+      [37, -60],
+      [93, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35513, 26898],
+      [-15, -41],
+      [-97, 26],
+      [-124, -45],
+      [-106, 19],
+      [-98, -37],
+      [-59, -38],
+      [-142, -110],
+      [-94, -89],
+      [-90, -115],
+      [-63, -104],
+      [-55, -160],
+      [-8, -108],
+      [10, -89],
+      [37, -66],
+      [-26, -60],
+      [8, -94],
+      [-23, -79],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [-36, 11],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-20, -51],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-16, -34],
+      [-84, -5],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-75, 24],
+      [-86, -10],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-4, -40],
+      [-69, -79],
+      [-34, 8],
+      [-115, -73],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [-39, -102],
+      [5, -57],
+      [-41, -56],
+      [-80, -30],
+      [-114, -4],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [2, 52],
+      [-88, 54],
+      [-43, 4],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [62, -12],
+      [67, 13],
+      [19, 29],
+      [58, 13],
+      [-12, 62],
+      [-58, 33],
+      [17, 32],
+      [-25, 32],
+      [46, 48],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [27, 39],
+      [-38, 55],
+      [-6, 52],
+      [16, 50],
+      [92, 57],
+      [-5, 54],
+      [-41, 58],
+      [-5, 48],
+      [-52, 56],
+      [8, 65],
+      [57, 30],
+      [100, 25],
+      [7, 48],
+      [-18, 77],
+      [47, 40],
+      [56, 5],
+      [35, 61],
+      [46, 0],
+      [36, 25],
+      [105, 147],
+      [64, 27],
+      [-21, 98],
+      [-136, 138],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [-64, -12],
+      [-45, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33648, 26856],
+      [-25, 55],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [-5, 80],
+      [-35, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33540, 27071],
+      [35, 25],
+      [0, 74],
+      [23, 53],
+      [-51, 114],
+      [-57, 65],
+      [-61, 127],
+      [-5, 99],
+      [-45, 46],
+      [-27, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33352, 27761],
+      [42, -2],
+      [34, -80],
+      [109, -104],
+      [37, -70],
+      [90, -40],
+      [3, -53],
+      [122, -81],
+      [34, 3],
+      [104, -58],
+      [109, -27],
+      [59, -69],
+      [123, 41],
+      [65, -12],
+      [60, 38],
+      [80, -22],
+      [87, 78],
+      [80, 26],
+      [42, -6],
+      [80, 30],
+      [108, -50],
+      [92, 4],
+      [114, -92],
+      [124, -26],
+      [43, -28],
+      [69, -117],
+      [107, -73],
+      [144, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19228, 22959],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [2, -94],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-83, -5],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [125, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21106, 23032],
+      [33, -26],
+      [95, -13],
+      [61, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21295, 22960],
+      [-29, -66],
+      [27, -48],
+      [0, -101],
+      [-22, -60],
+      [-35, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21236, 22657],
+      [-59, -16],
+      [-47, 16],
+      [-48, -33],
+      [-51, 33],
+      [-38, -21],
+      [-23, -41],
+      [-57, -59],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-66, -6],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-50, -32],
+      [-80, 13],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-76, 35],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-22, -71],
+      [-70, -29],
+      [-54, 32],
+      [-26, -68],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [-76, -88],
+      [-28, -81],
+      [-61, -10],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [19, -62],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-19, -46],
+      [29, -28],
+      [4, -50],
+      [-36, -27],
+      [-58, -87],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [-120, -33],
+      [-164, 10],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-73, -40],
+      [35, -31],
+      [16, -92],
+      [35, -19],
+      [23, -71],
+      [45, -14],
+      [35, -57],
+      [-12, -57],
+      [-81, -44],
+      [-121, -42],
+      [-31, -50],
+      [-18, -113],
+      [-44, -2],
+      [-43, -80],
+      [-59, -70],
+      [-68, 40],
+      [-77, 62],
+      [-14, -28],
+      [27, -86],
+      [68, -55],
+      [12, -52],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [41, -58],
+      [15, -148],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-6, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19253, 20454],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [-69, -28],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [-154, 20],
+      [27, -68],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [-81, 0],
+      [-11, 72],
+      [48, 20],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [6, 41],
+      [53, -8],
+      [-19, 74],
+      [-70, 94],
+      [24, 66],
+      [-28, 27],
+      [54, 70],
+      [12, 39],
+      [-85, 10],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [15, 63],
+      [95, -48],
+      [47, 112],
+      [56, 6],
+      [12, 38],
+      [-67, 60],
+      [-49, 25],
+      [-13, 42],
+      [53, 42],
+      [-82, 28],
+      [-88, -34],
+      [-106, 49],
+      [15, 30],
+      [63, 36],
+      [-36, 28],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [31, 17],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [61, 58],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [-72, 9],
+      [-55, 22],
+      [-88, 2],
+      [-48, -60],
+      [-53, -14],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [-110, -32],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [-75, -32],
+      [16, 66],
+      [-64, 15],
+      [78, 54],
+      [116, 65],
+      [84, -11],
+      [32, 47],
+      [50, 8],
+      [175, 98],
+      [62, 46],
+      [75, 39],
+      [21, 50],
+      [97, 113],
+      [234, 101],
+      [116, 95],
+      [38, 95],
+      [44, 39],
+      [-20, 64],
+      [-1, 70],
+      [23, 72],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [25, 67],
+      [43, -8],
+      [43, 19],
+      [26, 81],
+      [2, 66],
+      [25, 72],
+      [32, 7],
+      [119, 106],
+      [121, 23],
+      [25, 66],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [60, 18],
+      [57, -48],
+      [48, -76],
+      [31, -15],
+      [90, -203],
+      [68, -78],
+      [49, -2],
+      [2, -47],
+      [118, 55],
+      [93, 18],
+      [33, 25],
+      [10, 41],
+      [60, -4],
+      [118, 29],
+      [21, -28],
+      [71, 26],
+      [74, -7],
+      [121, -42],
+      [57, 9],
+      [48, 29],
+      [-4, 41],
+      [110, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19996, 23388],
+      [59, -9],
+      [67, -78],
+      [-78, -58],
+      [-36, -46],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [42, 51],
+      [-40, 45],
+      [33, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20142, 23478],
+      [30, -91],
+      [-85, -6],
+      [-48, 80],
+      [73, 26],
+      [30, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20227, 23581],
+      [25, -54],
+      [-67, -32],
+      [1, 54],
+      [41, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20379, 23607],
+      [15, -23],
+      [-58, -56],
+      [-20, 28],
+      [63, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19958, 23621],
+      [21, -7],
+      [52, -92],
+      [-9, -92],
+      [-94, -10],
+      [-85, -43],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [16, 31],
+      [69, 2],
+      [9, 57],
+      [-27, 86],
+      [73, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26348, 28224],
+      [58, -73],
+      [63, -20],
+      [48, -58],
+      [25, -118],
+      [42, -35],
+      [91, 11],
+      [65, -72],
+      [48, -4],
+      [35, 39],
+      [103, -16],
+      [38, 17],
+      [77, -55],
+      [45, -48],
+      [64, -36],
+      [24, -59],
+      [78, 11],
+      [112, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27364, 27743],
+      [22, -47],
+      [-50, -35],
+      [-25, -132],
+      [50, -35],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [79, -27],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [76, -72],
+      [19, -94],
+      [-63, -44],
+      [-6, -52],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [-36, 27],
+      [-75, -12],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-168, -8],
+      [-51, 17],
+      [-49, -41],
+      [-82, 20],
+      [-64, -47],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-107, -2],
+      [-98, 45],
+      [-109, -50],
+      [-1, -93],
+      [-33, -66],
+      [-67, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26417, 26764],
+      [-151, 59],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-53, -63],
+      [32, -29],
+      [19, -72],
+      [33, -67],
+      [-14, -71],
+      [-111, 30],
+      [-12, -63],
+      [-73, -58],
+      [-80, 7],
+      [-46, -83],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-77, 74],
+      [-46, -83],
+      [-21, -127],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-57, -27],
+      [-35, 39],
+      [-66, 0],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [-37, -10],
+      [-45, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25411, 26053],
+      [-100, -2],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-152, 56],
+      [-174, 18],
+      [-13, 84],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-91, 96],
+      [30, 96],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [42, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24822, 26525],
+      [3, -44],
+      [54, -30],
+      [27, -70],
+      [36, -13],
+      [84, 9],
+      [110, 102],
+      [20, -65],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [55, -22],
+      [91, 30],
+      [70, -1],
+      [31, 87],
+      [-68, -24],
+      [0, 46],
+      [-52, 21],
+      [47, 46],
+      [70, -6],
+      [17, -56],
+      [34, 16],
+      [42, -53],
+      [42, 24],
+      [14, 36],
+      [61, 62],
+      [8, 72],
+      [72, 11],
+      [33, -14],
+      [106, 28],
+      [39, 50],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [28, 68],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [47, 85],
+      [51, 35],
+      [50, -135],
+      [-38, -56],
+      [60, -57],
+      [35, 11],
+      [12, 94],
+      [38, 52],
+      [3, 121],
+      [-69, 120],
+      [-140, 136],
+      [7, 105],
+      [-71, 86],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [30, 52],
+      [39, 24],
+      [36, 61],
+      [54, 143],
+      [31, 51],
+      [80, 62],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [85, 131],
+      [-25, 67],
+      [85, 1],
+      [89, 51],
+      [65, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14865, 22740],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [80, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16326, 22029],
+      [-18, -52],
+      [27, -49],
+      [-3, -52],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [13, -45],
+      [-53, -13],
+      [-139, 2],
+      [-98, 27],
+      [-93, -23],
+      [-99, -65],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [-13, -114],
+      [-50, -12],
+      [-17, -84],
+      [29, -93],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [36, -18],
+      [-3, -60],
+      [79, -47],
+      [-15, -88],
+      [-28, -73],
+      [-35, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15655, 20870],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-144, 62],
+      [-48, 49],
+      [-129, -14],
+      [-22, -92],
+      [-85, 0],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-74, -62],
+      [-56, -33],
+      [31, -82],
+      [-13, -23],
+      [-79, -9],
+      [-136, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14774, 20647],
+      [43, 54],
+      [5, 53],
+      [-23, 75],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [-50, 31],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-37, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14682, 20971],
+      [17, 121],
+      [59, 102],
+      [90, 58],
+      [96, 82],
+      [51, 84],
+      [51, -3],
+      [9, 52],
+      [2, 126],
+      [-8, 43],
+      [-42, 20],
+      [-93, -34],
+      [-81, -83],
+      [-63, 70],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-54, 42],
+      [-64, 23],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [-47, -21],
+      [-86, 24],
+      [-70, -31],
+      [-126, 19],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-123, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14054, 21710],
+      [26, 63],
+      [98, 37],
+      [32, -8],
+      [26, 48],
+      [49, 21],
+      [-37, 67],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [40, 30],
+      [44, -14],
+      [61, 49],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [58, 11],
+      [43, 34],
+      [36, -25],
+      [51, -92],
+      [57, -38],
+      [41, 3],
+      [22, 36],
+      [88, -4],
+      [78, 32],
+      [25, 54],
+      [-6, 43],
+      [59, 25],
+      [-54, 48],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-51, -10],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [111, 47],
+      [138, 132],
+      [23, 76],
+      [-41, 32],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [42, 10],
+      [28, 84],
+      [72, 26],
+      [23, 50],
+      [49, 20],
+      [72, -31],
+      [98, 21],
+      [46, 31],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [50, 49],
+      [50, 10],
+      [48, -29],
+      [82, 19],
+      [57, -8],
+      [35, -25],
+      [56, 21],
+      [97, -85],
+      [50, 26],
+      [68, 129],
+      [114, 7],
+      [3, -48],
+      [-36, -46],
+      [-10, -73],
+      [-24, -49],
+      [17, -40],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [22, -46],
+      [57, -22],
+      [41, -74],
+      [17, -122],
+      [50, -60],
+      [36, -78],
+      [59, -81],
+      [80, 15],
+      [89, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35633, 31904],
+      [38, -119],
+      [42, -67],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [42, -25],
+      [46, -80],
+      [2, -139],
+      [25, -89],
+      [2, -168],
+      [26, -152],
+      [-9, -162],
+      [4, -166],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [0, -77],
+      [-23, -90],
+      [11, -71],
+      [-37, -98],
+      [-8, -162],
+      [-38, -108],
+      [-12, -116],
+      [14, -51],
+      [-62, -106],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-42, -14],
+      [-91, -67],
+      [-31, 6],
+      [-51, -42],
+      [-16, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35358, 29522],
+      [-97, 33],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [-31, 29],
+      [-82, 30],
+      [-77, 6],
+      [-43, 52],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [47, -123],
+      [-113, -46],
+      [-121, -132],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-43, 54],
+      [-53, 29],
+      [-61, 10],
+      [-34, 109],
+      [-82, 24],
+      [-40, 71],
+      [-36, 25],
+      [-56, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34304, 29697],
+      [-21, 49],
+      [-11, 92],
+      [15, 64],
+      [-64, -13],
+      [-35, 25],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-78, 52],
+      [-24, 39],
+      [-79, 45],
+      [-85, 10],
+      [-36, 28],
+      [-110, 15],
+      [-71, 24],
+      [-166, -16],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-26, -36],
+      [7, -49],
+      [-75, -7],
+      [-56, -37],
+      [-70, -10],
+      [-80, -27],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [-80, -18],
+      [-23, -41],
+      [-63, -8],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-148, -76],
+      [-62, 7],
+      [-70, -96],
+      [-95, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32571, 29639],
+      [-90, 34],
+      [-85, 20],
+      [-109, -6],
+      [0, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32287, 29722],
+      [24, 39],
+      [4, 72],
+      [-15, 54],
+      [18, 97],
+      [-39, 106],
+      [36, 120],
+      [-47, 87],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-59, 75],
+      [24, 47],
+      [62, 64],
+      [26, 69],
+      [29, 120],
+      [-9, 50],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [39, 75],
+      [132, 15],
+      [158, 46],
+      [85, -10],
+      [15, 98],
+      [88, 18],
+      [55, -13],
+      [66, 7],
+      [82, -22],
+      [55, 45],
+      [-44, 53],
+      [9, 76],
+      [-32, 54],
+      [-15, 64],
+      [8, 45],
+      [40, 14],
+      [113, 83],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [72, 95],
+      [0, 26],
+      [159, 159]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33276, 31739],
+      [99, 9],
+      [43, -55],
+      [95, 54],
+      [61, -36],
+      [63, 7],
+      [33, 32],
+      [49, -50],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [53, -82],
+      [107, 22],
+      [49, -6],
+      [72, -66],
+      [43, -11],
+      [74, 52],
+      [131, -24],
+      [100, 90],
+      [34, 59],
+      [-55, 38],
+      [6, 87],
+      [-10, 99],
+      [28, 61],
+      [-14, 76],
+      [16, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34349, 32093],
+      [76, -43],
+      [64, -18],
+      [70, 12],
+      [22, 42],
+      [72, -46],
+      [64, -20],
+      [8, -62],
+      [29, -38],
+      [106, 8],
+      [63, 35],
+      [35, -25],
+      [62, 6],
+      [15, -30],
+      [67, 4],
+      [44, -24],
+      [17, -85],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [14, -50],
+      [78, -65],
+      [100, -11],
+      [18, 50],
+      [130, -19],
+      [11, 222],
+      [72, 25],
+      [70, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29015, 28436],
+      [13, -48],
+      [40, -5],
+      [73, -107],
+      [-9, -74],
+      [-36, -26],
+      [-105, -146],
+      [39, -52],
+      [-5, -49],
+      [-75, -68],
+      [-1, -77],
+      [121, -103],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-14, -81],
+      [-100, -72],
+      [-38, -87],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-53, -101],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [-115, -33],
+      [-35, -101],
+      [-60, -24],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [28, -36],
+      [105, -1],
+      [5, -49],
+      [124, -35],
+      [57, -103],
+      [23, -68],
+      [42, -24],
+      [43, -66],
+      [-50, -71],
+      [39, -71],
+      [-6, -104],
+      [51, -57],
+      [39, 22],
+      [68, 7],
+      [37, -47],
+      [0, -87],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [68, -116],
+      [-73, -51],
+      [12, -99],
+      [-84, -62],
+      [1, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27194, 25576],
+      [-91, -2],
+      [-84, 113],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-46, 99],
+      [-52, -23],
+      [-101, -15],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [-56, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26693, 25736],
+      [-72, 66],
+      [32, 21],
+      [2, 89],
+      [33, 49],
+      [17, 88],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [56, 43],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [-21, 51],
+      [16, 46],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [28, 59],
+      [-41, 44],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-79, 27],
+      [12, 60],
+      [-20, 106],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-27, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27364, 27743],
+      [51, 103],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [61, 22],
+      [4, 26],
+      [91, 133],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [-77, 40],
+      [-25, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27442, 28229],
+      [59, 8],
+      [36, 76],
+      [70, 77],
+      [25, -56],
+      [35, 35],
+      [93, -49],
+      [34, -73],
+      [-26, -69],
+      [34, -7],
+      [65, 36],
+      [39, 62],
+      [49, 44],
+      [12, 82],
+      [129, 110],
+      [41, 60],
+      [94, 22],
+      [25, -41],
+      [147, 65],
+      [76, -21],
+      [-13, -67],
+      [85, 17],
+      [26, 37],
+      [46, 18],
+      [29, -73],
+      [112, -33],
+      [28, 29],
+      [44, 2],
+      [85, -77],
+      [94, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32571, 29639],
+      [-59, -145],
+      [103, -41],
+      [-55, -91],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [28, -110],
+      [-59, -84],
+      [-19, -129],
+      [46, -39],
+      [102, -30],
+      [123, 6],
+      [35, -64],
+      [-50, -58],
+      [-73, -117],
+      [34, -72],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-93, -148],
+      [4, -49],
+      [54, -50],
+      [52, -25],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [112, -92],
+      [101, 27],
+      [71, -41],
+      [84, 3],
+      [29, 15],
+      [77, -100],
+      [2, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33119, 28047],
+      [-31, -56],
+      [-49, -16],
+      [-72, 45],
+      [-95, -37],
+      [-140, -9],
+      [-182, 127],
+      [-86, -19],
+      [-98, 27],
+      [-60, -14],
+      [-171, 81],
+      [-70, 5],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-100, -197],
+      [-30, -108],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-14, -40],
+      [-53, -47],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-107, -54],
+      [-58, -73],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-81, 8],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [-59, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31253, 27522],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [-61, 18],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [11, 67],
+      [-25, 56],
+      [34, 33],
+      [-29, 64],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [-44, 72],
+      [63, -15],
+      [44, 45],
+      [-55, 166],
+      [-7, 59],
+      [85, 35],
+      [19, 28],
+      [-6, 93],
+      [12, 47],
+      [-28, 109],
+      [-84, 23],
+      [-71, -9],
+      [-65, -40],
+      [-67, 26],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-33, 35],
+      [-93, 35],
+      [-6, 122],
+      [29, 124],
+      [31, 33],
+      [-15, 40],
+      [14, 53],
+      [48, 36],
+      [12, 46],
+      [133, 45],
+      [-14, 59],
+      [15, 43],
+      [38, 19],
+      [141, 15],
+      [11, 22],
+      [101, 25],
+      [44, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31209, 29253],
+      [25, -16],
+      [60, 57],
+      [97, -39],
+      [26, 35],
+      [42, 8],
+      [18, 67],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [65, -3],
+      [54, 32],
+      [96, 27],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [30, 89],
+      [94, 14],
+      [-29, 107],
+      [2, 74],
+      [62, 2],
+      [102, 25],
+      [83, 68],
+      [0, 51],
+      [33, 32],
+      [93, -111],
+      [41, -28],
+      [10, -71],
+      [53, -20],
+      [40, 13],
+      [24, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18713, 23341],
+      [43, -19],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-35, 29],
+      [13, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19625, 23376],
+      [39, -32],
+      [-99, -59],
+      [-34, 8],
+      [10, 54],
+      [84, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19278, 23403],
+      [20, -34],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [24, 51],
+      [36, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19351, 23408],
+      [96, -31],
+      [12, -30],
+      [-97, -12],
+      [-51, 25],
+      [40, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19787, 23593],
+      [21, -16],
+      [-49, -103],
+      [7, -41],
+      [-92, -21],
+      [-47, 14],
+      [-24, 68],
+      [78, 16],
+      [106, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18913, 23589],
+      [17, -41],
+      [-16, -141],
+      [-36, -44],
+      [36, -80],
+      [-61, -38],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [-4, 75],
+      [-43, 27],
+      [-75, 107],
+      [8, 76],
+      [73, -14],
+      [37, -73],
+      [56, 45],
+      [-53, 55],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [97, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18604, 23640],
+      [28, -52],
+      [-90, -89],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-26, 46],
+      [54, 80],
+      [88, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20188, 23665],
+      [26, -65],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-47, -44],
+      [-51, 39],
+      [32, 79],
+      [99, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20229, 23761],
+      [44, -5],
+      [67, -97],
+      [-37, -91],
+      [-70, 56],
+      [-46, 83],
+      [42, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20154, 23765],
+      [20, -52],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [-33, 18],
+      [17, 72],
+      [26, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20555, 23788],
+      [5, -37],
+      [-107, -47],
+      [-7, 36],
+      [74, 45],
+      [35, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20358, 23875],
+      [34, -33],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-5, -37],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-3, 60],
+      [94, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20208, 25410],
+      [54, -20],
+      [158, 25],
+      [42, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20462, 25367],
+      [67, -91],
+      [34, -27],
+      [-1, -36],
+      [-45, -80],
+      [9, -61],
+      [-10, -92],
+      [96, -139],
+      [65, -54],
+      [-30, -108],
+      [22, -142],
+      [56, -64],
+      [-38, -111],
+      [44, -73],
+      [33, -8],
+      [54, -101],
+      [-8, -85],
+      [11, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20821, 24034],
+      [-28, -94],
+      [-89, -22],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-2, -82],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [-62, 25],
+      [-92, 7],
+      [-36, 54],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [-163, -76],
+      [-117, -41],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-22, -87],
+      [-124, -38],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [-102, -4],
+      [-27, -22],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-64, -65],
+      [-50, 35],
+      [-63, -6],
+      [-41, -80],
+      [-52, 14],
+      [-8, -98],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-74, -19],
+      [-30, -56],
+      [-76, -20],
+      [-91, 62],
+      [-41, -58],
+      [-49, -19],
+      [11, -34],
+      [-50, -76],
+      [43, -7],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [60, 1],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [-29, -3],
+      [-87, 36],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-83, -17],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [118, 72],
+      [-28, 31],
+      [25, 80],
+      [76, 49],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-50, 55],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-47, 74],
+      [18, 50],
+      [-23, 41],
+      [-66, -6],
+      [-3, 35],
+      [-178, -10],
+      [-156, -146],
+      [-17, -35],
+      [-84, -51],
+      [-34, -62],
+      [27, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18406, 23461],
+      [-94, -6],
+      [-68, 18],
+      [-51, 142],
+      [8, 61],
+      [-58, 52],
+      [-58, 22],
+      [15, 71],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [17, 78],
+      [-29, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18072, 24028],
+      [-49, 61],
+      [30, 62],
+      [60, 17],
+      [63, 65],
+      [17, 48],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [19, 73],
+      [70, 99],
+      [-55, 33],
+      [29, 47],
+      [107, 71],
+      [21, -9],
+      [54, 81],
+      [21, 62],
+      [54, -24],
+      [40, -45],
+      [22, 42],
+      [63, -8],
+      [40, 19],
+      [74, -38],
+      [44, 65],
+      [41, 14],
+      [25, -40],
+      [164, -12],
+      [58, 25],
+      [90, 77],
+      [72, 1],
+      [23, -18],
+      [42, 42],
+      [55, 21],
+      [-16, 51],
+      [-104, 43],
+      [16, 53],
+      [38, 21],
+      [28, 45],
+      [120, 25],
+      [43, 80],
+      [67, 67],
+      [43, 79],
+      [88, 94],
+      [40, 7],
+      [29, -33],
+      [87, -34],
+      [54, 25],
+      [25, 34],
+      [98, -77],
+      [38, 26],
+      [105, 15],
+      [58, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32916, 41953],
+      [3, -55],
+      [-33, -62],
+      [-55, -61],
+      [7, -91],
+      [-48, -123],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [-72, -15],
+      [-37, 17],
+      [-3, 133],
+      [-38, 82],
+      [59, 117],
+      [51, 1],
+      [153, 40],
+      [46, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36414, 46998],
+      [19, -28],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [62, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36154, 48879],
+      [66, -51],
+      [94, -6],
+      [54, -42],
+      [43, -70],
+      [9, -80],
+      [-107, -93],
+      [-74, -30],
+      [-119, 73],
+      [-72, 77],
+      [2, 65],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [46, 50],
+      [76, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35722, 49331],
+      [47, -47],
+      [46, 2],
+      [51, 37],
+      [22, -47],
+      [-9, -102],
+      [7, -82],
+      [-19, -26],
+      [14, -52],
+      [-23, -44],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-45, 69],
+      [-44, 127],
+      [19, 107],
+      [-29, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37627, 49487],
+      [46, -28],
+      [17, -65],
+      [57, -53],
+      [40, -14],
+      [26, -73],
+      [40, -51],
+      [231, -138],
+      [222, -257],
+      [254, -252],
+      [194, -179],
+      [49, -29],
+      [14, -85],
+      [86, -74],
+      [3, -83],
+      [33, -43],
+      [61, -38],
+      [54, -109],
+      [30, -14],
+      [134, -177],
+      [103, -97],
+      [132, -92],
+      [21, -32],
+      [123, -91],
+      [113, -143],
+      [140, -87],
+      [34, -32],
+      [265, -156],
+      [38, -40],
+      [102, -60],
+      [131, -63],
+      [33, -79],
+      [99, -65],
+      [170, -79],
+      [-26, -44],
+      [43, -19],
+      [59, 29],
+      [199, -79],
+      [204, -74],
+      [-106, 6],
+      [-41, -23],
+      [76, -63],
+      [28, -83],
+      [58, -4],
+      [24, -51],
+      [91, -3],
+      [66, 26],
+      [101, -17],
+      [103, -34],
+      [26, 27],
+      [28, 79],
+      [272, -30],
+      [124, -48],
+      [-113, -17],
+      [-32, -146],
+      [29, -31],
+      [75, 6],
+      [57, 36],
+      [36, 82],
+      [-6, 77],
+      [107, 23],
+      [18, -60],
+      [-6, -107],
+      [38, -37],
+      [49, -94],
+      [124, -59],
+      [65, -71],
+      [81, 20],
+      [208, -27],
+      [145, -13],
+      [176, 3],
+      [177, 28],
+      [85, 49],
+      [23, 46],
+      [59, 26],
+      [80, 62],
+      [53, 68],
+      [131, 104],
+      [0, 24],
+      [121, 70],
+      [111, 94],
+      [130, 67],
+      [66, 120],
+      [158, 149],
+      [17, 48],
+      [56, -15],
+      [15, -73],
+      [34, -53],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-111, -195],
+      [-82, -66],
+      [-48, -114],
+      [11, -48],
+      [-46, -70],
+      [-83, -71],
+      [-100, -129],
+      [-22, -63],
+      [-50, -78],
+      [10, -70],
+      [-34, -94],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [23, -94],
+      [48, -49],
+      [107, -184],
+      [79, -29],
+      [13, -74],
+      [79, -132],
+      [52, -200],
+      [5, -51],
+      [67, -141],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [-100, 10],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [29, -27],
+      [25, -72],
+      [59, 57],
+      [51, -2],
+      [-2, -87],
+      [56, 2],
+      [97, -37],
+      [160, -16],
+      [32, 26],
+      [107, -73],
+      [-50, 90],
+      [51, 74],
+      [91, 50],
+      [34, 45],
+      [85, 44],
+      [27, 44],
+      [140, -19],
+      [28, 21],
+      [136, -11],
+      [15, -42],
+      [-103, -64],
+      [-107, -17],
+      [-65, -42],
+      [-76, 9],
+      [-93, -93],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-42, -127],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-26, -67],
+      [-97, 49],
+      [-98, -2],
+      [-143, -23],
+      [-67, -25],
+      [-68, 7],
+      [-69, -23],
+      [-53, -43],
+      [-79, -2],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-49, -14],
+      [-62, -50],
+      [7, -94],
+      [-53, -28],
+      [-7, -57],
+      [-112, -36],
+      [-9, -68],
+      [-127, -45],
+      [-65, 23],
+      [-102, -11],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [18, 45],
+      [70, -30],
+      [98, 71],
+      [-63, 39],
+      [-72, 11],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-10, -55],
+      [-127, -3],
+      [-86, -87],
+      [-36, -95],
+      [104, -79],
+      [-72, -22],
+      [-127, 14],
+      [-87, 28],
+      [-158, -10],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-87, -28],
+      [-71, 10],
+      [-147, 55],
+      [-42, 68],
+      [-75, 19],
+      [-99, -5],
+      [-131, -25],
+      [-140, -49],
+      [-52, -34],
+      [-130, -45],
+      [-212, -128],
+      [-111, -80],
+      [-504, -422],
+      [-125, -135],
+      [-61, -35],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [-177, -228],
+      [-104, -162],
+      [-110, -213],
+      [-31, -151],
+      [23, -75],
+      [30, -20],
+      [-21, -94],
+      [-4, -103],
+      [-30, -96],
+      [9, -48],
+      [-111, -130],
+      [-31, -115],
+      [12, -47],
+      [-165, 127],
+      [-3, 30],
+      [-51, 70],
+      [-142, 86],
+      [-127, 52],
+      [-71, 75],
+      [-113, 32],
+      [-63, -2],
+      [-118, 21],
+      [-84, 46],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-83, 26],
+      [-98, 16],
+      [-95, 76],
+      [-97, 49],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-86, 46],
+      [-65, 15],
+      [-83, 77],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [-189, 123],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-157, 144],
+      [-114, 42],
+      [-114, 9],
+      [-94, 30],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-65, 37],
+      [-156, 139],
+      [-186, 78],
+      [-187, 41],
+      [-87, 5],
+      [-158, -12],
+      [-133, -30],
+      [-148, -55],
+      [-223, -121],
+      [-111, -75],
+      [-116, -91],
+      [-150, -67],
+      [-124, -106],
+      [-62, -76],
+      [-77, -77],
+      [-20, -49],
+      [-110, 37],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [35, 21],
+      [75, -32],
+      [-20, 61],
+      [-82, 15],
+      [-52, 31],
+      [-22, 110],
+      [-55, 85],
+      [-71, 27],
+      [-60, 55],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [-39, 103],
+      [-109, 83],
+      [-127, 10],
+      [-155, -38],
+      [-67, 43],
+      [-128, -6],
+      [-91, -76],
+      [-71, -77],
+      [-55, -77],
+      [-70, -120],
+      [-71, -175],
+      [-21, -87],
+      [-4, -77],
+      [41, -101],
+      [89, -39],
+      [86, -7],
+      [53, -52],
+      [94, -58],
+      [106, -102],
+      [68, -39],
+      [67, -15],
+      [151, 47],
+      [70, -4],
+      [33, 27],
+      [107, -56],
+      [25, -70],
+      [40, -21],
+      [53, -96],
+      [106, -59],
+      [66, -57],
+      [56, -105],
+      [48, -51],
+      [100, -50],
+      [118, -12],
+      [147, -73],
+      [3, -61],
+      [61, -21],
+      [17, -43],
+      [-60, -41],
+      [-82, 7],
+      [-68, -67],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [-152, -63],
+      [-93, 3],
+      [-51, 56],
+      [-125, 44],
+      [-50, 2],
+      [-121, 36],
+      [-75, -16],
+      [-30, -53],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-26, 57],
+      [62, 14],
+      [7, 44],
+      [-56, 62],
+      [-74, 12],
+      [-74, -34],
+      [-44, -148],
+      [-104, -52],
+      [-44, -46],
+      [-130, -7],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [-9, -161],
+      [17, -83],
+      [-57, -72],
+      [-90, -2],
+      [-107, -53],
+      [-88, -21],
+      [-81, -125],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [-62, -18],
+      [-60, 54],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-114, -12],
+      [-67, 57],
+      [-51, 96],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-63, 129],
+      [-3, 132],
+      [29, 68],
+      [20, 115],
+      [97, 124],
+      [26, 50],
+      [1, 93],
+      [76, -8],
+      [33, 66],
+      [1, 52],
+      [29, 137],
+      [-43, 206],
+      [-94, 118],
+      [-30, 63],
+      [-60, 69],
+      [-75, 37],
+      [-131, 11],
+      [-84, 173],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [-98, 7],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-50, 71],
+      [18, 50],
+      [-37, 69],
+      [32, 99],
+      [66, 47],
+      [43, 68],
+      [35, 141],
+      [-24, 104],
+      [10, 44],
+      [-38, 110],
+      [-5, 91],
+      [58, 59],
+      [26, 52],
+      [116, 56],
+      [126, 8],
+      [81, -11],
+      [58, 33],
+      [26, 55],
+      [146, 70],
+      [0, 33],
+      [79, 125],
+      [83, -49],
+      [48, -84],
+      [104, 25],
+      [0, 109],
+      [86, 79],
+      [82, 130],
+      [53, 62],
+      [59, 25],
+      [145, 83],
+      [21, 79],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-50, 97],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-45, 100],
+      [-86, 74],
+      [-74, 43],
+      [-70, 100],
+      [75, 251],
+      [87, 10],
+      [30, -13],
+      [76, 37],
+      [14, 47],
+      [61, 16],
+      [32, -36],
+      [185, -142],
+      [45, 1],
+      [20, -69],
+      [151, -38],
+      [37, -32],
+      [81, -24],
+      [-5, -45],
+      [35, -25],
+      [115, 9],
+      [126, 28],
+      [10, 30],
+      [64, 9],
+      [55, 27],
+      [75, -3],
+      [-13, -93],
+      [57, -41],
+      [100, -20],
+      [142, -63],
+      [180, 77],
+      [68, 44],
+      [74, 66],
+      [155, 176],
+      [43, 61],
+      [7, 214],
+      [-66, 124],
+      [-70, 98],
+      [4, 45],
+      [32, 49],
+      [19, 71],
+      [-11, 41],
+      [-55, 77],
+      [-47, 196],
+      [60, 81],
+      [43, 96],
+      [146, 75],
+      [77, 4],
+      [28, 41],
+      [98, 9],
+      [79, 62],
+      [60, 84],
+      [31, 80],
+      [15, 95],
+      [20, 36],
+      [5, 97],
+      [-20, 198],
+      [12, 48],
+      [-9, 135],
+      [6, 50],
+      [-20, 168],
+      [61, 39],
+      [17, 58],
+      [54, 93],
+      [47, 47],
+      [41, 103],
+      [19, 220],
+      [35, 56],
+      [11, 180],
+      [-14, 146],
+      [-40, 193],
+      [-38, 125],
+      [-14, 82],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [-88, 201],
+      [-175, 330],
+      [-45, 114],
+      [3, 105],
+      [69, 75],
+      [22, 43],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [52, 49],
+      [32, 86],
+      [-41, 52],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [28, 79],
+      [65, -64],
+      [13, -43],
+      [63, -14],
+      [171, 30],
+      [60, 26],
+      [58, 46],
+      [27, 46],
+      [1, 81],
+      [26, 35],
+      [92, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23891, 24340],
+      [39, -47],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [-51, -53],
+      [-2, -50],
+      [-68, -77],
+      [-31, -53],
+      [-56, -52],
+      [-39, -98],
+      [0, -114],
+      [40, -35],
+      [6, -46],
+      [49, -42],
+      [17, -73],
+      [-105, -34],
+      [-131, -65],
+      [-64, -56],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-73, -25],
+      [-39, 60],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [23, 44],
+      [-69, 35],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [-7, 51],
+      [31, 55],
+      [66, 10],
+      [46, 28],
+      [49, 119],
+      [55, 69],
+      [31, 80],
+      [97, 65],
+      [44, 80],
+      [33, 38],
+      [54, 16],
+      [67, 58],
+      [55, 82],
+      [57, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22873, 24481],
+      [20, -62],
+      [-78, 30],
+      [58, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24327, 24499],
+      [40, -55],
+      [-55, -9],
+      [-30, 54],
+      [45, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22969, 24514],
+      [6, -61],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [49, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24431, 24547],
+      [28, -40],
+      [-69, -8],
+      [-5, 31],
+      [46, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23628, 26760],
+      [8, -83],
+      [-15, -65],
+      [9, -45],
+      [87, -77],
+      [20, -58],
+      [30, -17],
+      [132, 53],
+      [64, 5],
+      [13, -46],
+      [-6, -107],
+      [17, -46],
+      [1, -73],
+      [-59, -58],
+      [-45, -18],
+      [-72, 50],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [-17, -119],
+      [5, -72],
+      [72, -39],
+      [78, -19],
+      [27, -38],
+      [132, -67],
+      [32, 34],
+      [121, 4],
+      [15, -94],
+      [66, -38],
+      [-17, -74],
+      [36, -23],
+      [63, 34],
+      [103, -10],
+      [4, -70],
+      [86, 17],
+      [10, -22],
+      [88, -25],
+      [32, -81],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-18, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24624, 25338],
+      [-63, -4],
+      [31, -44],
+      [-16, -128],
+      [29, -33],
+      [209, -59],
+      [-91, -49],
+      [42, -23],
+      [-22, -95],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-8, -91],
+      [48, -51],
+      [34, -124],
+      [-25, -38],
+      [-56, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24719, 24563],
+      [-104, -51],
+      [-51, 69],
+      [-98, 12],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [-139, -20],
+      [-59, -55],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-133, -16],
+      [-109, -39],
+      [-54, 12],
+      [-30, 29],
+      [-104, 7],
+      [-146, 105],
+      [-27, -17],
+      [-75, 28],
+      [-60, 49],
+      [-21, 35],
+      [-85, 74],
+      [-90, 26],
+      [-98, -30],
+      [-64, 24],
+      [-107, -36],
+      [-94, 56],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-117, 15],
+      [-29, -8],
+      [-34, -81],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [-44, 40],
+      [-32, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22592, 24632],
+      [-55, 132],
+      [-26, 39],
+      [-82, 54],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [17, 60],
+      [53, 38],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [-55, 58],
+      [35, 31],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [20, 41],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [60, 64],
+      [41, 9],
+      [6, 89],
+      [59, 24],
+      [24, 105],
+      [25, 25],
+      [75, 19],
+      [0, 49],
+      [-58, 40],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [43, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22707, 25789],
+      [58, -25],
+      [97, 54],
+      [68, 56],
+      [-5, 72],
+      [-22, 40],
+      [16, 40],
+      [-25, 54],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [1, 125],
+      [-74, 32],
+      [-22, 144],
+      [-27, 35],
+      [20, 49],
+      [-35, 54],
+      [-11, 68],
+      [-70, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22635, 26653],
+      [117, 17],
+      [94, 47],
+      [52, 50],
+      [75, 20],
+      [24, -27],
+      [95, -2],
+      [49, -44],
+      [65, 61],
+      [76, -26],
+      [59, 28],
+      [96, -18],
+      [42, 26],
+      [82, -32],
+      [67, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35358, 29522],
+      [4, -2],
+      [3, -1],
+      [13, -39],
+      [-68, -49],
+      [-72, -164],
+      [-8, -65],
+      [-27, -82],
+      [5, -46],
+      [-50, -55],
+      [-57, -133],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-39, -147],
+      [-45, -83],
+      [-2, -148],
+      [22, -112],
+      [-51, -62],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [-62, -54],
+      [-8, -69],
+      [27, -195],
+      [58, -187],
+      [62, -144],
+      [77, -160],
+      [22, -2],
+      [48, -103],
+      [64, -103],
+      [11, -46],
+      [163, -237],
+      [77, -55],
+      [10, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33352, 27761],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-39, 9],
+      [-30, 72],
+      [-50, 86],
+      [-11, 58],
+      [21, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33204, 28008],
+      [73, 6],
+      [42, 29],
+      [124, 53],
+      [31, 71],
+      [-3, 52],
+      [27, 37],
+      [52, 5],
+      [62, -31],
+      [12, 83],
+      [84, 32],
+      [30, 55],
+      [55, -12],
+      [34, 17],
+      [94, 14],
+      [5, 49],
+      [89, -12],
+      [21, 34],
+      [44, 2],
+      [28, -37],
+      [53, 1],
+      [34, 49],
+      [2, 80],
+      [76, 112],
+      [17, 63],
+      [-11, 109],
+      [8, 62],
+      [-25, 68],
+      [9, 23],
+      [-41, 93],
+      [29, 36],
+      [95, 20],
+      [5, 52],
+      [-51, 50],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [24, 98],
+      [-28, 93],
+      [-8, 151],
+      [17, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27923, 30237],
+      [30, -40],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [20, -36],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-54, 17],
+      [-30, -27],
+      [-70, -13],
+      [-29, 48],
+      [-49, 26],
+      [109, 21],
+      [62, -6],
+      [60, 11],
+      [32, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27949, 29755],
+      [-125, 9],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-43, -20],
+      [-64, -56],
+      [-34, -53],
+      [7, -57],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [-24, -96],
+      [-8, -135],
+      [-55, -61],
+      [-52, -15],
+      [39, -49],
+      [20, -71],
+      [-76, -116],
+      [18, -106],
+      [46, -55],
+      [-41, -93],
+      [6, -71],
+      [-40, -115],
+      [3, -42],
+      [29, -33],
+      [14, -103],
+      [-33, -40],
+      [15, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26348, 28224],
+      [69, 64],
+      [42, 69],
+      [67, 15],
+      [118, 96],
+      [96, 101],
+      [77, 109],
+      [40, 39],
+      [191, 237],
+      [13, 40],
+      [45, 39],
+      [126, 196],
+      [95, 191],
+      [38, 110],
+      [18, 134],
+      [-8, 58],
+      [13, 129],
+      [-50, 25],
+      [-18, 82],
+      [-34, 67],
+      [24, 50],
+      [-5, 87],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-84, -17],
+      [11, 156],
+      [43, 38],
+      [-1, 43],
+      [41, 33],
+      [28, 68],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-2, 73],
+      [102, 91],
+      [132, 77],
+      [74, 13],
+      [92, -24],
+      [57, 31],
+      [220, 98],
+      [50, 54],
+      [105, 55],
+      [129, 16],
+      [110, 57],
+      [70, -10],
+      [50, 9],
+      [52, -64],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [36, -41],
+      [-12, -49],
+      [-81, -16],
+      [-86, 0],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-28, -109],
+      [54, -120],
+      [-64, -71],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-106, 21],
+      [-100, -32],
+      [-42, -29],
+      [-40, -71],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-74, -35],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [-43, 5],
+      [-53, 53],
+      [-116, -138],
+      [-19, -55],
+      [51, -11],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-53, -20],
+      [9, -54],
+      [32, -42],
+      [40, 48],
+      [61, -6],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [39, -33],
+      [56, -18],
+      [52, 56],
+      [20, 64],
+      [58, 16],
+      [7, -89],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [19, -177],
+      [-10, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37021, 34391],
+      [-118, 45],
+      [-84, -2],
+      [-61, 14],
+      [-24, -48],
+      [14, -60],
+      [-3, -102],
+      [-68, -65],
+      [10, -46],
+      [-19, -47],
+      [12, -54],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-1, -66],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-71, 34],
+      [-16, 24],
+      [-60, 4],
+      [-61, 32],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-18, -64],
+      [-86, -17],
+      [-23, 43],
+      [-106, 31],
+      [-12, 45],
+      [-51, 74],
+      [60, 50],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [-73, 19],
+      [-121, -20],
+      [-38, 14],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-55, 75],
+      [-144, 44],
+      [-143, 85],
+      [-75, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37125, 37794],
+      [58, -64],
+      [14, -51],
+      [66, -67],
+      [30, -49],
+      [8, -57],
+      [86, -120],
+      [31, -84],
+      [-68, -62],
+      [6, -52],
+      [115, -46],
+      [24, -70],
+      [-49, -1],
+      [-41, -71],
+      [15, -65],
+      [31, -37],
+      [58, -27],
+      [74, -91],
+      [42, 2],
+      [33, -51],
+      [9, -75],
+      [-29, -23],
+      [-7, -54],
+      [31, -70],
+      [47, -58],
+      [-10, -42],
+      [34, -60],
+      [-14, -74],
+      [24, -24],
+      [-28, -102],
+      [5, -51],
+      [-30, -57],
+      [3, -142],
+      [-52, -62],
+      [27, -28],
+      [112, 159],
+      [20, -118],
+      [26, -71],
+      [38, 2],
+      [27, -74],
+      [-81, -42],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-40, -34],
+      [5, -35],
+      [-79, 6],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [48, -67],
+      [113, 102],
+      [51, -35],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-19, -87],
+      [-77, -19],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-71, -85],
+      [37, -70],
+      [-83, -22],
+      [83, -69],
+      [-101, -17],
+      [38, -54],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [70, -69],
+      [-88, -53],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [76, -22],
+      [-74, -51],
+      [-74, 3],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [126, -62],
+      [32, -32],
+      [-66, -40],
+      [-52, 36],
+      [-86, 20],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [79, -73],
+      [-23, -77],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [-141, -18],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [-49, -37],
+      [47, -26],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-34, -7],
+      [-47, 70],
+      [-4, 74],
+      [-91, -9],
+      [16, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22783, 23414],
+      [-16, -93],
+      [-78, -15],
+      [-73, 50],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-90, -6],
+      [-74, 31],
+      [-137, -24],
+      [-34, 6],
+      [-75, -56],
+      [6, -41],
+      [-32, -34],
+      [-143, -3],
+      [-46, -71],
+      [-54, -27],
+      [-48, 0],
+      [-48, 35],
+      [-38, 59],
+      [-63, -33],
+      [-76, 9],
+      [-77, -29],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [-40, -15],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-101, -82],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-62, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21106, 23032],
+      [50, 18],
+      [29, 80],
+      [-10, 89],
+      [13, 14],
+      [20, 133],
+      [-28, 53],
+      [-45, 27],
+      [20, 34],
+      [71, 9],
+      [49, -14],
+      [50, 14],
+      [88, 90],
+      [20, 49],
+      [41, 24],
+      [48, 0],
+      [31, 35],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [42, 20],
+      [53, -58],
+      [48, 38],
+      [6, 73],
+      [87, -2],
+      [75, -20],
+      [30, -35],
+      [94, -14],
+      [50, 25],
+      [96, 9],
+      [47, 78],
+      [48, -26],
+      [8, -31],
+      [-21, -74],
+      [46, -44],
+      [20, 47],
+      [126, 16],
+      [31, -44],
+      [-39, -59],
+      [84, -74],
+      [34, 5],
+      [78, -57],
+      [94, -30],
+      [52, -53],
+      [49, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21335, 23859],
+      [35, -61],
+      [-62, -51],
+      [-30, 23],
+      [57, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10878, 6966],
+      [37, -37],
+      [8, -67],
+      [-64, -3],
+      [-35, 56],
+      [54, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11397, 7826],
+      [-3, -54],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [-82, -112],
+      [-72, -60],
+      [-80, -24],
+      [-53, 45],
+      [-22, 55],
+      [23, 75],
+      [55, -21],
+      [68, 5],
+      [36, 25],
+      [43, 0],
+      [123, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11815, 8867],
+      [38, -14],
+      [87, 12],
+      [10, -41],
+      [-16, -79],
+      [4, -54],
+      [57, -35],
+      [80, -92],
+      [-42, -112],
+      [-34, -40],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-104, -16],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-14, 61],
+      [-72, 68],
+      [38, 33],
+      [13, 63],
+      [-33, 51],
+      [-1, 73],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [24, 65],
+      [0, 75],
+      [30, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12444, 9217],
+      [20, -33],
+      [70, 2],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-41, 23],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-12, 44],
+      [37, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12336, 9248],
+      [-8, -86],
+      [-39, -14],
+      [7, 72],
+      [40, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12413, 9575],
+      [-11, -47],
+      [18, -39],
+      [98, -45],
+      [35, -63],
+      [42, 6],
+      [50, -24],
+      [56, -1],
+      [-27, -72],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [-22, 34],
+      [-84, -18],
+      [0, 50],
+      [-22, 26],
+      [-52, -28],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [2, 60],
+      [-56, 38],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [66, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12366, 9818],
+      [53, -19],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-58, 35],
+      [12, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14022, 9985],
+      [30, -40],
+      [-54, -59],
+      [-60, -110],
+      [-74, -31],
+      [-56, 86],
+      [43, 40],
+      [33, 0],
+      [85, 82],
+      [53, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13367, 10326],
+      [-1, -58],
+      [29, -56],
+      [29, -7],
+      [2, -79],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-65, -23],
+      [-24, -31],
+      [-69, 24],
+      [-89, -101],
+      [-44, -72],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [14, -47],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-87, -15],
+      [-34, 7],
+      [-33, -120],
+      [1, -34],
+      [64, -28],
+      [-49, -49],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-49, -38],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [-59, 42],
+      [11, 40],
+      [-66, 26],
+      [17, 57],
+      [-156, 48],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [-22, 46],
+      [91, 12],
+      [56, -10],
+      [37, 63],
+      [-39, 35],
+      [107, 60],
+      [71, 6],
+      [16, 31],
+      [66, 63],
+      [50, -33],
+      [33, 41],
+      [81, 36],
+      [31, -14],
+      [41, 70],
+      [92, -8],
+      [15, 71],
+      [54, 49],
+      [47, -11],
+      [52, 42],
+      [19, -58],
+      [101, -56],
+      [-15, 56],
+      [50, 23],
+      [-38, 89],
+      [44, 63],
+      [27, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12397, 11784],
+      [36, -2],
+      [6, -64],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-5, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13180, 12514],
+      [27, -10],
+      [22, -50],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [25, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13464, 12968],
+      [1, -82],
+      [-86, -78],
+      [-26, 114],
+      [53, 36],
+      [58, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13690, 13451],
+      [78, -30],
+      [9, -60],
+      [43, -48],
+      [-115, -4],
+      [-54, 91],
+      [39, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13824, 13707],
+      [49, -62],
+      [-5, -37],
+      [-59, 13],
+      [-27, 47],
+      [42, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14968, 14784],
+      [55, -39],
+      [88, -24],
+      [54, -53],
+      [85, -26],
+      [60, -51],
+      [-21, -155],
+      [-109, -132],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [-109, -22],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-96, 23],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [-33, 110],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-27, 79],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [32, 37],
+      [53, -6],
+      [53, 79],
+      [37, 22],
+      [-3, 41],
+      [70, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14271, 14851],
+      [42, -20],
+      [63, 1],
+      [71, -29],
+      [59, -52],
+      [-71, -51],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-32, 56],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-50, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15690, 15447],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [2, 57],
+      [41, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14583, 15577],
+      [33, -24],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [-98, -4],
+      [53, 58],
+      [24, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16076, 15650],
+      [25, -93],
+      [26, -32],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [14, -143],
+      [-42, -77],
+      [-14, -51],
+      [11, -95],
+      [-44, -47],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-111, -114],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-4, -64],
+      [39, -42],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [16, -56],
+      [-19, -58],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-78, -30],
+      [-63, -45],
+      [-28, 58],
+      [17, 89],
+      [-26, 72],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [43, 15],
+      [18, 47],
+      [29, 16],
+      [59, 98],
+      [52, 129],
+      [-5, 87],
+      [-23, 89],
+      [72, 93],
+      [10, 39],
+      [40, 43],
+      [16, 47],
+      [-11, 39],
+      [56, 72],
+      [2, 25],
+      [51, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13861, 15680],
+      [49, -48],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [-52, 47],
+      [42, 42],
+      [29, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13568, 17832],
+      [0, -55],
+      [-40, -104],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-10, -70],
+      [-31, -27],
+      [-2, -63],
+      [-54, -52],
+      [-65, 39],
+      [53, 119],
+      [7, 52],
+      [92, 49],
+      [60, 8],
+      [37, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13692, 18057],
+      [53, -57],
+      [49, -31],
+      [37, 50],
+      [12, -92],
+      [-63, -29],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [2, 68],
+      [39, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15427, 18556],
+      [-43, -51],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [65, -23],
+      [83, -79],
+      [9, -75],
+      [57, -86],
+      [85, -14],
+      [52, -39],
+      [32, -71],
+      [-21, -101],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [17, -88],
+      [66, -10],
+      [29, -35],
+      [109, -13],
+      [-18, -62],
+      [79, -18],
+      [0, -91],
+      [16, -66],
+      [55, -98],
+      [51, 58],
+      [71, -63],
+      [33, -13],
+      [63, 23],
+      [48, -28],
+      [0, -51],
+      [31, -66],
+      [-26, -38],
+      [14, -30],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-42, -19],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [0, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16288, 17079],
+      [-92, 39],
+      [-115, -63],
+      [-63, -81],
+      [-23, -63],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [166, -59],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-65, -51],
+      [35, -28],
+      [75, -7],
+      [-84, -62],
+      [-41, -50],
+      [-97, -1],
+      [-28, -89],
+      [-34, -17],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [-34, -40],
+      [-93, -59],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [-58, -43],
+      [-122, -14],
+      [-66, -52],
+      [-68, -18],
+      [-55, -32],
+      [-70, -91],
+      [-5, 133],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [123, 71],
+      [27, 34],
+      [43, 107],
+      [-22, 47],
+      [35, 91],
+      [29, 46],
+      [16, 84],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [27, 64],
+      [-75, 167],
+      [-77, 106],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-6, 110],
+      [23, 51],
+      [-86, 44],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-87, 104],
+      [72, 71],
+      [101, 18],
+      [35, -11],
+      [38, -50],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [19, -51],
+      [84, 8],
+      [47, 55],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [73, 135],
+      [-60, 98],
+      [-118, 11],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [-58, 16],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-95, -73],
+      [2, -84],
+      [-25, -67],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-29, -48],
+      [16, -50],
+      [-42, -67],
+      [-30, -85],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-16, -116],
+      [26, -114],
+      [38, -69],
+      [39, -131],
+      [108, -104],
+      [77, -13],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [16, -53],
+      [-34, -11],
+      [7, -45],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [-45, 4],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [-59, 11],
+      [-56, -33],
+      [-49, 34],
+      [19, 46],
+      [-14, 37],
+      [-66, 72],
+      [-316, 27],
+      [-66, 21],
+      [-10, -46],
+      [-97, 51],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-3, 30],
+      [53, 22],
+      [-38, 72],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-109, 82],
+      [-26, 78],
+      [38, 52],
+      [55, -64],
+      [76, -27],
+      [93, 64],
+      [76, 125],
+      [37, 110],
+      [12, 148],
+      [-13, 88],
+      [-21, 53],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-18, 48],
+      [-154, 150],
+      [-48, 4],
+      [-44, 86],
+      [62, 154],
+      [38, 54],
+      [15, 60],
+      [-32, 141],
+      [-61, 69],
+      [50, 82],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-30, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14293, 18535],
+      [39, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14332, 18607],
+      [3, -28],
+      [95, 48],
+      [94, -11],
+      [20, -37],
+      [47, 0],
+      [50, 29],
+      [56, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14697, 18685],
+      [54, -26],
+      [32, -61],
+      [105, -16],
+      [40, 44],
+      [63, 19],
+      [63, -3],
+      [8, 24],
+      [62, 11],
+      [74, 64],
+      [20, -59],
+      [57, -13],
+      [7, -34],
+      [94, -70],
+      [51, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14378, 18716],
+      [-20, 73],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [0, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14329, 18900],
+      [12, -12],
+      [0, -7],
+      [0, -27],
+      [0, -2],
+      [22, -23],
+      [33, 14],
+      [8, -58],
+      [-26, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14423, 18927],
+      [7, 44],
+      [35, 35],
+      [44, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14509, 18973],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [-42, -12],
+      [-2, -2],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-1, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33326, 26408],
+      [-52, -71],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-26, 32],
+      [132, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33257, 26487],
+      [16, 2],
+      [1, 0],
+      [3, 0],
+      [2, 0],
+      [46, -10],
+      [-3, -58],
+      [-163, -87],
+      [-59, 7],
+      [-36, -27],
+      [30, -45],
+      [73, -44],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-83, -12],
+      [43, -42],
+      [23, -125],
+      [-41, -66],
+      [22, -27],
+      [48, 28],
+      [36, -79],
+      [72, -1],
+      [11, -43],
+      [-19, -81],
+      [-58, -4],
+      [-49, -28],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [43, -94],
+      [-96, -6],
+      [-23, 25],
+      [2, 94],
+      [-36, 16],
+      [43, 58],
+      [-103, 105],
+      [5, 26],
+      [-49, 72],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-168, 41],
+      [-227, -17],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-133, -29],
+      [-80, -34],
+      [-129, -104],
+      [-16, -115],
+      [29, -83],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-23, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32025, 25559],
+      [-153, 20],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [-71, 52],
+      [-24, 80],
+      [0, 65],
+      [58, 60],
+      [27, 93],
+      [-16, 28],
+      [-19, 118],
+      [-57, 27],
+      [-110, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31648, 26160],
+      [27, 43],
+      [14, 65],
+      [36, 26],
+      [143, 54],
+      [46, 62],
+      [72, 9],
+      [49, 50],
+      [34, 66],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [24, 66],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-8, 89],
+      [17, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32072, 26785],
+      [60, -13],
+      [22, -40],
+      [86, -9],
+      [41, -83],
+      [41, -15],
+      [64, 19],
+      [38, -17],
+      [117, -18],
+      [64, -33],
+      [108, -118],
+      [28, -63],
+      [30, 3],
+      [-5, 94],
+      [24, 99],
+      [-80, 59],
+      [23, 22],
+      [49, -44],
+      [76, 87],
+      [70, -19],
+      [23, -27],
+      [92, -24],
+      [85, -52],
+      [32, -64],
+      [97, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19035, 20052],
+      [31, -17],
+      [4, -64],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [24, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21236, 22657],
+      [4, -24],
+      [71, -45],
+      [65, -2],
+      [33, -33],
+      [62, 12],
+      [77, -10],
+      [42, 15],
+      [66, -87],
+      [57, -28],
+      [83, 16],
+      [24, 69],
+      [58, 23],
+      [25, -46],
+      [71, 17],
+      [1, -44],
+      [50, -79],
+      [-4, -50],
+      [22, -54],
+      [-8, -91],
+      [119, 13],
+      [79, -18],
+      [23, -79],
+      [-48, -52],
+      [10, -46],
+      [58, -58],
+      [20, -59],
+      [30, 12],
+      [89, -29],
+      [40, 16],
+      [54, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22509, 21896],
+      [-39, -40],
+      [-85, -154],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-62, -128],
+      [-23, -146],
+      [-19, -75],
+      [-7, -95],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-53, 70],
+      [-58, 17],
+      [-8, 43],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-26, 43],
+      [-61, 62],
+      [-9, 64],
+      [-163, 89],
+      [-33, 89],
+      [-91, 31],
+      [-88, 9],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-154, 17],
+      [-39, 40],
+      [-91, -6],
+      [-172, -37],
+      [-78, -39],
+      [9, -20],
+      [-108, -45],
+      [-111, -64],
+      [12, -37],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [-78, -18],
+      [-107, -9],
+      [-54, -42],
+      [-73, -10],
+      [-38, -21],
+      [3, -60],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-8, -128],
+      [41, -41],
+      [-32, -36],
+      [17, -39],
+      [-88, -103],
+      [-83, -70],
+      [-54, -120],
+      [-76, -58],
+      [-21, -115],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-70, 2],
+      [-34, -29],
+      [-42, -104],
+      [-12, -64],
+      [9, -56],
+      [26, -38],
+      [-1, -70],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-83, -15],
+      [27, -143],
+      [75, -29],
+      [26, -50],
+      [11, -79],
+      [-36, -22],
+      [-129, 124],
+      [-101, 36],
+      [-72, -10],
+      [-72, -78],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [-68, 91],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [-117, -62],
+      [-22, 71],
+      [41, 4],
+      [18, 124],
+      [120, 89],
+      [-19, 75],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-45, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14378, 18716],
+      [18, -25],
+      [-60, -56],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [0, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14293, 18535],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [-58, 46],
+      [11, 57],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [0, 3],
+      [2, 7],
+      [11, 19],
+      [3, 3],
+      [4, 7],
+      [4, 6],
+      [5, 8],
+      [2, 5],
+      [31, 23],
+      [3, 1],
+      [19, 3],
+      [14, 7],
+      [3, 1],
+      [11, 9],
+      [10, 11],
+      [7, 11],
+      [2, 3],
+      [1, 1],
+      [25, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14423, 18927],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [50, 44],
+      [54, -11],
+      [2, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14694, 19141],
+      [-6, -72],
+      [-55, -39],
+      [1, 68],
+      [60, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14618, 19175],
+      [30, -31],
+      [-25, -29],
+      [-43, 22],
+      [38, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14208, 19604],
+      [33, -18],
+      [60, 12],
+      [61, -31],
+      [3, -92],
+      [21, -38],
+      [0, -67],
+      [152, 74],
+      [70, 77],
+      [87, 27],
+      [51, -29],
+      [63, 17],
+      [81, -4],
+      [-43, -86],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-56, -78],
+      [28, -8],
+      [-45, -77],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-58, -2],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-92, 36],
+      [-36, -5],
+      [-57, 26],
+      [-36, -39],
+      [42, -23],
+      [1, -63],
+      [-39, -100],
+      [-53, -28],
+      [-13, -31],
+      [-97, -57],
+      [-33, -93],
+      [-45, -43],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [-36, -34],
+      [-18, 68],
+      [-33, 44],
+      [30, 46],
+      [-90, 19],
+      [53, 94],
+      [1, 53],
+      [-31, 50],
+      [-7, 60],
+      [45, 86],
+      [18, 84],
+      [59, 82],
+      [21, 66],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [56, -5],
+      [97, 56],
+      [1, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14960, 19734],
+      [34, -35],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-27, 34],
+      [30, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14856, 19771],
+      [32, -33],
+      [2, -56],
+      [-40, -91],
+      [-68, 7],
+      [19, 71],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [26, 46],
+      [67, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16616, 20239],
+      [-126, -15],
+      [-38, -83],
+      [-21, -104],
+      [-77, -42],
+      [-37, -68],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-45, -76],
+      [-16, -117],
+      [-47, -34],
+      [-71, 21],
+      [-29, -72],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [9, -46],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [21, -169],
+      [43, -68],
+      [44, -9],
+      [23, -67],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [41, -19],
+      [35, -48],
+      [-63, -102],
+      [-56, -3],
+      [-10, -92],
+      [34, -5],
+      [32, -65],
+      [48, -51],
+      [-10, -84],
+      [-89, 6],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [-58, 5],
+      [-70, -118],
+      [-78, -12],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-39, -49],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [-160, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14697, 18685],
+      [18, 107],
+      [62, 78],
+      [40, 8],
+      [12, 56],
+      [40, 58],
+      [64, 28],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [50, 108],
+      [162, 168],
+      [-15, 81],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [59, 22],
+      [-72, 42],
+      [56, 38],
+      [65, 97],
+      [66, 40],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [-169, 8],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [-92, -15],
+      [-5, 67],
+      [76, 47],
+      [82, 33],
+      [50, 69],
+      [65, 32],
+      [15, 71],
+      [-18, 71],
+      [29, 50],
+      [-63, 105],
+      [-111, 24],
+      [-8, 70],
+      [-79, 49],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-26, 160],
+      [-58, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15655, 20870],
+      [87, -45],
+      [26, -52],
+      [35, -26],
+      [63, -5],
+      [40, -62],
+      [39, -1],
+      [49, 62],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [25, 39],
+      [-84, 119],
+      [13, 73],
+      [65, 25],
+      [37, 30],
+      [42, 2],
+      [100, -27],
+      [105, -107],
+      [19, -115],
+      [40, -22],
+      [46, -55],
+      [23, -99],
+      [36, -31],
+      [2, -77],
+      [19, -176],
+      [33, -38],
+      [79, -45],
+      [29, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25411, 26053],
+      [12, -30],
+      [61, -59],
+      [46, -87],
+      [37, -31],
+      [-34, -106],
+      [48, -157],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [-30, -90],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [31, -62],
+      [-1, -51],
+      [44, -50],
+      [45, -95],
+      [-24, -104],
+      [71, -45],
+      [74, 36],
+      [13, -84],
+      [61, -31],
+      [40, 14],
+      [50, -122]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25915, 24753],
+      [22, -36],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [27, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25960, 24637],
+      [-34, -72],
+      [-82, 12],
+      [-25, 60],
+      [-61, -6],
+      [-62, 13],
+      [-43, -80],
+      [-74, -8],
+      [-118, 42],
+      [-74, 8],
+      [-38, 59],
+      [-15, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25334, 24724],
+      [29, 60],
+      [-67, 93],
+      [-36, 18],
+      [-31, 102],
+      [-44, 28],
+      [-22, 47],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [0, 59],
+      [-75, 2],
+      [-26, -66],
+      [35, -14],
+      [-13, -47],
+      [-63, -4],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-99, 70],
+      [8, 77],
+      [-98, 41],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-75, 27],
+      [-19, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23628, 26760],
+      [24, -27],
+      [75, -6],
+      [90, 44],
+      [41, 64],
+      [74, -5],
+      [71, 42],
+      [47, 69],
+      [122, 28],
+      [167, 54],
+      [90, -74],
+      [24, -69],
+      [39, -30],
+      [-15, -44],
+      [-49, -19],
+      [-41, -46],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-61, -53],
+      [-50, -76],
+      [124, 10],
+      [-29, -53],
+      [67, -31],
+      [31, -37],
+      [89, 0],
+      [-30, -141],
+      [76, 75],
+      [90, 12],
+      [-19, 32],
+      [-69, -12],
+      [-39, 68],
+      [89, 70],
+      [19, -13],
+      [68, 34],
+      [96, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27324, 25309],
+      [-78, -21],
+      [-82, -51],
+      [-34, -126],
+      [15, -93],
+      [-63, -114],
+      [-117, -150],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-37, -144],
+      [53, -102],
+      [-4, -77],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [183, -24],
+      [52, -23],
+      [29, -59],
+      [68, -38],
+      [87, -33],
+      [7, -21],
+      [69, -35],
+      [64, 0],
+      [50, -16],
+      [26, -48],
+      [40, -13],
+      [1, -46],
+      [86, -1],
+      [28, -93],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [-106, -72],
+      [31, -32],
+      [41, -92],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [31, -55],
+      [-159, -58],
+      [-89, 18],
+      [-19, 47],
+      [129, -8],
+      [-16, 67],
+      [-48, -34],
+      [-70, 33],
+      [-148, 5],
+      [36, 69],
+      [-64, -24],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-143, -130],
+      [-45, 41],
+      [-84, -46],
+      [-49, 33],
+      [-30, -103],
+      [-89, 17],
+      [-106, -68],
+      [-73, -30],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [-69, -62],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [8, -79],
+      [55, 2],
+      [-22, -60],
+      [-129, -15],
+      [-68, -21],
+      [35, -31],
+      [49, -8],
+      [3, -41],
+      [71, -45],
+      [-26, -64],
+      [7, -53],
+      [-66, -8],
+      [-106, -123],
+      [-69, 37],
+      [-5, -65],
+      [-38, -39],
+      [-42, 12],
+      [-59, -73],
+      [-62, -122],
+      [-72, -195]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25885, 22296],
+      [-62, 28],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [-48, 59],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-44, 80],
+      [-56, 41],
+      [7, 60],
+      [-13, 74],
+      [12, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25592, 22699],
+      [20, 46],
+      [59, 12],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [63, 77],
+      [64, 4],
+      [92, 67],
+      [31, 61],
+      [94, -6],
+      [69, -19],
+      [-15, 130],
+      [25, 26],
+      [-3, 98],
+      [15, 72],
+      [-37, 66],
+      [28, 34],
+      [45, 99],
+      [-66, 89],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [67, 35],
+      [-40, 29],
+      [-45, 115],
+      [-31, 35],
+      [50, 93],
+      [134, 31],
+      [85, 0],
+      [26, 111],
+      [-16, 73],
+      [-65, -26],
+      [-47, 98],
+      [-82, -27],
+      [-105, 50],
+      [-26, 39],
+      [10, 49],
+      [34, 48],
+      [-5, 58],
+      [38, 50],
+      [-43, 76],
+      [9, 20],
+      [-47, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25915, 24753],
+      [81, 21],
+      [54, 32],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [78, 60],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [-27, 35],
+      [57, 15],
+      [62, -21],
+      [64, 8],
+      [33, -33],
+      [101, -31],
+      [57, 31],
+      [56, 7],
+      [33, 34],
+      [89, 37],
+      [20, 89],
+      [41, 30],
+      [46, 105],
+      [-3, 103],
+      [45, 51],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [18, 108],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [36, 73],
+      [-82, 75],
+      [5, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36894, 32876],
+      [41, -26],
+      [-22, -71],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [40, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37013, 34178],
+      [11, -29],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-6, 52],
+      [47, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37021, 34391],
+      [23, -36],
+      [15, -122],
+      [28, -16],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [-44, 75],
+      [-85, -60],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [18, -44],
+      [-60, -49],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [-70, -30],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [89, -61],
+      [13, -29],
+      [-51, -41],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [-36, -72],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-83, -65],
+      [31, -24],
+      [128, -28],
+      [-10, -60],
+      [-74, -61],
+      [-47, -6],
+      [-15, -43],
+      [62, -18],
+      [9, -46],
+      [81, 35],
+      [23, -65],
+      [-16, -69],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [-50, -26],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [-43, -69],
+      [64, -51],
+      [-46, -42],
+      [12, -28],
+      [59, -2],
+      [28, -61],
+      [11, -84],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [-31, 27],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-6, 69],
+      [-36, 37],
+      [-29, 94],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [-84, -24],
+      [-3, 60],
+      [63, 4],
+      [48, 49],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-59, -54],
+      [-113, 6],
+      [-159, -42],
+      [-123, -76],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [-92, 11],
+      [-51, -28],
+      [-20, -84],
+      [51, -32],
+      [24, -39],
+      [-55, -45],
+      [-65, -15],
+      [-117, -187],
+      [-42, -97],
+      [-46, -170],
+      [-22, -205],
+      [16, -174],
+      [18, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34349, 32093],
+      [18, 71],
+      [-26, 65],
+      [2, 47],
+      [173, 1],
+      [99, 51],
+      [19, 94],
+      [42, 27],
+      [70, 119],
+      [-24, 113],
+      [16, 94],
+      [32, 49],
+      [74, 73],
+      [-4, 76],
+      [68, 43],
+      [30, 41],
+      [8, 86],
+      [76, 53],
+      [-42, 73],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [2, 47],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [38, 59],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [-59, 100],
+      [114, 23],
+      [33, 73],
+      [10, 67],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [68, 101],
+      [-83, 41],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [-92, 72],
+      [22, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17698, 20030],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-32, -60],
+      [-54, -41],
+      [-81, -37],
+      [-30, -47],
+      [21, -46],
+      [-61, -97],
+      [-82, -29],
+      [-40, -86],
+      [15, -64],
+      [80, -51],
+      [-66, -53],
+      [-70, 32],
+      [-19, -59],
+      [59, -39],
+      [10, -52],
+      [-86, -25],
+      [-40, -118],
+      [-55, -104],
+      [-35, -100],
+      [1, -44],
+      [-44, -117],
+      [-3, -45],
+      [-34, -130],
+      [-70, -171],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-88, -296],
+      [-17, -172],
+      [9, -44],
+      [55, -68],
+      [-37, -121],
+      [9, -29],
+      [-33, -93],
+      [23, -30],
+      [-13, -103],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-36, -63],
+      [-29, -133],
+      [2, -86],
+      [-47, -25],
+      [19, -96],
+      [-78, -73],
+      [6, -85],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-92, -26],
+      [-33, 15],
+      [-20, 46],
+      [12, 51],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-39, 50],
+      [-81, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16616, 20239],
+      [49, -56],
+      [125, 11],
+      [40, 34],
+      [77, 22],
+      [27, -40],
+      [56, -44],
+      [-17, -47],
+      [61, -50],
+      [70, -1],
+      [30, 36],
+      [65, 1],
+      [91, -18],
+      [69, 15],
+      [49, 57],
+      [15, 73],
+      [47, 17],
+      [113, -21],
+      [85, -43],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [22, -91],
+      [38, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31253, 27522],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [48, -75],
+      [-15, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31276, 27329],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-73, -90],
+      [-120, 7],
+      [-3, 67],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [-120, -5],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-48, -8],
+      [-49, 50],
+      [17, 46],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [-106, 31],
+      [-45, -58],
+      [-47, -95],
+      [-86, -105],
+      [-72, 60],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-95, -213],
+      [85, -56],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-95, -82],
+      [22, -89],
+      [51, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30265, 26719],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [2, -47],
+      [-29, -67],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [-57, -62],
+      [34, -25],
+      [-42, -54],
+      [4, -43],
+      [40, -33],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [-61, -6],
+      [0, -64],
+      [33, -20],
+      [24, -69],
+      [-17, -44],
+      [-198, -83],
+      [-46, -77],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-108, -62],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-46, -90],
+      [-23, 9],
+      [-85, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29015, 28436],
+      [35, 52],
+      [55, 29],
+      [43, 77],
+      [-3, 71],
+      [40, 50],
+      [61, 16],
+      [-35, 65],
+      [13, 50],
+      [60, 42],
+      [47, 3],
+      [0, 86],
+      [28, 104],
+      [-19, 121],
+      [5, 74],
+      [18, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29363, 29306],
+      [39, 14],
+      [98, 85],
+      [6, 28],
+      [73, 95],
+      [-15, 98],
+      [109, 31],
+      [69, -34],
+      [63, 11],
+      [55, -14],
+      [37, -52],
+      [-56, -122],
+      [95, -65],
+      [41, 19],
+      [18, 49],
+      [35, 32],
+      [64, 16],
+      [61, -14],
+      [119, 49],
+      [68, 7],
+      [68, -38],
+      [11, 138],
+      [42, 31],
+      [41, -6],
+      [37, 25],
+      [42, 108],
+      [31, 39],
+      [138, 49],
+      [99, 25],
+      [103, -19],
+      [42, -88],
+      [-8, -125],
+      [76, -94],
+      [39, -29],
+      [99, -42],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-52, -80],
+      [38, -23],
+      [12, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11985, 20152],
+      [29, -49],
+      [-10, -48],
+      [-57, -13],
+      [38, 110]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11623, 20169],
+      [2, -59],
+      [66, -67],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [23, -52],
+      [48, -32],
+      [41, -50],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-38, 47],
+      [-84, -48],
+      [58, -100],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-30, 64],
+      [-93, -9],
+      [-47, 15],
+      [-27, -42],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [-64, 22],
+      [21, 29],
+      [54, 14],
+      [65, 83],
+      [-39, 27],
+      [13, 52],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [0, 101],
+      [37, 47],
+      [68, -44],
+      [12, -49],
+      [41, 26],
+      [40, -19],
+      [40, 28],
+      [50, 66],
+      [38, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11732, 20275],
+      [62, -46],
+      [27, -58],
+      [-62, -84],
+      [-86, 44],
+      [3, 100],
+      [56, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11909, 20342],
+      [18, -55],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [-51, -40],
+      [-19, 58],
+      [-79, 32],
+      [32, 51],
+      [42, -18],
+      [15, -36],
+      [60, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11983, 20477],
+      [49, -20],
+      [29, -53],
+      [-26, -80],
+      [-88, 13],
+      [-25, 72],
+      [43, 1],
+      [18, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13190, 20508],
+      [44, -17],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [8, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13215, 20775],
+      [45, 1],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-15, 54],
+      [44, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12225, 21011],
+      [-20, -92],
+      [35, -39],
+      [-24, -101],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [44, -73],
+      [127, 51],
+      [15, -66],
+      [-65, -48],
+      [-16, -43],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [-29, -55],
+      [22, -15],
+      [17, -67],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-30, -35],
+      [-44, 49],
+      [5, 59],
+      [-18, 101],
+      [-72, 10],
+      [0, 55],
+      [33, 27],
+      [52, -1],
+      [19, 44],
+      [-15, 74],
+      [47, 27],
+      [39, 82],
+      [35, 14],
+      [14, 43],
+      [-29, 45],
+      [37, 104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12112, 21135],
+      [37, -14],
+      [-35, -59],
+      [-58, 34],
+      [56, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12263, 21332],
+      [34, -78],
+      [-46, -51],
+      [-73, 16],
+      [-40, 36],
+      [46, 40],
+      [47, 3],
+      [32, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13572, 21409],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-26, -71],
+      [46, -82],
+      [60, -53],
+      [-12, -82],
+      [15, -42],
+      [138, -56],
+      [103, 9],
+      [36, -86],
+      [-9, -41],
+      [-53, -10],
+      [-5, -35],
+      [49, -49],
+      [66, -27],
+      [34, -54],
+      [122, -108],
+      [182, -56],
+      [100, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14384, 20529],
+      [-1, -52],
+      [-68, -40],
+      [-35, -43],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [5, -22],
+      [74, -64],
+      [36, 0],
+      [86, 40],
+      [38, 35],
+      [75, 6],
+      [58, -15],
+      [61, -41],
+      [18, -58],
+      [62, -120],
+      [-21, -37],
+      [12, -41],
+      [-62, -82],
+      [17, -59],
+      [-99, -69],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-69, -58],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-89, -40],
+      [-23, 64],
+      [-81, 47],
+      [12, 93],
+      [41, 7],
+      [33, 43],
+      [53, 35],
+      [21, 46],
+      [-40, 56],
+      [6, 50],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-67, 3],
+      [-34, -19],
+      [-85, 15],
+      [-119, -84],
+      [-139, 17],
+      [6, -49],
+      [-80, -104],
+      [-40, -82],
+      [-59, -44],
+      [-62, -27],
+      [5, -26],
+      [-65, -70],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [45, 49],
+      [3, 33],
+      [47, 104],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [41, 44],
+      [51, -16],
+      [11, 65],
+      [-66, 33],
+      [-27, 89],
+      [-53, 46],
+      [3, 48],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-80, 60],
+      [-46, 77],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-62, 119],
+      [-43, 41],
+      [12, 86],
+      [42, 48],
+      [-15, 67],
+      [23, 7],
+      [46, 136],
+      [54, -26],
+      [106, -91],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-27, -68],
+      [26, -20],
+      [37, 53],
+      [34, -31],
+      [38, 0],
+      [44, -74],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [21, -41],
+      [-22, -79],
+      [-16, -114],
+      [28, 2],
+      [52, -46],
+      [20, 31],
+      [43, -13],
+      [62, 59],
+      [61, -46],
+      [26, 11],
+      [78, -50],
+      [10, 37],
+      [-55, 59],
+      [-17, 50],
+      [-47, 44],
+      [-6, 103],
+      [45, 42],
+      [-11, 65],
+      [-135, 114],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-78, 75],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-20, -46],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [-26, 89],
+      [32, -4],
+      [-6, 76],
+      [-44, 12],
+      [-18, -40],
+      [-61, -15],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [61, 58],
+      [-74, 70],
+      [0, 46],
+      [-96, 42],
+      [-101, 14],
+      [14, 89],
+      [58, 40],
+      [-20, 78],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [29, 88],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [146, -20],
+      [48, 43],
+      [13, -41],
+      [62, -51],
+      [90, 49],
+      [81, -1],
+      [5, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13099, 21575],
+      [2, -87],
+      [27, -33],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [-55, -13],
+      [31, -51],
+      [-65, -67],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [-50, -87],
+      [-51, -48],
+      [-120, -55],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [58, 29],
+      [-52, 29],
+      [10, 46],
+      [52, 43],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [40, 44],
+      [43, 17],
+      [-17, 114],
+      [61, 15],
+      [98, 2],
+      [58, 52],
+      [17, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13586, 21581],
+      [64, -16],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [62, -24],
+      [-93, -77],
+      [-26, 145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12861, 21647],
+      [-13, -70],
+      [13, -125],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [-27, 32],
+      [36, 103],
+      [1, 57],
+      [25, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13502, 21705],
+      [63, -91],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [46, 20],
+      [32, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13103, 21807],
+      [37, -64],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [-68, 17],
+      [10, 40],
+      [60, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13404, 22618],
+      [35, -26],
+      [92, -17],
+      [-26, -85],
+      [34, -21],
+      [2, -54],
+      [35, -46],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-92, -74],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-85, 71],
+      [-14, 75],
+      [9, 76],
+      [28, 13],
+      [20, 72],
+      [68, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12891, 24566],
+      [58, -43],
+      [23, -107],
+      [-25, -58],
+      [-16, -141],
+      [-71, -118],
+      [-43, -33],
+      [-75, -88],
+      [15, -28],
+      [-12, -74],
+      [37, -9],
+      [-33, -59],
+      [37, -41],
+      [18, -58],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [12, -112],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-59, 3],
+      [-22, -73],
+      [19, -34],
+      [-48, -40],
+      [-12, -70],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-2, -78],
+      [-105, -81],
+      [-122, 76],
+      [24, 138],
+      [0, 77],
+      [35, 142],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [64, 23],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [122, 56],
+      [34, -67],
+      [50, 14],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [64, 32],
+      [-10, 82],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-34, -77],
+      [-66, 8],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [68, 71],
+      [-10, 96],
+      [8, 96],
+      [35, 49],
+      [23, 77],
+      [38, 41],
+      [-25, 43],
+      [-49, 16],
+      [40, 59],
+      [32, 139],
+      [141, 17],
+      [51, 71],
+      [63, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25592, 22699],
+      [-47, -10],
+      [-39, 22],
+      [-28, -23],
+      [-87, -22],
+      [-66, 40],
+      [-106, -6],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [-48, -23],
+      [-21, 56],
+      [-38, 13],
+      [37, 112],
+      [37, 40],
+      [-31, 76],
+      [-58, 20],
+      [6, 51],
+      [-36, 56],
+      [-79, 38],
+      [13, 52],
+      [67, 58],
+      [14, 47],
+      [69, 36],
+      [38, 56],
+      [-14, 49],
+      [68, 47],
+      [81, -36],
+      [39, 57],
+      [-21, 64],
+      [-35, 32],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-37, 122],
+      [6, 64],
+      [-41, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25163, 23813],
+      [62, 36],
+      [-15, 48],
+      [34, 59],
+      [-14, 184],
+      [-47, 50],
+      [57, 87],
+      [-45, 69],
+      [14, 88],
+      [24, 63],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [52, 43],
+      [15, 131],
+      [35, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30825, 32920],
+      [28, -28],
+      [-21, -59],
+      [5, -63],
+      [-35, -109],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-65, -96],
+      [-48, -105],
+      [1, -79],
+      [76, -46],
+      [91, 20],
+      [78, 33],
+      [27, -55],
+      [-48, -114],
+      [-52, -76],
+      [-49, -129],
+      [-54, -61],
+      [-88, -43],
+      [-130, -111],
+      [-102, -6],
+      [-57, -38],
+      [-65, -19],
+      [-62, 16],
+      [0, 61],
+      [94, 17],
+      [50, 94],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [61, 81],
+      [63, 40],
+      [-2, 44],
+      [-70, 63],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-59, -97],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [18, 121],
+      [-13, 73],
+      [30, 34],
+      [49, 110],
+      [37, 30],
+      [28, 72],
+      [50, 73],
+      [34, 7],
+      [87, 88],
+      [95, 60],
+      [1, 49],
+      [28, 48],
+      [50, 45],
+      [48, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32315, 33284],
+      [-4, -68],
+      [-65, -5],
+      [69, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29363, 29306],
+      [-17, 65],
+      [-43, 93],
+      [-10, 94],
+      [-29, 35],
+      [8, 89],
+      [-110, 62],
+      [-53, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29109, 29804],
+      [31, 2],
+      [139, 46],
+      [77, 35],
+      [96, 28],
+      [62, 35],
+      [105, 26],
+      [89, 48],
+      [129, 91],
+      [84, 28],
+      [93, 104],
+      [73, -20],
+      [80, -2],
+      [87, 14],
+      [74, 34],
+      [171, 134],
+      [197, 190],
+      [97, 54],
+      [98, 41],
+      [52, 53],
+      [44, 68],
+      [62, 124],
+      [117, 154],
+      [73, 43],
+      [37, 77],
+      [27, 26],
+      [49, 117],
+      [31, 118],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [72, 184],
+      [87, 94],
+      [115, 79],
+      [168, 98],
+      [103, 73],
+      [67, 33],
+      [72, 0],
+      [185, 69],
+      [177, 138],
+      [108, 117],
+      [124, 186],
+      [-1, 51],
+      [42, 80],
+      [-17, 22],
+      [15, 63],
+      [4, 204],
+      [8, 64],
+      [54, 118],
+      [30, 38],
+      [104, 206]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32896, 33413],
+      [110, -62],
+      [39, 6],
+      [33, -32],
+      [124, -19],
+      [49, -38],
+      [-25, -37],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-31, -126],
+      [46, -26],
+      [37, -54],
+      [85, -27],
+      [41, 12],
+      [59, -29],
+      [116, -114],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-80, -122],
+      [-138, -79],
+      [-159, 20],
+      [-52, -76],
+      [17, -47],
+      [-1, -74],
+      [-34, -75],
+      [36, -71],
+      [-70, -47],
+      [-7, -74],
+      [-26, -41],
+      [10, -47],
+      [-36, -131],
+      [19, -52],
+      [47, -55],
+      [66, -30],
+      [45, 13],
+      [45, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16326, 22029],
+      [40, 25],
+      [27, -29],
+      [68, -5],
+      [46, -46],
+      [91, 2],
+      [40, -28],
+      [33, 15],
+      [121, -9],
+      [10, 45],
+      [75, 59],
+      [35, 54],
+      [49, 32],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [111, 25],
+      [59, 24],
+      [122, -67],
+      [26, 14],
+      [80, -129],
+      [65, -78],
+      [21, -88],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [14, -53],
+      [-16, -60],
+      [-37, -62],
+      [-20, -81],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-53, 37],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-4, -42],
+      [-91, -13],
+      [-22, -53],
+      [-88, 20],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [37, -169],
+      [149, -49],
+      [51, 36],
+      [152, 42],
+      [123, -90],
+      [160, 14],
+      [110, 46],
+      [29, -10],
+      [-54, -77],
+      [-38, -77],
+      [-48, -35],
+      [-46, -135],
+      [71, -16],
+      [47, 37],
+      [52, -2],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-25, -36],
+      [92, -50],
+      [54, 32],
+      [22, -35],
+      [42, -13],
+      [66, 27],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-5, -45],
+      [-35, -36],
+      [-7, -49],
+      [124, -97],
+      [98, -31],
+      [-50, -47],
+      [28, -72],
+      [-77, -81],
+      [41, -49],
+      [-18, -50],
+      [-48, 7],
+      [-21, -51],
+      [-88, -3],
+      [-41, -69],
+      [10, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22077, 24081],
+      [30, -40],
+      [-43, -48],
+      [-77, 49],
+      [57, 40],
+      [33, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22602, 24233],
+      [8, -118],
+      [-16, -119],
+      [-37, -34],
+      [-35, 36],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [-80, -21],
+      [-60, -125],
+      [-9, 69],
+      [15, 33],
+      [-24, 48],
+      [-66, 12],
+      [-55, -44],
+      [-50, 18],
+      [47, 119],
+      [38, -21],
+      [85, 26],
+      [79, 60],
+      [58, -15],
+      [54, 38],
+      [53, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22493, 24620],
+      [38, -64],
+      [-63, 8],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [47, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22592, 24632],
+      [-40, -15],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-98, -49],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [93, -33],
+      [-48, -37],
+      [-65, -79],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [2, -73],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-56, -61],
+      [-55, -20],
+      [-77, 11],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [-72, 31],
+      [-57, -22],
+      [-96, -13],
+      [27, -46],
+      [51, 42],
+      [117, 8],
+      [15, -23],
+      [-22, -73],
+      [-42, -16],
+      [-40, -44],
+      [-58, -16],
+      [12, -65],
+      [-50, -30],
+      [6, -61],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-78, 15],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [-72, 11],
+      [-43, -29],
+      [11, -65],
+      [-65, 19],
+      [-45, 81],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-75, 29],
+      [1, 108],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-87, -21],
+      [-15, -55],
+      [-71, -8],
+      [-146, -63],
+      [-56, 44],
+      [-9, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20462, 25367],
+      [36, 24],
+      [5, 67],
+      [57, -8],
+      [35, 26],
+      [146, 35],
+      [-33, 114],
+      [28, 37],
+      [77, -32],
+      [122, 47],
+      [21, 49],
+      [-21, 45],
+      [96, 25],
+      [28, 71],
+      [10, 72],
+      [40, 89],
+      [84, -13],
+      [87, -47],
+      [41, 14],
+      [87, -15],
+      [108, -71],
+      [52, -87],
+      [66, 48],
+      [20, 52],
+      [117, 47],
+      [3, 46],
+      [129, 45],
+      [27, -29],
+      [-21, -60],
+      [99, -36],
+      [94, 16],
+      [91, -97],
+      [-12, -58],
+      [40, -9],
+      [-9, -89],
+      [51, -60],
+      [29, 33],
+      [141, 56],
+      [34, -27],
+      [69, 13],
+      [91, 62],
+      [20, 35],
+      [60, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1675, 61],
+      [43, -17],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [-77, 8],
+      [5, 33],
+      [56, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2099, 486],
+      [58, -46],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-25, 43],
+      [22, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2267, 682],
+      [31, -48],
+      [-51, -3],
+      [20, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2044, 714],
+      [36, -20],
+      [22, -42],
+      [-82, 13],
+      [24, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1656, 906],
+      [67, -62],
+      [104, -38],
+      [45, -25],
+      [32, 4],
+      [47, -46],
+      [19, -41],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-42, -21],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [8, -57],
+      [-81, -44],
+      [-56, 39],
+      [-58, -6],
+      [-102, 23],
+      [-59, 45],
+      [-12, -49],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-38, 64],
+      [36, 35],
+      [54, 1],
+      [92, 63],
+      [-5, 115],
+      [46, 50],
+      [8, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [128, 988],
+      [67, -26],
+      [-54, -59],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [58, 25],
+      [70, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2724, 1306],
+      [46, -14],
+      [-13, -86],
+      [-60, -56],
+      [12, -27],
+      [-54, -64],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-23, -57],
+      [17, -99],
+      [-17, -119],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-43, 21],
+      [-70, -56],
+      [-63, 4],
+      [-12, 46],
+      [-64, 32],
+      [58, 60],
+      [3, 52],
+      [-44, 49],
+      [-63, -27],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [15, 44],
+      [46, 6],
+      [65, 55],
+      [27, -47],
+      [65, -17],
+      [27, 21],
+      [58, -8],
+      [14, 79],
+      [54, 70],
+      [24, -12],
+      [41, 58],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [28, 17],
+      [41, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3501, 1460],
+      [35, -27],
+      [1, -34],
+      [-43, -34],
+      [-55, 6],
+      [-16, 48],
+      [21, 27],
+      [57, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4403, 1889],
+      [74, -34],
+      [39, -62],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [-68, 11],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [-18, 67],
+      [40, -7],
+      [18, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4603, 2006],
+      [80, -152],
+      [59, -65],
+      [-7, -45],
+      [44, -31],
+      [56, -2],
+      [40, -50],
+      [60, -11],
+      [42, -58],
+      [-58, -24],
+      [-106, 7],
+      [-49, -22],
+      [-81, -16],
+      [-91, 56],
+      [41, 31],
+      [-18, 67],
+      [-32, 44],
+      [45, 35],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [39, 22],
+      [-44, 67],
+      [-16, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16428, 4211],
+      [52, -8],
+      [24, -35],
+      [-34, -86],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [15, 100],
+      [31, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16535, 4411],
+      [85, -18],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [10, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8747, 5025],
+      [29, -26],
+      [-23, -74],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [39, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7591, 5407],
+      [72, -64],
+      [11, -66],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-14, -83],
+      [-41, 29],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [-48, 8],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [130, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8504, 5891],
+      [10, -61],
+      [-64, -2],
+      [18, 45],
+      [36, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10061, 6067],
+      [28, -63],
+      [-82, 20],
+      [3, 26],
+      [51, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9654, 6195],
+      [21, -58],
+      [-127, -3],
+      [-27, 34],
+      [22, 35],
+      [111, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10529, 6522],
+      [73, -78],
+      [18, 10],
+      [45, -159],
+      [-16, -99],
+      [-48, -38],
+      [-27, -96],
+      [-58, -58],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [-115, -16],
+      [-43, 16],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [11, -57],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [33, -68],
+      [-108, -81],
+      [-60, 35],
+      [-50, -9],
+      [34, -61],
+      [-120, -37],
+      [22, -36],
+      [-25, -33],
+      [-75, -4],
+      [-19, -68],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-85, 40],
+      [-71, -23],
+      [-19, -90],
+      [77, -68],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [58, -63],
+      [58, 1],
+      [22, 58],
+      [101, 14],
+      [-71, -62],
+      [-100, -13],
+      [28, -44],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-60, 50],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-70, -34],
+      [9, -39],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-21, -92],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [37, -67],
+      [70, 21],
+      [32, -33],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [-54, -53],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [-62, -45],
+      [-39, -59],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [10, 118],
+      [-30, 29],
+      [18, 39],
+      [-40, 87],
+      [24, 41],
+      [54, 19],
+      [16, 50],
+      [55, 64],
+      [89, 50],
+      [6, 29],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-3, 59],
+      [-53, 126],
+      [2, 69],
+      [43, -42],
+      [70, 54],
+      [30, -26],
+      [52, 67],
+      [64, 39],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [54, 20],
+      [40, -3],
+      [109, 59],
+      [57, 49],
+      [17, 62],
+      [-123, 56],
+      [-51, 12],
+      [-30, 55],
+      [18, 79],
+      [-28, 26],
+      [12, 60],
+      [55, -23],
+      [81, 20],
+      [112, -46],
+      [-23, -37],
+      [-6, -59],
+      [42, -32],
+      [83, 5],
+      [74, 44],
+      [18, 59],
+      [35, 56],
+      [50, 10],
+      [32, 32],
+      [-12, 42],
+      [54, 19],
+      [74, 82],
+      [69, 136],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [27, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9895, 6706],
+      [38, -26],
+      [-36, -78],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-6, 70],
+      [36, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10062, 7021],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-26, -82],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [88, 103],
+      [52, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25163, 23813],
+      [-130, -17],
+      [-120, -78],
+      [-62, 47],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-101, -44],
+      [-89, 14],
+      [-17, -42],
+      [-94, 2],
+      [-70, -11],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-42, 15],
+      [-9, -47],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-72, 7],
+      [-33, -25],
+      [-43, 3],
+      [-41, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24067, 23654],
+      [21, 21],
+      [78, -3],
+      [22, 28],
+      [72, 13],
+      [71, 29],
+      [42, 60],
+      [34, 11],
+      [59, 77],
+      [-59, 53],
+      [-70, -54],
+      [-18, 21],
+      [80, 50],
+      [67, -66],
+      [85, 69],
+      [74, 72],
+      [-5, 108],
+      [93, -7],
+      [53, 81],
+      [-68, 11],
+      [-17, 92],
+      [32, 45],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [37, 25],
+      [8, 142]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14682, 20971],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-114, 14],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [-67, 66],
+      [-37, -12],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [-86, -80],
+      [-11, -71],
+      [37, -58],
+      [64, -140],
+      [62, -64],
+      [-11, -32],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-18, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13572, 21409],
+      [72, -75],
+      [32, 53],
+      [-22, 22],
+      [61, 103],
+      [6, 33],
+      [-73, 41],
+      [-99, 86],
+      [27, 57],
+      [86, 42],
+      [-19, 27],
+      [49, 65],
+      [80, 36],
+      [68, -26],
+      [80, -62],
+      [-49, -40],
+      [37, -24],
+      [8, -66],
+      [63, -20],
+      [77, 14],
+      [-2, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33119, 28047],
+      [85, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33540, 27071],
+      [-93, -7],
+      [-17, 40],
+      [-52, -13],
+      [-68, 14],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [-116, 33],
+      [-94, -15],
+      [-37, -65],
+      [-55, 28],
+      [-62, -39],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-42, 66],
+      [-145, -54],
+      [-126, -3],
+      [-53, 57],
+      [-79, 15],
+      [-15, 62],
+      [-66, 33],
+      [-41, -7],
+      [-130, 8],
+      [-104, 54],
+      [-63, 3],
+      [-122, 33],
+      [-52, 42],
+      [-53, -30],
+      [-86, -25],
+      [-19, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31702, 27204],
+      [-109, -28],
+      [-70, 51],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-73, 24],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-118, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20304, 26408],
+      [-21, -53],
+      [-39, 1],
+      [-12, 49],
+      [72, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20552, 26137],
+      [3, -58],
+      [-43, -60],
+      [14, -179],
+      [-84, -5],
+      [-157, -63],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [45, -24],
+      [41, -82],
+      [-90, -67],
+      [-25, -117],
+      [9, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18072, 24028],
+      [-82, -43],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-51, -53],
+      [43, -86],
+      [-112, -154],
+      [-70, 61],
+      [-39, -41],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-76, 9],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [-87, 83],
+      [-16, 104],
+      [35, 35],
+      [18, 84],
+      [-144, -18],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-10, 73],
+      [-50, 87],
+      [66, 61],
+      [2, 80],
+      [43, 16],
+      [-15, 79],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [-30, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17317, 24493],
+      [37, -7],
+      [116, 14],
+      [103, 33],
+      [71, 43],
+      [44, 50],
+      [-14, 51],
+      [41, 4],
+      [23, 42],
+      [45, 0],
+      [55, 45],
+      [29, 61],
+      [51, 13],
+      [81, 120],
+      [51, -17],
+      [60, 136],
+      [47, 17],
+      [99, 89],
+      [59, 37],
+      [94, 98],
+      [60, 7],
+      [89, 46],
+      [24, 71],
+      [132, 98],
+      [1, 57],
+      [27, 10],
+      [35, 65],
+      [43, 14],
+      [96, 83],
+      [67, 24],
+      [9, 25],
+      [89, 46],
+      [110, 40],
+      [68, 105],
+      [20, 94],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [-79, 42],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [68, 32],
+      [68, 15],
+      [119, -2],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [35, 23],
+      [72, 11],
+      [46, 37],
+      [85, 30],
+      [99, 3],
+      [29, 16],
+      [103, -4],
+      [-8, 63],
+      [122, -7],
+      [35, 31],
+      [42, 68],
+      [99, -8],
+      [65, -48],
+      [85, 23],
+      [112, 14],
+      [112, 1],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-78, -5],
+      [-119, -35],
+      [-54, -31],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [-53, -67],
+      [17, -72],
+      [-43, -59],
+      [65, -34],
+      [62, 1],
+      [83, 32],
+      [57, -34],
+      [90, -25],
+      [46, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19931, 27621],
+      [63, -11],
+      [42, -57],
+      [-106, 28],
+      [1, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20146, 27822],
+      [40, -22],
+      [-21, -84],
+      [-44, -58],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [3, 65],
+      [-28, 67],
+      [96, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20077, 27874],
+      [26, -19],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [29, -64],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [-61, -9],
+      [-30, 45],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [45, -91],
+      [-97, 39],
+      [-7, 36],
+      [70, 94],
+      [60, -5],
+      [27, 48],
+      [42, -16],
+      [61, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20482, 28347],
+      [13, -28],
+      [71, -62],
+      [62, -24],
+      [15, -43],
+      [41, -25],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [9, -47],
+      [-14, -55],
+      [-62, -21],
+      [2, -58],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-96, 29],
+      [-50, -44],
+      [-135, 124],
+      [13, 72],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [20, 77],
+      [39, 59],
+      [48, 22],
+      [27, 37],
+      [36, -13],
+      [37, 45]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [36, -31],
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+      [0, 79],
+      [60, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36332, 3236],
+      [19, -55],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [28, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38001, 6146],
+      [94, -139],
+      [-42, -35],
+      [-17, 91],
+      [-27, 28],
+      [-8, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33311, 21002],
+      [30, -4],
+      [54, -61],
+      [48, -33],
+      [41, 0],
+      [23, -42],
+      [-5, -52],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-78, 34],
+      [-11, 63],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-35, 78],
+      [42, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33007, 22709],
+      [54, -73],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [-84, 22],
+      [1, 53],
+      [54, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32847, 23223],
+      [44, -9],
+      [39, -61],
+      [-8, -59],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-66, -20],
+      [-41, 19],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [43, 63],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [65, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32091, 23498],
+      [53, -29],
+      [-7, -51],
+      [-43, -49],
+      [-34, 78],
+      [31, 51]
+    ],
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+      [32374, 23924],
+      [10, -48],
+      [-25, -36],
+      [-6, -111],
+      [-62, 11],
+      [23, 121],
+      [60, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32527, 24777],
+      [97, -27],
+      [43, -36],
+      [30, -73],
+      [-8, -126],
+      [-97, -3],
+      [-75, 46],
+      [-18, 183],
+      [28, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32025, 25559],
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+      [-5, -116],
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+      [-13, -154],
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+      [47, -81],
+      [-33, -132],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [-51, -64],
+      [2, -52],
+      [-39, -80],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-60, -69],
+      [-41, -66],
+      [-16, -81],
+      [11, -48],
+      [-75, 18],
+      [-38, -14],
+      [-22, -52],
+      [-119, -52],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-33, 49],
+      [-75, 49],
+      [9, 63],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [30, 95],
+      [44, 25],
+      [-41, 94],
+      [7, 103],
+      [-6, 101],
+      [65, 57],
+      [-43, 87],
+      [-7, 57],
+      [30, 67],
+      [8, 53],
+      [90, -5],
+      [34, -21],
+      [53, 24],
+      [37, -17],
+      [-2, 77],
+      [-60, 53],
+      [-38, 57],
+      [-95, 53],
+      [-106, 28],
+      [-114, -3],
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+      [-104, -10],
+      [-41, -23],
+      [-26, -62],
+      [-59, -82],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [64, -39],
+      [-23, -55],
+      [-111, -73],
+      [-115, -42],
+      [-104, -64],
+      [-59, -116],
+      [28, -63],
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+      [-7, -32],
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+      [-75, -156],
+      [1, -69],
+      [76, -79],
+      [-81, 0],
+      [-235, 100],
+      [-116, 34],
+      [-131, 20],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [-226, -47],
+      [-157, 38],
+      [-121, 21],
+      [-110, 8],
+      [20, 74],
+      [30, 48],
+      [-44, 22],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [16, 67],
+      [65, 87],
+      [0, 54],
+      [-79, -36],
+      [-70, 34],
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+      [-36, -15],
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+      [-191, -12]
+    ],
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+      [17, -95],
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+      [-8, -58],
+      [-39, -57],
+      [38, -76],
+      [4, -68],
+      [59, -29],
+      [77, 50],
+      [76, -35],
+      [17, -109],
+      [33, -63],
+      [19, -86],
+      [23, 5],
+      [47, -53],
+      [124, -11],
+      [52, 56],
+      [19, 57],
+      [-34, 88],
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+      [-16, 69],
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+      [100, 87],
+      [31, -33],
+      [27, -88],
+      [103, 11],
+      [45, -92],
+      [164, 35],
+      [117, 10],
+      [38, 26],
+      [70, -8],
+      [67, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22783, 23414],
+      [60, 6],
+      [43, 34],
+      [86, 5],
+      [40, -11],
+      [54, 42],
+      [0, -90],
+      [105, -60],
+      [-43, -69],
+      [-39, -99],
+      [11, -38],
+      [-30, -69],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [19, -66],
+      [68, -18],
+      [18, 31],
+      [57, -105],
+      [55, -26],
+      [3, -100],
+      [-93, -84],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [93, 9],
+      [65, -45],
+      [7, -27],
+      [-127, -54],
+      [-48, -32],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-89, -57],
+      [-19, -61],
+      [-50, 4],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-67, -48],
+      [-85, -41],
+      [-56, -40],
+      [-67, -8],
+      [-37, -43],
+      [-7, -62],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-8, -58]
+    ],
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+      [24, -47],
+      [-20, -36],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [37, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33307, 26664],
+      [58, -86],
+      [-62, -8],
+      [-14, 36],
+      [18, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33648, 26856],
+      [3, -7],
+      [0, -1],
+      [33, -65],
+      [-57, -31],
+      [40, -33],
+      [-82, -58],
+      [-95, 61],
+      [-56, -26],
+      [-30, 12],
+      [-26, -52],
+      [-51, 106],
+      [-28, -57],
+      [-12, -105],
+      [18, -48],
+      [58, -21],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-77, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32072, 26785],
+      [-55, 42],
+      [-62, 12],
+      [-95, 56],
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+      [-39, 99],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-52, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20552, 26137],
+      [19, 175],
+      [130, -26],
+      [64, 14],
+      [41, 80],
+      [50, 10],
+      [48, 36],
+      [187, 40],
+      [157, -58],
+      [172, -14],
+      [91, 1],
+      [221, 17],
+      [97, 35],
+      [203, -9],
+      [155, 22],
+      [155, 34],
+      [101, 39],
+      [42, 66],
+      [60, 2],
+      [90, 52]
+    ],
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+      [27949, 29755],
+      [-48, -45],
+      [11, -36],
+      [-98, -127],
+      [56, -83],
+      [110, -91],
+      [137, -40],
+      [37, -30],
+      [67, -14],
+      [79, 18],
+      [124, -15],
+      [84, 12],
+      [21, 35],
+      [95, 67],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [36, 61],
+      [17, 77],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [32, 61],
+      [126, 67],
+      [45, 14],
+      [124, 10],
+      [26, 26],
+      [99, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25495, 21740],
+      [88, -24],
+      [-56, -48],
+      [-32, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25885, 22296],
+      [-72, -101],
+      [-5, -54],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [15, -94],
+      [28, -51],
+      [-73, -13],
+      [-22, -62],
+      [-109, -60],
+      [-62, -20],
+      [-53, -37],
+      [-44, -86],
+      [-34, 54],
+      [-72, -15],
+      [-42, 28],
+      [-54, 0],
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+      [-30, 23],
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+      [-49, 63],
+      [-93, 2],
+      [5, 25],
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+      [-41, 53],
+      [15, 89],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-78, 19],
+      [-24, 30],
+      [51, 45],
+      [75, 26],
+      [-30, 52],
+      [-55, 52],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-16, 46],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [-59, 39],
+      [-73, -1],
+      [3, 40],
+      [-95, 41],
+      [-27, 33],
+      [-42, 105],
+      [-77, 37],
+      [-27, -12],
+      [-71, 10],
+      [37, 44],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [30, 131],
+      [91, 22],
+      [48, 104],
+      [-50, 42],
+      [-95, 5],
+      [18, 63],
+      [70, 103],
+      [73, -11],
+      [34, 50],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [-47, 9],
+      [-20, 82],
+      [-53, 62],
+      [-54, 35],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [3, 59],
+      [32, 9]
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+      [31, 59],
+      [59, 153],
+      [34, 140],
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+      [-18, 53]
+    ],
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+      [-19, 33],
+      [33, 38]
+    ],
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+      [18357, 22515],
+      [94, -80],
+      [-82, -1],
+      [-48, 52],
+      [36, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18094, 22601],
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+      [-56, -83],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [45, 51],
+      [-8, 43]
+    ],
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+      [49, -5],
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+      [-51, -56],
+      [-82, -9],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [15, -80],
+      [-53, 0],
+      [-45, 64],
+      [-58, 9],
+      [-99, -52],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-64, 106],
+      [3, 63],
+      [112, 85],
+      [27, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17675, 22891],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [-50, -50],
+      [-59, 19],
+      [86, 39],
+      [34, 51]
+    ],
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+      [-64, 53],
+      [50, 16]
+    ],
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+      [52, 4],
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+    ],
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+      [30, -61],
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+      [24, -50],
+      [-39, -30],
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+      [-3, -55],
+      [24, -30],
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+      [-52, -91],
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+      [-7, -66],
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+      [33, -21],
+      [21, -64],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [16, 22],
+      [-88, 54],
+      [-46, 52],
+      [-54, -34],
+      [-113, 76],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [-68, 28],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [-56, 26],
+      [-41, -42],
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+      [-12, 47],
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+      [-21, -60],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-99, -75],
+      [-117, 50],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [-37, 49],
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+      [-61, 78],
+      [-85, 11],
+      [-36, -8],
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+      [-43, -1],
+      [-12, 49],
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+      [-17, 42],
+      [17, 59],
+      [-12, 96],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-39, 68],
+      [9, 76],
+      [49, -6],
+      [73, 95],
+      [0, 86],
+      [-15, 63],
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+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/korea-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/korea-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ebf519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/korea-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2471 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [7454, 4447],
+      [42, -59],
+      [-34, -74],
+      [-76, 102],
+      [68, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7860, 4492],
+      [29, 33],
+      [61, -30],
+      [7, -89],
+      [-97, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8440, 5110],
+      [-51, -66],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-22, -112],
+      [0, -61],
+      [-61, -81],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-7, -38],
+      [-143, -15],
+      [5, -131],
+      [-98, 7],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-70, 4],
+      [-52, -18],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [-27, 9],
+      [-75, -40],
+      [-124, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7459, 4497],
+      [39, 24],
+      [6, 47],
+      [-22, 58],
+      [115, 20],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [61, 52],
+      [89, -11],
+      [71, 37],
+      [29, 81],
+      [38, 48],
+      [79, 36],
+      [52, 70],
+      [60, 20],
+      [34, 48],
+      [50, 22],
+      [54, -4],
+      [77, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8284, 5213],
+      [101, 9],
+      [55, -112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7083, 9078],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [-74, 5],
+      [-50, -22],
+      [-32, -74],
+      [-93, -43],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [-86, -52],
+      [-37, -50],
+      [-32, -78],
+      [36, -90],
+      [-16, -55],
+      [-52, -39],
+      [-64, 17],
+      [-55, -32],
+      [-89, 22],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [-62, 20],
+      [-47, 80],
+      [-59, -74],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [-114, 23],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [-38, -64],
+      [-81, 37],
+      [-30, -61],
+      [-36, -27],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [72, -64],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-55, 34],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [-44, -53],
+      [-76, -50],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [54, -19],
+      [5, -83],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [-52, 55],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-37, -61],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [29, -50],
+      [97, -24],
+      [50, -72],
+      [23, -61],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [22, -41],
+      [-33, -159],
+      [50, -88],
+      [-82, -101],
+      [1, -76],
+      [106, 1],
+      [91, -59],
+      [88, 9],
+      [80, -18],
+      [9, -77],
+      [33, -36],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-70, 27],
+      [-53, -55],
+      [29, -45],
+      [-7, -76],
+      [-35, -17],
+      [-11, -106],
+      [-26, -37],
+      [-60, 3],
+      [-52, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5556, 6668],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-63, 24],
+      [-64, -32],
+      [-74, -4],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [-121, 2],
+      [-50, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5097, 6710],
+      [-29, -20],
+      [-42, 44],
+      [-40, 121],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-7, 192],
+      [-40, 40],
+      [-152, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4743, 7150],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [26, 162],
+      [32, 36],
+      [37, 112],
+      [32, 30],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [-79, 0],
+      [6, 76],
+      [-71, 67],
+      [-33, -49],
+      [-88, 15],
+      [-30, 70],
+      [-64, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4477, 7748],
+      [7, 96],
+      [26, 48],
+      [-64, 49],
+      [-43, 56],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [-60, 48],
+      [45, 67],
+      [7, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4335, 8231],
+      [44, 93],
+      [54, 17],
+      [17, 60],
+      [111, -6],
+      [-8, 65],
+      [-95, 90],
+      [-16, 40],
+      [-105, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4337, 8689],
+      [25, 61],
+      [35, 24],
+      [159, 47],
+      [48, 96],
+      [97, 54],
+      [66, 63],
+      [104, -28],
+      [57, 8],
+      [4, 44],
+      [84, 20],
+      [40, 73],
+      [19, 123],
+      [44, -22],
+      [52, 40],
+      [120, 172],
+      [20, 64],
+      [40, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5351, 9543],
+      [59, -208],
+      [27, -21],
+      [201, 17],
+      [41, 73],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [7, 30],
+      [93, 43],
+      [77, -22],
+      [51, -118],
+      [123, 17],
+      [39, 55],
+      [78, 9],
+      [32, 30],
+      [71, 3],
+      [119, -67],
+      [91, 14],
+      [23, -37],
+      [-123, -97],
+      [60, -59],
+      [73, 34],
+      [112, 7],
+      [25, -76],
+      [74, -49],
+      [83, 13],
+      [32, 21],
+      [82, -9],
+      [68, -66],
+      [133, -24],
+      [21, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2518, 8130],
+      [20, -16],
+      [25, -145],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [52, -72],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [36, -62],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [38, -77],
+      [-127, -19],
+      [-71, 65],
+      [-10, 74],
+      [11, 70],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [0, 109],
+      [-28, 71],
+      [13, 2],
+      [7, 25],
+      [34, 33],
+      [33, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3624, 8789],
+      [149, 27],
+      [95, -14],
+      [104, 28],
+      [69, 31],
+      [103, -40],
+      [140, -82],
+      [53, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4335, 8231],
+      [-65, -5],
+      [-112, 101],
+      [-68, 4],
+      [-45, -41],
+      [42, -70],
+      [-8, -178],
+      [96, -65],
+      [23, -56],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [22, -59],
+      [38, 0],
+      [32, -47],
+      [-52, -51],
+      [39, -72],
+      [56, -5],
+      [5, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4327, 7594],
+      [-18, -110],
+      [5, -58],
+      [-34, -73],
+      [5, -35],
+      [47, -57],
+      [13, -60],
+      [73, -64],
+      [48, 46],
+      [12, 81],
+      [48, -7],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [95, -98],
+      [32, -5],
+      [35, 44],
+      [61, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5097, 6710],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-65, -60],
+      [-129, 4],
+      [-26, 62],
+      [-75, -22],
+      [-87, -2],
+      [-132, 70],
+      [-45, 110],
+      [-81, 108],
+      [-40, 36],
+      [-132, -56],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-134, -69],
+      [-77, 3],
+      [-74, 25],
+      [-38, 121],
+      [-180, 71],
+      [-62, -38],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-36, -152],
+      [-68, -32],
+      [-19, -29],
+      [-63, -1],
+      [-82, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3286, 6706],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-113, 9],
+      [3, 66],
+      [-110, 152],
+      [-40, 73],
+      [-67, 5],
+      [-78, 74],
+      [7, 64],
+      [29, 55],
+      [-17, 68],
+      [37, 64],
+      [-83, 128],
+      [77, 83],
+      [-69, 58],
+      [-62, 9],
+      [30, 102],
+      [91, 58],
+      [43, 2],
+      [23, 60],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-43, -67],
+      [-76, 23],
+      [-14, 84],
+      [28, 68],
+      [-58, 71],
+      [13, 31],
+      [-32, 84],
+      [-84, 46],
+      [-80, 12],
+      [-15, 15],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-34, -10],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [-12, -31],
+      [-39, -15],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [36, 120],
+      [-27, 65],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-12, 107],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [-91, 9],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [37, 30],
+      [60, -30],
+      [50, 38],
+      [-68, 57],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [-105, -52],
+      [-26, 70],
+      [112, 103],
+      [43, 25],
+      [-25, 37],
+      [39, 50],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [80, 42],
+      [59, 7],
+      [60, -18],
+      [23, 64],
+      [56, -87],
+      [-48, -93],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [61, 40],
+      [-12, 46],
+      [25, 47],
+      [77, -14],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [80, 49],
+      [31, 90],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-92, 90],
+      [-25, 41],
+      [41, 48],
+      [215, 34],
+      [54, 58],
+      [23, 52],
+      [43, -15],
+      [44, -51],
+      [202, -90],
+      [108, 2],
+      [168, -56],
+      [40, -121],
+      [57, -91],
+      [68, -17],
+      [93, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6907, 5735],
+      [-129, -95],
+      [-104, -6],
+      [-44, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6630, 5654],
+      [37, 28],
+      [2, 64],
+      [-83, 101],
+      [14, 28],
+      [96, -20],
+      [21, 56],
+      [-69, 46],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [49, 115],
+      [71, -1],
+      [15, 42],
+      [-80, 51],
+      [-45, 3],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [8, 59],
+      [44, 42],
+      [82, 25],
+      [2, -44],
+      [39, -49],
+      [75, 67],
+      [20, 92],
+      [77, 37],
+      [53, 69],
+      [38, 21],
+      [110, 8],
+      [76, -30],
+      [36, -40],
+      [-12, -144],
+      [39, -26],
+      [19, -115],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-70, -94],
+      [19, -51],
+      [-11, -45],
+      [-79, -65],
+      [-90, 69],
+      [-101, -51],
+      [-23, -89],
+      [20, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4327, 7594],
+      [83, 23],
+      [52, 45],
+      [15, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8493, 9430],
+      [-101, -125],
+      [-64, -31],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-2, -129],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-121, 20],
+      [-115, 85],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-35, -60],
+      [-98, 24],
+      [-134, 13],
+      [-32, 25],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [-89, 4],
+      [-134, 71],
+      [-119, 21],
+      [46, -70],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [-66, -8],
+      [-21, -38],
+      [-110, 31],
+      [-73, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5351, 9543],
+      [20, 30],
+      [-2, 147],
+      [-9, 56],
+      [33, 60],
+      [20, 84],
+      [-2, 111],
+      [-63, 78],
+      [102, 117],
+      [-17, 64],
+      [-91, -7],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [-41, 4],
+      [-97, 63],
+      [-125, 63],
+      [-77, -13],
+      [-61, 34],
+      [9, 141],
+      [-55, 46],
+      [42, 76],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [6, 93],
+      [65, 47],
+      [83, 90],
+      [6, 130],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-24, 97],
+      [-105, 4],
+      [-26, 22],
+      [-31, 90],
+      [-28, 178],
+      [-76, -42],
+      [-45, 41],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-36, -54],
+      [-30, 52],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-49, -33],
+      [-51, 41],
+      [72, 106],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-63, -63],
+      [-98, -65],
+      [-62, -18],
+      [-130, 18],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [15, 115],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [-106, -16],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-55, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3776, 11905],
+      [38, 37],
+      [21, 36],
+      [231, 160],
+      [71, -7],
+      [141, 60],
+      [72, -10],
+      [34, -24],
+      [68, 3],
+      [129, 42],
+      [99, -42],
+      [24, 6],
+      [93, -45],
+      [112, 64],
+      [62, 20],
+      [55, -28],
+      [80, 8],
+      [56, -13],
+      [42, 26],
+      [122, -6],
+      [67, 20],
+      [15, -35],
+      [57, -49],
+      [92, 31],
+      [37, 35],
+      [123, -36],
+      [38, 9],
+      [136, -29],
+      [62, 10],
+      [63, 48],
+      [56, -2],
+      [77, 66],
+      [76, 44],
+      [32, 46],
+      [117, 96],
+      [46, 91],
+      [15, 79],
+      [-9, 191],
+      [88, 61],
+      [28, -54],
+      [77, -79],
+      [-11, -33],
+      [63, -153],
+      [61, -67],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [20, -42],
+      [95, -116],
+      [4, -62],
+      [66, -122],
+      [22, -73],
+      [64, -82],
+      [10, -63],
+      [29, -52],
+      [-4, -65],
+      [51, -81],
+      [82, -79],
+      [6, -47],
+      [145, -174],
+      [42, -92],
+      [45, -55],
+      [82, -71],
+      [-9, -38],
+      [92, -100],
+      [9, -34],
+      [210, -205],
+      [57, -82],
+      [87, -79],
+      [-28, -72],
+      [49, -81],
+      [98, -76],
+      [-11, -86],
+      [60, -105],
+      [96, -105],
+      [19, -92],
+      [90, -63],
+      [44, -100],
+      [7, -57],
+      [56, -22],
+      [3, -44],
+      [59, -30],
+      [-6, -36],
+      [44, -39],
+      [0, -91],
+      [-18, -39],
+      [22, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3742, 4748],
+      [2, -56],
+      [64, -11],
+      [57, -47],
+      [-51, -138],
+      [-77, -24],
+      [-96, -11],
+      [-43, -71],
+      [-59, 26],
+      [-73, -14],
+      [-78, 9],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [-114, 33],
+      [-47, 28],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [-4, 79],
+      [55, 92],
+      [80, 28],
+      [67, 74],
+      [81, -58],
+      [78, 5],
+      [22, 48],
+      [97, 14],
+      [96, -39],
+      [12, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3624, 8789],
+      [-11, 70],
+      [-77, 22],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [-86, 106],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-2, 66],
+      [-93, 12],
+      [26, 71],
+      [10, 90],
+      [-15, 47],
+      [48, 44],
+      [41, -4],
+      [-9, 87],
+      [-97, -8],
+      [-63, -84],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [-72, 95],
+      [-17, 48],
+      [27, 62],
+      [-7, 91],
+      [51, 41],
+      [134, -20],
+      [10, -81],
+      [22, -12],
+      [50, 90],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [53, 71],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-101, 35],
+      [-90, 56],
+      [-140, -45],
+      [-68, -44],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [74, -31],
+      [31, -66],
+      [56, -27],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [-63, 31],
+      [-56, -7],
+      [-55, -48],
+      [-38, 57],
+      [28, 24],
+      [17, 104],
+      [44, 48],
+      [55, 39],
+      [157, 52],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [99, 53],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [32, 22],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [9, 7],
+      [3, 19],
+      [0, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3315, 10027],
+      [28, 45],
+      [-10, 105],
+      [10, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3343, 10263],
+      [107, -20],
+      [-5, -88],
+      [97, -35],
+      [39, -34],
+      [101, -14],
+      [62, 25],
+      [121, 2],
+      [24, -58],
+      [61, -15],
+      [40, 31],
+      [86, 13],
+      [38, 52],
+      [-23, 91],
+      [52, 54],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [-69, 22],
+      [-13, 101],
+      [6, 62],
+      [-38, 89],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [-116, 14],
+      [-112, -78],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-70, -26],
+      [-53, -116],
+      [-52, -11],
+      [-55, 29],
+      [-60, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3390, 10369],
+      [-92, 45],
+      [-97, 23],
+      [-63, -3],
+      [-78, -28],
+      [-93, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2967, 10416],
+      [-54, 69],
+      [-54, 157],
+      [9, 64],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [18, 84],
+      [-23, 29],
+      [57, 36],
+      [63, -32],
+      [48, -1],
+      [65, 49],
+      [63, 3],
+      [23, 121],
+      [21, 55],
+      [12, 124],
+      [-25, 81],
+      [117, 41],
+      [85, 13],
+      [113, 120],
+      [46, 66],
+      [21, 82],
+      [36, 44],
+      [149, 94],
+      [-5, 99],
+      [45, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8695, 5748],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [-220, 63],
+      [-55, -63],
+      [-69, 11],
+      [-60, 51],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-133, 39],
+      [-119, 13],
+      [-109, -64],
+      [7, -117],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-27, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7844, 5688],
+      [-85, -49],
+      [-113, 44],
+      [-78, 5],
+      [-63, -78],
+      [-120, -56],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-78, 37],
+      [-131, 25],
+      [-65, -30],
+      [-53, 3],
+      [-54, 37],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [-35, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6630, 5654],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-128, 52],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-124, -17],
+      [-99, 69],
+      [33, 112],
+      [-14, 71],
+      [-127, 121],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [-149, 83],
+      [-79, 13],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [-29, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5628, 6359],
+      [-7, 61],
+      [14, 103],
+      [-79, 145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8493, 9430],
+      [29, -44],
+      [22, -106],
+      [59, -63],
+      [17, -49],
+      [-10, -76],
+      [19, -45],
+      [-22, -62],
+      [26, -99],
+      [-12, -106],
+      [27, -101],
+      [58, -83],
+      [19, -133],
+      [20, -58],
+      [0, -81],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-61, -126],
+      [-1, -93],
+      [57, -74],
+      [10, -150],
+      [-30, -187],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-57, -140],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-18, -164],
+      [28, -71],
+      [-25, -69],
+      [38, -20],
+      [17, -135],
+      [58, -39],
+      [-2, -35],
+      [-109, -128],
+      [65, -34],
+      [29, -70],
+      [49, -20],
+      [96, 76],
+      [107, 150],
+      [44, -19],
+      [26, -147],
+      [-62, -69],
+      [6, -47],
+      [-75, -106],
+      [15, -37],
+      [-15, -78],
+      [30, -5],
+      [-83, -201],
+      [12, -34],
+      [-51, -167],
+      [0, -55],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-29, -79],
+      [22, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11600, 10343],
+      [11, -147],
+      [-91, -68],
+      [-53, 8],
+      [-80, 51],
+      [5, 49],
+      [-27, 31],
+      [166, 63],
+      [69, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6287, 3463],
+      [100, -37],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-61, -3],
+      [-66, 31],
+      [42, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6764, 3855],
+      [18, -140],
+      [-45, 15],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [8, 69],
+      [37, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6270, 3911],
+      [38, -79],
+      [-65, -17],
+      [-30, 65],
+      [57, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6197, 3956],
+      [12, -41],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [-35, 65],
+      [65, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5858, 4104],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [61, -39],
+      [22, -37],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [21, -58],
+      [-92, 21],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-46, 40],
+      [2, 46],
+      [82, 105],
+      [49, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5585, 4161],
+      [67, -44],
+      [1, -50],
+      [-59, -85],
+      [27, -80],
+      [62, -24],
+      [3, -42],
+      [92, 53],
+      [81, 4],
+      [65, -40],
+      [-28, -83],
+      [16, -81],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [21, -65],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [-62, 15],
+      [-17, 72],
+      [3, 79],
+      [-85, -36],
+      [19, -55],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-42, 59],
+      [19, 26],
+      [-68, 143],
+      [-18, 70],
+      [43, 43],
+      [14, 50],
+      [60, 97],
+      [55, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6835, 4230],
+      [26, -89],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [15, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7093, 4340],
+      [-11, -104],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [24, 58],
+      [37, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7152, 4385],
+      [84, -46],
+      [-34, -33],
+      [-17, -68],
+      [62, -73],
+      [-52, -159],
+      [44, 2],
+      [43, -33],
+      [-81, -60],
+      [73, -120],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [10, -64],
+      [-71, -48],
+      [29, -56],
+      [-86, -97],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [40, 47],
+      [-57, 13],
+      [7, 53],
+      [-27, 59],
+      [34, 24],
+      [9, 112],
+      [-106, -38],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-67, 73],
+      [-22, 80],
+      [13, 33],
+      [92, 85],
+      [82, -58],
+      [40, 37],
+      [50, -24],
+      [-35, 105],
+      [56, 35],
+      [50, -4],
+      [64, 189]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7844, 5688],
+      [24, -38],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [-38, -52],
+      [5, -50],
+      [109, 5],
+      [58, -57],
+      [67, -35],
+      [64, -96],
+      [92, -21],
+      [46, -27],
+      [20, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7459, 4497],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-39, 33],
+      [-100, -29],
+      [-73, 17],
+      [16, 62],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-95, 53],
+      [-118, 101],
+      [10, -59],
+      [45, -54],
+      [6, -94],
+      [50, -45],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [-34, -16],
+      [-84, 31],
+      [14, 39],
+      [-61, 33],
+      [-95, 14],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-20, -45],
+      [32, -30],
+      [-18, -60],
+      [58, -47],
+      [-46, -67],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [14, -49],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [-2, -101],
+      [-19, -66],
+      [98, -2],
+      [-57, -142],
+      [-1, -81],
+      [-31, -76],
+      [-52, 7],
+      [-36, 113],
+      [-88, 34],
+      [22, 31],
+      [71, -38],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [20, 27],
+      [-103, 34],
+      [-80, 53],
+      [21, 21],
+      [95, -1],
+      [-32, 93],
+      [-70, -27],
+      [1, -42],
+      [-78, -14],
+      [8, 54],
+      [-56, 21],
+      [-86, -14],
+      [5, -107],
+      [-76, 13],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-53, 64],
+      [-40, 24],
+      [-75, 8],
+      [-34, 49],
+      [27, 67],
+      [-18, 56],
+      [21, 33],
+      [-21, 65],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [11, -93],
+      [-55, -6],
+      [-92, 31],
+      [-89, -108],
+      [-92, -22],
+      [-29, 31],
+      [-86, -44],
+      [-42, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5341, 4206],
+      [39, 67],
+      [-45, 95],
+      [-70, 48],
+      [-67, 141],
+      [-76, 56],
+      [-40, 107],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [-46, 128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5033, 4928],
+      [49, 51],
+      [15, 60],
+      [-15, 69],
+      [69, 28],
+      [37, 54],
+      [-12, 54],
+      [-72, 167],
+      [-47, 148],
+      [94, 145],
+      [-20, 110],
+      [57, 71],
+      [-4, 106],
+      [48, 82],
+      [89, 54],
+      [30, 96],
+      [59, -12],
+      [54, 36],
+      [64, 5],
+      [45, 61],
+      [55, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2016, 9691],
+      [27, -63],
+      [85, -30],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-122, 11],
+      [34, 128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2753, 9725],
+      [60, -43],
+      [-43, -72],
+      [-54, -41],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [2, 104],
+      [81, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2624, 10020],
+      [66, -63],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-76, 55],
+      [28, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2729, 10333],
+      [23, -18],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-71, 33],
+      [62, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3315, 10027],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-44, -59],
+      [-105, 17],
+      [-61, 61],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-48, -2],
+      [-34, 28],
+      [0, 55],
+      [41, 74],
+      [-17, 127],
+      [-78, -27],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [41, -11],
+      [40, -60],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [-120, -34],
+      [-38, -46],
+      [-84, -57],
+      [-47, -1],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [-55, 67],
+      [127, 71],
+      [118, 5],
+      [42, 73],
+      [38, 10],
+      [47, -31],
+      [40, 36],
+      [37, 20],
+      [26, 8],
+      [27, 16],
+      [-49, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3390, 10369],
+      [-47, -106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2446, 10828],
+      [-1, -99],
+      [43, -33],
+      [53, -7],
+      [14, -67],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-110, 99],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [10, 73],
+      [65, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2287, 10983],
+      [50, -1],
+      [47, -30],
+      [89, -21],
+      [-68, -72],
+      [-102, -5],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-56, 51],
+      [36, 77],
+      [38, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2662, 11015],
+      [45, -46],
+      [110, -69],
+      [33, -109],
+      [-17, -29],
+      [21, -54],
+      [-15, -60],
+      [35, -152],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-66, 19],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [-104, 6],
+      [-69, 44],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [69, 46],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-37, 71],
+      [-73, 40],
+      [13, 114],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [73, 35],
+      [16, 38],
+      [65, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3714, 787],
+      [25, -23],
+      [-4, -66],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [32, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2875, 785],
+      [101, 1],
+      [18, 28],
+      [65, 4],
+      [41, 23],
+      [37, -15],
+      [127, 44],
+      [84, 12],
+      [56, -19],
+      [52, 5],
+      [28, -64],
+      [37, -19],
+      [67, 7],
+      [40, -48],
+      [-1, -84],
+      [45, 2],
+      [-45, -128],
+      [-11, -66],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-83, -163],
+      [-68, -33],
+      [-64, 12],
+      [-64, -66],
+      [-39, 1],
+      [-99, -29],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-52, -59],
+      [-60, 3],
+      [-147, -15],
+      [-89, -29],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-40, -13],
+      [-42, 24],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-128, 16],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-90, 107],
+      [-52, 15],
+      [-76, 91],
+      [10, 75],
+      [-12, 42],
+      [81, 75],
+      [39, 61],
+      [73, 45],
+      [9, 64],
+      [68, 21],
+      [33, 57],
+      [108, 20],
+      [36, 28],
+      [133, 18],
+      [82, 57],
+      [43, -13],
+      [41, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2415, 5766],
+      [22, -30],
+      [-32, -47],
+      [-78, -48],
+      [-25, 42],
+      [113, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2672, 5306],
+      [7, 50],
+      [85, 141],
+      [100, 61],
+      [23, -21],
+      [49, 42],
+      [54, -7],
+      [77, 74],
+      [36, -7],
+      [47, 31],
+      [-44, 32],
+      [-82, -22],
+      [-64, 9],
+      [-133, -26],
+      [-103, 72],
+      [10, 79],
+      [75, 36],
+      [103, 94],
+      [29, -9],
+      [64, 59],
+      [55, 73],
+      [-12, 87],
+      [156, 30],
+      [168, -55],
+      [-14, 69],
+      [-88, 34],
+      [-72, 55],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [77, 35],
+      [69, -13],
+      [67, 31],
+      [-5, 74],
+      [-55, -39],
+      [-118, -8],
+      [-59, 18],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-109, 6],
+      [4, 134],
+      [-97, 32],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [116, 13],
+      [27, -13],
+      [129, 29],
+      [78, 1],
+      [41, 18],
+      [-15, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5033, 4928],
+      [-206, 129],
+      [-88, 11],
+      [-111, -29],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-104, 2],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-188, 11],
+      [-62, -18],
+      [-120, 30],
+      [15, 131],
+      [-47, 43],
+      [-38, 95],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-96, -84],
+      [-45, 23],
+      [-14, 38],
+      [-176, 136],
+      [-169, -53],
+      [-3, -126],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-20, -68],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-105, -46],
+      [-100, 10],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [-55, 79],
+      [-49, 40],
+      [2, 28],
+      [-73, 67],
+      [2, 53],
+      [-69, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8, 2141],
+      [25, -4],
+      [32, -65],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [8, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2885, 2346],
+      [60, -29],
+      [58, -6],
+      [-107, -99],
+      [-70, -6],
+      [10, 112],
+      [49, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3105, 2388],
+      [25, -62],
+      [19, -103],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-53, 54],
+      [41, 70],
+      [-20, 48],
+      [20, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3586, 2429],
+      [66, -88],
+      [-20, -65],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-68, 50],
+      [49, 84],
+      [40, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2936, 2472],
+      [82, -27],
+      [36, -51],
+      [-128, -56],
+      [-14, 78],
+      [24, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4312, 2510],
+      [6, -96],
+      [-67, 13],
+      [13, 41],
+      [48, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1886, 2670],
+      [27, -35],
+      [56, 9],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [35, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3771, 2722],
+      [62, -37],
+      [-74, -46],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [55, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3472, 2764],
+      [16, -23],
+      [67, -4],
+      [10, -88],
+      [-90, -8],
+      [-15, 46],
+      [-47, 17],
+      [59, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1837, 2769],
+      [63, -89],
+      [-76, 26],
+      [13, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3862, 2817],
+      [31, -71],
+      [80, 16],
+      [-94, -111],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-62, 47],
+      [45, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3176, 2870],
+      [81, -46],
+      [8, -75],
+      [81, -100],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-26, 23],
+      [-62, 1],
+      [-24, 46],
+      [-55, 39],
+      [-19, 121],
+      [20, 24],
+      [74, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3693, 2893],
+      [12, -16],
+      [-37, -86],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-87, 47],
+      [38, 70],
+      [98, -27],
+      [28, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3472, 2965],
+      [9, -76],
+      [-42, -68],
+      [-126, 9],
+      [39, 84],
+      [120, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3891, 3006],
+      [42, -21],
+      [20, -67],
+      [-78, 9],
+      [-6, 55],
+      [22, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5410, 3009],
+      [8, -89],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [40, 106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4715, 3044],
+      [30, -28],
+      [75, 4],
+      [57, -79],
+      [-96, -51],
+      [-14, 85],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [2, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4235, 3090],
+      [35, -50],
+      [-53, -108],
+      [-72, 13],
+      [-95, -8],
+      [-53, 82],
+      [38, 32],
+      [39, -16],
+      [81, 40],
+      [80, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4719, 3209],
+      [38, -17],
+      [-35, -68],
+      [62, -6],
+      [5, -56],
+      [-108, 23],
+      [-12, 59],
+      [50, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5282, 3227],
+      [35, -12],
+      [63, -146],
+      [-84, 35],
+      [-74, 86],
+      [60, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1996, 3263],
+      [15, -33],
+      [-107, -59],
+      [14, 63],
+      [78, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5117, 3304],
+      [33, -27],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [19, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2306, 3314],
+      [83, -31],
+      [22, -53],
+      [40, -33],
+      [36, 6],
+      [67, -69],
+      [-32, -136],
+      [15, -35],
+      [-60, -67],
+      [-93, -50],
+      [-49, 9],
+      [-17, -40],
+      [-55, -16],
+      [-49, -37],
+      [-95, -3],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [-69, 39],
+      [-44, 56],
+      [62, 99],
+      [52, 39],
+      [98, 42],
+      [16, 50],
+      [68, 56],
+      [27, 59],
+      [-1, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1919, 3409],
+      [92, -60],
+      [-9, -58],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-33, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1510, 3411],
+      [20, -64],
+      [-71, -8],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [58, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1864, 3422],
+      [5, -54],
+      [41, -56],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-34, 82],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [37, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2113, 3511],
+      [43, -23],
+      [30, -60],
+      [-112, -46],
+      [-12, 70],
+      [51, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [692, 3574],
+      [2, -86],
+      [-35, -17],
+      [-59, -64],
+      [-16, 68],
+      [55, 96],
+      [53, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5287, 3656],
+      [85, -40],
+      [-42, -52],
+      [57, -81],
+      [12, -74],
+      [-16, -44],
+      [31, -36],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-79, 20],
+      [-54, 97],
+      [1, 54],
+      [45, 29],
+      [20, 52],
+      [-24, 104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1736, 3665],
+      [5, -35],
+      [78, -52],
+      [5, -33],
+      [-87, -74],
+      [-89, 37],
+      [-8, 94],
+      [67, -3],
+      [29, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1985, 3752],
+      [72, -8],
+      [17, -36],
+      [81, -31],
+      [7, -87],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [-38, -28],
+      [-29, 49],
+      [-56, 23],
+      [30, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2083, 3811],
+      [42, -25],
+      [10, -55],
+      [-42, -9],
+      [-52, 69],
+      [42, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1795, 3830],
+      [10, -61],
+      [-49, -41],
+      [-61, 5],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [15, -74],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [2, 77],
+      [18, 38],
+      [60, -17],
+      [73, 30],
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+      [-39, 47],
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+      [-61, -59],
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+      [31, 27],
+      [49, -5],
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+      [45, 113],
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+      [-30, 5],
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+      [-39, -35],
+      [-71, 2],
+      [-28, 25],
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+      [-40, -66],
+      [-104, -32],
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+      [-40, -59],
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+      [-59, -55],
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+      [-57, 45],
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+      [-10, -167],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [18, -24],
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+      [-42, -45],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [-60, -37],
+      [-45, -61],
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+      [-27, -44],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [18, 82],
+      [-9, 74],
+      [-84, -11],
+      [-9, 50],
+      [34, 21],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [49, 20],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [3, 52],
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+      [36, 50],
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+      [-29, 23],
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+      [-60, 70],
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+      [-52, 50],
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+      [49, -54],
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+      [1, 0]
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+            "NL_NAME_1": "충청남도",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Chungchongnam-Do"
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Metropolitan City",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "대구광역시",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Taegu"
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+            "NL_NAME_1": "대구광역시",
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+      [-56, -32],
+      [-108, -51],
+      [-80, -17],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [-129, 25],
+      [-102, 89],
+      [-59, 68],
+      [-43, 67],
+      [-10, 32],
+      [17, 61],
+      [1, 63],
+      [-16, 160],
+      [45, 86],
+      [102, 96],
+      [57, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3720, 2084],
+      [54, -17],
+      [27, -4],
+      [67, -21],
+      [54, 17],
+      [30, 18],
+      [36, 2],
+      [47, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1821, 1979],
+      [17, -16],
+      [45, -67],
+      [73, -71],
+      [21, -60],
+      [43, -80],
+      [17, -16],
+      [51, -29],
+      [118, -32],
+      [94, -8],
+      [24, -11],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-5, -90],
+      [-9, -47],
+      [-25, -60],
+      [1, -86],
+      [31, -55],
+      [36, -96],
+      [90, -78],
+      [12, -18],
+      [77, -82],
+      [167, -187]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2703, 776],
+      [-25, 10],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [-79, -29],
+      [-37, -25],
+      [-74, -32],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-124, -18],
+      [-143, -16],
+      [-59, -12],
+      [-147, -49],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-70, -55],
+      [-57, -57],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [-123, -24],
+      [-67, -6],
+      [-156, -6],
+      [-62, -8],
+      [-49, -19],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-47, 10],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-49, 31],
+      [-47, 15],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-37, -6],
+      [-43, -32],
+      [-46, -73],
+      [-39, -77],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-53, 47],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [-29, 86],
+      [-15, 27],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-54, -20],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-39, 38],
+      [-67, 144],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [-17, 105],
+      [-17, 70],
+      [-4, 70],
+      [9, 69],
+      [40, 110],
+      [82, 53],
+      [80, 37],
+      [38, 23],
+      [83, 23],
+      [63, 30],
+      [70, 18],
+      [63, 31],
+      [70, 18],
+      [62, 32],
+      [70, 19],
+      [63, 32],
+      [80, 25],
+      [71, 49],
+      [34, 28],
+      [159, 80],
+      [33, 28],
+      [71, 49],
+      [91, 33],
+      [115, 83],
+      [148, 75],
+      [70, 53],
+      [60, 58],
+      [32, 66],
+      [40, 52],
+      [24, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2632, 7081],
+      [-71, -19],
+      [-42, 2],
+      [-100, 21],
+      [-40, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2379, 7088],
+      [-13, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2366, 7098],
+      [-21, 69],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-129, 45],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-116, 42],
+      [-384, 130],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-42, 102],
+      [-96, 254],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-75, 194],
+      [-11, 51],
+      [3, 17],
+      [27, 2],
+      [78, -15],
+      [67, 1],
+      [12, 27],
+      [1, 38],
+      [12, 8],
+      [39, -1],
+      [9, 15],
+      [0, 111],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [1, 44],
+      [9, 58],
+      [10, 10],
+      [54, 23],
+      [54, 11],
+      [33, 21],
+      [51, 44],
+      [42, 54],
+      [41, 31],
+      [128, 2],
+      [57, 44],
+      [21, 6],
+      [44, 0],
+      [24, -10],
+      [30, -62],
+      [19, -16],
+      [33, -9],
+      [40, 19],
+      [11, 23],
+      [34, 30],
+      [38, 4],
+      [38, 40],
+      [21, 9],
+      [78, 0],
+      [9, 3],
+      [41, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2614, 8690],
+      [5, 14],
+      [42, 44],
+      [47, 33],
+      [73, 70],
+      [47, 22],
+      [16, -6],
+      [35, -54],
+      [23, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2902, 8770],
+      [-123, -72],
+      [-82, -55],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [-93, 11],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-95, -123],
+      [12, -28],
+      [66, -58],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-75, -43],
+      [-61, -31],
+      [-37, -45],
+      [-26, -70],
+      [-8, -73],
+      [25, -37],
+      [26, -24],
+      [89, -63],
+      [21, -19],
+      [94, -67],
+      [21, -11],
+      [106, -71],
+      [21, -11],
+      [141, -95],
+      [22, -6],
+      [62, 62],
+      [27, 23],
+      [73, 6],
+      [20, 74],
+      [28, 24],
+      [52, 9],
+      [82, 19],
+      [88, 17],
+      [51, 12],
+      [76, 0],
+      [32, -32],
+      [21, -30],
+      [42, -74],
+      [29, -85],
+      [22, -53],
+      [-15, -20],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-90, -30],
+      [-83, -37],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [58, -55],
+      [66, -45],
+      [48, -15],
+      [67, -11],
+      [80, -44],
+      [40, -27],
+      [39, -15],
+      [80, -17],
+      [52, 13],
+      [25, 1],
+      [47, -9],
+      [49, -30],
+      [36, -27],
+      [77, -68],
+      [35, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4108, 7171],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-203, -270],
+      [0, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3867, 6855],
+      [-97, 51],
+      [-66, 31],
+      [-108, -30],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-45, 76],
+      [-18, 52],
+      [-5, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3499, 7062],
+      [-5, 75],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [-2, 54],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [-62, 87],
+      [-102, 21],
+      [-103, 25],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [-59, 52],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-70, 42],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-60, -51],
+      [40, -76],
+      [88, -25],
+      [4, -57],
+      [-28, -19],
+      [-65, -10],
+      [-49, -14],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-115, -71],
+      [-27, -1],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-16, -20],
+      [-1, -37],
+      [-12, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1296, 7180],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [-64, -48],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-64, -48],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-126, -95],
+      [-16, 6],
+      [-20, 42],
+      [-75, 134],
+      [-70, 46],
+      [-68, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [650, 7138],
+      [7, 104],
+      [32, 30],
+      [25, 39],
+      [20, 49],
+      [33, 41],
+      [30, 67],
+      [34, 41],
+      [30, 66],
+      [32, 42],
+      [11, 24],
+      [13, 70],
+      [14, 37],
+      [32, 42],
+      [30, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [993, 7856],
+      [39, -35],
+      [118, -62],
+      [22, 11],
+      [39, 35],
+      [22, 4],
+      [35, -42],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-76, -69],
+      [-52, -52],
+      [-46, -61],
+      [-47, -57],
+      [-38, -59],
+      [-34, -46],
+      [-57, -57],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [13, -47],
+      [82, -51],
+      [16, 0],
+      [37, 24],
+      [21, 4],
+      [73, 1],
+      [13, 19],
+      [0, 36],
+      [8, 28],
+      [1, 47],
+      [8, 20],
+      [1, 47],
+      [6, 12],
+      [5, 57],
+      [21, 4],
+      [211, -113],
+      [11, -26],
+      [0, -31],
+      [15, -75],
+      [9, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1461, 7172],
+      [-86, 1],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-50, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3099, 7064],
+      [-35, 41],
+      [8, 101],
+      [18, 22],
+      [40, 12],
+      [69, -90],
+      [82, -45],
+      [46, -11],
+      [93, -28],
+      [35, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3455, 7061],
+      [-3, -54],
+      [-9, -32],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-102, 24],
+      [-51, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3260, 6885],
+      [-57, 98],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [-57, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2091, 7132],
+      [-91, 8],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-96, 10],
+      [-122, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1767, 7155],
+      [-68, 9],
+      [-128, 0],
+      [-33, 7],
+      [-77, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [993, 7856],
+      [27, 32],
+      [14, 37],
+      [15, 90],
+      [41, 95],
+      [20, 124],
+      [40, 95],
+      [17, 108],
+      [15, 44],
+      [61, 108],
+      [53, 76],
+      [43, 50],
+      [33, 65],
+      [82, 78],
+      [14, 18],
+      [24, 56],
+      [40, 51],
+      [31, 66],
+      [36, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1599, 9083],
+      [6, -12],
+      [47, -26],
+      [50, -21],
+      [63, 29],
+      [56, 41],
+      [51, 29],
+      [22, -7],
+      [50, -46],
+      [30, -37],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [10, -11],
+      [79, -26],
+      [27, -23],
+      [18, -57],
+      [2, -64],
+      [43, -38],
+      [113, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2264, 8768],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [0, -43],
+      [40, -25],
+      [36, -2],
+      [77, 20],
+      [35, 1],
+      [47, -15],
+      [51, 0],
+      [25, 7],
+      [51, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2366, 7098],
+      [-51, 3],
+      [-143, 21],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-37, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3099, 7064],
+      [-59, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3040, 7029],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-42, 29],
+      [-101, 54],
+      [-106, 0],
+      [-31, -12],
+      [-120, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3499, 7062],
+      [-44, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2902, 8770],
+      [53, 10],
+      [55, 77],
+      [70, 53],
+      [177, 75],
+      [45, -1],
+      [8, 33],
+      [38, 4],
+      [53, -30],
+      [36, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3437, 8978],
+      [-85, -84],
+      [-181, -265],
+      [172, -149],
+      [294, -125],
+      [281, -170],
+      [189, -238],
+      [257, -360],
+      [-78, -216],
+      [-178, -200]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2379, 7088],
+      [160, -146],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-34, -51],
+      [-21, -19],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [-46, 41],
+      [-64, 49],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-133, 49],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [-28, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3410, 5840],
+      [5, 9],
+      [93, 105],
+      [62, 43],
+      [24, 46],
+      [45, 60],
+      [-76, 42],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-31, 19],
+      [-78, 39],
+      [-77, 46],
+      [-57, 39],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-73, 7],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-103, 22],
+      [-49, 13],
+      [-61, 12],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-2, 95],
+      [-7, 32],
+      [-2, 65],
+      [-34, 60],
+      [-53, 57],
+      [-76, 42],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [55, 93],
+      [39, 86],
+      [32, 51],
+      [13, 4],
+      [57, -22],
+      [22, 1],
+      [51, 30],
+      [54, 40],
+      [56, 9],
+      [37, 1],
+      [43, 8],
+      [33, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3077, 7011],
+      [28, -24],
+      [70, -33],
+      [35, -35],
+      [20, -45],
+      [30, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3867, 6855],
+      [16, -289],
+      [84, -374],
+      [95, -208],
+      [248, -189],
+      [234, -159]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4329, 5335],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-121, 31],
+      [-113, 54],
+      [-128, 89],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [-89, 63],
+      [-123, 93],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-81, 56],
+      [-204, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2918, 6461],
+      [32, 0],
+      [21, -9],
+      [2, -38],
+      [43, -5],
+      [20, 6],
+      [54, 0],
+      [26, 11],
+      [7, 33],
+      [-45, 50],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-19, 27],
+      [-20, 13],
+      [-43, 1],
+      [-20, -11],
+      [1, -61],
+      [46, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2406, 6658],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-26, 37],
+      [1, 21],
+      [16, 27],
+      [21, 1],
+      [87, -42],
+      [9, -43],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-51, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3243, 9962],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-93, -95],
+      [-102, -89],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [-73, -63],
+      [-68, -51],
+      [-62, -39],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-77, -73],
+      [1, -20],
+      [118, -103],
+      [95, -53],
+      [147, 81],
+      [31, 23],
+      [121, 105],
+      [100, 75],
+      [49, 30],
+      [6, -23],
+      [-51, -91],
+      [-61, -97],
+      [-110, -96],
+      [-21, -11],
+      [-85, -58],
+      [-48, -56],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-87, -38],
+      [-61, -31],
+      [-81, -47],
+      [-96, -47],
+      [-65, -55],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-22, 6],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-101, -155]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1599, 9083],
+      [61, 63],
+      [24, 55],
+      [40, 52],
+      [24, 56],
+      [44, 50],
+      [50, 77],
+      [34, 90],
+      [37, 55],
+      [26, 106],
+      [37, 55],
+      [27, 78],
+      [34, 63],
+      [27, 77],
+      [39, 54],
+      [27, 76],
+      [39, 78],
+      [25, 84],
+      [26, 52],
+      [16, 59],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-1, 113],
+      [-6, 65],
+      [-19, 95],
+      [33, 47],
+      [35, 34],
+      [50, 57],
+      [116, -120],
+      [179, -160],
+      [224, -255],
+      [318, -241],
+      [74, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3410, 5840],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-56, -78],
+      [-22, -18],
+      [-68, -74],
+      [-8, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3236, 5630],
+      [-151, 66],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-71, 4],
+      [-25, 6],
+      [-153, -7],
+      [-102, 1],
+      [-136, -14],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-202, 58],
+      [-179, 31],
+      [-54, -4],
+      [-62, -109],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [7, -56],
+      [0, -62],
+      [8, -45],
+      [1, -43],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-114, -23],
+      [-118, -42],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-109, 53],
+      [-69, 37],
+      [-18, 17],
+      [-26, 97],
+      [-18, 92],
+      [-24, 90],
+      [0, 49],
+      [16, 34],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-114, 24],
+      [-21, 1],
+      [-98, 21],
+      [-69, 9],
+      [-113, 2],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [2, -25],
+      [14, -48],
+      [28, -130],
+      [157, -118],
+      [30, -26],
+      [224, -168],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [55, -43],
+      [20, -72],
+      [2, -25],
+      [15, -69],
+      [31, -72],
+      [22, -63],
+      [11, -21],
+      [69, -72],
+      [55, -63],
+      [37, -36],
+      [-9, -24],
+      [-75, -28],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-30, 92],
+      [-47, 50],
+      [-72, 92],
+      [-115, 128],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-90, 1],
+      [-58, -7],
+      [54, -84],
+      [221, -279],
+      [89, -305]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1479, 4426],
+      [-48, 83],
+      [-65, 86],
+      [-69, 61],
+      [-55, 42],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [-32, 72],
+      [-49, 62],
+      [-32, 79],
+      [-36, 66],
+      [-31, 79],
+      [-35, 45],
+      [-34, 69],
+      [-42, 54],
+      [-28, 58],
+      [-42, 55],
+      [-27, 58],
+      [-35, 44],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-66, 188],
+      [-29, 141],
+      [-44, 98],
+      [-24, 126],
+      [-54, 207],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [-16, 179],
+      [11, 141],
+      [9, 46],
+      [41, 134],
+      [13, 163],
+      [6, 31],
+      [40, 138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1296, 7180],
+      [18, -23],
+      [26, -75],
+      [37, -119],
+      [18, -40],
+      [89, -93],
+      [16, -23],
+      [65, -158],
+      [12, -3],
+      [90, -1],
+      [52, 8],
+      [90, -1],
+      [71, 8],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-34, 126],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-40, 150],
+      [-26, 124],
+      [-17, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3040, 7029],
+      [37, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1953, 6362],
+      [55, -1],
+      [27, -20],
+      [46, -87],
+      [19, -17],
+      [70, -29],
+      [10, 1],
+      [77, 97],
+      [-31, 27],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-130, 53],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-29, -84],
+      [11, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4320, 3136],
+      [9, 49],
+      [0, 39],
+      [9, 50],
+      [1, 76],
+      [6, 11],
+      [2, 56],
+      [58, 126],
+      [26, 71],
+      [19, 62],
+      [0, 35],
+      [9, 24],
+      [0, 56],
+      [-10, 22],
+      [-105, 17],
+      [-35, 3],
+      [-102, 35],
+      [-82, 9],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-84, 55],
+      [-52, 50],
+      [-40, 49],
+      [-46, 28],
+      [-58, 27],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [11, 25],
+      [28, 32],
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+      [42, 51],
+      [18, 1],
+      [34, -26],
+      [22, 0],
+      [26, 33],
+      [0, 58],
+      [11, 20],
+      [57, 44],
+      [56, 64],
+      [28, 17],
+      [77, 64],
+      [36, 56],
+      [18, 42],
+      [9, 40],
+      [1, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4919, 4560],
+      [-16, -33],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-91, -115],
+      [-87, -74],
+      [-80, -23],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-101, -8],
+      [-21, -22],
+      [27, -40],
+      [48, -59],
+      [20, -52],
+      [68, -57],
+      [34, -14],
+      [99, 0],
+      [44, -7],
+      [67, -1],
+      [73, 16],
+      [78, -12],
+      [54, -76],
+      [86, -12],
+      [53, -14],
+      [72, 1],
+      [26, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5818, 3393],
+      [-125, -190],
+      [61, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5754, 3151],
+      [-46, -53],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [-65, 12],
+      [-127, 36],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-96, 28],
+      [-48, -6],
+      [-98, 0],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [-78, 14],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-45, -37],
+      [-41, -25],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-38, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4685, 3052],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-103, 3],
+      [-47, 13],
+      [-39, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5118, 679],
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+      [-28, 32],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [-54, 33],
+      [-60, 45],
+      [-51, 61],
+      [-66, 119],
+      [-99, 66],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [99, 85],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-34, 59],
+      [-56, 87],
+      [-34, 69],
+      [-20, 67],
+      [-58, 157],
+      [-39, 86],
+      [-51, 120],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [47, 118],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [-30, 56],
+      [-4, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4450, 2165],
+      [78, 0],
+      [41, -10],
+      [96, -56],
+      [148, -46],
+      [130, -25],
+      [57, -14],
+      [58, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5058, 2025],
+      [12, -20],
+      [19, -60],
+      [0, -30],
+      [27, -62],
+      [34, -38],
+      [64, -56],
+      [35, -50],
+      [11, -29],
+      [26, -47],
+      [19, -22],
+      [22, -47],
+      [18, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5345, 1553],
+      [-48, -275],
+      [-149, -554],
+      [32, -32],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-36, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3243, 9962],
+      [185, -206],
+      [314, -402],
+      [-182, -254],
+      [-123, -122]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5118, 679],
+      [-67, -34],
+      [-61, -41],
+      [-67, -26],
+      [-75, -43],
+      [-64, -23],
+      [-80, -19],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [-80, -65],
+      [-91, -25],
+      [-97, -38],
+      [-102, -27],
+      [-202, -19],
+      [-83, -14],
+      [-122, -16],
+      [-39, -9],
+      [-148, -63],
+      [-77, -46],
+      [-93, -48],
+      [-79, -55],
+      [-64, 29],
+      [-53, 36],
+      [-52, 55],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [-6, 147],
+      [-21, 124],
+      [-11, 39],
+      [-32, 60],
+      [-62, 55],
+      [-69, 46],
+      [-89, 30],
+      [-116, 77],
+      [-65, 20],
+      [-36, 18]
+    ],
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+      [-41, 128],
+      [-21, 116],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [-33, 63],
+      [-34, 76],
+      [-44, 79],
+      [16, 57],
+      [9, 71],
+      [-2, 89],
+      [-9, 70],
+      [-18, 70],
+      [-23, 125],
+      [-43, 131]
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+      [46, -12],
+      [68, -3],
+      [45, -6],
+      [68, 7]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [3, -88],
+      [81, -97],
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+      [67, -22],
+      [27, 6],
+      [41, -1],
+      [35, -97],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-1, -110],
+      [-10, -63],
+      [-23, -85],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [-30, -52],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [62, -88],
+      [58, -4],
+      [70, 12],
+      [65, 6],
+      [80, 5],
+      [169, -112],
+      [12, -28],
+      [10, -59],
+      [10, -28],
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+      [81, -53],
+      [20, 0],
+      [154, 78],
+      [13, -1],
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+      [0, -188],
+      [8, -33]
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+      [-2, 18],
+      [0, 181],
+      [-8, 24],
+      [3, 33],
+      [87, 2],
+      [34, 7],
+      [55, 0],
+      [62, 8]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [10, -70],
+      [26, -97],
+      [23, -63],
+      [88, -146],
+      [11, -9]
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+    [
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+      [65, 25],
+      [24, 13],
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+      [4, 49],
+      [24, 14],
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+      [20, -24],
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+      [12, -13],
+      [54, -15],
+      [25, 27],
+      [-1, 66],
+      [-31, 67],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [10, 25],
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+      [100, -2],
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+      [53, -71],
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+      [100, 38],
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+      [35, 81],
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+      [-17, 78],
+      [-1, 34],
+      [-26, 76],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-44, 50],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [-42, 37],
+      [-87, 53],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-50, 22]
+    ],
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+      [-11, -63]
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
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+            "NAME_1": "Ruggell",
+            "TYPE_1": "Gemeinden",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Commune",
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+            "NAME_1": "Triesen",
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
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+            "NAME_1": "Triesenberg",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Commune",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd73cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/morocco-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3077 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
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+      [6, -86],
+      [-10, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5883, 6934],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [-50, 102],
+      [-84, -1],
+      [-26, -67],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [-78, -2],
+      [-62, -15],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [59, 65],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [-75, 20],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [21, 54],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-52, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5362, 7211],
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+      [10, 33],
+      [-15, 48],
+      [33, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5393, 7487],
+      [20, 56]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [0, 0],
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+      [130, 60]
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+      [29, -55],
+      [54, -36],
+      [55, -64],
+      [97, 15]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-34, -23],
+      [-110, -16],
+      [-50, -24],
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+      [3, -39],
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+      [-43, 32]
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+      [-5, 32],
+      [43, 31],
+      [42, 72],
+      [-3, 99],
+      [37, 71],
+      [-5, 54],
+      [36, 21]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [38, 60],
+      [112, 61]
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+      [7, -30],
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+      [-2, -47],
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+      [61, 13],
+      [6, -35],
+      [34, -50],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [10, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5883, 6934],
+      [35, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5757, 6192],
+      [-13, -160],
+      [-51, -147],
+      [-45, -49]
+    ],
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+      [-26, 11],
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+      [-27, 29],
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+      [-86, 30],
+      [-5, 31],
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+      [30, 46],
+      [-49, 44],
+      [32, 76],
+      [-53, 85]
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+      [104, 48]
+    ],
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+      [28, -32],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [15, -61],
+      [34, -6],
+      [32, 94],
+      [75, 64],
+      [41, 5]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-10, -27],
+      [-81, -35]
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+      [4, 39],
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+      [46, -27],
+      [62, 40],
+      [48, 49],
+      [42, 63],
+      [81, 22],
+      [26, 23],
+      [52, 12],
+      [111, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4401, 5842],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [29, -81],
+      [58, -86],
+      [107, -56],
+      [38, -36],
+      [2, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4631, 5475],
+      [-107, -98],
+      [-34, -70],
+      [-6, -43],
+      [-69, -112],
+      [17, -66],
+      [45, -51],
+      [-35, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4442, 5025],
+      [-36, 27],
+      [-67, -33],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-45, 52],
+      [-100, -23],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-69, 55],
+      [-56, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3933, 5113],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-50, 33],
+      [-29, 102],
+      [-49, 19],
+      [-138, 13],
+      [-48, -12],
+      [-50, 6],
+      [-90, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3472, 5331],
+      [75, 99],
+      [23, 52],
+      [7, 59],
+      [56, 78],
+      [10, 52],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [20, 60],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [30, 53],
+      [26, 90],
+      [-51, 84],
+      [157, 154],
+      [61, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9377, 7122],
+      [24, -50],
+      [58, -72],
+      [30, -69],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [-101, -32],
+      [-105, -48],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-68, -3],
+      [-88, 16],
+      [-145, -1],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-34, -59],
+      [-96, -204],
+      [-55, -67],
+      [-43, -83],
+      [-4, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8479, 6196],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-95, -1],
+      [-84, 13],
+      [-7, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8260, 6226],
+      [-3, 70],
+      [-86, 98],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [-29, 30],
+      [-91, 4],
+      [-84, -18],
+      [-42, 20],
+      [-45, 57],
+      [11, 87],
+      [-69, 76],
+      [-17, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7745, 6771],
+      [-42, 156],
+      [-34, 86],
+      [-57, 57],
+      [-17, 38],
+      [3, 46],
+      [96, 157]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7694, 7311],
+      [46, 2],
+      [40, 38],
+      [41, -4],
+      [110, 48],
+      [72, 1],
+      [96, -44],
+      [143, -5],
+      [39, 32],
+      [21, 60],
+      [59, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8361, 7477],
+      [33, 26],
+      [60, -15],
+      [-29, -88],
+      [32, -42],
+      [78, 4],
+      [129, 68],
+      [30, 42],
+      [6, 37],
+      [34, 25],
+      [41, 60],
+      [72, 48],
+      [50, 102],
+      [24, 16],
+      [14, 44],
+      [92, -52],
+      [42, -58],
+      [116, -41],
+      [46, -43],
+      [118, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9349, 7579],
+      [-18, -80],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [-51, -62],
+      [-33, -71],
+      [18, -67],
+      [95, -73],
+      [44, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7842, 8026],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-30, -65],
+      [7, -40],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-47, -40],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-17, -60],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [5, 48],
+      [-36, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7602, 7839],
+      [-3, 60],
+      [-18, 62],
+      [101, 60],
+      [30, 74],
+      [71, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7783, 8146],
+      [35, -17],
+      [2, -57],
+      [22, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7994, 7968],
+      [17, -46],
+      [2, -105],
+      [28, -31],
+      [124, -50],
+      [56, 50],
+      [79, -26],
+      [13, -57],
+      [26, -13],
+      [61, 4],
+      [-60, -84],
+      [-4, -86],
+      [25, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7694, 7311],
+      [1, 67],
+      [-93, 96],
+      [-89, 13],
+      [-32, 39],
+      [5, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7486, 7571],
+      [38, 108],
+      [-6, 62],
+      [-28, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7490, 7792],
+      [80, 8],
+      [32, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7842, 8026],
+      [80, -22],
+      [26, -23],
+      [46, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7490, 7792],
+      [-25, 19],
+      [-20, 85],
+      [-85, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7360, 7915],
+      [-39, 69],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-9, 59],
+      [-1, 140],
+      [-21, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7222, 8230],
+      [-24, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7198, 8300],
+      [39, -47],
+      [49, -11],
+      [146, 55],
+      [49, 1],
+      [41, -35],
+      [46, 16],
+      [78, -8],
+      [40, -56],
+      [17, -49],
+      [77, 13],
+      [3, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6813, 9067],
+      [13, -108],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [18, -61],
+      [-16, -66],
+      [51, -70],
+      [11, -50],
+      [-115, 2],
+      [-80, -38],
+      [-65, 8],
+      [-71, -64],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [51, -23],
+      [129, -121],
+      [83, -36],
+      [25, -26],
+      [47, 19],
+      [8, 33],
+      [-36, 107],
+      [60, 23],
+      [58, -77],
+      [42, 1],
+      [25, -65],
+      [-57, -11],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [-2, -67],
+      [-14, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6868, 8209],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [2, -33],
+      [-68, -37],
+      [40, -34],
+      [16, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6796, 8015],
+      [-137, 17],
+      [-151, 55],
+      [-42, 5],
+      [-140, -16],
+      [-93, 26],
+      [-86, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6147, 8059],
+      [-65, 18],
+      [-18, 30],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-13, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6006, 8129],
+      [31, 90],
+      [43, 85],
+      [86, 150],
+      [140, 311],
+      [81, 215],
+      [32, -58],
+      [17, 45],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [43, 128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6436, 9126],
+      [89, -9],
+      [62, 4],
+      [128, -26],
+      [57, -24],
+      [41, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6882, 9035],
+      [57, -43],
+      [49, -66],
+      [81, 0],
+      [20, 18],
+      [47, -39],
+      [45, -74],
+      [37, -21],
+      [101, -23],
+      [80, 37],
+      [64, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7463, 8806],
+      [-25, -155],
+      [-1, -51],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-68, -47],
+      [1, -29],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [-13, -30],
+      [-62, -41],
+      [-42, -12],
+      [7, -76],
+      [39, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7222, 8230],
+      [-38, -12],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [-49, -57],
+      [19, -28],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-35, -51],
+      [-23, 26],
+      [4, 43],
+      [-71, 22],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [20, 44],
+      [-61, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6813, 9067],
+      [31, -27],
+      [38, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4905, 7268],
+      [71, 48],
+      [59, 17],
+      [70, 59],
+      [52, 17],
+      [33, -6],
+      [63, 24],
+      [60, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5313, 7483],
+      [36, -31],
+      [44, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5313, 7483],
+      [51, 55],
+      [49, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4186, 794],
+      [2, -476],
+      [-1, -318],
+      [-612, 2],
+      [-757, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2818, 5],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [-46, 133],
+      [-33, 65],
+      [-33, 105],
+      [-27, 143],
+      [-6, 83],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [-92, 187],
+      [-36, 32],
+      [-66, 29],
+      [-124, 1],
+      [-37, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2271, 890],
+      [24, 18],
+      [12, 86],
+      [165, 132],
+      [57, 6],
+      [34, -130],
+      [64, -49],
+      [85, 12],
+      [45, 27],
+      [284, 89],
+      [67, 42],
+      [83, 68],
+      [161, 103],
+      [124, 41],
+      [75, 55],
+      [30, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3581, 1439],
+      [19, -3],
+      [96, -107],
+      [68, -33],
+      [113, -13],
+      [66, -66],
+      [15, -61],
+      [220, -355],
+      [8, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3733, 1919],
+      [-5, -100],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [-52, -190],
+      [-71, -154]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2271, 890],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-43, 12],
+      [-93, 92],
+      [-72, 23],
+      [-43, 34],
+      [-31, 68],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-44, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1880, 1242],
+      [31, 27],
+      [63, 90],
+      [37, 17],
+      [272, 172],
+      [82, 59],
+      [107, 87],
+      [66, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2538, 1778],
+      [43, -40],
+      [49, 3],
+      [102, -14],
+      [44, 10],
+      [46, -38],
+      [28, 4],
+      [59, 57],
+      [73, 41],
+      [55, -9],
+      [29, 27],
+      [38, 126],
+      [29, 39],
+      [58, 5],
+      [62, -86],
+      [50, -2],
+      [59, 19],
+      [58, 36],
+      [72, 16],
+      [34, 33],
+      [19, 44],
+      [39, 12],
+      [66, -12],
+      [34, -22],
+      [49, -108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2818, 5],
+      [-450, 2],
+      [-893, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1475, 11],
+      [-15, 95],
+      [31, 10],
+      [80, -2],
+      [-79, 112],
+      [-44, 83],
+      [-31, 111],
+      [-65, 80],
+      [-57, 180]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1295, 680],
+      [38, 21],
+      [110, 42],
+      [90, 49],
+      [52, 40],
+      [20, 51],
+      [35, 38],
+      [15, 39],
+      [29, 28],
+      [48, 85],
+      [51, 51],
+      [38, 58],
+      [59, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6299, 2356],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-69, -51],
+      [-154, -9],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [-53, -54],
+      [-52, 7],
+      [-70, 34],
+      [-106, -2],
+      [-86, 37],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-100, -60],
+      [-68, -85],
+      [-57, -33],
+      [-83, -17],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [-131, -69],
+      [-54, -56],
+      [-82, -57],
+      [-25, -43],
+      [-111, -80],
+      [-80, -66],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-164, -156],
+      [-98, -117],
+      [-194, -104],
+      [0, -507]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3733, 1919],
+      [7, 58],
+      [28, 118],
+      [32, 76],
+      [35, 26],
+      [98, -11],
+      [145, 47],
+      [110, 43],
+      [12, 25],
+      [-47, 65],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [6, 172]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4148, 2575],
+      [35, 71],
+      [35, 43],
+      [5, 39],
+      [-31, 11],
+      [-29, -17],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [-2, 61],
+      [33, 35],
+      [73, 8],
+      [177, -96],
+      [30, 2],
+      [38, 45],
+      [30, 86],
+      [30, 29],
+      [46, -1],
+      [87, -77],
+      [104, -51],
+      [85, 36],
+      [71, 85],
+      [35, 17],
+      [66, -20],
+      [73, -6],
+      [34, 52],
+      [-27, 157],
+      [30, 86],
+      [78, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5228, 3251],
+      [72, -55],
+      [23, -41],
+      [9, -67],
+      [48, -40],
+      [168, -10],
+      [22, 19],
+      [16, 92],
+      [42, 112],
+      [42, 53],
+      [66, -6],
+      [54, -35],
+      [67, -7],
+      [74, 41],
+      [73, 103],
+      [45, 11],
+      [46, -29],
+      [40, -50],
+      [61, -105],
+      [24, -57],
+      [57, -98],
+      [38, -106],
+      [5, -185],
+      [-19, -106],
+      [4, -103],
+      [-12, -111],
+      [6, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1475, 11],
+      [-485, 1],
+      [-242, 1],
+      [-748, 3],
+      [7, 18],
+      [83, 48],
+      [58, 91],
+      [19, 87],
+      [26, 53],
+      [50, 42],
+      [233, 35],
+      [133, 33],
+      [257, 55],
+      [143, 41],
+      [173, 107],
+      [113, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5491, 5024],
+      [9, -37],
+      [38, -26],
+      [-6, -44],
+      [74, 8],
+      [24, -28],
+      [-9, -69],
+      [-24, -69],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [10, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5605, 4651],
+      [-79, -37],
+      [-49, -78],
+      [-61, -15],
+      [-86, -6],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [-75, -92],
+      [-61, -29],
+      [-55, 0],
+      [-69, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5024, 4325],
+      [-60, -69],
+      [-66, -41],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [-78, -79],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-49, 68],
+      [-78, -42],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-65, 8],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-103, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4311, 4013],
+      [3, 37],
+      [61, 26],
+      [107, 187],
+      [8, 26],
+      [-11, 90],
+      [10, 54],
+      [-12, 88],
+      [21, 25],
+      [24, 78],
+      [47, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4569, 4623],
+      [36, 35],
+      [65, 43],
+      [-25, 74],
+      [20, 33],
+      [57, 16],
+      [51, -10],
+      [45, -29],
+      [42, -55],
+      [27, 48],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [43, 29],
+      [40, -11],
+      [97, -1],
+      [28, 67],
+      [-13, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5062, 4984],
+      [70, 3],
+      [78, -70],
+      [20, -1],
+      [95, 35],
+      [40, 63],
+      [51, 17],
+      [75, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4442, 5025],
+      [-34, -67],
+      [44, -37],
+      [13, -35],
+      [-31, -26],
+      [1, -33],
+      [34, -21],
+      [71, -96],
+      [29, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4311, 4013],
+      [-76, -9],
+      [-32, -36],
+      [-33, -4],
+      [-24, 101],
+      [-55, 32],
+      [-10, 28],
+      [-35, 2],
+      [-37, -50],
+      [-59, -41],
+      [-68, -31],
+      [-46, -56],
+      [-100, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3736, 3959],
+      [-33, 103],
+      [14, 54],
+      [-29, 73],
+      [-90, 74],
+      [-8, 62],
+      [34, 78],
+      [32, 46],
+      [6, 135],
+      [75, 36],
+      [20, -4],
+      [52, 38],
+      [5, 68],
+      [-49, -8],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [18, 59],
+      [72, 95],
+      [41, 37],
+      [79, 29],
+      [-5, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5648, 5836],
+      [-7, -109],
+      [17, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5658, 5640],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [10, -108],
+      [28, -51],
+      [31, -16],
+      [11, -48],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [5, -56],
+      [47, -65],
+      [-29, -16],
+      [5, -64],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-60, -16],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-43, -43],
+      [0, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5062, 4984],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-61, 67],
+      [-80, -11],
+      [26, 60],
+      [-19, 77],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [-4, 47],
+      [21, 28],
+      [3, 75],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [-119, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3736, 3959],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-44, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3613, 3916],
+      [-58, 30],
+      [-61, -8],
+      [-42, -17],
+      [-54, 22],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-21, 63],
+      [-70, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3114, 4092],
+      [10, 76],
+      [-7, 100],
+      [-24, 15],
+      [4, 53],
+      [19, 44],
+      [-2, 64],
+      [20, 54],
+      [1, 96],
+      [-33, 76],
+      [40, 52],
+      [51, 107],
+      [45, 75],
+      [11, 36],
+      [-2, 84],
+      [40, 41],
+      [44, 79],
+      [51, 60],
+      [90, 127]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7486, 7571],
+      [-53, 74],
+      [-38, 29],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [8, -140],
+      [34, -80],
+      [45, -36],
+      [-32, -51],
+      [-34, -13],
+      [-93, 42],
+      [-109, 27],
+      [-119, -173],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [-42, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6995, 7119],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [-90, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6867, 7149],
+      [-2, 65],
+      [10, 136],
+      [18, 76],
+      [13, 155],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [-35, 36],
+      [-12, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6857, 7742],
+      [20, 9],
+      [53, -64],
+      [33, -4],
+      [9, 55],
+      [93, -37],
+      [22, -70],
+      [65, 22],
+      [22, 22],
+      [28, 88],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [56, 25],
+      [19, 47],
+      [52, 4],
+      [44, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8479, 6196],
+      [32, -16],
+      [31, -42],
+      [68, -147],
+      [40, -104],
+      [21, -108],
+      [88, -21],
+      [79, -66],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [17, -30],
+      [35, -4],
+      [68, 14],
+      [88, -10],
+      [195, -41],
+      [9, -31],
+      [-38, -85],
+      [-11, -84],
+      [0, -103],
+      [31, -238]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9215, 5039],
+      [-373, -96],
+      [0, -289],
+      [4, -30],
+      [-50, -38],
+      [-47, -17],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [18, -49],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [29, -75],
+      [-17, -64],
+      [49, 4],
+      [1, 23],
+      [40, 24],
+      [7, -85],
+      [63, -26],
+      [27, -36],
+      [26, 18],
+      [12, -60],
+      [-19, -102],
+      [-87, -106],
+      [1, -91],
+      [26, -43],
+      [-21, -49],
+      [-187, -90],
+      [-135, -43],
+      [-146, -10],
+      [-162, -71],
+      [-267, -307],
+      [-306, -177],
+      [-169, -167]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7490, 2914],
+      [-33, 109],
+      [-37, 47],
+      [-21, 80],
+      [6, 142],
+      [-3, 110],
+      [11, 64],
+      [-1, 205],
+      [-46, 74],
+      [-83, 173]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7283, 3918],
+      [-18, 125],
+      [28, 158],
+      [2, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7295, 4249],
+      [19, 140],
+      [39, 105],
+      [22, 95],
+      [5, 74],
+      [-18, 69],
+      [-51, 52],
+      [-72, 26],
+      [-68, 47],
+      [-39, 65],
+      [-130, 41],
+      [-66, -18],
+      [-67, 11],
+      [-1, 53],
+      [96, 110],
+      [101, 126],
+      [40, 80],
+      [-118, 104],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [-37, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6846, 5382],
+      [-9, 159],
+      [24, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6861, 5565],
+      [1, 38],
+      [55, 25],
+      [32, 41],
+      [5, 36],
+      [29, 21],
+      [57, 12],
+      [57, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7097, 5733],
+      [77, -16],
+      [57, -47],
+      [120, 52],
+      [39, 56],
+      [56, 37],
+      [45, 5],
+      [41, 25],
+      [67, 22],
+      [26, 23],
+      [59, 6],
+      [98, 57],
+      [21, 29],
+      [-84, 18],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [59, 32],
+      [91, 33],
+      [34, 26],
+      [181, 42],
+      [85, 44],
+      [93, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7745, 6771],
+      [-67, -23],
+      [-126, -13],
+      [-95, -179],
+      [-20, -65],
+      [-44, -13],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [23, 88],
+      [-23, 31],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [44, 208],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-132, -5],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [-31, 27],
+      [14, 49],
+      [-23, 113],
+      [-119, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7097, 5733],
+      [10, 35],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [21, 56],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [40, 93],
+      [-47, 92],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-55, 6],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-56, -28],
+      [-12, 72],
+      [-49, 63],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-16, 39],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [-68, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6332, 6946],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [9, 68],
+      [26, 62],
+      [82, 15],
+      [29, -19],
+      [27, 20],
+      [23, -32],
+      [33, -2],
+      [33, -124],
+      [65, -23],
+      [56, 58],
+      [35, 13],
+      [116, -39],
+      [22, 9],
+      [19, 73],
+      [-16, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6857, 7742],
+      [-27, 34],
+      [50, 53],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [-72, 76],
+      [-3, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10355, 9050],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-7, -74],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [-58, -41],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [-7, -96],
+      [18, -75],
+      [-59, -25],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-2, -57],
+      [27, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10114, 8396],
+      [15, -48],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [-40, -19],
+      [-131, -16],
+      [-48, -59],
+      [-10, -60],
+      [-69, -14],
+      [-53, -24],
+      [-75, -21],
+      [-73, 14],
+      [-52, -72],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-94, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9354, 7997],
+      [24, 79],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-1, 114],
+      [-48, 43],
+      [-44, 57],
+      [4, 60],
+      [65, 40],
+      [71, 78],
+      [8, 100],
+      [78, 48],
+      [10, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9482, 8716],
+      [99, 46],
+      [32, 50],
+      [44, 38],
+      [27, 70],
+      [97, 70],
+      [9, 26],
+      [43, 31],
+      [36, 3],
+      [92, 49],
+      [25, 85],
+      [31, 25],
+      [47, 66],
+      [4, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10068, 9297],
+      [125, -49],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [43, -46],
+      [43, -20],
+      [32, -49],
+      [47, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9377, 7122],
+      [62, 104],
+      [107, 128],
+      [52, 104],
+      [47, 48],
+      [70, -20],
+      [156, -27],
+      [106, -5],
+      [96, 8],
+      [112, 59],
+      [53, -4],
+      [139, -66],
+      [84, -20],
+      [77, 25],
+      [25, 25],
+      [72, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10635, 7521],
+      [47, -29],
+      [31, 7],
+      [21, -64],
+      [30, -20],
+      [9, -106],
+      [-30, -48],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [-37, -92],
+      [2, -96],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [41, -79],
+      [16, -9],
+      [32, -82],
+      [57, -68],
+      [36, -22],
+      [13, -43],
+      [-22, -83],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [150, -272],
+      [103, -55],
+      [239, -211],
+      [12, -26],
+      [-62, -69],
+      [-50, -45],
+      [-72, -13],
+      [-21, -70],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [12, -44],
+      [-11, -64],
+      [5, -44],
+      [-42, -58],
+      [67, 20],
+      [31, -15],
+      [25, -65],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [-123, -2],
+      [-138, 16],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-63, -15],
+      [-101, 29],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-168, 59],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-109, -44],
+      [-44, -5],
+      [-91, 32],
+      [-24, -15],
+      [-149, 4],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-50, -40],
+      [-53, 6],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-85, 6],
+      [-102, -22],
+      [-10, -83],
+      [44, -83],
+      [4, -39],
+      [33, -63],
+      [2, -64],
+      [18, -41],
+      [-157, -50],
+      [-245, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9349, 7579],
+      [-7, 79],
+      [-32, 68],
+      [-53, 76],
+      [-44, 48],
+      [14, 66],
+      [105, 45],
+      [22, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10114, 8396],
+      [104, 24],
+      [61, 38],
+      [39, 1],
+      [33, 33],
+      [11, 50],
+      [57, -4],
+      [81, 35],
+      [75, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10575, 8629],
+      [51, -92],
+      [52, -33],
+      [-84, -120],
+      [72, -103],
+      [-7, -92],
+      [59, -161],
+      [-48, -294],
+      [27, -122],
+      [-54, -47],
+      [-8, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9482, 8716],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-58, 49],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-53, 61],
+      [-119, 2],
+      [-25, -76],
+      [-61, -39],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-22, -81],
+      [-64, 19],
+      [-24, 57],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [55, 39],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [22, 42],
+      [-8, 92],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [-38, 28],
+      [-16, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8727, 9006],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [6, 117],
+      [-17, 139],
+      [13, 79],
+      [-8, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8710, 9396],
+      [38, 35],
+      [13, 54],
+      [38, 17],
+      [111, -77],
+      [93, -34],
+      [147, -16],
+      [26, 23],
+      [126, 44],
+      [33, 50],
+      [55, 9],
+      [61, 120],
+      [16, 65],
+      [36, -1],
+      [-16, -92],
+      [14, -18],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [44, -68],
+      [-8, -78],
+      [39, -64],
+      [52, -31],
+      [66, -10],
+      [14, 27],
+      [82, -37],
+      [80, -12],
+      [78, 29],
+      [52, 54],
+      [74, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10355, 9050],
+      [61, 11],
+      [0, -58],
+      [75, -57],
+      [5, -43],
+      [118, -66],
+      [-13, -69],
+      [-59, -101],
+      [33, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5939, 7385],
+      [-6, 30],
+      [18, 109],
+      [58, -2],
+      [-6, 84],
+      [15, 40],
+      [-21, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 7744],
+      [71, -26],
+      [52, -32],
+      [29, -60],
+      [80, 46],
+      [25, 55],
+      [-54, 41],
+      [-47, 132],
+      [-21, 28],
+      [32, 43],
+      [4, 48],
+      [-21, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5955, 7831],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-63, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5827, 7865],
+      [69, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5896, 7954],
+      [72, -54],
+      [8, -44],
+      [-21, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 7744],
+      [-42, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5896, 7954],
+      [44, 58],
+      [66, 117]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5620, 7683],
+      [77, 53],
+      [130, 129]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3613, 3916],
+      [43, -124],
+      [-83, -64],
+      [-5, -95],
+      [35, -41],
+      [-4, -144]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3599, 3448],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-39, -60],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [-59, -38],
+      [-108, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3317, 3358],
+      [-3, 68],
+      [-50, 34],
+      [-41, 123],
+      [-34, 10],
+      [-41, 73],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [14, 82],
+      [23, 33],
+      [41, 115],
+      [-20, 41],
+      [18, 56],
+      [-12, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3589, 3290],
+      [39, -47],
+      [19, 12],
+      [41, -21],
+      [66, 5],
+      [29, -34],
+      [-2, -37],
+      [57, -16],
+      [37, -30],
+      [22, -58],
+      [36, 2],
+      [36, -55],
+      [-52, -41],
+      [-3, -76],
+      [15, -43],
+      [31, -28],
+      [-16, -55],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-18, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3887, 2727],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [-64, -48],
+      [-9, -64],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-91, 63],
+      [-31, 58],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-48, 60],
+      [-134, 54],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-69, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3177, 2833],
+      [46, 111],
+      [29, 57],
+      [30, 134],
+      [16, 132]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3298, 3267],
+      [62, 9],
+      [21, -18],
+      [88, -4],
+      [21, 50],
+      [40, -24],
+      [36, 27],
+      [23, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3599, 3448],
+      [10, -78],
+      [28, -27],
+      [-48, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3298, 3267],
+      [19, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7295, 4249],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-79, -26],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-133, 27],
+      [-17, -112],
+      [-24, -111],
+      [0, -47],
+      [-43, -133],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [77, -94],
+      [15, -39],
+      [152, 148],
+      [68, 59],
+      [83, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7490, 2914],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-95, -84],
+      [-42, -45],
+      [-35, -64],
+      [3, -61],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-193, -320],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [-91, 26],
+      [-35, 44],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [25, 69],
+      [-71, 36],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-72, -7],
+      [-104, -35],
+      [-89, 25],
+      [-77, -21],
+      [-117, 3],
+      [-23, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5228, 3251],
+      [-67, 63],
+      [-13, 44],
+      [1, 81],
+      [22, 86],
+      [42, 102],
+      [1, 113],
+      [-27, 137],
+      [1, 59],
+      [-52, 105],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-63, 131],
+      [1, 64],
+      [-11, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5605, 4651],
+      [65, -1],
+      [151, -52],
+      [73, 22],
+      [52, -16],
+      [33, 81],
+      [-15, 46],
+      [30, 60],
+      [73, 22],
+      [47, -13],
+      [58, 22],
+      [140, 100],
+      [149, 67],
+      [59, 62],
+      [38, -8],
+      [53, 8],
+      [13, 81],
+      [88, 44],
+      [34, 53],
+      [51, 13],
+      [54, 58],
+      [-5, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6256, 3836],
+      [-115, -15],
+      [23, -54],
+      [36, -40],
+      [81, -51],
+      [79, -24],
+      [22, -21],
+      [19, 120],
+      [-76, 51],
+      [-34, -1],
+      [-35, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6767, 3278],
+      [55, 19],
+      [70, 43],
+      [-37, 47],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [-54, -58],
+      [10, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4148, 2575],
+      [-79, -5],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [-106, 105],
+      [-24, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2538, 1778],
+      [44, 92],
+      [90, 117],
+      [40, 24],
+      [35, 39],
+      [30, 79],
+      [57, 78],
+      [41, 90],
+      [25, 88],
+      [15, 16],
+      [50, 102],
+      [42, 55],
+      [96, 105],
+      [34, 62],
+      [40, 108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5658, 5640],
+      [72, -16],
+      [99, 26],
+      [18, 20],
+      [47, 1],
+      [55, -20],
+      [58, 55],
+      [76, 19],
+      [13, -19],
+      [55, -6],
+      [45, 18],
+      [42, -8],
+      [44, 73],
+      [27, 5],
+      [21, -36],
+      [38, 43],
+      [10, -39],
+      [38, -18],
+      [55, 39],
+      [8, -47],
+      [56, 1],
+      [-2, 97],
+      [46, 10],
+      [21, 25],
+      [61, 27],
+      [61, -83],
+      [36, -105],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [36, -15],
+      [37, 26],
+      [60, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8108, 9344],
+      [-26, -34],
+      [16, -119],
+      [-23, -65],
+      [-62, -45],
+      [-94, -18],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-86, -60],
+      [-12, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7773, 8924],
+      [-63, -30],
+      [-97, -19],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [-71, -24],
+      [-54, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6882, 9035],
+      [14, 30],
+      [43, 13],
+      [27, 51],
+      [45, 35],
+      [38, 12],
+      [43, -32],
+      [53, 39],
+      [-21, 53],
+      [-10, 86],
+      [-28, 92],
+      [51, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7137, 9459],
+      [39, 19],
+      [69, -63],
+      [102, 54],
+      [67, 117],
+      [49, 40],
+      [31, 55],
+      [29, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7523, 9684],
+      [17, -33],
+      [54, -24],
+      [72, -87],
+      [56, -21],
+      [79, -80],
+      [94, -41],
+      [213, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7067, 10190],
+      [12, -156],
+      [-52, -55],
+      [-117, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6910, 9974],
+      [-60, -28],
+      [-34, 84],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [28, 22],
+      [35, -34],
+      [48, 23],
+      [6, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6904, 10164],
+      [42, 15],
+      [53, -4],
+      [68, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6837, 9735],
+      [12, -43],
+      [36, -42],
+      [47, -30],
+      [50, 2],
+      [81, 42],
+      [88, -58],
+      [17, -46],
+      [-31, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6436, 9126],
+      [35, 132],
+      [40, 127],
+      [18, 12],
+      [42, 149]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6571, 9546],
+      [90, 4],
+      [34, -19],
+      [46, 1],
+      [-2, 88],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [62, 17],
+      [13, 30],
+      [38, -2],
+      [26, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6837, 9735],
+      [30, 52],
+      [29, -1],
+      [51, 30],
+      [-37, 158]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7067, 10190],
+      [18, 7],
+      [81, 86],
+      [58, 10],
+      [24, -48],
+      [33, -12],
+      [-11, -57],
+      [11, -110],
+      [21, -71],
+      [32, -26],
+      [38, -137],
+      [66, -26],
+      [18, -33],
+      [44, -35],
+      [23, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6571, 9546],
+      [22, 91],
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+      [-53, -42],
+      [-20, -48],
+      [-67, -10],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-71, -99],
+      [-109, -71],
+      [-60, -19],
+      [-48, 16],
+      [-62, 79],
+      [-90, 15],
+      [-73, -132],
+      [-27, -87],
+      [-79, -110],
+      [-65, -49],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [13, -64],
+      [-18, -57],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [32, -56],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [33, -48],
+      [47, -29],
+      [57, -3],
+      [36, -64],
+      [-89, -46],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-73, 25],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-96, -79],
+      [-135, -47],
+      [-36, 5],
+      [-56, -57],
+      [36, -34],
+      [15, -131],
+      [-6, -115],
+      [-37, -226],
+      [-48, -68],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [221, 8],
+      [97, 25],
+      [30, -7],
+      [11, -83],
+      [26, -43],
+      [59, -19],
+      [-30, -67],
+      [-90, 1],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [21, -51],
+      [115, -2],
+      [56, -17],
+      [75, -55],
+      [-97, -66],
+      [-3, -83],
+      [42, -17],
+      [-20, -88],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-70, -33],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-97, -54],
+      [-17, -76],
+      [-124, -42],
+      [-33, -44],
+      [-76, -31],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [67, -19],
+      [184, -78],
+      [13, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13724, 19409],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [40, -104],
+      [-84, -89],
+      [-34, -52],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-13, -61],
+      [72, -101],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [-53, 12],
+      [-51, -47],
+      [47, -13],
+      [100, -74],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [13, -98],
+      [-19, -104],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-53, -34],
+      [-63, -12],
+      [7, -47],
+      [-72, -4],
+      [-4, -129],
+      [-73, -17],
+      [-89, -73],
+      [50, -14],
+      [20, -42],
+      [104, -43],
+      [19, -78],
+      [-25, -28],
+      [61, -141],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [12, -45],
+      [37, -38],
+      [-10, -127],
+      [14, -51],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-79, 17],
+      [-77, -35],
+      [-117, 14],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-82, -42],
+      [-139, -15],
+      [-19, -72],
+      [-87, 4],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-41, 99],
+      [-67, 45],
+      [-88, -17],
+      [-12, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12508, 17459],
+      [-35, 39],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [-49, 40],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-106, 6],
+      [-79, -18],
+      [-52, 12],
+      [-80, -8],
+      [-98, 24],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-81, -15],
+      [-45, 98],
+      [-94, 134],
+      [-44, 117],
+      [-74, 38],
+      [36, 42],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-89, 53],
+      [4, 27],
+      [-57, 76],
+      [25, 44],
+      [-55, 65],
+      [48, 37],
+      [-66, 45],
+      [19, 26],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-23, 60],
+      [-31, -12],
+      [-98, 49],
+      [-19, 87],
+      [-52, 72],
+      [6, 139],
+      [29, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11242, 18926],
+      [44, -42],
+      [81, 52],
+      [-26, 36],
+      [32, 38],
+      [172, 84],
+      [15, 21],
+      [-73, 67],
+      [-27, -18],
+      [-52, 31],
+      [17, 26],
+      [-88, 54],
+      [6, 30],
+      [51, 19],
+      [4, 50],
+      [114, 62],
+      [19, 51],
+      [76, 54],
+      [49, -1],
+      [26, 28],
+      [-19, 38],
+      [16, 35],
+      [83, 3],
+      [107, 44],
+      [82, 1],
+      [-29, 72],
+      [87, 57],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [31, 68],
+      [20, 6],
+      [-34, 134],
+      [39, 105],
+      [-31, 62],
+      [59, 20],
+      [98, -15],
+      [26, -67],
+      [4, -96],
+      [107, -33],
+      [117, 21],
+      [35, -8],
+      [11, 57],
+      [42, 41],
+      [82, 19],
+      [33, -75],
+      [65, -22],
+      [49, -53],
+      [108, 15],
+      [26, 27],
+      [78, -41],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [46, -64],
+      [110, -5],
+      [-74, -135],
+      [0, -62],
+      [104, -64],
+      [51, -50],
+      [83, -3],
+      [37, -24],
+      [42, 17],
+      [31, -23],
+      [90, 0],
+      [3, 29],
+      [74, -21],
+      [50, -31],
+      [77, 18],
+      [59, -23],
+      [-7, -75],
+      [33, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12508, 17459],
+      [-38, -45],
+      [1, -45],
+      [27, -43],
+      [41, -14],
+      [44, -57],
+      [32, -95],
+      [34, -22],
+      [19, -59],
+      [42, -14],
+      [22, -47],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [5, -44],
+      [42, -58],
+      [112, -85],
+      [61, 34],
+      [41, 102],
+      [92, 0],
+      [93, -41],
+      [29, -66],
+      [-72, -80],
+      [29, -50],
+      [84, -82],
+      [47, -31],
+      [5, -84],
+      [32, -51],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [56, -13],
+      [39, -89],
+      [38, -59],
+      [-14, -63],
+      [-57, -13],
+      [-44, -38],
+      [-42, -93],
+      [71, -126],
+      [83, -45],
+      [31, -51],
+      [58, -40],
+      [-20, -48],
+      [68, -71],
+      [134, -123],
+      [140, -91],
+      [44, -89],
+      [95, -23],
+      [13, -36],
+      [47, 5],
+      [108, -110],
+      [56, -38],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [96, -66],
+      [56, -19],
+      [-12, -66],
+      [19, -63],
+      [32, -1],
+      [93, -107],
+      [97, -35],
+      [18, -38],
+      [80, -39],
+      [53, -95],
+      [43, -13],
+      [-13, -70],
+      [90, -29],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [57, -46],
+      [53, -2],
+      [76, 20],
+      [44, -10],
+      [70, -68],
+      [21, -53],
+      [46, 0],
+      [74, -93],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [76, -78],
+      [14, -45],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [111, -20],
+      [11, -28],
+      [-73, -16],
+      [-25, -38],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-58, -120],
+      [132, -88],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [44, -41],
+      [28, 7],
+      [66, -36],
+      [30, -73],
+      [-22, -39],
+      [78, -85],
+      [63, -87],
+      [51, -44],
+      [-45, -53],
+      [14, -53],
+      [48, -75],
+      [15, -94],
+      [-3, -70],
+      [83, -23],
+      [8, 47],
+      [33, 4],
+      [18, 67],
+      [47, 34],
+      [41, -9],
+      [41, 44],
+      [85, 45],
+      [34, 68],
+      [125, -5],
+      [57, -46],
+      [32, -67],
+      [-46, -98],
+      [39, -18],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [8, -35],
+      [-91, -31],
+      [-48, -41],
+      [21, -97],
+      [-20, -62],
+      [-61, -46],
+      [-60, -25],
+      [-59, 43],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-103, 7],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [-115, -13],
+      [23, -65],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-82, -27],
+      [7, -33],
+      [-118, 34],
+      [-31, -9],
+      [-6, -54],
+      [74, -51],
+      [27, -77],
+      [-32, -23],
+      [-24, -84],
+      [36, -78],
+      [-19, -78],
+      [-59, -135],
+      [-49, -167],
+      [46, -93],
+      [-31, -73],
+      [80, -259],
+      [-14, -179],
+      [-47, -89],
+      [-58, 66],
+      [-64, 11],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-88, -51],
+      [-90, -6],
+      [-59, -112],
+      [46, -28],
+      [9, -53],
+      [-40, -25],
+      [-29, 33],
+      [-69, 39],
+      [-84, 20],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [24, -33],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [-44, -67],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-46, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14542, 10746],
+      [6, 52],
+      [-52, 65],
+      [2, 29],
+      [-66, 44],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-58, 107],
+      [-60, 75],
+      [-56, 35],
+      [0, 36],
+      [-71, 113],
+      [-71, 51],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [-58, 61],
+      [-71, 36],
+      [3, 63],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-51, 74],
+      [-82, 8],
+      [12, 99],
+      [30, 24],
+      [-38, 47],
+      [-21, 124],
+      [-64, 80],
+      [22, 15],
+      [-26, 68],
+      [44, 46],
+      [-37, 80],
+      [32, 44],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [55, 22],
+      [-42, 61],
+      [2, 35],
+      [-65, 61],
+      [-23, 51],
+      [140, 35],
+      [88, -24],
+      [94, 35],
+      [69, 6],
+      [131, -11],
+      [22, -29],
+      [57, -21],
+      [33, 28],
+      [116, 42],
+      [8, 79],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-85, 84],
+      [7, 43],
+      [-90, 92],
+      [-119, 40],
+      [-7, 94],
+      [-28, 107],
+      [-46, -28],
+      [-109, 12],
+      [-24, 51],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-73, 21],
+      [6, 29],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [5, 64],
+      [-25, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13683, 13361],
+      [-114, -55],
+      [-84, 41],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [-92, 23],
+      [-36, 59],
+      [-97, -19],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [-33, 52],
+      [-68, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13118, 13577],
+      [-97, 130],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [2, 127],
+      [-116, 35],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [34, 41],
+      [-64, 16],
+      [-40, 84],
+      [9, 94],
+      [-24, 49],
+      [-58, 37],
+      [92, 155],
+      [-15, 52],
+      [10, 19],
+      [12, 18],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [59, 21],
+      [19, 38],
+      [-37, 38],
+      [-27, 78],
+      [25, 71],
+      [-47, 110],
+      [48, 16],
+      [-12, 75],
+      [-64, 57],
+      [15, 15],
+      [-71, 58],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [11, 65],
+      [-40, 56],
+      [21, 32],
+      [13, 82],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-44, 59],
+      [6, 37],
+      [-32, 67],
+      [22, 73],
+      [52, 10],
+      [20, 45],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-10, -76],
+      [-54, 4],
+      [1, -50],
+      [-56, -90],
+      [-4, -39],
+      [-99, 38],
+      [-38, -15],
+      [-23, -44],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [9, -71],
+      [-48, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12170, 15353],
+      [-53, 29],
+      [19, 137],
+      [-82, 79],
+      [18, 25],
+      [-54, 93],
+      [25, 64],
+      [64, 60],
+      [5, 39],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [-49, 28],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [-98, 114],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [3, 85],
+      [55, 41],
+      [3, 34],
+      [76, 93],
+      [20, 93],
+      [35, 25],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-88, 68],
+      [38, 80],
+      [-54, 118],
+      [-40, 45],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-19, -59],
+      [-52, 2],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-4, 78],
+      [-33, 58],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-52, 49],
+      [37, 85],
+      [18, 157],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [24, 53],
+      [-87, 93],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [-51, -4],
+      [-74, -27],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-42, -42],
+      [-71, -32],
+      [-83, 5],
+      [-82, 53],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-71, -61],
+      [-59, 45],
+      [-13, 52],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-55, 95],
+      [-57, 30],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-28, 97],
+      [151, 14],
+      [-25, 39],
+      [9, 39],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [42, 84],
+      [90, -12],
+      [46, 54],
+      [-79, 34],
+      [-125, -25],
+      [-33, 160],
+      [4, 41],
+      [-72, 40],
+      [-77, 64],
+      [7, 85],
+      [-52, 26],
+      [94, 23],
+      [32, 48],
+      [-114, 51],
+      [-69, 178],
+      [-39, 13],
+      [11, 18],
+      [11, 83],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-45, 12],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [60, 63],
+      [-80, 43],
+      [-24, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10175, 19208],
+      [130, 16],
+      [60, -11],
+      [72, 27],
+      [59, -38],
+      [91, 4],
+      [67, -35],
+      [53, -56],
+      [46, 31],
+      [11, 68],
+      [34, 47],
+      [43, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10841, 19278],
+      [23, -57],
+      [50, -58],
+      [71, -6],
+      [93, -35],
+      [40, -48],
+      [46, -8],
+      [29, -59],
+      [41, -39],
+      [8, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4750, 27914],
+      [-21, -33],
+      [9, -88],
+      [38, -70],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [30, -60],
+      [-52, -51],
+      [9, -28],
+      [-30, -77],
+      [-3, -111],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-78, -7],
+      [-23, 32],
+      [-71, 35],
+      [-57, -63],
+      [26, -33],
+      [23, -186],
+      [-27, -104],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-50, -12],
+      [1, -119],
+      [16, -42],
+      [-26, -72],
+      [-47, -40],
+      [-62, -28],
+      [21, -69],
+      [-41, -12],
+      [74, -109],
+      [0, -70],
+      [41, -9],
+      [26, -57],
+      [-10, -149],
+      [48, -33],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [13, -44],
+      [39, -39],
+      [14, -104],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-61, -11],
+      [50, -117],
+      [0, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4426, 25723],
+      [99, -263],
+      [-78, -20],
+      [1, -56],
+      [74, -232],
+      [24, -29],
+      [-95, -140],
+      [47, -224],
+      [-4, -102],
+      [14, -95],
+      [-85, -149],
+      [26, -170],
+      [-87, -143],
+      [12, -48],
+      [22, -194],
+      [26, -165],
+      [87, -98],
+      [142, -68],
+      [6, -67],
+      [34, -61],
+      [-54, -32],
+      [-9, -101],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [29, -32],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-41, -118],
+      [-41, -79],
+      [24, -25],
+      [-120, -73],
+      [33, -33],
+      [78, 4],
+      [100, -13],
+      [17, -28],
+      [-14, -103],
+      [30, -23],
+      [31, -67],
+      [-22, -118],
+      [-62, -72],
+      [-77, -11],
+      [34, -52],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [-55, -34],
+      [-90, -102],
+      [66, -145],
+      [30, -5],
+      [35, -53],
+      [-45, -61],
+      [29, -70],
+      [71, -56],
+      [7, -30],
+      [-89, -120],
+      [-138, -15],
+      [-24, -27],
+      [-87, -14],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-25, 22],
+      [-65, -18],
+      [-55, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4077, 21556],
+      [7, 27],
+      [-61, 48],
+      [23, 44],
+      [-49, 75],
+      [-24, 59],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-97, -29],
+      [-14, 68],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [-8, 63],
+      [-58, 83],
+      [-63, 55],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [-126, 8],
+      [-29, -12],
+      [-3, -101],
+      [-75, -41],
+      [24, -32],
+      [-14, -97],
+      [64, -59],
+      [2, -60],
+      [-120, 6],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-29, -46],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [-51, -34],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-106, -16],
+      [-37, 79],
+      [-165, -20],
+      [-26, 59],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [-84, 37],
+      [9, 42],
+      [-94, 41],
+      [-80, -36],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-36, 135],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [19, 21],
+      [-30, 139],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [21, 62],
+      [-80, -11],
+      [-123, -39],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-54, 53],
+      [-84, 32],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [-146, -82],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-65, 3],
+      [-42, 58],
+      [16, 33],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-70, 34],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-66, 109],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-37, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1222, 22826],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [-37, 116],
+      [-21, 102],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-8, 79],
+      [-19, 52],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [-21, 73],
+      [5, 63],
+      [-17, 55],
+      [9, 77],
+      [-13, 24],
+      [21, 136],
+      [4, 160],
+      [45, 58],
+      [-60, 192],
+      [67, 20],
+      [47, 61],
+      [65, -5],
+      [13, 59],
+      [-7, 122],
+      [32, 68],
+      [74, 26],
+      [21, -32],
+      [200, -97],
+      [63, -48],
+      [58, -15],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [59, -28],
+      [26, -92],
+      [70, 96],
+      [65, 35],
+      [50, -71],
+      [66, -16],
+      [-22, 119],
+      [36, 85],
+      [23, 19],
+      [90, -4],
+      [-12, 55],
+      [-36, 44],
+      [22, 37],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [24, 15],
+      [146, -2],
+      [35, -53],
+      [59, 4],
+      [27, 25],
+      [-41, 114],
+      [88, 2],
+      [40, 18],
+      [-7, 146],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-2, 150],
+      [-61, 52],
+      [-53, 9],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [-59, 66],
+      [8, 70],
+      [62, 48],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [-66, 53],
+      [-34, 134],
+      [30, 92],
+      [-21, 100],
+      [49, 78],
+      [5, 45],
+      [35, 60],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [44, 35],
+      [-33, 92],
+      [11, 43],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [12, 84],
+      [78, 1],
+      [58, 28],
+      [62, -25],
+      [17, -40],
+      [66, -37],
+      [118, -3],
+      [84, 69],
+      [44, 101],
+      [38, 51],
+      [60, 38],
+      [-40, 17],
+      [27, 83],
+      [3, 84],
+      [-36, 77],
+      [6, 116],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [67, 23],
+      [38, 50],
+      [-27, 62],
+      [13, 65],
+      [2, 98],
+      [55, 73],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [36, 82],
+      [-27, 92],
+      [45, 72],
+      [-65, 66],
+      [0, 36],
+      [-40, 54],
+      [28, 102],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-13, 113],
+      [8, 110],
+      [-62, 8],
+      [-76, 106],
+      [7, 151],
+      [-18, 38],
+      [38, 39],
+      [157, -45],
+      [33, -33],
+      [30, -83],
+      [47, -9],
+      [12, -71],
+      [77, -54],
+      [72, -8],
+      [56, 25],
+      [22, 32],
+      [85, -29],
+      [49, 35],
+      [26, 59],
+      [192, -9],
+      [49, -11],
+      [98, 8],
+      [39, -73],
+      [105, -82],
+      [99, 14],
+      [97, 35],
+      [72, 2],
+      [61, -39],
+      [113, -21],
+      [28, 10],
+      [66, -32],
+      [23, -47],
+      [109, -2],
+      [50, -91],
+      [58, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10829, 28559],
+      [-86, -24],
+      [-129, 26],
+      [-38, -8],
+      [-94, -107],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-109, -21],
+      [-106, -87],
+      [-55, -58],
+      [46, -44],
+      [49, -19],
+      [95, 41],
+      [87, -19],
+      [30, -75],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [46, -83],
+      [-3, -54],
+      [73, -53],
+      [8, -61],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-56, -130],
+      [-64, -53],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [-13, -46],
+      [12, -75],
+      [-47, -20],
+      [-61, -109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10177, 27385],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [-17, 58],
+      [-117, 52],
+      [-84, -23],
+      [-49, -54],
+      [-24, -56],
+      [-87, 27],
+      [-109, 9],
+      [-59, -49],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [12, 57],
+      [-50, 37],
+      [31, 29],
+      [5, 55],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [-72, -55],
+      [30, -13],
+      [-19, -47],
+      [-77, -11],
+      [-41, -32],
+      [-54, -116],
+      [-6, -66],
+      [-96, 43],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [7, -83],
+      [-105, -49],
+      [-27, -46],
+      [-19, -85],
+      [63, -66],
+      [48, -12],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-49, -61],
+      [70, -66],
+      [-17, -52],
+      [18, -111],
+      [50, -13],
+      [29, -58],
+      [4, -53],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [22, -37],
+      [-7, -76],
+      [-19, -29],
+      [15, -96],
+      [-30, -74],
+      [-4, -103],
+      [8, -247],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [-69, -26],
+      [15, -65],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [79, -69],
+      [18, -69],
+      [69, -72],
+      [54, -80],
+      [-46, -37],
+      [-38, -68],
+      [18, -76],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [16, -73],
+      [111, -121],
+      [-1, -44],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [11, -208],
+      [22, -24],
+      [-9, -101],
+      [54, -77],
+      [14, -52],
+      [-21, -85],
+      [27, -52],
+      [-60, -191],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-129, -35],
+      [-62, 15],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-58, 32],
+      [-108, 11],
+      [-79, 29],
+      [-130, -4],
+      [-62, 22],
+      [-77, -17],
+      [-230, 2],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-106, -10],
+      [-70, -40],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-121, -115],
+      [-57, -20],
+      [45, -56],
+      [-26, -48],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [-44, -45],
+      [-11, -119],
+      [-48, -74],
+      [-9, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7643, 23405],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [-52, 48],
+      [-132, 41],
+      [1, 80],
+      [-90, 50],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [-94, 86],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-104, 42],
+      [-93, -7],
+      [-50, -33],
+      [-111, -7],
+      [-59, -14],
+      [-48, 16],
+      [-109, 0],
+      [-49, 12],
+      [-115, 50],
+      [-44, -17],
+      [-123, -16],
+      [-93, -39],
+      [-62, 33],
+      [-153, 56],
+      [-175, -69],
+      [-115, -1],
+      [8, -91],
+      [-114, -11],
+      [-89, 64],
+      [-65, 11],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [28, 209],
+      [12, 45],
+      [-37, 44],
+      [23, 77],
+      [39, 16],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [-32, 37],
+      [8, 60],
+      [-20, 57],
+      [-85, -39],
+      [-51, 0],
+      [-46, 37],
+      [-108, 32],
+      [-62, 77],
+      [-62, 220],
+      [54, 29],
+      [-16, 77],
+      [24, 26],
+      [-24, 61],
+      [23, 16],
+      [26, 70],
+      [-13, 98],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [10, 24],
+      [-34, 91],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-47, 109],
+      [-52, 55],
+      [-136, 19],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-30, 56],
+      [-121, -64],
+      [-119, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4750, 27914],
+      [33, 26],
+      [33, 135],
+      [45, 31],
+      [31, 100],
+      [89, 108],
+      [41, 92],
+      [-7, 88],
+      [21, 78],
+      [40, 15],
+      [23, 112],
+      [37, 20],
+      [51, 76],
+      [0, 102],
+      [66, 13],
+      [70, 88],
+      [-41, 30],
+      [83, 32],
+      [30, 57],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [-12, 62],
+      [67, 0],
+      [22, 23],
+      [60, 151],
+      [131, 46],
+      [75, 98],
+      [19, 80],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [156, 20],
+      [18, 57],
+      [32, 32],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [32, 108],
+      [41, 55],
+      [88, 57],
+      [41, 75],
+      [-17, 64],
+      [15, 42],
+      [51, 31],
+      [43, 71],
+      [6, 95],
+      [-7, 87],
+      [-90, 39],
+      [-235, 74],
+      [-72, 64],
+      [18, 34],
+      [3, 69],
+      [52, 102],
+      [65, 86],
+      [7, 75],
+      [63, 26],
+      [49, 110],
+      [145, 34],
+      [96, -3],
+      [56, 29],
+      [46, 57],
+      [0, 35],
+      [50, 41],
+      [82, 3],
+      [2, 50],
+      [80, 43],
+      [50, 119],
+      [124, 71],
+      [17, 38],
+      [104, 33],
+      [22, 34],
+      [2, 86],
+      [-36, 28],
+      [-36, 90],
+      [-14, 75],
+      [95, 78],
+      [94, 31],
+      [166, 149],
+      [17, 52],
+      [46, 43],
+      [-49, 35],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-70, 24],
+      [14, 63],
+      [-16, 58],
+      [12, 62],
+      [46, 40],
+      [-69, 45],
+      [29, 35],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [6, 165],
+      [13, 52],
+      [-81, 39],
+      [17, 37],
+      [-52, 58],
+      [-16, 52],
+      [94, 90],
+      [-19, 43],
+      [71, 31],
+      [41, 53],
+      [-13, 57],
+      [83, 62],
+      [42, -1],
+      [84, 77],
+      [59, -14],
+      [-1, -37],
+      [107, -6],
+      [85, 43],
+      [53, -8],
+      [30, 25],
+      [146, 37],
+      [9, 35],
+      [61, 48],
+      [36, -2],
+      [62, 96],
+      [10, 36],
+      [86, 52],
+      [62, -35],
+      [94, -8],
+      [46, 64],
+      [11, 55],
+      [91, 61],
+      [86, -42],
+      [41, -2],
+      [51, 30],
+      [8, 51],
+      [36, 44],
+      [9, 57],
+      [36, 14],
+      [51, 69],
+      [77, -11],
+      [103, 10],
+      [140, 70],
+      [32, 6],
+      [21, 50],
+      [121, 126],
+      [53, 86],
+      [118, 55],
+      [34, 26],
+      [155, 49],
+      [77, 5],
+      [102, 55],
+      [101, -11],
+      [16, 25],
+      [75, 17],
+      [82, -16],
+      [20, 18],
+      [84, -20],
+      [96, 37],
+      [76, 7],
+      [123, -16],
+      [29, -25],
+      [80, 65],
+      [77, 31],
+      [48, 61],
+      [222, -13],
+      [15, 29],
+      [123, -38],
+      [33, 7],
+      [77, -24],
+      [58, -74],
+      [34, -16],
+      [27, -58],
+      [94, -45],
+      [-18, -50],
+      [-60, -25],
+      [9, -40],
+      [88, -40],
+      [142, -15],
+      [131, -47],
+      [139, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14687, 418],
+      [39, -34],
+      [34, -56],
+      [-80, -5],
+      [8, -31],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-1, -63],
+      [-55, -21],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-80, -35],
+      [-9, -72],
+      [-51, -66],
+      [-68, 25],
+      [35, 38],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [25, 89],
+      [48, 16],
+      [44, 55],
+      [19, 68],
+      [38, 34],
+      [69, -14],
+      [20, 45],
+      [88, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14512, 671],
+      [36, 15],
+      [25, -55],
+      [33, -14],
+      [8, -43],
+      [-88, -41],
+      [-62, 44],
+      [25, 27],
+      [23, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15262, 2056],
+      [29, 12],
+      [121, -67],
+      [-31, -49],
+      [18, -38],
+      [-54, -58],
+      [-72, -15],
+      [-31, 35],
+      [56, 55],
+      [-29, 19],
+      [-7, 106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13879, 2143],
+      [40, 4],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-33, -67],
+      [-78, -3],
+      [-36, 44],
+      [75, 81],
+      [27, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14492, 2255],
+      [44, -39],
+      [46, -12],
+      [25, -60],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [36, -73],
+      [49, -22],
+      [28, -39],
+      [2, -92],
+      [22, -55],
+      [-8, -80],
+      [17, -27],
+      [-41, -40],
+      [-86, 5],
+      [12, 33],
+      [-11, 62],
+      [48, 36],
+      [-27, 68],
+      [17, 49],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-104, 116],
+      [-34, -11],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-130, -89],
+      [-26, 44],
+      [52, 54],
+      [48, 22],
+      [119, 113],
+      [20, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15371, 2333],
+      [5, -77],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-93, 50],
+      [47, 83],
+      [48, 9],
+      [19, 37],
+      [2, 72],
+      [29, 16],
+      [35, -134]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14765, 3895],
+      [-1, -61],
+      [49, -57],
+      [11, -43],
+      [-59, -44],
+      [-48, -210],
+      [16, -44],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-12, -156],
+      [-41, -12],
+      [-67, 21],
+      [-19, -52],
+      [-39, 3],
+      [-97, -47],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [74, 0],
+      [1, 57],
+      [28, 54],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [15, 59],
+      [63, 123],
+      [52, 12],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [11, 56],
+      [85, 96],
+      [12, 58],
+      [-34, 57],
+      [37, 27],
+      [51, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15336, 3876],
+      [37, -63],
+      [-3, -110],
+      [-27, -137],
+      [26, -50],
+      [-58, -55],
+      [0, -95],
+      [-60, 9],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [-60, -3],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-67, -16],
+      [-37, 85],
+      [35, 27],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-80, 24],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [32, 64],
+      [-41, 46],
+      [40, 56],
+      [0, 49],
+      [46, 4],
+      [116, -18],
+      [30, 28],
+      [61, -3],
+      [69, 31],
+      [39, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14070, 4006],
+      [-4, -53],
+      [32, -57],
+      [67, -14],
+      [14, -56],
+      [3, -86],
+      [58, -4],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [-51, -78],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [-75, 31],
+      [21, 40],
+      [-21, 58],
+      [43, 26],
+      [-40, 60],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [39, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15140, 4474],
+      [32, -49],
+      [69, -50],
+      [21, -63],
+      [56, -37],
+      [67, 5],
+      [169, -76],
+      [119, -23],
+      [-34, -52],
+      [-77, -1],
+      [-73, -18],
+      [-115, 8],
+      [-96, -74],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [8, 72],
+      [29, 18],
+      [-10, 51],
+      [-52, 18],
+      [-23, 62],
+      [18, 30],
+      [-25, 72],
+      [51, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14291, 4874],
+      [88, -16],
+      [-30, -160],
+      [53, -44],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-127, -24],
+      [-93, 116],
+      [38, 75],
+      [13, 54],
+      [41, 33],
+      [42, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14283, 5156],
+      [7, -41],
+      [42, -26],
+      [-25, -60],
+      [-85, -46],
+      [-52, -49],
+      [-128, -63],
+      [-66, 61],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [39, 86],
+      [44, 22],
+      [36, -11],
+      [67, -57],
+      [57, -14],
+      [20, 50],
+      [54, 36],
+      [68, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15258, 5319],
+      [45, -37],
+      [-20, -42],
+      [0, -55],
+      [-27, -32],
+      [37, -24],
+      [-59, -67],
+      [-60, 52],
+      [33, 106],
+      [-3, 53],
+      [54, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14670, 5414],
+      [42, -65],
+      [44, -44],
+      [-59, -40],
+      [-76, 1],
+      [-35, 51],
+      [18, 57],
+      [66, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14823, 5629],
+      [57, -21],
+      [34, 16],
+      [54, -14],
+      [71, -71],
+      [-40, -29],
+      [-4, -68],
+      [21, -34],
+      [87, -23],
+      [19, 35],
+      [-8, 78],
+      [39, 5],
+      [25, -47],
+      [36, -22],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-6, -175],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-58, -27],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [-66, -89],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-42, -59],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-63, 34],
+      [7, 87],
+      [53, 129],
+      [5, 35],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [23, 68],
+      [-32, 33],
+      [-34, 105],
+      [-6, 118],
+      [25, 68],
+      [30, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14672, 6715],
+      [24, -50],
+      [52, -154],
+      [110, -73],
+      [-70, -50],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [20, -62],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-72, 133],
+      [-12, 94],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [23, 53],
+      [-23, 82],
+      [50, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14556, 10240],
+      [61, -29],
+      [43, -101],
+      [-49, -55],
+      [63, -52],
+      [-5, -100],
+      [85, -79],
+      [38, -82],
+      [51, -52],
+      [83, -34],
+      [45, -73],
+      [134, -79],
+      [58, -81],
+      [5, -83],
+      [78, 8],
+      [10, -53],
+      [50, -68],
+      [15, -42],
+      [57, -41],
+      [19, -62],
+      [57, -67],
+      [58, -99],
+      [59, -4],
+      [25, -26],
+      [109, -61],
+      [72, 7],
+      [40, -40],
+      [33, -59],
+      [85, -56],
+      [85, -42],
+      [40, 2],
+      [26, -34],
+      [64, -29],
+      [25, -46],
+      [50, -35],
+      [47, 7],
+      [114, -42],
+      [6, -79],
+      [64, -53],
+      [28, -47],
+      [32, -108],
+      [58, -10],
+      [39, -27],
+      [43, -63],
+      [73, -6],
+      [6, -52],
+      [-27, -58],
+      [36, -14],
+      [17, -58],
+      [-3, -58],
+      [42, -22],
+      [71, -66],
+      [-6, -94],
+      [16, -105],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [31, -59],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [66, -65],
+      [-19, -66],
+      [54, -78],
+      [-25, -39],
+      [28, -78],
+      [-23, -78],
+      [18, -60],
+      [-40, -45],
+      [-6, -55],
+      [41, -42],
+      [-21, -22],
+      [27, -50],
+      [5, -66],
+      [-37, -25],
+      [-86, 39],
+      [-65, -12],
+      [-32, -53],
+      [40, -25],
+      [6, -70],
+      [-42, -64],
+      [-48, -46],
+      [51, -58],
+      [112, -52],
+      [69, -118],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [47, -27],
+      [8, -106],
+      [64, -70],
+      [47, -26],
+      [8, -146],
+      [29, -40],
+      [44, 12],
+      [63, -20],
+      [10, -74],
+      [37, -23],
+      [54, 2],
+      [83, -85],
+      [31, -19],
+      [82, 5],
+      [51, -107],
+      [-24, -48],
+      [-12, -74],
+      [-42, -84],
+      [106, -114],
+      [-30, -84],
+      [76, -158],
+      [44, -12],
+      [-4, -52],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [67, -95],
+      [-45, -58],
+      [6, -61],
+      [131, 53],
+      [64, -34],
+      [-19, -95],
+      [-48, -53],
+      [14, -73],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [103, -24],
+      [33, -31],
+      [-1, -77],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [18, -50],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [8, -68],
+      [38, 12],
+      [68, -53],
+      [1, -57],
+      [59, -18],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [-8, -91],
+      [-99, -61],
+      [-37, -51],
+      [9, -34],
+      [-63, -72],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-40, 33],
+      [-99, -23],
+      [-41, -85],
+      [41, -88],
+      [-68, -88],
+      [-119, -59],
+      [12, -149],
+      [-93, -41],
+      [-68, -69],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [38, -34],
+      [-61, -69],
+      [-72, -50],
+      [-38, -116],
+      [-68, -51],
+      [10, -53],
+      [-73, -51],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [6, -40],
+      [-30, -36],
+      [-89, -25],
+      [-68, -39],
+      [-8, -60],
+      [-39, -54],
+      [-149, 28],
+      [-43, -65],
+      [-6, -86],
+      [28, -68],
+      [-116, -81],
+      [-106, -8],
+      [-85, -58],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-89, -71],
+      [-120, -140],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [10, -59],
+      [-27, -65],
+      [63, -21],
+      [23, -46],
+      [-13, -37],
+      [29, -39],
+      [6, -85],
+      [-44, -39],
+      [19, -28],
+      [-21, -41],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [-40, -80],
+      [-38, -28],
+      [-93, -243],
+      [-49, -114],
+      [-108, -63],
+      [-25, -83],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-31, -96],
+      [-45, -56],
+      [-59, -98],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-43, 65],
+      [-29, 94],
+      [19, 43],
+      [-30, 88],
+      [6, 91],
+      [-62, 35],
+      [-20, 33],
+      [85, 80],
+      [7, 124],
+      [43, 106],
+      [-37, 63],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-32, 41],
+      [-16, 117],
+      [32, 32],
+      [-45, 62],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [24, 48],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [7, 49],
+      [-19, 84],
+      [32, 9],
+      [28, 84],
+      [146, -10],
+      [10, 40],
+      [64, 1],
+      [39, 48],
+      [40, 100],
+      [52, 2],
+      [41, 43],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [94, 39],
+      [30, 48],
+      [94, -10],
+      [112, 54],
+      [6, 96],
+      [-86, 24],
+      [25, 64],
+      [46, 61],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-60, 15],
+      [-37, 51],
+      [102, 26],
+      [94, 97],
+      [4, 85],
+      [22, 22],
+      [11, 69],
+      [-75, 85],
+      [-19, 142],
+      [-51, 42],
+      [61, 97],
+      [121, -19],
+      [-43, 89],
+      [7, 67],
+      [-62, -4],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-2, 66],
+      [28, 11],
+      [23, 133],
+      [0, 63],
+      [132, 16],
+      [108, 0],
+      [27, 46],
+      [56, -6],
+      [51, -66],
+      [15, 67],
+      [-55, 9],
+      [-66, 30],
+      [-92, 23],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [65, 58],
+      [26, 63],
+      [-102, -54],
+      [-57, -54],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-85, -64],
+      [25, -30],
+      [-57, -64],
+      [-63, 18],
+      [-139, 68],
+      [17, 30],
+      [-52, 48],
+      [65, 59],
+      [-9, 48],
+      [40, 66],
+      [48, 38],
+      [-91, 23],
+      [-146, -10],
+      [-28, 29],
+      [39, 45],
+      [89, -9],
+      [183, 36],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [50, 8],
+      [10, 41],
+      [48, 11],
+      [-26, 56],
+      [80, 16],
+      [-118, 44],
+      [59, 65],
+      [-25, 10],
+      [-69, -40],
+      [-81, 52],
+      [-46, 68],
+      [1, 65],
+      [41, 27],
+      [83, 20],
+      [12, 43],
+      [72, 44],
+      [7, 30],
+      [-45, 46],
+      [-87, 2],
+      [-60, -29],
+      [-29, -58],
+      [-42, -11],
+      [-65, 23],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-39, 35],
+      [-33, 88],
+      [43, 26],
+      [46, 52],
+      [76, -5],
+      [102, 15],
+      [2, 27],
+      [-199, 21],
+      [-44, 35],
+      [25, 91],
+      [27, 47],
+      [59, -27],
+      [45, 1],
+      [29, -28],
+      [55, -7],
+      [135, -78],
+      [34, 24],
+      [-197, 66],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [-67, 49],
+      [18, 102],
+      [112, 45],
+      [115, 14],
+      [-47, 33],
+      [-109, 17],
+      [-35, 50],
+      [54, 62],
+      [29, 83],
+      [-5, 46],
+      [73, 90],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [85, 23],
+      [46, 81],
+      [-82, -27],
+      [-57, 89],
+      [-6, 68],
+      [-28, 83],
+      [-82, 62],
+      [15, 45],
+      [7, 104],
+      [-40, 45],
+      [31, 31],
+      [-24, 44],
+      [10, 41],
+      [-48, 88],
+      [28, 76],
+      [-45, 70],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-32, 60],
+      [-83, 28],
+      [-20, 28],
+      [23, 65],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [-15, 83],
+      [4, 82],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-62, 50],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [33, 22],
+      [-76, 110],
+      [-64, 66],
+      [18, 50],
+      [-79, 87],
+      [-82, 44],
+      [-64, 50],
+      [-8, 65],
+      [-79, -3],
+      [-32, 62],
+      [24, 47],
+      [11, 89],
+      [-18, 157],
+      [10, 46],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-8, 91],
+      [-58, 62],
+      [-9, -78],
+      [35, -99],
+      [-2, -55],
+      [-81, -132],
+      [-25, -112],
+      [41, -159],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [-61, -72],
+      [-13, -73],
+      [9, -54],
+      [-69, 19],
+      [-13, 50],
+      [36, 44],
+      [31, 77],
+      [-25, 56],
+      [-86, 39],
+      [-24, -3],
+      [-18, 78],
+      [-52, 50],
+      [22, 31],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [45, 38],
+      [-1, 80],
+      [28, 75],
+      [-61, 52],
+      [-20, 118],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [40, 45],
+      [6, 60],
+      [59, 69],
+      [-54, 131],
+      [-50, 76],
+      [-145, 165],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-67, 93],
+      [4, 115],
+      [44, 68],
+      [-73, -15],
+      [-7, 99],
+      [-114, 145],
+      [-12, 83],
+      [-27, 57],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [57, 111],
+      [90, 19],
+      [40, -39],
+      [29, 33],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-118, 1],
+      [-84, -64],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-52, 123],
+      [9, 24],
+      [-65, 186]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13555, 10038],
+      [110, 9],
+      [-29, 39],
+      [20, 47],
+      [78, 17],
+      [-10, 105],
+      [23, 86],
+      [1, 3],
+      [25, 96],
+      [156, -39],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [30, 21],
+      [109, 21],
+      [32, 20],
+      [53, -45],
+      [22, -84],
+      [72, -67],
+      [51, -31],
+      [51, 8],
+      [116, -21],
+      [31, -25],
+      [64, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12170, 15353],
+      [-21, -22],
+      [-92, -41],
+      [-72, -1],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [-70, -12],
+      [-20, 75],
+      [13, 34],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [-49, 40],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-65, 83],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [-93, -31],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [-69, -44],
+      [5, -68],
+      [-22, -40],
+      [26, -102],
+      [-12, -115],
+      [34, -46],
+      [20, -69],
+      [-39, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11353, 14948],
+      [-22, -24],
+      [19, -52],
+      [131, -39],
+      [-36, -66],
+      [-62, -72],
+      [13, -45],
+      [63, -50],
+      [97, -44],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [2, -95],
+      [-29, -6],
+      [0, -75],
+      [-44, -60],
+      [-36, -85],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [4, -40],
+      [40, -83],
+      [-36, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11250, 13913],
+      [-118, 80],
+      [-23, 92],
+      [-55, 64],
+      [-44, -23],
+      [-38, 21],
+      [-11, 51],
+      [-65, 13],
+      [-77, 51],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-101, -29],
+      [-80, 4],
+      [-112, 23],
+      [-67, -29],
+      [-28, -30],
+      [-172, 31],
+      [-1, 32],
+      [-63, 6],
+      [3, 40],
+      [42, 48],
+      [13, 60],
+      [-32, 87],
+      [-59, 65],
+      [-79, 39],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-41, 63],
+      [52, 21],
+      [-32, 114],
+      [19, 45],
+      [-44, 137],
+      [-21, 35],
+      [-14, 93],
+      [-43, 45],
+      [-137, 34],
+      [3, 67],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-95, 160],
+      [-99, 102],
+      [-65, 83],
+      [37, 24],
+      [5, 46],
+      [-45, 89],
+      [-108, -4],
+      [-141, -195],
+      [-70, -39],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [-83, -12],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [-10, -66],
+      [-107, -5],
+      [-79, -54],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [16, -60],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-68, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8595, 15223],
+      [-1, 1],
+      [-8, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8586, 15232],
+      [-39, 75],
+      [-36, 9],
+      [-59, 52],
+      [2, 72],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-75, 33],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-83, -33],
+      [-35, 28],
+      [-26, 21],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-83, 10],
+      [-95, 70],
+      [-78, 73],
+      [0, 38],
+      [60, 47],
+      [70, 35],
+      [12, 34],
+      [-39, 65],
+      [30, 82],
+      [-14, 39],
+      [-57, 41],
+      [16, 37],
+      [-10, 70],
+      [14, 48],
+      [-10, 63],
+      [-73, 111],
+      [-84, 171],
+      [57, 103],
+      [-94, 36],
+      [-82, 47],
+      [-30, 62],
+      [-106, 60],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-33, 39],
+      [10, 65],
+      [-107, 49],
+      [-58, 37],
+      [-13, 29],
+      [7, 84],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-94, 41],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [30, -88],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-43, -50],
+      [-93, -19],
+      [-78, 26],
+      [-41, 61],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-71, 74],
+      [-32, -53],
+      [-147, -34],
+      [-101, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6393, 16983],
+      [-61, 23],
+      [-98, 172],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [28, 54],
+      [48, 138],
+      [-92, 25],
+      [-90, 98],
+      [36, 59],
+      [100, 3],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-18, 98],
+      [-70, 74],
+      [-43, 92],
+      [92, 44],
+      [67, 9],
+      [24, 67],
+      [-42, 75],
+      [-54, 7],
+      [-48, 35],
+      [-11, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6088, 18182],
+      [25, 17],
+      [60, -17],
+      [27, 35],
+      [64, -16],
+      [103, 3],
+      [50, 20],
+      [46, -9],
+      [53, -35],
+      [52, -6],
+      [24, -37],
+      [126, 4],
+      [74, -32],
+      [72, -55],
+      [16, -58],
+      [82, -69],
+      [53, 64],
+      [53, -7],
+      [36, 25],
+      [46, -14],
+      [40, 37],
+      [-21, 91],
+      [76, 64],
+      [89, 3],
+      [21, 38],
+      [80, 31],
+      [69, 6],
+      [2, 47],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [5, 34],
+      [106, 62],
+      [97, -20],
+      [43, 25],
+      [50, 74],
+      [41, 28],
+      [23, 48],
+      [78, 13],
+      [47, -33],
+      [82, 37],
+      [80, -15],
+      [25, -26],
+      [56, 19],
+      [93, -38],
+      [37, -1],
+      [57, 32],
+      [42, -11],
+      [49, 37],
+      [94, 12],
+      [35, -17],
+      [12, -2],
+      [45, -22],
+      [39, 13],
+      [62, -40],
+      [44, 7],
+      [-9, 77],
+      [28, 43],
+      [50, 16],
+      [-25, 34],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [24, 15],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [-66, 70],
+      [-32, 59],
+      [-1, 89],
+      [-46, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8736, 19179],
+      [86, -6],
+      [19, -21],
+      [79, -18],
+      [56, 2],
+      [34, 73],
+      [155, 4],
+      [150, -45],
+      [44, 18],
+      [125, -91],
+      [58, 0],
+      [20, 51],
+      [56, 20],
+      [20, 67],
+      [60, -8],
+      [181, 2],
+      [27, -20],
+      [80, 12],
+      [189, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7643, 23405],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [-48, -97],
+      [26, -55],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [-110, -4],
+      [4, -61],
+      [-90, -52],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-105, -73],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-79, 19],
+      [-252, -95],
+      [-34, -7],
+      [-64, -80],
+      [-138, -33],
+      [-191, -37],
+      [-43, -97],
+      [3, -60],
+      [-21, -37],
+      [-3, -61],
+      [20, -104],
+      [-17, -58],
+      [6, -93],
+      [30, -66],
+      [70, -15],
+      [14, -61],
+      [57, 4],
+      [91, -36],
+      [81, 19],
+      [113, -6],
+      [47, -64],
+      [-13, -107],
+      [10, -57],
+      [-65, -14],
+      [-12, -96],
+      [22, -42],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [21, -58],
+      [75, -24],
+      [28, -38],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [20, -52],
+      [62, 70],
+      [41, 28],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [109, 13],
+      [124, 55],
+      [84, -22],
+      [37, 15],
+      [120, 86],
+      [11, 31],
+      [62, 27],
+      [68, -27],
+      [19, -28],
+      [93, 40],
+      [39, -18],
+      [76, 42],
+      [37, 50],
+      [55, 25],
+      [135, -3],
+      [53, 34],
+      [18, -53],
+      [45, 2],
+      [67, -96],
+      [-33, -116],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [14, -78],
+      [89, -50],
+      [52, 15],
+      [70, -23],
+      [117, -87],
+      [-1, -37],
+      [45, -57],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [77, -119],
+      [5, -53],
+      [-65, -37],
+      [22, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8596, 20879],
+      [13, -65],
+      [4, -6],
+      [31, -2],
+      [83, -148],
+      [15, -71],
+      [88, -41],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [-80, -83],
+      [9, -50],
+      [-57, -12],
+      [34, -64],
+      [-56, -99],
+      [43, -18],
+      [19, -53],
+      [-21, -60],
+      [56, -69],
+      [-13, -32],
+      [40, -40],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-66, -11],
+      [-7, -66],
+      [-31, -22],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [19, -81],
+      [-44, -79],
+      [-87, -62],
+      [-32, -40],
+      [39, -25],
+      [-14, -108],
+      [48, -50],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [39, -62],
+      [118, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6088, 18182],
+      [-70, 109],
+      [47, 44],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-37, 65],
+      [-55, 24],
+      [-26, 39],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-53, 6],
+      [-34, 65],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [-53, 91],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [19, 30],
+      [110, 22],
+      [-13, 98],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-35, 86],
+      [-114, 85],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-37, 83],
+      [-70, 30],
+      [-70, 57],
+      [-71, 83],
+      [19, 42],
+      [-3, 68],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [4, 79],
+      [-48, 82],
+      [-93, 240],
+      [78, 51],
+      [-39, 136],
+      [-67, 15],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [-55, 65],
+      [-25, 72],
+      [-53, 70],
+      [20, 28],
+      [-2, 59],
+      [-98, 41],
+      [-28, 115],
+      [-57, 34],
+      [-4, 86],
+      [-26, 83],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-57, 84],
+      [-5, 75],
+      [-56, -13],
+      [-41, 66],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-49, 80],
+      [-30, 99],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-67, 11],
+      [-4, 54],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-90, -26],
+      [-106, 8],
+      [23, 42],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-36, 70],
+      [16, 57],
+      [27, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10177, 27385],
+      [-85, -41],
+      [-44, -72],
+      [-70, -30],
+      [17, -43],
+      [-48, -14],
+      [2, -46],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [-68, -40],
+      [-53, -64],
+      [15, -57],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-66, 44],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [2, -52],
+      [27, -9],
+      [39, -30],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [13, -88],
+      [-41, -107],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [3, -77],
+      [102, -68],
+      [20, -47],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [46, -44],
+      [59, -22],
+      [127, -20],
+      [60, 16],
+      [50, -15],
+      [133, 19],
+      [48, 21],
+      [55, -4],
+      [52, 23],
+      [29, -22],
+      [46, 37],
+      [71, 24],
+      [64, -53],
+      [65, -23],
+      [47, -37],
+      [61, -7],
+      [47, -33],
+      [113, 18],
+      [81, -50],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [-76, -81],
+      [-18, -85],
+      [-139, -67],
+      [-156, 30],
+      [-69, -50],
+      [-155, -40],
+      [-78, 30],
+      [-84, 2],
+      [-68, -48],
+      [-126, 15],
+      [-96, -11],
+      [-52, -20],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [83, -87],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [14, -107],
+      [95, -108],
+      [44, -25],
+      [-19, -88],
+      [100, -50],
+      [6, -73],
+      [-33, -27],
+      [11, -156],
+      [31, -18],
+      [122, 10],
+      [51, -15],
+      [31, -64],
+      [76, -66],
+      [67, -139],
+      [-5, -65],
+      [12, -88],
+      [25, -20],
+      [75, 8],
+      [54, -14],
+      [39, -52],
+      [179, -5],
+      [42, -43],
+      [145, 1],
+      [54, -17],
+      [29, -41],
+      [20, -125],
+      [30, -9],
+      [110, -127],
+      [30, -68],
+      [72, -73],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [74, -42],
+      [8, -54],
+      [43, -108],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-98, 13],
+      [-73, 50],
+      [-33, -42],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-69, -22],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-88, -28],
+      [-72, -77],
+      [-54, -28],
+      [8, -28],
+      [-99, -57],
+      [-30, -42],
+      [-118, -12],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-132, -37],
+      [-86, -11],
+      [-59, -20],
+      [-188, -9],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [39, -78],
+      [-131, -51],
+      [21, -54],
+      [1, -109],
+      [22, -27],
+      [44, -118],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [33, -72],
+      [2, -17],
+      [73, -61],
+      [12, -51],
+      [11, -13],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-62, 15],
+      [-157, 0],
+      [-81, -34],
+      [-34, -33],
+      [28, -92],
+      [-45, -47],
+      [13, -112],
+      [52, -9],
+      [81, -73],
+      [63, 0],
+      [108, -48],
+      [71, 3],
+      [41, -31],
+      [93, 27],
+      [14, -50],
+      [85, -30],
+      [93, 37],
+      [38, -69],
+      [64, 12],
+      [57, -43],
+      [1, -69],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [11, -86],
+      [-95, -15],
+      [-31, 18],
+      [-80, -30],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [2, -45],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [30, -85],
+      [34, -24],
+      [42, -66],
+      [71, -14],
+      [17, -48],
+      [49, 39],
+      [14, -150],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-59, -98],
+      [25, -162],
+      [45, -30],
+      [8, -78],
+      [45, -45],
+      [76, -142],
+      [-101, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10448, 20644],
+      [-47, 38],
+      [-89, 42],
+      [-208, 146],
+      [-133, 19],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [-85, -45],
+      [-118, -10],
+      [-107, -74],
+      [-87, 29],
+      [-143, 19],
+      [-162, -8],
+      [-13, 30],
+      [-109, -58],
+      [-36, -68],
+      [-99, -32],
+      [-88, 56],
+      [-113, 115],
+      [-58, -31],
+      [-73, 29],
+      [-59, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12885, 13273],
+      [125, -24],
+      [84, 6],
+      [17, -61],
+      [-77, -130],
+      [28, -58],
+      [-51, -72],
+      [-28, -81],
+      [19, -50],
+      [5, -68],
+      [-16, -58],
+      [-81, -10],
+      [-58, 48],
+      [-8, 78],
+      [-52, 34],
+      [-48, 62],
+      [45, 100],
+      [-43, 149],
+      [-53, 53],
+      [13, 41],
+      [50, 15],
+      [53, 39],
+      [76, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14542, 10746],
+      [-5, -51],
+      [33, -57],
+      [-59, -65],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [22, -82],
+      [45, -6],
+      [56, -66],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-11, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13555, 10038],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [38, 58],
+      [14, 49],
+      [-74, 104],
+      [41, 36],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [12, 60],
+      [27, 26],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [80, 70],
+      [-80, -2],
+      [-60, -21],
+      [-94, 148],
+      [24, 51],
+      [-48, 72],
+      [13, 44],
+      [35, 4],
+      [15, 68],
+      [37, -9],
+      [45, 39],
+      [-34, 98],
+      [-66, 58],
+      [51, 118],
+      [-68, 124],
+      [-6, 81],
+      [-37, 124],
+      [3, 38],
+      [-32, 57],
+      [47, 49],
+      [-18, 141],
+      [-43, 68],
+      [-51, 46],
+      [-158, 87],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-6, 46],
+      [-53, 103],
+      [1, 43],
+      [113, 108],
+      [65, 159],
+      [7, 104],
+      [-8, 91],
+      [-59, 81],
+      [1, 31],
+      [42, 47],
+      [-44, 80],
+      [28, 41],
+      [-15, 69],
+      [14, 28],
+      [57, -4],
+      [35, 41],
+      [10, 48],
+      [50, 28],
+      [115, 3],
+      [70, -71],
+      [91, -24],
+      [110, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13118, 13577],
+      [-18, -179],
+      [36, -82],
+      [-121, 28],
+      [-62, -7],
+      [-38, 24],
+      [-74, -18],
+      [-133, 10],
+      [-112, -36],
+      [-70, -36],
+      [-36, 22],
+      [-19, 105],
+      [-45, 91],
+      [8, 83],
+      [-66, -15],
+      [-61, 27],
+      [-41, -4],
+      [-61, 49],
+      [15, 47],
+      [-46, 62],
+      [29, 96],
+      [-37, 100],
+      [-9, 93],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-23, 83],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [21, 156],
+      [-8, 80],
+      [-72, 54],
+      [32, 71],
+      [-54, 0],
+      [-10, -62],
+      [-25, -30],
+      [13, -65],
+      [-43, -71],
+      [35, -66],
+      [5, -52],
+      [-31, -54],
+      [-64, -16],
+      [-97, 168],
+      [-37, 33],
+      [8, 39],
+      [76, 133],
+      [6, 44],
+      [-28, 75],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-147, 53],
+      [-72, 56],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [20, 43],
+      [-52, 45],
+      [-52, -11],
+      [-50, 14],
+      [-15, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3504, 18063],
+      [26, -22],
+      [86, -25],
+      [83, -5],
+      [102, 28],
+      [16, -67],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [26, -47],
+      [-26, -34],
+      [23, -111],
+      [-55, -56],
+      [-23, -57],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [-95, 7],
+      [-163, 122],
+      [-124, 71],
+      [-48, 50],
+      [-112, 157],
+      [100, 25],
+      [73, -4],
+      [112, 42],
+      [51, 35],
+      [19, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3390, 19715],
+      [-137, -99],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [53, 9],
+      [32, 54],
+      [76, 38],
+      [23, -50],
+      [-23, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3704, 19764],
+      [-37, -95],
+      [-67, 25],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [67, 8],
+      [79, 102],
+      [35, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3855, 19976],
+      [48, -33],
+      [-19, -50],
+      [-14, -100],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-129, -11],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [80, 27],
+      [13, 78],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [74, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3704, 20004],
+      [43, -10],
+      [-77, -56],
+      [-55, -25],
+      [26, -50],
+      [-100, -53],
+      [-39, -48],
+      [-28, -91],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [16, 42],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [98, 79],
+      [25, 89],
+      [67, -17],
+      [48, 40],
+      [51, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3446, 19955],
+      [-32, -18],
+      [-115, 15],
+      [25, 44],
+      [95, 9],
+      [55, 56],
+      [114, 8],
+      [-26, -41],
+      [-66, -27],
+      [-50, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3074, 20118],
+      [64, -48],
+      [59, -4],
+      [82, 25],
+      [14, -60],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-37, -130],
+      [51, -96],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-89, 32],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [-27, 70],
+      [-2, 89],
+      [-46, 77],
+      [-42, 99],
+      [11, 22],
+      [78, -18],
+      [41, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2321, 20379],
+      [44, -73],
+      [9, -54],
+      [104, -180],
+      [25, -24],
+      [31, -86],
+      [62, -67],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-51, 118],
+      [-69, 91],
+      [-50, 120],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [-52, 80],
+      [41, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1843, 20468],
+      [54, -60],
+      [41, -103],
+      [15, -70],
+      [78, -105],
+      [45, -125],
+      [-27, -62],
+      [-33, 85],
+      [12, 26],
+      [-54, 51],
+      [-91, 126],
+      [-96, 145],
+      [19, 76],
+      [37, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1982, 20504],
+      [59, 12],
+      [106, -7],
+      [32, -24],
+      [58, -98],
+      [50, -40],
+      [43, -90],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-35, -47],
+      [1, -49],
+      [33, -86],
+      [44, -62],
+      [-74, 13],
+      [-64, 100],
+      [-75, 76],
+      [-15, 105],
+      [-34, 39],
+      [-127, 89],
+      [20, 44],
+      [-34, 73],
+      [59, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2426, 20637],
+      [42, -46],
+      [51, 2],
+      [13, -70],
+      [25, -35],
+      [-91, -43],
+      [-35, -71],
+      [-127, 52],
+      [-43, 85],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [-59, 65],
+      [21, 27],
+      [205, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2691, 20669],
+      [36, -4],
+      [-5, -94],
+      [23, -83],
+      [93, -101],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-189, -50],
+      [-137, -2],
+      [-19, 20],
+      [-9, 94],
+      [16, 21],
+      [84, 38],
+      [-39, 54],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [-62, 6],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [69, 48],
+      [13, 42],
+      [85, 16],
+      [39, 21],
+      [51, -26],
+      [11, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2776, 20915],
+      [3, -38],
+      [31, -60],
+      [23, -5],
+      [27, 1],
+      [107, -190],
+      [26, -116],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-62, -70],
+      [23, -102],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-23, 94],
+      [-95, 97],
+      [-18, 68],
+      [3, 74],
+      [-22, 59],
+      [-44, 75],
+      [-38, 110],
+      [63, 41],
+      [76, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1608, 21141],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [4, -20],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [83, -102],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [-70, -38],
+      [-91, -18],
+      [-42, 14],
+      [-25, 78],
+      [9, 130],
+      [-24, 106],
+      [34, -5],
+      [21, 52],
+      [46, 22],
+      [59, -62],
+      [35, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2262, 21102],
+      [-84, -19],
+      [14, -75],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-67, 0],
+      [7, 124],
+      [70, 124],
+      [47, 58],
+      [30, -5],
+      [10, -88],
+      [27, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6393, 16983],
+      [43, -37],
+      [27, -54],
+      [43, 0],
+      [33, -38],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [30, -27],
+      [-36, -57],
+      [75, -62],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [-99, -62],
+      [38, -50],
+      [2, -46],
+      [30, -27],
+      [-25, -54],
+      [-75, -48],
+      [-54, -70],
+      [41, -89],
+      [46, -67],
+      [15, -3],
+      [53, -32],
+      [-22, -59],
+      [35, -39],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [-32, -21],
+      [20, -88],
+      [-18, -96],
+      [-66, -22],
+      [-27, -53],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [17, -47],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [12, -40],
+      [-38, -35],
+      [38, -28],
+      [3, -40],
+      [33, -36],
+      [5, -70],
+      [-44, -27],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-64, -55],
+      [-17, -77],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-32, -81],
+      [-52, -2],
+      [-26, 62],
+      [-59, 4],
+      [-21, 54],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-62, -9],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [-69, 31],
+      [-54, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5756, 15218],
+      [7, 43],
+      [-23, 65],
+      [-39, 50],
+      [48, 86],
+      [65, -80],
+      [23, 32],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [32, 51],
+      [-21, 44],
+      [-44, 9],
+      [-13, 52],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [27, 56],
+      [-22, 36],
+      [-129, 70],
+      [30, 76],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [20, 22],
+      [-24, 59],
+      [8, 30],
+      [-100, 146],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [71, 3],
+      [55, 52],
+      [-17, 110],
+      [-88, 123],
+      [8, 36],
+      [-61, 82],
+      [21, 34],
+      [-32, 49],
+      [-221, 14],
+      [-5, 99],
+      [48, -11],
+      [97, 16],
+      [27, 45],
+      [8, 60],
+      [-115, 30],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [-61, 92],
+      [-152, 155],
+      [33, 56],
+      [-52, 180],
+      [-51, 56],
+      [-179, 119],
+      [108, 15],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-118, 95],
+      [26, 56],
+      [-26, 40],
+      [-91, 11],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-44, 24],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-89, 3],
+      [19, 57],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [39, 93],
+      [-9, 82],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [86, 89],
+      [-9, 52],
+      [-82, 20],
+      [17, 87],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [14, 86],
+      [42, 112],
+      [-34, 62],
+      [-2, 81],
+      [51, 82],
+      [-59, -12],
+      [-23, -115],
+      [21, -140],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [-66, -48],
+      [16, -36],
+      [-78, -40],
+      [-53, -69],
+      [-3, -109],
+      [15, -63],
+      [66, -101],
+      [-40, -74],
+      [-36, -24],
+      [7, -41],
+      [-49, -29],
+      [18, -31],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-68, 11],
+      [-87, 65],
+      [-166, 87],
+      [-88, -8],
+      [-19, 46],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [-50, 45],
+      [-20, 106],
+      [-35, 112],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-177, 237],
+      [-108, 129],
+      [8, 81],
+      [31, 37],
+      [64, 34],
+      [77, 9],
+      [92, -52],
+      [39, 6],
+      [28, -59],
+      [58, -46],
+      [-5, -63],
+      [78, -31],
+      [68, -11],
+      [74, -31],
+      [4, -44],
+      [86, -62],
+      [52, -21],
+      [79, -8],
+      [87, 49],
+      [112, 37],
+      [94, 74],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-77, -41],
+      [-54, 28],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-106, 28],
+      [-64, -16],
+      [-67, 49],
+      [-39, 107],
+      [-46, 44],
+      [-50, 9],
+      [-83, 76],
+      [-39, 75],
+      [22, 63],
+      [45, 40],
+      [15, 46],
+      [44, 18],
+      [39, -27],
+      [98, -4],
+      [13, -49],
+      [56, -39],
+      [47, -10],
+      [43, -34],
+      [52, -10],
+      [52, 16],
+      [77, -30],
+      [74, -46],
+      [71, -7],
+      [75, -52],
+      [34, 32],
+      [2, 48],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-50, -34],
+      [-93, 19],
+      [18, 45],
+      [-99, 40],
+      [-45, 39],
+      [-181, 96],
+      [-44, 47],
+      [-124, 59],
+      [13, 33],
+      [176, 105],
+      [-86, -21],
+      [-86, -8],
+      [-39, 32],
+      [3, 98],
+      [47, 26],
+      [114, 12],
+      [28, 34],
+      [-14, 55],
+      [33, 53],
+      [-34, 80],
+      [-102, 30],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-16, 29],
+      [-73, 18],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [-76, 7],
+      [-112, -36],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-42, 14],
+      [-14, 69],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [-38, 110],
+      [-67, 46],
+      [-74, -3],
+      [15, -103],
+      [-76, 46],
+      [-30, 45],
+      [-28, 91],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [66, -4],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-22, 115],
+      [-124, 215],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-20, 32],
+      [20, 18],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-2, 41],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [-124, -35],
+      [-34, -76],
+      [55, -49],
+      [-89, -15],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [-71, -44],
+      [-55, -16],
+      [-162, 5],
+      [-55, -55],
+      [-108, -57],
+      [-59, 9],
+      [11, 144],
+      [33, 88],
+      [52, 69],
+      [7, 75],
+      [85, 42],
+      [51, 65],
+      [-26, 56],
+      [64, 6],
+      [22, 24],
+      [-44, 167],
+      [-61, 35],
+      [-49, -104],
+      [-53, -62],
+      [-29, -63],
+      [8, -92],
+      [-20, -124],
+      [-88, -106],
+      [-86, -81],
+      [-49, -30],
+      [-67, -165],
+      [-111, 35],
+      [-40, 38],
+      [-139, 69],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [67, 121],
+      [114, 37],
+      [92, 68],
+      [-19, 81],
+      [-73, 85],
+      [50, 42],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [3, 23],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-60, 69],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [-96, -60],
+      [-41, 74],
+      [22, 71],
+      [-90, 123],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-71, 107],
+      [-38, 5],
+      [88, -114],
+      [35, -29],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [92, -60],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-8, -88],
+      [55, -122],
+      [9, -52],
+      [-37, -51],
+      [-4, -158],
+      [34, -47],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-87, 82],
+      [-91, 154],
+      [-113, 161],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [-76, 76],
+      [-97, 67],
+      [-7, 59],
+      [-33, 54],
+      [-151, 110],
+      [-165, 84],
+      [29, 16],
+      [-50, 107],
+      [-32, 36],
+      [-23, 81],
+      [-71, 115],
+      [-38, 93],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [6, 46],
+      [-50, 207],
+      [-53, 34],
+      [-27, 48],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [5, 44],
+      [-66, 20],
+      [21, 41],
+      [45, 24],
+      [49, 63],
+      [-8, 86],
+      [-43, 61],
+      [0, 38],
+      [49, 36],
+      [77, 24],
+      [8, 62],
+      [34, 23],
+      [1, 57],
+      [144, -16],
+      [34, 92],
+      [90, 27],
+      [106, -93],
+      [17, -50],
+      [-12, -66],
+      [82, -14],
+      [39, -28],
+      [72, 7],
+      [5, 38],
+      [119, 12],
+      [98, -270],
+      [46, 4],
+      [31, 39],
+      [118, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11250, 13913],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-37, -91],
+      [-46, 43],
+      [-42, -8],
+      [-97, -98],
+      [-27, -88],
+      [23, -30],
+      [-43, -60],
+      [-165, -164],
+      [-217, -92],
+      [-163, -48],
+      [-133, -13],
+      [-93, 16],
+      [-98, 81],
+      [-158, 73],
+      [-16, 48],
+      [-47, 57],
+      [6, 78],
+      [-58, 49],
+      [-30, 63],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [-21, 64],
+      [98, 36],
+      [51, 32],
+      [12, 32],
+      [67, 25],
+      [15, 88],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-5, -84],
+      [-93, -56],
+      [-58, -10],
+      [-76, -43],
+      [-30, -35],
+      [-11, -63],
+      [46, -117],
+      [71, -40],
+      [10, -45],
+      [-27, -75],
+      [64, -147],
+      [59, -70],
+      [97, -52],
+      [0, -50],
+      [-40, -59],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [-91, -41],
+      [-107, -18],
+      [-178, -69],
+      [-75, 12],
+      [-93, 68],
+      [-108, 49],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-141, -11],
+      [-103, 21],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [12, 30],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-64, -1],
+      [-7, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8819, 13262],
+      [128, 91],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [-85, 3],
+      [-39, 90],
+      [30, 58],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [42, 78],
+      [72, 23],
+      [8, 61],
+      [-24, 137],
+      [-69, 92],
+      [27, 38],
+      [-23, 77],
+      [68, 104],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [-68, 36],
+      [-41, 40],
+      [36, 44],
+      [-32, 62],
+      [-93, 114],
+      [0, 39],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-31, 39],
+      [-86, 5],
+      [-52, 56],
+      [37, 52],
+      [7, 82],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-32, 33],
+      [-159, -1],
+      [20, 78],
+      [116, 15],
+      [38, 28],
+      [-1, 67],
+      [81, 39],
+      [31, 28],
+      [0, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8594, 15223],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13181, 27971],
+      [165, 4],
+      [56, 68],
+      [46, 6],
+      [53, 68],
+      [94, 28],
+      [177, 92],
+      [33, 38],
+      [112, 13],
+      [91, 28],
+      [34, 29],
+      [110, 47],
+      [87, 12],
+      [104, 29],
+      [189, 14],
+      [53, 29],
+      [132, -9],
+      [49, -18],
+      [116, -3],
+      [74, 29],
+      [162, 24],
+      [119, -5],
+      [132, 11],
+      [21, -35],
+      [139, -52],
+      [62, 35],
+      [101, -4],
+      [49, 15],
+      [43, 41],
+      [100, -6],
+      [147, 18],
+      [44, -14],
+      [110, 47],
+      [37, -80],
+      [-65, -51],
+      [-20, -44],
+      [-108, -40],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [-79, 3],
+      [-9, -54],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-65, -22],
+      [-46, 29],
+      [-70, -43],
+      [47, -15],
+      [6, -37],
+      [-39, -63],
+      [42, -71],
+      [9, -53],
+      [-45, -82],
+      [204, -44],
+      [39, 6],
+      [50, -28],
+      [54, -86],
+      [-23, -59],
+      [44, -15],
+      [24, -79],
+      [38, -44],
+      [60, -19],
+      [-28, -58],
+      [-88, -25],
+      [-92, -74],
+      [38, -101],
+      [47, -22],
+      [89, 18],
+      [107, -137],
+      [-20, -48],
+      [23, -32],
+      [6, -96],
+      [50, -34],
+      [-43, -39],
+      [10, -47],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-58, -85],
+      [93, -6],
+      [103, -33],
+      [87, -15],
+      [118, 4],
+      [-8, -84],
+      [140, -63],
+      [23, 25],
+      [123, 5],
+      [19, -24],
+      [61, 37],
+      [56, -46],
+      [88, -16],
+      [14, 38],
+      [61, 15],
+      [34, -13],
+      [49, 24],
+      [7, 42],
+      [48, 2],
+      [90, -72],
+      [70, -9],
+      [54, -23],
+      [176, -1],
+      [34, -17],
+      [21, -47],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [8, -78],
+      [72, -69],
+      [35, -54],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-84, -12],
+      [-77, 20],
+      [-124, 60],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [47, -128],
+      [-41, -6],
+      [-114, -75],
+      [-18, -86],
+      [-138, -24],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [53, -41],
+      [21, -75],
+      [28, -18],
+      [29, -121],
+      [31, -57],
+      [-58, -69],
+      [-1, -41],
+      [46, -26],
+      [-21, -35],
+      [-101, -85],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [-101, -36],
+      [-13, -33],
+      [59, -42],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-56, -32],
+      [-47, -67],
+      [0, -96],
+      [-72, -48],
+      [-65, -65],
+      [8, -93],
+      [70, -41],
+      [157, -51],
+      [35, 24],
+      [90, -34],
+      [92, 23],
+      [71, -17],
+      [96, 13],
+      [98, 61],
+      [125, -76],
+      [24, 23],
+      [90, -15],
+      [61, 25],
+      [41, -35],
+      [84, -1],
+      [43, -36],
+      [67, -9],
+      [-14, -55],
+      [75, 1],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [95, 21],
+      [56, -31],
+      [66, -6],
+      [131, -52],
+      [-3, 64],
+      [40, 20],
+      [140, -16],
+      [71, -31],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [72, -74],
+      [13, -30],
+      [-51, -120],
+      [-37, -11],
+      [5, -58],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-5, -88],
+      [33, -48],
+      [61, -159],
+      [21, -27],
+      [148, -50],
+      [44, 28],
+      [110, 25],
+      [35, -6],
+      [98, -84],
+      [-46, -20],
+      [-51, -68],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [27, -60],
+      [-1, -101],
+      [21, -27],
+      [95, -44],
+      [24, 63],
+      [81, -25],
+      [47, -64],
+      [36, -11],
+      [105, 27],
+      [95, 49],
+      [50, 53],
+      [97, -17],
+      [99, 36],
+      [64, -109],
+      [66, -60],
+      [78, 32],
+      [55, -6],
+      [80, -36],
+      [184, 66],
+      [44, -9],
+      [75, 70],
+      [55, -3],
+      [71, 81],
+      [52, 35],
+      [41, 0],
+      [53, 100],
+      [70, 28],
+      [40, 60],
+      [60, 49],
+      [61, -13],
+      [74, 32],
+      [85, 2],
+      [131, 53],
+      [139, 98],
+      [52, -3],
+      [28, -127],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [88, -47],
+      [21, -48],
+      [16, -106],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [33, -29],
+      [28, -59],
+      [-92, -51],
+      [-93, -87],
+      [-61, -5],
+      [-45, -31],
+      [-105, -109],
+      [-56, 5],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-76, -46],
+      [-85, -19],
+      [-25, -42],
+      [-66, -44],
+      [-89, -23],
+      [-71, 8],
+      [-113, 36],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-56, -184],
+      [-5, -78],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [-48, -94],
+      [-55, -45],
+      [-12, -67],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-47, -42],
+      [-108, -7],
+      [3, -81],
+      [-59, -45],
+      [-39, -147],
+      [38, -32],
+      [72, -5],
+      [25, 19],
+      [178, 37],
+      [20, -38],
+      [-119, -89],
+      [-75, -25],
+      [-49, 5],
+      [-124, -18],
+      [-177, 33],
+      [-81, -1],
+      [-59, -14],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-101, -21],
+      [-86, -58],
+      [-63, -62],
+      [-88, -108],
+      [-48, -88],
+      [-10, -55],
+      [-61, -146],
+      [-23, -97],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [8, -74],
+      [-79, -63],
+      [-50, 17],
+      [-26, 37],
+      [-50, -1],
+      [-113, 67],
+      [-73, 67],
+      [-90, -36],
+      [-128, -10],
+      [-68, -84],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [-77, -76],
+      [-128, 8],
+      [-57, 23],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [-29, 31],
+      [-80, -25],
+      [-133, 53],
+      [-106, 15],
+      [-33, 34],
+      [-101, 20],
+      [-3, -59],
+      [86, -40],
+      [42, -57],
+      [33, -162],
+      [92, -60],
+      [-22, -52],
+      [-39, -40],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-75, -88],
+      [-125, -37],
+      [-127, 0],
+      [-117, -51],
+      [-150, 77],
+      [-131, 56],
+      [-57, -10],
+      [-81, 8],
+      [-109, -62],
+      [-75, 4],
+      [-84, -129],
+      [27, -67],
+      [-56, -54],
+      [30, -54],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [30, -113],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [-39, -80],
+      [-201, -61],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [-136, 94],
+      [-117, -67],
+      [-35, -47],
+      [-97, -1],
+      [-67, 26],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-87, -20],
+      [-85, -38],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-46, -21],
+      [-41, -44],
+      [-90, 65],
+      [-188, -54],
+      [-77, 14],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-132, 3],
+      [-69, -22],
+      [-103, -17],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [14, 28],
+      [-89, 45],
+      [-81, 75],
+      [-71, 33],
+      [-90, -29],
+      [-37, 67],
+      [-85, 14],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [8, -74],
+      [-27, -105],
+      [16, -80],
+      [35, -43],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-120, -14],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-85, -18],
+      [-105, -39],
+      [-75, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10841, 19278],
+      [17, 21],
+      [-46, 65],
+      [-17, 48],
+      [-126, -1],
+      [-92, 22],
+      [-29, 48],
+      [115, 91],
+      [112, 34],
+      [40, 33],
+      [-55, 70],
+      [-65, 15],
+      [-13, 34],
+      [-100, 83],
+      [-27, 87],
+      [-76, 51],
+      [-153, -20],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [26, 27],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [-118, 98],
+      [-71, 97],
+      [18, 23],
+      [119, -8],
+      [56, 25],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [59, 8],
+      [20, 28],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-36, 77],
+      [47, 36],
+      [61, 17],
+      [46, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7418, 11973],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [104, 171],
+      [-4, 149],
+      [58, 50],
+      [17, 41],
+      [48, 20],
+      [52, -90],
+      [-6, -111],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [-53, -44],
+      [-92, -136],
+      [-65, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7259, 12497],
+      [42, -28],
+      [-56, -27],
+      [11, -102],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-103, 27],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-18, 86],
+      [8, 39],
+      [49, 62],
+      [137, 67],
+      [30, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7602, 12512],
+      [-49, 66],
+      [30, 53],
+      [115, 62],
+      [-5, -89],
+      [-91, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5957, 12490],
+      [-35, -55],
+      [-63, -50],
+      [-63, -109],
+      [-63, -22],
+      [-88, -5],
+      [-82, -43],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [-40, -90],
+      [-55, 26],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [-29, 132],
+      [15, 43],
+      [149, 34],
+      [37, 24],
+      [99, 118],
+      [43, 75],
+      [53, 31],
+      [99, 117],
+      [74, 55],
+      [91, 38],
+      [0, -37],
+      [41, -54],
+      [-60, -188]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7118, 12562],
+      [-30, -61],
+      [-94, -65],
+      [-47, -68],
+      [-4, -49],
+      [41, -93],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-36, -188],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-53, 19],
+      [-42, -12],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-17, -23],
+      [10, -82],
+      [-8, -32],
+      [18, -31],
+      [-25, -29],
+      [-64, -23],
+      [-216, 28],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [-22, 46],
+      [30, 40],
+      [70, 12],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-72, 7],
+      [-22, 32],
+      [34, 45],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [-69, 96],
+      [41, 57],
+      [84, 66],
+      [51, -2],
+      [57, 47],
+      [-2, 44],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [81, 24],
+      [52, 103],
+      [143, -6],
+      [7, 60],
+      [77, 43],
+      [17, 63],
+      [21, 11],
+      [16, 37],
+      [23, 13],
+      [10, 20],
+      [27, 9],
+      [31, 54],
+      [83, 12],
+      [-25, -76],
+      [37, -41],
+      [-74, -55],
+      [7, -42],
+      [36, -44],
+      [-24, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6014, 12948],
+      [-62, -104],
+      [-78, -86],
+      [-75, -29],
+      [-23, 35],
+      [79, 49],
+      [33, 59],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [131, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8955, 12666],
+      [-35, -13],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [75, 36],
+      [41, 152],
+      [-3, 61],
+      [56, 82],
+      [52, -68],
+      [-2, -98],
+      [-14, -60],
+      [-140, -131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9064, 12699],
+      [48, 74],
+      [15, 68],
+      [26, 45],
+      [-7, 85],
+      [65, 76],
+      [47, -10],
+      [140, -77],
+      [15, -60],
+      [-61, -48],
+      [-80, -84],
+      [-48, -29],
+      [-160, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6185, 13526],
+      [19, -4],
+      [25, 0],
+      [2, -21],
+      [32, -18],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-22, -16],
+      [-33, -126],
+      [-87, -37],
+      [-34, 68],
+      [54, 49],
+      [8, 129],
+      [92, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8586, 15232],
+      [8, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8819, 13262],
+      [-26, -74],
+      [72, 9],
+      [33, -12],
+      [0, -54],
+      [42, -31],
+      [98, -31],
+      [22, -31],
+      [-60, -91],
+      [-2, -70],
+      [-44, -121],
+      [-42, -23],
+      [-69, -87],
+      [-155, -105],
+      [-69, -13],
+      [-76, -109],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [13, -66],
+      [-95, -140],
+      [-29, -19],
+      [-34, -61],
+      [-168, -134],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [-135, -103],
+      [6, -31],
+      [-126, -79],
+      [-143, -47],
+      [-185, -17],
+      [-89, 21],
+      [-18, 22],
+      [23, 49],
+      [-48, 101],
+      [23, 90],
+      [36, 23],
+      [46, 92],
+      [57, 36],
+      [30, 38],
+      [31, 115],
+      [-11, 124],
+      [-65, 89],
+      [47, 44],
+      [47, 80],
+      [14, 98],
+      [-121, -42],
+      [-35, -34],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [54, -107],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-29, -49],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [-1, -86],
+      [-73, -101],
+      [-32, -116],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [28, -117],
+      [-66, -46],
+      [-58, -12],
+      [-114, 39],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-11, 76],
+      [2, 109],
+      [18, 42],
+      [24, 128],
+      [-29, 85],
+      [17, 21],
+      [125, -22],
+      [27, 13],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-13, 81],
+      [41, 11],
+      [33, 44],
+      [-120, 20],
+      [-81, -4],
+      [27, 96],
+      [-41, 93],
+      [62, 39],
+      [-33, 66],
+      [22, 52],
+      [-74, 58],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-26, -12],
+      [-17, -64],
+      [-86, -48],
+      [8, -51],
+      [-147, 8],
+      [-61, -107],
+      [-57, -8],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [47, -76],
+      [-59, -52],
+      [-25, 11],
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+      [-23, 78],
+      [-23, 33],
+      [63, 143],
+      [174, 27],
+      [44, 26],
+      [84, 105],
+      [-152, -109],
+      [-79, -2],
+      [-101, -40],
+      [-79, -157],
+      [23, -51],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-84, -126],
+      [23, -34],
+      [-113, -99],
+      [-97, -138],
+      [-95, -23],
+      [-87, 41],
+      [-92, 101],
+      [32, 44],
+      [102, 36],
+      [101, 88],
+      [63, 65],
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+      [-97, -137],
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+      [-111, -34],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-60, 26],
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+      [45, 34],
+      [60, 75],
+      [55, 101],
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+      [20, 72],
+      [-42, 91],
+      [-12, 53],
+      [57, 80],
+      [14, 88],
+      [47, 53],
+      [-3, 123],
+      [-38, 103],
+      [77, 30],
+      [44, 101],
+      [1, 45],
+      [97, 13],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [7, 40],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-20, 33],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [37, -12],
+      [7, -24],
+      [-71, -12],
+      [-27, -60],
+      [4, -73],
+      [-64, -55],
+      [22, -136],
+      [17, -50],
+      [-8, -105],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-42, -14],
+      [-39, -78],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [12, -65],
+      [-98, -49],
+      [-77, 58],
+      [-58, 12],
+      [-55, -21],
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+      [-29, -22],
+      [39, -38],
+      [-35, -78],
+      [-128, -122],
+      [-50, -72],
+      [-50, -35],
+      [-119, -21],
+      [-67, -68],
+      [-141, -39],
+      [-6, -24],
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+      [-74, 107],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [-4, 189],
+      [5, 64],
+      [49, 58],
+      [-30, 54],
+      [25, 16],
+      [13, 79],
+      [33, 46],
+      [-31, 86],
+      [9, 50],
+      [32, 53],
+      [19, 95],
+      [30, 66],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [22, 52],
+      [-36, 75],
+      [68, 16],
+      [36, -38],
+      [76, 34],
+      [41, 59],
+      [-66, 66],
+      [76, 53],
+      [27, 72],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [11, 82],
+      [83, 80],
+      [25, 49],
+      [-36, 123],
+      [-30, 60],
+      [26, 60],
+      [46, -43],
+      [76, 59],
+      [-1, 62],
+      [36, 25],
+      [30, 80],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-7, 62],
+      [26, 49],
+      [38, 23],
+      [33, 53],
+      [-49, 59],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-14, 58],
+      [115, -4],
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+      [48, 33],
+      [-51, 50],
+      [-39, 10],
+      [11, 52],
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+      [39, 76],
+      [49, 24],
+      [92, 2],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [20, 73],
+      [-3, 58],
+      [-29, 22],
+      [7, 135]
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+      [8, 41],
+      [-5, 97],
+      [43, -12]
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+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[47, 48, -46, 49, -15, -20]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "ID": 9, "NAME": "Magway Region", "PCODE": "MMR009", "ISO": "MM-03" }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[50, 51, -48, -19]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "ID": 10, "NAME": "Mandalay Region", "PCODE": "MMR010", "ISO": "MM-04" }
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+          "arcs": [[[52]], [[-8, 53, -39, 54]], [[55, -40, -10]]],
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+            [[56]],
+            [[57]],
+            [[58]],
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+            [[65]],
+            [[66]],
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+            [[70]],
+            [[-16, -50, -45, 71, 72]]
+          ],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": { "ID": 12, "NAME": "Rakhine State", "PCODE": "MMR012", "ISO": "MM-16" }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[73, 74, 75, -42]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "ID": 13, "NAME": "Yangon Region", "PCODE": "MMR013", "ISO": "MM-06" }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[76, -6, -13, 77, -51, -18, -1]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "ID": 14, "NAME": "Shan State", "PCODE": "MMR014", "ISO": "MM-17" }
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+        {
+          "arcs": [[-78, -12, -47, -49, -52]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
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+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90ec02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/netherlands-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [4837, 5060],
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+      [-50, -17],
+      [-57, 31],
+      [-59, -7],
+      [-95, 8],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-30, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4347, 4549],
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+      [-49, -45],
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+      [-47, -23],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-57, 173],
+      [47, 30],
+      [58, 75],
+      [-107, 145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3575, 5096],
+      [115, 91],
+      [65, 88],
+      [60, -5],
+      [40, -46],
+      [79, 64],
+      [43, 95],
+      [-85, 150],
+      [6, 80],
+      [-81, 34],
+      [14, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3831, 5680],
+      [37, -18],
+      [48, 147],
+      [34, 74],
+      [53, 45],
+      [47, 19],
+      [59, -23],
+      [47, -90],
+      [46, -32],
+      [46, -75],
+      [76, 19],
+      [57, -6],
+      [261, -306],
+      [89, -168],
+      [33, -29],
+      [-27, -96],
+      [29, -2],
+      [43, -64],
+      [28, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3231, 4347],
+      [2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3233, 4343],
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+      [-80, -45],
+      [-64, -76],
+      [-61, 2],
+      [-34, -48],
+      [21, -37],
+      [-31, -140],
+      [-153, -52],
+      [-34, 26],
+      [-113, 118],
+      [-122, 56],
+      [-63, -15],
+      [-31, 21],
+      [-6, 109],
+      [42, 40],
+      [126, 87],
+      [230, 184],
+      [0, 43],
+      [29, 59],
+      [57, 7],
+      [73, 87],
+      [108, 39],
+      [21, -26],
+      [140, -42],
+      [62, -3],
+      [57, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3153, 4980],
+      [31, -53],
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+      [94, -79],
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+      [32, -49],
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+      [51, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3394, 4625],
+      [-21, -50],
+      [-172, -64],
+      [-219, 1],
+      [-61, 92],
+      [-31, 21],
+      [4, 258],
+      [83, 150],
+      [70, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3047, 5057],
+      [47, 4],
+      [59, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2205, 6197],
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+      [17, -19],
+      [-112, -103],
+      [-86, 14],
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+      [51, 52],
+      [97, 70],
+      [46, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3666, 6451],
+      [-29, -52],
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+      [-86, -169],
+      [21, -38],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-30, -76],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [39, -47],
+      [74, -3],
+      [69, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3575, 5096],
+      [-78, -67],
+      [-81, -23],
+      [-32, 61],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-62, -54],
+      [-52, 11],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-33, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3047, 5057],
+      [-73, 15],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-44, -2],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-85, 46],
+      [-84, -5],
+      [-71, 61],
+      [11, 57],
+      [49, 28],
+      [-8, 70],
+      [15, 59],
+      [-17, 68],
+      [-2, 78],
+      [-45, 124],
+      [-87, -20],
+      [-169, -164]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2334, 5446],
+      [-3, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2331, 5451],
+      [165, 164],
+      [61, 19],
+      [49, 41],
+      [40, 94],
+      [9, 92],
+      [40, 123],
+      [102, 89],
+      [69, 97],
+      [82, 57],
+      [100, 41],
+      [194, 111],
+      [18, 17],
+      [73, 0],
+      [98, 33],
+      [98, 14],
+      [69, -10],
+      [68, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2803, 6539],
+      [14, -41],
+      [-79, -32],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-94, -4],
+      [-53, -47],
+      [-157, -40],
+      [-45, -48],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [56, 86],
+      [158, 44],
+      [134, 42],
+      [109, 42],
+      [34, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2989, 6597],
+      [35, -22],
+      [62, -8],
+      [199, 20],
+      [-17, -42],
+      [-108, -31],
+      [-109, 11],
+      [-24, -32],
+      [-61, -10],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [45, 43],
+      [31, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3878, 6689],
+      [-101, -49],
+      [-28, -26],
+      [-127, -14],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [40, 39],
+      [252, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4409, 3313],
+      [-12, -79],
+      [-22, -29],
+      [-54, -3],
+      [-4, -82],
+      [80, -22],
+      [75, -78],
+      [24, -8],
+      [3, -73],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-4, -64],
+      [-82, -86],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-25, 35],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [-135, -61],
+      [-95, -68],
+      [-30, 35],
+      [-78, 6],
+      [17, -86],
+      [-53, 8],
+      [-22, 37],
+      [-55, -9],
+      [-28, 62],
+      [-91, -22],
+      [-64, 86],
+      [-65, -31],
+      [62, -76],
+      [3, -33],
+      [-77, 4],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [-9, -32],
+      [-78, -56],
+      [-38, 8],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [28, -35],
+      [9, -74],
+      [-46, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3365, 2396],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-30, 61],
+      [-36, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3246, 2438],
+      [-111, -15],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-68, 72],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-33, 61],
+      [-63, 24],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-72, 33],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [-48, 0],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-49, -81],
+      [-19, -83],
+      [-70, -43],
+      [-66, -9],
+      [-37, 24],
+      [-76, -3],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-6, 43],
+      [-49, 35],
+      [-30, -20],
+      [-99, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2121, 2590],
+      [32, -7],
+      [24, 99],
+      [60, 72],
+      [29, -2],
+      [47, 111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2313, 2863],
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+      [33, -31],
+      [62, -26],
+      [40, 33],
+      [46, 2],
+      [62, 35],
+      [74, -2],
+      [66, -35],
+      [31, -33],
+      [57, -28],
+      [28, 35],
+      [-17, 80],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [4, 56],
+      [-42, 35],
+      [6, 72],
+      [-9, 53],
+      [-42, -55],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [36, 32],
+      [18, 129],
+      [-35, 41],
+      [-44, 18],
+      [0, 81],
+      [-61, 39],
+      [14, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2644, 3623],
+      [89, 35],
+      [73, 6],
+      [42, 125],
+      [54, 56],
+      [23, 48],
+      [126, 71],
+      [96, 85],
+      [66, 106],
+      [33, 129]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3246, 4284],
+      [23, 0],
+      [55, -110],
+      [52, 6],
+      [46, 59],
+      [35, 21],
+      [38, -28],
+      [59, -77],
+      [0, -50],
+      [23, -31],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-12, -50],
+      [-53, -19],
+      [-13, -119],
+      [38, -53],
+      [62, -175],
+      [249, -3],
+      [16, 37],
+      [86, 0],
+      [17, -46],
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+      [99, -12],
+      [46, 12],
+      [35, -42],
+      [35, 23],
+      [36, -22],
+      [3, -59],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [70, -30],
+      [55, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3666, 6451],
+      [74, 9],
+      [75, -46],
+      [90, 56],
+      [243, 40],
+      [138, 58],
+      [89, 14],
+      [73, -27],
+      [19, 22],
+      [65, -31],
+      [27, -30],
+      [-15, -75],
+      [19, -29],
+      [14, -110],
+      [94, -77],
+      [70, -40],
+      [78, -11],
+      [-6, -82],
+      [41, -31],
+      [208, -54],
+      [17, -98],
+      [-57, -112],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [38, -46],
+      [-9, -78],
+      [7, -158],
+      [-55, -165],
+      [-99, -140],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [-5, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4027, 6798],
+      [39, -40],
+      [-44, -37],
+      [-20, 63],
+      [25, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2170, 5296],
+      [7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2177, 5303],
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+      [139, 135]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-3, -6],
+      [-58, -21],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-63, -24],
+      [-12, -78],
+      [30, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3233, 4343],
+      [13, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2644, 3623],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [-74, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2518, 3697],
+      [-19, 46],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-111, -13],
+      [-30, 46],
+      [-58, 34],
+      [-74, -13],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [84, 62],
+      [78, 111],
+      [-48, 11],
+      [17, 68],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [34, 44],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [-61, 178],
+      [0, 83],
+      [34, 28],
+      [47, 1],
+      [59, -55],
+      [43, 9],
+      [100, 84],
+      [13, 67],
+      [75, 48],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [-31, 28],
+      [-85, 4],
+      [-48, -33],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [13, 175],
+      [-96, 220]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3365, 2396],
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+      [88, -30],
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+      [-19, -43],
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+      [29, -69],
+      [53, -77],
+      [14, -79],
+      [-21, -163],
+      [22, -106],
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+      [-31, -11],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [-48, -70],
+      [-14, -40],
+      [-51, -61],
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+      [60, 0],
+      [35, -50],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-30, -22],
+      [-88, -111],
+      [-52, -34],
+      [-38, -115],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-71, -30],
+      [47, -103],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [66, 27],
+      [106, -30],
+      [-39, -52],
+      [17, -62],
+      [88, -27],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [16, -53],
+      [-32, -67],
+      [-56, -15],
+      [15, -58],
+      [-41, -45],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [38, -33],
+      [8, -61],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-71, -17],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-55, -3],
+      [-52, 60],
+      [-53, -54],
+      [-53, -3],
+      [18, 60],
+      [-6, 47],
+      [-52, 40],
+      [-14, 37],
+      [3, 86],
+      [46, 23],
+      [21, 59],
+      [26, 7],
+      [43, 107],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [48, 69],
+      [15, 80],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [24, 67],
+      [25, -3],
+      [30, 159],
+      [44, 40],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [-51, -7],
+      [0, 52],
+      [-43, 21],
+      [-52, -21],
+      [-70, 12],
+      [-5, 33],
+      [-105, 52]
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+      [73, 23],
+      [7, 107],
+      [62, 102],
+      [259, 90],
+      [79, 78],
+      [-78, 160],
+      [-26, 131],
+      [-18, 150],
+      [126, -31],
+      [90, 41],
+      [38, -35],
+      [8, 67],
+      [-26, 94],
+      [-71, 75],
+      [-12, 137],
+      [-91, 38],
+      [-28, 79]
+    ],
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+      [-12, 92],
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+      [-31, -22],
+      [-90, 8],
+      [-47, 15],
+      [23, 78],
+      [-47, 44],
+      [-95, -19],
+      [-19, 108],
+      [-60, 85],
+      [28, 81],
+      [-20, 93],
+      [-77, 22],
+      [-21, -89],
+      [-80, -90],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-67, -15],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [5, 41],
+      [63, -24],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [12, 98],
+      [-77, 58],
+      [-35, -15],
+      [-58, -101],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [0, -46],
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+      [-73, 19],
+      [-70, -19],
+      [-9, 53],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [-77, -9],
+      [-90, -54],
+      [-18, -25],
+      [-4, -76],
+      [42, -76],
+      [-3, -44],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-66, 2],
+      [-11, 49],
+      [-77, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1177, 1514],
+      [-18, 93],
+      [17, 22],
+      [-21, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1155, 1688],
+      [27, 42],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-35, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1111, 1868],
+      [12, 48],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-40, 55],
+      [-10, 50],
+      [31, 53],
+      [30, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1126, 2134],
+      [28, -2],
+      [75, 32],
+      [45, 5],
+      [34, 27],
+      [21, 53],
+      [41, 38],
+      [86, -32],
+      [37, 1],
+      [107, 32],
+      [25, 24],
+      [94, 30],
+      [56, 72],
+      [29, 77],
+      [32, 33],
+      [51, 11]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [58, 52],
+      [30, 9],
+      [97, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2518, 3697],
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+      [-36, -88],
+      [-28, -100],
+      [-30, -66],
+      [-90, 9],
+      [-101, -38],
+      [-16, 115],
+      [31, 55],
+      [-45, 85],
+      [25, 28],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [-19, -35],
+      [-90, -46],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-70, -57],
+      [-44, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1850, 3573],
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+      [-71, -3],
+      [-40, -31],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-60, 10],
+      [15, 120],
+      [26, 28],
+      [30, 81],
+      [-37, 13],
+      [-26, -22],
+      [-92, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1457, 3819],
+      [86, 252],
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+      [46, 397],
+      [9, 124],
+      [16, 76],
+      [30, 75],
+      [47, 225],
+      [3, 116],
+      [13, 51],
+      [68, 17],
+      [50, -136],
+      [80, -49],
+      [89, 49],
+      [18, 43],
+      [59, 23],
+      [50, 0]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [154, 148]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-34, -9],
+      [-37, -54],
+      [-44, -13],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-12, 73],
+      [15, 109],
+      [26, 66],
+      [114, 197],
+      [40, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4347, 4549],
+      [15, -46],
+      [-11, -46],
+      [33, -42],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-10, -59],
+      [5, -106],
+      [66, -47],
+      [116, -6],
+      [42, -32],
+      [58, -23],
+      [41, 13],
+      [48, 68],
+      [27, -99],
+      [29, -62],
+      [47, -59],
+      [2, -61],
+      [-66, -153],
+      [19, -90],
+      [26, -52],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-54, -4],
+      [-25, -84],
+      [-68, -31],
+      [-39, -51],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-38, -29],
+      [-109, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2313, 2863],
+      [-124, 52],
+      [0, 52],
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+      [-36, 17],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-36, 11],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-23, 74],
+      [-75, 112],
+      [34, 86],
+      [49, 31],
+      [-54, 30],
+      [-4, 82],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [26, 44],
+      [80, -4],
+      [22, 57],
+      [-117, 95],
+      [-10, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [187, 1584],
+      [36, -5],
+      [98, -63],
+      [87, -19],
+      [10, -24],
+      [79, -46],
+      [44, 19],
+      [71, -38],
+      [100, 65],
+      [51, 15],
+      [20, 93],
+      [55, -12],
+      [43, -86],
+      [92, -4],
+      [72, 8],
+      [38, 19],
+      [41, -58],
+      [-70, -111],
+      [-164, -140],
+      [-75, -16],
+      [-48, -62],
+      [-50, -13],
+      [-28, -28],
+      [-34, 35],
+      [-88, -21],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [13, 103],
+      [-57, 40],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [-61, 45],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-85, -7],
+      [14, -97],
+      [-89, -10],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-62, 66],
+      [-13, 94],
+      [19, 35],
+      [-19, 45],
+      [-1, 57],
+      [67, 42],
+      [77, 16],
+      [43, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [640, 1916],
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+      [-43, -21],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-63, -52],
+      [-29, 54],
+      [-48, 36],
+      [65, -143],
+      [66, 87],
+      [45, -16],
+      [41, 21],
+      [58, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [640, 1916],
+      [81, 0],
+      [40, -32],
+      [78, -31],
+      [34, -38],
+      [16, -48],
+      [50, -88],
+      [51, -36],
+      [62, 30],
+      [52, -17],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [53, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1177, 1514],
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+      [18, 38],
+      [-46, 36],
+      [-57, -29],
+      [-102, 33],
+      [-134, 130],
+      [-67, -42],
+      [-30, -121],
+      [-113, -20],
+      [-72, 70],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-21, 46],
+      [-68, 55],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [-62, -2],
+      [-68, 46],
+      [-45, 85],
+      [-81, 76],
+      [6, 39],
+      [155, 115],
+      [61, 9],
+      [27, -17],
+      [74, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [404, 2049],
+      [50, -18],
+      [77, 26],
+      [71, 8],
+      [34, -12],
+      [49, -90],
+      [-45, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1111, 1868],
+      [-24, -42],
+      [-57, 40],
+      [-113, 6],
+      [-69, 101],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [5, 44],
+      [38, 7],
+      [67, 39],
+      [68, -1],
+      [-35, 73],
+      [48, 23],
+      [72, -42],
+      [59, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1018, 2254],
+      [2, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1020, 2252],
+      [-52, -19],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-80, -37],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-52, 36],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-16, 85],
+      [-69, 40],
+      [-12, 34],
+      [-115, -70],
+      [-6, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [454, 2204],
+      [-44, 42],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [15, 39],
+      [85, 48],
+      [82, -2],
+      [27, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [608, 2435],
+      [4, -3]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [83, 2],
+      [48, -75],
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+      [39, -6],
+      [63, -40],
+      [19, 23],
+      [61, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1020, 2252],
+      [44, 1],
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+      [10, 50],
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+      [-34, 13],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [-67, 73],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-132, 83],
+      [-25, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [873, 2608],
+      [15, 23]
+    ],
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+      [35, -43],
+      [63, -40],
+      [23, -54],
+      [131, -55],
+      [84, -55],
+      [98, -22],
+      [53, -26],
+      [190, 73],
+      [47, 31],
+      [35, 44],
+      [15, 48],
+      [41, 35],
+      [53, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [404, 2049],
+      [2, 41],
+      [39, 63],
+      [9, 20],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-1, 5]
+    ],
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+      [46, -8],
+      [22, 26],
+      [-97, 38]
+    ],
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+      [52, -1],
+      [40, -53],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [42, -99],
+      [79, -9],
+      [53, -23],
+      [4, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [608, 2435],
+      [33, 72],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [16, 36],
+      [161, 67],
+      [68, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [888, 2631],
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+      [27, 49],
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+      [-55, -18],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [32, 55],
+      [9, 85],
+      [82, -32],
+      [59, 71],
+      [186, 266],
+      [41, 45],
+      [72, 111],
+      [60, 110],
+      [109, 258]
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[[4, 5]], [[6, 7, 8]]],
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+            "ID_0": 158,
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+            "ID_1": 2,
+            "NAME_1": "Flevoland",
+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "NL-FR",
+            "NAME_0": "Netherlands",
+            "ID_1": 3,
+            "NAME_1": "Friesland",
+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Frise|Frisia|Frísia"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]],
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+          "properties": {
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+            "NAME_1": "Gelderland",
+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Geldern|Gheldria|Guelders|Gueldre"
+          }
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+          "arcs": [[[-4, -11, 25]], [[26]]],
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Groninga|Groningue"
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "NL-YS",
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+            "NAME_1": "IJsselmeer",
+            "TYPE_1": "Water body",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Water body",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[33, 34, -20]],
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+          "properties": {
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+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Limbourg|Limburgo"
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+          "arcs": [[-35, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, -21]],
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+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Brabante del Norte|Brabante do Norte|Brabante settentrionale|Brabant-septentrional|Nord-Brabant|Nort"
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[[41, 42, 43, -33]], [[44, -14, -29]], [[45]]],
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+            "ID_0": 158,
+            "ISO": "NL-NH",
+            "NAME_0": "Netherlands",
+            "ID_1": 9,
+            "NAME_1": "Noord-Holland",
+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Holanda do Norte|Hollande-septentrionale|North Holland"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[46, -25, -31, -5, -30, -7, -12, -2]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 158,
+            "ISO": "NL-OV",
+            "NAME_0": "Netherlands",
+            "ID_1": 10,
+            "NAME_1": "Overijssel",
+            "TYPE_1": "Provincie",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
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+          "arcs": [[[48]], [[49, 50, -37, 51, 52]], [[-39, 53]], [[54, 55, 56, 57, 58]]],
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Water body",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Province",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Hollande-méridionale|South Holland"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0247e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/portugal-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1911 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [41133, 13807],
+      [-96, -63],
+      [-12, -51],
+      [-9, -135],
+      [20, -66],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [-67, -98],
+      [-30, -127],
+      [32, -45],
+      [-27, -55],
+      [58, -37],
+      [16, -51],
+      [45, -67],
+      [79, -90],
+      [46, -89],
+      [55, -59],
+      [0, -46],
+      [60, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41297, 12566],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [-80, 111],
+      [16, 50],
+      [-76, 23],
+      [-45, 57],
+      [-34, 104],
+      [-93, -20],
+      [-34, -46],
+      [-74, -17],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [-82, -97],
+      [-62, -34],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-141, 12],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-80, 14],
+      [-59, -20],
+      [-71, 30],
+      [-82, 72],
+      [-54, 18],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [-72, 25],
+      [-168, 105],
+      [-63, 26],
+      [-26, -32],
+      [-41, -4],
+      [-41, 56],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-68, 3],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-57, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39491, 12856],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [-122, 24],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [67, 88],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [26, 33],
+      [-43, 107],
+      [-38, 39],
+      [-19, 47],
+      [-52, -19],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-37, 70],
+      [-59, -45],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-74, 48],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-30, 128],
+      [76, 82],
+      [37, 20],
+      [37, 51],
+      [65, 32],
+      [69, 153],
+      [-96, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38837, 13833],
+      [79, 97],
+      [51, -30],
+      [88, 96],
+      [18, -32],
+      [49, 67],
+      [72, -29],
+      [29, 42],
+      [34, 2],
+      [54, -40],
+      [34, -53],
+      [48, 23],
+      [42, -45],
+      [40, -15],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [57, -22],
+      [30, 71],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-52, 88],
+      [43, 35],
+      [-189, 92],
+      [47, 69],
+      [25, 108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39382, 14326],
+      [31, -6],
+      [31, 51],
+      [68, 42],
+      [82, -9],
+      [-28, -41],
+      [30, -77],
+      [42, 98],
+      [53, -12],
+      [57, -59],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [19, -42],
+      [71, 14],
+      [17, 30],
+      [55, 18],
+      [85, -143],
+      [89, -20],
+      [88, 4],
+      [35, 16],
+      [33, 68],
+      [59, -59],
+      [25, 37],
+      [50, -28],
+      [49, 24],
+      [36, 58],
+      [68, -3],
+      [38, 34],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [34, 35],
+      [35, -49],
+      [36, 7],
+      [66, -55],
+      [-22, -84],
+      [74, -50],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [15, -87],
+      [40, -80],
+      [84, -31],
+      [47, 25],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [53, 34],
+      [27, -28],
+      [57, 44],
+      [59, -88],
+      [-37, -50],
+      [9, -41],
+      [40, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39321, 18903],
+      [46, -18],
+      [-1, -88],
+      [50, -10],
+      [52, -55],
+      [60, -22],
+      [88, 67],
+      [4, -47],
+      [-74, -100],
+      [20, -53],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [43, -68],
+      [-38, -39],
+      [-70, 36],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [-70, 41],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [31, -62],
+      [-64, -144],
+      [-101, -55],
+      [12, -57],
+      [49, -37],
+      [15, -56],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [84, -65],
+      [-107, -44],
+      [33, -61],
+      [6, -64],
+      [60, -63],
+      [-56, -4],
+      [-72, -38],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [27, -41],
+      [-62, -105],
+      [-2, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39163, 17364],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-74, -12],
+      [-14, -40],
+      [-67, -14],
+      [-10, -85],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [-64, 4],
+      [17, 41],
+      [53, 6],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [15, 95],
+      [-59, 70],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-65, 13],
+      [15, 84],
+      [-25, 64],
+      [-60, 5],
+      [-19, -36],
+      [1, -69],
+      [-29, -22],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-41, 54],
+      [-140, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38432, 17702],
+      [63, 272],
+      [37, 3],
+      [9, 29],
+      [51, 14],
+      [41, 60],
+      [-28, 192],
+      [-32, -49],
+      [3, -85],
+      [-34, -45],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-39, -71],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [96, 347],
+      [63, 276],
+      [27, 191]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38669, 18793],
+      [67, 21],
+      [20, -25],
+      [63, 3],
+      [27, 48],
+      [45, -48],
+      [45, -6],
+      [23, 47],
+      [46, 42],
+      [38, -72],
+      [51, -18],
+      [4, 84],
+      [72, -23],
+      [111, 86],
+      [40, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10555, 9984],
+      [52, -4],
+      [5, -57],
+      [60, -51],
+      [4, -74],
+      [-84, -7],
+      [-43, 46],
+      [-112, -21],
+      [-24, 25],
+      [-24, 75],
+      [38, 46],
+      [128, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9957, 11767],
+      [60, 3],
+      [102, 43],
+      [33, 34],
+      [60, -15],
+      [79, -4],
+      [118, 10],
+      [42, -18],
+      [26, -94],
+      [-27, -108],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-73, -12],
+      [-63, 23],
+      [-72, -28],
+      [-98, -22],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [-94, 5],
+      [-73, -7],
+      [-91, 11],
+      [-76, 47],
+      [-117, 20],
+      [-95, -33],
+      [-151, 110],
+      [-40, 42],
+      [-71, 57],
+      [-24, 72],
+      [52, 55],
+      [73, 55],
+      [104, -51],
+      [72, -111],
+      [90, -12],
+      [72, -39],
+      [99, 21],
+      [46, 39],
+      [72, -40],
+      [32, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4867, 13388],
+      [45, -8],
+      [131, -72],
+      [30, -42],
+      [87, -14],
+      [123, -95],
+      [197, -31],
+      [46, -68],
+      [-89, -26],
+      [-165, 22],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-76, -32],
+      [-59, 67],
+      [-153, -1],
+      [-66, 30],
+      [-72, -13],
+      [-121, 68],
+      [-42, 76],
+      [5, 98],
+      [40, 43],
+      [62, 24],
+      [42, -10],
+      [65, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4355, 13570],
+      [89, -31],
+      [24, -28],
+      [75, -39],
+      [-13, -84],
+      [-30, -81],
+      [-155, -16],
+      [-49, 17],
+      [-16, 76],
+      [-102, 52],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [74, 21],
+      [59, -3],
+      [73, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5034, 13817],
+      [93, -25],
+      [51, -31],
+      [152, -54],
+      [50, -31],
+      [132, -47],
+      [23, 3],
+      [81, -62],
+      [342, -175],
+      [39, -38],
+      [-34, -24],
+      [-91, -6],
+      [-128, 70],
+      [-69, 52],
+      [-140, 28],
+      [-52, 44],
+      [-111, 36],
+      [-173, 103],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [-65, 31],
+      [-83, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6845, 13920],
+      [48, -25],
+      [47, 9],
+      [124, -32],
+      [47, 9],
+      [70, -56],
+      [0, -100],
+      [32, -24],
+      [-52, -70],
+      [-11, -58],
+      [-91, -2],
+      [-55, 20],
+      [-175, 8],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-128, 78],
+      [-29, 43],
+      [-18, 87],
+      [30, 77],
+      [51, 27],
+      [127, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5526, 14566],
+      [60, -22],
+      [78, -151],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-130, 55],
+      [-40, 78],
+      [44, 58],
+      [26, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [178, 15460],
+      [19, -64],
+      [39, -45],
+      [-60, -150],
+      [-55, -28],
+      [-96, 6],
+      [-25, 96],
+      [9, 154],
+      [43, 56],
+      [33, 13],
+      [33, -36],
+      [60, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [287, 15852],
+      [-29, -26],
+      [-28, 73],
+      [44, 50],
+      [35, -40],
+      [-22, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41297, 12566],
+      [41, -41],
+      [45, 38],
+      [50, -9],
+      [28, 46],
+      [119, 32],
+      [15, -36],
+      [-61, -91],
+      [17, -59],
+      [-52, -96],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [-29, -74],
+      [-64, -15],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-79, 31],
+      [-32, -23],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-51, -38],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [-102, -22],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [23, -51],
+      [-11, -67],
+      [-47, -57],
+      [5, -46],
+      [-77, -135],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-82, -87],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [-16, -77],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [5, -75],
+      [-71, -114],
+      [-36, -100],
+      [-26, -30],
+      [17, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40605, 11109],
+      [-86, -10],
+      [-57, -20],
+      [-41, -50],
+      [-72, 35],
+      [-119, -20],
+      [-37, -37],
+      [-174, -93],
+      [-64, -9],
+      [-17, -36],
+      [-60, -29],
+      [-68, 4],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-9, -86],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-60, -74],
+      [-158, 33],
+      [-74, 39],
+      [-76, 57],
+      [-50, 25],
+      [-19, 94],
+      [-97, -13],
+      [-37, 10],
+      [-91, -23],
+      [-7, -54],
+      [-59, -45],
+      [-66, 25],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-90, 67],
+      [-86, -28],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-40, 45],
+      [-81, 5],
+      [-45, -12],
+      [-34, 77],
+      [-74, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38410, 10925],
+      [4, 147],
+      [15, 51],
+      [-11, 56],
+      [-47, 89],
+      [41, 170],
+      [5, 98],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [5, 73],
+      [24, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38416, 11755],
+      [18, -28],
+      [96, 3],
+      [73, -121],
+      [40, 33],
+      [47, -34],
+      [77, 9],
+      [7, 93],
+      [55, 106],
+      [33, 17],
+      [91, 0],
+      [29, 23],
+      [64, 3],
+      [97, -13],
+      [54, 8],
+      [63, 76],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [23, 87],
+      [1, 93],
+      [-33, 51],
+      [-66, 24],
+      [-93, 86],
+      [37, 110],
+      [31, -30],
+      [53, 88],
+      [78, -8],
+      [12, 105],
+      [76, -16],
+      [17, 39],
+      [46, 8],
+      [64, 37],
+      [61, 14],
+      [0, 93],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [-36, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39816, 19584],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [-79, -61],
+      [-51, 54],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-57, 30],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-34, 79],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [-64, 0],
+      [-88, -99],
+      [-7, -42],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-42, 50],
+      [-113, -8],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-23, 29],
+      [-79, -16],
+      [-62, -56],
+      [-111, 6],
+      [-35, 84],
+      [52, 24],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-77, 16],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-44, 29],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-78, 59],
+      [-49, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38447, 19795],
+      [-23, 68],
+      [5, 73],
+      [-34, 111],
+      [-8, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38387, 20106],
+      [91, 5],
+      [56, 42],
+      [103, 19],
+      [35, 27],
+      [67, -45],
+      [46, 19],
+      [21, -38],
+      [41, 13],
+      [-11, 70],
+      [44, 36],
+      [14, 92],
+      [48, 13],
+      [122, 70],
+      [183, 5],
+      [27, 46],
+      [35, -24],
+      [67, 36],
+      [60, 54],
+      [54, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39490, 20559],
+      [58, -20],
+      [63, -2],
+      [73, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39684, 20562],
+      [-17, -123],
+      [-26, -30],
+      [-30, -94],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [121, 1],
+      [87, -11],
+      [26, -22],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [4, -110],
+      [51, 2],
+      [149, -35],
+      [38, 29],
+      [47, 2],
+      [33, -64],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-49, -99],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-60, -26],
+      [-6, -104],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [-13, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41599, 18822],
+      [-135, 25],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-42, 43],
+      [-85, 49],
+      [0, 57],
+      [22, 57],
+      [-59, 5],
+      [14, 37],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-23, -63],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-101, 41],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [-37, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40961, 19065],
+      [-88, 17],
+      [-56, 100],
+      [-74, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40743, 19222],
+      [29, 81],
+      [43, -11],
+      [-2, 95],
+      [74, 145],
+      [-32, 100],
+      [2, 95],
+      [62, 43],
+      [37, 3],
+      [17, 84],
+      [23, 36],
+      [94, 16],
+      [-50, 89],
+      [0, 60],
+      [26, 114],
+      [50, 86],
+      [9, 67],
+      [56, 56],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-39, 30],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [14, 154]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41139, 20694],
+      [46, 87],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [-4, 80],
+      [77, 47],
+      [92, -38],
+      [18, -47],
+      [121, -3],
+      [40, 50],
+      [43, -10],
+      [23, -53],
+      [101, -10],
+      [109, 13],
+      [20, 52],
+      [-3, 50],
+      [73, -18],
+      [31, -89],
+      [87, -23],
+      [172, 33],
+      [41, 27],
+      [50, -66],
+      [-43, -104],
+      [91, -18],
+      [-45, -202],
+      [-35, -70],
+      [28, -146],
+      [61, -53],
+      [41, -8],
+      [53, 19],
+      [9, 32],
+      [167, -10],
+      [90, -32],
+      [81, -63],
+      [32, -58],
+      [47, -17],
+      [33, -54],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [-43, -83],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [-61, -81],
+      [18, -32],
+      [-54, -41],
+      [19, -58],
+      [-63, -26],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [18, -61],
+      [-61, -18],
+      [-38, -94],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [-191, -137],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [-70, -4],
+      [-74, -87],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-67, -69],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [23, -68],
+      [-94, -149],
+      [-102, -21],
+      [-79, 25],
+      [-28, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41565, 17123],
+      [-105, -71],
+      [-14, -65],
+      [10, -133],
+      [27, -36],
+      [100, -16],
+      [56, -101],
+      [46, -53],
+      [9, -109],
+      [-19, -29],
+      [2, -86],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [13, -49],
+      [-8, -68],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-88, -63],
+      [17, -83],
+      [-29, -67],
+      [11, -29],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [-67, -24],
+      [-125, 7],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-171, 30],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-81, -45],
+      [-75, 22],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-91, 35],
+      [-136, 11],
+      [-13, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40556, 15815],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [-49, -47],
+      [-70, -27],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [-71, -49],
+      [-11, -70],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [-51, -44],
+      [-43, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40071, 15537],
+      [22, 67],
+      [-40, 59],
+      [-23, 64],
+      [-111, 97],
+      [-61, 26],
+      [-14, 126],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-23, 33],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [7, -39],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [2, -56],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [40, -92],
+      [-138, -12],
+      [-32, 28],
+      [-112, 28],
+      [-26, 32],
+      [7, 81],
+      [-12, 92],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-54, 13],
+      [-36, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39285, 16106],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [39, 36],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [106, 16],
+      [20, 32],
+      [87, 45],
+      [52, 108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39569, 16411],
+      [54, 41],
+      [98, 27],
+      [64, 47],
+      [50, -1],
+      [18, 36],
+      [55, -9],
+      [24, 23],
+      [-16, 53],
+      [103, 58],
+      [79, -15],
+      [5, 58],
+      [51, -22],
+      [74, 77],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-99, 78],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [40, 58],
+      [3, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40144, 17062],
+      [83, 15],
+      [41, 53],
+      [83, 23],
+      [73, 63],
+      [10, 49],
+      [129, -9],
+      [34, 59],
+      [2, 48],
+      [50, 62],
+      [43, 16],
+      [95, -46],
+      [43, 3],
+      [92, 62],
+      [59, 12],
+      [38, -18],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [6, -51],
+      [-61, -102],
+      [-17, -48],
+      [78, -33],
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+      [51, 52],
+      [63, -40],
+      [56, 34],
+      [8, 57],
+      [49, 26],
+      [34, -93],
+      [86, -1],
+      [32, 26],
+      [107, -71]
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+      [43, 43],
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+      [61, 11],
+      [50, 30],
+      [35, 41],
+      [40, 12],
+      [79, 97],
+      [64, 49],
+      [31, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40065, 17654],
+      [2, -37],
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+      [31, -24],
+      [51, 4],
+      [0, -96],
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+      [-62, -16],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [61, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39569, 16411],
+      [15, 82],
+      [-80, 123],
+      [22, 100],
+      [-60, 37],
+      [-53, -83],
+      [-40, 33],
+      [-73, -47],
+      [-37, -80],
+      [44, -74],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-57, 20],
+      [-69, -86],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [16, 55],
+      [-20, 110],
+      [-40, 56],
+      [-111, -89],
+      [-55, -5],
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+      [-1, 138],
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+      [52, 133],
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+      [102, 409]
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+      [44, -16],
+      [41, -48],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-84, 78],
+      [55, 4]
+    ],
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+      [11, -5],
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+      [52, 35],
+      [19, 5]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [32, -7],
+      [65, -161],
+      [-10, -94],
+      [37, -36],
+      [-8, -96],
+      [6, -88],
+      [33, -72],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [20, -16],
+      [24, -149],
+      [-91, 12],
+      [-91, -24],
+      [-151, -70],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [-294, -205],
+      [-21, 15],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-20, -2],
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+      [-104, 43],
+      [-122, 5],
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+      [-73, 2],
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+      [-59, -43],
+      [-59, -6],
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+      [45, 109],
+      [-25, 74],
+      [5, 44],
+      [84, 145],
+      [27, 97],
+      [18, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40782, 18586],
+      [52, -46],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-64, 3],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [36, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41599, 18822],
+      [0, -27],
+      [96, -124],
+      [26, -22],
+      [38, -133],
+      [48, -16],
+      [11, -81],
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+      [20, -135],
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+      [-7, -70],
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+      [-75, 8]
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+      [-52, 47],
+      [-7, 28],
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+      [-23, 39],
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+      [59, 101],
+      [5, 44],
+      [51, 51],
+      [76, -8],
+      [60, -82],
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+      [26, 24],
+      [59, 121],
+      [43, 17],
+      [4, 56],
+      [65, 47],
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+      [34, 136],
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+      [-8, 75],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-58, -17],
+      [-66, -77],
+      [-80, -28],
+      [-56, 24],
+      [-77, -49],
+      [13, -80],
+      [-11, -47],
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+      [-18, -91],
+      [-89, -53],
+      [26, -57],
+      [1, -68],
+      [26, -38],
+      [-74, -90],
+      [-54, 18],
+      [25, -109],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-81, 14],
+      [-75, -23],
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+      [-39, -18],
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+      [-23, -71],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-51, -85],
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+      [-13, -46]
+    ],
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+      [44, -10],
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+    ],
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+      [-27, -94],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-49, -35],
+      [-36, -85],
+      [-9, -119],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [-67, -54],
+      [-120, -29],
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+      [-49, -25],
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+      [49, 151],
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+      [15, 54],
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+      [6, 89],
+      [-8, 58]
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+      [6, -22],
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+      [-75, -14],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-45, -12],
+      [-44, -18],
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+      [-52, 3],
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+      [-29, -2],
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+      [-2, 4],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-33, 58],
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+      [54, -4]
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+      [7, -20],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-3, -32],
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+      [-88, -80],
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+      [26, 36],
+      [4, 6],
+      [3, 18],
+      [11, 33],
+      [81, 52],
+      [34, -20]
+    ],
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+      [-23, 55],
+      [15, 70],
+      [24, 16],
+      [45, 108],
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+      [91, -76],
+      [30, 2],
+      [24, 50]
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+      [55, -28],
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+      [53, -41],
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+      [0, -61],
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+      [-28, -55],
+      [11, -100],
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+      [11, -44],
+      [-44, -119],
+      [3, -33]
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+      [-13, 71],
+      [-40, 85],
+      [19, 127]
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+      [-68, -14],
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+      [2, 192],
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+      [114, 0],
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+      [-12, -54],
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+      [-58, 0],
+      [-54, -45],
+      [-34, 7],
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+      [55, 14],
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+      [-20, -61],
+      [-40, -35],
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "District",
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+          }
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+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Autonomous region",
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
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+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 182,
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+          }
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+          "properties": {
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Villa Real"
+          }
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "District",
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Vizeu"
+          }
+        }
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+    }
+  }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1d910
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/russia-topo.json
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+      [-19, -68],
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+      [-12, -101],
+      [12, -62],
+      [-24, -80],
+      [-21, -2],
+      [-54, 55],
+      [-43, -1],
+      [-16, 22],
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+      [46, -11],
+      [17, 65],
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+      [-30, -15],
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+      [38, -29],
+      [51, 15],
+      [69, 56]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-67, -54],
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+      [-46, 4],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-32, 17],
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+      [13, -62],
+      [-87, -132],
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+      [-40, 1],
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+      [-6, -56],
+      [-44, -86],
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+      [-24, -40],
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+      [-148, 82],
+      [-7, -109],
+      [29, -44],
+      [-39, -56],
+      [-63, 5],
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+      [-34, -37],
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+      [-33, -26],
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+      [-19, -30],
+      [92, -77],
+      [15, -44],
+      [8, -105],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [-22, -31],
+      [20, -49],
+      [0, -72],
+      [-23, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58688, 3297],
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+      [-24, -26],
+      [-26, -83],
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+    ],
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+      [-42, 8],
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+      [-15, 75],
+      [14, 44],
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+      [-4, 54],
+      [15, 49],
+      [-37, 54],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-68, 168],
+      [15, 80],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [7, 71],
+      [-93, 190],
+      [-51, 90],
+      [-73, 46],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [-87, 47],
+      [-24, 49],
+      [-25, -9],
+      [-51, 59],
+      [-61, 27],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-80, -44],
+      [-74, -5],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-53, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56928, 5005],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [-2, 109],
+      [-28, 63],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [20, 63],
+      [-14, 72],
+      [80, 32],
+      [-41, 89],
+      [0, 50],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [52, 78],
+      [-8, 77],
+      [14, 74],
+      [-30, 82],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-25, -51],
+      [-34, 10],
+      [-19, 97],
+      [-4, 97],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [-57, -3],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [-2, 100],
+      [23, 27],
+      [52, 10],
+      [-33, 87],
+      [-64, 15],
+      [-32, 45],
+      [9, 38],
+      [-37, 36],
+      [29, 49]
+    ],
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+      [41, -45],
+      [31, 11],
+      [54, -27],
+      [3, -43],
+      [74, -11],
+      [27, 28],
+      [52, -21],
+      [35, 37],
+      [48, -1],
+      [17, -42],
+      [34, 10],
+      [16, 37],
+      [75, -16],
+      [30, 6],
+      [104, -75],
+      [36, -2],
+      [30, 32],
+      [-20, 41],
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+      [63, 11],
+      [71, -25],
+      [135, 26],
+      [49, -29]
+    ],
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+      [49, 18],
+      [137, -98],
+      [125, 10],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [81, 79],
+      [155, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43147, 10203],
+      [13, -34],
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+      [61, -18],
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+      [-132, 35],
+      [-30, -55],
+      [-92, 9],
+      [-18, -54],
+      [-73, -2],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [-55, 12],
+      [-3, 42],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [-237, -13],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [-81, 14],
+      [-96, -40],
+      [28, -60],
+      [50, -37],
+      [102, -25],
+      [112, -96],
+      [6, -58],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [31, -70],
+      [99, -70],
+      [-52, -69],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [32, -93],
+      [-6, -129],
+      [34, 1],
+      [5, -53],
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+      [162, -27],
+      [-54, -256],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [-36, -190],
+      [88, -26],
+      [-50, -177],
+      [-91, -12],
+      [-73, -65],
+      [-9, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43034, 8051],
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+      [-2, 44],
+      [-75, 32],
+      [-69, -6],
+      [-21, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42797, 8053],
+      [-49, 2],
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+      [-58, -4],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [13, 54],
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+      [-15, -120],
+      [-184, 19],
+      [-15, 37],
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+      [-76, -88],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-25, -37],
+      [-55, 60],
+      [-60, -47],
+      [-107, 65],
+      [-43, -1],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-58, 41],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-44, 35],
+      [-48, -26],
+      [-63, -10],
+      [-92, 23],
+      [-100, 96],
+      [10, 47],
+      [-82, 140],
+      [4, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41047, 8335],
+      [2, 58],
+      [29, 132],
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+      [-42, 16],
+      [25, 65],
+      [-2, 70],
+      [-40, 40],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-84, 51],
+      [-58, 83],
+      [-5, 46],
+      [26, 46],
+      [-39, 82],
+      [-54, 73],
+      [83, -4],
+      [48, 66],
+      [-11, 68]
+    ],
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+      [10, 50],
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+      [-128, 14],
+      [-68, 116],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-16, 64],
+      [66, 33],
+      [34, 88],
+      [125, -52],
+      [35, -54],
+      [71, -56],
+      [125, -12],
+      [76, -38],
+      [52, -44],
+      [49, 29],
+      [70, -27],
+      [49, 32],
+      [-27, 158],
+      [-47, 39],
+      [-62, 95],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [30, 69],
+      [105, 65],
+      [66, 86],
+      [108, 28],
+      [73, 65],
+      [74, 112],
+      [37, 7],
+      [100, -49],
+      [80, 9],
+      [63, -49],
+      [68, -81],
+      [47, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43862, 12370],
+      [82, -60],
+      [-6, -78],
+      [-58, 2],
+      [-42, 69],
+      [-64, 38],
+      [88, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44281, 13199],
+      [92, -45],
+      [56, 3],
+      [73, -33],
+      [49, -4],
+      [33, -49],
+      [-83, -65],
+      [23, -42],
+      [-62, -66],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-45, -142],
+      [28, -57],
+      [-36, -68],
+      [65, -183],
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+      [155, -135],
+      [98, -45],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-57, -16],
+      [-132, -7],
+      [-58, 43],
+      [-75, -17],
+      [-43, 39],
+      [-59, -61],
+      [-85, 60],
+      [-135, 17],
+      [-62, 33],
+      [22, 48],
+      [-43, 44],
+      [57, 39],
+      [-58, 26],
+      [-46, 93],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-71, 70],
+      [-76, -42],
+      [-98, 37],
+      [-31, 93],
+      [22, 120],
+      [46, 26],
+      [118, -18],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [57, 49],
+      [14, 118],
+      [-69, 61],
+      [36, 49],
+      [96, 16],
+      [14, 101],
+      [47, 40],
+      [81, 23],
+      [84, -4],
+      [118, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46698, 14666],
+      [138, -30],
+      [94, -58],
+      [-24, -106],
+      [-137, -112],
+      [-195, -73],
+      [-153, -30],
+      [-323, -109],
+      [-445, -125],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-45, -61],
+      [-172, -64],
+      [-46, -117],
+      [-61, -49],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-60, -56],
+      [-75, 25],
+      [-24, -71],
+      [-82, 17],
+      [7, -111],
+      [-152, -133],
+      [3, -55],
+      [-58, -72],
+      [-87, -26],
+      [23, -34],
+      [-105, -88],
+      [-109, 11],
+      [-59, 30],
+      [-74, -3],
+      [-84, 46],
+      [-133, -20],
+      [34, 74],
+      [-64, 14],
+      [-73, 48],
+      [168, 122],
+      [104, 58],
+      [43, 101],
+      [147, 15],
+      [-104, 69],
+      [153, 30],
+      [7, 87],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [-97, 46],
+      [202, 41],
+      [-14, 49],
+      [46, 20],
+      [132, -14],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [90, 64],
+      [128, 31],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [102, 39],
+      [78, -2],
+      [122, 43],
+      [141, 16],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [29, 44],
+      [118, 15],
+      [62, -19],
+      [196, -19],
+      [174, 52],
+      [31, -22],
+      [141, 75],
+      [72, -5],
+      [141, 118],
+      [127, 34],
+      [69, 50],
+      [133, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45137, 15931],
+      [75, -25],
+      [-99, -48],
+      [-93, 42],
+      [117, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43539, 15935],
+      [66, -76],
+      [-176, 7],
+      [110, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43365, 15986],
+      [56, -21],
+      [-89, -50],
+      [-71, 44],
+      [104, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44664, 16038],
+      [12, -112],
+      [-174, -4],
+      [-35, 99],
+      [197, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43920, 16053],
+      [168, -65],
+      [-169, -31],
+      [-144, 28],
+      [125, 32],
+      [20, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44848, 16090],
+      [170, -19],
+      [-36, -52],
+      [-151, -85],
+      [-101, 26],
+      [-18, 97],
+      [136, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44567, 16203],
+      [52, -57],
+      [-183, 3],
+      [32, 49],
+      [99, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42874, 16244],
+      [-7, -52],
+      [-101, -74],
+      [-148, -12],
+      [-182, 20],
+      [194, 41],
+      [244, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45572, 16250],
+      [77, -49],
+      [-42, -66],
+      [-90, -20],
+      [-72, -68],
+      [-142, 35],
+      [-111, -23],
+      [-75, 28],
+      [18, 94],
+      [102, 54],
+      [96, -18],
+      [239, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43515, 16283],
+      [23, -36],
+      [149, -60],
+      [-142, -62],
+      [-222, -32],
+      [-26, -48],
+      [-103, 2],
+      [-29, -87],
+      [-193, -18],
+      [52, 120],
+      [249, 96],
+      [-94, 60],
+      [131, 49],
+      [205, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44518, 16342],
+      [248, -26],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-199, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44235, 16347],
+      [140, -38],
+      [135, 1],
+      [143, -69],
+      [155, -30],
+      [-125, -39],
+      [-61, 45],
+      [-346, 66],
+      [-41, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45499, 16356],
+      [24, -46],
+      [-137, -48],
+      [-155, 30],
+      [268, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46091, 16391],
+      [160, -24],
+      [11, -84],
+      [-172, -92],
+      [-268, -31],
+      [-115, 62],
+      [100, 67],
+      [160, 34],
+      [-10, 33],
+      [134, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44600, 16467],
+      [218, -44],
+      [-192, -40],
+      [-92, 29],
+      [66, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44780, 16533],
+      [149, -36],
+      [-97, -38],
+      [-163, 61],
+      [111, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45039, 16655],
+      [24, -51],
+      [-199, -8],
+      [34, 49],
+      [141, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42895, 1734],
+      [-41, 72],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-42, 25],
+      [49, 191],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [-56, 43],
+      [35, 51],
+      [37, 3],
+      [13, 70],
+      [25, 10],
+      [14, 46],
+      [-27, 56],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [-53, 130],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [-59, 91],
+      [-27, 69],
+      [5, 47],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [-47, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42469, 2837],
+      [-48, 47],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [40, 75],
+      [61, 9],
+      [53, 50],
+      [37, 66],
+      [36, -2],
+      [61, -56],
+      [5, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42709, 3052],
+      [-22, -87],
+      [79, -43],
+      [36, -52],
+      [7, -70],
+      [-22, -17],
+      [29, -98],
+      [37, -34],
+      [7, 56],
+      [53, -28],
+      [70, 6],
+      [23, -34],
+      [37, -100],
+      [43, -8],
+      [10, -84],
+      [23, -81],
+      [42, -100],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-31, -2],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [-33, -47],
+      [56, -50],
+      [8, -22],
+      [63, -46],
+      [9, -65],
+      [-35, -87],
+      [-79, -51],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [-33, -80],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-35, 59],
+      [-22, -31],
+      [20, -32],
+      [-16, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44746, 6201],
+      [27, -84],
+      [46, 14],
+      [40, -27],
+      [57, 2],
+      [46, 31],
+      [56, -42],
+      [33, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45051, 6125],
+      [54, 11],
+      [-20, -54],
+      [5, -38],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [36, -28],
+      [0, -53],
+      [62, -13],
+      [-29, -51],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [-29, 19],
+      [-39, -59],
+      [40, -49],
+      [-45, -39],
+      [-65, 96],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [-94, 25],
+      [-54, -37],
+      [-26, -67],
+      [26, -55],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [93, -89],
+      [35, -73],
+      [28, 0],
+      [32, 40],
+      [34, 11],
+      [41, -27],
+      [31, 37],
+      [57, 27],
+      [29, -8],
+      [79, 118],
+      [39, -32],
+      [9, -34],
+      [-22, -72],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-6, -55],
+      [23, -23],
+      [-9, -65],
+      [-28, 14],
+      [-51, -7],
+      [-21, -67],
+      [-47, -29],
+      [-14, -166],
+      [0, -99],
+      [18, -99],
+      [-24, -38],
+      [-13, -134],
+      [18, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45020, 4614],
+      [11, -57],
+      [-38, -26],
+      [2, -93],
+      [-14, -88],
+      [-71, -49],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [-78, 21],
+      [-22, -64],
+      [-65, -52],
+      [-44, 68],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-33, 72],
+      [18, 35],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [-45, 81],
+      [3, 70],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-44, 40],
+      [-38, -104],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-42, 23],
+      [-13, 74],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [-3, 85],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-37, 83],
+      [-22, 95],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-22, 48],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-44, 89],
+      [-35, 46],
+      [-45, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43988, 5266],
+      [-4, 86],
+      [16, 107],
+      [33, 72],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [-62, 95],
+      [66, 22],
+      [28, 45],
+      [41, 28],
+      [20, 81],
+      [36, 40],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [-75, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44064, 6053],
+      [58, 63],
+      [56, 98]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44178, 6214],
+      [25, 57],
+      [81, -44],
+      [42, 17],
+      [32, -24],
+      [65, 46],
+      [30, 0],
+      [35, -78],
+      [42, 2],
+      [43, 28],
+      [60, -99],
+      [27, -11],
+      [47, 30],
+      [39, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41157, 4127],
+      [33, -13],
+      [-10, -77],
+      [41, -20],
+      [44, 0],
+      [-23, -77],
+      [46, -60],
+      [27, -77],
+      [-14, -25],
+      [21, -128],
+      [22, -29],
+      [-26, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41318, 3530],
+      [-54, -5],
+      [-62, 69],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-54, 57],
+      [-51, 137],
+      [-82, -39],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-61, -45],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-34, -14],
+      [-30, 64],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-42, 93],
+      [17, 41],
+      [-30, 106],
+      [9, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40595, 4021],
+      [27, -30],
+      [59, 12],
+      [31, 53],
+      [39, 22],
+      [74, -30],
+      [37, 42],
+      [34, 1],
+      [32, 51],
+      [52, 26],
+      [68, -7],
+      [45, 26],
+      [64, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40545, 4949],
+      [23, -106],
+      [-42, -32],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [29, -53],
+      [-40, -94],
+      [22, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40513, 4576],
+      [-68, -119],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [1, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40395, 4370],
+      [-45, 59],
+      [5, 48],
+      [-74, 91],
+      [-91, 5],
+      [-50, -42],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-2, -81],
+      [-52, -47],
+      [-50, 30],
+      [-23, 74],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [5, 106],
+      [-20, 53],
+      [17, 31],
+      [-57, 108],
+      [23, 68],
+      [40, 15],
+      [36, -46],
+      [62, -14],
+      [49, 40],
+      [64, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40099, 5001],
+      [64, 96],
+      [35, 92],
+      [49, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40247, 5245],
+      [55, -15],
+      [22, -49],
+      [52, 7],
+      [53, -76],
+      [4, -99],
+      [112, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55742, 6451],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [5, -58],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [43, -27],
+      [5, -89],
+      [28, -92],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [24, -145],
+      [6, -116],
+      [42, -18],
+      [44, 4],
+      [39, -72],
+      [38, -34],
+      [24, -84],
+      [-26, -107],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [-81, -10],
+      [-135, -50],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [-45, -31],
+      [-69, -79],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-23, -55],
+      [-96, -41],
+      [-26, -41],
+      [0, -84],
+      [18, -55],
+      [30, -30],
+      [13, -50],
+      [25, -15],
+      [-13, -91],
+      [-39, -67],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-39, -62],
+      [-83, -11],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [-76, -4],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-34, 27],
+      [-46, -48],
+      [-53, -97],
+      [-65, -30],
+      [-51, -37],
+      [-31, -47],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [-12, 29],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-62, -68],
+      [-73, -32],
+      [-56, 31],
+      [-45, 3],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [-21, -86],
+      [34, -36],
+      [-48, -35],
+      [-9, -106],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [64, -49],
+      [6, -53],
+      [-90, -59],
+      [-15, -49],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [7, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54231, 3596],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-82, 16],
+      [-24, 14],
+      [-39, 90],
+      [-67, 41],
+      [-54, -21],
+      [-38, 40],
+      [-88, 16],
+      [-42, 19],
+      [-45, -32],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-61, -31],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [-39, 20],
+      [-31, -27],
+      [-76, 34],
+      [-16, 38],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [-64, 52],
+      [-26, 45],
+      [-34, 18],
+      [6, 59],
+      [-25, 56],
+      [8, 41],
+      [-37, 177],
+      [-80, 25],
+      [-56, 5],
+      [-76, 64],
+      [-81, 51],
+      [-98, 1],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [-90, 38],
+      [-57, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52582, 4473],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-65, 37],
+      [0, 65],
+      [32, 43],
+      [22, 59],
+      [14, 106],
+      [38, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52623, 4806],
+      [41, 86],
+      [25, -4],
+      [56, 41],
+      [2, 42],
+      [44, -6],
+      [32, 35],
+      [33, -143],
+      [60, -53],
+      [12, -32],
+      [105, -89],
+      [43, -59],
+      [7, -37],
+      [69, -69],
+      [21, 17],
+      [82, -19],
+      [54, -119],
+      [53, -33],
+      [18, -66],
+      [-4, -45],
+      [24, -59],
+      [44, 5],
+      [46, -32],
+      [-3, -88],
+      [22, -10],
+      [56, 50],
+      [77, 28],
+      [15, 88],
+      [126, 96],
+      [132, 203],
+      [83, 132],
+      [197, 155],
+      [102, 132],
+      [77, 298],
+      [7, 193],
+      [26, 76],
+      [0, 158],
+      [11, 69],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [11, 22],
+      [36, 163],
+      [45, 31],
+      [-42, 40],
+      [-12, 54],
+      [-52, 49],
+      [31, 75],
+      [69, 59],
+      [75, 24],
+      [38, -10],
+      [33, 35],
+      [24, 75],
+      [72, -16],
+      [36, -35],
+      [32, 12],
+      [74, -22],
+      [35, 39],
+      [15, 57],
+      [28, 30],
+      [50, -81],
+      [53, 7],
+      [65, -37],
+      [32, 43],
+      [39, -90],
+      [68, -36],
+      [76, 11],
+      [78, -50],
+      [33, 59],
+      [57, -11],
+      [58, 17],
+      [53, 107],
+      [6, 57],
+      [104, 2],
+      [34, 44],
+      [55, 3],
+      [4, -48],
+      [-69, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42552, 514],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-32, 66],
+      [-17, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42423, 610],
+      [23, 88],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [22, 57],
+      [2, 50],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [-50, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42393, 954],
+      [6, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42399, 998],
+      [30, 17],
+      [7, 82],
+      [55, -30],
+      [23, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42514, 1134],
+      [40, -30],
+      [22, 13],
+      [54, -39],
+      [49, 60],
+      [30, -62],
+      [-2, -52],
+      [-43, -119],
+      [21, -84],
+      [-4, -56],
+      [18, -62],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [-41, 5],
+      [-20, -26],
+      [17, -36],
+      [-35, -16],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [-49, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45616, 6135],
+      [32, -53],
+      [8, -43],
+      [56, -71],
+      [1, -115],
+      [-93, -80],
+      [36, -62],
+      [-56, -54],
+      [45, -135],
+      [43, 24],
+      [22, -25],
+      [46, -3],
+      [70, 24],
+      [27, -70],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [51, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45870, 5323],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [-39, 5],
+      [-75, -77],
+      [-22, 45],
+      [-47, 9],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-30, -14],
+      [-22, 36],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-47, -14],
+      [36, -56],
+      [-57, -81],
+      [48, -20],
+      [73, 3],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-34, 19],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [4, -40],
+      [53, -29],
+      [39, 11],
+      [24, -37],
+      [59, -18],
+      [5, -46],
+      [-46, 2],
+      [-44, -20],
+      [-38, 30],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-77, -110],
+      [3, -59],
+      [43, -115],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [-40, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45255, 4421],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [13, 49],
+      [26, 32],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-113, 24],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [-48, 67],
+      [-27, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45051, 6125],
+      [45, 95],
+      [67, -20],
+      [18, -36],
+      [65, 1],
+      [65, 17],
+      [31, -23],
+      [106, 6],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [25, 25],
+      [90, -27],
+      [66, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2, 11379],
+      [30, -27],
+      [71, 2],
+      [34, -47],
+      [81, -22],
+      [27, -86],
+      [129, -50],
+      [20, -62],
+      [53, 16],
+      [58, -28],
+      [112, -79],
+      [-14, -30],
+      [59, -36],
+      [92, -7],
+      [-59, -56],
+      [27, -41],
+      [94, -31],
+      [-50, 71],
+      [34, 27],
+      [94, -58],
+      [16, -90],
+      [72, -34],
+      [-22, -126],
+      [29, -47],
+      [9, -68],
+      [-51, -38],
+      [101, -57],
+      [-3, -94],
+      [93, 61],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [41, 53],
+      [-24, 122],
+      [-20, 42],
+      [103, 8],
+      [38, -52],
+      [148, -34],
+      [48, 18],
+      [131, 1],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [65, -45],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [87, -67],
+      [72, -72],
+      [60, -25],
+      [26, -43],
+      [73, -19],
+      [0, -31],
+      [-94, -18],
+      [-68, -59],
+      [7, -77],
+      [-24, -29],
+      [-122, -30],
+      [-122, -2],
+      [-113, 63],
+      [66, -112],
+      [-14, -78],
+      [24, -67],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [-91, -53],
+      [-16, -76],
+      [79, -45],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [-57, -4],
+      [-40, -56],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-52, 1],
+      [-62, 34],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [-106, 66],
+      [8, 54],
+      [-83, -31],
+      [-55, 6],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-87, 59],
+      [24, 66],
+      [-30, 43],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [-161, 64],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [-66, -63],
+      [-81, -15],
+      [-128, 8],
+      [-2, 112],
+      [-74, 62],
+      [76, 134],
+      [-91, -27],
+      [-57, 3],
+      [-108, -28],
+      [0, -66],
+      [21, -65],
+      [71, -61],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-19, -129],
+      [-86, -76],
+      [0, 402],
+      [0, 602],
+      [0, 204],
+      [2, 402]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65687, 11806],
+      [95, -29],
+      [76, -39],
+      [-46, -123],
+      [-51, 0],
+      [-142, 52],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [-60, 26],
+      [70, 78],
+      [68, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66795, 8446],
+      [3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66798, 8447],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66799, 8447],
+      [-12, 58],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [8, 99],
+      [-10, 31],
+      [-69, 38],
+      [-112, -38],
+      [-59, -39],
+      [-57, 33],
+      [-67, -18],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [-134, -74],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-25, -36],
+      [-55, -18],
+      [-73, 31],
+      [-36, -12],
+      [-39, 148],
+      [-54, 16],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-88, 65],
+      [-29, -7],
+      [-95, 61],
+      [50, 44],
+      [23, 55],
+      [144, 136],
+      [-47, 118],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-27, 31],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-19, 50],
+      [-94, -24],
+      [-60, 23],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [-49, 35],
+      [-29, 49],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [-84, -17],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-102, 16],
+      [-22, 51],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-33, 37],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-66, 40],
+      [-74, -15],
+      [-50, 25],
+      [-56, -100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64690, 9613],
+      [-83, -3],
+      [-40, 39],
+      [-89, 14],
+      [-38, 24],
+      [-42, 80],
+      [-71, 33],
+      [-126, 21],
+      [-78, 84],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [-188, 71],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [2, 99],
+      [50, 87],
+      [-51, 2],
+      [-75, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63812, 10289],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [101, 139],
+      [-33, 46],
+      [1, 64],
+      [-90, 29],
+      [-77, 62],
+      [-16, 81],
+      [5, 93],
+      [80, 12],
+      [-25, 54],
+      [44, 84],
+      [35, 20],
+      [69, -3],
+      [73, 51],
+      [75, -20],
+      [47, 41],
+      [140, -11],
+      [127, 61],
+      [187, -55],
+      [23, 111],
+      [29, 48],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [42, 38],
+      [-63, 59],
+      [13, 61],
+      [36, 19],
+      [-82, 95],
+      [23, 108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64530, 11656],
+      [91, -8],
+      [69, 28],
+      [114, -7],
+      [33, 28],
+      [103, -71],
+      [234, -4],
+      [78, -27],
+      [140, -12],
+      [148, 120],
+      [59, -11],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [58, -37],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [24, -71],
+      [70, -3],
+      [73, -46],
+      [44, -3],
+      [14, -89],
+      [39, -39],
+      [90, 11],
+      [140, 73],
+      [33, 39],
+      [-14, 82],
+      [-68, 135],
+      [-71, -6],
+      [15, 48],
+      [55, 43],
+      [0, 113],
+      [137, -14],
+      [283, -56],
+      [82, -61],
+      [89, 44],
+      [59, 10],
+      [76, -18],
+      [136, -4],
+      [112, -5],
+      [34, -23],
+      [98, -15],
+      [134, -55],
+      [71, -6],
+      [26, -29],
+      [165, -28],
+      [42, -20],
+      [4, -55],
+      [102, -5],
+      [70, -64],
+      [0, -37],
+      [54, -14],
+      [3, -8],
+      [0, -38],
+      [0, -556],
+      [0, 0],
+      [0, -621],
+      [0, -392],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [-63, -80],
+      [-70, -14],
+      [-65, -53],
+      [-85, 2],
+      [-123, 24],
+      [-37, 65],
+      [-76, -40],
+      [-77, 40],
+      [-69, -37],
+      [72, -60],
+      [16, -32],
+      [59, 68],
+      [78, 14],
+      [-18, -94],
+      [14, -40],
+      [93, -85],
+      [71, 47],
+      [64, -154],
+      [18, -100],
+      [-30, -29],
+      [29, -95],
+      [32, -42],
+      [67, -37],
+      [29, -59],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [16, -50],
+      [41, -22],
+      [9, -56],
+      [-50, -85],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [12, -40],
+      [-118, 39],
+      [-87, 47],
+      [-155, 9],
+      [-69, -16],
+      [-74, -43],
+      [-47, -50],
+      [-58, -17],
+      [-127, -64],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-79, -41],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67850, 12424],
+      [0, -228],
+      [-73, -42],
+      [-104, -6],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [-35, 113],
+      [51, 57],
+      [60, 29],
+      [48, 50],
+      [99, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [182, 12447],
+      [58, -4],
+      [126, -48],
+      [112, -105],
+      [-48, -56],
+      [-49, -20],
+      [-208, -46],
+      [-173, 31],
+      [0, 56],
+      [0, 113],
+      [0, 56],
+      [182, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43053, 5994],
+      [-39, -58],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-43, -57],
+      [-17, -72],
+      [44, -49],
+      [-53, -77],
+      [-9, -49],
+      [-70, -6],
+      [-19, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42836, 5538],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [-35, -34],
+      [-74, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42685, 5555],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-57, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42616, 5673],
+      [-4, 69],
+      [29, 24],
+      [28, 83],
+      [-71, 53],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [27, 44],
+      [6, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42623, 6070],
+      [72, 58],
+      [36, -12],
+      [18, 28],
+      [101, 60],
+      [24, -60],
+      [75, -26],
+      [21, -65],
+      [83, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39469, 7766],
+      [8, 23],
+      [34, 20],
+      [10, -3],
+      [25, -9],
+      [35, -21],
+      [43, -18],
+      [28, -5],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [33, -26],
+      [-5, -41],
+      [23, -28],
+      [26, -17],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-23, -3],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-55, 5],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-30, 41],
+      [-33, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39518, 7644],
+      [67, 0],
+      [30, 50],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [-72, 20],
+      [-24, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42764, 1486],
+      [-12, -121],
+      [30, -41],
+      [22, -93],
+      [27, -34],
+      [29, -76],
+      [34, -61],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [-20, -98],
+      [9, -49],
+      [-11, -104],
+      [45, -56],
+      [2, -80],
+      [33, -82],
+      [34, -59],
+      [57, -176],
+      [24, -33],
+      [-16, -83],
+      [-42, -51],
+      [-27, -5],
+      [-32, -111],
+      [-65, -5],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-21, 72],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [-59, 53],
+      [-86, 50],
+      [-31, 39],
+      [21, 29],
+      [11, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42514, 1134],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-25, 39],
+      [40, 19],
+      [12, 36],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-10, 47],
+      [36, 30],
+      [27, 72],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [23, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42540, 1550],
+      [22, 11],
+      [105, -27],
+      [32, -41],
+      [37, -24],
+      [28, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50344, 4667],
+      [38, -36],
+      [60, -33],
+      [53, 48],
+      [47, -55],
+      [44, 2],
+      [4, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50590, 4497],
+      [-28, -46],
+      [-41, -14],
+      [-26, -93],
+      [37, -36],
+      [-34, -94],
+      [89, -82],
+      [36, 18],
+      [18, 71],
+      [18, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50659, 4234],
+      [39, -61],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [19, -94],
+      [31, -57],
+      [31, -22],
+      [33, -58],
+      [3, -31],
+      [58, -77],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [39, -103],
+      [-1, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50813, 3581],
+      [15, -97],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-65, -65],
+      [-54, -14],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-41, 4],
+      [-44, -125],
+      [-55, -6],
+      [-49, -35],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [-42, 15],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [-20, 80],
+      [-34, 35],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-84, -63],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-97, 5],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-20, 101],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [3, 56],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-67, 63],
+      [-29, -10],
+      [-20, 126],
+      [-32, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42423, 610],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [-15, -47],
+      [-23, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42345, 631],
+      [45, 29],
+      [13, 28],
+      [-10, 65],
+      [-50, 65],
+      [-1, 58],
+      [-14, 22],
+      [2, 53],
+      [42, -17],
+      [21, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56370, 6973],
+      [-85, -20],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-97, 35],
+      [-60, -38],
+      [20, -76],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-21, -91],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [31, -92],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [22, -75],
+      [57, -7],
+      [19, -27],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [16, -35],
+      [-15, -75],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-26, 46],
+      [-54, -70],
+      [-97, -1],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-21, -18],
+      [-72, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52623, 4806],
+      [-104, 92],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [-78, 9],
+      [-57, 94],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-44, 59],
+      [-30, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52142, 5108],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [-36, 53],
+      [-49, 101],
+      [-74, 68],
+      [21, 73],
+      [36, 8],
+      [23, 53],
+      [67, -14],
+      [41, 99],
+      [4, 63],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [17, 67],
+      [-10, 37],
+      [48, 27],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [4, 74],
+      [-13, 73],
+      [34, 39],
+      [8, 56],
+      [31, 35],
+      [34, -19],
+      [44, 64],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [67, 11],
+      [3, 58],
+      [-29, 14],
+      [8, 86],
+      [-55, 5],
+      [22, 67],
+      [-52, 34],
+      [109, 308],
+      [160, -7],
+      [55, -21],
+      [70, 25],
+      [12, 64],
+      [26, 48],
+      [69, 7],
+      [24, -104],
+      [38, -9],
+      [20, -72],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [60, -51],
+      [40, 31],
+      [-30, 74],
+      [0, 84],
+      [49, -3],
+      [33, 69],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [74, 54],
+      [28, 72],
+      [102, 53],
+      [64, 82],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [-28, 64],
+      [15, 50],
+      [66, 16],
+      [26, 41],
+      [43, -5],
+      [32, -93],
+      [34, -47],
+      [77, -24],
+      [5, -62],
+      [55, 12],
+      [16, -60],
+      [64, 5],
+      [41, 41],
+      [-20, 56],
+      [64, 67],
+      [43, 26],
+      [-4, 53],
+      [-83, 126],
+      [-19, 55],
+      [60, 76],
+      [83, -4],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [5, 137],
+      [-64, 8],
+      [-53, 33],
+      [-63, 97],
+      [18, 45],
+      [-3, 112],
+      [29, 49],
+      [57, 34],
+      [-22, 56],
+      [66, 37],
+      [61, 62],
+      [71, 40],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [89, 87],
+      [14, 69],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [72, 95],
+      [11, 45],
+      [-48, 14],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [-62, 79],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [42, 12],
+      [9, 46],
+      [56, 65],
+      [-41, 66],
+      [24, 32],
+      [20, 94],
+      [-12, 56],
+      [79, -29],
+      [21, 24],
+      [57, -32],
+      [21, 37],
+      [108, 12],
+      [39, 34],
+      [-37, 65],
+      [-29, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54293, 9434],
+      [47, 0],
+      [38, -44],
+      [16, -52],
+      [44, -22],
+      [-14, -74],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-31, -81],
+      [83, -2],
+      [87, -19],
+      [39, -75],
+      [24, 7],
+      [13, -165],
+      [34, -65],
+      [-32, -30],
+      [-36, -70],
+      [24, -64],
+      [82, 4],
+      [22, -98],
+      [-14, -55],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-31, -65],
+      [10, -45],
+      [43, -70],
+      [-8, -91],
+      [38, -15],
+      [48, -59],
+      [53, -11],
+      [-9, -59],
+      [-44, -65],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-65, -87],
+      [-49, -150],
+      [14, -32],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [-37, -61],
+      [1, -53],
+      [-32, -42],
+      [-10, -67],
+      [35, -19],
+      [29, -56],
+      [58, -58],
+      [54, -8],
+      [75, 41],
+      [25, 67],
+      [73, -1],
+      [27, -18],
+      [33, 27],
+      [40, -23],
+      [72, 37],
+      [51, 78],
+      [4, -74],
+      [67, 3],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-3, -76],
+      [34, -32],
+      [22, 53],
+      [150, 101],
+      [-6, 64],
+      [34, 55],
+      [41, 26],
+      [26, 50],
+      [37, 8],
+      [16, 48],
+      [58, 38],
+      [-5, 43],
+      [33, 52],
+      [37, -2],
+      [29, 37],
+      [34, 85],
+      [33, -12],
+      [51, 32],
+      [110, -58],
+      [45, -12],
+      [72, -64],
+      [35, -76],
+      [40, 11],
+      [-27, -90],
+      [3, -118],
+      [23, -19],
+      [123, -18],
+      [20, 65],
+      [38, 3],
+      [26, -52],
+      [70, -27],
+      [17, -49],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [11, -117],
+      [13, -46],
+      [-10, -85],
+      [58, -44],
+      [3, -107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42167, 6655],
+      [10, -56],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [36, -22],
+      [-33, -73],
+      [-102, -19],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [23, -60],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [-55, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41958, 6227],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-42, -47],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-6, 53],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-143, 22],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-77, -35],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [-23, 124],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-51, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41358, 6373],
+      [39, 121],
+      [84, 65],
+      [77, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41558, 6587],
+      [124, 41],
+      [85, 35],
+      [8, 52],
+      [30, 40],
+      [61, -51],
+      [104, 27],
+      [23, -25],
+      [14, -75],
+      [111, 64],
+      [49, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42298, 1034],
+      [18, -55],
+      [0, -93],
+      [-57, -8],
+      [-10, -61],
+      [-44, 26],
+      [-15, -55],
+      [-43, -89],
+      [-39, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42108, 692],
+      [-42, 16],
+      [-57, 96],
+      [-64, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41945, 810],
+      [-6, 72],
+      [12, 73],
+      [51, 52],
+      [5, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42007, 1042],
+      [101, 42],
+      [11, -45],
+      [37, 17],
+      [40, -18],
+      [36, 75],
+      [63, -33],
+      [3, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37956, 5771],
+      [13, -29],
+      [109, -71],
+      [84, 1],
+      [71, -61],
+      [6, -46],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-8, -50],
+      [10, -99],
+      [-241, -16],
+      [-176, 21],
+      [-141, 26],
+      [88, 75],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-27, 58],
+      [2, 68],
+      [144, -12],
+      [65, -17],
+      [25, 14],
+      [-7, 111],
+      [39, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42895, 1734],
+      [-15, -138],
+      [-75, -129],
+      [-41, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42540, 1550],
+      [-47, 81],
+      [-96, 68],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-74, 27],
+      [-25, 24],
+      [-42, 83],
+      [-20, 60],
+      [-60, 35],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [-88, 57],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-47, -40],
+      [-44, -8],
+      [3, 59],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [0, -62],
+      [-87, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41789, 1968],
+      [-12, 59],
+      [23, 24],
+      [38, 4],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [51, 19],
+      [-27, 89],
+      [67, -42],
+      [56, -54],
+      [36, 23],
+      [30, -24],
+      [46, -66],
+      [44, -15],
+      [53, 87],
+      [19, 80],
+      [-22, 12],
+      [50, 102],
+      [33, 28],
+      [19, 184],
+      [-2, 40],
+      [-63, -13],
+      [-40, -42],
+      [-18, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42167, 2566],
+      [-2, 68],
+      [26, 43],
+      [38, 26],
+      [19, 46],
+      [46, -19],
+      [27, 55],
+      [-37, 28],
+      [10, 48],
+      [44, -6],
+      [-6, -41],
+      [71, 3],
+      [14, 35],
+      [52, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40943, 5581],
+      [-10, -88],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-31, -40],
+      [24, -28],
+      [-5, -44],
+      [-82, -17],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [5, -38],
+      [-49, -73],
+      [-11, -58],
+      [14, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40710, 5094],
+      [-36, -47],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-76, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40247, 5245],
+      [39, 124],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [8, 61],
+      [59, 25],
+      [47, -31],
+      [43, 5],
+      [12, 48],
+      [80, 65],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [42, 24],
+      [38, 75],
+      [0, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40593, 5745],
+      [40, -10],
+      [35, 24],
+      [106, -43],
+      [21, 50],
+      [36, -22],
+      [63, -3],
+      [33, -59],
+      [16, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65208, 5800],
+      [49, -40],
+      [9, -60],
+      [29, -64],
+      [38, -40],
+      [-15, -47],
+      [-74, 87],
+      [-17, 66],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [12, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64946, 7387],
+      [27, -84],
+      [-18, -65],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-116, -96],
+      [66, 181],
+      [81, 43],
+      [45, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66795, 8446],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [2, 3],
+      [5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64542, 8383],
+      [0, 36],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [50, 39],
+      [-53, 38],
+      [-9, 30],
+      [101, 48],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-22, 45],
+      [28, 40],
+      [-73, 81],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [11, 79],
+      [48, 14],
+      [40, 36],
+      [-15, 79],
+      [61, 54],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [-51, 60],
+      [34, 57],
+      [-24, 85],
+      [28, 36],
+      [98, 74],
+      [-51, 83],
+      [-1, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66799, 8447],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-39, 11],
+      [-19, -54],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-6, -81],
+      [-52, -54],
+      [-54, 30],
+      [-27, -22],
+      [40, -55],
+      [-85, -45],
+      [-20, -68],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-69, -14],
+      [-73, -94],
+      [-131, -81],
+      [7, -39],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [-16, -113],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-66, 67],
+      [-30, 72],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [-60, 42],
+      [-8, 35],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-108, 18],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-229, -114],
+      [-49, -88],
+      [-58, -66],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [20, 136],
+      [20, 26],
+      [-8, 114],
+      [-49, -21],
+      [-44, -62],
+      [-116, -80],
+      [13, -32],
+      [-24, -55],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [-15, 61],
+      [-54, 68],
+      [-59, -57],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-34, -55],
+      [-41, -4],
+      [-16, -34],
+      [3, -66],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [26, -110],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-33, -58],
+      [5, -56],
+      [-90, -116],
+      [-60, -130],
+      [-30, -149],
+      [30, -68],
+      [75, -38],
+      [-7, 49],
+      [41, 29],
+      [63, -50],
+      [30, 0],
+      [18, -42],
+      [-39, -96],
+      [-59, -55],
+      [-1, -65],
+      [14, -62],
+      [-14, -108],
+      [26, -35],
+      [60, 20],
+      [3, -124],
+      [20, -45],
+      [1, -58],
+      [-34, -21],
+      [-25, -51],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-34, 66],
+      [51, 80],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [-55, -39],
+      [31, -51],
+      [-75, -48],
+      [-51, -123],
+      [-34, -114],
+      [5, -144],
+      [18, -60],
+      [53, -89],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [-78, -103],
+      [-80, -8],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-75, -49],
+      [-115, -141],
+      [-18, -89],
+      [-6, -97],
+      [20, -40],
+      [-20, -71],
+      [36, -76],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-67, 62],
+      [-36, -8],
+      [-73, -49],
+      [-72, -91],
+      [-26, 73],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [42, -34],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-1, -120],
+      [17, -25],
+      [-51, -117],
+      [-5, -57],
+      [-45, -70],
+      [-25, -61],
+      [-53, -47],
+      [-73, -130],
+      [-67, -76],
+      [-62, 107],
+      [-11, 83],
+      [2, 115],
+      [-7, 153],
+      [-23, 134],
+      [-38, 162],
+      [-16, 206],
+      [-29, 252],
+      [-40, 253],
+      [-25, 245],
+      [3, 108],
+      [15, 208],
+      [16, 58],
+      [40, 206],
+      [26, 73],
+      [63, 56],
+      [30, 65],
+      [20, -11],
+      [59, 154],
+      [-29, 148],
+      [97, -10],
+      [31, 21],
+      [28, 78],
+      [43, -14],
+      [79, 38],
+      [65, 78],
+      [68, 58],
+      [133, 190],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [26, 59],
+      [103, 108],
+      [14, 62],
+      [69, 25],
+      [79, 98],
+      [39, 75],
+      [67, 51],
+      [13, 70],
+      [57, 82],
+      [107, 43],
+      [23, 47],
+      [95, 27],
+      [53, 28],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [12, 54],
+      [57, 42],
+      [21, 53],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [23, 74],
+      [27, 5],
+      [26, 251],
+      [109, 75],
+      [43, -22],
+      [41, 23],
+      [-87, 47],
+      [-20, 44],
+      [-106, -12],
+      [-151, -57],
+      [-3, -82],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [7, -83],
+      [-26, -94],
+      [65, -32],
+      [-69, -69],
+      [-25, 71],
+      [-75, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41945, 810],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-73, -24],
+      [-86, 16],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-72, 37],
+      [-44, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41599, 952],
+      [1, 82],
+      [18, 74],
+      [25, 27],
+      [13, 57],
+      [68, -28],
+      [33, -42],
+      [32, 45],
+      [17, 79],
+      [-22, 42],
+      [32, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41816, 1325],
+      [31, 10],
+      [30, -59],
+      [50, -8],
+      [30, -65],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [23, -55],
+      [29, 23],
+      [28, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40112, 10400],
+      [1, 0],
+      [58, -16],
+      [63, -42],
+      [88, -92],
+      [31, 3],
+      [81, -66],
+      [55, -75],
+      [-12, -148],
+      [-63, -60],
+      [68, -124],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [31, -61],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [32, -33],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [69, -75],
+      [53, -26],
+      [34, 37],
+      [113, -97],
+      [8, -56],
+      [66, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41047, 8335],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-61, 43],
+      [-35, -34],
+      [-49, 6],
+      [-31, -60],
+      [-149, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40648, 8192],
+      [-34, -13],
+      [-138, 73],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-138, 12],
+      [-58, -33],
+      [35, -40],
+      [47, 2],
+      [-29, -64],
+      [-58, 27],
+      [-54, -73],
+      [-70, -77],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-390, 161],
+      [-175, 59],
+      [-60, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39451, 8248],
+      [81, 96],
+      [22, 46],
+      [257, 337],
+      [65, 167],
+      [-60, 91],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [-86, 73],
+      [-49, 22],
+      [-98, 120],
+      [48, 26],
+      [54, 94],
+      [-7, 85],
+      [-82, 61],
+      [-6, 77],
+      [23, 25],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [-56, -1],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-3, 75],
+      [38, 33],
+      [-32, 36],
+      [21, 44],
+      [-7, 120],
+      [74, 44],
+      [-39, 161],
+      [-47, 67],
+      [-48, 121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39469, 10399],
+      [237, 25],
+      [129, 1],
+      [41, -10],
+      [52, -100],
+      [82, -3],
+      [54, 93],
+      [48, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50630, 5826],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [14, -130],
+      [41, -71],
+      [-38, -92],
+      [5, -132],
+      [49, 47],
+      [22, -43],
+      [37, 10],
+      [7, -59],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [30, -126],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [-41, -81],
+      [12, -74],
+      [32, -92],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [53, -77],
+      [-33, -76],
+      [11, -34],
+      [-29, -47],
+      [-38, -29],
+      [-3, -47],
+      [-53, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [49961, 5408],
+      [-21, 66],
+      [-4, 72],
+      [24, 24],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [10, 50],
+      [-21, 169],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [-38, 153]
+    ],
+    [
+      [49843, 6069],
+      [53, 42],
+      [41, 2],
+      [57, 30],
+      [51, 4],
+      [67, 91],
+      [51, 32],
+      [7, 44],
+      [44, -27],
+      [34, 26],
+      [39, -34],
+      [62, 13],
+      [6, 32],
+      [76, 1],
+      [9, -47],
+      [186, 141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50626, 6419],
+      [11, -94],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [19, -59],
+      [40, -26],
+      [55, -68],
+      [5, -47],
+      [33, -96],
+      [-44, -39],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-62, -93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59778, 5700],
+      [-20, -83],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [62, 64],
+      [30, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59867, 5728],
+      [61, -47],
+      [47, -15],
+      [-41, -47],
+      [1, -51],
+      [-64, -63],
+      [-33, 90],
+      [-35, 19],
+      [64, 114]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61214, 8537],
+      [47, 5],
+      [85, -55],
+      [64, 35],
+      [78, -41],
+      [84, -134],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [34, -117],
+      [-21, -97],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-1, -96],
+      [-57, 33],
+      [-95, -76],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [21, -61],
+      [43, -46],
+      [101, 18],
+      [19, -44],
+      [38, -9],
+      [-5, -43],
+      [53, -17],
+      [38, -34],
+      [9, -91],
+      [-16, -94],
+      [-44, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61623, 7442],
+      [-98, 38],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-1, -52],
+      [-48, -54],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [22, 43],
+      [-70, 30],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-43, -18],
+      [-108, 1],
+      [-73, 13],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-51, -27],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-148, -68],
+      [-87, -100],
+      [-53, -108],
+      [-69, -72],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-50, -58],
+      [-42, -122],
+      [-11, -66],
+      [-37, -34],
+      [-57, -25],
+      [-38, -88],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-37, -67],
+      [-43, -11],
+      [-46, -52],
+      [-8, -48],
+      [-55, -31],
+      [-8, -42],
+      [-50, -60],
+      [-36, -71],
+      [-12, -62],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-38, -95],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-148, -173],
+      [-72, -52],
+      [-54, -114],
+      [-82, -72],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [-54, -69],
+      [5, -72],
+      [129, -70],
+      [47, 18],
+      [60, -10],
+      [57, 20],
+      [11, -25],
+      [-22, -60],
+      [10, -79],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [4, -89],
+      [91, 23],
+      [-15, 131],
+      [57, 54],
+      [39, -24],
+      [-20, -40],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [63, -105],
+      [-32, -82],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [-3, -52],
+      [120, 20],
+      [66, 62],
+      [13, 69],
+      [40, 38],
+      [-3, -79],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [25, -47],
+      [22, 55],
+      [20, 111],
+      [-8, 133],
+      [83, -48],
+      [29, -5],
+      [87, 47],
+      [2, -36],
+      [77, -61],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [56, -94],
+      [74, -60],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [53, -44],
+      [42, -9],
+      [5, -53],
+      [-56, -72],
+      [-35, -23],
+      [45, -37],
+      [13, -104],
+      [-28, -74],
+      [26, -47],
+      [49, -55],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [14, -60],
+      [-47, -51],
+      [-10, -57],
+      [-29, -10],
+      [-12, -58],
+      [-24, -23],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [1, -120],
+      [-34, -68],
+      [-15, -128],
+      [15, -76],
+      [1, -83],
+      [30, -43],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [24, -36],
+      [4, -91],
+      [-40, -130],
+      [-5, -81],
+      [10, -54],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [-12, -69],
+      [-2, -96],
+      [-83, -114],
+      [-35, -79],
+      [-51, -69],
+      [-39, -133],
+      [-1, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60133, 2540],
+      [-44, 35],
+      [-41, -1],
+      [-5, 102],
+      [36, 27],
+      [-9, 63],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-19, 43],
+      [-8, 57],
+      [-30, 13],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-51, -21],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-27, -38],
+      [14, -44],
+      [30, -21],
+      [7, -62],
+      [33, -34],
+      [30, 7],
+      [21, -23],
+      [7, -70],
+      [-53, -67],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-54, -64],
+      [-64, 45],
+      [-26, -89],
+      [10, -33],
+      [-74, -85],
+      [-50, -12],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-39, -13],
+      [-22, 51],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [-15, -70],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-1, -63],
+      [-16, -20],
+      [-75, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59184, 2236],
+      [0, 65],
+      [22, 109],
+      [16, 38],
+      [-14, 32],
+      [35, 72],
+      [30, 3],
+      [34, 58],
+      [19, 69],
+      [-35, 63],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [23, 58],
+      [-18, 81],
+      [-53, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59236, 2936],
+      [42, 43],
+      [45, -19],
+      [25, 67],
+      [-72, 17],
+      [-36, 45],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-81, 19],
+      [-63, 40],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-18, 115],
+      [-67, 23],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [-67, -1],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-13, -67],
+      [-41, 19],
+      [-51, -47],
+      [-18, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58612, 5939],
+      [-17, 90],
+      [15, 63],
+      [34, 73],
+      [5, 72],
+      [31, 34],
+      [60, -20],
+      [10, 98],
+      [30, 39],
+      [-68, 125],
+      [-47, 34],
+      [13, 62],
+      [38, -27],
+      [55, 127],
+      [57, 60],
+      [-59, 72],
+      [-48, 85],
+      [31, 45],
+      [60, -61],
+      [39, 87],
+      [-12, 100],
+      [48, -6],
+      [25, 53],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [19, 71],
+      [42, 10],
+      [3, 77],
+      [36, 34],
+      [93, 28],
+      [22, -14],
+      [65, 15],
+      [46, -26],
+      [171, -40],
+      [95, 160],
+      [47, 1],
+      [40, -35],
+      [131, -39],
+      [35, 36],
+      [40, 7],
+      [52, 54],
+      [4, 40],
+      [31, 34],
+      [89, -8],
+      [33, 83],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [3, 114],
+      [28, 56],
+      [-11, 31],
+      [36, 95],
+      [-57, 72],
+      [44, 92],
+      [53, 57],
+      [107, 80],
+      [62, 27],
+      [65, 118],
+      [1, 69],
+      [47, 4],
+      [27, 153],
+      [24, 35],
+      [38, 2],
+      [45, 36],
+      [34, -46],
+      [39, 7],
+      [45, -94],
+      [70, -76],
+      [57, 26],
+      [12, -51],
+      [49, -18],
+      [24, 28],
+      [47, -14],
+      [47, 34],
+      [82, -21],
+      [67, 5],
+      [20, -97],
+      [91, 49],
+      [37, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50973, 4489],
+      [-52, -20],
+      [-41, -91],
+      [19, -61],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-49, -72],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-72, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50630, 5826],
+      [60, -56],
+      [3, -43],
+      [44, -79],
+      [66, 23],
+      [20, -18],
+      [46, 34],
+      [43, 8],
+      [58, -37],
+      [4, -59],
+      [86, -33],
+      [-11, -67],
+      [57, -57],
+      [9, -62],
+      [48, -115],
+      [1, -37],
+      [-26, -61],
+      [27, -124],
+      [51, -28],
+      [19, -65],
+      [-35, -53],
+      [-58, -33],
+      [9, -86],
+      [-29, -49],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-64, -83],
+      [-46, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [49854, 8593],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [48, -82],
+      [120, -42],
+      [48, -45],
+      [49, -11],
+      [9, -33],
+      [-59, -31],
+      [2, -55],
+      [-207, -124],
+      [-59, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [49804, 8046],
+      [-58, -4],
+      [-80, 73],
+      [-61, -4],
+      [-99, -76],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [-55, 48],
+      [-73, -8],
+      [-74, 8],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [-61, 22],
+      [-106, -48],
+      [-162, -5],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-144, 20],
+      [-199, 0],
+      [-10, -64],
+      [13, -39],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [1, -94],
+      [-27, -60],
+      [8, -42],
+      [-18, -167],
+      [-94, -18],
+      [-44, -46],
+      [-21, -53],
+      [-40, -40],
+      [12, -97],
+      [-94, -101],
+      [-7, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48087, 7147],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [-172, 3],
+      [-34, 42],
+      [-61, 17],
+      [-53, -24],
+      [-71, 28],
+      [25, 33],
+      [-84, 67],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [2, 31],
+      [-68, 91],
+      [-38, 5],
+      [-95, 85],
+      [-34, 42],
+      [-114, -16],
+      [-85, 53],
+      [-63, -30],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [21, -68],
+      [-99, -90],
+      [-50, 0],
+      [-11, -70],
+      [-24, -51],
+      [-63, -27],
+      [-61, -11],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-88, -54],
+      [-25, 24],
+      [-40, -37],
+      [2, -92],
+      [-99, -36],
+      [-62, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46360, 7113],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-36, 46],
+      [-54, 184],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-69, 3],
+      [-50, 23],
+      [-81, 13],
+      [-36, 57],
+      [1, 113],
+      [-28, 121],
+      [-84, 38],
+      [6, 64],
+      [-49, 86],
+      [-37, 114],
+      [11, 77],
+      [-33, 53],
+      [-309, 205],
+      [-124, 19],
+      [-67, -15],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [-30, 24],
+      [-69, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45132, 8498],
+      [5, 131],
+      [28, 16],
+      [-1, 49],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-14, 70],
+      [16, 71],
+      [-42, 44],
+      [16, 40],
+      [41, 307],
+      [12, 37],
+      [56, 65],
+      [-49, 48],
+      [5, 78],
+      [-32, 50],
+      [35, 65],
+      [-8, 56],
+      [76, 54],
+      [29, 57],
+      [42, -11],
+      [34, -58],
+      [91, 71],
+      [55, 65],
+      [3, 70],
+      [45, 61],
+      [82, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45622, 10036],
+      [45, -40],
+      [30, -82],
+      [78, -46],
+      [-10, -126],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [25, -54],
+      [-59, -67],
+      [61, -56],
+      [34, 17],
+      [70, -30],
+      [14, -49],
+      [33, -28],
+      [78, 42],
+      [73, -1],
+      [202, 58],
+      [117, 13],
+      [42, -31],
+      [62, 23],
+      [43, -39],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [26, -40],
+      [58, -42],
+      [73, 6],
+      [26, -17],
+      [133, 100],
+      [82, -42],
+      [18, 61],
+      [56, 39],
+      [24, -25],
+      [68, 2],
+      [9, -23],
+      [86, 12],
+      [79, -61],
+      [11, -39],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [63, -132],
+      [70, 2],
+      [38, -49],
+      [1, -64],
+      [21, -88],
+      [102, 40],
+      [100, -1],
+      [35, 49],
+      [41, 0],
+      [52, -84],
+      [156, -18],
+      [52, -53],
+      [96, 7],
+      [143, 29],
+      [114, -62],
+      [64, 28],
+      [57, -29],
+      [20, -51],
+      [45, -47],
+      [84, -66],
+      [65, -4],
+      [117, 21],
+      [36, -11],
+      [159, 3],
+      [17, 85],
+      [57, 20],
+      [77, 68],
+      [3, 30],
+      [63, 20],
+      [66, -88],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [86, -63],
+      [33, -6],
+      [37, 52],
+      [35, -25],
+      [90, -2],
+      [1, -46],
+      [53, -16],
+      [5, -30],
+      [66, -31],
+      [29, 30],
+      [59, -5],
+      [35, -58],
+      [77, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43034, 8051],
+      [35, -107],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [40, -66],
+      [-53, -69],
+      [9, -54],
+      [-1, -130],
+      [108, -20],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [55, -21],
+      [50, -37],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [56, 1],
+      [4, 168],
+      [40, 13],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [130, 42],
+      [26, -3],
+      [46, 79],
+      [41, -7],
+      [40, -50],
+      [82, 153],
+      [62, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43779, 7809],
+      [34, -20],
+      [166, -30],
+      [19, 36],
+      [39, -67],
+      [-1, -64],
+      [-17, -83],
+      [-66, -142],
+      [25, -72],
+      [93, -47],
+      [-17, -26],
+      [29, -90],
+      [-33, -36],
+      [10, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44060, 7082],
+      [-74, -30],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-77, 7],
+      [-46, 22],
+      [-48, -18],
+      [-50, -105],
+      [31, -33],
+      [17, -142],
+      [-34, -79],
+      [-41, -42],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [60, -156],
+      [18, -15],
+      [-30, -84],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [33, -56],
+      [19, -93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43618, 6121],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [-21, 45],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [-22, 67],
+      [-53, 47],
+      [-43, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43362, 6335],
+      [13, 53],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-7, 66],
+      [-27, 17],
+      [-48, -25],
+      [-34, 62],
+      [-40, -34],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-74, -15],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [-21, -53],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-39, 24],
+      [-53, -72],
+      [-46, -18],
+      [-16, 36],
+      [-68, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42738, 6454],
+      [15, 105],
+      [-25, 86],
+      [24, 42],
+      [36, -8],
+      [98, 47],
+      [11, 88],
+      [33, 44],
+      [-75, 30],
+      [-171, 14],
+      [-16, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42668, 6913],
+      [18, 64],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [33, 96],
+      [83, 35],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [70, 88],
+      [45, 8],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-9, 76],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [10, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42806, 7540],
+      [-3, 58],
+      [-31, 9],
+      [19, 156],
+      [-47, -45],
+      [-71, 31],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [89, 15],
+      [11, 76],
+      [39, 54],
+      [-12, 69],
+      [13, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46267, 11146],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [9, -127],
+      [36, -28],
+      [93, 17],
+      [-16, -115],
+      [29, -88],
+      [-73, -37],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-100, -81],
+      [12, -69],
+      [-97, -45],
+      [-60, -61],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [-88, -48],
+      [-61, -127],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [-12, -68],
+      [-134, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45132, 8498],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [7, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45119, 8396],
+      [-102, -73],
+      [-154, -5],
+      [-152, 11],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-69, 23],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-30, -86],
+      [-73, 19],
+      [-25, -63],
+      [-86, 7],
+      [-38, -46],
+      [-24, -59],
+      [-209, 35],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [-91, 17],
+      [17, 63],
+      [-106, 15],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [-58, 4],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-83, 17],
+      [-26, -118],
+      [72, -29],
+      [36, -35],
+      [-11, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43147, 10203],
+      [440, 249],
+      [55, 26],
+      [16, 54],
+      [99, 68],
+      [458, -34],
+      [259, -7],
+      [568, 4],
+      [229, 1],
+      [237, 3],
+      [280, 167],
+      [5, 55],
+      [31, 56],
+      [47, 40],
+      [67, 13],
+      [47, 46],
+      [-10, 45],
+      [127, 70],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [90, 32],
+      [80, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42668, 6913],
+      [-99, -14],
+      [-44, -50],
+      [-31, 46],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-63, -4],
+      [-2, -82],
+      [-23, -71],
+      [-27, 4],
+      [-42, -76],
+      [-58, -31],
+      [-66, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41558, 6587],
+      [-16, 80],
+      [34, 53],
+      [20, 76],
+      [-15, 41],
+      [28, 25],
+      [-2, 44],
+      [31, 25],
+      [23, 65],
+      [32, 27],
+      [-45, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41648, 7097],
+      [58, 79],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [21, 81],
+      [70, 32],
+      [82, 19],
+      [-19, 63],
+      [47, 21],
+      [71, 5],
+      [41, -74],
+      [61, 50],
+      [38, -21],
+      [152, 3],
+      [27, -36],
+      [37, 10],
+      [92, -16],
+      [13, 28],
+      [49, 13],
+      [115, -15],
+      [23, 59],
+      [63, 17],
+      [6, 91],
+      [131, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41212, 2321],
+      [26, -9],
+      [13, -67],
+      [39, -5],
+      [21, 53],
+      [37, 31],
+      [14, -16],
+      [78, -8],
+      [29, -27],
+      [-13, -68],
+      [39, -27],
+      [5, -60],
+      [17, -32],
+      [59, 3],
+      [72, -59],
+      [39, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41687, 1958],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [26, -47],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [-60, -8],
+      [-6, -51],
+      [37, -60],
+      [7, -75],
+      [54, -3],
+      [10, -45],
+      [30, -59],
+      [30, -22],
+      [2, -40],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [-6, -50],
+      [53, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41599, 952],
+      [-27, -6],
+      [-59, 27],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-16, -73],
+      [-28, 53],
+      [-76, 113],
+      [-87, 153],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-41, 28],
+      [-66, 26],
+      [-45, 64],
+      [-29, 63],
+      [-20, -30],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-31, 35],
+      [-24, 89],
+      [-67, 52],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [37, 45],
+      [12, 60],
+      [64, -48],
+      [47, 5],
+      [29, 50],
+      [0, 71],
+      [44, 47],
+      [22, 106],
+      [37, 7],
+      [27, 47],
+      [34, -44],
+      [21, 22],
+      [-55, 62],
+      [-36, 62],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-17, 92],
+      [49, -1],
+      [42, 36],
+      [40, 59],
+      [31, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48852, 13059],
+      [52, -67],
+      [16, -66],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [-95, 13],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [100, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54891, 13398],
+      [-64, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54827, 13315],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-82, -46],
+      [-112, -1],
+      [-20, 57],
+      [50, 18],
+      [30, 57],
+      [115, -3],
+      [124, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [55058, 13660],
+      [177, -15],
+      [69, -28],
+      [-42, -95],
+      [-71, -53],
+      [-126, 27],
+      [-93, 39],
+      [-26, 42],
+      [92, 6],
+      [20, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50326, 13841],
+      [-34, -62],
+      [-91, 2],
+      [40, 54],
+      [85, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51996, 14382],
+      [102, 0],
+      [8, -69],
+      [-132, 5],
+      [22, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54829, 13312],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [-101, -161],
+      [95, -15],
+      [12, -43],
+      [-40, -114],
+      [12, -64],
+      [82, -46],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [118, -48],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [69, -29],
+      [2, -135],
+      [19, -162],
+      [39, -13],
+      [52, -67],
+      [-7, -53],
+      [-75, -8],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-79, -16],
+      [-113, -58],
+      [-70, -16],
+      [-85, -52],
+      [4, -91],
+      [-96, -8],
+      [-47, -63],
+      [15, -101],
+      [-28, -82],
+      [-79, 26],
+      [-113, -2],
+      [-58, -57],
+      [-98, -18],
+      [-87, -45],
+      [-101, 11],
+      [-67, -76],
+      [141, -211],
+      [11, -93],
+      [-5, -192],
+      [-23, -222],
+      [-3, -108],
+      [-135, -73],
+      [-13, -54],
+      [-87, -8],
+      [30, -42],
+      [82, -31],
+      [32, -60],
+      [3, -82],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [-3, -100],
+      [50, -28],
+      [13, -53],
+      [-5, -121],
+      [68, -60],
+      [-3, -66],
+      [-58, -10],
+      [-22, -58],
+      [-70, -56],
+      [8, -83],
+      [-68, -82],
+      [16, -71],
+      [55, -25],
+      [88, 3],
+      [84, -34],
+      [49, -4],
+      [6, -37],
+      [60, 8],
+      [58, -37],
+      [26, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52142, 5108],
+      [-6, -32],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-30, -27],
+      [-63, 16],
+      [-64, -46],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [-17, -23],
+      [-70, -7],
+      [-38, -185],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-45, -125],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-29, -115],
+      [-34, -9],
+      [-82, -91],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-48, -25],
+      [-102, -8],
+      [-88, 47],
+      [-49, -10],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [-27, 74],
+      [-37, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [50626, 6419],
+      [22, 60],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [28, 84],
+      [47, 33],
+      [-8, 34],
+      [64, 40],
+      [-4, 87],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [-33, 39],
+      [-105, 25],
+      [-23, 67],
+      [-10, 95],
+      [76, 108],
+      [41, 70],
+      [53, 31],
+      [-40, 68],
+      [-8, 44],
+      [-129, -18],
+      [-32, 59],
+      [-40, 114],
+      [-64, 2],
+      [-12, 78],
+      [-117, 35],
+      [-111, -6],
+      [-62, -19],
+      [-169, -5],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [15, 90],
+      [32, 54],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [-91, 163]
+    ],
+    [
+      [49854, 8593],
+      [13, 35],
+      [63, 75],
+      [23, 91],
+      [88, 104],
+      [20, 62],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [13, 89],
+      [-92, 90],
+      [36, 36],
+      [8, 70],
+      [114, 87],
+      [1, 88],
+      [-28, 93],
+      [20, 32],
+      [-21, 88],
+      [-47, 21],
+      [-58, -23],
+      [-51, 58],
+      [-106, -6],
+      [-16, 81],
+      [60, 67],
+      [-13, 73],
+      [-52, 86],
+      [-66, 41],
+      [-73, 12],
+      [-38, 93],
+      [44, 53],
+      [-93, 146],
+      [46, 63],
+      [-55, 94],
+      [-167, 131],
+      [35, 35],
+      [0, 101],
+      [-42, 30],
+      [-67, 113],
+      [118, 17],
+      [3, 59],
+      [63, 79],
+      [-7, 119],
+      [42, 22],
+      [-49, 70],
+      [-48, 104],
+      [8, 40],
+      [-99, 21],
+      [25, 67],
+      [-54, 31],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [-129, -31],
+      [-61, 37],
+      [-154, 19],
+      [-51, 57],
+      [-20, 63],
+      [-75, 13],
+      [-22, 89],
+      [147, 135],
+      [117, 90],
+      [71, 23],
+      [31, 63],
+      [-56, 170],
+      [-130, 37],
+      [-118, 117],
+      [23, 73],
+      [75, 2],
+      [61, 37],
+      [50, 94],
+      [-115, 53],
+      [-100, -2],
+      [-112, 67],
+      [-33, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48725, 12770],
+      [182, -9],
+      [83, -59],
+      [136, -46],
+      [5, -20],
+      [111, -84],
+      [20, -38],
+      [75, -25],
+      [171, 29],
+      [113, -23],
+      [-57, -76],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [-135, -56],
+      [14, -80],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [38, -100],
+      [46, -1],
+      [40, 70],
+      [51, -39],
+      [-26, -183],
+      [-59, -58],
+      [32, -73],
+      [63, 28],
+      [-39, 62],
+      [80, 2],
+      [46, 25],
+      [31, 66],
+      [-38, 73],
+      [-36, 126],
+      [-48, 96],
+      [45, 47],
+      [7, 48],
+      [47, 50],
+      [-59, 99],
+      [-134, 35],
+      [-84, 148],
+      [-171, 27],
+      [-75, 30],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [18, 47],
+      [3, 136],
+      [-54, 45],
+      [21, 52],
+      [-62, 42],
+      [56, 53],
+      [-25, 54],
+      [157, 8],
+      [103, 25],
+      [307, 4],
+      [242, 45],
+      [35, -21],
+      [95, 6],
+      [22, 38],
+      [231, 31],
+      [40, -39],
+      [-129, -95],
+      [149, 21],
+      [57, 71],
+      [-142, 144],
+      [-19, 49],
+      [-125, 20],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [142, 62],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-117, 14],
+      [69, 57],
+      [114, -35],
+      [134, 120],
+      [-104, 42],
+      [69, 22],
+      [119, -25],
+      [131, 97],
+      [109, 61],
+      [67, -13],
+      [151, 63],
+      [122, 1],
+      [136, 44],
+      [121, 11],
+      [235, 48],
+      [-66, 74],
+      [90, 39],
+      [113, 1],
+      [54, -20],
+      [154, 31],
+      [88, -5],
+      [84, -65],
+      [174, -11],
+      [177, 56],
+      [87, 57],
+      [159, -47],
+      [32, -85],
+      [59, 11],
+      [-72, 134],
+      [-98, 32],
+      [60, 44],
+      [291, 13],
+      [42, 75],
+      [-47, 81],
+      [75, 49],
+      [5, 47],
+      [243, 162],
+      [121, 58],
+      [135, 27],
+      [239, -64],
+      [115, -1],
+      [59, -65],
+      [-72, -7],
+      [-40, -48],
+      [-119, -37],
+      [28, -40],
+      [145, 16],
+      [136, -32],
+      [130, -5],
+      [7, -48],
+      [-74, -70],
+      [-63, -96],
+      [252, 23],
+      [82, 63],
+      [226, 15],
+      [94, -23],
+      [68, 27],
+      [80, -12],
+      [145, -21],
+      [23, -26],
+      [195, -118],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [2, -80],
+      [143, 47],
+      [15, -103],
+      [63, 2],
+      [0, -68],
+      [-94, -95],
+      [66, -43],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-173, -144],
+      [-114, -27],
+      [-65, -89],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-106, -62],
+      [-111, -16],
+      [31, -21],
+      [-90, -53],
+      [-7, -44],
+      [-69, -50],
+      [-84, -15],
+      [-63, -47],
+      [-105, -109],
+      [-165, -25],
+      [-72, -59],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [-100, 0],
+      [-70, -89],
+      [-11, -91],
+      [61, 10],
+      [11, 83],
+      [37, 31],
+      [259, -12],
+      [85, 56],
+      [77, 10],
+      [193, 48],
+      [90, 36],
+      [56, 47],
+      [86, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53229, 15657],
+      [138, -39],
+      [-56, -63],
+      [-28, -95],
+      [144, 71],
+      [187, -49],
+      [57, -65],
+      [109, -33],
+      [-16, -130],
+      [-64, -48],
+      [-100, -2],
+      [-267, -56],
+      [-302, 0],
+      [-251, -95],
+      [-101, 3],
+      [8, 70],
+      [90, 71],
+      [46, 67],
+      [18, 83],
+      [194, 225],
+      [194, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51255, 15929],
+      [196, -23],
+      [167, -50],
+      [-138, -82],
+      [-217, -10],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [-126, 11],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [49, 41],
+      [104, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52308, 15962],
+      [176, -67],
+      [156, 18],
+      [96, -52],
+      [95, -106],
+      [-93, -36],
+      [-2, -101],
+      [-28, -68],
+      [57, -92],
+      [-82, -48],
+      [-79, -7],
+      [-278, 7],
+      [-154, 71],
+      [-120, -2],
+      [-237, 23],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [-88, 63],
+      [26, 53],
+      [-138, 41],
+      [71, 88],
+      [120, 12],
+      [-70, 49],
+      [109, 70],
+      [269, 5],
+      [223, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48924, 16264],
+      [116, -23],
+      [-92, -42],
+      [-166, 17],
+      [142, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51051, 16399],
+      [144, -53],
+      [-105, -29],
+      [-163, 26],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [127, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51970, 16417],
+      [68, -16],
+      [119, -114],
+      [244, -114],
+      [-118, -33],
+      [37, -124],
+      [-77, -23],
+      [-258, -10],
+      [-222, -27],
+      [-52, -34],
+      [-147, -23],
+      [-179, 70],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [-149, -1],
+      [0, 35],
+      [180, 49],
+      [99, 94],
+      [-113, 34],
+      [99, 70],
+      [244, 28],
+      [242, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46170, 6388],
+      [2, -73],
+      [41, -116],
+      [64, 1],
+      [79, -113],
+      [65, 17],
+      [33, -50],
+      [29, 30],
+      [42, -27],
+      [75, -7],
+      [19, -76],
+      [98, -38],
+      [46, 19],
+      [18, -50],
+      [83, -100],
+      [1, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46865, 5758],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-72, -8],
+      [21, -48],
+      [-16, -44],
+      [-60, 9],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-146, -32],
+      [-143, -58],
+      [-35, 29],
+      [-17, -35],
+      [-46, 20],
+      [-56, -52],
+      [7, -65],
+      [-49, 22],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-101, -17],
+      [-95, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45616, 6135],
+      [2, 50],
+      [23, 18],
+      [45, 86],
+      [65, 11],
+      [38, 27],
+      [33, -21],
+      [70, 21],
+      [55, -51],
+      [62, -8],
+      [37, 102],
+      [51, 46],
+      [50, -1],
+      [23, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41044, 4443],
+      [13, -39],
+      [31, -18],
+      [63, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41151, 4405],
+      [23, -14],
+      [9, -66],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [20, -37],
+      [16, -85],
+      [-6, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40595, 4021],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-54, -20],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [-73, 5],
+      [-8, 57],
+      [17, 53],
+      [-36, 65],
+      [52, 14],
+      [-14, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40513, 4576],
+      [95, 43],
+      [24, -73],
+      [61, 8],
+      [81, 27],
+      [27, -57],
+      [65, -42],
+      [59, -15],
+      [49, -63],
+      [18, 34],
+      [29, -24],
+      [23, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39215, 7413],
+      [-1, 0],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39215, 7413],
+      [1, 0],
+      [18, 19],
+      [-24, 54],
+      [9, 53],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [82, -4],
+      [7, 61],
+      [47, -22],
+      [45, 14],
+      [32, 73],
+      [107, -22],
+      [-4, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39469, 7766],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-92, 77],
+      [15, 126],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-68, -58],
+      [-33, 38],
+      [125, 146],
+      [22, -3],
+      [35, 74],
+      [76, 58],
+      [14, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40648, 8192],
+      [-13, -106],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [26, -77],
+      [-37, -186],
+      [56, -87],
+      [-2, -72],
+      [23, -40],
+      [-10, -95],
+      [-22, -56],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-29, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40484, 7328],
+      [-83, 28],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [-48, 25],
+      [-38, 75],
+      [-74, -23],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [-60, -38],
+      [-17, -81],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-18, 56],
+      [-62, 48],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-64, 26],
+      [5, -48],
+      [-32, -83],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [-11, -45],
+      [-34, -33],
+      [-19, -47],
+      [-54, -14],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-15, -50],
+      [9, -63],
+      [-43, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39566, 7061],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-52, 41],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-137, 28],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [-84, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39153, 7288],
+      [0, 2],
+      [0, 0],
+      [31, 101],
+      [31, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41501, 4962],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [10, -161],
+      [-32, -22],
+      [20, -85],
+      [50, -36],
+      [0, -31],
+      [41, -20],
+      [41, -53],
+      [-22, -26],
+      [-18, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41578, 4396],
+      [-118, 5],
+      [-35, -18],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [-4, 39],
+      [-66, 18],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-38, 44],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-74, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41044, 4443],
+      [-3, 43],
+      [62, 78],
+      [-19, 54],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [19, 65],
+      [-6, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41060, 4839],
+      [10, 20],
+      [69, -5],
+      [9, -41],
+      [73, 64],
+      [-33, 86],
+      [54, 20],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [35, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41259, 5062],
+      [23, 1],
+      [32, -74],
+      [67, 13],
+      [5, 38],
+      [34, 27],
+      [27, -18],
+      [17, -58],
+      [37, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61214, 8537],
+      [76, 98],
+      [-1, 81],
+      [43, 47],
+      [12, 43],
+      [-6, 103],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [32, 55],
+      [10, 75],
+      [41, 80],
+      [-3, 67],
+      [91, 36],
+      [41, 94],
+      [101, 3],
+      [84, -48],
+      [88, -30],
+      [42, 11],
+      [52, 85],
+      [-48, 81],
+      [60, 52],
+      [25, -33],
+      [107, -6],
+      [47, -24],
+      [92, 73],
+      [56, -36],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [113, -59],
+      [-3, 57],
+      [111, 15],
+      [41, -11],
+      [34, 48],
+      [60, 18],
+      [84, -37],
+      [-13, 52],
+      [87, 68],
+      [-48, 135],
+      [50, 96],
+      [90, 13],
+      [53, 66],
+      [13, 73],
+      [-7, 87],
+      [166, 37],
+      [-28, 68],
+      [63, 54],
+      [82, -33],
+      [161, 19],
+      [35, -46],
+      [127, 19],
+      [47, -27],
+      [23, -54],
+      [62, 23],
+      [49, 52],
+      [79, 22],
+      [40, -29],
+      [49, 11],
+      [-30, 52],
+      [22, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64542, 8383],
+      [-87, -120],
+      [-64, -47],
+      [-38, -57],
+      [-110, -112],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-119, -28],
+      [48, 152],
+      [-90, -6],
+      [9, 45],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [38, 100],
+      [31, 23],
+      [25, 83],
+      [-12, 63],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-30, -58],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-30, 88],
+      [-69, 19],
+      [-99, -49],
+      [-42, 12],
+      [-42, -38],
+      [-104, 23],
+      [-92, -59],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [-48, -12],
+      [-25, -130],
+      [-81, -75],
+      [-39, -63],
+      [-3, -44],
+      [-208, -194],
+      [-39, -75],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [15, -75],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [6, -74],
+      [-34, -78],
+      [65, -37],
+      [42, 53],
+      [28, -32],
+      [41, 5],
+      [38, -53],
+      [-26, -64],
+      [-75, -18],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-34, -53],
+      [-68, -9],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-65, 26],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [-63, -14],
+      [-23, -62],
+      [-65, 14],
+      [-26, 30],
+      [-50, -19],
+      [-15, -36],
+      [-69, -18],
+      [-63, 4],
+      [-42, 87],
+      [60, 39],
+      [55, -14],
+      [68, 9],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-44, 31],
+      [-20, 48],
+      [-48, 60],
+      [-124, -31],
+      [-55, 36],
+      [-164, 58],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-47, -45],
+      [14, -51],
+      [-85, -13],
+      [5, -38],
+      [-31, -50],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-77, -57],
+      [-33, 35],
+      [-64, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43362, 6335],
+      [26, -44],
+      [-35, -38],
+      [-49, 36],
+      [-61, -37],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-36, 16],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [7, -78],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [-49, -108]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42623, 6070],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [-34, 22],
+      [13, 64],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [49, 36],
+      [-5, 70],
+      [69, 26],
+      [92, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42685, 5555],
+      [10, -78],
+      [31, -72],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [-44, -43],
+      [-68, -26],
+      [-30, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42566, 5233],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-84, -20],
+      [-14, 34],
+      [-60, 1],
+      [-46, -27],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [27, -47],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [-74, 13],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [-70, 47],
+      [-23, -15],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-11, -82],
+      [-110, -20],
+      [-52, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41907, 5161],
+      [27, 66],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [63, 45],
+      [-40, 50],
+      [15, 81],
+      [24, 34],
+      [-59, 63],
+      [10, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41927, 5583],
+      [29, -28],
+      [33, 18],
+      [23, -24],
+      [94, 78],
+      [60, -55],
+      [47, -7],
+      [6, -28],
+      [47, -53],
+      [45, -28],
+      [84, -22],
+      [29, 117],
+      [37, 46],
+      [35, 16],
+      [-2, 67],
+      [34, 38],
+      [15, -62],
+      [47, -7],
+      [26, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41013, 6037],
+      [50, -52],
+      [4, -63],
+      [-58, -45],
+      [-35, 74],
+      [2, 50],
+      [37, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41148, 6372],
+      [21, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41169, 6344],
+      [-22, -72],
+      [32, -63],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [23, -45],
+      [10, -64],
+      [47, -29],
+      [35, 9],
+      [18, -41],
+      [44, -33],
+      [103, 24],
+      [30, -78],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [31, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41510, 5780],
+      [-69, -90],
+      [-10, -42],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-57, -140],
+      [-76, -14],
+      [-31, -147]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41216, 5335],
+      [-2, 1],
+      [-1, 0],
+      [-1, 1],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-29, 59],
+      [14, 80],
+      [-71, 40],
+      [-32, 57],
+      [-53, -56],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-46, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40593, 5745],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [12, 85],
+      [-1, 109],
+      [-36, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40551, 6032],
+      [32, 58],
+      [-1, 51],
+      [29, 32],
+      [6, 54],
+      [33, 23],
+      [45, -43],
+      [61, 11],
+      [111, 70],
+      [56, -11],
+      [3, 73],
+      [83, 47],
+      [12, 40],
+      [70, -29],
+      [14, -42],
+      [43, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39469, 10399],
+      [-62, 97],
+      [-6, 63],
+      [111, 154],
+      [59, 67],
+      [15, 63],
+      [-64, 51],
+      [-68, 115],
+      [-127, 49],
+      [-40, 145],
+      [50, 77],
+      [17, 57],
+      [-70, 13],
+      [155, 87],
+      [11, 75],
+      [127, 45],
+      [71, 84],
+      [30, -31],
+      [79, 18],
+      [-11, 83],
+      [120, -45],
+      [36, 48],
+      [64, 2],
+      [1, 59],
+      [86, -46],
+      [111, -39],
+      [-1, -37],
+      [-50, -33],
+      [-125, 29],
+      [64, -64],
+      [185, -32],
+      [-23, -52],
+      [111, 14],
+      [245, -49],
+      [52, 13],
+      [141, -51],
+      [101, -71],
+      [159, -96],
+      [135, -129],
+      [50, -1],
+      [177, -140],
+      [53, 3],
+      [149, -98],
+      [72, -69],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [30, -60],
+      [-7, -66],
+      [51, -22],
+      [-1, -83],
+      [-49, -101],
+      [-99, -121],
+      [-106, -80],
+      [-99, -29],
+      [-67, -34],
+      [-158, -18],
+      [-103, 19],
+      [-104, 54],
+      [-118, 16],
+      [-222, 58],
+      [-90, 73],
+      [-83, -22],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [-82, 15],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [-98, 74],
+      [-43, 74],
+      [-40, -30],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [74, -78],
+      [49, -4],
+      [24, -15],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [1, 1],
+      [0, 2],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [-1, 1],
+      [5, -4],
+      [2, 0],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-1, 0],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-1, -1],
+      [-36, 9],
+      [-8, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43187, 11594],
+      [38, -6],
+      [111, -70],
+      [45, -57],
+      [-91, -129],
+      [-94, -44],
+      [-114, -21],
+      [-66, 69],
+      [-1, 95],
+      [28, 82],
+      [67, 63],
+      [77, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46130, 11439],
+      [-30, -48],
+      [32, -58],
+      [102, -21],
+      [76, -117],
+      [-43, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42258, 10320],
+      [49, 114],
+      [-22, 43],
+      [31, 50],
+      [-40, 68],
+      [-102, 79],
+      [71, 205],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [16, 173],
+      [-132, 99],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [119, -56],
+      [154, 8],
+      [111, -11],
+      [79, -28],
+      [28, -54],
+      [95, -84],
+      [-2, -40],
+      [30, -88],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-177, -41],
+      [-9, -55],
+      [-63, -37],
+      [-5, -70],
+      [118, -65],
+      [43, -107],
+      [42, -33],
+      [102, 16],
+      [16, -18],
+      [151, 42],
+      [54, 36],
+      [5, 136],
+      [30, 38],
+      [-19, 62],
+      [31, 20],
+      [120, 23],
+      [51, 59],
+      [53, 10],
+      [139, 80],
+      [172, 118],
+      [138, 35],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [91, 22],
+      [50, -32],
+      [22, -54],
+      [63, 49],
+      [-49, 87],
+      [168, 93],
+      [44, 0],
+      [48, -37],
+      [-25, -80],
+      [39, -82],
+      [-95, -11],
+      [-38, -58],
+      [90, 8],
+      [60, -14],
+      [36, 38],
+      [46, -6],
+      [33, -45],
+      [67, 96],
+      [73, 54],
+      [54, 1],
+      [65, 38],
+      [83, -22],
+      [167, -23],
+      [60, 82],
+      [230, 99],
+      [89, -66],
+      [24, -57],
+      [-54, -4],
+      [-3, -114],
+      [97, -26],
+      [53, 72],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [134, 38],
+      [72, 74],
+      [14, 38],
+      [-16, 61],
+      [-46, 2],
+      [-2, 51],
+      [-78, 102],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [100, 14],
+      [-2, 63],
+      [31, 19],
+      [106, -35],
+      [85, -14],
+      [166, -9],
+      [142, -35],
+      [145, -54],
+      [122, -84],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [6, -19],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [4, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45054, 11982],
+      [104, -102],
+      [161, -111],
+      [9, -86],
+      [-97, -25],
+      [-73, 25],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-82, -3],
+      [-74, 76],
+      [26, 139],
+      [53, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41927, 5583],
+      [-1, 69],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [-67, 34],
+      [-12, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41804, 5699],
+      [13, 6],
+      [50, 114],
+      [-9, 82],
+      [32, 55],
+      [31, 20],
+      [9, 48],
+      [41, 28],
+      [5, 45],
+      [41, 46],
+      [-36, 18],
+      [-23, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42345, 631],
+      [-35, 1],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-49, -28],
+      [-41, 28],
+      [11, 50],
+      [-43, 48],
+      [-27, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42298, 1034],
+      [54, 12],
+      [33, -14],
+      [14, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40484, 7328],
+      [47, -47],
+      [27, -52],
+      [63, 7],
+      [127, -79],
+      [26, -59],
+      [25, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40799, 7095],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-35, -36],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-39, -29],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [-46, 24],
+      [-20, -71],
+      [-95, 55],
+      [-116, -61],
+      [20, -31],
+      [-15, -101],
+      [-44, -22],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [-56, -62],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [-70, -33],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-94, -37],
+      [-30, -69],
+      [-121, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39770, 6447],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [22, 88],
+      [-64, 49],
+      [34, 76],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [8, 101],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-82, 69],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [5, 63],
+      [39, 26],
+      [0, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48602, 4958],
+      [-57, 71],
+      [-152, 159],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-30, 82],
+      [61, -4],
+      [18, 31],
+      [13, 91],
+      [-77, -53],
+      [-51, 12],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [-100, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48192, 5296],
+      [-2, 164],
+      [20, 55],
+      [-57, 92],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [16, 49],
+      [-37, 99],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [25, 50],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [45, 31],
+      [-8, 39],
+      [43, 81],
+      [92, 43],
+      [33, -10],
+      [18, 37],
+      [-32, 35],
+      [-13, 70],
+      [-37, 7],
+      [75, 81],
+      [0, 92],
+      [-25, 130]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48269, 6565],
+      [128, -27],
+      [232, -10],
+      [65, 6],
+      [13, -25],
+      [58, -23],
+      [104, -22],
+      [84, -61],
+      [100, -170],
+      [61, 9],
+      [105, 34],
+      [75, -108],
+      [35, -1],
+      [123, 45],
+      [75, 9],
+      [11, 38],
+      [51, 17],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-27, -83],
+      [50, -154],
+      [-14, -68],
+      [61, -1],
+      [69, 130],
+      [33, 14],
+      [25, -24],
+      [34, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48192, 5296],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [11, -46],
+      [-78, -73],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-60, -96],
+      [-15, -49],
+      [-94, 77],
+      [-48, -37],
+      [-47, -11],
+      [-29, 18],
+      [19, 89],
+      [24, 37],
+      [41, -9],
+      [11, 79],
+      [-87, -41],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [-106, 21],
+      [-64, 35],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-4, -45],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-26, 43],
+      [4, 47],
+      [26, 26],
+      [-6, 79],
+      [-38, 120],
+      [3, 79],
+      [-36, 93],
+      [-57, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47216, 5764],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [43, 42],
+      [-24, 163],
+      [36, -3],
+      [28, 68],
+      [-8, 56],
+      [26, 46],
+      [-9, 59],
+      [47, 86],
+      [29, -7],
+      [36, 31],
+      [10, 55],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [-75, 99],
+      [-18, 62],
+      [-44, -5],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-44, 67],
+      [54, 51],
+      [-17, 69],
+      [-24, 33],
+      [10, 123],
+      [46, 128],
+      [16, 68],
+      [78, -63],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [12, -78],
+      [112, 25],
+      [51, -38],
+      [68, 4],
+      [55, -17],
+      [61, 72],
+      [189, -9],
+      [110, 103],
+      [81, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48091, 7115],
+      [34, -55],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [37, -40],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [80, -59],
+      [13, -94],
+      [44, -99],
+      [54, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40710, 5094],
+      [7, -27],
+      [47, -17],
+      [40, -58],
+      [35, 8],
+      [12, -43],
+      [70, -13],
+      [34, 13],
+      [53, -11],
+      [0, -56],
+      [37, -12],
+      [15, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45255, 4421],
+      [12, -38],
+      [65, -50],
+      [-25, -33],
+      [39, -35],
+      [58, -1],
+      [18, -61],
+      [54, -22],
+      [42, 1],
+      [13, -74],
+      [-24, -174],
+      [-84, -50],
+      [-34, -10],
+      [-89, 7],
+      [-54, 76],
+      [-44, -115],
+      [-57, -28],
+      [1, 39],
+      [-123, 40],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-10, 101],
+      [-71, -3],
+      [-78, 26],
+      [-3, -71],
+      [-59, -25],
+      [-45, 82],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-61, 9],
+      [0, -44],
+      [-50, 38],
+      [-15, -57],
+      [-40, -3],
+      [-6, -60],
+      [-90, -82],
+      [-58, 36],
+      [-56, 71],
+      [-66, 25],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [14, -72],
+      [-42, -39],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [9, 69],
+      [-58, 95],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [-72, 35],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-8, 57],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-43, 5],
+      [-36, -22],
+      [-29, 13],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-30, 78],
+      [-99, 10],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-63, -49],
+      [-13, 70],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-71, -4],
+      [-10, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43506, 4319],
+      [5, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43511, 4338],
+      [87, 92],
+      [24, 46],
+      [-7, 90],
+      [30, 54],
+      [-5, 70],
+      [26, 11],
+      [11, 75],
+      [65, 61],
+      [0, 72],
+      [16, 51],
+      [-14, 82],
+      [22, 41],
+      [7, 58],
+      [25, 51],
+      [13, 77],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [7, 82],
+      [30, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43831, 5400],
+      [82, -39],
+      [13, -57],
+      [62, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42566, 5233],
+      [37, 7],
+      [86, -152],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [35, -1],
+      [46, -51],
+      [9, -85],
+      [-10, -97],
+      [13, -45],
+      [-34, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42746, 4685],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [-58, -26],
+      [-64, -59],
+      [-5, -49],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-73, -3],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [-45, 59],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [-44, -46],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [-28, 29],
+      [-66, -37],
+      [-34, 40],
+      [-32, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42051, 4585],
+      [1, 41],
+      [29, 73],
+      [-55, 93],
+      [-74, 86],
+      [2, 29],
+      [-53, 97],
+      [-40, 55],
+      [1, 93]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41862, 5152],
+      [45, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44178, 6214],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [-48, 52],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [38, 5],
+      [50, 114],
+      [-5, 86],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [16, 64],
+      [-37, 39],
+      [25, 95],
+      [-14, 66],
+      [-57, 106],
+      [12, 19],
+      [-20, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45119, 8396],
+      [20, -49],
+      [-36, -95],
+      [13, -124],
+      [24, -49],
+      [-1, -65],
+      [-18, -79],
+      [-36, -91],
+      [3, -40],
+      [-30, -110],
+      [-55, -54],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [-26, -100],
+      [47, -69],
+      [47, -17],
+      [32, -46],
+      [10, -76],
+      [-20, -60],
+      [58, -66],
+      [12, -53],
+      [-126, -116],
+      [-40, -70],
+      [17, -64],
+      [30, -8],
+      [5, -53],
+      [-58, -65],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [-59, 10],
+      [-35, -69],
+      [-14, -77],
+      [28, -40],
+      [-17, -85],
+      [-68, -77],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-19, -49],
+      [34, -67],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [6, -102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60133, 2540],
+      [-41, -54],
+      [-44, -82],
+      [-48, -156],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [-32, -42],
+      [-11, -77],
+      [-64, -123],
+      [-16, -57],
+      [-62, -81],
+      [-41, -96],
+      [-64, -73],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-23, -19],
+      [-28, -78],
+      [-21, -21],
+      [-51, -134],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-3, -57],
+      [-32, -50],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-39, -64],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-19, -80],
+      [-55, -47],
+      [-87, -104],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-22, 12],
+      [-84, -69],
+      [-32, 62],
+      [-24, -41],
+      [-29, 49],
+      [-31, -2],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [-29, -23],
+      [1, 78],
+      [16, 47],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-84, -55],
+      [36, 89],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [1, -54],
+      [-48, -75],
+      [-31, -91],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-9, -65],
+      [-69, 20],
+      [1, -62],
+      [-38, -64],
+      [-16, 76],
+      [12, 36],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [3, 45],
+      [46, 23],
+      [45, 0],
+      [33, 114],
+      [19, 128],
+      [-14, 59],
+      [-5, 92],
+      [17, 105],
+      [-36, 251],
+      [-26, 51],
+      [33, 49],
+      [62, 9],
+      [41, 64],
+      [27, 80],
+      [43, -30],
+      [24, -115],
+      [-14, -88],
+      [39, -52],
+      [46, -24],
+      [26, 55],
+      [29, 150],
+      [23, -15],
+      [30, 44],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [23, 91],
+      [50, 59],
+      [-3, 72],
+      [37, 44],
+      [14, 45],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [39, 47],
+      [-11, 78],
+      [32, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39770, 6447],
+      [-34, -93],
+      [45, -41],
+      [-5, -61],
+      [39, -12],
+      [16, -49],
+      [32, 0],
+      [-6, -64],
+      [12, -41],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [12, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39854, 5959],
+      [-89, -21],
+      [-13, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39752, 5908],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-101, 112],
+      [-57, 8],
+      [-92, -76],
+      [-20, 25],
+      [12, 82],
+      [-76, 28],
+      [-57, -27],
+      [-19, 50],
+      [-61, -10],
+      [-25, 42],
+      [13, 50],
+      [-19, 105],
+      [-43, 80],
+      [7, 27],
+      [-42, 52],
+      [5, 77],
+      [17, 80],
+      [-63, 53],
+      [-22, 34],
+      [3, 70],
+      [27, 54],
+      [43, -1],
+      [-57, 189],
+      [14, 54],
+      [-18, 151],
+      [53, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41503, 3424],
+      [14, 25],
+      [58, -18],
+      [74, 41],
+      [28, 91],
+      [54, 76],
+      [5, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41736, 3679],
+      [19, -44],
+      [29, -21],
+      [-5, -37],
+      [56, -33],
+      [44, -48],
+      [-22, -138],
+      [2, -99],
+      [35, 7],
+      [31, -25],
+      [58, -75],
+      [10, -32],
+      [-37, -120],
+      [-62, -21],
+      [-37, -38],
+      [11, -49],
+      [-23, -104],
+      [68, -10],
+      [66, -65],
+      [7, -41],
+      [45, -114],
+      [26, 24],
+      [23, -55],
+      [87, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41789, 1968],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-41, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41212, 2321],
+      [33, 14],
+      [49, 55],
+      [37, -8],
+      [-18, 108],
+      [-48, -35],
+      [-72, -32],
+      [-62, 0],
+      [19, 54],
+      [-8, 110],
+      [15, 37],
+      [74, 30],
+      [14, 70],
+      [54, -6],
+      [48, 14],
+      [65, -18],
+      [18, 73],
+      [37, 106],
+      [-31, 84],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [21, 107],
+      [36, -20],
+      [16, 22],
+      [-62, 56],
+      [86, 114],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [8, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41862, 5152],
+      [-128, -18],
+      [-17, -110],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-55, 32],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-7, -38],
+      [-60, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41259, 5062],
+      [6, 59],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [-13, 85],
+      [7, 51],
+      [-24, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41510, 5780],
+      [49, -2],
+      [19, -53],
+      [51, 3],
+      [23, 22],
+      [39, -12],
+      [47, -42],
+      [66, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61598, 1098],
+      [17, -20],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-11, 43],
+      [46, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61474, 1356],
+      [41, -65],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-31, -91],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-3, -48],
+      [-24, -2],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [64, 90],
+      [64, 172],
+      [17, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61968, 1781],
+      [19, -27],
+      [-22, -68],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-102, -90],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [-49, -56],
+      [-25, -59],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-17, -45],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [30, 57],
+      [27, 20],
+      [16, 74],
+      [25, 20],
+      [30, 79],
+      [86, 74],
+      [52, -7],
+      [29, 32],
+      [40, 77],
+      [26, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [62299, 2052],
+      [-62, -82],
+      [-38, -77],
+      [-29, -20],
+      [-37, -63],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [27, 64],
+      [22, 5],
+      [49, 93],
+      [25, 6],
+      [31, 50],
+      [38, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63109, 3453],
+      [-1, -126],
+      [-40, -20],
+      [5, 57],
+      [36, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63334, 3918],
+      [20, -11],
+      [4, -96],
+      [-23, -17],
+      [-31, -92],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [-37, -3],
+      [3, 67],
+      [27, 51],
+      [47, 13],
+      [21, 32],
+      [19, 83],
+      [34, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63418, 3957],
+      [5, -40],
+      [-33, -58],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [2, 38],
+      [54, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60822, 5416],
+      [54, -141],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [5, -92],
+      [48, -165],
+      [12, -62],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [29, -137],
+      [23, -19],
+      [-3, -104],
+      [-39, -97],
+      [9, -26],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [43, -152],
+      [-20, -98],
+      [46, -21],
+      [6, -90],
+      [13, -27],
+      [53, -381],
+      [32, -90],
+      [23, -108],
+      [3, -60],
+      [19, -44],
+      [8, -103],
+      [-24, -16],
+      [-84, 51],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [-80, -70],
+      [-19, -53],
+      [6, -66],
+      [-44, -143],
+      [-38, -200],
+      [-7, -67],
+      [8, -79],
+      [28, -88],
+      [45, -56],
+      [14, -41],
+      [2, -75],
+      [17, -75],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [24, -45],
+      [54, 45],
+      [16, -211],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-17, 95],
+      [9, 42],
+      [-40, 28],
+      [-54, 12],
+      [-28, 46],
+      [-53, -39],
+      [-38, -152],
+      [-15, -106],
+      [-27, -35],
+      [-18, 69],
+      [-23, 205],
+      [34, 122],
+      [12, 120],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [0, 129],
+      [23, 99],
+      [22, 52],
+      [-11, 139],
+      [-48, 130],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [25, 47],
+      [22, 141],
+      [14, 237],
+      [-3, 233],
+      [-20, 59],
+      [7, 125],
+      [29, 79],
+      [3, 53],
+      [-35, 140],
+      [-52, 82],
+      [7, 35],
+      [-38, 48],
+      [6, 201],
+      [33, 80],
+      [-2, 63],
+      [18, 140],
+      [-17, 39],
+      [-12, 88],
+      [81, 63],
+      [8, -60],
+      [36, -3],
+      [37, 69],
+      [-25, 31],
+      [33, 42],
+      [5, 91],
+      [-48, 74],
+      [-21, 57],
+      [58, 8],
+      [14, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64345, 11606],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [27, -99],
+      [-8, -45],
+      [-67, -2],
+      [21, 101],
+      [-18, 58],
+      [58, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59897, 12452],
+      [41, -37],
+      [-45, -39],
+      [-114, 30],
+      [39, 43],
+      [79, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60087, 12605],
+      [48, -82],
+      [-85, -58],
+      [-67, 29],
+      [33, 82],
+      [71, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58031, 12877],
+      [45, -34],
+      [105, -41],
+      [98, 6],
+      [-54, -110],
+      [-128, 19],
+      [-98, 80],
+      [-95, 1],
+      [-32, 39],
+      [159, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58260, 13078],
+      [42, -23],
+      [-107, -59],
+      [-36, 20],
+      [101, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56528, 13092],
+      [74, -19],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-92, 4],
+      [27, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60700, 13398],
+      [107, -40],
+      [123, -84],
+      [52, -62],
+      [-6, -86],
+      [-43, -25],
+      [-146, 15],
+      [-199, 37],
+      [-146, 49],
+      [-154, -36],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [94, 4],
+      [78, 65],
+      [30, 76],
+      [211, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56500, 6432],
+      [-27, 31],
+      [5, 75],
+      [-51, 104],
+      [10, 66],
+      [-82, 61],
+      [24, 164],
+      [-9, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54829, 13312],
+      [-2, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54891, 13398],
+      [80, -62],
+      [110, -21],
+      [104, 7],
+      [68, 63],
+      [53, -89],
+      [-47, -87],
+      [73, -50],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [6, -107],
+      [-58, -51],
+      [62, 41],
+      [22, 96],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [63, 45],
+      [-62, 71],
+      [142, 36],
+      [110, -1],
+      [66, 41],
+      [76, 4],
+      [224, -26],
+      [90, -27],
+      [244, -7],
+      [33, -16],
+      [0, -1],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-79, -53],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [36, -81],
+      [176, -51],
+      [69, -39],
+      [60, 14],
+      [191, -27],
+      [110, 17],
+      [64, -27],
+      [158, -34],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [71, -2],
+      [48, 81],
+      [28, 37],
+      [-66, 89],
+      [23, 102],
+      [110, -23],
+      [83, 78],
+      [54, -33],
+      [89, -29],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [81, 0],
+      [48, -25],
+      [101, 12],
+      [11, -57],
+      [86, 7],
+      [15, 57],
+      [208, -36],
+      [-16, -7],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [77, 6],
+      [-19, -6],
+      [58, -21],
+      [8, -19],
+      [66, -25],
+      [5, -7],
+      [17, -53],
+      [-74, -40],
+      [-121, -25],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [103, -11],
+      [-34, -50],
+      [-99, -24],
+      [-32, 4],
+      [-104, -67],
+      [-52, -41],
+      [118, -13],
+      [109, -34],
+      [12, -29],
+      [123, -89],
+      [43, -112],
+      [68, -7],
+      [32, 32],
+      [-26, 67],
+      [44, -58],
+      [-22, -103],
+      [46, -137],
+      [47, -15],
+      [21, -62],
+      [57, 0],
+      [17, -52],
+      [131, -66],
+      [71, -25],
+      [79, 90],
+      [25, 93],
+      [33, 52],
+      [30, 116],
+      [64, 117],
+      [58, 30],
+      [-19, -57],
+      [81, -88],
+      [96, -61],
+      [122, -30],
+      [114, 8],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [180, 69],
+      [93, -10],
+      [38, -3],
+      [88, -57],
+      [80, -32],
+      [52, -59],
+      [49, -59],
+      [35, 73],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [39, 86],
+      [120, 16],
+      [41, 25],
+      [94, -80],
+      [93, -5],
+      [-32, 71],
+      [3, 82],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [50, 56],
+      [17, 57],
+      [-66, -4],
+      [-53, -41],
+      [-35, 56],
+      [87, 96],
+      [173, -10],
+      [73, 23],
+      [48, 53],
+      [-86, 88],
+      [109, -8],
+      [56, -35],
+      [131, -24],
+      [225, -8],
+      [190, -24],
+      [292, -63],
+      [122, -43],
+      [-156, -12],
+      [-76, 6],
+      [-39, 31],
+      [-84, -10],
+      [-55, -72],
+      [381, 34],
+      [82, -4],
+      [-104, -113],
+      [-19, 42],
+      [-100, 22],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [41, -59],
+      [-97, -27],
+      [-50, -47],
+      [-5, -43],
+      [65, -4],
+      [137, 57],
+      [193, 211],
+      [234, 6],
+      [206, -64],
+      [59, -37],
+      [62, -76],
+      [-75, -58],
+      [-77, 39],
+      [-32, -61],
+      [62, -19],
+      [82, 5],
+      [69, -53],
+      [76, -14],
+      [12, -34],
+      [150, -38],
+      [36, -34],
+      [87, -153],
+      [146, -23],
+      [163, 27],
+      [119, 33],
+      [272, 48],
+      [235, -2],
+      [185, -30],
+      [189, -67],
+      [83, -54],
+      [47, -54],
+      [53, -127],
+      [-66, -187],
+      [58, -39],
+      [163, -31],
+      [33, -136],
+      [-19, -96],
+      [55, -16],
+      [63, -63],
+      [-34, 183],
+      [75, 76],
+      [103, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60454, 13547],
+      [57, -15],
+      [-4, -93],
+      [-120, -34],
+      [-43, 58],
+      [23, 73],
+      [87, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61534, 14087],
+      [30, -65],
+      [92, -45],
+      [47, 44],
+      [189, -10],
+      [56, -85],
+      [132, 28],
+      [144, -22],
+      [96, -50],
+      [-6, -92],
+      [-176, -42],
+      [-97, -13],
+      [-192, 23],
+      [-89, 70],
+      [-103, 18],
+      [-151, 66],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [50, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [59506, 14202],
+      [31, -64],
+      [61, -35],
+      [-45, -92],
+      [-75, -13],
+      [28, 204]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60136, 14337],
+      [173, -149],
+      [87, -16],
+      [2, -66],
+      [121, -4],
+      [-30, 139],
+      [45, 39],
+      [120, 20],
+      [144, -102],
+      [100, -25],
+      [94, 22],
+      [309, -115],
+      [-79, -56],
+      [-19, -115],
+      [-66, -43],
+      [-181, 1],
+      [-85, 36],
+      [-50, 71],
+      [-18, 65],
+      [91, 66],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-107, 6],
+      [-84, -33],
+      [35, -113],
+      [120, -129],
+      [148, -28],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-129, -12],
+      [-70, -33],
+      [-96, 50],
+      [-77, 8],
+      [-245, -47],
+      [-66, 57],
+      [-89, -105],
+      [-74, -27],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-95, 15],
+      [-59, 69],
+      [-92, 52],
+      [-85, 88],
+      [98, 32],
+      [-51, 88],
+      [-10, 68],
+      [83, 36],
+      [-30, 38],
+      [47, 39],
+      [83, 3],
+      [17, 43],
+      [163, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43511, 4338],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [-66, 39],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-91, 93],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-73, -3],
+      [-51, 69],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [-16, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43044, 4753],
+      [32, 55],
+      [-16, 24],
+      [-55, 24],
+      [8, 36],
+      [-44, 100],
+      [13, 34],
+      [68, 19],
+      [-3, 70],
+      [34, 36],
+      [55, -27],
+      [24, 53],
+      [70, 21],
+      [40, -26],
+      [65, 50],
+      [46, 50],
+      [18, 73],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-30, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43364, 5460],
+      [59, -23],
+      [34, -59],
+      [27, 48],
+      [45, -41],
+      [9, 77],
+      [36, 57],
+      [59, -11],
+      [63, -55],
+      [44, -71],
+      [45, 45],
+      [46, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43506, 4319],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-28, -107],
+      [-78, -41],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-60, 6],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [17, -53],
+      [-60, -31],
+      [-51, -75],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [23, -180],
+      [22, -33],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-57, -37],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [-23, 74],
+      [-53, 99],
+      [-50, 53],
+      [-22, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42865, 3765],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-39, 3],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-34, -62],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [2, 44],
+      [-46, 47],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [3, -49],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-29, -16],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [25, 42],
+      [0, 43],
+      [-47, 94],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-71, 13],
+      [-52, -46],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-83, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42020, 4116],
+      [-2, 57],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-50, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41950, 4248],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [32, 65],
+      [22, 114],
+      [50, 113]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42746, 4685],
+      [32, 4],
+      [86, -37],
+      [32, 29],
+      [33, -21],
+      [14, 71],
+      [101, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40099, 5001],
+      [-56, 66],
+      [9, 50],
+      [-71, 46],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [8, 95],
+      [-104, 101],
+      [-17, 83],
+      [-29, 19],
+      [24, 57],
+      [-85, 66],
+      [34, 61],
+      [8, 93],
+      [-29, 64],
+      [20, 25],
+      [-4, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39854, 5959],
+      [63, -32],
+      [57, 21],
+      [7, -35],
+      [103, -4],
+      [63, -17],
+      [41, 5],
+      [13, 32],
+      [43, 10],
+      [38, 42],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [98, 60],
+      [96, -65],
+      [14, 25],
+      [64, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46360, 7113],
+      [11, -121],
+      [32, -85],
+      [-60, -39],
+      [-65, -72],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-98, -64],
+      [23, -31],
+      [-26, -51],
+      [41, -211],
+      [35, -16],
+      [-13, -46],
+      [-45, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41950, 4248],
+      [-59, 42],
+      [-49, -16],
+      [-63, 43],
+      [-49, 11],
+      [-10, -22],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-8, 64],
+      [-68, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43618, 6121],
+      [20, -20],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [156, -24],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [47, -17],
+      [59, 79],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [32, 43],
+      [49, 17],
+      [6, -74],
+      [38, -38],
+      [63, 45],
+      [3, -36],
+      [-61, -95],
+      [24, -26],
+      [77, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43364, 5460],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-43, 23],
+      [-40, 97],
+      [-52, 22],
+      [-60, -92],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-75, 63],
+      [-35, -27],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-36, -62],
+      [-26, -15],
+      [-31, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48091, 7115],
+      [-4, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52582, 4473],
+      [-26, -34],
+      [-29, -90],
+      [-72, -42],
+      [-16, -105],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [-34, -200],
+      [28, -31],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [33, -76],
+      [36, -23],
+      [-8, -93],
+      [-31, -86],
+      [-48, -64],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-63, -80],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-36, 58],
+      [-54, -3],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-39, 13],
+      [-116, -40],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [-31, 46],
+      [-67, -9],
+      [-39, 80],
+      [-10, 94],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-155, 1],
+      [-56, -8],
+      [-23, 37],
+      [9, 43],
+      [-36, 13],
+      [-44, -32],
+      [-53, 70],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [-58, 19],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [0, -35],
+      [-58, -3],
+      [-75, 13],
+      [-14, -62],
+      [21, -20],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [-55, -8],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [-129, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41017, 7082],
+      [7, -25],
+      [-45, -39],
+      [2, -49],
+      [51, -54],
+      [-55, -47],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [36, -16],
+      [51, -75],
+      [4, -59],
+      [34, -44],
+      [49, 14],
+      [8, -33],
+      [-29, -44],
+      [20, -64],
+      [-27, -17],
+      [0, -44],
+      [26, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40799, 7095],
+      [70, 113],
+      [47, 18],
+      [101, -144]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47216, 5764],
+      [-57, -58],
+      [-56, 34],
+      [-48, 52],
+      [-63, 8],
+      [-72, 28],
+      [-55, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41169, 6344],
+      [23, -54],
+      [42, 20],
+      [31, -24],
+      [37, 15],
+      [39, -17],
+      [17, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42865, 3765],
+      [-22, -26],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [15, -38],
+      [-22, -57],
+      [-62, -52],
+      [-21, -208],
+      [51, -68],
+      [-22, -66],
+      [-30, -27],
+      [-32, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41736, 3679],
+      [23, 57],
+      [-7, 113],
+      [-46, 63],
+      [57, 68],
+      [48, 32],
+      [16, 57],
+      [68, -5],
+      [76, 15],
+      [49, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41648, 7097],
+      [-86, 13],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-39, 25],
+      [-35, 71],
+      [-116, 67],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-20, -58],
+      [-62, 14],
+      [-29, -23],
+      [-73, 11],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-31, 9],
+      [-22, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41503, 3424],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-67, -20],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-29, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47032, 10473],
+      [119, -45],
+      [0, -47],
+      [-56, -27],
+      [-51, 40],
+      [-12, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47384, 10522],
+      [33, -96],
+      [-56, -5],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-65, 41],
+      [218, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48575, 12862],
+      [85, -16],
+      [32, -36],
+      [-102, -75],
+      [-160, -5],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [75, 66],
+      [74, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46130, 11439],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 1],
+      [35, 26],
+      [0, 26],
+      [30, 2],
+      [126, -70],
+      [115, -66],
+      [102, -32],
+      [47, -59],
+      [182, -126],
+      [70, -60],
+      [81, 153],
+      [23, 69],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [-77, 116],
+      [7, 108],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [-194, 98],
+      [15, 93],
+      [97, 34],
+      [-27, 57],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [44, 91],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [27, 100],
+      [-112, 61],
+      [27, 68],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [35, 69],
+      [76, 29],
+      [142, 94],
+      [40, 42],
+      [41, 72],
+      [46, 148],
+      [27, 119],
+      [43, 96],
+      [29, 36],
+      [190, 24],
+      [207, -6],
+      [44, 9],
+      [104, -35],
+      [97, -33],
+      [26, -192],
+      [-48, -74],
+      [-21, -76],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [2, -54],
+      [-90, -72],
+      [4, -44],
+      [73, -89],
+      [61, -27],
+      [0, -60],
+      [44, -58],
+      [-25, -95],
+      [14, -77],
+      [-61, -56],
+      [32, -65],
+      [-18, -62],
+      [32, -93],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [28, -63],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-10, -128],
+      [20, -65],
+      [91, -76],
+      [81, -65],
+      [-16, -79],
+      [-65, -67],
+      [-5, -68],
+      [27, -44],
+      [-19, -80],
+      [-43, -44],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-26, -110],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-1, -60],
+      [-50, -95],
+      [-71, -6],
+      [-59, -37],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-59, -16],
+      [-53, 52],
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Khakassiya|Republic of Khakasia|Khakasskaya A.Obl.|Respublika Khakasiya|Republic of Khakasia"
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Republic",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Territory",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Territory",
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Krasnoyarskiy Kray|Yeniseisk|Yeniseyskaya G."
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "NAME_1": "Leningrad",
+            "TYPE_1": "Oblast",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
+            "NL_NAME_1": "Ленинградская область",
+            "VARNAME_1": "Saint Petersburg|Sankt-Peterburgskaya G.|Leningradskaya Oblast"
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ID_0": 188,
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+            "ID_1": 41,
+            "NAME_1": "Mariy-El",
+            "TYPE_1": "Respublika",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Republic",
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+          }
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+            "ID_0": 188,
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ID_1": 48,
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Territory",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Territory",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+            "ID_1": 74,
+            "NAME_1": "Udmurt",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Republic",
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Region",
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+          }
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+          "arcs": [[297, -38, -109, -250, 298, -282]],
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+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 188,
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+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
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+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
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+      [0, 41],
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+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
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+      [0, 42],
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+      [-64, 0],
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+      [-30, 36],
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+      [36, 41],
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+      [37, 41],
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+      [-37, 0],
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+      [0, 42],
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+      [0, 41],
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+      [52, 51],
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+      [28, 60],
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+      [20, 66],
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+      [30, 60],
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+      [17, 59],
+      [13, 61],
+      [8, 61],
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+      [7, 57],
+      [6, 54],
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+      [66, 8],
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+      [64, 38],
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+      [52, 63],
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+      [50, 57],
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+      [39, 59],
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+      [68, 72],
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+      [65, 47],
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+      [45, 51],
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+      [39, 62],
+      [40, 64],
+      [47, 54],
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+      [51, 44],
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+      [45, 48],
+      [50, 46],
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+      [40, 57],
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+      [110, 0],
+      [36, 41],
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+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
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+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
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+      [0, -41],
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+      [0, -41],
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+      [0, -41],
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+      [52, -50],
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+      [0, -82],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -40],
+      [36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [18, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-9, -72],
+      [-120, -175],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [5, -46],
+      [29, -63],
+      [26, -66],
+      [12, -71],
+      [2, -73],
+      [0, -75],
+      [-4, -78],
+      [-17, -80],
+      [-35, -79],
+      [-67, -62],
+      [-68, -66],
+      [-3, -92],
+      [51, -71],
+      [73, -27],
+      [63, -24],
+      [44, -37],
+      [18, -31],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-74, -110],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -83],
+      [-27, -124],
+      [-38, -110],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [3, -21],
+      [-36, -77],
+      [-37, -61],
+      [17, -68],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [9, -75],
+      [-4, -60],
+      [-1, -67],
+      [-3, -71],
+      [-15, -68],
+      [-22, -67],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [-47, -51],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-43, -60],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-50, -52],
+      [-47, -56],
+      [-48, -52],
+      [-50, -52],
+      [-46, -59],
+      [-48, -58],
+      [-48, -61],
+      [-58, -49],
+      [-68, -32],
+      [-69, -21],
+      [-63, -24],
+      [-71, -12],
+      [-76, -3],
+      [-78, -6],
+      [-75, -34],
+      [-65, -54],
+      [-51, -64],
+      [-63, -52],
+      [-58, -47],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-58, -12],
+      [-57, -15],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-55, 1],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-59, 10],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-70, 11],
+      [-66, 25],
+      [-63, 36],
+      [-66, 40],
+      [-45, 72],
+      [-54, 69],
+      [-60, 61],
+      [-68, 38],
+      [-68, 21],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-21, 1],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-55, -62],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-56, -31],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-221, 0],
+      [-106, -5],
+      [-105, -5],
+      [-277, 10],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-65, -186],
+      [37, -51],
+      [58, -21],
+      [52, 31],
+      [37, 31],
+      [37, 31],
+      [9, 41],
+      [55, 10],
+      [55, 11],
+      [101, 0],
+      [331, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [92, -185],
+      [91, 0],
+      [111, 185],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [72, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [52, -13],
+      [35, -20],
+      [24, -15],
+      [15, -28],
+      [17, -33],
+      [14, -42],
+      [20, -45],
+      [5, -55],
+      [1, -59],
+      [7, -54],
+      [23, -42],
+      [20, -39],
+      [28, -29],
+      [39, -17],
+      [49, -3],
+      [56, 1],
+      [59, 11],
+      [54, 28],
+      [56, 25],
+      [59, 17],
+      [61, 17],
+      [64, 20],
+      [74, 7],
+      [74, 15],
+      [77, 48],
+      [72, 7],
+      [20, -13],
+      [30, -20],
+      [35, -36],
+      [21, -30],
+      [15, -61],
+      [34, -13],
+      [28, 31],
+      [36, 10],
+      [33, 31],
+      [56, -17],
+      [56, -41],
+      [47, -51],
+      [35, -57],
+      [20, -67],
+      [18, -71],
+      [4, -80],
+      [-5, -80],
+      [-25, -68],
+      [-17, -65],
+      [-22, -50],
+      [-15, -54],
+      [-25, -49],
+      [-25, -57],
+      [-17, -68],
+      [-26, -60],
+      [-10, -65],
+      [-22, -54],
+      [-14, -52],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-17, -51],
+      [-5, -66],
+      [-6, -72],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [16, -44],
+      [25, -46],
+      [32, -48],
+      [25, -53],
+      [17, -55],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-24, -67],
+      [-39, -62],
+      [-50, -44],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-49, -42],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-62, -30],
+      [-57, -28],
+      [-135, -37],
+      [0, -42],
+      [18, -41],
+      [18, -41],
+      [10, -62],
+      [82, 0],
+      [37, 31],
+      [28, 41],
+      [36, 31],
+      [64, 31],
+      [55, 24],
+      [51, 40],
+      [51, 35],
+      [53, 37],
+      [52, 30],
+      [54, 25],
+      [45, 33],
+      [38, 36],
+      [32, 39],
+      [25, 43],
+      [32, 43],
+      [35, 44],
+      [32, 49],
+      [25, 51],
+      [16, 52],
+      [18, 46],
+      [6, 58],
+      [6, 65],
+      [24, 71],
+      [6, 79],
+      [0, 79],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [-22, 62],
+      [-6, 62],
+      [2, 64],
+      [13, 67],
+      [21, 66],
+      [23, 68],
+      [24, 63],
+      [30, 49],
+      [37, 32],
+      [36, 29],
+      [47, 6],
+      [51, 0],
+      [52, -7],
+      [44, -32],
+      [44, -44],
+      [40, -52],
+      [30, -65],
+      [31, -60],
+      [27, -58],
+      [29, -50],
+      [20, -56],
+      [22, -54],
+      [21, -59],
+      [22, -63],
+      [32, -61],
+      [37, -64],
+      [36, -68],
+      [34, -72],
+      [31, -75],
+      [21, -79],
+      [23, -69],
+      [20, -63],
+      [16, -53],
+      [3, -47],
+      [1, -42],
+      [5, -46],
+      [30, -61],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [73, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [74, -83],
+      [73, 0],
+      [7, 44],
+      [26, 42],
+      [24, 39],
+      [19, 35],
+      [4, 31],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [2, 33],
+      [0, 49],
+      [0, 57],
+      [6, 61],
+      [24, 60],
+      [6, 72],
+      [0, 81],
+      [-6, 85],
+      [-23, 77],
+      [-13, 80],
+      [-28, 67],
+      [-27, 66],
+      [-35, 65],
+      [-43, 67],
+      [-45, 76],
+      [-40, 82],
+      [-34, 83],
+      [-37, 80],
+      [-37, 78],
+      [-44, 72],
+      [-48, 65],
+      [-36, 76],
+      [-29, 80],
+      [-28, 78],
+      [-36, 69],
+      [-39, 61],
+      [-41, 47],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-26, 51],
+      [-12, 59],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-9, 68],
+      [-9, 72],
+      [-3, 70],
+      [11, 56],
+      [4, 53],
+      [10, 54],
+      [28, 44],
+      [41, 37],
+      [51, 36],
+      [53, 41],
+      [53, 51],
+      [39, 73],
+      [36, 95],
+      [48, 78],
+      [46, 68],
+      [52, 45],
+      [48, 35],
+      [41, 36],
+      [34, 40],
+      [48, 23],
+      [38, 31],
+      [37, 31],
+      [38, 31],
+      [29, 52],
+      [52, 32],
+      [53, 37],
+      [63, 27],
+      [59, 33],
+      [62, 36],
+      [69, 37],
+      [62, 63],
+      [73, 59],
+      [42, 86],
+      [15, 100],
+      [8, 96],
+      [30, 79],
+      [33, 72],
+      [35, 68],
+      [47, 63],
+      [56, 54],
+      [60, 51],
+      [59, 43],
+      [54, 44],
+      [49, 46],
+      [45, 54],
+      [38, 64],
+      [30, 74],
+      [32, 75],
+      [31, 75],
+      [38, 66],
+      [40, 62],
+      [45, 53],
+      [44, 47],
+      [38, 45],
+      [32, 46],
+      [21, 56],
+      [21, 49],
+      [21, 49],
+      [-11, 54],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [-7, 78],
+      [-16, 81],
+      [-21, 81],
+      [-35, 159],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [-64, 82],
+      [-27, 83],
+      [-74, 114],
+      [-55, 93],
+      [-26, 86],
+      [-26, 67],
+      [-35, 55],
+      [-45, 58],
+      [-41, 69],
+      [-25, 78],
+      [11, 81],
+      [24, 70],
+      [35, 52],
+      [43, 42],
+      [51, 33],
+      [66, 19],
+      [70, 9],
+      [70, -34],
+      [66, -50],
+      [67, -47],
+      [70, -45],
+      [77, -46],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, -123],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 83],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [111, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [53, 30],
+      [71, 16],
+      [68, 22],
+      [75, -11],
+      [70, -13],
+      [68, -3],
+      [66, -6],
+      [59, -25],
+      [66, 8],
+      [61, -11],
+      [56, -3],
+      [47, 18],
+      [97, 27],
+      [74, 0],
+      [64, -31],
+      [73, 20],
+      [82, 21],
+      [65, 51],
+      [9, 42],
+      [36, 72],
+      [36, 62],
+      [32, 61],
+      [38, 73],
+      [49, 70],
+      [51, 65],
+      [41, 62],
+      [38, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [257, 288],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 41],
+      [21, -24],
+      [16, -17],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [9, 42],
+      [146, 82],
+      [29, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 32],
+      [50, 47],
+      [62, 37],
+      [80, 11],
+      [80, 22],
+      [66, 48],
+      [69, 54],
+      [66, 57],
+      [58, 66],
+      [49, 69],
+      [50, 60],
+      [50, 53],
+      [72, 25],
+      [69, 36],
+      [67, 35],
+      [70, 29],
+      [74, 25],
+      [70, 35],
+      [74, 42],
+      [77, 49],
+      [75, 58],
+      [66, 76],
+      [64, 80],
+      [79, 59],
+      [81, 56],
+      [71, 67],
+      [79, 52],
+      [64, 58],
+      [56, 57],
+      [57, 43],
+      [50, 44],
+      [47, 40],
+      [49, 35],
+      [56, 27],
+      [55, 30],
+      [54, 37],
+      [51, 50],
+      [44, 64],
+      [40, 71],
+      [43, 65],
+      [28, 34],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, -1],
+      [38, 42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [183, 206],
+      [294, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [18, 21],
+      [18, 21],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [221, 247],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [110, 124],
+      [37, 0],
+      [64, -11],
+      [120, 51],
+      [83, 11],
+      [83, 0],
+      [54, 20],
+      [74, 11],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -42],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -40],
+      [73, 0],
+      [43, -38],
+      [56, 2],
+      [68, 29],
+      [78, 6],
+      [79, 1],
+      [81, -1],
+      [81, 0],
+      [84, 6],
+      [83, 28],
+      [82, 45],
+      [89, 33],
+      [87, 5],
+      [70, -19],
+      [72, 15],
+      [54, -21],
+      [52, -21],
+      [56, -37],
+      [51, -32],
+      [56, -30],
+      [57, -36],
+      [56, -42],
+      [57, -42],
+      [49, -43],
+      [39, -42],
+      [29, -35],
+      [8, -41],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-54, -47],
+      [-56, -14],
+      [-57, -16],
+      [-90, -42],
+      [-70, -56],
+      [-63, -62],
+      [-53, -65],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [-23, -70],
+      [-6, -71],
+      [18, -71],
+      [26, -55],
+      [38, 40],
+      [0, 42],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [58, 61],
+      [63, 56],
+      [86, 55],
+      [52, 30],
+      [50, 31],
+      [54, 11],
+      [26, 5],
+      [41, -27],
+      [42, -26],
+      [41, -33],
+      [45, -33],
+      [61, -4],
+      [65, 18],
+      [50, 51],
+      [42, 57],
+      [32, 55],
+      [24, 51],
+      [13, 54],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [110, 123],
+      [0, 82],
+      [110, 124],
+      [74, 0],
+      [147, -165],
+      [37, 1],
+      [110, -124],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [184, 1],
+      [36, -41],
+      [69, -25],
+      [72, -50],
+      [72, -52],
+      [62, -59],
+      [54, -56],
+      [44, -51],
+      [38, -45],
+      [29, -39],
+      [28, -31],
+      [39, -18],
+      [44, -25],
+      [57, -23],
+      [64, -22],
+      [66, -30],
+      [64, -36],
+      [51, -56],
+      [47, -60],
+      [49, -55],
+      [57, -47],
+      [61, -44],
+      [64, -42],
+      [59, -40],
+      [55, -37],
+      [56, -23],
+      [52, -23],
+      [54, -26],
+      [64, -20],
+      [60, -36],
+      [58, -41],
+      [54, -41],
+      [46, -42],
+      [38, -48],
+      [36, -56],
+      [30, -67],
+      [23, -72],
+      [19, -72],
+      [3, -71],
+      [-8, -70],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [-14, -83],
+      [-36, -83],
+      [-66, -79],
+      [-87, -45],
+      [-79, -16],
+      [-59, -20],
+      [-69, -15],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-6, -31],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [-2, -43],
+      [18, -42],
+      [29, -32],
+      [33, -27],
+      [42, -21],
+      [47, -18],
+      [54, -6],
+      [53, 1],
+      [53, 1],
+      [50, 2],
+      [53, 8],
+      [53, 24],
+      [62, 8],
+      [62, 9],
+      [61, 24],
+      [64, 9],
+      [64, 9],
+      [58, 24],
+      [62, 7],
+      [66, 0],
+      [68, -9],
+      [60, -39],
+      [45, -65],
+      [45, -67],
+      [35, -67],
+      [28, -64],
+      [29, -59],
+      [16, -63],
+      [22, -58],
+      [14, -65],
+      [21, -62],
+      [3, -77],
+      [-12, -86],
+      [-27, -91],
+      [-51, -90],
+      [-78, -76],
+      [-81, -76],
+      [-78, -80],
+      [-75, -81],
+      [-47, -107],
+      [-27, -52],
+      [27, -20],
+      [37, 0],
+      [30, 18],
+      [74, 49],
+      [72, 74],
+      [68, 71],
+      [74, 71],
+      [79, 74],
+      [82, 25],
+      [18, -8],
+      [53, -21],
+      [60, -49],
+      [53, -50],
+      [37, -47],
+      [25, -45],
+      [27, -35],
+      [21, -32],
+      [10, -31],
+      [20, -21],
+      [21, -33],
+      [33, -40],
+      [36, -52],
+      [37, -57],
+      [39, -56],
+      [35, -54],
+      [36, -46],
+      [37, -39],
+      [33, -35],
+      [28, -36],
+      [22, -41],
+      [23, -38],
+      [14, -45],
+      [22, -40],
+      [10, -55],
+      [21, -55],
+      [10, -58],
+      [-4, -55],
+      [-22, -51],
+      [-15, -56],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [-24, -60],
+      [-32, -56],
+      [-38, -49],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-37, -38],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [-14, -38],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [-9, -61],
+      [-30, -59],
+      [-37, -57],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-41, -28],
+      [-33, -34],
+      [-29, -44],
+      [-33, -49],
+      [-31, -58],
+      [-2, -66],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [-45, -110],
+      [-19, -62],
+      [-9, -73],
+      [-38, -112],
+      [-38, -57],
+      [-30, -69],
+      [-27, -68],
+      [-32, -59],
+      [-33, -60],
+      [-40, -59],
+      [-42, -60],
+      [-46, -52],
+      [-43, -48],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-24, -65],
+      [-32, -72],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-220, -247],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-65, -47],
+      [-59, -56],
+      [-67, -53],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-77, -36],
+      [-66, -6],
+      [-53, 10],
+      [-45, 22],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [-45, 27],
+      [-51, 29],
+      [-62, 24],
+      [-68, 32],
+      [-80, 24],
+      [-82, 30],
+      [-73, 34],
+      [-65, 26],
+      [-72, -5],
+      [-77, 0],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-64, 13],
+      [-59, 34],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-77, 27],
+      [-86, -20],
+      [-89, -23],
+      [-80, -29],
+      [-63, -38],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-56, -35],
+      [-58, -37],
+      [-46, -58],
+      [-33, -72],
+      [-26, -75],
+      [-17, -70],
+      [-23, -59],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [-19, -52],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [0, -53],
+      [16, -47],
+      [34, -37],
+      [29, -35],
+      [31, -12],
+      [34, 30],
+      [37, 41],
+      [35, 45],
+      [29, 46],
+      [22, 46],
+      [25, 37],
+      [27, 31],
+      [28, 28],
+      [23, 37],
+      [32, 31],
+      [40, 29],
+      [55, 18],
+      [62, 17],
+      [69, 12],
+      [61, 26],
+      [64, 19],
+      [55, 25],
+      [58, 2],
+      [46, -17],
+      [34, -24],
+      [20, -31],
+      [12, -36],
+      [-20, -45],
+      [-33, -59],
+      [-37, -69],
+      [-41, -69],
+      [-30, -76],
+      [-11, -85],
+      [7, -83],
+      [29, -69],
+      [34, -63],
+      [26, -59],
+      [11, -56],
+      [2, -48],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [-18, -34],
+      [-10, -38],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [17, -47],
+      [21, -52],
+      [43, -41],
+      [48, -31],
+      [48, -27],
+      [40, -28],
+      [43, -10],
+      [49, -1],
+      [57, 0],
+      [73, 0],
+      [84, 1],
+      [86, 13],
+      [70, 59],
+      [69, 52],
+      [45, 71],
+      [35, 75],
+      [28, 76],
+      [16, 76],
+      [30, 60],
+      [33, 48],
+      [34, 37],
+      [49, 4],
+      [53, -24],
+      [54, -43],
+      [52, -40],
+      [51, -16],
+      [37, 6],
+      [31, 27],
+      [35, 42],
+      [33, 69],
+      [14, 86],
+      [8, 81],
+      [20, 61],
+      [32, 46],
+      [43, 41],
+      [57, 40],
+      [67, 41],
+      [75, 44],
+      [75, 47],
+      [54, 67],
+      [59, 58],
+      [59, 51],
+      [56, 54],
+      [66, 47],
+      [68, 43],
+      [66, 41],
+      [56, 43],
+      [45, 47],
+      [32, 54],
+      [27, 57],
+      [27, 54],
+      [22, 53],
+      [27, 44],
+      [43, 33],
+      [58, 31],
+      [60, 44],
+      [61, 58],
+      [70, 64],
+      [74, 56],
+      [62, 50],
+      [53, 49],
+      [54, 45],
+      [56, 44],
+      [51, 49],
+      [45, 55],
+      [37, 55],
+      [32, 54],
+      [18, 64],
+      [27, 64],
+      [32, 68],
+      [32, 69],
+      [49, 53],
+      [54, 43],
+      [52, 43],
+      [45, 54],
+      [30, 78],
+      [34, 88],
+      [31, 98],
+      [40, 94],
+      [41, 88],
+      [38, 76],
+      [29, 67],
+      [6, 68],
+      [4, 69],
+      [23, 67],
+      [47, 59],
+      [56, 59],
+      [64, 47],
+      [73, 29],
+      [70, 29],
+      [65, 32],
+      [70, 15],
+      [67, 26],
+      [84, 8],
+      [88, 5],
+      [85, 9],
+      [78, -44],
+      [88, -17],
+      [55, -27],
+      [63, -37],
+      [79, -37],
+      [44, -16],
+      [42, -75],
+      [49, -68],
+      [54, -52],
+      [54, -54],
+      [51, -60],
+      [49, -61],
+      [41, -69],
+      [37, -74],
+      [34, -74],
+      [32, -70],
+      [34, -63],
+      [42, -50],
+      [47, -49],
+      [55, -44],
+      [64, -39],
+      [78, -34],
+      [94, -27],
+      [53, -25],
+      [27, -40],
+      [37, -44],
+      [46, -40],
+      [46, -33],
+      [30, -36],
+      [20, -34],
+      [1, -86],
+      [-11, -114],
+      [2, -83],
+      [11, -55],
+      [8, -59],
+      [5, -58],
+      [40, -28],
+      [32, 46],
+      [25, 78],
+      [10, 90],
+      [-1, 106],
+      [-22, 116],
+      [-3, 91],
+      [34, 50],
+      [51, 47],
+      [73, 35],
+      [91, 16],
+      [89, 5],
+      [96, -30],
+      [88, -34],
+      [76, -47],
+      [84, -50],
+      [83, -46],
+      [80, -44],
+      [73, -38],
+      [48, -11],
+      [36, -42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [146, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, -3],
+      [65, -12],
+      [72, -5],
+      [63, -20],
+      [47, -34],
+      [37, -54],
+      [34, -64],
+      [28, -77],
+      [6, -81],
+      [-21, -70],
+      [-28, -65],
+      [-26, -56],
+      [-26, -59],
+      [-32, -55],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [-33, -42],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-34, -28],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-52, -32],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-146, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-55, -62],
+      [-55, -62],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, 44],
+      [67, 38],
+      [62, 41],
+      [59, 36],
+      [56, 21],
+      [49, 29],
+      [44, 38],
+      [46, 41],
+      [44, 39],
+      [43, 37],
+      [42, 42],
+      [49, 41],
+      [58, 34],
+      [64, 10],
+      [61, -11],
+      [65, -69],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-146, 164],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 165],
+      [23, 16],
+      [33, 43],
+      [28, 62],
+      [22, 64],
+      [15, 67],
+      [26, 58],
+      [37, 61],
+      [0, 246],
+      [93, 206],
+      [55, 103],
+      [55, 83],
+      [128, 20],
+      [36, 42],
+      [43, 21],
+      [57, 48],
+      [69, 50],
+      [35, 18],
+      [54, 27],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [111, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [51, 32],
+      [51, 22],
+      [50, 30],
+      [56, 29],
+      [67, 3],
+      [70, -27],
+      [80, -31],
+      [66, -81],
+      [13, -104],
+      [-27, -92],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [-12, -75],
+      [0, -52],
+      [-9, -113],
+      [0, -52],
+      [9, -165],
+      [45, -83],
+      [0, -165],
+      [16, -53],
+      [-42, -61],
+      [-10, -81],
+      [-6, -92],
+      [-22, -85],
+      [-1, -91],
+      [26, -76],
+      [29, -62],
+      [26, -60],
+      [38, -52],
+      [34, -56],
+      [37, -49],
+      [55, -16],
+      [37, 9],
+      [27, -27],
+      [31, -82],
+      [34, -51],
+      [37, -37],
+      [43, -33],
+      [49, -48],
+      [50, -61],
+      [47, -68],
+      [54, -68],
+      [61, -65],
+      [59, -78],
+      [52, -86],
+      [52, -67],
+      [47, -51],
+      [57, -30],
+      [0, -82],
+      [110, -123],
+      [0, -42],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -288],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-45, -118],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-55, -52],
+      [-9, -31],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [83, -73],
+      [91, 114],
+      [56, 83],
+      [137, 154],
+      [64, 73],
+      [82, 82],
+      [73, 62],
+      [83, 62],
+      [45, 62],
+      [279, 250],
+      [83, 41],
+      [63, 62],
+      [83, 41],
+      [100, 52],
+      [56, 21],
+      [111, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [221, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [80, -13],
+      [76, -49],
+      [54, -82],
+      [25, -76],
+      [25, -64],
+      [26, -60],
+      [6, -65],
+      [1, -61],
+      [5, -54],
+      [20, -42],
+      [11, -47],
+      [3, -48],
+      [31, -132],
+      [27, -93],
+      [46, -113],
+      [36, -42],
+      [37, -82],
+      [28, -68],
+      [36, -68],
+      [56, -57],
+      [65, -44],
+      [79, -21],
+      [77, -21],
+      [54, -26],
+      [28, -51],
+      [35, -58],
+      [44, -62],
+      [60, -52],
+      [66, -45],
+      [65, -42],
+      [61, -46],
+      [64, -39],
+      [73, -33],
+      [69, -43],
+      [55, -57],
+      [48, -58],
+      [46, -46],
+      [44, -36],
+      [54, -22],
+      [64, -19],
+      [68, -12],
+      [63, -28],
+      [60, -32],
+      [44, -52],
+      [37, -64],
+      [57, -26],
+      [60, -31],
+      [72, -13],
+      [69, -27],
+      [72, -7],
+      [71, 0],
+      [68, 0],
+      [66, 0],
+      [70, 0],
+      [75, -3],
+      [73, -16],
+      [65, -34],
+      [70, -24],
+      [77, -12],
+      [77, -30],
+      [80, -21],
+      [74, -20],
+      [71, -5],
+      [67, 0],
+      [61, 0],
+      [58, 0],
+      [56, 0],
+      [52, 0],
+      [51, 4],
+      [50, 18],
+      [54, 16],
+      [60, 3],
+      [69, 4],
+      [72, 15],
+      [74, 22],
+      [74, 0],
+      [99, -12],
+      [164, -21],
+      [129, -21],
+      [-55, 124],
+      [-146, 0],
+      [-74, 62],
+      [29, 33],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [45, 49],
+      [66, 74],
+      [70, -89],
+      [-10, -82],
+      [127, -41],
+      [184, 41],
+      [84, 61],
+      [128, 124],
+      [79, 151],
+      [43, 47],
+      [55, 34],
+      [40, 30],
+      [19, 38],
+      [19, 33],
+      [13, 39],
+      [26, 41],
+      [23, 45],
+      [23, 42],
+      [29, 33],
+      [29, 37],
+      [25, 49],
+      [29, 57],
+      [38, 59],
+      [39, 63],
+      [45, 51],
+      [45, 44],
+      [45, 38],
+      [57, 12],
+      [91, -64],
+      [102, -12],
+      [101, 35],
+      [46, 36],
+      [46, 36],
+      [58, -8],
+      [59, -30],
+      [66, -19],
+      [75, 8],
+      [76, -8],
+      [67, 12],
+      [68, 4],
+      [68, -3],
+      [71, -12],
+      [80, -2],
+      [85, -24],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [111, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [79, -5],
+      [72, -21],
+      [71, -27],
+      [72, -29],
+      [37, -41],
+      [221, 0],
+      [16, 17],
+      [21, 24],
+      [36, -1],
+      [110, 124],
+      [111, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [10, -114],
+      [-10, -248],
+      [10, -123],
+      [101, -186],
+      [2, -65],
+      [13, -62],
+      [21, -57],
+      [23, -53],
+      [18, -50],
+      [22, -42],
+      [10, -46],
+      [9, -47],
+      [20, -40],
+      [11, -49],
+      [17, -45],
+      [29, -38],
+      [15, -59],
+      [11, -57],
+      [16, -50],
+      [31, -40],
+      [19, -52],
+      [18, -52],
+      [23, -44],
+      [19, -46],
+      [18, -52],
+      [11, -58],
+      [23, -52],
+      [10, -56],
+      [21, -44],
+      [15, -49],
+      [30, -40],
+      [24, -47],
+      [20, -52],
+      [29, -45],
+      [28, -51],
+      [21, -61],
+      [28, -33],
+      [110, -124],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [0, -21],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [0, -205],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-184, -206],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-23, -51],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [-12, -64],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [-9, -92],
+      [-33, -84],
+      [-36, -67],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-14, -60],
+      [-14, -71],
+      [-14, -76],
+      [-19, -61],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-12, -60],
+      [-16, -51],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-12, -44],
+      [-5, -58],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [-20, -82],
+      [-128, -29],
+      [-37, -49],
+      [-46, -155],
+      [-92, -185],
+      [-73, -217],
+      [-121, -300],
+      [-23, -79],
+      [-65, -203],
+      [-72, -145],
+      [36, -103],
+      [-119, -165],
+      [-27, -206],
+      [-19, -124],
+      [-64, -145],
+      [-119, -289],
+      [-82, -279],
+      [-184, -495],
+      [-132, -339],
+      [18, -52],
+      [92, -10],
+      [27, -52],
+      [138, -62],
+      [9, -92],
+      [64, -42],
+      [91, 0],
+      [65, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [147, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-183, -206],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [74, 0],
+      [184, -205],
+      [147, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [184, 0],
+      [74, 124],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, 123],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [17, 20],
+      [19, 21],
+      [110, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [110, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [220, 0],
+      [38, 42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [146, 164],
+      [148, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [111, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [150, 31],
+      [366, 0],
+      [220, 7],
+      [111, 4],
+      [183, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [199, -24],
+      [210, 0],
+      [28, 13],
+      [114, 52],
+      [367, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -206],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [184, -205],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -206],
+      [37, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [-72, 82],
+      [0, 288],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-331, 371],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-72, 83],
+      [183, 205],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-111, 123],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -247],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [36, -206],
+      [0, -124],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [184, 0],
+      [72, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-698, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-294, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-147, -165],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-184, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-147, -165],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-75, -39],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-74, 8],
+      [-75, 26],
+      [-75, 0],
+      [-72, -30],
+      [-73, -23],
+      [-74, -26],
+      [-67, -36],
+      [-66, -41],
+      [-53, -57],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [-30, 29],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-38, 9],
+      [-46, 20],
+      [-54, 3],
+      [-60, -2],
+      [-59, 12],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [-50, -18],
+      [-52, -22],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [-58, -24],
+      [-67, -6],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [-74, -9],
+      [-71, -24],
+      [-72, -9],
+      [-66, -13],
+      [-58, -21],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-59, -15],
+      [-52, -18],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-61, -42],
+      [-74, -37],
+      [-90, 21],
+      [-75, 34],
+      [-63, 11],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [-37, -3],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-56, -17],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-67, -30],
+      [-69, -38],
+      [-76, -41],
+      [-80, -43],
+      [-76, -54],
+      [-65, -69],
+      [-70, -54],
+      [-76, 20],
+      [-81, 28],
+      [-85, 2],
+      [-82, -23],
+      [-84, -18],
+      [-75, -36],
+      [-73, -31],
+      [-80, 4],
+      [-76, 14],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-66, 0],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-71, -3],
+      [-70, -13],
+      [-61, -28],
+      [-54, -34],
+      [-54, -24],
+      [-53, -27],
+      [-48, -34],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-61, -24],
+      [-59, -26],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-51, -25],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [-49, -50],
+      [-55, -56],
+      [-77, -39],
+      [-74, 15],
+      [-71, 6],
+      [-66, 1],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-44, -35],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-441, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [-66, -27],
+      [-75, -14],
+      [-77, -26],
+      [-81, -6],
+      [-83, -1],
+      [-83, 0],
+      [-83, -5],
+      [-81, -23],
+      [-82, -13],
+      [-80, -13],
+      [-73, -23],
+      [-70, -12],
+      [-56, -29],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-61, -29],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-71, -15],
+      [-65, -33],
+      [-67, -31],
+      [-80, -10],
+      [-83, -9],
+      [-68, -33],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-51, -38],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-54, -14],
+      [-54, -27],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-68, -28],
+      [-67, -38],
+      [-72, -41],
+      [-75, -41],
+      [-75, -40],
+      [-80, -29],
+      [-86, -15],
+      [-85, -17],
+      [-85, -18],
+      [-88, -4],
+      [-87, -8],
+      [-78, -34],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [-67, -47],
+      [-55, -61],
+      [-71, -41],
+      [-79, -14],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [-67, 0],
+      [-61, -6],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-61, -16],
+      [-56, -29],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-57, -27],
+      [-50, -38],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-57, -30],
+      [-63, -19],
+      [-56, -33],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-59, -25],
+      [-56, -34],
+      [-65, -34],
+      [-82, -17],
+      [-85, -25],
+      [-88, -8],
+      [-87, -15],
+      [-76, -39],
+      [-68, -48],
+      [-61, -44],
+      [-51, -52],
+      [-47, -48],
+      [-42, -48],
+      [-32, -53],
+      [-35, -47],
+      [-51, -27],
+      [-55, -24],
+      [-66, -12],
+      [-63, -28],
+      [-62, -32],
+      [-56, -39],
+      [-54, -41],
+      [-52, -44],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [-49, -47],
+      [-54, -45],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-52, -54],
+      [-57, -49],
+      [-70, -31],
+      [-67, -33],
+      [-56, -40],
+      [-49, -47],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-51, -39],
+      [-45, -45],
+      [-45, -43],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-55, -34],
+      [-57, -33],
+      [-68, -19],
+      [-67, -31],
+      [-65, -39],
+      [-67, -44],
+      [-61, -51],
+      [-55, -60],
+      [-54, -55],
+      [-50, -50],
+      [-48, -41],
+      [-62, -29],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-367, 412],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-148, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 164],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [12, 95],
+      [-2, 115],
+      [55, 96],
+      [82, -7],
+      [80, 4],
+      [60, -3],
+      [80, 10],
+      [84, 21],
+      [100, 39],
+      [36, 42],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 247],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-56, -61],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -82],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -206],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-77, -318],
+      [83, -93],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [0, -21],
+      [45, -10],
+      [47, -52],
+      [39, -52],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [73, -82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [477, -535],
+      [0, -82],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -205],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-146, -164],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-257, -288],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-49, -41],
+      [-49, -38],
+      [-53, -30],
+      [-58, -24],
+      [-52, -33],
+      [-47, -40],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [-45, -41],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [-54, -46],
+      [-56, -56],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-63, 42],
+      [-55, 66],
+      [-59, 55],
+      [-69, 16],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-61, 26],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [-42, 48],
+      [-47, 31],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-40, 43],
+      [-42, 43],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [-33, 37],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [11, -42],
+      [12, -59],
+      [12, -67],
+      [22, -62],
+      [4, -63],
+      [0, -64],
+      [0, -70],
+      [0, -81],
+      [0, -495],
+      [0, -98],
+      [0, -85],
+      [-1, -64],
+      [1, -48],
+      [6, -50],
+      [23, -63],
+      [-6, -89],
+      [-40, -93],
+      [-59, -88],
+      [-74, -66],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-77, 55],
+      [-69, 65],
+      [-54, 80],
+      [-39, 86],
+      [-36, 59],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-51, 36],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [-57, 39],
+      [-53, 47],
+      [-52, 51],
+      [-39, 60],
+      [-44, 59],
+      [-45, 57],
+      [-56, 49],
+      [-58, 50],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-58, 44],
+      [-53, 41],
+      [-48, 34],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-86, -62],
+      [-134, -20],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-83, -93],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-146, -164],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-405, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-75, 33],
+      [-80, 11],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [-51, 35],
+      [-77, 23],
+      [-63, 30],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-32, 22],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [-46, 55],
+      [-50, 51],
+      [-60, 34],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-54, 36],
+      [-53, 35],
+      [-48, 35],
+      [-53, 18],
+      [-45, -4],
+      [-45, -28],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [-35, -55],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-146, 0],
+      [-111, -123],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-56, 0],
+      [-50, -1],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-43, 1],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-72, 48],
+      [-70, 65],
+      [-67, 76],
+      [-61, 77],
+      [-58, 69],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [-37, 58],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [-55, 27],
+      [-47, 31],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-147, 164],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-64, 40],
+      [-65, 39],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-46, 21],
+      [-100, 2],
+      [-75, 50],
+      [-52, 51],
+      [-56, 33],
+      [-67, 31],
+      [-73, 36],
+      [-76, 33],
+      [-81, 48],
+      [-63, 80],
+      [-43, 85],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-30, 25],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-72, 82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-111, -123],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-112, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [220, 247],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-81, -7],
+      [-139, 42],
+      [-146, 20],
+      [-64, 42],
+      [-56, 62],
+      [-191, -11],
+      [-29, 83],
+      [-109, 10],
+      [-46, 42],
+      [-183, 0],
+      [-83, 31],
+      [-210, 113],
+      [-128, 124],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-128, 124],
+      [54, 51],
+      [92, 0],
+      [46, -51],
+      [9, -114],
+      [256, -175],
+      [101, 0],
+      [73, 62],
+      [74, 0],
+      [18, 103],
+      [184, 10],
+      [18, -31],
+      [27, 0],
+      [36, -82],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [0, -82],
+      [36, -10],
+      [9, -63],
+      [37, -61],
+      [73, -11],
+      [83, -62],
+      [118, 21],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [18, 41],
+      [47, 0],
+      [45, -72],
+      [101, 1],
+      [45, -32],
+      [56, 0],
+      [27, -124],
+      [18, -35],
+      [110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-367, 412],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 330],
+      [74, 82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-41, 64],
+      [-47, 54],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-50, 47],
+      [-51, 44],
+      [-37, 50],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-42, 40],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-147, -164],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-331, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-35, 33],
+      [-61, 15],
+      [-59, 33],
+      [-63, 35],
+      [-76, 25],
+      [-74, 23],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-46, 31],
+      [-67, 18],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-62, 1],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-66, -1],
+      [-65, 13],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [-101, -3],
+      [-105, 33],
+      [-70, 14],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-84, -2],
+      [-80, 19],
+      [-57, 48],
+      [-49, 53],
+      [-40, 63],
+      [-27, 88],
+      [-30, 96],
+      [-19, 102],
+      [-19, 60],
+      [37, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-220, 247],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 371],
+      [-10, 82],
+      [0, 73],
+      [28, 103],
+      [46, 72],
+      [73, 145],
+      [10, 60],
+      [0, 41],
+      [110, 123],
+      [0, 42],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [147, 206],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [27, 51],
+      [-65, 72],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-92, -103],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-29, -39],
+      [-46, -73],
+      [-55, -113],
+      [-36, -73],
+      [-9, -92],
+      [-19, -93],
+      [-19, -62],
+      [0, -93],
+      [-27, -83],
+      [-27, -51],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [26, -33],
+      [31, -55],
+      [26, -70],
+      [29, -69],
+      [29, -66],
+      [6, -72],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [-9, -49],
+      [-25, -31],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-47, 3],
+      [-50, 33],
+      [-61, 41],
+      [-71, 41],
+      [-74, 42],
+      [-71, 40],
+      [-64, 36],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [-43, 27],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-29, 27],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-148, 165],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [367, -412],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-295, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 206],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 206],
+      [-111, 123],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -288],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-54, 5],
+      [-62, 22],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-43, 29],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [36, -42],
+      [0, -206],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-184, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 494],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-111, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-258, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-49, -36],
+      [-47, -27],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-48, 15],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-89, -2],
+      [-81, -12],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-48, -21],
+      [-98, -1],
+      [-93, -12],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-220, 0],
+      [8, 25],
+      [38, 93],
+      [-38, 82],
+      [0, 93],
+      [-36, 63],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-18, 134],
+      [-74, 72],
+      [-82, 52],
+      [0, -93],
+      [37, -83],
+      [9, -124],
+      [-37, -93],
+      [55, -113],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-9, -231],
+      [-147, -165],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -22],
+      [-48, -21],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-71, -13],
+      [-69, -1],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-35, 16],
+      [-44, 22],
+      [-48, 42],
+      [-41, 67],
+      [-44, 66],
+      [-41, 60],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-47, 42],
+      [-54, 28],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [-24, 59],
+      [-18, 61],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-43, 28],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-40, 63],
+      [-41, 83],
+      [-24, 85],
+      [26, 65],
+      [21, 53],
+      [-5, 55],
+      [-11, 61],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [-24, 38],
+      [-31, 17],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-40, -3],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-38, -40],
+      [0, -42],
+      [0, -69],
+      [-28, -39],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [4, -40],
+      [15, -39],
+      [27, -40],
+      [11, -40],
+      [14, -38],
+      [38, -39],
+      [72, -41],
+      [78, -44],
+      [58, -76],
+      [20, -92],
+      [28, -76],
+      [40, -73],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [184, -206],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -247],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-258, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-50, -42],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-25, -51],
+      [-24, -51],
+      [-31, -51],
+      [-34, -64],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-111, 124],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-221, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [-89, 99],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 83],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-111, -124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-331, 371],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-294, 329],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-368, 412],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-146, 165],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [0, 123],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 40],
+      [110, 124],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [220, 0],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-148, 164],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [2, -308],
+      [0, -77],
+      [-45, -83],
+      [-146, -186],
+      [-47, -423],
+      [-531, -155],
+      [-62, 213],
+      [-41, 142],
+      [-122, -69],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -205],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-35, -38],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-15, -47],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-21, -56],
+      [-6, -67],
+      [3, -77],
+      [7, -78],
+      [-46, -74],
+      [-51, -62],
+      [-44, -51],
+      [-27, -55],
+      [6, -54],
+      [31, -43],
+      [49, -30],
+      [60, -34],
+      [47, -50],
+      [26, -51],
+      [48, -29],
+      [53, -30],
+      [54, -29],
+      [58, -33],
+      [65, -33],
+      [74, -27],
+      [86, -12],
+      [65, -17],
+      [47, -31],
+      [40, -59],
+      [52, -68],
+      [58, -55],
+      [67, -49],
+      [75, -31],
+      [68, -29],
+      [60, -26],
+      [56, -15],
+      [85, -29],
+      [55, -42],
+      [137, -41],
+      [110, -52],
+      [65, -10],
+      [37, -22],
+      [54, -16],
+      [64, -62],
+      [55, -80],
+      [31, -68],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [-10, -68],
+      [-19, -74],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [-24, -62],
+      [-15, -63],
+      [-29, -58],
+      [-31, -55],
+      [-41, -40],
+      [-57, -11],
+      [-58, -5],
+      [-64, -8],
+      [-94, 25],
+      [-142, -8],
+      [-101, 21],
+      [-109, 0],
+      [-73, -11],
+      [-221, 0],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-247, 0],
+      [-138, 11],
+      [-81, 10],
+      [-101, 10],
+      [-156, 11],
+      [-175, 10],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-193, 0],
+      [-219, 31],
+      [-57, 6],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [-60, 0],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [-146, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-81, 0],
+      [-92, 6],
+      [-69, 33],
+      [-37, 60],
+      [-52, 65],
+      [-331, 371],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-148, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 164],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [36, 134],
+      [258, 278],
+      [12, 43],
+      [28, 66],
+      [35, 67],
+      [35, 69],
+      [36, 71],
+      [35, 72],
+      [28, 74],
+      [17, 73],
+      [25, 62],
+      [7, 62],
+      [0, 60],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [0, 71],
+      [4, 83],
+      [20, 85],
+      [34, 79],
+      [42, 69],
+      [36, 75],
+      [27, 83],
+      [33, 70],
+      [23, 66],
+      [20, 75],
+      [21, 70],
+      [20, 72],
+      [28, 67],
+      [21, 70],
+      [18, 73],
+      [23, 73],
+      [33, 66],
+      [35, 65],
+      [39, 61],
+      [35, 65],
+      [27, 75],
+      [18, 88],
+      [31, 78],
+      [30, 75],
+      [13, 83],
+      [28, 76],
+      [20, 81],
+      [23, 79],
+      [33, 75],
+      [37, 76],
+      [35, 80],
+      [31, 83],
+      [26, 84],
+      [23, 79],
+      [32, 64],
+      [30, 58],
+      [15, 63],
+      [21, 50],
+      [-3, 61],
+      [-26, 83],
+      [-16, 88],
+      [39, 91],
+      [53, 67],
+      [36, 70],
+      [36, 63],
+      [36, 63],
+      [36, 63],
+      [33, 66],
+      [20, 74],
+      [24, 69],
+      [32, 62],
+      [25, 65],
+      [24, 70],
+      [24, 76],
+      [19, 85],
+      [15, 101],
+      [32, 90],
+      [14, 79],
+      [23, 68],
+      [8, 70],
+      [2, 71],
+      [5, 71],
+      [26, 67],
+      [14, 78],
+      [26, 77],
+      [25, 81],
+      [30, 78],
+      [35, 67],
+      [27, 65],
+      [30, 55],
+      [26, 55],
+      [16, 64],
+      [22, 63],
+      [11, 91],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-184, 205],
+      [0, 124],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 288],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [73, 82],
+      [258, 0],
+      [18, 21],
+      [18, 20],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [111, -123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -123],
+      [147, -165],
+      [73, 0],
+      [63, -56],
+      [64, -58],
+      [64, -49],
+      [63, -43],
+      [57, -40],
+      [56, -38],
+      [55, -30],
+      [39, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32862, 40181],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-74, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-330, 370],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 330],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-258, 288],
+      [184, 0],
+      [147, -82],
+      [0, -82],
+      [405, -453],
+      [0, -206],
+      [404, -453],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -329],
+      [-148, -41],
+      [0, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9092, 39653],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-45, 21],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [0, 52],
+      [38, 21],
+      [66, 13],
+      [44, 49],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -31],
+      [9, -52],
+      [-72, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [58489, 39373],
+      [-10, -37],
+      [76, 6],
+      [0, -47],
+      [36, 6],
+      [-2, -43],
+      [64, 0],
+      [66, -5],
+      [93, 5],
+      [0, -77],
+      [97, -3],
+      [15, -9],
+      [217, 0],
+      [266, 0],
+      [458, -92],
+      [360, -8],
+      [233, -202],
+      [382, -340],
+      [420, -361],
+      [154, -172],
+      [379, -505],
+      [192, -611],
+      [-138, -6],
+      [-101, -62],
+      [27, -82],
+      [34, -54],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [41, 3],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [37, 0],
+      [2, -37],
+      [36, -6],
+      [2, -76],
+      [39, -5],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-3, -45],
+      [33, 2],
+      [4, -85],
+      [106, 4],
+      [6, -123],
+      [32, 0],
+      [0, -44],
+      [-34, -2],
+      [0, -33],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [-3, -85],
+      [-31, 2],
+      [-5, -80],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-108, -2],
+      [-2, -84],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-1, -41],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [38, 0],
+      [2, 43],
+      [31, -2],
+      [7, -34],
+      [30, -7],
+      [0, -45],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-2, -79],
+      [44, 0],
+      [-2, -126],
+      [-79, -2],
+      [6, -202],
+      [35, 2],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-35, -2],
+      [0, -65],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-4, -122],
+      [43, 0],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-79, -2],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-33, -6],
+      [0, -161],
+      [37, -2],
+      [0, -79],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [0, -70],
+      [4, -54],
+      [31, 2],
+      [2, -45],
+      [-75, 0],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-2, -166],
+      [39, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-34, -2],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-4, -84],
+      [33, 4],
+      [2, -134],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-2, -80],
+      [-39, -4],
+      [4, -196],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-7, -51],
+      [-34, 10],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-112, 6],
+      [-5, -41],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [2, -39],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [0, -35],
+      [-110, -2],
+      [0, -85],
+      [36, 0],
+      [2, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [2, 31],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-70, -6],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-40, 6],
+      [2, 38],
+      [-147, -2],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-182, 0],
+      [-2, 42],
+      [-149, 0],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-150, -2],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-4, -74],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [-73, -2],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-73, 2],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-39, -4],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-76, -6],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-47, 3],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [-6, -44],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [2, -35],
+      [-187, -6],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-74, -5],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [3, -39],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-2, -48],
+      [-76, 4],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-103, 0],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-111, -2],
+      [2, -43],
+      [-77, 4],
+      [0, -43],
+      [-82, 0],
+      [11, -37],
+      [-81, 0],
+      [4, -83],
+      [-68, -2],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-34, -11],
+      [0, -84],
+      [-34, 4],
+      [-2, -82],
+      [-36, 2],
+      [-2, -38],
+      [-72, -4],
+      [-1, -115],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-2, -79],
+      [38, -6],
+      [1, -39],
+      [-150, 0],
+      [0, -14],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-74, 2],
+      [4, 42],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-185, -4],
+      [2, -40],
+      [-222, -2],
+      [2, 120],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [-31, 11],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-36, 10],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [7, 37],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [2, 82],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [2, 83],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-38, 6],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-75, 2],
+      [0, 39],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [0, 80],
+      [-32, 3],
+      [-4, 84],
+      [38, 0],
+      [-2, 33],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-6, 43],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [2, 115],
+      [2, 89],
+      [-146, 6],
+      [-3, 81],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [2, 41],
+      [-51, 2],
+      [17, 118],
+      [-38, 6],
+      [0, 29],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [5, 128],
+      [-78, -2],
+      [6, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [0, 38],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-2, 80],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [0, 39],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [2, 40],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-2, 166],
+      [-33, -1],
+      [0, 120],
+      [141, 6],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [0, 46],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [2, 45],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [0, -46],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-34, -11],
+      [-75, 2],
+      [0, 15],
+      [1, 41],
+      [0, 25],
+      [-109, 0],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [5, 244],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-2, 87],
+      [-34, -4],
+      [0, 47],
+      [-37, -6],
+      [2, 165],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-2, 161],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [0, 89],
+      [-34, -4],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, -5],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-2, 74],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [-4, 39],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [-73, 2],
+      [-4, -33],
+      [-34, -4],
+      [-2, 83],
+      [-147, -11],
+      [2, 91],
+      [-73, -4],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [-1, 34],
+      [-72, 4],
+      [-2, 40],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [2, 82],
+      [-36, 2],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [2, 39],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [0, 79],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [2, 91],
+      [0, 90],
+      [2, 46],
+      [5, 17],
+      [62, 10],
+      [0, 68],
+      [42, 8],
+      [-3, 79],
+      [42, 2],
+      [0, 39],
+      [32, 8],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [41, 7],
+      [1, 35],
+      [2, 80],
+      [35, 4],
+      [-5, 89],
+      [1, 35],
+      [1, 13],
+      [1, 16],
+      [0, 12],
+      [34, 0],
+      [43, 2],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [5, 27],
+      [33, -2],
+      [-2, 64],
+      [-423, -85],
+      [-17, 244],
+      [8, 140],
+      [2, 35],
+      [202, -23],
+      [72, 31],
+      [101, -20],
+      [64, 20],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-10, 76],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-2, 29],
+      [5, 46],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [0, 120],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [1, 13],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [0, 79],
+      [14, 0],
+      [22, 10],
+      [0, 33],
+      [-16, 6],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-3, 68],
+      [3, 58],
+      [0, 39],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [2, 14],
+      [2, 23],
+      [0, 31],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [2, 55],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [0, 37],
+      [4, 34],
+      [22, 8],
+      [5, 9],
+      [11, 17],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [0, 15],
+      [2, 54],
+      [0, 35],
+      [2, 45],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [28, -3],
+      [12, 3],
+      [0, 45],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [22, 4],
+      [20, 0],
+      [1, 39],
+      [78, -4],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [77, 4],
+      [-5, -84],
+      [77, 1],
+      [0, -47],
+      [184, 4],
+      [-3, -39],
+      [73, 0],
+      [0, 43],
+      [409, -2],
+      [-4, -41],
+      [114, 0],
+      [0, 39],
+      [38, -2],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [72, 0],
+      [2, -39],
+      [34, -2],
+      [4, 37],
+      [37, 4],
+      [0, 38],
+      [76, 6],
+      [0, 35],
+      [70, 2],
+      [-2, 39],
+      [116, 5],
+      [-4, 119],
+      [75, 4],
+      [4, 83],
+      [143, 2],
+      [0, 122],
+      [42, 0],
+      [-5, 41],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [2, 130],
+      [75, -4],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [40, 4],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [45, 2],
+      [153, 0],
+      [133, 0],
+      [120, -13],
+      [92, 16],
+      [104, 4],
+      [137, -49],
+      [82, -16],
+      [63, -7],
+      [172, -6],
+      [194, -7],
+      [145, 33],
+      [95, 62],
+      [65, 87],
+      [5, 81],
+      [58, 52],
+      [119, 13],
+      [232, 4],
+      [19, 13],
+      [46, 10],
+      [22, 6],
+      [14, 4],
+      [28, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35202, 37349],
+      [-42, -42],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [-62, -33],
+      [-43, 16],
+      [-54, 26],
+      [-62, 19],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-69, -11],
+      [-69, 13],
+      [-72, 63],
+      [-67, 59],
+      [-56, 53],
+      [-47, 47],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-45, 39],
+      [-43, 45],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [-36, 54],
+      [-39, 51],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-37, 48],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [-42, 46],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-52, 45],
+      [-62, 43],
+      [-69, 48],
+      [-84, 46],
+      [-96, 44],
+      [-93, 60],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-23, 65],
+      [20, 70],
+      [19, 78],
+      [33, 74],
+      [51, 60],
+      [50, 60],
+      [55, 54],
+      [60, 45],
+      [63, 39],
+      [55, 45],
+      [49, 43],
+      [48, 45],
+      [48, 44],
+      [57, 34],
+      [56, 32],
+      [66, 14],
+      [62, 24],
+      [62, 10],
+      [62, 1],
+      [62, -4],
+      [60, -17],
+      [60, -16],
+      [64, -4],
+      [62, -1],
+      [61, -7],
+      [55, -28],
+      [57, -20],
+      [52, -30],
+      [51, -38],
+      [53, -41],
+      [54, -42],
+      [56, -43],
+      [51, -46],
+      [54, -46],
+      [59, -38],
+      [60, -37],
+      [56, -41],
+      [60, -39],
+      [60, -38],
+      [64, -37],
+      [71, -28],
+      [59, -38],
+      [47, -53],
+      [45, -54],
+      [53, -42],
+      [47, -40],
+      [36, -37],
+      [15, -37],
+      [-57, -81],
+      [-60, -74],
+      [-43, -58],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [-28, -53],
+      [-22, -64],
+      [-27, -68],
+      [-38, -59],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-50, -53],
+      [-47, -63],
+      [-47, -62],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [-43, -75],
+      [-56, -86],
+      [-40, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47713, 38452],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 42],
+      [0, 329],
+      [80, 45],
+      [67, 38],
+      [184, 0],
+      [110, -42],
+      [0, -164],
+      [-221, -248],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42421, 38720],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [159, -125],
+      [3, -18],
+      [59, -59],
+      [149, -35],
+      [94, 0],
+      [124, -38],
+      [128, -52],
+      [101, -35],
+      [300, -117],
+      [132, -49],
+      [173, -108],
+      [465, -219],
+      [409, -188],
+      [-200, -151],
+      [45, -7],
+      [147, -13],
+      [74, -248],
+      [72, 21],
+      [30, 82],
+      [110, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [331, -41],
+      [1, 137],
+      [22, -6],
+      [100, -4],
+      [124, -17],
+      [118, -14],
+      [117, -7],
+      [63, 7],
+      [112, 21],
+      [87, 80],
+      [285, 50],
+      [73, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [74, 0],
+      [0, 83],
+      [220, 41],
+      [294, 0],
+      [74, -41],
+      [110, -41],
+      [73, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [184, 0],
+      [0, 82],
+      [148, 0],
+      [110, -41],
+      [28, -64],
+      [100, -35],
+      [230, -21],
+      [200, 81],
+      [321, 0],
+      [82, 21],
+      [22, 59],
+      [193, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [221, 0],
+      [0, 82],
+      [74, 0],
+      [220, -82],
+      [73, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [147, -82],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-442, -41],
+      [-403, -41],
+      [-111, -41],
+      [-73, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-257, 0],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [-110, -41],
+      [-73, -42],
+      [-110, -41],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [-110, -41],
+      [0, -329],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-146, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-147, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-148, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-293, -41],
+      [-552, -42],
+      [37, -41],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-478, 0],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-220, 247],
+      [-73, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-111, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [74, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 329],
+      [-183, 0],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-184, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-368, 41],
+      [-367, 206],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-184, 206],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [74, 41],
+      [184, 206],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-184, -206],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [-110, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-331, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-147, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [73, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-146, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-295, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-147, 164],
+      [-147, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-220, 247],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [368, 82],
+      [111, 123],
+      [0, 124],
+      [368, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [110, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [293, 0],
+      [0, 83],
+      [112, 0],
+      [0, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16161, 38463],
+      [28, -10],
+      [28, 21],
+      [27, 10],
+      [27, -21],
+      [18, -51],
+      [0, -52],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-45, -10],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-19, -41],
+      [-18, -72],
+      [-55, -63],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [19, 30],
+      [27, 52],
+      [37, 31],
+      [27, 41],
+      [19, 52],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [0, 20],
+      [19, 31],
+      [0, 73],
+      [-19, 51],
+      [-27, 31],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [0, 61],
+      [27, 32],
+      [13, -11],
+      [15, -10],
+      [9, -31],
+      [27, -42],
+      [27, -20],
+      [0, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36097, 38329],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, -123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [183, -205],
+      [0, -42],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-26, -172],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-84, -75],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-192, 10],
+      [-249, 31],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [9, 52],
+      [28, 31],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [83, 124],
+      [64, 82],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [166, 267],
+      [65, 11],
+      [38, 6],
+      [25, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53448, 37876],
+      [73, -82],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [111, 0],
+      [147, -164],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [110, -124],
+      [0, -165],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -123],
+      [73, -83],
+      [0, -82],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-111, -123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-294, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-147, 164],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-148, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [72, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 164],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [50, 55],
+      [24, 27],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40172, 36616],
+      [60, -8],
+      [57, 25],
+      [67, 1],
+      [68, -26],
+      [67, -56],
+      [54, -63],
+      [45, -54],
+      [38, -53],
+      [31, -60],
+      [30, -60],
+      [18, -69],
+      [25, -67],
+      [33, -66],
+      [33, -67],
+      [55, -51],
+      [59, -43],
+      [59, -46],
+      [52, -56],
+      [52, -65],
+      [52, -67],
+      [66, -52],
+      [62, -44],
+      [54, -47],
+      [43, -50],
+      [43, -52],
+      [49, -51],
+      [42, -71],
+      [27, -82],
+      [18, -76],
+      [-12, -76],
+      [-45, -59],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-49, 50],
+      [-41, 77],
+      [-44, 71],
+      [-44, 61],
+      [-51, 47],
+      [-52, 47],
+      [-52, 45],
+      [-60, 33],
+      [-54, 30],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [-38, -21],
+      [-48, -18],
+      [-43, -31],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-33, -17],
+      [-54, 30],
+      [-53, 66],
+      [5, 47],
+      [14, 51],
+      [22, 48],
+      [3, 47],
+      [-8, 42],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [-29, 35],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-65, 54],
+      [-72, 56],
+      [-46, 70],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [-36, 75],
+      [-33, 73],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-55, 47],
+      [-48, 54],
+      [-41, 56],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [-42, 35],
+      [-54, 29],
+      [-73, 16],
+      [-83, 72],
+      [-27, 84],
+      [-10, 56],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [29, 41],
+      [56, 3],
+      [35, -3],
+      [36, -3],
+      [74, -14],
+      [63, -34],
+      [57, -46],
+      [42, -66],
+      [49, -66],
+      [56, -61],
+      [54, -58],
+      [53, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [44663, 34500],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-74, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-220, 247],
+      [-148, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-72, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-111, 123],
+      [257, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -123],
+      [331, -371],
+      [0, -82],
+      [74, -41],
+      [146, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [185, -42],
+      [0, -82],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14756, 35274],
+      [-92, 0],
+      [-37, 21],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [10, 20],
+      [19, 52],
+      [18, 0],
+      [9, 72],
+      [27, 72],
+      [55, -20],
+      [19, -31],
+      [27, -52],
+      [0, -93],
+      [-36, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5083, 31327],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [0, 73],
+      [37, 31],
+      [37, 72],
+      [63, 134],
+      [38, 72],
+      [0, 62],
+      [36, 11],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [-29, -73],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-72, -125],
+      [-9, -41],
+      [-28, -41],
+      [-83, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4653, 30123],
+      [-47, -15],
+      [-50, 30],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-39, 34],
+      [-34, 50],
+      [-29, 65],
+      [-8, 81],
+      [24, 83],
+      [44, 71],
+      [45, 58],
+      [43, 47],
+      [37, 41],
+      [34, 39],
+      [39, 31],
+      [45, 13],
+      [44, 14],
+      [37, 24],
+      [39, 18],
+      [46, 27],
+      [64, 16],
+      [68, -39],
+      [22, -13],
+      [37, -85],
+      [28, -82],
+      [-42, -302],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-65, -67],
+      [-66, -54],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-60, -52],
+      [-30, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53889, 29560],
+      [37, -42],
+      [73, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [110, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [110, -123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, -123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [111, -124],
+      [95, 0],
+      [10, -8],
+      [188, -198],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-62, -70],
+      [-48, -53],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-51, 58],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -123],
+      [74, -83],
+      [72, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [110, -123],
+      [60, -21],
+      [0, -103],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [0, -82],
+      [9, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-18, -51],
+      [-19, -93],
+      [0, -103],
+      [10, -42],
+      [0, -113],
+      [-28, -73],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-64, -31],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [-92, -104],
+      [0, -217],
+      [9, -93],
+      [10, -51],
+      [-99, -101],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-111, 124],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-330, 0],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-74, -83],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-148, -164],
+      [-72, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 40],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 206],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [0, -165],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-38, -40],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-220, -247],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [37, -42],
+      [0, -246],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [-36, -186],
+      [-28, -108],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 123],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 247],
+      [74, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-184, 205],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [147, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 247],
+      [73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 40],
+      [0, 42],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-147, 164],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-72, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [183, 205],
+      [0, 41],
+      [184, 206],
+      [0, 206],
+      [36, 41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -206],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-148, -165],
+      [0, -165],
+      [-184, -206],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [110, -124],
+      [146, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [148, 164],
+      [146, -164],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [0, -82],
+      [73, 0],
+      [185, -206],
+      [146, 165],
+      [0, 82],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [72, 82],
+      [0, 123],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [147, 164],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 42],
+      [38, 0],
+      [110, 123],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 83],
+      [36, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10182, 18609],
+      [0, -248],
+      [-147, -164],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-44, -50],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [-40, -45],
+      [-34, -46],
+      [-34, -49],
+      [-28, -58],
+      [-8, -83],
+      [8, -92],
+      [32, -69],
+      [23, -56],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [-24, -48],
+      [-32, -42],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [-17, -53],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [-28, -53],
+      [-50, -58],
+      [-106, -27],
+      [-70, 14],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-36, -60],
+      [-37, -74],
+      [-44, -78],
+      [-54, -65],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-80, 33],
+      [-74, 70],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 247],
+      [-295, 329],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [220, 247],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [184, 206],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [111, 124],
+      [36, 0],
+      [110, -124],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11983, 18897],
+      [37, -41],
+      [183, 0],
+      [111, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [147, -165],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -83],
+      [36, 0],
+      [147, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [221, -247],
+      [0, -206],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [441, -494],
+      [38, 0],
+      [32, 22],
+      [44, 26],
+      [41, 31],
+      [61, 23],
+      [94, 12],
+      [78, 18],
+      [65, 45],
+      [71, 56],
+      [87, 65],
+      [12, -2],
+      [39, -8],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [36, -41],
+      [110, -124],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [368, -412],
+      [65, -35],
+      [79, 0],
+      [73, 34],
+      [32, 8],
+      [34, 9],
+      [39, -42],
+      [40, -43],
+      [72, -81],
+      [47, -75],
+      [34, -63],
+      [73, -82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [183, -206],
+      [0, -288],
+      [-294, -330],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-257, -288],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-184, 206],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-148, 164],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-61, 25],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-52, 14],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-49, 28],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-57, 25],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-63, -4],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-66, 9],
+      [-75, 12],
+      [-88, 4],
+      [-84, 65],
+      [-34, 68],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [-54, 35],
+      [-69, 19],
+      [-72, 29],
+      [-69, 39],
+      [-63, 45],
+      [-60, 38],
+      [-625, 700],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-146, -165],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-183, -1],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 288],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 164],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [74, 82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 82],
+      [44, 49],
+      [67, 75],
+      [36, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14116, 17909],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [0, 82],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [112, 123],
+      [0, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [73, -41],
+      [0, -247],
+      [-73, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10881, 17703],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [73, 0],
+      [184, -206],
+      [0, -123],
+      [220, -247],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -165],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [221, -247],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 83],
+      [111, 0],
+      [146, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [295, -330],
+      [36, 0],
+      [184, -205],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [183, -206],
+      [258, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [73, -82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [16, -18],
+      [21, -23],
+      [147, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [32, -73],
+      [12, -76],
+      [-17, -110],
+      [-21, -120],
+      [-16, -78],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-24, -41],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [-30, -60],
+      [-39, -62],
+      [-48, -59],
+      [-56, -52],
+      [-54, -53],
+      [-53, -58],
+      [-54, -61],
+      [-61, -62],
+      [-82, -43],
+      [-44, -15],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [-49, 31],
+      [-47, 39],
+      [-50, 40],
+      [-57, 37],
+      [-57, 36],
+      [-50, 46],
+      [-48, 42],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-60, 29],
+      [-55, 35],
+      [-39, 46],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-46, 37],
+      [-49, 20],
+      [-57, 4],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [-61, 34],
+      [-71, 38],
+      [-82, 34],
+      [-64, 59],
+      [-56, 63],
+      [-45, 82],
+      [-44, 85],
+      [-45, 86],
+      [-36, 80],
+      [-26, 65],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-16, -18],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -123],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [147, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -83],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [110, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -42],
+      [0, -123],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-72, 83],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-59, -66],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-258, -288],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-146, -165],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-111, -124],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-147, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 247],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 617],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-16, -18],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 206],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [73, 82],
+      [112, -124],
+      [0, -41],
+      [110, -123],
+      [73, 0],
+      [110, 123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [40, 124],
+      [34, 123],
+      [330, 371],
+      [147, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [36, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -288],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -83],
+      [111, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [38, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [110, 124],
+      [0, 82],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [74, 83],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [74, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [184, 206]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8387, 16811],
+      [60, -35],
+      [71, 3],
+      [47, -9],
+      [23, -4],
+      [57, -52],
+      [56, -68],
+      [65, -69],
+      [72, -55],
+      [61, -40],
+      [43, -39],
+      [17, -39],
+      [-21, -49],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-47, -62],
+      [-53, -51],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-83, -41],
+      [-39, -13],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-77, 11],
+      [-70, 33],
+      [-56, 43],
+      [-47, 44],
+      [-48, 36],
+      [-52, 26],
+      [-47, 24],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [-49, 24],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-49, 32],
+      [-32, 43],
+      [-3, 71],
+      [8, 91],
+      [9, 86],
+      [14, 94],
+      [36, 81],
+      [52, 31],
+      [68, 30],
+      [43, 9],
+      [45, 9],
+      [56, -15],
+      [58, -15],
+      [70, -47],
+      [53, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25989, 14245],
+      [-221, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 41],
+      [73, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [18, 20],
+      [19, 21],
+      [74, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [146, -83],
+      [38, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29114, 14533],
+      [146, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [331, -371],
+      [37, 0],
+      [257, -288],
+      [0, -206],
+      [-110, -123],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-184, -205],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-221, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-258, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [148, 165],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 42],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25548, 13833],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [110, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [256, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [146, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [184, -205],
+      [0, -42],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [221, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, -83],
+      [221, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [111, -124],
+      [73, 0],
+      [148, -164],
+      [36, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [73, -82],
+      [37, 0],
+      [18, 20],
+      [18, 21],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [111, 124],
+      [0, 40],
+      [74, 83],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [111, 124],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, -42],
+      [0, -164],
+      [148, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-46, -93],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-82, -102],
+      [-46, -62],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-147, -165],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [0, 206],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-258, -288],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-294, 330],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-184, 205],
+      [36, 42],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-47, 0],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-194, 175],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-146, 165],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-146, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-148, 164],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-146, 165],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-147, 164],
+      [0, 42],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [221, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29298, 13041],
+      [92, -62],
+      [164, 0],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-257, 0],
+      [-63, 41],
+      [29, 83],
+      [72, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19372, 11074],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [221, -247],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [37, 1],
+      [36, -42],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [330, -370],
+      [0, -42],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [405, -453],
+      [441, -494],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -206],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-72, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-258, 0],
+      [-146, 165],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-92, 182],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-83, 31],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-9, -93],
+      [0, -103],
+      [-10, -83],
+      [-91, -51],
+      [-46, -42],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-147, -41],
+      [-182, 0],
+      [-83, -31],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-96, -16],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-73, 10],
+      [-92, 0],
+      [-92, 72],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-221, 248],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-183, 206],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [37, 42],
+      [0, 164],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [110, 124],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [146, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [110, -124],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 83],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [294, 329],
+      [111, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17792, 10828],
+      [36, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -412],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-110, -124],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-258, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-257, 288],
+      [0, 41],
+      [221, 247],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [37, 42],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [73, 83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [29, 32],
+      [44, 50],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, -83],
+      [36, 1],
+      [37, -42],
+      [74, 0],
+      [73, 83],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, 123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, 82],
+      [73, 0],
+      [73, -82],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29437, 9179],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-30, 53],
+      [-48, 62],
+      [-55, 71],
+      [-60, 72],
+      [-46, 88],
+      [-37, 95],
+      [-16, 99],
+      [17, 52],
+      [11, 34],
+      [67, -10],
+      [46, -21],
+      [46, -51],
+      [27, -42],
+      [37, -72],
+      [37, -51],
+      [36, -42],
+      [64, -103],
+      [46, -41],
+      [37, -21],
+      [24, -58],
+      [-39, -74],
+      [-82, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31695, 9232],
+      [-72, 0],
+      [-56, 72],
+      [-27, 41],
+      [-29, 73],
+      [65, 51],
+      [92, 72],
+      [92, 175],
+      [18, 21],
+      [18, 20],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [83, -124],
+      [-18, -102],
+      [-101, -155],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-101, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31356, 9428],
+      [-92, -93],
+      [-74, -123],
+      [-55, -72],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [-120, 0],
+      [-55, 41],
+      [-110, 52],
+      [0, 165],
+      [64, 50],
+      [37, 0],
+      [45, -31],
+      [28, -10],
+      [37, 0],
+      [73, 10],
+      [37, 72],
+      [72, 42],
+      [29, 25],
+      [18, 16],
+      [75, -51],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31135, 8934],
+      [74, -83],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [257, -288],
+      [36, 0],
+      [222, -247],
+      [36, 0],
+      [31, -50],
+      [38, -47],
+      [29, -60],
+      [8, -75],
+      [-12, -73],
+      [-18, -63],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [-6, -60],
+      [-19, -72],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [-42, -38],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-39, 27],
+      [-29, 35],
+      [-20, 47],
+      [-24, 47],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-47, 45],
+      [-42, 44],
+      [-20, 25],
+      [-111, 124],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 82],
+      [30, 33],
+      [44, 50],
+      [74, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18048, 8481],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-73, 83],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [36, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [184, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -329],
+      [0, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32165, 8645],
+      [0, -41],
+      [72, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [44, -33],
+      [29, -58],
+      [24, -56],
+      [22, -51],
+      [14, -47],
+      [-28, -58],
+      [-31, -52],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-72, 9],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 42],
+      [111, 123],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [74, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17608, 8357],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-73, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-74, 41],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [368, 0],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-73, -83],
+      [36, -41],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [73, -41],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [0, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30400, 8357],
+      [36, -41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 83],
+      [37, 0],
+      [110, -124],
+      [0, -82],
+      [36, -42],
+      [74, 1],
+      [148, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-38, -42],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [0, -165],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [38, -41],
+      [0, -83],
+      [36, -40],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-36, -41],
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+      [-5, -67],
+      [-58, -73],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-44, 12],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [-39, 42],
+      [-30, 46],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [-28, 61],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-42, 72],
+      [-184, 206],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 123],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-58, 48],
+      [-61, 61],
+      [-69, 56],
+      [-46, 71],
+      [5, 92],
+      [65, 79],
+      [70, 62],
+      [71, 31],
+      [58, 14],
+      [27, -17],
+      [19, -13],
+      [40, -29],
+      [40, -22],
+      [29, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19188, 6711],
+      [74, -83],
+      [112, 11],
+      [128, -52],
+      [53, 0],
+      [38, -41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [111, -124],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [147, -82],
+      [146, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [80, 57],
+      [146, 51],
+      [56, 62],
+      [122, 77],
+      [183, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [148, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [18, 21],
+      [19, 21],
+      [36, -42],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [36, -41],
+      [111, -37],
+      [56, -134],
+      [73, -196],
+      [46, -145],
+      [0, -413],
+      [9, -340],
+      [0, -218],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -124],
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+      [-36, 0],
+      [-217, -85],
+      [-201, -93],
+      [-101, -103],
+      [-9, -197],
+      [-23, -222],
+      [0, -83],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-122, -174],
+      [-166, -165],
+      [-116, -155],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-257, -42],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-111, 123],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 83],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -42],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [74, 83],
+      [74, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [293, 329],
+      [0, 83],
+      [38, 41],
+      [0, 247],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-110, 124],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-111, 124],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, 82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-110, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-295, -329],
+      [0, -82],
+      [-36, -42],
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+      [0, -41],
+      [37, 0],
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+      [0, -42],
+      [-73, -82],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-588, 659],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 82],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 83],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 371],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [74, 82],
+      [0, 82],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 165],
+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [110, 123],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -82],
+      [0, -165],
+      [73, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [148, -165],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -164]
+    ],
+    [
+      [28672, 7204],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-72, 41],
+      [0, 165],
+      [36, 41],
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+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -42]
+    ],
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+      [0, 41],
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+      [-41, -70],
+      [-55, -54],
+      [-43, -55],
+      [-35, -50],
+      [-36, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14152, 6752],
+      [0, -41],
+      [74, -83],
+      [0, -41],
+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [74, -82],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [37, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [147, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
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+      [17, -41],
+      [0, -62],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-73, -21],
+      [-64, -62],
+      [-36, -52],
+      [0, -61],
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+      [36, -21],
+      [92, -21],
+      [137, 0],
+      [37, -30],
+      [75, -73],
+      [92, -41],
+      [18, -10],
+      [35, -113],
+      [146, -165],
+      [38, 0],
+      [29, -78],
+      [-2, -80],
+      [-36, -66],
+      [-54, -44],
+      [-65, -12],
+      [-59, 21],
+      [-51, 22],
+      [-35, 28],
+      [-28, 16],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-29, -21],
+      [-44, -41],
+      [-60, -47],
+      [-80, -30],
+      [-93, -24],
+      [-94, -34],
+      [-98, -23],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-46, 22],
+      [-60, 14],
+      [-57, 31],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-71, 20],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-47, 16],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-78, -18],
+      [-77, -6],
+      [-75, -1],
+      [-76, 0],
+      [-73, -8],
+      [-63, -30],
+      [-64, -22],
+      [-63, -10],
+      [-67, 17],
+      [-60, -3],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-59, -7],
+      [-61, -1],
+      [-62, 3],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-53, 10],
+      [-48, 14],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-53, 5],
+      [-58, 0],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-60, 6],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-60, 14],
+      [-55, 24],
+      [-61, 9],
+      [-64, 1],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-71, 5],
+      [-71, 21],
+      [-75, 17],
+      [-74, 25],
+      [-72, 38],
+      [-46, 74],
+      [3, 98],
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+      [63, 60],
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+      [80, 43],
+      [78, 41],
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+      [65, 58],
+      [54, 71],
+      [51, 75],
+      [49, 78],
+      [48, 78],
+      [52, 71],
+      [58, 56],
+      [64, 43],
+      [73, 0],
+      [19, 21],
+      [18, 21],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [38, 41],
+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [110, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [74, 0],
+      [15, 17],
+      [21, 24],
+      [74, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [36, 0],
+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [36, 42],
+      [38, 0],
+      [36, 41],
+      [38, 0],
+      [110, -124],
+      [0, -123],
+      [36, -41]
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+      [0, -41],
+      [110, -124],
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+      [36, 41],
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+      [38, 0],
+      [36, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [37, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [37, -40],
+      [36, 0],
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+      [0, -41],
+      [110, -124],
+      [37, -41],
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+      [-37, -42],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-96, -108],
+      [-124, 26],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-103, 34],
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+      [-35, 49],
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+      [-30, 54],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [-74, 0],
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+      [-220, 0],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 123],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-22, 93],
+      [22, 109],
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+      [37, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [73, 82],
+      [73, 0]
+    ],
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+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
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+      [-36, 0],
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+      [-37, -41],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-37, -42],
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+      [-184, 0],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-22, -24],
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+      [-37, 0],
+      [-36, -41],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-38, 0],
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+      [-73, 0],
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+      [-36, 42],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 124],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
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+      [0, 42],
+      [-74, 82],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-36, 41],
+      [0, 41],
+      [36, 42],
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+      [36, 42],
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+      [37, 41],
+      [37, 0],
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+      [0, 82],
+      [36, 41],
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+      [36, -41],
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+      [36, 41],
+      [148, 0]
+    ],
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+      [36, -41],
+      [37, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 41],
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+      [73, 0],
+      [37, -41],
+      [36, 0],
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+      [37, -41],
+      [110, 0],
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+      [36, 0],
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+      [36, 0],
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+      [-22, -42],
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+      [12, -74],
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+      [-37, -41],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [-36, -41],
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+      [-36, 41],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-36, 41],
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+      [0, 41],
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+      [37, 41],
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+      [36, 41],
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+            "NAME_VARIA": null,
+            "NAME_NONLA": null,
+            "NAME_FRENC": "Singapour",
+            "NAME_SPANI": "Singapur",
+            "NAME_RUSSI": "Сингапур",
+            "NAME_ARABI": "سنغافورة",
+            "NAME_CHINE": "新加坡",
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+            "IOC": 0,
+            "MRU": 0,
+            "SACU": 0,
+            "UEMOA": 0,
+            "UMA": 0,
+            "PALOP": 0,
+            "PARTA": 0,
+            "CACM": 0,
+            "EurAsEC": 0,
+            "Agadir": 0,
+            "SAARC": 0,
+            "ASEAN": 1,
+            "NAFTA": 0,
+            "GCC": 0,
+            "CSN": 0,
+            "CARICOM": 0,
+            "EU": 0,
+            "CAN": 0,
+            "ACP": 0,
+            "Landlocked": 0,
+            "AOSIS": 1,
+            "SIDS": 1,
+            "Islands": 1,
+            "LDC": 0
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/spain-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/spain-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f75e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/spain-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3329 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [12672, 10414],
+      [-31, -19],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [-78, -100],
+      [-31, -152],
+      [-40, -89],
+      [-4, -55],
+      [-57, -36],
+      [-16, -71],
+      [-46, -32],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [-47, -47],
+      [-53, -11],
+      [-47, 74],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-48, -33],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-69, -23],
+      [-59, -116],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-56, -1],
+      [-66, 20],
+      [-53, 55],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-124, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11523, 9746],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [86, 60],
+      [-32, 61],
+      [70, 78],
+      [-35, 118],
+      [58, 13],
+      [16, 65],
+      [25, 11],
+      [38, 120],
+      [51, -18],
+      [91, -54],
+      [-4, 78],
+      [23, 117],
+      [51, 55],
+      [84, 66],
+      [78, 16],
+      [-14, 96],
+      [46, 11],
+      [-6, 77],
+      [36, 89],
+      [-19, 35],
+      [5, 71],
+      [67, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12229, 10994],
+      [27, -30],
+      [38, 13],
+      [47, -18],
+      [51, -45],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [10, -51],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [45, -91],
+      [83, -143],
+      [83, -13],
+      [82, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9980, 10017],
+      [20, -16],
+      [22, -90],
+      [-36, -71],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-82, 59],
+      [-49, -63],
+      [39, -48],
+      [-30, -100],
+      [-38, -52],
+      [-45, -20],
+      [-65, -88],
+      [-67, 13],
+      [1, -34],
+      [65, -16],
+      [26, 42],
+      [44, -3],
+      [59, -107],
+      [31, -100],
+      [48, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9895, 9275],
+      [-48, -82],
+      [-18, -85],
+      [-67, 24],
+      [-12, -97],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [-75, -44],
+      [-48, 38],
+      [-117, 31],
+      [-35, 58],
+      [-61, 59],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-61, 28],
+      [-25, 70],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-46, 90],
+      [-26, 88],
+      [9, 126],
+      [-53, 37],
+      [-74, 18],
+      [-36, 93],
+      [70, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9055, 9795],
+      [-4, 63],
+      [17, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9068, 9905],
+      [111, -6],
+      [63, -39],
+      [97, -13],
+      [65, 7],
+      [13, 46],
+      [55, 33],
+      [67, -6],
+      [38, 60],
+      [65, -65],
+      [45, 24],
+      [42, 50],
+      [-32, 53],
+      [59, 20],
+      [31, -86],
+      [70, 49],
+      [52, -82],
+      [71, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10053, 11864],
+      [35, -35],
+      [101, -17],
+      [7, -71],
+      [56, -18],
+      [126, -79],
+      [11, -31],
+      [78, -40],
+      [55, -59],
+      [127, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10649, 11455],
+      [37, -52],
+      [40, -173],
+      [-87, -122],
+      [17, -70],
+      [-21, -172],
+      [58, -15],
+      [-21, -60],
+      [57, -49],
+      [-49, -44],
+      [50, -44],
+      [88, -140],
+      [37, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10855, 10443],
+      [-66, 2],
+      [-52, -62],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-42, -98],
+      [7, -33],
+      [-56, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10604, 10210],
+      [-34, 34],
+      [-4, 58],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [-45, -27],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-60, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10354, 10287],
+      [-14, 84],
+      [-83, 1],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [-48, 86],
+      [-43, 105],
+      [7, 87],
+      [-52, 95],
+      [-37, 13],
+      [-46, -60],
+      [-53, 19],
+      [-128, -99],
+      [-29, 25],
+      [-18, 87],
+      [78, 32],
+      [-28, 117],
+      [-46, 34],
+      [-11, 83],
+      [-61, 64],
+      [-1, 45],
+      [-69, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9640, 11224],
+      [38, 40],
+      [7, 102],
+      [-38, 70],
+      [-7, 60],
+      [13, 51],
+      [64, 32],
+      [51, 53],
+      [38, 78],
+      [45, -9],
+      [13, 34],
+      [96, 74],
+      [93, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11966, 11173],
+      [98, -53],
+      [62, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12126, 11111],
+      [50, -70],
+      [53, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11523, 9746],
+      [-101, 3],
+      [-68, -23],
+      [-59, -39],
+      [-98, 20],
+      [-36, 32],
+      [-57, -16],
+      [-78, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11026, 9731],
+      [9, 55],
+      [-47, 72],
+      [-132, 37],
+      [-86, 64],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [-43, 59],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-11, 112],
+      [-31, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10855, 10443],
+      [38, -25],
+      [82, 7],
+      [32, 73],
+      [90, 69],
+      [44, 12],
+      [70, 56],
+      [22, 39],
+      [83, -57],
+      [78, 25],
+      [27, 55],
+      [69, 4],
+      [61, -49],
+      [146, 74],
+      [-1, 91],
+      [64, 108],
+      [27, 70],
+      [69, 61],
+      [18, -14],
+      [56, 49],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [37, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8608, 11306],
+      [56, -30],
+      [49, -1],
+      [-16, -63],
+      [44, -29],
+      [104, 4],
+      [27, -75],
+      [71, -8],
+      [62, 42],
+      [85, -86],
+      [77, -20],
+      [17, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9184, 11020],
+      [42, -43],
+      [-26, -29],
+      [25, -82],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-49, -54],
+      [-48, 7],
+      [-125, -43],
+      [-31, -107],
+      [88, -13],
+      [-2, -35],
+      [74, -165],
+      [-39, -15],
+      [-22, -80],
+      [40, -41],
+      [-10, -86],
+      [-31, -154],
+      [23, -80],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [30, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9055, 9795],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-50, 121],
+      [-50, 65],
+      [-57, 48],
+      [-142, 100],
+      [-73, 36],
+      [-42, 38],
+      [-34, 120],
+      [-45, -97],
+      [-80, 13],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-186, -25],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [-6, 154],
+      [-38, 137],
+      [-25, 37],
+      [59, 119],
+      [17, 97],
+      [76, 65],
+      [53, 116],
+      [7, 73],
+      [67, 2],
+      [38, 50],
+      [78, -21],
+      [29, 149],
+      [29, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10649, 11455],
+      [10, 59],
+      [77, -22],
+      [148, -17],
+      [83, 10],
+      [36, 50],
+      [59, 3],
+      [84, -33],
+      [71, 16],
+      [43, -12],
+      [73, 45],
+      [1, 38],
+      [188, -39],
+      [50, 42],
+      [55, -30],
+      [42, 27],
+      [37, -21],
+      [98, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11804, 11654],
+      [69, -39],
+      [56, 17],
+      [25, -24],
+      [-4, -81],
+      [68, -18],
+      [-2, -104],
+      [34, -16],
+      [-4, -107],
+      [-80, -109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11026, 9731],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [-94, -29],
+      [-84, 24],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-106, -15],
+      [-111, 13],
+      [-27, -15],
+      [-63, -117],
+      [-76, -44],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [-88, -22],
+      [-81, 24],
+      [-57, -8],
+      [-54, -43],
+      [-61, -11],
+      [-102, -76],
+      [-27, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9980, 10017],
+      [66, 31],
+      [113, 88],
+      [14, 43],
+      [49, 49],
+      [19, -43],
+      [71, 40],
+      [-21, 50],
+      [63, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9184, 11020],
+      [34, 34],
+      [80, 27],
+      [60, -3],
+      [34, 73],
+      [-3, 64],
+      [57, 55],
+      [115, -3],
+      [-40, -48],
+      [36, -46],
+      [46, 58],
+      [37, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13364, 16350],
+      [118, -120],
+      [49, 19],
+      [49, -31],
+      [47, 8],
+      [60, 40],
+      [121, -72],
+      [66, -85],
+      [48, -10],
+      [134, 54],
+      [64, -21],
+      [26, -42],
+      [52, 50],
+      [27, -32],
+      [100, 9],
+      [102, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14427, 16105],
+      [37, -74],
+      [46, -11],
+      [-26, -114],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [47, -134],
+      [-48, -211],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-39, -102],
+      [-68, -100],
+      [23, -52],
+      [-39, -69],
+      [-45, -20],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-52, -10],
+      [-56, -81],
+      [16, -87],
+      [41, -7],
+      [34, -54],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [-10, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14178, 14732],
+      [-69, 22],
+      [-20, -27],
+      [-67, -16],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [-135, 23],
+      [-27, 121],
+      [-40, 53],
+      [1, 59],
+      [-64, -19],
+      [-89, 64],
+      [-9, 49],
+      [-105, 73],
+      [-16, 109],
+      [-81, 69],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [-106, 6],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [20, 64],
+      [50, -16],
+      [0, 175],
+      [25, 64],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-25, -57],
+      [-61, 18],
+      [38, 91],
+      [1, 44],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [-32, 140],
+      [28, 85],
+      [-10, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13231, 16161],
+      [41, 46],
+      [-7, 65],
+      [56, 80],
+      [43, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14090, 14372],
+      [47, -91],
+      [-27, -107],
+      [25, -71],
+      [-83, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14052, 14009],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-54, -39],
+      [-20, 40],
+      [-62, -1],
+      [-100, 59],
+      [-22, -30],
+      [-9, -68],
+      [-54, -29],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-2, -47],
+      [67, -13],
+      [-7, -102],
+      [9, -49],
+      [-44, -28],
+      [48, -62],
+      [-43, -61],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [12, -31],
+      [-85, -39],
+      [-38, 25],
+      [-33, -129],
+      [-59, -85],
+      [-75, -11],
+      [-21, -55],
+      [-37, -15],
+      [6, -74],
+      [25, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13310, 13097],
+      [-53, -37],
+      [-35, 28],
+      [5, 77],
+      [-65, 40],
+      [-116, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13046, 13194],
+      [-18, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13028, 13235],
+      [62, 28],
+      [10, 26],
+      [-58, 58],
+      [-75, 2],
+      [-30, 59],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [-70, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12811, 13380],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [-50, 6],
+      [-204, 222]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12537, 13651],
+      [44, 69],
+      [43, 26],
+      [5, 99],
+      [67, -19],
+      [48, 134],
+      [-20, 56],
+      [13, 82],
+      [-58, 68],
+      [3, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12682, 14235],
+      [45, -5],
+      [85, 40],
+      [-8, 45],
+      [37, 42],
+      [94, -10],
+      [12, 59],
+      [47, 38],
+      [68, -4],
+      [13, 35],
+      [113, -98],
+      [56, 57],
+      [65, -28],
+      [29, 71],
+      [51, -62],
+      [65, 85],
+      [-15, 129],
+      [54, 45],
+      [61, -9],
+      [56, -78],
+      [71, -18],
+      [70, -72],
+      [32, -1],
+      [129, -72],
+      [10, -33],
+      [111, -28],
+      [57, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14178, 14732],
+      [30, -62],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [28, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14217, 14594],
+      [-16, -55],
+      [-32, -3],
+      [-15, -65],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [0, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12682, 14235],
+      [-153, 162],
+      [-89, 46],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-71, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12349, 14452],
+      [-73, 40],
+      [-18, 144],
+      [38, 66],
+      [15, 70],
+      [50, -20],
+      [5, -46],
+      [58, 27],
+      [-21, 83],
+      [10, 64],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [54, -2],
+      [49, 67],
+      [36, -1],
+      [19, 79],
+      [-50, 59],
+      [26, 44],
+      [-29, 85],
+      [0, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12498, 15330],
+      [7, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12505, 15374],
+      [62, -13],
+      [25, -34],
+      [61, 2],
+      [45, -41],
+      [134, -15],
+      [89, 139],
+      [-72, 89],
+      [-13, 102],
+      [13, 74],
+      [54, 69],
+      [-24, 25],
+      [14, 48],
+      [53, 63],
+      [-12, 43],
+      [43, 22],
+      [57, 72],
+      [4, 40],
+      [87, 1],
+      [8, 55],
+      [61, 12],
+      [37, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11504, 16814],
+      [-3, -55],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-121, -41],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [10, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11302, 16579],
+      [-54, 0],
+      [-125, 51],
+      [-53, -78],
+      [-185, -124],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [127, -66],
+      [3, -74],
+      [-137, -33],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-27, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10793, 16181],
+      [-53, 30],
+      [1, 81],
+      [-59, -7],
+      [-10, 102],
+      [-83, 19],
+      [-39, 67],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [-73, -43],
+      [-137, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10290, 16459],
+      [-22, 57],
+      [-65, 55],
+      [8, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10211, 16630],
+      [72, 3],
+      [12, 79],
+      [74, 12],
+      [27, 32],
+      [59, -19],
+      [-13, 67],
+      [20, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10462, 16857],
+      [183, -4],
+      [151, 45],
+      [82, 10],
+      [19, 30],
+      [102, 28],
+      [31, -49],
+      [134, 69],
+      [40, -6],
+      [77, -91],
+      [90, -7],
+      [80, -21],
+      [53, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13209, 11923],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [35, -85],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [-49, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13135, 11785],
+      [-121, 106],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-72, -65],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-35, -44],
+      [-4, -73],
+      [-35, -53],
+      [13, -55],
+      [2, -112],
+      [-85, -69],
+      [-62, 1],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [-126, -90],
+      [-54, -16],
+      [-66, 16],
+      [-38, -64],
+      [-76, -39],
+      [-37, -95],
+      [-53, -51],
+      [-9, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11804, 11654],
+      [9, 88],
+      [63, 36],
+      [23, 92],
+      [-86, 77],
+      [-9, 79],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-34, 51],
+      [53, 75],
+      [4, 59],
+      [-29, 60],
+      [92, 139],
+      [-15, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11819, 12495],
+      [95, 23],
+      [52, -18],
+      [31, 20],
+      [105, -117],
+      [40, 55],
+      [25, -61],
+      [92, 58],
+      [72, -16],
+      [-9, 87],
+      [32, 12],
+      [42, -70],
+      [79, 12],
+      [90, -26],
+      [23, 44],
+      [86, 42],
+      [94, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12768, 12601],
+      [32, -41],
+      [61, -14],
+      [24, -28],
+      [146, -37],
+      [-25, -134],
+      [-55, -112],
+      [91, -157],
+      [144, 17],
+      [14, -48],
+      [9, -124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10276, 12599],
+      [-81, -39],
+      [-61, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10134, 12577],
+      [33, 125],
+      [27, 47],
+      [77, -45],
+      [17, -62],
+      [-12, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11674, 12659],
+      [32, -53],
+      [6, -76],
+      [28, -2],
+      [40, 52],
+      [39, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10053, 11864],
+      [43, 11],
+      [36, 123],
+      [22, 35],
+      [51, -5],
+      [12, 61],
+      [-77, 39],
+      [-23, 89],
+      [62, -28],
+      [38, 14],
+      [-32, 57],
+      [49, 107],
+      [74, -12],
+      [7, 28],
+      [-43, 114],
+      [39, 27],
+      [31, 84],
+      [-14, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10328, 12636],
+      [53, 4],
+      [4, 33],
+      [45, 28],
+      [26, 48],
+      [52, -41],
+      [101, -37],
+      [61, -5],
+      [37, 18],
+      [21, 77],
+      [95, 9],
+      [-13, -111],
+      [-45, -16],
+      [-23, -101],
+      [135, -11],
+      [5, -58],
+      [95, -41],
+      [58, 36],
+      [34, -25],
+      [35, 29],
+      [91, 2],
+      [61, 47],
+      [51, 66],
+      [47, 4],
+      [42, 67],
+      [116, 26],
+      [56, -48],
+      [71, -6],
+      [35, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12811, 13380],
+      [50, -114],
+      [104, -47],
+      [63, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13046, 13194],
+      [-47, -24],
+      [3, -96],
+      [-12, -54],
+      [-46, -77],
+      [10, -41],
+      [-39, -30],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-37, -37],
+      [-34, -84],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [0, -157]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11674, 12659],
+      [5, 139],
+      [13, 44],
+      [-69, 82],
+      [-47, 127],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [20, 119],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-14, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11498, 13294],
+      [56, 6],
+      [26, 39],
+      [-10, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11570, 13393],
+      [138, 8],
+      [47, 40],
+      [18, 66],
+      [-11, 76],
+      [7, 78],
+      [65, -11],
+      [36, 41],
+      [132, 14],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [114, 48],
+      [72, 53],
+      [9, 56],
+      [46, -28],
+      [44, 43],
+      [50, -14],
+      [44, -48],
+      [85, -10],
+      [51, -174],
+      [39, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11570, 13393],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-25, 66],
+      [-55, -17],
+      [41, 145],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [-1, 78],
+      [-100, 88],
+      [6, 35],
+      [-106, 67],
+      [21, 41],
+      [-24, 57],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [45, 106],
+      [36, 128],
+      [-31, 38],
+      [-78, 131]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11208, 14472],
+      [100, 50],
+      [8, 46],
+      [83, 3],
+      [64, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11463, 14621],
+      [111, -33],
+      [86, 20],
+      [33, 38],
+      [31, -57],
+      [64, -22],
+      [17, 21],
+      [81, -35],
+      [106, -101],
+      [36, -73],
+      [112, -23],
+      [70, 43],
+      [44, -14],
+      [84, 13],
+      [11, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10328, 12636],
+      [-52, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10134, 12577],
+      [-9, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10125, 12577],
+      [-81, 101],
+      [-20, 1],
+      [-90, 109],
+      [39, 74],
+      [10, 57],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-48, 21],
+      [25, 91],
+      [-33, 37],
+      [-57, -7],
+      [28, 105],
+      [-3, 125],
+      [25, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9831, 13348],
+      [162, -12],
+      [47, 51],
+      [44, -45],
+      [62, 28],
+      [0, 36],
+      [126, 98],
+      [48, 23],
+      [9, -77],
+      [53, -11],
+      [29, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10411, 13457],
+      [33, -19],
+      [84, 63],
+      [54, 55],
+      [12, -75],
+      [34, -22],
+      [39, 59],
+      [108, -35],
+      [26, 25],
+      [60, -59],
+      [30, 3],
+      [117, -39],
+      [22, -39],
+      [37, 8],
+      [90, -41],
+      [-11, -56],
+      [-61, -40],
+      [-39, -71],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-52, -28],
+      [47, -46],
+      [173, 137],
+      [57, 32],
+      [65, -5],
+      [79, 44],
+      [39, -35],
+      [88, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10302, 14455],
+      [4, -83],
+      [59, -45],
+      [25, -63],
+      [31, -16],
+      [15, -140],
+      [41, 9],
+      [10, -51],
+      [38, -47],
+      [9, -116],
+      [76, 15],
+      [34, 31],
+      [88, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10732, 13963],
+      [0, -71],
+      [-94, -30],
+      [-30, -48],
+      [-1, -141],
+      [-83, -23],
+      [-18, -83],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-50, -62],
+      [-8, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9831, 13348],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [-2, 58],
+      [-46, 37],
+      [-31, -48],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-61, 22],
+      [-63, 82],
+      [-35, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9523, 13539],
+      [40, 66],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [78, 49],
+      [34, -48],
+      [65, 55],
+      [22, 100],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [1, 42],
+      [52, -6],
+      [50, 44],
+      [14, 63],
+      [55, 33],
+      [101, 111],
+      [0, 52],
+      [38, 56],
+      [-13, 36],
+      [30, 51],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [17, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9993, 14436],
+      [85, 33],
+      [35, -11],
+      [75, -56],
+      [49, 38],
+      [65, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11752, 16214],
+      [66, 0],
+      [139, -55],
+      [-12, -72],
+      [-145, -8],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-53, 40],
+      [18, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11513, 16609],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [37, -26],
+      [-8, -97],
+      [65, -3],
+      [37, -55],
+      [-4, -45],
+      [-84, -7],
+      [-17, 31],
+      [-59, 18],
+      [-44, -79],
+      [44, -49],
+      [96, -67],
+      [63, -28],
+      [24, -35],
+      [64, -16],
+      [35, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11731, 16049],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-93, 21],
+      [-77, -96],
+      [26, -28],
+      [14, -166],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [16, -113],
+      [-31, -48],
+      [72, -123],
+      [79, -6],
+      [14, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11688, 15390],
+      [-65, -97],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-65, -89],
+      [-17, 38],
+      [-65, 42],
+      [3, -106],
+      [-60, -33],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-40, -92],
+      [-63, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11207, 14913],
+      [-80, -5],
+      [-64, -59],
+      [-3, -51],
+      [-70, 12],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [-90, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10870, 14920],
+      [-38, 50],
+      [3, 66],
+      [-32, 37],
+      [21, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10824, 15118],
+      [-38, 67],
+      [1, 42],
+      [83, 32],
+      [-26, 105],
+      [26, 48],
+      [-95, 20],
+      [37, 42],
+      [-50, 29],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [11, 49],
+      [-28, 52],
+      [-40, 141],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [71, 27],
+      [-38, 160],
+      [13, 72],
+      [69, 68],
+      [80, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11302, 16579],
+      [125, 70],
+      [23, -28],
+      [63, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10290, 16459],
+      [-44, -37],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [-66, -116],
+      [-37, -103],
+      [44, -44],
+      [-27, -170],
+      [21, -8],
+      [-12, -162],
+      [-30, -42],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [-37, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10087, 15675],
+      [-70, 22],
+      [-80, -52],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-16, -57],
+      [-94, 12],
+      [13, -98],
+      [-4, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9800, 15410],
+      [-35, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9765, 15398],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-31, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9689, 15470],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [-50, 79],
+      [-75, -20],
+      [-73, 6],
+      [-56, 23],
+      [-32, -18],
+      [-58, 36],
+      [-59, 5],
+      [-82, -15],
+      [-89, 56],
+      [-76, 2],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-122, 37],
+      [-50, -8],
+      [-62, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8721, 15637],
+      [33, 48],
+      [5, 65],
+      [-66, 28],
+      [9, 90],
+      [-89, 54],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [-80, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8496, 15910],
+      [24, 133],
+      [1, 66],
+      [26, 31],
+      [82, 39],
+      [49, 68],
+      [-24, 54],
+      [36, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8690, 16345],
+      [58, -22],
+      [20, 25],
+      [84, 7],
+      [55, -13],
+      [76, 29],
+      [35, 106],
+      [130, -31],
+      [31, 43],
+      [38, -30],
+      [125, 47],
+      [13, -50],
+      [82, -55],
+      [65, 2],
+      [28, 79],
+      [31, 15],
+      [113, -41],
+      [121, 74],
+      [77, -11],
+      [72, 24],
+      [67, 2],
+      [29, 83],
+      [51, 7],
+      [79, 56],
+      [41, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10824, 15118],
+      [-150, 46],
+      [-62, -52],
+      [-57, 26],
+      [-39, -31],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-61, -8],
+      [-79, 94],
+      [-92, -88],
+      [-37, 86],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-88, 5],
+      [42, 121],
+      [25, 29],
+      [-8, 77],
+      [-76, 4],
+      [19, 145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9867, 14490],
+      [84, -16],
+      [42, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9523, 13539],
+      [-46, 64],
+      [-66, -29],
+      [-44, -45],
+      [-50, 23],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-51, 24],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-41, 19],
+      [-53, 65],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-80, -46],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-123, -57],
+      [-39, -82],
+      [-100, -1],
+      [-29, -25],
+      [-63, 3],
+      [-21, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8659, 13514],
+      [1, 28],
+      [56, 40],
+      [7, 32],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [41, 64],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [36, 96],
+      [-25, 94],
+      [21, 110],
+      [-43, 112],
+      [-55, 71],
+      [94, 21],
+      [42, 72],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [51, 49],
+      [41, 72],
+      [75, -1],
+      [54, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8954, 14610],
+      [83, -8],
+      [80, -35],
+      [102, -68],
+      [19, 24],
+      [77, -13],
+      [5, -51],
+      [53, -2],
+      [28, 93],
+      [101, -24],
+      [66, 17],
+      [70, -31],
+      [25, 12],
+      [52, -45],
+      [61, 15],
+      [6, -43],
+      [78, -21],
+      [7, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11207, 14913],
+      [2, -27],
+      [88, -74],
+      [65, -32],
+      [7, -82],
+      [94, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11208, 14472],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [-68, -57],
+      [-33, -58],
+      [-86, -35],
+      [-45, -79],
+      [-20, -100],
+      [-69, -7],
+      [-70, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10302, 14455],
+      [65, 44],
+      [10, 47],
+      [98, 139],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [83, 51],
+      [133, 15],
+      [179, 65],
+      [15, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11688, 15390],
+      [23, -14],
+      [66, 40],
+      [5, 66],
+      [48, 15],
+      [15, -39],
+      [-37, -57],
+      [64, -37],
+      [72, -2],
+      [50, 77],
+      [0, 49],
+      [58, 25],
+      [92, 8],
+      [62, -46],
+      [77, 1],
+      [-19, -39],
+      [35, -48],
+      [5, -68],
+      [63, -6],
+      [51, -35],
+      [80, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9765, 15398],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [-59, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9867, 14490],
+      [-6, 118],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [-12, 161],
+      [83, 56],
+      [-76, 93],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-48, 84],
+      [85, 57],
+      [-20, 47],
+      [20, 130],
+      [-74, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8954, 14610],
+      [50, 58],
+      [76, 45],
+      [8, 63],
+      [89, 134],
+      [-50, 63],
+      [-77, 46],
+      [-75, 5],
+      [-46, -21],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [-13, 71],
+      [36, 132],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [20, 51],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-77, -16],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [-149, 1],
+      [-30, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8568, 15337],
+      [17, 58],
+      [-39, 27],
+      [17, 73],
+      [79, 100],
+      [79, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16050, 14992],
+      [-241, -115],
+      [-62, -52],
+      [-95, -45],
+      [-61, -85],
+      [-49, -90],
+      [-66, -24],
+      [-59, -2],
+      [-74, -34],
+      [-160, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15183, 14505],
+      [-44, 105],
+      [-15, 79],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-5, 79],
+      [-61, 33],
+      [32, 49],
+      [-41, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14989, 14911],
+      [-25, 41],
+      [68, 24],
+      [-51, 75],
+      [34, 103],
+      [93, -34],
+      [63, 94],
+      [-11, 51],
+      [79, 84],
+      [-34, 80],
+      [36, 34],
+      [-17, 40],
+      [29, 65],
+      [-36, 94],
+      [117, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15334, 15694],
+      [46, 18],
+      [125, -36],
+      [-35, -62],
+      [31, -58],
+      [-37, -31],
+      [101, -19],
+      [54, 12],
+      [116, -22],
+      [35, -57],
+      [42, 6],
+      [31, -45],
+      [-20, -110],
+      [-119, -79],
+      [22, -52],
+      [56, -3],
+      [68, -45],
+      [17, -43],
+      [143, 24],
+      [32, -20],
+      [8, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15334, 15694],
+      [6, 71],
+      [-33, 49],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-1, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15248, 15893],
+      [57, -4],
+      [85, -46],
+      [37, -68],
+      [46, -29],
+      [47, 9],
+      [37, 54],
+      [95, 26],
+      [117, -50],
+      [68, -53],
+      [64, 16],
+      [71, -16],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [54, 37],
+      [53, -5],
+      [35, 44],
+      [61, -3],
+      [20, 26],
+      [78, -25],
+      [30, -34],
+      [65, 9],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [124, -59],
+      [-28, -73],
+      [-47, -25],
+      [-43, 35],
+      [-40, -66],
+      [3, -58],
+      [53, -49],
+      [22, -50],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [29, -59],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [-44, -45],
+      [-34, -6],
+      [-33, -60],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-34, -41],
+      [-88, -33],
+      [-32, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14989, 14911],
+      [-16, -11],
+      [-116, 5],
+      [-40, -31],
+      [10, -56],
+      [-84, -27],
+      [-82, -115],
+      [-282, -67],
+      [-33, 36],
+      [-39, -40],
+      [-90, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14427, 16105],
+      [2, 161],
+      [35, 22],
+      [115, -38],
+      [52, -39],
+      [27, 17],
+      [86, -25],
+      [70, -78],
+      [148, 11],
+      [65, -129],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [23, -36],
+      [-19, -74],
+      [54, -13],
+      [32, 27],
+      [133, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15183, 14505],
+      [-87, -15],
+      [-105, -54],
+      [-76, -4],
+      [-117, -59],
+      [-75, -10],
+      [-64, -41],
+      [-76, -84],
+      [-55, -86],
+      [-65, -61],
+      [18, -42],
+      [74, -36],
+      [33, -43],
+      [-77, -52],
+      [-129, -28],
+      [-48, -58],
+      [-18, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14316, 13784],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-46, 70],
+      [-85, 25],
+      [-47, 110],
+      [-36, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12505, 15374],
+      [-41, 23],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [64, 93],
+      [30, -17],
+      [71, 11],
+      [-14, 66],
+      [-70, 14],
+      [-55, 71],
+      [-95, 80],
+      [-64, 5],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-114, 65],
+      [-73, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12066, 15889],
+      [22, 30],
+      [-6, 87],
+      [-70, -14],
+      [58, 83],
+      [52, -31],
+      [29, 40],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [47, 26],
+      [-14, 39],
+      [35, 53],
+      [-12, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12196, 16325],
+      [31, 58],
+      [62, -12],
+      [70, 45],
+      [12, 90],
+      [58, 35],
+      [33, 49],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [97, 65],
+      [9, 42],
+      [42, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12596, 16753],
+      [81, 9],
+      [5, -50],
+      [85, 38],
+      [93, -43],
+      [0, -69],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-42, -40],
+      [22, -48],
+      [68, -20],
+      [6, 70],
+      [75, -54],
+      [103, -23],
+      [79, -32],
+      [27, -30],
+      [127, -13],
+      [43, 17],
+      [20, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13893, 12032],
+      [115, -41],
+      [67, -48],
+      [19, -57],
+      [-116, -116],
+      [-67, -15],
+      [-63, -109],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [-119, -59],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-54, -86],
+      [-51, -42],
+      [1, -131],
+      [-65, -14],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-17, -164],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-53, -135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13337, 10920],
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+      [49, 66],
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+      [53, 50],
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+      [21, 25]
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diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/switzerland-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/switzerland-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5965bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/switzerland-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11333 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [43893, 22349],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-73, -134],
+      [-65, 8],
+      [-61, -39],
+      [-46, -18],
+      [-26, -81],
+      [-87, -130],
+      [-66, -65],
+      [-26, -54],
+      [-67, -52],
+      [-26, -74],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-87, -39],
+      [-36, -26],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-57, 23],
+      [-61, 10],
+      [-283, 6],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [50, -120],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-60, -59],
+      [-2, -43],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [-18, -79],
+      [-60, -12],
+      [-31, -27],
+      [-73, -22],
+      [-39, -68],
+      [-73, -13],
+      [-37, -36],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [-43, 3],
+      [-60, 34],
+      [-13, 70],
+      [-4, 77],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-58, 91],
+      [-27, 28],
+      [4, 67],
+      [-146, 41],
+      [-93, 45],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-52, -13],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-48, -29],
+      [-89, -112],
+      [-81, -26],
+      [-43, -42],
+      [-1, -101],
+      [-12, -91],
+      [25, -100],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [-63, -37],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-51, -123],
+      [9, -76],
+      [-59, -47],
+      [-33, -61],
+      [-28, -88],
+      [-54, -81],
+      [-19, -89],
+      [-146, -126],
+      [-135, -7],
+      [-105, -41],
+      [-70, -7],
+      [-67, -25],
+      [-51, 8],
+      [-106, -25],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-105, -43],
+      [-58, 12],
+      [-36, -47],
+      [-77, -8],
+      [-63, -59],
+      [-72, -15],
+      [-92, -43],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-53, 18],
+      [-26, 32],
+      [13, 109],
+      [-3, 106],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-69, -22],
+      [-85, 30],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-75, -15],
+      [-39, 20],
+      [-59, -5],
+      [-93, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38936, 20246],
+      [-19, 62],
+      [61, 84],
+      [19, 183],
+      [-60, 89],
+      [-37, 35],
+      [-3, 91],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [31, 47],
+      [116, 51],
+      [64, 42],
+      [91, 27],
+      [47, 60],
+      [13, 40],
+      [35, 33],
+      [64, 84],
+      [111, -1],
+      [32, 13],
+      [64, 50],
+      [137, 42],
+      [111, 113],
+      [116, 46],
+      [73, 44],
+      [26, 85],
+      [-14, 139],
+      [7, 32],
+      [-36, 134],
+      [-6, 51],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [8, 47],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [-15, 46],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-16, 73],
+      [-33, 51],
+      [-60, 155]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39714, 22422],
+      [67, 53],
+      [32, -7],
+      [66, 45],
+      [6, 22],
+      [62, -5],
+      [21, 19],
+      [38, -8],
+      [80, 23],
+      [12, 37],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [9, 36],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-9, 43],
+      [38, 109],
+      [39, 61],
+      [18, 133],
+      [33, 45],
+      [84, 49],
+      [-77, 50],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-79, 28],
+      [-45, 36],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-43, -42],
+      [-159, 279],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [118, 50],
+      [7, 56],
+      [-68, 10],
+      [-55, 62],
+      [-40, 118],
+      [-106, 90],
+      [-59, 43],
+      [1, 51],
+      [-19, 31],
+      [-43, 25],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-14, 148],
+      [-68, 32],
+      [-71, 47],
+      [-69, -1],
+      [-25, 55],
+      [31, 35],
+      [72, 16],
+      [38, 23],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [-33, 54],
+      [2, 105],
+      [40, 31],
+      [29, -6],
+      [43, 26],
+      [36, -8],
+      [34, 13],
+      [10, -29],
+      [36, -12],
+      [52, 8],
+      [35, 31],
+      [79, 46],
+      [85, 32],
+      [54, 80],
+      [83, 28],
+      [16, 18],
+      [10, 136],
+      [25, 83],
+      [45, 95],
+      [24, 11],
+      [38, 83],
+      [36, 30],
+      [6, 104],
+      [61, 68],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [129, 100],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [-64, 6],
+      [-103, 49],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [4, 57],
+      [35, 31],
+      [39, 90],
+      [60, 36],
+      [86, 36],
+      [0, 64],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [24, 32],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [36, 54],
+      [-24, 61],
+      [-63, 22],
+      [-25, 47],
+      [15, 73],
+      [17, 30],
+      [19, 73],
+      [-13, 68],
+      [17, 21],
+      [-27, 43],
+      [59, 40],
+      [27, 36],
+      [20, 72],
+      [217, 372],
+      [23, 33],
+      [152, 192]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40638, 27579],
+      [12, 15],
+      [600, -659],
+      [42, -48],
+      [138, -127],
+      [28, -42],
+      [43, -23],
+      [326, 40],
+      [97, 30],
+      [75, -36],
+      [41, 0],
+      [74, 26],
+      [273, -16],
+      [157, -62],
+      [562, -106],
+      [-14, -158],
+      [14, -130],
+      [-21, -41],
+      [4, -73],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [-8, -97],
+      [19, -69],
+      [34, -83],
+      [-20, -93],
+      [28, -161],
+      [-3, -74],
+      [18, -7],
+      [-22, -75],
+      [-42, -91],
+      [-26, -24],
+      [-20, -94],
+      [-45, -45],
+      [-78, -92],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-53, -64],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [-78, -17],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-71, -19],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-151, -116],
+      [243, -182],
+      [22, 9],
+      [84, -51],
+      [19, -26],
+      [53, -5],
+      [74, 45],
+      [29, -40],
+      [42, -19],
+      [104, 64],
+      [47, 42],
+      [131, 81],
+      [37, -9],
+      [60, 21],
+      [52, -44],
+      [43, -15],
+      [53, 6],
+      [25, -11],
+      [46, -57],
+      [37, -28],
+      [25, -52],
+      [84, -38],
+      [4, -44],
+      [31, -30],
+      [52, -116],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [1, -82],
+      [30, -77],
+      [68, -142],
+      [3, -56],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [3, -73],
+      [11, -32],
+      [-36, -125],
+      [33, -40],
+      [5, -71],
+      [-36, -87],
+      [-17, -109],
+      [41, -123],
+      [-15, -67],
+      [-96, -31],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [7, -109],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [18, -21],
+      [22, -67],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [130, -76],
+      [19, -21],
+      [13, -108],
+      [18, -47],
+      [-32, -58],
+      [16, -52],
+      [-25, -54],
+      [-8, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32740, 26914],
+      [41, -101],
+      [20, -103],
+      [-32, -89],
+      [34, -62],
+      [45, -10],
+      [24, 17],
+      [111, -3],
+      [53, 34],
+      [93, 73],
+      [113, 20],
+      [23, -174],
+      [34, -149],
+      [20, -5],
+      [57, 47],
+      [79, 27],
+      [16, 36],
+      [178, 152],
+      [178, -256],
+      [-9, -276]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33818, 26092],
+      [-224, 121],
+      [-12, 38],
+      [0, 69],
+      [-63, 28],
+      [-77, -35],
+      [-67, 18],
+      [-131, 51],
+      [-18, -62],
+      [-90, 1],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [-83, -19],
+      [-97, -40],
+      [-74, -70],
+      [-54, -83],
+      [-62, -57],
+      [2, -55],
+      [-14, -38],
+      [21, -61],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [-29, -108],
+      [-99, -86],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [-45, -52],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [-44, -35],
+      [21, -185],
+      [102, -27],
+      [14, -11],
+      [414, 122],
+      [51, -31],
+      [71, -4],
+      [26, -13],
+      [62, -56],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [101, -62],
+      [151, -138],
+      [68, -19],
+      [119, -152],
+      [65, -42],
+      [34, -59],
+      [46, -33],
+      [9, -33],
+      [53, -55],
+      [35, -10],
+      [48, -80],
+      [58, -5],
+      [74, -21],
+      [39, -35],
+      [8, -85],
+      [-7, -101],
+      [-60, -164],
+      [-74, -28],
+      [-36, -45],
+      [-79, -8],
+      [-157, -77],
+      [-126, -24],
+      [-73, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33486, 23983],
+      [12, 259],
+      [-547, 161],
+      [-17, -304],
+      [-10, -84],
+      [-152, 2],
+      [-120, 40],
+      [-22, -9],
+      [-63, 3],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [-144, -52],
+      [-36, 45],
+      [25, 49],
+      [-12, 301],
+      [-204, 45],
+      [-454, -629],
+      [-208, 214],
+      [-109, -30],
+      [-66, -4],
+      [-34, 11],
+      [-112, -5],
+      [-11, -40],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-28, -28],
+      [-68, 10],
+      [-50, 24],
+      [-27, 35],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-73, -39],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-24, -49],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-27, -55],
+      [-58, -28],
+      [-59, 70],
+      [-25, 48],
+      [-29, -15],
+      [-59, 30],
+      [-40, 1],
+      [-20, -58],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-50, -107],
+      [-39, -42],
+      [13, -38],
+      [53, -71],
+      [78, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30297, 23507],
+      [0, -64],
+      [-39, -19],
+      [-76, 8],
+      [-230, -52],
+      [-107, 36],
+      [-102, 62],
+      [-72, -65],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-127, -70],
+      [-53, -13],
+      [-74, -72],
+      [-56, -21],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-64, -31],
+      [18, -35],
+      [-5, -60],
+      [32, -59],
+      [98, -132],
+      [11, 3],
+      [42, -82],
+      [-38, -64],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-24, -42],
+      [-44, -17],
+      [-32, -40],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-58, -44],
+      [-25, -45],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-51, -72],
+      [-49, -98],
+      [-22, -21],
+      [-52, -80],
+      [-18, -62],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-52, -124],
+      [-31, -60],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [-15, 72],
+      [-1, 61],
+      [30, 139],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-41, -34],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-44, -62],
+      [3, -38],
+      [-25, -39],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [-61, -36],
+      [-65, -6],
+      [-44, -28],
+      [-2, -101],
+      [-36, -60],
+      [42, -153],
+      [1, -84],
+      [18, -50],
+      [-26, -44],
+      [1, -56],
+      [-50, -37],
+      [2, -49],
+      [16, -44],
+      [-31, -75],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [8, -37],
+      [-33, -90],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-46, -155],
+      [57, -92],
+      [15, -9],
+      [-9, -54],
+      [59, -77],
+      [19, -43],
+      [150, -297],
+      [5, -48],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [-76, -74],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [23, -36],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [-90, -96],
+      [-32, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27872, 19721],
+      [-106, 9],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-67, -8],
+      [-117, -38],
+      [-82, -40],
+      [-89, -56],
+      [-107, -21],
+      [-25, -20],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-72, -52],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [-84, 18],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-52, 83],
+      [-11, 54],
+      [-48, 38],
+      [-29, 1],
+      [-27, 35],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-31, 42],
+      [19, 54],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [-55, 110],
+      [-67, 56],
+      [-173, 172],
+      [-85, 72],
+      [-240, 154],
+      [-117, 70],
+      [-246, 123],
+      [-59, 113],
+      [-30, 25],
+      [-4, 76],
+      [-34, 57],
+      [9, 72],
+      [-13, 97],
+      [29, 115],
+      [-64, 40],
+      [-5, 67],
+      [-59, 16],
+      [-35, 22],
+      [8, 115],
+      [-22, 76],
+      [6, 54],
+      [26, 37],
+      [53, 26],
+      [44, -1],
+      [47, 25],
+      [17, 37],
+      [32, 2],
+      [4, 67],
+      [26, 57],
+      [59, 94],
+      [6, 28],
+      [33, 36],
+      [6, 63],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-15, 52],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [-76, 37],
+      [25, 44],
+      [21, 82],
+      [29, 67],
+      [57, 63],
+      [114, 50],
+      [58, 36],
+      [49, 18],
+      [53, 44],
+      [65, -6],
+      [14, -17],
+      [60, -17],
+      [61, 8],
+      [36, 32],
+      [37, 93],
+      [38, 53],
+      [11, 100],
+      [58, 33],
+      [41, -3],
+      [34, 47],
+      [9, 65],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [14, 31],
+      [-14, 57],
+      [10, 30],
+      [52, 56],
+      [53, 7],
+      [70, 63],
+      [-8, 44],
+      [-2, 97],
+      [-10, 49],
+      [45, 42],
+      [48, 17],
+      [21, 24],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-33, 86],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-23, 73],
+      [0, 44],
+      [49, 52],
+      [25, 110],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-32, 35],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-93, -10],
+      [-39, -14],
+      [-92, -8],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [-33, 34],
+      [-24, 67],
+      [-41, 4],
+      [-77, -41],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-77, -35],
+      [-74, -13],
+      [-25, 29],
+      [-40, 110],
+      [43, 69],
+      [5, 31],
+      [-49, 70],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-20, 55],
+      [8, 62],
+      [-27, 53],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-56, 39],
+      [-25, 50],
+      [12, 40],
+      [-31, 69],
+      [-91, 8],
+      [-31, 77],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-59, 95],
+      [22, 41],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [47, 107],
+      [58, 62],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [11, 57],
+      [23, 28],
+      [47, 99],
+      [-15, 38],
+      [18, 39],
+      [25, 100],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [30, 51],
+      [3, 83],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [21, 52],
+      [-48, 34],
+      [-15, 34],
+      [19, 57],
+      [-43, 76],
+      [26, 82],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-68, 29],
+      [17, 32],
+      [0, 64],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [1, 57],
+      [41, 68],
+      [191, 96],
+      [24, 27],
+      [2, 57],
+      [44, 7],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [28, 65],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-36, 60],
+      [-55, 53],
+      [-41, 59],
+      [-37, 89],
+      [-22, 111],
+      [1, 92],
+      [45, 121],
+      [49, 54],
+      [-2, 37],
+      [-28, 18],
+      [-15, 86],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-89, 57],
+      [-51, 71],
+      [-54, 40],
+      [-24, 38],
+      [14, 56],
+      [-14, 61],
+      [-42, 32],
+      [-25, 77],
+      [-32, 44],
+      [-72, 170],
+      [2, 48],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-12, 44],
+      [-51, 59],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [-17, 98],
+      [12, 97],
+      [18, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25096, 28832],
+      [44, 19],
+      [14, -28],
+      [135, -40],
+      [189, 100],
+      [399, 118],
+      [171, 17],
+      [54, -38],
+      [93, -85],
+      [164, -41],
+      [85, 93],
+      [82, 57],
+      [109, 133],
+      [103, 87],
+      [-39, 44],
+      [5, 29],
+      [-19, 43],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-18, 66],
+      [-38, 47],
+      [5, 38],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [20, 46],
+      [72, 42],
+      [208, -15],
+      [24, -33],
+      [179, 31],
+      [112, 112],
+      [127, -146],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [15, -72],
+      [53, -81],
+      [49, -49],
+      [50, -69],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [17, -47],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [5, -89],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [1, -73],
+      [61, -13],
+      [19, -23],
+      [49, -9],
+      [49, -27],
+      [13, 32],
+      [282, 53],
+      [4, -13],
+      [152, 51],
+      [-64, 95],
+      [-21, 84],
+      [27, 26],
+      [55, -1],
+      [43, -35],
+      [60, -7],
+      [39, 36],
+      [52, 26],
+      [14, 48],
+      [50, 12],
+      [84, 46],
+      [139, -54],
+      [96, -164],
+      [-2, -56],
+      [43, -99],
+      [140, -14],
+      [74, -50],
+      [81, 52],
+      [4, 32],
+      [65, 31],
+      [137, 9],
+      [155, 46],
+      [91, 9],
+      [57, 24],
+      [33, 29],
+      [41, 15],
+      [63, -63],
+      [14, -62],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-33, -87],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-83, -6],
+      [-76, -24],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [45, 0],
+      [34, -34],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [10, -55],
+      [64, -68],
+      [114, -19],
+      [-18, -50],
+      [20, -7],
+      [23, -57],
+      [59, 18],
+      [57, -8],
+      [66, 41],
+      [47, 11],
+      [41, 29],
+      [117, -7],
+      [-23, 111],
+      [3, 96],
+      [17, 37],
+      [12, 69],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [45, 74],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [63, 50],
+      [98, 50],
+      [117, 431],
+      [60, 9],
+      [21, -21],
+      [103, -11],
+      [-19, 76],
+      [22, 5],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [32, 41],
+      [53, 9],
+      [16, 34],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [24, 34],
+      [106, 22],
+      [11, -6],
+      [30, -89],
+      [47, 1],
+      [72, 19],
+      [12, -53],
+      [37, -1],
+      [57, 26],
+      [12, -23],
+      [78, -20],
+      [57, -52],
+      [68, -91],
+      [73, -31],
+      [-42, -50],
+      [-33, -61],
+      [19, -134],
+      [69, -146],
+      [50, 4],
+      [90, -142],
+      [40, -109],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [18, -71],
+      [6, -71],
+      [18, -88],
+      [50, -66],
+      [-19, -127],
+      [77, -19],
+      [37, -175],
+      [28, -76],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [52, -120],
+      [58, -82],
+      [-5, -94],
+      [13, -47],
+      [-4, -66],
+      [35, -68],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [42, -16],
+      [2, -30],
+      [64, -112],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [53, -33],
+      [45, -80],
+      [43, -47],
+      [3, -70],
+      [31, -22],
+      [19, -124],
+      [56, -27],
+      [113, -35],
+      [15, -42],
+      [56, -36],
+      [27, 16],
+      [104, -5],
+      [46, -26],
+      [34, 10],
+      [29, -20],
+      [81, 4],
+      [14, -15],
+      [48, 23],
+      [44, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15128, 22096],
+      [49, -26],
+      [38, -53],
+      [79, 27],
+      [7, -21],
+      [-71, -64],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-49, -68],
+      [-93, 23],
+      [-6, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15027, 21939],
+      [51, 20],
+      [23, 53],
+      [-33, 44],
+      [60, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15727, 22361],
+      [4, -76],
+      [-8, -23],
+      [39, -90],
+      [-48, -1],
+      [-68, -38],
+      [-70, -59],
+      [-19, -52],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [-27, 92],
+      [20, 11],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-51, 53],
+      [22, 107],
+      [139, 64],
+      [32, -16],
+      [57, 23],
+      [36, 2],
+      [15, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [27872, 19721],
+      [44, 25],
+      [64, 2],
+      [63, -42],
+      [129, 37],
+      [64, -39],
+      [41, -7],
+      [72, 20],
+      [40, -1],
+      [57, 15],
+      [10, -66],
+      [38, -38],
+      [36, -61],
+      [43, -25],
+      [25, -43],
+      [12, -48],
+      [60, -19],
+      [43, 18],
+      [46, -8],
+      [64, -49],
+      [47, -12],
+      [87, -71],
+      [118, -112],
+      [20, -37],
+      [30, -19],
+      [80, -77],
+      [36, 44],
+      [117, 45],
+      [13, 26],
+      [55, 23],
+      [9, 36],
+      [34, 13],
+      [15, 27],
+      [56, -25],
+      [27, 26],
+      [156, 65],
+      [53, 35],
+      [45, -39],
+      [42, -10],
+      [92, 30],
+      [63, 1],
+      [55, -63],
+      [97, -57],
+      [14, -42],
+      [86, 0],
+      [39, -10],
+      [55, 20],
+      [69, 155],
+      [86, -42],
+      [84, -29],
+      [52, -35],
+      [58, -21],
+      [34, -55],
+      [54, -62],
+      [34, -67],
+      [83, 16],
+      [73, -16],
+      [34, -23],
+      [46, 44],
+      [133, 100],
+      [69, 36],
+      [60, 44],
+      [3, 21],
+      [63, 62],
+      [57, 37],
+      [66, 66],
+      [67, 46],
+      [13, 25],
+      [56, 35],
+      [36, 42],
+      [349, 48],
+      [49, 32],
+      [3, 31],
+      [69, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32164, 19737],
+      [24, 7],
+      [88, -50],
+      [20, -46],
+      [46, -68],
+      [46, -32],
+      [72, -17],
+      [54, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32514, 19403],
+      [15, -122],
+      [59, 19],
+      [39, 39],
+      [51, 24],
+      [95, 97],
+      [45, -5],
+      [41, -26],
+      [10, -34],
+      [43, -17],
+      [45, 33],
+      [94, 12],
+      [39, -9],
+      [49, -44],
+      [60, 8],
+      [-2, -84],
+      [25, -20],
+      [0, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33222, 19238],
+      [-18, -92],
+      [-46, -102],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-27, -23],
+      [6, -36],
+      [33, -34],
+      [22, -53],
+      [-40, -51],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [17, -26],
+      [-9, -72],
+      [38, -73],
+      [43, -26],
+      [37, -64],
+      [-35, -57],
+      [3, -247],
+      [11, -40],
+      [74, -48],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [-19, -68],
+      [39, -136],
+      [-32, -93],
+      [-5, -85],
+      [-104, -35],
+      [-53, -31],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-82, 12],
+      [-46, -17],
+      [-110, 27],
+      [-62, 2],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-117, 49],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [11, -70],
+      [-30, -81],
+      [21, -52],
+      [2, -65],
+      [-13, -87],
+      [33, -34],
+      [32, -89],
+      [56, -28],
+      [25, -72],
+      [3, -132],
+      [13, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32714, 16992],
+      [-150, 21],
+      [-54, -141],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-94, -129],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-53, -61],
+      [-69, -18],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [-20, -66],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-3, -171],
+      [25, -51],
+      [-3, -52],
+      [-27, -88],
+      [-3, -35],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-9, -55],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [-4, -74],
+      [14, -47],
+      [-6, -31],
+      [15, -55],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-14, -69],
+      [55, -78],
+      [-57, -96],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-80, -95],
+      [5, -46],
+      [-42, -32],
+      [-64, -75],
+      [-65, -34],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [-124, -25],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-78, -12],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-54, -95],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-62, -59],
+      [-88, -20],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-42, -28],
+      [-47, -10],
+      [-48, -88],
+      [-56, -51],
+      [-85, 6],
+      [-60, -44],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [-74, 2],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-87, -40],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-52, -17],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-51, 2],
+      [-109, -25],
+      [-73, -47],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-157, -18],
+      [-89, -53],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-7, 70],
+      [7, 78],
+      [-69, -8],
+      [-75, 20],
+      [-44, -21],
+      [-142, 17],
+      [-109, 58],
+      [-78, 16],
+      [-58, 32],
+      [-69, 6],
+      [-46, 66],
+      [-67, 60],
+      [-43, 63],
+      [-126, 41],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-65, 5],
+      [-101, 69],
+      [-48, -37],
+      [-80, -5],
+      [-82, -17],
+      [-85, 69],
+      [-145, 20],
+      [-100, 59],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-43, 13],
+      [-74, -12],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-104, 14],
+      [-104, -51],
+      [-39, -37],
+      [-52, -22],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-59, -47],
+      [-5, -36],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [-30, -72],
+      [-47, -38],
+      [-67, 11],
+      [-142, -65],
+      [-44, -90],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-2, -50],
+      [32, -67],
+      [32, -26],
+      [-13, -31],
+      [82, -126],
+      [-33, -91],
+      [9, -71],
+      [-42, -75],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-88, -70],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-34, 16],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-64, 2],
+      [-40, -39],
+      [-74, -57],
+      [-28, -97],
+      [-86, -37],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [19, -20],
+      [-21, -49],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-29, -21],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [-71, 1],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-62, -63],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [-57, 23],
+      [-49, -49],
+      [-147, -53],
+      [-84, -12],
+      [-94, 10],
+      [-167, -23],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-100, -83],
+      [-110, -65],
+      [-37, -45],
+      [2, -26],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-40, -13],
+      [-95, -55],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-127, -60],
+      [-62, -87],
+      [-83, -46],
+      [-35, -64],
+      [-59, -43],
+      [-25, -68],
+      [-78, -24],
+      [-53, -59],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-50, -42],
+      [-60, -17],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [-141, -91],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-56, -39],
+      [-110, -64],
+      [-118, -20],
+      [-50, -60],
+      [-35, -66],
+      [-92, -19],
+      [-57, 59],
+      [-70, 47],
+      [-73, 113],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [-53, 34],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-51, 34],
+      [-114, 48],
+      [-460, 201],
+      [-125, 80],
+      [-19, -63],
+      [-43, -49],
+      [-43, -34],
+      [-43, 1],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [15, -75],
+      [3, -57],
+      [-30, -68],
+      [-67, -55],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [25, -88],
+      [-7, -29],
+      [-38, -38],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-119, 45],
+      [-36, 46],
+      [-5, 29],
+      [-68, -1],
+      [-86, -52],
+      [-87, -8],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-50, 19],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-59, -29],
+      [-84, 1],
+      [-62, -13],
+      [-72, -35],
+      [-9, -55],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-41, -95],
+      [2, -34],
+      [54, -42],
+      [129, -72],
+      [53, -4],
+      [113, -103],
+      [-186, -99],
+      [-37, -84],
+      [8, -44],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-114, -30],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [-83, 5],
+      [-106, 26],
+      [-75, -7],
+      [-18, -52],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-62, 41],
+      [-57, -33],
+      [-47, 9],
+      [-23, 39],
+      [9, 41],
+      [-26, 131],
+      [-22, 48],
+      [-37, 37],
+      [-82, -33],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [-39, -55],
+      [-81, -1],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [-47, 48],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [-64, 27],
+      [-46, -11],
+      [-29, 14],
+      [-65, 10],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-70, -86],
+      [-154, -14],
+      [-24, -29],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-56, -15],
+      [-41, -35],
+      [-27, 41],
+      [-91, -70],
+      [-8, -23],
+      [-51, -61],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-32, -51],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-22, 10],
+      [-33, -25],
+      [-33, -56],
+      [-68, -39],
+      [-39, -37],
+      [-47, -10],
+      [-52, -71],
+      [-67, -59],
+      [-61, 11],
+      [-88, -53],
+      [-67, -27],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-114, -46],
+      [-107, -10],
+      [-62, 82],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [24, 65],
+      [-20, 53],
+      [25, 26],
+      [2, 39],
+      [25, 28],
+      [6, 152],
+      [-33, 92],
+      [-150, -179],
+      [-47, -15],
+      [-64, 31],
+      [-379, -182],
+      [-24, -77],
+      [7, -58],
+      [19, -47],
+      [-17, -29],
+      [-5, -48],
+      [9, -113],
+      [18, -30],
+      [-51, -46],
+      [-63, -104],
+      [-30, -26],
+      [-25, 6],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [-91, -19],
+      [-89, -8],
+      [-67, 22],
+      [-77, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16872, 10406],
+      [11, 389],
+      [-49, 183],
+      [76, 36],
+      [22, -5],
+      [21, 42],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [-16, 31],
+      [-96, -62],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-69, 116],
+      [-16, 92],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [2, 85],
+      [-22, 40],
+      [-30, -17],
+      [-131, 4],
+      [16, 122],
+      [48, 92],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [33, 45],
+      [14, 53],
+      [25, 35],
+      [10, 66],
+      [43, 52],
+      [-11, 110],
+      [20, 111],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-41, 62],
+      [-6, 39],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [-43, 80],
+      [-17, 67],
+      [-84, 91],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [32, 110],
+      [51, -10],
+      [23, 13],
+      [62, -33],
+      [107, 7],
+      [76, 38],
+      [50, 13],
+      [34, 46],
+      [25, 106],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [85, 47],
+      [-80, 72],
+      [34, 29],
+      [12, 55],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [26, 85],
+      [-47, 120],
+      [-31, 103],
+      [-11, 191],
+      [160, 24],
+      [-2, 67],
+      [-22, 56],
+      [88, 57],
+      [20, 56],
+      [29, 33],
+      [5, 83],
+      [20, 17],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [31, 88],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [20, 55],
+      [3, 79],
+      [-16, 24],
+      [-1, 67],
+      [-17, 73],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-28, 46],
+      [17, 87],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-51, 88],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-1, 151]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17077, 14972],
+      [45, 9],
+      [88, 41],
+      [107, 74],
+      [47, 49],
+      [70, 106],
+      [37, 83],
+      [61, 99],
+      [135, 156],
+      [31, -7],
+      [92, -53],
+      [103, -40],
+      [70, 12],
+      [60, 31],
+      [37, 84],
+      [23, 76],
+      [34, 25],
+      [75, 29],
+      [-79, 175],
+      [19, 182],
+      [27, 138],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [-76, 64],
+      [5, 179],
+      [10, 125],
+      [100, 5],
+      [81, 38],
+      [39, 60],
+      [-25, 91],
+      [-92, 173],
+      [33, 12],
+      [76, -14],
+      [22, 13],
+      [43, -10],
+      [83, 16],
+      [70, -4],
+      [27, -45],
+      [30, -18],
+      [7, -67],
+      [14, -30],
+      [43, -15],
+      [16, -28],
+      [-7, -69],
+      [32, -40],
+      [15, 86],
+      [44, 54],
+      [3, 22],
+      [50, 21],
+      [152, 151],
+      [-108, -15],
+      [34, 146],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [17, 78],
+      [-19, 37],
+      [36, 70],
+      [36, 44],
+      [-46, 110],
+      [63, 64],
+      [-25, 59],
+      [2, 27],
+      [41, 47],
+      [-29, 54],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-71, 9],
+      [-49, 49],
+      [-31, 86],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [-175, 17],
+      [-9, 62],
+      [45, 75],
+      [13, 65],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-79, 20],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-33, 24],
+      [-256, 37],
+      [-30, -20],
+      [-104, 108],
+      [-39, 82],
+      [-10, 67],
+      [7, 119],
+      [19, 91],
+      [46, 70],
+      [32, 72],
+      [9, 64],
+      [-20, 24],
+      [-2, 97],
+      [5, 61],
+      [-63, 121],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-36, 57],
+      [-2, 63],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [54, 42],
+      [14, 39],
+      [59, 36],
+      [5, 46],
+      [44, 38],
+      [-32, 65],
+      [19, 50],
+      [-25, 81],
+      [43, 55],
+      [33, 65],
+      [8, 58],
+      [17, 27],
+      [-2, 40],
+      [15, 62],
+      [97, 121],
+      [38, 21],
+      [-17, 43],
+      [23, 63],
+      [2, 36],
+      [-14, 67],
+      [6, 32],
+      [69, 24],
+      [63, 36],
+      [14, 42],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-74, 75],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [-54, 29],
+      [-20, 23],
+      [-61, 24],
+      [-76, 59],
+      [-19, 60],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [98, 60],
+      [34, 12],
+      [7, 105],
+      [51, 38],
+      [13, -41],
+      [47, 19],
+      [34, -12],
+      [88, -56],
+      [-27, -38],
+      [-30, 10],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [49, -67],
+      [50, -7],
+      [54, 10],
+      [36, -41],
+      [107, 57],
+      [28, 28],
+      [27, -9],
+      [31, 35],
+      [37, 76],
+      [44, 38],
+      [20, 50],
+      [-17, 41],
+      [6, 75],
+      [-26, 36],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-19, 100],
+      [15, 205],
+      [-27, 39],
+      [-60, 30],
+      [-91, 23],
+      [-168, 55],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-154, -38],
+      [-65, -3],
+      [-75, 16],
+      [-87, 30],
+      [-79, -2],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-62, -63],
+      [-41, 8],
+      [-92, 55],
+      [-85, 28],
+      [-42, 52],
+      [-54, 32],
+      [-83, 11],
+      [-101, 34],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [-91, 3],
+      [-57, 45],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [-30, 25],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-60, -91],
+      [-69, 89],
+      [-62, 19],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-53, 10],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [-75, 26],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [85, 43],
+      [44, 13],
+      [73, 51],
+      [13, 40],
+      [34, 18],
+      [-25, 72],
+      [14, 71],
+      [-19, 77],
+      [17, 41],
+      [1, 58],
+      [56, 9],
+      [3, 53],
+      [18, 12],
+      [-113, 183],
+      [-9, 63],
+      [79, 27],
+      [8, 121],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [15, 109],
+      [29, 44],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [-84, -15],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-40, 15],
+      [12, 57],
+      [50, -8],
+      [96, 7],
+      [13, 69],
+      [90, -12],
+      [6, 45],
+      [29, 73],
+      [75, 37],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [88, 57],
+      [47, 77],
+      [51, 50],
+      [-10, 44],
+      [-76, 80],
+      [-43, 35],
+      [-49, 15],
+      [56, 78],
+      [-9, 44],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-77, 143],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-34, 32],
+      [-37, -58],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-58, -94],
+      [-59, 10],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-515, -281],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-69, -24],
+      [-755, -187],
+      [-32, 11],
+      [-51, -7],
+      [-377, 12],
+      [-81, 14],
+      [-154, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14452, 23643],
+      [-195, 529],
+      [72, 105],
+      [31, 100],
+      [5, 37],
+      [-6, 236],
+      [16, 48],
+      [80, 108],
+      [136, 108],
+      [45, 23],
+      [148, 30],
+      [102, 90],
+      [73, 53],
+      [123, 153],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [-32, 52],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-21, 76],
+      [8, 52],
+      [-9, 49],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [134, 114],
+      [-3, 84],
+      [-148, 215],
+      [-166, 67],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [-104, 108],
+      [-108, 69],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-158, -109],
+      [-70, 174],
+      [55, 72],
+      [50, 79],
+      [114, 102],
+      [-23, 36],
+      [-95, 18],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-39, -57],
+      [-130, -3],
+      [-70, -15],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-60, -26],
+      [-51, -46],
+      [-123, -42],
+      [-253, -56],
+      [-124, -13],
+      [-92, -25],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-112, -66],
+      [-48, -9],
+      [-87, 79],
+      [-43, -70],
+      [-68, -57],
+      [-76, -53],
+      [-94, -43],
+      [-176, -105],
+      [-98, -74],
+      [-69, -41],
+      [-52, -20],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-111, -62],
+      [20, 146],
+      [46, 216],
+      [123, 112],
+      [53, 229],
+      [51, 234],
+      [-53, 98],
+      [-48, 74],
+      [-15, 45],
+      [-106, 193],
+      [-32, 72],
+      [-110, 219]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12071, 27423],
+      [24, 58],
+      [116, 116],
+      [65, -270],
+      [40, -49],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [38, -23],
+      [17, -56],
+      [52, 21],
+      [63, 48],
+      [46, 9],
+      [137, 60],
+      [49, 45],
+      [55, 67],
+      [213, 136],
+      [111, 118],
+      [26, 132],
+      [17, 59],
+      [143, 57],
+      [6, -33],
+      [38, -37],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [23, -37],
+      [57, 28],
+      [135, -14],
+      [87, -131],
+      [49, -13],
+      [64, 46],
+      [40, 73],
+      [16, 58],
+      [64, 98],
+      [25, 113],
+      [170, 10],
+      [190, 38],
+      [92, 134],
+      [86, 225],
+      [100, 173],
+      [-8, 24],
+      [49, 82],
+      [104, 46],
+      [47, 38],
+      [-32, 135],
+      [13, 66],
+      [59, 45],
+      [92, 17],
+      [146, 75],
+      [1, -89],
+      [30, 0],
+      [44, 40],
+      [49, -77],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [36, -60],
+      [104, 1],
+      [2, 31],
+      [45, 61],
+      [47, 31],
+      [109, -25],
+      [135, 50],
+      [78, 13],
+      [85, -12],
+      [79, -25],
+      [6, 21],
+      [47, 7],
+      [97, 41],
+      [34, 22],
+      [29, -2],
+      [-34, 70],
+      [-53, 59],
+      [30, 33],
+      [-43, 15],
+      [-73, -10],
+      [4, 76],
+      [44, 10],
+      [14, 34],
+      [-24, 75],
+      [41, 76],
+      [91, 49],
+      [65, 12],
+      [110, 54],
+      [-9, 103],
+      [3, 59],
+      [27, 26],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [51, 36],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-62, 29],
+      [5, 20],
+      [67, 9],
+      [71, -9],
+      [30, 9],
+      [120, 15],
+      [32, -9],
+      [90, 21],
+      [153, -7],
+      [42, -16],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [53, -64],
+      [63, 23],
+      [114, -38],
+      [121, 1],
+      [93, -50],
+      [42, -10],
+      [137, -1],
+      [71, 9],
+      [1, 24],
+      [62, 6],
+      [66, -26],
+      [131, -33],
+      [86, 18],
+      [26, 17],
+      [74, -2],
+      [133, 35],
+      [70, 8],
+      [49, 28],
+      [85, 22],
+      [76, 105],
+      [120, 83],
+      [11, 41],
+      [67, 87],
+      [109, -12],
+      [195, 68],
+      [64, 13],
+      [126, 86],
+      [54, 30],
+      [23, -19],
+      [135, -20],
+      [38, 9],
+      [166, -18],
+      [79, 14],
+      [17, -68],
+      [91, -27],
+      [25, -32],
+      [56, 14],
+      [38, -11],
+      [173, 29],
+      [84, -7],
+      [153, -34],
+      [106, 14],
+      [114, -5],
+      [26, -38],
+      [49, -21],
+      [61, -41],
+      [54, -3],
+      [62, 14],
+      [15, -12],
+      [91, 63],
+      [94, 43],
+      [66, 46],
+      [95, 83],
+      [106, 54],
+      [275, 72],
+      [103, 51],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-87, -34],
+      [-215, -10],
+      [-50, 32],
+      [35, 100],
+      [42, 74],
+      [13, 68],
+      [144, 103],
+      [62, 25],
+      [0, 43],
+      [30, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21277, 31081],
+      [57, -30],
+      [2, -36],
+      [42, 12],
+      [39, -44],
+      [0, -21],
+      [126, -214],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-39, -57],
+      [-93, -59],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [-133, -122],
+      [-19, -209],
+      [-105, -84],
+      [6, -69],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [-110, -16],
+      [-49, 4],
+      [-95, -31],
+      [-104, -49],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-95, -51],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-96, -51],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-86, -104],
+      [-40, -57],
+      [-57, -141],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-186, -25],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-134, -1],
+      [-47, -31],
+      [-63, -58],
+      [-79, -50],
+      [-107, -31],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-16, -65],
+      [26, -106],
+      [37, -50],
+      [-72, -55],
+      [-49, 7],
+      [-52, -29],
+      [-83, -86],
+      [-48, -29],
+      [-100, -46],
+      [-137, -49],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [-50, -16],
+      [-53, -60],
+      [-110, -87],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-145, -38],
+      [-79, -33],
+      [21, -105],
+      [38, -106],
+      [27, 1],
+      [102, -320],
+      [111, 39],
+      [35, 21],
+      [37, -75],
+      [48, -16],
+      [44, -29],
+      [59, -71],
+      [53, -97],
+      [82, -202],
+      [30, -84],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-82, 11],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [25, -67],
+      [48, -5],
+      [64, 20],
+      [14, -15],
+      [104, 50],
+      [102, -15],
+      [43, 7],
+      [55, 60],
+      [10, 75],
+      [23, 43],
+      [45, 23],
+      [57, 14],
+      [53, 32],
+      [20, 30],
+      [3, 55],
+      [-12, 75],
+      [32, 47],
+      [37, 11],
+      [32, -19],
+      [20, -76],
+      [44, -28],
+      [58, 38],
+      [26, 36],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [5, 31],
+      [93, -12],
+      [144, 26],
+      [122, 11],
+      [11, -52],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [18, -63],
+      [-55, -34],
+      [97, -80],
+      [31, -117],
+      [78, 27],
+      [36, -8],
+      [54, -31],
+      [35, 7],
+      [18, -28],
+      [-91, -88],
+      [33, -51],
+      [-56, -53],
+      [-50, -21],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-46, -75],
+      [-62, -21],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-69, -26],
+      [-62, 49],
+      [-41, -7],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [-55, 29],
+      [-92, -26],
+      [-104, -93],
+      [16, -94],
+      [-21, -38],
+      [-68, -5],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-52, -36],
+      [1, -54],
+      [-65, -53],
+      [26, -18],
+      [36, -74],
+      [43, 6],
+      [21, -52],
+      [55, 45],
+      [13, -35],
+      [-15, -42],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [85, -33],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [-76, 10],
+      [-57, -48],
+      [-58, -17],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-136, -33],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-116, 82],
+      [-67, -44],
+      [-14, 79],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [-41, -52],
+      [-38, -12],
+      [-25, 28],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [-20, -31],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [20, -73],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [14, -32],
+      [29, -19],
+      [30, -91],
+      [45, -44],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [29, -61],
+      [17, -91],
+      [23, -25],
+      [27, 15],
+      [41, -22],
+      [8, -57],
+      [125, 32],
+      [29, -3],
+      [96, 22],
+      [45, 17],
+      [108, 82],
+      [40, -45],
+      [143, 62],
+      [45, -129],
+      [-31, -11],
+      [9, -35],
+      [-28, -12],
+      [-10, -68],
+      [19, -37],
+      [15, -122],
+      [67, -88],
+      [0, -27],
+      [72, -3],
+      [108, 32],
+      [54, 33],
+      [86, 28],
+      [23, -8],
+      [29, 25],
+      [36, 82],
+      [24, 16],
+      [29, 51],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [-40, 22],
+      [-87, 175],
+      [14, 6],
+      [-47, 83],
+      [14, 5],
+      [-20, 93],
+      [413, 180],
+      [84, 89],
+      [81, 26],
+      [67, 57],
+      [53, 89],
+      [0, 67],
+      [30, 76],
+      [42, 71],
+      [52, 47],
+      [5, 61],
+      [28, 39],
+      [57, 22],
+      [-2, 41],
+      [-71, 58],
+      [-32, 99],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [74, 26],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [75, 17],
+      [41, 23],
+      [10, -34],
+      [70, 22],
+      [51, -65],
+      [60, 36],
+      [16, 30],
+      [77, 49],
+      [27, 41],
+      [75, 7],
+      [27, -78],
+      [25, -28],
+      [31, -6],
+      [70, 32],
+      [63, -90],
+      [33, -35],
+      [54, -219],
+      [29, 68],
+      [55, 36],
+      [72, -21],
+      [133, 25],
+      [89, 34],
+      [21, 36],
+      [78, -66],
+      [35, -12],
+      [60, -1],
+      [77, 18],
+      [10, -24],
+      [58, 29],
+      [11, -42],
+      [57, -51],
+      [73, 17],
+      [27, 35],
+      [-17, 121],
+      [30, 67],
+      [-23, 17],
+      [33, 34],
+      [77, 105],
+      [13, -16],
+      [61, 15],
+      [96, 0],
+      [13, 119],
+      [29, 31],
+      [24, 141],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-61, 17],
+      [7, 44],
+      [28, 25],
+      [12, 60],
+      [-106, 102],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [-41, 12],
+      [-6, 47],
+      [-60, -5],
+      [-141, 22],
+      [53, 100],
+      [-21, 67],
+      [-48, 96],
+      [8, 58],
+      [-25, 59],
+      [-50, 14],
+      [-24, 46],
+      [63, 41],
+      [-45, 89],
+      [-70, -52],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [-45, -40],
+      [-35, 62],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-13, 46],
+      [-59, 62],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-24, 74],
+      [-29, -12],
+      [-48, 64],
+      [-38, 7],
+      [24, 174],
+      [-21, 135],
+      [-33, 111],
+      [-90, 71],
+      [-91, 135],
+      [272, 61],
+      [183, 37],
+      [84, 8],
+      [370, 9],
+      [81, 36],
+      [82, 59],
+      [76, 21],
+      [34, 22],
+      [23, -24],
+      [89, 31],
+      [35, 21],
+      [41, 61],
+      [28, 7],
+      [48, -62],
+      [121, -65],
+      [43, -14],
+      [40, -57],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [34, -52],
+      [46, -21],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [61, -93],
+      [38, 53],
+      [127, -145],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [10, -38],
+      [102, -140],
+      [75, 16],
+      [85, -59],
+      [61, 36],
+      [52, -1],
+      [49, -13],
+      [26, 23],
+      [25, 68],
+      [55, 84],
+      [131, 24],
+      [16, -131],
+      [116, -85],
+      [42, 13],
+      [81, 73],
+      [57, 93],
+      [35, 35],
+      [52, 13],
+      [10, -69],
+      [38, -44],
+      [88, -32],
+      [46, 17],
+      [24, 26],
+      [68, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24915, 29458],
+      [30, -76],
+      [40, -52],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [12, -50],
+      [-50, -80],
+      [27, -40],
+      [-26, -61],
+      [20, -40],
+      [40, -46],
+      [15, -46],
+      [37, -57],
+      [56, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17042, 22751],
+      [4, 46],
+      [-51, 18],
+      [-36, -7],
+      [15, -39],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-75, -43],
+      [-28, -47],
+      [20, -81],
+      [23, -50],
+      [93, 59],
+      [39, 11],
+      [31, 35],
+      [46, -2],
+      [3, 135]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23147, 27401],
+      [-61, 15],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-74, -39],
+      [-59, -137],
+      [3, -65],
+      [64, 22],
+      [34, -4],
+      [100, -32],
+      [49, 114],
+      [24, -13],
+      [69, 87],
+      [-84, 4],
+      [-27, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32918, 35612],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-65, -26],
+      [-25, -86],
+      [11, -50],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-26, -82],
+      [1, -35],
+      [32, -39],
+      [-25, -38],
+      [31, -51],
+      [-62, 7],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-41, -59],
+      [-29, -15],
+      [12, -31],
+      [-49, -60],
+      [27, -62],
+      [-127, -58],
+      [12, -65],
+      [-49, -59],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-42, -24],
+      [-28, -57],
+      [-13, -101],
+      [-1, -81],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-60, -6],
+      [-33, -16],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-16, -74],
+      [57, -59],
+      [-49, -42],
+      [32, -38],
+      [24, -106],
+      [-9, -95],
+      [17, -99],
+      [133, 12],
+      [13, -21],
+      [-8, -113],
+      [23, -76],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-64, 2],
+      [1, -44],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [50, -18],
+      [1, -40],
+      [35, -47],
+      [9, -39],
+      [83, 0],
+      [17, -60],
+      [32, 2],
+      [23, -28],
+      [30, -106],
+      [-66, -21],
+      [-8, -50],
+      [11, -117],
+      [24, -10],
+      [17, -83],
+      [-29, -61],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-32, -32],
+      [5, -32],
+      [41, -29],
+      [68, -23],
+      [59, -3],
+      [4, -24],
+      [52, -81],
+      [-5, -62],
+      [-52, -69],
+      [-50, 34],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [47, -38],
+      [-44, -58],
+      [-5, -62],
+      [41, -46],
+      [-35, -55],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-41, 49],
+      [-95, -31],
+      [-22, -52],
+      [-21, 36],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [41, -44],
+      [33, 9],
+      [70, -5],
+      [30, 20],
+      [48, -8],
+      [48, -89],
+      [59, 8],
+      [24, -20],
+      [29, 24],
+      [59, -41],
+      [-19, -74],
+      [0, -192],
+      [22, -34],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [26, -39],
+      [33, -19],
+      [-3, -55],
+      [32, -31],
+      [54, 5],
+      [16, -73],
+      [-44, -52],
+      [30, -86],
+      [2, -85],
+      [26, -12],
+      [-46, -81],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [-23, -46],
+      [38, -52],
+      [8, -50],
+      [43, -28],
+      [42, -44],
+      [41, -86],
+      [-37, -63],
+      [-21, -73],
+      [38, -18],
+      [14, -36],
+      [36, 5],
+      [139, 54],
+      [30, -8],
+      [41, -34],
+      [26, 29],
+      [71, 14],
+      [20, 36],
+      [84, 26],
+      [15, 64],
+      [50, -12],
+      [-83, -144],
+      [9, -53],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [-71, -49],
+      [11, -36],
+      [-71, -34],
+      [-52, -53],
+      [2, -59],
+      [-39, -29],
+      [20, -41],
+      [-38, -99],
+      [-85, -52],
+      [-18, -43],
+      [-42, -38],
+      [-53, -17],
+      [-81, -11],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [-91, -58],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-35, -20],
+      [33, -53],
+      [26, -82],
+      [16, -82],
+      [27, -51],
+      [65, -66],
+      [15, -65],
+      [-23, -95],
+      [5, -34],
+      [44, -60],
+      [0, -44],
+      [-21, -70],
+      [14, -40],
+      [53, -58],
+      [32, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32712, 29108],
+      [12, -42],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [-40, -61],
+      [-23, -105],
+      [-101, -102],
+      [-38, -92],
+      [-2, -37],
+      [33, -135],
+      [42, -57],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-8, -88],
+      [28, -179],
+      [32, -78],
+      [4, -48],
+      [-47, -94],
+      [-18, -82],
+      [1, -64],
+      [24, -113],
+      [13, -15],
+      [92, -29],
+      [24, -36],
+      [41, -158],
+      [3, -135],
+      [-42, -93],
+      [3, -41],
+      [25, -68],
+      [10, -73],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [-25, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24915, 29458],
+      [107, 47],
+      [115, 134],
+      [32, 70],
+      [8, 84],
+      [42, 73],
+      [4, 27],
+      [45, 62],
+      [27, 57],
+      [15, 60],
+      [50, 105],
+      [25, 94],
+      [43, 41],
+      [76, 37],
+      [69, 51],
+      [60, -2],
+      [64, -15],
+      [65, 5],
+      [41, 91],
+      [85, 87],
+      [-27, 80],
+      [10, 76],
+      [71, 138],
+      [31, 50],
+      [65, 82],
+      [24, -36],
+      [93, -78],
+      [14, -28],
+      [247, -30],
+      [125, -3],
+      [23, -56],
+      [-20, -90],
+      [-3, -59],
+      [16, -85],
+      [63, 15],
+      [74, 29],
+      [158, 40],
+      [81, 25],
+      [17, 52],
+      [127, 73],
+      [48, 66],
+      [63, 8],
+      [127, 72],
+      [29, 52],
+      [-41, 84],
+      [-6, 38],
+      [106, 92],
+      [14, 92],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [83, 74],
+      [9, 39],
+      [27, 26],
+      [62, 30],
+      [43, 100],
+      [6, 83],
+      [18, 27],
+      [6, 76],
+      [24, 89],
+      [-21, 56],
+      [-43, 187],
+      [-83, 4],
+      [-5, -37],
+      [-53, 20],
+      [-31, -12],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [3, 114],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-25, 95],
+      [-74, 58],
+      [-137, 36],
+      [-26, 60],
+      [-23, -16],
+      [-49, 15],
+      [-29, -10],
+      [-63, 51],
+      [-40, 68],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-121, 69],
+      [226, 106],
+      [50, 15],
+      [5, -110],
+      [16, -3],
+      [24, 122],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [-22, 114],
+      [7, 59],
+      [-5, 59],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-27, 88],
+      [-76, 63],
+      [23, 45],
+      [-31, 109],
+      [-74, 53],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [2, -44],
+      [-51, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26671, 33318],
+      [10, 73],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [-99, 92],
+      [-117, -36],
+      [32, 126],
+      [7, 78],
+      [26, 108],
+      [-6, 80],
+      [34, 74],
+      [-13, 11],
+      [-58, -38],
+      [-122, -44],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [-35, -16],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [-84, 45],
+      [-92, 1],
+      [0, 148],
+      [-70, 81],
+      [-16, 103],
+      [-51, 28],
+      [-7, 70],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-104, 29],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-47, 74],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [-7, 90],
+      [20, 103],
+      [-36, 5],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-27, -53],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [5, 57],
+      [-24, 98],
+      [-25, 31],
+      [-45, 97],
+      [-66, 41],
+      [-78, -52],
+      [-66, 22],
+      [-64, 11],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [26, -40],
+      [-28, -30],
+      [4, -81],
+      [-5, -153],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-73, -92],
+      [-102, -94],
+      [-43, -68],
+      [-66, -90],
+      [-69, -3],
+      [-64, 35],
+      [19, -62],
+      [-59, 12],
+      [-61, -59],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [48, 89],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [11, 44],
+      [-33, 28],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [4, 74],
+      [-19, 60],
+      [32, 53],
+      [-4, 61],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-41, -9],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [-251, 86],
+      [-99, 0],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-148, 47],
+      [-38, 44],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-50, 0],
+      [-54, 23],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [-23, 17],
+      [-36, -10],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-18, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23427, 35039],
+      [59, 37],
+      [33, 9],
+      [127, 14],
+      [77, 4],
+      [199, 27],
+      [47, 24],
+      [48, 56],
+      [90, 33],
+      [111, 49],
+      [124, 16],
+      [81, 31],
+      [35, 28],
+      [65, 30],
+      [43, 86],
+      [54, 66],
+      [95, 70],
+      [20, 41],
+      [16, 64],
+      [14, 104],
+      [22, 83],
+      [53, 94],
+      [41, 15],
+      [62, -7],
+      [90, -24],
+      [33, -59],
+      [50, -28],
+      [66, 0],
+      [111, 34],
+      [85, 69],
+      [127, 30],
+      [97, -6],
+      [86, 10],
+      [49, -6],
+      [69, -25],
+      [79, -69],
+      [64, -64],
+      [33, -44],
+      [73, -156],
+      [12, -67],
+      [-11, -51],
+      [-44, -80],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [14, -68],
+      [26, -71],
+      [31, -45],
+      [51, -45],
+      [42, -17],
+      [70, -8],
+      [103, 6],
+      [111, -53],
+      [79, -6],
+      [31, 39],
+      [28, 79],
+      [16, 95],
+      [25, 34],
+      [80, 38],
+      [125, -43],
+      [145, -18],
+      [214, 29],
+      [57, -3],
+      [96, -36],
+      [92, -71],
+      [76, -14],
+      [91, 31],
+      [152, 27],
+      [96, 42],
+      [156, 129],
+      [25, 41],
+      [41, -10],
+      [66, 29],
+      [45, -10],
+      [113, -111],
+      [48, -23],
+      [94, 6],
+      [76, 49],
+      [39, 41],
+      [35, 89],
+      [21, 196],
+      [41, 77],
+      [53, 55],
+      [51, 20],
+      [48, 4],
+      [95, -13],
+      [122, 2],
+      [33, 10],
+      [24, 36],
+      [-9, 73],
+      [24, 41],
+      [136, 86],
+      [47, 5],
+      [116, -40],
+      [35, 6],
+      [44, 29],
+      [42, 54],
+      [43, 71],
+      [51, 30],
+      [46, 9],
+      [44, 24],
+      [37, 57],
+      [77, 165],
+      [53, 62],
+      [54, 34],
+      [56, 15],
+      [91, -10],
+      [75, -39],
+      [39, -42],
+      [31, -104],
+      [10, -82],
+      [42, -50],
+      [47, 27],
+      [82, 113],
+      [36, 19],
+      [81, -4],
+      [96, 42],
+      [57, 13],
+      [51, -16],
+      [32, -89],
+      [31, -17],
+      [113, 38],
+      [70, 11],
+      [115, -23],
+      [91, -55],
+      [35, -37],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-27, -140],
+      [-7, -78],
+      [31, -90],
+      [43, -49],
+      [42, -28],
+      [75, -32],
+      [38, -33],
+      [103, -141],
+      [64, -61],
+      [100, -37],
+      [94, -6],
+      [107, 11],
+      [142, -16],
+      [106, -26],
+      [53, -4],
+      [100, -25],
+      [68, -34],
+      [28, 20],
+      [54, 124],
+      [67, 70],
+      [36, 21],
+      [37, -2],
+      [93, -44],
+      [94, -68],
+      [161, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18279, 33008],
+      [43, 36],
+      [76, -18],
+      [32, 6],
+      [36, -49],
+      [37, -25],
+      [12, -30],
+      [73, -18],
+      [66, -26],
+      [43, 12],
+      [84, -17],
+      [41, 12],
+      [63, -9],
+      [113, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18998, 32847],
+      [21, -17],
+      [-8, -48],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-9, -129],
+      [-24, -65],
+      [-16, -81],
+      [78, -16],
+      [77, 15],
+      [125, -24],
+      [60, -20],
+      [82, -14],
+      [81, -6],
+      [94, 4],
+      [34, 40],
+      [56, 29],
+      [51, -7],
+      [90, -29],
+      [76, 15],
+      [49, 21],
+      [39, 67],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [20, 66],
+      [38, 55],
+      [12, 50],
+      [-46, 71],
+      [-14, 67],
+      [-35, 62],
+      [-36, 29],
+      [-48, 64],
+      [-78, 70],
+      [-145, -50],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-34, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19527, 33129],
+      [47, 81],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [85, 65],
+      [-14, 69],
+      [31, 45],
+      [34, -5],
+      [55, 23],
+      [120, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19858, 33455],
+      [5, -61],
+      [14, -41],
+      [84, -114],
+      [18, -43],
+      [23, 0],
+      [133, 73],
+      [22, 22],
+      [116, 31],
+      [49, 1],
+      [83, 49],
+      [153, 37],
+      [93, -20],
+      [61, -1],
+      [102, 48],
+      [176, 3],
+      [-43, 259],
+      [22, 82],
+      [54, 7],
+      [42, 113],
+      [-1, 147],
+      [-48, -2],
+      [-1, 91],
+      [-10, 40],
+      [-157, -12],
+      [-70, 20],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [-16, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20721, 34283],
+      [-2, 68],
+      [-32, 98],
+      [-27, 11],
+      [-38, 54],
+      [-53, 46],
+      [-16, 102],
+      [25, -14],
+      [37, -99],
+      [39, -22],
+      [78, 49],
+      [82, 5],
+      [22, -50],
+      [22, 18],
+      [40, -8],
+      [-4, 68],
+      [55, 63],
+      [45, 103],
+      [0, 45],
+      [-56, 78],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-68, 58],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [-67, -80],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-35, 19],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [13, 42],
+      [-24, 58],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [41, 100],
+      [58, 67],
+      [48, 20],
+      [26, -17],
+      [77, 18],
+      [28, 19],
+      [87, 93],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [79, 55],
+      [77, 26],
+      [51, 37],
+      [87, 86],
+      [104, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21310, 35539],
+      [44, -35],
+      [25, -43],
+      [63, -67],
+      [-44, -112],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-39, -164],
+      [119, 28],
+      [145, -35],
+      [77, -3],
+      [78, -39],
+      [-21, -56],
+      [3, -36],
+      [-43, -100],
+      [42, -65],
+      [35, -4],
+      [19, -49],
+      [-8, -76],
+      [12, -64],
+      [61, -10],
+      [93, 123],
+      [99, 197],
+      [42, 35],
+      [25, 55],
+      [52, 28],
+      [56, -21],
+      [8, 193],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [-12, 29],
+      [0, 75],
+      [130, 58],
+      [88, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22367, 35475],
+      [45, -26],
+      [35, -36],
+      [48, -75],
+      [45, -88],
+      [27, -38],
+      [47, -35],
+      [108, -28],
+      [27, -44],
+      [29, -94],
+      [42, -54],
+      [77, -36],
+      [73, -24],
+      [210, -6],
+      [32, 8],
+      [123, 87],
+      [92, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [26671, 33318],
+      [22, -48],
+      [-107, -121],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-10, -48],
+      [17, -65],
+      [51, -147],
+      [-25, -22],
+      [75, -104],
+      [82, -97],
+      [-45, -26],
+      [-56, -66],
+      [-78, -21],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-76, -48],
+      [24, -75],
+      [-55, -57],
+      [-96, -46],
+      [-16, -20],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-106, -43],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [-40, -35],
+      [-26, 19],
+      [-115, 111],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [-70, -24],
+      [13, -59],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-32, -75],
+      [-82, -42],
+      [37, -87],
+      [26, -25],
+      [29, 7],
+      [49, -61],
+      [-12, -79],
+      [-36, 20],
+      [-101, -65],
+      [-73, 14],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [-15, -28],
+      [-117, -29],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [-96, -40],
+      [-40, -40],
+      [-47, -108],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-146, -43],
+      [-121, -2],
+      [-68, -11],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-60, -108],
+      [-35, -122],
+      [4, -68],
+      [-24, -150],
+      [-110, -24],
+      [-39, 34],
+      [-35, -7],
+      [-91, 4],
+      [-53, -10],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-163, 8],
+      [-36, 24],
+      [-116, 109],
+      [-116, 164],
+      [-83, 226],
+      [-186, 42],
+      [-160, 31],
+      [-307, -39],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-249, -37],
+      [-153, -17],
+      [-18, 124],
+      [4, 44],
+      [-29, 57],
+      [10, 44],
+      [-82, 3],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [0, 50],
+      [53, 14],
+      [-24, 189],
+      [-5, 101],
+      [-32, 198],
+      [93, 0],
+      [238, -19],
+      [87, 19],
+      [131, 102],
+      [79, 50],
+      [65, 227],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [26, 65],
+      [-13, 56],
+      [-35, 47],
+      [7, 72],
+      [20, 108],
+      [22, 44],
+      [55, 51],
+      [16, 36],
+      [82, 26],
+      [14, 33],
+      [-7, 52],
+      [20, 53],
+      [43, 48],
+      [43, 85],
+      [44, 16],
+      [-64, 137],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-35, 56],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [-69, -3],
+      [-94, 26],
+      [-94, 44],
+      [-70, -11],
+      [-45, 37],
+      [-39, 105],
+      [13, 67],
+      [-3, 42],
+      [-106, -31],
+      [-64, 15],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-27, -56],
+      [20, -17],
+      [70, -16],
+      [-40, -30],
+      [17, -48],
+      [-85, -32],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-46, -59],
+      [-63, 26],
+      [-88, 6],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-123, 52],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-74, 16],
+      [20, -111],
+      [-6, -36],
+      [-35, -42],
+      [6, -92],
+      [26, -7],
+      [-48, -95],
+      [86, -11],
+      [78, -50],
+      [27, -2],
+      [79, -87],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [6, -98],
+      [-50, -166],
+      [-32, -76],
+      [0, -70],
+      [-16, -46],
+      [11, -39],
+      [-4, -100],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-88, -14],
+      [-70, -29],
+      [-48, 18],
+      [-86, 12],
+      [-96, -83],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [11, 38],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [11, 50],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [-90, 9],
+      [-2, -97],
+      [7, -34],
+      [-24, -92],
+      [27, -107],
+      [43, -32],
+      [19, 8],
+      [63, -47],
+      [24, -51],
+      [-52, -11],
+      [-143, -15],
+      [-130, 17],
+      [-69, 2],
+      [-107, -6],
+      [-112, -15],
+      [-126, -34],
+      [27, -64],
+      [52, -73],
+      [-10, -57],
+      [-55, -76],
+      [-66, -146],
+      [-36, -61],
+      [-106, 27],
+      [-102, -92],
+      [-71, -10],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-99, 45],
+      [-2, 30],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-47, 64],
+      [-10, 83],
+      [8, 103],
+      [-81, -14],
+      [-85, 44],
+      [-48, -38],
+      [-60, 22],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [17, -53],
+      [-29, -34],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-25, 42],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [1, -42],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [17, -124],
+      [-60, -59],
+      [-23, -104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19746, 31805],
+      [-49, -30],
+      [-116, 2],
+      [-177, 22],
+      [61, 85],
+      [-35, 95],
+      [4, 80],
+      [-16, 29],
+      [-91, 7],
+      [-60, 33],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [-39, 126],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-55, 149],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [-61, 8],
+      [-47, 27],
+      [-100, -3],
+      [-130, 24],
+      [-9, 61],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-44, 40],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [-58, 35],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-35, 22],
+      [-2, 44],
+      [-40, 20],
+      [-77, 2],
+      [-79, 38],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [36, 59],
+      [-10, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32712, 29108],
+      [39, -47],
+      [20, -66],
+      [26, -35],
+      [-29, -44],
+      [29, -40],
+      [7, -127],
+      [16, -84],
+      [37, -19],
+      [10, -48],
+      [70, 15],
+      [31, 17],
+      [83, -24],
+      [47, 4],
+      [28, 27],
+      [35, -53],
+      [35, -7],
+      [20, -44],
+      [56, -10],
+      [11, -38],
+      [36, 16],
+      [41, -31],
+      [36, -69],
+      [74, 13],
+      [46, -48],
+      [28, -4],
+      [35, -57],
+      [15, 23],
+      [49, -29],
+      [74, 9],
+      [51, 37],
+      [50, 21],
+      [137, 7],
+      [34, 33],
+      [86, 33],
+      [3, 80],
+      [66, 4],
+      [112, -21],
+      [80, -7],
+      [7, 77],
+      [52, -29],
+      [38, 50],
+      [89, -34],
+      [14, 12],
+      [80, -7],
+      [12, 33],
+      [51, -34],
+      [36, -42],
+      [51, 2],
+      [39, -22],
+      [76, -3],
+      [26, -28],
+      [39, 21],
+      [58, -3],
+      [17, -22],
+      [-29, -59],
+      [14, -57],
+      [43, -6],
+      [28, 32],
+      [51, -18],
+      [38, 11],
+      [45, -77],
+      [-13, -30],
+      [3, -63],
+      [24, -43],
+      [59, 28],
+      [40, 46],
+      [38, -16],
+      [91, -119],
+      [33, -82],
+      [-11, -46],
+      [45, -37],
+      [-2, -56],
+      [101, -173],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-15, -65],
+      [27, -20],
+      [68, -4],
+      [36, -11],
+      [74, -3],
+      [7, -44],
+      [38, -6],
+      [136, 40],
+      [48, -21],
+      [55, 8],
+      [6, -43],
+      [-7, -99],
+      [9, -49],
+      [60, -26],
+      [123, -5],
+      [18, 26],
+      [53, 26],
+      [90, 12],
+      [68, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36472, 27379],
+      [49, -10],
+      [30, -84],
+      [15, -77],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [6, -67],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-44, -41],
+      [-24, -4],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-57, -122],
+      [29, -80],
+      [-27, -62],
+      [15, -48],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-27, -84],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-37, -68],
+      [-27, -6],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [8, -65],
+      [-58, -2],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [-73, -6],
+      [10, -58],
+      [-65, -67],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-110, -167],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [-102, -51],
+      [-151, 11],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-149, 5],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [-100, -30],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [-70, -53],
+      [-10, -50],
+      [-66, -19],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-44, -46],
+      [-64, -21],
+      [-51, -4],
+      [-42, 38],
+      [31, 78],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [-4, 69],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-31, -10],
+      [-45, 12],
+      [-73, -7],
+      [-39, 16],
+      [-46, -45],
+      [-69, -3],
+      [-63, -13],
+      [-69, 4],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-383, 208]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32514, 19403],
+      [285, 140],
+      [131, -80],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-3, 55],
+      [-27, 63],
+      [-46, 61],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [-33, 47],
+      [-51, 51],
+      [-69, -3],
+      [-118, 153],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [33, 61],
+      [18, 56],
+      [-8, 57],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [-33, 38],
+      [-23, 7],
+      [-9, 63],
+      [29, 68],
+      [-45, 162],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [-25, 79],
+      [12, 36],
+      [-17, 72],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [-8, 72],
+      [31, 35],
+      [2, 160],
+      [-92, 0],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [25, 38],
+      [13, 52],
+      [69, 14],
+      [11, 84],
+      [43, 56],
+      [89, -9],
+      [13, -34],
+      [-11, -41],
+      [21, -47],
+      [38, -41],
+      [-32, -39],
+      [-52, -32],
+      [-44, -93],
+      [6, -99],
+      [-21, -75],
+      [11, -31],
+      [49, 112],
+      [39, 64],
+      [39, -43],
+      [41, 57],
+      [59, 25],
+      [47, 81],
+      [45, 46],
+      [39, -13],
+      [59, 27],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [47, 47],
+      [26, -5],
+      [20, 29],
+      [26, -82],
+      [53, -62],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [27, -110],
+      [-21, -30],
+      [8, -43],
+      [95, -20],
+      [45, -21],
+      [78, 34],
+      [44, 33],
+      [57, -10],
+      [86, 23],
+      [57, -8],
+      [102, 30],
+      [75, 4],
+      [46, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33522, 21099],
+      [50, -6],
+      [38, 41],
+      [35, 14],
+      [30, -37],
+      [58, -29],
+      [88, -26],
+      [61, 20],
+      [8, -30],
+      [49, -56],
+      [6, -30],
+      [37, -41],
+      [6, -65],
+      [-31, -44],
+      [-130, -60],
+      [-64, -41],
+      [-35, -74],
+      [-12, -58],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [6, -61],
+      [-8, -103],
+      [-28, -28],
+      [2, -28],
+      [-41, -73],
+      [67, -79],
+      [1, -82],
+      [-62, -69],
+      [-85, -40],
+      [-107, 24],
+      [35, -58],
+      [19, 0],
+      [57, -46],
+      [39, 29],
+      [75, 32],
+      [11, -92],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-9, -51],
+      [67, -61],
+      [24, -61],
+      [43, -48],
+      [37, -171],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-20, -26],
+      [-118, -32],
+      [-45, 3],
+      [-24, 27],
+      [-58, 8],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [-160, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30297, 23507],
+      [43, 4],
+      [49, 23],
+      [67, -17],
+      [96, 51],
+      [89, 87],
+      [32, -13],
+      [52, 11],
+      [20, -45],
+      [133, 10],
+      [125, -57],
+      [109, 5],
+      [99, 29],
+      [52, 4],
+      [77, -36],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [29, -38],
+      [25, -67],
+      [-64, -269],
+      [50, -72],
+      [-143, -113],
+      [-57, -98],
+      [-40, -43],
+      [-48, -119],
+      [35, -24],
+      [122, -51],
+      [12, -29],
+      [115, -91],
+      [45, 21],
+      [33, -20],
+      [25, 12],
+      [69, 7],
+      [74, 33],
+      [86, 22],
+      [48, 27],
+      [41, -64],
+      [-14, -52],
+      [5, -42],
+      [-16, -64],
+      [32, -19],
+      [23, -53],
+      [-11, -69],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-53, -50],
+      [-12, -65],
+      [27, -94],
+      [-2, -157],
+      [-66, -92],
+      [-2, -86],
+      [-62, -81],
+      [22, -77],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [50, -63],
+      [12, -68],
+      [3, -77],
+      [-49, -93],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [9, -45],
+      [-37, -95],
+      [16, -96],
+      [25, -20],
+      [21, -68],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [49, -11],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [1, -74],
+      [-37, -33],
+      [-88, -39],
+      [-36, -38],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [23, -56],
+      [32, -52],
+      [72, -50],
+      [5, -27],
+      [48, -45],
+      [47, -71],
+      [55, -18],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [18, -50],
+      [44, -23],
+      [21, -35],
+      [51, -22],
+      [29, -27],
+      [78, -23],
+      [108, -90],
+      [-3, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33486, 23983],
+      [-39, -250],
+      [419, -159],
+      [305, 67],
+      [309, -3],
+      [377, 215]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34857, 23853],
+      [53, -143],
+      [-34, -66],
+      [-72, -107],
+      [-64, -35],
+      [11, -55],
+      [-38, -94],
+      [-23, -29],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [16, -68],
+      [-7, -68],
+      [0, -104],
+      [18, -76],
+      [1, -48],
+      [-19, -65],
+      [3, -59],
+      [-80, 2],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-60, 17],
+      [14, -62],
+      [30, -32],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [-41, -64],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-40, -29],
+      [-88, -31],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [-158, -14],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [-132, -88],
+      [-82, -25],
+      [-41, 43],
+      [-22, 45],
+      [-28, -18],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-100, -1],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-11, -105],
+      [-38, -70],
+      [-141, -53],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-13, -41],
+      [-66, -80],
+      [15, -23],
+      [45, -9],
+      [54, 10],
+      [20, -10],
+      [47, -66],
+      [14, -50],
+      [50, -65],
+      [0, -38],
+      [32, -80],
+      [-69, -57],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-52, -15],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [40, -71],
+      [16, -57],
+      [-30, -81],
+      [2, -43],
+      [-18, -28],
+      [15, -53],
+      [24, -35],
+      [0, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [43893, 22349],
+      [72, -62],
+      [42, -98],
+      [126, -105],
+      [95, 71],
+      [38, 13],
+      [47, -3],
+      [86, -44],
+      [51, 39],
+      [35, 2],
+      [103, -32],
+      [118, 5],
+      [37, -21],
+      [66, -71],
+      [57, -13],
+      [114, 25],
+      [109, 4],
+      [59, -72],
+      [53, 24],
+      [113, -31],
+      [133, -25],
+      [33, 17],
+      [89, -9],
+      [94, 7],
+      [74, -21],
+      [94, -65],
+      [84, -22],
+      [124, -7],
+      [48, -15],
+      [32, -24],
+      [53, -10],
+      [72, -39],
+      [39, -43],
+      [67, -20],
+      [61, -98],
+      [38, -20],
+      [109, -120],
+      [49, 35],
+      [23, 47],
+      [22, 88],
+      [-22, 98],
+      [54, 12],
+      [113, -11],
+      [39, 110],
+      [-26, 98],
+      [-7, 73],
+      [50, 31],
+      [18, 54],
+      [41, 48],
+      [91, 36],
+      [77, 83],
+      [-126, 69],
+      [-10, 100],
+      [17, 33],
+      [18, 77],
+      [38, 35],
+      [32, 54],
+      [13, 58],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [96, 45],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [76, 119],
+      [21, 92],
+      [37, -5],
+      [22, 88],
+      [17, 11],
+      [165, 30],
+      [8, 17],
+      [-10, 82],
+      [8, 93],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [22, 59],
+      [55, 45],
+      [62, 6],
+      [12, 21],
+      [83, 15],
+      [85, -7],
+      [58, 46],
+      [-320, 429],
+      [-145, 234],
+      [-31, 122],
+      [-31, 73],
+      [-277, 439],
+      [-50, 77],
+      [-57, 102],
+      [-19, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46917, 25106],
+      [15, 58],
+      [25, 22],
+      [40, -20],
+      [1, -43],
+      [33, -67],
+      [19, -4],
+      [74, 146],
+      [27, 5],
+      [54, -48],
+      [26, 14],
+      [9, 47],
+      [37, -18],
+      [124, 12],
+      [27, 10],
+      [32, 56],
+      [306, 100],
+      [50, -27],
+      [19, -26],
+      [56, -28],
+      [59, -82],
+      [3, -79],
+      [14, -58],
+      [31, -35],
+      [39, 1],
+      [63, 46],
+      [101, 26],
+      [52, 23],
+      [82, -9],
+      [16, 18],
+      [63, 24],
+      [48, 46],
+      [107, 37],
+      [50, 57],
+      [50, -21],
+      [48, -63],
+      [65, -47],
+      [20, -34],
+      [67, -24],
+      [139, -25],
+      [52, 9],
+      [63, 46],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [52, 94],
+      [50, -6],
+      [74, -24],
+      [63, -1],
+      [50, 26],
+      [51, 8],
+      [35, -14],
+      [45, 9],
+      [96, 51],
+      [26, -2],
+      [3, -64],
+      [82, -76],
+      [58, -13],
+      [67, -45],
+      [54, -3],
+      [80, 32],
+      [13, -43],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [37, -62],
+      [87, -44],
+      [48, -37],
+      [82, 14],
+      [53, -14],
+      [38, 3],
+      [41, -24],
+      [48, -8],
+      [47, 14],
+      [6, -22],
+      [41, -8],
+      [29, -83],
+      [88, -4],
+      [39, 20],
+      [81, -9],
+      [57, 28],
+      [146, 1],
+      [38, -17],
+      [43, 12],
+      [31, -56],
+      [34, -17],
+      [35, -67],
+      [51, -30],
+      [78, -26],
+      [14, -29],
+      [66, -79],
+      [64, -38],
+      [41, 16],
+      [115, -59],
+      [24, -41],
+      [39, -16],
+      [26, -51],
+      [99, -28],
+      [38, 44],
+      [69, 22],
+      [87, 4],
+      [58, 52],
+      [36, 87],
+      [24, -18],
+      [102, -24],
+      [26, 9],
+      [68, -8],
+      [42, -34],
+      [12, -47],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-32, -45],
+      [-49, -20],
+      [28, -137],
+      [77, -53],
+      [63, -35],
+      [67, -26],
+      [7, -111],
+      [17, -70],
+      [23, -30],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [-95, -71],
+      [-20, -46],
+      [16, -48],
+      [-61, -77],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [-50, -39],
+      [-13, -30],
+      [20, -55],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [29, -57],
+      [63, -54],
+      [11, -25],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [23, -54],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [10, -45],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [54, -9],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [-19, -61],
+      [49, -1],
+      [43, -18],
+      [27, -27],
+      [129, -27],
+      [37, -27],
+      [32, -59],
+      [81, -30],
+      [24, -19],
+      [56, 24],
+      [34, -28],
+      [25, -62],
+      [83, -70],
+      [75, -27],
+      [118, -73],
+      [63, 0],
+      [55, -20],
+      [111, 61],
+      [62, 14],
+      [27, -24],
+      [27, -50],
+      [46, -3],
+      [65, 23],
+      [22, 38],
+      [64, 14],
+      [30, -37],
+      [27, -98],
+      [6, -65],
+      [55, -11],
+      [45, -62],
+      [73, -4],
+      [68, -49],
+      [69, -22],
+      [52, 35],
+      [62, -8],
+      [43, 30],
+      [29, -58],
+      [47, -46],
+      [41, -14],
+      [37, -95],
+      [40, -64],
+      [32, -29],
+      [37, 4],
+      [51, -58],
+      [16, -71],
+      [41, -10],
+      [92, -83],
+      [-8, -78],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [8, -95],
+      [49, -45],
+      [34, 5],
+      [26, -24],
+      [52, 16],
+      [71, -7],
+      [74, 13],
+      [44, -6],
+      [49, -24],
+      [47, 0],
+      [34, 16],
+      [19, -27],
+      [54, -35],
+      [-14, -66],
+      [9, -65],
+      [52, -42],
+      [16, -33],
+      [47, -44],
+      [56, -101],
+      [105, 26],
+      [15, 21],
+      [67, 20],
+      [13, 45],
+      [37, 42],
+      [115, -21],
+      [117, 3],
+      [41, 24],
+      [21, 46],
+      [28, 8],
+      [77, -16],
+      [38, -19],
+      [22, -37],
+      [59, 56],
+      [29, 9],
+      [63, -9],
+      [22, 14],
+      [19, 48],
+      [89, 8],
+      [47, 33],
+      [20, 68],
+      [29, 34],
+      [51, 23],
+      [23, 24],
+      [33, 70],
+      [81, 1],
+      [54, -38],
+      [72, 4],
+      [81, 26],
+      [43, 23],
+      [58, -18],
+      [66, -4],
+      [55, 12],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [25, 32],
+      [-10, 94],
+      [26, 45],
+      [8, 43],
+      [-7, 63],
+      [11, 33],
+      [-55, 88],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-21, 70],
+      [7, 82],
+      [29, 13],
+      [34, 42],
+      [33, 87],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [36, 132],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [17, 51],
+      [37, 17],
+      [30, 54],
+      [-22, 94],
+      [15, 156],
+      [143, -19],
+      [99, -25],
+      [93, -13],
+      [307, -121],
+      [15, 7],
+      [78, -67],
+      [53, 96],
+      [116, 24],
+      [58, -14],
+      [42, 16],
+      [-1, 105],
+      [-56, 68],
+      [-36, 28],
+      [-37, 51],
+      [-12, 59],
+      [30, 45],
+      [-12, 74],
+      [22, 64],
+      [58, 20],
+      [73, 12],
+      [22, -7],
+      [61, 22],
+      [32, 30],
+      [25, 101],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [6, 50],
+      [23, 54],
+      [38, 52],
+      [6, 62],
+      [70, 91],
+      [13, 28],
+      [-10, 60],
+      [61, 28],
+      [23, 66],
+      [4, 69],
+      [33, 27],
+      [88, 34],
+      [41, -17],
+      [95, 1],
+      [83, -18],
+      [20, 39],
+      [64, 46],
+      [25, 45],
+      [59, 60],
+      [62, 11],
+      [119, -69],
+      [52, -128],
+      [74, -66],
+      [63, -100],
+      [73, -32],
+      [75, -58],
+      [48, -68],
+      [4, -47],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [-45, -77],
+      [6, -23],
+      [-16, -83],
+      [53, -55],
+      [46, -31],
+      [62, 9],
+      [45, -11],
+      [42, -41],
+      [54, -3],
+      [58, -28],
+      [89, 8],
+      [15, -38],
+      [56, -24],
+      [17, -21],
+      [87, -33],
+      [37, -38],
+      [18, -45],
+      [39, -35],
+      [98, -44],
+      [63, -7],
+      [17, -19],
+      [-27, -37],
+      [-27, -92],
+      [3, -33],
+      [34, -36],
+      [3, -36],
+      [-26, -87],
+      [6, -32],
+      [-21, -37],
+      [13, -64],
+      [-38, -61],
+      [-63, -35],
+      [1, -65],
+      [-14, -86],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [5, -81],
+      [-7, -62],
+      [-40, -44],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-59, -98],
+      [28, -22],
+      [32, -48],
+      [6, -80],
+      [21, -85],
+      [-13, -128],
+      [-31, -93],
+      [22, -147],
+      [29, -125],
+      [-42, -27],
+      [-28, -73],
+      [-36, -52],
+      [34, -37],
+      [-12, -88],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [51, -115],
+      [-60, -51],
+      [2, -72],
+      [24, -39],
+      [-94, -249],
+      [-42, -65],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-34, -33],
+      [-49, -27],
+      [-126, -18],
+      [-4, -33],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [15, -47],
+      [-17, -40],
+      [-52, -23],
+      [10, -28],
+      [77, -35],
+      [22, -47],
+      [37, -18],
+      [20, -90],
+      [56, -48],
+      [31, -68],
+      [0, -97],
+      [25, -67],
+      [9, -81],
+      [-22, -122],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [-76, 14],
+      [-168, -152],
+      [-136, -91],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-54, -31],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-61, -28],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [58, -52],
+      [42, -21],
+      [23, -33],
+      [2, -36],
+      [82, -120],
+      [41, -18],
+      [-16, -67],
+      [6, -25],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [-49, -20],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-90, -198],
+      [-11, -58],
+      [-32, -76],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-41, 5],
+      [-24, -61],
+      [36, -29],
+      [47, -107],
+      [21, -24],
+      [12, -57],
+      [25, -41],
+      [-17, -78],
+      [15, -40],
+      [7, -85],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [15, -76],
+      [28, -10],
+      [29, -45],
+      [4, -58],
+      [47, -77],
+      [20, -109],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [18, -27],
+      [71, -38],
+      [35, -7],
+      [140, 64],
+      [88, 1],
+      [109, 19],
+      [97, -2],
+      [58, 47],
+      [114, -78],
+      [108, -94],
+      [28, -34],
+      [224, -226],
+      [73, -91],
+      [64, -8],
+      [-10, -79],
+      [-54, -57],
+      [-36, -70],
+      [14, -71],
+      [20, -21],
+      [2, -76],
+      [-33, -37],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [17, -36],
+      [31, -17],
+      [-23, -121],
+      [-29, -52],
+      [17, -74],
+      [-56, -54],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-11, -72],
+      [-26, -19],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-14, -44],
+      [49, -113],
+      [-21, -33],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [-45, -63],
+      [16, -99],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-34, -1],
+      [-36, -22],
+      [-78, -6],
+      [-10, -89],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-45, -93],
+      [-64, 55],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [-123, 75],
+      [-40, 80],
+      [-62, 62],
+      [-54, 42],
+      [-89, 100],
+      [-56, -8],
+      [-65, -33],
+      [-122, -92],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [-124, 71],
+      [-47, 53],
+      [-57, -6],
+      [-56, 56],
+      [-35, 1],
+      [-122, 59],
+      [-109, -2],
+      [-53, 10],
+      [-28, -64],
+      [6, -67],
+      [-76, -63],
+      [-35, -53],
+      [-35, -18],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-27, 51],
+      [-57, 71],
+      [-67, 50],
+      [-59, -37],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [-61, -35],
+      [-45, 55],
+      [-76, -9],
+      [-84, 20],
+      [-22, 40],
+      [27, 61],
+      [-6, 83],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-39, 67],
+      [-11, 85],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-74, 14],
+      [-125, 69],
+      [-8, 29],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-36, 5],
+      [-81, -64],
+      [-49, -55],
+      [-102, 68],
+      [-30, 77],
+      [7, 31],
+      [-8, 83],
+      [-16, 20],
+      [-6, 63],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [14, 77],
+      [39, 50],
+      [39, 108],
+      [39, 36],
+      [19, 55],
+      [39, 67],
+      [43, 41],
+      [-64, 72],
+      [-124, 167],
+      [-48, 99],
+      [-12, 88],
+      [0, 76],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-85, -42],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-44, -17],
+      [-60, -105],
+      [4, -48],
+      [-62, -95],
+      [-119, 78],
+      [-94, 29],
+      [-52, 9],
+      [-30, 18],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [-63, -7],
+      [-66, -33],
+      [-123, -80],
+      [-152, -88],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [-51, -28],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [-133, -88],
+      [-82, 1],
+      [-9, -59],
+      [-28, 1],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-63, -25],
+      [-73, 23],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-141, 59],
+      [-35, 40],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [-22, -55],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [5, -51],
+      [27, -50],
+      [-19, -39],
+      [-27, -21],
+      [-12, -102],
+      [55, -78],
+      [-13, -63],
+      [18, -20],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-46, -98],
+      [-98, -25],
+      [-127, -20],
+      [0, -42],
+      [17, -39],
+      [42, -32],
+      [31, -47],
+      [-103, -133],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-36, -45],
+      [1, -34],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [8, -35],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [-34, -34],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [-61, -23],
+      [-72, 8],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [0, -52],
+      [31, -47],
+      [88, -57],
+      [8, -36],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [4, -43],
+      [19, -28],
+      [19, -72],
+      [-5, -90],
+      [-29, -99],
+      [-62, -57],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [6, -73],
+      [36, -97],
+      [47, -40],
+      [-46, -72],
+      [-10, -100],
+      [38, -79],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-24, -79],
+      [6, -34],
+      [84, -89],
+      [29, -51],
+      [-3, -76],
+      [9, -36],
+      [29, -28],
+      [-25, -85],
+      [-79, -60],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-32, -59],
+      [8, -67],
+      [-44, -42],
+      [16, -46],
+      [36, -51],
+      [55, -4],
+      [47, -17],
+      [43, -32],
+      [31, 26],
+      [27, -53],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [17, -123],
+      [50, -63],
+      [40, -16],
+      [115, 46],
+      [41, -9],
+      [40, -54],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [21, -41],
+      [23, 14],
+      [60, -8],
+      [52, 25],
+      [45, -3],
+      [37, -25],
+      [48, 2],
+      [37, 80],
+      [43, 11],
+      [26, 48],
+      [92, -43],
+      [23, 0],
+      [26, 64],
+      [42, 23],
+      [60, 0],
+      [36, 30],
+      [21, -9],
+      [25, -46],
+      [83, -5],
+      [53, -10],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [22, -51],
+      [38, -28],
+      [30, -210],
+      [108, 63],
+      [49, -10],
+      [5, -29],
+      [72, -135],
+      [-57, -46],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [3, -62],
+      [16, -65],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [15, -67],
+      [-27, -65],
+      [-43, -38],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-86, 16],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [-69, -11],
+      [-97, -76],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-67, -53],
+      [13, -72],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [17, -91],
+      [21, -76],
+      [0, -44],
+      [-68, -29],
+      [-69, -47],
+      [-47, -66],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-26, -29],
+      [16, -107],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [10, -30],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-2, -95],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [77, -116],
+      [50, -129],
+      [-1, -43],
+      [35, -98],
+      [57, -35],
+      [36, -7],
+      [57, -44],
+      [23, -35],
+      [52, -43],
+      [70, -28],
+      [-10, -72],
+      [15, -34],
+      [113, -97],
+      [68, -14],
+      [21, -25],
+      [32, -71],
+      [-35, -61],
+      [26, -33],
+      [62, -21],
+      [22, -25],
+      [-7, -29],
+      [0, -115],
+      [22, -15],
+      [0, -67],
+      [61, -29],
+      [54, -67],
+      [19, -74],
+      [41, -95],
+      [-21, -75],
+      [-321, -304],
+      [-65, -194],
+      [-146, -77],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-71, -37],
+      [-58, 32],
+      [-130, 7],
+      [-76, 58],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [-85, -16],
+      [-100, -47],
+      [-50, -72],
+      [-78, -78],
+      [-9, -19],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-60, 97],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-63, 51],
+      [-100, 39],
+      [8, 32],
+      [65, 32],
+      [57, 62],
+      [10, 47],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [12, 29],
+      [37, 31],
+      [0, 52],
+      [45, 25],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [-6, 73],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [25, 24],
+      [-33, 94],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-73, 56],
+      [-29, 4],
+      [-19, 33],
+      [-57, 49],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [-24, 28],
+      [-80, 14],
+      [-68, 29],
+      [-45, 6],
+      [-82, 31],
+      [-136, 39],
+      [-59, 41],
+      [-17, 45],
+      [-7, 87],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [59, 29],
+      [7, 21],
+      [55, 64],
+      [2, 45],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-27, 53],
+      [37, 38],
+      [14, 81],
+      [-70, 14],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-102, 86],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-58, 42],
+      [15, 64],
+      [28, 49],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [25, 50],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [45, 61],
+      [26, 19],
+      [5, 51],
+      [69, 60],
+      [-23, 79],
+      [7, 52],
+      [18, 43],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-48, -18],
+      [-117, 121],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-37, 58],
+      [-88, 58],
+      [-116, 201],
+      [37, 91],
+      [-76, 24],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [-111, -34],
+      [-102, -41],
+      [-58, -60],
+      [-2, -31],
+      [17, -43],
+      [-28, -32],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-30, 91],
+      [-45, 20],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [-56, 89],
+      [-13, 34],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-64, -40],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-32, -22],
+      [-104, -49],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-20, -59],
+      [-29, -39],
+      [-93, -63],
+      [-66, -56],
+      [-46, 46],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-61, 10],
+      [-59, -15],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-45, -54],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-72, 3],
+      [-12, -45],
+      [-57, -73],
+      [-80, -70],
+      [-43, -47],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [-75, -35],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [-46, -23],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-121, -13],
+      [-76, -53],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-41, -47],
+      [-41, -64],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-85, 20],
+      [-65, 37],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-50, 85],
+      [-48, 31],
+      [-90, 42],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-31, 29],
+      [-61, -25],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-45, -40],
+      [-50, -66],
+      [-68, -53],
+      [-27, -46],
+      [32, -58],
+      [6, -44],
+      [24, -61],
+      [-55, -34],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-29, -66],
+      [6, -41],
+      [71, -17],
+      [41, -33],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [-16, -79],
+      [-85, -78],
+      [-28, -90],
+      [-24, -103],
+      [12, -32],
+      [-12, -52],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-79, -18],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-23, 24],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-91, 71],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [-63, 62],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-7, -68],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-50, -22],
+      [-61, -57],
+      [-35, 1],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [-3, -42],
+      [-61, -22],
+      [-44, -39],
+      [-99, -18],
+      [-128, 45],
+      [-86, -15],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [-79, 73],
+      [-22, 47],
+      [-45, -9],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [-51, 24],
+      [-86, -46],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [-45, 4],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-49, 15],
+      [-85, 84],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-51, 49],
+      [-35, 9],
+      [-46, 34],
+      [-11, 52],
+      [-36, 10],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-29, -46],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-93, 74],
+      [-115, 125],
+      [-51, 79],
+      [-63, 82],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-76, 101],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [3, 48],
+      [-29, 21],
+      [-12, 109],
+      [-16, 84],
+      [-17, 41],
+      [1, 74],
+      [-40, 15],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [-24, 65],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [-53, 26],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-70, 29],
+      [-35, 73],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-45, 34],
+      [-103, 30],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [27, 89],
+      [-26, 65],
+      [32, -4],
+      [33, 34],
+      [-3, 30],
+      [39, 52],
+      [-31, 61],
+      [4, 130],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-18, 113],
+      [-40, 97],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-56, 52],
+      [-17, 53],
+      [19, 200],
+      [26, 101],
+      [-9, 57],
+      [45, 117],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [4, 98],
+      [-16, 131],
+      [17, 91],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [57, 59],
+      [27, 67],
+      [-24, 100],
+      [2, 82],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [-176, -10],
+      [-8, 89],
+      [159, 10],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [15, 69],
+      [-4, 65],
+      [12, 95],
+      [-7, 88],
+      [-14, 64],
+      [42, 46],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-21, -43],
+      [-279, -151],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [-24, -59],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [-39, -56],
+      [21, -65],
+      [-27, -73],
+      [3, -84],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [-65, -54],
+      [-53, -92],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-65, 38],
+      [-79, 25],
+      [-38, 36],
+      [-69, 33],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [-6, 66],
+      [-36, 29],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-48, 8],
+      [-24, 74],
+      [-40, 19],
+      [-42, 101],
+      [18, 73],
+      [45, 28],
+      [3, 97],
+      [-67, 24],
+      [-80, 89],
+      [-53, -44],
+      [-16, -42],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [-49, 22],
+      [-44, -5],
+      [-77, -26],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-27, 45],
+      [-221, -23],
+      [-84, -19],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [-77, -62],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-51, -33],
+      [-69, -16],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-59, 1],
+      [-68, -29],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [-35, -56],
+      [7, -44],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [7, -41],
+      [35, -50],
+      [-18, -83],
+      [0, -69],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [9, -139],
+      [48, -26],
+      [-42, -46],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-38, -68],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [-59, -47],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-136, -15],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [24, -176],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [4, -56],
+      [19, -44],
+      [38, -28],
+      [18, -31],
+      [44, -22],
+      [17, -30],
+      [46, -34],
+      [23, -71],
+      [55, -14],
+      [30, -32],
+      [39, 38],
+      [34, -13],
+      [19, -86],
+      [41, -13],
+      [23, -91],
+      [-4, -32],
+      [15, -71],
+      [-32, -42],
+      [23, -31],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [-66, -87],
+      [26, -60],
+      [0, -28],
+      [43, -67],
+      [45, -23],
+      [-5, -45],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-10, -90],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [27, -37],
+      [-1, -67],
+      [41, -110],
+      [14, -66],
+      [20, -40],
+      [83, -30],
+      [87, -18],
+      [29, -60],
+      [-20, -70],
+      [19, -19],
+      [8, -47],
+      [23, -49],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-59, -50],
+      [-29, -63],
+      [17, -88],
+      [42, -70],
+      [37, -43],
+      [-46, -55],
+      [-10, -116],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-117, -43],
+      [-47, -103],
+      [26, -71],
+      [4, -66],
+      [14, -49],
+      [0, -65],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [-90, -80],
+      [-49, -60],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-34, -67],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-52, -35],
+      [-62, -29],
+      [-6, -27],
+      [0, -95],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [-68, -44],
+      [15, -108],
+      [-8, -29],
+      [-44, -81],
+      [27, -121],
+      [-36, -55],
+      [16, -64],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [8, -88],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-1, -80],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-96, -1],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-53, -16],
+      [-115, -61],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [29, -78],
+      [-33, -51],
+      [-28, -100],
+      [6, -45],
+      [-64, -71],
+      [-68, -17],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-49, -36],
+      [-22, -38],
+      [-23, -108],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [6, -30],
+      [-38, -51],
+      [13, -100],
+      [22, -23],
+      [-34, -73],
+      [7, -50],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [-111, -101],
+      [-19, -51],
+      [-29, -31],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-43, -15],
+      [-81, -8],
+      [-25, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42699, 7153],
+      [-79, 12],
+      [-48, 39],
+      [-106, 119],
+      [-84, 49],
+      [-57, 91],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [-62, 116],
+      [-29, 11],
+      [-41, 84],
+      [-114, 107],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [-257, 137],
+      [-29, 39],
+      [-39, 113],
+      [-15, 111],
+      [-43, 162],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-42, 88],
+      [61, 37],
+      [16, 423],
+      [8, 33],
+      [-67, 123],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [-115, 109],
+      [-18, 95],
+      [-55, 72],
+      [-35, 159],
+      [-24, 80],
+      [26, 61],
+      [58, 21],
+      [38, 62],
+      [8, 32],
+      [33, 42],
+      [32, 75],
+      [51, 23],
+      [39, 123],
+      [-34, 87],
+      [-51, 64],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-40, 33],
+      [1, 51],
+      [70, 94],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [41, 98],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [42, 7],
+      [52, 57],
+      [51, 15],
+      [23, 32],
+      [37, -8],
+      [48, 11],
+      [2, 64],
+      [42, 64],
+      [13, 39],
+      [16, 109],
+      [-15, 99],
+      [4, 66],
+      [36, 44],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [-30, 50],
+      [0, 55],
+      [-50, 151],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [55, 143],
+      [65, 82],
+      [-31, 45],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-25, 47],
+      [11, 35],
+      [90, 41],
+      [63, 38],
+      [9, 57],
+      [-27, 81],
+      [-33, 45],
+      [-40, 114],
+      [-36, 52],
+      [-25, 61],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [7, 97],
+      [-34, 138],
+      [63, 103],
+      [4, 92],
+      [40, 144],
+      [-20, 52],
+      [-50, 85],
+      [-63, 78],
+      [5, 91],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [-71, 28],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [-111, -40],
+      [-63, -41],
+      [-83, 10],
+      [-44, 51],
+      [-41, 14],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [30, 45],
+      [-39, 92],
+      [-62, 28],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [16, 48],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-23, 71],
+      [-33, 52],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-55, 67],
+      [-29, 93],
+      [9, 54],
+      [-7, 56],
+      [14, 24],
+      [-34, 90],
+      [4, 72],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [-37, 9],
+      [-7, 62],
+      [65, 37],
+      [16, 77],
+      [-20, 40],
+      [4, 37],
+      [-29, 129],
+      [46, 90],
+      [18, 49],
+      [4, 50],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [46, 75],
+      [0, 85],
+      [21, 32],
+      [22, 77],
+      [76, 89],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [24, 69],
+      [68, 30],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [20, 38],
+      [-35, 59],
+      [-77, 37],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [0, 127],
+      [-92, -12],
+      [-26, 42],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-61, -1],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-100, 109],
+      [-37, 14],
+      [-118, 8],
+      [-155, -59],
+      [-142, -125],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-33, 164],
+      [44, 152],
+      [-69, 239],
+      [-33, 35],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [6, -85],
+      [-12, -37],
+      [-45, -34],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-51, -45],
+      [-111, 49],
+      [-98, 14],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-92, -21],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-49, -30],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [2, -58],
+      [20, -71],
+      [31, -58],
+      [72, -75],
+      [22, -51],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [14, -37],
+      [-67, -84],
+      [-101, -94],
+      [-130, -44],
+      [-61, -57],
+      [-132, -31],
+      [-33, -60],
+      [-94, -23],
+      [-93, -10],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-56, -24],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-83, -74],
+      [-82, -66],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-107, 15],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [-1, 77],
+      [-386, -165],
+      [-517, 224],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-61, 38],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-48, -51],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [-106, 48],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-50, -40],
+      [-26, -35],
+      [-63, -41],
+      [-77, 22],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-58, 8],
+      [-7, 68],
+      [-24, 33],
+      [-50, 14],
+      [-34, 33],
+      [-55, -28],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-66, 1],
+      [-48, -39],
+      [-44, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36293, 15489],
+      [42, 190],
+      [-18, 92],
+      [1, 41],
+      [-45, 65],
+      [-1, 68],
+      [33, 82],
+      [-25, 76],
+      [13, 135],
+      [-28, 81],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [-47, 10],
+      [-50, 32],
+      [-2, 29],
+      [-62, 37],
+      [-17, 25],
+      [1, 49],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [-74, 66],
+      [11, 69],
+      [51, 36],
+      [24, 39],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [29, 80],
+      [-49, 58],
+      [87, 123],
+      [64, -1],
+      [71, 59],
+      [52, 81],
+      [42, 28],
+      [-19, 78],
+      [-42, 53],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [10, 116],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [29, 57],
+      [-16, 85],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [36, 67],
+      [57, 17],
+      [76, -18],
+      [40, 41],
+      [30, 98],
+      [14, 17],
+      [79, 34],
+      [35, -2],
+      [50, -50],
+      [54, -40],
+      [110, 73],
+      [6, 72],
+      [33, 17],
+      [57, -5],
+      [43, 15],
+      [74, 90],
+      [57, 45],
+      [44, 11],
+      [90, 77],
+      [20, 48],
+      [-8, 35],
+      [-54, 130],
+      [10, 58],
+      [28, 32],
+      [5, 54],
+      [71, 45],
+      [43, 52],
+      [65, 45],
+      [68, 38],
+      [46, -9],
+      [8, -82],
+      [28, -6],
+      [15, -44],
+      [30, -40],
+      [22, -74],
+      [43, -21],
+      [19, -59],
+      [67, 35],
+      [103, 34],
+      [64, -5],
+      [54, 51],
+      [66, 23],
+      [59, 45],
+      [-24, 88],
+      [-10, 67],
+      [50, 103],
+      [-6, 58],
+      [32, 87],
+      [33, 26],
+      [-1, 83],
+      [54, 23],
+      [38, 50],
+      [84, -35],
+      [38, 51],
+      [-56, 88],
+      [1, 44],
+      [-33, 139],
+      [15, 34],
+      [-17, 89],
+      [-20, 44],
+      [24, 77],
+      [34, 9],
+      [45, 50],
+      [62, 2],
+      [32, -29],
+      [88, -4],
+      [-5, 91],
+      [70, 35],
+      [97, 122],
+      [83, 21],
+      [45, -2],
+      [64, 46],
+      [37, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48810, 32961],
+      [-87, -20],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-29, -20],
+      [-94, -30],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-119, -8],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-62, 10],
+      [0, 32],
+      [-25, 54],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-50, -44],
+      [22, -41],
+      [53, -39],
+      [38, 3],
+      [16, -22],
+      [56, -28],
+      [22, -50],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [14, -25],
+      [53, -6],
+      [51, 13],
+      [81, -30],
+      [14, -36],
+      [-22, -62],
+      [51, -8],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [14, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48346, 32390],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-68, -36],
+      [-57, -58],
+      [-102, -75],
+      [-20, -35],
+      [-40, 6],
+      [-42, -40],
+      [-36, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47977, 32122],
+      [-56, 54],
+      [-70, 146],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [85, 37],
+      [31, -8],
+      [28, -38],
+      [93, 21],
+      [47, -16],
+      [16, -55],
+      [89, 30],
+      [25, 35],
+      [7, 112],
+      [30, 37],
+      [-69, 15],
+      [-55, -5],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [-91, 46],
+      [-39, 88],
+      [8, 25],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-30, -6],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-28, -2],
+      [1, -77],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-64, -9],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [16, -33],
+      [-14, -25],
+      [37, -49],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [21, -41],
+      [99, -38],
+      [-88, -58],
+      [-96, -38],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-53, -50],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [15, -78],
+      [-54, -38],
+      [17, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47367, 32086],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-45, -135],
+      [-16, -111],
+      [-4, -120],
+      [32, -11],
+      [-63, -58],
+      [-23, -46],
+      [26, -28],
+      [-26, -89],
+      [33, -184],
+      [16, -15],
+      [3, -130]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47278, 31124],
+      [-210, 58],
+      [-105, -62],
+      [-98, -4],
+      [-82, -12],
+      [-80, 74],
+      [-130, 83],
+      [-69, 57],
+      [-32, -19],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-29, -16],
+      [-98, 228],
+      [12, 12],
+      [-19, 55],
+      [-113, -60],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-81, -17],
+      [-43, 30],
+      [-88, 95],
+      [-5, 35],
+      [-51, 28],
+      [3, 19],
+      [-59, 27],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-148, 62],
+      [10, 120],
+      [-31, 15],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-55, -14],
+      [-72, 16],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-58, -23],
+      [36, -25],
+      [56, -63],
+      [17, -5],
+      [14, -105],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [31, -102],
+      [29, -17],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [27, -69],
+      [41, -53],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-57, -12],
+      [-34, -31],
+      [-135, -30],
+      [-44, -38],
+      [-6, -41],
+      [16, -19],
+      [24, -87],
+      [-91, -23],
+      [-80, -62],
+      [-59, -203],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-146, -53],
+      [-64, -45],
+      [-20, -74],
+      [52, 2],
+      [10, -48],
+      [34, -63],
+      [-20, -52],
+      [38, -82],
+      [-45, -67],
+      [29, -92],
+      [-55, -114],
+      [8, -95],
+      [25, -44],
+      [42, -21],
+      [3, -51],
+      [64, -58],
+      [121, -264],
+      [5, -95],
+      [23, -75],
+      [113, -248]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45151, 29129],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-112, 12],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-44, -31],
+      [-69, 17],
+      [-56, 87],
+      [-53, 23],
+      [-35, 41],
+      [12, 50],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-100, -48],
+      [-54, 61],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-41, 46],
+      [-34, 62],
+      [-63, -14],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [-73, 67],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-71, -3],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-41, -30],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-65, 45],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-81, -28],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [-81, 19],
+      [-38, 30],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-63, 34],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [-61, 32],
+      [-71, 63],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [26, 77],
+      [69, 65],
+      [50, 23],
+      [27, 57],
+      [43, 45],
+      [23, 84],
+      [-47, 67],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [-32, 35],
+      [-18, 45],
+      [18, 42],
+      [6, 67],
+      [-47, 110],
+      [6, 23],
+      [-29, 112],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [47, 27],
+      [30, 38],
+      [88, 24],
+      [10, 23],
+      [123, 76],
+      [8, 22],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [-62, 82],
+      [-39, 82],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-30, -21],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [-62, -40],
+      [-8, 65],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-26, 57],
+      [-51, 50],
+      [43, 54],
+      [34, 85],
+      [39, 22],
+      [-30, 36],
+      [-76, -65],
+      [-38, -13],
+      [-29, 109],
+      [-23, 29],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [91, -24],
+      [147, 33],
+      [39, 42],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [66, 60],
+      [10, 44],
+      [29, 32],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [26, 22],
+      [-39, 103],
+      [1, 42],
+      [52, 50],
+      [50, 3],
+      [35, -14],
+      [35, 17],
+      [12, 101],
+      [-6, 66],
+      [41, 18],
+      [31, -9],
+      [95, 59],
+      [26, -16],
+      [49, 36],
+      [80, 6],
+      [15, -38],
+      [59, 34],
+      [48, 14],
+      [50, -36],
+      [34, 35],
+      [66, -28],
+      [34, -29],
+      [52, 9],
+      [139, -29],
+      [6, -17],
+      [55, -6],
+      [62, -18],
+      [76, 27],
+      [155, 33],
+      [59, 50],
+      [56, 14],
+      [88, -44],
+      [31, 20],
+      [62, -3],
+      [56, 18],
+      [108, 51],
+      [51, -27],
+      [16, 27],
+      [49, 24],
+      [33, 1],
+      [42, 44],
+      [34, 19],
+      [91, -9],
+      [41, -21],
+      [71, -13],
+      [37, -22],
+      [15, -51],
+      [26, -20],
+      [122, -4],
+      [39, 25],
+      [78, 22],
+      [46, 37],
+      [95, 20],
+      [70, 32],
+      [18, 60],
+      [36, 21],
+      [32, 50],
+      [-36, 65],
+      [0, 21],
+      [64, 54],
+      [1, 77],
+      [-34, 98],
+      [29, 54],
+      [3, 45],
+      [36, 4],
+      [50, -25],
+      [34, 16],
+      [58, -27],
+      [29, -38],
+      [29, 4],
+      [6, 33],
+      [44, 14],
+      [113, 49],
+      [48, 52],
+      [32, 13],
+      [61, -6],
+      [33, 16],
+      [33, -10],
+      [85, 48],
+      [110, 20],
+      [114, 63],
+      [13, 24],
+      [67, 61],
+      [61, -5],
+      [71, 51],
+      [59, -10],
+      [51, 52],
+      [9, 34],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-13, 72],
+      [90, 132],
+      [132, 24],
+      [27, -36],
+      [32, 5],
+      [6, -42],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [50, 26],
+      [51, -9],
+      [53, 20],
+      [73, -39],
+      [61, 13],
+      [82, -16],
+      [73, -1],
+      [22, -19],
+      [99, -43],
+      [20, -39],
+      [79, 17],
+      [6, -34],
+      [107, -92],
+      [17, -1],
+      [94, -72],
+      [114, -36],
+      [109, -54],
+      [15, -55],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-89, -32],
+      [-70, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [48810, 32961],
+      [-54, -65],
+      [-70, -24],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-70, -38],
+      [-36, -9],
+      [-117, -72],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [4, -48],
+      [101, -61],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [73, -20],
+      [47, -40],
+      [-59, -16],
+      [-50, -37],
+      [-146, -23],
+      [-36, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47977, 32122],
+      [-36, -44],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-67, 59],
+      [14, 51],
+      [-46, 22],
+      [-71, -3],
+      [-94, -37],
+      [-115, -20],
+      [-151, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47278, 31124],
+      [-3, -265],
+      [-11, -89],
+      [-49, -241],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [-47, -38],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [5, -45],
+      [37, -59],
+      [8, -36],
+      [-67, -45],
+      [-30, -41],
+      [23, -21],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [-4, -61],
+      [-33, -81],
+      [13, -50],
+      [-37, -92],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-15, -50],
+      [-42, -48],
+      [-7, -38],
+      [-42, -64],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [-36, -22],
+      [-30, -49],
+      [-41, -36],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-65, -54],
+      [-29, -11],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-108, -105],
+      [-31, -7],
+      [-39, -40],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-48, -43],
+      [-97, 11],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-65, -53],
+      [-81, -115],
+      [-26, -15],
+      [-76, -4],
+      [-87, -25],
+      [-102, -43],
+      [-48, 43],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-55, 44],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-38, 50],
+      [-84, 21],
+      [-98, -1],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [-73, 57],
+      [-5, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32714, 16992],
+      [106, -17],
+      [30, -72],
+      [12, -85],
+      [-14, -149],
+      [-20, -25],
+      [28, -131],
+      [-6, -268],
+      [-46, -77],
+      [3, -62],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-88, -108],
+      [-12, -32],
+      [36, -54],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-22, -157],
+      [-17, -35],
+      [25, -30],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [37, -68],
+      [-7, -45],
+      [95, -130],
+      [29, -87],
+      [5, -66],
+      [27, -57],
+      [24, -22],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [21, -100],
+      [26, -51],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [28, -38],
+      [8, -41],
+      [51, -11],
+      [33, -53],
+      [77, -13],
+      [67, -63],
+      [93, -33],
+      [66, -31],
+      [38, 11],
+      [38, 38],
+      [100, -97],
+      [11, -36],
+      [74, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33612, 14440],
+      [7, -52],
+      [-71, -38],
+      [-58, -95],
+      [-77, -85],
+      [-13, -77],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-74, -3],
+      [-79, -183],
+      [-9, -38],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [-111, 34],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-55, -42],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [-66, 42],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-132, -8],
+      [-31, 38],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [27, -61],
+      [13, -75],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [-20, -46],
+      [-46, -66],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [45, -55],
+      [8, -65],
+      [34, -35],
+      [-57, -19],
+      [-37, -30],
+      [12, -50],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-48, -56],
+      [34, -141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32374, 12904],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-60, 5],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-110, -22],
+      [-133, -90],
+      [-35, -36],
+      [-24, -81],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-77, -81],
+      [-32, -18],
+      [-48, -72],
+      [-106, -71],
+      [-64, -57],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-58, 2],
+      [-78, -31],
+      [-118, 14],
+      [-41, -24],
+      [-13, -53],
+      [-50, -66],
+      [1, -63],
+      [-107, -112],
+      [-21, -31],
+      [47, -16],
+      [33, -37],
+      [46, 2],
+      [61, -46],
+      [29, -7],
+      [54, 38],
+      [8, -33],
+      [71, -72],
+      [21, -102],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [-1, -67],
+      [52, -38],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [9, -33],
+      [-27, -66],
+      [-68, -33],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-53, -25],
+      [-58, -49],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-72, -75],
+      [-37, -47],
+      [-99, 35],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-96, -34],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [49, -96],
+      [15, -90],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [37, -30],
+      [1, -23],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-47, 27],
+      [-45, -1],
+      [-45, -36],
+      [3, -80],
+      [-46, -15],
+      [-76, -6],
+      [-65, 14],
+      [-103, -95],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [9, -40],
+      [-37, -54],
+      [18, -15],
+      [-1, -44],
+      [22, -15],
+      [-44, -63],
+      [-93, -69],
+      [3, -72],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [11, -54],
+      [-49, -38],
+      [-130, -113],
+      [-56, 24],
+      [-106, -46],
+      [-102, -75],
+      [-126, -15],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-81, -19],
+      [-43, 22],
+      [-22, 29],
+      [-65, 25],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [-69, 18],
+      [-65, -1],
+      [-94, -94],
+      [-32, -54],
+      [-55, -11],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [-26, -61],
+      [-7, -57],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-54, -99],
+      [-100, -23],
+      [-47, -90],
+      [-49, -43],
+      [-96, -99],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [9, -81],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [5, -45],
+      [20, -30],
+      [40, -22],
+      [45, -47],
+      [141, -21],
+      [21, -8],
+      [10, -55],
+      [52, 11],
+      [61, -10],
+      [24, -85],
+      [-5, -86],
+      [17, -44],
+      [31, -33],
+      [74, -34],
+      [48, -119],
+      [40, -31],
+      [39, -5],
+      [42, -31],
+      [73, -7],
+      [62, -296],
+      [104, -176],
+      [2, -77],
+      [24, -164],
+      [53, -32],
+      [104, -136],
+      [12, -50],
+      [-9, -69],
+      [-73, -44],
+      [-25, -30],
+      [-17, -82],
+      [-42, -55],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [-22, -114],
+      [3, -52],
+      [45, -69],
+      [2, -111],
+      [23, -13],
+      [-62, -125],
+      [-54, -79],
+      [-54, -33],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [-113, -32],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [-86, -50],
+      [10, -58],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [13, -39],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [-7, -65],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-52, -6],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [-18, 13],
+      [-42, -52],
+      [-140, -33],
+      [-80, -31],
+      [-44, 19],
+      [-68, 1],
+      [-116, -34],
+      [-74, -46],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [-45, -16],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [6, -78],
+      [-41, -62],
+      [-16, -48],
+      [11, -43],
+      [-16, -119],
+      [-40, -48],
+      [-50, -102],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-16, -74],
+      [31, -42],
+      [-5, -73],
+      [18, -18],
+      [13, -71],
+      [54, -107],
+      [2, -44],
+      [24, -71],
+      [26, -34],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [-35, -34],
+      [-41, -10],
+      [-65, -32],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-68, -96],
+      [-51, -45],
+      [26, -18],
+      [48, -115],
+      [-67, -74],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [30, -71],
+      [-13, -73],
+      [-70, -12],
+      [-80, 17],
+      [-12, -66],
+      [-33, -50],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [4, -33],
+      [-75, -91],
+      [-58, 20],
+      [-72, 46],
+      [-84, -8],
+      [-87, -29],
+      [-52, -6],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-51, 23],
+      [-131, 8],
+      [-143, -25],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-87, 1],
+      [-54, -24],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [-119, 14],
+      [-37, -65],
+      [2, -24],
+      [-33, -79],
+      [-44, -21],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-61, -81],
+      [-14, -66],
+      [-117, -49],
+      [-93, -54],
+      [-6, -36],
+      [43, -76],
+      [4, -87],
+      [-51, -55],
+      [7, -27],
+      [-35, -59],
+      [32, -57],
+      [-8, -102],
+      [-80, -26],
+      [-33, -224],
+      [32, -41],
+      [6, -52],
+      [40, -42],
+      [34, -75],
+      [-45, -77],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-44, 3],
+      [-44, -63],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-44, 16],
+      [-73, -14],
+      [-42, 4],
+      [-91, 30],
+      [-55, -6],
+      [-59, 58],
+      [-137, 47],
+      [-55, -18],
+      [-59, -53],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-51, -64],
+      [-48, -42],
+      [-46, -8],
+      [-72, 60],
+      [-21, 73],
+      [-50, 39],
+      [-19, 32],
+      [-47, 7],
+      [-56, 22],
+      [-26, 23],
+      [-28, 54],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-42, 68],
+      [-90, 23],
+      [-82, 13],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-29, -6],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-40, -123],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-59, -39],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-15, -87],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [-132, 5],
+      [-46, 33],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-13, 78],
+      [-52, 31],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [24, 131],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [19, 83],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-29, 1],
+      [-84, 76],
+      [-12, 28],
+      [-107, 8],
+      [-55, 11],
+      [-77, 31],
+      [-40, 80],
+      [-20, 91],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-29, 70],
+      [-26, 12],
+      [-34, 66],
+      [-58, 54],
+      [-41, -5],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-96, -66],
+      [-73, -13],
+      [-94, 18],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-92, 27],
+      [-32, -21],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-67, -41],
+      [-75, 21],
+      [-62, -2],
+      [-68, 11],
+      [-102, 2],
+      [-47, 32],
+      [-31, 52],
+      [11, 66],
+      [-48, 157],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [-97, -5],
+      [-75, -34],
+      [-103, 11],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-56, -44],
+      [-13, -78],
+      [-38, -43],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [19, -115],
+      [22, -34],
+      [5, -63],
+      [18, -70],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [-33, -59],
+      [-62, -49],
+      [-52, 42],
+      [-90, -3],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-47, 73],
+      [-40, 23],
+      [-25, -43],
+      [-35, -22],
+      [-61, -14],
+      [-35, 13],
+      [-68, 65],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [2, -56],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-62, 5],
+      [-80, -55],
+      [-35, -8],
+      [-51, -67],
+      [-41, -32],
+      [7, -77],
+      [25, -72],
+      [11, -79],
+      [-47, -50],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [-67, 31],
+      [-82, -3],
+      [-25, -58],
+      [-67, 4],
+      [-60, -28],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-36, -49],
+      [-14, -45],
+      [-51, -55],
+      [-40, -86],
+      [-101, -99],
+      [-66, -22],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-67, -58],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-48, -53],
+      [1, -53],
+      [-42, -69],
+      [-80, -90],
+      [-77, -29],
+      [-58, 45],
+      [-36, 39],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-38, 29],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-42, 39],
+      [2, 63],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-64, 9],
+      [-79, 65],
+      [-86, -29],
+      [-99, -56],
+      [-87, -9],
+      [-81, 28],
+      [-26, 102],
+      [-81, 0],
+      [-60, 21],
+      [-50, -11],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-76, 60],
+      [-54, -31],
+      [-13, -57],
+      [-47, -24],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [-82, -216],
+      [-74, -20],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [-47, -35],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [-49, -58],
+      [-14, -33],
+      [-51, -21],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [1, 44],
+      [-19, 20],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [-55, -23],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-53, 30],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-35, 11],
+      [-89, -32],
+      [-9, -99],
+      [-63, -37],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-50, -9],
+      [-31, -71],
+      [-49, -24],
+      [-13, -64],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [12, -92],
+      [23, -49],
+      [-47, -61],
+      [-81, -36],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-59, 61],
+      [-24, 12],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-178, 170],
+      [23, 38],
+      [12, 55],
+      [-42, 49],
+      [-104, 21],
+      [-22, -26],
+      [-68, -39],
+      [-77, -15],
+      [-24, -32],
+      [-55, -22],
+      [-21, -34],
+      [-1, -46],
+      [-101, -99],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-55, -52],
+      [-33, -49],
+      [-69, 9],
+      [-53, -26],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [-27, -5],
+      [-51, 60],
+      [-20, 114],
+      [-49, 105],
+      [38, 62],
+      [-84, 96],
+      [-52, 51],
+      [-46, 16],
+      [-35, 49],
+      [-7, 41],
+      [-25, 35],
+      [-1, 105],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [1, 17],
+      [-78, 45],
+      [-2, 134],
+      [5, 53],
+      [-51, 83],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-65, 37],
+      [-76, 93],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [-9, 76],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [2, 40],
+      [-17, 42],
+      [-35, 38],
+      [-35, 88],
+      [16, 57],
+      [0, 54],
+      [20, 29],
+      [-18, 140],
+      [3, 59],
+      [-19, 19],
+      [-95, 32],
+      [-99, 25],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-26, -1],
+      [-71, 99],
+      [-26, 65],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [22, 82],
+      [62, 41],
+      [61, 15],
+      [36, 24],
+      [17, 40],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [-40, 40],
+      [-51, 87],
+      [-40, 4],
+      [-12, 34],
+      [11, 62],
+      [-30, 52],
+      [3, 61],
+      [-52, 51],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-65, -44],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [-97, 77],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [2, 54],
+      [-37, 100],
+      [7, 43],
+      [-58, 42],
+      [-34, 48],
+      [-61, 56],
+      [-44, 89],
+      [-49, -14],
+      [-111, 228],
+      [-41, 168],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-26, 5],
+      [-50, 41],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [6, 39],
+      [23, 29],
+      [-4, 54],
+      [12, 31],
+      [-47, 35],
+      [-71, -27],
+      [-54, 12],
+      [-79, -106],
+      [-57, -66],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-51, -46],
+      [5, -34],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-123, -22],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-7, -73],
+      [-22, -14],
+      [-42, 46],
+      [-52, 9],
+      [-88, 56],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [-47, 33],
+      [10, 74],
+      [31, 73],
+      [28, 121],
+      [21, 19],
+      [17, 87],
+      [60, 32],
+      [36, 41],
+      [48, 23],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [-26, 40],
+      [30, 48],
+      [13, 76],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-79, 137],
+      [38, 29],
+      [23, 41],
+      [1, 38],
+      [43, 29],
+      [31, 50],
+      [15, 54],
+      [23, 36],
+      [-21, 35],
+      [-8, 75],
+      [40, 69],
+      [23, 90],
+      [24, 41],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-137, -50],
+      [-58, 44],
+      [-62, 18],
+      [-51, -17],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [-97, 3],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-61, 34],
+      [-54, 75],
+      [-56, -15],
+      [-50, 10],
+      [-95, -26],
+      [-69, -3],
+      [-48, -37],
+      [-32, 58],
+      [-21, -4],
+      [-40, 83],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-21, 57],
+      [-2, 66],
+      [-19, 39],
+      [-5, 75],
+      [-55, 118],
+      [-1, 32],
+      [31, 93],
+      [-13, 63],
+      [84, 107],
+      [24, 6],
+      [44, 70],
+      [30, 16],
+      [25, 124],
+      [71, 56],
+      [-41, 157],
+      [-10, 69],
+      [-65, 203],
+      [0, 48],
+      [45, 62],
+      [10, 60],
+      [26, 21],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [49, 31],
+      [54, 109],
+      [37, 19],
+      [19, 35],
+      [2, 91],
+      [-18, 52],
+      [9, 39],
+      [76, 40],
+      [51, 4],
+      [85, 129],
+      [9, 83],
+      [27, 68],
+      [41, 8],
+      [121, 72],
+      [46, 62],
+      [-13, 84],
+      [37, 53],
+      [39, 88],
+      [-17, 155],
+      [26, 50],
+      [53, 75],
+      [-6, 64],
+      [-70, 109],
+      [-14, 57],
+      [-48, 25],
+      [-31, -7],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [-20, 65],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-21, 51],
+      [-58, 2],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [23, 42],
+      [-63, 136],
+      [-51, 20],
+      [-23, 53],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [-53, 45],
+      [-78, 53],
+      [-78, -25],
+      [-36, 76],
+      [-14, 70],
+      [21, 49],
+      [-35, 46],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-129, -18],
+      [-28, 9],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [-54, 98],
+      [-17, 67],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-39, 24],
+      [-31, 62],
+      [-22, 103],
+      [12, 113],
+      [65, 70],
+      [58, 43],
+      [58, -3],
+      [76, 9],
+      [30, 25],
+      [54, 69],
+      [18, 49],
+      [70, 54],
+      [23, 39],
+      [14, 92],
+      [-34, 16],
+      [-27, 46],
+      [15, 133],
+      [26, 23],
+      [215, 682]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11532, 12395],
+      [51, -52],
+      [406, -544],
+      [88, -131],
+      [101, -106],
+      [77, -99],
+      [48, -27],
+      [61, -58],
+      [24, -35],
+      [13, -58],
+      [7, -149],
+      [-20, -78],
+      [-40, -86],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [23, -35],
+      [56, -50],
+      [77, -148],
+      [27, -33],
+      [62, -37],
+      [52, -5],
+      [140, 22],
+      [61, -15],
+      [24, -22],
+      [114, -154],
+      [15, -33],
+      [19, -123],
+      [-8, -92],
+      [5, -57],
+      [46, -210],
+      [7, -113],
+      [36, -70],
+      [57, -46],
+      [57, -29],
+      [48, -38],
+      [100, -105],
+      [33, -61],
+      [51, -264],
+      [23, -40],
+      [103, -135],
+      [89, -91],
+      [67, -52],
+      [28, -50],
+      [11, -116],
+      [17, -43],
+      [56, -77],
+      [19, -56],
+      [59, -46],
+      [23, -29],
+      [11, -78],
+      [-4, -76],
+      [16, -47],
+      [53, -45],
+      [26, -121],
+      [36, -204],
+      [106, -71],
+      [63, -79],
+      [53, -117],
+      [30, -26],
+      [17, -66],
+      [66, 12],
+      [87, 43],
+      [163, 113],
+      [37, 6],
+      [67, 70],
+      [97, 32],
+      [76, -41],
+      [63, 16],
+      [57, 33],
+      [28, 3],
+      [74, 67],
+      [34, 55],
+      [45, 8],
+      [24, 31],
+      [65, 32],
+      [126, 136],
+      [57, 104],
+      [30, 11],
+      [-13, 121],
+      [29, 65],
+      [10, 70],
+      [26, 25],
+      [120, -12],
+      [78, 27],
+      [56, 75],
+      [66, 30],
+      [17, 34],
+      [5, 68],
+      [46, 95],
+      [72, 10],
+      [61, 63],
+      [28, 51],
+      [56, 46],
+      [6, 32],
+      [50, 63],
+      [32, 57],
+      [75, -2],
+      [62, 45],
+      [14, 46],
+      [-28, 111],
+      [-14, 91],
+      [53, 44],
+      [61, 13],
+      [-13, 55],
+      [41, 16],
+      [-103, 123],
+      [-2, 154],
+      [14, 36],
+      [60, 67],
+      [12, 39],
+      [53, 58],
+      [81, 32],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [40, 48],
+      [15, 40],
+      [-10, 80],
+      [79, 37],
+      [93, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [45287, 34462],
+      [11, 10],
+      [64, -28],
+      [-14, -49],
+      [-46, 25],
+      [-15, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39822, 31704],
+      [18, 45],
+      [50, 35],
+      [69, 21],
+      [42, 80],
+      [7, 33],
+      [53, -23],
+      [66, 8],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [24, 58],
+      [46, 1],
+      [2, 32],
+      [38, 112],
+      [16, 19],
+      [-23, 64],
+      [-22, 26],
+      [25, 40],
+      [32, 101],
+      [69, 37],
+      [21, -21],
+      [70, 9],
+      [27, 81],
+      [5, 48],
+      [23, 73],
+      [-14, 47],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [9, 45],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [34, 5],
+      [104, 50],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [62, -20],
+      [77, 13],
+      [39, -23],
+      [30, 34],
+      [57, 33],
+      [15, 73],
+      [33, 27],
+      [75, -94],
+      [97, 45],
+      [24, -35],
+      [24, 12],
+      [-7, 68],
+      [56, -26],
+      [37, 55],
+      [32, 27],
+      [74, -34],
+      [23, 19],
+      [34, -11],
+      [41, 8],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [32, 26],
+      [-61, 36],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-4, 41],
+      [-48, 43],
+      [-41, 18],
+      [-79, 10],
+      [-185, 70],
+      [-19, 54],
+      [58, 34],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [15, 28],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-121, 37],
+      [-99, 41],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [44, 46],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [1, 80],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [5, 37],
+      [55, 57],
+      [-8, 47],
+      [30, 45],
+      [67, 3],
+      [28, -24],
+      [57, -1],
+      [32, 24],
+      [27, -28],
+      [25, 35],
+      [145, 88],
+      [42, -39],
+      [94, -26],
+      [4, -34],
+      [33, -3],
+      [24, -47],
+      [42, 15],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [18, 22],
+      [64, -4],
+      [56, 12],
+      [53, 40],
+      [22, -26],
+      [69, 52],
+      [36, 7],
+      [16, -30],
+      [11, -98],
+      [52, -58],
+      [21, -67],
+      [26, 14],
+      [79, 8],
+      [22, 27],
+      [131, -25],
+      [69, -21],
+      [21, -65],
+      [89, 19],
+      [26, 21],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [36, 21],
+      [138, 29],
+      [39, -25],
+      [119, 55],
+      [63, -3],
+      [53, 44],
+      [10, 48],
+      [54, 110],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [2, 27],
+      [47, 42],
+      [22, 41],
+      [81, -15],
+      [-37, -102],
+      [76, -61],
+      [34, -10],
+      [49, 34],
+      [23, -105],
+      [79, 36],
+      [62, -39],
+      [-5, -46],
+      [50, 32],
+      [27, -31],
+      [58, 5],
+      [59, -12],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [17, -76],
+      [27, -22],
+      [-12, -37],
+      [57, -26],
+      [1, 30],
+      [67, 70],
+      [19, -11],
+      [66, 26],
+      [56, -6],
+      [46, -21],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [65, -3],
+      [51, -16],
+      [49, 3],
+      [33, -91],
+      [55, -27],
+      [37, 11],
+      [115, -11],
+      [61, 45],
+      [103, 49],
+      [46, 6],
+      [10, 42],
+      [28, 33],
+      [72, -17],
+      [31, -56],
+      [97, -15],
+      [33, -31],
+      [76, 45],
+      [55, 52],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [30, 34],
+      [60, 30],
+      [51, 86],
+      [25, 11],
+      [-20, 48],
+      [9, 69],
+      [-37, 75],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [-61, -54],
+      [-23, 71],
+      [10, 36],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [23, 48],
+      [65, -16],
+      [21, 55],
+      [-66, 16],
+      [-56, 57],
+      [-73, 20],
+      [8, -37],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-21, -59],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [-69, 20],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-131, 19],
+      [-27, 17],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [12, 27],
+      [52, 36],
+      [32, -26],
+      [2, -32],
+      [32, -5],
+      [-12, 80],
+      [43, 13],
+      [1, 36],
+      [28, 43],
+      [-34, 44],
+      [149, 45],
+      [37, 33],
+      [68, -8],
+      [18, 47],
+      [58, -12],
+      [76, -75],
+      [12, 53],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [40, 55],
+      [44, 26],
+      [48, -9],
+      [26, -37],
+      [61, -18],
+      [12, 26],
+      [113, -17],
+      [28, -49],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [30, -18],
+      [3, -33],
+      [33, -32],
+      [123, -32],
+      [44, 6],
+      [-8, -64],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-60, -71],
+      [36, -12],
+      [-31, -66],
+      [-25, 6],
+      [-13, -38],
+      [-67, 8],
+      [-26, -93],
+      [19, -30],
+      [27, 49],
+      [27, 11],
+      [63, -36],
+      [125, -22],
+      [2, 52],
+      [83, -16],
+      [73, -45],
+      [59, 9],
+      [30, -25],
+      [-5, -87],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-20, -49],
+      [58, -33],
+      [-61, -49],
+      [-22, -53],
+      [22, -14],
+      [66, 11],
+      [25, 36],
+      [77, 5],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [34, -20],
+      [31, -42],
+      [57, -18],
+      [38, -59],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [29, -29],
+      [50, -20],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [39, 2],
+      [26, 58],
+      [-9, 41],
+      [20, 45],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [31, 16],
+      [44, 106],
+      [41, 19],
+      [43, 43],
+      [10, 41],
+      [37, -3],
+      [66, -25],
+      [51, 109],
+      [60, 39],
+      [11, 25],
+      [75, 41],
+      [890, 825]
+    ],
+    [
+      [47277, 35190],
+      [158, -209],
+      [230, -25],
+      [249, 30],
+      [149, -665],
+      [-7, -110],
+      [6, -42],
+      [24, -57],
+      [36, -44],
+      [167, -137],
+      [57, -74],
+      [132, -322],
+      [30, -53],
+      [70, -33],
+      [43, 14],
+      [19, 34],
+      [19, 110],
+      [25, 24],
+      [51, -36],
+      [64, -140],
+      [49, -73],
+      [75, -34],
+      [237, -17],
+      [138, -33],
+      [49, -26],
+      [18, -32],
+      [-19, -73],
+      [-142, -152],
+      [-40, -91],
+      [9, -78],
+      [47, -131],
+      [25, -105],
+      [19, -246],
+      [-3, -76],
+      [36, -4],
+      [40, -87],
+      [37, -53],
+      [31, -23],
+      [109, -56],
+      [43, -58],
+      [4, -31],
+      [-11, -158],
+      [-41, -83],
+      [-105, -130],
+      [-48, -33],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [-85, -15],
+      [-142, 3],
+      [-44, -7],
+      [-97, -42],
+      [-24, 22],
+      [-256, -299],
+      [-61, -93],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [-61, -225],
+      [-73, -298],
+      [-13, -32],
+      [-64, -100],
+      [-61, -57],
+      [-178, -116],
+      [-109, -103],
+      [-39, -70],
+      [-31, -140],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [-61, -120],
+      [-85, -78],
+      [-91, -68],
+      [-37, -69],
+      [-2, -129],
+      [-6, -31],
+      [-125, -364],
+      [-32, -67],
+      [-178, -316],
+      [-40, -101],
+      [-27, -179],
+      [-120, -268],
+      [-37, -163],
+      [-26, -159],
+      [1, -38],
+      [62, -326],
+      [36, -99],
+      [85, -201],
+      [81, -119],
+      [32, -65],
+      [56, -212],
+      [86, -505],
+      [10, -145],
+      [-11, -73],
+      [-42, -141],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-273, -230],
+      [-229, -140],
+      [-43, -56],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [53, -199]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40638, 27579],
+      [-112, 67],
+      [17, 27],
+      [-48, 34],
+      [-81, 45],
+      [-102, 32],
+      [-43, -30],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-9, -40],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [-9, -37],
+      [-110, 12],
+      [-4, 102],
+      [-20, 89],
+      [-38, 217],
+      [105, -26],
+      [50, 261],
+      [69, 37],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [-35, 35],
+      [-53, 8],
+      [-119, -22],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-178, 37],
+      [-1240, -197],
+      [-123, -5],
+      [-75, 12],
+      [-82, 25],
+      [-116, 65],
+      [-66, 56],
+      [-70, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38022, 28533],
+      [-170, 387],
+      [11, 69],
+      [34, 11],
+      [49, 47],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [140, 44],
+      [37, 3],
+      [78, 36],
+      [69, 15],
+      [29, -32],
+      [75, -11],
+      [11, -30],
+      [32, -18],
+      [91, 0],
+      [1, 33],
+      [79, 40],
+      [29, -26],
+      [-5, -49],
+      [63, -41],
+      [65, -18],
+      [102, 21],
+      [13, 39],
+      [40, 15],
+      [-3, 88],
+      [210, 21],
+      [212, 53],
+      [42, 22],
+      [4, -47],
+      [158, 50],
+      [105, 41],
+      [10, 24],
+      [53, -24],
+      [53, 54],
+      [9, 56],
+      [69, 63],
+      [21, 43],
+      [-48, 44],
+      [83, 67],
+      [8, 83],
+      [15, 39],
+      [-43, 22],
+      [-26, -49],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [-35, 76],
+      [32, 1],
+      [91, 31],
+      [51, 28],
+      [7, 46],
+      [38, 43],
+      [45, 133],
+      [17, 24],
+      [56, 30],
+      [48, 13],
+      [36, -12],
+      [105, 26],
+      [43, 88],
+      [47, 75],
+      [7, 31],
+      [36, 57],
+      [-53, 67],
+      [-16, 58],
+      [-30, 32],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [6, 63],
+      [16, 29],
+      [11, 82],
+      [-83, 39],
+      [13, 31],
+      [-10, 98],
+      [15, 24],
+      [-37, 93],
+      [-56, 47],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-39, -14],
+      [-12, 80],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [-19, 67],
+      [-31, 62],
+      [-12, 86],
+      [-44, 69],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-22, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [46766, 33907],
+      [167, 112],
+      [-85, 59],
+      [-49, 68],
+      [-31, 19],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-43, 19],
+      [-117, 70],
+      [-22, -62],
+      [30, -21],
+      [-29, -69],
+      [17, -29],
+      [56, -11],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [83, -13],
+      [71, -48],
+      [-1, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42699, 7153],
+      [-9, -94],
+      [-25, -54],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-75, -19],
+      [-63, -43],
+      [-54, -70],
+      [-85, -37],
+      [-22, -67],
+      [-51, -50],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [0, -29],
+      [-36, -70],
+      [-43, -105],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-67, -15],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-49, -14],
+      [-55, -56],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [-60, -21],
+      [-81, -15],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-11, -24],
+      [-88, -33],
+      [-84, -68],
+      [20, -78],
+      [49, -74],
+      [28, -76],
+      [22, -93],
+      [103, -246],
+      [4, -89],
+      [-71, -124],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [-56, -38],
+      [-16, -135],
+      [11, -46],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-56, -26],
+      [-100, -15],
+      [-68, -27],
+      [-54, 13],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-69, 4],
+      [-29, -16],
+      [-43, -53],
+      [-73, -2],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-115, -95],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-78, -67],
+      [-15, -64],
+      [19, -37],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-99, -118],
+      [-10, -119],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [20, -57],
+      [68, -59],
+      [15, -41],
+      [43, -32],
+      [55, -75],
+      [27, -324],
+      [50, -147],
+      [-75, -19],
+      [-4, -64],
+      [-60, -39],
+      [-64, 24],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [-3, -98],
+      [-32, -22],
+      [-6, -27],
+      [-80, -26],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-82, 4],
+      [9, -36],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [15, -47],
+      [-22, -56],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [70, -80],
+      [134, -52],
+      [129, -67],
+      [19, -194],
+      [25, -38],
+      [-47, -93],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [37, -64],
+      [65, -19],
+      [36, -52],
+      [-18, -50],
+      [-20, -95],
+      [3, -31],
+      [39, 10],
+      [50, -7],
+      [43, -43],
+      [94, -5],
+      [78, 24],
+      [40, -62],
+      [50, -48],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [86, -2],
+      [58, 13],
+      [-12, -90],
+      [48, -36],
+      [21, 1],
+      [72, -63],
+      [41, 20],
+      [25, -7],
+      [38, -64],
+      [-25, -63],
+      [20, -138],
+      [132, 60],
+      [30, -32],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [18, -32],
+      [-49, -20],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [17, -76],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [5, -30],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-41, -85],
+      [-46, -41],
+      [-72, -25],
+      [-34, 7],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-77, -167],
+      [0, -93],
+      [29, -65],
+      [-23, -53],
+      [-58, -63],
+      [-22, -61],
+      [-40, 0],
+      [-30, -58],
+      [1, -38],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-5, -35],
+      [33, -69],
+      [-28, -62],
+      [-12, -53],
+      [-50, -112],
+      [47, -32],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [-88, -76],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-67, 11],
+      [-62, 20],
+      [-64, 48],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [23, 33],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [40, 170],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [-47, 66],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-69, -59],
+      [-52, 24],
+      [-34, -24],
+      [13, -24],
+      [-36, -43],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-41, 48],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-35, 28],
+      [8, 56],
+      [-76, 51],
+      [-98, 37],
+      [-41, -21],
+      [-86, -21],
+      [-97, -71],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-41, -26],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-71, 17],
+      [-111, -77],
+      [7, 154],
+      [20, 86],
+      [86, 145],
+      [74, 105],
+      [83, 131],
+      [33, 35],
+      [72, 29],
+      [66, 59],
+      [-49, 67],
+      [-57, -59],
+      [-33, 52],
+      [-23, 100],
+      [-1, 123],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [-32, 91],
+      [-32, 61],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-22, 91],
+      [28, 63],
+      [9, 86],
+      [-66, 101],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-41, 71],
+      [-32, 82],
+      [-91, 1],
+      [-33, 55],
+      [-116, 130],
+      [-49, 122],
+      [10, 86],
+      [48, 96],
+      [-3, 263],
+      [-41, 86],
+      [-81, -26],
+      [-123, -22],
+      [-46, 50],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-61, 35],
+      [-36, 86],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-59, 51],
+      [-56, 67],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-51, 79],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-9, 76],
+      [-35, 4],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [-68, 21],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [-50, -16],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [-34, 42],
+      [-50, -24],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [-112, 15],
+      [-64, 16],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [0, -48],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [17, 45],
+      [29, 133],
+      [49, 208],
+      [151, 224],
+      [20, 57],
+      [79, 34],
+      [105, 34],
+      [78, 109],
+      [29, 71],
+      [10, 74],
+      [22, 78],
+      [36, -22],
+      [36, 65],
+      [-83, 55],
+      [71, 100],
+      [126, -58],
+      [22, 38],
+      [117, 229],
+      [-5, 142],
+      [-28, 144],
+      [-61, 2],
+      [-64, 82],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-89, 126],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-44, 90],
+      [-45, 20],
+      [-28, 57],
+      [-127, 84],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-25, -52],
+      [-109, 1],
+      [-115, -15],
+      [-79, 46],
+      [-118, 90],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [-72, 23],
+      [-43, 40],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-183, 354],
+      [-239, -241],
+      [-128, -252],
+      [-196, 60],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [-57, 60],
+      [-13, 85],
+      [-64, 13],
+      [-76, -32],
+      [-31, 27],
+      [-133, 49],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-43, 69],
+      [-96, 95],
+      [-81, -21],
+      [-134, -8],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-92, -24],
+      [-104, 0],
+      [-38, 102],
+      [9, 95],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-67, 49],
+      [-28, 61],
+      [-56, 41],
+      [-67, 76],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [20, 33],
+      [77, 50],
+      [0, 71],
+      [36, 4],
+      [7, 28],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-79, -1],
+      [-92, 39],
+      [11, 33],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [-77, -23],
+      [-64, 54],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [-31, 204],
+      [-78, 119],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-69, 30],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [-23, 103],
+      [-140, 102],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-36, 103],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [-24, 66],
+      [-25, 126],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [-50, 37],
+      [-65, 16],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-64, -36],
+      [-80, 23],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-51, 18],
+      [-75, 44],
+      [-74, 23],
+      [-115, 2],
+      [-93, 32],
+      [-36, 22],
+      [-33, 67],
+      [-5, 103],
+      [-27, 66],
+      [-43, 3],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-115, 40],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-54, 52],
+      [-13, 75],
+      [46, 70],
+      [27, 9],
+      [2, 53],
+      [105, 64],
+      [-81, 214],
+      [-101, 138],
+      [-74, 87],
+      [-31, 51],
+      [-7, 83],
+      [-80, 130],
+      [19, 40],
+      [58, 41],
+      [61, 30],
+      [20, 100],
+      [28, 28],
+      [5, 123],
+      [25, 74],
+      [133, 31],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [27, 42],
+      [0, 45],
+      [64, 26],
+      [23, 56],
+      [42, 54],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [8, 47],
+      [-5, 76],
+      [7, 99],
+      [-35, 122],
+      [39, 69],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [74, 74],
+      [-42, 137],
+      [8, 79],
+      [-16, 92],
+      [3, 58],
+      [-33, 88],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [19, 55],
+      [57, 79],
+      [53, 56],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [-84, 107],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [52, 79],
+      [16, 42],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-47, 53],
+      [-50, 38],
+      [-17, 57],
+      [4, 44],
+      [46, 72],
+      [-21, 32],
+      [-20, 92],
+      [24, 47],
+      [56, 42],
+      [34, 68],
+      [-17, 59],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [14, 47],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-85, 54],
+      [-44, 68],
+      [12, 31],
+      [-42, 76],
+      [-53, 37],
+      [-87, -20],
+      [-18, 30],
+      [-92, -21],
+      [-50, -31],
+      [-86, -14],
+      [-59, -46],
+      [-77, 6],
+      [-87, -39],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-48, 12],
+      [-31, -12],
+      [-48, -66],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [-68, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33612, 14440],
+      [42, 33],
+      [25, 64],
+      [116, 12],
+      [50, 31],
+      [33, -7],
+      [50, 19],
+      [55, 0],
+      [33, 24],
+      [109, 51],
+      [45, 1],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [15, 27],
+      [-36, 54],
+      [-43, 129],
+      [18, 60],
+      [-36, 73],
+      [16, 46],
+      [33, 52],
+      [16, 51],
+      [40, 31],
+      [0, 68],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [24, 35],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [51, 12],
+      [15, 69],
+      [70, 68],
+      [69, 8],
+      [32, 31],
+      [91, -55],
+      [10, -26],
+      [80, -36],
+      [34, -1],
+      [48, 19],
+      [79, -6],
+      [37, 11],
+      [68, 39],
+      [65, -43],
+      [53, -94],
+      [32, 1],
+      [90, -75],
+      [105, 13],
+      [48, -6],
+      [124, 25],
+      [47, 46],
+      [74, 18],
+      [83, -35],
+      [14, -42],
+      [25, -12],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [21, -62],
+      [4, -47],
+      [53, -29],
+      [81, -5],
+      [142, 53],
+      [82, 52],
+      [29, 62],
+      [69, 50],
+      [26, 38],
+      [58, 18],
+      [20, 20],
+      [81, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40275, 3341],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-137, 21],
+      [-29, -102],
+      [-8, -63],
+      [-66, -139],
+      [-7, -89],
+      [110, -30],
+      [27, -30],
+      [92, -3],
+      [15, 44],
+      [6, 86],
+      [26, 61],
+      [-27, 18],
+      [-13, 79],
+      [2, 76],
+      [14, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39714, 22422],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-94, -70],
+      [-48, -8],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [-26, 1],
+      [-61, -60],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-23, -42],
+      [-106, -18],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [1, -34],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-32, -59],
+      [-88, -59],
+      [-79, -17],
+      [-64, 19],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [0, -57],
+      [-38, -54],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-37, -65],
+      [-47, 56],
+      [-24, 58],
+      [17, 183],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [0, 59],
+      [17, 77],
+      [-11, 73],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [-39, -37],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [-87, -37],
+      [-80, 185],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [30, 34],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [16, 61],
+      [3, 73],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [-5, 42],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-79, 25],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-74, -56],
+      [-96, -39],
+      [-80, -121],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-113, 43],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [-47, 104],
+      [2, 29],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [-58, -28],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [-69, -17],
+      [-102, -61],
+      [-41, -12],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-21, -36],
+      [-88, -4],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-81, -64],
+      [-65, -69],
+      [0, -29],
+      [-67, -48],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-52, 77],
+      [-54, 34],
+      [-41, 118],
+      [51, 79],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [-43, 112],
+      [-3, 56],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-77, -32],
+      [-42, 14],
+      [-100, -23],
+      [-39, -18],
+      [-78, 28],
+      [-80, 19],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [-115, 42],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-66, 13],
+      [-99, 2],
+      [-75, 11],
+      [-54, 46],
+      [-257, -11],
+      [-12, 337],
+      [-31, 136],
+      [40, 145],
+      [-14, 91],
+      [-80, 69],
+      [-196, 65],
+      [-152, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36472, 27379],
+      [-11, 114],
+      [-73, 51],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [-36, 130],
+      [13, 35],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [60, 51],
+      [27, 40],
+      [88, 160],
+      [72, 13],
+      [39, 22],
+      [5, 69],
+      [43, 16],
+      [53, -38],
+      [40, 53],
+      [52, 11],
+      [316, 165],
+      [486, 146],
+      [216, 76],
+      [201, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32918, 35612],
+      [48, -23],
+      [59, -4],
+      [79, 19],
+      [140, 68],
+      [82, 31],
+      [107, -5],
+      [64, 34],
+      [87, 71],
+      [32, 14],
+      [67, -17],
+      [49, 8],
+      [45, 41],
+      [63, 31],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-72, 114],
+      [-72, -19],
+      [-30, -35],
+      [-75, -14],
+      [-114, -5],
+      [-28, 76],
+      [-57, 8],
+      [10, 87],
+      [-17, 48],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-5, 101],
+      [93, -2],
+      [65, 33],
+      [39, 64],
+      [48, 14],
+      [41, 67],
+      [14, 86],
+      [55, -31],
+      [17, 22],
+      [51, 6],
+      [63, -11],
+      [134, 56],
+      [37, -2],
+      [31, 36],
+      [-1, 63],
+      [26, 27],
+      [57, 4],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [34, 31],
+      [-7, 61],
+      [11, 75],
+      [68, 11],
+      [65, -53],
+      [81, 4],
+      [68, -21],
+      [28, 2],
+      [-3, -95],
+      [56, 15],
+      [19, -39],
+      [83, 4],
+      [98, -18],
+      [18, -52],
+      [37, -53],
+      [12, -53],
+      [86, 10],
+      [25, -96],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [1, -77],
+      [-34, -65],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [19, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34751, 36253],
+      [-36, -5],
+      [-61, -56],
+      [1, -37],
+      [-72, -48],
+      [-38, 9],
+      [-88, -54],
+      [-53, -55],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [22, -75],
+      [-46, -26],
+      [29, -28],
+      [24, -57],
+      [-33, -56],
+      [57, -17],
+      [68, 11],
+      [26, -15],
+      [-3, -59],
+      [-61, -28],
+      [44, -42],
+      [46, -71],
+      [18, -51],
+      [12, -96],
+      [12, -35],
+      [37, -49],
+      [35, -13],
+      [51, 46],
+      [91, 162],
+      [22, 77],
+      [6, 72],
+      [31, 91],
+      [40, 27],
+      [49, 8],
+      [19, 48],
+      [-25, 65],
+      [-15, 87],
+      [14, 63],
+      [25, 44],
+      [72, 56],
+      [90, 29],
+      [38, 46],
+      [-9, 77],
+      [19, 85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35187, 36378],
+      [102, 109],
+      [23, 75],
+      [-11, 65],
+      [-63, 122],
+      [-34, 136],
+      [-3, 93],
+      [-20, 118],
+      [5, 44],
+      [76, 55],
+      [16, 28],
+      [19, 78],
+      [47, 31],
+      [64, -52],
+      [23, -67],
+      [-4, -56],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [-70, -5],
+      [-35, -39],
+      [26, -41],
+      [38, -14],
+      [106, 15],
+      [56, 22],
+      [45, 40],
+      [23, 37],
+      [53, 144],
+      [-12, 77],
+      [-115, 122],
+      [-64, 43],
+      [-23, -15],
+      [-53, 53],
+      [-26, 62],
+      [-8, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35327, 37666],
+      [24, 76],
+      [21, -12],
+      [22, 88],
+      [35, 46],
+      [24, -13],
+      [32, -53],
+      [32, -3],
+      [76, 51],
+      [13, 69],
+      [-42, 175],
+      [7, 32],
+      [174, 39],
+      [52, 26],
+      [59, -17],
+      [109, -95],
+      [65, -49],
+      [59, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36089, 38012],
+      [80, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36169, 37992],
+      [3, -67],
+      [-23, -91],
+      [17, -47],
+      [104, -68],
+      [8, -63],
+      [1, -118],
+      [26, -34],
+      [10, -56],
+      [24, -15],
+      [60, -78],
+      [18, -72],
+      [68, -41],
+      [69, -7],
+      [70, -73],
+      [71, -44],
+      [29, 34],
+      [41, 16],
+      [41, -53],
+      [84, 1],
+      [15, 25],
+      [66, -5],
+      [71, -34],
+      [107, 26],
+      [5, -54],
+      [51, -23],
+      [14, 44],
+      [52, 32],
+      [85, 25],
+      [18, 39],
+      [34, 13],
+      [31, 48],
+      [55, 34],
+      [52, -6],
+      [46, -22],
+      [31, 45],
+      [52, 30],
+      [40, 53],
+      [15, 61],
+      [0, 54],
+      [26, 94],
+      [60, -14],
+      [143, 10],
+      [-4, -92],
+      [20, -5],
+      [-9, -111],
+      [8, -56],
+      [68, -12],
+      [62, -39],
+      [84, -16],
+      [70, -40],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [26, -72],
+      [-15, -59],
+      [-71, -129],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [-32, 11],
+      [-63, -49],
+      [-19, -98],
+      [16, -41],
+      [4, -83],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-39, -48],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [-1, -71],
+      [-14, -72],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [13, -38],
+      [-82, 30],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [-65, 19],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [22, 107],
+      [-40, 3],
+      [-98, 64],
+      [-131, 49],
+      [-99, 60],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-74, 60],
+      [-36, 67],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [9, -64],
+      [-12, -31],
+      [3, -65],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-40, -25],
+      [-10, -76],
+      [35, -14],
+      [1, -56],
+      [79, -101],
+      [-10, -78],
+      [13, -71],
+      [100, 11],
+      [83, 0],
+      [70, -13],
+      [518, -185],
+      [-47, -6],
+      [-20, -47],
+      [69, -21],
+      [-19, -91],
+      [44, -14],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [86, -29],
+      [36, 0],
+      [10, 36],
+      [31, -11],
+      [56, 22],
+      [82, -28],
+      [16, 47],
+      [102, -45],
+      [5, -118],
+      [39, 20],
+      [37, -6],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [88, 7],
+      [2, -57],
+      [-68, -2],
+      [-71, -27],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-81, 11],
+      [-33, -5],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [37, -79],
+      [27, -123],
+      [23, -62],
+      [73, -74],
+      [-8, -43],
+      [24, -7],
+      [-5, -85],
+      [88, -29],
+      [113, 3],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [174, 0],
+      [75, -23],
+      [74, -34],
+      [46, 37],
+      [38, -30],
+      [139, -48],
+      [13, -32],
+      [-4, -42],
+      [-28, -55],
+      [17, -40],
+      [-3, -85],
+      [14, -109],
+      [-51, -145],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [12, -129],
+      [-10, -119],
+      [53, -10],
+      [12, -57],
+      [-165, -69],
+      [-7, -99],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [36, -24],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [21, -30],
+      [76, -8],
+      [18, -104],
+      [49, -29],
+      [-2, -62],
+      [32, -37],
+      [33, -67],
+      [42, -23],
+      [44, -52],
+      [29, -65],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-39, -52],
+      [58, -95],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [54, -43],
+      [106, -8],
+      [41, -29],
+      [68, 12],
+      [55, -2],
+      [26, -22],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-60, 32],
+      [-53, -11],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [-45, -33],
+      [-41, 51],
+      [-38, -58],
+      [12, -33],
+      [80, -38],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [35, -111],
+      [-19, -51],
+      [2, -59],
+      [-23, -16],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-65, -88],
+      [-15, -56],
+      [49, -22],
+      [57, 9],
+      [54, -31],
+      [72, -9],
+      [68, -52],
+      [24, -52],
+      [67, -67],
+      [47, -19],
+      [70, -57],
+      [27, -36],
+      [0, -36],
+      [-46, -82],
+      [45, -78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36169, 37992],
+      [37, 8],
+      [85, 50],
+      [71, 63],
+      [52, 73],
+      [35, 20],
+      [119, -47],
+      [69, -57],
+      [44, -16],
+      [83, 0],
+      [50, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36814, 38110],
+      [56, 28],
+      [80, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36950, 38151],
+      [78, 3],
+      [90, -30],
+      [81, -12],
+      [56, 1],
+      [88, -26],
+      [100, -54],
+      [70, -56],
+      [47, -60],
+      [143, -90],
+      [54, -26],
+      [53, -11],
+      [46, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37856, 37799],
+      [74, 50],
+      [49, 7],
+      [61, -27],
+      [94, 19],
+      [128, -57],
+      [41, -5],
+      [78, -52],
+      [50, -59],
+      [20, -85],
+      [23, -20],
+      [64, -18],
+      [99, -53],
+      [-111, -171],
+      [41, -25],
+      [31, 3],
+      [83, -22],
+      [37, 78],
+      [61, 44],
+      [23, -1],
+      [73, -42],
+      [39, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38914, 37378],
+      [21, 6],
+      [77, -19],
+      [50, -30],
+      [78, -69],
+      [55, -25],
+      [35, -2],
+      [161, 70],
+      [160, 43],
+      [76, 35],
+      [60, 10],
+      [54, -3],
+      [63, 17],
+      [78, 85],
+      [61, 34],
+      [175, 68],
+      [132, 94],
+      [62, 67],
+      [59, 40],
+      [256, 126],
+      [93, 52],
+      [120, 45],
+      [88, 0],
+      [103, -25],
+      [194, -56],
+      [133, -30],
+      [140, -24],
+      [133, -14],
+      [158, -6],
+      [125, -27],
+      [37, -18],
+      [179, -149],
+      [220, -67],
+      [65, -29],
+      [34, 0],
+      [115, 61],
+      [51, -9],
+      [64, -26],
+      [29, -60],
+      [130, -138],
+      [12, -24],
+      [64, 18],
+      [32, -18],
+      [123, 53],
+      [205, -41],
+      [426, 26],
+      [152, 19],
+      [27, 32],
+      [106, -2],
+      [158, -59],
+      [2365, -1250],
+      [104, -94],
+      [665, -875]
+    ],
+    [
+      [35327, 37666],
+      [6, 66],
+      [-116, 12],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [-37, -49],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-94, -51],
+      [-90, -69],
+      [-52, 24],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-39, 32],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [4, 39],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-55, -23],
+      [-58, -8],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-15, -35],
+      [37, -132],
+      [-74, 34],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-5, 65],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [15, -51],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [51, -75],
+      [12, -47],
+      [-27, -68],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-80, -21],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [-85, 40],
+      [-61, -16],
+      [-78, 13],
+      [-54, -19],
+      [-73, -5],
+      [1, -64],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-41, 55],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-32, 4],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [10, 37],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-53, 17],
+      [-45, -20],
+      [5, -36],
+      [53, -28],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-38, -28],
+      [-44, -12],
+      [16, -36],
+      [32, 2],
+      [-22, -53],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-39, 45],
+      [-45, 141],
+      [45, 154],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-49, -53],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [-42, 5],
+      [-72, -23],
+      [-87, 71],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [-17, 43],
+      [-44, 54],
+      [-111, 96],
+      [-115, -14],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-88, 159],
+      [10, 42],
+      [42, 57],
+      [89, 15],
+      [29, 61],
+      [33, 23],
+      [-35, 87],
+      [-83, 127],
+      [-74, 24],
+      [-24, 50],
+      [46, 83],
+      [83, 94],
+      [38, 70],
+      [40, -14],
+      [69, 45],
+      [10, -8],
+      [75, 67],
+      [46, 60],
+      [39, 20],
+      [47, 52],
+      [50, 40],
+      [30, 3],
+      [98, -15],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [4, 74],
+      [33, 41],
+      [-9, 28],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-31, 55],
+      [-21, 101],
+      [13, 41],
+      [68, 54],
+      [2, 115],
+      [20, 36],
+      [73, 30],
+      [55, 55],
+      [33, 112],
+      [47, 85],
+      [112, 86],
+      [34, 54],
+      [66, 46],
+      [26, -31],
+      [59, -20],
+      [40, 35],
+      [52, 24],
+      [97, 20],
+      [10, 33],
+      [81, -60],
+      [51, -56],
+      [22, 68],
+      [61, 84],
+      [80, 1],
+      [42, 36],
+      [77, 35],
+      [121, 42],
+      [33, 21],
+      [45, -15],
+      [70, -64],
+      [23, -3],
+      [-5, -55],
+      [42, 9],
+      [106, 41],
+      [44, 27],
+      [-18, 69],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [7, 52],
+      [-172, 60],
+      [6, 81],
+      [1, 117],
+      [17, 63],
+      [56, 62],
+      [31, -45],
+      [37, -4],
+      [37, -88],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [61, 11],
+      [105, 52],
+      [68, -80],
+      [72, 75],
+      [35, 12],
+      [141, -22],
+      [33, -14],
+      [62, -59],
+      [-9, -47],
+      [57, -24],
+      [-22, -120],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-9, -64],
+      [50, -119],
+      [61, -18],
+      [-31, -110],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [0, -43],
+      [75, -77],
+      [36, -92],
+      [52, -24],
+      [31, 42],
+      [112, 101],
+      [28, -19],
+      [41, 54],
+      [-29, 32],
+      [53, 38],
+      [48, 61],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [26, 148],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-50, 60],
+      [4, 71],
+      [16, 81],
+      [26, 6],
+      [9, 71],
+      [50, 29],
+      [47, 11],
+      [46, -84],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [66, 0],
+      [39, -28],
+      [31, -55],
+      [47, -2],
+      [80, -38],
+      [17, 22],
+      [53, -63],
+      [13, -65],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [73, -77],
+      [-68, -59],
+      [43, -109],
+      [26, -141],
+      [81, -53],
+      [34, 18],
+      [23, 61],
+      [33, 11],
+      [72, 72],
+      [35, -11],
+      [60, 46],
+      [62, -22],
+      [35, -25],
+      [79, -17],
+      [47, -54],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [162, -121],
+      [4, -78],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-70, 1],
+      [-44, -14],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-27, -35],
+      [-18, -60],
+      [-75, -49],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [-40, -126],
+      [35, -49],
+      [55, -124],
+      [48, 2],
+      [42, -32],
+      [111, -34],
+      [44, -44],
+      [-54, -93],
+      [-15, -85],
+      [-35, -105],
+      [-27, -118],
+      [21, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [36814, 38110],
+      [-3, 87],
+      [-83, 28],
+      [6, 110],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-15, 74],
+      [-42, 115],
+      [-45, 36],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-15, -25],
+      [-103, -42],
+      [8, -46],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [18, 37],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-39, -8],
+      [-38, -34],
+      [-90, 48],
+      [18, -112],
+      [101, -61],
+      [38, -138],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-2, -45],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-114, -16],
+      [-2, -37],
+      [58, -27],
+      [-8, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34751, 36253],
+      [48, -45],
+      [41, 19],
+      [31, -6],
+      [34, -45],
+      [32, 23],
+      [74, -13],
+      [23, 74],
+      [46, 39],
+      [45, 12],
+      [19, 78],
+      [43, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [37856, 37799],
+      [-33, 96],
+      [32, 88],
+      [12, 74],
+      [43, 77],
+      [39, 6],
+      [32, -13],
+      [63, 37],
+      [-50, 65],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-86, 18],
+      [13, 66],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [-81, 51],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-101, 22],
+      [-74, 5],
+      [-65, 19],
+      [4, 47],
+      [24, 19],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [19, 25],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [-8, 57],
+      [66, 26],
+      [25, 33],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [59, -23],
+      [39, 93],
+      [40, 4],
+      [69, 50],
+      [98, -34],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [-35, 116],
+      [40, 32],
+      [108, 21],
+      [-6, -50],
+      [19, -71],
+      [48, -16],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [-56, -33],
+      [38, -26],
+      [56, -18],
+      [51, -71],
+      [27, -53],
+      [91, 21],
+      [3, -34],
+      [-88, -76],
+      [45, -18],
+      [19, -29],
+      [84, 18],
+      [47, 55],
+      [94, -36],
+      [68, -33],
+      [1, -53],
+      [33, -106],
+      [85, 31],
+      [85, -15],
+      [41, 22],
+      [55, 3],
+      [62, -32],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [37, -67],
+      [32, -27],
+      [-23, -52],
+      [-45, -18],
+      [-66, 8],
+      [3, 52],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-40, -39],
+      [-29, 45],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [53, -3],
+      [39, -38],
+      [-18, -72],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-31, -46],
+      [-7, -90],
+      [76, -18],
+      [57, 1],
+      [98, -90],
+      [37, -85],
+      [37, -31],
+      [36, -198],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-2, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12071, 27423],
+      [-39, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12032, 27422],
+      [-66, 23],
+      [-69, -18],
+      [-53, 13],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [-19, 50],
+      [21, 28],
+      [150, 96],
+      [130, 66],
+      [26, 34],
+      [27, 74],
+      [56, -10],
+      [32, 12],
+      [-4, 98],
+      [20, 57],
+      [44, 57],
+      [26, 95],
+      [36, 17],
+      [41, 52],
+      [43, 18],
+      [32, 46],
+      [92, 61],
+      [31, 36],
+      [76, 51],
+      [40, 70],
+      [61, 12],
+      [93, 44],
+      [35, 34],
+      [40, 65],
+      [4, 55],
+      [50, 42],
+      [62, 16],
+      [54, 2],
+      [40, 69],
+      [4, 69],
+      [57, 26],
+      [61, 56],
+      [39, 14],
+      [12, 26],
+      [-48, 70],
+      [-63, 66],
+      [-9, 77],
+      [36, 45],
+      [22, 65],
+      [4, 69],
+      [-18, 52],
+      [26, 86],
+      [-91, 185],
+      [3, 40],
+      [-57, 80],
+      [-5, 29],
+      [45, 37],
+      [63, 68],
+      [49, 15],
+      [53, 2],
+      [76, -19],
+      [87, 24],
+      [64, -28],
+      [36, 44],
+      [6, 60],
+      [96, -19],
+      [57, 24],
+      [35, 1],
+      [43, -20],
+      [33, 3],
+      [35, 32],
+      [58, 82],
+      [54, -6],
+      [31, 36],
+      [16, 107],
+      [33, 24],
+      [37, 112],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [-32, 67],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [9, 86],
+      [83, 17],
+      [132, 16],
+      [62, 16],
+      [41, 28],
+      [134, -39],
+      [23, 2],
+      [151, 160],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [30, 42],
+      [62, 21],
+      [34, 88],
+      [-78, 60],
+      [-89, 15],
+      [9, 45],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-15, 70],
+      [3, 41],
+      [-26, 56],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-91, 58],
+      [-110, -18],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [-3, 102],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-123, 25],
+      [-27, 47],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [-58, -93],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-74, -54],
+      [-51, -25],
+      [-100, 11],
+      [-67, -11],
+      [-105, -63],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-80, -30],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-41, -20],
+      [-62, -4],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-81, -17],
+      [-43, -30],
+      [-102, -3],
+      [-27, 18],
+      [-121, -66],
+      [-65, 2],
+      [-48, 44],
+      [-169, 39],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [-50, 18],
+      [-11, -40],
+      [-157, -87],
+      [-50, 4],
+      [1, 106],
+      [41, 69],
+      [18, 91],
+      [15, 36],
+      [-18, 111],
+      [70, 78],
+      [93, 65],
+      [13, 47],
+      [94, 8],
+      [84, 50],
+      [25, 22],
+      [23, 64],
+      [-31, 28],
+      [2, 63],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [69, 13],
+      [1, 40],
+      [23, 73],
+      [-2, 54],
+      [34, 26],
+      [12, -32],
+      [62, 16],
+      [41, -4],
+      [135, 9],
+      [33, 112],
+      [9, 83],
+      [-6, 131],
+      [-14, 182],
+      [3, 46],
+      [21, 12],
+      [69, 2],
+      [105, 25],
+      [35, -29],
+      [83, 41],
+      [33, 37],
+      [54, 193],
+      [42, 1],
+      [100, 42],
+      [41, -22],
+      [81, -4],
+      [77, 34],
+      [42, 58],
+      [41, 34],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [-53, 10],
+      [10, 67],
+      [41, 45],
+      [-21, 61],
+      [10, 46],
+      [-117, -17],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [31, 63],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-25, 65],
+      [29, 95],
+      [0, 120],
+      [-34, 132],
+      [30, 30],
+      [101, 50],
+      [105, 70],
+      [218, 74],
+      [64, -2],
+      [36, -60],
+      [19, 4],
+      [69, -48],
+      [32, 1],
+      [4, -35],
+      [101, 20],
+      [65, -49],
+      [40, -19],
+      [111, 5],
+      [28, -16],
+      [124, -45],
+      [6, -53],
+      [31, -32],
+      [86, 32],
+      [135, 101],
+      [37, 14],
+      [77, -23],
+      [167, 17],
+      [42, 24],
+      [144, 129],
+      [20, 26],
+      [30, -19],
+      [119, -24],
+      [177, -112],
+      [40, -65],
+      [52, -50],
+      [39, -13],
+      [51, 2],
+      [17, -15],
+      [76, 7],
+      [36, 14],
+      [124, 16],
+      [136, 48],
+      [76, 15],
+      [26, -59],
+      [-116, -50],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [-46, -75],
+      [-30, -107],
+      [-96, -196],
+      [21, -40],
+      [-2, -99],
+      [-8, -46],
+      [-50, -170],
+      [-57, -146],
+      [71, -1],
+      [226, -80],
+      [34, -32],
+      [9, -42],
+      [55, -5],
+      [76, 6],
+      [14, -13],
+      [73, 38],
+      [111, 40],
+      [35, 23],
+      [78, 4],
+      [59, -26],
+      [28, -32],
+      [45, -78],
+      [-17, -55],
+      [20, -41],
+      [64, -15],
+      [26, -26],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [14, -89],
+      [53, 48],
+      [61, 35],
+      [194, 53],
+      [55, 57],
+      [83, 60],
+      [19, 36],
+      [44, 13],
+      [52, -9],
+      [54, -28],
+      [42, 47],
+      [62, 16],
+      [22, 40],
+      [63, 10],
+      [75, -20],
+      [24, 12],
+      [122, 3],
+      [51, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19746, 31805],
+      [38, -13],
+      [64, -39],
+      [24, -35],
+      [81, -41],
+      [26, -48],
+      [116, -40],
+      [62, -3],
+      [149, 25],
+      [104, -33],
+      [97, 19],
+      [52, 21],
+      [161, 11],
+      [178, -3],
+      [12, -46],
+      [-39, -73],
+      [0, -22],
+      [83, -48],
+      [70, -17],
+      [8, -47],
+      [78, 9],
+      [24, -89],
+      [-61, -113],
+      [29, -53],
+      [78, -3],
+      [97, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11044, 18669],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-60, -53],
+      [-18, -34],
+      [8, -53],
+      [-90, -111],
+      [-110, -67],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-42, 65],
+      [22, 23],
+      [-32, 60],
+      [-81, 44],
+      [-41, 73],
+      [53, 97],
+      [85, 18],
+      [9, 33],
+      [74, 80],
+      [40, 30],
+      [63, 140],
+      [42, -40],
+      [36, 35],
+      [54, -47],
+      [45, -24],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [-11, -142],
+      [5, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11866, 19399],
+      [39, 84],
+      [41, -22],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [42, -6],
+      [24, -29],
+      [14, -57],
+      [39, -28],
+      [-8, -54],
+      [14, -17],
+      [64, -7],
+      [56, -82],
+      [65, -25],
+      [33, -29],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [58, -43],
+      [26, -41],
+      [-212, -341],
+      [9, -44],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [33, -19],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-35, -13],
+      [-62, 29],
+      [-69, 8],
+      [-105, 57],
+      [-77, 67],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-147, -13],
+      [-56, -21],
+      [-75, -97],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-68, 0],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-91, -25],
+      [-23, 31],
+      [-37, 18],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [42, 33],
+      [33, 97],
+      [61, -34],
+      [42, 22],
+      [36, 35],
+      [26, -30],
+      [61, 42],
+      [55, -4],
+      [23, 27],
+      [-12, 37],
+      [75, 82],
+      [34, 74],
+      [46, 46],
+      [27, 56],
+      [-12, 28],
+      [15, 33],
+      [33, 24],
+      [65, 77],
+      [53, 33],
+      [48, 49],
+      [54, 107],
+      [-29, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12129, 22211],
+      [211, -279],
+      [133, -184],
+      [40, -35],
+      [85, -59],
+      [35, -55],
+      [22, 19],
+      [22, -35],
+      [51, 41],
+      [136, -189],
+      [-69, -37],
+      [10, -15],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-29, 48],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-56, -41],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [-62, -19],
+      [61, -76],
+      [218, 96],
+      [38, -59],
+      [28, 3],
+      [29, -56],
+      [32, -28],
+      [24, 8],
+      [40, -100],
+      [22, 8],
+      [24, -35],
+      [-136, -105],
+      [-137, -189],
+      [-36, -93],
+      [-6, -115],
+      [-28, -70],
+      [37, -106],
+      [0, -43],
+      [42, -107],
+      [-39, -71],
+      [-39, -52],
+      [85, -68],
+      [60, 71],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [69, 64],
+      [33, -38],
+      [66, 7],
+      [10, -31],
+      [44, -37],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-39, -30],
+      [-30, -69],
+      [-50, -22],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-59, -145],
+      [10, -48],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [-50, -45],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-35, 47],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-79, 1],
+      [10, -31],
+      [-64, -19],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [-81, 20],
+      [-115, -61],
+      [-103, 58],
+      [-33, 30],
+      [-59, 19],
+      [-40, 53],
+      [25, 43],
+      [-62, 56],
+      [-132, -81],
+      [17, -34],
+      [-26, -30],
+      [-71, -44],
+      [-47, 45],
+      [-33, -56],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [-43, -31],
+      [-67, 42],
+      [-32, -75],
+      [-53, 68],
+      [-44, 29],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-40, 21],
+      [13, 27],
+      [-61, 66],
+      [-56, 44],
+      [-89, -57],
+      [-65, 57],
+      [-134, 157],
+      [-79, -87],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [35, 84],
+      [116, 117],
+      [-43, 72],
+      [-70, -53],
+      [-25, 38],
+      [-127, 127],
+      [-335, 383],
+      [503, 512]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10985, 21054],
+      [321, 322],
+      [542, 552],
+      [281, 283]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17077, 14972],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [-25, -5],
+      [-72, -42],
+      [-39, -46],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-48, -55],
+      [-16, -33],
+      [-93, -129],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [-88, 144],
+      [-4, 35],
+      [-98, 90],
+      [-81, -72],
+      [-67, -86],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-88, -80],
+      [-95, -63],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-61, -33],
+      [-81, 9],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [-41, -30],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [-7, -59],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [-5, -61],
+      [-41, -77],
+      [-10, -92],
+      [-71, -80],
+      [-58, -38],
+      [-51, -83],
+      [-62, -24],
+      [-72, -44],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-46, -52],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-35, -18],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-121, -30],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-60, -1],
+      [-65, 22],
+      [-69, -49],
+      [-32, 11],
+      [-56, 42],
+      [-63, -36],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-62, -51],
+      [-46, -19],
+      [-43, -58],
+      [-49, -48],
+      [-74, -46],
+      [-134, -153],
+      [-22, -54],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-61, -79],
+      [12, -17],
+      [-18, -123],
+      [-35, -95],
+      [-67, -27],
+      [-54, -34],
+      [-75, -30],
+      [-46, -39],
+      [-83, -54],
+      [-71, -19],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [10, 52],
+      [47, 70],
+      [52, 98],
+      [-36, 88],
+      [-68, 75],
+      [-22, 43],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [0, 109],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [10, 59],
+      [-15, 52],
+      [47, 50],
+      [-74, 62],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [2, 26],
+      [-20, 57],
+      [5, 89],
+      [-96, 67],
+      [-29, 63],
+      [-100, 71],
+      [-23, 44],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-38, -26],
+      [-77, 11],
+      [-78, -17],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [-34, 57],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [-68, 23],
+      [-43, 36],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-11, 32],
+      [-34, -6],
+      [-79, 17],
+      [-36, -18],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-25, 8],
+      [14, 75],
+      [22, 38],
+      [-7, 89],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-181, -137],
+      [-28, -47],
+      [-70, -79],
+      [-26, -42],
+      [-81, -72],
+      [-21, -46],
+      [-26, -95],
+      [-73, -16],
+      [-112, 6],
+      [-45, 67],
+      [-35, -7],
+      [-68, 65],
+      [-72, 121],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [-25, 103],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-28, 39],
+      [-61, 49],
+      [-37, 100],
+      [-59, 76],
+      [32, 42],
+      [59, 109],
+      [8, 80],
+      [36, 30],
+      [2, 23],
+      [49, 51],
+      [5, -73],
+      [147, -6],
+      [110, 25],
+      [84, 44],
+      [56, 7],
+      [24, -64],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [49, -25],
+      [-20, -56],
+      [6, -51],
+      [40, 5],
+      [7, 83],
+      [33, 77],
+      [39, 47],
+      [18, 42],
+      [65, 47],
+      [19, 39],
+      [124, 146],
+      [53, 74],
+      [25, -11],
+      [48, 41],
+      [37, 14],
+      [28, -17],
+      [41, 35],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-6, 66],
+      [33, 61],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-67, -35],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [-23, -54],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-67, 105],
+      [-66, -43],
+      [-56, 145],
+      [-63, 104],
+      [-75, 54],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-65, 39],
+      [-15, -19],
+      [-33, 40],
+      [-35, 18],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-33, -69],
+      [-39, -30],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [-75, 22],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-38, 119],
+      [-91, 48],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-34, -56],
+      [22, -55],
+      [-51, 9],
+      [-19, -25],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [-61, 25],
+      [18, 40],
+      [-2, 42],
+      [38, 55],
+      [7, 72],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [36, 132],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-25, 127],
+      [48, 18],
+      [26, 176],
+      [-27, 125],
+      [15, 12],
+      [-6, 55],
+      [12, 72],
+      [-20, 55],
+      [4, 49],
+      [-24, 49],
+      [-28, 5],
+      [-19, 61],
+      [17, 51],
+      [10, 80],
+      [37, 94],
+      [26, 30],
+      [-65, 44],
+      [2, 27],
+      [41, -5],
+      [66, 34],
+      [86, -21],
+      [15, -42],
+      [53, 6],
+      [-17, 29],
+      [48, 53],
+      [67, 132],
+      [40, 46],
+      [33, -15],
+      [27, 49],
+      [38, -15],
+      [29, 22],
+      [76, -35],
+      [-26, -41],
+      [41, -9],
+      [110, -60],
+      [42, 39],
+      [37, 53],
+      [48, -32],
+      [38, 11],
+      [29, 37],
+      [4, 45],
+      [-53, 36],
+      [42, 93],
+      [56, 80],
+      [-103, 75],
+      [-16, 83],
+      [75, 96],
+      [63, -49],
+      [29, 31],
+      [76, 106],
+      [36, -1],
+      [56, 88],
+      [22, -9],
+      [27, 45],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [39, 78],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [29, 61],
+      [28, 16],
+      [33, 67],
+      [63, 76],
+      [44, 30],
+      [58, 62],
+      [89, 24],
+      [26, 30],
+      [28, 61],
+      [110, 135],
+      [69, 62],
+      [14, 24],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [17, 51],
+      [43, 65],
+      [21, 72],
+      [-21, 12],
+      [-21, 76],
+      [-67, 51],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-66, -37],
+      [-57, -19],
+      [-45, 67],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [-47, 53],
+      [44, 78],
+      [38, 34],
+      [76, -58],
+      [38, 44],
+      [62, 91],
+      [60, 74],
+      [43, 30],
+      [-55, 18],
+      [38, 83],
+      [70, 87],
+      [33, 55],
+      [52, 20],
+      [24, -31],
+      [34, -6],
+      [21, 52],
+      [70, 43],
+      [9, 19],
+      [-9, 86],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [58, 85],
+      [36, 43],
+      [40, 28],
+      [8, 32],
+      [-42, 35],
+      [16, 22],
+      [-92, 117],
+      [20, 21],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [41, 54],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [43, 106],
+      [57, 78],
+      [38, -17],
+      [22, -44],
+      [39, -4],
+      [27, -32],
+      [60, -1],
+      [73, -21],
+      [8, 32],
+      [57, 59],
+      [0, 36],
+      [36, 46],
+      [0, 56],
+      [-60, 20],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [13, 41],
+      [-52, 54],
+      [39, 5],
+      [33, 41],
+      [3, 29],
+      [-57, 66],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-27, 25],
+      [13, 26],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [20, 28],
+      [-20, 34],
+      [37, 63],
+      [-48, 51],
+      [30, 105],
+      [97, 103],
+      [32, 55],
+      [-110, 170],
+      [-39, 49],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-35, 66],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [9, -28],
+      [-62, -35],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [40, -87],
+      [13, 2],
+      [37, -73],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [67, -119],
+      [-60, -39],
+      [-62, 123],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [-53, 94],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [10, 43],
+      [-35, 22],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-13, 48],
+      [-42, 79],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [-52, 16],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-29, 47],
+      [71, 60],
+      [13, 24],
+      [-43, 40],
+      [-72, 91],
+      [-336, 402]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12533, 22533],
+      [431, 558]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12964, 23091],
+      [429, -494],
+      [56, -83],
+      [57, -23],
+      [31, -42],
+      [36, -1],
+      [34, 35],
+      [61, -15],
+      [56, -33],
+      [26, -47],
+      [-76, -93],
+      [36, -33],
+      [-43, -52],
+      [56, -60],
+      [20, -38],
+      [58, -59],
+      [67, -79],
+      [176, -179],
+      [-49, -67],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-146, -135],
+      [74, -94],
+      [121, -24],
+      [17, 43],
+      [75, 60],
+      [12, 52],
+      [68, -84],
+      [51, 23],
+      [5, -23],
+      [65, -28],
+      [24, 12],
+      [47, -59],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-63, -124],
+      [91, -94],
+      [39, -20],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [10, -35],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [1, -50],
+      [28, -49],
+      [17, 19],
+      [57, -65],
+      [28, 56],
+      [45, -29],
+      [58, 96],
+      [24, 67],
+      [54, 14],
+      [29, 49],
+      [16, 49],
+      [52, 83],
+      [41, 51],
+      [38, 25],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [36, 29],
+      [28, 56],
+      [-25, 61],
+      [-60, 38],
+      [31, 14],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [-61, -22],
+      [4, 85],
+      [35, 46],
+      [61, 30],
+      [43, 34],
+      [1, 25],
+      [46, 27],
+      [18, 46],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [110, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15128, 22096],
+      [34, 40],
+      [-69, 64],
+      [-50, 80],
+      [-328, 482],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [46, 74],
+      [-12, 151],
+      [-24, 85],
+      [13, 40],
+      [-12, 50],
+      [4, 39],
+      [-19, 40],
+      [28, 19],
+      [-23, 47],
+      [45, 28],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [37, 48],
+      [-37, 44],
+      [-120, 84],
+      [-145, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14455, 23636],
+      [-3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21310, 35539],
+      [35, 14],
+      [27, 88],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [6, 22],
+      [114, 76],
+      [14, 30],
+      [68, -12],
+      [49, -19],
+      [47, 10],
+      [78, -23],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [18, 112],
+      [44, 119],
+      [126, -46],
+      [85, -55],
+      [-11, -74],
+      [17, -29],
+      [-6, -41],
+      [111, 6],
+      [79, -26],
+      [119, 91],
+      [81, 92],
+      [31, 51],
+      [43, 40],
+      [48, 20],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [52, 56],
+      [72, -25],
+      [53, -6],
+      [164, -71],
+      [104, 1],
+      [39, 69],
+      [66, 64],
+      [66, 2],
+      [29, -21],
+      [-72, -19],
+      [-69, -89],
+      [-29, -18],
+      [-75, -84],
+      [4, -41],
+      [117, -52],
+      [14, -106],
+      [26, -17],
+      [-2, -56],
+      [69, -30],
+      [10, -21],
+      [-34, -61],
+      [-15, -57],
+      [-29, 56],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [-58, -35],
+      [-53, -83],
+      [29, -35],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-62, -16],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-73, -19],
+      [-34, -44],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-83, -49],
+      [-57, 27],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-68, 54],
+      [-29, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19858, 33455],
+      [60, 113],
+      [49, 53],
+      [26, 12],
+      [6, 41],
+      [-65, 49],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-28, 54],
+      [-51, 48],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-72, 52],
+      [-54, 8],
+      [-37, 39],
+      [-48, -34],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [11, 55],
+      [46, 92],
+      [43, 54],
+      [10, 50],
+      [45, 74],
+      [25, 19],
+      [81, -61],
+      [80, -35],
+      [50, -63],
+      [57, -17],
+      [17, -20],
+      [80, 11],
+      [49, -87],
+      [79, -89],
+      [68, -6],
+      [51, 20],
+      [89, 22],
+      [54, 51],
+      [24, 70],
+      [62, 29],
+      [25, 30],
+      [33, -5],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [54, 38],
+      [78, 34],
+      [-31, 108],
+      [23, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18998, 32847],
+      [13, 19],
+      [55, -14],
+      [107, 58],
+      [117, 6],
+      [0, 64],
+      [47, 36],
+      [115, 51],
+      [75, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2811, 10684],
+      [67, 137],
+      [28, -18],
+      [22, 48],
+      [118, -111],
+      [-36, -44],
+      [-64, 35],
+      [-32, 31],
+      [-30, -51],
+      [5, -57],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-60, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3805, 10695],
+      [-118, -262]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3687, 10433],
+      [-340, 164],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-139, 100],
+      [23, 99],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [-80, 66],
+      [-97, 38],
+      [-26, 76],
+      [69, 34],
+      [-24, 47],
+      [77, 45],
+      [104, -87],
+      [55, 8],
+      [70, -4],
+      [34, -99],
+      [28, -17],
+      [68, 6],
+      [456, -233]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3514, 10049],
+      [296, -156],
+      [19, -17],
+      [61, -15],
+      [-7, -42],
+      [27, -36],
+      [-11, -47],
+      [13, -62],
+      [24, -8],
+      [22, -55],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-75, -62],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [-48, -47],
+      [6, -28],
+      [-9, -88],
+      [63, -63],
+      [93, -216],
+      [158, -156],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [36, -13],
+      [50, -66],
+      [44, 17],
+      [65, 42],
+      [39, 16],
+      [38, 44],
+      [45, 14],
+      [-9, 36],
+      [42, 28],
+      [43, 53],
+      [33, 73],
+      [54, 12],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-31, -46],
+      [13, -67],
+      [95, -31],
+      [59, 36],
+      [44, -5],
+      [-55, -99],
+      [50, -30],
+      [-10, -49],
+      [22, -71],
+      [-50, -100],
+      [-51, -79],
+      [-56, -117],
+      [-51, -87],
+      [-69, -42],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [-148, -128],
+      [-124, -35],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-120, -67],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-57, -39],
+      [-81, -12],
+      [-62, 35],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [-34, -7],
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+      [51, 52],
+      [40, 56],
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Argovia|Arg¢via|Argovie"
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
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+            "VARNAME_1": "Zoug|Zugo"
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+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
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+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Turitg|Zurigo|Zürih|Zurique"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[-70]], [[-81, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, -66], [-65]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-TG",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 20,
+            "NAME_1": "Thurgau",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Thurgovie|Turgovia|Turg¢via"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-72, -61, -17, -44, -47, -74, -2, -51]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-UR",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 22,
+            "NAME_1": "Uri",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[-79, 86, -83, 87]], [[88, -77]], [[-85, 89]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-SH",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 17,
+            "NAME_1": "Schaffhausen",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Schaffhouse|Schaffusa|Sciaffusa"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[90, 91, -40, 92, -22]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-JU",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 11,
+            "NAME_1": "Jura",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Giura"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[-25]], [[93]], [[94]], [[95, 96]], [[97, 98, 99, -11, 100, 101, -20], [-13]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-FR",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 7,
+            "NAME_1": "Fribourg",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Freiburg|Friburg|Friburgo"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-37, 102]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-BS",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 5,
+            "NAME_1": "Basel-Stadt",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Bâle-Ville|Basel-City|Basel-Town|Basilea-Citad|Basilea Ciudad|Basilea città|Basiléia cidade"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[-26]], [[103, -35]], [[104, -33]], [[-93, -39, -29, -23]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-SO",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 19,
+            "NAME_1": "Solothurn",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Soletta|Soleure|Soleuro|Soloturn"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[[105]], [[106, 107]], [[108, 109]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-GE",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 8,
+            "NAME_1": "Genève",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Cenevre|Genebra|Geneve|Geneva|Genevra|Genf|Ginebra|Ginevra"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-91, -21, -102, 110, -99, 111, -97, 112, 113]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-NE",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 13,
+            "NAME_1": "Neuchâtel",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Neuenburg"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [
+            [[-111, -101, -12, -100]],
+            [[-19, -64, 114, -108, 115, -110, 116, -113, -96, -112, -98], [-94], [-95], [-106]]
+          ],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 223,
+            "ISO": "CH-VD",
+            "NAME_0": "Switzerland",
+            "ID_1": 24,
+            "NAME_1": "Vaud",
+            "TYPE_1": "Canton|Kanton|Chantun",
+            "ENGTYPE_1": "Canton",
+            "NL_NAME_1": null,
+            "VARNAME_1": "Vad|Waadt|Waadtland"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a6cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/thailand-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9644 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [23307, 29710],
+      [33, -19],
+      [74, -73],
+      [8, -55],
+      [-16, -81],
+      [77, -175],
+      [15, -71],
+      [60, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23558, 29203],
+      [-51, -7],
+      [-50, -69],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [-51, -82],
+      [21, -107],
+      [-3, -39],
+      [-38, -49],
+      [-61, -28],
+      [-14, -64],
+      [32, -34],
+      [-59, -115],
+      [2, -161],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-77, -45],
+      [-74, -26],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [5, -75],
+      [-47, -108],
+      [11, -97],
+      [92, -33],
+      [19, -35],
+      [-14, -75],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-68, -61],
+      [16, -35],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-54, 8],
+      [9, 64],
+      [-71, 15],
+      [-19, 35],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-42, 57],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [-57, 92],
+      [-55, 15],
+      [-140, 77],
+      [-50, -8],
+      [-39, 36],
+      [-196, 46],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [28, -36],
+      [57, -3],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-62, -15],
+      [-3, -48],
+      [-45, -36],
+      [-53, -11],
+      [4, -113],
+      [-96, -30],
+      [-22, -38],
+      [-65, 45],
+      [-48, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21878, 27714],
+      [-12, 59],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-51, -9],
+      [-6, 52],
+      [-39, 33],
+      [-31, 71],
+      [21, 33],
+      [-15, 124],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [31, 132],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [60, 161],
+      [36, 27],
+      [-30, 60],
+      [7, 46],
+      [50, 67],
+      [1, 39],
+      [61, 64],
+      [45, 26],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [52, 19],
+      [33, 67],
+      [-39, 50],
+      [45, 35],
+      [10, 43],
+      [74, 96],
+      [10, 29],
+      [134, 28],
+      [55, 40],
+      [67, 0],
+      [151, -26],
+      [68, -26],
+      [140, -16],
+      [67, 33],
+      [55, -41],
+      [30, -1],
+      [37, 130],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [-57, 18],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-40, 76],
+      [-36, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22664, 29476],
+      [71, 10],
+      [28, -31],
+      [68, 1],
+      [17, 42],
+      [81, -7],
+      [78, 28],
+      [16, 64],
+      [103, 63],
+      [37, -8],
+      [87, 57],
+      [57, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9537, 25355],
+      [2, -20],
+      [80, -29],
+      [44, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9663, 25239],
+      [-28, -68],
+      [5, -61],
+      [-30, -45],
+      [-2, -87],
+      [-42, -42],
+      [41, -46],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [30, -96],
+      [-8, -77],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [-96, -56],
+      [-55, -4],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-58, -8],
+      [1, 94],
+      [-16, 77],
+      [-100, 4],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-157, -27],
+      [-93, 23],
+      [-39, -30],
+      [-63, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8878, 24704],
+      [-65, 21],
+      [-19, 50],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [5, 46],
+      [-37, 47],
+      [43, 63],
+      [-47, 83],
+      [94, 91],
+      [15, 29],
+      [-47, 111],
+      [-2, 94],
+      [-27, 45],
+      [14, 101],
+      [53, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8801, 25564],
+      [56, 20],
+      [64, -7],
+      [73, -29],
+      [59, 29],
+      [65, 14],
+      [35, -40],
+      [-6, -33],
+      [44, -42],
+      [42, 14],
+      [37, -61],
+      [79, 36],
+      [29, -19],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [72, 1],
+      [92, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10897, 23208],
+      [-19, -134],
+      [-5, -101],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [138, -99],
+      [-26, -34],
+      [-60, -33],
+      [-167, -252],
+      [18, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10734, 22516],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-167, 55],
+      [-239, 5],
+      [6, -64],
+      [-41, -110],
+      [-136, 39],
+      [-19, -50],
+      [-207, 46],
+      [24, 66],
+      [-84, 41],
+      [-28, -23],
+      [3, -44],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-81, 10],
+      [-9, -124],
+      [17, -67],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-93, 17],
+      [-80, -8],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-8, -87],
+      [25, -149]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9487, 21974],
+      [-137, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9350, 21951],
+      [-10, 49],
+      [44, 81],
+      [-6, 61],
+      [-62, -16],
+      [-54, 104],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [-64, 59],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [9, 50],
+      [-34, 110],
+      [3, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9117, 22618],
+      [-9, 197],
+      [-28, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9080, 22866],
+      [33, -51],
+      [249, -9],
+      [159, -11],
+      [21, -22],
+      [93, 32],
+      [46, 35],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [95, 68],
+      [72, 279],
+      [-11, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9828, 23220],
+      [32, 13],
+      [91, -26],
+      [16, 29],
+      [48, -18],
+      [1, -30],
+      [52, -19],
+      [144, -4],
+      [53, -33],
+      [135, 0],
+      [134, 38],
+      [363, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20898, 34567],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-61, 14],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-104, -44],
+      [24, -66],
+      [63, -55],
+      [-50, -82],
+      [-86, -62],
+      [-68, -67],
+      [-73, 30],
+      [5, 34],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-42, -44],
+      [-61, -17],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [48, -38],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [55, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20373, 33975],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-79, -14],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [-23, 61],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [25, 44],
+      [-20, 67],
+      [-56, -23],
+      [14, 85],
+      [-91, -16],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-62, -37],
+      [-122, 2],
+      [50, -35],
+      [-53, -43],
+      [-87, 108],
+      [53, 123],
+      [-91, -27],
+      [-93, 25],
+      [-16, 41],
+      [-106, 46],
+      [-79, 43],
+      [-95, 32],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [-29, 33],
+      [-16, 61],
+      [-56, 10],
+      [-86, 66],
+      [-137, 35],
+      [-66, -40],
+      [1, -51],
+      [30, -120],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [-54, 49],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-43, 16],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [-107, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18501, 34480],
+      [-35, 89],
+      [-64, 27],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-55, 57],
+      [-93, 23],
+      [-34, 90],
+      [40, 26],
+      [-66, 25],
+      [19, 127],
+      [51, 4],
+      [62, -21],
+      [62, 43],
+      [-25, 50],
+      [-63, 36],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-134, 84],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [0, 79],
+      [81, 37],
+      [18, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18181, 35353],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [-63, 60],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [5, 40],
+      [113, 96],
+      [38, 59],
+      [52, 26],
+      [107, 0],
+      [165, 40],
+      [32, 0],
+      [136, -65],
+      [189, 3],
+      [92, -20],
+      [75, -40],
+      [84, 2],
+      [48, -13],
+      [100, -56],
+      [147, -105],
+      [146, 2],
+      [192, -8],
+      [72, -31],
+      [58, -116],
+      [83, 1],
+      [138, 109],
+      [65, 27],
+      [93, -7],
+      [62, -70],
+      [204, -258],
+      [3, -27],
+      [82, -135],
+      [35, -95],
+      [43, -57],
+      [128, -127],
+      [75, -67],
+      [21, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17610, 27486],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-43, -103],
+      [-29, -15],
+      [80, -62],
+      [54, -4],
+      [86, -100],
+      [80, -14],
+      [100, -98],
+      [111, -31],
+      [52, 17],
+      [47, -54],
+      [44, 52],
+      [32, 1],
+      [44, 54],
+      [74, 18],
+      [54, -12],
+      [55, -39],
+      [1, -29],
+      [104, -1],
+      [27, 39],
+      [52, 22],
+      [67, 0],
+      [4, -48],
+      [94, -24],
+      [-15, -57],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-5, -65],
+      [-68, -31],
+      [-27, -88],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [26, -48],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [24, -28],
+      [-14, -81],
+      [22, -111],
+      [17, -20],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [64, -45],
+      [-25, -39],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-29, -69],
+      [44, -62],
+      [-36, -72],
+      [33, -43],
+      [-29, -64],
+      [-87, -69],
+      [-43, -96],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-62, -79],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-65, -68],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [-17, -83],
+      [-71, -41],
+      [27, -55],
+      [-13, -92],
+      [-49, -142],
+      [-67, -47],
+      [14, -66],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-10, -50],
+      [33, -33],
+      [6, -49],
+      [-27, -54],
+      [22, -25],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [55, -49],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [40, -76],
+      [-51, -139],
+      [-26, -36],
+      [-1, -84],
+      [17, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17960, 24270],
+      [-72, -1],
+      [-86, 25],
+      [-41, -13],
+      [-26, -44],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [2, -39],
+      [-156, -36],
+      [-71, -27],
+      [2, -28],
+      [-100, -118],
+      [-80, -48],
+      [-133, -17],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-30, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17051, 23851],
+      [-92, -35],
+      [-54, 27],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [-5, -50],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-80, 48],
+      [-76, 13],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [-36, -61],
+      [-94, 1],
+      [-122, -29],
+      [-39, 58],
+      [-88, 38],
+      [-60, -46],
+      [-65, 57],
+      [-63, -10],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-99, -56],
+      [-87, 20],
+      [-43, -28],
+      [-79, 24],
+      [-27, -28],
+      [-113, 33],
+      [-17, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15531, 23784],
+      [69, 116],
+      [154, -12],
+      [24, 31],
+      [80, 3],
+      [31, 41],
+      [64, 14],
+      [83, 50],
+      [79, 69],
+      [115, 53],
+      [51, 49],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-69, 24],
+      [-60, -17],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-51, 35],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-16, 35],
+      [1, 69],
+      [21, 75],
+      [37, 46],
+      [53, 9],
+      [17, 32],
+      [16, 94],
+      [-23, 11],
+      [-245, 29],
+      [-82, -4],
+      [-36, 49],
+      [29, 40],
+      [6, 79],
+      [-65, 160],
+      [6, 89],
+      [-50, 152],
+      [58, 60],
+      [9, 41],
+      [-39, 48],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-37, 78],
+      [22, 64],
+      [39, 39],
+      [49, -58],
+      [75, -32],
+      [100, 34],
+      [23, 31],
+      [34, 98],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [-32, 28],
+      [9, 41],
+      [54, 35],
+      [8, 60],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [45, 6],
+      [85, -59],
+      [280, -8],
+      [53, 58],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [22, 38],
+      [55, 30],
+      [55, -6],
+      [18, 42],
+      [-4, 63],
+      [62, 9],
+      [10, 36],
+      [-5, 112],
+      [141, 166],
+      [22, -1],
+      [57, 66],
+      [79, 10],
+      [63, 43],
+      [134, -14],
+      [82, 23],
+      [26, 41],
+      [-40, 30],
+      [0, 66],
+      [-21, 84],
+      [40, 62],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [12, 44],
+      [107, 35],
+      [-8, 73],
+      [-28, 27],
+      [-74, 18],
+      [-12, 42],
+      [78, 60],
+      [60, 3],
+      [44, 35],
+      [-48, 60],
+      [-9, 42],
+      [-37, 32],
+      [-126, -14],
+      [-52, 74],
+      [-55, 46],
+      [-64, 16],
+      [-78, -27],
+      [-130, -3],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [-86, 99],
+      [3, 80],
+      [-36, 95],
+      [25, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16594, 27945],
+      [76, -36],
+      [79, 6],
+      [109, 41],
+      [42, 121],
+      [-16, 118],
+      [10, 92],
+      [50, 50],
+      [112, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17056, 28362],
+      [32, -80],
+      [113, -44],
+      [30, -51],
+      [50, -10],
+      [17, -72],
+      [-15, -51],
+      [-97, -53],
+      [117, -106],
+      [3, -36],
+      [47, -43],
+      [75, -20],
+      [-21, -54],
+      [18, -35],
+      [47, -19],
+      [74, -57],
+      [-60, -85],
+      [59, -39],
+      [65, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11579, 23274],
+      [31, -21],
+      [40, -102],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [0, -97],
+      [-25, -28],
+      [64, -34],
+      [54, 14],
+      [54, 42],
+      [62, -4],
+      [42, 18],
+      [44, -48],
+      [87, 35],
+      [56, -20],
+      [35, 8],
+      [106, -42],
+      [12, 24],
+      [66, -12],
+      [41, 22],
+      [2, -67],
+      [88, -28],
+      [50, -1],
+      [31, -28],
+      [96, -10],
+      [58, -54],
+      [110, -43],
+      [70, -5],
+      [137, -142],
+      [57, 2],
+      [102, 28],
+      [24, -18],
+      [62, 4],
+      [37, 67],
+      [37, 15],
+      [8, 52],
+      [43, 23],
+      [48, -5],
+      [58, 48],
+      [55, -46],
+      [24, -41],
+      [46, -33],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [26, -39],
+      [-18, -52],
+      [57, -70],
+      [54, 26],
+      [33, -28],
+      [9, -165],
+      [69, -17],
+      [35, -78],
+      [53, -55],
+      [58, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13941, 22207],
+      [1, -30],
+      [-43, -76],
+      [-112, -27],
+      [45, -42],
+      [49, -6],
+      [28, -74],
+      [42, -48],
+      [77, -42],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [20, -37],
+      [77, -71],
+      [42, -85],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [27, -30],
+      [2, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14179, 21502],
+      [-65, -23],
+      [-61, -86],
+      [-62, 4],
+      [-66, -22],
+      [-46, -169],
+      [-76, 54],
+      [-54, 0],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [-199, -138],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-121, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13354, 21077],
+      [-38, 73],
+      [-55, 68],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-45, 58],
+      [-32, 8],
+      [-54, 47],
+      [-121, 28],
+      [-51, 52],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [-24, 100],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-22, 32],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-93, 35],
+      [-91, -31],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [-54, 23],
+      [0, 61],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-51, -17],
+      [-87, 20],
+      [-49, 60],
+      [-85, 49],
+      [-153, 167],
+      [-77, 35],
+      [-177, 42],
+      [-70, 37],
+      [-76, -14],
+      [-38, -65],
+      [-55, -3],
+      [-53, -43],
+      [-119, -3],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [53, -75],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-45, -45],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [-66, -45],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-20, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11091, 21887],
+      [-114, -22],
+      [-162, 17],
+      [-117, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10698, 21910],
+      [9, 42],
+      [62, -6],
+      [1, 87],
+      [23, 69],
+      [45, 36],
+      [26, -18],
+      [37, 46],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [42, 2],
+      [63, 73],
+      [49, 36],
+      [9, 30],
+      [-45, 25],
+      [11, 35],
+      [-224, 69],
+      [-54, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10897, 23208],
+      [1, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10898, 23248],
+      [221, 26],
+      [95, 2],
+      [82, 19],
+      [177, -7],
+      [106, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9153, 26456],
+      [-76, -53],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-17, -53],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-50, -22],
+      [-82, -8],
+      [-1, -84],
+      [55, -17],
+      [30, -81],
+      [54, -77],
+      [-55, -50],
+      [-177, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8723, 26019],
+      [-125, -58],
+      [-42, -48],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [-45, 70],
+      [-114, 31],
+      [-27, -11],
+      [-79, 22],
+      [16, -66],
+      [-11, -52],
+      [-101, -25],
+      [-116, -16],
+      [-67, 21],
+      [-49, -10],
+      [-104, 22],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [-33, 41],
+      [-57, 35],
+      [-79, -11],
+      [-103, 20],
+      [-88, 50],
+      [-131, 3],
+      [-19, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7239, 26083],
+      [42, 69],
+      [46, 14],
+      [102, 52],
+      [18, 47],
+      [-34, 37],
+      [50, 46],
+      [40, 81],
+      [-86, 101],
+      [-81, 74],
+      [36, 30],
+      [-42, 41],
+      [-69, 93],
+      [-7, 153],
+      [45, 37],
+      [115, 37],
+      [44, 38],
+      [248, -35],
+      [64, -38],
+      [205, 37],
+      [24, -16],
+      [141, 1],
+      [39, -25],
+      [44, 7],
+      [82, -17],
+      [29, 15],
+      [12, 74],
+      [64, 50],
+      [-16, 47],
+      [-58, 38],
+      [25, 35],
+      [11, 78],
+      [46, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8418, 27311],
+      [73, -19],
+      [131, -101],
+      [98, -27],
+      [115, -119],
+      [72, -94],
+      [35, -140],
+      [28, -18],
+      [21, -97],
+      [40, -65],
+      [133, -74],
+      [-11, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13444, 30794],
+      [114, -89],
+      [55, 32],
+      [92, 29],
+      [59, -10],
+      [61, -33],
+      [55, 3],
+      [55, -42],
+      [58, 15],
+      [73, 0],
+      [13, -44],
+      [63, -14],
+      [40, -84],
+      [7, -47],
+      [92, -26],
+      [68, -135],
+      [84, -19],
+      [41, -26],
+      [33, 15],
+      [84, -10],
+      [105, 25],
+      [43, -32],
+      [29, 30],
+      [65, 5],
+      [88, -58],
+      [39, -41],
+      [73, -38],
+      [71, -17],
+      [83, 17],
+      [43, -26],
+      [52, 18],
+      [125, -25],
+      [40, 62],
+      [32, -114],
+      [136, -91],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-13, -98],
+      [-65, -103],
+      [-35, -106],
+      [8, -51],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-51, -76],
+      [-134, -163],
+      [-40, -64],
+      [-104, -97],
+      [-43, -56],
+      [68, -108],
+      [26, 10],
+      [116, -38],
+      [7, -48],
+      [104, -55],
+      [-46, -51],
+      [-8, -74],
+      [-38, -111],
+      [-64, -97],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [21, -175]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15212, 28385],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [-13, -40],
+      [-93, -34],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [-38, -21],
+      [-81, 35],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-41, -9],
+      [-57, 14],
+      [-39, -54],
+      [-73, -147],
+      [-47, -73],
+      [-50, -41],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-51, -41],
+      [-32, -104],
+      [-72, -102],
+      [15, -45],
+      [-33, -82],
+      [1, -73],
+      [-71, -48],
+      [-41, 24],
+      [-117, -33],
+      [-69, 4],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-54, -93],
+      [-52, -33],
+      [-113, 68],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-47, 37],
+      [-83, -119],
+      [-57, -15],
+      [-121, 14],
+      [-63, 29],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-85, 28],
+      [-50, -15],
+      [-44, -82],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-148, 7],
+      [-67, -13],
+      [-78, -38],
+      [-56, 31],
+      [-125, 5],
+      [-67, -149],
+      [-66, 12],
+      [-15, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12336, 27068],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [-14, 100],
+      [6, 159],
+      [24, 142],
+      [-34, 125],
+      [-12, 140]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12291, 27760],
+      [41, 175],
+      [24, 58],
+      [44, 204],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-134, 54],
+      [-34, 81],
+      [-35, 19],
+      [27, 41],
+      [14, 66],
+      [-8, 74],
+      [11, 66],
+      [59, 20],
+      [73, 89],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [16, 77],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-63, 85],
+      [20, 24],
+      [-63, 109],
+      [23, 130],
+      [25, 50],
+      [9, 131],
+      [38, 36],
+      [28, 54],
+      [57, 11],
+      [-31, 89],
+      [12, 58],
+      [-73, 34],
+      [70, 45],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [36, 73],
+      [-8, 33],
+      [18, 82],
+      [74, 51],
+      [-23, 60],
+      [54, 43],
+      [38, 51],
+      [46, 16],
+      [4, 40],
+      [74, 76],
+      [-30, 64],
+      [6, 39],
+      [164, 91],
+      [-62, 42],
+      [8, 135],
+      [76, 23],
+      [-51, 107],
+      [25, 59],
+      [63, -39],
+      [102, -46],
+      [15, 40],
+      [-19, 83],
+      [-47, 50],
+      [-3, 53],
+      [102, -17],
+      [18, -42],
+      [34, -3],
+      [41, -59],
+      [48, -17],
+      [61, 21],
+      [124, -13],
+      [98, -90],
+      [66, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15271, 18809],
+      [26, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15297, 18830],
+      [-26, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15301, 18832],
+      [27, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15328, 18865],
+      [-27, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15342, 18884],
+      [-8, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15334, 18865],
+      [8, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15342, 18884],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-62, -30],
+      [-8, -86],
+      [-53, -27],
+      [-47, -52],
+      [-60, 34],
+      [-39, 75],
+      [20, 60],
+      [-32, 96],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-58, -50],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [67, -1],
+      [13, -88],
+      [55, -66],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-108, 62],
+      [-113, 124],
+      [-76, 68],
+      [-77, 40],
+      [-87, 101],
+      [-66, 57],
+      [-96, 50],
+      [-113, 106],
+      [-105, 49],
+      [-67, 4],
+      [-26, 76],
+      [30, 30],
+      [-39, 41],
+      [-27, -56],
+      [7, -119],
+      [-146, 108],
+      [39, 20],
+      [-11, 49],
+      [-102, 30],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-6, 59],
+      [-112, 83],
+      [-124, 62],
+      [0, 44],
+      [38, 24],
+      [2, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13593, 19828],
+      [24, 56],
+      [37, 40],
+      [39, 165],
+      [-8, 77],
+      [-30, 100],
+      [-83, 112],
+      [7, 26],
+      [-43, 38],
+      [-71, -31],
+      [-50, 49],
+      [0, 69],
+      [61, 83],
+      [-16, 64],
+      [-111, -8],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [-62, 117],
+      [17, 43],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [32, 45],
+      [4, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13288, 20998],
+      [42, 24],
+      [24, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14179, 21502],
+      [38, -48],
+      [28, -66],
+      [74, -24],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-3, -85],
+      [87, 11],
+      [46, 42],
+      [112, 24],
+      [28, 35],
+      [5, 74],
+      [31, 61],
+      [76, -78],
+      [100, 15],
+      [48, -122],
+      [53, 15],
+      [72, -1],
+      [32, -20],
+      [97, 10],
+      [26, 81],
+      [50, -7],
+      [75, 81],
+      [55, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15292, 21406],
+      [0, -79],
+      [32, -10],
+      [20, -85],
+      [53, -61],
+      [19, -59],
+      [15, -103],
+      [58, -56],
+      [-5, -38],
+      [56, -64],
+      [15, -40],
+      [65, -13],
+      [105, -189],
+      [30, -21],
+      [63, 0],
+      [-119, -82],
+      [46, -47],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [70, -139],
+      [-1, -88],
+      [-23, -41],
+      [44, -29],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [54, -36],
+      [-13, -41],
+      [24, -35],
+      [-10, -45],
+      [-46, -44],
+      [-25, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15771, 19881],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-50, -56],
+      [-96, 5],
+      [-59, -72],
+      [-118, -90],
+      [9, -86],
+      [39, -92],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [38, -46],
+      [70, -55],
+      [-65, -17],
+      [-65, 45],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-91, -22],
+      [-22, -54],
+      [-102, -37],
+      [31, -42],
+      [6, -87],
+      [35, -21],
+      [39, -57],
+      [-14, -49],
+      [-52, -33],
+      [28, -34],
+      [15, -61],
+      [100, -41],
+      [10, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6279, 37290],
+      [-79, -41],
+      [1, -70],
+      [33, -46],
+      [-24, -58],
+      [24, -92],
+      [-2, -60],
+      [-102, -59],
+      [-4, -36],
+      [27, -94],
+      [34, -55],
+      [-1, -76],
+      [-69, -54],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-63, -111],
+      [18, -46],
+      [47, -36],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-11, -86],
+      [54, -5],
+      [37, -25],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [4, -46],
+      [-56, -5],
+      [-20, -94],
+      [-29, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6023, 35989],
+      [-66, 16],
+      [-101, 94],
+      [-78, 29],
+      [-54, 36],
+      [50, 62],
+      [-9, 98],
+      [-78, 18],
+      [-55, 56],
+      [5, 57],
+      [-106, 28],
+      [-61, -24],
+      [-38, -51],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-98, 2],
+      [-89, -33],
+      [-113, 17],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [1, -45],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [-48, -45],
+      [5, -42],
+      [-49, -49],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-62, -79],
+      [-29, -3],
+      [-99, -65],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [-37, -42],
+      [-86, -51],
+      [-43, -51],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-36, -39],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-61, 37],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [-52, -70],
+      [22, -47],
+      [-31, -22],
+      [-27, -71],
+      [66, -80],
+      [-92, -29],
+      [2, -86],
+      [89, -20],
+      [115, -68],
+      [107, -40],
+      [1, -71],
+      [25, -10],
+      [-4, -117],
+      [28, -49],
+      [35, -12],
+      [18, -116],
+      [-35, -79],
+      [48, -22],
+      [-108, -190],
+      [37, -27],
+      [53, 19],
+      [80, -63],
+      [24, -115],
+      [45, -98],
+      [45, -165],
+      [-57, -17],
+      [7, -84],
+      [-103, -47],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-42, 99],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-46, -76],
+      [-65, 9],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-80, 0],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [16, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4110, 33884],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-73, -50],
+      [-83, -34],
+      [-47, 116],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-34, 49],
+      [-75, 21],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-67, 36],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [-7, -51],
+      [49, -24],
+      [-20, -77],
+      [41, -69],
+      [24, -92],
+      [-6, -84],
+      [28, -93],
+      [0, -52],
+      [93, -15],
+      [51, -52],
+      [19, -49],
+      [-84, -29],
+      [-49, -35],
+      [-45, -56],
+      [-10, -112],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [36, -74],
+      [44, -10],
+      [41, -45],
+      [-10, -96],
+      [-55, -96],
+      [32, -28],
+      [38, -91],
+      [-8, -76],
+      [-86, -53],
+      [-114, 30],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-110, 36],
+      [-59, -28],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-64, -6],
+      [-97, -30],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-72, 24],
+      [-50, 40],
+      [31, 48],
+      [5, 58],
+      [-48, 47],
+      [7, 26],
+      [-86, 88],
+      [92, 25],
+      [17, 35],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [28, 70],
+      [-5, 48],
+      [-35, 45],
+      [-6, 63],
+      [-53, 137],
+      [-75, 10],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-19, -41],
+      [-69, -37],
+      [-146, -23],
+      [-34, 27],
+      [-92, -16],
+      [-34, 72],
+      [-43, 28],
+      [-66, 168]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2279, 33494],
+      [110, 68],
+      [55, 57],
+      [17, 52],
+      [-8, 127],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [17, 79],
+      [-42, 52],
+      [-86, 3],
+      [-51, 33],
+      [-43, 54],
+      [-18, 72],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [40, 63],
+      [203, 75],
+      [103, -45],
+      [79, -13],
+      [18, 51],
+      [89, 54],
+      [184, 28],
+      [2, 30],
+      [-41, 59],
+      [16, 28],
+      [61, 14],
+      [49, 35],
+      [50, 73],
+      [-68, 31],
+      [-59, -27],
+      [-46, 56],
+      [-53, -24],
+      [-75, 73],
+      [-73, 12],
+      [-29, 130],
+      [58, 70],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [11, 45],
+      [-70, 21],
+      [-36, 109],
+      [12, 38],
+      [168, 15],
+      [-71, 49],
+      [11, 78],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [-72, 40],
+      [-31, 61],
+      [-71, 66],
+      [-119, 56],
+      [28, 50],
+      [70, 32],
+      [50, 124],
+      [97, 28],
+      [50, 37],
+      [14, 60],
+      [99, -28],
+      [74, 57],
+      [16, 34],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [-81, 5],
+      [-2, 39],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-60, 36],
+      [-82, -12],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [20, 60],
+      [-36, 99],
+      [5, 85],
+      [16, 39],
+      [40, 23],
+      [0, 48],
+      [-87, 5],
+      [-38, 113],
+      [29, 121],
+      [40, 64],
+      [69, 66],
+      [99, 33],
+      [1, 49],
+      [43, 29],
+      [-20, 80],
+      [16, 51],
+      [48, 59],
+      [13, 71],
+      [45, 20],
+      [13, 38],
+      [88, 109],
+      [38, 19],
+      [-31, 90],
+      [38, 56],
+      [98, -22],
+      [121, 9],
+      [45, -32],
+      [19, -90],
+      [24, -51],
+      [52, -23],
+      [4, -51],
+      [36, -15],
+      [53, -72],
+      [60, -23],
+      [52, 54],
+      [124, -13],
+      [114, -29],
+      [38, -20],
+      [54, 4],
+      [28, 30],
+      [74, 29],
+      [68, 10],
+      [95, 31],
+      [48, 54],
+      [-23, 124],
+      [-25, 83],
+      [-81, 65],
+      [-73, 30],
+      [-40, 47],
+      [90, 64],
+      [-30, 66],
+      [11, 41],
+      [36, 31],
+      [-29, 32],
+      [20, 49],
+      [-36, 67],
+      [11, 71],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [-22, 51],
+      [49, 109],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [43, 72],
+      [-18, 66],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-31, -2],
+      [-9, 107],
+      [-70, 33],
+      [-21, 123],
+      [9, 23],
+      [-106, 58],
+      [-106, 83],
+      [-3, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3432, 39216],
+      [45, 33],
+      [110, 34],
+      [60, -61],
+      [89, -56],
+      [16, 85],
+      [63, 31],
+      [62, -11],
+      [60, 50],
+      [96, 51],
+      [118, 29],
+      [146, 9],
+      [88, -20],
+      [56, 64],
+      [53, 18],
+      [42, 37],
+      [9, 41],
+      [48, -8],
+      [201, -147],
+      [36, -8],
+      [19, 59],
+      [66, -45],
+      [29, -44],
+      [58, -17],
+      [20, 44],
+      [9, 88],
+      [36, -3],
+      [41, 67],
+      [52, 137],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [16, 171],
+      [40, 14],
+      [6, 52],
+      [-24, 55],
+      [0, 58],
+      [45, 25],
+      [-24, 56],
+      [2, 49],
+      [38, 71],
+      [34, 18],
+      [5, 67],
+      [192, 35],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [106, 42],
+      [59, -16],
+      [95, 10],
+      [44, -32],
+      [109, -31],
+      [164, -103],
+      [98, 9],
+      [115, 38],
+      [171, 11],
+      [95, 47],
+      [83, 25],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [55, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6626, 40484],
+      [13, -19],
+      [115, -27],
+      [48, -44],
+      [-35, -36],
+      [-38, 7],
+      [-167, -64],
+      [19, -78],
+      [-48, -36],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [31, -59],
+      [-28, -13],
+      [-36, -64],
+      [-107, -60],
+      [-20, -86],
+      [17, -39],
+      [-66, -20],
+      [-48, -68],
+      [23, -72],
+      [69, -58],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [34, -47],
+      [-80, 0],
+      [-49, -54],
+      [-36, -74],
+      [-19, -115],
+      [-47, -44],
+      [-94, -11],
+      [-60, -78],
+      [-90, -46],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [26, -103],
+      [53, -20],
+      [42, -112],
+      [58, -27],
+      [24, -39],
+      [-73, -63],
+      [-20, -52],
+      [37, -26],
+      [32, -100],
+      [-24, -68],
+      [43, -64],
+      [26, -124],
+      [-47, -30],
+      [51, -134],
+      [27, -94],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [-81, -84],
+      [-14, -135],
+      [32, -18],
+      [21, -78],
+      [-6, -52],
+      [64, -79],
+      [67, -42],
+      [16, -36],
+      [40, -7],
+      [-3, -46],
+      [59, -134]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9350, 39342],
+      [-66, -71],
+      [-38, -7],
+      [-42, -52],
+      [-55, -4],
+      [-48, -42],
+      [-26, -67],
+      [-81, -15],
+      [-86, 15],
+      [-60, -63],
+      [-15, -47],
+      [-71, 1],
+      [-24, -26],
+      [-76, -36],
+      [-65, -65],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [-198, -17],
+      [-50, -32],
+      [-6, -109],
+      [16, -47],
+      [-26, -89],
+      [-160, -66],
+      [-67, 11],
+      [-117, -11],
+      [-84, -61],
+      [-22, 73],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [-39, 59],
+      [-181, -6],
+      [-119, 12],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-180, -56],
+      [-103, -10],
+      [33, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7173, 38359],
+      [-57, 25],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-128, 17],
+      [-67, 41],
+      [-80, 21],
+      [-19, -28],
+      [38, -41],
+      [-9, -119],
+      [26, -23],
+      [-3, -77],
+      [-88, -150],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [-15, -178],
+      [-15, -42],
+      [43, -17],
+      [30, -51],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [4, -62],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-53, 8],
+      [-58, -21],
+      [-30, -58],
+      [-113, -101],
+      [-47, -28],
+      [-64, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6626, 40484],
+      [77, 2],
+      [9, 70],
+      [29, 9],
+      [30, 93],
+      [-88, 67],
+      [-26, 1],
+      [-20, 91],
+      [-39, 80],
+      [7, 88],
+      [-33, 44],
+      [-122, 62],
+      [3, 81],
+      [45, 5],
+      [73, -25],
+      [61, -65],
+      [62, -16],
+      [60, 3],
+      [66, -35],
+      [104, -35],
+      [72, 27],
+      [126, -68],
+      [66, 25],
+      [37, -7],
+      [20, 44],
+      [45, 27],
+      [136, -42],
+      [106, 4],
+      [85, 101],
+      [4, 80],
+      [49, 43],
+      [51, 77],
+      [96, 16],
+      [52, -10],
+      [117, 53],
+      [80, -81],
+      [5, -38],
+      [58, -13],
+      [71, -47],
+      [79, -35],
+      [43, -38],
+      [73, -129],
+      [9, -57],
+      [-14, -112],
+      [61, -48],
+      [130, -16],
+      [60, 10],
+      [20, 42],
+      [-43, 92],
+      [85, 40],
+      [70, 10],
+      [31, 36],
+      [0, 82],
+      [53, 28],
+      [18, 56],
+      [66, 39],
+      [88, -10],
+      [87, 4],
+      [78, -58],
+      [11, -61],
+      [39, -6],
+      [38, -120],
+      [74, -96],
+      [12, -51],
+      [113, -67],
+      [22, -29],
+      [-3, -67],
+      [93, -52],
+      [83, -97],
+      [52, -2],
+      [66, 83],
+      [79, -19],
+      [-21, -90],
+      [-6, -107],
+      [-25, -56],
+      [-28, -129],
+      [-105, -237],
+      [8, -81],
+      [-44, -83],
+      [-71, -59],
+      [-66, -25],
+      [-54, -55],
+      [14, -21],
+      [-33, -83],
+      [-71, -63],
+      [-27, -65],
+      [6, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11004, 19424],
+      [35, -78],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-34, 70],
+      [25, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10491, 19788],
+      [64, 1],
+      [9, -59],
+      [-83, -70],
+      [-9, 100],
+      [19, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10513, 20368],
+      [-27, -67],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [11, 35],
+      [57, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10176, 20426],
+      [20, -48],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-25, 71],
+      [38, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10571, 21074],
+      [31, -85],
+      [-36, -13],
+      [-24, 70],
+      [29, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13288, 20998],
+      [-82, 7],
+      [-72, 26],
+      [-123, -76],
+      [-66, 7],
+      [8, -56],
+      [-48, -96],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [-93, 5],
+      [-34, -40],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-32, -34],
+      [-69, -36],
+      [-81, 52],
+      [-47, -36],
+      [-57, 11],
+      [-71, -12],
+      [-56, 27],
+      [-61, 73],
+      [-49, 25],
+      [-100, -50],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-26, 46],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-127, 63],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-34, -40],
+      [15, -52],
+      [-26, -23],
+      [-212, 0],
+      [-69, -60],
+      [-32, -51],
+      [70, -23],
+      [9, -51],
+      [29, -26],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [-7, -119],
+      [-72, -150],
+      [-27, -103],
+      [-78, -47],
+      [-54, -60],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-34, -105],
+      [-58, -118],
+      [23, -46],
+      [-2, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11133, 19618],
+      [-74, -33],
+      [-17, -119],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-80, 53],
+      [32, 74],
+      [-82, 44],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-75, -1],
+      [-12, 63],
+      [-72, 108],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [19, 49],
+      [93, 53],
+      [25, -23],
+      [74, 45],
+      [33, 82],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [-54, 120],
+      [-116, 128],
+      [85, 81],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [64, 13],
+      [43, 35],
+      [32, 69],
+      [-41, 96],
+      [-72, -6],
+      [-58, 96],
+      [21, 92],
+      [62, 47],
+      [5, 49],
+      [74, 73],
+      [33, 95],
+      [-26, 148],
+      [-23, 50],
+      [-58, 65],
+      [41, 40],
+      [29, 72],
+      [116, 27],
+      [43, 28],
+      [24, 97],
+      [-51, 114],
+      [16, 88],
+      [20, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6565, 14970],
+      [-15, -35],
+      [4, -117],
+      [52, -80],
+      [31, -25],
+      [-71, -58],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [-80, -1],
+      [-39, -164],
+      [-49, -102],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [-55, -49],
+      [-27, -73],
+      [-78, -73],
+      [0, -33],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [-42, -21],
+      [-54, -70],
+      [-30, -81],
+      [-41, -36],
+      [0, -71],
+      [-32, -54],
+      [4, -56],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [20, -47],
+      [49, -25],
+      [-97, -41],
+      [10, -59],
+      [102, -101],
+      [60, -49],
+      [-11, -39],
+      [16, -84],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-56, 28],
+      [-61, -54],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-88, 46],
+      [-98, -28],
+      [-67, -56],
+      [22, -39],
+      [-17, -47],
+      [55, -90],
+      [57, -9],
+      [114, -139],
+      [52, 32],
+      [24, -15],
+      [-104, -64],
+      [-54, 16],
+      [-37, -110],
+      [-33, -59],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [9, -155],
+      [53, -77],
+      [41, -22],
+      [-81, -82],
+      [-14, -90],
+      [29, -79],
+      [4, -87],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [28, -123],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-25, -52],
+      [0, -51],
+      [23, -179],
+      [39, -104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5536, 11390],
+      [-90, -2],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-19, -36],
+      [55, -51],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-67, -10],
+      [-61, 35],
+      [-63, 78],
+      [-43, -1],
+      [-97, 44],
+      [-71, 4],
+      [-15, 25],
+      [-87, 0],
+      [-72, 36],
+      [-122, -17],
+      [-33, -52],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-76, -2],
+      [-85, -55],
+      [-28, 26],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-4, -160],
+      [-84, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4253, 11105],
+      [-51, 75],
+      [-42, 6],
+      [-109, 67],
+      [-57, 1],
+      [16, 85],
+      [-60, 78],
+      [8, 70],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-13, 94],
+      [42, 31],
+      [120, 125],
+      [31, -5],
+      [87, 97],
+      [2, 74],
+      [90, 66],
+      [13, 44],
+      [79, 45],
+      [100, -37],
+      [29, 31],
+      [19, 84],
+      [45, 44],
+      [60, -2],
+      [63, 38],
+      [63, 73],
+      [-11, 62],
+      [-29, 27],
+      [-140, -7],
+      [58, 118],
+      [-22, 44],
+      [29, 38],
+      [5, 59],
+      [38, 2],
+      [22, 34],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [11, 48],
+      [76, 103],
+      [30, 80],
+      [-31, 28],
+      [23, 58],
+      [102, 115],
+      [9, 50],
+      [-43, 100],
+      [-84, 11],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [5, 67],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [33, 69],
+      [37, 17],
+      [32, 50],
+      [56, 15],
+      [47, 61],
+      [-33, 97],
+      [57, 40],
+      [15, 59],
+      [-59, 19],
+      [16, 71],
+      [-77, 52],
+      [-5, 64],
+      [-86, 8],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [28, 31],
+      [46, 116],
+      [-44, 12],
+      [-32, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4713, 14373],
+      [49, 50],
+      [56, 97],
+      [38, -39],
+      [70, -3],
+      [49, 57],
+      [111, 69],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-37, 140],
+      [75, 130],
+      [80, -25],
+      [33, -28],
+      [61, 13],
+      [40, 49],
+      [27, 111],
+      [79, 46],
+      [68, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5512, 15093],
+      [11, -57],
+      [188, -84],
+      [75, -12],
+      [27, -25],
+      [53, -3],
+      [44, -27],
+      [28, 32],
+      [52, -11],
+      [116, 28],
+      [193, -56],
+      [55, 40],
+      [41, 3],
+      [67, 50],
+      [103, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19290, 31772],
+      [53, 34],
+      [45, 6],
+      [83, -48],
+      [52, -81],
+      [70, -64],
+      [65, -15],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [47, -110],
+      [147, -63],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [24, -25],
+      [73, -22],
+      [14, -36],
+      [50, -15],
+      [92, -49],
+      [69, -69],
+      [38, 76],
+      [47, 32],
+      [33, 71],
+      [50, 0],
+      [76, 58],
+      [134, -57],
+      [16, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20537, 31221],
+      [43, -38],
+      [42, -67],
+      [64, -73],
+      [36, 10],
+      [8, -80],
+      [52, -43],
+      [34, -100],
+      [60, -32],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [14, -63],
+      [-8, -75],
+      [41, -6],
+      [46, -37],
+      [5, -53],
+      [52, -37],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [49, -19],
+      [1, -76],
+      [-35, -54],
+      [35, -54],
+      [-3, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21047, 30128],
+      [-51, 22],
+      [-76, -20],
+      [-72, 42],
+      [-85, -24],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-143, -24],
+      [-94, -35],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-72, -2],
+      [-5, 113],
+      [-137, 22],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-91, 30],
+      [-52, -21],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-84, 40],
+      [-69, 49],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-62, 20],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-139, -116],
+      [-90, -45],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-111, -62],
+      [77, -74],
+      [2, -61],
+      [88, -68],
+      [-4, -120],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [-14, -74],
+      [-91, 2],
+      [-115, -39],
+      [-41, -51],
+      [-62, 2],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-57, -16],
+      [-72, 22],
+      [-39, 32],
+      [-63, 12],
+      [-34, -63],
+      [-53, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18804, 29488],
+      [-70, 22],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-51, -26],
+      [-35, 64],
+      [16, 50],
+      [-99, 47],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [24, 67],
+      [-55, 45],
+      [-80, 5],
+      [-55, 33],
+      [-6, 93],
+      [-26, 51],
+      [-121, 20],
+      [-15, 57],
+      [-33, 13],
+      [-61, -47],
+      [-269, -43],
+      [-31, 41],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [60, 112],
+      [-44, 67],
+      [-33, 76],
+      [5, 34],
+      [49, 66],
+      [31, 79],
+      [-56, 152],
+      [81, 56],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-117, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17733, 30726],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [22, 43],
+      [-38, 71],
+      [38, 91],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [12, 39],
+      [48, 16],
+      [50, 61],
+      [9, 85],
+      [-39, 77],
+      [5, 48],
+      [-90, 8],
+      [4, -60],
+      [-71, -72],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-33, 62],
+      [32, 30],
+      [21, 54],
+      [9, 78],
+      [-73, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17570, 31477],
+      [11, 70],
+      [36, 54],
+      [109, -25],
+      [77, 11],
+      [72, -11],
+      [62, 52],
+      [28, -25],
+      [72, 7],
+      [106, -99],
+      [43, -10],
+      [89, 9],
+      [67, -12],
+      [56, -47],
+      [76, -25],
+      [51, -87],
+      [-3, -67],
+      [37, -50],
+      [80, 33],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [37, 64],
+      [44, 23],
+      [41, 77],
+      [24, 14],
+      [-14, 97],
+      [59, 123],
+      [41, 35],
+      [-25, 138],
+      [74, 44],
+      [42, 67],
+      [76, 8],
+      [16, 28],
+      [115, -25],
+      [61, -59],
+      [7, -37],
+      [38, -32],
+      [-13, -67],
+      [45, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7669, 30985],
+      [10, -25],
+      [112, -5],
+      [13, -57],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [29, -75],
+      [-3, -52],
+      [18, -118],
+      [118, -48],
+      [33, -49],
+      [129, 19],
+      [34, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8148, 30534],
+      [64, -163],
+      [1, -41],
+      [-68, -77],
+      [-56, -100],
+      [-3, -101],
+      [-30, -63],
+      [37, -44],
+      [36, -79],
+      [44, 9],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [39, -40],
+      [50, 6],
+      [-24, -69],
+      [19, -27],
+      [86, -36],
+      [-34, -71],
+      [-33, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8209, 29479],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [49, -69],
+      [-60, -18],
+      [-94, -102],
+      [-64, -49],
+      [-79, -84],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-61, -12],
+      [-51, 11],
+      [-88, -43],
+      [-69, -56],
+      [2, -103],
+      [-51, -43],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [-54, -25],
+      [-4, -52],
+      [-59, 16],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [11, -43],
+      [-68, -65],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-56, 43],
+      [-49, 16],
+      [-83, -39],
+      [-74, -19],
+      [-82, 77],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-34, 34],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-68, 4],
+      [-62, 49],
+      [-103, 9],
+      [-67, -17],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [-94, 0],
+      [-68, 49],
+      [-46, -24],
+      [-124, 21],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [-74, -41],
+      [-33, 40],
+      [-34, -57],
+      [-41, 7],
+      [-51, -27],
+      [-164, 104],
+      [-107, 3],
+      [-15, -24],
+      [-77, -12],
+      [-43, -45],
+      [-59, 10],
+      [-100, -82],
+      [-23, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5321, 28616],
+      [-5, 75],
+      [31, 33],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-43, 49],
+      [43, 53],
+      [-22, 68],
+      [15, 104],
+      [56, 21],
+      [35, 66],
+      [-25, 71],
+      [-45, 12],
+      [-45, 63],
+      [-81, 24],
+      [8, 79],
+      [39, 10],
+      [17, 83],
+      [29, 45],
+      [-101, 126],
+      [-24, 97],
+      [34, 46],
+      [-4, 66],
+      [-49, 143],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [20, 117],
+      [-32, 58],
+      [-52, 14],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [41, 28],
+      [73, -68],
+      [99, 18],
+      [87, -27],
+      [68, 25],
+      [49, -16],
+      [49, 68],
+      [76, 9],
+      [21, 52],
+      [87, 28],
+      [120, 3],
+      [54, 97],
+      [-20, 64],
+      [-18, 116],
+      [7, 87],
+      [74, 17],
+      [6, 43],
+      [41, 85],
+      [27, 12],
+      [32, 133],
+      [-38, 51],
+      [72, 29],
+      [18, 45],
+      [66, 3],
+      [91, -27],
+      [43, 31],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [25, 65],
+      [132, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6355, 31386],
+      [54, 12],
+      [52, -16],
+      [19, 51],
+      [68, 31],
+      [28, -48],
+      [36, -20],
+      [38, -58],
+      [87, 1],
+      [85, -25],
+      [17, -118],
+      [63, -71],
+      [51, -78],
+      [72, -42],
+      [28, 6],
+      [68, -49],
+      [53, 8],
+      [3, -41],
+      [89, 32],
+      [20, -52],
+      [94, -62],
+      [92, -3],
+      [56, 47],
+      [20, 52],
+      [84, -18],
+      [37, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5003, 26653],
+      [55, -55],
+      [-10, -155],
+      [36, -52],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [80, -63],
+      [66, -19],
+      [52, 11],
+      [34, -24],
+      [162, 30],
+      [45, -63],
+      [70, -36],
+      [70, 35],
+      [39, -35],
+      [89, -5],
+      [88, -59],
+      [70, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5922, 26131],
+      [40, -20],
+      [71, -108],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [30, -33],
+      [-10, -78],
+      [-80, -86],
+      [-29, -13],
+      [35, -76],
+      [48, -57],
+      [50, -7],
+      [52, -73],
+      [47, -34],
+      [91, -17],
+      [105, 43],
+      [47, -25],
+      [80, -211],
+      [63, 18],
+      [88, -2],
+      [88, 39],
+      [29, 39],
+      [-37, 45],
+      [28, 59],
+      [-18, 71],
+      [50, 8],
+      [31, -34],
+      [58, 8],
+      [94, -9],
+      [50, 47],
+      [41, 11],
+      [69, -37],
+      [55, -48],
+      [81, -27],
+      [37, -40],
+      [84, -19],
+      [80, 12],
+      [42, -23],
+      [-64, -89],
+      [62, -29],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [49, -53],
+      [35, -62],
+      [13, -90],
+      [-69, -11],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [73, -43],
+      [-29, -103],
+      [23, -66],
+      [-2, -171],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [25, -77],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [12, -127],
+      [-21, -33],
+      [29, -75],
+      [-16, -73],
+      [13, -90],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [-59, 22],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [-36, 9],
+      [-46, -109],
+      [-8, -49],
+      [14, -88],
+      [73, -18],
+      [104, 24],
+      [17, -38],
+      [44, -25],
+      [32, -43],
+      [67, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7628, 23526],
+      [31, -48],
+      [-63, -85],
+      [36, -37],
+      [26, -77],
+      [49, -21],
+      [23, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7730, 23219],
+      [-64, -81],
+      [-58, -152],
+      [-51, -13],
+      [-5, -96],
+      [-24, -49],
+      [-49, 34],
+      [-107, 14],
+      [-184, 13],
+      [-102, 43],
+      [-93, -93],
+      [-92, -39],
+      [-47, -53],
+      [-66, -23],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-137, 20],
+      [-61, 55],
+      [-20, 42],
+      [-80, -55],
+      [-58, -7],
+      [-108, -32],
+      [-57, -29],
+      [-176, -32],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [-43, -25],
+      [-37, 56],
+      [-61, -51],
+      [-79, 19],
+      [-110, -40],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-67, 15],
+      [-31, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5564, 22601],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [-94, 41],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [11, 53],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [29, 39],
+      [-10, 73],
+      [-84, -2],
+      [-36, 40],
+      [-22, 59],
+      [-57, 41],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [-33, 123],
+      [-34, 44],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-83, 37],
+      [-12, 137],
+      [-34, 46],
+      [-41, -14],
+      [-67, 46],
+      [-72, 6],
+      [-59, 34],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [-132, 96],
+      [-35, -7],
+      [-52, 49],
+      [-68, 24],
+      [-148, 117],
+      [-74, 36],
+      [-29, 60],
+      [-42, -6],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-80, 41],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-50, -8],
+      [-39, 33],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [10, 65],
+      [-62, 7],
+      [-60, 90],
+      [4, 38],
+      [-27, 49],
+      [-72, 55],
+      [-43, 63],
+      [-66, 179],
+      [-94, -21],
+      [-16, 65],
+      [12, 62],
+      [-24, 14],
+      [-65, 94],
+      [-142, 93],
+      [-47, 51],
+      [-41, 79],
+      [-79, 26],
+      [-92, 120],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-36, 27],
+      [-22, 52],
+      [-63, 46],
+      [-20, 54],
+      [39, 65],
+      [-93, 95],
+      [60, 69],
+      [-28, 67],
+      [-36, 20],
+      [2, 60],
+      [-70, 43],
+      [13, 109],
+      [60, 64],
+      [-36, 32],
+      [-29, 55],
+      [-81, 58],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [22, 49],
+      [2, 53],
+      [28, 16],
+      [39, 77],
+      [-41, 75],
+      [-3, 57],
+      [33, 11],
+      [34, -33],
+      [48, -9],
+      [70, 16],
+      [4, 27],
+      [75, 81],
+      [62, 43],
+      [-24, 56],
+      [33, 35],
+      [86, -50],
+      [50, -4],
+      [171, -109],
+      [40, 49],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [-32, 28],
+      [51, 66],
+      [-16, 59],
+      [29, 37],
+      [39, -12],
+      [103, 47],
+      [42, 33],
+      [71, -32],
+      [78, -17],
+      [37, -29],
+      [0, -47],
+      [36, -30],
+      [65, 92],
+      [16, 74],
+      [10, 135],
+      [-7, 141],
+      [-25, 130],
+      [-44, 77],
+      [-23, 101],
+      [20, 38],
+      [25, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3744, 27971],
+      [40, 15],
+      [17, -40],
+      [92, -14],
+      [17, -39],
+      [52, 31],
+      [35, -42],
+      [24, -67],
+      [111, -130],
+      [36, -58],
+      [43, -38],
+      [-61, -51],
+      [168, -82],
+      [-15, -78],
+      [45, -25],
+      [43, -66],
+      [92, -91],
+      [62, -86],
+      [22, 5],
+      [91, -64],
+      [61, -91],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [75, -23],
+      [33, -58],
+      [66, 15],
+      [31, -13],
+      [25, -112],
+      [60, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17733, 30726],
+      [1, -93],
+      [-91, -44],
+      [-13, -78],
+      [-39, -31],
+      [-21, -54],
+      [-53, -67],
+      [-58, -32],
+      [-113, -23],
+      [-27, -50],
+      [-187, -59],
+      [26, -67],
+      [-65, -109],
+      [-55, -27],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [-69, -45],
+      [-3, -87],
+      [-80, -55],
+      [-65, -67],
+      [3, -61],
+      [-15, -110],
+      [13, -93],
+      [29, -61],
+      [-38, -35],
+      [27, -46],
+      [43, -24],
+      [-58, -138],
+      [23, -59],
+      [116, -67],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [48, -35],
+      [19, -89],
+      [-46, -100],
+      [40, -85],
+      [74, -69],
+      [-24, -152],
+      [38, -30],
+      [-4, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16594, 27945],
+      [-54, 20],
+      [-48, 49],
+      [-91, -12],
+      [-26, 58],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [26, 48],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-37, -34],
+      [-95, 6],
+      [-80, 30],
+      [-37, -44],
+      [-53, -14],
+      [-140, 8],
+      [-69, 45],
+      [-92, -27],
+      [-80, 1],
+      [-120, -61],
+      [-117, 101],
+      [-67, 20],
+      [23, 62],
+      [-113, 117]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13444, 30794],
+      [9, 24],
+      [64, 28],
+      [40, 128],
+      [2, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13559, 31057],
+      [150, 60],
+      [97, 27],
+      [34, 44],
+      [84, 14],
+      [133, 78],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [148, -28],
+      [48, 84],
+      [91, -33],
+      [11, 24],
+      [77, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14426, 31414],
+      [84, 1],
+      [22, 17],
+      [60, -44],
+      [95, 0],
+      [13, -28],
+      [88, -38],
+      [79, 11],
+      [43, 37],
+      [63, 19],
+      [16, 34],
+      [75, -3],
+      [73, -20],
+      [0, -30],
+      [66, -30],
+      [15, -58],
+      [45, -75],
+      [102, 0],
+      [167, -79],
+      [196, 39],
+      [135, -59],
+      [219, -37],
+      [16, 142],
+      [26, 75],
+      [54, 118],
+      [84, 138],
+      [32, 91],
+      [-39, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16255, 31699],
+      [32, 54],
+      [-3, 91],
+      [93, 115],
+      [23, -83],
+      [185, -97],
+      [55, -42],
+      [20, -54],
+      [68, -37],
+      [-56, -45],
+      [45, -58],
+      [-33, -63],
+      [4, -59],
+      [40, -83],
+      [93, 52],
+      [56, -4],
+      [80, -61],
+      [59, -67],
+      [107, 14],
+      [74, 22],
+      [55, 36],
+      [95, 41],
+      [42, 33],
+      [36, -3],
+      [69, 45],
+      [31, -4],
+      [45, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5166, 5671],
+      [45, -41],
+      [13, -50],
+      [71, -59],
+      [-9, -102],
+      [57, -83],
+      [49, -114],
+      [-38, -57],
+      [-90, 74],
+      [-49, 74],
+      [-69, 154],
+      [9, 66],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [2, 55],
+      [30, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5257, 5774],
+      [73, -23],
+      [54, 18],
+      [36, -39],
+      [30, -68],
+      [-37, -56],
+      [-7, -82],
+      [-76, 17],
+      [-23, -25],
+      [-75, 71],
+      [-19, 66],
+      [-43, 25],
+      [1, 86],
+      [86, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4357, 5984],
+      [23, -14],
+      [37, -82],
+      [-72, 25],
+      [12, 71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5200, 6233],
+      [34, -2],
+      [60, -38],
+      [56, 13],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [17, -12],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [8, -4],
+      [42, 17],
+      [35, -29],
+      [4, -88],
+      [-31, -40],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [-10, -80],
+      [-54, -57],
+      [-151, 34],
+      [-52, 124],
+      [-14, 52],
+      [26, 87],
+      [-32, 87],
+      [76, 16],
+      [18, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4914, 6244],
+      [55, -12],
+      [37, -95],
+      [-1, -97],
+      [-73, 104],
+      [-77, 60],
+      [9, 30],
+      [50, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5085, 6321],
+      [30, 0],
+      [59, -66],
+      [-35, -60],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-34, 78],
+      [26, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5270, 6405],
+      [27, -28],
+      [-35, -65],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [17, 105],
+      [24, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5001, 6442],
+      [32, -24],
+      [19, -58],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [-24, 34],
+      [-27, 111],
+      [48, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5940, 7515],
+      [119, -61],
+      [8, -91],
+      [-61, -64],
+      [27, -75],
+      [-41, -89],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [29, -64],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [152, 9],
+      [118, -76],
+      [25, -68],
+      [9, -118],
+      [60, -110],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-4, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6263, 6520],
+      [-40, -41],
+      [-49, 15],
+      [-35, -41],
+      [-71, -10],
+      [-92, -78],
+      [7, -62],
+      [-84, -83],
+      [50, -65],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [47, -4],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [3, -31],
+      [52, -19],
+      [15, -78],
+      [-12, -73],
+      [-79, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5911, 5752],
+      [-35, -16],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [-51, -31],
+      [-141, 89],
+      [-30, 66],
+      [-35, 33],
+      [-57, 20],
+      [-25, 121],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [8, 38],
+      [-66, -4],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [56, 145],
+      [-54, 61],
+      [-31, -59],
+      [-90, -51],
+      [-22, 33],
+      [-14, 68],
+      [-49, 45],
+      [-88, -15],
+      [-86, 143],
+      [45, 35],
+      [-115, 99],
+      [-1, 41],
+      [-119, -84],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-36, 46],
+      [-81, 54],
+      [-83, -15],
+      [-70, 38],
+      [-27, 62],
+      [18, 37],
+      [-3, 64],
+      [35, 53],
+      [-50, 29],
+      [-8, 42],
+      [39, 68],
+      [-7, 53],
+      [-54, 103],
+      [-35, 38],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [-25, 32],
+      [7, 66],
+      [-80, -22],
+      [-92, -74],
+      [-87, 53],
+      [4, 50],
+      [33, 47],
+      [9, 70],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [100, 35],
+      [-73, 80],
+      [28, 28],
+      [26, 4],
+      [9, 13],
+      [-5, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4026, 7907],
+      [-33, 84],
+      [59, 78],
+      [14, 74],
+      [40, 105],
+      [48, 54],
+      [-10, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4144, 8404],
+      [56, -8],
+      [75, 124],
+      [44, -4],
+      [34, -41],
+      [73, -48],
+      [15, 42],
+      [132, -1],
+      [37, -67],
+      [98, -36],
+      [112, -138],
+      [34, -21],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [24, -25],
+      [4, -68],
+      [22, -43],
+      [-5, -61],
+      [-29, -83],
+      [28, -45],
+      [71, -24],
+      [79, -66],
+      [126, -79],
+      [72, -11],
+      [37, 10],
+      [149, 9],
+      [174, -66],
+      [87, -17],
+      [73, -55],
+      [94, -43],
+      [40, -3],
+      [47, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7173, 38359],
+      [-6, -56],
+      [51, -90],
+      [-32, -68],
+      [23, -90],
+      [-1, -92],
+      [29, -82],
+      [45, -85],
+      [0, -32],
+      [41, -71],
+      [45, -26],
+      [0, -46],
+      [49, -151],
+      [69, -28],
+      [73, 17],
+      [0, -38],
+      [39, -17],
+      [-7, -88],
+      [129, -34],
+      [51, -24],
+      [111, -24],
+      [43, -54],
+      [16, -48],
+      [158, -104],
+      [60, -26],
+      [52, 17],
+      [20, -31],
+      [68, -42],
+      [23, -50],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [15, -48],
+      [66, 29],
+      [79, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8457, 36759],
+      [35, -68],
+      [-75, -92],
+      [7, -129],
+      [24, -94],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-17, -88],
+      [61, -71],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-32, -43],
+      [-33, 32],
+      [-45, -34],
+      [-62, -10],
+      [1, -114],
+      [-21, -53],
+      [-66, -88],
+      [-65, -121],
+      [-19, -55],
+      [-38, -29],
+      [-81, -23],
+      [-66, -92],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [-92, -134],
+      [-54, 9],
+      [-92, -23],
+      [-78, -108],
+      [-31, 5],
+      [-66, -65],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [-138, -165],
+      [-3, -60],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-55, -103],
+      [-93, -17],
+      [-30, -52],
+      [-71, -14],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-70, 15],
+      [-129, -72],
+      [28, -69],
+      [-93, -54],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-108, -49],
+      [-116, -111],
+      [-27, -61],
+      [-138, -100],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-13, -45],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-23, -70],
+      [-49, -51],
+      [32, -21],
+      [5, -62],
+      [51, -17],
+      [48, -70],
+      [106, -6],
+      [18, 44],
+      [51, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6496, 33776],
+      [13, -170],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [-61, -34],
+      [-11, -86],
+      [26, -38],
+      [-88, 0],
+      [-39, -98],
+      [68, -32],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [21, -71],
+      [-50, -18],
+      [-6, -89],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [23, -75],
+      [55, -41],
+      [-9, -118],
+      [129, -81],
+      [15, -104],
+      [-63, -56],
+      [-14, -70],
+      [13, -75],
+      [-40, -3],
+      [-10, -64],
+      [-57, -29],
+      [-63, 1],
+      [-11, -32],
+      [-59, 4],
+      [-57, 107],
+      [-55, 42],
+      [-77, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6017, 32468],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-19, 83],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [-46, 103],
+      [12, 91],
+      [-15, 52],
+      [-32, 14],
+      [-100, 1],
+      [-64, -71],
+      [10, -21],
+      [-108, -99],
+      [-62, 1],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [-61, 11],
+      [-39, -17],
+      [-71, 51],
+      [-29, -12],
+      [-61, 43],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-50, 71],
+      [-54, 31],
+      [-105, 126],
+      [-108, 5],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-16, 132],
+      [-47, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4782, 33213],
+      [-18, 79],
+      [13, 53],
+      [-64, 18],
+      [-26, 57],
+      [6, 44],
+      [68, 39],
+      [108, 0],
+      [25, 17],
+      [158, -29],
+      [58, -56],
+      [98, -8],
+      [40, 83],
+      [-12, 50],
+      [15, 87],
+      [64, 25],
+      [2, 106],
+      [55, 5],
+      [22, 71],
+      [37, 38],
+      [-41, 38],
+      [-19, 52],
+      [99, 24],
+      [72, -35],
+      [46, 8],
+      [-43, 99],
+      [68, 9],
+      [3, 24],
+      [-65, 54],
+      [-68, 89],
+      [-86, 28],
+      [9, 76],
+      [-64, 32],
+      [22, 64],
+      [-1, 53],
+      [-52, 81],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [-33, 49],
+      [6, 82],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [-7, 115],
+      [-39, 56],
+      [15, 38],
+      [-84, 114],
+      [-24, 68],
+      [24, 70],
+      [67, 2],
+      [36, 19],
+      [56, -9],
+      [32, 30],
+      [43, -40],
+      [33, 24],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [39, 55],
+      [78, 5],
+      [7, 43],
+      [47, 48],
+      [-3, 76],
+      [64, 36],
+      [27, 89],
+      [69, 27],
+      [50, 52],
+      [17, 88],
+      [45, 43],
+      [125, -17],
+      [62, 32],
+      [-5, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4782, 33213],
+      [-43, -21],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-62, 56],
+      [-109, 3],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-112, -49],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [-106, -15],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-70, -59],
+      [-30, 44],
+      [13, 57],
+      [61, 52],
+      [2, 40],
+      [-28, 34],
+      [16, 32],
+      [1, 84],
+      [-27, 88],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [22, 113],
+      [-19, 26],
+      [38, 67],
+      [120, 44],
+      [27, 27],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [-114, 105],
+      [9, 39],
+      [-44, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14540, 35099],
+      [-13, -38],
+      [1, -103],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-53, -175]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14385, 34741],
+      [-4, -138],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [-10, -70],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-8, -100],
+      [48, -163],
+      [33, -79],
+      [-13, -138],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [28, -47],
+      [-48, -10],
+      [-39, -107],
+      [25, -103],
+      [14, -111],
+      [46, -55],
+      [42, 21],
+      [82, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14473, 33490],
+      [69, -73],
+      [48, -115],
+      [43, -31],
+      [11, -100],
+      [-59, -94],
+      [-109, -61],
+      [-106, -43],
+      [-59, 27],
+      [-124, -2],
+      [-19, -64],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [112, -108],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [13, -50],
+      [-61, -14],
+      [-25, -50],
+      [28, -49],
+      [52, -52],
+      [77, -45],
+      [59, -51],
+      [14, -110],
+      [-180, 32],
+      [-29, -33],
+      [61, -23],
+      [173, -5],
+      [-69, -64],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-67, 32],
+      [1, -94],
+      [138, -33],
+      [23, -24],
+      [53, -4],
+      [42, -78],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [47, -30],
+      [26, -43],
+      [78, -43],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [-72, -24],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-2, -45],
+      [-69, -61],
+      [-50, 4],
+      [-79, -41],
+      [49, -126],
+      [69, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13559, 31057],
+      [-174, -29],
+      [-25, 10],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [-61, 51],
+      [96, 50],
+      [-78, 56],
+      [-46, 85],
+      [29, 180],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-19, 63],
+      [16, 33],
+      [-48, 63],
+      [-45, 91],
+      [-49, 43],
+      [-63, -124],
+      [-60, -10],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [-74, 30],
+      [-62, 166],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-130, 98],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-65, -59],
+      [-27, 1],
+      [-78, 57],
+      [-67, -38],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [-101, -13],
+      [-48, -34],
+      [-36, 53],
+      [-101, 3],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-20, 30],
+      [-59, 33],
+      [-27, 52],
+      [-75, -24],
+      [10, -48],
+      [-57, -107],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-13, -45],
+      [-89, -16],
+      [-55, -23],
+      [-22, -80],
+      [4, -173],
+      [-50, -113],
+      [-91, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11370, 31452],
+      [3, 62],
+      [-91, 9],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [68, 55],
+      [-30, 87],
+      [55, 109],
+      [-8, 119],
+      [53, 172],
+      [15, 14],
+      [18, 151],
+      [72, 66],
+      [3, 57],
+      [-48, 49],
+      [-29, 71],
+      [-102, 9],
+      [-70, 74],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-21, 49],
+      [-55, 32],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-105, 13],
+      [-21, 104],
+      [26, 87],
+      [-17, 120],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-60, -41],
+      [-71, 12],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [32, 65],
+      [66, 40],
+      [23, 36],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [21, 60],
+      [54, 59],
+      [48, 15],
+      [44, -47],
+      [53, -22],
+      [80, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11036, 33318],
+      [105, -25],
+      [159, -59],
+      [4, -41],
+      [42, -8],
+      [57, -67],
+      [50, 17],
+      [54, -79],
+      [58, 12],
+      [99, -44],
+      [19, 68],
+      [47, 10],
+      [-6, 81],
+      [41, 18],
+      [107, 11],
+      [99, 171],
+      [140, 104],
+      [9, 46],
+      [128, 35],
+      [34, 43],
+      [65, 47],
+      [54, -38],
+      [17, 54],
+      [64, 33],
+      [-28, 32],
+      [84, 22],
+      [55, 57],
+      [84, -73],
+      [29, 82],
+      [64, 48],
+      [45, 6],
+      [34, 38],
+      [64, -14],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [-59, 36],
+      [39, 57],
+      [20, 77],
+      [26, 6],
+      [40, -48],
+      [44, 33],
+      [30, 83],
+      [97, 15],
+      [155, 45],
+      [46, -22],
+      [56, 46],
+      [-10, 71],
+      [67, 152],
+      [16, 87],
+      [30, 62],
+      [53, 47],
+      [33, -21],
+      [92, -19],
+      [167, -82],
+      [95, 21],
+      [45, 67],
+      [61, 58],
+      [30, 48],
+      [141, 89],
+      [99, 87],
+      [28, 97],
+      [132, 68],
+      [58, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12336, 27068],
+      [-15, -113],
+      [16, -144],
+      [-58, 15],
+      [-1, -145],
+      [85, -113],
+      [-13, -59],
+      [30, -81],
+      [4, -90],
+      [33, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12417, 26270],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-72, 6],
+      [-39, 19],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-10, -95],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [-89, -19],
+      [-65, 7],
+      [-20, -101],
+      [-29, -52],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-85, 33],
+      [-57, -18],
+      [-49, 9],
+      [-87, -52],
+      [-71, -14],
+      [-126, 30],
+      [-73, -72],
+      [19, -29],
+      [-8, -57],
+      [-42, -31],
+      [70, -27],
+      [-63, -55],
+      [-16, -74],
+      [-91, 53],
+      [-81, 73],
+      [-90, -4],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [13, -44],
+      [-4, -100],
+      [41, -31],
+      [-23, -31],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-89, 38],
+      [-43, 40],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-43, 63],
+      [-54, 47],
+      [-88, 6],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [-121, 4],
+      [-69, 21],
+      [-9, -68],
+      [-52, -62],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-79, -7],
+      [-89, -88],
+      [-163, 9],
+      [73, -112],
+      [-73, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9946, 25185],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-89, -12],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [-105, -30],
+      [-14, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9537, 25355],
+      [29, 63],
+      [32, 27],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [-12, 76],
+      [13, 52],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-22, 97],
+      [-65, 34],
+      [7, 58],
+      [-25, 26],
+      [-16, 92],
+      [68, 25],
+      [16, 62],
+      [-8, 58],
+      [40, 53],
+      [20, 77],
+      [-79, 27],
+      [-68, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9395, 26306],
+      [64, 98],
+      [64, 60],
+      [29, -13],
+      [110, 70],
+      [-19, 31],
+      [29, 65],
+      [54, 30],
+      [25, 51],
+      [52, 23],
+      [36, 46],
+      [73, 18],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [19, 42],
+      [-44, 22],
+      [15, 43],
+      [83, 34],
+      [32, 67],
+      [37, 26],
+      [-16, 44],
+      [52, 167],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [65, 38],
+      [63, 6],
+      [37, 26],
+      [109, 17],
+      [98, 33],
+      [21, 21],
+      [-5, 83],
+      [-56, 23],
+      [24, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10426, 27603],
+      [94, 4],
+      [56, -98],
+      [49, -25],
+      [41, 3],
+      [44, -26],
+      [130, 9],
+      [34, -29],
+      [127, -51],
+      [36, -71],
+      [57, -22],
+      [-6, -73],
+      [98, -62],
+      [44, -71],
+      [142, -4],
+      [67, 40],
+      [65, -42],
+      [75, -32],
+      [180, 7],
+      [157, 71],
+      [86, 23],
+      [89, 73],
+      [0, 79],
+      [-21, 110],
+      [26, 47],
+      [-12, 30],
+      [1, 111],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [38, 16],
+      [23, 83],
+      [64, 2],
+      [90, 20],
+      [29, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2279, 33494],
+      [-89, 53],
+      [-58, 54],
+      [-14, 56],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-25, 104],
+      [-95, 175],
+      [-33, 45],
+      [19, 43],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [-110, -7],
+      [-59, -80],
+      [21, -42],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [-149, -71],
+      [-88, 22],
+      [-66, -28],
+      [-25, 22],
+      [-105, -20],
+      [-22, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1224, 33899],
+      [-82, 67],
+      [-47, 25],
+      [-32, 70],
+      [-53, 82],
+      [9, 50],
+      [44, 106],
+      [58, 48],
+      [75, 29],
+      [8, 78],
+      [-40, 105],
+      [-84, 129],
+      [-60, 133],
+      [-8, 134],
+      [-77, 49],
+      [-23, 39],
+      [-85, 84],
+      [-12, 78],
+      [66, 53],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-60, 85],
+      [-135, 57],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-43, -128],
+      [-90, -55],
+      [-140, 124],
+      [-50, 80],
+      [-7, 58],
+      [31, 82],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-36, 5],
+      [-32, 80],
+      [-45, 37],
+      [-28, 63],
+      [-23, 92],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-42, 17],
+      [-33, 40],
+      [-10, 91],
+      [59, 33],
+      [-4, -80],
+      [71, -6],
+      [44, 16],
+      [66, -47],
+      [40, -115],
+      [62, -37],
+      [109, 42],
+      [51, -46],
+      [36, 16],
+      [58, -19],
+      [37, 107],
+      [56, -16],
+      [20, 31],
+      [98, 6],
+      [51, 30],
+      [6, 49],
+      [50, -10],
+      [47, 45],
+      [114, -22],
+      [85, 10],
+      [13, 28],
+      [84, -21],
+      [49, 6],
+      [19, 111],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [8, 97],
+      [-2, 111],
+      [-57, 81],
+      [0, 45],
+      [27, 61],
+      [-71, 188],
+      [15, 50],
+      [-10, 92],
+      [-77, 26],
+      [-138, 114],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [62, 14],
+      [55, 49],
+      [75, 22],
+      [14, 52],
+      [-5, 136],
+      [105, 11],
+      [-15, 61],
+      [45, 25],
+      [39, -5],
+      [56, 47],
+      [71, 11],
+      [14, 65],
+      [-16, 52],
+      [24, 27],
+      [-12, 71],
+      [17, 28],
+      [-1, 114],
+      [-80, 46],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [-84, 40],
+      [38, 45],
+      [82, -4],
+      [25, 56],
+      [-25, 73],
+      [-68, 64],
+      [13, 148],
+      [70, 72],
+      [1, 26],
+      [137, 148],
+      [41, 21],
+      [-94, 86],
+      [17, 123],
+      [61, 15],
+      [35, -12],
+      [87, 24],
+      [69, 34],
+      [23, -11],
+      [77, 25],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [34, 51],
+      [56, -21],
+      [111, 25],
+      [15, 64],
+      [-32, 16],
+      [-12, 47],
+      [18, 37],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [37, 113],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [42, 70],
+      [26, -25],
+      [81, 20],
+      [48, -103],
+      [38, 1],
+      [73, 38],
+      [43, -34],
+      [101, -42],
+      [26, -58],
+      [96, -41],
+      [43, -37],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [54, -62],
+      [65, 20],
+      [85, -4],
+      [81, 43],
+      [124, -12],
+      [94, 28],
+      [59, -31],
+      [144, 10],
+      [18, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18804, 29488],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-28, -76],
+      [-53, -46],
+      [-31, -131],
+      [53, -101],
+      [-30, -71],
+      [10, -139],
+      [45, -51],
+      [6, -70],
+      [-68, -51],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-39, -71],
+      [-23, -97],
+      [9, -97],
+      [-42, -70],
+      [0, -49],
+      [-21, -100],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-72, -12],
+      [-121, 46],
+      [-45, -45],
+      [-94, -18],
+      [-96, -104],
+      [73, -10],
+      [7, -39],
+      [-44, -93],
+      [10, -52],
+      [43, -63],
+      [1, -33],
+      [87, -42],
+      [71, -18],
+      [16, -40],
+      [46, 28],
+      [116, 7],
+      [23, -36],
+      [-2, -73],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [-48, -156]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18484, 27357],
+      [-63, -20],
+      [-45, -41],
+      [-58, -10],
+      [-225, 39],
+      [-60, 69],
+      [-62, -2],
+      [-18, 21],
+      [-281, 68],
+      [-62, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22558, 31177],
+      [59, -140],
+      [21, -22],
+      [-1, -74],
+      [14, -87],
+      [-58, -145],
+      [-11, -108],
+      [-21, -77],
+      [5, -64],
+      [23, -48],
+      [83, -89],
+      [63, -39],
+      [150, -72],
+      [65, -94],
+      [1, -53],
+      [71, -100],
+      [3, -39],
+      [44, -48],
+      [95, -34],
+      [84, -101],
+      [59, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22664, 29476],
+      [-71, 20],
+      [-87, 4],
+      [-71, 31],
+      [-64, 44],
+      [-133, -56],
+      [-78, 41],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [-71, 23],
+      [-9, 53],
+      [-73, 109],
+      [-54, 39],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-37, 72],
+      [-82, 0],
+      [-246, 21],
+      [-65, -15],
+      [-67, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21392, 29837],
+      [-65, 40],
+      [-41, 143],
+      [9, 79],
+      [-26, 93],
+      [-62, 55],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-54, -44],
+      [-95, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20537, 31221],
+      [110, 45],
+      [53, 61],
+      [6, 78],
+      [104, 5],
+      [103, -36],
+      [40, -3],
+      [23, 36],
+      [72, 9],
+      [45, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21093, 31458],
+      [27, -67],
+      [79, -70],
+      [46, 77],
+      [103, 52],
+      [89, -43],
+      [118, -20],
+      [25, 34],
+      [84, -52],
+      [13, -22],
+      [73, 3],
+      [65, -45],
+      [132, 42],
+      [90, -9],
+      [75, 7],
+      [125, -7],
+      [28, -38],
+      [1, -71],
+      [89, -105],
+      [84, 76],
+      [20, 37],
+      [38, 3],
+      [61, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12480, 24446],
+      [134, -70],
+      [23, -55],
+      [41, -34],
+      [23, -64],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [-5, -87],
+      [-103, -12],
+      [-44, -23],
+      [-113, -1],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-56, -44],
+      [16, -63],
+      [-35, -80],
+      [-80, -19],
+      [-108, -92],
+      [-62, -31],
+      [-11, -59],
+      [50, -35],
+      [13, -62],
+      [35, -39],
+      [-108, -91],
+      [-76, 30],
+      [-107, -26],
+      [-32, 8],
+      [-60, -92],
+      [-88, -53],
+      [-60, -18],
+      [-24, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10898, 23248],
+      [1, 342],
+      [-5, 102],
+      [4, 273],
+      [97, 55],
+      [17, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11012, 24121],
+      [-19, 42],
+      [13, 55],
+      [120, -28],
+      [93, 15],
+      [22, 36],
+      [94, 78],
+      [18, 93],
+      [-26, 39],
+      [5, 52],
+      [47, -16],
+      [12, -39],
+      [48, -25],
+      [71, 6],
+      [101, -30],
+      [28, -65],
+      [60, -7],
+      [29, 53],
+      [68, 12],
+      [11, 22],
+      [-30, 66],
+      [27, 32],
+      [4, 61],
+      [59, 50],
+      [-12, 56],
+      [41, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11896, 24696],
+      [12, 29],
+      [100, 62],
+      [20, -30],
+      [48, -12],
+      [36, -70],
+      [62, -18],
+      [147, -88],
+      [130, -140],
+      [29, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8960, 23710],
+      [-19, -152],
+      [-3, -108],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [30, -78],
+      [69, -49],
+      [-102, -117],
+      [33, -20],
+      [134, -255]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9117, 22618],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-115, -33],
+      [-9, -49],
+      [-175, -66],
+      [-36, 44],
+      [-120, -11],
+      [-29, 19],
+      [-96, -18],
+      [-66, -75],
+      [-55, -20],
+      [-85, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8308, 22387],
+      [1, 126],
+      [-97, -11],
+      [-28, 29],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [26, 60],
+      [-10, 23],
+      [-84, -47],
+      [-143, -13],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [40, 43],
+      [29, 104],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-65, 6],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-77, 10],
+      [12, 71],
+      [-33, 77],
+      [42, 17],
+      [34, 80],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-71, -5],
+      [-57, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7628, 23526],
+      [79, 36],
+      [109, 118],
+      [70, 14],
+      [40, 44],
+      [72, -1],
+      [352, 35],
+      [157, -4],
+      [73, 58],
+      [181, 44],
+      [85, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8846, 23945],
+      [12, -99],
+      [115, -12],
+      [-13, -124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21093, 31458],
+      [48, 40],
+      [105, 22],
+      [52, 106],
+      [49, 38],
+      [47, 11],
+      [12, 49],
+      [130, 57],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [-135, 71],
+      [29, 98],
+      [71, 51],
+      [47, 57],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [8, 86],
+      [40, 39],
+      [44, 83],
+      [50, 51],
+      [-89, 109],
+      [-10, 76],
+      [43, 20],
+      [19, 71],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [-17, 64],
+      [25, 45],
+      [-3, 91],
+      [-119, -11],
+      [-103, 3],
+      [-29, 13],
+      [-139, 4],
+      [-105, -46],
+      [-63, -4],
+      [-82, 26],
+      [-141, -19],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [-67, -43],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [-46, 66],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [-27, 85],
+      [32, 2],
+      [59, 123],
+      [-15, 79],
+      [51, 35],
+      [8, 53],
+      [-71, 75],
+      [21, 57],
+      [59, 6],
+      [44, 35],
+      [-13, 100],
+      [32, 15],
+      [-33, 55],
+      [4, 52],
+      [-51, 41],
+      [19, 24],
+      [-60, 33],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [21, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20898, 34567],
+      [88, -88],
+      [58, -116],
+      [71, -165],
+      [46, -90],
+      [27, -27],
+      [78, -36],
+      [114, -34],
+      [49, -48],
+      [27, -60],
+      [58, -72],
+      [24, -58],
+      [57, -78],
+      [57, -54],
+      [58, -84],
+      [48, -33],
+      [200, -76],
+      [147, -79],
+      [52, -37],
+      [41, -6],
+      [119, -77],
+      [126, -61],
+      [46, -47],
+      [122, -181],
+      [59, -42],
+      [62, -76],
+      [31, -64],
+      [12, -223],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [6, -146],
+      [-67, -262],
+      [-47, -145],
+      [-94, -136],
+      [-20, -113],
+      [10, -96],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [15, -120],
+      [64, -141],
+      [-71, -114]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15531, 23784],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [-68, -33],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-50, 49],
+      [-19, -92],
+      [-76, -31],
+      [-18, 20],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-59, 39],
+      [-47, -17],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-59, -17],
+      [-86, 9],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [4, 46],
+      [-63, 67],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [-26, -49],
+      [2, -81],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [-65, 4],
+      [-76, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14538, 23780],
+      [-117, 44],
+      [-98, 80],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-141, 70],
+      [58, 40],
+      [-97, 21],
+      [47, 31],
+      [35, 65],
+      [50, 18],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [-111, 14],
+      [-52, -38],
+      [-37, 62],
+      [-107, 9],
+      [-54, -19],
+      [-55, 50],
+      [-59, 29],
+      [-88, -11],
+      [-69, 32],
+      [-27, -23],
+      [-99, -30],
+      [11, -44],
+      [-29, -47],
+      [-90, 68],
+      [-57, 64],
+      [-118, 104],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [-41, -2],
+      [-23, 57],
+      [-51, 24],
+      [-62, 6],
+      [-114, -7],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-75, 28],
+      [-73, 79],
+      [-80, -17],
+      [-71, -31],
+      [33, -65],
+      [-45, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11896, 24696],
+      [-91, 108],
+      [-82, 44],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [37, 28],
+      [64, 96],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [12, 61],
+      [-25, 108],
+      [2, 56],
+      [-40, 64],
+      [44, 136],
+      [91, -79],
+      [93, -3],
+      [35, -17],
+      [90, 42],
+      [14, 49],
+      [51, 0],
+      [43, 39],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [47, 34],
+      [138, 66],
+      [60, 72],
+      [109, 39],
+      [7, 59],
+      [-18, 81],
+      [-53, 137],
+      [9, 26],
+      [-38, 100],
+      [-28, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10458, 28932],
+      [43, -46],
+      [-55, -124],
+      [-7, -76],
+      [30, -37],
+      [92, -27],
+      [22, -22],
+      [-5, -98],
+      [-37, -55],
+      [66, -201],
+      [0, -113],
+      [82, -16],
+      [-1, -57],
+      [-56, -31],
+      [-2, -84],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [21, -45],
+      [-49, -58],
+      [25, -26],
+      [-41, -78],
+      [-45, -49],
+      [-63, -11],
+      [-28, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9395, 26306],
+      [-125, 101],
+      [-85, 22],
+      [-32, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8418, 27311],
+      [-75, 24],
+      [-62, -6],
+      [26, 95],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-70, 70],
+      [0, 55],
+      [-56, -2],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-55, 4],
+      [-93, 34],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-22, 93],
+      [7, 110],
+      [-13, 68],
+      [16, 60],
+      [-26, 154],
+      [-26, 5],
+      [-184, -55],
+      [-13, -104],
+      [-159, 59],
+      [-63, 38],
+      [-74, 25],
+      [-20, 25],
+      [-88, 51],
+      [-73, -6],
+      [-111, -47],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-45, -47],
+      [-79, -48],
+      [-74, -20],
+      [-69, -60],
+      [-22, -38],
+      [-49, -15],
+      [-110, -72],
+      [-58, 19],
+      [-75, -8],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [-74, 44],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-130, 30],
+      [-35, 78],
+      [5, 30],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-65, 29],
+      [-114, 7],
+      [-59, 64],
+      [-87, 15],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [-74, 69],
+      [-208, 83],
+      [-38, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5467, 28358],
+      [-38, 58],
+      [-48, 12],
+      [-39, 50],
+      [5, 96],
+      [-26, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8209, 29479],
+      [37, -12],
+      [32, -43],
+      [72, -10],
+      [40, -56],
+      [-43, -77],
+      [51, -38],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [59, -54],
+      [12, -93],
+      [96, -162],
+      [38, -23],
+      [-2, -55],
+      [45, -35],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [90, -10],
+      [73, -39],
+      [24, 29],
+      [13, 76],
+      [68, -2],
+      [20, -50],
+      [172, 83],
+      [1, 36],
+      [67, -23],
+      [-48, -96],
+      [57, -14],
+      [67, 15],
+      [147, -35],
+      [146, -4],
+      [121, 15],
+      [74, 28],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [115, 62],
+      [45, 51],
+      [74, 20],
+      [157, 60],
+      [67, -3],
+      [88, 22],
+      [57, -21],
+      [132, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9131, 6453],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-185, 7],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-136, -31],
+      [-106, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8542, 6280],
+      [-143, -21],
+      [-126, -72],
+      [-179, 53],
+      [-51, 30],
+      [-46, 53],
+      [-58, 14],
+      [-77, -23],
+      [-77, 32],
+      [-227, -24],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-42, -69],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-58, 9],
+      [-84, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7298, 6241],
+      [15, 65],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [32, 61],
+      [-28, 107],
+      [63, 31],
+      [-8, 62],
+      [-67, 49],
+      [-82, -18],
+      [-142, 64],
+      [-80, -9],
+      [-46, -52],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-47, -49],
+      [-31, 1],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [-45, -18],
+      [-48, -111],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-28, 67],
+      [-109, -84],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [2, 193],
+      [-71, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5940, 7515],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-2, 51],
+      [-127, 90],
+      [-17, 77],
+      [34, 24],
+      [43, 110],
+      [57, 47],
+      [96, 60],
+      [8, 22],
+      [62, 24],
+      [19, 55],
+      [68, -55],
+      [50, 41],
+      [53, 8],
+      [44, 33],
+      [-13, 65],
+      [79, 81],
+      [29, 48],
+      [46, 7],
+      [-23, 84],
+      [45, 49],
+      [47, 22],
+      [58, 80],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [88, 62],
+      [15, 27],
+      [13, 92],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-2, 86],
+      [13, 42],
+      [-28, 69],
+      [67, 49],
+      [62, -1],
+      [-8, 69],
+      [52, 45],
+      [24, 70],
+      [103, 27],
+      [51, -38],
+      [60, 24],
+      [136, 37],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [20, 46],
+      [53, -13],
+      [57, 70],
+      [5, 50],
+      [33, 38],
+      [-13, 29],
+      [19, 70],
+      [-7, 233],
+      [-52, 18],
+      [39, 58],
+      [-1, 76],
+      [43, 52],
+      [-19, 186],
+      [45, 45],
+      [24, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7401, 10329],
+      [55, -35],
+      [91, -36],
+      [60, 18],
+      [37, -142],
+      [30, 0],
+      [67, -125],
+      [-22, -63],
+      [2, -123],
+      [16, -38],
+      [36, -8],
+      [53, -74],
+      [14, -215],
+      [30, -38],
+      [-26, -47],
+      [-6, -109],
+      [10, -147],
+      [21, -144],
+      [34, -161],
+      [8, -112],
+      [46, -325],
+      [20, -57],
+      [62, -69],
+      [67, 3],
+      [132, -181],
+      [90, -230],
+      [46, -75],
+      [109, -40],
+      [41, -29],
+      [89, -13],
+      [-33, 71],
+      [-24, 87],
+      [46, 110],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [29, 9],
+      [74, -69],
+      [76, -123],
+      [124, -320],
+      [81, -279],
+      [40, -181],
+      [99, -555],
+      [17, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11427, 35565],
+      [-36, -65],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-43, -46],
+      [-45, -18],
+      [-89, -66],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-60, -82],
+      [-70, -63],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-41, -65],
+      [39, -46],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [17, -55],
+      [-123, -62],
+      [11, -45],
+      [-39, -24],
+      [-65, -85],
+      [-91, -4],
+      [-31, -66],
+      [-81, -70],
+      [-125, -2],
+      [-26, 10],
+      [-104, -16],
+      [-70, 44],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-122, 28],
+      [-112, -38],
+      [-75, -7],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [-209, 24],
+      [-104, -7],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-24, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9372, 34566],
+      [8, 25],
+      [-41, 95],
+      [20, 30],
+      [-40, 27],
+      [10, 39],
+      [-25, 54],
+      [18, 50],
+      [50, 43],
+      [84, 5],
+      [55, 112],
+      [-17, 57],
+      [67, 139],
+      [55, 43],
+      [-42, 112],
+      [46, 89],
+      [32, 29],
+      [24, 72],
+      [70, 7],
+      [45, 86],
+      [-2, 80],
+      [-28, 109],
+      [-75, -38],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-53, 55],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-75, 26],
+      [-55, -44],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-40, 75],
+      [25, 54],
+      [-22, 73],
+      [-44, 21],
+      [25, 157],
+      [18, 49],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [-29, 28],
+      [-22, 86],
+      [37, 79],
+      [24, 9],
+      [60, 81],
+      [-102, 30],
+      [-4, 92],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [9, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9147, 36749],
+      [-1, 57],
+      [79, 76],
+      [3, 53],
+      [59, 49],
+      [14, 100],
+      [96, 60],
+      [18, 54],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [59, 68],
+      [11, 54],
+      [54, 79],
+      [102, -5],
+      [1, -46],
+      [63, -31],
+      [-34, -48],
+      [27, -28],
+      [103, -3],
+      [-14, 120],
+      [46, 13],
+      [22, -34],
+      [59, -4],
+      [68, -29],
+      [44, 36],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [-80, 34],
+      [-65, 47],
+      [35, 86],
+      [28, -26],
+      [50, 24],
+      [83, -12],
+      [57, 51],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-60, 151],
+      [9, 50],
+      [-15, 76],
+      [-49, 70],
+      [34, 104],
+      [-17, 49],
+      [-131, 10],
+      [-8, 80],
+      [-89, 61],
+      [13, 29],
+      [-46, 45],
+      [5, 56],
+      [56, 26],
+      [74, 54],
+      [1, 50],
+      [57, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9891, 38639],
+      [47, 37],
+      [11, 85],
+      [44, 67],
+      [105, 15],
+      [145, -62],
+      [91, -22],
+      [156, -95],
+      [34, 48],
+      [78, 43],
+      [96, 120],
+      [36, 14],
+      [71, 94],
+      [21, 68],
+      [85, -27],
+      [122, 9],
+      [50, -16],
+      [24, 22],
+      [98, -20],
+      [28, 27],
+      [120, -30],
+      [12, -38],
+      [71, -22],
+      [6, -28],
+      [76, -10],
+      [18, -31],
+      [54, 18],
+      [82, 7],
+      [94, -13],
+      [30, 80],
+      [110, -6],
+      [115, -61],
+      [18, -34],
+      [-40, -56],
+      [33, -64],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [-14, -115],
+      [-90, 17],
+      [-82, -11],
+      [-14, -41],
+      [29, -73],
+      [-50, -71],
+      [-35, -16],
+      [10, -63],
+      [45, -76],
+      [75, -14],
+      [26, -42],
+      [-34, -60],
+      [38, -67],
+      [45, -178],
+      [-28, -111],
+      [37, -100],
+      [-2, -58],
+      [86, -39],
+      [37, -44],
+      [92, -61],
+      [41, -8],
+      [50, -57],
+      [-66, -127],
+      [-77, -5],
+      [-48, -55],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [16, -65],
+      [-69, -37],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-63, -31],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [26, -63],
+      [-2, -42],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [28, -63],
+      [-9, -87],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-4, -45],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [32, -58],
+      [45, -4],
+      [54, -31],
+      [-31, -84],
+      [-49, -78],
+      [-84, -53],
+      [-96, -29],
+      [-5, -61],
+      [20, -28],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-106, -24],
+      [-28, -65],
+      [-108, -20],
+      [-36, -61],
+      [6, -44],
+      [-121, -115],
+      [14, -56],
+      [70, -60],
+      [16, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13369, 2677],
+      [103, -142],
+      [126, -154],
+      [57, -56],
+      [43, -14],
+      [73, -50],
+      [59, -12],
+      [126, -137],
+      [108, -98],
+      [146, -100],
+      [262, -158],
+      [15, -28],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-10, -96],
+      [23, -90],
+      [25, -34],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-34, -68],
+      [-28, -22],
+      [-32, -71],
+      [-149, -81],
+      [-97, -85],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-91, -67],
+      [6, -70],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [43, -54],
+      [24, -77],
+      [-81, -80],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-20, -51],
+      [-91, -79],
+      [-45, -3],
+      [-33, -71],
+      [6, -67],
+      [-29, -8],
+      [-96, 75],
+      [-18, 50],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-94, -46],
+      [-16, -51],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-28, 59],
+      [-53, 42],
+      [-36, 53],
+      [2, 131],
+      [-17, 33],
+      [-71, 15],
+      [-66, 90],
+      [-88, 57],
+      [-62, -25],
+      [-79, -15],
+      [-118, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12684, 771],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [1, 141],
+      [-45, 87],
+      [5, 198],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [-58, 5],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [11, 33],
+      [-44, 90],
+      [-44, 40],
+      [-73, 27],
+      [-15, 68],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [65, 34],
+      [31, 47],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [22, 71],
+      [-28, 83],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [24, 85],
+      [61, 40],
+      [3, 80],
+      [18, 59],
+      [31, 19],
+      [108, 0],
+      [-22, 72],
+      [6, 31],
+      [63, -6],
+      [166, -60],
+      [32, 37],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [40, 40],
+      [45, 15],
+      [93, 86],
+      [51, 72],
+      [-47, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12966, 2645],
+      [12, 44],
+      [-70, 51],
+      [12, 53],
+      [88, 36],
+      [74, -5],
+      [26, -27],
+      [41, 18],
+      [22, -43],
+      [-2, -46],
+      [32, -58],
+      [124, -15],
+      [44, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14473, 33490],
+      [57, 31],
+      [51, -38],
+      [26, 7],
+      [61, 76],
+      [73, -2],
+      [38, 13],
+      [101, -19],
+      [90, 15],
+      [46, -15],
+      [56, 36],
+      [113, 15],
+      [26, -237],
+      [22, -42],
+      [-3, -70],
+      [81, -100],
+      [39, -69],
+      [70, -191],
+      [105, -174],
+      [40, -100],
+      [-9, -122],
+      [209, 15],
+      [173, -51],
+      [86, -5],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-53, -60],
+      [-69, -17],
+      [-89, -41],
+      [-145, -21],
+      [29, -64],
+      [54, -65],
+      [66, -165],
+      [70, -86],
+      [86, -64],
+      [95, -38],
+      [115, -73],
+      [80, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18501, 34480],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [-9, -54],
+      [59, -24],
+      [16, -47],
+      [-42, -27],
+      [1, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18490, 34239],
+      [-63, -49],
+      [-97, -29],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [-99, -47],
+      [30, -74],
+      [-52, -33],
+      [-75, 55],
+      [-42, 73],
+      [-45, 38],
+      [-49, -8],
+      [-81, -54],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-48, -73],
+      [-17, -91],
+      [-50, -11],
+      [-51, 64],
+      [-14, 48],
+      [-44, 49],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-70, 65],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-158, -6],
+      [-94, -129],
+      [-38, -22],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [-84, 104],
+      [-88, -13],
+      [-46, 29],
+      [-42, -29],
+      [11, -83],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [51, -132],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [6, -65],
+      [-15, -44],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-11, -60],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-93, -11],
+      [-62, -104],
+      [3, -71],
+      [-86, -6],
+      [-17, -37],
+      [-60, 6],
+      [-44, 38],
+      [-74, -39],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-62, -8],
+      [-6, 60],
+      [-151, 38],
+      [16, 67],
+      [-20, 56],
+      [57, 40],
+      [-80, 43],
+      [-154, 120],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [-173, -28],
+      [-85, 40],
+      [-27, 114],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [4, 83],
+      [-41, 64],
+      [-70, 27],
+      [-19, 31],
+      [-70, 43],
+      [-38, 7],
+      [-76, 73],
+      [-40, 80],
+      [-35, -32],
+      [-92, 37],
+      [-68, 40],
+      [-148, 28],
+      [-43, -78],
+      [-59, 51],
+      [12, 72],
+      [-54, 1],
+      [-42, 28],
+      [-14, 50],
+      [-66, -12],
+      [-90, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14540, 35099],
+      [82, 7],
+      [31, -26],
+      [61, -8],
+      [60, -144],
+      [46, -46],
+      [59, -29],
+      [78, -62],
+      [23, -38],
+      [115, -95],
+      [70, -23],
+      [110, -7],
+      [50, -27],
+      [186, -131],
+      [96, -40],
+      [91, -18],
+      [66, 12],
+      [58, -20],
+      [91, 14],
+      [139, -32],
+      [29, -60],
+      [10, -67],
+      [-26, -78],
+      [-52, -84],
+      [39, -55],
+      [96, -4],
+      [81, -59],
+      [75, -19],
+      [33, 61],
+      [-56, 53],
+      [26, 64],
+      [42, 23],
+      [127, 24],
+      [57, 28],
+      [82, 109],
+      [121, 33],
+      [102, 74],
+      [147, 33],
+      [94, 47],
+      [64, 9],
+      [59, -12],
+      [118, -80],
+      [59, 16],
+      [55, 52],
+      [70, 88],
+      [12, 65],
+      [-24, 60],
+      [24, 137],
+      [33, 32],
+      [132, 67],
+      [39, 36],
+      [23, 92],
+      [-17, 75],
+      [64, 79],
+      [95, 25],
+      [107, 43],
+      [126, 25],
+      [63, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8960, 23710],
+      [51, 40],
+      [114, -33],
+      [32, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9157, 23681],
+      [-38, -168],
+      [16, -51],
+      [55, -103],
+      [37, -25],
+      [67, 5],
+      [132, -31],
+      [62, -38],
+      [32, 11],
+      [95, -87],
+      [94, 5],
+      [63, 31],
+      [56, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9157, 23681],
+      [300, -3],
+      [108, -8],
+      [58, 14],
+      [56, 32],
+      [101, -43],
+      [46, 26],
+      [173, 56],
+      [240, 117],
+      [258, 117],
+      [125, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10622, 24039],
+      [205, 86],
+      [6, -84],
+      [179, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12966, 2645],
+      [-76, -41],
+      [-99, 15],
+      [-53, 56],
+      [10, 35],
+      [-41, 39],
+      [-51, 5],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [-44, -37],
+      [-53, 37],
+      [-111, -75],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-122, -42],
+      [-65, 40],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-36, 92],
+      [-1, 41],
+      [32, 17],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [-45, 68],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-61, -23],
+      [-42, -39],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-163, 21],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-49, -4],
+      [-78, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11485, 2821],
+      [-68, 39],
+      [-83, 80],
+      [10, 39],
+      [-12, 83],
+      [-114, 24],
+      [37, 61],
+      [-11, 93],
+      [42, 48],
+      [43, 21],
+      [26, 63],
+      [-68, 43],
+      [61, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11348, 3457],
+      [120, 13],
+      [182, 0],
+      [145, 30],
+      [79, 38],
+      [40, 44],
+      [44, 3],
+      [57, -53],
+      [38, -14],
+      [49, 22],
+      [60, -45],
+      [45, 42],
+      [-6, 70],
+      [49, -19],
+      [205, -46],
+      [61, -3],
+      [228, -72],
+      [19, 12],
+      [56, -52],
+      [59, -28],
+      [199, -314],
+      [33, -25],
+      [83, -135],
+      [176, -248]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3653, 6925],
+      [99, -67],
+      [41, -2],
+      [21, -50],
+      [47, -40],
+      [-32, -72],
+      [10, -67],
+      [28, -41],
+      [-3, -98],
+      [-34, -87],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-39, 98],
+      [21, 48],
+      [47, 46],
+      [1, 62],
+      [-64, 54],
+      [-45, 4],
+      [-19, 51],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-19, 49],
+      [54, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3939, 7162],
+      [-2, -104],
+      [-52, -143],
+      [-53, 12],
+      [-26, -19],
+      [-80, 51],
+      [65, 13],
+      [40, 100],
+      [108, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3453, 7643],
+      [-12, -75],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [13, 35],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [35, 2],
+      [23, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2821, 9468],
+      [121, -44],
+      [44, -44],
+      [-45, -100],
+      [-40, -19],
+      [-29, -55],
+      [-11, -71],
+      [-41, -74],
+      [-17, 62],
+      [-46, 63],
+      [41, 74],
+      [-4, 115],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [53, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2883, 9897],
+      [61, -104],
+      [41, -34],
+      [34, -105],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [-121, -98],
+      [-128, 1],
+      [17, 108],
+      [-8, 156],
+      [38, 40],
+      [-3, 66],
+      [90, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2959, 9905],
+      [72, -62],
+      [-22, -61],
+      [-60, 74],
+      [10, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2954, 10147],
+      [-33, -87],
+      [-41, -44],
+      [18, -26],
+      [-33, -59],
+      [-62, -25],
+      [1, 98],
+      [25, -2],
+      [79, 105],
+      [46, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3542, 10290],
+      [64, -34],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [18, -89],
+      [-22, -56],
+      [-71, -63],
+      [-23, -67],
+      [29, -96],
+      [-57, -12],
+      [9, -92],
+      [23, -97],
+      [-64, -47],
+      [2, -42],
+      [48, -80],
+      [48, -58],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [-135, -53],
+      [14, -83],
+      [-3, -56],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [86, -16],
+      [101, -30],
+      [22, -52],
+      [62, -4],
+      [63, -126],
+      [134, -47],
+      [-14, -237],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-35, -58],
+      [-74, -23],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [87, -65],
+      [64, -27],
+      [150, 40],
+      [39, 45],
+      [81, 6],
+      [62, -45],
+      [26, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4026, 7907],
+      [-2, -76],
+      [-34, -4],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [45, -66],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-97, -8],
+      [-23, 58],
+      [-67, -65],
+      [-6, -47],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-116, -73],
+      [-66, -15],
+      [-97, 59],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [-25, 32],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [3, -22],
+      [7, -58],
+      [40, -30],
+      [-96, -16],
+      [11, -37],
+      [39, -31],
+      [-3, -86],
+      [34, -128],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-26, -76],
+      [24, -33],
+      [-48, -43],
+      [-16, 57],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-75, -99],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [-36, 91],
+      [-75, -23],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [-91, 32],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [0, 114],
+      [-38, 168],
+      [-69, 258],
+      [-34, 100],
+      [-44, 187],
+      [-48, 155],
+      [53, 62],
+      [46, 20],
+      [11, 35],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [30, 11],
+      [10, 63],
+      [-16, 47],
+      [-21, 179],
+      [47, 27],
+      [34, 54],
+      [-8, 106],
+      [15, 52],
+      [1, 110],
+      [27, 15],
+      [50, 81],
+      [-1, 69],
+      [29, 51],
+      [33, 19],
+      [40, 78],
+      [36, 18],
+      [80, -51],
+      [78, -81],
+      [-48, 124],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [8, 58],
+      [-83, 15],
+      [-49, 68],
+      [29, 57],
+      [76, 46],
+      [80, 16],
+      [-79, 63],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [-9, 92],
+      [-63, 87],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [33, 58],
+      [55, -2],
+      [61, -25],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [95, 157],
+      [10, 80],
+      [35, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3196, 10397],
+      [35, 9],
+      [38, -29],
+      [83, 33],
+      [29, -11],
+      [51, -75],
+      [44, -37],
+      [66, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8542, 6280],
+      [-20, -98],
+      [-31, -94],
+      [56, 23],
+      [81, -12],
+      [30, -52],
+      [79, -15],
+      [58, -305],
+      [7, -227],
+      [19, -184],
+      [63, -84],
+      [84, -83],
+      [39, -18],
+      [117, 229],
+      [116, 10],
+      [64, -101],
+      [14, -66],
+      [-23, -114],
+      [36, -184],
+      [54, -162],
+      [26, -26],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [-73, -50],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-23, 83],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-21, -80],
+      [-57, -10],
+      [14, -48],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [-66, -2],
+      [-131, -49],
+      [-56, 2],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [-114, -31],
+      [-56, -73],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-81, 47],
+      [-76, -41],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-34, -25],
+      [-19, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8276, 4156],
+      [-52, 5],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-79, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8098, 4173],
+      [-40, 68],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-74, 156],
+      [0, 31],
+      [-46, 72],
+      [39, 76],
+      [-18, 38],
+      [-2, 92],
+      [-63, 12],
+      [-44, 28],
+      [-2, 72],
+      [-26, 27],
+      [19, 64],
+      [-122, 148],
+      [-13, 54],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [16, 35],
+      [-36, 46],
+      [-63, 38],
+      [42, 103],
+      [-35, 19],
+      [-78, 92],
+      [36, 88],
+      [-54, 69],
+      [51, 1],
+      [30, 36],
+      [0, 55],
+      [-90, 61],
+      [1, 50],
+      [-35, 118],
+      [-30, 21],
+      [11, 54],
+      [-34, 39],
+      [-33, 96],
+      [-39, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9147, 36749],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [-83, -6],
+      [-26, 22],
+      [-193, 3],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-84, -32],
+      [-121, 57],
+      [-77, -48],
+      [-61, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9350, 39342],
+      [58, -20],
+      [51, -58],
+      [-44, -97],
+      [41, -23],
+      [5, -82],
+      [52, -46],
+      [43, -15],
+      [35, -42],
+      [6, -85],
+      [-44, -95],
+      [21, -123],
+      [88, -4],
+      [61, 21],
+      [126, -34],
+      [42, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10458, 28932],
+      [-120, 71],
+      [-266, 74],
+      [35, 157],
+      [-4, 52],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [194, 289],
+      [39, 37],
+      [-45, 21],
+      [-36, -38],
+      [-42, 1],
+      [-46, 87],
+      [-45, 36],
+      [-5, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10088, 29841],
+      [37, 20],
+      [19, 49],
+      [52, 47],
+      [68, 35],
+      [-12, 84],
+      [14, 24],
+      [204, 23],
+      [8, 34],
+      [72, 31],
+      [-19, 61],
+      [69, 28],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [58, 28],
+      [10, 49],
+      [37, 3],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [31, 16],
+      [-22, 54],
+      [-9, 72],
+      [43, 125],
+      [96, 90],
+      [101, -6],
+      [20, 80],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [17, 51],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [25, 42],
+      [-14, 35],
+      [-56, 8],
+      [-11, 32],
+      [72, 50],
+      [106, 9],
+      [10, 67],
+      [68, 31],
+      [4, 53],
+      [95, 25],
+      [46, 46],
+      [13, 51],
+      [49, 35],
+      [65, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7667, 21490],
+      [-11, -58],
+      [20, -173],
+      [80, 21],
+      [45, 93],
+      [77, -17],
+      [37, 35],
+      [45, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7960, 21400],
+      [-3, -91],
+      [54, -54],
+      [50, -24],
+      [58, -96],
+      [44, -43],
+      [78, -32],
+      [67, -46],
+      [-11, -79],
+      [4, -108],
+      [60, -79],
+      [59, -14],
+      [-28, -46],
+      [-101, -111],
+      [-68, -100],
+      [-29, -78],
+      [-12, -112],
+      [-39, -101],
+      [-40, -59],
+      [-78, -195],
+      [-24, -78],
+      [-10, -145],
+      [-24, -156]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7967, 19553],
+      [-90, -8],
+      [-62, 16],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-61, -11],
+      [-81, 16],
+      [-191, -121],
+      [-30, 123],
+      [-122, 68],
+      [-120, -20],
+      [-68, -26],
+      [-45, 20],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-2, -60],
+      [39, -36],
+      [-15, -99],
+      [6, -32],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [-58, 22],
+      [-29, 63],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-89, 8],
+      [-72, -50],
+      [-72, 36],
+      [-22, 38],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [-79, -30],
+      [-44, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6393, 19413],
+      [-83, 91],
+      [-45, -8],
+      [-96, 34],
+      [5, 21],
+      [-72, 27],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [-131, 45],
+      [-15, 103],
+      [-63, 39],
+      [-91, -15],
+      [-36, 55],
+      [18, 29],
+      [2, 67],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [-17, 90],
+      [-99, 63],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [9, 50],
+      [-23, 25],
+      [7, 60],
+      [-59, 43],
+      [27, 48],
+      [38, 5],
+      [31, 42],
+      [-73, 149],
+      [-79, 55],
+      [-78, 29],
+      [-63, 95],
+      [87, 71],
+      [25, 88],
+      [-6, 83],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [5, 69],
+      [46, 30],
+      [78, 7],
+      [53, -42],
+      [49, 2],
+      [40, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5695, 21151],
+      [59, -14],
+      [44, -45],
+      [76, -103],
+      [167, 79],
+      [-17, 70],
+      [22, 54],
+      [76, 57],
+      [64, -62],
+      [120, -54],
+      [62, -15],
+      [23, -29],
+      [46, -1],
+      [74, 45],
+      [22, -26],
+      [67, -31],
+      [45, 83],
+      [76, -21],
+      [58, 6],
+      [35, -21],
+      [76, 23],
+      [81, -1],
+      [108, 27],
+      [12, 59],
+      [-8, 140],
+      [63, 23],
+      [42, 64],
+      [137, 58],
+      [87, 7],
+      [91, -30],
+      [21, 29],
+      [62, -2],
+      [81, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8148, 30534],
+      [65, 24],
+      [41, -30],
+      [98, 19],
+      [54, 72],
+      [62, 7],
+      [118, -40],
+      [83, 34],
+      [53, 105],
+      [35, 4],
+      [60, -62],
+      [-5, -151],
+      [4, -94],
+      [18, -18],
+      [75, 26],
+      [179, -37],
+      [121, 30],
+      [48, 32],
+      [55, -76],
+      [22, 19],
+      [73, -39],
+      [124, 20],
+      [49, 50],
+      [10, 45],
+      [74, 58],
+      [101, 12],
+      [128, 46],
+      [39, -34],
+      [-6, -145],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-14, -138],
+      [25, -30],
+      [18, -69],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [15, -87],
+      [67, -54],
+      [-20, -76],
+      [8, -71],
+      [56, 42],
+      [33, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7669, 30985],
+      [36, 63],
+      [159, 14],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [-28, 52],
+      [94, 65],
+      [31, 91],
+      [114, 25],
+      [47, -46],
+      [52, 30],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [11, 47],
+      [98, 7],
+      [66, -24],
+      [89, 30],
+      [42, 130],
+      [-25, 112],
+      [-110, 82],
+      [-37, -10],
+      [-124, 76],
+      [-54, 116],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-63, -33],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [13, 42],
+      [-12, 53],
+      [40, 30],
+      [-27, 82],
+      [5, 42],
+      [50, -14],
+      [23, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8045, 32202],
+      [52, 38],
+      [103, -64],
+      [24, 45],
+      [102, 1],
+      [128, 57],
+      [132, 29],
+      [57, -58],
+      [35, 5],
+      [200, 142],
+      [-17, 101],
+      [-29, 104],
+      [19, 98],
+      [137, 65],
+      [48, 11],
+      [52, -22],
+      [23, 40],
+      [61, 16],
+      [25, -18],
+      [99, 43],
+      [150, 51],
+      [153, 1],
+      [38, 26],
+      [22, -56],
+      [131, 17],
+      [58, 21],
+      [46, -10],
+      [56, 26],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [33, 53],
+      [43, 23],
+      [50, -2],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [86, 23],
+      [55, 57],
+      [45, 23],
+      [95, 23],
+      [31, 47],
+      [95, 87],
+      [30, 55],
+      [75, 102],
+      [83, 16],
+      [23, 19],
+      [43, 96],
+      [50, 61],
+      [97, 5],
+      [12, -35],
+      [44, -13],
+      [92, 12],
+      [67, 43],
+      [36, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11126, 33790],
+      [52, -49],
+      [0, -98],
+      [-46, -62],
+      [10, -105],
+      [-20, -53],
+      [-86, -105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9946, 25185],
+      [-62, -81],
+      [-21, -83],
+      [85, -51],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [117, -14],
+      [64, 1],
+      [42, 85],
+      [51, 7],
+      [77, -34],
+      [203, -11],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [-82, -25],
+      [2, -20],
+      [69, -47],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [17, -52],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-31, -58],
+      [104, -56],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-18, -111],
+      [16, -48],
+      [110, 13],
+      [2, -233]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8846, 23945],
+      [1, 208],
+      [49, 55],
+      [26, 59],
+      [4, 167],
+      [34, 29],
+      [-21, 93],
+      [-68, 32],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [27, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9372, 34566],
+      [-67, -1],
+      [-51, -58],
+      [-77, -48],
+      [17, -55],
+      [10, -110],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [-19, -60],
+      [-46, -6],
+      [-40, 49],
+      [-19, 66],
+      [-58, 10],
+      [-36, 58],
+      [-37, -12],
+      [-53, 25],
+      [-66, -39],
+      [-32, -56],
+      [-61, -61],
+      [-77, -44],
+      [-28, -2],
+      [-49, -64],
+      [-47, -27],
+      [-215, -64],
+      [-39, 38],
+      [-95, -37],
+      [-85, -10],
+      [13, -44],
+      [-33, -41],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-13, -46],
+      [-66, 4],
+      [-79, 58],
+      [-43, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7793, 33967],
+      [-165, -24],
+      [-79, 15],
+      [-122, -44],
+      [-74, -134],
+      [-67, -49],
+      [-65, 47],
+      [-14, 52],
+      [-43, 5],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [-49, 64],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-78, 54],
+      [-93, 18],
+      [-100, -29],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [-80, -42],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-52, -24],
+      [-52, -82],
+      [-29, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3152, 5569],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-45, -41],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [31, 43],
+      [45, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3335, 6479],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [65, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2893, 7200],
+      [137, -81],
+      [23, -122],
+      [45, -35],
+      [46, 3],
+      [0, -45],
+      [33, -37],
+      [60, -17],
+      [75, 51],
+      [13, -35],
+      [-9, -112],
+      [-41, -13],
+      [-23, -42],
+      [6, -98],
+      [-57, -35],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [57, -120],
+      [31, -42],
+      [54, 34],
+      [-3, -91],
+      [-72, -31],
+      [-52, -2],
+      [-16, -57],
+      [43, -90],
+      [-68, -4],
+      [-30, 65],
+      [-83, -36],
+      [-45, -111],
+      [18, -18],
+      [-110, -51],
+      [1, 43],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-6, 46],
+      [37, 32],
+      [-28, 150],
+      [-53, 33],
+      [53, 45],
+      [16, 71],
+      [-111, 69],
+      [71, 45],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [44, 75],
+      [-14, 74],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [4, 59],
+      [-19, 34],
+      [81, 41],
+      [14, 85],
+      [-25, 127],
+      [-29, 85],
+      [28, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14538, 23780],
+      [-23, -61],
+      [2, -68],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-51, -15],
+      [-102, -63],
+      [4, -69],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-129, -8],
+      [-119, -28],
+      [-52, -41],
+      [14, -56],
+      [1, -97],
+      [30, -55],
+      [-116, 5],
+      [-19, -58],
+      [-4, -89],
+      [73, -79],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [26, -50],
+      [45, -10],
+      [-3, -119],
+      [-72, -41],
+      [68, -41],
+      [-12, -75],
+      [32, -108],
+      [-22, -57],
+      [40, -61],
+      [-48, -78],
+      [-75, 18],
+      [-8, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7967, 19553],
+      [2, -136],
+      [59, -174],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [15, -115],
+      [15, -21],
+      [-8, -72],
+      [37, -47],
+      [22, -100],
+      [-6, -87],
+      [-32, -55],
+      [-45, -141],
+      [16, -54],
+      [68, -63],
+      [1, -42],
+      [59, -67],
+      [-48, -58],
+      [-91, -67],
+      [-44, -93],
+      [22, -35],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-243, -243],
+      [-64, -84],
+      [-88, -180],
+      [-10, -85],
+      [68, -83],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [-65, -62],
+      [8, -52],
+      [29, -33],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [25, -33],
+      [-40, -42],
+      [-123, -95],
+      [-81, -90],
+      [-28, -67],
+      [-127, -187],
+      [-73, -125],
+      [-46, -95],
+      [-24, -92],
+      [-50, -88],
+      [-17, -75],
+      [-62, -116],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [-44, -22],
+      [-36, -84],
+      [-15, -137],
+      [15, -67],
+      [34, -67],
+      [44, -36],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [-69, 12],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-60, -64],
+      [-38, -81],
+      [-7, -75],
+      [30, -158],
+      [16, -40],
+      [-1, -89],
+      [-14, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5512, 15093],
+      [67, 37],
+      [21, 102],
+      [27, 1],
+      [118, 83],
+      [14, 86],
+      [64, 71],
+      [28, 84],
+      [23, 13],
+      [51, -39],
+      [65, 76],
+      [7, 46],
+      [-42, 42],
+      [35, 22],
+      [58, 85],
+      [-41, 76],
+      [88, 62],
+      [6, 29],
+      [65, 68],
+      [93, 29],
+      [29, 69],
+      [-36, 130],
+      [4, 22],
+      [79, 54],
+      [60, -6],
+      [42, 87],
+      [61, 73],
+      [-33, 59],
+      [-14, 67],
+      [26, 90],
+      [33, 28],
+      [117, 36],
+      [36, -41],
+      [110, 13],
+      [28, 60],
+      [43, 31],
+      [-12, 46],
+      [59, 89],
+      [109, 66],
+      [-2, 69],
+      [19, 35],
+      [3, 61],
+      [43, 107],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-46, 51],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [3, 39],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [21, 70],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [35, 20],
+      [2, 108],
+      [-47, 45],
+      [-120, 22],
+      [10, 62],
+      [-26, 48],
+      [4, 34],
+      [67, 75],
+      [-1, 57],
+      [29, 89],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-148, -18],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-65, 18],
+      [3, 59],
+      [41, 24],
+      [25, 65],
+      [-22, 76],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [27, 58],
+      [6, 58],
+      [-69, 34],
+      [1, 32],
+      [-85, 126],
+      [25, 39],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [32, 52],
+      [1, 80],
+      [-53, 44],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [-67, 31],
+      [9, 57],
+      [61, 29],
+      [-23, 91],
+      [17, 92],
+      [47, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3264, 11576],
+      [31, -99],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-54, 54],
+      [6, 46],
+      [53, 3],
+      [26, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3391, 11834],
+      [42, -27],
+      [-21, -40],
+      [16, -40],
+      [-45, -27],
+      [-18, -45],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [32, 28],
+      [-13, 69],
+      [56, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4253, 11105],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [68, -42],
+      [25, -68],
+      [-63, -26],
+      [-132, -139],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [-86, -30],
+      [47, -60],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-75, -29],
+      [22, -43],
+      [45, -30],
+      [1, -78],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-76, 27],
+      [-70, -41],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-44, 48],
+      [-57, -20],
+      [-55, 6],
+      [-104, -95],
+      [-20, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3196, 10397],
+      [15, 107],
+      [52, 56],
+      [46, 97],
+      [29, 202],
+      [50, 141],
+      [60, -93],
+      [-16, -87],
+      [37, 11],
+      [0, 82],
+      [52, 57],
+      [80, 37],
+      [-6, 42],
+      [-45, 39],
+      [-50, -11],
+      [-73, 22],
+      [-15, 83],
+      [46, 15],
+      [66, -64],
+      [3, 67],
+      [19, 60],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [60, -18],
+      [58, 26],
+      [38, 38],
+      [17, 61],
+      [34, 33],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [-127, 35],
+      [-17, 81],
+      [80, 22],
+      [22, 26],
+      [-74, 144],
+      [61, 88],
+      [45, 13],
+      [19, -31],
+      [51, 84],
+      [-12, 43],
+      [67, 32],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [40, 114],
+      [59, 104],
+      [34, 34],
+      [28, 72],
+      [78, 99],
+      [86, 232],
+      [57, 106],
+      [66, 177],
+      [0, 36],
+      [36, 33],
+      [16, 201],
+      [36, 35],
+      [14, 45],
+      [41, 58],
+      [51, 11],
+      [-3, 30],
+      [35, 36],
+      [7, 55],
+      [26, 53],
+      [-22, 64],
+      [14, 46],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [4, 78],
+      [-30, 45],
+      [-64, 36],
+      [9, 65],
+      [21, 18],
+      [-11, 88],
+      [115, 111],
+      [70, 100],
+      [59, 56],
+      [64, 37],
+      [19, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8308, 22387],
+      [9, -35],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-68, -20],
+      [33, -43],
+      [-17, -47],
+      [20, -111],
+      [-42, -32],
+      [0, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8196, 21988],
+      [-60, 21],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-67, -32],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [-125, 12],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-35, -53],
+      [-4, -111],
+      [-73, -153],
+      [-31, -130]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5695, 21151],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [-37, 88],
+      [36, 25],
+      [-64, 66],
+      [10, 75],
+      [53, 52],
+      [-5, 185],
+      [18, 31],
+      [-35, 104],
+      [26, 21],
+      [-59, 103],
+      [14, 46],
+      [0, 85],
+      [-86, 85],
+      [43, 34],
+      [-36, 65],
+      [15, 60],
+      [-16, 66],
+      [13, 44],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [16, 73],
+      [-15, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13593, 19828],
+      [-43, -61],
+      [-4, -45],
+      [-103, 40],
+      [-90, -12],
+      [-88, -26],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-91, -110],
+      [-125, 23],
+      [-108, -14],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-51, -7],
+      [-259, 11],
+      [-82, -19],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-3, -47],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-149, 80],
+      [-180, 68],
+      [-68, 32],
+      [-148, 23],
+      [-294, 22],
+      [-121, 15],
+      [-109, -11],
+      [-64, -26],
+      [-155, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21392, 29837],
+      [-33, -71],
+      [10, -22],
+      [-36, -53],
+      [-65, -46],
+      [-38, -45],
+      [-71, -42],
+      [-76, -21],
+      [-23, -77],
+      [-82, -91],
+      [-33, 17],
+      [-48, -45],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-43, -65],
+      [-47, -24],
+      [-65, 11],
+      [-62, -115],
+      [19, -63],
+      [35, -25],
+      [-9, -67],
+      [-29, -34],
+      [7, -58],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-102, 27],
+      [-84, -13],
+      [-10, -60],
+      [29, -59],
+      [-62, -109],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [31, -21],
+      [7, -72],
+      [-48, -36],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [3, -40],
+      [101, 2],
+      [136, 69],
+      [56, 9],
+      [39, -47],
+      [75, -26],
+      [10, -34],
+      [-34, -47],
+      [22, -95],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [38, -28],
+      [85, -104],
+      [31, -94],
+      [-18, -25],
+      [65, -51],
+      [-90, -27],
+      [-125, -72],
+      [-1, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20694, 27716],
+      [-52, 14],
+      [-96, -82],
+      [12, -24],
+      [-65, -42],
+      [13, -41],
+      [-75, -24],
+      [-124, -122],
+      [-25, -115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20282, 27280],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-84, -18],
+      [-21, 39],
+      [-66, 34],
+      [-67, 10],
+      [-60, 68],
+      [-96, -33],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [-50, -35],
+      [-173, -30],
+      [-42, 29],
+      [-68, -25],
+      [-212, 36],
+      [-159, 45],
+      [-80, -13],
+      [-61, -31],
+      [-57, -65],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [-72, 26],
+      [-54, 42],
+      [-115, 5],
+      [-118, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17051, 23851],
+      [36, -69],
+      [-46, -52],
+      [-10, -80],
+      [-67, -60],
+      [-8, -92],
+      [32, -82],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [-76, -6],
+      [-61, -53],
+      [-102, -58],
+      [-38, -62],
+      [-62, -28],
+      [-46, -214],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [-102, -140],
+      [24, -60],
+      [-46, 2],
+      [-86, -63],
+      [-29, -7],
+      [-241, -114],
+      [-60, -22],
+      [-56, -49],
+      [-42, -64],
+      [67, -48],
+      [30, -44],
+      [64, -14],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [-66, -13],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-134, -59],
+      [-110, 21],
+      [-157, -34],
+      [-59, 32],
+      [-82, -12],
+      [-85, 28],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [-11, -41],
+      [83, -103],
+      [-20, -160],
+      [17, -116],
+      [-48, -162],
+      [21, -20],
+      [21, -86],
+      [-17, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19290, 31772],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [21, 68],
+      [-29, 73],
+      [35, 76],
+      [-94, 42],
+      [-46, 74],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-64, 61],
+      [-62, -41],
+      [-157, 99],
+      [-147, 75],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-85, 20],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-121, 65],
+      [-50, 0],
+      [-32, 54],
+      [-105, 23],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-69, -9],
+      [-29, 17],
+      [-66, 107],
+      [43, 48],
+      [19, 58],
+      [90, 114],
+      [-59, 78],
+      [-21, 74],
+      [43, 64],
+      [-3, 88],
+      [74, 56],
+      [16, 66],
+      [50, 41],
+      [18, 55],
+      [58, 37],
+      [111, 11],
+      [20, 105],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [24, 48],
+      [-17, 52],
+      [27, 121],
+      [-29, 78],
+      [-41, -16],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-2, 41],
+      [60, 80],
+      [-7, 56],
+      [61, 19],
+      [0, 79],
+      [35, 6],
+      [-32, 69],
+      [-21, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10698, 21910],
+      [-118, 33],
+      [-327, 41],
+      [-68, 3],
+      [-174, 51],
+      [-43, 42],
+      [-83, 39],
+      [13, -59],
+      [-47, -50],
+      [-257, -38],
+      [-107, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9350, 21951],
+      [-163, -19],
+      [-128, 12],
+      [-98, 44],
+      [-41, -58],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-91, -20],
+      [-232, -61],
+      [-212, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8346, 21761],
+      [-18, 88],
+      [-94, 125],
+      [-38, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8346, 21761],
+      [-67, -25],
+      [-54, -62],
+      [-17, -63],
+      [-35, -27],
+      [-73, 17],
+      [1, -96],
+      [-126, -74],
+      [-15, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5534, 2580],
+      [80, -59],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-54, 17],
+      [1, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5896, 2680],
+      [150, -72],
+      [-6, -75],
+      [-34, -44],
+      [-87, -2],
+      [-8, 86],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [6, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5807, 2695],
+      [26, -20],
+      [5, -55],
+      [-57, -14],
+      [-66, -37],
+      [-85, 23],
+      [6, 82],
+      [94, 0],
+      [77, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7643, 3115],
+      [31, -7],
+      [14, -74],
+      [-71, 13],
+      [26, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7067, 3074],
+      [16, -45],
+      [33, -5],
+      [23, -47],
+      [2, -107],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [48, -69],
+      [13, -124],
+      [-14, -70],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-47, -22],
+      [7, -31],
+      [-53, -40],
+      [-25, 38],
+      [-19, 84],
+      [-42, 54],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-54, 86],
+      [15, 43],
+      [35, 12],
+      [16, 62],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [35, 10],
+      [44, 46],
+      [14, 66],
+      [-14, 88],
+      [60, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7180, 3441],
+      [3, -52],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [35, 58],
+      [23, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7391, 4206],
+      [65, 4],
+      [59, -37],
+      [79, -84],
+      [71, -40],
+      [132, 76],
+      [119, 17],
+      [45, -17],
+      [82, 16],
+      [55, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8276, 4156],
+      [22, -140],
+      [46, -46],
+      [-44, -25],
+      [-2, -51],
+      [58, -44],
+      [-11, -61],
+      [45, -27],
+      [86, -118],
+      [78, -1],
+      [57, -29],
+      [62, -5],
+      [67, -49],
+      [36, -65],
+      [-36, -68],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-22, -76],
+      [49, -162],
+      [-6, -68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8729, 3093],
+      [-53, -27],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [1, -126],
+      [-44, -64],
+      [14, -66],
+      [22, -7],
+      [20, -76],
+      [-77, -28],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [19, -175],
+      [-46, -59],
+      [9, -37],
+      [-78, -104],
+      [-11, 71],
+      [-51, 156],
+      [-42, -11],
+      [34, 98],
+      [-29, 56],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [-34, -106],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-92, 69],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-53, 93],
+      [-126, -11],
+      [3, 74],
+      [35, -2],
+      [37, 37],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-27, 78],
+      [-56, -26],
+      [-80, 91],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [38, 38],
+      [-118, 1],
+      [-26, 66],
+      [-73, 76],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-94, -30],
+      [-19, 20],
+      [-15, 83],
+      [-49, 71],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-69, -4],
+      [-95, 54],
+      [-63, 16],
+      [-37, 82],
+      [6, 28],
+      [-18, 109],
+      [60, 73],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-37, 88],
+      [40, 25],
+      [-40, 78],
+      [67, 89],
+      [31, -11],
+      [42, 64],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [70, 27],
+      [17, 57],
+      [80, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20694, 27716],
+      [46, -77],
+      [-13, -56],
+      [40, -46],
+      [52, -17],
+      [55, -41],
+      [62, -86],
+      [96, -101],
+      [6, -46],
+      [36, -60],
+      [42, -2],
+      [109, -76],
+      [178, -3],
+      [63, -71],
+      [27, -71],
+      [63, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21556, 26953],
+      [159, -35],
+      [35, -25],
+      [105, -3],
+      [81, -42],
+      [149, 3],
+      [36, 43],
+      [57, -26],
+      [110, -11],
+      [0, -31],
+      [76, 26],
+      [46, -97],
+      [61, -62],
+      [8, -30],
+      [-27, -42],
+      [32, -31],
+      [44, 28],
+      [33, -33],
+      [-93, -77],
+      [-72, -19],
+      [-4, -97],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-1, -81],
+      [-37, -30],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [31, -33],
+      [2, -86],
+      [16, -26],
+      [-8, -59],
+      [58, -28],
+      [209, -68],
+      [94, -45],
+      [18, -74],
+      [53, -91],
+      [-65, -22],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [59, -80],
+      [9, -90],
+      [71, -53],
+      [18, -50],
+      [85, -62],
+      [-2, -99],
+      [-79, -5],
+      [-40, -64],
+      [-5, -53],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [6, -72],
+      [-36, -82],
+      [62, -82],
+      [74, -60],
+      [-9, -79],
+      [-89, -86],
+      [59, -44],
+      [83, 34],
+      [64, -56],
+      [33, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23091, 24473],
+      [-88, 34],
+      [-114, -24],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [-52, 10],
+      [-44, 52],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-65, -30],
+      [-47, -49],
+      [-60, 18],
+      [-69, 58],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [-46, -72],
+      [-59, 11],
+      [-50, 66],
+      [-52, -48],
+      [-73, -28],
+      [-122, -123],
+      [-87, 4],
+      [-60, 45],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-40, -65],
+      [-48, 37],
+      [-73, 2],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-88, 19],
+      [-90, 2],
+      [-116, -14],
+      [-73, 37],
+      [-88, 69],
+      [-81, -48],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [-92, -33],
+      [-56, 43],
+      [-47, 5],
+      [-43, -24],
+      [4, -46],
+      [-82, -14],
+      [-21, 53],
+      [-92, 14],
+      [-57, -82],
+      [-99, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20494, 24321],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [20, 47],
+      [-11, 80],
+      [31, 164],
+      [-21, 66],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [8, 49],
+      [-16, 74],
+      [41, 27],
+      [28, 62],
+      [16, 75],
+      [-7, 64],
+      [-20, 32],
+      [6, 66],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-80, 66],
+      [-60, 76],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [25, 55],
+      [-37, 108],
+      [-49, 28],
+      [-187, 53],
+      [-50, 61],
+      [54, 64],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [34, 73],
+      [70, 53],
+      [19, 51],
+      [33, 19],
+      [24, 72],
+      [70, 50],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [49, 8],
+      [31, 75],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [25, 37],
+      [-55, 20],
+      [-38, 128],
+      [23, 63],
+      [-85, 44],
+      [37, 110],
+      [-13, 65],
+      [35, -3],
+      [26, 84],
+      [2, 65],
+      [44, 54],
+      [7, 42],
+      [45, 14],
+      [45, 61],
+      [53, 8],
+      [71, 43],
+      [4, 33],
+      [-34, 59],
+      [-123, 43],
+      [-142, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8801, 25564],
+      [-71, 54],
+      [60, 196],
+      [-48, 17],
+      [25, 65],
+      [-92, -7],
+      [-12, 77],
+      [47, 16],
+      [13, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9758, 4369],
+      [48, -66],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [16, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9131, 6453],
+      [63, -290],
+      [158, -598],
+      [94, -331],
+      [52, -153],
+      [56, -142],
+      [112, -220],
+      [80, -116],
+      [56, -54],
+      [76, -146],
+      [-48, -21],
+      [-209, 151],
+      [-61, 36],
+      [-109, -14],
+      [-101, -36],
+      [-63, -72],
+      [7, -29],
+      [77, -45],
+      [15, -67],
+      [126, -50],
+      [16, 24],
+      [67, -51],
+      [63, 12],
+      [112, 4],
+      [71, 60],
+      [66, 28],
+      [10, 27],
+      [-53, 121],
+      [60, -23],
+      [50, -78],
+      [30, -15],
+      [112, -168],
+      [75, -100],
+      [157, -190],
+      [123, -116],
+      [94, -57],
+      [70, -14],
+      [60, 31],
+      [131, -110],
+      [128, -90],
+      [156, -76],
+      [144, -35],
+      [94, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11485, 2821],
+      [-59, -43],
+      [73, -72],
+      [-93, -60],
+      [-45, -61],
+      [-80, -11],
+      [-2, -45],
+      [-30, -52],
+      [-105, -65],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-77, -73],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-39, -69],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [15, -24],
+      [11, -93],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-56, -78],
+      [-65, -21],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-19, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10676, 1925],
+      [14, 52],
+      [-1, 79],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-35, 24],
+      [5, 80],
+      [-16, 146],
+      [-112, 51],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-8, 97],
+      [-29, 15],
+      [-66, -82],
+      [-86, -75],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-82, 54],
+      [-50, 11],
+      [-37, 35],
+      [-105, -24],
+      [-73, 41],
+      [-43, 66],
+      [-64, -12],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-104, -46],
+      [-88, 46],
+      [-88, 22],
+      [-39, 60],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-122, 94],
+      [39, 51],
+      [-12, 55],
+      [7, 58],
+      [-65, 34],
+      [-24, 33],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-61, 73],
+      [-32, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7793, 33967],
+      [11, -27],
+      [65, -28],
+      [13, -36],
+      [-41, -28],
+      [103, -113],
+      [54, -35],
+      [40, -152],
+      [-35, -65],
+      [22, -36],
+      [-106, -79],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [7, -53],
+      [48, -66],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [10, -41],
+      [139, -66],
+      [28, -59],
+      [38, -23],
+      [-11, -68],
+      [-31, -90],
+      [62, -65],
+      [-28, -67],
+      [42, -74],
+      [-64, -104],
+      [-60, -2],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-9, -110],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [69, -42],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [19, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6355, 31386],
+      [58, 80],
+      [-37, 56],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [1, 66],
+      [-25, 64],
+      [53, 59],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [-80, 27],
+      [-33, 133],
+      [21, 24],
+      [-47, 38],
+      [-118, -1],
+      [-56, 54],
+      [-22, 92],
+      [15, 39],
+      [-27, 78],
+      [33, 153],
+      [-16, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5922, 26131],
+      [0, 35],
+      [51, 21],
+      [18, 30],
+      [-33, 32],
+      [28, 71],
+      [71, 48],
+      [34, 3],
+      [77, -88],
+      [90, 3],
+      [68, -29],
+      [34, -101],
+      [36, -48],
+      [130, 10],
+      [126, -23],
+      [24, -34],
+      [89, -17],
+      [82, -47],
+      [47, 5],
+      [85, -24],
+      [3, 137],
+      [86, 0],
+      [91, -38],
+      [80, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8317, 11073],
+      [56, -83],
+      [-34, -54],
+      [-49, -36],
+      [-17, -72],
+      [47, -66],
+      [-75, -36],
+      [-57, -41],
+      [-49, -83],
+      [-89, 2],
+      [-56, -35],
+      [-23, 31],
+      [-69, 17],
+      [-6, 120],
+      [-30, 57],
+      [30, 18],
+      [5, 115],
+      [-47, 85],
+      [14, 20],
+      [118, 16],
+      [60, 20],
+      [49, -46],
+      [106, -32],
+      [63, -8],
+      [26, 18],
+      [27, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5536, 11390],
+      [9, -71],
+      [29, -69],
+      [116, -144],
+      [0, -90],
+      [69, -152],
+      [30, -84],
+      [67, -102],
+      [115, -107],
+      [-60, -44],
+      [-57, -89],
+      [-74, -25],
+      [-61, -44],
+      [-10, -82],
+      [30, -81],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [41, -51],
+      [54, -19],
+      [35, -34],
+      [56, 38],
+      [49, 8],
+      [41, -40],
+      [53, 9],
+      [23, -42],
+      [62, 21],
+      [5, -54],
+      [63, -16],
+      [95, 41],
+      [135, -21],
+      [86, 32],
+      [31, 42],
+      [38, 96],
+      [47, 58],
+      [55, 14],
+      [114, -43],
+      [103, -2],
+      [91, 93],
+      [76, 2],
+      [55, 74],
+      [117, -49],
+      [59, 33],
+      [47, -26],
+      [35, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8186, 11672],
+      [24, -33],
+      [56, -1],
+      [13, -59],
+      [47, -15],
+      [25, -88],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [12, -58],
+      [-35, -61],
+      [-59, 15],
+      [-99, 49],
+      [-85, 14],
+      [-41, 54],
+      [0, 58],
+      [-46, 28],
+      [18, 79],
+      [77, 50],
+      [51, -43],
+      [58, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7609, 12569],
+      [40, -45],
+      [15, -57],
+      [-49, -69],
+      [-76, 17],
+      [37, 60],
+      [-25, 61],
+      [14, 33],
+      [44, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20494, 24321],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-105, 2],
+      [-32, 41],
+      [-31, -31],
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+      [-37, -35],
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+      [-68, 13],
+      [-70, 45],
+      [-144, -3],
+      [-27, 28],
+      [23, 125],
+      [-43, 19],
+      [-108, -1],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [34, -33],
+      [-111, -56],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [-85, 29],
+      [-127, -30],
+      [-53, -30],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-53, -60],
+      [-43, 10],
+      [-48, 63],
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+      [-106, 4],
+      [-59, -9],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [-98, -23],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-116, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5467, 28358],
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+      [23, -79],
+      [-15, -88],
+      [-37, -61],
+      [-34, -190],
+      [-29, -13],
+      [-39, -90],
+      [-101, -44],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [36, -94],
+      [42, -26],
+      [15, -37],
+      [-62, -105],
+      [-6, -51],
+      [36, -70],
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+      [-6, -84],
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+    ],
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+      [3744, 27971],
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+      [-37, 88],
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+      [-34, 119],
+      [32, 118],
+      [41, 33],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-39, 61],
+      [-91, 53],
+      [16, 67],
+      [95, 16],
+      [31, -54],
+      [51, -1],
+      [11, 55],
+      [98, 31],
+      [62, 105],
+      [-9, 41],
+      [64, 26],
+      [53, -28],
+      [83, -17],
+      [110, 20],
+      [56, -55],
+      [65, 13],
+      [36, 41],
+      [63, 27],
+      [7, 59],
+      [24, 34],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [-26, 49],
+      [43, 51],
+      [44, 14],
+      [70, 45],
+      [36, 142],
+      [24, -3],
+      [25, 68],
+      [-23, 49],
+      [-24, 122],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-61, 66],
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+      [-60, 5],
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+      [-30, -56],
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+      [-36, -9],
+      [-10, -56],
+      [-107, 31],
+      [7, 93],
+      [-20, 133],
+      [-63, 108],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [59, 86],
+      [-19, 39],
+      [-51, 18],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [-132, 142],
+      [-20, 47],
+      [23, 72],
+      [-44, 45],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-30, -1],
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+      [9, 56],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-39, 27],
+      [-96, 36],
+      [-2, 77],
+      [59, 62],
+      [-12, 45],
+      [98, 25],
+      [5, 25],
+      [82, 14],
+      [-31, 50],
+      [-131, 31],
+      [19, 56],
+      [41, 51],
+      [43, 19],
+      [-40, 40],
+      [17, 47],
+      [-106, 51],
+      [45, 39],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-52, 108],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [-13, 86],
+      [-47, 33],
+      [-66, 21],
+      [-14, 28],
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+      [-20, 54],
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+      [-24, 42],
+      [-59, 48],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-33, 72],
+      [-48, 10],
+      [-17, 67],
+      [17, 111],
+      [-84, 13],
+      [-72, 87],
+      [-41, 24],
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+      [-60, -5],
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+      [-67, 9],
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+      [-86, 92],
+      [-77, 51],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [-86, 91],
+      [10, 92],
+      [-64, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6782, 4178],
+      [48, -7],
+      [78, -58],
+      [-132, 3],
+      [-24, 46],
+      [30, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6920, 4374],
+      [32, -23],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [44, 82]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-48, 27],
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+    ],
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+      [79, 12],
+      [38, 77],
+      [11, 59],
+      [32, 52],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-1, -68],
+      [-28, -47],
+      [-100, -60],
+      [-54, 30],
+      [11, 40],
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+      [-35, 64],
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+    ],
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+      [40, 19],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [37, 40],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [28, 26],
+      [53, -85],
+      [-10, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15647, 17329],
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+      [68, -4],
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+      [-36, 9],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [-47, 59],
+      [21, 41]
+    ],
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+      [36, -27],
+      [112, -153],
+      [36, -69],
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+      [-35, -45],
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+      [-93, 93],
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+      [-84, 1],
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+      [-51, -4],
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+      [-13, 45],
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+      [-52, 42]
+    ],
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+      [83, -10],
+      [-5, -70],
+      [55, -10],
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+      [53, -57],
+      [87, -56],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [62, -26],
+      [12, -64],
+      [67, -10],
+      [46, -59],
+      [18, -49],
+      [-10, -46],
+      [-99, -22],
+      [-78, -76],
+      [-7, -85],
+      [8, -86],
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+      [19, -58],
+      [58, -61],
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+      [-2, -44],
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+      [29, -35],
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+      [-8, -41],
+      [49, -112],
+      [104, -135],
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+      [59, -82],
+      [20, -60],
+      [1, -186],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [16, 84],
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+      [1, 53],
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+      [-24, 22],
+      [-63, -25],
+      [-24, -58],
+      [34, -40],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [15, -41],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [30, -37],
+      [-17, -69],
+      [37, -14],
+      [50, -93],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [-60, 26],
+      [10, 70],
+      [-59, 83],
+      [-32, 21],
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+      [-73, 73],
+      [-71, 15],
+      [-109, -1],
+      [-94, 69],
+      [-65, 16],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [-60, 23],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [-51, 55],
+      [32, 63],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-42, 47],
+      [33, 43],
+      [91, 23],
+      [56, 26],
+      [21, 38],
+      [102, 86],
+      [-51, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15297, 18830],
+      [4, 2]
+    ],
+    [
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+    ],
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+      [123, 60]
+    ],
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+      [141, -40],
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+      [145, -16],
+      [34, -26],
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+      [29, -25],
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+      [59, -17],
+      [0, -39],
+      [47, -58],
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+      [117, 58],
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+      [54, 5],
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+      [-32, -36],
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+      [32, -38],
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+      [-35, -45],
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+      [-30, -80],
+      [43, -23],
+      [50, -58],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-107, -35],
+      [43, -44],
+      [9, -43],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-53, -54],
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+      [-8, -57],
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+      [-47, -28],
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+      [-28, -31],
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+      [-24, -31],
+      [-68, 26],
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+      [29, -33],
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+      [-33, -51],
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+      [27, 60],
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+      [-63, 43],
+      [-54, 5]
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+      [-64, -118],
+      [6, -121],
+      [41, -135],
+      [-50, -74],
+      [-48, 17],
+      [-43, -65],
+      [-10, -147],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-49, -6],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-72, -10],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-21, -82],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-65, -33],
+      [-38, 21],
+      [-12, -100],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [24, -20],
+      [21, -67],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [-79, -91],
+      [-32, -81],
+      [-56, -42],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [-2, -72],
+      [67, -58],
+      [26, -107],
+      [-56, -38],
+      [-5, -110],
+      [-38, -56],
+      [-44, 22],
+      [-119, -56],
+      [-48, -45],
+      [-83, 12],
+      [-99, -82],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [7, 110],
+      [24, 72],
+      [32, 53],
+      [-30, 114],
+      [23, 54],
+      [-18, 50],
+      [-58, 74],
+      [4, 79],
+      [-29, 82],
+      [-52, 84],
+      [-6, 51],
+      [-62, 33],
+      [-55, 79],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [-24, 59],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-89, 79],
+      [-34, -35],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-5, -48],
+      [-73, -4],
+      [-15, -50],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [26, -37],
+      [-69, -101],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-153, -43],
+      [-58, 120],
+      [-80, 35],
+      [-40, -19],
+      [-84, -2],
+      [-204, 388],
+      [-47, 59],
+      [-28, 14],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [1, 65],
+      [119, 30],
+      [61, 58],
+      [64, -23],
+      [80, 26],
+      [22, 37],
+      [69, 71],
+      [73, 5],
+      [39, 23],
+      [55, 74],
+      [126, 13],
+      [47, 40],
+      [19, 49],
+      [37, 46],
+      [44, 110],
+      [33, 110],
+      [98, 29],
+      [21, 18],
+      [65, -7],
+      [47, 51],
+      [73, 8],
+      [35, 18],
+      [106, -12],
+      [54, 92],
+      [55, 7],
+      [98, 60],
+      [45, 7],
+      [51, 36],
+      [19, 69],
+      [39, 27],
+      [48, -16],
+      [72, 31],
+      [119, 1],
+      [35, -17],
+      [93, 0],
+      [96, 42],
+      [37, 44],
+      [32, -6],
+      [104, 120],
+      [99, 42],
+      [83, -11],
+      [42, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16842, 8406],
+      [15, -73],
+      [33, -21],
+      [25, -48],
+      [-9, -41],
+      [15, -79],
+      [56, -166],
+      [87, -53],
+      [41, -5],
+      [27, -36],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-38, -62],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [3, -93],
+      [44, -39],
+      [41, -53],
+      [71, -24],
+      [48, -96],
+      [21, -81],
+      [76, -41],
+      [81, -64],
+      [16, -117],
+      [41, -16],
+      [55, -60],
+      [21, -53],
+      [23, 4],
+      [7, -67],
+      [19, -49],
+      [-28, -64],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [-72, -9],
+      [-28, -26],
+      [-40, -93],
+      [-55, -54],
+      [-14, -80],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-45, -65],
+      [-17, -72],
+      [-51, -77],
+      [-45, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17062, 6365],
+      [31, 79],
+      [-42, 80],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-42, 26],
+      [-65, 90],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-188, 30],
+      [-57, 47],
+      [-81, 23],
+      [-56, -91],
+      [-111, -30],
+      [-40, -84],
+      [10, -104],
+      [-63, -100],
+      [-109, 158],
+      [-49, 58],
+      [6, 58],
+      [-27, 11],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-77, -18],
+      [-52, -55],
+      [-76, -29],
+      [-85, -101],
+      [-69, -5],
+      [-74, 34],
+      [-55, 109],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-61, 80],
+      [-28, 53],
+      [4, 42],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [20, 66],
+      [-66, 46],
+      [3, 60],
+      [-28, 80],
+      [-63, 11],
+      [8, -39],
+      [-37, -119],
+      [18, -77],
+      [34, -5],
+      [4, -47],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-52, -116],
+      [-39, -45],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [60, -68],
+      [5, -108],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-18, -116],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [-244, 83],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-18, 85],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [0, 60],
+      [29, 63],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-52, -26],
+      [-27, -41],
+      [-57, -1],
+      [-46, -33],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [-94, -50],
+      [-30, 23],
+      [-23, 59],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-61, -3],
+      [-106, 94],
+      [-53, 4],
+      [-51, -72],
+      [-12, -50],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-60, -5],
+      [-21, 69],
+      [-79, -11],
+      [-49, 18],
+      [-32, -106],
+      [-92, 14],
+      [-23, 70],
+      [-51, 6],
+      [-40, -47],
+      [-49, 31],
+      [-54, 7],
+      [-27, 49],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-41, 49],
+      [-33, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13373, 6475],
+      [16, 46],
+      [83, 77],
+      [7, 18],
+      [70, 29],
+      [25, 60],
+      [48, 48],
+      [35, 73],
+      [-4, 83],
+      [-19, 44],
+      [35, 42],
+      [-23, 79],
+      [29, 126],
+      [-63, 86],
+      [-17, 92],
+      [-10, 211],
+      [9, 36],
+      [-93, 90],
+      [-29, 44],
+      [-26, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13446, 7853],
+      [54, -1],
+      [79, -49],
+      [46, -3],
+      [108, 61],
+      [127, -31],
+      [46, -27],
+      [66, 31],
+      [72, 96],
+      [35, -5],
+      [115, 44],
+      [83, 75],
+      [51, 80],
+      [53, 42],
+      [99, 33],
+      [108, 16],
+      [38, 82],
+      [74, 89],
+      [95, 36],
+      [47, -41],
+      [28, 29],
+      [109, 47],
+      [92, 31],
+      [65, -46],
+      [55, -13],
+      [41, -26],
+      [88, -89],
+      [30, -4],
+      [60, -41],
+      [90, -15],
+      [44, -23],
+      [85, -20],
+      [83, -61],
+      [40, -55],
+      [53, -7],
+      [43, -31],
+      [96, -92],
+      [52, 7],
+      [37, -12],
+      [87, 93],
+      [105, 4],
+      [63, 73],
+      [141, 67],
+      [47, 6],
+      [129, 105],
+      [39, 9],
+      [62, 41],
+      [136, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7275, 5847],
+      [41, -77],
+      [32, -34],
+      [58, 19],
+      [154, -18],
+      [95, -102],
+      [53, -73],
+      [86, -175],
+      [48, -85],
+      [14, -67],
+      [8, -144],
+      [74, -93],
+      [-4, -157],
+      [36, -84],
+      [79, -32],
+      [13, -16],
+      [8, -92],
+      [26, -8],
+      [61, -106],
+      [-44, -48],
+      [-29, -64],
+      [59, -112],
+      [5, -56],
+      [69, -63],
+      [34, -96],
+      [-7, -59],
+      [42, -41],
+      [88, 13],
+      [66, 60],
+      [71, 3],
+      [16, 14],
+      [84, 10],
+      [90, 35],
+      [72, -49],
+      [28, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8798, 3874],
+      [17, -31],
+      [14, -86],
+      [-84, -140],
+      [-54, 71],
+      [-10, 68],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-47, -95],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [-4, -55],
+      [-55, -65],
+      [-56, -22],
+      [-44, -84],
+      [-14, -53],
+      [25, -74],
+      [-42, -70],
+      [22, -70],
+      [30, -49],
+      [-23, -91],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [-30, -83],
+      [-68, 30],
+      [-56, 6],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-45, 1],
+      [-31, -64],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [-21, -78],
+      [7, -40],
+      [88, -60],
+      [60, -12],
+      [77, -55],
+      [-50, -89],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-43, -62],
+      [-29, -21],
+      [-42, 23],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-54, -32],
+      [-46, -46],
+      [-29, 17],
+      [-86, 17],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [-11, -40],
+      [-72, 53],
+      [-50, -28],
+      [-52, -47],
+      [-33, 47],
+      [-29, -34],
+      [-96, 54],
+      [-6, 38],
+      [41, 108],
+      [-12, 48],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-82, 37],
+      [-93, 13],
+      [-76, 47],
+      [-30, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7208, 2634],
+      [-18, 67],
+      [15, 91],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [-36, 162],
+      [10, 32],
+      [44, 18],
+      [-37, 82],
+      [30, 47],
+      [14, 129],
+      [27, 28],
+      [18, 54],
+      [-17, 48],
+      [-1, 58],
+      [26, 21],
+      [2, 89],
+      [-29, 70],
+      [-1, 83],
+      [-80, 65],
+      [-59, 61],
+      [-87, 110],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [-49, 48],
+      [-1, 41],
+      [-50, 50],
+      [-6, 59],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-48, -46],
+      [-18, -72],
+      [3, -45],
+      [-23, -87],
+      [-66, -102],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-38, -60],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [-66, 3],
+      [-38, -37],
+      [-95, -10],
+      [-39, -39],
+      [-11, -44],
+      [-41, 12],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [-67, -3],
+      [-36, -98],
+      [-54, -19],
+      [-37, 10],
+      [-41, -19],
+      [-54, 18],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-102, 1],
+      [-22, 77],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-45, 23],
+      [9, 62],
+      [-62, 84],
+      [0, 78],
+      [33, 14],
+      [-2, 122],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [52, 129],
+      [57, 110],
+      [10, 64],
+      [30, 91],
+      [70, 30],
+      [17, -7],
+      [47, 53],
+      [18, 83],
+      [34, 25],
+      [20, 46],
+      [23, 119],
+      [53, 93],
+      [0, 39],
+      [23, 73],
+      [4, 104],
+      [49, 78],
+      [80, 93],
+      [38, 33],
+      [27, 49],
+      [35, 31],
+      [90, -7],
+      [89, 37],
+      [57, 60],
+      [98, 121],
+      [25, 63],
+      [1, 50],
+      [-29, 240],
+      [-8, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6652, 5953],
+      [8, 31],
+      [52, -16],
+      [83, 9],
+      [42, -6],
+      [25, -34],
+      [74, -19],
+      [60, -53],
+      [91, 7],
+      [57, -20],
+      [70, 40],
+      [61, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9267, 2172],
+      [-50, -23],
+      [-97, -64],
+      [-101, -85],
+      [-93, -58],
+      [-143, -48],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-149, -23],
+      [-99, -51],
+      [-116, -96],
+      [-71, -80],
+      [-56, -46],
+      [-162, -108],
+      [-110, -114],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-57, -121],
+      [-39, -44],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-42, -60],
+      [-25, -67],
+      [-80, -84],
+      [-75, -96],
+      [-126, -147],
+      [-95, 21],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-145, -19],
+      [-124, -43],
+      [-124, -80],
+      [-66, -61],
+      [-104, -131],
+      [-31, -49],
+      [-32, 87],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [11, 78],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [16, 31],
+      [-17, 38],
+      [19, 26],
+      [-28, 64],
+      [16, 119],
+      [-29, 51],
+      [-29, 10],
+      [-34, 79],
+      [-82, 75],
+      [-16, 81],
+      [15, 169],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-74, 45],
+      [-53, 17],
+      [-38, 39],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [22, 92],
+      [-54, 81],
+      [-12, 103],
+      [-20, 38],
+      [-12, 111],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [23, 50],
+      [-6, 64],
+      [18, 147],
+      [30, 46],
+      [-2, 61],
+      [40, 104],
+      [38, -14],
+      [68, -2],
+      [18, 37],
+      [78, -13],
+      [44, 9],
+      [15, -30],
+      [84, 21],
+      [24, 18],
+      [99, -53],
+      [41, -2],
+      [30, -98],
+      [71, -52],
+      [52, -73],
+      [27, 72],
+      [90, 72],
+      [31, 10],
+      [75, 77],
+      [97, 29],
+      [59, -17],
+      [105, -1],
+      [30, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9419, 6936],
+      [-50, 6],
+      [-19, 24],
+      [12, 51],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [19, 51],
+      [-15, 56],
+      [-67, 28],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [-85, 101],
+      [27, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9231, 7385],
+      [62, -5],
+      [64, 85],
+      [100, 69],
+      [153, -83],
+      [77, -6],
+      [49, -38],
+      [69, 45],
+      [35, -3],
+      [67, 23],
+      [24, -6],
+      [40, 72],
+      [3, 39],
+      [-33, 19],
+      [-2, 76],
+      [39, -21],
+      [41, 19],
+      [2, -44],
+      [84, -16],
+      [82, 15],
+      [70, -9],
+      [46, 11],
+      [113, -89],
+      [90, 20],
+      [133, 110],
+      [33, -54],
+      [47, 46],
+      [78, -16],
+      [52, 32],
+      [56, 61],
+      [173, 67],
+      [95, -11],
+      [46, 20],
+      [79, 88],
+      [35, -9],
+      [40, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11373, 7932],
+      [62, -54],
+      [36, -75],
+      [65, -57],
+      [-23, -69],
+      [11, -31],
+      [-47, -52],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-51, -64],
+      [-49, 30],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-91, -8],
+      [-47, -46],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [-4, -69],
+      [-34, -90],
+      [-58, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10114, 10726],
+      [15, -46],
+      [15, -114],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [28, -96],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [-37, -78],
+      [-5, -75],
+      [-53, -60],
+      [-26, -55],
+      [-27, -18],
+      [-47, -95],
+      [-20, -216],
+      [14, -45],
+      [-65, -247],
+      [-104, -156],
+      [-43, -15],
+      [-94, 17],
+      [-45, 65],
+      [-159, 10],
+      [-147, 165],
+      [-33, 96],
+      [24, 43],
+      [86, 80],
+      [24, 51],
+      [10, 109],
+      [83, 55],
+      [82, 2],
+      [41, 90],
+      [22, 11],
+      [18, 69],
+      [99, 130],
+      [49, 48],
+      [31, 99],
+      [46, 31],
+      [65, 74],
+      [73, 124],
+      [112, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7275, 5847],
+      [44, 73],
+      [76, 54],
+      [47, -5],
+      [37, 29],
+      [59, -2],
+      [27, 14],
+      [92, 2],
+      [85, 76],
+      [31, -16],
+      [44, 10],
+      [68, 53],
+      [36, 63],
+      [64, 38],
+      [32, -10],
+      [37, 75],
+      [55, 6],
+      [21, -24],
+      [70, 20],
+      [50, -15],
+      [32, -56],
+      [62, 2],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [79, -11],
+      [62, 77],
+      [107, 21],
+      [14, 32],
+      [-5, 73],
+      [34, 57],
+      [48, -35],
+      [77, 44],
+      [61, 52],
+      [19, 51],
+      [48, 23],
+      [24, 41],
+      [52, -28],
+      [29, 28],
+      [47, -11],
+      [18, 25],
+      [99, 0],
+      [46, 36],
+      [53, -12],
+      [14, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20835, 8514],
+      [49, -28],
+      [35, -44],
+      [32, -90],
+      [-17, -85],
+      [-43, -11],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-61, 14],
+      [-75, 84],
+      [-5, 104],
+      [9, 41],
+      [49, 43],
+      [43, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17102, 5824],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [19, 58],
+      [9, 117],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [5, 81],
+      [-35, 40],
+      [10, 42],
+      [-10, 126],
+      [5, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16842, 8406],
+      [77, 44],
+      [51, 59],
+      [22, 5],
+      [67, 61],
+      [46, -1],
+      [35, -57],
+      [58, -56],
+      [101, -34],
+      [51, 30],
+      [64, 2],
+      [54, 68],
+      [46, 29],
+      [73, -2],
+      [56, 40],
+      [37, 4],
+      [30, 35],
+      [28, 1],
+      [59, 35],
+      [67, 67],
+      [153, 97],
+      [42, -4],
+      [47, 39],
+      [65, 32],
+      [71, 66],
+      [111, 116],
+      [100, 39],
+      [62, 46],
+      [279, 36],
+      [55, -39],
+      [79, -82],
+      [48, -21],
+      [32, 12],
+      [70, -34],
+      [42, -69],
+      [62, -83],
+      [50, -10],
+      [70, 10],
+      [46, -28],
+      [57, 5],
+      [109, -16],
+      [115, 20],
+      [73, 29],
+      [150, 164],
+      [22, 4],
+      [48, 50],
+      [34, -18],
+      [70, 3],
+      [35, -39],
+      [13, -57],
+      [81, -104],
+      [26, -49],
+      [82, -84],
+      [58, -3],
+      [85, -47],
+      [56, 6],
+      [44, -28],
+      [66, 13],
+      [58, -19],
+      [43, -42],
+      [8, -124],
+      [16, -62],
+      [-5, -103],
+      [-48, -44],
+      [-44, -1],
+      [-68, -31],
+      [-42, -54],
+      [-10, -62],
+      [-62, -81],
+      [-82, -65],
+      [-92, -37],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-34, -41],
+      [-72, -60],
+      [-25, -87],
+      [-138, -143],
+      [-75, -38],
+      [-50, -59],
+      [-134, -82],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [-50, -15],
+      [-39, -60],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-88, -89],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [-101, -95],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [-95, -115],
+      [-71, -109],
+      [-49, -96],
+      [-69, -65],
+      [-93, -103],
+      [-45, -122],
+      [-36, -39],
+      [-66, 35],
+      [-41, -4],
+      [-54, 22],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-97, -11],
+      [-55, -21],
+      [-127, -76],
+      [-80, -80],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-64, -4],
+      [-129, -95],
+      [-59, -79],
+      [-77, -80],
+      [-89, -63],
+      [-99, -32],
+      [-44, -4],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [-55, -12],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-47, 53],
+      [-89, -1],
+      [-79, -37],
+      [-64, -43],
+      [-13, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6652, 5953],
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+      [33, 150],
+      [0, 113],
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+      [53, 86],
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+      [34, 93],
+      [39, 50],
+      [24, 78],
+      [129, 41],
+      [59, 48],
+      [89, 40],
+      [170, 89],
+      [62, 9],
+      [46, 36],
+      [115, 3],
+      [61, 13],
+      [62, -6],
+      [53, 12],
+      [92, -17],
+      [168, 24],
+      [77, 101],
+      [69, -15],
+      [37, 7],
+      [37, 52],
+      [80, 0],
+      [38, 28],
+      [110, 26],
+      [46, 25],
+      [65, 57],
+      [203, 32],
+      [73, -30],
+      [92, -20],
+      [28, -25],
+      [102, 28],
+      [53, -1],
+      [12, -48],
+      [38, 3],
+      [35, 63],
+      [14, 80],
+      [63, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13373, 6475],
+      [-44, 45],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-44, 24],
+      [-105, -51],
+      [-25, -67],
+      [-35, -35],
+      [-27, -164],
+      [13, -35],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-17, -58],
+      [-79, -95],
+      [-36, -25],
+      [-55, -63],
+      [-27, 2],
+      [-37, -52],
+      [-31, -84],
+      [33, -107],
+      [-25, -59],
+      [45, -32],
+      [8, -36],
+      [62, -50],
+      [58, -77],
+      [-4, -87],
+      [24, -36],
+      [69, -36],
+      [33, -54],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [24, -65],
+      [-49, -84],
+      [47, -74],
+      [2, -45],
+      [33, -46],
+      [17, -52],
+      [2, -99],
+      [25, -106],
+      [-2, -35],
+      [28, -49],
+      [58, -14],
+      [48, -31],
+      [44, -72],
+      [80, -68],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [5, -72],
+      [43, -20],
+      [28, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13406, 4004],
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+      [-64, -39],
+      [-224, -175],
+      [-55, -55],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [-108, -142],
+      [-37, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12814, 3486],
+      [-43, 163],
+      [-34, 18],
+      [-22, 95],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-51, 8],
+      [-8, 43],
+      [-110, 147],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-89, 51],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-110, 98],
+      [-126, 59],
+      [-83, 98],
+      [-15, 82],
+      [-50, 16],
+      [2, 39],
+      [-56, 81],
+      [39, 82],
+      [-133, 116],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-58, 27],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [-63, 37],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-66, 30],
+      [-127, 22],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-3, 149],
+      [-67, 80],
+      [-38, 74],
+      [-36, 37],
+      [15, 75],
+      [-30, 21],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [52, 58],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [48, 96],
+      [27, 77],
+      [-40, 13],
+      [5, 84],
+      [42, 79],
+      [2, 34],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-29, 11],
+      [-20, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11373, 7932],
+      [115, 84],
+      [238, -17],
+      [23, 15],
+      [68, 2],
+      [25, -26],
+      [94, -15],
+      [86, 15],
+      [24, 18],
+      [55, -18],
+      [58, -52],
+      [45, 3],
+      [37, -25],
+      [57, 25],
+      [55, -37],
+      [43, -65],
+      [89, -38],
+      [31, -50],
+      [87, -29],
+      [98, 2],
+      [39, -33],
+      [89, 33],
+      [24, -18],
+      [1, -58],
+      [41, 39],
+      [123, -15],
+      [42, 52],
+      [38, 24],
+      [37, -7],
+      [61, 50],
+      [39, 5],
+      [51, -35],
+      [60, 54],
+      [75, 3],
+      [25, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12814, 3486],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-128, -66],
+      [-82, -10],
+      [5, -39],
+      [-180, -204],
+      [-87, -78],
+      [-135, -68],
+      [-124, -107],
+      [-46, -13],
+      [-196, 7],
+      [-90, 19],
+      [-88, 35],
+      [-145, 22],
+      [-79, -28],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-57, -43],
+      [-16, -52],
+      [-53, -42],
+      [-49, 39],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-76, -14],
+      [-78, -49],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-28, -56],
+      [-70, -40],
+      [-69, -7],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-68, -24],
+      [-79, -88],
+      [-81, -122]
+    ],
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+      [17102, 5824],
+      [-179, -5],
+      [-205, -53],
+      [-88, -48],
+      [-78, -62],
+      [-36, -13],
+      [-94, -82],
+      [-44, -59],
+      [-41, -36],
+      [-121, 24],
+      [-64, -20],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-53, -95],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-129, -193],
+      [-61, -103],
+      [-84, -157],
+      [-27, -69],
+      [-70, -114],
+      [-28, -98],
+      [-45, -119],
+      [-75, -70],
+      [-44, -57],
+      [-76, -9],
+      [-72, -26],
+      [-42, 34],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [-47, -24],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [-111, -19],
+      [-72, -31],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-128, -48],
+      [-373, -168],
+      [-161, -7],
+      [-54, 15],
+      [-223, 32],
+      [-138, 11],
+      [-104, 0],
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+      [-87, -39]
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+          "arcs": [[-11, -17, 25, -4]],
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+          "properties": { "NAME": "Ermera", "ISO": "TL-ER" }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/uk-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12370 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [12941, 4355],
+      [11, -91],
+      [50, -25],
+      [-31, -66],
+      [-9, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12962, 4117],
+      [-70, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12892, 4131],
+      [-31, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12861, 4126],
+      [-34, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12827, 4209],
+      [78, 31],
+      [15, 97],
+      [21, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8711, 3636],
+      [-4, 59],
+      [52, -4],
+      [49, 21],
+      [20, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8828, 3796],
+      [105, -5],
+      [33, 35],
+      [25, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8991, 3891],
+      [29, -34],
+      [156, -7],
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+    ],
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+      [10, -39]
+    ],
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+      [-83, -64],
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+      [-27, -44],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [-69, 28],
+      [-76, -44],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-70, 74],
+      [-65, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12148, 5186],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-91, -5],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [8, -60],
+      [28, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12048, 4996],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-35, -33],
+      [-28, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11928, 4924],
+      [-40, 91],
+      [-62, 65],
+      [-33, -9],
+      [-53, 51],
+      [-40, 17],
+      [46, 116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11746, 5255],
+      [23, 36],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [29, 42],
+      [7, 62],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [54, 84],
+      [71, 65],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [-64, 73],
+      [15, 73],
+      [-49, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11750, 5886],
+      [29, 61],
+      [-10, 111],
+      [75, 18],
+      [47, -47],
+      [50, 32],
+      [0, 59],
+      [32, 51],
+      [66, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12039, 6186],
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+      [70, -26],
+      [4, -67],
+      [20, -38],
+      [91, -8],
+      [2, -55],
+      [58, -28],
+      [28, -49],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [59, -25],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [128, -30],
+      [-23, -133]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12501, 5569],
+      [-87, -101],
+      [6, -53],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-52, 39],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-37, 56],
+      [-19, -93],
+      [21, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10521, 3668],
+      [-17, 87],
+      [-52, 29],
+      [-44, 90],
+      [61, 35],
+      [-10, 66],
+      [-32, 26],
+      [-44, 107]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10383, 4108],
+      [-6, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10377, 4145],
+      [25, 73],
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+      [56, -36],
+      [45, 19],
+      [45, -11],
+      [33, 23],
+      [39, -20],
+      [25, 33],
+      [48, -3],
+      [37, -42],
+      [56, 2],
+      [63, -26],
+      [53, 22],
+      [23, -54],
+      [47, -56],
+      [55, -10],
+      [118, -93],
+      [17, -3],
+      [96, 70],
+      [57, 69],
+      [-32, 69],
+      [-2, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11400, 4225],
+      [60, -24],
+      [77, 6],
+      [39, 41],
+      [92, 3],
+      [34, -48],
+      [-26, -91],
+      [65, -61],
+      [55, 0],
+      [-30, 58],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [41, 10],
+      [81, -21],
+      [6, -46],
+      [50, 6],
+      [16, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11959, 4038],
+      [-20, -115],
+      [-64, 30],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [-56, -14],
+      [-93, -48],
+      [-66, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11586, 3665],
+      [-80, 46],
+      [-99, 6],
+      [-48, 23],
+      [-70, -8],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-53, -19],
+      [-41, 48],
+      [-75, -5],
+      [-14, -43],
+      [-185, 36],
+      [-227, 4],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [5, -46],
+      [-79, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12835, 3924],
+      [11, 88],
+      [49, 28],
+      [-3, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12962, 4117],
+      [37, -60],
+      [49, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13048, 4072],
+      [-1, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13047, 4031],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [-74, -102],
+      [8, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12962, 3839],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-50, 8],
+      [-36, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9236, 9682],
+      [-29, -77],
+      [-86, 24],
+      [-43, -52],
+      [-60, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9018, 9585],
+      [-33, 68],
+      [2, 218],
+      [43, 62],
+      [74, 27],
+      [42, -18],
+      [56, -149],
+      [34, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9932, 2072],
+      [-53, 16],
+      [2, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9881, 2166],
+      [74, 4],
+      [79, -34],
+      [36, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10070, 2086],
+      [-56, 5],
+      [-82, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12367, 4169],
+      [-85, 8],
+      [-46, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12236, 4228],
+      [29, 73],
+      [33, 10],
+      [24, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12322, 4361],
+      [34, -72],
+      [58, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12414, 4233],
+      [38, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12452, 4173],
+      [-47, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12405, 4157],
+      [-38, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12742, 2256],
+      [-152, 65],
+      [-106, 32],
+      [-74, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12410, 2363],
+      [-34, 79],
+      [25, 47],
+      [47, -7],
+      [43, 49],
+      [35, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12526, 2508],
+      [111, -89],
+      [63, -61],
+      [42, -102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8828, 3796],
+      [4, 157],
+      [-55, 62],
+      [-56, 35],
+      [-38, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8683, 4093],
+      [71, 99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8754, 4192],
+      [25, -38],
+      [140, -87],
+      [79, -38],
+      [-7, -138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12736, 3638],
+      [-19, 64],
+      [-46, 91],
+      [-43, 36],
+      [-24, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12604, 3879],
+      [2, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12606, 3892],
+      [12, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12618, 3897],
+      [65, -6],
+      [39, -20],
+      [32, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12754, 3941],
+      [81, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12962, 3839],
+      [-16, -113],
+      [-87, -113],
+      [-4, -59],
+      [-58, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12797, 3559],
+      [-47, -1],
+      [-14, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11988, 4335],
+      [32, -106],
+      [-19, -143],
+      [-19, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11982, 4043],
+      [-23, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11400, 4225],
+      [-60, 57],
+      [30, 50],
+      [-48, 75],
+      [20, 41],
+      [14, 83],
+      [66, -7],
+      [-12, 134],
+      [-40, 62],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-78, -10],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-38, 20],
+      [-20, 56],
+      [-43, 17],
+      [-11, 151],
+      [69, -37],
+      [33, 24],
+      [-23, 117],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [9, 56],
+      [42, 52],
+      [-52, 33],
+      [43, 104],
+      [-81, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11080, 5413],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [67, 68],
+      [89, 25],
+      [19, 28],
+      [48, -4],
+      [74, 23],
+      [58, -138],
+      [50, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11435, 5477],
+      [44, -59],
+      [88, -88],
+      [83, -70],
+      [96, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11928, 4924],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [-40, -53],
+      [-110, 26],
+      [-33, 46],
+      [2, 36],
+      [-57, 13],
+      [-25, -53],
+      [30, -48],
+      [47, -34],
+      [7, -68],
+      [62, -53],
+      [63, 1],
+      [60, -85],
+      [16, -107],
+      [58, -18],
+      [-38, -69],
+      [8, -86],
+      [37, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13377, 6504],
+      [-81, -62],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [43, -89],
+      [41, -41],
+      [-19, -78],
+      [57, -3],
+      [56, -69],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [-96, -29],
+      [-70, 60],
+      [-49, -50],
+      [63, -84],
+      [51, 33],
+      [52, 5],
+      [63, -30],
+      [18, -46],
+      [-28, -86],
+      [1, -42],
+      [-55, 8],
+      [-44, -49],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [-44, -64],
+      [16, -116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13320, 5543],
+      [-64, -40],
+      [-59, 78],
+      [-57, 28],
+      [-46, -21],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-20, -64],
+      [-80, -38],
+      [-49, 33],
+      [3, -71],
+      [-41, -64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12835, 5396],
+      [-43, 105],
+      [-92, 22],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-56, -16],
+      [-62, -37],
+      [-39, 62],
+      [-15, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12039, 6186],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [2, 44],
+      [87, 44],
+      [13, 34],
+      [50, 42],
+      [70, 112],
+      [-19, 89],
+      [-87, 56],
+      [13, 66],
+      [-24, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12104, 6833],
+      [25, -2],
+      [105, -133],
+      [59, -8],
+      [71, 72],
+      [34, 52],
+      [111, 64],
+      [115, 21],
+      [19, 34],
+      [0, 153]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12643, 7086],
+      [73, -27],
+      [48, 1],
+      [37, 59],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [66, 19],
+      [77, 45],
+      [34, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12971, 7257],
+      [-23, -139],
+      [60, -24],
+      [-19, -80],
+      [90, -74],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [13, -60],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [7, -55],
+      [44, -88],
+      [48, 32],
+      [64, 8],
+      [50, -33],
+      [52, -91],
+      [73, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12523, 4266],
+      [31, -97],
+      [20, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12574, 4141],
+      [-9, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12565, 4131],
+      [-29, -6],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [-49, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12414, 4233],
+      [62, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12476, 4271],
+      [47, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9797, 8503],
+      [-42, -55],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [-56, -48],
+      [-106, 10],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-70, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9460, 8261],
+      [-57, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9403, 8189],
+      [-42, -21],
+      [-49, 4],
+      [-45, -59],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [11, -95],
+      [-18, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9204, 7941],
+      [-67, -28],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [-71, -28],
+      [-50, 19],
+      [-22, -37],
+      [-74, 16],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-155, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8688, 7882],
+      [-69, 47],
+      [-56, -2],
+      [-22, 47],
+      [-49, 51],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [-46, 122],
+      [-64, 62],
+      [-27, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8350, 8341],
+      [70, 69],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [-63, 75],
+      [-68, 61],
+      [-53, 31],
+      [-81, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8150, 8630],
+      [-10, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8140, 8705],
+      [48, 51],
+      [61, -31],
+      [75, 8],
+      [43, -19],
+      [30, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8397, 8759],
+      [69, -45],
+      [59, 12],
+      [37, 27],
+      [62, 1],
+      [12, 59],
+      [-67, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8569, 8815],
+      [61, 50],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [46, 60],
+      [89, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8758, 8945],
+      [26, -55],
+      [85, -50],
+      [36, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8905, 8782],
+      [39, -9],
+      [159, 111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9103, 8884],
+      [27, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9130, 8949],
+      [94, -46],
+      [71, -7],
+      [50, -46],
+      [66, 33],
+      [92, -24],
+      [25, -62],
+      [28, 16],
+      [30, 82],
+      [58, 4],
+      [46, -23],
+      [48, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9738, 8923],
+      [28, -89],
+      [4, -185],
+      [7, -58],
+      [29, -29],
+      [-9, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5990, 2613],
+      [143, -5],
+      [3, -51],
+      [57, -120],
+      [-32, -36],
+      [-16, -107],
+      [14, -51],
+      [41, -49],
+      [53, 10],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [23, -57],
+      [3, -70],
+      [20, -36],
+      [18, -92],
+      [57, -45],
+      [-7, -97],
+      [41, -59],
+      [4, -58],
+      [79, -23],
+      [40, -101],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-19, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6469, 1445],
+      [38, -78],
+      [-7, -121],
+      [39, -91],
+      [-37, -103],
+      [-55, 62],
+      [-69, 43],
+      [-110, 3],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [-74, -9],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [-130, -52],
+      [-69, 22],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-118, -5],
+      [-34, 46],
+      [-89, -44],
+      [14, -62],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-96, 10],
+      [-60, -61],
+      [-81, -25],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [2, -53],
+      [-54, -64],
+      [-24, 39],
+      [7, 76],
+      [-17, 43],
+      [-46, -20],
+      [26, -60],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [4, -45],
+      [-32, -52],
+      [3, -52],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [37, -37],
+      [27, -72],
+      [-15, -46],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-16, -69],
+      [-83, 8],
+      [-61, -126],
+      [-70, 41],
+      [-35, 83],
+      [17, 37],
+      [-32, 91],
+      [-81, 89],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-47, 38],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-48, 46],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [23, -47],
+      [-26, -70],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [-145, -46],
+      [-67, 76],
+      [34, 48],
+      [-17, 136],
+      [49, 81],
+      [73, 25],
+      [84, 60],
+      [24, 31],
+      [73, 20],
+      [47, -52],
+      [46, -15],
+      [66, 87],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [76, -5],
+      [43, 29],
+      [59, 66],
+      [44, 30],
+      [15, 82],
+      [53, 6],
+      [26, 51],
+      [35, 21],
+      [16, 68],
+      [1, 79],
+      [113, 38],
+      [41, 59],
+      [26, 248],
+      [60, 8],
+      [20, 41],
+      [49, -13],
+      [33, 55],
+      [66, 52],
+      [110, 9],
+      [37, 68],
+      [20, 121],
+      [75, 36],
+      [76, 78],
+      [4, 60],
+      [48, 31],
+      [92, 93],
+      [2, 181],
+      [-20, 120],
+      [22, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3392, 9],
+      [7, 51],
+      [50, -13],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-41, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12475, 3635],
+      [78, 73],
+      [-11, 75],
+      [-20, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12522, 3809],
+      [7, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12529, 3863],
+      [75, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12736, 3638],
+      [-59, 26],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [-56, -12],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [-39, -9],
+      [-52, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8213, 13087],
+      [28, 81],
+      [-4, 92],
+      [82, -32],
+      [40, 2],
+      [33, 79],
+      [65, 26],
+      [50, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8507, 13414],
+      [45, 71],
+      [72, 17],
+      [106, 80],
+      [20, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8750, 13618],
+      [67, -152],
+      [63, -22],
+      [15, -53],
+      [60, -60],
+      [62, 18],
+      [34, -123],
+      [-115, -70],
+      [-11, -67],
+      [-36, -50],
+      [40, -23],
+      [34, -89],
+      [-26, -19],
+      [-16, -59],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [41, -63],
+      [4, -90],
+      [44, -40],
+      [50, -7],
+      [147, 108],
+      [56, -94],
+      [85, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9313, 12566],
+      [-33, -144],
+      [-40, -94],
+      [14, -22],
+      [79, -43],
+      [18, -40],
+      [-39, -58],
+      [30, -102],
+      [112, -93],
+      [26, -53],
+      [42, -9],
+      [12, -186]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9534, 11722],
+      [-58, -24],
+      [-74, 4],
+      [-48, -32],
+      [-27, -46],
+      [18, -90],
+      [-95, -84],
+      [61, -77],
+      [-8, -101],
+      [17, -41],
+      [-14, -57],
+      [-64, 19],
+      [-71, -58],
+      [-69, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9102, 11140],
+      [-15, 21],
+      [-109, -77],
+      [-67, -32],
+      [-75, 8],
+      [-64, -104],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-36, 48],
+      [-87, 20],
+      [-63, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8530, 10980],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [-45, -29],
+      [-15, -81],
+      [-91, -25],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [11, 39],
+      [-84, 58],
+      [-12, -95],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-44, -93],
+      [-77, -77],
+      [-47, 30],
+      [-58, -16],
+      [-25, 96],
+      [12, 61],
+      [-11, 43],
+      [43, 16],
+      [25, 130],
+      [-39, 35],
+      [-41, -60],
+      [18, -41],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-59, -15],
+      [-62, 111],
+      [-57, 78],
+      [-27, 197],
+      [-41, 39],
+      [-53, 105],
+      [-112, 141],
+      [-56, 93],
+      [-58, 64],
+      [37, 33],
+      [45, 102],
+      [19, 102],
+      [-7, 104],
+      [20, 43],
+      [66, 85],
+      [15, 57],
+      [68, 62],
+      [41, 63],
+      [-2, 108],
+      [50, 157],
+      [53, 67],
+      [103, -26],
+      [37, 51],
+      [-48, 32],
+      [33, 55],
+      [110, 47],
+      [104, -69],
+      [96, 27],
+      [-29, 47],
+      [60, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7909, 10941],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [24, -56],
+      [-35, -17],
+      [-6, 71],
+      [32, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10602, 11787],
+      [-51, 4],
+      [30, -81],
+      [-39, -8],
+      [-33, 79],
+      [-45, 5],
+      [-11, -40],
+      [-67, 63],
+      [-33, 59],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [-58, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10233, 11916],
+      [1, 122],
+      [12, 34],
+      [65, 10],
+      [83, -59],
+      [132, 0],
+      [49, 18],
+      [55, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10630, 12094],
+      [23, -40],
+      [-6, -52],
+      [-35, -24],
+      [-14, -52],
+      [33, -58],
+      [-29, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10980, 8723],
+      [23, -18],
+      [0, -61],
+      [-53, -76],
+      [10, -59],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [-58, -14],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [-48, 7],
+      [-50, -30],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [31, -122],
+      [-56, -86],
+      [12, -96],
+      [55, -71],
+      [2, -102],
+      [20, -69],
+      [-3, -53],
+      [57, -47],
+      [-44, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10852, 7611],
+      [-57, 2],
+      [-103, -80],
+      [-36, -107],
+      [-47, -15],
+      [-70, -91],
+      [-86, 3],
+      [-16, -42],
+      [13, -71],
+      [-71, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10379, 7156],
+      [-84, 0],
+      [-9, 56],
+      [-81, 50],
+      [42, 83],
+      [64, 36],
+      [20, 66],
+      [36, 33],
+      [-58, 78],
+      [-134, 11],
+      [-50, 54],
+      [-102, 24],
+      [-25, 75],
+      [1, 51],
+      [34, 14],
+      [7, 81],
+      [81, 55],
+      [18, 45],
+      [-3, 57],
+      [-24, 25],
+      [-18, 101],
+      [6, 50],
+      [-41, 73],
+      [1, 59],
+      [-37, 55],
+      [-48, 35],
+      [-112, 48],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-36, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9738, 8923],
+      [52, 72],
+      [-44, 37],
+      [3, 38],
+      [40, 43],
+      [28, 131],
+      [66, 15],
+      [32, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9915, 9342],
+      [39, -2],
+      [81, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10035, 9299],
+      [30, -50],
+      [12, -73],
+      [83, -71],
+      [-4, -78],
+      [48, -18],
+      [16, -42],
+      [65, -28],
+      [-6, -64],
+      [86, -36],
+      [14, -29],
+      [-40, -53],
+      [58, -3],
+      [58, -39],
+      [107, 44],
+      [40, 43],
+      [56, 5],
+      [19, -48],
+      [72, -20],
+      [31, 38],
+      [43, -37],
+      [59, -22],
+      [98, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10618, 7588],
+      [35, 103],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [-77, 63],
+      [-49, 9],
+      [-76, -103],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [77, -75],
+      [92, -14],
+      [16, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6626, 1123],
+      [35, 38],
+      [91, 48],
+      [-4, 53],
+      [-122, 93],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-44, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6537, 1331],
+      [-25, 76],
+      [-43, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5990, 2613],
+      [32, 109],
+      [-3, 73],
+      [19, 71],
+      [77, 1],
+      [66, -19],
+      [54, -52],
+      [67, -13],
+      [51, 15],
+      [74, 111],
+      [34, 14],
+      [14, 49],
+      [66, -16],
+      [41, 62],
+      [-90, -9],
+      [-9, 103],
+      [-54, 78],
+      [62, 8],
+      [9, 57],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [28, 41],
+      [41, -5],
+      [78, 36],
+      [72, 14],
+      [33, -25],
+      [32, 21],
+      [117, 12],
+      [37, 28],
+      [64, -7],
+      [61, 15],
+      [103, 7],
+      [83, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7232, 3409],
+      [-15, -138],
+      [-68, -13],
+      [-75, 10],
+      [-7, -91],
+      [75, -80],
+      [36, -10],
+      [52, -62],
+      [55, -1],
+      [62, -53],
+      [59, 3],
+      [12, -22],
+      [-29, -78],
+      [12, -32],
+      [104, -12],
+      [31, 60],
+      [49, 14],
+      [45, -25],
+      [33, 8],
+      [71, -54],
+      [5, -71],
+      [73, -6],
+      [78, -80],
+      [69, -10],
+      [95, 12],
+      [-31, -87],
+      [45, -46],
+      [85, 29],
+      [63, -6],
+      [-1, -72],
+      [126, -70],
+      [21, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8362, 2353],
+      [98, -65],
+      [-95, -68],
+      [21, -23],
+      [-25, -72],
+      [10, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8371, 2087],
+      [-112, -54],
+      [-95, 8],
+      [-18, -43],
+      [-145, -2],
+      [-103, -33],
+      [-62, -109],
+      [-93, -50],
+      [-60, 5],
+      [-12, 50],
+      [-51, 111],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [22, -32],
+      [10, -147],
+      [-33, -38],
+      [-41, -86],
+      [-23, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7533, 1542],
+      [-114, 3],
+      [-33, -26],
+      [-48, -90],
+      [-10, -79],
+      [43, -69],
+      [158, -82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 1199],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [-88, -59],
+      [-48, -13],
+      [-52, -78],
+      [-17, -76],
+      [-4, -108],
+      [-37, 9],
+      [-54, -49],
+      [-80, 60],
+      [-20, -43],
+      [-55, 22],
+      [-52, 65],
+      [-4, 57],
+      [-25, 51],
+      [-120, 51],
+      [-48, 7],
+      [-68, -37],
+      [-47, 27],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [-41, -4],
+      [-19, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8362, 2353],
+      [42, 48],
+      [194, 35],
+      [44, 33],
+      [66, 2],
+      [91, 48],
+      [57, -3],
+      [-3, 66],
+      [31, 119],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [72, 6],
+      [12, 60],
+      [68, -17],
+      [37, -84],
+      [44, -26],
+      [12, 46],
+      [47, -14],
+      [93, 46],
+      [-48, 41],
+      [9, 45],
+      [59, 67],
+      [-16, 58],
+      [20, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9288, 3026],
+      [123, -31],
+      [65, -71],
+      [74, -149],
+      [31, -13],
+      [36, -65],
+      [59, 11],
+      [38, 30],
+      [55, 15],
+      [38, 39],
+      [30, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9837, 2781],
+      [63, -115],
+      [41, -49],
+      [63, 23],
+      [47, -11],
+      [-10, -62],
+      [-41, -36],
+      [10, -66],
+      [40, 5],
+      [14, -93],
+      [-20, -76],
+      [34, -86],
+      [76, 24],
+      [2, -61],
+      [84, 0],
+      [8, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10248, 2129],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-37, -56],
+      [-70, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9881, 2166],
+      [-32, 41],
+      [-78, 11],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-21, -89],
+      [-26, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9707, 2083],
+      [24, -94],
+      [70, -39],
+      [62, -91],
+      [-37, -37],
+      [-3, -66],
+      [-99, -6],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [-62, 15],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-112, 29],
+      [-56, -16],
+      [-119, 23],
+      [-19, 19],
+      [-128, 10],
+      [-42, -58],
+      [-20, -55],
+      [6, -52],
+      [51, -9],
+      [19, -50],
+      [-64, -93],
+      [14, 118],
+      [-86, 102],
+      [-145, 134],
+      [-198, 134],
+      [-79, 41],
+      [-174, 40],
+      [-48, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10233, 11916],
+      [-64, -16],
+      [-62, 10],
+      [-30, -121],
+      [-55, 54],
+      [-39, -57],
+      [-117, -67],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-75, 47],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-80, -31],
+      [-58, -47],
+      [-24, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9313, 12566],
+      [48, 23],
+      [90, -35],
+      [29, 56],
+      [46, 9],
+      [40, 47],
+      [5, 39],
+      [71, -17],
+      [131, 88],
+      [108, -51],
+      [23, -28],
+      [56, 37],
+      [69, 145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10029, 12879],
+      [175, -27],
+      [157, -4],
+      [52, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10413, 12815],
+      [11, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10424, 12759],
+      [43, -68],
+      [25, -82],
+      [97, -7],
+      [43, 11],
+      [32, 153],
+      [56, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10720, 12789],
+      [40, -83],
+      [41, -185],
+      [76, -104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10877, 12417],
+      [-72, -36],
+      [-47, -75],
+      [-11, -90],
+      [-68, -22],
+      [-13, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10666, 12163],
+      [-36, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12136, 4084],
+      [34, 61],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [47, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12173, 4225],
+      [63, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12367, 4169],
+      [-12, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12355, 4086],
+      [-170, -16],
+      [-49, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12279, 9882],
+      [-19, 58],
+      [-47, 59],
+      [-67, 3],
+      [-59, -38],
+      [-27, -64],
+      [-8, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12052, 9808],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-93, -20],
+      [-79, 56],
+      [-95, -20],
+      [-46, -88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11682, 9743],
+      [-98, -78],
+      [-114, -114],
+      [-25, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11445, 9547],
+      [1, 52],
+      [-120, 63],
+      [-81, 8],
+      [-115, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11130, 9638],
+      [-52, 72],
+      [23, 98],
+      [108, -49],
+      [56, 20],
+      [60, 46],
+      [-32, 59],
+      [44, 65],
+      [20, 102],
+      [-30, 71],
+      [1, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11328, 10206],
+      [0, 62],
+      [29, 134],
+      [-11, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11346, 10474],
+      [57, 91],
+      [230, 39],
+      [47, -36],
+      [49, -3],
+      [5, 46],
+      [36, 19],
+      [0, 68],
+      [54, 23],
+      [49, 44],
+      [85, -4],
+      [99, 62],
+      [-3, 42],
+      [42, 39],
+      [6, 62],
+      [62, 7],
+      [28, -41],
+      [90, -35],
+      [105, -7],
+      [39, 58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12426, 10948],
+      [95, -49],
+      [50, -14],
+      [34, -46],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [-96, -15],
+      [-63, -95],
+      [-1, -144],
+      [83, -264],
+      [35, -73],
+      [160, -247],
+      [97, -131],
+      [113, -170],
+      [18, -39],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [-87, 54],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-127, -47],
+      [-78, 17],
+      [-88, 92],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-82, 73],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [-76, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12526, 2508],
+      [18, 115],
+      [34, 58],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [57, 60],
+      [34, -32],
+      [42, 2],
+      [13, 105],
+      [39, 72],
+      [-60, 103],
+      [53, 20],
+      [32, 34],
+      [-22, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12748, 3161],
+      [61, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12809, 3161],
+      [103, 22],
+      [32, -13],
+      [-20, -71],
+      [119, 26],
+      [68, -30],
+      [95, 25],
+      [6, -33],
+      [97, -65],
+      [23, -43],
+      [85, -45],
+      [8, -45],
+      [84, -31],
+      [49, -47],
+      [130, 36],
+      [56, -48],
+      [100, 5],
+      [34, -23],
+      [51, -114],
+      [67, -1],
+      [2, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13998, 2608],
+      [-111, 31],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-66, -49],
+      [-90, -107],
+      [-120, -47],
+      [-79, -9],
+      [-77, -32],
+      [-94, -17],
+      [-88, -44],
+      [-42, -75],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-89, -106],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-94, 55],
+      [-50, 1],
+      [-80, 62],
+      [-72, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12672, 4361],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-103, 4],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-20, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12322, 4361],
+      [-39, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12283, 4457],
+      [58, 15],
+      [13, 60],
+      [41, -34],
+      [65, 31],
+      [38, 59],
+      [202, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12700, 4557],
+      [13, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12713, 4478],
+      [-41, -117]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13525, 4144],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [-94, 35],
+      [-186, 36],
+      [-52, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13189, 4250],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [-36, 13],
+      [-78, 116],
+      [-122, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12936, 4403],
+      [-54, -5],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-83, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12757, 4426],
+      [-44, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12700, 4557],
+      [16, 144],
+      [53, 91],
+      [107, 24],
+      [74, 33],
+      [22, 90],
+      [1, 59],
+      [37, 46],
+      [-13, 63],
+      [-71, -17],
+      [-46, 231],
+      [-42, 25],
+      [-3, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13320, 5543],
+      [119, 25],
+      [53, -54],
+      [164, 69],
+      [62, 6],
+      [34, -25],
+      [21, -61],
+      [9, -83],
+      [98, -147],
+      [115, 12],
+      [72, 23],
+      [79, -12],
+      [76, -34],
+      [57, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14279, 5258],
+      [115, -22],
+      [52, 20],
+      [38, -19],
+      [68, 20],
+      [36, -8],
+      [5, -43],
+      [-47, -123],
+      [30, 6],
+      [46, -52],
+      [-83, -118],
+      [-153, -106],
+      [-125, -18],
+      [-23, 68],
+      [-52, 48],
+      [-75, -11],
+      [-64, -48],
+      [-15, -61],
+      [-73, -76],
+      [-115, 2],
+      [-74, -62],
+      [63, -13],
+      [54, 19],
+      [98, 1],
+      [63, 72],
+      [42, 4],
+      [26, -33],
+      [-9, -97],
+      [12, -36],
+      [-27, -136],
+      [24, -61],
+      [-43, -54],
+      [-134, -111]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13939, 4210],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-199, 76],
+      [-55, -20],
+      [-20, -68],
+      [15, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13669, 4195],
+      [-41, -58],
+      [-69, -16],
+      [-34, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8833, 4373],
+      [-51, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8782, 4394],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [25, 91],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [-12, 97],
+      [26, 34],
+      [-24, 66],
+      [11, 62],
+      [43, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8807, 4931],
+      [40, 40],
+      [103, 62],
+      [45, -7],
+      [21, 54],
+      [53, 7],
+      [52, 36],
+      [1, 49],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [30, 159],
+      [47, -65],
+      [53, 1],
+      [62, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9244, 5426],
+      [14, 2],
+      [50, -107],
+      [109, -24],
+      [39, 69],
+      [49, -8],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [17, 86],
+      [73, 4],
+      [-42, -92],
+      [106, 4],
+      [60, -21],
+      [89, 68],
+      [98, 13],
+      [38, -8],
+      [52, -52],
+      [23, 68],
+      [-52, 73],
+      [30, 27],
+      [43, -11],
+      [52, 77],
+      [31, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10121, 5662],
+      [62, -53],
+      [13, -51],
+      [48, -88],
+      [92, -12],
+      [-60, -110]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10276, 5348],
+      [-6, -64],
+      [56, -36],
+      [9, -35],
+      [-49, -56],
+      [12, -41],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-26, -72],
+      [-5, -149],
+      [-45, -58],
+      [25, -32],
+      [24, -149],
+      [43, -47],
+      [-53, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10231, 4561],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [-34, -47],
+      [-37, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10133, 4510],
+      [-41, 4],
+      [-28, 88],
+      [-54, -98],
+      [-50, 43],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-77, 2],
+      [-13, -60],
+      [-58, 15],
+      [-103, 48],
+      [-64, -114],
+      [-71, -79],
+      [-63, 23],
+      [-71, -50],
+      [-47, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9362, 4299],
+      [-42, 76],
+      [-65, 5],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-28, 22],
+      [7, 84],
+      [-97, 33],
+      [-50, -24],
+      [-13, 53],
+      [-84, 42],
+      [-46, -70],
+      [-12, -50],
+      [-68, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12754, 3941],
+      [-18, 71],
+      [-54, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12682, 4071],
+      [27, -23],
+      [36, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12745, 4107],
+      [21, -21],
+      [59, 5],
+      [36, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12700, 4212],
+      [-82, -43],
+      [-8, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12610, 4142],
+      [-23, 32],
+      [24, 38],
+      [-34, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12577, 4255],
+      [7, 29],
+      [55, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12639, 4290],
+      [62, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12701, 4236],
+      [-1, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8140, 8705],
+      [-35, 49],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-64, 67],
+      [-41, 82],
+      [45, 45],
+      [104, 48],
+      [37, 33],
+      [52, 17],
+      [34, -80],
+      [26, -103],
+      [108, -164]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12401, 4028],
+      [-34, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12367, 4055],
+      [-12, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12405, 4157],
+      [17, -81],
+      [46, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12468, 4025],
+      [-30, -31],
+      [-37, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10767, 2427],
+      [19, 105],
+      [-2, 76],
+      [-90, 62],
+      [-83, -11],
+      [-31, -40],
+      [-6, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10574, 2563],
+      [55, -50],
+      [157, -180],
+      [-52, -75],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-56, -47],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [-101, -38],
+      [-54, -101],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-127, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9837, 2781],
+      [35, 29],
+      [131, 25],
+      [39, -43],
+      [104, -38],
+      [63, -8],
+      [63, -63],
+      [66, 24],
+      [16, 44],
+      [-32, 46],
+      [37, 59],
+      [-38, 43],
+      [3, 52],
+      [-17, 82],
+      [14, 57],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [7, 61],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [-44, 87],
+      [-17, 81],
+      [101, -6],
+      [72, 61],
+      [61, -33],
+      [-2, 78],
+      [29, 70],
+      [-10, 70],
+      [59, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11586, 3665],
+      [53, -102],
+      [-2, -123],
+      [-26, -32],
+      [-75, 20],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [-16, -57],
+      [23, -55],
+      [1, -80],
+      [49, -12],
+      [16, -60],
+      [48, -32],
+      [-10, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11603, 3040],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-19, -53],
+      [-60, 8],
+      [-50, -52],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [-36, -46],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-56, -128],
+      [13, -60],
+      [-45, -74],
+      [43, -68],
+      [-14, -66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11339, 2398],
+      [-94, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11245, 2399],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-113, 19],
+      [-42, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11087, 2410],
+      [-67, -22],
+      [54, -122],
+      [-37, -39],
+      [-70, 36],
+      [-44, 57],
+      [-133, 74],
+      [-23, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12577, 4255],
+      [-54, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12672, 4361],
+      [-33, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12173, 4225],
+      [-47, 171]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12126, 4396],
+      [38, -1],
+      [79, 52],
+      [40, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10927, 12111],
+      [-158, 13],
+      [-103, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10877, 12417],
+      [96, -64],
+      [-27, -53],
+      [45, -110],
+      [-33, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10958, 12149],
+      [-31, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13189, 4250],
+      [24, -47],
+      [-131, -51],
+      [-8, -55],
+      [-26, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12941, 4355],
+      [-5, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8807, 4931],
+      [-52, 10],
+      [-22, 34],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-61, 120],
+      [-62, 41],
+      [-67, 70],
+      [-43, -6],
+      [-72, -51],
+      [-66, 49],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [-84, 103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8210, 5346],
+      [-52, 101],
+      [7, 63],
+      [-45, 59],
+      [-5, 74],
+      [24, 37],
+      [-44, 37],
+      [80, 54],
+      [-56, 47],
+      [76, 126],
+      [10, 41],
+      [62, 63],
+      [87, 15],
+      [-69, 67],
+      [13, 60],
+      [52, 37],
+      [-1, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8349, 6269],
+      [37, 9],
+      [138, 121],
+      [53, -29],
+      [32, -71],
+      [73, -3],
+      [-21, -70],
+      [76, -54],
+      [29, 8],
+      [15, 60],
+      [36, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8817, 6246],
+      [14, -104],
+      [22, -36],
+      [-3, -67],
+      [17, -26],
+      [117, 3],
+      [57, 57],
+      [61, -17],
+      [-15, -73],
+      [63, -26],
+      [13, -37],
+      [-6, -126],
+      [27, -66],
+      [47, -23],
+      [15, -40],
+      [-2, -239]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12126, 4396],
+      [-87, -10],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-17, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12048, 4996],
+      [50, -10],
+      [57, -49],
+      [66, 69],
+      [-19, 77],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-25, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12136, 4084],
+      [-49, -107],
+      [-22, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12065, 3981],
+      [-48, 13],
+      [-35, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12367, 4055],
+      [-50, -7],
+      [-53, -30],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [-76, -12],
+      [-4, -55],
+      [-23, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12149, 3878],
+      [-70, 42],
+      [-14, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11132, 2011],
+      [-35, -49],
+      [-63, -27],
+      [-39, -42],
+      [-25, -120],
+      [-88, -40],
+      [-84, -19],
+      [-67, 76],
+      [-68, 60],
+      [-78, 36],
+      [-61, 64],
+      [-65, 2],
+      [-61, -22],
+      [69, 127],
+      [80, 7],
+      [59, 42],
+      [24, -4],
+      [87, 36],
+      [46, 67],
+      [77, 3],
+      [83, -80],
+      [90, -4],
+      [69, -33],
+      [19, -63],
+      [31, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12610, 4142],
+      [-36, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12405, 4157],
+      [18, -3],
+      [48, -74],
+      [40, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12511, 4044],
+      [-43, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13047, 4031],
+      [61, -43],
+      [69, 23],
+      [43, -49],
+      [37, -8],
+      [71, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13328, 3971],
+      [65, 11],
+      [15, 73],
+      [62, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13470, 4063],
+      [-41, -59],
+      [5, -64],
+      [38, -28],
+      [-11, -64],
+      [-71, -100],
+      [-14, -64],
+      [87, 24],
+      [44, -12],
+      [85, -80],
+      [82, 64],
+      [28, 120]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13702, 3800],
+      [28, 21],
+      [15, 72],
+      [31, 2],
+      [12, -53],
+      [57, -41],
+      [0, -52],
+      [82, -24],
+      [84, -1],
+      [29, -32],
+      [55, 13],
+      [103, 4],
+      [42, 46],
+      [100, 17],
+      [99, 3],
+      [60, 18],
+      [104, -8],
+      [15, 12],
+      [133, 12],
+      [68, 14],
+      [38, -38],
+      [-8, -69],
+      [-51, -63],
+      [-53, 3],
+      [5, -101],
+      [41, -145],
+      [0, -158],
+      [-36, -74],
+      [-96, -52],
+      [-68, -53],
+      [-65, -6],
+      [-50, -59],
+      [-156, -27],
+      [-59, -31],
+      [-75, -79],
+      [-25, -46],
+      [-21, -115],
+      [27, -105],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [-156, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12809, 3161],
+      [-4, 118],
+      [-23, 73],
+      [29, 84],
+      [-14, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13809, 3884],
+      [7, 83],
+      [67, -22],
+      [43, -34],
+      [98, -14],
+      [74, -74],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-110, 38],
+      [-82, 5],
+      [5, 33],
+      [-60, 57],
+      [18, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12279, 9882],
+      [-227, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12384, 3805],
+      [-27, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12357, 3774],
+      [-37, -30],
+      [-37, -85],
+      [-32, 47],
+      [25, 60],
+      [-13, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12263, 3802],
+      [13, 67],
+      [27, 35],
+      [53, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12356, 3926],
+      [28, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12529, 3863],
+      [-7, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12522, 3888],
+      [-15, 111],
+      [30, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12537, 4040],
+      [27, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12564, 4106],
+      [34, -107],
+      [-17, -45],
+      [25, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9018, 9585],
+      [-80, -72],
+      [-46, 36],
+      [-39, -45],
+      [-28, 29],
+      [-76, -19],
+      [-9, -100],
+      [-30, -79],
+      [-57, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8653, 9286],
+      [-36, 46],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-5, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8574, 9241],
+      [-86, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8488, 9304],
+      [-69, 16],
+      [-65, 55],
+      [-7, -77],
+      [-107, 67],
+      [1, 48],
+      [28, 44],
+      [-11, 42],
+      [34, 51],
+      [48, 32],
+      [46, 89],
+      [-23, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8363, 9794],
+      [8, 62],
+      [-111, 20],
+      [-41, 46],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [1, 135],
+      [14, 96],
+      [2, 142],
+      [72, 13],
+      [122, 48],
+      [27, -13],
+      [63, 64],
+      [-30, 13],
+      [-46, 130],
+      [18, 98],
+      [49, 45],
+      [62, 30],
+      [37, 97],
+      [-31, 17],
+      [-31, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9102, 11140],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-87, -118],
+      [-53, -53],
+      [4, -97],
+      [38, -42],
+      [76, -45],
+      [14, -84],
+      [46, -23],
+      [69, 19],
+      [38, -8],
+      [11, -104],
+      [18, -28],
+      [52, -5],
+      [38, -50],
+      [69, 33],
+      [8, -38],
+      [47, -6],
+      [24, -76],
+      [102, -55],
+      [11, -68],
+      [46, -66],
+      [50, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9715, 10154],
+      [-22, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9693, 10094],
+      [-71, -36],
+      [-37, -49],
+      [-1, -94],
+      [-57, -76],
+      [12, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9539, 9764],
+      [-109, -63],
+      [-73, -117],
+      [-8, 99],
+      [-72, -19],
+      [-41, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11755, 7317],
+      [-112, -81],
+      [-82, 7],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [8, -91],
+      [0, -201],
+      [52, -162],
+      [52, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11639, 6696],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-121, -5],
+      [-32, -81],
+      [33, -30],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-59, 37],
+      [-37, 5],
+      [-105, -49],
+      [17, -31],
+      [-34, -78],
+      [-82, 56],
+      [-49, -53],
+      [-34, -65],
+      [-44, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10964, 6373],
+      [-37, 89],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [-78, 138],
+      [-151, 85],
+      [-31, 59],
+      [-115, 54],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [-41, 16],
+      [5, 52],
+      [-25, 53],
+      [37, 52],
+      [-68, 91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10383, 7135],
+      [-4, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10852, 7611],
+      [-8, -109],
+      [12, -52],
+      [51, -54],
+      [55, -15],
+      [32, 35],
+      [48, 16],
+      [50, 41],
+      [71, -11],
+      [107, 10],
+      [16, 46],
+      [176, 174],
+      [42, 93],
+      [2, 32],
+      [41, 41],
+      [37, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11584, 7868],
+      [3, -45],
+      [30, -40],
+      [-27, -86],
+      [13, -62],
+      [45, -13],
+      [49, -127],
+      [21, -25],
+      [37, -153]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11145, 6925],
+      [11, 71],
+      [-22, 65],
+      [-71, 20],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [19, -162],
+      [66, -26],
+      [86, 78]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12618, 3897],
+      [47, 74],
+      [-20, 72],
+      [37, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13142, 7510],
+      [-38, -120],
+      [20, -50],
+      [-113, -90],
+      [-40, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12643, 7086],
+      [-76, -15],
+      [-54, -35],
+      [-67, 9],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-92, -23],
+      [-79, 42],
+      [-128, -69],
+      [-96, 16],
+      [-35, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11992, 7031],
+      [-7, 36],
+      [67, 29],
+      [51, 64],
+      [-148, 60],
+      [-16, 39],
+      [-55, 40],
+      [-129, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11584, 7868],
+      [-29, 66],
+      [7, 50],
+      [63, 78],
+      [74, 34],
+      [-34, 86],
+      [13, 35],
+      [-11, 113],
+      [7, 51],
+      [-58, 27],
+      [21, 54],
+      [57, 32],
+      [41, -2],
+      [11, 73],
+      [-70, 25],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [-62, 7],
+      [-7, 88],
+      [41, 63],
+      [-28, 112],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [22, 54],
+      [-56, 124],
+      [33, 51],
+      [4, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11556, 9133],
+      [57, 90],
+      [11, 70],
+      [183, -22],
+      [9, -45],
+      [-17, -59],
+      [26, -32],
+      [51, -4],
+      [151, 55],
+      [12, 81],
+      [88, 16],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [-113, 18],
+      [89, 72],
+      [95, -27],
+      [37, 6],
+      [54, 64],
+      [13, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12300, 9531],
+      [66, -42],
+      [42, -61],
+      [57, -22],
+      [-41, -57],
+      [20, -88],
+      [-9, -62],
+      [71, -69],
+      [43, -61],
+      [60, 40],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [51, 125],
+      [110, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12741, 9315],
+      [26, -32],
+      [39, 5],
+      [33, -48],
+      [105, -43],
+      [33, -91],
+      [36, -58],
+      [93, -191],
+      [64, -146],
+      [46, -128],
+      [27, -142],
+      [-12, -142],
+      [-16, -88],
+      [-63, -26],
+      [-34, -41],
+      [-172, -153],
+      [-59, -79],
+      [-69, -141],
+      [13, -53],
+      [68, -16],
+      [87, -92],
+      [62, -98],
+      [94, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12610, 4142],
+      [-7, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12603, 4116],
+      [-34, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12569, 4119],
+      [-4, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9130, 8949],
+      [-47, 20],
+      [20, 79],
+      [-56, 112],
+      [-55, 1],
+      [-65, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8927, 9091],
+      [-50, 59],
+      [-6, 36],
+      [-127, -2],
+      [-91, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9539, 9764],
+      [78, -63],
+      [77, 31],
+      [23, -54],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [27, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9738, 9563],
+      [43, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9781, 9553],
+      [16, -54],
+      [58, -66],
+      [60, -91]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13470, 4063],
+      [56, 5],
+      [94, -23],
+      [131, -15],
+      [34, -76],
+      [-30, -26],
+      [-101, 16],
+      [-45, -64],
+      [-80, -21],
+      [39, -40],
+      [134, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8927, 9091],
+      [-74, -13],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [-46, -24],
+      [34, -103],
+      [-48, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8569, 8815],
+      [-44, -4],
+      [-62, 19],
+      [-158, 138],
+      [-32, 134],
+      [-47, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8226, 9167],
+      [-30, 93],
+      [-4, 55],
+      [-54, 53],
+      [0, 61],
+      [72, 144],
+      [48, 74],
+      [42, 42],
+      [27, 69],
+      [36, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12356, 3926],
+      [66, 12],
+      [46, -36],
+      [54, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12522, 3809],
+      [-83, -13],
+      [-55, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10869, 11801],
+      [-61, 40],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [10, 76],
+      [50, 85],
+      [60, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10917, 12030],
+      [1, -56],
+      [57, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10975, 11846],
+      [-82, -11],
+      [-24, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11435, 5477],
+      [18, 64],
+      [41, 35],
+      [-35, 35],
+      [-40, 78],
+      [78, 29],
+      [28, 64],
+      [45, -14],
+      [21, 40],
+      [49, -2],
+      [110, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12745, 4107],
+      [-23, 29],
+      [-22, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12701, 4236],
+      [51, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12752, 4240],
+      [43, 22],
+      [32, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15289, 6758],
+      [-76, 30],
+      [-40, -27],
+      [-16, -54],
+      [34, -47],
+      [36, -13],
+      [-59, -74],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-63, 41],
+      [-116, -47],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [-38, -18],
+      [-33, 26],
+      [-45, -63],
+      [-72, -37],
+      [-58, -100],
+      [-73, -5],
+      [-58, -55],
+      [-48, -17],
+      [-116, 28],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-62, 23],
+      [-91, -36],
+      [-62, 57],
+      [-74, 1],
+      [-65, 33],
+      [-73, -35],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-26, 21],
+      [-60, 4],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [1, 54],
+      [57, 46],
+      [-49, 24],
+      [-56, -19],
+      [-118, 18],
+      [-98, -39],
+      [-66, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13142, 7510],
+      [51, -5],
+      [43, -40],
+      [60, 68],
+      [77, 49],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [42, 103],
+      [36, 124],
+      [48, 50],
+      [153, -3],
+      [85, 37],
+      [104, -23],
+      [305, -38],
+      [41, 35],
+      [210, -73],
+      [109, -9],
+      [131, -32],
+      [187, -125],
+      [88, -92],
+      [174, -154],
+      [82, -88],
+      [57, -87],
+      [69, -236],
+      [-16, -204],
+      [13, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12300, 9531],
+      [11, 27],
+      [128, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12439, 9598],
+      [137, -131],
+      [33, 6],
+      [60, -45],
+      [72, -113]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11556, 9133],
+      [-176, 15],
+      [21, 35],
+      [-42, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11359, 9225],
+      [-36, 79],
+      [43, 38],
+      [49, -12],
+      [13, 45],
+      [-47, 67],
+      [64, 26],
+      [0, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11682, 9743],
+      [20, 27],
+      [99, 40],
+      [102, -90],
+      [69, 2],
+      [38, 41],
+      [115, 7],
+      [95, 31],
+      [64, 7],
+      [122, -184],
+      [33, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8299, 3639],
+      [43, 157],
+      [30, 42],
+      [51, 5],
+      [33, 73],
+      [114, 138],
+      [113, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8711, 3636],
+      [-147, 19],
+      [34, -78],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [-63, 19],
+      [-14, -40],
+      [-60, 33],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [-23, 72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11346, 10474],
+      [-88, 7],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-4, 97],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-97, 4],
+      [-80, -33],
+      [-45, -122],
+      [-81, -29],
+      [-4, -61],
+      [25, -80],
+      [60, -97],
+      [53, -43],
+      [171, -7],
+      [83, 36],
+      [43, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11130, 9638],
+      [-185, -23],
+      [-45, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10900, 9569],
+      [-25, 38],
+      [2, 94],
+      [38, 110],
+      [-58, 8],
+      [-67, 82]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10790, 9901],
+      [23, 53],
+      [-27, 52],
+      [3, 76],
+      [-31, 68],
+      [30, 38],
+      [-3, 87],
+      [20, 80],
+      [-58, 50],
+      [-78, -15],
+      [-101, -86],
+      [-77, 12],
+      [-41, 64],
+      [-21, -69],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-85, 16],
+      [-129, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10164, 10296],
+      [-102, 104],
+      [-110, -7],
+      [-44, 37],
+      [-62, 8],
+      [-10, -67],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [11, -105],
+      [-54, -17],
+      [-44, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10602, 11787],
+      [35, 29],
+      [57, -9],
+      [11, -55],
+      [52, -14],
+      [112, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10975, 11846],
+      [96, -15],
+      [59, 18],
+      [67, -33],
+      [78, 20],
+      [64, -35],
+      [77, 24],
+      [62, -22],
+      [1, 74],
+      [34, 63],
+      [53, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11566, 11984],
+      [51, -76],
+      [47, 15],
+      [47, -37],
+      [29, -53],
+      [105, -28],
+      [102, -105],
+      [-15, -54],
+      [101, -93],
+      [71, -154],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [32, -101],
+      [62, -83],
+      [128, -58],
+      [-23, -65],
+      [67, -77],
+      [60, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11080, 5413],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [-66, -29],
+      [-121, 3],
+      [-46, 153],
+      [4, 84],
+      [83, 63],
+      [-124, 169]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10765, 5806],
+      [27, 50],
+      [81, 37],
+      [-26, 84],
+      [85, 57],
+      [-1, 58],
+      [-22, 26],
+      [32, 49],
+      [-58, 25],
+      [12, 42],
+      [77, 28],
+      [24, 25],
+      [-32, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11639, 6696],
+      [48, 42],
+      [23, 52],
+      [197, 122],
+      [40, 86],
+      [45, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11992, 7031],
+      [36, -71],
+      [-11, -106],
+      [87, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10569, 13306],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-98, 5],
+      [-39, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10374, 13281],
+      [-152, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10222, 13311],
+      [-12, -101],
+      [-46, -13],
+      [-56, -112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10108, 13085],
+      [-50, -32],
+      [-32, -110],
+      [-42, -25],
+      [45, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8750, 13618],
+      [39, 65],
+      [49, 18],
+      [12, 54],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [86, 69],
+      [26, 60],
+      [44, 26],
+      [88, 91],
+      [52, 15],
+      [38, -14],
+      [25, -45],
+      [53, 54],
+      [27, 86],
+      [55, 12],
+      [30, 43],
+      [85, 15],
+      [49, 86],
+      [-46, 81],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [-61, 103],
+      [-30, 104],
+      [-70, 83],
+      [-8, 48],
+      [137, 29],
+      [97, 173],
+      [124, 102],
+      [12, 93],
+      [74, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9718, 15199],
+      [38, -37],
+      [23, -89],
+      [43, -58],
+      [126, -122],
+      [25, -76],
+      [41, -45],
+      [71, 8],
+      [26, -38],
+      [105, -53],
+      [96, -134],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [42, -52],
+      [-9, -52],
+      [37, -24],
+      [-1, -132],
+      [20, -21],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [38, -120],
+      [50, -49],
+      [-31, -121],
+      [16, -56],
+      [41, -52],
+      [36, -89],
+      [-24, -103],
+      [49, -94],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [63, -85]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10980, 8723],
+      [60, 85],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [45, 47],
+      [-6, 58],
+      [77, 89],
+      [78, -12],
+      [53, 67],
+      [11, 74],
+      [75, 63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11029, 7691],
+      [57, 68],
+      [2, 55],
+      [-48, 107],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-46, -8],
+      [-38, -57],
+      [-16, -139],
+      [42, -94],
+      [43, -18],
+      [42, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10377, 4145],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-65, 125],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-3, 69],
+      [26, 30],
+      [8, 53],
+      [-43, 48],
+      [1, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10276, 5348],
+      [72, -75],
+      [26, 32],
+      [54, 5],
+      [6, 40],
+      [53, 35],
+      [21, 161],
+      [37, 72],
+      [50, 11],
+      [43, 38],
+      [41, -40],
+      [42, 32],
+      [-33, 36],
+      [48, 41],
+      [29, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6626, 1123],
+      [-1, 48],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-62, 101],
+      [30, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9932, 2072],
+      [-69, -39],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-90, 2],
+      [-34, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11245, 2399],
+      [-71, -29],
+      [18, -110],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [16, 78],
+      [-7, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11283, 2393],
+      [28, -24],
+      [13, -136],
+      [-119, 27],
+      [50, 46],
+      [-3, 56],
+      [31, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12752, 4240],
+      [-6, 84],
+      [11, 102]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10917, 12030],
+      [10, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10958, 12149],
+      [99, 23],
+      [227, -112],
+      [65, 0],
+      [39, -35],
+      [69, -4],
+      [64, -33],
+      [45, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12263, 3802],
+      [-54, 25],
+      [-60, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12401, 4028],
+      [-47, -42],
+      [2, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8349, 6269],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-68, -16],
+      [-68, 12],
+      [-53, 61],
+      [-54, 39],
+      [-38, 51],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-27, 55],
+      [0, 51],
+      [27, 41],
+      [69, 29],
+      [60, 41],
+      [117, 7],
+      [14, 43],
+      [42, 14],
+      [25, 59],
+      [-54, 72],
+      [-84, -61],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-57, 96],
+      [1, 42],
+      [64, 48],
+      [25, 96],
+      [51, 39],
+      [-5, 75],
+      [32, 76],
+      [62, 11],
+      [17, 43],
+      [-51, 32],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [-86, 21],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-40, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8078, 7443],
+      [-22, 66],
+      [54, 88],
+      [-18, 70],
+      [52, 28],
+      [10, 49],
+      [141, 104],
+      [46, -2],
+      [51, -51],
+      [73, 23],
+      [37, -5],
+      [104, -106],
+      [49, 41],
+      [45, 7],
+      [4, 74],
+      [-16, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9204, 7941],
+      [21, -24],
+      [-16, -79],
+      [-65, -34],
+      [-34, -61],
+      [-11, -70],
+      [22, -45],
+      [102, 41],
+      [-18, -119],
+      [-28, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9177, 7508],
+      [-113, -60],
+      [-93, -35],
+      [-77, -44],
+      [-85, -23],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [33, -56],
+      [266, -268],
+      [53, -26],
+      [42, 87],
+      [83, 228],
+      [24, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9285, 7318],
+      [27, -36],
+      [-7, -86],
+      [25, -52],
+      [91, -29],
+      [7, -84],
+      [-15, -62],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-11, -46],
+      [61, -35],
+      [27, -39],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [18, -77],
+      [-43, -34],
+      [-21, -76],
+      [18, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9340, 6536],
+      [-27, -36],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [34, -88],
+      [-93, -15],
+      [-29, -53],
+      [-88, -15],
+      [3, -52],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [-32, -24],
+      [-12, -56],
+      [-63, -8],
+      [-27, 48],
+      [-36, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9335, 3649],
+      [34, -22],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [41, -27],
+      [10, -55],
+      [-24, -50],
+      [-20, -92],
+      [-122, -235],
+      [2, -59],
+      [38, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7232, 3409],
+      [144, -36],
+      [55, 35],
+      [65, 0],
+      [131, -58],
+      [54, -66],
+      [63, 4],
+      [137, -12],
+      [110, 57],
+      [63, 16],
+      [87, 0],
+      [60, -14],
+      [86, 75],
+      [-26, 72],
+      [9, 158],
+      [29, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8754, 4192],
+      [27, 98],
+      [52, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9362, 4299],
+      [39, -151],
+      [-52, -22],
+      [-49, -42],
+      [39, -32],
+      [10, -157]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10035, 9299],
+      [13, 41],
+      [52, 8],
+      [84, 50],
+      [60, -12],
+      [87, 35],
+      [46, 88]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10377, 9509],
+      [35, 23],
+      [37, -33],
+      [74, -4],
+      [55, 22],
+      [36, -15],
+      [83, 10],
+      [34, -46],
+      [58, -12],
+      [91, 53],
+      [20, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10767, 2427],
+      [-96, 104],
+      [-85, 43],
+      [-12, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14147, 4896],
+      [39, -49],
+      [-70, -39],
+      [-68, -1],
+      [8, 42],
+      [52, 42],
+      [39, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13939, 4210],
+      [-62, -55],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-177, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12564, 4106],
+      [5, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12603, 4116],
+      [63, -5],
+      [16, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10383, 7135],
+      [-31, -54],
+      [-44, -34],
+      [10, -43],
+      [-16, -98],
+      [-45, -32],
+      [-130, 10],
+      [-36, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10091, 6873],
+      [-55, 40],
+      [-60, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9976, 6874],
+      [-29, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9947, 6902],
+      [-31, 80],
+      [-1, 82],
+      [-55, 41],
+      [-27, -72],
+      [-108, -55],
+      [-60, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9665, 6957],
+      [-46, 68],
+      [-50, -12],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-54, -33],
+      [-29, -53],
+      [38, -31],
+      [25, -55],
+      [47, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9577, 6793],
+      [-13, -75],
+      [-63, -36],
+      [27, -61],
+      [8, -141]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9536, 6480],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [-73, 36],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-38, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9285, 7318],
+      [-67, 88],
+      [1, 64],
+      [-42, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9403, 8189],
+      [22, -78],
+      [40, -236],
+      [35, -48],
+      [98, -13],
+      [32, 66],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-75, 161],
+      [-63, 83],
+      [-20, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15289, 6758],
+      [30, -140],
+      [-38, -61],
+      [-14, -149],
+      [-51, -111],
+      [-18, -78],
+      [-50, -62],
+      [-21, -57],
+      [-15, -184],
+      [-60, -301],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-112, -55],
+      [-69, -82],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-53, -44],
+      [-35, -55],
+      [-86, -30],
+      [-44, 38],
+      [-142, -33],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [-73, -30],
+      [-56, 12],
+      [-38, -24],
+      [-2, 0],
+      [-6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12748, 3161],
+      [-110, -1],
+      [-34, 16],
+      [-64, -18],
+      [-32, 45],
+      [-60, 24],
+      [-178, -115],
+      [-73, -5],
+      [-102, -46],
+      [-81, -4],
+      [-97, -42],
+      [-89, -8],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-91, -35],
+      [-63, 18],
+      [-34, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12357, 3774],
+      [37, -53],
+      [-2, -63],
+      [61, 27],
+      [22, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10383, 4108],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [-144, -79],
+      [-93, 7],
+      [-73, 45],
+      [-36, 71],
+      [-6, 101],
+      [11, 49],
+      [110, 197],
+      [11, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13525, 4144],
+      [-55, -31],
+      [-76, 4],
+      [-27, -38],
+      [-5, -69],
+      [-34, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7533, 1542],
+      [-7, -66],
+      [35, -31],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-38, -66],
+      [5, -72],
+      [63, -26],
+      [1, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10569, 13306],
+      [39, -82],
+      [-3, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10605, 13144],
+      [75, -55],
+      [38, -76],
+      [-21, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10697, 12966],
+      [25, -85],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [12, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12511, 4044],
+      [26, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10121, 5662],
+      [-44, 61],
+      [-79, 17],
+      [-51, 35],
+      [-23, -41],
+      [-79, 80],
+      [32, 79],
+      [30, 39],
+      [0, 52],
+      [-26, 92],
+      [55, 20],
+      [22, 64],
+      [30, 29],
+      [-43, 89],
+      [35, 46],
+      [13, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9993, 6379],
+      [32, -19],
+      [38, -62],
+      [67, -12],
+      [54, 20],
+      [48, -33],
+      [177, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10409, 6349],
+      [38, -42],
+      [38, 30],
+      [71, -4],
+      [46, 46],
+      [-9, 118],
+      [-25, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10568, 6519],
+      [-243, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10325, 6535],
+      [-62, -50],
+      [-31, 38],
+      [-87, 149],
+      [12, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10157, 6709],
+      [-29, 90],
+      [-37, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9993, 6379],
+      [-83, 23],
+      [-80, -15],
+      [-42, -24],
+      [-28, 39],
+      [28, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9788, 6467],
+      [-70, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9718, 6516],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-36, 35],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-51, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12410, 2363],
+      [-111, 0],
+      [-121, -44],
+      [-119, -19],
+      [-140, 0],
+      [-87, -29],
+      [-82, -13],
+      [-112, -38],
+      [-41, -46],
+      [-41, -80],
+      [-73, 71],
+      [-121, 78],
+      [33, 31],
+      [-74, 72],
+      [18, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3759, 12152],
+      [-107, -10],
+      [-135, -70],
+      [-51, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3466, 12074],
+      [-70, -13],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-153, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3211, 12013],
+      [5, 88],
+      [23, 96],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [-115, 133]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3120, 12368],
+      [42, 158],
+      [-16, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3146, 12565],
+      [136, -16],
+      [53, 50],
+      [34, -19],
+      [91, 15],
+      [82, -32],
+      [30, 52],
+      [59, 13],
+      [101, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3732, 12589],
+      [57, -46],
+      [-27, -68],
+      [36, -87],
+      [-18, -111],
+      [43, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3823, 12255],
+      [-58, -34],
+      [24, -51],
+      [-30, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4379, 11729],
+      [-103, -29],
+      [-33, 34],
+      [-78, 14],
+      [-41, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4124, 11814],
+      [-7, 88],
+      [53, 55],
+      [-8, 31],
+      [56, 63],
+      [-3, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4215, 12134],
+      [42, 34],
+      [44, -26],
+      [72, 0],
+      [50, 30],
+      [17, 40],
+      [41, 20],
+      [7, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4488, 12271],
+      [69, -73],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [22, -73],
+      [63, -81],
+      [-13, -40],
+      [37, -137],
+      [42, -22],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-39, -81],
+      [-28, -22],
+      [27, -47],
+      [-1, -78],
+      [-43, -70],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [-44, 24],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [-45, 66],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [2, 57],
+      [49, 55],
+      [1, 133],
+      [-20, 116],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-48, 70],
+      [-38, 6],
+      [-66, 55],
+      [-33, -116],
+      [72, -58],
+      [18, -145]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3325, 11261],
+      [-61, -2],
+      [-65, -21],
+      [-60, -38],
+      [-39, -71],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-58, -46],
+      [-42, 4],
+      [-61, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2901, 11030],
+      [-60, 42],
+      [-65, -46],
+      [-27, 43],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-48, 46],
+      [-26, 96],
+      [-46, 36],
+      [13, 49],
+      [-19, 86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2582, 11395],
+      [49, 32],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [41, 55],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [21, 31],
+      [116, -24],
+      [32, 71],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [60, 50],
+      [67, -38],
+      [86, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3037, 11741],
+      [66, -116],
+      [38, -3],
+      [0, -56],
+      [33, -44],
+      [40, -3],
+      [44, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3258, 11562],
+      [45, -137],
+      [-5, -122],
+      [27, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3846, 12606],
+      [-114, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3146, 12565],
+      [15, 115],
+      [-30, 163],
+      [-23, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3108, 12909],
+      [69, 4],
+      [39, -18],
+      [-26, 128],
+      [119, 25],
+      [66, 85],
+      [57, -4],
+      [67, 25],
+      [73, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3572, 13198],
+      [35, -16],
+      [42, -92],
+      [57, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3706, 13091],
+      [98, -99],
+      [17, -35],
+      [-22, -98],
+      [15, -97],
+      [45, -22],
+      [49, 11],
+      [30, -57],
+      [-21, -31],
+      [-90, -6],
+      [19, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3108, 12909],
+      [-20, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3088, 12984],
+      [-48, 36],
+      [2, 44],
+      [-45, 49],
+      [-15, 64],
+      [14, 53],
+      [-46, 93],
+      [52, 55],
+      [8, 85],
+      [85, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3095, 13510],
+      [56, -2],
+      [77, -58],
+      [45, 30],
+      [46, -24],
+      [26, -50],
+      [33, -12],
+      [141, 42],
+      [-10, -82],
+      [8, -52],
+      [55, -104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3930, 11526],
+      [16, -44],
+      [-46, -56],
+      [5, -53],
+      [29, -77],
+      [-27, -17],
+      [-34, -100],
+      [-73, 47],
+      [-11, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3789, 11183],
+      [-41, 15],
+      [-62, -27],
+      [-114, 10],
+      [-132, 50],
+      [-92, 0],
+      [-23, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3258, 11562],
+      [20, 19],
+      [91, -25],
+      [136, 15],
+      [34, 40],
+      [6, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3545, 11664],
+      [66, 28],
+      [43, -18],
+      [114, -77],
+      [-7, -49],
+      [82, -31],
+      [87, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3984, 12214],
+      [41, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4025, 12159],
+      [115, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4140, 12131],
+      [-12, -55],
+      [-116, -28],
+      [-89, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3923, 11976],
+      [-114, 68],
+      [-16, 71],
+      [-34, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3823, 12255],
+      [57, 1],
+      [28, -41],
+      [36, 33],
+      [40, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4035, 12308],
+      [-40, 75],
+      [25, 148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4020, 12531],
+      [145, 18],
+      [72, -33],
+      [76, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4313, 12534],
+      [-31, -66],
+      [-78, -66],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [-79, -38],
+      [-70, -65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4124, 11814],
+      [-73, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4051, 11782],
+      [-43, 57],
+      [-39, 99],
+      [-46, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4140, 12131],
+      [75, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3088, 12984],
+      [-32, -44],
+      [-64, -17],
+      [-82, 33],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [-59, -18],
+      [-62, 33],
+      [-65, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2703, 12896],
+      [-21, 118],
+      [-20, 31],
+      [42, 56],
+      [-43, 46],
+      [4, 160],
+      [-22, 81],
+      [-60, 61],
+      [33, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2616, 13554],
+      [162, 10],
+      [31, 61],
+      [153, 31],
+      [95, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3057, 13696],
+      [25, -85],
+      [13, -101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3211, 12013],
+      [-134, -75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3077, 11938],
+      [-163, 68],
+      [-113, -38],
+      [-35, 54],
+      [-42, -21],
+      [-84, 30],
+      [-107, -29],
+      [-96, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2437, 12033],
+      [16, 76],
+      [-32, 96],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [19, 49],
+      [-11, 96],
+      [37, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2424, 12459],
+      [36, -32],
+      [81, -2],
+      [95, 32],
+      [67, -26],
+      [29, 14],
+      [59, -78],
+      [56, -26],
+      [123, 52],
+      [39, -11],
+      [21, 40],
+      [90, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3466, 12074],
+      [-29, -73],
+      [15, -108],
+      [51, -51],
+      [-20, -43],
+      [16, -49],
+      [43, -44],
+      [3, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3037, 11741],
+      [-16, 78],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [83, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2162, 13256],
+      [-40, -49],
+      [32, -35],
+      [32, -90],
+      [65, 1],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [21, -104],
+      [45, -33],
+      [19, -111],
+      [1, -76],
+      [43, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2364, 12649],
+      [-87, -25],
+      [-59, 21],
+      [-78, 96],
+      [-49, -16],
+      [-21, 100],
+      [-99, 9],
+      [21, 69],
+      [-81, 22],
+      [-84, -11],
+      [-60, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1767, 12980],
+      [32, 6],
+      [-11, 95],
+      [30, 109],
+      [48, 61],
+      [62, -2],
+      [62, 48],
+      [45, -29],
+      [83, 14],
+      [44, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4041, 11022],
+      [-74, -14],
+      [-61, 38],
+      [-56, -21],
+      [-41, -37],
+      [-34, 79],
+      [-11, 75],
+      [25, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3930, 11526],
+      [26, 28],
+      [-15, 49],
+      [48, 61],
+      [-8, 42],
+      [70, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4379, 11729],
+      [28, -62],
+      [-28, -43],
+      [8, -46],
+      [-36, -89],
+      [112, 49],
+      [47, -21],
+      [28, -101],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-58, -70],
+      [-57, -26],
+      [-20, -54],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [-83, 3],
+      [-123, -31],
+      [-89, -86],
+      [24, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2582, 11395],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [-47, 21],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-143, 112],
+      [-56, -8],
+      [-89, -116],
+      [3, -32],
+      [-73, -54],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-15, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2109, 11363],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [-62, -38],
+      [-31, 16],
+      [-37, 90],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-34, 46],
+      [14, 51],
+      [-52, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1841, 11656],
+      [80, 16],
+      [68, 31],
+      [50, 0],
+      [21, 28],
+      [68, 29],
+      [67, -4],
+      [51, 63],
+      [78, 25],
+      [16, 42],
+      [37, 6],
+      [43, 42],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [21, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1329, 12108],
+      [27, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1356, 12096],
+      [34, -58],
+      [46, 3],
+      [61, -47],
+      [72, 10],
+      [-44, -154],
+      [28, -127],
+      [1, -70],
+      [75, -62],
+      [129, 80],
+      [83, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2109, 11363],
+      [-28, -49],
+      [77, -65],
+      [11, -116],
+      [-91, -20],
+      [-53, -37],
+      [-4, -89],
+      [-46, -119],
+      [-43, 107],
+      [-33, -44],
+      [28, -41],
+      [-41, -35],
+      [-57, 48],
+      [-59, -3],
+      [-24, 45],
+      [-51, -35],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-73, 22],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [-40, 43],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-37, 58],
+      [-106, 7],
+      [-96, -10],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [-10, 103],
+      [-35, 104],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-55, 30],
+      [-40, 84],
+      [-50, 59],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-73, 111],
+      [-82, 74],
+      [14, 87],
+      [35, -5],
+      [69, 51],
+      [41, 4],
+      [32, 91],
+      [32, 46],
+      [102, -20],
+      [145, 23],
+      [14, 46],
+      [119, 97],
+      [41, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4020, 12531],
+      [-149, 9],
+      [-25, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3706, 13091],
+      [133, 123],
+      [49, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3888, 13273],
+      [21, -16],
+      [-18, -114],
+      [-25, -46],
+      [53, -48],
+      [57, -20],
+      [37, -69],
+      [21, -68],
+      [58, -32],
+      [67, -125],
+      [-9, -67],
+      [61, 16],
+      [-47, 55],
+      [42, 24],
+      [61, -34],
+      [46, -95],
+      [0, -100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2703, 12896],
+      [18, -25],
+      [-12, -93],
+      [-51, -48],
+      [-116, 13],
+      [2, -54],
+      [-43, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2501, 12650],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-74, -6],
+      [-27, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2162, 13256],
+      [21, -22],
+      [117, 17],
+      [45, 51],
+      [18, 98],
+      [37, 33],
+      [50, 190],
+      [92, -61],
+      [74, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2424, 12459],
+      [49, 26],
+      [10, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2483, 12526],
+      [43, 20],
+      [-25, 104]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3500, 13931],
+      [22, -43],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [40, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3057, 13696],
+      [55, 66],
+      [49, 12],
+      [26, -29],
+      [177, -4],
+      [64, -22],
+      [78, -67],
+      [86, 24],
+      [32, 35],
+      [136, -78],
+      [51, -74],
+      [10, -75],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [9, -73],
+      [-30, -48],
+      [-1, -65],
+      [23, -13],
+      [91, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4041, 11022],
+      [1, -73],
+      [-17, -93],
+      [-25, -53],
+      [-145, -116],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-72, -49],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-82, 169],
+      [-250, 12],
+      [-41, -39],
+      [-22, 48],
+      [-39, -14],
+      [12, -66],
+      [-58, -46],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [-47, -26],
+      [-73, -7],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-52, 9],
+      [-51, 61],
+      [27, 77],
+      [-3, 65],
+      [29, 59],
+      [-31, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4035, 12308],
+      [-51, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4025, 12159],
+      [95, 70],
+      [105, 56],
+      [39, -17],
+      [103, 9],
+      [29, 26],
+      [92, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1356, 12096],
+      [59, 64],
+      [61, -4],
+      [77, 47],
+      [24, -13],
+      [90, 35],
+      [25, -24],
+      [76, 69],
+      [35, 62],
+      [90, 43],
+      [32, 58],
+      [58, -7],
+      [41, 40],
+      [52, 22],
+      [141, -10],
+      [40, 30],
+      [90, 20],
+      [33, 23],
+      [103, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1329, 12108],
+      [27, 21],
+      [-17, 49],
+      [-76, -34],
+      [-79, 50],
+      [-49, -10],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [-63, 40],
+      [8, 61],
+      [87, 123],
+      [124, -85],
+      [164, 108],
+      [99, 7],
+      [42, 17],
+      [21, 134],
+      [70, 55],
+      [55, 129],
+      [3, 140],
+      [42, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9662, 18553],
+      [-34, -96],
+      [-95, -127],
+      [-37, -88],
+      [-39, -55],
+      [19, -54],
+      [-5, -91],
+      [-23, -60],
+      [-64, -99],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-72, -120],
+      [-114, -54],
+      [-50, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9120, 17612],
+      [-87, 10],
+      [-60, 71],
+      [-88, 12],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-73, 104],
+      [-6, 82],
+      [28, 82],
+      [-47, 72],
+      [-59, 41],
+      [-49, 67],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-35, 38],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-82, -38],
+      [-146, 4],
+      [-49, -19],
+      [-41, -48],
+      [-30, -124],
+      [-19, -18],
+      [-58, 41],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-113, 54],
+      [-28, -76],
+      [-150, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7703, 17977],
+      [-98, -16],
+      [-62, 39],
+      [-68, -12],
+      [-30, 20],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-37, -25],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [-78, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7110, 18102],
+      [22, 88],
+      [53, 71],
+      [-5, 93],
+      [18, 127],
+      [85, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7283, 18528],
+      [88, -34],
+      [284, 0],
+      [121, 19],
+      [33, 60],
+      [-33, 91],
+      [20, 72],
+      [76, 34],
+      [134, 174],
+      [100, 53],
+      [136, -27],
+      [65, 80],
+      [28, 76],
+      [-4, 94],
+      [-52, 95],
+      [-9, 125],
+      [28, 72],
+      [83, 71],
+      [65, 42],
+      [121, 0],
+      [115, -38],
+      [37, 19],
+      [2, 42],
+      [-65, 102],
+      [-46, 42],
+      [-62, 124],
+      [1, 158]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8549, 20074],
+      [51, 8],
+      [103, -15],
+      [50, -20],
+      [127, -4],
+      [66, -31],
+      [84, 7],
+      [164, -10],
+      [65, 5],
+      [61, 63],
+      [82, -35],
+      [97, -22],
+      [87, 70],
+      [63, 0],
+      [58, -21],
+      [56, 13],
+      [13, -46],
+      [112, -18],
+      [42, -90],
+      [93, -64],
+      [-6, -67],
+      [38, -114],
+      [-6, -34],
+      [40, -94],
+      [0, -85],
+      [-118, -186],
+      [-67, -58],
+      [-70, -90],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-60, -113],
+      [-53, -121]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9691, 18886],
+      [-99, 10],
+      [-46, -43],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [-48, 48],
+      [-90, 0],
+      [-47, -53],
+      [2, -62],
+      [45, -81],
+      [-33, -72],
+      [-80, -2],
+      [-12, -92],
+      [28, -44],
+      [339, 74],
+      [53, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9691, 18886],
+      [-40, -139],
+      [7, -91],
+      [36, -11],
+      [-32, -92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8169, 16928],
+      [-100, 40],
+      [-34, 68],
+      [2, 38],
+      [39, 97],
+      [86, 98],
+      [-67, 23],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-38, 26],
+      [-119, 30],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [-84, 120],
+      [-31, 94],
+      [0, 94],
+      [-53, 143],
+      [-5, 76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9120, 17612],
+      [-29, -94],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-1, -63],
+      [49, 15],
+      [70, -5],
+      [-24, -63],
+      [-43, -16],
+      [-42, -57],
+      [5, -45],
+      [37, -29],
+      [-102, -156],
+      [-85, -28],
+      [-41, -60],
+      [-108, -71],
+      [-34, -85],
+      [-82, 32],
+      [-53, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8549, 16934],
+      [-34, 102],
+      [-123, 0],
+      [-60, -19],
+      [-140, -22],
+      [-23, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3166, 17487],
+      [24, -14],
+      [-23, -86],
+      [-45, -79],
+      [-101, -91],
+      [-41, -3],
+      [-66, -35],
+      [-59, 23],
+      [88, 101],
+      [29, 48],
+      [75, 55],
+      [20, 39],
+      [99, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4891, 17354],
+      [192, -24],
+      [36, -37],
+      [103, -23],
+      [54, 41],
+      [27, 45],
+      [73, 9],
+      [69, 39],
+      [89, -33],
+      [108, 19],
+      [49, -28],
+      [72, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5763, 17358],
+      [54, -5],
+      [57, 26],
+      [24, -47],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [48, -12],
+      [55, -96],
+      [-54, 11],
+      [-144, -68],
+      [47, -35],
+      [17, -40],
+      [-40, -71],
+      [54, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5865, 16920],
+      [-38, -29],
+      [-84, -17],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-66, -28],
+      [-49, -47],
+      [-44, -118],
+      [85, -51],
+      [-5, -64],
+      [89, 26],
+      [103, -19],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [21, -50],
+      [-41, -84],
+      [7, -129],
+      [102, -284],
+      [19, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5926, 15904],
+      [1, -303],
+      [9, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5936, 15553],
+      [-114, 41],
+      [-51, 90],
+      [-123, 63],
+      [-74, 159],
+      [-7, -52],
+      [49, -112],
+      [60, -72],
+      [-102, -10],
+      [-48, 82],
+      [1, 57],
+      [-56, 47],
+      [18, -146],
+      [-21, -101],
+      [-36, -45],
+      [-24, -114],
+      [-31, -38],
+      [-13, -57],
+      [-99, 26],
+      [-42, 72],
+      [-46, 1],
+      [-124, 120],
+      [-27, -76],
+      [-47, -37],
+      [58, -185],
+      [-173, 68],
+      [-14, 71],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [5, 77],
+      [28, 81],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [8, 78],
+      [39, 39],
+      [35, 94],
+      [37, 58],
+      [72, 68],
+      [21, 82],
+      [75, 23],
+      [77, 47],
+      [57, 133],
+      [-64, -14],
+      [-1, -43],
+      [-46, -68],
+      [-84, -25],
+      [-64, -54],
+      [-29, -81],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-21, -62],
+      [-56, 5],
+      [-3, -93],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [-68, 19],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [9, -120],
+      [24, -31],
+      [14, -132],
+      [62, -115],
+      [48, -56],
+      [44, -115],
+      [-21, -58],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-64, -39],
+      [-79, -104],
+      [2, -46],
+      [-44, -147],
+      [1, -78],
+      [25, -37],
+      [-42, -30],
+      [-8, -84],
+      [-32, -126],
+      [-50, -139],
+      [-1, -65],
+      [49, -121],
+      [-69, -124],
+      [-59, -41],
+      [-117, 3],
+      [-54, -39],
+      [-69, -9],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [2, 97],
+      [-11, 31],
+      [9, 113],
+      [64, 76],
+      [50, 23],
+      [13, 92],
+      [-3, 114],
+      [13, 109],
+      [-17, 66],
+      [34, 25],
+      [23, 77],
+      [22, 127],
+      [-8, 45],
+      [49, 35],
+      [95, 178],
+      [26, 2],
+      [112, 99],
+      [-27, 29],
+      [-62, -80],
+      [-114, -68],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-70, 50],
+      [-15, 47],
+      [12, 83],
+      [52, 90],
+      [36, 86],
+      [-113, -76],
+      [-9, 79],
+      [30, 82],
+      [38, 41],
+      [66, 117],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [-80, -128],
+      [-60, 3],
+      [86, 163],
+      [97, 164],
+      [61, -13],
+      [20, 25],
+      [-58, 44],
+      [95, 182],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-76, -86],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [48, 112],
+      [9, 68],
+      [-104, 68],
+      [-43, 74],
+      [16, 48],
+      [64, 30],
+      [85, 68],
+      [23, 94],
+      [72, 80],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [60, 40],
+      [43, -6],
+      [105, 20],
+      [85, -19],
+      [26, 18],
+      [58, -33],
+      [55, 8],
+      [72, 79],
+      [-19, 55],
+      [-45, -105],
+      [-75, -21],
+      [-36, 29],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-118, 25],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-15, 60],
+      [-77, 9],
+      [39, 71],
+      [49, 13],
+      [32, -41],
+      [100, 49],
+      [3, 54],
+      [-84, -68],
+      [-77, 65],
+      [83, 123],
+      [96, 112]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3509, 16518],
+      [-20, 71],
+      [86, -28],
+      [252, 83],
+      [31, 56],
+      [-46, 17],
+      [-42, -46],
+      [-78, -26],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-21, 38],
+      [13, 48],
+      [74, 61],
+      [44, 94],
+      [64, -8],
+      [83, 49],
+      [-19, 54],
+      [-147, -36],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-80, 17],
+      [-40, -12],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [9, 43],
+      [76, -6],
+      [44, 15],
+      [46, -38],
+      [56, 40],
+      [-54, 23],
+      [-60, 49],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-105, 26],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [32, 66],
+      [2, 60],
+      [136, 22],
+      [-6, 54],
+      [44, 28],
+      [46, -2],
+      [27, 29],
+      [131, -48],
+      [67, -117],
+      [38, -27],
+      [46, -143],
+      [234, -20],
+      [49, -68],
+      [68, -8],
+      [77, -94],
+      [30, -65],
+      [-72, -141],
+      [-71, -71],
+      [-132, -82],
+      [-82, 31],
+      [58, 51],
+      [-59, 28],
+      [-64, -82],
+      [-79, 4],
+      [-81, -76],
+      [-127, 8],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-160, 7],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [-88, 14],
+      [-20, 32],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [19, 120],
+      [29, 38],
+      [68, -6],
+      [53, -53],
+      [48, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4469, 16897],
+      [18, 83],
+      [59, 32],
+      [89, 117],
+      [58, -4],
+      [-78, -86],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-119, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2512, 16839],
+      [-98, 80],
+      [-1, 116],
+      [65, 34],
+      [89, -29],
+      [80, 64],
+      [39, -22],
+      [29, 32],
+      [69, -19],
+      [1, -32],
+      [-93, 0],
+      [-36, -39],
+      [-15, -54],
+      [-82, -8],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [11, -63],
+      [-31, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4511, 16760],
+      [63, 12],
+      [-18, -58],
+      [-39, -52],
+      [-54, 21],
+      [48, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3286, 16610],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-49, -76],
+      [-27, 64],
+      [74, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4363, 16263],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [24, 78],
+      [47, -60],
+      [-25, -97],
+      [-33, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4315, 16221],
+      [22, -24],
+      [-31, -78],
+      [-77, 1],
+      [27, 71],
+      [59, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4150, 15705],
+      [-73, -150],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [-73, -123],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [-41, -194],
+      [-149, 36],
+      [-23, 32],
+      [-25, 137],
+      [6, 51],
+      [74, 127],
+      [65, 31],
+      [31, -8],
+      [44, 36],
+      [-79, 43],
+      [0, 24],
+      [79, 127],
+      [125, 103],
+      [62, 29],
+      [37, 60],
+      [71, 39],
+      [40, 52],
+      [44, -31],
+      [6, -64],
+      [-63, -99],
+      [-74, -152],
+      [-31, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3576, 15971],
+      [19, 45],
+      [57, -13],
+      [-41, -96],
+      [-43, -44],
+      [17, -48],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-90, 16],
+      [25, 67],
+      [4, 62],
+      [48, 51],
+      [35, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3522, 15778],
+      [-17, -58],
+      [-45, 48],
+      [62, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3137, 14854],
+      [-57, 56],
+      [48, 58],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [70, 119],
+      [-47, 52],
+      [41, 53],
+      [7, 102],
+      [93, 13],
+      [32, 44],
+      [49, -20],
+      [24, -45],
+      [37, 65],
+      [40, 18],
+      [105, 109],
+      [53, 24],
+      [61, 3],
+      [-16, -115],
+      [44, -115],
+      [-4, -81],
+      [29, -80],
+      [57, -54],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [27, -21],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [30, -70],
+      [-105, -94],
+      [-80, -52],
+      [-69, 18],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [-36, -73],
+      [-42, -36],
+      [-103, 26],
+      [12, 95],
+      [46, 63],
+      [55, 20],
+      [-32, 105],
+      [-33, 39],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [9, 56],
+      [105, 59],
+      [3, 47],
+      [-127, 6],
+      [-56, -141],
+      [-45, -64],
+      [-108, -90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4200, 14848],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [68, 91],
+      [3, -111],
+      [-58, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7177, 15885],
+      [-80, 93],
+      [-60, 3],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [32, 71],
+      [23, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7069, 16200],
+      [97, 60],
+      [53, -67],
+      [87, -7],
+      [12, 25],
+      [65, 3],
+      [74, -28],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-119, -57],
+      [18, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7355, 16034],
+      [-1, -56],
+      [-124, -23],
+      [-53, -70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5276, 13104],
+      [76, 41],
+      [92, -25],
+      [53, 43],
+      [27, 57],
+      [103, 19],
+      [147, -6],
+      [104, 31],
+      [16, 59],
+      [-36, 23],
+      [-5, 88],
+      [54, 53],
+      [107, 54],
+      [74, -25],
+      [31, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6119, 13532],
+      [45, 46],
+      [9, -87],
+      [41, 29],
+      [2, 52],
+      [25, 22],
+      [12, 92],
+      [35, 61],
+      [6, 56],
+      [41, 32],
+      [36, 84],
+      [78, -9],
+      [19, 32],
+      [63, -8],
+      [79, -76],
+      [32, 41],
+      [0, 43],
+      [41, 78],
+      [-18, 63],
+      [6, 63],
+      [34, 49],
+      [100, 52],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [37, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6834, 14314],
+      [40, -17],
+      [115, 1],
+      [78, -22],
+      [83, -96],
+      [39, -98],
+      [51, -21],
+      [11, -109],
+      [87, -80],
+      [38, 8],
+      [14, 67],
+      [52, 28],
+      [6, 140],
+      [100, 67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7548, 14182],
+      [83, -14],
+      [49, 19],
+      [97, 0],
+      [42, 68],
+      [94, -24],
+      [17, -26],
+      [-62, -45],
+      [-30, -42],
+      [-9, -93],
+      [36, -20],
+      [115, 80],
+      [64, -58],
+      [50, 18],
+      [38, -12],
+      [9, -58],
+      [61, -58],
+      [33, -88],
+      [55, -12],
+      [77, 51],
+      [80, -26],
+      [28, -42],
+      [-38, -22],
+      [43, -42],
+      [7, -47],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-7, -121],
+      [44, -48],
+      [13, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8213, 13087],
+      [-104, -24],
+      [-51, -30],
+      [-81, 30],
+      [-101, -26],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [-83, -17],
+      [-49, 15],
+      [-46, 42],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-40, -23],
+      [-76, 0],
+      [-41, 29],
+      [-45, -96],
+      [36, -96],
+      [-50, -55],
+      [-64, -11],
+      [-98, 12],
+      [-83, -70],
+      [-50, 21],
+      [-17, -51],
+      [-78, 0],
+      [51, -56],
+      [-73, -54],
+      [-96, -42],
+      [-36, -38],
+      [-119, -4],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [25, 103],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [1, -101],
+      [-104, 10],
+      [-90, 118],
+      [-14, 78],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-75, 23],
+      [-77, 41],
+      [-35, 49],
+      [-55, 12],
+      [-1, -84],
+      [15, -63],
+      [85, -38],
+      [18, -39],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [5, -57],
+      [-16, -69],
+      [23, -68],
+      [-20, -37],
+      [-64, -34],
+      [-55, 39],
+      [-54, 15],
+      [-60, 38],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-26, 75],
+      [-139, 99],
+      [-51, 56],
+      [-71, 2],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [-62, 14],
+      [-32, -32],
+      [-97, -58],
+      [-33, -72],
+      [18, -17],
+      [56, -181],
+      [6, -64],
+      [60, -50],
+      [-23, -29],
+      [7, -80],
+      [-67, 8],
+      [-63, 65],
+      [-12, 58],
+      [37, 27],
+      [-68, 87],
+      [-11, 98],
+      [-62, 53],
+      [-140, 147],
+      [-11, 52],
+      [-59, 107],
+      [-3, 167],
+      [25, 61],
+      [91, 47],
+      [51, -58],
+      [15, -177],
+      [47, -50],
+      [61, 23],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [-61, 138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8549, 16934],
+      [-68, -36],
+      [-98, 6],
+      [-80, -38],
+      [-100, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8203, 16879],
+      [-34, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6119, 13532],
+      [34, 111],
+      [0, 209],
+      [-44, 74],
+      [-87, 73],
+      [-64, 109],
+      [11, 39],
+      [153, -28],
+      [7, 66],
+      [-34, 89],
+      [7, 31],
+      [69, 66],
+      [9, 89],
+      [-25, 70],
+      [-71, 31],
+      [-134, 89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5950, 14650],
+      [106, 78],
+      [14, 62],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [-113, 4],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [88, 97],
+      [60, 115]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6045, 15083],
+      [17, -22],
+      [235, -103],
+      [93, -52],
+      [49, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6439, 14894],
+      [49, -116],
+      [56, -62],
+      [11, -47],
+      [-51, -69],
+      [15, -51],
+      [195, 4],
+      [51, 47],
+      [56, -4],
+      [46, -78],
+      [-4, -85],
+      [-29, -119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6624, 15718],
+      [7, -111],
+      [33, -17],
+      [75, 4],
+      [5, -86],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-117, 4],
+      [-18, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6571, 15424],
+      [-77, -5],
+      [-82, 68],
+      [-38, -46],
+      [-84, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6290, 15459],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-7, 165]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6271, 15641],
+      [93, -48],
+      [40, 5],
+      [10, 75],
+      [-29, 74],
+      [132, 7],
+      [59, 16],
+      [48, -52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9223, 15563],
+      [-104, -129],
+      [52, -23],
+      [-38, -58],
+      [-157, -20],
+      [-92, -74],
+      [-67, 16],
+      [-20, 38],
+      [-121, -53],
+      [-66, 27],
+      [-59, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8551, 15244],
+      [-307, 231],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-8, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8196, 15569],
+      [105, 26],
+      [26, 32],
+      [73, 7],
+      [57, 71],
+      [35, 101],
+      [25, 0],
+      [41, 62],
+      [62, 9],
+      [111, -23],
+      [12, 14],
+      [98, -29],
+      [53, -94],
+      [50, -35],
+      [34, 14],
+      [78, -26],
+      [22, -26],
+      [96, -46],
+      [51, -59],
+      [0, -1],
+      [-1, -1],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-1, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6455, 15171],
+      [-17, -113],
+      [39, -38],
+      [0, -114],
+      [-38, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6045, 15083],
+      [2, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6047, 15092],
+      [41, 34],
+      [70, 27],
+      [125, 84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6283, 15237],
+      [14, -65],
+      [81, 3],
+      [52, 22],
+      [25, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7703, 15233],
+      [2, 193],
+      [-61, 29],
+      [-21, 32],
+      [-1, 208]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7622, 15695],
+      [90, -17],
+      [55, 30],
+      [45, -45],
+      [83, -13],
+      [144, 17],
+      [73, -73],
+      [59, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8171, 15569],
+      [-14, -147],
+      [-151, -21],
+      [-252, -183]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7754, 15218],
+      [-51, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3201, 21190],
+      [98, -95],
+      [30, -132],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [-71, 36],
+      [-57, -34],
+      [29, -32],
+      [7, -61],
+      [-34, -73],
+      [-38, 8],
+      [-57, -57],
+      [-62, -19],
+      [-110, 19],
+      [-84, 126],
+      [7, 66],
+      [-29, 52],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [45, -119],
+      [70, -96],
+      [7, -112],
+      [-183, 35],
+      [85, -169],
+      [-79, -45],
+      [-88, -18],
+      [-35, -68],
+      [-100, -54],
+      [-37, -66],
+      [-133, 124],
+      [-48, 77],
+      [-44, 16],
+      [-25, 62],
+      [49, 5],
+      [39, -40],
+      [40, 8],
+      [95, 93],
+      [91, 29],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [55, 59],
+      [104, -26],
+      [8, 36],
+      [-141, 93],
+      [-63, 15],
+      [-46, -9],
+      [-93, 38],
+      [-8, 135],
+      [52, 5],
+      [-10, 102],
+      [-61, 20],
+      [-24, 116],
+      [-24, 65],
+      [59, 65],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [53, 23],
+      [24, 95],
+      [76, 8],
+      [34, -38],
+      [99, -35],
+      [-53, -30],
+      [99, -39],
+      [63, 62],
+      [115, -23],
+      [-10, 80],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-56, 123],
+      [46, 58],
+      [64, -1],
+      [43, 57],
+      [105, 60],
+      [41, -7],
+      [69, 41],
+      [42, 2],
+      [40, 76],
+      [99, 65],
+      [85, 76],
+      [65, 27],
+      [33, 49],
+      [47, 5],
+      [43, 39],
+      [17, 54],
+      [57, -43],
+      [10, -43],
+      [49, -38],
+      [-13, -69],
+      [33, -41],
+      [-56, -109],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [29, -32],
+      [-24, -61],
+      [-36, -23],
+      [-20, -60],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [5, -44],
+      [-61, -1],
+      [8, -62],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [77, -79],
+      [80, 43],
+      [53, 64],
+      [96, 33],
+      [-44, -134],
+      [-60, -53],
+      [-73, -23],
+      [-44, 63],
+      [-32, 3],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [-74, 35],
+      [32, -121],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [-108, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2546, 21562],
+      [48, -14],
+      [50, -69],
+      [50, -40],
+      [-24, -45],
+      [-95, 1],
+      [-11, 78],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [9, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2186, 20959],
+      [32, -18],
+      [12, -70],
+      [-77, 10],
+      [-27, 56],
+      [60, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2377, 20660],
+      [22, -50],
+      [-37, -58],
+      [-56, 12],
+      [28, 87],
+      [43, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2821, 20533],
+      [75, -6],
+      [-29, -55],
+      [-46, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 20418],
+      [71, -20],
+      [-47, -41],
+      [-24, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2062, 20307],
+      [11, -51],
+      [-57, -14],
+      [-21, 51],
+      [67, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2140, 20188],
+      [19, -53],
+      [-72, -43],
+      [-29, 25],
+      [28, 57],
+      [54, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1807, 19918],
+      [22, 65],
+      [34, 11],
+      [87, -27],
+      [136, 113],
+      [54, -36],
+      [-2, -74],
+      [37, -16],
+      [66, 8],
+      [45, -29],
+      [-59, -84],
+      [-73, 50],
+      [-3, -98],
+      [80, 12],
+      [-45, -144],
+      [-47, -76],
+      [-128, -4],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-85, -8],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [-44, 65],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-33, 41],
+      [-59, -45],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-55, 92],
+      [53, 155],
+      [95, -24],
+      [47, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1780, 19694],
+      [52, 5],
+      [49, -51],
+      [-27, -59],
+      [-74, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2078, 19531],
+      [-66, -14],
+      [-44, 45],
+      [33, 26],
+      [61, -13],
+      [16, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2077, 19580],
+      [49, -1],
+      [21, -51],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-47, 48],
+      [2, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2056, 19464],
+      [20, -112],
+      [-48, -51],
+      [-94, 6],
+      [-73, 53],
+      [-63, 21],
+      [-27, 115],
+      [48, 11],
+      [18, 43],
+      [118, -16],
+      [30, -50],
+      [38, 26],
+      [33, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1985, 18547],
+      [-156, 1],
+      [-59, 117],
+      [-18, 114],
+      [3, 61],
+      [-26, 58],
+      [23, 39],
+      [3, 83],
+      [38, 41],
+      [-4, 118],
+      [-17, 103],
+      [21, 32],
+      [86, 8],
+      [34, -38],
+      [62, -17],
+      [20, -61],
+      [49, -27],
+      [-14, -59],
+      [24, -55],
+      [44, -14],
+      [-19, -48],
+      [-72, -52],
+      [-18, -166],
+      [28, -85],
+      [-47, -50],
+      [47, -17],
+      [50, -60],
+      [-82, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1969, 18520],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-53, -52],
+      [-4, 72],
+      [48, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1624, 18271],
+      [7, 24],
+      [78, 54],
+      [104, -54],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-67, -48],
+      [-19, -62],
+      [-138, -3],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [4, 54],
+      [57, 20],
+      [5, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1542, 18153],
+      [52, -9],
+      [34, -63],
+      [-63, -35],
+      [-45, 60],
+      [22, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1465, 17848],
+      [-2, -77],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-7, 73],
+      [58, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 15703],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [-88, 12],
+      [-101, -126],
+      [-77, -27],
+      [-81, -76],
+      [-51, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7092, 15434],
+      [-9, 28],
+      [-117, 70],
+      [43, 58],
+      [-85, 4],
+      [-22, 69],
+      [-55, 3],
+      [3, 54],
+      [-57, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6793, 15735],
+      [34, 28],
+      [98, 37],
+      [144, 16],
+      [83, 21],
+      [58, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7210, 15834],
+      [2, -46],
+      [84, -43],
+      [136, 7],
+      [97, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7355, 16034],
+      [68, 17],
+      [50, 46],
+      [32, -28],
+      [84, 6],
+      [126, -18],
+      [40, 64],
+      [53, 14],
+      [39, 46],
+      [54, 29],
+      [-5, 59],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-88, 9],
+      [-21, 72],
+      [41, 45],
+      [52, -1],
+      [13, 55],
+      [47, -4],
+      [25, 31],
+      [-30, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7899, 16609],
+      [101, 37],
+      [114, 68],
+      [38, 8],
+      [76, 55],
+      [70, 10],
+      [68, 42],
+      [14, 27],
+      [78, 15],
+      [38, -33],
+      [70, 14],
+      [11, -26],
+      [-14, -120],
+      [-18, -29],
+      [-82, -39],
+      [65, -24],
+      [86, -52],
+      [134, -16],
+      [47, -23],
+      [36, -56],
+      [69, -46],
+      [-154, -146],
+      [-135, -55],
+      [-47, -38],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-73, 63],
+      [-91, 7],
+      [-44, -29],
+      [-48, -63],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [-57, -74],
+      [-89, -51],
+      [-43, -147],
+      [-59, 5],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-51, 13],
+      [-106, -52],
+      [-27, -34],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-186, 85],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-43, 48],
+      [-130, -30],
+      [-100, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7206, 15868],
+      [-29, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6283, 15237],
+      [1, 116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6284, 15353],
+      [6, 106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6571, 15424],
+      [62, -60],
+      [59, 0],
+      [14, -33],
+      [-21, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6685, 15258],
+      [-137, 9],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [11, -65],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [-56, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7162, 19910],
+      [48, -119],
+      [29, -20],
+      [-4, -116],
+      [36, -26],
+      [12, -76],
+      [-8, -121],
+      [-51, -60],
+      [26, -38],
+      [52, 59],
+      [83, 9],
+      [47, 38],
+      [119, 22],
+      [88, -81],
+      [60, -12],
+      [20, -103],
+      [-50, -61],
+      [-40, -73],
+      [-41, -32],
+      [-15, -47],
+      [56, -34],
+      [-15, -125],
+      [52, -37],
+      [-11, -53],
+      [-37, -63],
+      [-33, 2],
+      [-83, -38],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-86, -72],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-56, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7110, 18102],
+      [-30, 10],
+      [-90, -24],
+      [-93, 59],
+      [-28, -48],
+      [-24, -86],
+      [-84, 18],
+      [-98, -19],
+      [-96, 34],
+      [-56, -40],
+      [2, -61],
+      [-77, -42],
+      [-74, -21],
+      [-44, -53],
+      [-50, 6],
+      [-39, -35],
+      [-64, -89],
+      [-56, 19],
+      [-59, 46],
+      [-55, -103],
+      [-39, -23],
+      [7, -71],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [17, -42],
+      [-87, -43],
+      [-85, -14],
+      [-9, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4891, 17354],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [61, 56],
+      [43, -1],
+      [95, 76],
+      [-92, 16],
+      [122, 194],
+      [93, 112],
+      [-105, 72],
+      [-135, 3],
+      [14, -28],
+      [112, 10],
+      [84, -53],
+      [-142, -158],
+      [-52, -70],
+      [7, -50],
+      [-79, -15],
+      [-74, -71],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-74, -82],
+      [-41, -1],
+      [-54, -71],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-98, -160],
+      [-80, -65],
+      [-96, -50],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [-84, 16],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [-138, 30],
+      [-93, 51],
+      [-48, 50],
+      [-27, 71],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [-9, 69],
+      [137, 44],
+      [113, -6],
+      [107, 88],
+      [65, 7],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-78, -4],
+      [-101, -92],
+      [-130, 7],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [-65, -36],
+      [-74, 18],
+      [-30, 33],
+      [-98, 8],
+      [-36, -35],
+      [-67, 12],
+      [-61, 76],
+      [59, 99],
+      [101, 27],
+      [82, -12],
+      [98, 27],
+      [57, 34],
+      [80, -87],
+      [25, 30],
+      [1, 59],
+      [76, -19],
+      [61, 44],
+      [-106, 42],
+      [10, 48],
+      [109, 19],
+      [44, 52],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [59, 47],
+      [-78, 17],
+      [-109, -28],
+      [-72, 1],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [65, 20],
+      [-5, 60],
+      [44, 45],
+      [15, 129],
+      [20, 48],
+      [34, 14],
+      [118, 10],
+      [28, -71],
+      [55, -35],
+      [68, -6],
+      [140, 48],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [-124, -50],
+      [-60, 26],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [-16, 77],
+      [-96, -19],
+      [-47, 42],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [59, 63],
+      [40, 21],
+      [12, 51],
+      [65, 3],
+      [50, 22],
+      [78, -22],
+      [85, -83],
+      [27, 33],
+      [-53, 30],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [-74, 33],
+      [-75, -7],
+      [-42, 36],
+      [21, 75],
+      [47, 30],
+      [27, 48],
+      [-46, 48],
+      [29, 43],
+      [169, 47],
+      [-207, 31],
+      [-96, -5],
+      [18, 101],
+      [46, 26],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [106, -7],
+      [52, 40],
+      [67, -3],
+      [107, 93],
+      [31, 64],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-108, -131],
+      [-93, -34],
+      [-54, 29],
+      [33, 90],
+      [-117, -65],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [-94, -26],
+      [-50, 39],
+      [-10, 77],
+      [26, 26],
+      [-23, 102],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-25, 70],
+      [0, 83],
+      [25, 66],
+      [0, 57],
+      [24, 78],
+      [41, 16],
+      [99, -106],
+      [66, 10],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [42, -24],
+      [94, 31],
+      [129, -14],
+      [-29, 60],
+      [-173, -14],
+      [-41, 16],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [-65, 23],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [-53, 60],
+      [-69, 41],
+      [49, 92],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [44, 25],
+      [73, 1],
+      [20, 59],
+      [-95, 3],
+      [-70, 39],
+      [11, 127],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [9, 118],
+      [42, -8],
+      [132, 26],
+      [9, -88],
+      [32, -23],
+      [-5, -72],
+      [61, -77],
+      [58, 117],
+      [4, 60],
+      [-85, 66],
+      [4, 131],
+      [59, 26],
+      [68, -37],
+      [0, -68],
+      [20, -40],
+      [125, -40],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [45, 101],
+      [107, -55],
+      [39, -56],
+      [94, -31],
+      [21, 35],
+      [-100, 36],
+      [-38, 66],
+      [-81, 18],
+      [-16, 35],
+      [72, 30],
+      [39, -63],
+      [62, -10],
+      [71, 18],
+      [135, -110],
+      [33, -1],
+      [63, -120],
+      [28, -1],
+      [-50, 108],
+      [-50, 25],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-92, 62],
+      [34, 87],
+      [-74, 20],
+      [-9, 23],
+      [-99, 25],
+      [8, 25],
+      [-88, 105],
+      [-82, 19],
+      [0, 51],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [32, 95],
+      [53, -20],
+      [53, -69],
+      [59, -4],
+      [55, 23],
+      [13, 63],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-38, 75],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [-71, 86],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-64, 45],
+      [14, 54],
+      [78, -10],
+      [55, -59],
+      [100, 70],
+      [123, -4],
+      [30, 61],
+      [-5, 84],
+      [-46, 27],
+      [-27, 83],
+      [48, 68],
+      [5, 67],
+      [58, -18],
+      [-7, 82],
+      [51, 54],
+      [44, 5],
+      [-110, 91],
+      [18, 88],
+      [32, 41],
+      [61, 7],
+      [59, 135],
+      [9, 89],
+      [88, -42],
+      [116, -7],
+      [66, -32],
+      [41, -49],
+      [85, 4],
+      [52, -60],
+      [70, -8],
+      [7, -50],
+      [-91, -96],
+      [4, -79],
+      [50, 48],
+      [47, 94],
+      [72, 35],
+      [-7, 96],
+      [84, 28],
+      [159, -68],
+      [38, -81],
+      [-56, -59],
+      [-40, -148],
+      [73, 94],
+      [9, 39],
+      [93, 108],
+      [80, 17],
+      [128, -29],
+      [1, 48],
+      [70, -15],
+      [26, 53],
+      [99, -17],
+      [48, 32],
+      [8, 44],
+      [44, 13],
+      [14, -73],
+      [77, 22],
+      [48, -38],
+      [43, 23],
+      [48, -11],
+      [125, 28],
+      [184, 126],
+      [14, -21],
+      [155, 18],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [47, -15],
+      [44, 31],
+      [83, -9],
+      [96, -28],
+      [27, 39],
+      [-101, 75],
+      [11, 55],
+      [43, 28],
+      [50, -63],
+      [71, -5],
+      [38, 23],
+      [102, 3],
+      [56, -44],
+      [88, 20],
+      [117, -6],
+      [-17, -87],
+      [-47, -121],
+      [-80, -85],
+      [-17, -52],
+      [9, -63],
+      [30, -31],
+      [83, 15],
+      [-2, -87],
+      [-69, -128],
+      [-12, -66],
+      [-53, -39],
+      [-114, -130],
+      [-78, -19],
+      [-168, -80],
+      [-123, -154],
+      [-55, -91],
+      [-246, -182],
+      [-103, -86],
+      [-61, -10],
+      [-71, -63],
+      [-18, -83],
+      [-68, -52],
+      [-65, -11],
+      [-72, -36],
+      [-35, -95],
+      [23, -77],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-7, -69],
+      [-106, 0],
+      [-27, -27],
+      [-98, 18],
+      [-41, 28],
+      [-103, -4],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [161, 23],
+      [76, -89],
+      [63, 10],
+      [78, -40],
+      [117, 75],
+      [69, -20],
+      [42, -43],
+      [44, 9],
+      [47, 40],
+      [24, 52],
+      [49, -30],
+      [-105, -155],
+      [-99, -98],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-90, -131],
+      [-88, 16],
+      [38, 94],
+      [-92, -10],
+      [-50, -34],
+      [-76, -78],
+      [-74, 10],
+      [-83, -36],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-169, -135],
+      [57, -23],
+      [72, 85],
+      [119, 93],
+      [45, 19],
+      [77, 2],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [115, 4],
+      [79, 52],
+      [63, -22],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [-113, -136],
+      [-16, -71],
+      [-83, -30],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [-88, -133],
+      [-115, 4],
+      [-84, 26],
+      [-69, -26],
+      [59, -58],
+      [117, 5],
+      [115, 39],
+      [51, -31],
+      [104, 81],
+      [25, 60],
+      [63, 33],
+      [23, 39],
+      [-32, 57],
+      [73, 29],
+      [114, -39],
+      [101, 14],
+      [97, 47],
+      [56, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4016, 18901],
+      [56, 39],
+      [70, 9],
+      [39, 30],
+      [62, 12],
+      [134, -55],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [-62, -60],
+      [-113, -48],
+      [6, -61],
+      [-67, -94],
+      [-34, 9],
+      [-31, -66],
+      [-74, -110],
+      [-92, -38],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-20, 72],
+      [40, 93],
+      [34, 43],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [77, 51],
+      [37, 47],
+      [-23, 26],
+      [-73, -22],
+      [-41, 100],
+      [-106, -204],
+      [-46, 26],
+      [15, 78],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-81, -29],
+      [-34, 11],
+      [-152, -45],
+      [43, 77],
+      [-102, -6],
+      [-76, 114],
+      [-68, 77],
+      [-46, 131],
+      [52, 23],
+      [1, 68],
+      [-53, 49],
+      [15, 27],
+      [-80, 55],
+      [-44, -35],
+      [-12, -126],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [-80, 21],
+      [-72, 45],
+      [-30, 108],
+      [-67, 40],
+      [5, 61],
+      [31, 11],
+      [24, 106],
+      [50, 34],
+      [74, -135],
+      [77, -38],
+      [-40, 145],
+      [115, 15],
+      [-121, 113],
+      [11, 144],
+      [80, -52],
+      [20, -94],
+      [95, -45],
+      [52, -66],
+      [90, 39],
+      [58, -17],
+      [-46, 122],
+      [6, 126],
+      [-47, 71],
+      [107, 79],
+      [-1, 67],
+      [81, 28],
+      [5, -38],
+      [54, -32],
+      [36, -108],
+      [66, -15],
+      [77, -133],
+      [-4, -225],
+      [9, -60],
+      [-14, -109],
+      [-47, -43],
+      [78, -45],
+      [-20, -73],
+      [54, -104],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [86, -12],
+      [9, -47],
+      [61, -49],
+      [141, -50],
+      [18, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3885, 19608],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [27, 39],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [48, 28],
+      [-2, -77],
+      [-32, -97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3881, 19532],
+      [-28, -84],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [11, -137],
+      [36, -86],
+      [-40, -59],
+      [-71, 2],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [10, 56],
+      [-15, 113],
+      [44, 104],
+      [65, 7],
+      [-34, 68],
+      [76, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3858, 19121],
+      [75, -18],
+      [36, -30],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [-92, -13],
+      [-54, 71],
+      [37, 54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3555, 18710],
+      [33, -38],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [-44, -15],
+      [-34, 53],
+      [77, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3137, 18406],
+      [-41, -7],
+      [-54, 29],
+      [65, 39],
+      [30, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3243, 18356],
+      [26, 36],
+      [90, 44],
+      [122, -68],
+      [20, -66],
+      [-28, -121],
+      [-56, -57],
+      [-48, -9],
+      [-60, 45],
+      [-34, 56],
+      [-88, 71],
+      [56, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3551, 18028],
+      [67, 30],
+      [13, 73],
+      [57, -32],
+      [-3, -109],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-67, 43],
+      [5, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4039, 17795],
+      [65, -35],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [-44, 22],
+      [17, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5700, 15336],
+      [-36, 32],
+      [-112, 3],
+      [-59, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5493, 15355],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [28, 34],
+      [0, 97],
+      [129, 57],
+      [180, -79],
+      [44, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5862, 15528],
+      [76, -130],
+      [3, -79],
+      [-30, -22],
+      [-175, 17],
+      [-36, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8171, 15569],
+      [25, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8551, 15244],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-46, -65],
+      [-68, -5],
+      [-15, 75],
+      [-193, -164],
+      [-33, -40],
+      [3, -45],
+      [-40, -17],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [3, 43],
+      [-61, 162],
+      [-67, -65],
+      [-59, -6],
+      [-41, 51],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [-35, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7162, 19910],
+      [80, 33],
+      [5, 36],
+      [121, 15],
+      [106, -6],
+      [74, 37],
+      [24, 70],
+      [202, 56],
+      [98, -21],
+      [159, -74],
+      [190, -57],
+      [39, -4],
+      [133, 67],
+      [8, 20],
+      [108, 21],
+      [40, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5163, 15113],
+      [-39, 97],
+      [3, 70],
+      [-78, 79],
+      [-41, 96],
+      [50, 58],
+      [37, -10],
+      [76, -79],
+      [44, -24],
+      [27, -58],
+      [5, -54],
+      [52, 11],
+      [2, -88],
+      [30, -93],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [13, -42],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-31, 29],
+      [-13, 73],
+      [-77, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5700, 15336],
+      [53, -117],
+      [119, -117],
+      [175, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5950, 14650],
+      [-111, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5839, 14574],
+      [-10, 61],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-64, 44],
+      [-96, 44],
+      [-94, 118],
+      [-58, 34],
+      [2, 59],
+      [28, 20],
+      [41, 52],
+      [-5, 81],
+      [-42, 96],
+      [-3, 119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5476, 15170],
+      [6, -101],
+      [-77, -9],
+      [30, 87],
+      [41, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4817, 14427],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [19, 50],
+      [-8, 62],
+      [-73, 115],
+      [25, 111],
+      [24, 58],
+      [49, 22],
+      [18, 45],
+      [87, 42],
+      [82, -45],
+      [65, -65],
+      [34, -94],
+      [8, -108],
+      [-26, -58],
+      [61, -15],
+      [39, -52],
+      [-42, -25],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [69, -40],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [20, -49],
+      [-39, -64],
+      [-76, 3],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-114, 11],
+      [-96, 68],
+      [-20, 66],
+      [-30, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6624, 15718],
+      [65, 52],
+      [94, 0],
+      [10, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7092, 15434],
+      [23, -61],
+      [96, 30],
+      [26, -34],
+      [-51, -31],
+      [40, -118],
+      [-23, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7203, 15146],
+      [-70, -53],
+      [-149, -78],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-125, 107],
+      [-123, 94],
+      [-28, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9202, 24452],
+      [-42, -39],
+      [-2, -59],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [24, 66],
+      [81, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8310, 24271],
+      [124, -50],
+      [27, -43],
+      [9, -79],
+      [-67, 55],
+      [-110, -33],
+      [-37, 53],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [105, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9003, 24098],
+      [-27, -49],
+      [-118, 5],
+      [-110, -91],
+      [-13, 48],
+      [187, 143],
+      [56, -28],
+      [67, 62],
+      [105, 55],
+      [-13, -94],
+      [-73, 8],
+      [-61, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8648, 23935],
+      [-4, -74],
+      [-21, -50],
+      [-83, 75],
+      [12, 38],
+      [59, 5],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [6, 70],
+      [80, -44],
+      [-32, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8213, 23774],
+      [-40, 19],
+      [-57, 63],
+      [-3, 35],
+      [48, 58],
+      [54, -7],
+      [13, -40],
+      [128, 0],
+      [-35, -51],
+      [20, -63],
+      [-63, -22],
+      [-65, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8389, 23881],
+      [32, -17],
+      [-11, -86],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [10, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8952, 23698],
+      [12, -46],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-81, 81],
+      [-18, -84],
+      [-63, 31],
+      [54, 68],
+      [45, 30],
+      [-65, 66],
+      [106, -24],
+      [-22, -36],
+      [63, -17],
+      [25, -51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8155, 23439],
+      [50, -7],
+      [28, 34],
+      [130, -52],
+      [25, 66],
+      [37, -39],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [13, -56],
+      [146, 59],
+      [7, -95],
+      [147, 65],
+      [-6, -126],
+      [-102, -21],
+      [-78, -116],
+      [-20, 45],
+      [-55, 29],
+      [-35, -73],
+      [46, -70],
+      [-20, -54],
+      [-60, -82],
+      [-11, -57],
+      [42, -38],
+      [-21, -56],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-58, 39],
+      [4, 85],
+      [-57, 69],
+      [21, 46],
+      [68, 29],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [56, 78],
+      [-13, 63],
+      [-59, 96],
+      [-51, 12],
+      [-114, -43],
+      [-41, 8],
+      [-32, -38],
+      [-82, 4],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-22, 42],
+      [-4, 114],
+      [-87, -94],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-54, 78],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [27, 166],
+      [2, 98],
+      [55, 102],
+      [104, 35],
+      [73, -10],
+      [149, -78],
+      [61, -18],
+      [-2, -40],
+      [73, -84],
+      [-90, -87],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [14, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8579, 23665],
+      [4, -45],
+      [-53, -117],
+      [-96, 27],
+      [-53, -11],
+      [48, 102],
+      [71, -36],
+      [26, 59],
+      [53, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7932, 22884],
+      [43, 41],
+      [108, 5],
+      [-4, -50],
+      [-149, -25],
+      [-75, 6],
+      [-116, 156],
+      [-26, 87],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [16, 84],
+      [39, 53],
+      [95, 16],
+      [21, -54],
+      [48, -8],
+      [106, -71],
+      [20, -60],
+      [-3, -128],
+      [-65, -13],
+      [9, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8183, 23051],
+      [-48, -38],
+      [37, -51],
+      [-90, 2],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [41, 41],
+      [74, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7069, 16200],
+      [-27, 67],
+      [-52, -12],
+      [-43, 52],
+      [-82, 43],
+      [-50, 48],
+      [-152, 24],
+      [-31, 39],
+      [-74, 17],
+      [-72, 74],
+      [-14, 69],
+      [7, 63],
+      [55, 29],
+      [0, 170],
+      [57, -12],
+      [78, 40],
+      [-39, 88],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [-86, -46],
+      [-75, -26],
+      [-56, 134],
+      [-43, 19],
+      [-57, -38],
+      [-136, -39],
+      [-57, 9],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [-104, -23],
+      [-58, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8203, 16879],
+      [-36, -13],
+      [-76, -66],
+      [-64, -82],
+      [-128, -109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5862, 15528],
+      [91, -20],
+      [92, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6045, 15523],
+      [42, -10],
+      [197, -160]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7548, 14182],
+      [-51, 73],
+      [33, 139],
+      [40, 59],
+      [-3, 117],
+      [-59, 103],
+      [72, 31],
+      [14, 35],
+      [-16, 59],
+      [126, 152],
+      [-61, 27],
+      [1, 41],
+      [-34, 92]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7610, 15110],
+      [35, 71],
+      [58, 52]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9223, 15563],
+      [62, -35],
+      [100, -18],
+      [77, 11],
+      [44, -31],
+      [56, -2],
+      [4, -61],
+      [90, -61],
+      [9, -67],
+      [53, -100]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11467, 27760],
+      [-160, -7],
+      [-117, -194],
+      [53, -43],
+      [-59, -236],
+      [-163, -16],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-24, 98],
+      [-4, 113],
+      [-16, 56],
+      [20, 77],
+      [73, 66],
+      [17, 174],
+      [79, 18],
+      [92, -16],
+      [56, -58],
+      [21, 41],
+      [-8, 53],
+      [29, 29],
+      [9, 65],
+      [-17, 51],
+      [58, 55],
+      [28, 63],
+      [163, -31],
+      [6, -129],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [45, -76],
+      [-76, -34],
+      [-38, -62],
+      [46, -54],
+      [-24, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10495, 26437],
+      [-87, 82],
+      [-48, -2],
+      [-96, 86],
+      [-51, 28],
+      [20, 105],
+      [-2, 61],
+      [92, 16],
+      [55, -16],
+      [105, 43],
+      [68, 87],
+      [-4, 68],
+      [89, 53],
+      [-69, 40],
+      [2, 85],
+      [-85, 44],
+      [-44, 42],
+      [-105, -16],
+      [-34, 32],
+      [102, 75],
+      [7, 74],
+      [51, 28],
+      [50, -21],
+      [88, 76],
+      [13, 112],
+      [65, -33],
+      [55, 0],
+      [0, 43],
+      [64, -6],
+      [-19, -213],
+      [-39, -12],
+      [22, -92],
+      [92, -53],
+      [49, 43],
+      [83, -96],
+      [3, -81],
+      [64, -26],
+      [84, 74],
+      [33, -25],
+      [-113, -109],
+      [69, -34],
+      [5, -57],
+      [-65, -38],
+      [-9, -48],
+      [59, -18],
+      [-84, -90],
+      [47, -21],
+      [-46, -45],
+      [-13, -47],
+      [-42, 2],
+      [-19, -59],
+      [51, -38],
+      [12, -48],
+      [-23, -49],
+      [20, -86],
+      [-88, -81],
+      [1, -90],
+      [39, -61],
+      [-71, -32],
+      [10, -52],
+      [34, -38],
+      [-26, -51],
+      [-42, 22],
+      [-32, -131],
+      [-1, -62],
+      [-34, -102],
+      [-40, 75],
+      [-95, -22],
+      [16, 72],
+      [60, 128],
+      [-25, 34],
+      [3, 62],
+      [39, 18],
+      [-57, 115],
+      [6, 50],
+      [76, 124],
+      [9, 63],
+      [-58, 33],
+      [13, 54],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-83, -10],
+      [5, -42],
+      [-70, -60],
+      [-83, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11437, 27647],
+      [54, -14],
+      [19, -57],
+      [64, 20],
+      [6, -46],
+      [-51, -60],
+      [-39, 28],
+      [-84, -55],
+      [-36, 28],
+      [-59, 126],
+      [15, 28],
+      [71, -21],
+      [40, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11369, 26990],
+      [-111, -129],
+      [-88, 28],
+      [-20, 85],
+      [114, -5],
+      [23, 30],
+      [82, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10167, 26905],
+      [85, -6],
+      [15, -47],
+      [-58, -23],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-3, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11132, 26474],
+      [43, -64],
+      [55, -6],
+      [-18, -48],
+      [-47, 28],
+      [-30, -98],
+      [-73, 34],
+      [11, 80],
+      [-55, 58],
+      [22, 31],
+      [92, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9656, 26417],
+      [39, -14],
+      [-10, -94],
+      [-91, 53],
+      [19, 47],
+      [43, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10306, 24869],
+      [31, -58],
+      [-61, 5],
+      [30, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5276, 13104],
+      [-26, 54],
+      [4, 96],
+      [80, 160],
+      [8, 82],
+      [91, 76],
+      [32, 68],
+      [73, 70],
+      [0, 67],
+      [32, 62],
+      [3, 89],
+      [-13, 34],
+      [104, 90],
+      [6, 106],
+      [37, 54],
+      [49, 33],
+      [83, 14],
+      [23, 83],
+      [33, 51],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [-52, 81],
+      [1, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7203, 15146],
+      [67, 30],
+      [114, 22],
+      [68, -42],
+      [62, -5],
+      [96, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6271, 15641],
+      [-65, 0],
+      [-34, 59],
+      [-39, 11],
+      [-18, 66],
+      [60, 33],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-79, 22],
+      [-31, 25],
+      [-114, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7206, 15868],
+      [4, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6045, 15523],
+      [-108, 28],
+      [-1, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 15703],
+      [93, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6471, 8439],
+      [-110, -92],
+      [-79, -42],
+      [-72, 34],
+      [-16, 45],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-34, 64],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [8, 65],
+      [-78, 96],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [-38, 51],
+      [39, 38],
+      [-36, 91],
+      [34, 79],
+      [-25, 103],
+      [101, 13],
+      [31, 28],
+      [47, -10],
+      [38, 35],
+      [89, -13],
+      [126, -34],
+      [19, -41],
+      [-14, -48],
+      [22, -43],
+      [34, -2],
+      [53, -167],
+      [92, 26],
+      [35, 37],
+      [110, -38],
+      [-37, -35],
+      [-26, -73],
+      [-181, -137],
+      [-28, -69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8097, 4860],
+      [26, -75],
+      [6, -159],
+      [-12, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8117, 4618],
+      [-82, 64],
+      [-92, 33],
+      [-37, 82],
+      [-46, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7860, 4857],
+      [21, 55],
+      [100, -16],
+      [74, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8055, 4902],
+      [42, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7585, 4127],
+      [-71, -43],
+      [8, -113],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-77, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7433, 3893],
+      [-29, 55],
+      [-94, 98],
+      [-85, -3],
+      [-39, 60],
+      [-26, 87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7160, 4190],
+      [106, -23],
+      [75, 43],
+      [-17, 71],
+      [-46, 45],
+      [23, 45],
+      [20, 90],
+      [96, -14],
+      [58, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7475, 4466],
+      [87, -64],
+      [42, -70],
+      [-19, -205]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7950, 4217],
+      [-43, 87],
+      [-66, 179]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7841, 4483],
+      [36, 27],
+      [3, 46],
+      [-32, 84],
+      [-55, 208]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7793, 4848],
+      [67, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8117, 4618],
+      [65, -52],
+      [-8, -131],
+      [65, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8239, 4373],
+      [-114, -48],
+      [38, -63],
+      [-28, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8135, 4212],
+      [-80, 25],
+      [-105, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8021, 3994],
+      [-31, 23],
+      [-89, 4],
+      [-45, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7856, 4101],
+      [23, 41],
+      [71, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8135, 4212],
+      [52, -44],
+      [-12, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8175, 4106],
+      [-66, -30],
+      [-53, -101],
+      [-35, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6908, 4777],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [-66, -58],
+      [-28, -108],
+      [-43, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6705, 4549],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [-84, -13],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [-26, 45],
+      [-56, 18],
+      [-139, -31],
+      [-49, 49],
+      [-47, 82],
+      [8, 116],
+      [-56, -32],
+      [-65, -58],
+      [-157, 20],
+      [-29, -22],
+      [-89, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5866, 4704],
+      [-2, 185],
+      [-34, 51],
+      [-90, -14],
+      [-63, 11],
+      [12, 37],
+      [51, 18],
+      [-23, 60],
+      [11, 38],
+      [58, 64],
+      [92, 5],
+      [49, 23],
+      [118, 75],
+      [34, 53],
+      [-43, 64],
+      [-26, 80],
+      [-25, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5985, 5487],
+      [91, -1],
+      [129, -24],
+      [257, 10],
+      [48, 23],
+      [61, 75],
+      [62, 51],
+      [88, 42],
+      [35, -18],
+      [69, -5],
+      [81, 65],
+      [101, 5],
+      [153, -47],
+      [32, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7192, 5703],
+      [51, -18],
+      [-6, -72],
+      [64, -29],
+      [35, -114],
+      [-44, -48],
+      [-33, -61],
+      [13, -105],
+      [-34, -41],
+      [-10, -75],
+      [8, -55],
+      [-15, -41],
+      [-46, -48],
+      [-21, -76],
+      [-49, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7105, 4836],
+      [-29, 38],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [-16, -64],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-55, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6917, 6816],
+      [88, 7],
+      [42, -19],
+      [15, -41],
+      [-7, -74],
+      [31, -58],
+      [68, 13],
+      [32, 38],
+      [30, -6],
+      [-18, -82],
+      [-31, -22],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [60, -45],
+      [38, -97],
+      [35, -50],
+      [12, -61],
+      [-61, -12],
+      [-40, -41],
+      [44, -116],
+      [-50, -41],
+      [-12, -143],
+      [-14, -62],
+      [17, -147]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5985, 5487],
+      [-94, 33],
+      [-29, 34],
+      [-81, 12],
+      [2, 94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5783, 5660],
+      [11, 64],
+      [72, 23],
+      [179, -7],
+      [73, 78],
+      [53, 27],
+      [81, 101],
+      [75, -8],
+      [98, 91],
+      [75, 41],
+      [105, 159],
+      [61, 174],
+      [23, 134],
+      [43, 92],
+      [-11, 119],
+      [60, -2],
+      [75, 49],
+      [52, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6908, 6814],
+      [9, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 8785],
+      [-9, -173],
+      [61, -96],
+      [4, -110],
+      [-34, -66],
+      [-130, -146],
+      [101, -20],
+      [59, -60],
+      [14, -60],
+      [10, -147]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7605, 7907],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-72, -11],
+      [-39, 43],
+      [-11, 65],
+      [-101, -47],
+      [-74, -64],
+      [-71, -37],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-57, 50],
+      [-51, 116],
+      [-74, -33],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [17, 89],
+      [-11, 77],
+      [-46, 73],
+      [4, 56],
+      [80, 120],
+      [34, 113],
+      [-109, 124]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6808, 8610],
+      [94, 49],
+      [83, 56],
+      [64, 17],
+      [-19, 70],
+      [106, 14],
+      [59, -63],
+      [49, -28],
+      [142, -9],
+      [143, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8105, 8139],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-13, -159],
+      [68, -86],
+      [-156, -67],
+      [-163, -13],
+      [-92, -113],
+      [-26, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7709, 7626],
+      [-67, -28],
+      [-50, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7592, 7612],
+      [3, 82],
+      [23, 24],
+      [-36, 78],
+      [63, 65],
+      [12, 39],
+      [-52, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 8785],
+      [158, 71],
+      [66, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7753, 8872],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [-10, -90],
+      [61, -63],
+      [-10, -70],
+      [10, -70],
+      [63, -109],
+      [68, -63],
+      [90, -10],
+      [68, -153],
+      [33, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8350, 8341],
+      [-52, -15],
+      [-165, -149],
+      [-28, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7753, 8872],
+      [71, 10],
+      [14, -51],
+      [153, -106],
+      [117, -117],
+      [42, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5905, 8754],
+      [86, -147],
+      [-51, -23],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-41, 103],
+      [-63, -5],
+      [-24, 61],
+      [67, 45],
+      [58, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7592, 7612],
+      [-31, -70],
+      [-53, -4],
+      [-75, -36],
+      [-29, -90],
+      [25, -54],
+      [13, -85],
+      [-44, -90],
+      [-98, -17],
+      [-45, -33],
+      [-42, 4],
+      [-54, -21],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-54, -87],
+      [9, -37],
+      [-15, -71],
+      [-56, -59],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-23, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6908, 6814],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [-125, -46],
+      [-42, 6],
+      [-51, 121],
+      [-34, 50],
+      [17, 74],
+      [32, 75],
+      [59, 48],
+      [-6, 88],
+      [-30, 66],
+      [-94, 139],
+      [-13, 37],
+      [36, 28],
+      [16, 61],
+      [-37, 83],
+      [14, 79],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-78, 32],
+      [-148, -31],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-91, 7],
+      [-26, -34],
+      [-79, -35],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [-44, -35],
+      [16, -106],
+      [-35, 5],
+      [-107, 76],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-47, -61],
+      [-66, -12],
+      [-49, 19],
+      [-17, -55],
+      [-54, 31],
+      [45, 96],
+      [16, 57],
+      [77, 58],
+      [35, 79],
+      [109, 86],
+      [69, -6],
+      [83, 75],
+      [54, 85],
+      [44, 0],
+      [75, 84],
+      [24, 53],
+      [6, 82],
+      [-17, 78],
+      [53, -25],
+      [2, 64],
+      [56, 42],
+      [22, 42],
+      [67, 53],
+      [4, 50],
+      [130, 92],
+      [57, -21],
+      [74, 19],
+      [47, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7841, 4483],
+      [-114, 139],
+      [-88, 135],
+      [38, 28],
+      [-33, 132]
+    ],
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+      [42, -16],
+      [34, -40]
+    ],
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+      [-72, -85],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-79, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8585, 4264],
+      [-82, 54],
+      [8, 28],
+      [72, 70],
+      [-2, 56],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-91, -61],
+      [-96, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8343, 4429],
+      [-22, 104],
+      [0, 107],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-40, 145],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [-69, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8055, 4902],
+      [100, 47],
+      [36, 99],
+      [44, 48],
+      [-43, 134],
+      [18, 116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6973, 4404],
+      [88, 180],
+      [-153, 193]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7105, 4836],
+      [54, -71],
+      [45, 8],
+      [125, 48],
+      [84, -44],
+      [11, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7424, 4748],
+      [18, -49],
+      [3, -154],
+      [30, -79]
+    ],
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+      [-51, 54],
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+      [-96, -34],
+      [-69, 7],
+      [-52, 23],
+      [-13, -28],
+      [-113, -80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8239, 4373],
+      [104, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5866, 4704],
+      [-81, -46],
+      [16, -50],
+      [-48, -108],
+      [-66, -8],
+      [-41, -38],
+      [-88, 23],
+      [-75, -56],
+      [-47, -68],
+      [-90, 31],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-68, 29],
+      [10, 58],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-50, 10],
+      [-37, 41],
+      [19, 25],
+      [49, -6],
+      [73, 13],
+      [80, -25],
+      [22, 23],
+      [-108, 42],
+      [-79, -10],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [-92, -9],
+      [0, -67],
+      [-45, 7],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-61, 36],
+      [101, 129],
+      [61, -10],
+      [24, 39],
+      [-2, 74],
+      [-33, 112],
+      [-135, 43],
+      [-71, -4],
+      [-57, -19],
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+      [-17, 36],
+      [77, 23],
+      [63, 41],
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+      [53, -1],
+      [36, 21],
+      [14, 86],
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+      [31, 40],
+      [124, -17],
+      [11, -58],
+      [138, 51],
+      [75, 8],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [40, 41],
+      [45, 7],
+      [41, 48],
+      [47, 104],
+      [52, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7644, 4917],
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+      [-11, -67],
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+      [-55, -58]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [85, -123],
+      [75, 36],
+      [74, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7856, 4101],
+      [-119, 17],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-74, 51],
+      [-48, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6973, 4404],
+      [-50, -23],
+      [-63, 8],
+      [-48, -51],
+      [12, -75],
+      [-69, 12],
+      [-55, -15],
+      [-60, 24],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-30, -37],
+      [-110, -36],
+      [-68, 51],
+      [-38, 124],
+      [35, 12],
+      [44, 46],
+      [6, 33],
+      [71, -46],
+      [121, 46],
+      [57, 38],
+      [14, 39]
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+      [-29, 18],
+      [-44, -30],
+      [-95, 0],
+      [-172, 48],
+      [-58, 5],
+      [-26, 47]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-1, -60],
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+      [-7, -34],
+      [50, -23]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-9, -47]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-60, 29],
+      [-68, -29],
+      [-89, 30],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-41, 37],
+      [-28, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10222, 13311],
+      [76, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10298, 13292],
+      [76, -11]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-35, -45],
+      [-114, -15]
+    ],
+    [
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+    ],
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+    ],
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+      [10424, 12759],
+      [-10, 62]
+    ],
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+      [3, 70],
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+    ],
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+    ],
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+      [-19, -29],
+      [59, -57],
+      [66, 7],
+      [30, -23],
+      [-25, -192],
+      [44, 9],
+      [12, -17],
+      [50, -1],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [-47, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10233, 9919],
+      [-48, 15],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [2, -32],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-14, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10102, 9841],
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+      [-25, 17],
+      [-1, 61],
+      [-81, 23],
+      [-78, -3],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [-90, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10102, 9841],
+      [25, -1],
+      [26, -33],
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+      [-24, 37],
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+      [-41, 6],
+      [15, -16],
+      [-75, -54],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-57, -58],
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+    ],
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+    ],
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+      [46, 0],
+      [31, -32]
+    ],
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+      [-6, -19],
+      [16, -8],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [36, -43],
+      [-50, -19],
+      [16, -75],
+      [41, -44],
+      [3, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9738, 9563],
+      [11, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10790, 9901],
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+      [-72, -80],
+      [-18, 19]
+    ],
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+      [55, -19],
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+      [20, -21],
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+      [-42, -4],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [11, -14],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-57, -46],
+      [-38, -3],
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+      [-42, -3],
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+      [-31, -56],
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+      [-26, -1],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-7, -24],
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+      [-40, -58],
+      [-35, -15],
+      [-59, -30],
+      [-19, 29],
+      [53, 23],
+      [50, 68],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [26, 54],
+      [22, -13],
+      [17, 65],
+      [7, 61],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [6, 27],
+      [26, 22],
+      [5, 68],
+      [27, 40],
+      [17, -2],
+      [67, 67],
+      [61, 74],
+      [65, 143],
+      [17, 60],
+      [20, 37],
+      [77, 41],
+      [173, 75],
+      [4, -66],
+      [-19, -73],
+      [-12, -57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8688, 7882],
+      [42, 74],
+      [45, 112],
+      [-49, 40],
+      [-24, -26],
+      [-51, 65],
+      [31, 58],
+      [30, 4],
+      [8, 65],
+      [52, -7],
+      [17, 38],
+      [27, -6],
+      [24, 58],
+      [49, -16],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [19, -9],
+      [17, 21],
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+      [64, 37],
+      [46, -29],
+      [37, 18],
+      [0, 29],
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+      [20, -20],
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+      [-5, 32],
+      [-56, 26],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [20, 7],
+      [7, 32],
+      [48, -28],
+      [22, 66],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-44, 47],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-38, 61],
+      [-66, 14],
+      [-22, 81],
+      [14, 28],
+      [83, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8140, 8705],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [0, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8133, 8742],
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+      [49, 24],
+      [36, -15],
+      [43, 23],
+      [11, -11],
+      [4, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8391, 8763],
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+      [39, -23],
+      [38, -23],
+      [45, 2],
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+      [1, 1]
+    ],
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+      [1, 1]
+    ],
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+      [-1, 1]
+    ],
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+      [23, 24],
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+      [7, 28],
+      [16, -21],
+      [20, 26],
+      [21, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8672, 8760],
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+      [15, 33],
+      [19, 4],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-31, 4],
+      [-24, -27],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [-54, 26],
+      [-8, -7]
+    ],
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+      [20, 6],
+      [0, 21]
+    ],
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+      [28, -1],
+      [19, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8663, 9005],
+      [44, -8],
+      [3, -22],
+      [33, -13],
+      [15, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8652, 8780],
+      [0, -1],
+      [20, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8554, 8865],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-4, 40],
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+      [-28, -13],
+      [-54, 41],
+      [39, 20],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [-48, 51],
+      [-20, -11],
+      [-12, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8401, 9193],
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+    ],
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+      [21, 1],
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+      [-15, -12],
+      [43, -31],
+      [-16, -66],
+      [62, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8541, 8821],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-62, 19],
+      [-36, 29],
+      [-117, 95],
+      [-32, 82],
+      [-7, 61]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [49, 14],
+      [2, 50],
+      [26, 27],
+      [50, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8274, 9097],
+      [-1, 1],
+      [-47, 69]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8133, 8742],
+      [0, 0],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [-95, 108],
+      [-21, 59],
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+      [197, 107],
+      [35, -83],
+      [21, -93],
+      [100, -158],
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+      [22, 4]
+    ],
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+      [9, 40]
+    ],
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+      [9951, 6898],
+      [-4, 4]
+    ],
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+      [207, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10409, 6349],
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+      [-49, 12],
+      [-2, 69],
+      [-18, 31],
+      [9, 28],
+      [20, 3],
+      [0, 8]
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+      [14, -48]
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+            "NAME_2": "Blackburn with Darwen",
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_0": "United Kingdom",
+            "ID_1": 1,
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_2": "Lewisham",
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
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+            "NAME_2": "Luton",
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
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+            "VARNAME_2": "Linlithgow"
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+            "ID_0": 242,
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "ID_1": 4,
+            "NAME_1": "Wales",
+            "ID_2": 176,
+            "NAME_2": "Carmarthenshire",
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+            "VARNAME_2": "Aberconwy and Colwyn"
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+            "ID_1": 4,
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_2": "Powys",
+            "TYPE_2": "Unitary Authority (wales)",
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "ID_0": 242,
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+            "ID_1": 4,
+            "NAME_1": "Wales",
+            "ID_2": 190,
+            "NAME_2": "Torfaen",
+            "TYPE_2": "Unitary Authority (wales)",
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
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+            "ID_2": 203,
+            "NAME_2": "South Tyneside",
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+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
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+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "England",
+            "ID_2": 206,
+            "NAME_2": "Bradford",
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
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+            "NAME_2": "Kirklees",
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_1": "England",
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+            "NAME_2": "Halton",
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_1": "England",
+            "ID_2": 219,
+            "NAME_2": "Wirral",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
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+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
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+            "NAME_0": "United Kingdom",
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+            "NAME_1": "England",
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+            "NAME_2": "Birmingham",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
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+            "NAME_2": "Coventry",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[695, -689, 696, 359, -338, 697]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "GB-DUD",
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+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "England",
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+            "NAME_2": "Dudley",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-690, -696, 698, 699]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "GB-SAW",
+            "NAME_0": "United Kingdom",
+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "England",
+            "ID_2": 223,
+            "NAME_2": "Sandwell",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-695, -353, -693, -356, 700]],
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+          "properties": {
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+            "ISO": "GB-SOL",
+            "NAME_0": "United Kingdom",
+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "England",
+            "ID_2": 224,
+            "NAME_2": "Solihull",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-691, -700, 701, -336, -335, 702]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "ID_0": 242,
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+            "NAME_0": "United Kingdom",
+            "ID_1": 1,
+            "NAME_1": "England",
+            "ID_2": 225,
+            "NAME_2": "Walsall",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        },
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+          "arcs": [[-337, -702, -699, -698]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
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+            "NAME_1": "England",
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+            "NAME_2": "Wolverhampton",
+            "TYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "ENGTYPE_2": "Metropolitan District",
+            "NL_NAME_2": null,
+            "VARNAME_2": null
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a35467b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/ukraine-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2877 @@
+  "type": "Topology",
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+      [-2, -128],
+      [-131, -29],
+      [-77, 9],
+      [-54, -31],
+      [-7, 72],
+      [-62, 73],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-61, 73],
+      [-62, 9],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-23, -64],
+      [-62, -63],
+      [15, -32],
+      [-38, -55],
+      [-69, 33],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-70, 1],
+      [-92, 49],
+      [-100, -7],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-77, -8],
+      [8, -103],
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+      [-130, -79],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [-61, 25],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-68, -47],
+      [-54, 48],
+      [-92, 9],
+      [-46, -32],
+      [-54, 24],
+      [-130, 1],
+      [-45, -48],
+      [-14, -79],
+      [-53, -48],
+      [31, -31],
+      [1, -48],
+      [-146, 16],
+      [-29, -71],
+      [-99, -24],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-54, 23],
+      [-45, -56],
+      [-122, 38]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-10, 79],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [29, 48],
+      [-40, 62],
+      [-30, 8],
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+      [-84, 30],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [6, 56],
+      [-69, 38],
+      [35, 80],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [72, 113],
+      [-2, 72]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [25, -71],
+      [151, 59],
+      [22, 48],
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+      [22, 24],
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+      [17, -72],
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+      [61, 48],
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+      [40, -47],
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+      [54, 31],
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+      [-16, 72],
+      [6, 71],
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+      [86, -1],
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+      [94, 15],
+      [-16, 80],
+      [8, 87],
+      [47, 40],
+      [31, 119],
+      [47, -8],
+      [48, 31]
+    ],
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+      [23, -33],
+      [70, 23]
+    ],
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+      [1, -55],
+      [-56, -15],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-47, -44],
+      [73, -49],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [-91, 9],
+      [-102, -79],
+      [-1, -73],
+      [-42, -56],
+      [8, -40],
+      [48, -72],
+      [-33, -48],
+      [65, -121],
+      [-24, -103],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [-16, -72],
+      [7, -88],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-9, -160],
+      [-25, -63],
+      [-57, -40],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [97, -65],
+      [7, -48],
+      [-24, -56],
+      [128, -49],
+      [7, -80],
+      [-41, -23],
+      [7, -128],
+      [39, -40],
+      [-65, -63],
+      [16, -48],
+      [-48, -23],
+      [-10, -120],
+      [-25, -71]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9345, 8272],
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+      [-48, -63],
+      [-80, -31],
+      [-174, 2],
+      [-56, -8],
+      [-24, 64],
+      [-79, 9],
+      [-48, 24],
+      [-64, -103],
+      [-87, -7]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [-24, 95],
+      [47, 32],
+      [0, 48],
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+      [-40, -32],
+      [1, -63],
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+      [-63, -63],
+      [-80, 25],
+      [-63, -48],
+      [-73, 57],
+      [-96, 1],
+      [-50, 88],
+      [14, 119],
+      [-75, 88],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-63, -15],
+      [-176, 0],
+      [-89, 48],
+      [21, 96],
+      [-73, 48],
+      [-35, 80],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [-49, 40],
+      [-63, 1],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [21, 79],
+      [-33, 89],
+      [38, 31],
+      [-9, 56],
+      [22, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7161, 9317],
+      [46, 14],
+      [14, 56],
+      [45, 22],
+      [-29, 93],
+      [-6, 104],
+      [-38, 29],
+      [-37, 91],
+      [32, 49],
+      [-39, 74],
+      [40, 16],
+      [9, 50],
+      [39, 17],
+      [63, 155],
+      [12, 64],
+      [86, 42],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [48, 53],
+      [67, 4],
+      [9, 116],
+      [90, 0],
+      [47, 22],
+      [105, -63],
+      [51, 29],
+      [10, 39],
+      [117, 53],
+      [39, -25],
+      [165, -6],
+      [107, -25],
+      [44, 15],
+      [77, -32],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [84, 7],
+      [43, -25],
+      [118, 47],
+      [17, 32],
+      [59, 15],
+      [44, 64],
+      [-19, 130],
+      [58, 24],
+      [-32, 112],
+      [147, -3],
+      [76, -42],
+      [74, -67],
+      [34, 24],
+      [114, 3],
+      [24, -40],
+      [59, 29],
+      [83, 78],
+      [88, 21],
+      [6, 41],
+      [50, 0],
+      [86, -40],
+      [71, 8]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [56, -21],
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+      [157, -31],
+      [-3, -56],
+      [26, -38],
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+      [11, -31],
+      [54, -5],
+      [66, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3662, 5614],
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+      [38, -86],
+      [55, -13],
+      [28, 42],
+      [61, 4],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [73, 54],
+      [86, -31],
+      [26, 41],
+      [60, -3],
+      [85, -25],
+      [43, 43],
+      [62, -28],
+      [4, 64],
+      [38, 19],
+      [32, -38],
+      [52, 43]
+    ],
+    [
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+      [17, -48],
+      [-6, -65],
+      [54, -62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4598, 5517],
+      [-52, -21],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [-71, -18],
+      [-49, 42],
+      [-33, -78],
+      [-47, -13],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-40, -18],
+      [-48, 35],
+      [-78, -59],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [-41, 75],
+      [-132, -42],
+      [88, -73],
+      [-8, -65],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [-53, 39],
+      [-14, -53],
+      [-50, -80],
+      [-72, -53],
+      [-49, 14],
+      [-61, -43],
+      [-57, -6],
+      [-58, -146],
+      [-47, -35],
+      [-20, -75],
+      [-75, -23],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-93, -23],
+      [-77, -1],
+      [-74, -42],
+      [-127, 13],
+      [-29, -14],
+      [-240, -33],
+      [-62, -25],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-90, -123],
+      [-65, -57],
+      [-93, 3]
+    ],
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+      [-32, 69],
+      [-8, 72],
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+      [48, 52],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [66, 21],
+      [62, 149],
+      [52, 19],
+      [123, 152],
+      [66, 29],
+      [91, 6],
+      [101, -26],
+      [-39, 93],
+      [8, 72],
+      [-21, 150],
+      [39, 66]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10837, 2251],
+      [22, -129],
+      [46, -145],
+      [98, -232],
+      [61, -110],
+      [85, -115],
+      [49, -86],
+      [98, -131],
+      [63, -59],
+      [66, -35],
+      [59, 38],
+      [105, 30],
+      [32, 46],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [81, 57],
+      [31, -46],
+      [54, -40],
+      [48, -9],
+      [56, 44],
+      [-1, 48],
+      [63, 40],
+      [120, 20],
+      [50, -6],
+      [65, -43],
+      [62, 7],
+      [32, -32],
+      [59, 14],
+      [42, -75],
+      [-36, -46],
+      [-102, 18],
+      [-4, -76],
+      [-37, -51],
+      [-30, -74],
+      [4, -55],
+      [32, -116],
+      [-59, -37],
+      [-96, -8],
+      [-31, -35],
+      [-170, 30],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-56, -27],
+      [-25, 60],
+      [-78, 73],
+      [-90, 41],
+      [-40, 4],
+      [-77, -27],
+      [-60, -54],
+      [-19, -41],
+      [36, -38],
+      [-52, -25],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [-67, 6],
+      [-29, -72],
+      [-61, -20],
+      [-32, -98],
+      [-40, -49],
+      [-45, 52],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-63, -33],
+      [-100, 4],
+      [-242, -125],
+      [-63, -72],
+      [-54, -117],
+      [-4, -52],
+      [-61, -13],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [-73, -19],
+      [-32, -87],
+      [-160, -50],
+      [-49, 17],
+      [-69, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9951, 4],
+      [106, 48],
+      [-55, 128],
+      [-55, -36],
+      [-71, 26],
+      [-30, 39],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [72, 47],
+      [18, 72],
+      [-41, 41],
+      [-91, -5],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [57, 22],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [-62, 26],
+      [-16, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9756, 605],
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+      [-48, 80],
+      [-76, 75],
+      [-34, 11],
+      [-67, -31],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-26, 37],
+      [-68, 39],
+      [-113, 141],
+      [3, 85],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-91, 18],
+      [-97, -2],
+      [-87, -67],
+      [-136, 40],
+      [-13, 61],
+      [17, 44],
+      [73, 79],
+      [173, 110],
+      [31, 38],
+      [113, 97],
+      [168, 95],
+      [11, 64],
+      [64, -38],
+      [64, 25],
+      [94, 87],
+      [58, 29],
+      [46, -24],
+      [17, 43],
+      [93, 39],
+      [65, 68],
+      [-104, 12],
+      [-14, 131],
+      [23, 42],
+      [-15, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9799, 2329],
+      [4, 70],
+      [24, 33],
+      [77, -59],
+      [63, 17],
+      [53, -24],
+      [77, -67],
+      [15, -45],
+      [44, -12],
+      [13, -46],
+      [11, 49],
+      [120, -27],
+      [100, -1],
+      [84, 101],
+      [79, -63],
+      [34, 81],
+      [51, -46],
+      [-4, -67],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-53, -9],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-3, -56],
+      [54, -66],
+      [68, 24],
+      [53, 83],
+      [-9, 93],
+      [39, 18],
+      [82, -27],
+      [38, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11026, 6427],
+      [128, -4],
+      [6, -49],
+      [205, -135],
+      [51, -50],
+      [68, -10],
+      [106, 13],
+      [88, -67],
+      [16, 31],
+      [138, 44],
+      [29, -187],
+      [81, -43],
+      [21, -33],
+      [-5, -89],
+      [65, -59],
+      [44, -18],
+      [-19, -72],
+      [102, -60],
+      [82, 135],
+      [115, -85],
+      [70, 38],
+      [38, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12455, 5726],
+      [70, -84],
+      [52, -18],
+      [-51, -95],
+      [10, -88],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [0, -120],
+      [45, 6],
+      [36, -34],
+      [22, -121],
+      [-53, -22],
+      [28, -146],
+      [-32, -46],
+      [-74, 18],
+      [-100, 60],
+      [-54, -22],
+      [6, -169],
+      [41, -49],
+      [-75, -30],
+      [32, -81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12334, 4661],
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+      [-72, 26],
+      [-39, -32],
+      [-95, 11],
+      [-13, 40],
+      [-82, -22],
+      [6, 121],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-36, 171],
+      [-37, -7],
+      [-27, 57],
+      [-121, -45],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [-59, 2],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [-137, -85],
+      [-154, 53],
+      [-44, 25],
+      [-74, 2],
+      [-142, -28],
+      [-46, -39],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [19, -90],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [12, -98],
+      [-56, -103],
+      [63, -91],
+      [-23, -15],
+      [12, -74],
+      [52, 7],
+      [-2, -65],
+      [-40, -63],
+      [27, -66],
+      [-10, -72],
+      [20, -66],
+      [-52, -15],
+      [-89, 3],
+      [-94, 52],
+      [-73, 2],
+      [-90, -29],
+      [-149, -35],
+      [-127, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10246, 4141],
+      [-120, -35],
+      [-29, 17],
+      [-42, 75],
+      [-98, -28],
+      [-135, -18],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-45, 2],
+      [-5, 120],
+      [-75, -12],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [-38, -38],
+      [-60, -5],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [-44, 34],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [-97, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9346, 4294],
+      [0, 24],
+      [-89, 27],
+      [1, 79],
+      [-14, 57],
+      [31, 30],
+      [52, -1],
+      [9, 71],
+      [-14, 48],
+      [24, 119],
+      [-60, 10],
+      [9, 95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9295, 4853],
+      [24, 48],
+      [37, -2],
+      [62, 54],
+      [137, 67],
+      [-7, 41],
+      [61, 14],
+      [100, 44],
+      [54, 46],
+      [-14, 57],
+      [-31, 1],
+      [-6, 64],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [17, 88],
+      [-4, 200],
+      [92, 30],
+      [39, 39],
+      [30, -25],
+      [85, 53],
+      [-29, 89],
+      [-37, 42],
+      [-46, 1],
+      [-37, 49],
+      [16, 40],
+      [47, 31],
+      [106, -19],
+      [30, -33],
+      [48, 95],
+      [18, 80]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10065, 6072],
+      [52, -42],
+      [53, -9],
+      [83, -51],
+      [21, -57],
+      [61, -17],
+      [52, -42],
+      [47, 47],
+      [-29, 65],
+      [39, 48],
+      [-36, 57],
+      [41, 104],
+      [9, 56],
+      [48, 63],
+      [129, -3],
+      [18, 72],
+      [107, 22],
+      [32, 55],
+      [62, 31],
+      [128, -19],
+      [44, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14441, 4702],
+      [-111, 8],
+      [-78, -19],
+      [-63, -231],
+      [-77, 18],
+      [-10, -45],
+      [-49, -35],
+      [-127, -1],
+      [8, -38],
+      [-81, 2],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [17, -93],
+      [-11, -102],
+      [-39, -11],
+      [-24, -74],
+      [87, -17],
+      [7, -65],
+      [-75, -33],
+      [-10, -147],
+      [-58, -67],
+      [-89, 56],
+      [-26, -30],
+      [-60, 5],
+      [-53, 24],
+      [-89, -35],
+      [-80, -7],
+      [-61, 20],
+      [-81, -19],
+      [-54, -74],
+      [-115, -183],
+      [-39, 57],
+      [-49, 25],
+      [-61, -52],
+      [-88, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12733, 3375],
+      [-26, 52],
+      [17, 39],
+      [76, 40],
+      [-42, 37],
+      [24, 29],
+      [-98, 72],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [-105, 84],
+      [76, 28],
+      [-24, 81],
+      [-4, 64],
+      [95, -21],
+      [38, 22],
+      [50, 77],
+      [38, 13],
+      [51, 100],
+      [-82, -2],
+      [-64, 43],
+      [-54, 75],
+      [-58, 26],
+      [-39, -30],
+      [-68, 99],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-28, 33],
+      [-50, 153],
+      [2, 32],
+      [-74, -14],
+      [26, 71],
+      [-21, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12455, 5726],
+      [-2, 105],
+      [-39, 106],
+      [199, 32],
+      [59, -27],
+      [25, 47],
+      [38, -2],
+      [19, 48],
+      [53, -3],
+      [40, 30],
+      [34, 62],
+      [64, 45],
+      [-4, 48],
+      [64, 36],
+      [12, 64],
+      [101, 25],
+      [-12, 49],
+      [72, 35],
+      [-18, 74],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [49, 45],
+      [69, -5],
+      [113, -32],
+      [61, 3],
+      [12, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13428, 6593],
+      [56, -69],
+      [-27, -54],
+      [44, -28],
+      [105, -24],
+      [-22, -88],
+      [26, -66],
+      [-68, -84],
+      [175, -14],
+      [-2, -129],
+      [58, -37],
+      [-28, -62],
+      [42, -44],
+      [-6, -80],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [59, -214],
+      [-18, -39],
+      [34, -43],
+      [89, -24],
+      [4, -48],
+      [49, -45],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-6, -72],
+      [120, -2],
+      [38, -84],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [58, -37],
+      [126, -35],
+      [18, -139],
+      [186, -15],
+      [1, -64],
+      [28, -18],
+      [-11, -114]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2187, 6918],
+      [43, -141],
+      [40, -12],
+      [27, -54],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [13, -55],
+      [52, -59],
+      [-41, -60],
+      [53, -75],
+      [62, -11],
+      [-17, -57],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [112, -55],
+      [54, -4],
+      [16, -94],
+      [91, 7],
+      [21, -142],
+      [28, -53],
+      [51, 107],
+      [75, 13],
+      [13, -55],
+      [89, -50],
+      [75, -74],
+      [-7, -96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2378, 4520],
+      [-81, 70],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [-64, 13],
+      [-68, 45],
+      [1, 45],
+      [-90, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2068, 4845],
+      [-3, 88],
+      [41, 34],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [-67, 65],
+      [-20, 53],
+      [30, 74],
+      [-47, 27],
+      [2, 56],
+      [-108, 92],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [-39, -61],
+      [-70, 24],
+      [-36, 60],
+      [-1, 151],
+      [-124, -38],
+      [-38, -69],
+      [-48, 27],
+      [4, 104],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-51, 58],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [-67, -8],
+      [-63, 96],
+      [-56, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1192, 5872],
+      [15, 74],
+      [-14, 62],
+      [13, 90],
+      [-11, 31],
+      [40, 125],
+      [68, 72],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [64, 48],
+      [40, -19],
+      [100, -4],
+      [49, 46],
+      [49, -34],
+      [26, 43],
+      [63, -9],
+      [90, 10],
+      [43, 36],
+      [82, 17],
+      [50, 37],
+      [-63, 25],
+      [-22, 70],
+      [34, 44],
+      [24, 74],
+      [-38, 77],
+      [36, 19],
+      [-15, 79],
+      [45, 12],
+      [33, 51],
+      [42, -36],
+      [29, 10],
+      [57, -43],
+      [70, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13565, 7493],
+      [34, -53],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [27, -44],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [-19, -48],
+      [59, -28],
+      [2, -82],
+      [-66, -52],
+      [-23, -104],
+      [-40, -13],
+      [-23, -96],
+      [35, -51],
+      [7, -113],
+      [50, -45],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [-72, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11026, 6427],
+      [-41, 114],
+      [11, 80],
+      [32, 48],
+      [44, -41],
+      [105, -11],
+      [77, 54],
+      [17, 40],
+      [55, 56],
+      [-13, 57],
+      [-44, 33],
+      [17, 56],
+      [121, -27],
+      [2, 49],
+      [-61, 9],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [68, -2],
+      [-27, 90],
+      [-43, 66],
+      [-121, 19],
+      [2, 65],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-18, 130],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-69, 1],
+      [-83, 34],
+      [-74, 66],
+      [-13, 57],
+      [33, 72],
+      [47, 48],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [2, 64]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10943, 7794],
+      [40, 48],
+      [69, 24],
+      [79, 63],
+      [68, -33],
+      [49, 97],
+      [86, 40],
+      [69, -34],
+      [31, 32],
+      [70, 23],
+      [32, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11536, 8085],
+      [61, -1],
+      [69, 57],
+      [19, 66],
+      [89, -6],
+      [34, 21],
+      [83, 3],
+      [69, -19],
+      [24, -47],
+      [83, -75],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [40, -66],
+      [59, 3],
+      [38, 39],
+      [55, 3],
+      [55, -54],
+      [34, -66],
+      [54, -13],
+      [43, 65],
+      [143, 85],
+      [40, 11],
+      [109, -18],
+      [97, 21],
+      [108, 48],
+      [37, 48],
+      [62, -13],
+      [72, 24],
+      [-10, -101],
+      [79, -66],
+      [62, 0],
+      [-18, -114],
+      [23, -60],
+      [92, -109],
+      [148, -66],
+      [12, -38],
+      [85, -86],
+      [-11, -45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8881, 2273],
+      [150, -43],
+      [62, -7],
+      [61, 37],
+      [16, -24],
+      [126, -22],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-86, 7],
+      [-167, 34],
+      [-147, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9799, 2329],
+      [-31, 66],
+      [-41, -54],
+      [-15, -51],
+      [-86, -70],
+      [-97, 123],
+      [-68, 45],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-43, -42],
+      [-89, 42],
+      [-14, -62],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-144, 22],
+      [-78, -30],
+      [-45, 4],
+      [-70, -50],
+      [-263, 87],
+      [4, 74],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-58, 37],
+      [-29, 49],
+      [-81, 17],
+      [-42, 49],
+      [-56, -32],
+      [-73, 8],
+      [-20, 46],
+      [61, 37],
+      [73, 1],
+      [71, 31],
+      [45, 53],
+      [-30, 66],
+      [-62, -10],
+      [-118, 52],
+      [-56, 14],
+      [-41, -27],
+      [-57, 31],
+      [-72, 65],
+      [99, -3],
+      [77, 14],
+      [100, -45],
+      [22, 6],
+      [95, -41],
+      [95, 15],
+      [66, -26],
+      [98, -20],
+      [-21, 85],
+      [2, 67],
+      [-42, 19],
+      [-86, -46],
+      [-37, 78],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-42, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8414, 3047],
+      [85, 41],
+      [8, 63],
+      [59, 37],
+      [44, 54],
+      [52, 30],
+      [57, -33],
+      [30, 54],
+      [73, 6],
+      [58, -26],
+      [8, 47],
+      [125, -14],
+      [21, -32],
+      [96, 3],
+      [104, 27],
+      [-13, 64],
+      [24, 63],
+      [-6, 71],
+      [66, -27],
+      [39, 54],
+      [-88, 60],
+      [-50, 50],
+      [0, 32],
+      [46, 61],
+      [75, 29],
+      [46, 54],
+      [45, 13],
+      [-64, 107],
+      [30, 22],
+      [3, 120],
+      [-13, 112],
+      [-28, 105]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10246, 4141],
+      [86, -76],
+      [19, -106],
+      [33, -107],
+      [149, 43],
+      [41, -83],
+      [-37, -7],
+      [24, -139],
+      [35, -58],
+      [12, -82],
+      [27, -67],
+      [72, -59],
+      [59, -2],
+      [18, -99],
+      [37, -1],
+      [13, -74],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-2, -91],
+      [-89, -30],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [36, -34],
+      [66, -2],
+      [5, -91],
+      [-30, -49],
+      [35, -43],
+      [74, 24],
+      [41, -92],
+      [44, 17],
+      [86, -41],
+      [19, -114],
+      [-7, -53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11050, 2569],
+      [-68, -44],
+      [-97, -23],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-33, -76],
+      [17, -47],
+      [9, -95]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4311, 8365],
+      [11, -40],
+      [84, -59],
+      [-48, -133],
+      [66, -44],
+      [2, -32],
+      [66, -28],
+      [3, -56],
+      [58, -29],
+      [26, -39],
+      [70, 45],
+      [3, -64],
+      [77, -84],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [3, -56],
+      [49, -21],
+      [-59, -84],
+      [-56, 4],
+      [20, -63],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [9, -32],
+      [57, -12],
+      [31, -135],
+      [65, -20],
+      [82, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4847, 7237],
+      [-5, -48],
+      [-48, -3],
+      [11, -56],
+      [41, -21],
+      [-44, -76],
+      [20, -79],
+      [-37, -35],
+      [35, -78],
+      [66, -213],
+      [0, -153],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-43, -67],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-33, 30],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-28, -58],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-11, -89],
+      [-54, -4],
+      [-34, -91],
+      [25, -38],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [28, -86],
+      [-12, -73],
+      [11, -55],
+      [-10, -113],
+      [-27, -74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3662, 5614],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-33, 30],
+      [-5, 63],
+      [-76, 84],
+      [6, 121],
+      [-24, 110],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [-5, 168],
+      [13, 33],
+      [-23, 103],
+      [23, 114],
+      [-15, 87],
+      [43, 52],
+      [-19, 55],
+      [-4, 160],
+      [-12, 63],
+      [-50, 37],
+      [6, 33],
+      [51, 44],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [51, 52],
+      [-5, 72],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [28, 50],
+      [-64, 133],
+      [22, 25],
+      [-36, 62],
+      [-7, 88],
+      [54, 28],
+      [-10, 137],
+      [47, 3],
+      [-23, 103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3478, 7837],
+      [55, 12],
+      [81, 95],
+      [94, 7],
+      [118, 145],
+      [16, -7],
+      [102, 145],
+      [13, 50],
+      [93, 47],
+      [89, -19],
+      [21, 42],
+      [93, 47],
+      [10, -39],
+      [48, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7103, 8392],
+      [33, -55],
+      [48, -16],
+      [87, -1],
+      [38, 48],
+      [80, 0],
+      [1, -64],
+      [-46, -32],
+      [10, -79],
+      [40, -24],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-93, -72],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [50, -88],
+      [-38, -48],
+      [-65, 48],
+      [-10, 88],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [-147, 183],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [28, 112],
+      [52, 72],
+      [46, 32],
+      [64, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8564, 8040],
+      [-16, -64],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [16, -72]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6487, 6569],
+      [-76, 22],
+      [-33, 86],
+      [-54, 14],
+      [-32, 71],
+      [81, 98],
+      [-31, 15],
+      [-11, 119],
+      [-40, 71],
+      [37, 41],
+      [-40, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6288, 7137],
+      [6, 72],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [4, 96],
+      [44, 74],
+      [24, -24],
+      [67, 50],
+      [51, 97],
+      [45, 49],
+      [-40, 55],
+      [12, 96],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [-4, 119],
+      [29, 57],
+      [-17, 56],
+      [21, 72],
+      [-38, 7],
+      [-10, 56],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [-17, 48],
+      [-63, 38],
+      [5, 81],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [27, 113],
+      [-18, 88],
+      [84, 42],
+      [6, 65],
+      [-80, 54],
+      [19, 121],
+      [-51, 88],
+      [14, 41],
+      [-3, 81],
+      [30, 49],
+      [-90, 96],
+      [-89, 63],
+      [-18, 74],
+      [13, 58],
+      [47, 1],
+      [36, 68],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [-32, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6160, 9489],
+      [43, 46],
+      [82, -25],
+      [12, 110],
+      [60, -25],
+      [109, 73],
+      [20, -68],
+      [35, -46],
+      [86, 14],
+      [42, 47],
+      [50, -8],
+      [22, 45],
+      [59, -13],
+      [97, -1],
+      [41, -17],
+      [84, -84],
+      [11, -72],
+      [-28, -13],
+      [78, -77],
+      [38, 9],
+      [60, -67]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9295, 4853],
+      [-14, 57],
+      [-84, -22],
+      [-46, -54],
+      [-37, 17],
+      [-84, -6],
+      [-46, -70],
+      [30, -80],
+      [-39, -63],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [-83, -22],
+      [-68, 10],
+      [-37, 40],
+      [-68, -6],
+      [-15, -79],
+      [-82, -7],
+      [-15, 48],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-15, -23],
+      [-83, -7],
+      [8, 103],
+      [22, 55],
+      [-22, 72],
+      [-83, 9],
+      [-8, 87],
+      [45, 8],
+      [-15, 71],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-61, 56],
+      [-37, -39],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-68, 41],
+      [-114, -23],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-60, -24],
+      [-9, 80],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-31, 56],
+      [-107, 9],
+      [-22, -55],
+      [-67, -32],
+      [-84, 1],
+      [-92, 48],
+      [-37, -39],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-61, 24],
+      [-130, -7],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-45, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6978, 5085],
+      [-220, 15],
+      [-93, 133],
+      [-36, -56],
+      [-38, 23],
+      [-68, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6523, 5207],
+      [4, 142],
+      [14, 71],
+      [73, 81],
+      [75, 33],
+      [-1, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9162, 6541],
+      [47, -17],
+      [69, 7],
+      [0, -40],
+      [131, -43],
+      [23, -48],
+      [6, -72],
+      [54, -9],
+      [-14, 88],
+      [31, 23],
+      [46, -65],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [45, -57],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [14, -80],
+      [69, -34],
+      [31, 39],
+      [30, -49],
+      [54, 7],
+      [61, -18],
+      [47, 71],
+      [61, -41],
+      [54, -2],
+      [91, -50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2532, 8017],
+      [82, -34],
+      [-34, -75],
+      [28, -55],
+      [-1, -96],
+      [115, -153]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2722, 7604],
+      [57, -35],
+      [-15, -106],
+      [-35, -59],
+      [-67, -45],
+      [-54, -5],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [-84, -23],
+      [6, -80],
+      [-18, -66],
+      [-48, 20],
+      [-49, -156],
+      [-62, -6],
+      [-89, -47],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [2, -103]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1192, 5872],
+      [-59, -8],
+      [-85, 21],
+      [-12, 39],
+      [-60, -8],
+      [-91, 13],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [-46, 83],
+      [-125, -22],
+      [-14, 54],
+      [-55, 43],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [30, 43],
+      [-19, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [640, 6262],
+      [-36, 131],
+      [-50, 63],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-8, 116],
+      [50, 65],
+      [2, 61],
+      [-73, 101],
+      [-21, 50],
+      [2, 67],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [8, 55],
+      [74, 89],
+      [27, 78],
+      [85, 76],
+      [14, 48],
+      [87, 100],
+      [107, 142],
+      [70, 112],
+      [49, 35],
+      [14, 42],
+      [99, 80],
+      [95, 112],
+      [68, 45],
+      [8, 30],
+      [75, 63],
+      [15, 54],
+      [80, 51],
+      [114, -13],
+      [86, 44],
+      [21, 47],
+      [30, 200],
+      [-11, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1658, 8471],
+      [49, 22],
+      [66, -50],
+      [10, -31],
+      [65, -16],
+      [20, 35],
+      [72, -16],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [43, -36],
+      [45, 21],
+      [38, -77],
+      [32, -5],
+      [0, -97],
+      [107, -62],
+      [-4, -49],
+      [64, -11],
+      [37, 28],
+      [88, -8],
+      [20, 42],
+      [79, -99],
+      [56, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13565, 7493],
+      [42, 39],
+      [83, 10],
+      [16, 158],
+      [38, -15],
+      [81, 29],
+      [29, -111],
+      [44, -24],
+      [45, 17],
+      [23, -42],
+      [92, 13],
+      [74, -31],
+      [36, -55],
+      [93, -59],
+      [61, -2],
+      [14, -78],
+      [117, 12],
+      [83, 81],
+      [43, -41],
+      [37, -109],
+      [96, -41],
+      [64, 36],
+      [129, -30],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [51, -109],
+      [54, -14],
+      [64, -64],
+      [101, -12],
+      [38, 51],
+      [88, 13],
+      [87, -16],
+      [39, -46],
+      [8, -75],
+      [-46, -66],
+      [-1, -79],
+      [32, -175],
+      [-106, -112],
+      [-36, -9],
+      [-62, -82],
+      [-22, -77],
+      [-103, 9],
+      [-59, -35],
+      [-65, 5],
+      [29, -57],
+      [39, -18],
+      [69, -141],
+      [67, 32],
+      [77, -48],
+      [27, 45],
+      [42, 4],
+      [-3, -78],
+      [-72, -74],
+      [-166, 67],
+      [-14, -78],
+      [-33, -19],
+      [-29, -161],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [28, -37],
+      [81, 3],
+      [56, -31],
+      [17, -69],
+      [-15, -64],
+      [76, -116],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [-74, -52],
+      [56, -29],
+      [60, 21],
+      [24, -67],
+      [-16, -59],
+      [-46, -8],
+      [-33, -117],
+      [-73, -166],
+      [26, -21],
+      [-28, -63],
+      [1, -85],
+      [-77, -73],
+      [-83, 15],
+      [-85, -15],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-77, 5],
+      [-85, -36],
+      [-56, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8414, 3047],
+      [-28, 54],
+      [6, 40],
+      [-32, 55],
+      [25, 160],
+      [-47, -38],
+      [-34, -101],
+      [38, -55],
+      [-24, -118],
+      [-78, -38],
+      [-123, 51],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [-48, -61],
+      [-58, 36],
+      [-92, -4],
+      [-18, -30],
+      [-125, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7734, 3022],
+      [7, 111],
+      [-14, 166],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-85, 102],
+      [-8, 64],
+      [83, 15],
+      [121, 5],
+      [-9, 56],
+      [45, -1],
+      [-2, 87],
+      [-32, 111],
+      [-111, -22],
+      [4, 150],
+      [-119, -30],
+      [-24, 63],
+      [-61, -7],
+      [-46, 64],
+      [37, 31],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [15, 39],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [5, 127],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-55, 120],
+      [-29, -55],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [7, 48],
+      [-167, -24],
+      [-54, 32],
+      [-25, 143],
+      [52, 56],
+      [-32, 48],
+      [-68, -8],
+      [-10, 159],
+      [-39, 40],
+      [-8, 55],
+      [36, 111],
+      [45, 8],
+      [-9, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7734, 3022],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-127, -36],
+      [-178, -71],
+      [-34, 9],
+      [-44, -61],
+      [37, -83],
+      [-17, -102],
+      [-62, -69],
+      [-100, -217],
+      [-42, -51],
+      [-30, -64],
+      [-104, -123],
+      [-84, -127],
+      [-99, -98],
+      [-62, -27],
+      [-57, 65],
+      [-38, -105],
+      [-44, -29],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [20, -48],
+      [60, -31],
+      [-89, -71],
+      [-72, -71],
+      [-61, -88],
+      [37, -35],
+      [77, -43],
+      [8, -164],
+      [-32, -145],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [6, 66],
+      [-23, 95],
+      [-53, 68],
+      [-136, 71],
+      [-112, -16],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-85, -63],
+      [-92, -37],
+      [-52, -40],
+      [-49, -66],
+      [-92, 72],
+      [-21, -58],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [21, -70],
+      [-53, -18],
+      [-74, 27],
+      [-61, 7],
+      [-180, 95],
+      [-55, 109],
+      [1, 45],
+      [-62, 48],
+      [45, 84],
+      [36, 20],
+      [81, -36],
+      [26, -43],
+      [69, 24],
+      [-14, 84],
+      [40, 22],
+      [-17, 110],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [45, 84],
+      [44, -2],
+      [5, 45],
+      [96, 31],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [67, 37],
+      [-22, 103],
+      [25, 74],
+      [136, 38],
+      [30, 25],
+      [8, 62],
+      [-34, 53],
+      [85, 126],
+      [-94, 104],
+      [35, 65],
+      [-47, 182],
+      [133, 91],
+      [52, -3],
+      [78, 51],
+      [-6, -185],
+      [76, -11],
+      [-8, 72],
+      [31, 47],
+      [43, -62],
+      [44, 50],
+      [48, -44],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [53, -47],
+      [28, -60],
+      [75, -1],
+      [-7, 101],
+      [55, -6],
+      [15, 56],
+      [63, -126],
+      [49, -24],
+      [52, 52],
+      [54, -28],
+      [55, 28],
+      [-68, 138],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [-44, 58],
+      [51, 26],
+      [11, 40],
+      [-16, 80],
+      [21, 54],
+      [6, 97],
+      [-34, 58],
+      [27, 31],
+      [-76, 22],
+      [-8, 53],
+      [-66, -29],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-12, 69],
+      [-70, 8],
+      [-41, 59],
+      [13, 181],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-32, 68],
+      [65, 15],
+      [-26, 138],
+      [38, 27],
+      [-13, 138],
+      [-73, -1],
+      [-11, -67],
+      [-41, -21],
+      [-43, 26],
+      [13, 72],
+      [-59, 15],
+      [-10, 74],
+      [-64, -16],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [-52, 91],
+      [57, 31],
+      [35, 92],
+      [-17, 114],
+      [39, 46],
+      [-23, 54],
+      [-27, 122],
+      [-17, 144],
+      [-68, -14],
+      [-28, -56],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-76, 104],
+      [1, 65]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5728, 4998],
+      [85, 24],
+      [11, 91],
+      [68, -26],
+      [34, 85],
+      [69, -60],
+      [97, -63],
+      [97, 3],
+      [22, 31],
+      [68, -22],
+      [68, 2],
+      [21, 31],
+      [68, 2],
+      [-2, 70],
+      [89, 41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9345, 8272],
+      [72, -17],
+      [79, -1],
+      [9, 64],
+      [111, -41],
+      [47, -49],
+      [80, -1],
+      [32, 16],
+      [110, -41],
+      [87, -1],
+      [49, 39],
+      [-7, 40],
+      [71, 8],
+      [33, 31],
+      [61, -64],
+      [79, 7],
+      [73, 39],
+      [30, -32],
+      [13, -97],
+      [107, -89],
+      [14, -65],
+      [45, -49],
+      [39, 0],
+      [6, -65],
+      [46, -9],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-48, -32],
+      [52, -73],
+      [108, -9],
+      [9, 48],
+      [86, 23],
+      [106, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4723, 9662],
+      [-89, -50],
+      [31, -94],
+      [-68, 26],
+      [-37, -60],
+      [35, -38],
+      [-37, -51],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [25, -112],
+      [-54, -44],
+      [-35, -76],
+      [4, -56],
+      [-36, -76],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-61, -53],
+      [40, -119],
+      [-11, -74],
+      [16, -120],
+      [20, -72],
+      [-60, -69],
+      [8, -128],
+      [-23, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3478, 7837],
+      [-41, 30],
+      [-19, 47],
+      [-83, 42],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-66, 43],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-50, -76],
+      [-142, -2],
+      [-29, -35],
+      [-49, 21],
+      [-89, -79],
+      [-64, -86],
+      [-54, -12],
+      [-4, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2532, 8017],
+      [44, 44],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [46, 12],
+      [-47, 93],
+      [3, 74],
+      [-36, 53],
+      [62, 13],
+      [74, -26],
+      [45, 28],
+      [-14, 88],
+      [57, -20],
+      [4, 49],
+      [36, 43],
+      [48, -4],
+      [115, 65],
+      [79, 6],
+      [21, -72],
+      [89, -18],
+      [36, 44],
+      [6, 138],
+      [28, 59],
+      [97, -18],
+      [-28, 63],
+      [-9, 129],
+      [71, 13],
+      [36, 43],
+      [-3, 49],
+      [-51, 53],
+      [-73, 3],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [79, 5],
+      [35, 76],
+      [-53, 70],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-28, 63],
+      [-69, 77],
+      [5, 41],
+      [-106, 17],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [-23, 105],
+      [-58, 28],
+      [32, 108],
+      [-52, 53],
+      [69, 38],
+      [71, 149],
+      [-52, 51],
+      [5, 55],
+      [60, 72],
+      [-74, 11],
+      [-17, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2970, 10222],
+      [154, -6],
+      [40, 32],
+      [92, -39],
+      [74, 19],
+      [58, -19],
+      [66, -64],
+      [148, -6],
+      [116, -91],
+      [65, 27],
+      [171, -4],
+      [41, -74],
+      [34, 13],
+      [101, -23],
+      [11, 24],
+      [167, 7],
+      [5, -140],
+      [54, -39],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [102, 29],
+      [93, -5],
+      [80, 30],
+      [44, -29],
+      [99, -2],
+      [-4, -64],
+      [-40, -26],
+      [10, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9951, 4],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-56, 0],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-50, 10],
+      [-8, 56],
+      [-35, 31],
+      [-85, 13],
+      [-81, 77],
+      [47, 68],
+      [63, 7],
+      [15, 154],
+      [-11, 86],
+      [33, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9631, 10773],
+      [88, 7],
+      [35, -48],
+      [79, 16],
+      [53, 39],
+      [91, -7],
+      [9, -62],
+      [68, -3],
+      [10, -58],
+      [48, -39],
+      [24, -49],
+      [82, -81],
+      [-39, -88],
+      [20, -73],
+      [55, -79],
+      [36, -14],
+      [23, -55],
+      [34, 3],
+      [130, -118],
+      [-19, -52],
+      [31, -60],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-82, -4],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-115, -15],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [137, -101],
+      [15, -50],
+      [42, -31],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-36, -38],
+      [-31, -86],
+      [100, -57],
+      [-61, -132],
+      [80, -36],
+      [43, 46],
+      [88, -28],
+      [118, 2],
+      [27, -81],
+      [113, -16],
+      [11, 31],
+      [122, 51],
+      [126, -22],
+      [5, -95],
+      [57, -124],
+      [73, 11],
+      [27, 26],
+      [95, -44],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-60, -54],
+      [-9, -61],
+      [52, -21],
+      [-8, -65],
+      [26, -31],
+      [1, -64],
+      [54, -59],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [25, -67],
+      [-72, -65],
+      [-3, -69],
+      [29, -27],
+      [12, -58],
+      [58, -70],
+      [45, -12],
+      [5, -86],
+      [60, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2068, 4845],
+      [-57, -21],
+      [-56, 25],
+      [-47, -60],
+      [-48, -1],
+      [-83, -40],
+      [-27, 27],
+      [-71, -2],
+      [-12, 30],
+      [-77, 41],
+      [-135, -41],
+      [-30, 62],
+      [-37, 17],
+      [-93, -14],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-72, -4],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [-138, 67],
+      [-47, 44],
+      [-13, 49],
+      [-118, 12],
+      [-18, -78],
+      [-30, -40],
+      [-52, -24],
+      [-74, 39],
+      [15, -68],
+      [-26, -13],
+      [-59, 39],
+      [29, 71],
+      [-46, 106],
+      [-70, 5],
+      [-57, -39],
+      [-68, 26],
+      [-5, 62],
+      [-60, 106],
+      [-68, 21],
+      [-59, -19],
+      [-28, 82],
+      [-103, 173],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [21, 189],
+      [17, 50],
+      [40, 23],
+      [53, 84],
+      [45, 20],
+      [13, 55],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [26, 24],
+      [7, 109],
+      [24, 19],
+      [8, 66],
+      [47, 83],
+      [55, 9],
+      [16, 110],
+      [36, 13],
+      [61, -70],
+      [105, 8],
+      [86, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5728, 4998],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [-80, 22],
+      [-90, 10],
+      [-66, 36],
+      [-38, -61],
+      [-72, -52],
+      [-19, 118],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-23, -52],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [40, 39],
+      [12, 54],
+      [-22, 33],
+      [-109, -55],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [-69, -29],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [11, 66],
+      [-40, 34],
+      [-105, 2],
+      [-56, 53],
+      [22, 31],
+      [-105, 92],
+      [-69, -20],
+      [-100, 41],
+      [-28, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4847, 7237],
+      [61, 45],
+      [95, 22],
+      [48, -21],
+      [86, 29],
+      [157, 10],
+      [33, -30],
+      [45, 67],
+      [56, -21],
+      [46, 10],
+      [18, -47],
+      [39, 2],
+      [14, 49],
+      [102, -27],
+      [13, 65],
+      [85, 28],
+      [14, 41],
+      [74, -85],
+      [19, -103],
+      [24, -23],
+      [-37, -58],
+      [2, -48],
+      [33, -46],
+      [2, -48],
+      [123, 6],
+      [108, -12],
+      [-2, 64],
+      [62, -14],
+      [75, 51],
+      [46, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1658, 8471],
+      [-60, 108],
+      [3, 61],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [17, 91],
+      [97, -6],
+      [38, 29],
+      [-105, 73],
+      [-83, 146],
+      [-17, 79],
+      [-34, 4],
+      [-17, 59],
+      [16, 32],
+      [-105, 85],
+      [-21, 75],
+      [-56, 21],
+      [-14, 37],
+      [35, 78],
+      [16, 72],
+      [-29, 116],
+      [20, 112],
+      [-30, 35],
+      [19, 41],
+      [137, 17],
+      [5, -27],
+      [86, 0],
+      [7, -64],
+      [63, -10],
+      [80, 50],
+      [33, 67],
+      [104, 68],
+      [63, 90],
+      [-16, 65],
+      [43, 102],
+      [89, 3],
+      [97, 24],
+      [178, -36],
+      [114, 31],
+      [42, -20],
+      [78, 68],
+      [169, 29],
+      [73, -48],
+      [106, -21],
+      [63, 27],
+      [50, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12733, 3375],
+      [-72, -33],
+      [-67, -66],
+      [-58, -143],
+      [-37, 63],
+      [-56, 39],
+      [-92, -2],
+      [-168, -69],
+      [-52, -42],
+      [-72, -122],
+      [-31, 60],
+      [-40, 29],
+      [-67, -18],
+      [-53, 14],
+      [-107, -12],
+      [-173, -102],
+      [-60, -84],
+      [-60, -58],
+      [-96, -44],
+      [-99, -135],
+      [-97, -175],
+      [-33, -72],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-139, -69],
+      [0, 37],
+      [61, 61],
+      [66, 16],
+      [62, 33],
+      [8, 46],
+      [34, 38],
+      [82, 150],
+      [-79, -7],
+      [-56, 35],
+      [-59, -47],
+      [-36, -79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4723, 9662],
+      [69, -43],
+      [21, 64],
+      [41, 8],
+      [-11, 57],
+      [12, 71],
+      [58, -5],
+      [20, -68],
+      [34, -23],
+      [100, 1],
+      [76, 109],
+      [88, 64],
+      [-13, -91],
+      [33, 3],
+      [61, -89],
+      [43, -3],
+      [59, 45],
+      [96, -46],
+      [68, -3],
+      [-8, -61],
+      [36, -96],
+      [79, 20],
+      [-19, 33],
+      [35, 78],
+      [68, 43],
+      [115, 8],
+      [55, 68],
+      [48, 27],
+      [49, -100],
+      [41, -36],
+      [-20, -72],
+      [64, -65],
+      [7, -64],
+      [32, -7]
+    ]
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+      [-21, -18],
+      [11, -200],
+      [-26, -24],
+      [-21, -4],
+      [-29, 37],
+      [-61, 11],
+      [-115, -139],
+      [-19, -92],
+      [25, -27],
+      [57, 5],
+      [78, 42],
+      [13, -59],
+      [-53, -166],
+      [-71, -4],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [18, -49],
+      [13, -16],
+      [22, -10],
+      [44, 9],
+      [35, -14],
+      [38, -62],
+      [6, -18],
+      [18, -196],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-62, 41],
+      [-32, -16],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-36, -139],
+      [-189, -54],
+      [-27, -77],
+      [1, -35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64057, 36238],
+      [103, -103],
+      [18, -44],
+      [-10, -76],
+      [-107, -154],
+      [-200, -36],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-23, 51],
+      [-47, 4],
+      [-23, -10],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [20, -126],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-23, -52],
+      [-10, -91],
+      [41, -50],
+      [43, -45],
+      [2, -27],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [-47, 16],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [20, -560],
+      [-18, -51],
+      [-72, -61],
+      [-83, -38],
+      [-196, -31],
+      [-172, -314],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-48, 4],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [32, -46],
+      [28, -29],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-24, -35],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-30, -61],
+      [11, -57],
+      [31, -30],
+      [44, -21],
+      [17, -55],
+      [-15, -83],
+      [-144, -62],
+      [-101, -12],
+      [-131, -77],
+      [2, -32],
+      [96, -115],
+      [-58, -187],
+      [-134, -160],
+      [-9, -68],
+      [33, -107],
+      [-2, -30],
+      [-9, -19],
+      [-29, -22],
+      [-52, 12],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-13, -57],
+      [12, -28],
+      [54, -50],
+      [50, -50],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-34, -30],
+      [-134, -39],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [31, -59],
+      [168, -142],
+      [13, -60],
+      [-25, -48],
+      [-98, -27],
+      [80, -306],
+      [57, -132],
+      [46, -61],
+      [-3, -193],
+      [-71, -270],
+      [-75, -86]
+    ],
+    [
+      [62463, 31213],
+      [-184, 2],
+      [-299, 3],
+      [-273, 2],
+      [-101, -1],
+      [-602, 2],
+      [-508, 4],
+      [-522, 8],
+      [-387, 6],
+      [-483, 7],
+      [-185, 1],
+      [-313, 1],
+      [-258, 1],
+      [-287, 1],
+      [-527, 1],
+      [-425, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8343, 33724],
+      [18, 21],
+      [33, 7],
+      [47, -16],
+      [53, 10],
+      [29, 25],
+      [8, 17],
+      [22, 3],
+      [38, -15],
+      [47, 0],
+      [31, 11],
+      [34, 34],
+      [22, -5],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [7, -33],
+      [39, -37],
+      [40, -15],
+      [47, 9],
+      [-2, -34],
+      [6, -33],
+      [10, -15],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-50, -3],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-55, -42],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [-23, -8],
+      [-88, 59],
+      [-19, 22],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [-45, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9197, 33870],
+      [35, -5],
+      [28, 4],
+      [30, -19],
+      [25, -3],
+      [40, -26],
+      [34, -45],
+      [91, -17],
+      [34, 8],
+      [28, 38],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [29, 31],
+      [37, 1],
+      [13, 9],
+      [69, -31],
+      [17, -18],
+      [-22, -23],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-9, -40],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-27, -16],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-78, -8],
+      [-51, -34],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [-28, -12],
+      [-71, 9],
+      [-87, 19],
+      [-57, 25],
+      [-21, 72],
+      [15, 37],
+      [1, 22],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-44, 32],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [8, 20],
+      [52, -11],
+      [63, -4],
+      [59, -29],
+      [13, -18],
+      [20, -2],
+      [34, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7945, 33833],
+      [41, -14],
+      [47, 45],
+      [21, -11],
+      [24, 4],
+      [53, 53],
+      [14, -35],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [22, -9],
+      [29, 7],
+      [23, -18],
+      [31, -47],
+      [-27, -12],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-63, 34],
+      [-34, -17],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-20, 26],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9654, 31910],
+      [30, 11],
+      [43, -30],
+      [86, -46],
+      [54, -67],
+      [-27, -22],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-67, 19],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-52, 16],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-26, 79],
+      [32, -19],
+      [33, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9879, 33737],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [7, 15],
+      [23, -2],
+      [-3, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11551, 30939],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-28, 98],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-25, 98],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [2, 41],
+      [21, 12],
+      [35, -5],
+      [20, -23],
+      [10, -47],
+      [35, -64],
+      [21, -25],
+      [60, -93],
+      [21, -26],
+      [46, -36],
+      [26, -35],
+      [143, -142],
+      [31, -44],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-27, -2],
+      [-58, -59],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-31, 35],
+      [-58, 53],
+      [-22, 7],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-33, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11597, 32337],
+      [27, -9],
+      [14, 6],
+      [60, -49],
+      [41, -4],
+      [77, -44],
+      [26, -7],
+      [6, -48],
+      [102, -132],
+      [13, -39],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-22, -24],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-32, 25],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [-52, 2],
+      [-70, -6],
+      [-47, 19],
+      [-30, 46],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [19, 75],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-23, -5],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-9, 23],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [15, 17],
+      [77, 1],
+      [26, -15],
+      [57, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4305, 43447],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-22, 22],
+      [29, 28],
+      [18, -6],
+      [5, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3197, 43062],
+      [17, 15],
+      [14, -21],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-4, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4379, 43381],
+      [16, 14],
+      [21, -45],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-12, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [968, 53907],
+      [206, -4],
+      [520, -3],
+      [367, 11],
+      [234, 1],
+      [281, -3],
+      [217, 12],
+      [142, 10],
+      [204, -12],
+      [82, 0],
+      [682, 4],
+      [248, 9],
+      [229, 3],
+      [165, -4],
+      [240, -1],
+      [297, -9],
+      [580, -9],
+      [202, -4],
+      [271, -4],
+      [187, -1],
+      [335, -1],
+      [222, -8],
+      [290, 1],
+      [348, 0],
+      [756, -1],
+      [534, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8807, 53897],
+      [-1, -2045],
+      [1, -784],
+      [6, -942],
+      [0, -599],
+      [-2, -481],
+      [-7, -734],
+      [-1, -148],
+      [-3, -699],
+      [-5, -333],
+      [0, -222],
+      [9, -570],
+      [180, -167],
+      [589, -551],
+      [255, -239],
+      [227, -216],
+      [377, -357],
+      [706, -676],
+      [592, -579],
+      [723, -707],
+      [386, -380],
+      [617, -617],
+      [623, -629],
+      [308, -311],
+      [954, -981],
+      [727, -758],
+      [343, -361],
+      [416, -438],
+      [79, -83],
+      [448, -480],
+      [251, -268],
+      [206, -223],
+      [28, -28],
+      [410, -444],
+      [225, -246],
+      [319, -347]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18632, 30493],
+      [-1388, -130],
+      [-764, -78],
+      [-428, -46],
+      [-529, -56],
+      [-1367, -156],
+      [-16, 105],
+      [1, 54],
+      [-12, 76],
+      [-38, 84],
+      [-38, 53],
+      [-31, 18],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-17, 78],
+      [-4, 65],
+      [9, 68],
+      [-4, 86],
+      [-12, 41],
+      [-37, 48],
+      [-2, 44],
+      [16, 30],
+      [16, -7],
+      [17, 27],
+      [8, 37],
+      [-5, 66],
+      [-11, 78],
+      [-38, 205],
+      [-24, 56],
+      [-30, 101],
+      [-10, 47],
+      [-25, 72],
+      [-63, 118],
+      [-74, 113],
+      [-81, 139],
+      [-45, 70],
+      [-67, 95],
+      [-78, 80],
+      [-45, 34],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [-22, 50],
+      [-44, 61],
+      [-26, 26],
+      [-73, 53],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-21, 57],
+      [-65, 83],
+      [-43, 64],
+      [-55, 27],
+      [-48, 54],
+      [-68, 47],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [-51, 15],
+      [-25, 37],
+      [-112, 86],
+      [-54, 56],
+      [-65, 88],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-23, 11],
+      [-59, 48],
+      [-45, 18],
+      [-44, 7],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [12, -80],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-95, -33],
+      [-72, 12],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-70, 49],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-45, 11],
+      [-22, -14],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-32, 82],
+      [44, 65],
+      [20, 10],
+      [5, 28],
+      [-1, 64],
+      [-39, 109],
+      [-55, 142],
+      [-34, 73],
+      [-44, 72],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [-44, 28],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-109, 6],
+      [-21, -14],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-72, -27],
+      [-40, -51],
+      [-66, 66],
+      [-26, 17],
+      [-77, 13],
+      [-60, 16],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-43, 30],
+      [-50, 16],
+      [-61, 42],
+      [-61, 19],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-38, 14],
+      [-109, 98],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-39, 75],
+      [-37, 95],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-16, 35],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-21, -5],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-46, 38],
+      [-21, 35],
+      [-40, 38],
+      [-37, -3],
+      [-70, 87],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-47, 46],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-71, 27],
+      [-49, 24],
+      [-42, 45],
+      [-106, 19],
+      [-41, -13],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [-43, -3],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-75, 33],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-76, -4],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-95, 64],
+      [-58, 3],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [-68, 39],
+      [-57, 8],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-70, -3],
+      [-56, 24],
+      [-42, 9],
+      [-79, -7],
+      [-78, 0],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-84, 0],
+      [-23, 6],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-74, -21],
+      [-187, -18],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-9, 69],
+      [-26, 37],
+      [-39, 83],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [-105, 65],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-15, 38],
+      [10, 59],
+      [28, 76],
+      [43, 145],
+      [1, 44],
+      [-25, 53],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [-21, 45],
+      [27, 94],
+      [25, 125],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-43, 34],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [58, 249],
+      [12, 76],
+      [6, 72],
+      [-2, 102],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [-28, 61],
+      [-21, 14],
+      [-24, -1],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-29, 12],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-34, 23],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-77, 49],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-31, 48],
+      [-44, 56],
+      [14, 76],
+      [18, 41],
+      [23, 83],
+      [8, 50],
+      [1, 35],
+      [-7, 82],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-29, 68],
+      [-22, 31],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-72, -6],
+      [-43, 34],
+      [-63, 1],
+      [-41, 61],
+      [-51, 57],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-77, 99],
+      [-46, 111],
+      [-33, 33],
+      [-43, 74],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-104, 40],
+      [-63, 44],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [-46, 61],
+      [-2, 99],
+      [-31, 77],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-59, 49],
+      [-34, 53],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-49, 29],
+      [-43, 47],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [-17, 39],
+      [-25, 127],
+      [-32, 76],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-38, 19],
+      [-80, 27],
+      [-29, 64],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-20, 68],
+      [-94, 129],
+      [-69, 74],
+      [-117, 82],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [-24, 44],
+      [-42, 28],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [3, 57],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [6, 60],
+      [-7, 41],
+      [-16, 15],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [5, 28],
+      [-20, 70],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [6, 53],
+      [-11, 39],
+      [35, 8],
+      [-13, 88],
+      [-18, 16],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [4, 23],
+      [53, 89],
+      [6, 40],
+      [27, 2],
+      [63, -64],
+      [2, -19],
+      [33, 7],
+      [20, 17],
+      [34, 48],
+      [32, 68],
+      [20, 65],
+      [14, 79],
+      [2, 91],
+      [33, 136],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-34, 84],
+      [-34, 78],
+      [-64, 131],
+      [-33, 47],
+      [-49, 48],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-22, -17],
+      [-40, -44],
+      [-20, 12],
+      [-53, 15],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-73, -7],
+      [-74, 19],
+      [-64, 48],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [-59, 57],
+      [-36, 26],
+      [-86, 115],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-45, 74],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-58, 2],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-27, 32],
+      [-4, 60],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [13, 44],
+      [19, 180],
+      [1, 56],
+      [-16, 39],
+      [-26, 45],
+      [-38, 109],
+      [-4, 65],
+      [-12, 48],
+      [-37, 50],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-33, 66],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [11, 38],
+      [-8, 60],
+      [1, 36],
+      [30, 23],
+      [8, 32],
+      [5, 80],
+      [-5, 107],
+      [-18, 94],
+      [-10, 120],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [17, 19],
+      [37, 6],
+      [14, 51],
+      [27, -16],
+      [70, 16],
+      [34, 2],
+      [18, -15],
+      [24, -38],
+      [17, -140],
+      [36, -14],
+      [-9, -37],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-42, -26],
+      [10, -71],
+      [25, -43],
+      [-2, -25],
+      [-22, -10],
+      [2, -27],
+      [39, -29],
+      [18, -26],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [34, -33],
+      [80, -4],
+      [3, -18],
+      [18, -21],
+      [81, -6],
+      [34, -38],
+      [56, -49],
+      [33, -3],
+      [3, -38],
+      [49, -46],
+      [24, -7],
+      [29, 17],
+      [23, -20],
+      [30, 19],
+      [-1, 54],
+      [-31, 80],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [3, 31],
+      [-14, 101],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [-76, 76],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-62, 59],
+      [-20, 44],
+      [1, 14],
+      [27, 22],
+      [-40, 28],
+      [-55, 14],
+      [-69, 34],
+      [-5, 65],
+      [19, 34],
+      [36, 18],
+      [5, 44],
+      [-17, 66],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-26, 33],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [-20, 13],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [-43, 37],
+      [-31, 65],
+      [28, 0],
+      [29, -18],
+      [60, 56],
+      [10, 30],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [18, 5],
+      [36, -15],
+      [35, 23],
+      [38, -5],
+      [32, 30],
+      [39, 55],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-19, 58],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [-35, 57],
+      [-24, 25],
+      [-96, 66],
+      [-69, 23],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-55, -49],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [14, -92],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [-14, -61],
+      [3, -33],
+      [31, -29],
+      [34, -11],
+      [19, -18],
+      [8, -29],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [9, -68],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [17, -18],
+      [29, -8],
+      [11, -40],
+      [25, -22],
+      [19, -2],
+      [19, -31],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [12, -79],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-34, 6],
+      [-47, 29],
+      [-23, 39],
+      [-43, 19],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [-24, 28],
+      [-31, 18],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-38, -32],
+      [-46, 28],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [-33, 25],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-32, 34],
+      [-26, 63],
+      [-45, 51],
+      [-65, 51],
+      [-48, 21],
+      [-107, 17],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [-29, -22],
+      [-18, -40],
+      [14, -30],
+      [-92, 6],
+      [23, 22],
+      [36, 97],
+      [59, 179],
+      [16, 65],
+      [6, 39],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [-44, 78],
+      [9, 11],
+      [34, 13],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-19, 43],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [-33, 60],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-23, -8],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-19, 7],
+      [-20, 51],
+      [11, 32],
+      [1, 62],
+      [-32, 78],
+      [-34, 63],
+      [-35, 55],
+      [-12, 33],
+      [-31, 23],
+      [-39, 39],
+      [-67, 49],
+      [-88, 42],
+      [-70, 73],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [-65, 55],
+      [-21, 62],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [-14, 37],
+      [-49, 87],
+      [-50, 77],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-53, 39],
+      [-46, 24],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [-56, 54],
+      [-26, 12],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-10, 22],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-14, 50],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-53, 53],
+      [-41, 50],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [-23, 45],
+      [18, 6],
+      [33, 52],
+      [27, 69],
+      [13, 67],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [-36, 129],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [-11, 64],
+      [-35, 67],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [-5, 63],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [5, 29],
+      [-25, 49],
+      [-8, 63],
+      [8, 28],
+      [0, 68],
+      [14, 100],
+      [35, 115],
+      [22, 44],
+      [32, 109],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-38, 113],
+      [10, 43],
+      [-8, 97],
+      [-11, 61],
+      [-29, 67],
+      [-40, 31],
+      [-16, 74],
+      [2, 60],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [-22, 92],
+      [-56, 34],
+      [-48, 44],
+      [-42, 118],
+      [-46, 32],
+      [-15, 38],
+      [-32, 63],
+      [-29, 27],
+      [-75, 101],
+      [-38, 28],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-1, 91],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [-44, 64],
+      [-55, 31],
+      [-57, 20],
+      [-32, 16],
+      [-50, 77],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-51, 32],
+      [-71, 62],
+      [-45, 44],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [-29, 16],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [30, 97],
+      [-10, 42],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [-5, 63],
+      [-15, 45],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-20, 38],
+      [-13, 40],
+      [24, 61],
+      [22, 70],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [14, 45],
+      [29, 65],
+      [64, 171],
+      [31, 63],
+      [44, 97],
+      [76, 140],
+      [37, 86],
+      [49, 90],
+      [47, 97],
+      [34, 82],
+      [40, 125],
+      [35, 161],
+      [11, 98],
+      [-25, 51],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-29, -2],
+      [-2, 85],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [3, 58],
+      [-12, 19],
+      [13, 34],
+      [27, 4],
+      [40, 114],
+      [29, 100],
+      [1, 28],
+      [26, 119],
+      [37, 220],
+      [17, 163],
+      [-5, 77],
+      [-18, 80],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-1, 92],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-16, 39],
+      [7, 41],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [-25, 36],
+      [-11, 60],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [-15, 131],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-20, 28],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-67, 60],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [21, 23],
+      [27, 67],
+      [20, 70],
+      [21, 105],
+      [9, 133],
+      [-3, 107],
+      [-12, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38481, 51391],
+      [363, 1],
+      [528, 0],
+      [394, 1],
+      [530, 1],
+      [141, 0],
+      [254, -1],
+      [171, 1],
+      [404, -1],
+      [494, 0],
+      [446, 1],
+      [1, -638],
+      [-1, -534],
+      [0, -366],
+      [-1, -617],
+      [1, -367]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42206, 48872],
+      [0, -386],
+      [2, -440],
+      [2, -345],
+      [0, -291],
+      [2, -304],
+      [3, -646],
+      [3, -589],
+      [0, -363],
+      [0, -414],
+      [0, -306],
+      [1, -339],
+      [1, -812],
+      [2, -314],
+      [3, -311],
+      [-1, -366],
+      [0, -317],
+      [0, -144],
+      [0, -532],
+      [-1, -375]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42223, 41278],
+      [-264, 1],
+      [-318, 2],
+      [-401, 2],
+      [-567, 11],
+      [-208, -3],
+      [-28, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40437, 41295],
+      [-156, 0],
+      [-1204, -5],
+      [-511, -4],
+      [-1348, -7],
+      [-500, -1],
+      [-224, 6],
+      [-185, -1],
+      [-422, 2],
+      [-335, -1],
+      [-170, 1],
+      [-517, -1],
+      [-468, -3],
+      [-425, -2],
+      [-262, -2],
+      [-109, 1],
+      [-361, -2],
+      [-244, 19],
+      [-782, 0],
+      [-113, 0],
+      [-1501, -1],
+      [-169, 0],
+      [-449, -1],
+      [-622, -1],
+      [-169, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29191, 41293],
+      [1, 285],
+      [-2, 663],
+      [8, 393],
+      [-1, 220],
+      [1, 241],
+      [0, 309],
+      [-3, 349],
+      [2, 458],
+      [-33, 302],
+      [0, 567],
+      [1, 555],
+      [10, 465],
+      [1, 97],
+      [4, 460],
+      [0, 610],
+      [0, 330],
+      [0, 411],
+      [1, 1005],
+      [0, 413],
+      [2, 801],
+      [3, 287],
+      [-4, 876]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29182, 51390],
+      [1488, -2],
+      [618, 5],
+      [1118, 2],
+      [590, 2],
+      [266, -1],
+      [752, -3],
+      [125, -2],
+      [122, -5],
+      [483, -6],
+      [616, 0],
+      [844, 3],
+      [621, 0],
+      [113, 0],
+      [717, 9],
+      [526, 0],
+      [300, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [98503, 53931],
+      [9, -421],
+      [9, -294],
+      [0, -322],
+      [-15, -455],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [-39, -19],
+      [-5, -43],
+      [16, -27],
+      [4, -101],
+      [-15, -25],
+      [-37, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [98391, 52201],
+      [-16, 22],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-57, -11],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-20, 13],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [-62, -10],
+      [-117, 7],
+      [-51, -51],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [-51, 28],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-25, 1],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-2, -35],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [-49, -1],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-19, -18],
+      [-105, -13],
+      [-30, 13],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-72, -20],
+      [-22, 42],
+      [-100, 2],
+      [-38, -23],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-50, 7],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-23, 9],
+      [-27, -7],
+      [-36, 8],
+      [-68, -15],
+      [-35, 3],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-18, -32],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-41, 30],
+      [-59, -5],
+      [-60, -32],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [-51, -13],
+      [-42, 12],
+      [19, 32],
+      [-27, 58],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-28, -26],
+      [-49, -17],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [-53, -74],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-53, -41],
+      [-49, -55],
+      [-10, -54],
+      [-36, -10],
+      [-74, 35],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [-47, -21],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [-27, -23],
+      [-45, 27],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [-35, -16],
+      [-77, -15],
+      [-37, -41],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-25, -33],
+      [-40, -42],
+      [-29, 1],
+      [-33, -15],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-43, -23],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-16, 6],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [-30, -19],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-74, -33],
+      [-26, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95045, 51350],
+      [5, 67],
+      [-29, 47],
+      [-107, 178],
+      [164, 103],
+      [292, 180],
+      [-127, 208],
+      [12, 179],
+      [13, 171],
+      [14, 235],
+      [16, 225],
+      [31, 525],
+      [33, 568]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95362, 54036],
+      [359, -6],
+      [120, -6],
+      [328, -12],
+      [353, -6],
+      [94, -3],
+      [-6, -98],
+      [93, 14],
+      [17, 45],
+      [3, 38],
+      [111, 2],
+      [556, -9],
+      [487, -8],
+      [141, -7],
+      [482, -10],
+      [3, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [88602, 46176],
+      [147, 153],
+      [244, -258],
+      [-171, -180],
+      [-69, -76]
+    ],
+    [
+      [88753, 45815],
+      [13, 149],
+      [-17, 53],
+      [-51, 72],
+      [-41, 11],
+      [-20, 17],
+      [-35, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [75199, 36220],
+      [358, -3],
+      [360, 0],
+      [489, -1],
+      [99, 13],
+      [132, 1],
+      [123, 3],
+      [697, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [77457, 36251],
+      [-64, -192],
+      [-186, -119],
+      [-45, -113],
+      [-30, -29],
+      [-76, -82],
+      [-28, -120],
+      [-25, -64],
+      [3, -36],
+      [24, -35],
+      [87, -87],
+      [94, -73],
+      [137, -60],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [154, -193],
+      [27, -29],
+      [71, -52],
+      [52, -23],
+      [50, 21],
+      [76, 8],
+      [68, 0],
+      [36, -18],
+      [15, -25],
+      [49, -114],
+      [174, -373],
+      [25, -116],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [5, -37],
+      [18, -80],
+      [27, -71],
+      [25, -24],
+      [50, -23],
+      [17, -29],
+      [17, -42],
+      [34, -38],
+      [142, -335],
+      [252, -227],
+      [11, -5],
+      [36, 4],
+      [147, -114],
+      [43, -46],
+      [101, -125],
+      [53, -167],
+      [41, -140],
+      [32, -37],
+      [83, -63],
+      [19, 0],
+      [48, -12],
+      [56, -28],
+      [42, -29],
+      [148, -210],
+      [101, -181],
+      [18, -196],
+      [94, -211],
+      [289, -330],
+      [143, -54],
+      [146, -125],
+      [56, -54],
+      [28, -36],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-6, -49],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [142, -387],
+      [35, -160],
+      [-19, -276],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [13, -27],
+      [42, -58],
+      [76, -66],
+      [36, -21],
+      [20, -3],
+      [80, -52],
+      [142, -182],
+      [58, -249],
+      [50, -48],
+      [12, -20],
+      [23, -91],
+      [3, -50],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [11, -288],
+      [9, -112],
+      [7, -11],
+      [96, -64],
+      [35, -8],
+      [293, -126]
+    ],
+    [
+      [81594, 28767],
+      [49, -28],
+      [30, 1],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-15, -58],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-2, 30],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-7, -44],
+      [14, -20],
+      [26, -10],
+      [24, 3],
+      [13, -10],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [-39, -51],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-27, 27],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [12, -48],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-25, -22],
+      [1, -18],
+      [35, -16],
+      [32, 1],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-20, -25],
+      [-39, -86],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-38, -21],
+      [-62, -76],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [-60, 13],
+      [-20, -35],
+      [33, -45],
+      [46, -25],
+      [18, 17],
+      [23, 4],
+      [15, -10],
+      [-10, -53],
+      [9, -51],
+      [-3, -79],
+      [-31, -75],
+      [-19, -59],
+      [-24, -36],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [-34, 1],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [10, -9],
+      [76, -4],
+      [34, 26],
+      [33, -25],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-23, -34],
+      [-28, -77],
+      [-78, -127],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [-38, -94],
+      [-7, -103],
+      [27, -6],
+      [25, -22],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [-26, -36],
+      [-4, -88],
+      [-11, -26],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [2, -36],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-47, -53],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [-35, -9],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-7, -69],
+      [4, -86],
+      [-25, -116],
+      [-10, -26],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-33, -49],
+      [-40, -28],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [12, -20],
+      [21, -9],
+      [17, 13],
+      [24, -14],
+      [12, -22],
+      [38, 0],
+      [12, 44],
+      [22, 9],
+      [9, -50],
+      [-3, -125],
+      [-43, -182],
+      [-34, -65],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [-9, -53],
+      [1, -71],
+      [19, -66],
+      [10, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80555, 25424],
+      [-187, 7],
+      [-115, 14],
+      [-34, 46],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-154, 27],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [-34, 22],
+      [-88, 47],
+      [-63, -9],
+      [-52, 16],
+      [-70, 74],
+      [-174, -85],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-51, -267],
+      [2, -53],
+      [22, -55],
+      [46, -95],
+      [14, -81],
+      [-21, -112],
+      [1, -55],
+      [-63, -341],
+      [-139, 11],
+      [-75, -22],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-27, 64],
+      [-11, 58],
+      [8, 78],
+      [-12, 111],
+      [-4, 171],
+      [-81, 11],
+      [-217, 19],
+      [-362, 30],
+      [-241, 19],
+      [-335, 27],
+      [-480, 38],
+      [-321, 26],
+      [-150, 12],
+      [-413, 30],
+      [-370, 27],
+      [-130, 10],
+      [-378, 26],
+      [-368, 23],
+      [-472, 28],
+      [-614, 38],
+      [-58, 99],
+      [-85, 347],
+      [-33, 57],
+      [-45, 62],
+      [-28, 91],
+      [-7, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [73933, 26158],
+      [6, 33],
+      [-57, 208],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [-76, 123],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-14, 53],
+      [-8, 181],
+      [20, 63],
+      [25, 64],
+      [37, 300],
+      [50, 286],
+      [-30, 196],
+      [-55, 56],
+      [-72, 137],
+      [-2, 55],
+      [14, 40],
+      [-11, 87],
+      [-30, 40],
+      [-1, 143],
+      [16, 122],
+      [49, 68],
+      [46, 75],
+      [18, 50],
+      [41, 150],
+      [-11, 98],
+      [15, 200],
+      [97, 108],
+      [58, 25],
+      [80, 97],
+      [24, 76],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [-41, 49],
+      [-118, 54],
+      [-12, 37],
+      [39, 112],
+      [15, 79],
+      [-8, 84],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [-6, 109],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [-41, 42],
+      [-47, 62],
+      [-20, 49],
+      [-45, 99],
+      [-19, 108],
+      [-42, 151],
+      [10, 48],
+      [16, 20],
+      [-113, 248],
+      [-70, 467],
+      [-28, 186],
+      [-106, 754],
+      [-82, 567],
+      [-45, 305],
+      [-69, 480],
+      [-42, 295],
+      [-76, 518],
+      [-74, 474],
+      [-22, 129],
+      [-51, 332],
+      [-21, 130],
+      [-57, 384],
+      [-22, 161],
+      [-19, 152]
+    ],
+    [
+      [72811, 36210],
+      [449, -3],
+      [161, 4],
+      [181, 3],
+      [251, 2],
+      [197, 2],
+      [245, 0],
+      [347, 1],
+      [208, 0],
+      [214, 0],
+      [135, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [68726, 55152],
+      [5, -51],
+      [-10, -129],
+      [-4, -90],
+      [-29, -59],
+      [-19, -79],
+      [-7, -72],
+      [12, -80],
+      [30, -96],
+      [23, -60],
+      [109, -201],
+      [31, -52],
+      [26, -31],
+      [53, -50],
+      [20, -44],
+      [5, -73],
+      [71, -243],
+      [12, -73],
+      [23, -34],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [1, -34],
+      [13, -59],
+      [16, -47],
+      [37, -57],
+      [8, -46],
+      [29, -50],
+      [34, -35],
+      [22, -10],
+      [12, -61],
+      [1, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [69241, 53175],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [0, -352],
+      [-1, -277],
+      [-3, -392],
+      [1, -333],
+      [0, -356],
+      [1, -431],
+      [0, -296],
+      [-1, -508],
+      [-1, -185],
+      [-6, -534],
+      [-2, -259],
+      [-2, -344],
+      [-2, -324],
+      [1, -551],
+      [3, -576],
+      [-1, -224],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-76, -39],
+      [-35, -60],
+      [-12, -79],
+      [9, -54],
+      [22, -34],
+      [11, 4],
+      [-32, -159],
+      [-44, -72],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-13, -37],
+      [81, -84],
+      [79, -115],
+      [113, -259],
+      [-13, -79],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-23, -83],
+      [5, -10],
+      [46, -27],
+      [57, -166],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-39, -156],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-73, -17],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-37, -58],
+      [-14, -81],
+      [-45, -99],
+      [-34, -58],
+      [26, -59],
+      [-175, -300],
+      [-210, -310],
+      [-114, -55],
+      [-51, -47],
+      [-18, -63],
+      [4, -28],
+      [34, -56],
+      [47, -20],
+      [8, -28],
+      [-31, -53],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-59, -25],
+      [-73, -46],
+      [-54, -145],
+      [2, -22],
+      [53, -153],
+      [-1, -209],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [-64, 8],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [41, -127],
+      [40, -43],
+      [0, -73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [68303, 43312],
+      [-32, -93],
+      [-27, -50],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-93, -59],
+      [-54, -87],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [6, -62],
+      [31, -117],
+      [13, -31],
+      [22, -15],
+      [91, -100],
+      [17, -32],
+      [1, -67],
+      [-38, -40],
+      [-320, -42],
+      [-49, -11],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [-52, -61],
+      [-94, 51],
+      [-57, -22],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-71, -242],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [12, -55],
+      [70, -106],
+      [24, -17],
+      [21, -25],
+      [43, -129],
+      [-38, -136],
+      [-26, -63],
+      [-45, -16],
+      [-58, -5],
+      [-58, 12],
+      [-58, 40],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [-68, 50],
+      [-341, 176],
+      [-201, 88],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [-62, 12],
+      [-64, -14],
+      [-75, -54],
+      [-84, -94],
+      [-152, -231],
+      [-14, -30],
+      [-13, -63],
+      [7, -41],
+      [23, -44],
+      [63, -54]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66247, 41250],
+      [-69, -30],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-40, 23],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-65, -7],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [-160, 120],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [-54, 177],
+      [-99, 235],
+      [-92, 161],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [12, 54],
+      [43, 57],
+      [27, 12],
+      [50, 6],
+      [21, 10],
+      [15, 30],
+      [13, 79],
+      [-9, 50],
+      [-25, 75],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [-46, 54],
+      [-31, 57],
+      [-46, 109],
+      [-9, 50],
+      [1, 55],
+      [17, 14],
+      [10, 102],
+      [-16, 117],
+      [-290, 328],
+      [-128, 115],
+      [-195, 148],
+      [-34, -22],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-51, 27],
+      [-43, 92],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-42, 93],
+      [-140, 135],
+      [-100, 62],
+      [-217, 180],
+      [-170, 195],
+      [-37, 60],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [-19, 115],
+      [3, 104],
+      [3, 26],
+      [37, 105],
+      [9, 17],
+      [94, 113],
+      [19, 42],
+      [11, 73],
+      [36, 141],
+      [21, 42],
+      [45, 75],
+      [53, 50],
+      [22, 43],
+      [12, 56],
+      [-6, 66],
+      [-10, 38],
+      [-42, 71],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [4, 36],
+      [72, 102],
+      [90, 80],
+      [10, 19],
+      [16, 80],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-209, 151],
+      [-46, 26],
+      [-290, 109],
+      [-83, 13],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-19, -37],
+      [-8, -46],
+      [-38, -59],
+      [-68, -70],
+      [-42, -15],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-77, 50],
+      [-60, 79],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [-89, 300],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [55, 79],
+      [4, 31],
+      [-86, 380],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-130, 144],
+      [-79, 73],
+      [-76, 52],
+      [-206, 153],
+      [-91, 73],
+      [-216, 255],
+      [-18, 30],
+      [-18, 84],
+      [-96, 57],
+      [-222, 231],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [8, 82],
+      [-126, 159],
+      [-25, 76],
+      [-25, 277],
+      [-65, 144],
+      [-29, 229],
+      [-5, 134],
+      [13, 134],
+      [30, 130],
+      [52, 143],
+      [32, 52],
+      [48, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61992, 49819],
+      [57, 17],
+      [24, 17],
+      [6, 24],
+      [16, 224],
+      [-10, 57],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-2, 39],
+      [84, 119],
+      [21, 20],
+      [79, 42],
+      [99, 29],
+      [65, 2],
+      [58, -3],
+      [91, 59],
+      [29, 25],
+      [20, 66],
+      [32, 255],
+      [-5, 26],
+      [8, 32],
+      [155, 201],
+      [21, 19],
+      [55, 28],
+      [11, 15],
+      [20, 73],
+      [19, 203],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [5, 61],
+      [-80, 149],
+      [-29, 25],
+      [-25, -2],
+      [-58, 33],
+      [-118, 160],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [123, 406],
+      [37, 32],
+      [71, 21],
+      [265, 58],
+      [114, -5],
+      [27, -6],
+      [63, -1],
+      [153, 30],
+      [92, 81],
+      [198, 60],
+      [47, 4],
+      [24, 10],
+      [118, 123],
+      [105, 124],
+      [-3, 67],
+      [16, 79],
+      [36, 139],
+      [24, 39],
+      [44, 44],
+      [105, 65],
+      [64, 25],
+      [11, 10],
+      [57, 313],
+      [20, 164],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [-25, 40],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [9, 30],
+      [2, 69],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-81, 80],
+      [-44, 28],
+      [-133, 64],
+      [-80, 34],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-64, 51],
+      [-52, 73],
+      [-22, 60],
+      [12, 38],
+      [15, 71],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-108, 139],
+      [-153, 119],
+      [-121, 71],
+      [-55, 49],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [28, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63440, 55194],
+      [159, -2],
+      [119, 0],
+      [160, -2],
+      [582, 3],
+      [310, -6],
+      [482, -2],
+      [269, -8],
+      [300, -4],
+      [206, -5],
+      [335, -5],
+      [146, 0],
+      [97, -3],
+      [433, -4],
+      [373, 4],
+      [167, -1],
+      [271, 1],
+      [133, 3],
+      [280, -2],
+      [146, -3],
+      [318, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [74272, 46608],
+      [-20, -9],
+      [-108, -90],
+      [-15, -23],
+      [15, -41],
+      [74, -101],
+      [111, -293],
+      [7, -39],
+      [-51, -179],
+      [-58, -29],
+      [-186, -30],
+      [-54, 10],
+      [-42, -6],
+      [-195, -126],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-60, -55],
+      [-63, -28],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-24, 25],
+      [-38, 67],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-226, -14],
+      [-43, -19],
+      [-34, -51],
+      [-9, -51],
+      [33, -199],
+      [44, -118],
+      [0, -43],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-55, -28],
+      [-270, -185],
+      [-24, -41],
+      [-23, -69],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-28, -86],
+      [-40, -65],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-114, -72],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-25, -15],
+      [-127, -234],
+      [-21, -58],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [8, -73],
+      [-2, -63],
+      [-30, -145],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-39, -33],
+      [-145, -32],
+      [-266, 43],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-77, 42],
+      [-87, 73],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-10, 55],
+      [1, 33],
+      [13, 70],
+      [-24, 33],
+      [-48, 3],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [-123, -61],
+      [-59, -69],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [-36, -42],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-84, -6],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-1, -151],
+      [-148, -277],
+      [-55, -37],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-9, 57],
+      [-91, 82],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-36, 47],
+      [-36, 69],
+      [-32, 78],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [-38, 25],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-60, -30],
+      [-54, -58],
+      [-33, -45],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-111, -17],
+      [-58, -26],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [4, -48],
+      [-26, -109],
+      [-19, -54],
+      [-17, -25],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-38, -13],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-130, 133],
+      [-113, 74],
+      [-73, 64],
+      [-145, 94],
+      [-42, 17],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [-60, -8],
+      [-113, -89],
+      [-72, 47],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-52, -116],
+      [16, -50],
+      [54, -49],
+      [5, -66],
+      [-33, -57],
+      [-16, -17],
+      [-57, -15],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [35, 75],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-146, -32],
+      [-40, -33],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-74, 2],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-30, 47],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-33, 28],
+      [-40, -3],
+      [-60, -82],
+      [-6, -44],
+      [24, -41],
+      [23, -23],
+      [13, -30],
+      [8, -50],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-69, -78],
+      [-50, 17],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-53, 31],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [-20, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [69241, 53175],
+      [6, 4],
+      [28, -46],
+      [65, -47],
+      [14, 6],
+      [32, -15],
+      [14, 3],
+      [11, -26],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [29, -29],
+      [54, -14],
+      [54, -20],
+      [76, -16],
+      [68, -2],
+      [18, -6],
+      [107, 11],
+      [62, 14],
+      [50, 19],
+      [0, 20],
+      [65, 13],
+      [10, -12],
+      [101, 41],
+      [71, 32],
+      [173, 88],
+      [48, 44],
+      [63, 28],
+      [94, 56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [70542, 53306],
+      [344, -1],
+      [224, -1],
+      [473, 2],
+      [256, 1],
+      [284, -2],
+      [342, -2],
+      [342, 0],
+      [557, 3],
+      [253, -2],
+      [247, 1],
+      [124, -1],
+      [287, 2],
+      [23, -43],
+      [0, -119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [74298, 53144],
+      [1, -209],
+      [3, -448],
+      [0, -69],
+      [1, -393],
+      [0, -412],
+      [1, -421],
+      [1, -396],
+      [1, -94],
+      [-1, -505],
+      [-3, -442],
+      [0, -108],
+      [-4, -283],
+      [-4, -174],
+      [-7, -509],
+      [-4, -285],
+      [0, -221],
+      [-1, -402],
+      [-2, -227],
+      [-6, -435],
+      [-2, -503]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66745, 23009],
+      [-46, -87],
+      [-94, -154],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [9, 31],
+      [39, 49],
+      [16, 12],
+      [40, 76],
+      [31, 73],
+      [11, 35],
+      [0, 48],
+      [12, 37],
+      [28, 29],
+      [19, 96],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [22, 38],
+      [6, 106],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-3, 44],
+      [6, 30],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [-14, 45],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [4, 17],
+      [40, -90],
+      [18, -72],
+      [13, -91],
+      [-2, -114],
+      [-15, -106],
+      [-12, -58],
+      [-21, -71],
+      [-39, -109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [62463, 31213],
+      [-67, -108],
+      [-22, -78],
+      [10, -38],
+      [22, -22],
+      [40, -17],
+      [28, 0],
+      [28, 14],
+      [24, 45],
+      [2, 102],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [8, 23],
+      [52, 22],
+      [23, -12],
+      [14, -20],
+      [42, -132],
+      [0, -51],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [-36, -38],
+      [-41, -8],
+      [-32, -31],
+      [-25, -52],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-5, -67],
+      [-2, -87],
+      [21, -23],
+      [58, 2],
+      [85, -26],
+      [31, -13],
+      [12, -13],
+      [-18, -49],
+      [-22, -23],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [-36, -28],
+      [-63, -82],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [4, -39],
+      [19, -47],
+      [25, -27],
+      [44, -4],
+      [25, -53],
+      [3, -27],
+      [-16, -21],
+      [-35, -113],
+      [1, -43],
+      [14, -28],
+      [25, -33],
+      [46, -34],
+      [33, -17],
+      [43, -13],
+      [66, -75],
+      [-19, -90],
+      [8, -26],
+      [25, -15],
+      [158, -35],
+      [6, -22],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [-185, -252],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-163, -70],
+      [-45, -29],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-7, -55],
+      [6, -27],
+      [16, -29],
+      [59, -16],
+      [119, 15],
+      [38, 16],
+      [23, -9],
+      [14, -28],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-173, -290],
+      [-224, -293],
+      [-84, -25],
+      [-62, -13],
+      [-22, -9],
+      [-13, -21],
+      [-26, -110],
+      [-8, -48],
+      [-2, -70],
+      [-61, -109],
+      [-5, -53],
+      [4, -82],
+      [-12, -45],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-19, -18],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [1, -47],
+      [12, -16],
+      [41, -7],
+      [44, -13],
+      [18, -27],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-50, -37],
+      [-56, -24],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [14, -178],
+      [19, -41],
+      [9, -36],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-29, -56],
+      [2, -49],
+      [38, -66],
+      [20, -49],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-47, -23],
+      [-50, -8],
+      [-45, -140],
+      [-10, -129],
+      [50, -193],
+      [24, -28],
+      [8, -32],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-97, -52],
+      [397, -1],
+      [370, 0],
+      [306, -1],
+      [436, 2],
+      [170, -1],
+      [311, 1],
+      [270, 1],
+      [99, 1],
+      [381, 2],
+      [449, 1],
+      [123, 1],
+      [194, 0],
+      [38, 7],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-1, -79],
+      [-30, -131],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-31, -7],
+      [-31, -116],
+      [-68, -290],
+      [-30, -178],
+      [36, -146],
+      [30, -92],
+      [87, -142],
+      [52, -58],
+      [14, -2],
+      [77, -101],
+      [100, -284],
+      [0, -46],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [66, -178],
+      [50, -78],
+      [15, -14],
+      [90, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65518, 24089],
+      [-24, -23],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-46, -46],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-44, -45],
+      [-30, -51],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-10, -81],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-27, -16],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [28, -54],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [-36, 8],
+      [-67, -5],
+      [-40, -48],
+      [-33, -50],
+      [10, -67],
+      [15, -56],
+      [11, -25],
+      [38, -29],
+      [25, -4],
+      [54, 12],
+      [50, 21],
+      [38, 33],
+      [28, -31],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [7, -51],
+      [58, -73],
+      [36, -26],
+      [38, -3],
+      [21, -12],
+      [42, 3],
+      [46, 20],
+      [28, 24],
+      [13, 39],
+      [-2, 51],
+      [17, 37],
+      [0, 35],
+      [15, 35],
+      [1, 61],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [18, 13],
+      [38, 14],
+      [92, 72],
+      [14, 17],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [11, 33],
+      [21, 18],
+      [43, -40],
+      [26, -6],
+      [29, -22],
+      [20, -6],
+      [86, 12],
+      [7, -19],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-42, -23],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [0, -74],
+      [51, -33],
+      [48, -4],
+      [1, -112],
+      [20, -20],
+      [67, 11],
+      [31, 18],
+      [59, 127],
+      [19, 51],
+      [43, 22],
+      [12, -13],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [59, -7],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [-13, -92],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [-34, -1],
+      [-31, -11],
+      [-71, -68],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [20, -15],
+      [42, -3],
+      [31, 16],
+      [58, 7],
+      [9, -31],
+      [-34, -32],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-47, -7],
+      [-42, -16],
+      [-85, -13],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [1, -22],
+      [19, -13],
+      [51, -13],
+      [5, -54],
+      [20, -21],
+      [26, -4],
+      [46, 36],
+      [30, 12],
+      [-13, -31],
+      [-1, -64],
+      [29, -23],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-64, 2],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-31, 5],
+      [-25, -15],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [-29, -46],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [7, -111],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [-28, 18],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-67, 14],
+      [-32, -9],
+      [3, -75],
+      [9, -22],
+      [49, -26],
+      [36, 10],
+      [11, -7],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [5, -15],
+      [43, -25],
+      [31, -10],
+      [44, 0],
+      [85, -101],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-33, 28],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-90, 11],
+      [-47, 12],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-22, 37],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [16, -63],
+      [0, -31],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-32, 6],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [7, -31],
+      [25, -37],
+      [5, -20],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [6, -73],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [13, -19],
+      [52, -47],
+      [40, 6],
+      [17, -8],
+      [33, -53],
+      [39, -30],
+      [13, -47],
+      [23, -10],
+      [5, 19],
+      [48, 62],
+      [38, -28],
+      [-7, -73],
+      [25, -64],
+      [19, -36],
+      [39, 18],
+      [19, 45],
+      [13, -24],
+      [24, -21],
+      [65, -7],
+      [79, 3],
+      [45, -25],
+      [36, -9],
+      [-21, -33],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [51, -14],
+      [37, 34],
+      [38, -3],
+      [20, -13],
+      [27, -36],
+      [8, -36],
+      [24, -32],
+      [31, 10],
+      [8, 26],
+      [28, 36],
+      [8, 23],
+      [39, -20],
+      [2, -32],
+      [25, -61],
+      [14, -16],
+      [32, -14],
+      [20, -64],
+      [55, -39],
+      [8, -31],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [11, -25],
+      [18, -16],
+      [42, 11],
+      [2, 11],
+      [71, 31],
+      [26, -23],
+      [27, -80],
+      [-9, -38],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-20, 17],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [16, -39],
+      [12, 6],
+      [15, -19],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-48, -59],
+      [-6, -57],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-26, 17],
+      [-30, -12],
+      [-41, -54],
+      [-24, -48],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [-39, 23],
+      [7, 19],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-24, -2],
+      [-16, 23],
+      [-11, 67],
+      [-16, 28],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-34, -3],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [6, -22],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-45, -36],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-84, -165],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [13, 71],
+      [27, 49],
+      [43, 21],
+      [75, 139],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-27, 51],
+      [-37, 29],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [3, 55],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [-27, 74],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [-31, 42],
+      [-20, 18],
+      [-100, 54],
+      [-130, 40],
+      [-121, 93],
+      [-101, 38],
+      [-105, 18],
+      [-70, -2],
+      [-56, 3],
+      [-9, 59],
+      [14, 36],
+      [23, 25],
+      [34, 64],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [-12, 28],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [22, 56],
+      [-2, 35],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [-50, -15],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-57, -78],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [-51, 73],
+      [-38, -2],
+      [-37, -90],
+      [-2, -85],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [9, -49],
+      [-5, -54],
+      [11, -39],
+      [27, -11],
+      [8, -20],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-30, -11],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [-27, 1],
+      [9, -48],
+      [42, -34],
+      [6, -47],
+      [51, 8],
+      [43, 51],
+      [26, 22],
+      [67, 38],
+      [19, 30],
+      [16, -4],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [-122, -95],
+      [-68, -82],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [-46, -50],
+      [-130, -113],
+      [-92, -52],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-183, -72],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [45, 28],
+      [61, 10],
+      [74, 37],
+      [6, 37],
+      [29, 5],
+      [0, 47],
+      [-27, 24],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [4, 21],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [4, 53],
+      [14, 9],
+      [20, -18],
+      [13, 2],
+      [8, 28],
+      [-28, 53],
+      [-47, 31],
+      [0, 47],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [-64, -7],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-29, -15],
+      [8, -44],
+      [-29, -87],
+      [-63, -32],
+      [-20, 19],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [9, 25],
+      [-34, 18],
+      [-10, 28],
+      [42, 17],
+      [11, 56],
+      [22, 35],
+      [-41, 23],
+      [-42, 37],
+      [-28, 9],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [-48, 6],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-32, -23],
+      [-13, -69],
+      [10, -14],
+      [35, -1],
+      [39, -30],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-80, -9],
+      [-11, 18],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [16, -29],
+      [-19, -91],
+      [-57, -25],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-61, -24],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [-8, -59],
+      [10, -23],
+      [31, -13],
+      [31, -1],
+      [28, 10],
+      [46, 34],
+      [30, -6],
+      [13, -10],
+      [35, 2],
+      [33, 15],
+      [49, 15],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [-154, -52],
+      [-46, -8],
+      [-78, 2],
+      [-26, -8],
+      [-52, 7],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [7, 14],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [-34, 69],
+      [-27, 25],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [-51, 55],
+      [-30, 24],
+      [-11, 29],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-37, -24],
+      [-35, -5],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-50, -2],
+      [-66, 15],
+      [-39, 51],
+      [-26, 20],
+      [-131, 14],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-111, 55],
+      [-44, 46],
+      [-60, 83],
+      [4, 17],
+      [43, 0],
+      [33, 14],
+      [28, 47],
+      [5, 38],
+      [14, 41],
+      [32, 22],
+      [20, 5],
+      [30, -28],
+      [28, 0],
+      [19, 23],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [-34, 44],
+      [12, 35],
+      [-18, 39],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [-29, 23],
+      [-25, -12],
+      [-77, 23],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [-84, -9],
+      [-34, 10],
+      [-13, 11],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-91, -37],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [10, 36],
+      [-7, 32],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-21, 97],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-34, -16],
+      [-46, -12],
+      [-45, 19],
+      [41, 72],
+      [1, 57],
+      [15, 65],
+      [-6, 62],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [-63, 9],
+      [-82, -18],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-58, -19],
+      [-87, -55],
+      [-53, -40],
+      [-41, 19],
+      [10, 30],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [9, 44],
+      [29, 58],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [-17, -38],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-42, -39],
+      [-96, -33],
+      [-39, -23],
+      [-95, -71],
+      [-69, -71],
+      [-9, -48],
+      [28, -70],
+      [3, -23],
+      [39, -97],
+      [34, -8],
+      [52, 3],
+      [33, 12],
+      [42, 2],
+      [17, -17],
+      [30, -14],
+      [65, -13],
+      [47, 6],
+      [19, 21],
+      [13, 36],
+      [44, 10],
+      [31, -18],
+      [36, 10],
+      [40, -11],
+      [6, -34],
+      [31, -25],
+      [68, -27],
+      [12, -15],
+      [7, -33],
+      [53, -5],
+      [69, -34],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-24, -11],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [2, -40],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-50, 25],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [-18, 18],
+      [-45, 8],
+      [-36, 32],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-59, 37],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [-30, 27],
+      [-77, 48],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-73, 6],
+      [-98, -12],
+      [-100, -48],
+      [-74, -58],
+      [-53, -15],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-70, 16],
+      [-102, 30],
+      [-133, 25],
+      [-158, 22],
+      [-108, 22],
+      [-69, 24],
+      [-169, 74],
+      [-236, 132],
+      [-129, 79],
+      [-63, 32],
+      [-169, 68],
+      [-43, 21],
+      [-165, 54],
+      [-93, 18],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [-86, -29],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-125, 15],
+      [-67, 1],
+      [-118, -15],
+      [-97, -20],
+      [-83, -7],
+      [-90, -14],
+      [-108, -27],
+      [-45, -18],
+      [-62, -35],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [-35, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [57491, 22852],
+      [-101, 189],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [15, 180],
+      [188, 365],
+      [61, 67],
+      [9, 5],
+      [56, 90],
+      [18, 39],
+      [31, 172],
+      [0, 30],
+      [-31, 118],
+      [-16, 257],
+      [-28, 9],
+      [-56, 85],
+      [15, 144],
+      [12, 15],
+      [91, 85],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-23, 158],
+      [-56, 81],
+      [23, 89],
+      [278, 576],
+      [28, 41],
+      [9, 129],
+      [51, 139],
+      [-17, 211],
+      [23, 167],
+      [-7, 268],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-50, -45],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [-9, 58],
+      [-2, 58],
+      [-11, 83],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-51, 57],
+      [58, 184],
+      [-55, 37],
+      [-48, 56],
+      [-63, 198],
+      [-127, 117],
+      [-38, 52],
+      [-30, 79],
+      [16, 73],
+      [17, 143],
+      [8, 110],
+      [-51, 215],
+      [-91, 142],
+      [-58, 80],
+      [-22, 13],
+      [-81, 76],
+      [-75, 142],
+      [-50, 48],
+      [1, 305],
+      [-1, 378],
+      [-1, 547],
+      [1, 396],
+      [-1, 125],
+      [1, 450],
+      [-1, 373]
+    ],
+    [
+      [62367, 57697],
+      [-282, 1],
+      [-525, -1],
+      [-238, 1],
+      [-318, -1],
+      [-426, 1],
+      [-186, -1],
+      [-237, 0],
+      [-452, -1],
+      [-263, -1],
+      [-481, 0],
+      [-415, -1],
+      [-419, 0],
+      [-556, 1],
+      [-325, 0],
+      [-228, 2],
+      [-288, 0],
+      [-414, 0],
+      [-271, 0],
+      [-444, 0],
+      [-260, 0],
+      [-411, 1],
+      [-297, -1],
+      [-149, 0],
+      [-112, -2],
+      [-420, 1],
+      [-224, 0],
+      [-357, 0],
+      [-555, 1],
+      [-190, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52624, 57697],
+      [0, 477],
+      [0, 477],
+      [0, 251],
+      [1, 552],
+      [1, 326],
+      [1, 339],
+      [0, 211],
+      [0, 401],
+      [0, 259],
+      [-1, 396],
+      [0, 622],
+      [-2, 225],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-65, 140],
+      [-61, 47],
+      [-178, 82],
+      [-117, 6],
+      [-22, 18],
+      [-75, 104],
+      [-24, 76],
+      [-37, 82],
+      [-36, 50],
+      [-136, 163],
+      [25, 85],
+      [16, 26],
+      [169, 131],
+      [63, 40],
+      [72, 37],
+      [38, 37],
+      [128, 185],
+      [13, 50],
+      [15, 129],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [9, 16],
+      [2, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52419, 63840],
+      [-13, 72],
+      [-14, 160],
+      [22, 61],
+      [17, 34],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-6, 44],
+      [-38, 171],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-25, 218],
+      [1, 123],
+      [-62, 104],
+      [-71, 78],
+      [-97, 140],
+      [10, 11],
+      [-42, 251],
+      [-82, 218],
+      [-2, 143],
+      [-33, 317],
+      [64, 234],
+      [-24, 58],
+      [-21, 15],
+      [-58, 92],
+      [-3, 389],
+      [-16, 284],
+      [-36, 347],
+      [-18, 119],
+      [17, 206],
+      [20, 11],
+      [-16, 227],
+      [-65, 167],
+      [-176, 382],
+      [-37, 114],
+      [-43, 33],
+      [-120, 468],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-47, 96],
+      [-45, 154],
+      [1, 183],
+      [32, 17],
+      [25, 76],
+      [1, 111],
+      [-20, 46],
+      [-18, 26],
+      [-18, 114],
+      [27, 23],
+      [15, 37],
+      [-6, 250],
+      [-45, 48],
+      [-23, 11],
+      [131, 349],
+      [-83, 169],
+      [-38, 97],
+      [-78, 236],
+      [-61, 165],
+      [-12, 53],
+      [9, 76],
+      [9, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51180, 71575],
+      [1533, -2],
+      [1929, -3],
+      [400, 0],
+      [1, 470],
+      [0, 503],
+      [50, -38],
+      [127, -41],
+      [82, 8],
+      [47, 32],
+      [59, 3],
+      [89, -50],
+      [158, -105],
+      [50, -280],
+      [45, -194],
+      [43, -53],
+      [0, -252],
+      [58, 0],
+      [67, -293],
+      [-13, -52],
+      [-1, -215],
+      [115, -99],
+      [178, -95],
+      [120, -12],
+      [98, 37],
+      [51, 2],
+      [149, -4],
+      [33, -6],
+      [56, -29],
+      [18, -32],
+      [1, -68],
+      [49, -18],
+      [182, -13],
+      [138, -1],
+      [394, -39],
+      [33, -49],
+      [30, -80],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-11, -65],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [6, -20],
+      [39, -27],
+      [70, -2],
+      [176, 1],
+      [219, 34],
+      [143, 42],
+      [20, 41],
+      [-17, 64],
+      [3, 11],
+      [113, 40],
+      [68, 2],
+      [37, 46],
+      [172, 41],
+      [88, -1],
+      [51, -44],
+      [70, 0],
+      [101, 7],
+      [201, -7],
+      [469, -216],
+      [131, 17],
+      [43, -8],
+      [17, -62],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-46, -7],
+      [-43, 3],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-26, -81],
+      [46, -48],
+      [59, -18],
+      [150, 10],
+      [71, 18],
+      [56, 0],
+      [95, -85],
+      [77, -304],
+      [57, -128],
+      [110, -15],
+      [56, 100],
+      [-12, 30],
+      [-9, 70],
+      [3, 17],
+      [29, 50],
+      [50, 31],
+      [385, 10],
+      [46, -84],
+      [77, -165],
+      [22, -35],
+      [43, 12],
+      [87, -33],
+      [74, -50],
+      [146, -52],
+      [88, 17],
+      [51, -14],
+      [8, -13],
+      [21, -124],
+      [-24, -76],
+      [132, -42],
+      [133, -11],
+      [152, -64],
+      [275, 13],
+      [21, -7],
+      [72, 9],
+      [75, 25],
+      [137, 105],
+      [66, 56],
+      [4, 9],
+      [191, 96],
+      [110, 76],
+      [170, 66],
+      [71, -3],
+      [15, -13],
+      [65, -155],
+      [27, -87],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [33, -33],
+      [27, -61],
+      [18, -18],
+      [339, 40],
+      [138, -19],
+      [81, 14],
+      [91, 0],
+      [109, -27],
+      [27, 20],
+      [33, 8],
+      [252, 18],
+      [76, -1],
+      [22, -13],
+      [60, -6],
+      [34, -9],
+      [93, -41],
+      [48, -69],
+      [7, -21],
+      [-5, -35],
+      [7, -17],
+      [46, -35],
+      [132, -68],
+      [45, -6],
+      [48, 18],
+      [51, 57],
+      [104, 20],
+      [27, 1],
+      [47, -9],
+      [68, -23],
+      [60, -8],
+      [170, -12],
+      [139, 30],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-86, -24],
+      [-19, -14],
+      [-6, -31],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-43, 36],
+      [-38, -1],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-39, -6],
+      [-69, -25],
+      [-60, -41],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-39, -29],
+      [-65, -39],
+      [-112, -44],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-97, -31],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-75, -41],
+      [-74, -23],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-54, -17],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-53, -19],
+      [-82, -7],
+      [-34, -16],
+      [-16, -21],
+      [-77, -5],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [-88, -35],
+      [-33, -6],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-100, -13],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-82, -17],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-147, -46],
+      [-26, -32],
+      [-63, -25],
+      [-117, -61],
+      [-71, -32],
+      [-93, -49],
+      [-246, -170],
+      [-73, -61],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-156, -125],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-24, -4],
+      [-60, -70],
+      [-37, -38],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-40, -31],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [-35, -66],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [-60, -61],
+      [-44, -64],
+      [-49, -34],
+      [-70, -68],
+      [-51, -66],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-54, -50],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [-109, -117],
+      [-38, -8],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-103, -46],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-40, -24],
+      [-45, -47],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-71, -23],
+      [-61, -56],
+      [-74, -79],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-55, -42],
+      [-23, -7],
+      [-59, -55],
+      [-70, -43],
+      [-60, -44],
+      [-24, -27],
+      [-29, -13],
+      [-84, -60],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [11, -36],
+      [44, -71],
+      [72, -88],
+      [20, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60883, 65786],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-103, 102],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-135, -79],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [17, -30],
+      [0, -28],
+      [-27, -61],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-56, -2],
+      [-51, 7],
+      [-42, 28],
+      [2, -96],
+      [-3, -525],
+      [0, -240],
+      [-2, -358],
+      [0, -267],
+      [-61, -19],
+      [-217, -131],
+      [-396, -228],
+      [-96, -74],
+      [-25, -28],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-53, -123],
+      [-11, -54],
+      [-30, -85],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [-69, -49],
+      [-52, -32],
+      [-28, -158],
+      [-8, -67],
+      [4, -84],
+      [5, -49],
+      [23, -20],
+      [89, -17],
+      [37, 4],
+      [144, -79],
+      [85, -169],
+      [30, -179],
+      [-75, -169],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-12, -214],
+      [-48, -291],
+      [3, -83],
+      [42, -95],
+      [33, -179],
+      [-27, -255],
+      [-36, -106],
+      [-33, -123],
+      [121, -71],
+      [196, -172],
+      [19, -25],
+      [4, -25],
+      [130, -134],
+      [29, -14],
+      [79, -12],
+      [250, -19],
+      [32, -8],
+      [38, -26],
+      [31, -66],
+      [2, -46],
+      [21, -38],
+      [26, -30],
+      [65, -48],
+      [39, -35],
+      [197, -62],
+      [128, -55],
+      [137, -69],
+      [17, -12],
+      [71, -72],
+      [13, -27],
+      [58, -178],
+      [-10, -54],
+      [32, -77],
+      [125, -104],
+      [125, -64],
+      [36, -9],
+      [92, -98],
+      [149, -151],
+      [23, -12],
+      [61, -12],
+      [77, -9],
+      [78, -24],
+      [58, -31],
+      [129, -177],
+      [97, -149],
+      [50, -52],
+      [41, -138],
+      [-21, -313],
+      [9, -133],
+      [7, -14],
+      [88, -276]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66316, 24218],
+      [34, 0],
+      [7, -22],
+      [-33, -53],
+      [-50, 54],
+      [-72, 18],
+      [114, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [66679, 24200],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-67, -27],
+      [-54, -6],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [54, 8],
+      [51, 17],
+      [21, 12],
+      [36, 36],
+      [30, 5],
+      [-50, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67411, 24174],
+      [13, -1],
+      [64, -29],
+      [43, -1],
+      [23, 16],
+      [48, -6],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-47, -5],
+      [-75, 24],
+      [-25, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67032, 24266],
+      [101, -43],
+      [155, -28],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [-87, 18],
+      [-59, 6],
+      [-86, 35],
+      [-53, -10],
+      [-23, 1],
+      [-36, 16],
+      [74, 3],
+      [26, 16],
+      [14, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67983, 36238],
+      [139, -236],
+      [51, -25],
+      [-39, -424],
+      [-40, -360],
+      [-28, -299],
+      [-40, -427],
+      [-50, -523],
+      [-43, -441],
+      [-40, -421],
+      [-40, -434],
+      [-14, -153],
+      [-51, -565],
+      [-67, -750],
+      [-13, -156],
+      [-66, -763],
+      [-39, -447],
+      [-32, -356],
+      [-33, -344],
+      [-30, -332],
+      [-25, -271],
+      [-5, -208],
+      [13, -386],
+      [9, -192],
+      [18, -469],
+      [22, -519],
+      [11, -292],
+      [12, -293],
+      [24, -663],
+      [16, -481],
+      [17, -443]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67620, 24565],
+      [-8, -22],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-33, -25],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-25, 8],
+      [-81, 2],
+      [-31, 36],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-74, 9],
+      [-29, -16],
+      [-39, -31],
+      [-53, -2],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-46, 45],
+      [-75, 49],
+      [3, 25],
+      [-58, 37],
+      [-31, -42],
+      [12, -44],
+      [-54, 28],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-69, 5],
+      [-92, -8],
+      [-84, -17],
+      [-124, -40],
+      [-193, -93],
+      [-62, -22],
+      [-96, -43],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [5, 52],
+      [19, 10],
+      [3, 45],
+      [-23, 40],
+      [-42, 24],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-24, -42],
+      [62, -36],
+      [19, -47],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [-39, -21],
+      [-33, -43],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-21, -79],
+      [-32, -46],
+      [-1, -49],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-12, 38],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-43, -27],
+      [-39, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [64057, 36238],
+      [774, -3],
+      [183, -1],
+      [281, 3],
+      [280, -2],
+      [263, 0],
+      [397, 0],
+      [227, 0],
+      [429, 2],
+      [589, 2],
+      [167, -1],
+      [336, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25463, 60154],
+      [-108, 30],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [-148, 266],
+      [-195, 257],
+      [-100, 69],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-175, -115],
+      [-52, -156],
+      [-17, -98],
+      [-140, -128],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-136, 21],
+      [-61, -43],
+      [-129, -70],
+      [-69, 32],
+      [-11, 29],
+      [-39, 62],
+      [-144, -19],
+      [-243, -58],
+      [-202, 2],
+      [-65, 23],
+      [-26, 29],
+      [-42, 23],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-47, -12],
+      [-75, -53],
+      [-36, -132],
+      [-23, -35],
+      [-29, -30],
+      [-44, 7],
+      [-117, 43],
+      [-132, 9],
+      [-268, 38],
+      [-57, 14],
+      [-116, -49],
+      [-57, -85],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-5, -102],
+      [-12, -31],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-176, 133],
+      [-62, 60],
+      [-44, 114],
+      [-55, 309],
+      [14, 27],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-92, 207],
+      [-63, 112],
+      [-43, 45],
+      [-93, 68],
+      [-73, 38],
+      [-58, -26],
+      [-95, -61],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-189, 187],
+      [-39, 74],
+      [-42, 120],
+      [8, 16],
+      [40, -1],
+      [48, 60],
+      [2, 117],
+      [-6, 69],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [-40, 1],
+      [-170, 168],
+      [19, 33],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-63, 106],
+      [-94, 110],
+      [-45, 37],
+      [-120, 203],
+      [-41, 193],
+      [-25, 149],
+      [16, 45],
+      [-13, 73],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-6, 48],
+      [21, 74],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [-17, 29],
+      [-40, 31],
+      [-114, 72],
+      [-70, 103],
+      [-69, 46],
+      [-30, 12],
+      [-52, -23],
+      [-36, -122],
+      [-187, -228],
+      [-98, -39],
+      [-111, 9],
+      [-115, -192],
+      [-77, -2],
+      [-29, 58],
+      [-175, 176],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-75, 3],
+      [-69, -14],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-4, 183],
+      [24, 13],
+      [17, -3],
+      [49, 29],
+      [27, 35],
+      [10, 92],
+      [-18, 48],
+      [-44, 24],
+      [-35, 29],
+      [-35, 77],
+      [96, 169],
+      [30, 25],
+      [93, 21],
+      [102, 88],
+      [-14, 175],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [-33, 22],
+      [-66, 24],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [-13, 37],
+      [-1, 54],
+      [28, 45],
+      [16, 50],
+      [-1, 46],
+      [-28, 74],
+      [19, 83],
+      [86, 322],
+      [91, 367],
+      [-14, 80],
+      [72, 174],
+      [29, 181],
+      [0, 57],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [-60, 32],
+      [-97, -5],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-205, 3],
+      [-41, 15],
+      [-40, 52],
+      [-13, 34],
+      [3, 34],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [-42, 44],
+      [-43, 1],
+      [-50, -15],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-52, 60],
+      [-109, 109],
+      [-51, 45],
+      [-65, 22],
+      [-60, 48],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-20, 83],
+      [5, 78],
+      [-255, 288],
+      [-48, 86],
+      [-189, 230],
+      [-123, 106],
+      [-47, 72],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [-48, 88],
+      [-35, 15],
+      [-154, 25],
+      [-107, 27],
+      [-82, 42],
+      [-52, 88],
+      [-19, 46],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [-212, 122],
+      [-57, 19],
+      [-16, 62],
+      [7, 50],
+      [26, 55],
+      [-33, 74],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [7, 45],
+      [27, 53],
+      [28, 155],
+      [-33, 149],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-354, 389],
+      [-163, 221],
+      [-77, 81],
+      [-2, 253],
+      [0, 349],
+      [1, 723],
+      [0, 1150],
+      [0, 109]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16158, 71576],
+      [1485, -4],
+      [973, 3],
+      [538, 1],
+      [690, -4],
+      [698, -5],
+      [1073, 2],
+      [199, 1],
+      [1519, -1],
+      [631, -1],
+      [172, -1],
+      [914, 1],
+      [713, 0],
+      [269, 1],
+      [980, 2],
+      [411, 1],
+      [941, 2],
+      [197, 0],
+      [602, -2],
+      [122, -1],
+      [841, 1],
+      [570, 0],
+      [1967, 0],
+      [1031, 0],
+      [233, 1],
+      [473, -2],
+      [364, 0],
+      [403, 1],
+      [342, 0],
+      [70, 0],
+      [478, 0],
+      [555, 0],
+      [763, 0],
+      [194, 0],
+      [920, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38489, 71573],
+      [0, -385],
+      [3, -559],
+      [-1, -86],
+      [1, -456],
+      [2, -93],
+      [2, -529],
+      [2, -487],
+      [5, -275],
+      [-3, -291],
+      [-3, -726],
+      [-1, -293],
+      [0, -200],
+      [0, -571],
+      [-1, -243],
+      [1, -545],
+      [0, -465],
+      [-1, -658],
+      [-2, -707],
+      [3, -138]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38496, 63866],
+      [3, -194],
+      [3, -784],
+      [0, -169],
+      [4, -294],
+      [-1, -407],
+      [0, -538],
+      [-32, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38473, 61474],
+      [-768, 3],
+      [-549, 1],
+      [-471, 4],
+      [-108, -1],
+      [-1436, 1],
+      [-132, -7],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-624, 1],
+      [-1164, 5],
+      [-357, 2],
+      [-99, 9],
+      [-882, 2],
+      [-565, 0],
+      [-398, 0],
+      [-231, -4],
+      [-589, 3],
+      [-103, 0],
+      [-859, -2],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [-309, -1],
+      [-985, -8],
+      [-579, 4],
+      [-207, -19],
+      [-607, -10],
+      [-294, 0],
+      [-84, 14],
+      [-233, 11],
+      [-314, -2],
+      [-22, -165],
+      [-1, -175],
+      [3, -610],
+      [12, -380]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33875, 28134],
+      [-413, 0],
+      [-466, -1],
+      [-551, 1],
+      [-234, -1],
+      [-1462, 0],
+      [-1, -716],
+      [0, -420],
+      [-1195, -2],
+      [-371, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40437, 41295],
+      [0, -228],
+      [0, -480],
+      [0, -552]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40437, 40035],
+      [-73, -56],
+      [0, -406],
+      [1, -662],
+      [-1, -797],
+      [0, -295],
+      [-2, -1036],
+      [0, -650],
+      [-1, -262],
+      [0, -452],
+      [-1, -526],
+      [-1, -378],
+      [1, -141],
+      [0, -639],
+      [-4, -258],
+      [-8, -503],
+      [-3, -130],
+      [-2, -202],
+      [-7, -459],
+      [-2, -149],
+      [-5, -278],
+      [-8, -554],
+      [0, -435],
+      [-1, -365],
+      [1, -405],
+      [0, -952],
+      [0, -364],
+      [-488, -1],
+      [-737, 0],
+      [-561, -1],
+      [-944, 1],
+      [-208, 0],
+      [-512, 1],
+      [-438, 0],
+      [-513, 0],
+      [-850, 3],
+      [-208, 1],
+      [-387, -1],
+      [-382, -1],
+      [-350, -2],
+      [-29, -113],
+      [-24, -240],
+      [25, -36],
+      [17, -1],
+      [71, -83],
+      [40, -21],
+      [18, -16],
+      [14, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38489, 71573],
+      [366, -1],
+      [1700, -1],
+      [1343, -1],
+      [365, 1],
+      [976, 1],
+      [522, 0],
+      [550, 0],
+      [905, 0],
+      [468, -1],
+      [500, 0],
+      [722, 1],
+      [979, 1],
+      [1953, 1],
+      [325, 1],
+      [678, -1],
+      [339, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52419, 63840],
+      [-257, 2],
+      [-553, -1],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-557, -1],
+      [-303, 0],
+      [-563, 1],
+      [-417, 1],
+      [-330, 1],
+      [-1002, 6],
+      [-686, 4],
+      [-307, -1],
+      [-433, 1],
+      [-183, 2],
+      [-301, 0],
+      [-400, 2],
+      [-382, 2],
+      [-483, 2],
+      [-367, 0],
+      [-573, 1],
+      [-309, 0],
+      [-316, 1],
+      [-532, 0],
+      [-309, 0],
+      [-466, 1],
+      [-378, 0],
+      [-282, 0],
+      [-414, 1],
+      [-188, 1],
+      [-99, -1],
+      [-401, 0],
+      [-237, 1],
+      [-440, -1],
+      [-511, 0],
+      [-204, 1],
+      [-701, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42223, 41278],
+      [261, 1],
+      [559, 4],
+      [454, 3],
+      [272, 2],
+      [370, 3],
+      [125, 0],
+      [503, 3],
+      [230, 3],
+      [652, 3],
+      [159, 1],
+      [225, -2],
+      [389, -1],
+      [299, -4],
+      [315, 0],
+      [332, 0],
+      [284, 0],
+      [476, -1],
+      [288, 0],
+      [316, 0],
+      [355, -3],
+      [216, 0],
+      [379, 1],
+      [432, 1],
+      [307, 1],
+      [57, -1],
+      [268, 0],
+      [586, 1],
+      [219, -1],
+      [286, 1],
+      [235, 0],
+      [622, 0],
+      [401, 0],
+      [371, -1],
+      [169, 2],
+      [190, -1],
+      [509, 0],
+      [236, 0],
+      [395, 1],
+      [372, 0],
+      [265, -2],
+      [285, 0],
+      [152, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56039, 41290],
+      [0, -380],
+      [1, -592],
+      [-1, -286]
+    ],
+    [
+      [56285, 32812],
+      [-9, -31],
+      [-62, -25],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-247, 112],
+      [-138, 78],
+      [-20, 29],
+      [-27, 61],
+      [-115, 14],
+      [-87, 33],
+      [-317, 290],
+      [-43, 108],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [-116, 49],
+      [-167, 63],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-40, -68],
+      [9, -54],
+      [-4, -26],
+      [-20, -36],
+      [-50, -35],
+      [-97, -12],
+      [-126, -7],
+      [-71, 7],
+      [-184, 28],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [5, 49],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-293, -169],
+      [-12, -49],
+      [-113, -26],
+      [-233, 50],
+      [-275, -25],
+      [-94, -25],
+      [-16, -61],
+      [-14, -74],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-22, -27],
+      [-72, -28],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-139, -6],
+      [-121, -74],
+      [-100, 150],
+      [-46, 12],
+      [-97, -21],
+      [-210, 155],
+      [-6, 49],
+      [9, 55],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [-68, 36],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-20, -78],
+      [-22, -53],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-92, -18],
+      [-176, 58],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [-31, 38],
+      [-23, 71],
+      [-7, 94],
+      [-15, 42],
+      [-27, 24],
+      [-95, -61],
+      [-24, -124],
+      [-38, -62],
+      [-78, -111],
+      [-82, -213],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-56, 14],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-61, 158],
+      [0, 48],
+      [19, 31],
+      [25, 0],
+      [27, 23],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-26, 121],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-47, 39],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-157, -106],
+      [-115, -134],
+      [-100, 0],
+      [-50, 23],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [21, 74],
+      [1, 52],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [-53, 39],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-34, -15],
+      [-66, -41],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [-18, 38],
+      [16, 86],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-88, 54],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [-39, -19],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [-62, -91],
+      [-96, -115],
+      [-91, -83],
+      [-59, -21],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-166, 80],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [45, 117],
+      [15, 135],
+      [-71, 30],
+      [-67, -20],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-82, 25],
+      [-39, 77],
+      [-117, 203],
+      [-58, 6],
+      [-186, 45],
+      [-47, 42],
+      [-72, 15],
+      [-35, -23],
+      [-29, -49],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-138, -145],
+      [-55, 20],
+      [-92, 155],
+      [-44, 39],
+      [-42, 29],
+      [-70, 4],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-64, -39],
+      [-122, 1],
+      [-173, 41],
+      [-114, 76],
+      [-87, 46],
+      [-175, 9],
+      [-109, -7],
+      [-71, 14],
+      [-62, 20],
+      [-39, 194],
+      [3, 83],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [-93, 166],
+      [-177, 97],
+      [-78, -167],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-62, 4],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-86, 52],
+      [-29, 12],
+      [-110, 10],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-68, -104],
+      [-88, -4],
+      [-58, 11],
+      [-134, 132],
+      [-49, 59],
+      [-133, 174],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-20, 25],
+      [-71, 69],
+      [-42, 12],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-85, -45],
+      [0, 469],
+      [0, 717],
+      [0, 384],
+      [0, 605],
+      [0, 496],
+      [0, 661],
+      [0, 440],
+      [0, 1121],
+      [-336, 0],
+      [-286, -1],
+      [-349, 0],
+      [-235, 0],
+      [-377, 1],
+      [-436, -1],
+      [-1002, 0],
+      [-377, 1],
+      [-383, 1],
+      [-242, 0],
+      [-1563, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [84216, 48161],
+      [-249, 0],
+      [-285, -1],
+      [-284, 0],
+      [-730, 1],
+      [-392, 1],
+      [0, 544],
+      [0, 356],
+      [0, 239],
+      [2, 570],
+      [-2, 300],
+      [0, 305]
+    ],
+    [
+      [82276, 50476],
+      [0, 534],
+      [0, 557],
+      [0, 253],
+      [1, 196],
+      [-1, 232],
+      [0, 239],
+      [0, 262],
+      [0, 329],
+      [0, 453],
+      [0, 323]
+    ],
+    [
+      [82276, 53854],
+      [156, 71],
+      [48, 15],
+      [86, 42],
+      [62, 20],
+      [62, 33],
+      [123, 73],
+      [79, 41],
+      [41, 29],
+      [22, 23],
+      [34, 88],
+      [35, 42],
+      [53, 17],
+      [31, -45],
+      [0, -23],
+      [20, -3],
+      [134, 81],
+      [108, 75],
+      [56, 25],
+      [28, 21],
+      [34, 15],
+      [43, 11],
+      [86, 52],
+      [68, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [83685, 54592],
+      [0, -350],
+      [1, -333],
+      [415, -2],
+      [888, 2],
+      [347, -4],
+      [518, 6],
+      [537, -1],
+      [341, 2],
+      [174, -3],
+      [371, -2],
+      [152, 1],
+      [456, 3],
+      [708, -2],
+      [379, 6],
+      [160, 0],
+      [515, -4],
+      [179, -3],
+      [220, -1],
+      [369, 1],
+      [308, 1],
+      [923, 0],
+      [232, 1],
+      [33, -16],
+      [91, -99],
+      [25, -38],
+      [30, -136],
+      [217, -86],
+      [12, 3],
+      [48, -22],
+      [44, -79],
+      [69, -150],
+      [10, -304],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [23, -124],
+      [105, -160],
+      [83, -58],
+      [50, -19],
+      [39, -68],
+      [28, -21],
+      [144, -25],
+      [87, -10],
+      [114, -149],
+      [-7, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [93114, 52290],
+      [-124, -53],
+      [-63, -44],
+      [-64, -80],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [-43, -90],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-5, -40],
+      [-28, -71],
+      [-76, -108],
+      [-96, -86],
+      [15, -26],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-128, -134],
+      [-60, -38],
+      [-41, -18],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-40, -33],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [29, -14],
+      [5, -39],
+      [121, -204],
+      [-1, -31],
+      [-103, -173],
+      [-48, -44],
+      [-70, 10],
+      [-46, -66],
+      [-14, -152],
+      [6, -184],
+      [20, -73],
+      [79, -41],
+      [23, 6],
+      [33, -6],
+      [32, -14],
+      [59, -64],
+      [7, -41],
+      [-11, -179],
+      [22, -93],
+      [44, -30],
+      [20, -7],
+      [305, -300],
+      [167, -176],
+      [90, -137],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-181, -87],
+      [-254, -131],
+      [-181, -172],
+      [-114, -147],
+      [-96, -103],
+      [-48, -40],
+      [-46, -23],
+      [-67, -18],
+      [-66, 1],
+      [-126, -61],
+      [-76, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91774, 48365],
+      [-72, 46],
+      [-84, 33],
+      [-75, 12],
+      [-75, 1],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-72, -18],
+      [-53, -23],
+      [-43, -25],
+      [-58, -48],
+      [-42, -49],
+      [-90, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91080, 48163],
+      [-419, 0],
+      [-421, -2],
+      [-334, 0],
+      [-552, 0],
+      [-325, -2],
+      [-292, -1],
+      [-365, 0],
+      [-402, 0],
+      [-140, 1],
+      [-353, 1],
+      [-82, 2],
+      [-568, 2],
+      [-571, 1],
+      [-796, 0],
+      [-229, 0],
+      [-858, -3],
+      [-157, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80120, 40256],
+      [-41, -122],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [20, -79],
+      [0, -51],
+      [-34, -79],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-22, -279],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-32, 4],
+      [-46, 24],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-114, -58],
+      [-99, -89],
+      [-46, -94],
+      [-50, -92],
+      [-124, -247],
+      [-100, -62],
+      [-87, -4],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-21, 52],
+      [-118, 24],
+      [-20, -5],
+      [-29, -45],
+      [-163, -50],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-51, -27],
+      [-63, -56],
+      [-99, -192],
+      [-82, -75],
+      [-94, -57],
+      [-73, 26],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-7, 69],
+      [22, 100],
+      [-30, 42],
+      [-33, 23],
+      [-87, -50],
+      [-59, -55],
+      [-73, -50],
+      [-45, -75],
+      [-95, -105],
+      [-42, 41],
+      [-40, 9],
+      [-46, -20],
+      [-27, -52],
+      [28, -109],
+      [-38, -90],
+      [-82, -127],
+      [-40, -43],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-194, 4],
+      [-121, -38],
+      [-140, -83],
+      [-28, -30],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [-80, -96],
+      [-129, -48],
+      [-147, -67],
+      [-62, -72],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-265, 8],
+      [-66, 11],
+      [-150, -17],
+      [-229, -113],
+      [-100, -117],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-76, -93],
+      [-42, -173],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [10, -58],
+      [21, -61],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-60, -69],
+      [-78, -53],
+      [-196, 21],
+      [-17, 26],
+      [-29, 5],
+      [-117, -107],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [-30, -286],
+      [-25, -264]
+    ],
+    [
+      [72811, 36210],
+      [-408, 9],
+      [-73, 1],
+      [-833, 6],
+      [-160, 2],
+      [-131, -3],
+      [-113, 0],
+      [-277, 4],
+      [-344, 0],
+      [-277, 8],
+      [-371, 9],
+      [-165, 5],
+      [-241, 5],
+      [-452, 2],
+      [-190, 3],
+      [-393, 4],
+      [-368, 3],
+      [-32, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65130, 38774],
+      [48, 0],
+      [31, 61],
+      [11, 68],
+      [112, 143],
+      [42, 27],
+      [15, 20],
+      [4, 43],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-131, 159],
+      [15, 9],
+      [25, -10],
+      [141, -25],
+      [24, 2],
+      [89, 22],
+      [13, 12],
+      [-2, 46],
+      [-17, 25],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-45, 26],
+      [-62, 53],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [8, 33],
+      [19, 16],
+      [45, 0],
+      [39, -12],
+      [29, -2],
+      [24, 6],
+      [24, 24],
+      [18, 66],
+      [-19, 254],
+      [-36, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65491, 40029],
+      [100, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65591, 40028],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [0, -22],
+      [13, -21],
+      [27, -12],
+      [21, 3],
+      [22, 16],
+      [36, 44],
+      [22, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65717, 40031],
+      [70, 4],
+      [63, 7],
+      [119, 9],
+      [306, -8],
+      [285, -4],
+      [242, 2],
+      [538, -3],
+      [104, -2],
+      [295, -1],
+      [517, -9],
+      [28, 43],
+      [10, 67],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [-18, 104],
+      [-20, 83],
+      [-23, 61],
+      [-4, 46],
+      [109, -3],
+      [302, -33],
+      [-7, -77],
+      [395, 12],
+      [422, 7],
+      [557, 4],
+      [388, 10],
+      [174, 3],
+      [387, 11],
+      [76, -47],
+      [168, 46],
+      [262, -7],
+      [252, -24],
+      [215, -14],
+      [92, -8],
+      [454, -22],
+      [440, -15],
+      [81, -2],
+      [69, 3],
+      [363, 26],
+      [336, -10],
+      [440, -41],
+      [151, -8],
+      [962, -28],
+      [509, -6],
+      [553, -18],
+      [28, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [76402, 40288],
+      [379, -9],
+      [364, 2],
+      [51, -11],
+      [411, 1],
+      [368, -1],
+      [280, 0],
+      [234, 3],
+      [485, 2],
+      [155, 0],
+      [68, -3],
+      [446, -1],
+      [21, 56],
+      [179, -5],
+      [334, -6],
+      [-57, -60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [92096, 43887],
+      [-102, -172],
+      [-42, -92],
+      [-27, -73],
+      [-28, -52],
+      [-33, -34],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-53, 1],
+      [-44, -30],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [-52, -83],
+      [-61, -144],
+      [-17, -45],
+      [-29, -58],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [-9, -58],
+      [-32, -102],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [-3, -51],
+      [8, -19],
+      [23, -4],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-50, -88],
+      [-61, -127],
+      [8, -43],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [-47, -62],
+      [-43, -81],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [1, -25],
+      [-17, -37],
+      [-55, -76],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-26, -12],
+      [14, -51],
+      [-16, -62],
+      [16, -67],
+      [-25, -43],
+      [7, -27],
+      [-55, -67],
+      [-89, -89],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [-35, 49],
+      [-37, -33],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-15, 72],
+      [-39, 79],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [6, 31],
+      [-28, 66],
+      [4, 29],
+      [15, 30],
+      [-15, 21],
+      [9, 72],
+      [8, 36],
+      [31, 50],
+      [20, 42],
+      [13, 91],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [3, 47],
+      [10, 27],
+      [29, 57],
+      [-5, 36],
+      [8, 46],
+      [17, 55],
+      [18, 32],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-7, 31],
+      [31, 92],
+      [28, 56],
+      [61, 96],
+      [16, 19],
+      [0, 49],
+      [17, 39],
+      [40, 25],
+      [24, 73],
+      [23, 19],
+      [17, 33],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [46, 32],
+      [17, 6],
+      [26, -6],
+      [51, 6],
+      [13, 25],
+      [24, 8],
+      [12, 17],
+      [14, 53],
+      [36, 36],
+      [8, 29],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [-49, -2],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [85, 81],
+      [14, -18],
+      [19, 4],
+      [45, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91300, 43694],
+      [85, 110],
+      [419, 48],
+      [292, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90735, 43404],
+      [-16, -75],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [2, 33],
+      [49, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90697, 43701],
+      [-44, -46],
+      [-28, -51],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [-20, 62]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90599, 43701],
+      [98, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [87487, 47152],
+      [95, -8],
+      [140, -42],
+      [59, -38],
+      [49, -61],
+      [44, -22],
+      [49, -19],
+      [45, -44],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-37, -77],
+      [-49, -18],
+      [-21, -28],
+      [-20, -63],
+      [5, -46],
+      [8, -17],
+      [115, -119],
+      [65, -18],
+      [90, -14],
+      [65, 4],
+      [90, -44],
+      [56, -36],
+      [18, -50],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [11, -42],
+      [27, -23],
+      [26, -14],
+      [44, -11],
+      [57, 3],
+      [35, -8],
+      [53, -77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [88753, 45815],
+      [-5, -69],
+      [-62, -134],
+      [-58, -35],
+      [-28, -26],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [11, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [88583, 45421],
+      [-51, 3],
+      [-33, -31],
+      [-50, -17],
+      [-27, 52],
+      [-45, 2],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [7, -19],
+      [-4, -76],
+      [-32, -20],
+      [6, -44],
+      [-29, -46],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-14, -36],
+      [-32, -46],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [-5, -46],
+      [12, -78],
+      [16, -51],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [40, -35],
+      [15, -26],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [16, -30],
+      [27, -16],
+      [47, -4],
+      [76, 23],
+      [37, 3],
+      [31, 10],
+      [46, 56],
+      [62, 4],
+      [37, -3],
+      [28, 24],
+      [26, 46],
+      [23, 11],
+      [59, -66],
+      [-10, -82],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [8, -23],
+      [53, -62],
+      [31, -10],
+      [35, -44],
+      [9, -51],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [9, -34],
+      [47, -29],
+      [49, -13],
+      [66, -63],
+      [68, -22],
+      [27, 0],
+      [67, 14],
+      [52, -6],
+      [32, -25],
+      [8, -26],
+      [32, -22],
+      [33, 29],
+      [5, 16],
+      [30, 2],
+      [37, -22],
+      [40, 1],
+      [26, 13],
+      [29, -12],
+      [19, -50],
+      [5, -47],
+      [40, -38],
+      [68, -45],
+      [13, -19],
+      [26, -68],
+      [11, -41],
+      [45, -23],
+      [42, -9],
+      [13, -38],
+      [65, -55],
+      [21, -25],
+      [46, -21],
+      [58, -16],
+      [31, -13],
+      [145, -90],
+      [54, -56],
+      [-15, -69],
+      [-12, -73],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-31, -9],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [-26, -26],
+      [-6, -44],
+      [7, -16],
+      [-10, -96],
+      [13, -52],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [18, -40],
+      [1, -39],
+      [-24, -11],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-28, -53],
+      [14, -25],
+      [48, -10],
+      [26, -15],
+      [25, -45],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-54, 20],
+      [-98, -29],
+      [-35, 42],
+      [-34, 4],
+      [-82, 60],
+      [-54, 34],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-15, -48],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-49, 53],
+      [3, 61],
+      [-9, 43],
+      [-38, 59],
+      [-30, 74],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-67, 39],
+      [-13, 27],
+      [-41, 47],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-38, 35],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [-17, 26],
+      [-34, 9],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [3, -16],
+      [31, -57],
+      [28, -41],
+      [31, -65],
+      [20, -25],
+      [15, -7],
+      [48, -2],
+      [11, -9],
+      [1, -40],
+      [12, -24],
+      [24, -11],
+      [45, -2],
+      [38, -16],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [42, -35],
+      [-1, -36],
+      [34, -79],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [17, -38],
+      [58, -75],
+      [29, -14],
+      [170, 3],
+      [29, -35],
+      [17, -43],
+      [52, -22],
+      [47, 2],
+      [47, -10],
+      [60, -20],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-51, -37],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [14, -36],
+      [44, -25],
+      [42, 6],
+      [35, 42],
+      [13, -16],
+      [30, -66],
+      [23, -86],
+      [4, -64],
+      [9, -89],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-30, -45],
+      [-15, -56],
+      [2, -33],
+      [-20, -8],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-47, 66],
+      [-55, 26],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-41, 10],
+      [-5, -43],
+      [-36, -14],
+      [-15, -33],
+      [19, -30],
+      [54, -55],
+      [34, -64],
+      [13, -56],
+      [22, -15],
+      [13, -23],
+      [-57, -13],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-22, -27],
+      [-87, -7],
+      [-13, 11],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [17, -21],
+      [42, -24],
+      [144, 23],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [12, -20],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [34, -12],
+      [40, 33],
+      [31, -6],
+      [6, -37],
+      [18, -25],
+      [36, -8],
+      [35, -30],
+      [33, -81],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-40, -124],
+      [-21, -85],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-6, 31],
+      [-42, 4],
+      [-14, -22],
+      [-47, -21],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-44, 72],
+      [8, 24],
+      [-31, 50],
+      [-115, 89],
+      [1, 37],
+      [-20, 16],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-22, 41],
+      [-72, 57],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [5, 38],
+      [33, 45],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [-19, 37],
+      [-38, 36],
+      [-73, 5],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-59, -13],
+      [-23, -54],
+      [-27, -2],
+      [-43, 44],
+      [-38, -8],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [11, -23],
+      [74, -70],
+      [18, -28],
+      [32, -13],
+      [28, 7],
+      [34, 66],
+      [9, 54],
+      [12, 8],
+      [29, -39],
+      [12, -24],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [0, -42],
+      [9, -10],
+      [18, -72],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-18, -51],
+      [-1, -54],
+      [11, -23],
+      [31, -24],
+      [63, -2],
+      [47, -17],
+      [17, -16],
+      [27, -47],
+      [71, -51],
+      [7, -26],
+      [39, -21],
+      [23, -32],
+      [10, -88],
+      [-2, -54],
+      [25, -33],
+      [29, 3],
+      [13, 48],
+      [30, 3],
+      [44, -18],
+      [38, 6],
+      [3, 60],
+      [59, -2],
+      [47, -11],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [7, 53],
+      [21, -10],
+      [34, 32],
+      [23, 1],
+      [32, -10],
+      [62, -49],
+      [24, -14],
+      [59, -21],
+      [94, -21],
+      [82, -36],
+      [14, 0],
+      [56, 21],
+      [46, 37],
+      [36, -3],
+      [33, -22],
+      [9, -28],
+      [36, -173],
+      [12, -75],
+      [30, -129],
+      [51, -175],
+      [58, -154],
+      [31, -119],
+      [13, -83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90933, 40162],
+      [-159, -1],
+      [-316, 0],
+      [-355, 0],
+      [-425, 0],
+      [-494, 0],
+      [-203, -17],
+      [-462, 6],
+      [-159, -4],
+      [-88, 0],
+      [-875, 1],
+      [-201, 0],
+      [-480, -3],
+      [-209, 2],
+      [-420, -6],
+      [-109, -3],
+      [-248, 3],
+      [-248, -1],
+      [-327, 1],
+      [-284, -2],
+      [-406, 0],
+      [-312, -2],
+      [-291, 3],
+      [-471, 1],
+      [-200, 1],
+      [-264, 2],
+      [-110, 1],
+      [-378, 16],
+      [-476, 29],
+      [-106, 0],
+      [-174, -6],
+      [-119, 6],
+      [-298, 14],
+      [-457, 20],
+      [-85, -1],
+      [-312, 15],
+      [-160, 16],
+      [-132, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [76402, 40288],
+      [49, 40],
+      [227, 124],
+      [55, 12],
+      [69, -14],
+      [197, 79],
+      [22, 12],
+      [267, 92],
+      [60, 4],
+      [58, 10],
+      [15, 19],
+      [5, 27],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [60, 109],
+      [50, 75],
+      [185, 12],
+      [115, 38],
+      [92, 126],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-5, 31],
+      [9, 19],
+      [-26, 33],
+      [3, 28],
+      [30, 21],
+      [23, 6],
+      [17, 16],
+      [1, 19],
+      [27, 15],
+      [47, -1],
+      [35, 23],
+      [92, 74],
+      [3, 93],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [180, 144],
+      [111, 84],
+      [102, 55],
+      [297, 124],
+      [110, 113],
+      [602, 570]
+    ],
+    [
+      [79579, 42652],
+      [76, -65],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-94, -65],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [8, -40],
+      [9, -15],
+      [71, -23],
+      [25, -19],
+      [15, -63],
+      [-12, -102],
+      [16, -39],
+      [48, -41],
+      [11, -28],
+      [28, 4],
+      [25, -58],
+      [21, -21],
+      [0, -23],
+      [20, -14],
+      [93, -10],
+      [34, -17],
+      [25, 2],
+      [26, -29],
+      [6, -51],
+      [30, -11],
+      [83, -71],
+      [9, -23],
+      [220, 11],
+      [99, 68],
+      [6, 41],
+      [176, 88],
+      [40, 88],
+      [20, -3],
+      [28, 48],
+      [79, -97],
+      [176, -162],
+      [38, 20],
+      [70, 50],
+      [102, 40],
+      [53, 15],
+      [92, 16],
+      [99, 7],
+      [14, -5],
+      [48, 11],
+      [53, 26],
+      [35, 22],
+      [95, 80],
+      [-43, 65],
+      [27, 141],
+      [87, -53],
+      [23, -29],
+      [42, -30],
+      [12, -29],
+      [274, 153],
+      [207, 123],
+      [31, -118],
+      [36, -31],
+      [20, 8],
+      [73, 60],
+      [195, 124],
+      [11, 5],
+      [-29, 89],
+      [34, 25],
+      [44, 91],
+      [90, 63],
+      [36, 52],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-53, 21],
+      [-46, 95],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [17, 11],
+      [43, 58],
+      [9, 30],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [10, 45],
+      [57, 108],
+      [120, 192],
+      [59, 46],
+      [238, 251],
+      [45, 92],
+      [35, 87],
+      [53, 95],
+      [-13, 74],
+      [24, 50],
+      [8, 74],
+      [54, 60],
+      [192, 164],
+      [-40, 92],
+      [3, 11],
+      [143, 163],
+      [79, 173],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-20, 62],
+      [56, 90],
+      [37, 204],
+      [95, -47],
+      [79, -32],
+      [35, -24],
+      [29, -42],
+      [83, -194],
+      [306, -114],
+      [27, 11],
+      [32, 23],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [28, 18],
+      [9, 16],
+      [98, 125],
+      [4, 16],
+      [62, 166],
+      [52, 150],
+      [21, 46],
+      [80, 140],
+      [65, 157],
+      [4, 52],
+      [103, 161],
+      [11, 10],
+      [232, -219],
+      [64, 122],
+      [50, 113],
+      [37, 73],
+      [17, 18],
+      [110, 76],
+      [17, -31],
+      [203, 137],
+      [82, 123],
+      [7, 16],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [118, 143],
+      [90, 63],
+      [38, 47],
+      [39, 62],
+      [15, 38],
+      [-30, 43],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [27, 36],
+      [45, 80],
+      [110, 276],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [28, 273],
+      [220, -188],
+      [365, -320],
+      [381, -334],
+      [11, 20],
+      [94, 244],
+      [5, 50],
+      [13, 16],
+      [22, 66],
+      [58, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91512, 47870],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [-6, 33],
+      [22, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91506, 47931],
+      [6, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91774, 48365],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-34, -58],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [-53, -83],
+      [-11, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91598, 48073],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-61, -90],
+      [-46, -15],
+      [-46, -73],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [6, -47],
+      [91, -89],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-9, -79],
+      [18, -17],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-10, -43],
+      [7, -47],
+      [33, -55],
+      [29, -22],
+      [33, -35],
+      [27, -62],
+      [20, -65],
+      [35, -29],
+      [7, -29],
+      [39, -31],
+      [17, -6],
+      [40, -38],
+      [7, -42],
+      [13, -29],
+      [37, -52],
+      [10, -25],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [1, -50],
+      [16, -19],
+      [7, -29],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-4, -46],
+      [17, -171],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [10, -22],
+      [31, -23],
+      [63, -61],
+      [51, -92],
+      [13, -52],
+      [0, -58],
+      [17, -14],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [15, -29],
+      [76, -90],
+      [58, -83],
+      [50, -53],
+      [27, -42],
+      [59, -42],
+      [46, -20],
+      [39, 2],
+      [30, 14],
+      [14, 22],
+      [14, -63],
+      [5, -86],
+      [26, -195],
+      [0, -72],
+      [10, -62],
+      [19, -306],
+      [2, -89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [92456, 44957],
+      [-254, -1],
+      [-346, 3],
+      [-107, 2],
+      [-244, 7],
+      [-249, 11],
+      [-10, 156],
+      [-16, 286],
+      [-34, 591],
+      [-37, 620],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [-35, 591],
+      [-39, 656],
+      [-2, 112],
+      [1, 101]
+    ],
+    [
+      [79579, 42652],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-75, -6],
+      [-127, 72],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [-31, 41],
+      [-144, 121],
+      [-57, 37],
+      [-87, 74],
+      [-19, 52],
+      [-35, 71],
+      [13, 58],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-163, 239],
+      [-106, 100],
+      [-48, 66],
+      [6, 23],
+      [60, 79],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-41, 8],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [-36, 77],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [-98, 143],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [-16, 70],
+      [76, 206],
+      [38, -2],
+      [17, 44],
+      [5, 131],
+      [-44, 169],
+      [-3, 76],
+      [7, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [78416, 44883],
+      [61, -44],
+      [75, 8],
+      [334, 84],
+      [20, 9],
+      [18, 25],
+      [12, 34],
+      [34, 181],
+      [8, 99],
+      [32, 37],
+      [23, 12],
+      [30, 0],
+      [50, -17],
+      [47, 4],
+      [30, 27],
+      [10, 56],
+      [-19, 209],
+      [-11, 64],
+      [-20, 59],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [11, 25],
+      [46, 45],
+      [12, 4],
+      [84, 125],
+      [86, 264],
+      [77, 59],
+      [19, 60],
+      [10, 19],
+      [35, 11],
+      [28, -5],
+      [124, -97],
+      [30, -53],
+      [35, -78],
+      [0, -33],
+      [-48, -58],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [34, -33],
+      [63, 7],
+      [214, 112],
+      [7, 20],
+      [-15, 206],
+      [-16, 28],
+      [-57, 54],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [-2, 57],
+      [122, 33],
+      [-5, 230],
+      [18, 11],
+      [83, 131],
+      [167, 84],
+      [118, 194],
+      [139, 128],
+      [21, 14],
+      [39, -2],
+      [42, -35],
+      [11, -16],
+      [24, -92],
+      [18, -21],
+      [16, -4],
+      [52, 10],
+      [98, 74],
+      [45, 27],
+      [41, 11],
+      [47, -10],
+      [15, 6],
+      [283, 333],
+      [81, 88],
+      [142, 130],
+      [96, 25],
+      [22, 10],
+      [90, 214],
+      [4, 16],
+      [44, 468],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [7, 29],
+      [87, 103],
+      [36, 32],
+      [16, 168],
+      [-3, 54],
+      [12, 76],
+      [39, 162],
+      [100, 232],
+      [27, 25],
+      [39, 64],
+      [25, 67],
+      [6, 27],
+      [-18, 108],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [13, 134],
+      [24, 120],
+      [-21, 21],
+      [-105, 209],
+      [2, 36],
+      [59, 71],
+      [13, 10],
+      [48, 14],
+      [23, -14],
+      [53, 9],
+      [77, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [84216, 48161],
+      [-4, -478],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-9, -609],
+      [3, -38],
+      [-2, -149],
+      [156, 112],
+      [45, 55],
+      [227, 212],
+      [81, 30],
+      [22, 30],
+      [218, 231],
+      [78, 20],
+      [31, -35],
+      [106, -60],
+      [175, 204],
+      [93, 171],
+      [70, 94],
+      [50, -44],
+      [-22, -41],
+      [22, -30],
+      [132, -91],
+      [62, -28],
+      [168, -39],
+      [181, -7],
+      [59, 56],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [2, 16],
+      [50, 90],
+      [140, 44],
+      [78, -24],
+      [56, -27],
+      [22, -2],
+      [87, 110],
+      [62, 68],
+      [27, 15],
+      [62, -14],
+      [66, -21],
+      [62, -39],
+      [72, -78],
+      [48, -83],
+      [119, -46],
+      [81, 8],
+      [34, -50],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [43, -99],
+      [38, -46],
+      [70, -21],
+      [78, -155],
+      [49, -108],
+      [-39, -105],
+      [8, -26],
+      [53, -31],
+      [16, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63783, 66569],
+      [-1, 69],
+      [15, 55],
+      [22, 19],
+      [37, 11],
+      [41, -1],
+      [5, -24],
+      [-14, -54],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-30, -19],
+      [-65, -28],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [16, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63448, 66177],
+      [27, 29],
+      [37, 0],
+      [28, -37],
+      [34, -28],
+      [-29, -18],
+      [-54, -5],
+      [-116, -48],
+      [-18, -35],
+      [29, -14],
+      [27, -1],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [-73, -17],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-43, -43],
+      [-45, -33],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [10, 50],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [59, 26],
+      [48, 10],
+      [10, 26],
+      [28, 26],
+      [69, 33],
+      [34, 24],
+      [38, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63554, 66321],
+      [-107, -29],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [38, 60],
+      [62, 24],
+      [135, 40],
+      [38, -29],
+      [-29, -53],
+      [-21, -11],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [-37, 12],
+      [-20, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [70316, 62509],
+      [16, 34],
+      [18, -25],
+      [19, -8],
+      [46, 2],
+      [29, 13],
+      [30, -5],
+      [15, -16],
+      [42, 13],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [26, 3],
+      [21, -36],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [-22, -48],
+      [-19, -15],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [4, -30],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [5, -61],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-17, 38],
+      [-44, 53],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [0, 25],
+      [19, 17],
+      [-17, 63],
+      [17, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63440, 55194],
+      [8, 26],
+      [-16, 64],
+      [-107, 219],
+      [-32, 25],
+      [-92, 27],
+      [-138, 29],
+      [-196, 57],
+      [-51, 26],
+      [-144, 107],
+      [-29, 79],
+      [-15, 86],
+      [-43, 200],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-49, 23],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-55, 336],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [1, 46],
+      [-2, 113],
+      [6, 24],
+      [35, 21],
+      [19, 24],
+      [156, 229],
+      [8, 31],
+      [-51, 92],
+      [-41, 55],
+      [-191, 147],
+      [9, 128],
+      [-23, 196]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60883, 65786],
+      [13, -3],
+      [38, -31],
+      [48, -26],
+      [35, -7],
+      [104, 26],
+      [55, 6],
+      [32, -7],
+      [38, 1],
+      [56, 11],
+      [75, 37],
+      [194, 65],
+      [102, 49],
+      [30, 8],
+      [70, -7],
+      [48, 7],
+      [35, 23],
+      [80, 17],
+      [48, 22],
+      [22, 19],
+      [38, 2],
+      [42, 9],
+      [57, 60],
+      [67, 32],
+      [67, 9],
+      [28, 18],
+      [45, 57],
+      [36, 5],
+      [14, -29],
+      [40, -25],
+      [20, 1],
+      [37, 46],
+      [46, -17],
+      [49, 13],
+      [6, 47],
+      [23, 9],
+      [24, -13],
+      [28, 7],
+      [25, 20],
+      [10, 35],
+      [28, 22],
+      [45, 15],
+      [20, 20],
+      [20, 40],
+      [16, 6],
+      [20, -13],
+      [61, -18],
+      [24, 25],
+      [54, 42],
+      [44, 11],
+      [34, -13],
+      [97, -78],
+      [58, -71],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-20, -44],
+      [-34, -90],
+      [-50, -49],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-13, -21],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-14, -25],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [3, -24],
+      [24, -59],
+      [33, -60],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-27, -33],
+      [-33, -25],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-17, -83],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-24, -29],
+      [18, -22],
+      [44, -13],
+      [24, 1],
+      [60, 45],
+      [11, 1],
+      [71, 36],
+      [64, 23],
+      [46, 28],
+      [27, 25],
+      [-2, 47],
+      [16, 13],
+      [20, 56],
+      [79, -70],
+      [125, -102],
+      [77, -61],
+      [52, -34],
+      [38, -13],
+      [23, 15],
+      [37, 6],
+      [59, -39],
+      [68, -32],
+      [36, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63855, 65432],
+      [7, -22],
+      [26, -33],
+      [48, -13],
+      [31, 3],
+      [82, -61],
+      [54, 6],
+      [149, -100],
+      [50, -97],
+      [20, -3],
+      [60, -162],
+      [28, -39],
+      [-1, -57],
+      [395, -103],
+      [1175, -308],
+      [282, -75],
+      [124, -49],
+      [388, -214],
+      [18, -23],
+      [46, -22],
+      [85, -8],
+      [56, 21],
+      [17, -2],
+      [96, -33],
+      [8, -8],
+      [16, -56],
+      [53, -8],
+      [46, 14],
+      [150, 77],
+      [47, -7],
+      [18, -59],
+      [15, -9],
+      [123, -24],
+      [87, 19],
+      [151, -96],
+      [84, 30],
+      [20, -36],
+      [53, -11],
+      [16, 12],
+      [50, -11],
+      [67, -38],
+      [69, -51],
+      [53, -86],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-63, -78],
+      [-50, -46],
+      [6, -33],
+      [68, -61],
+      [41, -14],
+      [40, 2],
+      [20, 22],
+      [90, 14],
+      [229, -115],
+      [114, -105],
+      [49, -70],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-78, -34],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [60, -76],
+      [6, -128],
+      [-8, -167],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [-26, -53],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-74, -93],
+      [-52, -174],
+      [5, -7],
+      [66, -28],
+      [22, 11],
+      [10, 18],
+      [79, 3],
+      [72, -4],
+      [61, 65],
+      [46, 31],
+      [36, -18],
+      [32, -35],
+      [18, -46],
+      [0, -28],
+      [-114, -200],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-37, -93],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [20, -69],
+      [133, -160],
+      [129, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [69117, 61721],
+      [5, -25],
+      [-26, -8],
+      [-16, -17],
+      [-29, -77],
+      [2, -78],
+      [-10, -94],
+      [-59, -10],
+      [-64, 4],
+      [-131, -23],
+      [-86, -29],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-37, -49],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [8, -33],
+      [22, -36],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-19, -9],
+      [-33, -76],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-42, -29],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-42, -101],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-34, -59],
+      [-12, -85],
+      [-1, -46],
+      [-22, -11],
+      [-14, -68],
+      [0, -17],
+      [20, -53],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [69, -69],
+      [64, -23],
+      [50, -1],
+      [28, 16],
+      [22, 30],
+      [34, 66],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [69, 69],
+      [67, 38],
+      [41, 32],
+      [62, 7],
+      [18, 7],
+      [27, 36],
+      [5, 28],
+      [35, 37],
+      [18, 29],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-5, 43],
+      [28, 34],
+      [33, 52],
+      [78, 101],
+      [17, 37],
+      [50, 63],
+      [54, 34],
+      [58, -2],
+      [36, 16],
+      [29, 30],
+      [25, -13],
+      [43, -2],
+      [77, 74],
+      [32, -13],
+      [0, -29],
+      [27, -41],
+      [39, 14],
+      [2, 50],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [-24, 16],
+      [2, 18],
+      [22, 57],
+      [34, 56],
+      [27, 78],
+      [45, 66],
+      [26, 52],
+      [36, 46],
+      [35, 28],
+      [36, 45],
+      [8, 28],
+      [6, 73],
+      [32, 41],
+      [-5, 29],
+      [8, 46],
+      [31, 19],
+      [14, -23],
+      [35, -7],
+      [38, 25],
+      [15, 27],
+      [36, 18],
+      [51, 1],
+      [2, 36],
+      [-7, 44],
+      [26, 86],
+      [57, 22],
+      [14, 37],
+      [24, 31],
+      [12, -17],
+      [32, 5],
+      [32, 29],
+      [63, -10],
+      [24, -43],
+      [-26, -35],
+      [3, -39],
+      [18, -7],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [-47, 0],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-10, -95],
+      [2, -39],
+      [30, -30],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [-16, -38],
+      [10, -28],
+      [1, -50],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [-30, -22],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-55, 8],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [-27, -75],
+      [-45, -19],
+      [-48, -92],
+      [2, -51],
+      [25, -21],
+      [6, -21],
+      [-60, -37],
+      [-22, -26],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [20, -30],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-117, -73],
+      [-16, -34],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-42, -25],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [3, -34],
+      [-34, -85],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [-27, -44],
+      [-47, -110],
+      [-22, -34],
+      [-23, -16],
+      [-36, -40],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-39, -87],
+      [-29, -102],
+      [-12, -87],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [-15, -93],
+      [-21, -75],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-30, -62],
+      [-22, -75],
+      [8, -71],
+      [36, -84],
+      [25, -76],
+      [1, -48],
+      [-22, -78],
+      [-38, -51],
+      [-43, -39],
+      [-70, -31],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-48, -43],
+      [-16, -58],
+      [4, -37],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-22, -44],
+      [-23, -77],
+      [-6, -60],
+      [-37, -71],
+      [-15, -87],
+      [-17, -57],
+      [14, -71],
+      [-2, -52],
+      [6, -54],
+      [49, -109],
+      [-5, -44],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [13, -74],
+      [0, -48],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-53, -102],
+      [-87, -153],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-14, -90],
+      [1, -42],
+      [8, -45],
+      [-28, -80],
+      [-36, -67],
+      [-52, -74],
+      [-18, -30],
+      [-23, -61],
+      [-9, -43],
+      [-13, -113],
+      [-24, -59],
+      [-18, -85],
+      [3, -37],
+      [26, -97],
+      [16, -27],
+      [12, -40],
+      [-36, -84],
+      [0, -29],
+      [14, -30],
+      [31, -38],
+      [18, -62],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-22, -34],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [6, -33],
+      [15, -39],
+      [57, -56],
+      [22, -41],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-10, -138],
+      [24, -82],
+      [22, -54],
+      [54, -74],
+      [38, -32],
+      [13, -22],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [7, -52],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [-39, -83],
+      [-21, -79],
+      [-10, -71],
+      [1, -23],
+      [16, -49],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [2, -124],
+      [5, -38],
+      [17, -58]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38481, 56436],
+      [1, -621],
+      [0, -363],
+      [0, -889],
+      [0, -337],
+      [-1, -604],
+      [1, -384],
+      [0, -278],
+      [0, -148],
+      [1, -432],
+      [-1, -298],
+      [-1, -405],
+      [0, -286]
+    ],
+    [
+      [29182, 51390],
+      [-292, 2],
+      [-873, -8],
+      [-333, -2],
+      [-360, -1],
+      [-841, -6],
+      [-1016, 8],
+      [0, 640],
+      [1, 318],
+      [-1, 510],
+      [0, 1064]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25467, 53915],
+      [-1, 356],
+      [0, 522],
+      [2, 413],
+      [4, 1138],
+      [-1, 584],
+      [0, 303],
+      [-1, 468],
+      [-1, 398],
+      [-2, 396],
+      [-4, 623],
+      [-1, 941],
+      [1, 97]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38473, 61474],
+      [3, -578],
+      [0, -632],
+      [3, -852],
+      [-1, -611],
+      [0, -482],
+      [0, -412],
+      [0, -391],
+      [2, -351],
+      [1, -729]
+    ],
+    [
+      [68123, 24349],
+      [70, -60],
+      [23, -27],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-57, -7],
+      [-51, 18],
+      [-55, 0],
+      [-78, -11],
+      [-134, -37],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [42, 15],
+      [63, 15],
+      [95, 17],
+      [60, 6],
+      [20, 18],
+      [11, 29],
+      [0, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [73933, 26158],
+      [-283, 0],
+      [-640, -10],
+      [-1038, -9],
+      [-231, 2],
+      [-203, 0],
+      [-158, 1],
+      [-271, -3],
+      [-81, 5],
+      [-214, -2],
+      [-87, 6],
+      [-303, 2],
+      [-259, 4],
+      [-252, 0],
+      [-172, -2],
+      [-318, -1],
+      [-61, 1],
+      [-261, -2],
+      [9, -54],
+      [-13, -101],
+      [-39, -97],
+      [-24, -80],
+      [20, -51],
+      [171, -258],
+      [55, -53],
+      [40, -15],
+      [59, -45],
+      [79, -68],
+      [19, -46],
+      [5, -30],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-104, -278],
+      [36, -60],
+      [22, -204],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-24, -42],
+      [-20, -61],
+      [2, -142],
+      [-4, -28],
+      [-123, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [69251, 24341],
+      [-74, -16],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-141, -49],
+      [-146, -23],
+      [-121, -28],
+      [-71, -6],
+      [-163, 8],
+      [-67, -2],
+      [-70, -9],
+      [-53, -12],
+      [8, 23],
+      [106, 14],
+      [34, 52],
+      [24, 13],
+      [33, -21],
+      [8, -14],
+      [39, -21],
+      [61, 2],
+      [79, 36],
+      [56, 0],
+      [39, 20],
+      [21, 38],
+      [0, 35],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [-45, 32],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-39, 54],
+      [-13, 39],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-77, 65],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-9, 81],
+      [-11, 62],
+      [-22, 26],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [41, 97],
+      [18, 63],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [5, 76],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [-32, 54],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-47, 41],
+      [-51, 25],
+      [-25, -28],
+      [-9, -31],
+      [-15, -20],
+      [-18, -2],
+      [-33, -20],
+      [5, -65],
+      [10, -17],
+      [-20, -61],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [7, -43],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-19, -35],
+      [-4, -42],
+      [12, -55],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [4, -64],
+      [-6, -126],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [-23, -46],
+      [-16, -45],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-5, 44],
+      [18, 23],
+      [-22, 36],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-104, 51],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-15, -31],
+      [-48, -1],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-19, -6],
+      [-38, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [82776, 11880],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [-37, -95],
+      [-36, -64],
+      [-82, -169],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [8, -39],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [-35, -60],
+      [-42, -55],
+      [-53, -33],
+      [-28, -49],
+      [-35, -15],
+      [-22, -25],
+      [-37, -55],
+      [9, -18],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [-80, -82],
+      [-52, -81],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-43, -32],
+      [-45, -64],
+      [-44, -40],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [35, 24],
+      [32, 43],
+      [4, 33],
+      [46, 35],
+      [30, 16],
+      [19, -6],
+      [22, 23],
+      [28, 72],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [40, 6],
+      [29, 29],
+      [25, 48],
+      [27, 23],
+      [38, 56],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-30, 13],
+      [-25, 26],
+      [20, 18],
+      [15, -25],
+      [48, -27],
+      [31, 44],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-26, 84],
+      [2, 9],
+      [62, -36],
+      [19, 12],
+      [14, 22],
+      [16, 51],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [9, 15],
+      [32, 21],
+      [37, 11],
+      [23, 52],
+      [7, 57],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-47, 36],
+      [8, 10],
+      [45, 9],
+      [20, -9],
+      [25, 20],
+      [43, 50],
+      [5, 27],
+      [26, 48],
+      [35, 44],
+      [4, 49],
+      [16, 45],
+      [37, 19],
+      [22, 27],
+      [15, 44],
+      [13, 61],
+      [13, 37],
+      [5, 32],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [6, 31],
+      [17, 29],
+      [9, -2],
+      [1, -90],
+      [-18, -36],
+      [-38, -142],
+      [-33, -37],
+      [-30, -90],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-19, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80296, 10156],
+      [5, 26],
+      [33, 60],
+      [10, -1],
+      [28, -29],
+      [13, -3],
+      [30, 20],
+      [13, 41],
+      [40, 16],
+      [26, 3],
+      [14, -18],
+      [19, 8],
+      [13, 18],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [22, -2],
+      [16, -32],
+      [20, 37],
+      [-8, 39],
+      [43, -10],
+      [18, -14],
+      [14, -44],
+      [47, -44],
+      [27, -3],
+      [49, -16],
+      [8, -24],
+      [10, -67],
+      [22, -21],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-55, -30],
+      [-116, -47],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [-20, 8],
+      [9, 20],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-105, -71],
+      [-114, -34],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [-76, -9],
+      [-62, -11],
+      [-38, -14],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-7, 48],
+      [5, 16],
+      [20, 3],
+      [13, 38],
+      [37, -3],
+      [48, 13],
+      [17, 0],
+      [16, -21],
+      [27, 16],
+      [20, 24],
+      [20, -14],
+      [29, 14],
+      [18, 26],
+      [25, 21],
+      [35, 13],
+      [41, 54],
+      [1, 20],
+      [58, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [79240, 9948],
+      [14, 43],
+      [33, 10],
+      [39, -23],
+      [9, -39],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-79, -3],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [1, 28],
+      [26, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80916, 10193],
+      [10, -10],
+      [-69, -39],
+      [6, 16],
+      [34, 37],
+      [19, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [81549, 10465],
+      [7, -29],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-49, 7],
+      [-144, -121],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [-20, 26],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-21, -28],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [-32, 50],
+      [33, 11],
+      [16, -2],
+      [60, 31],
+      [46, 48],
+      [37, -25],
+      [52, 27],
+      [14, 22],
+      [49, 29],
+      [94, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80790, 10405],
+      [23, -2],
+      [27, -50],
+      [5, -40],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-43, 46],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [27, -2],
+      [29, 15],
+      [18, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [81775, 10574],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [1, 11],
+      [29, 18],
+      [29, 34],
+      [41, 40],
+      [23, -8],
+      [-15, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [81885, 10677],
+      [17, -1],
+      [32, 41],
+      [23, 1],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [-92, -68],
+      [39, 53],
+      [21, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [79044, 15315],
+      [18, 8],
+      [7, -31],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [16, -54],
+      [36, -90],
+      [7, -59],
+      [34, -109],
+      [17, -81],
+      [18, -64],
+      [21, -32],
+      [31, -31],
+      [33, -1],
+      [22, -9],
+      [59, -46],
+      [21, 27],
+      [27, 11],
+      [45, -34],
+      [42, -5],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-91, -67],
+      [-22, -9],
+      [-43, 8],
+      [-53, 28],
+      [-41, 49],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-28, 169],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [-31, 60],
+      [-31, 116],
+      [-18, 45],
+      [-36, 72],
+      [6, 40],
+      [16, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [74352, 22895],
+      [88, 79],
+      [24, 26],
+      [38, 52],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-35, -52],
+      [-95, -105],
+      [-64, -45],
+      [-101, -43],
+      [-58, -31],
+      [-136, -100],
+      [-146, -60],
+      [-27, -5],
+      [-35, 46],
+      [-48, 43],
+      [1, 14],
+      [53, -45],
+      [52, -26],
+      [28, -7],
+      [12, 19],
+      [54, 15],
+      [37, 17],
+      [66, 51],
+      [23, 28],
+      [45, 23],
+      [63, 38],
+      [91, 36],
+      [28, 31],
+      [39, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [73646, 22825],
+      [41, 17],
+      [38, 5],
+      [38, -9],
+      [31, -35],
+      [-27, -57],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [-52, -12],
+      [-33, 18],
+      [-37, 38],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [75, 2],
+      [22, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [77991, 18497],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [2, 130],
+      [11, 27],
+      [0, 36],
+      [-25, 71],
+      [6, 23],
+      [13, 4],
+      [24, -118],
+      [-4, -62],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [11, -88],
+      [-12, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80555, 25424],
+      [31, -30],
+      [-7, -72],
+      [-22, -173],
+      [1, -115],
+      [15, -82],
+      [-24, -48],
+      [13, -15],
+      [26, -3],
+      [29, -37],
+      [7, -151],
+      [18, -54],
+      [2, -153],
+      [8, -92],
+      [12, -75],
+      [55, -281],
+      [87, -487],
+      [26, -103],
+      [11, -34],
+      [24, -37],
+      [11, -44],
+      [11, -63],
+      [2, -94],
+      [12, -91],
+      [30, -115],
+      [22, -62],
+      [33, -120],
+      [89, -282],
+      [74, -204],
+      [143, -420],
+      [150, -404],
+      [41, -93],
+      [69, -118],
+      [25, -71],
+      [29, -65],
+      [170, -341],
+      [143, -299],
+      [117, -199],
+      [56, -109],
+      [62, -93],
+      [16, -32],
+      [14, -57],
+      [12, -80],
+      [46, -132],
+      [21, -48],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-67, -35],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [-15, -51],
+      [-14, -67],
+      [-6, -69],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [7, -135],
+      [26, -201],
+      [44, -208],
+      [35, -118],
+      [72, -198],
+      [115, -274],
+      [0, -5],
+      [118, -302],
+      [60, -246],
+      [2, -36],
+      [11, -31],
+      [25, -47],
+      [12, -71],
+      [24, -113],
+      [20, -61],
+      [15, 0],
+      [51, -201],
+      [22, -103],
+      [38, -97],
+      [12, -47],
+      [63, -185],
+      [59, -143],
+      [15, -59],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [18, -50],
+      [21, -81],
+      [41, -99],
+      [42, -136],
+      [89, -402],
+      [28, -158],
+      [-2, -63],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [9, -129],
+      [-5, -99],
+      [0, -161],
+      [-6, -108],
+      [-22, -151],
+      [-19, -164],
+      [-18, -273],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-9, -137],
+      [-17, -82],
+      [-23, -212],
+      [-7, -130],
+      [-8, -23],
+      [-15, -254],
+      [0, -178],
+      [-6, -82],
+      [2, -107],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [-10, -67],
+      [-1, -48],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-16, -95],
+      [-4, -95],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [12, 64],
+      [11, 28],
+      [-15, 41],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-58, -30],
+      [-21, -21],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-11, -73],
+      [-29, -75],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-19, -38],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [0, -45],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-22, -71],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-20, -84],
+      [0, -52],
+      [5, -33],
+      [16, -57],
+      [15, -15],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [1, -63],
+      [10, -16],
+      [25, -18],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-47, -87],
+      [-49, -29],
+      [-23, -25],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-62, -63],
+      [-52, -39],
+      [-38, -39],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [-23, 19],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [1, 29],
+      [-15, 17],
+      [-41, 7],
+      [-34, -39],
+      [8, -59],
+      [-46, -47],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [-65, -6],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [-16, -47],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-39, -6],
+      [-7, 32],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-56, -30],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-30, 23],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [-46, -31],
+      [-1, -56],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-51, -18],
+      [-53, -1],
+      [-51, -24],
+      [-45, 13],
+      [-51, -3],
+      [-54, -24],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [-48, 63],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-3, 48],
+      [-24, 63],
+      [-31, 36],
+      [2, 59],
+      [5, 19],
+      [12, 92],
+      [18, 40],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [21, 41],
+      [12, 5],
+      [23, -11],
+      [8, 41],
+      [-21, 64],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [0, 30],
+      [7, 22],
+      [-41, 142],
+      [-20, 29],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-30, 51],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [13, 44],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [-31, 25],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [0, 33],
+      [-14, 32],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-24, 62],
+      [-44, 68],
+      [-24, 57],
+      [-72, 75],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-21, 15],
+      [4, 66],
+      [-21, 32],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [40, 35],
+      [-17, 76],
+      [-68, 58],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [-55, 41],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-24, 32],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-22, 6],
+      [2, 26],
+      [-30, 12],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-67, -28],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-16, 8],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-17, -73],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [-21, 19],
+      [-44, 113],
+      [-26, 24],
+      [-9, 62],
+      [-25, 45],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [4, 85],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [-73, 207],
+      [-13, 161],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [-4, 86],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [-23, 145],
+      [-21, 84],
+      [-46, 129],
+      [-61, 81],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-50, 45],
+      [-34, 19],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-10, 47],
+      [-51, 21],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [8, 36],
+      [-64, 36],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-8, -52],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-12, 144],
+      [-13, 51],
+      [-6, 46],
+      [-29, 147],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-59, 69],
+      [4, 38],
+      [11, 13],
+      [41, 6],
+      [48, -12],
+      [13, -21],
+      [24, -60],
+      [24, -4],
+      [12, 49],
+      [3, 44],
+      [10, 36],
+      [24, 65],
+      [10, 80],
+      [0, 38],
+      [12, 33],
+      [-7, 91],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [-45, 16],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [6, 42],
+      [12, 11],
+      [29, 0],
+      [11, 9],
+      [-2, 48],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-17, -9],
+      [-37, -71],
+      [-46, -2],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [4, -50],
+      [31, -114],
+      [18, -157],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-80, -2],
+      [-22, 31],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-16, -98],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-1, 79],
+      [-9, 70],
+      [-37, 109],
+      [-23, 35],
+      [-93, 168],
+      [-91, 193],
+      [-35, 91],
+      [-49, 100],
+      [-27, 100],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [-15, 70],
+      [-66, 167],
+      [-51, 118],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-26, 20],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [1, 48],
+      [-13, 27],
+      [-40, 67],
+      [-49, 66],
+      [-35, 70],
+      [-60, 87],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-31, 109],
+      [-31, 65],
+      [-34, 45],
+      [1, 20],
+      [64, -40],
+      [-5, -55],
+      [7, -8],
+      [38, -3],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [23, 30],
+      [44, 8],
+      [9, 27],
+      [26, 46],
+      [37, 49],
+      [1, 35],
+      [28, 22],
+      [22, 5],
+      [36, 50],
+      [13, 58],
+      [40, 86],
+      [42, 83],
+      [36, 34],
+      [32, 10],
+      [-1, 58],
+      [39, 16],
+      [42, 30],
+      [2, 25],
+      [27, 49],
+      [2, 24],
+      [14, 19],
+      [15, 5],
+      [17, 63],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [-10, 78],
+      [-21, 48],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [-52, 26],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-29, 19],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [4, -62],
+      [-1, -80],
+      [36, -51],
+      [-7, -52],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-80, 51],
+      [2, 36],
+      [27, 6],
+      [16, 32],
+      [-24, 33],
+      [22, 33],
+      [-5, 74],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [-24, 45],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-56, -3],
+      [-180, -28],
+      [-14, -26],
+      [7, -30],
+      [19, -20],
+      [34, -9],
+      [12, -22],
+      [26, -8],
+      [81, -6],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [4, -32],
+      [41, -45],
+      [78, 26],
+      [2, -65],
+      [-58, -1],
+      [6, -35],
+      [11, -20],
+      [5, -48],
+      [-39, -45],
+      [-29, -48],
+      [-14, -65],
+      [10, -54],
+      [-16, -56],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-24, -10],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-8, -53],
+      [12, -50],
+      [34, -32],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [2, 176],
+      [-15, 62],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-17, 57],
+      [-37, 60],
+      [-56, 56],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [-33, 81],
+      [-9, 81],
+      [7, 60],
+      [12, 68],
+      [18, 63],
+      [18, -13],
+      [-31, -121],
+      [12, 1],
+      [21, 45],
+      [28, 83],
+      [24, 129],
+      [0, 53],
+      [19, 60],
+      [-2, 127],
+      [4, 54],
+      [-17, 62],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [6, 44],
+      [14, 39],
+      [65, 79],
+      [-3, 64],
+      [10, 25],
+      [24, 18],
+      [25, 77],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [7, 62],
+      [29, 51],
+      [18, 57],
+      [0, 84],
+      [16, 48],
+      [25, 20],
+      [18, 35],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [15, 19],
+      [14, 50],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [4, 69],
+      [8, 5],
+      [13, 37],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [9, 46],
+      [5, 57],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [13, 43],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [8, 80],
+      [16, 74],
+      [-20, 37],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [21, 25],
+      [10, 50],
+      [5, 58],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-8, 87],
+      [27, 32],
+      [-8, 42],
+      [5, 41],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-32, 4],
+      [-29, 13],
+      [-25, 69],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-28, 45],
+      [-22, 50],
+      [-4, 56],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [9, 18],
+      [11, 50],
+      [-11, 70],
+      [-44, 26],
+      [5, 22],
+      [-68, 7],
+      [-12, 57],
+      [41, 16],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-13, 38],
+      [2, 43],
+      [-42, 30],
+      [-58, 9],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-66, 20],
+      [-42, -5],
+      [-64, 10],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-42, -67],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [-21, -18],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-6, 39],
+      [-22, 17],
+      [14, 45],
+      [-8, 34],
+      [-26, 32],
+      [-16, 49],
+      [24, 80],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-38, 35],
+      [-40, 18],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-14, 61],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-26, 47],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-3, 52],
+      [-29, 66],
+      [-42, 32],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-42, 15],
+      [-23, 55],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-35, 35],
+      [-12, 26],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-10, 114],
+      [1, 44],
+      [10, 43],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-16, 70],
+      [-43, 22],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [-52, 35],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [-36, 21],
+      [-46, 16],
+      [-32, 50],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-24, 18],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [8, 18],
+      [-8, 50],
+      [-18, 41],
+      [-18, 21],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [-36, 111],
+      [-41, 33],
+      [-49, 62],
+      [-132, 86],
+      [-58, 48],
+      [-75, 16],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-160, 104],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-49, 47],
+      [-59, 48],
+      [-17, 31],
+      [-44, 18],
+      [-72, -5],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-37, 3],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-40, -26],
+      [-41, 2],
+      [-36, 37],
+      [-18, -8],
+      [-54, 2],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-24, -16],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [6, -38],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-39, -7],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-50, -14],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [-13, -85],
+      [7, -93],
+      [26, -9],
+      [9, -23],
+      [7, -73],
+      [10, -56],
+      [-4, -28],
+      [-14, -33],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-48, 21],
+      [-55, 13],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-45, -27],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-77, -56],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-64, -53],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-72, -56],
+      [-47, -47],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-114, -77],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-58, -34],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [22, 51],
+      [24, 43],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [-39, -5],
+      [-11, -26],
+      [-33, -57],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-32, -7],
+      [-9, -39],
+      [-46, -30],
+      [-82, -10],
+      [-65, 20],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-37, -7],
+      [-59, -19],
+      [-44, -20],
+      [-94, -17],
+      [-60, -31],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-53, -7],
+      [-46, -24],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [-20, 44],
+      [-33, 106],
+      [-30, 150],
+      [-7, 73],
+      [8, 61],
+      [14, 32],
+      [14, -16],
+      [-12, -74],
+      [-2, -71],
+      [20, -100],
+      [32, -133],
+      [45, -62],
+      [17, 0],
+      [50, 16],
+      [12, 16],
+      [19, 251],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [-16, 16],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [-22, 32],
+      [-22, 11],
+      [-19, 57],
+      [-31, 68],
+      [-39, 56],
+      [-38, 44],
+      [-39, 29],
+      [-64, 24],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-34, 9],
+      [-40, 26],
+      [-60, 61],
+      [-57, 78],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-65, 31],
+      [-81, 48],
+      [-62, 54],
+      [-37, 47],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-67, 56],
+      [-125, 94],
+      [-82, 57],
+      [-144, 82],
+      [-168, 83],
+      [-247, 101],
+      [-141, 49],
+      [-122, 29],
+      [-89, 15],
+      [-110, 9],
+      [-65, -4],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-193, 24],
+      [-220, -11],
+      [-185, -28],
+      [-110, -21],
+      [-457, -113],
+      [-95, -17],
+      [-115, -14],
+      [-51, 20],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-58, -12],
+      [-129, -40],
+      [-183, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25467, 53915],
+      [-687, -2],
+      [-170, -3],
+      [-687, -3],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-461, -4],
+      [-140, 11],
+      [-274, 0],
+      [-487, -2],
+      [-114, 0],
+      [-319, -4],
+      [-224, -1],
+      [-736, -10],
+      [-685, -13],
+      [-239, -3],
+      [-277, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19893, 53895],
+      [-446, 2],
+      [-589, 0],
+      [-308, 14],
+      [-280, 0],
+      [-231, -10],
+      [-1765, 6],
+      [-97, -2],
+      [-233, 0],
+      [-557, -3],
+      [-304, 3],
+      [-729, 4],
+      [-15, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14339, 53912],
+      [0, 2035],
+      [0, 551],
+      [0, 1393],
+      [0, 582],
+      [56, 143],
+      [26, 20],
+      [39, 115],
+      [49, 178],
+      [6, 287],
+      [67, 131],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-136, 160],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-76, 8],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-241, 39],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [15, 103],
+      [-47, 328],
+      [12, 48],
+      [97, 107],
+      [23, 44],
+      [53, 196],
+      [37, 105],
+      [62, 157],
+      [34, 45],
+      [52, 27],
+      [158, 92],
+      [147, 241],
+      [38, 114],
+      [-35, 64],
+      [-14, 50],
+      [24, 99],
+      [114, 156],
+      [101, 159],
+      [38, 154],
+      [25, 130],
+      [41, 169],
+      [224, 448],
+      [135, 205],
+      [32, 56],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-48, 89],
+      [-73, 77],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [-5, 58],
+      [4, 49],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-86, 67],
+      [-72, 14],
+      [-290, 160],
+      [-127, 142],
+      [-17, 32],
+      [-16, 64],
+      [-76, 134]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14545, 63992],
+      [-52, 169],
+      [34, 244],
+      [-62, 210],
+      [-54, 141],
+      [-111, 113],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [26, 29],
+      [13, 116],
+      [0, 294],
+      [0, 716],
+      [0, 761],
+      [0, 333],
+      [0, 551],
+      [-2, 204],
+      [-1, 414],
+      [-2, 111],
+      [1, 532],
+      [1, 273],
+      [4, 249],
+      [8, 471],
+      [0, 149],
+      [1, 501],
+      [3, 550],
+      [1, 385]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14328, 71571],
+      [512, 2],
+      [1318, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [42206, 48872],
+      [274, 1],
+      [118, -1],
+      [398, -1],
+      [404, 0],
+      [160, 0],
+      [289, 0],
+      [430, -1],
+      [473, 0],
+      [71, -1],
+      [328, 0],
+      [542, 0],
+      [348, -1],
+      [330, 0],
+      [350, 1],
+      [413, 1],
+      [435, 0],
+      [437, 0],
+      [418, 0],
+      [37, 1],
+      [241, -1],
+      [534, 1],
+      [324, -1],
+      [313, 0],
+      [305, 0],
+      [470, -1],
+      [272, 1],
+      [230, -1],
+      [364, -1],
+      [454, 0],
+      [341, 0],
+      [592, -2],
+      [279, 0],
+      [365, 0],
+      [323, 0],
+      [762, -1],
+      [125, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54755, 48865],
+      [1, -24],
+      [11, -18],
+      [224, -211],
+      [90, -60],
+      [89, -36],
+      [80, 8],
+      [26, 17],
+      [5, 45],
+      [17, 23],
+      [15, 5],
+      [101, 1],
+      [34, -17],
+      [15, -21],
+      [60, -310],
+      [-40, -88],
+      [-39, -7],
+      [-144, -129],
+      [-172, -254],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [20, -52],
+      [291, -337],
+      [68, -81],
+      [-1, -49],
+      [5, -69],
+      [13, -48],
+      [127, -188],
+      [149, -136],
+      [30, -11],
+      [41, 3],
+      [14, 9],
+      [196, -36],
+      [18, -11],
+      [3, -37],
+      [-32, -68],
+      [0, -121],
+      [-1, -312],
+      [0, -330],
+      [-7, -481],
+      [-3, -548],
+      [1, -223],
+      [0, -245],
+      [-2, -172],
+      [0, -284],
+      [-1, -234],
+      [-5, -315],
+      [-2, -346],
+      [3, -406],
+      [-2, -279],
+      [0, -220],
+      [-1, -341],
+      [1, -333],
+      [-1, -148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90596, 44123],
+      [-24, 16],
+      [-45, -22],
+      [-19, 17],
+      [12, 40],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [7, 104],
+      [32, 28],
+      [42, 0],
+      [50, -65],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [1, -52],
+      [18, -38],
+      [19, -4],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [25, -32],
+      [4, -46],
+      [-33, -16],
+      [-24, 14],
+      [-43, 49],
+      [17, 30],
+      [20, 11],
+      [-16, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90599, 43701],
+      [-6, 76],
+      [2, 79],
+      [13, 43],
+      [39, 18],
+      [30, -6],
+      [24, -28],
+      [30, -12],
+      [10, -37],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-19, -74],
+      [10, -36],
+      [-9, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [92456, 44957],
+      [-11, -92],
+      [-13, -64],
+      [-20, -86],
+      [-24, -78],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-26, -94],
+      [-49, -135],
+      [-29, -92],
+      [-34, -137],
+      [-31, -85],
+      [-41, -87],
+      [-49, -87]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91300, 43694],
+      [13, 26],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-47, -33],
+      [-39, 18],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-86, -86],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-53, -38],
+      [-45, -16],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [8, 15],
+      [6, 60],
+      [-15, 50],
+      [30, 72],
+      [14, 23],
+      [4, 56],
+      [29, 11],
+      [18, -11],
+      [34, 22],
+      [31, 40],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [-46, 14],
+      [-28, -13],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-12, 38],
+      [31, 65],
+      [49, 32],
+      [18, 50],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-29, -10],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-68, -42],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [23, 85],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [17, 22],
+      [101, 43],
+      [19, -14],
+      [26, 6],
+      [33, 24],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [-35, 43],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-40, 23],
+      [-30, -21],
+      [0, -28],
+      [26, -15],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [-32, 6],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-39, 33],
+      [-3, 29],
+      [-40, 70],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [50, 8],
+      [32, 23],
+      [5, 43],
+      [-23, 61],
+      [-52, 22],
+      [-18, -35],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-12, -53],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [37, -41],
+      [6, -20],
+      [-31, -97],
+      [15, -28],
+      [7, -35],
+      [-48, 26],
+      [-22, 29],
+      [-10, 35],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [9, 37],
+      [-16, 24],
+      [-51, -14],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-24, -15],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [8, -39],
+      [23, -32],
+      [32, 2],
+      [36, -17],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [-42, 33],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [-4, 25],
+      [-39, 64],
+      [-27, 19],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [52, 21],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-18, 67],
+      [-1, 52],
+      [-34, 66],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-20, 34],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [17, 20],
+      [17, -5],
+      [53, 15],
+      [48, -1],
+      [31, 51],
+      [5, 33],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [9, 32],
+      [-26, 51],
+      [-28, 16],
+      [59, 41],
+      [9, 16],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [29, 14],
+      [33, 29],
+      [18, 5],
+      [11, -36],
+      [34, -19],
+      [41, 36],
+      [29, 20],
+      [28, -9],
+      [24, 29],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-47, -6],
+      [-23, 28],
+      [-48, 78],
+      [0, 57],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-28, -41],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [23, -34],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-14, 38],
+      [14, 111],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [12, 53],
+      [20, 16],
+      [26, 44],
+      [2, 42],
+      [15, 32],
+      [23, 3],
+      [19, 20],
+      [12, 42],
+      [11, -11],
+      [29, -56],
+      [58, -33],
+      [39, 5],
+      [13, 39],
+      [-12, 35],
+      [-9, 48],
+      [4, 51],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [3, 90],
+      [-19, 22],
+      [-34, 13],
+      [-34, -9],
+      [1, -45],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-5, 26],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-43, -33],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [-34, -14],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [14, -71],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-13, -40],
+      [-13, 8],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [21, 59],
+      [-2, 85],
+      [8, 80],
+      [14, 46],
+      [58, 107],
+      [5, 59],
+      [16, 30],
+      [16, -23],
+      [17, -56],
+      [30, -54],
+      [35, 3],
+      [55, -15],
+      [19, -18],
+      [31, 7],
+      [72, 66],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [17, 32],
+      [30, 17],
+      [26, 69],
+      [-72, 9],
+      [-37, -27],
+      [-12, -54],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [8, -41],
+      [14, -26],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-43, 21],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [3, 27],
+      [19, 53],
+      [-5, 77],
+      [-36, 107],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [8, 50],
+      [15, 38],
+      [20, 28],
+      [44, 105],
+      [24, 73],
+      [15, 19],
+      [15, 0],
+      [32, 40],
+      [17, 53],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [0, 17],
+      [29, 32],
+      [20, 10],
+      [26, -4],
+      [23, 16],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [34, 25],
+      [11, 29],
+      [113, -4],
+      [32, -8],
+      [18, -14],
+      [38, 14],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-61, 3],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [11, 20],
+      [52, 31],
+      [18, 40],
+      [27, 13],
+      [11, 31],
+      [-25, 28],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [29, 59],
+      [19, 85],
+      [19, 50],
+      [17, 22],
+      [-6, 48],
+      [-42, 13],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [-107, -9],
+      [-60, -25],
+      [-39, -103],
+      [6, -23],
+      [29, -27],
+      [28, 4],
+      [21, -7],
+      [20, -69],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-23, 3],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [-16, -37],
+      [-88, -70],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-30, -20],
+      [23, -42],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-23, -29],
+      [-10, -52],
+      [-31, 1],
+      [13, 39],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [6, 53],
+      [-53, 18],
+      [-33, -8],
+      [14, -51],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [22, -27],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-26, 23],
+      [-16, -1],
+      [-31, -32],
+      [-7, -58],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-13, -28],
+      [29, -23],
+      [-5, -35],
+      [-52, -39],
+      [-15, -35],
+      [-32, -26],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-47, -9],
+      [-59, 53],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [0, -57],
+      [15, -32],
+      [33, -21],
+      [14, -21],
+      [31, 8],
+      [58, -52],
+      [45, -30],
+      [-8, -47],
+      [21, -80],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-29, -54],
+      [63, -50],
+      [20, -55],
+      [-52, -56],
+      [-50, -16],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [-37, -4],
+      [6, -41],
+      [39, -39],
+      [-22, -43],
+      [5, -43],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [6, -63],
+      [-54, -55],
+      [5, -30],
+      [14, -7],
+      [24, 12],
+      [12, -36],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-20, -42],
+      [-45, -27],
+      [4, -58],
+      [25, -43],
+      [33, -8],
+      [-11, -62],
+      [0, -54],
+      [15, -82],
+      [16, -42],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-9, -64],
+      [2, -87],
+      [-4, -42],
+      [3, -26],
+      [18, -61],
+      [25, -55],
+      [69, -80],
+      [9, -22],
+      [27, -23],
+      [39, -47],
+      [23, -47],
+      [27, -21],
+      [3, -67],
+      [-34, -51],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [12, -37],
+      [40, -21],
+      [13, -17],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-9, -47],
+      [26, -105],
+      [43, -65],
+      [16, -35],
+      [44, -58],
+      [18, -43],
+      [-34, -47],
+      [14, -51],
+      [3, -70],
+      [18, -71],
+      [-41, 26],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-38, 59],
+      [-25, 10],
+      [-29, -2],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [1, 17],
+      [-19, 32],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [-18, -51],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [-9, 28],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-20, 47],
+      [-23, 87],
+      [-25, 28],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-78, 29],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-54, 24],
+      [-80, -3],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [-49, 16],
+      [-35, 21],
+      [-27, 33],
+      [12, 9],
+      [6, 69],
+      [-36, 48],
+      [-46, -5],
+      [21, -60],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-32, 32],
+      [-41, 20],
+      [-41, 29],
+      [-23, 8],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [-41, 36],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [-8, 81],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-5, 32],
+      [-28, 60],
+      [-45, -3],
+      [-65, -50],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-32, 11],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [-93, -66],
+      [-38, -15],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-63, 49],
+      [-26, 80],
+      [8, 54],
+      [-26, 116],
+      [19, 77],
+      [48, 100],
+      [31, 8],
+      [70, 115],
+      [26, 16],
+      [39, -4],
+      [37, 22],
+      [8, 14],
+      [-10, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [93114, 52290],
+      [442, -276],
+      [122, -82],
+      [293, -184],
+      [256, -149],
+      [362, -218],
+      [16, 0],
+      [-45, -201],
+      [-28, -90],
+      [-150, -316],
+      [-20, -119]
+    ],
+    [
+      [94362, 50655],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-24, -38],
+      [-34, -28],
+      [-24, -27],
+      [-21, -61],
+      [-92, -20],
+      [-70, 12],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [-12, -138],
+      [-17, -48],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [9, -54],
+      [-41, -55],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [10, -42],
+      [10, -18],
+      [47, -17],
+      [50, -26],
+      [7, -17],
+      [23, 0],
+      [35, 37],
+      [32, -22],
+      [45, 20],
+      [31, -22],
+      [76, -31],
+      [32, -28],
+      [21, -9],
+      [77, -20],
+      [14, -1],
+      [13, 81],
+      [-27, 55],
+      [20, 10],
+      [32, -72],
+      [2, -80],
+      [11, -92],
+      [0, -60],
+      [-11, -123],
+      [-8, -50],
+      [-22, -106],
+      [-69, -289],
+      [-6, -59],
+      [-11, -46],
+      [-46, -258],
+      [-24, -172],
+      [-26, -280],
+      [-11, -93],
+      [-31, -57],
+      [-52, -129],
+      [-92, -162],
+      [-92, -177],
+      [-16, -18],
+      [-53, -85],
+      [-26, -16],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [21, -38],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-56, -99],
+      [-60, -76],
+      [-74, -62],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [-88, -40],
+      [-115, -79],
+      [-55, -51],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-62, -66],
+      [-41, -60],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [-37, -48],
+      [-80, -151],
+      [19, -30],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-60, -71],
+      [-76, -130],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-59, -63],
+      [-25, -36],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [-50, -9],
+      [-55, 7],
+      [-16, 23],
+      [31, 154],
+      [31, 85],
+      [65, 132],
+      [21, 65],
+      [12, 77],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [-34, 41],
+      [-106, 39],
+      [-26, 5],
+      [-41, -3],
+      [-52, 6],
+      [0, 41],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-22, -9],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-44, -13],
+      [-27, 9],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [-22, -24],
+      [-50, 55],
+      [2, 37],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-52, 50],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-54, 29],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [-37, 11],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-49, 53],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-25, -2],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-46, 42],
+      [-17, 54],
+      [-61, 31],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [-42, 92],
+      [-21, -2],
+      [-54, 37],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-53, 4],
+      [-12, 25],
+      [1, 65],
+      [29, 9],
+      [23, 158],
+      [4, 39],
+      [-25, 15],
+      [-56, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91506, 47931],
+      [60, 65],
+      [32, 77]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91144, 36752],
+      [67, 25],
+      [43, 34],
+      [13, 21],
+      [43, -9],
+      [44, 16],
+      [48, 38],
+      [30, 18],
+      [4, 34],
+      [28, -14],
+      [39, 5],
+      [47, 17],
+      [12, 39],
+      [10, 76],
+      [10, 45],
+      [22, 129],
+      [22, 169],
+      [13, 78],
+      [-3, 59],
+      [3, 44],
+      [17, 68],
+      [0, 117],
+      [-5, 60],
+      [-12, 64],
+      [-37, 81],
+      [-15, 104],
+      [1, 22],
+      [-34, 109],
+      [21, 1],
+      [37, -79],
+      [12, -36],
+      [31, -126],
+      [38, -207],
+      [-7, -108],
+      [-16, -187],
+      [-29, -222],
+      [-29, -181],
+      [-44, -217],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-50, 15],
+      [-93, -11],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [-174, -76],
+      [-76, -25],
+      [-131, -73],
+      [-194, -117],
+      [-71, -59],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [40, 59],
+      [5, 57],
+      [10, 13],
+      [32, -6],
+      [22, 5],
+      [113, 77],
+      [101, 55],
+      [71, 28],
+      [30, 28],
+      [59, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [91290, 38593],
+      [29, -24],
+      [-4, -33],
+      [31, -2],
+      [33, -57],
+      [20, -67],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [10, -80],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-54, 13],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [28, 21],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [-22, 50],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-31, 45],
+      [-8, 35],
+      [-40, 25],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [16, 10],
+      [51, -7],
+      [29, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [90933, 40162],
+      [19, -128],
+      [41, -196],
+      [30, -164],
+      [42, -169],
+      [44, -154],
+      [24, -62],
+      [40, -128],
+      [37, -102],
+      [40, -91],
+      [71, -144],
+      [165, -397],
+      [33, -104],
+      [36, -87],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-20, 50],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [-13, 40],
+      [-29, 41],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [-33, 56],
+      [3, 42],
+      [-5, 49],
+      [-54, 102],
+      [-36, 31],
+      [-20, 40],
+      [-83, 23],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [8, 29],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [3, 50],
+      [-19, 116],
+      [-11, 82],
+      [-37, 119],
+      [-15, 38],
+      [-52, 71],
+      [7, 39],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [-16, 16],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [7, 58],
+      [18, 26],
+      [-8, 61],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-10, 32],
+      [2, 78],
+      [-23, 37],
+      [-31, 14],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-6, 48],
+      [-16, 54],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-37, -8],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-58, 29],
+      [-29, -7],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [22, -60],
+      [15, -28],
+      [16, -14],
+      [44, -16],
+      [33, -46],
+      [40, 4],
+      [15, 22],
+      [17, -5],
+      [13, -92],
+      [-13, -54],
+      [53, -122],
+      [13, -66],
+      [11, -22],
+      [40, -10],
+      [-2, -36],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [6, -43],
+      [10, -32],
+      [18, -16],
+      [20, -41],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [3, -42],
+      [29, -47],
+      [3, -32],
+      [17, -23],
+      [24, -61],
+      [17, -76],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-67, 51],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [-37, 64],
+      [1, 60],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-55, 17],
+      [-64, 4],
+      [-104, 31],
+      [-41, 21],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-23, -23],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-161, -32],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-46, -29],
+      [-41, 8],
+      [-49, 16],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [-36, -20],
+      [-59, 4],
+      [-104, -21],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-42, -45],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-15, -38],
+      [-61, -16],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [-62, 11],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-27, 44],
+      [-21, 12],
+      [-31, 2],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [-25, -21],
+      [10, -45],
+      [-29, -47],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [5, -32],
+      [10, -19],
+      [34, -24],
+      [122, 4],
+      [39, 13],
+      [109, 6],
+      [39, 14],
+      [20, 14],
+      [43, 14],
+      [25, 24],
+      [116, 35],
+      [30, -31],
+      [1, -23],
+      [34, -52],
+      [42, 3],
+      [43, 9],
+      [84, 65],
+      [109, 39],
+      [69, 13],
+      [154, -1],
+      [20, -8],
+      [39, 8],
+      [71, -55],
+      [18, -35],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [15, -51],
+      [13, -22],
+      [50, -20],
+      [28, 10],
+      [28, 48],
+      [38, 29],
+      [1, 22],
+      [-38, 49],
+      [17, 13],
+      [72, 31],
+      [37, 3],
+      [55, -6],
+      [76, -43],
+      [15, -37],
+      [35, -22],
+      [6, -44],
+      [19, -43],
+      [31, -58],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [9, -47],
+      [26, -34],
+      [13, -41],
+      [1, -29],
+      [-23, -102],
+      [7, -8],
+      [20, -63],
+      [21, -123],
+      [-52, -55],
+      [-1, -43],
+      [9, -42],
+      [14, -32],
+      [-33, -39],
+      [-29, -17],
+      [-28, -29],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-41, -13],
+      [-74, -9],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [-15, -20],
+      [-54, -10],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [3, -44],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [2, -30],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-22, -28],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-27, -37],
+      [-22, 15],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-25, -27],
+      [8, -54],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-44, -24],
+      [-74, -29],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [-55, 34],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-23, -17],
+      [-32, 6],
+      [-41, 25],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [-46, 6],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-61, 34],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-42, 26],
+      [-109, -11],
+      [-48, 0],
+      [-27, -23],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [17, -56],
+      [31, -23],
+      [27, -9],
+      [63, -2],
+      [11, -9],
+      [90, -17],
+      [33, -20],
+      [19, -48],
+      [8, -45],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-23, -26],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-19, -14],
+      [-31, -37],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [7, -63],
+      [-19, -48],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [-13, -42],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-25, -17],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [0, -43],
+      [8, -31],
+      [25, -45],
+      [75, -9],
+      [40, 17],
+      [50, 6],
+      [69, 17],
+      [21, 25],
+      [2, 43],
+      [19, 45],
+      [11, 46],
+      [20, 16],
+      [52, -47],
+      [6, -22],
+      [1, -46],
+      [12, -74],
+      [36, -36],
+      [20, -31],
+      [118, -11],
+      [10, 14],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [-39, 75],
+      [-20, 23],
+      [16, 18],
+      [63, -31],
+      [56, -38],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-14, -27],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [11, -18],
+      [28, -21],
+      [-4, -53],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [-51, -67],
+      [-41, -71],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-38, -18],
+      [-21, -36],
+      [-8, -39],
+      [0, -31],
+      [24, -18],
+      [36, 4],
+      [79, 88],
+      [34, 47],
+      [91, 91],
+      [75, 72],
+      [72, 93],
+      [65, 72],
+      [90, 109],
+      [34, 36],
+      [44, 68],
+      [9, 3],
+      [40, -17],
+      [14, -28],
+      [-69, -72],
+      [-120, -108],
+      [-178, -208],
+      [-143, -134],
+      [-143, -171],
+      [-118, -177],
+      [-82, -132],
+      [-56, -118],
+      [-22, -67],
+      [-35, 69],
+      [8, 37],
+      [2, 38],
+      [-56, 36],
+      [-73, 32],
+      [-45, 12],
+      [-62, 40],
+      [-32, -2],
+      [-62, 11],
+      [-80, 0],
+      [-88, -8],
+      [-166, -27],
+      [-156, -34],
+      [-76, -21],
+      [-197, -71],
+      [-61, -28],
+      [-73, -43],
+      [-60, -44],
+      [-151, -131],
+      [-262, -162],
+      [-53, -39],
+      [-122, -98],
+      [-47, -42],
+      [-98, -103],
+      [-49, -45],
+      [-48, -54],
+      [-49, -64],
+      [-49, -57],
+      [-45, -68],
+      [-121, -209],
+      [-24, -55],
+      [-53, -155],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [-70, -243],
+      [-23, -66],
+      [-35, -84],
+      [-19, -87],
+      [-6, -61],
+      [-19, -23],
+      [-68, 36],
+      [-22, 75],
+      [-143, 45],
+      [-77, 15],
+      [-76, 5],
+      [-183, -4],
+      [-201, -27],
+      [-232, -92],
+      [-60, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [85957, 33350],
+      [-204, 234],
+      [-114, 133],
+      [-668, 764],
+      [-238, 271],
+      [-297, 350],
+      [-189, 211],
+      [-324, 358],
+      [-100, 86],
+      [-160, 2],
+      [-286, 2],
+      [-271, 8],
+      [-460, 10],
+      [-244, 7],
+      [-363, 5],
+      [-244, 3],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [28, 279],
+      [-46, 69],
+      [-186, 287],
+      [-53, 77],
+      [-42, -37],
+      [-156, -121],
+      [-30, 43],
+      [1, 61],
+      [9, 26],
+      [30, 17],
+      [7, 15],
+      [-21, 99],
+      [-87, 11],
+      [-277, 18],
+      [-475, 25],
+      [-509, 26],
+      [-198, 10],
+      [-546, 25],
+      [-167, 12],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-178, 30],
+      [-172, -88],
+      [-76, -32],
+      [-36, -10],
+      [-85, -42],
+      [-194, -52],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-144, -130],
+      [-33, -4],
+      [9, 26],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-217, -72],
+      [-393, -139]
+    ],
+    [
+      [85957, 33350],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-57, -9],
+      [-163, -68],
+      [-78, -44],
+      [-109, -79],
+      [-75, -64],
+      [-93, -95],
+      [-140, -166],
+      [-129, -185],
+      [-39, -84],
+      [-23, -24],
+      [-81, -101],
+      [-32, -57],
+      [-63, -144],
+      [-22, -65],
+      [-9, -69],
+      [-19, -60],
+      [-34, -184],
+      [0, -41],
+      [15, -79],
+      [-29, -83],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [-42, -47],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [-85, -39],
+      [-71, -49],
+      [-13, -45],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-39, -111],
+      [-81, -7],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-70, -19],
+      [-42, -16],
+      [-9, 36],
+      [-34, 43],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-66, -36],
+      [-43, -37],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [-26, -31],
+      [-31, -67],
+      [0, -20],
+      [21, -47],
+      [38, 1],
+      [24, 19],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-12, -52],
+      [-102, -45],
+      [-46, -40],
+      [-74, -56],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [6, -31],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [-157, -73],
+      [-14, -27],
+      [-56, -28],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [10, -28],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-33, -83],
+      [6, -27],
+      [-57, -49],
+      [-98, -64],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-34, -19],
+      [-50, 3],
+      [-74, -17],
+      [-83, -33],
+      [-50, -30],
+      [-35, -47],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [-30, 19],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-76, -62],
+      [-59, -37],
+      [-102, -96],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-10, 31],
+      [-37, 13],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-22, -28],
+      [-39, -12],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-23, -16],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [-8, -42],
+      [9, -35],
+      [23, -55],
+      [40, -4],
+      [24, -32],
+      [7, -53],
+      [-30, -100],
+      [-21, -34],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-21, -18],
+      [-96, -52],
+      [-51, -42],
+      [-48, -22],
+      [-47, 1],
+      [-40, -34],
+      [-39, -12],
+      [-37, -17],
+      [-19, -81],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [-60, -102],
+      [-52, -51],
+      [-76, -45],
+      [-42, -32],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-30, -9],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-87, -121],
+      [25, -20],
+      [12, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4344, 68829],
+      [-41, -1],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-27, 39],
+      [8, 55],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [-48, 64],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-50, -25],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [17, 31],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-31, 25],
+      [-41, 10],
+      [-48, 52],
+      [20, 20],
+      [4, 44],
+      [-36, 42],
+      [29, 95],
+      [-7, 62],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-44, -19],
+      [-13, 50],
+      [-46, 47],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [32, 82],
+      [38, 49],
+      [18, 63],
+      [29, 28],
+      [62, 99],
+      [16, 51],
+      [1, 67],
+      [37, 10],
+      [31, -21],
+      [34, 36],
+      [24, -15],
+      [3, -21],
+      [19, -5],
+      [-7, -81],
+      [7, -25],
+      [63, -28],
+      [66, -54],
+      [17, -27],
+      [1, -31],
+      [-46, -38],
+      [-51, -1],
+      [-31, 32],
+      [-46, 9],
+      [-35, -11],
+      [-10, -62],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-30, -47],
+      [2, -42],
+      [69, -8],
+      [46, -31],
+      [39, -66],
+      [20, -67],
+      [13, -18],
+      [18, -73],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [32, -63],
+      [17, -62],
+      [12, -6],
+      [46, 22],
+      [6, 41],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [23, 2],
+      [41, -8],
+      [55, -65],
+      [24, -36],
+      [32, -23],
+      [57, -22],
+      [46, -5],
+      [5, -85],
+      [37, -49],
+      [6, -30],
+      [-1, -41],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [-34, -34],
+      [2, -34],
+      [-27, -12],
+      [-13, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3875, 70535],
+      [13, 0],
+      [25, -41],
+      [34, -28],
+      [59, -33],
+      [11, -48],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [-38, -8],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-9, 23],
+      [7, 41],
+      [-3, 74],
+      [5, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3754, 70586],
+      [37, -31],
+      [5, -15],
+      [40, -55],
+      [-35, -63],
+      [-52, -10],
+      [-25, 65],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [28, 49],
+      [19, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3782, 70617],
+      [47, 22],
+      [32, -50],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-37, 13],
+      [-25, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3595, 70568],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [7, -27],
+      [27, -22],
+      [29, -36],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-11, -38],
+      [3, -18],
+      [18, -13],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-29, -17],
+      [-7, -73],
+      [13, -15],
+      [19, -50],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-25, 4],
+      [-90, -15],
+      [-36, 11],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-5, 26],
+      [-19, 19],
+      [-66, -25],
+      [-143, 23],
+      [-53, 49],
+      [-97, 33],
+      [-40, 32],
+      [-41, 61],
+      [3, 46],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [6, 43],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [-24, -2],
+      [-10, 25],
+      [14, 28],
+      [32, 38],
+      [50, 4],
+      [29, -9],
+      [53, 6],
+      [17, -25],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [50, -15],
+      [27, -24],
+      [22, -33],
+      [27, -14],
+      [35, -7],
+      [51, 3],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [-33, 29],
+      [20, 20],
+      [-33, 31],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [47, 33],
+      [25, 53],
+      [39, 31],
+      [8, 13],
+      [66, 53],
+      [13, 33],
+      [45, 17],
+      [44, 4],
+      [35, -7],
+      [79, -35],
+      [61, -47],
+      [107, -45],
+      [-22, -31],
+      [-54, -36],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-33, -36],
+      [18, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2854, 70778],
+      [23, 0],
+      [70, -42],
+      [32, -29],
+      [46, -59],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-28, 11],
+      [-151, 81],
+      [-40, 36],
+      [2, 13],
+      [44, 2],
+      [27, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3175, 70862],
+      [34, 2],
+      [4, -62],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [-39, -14],
+      [11, 36],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-43, 10],
+      [56, 44],
+      [27, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3157, 71579],
+      [26, -63],
+      [-73, -5],
+      [-43, 2],
+      [-13, 65],
+      [103, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3789, 70910],
+      [50, -77],
+      [10, -24],
+      [35, -14],
+      [49, -53],
+      [16, -64],
+      [-48, 17],
+      [-71, 73],
+      [-34, 77],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-6, 37],
+      [12, 43],
+      [37, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14545, 63992],
+      [-560, 8],
+      [-490, -2],
+      [-229, 3],
+      [-733, 5],
+      [-240, -2],
+      [-352, 1],
+      [-339, 0],
+      [-336, 1],
+      [-576, -3],
+      [-39, -52],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [-123, -67],
+      [-61, -25],
+      [-81, -13],
+      [-48, 1],
+      [-57, 12],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-122, -17],
+      [-100, -31],
+      [-207, -37],
+      [-69, 6],
+      [-87, 43],
+      [-54, -15],
+      [-43, -35],
+      [-86, -123],
+      [-192, -29],
+      [-55, 5],
+      [-370, -90],
+      [-261, -98],
+      [-54, -28],
+      [-75, -91],
+      [-359, -67],
+      [-146, -12],
+      [-44, 14],
+      [-30, 25],
+      [-70, 72],
+      [-59, 20],
+      [-81, -2],
+      [-63, -39],
+      [-38, -36],
+      [-185, -75],
+      [-125, -37],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-85, -50],
+      [-52, 38],
+      [-224, -10],
+      [-42, -15],
+      [-202, -43],
+      [-9, 51],
+      [-29, 54],
+      [-179, 73],
+      [-48, 12],
+      [-65, -4],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-73, 18],
+      [-111, 59],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-174, -52],
+      [-151, -28],
+      [-51, -2],
+      [-142, 32],
+      [-104, -34],
+      [-65, -57],
+      [2, -22],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-139, -80],
+      [-221, -99],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [-80, -17],
+      [-34, -34],
+      [-88, -41],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-68, 12],
+      [-40, 53],
+      [-51, 17],
+      [-208, 18],
+      [-283, 67],
+      [-57, 21],
+      [-118, 66],
+      [-48, 33],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [4, 49],
+      [23, 88],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [-15, 54],
+      [-49, 74],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [20, 65],
+      [1, 43],
+      [-54, 235],
+      [-131, 251],
+      [-37, 59],
+      [-394, 256],
+      [-94, 10],
+      [-87, -42],
+      [-125, -70],
+      [-169, 4],
+      [-111, 89],
+      [6, 120],
+      [-37, 52],
+      [-51, 45],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-118, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2204, 64657],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-64, -13],
+      [-59, -1],
+      [-104, 17],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-3, 60],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-8, -32],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-38, 25],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-129, -110],
+      [-63, 14],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-65, 65],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [-28, 24],
+      [-65, 17],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-16, -63],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [10, 55],
+      [22, 77],
+      [11, 150],
+      [2, 57],
+      [1, 212],
+      [-9, 159],
+      [-12, 114],
+      [-3, 74],
+      [13, 30],
+      [27, 8],
+      [23, -38],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [3, -13],
+      [51, -88],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-6, -82],
+      [-10, -89],
+      [10, -84],
+      [47, -8],
+      [13, 23],
+      [2, 50],
+      [26, 3],
+      [20, -42],
+      [46, 10],
+      [42, 77],
+      [45, 37],
+      [5, 37],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [-25, 27],
+      [-23, 67],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [-3, 57],
+      [37, 12],
+      [35, 23],
+      [-2, 57],
+      [14, 15],
+      [37, 13],
+      [57, 38],
+      [25, 9],
+      [10, 36],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-30, 50],
+      [-33, -9],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-60, -3],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [11, -54],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-18, -14],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-29, 28],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-3, 70],
+      [-9, 66],
+      [-12, 65],
+      [-28, 110],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [51, 17],
+      [32, -29],
+      [6, -14],
+      [2, -70],
+      [30, -16],
+      [33, 23],
+      [11, 52],
+      [24, 19],
+      [42, 13],
+      [8, 17],
+      [46, 29],
+      [51, -2],
+      [79, 30],
+      [60, 17],
+      [42, 22],
+      [-30, 32],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [-76, -5],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [-61, -4],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [27, 32],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [-74, 28],
+      [-75, 3],
+      [-29, -2],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-19, -36],
+      [22, -82],
+      [3, -44],
+      [25, -69],
+      [-31, -9],
+      [-32, -27],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [16, 81],
+      [4, 91],
+      [-8, 181],
+      [-6, 68],
+      [-13, 80],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [-12, 69],
+      [-24, 111],
+      [-51, 175],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [-28, 51],
+      [-25, 59],
+      [-36, 18],
+      [-9, 30],
+      [-5, 54],
+      [-19, 68],
+      [-15, 185],
+      [-21, 143],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-14, 87],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [-13, 71],
+      [-26, 84],
+      [-30, 65],
+      [-15, 86],
+      [-19, 53],
+      [-44, 48],
+      [-42, 11],
+      [-10, 70],
+      [-14, 49],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [-51, 37],
+      [-34, 48],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [-48, 30],
+      [-39, 5],
+      [-30, 20],
+      [-37, 120],
+      [-50, 73],
+      [3, 46],
+      [-16, 84],
+      [-12, 84],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [2, 45],
+      [15, 29],
+      [-15, 41],
+      [-49, 97],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [0, 24],
+      [52, 36],
+      [14, 36],
+      [11, 53],
+      [-29, 51],
+      [40, 39],
+      [7, 26],
+      [8, 75],
+      [20, 10],
+      [13, 80],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-31, 41],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [28, 22],
+      [41, -2],
+      [77, 4],
+      [26, -13],
+      [15, -23],
+      [63, 14],
+      [13, -21],
+      [33, -19],
+      [15, 4],
+      [48, -45],
+      [25, -2],
+      [28, -15],
+      [179, -107],
+      [35, -30],
+      [27, -11],
+      [36, 8],
+      [36, -25],
+      [80, -24],
+      [7, -23],
+      [44, -12],
+      [62, 20],
+      [38, -23],
+      [47, -17],
+      [96, -48],
+      [73, -27],
+      [-10, -42],
+      [66, -26],
+      [39, -30],
+      [130, -33],
+      [48, 2],
+      [38, -12],
+      [36, -4],
+      [66, 3],
+      [40, -16],
+      [50, 10],
+      [100, -7],
+      [40, 14],
+      [52, 5],
+      [19, -11],
+      [29, 21],
+      [56, -10],
+      [66, -32],
+      [16, -28],
+      [70, -10],
+      [31, 14],
+      [26, 25],
+      [17, 2],
+      [30, -14],
+      [24, -26],
+      [28, -9],
+      [63, 5],
+      [33, 15],
+      [31, 3],
+      [-6, -42],
+      [33, -16],
+      [55, -10],
+      [63, 4],
+      [53, -7],
+      [33, 2],
+      [49, 18],
+      [15, -9],
+      [59, -4],
+      [59, 29],
+      [47, 42],
+      [51, 56],
+      [36, 25],
+      [23, -3],
+      [-20, -46],
+      [50, -16],
+      [58, -58],
+      [36, -17],
+      [29, -45],
+      [22, -54],
+      [41, 10],
+      [23, 13],
+      [46, 14],
+      [62, 7],
+      [52, -18],
+      [-18, -63],
+      [17, -21],
+      [76, -28],
+      [53, 17],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-7, 62],
+      [11, 26],
+      [80, 59],
+      [92, 22],
+      [44, 0],
+      [21, -66],
+      [-82, -50],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [58, -86],
+      [7, -23],
+      [45, 12],
+      [6, 51],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [28, 48],
+      [65, 30],
+      [13, -16],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [18, -112],
+      [25, -27],
+      [-2, -38],
+      [-32, -22],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-40, -21],
+      [9, -51],
+      [32, -37],
+      [33, -2],
+      [13, -34],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [5, -19],
+      [45, -14],
+      [12, -25],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [33, -38],
+      [50, -6],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-25, -5],
+      [-30, 9],
+      [-51, 1],
+      [22, -44],
+      [-13, -48],
+      [-57, -47],
+      [-23, -8],
+      [-30, -23],
+      [-5, -67],
+      [-14, -41],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [34, -25],
+      [14, 4],
+      [19, 28],
+      [15, 49],
+      [45, 26],
+      [16, 57],
+      [63, 61],
+      [46, 28],
+      [28, 52],
+      [64, 2],
+      [1, 41],
+      [-24, 71],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [25, 4],
+      [4, -22],
+      [18, -23],
+      [19, -6],
+      [61, -3],
+      [40, -33],
+      [25, -64],
+      [2, -42],
+      [13, -82],
+      [7, -13],
+      [37, -27],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [-19, -18],
+      [0, -26],
+      [44, -52],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-22, 8],
+      [-65, -2],
+      [21, -87],
+      [23, -16],
+      [36, 10],
+      [13, -24],
+      [0, -34],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [-18, -50],
+      [47, -41],
+      [-13, -43],
+      [4, -50],
+      [8, -23],
+      [27, -13],
+      [-46, -22],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-30, -20],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [43, 1],
+      [42, -22],
+      [61, -13],
+      [29, -17],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [1, -20],
+      [49, -51],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [0, -102],
+      [4, -26],
+      [19, -13],
+      [61, -8],
+      [39, -26],
+      [-52, -19],
+      [-67, -40],
+      [-20, -26],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [-40, -23],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-48, 8],
+      [-17, 31],
+      [4, 33],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [-29, -52],
+      [1, -29],
+      [70, 3],
+      [115, -99],
+      [51, -27],
+      [27, 7],
+      [38, 48],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-38, 7],
+      [3, 15],
+      [37, 32],
+      [110, 43],
+      [51, 13],
+      [22, 18],
+      [-1, 109],
+      [-18, 42],
+      [-24, 19],
+      [-13, 66],
+      [-52, 22],
+      [28, 22],
+      [12, 56],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-40, 35],
+      [-18, 33],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-9, 64],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [36, 20],
+      [27, 30],
+      [32, -32],
+      [51, 21],
+      [6, 20],
+      [-10, 25],
+      [-43, 38],
+      [-34, 19],
+      [-34, 5],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-28, 48],
+      [41, 54],
+      [27, 54],
+      [24, 19],
+      [13, 51],
+      [-17, 50],
+      [4, 24],
+      [-26, 34],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [4, 60],
+      [5, 11],
+      [72, 83],
+      [25, 15],
+      [19, 58],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [22, 80],
+      [20, 33],
+      [7, 61],
+      [54, 18],
+      [54, 8],
+      [36, 29],
+      [6, 14],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [4, 49],
+      [10, 24],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [-91, 51],
+      [-46, 59],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-41, 72],
+      [1, 64],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [12, 24],
+      [3, 33],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [-19, 28],
+      [-55, 10],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-37, -20],
+      [8, -35],
+      [14, -14],
+      [-24, -32],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [5, -54],
+      [62, -91],
+      [58, -44],
+      [60, -65],
+      [35, -66],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-26, 7],
+      [-20, 20],
+      [-10, 33],
+      [-57, 62],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [-33, 41],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-22, -22],
+      [-41, 34],
+      [-20, 70],
+      [-27, 56],
+      [-3, 65],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-1, 43],
+      [8, 24],
+      [50, 19],
+      [19, -13],
+      [36, 8],
+      [19, 39],
+      [107, -48],
+      [21, 14],
+      [6, 31],
+      [38, 46],
+      [-23, 41],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-34, 9],
+      [-61, 55],
+      [-60, 12],
+      [-48, 47],
+      [-11, 35],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-7, 52],
+      [13, 32],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-34, -2],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-61, -36],
+      [-66, -16],
+      [-45, 41],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [22, 8],
+      [23, 29],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-46, -3],
+      [-21, -48],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [21, 48],
+      [32, 29],
+      [24, -13],
+      [105, 44],
+      [28, -2],
+      [3, -22],
+      [57, -10],
+      [20, -23],
+      [37, -81],
+      [19, 3],
+      [49, -18],
+      [54, 25],
+      [-22, 55],
+      [-3, 90],
+      [-36, 92],
+      [-51, 10],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [41, 6],
+      [31, -6],
+      [14, -28],
+      [18, -14],
+      [63, 28],
+      [22, 29],
+      [14, 45],
+      [-43, 58],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-42, 44],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-12, 34],
+      [-23, 109],
+      [44, 61],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [-46, 46],
+      [-59, 8],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-18, -32],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [22, -29],
+      [26, -15],
+      [12, -35],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-30, 28],
+      [-51, 64],
+      [13, 38],
+      [36, 65],
+      [1, 28],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-38, 41],
+      [-34, -6],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-22, 6],
+      [4, 67],
+      [-15, 74],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-117, 81],
+      [3, 24],
+      [61, 42],
+      [11, 25],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-16, 20],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-32, -27],
+      [-57, 18],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [10, 28],
+      [38, 48],
+      [42, 41],
+      [33, 14],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [652, 0],
+      [576, 0],
+      [646, -12],
+      [1163, 10],
+      [512, -1],
+      [2138, -2],
+      [509, 0],
+      [552, 0],
+      [549, 0],
+      [1191, -1],
+      [1428, 0],
+      [739, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [97276, 55745],
+      [-755, 26],
+      [-295, 10],
+      [-451, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95775, 55793],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-27, 141],
+      [10, 82],
+      [13, -2],
+      [8, 270],
+      [9, 228],
+      [19, 469],
+      [12, 348],
+      [11, 404],
+      [9, 51],
+      [-112, 229],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-113, -12],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-46, -112],
+      [-53, 38],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [18, 147],
+      [34, 97],
+      [61, 127],
+      [37, 91],
+      [-13, 36],
+      [-40, 57],
+      [-17, 60],
+      [-17, 185],
+      [-19, 61],
+      [4, 48],
+      [-1, 170],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-48, 40],
+      [14, 93],
+      [72, 281],
+      [74, 88],
+      [48, 45],
+      [18, 366],
+      [36, 100],
+      [4, 27],
+      [-12, 95],
+      [-12, 60],
+      [-60, 117],
+      [-33, 28],
+      [-33, 44],
+      [-30, 109],
+      [47, 214],
+      [47, 191],
+      [-55, 126],
+      [36, 417],
+      [13, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95630, 61508],
+      [479, 12],
+      [132, -2],
+      [315, 5],
+      [318, -3],
+      [618, -26],
+      [446, 1],
+      [382, 9],
+      [242, 5],
+      [493, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99055, 61514],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-47, -21],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [39, -93],
+      [42, -91],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-143, -240],
+      [-96, -138],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [4, -45],
+      [49, -80],
+      [85, -181],
+      [31, -97],
+      [-81, -206],
+      [-36, -50],
+      [-150, -148],
+      [-54, -41],
+      [-67, -26],
+      [-32, 14],
+      [-59, -19],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [-347, -106],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [-87, -88],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [7, -210],
+      [21, -50],
+      [24, -31],
+      [-27, -110],
+      [-108, -313],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [11, -9],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-31, -80],
+      [-86, -83],
+      [-28, -131],
+      [-2, -70],
+      [-40, -87],
+      [-52, -60],
+      [-58, -35],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-59, -80],
+      [-50, -171],
+      [-9, -51],
+      [9, -36],
+      [-123, -201],
+      [15, -46],
+      [0, -78],
+      [-33, -206],
+      [3, -80],
+      [12, -105],
+      [-78, -266],
+      [-24, -126],
+      [36, -119],
+      [-20, -272],
+      [-210, -352],
+      [1, -26],
+      [24, -121],
+      [62, -69],
+      [35, -22],
+      [23, -26],
+      [37, -89]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19877, 41296],
+      [-2, 229],
+      [-1, 486],
+      [0, 220],
+      [-1, 306],
+      [0, 284],
+      [2, 356],
+      [6, 162],
+      [-4, 479],
+      [1, 375],
+      [0, 646],
+      [0, 351],
+      [0, 337],
+      [4, 2184],
+      [1, 917],
+      [1, 532],
+      [2, 952],
+      [4, 585],
+      [0, 83],
+      [3, 608],
+      [4, 1872],
+      [-2, 274],
+      [-2, 361]
+    ],
+    [
+      [61992, 49819],
+      [-122, 14],
+      [-12, 25],
+      [-62, 43],
+      [-177, 243],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [8, 49],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-142, 120],
+      [-38, 26],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-178, -9],
+      [-81, -5],
+      [-424, -16],
+      [-377, -8],
+      [-150, -5],
+      [-196, -4],
+      [-178, -7],
+      [-198, -6],
+      [-131, -2],
+      [-343, -3],
+      [-292, -10],
+      [-302, -8],
+      [-337, -2],
+      [-198, 1],
+      [-264, -6],
+      [-112, -1],
+      [-275, -4],
+      [-253, -6],
+      [-369, -4],
+      [-478, -3],
+      [-266, 1],
+      [-157, 2],
+      [-465, 10],
+      [-287, 4],
+      [-188, 3],
+      [-253, 3],
+      [-312, 5],
+      [-217, 6],
+      [-230, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [53904, 50341],
+      [23, 20],
+      [8, 26],
+      [-51, 111],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [-51, 12],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-75, 101],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [14, 48],
+      [37, 31],
+      [75, 287],
+      [-14, 250],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-60, 44],
+      [1, 106],
+      [26, 307],
+      [-115, 50],
+      [-16, 15],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [47, 180],
+      [-21, 118],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [-25, 27],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [36, 114],
+      [12, 100],
+      [-119, 233],
+      [-66, 2],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-64, 56],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-44, 187],
+      [3, 20],
+      [35, 46],
+      [4, 33],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-41, 55],
+      [46, 40],
+      [37, 42],
+      [23, 196],
+      [-12, 29],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-46, 49],
+      [-62, 104],
+      [-33, 75],
+      [5, 21],
+      [32, 14],
+      [10, 13],
+      [14, 112],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-171, 137],
+      [-56, 36],
+      [-39, 17],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [-53, 143],
+      [-68, 79],
+      [-10, 25],
+      [-19, 97],
+      [6, 12],
+      [38, 9],
+      [25, 38],
+      [-12, 53],
+      [-86, 160],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-45, 29],
+      [-18, 36],
+      [4, 123],
+      [4, 19],
+      [48, 62],
+      [13, 35],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [-8, 29],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [-24, 9],
+      [-64, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [52642, 55146],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [-28, 47],
+      [7, 48],
+      [1, 52],
+      [-73, 188],
+      [-49, 76],
+      [-61, 56],
+      [-50, 37],
+      [-16, -7],
+      [-37, 28],
+      [-17, 79],
+      [14, 85],
+      [101, 144],
+      [28, 8],
+      [25, 20],
+      [15, 47],
+      [57, 219],
+      [2, 67],
+      [-6, 144],
+      [87, 86],
+      [55, 148],
+      [-73, 253],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-133, 0],
+      [-51, 111],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [32, 54],
+      [32, -7],
+      [40, 18],
+      [9, 32],
+      [8, 157],
+      [-5, 50],
+      [-25, 1],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [-68, 69],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [5, 15],
+      [30, 30],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [-22, 40],
+      [271, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65491, 40029],
+      [-40, 69],
+      [-18, 48],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [9, 30],
+      [26, 32],
+      [47, 10],
+      [51, -12],
+      [29, -11],
+      [21, -30],
+      [10, -33],
+      [4, -43],
+      [-12, -41],
+      [-24, -40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [65717, 40031],
+      [31, 99],
+      [24, 89],
+      [22, 102],
+      [20, 28],
+      [40, 15],
+      [32, 3],
+      [25, -30],
+      [35, -67],
+      [42, -56],
+      [22, -16],
+      [61, 11],
+      [25, 27],
+      [21, 54],
+      [9, 69],
+      [19, 31],
+      [24, 23],
+      [5, 56],
+      [-51, 110],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [6, 35],
+      [25, 36],
+      [28, 14],
+      [50, -10],
+      [22, -9],
+      [13, 84],
+      [-104, 70],
+      [4, 58],
+      [55, 29],
+      [87, 244],
+      [-59, 96]
+    ],
+    [
+      [74272, 46608],
+      [61, 24],
+      [39, 59],
+      [22, 21],
+      [42, -6],
+      [25, -19],
+      [54, -83],
+      [9, -9],
+      [98, -60],
+      [22, -8],
+      [32, 0],
+      [174, 51],
+      [30, 22],
+      [113, -21],
+      [198, -168],
+      [40, -53],
+      [131, -286],
+      [4, -32],
+      [-2, -68],
+      [4, -58],
+      [11, -33],
+      [37, -38],
+      [249, -81],
+      [51, 1],
+      [122, 41],
+      [31, 1],
+      [34, -9],
+      [74, -39],
+      [63, -17],
+      [31, -23],
+      [141, -197],
+      [8, -33],
+      [21, -23],
+      [154, -56],
+      [29, -5],
+      [26, 12],
+      [13, 26],
+      [12, 69],
+      [18, 23],
+      [21, 12],
+      [153, 45],
+      [39, -1],
+      [267, -107],
+      [66, -45],
+      [17, -21],
+      [7, -26],
+      [71, -50],
+      [233, 44],
+      [27, 12],
+      [28, 43],
+      [180, 210],
+      [35, 11],
+      [61, -10],
+      [20, 7],
+      [47, 37],
+      [36, 17],
+      [55, 16],
+      [28, -13],
+      [15, -30],
+      [2, -44],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [7, -80],
+      [30, -170],
+      [12, -40],
+      [14, -23],
+      [36, -34],
+      [57, -32],
+      [109, -2],
+      [64, -43],
+      [11, -14],
+      [47, -77],
+      [134, -212]
+    ],
+    [
+      [103139, 58387],
+      [13, -14],
+      [-25, -30],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [24, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [102916, 58778],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-27, -15],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [15, 84],
+      [24, -28],
+      [-13, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [106281, 60269],
+      [8, 5],
+      [62, -21],
+      [-16, -49],
+      [19, -15],
+      [33, -40],
+      [-12, -42],
+      [-36, -15],
+      [-8, 22],
+      [-23, 110],
+      [-26, 10],
+      [-1, 35]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101629, 58323],
+      [46, 12],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [-3, -31],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [36, 53]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101533, 58108],
+      [-36, -51],
+      [-29, -24],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [20, 53],
+      [29, 30],
+      [25, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101505, 58157],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-28, -27],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [23, 49],
+      [20, 9],
+      [9, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101546, 58181],
+      [33, 24],
+      [20, -3],
+      [-35, -50],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [18, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101688, 58200],
+      [-57, -34],
+      [33, 49],
+      [24, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [103935, 58613],
+      [-4, -38],
+      [12, -30],
+      [-20, -36],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [10, 47],
+      [25, 17],
+      [17, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [103630, 58972],
+      [-63, -80],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [58, 90],
+      [27, -2],
+      [6, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104423, 58989],
+      [-32, 16],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [17, 60],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [-13, 41],
+      [63, 31],
+      [18, 21],
+      [15, -5],
+      [48, -61],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-20, -84],
+      [2, -30],
+      [-14, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104111, 59092],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [-104, -27],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-29, 18],
+      [-19, 87],
+      [-25, 46],
+      [9, 63],
+      [-64, -1],
+      [15, 52],
+      [33, 45],
+      [53, 29],
+      [19, 18],
+      [58, 41],
+      [42, 9],
+      [12, -64],
+      [49, -38],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-48, 1],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [9, -36],
+      [17, 1],
+      [30, -59],
+      [33, -37],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-29, -41]
+    ],
+    [
+      [103819, 59667],
+      [43, 72],
+      [0, 65],
+      [15, 74],
+      [15, 35],
+      [45, 20],
+      [20, -13],
+      [15, -43],
+      [-21, -50],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [17, -48],
+      [-32, -58],
+      [-23, -94],
+      [-18, -25],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-18, 58],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [4, 19],
+      [42, 55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104644, 59271],
+      [14, -37],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-3, 25],
+      [14, 30],
+      [22, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104906, 59273],
+      [22, 7],
+      [30, -44],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-50, 0],
+      [-22, 27],
+      [21, 30],
+      [13, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104730, 59437],
+      [28, -5],
+      [25, 7],
+      [74, -91],
+      [-22, -36],
+      [-58, -54],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [-43, 6],
+      [-31, -2],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [12, 25],
+      [39, 49],
+      [40, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104306, 59662],
+      [24, -7],
+      [17, -20],
+      [66, -33],
+      [22, -27],
+      [11, -35],
+      [-13, -59],
+      [-23, -25],
+      [11, -42],
+      [-44, -59],
+      [-51, -15],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-19, 39],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [12, 87],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [41, 27],
+      [12, 37],
+      [26, 34],
+      [-1, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104912, 59460],
+      [41, 20],
+      [22, -20],
+      [-21, -18],
+      [-12, -51],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-59, 37],
+      [27, 34],
+      [17, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104693, 59512],
+      [24, -18],
+      [12, -28],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-48, 13],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [9, 44],
+      [18, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104099, 59557],
+      [42, -38],
+      [1, -23],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-36, 22],
+      [-38, 11],
+      [-15, 25],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [22, 16],
+      [66, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [105133, 59629],
+      [41, -8],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-19, 17],
+      [4, 45],
+      [38, -2],
+      [24, 6],
+      [9, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [104645, 59890],
+      [37, -126],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-48, 28],
+      [-28, 22],
+      [3, 28],
+      [15, 35],
+      [4, 57],
+      [32, 3],
+      [5, -32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [100541, 56585],
+      [-97, 51],
+      [-134, 124],
+      [-10, 45],
+      [10, 100],
+      [22, 122],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [-45, 35],
+      [-87, 105],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [-26, 30],
+      [-40, 11],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [-31, 81],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [2, 57],
+      [42, 149],
+      [18, 93],
+      [-15, 61],
+      [13, 17],
+      [4, 30],
+      [-36, 44],
+      [-17, 330],
+      [0, 35],
+      [-13, 196],
+      [-8, 307],
+      [-15, 451],
+      [-14, 417],
+      [-9, 208],
+      [-29, 680],
+      [-15, 367],
+      [-42, 666],
+      [-29, 516],
+      [-17, 205]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99833, 62251],
+      [100, 18],
+      [41, 16],
+      [35, 44],
+      [73, -4],
+      [61, -57],
+      [19, -108],
+      [20, -69],
+      [22, -18],
+      [52, -14],
+      [33, 22],
+      [58, 222],
+      [1, 132],
+      [-30, 32],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [50, 61],
+      [32, 16],
+      [51, -8],
+      [19, -17],
+      [0, -23],
+      [26, -32],
+      [33, -22],
+      [97, -32],
+      [15, -2],
+      [32, 16],
+      [15, 59],
+      [-16, 53],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [-75, 87],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [2, 19],
+      [39, 45],
+      [27, 43],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [53, 57],
+      [176, 173],
+      [177, 117],
+      [34, 7],
+      [101, 132],
+      [-38, 95],
+      [40, 21],
+      [15, 41],
+      [85, 84],
+      [64, 17],
+      [44, 33],
+      [40, 40],
+      [17, 38],
+      [25, 103],
+      [-47, 48],
+      [-86, 22],
+      [-3, 113],
+      [5, 122],
+      [39, 75],
+      [10, 11],
+      [60, 19],
+      [26, 104],
+      [-74, 69],
+      [-27, 42],
+      [158, 353],
+      [36, 47],
+      [25, 21],
+      [77, 27],
+      [143, 120],
+      [62, 396],
+      [49, 307],
+      [332, 454],
+      [469, 630],
+      [637, 845],
+      [145, -28],
+      [169, -41],
+      [24, -15],
+      [21, -59],
+      [-19, -15],
+      [4, -31],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [7, -299],
+      [31, -39],
+      [96, -52],
+      [74, -36],
+      [29, -21],
+      [47, -49],
+      [89, 38],
+      [242, 116],
+      [266, 120],
+      [196, 27],
+      [211, 146],
+      [52, 11],
+      [92, 1],
+      [82, -15],
+      [30, -15],
+      [131, -87],
+      [369, -289],
+      [11, -43],
+      [25, -44],
+      [87, -116],
+      [79, -67],
+      [57, -28],
+      [48, -34],
+      [2, -13],
+      [0, -750],
+      [14, -1226],
+      [1, -849],
+      [24, -104],
+      [9, -206],
+      [-31, -10],
+      [-40, -32],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-21, -255],
+      [27, -40],
+      [91, -26],
+      [202, -136],
+      [157, -47],
+      [80, -18],
+      [36, -2],
+      [20, 19],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [24, 8],
+      [50, -3],
+      [45, -60],
+      [9, -72],
+      [-9, -121],
+      [-43, 20],
+      [-27, -5],
+      [-75, -51],
+      [56, -159],
+      [24, -15],
+      [57, -67],
+      [14, -34],
+      [-13, -89],
+      [-57, -109],
+      [-48, -24],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [48, -94],
+      [109, -197],
+      [95, -91],
+      [27, -11],
+      [64, 49],
+      [5, 42],
+      [22, 66],
+      [37, 9],
+      [204, -72],
+      [60, -77],
+      [31, -50],
+      [40, -110],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-22, -23],
+      [33, -30],
+      [33, -39],
+      [14, -26],
+      [12, -46],
+      [25, -36],
+      [31, -104],
+      [9, -14],
+      [58, -53],
+      [33, -16],
+      [-11, -76],
+      [23, -64],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [19, -61],
+      [22, -13],
+      [42, 12],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-46, -49],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-35, 11],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [-19, -42],
+      [-47, -1],
+      [-9, -60],
+      [-47, -56],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-17, -25],
+      [-13, -37],
+      [-27, -18],
+      [-31, 1],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [5, -25],
+      [-44, -16],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [-42, -36],
+      [2, -39],
+      [-38, -30],
+      [-40, -2],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [23, 10],
+      [32, 53],
+      [2, 36],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [3, 81],
+      [14, 13],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-88, -21],
+      [-39, -43],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [26, -43],
+      [7, -52],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-20, 17],
+      [-19, -60],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-26, -20],
+      [-64, 51],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [-32, -9],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [-17, 12],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-42, -149],
+      [10, -10],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [-150, -14],
+      [-22, 31],
+      [-47, -1],
+      [-32, -24],
+      [7, -30],
+      [-8, -28],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-16, 8],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [6, 30],
+      [-6, 44],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-4, -58],
+      [-30, 0],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-6, 36],
+      [-39, 34],
+      [-19, 3],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-25, -48],
+      [9, -98],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-4, -38],
+      [32, -71],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-9, -59],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [-23, 63],
+      [-3, 28],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [-46, 11],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [0, -34],
+      [-33, -30],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-28, 49],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [10, -17],
+      [-38, -75],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [2, -36],
+      [-12, -32],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-16, 31],
+      [-4, 64],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-1, 49],
+      [-13, 62],
+      [9, 56],
+      [-15, 27],
+      [-52, 9],
+      [-37, -30],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [9, 17],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-41, 13],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [6, -39],
+      [-38, 17],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-16, -62],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [6, -41],
+      [50, 19],
+      [39, -18],
+      [7, -32],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [64, -61],
+      [22, 4],
+      [36, -58],
+      [18, -65],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-34, -55],
+      [-77, -46],
+      [-78, 1],
+      [-26, -12],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [15, -48],
+      [-50, -57],
+      [-41, -5],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-42, 22],
+      [-23, 24],
+      [-22, -1],
+      [-22, 13],
+      [-34, 56],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [0, 35],
+      [35, 24],
+      [4, 18],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [21, 51],
+      [25, 20],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [57, 36],
+      [18, 4],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [-32, 8],
+      [2, 64],
+      [6, 31],
+      [-18, 23],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-16, -27],
+      [9, -62],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [6, -50],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [19, 40],
+      [-14, 72],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [-27, -2],
+      [-38, -39],
+      [-38, 15],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [13, -51],
+      [18, -7],
+      [8, -42],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-7, -39],
+      [20, -43],
+      [33, -2],
+      [13, -24],
+      [5, -36],
+      [17, -28],
+      [-19, -39],
+      [12, -35],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [-22, 29],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-57, 55],
+      [-23, 2],
+      [-26, 28],
+      [-99, 32],
+      [-79, 57],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-43, -32],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [13, 83],
+      [12, 32],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [-6, 85],
+      [12, 48],
+      [25, 17],
+      [30, 71],
+      [4, 28],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-36, -16],
+      [-55, -44],
+      [-40, -42],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-67, -7],
+      [-16, -28],
+      [23, -73],
+      [33, -28],
+      [24, -49],
+      [-12, -80],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-38, -46],
+      [-46, -4],
+      [-2, -52],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [-23, -21],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [-4, -47],
+      [-17, -48],
+      [-5, -62],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [10, -68],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [-39, -34],
+      [0, -27],
+      [22, -21],
+      [61, 24],
+      [24, -7],
+      [22, -33],
+      [-35, -28],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-29, -37],
+      [11, -23],
+      [-38, -18],
+      [-35, -26],
+      [-28, -29],
+      [7, -25],
+      [-46, -22],
+      [-40, -8],
+      [-43, -50],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [8, -19],
+      [-19, -45],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-44, -10],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-15, 56],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-36, -36],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [27, 30],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-51, 31],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-19, 19],
+      [-33, 14],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [-17, -56],
+      [-16, -98],
+      [-45, -58],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-31, -79],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [-21, 78],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [-48, -25],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [23, 13],
+      [6, 51],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [-18, -2],
+      [-16, -33],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-25, 49],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [-6, -48],
+      [4, -34],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-38, 64],
+      [-22, 22],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [-9, -60],
+      [-62, -77],
+      [-51, -2],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-106, -59],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-7, 91],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [12, 41],
+      [-14, 42],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [-36, -14],
+      [-44, 20],
+      [-40, -36],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-45, -42],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-23, 4],
+      [-74, -17],
+      [13, 53],
+      [17, 27],
+      [38, 45],
+      [13, 28],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-28, 30],
+      [5, 29],
+      [30, 25],
+      [8, 22],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [-40, -55],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-66, -44],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-41, -35],
+      [6, 32],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [5, -28],
+      [-43, -56],
+      [2, -38],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-37, -55],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [25, -22],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [55, -84],
+      [-11, -73],
+      [5, -16],
+      [25, -10],
+      [8, -54],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-26, 12],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-23, -23],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-20, 23],
+      [-49, -31],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-64, -10],
+      [-36, -29],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [4, -67],
+      [20, -37],
+      [42, -32],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-11, -41],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-28, -13],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [5, -33],
+      [-32, -49],
+      [-44, -41],
+      [-36, 15],
+      [-60, -6],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [-34, -38],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-42, -102],
+      [-16, -53],
+      [5, -29],
+      [29, -40],
+      [-23, -56],
+      [-58, -91],
+      [-28, -91],
+      [-8, -34],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [-20, -54],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-58, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [100323, 52870],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-16, 28],
+      [12, 25],
+      [15, -20],
+      [5, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [100742, 52579],
+      [40, -10],
+      [21, 3],
+      [19, -41],
+      [-5, -56],
+      [15, -38],
+      [36, -27],
+      [40, -12],
+      [10, -38],
+      [32, 3],
+      [22, 32],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [17, 26],
+      [25, 4],
+      [8, -61],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [2, -68],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-84, -4],
+      [-78, 6],
+      [-114, 1],
+      [-206, -19],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-27, -16],
+      [-31, -28],
+      [-8, -38],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-49, 34],
+      [-33, 32],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [10, 16],
+      [40, 5],
+      [54, -20],
+      [26, 14],
+      [74, 112],
+      [31, 28],
+      [21, 56],
+      [27, 26],
+      [70, 50],
+      [85, 54],
+      [14, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [101680, 52139],
+      [19, 4],
+      [36, 24],
+      [31, 32],
+      [27, 45],
+      [5, 52],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-35, 52],
+      [30, -6],
+      [28, -43],
+      [108, -227],
+      [0, -36],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-50, -20],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [-70, 12],
+      [-57, 5],
+      [-25, -9],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-96, 34],
+      [-124, 68],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [-33, 34],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [27, -1],
+      [30, -17],
+      [8, -20],
+      [20, -13],
+      [39, 0],
+      [23, 11],
+      [134, -2],
+      [60, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95362, 54036],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-21, 93],
+      [181, 670],
+      [109, 399],
+      [162, 595]
+    ],
+    [
+      [97276, 55745],
+      [327, -12],
+      [320, -12],
+      [339, -13],
+      [544, -18],
+      [637, -20],
+      [90, 115],
+      [70, 2],
+      [49, -15],
+      [-8, 134],
+      [38, 45],
+      [30, 18],
+      [208, 97],
+      [76, 27],
+      [121, 49],
+      [54, 6],
+      [31, -10],
+      [70, -55],
+      [58, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [100330, 56112],
+      [0, -55],
+      [23, -173],
+      [23, -88],
+      [38, -91],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-16, -28],
+      [27, -20],
+      [37, -9],
+      [27, -31],
+      [2, -15],
+      [73, -27],
+      [48, 62],
+      [35, 30],
+      [28, 8],
+      [18, -12],
+      [-5, -68],
+      [15, -9],
+      [36, 7],
+      [7, -30],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-24, -16],
+      [-32, -71],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-37, -43],
+      [-58, -15],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-87, -22],
+      [-36, -25],
+      [-47, -4],
+      [-42, -9],
+      [9, -60],
+      [45, -8],
+      [21, -40],
+      [-9, -33],
+      [-41, -1],
+      [-41, -29],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-26, 15],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [4, -50],
+      [9, -18],
+      [28, -8],
+      [14, -29],
+      [-57, 5],
+      [-13, 46],
+      [-1, 40],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-41, -43],
+      [-14, -43],
+      [19, -39],
+      [14, -4],
+      [1, -32],
+      [35, -70],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-17, -53],
+      [5, -27],
+      [23, -33],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [19, -43],
+      [13, -9],
+      [40, 2],
+      [34, 11],
+      [25, -21],
+      [46, 3],
+      [27, 49],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [-35, 16],
+      [15, 14],
+      [47, 2],
+      [2, -20],
+      [20, -38],
+      [36, -44],
+      [38, -2],
+      [36, -12],
+      [76, -34],
+      [30, -52],
+      [45, -45],
+      [15, -7],
+      [15, -99],
+      [15, -14],
+      [39, -76],
+      [40, -63],
+      [44, -49],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [9, -45],
+      [-48, -34],
+      [-5, -40],
+      [8, -23],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [4, -20],
+      [21, -32],
+      [67, -66],
+      [27, 2],
+      [59, -54],
+      [34, 19],
+      [27, 6],
+      [57, -52],
+      [12, -32],
+      [1, -24],
+      [26, -45],
+      [12, -77],
+      [-30, -70],
+      [1, -39],
+      [44, -62],
+      [44, -44],
+      [42, -31],
+      [110, -43],
+      [69, -14],
+      [157, -11],
+      [29, -21],
+      [30, -31],
+      [45, 50],
+      [35, 24],
+      [50, 22],
+      [13, -3],
+      [76, 24],
+      [36, -3],
+      [49, 19],
+      [59, 16],
+      [73, 37],
+      [31, 33],
+      [8, 20],
+      [-1, 76],
+      [-9, 96],
+      [17, 26],
+      [-45, 30],
+      [-12, 76],
+      [-44, -4],
+      [-35, -70],
+      [-1, 98],
+      [-7, 118],
+      [-12, 67],
+      [-22, 53],
+      [-23, 27],
+      [-75, 46],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-31, -24],
+      [-15, -27],
+      [3, -30],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [-20, 38],
+      [-27, 30],
+      [-22, 15],
+      [13, 23],
+      [23, 14],
+      [68, 10],
+      [54, -10],
+      [82, -27],
+      [63, -33],
+      [44, -36],
+      [47, -57],
+      [40, -71],
+      [48, -101],
+      [33, -96],
+      [43, -168],
+      [17, -90],
+      [14, -172],
+      [1, -125],
+      [-9, -55],
+      [-34, -73],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-18, -30],
+      [-28, -115],
+      [-10, -69],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-25, -2],
+      [1, 24],
+      [17, 24],
+      [14, 37],
+      [13, 80],
+      [26, 82],
+      [-5, 32],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-112, -13],
+      [-96, -31],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-102, -42],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-3, 38],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [-57, -12],
+      [-31, 14],
+      [-41, -13],
+      [-18, -38],
+      [-57, -24],
+      [-68, -3],
+      [-15, -34],
+      [-30, -50],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-32, -16],
+      [-54, -8],
+      [-69, -2],
+      [-96, -13],
+      [-42, -12],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [-20, -34],
+      [-40, -16],
+      [-55, -40],
+      [-54, -26],
+      [-43, -41],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-54, -37],
+      [-51, -2],
+      [-34, -9],
+      [-41, -41],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-67, -4],
+      [-47, -13],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [40, 40],
+      [31, -17],
+      [53, 19],
+      [52, 42],
+      [49, 20],
+      [49, 11],
+      [27, 34],
+      [24, 8],
+      [39, 37],
+      [17, 22],
+      [161, 107],
+      [8, 16],
+      [0, 39],
+      [21, 18],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-19, 56],
+      [23, 49],
+      [-23, 33],
+      [4, 16],
+      [24, 26],
+      [-16, 61],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [29, 30],
+      [38, 13],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [-33, 15],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-71, 23],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [14, -26],
+      [7, -48],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-46, 30],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-13, -67],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-14, -32],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-60, 14],
+      [-14, -26],
+      [22, -12],
+      [8, -24],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-46, -1],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [9, -78],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [-22, 68],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [-30, 13],
+      [-45, -35],
+      [16, -22],
+      [8, -43],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-17, 39],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [4, -39],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [20, -35],
+      [12, -63],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-70, -25],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-37, -22],
+      [-30, -7],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [-42, 17],
+      [-51, 9],
+      [-65, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99766, 52643],
+      [-26, 363],
+      [0, 48],
+      [-77, 20],
+      [-37, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99626, 53091],
+      [-54, 90]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99572, 53181],
+      [-68, 105],
+      [-124, 71],
+      [-21, 66],
+      [3, 68],
+      [-3, 152],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-10, 72],
+      [1, 242],
+      [-221, -4],
+      [-51, -5],
+      [-119, -3],
+      [-387, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [72883, 63399],
+      [32, -8],
+      [11, -15],
+      [34, -2],
+      [45, 10],
+      [6, -21],
+      [-43, -22],
+      [41, -28],
+      [9, -70],
+      [-16, -19],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [10, -42],
+      [19, -31],
+      [6, -78],
+      [-8, -29],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-39, -19],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-52, -15],
+      [-105, 27],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [19, 66],
+      [29, 37],
+      [-9, 48],
+      [8, 60],
+      [26, 41],
+      [35, 34],
+      [13, 48],
+      [-3, 75]
+    ],
+    [
+      [67081, 69342],
+      [19, 29],
+      [32, 30],
+      [80, 40],
+      [66, 19],
+      [59, 31],
+      [41, -24],
+      [44, 7],
+      [36, 30],
+      [41, 10],
+      [24, -2],
+      [45, 20],
+      [5, -51],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-41, -9],
+      [-37, -26],
+      [-30, -39],
+      [-49, -40],
+      [-102, -70],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [8, -39],
+      [-11, -26],
+      [-168, -119],
+      [-90, -41],
+      [-100, -36],
+      [-37, -5],
+      [-75, -35],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-87, -31],
+      [-35, -19],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-73, -37],
+      [-11, -55],
+      [20, -16],
+      [29, 0],
+      [80, 18],
+      [-23, -28],
+      [-162, -60],
+      [-44, -23],
+      [-63, -15],
+      [-96, -43],
+      [-30, -17],
+      [-63, -12],
+      [-60, 19],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [-18, 23],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [12, 16],
+      [-50, 45],
+      [15, 32],
+      [39, 17],
+      [22, 47],
+      [65, 53],
+      [157, 83],
+      [143, 62],
+      [45, 25],
+      [99, 43],
+      [48, 3],
+      [37, 21],
+      [3, 15],
+      [108, 55],
+      [47, -4],
+      [71, 39],
+      [0, 23],
+      [82, 56],
+      [42, 23],
+      [39, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [74695, 63543],
+      [-57, 74],
+      [-51, 31],
+      [8, 65],
+      [32, -6],
+      [40, -52],
+      [35, -91],
+      [20, -14],
+      [75, -31],
+      [44, 6],
+      [40, -12],
+      [113, -47],
+      [21, 15],
+      [3, 35],
+      [30, -56],
+      [88, -32],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [-41, -26],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-24, -1],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-34, 11],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-15, 43],
+      [-30, 25],
+      [-46, 64],
+      [-59, 33],
+      [-21, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [71903, 61500],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [-33, -5],
+      [-39, 14],
+      [0, 39],
+      [24, 56],
+      [44, 21],
+      [46, -18],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-16, -22],
+      [16, -38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [72015, 61880],
+      [51, -6],
+      [30, -12],
+      [24, -32],
+      [0, -45],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-7, -66],
+      [13, -35],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-30, 19],
+      [-44, 58],
+      [-29, 22],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-8, 90],
+      [10, 31],
+      [17, 15],
+      [32, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [76815, 53236],
+      [-263, -8],
+      [-531, -23],
+      [-893, -33],
+      [-145, -6],
+      [-685, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [70542, 53306],
+      [88, 62],
+      [112, 87],
+      [70, 64],
+      [112, 124],
+      [40, 62],
+      [29, 60],
+      [48, 146],
+      [103, 213],
+      [30, 85],
+      [35, 41],
+      [116, 157],
+      [35, 52],
+      [54, 93],
+      [64, 143],
+      [46, 120],
+      [23, 92],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [15, 29],
+      [29, 77],
+      [22, 92],
+      [17, 151],
+      [10, 63],
+      [18, 75],
+      [-7, 108],
+      [25, 67],
+      [13, 70],
+      [4, 69],
+      [-3, 110],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [-2, 124],
+      [2, 66],
+      [-6, 61],
+      [-4, 90],
+      [-19, 175],
+      [-11, 69],
+      [-22, 86],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [-8, 66],
+      [-49, 132],
+      [-66, 149],
+      [-148, 306],
+      [-22, 56],
+      [-51, 147],
+      [-25, 89],
+      [-38, 151],
+      [-19, 59],
+      [-76, 155],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [-16, 60],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [5, 64],
+      [17, 49],
+      [35, 52],
+      [53, 67],
+      [38, 54],
+      [30, 63],
+      [15, 45],
+      [11, 67],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-5, 38],
+      [-21, 86],
+      [-5, 72],
+      [-28, 133],
+      [-38, 76],
+      [-34, 53],
+      [-24, 65],
+      [0, 26],
+      [26, 44],
+      [100, 77],
+      [32, 35],
+      [54, 93],
+      [38, 82],
+      [32, 47],
+      [21, 54],
+      [15, 51],
+      [31, 34],
+      [21, 53],
+      [29, 61],
+      [59, 94],
+      [31, 140],
+      [7, 50],
+      [-7, 78],
+      [5, 79],
+      [19, 47],
+      [28, 120],
+      [6, 44],
+      [-9, 71],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-41, 99],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [4, 58],
+      [15, 31],
+      [30, 18],
+      [112, 37],
+      [22, 19],
+      [73, -1],
+      [28, 8],
+      [32, 26],
+      [21, 43],
+      [8, 29],
+      [3, 88],
+      [11, 42],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-10, 77],
+      [-2, 49],
+      [10, 53],
+      [15, 13],
+      [38, 12],
+      [14, -21],
+      [40, -20],
+      [32, 1],
+      [22, 16],
+      [14, 22],
+      [11, 37],
+      [27, 28],
+      [39, 71],
+      [29, -1],
+      [45, -27],
+      [22, -37],
+      [19, -10],
+      [63, 3],
+      [53, 24],
+      [50, 71],
+      [17, 94],
+      [18, 21],
+      [28, 70],
+      [11, 11],
+      [53, 25],
+      [31, 27],
+      [27, 41],
+      [12, 60],
+      [35, 74],
+      [69, 104],
+      [22, -21],
+      [39, 5],
+      [40, 30],
+      [25, 46],
+      [20, -1],
+      [25, -53],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [-39, -25],
+      [-22, -33],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-27, -55],
+      [10, -35],
+      [48, -107],
+      [19, -7],
+      [13, -23],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-58, -8],
+      [-4, -48],
+      [-42, -43],
+      [29, -35],
+      [8, -41],
+      [0, -120],
+      [-43, -15],
+      [-44, -118],
+      [-6, -63],
+      [1, -44],
+      [18, -53],
+      [9, -52],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [24, -20],
+      [32, -6],
+      [32, 9],
+      [5, 38],
+      [17, 61],
+      [67, 141],
+      [24, 24],
+      [4, 41],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [46, 55],
+      [12, 22],
+      [24, 87],
+      [1, 35],
+      [51, 40],
+      [32, 3],
+      [19, -76],
+      [-38, -18],
+      [-11, -66],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [7, -16],
+      [-17, -92],
+      [-20, -44],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-39, -28],
+      [-30, -40],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [0, -51],
+      [-30, -75],
+      [41, -28],
+      [50, -2],
+      [42, 50],
+      [-8, 49],
+      [18, 42],
+      [46, 28],
+      [22, 25],
+      [5, 27],
+      [64, 116],
+      [5, 34],
+      [32, 42],
+      [19, 48],
+      [33, 171],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [2, 70],
+      [6, 24],
+      [21, 34],
+      [-1, 121],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [-6, 96],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [-4, 115],
+      [32, 90],
+      [30, 30],
+      [38, 28],
+      [51, 49],
+      [63, 5],
+      [20, 11],
+      [20, 28],
+      [31, 22],
+      [48, 44],
+      [51, 10],
+      [72, 24],
+      [166, -16],
+      [40, -7],
+      [20, 14],
+      [118, 23],
+      [80, 43],
+      [6, 25],
+      [-6, 37],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-110, 19],
+      [-5, -22],
+      [-107, 40],
+      [-53, 57],
+      [-35, 45],
+      [-39, 113],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [-8, 74],
+      [14, 43],
+      [35, 36],
+      [26, 43],
+      [8, 30],
+      [25, 26],
+      [86, 31],
+      [26, 24],
+      [9, 21],
+      [48, 42],
+      [50, 61],
+      [3, 46],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [-59, 38],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [105, 0],
+      [52, -25],
+      [81, 5],
+      [48, -18],
+      [78, 6],
+      [20, 13],
+      [16, 43],
+      [-25, 28],
+      [38, 22],
+      [40, -17],
+      [32, 14],
+      [15, -3],
+      [19, -52],
+      [63, -25],
+      [5, -18],
+      [65, -23],
+      [74, -47],
+      [92, -49],
+      [30, -30],
+      [144, -95],
+      [36, 6],
+      [28, 36],
+      [26, 1],
+      [69, -35],
+      [87, 22],
+      [74, -28],
+      [37, -22],
+      [102, -25],
+      [36, -33],
+      [29, -43],
+      [43, -49],
+      [33, -29],
+      [24, -43],
+      [-1, -36],
+      [9, -47],
+      [24, -47],
+      [25, -20],
+      [37, -17],
+      [37, -3],
+      [51, 20],
+      [57, -15],
+      [37, 7],
+      [72, -2],
+      [56, -19],
+      [51, -45],
+      [44, -53],
+      [31, -29],
+      [65, -41],
+      [34, -7],
+      [29, 2],
+      [32, -15],
+      [63, 5],
+      [46, -43],
+      [54, -29],
+      [45, -33],
+      [83, -48],
+      [54, -13],
+      [37, 9],
+      [23, 18],
+      [44, -29],
+      [33, 28],
+      [15, -5],
+      [20, -35],
+      [60, -79],
+      [24, -17],
+      [19, -33],
+      [40, -28],
+      [24, -7],
+      [12, -20],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [-45, -23],
+      [12, -47],
+      [40, -60],
+      [29, -54],
+      [1, -24],
+      [16, -24],
+      [21, -4],
+      [20, -36],
+      [40, -13],
+      [-4, -33],
+      [19, -75],
+      [18, -22],
+      [14, -54],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [48, -90],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-71, 23],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-18, 30],
+      [-60, 20],
+      [-64, -32],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [15, -38],
+      [28, -22],
+      [-35, -45],
+      [12, -96],
+      [9, -29],
+      [25, -35],
+      [38, -20],
+      [20, -40],
+      [77, -43],
+      [60, -14],
+      [-1, -69],
+      [12, -28],
+      [26, -31],
+      [9, -92],
+      [-3, -119],
+      [12, -43],
+      [33, -38],
+      [-7, -62],
+      [-23, -92],
+      [-34, -59],
+      [-13, -53],
+      [-2, -34],
+      [4, -77],
+      [9, -62],
+      [-18, -65],
+      [1, -71],
+      [-17, -105],
+      [0, -39],
+      [10, -62],
+      [-23, -81],
+      [-2, -36],
+      [5, -45],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-52, -65],
+      [-24, -18],
+      [-21, -56],
+      [-32, -18],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-32, 14],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-55, -16],
+      [-29, -31],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-21, -53],
+      [-9, -74],
+      [-26, -106],
+      [0, -92],
+      [-10, -46],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [11, -32],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-54, -9],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [15, -67],
+      [-119, -7],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-76, 10],
+      [-36, -19],
+      [-40, -53],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-23, -62],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-30, -13],
+      [-18, -48],
+      [-2, -108],
+      [-15, -174],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-47, -67],
+      [28, -89],
+      [56, -108],
+      [23, -21],
+      [84, -49],
+      [69, -4],
+      [67, -33],
+      [17, 12],
+      [82, -41],
+      [41, -53],
+      [63, -17],
+      [29, 21],
+      [66, 75],
+      [43, 54],
+      [60, 86],
+      [18, 3],
+      [4, 36],
+      [50, 43],
+      [16, 3],
+      [18, -18],
+      [49, 9],
+      [19, 22],
+      [19, 45],
+      [36, 52],
+      [-12, 26],
+      [16, 38],
+      [23, 33],
+      [28, 19],
+      [-3, 25],
+      [9, 36],
+      [32, 18],
+      [2, 13],
+      [57, 34],
+      [49, 58],
+      [1, 34],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [53, 14],
+      [25, 12],
+      [43, 39],
+      [25, 46],
+      [14, 44],
+      [64, 18],
+      [58, 6],
+      [28, -3],
+      [66, 19],
+      [46, 29],
+      [24, 6],
+      [53, -6],
+      [38, 13],
+      [23, 24],
+      [31, 64],
+      [10, 10],
+      [63, 10],
+      [43, 43],
+      [37, -10],
+      [35, 18],
+      [24, 3],
+      [48, -49],
+      [26, -15],
+      [80, -21],
+      [74, -34],
+      [19, -35],
+      [34, -6],
+      [48, -44],
+      [20, -43],
+      [34, -61],
+      [31, -77],
+      [27, -86],
+      [44, -40],
+      [22, -39],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [26, -28],
+      [29, -159],
+      [-2, -31],
+      [13, -41],
+      [14, -154],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [10, -168],
+      [12, -54],
+      [15, -94],
+      [38, -104],
+      [0, -15],
+      [22, -83],
+      [26, -67],
+      [0, -38],
+      [8, -137],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [13, -38],
+      [1, -44],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [17, -203],
+      [7, -32],
+      [19, -40],
+      [14, -89],
+      [14, -45],
+      [6, -65],
+      [9, -39],
+      [28, -38],
+      [25, -66],
+      [65, -135],
+      [12, -6],
+      [-59, -173],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [-28, -100],
+      [-26, -389],
+      [-49, -242],
+      [-25, -75],
+      [-112, -135],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-34, 21],
+      [-100, -88],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [27, 23],
+      [12, 21],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [0, 42],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [23, 22],
+      [32, 7],
+      [4, 23],
+      [-15, 21],
+      [38, 26],
+      [44, -15],
+      [27, 27],
+      [15, 35],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-46, 7],
+      [-26, 22],
+      [-50, 6],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-51, -33],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-31, -33],
+      [-12, -37],
+      [2, -25],
+      [15, -13],
+      [41, -19],
+      [2, -52],
+      [12, -29],
+      [-74, -2],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-22, -18],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-44, -64],
+      [-15, -57],
+      [-3, -73],
+      [26, -53],
+      [-30, -108],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [-19, -32],
+      [-31, -19],
+      [-25, -47],
+      [9, -19],
+      [-66, -31],
+      [-54, -18],
+      [-56, -7],
+      [-85, -30],
+      [-29, -23],
+      [-31, -47],
+      [-59, -129],
+      [-11, -162],
+      [18, -94],
+      [-17, -125],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-21, -30],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [6, -36],
+      [-5, -53],
+      [13, -30],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-38, -38],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-33, 14],
+      [-29, -4],
+      [-24, -18],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [-4, -44],
+      [-10, -25],
+      [-46, -36],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [-17, -9],
+      [-27, -45],
+      [-25, -57],
+      [-46, -30],
+      [-14, -25],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [11, -49],
+      [25, -73],
+      [-55, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [63855, 65432],
+      [130, 87],
+      [38, 18],
+      [39, -12],
+      [77, 39],
+      [52, 15],
+      [137, 53],
+      [118, 25],
+      [102, 33],
+      [32, 15],
+      [60, 48],
+      [19, 25],
+      [54, 35],
+      [72, 59],
+      [48, 57],
+      [82, 82],
+      [31, 21],
+      [77, 37],
+      [131, 30],
+      [87, 7],
+      [58, -20],
+      [13, -15],
+      [29, -1],
+      [93, 33],
+      [63, 10],
+      [40, 15],
+      [79, -12],
+      [65, 6],
+      [40, 11],
+      [81, 34],
+      [228, 116],
+      [40, 24],
+      [49, 46],
+      [62, 87],
+      [48, 49],
+      [45, 23],
+      [22, -19],
+      [36, -3],
+      [44, 8],
+      [44, 27],
+      [31, -10],
+      [46, 0],
+      [48, 17],
+      [24, 16],
+      [29, 30],
+      [36, 55],
+      [20, 43],
+      [19, 68],
+      [27, 37],
+      [63, 34],
+      [13, 2],
+      [62, 67],
+      [47, 24],
+      [22, -1],
+      [25, 13],
+      [65, 76],
+      [56, 48],
+      [80, 52],
+      [30, 3],
+      [57, 31],
+      [67, 18],
+      [136, 119],
+      [43, 51],
+      [13, 36],
+      [21, 30],
+      [76, 79],
+      [54, 34],
+      [122, 48],
+      [72, 48],
+      [86, 19],
+      [38, 29],
+      [1, 18],
+      [67, 23],
+      [180, 28],
+      [69, 3],
+      [15, 15],
+      [114, 9],
+      [92, -2],
+      [59, -10],
+      [150, -7],
+      [30, 3],
+      [82, -32],
+      [49, -29],
+      [27, -23],
+      [11, -85],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [-39, 12],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-66, -17],
+      [-28, -18],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-40, 22],
+      [-63, 2],
+      [-111, -14],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [4, -30],
+      [29, -18],
+      [17, -33],
+      [-15, -21],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-51, -41],
+      [-71, -21],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [-47, -64],
+      [-39, -15],
+      [-27, -40],
+      [-58, -58],
+      [-58, -18],
+      [-33, 0],
+      [-31, -26],
+      [-15, -25],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [-1, -41],
+      [20, -32],
+      [-29, -25],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-32, -35],
+      [1, -38],
+      [-17, -41],
+      [-79, -45],
+      [-24, -29],
+      [-11, -74],
+      [-16, -52],
+      [-34, -37],
+      [-47, -67],
+      [-61, -14],
+      [-9, -64],
+      [-13, -60],
+      [-38, -94],
+      [-4, -89],
+      [-10, -48],
+      [19, -64],
+      [20, -49],
+      [45, 0],
+      [43, 63],
+      [63, 67],
+      [2, 36],
+      [15, 14],
+      [38, -3],
+      [77, 83],
+      [54, 42],
+      [37, 23],
+      [32, 35],
+      [144, 74],
+      [43, 20],
+      [21, -12],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-69, -63],
+      [23, -36],
+      [90, 13],
+      [47, 19],
+      [36, 8],
+      [31, -5],
+      [61, -24],
+      [87, -7],
+      [56, 7],
+      [103, 2],
+      [48, -43],
+      [53, -22],
+      [35, 15],
+      [26, -5],
+      [68, -28],
+      [0, -25],
+      [39, -16],
+      [28, 12],
+      [11, -38],
+      [1, -34],
+      [13, -23],
+      [26, -5],
+      [35, 4],
+      [37, 24],
+      [5, -41],
+      [38, -20],
+      [34, -1],
+      [47, -60],
+      [24, -14],
+      [8, -75],
+      [15, -57],
+      [18, -25],
+      [93, -81],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [40, -76],
+      [65, -30],
+      [7, -52],
+      [40, -30],
+      [59, -3],
+      [14, -16],
+      [36, -6],
+      [5, -33],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [33, -64],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [8, -22],
+      [42, -43],
+      [29, -17],
+      [75, -22],
+      [97, -9],
+      [105, 6],
+      [51, 17],
+      [89, -9],
+      [37, 5],
+      [16, 19],
+      [40, 30],
+      [58, 12],
+      [54, 34],
+      [75, -18],
+      [23, -25],
+      [3, -17],
+      [29, -64],
+      [0, -31],
+      [36, -19],
+      [45, 4],
+      [27, -19],
+      [10, -43],
+      [16, -11],
+      [70, -8],
+      [40, 10],
+      [13, 57],
+      [39, 43],
+      [71, 4],
+      [26, -10],
+      [47, -77],
+      [23, -16],
+      [22, 42],
+      [5, 108],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [-13, 82],
+      [25, 28],
+      [33, 15],
+      [13, -11],
+      [34, 10],
+      [47, -68],
+      [-3, -39],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-10, -37],
+      [35, -20],
+      [17, 30],
+      [17, 9],
+      [0, -58],
+      [43, -17],
+      [53, 61],
+      [61, 45],
+      [55, 49],
+      [25, 45],
+      [23, 22],
+      [60, -6],
+      [87, 36],
+      [76, 37],
+      [301, 192],
+      [49, 39],
+      [43, 9],
+      [35, -40],
+      [37, -7],
+      [48, 8],
+      [69, 25],
+      [78, 15],
+      [77, 9],
+      [55, 19],
+      [86, 16],
+      [68, -5],
+      [86, -20],
+      [83, -9],
+      [67, -1],
+      [85, 8],
+      [82, -3],
+      [70, -11],
+      [83, -1],
+      [61, 4],
+      [51, 12],
+      [209, 84],
+      [149, 78],
+      [62, 22],
+      [156, 25],
+      [203, -14],
+      [51, 6],
+      [50, 23],
+      [37, 8],
+      [46, 1],
+      [25, -9],
+      [-67, -60],
+      [-38, -44],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [-14, -38],
+      [-1, -56],
+      [-14, -126],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [3, -49],
+      [15, -97],
+      [-34, -14],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [12, -57],
+      [30, -41],
+      [34, -20],
+      [85, -9],
+      [61, 33],
+      [5, -22],
+      [35, -33],
+      [41, -5],
+      [59, 11],
+      [22, -24],
+      [11, -29],
+      [27, -12],
+      [55, 6],
+      [57, 18],
+      [85, 37],
+      [84, 49],
+      [46, -14],
+      [42, 7],
+      [27, -33],
+      [16, -38],
+      [44, -44],
+      [20, -29],
+      [41, -23],
+      [89, 52],
+      [19, 3],
+      [26, -20],
+      [32, 21],
+      [13, 33],
+      [0, 22],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [34, 55],
+      [46, 30],
+      [48, -5],
+      [37, 24],
+      [92, -22],
+      [114, -12],
+      [71, 98],
+      [60, 15],
+      [121, -25],
+      [20, -31],
+      [12, -34],
+      [-65, -216],
+      [14, -117],
+      [43, -263],
+      [14, -68],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-23, -20],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [-68, -9],
+      [-25, -20],
+      [-30, -44],
+      [7, -35],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [56, -32],
+      [45, 8],
+      [37, 45],
+      [10, -6],
+      [87, -4],
+      [19, -15],
+      [27, -59],
+      [20, -11],
+      [54, -1],
+      [63, -36],
+      [-65, -46],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [37, -33],
+      [45, -62],
+      [40, -26],
+      [31, -29],
+      [48, -13],
+      [37, 9],
+      [24, -34],
+      [42, -16],
+      [15, -32],
+      [51, -14],
+      [9, 4],
+      [42, 77],
+      [29, -8],
+      [22, -50],
+      [45, -17],
+      [32, 21],
+      [21, 36],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [-42, 13],
+      [-30, 42],
+      [-21, 76],
+      [22, 13],
+      [36, -17],
+      [39, -28],
+      [81, 0],
+      [16, 26],
+      [30, 6],
+      [79, -8],
+      [49, 9],
+      [67, -35],
+      [33, -1],
+      [16, -50],
+      [13, -20],
+      [21, -8],
+      [20, -54],
+      [5, -41],
+      [15, -25],
+      [97, -38],
+      [14, -30],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [-41, -100],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [-66, -15],
+      [-40, 9],
+      [-91, 41],
+      [-47, 33],
+      [-56, -25],
+      [-59, -4],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [-81, -11],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-50, -10],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-30, 22],
+      [-56, -6],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-58, 19],
+      [-61, 4],
+      [-21, -15],
+      [-39, -6],
+      [-117, 30],
+      [-19, -9],
+      [-38, 29],
+      [-56, -9],
+      [-58, -23],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [-112, -4],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [-140, 0],
+      [-43, -36],
+      [-43, -25],
+      [-97, 67],
+      [-27, 49],
+      [-37, -23],
+      [-33, 23],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-34, -4],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [7, 33],
+      [-5, 36],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-36, 25],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-72, 59],
+      [-16, 8],
+      [-36, -17],
+      [-32, -48],
+      [0, -26],
+      [12, -95],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-66, -10],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [11, -23],
+      [27, -13],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-38, -23],
+      [23, -83],
+      [38, -53],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-85, 58],
+      [-72, 34],
+      [-13, 24],
+      [-7, 42],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-38, 24],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [-70, 38],
+      [-36, 64],
+      [-68, 76],
+      [-56, 50],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-78, 31],
+      [-62, 13],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [-51, 34],
+      [-40, 12],
+      [-72, -8],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-47, 40],
+      [-81, 13],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-53, 36],
+      [-37, 15],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-47, -25],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-28, 1],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-63, 28],
+      [-36, 1],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-36, -30],
+      [-117, -124],
+      [-26, -55],
+      [-57, -62],
+      [-29, -43],
+      [-62, -17],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-88, 31],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-60, -2],
+      [-29, -21],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-6, -41],
+      [10, -28],
+      [-62, 40],
+      [-83, 36],
+      [-97, 28],
+      [-82, 12],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [-67, -28],
+      [-69, 24],
+      [-45, -11],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-44, -17],
+      [-70, -67],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [-15, -137],
+      [-31, -45],
+      [-11, -72],
+      [6, -19],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-60, -1],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-26, -4],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-6, -45],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-29, -10],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-13, -28],
+      [-34, 20],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [-4, -40],
+      [-30, -32],
+      [-54, 21],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [2, -58],
+      [-5, -39],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-31, -26],
+      [20, -98],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-33, 14],
+      [-39, 32],
+      [-15, 35],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [4, 40],
+      [19, 18],
+      [30, -8],
+      [24, 10],
+      [20, 26],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [16, 21],
+      [29, 9],
+      [26, 38],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [7, 47],
+      [26, 4],
+      [36, -21],
+      [27, 7],
+      [12, 26],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [20, 27],
+      [14, -3],
+      [15, 23],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [7, 24],
+      [31, 21],
+      [18, 33],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [-22, 39],
+      [-49, 26],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-37, -56],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [-37, -40],
+      [2, -43],
+      [-26, -23],
+      [-139, 29],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-26, 40],
+      [-30, 7],
+      [-44, -18],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [4, -62],
+      [14, -21],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-29, -36],
+      [-37, -25],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-6, -32],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-59, -31],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-51, -6],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-38, -58],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-22, 12],
+      [-6, 23],
+      [13, 58],
+      [5, 62],
+      [-12, 33],
+      [0, 65],
+      [-13, 47],
+      [-31, 53],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-39, -12],
+      [-33, -54],
+      [-1, -85],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [3, -34],
+      [17, -13],
+      [-8, -28],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [20, -26],
+      [-67, -19],
+      [-30, -38],
+      [-33, -10],
+      [-80, -51],
+      [-46, -64],
+      [-49, -93],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-54, -93],
+      [-47, -127],
+      [-32, -66],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [-25, -45],
+      [0, -26],
+      [13, -17],
+      [-19, -37],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [-9, -28],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-14, -50],
+      [-59, -83],
+      [-13, -58],
+      [-49, -51],
+      [-88, -124],
+      [-68, -82],
+      [-27, -19],
+      [-41, -45],
+      [-28, -49],
+      [-21, -59],
+      [3, -23],
+      [37, -48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [54755, 48865],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-390, 606],
+      [-57, 32],
+      [3, 60],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-129, 129],
+      [-121, 310],
+      [-10, 45],
+      [21, 20],
+      [42, 73],
+      [-70, 64],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-72, 2],
+      [-34, 18],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-10, 93],
+      [17, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [38481, 56436],
+      [445, 2],
+      [441, -2],
+      [321, 0],
+      [506, 0],
+      [245, -1],
+      [389, -1],
+      [567, -1],
+      [753, 0],
+      [386, -1],
+      [465, -7],
+      [735, 4],
+      [638, 0],
+      [622, 2],
+      [150, 1],
+      [229, -1],
+      [415, 0],
+      [388, -2],
+      [408, 0],
+      [424, 0],
+      [513, 0],
+      [550, 0],
+      [436, 1],
+      [311, 1],
+      [15, -52],
+      [43, -77],
+      [38, -32],
+      [225, -122],
+      [226, -100],
+      [72, -25],
+      [203, -167],
+      [40, -17],
+      [65, -2],
+      [93, 16],
+      [25, 15],
+      [52, 49],
+      [38, 56],
+      [16, 46],
+      [9, 59],
+      [56, 22],
+      [31, 3],
+      [26, -19],
+      [74, -29],
+      [164, -18],
+      [288, 19],
+      [202, 28],
+      [176, -4],
+      [133, -15],
+      [72, -61],
+      [53, -62],
+      [98, -57],
+      [158, -31],
+      [49, -19],
+      [121, -62],
+      [76, -16],
+      [25, 6],
+      [174, -70],
+      [166, -102],
+      [21, -45],
+      [10, -42],
+      [-7, -53],
+      [6, -22],
+      [153, -222],
+      [27, -19],
+      [230, -66],
+      [22, 0],
+      [60, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8807, 53897],
+      [23, 4],
+      [366, 4],
+      [800, -8],
+      [67, 0],
+      [1018, -4],
+      [1079, 10],
+      [2179, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [100541, 56585],
+      [-28, -69],
+      [-47, -82],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-66, -132],
+      [-27, -67],
+      [-14, -94]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99055, 61514],
+      [12, 141],
+      [13, 8],
+      [112, 130],
+      [58, 201],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-74, 49],
+      [78, 20],
+      [108, 72],
+      [85, 70],
+      [24, 9],
+      [33, -29],
+      [13, -45],
+      [50, -42],
+      [91, -29],
+      [83, -5],
+      [14, 6],
+      [50, 124],
+      [13, 18],
+      [25, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [94139, 50215],
+      [-63, -39],
+      [-60, -26],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [3, 29],
+      [19, 18],
+      [2, 26],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [35, 29],
+      [23, 0],
+      [11, 15],
+      [13, 72],
+      [16, 31],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [2, 30],
+      [21, 27],
+      [17, 8],
+      [51, -16],
+      [61, 8],
+      [63, 16],
+      [19, -1],
+      [12, -17],
+      [4, -44],
+      [27, -51],
+      [-28, -50],
+      [-42, -44],
+      [-39, -49],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-13, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [97883, 51651],
+      [11, 27],
+      [79, -34],
+      [5, -19],
+      [-10, -90],
+      [-19, -9],
+      [0, 53],
+      [-12, 27],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-35, -2],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [20, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [98234, 52111],
+      [16, -15],
+      [-81, -40],
+      [-44, -30],
+      [-64, -8],
+      [3, 14],
+      [30, 47],
+      [23, -1],
+      [29, 20],
+      [21, -3],
+      [67, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [95045, 51350],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-33, -14],
+      [-16, -44],
+      [-66, -34],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-47, -32],
+      [-45, -68],
+      [-14, -68],
+      [12, -28],
+      [-46, 5],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [7, -25],
+      [27, -24],
+      [29, -53],
+      [25, 15],
+      [26, 51],
+      [0, 15],
+      [48, 66],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [29, 9],
+      [71, -33],
+      [37, 17],
+      [3, 37],
+      [38, 50],
+      [30, -1],
+      [42, 24],
+      [54, 21],
+      [34, -18],
+      [89, 24],
+      [15, 61],
+      [12, 11],
+      [41, -22],
+      [50, -7],
+      [14, -34],
+      [43, -3],
+      [6, 12],
+      [4, 73],
+      [14, 3],
+      [35, -45],
+      [40, -27],
+      [40, 7],
+      [67, -13],
+      [123, -49],
+      [149, 60],
+      [8, 68],
+      [8, 27],
+      [56, 14],
+      [54, 3],
+      [70, -28],
+      [6, 6],
+      [83, 5],
+      [76, -1],
+      [77, -9],
+      [47, 1],
+      [116, 18],
+      [97, -12],
+      [26, 26],
+      [85, 26],
+      [47, 10],
+      [45, -6],
+      [55, 8],
+      [93, 18],
+      [119, 101],
+      [82, 37],
+      [31, 37],
+      [29, 48],
+      [51, 5],
+      [39, 21],
+      [76, 94],
+      [63, 18],
+      [58, 38],
+      [23, 7],
+      [20, -11],
+      [42, 18],
+      [14, -12],
+      [-29, -49],
+      [-22, -22],
+      [-66, -41],
+      [1, 50],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [-37, -15],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [0, -33],
+      [33, -46],
+      [36, -20],
+      [33, -1],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [17, -41],
+      [25, -24],
+      [35, 7],
+      [45, -11],
+      [29, -21],
+      [21, 1],
+      [20, 15],
+      [9, 19],
+      [22, 18],
+      [17, -3],
+      [31, -31],
+      [0, -40],
+      [39, -61],
+      [14, -14],
+      [25, -7],
+      [23, 13],
+      [13, 32],
+      [49, 1],
+      [-4, 28],
+      [30, 0],
+      [39, 19],
+      [29, 29],
+      [60, 20],
+      [11, 17],
+      [3, 43],
+      [74, 23],
+      [38, 1],
+      [18, -13],
+      [37, -2],
+      [25, -11],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-55, -31],
+      [-60, -15],
+      [-174, -86],
+      [-159, -71],
+      [-523, -266],
+      [-138, -60],
+      [-193, -74],
+      [-319, -117],
+      [-43, -14],
+      [-177, -72],
+      [-112, -50],
+      [-166, -84],
+      [-79, -34],
+      [-285, -89],
+      [-100, -24],
+      [-83, -2],
+      [-24, 38],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [-75, -33],
+      [-109, -36],
+      [-208, -50],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-50, 3],
+      [-67, -13],
+      [-201, 4],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-41, 0],
+      [-59, -15],
+      [-51, -19],
+      [-83, -41],
+      [-104, -40],
+      [4, 38],
+      [-32, 33],
+      [-97, -7],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [22, 31],
+      [-18, 26],
+      [-41, 9],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [19, 55],
+      [26, 32],
+      [-4, 49],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [15, 37],
+      [-14, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [83685, 54592],
+      [82, 37],
+      [135, 78],
+      [96, 66],
+      [88, 55],
+      [66, 48],
+      [67, 55],
+      [40, 17],
+      [45, 44],
+      [45, 63],
+      [43, 33],
+      [56, 57],
+      [38, 0],
+      [26, 27],
+      [64, 29],
+      [35, 30],
+      [40, 22],
+      [37, 11],
+      [55, 24],
+      [83, 20],
+      [19, 27],
+      [17, 64],
+      [14, 11],
+      [20, 49],
+      [60, 67],
+      [28, 12],
+      [3, 59],
+      [25, 53],
+      [56, 31],
+      [51, 10],
+      [88, 67],
+      [48, 13],
+      [93, 84],
+      [28, 34],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-12, 66],
+      [12, 37],
+      [-12, 28],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-19, 35],
+      [-17, 45],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [12, 34],
+      [1, 59],
+      [-25, 59],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-75, 27],
+      [-72, 47],
+      [-16, 24],
+      [-16, 188],
+      [-56, 15],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [17, 90],
+      [27, 43],
+      [-30, 240],
+      [-22, 59],
+      [94, 29],
+      [89, 19],
+      [77, 30],
+      [180, 61],
+      [105, 24],
+      [57, 19],
+      [93, 17],
+      [116, 42],
+      [162, 30],
+      [109, 13],
+      [30, -10],
+      [191, 14],
+      [21, -6],
+      [202, -8],
+      [31, -5],
+      [165, 17],
+      [75, 0],
+      [151, -23],
+      [54, -3],
+      [34, 10],
+      [100, -31],
+      [33, 0],
+      [55, -19],
+      [109, -15],
+      [59, -11],
+      [46, 5],
+      [6, -10],
+      [49, -18],
+      [31, -16],
+      [24, -39],
+      [88, -73],
+      [48, -20],
+      [95, -71],
+      [48, -19],
+      [32, -3],
+      [62, 40],
+      [45, 10],
+      [74, 29],
+      [41, 9],
+      [44, 18],
+      [93, 10],
+      [49, 1],
+      [20, -7],
+      [74, -2],
+      [94, 17],
+      [76, -7],
+      [55, 16],
+      [24, -5],
+      [35, 6],
+      [83, -18],
+      [62, -24],
+      [63, 0],
+      [21, 8],
+      [68, -10],
+      [55, 36],
+      [34, 17],
+      [50, 3],
+      [42, 14],
+      [24, 18],
+      [88, 10],
+      [48, 23],
+      [41, 33],
+      [29, 30],
+      [61, 2],
+      [25, 21],
+      [29, 35],
+      [50, 88],
+      [22, 30],
+      [44, 25],
+      [82, 64],
+      [58, 30],
+      [30, 27],
+      [17, -5],
+      [37, 16],
+      [27, 44],
+      [115, 76],
+      [77, 7],
+      [44, -31],
+      [27, -4],
+      [63, 2],
+      [69, 30],
+      [45, 12],
+      [33, 40],
+      [27, 75],
+      [8, 64],
+      [5, 125],
+      [-17, 174],
+      [-14, 87],
+      [-30, 128],
+      [-39, 55],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [1, 37],
+      [39, 37],
+      [34, 11],
+      [29, -7],
+      [16, -21],
+      [31, -5],
+      [41, 32],
+      [41, 26],
+      [24, 2],
+      [34, 24],
+      [4, 37],
+      [-16, 70],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [-44, -6],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-81, 29],
+      [-30, -18],
+      [-26, 1],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [3, 37],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [6, 57],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-105, 29],
+      [-1, 42],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [21, 83],
+      [80, 166],
+      [49, 12],
+      [76, -1],
+      [72, 28],
+      [29, 17],
+      [50, 46],
+      [86, 139],
+      [136, 93],
+      [82, 40],
+      [42, -1],
+      [15, -11],
+      [39, 16],
+      [68, 48],
+      [77, 68],
+      [94, 94],
+      [24, 99],
+      [79, 113],
+      [128, 129],
+      [383, 367],
+      [108, 94],
+      [185, 142],
+      [59, 51],
+      [-11, 26],
+      [46, 31],
+      [124, 71],
+      [50, 14],
+      [92, 35],
+      [210, 126],
+      [41, 30],
+      [23, 48],
+      [38, 15],
+      [271, 82],
+      [47, -4],
+      [185, -28],
+      [765, -29],
+      [268, -1],
+      [507, 25],
+      [465, 7],
+      [524, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [78217, 52933],
+      [17, -3],
+      [25, 17],
+      [-5, -59],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-44, 25],
+      [-19, 20],
+      [32, 41],
+      [21, 0],
+      [13, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [77986, 53052],
+      [58, 13],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [-55, -62],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [18, 26],
+      [18, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [78025, 53139],
+      [39, 0],
+      [-35, -29],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [43, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [78006, 53213],
+      [9, -38],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [18, 35],
+      [22, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [76815, 53236],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [18, -52],
+      [68, -39],
+      [32, 2],
+      [31, -14],
+      [35, 3],
+      [28, 15],
+      [7, 25],
+      [21, -5],
+      [61, -52],
+      [104, -75],
+      [12, -18],
+      [69, -33],
+      [91, -33],
+      [78, -11],
+      [33, -17],
+      [36, -29],
+      [44, -69],
+      [28, -31],
+      [53, -43],
+      [56, -36],
+      [66, -25],
+      [68, 12],
+      [52, 37],
+      [24, 36],
+      [3, 40],
+      [-8, 31],
+      [12, 18],
+      [35, 10],
+      [26, -42],
+      [48, -61],
+      [17, -15],
+      [25, 0],
+      [41, 15],
+      [59, -12],
+      [13, -13],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [-19, -26],
+      [22, -49],
+      [41, -13],
+      [55, -77],
+      [76, -76],
+      [1, -8],
+      [110, -72],
+      [82, -40],
+      [61, -7],
+      [38, 13],
+      [55, 26],
+      [61, 43],
+      [68, 32],
+      [51, 9],
+      [80, -4],
+      [68, 15],
+      [114, 76],
+      [22, 18],
+      [31, 7],
+      [132, 52],
+      [153, 52],
+      [32, -3],
+      [56, -23],
+      [12, -17],
+      [38, -18],
+      [113, -20],
+      [31, 1],
+      [92, 29],
+      [53, 1],
+      [70, -22],
+      [63, 37],
+      [8, 10],
+      [78, 65],
+      [58, 23],
+      [63, 50],
+      [69, 68],
+      [61, 68],
+      [55, 23],
+      [64, 65],
+      [43, 61],
+      [101, 85],
+      [66, 52],
+      [96, 58],
+      [27, 24],
+      [43, -5],
+      [28, 8],
+      [120, 64],
+      [133, 78],
+      [38, 13],
+      [76, 42],
+      [51, 18],
+      [26, 19],
+      [138, 21],
+      [67, 16],
+      [159, 73],
+      [26, 30],
+      [30, 5],
+      [5, -13],
+      [45, 17],
+      [69, 17],
+      [258, 95],
+      [52, 26],
+      [65, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [968, 53907],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [-104, 100],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [-50, 63],
+      [-28, 56],
+      [9, 38],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-10, 37],
+      [12, 9],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-3, 56],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [-51, 59],
+      [11, 70],
+      [-10, 74],
+      [-35, 61],
+      [4, 8],
+      [6, 107],
+      [-8, 109],
+      [-13, 50],
+      [24, 53],
+      [2, 77],
+      [41, 121],
+      [17, 88],
+      [-20, 58],
+      [-1, 75],
+      [-22, 77],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-63, 36],
+      [4, 36],
+      [-47, 108],
+      [-33, 23],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-3, 43],
+      [-15, 91],
+      [-22, 61],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-15, 45],
+      [97, 194],
+      [36, 86],
+      [34, 101],
+      [11, 22],
+      [38, 179],
+      [8, 66],
+      [-5, 47],
+      [20, 27],
+      [41, 147],
+      [12, 66],
+      [0, 32],
+      [24, 117],
+      [-12, 51],
+      [-26, 39],
+      [29, 51],
+      [27, 32],
+      [36, 10],
+      [22, 22],
+      [50, 93],
+      [52, 121],
+      [58, 166],
+      [41, 139],
+      [57, 279],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [21, 81],
+      [47, 259],
+      [33, 257],
+      [14, 120],
+      [17, 196],
+      [21, 173],
+      [-6, 55],
+      [16, 115],
+      [5, 66],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [8, 71],
+      [4, 77],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [1, 30],
+      [12, 44],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [17, 44],
+      [15, 97],
+      [15, 114],
+      [31, 33],
+      [-27, 32],
+      [0, 93],
+      [-3, 58],
+      [14, 76],
+      [21, 255],
+      [12, 67],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [13, 50],
+      [8, 87],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [-17, 22],
+      [3, 67],
+      [14, 84],
+      [23, 17],
+      [10, 30],
+      [31, 128],
+      [13, 69],
+      [3, 55],
+      [16, 83],
+      [20, 160],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [11, 69],
+      [42, 43],
+      [27, 130],
+      [13, 140],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [19, 160],
+      [-2, 92],
+      [-17, 51],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [52, 20],
+      [11, 18],
+      [15, 79],
+      [9, 112],
+      [-6, 47],
+      [-17, 46],
+      [-6, 56],
+      [19, 10],
+      [16, 42],
+      [18, 138],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [11, 37],
+      [22, 192],
+      [0, 118],
+      [-13, 62],
+      [-42, 60],
+      [-26, 12],
+      [2, 16],
+      [23, 36],
+      [14, 138],
+      [-2, 83],
+      [-9, 95],
+      [-22, 57],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [44, 57],
+      [23, 13],
+      [37, 7],
+      [18, 82],
+      [-3, 82],
+      [-7, 75],
+      [-26, 112],
+      [-22, 64],
+      [-28, 69],
+      [-67, 138],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [24, 18],
+      [24, -3],
+      [18, -28],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [15, -20],
+      [38, -5],
+      [65, -41],
+      [42, -56],
+      [24, -12],
+      [68, -18],
+      [22, 8],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-41, 32],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [47, 7],
+      [31, -5],
+      [52, 15],
+      [64, 28],
+      [43, -17],
+      [56, -3],
+      [58, 33],
+      [16, 14],
+      [56, -9],
+      [19, 30],
+      [7, 26],
+      [32, 6],
+      [36, -26],
+      [71, 49],
+      [1, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99277, 52561],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [9, 79],
+      [17, 2],
+      [14, 30],
+      [-22, 24],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [14, 82],
+      [10, 27],
+      [29, 8],
+      [7, -36],
+      [-7, -138],
+      [6, -47],
+      [-39, -22],
+      [-4, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99374, 52852],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [14, 37],
+      [7, 37],
+      [-39, 21],
+      [-30, 49],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [33, 7],
+      [18, -13],
+      [5, -27],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [24, -17],
+      [29, -7],
+      [18, -19],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-26, -59],
+      [-26, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [98893, 51884],
+      [18, 21],
+      [6, 49],
+      [29, 0],
+      [13, -29],
+      [-18, -44],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [8, -21],
+      [31, -28],
+      [-14, -33],
+      [-77, -14],
+      [-34, 18],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [14, 55],
+      [30, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99572, 53181],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [6, -40],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-34, -62],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-4, 25],
+      [-20, 45],
+      [-19, -26],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-4, 45],
+      [6, 23],
+      [18, 17],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [-16, 13],
+      [-66, 10],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [-22, 13],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-58, 8],
+      [9, -58],
+      [36, 16],
+      [30, -20],
+      [10, -185],
+      [-82, -23],
+      [10, -38],
+      [47, -77],
+      [4, -46],
+      [-12, -45],
+      [6, -66],
+      [-23, -5],
+      [5, -28],
+      [-11, -36],
+      [-41, -31],
+      [1, -63],
+      [-36, -55],
+      [-16, -36],
+      [-81, 12],
+      [-53, -8],
+      [-129, -32],
+      [-118, -45],
+      [-61, -29],
+      [-98, -9],
+      [-112, -31],
+      [-44, -23],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [6, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [99766, 52643],
+      [-30, -9],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-50, -37],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-43, -16],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [12, 49],
+      [-30, 37],
+      [11, 39],
+      [-24, 79],
+      [9, 64],
+      [2, 74],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [-46, -16],
+      [-5, -80],
+      [14, -32],
+      [-1, -98],
+      [16, -19],
+      [-23, -70],
+      [7, -44],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [-22, 7],
+      [-39, -2],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [-17, -75],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-30, -16],
+      [-25, 4],
+      [-22, 24],
+      [29, 28],
+      [21, -4],
+      [36, 20],
+      [-12, 64],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [0, 27],
+      [33, 41],
+      [4, 31],
+      [31, 62],
+      [17, 14],
+      [21, 75],
+      [3, 43],
+      [39, 38],
+      [73, 8],
+      [30, 83]
+    ],
+    [
+      [51923, 18869],
+      [36, 36],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-11, 54],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [12, 19],
+      [46, 35],
+      [109, 5],
+      [55, 19],
+      [12, 12],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [30, 5],
+      [46, 22],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [21, 46],
+      [82, 65],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [33, 35],
+      [22, 13],
+      [52, 1],
+      [12, 8],
+      [9, 26],
+      [24, 16],
+      [98, 21],
+      [47, 16],
+      [32, 20],
+      [28, 25],
+      [3, 31],
+      [26, 11],
+      [10, -71],
+      [-29, -40],
+      [-48, -21],
+      [-202, -122],
+      [-137, -104],
+      [-136, -120],
+      [-118, -114],
+      [-171, -181],
+      [-147, -188],
+      [-71, -101],
+      [-64, -99],
+      [-56, -104],
+      [-19, -43],
+      [-8, -46],
+      [-73, -105],
+      [-58, -103],
+      [-94, -191],
+      [-65, -156],
+      [-138, -360],
+      [-53, -163],
+      [-41, -151],
+      [-44, -201],
+      [-25, -146],
+      [-14, -124],
+      [-11, -152],
+      [-4, -133],
+      [1, -139],
+      [15, -210],
+      [11, -96],
+      [25, -159],
+      [34, -182],
+      [60, -256],
+      [48, -176],
+      [10, -29],
+      [74, -304],
+      [65, -320],
+      [17, -100],
+      [23, -188],
+      [22, -262],
+      [13, -55],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [-4, 62],
+      [-15, 110],
+      [2, 78],
+      [-10, 94],
+      [-19, 145],
+      [-38, 207],
+      [-23, 80],
+      [-25, 52],
+      [-5, 71],
+      [-8, 56],
+      [-12, 37],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [-26, 98],
+      [-30, 16],
+      [-34, 72],
+      [4, 50],
+      [-15, 53],
+      [-15, 36],
+      [-25, 90],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-18, 87],
+      [-32, 25],
+      [-14, 34],
+      [11, 109],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [4, 36],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [7, 138],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [4, 111],
+      [-2, 268],
+      [7, 78],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [1, 157],
+      [23, 109],
+      [-17, 13],
+      [8, 61],
+      [14, 54],
+      [3, 66],
+      [12, 56],
+      [17, 23],
+      [-9, 48],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [9, 68],
+      [29, 76],
+      [19, 31],
+      [12, 39],
+      [0, 41],
+      [23, 74],
+      [44, 85],
+      [20, 61],
+      [31, 53],
+      [16, 35],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [47, 88],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [21, 63],
+      [32, -2],
+      [25, 47],
+      [6, 36],
+      [0, 35],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [24, 13],
+      [36, 69],
+      [8, 30],
+      [35, 8],
+      [31, 41],
+      [6, 21],
+      [45, 73],
+      [9, 49],
+      [11, 27],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-51, -8],
+      [-12, 19],
+      [141, 38],
+      [25, 42],
+      [55, 120],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [57, 93],
+      [15, 56],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [16, 53],
+      [19, 46],
+      [10, -19],
+      [19, 10],
+      [10, 26],
+      [27, 22],
+      [11, 20],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [39, 48],
+      [29, 1],
+      [7, 102],
+      [14, 36],
+      [27, -13],
+      [14, -27],
+      [22, -17],
+      [29, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [57491, 22852],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-43, 2],
+      [-76, 15],
+      [-131, 4],
+      [-103, -26],
+      [-141, -63],
+      [-413, -214],
+      [-273, -141],
+      [-175, -95],
+      [-67, -41],
+      [-73, -52],
+      [-44, -38],
+      [-27, -32],
+      [-29, -50],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-31, -18],
+      [-32, -1],
+      [-8, 36],
+      [30, 45],
+      [24, 19],
+      [56, 64],
+      [33, 26],
+      [37, 75],
+      [26, 26],
+      [29, 3],
+      [20, -11],
+      [33, 6],
+      [37, 18],
+      [27, 23],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [28, 44],
+      [26, 17],
+      [23, -6],
+      [41, -30],
+      [39, 5],
+      [30, 14],
+      [-16, 46],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-37, 49],
+      [-44, 1],
+      [-44, -28],
+      [-60, -21],
+      [-123, -38],
+      [-49, -11],
+      [-42, -19],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-18, 44],
+      [36, 0],
+      [68, 89],
+      [48, 104],
+      [29, 175],
+      [-4, 72],
+      [-54, 131],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-57, -34],
+      [-39, -16],
+      [-44, -27],
+      [-66, -89],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-41, -11],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-24, 51],
+      [-4, 36],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-43, 7],
+      [-13, -39],
+      [-61, -64],
+      [-19, -51],
+      [4, -26],
+      [46, -48],
+      [12, -22],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [-35, -42],
+      [-20, -49],
+      [6, -38],
+      [29, -47],
+      [33, -25],
+      [44, -16],
+      [91, -21],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-9, -46],
+      [21, -7],
+      [54, -37],
+      [6, -46],
+      [2, -123],
+      [-15, -71],
+      [1, -76],
+      [14, -26],
+      [19, -12],
+      [49, 11],
+      [46, 22],
+      [5, 40],
+      [0, 56],
+      [22, 24],
+      [48, -46],
+      [14, 4],
+      [86, -13],
+      [-72, -68],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [-414, -331],
+      [-104, -93],
+      [-53, -58],
+      [-27, -52],
+      [-124, -112],
+      [-88, -87],
+      [-62, -68],
+      [-47, -70],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [-81, -76],
+      [-44, -56],
+      [-10, -24],
+      [-63, -18],
+      [-44, -1],
+      [-87, -57],
+      [-152, -117],
+      [-455, -316],
+      [-133, -80],
+      [-217, -113],
+      [-143, -80],
+      [-217, -137],
+      [-49, -26],
+      [-45, -43],
+      [-48, -33],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [-37, -19],
+      [-55, -50],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [73, 84],
+      [124, 102],
+      [83, 43],
+      [16, 37],
+      [130, 88],
+      [76, 37],
+      [108, 70],
+      [25, 5],
+      [47, 27],
+      [40, 17],
+      [8, 20],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [5, 52],
+      [8, 22],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [-19, -27],
+      [-50, 11],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [-46, -34],
+      [-50, -27],
+      [-92, -34],
+      [-72, -45],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [-43, -17],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-10, 53],
+      [37, 29],
+      [3, 24],
+      [-34, 47],
+      [41, 53],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [42, 57],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-21, 16],
+      [-54, -11],
+      [-48, -30],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-36, -15],
+      [-31, -29],
+      [1, -67],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-83, -36],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-181, -118],
+      [-27, -9],
+      [10, 27],
+      [5, 41],
+      [-19, 36],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [24, 26],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-73, 18],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-18, 59],
+      [26, 49],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-12, 47],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [-102, -40],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [12, -23],
+      [43, -48],
+      [2, -36],
+      [34, -25],
+      [9, -21],
+      [-23, -36],
+      [22, -91],
+      [6, -6],
+      [63, 2],
+      [17, -5],
+      [7, -29],
+      [73, -41],
+      [14, -49],
+      [16, -23],
+      [104, -89],
+      [56, -59],
+      [33, -46],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-107, -53],
+      [-38, -34],
+      [-43, -26],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-73, -41],
+      [-20, -23],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-94, -19],
+      [-40, -29],
+      [-30, 30],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [10, 52],
+      [-11, 77],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-25, 8],
+      [-26, -15],
+      [-26, -56],
+      [-9, -48],
+      [8, -103],
+      [-2, -30],
+      [-33, -55],
+      [7, -20],
+      [35, -67],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-78, -77],
+      [-56, -44],
+      [-48, -59],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [-45, -59],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [-70, 36],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-37, -29],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [11, -25],
+      [-24, -58],
+      [8, -78],
+      [10, -30],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [-33, -29],
+      [-25, -65],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [-86, -161],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-12, -51],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-20, -35],
+      [-55, -124],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-41, -5],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [-24, 36],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-43, 14],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [-55, -46],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-35, -32],
+      [-23, -61],
+      [-3, -78],
+      [13, -41],
+      [33, -63],
+      [40, -41],
+      [57, -32],
+      [116, -41],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-56, -163],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [8, -26],
+      [-51, -58],
+      [-28, -111],
+      [-13, -24],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-6, -62],
+      [-16, -51],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-12, -64],
+      [4, -32],
+      [-65, -208],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-32, -19],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-47, -58],
+      [-45, 9],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [34, 19],
+      [17, 33],
+      [36, 9],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [7, 14],
+      [28, 27],
+      [-6, 51],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-11, -22],
+      [-33, -44],
+      [-61, -50],
+      [-24, -15],
+      [-47, -62],
+      [-24, 5],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [2, -45],
+      [19, -25],
+      [59, -2],
+      [43, -9],
+      [24, -15],
+      [34, -9],
+      [43, 5],
+      [19, 10],
+      [18, 23],
+      [28, 16],
+      [33, 7],
+      [32, 23],
+      [48, 4],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-23, -140],
+      [-19, -145],
+      [2, -72],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-8, -39],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [5, -41],
+      [29, -30],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [1, -58],
+      [17, -5],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-10, -60],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-98, -2],
+      [-24, -10],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [8, -24],
+      [3, -39],
+      [-11, -67],
+      [27, -82],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [0, -52],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-9, -56],
+      [20, -36],
+      [28, -7],
+      [52, -54],
+      [47, -101],
+      [24, -12],
+      [6, -45],
+      [2, -78],
+      [42, -193],
+      [-2, -61],
+      [33, -93],
+      [21, -48],
+      [-10, -84],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [0, -30],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-17, -36],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [7, -43],
+      [22, -9],
+      [27, 3],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [29, -20],
+      [20, 20],
+      [33, -20],
+      [15, -37],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [-27, -38],
+      [-6, -66],
+      [8, -23],
+      [29, 24],
+      [5, 22],
+      [21, 20],
+      [27, 7],
+      [25, -22],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [-30, -33],
+      [11, -18],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [7, -64],
+      [22, -5],
+      [17, 17],
+      [20, 4],
+      [9, -52],
+      [-26, -43],
+      [0, -19],
+      [31, -66],
+      [15, -4],
+      [1, -46],
+      [-20, -58],
+      [19, -43],
+      [21, -36],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-21, -9],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [29, -41],
+      [16, -15],
+      [45, -15],
+      [72, -2],
+      [16, -6],
+      [9, -89],
+      [-19, -29],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [13, -71],
+      [19, -11],
+      [24, 3],
+      [40, 18],
+      [22, 36],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-18, 53],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [33, 27],
+      [24, -4],
+      [-3, -59],
+      [3, -53],
+      [12, -118],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-103, -10],
+      [-80, -18],
+      [-144, -52],
+      [-26, -39],
+      [-8, -32],
+      [0, -46],
+      [-77, -72],
+      [-165, 60],
+      [-27, 18],
+      [-133, 128],
+      [-159, 213],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-404, 78],
+      [-223, -9],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-61, -32],
+      [-367, 77],
+      [-43, 28],
+      [-227, 183],
+      [-97, 136],
+      [-51, 29],
+      [-222, 86],
+      [-70, 5],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-136, 68],
+      [-84, 136],
+      [-105, 96],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-72, -12],
+      [-347, 103],
+      [-108, 80],
+      [-116, 301],
+      [-76, 332],
+      [-62, 249],
+      [-49, 139],
+      [-99, 160],
+      [-107, 70],
+      [-125, 224],
+      [-11, 100],
+      [42, 79],
+      [6, 207],
+      [-28, 186],
+      [-20, 36],
+      [-20, 11],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-44, 31],
+      [-65, 72],
+      [-15, 25],
+      [57, 102],
+      [27, 86],
+      [9, 49],
+      [14, 191],
+      [-73, 222],
+      [-41, 81],
+      [-110, 90],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [-330, 344],
+      [-61, 80],
+      [-47, 146],
+      [-5, 28],
+      [16, 73],
+      [-49, 45],
+      [-129, 183],
+      [-122, 255],
+      [-45, 105],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [-104, 52],
+      [-51, 20],
+      [-58, 36],
+      [-103, 126],
+      [-62, 89],
+      [-104, 332],
+      [25, 232],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-90, 31],
+      [-34, 55],
+      [-46, 153],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [-100, 135],
+      [-18, 72],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [10, 29],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [-52, 163],
+      [-21, 51],
+      [-80, 92],
+      [-93, 136],
+      [-22, 70],
+      [7, 102],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-34, 219],
+      [-20, 67],
+      [-229, 371],
+      [-291, 254],
+      [-77, 40],
+      [-78, 129],
+      [-11, 38],
+      [-31, 73],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [-94, 11],
+      [-182, 129],
+      [-22, 236],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-119, 88],
+      [-55, 7],
+      [-112, 241],
+      [-95, 32],
+      [-318, 2],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-21, -11],
+      [-260, 70],
+      [-181, 36],
+      [-114, 13],
+      [-178, -29],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-123, 19],
+      [-272, 154],
+      [-37, 25],
+      [-28, 29],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-77, -80],
+      [-41, -207],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-55, 30],
+      [-98, 25],
+      [-26, -13],
+      [-101, -82],
+      [-108, -2],
+      [-97, -28],
+      [-46, -38],
+      [-16, -67],
+      [-87, -259],
+      [-68, -127],
+      [-50, -51],
+      [-43, -213],
+      [-3, -73],
+      [-79, -140],
+      [-37, -174],
+      [18, -98],
+      [27, -11],
+      [9, -41],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-136, -96],
+      [-83, -39],
+      [-202, -322],
+      [-21, -122],
+      [-76, -32],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-220, 46],
+      [-189, 86],
+      [-162, 129],
+      [0, 25],
+      [-60, 85],
+      [-42, 47],
+      [-62, 44],
+      [-95, 27],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-163, 52],
+      [-99, 103],
+      [-45, 96],
+      [-86, 39],
+      [-161, 39],
+      [-71, 12],
+      [-116, 40],
+      [-220, 174],
+      [-45, 49],
+      [-85, 150],
+      [-42, 87],
+      [-52, 44],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-57, 22],
+      [-136, 82],
+      [-225, 204],
+      [-43, 91],
+      [-21, 98],
+      [1, 32],
+      [-31, 107],
+      [-125, 250],
+      [-64, 101],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [-26, 247],
+      [15, 186],
+      [-3, 219],
+      [-40, 142],
+      [-98, 165],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [-146, 191],
+      [-25, 277],
+      [-106, 250],
+      [-79, 28],
+      [-134, 186],
+      [-158, 167],
+      [-153, 125],
+      [-72, -2],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-240, 142],
+      [-32, 87],
+      [-270, 243],
+      [-39, 76],
+      [-4, 42],
+      [-10, 53],
+      [-33, 64],
+      [-85, 84],
+      [-113, 51],
+      [-76, 72],
+      [-81, 93],
+      [-141, 219],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-43, 31],
+      [-107, 159],
+      [-49, 44],
+      [-172, 56],
+      [-62, 26],
+      [-130, 98],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [-66, 171],
+      [-192, 390],
+      [-45, 75],
+      [-68, 51],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-67, -13],
+      [-104, 81]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20433, 4513],
+      [11, -17],
+      [11, -83],
+      [-14, -56],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [-11, 48],
+      [44, 76],
+      [34, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21804, 4722],
+      [18, 28],
+      [37, -16],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-14, 22],
+      [4, 23],
+      [-9, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21446, 4915],
+      [-27, 47],
+      [16, 7],
+      [23, -23],
+      [12, 13],
+      [16, 120],
+      [21, -19],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [4, -62],
+      [23, -13],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [20, 5],
+      [1, -61],
+      [-12, -40],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [4, -45],
+      [-38, -80],
+      [-26, -30],
+      [-21, -86],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-18, 34],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [11, 14],
+      [15, 53],
+      [16, 42],
+      [22, 32],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-16, 63],
+      [0, 12],
+      [30, 56],
+      [27, -26],
+      [5, -25],
+      [19, 17],
+      [-8, 38]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21722, 4862],
+      [33, 11],
+      [23, -16],
+      [15, -82],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [12, 33],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-4, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21666, 4996],
+      [17, -9],
+      [9, -43],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [2, -26],
+      [27, -25],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [-1, 60],
+      [17, 53],
+      [1, 35],
+      [14, 81],
+      [11, -19],
+      [-6, -61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20658, 4760],
+      [13, -18],
+      [22, -4],
+      [42, -28],
+      [14, -39],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-32, -64],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [-29, 42],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [3, 23],
+      [26, 25],
+      [43, -12],
+      [10, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21194, 5067],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [11, -33],
+      [20, -16],
+      [29, -68],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-10, -64],
+      [-65, 24],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-12, 41],
+      [-29, -23],
+      [-8, -74],
+      [-20, 59],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-12, 103],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [18, 79],
+      [37, 32],
+      [21, 0],
+      [12, -17],
+      [3, -46],
+      [17, 8],
+      [13, 52],
+      [27, -6],
+      [2, -21],
+      [46, -18],
+      [26, 34],
+      [13, -1],
+      [21, -63],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [-16, 6],
+      [-12, 29],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [2, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21311, 5242],
+      [35, 2],
+      [8, -74],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-55, -9],
+      [-17, 29],
+      [9, 30],
+      [23, 26],
+      [26, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18868, 3344],
+      [21, -10],
+      [20, -45],
+      [21, 15],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-43, -40],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-27, -48],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-39, -5],
+      [-28, -24],
+      [-39, 89],
+      [9, 63],
+      [42, 59],
+      [53, 0],
+      [0, -39],
+      [22, -24],
+      [22, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19122, 3282],
+      [20, -33],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-38, 5],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-43, -13],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [68, 25],
+      [24, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19257, 3344],
+      [18, 5],
+      [11, -29],
+      [-12, -41],
+      [-42, -18],
+      [-77, 16],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [9, 19],
+      [26, 20],
+      [56, -4],
+      [21, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18981, 3508],
+      [21, -3],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [4, -17],
+      [22, -29],
+      [51, 5],
+      [12, -17],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [-37, 2],
+      [-27, -86],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-28, 26],
+      [-11, 78],
+      [24, 38],
+      [-22, 2],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [2, 25],
+      [16, 41],
+      [24, -13],
+      [29, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20241, 3902],
+      [106, -29],
+      [18, -27],
+      [7, -38],
+      [-25, -32],
+      [-57, 29],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-44, 52],
+      [7, 79],
+      [12, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15366, 10776],
+      [8, 20],
+      [1, 48],
+      [23, 43],
+      [28, -9],
+      [29, -127],
+      [76, -94],
+      [91, -35],
+      [52, -25],
+      [8, -20],
+      [32, -47],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-82, 20],
+      [-23, -20],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-55, 56],
+      [-21, 39],
+      [-56, 89],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-52, 29],
+      [1, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18395, 10390],
+      [0, -15],
+      [21, -7],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-3, -70],
+      [19, -73],
+      [27, -29],
+      [20, 1],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-49, -18],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-61, -38],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-20, -33],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [20, -39],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [-57, 42],
+      [-24, 9],
+      [-30, -11],
+      [-43, -2],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-30, 19],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-40, 50],
+      [-44, 36],
+      [-48, -7],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-50, 73],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [-13, 11],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-14, 63],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [0, 13],
+      [20, 24],
+      [23, 17],
+      [46, 1],
+      [39, -3],
+      [26, -15],
+      [45, -13],
+      [37, 11],
+      [13, 18],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-11, 18],
+      [27, 43],
+      [41, 18],
+      [34, 0],
+      [5, 45],
+      [26, 41],
+      [54, -37],
+      [22, 24],
+      [44, 22],
+      [10, 10],
+      [0, 33],
+      [15, -4],
+      [7, -54],
+      [19, -61],
+      [31, -7],
+      [34, 7],
+      [17, 28],
+      [71, -34],
+      [14, -38],
+      [-1, -79],
+      [-7, -49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31704, 13043],
+      [29, -56],
+      [28, 19],
+      [16, 53],
+      [24, -9],
+      [31, 18],
+      [40, -5],
+      [20, 7],
+      [5, 15],
+      [33, 34],
+      [17, 8],
+      [15, -24],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [11, -24],
+      [63, -40],
+      [21, -43],
+      [48, -24],
+      [52, -62],
+      [43, -31],
+      [8, -28],
+      [44, -93],
+      [22, -17],
+      [32, -17],
+      [24, -43],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [-28, 41],
+      [-36, 27],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-25, 22],
+      [-36, 65],
+      [-19, 24],
+      [-40, 14],
+      [-32, 37],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [36, -36],
+      [36, -26],
+      [18, -29],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [26, -24],
+      [67, -45],
+      [14, -1],
+      [38, -18],
+      [14, -48],
+      [26, -33],
+      [24, -16],
+      [28, -33],
+      [-31, -14],
+      [6, -13],
+      [53, -60],
+      [9, -23],
+      [-17, -80],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-31, 11],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [18, -18],
+      [7, -57],
+      [-2, -55],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [-22, -76],
+      [-27, -47],
+      [7, -30],
+      [-23, -68],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-44, 68],
+      [-50, 114],
+      [-1, 59],
+      [5, 31],
+      [15, 36],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [19, 20],
+      [6, -16],
+      [24, -6],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-107, 83],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [-46, 35],
+      [-37, 66],
+      [-29, 27],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [-18, 50],
+      [-28, 43],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [-37, 79],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-29, 50],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [-61, 62],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-40, 59],
+      [-42, 82],
+      [-11, 47],
+      [96, -50],
+      [26, -34],
+      [27, 2],
+      [23, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34482, 10824],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [28, -44],
+      [27, -5],
+      [-7, -72],
+      [-38, -28],
+      [-73, 17],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [24, 42],
+      [50, 72],
+      [13, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34095, 11052],
+      [32, -19],
+      [30, -6],
+      [18, -15],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [22, -60],
+      [0, -31],
+      [17, -80],
+      [-36, 18],
+      [-28, 27],
+      [-41, 68],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-35, 72],
+      [-17, 62],
+      [22, 6],
+      [36, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22578, 6848],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-18, -31],
+      [-69, -24],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [12, 34],
+      [15, 22],
+      [46, 14],
+      [32, 3],
+      [26, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16890, 14078],
+      [62, -7],
+      [39, 4],
+      [76, -38],
+      [39, -7],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-35, -129],
+      [-28, -45],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [-58, -1],
+      [-40, -13],
+      [-27, -16],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [-37, -46],
+      [-15, -45],
+      [3, -70],
+      [-27, -46],
+      [-41, 22],
+      [4, 24],
+      [-20, 79],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-43, 64],
+      [-29, 21],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-26, -7],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-14, 71],
+      [-23, 56],
+      [-24, 34],
+      [-48, 50],
+      [-114, 74],
+      [-38, 12],
+      [-50, 2],
+      [-63, -43],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-36, 35],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-27, 13],
+      [-30, 86],
+      [-8, 58],
+      [8, 112],
+      [17, 47],
+      [14, 23],
+      [6, 30],
+      [-3, 63],
+      [10, 9],
+      [-4, 67],
+      [28, 2],
+      [8, -18],
+      [-5, -74],
+      [15, -35],
+      [32, -26],
+      [51, -36],
+      [66, -31],
+      [58, -34],
+      [35, -13],
+      [16, 1],
+      [79, 86],
+      [35, 30],
+      [44, 27],
+      [76, -16],
+      [9, -22],
+      [30, -49],
+      [29, -16],
+      [20, -106],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [14, -18],
+      [38, -22],
+      [18, -18],
+      [80, -18],
+      [24, -30],
+      [12, -36],
+      [49, -20],
+      [39, -3],
+      [17, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [19371, 14564],
+      [27, 20],
+      [17, -14],
+      [17, 1],
+      [18, 18],
+      [11, -8],
+      [15, -36],
+      [2, -50],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-53, -15],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [22, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17272, 16037],
+      [19, 36],
+      [28, 17],
+      [26, -5],
+      [18, -18],
+      [11, -24],
+      [4, -39],
+      [-14, -44],
+      [-30, -28],
+      [-36, 10],
+      [-26, 38],
+      [0, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17014, 16933],
+      [17, 13],
+      [3, -29],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-7, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18019, 17553],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-26, -19],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [26, 30],
+      [24, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32789, 10839],
+      [31, -4],
+      [19, 30],
+      [22, 14],
+      [5, -17],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-16, -46],
+      [-8, -51],
+      [-32, -3],
+      [-22, 49],
+      [-8, 38],
+      [23, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32801, 11032],
+      [15, -17],
+      [7, -56],
+      [-46, 40],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-39, 57],
+      [7, 14],
+      [-4, 25],
+      [-36, 51],
+      [-14, 50],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-21, 63],
+      [19, 86],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [0, 16],
+      [44, -37],
+      [41, 2],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [-41, 38],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-79, 40],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-12, 37],
+      [-26, 21],
+      [-36, 11],
+      [-32, 39],
+      [-52, 109],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [12, 67],
+      [20, 19],
+      [71, -23],
+      [7, 15],
+      [-12, 25],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [21, 12],
+      [27, -6],
+      [12, 27],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [32, -3],
+      [35, -24],
+      [75, -71],
+      [25, -34],
+      [1, -28],
+      [33, 3],
+      [-6, 39],
+      [-13, 26],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [6, 24],
+      [25, -5],
+      [36, 3],
+      [12, -23],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [24, -51],
+      [26, -25],
+      [27, -46],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-49, -32],
+      [5, -76],
+      [7, -23],
+      [20, -10],
+      [27, -28],
+      [-20, -23],
+      [4, -64],
+      [46, -4],
+      [17, -21],
+      [11, -105],
+      [2, -33],
+      [-16, -21],
+      [22, -28],
+      [20, -77],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [-10, 50],
+      [-16, 31],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [10, -50],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [13, -13],
+      [25, 12],
+      [26, -62],
+      [-2, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33250, 12032],
+      [11, -20],
+      [-17, -49],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [-16, -59],
+      [-31, -48],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [-48, -29],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [-12, 25],
+      [11, 41],
+      [-63, 40],
+      [-46, 15],
+      [-37, 37],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [3, -22],
+      [21, -31],
+      [23, 12],
+      [0, 22],
+      [31, -36],
+      [5, -29],
+      [13, -33],
+      [39, 12],
+      [30, -9],
+      [43, -86],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [24, -36],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [-12, -25],
+      [-70, -21],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-37, -28],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-41, 88],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-38, 137],
+      [-16, 25],
+      [-19, -53],
+      [-20, 8],
+      [-39, 1],
+      [-47, 55],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-21, 29],
+      [-81, 32],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [6, 19],
+      [41, 57],
+      [90, 20],
+      [40, 18],
+      [86, 10],
+      [53, 14],
+      [6, 20],
+      [89, 50],
+      [70, -33],
+      [13, -10],
+      [38, -46],
+      [24, -45],
+      [22, -10],
+      [38, 14],
+      [41, -23],
+      [24, -34],
+      [47, -11],
+      [20, 0],
+      [10, -23],
+      [27, -23],
+      [23, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34218, 11014],
+      [32, -6],
+      [18, 4],
+      [21, -25],
+      [33, 8],
+      [44, -27],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [43, -84],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [-41, -32],
+      [-32, 12],
+      [-23, -57],
+      [-26, 19],
+      [6, 21],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [15, 11],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [-37, 21],
+      [-29, 57],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [5, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33336, 10757],
+      [39, -17],
+      [12, -35],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-11, -46],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [10, -11],
+      [25, 10],
+      [10, -33],
+      [-27, -42],
+      [-17, -67],
+      [5, -37],
+      [15, -57],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-46, 39],
+      [1, 74],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [-19, 28],
+      [-62, 14],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [-19, 89],
+      [3, 29],
+      [53, 27],
+      [20, -4],
+      [9, -33],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [3, -24],
+      [17, -7],
+      [13, 29],
+      [5, 28],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [26, -3],
+      [3, 28],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [6, 16],
+      [30, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32902, 11453],
+      [15, 21],
+      [78, 27],
+      [37, 27],
+      [43, 19],
+      [13, 20],
+      [21, -6],
+      [56, -47],
+      [15, -5],
+      [35, -45],
+      [5, -40],
+      [13, -24],
+      [91, -53],
+      [19, -5],
+      [24, 22],
+      [128, -42],
+      [37, -32],
+      [34, -16],
+      [57, -42],
+      [45, -95],
+      [12, -13],
+      [23, 19],
+      [23, -10],
+      [42, -60],
+      [24, -20],
+      [65, -8],
+      [35, -24],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-46, 19],
+      [-39, 1],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [25, -28],
+      [26, -14],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-67, -62],
+      [2, -10],
+      [43, 9],
+      [43, 54],
+      [8, 1],
+      [31, -31],
+      [30, 6],
+      [49, -61],
+      [15, 0],
+      [4, -23],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [-34, -15],
+      [14, -25],
+      [43, 6],
+      [14, 19],
+      [-10, 37],
+      [6, 52],
+      [22, -8],
+      [26, -42],
+      [14, -30],
+      [2, -19],
+      [-13, -27],
+      [8, -29],
+      [11, 3],
+      [5, -41],
+      [-4, -64],
+      [-30, -66],
+      [8, -14],
+      [26, 14],
+      [21, 80],
+      [27, 9],
+      [74, -174],
+      [15, -12],
+      [22, -41],
+      [7, -72],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-46, -45],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-23, 11],
+      [-33, 1],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [-60, 86],
+      [6, 42],
+      [-62, 42],
+      [-36, -44],
+      [-46, 10],
+      [-36, 17],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [10, 30],
+      [-27, 110],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [4, -44],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [-2, 65],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [14, -33],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [59, -73],
+      [4, -23],
+      [-12, -46],
+      [-62, -7],
+      [-31, 4],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [6, 14],
+      [0, 55],
+      [-29, 38],
+      [-35, 28],
+      [-23, -8],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [48, -54],
+      [49, -37],
+      [35, -55],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [7, -11],
+      [30, 2],
+      [62, -82],
+      [20, -21],
+      [38, -9],
+      [9, 10],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [-17, 22],
+      [3, 16],
+      [28, 27],
+      [50, -10],
+      [18, -15],
+      [32, -75],
+      [18, -26],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-54, 44],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [93, -116],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-38, -19],
+      [-51, -3],
+      [-26, 50],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-21, -5],
+      [-64, 42],
+      [-74, 57],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-34, 44],
+      [6, 15],
+      [39, 28],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-29, -9],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [16, 35],
+      [-29, 15],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-21, -29],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-28, 27],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [-13, 58],
+      [16, 39],
+      [26, 23],
+      [14, -8],
+      [25, -34],
+      [21, 14],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-30, 10],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [9, 48],
+      [20, 11],
+      [14, 71],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [-25, 34],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-31, 43],
+      [-18, 17],
+      [-30, -43],
+      [-22, 10],
+      [-52, 3],
+      [-33, 11],
+      [3, 64],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [21, -23],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-10, -22],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-45, 39],
+      [10, 68],
+      [26, 24],
+      [67, -11],
+      [12, 5],
+      [26, 37],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-24, 44],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-34, -14],
+      [-48, 49],
+      [-38, 63],
+      [-4, -54],
+      [-19, -85],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [-30, 29],
+      [17, 36],
+      [0, 112],
+      [10, 24],
+      [23, 92],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [-37, 14],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-56, 105],
+      [3, 46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32985, 10946],
+      [10, -16],
+      [5, -49],
+      [-17, -9],
+      [-37, 36],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [12, 29],
+      [19, 6],
+      [14, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31471, 12480],
+      [10, -11],
+      [34, -12],
+      [13, -12],
+      [16, 2],
+      [50, -8],
+      [16, -24],
+      [25, -18],
+      [20, -1],
+      [41, 15],
+      [32, 55],
+      [35, 8],
+      [11, 33],
+      [16, 11],
+      [16, -17],
+      [25, -60],
+      [44, -46],
+      [65, -113],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-18, -42],
+      [-49, -39],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [-33, 20],
+      [-64, 20],
+      [-129, 24],
+      [-57, 17],
+      [-24, -43],
+      [-24, 16],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [15, -19],
+      [23, -12],
+      [38, -9],
+      [15, 24],
+      [22, -8],
+      [-22, -49],
+      [23, -43],
+      [26, -35],
+      [8, -33],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [6, -37],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [2, -37],
+      [-70, -25],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-60, 42],
+      [3, 31],
+      [-43, 32],
+      [-41, 15],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-13, 8],
+      [-90, 95],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-42, 36],
+      [-48, 1],
+      [-27, 37],
+      [-48, 8],
+      [-49, 159],
+      [1, 22],
+      [12, 21],
+      [15, 0],
+      [7, 49],
+      [-10, 90],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [37, 22],
+      [26, -57],
+      [38, -45],
+      [16, 19],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [1, 49],
+      [7, 12],
+      [44, 21],
+      [7, -13],
+      [24, 11],
+      [10, 60],
+      [22, 63],
+      [15, 15],
+      [38, -35],
+      [12, -3],
+      [58, 14],
+      [37, -10],
+      [17, -11],
+      [8, -80],
+      [-11, -33],
+      [-9, -63],
+      [21, -40],
+      [21, 7],
+      [2, 34],
+      [-11, 26],
+      [1, 26],
+      [10, 39],
+      [0, 61],
+      [19, 24],
+      [68, -15],
+      [71, 35],
+      [27, -17],
+      [42, 14],
+      [29, -18],
+      [25, -37],
+      [17, -62],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [-72, 6],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [11, -16],
+      [20, -7],
+      [33, 1],
+      [67, -24],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-70, -53],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-48, 5],
+      [-48, 25],
+      [-65, 2],
+      [-22, 8],
+      [-13, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32528, 10977],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-67, 32],
+      [-43, 65],
+      [-53, 31],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [-46, 56],
+      [-62, 66],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [9, 30],
+      [16, 11],
+      [-15, 22],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [-23, 22],
+      [-51, -3],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [11, 20],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [-15, -19],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [-13, 96],
+      [7, 32],
+      [-35, 27],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [2, 27],
+      [12, 11],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-16, 40],
+      [-19, 25],
+      [9, 45],
+      [-17, 53],
+      [-34, -23],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-23, -45],
+      [-41, 40],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-44, 17],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [19, 17],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [20, 54],
+      [0, 30],
+      [-20, 63],
+      [17, 70],
+      [7, 14],
+      [30, 6],
+      [42, -27],
+      [0, -19],
+      [24, -3],
+      [20, 23],
+      [31, -15],
+      [15, -18],
+      [41, 2],
+      [57, 41],
+      [36, 8],
+      [45, -57],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-27, -20],
+      [6, -21],
+      [39, 0],
+      [32, -30],
+      [110, -170],
+      [26, -44],
+      [24, -63],
+      [37, -35],
+      [18, -52],
+      [21, -19],
+      [55, -87],
+      [43, -87],
+      [28, -88],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [18, -37],
+      [20, -26],
+      [30, -65],
+      [55, -141],
+      [24, -106]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31643, 11861],
+      [24, -43],
+      [19, -6],
+      [7, -19],
+      [22, -10],
+      [34, -57],
+      [19, -6],
+      [16, -56],
+      [3, -90],
+      [-49, -52],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-27, 102],
+      [22, 52],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [-27, 60],
+      [-17, 50],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [6, 14],
+      [31, 25],
+      [32, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25733, 12724],
+      [10, -21],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-9, -37],
+      [4, -48],
+      [9, -31],
+      [-21, -47],
+      [8, -17],
+      [21, 10],
+      [10, -21],
+      [-6, -75],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [12, -43],
+      [2, -52],
+      [-4, -57],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-34, 28],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-44, -3],
+      [-2, 53],
+      [5, 247],
+      [26, -32],
+      [14, 19],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [-8, 40],
+      [29, 82],
+      [17, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25750, 12875],
+      [21, 22],
+      [45, -41],
+      [-8, -42],
+      [-54, -34],
+      [-16, 36],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [13, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25536, 12837],
+      [20, 1],
+      [33, -32],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-22, -28],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-33, 48],
+      [15, 39],
+      [8, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25819, 13162],
+      [29, -10],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-16, -32],
+      [-34, 4],
+      [-37, -10],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [30, 50],
+      [15, -3],
+      [22, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [25946, 12468],
+      [7, 35],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [31, 55],
+      [10, -25],
+      [17, -15],
+      [23, 16],
+      [5, -24],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [10, -28],
+      [36, 72],
+      [18, 11],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-19, -87],
+      [-42, -83],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-11, -50],
+      [-27, -97],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-13, -41],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [8, -36],
+      [23, -2],
+      [2, -52],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-20, -11],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [2, -23],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [-43, -64],
+      [-27, 13],
+      [-4, 78],
+      [12, 26],
+      [19, 10],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [18, 45],
+      [23, 6],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [26, 65],
+      [38, 71],
+      [10, 41],
+      [11, 82],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [24, 17],
+      [7, 52],
+      [-11, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12554, 42],
+      [-14, -42],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-5, 57],
+      [17, 26],
+      [19, -22],
+      [3, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12611, 124],
+      [-18, -30],
+      [0, 83],
+      [14, 24],
+      [18, -26],
+      [9, -52],
+      [-23, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11503, 672],
+      [9, 0],
+      [48, -34],
+      [8, -36],
+      [39, -48],
+      [35, -72],
+      [32, -41],
+      [23, -12],
+      [13, -31],
+      [5, -32],
+      [17, -12],
+      [60, -13],
+      [37, -41],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-16, 18],
+      [-52, -8],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-77, 96],
+      [-21, 55],
+      [-30, 59],
+      [-52, 55],
+      [-29, -3],
+      [-38, 34],
+      [-34, 44],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [11, 23],
+      [14, -1],
+      [7, -19],
+      [23, -19],
+      [24, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13693, 617],
+      [-25, 73],
+      [10, 35],
+      [26, 12],
+      [19, -8],
+      [33, 3],
+      [13, 31],
+      [12, 6],
+      [12, -16],
+      [6, -77],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-9, 40],
+      [-16, -52],
+      [-4, -51],
+      [25, -23],
+      [33, 1],
+      [54, 20],
+      [53, 0],
+      [13, -66],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-65, 25],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [-31, -77],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-18, -56],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [-12, 34],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [-19, -57],
+      [-13, -50],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [3, 33],
+      [26, 45],
+      [17, 2],
+      [13, 36],
+      [-6, 42],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [6, 27],
+      [24, 6],
+      [33, -5],
+      [13, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13182, 570],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-22, -42],
+      [7, -33],
+      [-14, -28],
+      [-23, 16],
+      [-13, -42],
+      [13, -60],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [-6, 37],
+      [-76, 43],
+      [7, 28],
+      [40, 1],
+      [30, 11],
+      [7, 24],
+      [-9, 46],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-63, 68],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [16, 36],
+      [35, 13],
+      [60, -20],
+      [25, 3],
+      [19, -45],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [30, -37],
+      [49, -1],
+      [71, 20],
+      [-16, -39],
+      [-43, -10],
+      [-30, -14],
+      [-2, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [13399, 482],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-23, -22],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-18, 49],
+      [33, 35],
+      [42, -23],
+      [20, 2],
+      [26, 28],
+      [89, 29],
+      [34, 30],
+      [5, 38],
+      [0, 96],
+      [9, 20],
+      [40, -13],
+      [27, -47],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [-23, -23],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [7, -102],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-57, -25],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-19, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [12694, 599],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [8, 45],
+      [23, 18],
+      [30, -39],
+      [8, -32],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-21, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11309, 869],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-29, 10],
+      [-27, 53],
+      [29, 0],
+      [14, -21],
+      [21, -56]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14082, 603],
+      [9, -25],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [-19, -8],
+      [-38, 16],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [9, 57],
+      [21, 7],
+      [17, -29],
+      [30, -4],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-18, 16],
+      [24, 17],
+      [36, 8],
+      [11, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10940, 1254],
+      [-33, -37],
+      [2, -28],
+      [32, -14],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-73, 34],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-13, -35],
+      [3, -35],
+      [-20, 6],
+      [-27, 40],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [17, 14],
+      [28, 5],
+      [29, 46],
+      [34, 13],
+      [34, -2],
+      [7, 8],
+      [6, 54],
+      [32, 93],
+      [20, 14],
+      [27, -36],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-17, -55]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11988, 955],
+      [-13, -44],
+      [-43, -33],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-45, 38],
+      [-17, 33],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [5, 54],
+      [27, -3],
+      [22, 34],
+      [20, 6],
+      [20, -6],
+      [52, -72],
+      [-7, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11349, 1118],
+      [16, 8],
+      [35, -23],
+      [17, -38],
+      [-26, -46],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-16, 42],
+      [-8, 57]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14223, 687],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-31, -31],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [10, 35],
+      [22, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14056, 762],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [8, -41],
+      [-25, -5],
+      [-50, 42],
+      [-16, 79],
+      [18, 42],
+      [14, 15],
+      [42, -15],
+      [36, -88],
+      [-15, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [11192, 1237],
+      [11, 0],
+      [18, -25],
+      [4, -37],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [12, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14892, 1008],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-41, 32],
+      [8, 26],
+      [37, -18],
+      [19, 35],
+      [-5, 40],
+      [67, 43],
+      [15, -3],
+      [43, -33],
+      [41, -79],
+      [2, -36],
+      [-33, -81],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [2, -28],
+      [31, -34],
+      [28, -49],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-27, 23],
+      [-31, -9],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-57, 15],
+      [-23, -38],
+      [-13, -39],
+      [-20, 16],
+      [-27, -6],
+      [-23, -20],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-58, -26],
+      [-24, 31],
+      [-51, 16],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-40, -5],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [-67, 14],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [64, 24],
+      [31, 7],
+      [20, -31],
+      [23, 26],
+      [31, 2],
+      [21, 19],
+      [4, 27],
+      [11, 17],
+      [33, -32],
+      [26, -2],
+      [63, 16],
+      [42, 34],
+      [7, 25],
+      [13, 17],
+      [30, 5],
+      [20, -15],
+      [9, 16],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [1, 19],
+      [46, -10],
+      [30, 1],
+      [23, 33],
+      [-4, 36],
+      [-22, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15239, 842],
+      [45, -56],
+      [23, 9],
+      [46, -11],
+      [9, -15],
+      [58, 3],
+      [32, 9],
+      [24, 0],
+      [9, -13],
+      [43, -3],
+      [30, -13],
+      [-42, -15],
+      [-30, 7],
+      [-48, -16],
+      [-53, -4],
+      [-54, -13],
+      [-42, -16],
+      [-18, -2],
+      [-32, 27],
+      [-53, 17],
+      [-40, -10],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-17, 19],
+      [-19, 42],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-21, 39],
+      [8, 6],
+      [26, -11],
+      [46, -5],
+      [44, -25],
+      [39, 27],
+      [46, 24],
+      [11, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10823, 1348],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-19, 37],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [5, 18],
+      [27, 26],
+      [13, 3],
+      [19, -14],
+      [17, -43],
+      [-3, -36],
+      [-29, -29],
+      [-15, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [15710, 960],
+      [5, 39],
+      [23, 59],
+      [57, 49],
+      [21, -3],
+      [40, -28],
+      [14, -43],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-47, -51],
+      [-55, -26],
+      [-39, -1],
+      [-13, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10141, 1838],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [17, 13],
+      [28, -27],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [-16, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9042, 2336],
+      [20, 31],
+      [28, -2],
+      [42, -14],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-24, -15],
+      [-11, -35],
+      [8, -33],
+      [0, -79],
+      [-35, 11],
+      [-19, 33],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-22, 7],
+      [-32, 33],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [14, 28],
+      [33, 17],
+      [13, -20],
+      [27, 1],
+      [15, 31],
+      [14, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16356, 1173],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [9, 26],
+      [18, 18],
+      [29, -35],
+      [-4, -37],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-28, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16571, 1302],
+      [6, 92],
+      [42, 53],
+      [26, 21],
+      [18, 0],
+      [36, -26],
+      [2, -41],
+      [-17, -46],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-29, -27],
+      [-23, -48],
+      [-27, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9294, 2572],
+      [14, 6],
+      [21, -25],
+      [5, -29],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [0, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16883, 1576],
+      [20, 3],
+      [38, -20],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-45, -5],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [3, 73]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8686, 2880],
+      [6, 46],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-48, 76],
+      [-27, 4],
+      [-35, -8],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [86, 61],
+      [56, -8],
+      [168, -79],
+      [22, -31],
+      [22, -49],
+      [19, -1],
+      [19, -27],
+      [51, -117],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-52, 12],
+      [-32, 51],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-23, -58],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-55, 34],
+      [-48, -27],
+      [-42, 48],
+      [-18, 48]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16988, 1669],
+      [19, -9],
+      [22, 7],
+      [39, 44],
+      [34, -9],
+      [20, -25],
+      [-13, -84],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-45, 31],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-10, 31],
+      [9, 30],
+      [22, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17796, 2173],
+      [-28, -18],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-42, -85],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [-28, -39],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-75, -83],
+      [-62, -56],
+      [-28, -19],
+      [20, 47],
+      [29, 13],
+      [15, 16],
+      [41, 99],
+      [31, 92],
+      [9, 44],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-2, 43],
+      [15, 46],
+      [64, 96],
+      [38, -9],
+      [22, 16],
+      [22, 3],
+      [42, -13],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-15, 55],
+      [-23, 43],
+      [3, 100],
+      [18, 54],
+      [21, 17],
+      [42, 55],
+      [26, 15],
+      [65, 29],
+      [22, -15],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [32, -19],
+      [41, -1],
+      [18, -19],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-21, -44],
+      [12, -32],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-37, -32],
+      [-35, -46],
+      [-55, -47],
+      [-24, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16960, 1704],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-22, 15],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [13, 26],
+      [18, 1],
+      [22, -16],
+      [4, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17090, 1774],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [5, 51],
+      [31, 17],
+      [8, -16],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-13, -47],
+      [-10, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [18439, 3104],
+      [23, 19],
+      [16, -2],
+      [24, -34],
+      [8, -28],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [16, -34],
+      [29, -15],
+      [53, 42],
+      [-2, 54],
+      [25, 66],
+      [11, -16],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [21, -18],
+      [17, 28],
+      [7, -5],
+      [30, -49],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-9, -37],
+      [-39, -18],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-15, -33],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-62, -76],
+      [6, -39],
+      [32, 26],
+      [21, 33],
+      [38, 33],
+      [15, 7],
+      [41, 34],
+      [5, 23],
+      [35, 26],
+      [14, -17],
+      [-2, -74],
+      [-22, -54],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-28, -31],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-73, -58],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-39, -31],
+      [-4, -111],
+      [-32, -54],
+      [-39, 20],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-4, -52],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-41, 27],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-22, 22],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-71, -79],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [-17, -62],
+      [-51, 19],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-78, 34],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [28, 25],
+      [42, 65],
+      [19, 7],
+      [16, -7],
+      [61, 45],
+      [13, 28],
+      [30, -1],
+      [20, -17],
+      [32, 67],
+      [39, -15],
+      [17, 49],
+      [25, 15],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-17, 63],
+      [8, 26],
+      [23, 9],
+      [15, -15],
+      [24, 20],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [4, 39],
+      [26, 26],
+      [50, 3],
+      [21, -49],
+      [0, -18],
+      [26, 9],
+      [8, 64],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-35, 12],
+      [-59, 28],
+      [-22, -23],
+      [-62, 78],
+      [-3, 46],
+      [33, 78],
+      [12, 19],
+      [68, 57],
+      [28, 8],
+      [30, 29],
+      [12, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16947, 6106],
+      [21, 2],
+      [16, -10],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-39, -56],
+      [-26, 6],
+      [-16, 22],
+      [-5, 26],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-5, 34],
+      [69, -15],
+      [25, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16599, 6717],
+      [-9, 31],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [13, 17],
+      [34, 15],
+      [20, -10],
+      [46, 23],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-7, -49],
+      [-49, -63]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23332, 6278],
+      [24, 7],
+      [9, -27],
+      [-5, -42],
+      [17, -42],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [-30, 8],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-24, 52],
+      [1, 12],
+      [31, 43],
+      [10, 59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23749, 7196],
+      [9, -19],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [-35, -48],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-11, -26],
+      [-21, -65],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [17, 80],
+      [10, 33],
+      [61, 113],
+      [38, 11],
+      [26, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23959, 7245],
+      [26, 17],
+      [7, -15],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-23, -39],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-56, -18],
+      [-21, 1],
+      [-27, -28],
+      [-53, 6],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [5, 27],
+      [17, 42],
+      [26, 30],
+      [19, -5],
+      [37, 28],
+      [16, -36],
+      [21, -26],
+      [15, -1],
+      [30, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24362, 8881],
+      [25, 31],
+      [13, -7],
+      [15, -44],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [-15, -50],
+      [25, -60],
+      [14, -12],
+      [17, 26],
+      [-11, -98],
+      [18, -9],
+      [22, 38],
+      [40, 23],
+      [38, 11],
+      [13, -2],
+      [3, -41],
+      [-29, -78],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [-3, -60],
+      [4, -30],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-64, 7],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [-27, 11],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-27, -15],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [-21, -21],
+      [-67, 8],
+      [28, -30],
+      [62, -14],
+      [23, -22],
+      [26, -15],
+      [25, -5],
+      [13, -19],
+      [0, -71],
+      [-20, -57],
+      [-36, -1],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-17, 33],
+      [-47, 3],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-11, -33],
+      [8, -10],
+      [36, 27],
+      [23, -13],
+      [16, -22],
+      [-17, -39],
+      [-31, -34],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-36, 0],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [27, -21],
+      [19, 1],
+      [20, 20],
+      [54, 18],
+      [36, -15],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-13, -33],
+      [-36, -21],
+      [-48, -50],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [14, -46],
+      [-8, -34],
+      [-26, -28],
+      [-25, 13],
+      [7, 36],
+      [-27, 33],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [2, 49],
+      [18, 31],
+      [13, 43],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-34, -119],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-40, 20],
+      [-32, -21],
+      [-4, -36],
+      [33, 12],
+      [10, -5],
+      [28, -56],
+      [0, -32],
+      [-14, -35],
+      [-41, -33],
+      [-7, -41],
+      [24, -19],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [-13, -56],
+      [-4, -32],
+      [-14, -28],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-36, -37],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [3, 46],
+      [12, 72],
+      [16, 22],
+      [13, 46],
+      [16, 36],
+      [16, 18],
+      [13, 41],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-30, -25],
+      [-9, 47],
+      [6, 81],
+      [15, 33],
+      [13, 6],
+      [18, 35],
+      [7, 38],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [-17, -51],
+      [-43, -76],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [-13, -60],
+      [-34, -43],
+      [-14, -44],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-26, -44],
+      [-10, 52],
+      [-11, 28],
+      [-40, 37],
+      [-45, 15],
+      [-23, 2],
+      [-13, 99],
+      [-24, 101],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-24, 45],
+      [-23, 26],
+      [-37, 8],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-26, 7],
+      [17, 36],
+      [2, 104],
+      [-6, 51],
+      [16, 82],
+      [33, 45],
+      [0, 45],
+      [25, -1],
+      [42, 85],
+      [46, 50],
+      [63, 5],
+      [22, 21],
+      [24, -8],
+      [19, -107],
+      [8, -14],
+      [19, -1],
+      [27, -100],
+      [10, -21],
+      [55, -68],
+      [9, 29],
+      [-25, 39],
+      [-34, 30],
+      [-19, 64],
+      [-2, 45],
+      [18, 60],
+      [-36, 38],
+      [4, 27],
+      [87, 14],
+      [4, 18],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-23, 123],
+      [38, 74],
+      [39, 43],
+      [34, -2],
+      [43, -43],
+      [18, -49],
+      [8, -59],
+      [7, -18],
+      [22, 19],
+      [2, 47],
+      [-2, 33],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [14, 10],
+      [49, -19],
+      [8, 34],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-33, 16],
+      [-42, 46],
+      [2, 46],
+      [17, 16],
+      [10, -14],
+      [93, -57],
+      [15, 7],
+      [55, -24],
+      [15, 15],
+      [-61, 57],
+      [-37, 22],
+      [-20, 39],
+      [27, 10],
+      [11, -13],
+      [45, -29],
+      [29, -6],
+      [15, 32],
+      [69, -6],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-9, 54],
+      [57, 15],
+      [3, -55],
+      [-44, -137],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [5, -45],
+      [10, -21],
+      [26, -4],
+      [-17, 91],
+      [18, 50],
+      [21, -21],
+      [12, 5],
+      [26, 43],
+      [7, 23],
+      [-12, 41],
+      [18, 16],
+      [5, -21],
+      [18, -3],
+      [17, 56],
+      [4, 25],
+      [13, 21],
+      [10, -5],
+      [2, -45],
+      [29, 4],
+      [19, -5],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-20, -5],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [29, -67],
+      [9, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24345, 9385],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-9, -28],
+      [38, -89],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-29, -17],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-37, -2],
+      [-10, -22],
+      [-5, -38],
+      [-19, 31],
+      [-5, 53],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [6, -74],
+      [1, -41],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [-73, 21],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [13, -27],
+      [22, -27],
+      [26, -4],
+      [45, -24],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-54, 6],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-32, -3],
+      [-31, -23],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [1, 13],
+      [27, 93],
+      [22, 13],
+      [36, -40],
+      [16, -11],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-31, 31],
+      [-1, 55],
+      [13, 14],
+      [45, -11],
+      [28, 30],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [15, 63],
+      [18, -1],
+      [32, -15],
+      [22, 12],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [15, 23],
+      [35, -9],
+      [12, 50],
+      [-29, -3],
+      [-25, 26],
+      [30, 13],
+      [9, 12],
+      [12, 64],
+      [19, 5],
+      [31, 29],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [-18, 63],
+      [14, 49],
+      [16, 29],
+      [15, -27],
+      [19, 5],
+      [15, 35],
+      [38, 36],
+      [12, -3],
+      [6, -49],
+      [-3, -70],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-20, -85],
+      [-1, -27],
+      [23, -79],
+      [8, -2],
+      [45, 31],
+      [3, 34],
+      [-12, 34],
+      [10, 16],
+      [25, -14],
+      [46, -56],
+      [22, 57],
+      [23, -27],
+      [-5, -88],
+      [7, -53],
+      [13, 3],
+      [-4, 37],
+      [5, 37],
+      [32, 60],
+      [14, -21],
+      [13, -67],
+      [5, -44],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-28, -81],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-41, 16],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [4, 23],
+      [-23, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33137, 11738],
+      [14, 32],
+      [24, 17],
+      [33, 2],
+      [24, 40],
+      [35, 1],
+      [27, -12],
+      [14, -23],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-1, -39],
+      [29, -34],
+      [9, -30],
+      [-18, -34],
+      [-22, -21],
+      [-22, -35],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-84, 30],
+      [-34, 7],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [3, 25],
+      [-1, 56],
+      [2, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [31336, 13030],
+      [-21, -32],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-28, -58],
+      [-67, -63],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [0, 33],
+      [-13, 35],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [28, 51],
+      [-6, 32],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [-10, 51],
+      [-76, 70],
+      [-12, 31],
+      [-28, 31],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [11, 32],
+      [-32, 78],
+      [-9, 12],
+      [-39, 26],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [17, -28],
+      [18, -17],
+      [30, -57],
+      [23, -121],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-35, -21],
+      [-83, 23],
+      [-49, 2],
+      [-47, 84],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-19, -9],
+      [12, -53],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-22, 13],
+      [-42, 2],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [-31, 34],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [14, -52],
+      [30, 0],
+      [46, 10],
+      [7, 13],
+      [35, -4],
+      [44, 5],
+      [70, -28],
+      [77, -64],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [12, -3],
+      [34, 68],
+      [1, 33],
+      [44, 20],
+      [62, -125],
+      [46, -14],
+      [7, -24],
+      [20, -26],
+      [13, -7],
+      [29, -51],
+      [-14, -57],
+      [-53, -69],
+      [-23, 13],
+      [2, 35],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-13, -27],
+      [23, -29],
+      [4, -31],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-37, -11],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [45, -36],
+      [16, -31],
+      [0, -34],
+      [-24, -28],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-26, 31],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-24, -9],
+      [-40, 8],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-64, 41],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [-42, 21],
+      [-33, 9],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-74, 25],
+      [-51, 22],
+      [-62, 17],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [-65, 36],
+      [-75, 25],
+      [-15, 21],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [-17, 41],
+      [-36, 30],
+      [-50, 30],
+      [-40, 16],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [-63, -5],
+      [-186, -6],
+      [-72, 33],
+      [-46, 16],
+      [-37, 7],
+      [-173, 11],
+      [-75, 10],
+      [-63, 17],
+      [-110, 38],
+      [-56, 10],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [21, 14],
+      [-5, 39],
+      [1, 49],
+      [26, 17],
+      [18, -40],
+      [25, 24],
+      [-12, 39],
+      [12, 63],
+      [-42, 18],
+      [8, 43],
+      [-25, 32],
+      [-41, 68],
+      [-16, 45],
+      [26, 56],
+      [-3, 67],
+      [-22, 42],
+      [-20, -11],
+      [0, -30],
+      [8, -69],
+      [-32, -45],
+      [-7, -74],
+      [10, -28],
+      [-10, -32],
+      [-31, -47],
+      [-84, -134],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-25, -34],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-142, -54],
+      [-71, -15],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-44, 10],
+      [-70, 12],
+      [-29, 1],
+      [-96, -2],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [-33, 82],
+      [-27, -6],
+      [-62, -69],
+      [-101, 22],
+      [-39, -5],
+      [-55, -19],
+      [-52, -3],
+      [-128, -24],
+      [-67, -23],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-58, -56],
+      [-133, -87],
+      [-80, -58],
+      [-28, -25],
+      [-68, -72],
+      [-43, -5],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-10, 22],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-59, 38],
+      [-44, 13],
+      [-21, 39],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-23, -19],
+      [-32, 18],
+      [-19, -24],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-31, 14],
+      [-15, 40],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-63, -33],
+      [-9, 86],
+      [8, 102],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-45, -15],
+      [-40, -41],
+      [-16, -34],
+      [0, -40],
+      [26, -42],
+      [33, -26],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-68, 15],
+      [-70, 31],
+      [-9, 36],
+      [-45, 17],
+      [-63, -1],
+      [-39, -53],
+      [-40, -6],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [12, 36],
+      [37, 50],
+      [18, 85],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [-9, -19],
+      [-68, -100],
+      [-22, -37],
+      [-38, -41],
+      [-40, -9],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [13, -50],
+      [24, 22],
+      [57, 42],
+      [21, -16],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [-20, -38],
+      [-25, -25],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-30, -40],
+      [-31, -53],
+      [-32, -79],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-29, 38],
+      [12, 30],
+      [27, 32],
+      [12, 40],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-40, -39],
+      [-27, -1],
+      [-15, 51],
+      [15, 92],
+      [13, 34],
+      [24, 12],
+      [14, -12],
+      [23, -4],
+      [31, 32],
+      [16, 28],
+      [5, 24],
+      [51, 36],
+      [68, 91],
+      [56, 46],
+      [-19, 17],
+      [-26, -13],
+      [-20, 11],
+      [-22, -28],
+      [-5, 29],
+      [4, 35],
+      [18, 53],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-32, -72],
+      [-23, -29],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [-40, -29],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [35, 88],
+      [29, 57],
+      [-17, 33],
+      [-13, -49],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [-18, -8],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-14, -4],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-27, 47],
+      [35, 36],
+      [17, -2],
+      [21, 35],
+      [14, 4],
+      [38, 36],
+      [35, 44],
+      [19, 53],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [-29, -15],
+      [-4, -32],
+      [-11, -31],
+      [-22, -21],
+      [-64, -31],
+      [-41, 54],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-9, 43],
+      [18, 36],
+      [25, 3],
+      [-26, 35],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [10, 40],
+      [3, 75],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [-15, -57],
+      [1, -29],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-35, -2],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [2, 35],
+      [-24, 12],
+      [-9, -39],
+      [8, -46],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [-12, 38],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [12, -64],
+      [-29, -60],
+      [-33, 6],
+      [-13, 52],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [1, -37],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [-23, 124],
+      [0, 64],
+      [-10, 25],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [5, -20],
+      [4, -132],
+      [37, -100],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [1, 17],
+      [-32, 19],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [0, -49],
+      [20, -17],
+      [17, -34],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-58, -7],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-38, -51],
+      [-26, -6],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [1, 85],
+      [5, 49],
+      [11, 45],
+      [12, 74],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-13, -65],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-30, 67],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [13, -79],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-11, -28],
+      [9, -63],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-20, 18],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [40, -13],
+      [6, -27],
+      [6, -62],
+      [16, -2],
+      [9, 91],
+      [18, 20],
+      [34, 8],
+      [21, -15],
+      [25, -84],
+      [-10, -51],
+      [-28, -44],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-16, -85],
+      [6, -48],
+      [10, -11],
+      [25, 31],
+      [0, 34],
+      [9, 47],
+      [22, 56],
+      [11, 4],
+      [63, -67],
+      [10, -15],
+      [0, -27],
+      [23, -34],
+      [3, -110],
+      [5, -86],
+      [-36, -15],
+      [-18, 13],
+      [-7, 31],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [8, -33],
+      [-20, -45],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-4, -50],
+      [17, 3],
+      [11, 41],
+      [21, 22],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [22, -11],
+      [11, 10],
+      [1, 36],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [3, -29],
+      [17, 13],
+      [-6, 23],
+      [10, 15],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-7, -36],
+      [2, -56],
+      [13, -4],
+      [11, 35],
+      [0, 26],
+      [24, 44],
+      [22, -1],
+      [16, -31],
+      [-23, -54],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [4, -65],
+      [17, -2],
+      [16, 51],
+      [6, 35],
+      [14, 25],
+      [19, -17],
+      [-7, -65],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [-41, -53],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [6, 50],
+      [27, 11],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-36, -31],
+      [-22, 10],
+      [3, 39],
+      [-24, 100],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [23, -182],
+      [-10, -45],
+      [-20, 16],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-27, -7],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-10, -41],
+      [-13, -18],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-20, 23],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [-9, -35],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-32, -11],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [15, 63],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-21, -51],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [6, -50],
+      [-14, -44],
+      [-35, 83],
+      [-28, 97],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [-20, -23],
+      [21, -101],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-2, -50],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [-6, -56],
+      [-2, -64],
+      [28, -42],
+      [16, -14],
+      [7, -65],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-28, 42],
+      [-23, 53],
+      [-30, 60],
+      [-8, -62],
+      [37, -141],
+      [-1, -42],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-10, 57],
+      [-29, 29],
+      [-40, 4],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [33, -21],
+      [19, -25],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-2, -34],
+      [6, -48],
+      [-35, 29],
+      [6, -53],
+      [-15, -56],
+      [-26, -58],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-1, 61],
+      [-9, 41],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [-14, -58],
+      [2, -48],
+      [-7, -69],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-31, 80],
+      [-4, 50],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-3, -42],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [9, -27],
+      [26, -23],
+      [12, -55],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-4, -32],
+      [4, -28],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-23, -33],
+      [-10, -45],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [19, -45],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-27, 48],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [9, -50],
+      [-30, -29],
+      [-20, 18],
+      [-27, -9],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-38, 25],
+      [-20, 38],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-30, -46],
+      [16, -30],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-9, 52],
+      [-29, -25],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-18, 65],
+      [5, 39],
+      [22, 26],
+      [2, 28],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [4, 32],
+      [21, 29],
+      [21, 18],
+      [22, 2],
+      [5, 32],
+      [22, 24],
+      [42, -4],
+      [13, 17],
+      [15, -1],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [13, 46],
+      [22, 12],
+      [35, 30],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [31, 5],
+      [2, 21],
+      [-14, 39],
+      [27, 37],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [27, 82],
+      [9, 36],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-32, -34],
+      [-31, -68],
+      [-37, -68],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [-16, -17],
+      [-60, -5],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-72, 46],
+      [-19, 28],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [8, 81],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [10, 50],
+      [-3, 109],
+      [1, 28],
+      [25, 89],
+      [18, 41],
+      [33, 112],
+      [2, 66],
+      [-18, 104],
+      [3, 17],
+      [25, 24],
+      [-8, 77],
+      [-12, 68],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-31, 26],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [-22, 63],
+      [-26, 40],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [13, 20],
+      [23, 17],
+      [15, 26],
+      [0, 19],
+      [15, 13],
+      [59, 29],
+      [52, 98],
+      [57, 121],
+      [7, 27],
+      [26, 29],
+      [76, 105],
+      [17, -11],
+      [49, -74],
+      [35, -14],
+      [60, 4],
+      [0, 13],
+      [47, 38],
+      [16, 42],
+      [34, 13],
+      [9, 27],
+      [-9, 32],
+      [-22, 17],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-104, 53],
+      [20, 87],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-39, 5],
+      [-53, -13],
+      [-25, -19],
+      [-76, -36],
+      [-45, 28],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [-16, -60],
+      [-41, -42],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-11, -48],
+      [-10, -98],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-49, -29],
+      [-21, -39],
+      [-48, -15],
+      [-45, -80],
+      [-49, -141],
+      [18, -45],
+      [46, -78],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-43, 11],
+      [-63, -25],
+      [-37, -55],
+      [-2, -71],
+      [3, -66],
+      [-22, -18],
+      [-20, -44],
+      [-13, -42],
+      [-2, -40],
+      [7, -34],
+      [17, -29],
+      [32, -14],
+      [-26, -50],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [1, -61],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-22, -47],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [-26, -16],
+      [-19, 22],
+      [-34, -21],
+      [1, -27],
+      [16, -38],
+      [25, -5],
+      [2, -30],
+      [15, -15],
+      [29, -14],
+      [18, -30],
+      [2, -27],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-19, -54],
+      [-1, -63],
+      [-32, -33],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-30, -6],
+      [-27, -15],
+      [-24, 5],
+      [-53, -49],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-22, -57],
+      [42, 15],
+      [19, -11],
+      [18, 36],
+      [27, 10],
+      [17, -23],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-3, -120],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-9, -31],
+      [-20, -30],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-10, 25],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [12, -32],
+      [-15, -23],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [9, 22],
+      [-8, 74],
+      [-38, 52],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [16, -51],
+      [4, -32],
+      [-4, -57],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [-22, 18],
+      [-4, -36],
+      [25, -12],
+      [4, -20],
+      [-5, -45],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-44, -28],
+      [3, -24],
+      [16, -15],
+      [23, -43],
+      [-6, -35],
+      [-37, -32],
+      [-30, -9],
+      [-36, -52],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-1, -31],
+      [29, 11],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-29, -42],
+      [-3, -45],
+      [7, -52],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-10, -48],
+      [-14, -29],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [18, -11],
+      [20, 4],
+      [10, -24],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [7, -28],
+      [19, -26],
+      [17, 28],
+      [12, 46],
+      [23, 8],
+      [71, -2],
+      [20, 28],
+      [21, -1],
+      [19, 17],
+      [47, -65],
+      [34, -17],
+      [18, 3],
+      [8, 19],
+      [23, -23],
+      [17, 1],
+      [22, -39],
+      [14, -4],
+      [28, -57],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-5, -32],
+      [4, -25],
+      [-2, -68],
+      [-12, -44],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [-39, -20],
+      [-35, -3],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [8, -104],
+      [-2, -27],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [9, -43],
+      [20, -36],
+      [26, -8],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-36, -48],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [3, -43],
+      [14, -4],
+      [26, -33],
+      [-4, -84],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [13, -25],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-13, -57],
+      [-52, 52],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [17, -53],
+      [1, -41],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-11, -47],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-10, 33],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-23, -8],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-40, -29],
+      [-44, -84],
+      [34, -49],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-9, -25],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [-31, -43],
+      [-39, -7],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [10, -44],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-2, -41],
+      [-30, -24],
+      [-65, 41],
+      [-22, 25],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-18, -28],
+      [3, -64],
+      [13, -29],
+      [0, -38],
+      [-37, -38],
+      [2, -46],
+      [10, -50],
+      [-63, -21],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-24, 4],
+      [-24, 26],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [9, -73],
+      [11, -33],
+      [13, -15],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-25, 31],
+      [-23, 6],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-33, -35],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [-37, -72],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [21, -6],
+      [66, 83],
+      [14, -47],
+      [-1, -55],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [5, -30],
+      [34, -30],
+      [-9, -41],
+      [-26, -33],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [10, -22],
+      [-35, -54],
+      [-7, -35],
+      [10, -16],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-51, -16],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [3, -70],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-29, 53],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [6, -40],
+      [-28, -26],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-10, -57],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [16, -46],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-17, -12],
+      [-42, 29],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-44, 41],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [9, -26],
+      [21, -7],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-45, -21],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [14, -30],
+      [28, 2],
+      [18, -29],
+      [-3, -24],
+      [-30, -17],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-36, -24],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-22, 51],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-73, -47],
+      [-38, -78],
+      [5, -25],
+      [17, 1],
+      [9, 18],
+      [30, 14],
+      [36, -27],
+      [17, -51],
+      [-14, -40],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-36, 25],
+      [-32, -13],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-2, -35],
+      [-54, -7],
+      [-20, 13],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-29, -41],
+      [-31, -97],
+      [10, -43],
+      [26, 8],
+      [18, -13],
+      [34, 4],
+      [57, -23],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-14, -22],
+      [-33, -32],
+      [5, -22],
+      [31, 2],
+      [30, 28],
+      [6, 13],
+      [26, 0],
+      [-46, -63],
+      [-31, -36],
+      [-23, -40],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [7, -52],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [19, -40],
+      [17, -18],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-15, 31],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [9, -40],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-51, 70],
+      [-8, 71],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-11, -29],
+      [0, -24],
+      [10, -49],
+      [13, -20],
+      [4, -34],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [4, 47],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-47, -19],
+      [-14, -84],
+      [-40, -19],
+      [-118, -69],
+      [-44, -33],
+      [-9, -24],
+      [5, -75],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-22, 38],
+      [-3, 80],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-20, -28],
+      [20, -27],
+      [16, -102],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [16, -43],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-25, -66],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [7, 18],
+      [38, 13],
+      [4, 14],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-12, 110],
+      [13, 65],
+      [8, 13],
+      [-19, 16],
+      [-34, 12],
+      [-47, 2],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [11, -45],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [-23, 17],
+      [-33, -14],
+      [-13, -33],
+      [3, -59],
+      [-27, -53],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-41, -29],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-42, 17],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [24, -40],
+      [-15, -37],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [4, -30],
+      [-13, -36],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-15, 54],
+      [-18, 46],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [-19, -40],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [-26, -16],
+      [0, -21],
+      [53, -3],
+      [8, -19],
+      [-3, -49],
+      [-51, -20],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [7, 23],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-9, -57],
+      [-12, -38],
+      [-90, -104],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-35, -25],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [9, 40],
+      [-3, 93],
+      [32, 92],
+      [5, 44],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-27, 11],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-46, -25],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [-28, -108],
+      [14, -111],
+      [7, -17],
+      [-12, -39],
+      [-37, -112],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-6, -34],
+      [3, -26],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-39, 30],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [28, -62],
+      [18, -14],
+      [12, -31],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-39, -45],
+      [-34, 28],
+      [-9, 22],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-13, 17],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-15, -44],
+      [0, -20],
+      [22, -46],
+      [-10, -39],
+      [-22, -12],
+      [-18, 22],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [-29, 13],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [-8, 33],
+      [27, 17],
+      [19, -22],
+      [7, 20],
+      [-22, 33],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [-16, 76],
+      [-41, 50],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-13, -51],
+      [-3, -40],
+      [15, -24],
+      [22, 3],
+      [16, -24],
+      [21, -41],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [15, -48],
+      [19, -43],
+      [6, -52],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-31, 24],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-13, -21],
+      [8, -24],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-35, 22],
+      [-33, 55],
+      [2, 37],
+      [-26, 53],
+      [-40, 31],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-33, -28],
+      [-12, -59],
+      [8, -18],
+      [32, -10],
+      [51, -45],
+      [10, -30],
+      [-46, -74],
+      [-25, -49],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-31, -39],
+      [2, -11],
+      [28, -44],
+      [44, 10],
+      [18, 28],
+      [20, -12],
+      [50, -80],
+      [2, -31],
+      [-32, 3],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-34, -2],
+      [-20, 26],
+      [-17, 35],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [0, -76],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-35, -43],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [-42, 13],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-102, -19],
+      [-55, -21],
+      [-65, -49],
+      [-40, -71],
+      [-2, -77],
+      [-27, -43],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-67, -29],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-50, 22],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-23, 73],
+      [-19, 28],
+      [-7, 50],
+      [11, 36],
+      [38, 33],
+      [32, 17],
+      [22, 28],
+      [27, 115],
+      [21, 115],
+      [1, 45],
+      [26, 43],
+      [27, 16],
+      [27, -18],
+      [16, -23],
+      [22, 13],
+      [38, 35],
+      [17, 33],
+      [24, 15],
+      [36, 12],
+      [28, 36],
+      [28, 54],
+      [19, 1],
+      [35, 26],
+      [16, -7],
+      [44, 2],
+      [53, 13],
+      [5, -38],
+      [46, -48],
+      [29, -76],
+      [-3, -51],
+      [12, -3],
+      [31, 34],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [12, 12],
+      [18, -14],
+      [16, 23],
+      [-30, 48],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [-16, 79],
+      [48, 54],
+      [42, 28],
+      [17, -10],
+      [53, 5],
+      [33, 20],
+      [15, 50],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [6, 32],
+      [76, 67],
+      [20, 55],
+      [8, 54],
+      [14, 47],
+      [38, 64],
+      [57, 150],
+      [28, 83],
+      [41, 52],
+      [25, 57],
+      [44, 52],
+      [29, 44],
+      [15, 40],
+      [16, 31],
+      [45, 26],
+      [31, 23],
+      [23, 25],
+      [59, 31],
+      [69, 47],
+      [16, -26],
+      [24, -4],
+      [52, 13],
+      [11, -13],
+      [73, 81],
+      [17, 0],
+      [28, -45],
+      [4, -50],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-32, -25],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [15, -42],
+      [68, -77],
+      [16, 25],
+      [49, -30],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-53, 44],
+      [-16, 83],
+      [14, 18],
+      [45, -7],
+      [47, 23],
+      [18, -3],
+      [13, -47],
+      [24, -34],
+      [23, 13],
+      [46, -27],
+      [9, 23],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [18, 19],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [-25, 8],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [-57, 26],
+      [-2, 50],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [25, 92],
+      [10, 59],
+      [9, 83],
+      [1, 45],
+      [11, 59],
+      [32, 51],
+      [19, 39],
+      [8, 32],
+      [19, 36],
+      [27, 19],
+      [32, 43],
+      [23, 43],
+      [40, 91],
+      [119, 123],
+      [40, 26],
+      [48, 45],
+      [21, 43],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [95, 130],
+      [22, 47],
+      [14, -24],
+      [41, -33],
+      [33, -6],
+      [54, 22],
+      [4, 29],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-27, 77],
+      [0, 127],
+      [6, 33],
+      [58, 192],
+      [26, 70],
+      [55, 79],
+      [32, 35],
+      [36, 63],
+      [16, 17],
+      [22, 94],
+      [54, 91],
+      [32, 33],
+      [34, -66],
+      [30, -9],
+      [2, 33],
+      [-18, 76],
+      [-14, 33],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [-11, 95],
+      [6, 62],
+      [-3, 113],
+      [-14, 193],
+      [-2, 106],
+      [16, 47],
+      [56, 29],
+      [12, 58],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [-37, 34],
+      [-17, 22],
+      [-13, 60],
+      [-1, 72],
+      [9, 108],
+      [9, 32],
+      [20, 30],
+      [15, 12],
+      [14, 40],
+      [8, 44],
+      [34, 80],
+      [35, 65],
+      [4, 23],
+      [8, 110],
+      [-11, 67],
+      [14, 37],
+      [-10, 41],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [2, -50],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-16, -28],
+      [-38, -40],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-30, -29],
+      [-28, -39],
+      [-22, -11],
+      [-19, -20],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-58, -43],
+      [-59, -76],
+      [-71, -69],
+      [-41, -32],
+      [-40, -4],
+      [-32, 21],
+      [-18, 22],
+      [-18, 70],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-23, 20],
+      [-40, 7],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [-6, 67],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-28, 35],
+      [-36, -53],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-1, -70],
+      [14, -44],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [24, -76],
+      [37, -84],
+      [37, -70],
+      [-28, -95],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [-55, 19],
+      [-73, 142],
+      [-32, 68],
+      [-66, 123],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [-56, 62],
+      [-36, 12],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [16, 68],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [1, -89],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [12, -42],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [-40, -38],
+      [-47, 71],
+      [2, 27],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-13, -33],
+      [-25, 1],
+      [-8, 59],
+      [-31, -25],
+      [-29, 46],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [23, 52],
+      [-35, 83],
+      [-62, -64],
+      [-62, -84],
+      [-41, -72],
+      [-24, -107],
+      [-16, 67],
+      [-58, -41],
+      [-70, -92],
+      [-60, -65],
+      [-11, -43],
+      [5, -49],
+      [-60, -49],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-31, -15],
+      [-20, -48],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [-12, 54],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-82, -32],
+      [-48, 25],
+      [71, 59],
+      [28, -35],
+      [25, 16],
+      [3, 51],
+      [31, 83],
+      [-1, 61],
+      [-28, 165],
+      [-29, 105],
+      [-75, 92],
+      [-40, 116],
+      [8, 47],
+      [36, -29],
+      [-17, 114],
+      [47, 85],
+      [11, 50],
+      [22, 2],
+      [12, 30],
+      [-30, 73],
+      [-51, 97],
+      [-33, 108],
+      [-54, 95],
+      [-37, 56],
+      [-10, 73],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-19, 41],
+      [-12, 39],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [10, 31],
+      [3, 40],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [-15, -21],
+      [-8, -44],
+      [-13, -18],
+      [-20, 43],
+      [-8, 36],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-12, -47],
+      [-2, -33],
+      [8, -26],
+      [6, -46],
+      [-6, -58],
+      [-47, -39],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-23, -7],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-57, -47],
+      [-22, -29],
+      [-55, -53],
+      [-71, -39],
+      [-85, -33],
+      [-43, -12],
+      [-45, -6],
+      [-67, 2],
+      [-64, 21],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-21, 58],
+      [-6, 39],
+      [12, 16],
+      [21, 6],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-48, 30],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-22, 23],
+      [-54, 104],
+      [-10, 33],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-34, 38],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-31, 9],
+      [-49, 38],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [-33, 52],
+      [3, 21],
+      [28, 15],
+      [20, 24],
+      [13, 35],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-51, -59],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-49, 8],
+      [-26, 49],
+      [14, 34],
+      [46, 6],
+      [33, 55],
+      [11, 33],
+      [32, 47],
+      [14, -1],
+      [22, 32],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-26, 33],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [25, 9],
+      [21, 24],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-33, -13],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [8, 45],
+      [20, 56],
+      [1, 28],
+      [-25, -30],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [-21, 42],
+      [1, 22],
+      [24, 5],
+      [-19, 65],
+      [2, 11],
+      [28, 42],
+      [38, -2],
+      [23, 17],
+      [10, 72],
+      [23, -3],
+      [-10, 32],
+      [-37, -1],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [4, -54],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-26, 20],
+      [-26, 53],
+      [0, 25],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-36, 34],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-5, -76],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-23, -6],
+      [-61, 20],
+      [-17, 25],
+      [-24, 128],
+      [1, 68],
+      [-17, 18],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-27, 36],
+      [-17, 61],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [28, 28],
+      [30, 21],
+      [6, 24],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-23, 34],
+      [-43, 29],
+      [-21, -2],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [-30, -10],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [13, -26],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-26, 67],
+      [-9, 44],
+      [4, 133],
+      [9, 26],
+      [2, -106],
+      [34, 9],
+      [58, 35],
+      [36, 13],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-32, 16],
+      [-30, 26],
+      [-37, 81],
+      [2, 18],
+      [50, 23],
+      [34, -5],
+      [44, 2],
+      [10, 20],
+      [36, 10],
+      [9, 29],
+      [-38, 56],
+      [-18, 57],
+      [-8, 41],
+      [6, 84],
+      [20, 75],
+      [128, 292],
+      [14, 59],
+      [24, 51],
+      [37, 66],
+      [18, 23],
+      [67, 42],
+      [37, 28],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-37, -18],
+      [-20, 28],
+      [9, 40],
+      [38, -22],
+      [-23, 154],
+      [-9, 44],
+      [12, 55],
+      [25, 25],
+      [7, 58],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [16, 58],
+      [11, 19],
+      [37, 47],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-25, 9],
+      [3, 22],
+      [49, 99],
+      [24, 42],
+      [22, 19],
+      [57, 36],
+      [25, 11],
+      [39, 7],
+      [26, -13],
+      [34, -27],
+      [58, -5],
+      [13, -28],
+      [36, -51],
+      [10, 7],
+      [24, -10],
+      [10, -25],
+      [36, -31],
+      [42, -49],
+      [69, 22],
+      [34, 19],
+      [14, 33],
+      [34, 47],
+      [19, 37],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [6, 22],
+      [19, 16],
+      [17, -1],
+      [22, 21],
+      [30, 69],
+      [43, 115],
+      [4, 37],
+      [22, 56],
+      [28, 43],
+      [-14, 60],
+      [16, 4],
+      [57, -27],
+      [13, 4],
+      [14, -27],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [11, -26],
+      [36, 2],
+      [34, 8],
+      [60, 29],
+      [36, -14],
+      [49, 18],
+      [52, 24],
+      [43, 29],
+      [19, 20],
+      [8, 52],
+      [22, 41],
+      [42, 100],
+      [29, 90],
+      [12, 52],
+      [-7, 72],
+      [-23, 78],
+      [-20, 55],
+      [-18, 35],
+      [-21, 71],
+      [-10, 46],
+      [-12, 118],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-14, 35],
+      [-105, 143],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-37, 20],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [6, 99],
+      [27, 35],
+      [26, -18],
+      [33, -11],
+      [57, 1],
+      [23, 13],
+      [-16, 43],
+      [38, 17],
+      [45, 78],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-6, 110],
+      [-37, 73],
+      [-27, 41],
+      [-20, 11],
+      [-36, 36],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-5, -45],
+      [-26, -40],
+      [-19, -58],
+      [-4, -40],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [-31, -11],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [-28, 25],
+      [-70, -103],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [-56, -17],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-16, -30],
+      [-4, -44],
+      [-37, -37],
+      [-67, -80],
+      [-23, -74],
+      [6, -25],
+      [-6, -75],
+      [-30, -34],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [-9, 31],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [-24, 79],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [-33, 46],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-26, -11],
+      [9, -72],
+      [-20, -50],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [-24, -14],
+      [-22, 34],
+      [-11, 45],
+      [-38, 38],
+      [-38, 30],
+      [-55, 28],
+      [-85, 5],
+      [-51, -33],
+      [-64, 9],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-40, -22],
+      [-45, -38],
+      [-91, -87],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-51, -12],
+      [-74, 36],
+      [-73, 28],
+      [-51, 14],
+      [-73, 23],
+      [-62, 11],
+      [-98, 26],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-57, 62],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-27, 95],
+      [0, 75],
+      [17, 14],
+      [8, 32],
+      [-4, 44],
+      [-43, 75],
+      [-58, 54],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [2, 46],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-47, 43],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [4, 16],
+      [30, -25],
+      [21, -7],
+      [42, 6],
+      [11, 27],
+      [30, 17],
+      [20, 33],
+      [-5, 56],
+      [30, 36],
+      [14, 27],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-39, 37],
+      [-24, 8],
+      [-36, -18],
+      [-50, 13],
+      [-37, 26],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-131, 17],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-36, 37],
+      [-48, 62],
+      [-46, 37],
+      [-24, 24],
+      [-30, 9],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-8, 41],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [0, 35],
+      [8, 35],
+      [44, 51],
+      [42, 31],
+      [42, 27],
+      [68, 54],
+      [78, 78],
+      [60, 76],
+      [55, 58],
+      [8, 14],
+      [44, 53],
+      [102, 111],
+      [66, 59],
+      [30, -22],
+      [41, -15],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [25, -33],
+      [12, -5],
+      [52, 12],
+      [47, -24],
+      [22, 14],
+      [11, 18],
+      [25, 3],
+      [14, 28],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-39, 43],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [-30, 1],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [8, 28],
+      [-11, 56],
+      [26, 27],
+      [46, 36],
+      [87, 74],
+      [74, 58],
+      [21, 11],
+      [138, 91],
+      [104, 54],
+      [19, 1],
+      [85, 21],
+      [38, 5],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [27, -21],
+      [20, 10],
+      [33, -11],
+      [11, -40],
+      [0, -29],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [-26, -45],
+      [-8, -36],
+      [2, -71],
+      [13, -27],
+      [5, -37],
+      [-24, -52],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-42, -22],
+      [1, -24],
+      [25, 0],
+      [31, 16],
+      [14, -34],
+      [12, -44],
+      [28, -44],
+      [3, -25],
+      [50, 2],
+      [28, 17],
+      [14, 19],
+      [53, 5],
+      [20, -16],
+      [42, -8],
+      [26, 8],
+      [32, 19],
+      [84, 26],
+      [48, -54],
+      [31, 10],
+      [24, 19],
+      [25, -32],
+      [21, 5],
+      [42, 35],
+      [21, 29],
+      [7, -12],
+      [33, -2],
+      [28, -22],
+      [40, -16],
+      [18, 63],
+      [30, 48],
+      [15, 51],
+      [3, 28],
+      [18, 77],
+      [20, 29],
+      [50, -1],
+      [10, -36],
+      [42, -9],
+      [37, 33],
+      [18, -3],
+      [15, 14],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-24, 30],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [-19, 32],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-51, 25],
+      [-57, 16],
+      [-58, -9],
+      [-40, -46],
+      [-33, -18],
+      [9, 59],
+      [3, 50],
+      [-8, 82],
+      [-58, 80],
+      [-25, 25],
+      [-7, 34],
+      [-24, 53],
+      [-33, 32],
+      [-53, 9],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-6, 41],
+      [-23, 53],
+      [-18, 28],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [6, 29],
+      [34, 29],
+      [50, 24],
+      [23, -20],
+      [20, -55],
+      [49, -86],
+      [29, -7],
+      [2, -23],
+      [-19, -80],
+      [7, -55],
+      [37, -46],
+      [21, -58],
+      [55, -56],
+      [51, -48],
+      [18, -12],
+      [46, 25],
+      [36, 34],
+      [13, 33],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-65, -3],
+      [-5, 41],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [-54, 39],
+      [-64, 91],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [1, 94],
+      [20, 45],
+      [3, 32],
+      [29, 124],
+      [38, -27],
+      [26, 6],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [-16, 26],
+      [-33, 23],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-40, 41],
+      [-28, -5],
+      [-75, -37],
+      [-29, -26],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-32, -12],
+      [-8, 44],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-40, -11],
+      [-22, 50],
+      [-46, -32],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-67, 33],
+      [-69, 16],
+      [-66, 25],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-42, 22],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-3, 94],
+      [-8, 54],
+      [-24, 108],
+      [-21, 76],
+      [-47, 136],
+      [-25, 57],
+      [-22, 35],
+      [-23, 24],
+      [-108, 93],
+      [-81, 106],
+      [-93, 113],
+      [-44, 49],
+      [-16, 37],
+      [-82, 67],
+      [-54, 17],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-23, 14],
+      [-33, 32],
+      [-9, 30],
+      [-81, 112],
+      [-39, 41],
+      [-63, 47],
+      [-36, 19],
+      [-33, -1],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [33, 28],
+      [104, 63],
+      [23, 47],
+      [3, 58],
+      [19, 64],
+      [2, 58],
+      [9, 77],
+      [4, 118],
+      [-11, 95],
+      [3, 23],
+      [124, -13],
+      [46, -8],
+      [105, 8],
+      [160, 51],
+      [48, 22],
+      [40, 13],
+      [85, 21],
+      [37, 27],
+      [19, 23],
+      [29, 21],
+      [44, 68],
+      [31, 34],
+      [21, 29],
+      [35, 63],
+      [24, 65],
+      [45, 98],
+      [20, 13],
+      [34, 110],
+      [2, 46],
+      [12, 80],
+      [5, 9],
+      [4, 58],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [28, 25],
+      [29, 101],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [6, 36],
+      [29, 52],
+      [21, 16],
+      [21, 49],
+      [43, 81],
+      [8, -1],
+      [30, 73],
+      [4, 32],
+      [-1, 47],
+      [20, 5],
+      [12, 18],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [12, 40],
+      [43, 66],
+      [39, 77],
+      [25, 82],
+      [18, 22],
+      [4, -30],
+      [22, -29],
+      [5, 21],
+      [20, -4],
+      [19, -29],
+      [32, 0],
+      [37, 9],
+      [41, 23],
+      [67, 92],
+      [11, -10],
+      [40, 37],
+      [29, 39],
+      [67, 103],
+      [2, 14],
+      [71, 119],
+      [42, 92],
+      [37, 74],
+      [31, 52],
+      [39, 80],
+      [32, 36],
+      [89, 72],
+      [15, -10],
+      [10, -35],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [15, -25],
+      [46, 6],
+      [39, 14],
+      [13, 11],
+      [-8, 27],
+      [93, 6],
+      [75, 27],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [40, -2],
+      [26, 9],
+      [35, 20],
+      [41, 32],
+      [31, 32],
+      [69, 99],
+      [28, 52],
+      [34, 82],
+      [30, 95],
+      [36, 105],
+      [35, 95],
+      [41, 69],
+      [20, 21],
+      [6, -40],
+      [11, -22],
+      [52, -30],
+      [41, 7],
+      [41, -11],
+      [17, -42],
+      [6, -35],
+      [16, 20],
+      [55, 22],
+      [51, -14],
+      [7, -7],
+      [5, -41],
+      [18, -34],
+      [-6, -43],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-17, -30],
+      [-12, -43],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [1, -60],
+      [16, -35],
+      [4, -63],
+      [20, 6],
+      [7, 24],
+      [41, 12],
+      [26, -2],
+      [36, 50],
+      [2, 31],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [2, 32],
+      [17, 32],
+      [13, 46],
+      [23, 18],
+      [18, -39],
+      [11, 14],
+      [-7, 45],
+      [-32, 36],
+      [2, 20],
+      [27, 42],
+      [11, -37],
+      [16, 21],
+      [-11, 39],
+      [13, 25],
+      [80, -55],
+      [53, -53],
+      [19, -38],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-8, -88],
+      [7, -39],
+      [24, -33],
+      [18, -10],
+      [47, 26],
+      [28, -16],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [17, -5],
+      [29, 37],
+      [17, 38],
+      [11, 59],
+      [11, 21],
+      [39, 22],
+      [65, 6],
+      [27, 13],
+      [49, 52],
+      [29, 11],
+      [37, -15],
+      [72, -1],
+      [52, 17],
+      [41, -6],
+      [61, -16],
+      [27, -41],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [-16, -70],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-22, -37],
+      [10, -48],
+      [17, -38],
+      [17, -4],
+      [8, 16],
+      [23, -17],
+      [35, 3],
+      [26, -6],
+      [13, -14],
+      [14, 8],
+      [49, -5],
+      [26, 19],
+      [-5, -47],
+      [13, -21],
+      [-52, -43],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [16, -17],
+      [33, 14],
+      [67, 19],
+      [34, -2],
+      [47, -14],
+      [23, -17],
+      [12, 9],
+      [-6, 52],
+      [37, -2],
+      [5, 29],
+      [18, 19],
+      [35, 20],
+      [14, 49],
+      [96, 32],
+      [22, 2],
+      [9, -23],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [8, -12],
+      [30, 17],
+      [40, 1],
+      [10, 13],
+      [46, 101],
+      [17, -17],
+      [43, 35],
+      [25, -7],
+      [30, 37],
+      [18, -24],
+      [29, 14],
+      [41, 3],
+      [33, -13],
+      [43, -33],
+      [30, 9],
+      [24, -15],
+      [15, 18],
+      [6, 21],
+      [26, 2],
+      [52, -56],
+      [8, -43],
+      [23, -13],
+      [17, 9],
+      [34, 64],
+      [29, 5],
+      [12, -14],
+      [36, -2],
+      [33, -12],
+      [17, -13],
+      [28, -57],
+      [29, -13],
+      [51, 20],
+      [33, -5],
+      [15, 9],
+      [24, 47],
+      [16, -42],
+      [22, -19],
+      [51, 11],
+      [22, 55],
+      [47, 6],
+      [63, 38],
+      [29, 3],
+      [41, 15],
+      [32, 0],
+      [27, -14],
+      [28, 6],
+      [36, 26],
+      [0, 20],
+      [24, -10],
+      [15, -21],
+      [50, -29],
+      [31, 5],
+      [23, -25],
+      [22, -11],
+      [50, 5],
+      [20, -19],
+      [58, 9],
+      [22, -16],
+      [23, 27],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [38, -3],
+      [36, 15],
+      [30, 81],
+      [33, 25],
+      [32, 17],
+      [23, 37],
+      [15, 8],
+      [30, 99],
+      [38, 11],
+      [2, 13],
+      [48, 31],
+      [2, 16],
+      [26, -5],
+      [5, -41],
+      [7, -10],
+      [41, 21],
+      [7, 23],
+      [16, 17],
+      [19, -2],
+      [34, -23],
+      [17, 9],
+      [0, 18],
+      [34, -7],
+      [64, -8],
+      [92, -39],
+      [37, -30],
+      [7, -18],
+      [41, 9],
+      [72, -30],
+      [35, -47],
+      [23, 25],
+      [22, 11],
+      [44, -5],
+      [70, -30],
+      [41, -29],
+      [10, -34],
+      [23, -23],
+      [36, 16],
+      [-2, 62],
+      [30, 2],
+      [43, -12],
+      [350, -1219],
+      [824, -2825],
+      [1249, -4179],
+      [488, -1601],
+      [28, -91],
+      [211, 14],
+      [-3, 105],
+      [233, -26],
+      [62, 228],
+      [235, 156],
+      [14, -35],
+      [33, -271],
+      [93, -61],
+      [124, -15],
+      [43, 2],
+      [50, -91],
+      [31, -36],
+      [35, -16],
+      [326, -168],
+      [234, -121],
+      [135, -240],
+      [18, -89],
+      [31, 22],
+      [40, 141],
+      [112, 240],
+      [8, 30],
+      [96, 68],
+      [1, 152],
+      [-53, 139],
+      [52, 87],
+      [4, 79],
+      [-14, 34],
+      [-12, 50],
+      [0, 45],
+      [67, 65],
+      [47, 73],
+      [107, 205],
+      [109, -37],
+      [78, -54],
+      [24, 4],
+      [57, -38],
+      [31, -83],
+      [10, -41],
+      [19, -36],
+      [45, -68],
+      [31, -43],
+      [97, 1],
+      [49, -19],
+      [71, -33],
+      [34, 22],
+      [74, -72],
+      [32, -56],
+      [37, -42],
+      [55, -41],
+      [137, -15],
+      [79, -6],
+      [105, -83],
+      [90, -47],
+      [80, -49],
+      [36, -83],
+      [73, -61],
+      [83, -52],
+      [34, -23],
+      [102, -123],
+      [148, -98],
+      [103, -106],
+      [75, -57],
+      [88, -87],
+      [143, -99],
+      [103, -99],
+      [60, -96],
+      [68, -33],
+      [65, -110],
+      [65, -59],
+      [39, -5],
+      [38, -26],
+      [75, -90],
+      [56, -26],
+      [65, 46],
+      [96, -29],
+      [147, -8],
+      [52, -16],
+      [144, 55],
+      [109, -49],
+      [43, 6],
+      [35, 15],
+      [60, -84],
+      [95, 13],
+      [51, 65],
+      [65, -56],
+      [30, -34],
+      [30, -78],
+      [10, -113],
+      [-9, -29],
+      [6, -48],
+      [24, -50],
+      [30, -21],
+      [37, -104],
+      [57, -74],
+      [35, -26],
+      [58, -105],
+      [33, -22],
+      [9, -16],
+      [-12, -122],
+      [2, -67],
+      [17, -93],
+      [2, -119],
+      [-5, -71],
+      [-22, -125],
+      [-20, -77],
+      [-24, -34],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [22, -13],
+      [-20, -41],
+      [-33, 20],
+      [-23, 46],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [15, -39],
+      [-11, -33],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-29, 26],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-48, 85],
+      [-10, 37],
+      [-39, 8],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [-8, 45],
+      [-50, 27],
+      [-32, 29],
+      [-18, 32],
+      [23, 87],
+      [3, 36],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [7, 17],
+      [26, 10],
+      [-33, 61],
+      [-46, 57],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-5, 61],
+      [-12, 41],
+      [-32, 61],
+      [-51, 90],
+      [-41, 45],
+      [-38, 30],
+      [-87, 61],
+      [-53, 23],
+      [-37, 27],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [10, -28],
+      [59, -27],
+      [67, -45],
+      [41, -56],
+      [63, -49],
+      [25, -32],
+      [40, -67],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [26, -69],
+      [44, -70],
+      [15, -5],
+      [26, -35],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-44, 53],
+      [-6, -29],
+      [19, -26],
+      [22, -66],
+      [-4, -44],
+      [-14, -83],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-30, -1],
+      [-26, 16],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [4, 52],
+      [-10, 74],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [13, -24],
+      [15, -6],
+      [14, -20],
+      [3, -44],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-20, -51],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-47, 48],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [9, -37],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-58, 18],
+      [-32, -3],
+      [-24, 12],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-68, 26],
+      [-28, 65],
+      [14, 35],
+      [23, 25],
+      [15, 54],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-22, 19],
+      [-13, 64],
+      [-28, 23],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [22, 41],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-21, -1],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-30, 61],
+      [1, 29],
+      [-22, 10],
+      [-17, -33],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [25, -32],
+      [22, -2],
+      [8, -11],
+      [16, -108],
+      [20, -51],
+      [-3, -84],
+      [-26, 7],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [45, -72],
+      [1, -47],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-49, 19],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-25, 14],
+      [-65, 101],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [20, 21],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-19, 48],
+      [25, 33],
+      [3, 28],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-24, 91],
+      [-49, 79],
+      [-5, 54],
+      [17, -6],
+      [2, 49],
+      [-11, 73],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-22, -14],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [14, -54],
+      [-19, -46],
+      [-9, -74],
+      [61, -83],
+      [2, -44],
+      [-31, -12],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-2, -49],
+      [14, -19],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-23, 21],
+      [-31, 70],
+      [-48, 55],
+      [-39, 33],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [2, -28],
+      [-62, 58],
+      [-20, 29],
+      [-27, 74],
+      [3, 29],
+      [22, 8],
+      [15, 20],
+      [-12, 64],
+      [2, 56],
+      [30, 41],
+      [11, 1],
+      [33, -26],
+      [16, 4],
+      [-12, 39],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-57, 95],
+      [12, 11],
+      [62, -5],
+      [22, -27],
+      [5, -19],
+      [28, -16],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [-35, 50],
+      [-34, 15],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-46, 22],
+      [-23, 42],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [12, 23],
+      [2, 40],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-15, -29],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-34, -24],
+      [-44, 7],
+      [-6, 30],
+      [13, 78],
+      [11, 52],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-15, -69],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [-79, 18],
+      [-44, 45],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-34, 29],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [23, 30],
+      [6, 37],
+      [-24, 35],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-10, -58],
+      [-34, -5],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [-31, 9],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-26, -18],
+      [-22, 30],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-21, -45],
+      [-108, 9],
+      [-37, 57],
+      [-6, 43],
+      [3, 36],
+      [15, 9],
+      [20, -10],
+      [47, 38],
+      [3, 19],
+      [-6, 31],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-50, -5],
+      [-19, 18],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-65, 78],
+      [-18, 56],
+      [9, 16],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-18, -32],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-42, 31],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-15, 73],
+      [29, 22],
+      [37, -15],
+      [57, 14],
+      [92, -7],
+      [31, -6],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [-48, 18],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [-97, 27],
+      [-46, 18],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-34, 67],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [19, -59],
+      [-29, -17],
+      [-60, 11],
+      [-141, 116],
+      [-52, 36],
+      [-76, 98],
+      [-194, -86],
+      [-163, 88],
+      [-151, 83],
+      [-206, 380],
+      [-35, 63],
+      [18, 10],
+      [-53, 96],
+      [-32, 47],
+      [-42, 52],
+      [-61, 50],
+      [-49, 49],
+      [13, -54],
+      [19, -32],
+      [18, -14],
+      [20, -1],
+      [37, -51],
+      [1, -67],
+      [23, -68],
+      [34, -11],
+      [29, -42],
+      [19, -62],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [49, -58],
+      [31, -25],
+      [22, -46],
+      [83, -97],
+      [13, -27],
+      [-24, -4],
+      [7, -22],
+      [54, -66],
+      [46, -64],
+      [41, -66],
+      [19, -39],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [8, -29],
+      [33, -61],
+      [-33, -9],
+      [-35, 10],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [-26, 18],
+      [-44, 44],
+      [-42, 65],
+      [-6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [41796, 12069],
+      [11, -2],
+      [54, -36],
+      [22, -25],
+      [14, -45],
+      [163, -106],
+      [52, -54],
+      [46, -25],
+      [17, -31],
+      [20, -11],
+      [18, 2],
+      [22, 17],
+      [18, 2],
+      [71, -33],
+      [15, -13],
+      [27, -4],
+      [69, -29],
+      [49, -25],
+      [79, -46],
+      [38, -32],
+      [120, -78],
+      [70, -40],
+      [26, -7],
+      [26, -20],
+      [64, -66],
+      [77, -56],
+      [22, -30],
+      [31, -24],
+      [68, -71],
+      [10, -7],
+      [46, -61],
+      [9, -29],
+      [32, -37],
+      [25, -12],
+      [27, -48],
+      [-1, -59],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [19, -100],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [13, -88],
+      [15, -26],
+      [15, -5],
+      [29, 6],
+      [31, 26],
+      [74, -4],
+      [22, -29],
+      [26, -52],
+      [18, -47],
+      [-1, -47],
+      [13, -79],
+      [42, -38],
+      [26, -4],
+      [4, -33],
+      [10, -23],
+      [28, -20],
+      [22, -29],
+      [45, -42],
+      [59, -38],
+      [45, -22],
+      [33, -29],
+      [21, -3],
+      [26, -20],
+      [13, -29],
+      [-12, -96],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [-48, -64],
+      [-32, -28],
+      [-68, -71],
+      [-24, -39],
+      [-33, -40],
+      [-25, -41],
+      [-69, -43],
+      [-73, -34],
+      [-89, -63],
+      [-34, -36],
+      [-46, -17],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-61, -18],
+      [-76, 30],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-58, -18],
+      [-27, -39],
+      [-47, -40],
+      [-9, -42],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-31, -16],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-46, -32],
+      [-23, -43],
+      [-33, -46],
+      [-21, -12],
+      [-72, -20],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [8, -21],
+      [-29, -26],
+      [-22, -57],
+      [-21, -22],
+      [9, -33],
+      [4, -59],
+      [-12, -35],
+      [-26, -25],
+      [-18, -59],
+      [5, -47],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-17, -26],
+      [-19, -46],
+      [-32, -41],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [-32, 16],
+      [-17, 45],
+      [-73, 77],
+      [-76, 36],
+      [-92, 86],
+      [-94, 30],
+      [-57, 35],
+      [-16, 50],
+      [-42, 66],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-39, 105],
+      [-5, 89],
+      [4, 158],
+      [-7, 32],
+      [-5, 73],
+      [7, 41],
+      [0, 62],
+      [-7, 98],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-30, 78],
+      [-37, 61],
+      [4, 37],
+      [-29, 40],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-12, 76],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-29, 20],
+      [-9, 55],
+      [-26, 95],
+      [-20, 24],
+      [-14, 79],
+      [-21, 57],
+      [-49, 91],
+      [-62, 22],
+      [-15, 24],
+      [0, 25],
+      [10, 7],
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+      [-34, 36],
+      [-7, 39],
+      [-27, 32],
+      [9, 29],
+      [5, 37],
+      [-3, 61],
+      [45, 53],
+      [24, 38],
+      [35, 71],
+      [31, 23],
+      [29, 3],
+      [18, -13],
+      [26, 16],
+      [-5, 41],
+      [14, 30],
+      [17, 64],
+      [12, 27],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [42, 55],
+      [14, 37],
+      [27, 19],
+      [11, -3],
+      [5, 50],
+      [-4, 78],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [-52, 72],
+      [-37, 43],
+      [-42, 74],
+      [-42, 102],
+      [-34, 154],
+      [-2, 78],
+      [14, 49],
+      [28, 31],
+      [38, 8],
+      [83, -33],
+      [59, -38],
+      [9, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32208, 16266],
+      [24, -5],
+      [8, -49],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-10, 49]
+    ],
+    [
+      [32932, 16965],
+      [4, 9],
+      [7, 83],
+      [29, 14],
+      [46, 2],
+      [28, -20],
+      [17, -42],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-17, -54],
+      [-4, -71],
+      [16, -44],
+      [7, -38],
+      [-34, -27],
+      [-46, -17],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-24, -19],
+      [-19, -44],
+      [-21, -62],
+      [-18, -85],
+      [2, -24],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-35, 33],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [-3, 87],
+      [14, 94],
+      [29, 32],
+      [37, 60],
+      [40, 21],
+      [53, 37],
+      [19, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [34168, 17556],
+      [43, 25],
+      [39, -22],
+      [6, -8],
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+      [26, 6],
+      [29, -26],
+      [54, -59],
+      [23, -81],
+      [23, -17],
+      [11, -50],
+      [2, -43],
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+      [-2, -45],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-1, -45],
+      [34, -146],
+      [1, -31],
+      [-27, -25],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-44, -36],
+      [-41, -66],
+      [-29, -32],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-53, 32],
+      [-38, 18],
+      [-52, 8],
+      [-72, 6],
+      [-57, 23],
+      [-49, 1],
+      [-59, 53],
+      [-25, 42],
+      [-54, 65],
+      [-65, 21],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-76, 31],
+      [-17, 16],
+      [-53, 85],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [-2, 83],
+      [9, 22],
+      [52, 69],
+      [8, 38],
+      [6, 70],
+      [11, 23],
+      [45, 31],
+      [56, 10],
+      [104, 89],
+      [42, 46],
+      [45, 3],
+      [22, -9],
+      [18, -25],
+      [11, 6],
+      [30, -12],
+      [10, -20],
+      [16, -6],
+      [11, 12],
+      [-4, 38],
+      [20, 18],
+      [17, -2],
+      [27, -18],
+      [20, 5],
+      [28, -8],
+      [21, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39122, 14613],
+      [31, -10],
+      [19, 17],
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+      [12, 27],
+      [24, -17],
+      [28, -54],
+      [16, -42],
+      [85, -34],
+      [10, 20],
+      [58, -23],
+      [49, 6],
+      [35, 16],
+      [94, 9],
+      [57, -13],
+      [16, -38],
+      [32, 4],
+      [13, -7],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-16, -50],
+      [-36, -59],
+      [-45, -46],
+      [-26, -20],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-74, -29],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-19, -21],
+      [-29, 8],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-115, 37],
+      [-99, 45],
+      [-58, 23],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-83, 25],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [-55, -7],
+      [-34, -14],
+      [-208, -4],
+      [-86, 21],
+      [-32, 24],
+      [18, 68],
+      [5, 35],
+      [14, 29],
+      [17, 12],
+      [24, 29],
+      [12, 41],
+      [-4, 43],
+      [-29, 36],
+      [9, 16],
+      [32, -18],
+      [56, -1],
+      [19, -8],
+      [23, -31],
+      [69, -21],
+      [24, 3],
+      [31, -4],
+      [30, -12],
+      [29, 0],
+      [67, -27],
+      [46, 3],
+      [50, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [40243, 12855],
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+      [-38, 34],
+      [-49, -22],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-46, 55],
+      [8, 37],
+      [27, 38],
+      [51, 19],
+      [63, 52],
+      [5, 17],
+      [60, 30],
+      [19, -6],
+      [30, -27],
+      [25, -39],
+      [-8, -29],
+      [-4, -66],
+      [33, -22],
+      [-4, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39943, 14158],
+      [8, 24],
+      [27, -5],
+      [27, -34],
+      [35, -12],
+      [35, -30],
+      [47, -99],
+      [23, -34],
+      [13, -10],
+      [7, -28],
+      [23, -16],
+      [18, -49],
+      [29, -47],
+      [14, -10],
+      [93, 39],
+      [67, 17],
+      [25, 33],
+      [31, 20],
+      [21, -7],
+      [30, 27],
+      [35, -21],
+      [39, 11],
+      [24, -27],
+      [22, 7],
+      [40, -9],
+      [26, -17],
+      [5, -36],
+      [23, -5],
+      [7, -24],
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+      [16, -30],
+      [66, -14],
+      [11, -36],
+      [33, -54],
+      [47, 10],
+      [65, -58],
+      [52, -9],
+      [61, -35],
+      [3, -16],
+      [33, -35],
+      [9, -23],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [8, -37],
+      [3, -56],
+      [-19, -62],
+      [-19, -31],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-15, -25],
+      [-18, -46],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-42, 8],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-55, -35],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [-41, -3],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-39, 22],
+      [-32, -7],
+      [-27, -13],
+      [-18, -17],
+      [-52, -34],
+      [-33, -11],
+      [-15, -19],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-54, -1],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-74, 23],
+      [-9, 33],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [-27, 26],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-25, 74],
+      [9, 35],
+      [-38, 180],
+      [-18, 30],
+      [-13, 45],
+      [-13, 72],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-33, 21],
+      [-32, 5],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [-23, -5],
+      [-194, 120],
+      [-106, 132],
+      [-25, 48],
+      [-5, 45],
+      [-27, 38],
+      [0, 83],
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+      [20, 67],
+      [25, 4],
+      [15, 27],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [44, -2],
+      [15, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [39217, 13952],
+      [38, 4],
+      [37, -17],
+      [65, -6],
+      [37, -9],
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+      [38, -65],
+      [6, -44],
+      [-10, -36],
+      [-30, -76],
+      [-56, -22],
+      [-36, -24],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [-76, 3],
+      [-34, -8],
+      [-40, 57],
+      [-28, 79],
+      [0, 74],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-46, 73],
+      [-91, 64],
+      [-12, 19],
+      [-12, 52],
+      [3, 23],
+      [40, 32],
+      [48, 5]
+    ],
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+      [33, 23],
+      [-7, 29],
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+      [20, 39],
+      [1, 38],
+      [42, 64],
+      [31, 38],
+      [47, 18],
+      [8, 11],
+      [35, -1],
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+      [30, -48],
+      [22, -15],
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+      [3, -38],
+      [21, 7],
+      [29, -17],
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+      [5, -46],
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+      [-3, -25],
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+      [11, -19],
+      [32, -12],
+      [18, -15],
+      [8, -25],
+      [19, -28],
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+      [11, -52],
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+          "arcs": [[[326]], [[327]], [[328]], [[329]], [[330]], [[331]], [[332]], [[333]], [[334]]],
+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "properties": {
+            "CENSUSAREA": 6422.628,
+            "GEO_ID": "0400000US15",
+            "ISO": "US-HI",
+            "LSAD": "",
+            "NAME": "Hawaii",
+            "NAME_1": "Hawaii",
+            "STATE": "HI"
+          },
+          "id": 50
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/world-topo.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/world-topo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e1994c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/maps/world-topo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27322 @@
+  "arcs": [
+    [
+      [7080, 7327],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [5, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7070, 7315],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [6, -10],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-18, -35],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [3, -16],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [2, -30],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [6, -9],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-30, -5],
+      [-46, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6689, 6902],
+      [27, 56],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [1, 35],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [0, 9],
+      [7, 14],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [0, 31],
+      [11, 8],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [7, 6],
+      [5, 26],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [4, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6701, 7234],
+      [8, -10],
+      [13, -1],
+      [6, -7],
+      [1, -9],
+      [5, 8],
+      [5, -4],
+      [13, 13],
+      [0, 24],
+      [9, 0],
+      [4, 6],
+      [20, 11],
+      [9, 15],
+      [0, 16],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [9, 8],
+      [12, 0],
+      [4, 16],
+      [4, 3],
+      [15, -14],
+      [5, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6847, 7334],
+      [14, 2],
+      [7, -12],
+      [6, 6],
+      [8, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6882, 7324],
+      [7, -15],
+      [7, 10],
+      [15, 9],
+      [2, 5],
+      [10, -14],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [4, 8],
+      [21, 2],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [5, 4],
+      [12, 26],
+      [9, -2],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [6, 3],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-1, -35],
+      [3, -12],
+      [7, -4],
+      [15, 19],
+      [9, 1],
+      [3, 11],
+      [14, 14],
+      [13, -2],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [14, 8],
+      [12, 2],
+      [7, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5665, 4557],
+      [3, -32],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [0, -36],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-5, -22],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-56, 0],
+      [0, -182],
+      [3, -21],
+      [6, -7],
+      [15, -33],
+      [6, -7],
+      [3, -10],
+      [6, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5649, 4167],
+      [-53, -21],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-52, 0],
+      [-66, 0],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-6, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5326, 4189],
+      [0, 28],
+      [2, -1],
+      [-2, 58],
+      [7, 9],
+      [1, 23],
+      [6, 24],
+      [2, 20],
+      [0, 23],
+      [5, 12],
+      [0, 26],
+      [4, 4],
+      [8, 20],
+      [0, 10],
+      [6, 12],
+      [5, 0],
+      [8, 20],
+      [5, 28],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [2, 29],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-8, 46],
+      [-7, 29],
+      [6, 16],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-10, 48],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [16, 4],
+      [10, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5366, 4846],
+      [4, -2],
+      [18, 2],
+      [12, -3],
+      [21, 2],
+      [32, 1],
+      [7, -4],
+      [4, -15],
+      [0, -22],
+      [3, -16],
+      [3, -3],
+      [0, -19],
+      [10, -23],
+      [0, -8],
+      [9, -20],
+      [7, 4],
+      [6, -4],
+      [2, 6],
+      [33, 0],
+      [1, 20],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [2, 18],
+      [21, 0],
+      [9, 5],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [36, 0],
+      [1, -22],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [5, -23],
+      [-4, -53],
+      [1, -14],
+      [6, -17],
+      [3, -2],
+      [4, -23],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [3, -18],
+      [6, 7],
+      [13, -4],
+      [14, 9],
+      [12, -3],
+      [2, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5363, 4916],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-1, -40],
+      [-8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5339, 4851],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-6, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5333, 4894],
+      [10, 23],
+      [7, 3],
+      [4, 10],
+      [9, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7537],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5581, 7537],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5537, 7617],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5538, 7617],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5557, 7633],
+      [4, -13],
+      [7, -4],
+      [3, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5571, 7594],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [6, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5573, 7549],
+      [2, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5575, 7539],
+      [6, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5581, 7537],
+      [1, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7536],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7536],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7531],
+      [1, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5583, 7526],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5583, 7526],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-5, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5555, 7469],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [4, 16],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-7, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5537, 7593],
+      [1, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5538, 7607],
+      [0, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5538, 7620],
+      [9, 19],
+      [3, -11],
+      [7, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5553, 8659],
+      [10, -5],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [7, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5047, 7630],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-1, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5039, 7636],
+      [8, 1],
+      [0, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6563, 6637],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6563, 6659],
+      [2, -2],
+      [1, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6566, 6621],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-10, -44],
+      [0, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6532, 6490],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-70, 18],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [0, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6432, 6580],
+      [6, -1],
+      [0, -13],
+      [12, -3],
+      [10, 11],
+      [24, -2],
+      [11, -4],
+      [15, 12],
+      [6, 14],
+      [1, 15],
+      [11, 12],
+      [13, 31],
+      [11, 13],
+      [5, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6557, 6684],
+      [3, -2],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6562, 6642],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2021],
+      [0, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2027],
+      [0, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2028],
+      [0, 123]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2151],
+      [10, -17],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [11, -6],
+      [5, -17],
+      [12, -13],
+      [7, -13],
+      [17, -13],
+      [11, -14],
+      [12, -7],
+      [20, 0],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-51, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3259, 3902],
+      [11, -14],
+      [7, -29],
+      [9, -17],
+      [15, -17],
+      [3, -11],
+      [17, -13],
+      [11, -1],
+      [15, -18],
+      [4, -9],
+      [15, -17],
+      [9, -5],
+      [5, -8],
+      [13, -5],
+      [8, -20],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [4, -5],
+      [13, 1],
+      [19, -8],
+      [5, -5],
+      [7, 4],
+      [5, -5],
+      [6, 3],
+      [4, -8],
+      [3, 12],
+      [5, 5],
+      [10, -9],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [6, 12],
+      [6, 0],
+      [11, 18],
+      [5, 40],
+      [0, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3483, 3710],
+      [5, -4],
+      [6, 7],
+      [9, -9],
+      [1, -17],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-20, -39],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-12, -25],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-8, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3399, 3445],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [2, -23],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [3, -4],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [3, -25],
+      [-3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3383, 3314],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [5, -29],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [5, -12],
+      [23, -21],
+      [11, -25],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [0, -13],
+      [7, -17],
+      [12, -6],
+      [1, -29],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-13, -26],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [3, -32],
+      [5, -9],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-26, 20],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [6, -16],
+      [11, -4],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [13, 0],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [14, 11],
+      [5, -13],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [19, -13],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [3, -43],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [7, -25],
+      [7, -6],
+      [8, -16],
+      [6, -4],
+      [17, 0],
+      [6, -6],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-5, -33],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [2, -24],
+      [9, -34],
+      [11, -24],
+      [-3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3098, 2168],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [-26, 10],
+      [-55, 1],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [6, 19],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [2, 22],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [3, 15],
+      [9, 1],
+      [3, 17],
+      [12, 10],
+      [1, 22],
+      [7, 7],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [6, 30],
+      [8, 13],
+      [2, 22],
+      [8, 9],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [0, 15],
+      [8, 5],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [7, 5],
+      [17, 3],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-18, 3],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [0, 45],
+      [3, 8],
+      [8, 1],
+      [-5, 26],
+      [2, 43],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [4, 27],
+      [5, 21],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [8, 13],
+      [0, 25],
+      [15, 13],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [3, 35],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [3, 12],
+      [10, 4],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [10, 14],
+      [-2, 40],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [6, 6],
+      [0, 12],
+      [9, 39],
+      [6, 2],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [1, 24],
+      [6, 8],
+      [0, 13],
+      [5, 19],
+      [7, 8],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [7, 10],
+      [1, 26],
+      [4, 17],
+      [13, 33],
+      [9, 38],
+      [6, -3],
+      [8, 7],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [0, 10],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-2, 26],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [2, 15],
+      [5, 4],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [2, 14],
+      [7, 13],
+      [25, 20],
+      [9, 54],
+      [-5, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3133, 3869],
+      [5, 9],
+      [0, 8],
+      [7, 6],
+      [2, 12],
+      [9, 5],
+      [4, 19],
+      [3, -2],
+      [10, -17],
+      [21, 0],
+      [12, -5],
+      [6, -38],
+      [3, 20],
+      [8, 29],
+      [32, 1],
+      [4, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6265, 7522],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6249, 7560],
+      [2, -10],
+      [15, -14],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [6, -11],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [15, -25],
+      [9, -1],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [3, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6291, 7422],
+      [-10, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6281, 7420],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-7, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6243, 7469],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [5, 12],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-5, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6206, 7550],
+      [9, 0],
+      [11, 7],
+      [10, -3],
+      [13, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6249, 7546],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6255, 7542],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [488, 408],
+      [24, -7],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [37, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [542, 484],
+      [-90, 7],
+      [20, 11],
+      [65, -10],
+      [5, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3331, 592],
+      [8, -3],
+      [-1, -57],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-32, -10],
+      [-67, 20],
+      [3, 10],
+      [19, -10],
+      [115, 3],
+      [8, 27],
+      [39, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4135, 588],
+      [34, -2],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-44, 8],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [25, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3120, 602],
+      [25, -4],
+      [35, -20],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-40, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3137, 618],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [41, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4054, 618],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-76, 3],
+      [30, 13],
+      [45, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [547, 618],
+      [21, -9],
+      [14, -23],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-90, 25],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [5, 17],
+      [24, 15],
+      [25, 0],
+      [58, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3143, 666],
+      [-58, -38],
+      [-39, -36],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [11, 23],
+      [23, 11],
+      [92, 33],
+      [12, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9654, 680],
+      [-35, -8],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [21, -7],
+      [22, 11],
+      [0, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3740, 650],
+      [1, -7],
+      [44, 2],
+      [21, -39],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-158, -26],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-121, -4],
+      [1, 17],
+      [22, 27],
+      [26, -4],
+      [60, 37],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [14, 40],
+      [31, 33],
+      [52, 14],
+      [37, -3],
+      [38, -11],
+      [19, -13],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-38, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9641, 732],
+      [63, -13],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-42, -2],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [25, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [839, 754],
+      [14, -14],
+      [-32, 3],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [29, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [938, 754],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [23, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [951, 834],
+      [16, -10],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [8, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9561, 885],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [15, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1342, 903],
+      [19, -12],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-27, 12],
+      [14, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1458, 897],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [18, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1760, 918],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [26, 11],
+      [-6, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1680, 914],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [10, 17],
+      [17, -2],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-14, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1635, 935],
+      [17, 0],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-23, -10],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-22, 7],
+      [3, 11],
+      [15, 12],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [7, 10],
+      [55, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4425, 917],
+      [9, -22],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-29, 3],
+      [20, 7],
+      [12, 19],
+      [11, 1],
+      [-5, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9717, 944],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [8, 14],
+      [3, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1498, 961],
+      [13, -7],
+      [9, -16],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [29, 6],
+      [17, -9],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [-48, 22],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-19, 7],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [34, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2955, 972],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [15, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2514, 979],
+      [-20, -5],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [22, 8],
+      [2, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2918, 987],
+      [18, -3],
+      [-8, -40],
+      [-36, 14],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [11, 7],
+      [18, 0],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [23, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2474, 988],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [23, 1],
+      [-2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2365, 999],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [18, 7],
+      [-8, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2270, 1031],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [10, 0],
+      [2, -17],
+      [10, 19],
+      [19, 1],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [8, -3],
+      [27, 11],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [13, -10],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-72, 2],
+      [2, 5],
+      [-24, -1],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [-58, 7],
+      [6, 10],
+      [57, 7],
+      [8, -11],
+      [7, 7],
+      [23, -12],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [17, 9],
+      [15, -6],
+      [-8, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4919, 1112],
+      [8, -10],
+      [14, 1],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [19, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2947, 1119],
+      [8, -13],
+      [-22, -10],
+      [-48, -11],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [2, 12],
+      [33, 5],
+      [9, 12],
+      [8, -13],
+      [3, 14],
+      [16, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3313, 1111],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [11, 1],
+      [-4, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4835, 1126],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [15, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5082, 1116],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [19, 4],
+      [-8, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4913, 1121],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [6, 12],
+      [12, 3],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-10, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7004, 1113],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [16, -11],
+      [-1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5124, 1122],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [12, 5],
+      [0, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5745, 1129],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [19, 6],
+      [5, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5040, 1146],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [12, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 1165],
+      [8, -12],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [8, 7],
+      [20, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5449, 1148],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [11, 12],
+      [19, -1],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-2, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3001, 1170],
+      [-23, 2],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [17, 4],
+      [12, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3283, 1179],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-16, 30],
+      [11, 2],
+      [11, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3055, 1197],
+      [19, -24],
+      [1, -17],
+      [16, -26],
+      [11, -25],
+      [3, -60],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-40, -7],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [10, 8],
+      [16, -3],
+      [45, -2],
+      [14, 8],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-18, 10],
+      [35, 8],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-31, 2],
+      [10, -8],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-38, 14],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [15, 8],
+      [16, -8],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [9, 4],
+      [16, -13],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [29, -2],
+      [9, 7],
+      [-23, 7],
+      [10, 6],
+      [30, -6],
+      [19, 11],
+      [20, 0],
+      [13, -11],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [5, 17],
+      [24, 8],
+      [15, -4],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-20, -4],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [7, 34],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [0, 20],
+      [45, 10],
+      [9, -7],
+      [2, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7385, 1327],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [8, 9],
+      [7, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3111, 1321],
+      [9, -5],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-8, -22],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [22, 44],
+      [15, 12],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7686, 1378],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [10, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3174, 1408],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [6, 17],
+      [7, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7805, 1401],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [12, 10],
+      [15, -7],
+      [-7, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7870, 1413],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [9, -2],
+      [7, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3410, 1465],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [14, 7],
+      [-8, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3242, 1481],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [20, 26],
+      [8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3270, 1492],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [10, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3394, 1508],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [20, -7],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [5, 8],
+      [13, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3446, 1521],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [15, -2],
+      [-6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 324],
+      [46, 3],
+      [68, -14],
+      [19, 8],
+      [194, -14],
+      [21, -11],
+      [128, -2],
+      [122, -11],
+      [81, -3],
+      [-58, 13],
+      [54, 1],
+      [-124, 12],
+      [-104, 7],
+      [24, 11],
+      [-55, 17],
+      [37, 2],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-71, -3],
+      [-37, 23],
+      [-127, 27],
+      [73, -2],
+      [18, -14],
+      [73, -4],
+      [20, 4],
+      [70, -3],
+      [6, -14],
+      [50, 10],
+      [19, -11],
+      [127, 8],
+      [18, 9],
+      [-44, 5],
+      [81, 5],
+      [16, 14],
+      [70, 14],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-54, 26],
+      [31, 11],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-74, 13],
+      [17, 11],
+      [109, 6],
+      [135, 7],
+      [0, 5],
+      [-77, 24],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [13, 10],
+      [43, -4],
+      [46, 10],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [-75, 12],
+      [-55, 17],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-68, 8],
+      [-43, 21],
+      [14, 11],
+      [48, 6],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [-47, 23],
+      [14, 18],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [9, 1],
+      [24, -17],
+      [21, 17],
+      [21, -5],
+      [18, 4],
+      [38, -10],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [36, -3],
+      [2, 10],
+      [72, -30],
+      [30, 16],
+      [30, 6],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [7, 14],
+      [32, -17],
+      [21, 7],
+      [13, -13],
+      [27, 0],
+      [-16, 13],
+      [21, 1],
+      [-31, 15],
+      [29, -5],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [-27, 16],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [2, 9],
+      [28, 4],
+      [9, 7],
+      [69, -21],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-27, 13],
+      [9, 11],
+      [56, 6],
+      [1, 10],
+      [41, 4],
+      [2, 6],
+      [19, -3],
+      [9, -14],
+      [18, 0],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [29, 6],
+      [16, 14],
+      [61, 4],
+      [30, -4],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [4, 14],
+      [30, 0],
+      [11, 11],
+      [22, -4],
+      [18, -16],
+      [30, 9],
+      [58, -4],
+      [20, -5],
+      [64, 13],
+      [93, 0],
+      [8, -7],
+      [45, 3],
+      [41, 0],
+      [59, 10],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [24, 6],
+      [6, -12],
+      [33, -3],
+      [51, 6],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [11, 10],
+      [21, 0],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [19, 2],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [4, -14],
+      [15, 3],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [9, 6],
+      [46, 8],
+      [15, 0],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [0, 20],
+      [15, 6],
+      [35, -17],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-34, -18],
+      [4, -7],
+      [45, 4],
+      [84, -10],
+      [53, 13],
+      [28, -3],
+      [14, 4],
+      [49, -4],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [20, -8],
+      [70, 13],
+      [-27, 6],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [17, 7],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [42, -4],
+      [3, -6],
+      [47, 2],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [11, 7],
+      [26, -4],
+      [-17, -12],
+      [21, -4],
+      [33, 4],
+      [84, -1],
+      [9, -7],
+      [44, -11],
+      [17, 7],
+      [24, -7],
+      [21, 8],
+      [46, 0],
+      [33, -7],
+      [16, 10],
+      [25, 1],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [33, -4],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [9, -9],
+      [30, 6],
+      [8, -11],
+      [38, 11],
+      [5, -13],
+      [28, -10],
+      [20, 2],
+      [43, -19],
+      [29, 9],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [24, -11],
+      [-8, 25],
+      [28, -2],
+      [24, -17],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [55, 8],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [48, 6],
+      [7, 5],
+      [34, -5],
+      [26, 15],
+      [57, 12],
+      [21, -2],
+      [42, 10],
+      [35, 16],
+      [22, 43],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-20, 21],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [6, 23],
+      [-15, 38],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [4, 21],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [15, 0],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [25, -14],
+      [5, 14],
+      [11, 6],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [14, 5],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [6, 14],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [12, 3],
+      [6, 21],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [15, 30],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [15, -6],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [8, 4],
+      [14, -7],
+      [5, 34],
+      [14, -2],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [19, -4],
+      [3, 23],
+      [16, 1],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [11, 6],
+      [16, -7],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [20, 14],
+      [11, -3],
+      [9, 12],
+      [10, 1],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [14, 4],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [30, 14],
+      [13, -2],
+      [3, 10],
+      [12, 2],
+      [1, 8],
+      [21, 4],
+      [7, 8],
+      [13, 6],
+      [11, -3],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-17, -29],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [13, -19],
+      [16, 3],
+      [0, 10],
+      [21, -2],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-16, 27],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [10, -6],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [21, 6],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-20, -7],
+      [14, -6],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [36, -17],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [23, 7],
+      [-14, -17],
+      [15, -6],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [14, -25],
+      [14, -7],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [15, -13],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [5, -18],
+      [22, 1],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [20, 4],
+      [9, -21],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [14, -1],
+      [11, 10],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [36, -14],
+      [13, 10],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-19, -2],
+      [6, -18],
+      [17, 8],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [25, 4],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [13, -17],
+      [21, -10],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [21, -13],
+      [-23, -13],
+      [31, 7],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-36, 6],
+      [17, -17],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [6, -15],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [18, 2],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [33, -3],
+      [-85, -34],
+      [-52, -9],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-60, -13],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [-46, 0],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-64, 0],
+      [34, -42],
+      [23, -15],
+      [10, 6],
+      [66, -8],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [-38, -9],
+      [-61, 13],
+      [-95, 13],
+      [-30, -6],
+      [118, -34],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-71, -7],
+      [-61, 21],
+      [-37, 30],
+      [12, -23],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [17, -20],
+      [42, -17],
+      [17, -23],
+      [18, -7],
+      [2, 20],
+      [108, -4],
+      [17, -13],
+      [-20, -24],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-62, 0],
+      [55, -10],
+      [39, 6],
+      [24, -26],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [24, -16],
+      [19, 7],
+      [38, -10],
+      [7, 13],
+      [39, 9],
+      [21, -6],
+      [9, -14],
+      [46, -9],
+      [89, -24],
+      [77, -3],
+      [-92, -8],
+      [62, -5],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-62, -1],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [26, -5],
+      [52, 8],
+      [75, 3],
+      [-64, -17],
+      [33, -33],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [66, -4],
+      [49, 30],
+      [72, 31],
+      [52, 14],
+      [16, -1],
+      [53, 11],
+      [65, 5],
+      [59, -2],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [31, -7],
+      [67, 24],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [36, 18],
+      [9, 16],
+      [79, 27],
+      [42, -13],
+      [34, 10],
+      [18, 17],
+      [53, 0],
+      [40, 12],
+      [42, -3],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [37, 0],
+      [5, 7],
+      [153, 6],
+      [48, 10],
+      [-61, 7],
+      [-165, 11],
+      [31, 17],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [9, 15],
+      [-73, -12],
+      [-96, 23],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [12, 23],
+      [11, 3],
+      [8, 18],
+      [24, 0],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [28, 18],
+      [34, 10],
+      [17, 0],
+      [5, 10],
+      [28, 7],
+      [15, 13],
+      [36, 16],
+      [52, 10],
+      [29, 14],
+      [48, 10],
+      [53, 7],
+      [31, -4],
+      [22, 14],
+      [17, -6],
+      [43, 6],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [29, 26],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [14, 17],
+      [24, 3],
+      [23, -7],
+      [39, 33],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [17, 4],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [1, 13],
+      [28, 23],
+      [18, 3],
+      [12, -9],
+      [16, 11],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [29, -7],
+      [14, 11],
+      [42, 13],
+      [3, 19],
+      [10, 20],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [16, 2],
+      [1, -9],
+      [21, -10],
+      [7, 17],
+      [16, 9],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [13, 4],
+      [3, -10],
+      [22, -7],
+      [10, -28],
+      [15, 7],
+      [15, -5],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [6, 23],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [13, 5],
+      [25, -7],
+      [16, 14],
+      [13, -8],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [71, -3],
+      [7, -9],
+      [4, 12],
+      [18, 3],
+      [5, -6],
+      [28, -5],
+      [7, 11],
+      [12, -7],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [12, -9],
+      [21, 25],
+      [13, 8],
+      [41, 14],
+      [105, 20],
+      [19, 0],
+      [28, 7],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [12, 2],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [11, -3],
+      [25, 9],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [9, 9],
+      [22, -23],
+      [31, -14],
+      [21, -5],
+      [14, 25],
+      [18, 7],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [16, 1],
+      [8, -13],
+      [22, -4],
+      [22, 3],
+      [27, -4],
+      [3, 9],
+      [17, 3],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [45, -4],
+      [11, 1],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [17, 9],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [10, -10],
+      [23, -1],
+      [26, 4],
+      [3, 13],
+      [16, 24],
+      [24, -18],
+      [-21, -6],
+      [14, -7],
+      [26, -5],
+      [13, 26],
+      [15, -4],
+      [0, -15],
+      [27, -15],
+      [31, -3],
+      [35, 17],
+      [23, 3],
+      [38, 21],
+      [40, 5],
+      [38, 11],
+      [7, 7],
+      [2, 33],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [20, 12],
+      [28, 0],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [24, -1],
+      [20, -13],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [45, 4],
+      [8, -15],
+      [7, 9],
+      [26, -1],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [19, -19],
+      [2, 12],
+      [13, 7],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [15, 4],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [4, 14],
+      [26, 6],
+      [21, 15],
+      [28, 4],
+      [8, 17],
+      [32, 8],
+      [24, 0],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [34, 13],
+      [14, -6],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [18, 5],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [10, -3],
+      [6, -12],
+      [9, 8],
+      [16, -6],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [13, 20],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [16, 5],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [27, 6],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [15, 2],
+      [0, -13],
+      [11, 8],
+      [11, -7],
+      [10, 7],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [10, 16],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [9, 14],
+      [23, 4],
+      [11, 12],
+      [30, 4],
+      [25, 7],
+      [40, -6],
+      [19, -10],
+      [15, -20],
+      [11, 3],
+      [13, -8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-36, 3],
+      [15, -8],
+      [-11, -23],
+      [1, -12],
+      [7, 13],
+      [33, 10],
+      [23, -11],
+      [12, 1],
+      [5, -20],
+      [12, -4],
+      [4, 11],
+      [24, 0],
+      [18, -7],
+      [45, -7],
+      [24, 9],
+      [30, -9],
+      [45, -7],
+      [48, -4],
+      [9, -3],
+      [35, 8],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [14, -30],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [13, 0],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [12, -8],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [17, -14],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [9, -5],
+      [-17, -12],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [-18, -29],
+      [13, -14],
+      [34, 8],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-6, -33],
+      [-12, -36],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [25, -10],
+      [22, 10],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [14, 11],
+      [34, 3],
+      [8, 20],
+      [20, 6],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [17, 12],
+      [14, 3],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [16, 40],
+      [17, 7],
+      [14, 12],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [22, 23],
+      [15, 5],
+      [8, -12],
+      [28, 6],
+      [5, -7],
+      [13, 8],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [35, 18],
+      [22, 5],
+      [7, 21],
+      [16, 4],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [9, 12],
+      [19, 10],
+      [73, 24],
+      [30, 4],
+      [13, -3],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [29, 18],
+      [36, -4],
+      [9, 7],
+      [18, 0],
+      [34, 17],
+      [8, -5],
+      [14, 4],
+      [23, -4],
+      [23, 1],
+      [19, 14],
+      [25, 5],
+      [12, -6],
+      [34, 1],
+      [4, -10],
+      [31, 17],
+      [11, -4],
+      [8, -10],
+      [13, 6],
+      [16, 0],
+      [16, 6],
+      [13, -10],
+      [14, 13],
+      [9, 0],
+      [8, -26],
+      [8, 11],
+      [13, 3],
+      [9, 9],
+      [27, 7],
+      [14, 17],
+      [0, 7],
+      [27, 0],
+      [8, 6],
+      [27, -9],
+      [24, -3],
+      [65, -22],
+      [29, -6],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [12, 13],
+      [16, -19],
+      [18, 0],
+      [29, 17],
+      [7, 0],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [13, 14],
+      [62, 17],
+      [35, -27],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [21, 2],
+      [16, -8],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [25, 3],
+      [22, 10],
+      [32, 6],
+      [13, 10],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [19, 3],
+      [5, -6],
+      [32, -1],
+      [41, 14],
+      [0, -3],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [5, -7],
+      [73, 19],
+      [18, 14],
+      [58, 14],
+      [13, -9],
+      [11, 6],
+      [8, 14],
+      [14, 6],
+      [12, -14],
+      [14, 6],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [3, -11],
+      [11, 0],
+      [0, -16],
+      [28, 6],
+      [11, -7],
+      [10, 7],
+      [6, -10],
+      [11, 13],
+      [2, 21],
+      [16, 19],
+      [18, 8],
+      [28, -7],
+      [30, 4],
+      [8, 6],
+      [19, -2],
+      [13, -11],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [19, 10],
+      [11, 0],
+      [9, 12],
+      [4, -14],
+      [13, 7],
+      [8, -8],
+      [30, 1],
+      [20, -11],
+      [35, -3],
+      [12, -6],
+      [28, -3],
+      [10, -5],
+      [20, 3],
+      [14, -13],
+      [27, 10],
+      [12, -6],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [21, 8],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-22, -38],
+      [0, -10],
+      [11, 0],
+      [26, 23],
+      [9, -10],
+      [14, 7],
+      [14, -31],
+      [13, 5],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [8, -7],
+      [23, 3],
+      [4, -6],
+      [39, 4],
+      [35, -1],
+      [10, 4],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [16, -13],
+      [0, 14],
+      [24, 0],
+      [17, -11],
+      [23, 7],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [5, 3],
+      [24, -14],
+      [2, -10],
+      [16, -13],
+      [14, -3],
+      [17, -14],
+      [19, 3],
+      [6, -10],
+      [6, 8],
+      [17, -1],
+      [45, -17],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [28, -13],
+      [19, -34],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [18, 0],
+      [2, 34],
+      [16, 3],
+      [22, -23],
+      [21, 2],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [38, -3],
+      [13, -6],
+      [12, 5],
+      [13, -6],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [27, 2],
+      [18, -20],
+      [10, -3],
+      [48, -30],
+      [2, 21],
+      [19, -31],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [12, 6],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-39, 15],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [16, -13],
+      [29, -8],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [1, -16],
+      [9, 6],
+      [23, -6],
+      [-20, -4],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-34, 0],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-26, -1],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [17, -14],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [13, -30],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-30, -30],
+      [9, -7],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-22, 2],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [45, -1],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [21, -16],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [18, -3],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [14, -5],
+      [-14, -17],
+      [18, 0],
+      [20, -30],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [27, -7],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [14, -7],
+      [20, 8],
+      [12, -14],
+      [36, -4],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-47, -2],
+      [-37, -7],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-34, 22],
+      [20, -29],
+      [-38, 2],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-23, -14],
+      [27, 3],
+      [-37, -16],
+      [52, -4],
+      [-72, -17],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [61, 6],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [40, -4],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [9, -23],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [25, -20],
+      [40, -9],
+      [38, -31],
+      [-89, -12],
+      [59, -2],
+      [53, 8],
+      [73, -27],
+      [12, -14],
+      [24, 3],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [86, -9],
+      [66, -23],
+      [124, -12],
+      [-9955, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3456, 1546],
+      [12, -3],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-19, -9],
+      [3, 13],
+      [22, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3431, 1556],
+      [12, -2],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-6, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3331, 1581],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [30, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3392, 1616],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [10, 13],
+      [16, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3470, 1665],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [11, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6916, 2373],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [16, -14],
+      [19, 13],
+      [7, -1],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [2, -7],
+      [13, 1],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [5, 20],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [1, 12],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9093, 2685],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [5, 12],
+      [2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9020, 2837],
+      [14, -3],
+      [13, -8],
+      [2, -6],
+      [17, -8],
+      [24, 13],
+      [5, -4],
+      [5, 11],
+      [5, -4],
+      [4, 9],
+      [10, -13],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [1, -39],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [3, -1],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [0, 13],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-13, 31],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [4, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9121, 2859],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [0, 6],
+      [9, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9109, 2896],
+      [9, -16],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [6, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9001, 2876],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [7, 3],
+      [-1, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8822, 3134],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [12, 1],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-20, 1],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [21, 11],
+      [8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9263, 3604],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9261, 3608],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [3, 2],
+      [-1, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8136, 3714],
+      [7, -36],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [0, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9257, 3758],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-10, -37],
+      [1, 32],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [4, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9195, 3832],
+      [5, -3],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [2, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9061, 4133],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [4, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8880, 4236],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [1, 8],
+      [10, 8],
+      [4, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8805, 4285],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [2, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8797, 4395],
+      [0, -9],
+      [6, 2],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [9, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8621, 4522],
+      [5, -21],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [6, 10],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8624, 4533],
+      [6, -6],
+      [14, 10],
+      [6, -2],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-3, 29],
+      [3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8682, 4547],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8959, 4566],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [6, -7],
+      [3, -19],
+      [0, -30],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [6, -4],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [5, 2],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [5, -20],
+      [3, -22],
+      [5, -2],
+      [15, 18],
+      [4, -22],
+      [18, -23],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [2, -6],
+      [2, -37],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [6, -22],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [5, -19],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [9, -15],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [5, -14],
+      [13, -15],
+      [4, 7],
+      [2, -12],
+      [8, 0],
+      [4, -6],
+      [1, -14],
+      [19, -12],
+      [1, -10],
+      [7, 5],
+      [3, -13],
+      [4, 1],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [15, -24],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [8, -30],
+      [0, -14],
+      [3, -20],
+      [8, -7],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [4, 5],
+      [3, -9],
+      [10, -13],
+      [2, 13],
+      [6, -21],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [3, -36],
+      [4, 0],
+      [4, -13],
+      [5, -4],
+      [6, -13],
+      [6, 3],
+      [4, -6],
+      [6, -27],
+      [8, -7],
+      [4, -25],
+      [10, -6],
+      [0, -27],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [4, -40],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [10, -41],
+      [1, -17],
+      [3, -4],
+      [1, -40],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [0, -23],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [4, -21],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [-33, -2],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-13, -24],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [3, -12],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [8, 1],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [10, -2],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-14, -22],
+      [-32, 28],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [5, 6],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [6, 2],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [9, 12],
+      [3, 33],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [3, 23],
+      [11, -3],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [4, 17],
+      [9, 19],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [6, 4],
+      [-8, 34],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-25, -26],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [6, 2],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-11, 20],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [7, 15],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [-27, -23],
+      [-20, -11],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-16, -1],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-20, -8],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-15, 14],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [0, 32],
+      [6, -7],
+      [7, 3],
+      [6, 18],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [3, 8],
+      [0, 43],
+      [-18, 66],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [1, 32],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-11, 32],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [5, 14],
+      [6, -26],
+      [7, 6],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [2, 4],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [5, 14],
+      [2, -22],
+      [7, -2],
+      [0, 30],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [1, 26],
+      [4, 22],
+      [5, 6],
+      [0, 24],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [3, 7],
+      [7, 33],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [1, -21],
+      [7, 4],
+      [8, 34],
+      [23, 20],
+      [13, 26],
+      [21, 22],
+      [5, -3],
+      [8, 6],
+      [7, -7],
+      [12, 7],
+      [8, 14],
+      [17, 3],
+      [10, 20],
+      [12, -6],
+      [7, 6],
+      [12, 3],
+      [16, 11],
+      [11, 13],
+      [9, 25],
+      [3, 19],
+      [4, 4],
+      [16, 39],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [3, 14],
+      [8, 17],
+      [6, 3],
+      [0, 10],
+      [7, 12],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [5, -3],
+      [0, -14],
+      [12, -37],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [5, 2],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [7, -9],
+      [16, -1],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [6, 4],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [1, 9],
+      [6, 1],
+      [3, 9],
+      [5, 0],
+      [4, -9],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [4, 17],
+      [11, -10],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [10, 14],
+      [3, -4],
+      [7, 6],
+      [1, -11],
+      [3, 5],
+      [4, 26],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [3, -19],
+      [9, 16],
+      [1, -16],
+      [4, 14],
+      [4, 0],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [6, 4],
+      [4, -14],
+      [9, 1],
+      [11, -28],
+      [10, -16],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [0, -13],
+      [4, -1],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [5, 14],
+      [4, 3],
+      [12, -5],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [7, -5],
+      [3, -14],
+      [4, 1],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [5, -1],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [4, 20],
+      [7, 4],
+      [1, 18],
+      [4, 9],
+      [11, 12],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [0, 14],
+      [6, 2],
+      [0, 12],
+      [6, 6],
+      [2, 11],
+      [7, -14],
+      [0, 17],
+      [4, -2],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [9, 5],
+      [3, -13],
+      [13, 4],
+      [4, -5],
+      [9, 5],
+      [7, 9],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [7, 11],
+      [10, -1],
+      [9, -21],
+      [6, 10],
+      [7, -21],
+      [14, -7],
+      [4, 6],
+      [4, -11],
+      [3, 4],
+      [4, -12],
+      [6, -1],
+      [8, 7],
+      [11, -18],
+      [13, 11],
+      [6, 2],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [2, -6],
+      [5, 7],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [7, -1],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [10, 9],
+      [4, -17],
+      [3, 7],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [0, -26],
+      [4, 3],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [2, -13],
+      [22, -27],
+      [0, -8],
+      [10, -11],
+      [4, -9],
+      [7, 1],
+      [10, -14],
+      [10, -7],
+      [9, -21],
+      [7, -8],
+      [20, -9],
+      [4, -7],
+      [1, -15],
+      [22, -24],
+      [14, 4],
+      [10, 13],
+      [3, 24],
+      [7, 18],
+      [3, 26],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [3, 25],
+      [5, 20],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [1, 21],
+      [5, 21],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [6, 14],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [6, 28],
+      [6, 1],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [6, 41],
+      [0, 14],
+      [5, 2],
+      [6, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5470, 7982],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [5, -23],
+      [3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5476, 7947],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [7, -3],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-9, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5447, 7881],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [-23, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5380, 7862],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-15, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5290, 7882],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-16, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5266, 7893],
+      [-2, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5264, 7905],
+      [1, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5265, 7919],
+      [4, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5269, 7921],
+      [7, 0],
+      [8, -16],
+      [6, 15],
+      [12, -1],
+      [2, -7],
+      [9, 1],
+      [9, 10],
+      [32, 4],
+      [6, -11],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [4, 7],
+      [12, 5],
+      [4, 16],
+      [7, -3],
+      [3, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5383, 7990],
+      [7, -9],
+      [18, 0],
+      [7, 11],
+      [0, 12],
+      [11, -1],
+      [20, -13],
+      [10, 3],
+      [13, -6],
+      [1, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6281, 7420],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-9, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6244, 7466],
+      [-1, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6289, 7594],
+      [9, -6],
+      [11, -12],
+      [5, -17],
+      [16, -3],
+      [5, 15],
+      [9, 6],
+      [5, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6349, 7593],
+      [15, -31],
+      [1, -11],
+      [10, -28],
+      [15, -3],
+      [8, -10],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-2, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6357, 7396],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [1, 8],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-26, -29],
+      [-11, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6249, 7560],
+      [8, 10],
+      [13, -8],
+      [8, -9],
+      [6, 1],
+      [6, -8],
+      [4, 3],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [7, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5848, 5045],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [2, -14],
+      [9, -5],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [-3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5823, 4927],
+      [-9, 39],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-4, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5811, 4991],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-2, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5805, 5026],
+      [4, 7],
+      [5, -4],
+      [0, -9],
+      [11, 1],
+      [5, 7],
+      [1, 21],
+      [6, -6],
+      [7, 7],
+      [4, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5166, 8104],
+      [10, -14],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-8, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5169, 8069],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5160, 8036],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-2, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5070, 8124],
+      [16, 14],
+      [7, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5093, 8141],
+      [0, -6],
+      [16, -3],
+      [8, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5117, 8141],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5118, 8141],
+      [3, 3],
+      [16, -1],
+      [7, -8],
+      [9, 0],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [10, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5099, 5856],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [7, -16],
+      [0, -19],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [0, -41],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [2, -25],
+      [1, -42],
+      [-2, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5075, 5550],
+      [-31, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5044, 5541],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [1, 24],
+      [0, 73],
+      [-1, 5],
+      [0, 43],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [-16, 23],
+      [0, 19],
+      [4, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5025, 5816],
+      [5, 3],
+      [1, 13],
+      [4, -1],
+      [3, 11],
+      [6, -3],
+      [11, 2],
+      [8, 13],
+      [3, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5066, 5868],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [14, 10],
+      [10, -21],
+      [2, -8],
+      [6, -4],
+      [2, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5006, 6041],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [7, -24],
+      [5, 0],
+      [7, -13],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [0, -15],
+      [6, -6],
+      [11, -19],
+      [8, -1],
+      [3, 7],
+      [5, -3],
+      [3, -15],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [10, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5025, 5816],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-18, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4995, 5824],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [-59, 0],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [3, -11],
+      [2, -25],
+      [0, -24],
+      [2, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4925, 5729],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4846, 5783],
+      [3, 24],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [6, 9],
+      [1, 19],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [8, 10],
+      [9, 1],
+      [10, 18],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [6, 0],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [10, 13],
+      [15, -13],
+      [5, 7],
+      [0, 25],
+      [6, -5],
+      [5, 21],
+      [11, 16],
+      [12, -6],
+      [1, 16],
+      [8, 3],
+      [11, 13],
+      [8, 5],
+      [8, 15],
+      [8, -4],
+      [8, 2],
+      [11, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7529, 6456],
+      [0, 16],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-3, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7521, 6458],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [2, 29],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [3, 11],
+      [6, -20],
+      [-2, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7571, 6448],
+      [0, -29],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [1, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7562, 6396],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-2, 29],
+      [-11, 31],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-1, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7473, 6457],
+      [-6, 48],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [0, 11],
+      [5, 8],
+      [0, 22],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [4, 12],
+      [5, 1],
+      [3, 18],
+      [13, -1],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [2, 12],
+      [5, 4],
+      [4, 14],
+      [5, -9],
+      [11, -3],
+      [7, -14],
+      [7, -2],
+      [2, 15],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [1, -32],
+      [15, -8],
+      [23, 2],
+      [7, -3],
+      [18, 3],
+      [11, -14],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [2, -14],
+      [9, -30],
+      [7, 5],
+      [0, 15],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [5, 4],
+      [8, -22],
+      [0, -25],
+      [3, -12],
+      [3, -42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5793, 7702],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [-2, -26],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [5, 1],
+      [11, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5778, 7600],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-21, -5],
+      [-7, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5731, 7585],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-10, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5636, 7563],
+      [3, 22],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-5, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5620, 7619],
+      [5, 6],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [9, 5],
+      [7, 17],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [1, 17],
+      [8, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5630, 7730],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [17, 3],
+      [18, -8],
+      [10, 3],
+      [21, -5],
+      [4, -4],
+      [11, 5],
+      [9, 16],
+      [25, 10],
+      [10, -10],
+      [15, -2],
+      [8, -13],
+      [10, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6402, 6694],
+      [3, 0],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [1, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2971, 6401],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [9, 10],
+      [4, -4],
+      [6, 12],
+      [0, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2969, 6475],
+      [8, -3],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-1, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2948, 6491],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [5, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2889, 6546],
+      [9, -13],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [1, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2908, 6546],
+      [6, -21],
+      [0, -8],
+      [7, -10],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-5, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2840, 6572],
+      [6, 0],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [5, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2908, 6577],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [7, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2830, 6632],
+      [3, 0],
+      [8, -40],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [7, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2869, 6655],
+      [0, -4],
+      [16, -20],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [1, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2819, 6722],
+      [15, -4],
+      [-21, -5],
+      [6, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2839, 6733],
+      [5, 0],
+      [16, -25],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [4, 8],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-7, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5528, 7765],
+      [9, 0],
+      [-7, -29],
+      [14, -17],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5533, 7690],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-1, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5512, 7634],
+      [-22, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5490, 7653],
+      [-2, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5488, 7656],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-35, 57],
+      [-8, 32],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [0, 29],
+      [6, 2],
+      [10, -12],
+      [3, 10],
+      [9, -1],
+      [4, 7],
+      [4, -7],
+      [22, -6],
+      [4, 4],
+      [19, -3],
+      [2, -11],
+      [7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5781, 8416],
+      [4, -6],
+      [9, 3],
+      [3, -8],
+      [9, 4],
+      [11, -6],
+      [1, -13],
+      [12, 9],
+      [16, -3],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [6, -15],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [7, -14],
+      [15, -15],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [10, 1],
+      [11, -9],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-15, -22],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [8, -10],
+      [2, -30],
+      [5, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5882, 8183],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5655, 8150],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [6, 13],
+      [15, 11],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [-5, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5652, 8289],
+      [20, 1],
+      [5, -4],
+      [12, 5],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [19, 11],
+      [1, -8],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [9, 37],
+      [8, 1],
+      [3, 10],
+      [9, -1],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [2, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5738, 8388],
+      [11, 10],
+      [17, -2],
+      [8, 17],
+      [7, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2547, 6247],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [9, 0],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [4, -4],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-5, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2530, 6098],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [2, 51],
+      [0, 60]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2523, 6209],
+      [4, 10],
+      [4, -6],
+      [9, 26],
+      [0, 6],
+      [7, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3084, 4249],
+      [-4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3080, 4248],
+      [4, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3384, 4022],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-24, 29],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-51, -22],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [0, -29],
+      [-8, -54],
+      [-3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3133, 3869],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [2, 18],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [6, 2],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [7, 16],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-5, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3069, 4175],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [7, 8],
+      [10, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3082, 4230],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [8, 5],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-10, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3073, 4289],
+      [6, 16],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [6, 28],
+      [5, 6],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [7, 11],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-16, 55],
+      [-9, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3067, 4552],
+      [23, -3],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [10, 6],
+      [9, 20],
+      [11, 3],
+      [11, 19],
+      [7, 3],
+      [11, 20],
+      [19, 8],
+      [7, 1],
+      [4, -5],
+      [5, 9],
+      [3, -32],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [3, -21],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [2, -19],
+      [3, -2],
+      [1, -14],
+      [4, -2],
+      [1, -12],
+      [5, -1],
+      [4, -10],
+      [6, -4],
+      [1, -11],
+      [13, -4],
+      [4, 4],
+      [10, -7],
+      [4, -8],
+      [5, 4],
+      [9, -20],
+      [4, 1],
+      [8, -10],
+      [7, 0],
+      [0, -6],
+      [8, -17],
+      [22, 4],
+      [18, -27],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [5, -18],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [9, -20],
+      [3, -47],
+      [47, -4],
+      [3, 3],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [2, -34],
+      [11, -15],
+      [6, -1],
+      [0, -8],
+      [6, -27],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [-9, -38],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-8, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3651, 3581],
+      [1, 22],
+      [3, 0],
+      [-4, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3650, 3661],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-2, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3919, 4412],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3660, 5124],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [4, 9],
+      [-1, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3588, 5149],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [1, 9],
+      [7, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3577, 5151],
+      [2, -5],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-15, -19],
+      [0, 13],
+      [7, 10],
+      [0, 14],
+      [2, 11],
+      [8, 8],
+      [3, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3573, 5156],
+      [5, 19],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-5, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3608, 5175],
+      [11, -6],
+      [9, 5],
+      [27, -7],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [1, 13],
+      [6, -5],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [0, 23],
+      [2, 17],
+      [4, 10],
+      [5, 5],
+      [8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3586, 5165],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [1, 13],
+      [7, 3],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-6, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3625, 5187],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [10, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3599, 5183],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [6, -1],
+      [1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3624, 5200],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [8, 1],
+      [15, 9],
+      [1, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3600, 5213],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [0, 23],
+      [1, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3609, 5216],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [1, 14],
+      [5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3608, 5236],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3600, 5305],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [4, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3431, 5295],
+      [13, -7],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [5, 17],
+      [6, -8],
+      [11, 2],
+      [0, 4],
+      [10, 2],
+      [8, -5],
+      [3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3483, 5317],
+      [3, -7],
+      [8, -3],
+      [7, 3],
+      [6, 9],
+      [5, -7],
+      [6, 5],
+      [9, -9],
+      [9, 11],
+      [8, 31],
+      [1, 14],
+      [4, 7],
+      [15, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3564, 5415],
+      [5, 24],
+      [8, -16],
+      [1, -21],
+      [3, 4],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [3, -31],
+      [7, -22],
+      [1, -18],
+      [6, -18],
+      [13, -4],
+      [4, -8],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [7, -3],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [13, 2],
+      [0, -10],
+      [9, 7],
+      [7, 10],
+      [11, 11],
+      [13, 17],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [5, -5],
+      [0, -14],
+      [4, -9],
+      [0, -11],
+      [7, -14],
+      [4, 9],
+      [6, 4],
+      [5, -7],
+      [12, 10],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-5, -41],
+      [2, -2],
+      [8, 40],
+      [7, 18],
+      [2, -8],
+      [8, 21],
+      [3, -12],
+      [1, 19],
+      [4, -2],
+      [4, 16],
+      [1, 15],
+      [5, 0],
+      [5, 12],
+      [2, -11],
+      [4, 10],
+      [11, -7],
+      [19, -9],
+      [0, -10],
+      [7, -6],
+      [8, 5],
+      [1, -7],
+      [10, -9],
+      [1, -8],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [1, -13],
+      [3, 11],
+      [5, 4],
+      [10, -14],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [6, -1],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [5, 5],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-5, -36],
+      [2, -9],
+      [6, 14],
+      [1, 23],
+      [8, 8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [7, -2],
+      [2, 14],
+      [9, 4],
+      [6, -4],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [4, 0],
+      [18, -13],
+      [6, -11],
+      [15, -5],
+      [3, 6],
+      [5, -9],
+      [29, 4],
+      [3, 2],
+      [14, -3],
+      [25, -31],
+      [3, -1],
+      [8, -15],
+      [5, -2],
+      [11, -27],
+      [14, -26],
+      [9, -6],
+      [4, -12],
+      [6, -1],
+      [6, -8],
+      [16, -1],
+      [5, 3],
+      [13, -6],
+      [4, -13],
+      [9, -57],
+      [1, -24],
+      [5, -21],
+      [-1, -53],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-10, -27],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [-15, -52],
+      [-13, -34],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [2, -28],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [2, -9],
+      [0, -24],
+      [2, -28],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [1, -31],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [2, -51],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-9, -44],
+      [-13, -31],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-13, -20],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [10, 7],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [3, -6],
+      [2, -32],
+      [-2, -52],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-17, -23],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-14, -39],
+      [-8, -37],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-12, -25],
+      [-22, -27],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [0, 17],
+      [5, -4],
+      [11, 20],
+      [5, 3],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [5, 1],
+      [0, 10],
+      [9, 9],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [4, -6],
+      [1, 12],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-6, -30],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-18, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3517, 3240],
+      [-4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3513, 3250],
+      [2, 1],
+      [1, 23],
+      [5, 4],
+      [2, 13],
+      [5, 6],
+      [5, -10],
+      [6, 18],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-12, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3523, 3302],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-15, 14],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-23, 40],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-2, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3483, 3710],
+      [0, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3483, 3718],
+      [5, 3],
+      [0, 26],
+      [4, 16],
+      [0, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3492, 3797],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [0, 36],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-9, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3067, 4552],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [0, 41],
+      [1, 29],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [7, 16],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [1, 11],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [2, 13],
+      [11, 17],
+      [5, 3],
+      [1, 12],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [8, 24],
+      [1, 30],
+      [14, 14],
+      [14, 21],
+      [17, 5],
+      [10, 6],
+      [5, 11],
+      [9, 1],
+      [3, -6],
+      [10, -5],
+      [0, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3056, 4939],
+      [6, 58],
+      [0, 9],
+      [5, 46],
+      [0, 10],
+      [5, 54],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [1, 42],
+      [12, 4],
+      [3, 5],
+      [10, -6],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [0, 37],
+      [8, 4],
+      [5, -3],
+      [34, 0],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [7, -15],
+      [5, 4],
+      [9, 19],
+      [4, -5],
+      [7, -29],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [6, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3142, 5253],
+      [11, -21],
+      [10, -7],
+      [10, 14],
+      [6, -1],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [11, 17],
+      [1, 10],
+      [11, 6],
+      [10, 16],
+      [0, -8],
+      [9, 16],
+      [0, 14],
+      [19, 16],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [0, 30],
+      [-13, 22],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [2, 5],
+      [4, -10],
+      [12, 0],
+      [4, -14],
+      [10, 4],
+      [4, -5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [4, -5],
+      [7, -18],
+      [7, 5],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [6, 1],
+      [4, 9],
+      [7, -6],
+      [18, 12],
+      [0, 6],
+      [16, 10],
+      [10, 22],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3312, 5482],
+      [11, 0],
+      [3, 4],
+      [8, -12],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [6, 0],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [4, -14],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [2, -17],
+      [5, -5],
+      [0, -26],
+      [6, -8],
+      [8, -19],
+      [8, -4],
+      [4, -7],
+      [8, 5],
+      [0, 10],
+      [5, 9],
+      [9, -5],
+      [6, 11],
+      [7, 0],
+      [3, 11],
+      [9, 7],
+      [9, -8],
+      [9, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3347, 5935],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [0, 13],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8198, 5465],
+      [5, -34],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-2, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8194, 5460],
+      [4, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8166, 5448],
+      [6, -1],
+      [7, 5],
+      [7, 12],
+      [9, 10],
+      [-2, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8193, 5464],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [2, -17],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-8, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7545, 6781],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [5, -11],
+      [6, 3],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7468, 6756],
+      [3, 13],
+      [13, 29],
+      [11, 14],
+      [12, 3],
+      [0, -5],
+      [9, -1],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [18, -5],
+      [5, 6],
+      [10, -8],
+      [0, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5701, 4158],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [8, -27],
+      [7, -13],
+      [6, -21],
+      [4, -29],
+      [8, -13],
+      [14, -17],
+      [7, -3],
+      [3, -9],
+      [0, -15],
+      [12, -1],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [6, -12],
+      [3, -15],
+      [18, -5],
+      [12, -10],
+      [1, -14],
+      [7, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5815, 3905],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-8, -41],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [0, 21],
+      [5, 11],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [-8, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5554, 3757],
+      [0, 159],
+      [28, 0],
+      [0, 212],
+      [23, 4],
+      [21, 9],
+      [21, 5],
+      [9, -27],
+      [15, 26],
+      [7, 4],
+      [4, -6],
+      [7, 13],
+      [12, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5634, 5812],
+      [4, -14],
+      [8, -14],
+      [10, -31],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [19, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5671, 5683],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [3, -6],
+      [16, -5],
+      [8, -17],
+      [5, -3],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [6, -14],
+      [18, -19],
+      [2, -10],
+      [8, -10],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [8, -21],
+      [6, -2],
+      [13, -23],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [6, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5762, 5475],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-27, -19],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-9, -34],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-23, 9],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-20, 12],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-1, -27],
+      [1, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5517, 5383],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-8, -34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5449, 5312],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [-6, 21],
+      [4, 1],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [2, 8],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [10, 13],
+      [5, 24],
+      [3, 4],
+      [6, 30],
+      [6, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5429, 5616],
+      [9, -4],
+      [7, 8],
+      [10, 5],
+      [4, 11],
+      [2, -12],
+      [5, -7],
+      [23, 26],
+      [7, -2],
+      [5, 4],
+      [15, 1],
+      [15, 36],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [0, 8],
+      [5, 5],
+      [17, 0],
+      [10, 7],
+      [9, -1],
+      [4, 12],
+      [8, 5],
+      [5, 19],
+      [13, 24],
+      [5, 4],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [8, 5],
+      [0, 5],
+      [14, 9],
+      [9, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2957, 7804],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [13, 16],
+      [-1, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2699, 7829],
+      [2, -7],
+      [13, 9],
+      [3, -9],
+      [5, 9],
+      [9, -4],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-23, 15],
+      [-15, 6],
+      [11, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2665, 7849],
+      [6, -2],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-4, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3319, 7889],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-19, -34],
+      [10, 5],
+      [9, 11],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [12, 21],
+      [4, -8],
+      [11, 0],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [1, 13],
+      [6, 7],
+      [10, 30],
+      [7, 14],
+      [4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3221, 7879],
+      [6, -21],
+      [3, 6],
+      [12, -8],
+      [33, 3],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [4, 16],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-1, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3503, 7956],
+      [10, 3],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-9, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2562, 7993],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [0, 8],
+      [9, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 7774],
+      [20, 14],
+      [8, 11],
+      [6, 0],
+      [2, 17],
+      [7, 17],
+      [14, 11],
+      [5, 9],
+      [17, 17],
+      [5, -2],
+      [32, 22],
+      [14, 22],
+      [0, 4],
+      [14, 20],
+      [0, 5],
+      [16, 23],
+      [21, 20],
+      [44, 28],
+      [28, 8],
+      [18, -3],
+      [10, -5],
+      [11, -14],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [11, -15],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [18, -11],
+      [9, -15],
+      [8, 9],
+      [12, 0],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [16, 0],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [11, -32],
+      [20, -8],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [7, -7],
+      [10, 0],
+      [4, -9],
+      [5, 5],
+      [24, -6],
+      [10, 10],
+      [5, -15],
+      [7, 3],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-1, -4],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [0, -3],
+      [-32, -21],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [7, 29],
+      [21, 24],
+      [22, 18],
+      [1, -13],
+      [7, 8],
+      [20, 9],
+      [-34, 2],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [13, 15],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-8, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3134, 7784],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [1, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3126, 7809],
+      [-10, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3116, 7818],
+      [1, 1],
+      [-1, 74],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-16, -11],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-19, -37],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-89, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1546, 8044],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1479, 8054],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [7, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3218, 8058],
+      [33, -11],
+      [15, -14],
+      [11, -6],
+      [10, -14],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-22, 16],
+      [9, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1494, 8104],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [6, 9],
+      [5, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1448, 8112],
+      [20, -17],
+      [22, -5],
+      [26, -13],
+      [5, -19],
+      [9, -12],
+      [4, -16],
+      [22, -13],
+      [10, -22],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-22, 14],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [9, 11],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [0, 11],
+      [7, 3],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-33, 43],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [16, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3447, 8155],
+      [6, -8],
+      [7, 7],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [2, -12],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-28, -60],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [6, 13],
+      [13, 21],
+      [12, -13],
+      [7, 0],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [11, -17],
+      [15, 9],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [12, 1],
+      [8, 14],
+      [9, -8],
+      [5, 3],
+      [15, -10],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [10, 3],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [12, -7],
+      [3, 10],
+      [4, -6],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [6, -14],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [8, -15],
+      [2, 13],
+      [6, 14],
+      [12, 6],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [8, 8],
+      [3, 14],
+      [5, -19],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [4, 26],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [8, 31],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [-18, -29],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [3, 7],
+      [11, 3],
+      [15, 28],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [27, 37],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [8, 9],
+      [6, -3],
+      [9, 33],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [8, 4],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [25, 78],
+      [8, 11],
+      [8, 28],
+      [24, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1448, 8147],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [2, 14],
+      [5, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1445, 8181],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2798, 8181],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [11, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1462, 8192],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [2, 14],
+      [17, 12],
+      [-4, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1430, 8212],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2738, 8248],
+      [8, -1],
+      [10, -15],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-29, 15],
+      [6, 10],
+      [12, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1339, 8249],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [6, -21],
+      [17, -18],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-20, 26],
+      [-16, 32],
+      [20, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1427, 8244],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [2, 20],
+      [14, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1419, 8255],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [4, 10],
+      [3, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1382, 8268],
+      [9, -8],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [8, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1386, 8270],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [2, 6],
+      [7, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1395, 8273],
+      [11, -17],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-21, 36],
+      [3, 5],
+      [12, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1380, 8293],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [9, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1305, 8302],
+      [20, -3],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [13, -2],
+      [2, 21],
+      [12, 6],
+      [-8, -28],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [4, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2815, 8428],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [4, 17],
+      [4, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2787, 8429],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [1, 8],
+      [10, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2801, 8446],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-12, -27],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [14, 23],
+      [3, -5],
+      [3, 26],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3293, 8462],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [6, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3204, 8666],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3109, 8672],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [5, 16],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3200, 8731],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [18, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2793, 8775],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [12, 23],
+      [11, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3203, 8784],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3033, 8802],
+      [15, -11],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [5, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2719, 8809],
+      [7, -3],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-27, -27],
+      [-23, -5],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [18, 27],
+      [8, -5],
+      [9, 6],
+      [16, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2822, 8839],
+      [21, -4],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [4, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3216, 8833],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [5, 2],
+      [3, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2857, 8849],
+      [12, -6],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [8, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3204, 8862],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [8, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3186, 8910],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [11, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2625, 8972],
+      [12, -9],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [11, -20],
+      [9, 16],
+      [14, -17],
+      [20, -4],
+      [4, -10],
+      [19, -12],
+      [5, 2],
+      [16, -14],
+      [5, -23],
+      [19, -8],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [22, -21],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [-26, 14],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-19, -8],
+      [-9, -19],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [-5, 33],
+      [-27, -2],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [8, 20],
+      [20, 13],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [6, 15],
+      [0, 28],
+      [5, 23],
+      [13, 12],
+      [1, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2638, 8984],
+      [9, -10],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [3, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2657, 8990],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [15, -10],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [-15, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2936, 9103],
+      [24, -5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [13, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2601, 9095],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [9, 13],
+      [7, -6],
+      [2, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2900, 9117],
+      [16, -9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [3, -24],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-31, -1],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [0, 22],
+      [15, 25],
+      [31, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2096, 9122],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [14, 1],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2919, 9131],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [2, 12],
+      [11, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2173, 9144],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [15, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2218, 9152],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [2, 17],
+      [11, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2820, 9179],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [26, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2860, 9180],
+      [10, -6],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [9, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2315, 9189],
+      [14, 0],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-10, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2342, 9191],
+      [8, -12],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [6, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3114, 9197],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [12, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2834, 9196],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [20, 15],
+      [5, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2787, 9204],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [16, 8],
+      [16, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2294, 9191],
+      [5, 5],
+      [10, -12],
+      [22, -14],
+      [6, -20],
+      [18, -3],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [33, 17],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [12, -9],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [10, 11],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3004, 9275],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [11, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 7774],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-19, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2894, 7745],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [-17, -15],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [13, -6],
+      [7, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2804, 7674],
+      [-1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2803, 7665],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-36, -7],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-32, -36],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [0, 12],
+      [5, 4],
+      [13, -1],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-6, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2704, 7634],
+      [5, 9],
+      [1, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2710, 7660],
+      [8, 4],
+      [12, 20],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [4, 14],
+      [9, 16],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-12, 25],
+      [11, 0],
+      [1, -14],
+      [14, -17],
+      [18, -14],
+      [0, 17],
+      [4, 6],
+      [6, -5],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-10, 32],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-30, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2663, 7852],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-10, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2653, 7858],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [4, 24],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [5, 20],
+      [-25, 0],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-12, 39],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [-24, 14],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-5, -22],
+      [-7, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2511, 7947],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-16, -11],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-4, 31],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-79, 0],
+      [-80, 0],
+      [-55, 0],
+      [-79, 0],
+      [-79, 0],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-80, 0],
+      [-61, 0],
+      [-74, 0],
+      [-81, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1590, 8004],
+      [-8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1582, 8004],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1581, 8004],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-20, 12],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [9, 23],
+      [13, 3],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [0, 14],
+      [19, 25],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [4, 26],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [10, -5],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [5, 21],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-21, 32],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [1, 17],
+      [7, 4],
+      [10, 33],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-4, 28],
+      [2, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1387, 8402],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1387, 8402],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-29, 56],
+      [-20, 40],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-21, 22],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-27, -20],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-43, 50],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [0, 538]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1083, 9194],
+      [29, -2],
+      [23, -6],
+      [15, -16],
+      [50, -21],
+      [26, 2],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [20, 5],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [29, 8],
+      [12, -5],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [24, 4],
+      [10, 14],
+      [16, 0],
+      [45, 28],
+      [22, -4],
+      [5, 11],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-45, -25],
+      [-27, -6],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [24, -3],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [29, 13],
+      [15, 12],
+      [12, -9],
+      [14, 21],
+      [35, 9],
+      [0, -10],
+      [23, 16],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [22, 7],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [0, 17],
+      [23, -16],
+      [14, -32],
+      [15, -16],
+      [20, -9],
+      [9, 4],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [10, 9],
+      [8, 18],
+      [10, -1],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [12, 0],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [24, -2],
+      [14, 8],
+      [6, 20],
+      [36, -3],
+      [23, -10],
+      [23, -16],
+      [31, -5],
+      [23, -13],
+      [57, -13],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [11, 4],
+      [38, -17],
+      [18, -18],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [47, -13],
+      [40, -1],
+      [3, 4],
+      [36, 1],
+      [22, 14],
+      [13, -16],
+      [18, 0],
+      [7, -21],
+      [6, 15],
+      [20, -23],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [25, -29],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [1, 18],
+      [16, -14],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [7, 19],
+      [35, 18],
+      [21, 5],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [14, 20],
+      [27, 5],
+      [31, 14],
+      [12, -3],
+      [9, -11],
+      [4, -20],
+      [19, -6],
+      [4, -12],
+      [20, -1],
+      [9, 8],
+      [5, -11],
+      [27, -14],
+      [21, -3],
+      [23, 10],
+      [26, -1],
+      [15, -7],
+      [25, 5],
+      [22, -12],
+      [12, 11],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [27, 1],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [21, -3],
+      [5, -12],
+      [18, 3],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [26, 12],
+      [-16, -41],
+      [11, -19],
+      [10, 8],
+      [11, -20],
+      [4, 16],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [7, 19],
+      [17, -3],
+      [18, 14],
+      [18, 33],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [11, 34],
+      [18, -2],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-25, 10],
+      [-21, 22],
+      [1, 14],
+      [9, 15],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [5, 30],
+      [14, 6],
+      [8, -7],
+      [5, 12],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [18, 9],
+      [2, 13],
+      [18, 3],
+      [4, -19],
+      [7, 7],
+      [32, -24],
+      [4, -30],
+      [37, -41],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [18, -3],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [20, -9],
+      [18, 7],
+      [10, -9],
+      [19, -1],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [14, -11],
+      [6, -20],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [9, -12],
+      [11, 12],
+      [4, 31],
+      [11, 15],
+      [9, 1],
+      [28, -27],
+      [5, -32],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [1, -19],
+      [8, -19],
+      [17, -15],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [15, 7],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [14, -1],
+      [1, 20],
+      [17, 23],
+      [7, 37],
+      [25, 0],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [11, 7],
+      [-20, 11],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [6, 23],
+      [7, -4],
+      [20, 5],
+      [16, -9],
+      [30, -1],
+      [15, -23],
+      [22, -5],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [20, -5],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [26, -30],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-17, -24],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-25, 21],
+      [16, -30],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [7, -12],
+      [19, -9],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-23, -20],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-17, 15],
+      [-31, 20],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [32, -7],
+      [14, -11],
+      [11, -16],
+      [56, -5],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-16, -20],
+      [-14, -27],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-37, 16],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [11, -10],
+      [4, 5],
+      [31, -11],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [18, 11],
+      [6, -8],
+      [25, -12],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-22, -16],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [15, -16],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [11, -4],
+      [-17, -12],
+      [-19, -60],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [3, -40],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [13, -17],
+      [3, 4],
+      [29, -1],
+      [2, -15],
+      [10, -37],
+      [9, -24],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [12, 2],
+      [30, 12],
+      [15, -3],
+      [15, -12],
+      [30, -8],
+      [12, -15],
+      [13, -10],
+      [7, -15],
+      [10, -12],
+      [11, -1],
+      [32, -17],
+      [21, -20],
+      [12, -3],
+      [19, 5],
+      [15, -6],
+      [12, 1],
+      [18, -9],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [0, -12],
+      [8, -17],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [20, -28],
+      [6, -21],
+      [10, -5],
+      [15, -30],
+      [1, -10],
+      [19, -11],
+      [1, 16],
+      [10, 15],
+      [11, -20],
+      [6, 11],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [13, 19],
+      [2, 22],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [1, 19],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-5, 42],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [39, 22],
+      [16, 14],
+      [19, 23],
+      [12, 21],
+      [4, 16],
+      [0, 44],
+      [-8, 34],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [22, 21],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [14, 6],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [6, 6],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [10, 15],
+      [2, 20],
+      [6, 5],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [18, 16],
+      [21, -4],
+      [32, -14],
+      [34, -1],
+      [14, 12],
+      [18, -9],
+      [17, -14],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [30, -19],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [14, -16],
+      [23, -5],
+      [11, 2],
+      [2, -11],
+      [12, -1],
+      [2, 12],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [6, -26],
+      [2, -26],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [3, -9],
+      [11, -2],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [10, -3],
+      [15, 12],
+      [13, 1],
+      [11, -6],
+      [5, -24],
+      [7, 10],
+      [9, -20],
+      [28, 15],
+      [6, 21],
+      [10, -9],
+      [5, 18],
+      [7, 3],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [8, 8],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [8, 2],
+      [7, 25],
+      [14, 2],
+      [0, -12],
+      [9, -6],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [6, 0],
+      [5, -15],
+      [12, -13],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [13, 3],
+      [1, -13],
+      [7, 1],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [16, 0],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [15, -12],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [10, 2],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [18, -7],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [5, -5],
+      [14, 1],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [10, -2],
+      [1, -7],
+      [22, -5],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [20, 12],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [10, -5],
+      [10, 9],
+      [6, -22],
+      [30, -6],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-33, -12],
+      [21, 5],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [38, 24],
+      [6, 15],
+      [19, 9],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [24, -1],
+      [11, -22],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [6, -9],
+      [9, 15],
+      [30, -19],
+      [4, -15],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [5, -9],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [8, -9],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-38, -3],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-51, 4],
+      [-26, -2],
+      [-37, 0],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-19, -25],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-24, -18],
+      [-10, -28],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-19, 14],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [22, -14],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-17, -23],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [-6, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1827, 9404],
+      [6, -29],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [32, 3],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [17, 15],
+      [49, -17],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [17, 6],
+      [18, -8],
+      [8, 4],
+      [-26, 29],
+      [23, -2],
+      [24, -23],
+      [11, -1],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [13, -38],
+      [6, -4],
+      [21, 15],
+      [-15, 14],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [0, 25],
+      [29, -10],
+      [8, 7],
+      [26, -17],
+      [18, -30],
+      [4, -24],
+      [19, -29],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [16, -17],
+      [25, -16],
+      [8, 1],
+      [35, -23],
+      [16, 4],
+      [4, -24],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [-14, -26],
+      [22, 5],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [9, -10],
+      [-19, -8],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-49, 6],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-40, 5],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-56, -11],
+      [-59, -3],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [2, 22],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-18, 9],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [39, 12],
+      [41, 5],
+      [53, -7],
+      [9, 7],
+      [22, -3],
+      [-18, 14],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-58, -6],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [-40, -1],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [17, 8],
+      [41, 11],
+      [13, 11],
+      [-48, -10],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [13, 5],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [0, 11],
+      [16, 17],
+      [13, 3],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [34, 25],
+      [50, 16],
+      [27, 11],
+      [10, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2094, 9405],
+      [-16, -22],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-18, 19],
+      [-26, 12],
+      [13, 13],
+      [42, 1],
+      [16, -10],
+      [-3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2768, 9430],
+      [25, -7],
+      [37, 2],
+      [19, -6],
+      [32, -26],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-52, 5],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-22, 6],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [1, 25],
+      [14, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2595, 9436],
+      [41, -3],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-30, -21],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [10, -20],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [9, -14],
+      [19, -16],
+      [14, -5],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [21, 10],
+      [18, -2],
+      [8, 17],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-16, -1],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [2, 21],
+      [16, 1],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-3, 25],
+      [14, 2],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [26, -5],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [63, 24],
+      [37, -1],
+      [11, -27],
+      [14, -5],
+      [0, -14],
+      [10, -10],
+      [-26, -24],
+      [18, 11],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [5, -13],
+      [12, 5],
+      [16, 25],
+      [23, -13],
+      [11, 14],
+      [26, 14],
+      [67, -15],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [33, 4],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [31, 12],
+      [19, -1],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [12, 19],
+      [3, -12],
+      [15, -7],
+      [13, 23],
+      [32, -12],
+      [8, -11],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [4, -6],
+      [25, 7],
+      [4, 9],
+      [15, 2],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [30, 15],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [15, 10],
+      [31, -11],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-31, -9],
+      [32, 3],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [12, 9],
+      [6, 14],
+      [24, -23],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-26, 3],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [19, -8],
+      [19, 1],
+      [16, -11],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [22, -8],
+      [13, -10],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-43, 2],
+      [33, -6],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [29, -2],
+      [23, -6],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [8, -11],
+      [37, -12],
+      [12, 7],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [18, -4],
+      [13, -28],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [47, 10],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [22, -5],
+      [5, 9],
+      [18, -10],
+      [10, -16],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [14, -7],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [3, -21],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-18, 16],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [19, 17],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-22, 20],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [7, -15],
+      [16, -12],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [12, -16],
+      [14, 3],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [10, -2],
+      [10, -39],
+      [1, 14],
+      [31, -16],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [17, 0],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [11, -14],
+      [11, -5],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [12, -6],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [8, -19],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-20, 21],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-27, 24],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [23, -33],
+      [17, -6],
+      [17, -21],
+      [5, 0],
+      [16, -26],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [-30, 16],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-25, 24],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-38, 22],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [15, 10],
+      [-16, 12],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-20, -9],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-30, 14],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [5, 9],
+      [18, 8],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [21, -2],
+      [25, -11],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [10, -12],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [23, -3],
+      [1, 7],
+      [15, -3],
+      [11, 12],
+      [19, -5],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-13, 18],
+      [41, 32],
+      [5, 19],
+      [15, 6],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-23, 5],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-19, -6],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-32, -14],
+      [0, 20],
+      [28, 3],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-30, 19],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [10, 9],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-20, 2],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [21, -15],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-29, -7],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-39, 3],
+      [15, -14],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-39, 2],
+      [-21, 21],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-47, 11],
+      [-21, 25],
+      [9, 7],
+      [22, -4],
+      [27, 0],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [5, 17],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [5, 24],
+      [25, 52],
+      [36, 27],
+      [33, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2227, 9438],
+      [17, -9],
+      [57, 6],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [8, -7],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-19, -16],
+      [35, -3],
+      [9, -16],
+      [12, 3],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [3, -27],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-13, -13],
+      [-19, 3],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [-27, 24],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-34, 24],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [14, 16],
+      [11, -4],
+      [16, -18],
+      [24, 2],
+      [10, 8],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [11, 7],
+      [16, -9],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [33, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2287, 9448],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [34, 10],
+      [14, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2423, 9449],
+      [18, -8],
+      [8, 5],
+      [45, -7],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-33, 4],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [10, -16],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [-29, -6],
+      [-2, 33],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-2, 60],
+      [11, 2],
+      [1, 14],
+      [44, 9],
+      [25, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1623, 9476],
+      [28, -12],
+      [41, -10],
+      [46, 4],
+      [58, -41],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [-76, -37],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-14, -8],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-3, -32],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-26, 36],
+      [-34, 14],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [0, 10],
+      [14, 22],
+      [9, 4],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [17, 2],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [14, 21],
+      [16, 15],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-14, 28],
+      [87, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2118, 9518],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [15, 17],
+      [18, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2378, 9537],
+      [25, -20],
+      [2, -24],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-41, 1],
+      [-43, 18],
+      [23, 30],
+      [25, 8],
+      [14, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2325, 9539],
+      [-16, -17],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [21, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2164, 9558],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [-20, -1],
+      [7, 9],
+      [27, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2380, 9546],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [11, 3],
+      [6, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2157, 9563],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [11, 8],
+      [27, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1732, 9567],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-22, -28],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-22, 5],
+      [20, 18],
+      [29, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2805, 9567],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [16, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2149, 9575],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [2, 8],
+      [47, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2113, 9595],
+      [25, -12],
+      [-38, -5],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [20, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2266, 9598],
+      [21, -11],
+      [7, -58],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [33, 20],
+      [-52, -5],
+      [-33, -7],
+      [2, 14],
+      [20, 10],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [18, 3],
+      [35, -31],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-30, 12],
+      [15, 9],
+      [23, 0],
+      [13, -10],
+      [20, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2213, 9601],
+      [-38, -8],
+      [20, 9],
+      [18, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2508, 9589],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-15, 15],
+      [17, 6],
+      [8, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1981, 9607],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [20, -20],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [22, -7],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [27, 5],
+      [12, 10],
+      [31, -10],
+      [1, -18],
+      [-15, -30],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-24, -12],
+      [-34, -10],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-27, 17],
+      [52, 17],
+      [27, 0],
+      [19, 13],
+      [-36, -6],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [-55, 16],
+      [12, 13],
+      [30, 0],
+      [31, 14],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [10, 12],
+      [57, 5],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [23, 10],
+      [10, 12],
+      [36, 1],
+      [7, -17],
+      [28, 5],
+      [33, -21],
+      [14, -22],
+      [62, -1],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [18, 11],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [18, 11],
+      [15, 19],
+      [15, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1840, 9610],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [31, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2354, 9618],
+      [44, -6],
+      [16, -16],
+      [46, 3],
+      [26, -13],
+      [-26, 0],
+      [59, -9],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-52, -1],
+      [30, -6],
+      [28, -18],
+      [2, -16],
+      [14, 11],
+      [11, -8],
+      [26, 6],
+      [13, -9],
+      [59, 10],
+      [21, 10],
+      [23, -5],
+      [16, 6],
+      [39, -3],
+      [40, -18],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-25, -15],
+      [16, 1],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-23, -7],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-33, 5],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-84, -5],
+      [-53, 2],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-21, -15],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-30, 10],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [11, 38],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-37, -3],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [15, 6],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [13, 6],
+      [32, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1774, 9644],
+      [20, -9],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [13, -14],
+      [-30, -8],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-19, -6],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-34, -26],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [9, 15],
+      [31, 5],
+      [9, 14],
+      [22, 7],
+      [15, 17],
+      [27, 15],
+      [26, 1],
+      [18, -6],
+      [32, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2491, 9653],
+      [17, -10],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-30, 11],
+      [0, 13],
+      [24, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2083, 9641],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-23, 12],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [13, 0],
+      [17, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2350, 9662],
+      [51, 0],
+      [13, -7],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-70, 0],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [23, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2196, 9660],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [0, 9],
+      [21, 1],
+      [21, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1824, 9675],
+      [20, -11],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [22, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1955, 9679],
+      [-35, -12],
+      [21, -5],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-52, -10],
+      [-31, 11],
+      [3, 23],
+      [51, 10],
+      [46, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1933, 9718],
+      [31, -15],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-50, 5],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [40, 8],
+      [40, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2308, 9715],
+      [18, -10],
+      [40, -9],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [9, -16],
+      [-51, -11],
+      [-22, 18],
+      [22, 2],
+      [-33, 10],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [7, 18],
+      [35, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2120, 9752],
+      [22, -6],
+      [10, -21],
+      [25, 12],
+      [58, -29],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [22, -13],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-12, 19],
+      [-45, 10],
+      [-50, -6],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [38, -3],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-27, -9],
+      [10, 11],
+      [-26, 2],
+      [4, 16],
+      [50, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2237, 9796],
+      [21, -8],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-36, 22],
+      [20, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2423, 9866],
+      [56, -44],
+      [40, -1],
+      [1, -15],
+      [22, 9],
+      [22, -2],
+      [19, -26],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [20, 9],
+      [23, -2],
+      [24, -19],
+      [-46, -14],
+      [-69, -50],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [15, -26],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-49, 4],
+      [-22, 17],
+      [34, 3],
+      [-45, 2],
+      [-28, 21],
+      [25, 12],
+      [79, 3],
+      [-58, 1],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-36, -11],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-33, -6],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [27, 4],
+      [-31, 3],
+      [-21, 14],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [53, -6],
+      [21, 9],
+      [-36, -4],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [14, 17],
+      [41, 2],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [17, 15],
+      [39, 0],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-28, 8],
+      [41, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3064, 9969],
+      [92, -13],
+      [-63, -13],
+      [33, 0],
+      [64, 14],
+      [63, -22],
+      [36, -2],
+      [8, -17],
+      [-85, -27],
+      [-75, -6],
+      [11, -7],
+      [-78, -18],
+      [137, 21],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-119, -45],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-23, -32],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-52, -10],
+      [-85, -2],
+      [20, -4],
+      [80, -3],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-35, 3],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [56, -5],
+      [-45, -3],
+      [55, -3],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [38, -1],
+      [8, -15],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-30, 2],
+      [38, -10],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-35, -13],
+      [-43, 0],
+      [19, -17],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-47, -6],
+      [-38, 9],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [5, -14],
+      [18, -8],
+      [57, -7],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [19, -6],
+      [18, 11],
+      [7, -22],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-22, -15],
+      [-42, -11],
+      [8, 17],
+      [-36, 5],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-40, 2],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-61, 10],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [33, 15],
+      [23, -1],
+      [15, 8],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-15, 25],
+      [29, 7],
+      [27, -6],
+      [22, -23],
+      [54, -3],
+      [27, 35],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [15, 39],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [1, 19],
+      [24, 20],
+      [44, 7],
+      [35, -5],
+      [56, 1],
+      [-53, 4],
+      [-30, 6],
+      [11, 9],
+      [-23, 27],
+      [-37, 6],
+      [0, 32],
+      [75, -4],
+      [67, -35],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [80, 9],
+      [54, 8],
+      [-44, 0],
+      [94, 17],
+      [-62, -3],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [57, 26],
+      [-37, -9],
+      [-40, -28],
+      [-44, -11],
+      [-53, -5],
+      [27, 11],
+      [-48, 2],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-55, -1],
+      [-26, 5],
+      [26, 19],
+      [85, 11],
+      [-93, -8],
+      [-33, -21],
+      [-58, 14],
+      [99, 12],
+      [30, 12],
+      [-43, -8],
+      [-98, -8],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [12, 11],
+      [45, 14],
+      [-57, -12],
+      [12, 13],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [27, 11],
+      [83, 15],
+      [87, -6],
+      [-56, 12],
+      [43, 5],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [30, 1],
+      [59, -23],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [82, -19],
+      [-75, 24],
+      [18, 17],
+      [41, -8],
+      [-28, 15],
+      [47, -2],
+      [16, 12],
+      [41, -3],
+      [44, -11],
+      [-31, 15],
+      [35, 4],
+      [54, -3],
+      [10, -8],
+      [24, 12],
+      [91, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 7927],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 7927],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 7927],
+      [10, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5264, 7905],
+      [2, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5290, 7882],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [4, -15],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [2, 5],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-13, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5195, 7827],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [0, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5188, 7856],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-3, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5172, 7849],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [2, 10],
+      [8, 9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [7, 4],
+      [12, 28],
+      [8, -5],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5210, 7923],
+      [14, -1],
+      [9, 5],
+      [4, 9],
+      [9, -9],
+      [9, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3101, 2016],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [13, -7],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [2, 19],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-1, -4],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [3, 5],
+      [39, 9],
+      [4, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3116, 2021],
+      [14, -1],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3041, 2018],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [13, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3069, 2021],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [12, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3013, 2074],
+      [7, -1],
+      [8, -15],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3003, 2080],
+      [6, -2],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [0, 7],
+      [10, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3044, 2081],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [8, 1],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [6, 7],
+      [2, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2972, 2103],
+      [2, 3],
+      [22, -21],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [1, 12],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [3, 17],
+      [12, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2925, 2147],
+      [15, -16],
+      [8, 0],
+      [21, -22],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-10, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2028],
+      [0, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3093, 2021],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [8, -7],
+      [10, 12],
+      [7, -9],
+      [6, 12],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [20, -15],
+      [7, 5],
+      [13, -4],
+      [10, -11],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-28, 18],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [24, 15],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [1, 17],
+      [9, 1],
+      [0, 8],
+      [12, 7],
+      [2, 13],
+      [6, 4],
+      [5, -11],
+      [16, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2952, 2165],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [13, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2921, 2176],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-2, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2938, 2182],
+      [8, -11],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-3, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2920, 2209],
+      [3, -4],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [5, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2943, 2211],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2925, 2234],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [8, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2931, 2257],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [9, -2],
+      [4, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 2263],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [7, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2906, 2275],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [2, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2931, 2276],
+      [3, 1],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [3, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2908, 2302],
+      [14, -5],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [1, 12],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-4, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2903, 2329],
+      [8, -14],
+      [-12, 3],
+      [4, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2914, 2359],
+      [5, -2],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [4, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2906, 2359],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [7, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2925, 2377],
+      [5, 0],
+      [2, -27],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [1, 25],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [13, -3],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [10, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2906, 2392],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 2406],
+      [4, -8],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [9, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2913, 2413],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [4, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2907, 2415],
+      [7, -32],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [7, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2921, 2430],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [9, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2945, 2427],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [7, 7],
+      [8, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2914, 2436],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2924, 2545],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [11, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2936, 2556],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [0, 15],
+      [5, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2955, 2556],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [3, 11],
+      [3, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2948, 2591],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [10, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2946, 2594],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [3, 9],
+      [6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2946, 2613],
+      [2, -4],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [13, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2974, 2623],
+      [6, -4],
+      [-12, -23],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [9, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2948, 2662],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [8, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2945, 2775],
+      [11, 1],
+      [5, -30],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [9, -10],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [4, 8],
+      [2, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3098, 2168],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-27, -20],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-1, -36],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-24, 11],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [5, 11],
+      [15, 1],
+      [10, 5],
+      [6, 18],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-22, -19],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-20, 22],
+      [9, 0],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [14, 1],
+      [13, 9],
+      [14, 0],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [6, 5],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [9, 1],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [0, 29],
+      [6, -2],
+      [15, 16],
+      [9, -1],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [10, -15],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [6, 2],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [11, -2],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [9, 8],
+      [1, 26],
+      [3, 6],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [0, 44],
+      [10, 11],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [21, -4],
+      [6, -13],
+      [5, 5],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-21, 1],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [9, -2],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [6, 12],
+      [5, 0],
+      [6, 11],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [13, 13],
+      [3, 10],
+      [12, 11],
+      [0, 11],
+      [14, 3],
+      [6, -14],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [7, -4],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [4, -3],
+      [5, 16],
+      [4, 49],
+      [8, 10],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [4, -1],
+      [14, 13],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [4, 39],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [9, 12],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [0, 18],
+      [5, 2],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [5, 3],
+      [4, -15],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [5, 20],
+      [1, 37],
+      [9, 7],
+      [4, 19],
+      [1, 19],
+      [-9, 38],
+      [2, 30],
+      [-6, 26],
+      [1, 22],
+      [9, -3],
+      [5, 16],
+      [0, 18],
+      [4, -4],
+      [5, 42],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [6, 18],
+      [5, 6],
+      [1, 15],
+      [4, 12],
+      [1, 31],
+      [6, 21],
+      [4, 4],
+      [1, 12],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [6, 5],
+      [4, 37],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [1, 25],
+      [-5, 52],
+      [0, 24],
+      [2, 12],
+      [7, 5],
+      [2, 44],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [6, 11],
+      [4, 20],
+      [0, 18],
+      [3, 22],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [4, 5],
+      [2, 15],
+      [2, 41],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [2, 19],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [1, 62],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [1, 25],
+      [6, 1],
+      [4, 33],
+      [0, 23],
+      [2, 25],
+      [2, 3],
+      [0, 24],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [0, 37],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-5, 51],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-2, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3044, 4127],
+      [12, 4],
+      [4, 9],
+      [0, 26],
+      [9, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8073, 6343],
+      [8, -9],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [-1, 42],
+      [10, 19],
+      [8, 9],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [7, -3],
+      [5, 9],
+      [8, -6],
+      [10, 10],
+      [8, -9],
+      [1, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8066, 6398],
+      [4, -5],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [4, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8393, 6916],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8386, 6994],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [6, 2],
+      [9, -11],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-2, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8689, 7778],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-11, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8666, 7787],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-12, -22],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [0, -9],
+      [6, -40],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [3, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8625, 7631],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-26, -3],
+      [8, -20],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-30, 7],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [-14, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8454, 7492],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-28, -28],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [0, 12],
+      [15, 8],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [12, 12],
+      [11, 27],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-22, 14],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-17, -19],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-5, -28],
+      [5, -14],
+      [10, -13],
+      [14, -4],
+      [7, 5],
+      [12, -25],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [10, -12],
+      [13, 1],
+      [2, 11],
+      [10, 10],
+      [3, 9],
+      [12, 10],
+      [11, -8],
+      [0, -6],
+      [9, -7],
+      [34, -4],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-28, -23],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [1, -16],
+      [12, -14],
+      [17, -12],
+      [6, -38],
+      [11, -36],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [15, -16],
+      [0, -13],
+      [11, -10],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [3, -11],
+      [11, -13],
+      [16, 4],
+      [2, -9],
+      [7, -5],
+      [8, -15],
+      [9, -9],
+      [6, -12],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [6, -2],
+      [6, 9],
+      [6, -1],
+      [8, -19],
+      [13, -6],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [7, 5],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [5, -23],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-9, -28],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [5, -6],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-5, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8172, 6482],
+      [-4, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8168, 6480],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [6, -17],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [7, -19],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [3, 28],
+      [5, 0],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-9, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7999, 6420],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-12, 14],
+      [1, 6],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [0, 14],
+      [5, 0],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-3, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7836, 6473],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [1, -10],
+      [5, -15],
+      [0, -39],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-2, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7809, 6424],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [0, 16],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [6, 11],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-6, 40],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [0, 17],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [4, 11],
+      [2, -3],
+      [6, 10],
+      [0, 13],
+      [6, -3],
+      [3, 13],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [5, 33],
+      [0, 29],
+      [-2, 31],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-5, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7703, 6808],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [5, 6],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7468, 6756],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-13, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7447, 6787],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-11, -23],
+      [-7, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7248, 6922],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [9, 4],
+      [6, -16],
+      [10, 8],
+      [7, 13],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [8, 8],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-8, 41],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7160, 7227],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-11, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7131, 7236],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-9, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7080, 7327],
+      [7, 10],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [4, 9],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [1, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7045, 7454],
+      [8, 8],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [4, 18],
+      [11, 3],
+      [10, 14],
+      [3, 10],
+      [11, -4],
+      [8, 11],
+      [4, -20],
+      [18, 4],
+      [9, 13],
+      [0, 10],
+      [5, 15],
+      [18, -2],
+      [11, 5],
+      [5, -2],
+      [8, 19],
+      [26, 23],
+      [27, 15],
+      [-1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7227, 7611],
+      [1, 3],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [3, 11],
+      [9, 6],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [13, 6],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [0, 32],
+      [5, 5],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [7, 9],
+      [21, 5],
+      [23, 13],
+      [3, -9],
+      [13, 3],
+      [7, -7],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [7, 21],
+      [9, 47],
+      [5, 14],
+      [0, 14],
+      [24, -13],
+      [21, 1],
+      [4, -10],
+      [13, 13],
+      [7, 0],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-4, 41],
+      [4, 25],
+      [25, 10],
+      [4, 10],
+      [0, 17],
+      [4, 6],
+      [12, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7424, 8009],
+      [15, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7439, 8014],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [16, -10],
+      [2, -12],
+      [14, -12],
+      [11, 1],
+      [7, -11],
+      [9, 3],
+      [11, -21],
+      [0, -11],
+      [15, -34],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [6, -17],
+      [6, 2],
+      [16, -9],
+      [23, -4],
+      [11, 2],
+      [23, -8],
+      [6, -13],
+      [7, 0],
+      [14, -19],
+      [9, -5],
+      [11, 2],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [6, -3],
+      [9, -41],
+      [12, -19],
+      [2, -11],
+      [23, 4],
+      [63, -13],
+      [14, 6],
+      [49, -12],
+      [7, -15],
+      [29, -11],
+      [18, -15],
+      [23, 7],
+      [0, -12],
+      [13, -5],
+      [6, 10],
+      [44, 30],
+      [36, 10],
+      [20, -3],
+      [20, 4],
+      [25, 19],
+      [15, 29],
+      [18, 12],
+      [10, 13],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [11, 33],
+      [5, 4],
+      [13, -1],
+      [5, -10],
+      [14, -6],
+      [13, -3],
+      [16, 16],
+      [14, 24],
+      [6, -3],
+      [23, 5],
+      [15, 18],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [11, 24],
+      [6, 3],
+      [15, -1],
+      [1, 13],
+      [9, -4],
+      [16, 12],
+      [12, -3],
+      [3, 5],
+      [14, -8],
+      [11, -1],
+      [5, 6],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-12, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8270, 7946],
+      [-7, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8263, 7933],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [8, 8],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [25, 79]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8240, 8052],
+      [16, -12],
+      [14, -6],
+      [12, 9],
+      [13, 17],
+      [12, 1],
+      [7, 6],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [8, 27],
+      [7, 10],
+      [1, 11],
+      [8, 23],
+      [16, 14],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [22, 37],
+      [12, 1],
+      [26, 11],
+      [19, 0],
+      [11, 6],
+      [28, -11],
+      [4, -9],
+      [20, -1],
+      [17, -13],
+      [23, -49],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [6, -23],
+      [6, -9],
+      [1, -20],
+      [10, -19],
+      [1, -23],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [5, -9],
+      [11, -7],
+      [20, 2],
+      [7, -14],
+      [13, -3],
+      [9, -7],
+      [11, -17],
+      [12, 0],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [6, -8],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [7, -20],
+      [15, 2],
+      [13, -5],
+      [17, 3],
+      [3, 9],
+      [12, 14],
+      [12, -1],
+      [6, 9],
+      [18, 8],
+      [9, -7],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-4, -38],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-11, -22],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-8, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4913, 5477],
+      [0, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4913, 5476],
+      [0, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4925, 5729],
+      [-2, -26],
+      [3, -1],
+      [4, -47],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [2, -31],
+      [2, -4],
+      [4, -31],
+      [5, -1],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4921, 5479],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-18, 3],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [16, 7],
+      [6, -3],
+      [-22, -5],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [-38, -25],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-12, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4790, 5433],
+      [-1, 2],
+      [0, 41],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [8, 15],
+      [1, 23],
+      [-5, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4764, 5618],
+      [7, -1],
+      [3, 10],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [2, 14],
+      [7, 0],
+      [5, -7],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [1, 12],
+      [5, 5],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [1, 32],
+      [4, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4778, 5768],
+      [4, 2],
+      [5, 14],
+      [5, 1],
+      [3, -12],
+      [9, -6],
+      [2, 12],
+      [7, -1],
+      [1, 18],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [5, 2],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [6, -3],
+      [3, 9],
+      [11, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5402, 5930],
+      [2, -13],
+      [7, -8],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [5, -3],
+      [2, -34],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [3, -28],
+      [9, -22],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [11, -27],
+      [17, -29],
+      [3, -1],
+      [8, -30],
+      [2, -17],
+      [4, -2],
+      [-3, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5449, 5312],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-27, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5369, 5307],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-48, 3],
+      [-1, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5314, 5308],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5272, 5318],
+      [0, 12],
+      [4, 27],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [6, 11],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-2, 29],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [2, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5238, 5460],
+      [6, 19],
+      [1, 41],
+      [4, 2],
+      [10, 24],
+      [10, 13],
+      [2, 14],
+      [10, 13],
+      [3, -8],
+      [7, 1],
+      [1, 9],
+      [8, -5],
+      [7, -14],
+      [1, -16],
+      [7, 1],
+      [6, 15],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [10, 15],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [5, 9],
+      [0, 9],
+      [5, 14],
+      [1, 25],
+      [16, 23],
+      [2, 34],
+      [9, 9],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [6, 5],
+      [3, 30],
+      [12, 34],
+      [6, -1],
+      [11, 14],
+      [1, 37],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-3, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5390, 5936],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5397, 5936],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5398, 5936],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5399, 5936],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5944, 7202],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5944, 7202],
+      [-3, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 7202],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 7202],
+      [3, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5905, 7208],
+      [0, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5905, 7209],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5906, 7209],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5907, 7209],
+      [-2, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5935, 7200],
+      [1, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5936, 7198],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5908, 7209],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5908, 7209],
+      [3, -5],
+      [17, 6],
+      [1, -10],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5807, 5072],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [2, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5762, 5475],
+      [2, -10],
+      [7, -8],
+      [0, -10],
+      [16, -18],
+      [12, 12],
+      [6, 1],
+      [5, -9],
+      [7, 12],
+      [0, 6],
+      [10, -5],
+      [0, -12],
+      [4, -3],
+      [7, -21],
+      [10, -6],
+      [0, -14],
+      [6, 4],
+      [2, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5856, 5384],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [3, -15],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [8, -3],
+      [8, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5868, 5308],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [0, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5846, 5254],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-4, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5824, 5177],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [1, -13],
+      [8, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5823, 5155],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-1, -46]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5821, 5103],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-3, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5811, 5086],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-3, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5801, 5040],
+      [4, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5811, 4991],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-1, -49],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-1, -27],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [0, -30],
+      [7, -28],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [10, -49],
+      [6, -14],
+      [6, -6],
+      [6, -13],
+      [2, -29],
+      [7, -10],
+      [2, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5849, 4709],
+      [-28, -8],
+      [-19, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5802, 4694],
+      [-16, -35],
+      [0, -23],
+      [4, -2],
+      [2, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5792, 4643],
+      [4, -21],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [1, -34],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [4, -25],
+      [9, -11],
+      [6, -17],
+      [14, -4],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [9, 5],
+      [0, -75],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-14, 8],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-4, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5366, 4846],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-7, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5363, 4916],
+      [8, -9],
+      [0, -6],
+      [8, 11],
+      [1, 14],
+      [7, -2],
+      [12, 12],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [1, -20],
+      [9, 0],
+      [4, 6],
+      [10, 27],
+      [8, 8],
+      [1, 8],
+      [9, 4],
+      [10, 35],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [12, 25],
+      [0, 7],
+      [11, 30],
+      [8, 5],
+      [12, 27],
+      [0, 21],
+      [3, 25],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [1, 28],
+      [5, 27],
+      [-1, 34],
+      [16, 57],
+      [0, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5333, 4894],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-5, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5308, 4956],
+      [2, 12],
+      [8, 13],
+      [5, -10],
+      [5, -2],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [4, -5],
+      [6, 5],
+      [4, -5],
+      [11, 5],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [5, 5],
+      [5, -5],
+      [5, -26],
+      [11, -4],
+      [9, 13],
+      [1, 6],
+      [9, -22],
+      [5, 9],
+      [0, 20],
+      [5, 5],
+      [1, 41],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [0, 27],
+      [5, 19],
+      [5, 0],
+      [6, 16],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [2, 23],
+      [3, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3018, 5865],
+      [-19, -13],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-2, -37],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [11, 7],
+      [1, -11],
+      [4, 2],
+      [4, -28],
+      [8, -16],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [1, -28],
+      [7, -3],
+      [3, -18],
+      [7, -5],
+      [5, 4],
+      [18, -4],
+      [9, 7],
+      [10, -10],
+      [7, -1],
+      [18, -46],
+      [5, -2],
+      [7, 8],
+      [11, -5],
+      [29, 8],
+      [4, -18],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [0, -66],
+      [5, -28],
+      [4, -2],
+      [5, -17],
+      [-15, -35],
+      [7, -6],
+      [11, -18],
+      [0, -12],
+      [4, -17],
+      [5, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3056, 4939],
+      [-8, 22],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [18, 59],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-26, 25],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [1, 12],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-5, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2909, 5177],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-7, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2810, 5265],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [5, 13],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [0, 13],
+      [7, 19],
+      [10, -5],
+      [0, 9],
+      [9, -4],
+      [1, 22],
+      [12, 29],
+      [0, 6],
+      [7, 20],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-2, 57],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [9, 12],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [3, 5],
+      [1, 19],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-7, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2836, 5599],
+      [2, 14],
+      [13, 12],
+      [1, 13],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-6, 28],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [3, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2850, 5682],
+      [12, -31],
+      [1, -12],
+      [5, 0],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [7, 5],
+      [10, 15],
+      [6, 23],
+      [12, 4],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [3, 2],
+      [0, 16],
+      [8, 14],
+      [11, 14],
+      [9, -5],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [7, -4],
+      [4, 18],
+      [1, 14],
+      [10, -3],
+      [15, 1],
+      [6, 12],
+      [10, 13],
+      [13, 10],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [6, 1],
+      [12, 10],
+      [8, -6],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-6, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6235, 4487],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [3, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6207, 4496],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [1, 21],
+      [4, 1],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [3, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4324, 6037],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [5, 2],
+      [0, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4340, 6065],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [1, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4365, 6116],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [3, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4303, 6173],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [7, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2676, 5812],
+      [7, -32],
+      [16, -36],
+      [7, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2706, 5734],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [0, -23],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [2, -19],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [4, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2697, 5645],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [5, -10],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [9, -12],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [1, 16],
+      [3, 2],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [7, 2],
+      [0, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2619, 5821],
+      [2, 7],
+      [21, -15],
+      [5, 7],
+      [13, -10],
+      [0, -5],
+      [8, -5],
+      [8, 5],
+      [0, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2698, 6446],
+      [5, -3],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [7, 1],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2836, 6454],
+      [6, -1],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-5, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2823, 6481],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [9, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2914, 6329],
+      [-1, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2913, 6333],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2912, 6333],
+      [-2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2910, 6329],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-15, 6],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [6, 17],
+      [9, 10],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-19, -1],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-13, 8],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [12, 1],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-25, 1],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [10, 9],
+      [5, 0],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [3, 11],
+      [12, 15],
+      [14, 8],
+      [3, 6],
+      [19, 3],
+      [9, 8],
+      [27, -2],
+      [3, -6],
+      [15, 2],
+      [6, -8],
+      [10, 1],
+      [11, -12],
+      [9, -20],
+      [15, -1],
+      [13, -13],
+      [5, -1],
+      [7, -16],
+      [12, -5],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [12, -16],
+      [5, -11],
+      [23, -17],
+      [0, -5],
+      [12, 2],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [2, -9],
+      [20, 1],
+      [7, -5],
+      [9, -19],
+      [5, 2],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-10, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3089, 5876],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [3, 2],
+      [8, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5905, 7209],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 7202],
+      [-6, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5908, 7209],
+      [6, 1],
+      [0, 11],
+      [14, -4],
+      [17, 8],
+      [15, 13],
+      [0, -3],
+      [-19, -22],
+      [3, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5938, 7197],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5938, 7197],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5937, 7198],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5944, 7202],
+      [-3, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 7196],
+      [0, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5936, 7198],
+      [0, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5936, 7197],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-16, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5917, 7177],
+      [-8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5909, 7178],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [1, 9],
+      [7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5907, 7209],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5411, 8112],
+      [4, 8],
+      [9, -9],
+      [14, -7],
+      [6, -6],
+      [12, -3],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [13, -20],
+      [10, 7],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [9, -2],
+      [19, -24],
+      [4, 4],
+      [7, -7],
+      [8, 0],
+      [8, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5523, 8034],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-8, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5383, 7990],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [6, 13],
+      [26, 11],
+      [3, 8],
+      [9, 1],
+      [13, 9],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [15, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5255, 7927],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5394, 8289],
+      [0, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5394, 8285],
+      [0, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5371, 8330],
+      [6, -3],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [1, 12],
+      [6, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5262, 8339],
+      [4, 3],
+      [12, -11],
+      [5, -15],
+      [13, -5],
+      [11, 2],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [12, -2],
+      [8, -7],
+      [5, 14],
+      [11, 2],
+      [14, 11],
+      [13, 4],
+      [3, -10],
+      [10, -8],
+      [6, 2],
+      [3, -17],
+      [13, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5396, 8275],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [12, -14],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [7, -21],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [2, -11],
+      [7, -4],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-6, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5269, 7921],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [1, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5210, 7923],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [8, 55],
+      [9, 11],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-13, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5176, 8030],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-5, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5166, 8104],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [9, 22],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [5, 10],
+      [8, -4],
+      [10, 5],
+      [8, 28],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [2, 9],
+      [8, 1],
+      [4, 18],
+      [0, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5199, 8249],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [6, 6],
+      [21, 2],
+      [6, -18],
+      [0, 12],
+      [8, -4],
+      [2, 20],
+      [9, 1],
+      [-8, 29],
+      [10, 6],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-1, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5240, 8344],
+      [22, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6201, 5844],
+      [-9, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6192, 5816],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [-4, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6160, 5821],
+      [0, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6160, 5833],
+      [0, 24],
+      [10, 22],
+      [7, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6177, 5901],
+      [8, -6],
+      [3, 9],
+      [9, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6197, 5915],
+      [6, -14],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [13, 3],
+      [3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3294, 6081],
+      [4, -5],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [2, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5312, 8347],
+      [17, -10],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [2, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5348, 8350],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5272, 8355],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [1, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5413, 8363],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [3, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5287, 8385],
+      [7, 0],
+      [6, -15],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [19, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5342, 8415],
+      [7, -3],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [8, -11],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-4, 32],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [13, 12],
+      [5, -13],
+      [14, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5247, 8463],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [11, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5240, 8344],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [3, 14],
+      [6, 5],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [0, 34],
+      [16, 1],
+      [7, 12],
+      [9, -10],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [18, 12],
+      [-32, -9],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [11, 20],
+      [17, 1],
+      [9, 6],
+      [10, 19],
+      [20, 10],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [2, -23],
+      [12, -1],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [8, -8],
+      [-8, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3006, 6222],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-6, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3002, 6248],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3002, 6248],
+      [-1, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3001, 6250],
+      [-1, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3000, 6254],
+      [8, 11],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-4, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3006, 6318],
+      [3, 11],
+      [14, -4],
+      [4, 6],
+      [11, -10],
+      [5, 1],
+      [4, -8],
+      [11, 0],
+      [4, -20],
+      [6, 2],
+      [11, -3],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [0, -8],
+      [24, -7],
+      [12, -20],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-4, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5238, 7310],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [6, -5],
+      [-4, -35],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [4, -5],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [7, -25],
+      [0, -11],
+      [10, -7],
+      [6, -15],
+      [2, -20],
+      [19, -24],
+      [7, -62],
+      [6, -44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5264, 6924],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [11, -29],
+      [5, -37],
+      [-2, -44],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-5, -34],
+      [2, -21],
+      [3, -4],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [18, -52],
+      [0, -25],
+      [5, -5],
+      [1, -10],
+      [6, -6],
+      [7, 5],
+      [21, -13],
+      [3, -4],
+      [11, -43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5332, 6537],
+      [-28, -35],
+      [-99, -122],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-17, -32],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-39, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5117, 6285],
+      [-26, -9],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [1, 19],
+      [-14, 18],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-36, 49],
+      [-21, 30],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-51, 70]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4866, 6622],
+      [-64, 78],
+      [-16, 21],
+      [-28, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4758, 6754],
+      [0, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4758, 6776],
+      [0, 59],
+      [12, 18],
+      [18, 22],
+      [7, 0],
+      [8, 8],
+      [10, 0],
+      [27, 5],
+      [6, -5],
+      [7, 21],
+      [11, 17],
+      [11, 11],
+      [6, 11],
+      [17, 8],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [4, 4],
+      [1, 15],
+      [23, 9],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [12, 5],
+      [35, -3],
+      [0, 17],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [2, 18],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [3, 6],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-12, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4938, 7203],
+      [8, 0],
+      [18, 16],
+      [2, 12],
+      [11, 12],
+      [8, 0],
+      [1, 7],
+      [6, -5],
+      [8, 2],
+      [5, 15],
+      [24, 22],
+      [25, 4],
+      [10, 4],
+      [8, -2],
+      [11, 13],
+      [3, -4],
+      [12, 2],
+      [9, 8],
+      [21, -1],
+      [13, -7],
+      [8, -8],
+      [10, 11],
+      [14, 5],
+      [6, 10],
+      [12, -12],
+      [8, 2],
+      [0, 9],
+      [9, -1],
+      [7, -10],
+      [13, 4],
+      [10, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2774, 5010],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [0, 11],
+      [5, 9],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-6, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2519, 5143],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [9, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2493, 5154],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [1, 11],
+      [7, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2459, 5168],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [6, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2478, 5174],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2463, 5192],
+      [4, -22],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [12, 14],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [5, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2909, 5177],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [6, -20],
+      [4, -4],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-4, -27],
+      [-15, -40],
+      [-16, -25],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [10, 10],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-3, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2768, 4987],
+      [11, 12],
+      [6, 40],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-11, 18],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [10, 7],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [12, 24],
+      [1, 31],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [12, 11],
+      [19, 9],
+      [4, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5949, 6986],
+      [2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5951, 6980],
+      [17, -99]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5968, 6881],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [6, -10],
+      [3, -16],
+      [0, -14],
+      [4, -6],
+      [14, -42],
+      [5, -5],
+      [5, -36],
+      [4, -4],
+      [5, -25],
+      [0, -11],
+      [11, -43],
+      [15, -51],
+      [8, -35],
+      [15, -29],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [2, -41],
+      [3, -16],
+      [6, -13],
+      [10, -6],
+      [2, -8],
+      [16, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6024, 6449],
+      [-78, 0],
+      [-73, 0],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [-57, 0],
+      [-71, 0],
+      [-46, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5693, 6449],
+      [0, 421],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [6, 20],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [0, 14],
+      [8, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5698, 7006],
+      [1, -7],
+      [7, -2],
+      [12, 7],
+      [14, -6],
+      [27, -8],
+      [1, -7],
+      [8, -5],
+      [5, 4],
+      [4, -9],
+      [21, -6],
+      [8, -9],
+      [13, 7],
+      [16, 22],
+      [4, -4],
+      [4, 14],
+      [3, -3],
+      [11, 6],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [9, 2],
+      [7, 11],
+      [13, -9],
+      [8, 5],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [7, -4],
+      [1, -7],
+      [6, 2],
+      [0, 9],
+      [6, -10],
+      [7, -4],
+      [31, 7],
+      [9, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6111, 6097],
+      [3, -11],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6177, 5901],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-9, -45],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6014, 6004],
+      [-3, 51],
+      [6, 17],
+      [1, 18],
+      [3, 5],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [3, 6],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [12, -2],
+      [3, 17],
+      [21, 13],
+      [5, 18],
+      [5, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6072, 6220],
+      [9, -35],
+      [0, -9],
+      [6, -31],
+      [1, -24],
+      [3, -23],
+      [4, -4],
+      [0, -17],
+      [5, -2],
+      [2, -22],
+      [4, -1],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [3, 4],
+      [6, -7],
+      [0, -17],
+      [6, -8],
+      [3, 5],
+      [6, -3],
+      [3, -12],
+      [12, -6],
+      [12, -31],
+      [2, -9],
+      [9, -6],
+      [3, -12],
+      [3, 1],
+      [4, -13],
+      [1, -13],
+      [4, 2],
+      [6, -13],
+      [0, -8],
+      [10, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 7196],
+      [-3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5938, 7197],
+      [-2, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4503, 6784],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [8, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4571, 6803],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [2, 19],
+      [8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4552, 6828],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-6, 21],
+      [12, 4],
+      [4, 8],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4604, 6803],
+      [7, 35],
+      [5, -4],
+      [-4, -26],
+      [-8, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4503, 6844],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [3, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4626, 6861],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4919, 7214],
+      [-1, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4918, 7217],
+      [1, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4851, 7247],
+      [-1, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4850, 7252],
+      [1, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5043, 7435],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [10, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5088, 7483],
+      [0, -11],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [9, 14],
+      [14, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5114, 7490],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [9, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5055, 7627],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4950, 7681],
+      [11, -8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [16, -8],
+      [6, -11],
+      [6, 3],
+      [8, -7],
+      [20, 0],
+      [0, 9],
+      [18, -7],
+      [3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5047, 7630],
+      [8, -9],
+      [8, 4],
+      [6, -5],
+      [12, 8],
+      [7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5088, 7625],
+      [4, -5],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-23, -20],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-7, -18],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-11, -32],
+      [3, -21],
+      [6, -15],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-21, -22],
+      [-9, -36],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-19, -4],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-42, -1],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-4, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4851, 7264],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4851, 7264],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-9, 24],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-14, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4794, 7325],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [7, 27],
+      [6, 2],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [1, 17],
+      [6, 6],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [14, 0],
+      [4, 14],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [8, 16],
+      [6, 4],
+      [6, 14],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-15, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4756, 7600],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [12, 17],
+      [5, -3],
+      [11, 5],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [13, 17],
+      [6, 2],
+      [13, -13],
+      [36, 2],
+      [14, -2],
+      [17, -9],
+      [16, 0],
+      [17, 6],
+      [3, -6],
+      [11, -2],
+      [10, 4],
+      [16, -8],
+      [10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5628, 8557],
+      [8, 2],
+      [12, -10],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [0, 13],
+      [22, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5631, 8581],
+      [8, -10],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [19, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5778, 8608],
+      [4, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5782, 8601],
+      [-5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5777, 8600],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5780, 8599],
+      [-7, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5773, 8590],
+      [-4, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5769, 8580],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [13, -28],
+      [6, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5767, 8523],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-6, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5759, 8496],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [-26, 13],
+      [-21, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5675, 8515],
+      [7, 26],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [6, 3],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [18, 5],
+      [6, 10],
+      [30, 1],
+      [8, 10],
+      [35, -13],
+      [27, -2],
+      [3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6160, 5833],
+      [0, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6192, 5816],
+      [-8, -22],
+      [5, -23],
+      [5, -13],
+      [6, -8],
+      [1, -13],
+      [4, -12],
+      [5, -4],
+      [12, -21],
+      [51, -34],
+      [31, -23],
+      [28, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6332, 5643],
+      [-21, -43],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-7, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6163, 5412],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-26, -24],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [-25, 12],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-28, 36],
+      [-23, 1],
+      [-3, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 5449],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [5, 9],
+      [0, 17],
+      [12, 3],
+      [2, -5],
+      [7, 3],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-1, 50]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 5727],
+      [4, 33],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [7, 18],
+      [6, -7],
+      [5, 5],
+      [0, 25],
+      [4, 16],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [6, 8],
+      [2, 12],
+      [11, 31],
+      [11, 1],
+      [0, 19],
+      [3, 19],
+      [6, 24],
+      [2, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5634, 8649],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [12, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5804, 9158],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [8, -9],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [7, -21],
+      [18, -7],
+      [18, -21],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-23, -30],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [13, -20],
+      [11, -25],
+      [5, -23],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [2, -32],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [6, -11],
+      [9, -1],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [14, -8],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [14, -16],
+      [21, -15],
+      [9, -17],
+      [-9, -24],
+      [-25, -28],
+      [-15, -23],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-27, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5772, 8670],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-19, -2],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-38, -11],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-12, 14],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [5, 3],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [3, 22],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [3, 27],
+      [13, 9],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [11, -3],
+      [13, 8],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [17, 9],
+      [3, 10],
+      [13, 6],
+      [10, 18],
+      [17, 18],
+      [5, 16],
+      [25, 8],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-33, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5671, 8973],
+      [-15, 37],
+      [10, 20],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [5, 16],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-23, 26],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-41, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5572, 9158],
+      [12, 1],
+      [7, 14],
+      [10, -2],
+      [21, -31],
+      [22, -6],
+      [20, 12],
+      [27, -15],
+      [7, 13],
+      [18, 12],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [6, 22],
+      [15, 15],
+      [16, -2],
+      [22, 10],
+      [17, -16],
+      [18, -7],
+      [6, -12],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [3, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9954, 4093],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [12, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9951, 4184],
+      [0, -5],
+      [9, -12],
+      [2, -26],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-15, 11],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [5, 7],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [7, 12],
+      [18, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 4252],
+      [9987, -23],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [4, 2],
+      [7, 14],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [12, 16],
+      [13, 4],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-9984, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3351, 2225],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [16, 3],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [12, 1],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [11, -5],
+      [9, 6],
+      [15, -3],
+      [1, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3368, 2227],
+      [7, 2],
+      [4, -8],
+      [12, 3],
+      [4, -18],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [8, -4],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-9, 12],
+      [6, 17],
+      [13, 11],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [10, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6541, 3981],
+      [5, -2],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [8, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6252, 4454],
+      [4, -5],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [0, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3483, 5317],
+      [7, 10],
+      [4, 16],
+      [2, 29],
+      [4, 19],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [4, 16],
+      [5, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3495, 5491],
+      [3, 5],
+      [3, 18],
+      [12, -10],
+      [11, -4],
+      [6, -6],
+      [10, -19],
+      [22, -31],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-1, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3306, 6034],
+      [4, -11],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [1, 11],
+      [5, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3288, 6120],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [5, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3295, 6124],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [1, 18],
+      [3, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5262, 7641],
+      [2, -7],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [2, 19],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [3, 10],
+      [13, 13],
+      [6, -1],
+      [3, 16],
+      [0, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5160, 8036],
+      [5, -6],
+      [11, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5172, 7849],
+      [16, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5195, 7827],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [5, -18],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [3, -11],
+      [8, -5],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [4, -14],
+      [10, -7],
+      [9, 3],
+      [-4, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5208, 7705],
+      [-2, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5206, 7702],
+      [-2, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5204, 7701],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [0, -26],
+      [4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4950, 7681],
+      [9, 13],
+      [6, 48],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [4, 49],
+      [11, -11],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [3, 6],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-20, 14],
+      [-9, 18],
+      [4, 14],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [12, 5],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [1, 13],
+      [10, 6],
+      [22, 0],
+      [2, 9],
+      [12, 2],
+      [10, -20],
+      [12, 9],
+      [16, -4],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [0, 18],
+      [16, 0],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [5, -6],
+      [30, -4],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [2, 11],
+      [10, 9],
+      [18, 7],
+      [11, 15],
+      [0, 37],
+      [10, 8],
+      [17, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4800, 8771],
+      [13, -21],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4808, 8772],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [2, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9394, 5584],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [1, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5308, 4956],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [7, -8],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-9, 21],
+      [1, 10],
+      [8, 2],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [5, 6],
+      [2, -7],
+      [2, 12],
+      [6, 13],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [2, -7],
+      [11, -2],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [9, -6],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [3, 7],
+      [4, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5272, 5240],
+      [6, 1],
+      [36, -1],
+      [0, 68]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4964, 8107],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [7, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4883, 8252],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [10, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4825, 8298],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [11, 10],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [11, 2],
+      [8, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4798, 8354],
+      [20, 10],
+      [13, -2],
+      [0, -8],
+      [18, -35],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [-6, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4857, 8375],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [7, -1],
+      [0, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4830, 8398],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [1, 10],
+      [10, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4839, 8409],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [9, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4832, 8443],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [7, 10],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [9, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4795, 8489],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [1, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4800, 8503],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [9, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4824, 8506],
+      [5, -20],
+      [14, -6],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [11, 5],
+      [2, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4827, 8543],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [2, 15],
+      [23, 15],
+      [0, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4907, 8560],
+      [9, 0],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-22, -20],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [22, 8],
+      [20, -3],
+      [16, 2],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [8, -10],
+      [-21, -15],
+      [9, -4],
+      [11, 6],
+      [13, -8],
+      [14, -19],
+      [4, -29],
+      [8, -27],
+      [19, -9],
+      [4, -13],
+      [8, -7],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [11, -24],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [12, -23],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [8, -7],
+      [5, 11],
+      [20, -2],
+      [11, -10],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-14, -26],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [12, -3],
+      [13, 1],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-27, 9],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [19, 25],
+      [7, 14],
+      [1, 12],
+      [6, -1],
+      [2, 11],
+      [12, 3],
+      [11, -4],
+      [11, 2],
+      [8, 20],
+      [-23, -9],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [13, 6],
+      [20, 18],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [11, 12],
+      [5, 11],
+      [27, 10],
+      [8, 19],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [5, 2],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [9, 26],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [11, 19],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [3, 22],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [5, 24],
+      [8, 18],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [0, 17],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [7, 25],
+      [12, 0],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [11, 21],
+      [20, -6],
+      [26, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4912, 8589],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4964, 8673],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [9, 7],
+      [2, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6206, 7550],
+      [-23, 27],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-8, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6153, 7573],
+      [7, 17],
+      [-8, 51],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [-8, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6110, 7681],
+      [2, 9],
+      [16, 0],
+      [27, -19],
+      [21, 2],
+      [7, -6],
+      [6, 1],
+      [10, -14],
+      [17, -9],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [6, -4],
+      [16, 12],
+      [7, -8],
+      [4, 8],
+      [11, -14],
+      [11, 0],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [8, -10],
+      [14, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4995, 5824],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [10, -13],
+      [3, -27],
+      [-4, -30],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [9, -19],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [0, -28],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [6, -28],
+      [8, -9],
+      [5, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5032, 5534],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-24, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4913, 5477],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4851, 7264],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4683, 5897],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [6, -9],
+      [6, 11],
+      [4, 0],
+      [8, -17],
+      [4, 13],
+      [5, 5],
+      [16, -11],
+      [2, 7],
+      [14, 19],
+      [5, -5],
+      [2, -20],
+      [3, -1],
+      [-1, -21],
+      [13, -17],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [5, 5],
+      [6, -3],
+      [0, -28],
+      [9, -12],
+      [0, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4764, 5618],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [3, 19],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4714, 5671],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [5, 15],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-15, 39],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [-12, -21],
+      [-5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4630, 5703],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-20, 29],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-2, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4582, 5814],
+      [8, 30],
+      [12, 8],
+      [16, 4],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [7, 3],
+      [-1, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4618, 5913],
+      [19, -3],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [17, -6],
+      [3, -5],
+      [7, 6],
+      [20, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4534, 5935],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [4, 7],
+      [8, -14],
+      [5, 5],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-1, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4540, 5965],
+      [29, 0],
+      [4, 12],
+      [7, 2],
+      [8, -5],
+      [2, -7],
+      [6, 1],
+      [4, -10],
+      [12, 7],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4553, 5826],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [5, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4582, 5814],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [5, 15],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [2, 11],
+      [8, -1],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-7, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4535, 5893],
+      [14, 7],
+      [15, -1],
+      [13, 14],
+      [41, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5272, 5240],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [3, 15],
+      [10, 28],
+      [0, 26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5243, 5399],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [0, 10],
+      [4, 1],
+      [1, 11],
+      [4, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5663, 7229],
+      [13, -11],
+      [9, 5],
+      [22, -8],
+      [8, 3],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [9, 6],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-25, -2],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-24, 5],
+      [1, 17],
+      [4, 5],
+      [5, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5756, 7245],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [4, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5640, 7268],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [0, 12],
+      [4, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5784, 7281],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [5, 13],
+      [10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5710, 7319],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5731, 7350],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [2, 7],
+      [8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5748, 7357],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [10, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5576, 7363],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [4, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5690, 7366],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [5, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5571, 7398],
+      [6, -23],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [5, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5723, 7405],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5651, 7423],
+      [11, -14],
+      [8, 0],
+      [5, -29],
+      [7, 0],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [13, 12],
+      [4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5733, 7446],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [13, 8],
+      [2, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5553, 7474],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5706, 7488],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [0, 9],
+      [11, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5688, 7522],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [4, 10],
+      [4, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5586, 7536],
+      [18, 3],
+      [4, 11],
+      [23, 3],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5731, 7585],
+      [7, -8],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-8, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5723, 7529],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [0, -6],
+      [10, -14],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [8, -15],
+      [2, -11],
+      [5, -6],
+      [7, -17],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [17, -11],
+      [0, -9],
+      [8, -2],
+      [13, -15],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [2, -25],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [5, -3],
+      [0, -11],
+      [10, -10],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [0, -8],
+      [7, -21],
+      [3, -20],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-13, 17],
+      [7, 16],
+      [7, 2],
+      [6, 9],
+      [19, -10],
+      [10, -12],
+      [9, 10],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-5, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5583, 7526],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7531],
+      [4, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3288, 5876],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [5, 13],
+      [0, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3786, 8632],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [4, 9],
+      [8, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3787, 8645],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [12, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3846, 8835],
+      [12, -11],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [9, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3579, 8886],
+      [3, 14],
+      [6, -4],
+      [-9, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3876, 8910],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-10, 26],
+      [11, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3961, 8973],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-18, -2],
+      [0, 10],
+      [16, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3583, 9209],
+      [9, -5],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [11, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3535, 9210],
+      [20, -7],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-40, -14],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [8, 9],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-6, 23],
+      [14, 9],
+      [30, -7],
+      [15, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4292, 9258],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-56, -5],
+      [5, 12],
+      [24, 14],
+      [11, 0],
+      [27, 11],
+      [6, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3513, 9274],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [9, 10],
+      [4, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3537, 9281],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [21, 1],
+      [-7, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3472, 9375],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [17, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4335, 9380],
+      [22, -3],
+      [33, -25],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [17, -11],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-50, 20],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [0, 15],
+      [13, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4354, 9391],
+      [36, -8],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [0, 5],
+      [36, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4333, 9407],
+      [21, -8],
+      [-47, 6],
+      [55, -12],
+      [-48, -4],
+      [-29, 9],
+      [13, 12],
+      [35, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4418, 9469],
+      [11, -1],
+      [11, -14],
+      [-32, -5],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [3, 8],
+      [25, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4439, 9496],
+      [13, -2],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [13, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4505, 9520],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [21, -2],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-30, -2],
+      [2, 17],
+      [29, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4481, 9596],
+      [3, -41],
+      [-16, 34],
+      [13, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2994, 9643],
+      [23, -5],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-2, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4445, 9674],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-32, 9],
+      [14, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4519, 9788],
+      [-33, -16],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [49, 14],
+      [10, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3575, 9904],
+      [-53, 7],
+      [4, 13],
+      [49, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3722, 9942],
+      [44, -15],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-44, 11],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [48, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3880, 9983],
+      [38, -14],
+      [-47, 9],
+      [9, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4105, 9998],
+      [43, -1],
+      [139, -17],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-116, -3],
+      [-142, -14],
+      [100, 5],
+      [47, 8],
+      [96, -4],
+      [39, 6],
+      [2, -18],
+      [34, 4],
+      [72, -17],
+      [-31, -17],
+      [-54, -4],
+      [-152, -7],
+      [-81, -17],
+      [1, -9],
+      [30, 8],
+      [107, 13],
+      [89, -4],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-44, -9],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [85, 20],
+      [2, 14],
+      [51, 4],
+      [11, -19],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-56, -36],
+      [-16, -18],
+      [53, 26],
+      [58, 30],
+      [75, -8],
+      [37, 24],
+      [53, -1],
+      [57, -12],
+      [13, -8],
+      [-64, -27],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-31, -8],
+      [-46, 1],
+      [36, -15],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-40, -3],
+      [-44, 6],
+      [-25, -22],
+      [11, -12],
+      [20, 3],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [17, -12],
+      [-27, -8],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-28, -2],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [-18, -22],
+      [18, 0],
+      [10, 17],
+      [51, -16],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-19, 10],
+      [-22, -2],
+      [38, -26],
+      [10, 6],
+      [21, -5],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-35, 13],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [-14, -8],
+      [10, -12],
+      [18, 1],
+      [0, -16],
+      [19, 4],
+      [30, -4],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [21, -14],
+      [3, -29],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-26, 17],
+      [8, -12],
+      [24, -14],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [30, -5],
+      [7, 6],
+      [13, -11],
+      [-18, -15],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-36, -2],
+      [-11, -18],
+      [9, -27],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [9, 3],
+      [36, -10],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-18, -14],
+      [-36, 11],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [24, -7],
+      [-16, -14],
+      [22, -6],
+      [6, -12],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [21, 1],
+      [23, -15],
+      [33, -16],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [20, 9],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [2, -17],
+      [9, 14],
+      [10, -1],
+      [0, -35],
+      [8, -18],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-19, 0],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [-9, 27],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-15, 14],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-26, 23],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [31, -13],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [26, -8],
+      [25, 1],
+      [11, -12],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-44, 2],
+      [14, -7],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [2, -11],
+      [40, 7],
+      [13, -6],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [34, -3],
+      [11, 16],
+      [15, -4],
+      [29, 13],
+      [23, -11],
+      [25, -7],
+      [33, 0],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-19, -2],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [-17, -1],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-26, -21],
+      [-31, -10],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [-23, 1],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-18, 10],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-30, -3],
+      [-30, 17],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-12, -33],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [15, 16],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [1, -12],
+      [14, -11],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [3, -8],
+      [18, -1],
+      [7, -27],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [12, -15],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [9, -15],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [12, -11],
+      [9, -1],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [11, 5],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [9, -6],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [20, -7],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [14, -18],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [3, 19],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-11, 20],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-19, -8],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [14, 12],
+      [-20, 6],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [7, 5],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [8, 10],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [5, 28],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [15, 8],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [14, -1],
+      [13, 13],
+      [6, 16],
+      [9, -13],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-19, -33],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [1, 29],
+      [22, 16],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-23, 50],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [19, 15],
+      [18, 9],
+      [21, 21],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-33, -23],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [1, 22],
+      [11, 11],
+      [16, -1],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-34, 3],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [49, 13],
+      [17, -3],
+      [12, 6],
+      [-28, -2],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-21, -2],
+      [2, 10],
+      [25, 18],
+      [15, 2],
+      [12, -7],
+      [24, 4],
+      [-49, 5],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [0, 18],
+      [22, 10],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [15, -1],
+      [16, -8],
+      [21, 2],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [7, 12],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [13, 14],
+      [18, 4],
+      [23, -2],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [7, 22],
+      [16, -8],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [10, 18],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [15, 4],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [11, 6],
+      [48, -8],
+      [25, -15],
+      [24, -6],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-24, 21],
+      [17, -6],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-22, -1],
+      [16, 9],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [5, 13],
+      [24, 4],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [25, 4],
+      [-41, 6],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-24, 1],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [17, 13],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [19, 13],
+      [-21, 11],
+      [17, 5],
+      [10, 12],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [4, 18],
+      [-30, 38],
+      [7, 13],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [7, 11],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [13, 3],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-26, 9],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-42, 5],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-27, 5],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-35, -1],
+      [7, 10],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [23, -12],
+      [-58, 9],
+      [-30, 15],
+      [36, 17],
+      [-57, 7],
+      [-26, 11],
+      [12, 12],
+      [50, 5],
+      [21, 6],
+      [50, -3],
+      [14, 9],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-24, -11],
+      [-45, -4],
+      [-29, 6],
+      [21, 8],
+      [-33, -1],
+      [13, 9],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-44, 23],
+      [8, 21],
+      [91, 16],
+      [8, 10],
+      [43, 9],
+      [42, -2],
+      [31, 23],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [-56, 2],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [39, 20],
+      [28, 7],
+      [8, 12],
+      [46, 13],
+      [44, -9],
+      [16, 6],
+      [6, 19],
+      [-19, 15],
+      [104, 24],
+      [90, 11],
+      [24, -14],
+      [-6, -33],
+      [24, 17],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [85, -18],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [44, 0],
+      [-31, 12],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [65, -8],
+      [77, -19],
+      [22, -14],
+      [25, 1],
+      [-8, 28],
+      [38, -1],
+      [-68, 26],
+      [132, 2],
+      [-157, 7],
+      [28, 14],
+      [74, 4],
+      [6, 5],
+      [54, -17],
+      [95, 1],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [53, 5],
+      [-49, 3],
+      [0, 13],
+      [180, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2530, 6098],
+      [8, -8],
+      [4, 5],
+      [7, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2549, 6088],
+      [-17, -28],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-6, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2517, 6013],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2497, 5973],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-17, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2437, 6020],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [1, 10],
+      [11, 38],
+      [36, 0],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [12, 0],
+      [1, 33],
+      [50, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9022, 5957],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [5, 12],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3409, 5499],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-6, -39],
+      [4, -7],
+      [2, -13],
+      [5, -8],
+      [0, -8],
+      [10, 0],
+      [2, -28],
+      [6, -15],
+      [0, -8],
+      [9, -27],
+      [6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3312, 5482],
+      [-18, 43],
+      [8, 14],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [9, 7],
+      [5, -2],
+      [11, 21],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [5, 19],
+      [5, 3],
+      [15, 22],
+      [-6, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3332, 5676],
+      [4, -9],
+      [7, -3],
+      [15, -20],
+      [17, -36],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [1, -10],
+      [3, 13],
+      [4, 2],
+      [10, -8],
+      [9, -18],
+      [2, -9],
+      [6, -1],
+      [5, -11],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8172, 6482],
+      [5, -7],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [5, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7037, 2130],
+      [10, -6],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-3, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2691, 6046],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [2, -26],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-11, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2574, 5930],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-10, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2560, 5955],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2549, 6088],
+      [8, 9],
+      [7, 2],
+      [7, -7],
+      [2, 4],
+      [12, -6],
+      [4, 3],
+      [12, -1],
+      [13, 11],
+      [15, -6],
+      [11, 6],
+      [18, -9],
+      [13, -22],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [10, -19],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [9, -6],
+      [4, -13],
+      [4, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5512, 7634],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5513, 7625],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-27, 21],
+      [12, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5466, 7679],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [10, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5412, 7751],
+      [11, -14],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-1, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5401, 7772],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [5, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5404, 7789],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [2, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5458, 7861],
+      [5, -3],
+      [18, -29],
+      [6, 0],
+      [9, -10],
+      [17, 0],
+      [11, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5524, 7828],
+      [3, -33],
+      [12, -10],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-1, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5488, 7656],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [8, 5],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-9, 12],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [0, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5377, 7802],
+      [9, -3],
+      [13, 3],
+      [6, 6],
+      [20, -9],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [12, 6],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [9, 5],
+      [8, 12],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3002, 6248],
+      [-1, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2977, 6260],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [1, 7],
+      [11, -10],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3000, 6254],
+      [2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3006, 6222],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-24, -5],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [2, 15],
+      [6, 2],
+      [16, -10],
+      [24, -4],
+      [4, 8],
+      [7, -2],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [1, 19],
+      [3, 2],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [8, 10],
+      [11, 2],
+      [13, -11],
+      [15, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5614, 7970],
+      [21, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5635, 7944],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-10, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5562, 7838],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [-11, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5458, 7861],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5476, 7947],
+      [6, -1],
+      [10, -13],
+      [15, 0],
+      [14, 3],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [7, 4],
+      [14, 3],
+      [4, 7],
+      [8, -7],
+      [12, 11],
+      [3, 13],
+      [9, 3],
+      [9, -5],
+      [11, 3],
+      [5, -11],
+      [12, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8426, 4574],
+      [2, -3],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [0, 8],
+      [6, 3],
+      [10, 17],
+      [-1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8386, 4582],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [7, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8333, 4644],
+      [9, -18],
+      [4, 2],
+      [10, -24],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [10, 10],
+      [20, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8473, 4637],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-16, -29],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-12, -5],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [2, 16],
+      [10, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8444, 4645],
+      [2, -5],
+      [7, 4],
+      [3, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8456, 4654],
+      [13, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8469, 4667],
+      [7, -5],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [3, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8318, 4695],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [1, 18],
+      [2, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8424, 4708],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [4, 11],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8242, 4700],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [3, -4],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [6, 6],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [7, 13],
+      [8, -1],
+      [5, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8442, 4708],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [12, 4],
+      [3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8450, 4700],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [11, 16],
+      [-2, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8858, 4702],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [7, 12],
+      [3, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8265, 4700],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [5, 2],
+      [-3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8459, 4715],
+      [2, -3],
+      [13, 1],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [3, 18],
+      [3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8550, 4716],
+      [8, -3],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-6, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8276, 4716],
+      [4, 0],
+      [5, -15],
+      [6, 7],
+      [6, -6],
+      [8, 2],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [12, 14],
+      [6, -8],
+      [4, 5],
+      [6, -18],
+      [14, 4],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [7, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8415, 4713],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [0, 11],
+      [13, 18],
+      [19, -4],
+      [15, -16],
+      [15, 11],
+      [6, -12],
+      [6, 1],
+      [0, 7],
+      [12, 12],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [3, 8],
+      [3, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8208, 4712],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [12, -6],
+      [8, 8],
+      [10, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8604, 4733],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8519, 4741],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [5, 21],
+      [11, -2],
+      [8, 7],
+      [2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8857, 4720],
+      [-12, -20],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [5, 24],
+      [6, 21],
+      [6, 8],
+      [11, 6],
+      [5, -1],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-5, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8656, 4770],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [3, 28],
+      [10, 23],
+      [2, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8664, 4774],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [6, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8166, 4787],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [4, 15],
+      [32, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8204, 4789],
+      [6, -5],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [4, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8738, 4813],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [3, 6],
+      [4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8733, 4812],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [2, 30],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [9, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7948, 4837],
+      [3, 4],
+      [13, -9],
+      [8, 1],
+      [0, 9],
+      [9, -3],
+      [2, -10],
+      [7, -5],
+      [6, 2],
+      [5, -8],
+      [8, 5],
+      [5, -14],
+      [2, -16],
+      [11, -1],
+      [10, -5],
+      [4, 4],
+      [11, -7],
+      [7, 4],
+      [5, -7],
+      [7, 8],
+      [2, 19],
+      [4, 5],
+      [7, -1],
+      [3, -15],
+      [12, 3],
+      [12, -14],
+      [16, 1],
+      [0, -13],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [16, -15],
+      [12, 4],
+      [7, 6],
+      [13, -11],
+      [-3, -41],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-20, 20],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-13, 8],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-18, 10],
+      [-23, 1],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-20, -2],
+      [3, 10],
+      [2, -8],
+      [4, 17],
+      [5, 1],
+      [1, 18],
+      [5, 17],
+      [4, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8346, 4810],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-2, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8685, 4859],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [1, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8737, 4870],
+      [5, -12],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [2, 19],
+      [6, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7843, 4868],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [9, -3],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8386, 4889],
+      [2, 1],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [3, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8410, 4898],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [11, 13],
+      [2, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8422, 4913],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [5, 17],
+      [3, 22],
+      [0, 15],
+      [4, 10],
+      [6, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8418, 4952],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8564, 4977],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [3, 10],
+      [8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8225, 4951],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [3, 18],
+      [4, 5],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-5, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8523, 5004],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [6, -2],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-15, 15],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [1, 12],
+      [11, 5],
+      [12, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8598, 5023],
+      [14, -13],
+      [8, 1],
+      [7, -8],
+      [1, -15],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [8, 6],
+      [1, 12],
+      [21, 0],
+      [5, -5],
+      [13, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7789, 5006],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [0, 8],
+      [6, -7],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7994, 5036],
+      [13, -12],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [0, 26],
+      [2, 12],
+      [4, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7782, 5024],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [0, 20],
+      [5, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7769, 5060],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8501, 5041],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [4, 3],
+      [2, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8483, 5079],
+      [15, 1],
+      [11, -2],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-24, -4],
+      [0, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8620, 5085],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [10, 9],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8458, 5089],
+      [22, -6],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [4, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8762, 5091],
+      [20, -3],
+      [6, -5],
+      [14, -4],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-14, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7940, 5097],
+      [5, -5],
+      [4, -17],
+      [0, -18],
+      [4, -16],
+      [14, -6],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-22, 15],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [0, 8],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [9, 9],
+      [2, -13],
+      [3, 1],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [4, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8550, 5100],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [1, 9],
+      [6, 8],
+      [6, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8421, 5116],
+      [1, -14],
+      [3, 9],
+      [6, -1],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [3, 13],
+      [8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8044, 5127],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [0, 18],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7746, 5129],
+      [7, -31],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [3, 13],
+      [6, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8636, 5129],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [8, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8634, 5139],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [11, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8761, 5145],
+      [12, -2],
+      [9, -20],
+      [6, -4],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-6, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8536, 5138],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [3, 9],
+      [2, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8915, 5033],
+      [0, -218],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [3, -17],
+      [0, -128]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8915, 4658],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-15, 28],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [13, -3],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [10, 2],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-21, 12],
+      [-18, 18],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-16, 20],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [0, 28],
+      [6, 6],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [5, 5],
+      [10, -2],
+      [4, -6],
+      [9, 18],
+      [7, 5],
+      [7, -10],
+      [8, 7],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [3, 13],
+      [5, 6],
+      [0, 18],
+      [7, 5],
+      [8, 0],
+      [10, 17],
+      [8, 5],
+      [8, -1],
+      [12, -10],
+      [6, -11],
+      [17, 0],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [7, -22],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [2, -39],
+      [5, -10],
+      [3, -17],
+      [1, 17],
+      [5, -3],
+      [1, -23],
+      [5, -17],
+      [6, -6],
+      [11, 0],
+      [2, 7],
+      [10, 16],
+      [1, 11],
+      [9, 14],
+      [3, 18],
+      [9, -2],
+      [14, 10],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [19, 18],
+      [4, 0],
+      [11, -13],
+      [9, -4],
+      [5, -10],
+      [7, -3],
+      [20, -21],
+      [10, 3],
+      [16, -10],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7903, 5160],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [6, 9],
+      [2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8544, 5159],
+      [1, -17],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [6, 9],
+      [3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8533, 5168],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [0, 14],
+      [3, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7735, 5153],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [3, 16],
+      [1, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7881, 5163],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [3, 8],
+      [5, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8633, 5183],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [15, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7737, 5167],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [0, 8],
+      [5, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7904, 5183],
+      [11, -16],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [4, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7850, 5240],
+      [4, 0],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7861, 5243],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [5, 9],
+      [6, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7892, 5248],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7904, 5252],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [2, 9],
+      [7, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7845, 5238],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [3, 2],
+      [5, -9],
+      [-1, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7704, 5270],
+      [3, -2],
+      [6, -18],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7839, 5273],
+      [7, -4],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [5, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8473, 5279],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-24, -11],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [3, -26],
+      [4, -13],
+      [5, -1],
+      [5, -12],
+      [2, -17],
+      [13, 1],
+      [2, 12],
+      [8, 18],
+      [5, -3],
+      [13, 0],
+      [1, 9],
+      [15, -2],
+      [7, 4],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [10, 6],
+      [9, -5],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-8, -23],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-12, -6],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [0, -8],
+      [8, -15],
+      [5, -3],
+      [11, -32],
+      [7, -26],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [13, -17],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [7, -3],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [1, 25],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-13, 25],
+      [0, 9],
+      [5, 10],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-17, -20],
+      [6, -16],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [1, -36],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [5, -24],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [0, 14],
+      [3, 7],
+      [0, 18],
+      [4, 19],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [2, 27],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [1, 13],
+      [3, -1],
+      [7, 11],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [3, 13],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [0, 26],
+      [5, 11],
+      [1, 11],
+      [7, 11],
+      [1, 50],
+      [3, 16],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [9, 8],
+      [7, -3],
+      [6, 14],
+      [0, 15],
+      [3, 3],
+      [10, -7],
+      [5, 3],
+      [0, -9],
+      [5, -4],
+      [8, 2],
+      [8, -5],
+      [7, 1],
+      [10, -12],
+      [4, 8],
+      [19, -6],
+      [8, 1],
+      [10, 8],
+      [9, 23],
+      [10, 19],
+      [2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7825, 5301],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [9, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8556, 5309],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [5, -6],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [3, -8],
+      [6, 3],
+      [0, 8],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [3, 9],
+      [11, 11],
+      [4, -1],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-11, -9],
+      [0, -14],
+      [11, -6],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-20, 8],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [1, -20],
+      [5, -25],
+      [10, -24],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [1, 34],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [4, 12],
+      [0, 12],
+      [4, 16],
+      [10, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8571, 5333],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [5, 13],
+      [6, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7663, 5350],
+      [2, -7],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [7, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8268, 5370],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [4, 4],
+      [0, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8489, 5385],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [0, 16],
+      [4, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8269, 5423],
+      [5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8274, 5422],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-3, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8008, 5418],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [7, 11],
+      [2, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8265, 5422],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [11, -21],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [7, -13],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [11, -13],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [16, -37],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [1, -8],
+      [7, -13],
+      [9, -10],
+      [10, -16],
+      [6, -14],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [-4, -26],
+      [2, -2],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [1, -14],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [4, -4],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-1, 5],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [6, 1],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-6, -36],
+      [-38, -32],
+      [0, 28],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [1, 27],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-6, 62],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [3, 3],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [0, 34],
+      [5, -2],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [0, 20],
+      [3, 50],
+      [7, 9],
+      [1, 14],
+      [9, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8045, 5303],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [3, -12],
+      [17, -35],
+      [7, -8],
+      [8, 3],
+      [2, 6],
+      [10, 4],
+      [7, -6],
+      [9, 2],
+      [8, 7],
+      [2, 18],
+      [8, 7],
+      [15, 0],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [9, -3],
+      [11, -8],
+      [7, 12],
+      [16, -1],
+      [5, 12],
+      [1, 13],
+      [3, 2],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [12, 14],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [1, 10],
+      [5, 10],
+      [6, -1],
+      [4, 65],
+      [5, 11],
+      [6, -4],
+      [3, 5],
+      [7, -4],
+      [10, 4],
+      [13, 0],
+      [10, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8523, 5442],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [2, 32],
+      [3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7652, 5506],
+      [11, -6],
+      [4, -11],
+      [10, -6],
+      [12, 4],
+      [10, -8],
+      [9, 6],
+      [11, -21],
+      [3, -16],
+      [6, -9],
+      [0, -16],
+      [13, -17],
+      [3, -9],
+      [6, -5],
+      [20, -26],
+      [7, -15],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [3, -5],
+      [3, 6],
+      [6, -23],
+      [14, -21],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [6, 1],
+      [8, -16],
+      [1, -14],
+      [10, -6],
+      [12, -18],
+      [1, -19],
+      [7, -15],
+      [13, -3],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-13, -13],
+      [8, 1],
+      [12, 15],
+      [11, -13],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [7, -4],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [4, -12],
+      [9, -1],
+      [7, -6],
+      [6, 2],
+      [2, -16],
+      [1, -28],
+      [4, -14],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [8, -5],
+      [13, -1],
+      [0, -13],
+      [5, -6],
+      [0, -10],
+      [6, -4],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-4, -25],
+      [2, -13],
+      [0, -26],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-1, -4],
+      [5, -19],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-28, 46],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [-8, 29],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-9, 34],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-9, 30],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-9, 45],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-13, 28],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [0, 17],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4872, 8298],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [8, 13],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-8, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7606, 5598],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [0, 9],
+      [5, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7571, 5804],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7583, 5964],
+      [1, -29],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [1, -36],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-2, -25],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [5, 34],
+      [0, 29],
+      [2, 1],
+      [0, 26],
+      [6, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7448, 6428],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [4, 13],
+      [0, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7248, 6922],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [9, -14],
+      [9, -1],
+      [7, -10],
+      [9, -6],
+      [2, -11],
+      [15, -17],
+      [6, 3],
+      [11, -14],
+      [7, 2],
+      [1, -11],
+      [12, -4],
+      [18, 0],
+      [8, 4],
+      [6, -8],
+      [8, -2],
+      [1, -18],
+      [8, -3],
+      [10, -14],
+      [9, 7],
+      [7, -16],
+      [4, 5],
+      [9, -3],
+      [11, -11],
+      [7, 7],
+      [9, -11],
+      [13, 6],
+      [7, -5],
+      [4, 17],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [2, 24],
+      [3, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7703, 6808],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [0, -11],
+      [7, -21],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-21, -9],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [4, -18],
+      [-2, -30],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [2, -34],
+      [-3, 1],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-3, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7473, 6457],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-21, -14],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [6, -28],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-19, -10],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [5, 1],
+      [-15, -26],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-13, -29],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-9, -22],
+      [-21, -21],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [3, -24],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [3, -29],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [7, -9],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [-8, -24],
+      [-4, -26],
+      [2, -16],
+      [0, -46],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [5, -9],
+      [-20, -12],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-11, 22],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [4, -10],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-6, 30],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-9, 36],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-6, 34],
+      [-2, 33],
+      [-8, 39],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-5, 29],
+      [-1, 37],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [-6, 45],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [2, 33],
+      [4, 12],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [2, 16],
+      [12, 11],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [9, 5],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [8, -18],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-15, 33],
+      [-15, 29],
+      [0, 10],
+      [7, 1],
+      [0, -9],
+      [14, 12],
+      [3, -3],
+      [9, 7],
+      [7, 23],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-6, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6893, 6556],
+      [5, 7],
+      [10, 0],
+      [0, 19],
+      [13, -3],
+      [11, 2],
+      [5, -7],
+      [6, 0],
+      [3, 8],
+      [13, 7],
+      [0, -8],
+      [6, -3],
+      [9, 10],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [3, 3],
+      [-5, 27],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [2, 35],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [1, 17],
+      [10, 20],
+      [6, 22],
+      [7, 12],
+      [6, 1],
+      [4, -16],
+      [4, -2],
+      [9, 7],
+      [20, 8],
+      [0, 9],
+      [8, 16],
+      [5, 21],
+      [16, 16],
+      [9, 29],
+      [3, 22],
+      [12, 8],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [6, 11],
+      [6, 19],
+      [10, 12],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-2, 24],
+      [7, 10],
+      [14, 8],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [4, 22],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [1, 10],
+      [7, 10],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [4, 19],
+      [13, 6],
+      [7, -5],
+      [16, -2],
+      [11, -9],
+      [11, 11],
+      [17, 3],
+      [3, 10],
+      [5, 1],
+      [4, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7140, 7205],
+      [20, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4825, 8298],
+      [2, -37],
+      [6, -29],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-4, -28],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-20, 0],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [10, 14],
+      [-20, -4],
+      [12, 13],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [13, 14],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [5, 10],
+      [13, -2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [12, 12],
+      [5, 21],
+      [10, 8],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [6, 13],
+      [0, 24],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [22, 4],
+      [23, -3],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [12, 9],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [10, 6],
+      [2, 18],
+      [15, 2],
+      [6, -6],
+      [4, 17],
+      [13, -9],
+      [-9, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6560, 6732],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [0, 7],
+      [13, 7],
+      [13, 13],
+      [-1, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6357, 7396],
+      [3, -38],
+      [4, -9],
+      [9, -7],
+      [13, -2],
+      [9, -5],
+      [2, -13],
+      [21, -24],
+      [23, -9],
+      [43, 18],
+      [16, -4],
+      [-3, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6497, 7333],
+      [8, -1],
+      [16, 11],
+      [1, 13],
+      [9, 13],
+      [9, 7],
+      [24, 0],
+      [3, 10],
+      [17, -4],
+      [5, 4],
+      [3, -17],
+      [23, -10],
+      [8, -9],
+      [10, 3],
+      [11, -10],
+      [10, -21],
+      [13, -7],
+      [8, -22],
+      [23, 0],
+      [2, -31],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [4, -5],
+      [0, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6689, 6902],
+      [14, -27],
+      [0, -8],
+      [6, -21],
+      [10, -20],
+      [14, -8],
+      [5, -10],
+      [5, -1],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [11, 2],
+      [4, -8],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-7, -59]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6710, 6634],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [-12, -4],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-4, 42],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-13, 16],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-9, 35],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-15, 30],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [8, -1],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-11, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6347, 6908],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [0, 31],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [0, 23],
+      [4, 21],
+      [-9, 22],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-16, 15],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [2, 8],
+      [6, -3],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [7, 21],
+      [7, 2],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [1, 10],
+      [6, 2],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6243, 7322],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [1, 17],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [6, 20],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [11, 4],
+      [4, 19],
+      [7, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6347, 6908],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [-3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6331, 6910],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-8, -33],
+      [-9, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6292, 6858],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-46, 8],
+      [-62, 91],
+      [-11, 18],
+      [-47, 49],
+      [-34, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6087, 7032],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-8, 51]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6076, 7105],
+      [4, 3],
+      [43, 44],
+      [14, 11],
+      [7, 22],
+      [1, 40],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-2, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6146, 7256],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6146, 7256],
+      [0, 20],
+      [3, 10],
+      [13, 5],
+      [15, 26],
+      [-1, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6176, 7320],
+      [6, 2],
+      [6, 13],
+      [9, 0],
+      [10, -7],
+      [12, -2],
+      [8, 4],
+      [1, -18],
+      [11, 12],
+      [4, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4554, 9014],
+      [7, -14],
+      [12, -7],
+      [12, 13],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [10, 2],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [12, 4],
+      [0, -8],
+      [21, -10],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-24, -8],
+      [-39, -26],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-23, -7],
+      [-27, 8],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-42, -4],
+      [4, 9],
+      [14, 4],
+      [10, 10],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-9, 29],
+      [-32, 1],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [23, 2],
+      [15, 8],
+      [25, -2],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [22, 16],
+      [-39, 7],
+      [-20, -9],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [7, 8],
+      [12, -7],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [17, -5],
+      [-9, 12],
+      [10, 17],
+      [20, -8],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [9, 16],
+      [11, -11],
+      [25, -14],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [9, -29],
+      [0, 13],
+      [9, 15],
+      [9, -10],
+      [5, 13],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [9, 3],
+      [13, -22],
+      [6, -1],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [22, 6],
+      [16, -26],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [10, -1],
+      [10, -11],
+      [12, 14],
+      [6, -6],
+      [13, 3],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [15, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5993, 7068],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [0, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5987, 7048],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [0, -19],
+      [6, -9],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [10, 1],
+      [5, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5983, 6996],
+      [0, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5983, 6987],
+      [0, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5983, 6981],
+      [1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5984, 6973],
+      [-8, -34],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-6, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5970, 6885],
+      [-2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5951, 6980],
+      [8, 18],
+      [-2, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5957, 7002],
+      [7, 21],
+      [6, 44],
+      [5, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5975, 7088],
+      [10, 0],
+      [1, 9],
+      [8, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5994, 7107],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-3, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5434, 7386],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-25, 27],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [0, 19],
+      [7, 6],
+      [6, -6],
+      [4, 10],
+      [7, 1],
+      [10, -13],
+      [9, 4],
+      [9, -2],
+      [17, 10],
+      [4, -4],
+      [12, 11],
+      [3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5256, 7557],
+      [8, -6],
+      [8, -34],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-2, -30],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [5, 39],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [2, 23],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [2, 16],
+      [8, -2],
+      [9, 6],
+      [11, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5380, 7862],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [3, -12],
+      [8, -10],
+      [-5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5380, 7808],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [9, -13],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [2, -18],
+      [8, -16],
+      [9, -7],
+      [19, -21],
+      [12, -54],
+      [18, -28],
+      [12, -11],
+      [25, 0],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [19, -17],
+      [13, -7],
+      [14, -18],
+      [13, -8],
+      [0, -6],
+      [12, -15],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [9, -5],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [1, -18],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [0, 15],
+      [5, 3],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [9, 5],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-10, 22],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-8, 18],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [1, 6],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-14, -19],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-17, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5344, 7711],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5345, 7596],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2849, 6246],
+      [15, -3],
+      [3, -8],
+      [12, -7],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [5, 12],
+      [10, 5],
+      [11, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6087, 7032],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-57, -30],
+      [15, -28],
+      [13, -29],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [-31, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5970, 6873],
+      [0, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5984, 6973],
+      [-1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5983, 6987],
+      [4, 0],
+      [0, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5987, 7012],
+      [0, 36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5993, 7068],
+      [7, -5],
+      [10, -16],
+      [12, -3],
+      [54, 61]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8563, 6721],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [0, 20],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [7, -1],
+      [4, 12],
+      [1, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8603, 6820],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [0, 9],
+      [11, 11],
+      [2, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8624, 6937],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [2, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8639, 6942],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [6, 22],
+      [-1, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8616, 7056],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [1, 18],
+      [5, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8578, 7069],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [7, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8638, 7135],
+      [3, -16],
+      [7, -3],
+      [9, 6],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [10, 1],
+      [0, -17],
+      [5, -2],
+      [-11, -22],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [4, 18],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [1, 21],
+      [2, -2],
+      [8, 19],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [7, -19],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [1, 10],
+      [4, -14],
+      [5, -1],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [1, 10],
+      [6, -2],
+      [18, 22],
+      [2, 9],
+      [6, 4],
+      [7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8726, 7162],
+      [8, -9],
+      [5, 1],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-6, 31],
+      [11, 14],
+      [2, 17],
+      [6, 6],
+      [5, -10],
+      [10, 2],
+      [3, 14],
+      [8, 9],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8747, 7160],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [8, 15],
+      [-2, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8595, 7181],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [1, 16],
+      [4, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8845, 7375],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [8, 13],
+      [-2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8923, 7564],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-1, -34],
+      [2, -14],
+      [8, -11],
+      [5, -22],
+      [4, -26],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-5, -25],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-3, -24],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-16, -17],
+      [2, 30],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [7, 9],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [9, -9],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [10, 17],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-20, -18],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-16, -7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [3, 5],
+      [12, -1],
+      [3, 10],
+      [7, 5],
+      [17, 28],
+      [7, 7],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [17, 8],
+      [5, -8],
+      [24, 6],
+      [7, 7],
+      [11, -2],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [13, -4],
+      [12, 10],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [5, 16],
+      [7, 8],
+      [10, 28],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [11, 10],
+      [6, 1],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [10, -6],
+      [3, 10],
+      [21, 13],
+      [10, 12],
+      [10, 29],
+      [14, 15],
+      [1, 16],
+      [9, 23],
+      [3, 24],
+      [4, 10],
+      [1, 17],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [7, 19],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [5, 10],
+      [7, 3],
+      [1, 26],
+      [9, -5],
+      [3, -20],
+      [3, 9],
+      [8, -6],
+      [3, 19],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [3, 23],
+      [10, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8944, 7799],
+      [15, -24],
+      [4, -13],
+      [19, -27],
+      [11, -7],
+      [0, -6],
+      [12, 0],
+      [3, -7],
+      [13, -4],
+      [15, 25],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [8, -28],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-14, 9],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [12, -8],
+      [13, -20],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [3, 26],
+      [12, 7],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [6, 8],
+      [8, -9],
+      [10, -3],
+      [7, 10],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [9, 14],
+      [0, 22],
+      [3, 6],
+      [1, 20],
+      [-6, 23],
+      [3, 12],
+      [9, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6762, 7807],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [1, 13],
+      [12, 14],
+      [11, -3],
+      [7, -11],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-10, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7140, 7205],
+      [-9, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6651, 7782],
+      [-20, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6631, 7801],
+      [12, 18],
+      [8, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7227, 7611],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-19, 2],
+      [-14, 5],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-22, 14],
+      [-27, 9],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [3, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6970, 7616],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [0, -5],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [4, 14],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-33, -3],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-2, 30],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [2, 57],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-10, 19],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-37, 4],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [-23, 38],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-28, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6668, 7765],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [3, 20],
+      [17, -5],
+      [8, 16],
+      [12, 7],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [4, -13],
+      [17, 0],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [4, 13],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-6, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6627, 7805],
+      [-73, -31],
+      [0, -212]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6554, 7562],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-15, 32],
+      [0, 6],
+      [-20, 23],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-15, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6456, 7587],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [6, 15],
+      [3, 22],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [1, 23],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-8, 33],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [1, 17],
+      [16, -1],
+      [4, -6],
+      [16, -2],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [12, 28],
+      [9, 5],
+      [22, 0],
+      [11, -6],
+      [10, 2],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [0, 6],
+      [9, 18],
+      [4, 40],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-18, -21],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6367, 7850],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [0, 12],
+      [6, -6],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [8, 30],
+      [8, 10],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [3, 28],
+      [12, 12],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [9, 9],
+      [22, -37],
+      [13, 11],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [0, 13],
+      [20, 17],
+      [0, 15],
+      [11, 0],
+      [15, 12],
+      [6, 17],
+      [5, 6],
+      [14, -3],
+      [1, -11],
+      [11, -1],
+      [6, 12],
+      [11, 6],
+      [5, -16],
+      [23, 0],
+      [9, -7],
+      [1, -9],
+      [7, -1],
+      [6, -13],
+      [10, -7],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [8, 2],
+      [1, 24],
+      [10, -13],
+      [16, -15],
+      [13, 11],
+      [11, 20],
+      [18, 0],
+      [5, -11],
+      [11, 1],
+      [1, 13],
+      [22, -4],
+      [0, -11],
+      [10, -11],
+      [16, -3],
+      [1, -9],
+      [7, 4],
+      [5, 18],
+      [9, -10],
+      [15, -1],
+      [17, 10],
+      [2, 19],
+      [4, 6],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [11, 15],
+      [7, 1],
+      [10, 11],
+      [-10, 23],
+      [22, 16],
+      [17, -3],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [12, 10],
+      [4, -6],
+      [43, 7],
+      [25, 14],
+      [25, 5],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [7, 7],
+      [15, -1],
+      [15, 6],
+      [33, 8],
+      [13, 6],
+      [2, 13],
+      [10, 0],
+      [2, 9],
+      [8, -4],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [8, -6],
+      [13, 0],
+      [14, -11],
+      [8, 9],
+      [14, -12],
+      [1, -18],
+      [6, -3],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [6, -13],
+      [3, 6],
+      [11, -4],
+      [10, 5],
+      [3, 9],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [9, 3],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [11, -1],
+      [3, -8],
+      [11, -2],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [6, -8],
+      [13, 12],
+      [14, -10],
+      [1, 12],
+      [9, 9],
+      [7, -2],
+      [12, 11],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [31, 15],
+      [12, 8],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [3, -9],
+      [34, -36],
+      [7, -11],
+      [42, -97],
+      [12, -38],
+      [15, 7],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [6, 6],
+      [15, -7],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [9, 2],
+      [2, -13],
+      [11, 3],
+      [6, -4],
+      [17, 5],
+      [18, 12],
+      [13, -7],
+      [11, -20],
+      [0, -15],
+      [23, -14],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [9, -19],
+      [19, -1],
+      [6, -7],
+      [12, 20],
+      [0, -10],
+      [12, -22],
+      [7, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6163, 5412],
+      [-17, -50],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [0, -175],
+      [1, -39],
+      [15, -39],
+      [0, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6153, 5085],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-6, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6088, 4913],
+      [-21, 33],
+      [-19, 27],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [4, 6],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-100, 116]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 5122],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [0, 10],
+      [4, 7],
+      [9, -1],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [11, 4],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [1, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5944, 5197],
+      [4, 21],
+      [7, 12],
+      [2, 15],
+      [9, 9],
+      [2, 18],
+      [3, 6],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [2, 3],
+      [-14, 40],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [-2, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5943, 5426],
+      [11, 23],
+      [15, 14],
+      [14, 9],
+      [4, -7],
+      [2, -16],
+      [8, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7045, 7454],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [-36, -5],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [7, 20],
+      [14, 6],
+      [18, -12],
+      [1, 7],
+      [8, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6970, 7500],
+      [12, 3],
+      [11, -7],
+      [9, 15],
+      [8, -3],
+      [0, 14],
+      [7, -6],
+      [4, 9],
+      [10, 8],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [8, 7],
+      [22, 29],
+      [-8, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6976, 7489],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [2, -14],
+      [4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6993, 7480],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6961, 7477],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7901, 5783],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [5, 13],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [-3, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7858, 5853],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [0, 22],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [6, 0],
+      [10, 26],
+      [1, 11],
+      [9, 8],
+      [12, 5],
+      [9, -5],
+      [5, 3],
+      [11, -2],
+      [5, 4],
+      [6, -3],
+      [2, -10],
+      [4, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7921, 6009],
+      [3, -14],
+      [13, -1],
+      [3, -9],
+      [6, -1],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [7, 7],
+      [6, -2],
+      [3, 6],
+      [8, -14],
+      [4, 0],
+      [8, 11],
+      [5, 2],
+      [2, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7985, 6030],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [3, -10],
+      [0, -10],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [4, -24],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [9, -13],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [627, 5299],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [3, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8522, 7115],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [5, 8],
+      [13, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8508, 7172],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [6, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8575, 7196],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8518, 7361],
+      [8, 22],
+      [5, 6],
+      [27, 0],
+      [7, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8565, 7406],
+      [7, -27],
+      [14, -31],
+      [6, -25],
+      [4, -25],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-2, -25],
+      [-9, -23],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [0, 9],
+      [6, -7],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [2, 17],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [5, 1],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-1, 31],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [3, 12],
+      [7, -1],
+      [-6, 42],
+      [4, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5598, 7616],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5557, 7633],
+      [8, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5565, 7648],
+      [9, 17],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [14, -7],
+      [8, -19],
+      [10, -5],
+      [-6, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6338, 6909],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6345, 6826],
+      [-22, 0],
+      [-6, 27],
+      [-25, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6331, 6910],
+      [7, -26],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [10, -1],
+      [2, -19],
+      [8, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7836, 6473],
+      [2, -9],
+      [8, -12],
+      [6, -22],
+      [2, 9],
+      [5, -5],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [7, -19],
+      [15, -11],
+      [2, 8],
+      [9, 10],
+      [5, -4],
+      [9, -13],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [9, -6],
+      [0, -8],
+      [7, -2],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [18, -21],
+      [4, -8],
+      [9, -5],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [6, -14],
+      [5, 0],
+      [7, -30],
+      [13, -24],
+      [9, -17],
+      [0, -18],
+      [4, -11],
+      [5, 5],
+      [4, -14],
+      [8, -12],
+      [4, -1],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [2, -12],
+      [7, -8],
+      [5, -12],
+      [-5, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7921, 6009],
+      [9, 11],
+      [0, 20],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [3, 6],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [0, 29],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [-18, 8],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-16, 16],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-19, -26],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [3, 19],
+      [4, 9],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [5, 14],
+      [0, 15],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [3, 29],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [-6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7780, 6353],
+      [0, 15],
+      [7, 14],
+      [4, -1],
+      [0, 13],
+      [6, 16],
+      [3, 0],
+      [9, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5975, 7088],
+      [14, 52],
+      [1, 19],
+      [9, 12],
+      [0, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5999, 7178],
+      [13, -3],
+      [4, -23],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-6, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4790, 5433],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-21, 22],
+      [-9, 12],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-12, 7],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-3, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4681, 5581],
+      [3, 14],
+      [6, 12],
+      [15, 23],
+      [0, 16],
+      [8, 8],
+      [1, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5693, 6449],
+      [0, -115],
+      [-27, 0],
+      [0, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5666, 6306],
+      [-66, 66],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-45, 45],
+      [-34, 36],
+      [-45, 45],
+      [-30, 31],
+      [-27, -26]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5416, 6507],
+      [-22, -22],
+      [-20, 33],
+      [-42, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5264, 6924],
+      [10, 7],
+      [11, 30],
+      [-5, 31],
+      [6, 17],
+      [5, 1],
+      [10, 22],
+      [19, 18],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [1, 34]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5319, 7094],
+      [10, -6],
+      [12, -14],
+      [15, -2],
+      [14, 6],
+      [6, -6],
+      [17, -5],
+      [8, -12],
+      [20, -6],
+      [5, -13],
+      [0, -14],
+      [7, -25],
+      [4, -7],
+      [17, -9],
+      [10, 0],
+      [18, -8],
+      [23, -18],
+      [3, -7],
+      [18, -22],
+      [8, 0],
+      [14, 14],
+      [10, 24],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [0, 16],
+      [3, 12],
+      [15, 24],
+      [14, 13],
+      [10, 1],
+      [5, 7],
+      [21, -3],
+      [21, -14],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [6, -6],
+      [19, -7],
+      [2, -5],
+      [25, -2],
+      [5, -18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3307, 5973],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-1, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7235, 5735],
+      [7, -13],
+      [17, -49],
+      [5, -36],
+      [5, -8],
+      [4, -24],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-12, -22],
+      [-22, -17],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [-1, 50],
+      [1, 40],
+      [2, 10],
+      [0, 17],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [4, 10],
+      [6, 1],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [2, 7],
+      [7, -3],
+      [7, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5798, 3530],
+      [6, -12],
+      [10, -10],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-4, -22],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-16, 35],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [8, 6],
+      [12, 35],
+      [8, 2],
+      [4, 10],
+      [13, 8],
+      [3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 8366],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5581, 8366],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5652, 8289],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-6, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5632, 8313],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-21, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5590, 8364],
+      [-6, 32],
+      [0, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5584, 8412],
+      [8, 9],
+      [22, 11],
+      [15, -4],
+      [8, 3],
+      [29, -5],
+      [4, -4],
+      [22, 8],
+      [5, -12],
+      [15, -2],
+      [26, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5759, 8496],
+      [14, -14],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [14, -17],
+      [0, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5584, 8412],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [2, 24],
+      [10, 12],
+      [0, 15],
+      [8, 15],
+      [22, 11],
+      [18, -21],
+      [4, -17],
+      [12, -7],
+      [19, 15],
+      [-2, 37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3249, 6221],
+      [-2, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3247, 6223],
+      [2, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4851, 7247],
+      [2, -14],
+      [14, -21],
+      [11, -5],
+      [19, 8],
+      [6, -5],
+      [15, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4919, 7214],
+      [2, -9],
+      [17, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4758, 6776],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [1, -30],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-8, -25],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-6, -53],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-12, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4527, 6416],
+      [1, 21],
+      [4, 20],
+      [10, 13],
+      [4, 26],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [13, 42],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [8, 12],
+      [11, 26],
+      [5, 4],
+      [5, 17],
+      [0, 22],
+      [10, 45],
+      [0, 9],
+      [9, 16],
+      [7, 4],
+      [10, 14],
+      [10, 53],
+      [7, 16],
+      [24, 8],
+      [16, 14],
+      [11, 23],
+      [15, 15],
+      [21, 49],
+      [5, 19],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [0, 26],
+      [2, 26],
+      [3, 11],
+      [9, 18],
+      [3, 24],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [11, 17],
+      [10, 23],
+      [26, 19],
+      [21, 25],
+      [15, 48],
+      [2, 15],
+      [9, 39],
+      [14, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5206, 7702],
+      [-2, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5783, 7801],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [1, 26],
+      [3, 22],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-17, 36],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-8, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5739, 7962],
+      [20, 10],
+      [14, -2],
+      [6, -9],
+      [21, -8],
+      [10, -13],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [7, -10],
+      [5, 2],
+      [0, -20],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [6, -9],
+      [-15, 0],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-8, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6384, 4200],
+      [0, 8],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-5, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6370, 4487],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [7, -4],
+      [1, -18],
+      [7, -8],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [5, -25],
+      [3, -37],
+      [0, -29],
+      [8, -27],
+      [-4, -34],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-3, 25],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-6, -24],
+      [2, -29],
+      [-4, -39],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-10, -59],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [-10, -57],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [-7, -48],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-8, -47],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-1, 45],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-4, 36],
+      [3, 27],
+      [4, 6],
+      [0, 17],
+      [7, 4],
+      [11, 46],
+      [4, 7],
+      [6, 29],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [2, 24],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [-1, 35],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [15, 49],
+      [0, 30],
+      [12, -1],
+      [11, 16],
+      [10, -2],
+      [0, 7],
+      [8, 4],
+      [4, -6],
+      [1, 9],
+      [6, 5],
+      [18, 25],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [4, 5],
+      [2, 12],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [11, 28],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [3, 11],
+      [4, -2],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [0, 19],
+      [7, -1],
+      [1, -10],
+      [4, -1],
+      [0, 14],
+      [5, 1],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [6, -4],
+      [3, 5],
+      [1, 16],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [3, 13],
+      [5, 4],
+      [3, 18],
+      [2, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2590, 6367],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [2, 17],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1889, 6595],
+      [7, -4],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-8, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1800, 6801],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [5, 12],
+      [0, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1880, 6866],
+      [3, -12],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [2, 17],
+      [5, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1847, 6884],
+      [4, -14],
+      [5, -1],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [3, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2186, 6889],
+      [0, -8],
+      [7, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2193, 6879],
+      [11, -20],
+      [1, -12],
+      [9, -31],
+      [6, -12],
+      [9, -27],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [2, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2237, 6741],
+      [3, -16],
+      [3, 2],
+      [2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2245, 6713],
+      [2, -9],
+      [20, -12],
+      [4, -8],
+      [16, -2],
+      [9, -10],
+      [5, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2301, 6678],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-8, -31],
+      [-6, -38],
+      [-2, -30],
+      [-1, -43],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-4, -22],
+      [3, -29],
+      [5, -34],
+      [15, -57],
+      [9, -17],
+      [9, -27],
+      [3, -25],
+      [5, -5],
+      [1, -9],
+      [7, -19],
+      [7, -4],
+      [11, 2],
+      [5, -9],
+      [6, -2],
+      [8, -21],
+      [10, 3],
+      [16, 11],
+      [17, 3],
+      [15, 13],
+      [10, 2],
+      [6, -12],
+      [10, -3],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [14, 16],
+      [5, 11],
+      [1, 21],
+      [7, 14],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [1, 39],
+      [3, 15],
+      [16, 17],
+      [19, 4],
+      [17, 12],
+      [14, 2],
+      [20, -9],
+      [6, 9],
+      [6, -10],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-9, -18],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-6, -40],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [2, 18],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-3, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2437, 6020],
+      [-20, 42],
+      [-19, 33],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-31, 22],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-8, 21],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-8, 22],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [3, 8],
+      [10, 6],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [7, 12],
+      [1, 22],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-2, 32],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-15, 34],
+      [-12, 32],
+      [-21, 28],
+      [7, -7],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-6, 18],
+      [7, 0],
+      [-22, 24],
+      [0, 5],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [0, 14],
+      [4, 9],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-2, 26],
+      [2, 3],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-13, 29],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-11, 23],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-10, 36],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [0, -41],
+      [4, -8],
+      [3, -27],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [7, -21],
+      [4, -1],
+      [17, -27],
+      [3, -23],
+      [7, -3],
+      [11, -32],
+      [3, -25],
+      [4, -12],
+      [8, -6],
+      [4, -20],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [8, -10],
+      [0, -9],
+      [5, -13],
+      [1, -29],
+      [9, -25],
+      [10, -36],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [3, -15],
+      [8, -8],
+      [0, 13],
+      [14, -16],
+      [4, -23],
+      [7, -10],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-6, 36],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [3, 3],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-9, 30],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-1, 21],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-16, 20],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [15, -5],
+      [7, 6],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [2, 28],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-12, 26],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-10, 22],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-6, 28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1746, 7056],
+      [66, 10],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [46, -30],
+      [58, -37],
+      [79, 0],
+      [0, 26],
+      [46, 0],
+      [11, -20],
+      [8, -8],
+      [14, -26],
+      [6, -4],
+      [7, -12],
+      [6, -21],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [5, -21],
+      [14, -20],
+      [25, -19],
+      [8, 14],
+      [4, 30],
+      [8, 2],
+      [3, 6],
+      [5, -5],
+      [20, -2],
+      [3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2290, 6649],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [0, -32],
+      [-2, -53],
+      [6, 67],
+      [4, 13],
+      [-4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 7536],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5586, 7536],
+      [-4, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5581, 7537],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5575, 7539],
+      [-2, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5598, 7616],
+      [20, 7],
+      [2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5117, 6285],
+      [0, -124],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-11, -17],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [0, -5],
+      [-47, -3],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [1, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4683, 5897],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-6, 21],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-2, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4659, 6034],
+      [5, -2],
+      [7, 8],
+      [0, 24],
+      [3, 11],
+      [6, 7],
+      [14, -22],
+      [3, -2],
+      [4, 13],
+      [12, 1],
+      [14, -4],
+      [13, 7],
+      [65, 0],
+      [41, 0],
+      [5, 45],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-1, 33],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-1, 36],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-6, 109],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [-6, 104],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-3, 39],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [50, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7737, 5862],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7733, 5907],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [3, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7622, 6095],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [7, 13],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-7, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7710, 6117],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [2, 5],
+      [2, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7602, 6269],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [7, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7604, 6305],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [3, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7780, 6353],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [1, -18],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [5, -6],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [11, -23],
+      [4, -17],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [6, -28],
+      [6, 5],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [0, -40],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [2, -16],
+      [6, -13],
+      [3, -15],
+      [11, -14],
+      [4, -11],
+      [3, -67],
+      [6, -9],
+      [1, -25],
+      [2, 1],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-2, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7742, 5779],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [0, 24],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [7, 10],
+      [1, 45],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [5, 21],
+      [-3, 32],
+      [-9, 31],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [0, 27],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-5, 30],
+      [0, 32],
+      [-2, 26],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [2, 25],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [0, 18],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [0, -23],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [4, 22],
+      [2, 38],
+      [4, 9],
+      [0, 22],
+      [-2, 3],
+      [-2, 30],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [9, -10],
+      [6, 14],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [5, 4],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-3, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5533, 7690],
+      [8, -17],
+      [11, -8],
+      [13, -12],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5538, 7620],
+      [0, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5537, 7617],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [7, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5537, 7593],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [-10, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8263, 7933],
+      [2, -6],
+      [9, 9],
+      [-4, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7439, 8014],
+      [9, 6],
+      [1, 10],
+      [19, 0],
+      [8, 3],
+      [15, 13],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [25, 18],
+      [5, 0],
+      [8, 12],
+      [11, 0],
+      [12, 16],
+      [9, -2],
+      [7, 10],
+      [7, -10],
+      [9, 6],
+      [2, -10],
+      [33, -2],
+      [3, -22],
+      [8, -10],
+      [8, 1],
+      [15, -8],
+      [9, 7],
+      [21, -9],
+      [11, 2],
+      [9, -10],
+      [7, 11],
+      [15, 6],
+      [5, 15],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-6, 22],
+      [7, 27],
+      [5, 0],
+      [3, 14],
+      [8, 4],
+      [7, 20],
+      [11, -11],
+      [11, -3],
+      [9, -10],
+      [14, 0],
+      [23, -15],
+      [7, 1],
+      [17, -9],
+      [2, -43],
+      [17, -15],
+      [11, -7],
+      [20, -3],
+      [13, 10],
+      [19, 4],
+      [4, 6],
+      [21, -6],
+      [4, -6],
+      [13, 3],
+      [14, -20],
+      [22, -3],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [17, -20],
+      [16, 1],
+      [31, -10],
+      [3, 4],
+      [9, -6],
+      [20, 14],
+      [18, 1],
+      [11, 8],
+      [10, -2],
+      [8, 5],
+      [3, 12],
+      [27, 27],
+      [17, -1],
+      [17, -20],
+      [9, -1],
+      [12, 8],
+      [12, -5],
+      [3, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5913, 3637],
+      [-22, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5891, 3637],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-3, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5887, 3688],
+      [1, 16],
+      [0, 71],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [-3, 5],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-7, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5869, 3892],
+      [31, 64],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [6, 7],
+      [9, 29],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [1, 36],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [0, 11],
+      [6, 3],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-2, 36],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [4, 14],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [0, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5844, 4282],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [19, 14],
+      [14, 6],
+      [19, 16],
+      [4, 1],
+      [27, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5922, 4376],
+      [6, -21],
+      [7, -13],
+      [1, 6],
+      [17, 6],
+      [5, -11],
+      [2, -41],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [5, -13],
+      [1, -14],
+      [9, -15],
+      [5, -13],
+      [5, -4],
+      [0, -17],
+      [5, 0],
+      [-2, 38],
+      [4, 19],
+      [9, 2],
+      [3, 5],
+      [1, 35],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-21, 54],
+      [-6, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5968, 4405],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-1, 28],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [0, 16],
+      [6, 10],
+      [2, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5971, 4516],
+      [19, 0],
+      [5, 10],
+      [9, -10],
+      [1, -7],
+      [15, 1],
+      [7, 6],
+      [12, -8],
+      [11, 10],
+      [1, 13],
+      [7, 4],
+      [11, -8],
+      [11, 13],
+      [11, 0],
+      [5, 9],
+      [9, 4],
+      [18, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6123, 4580],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [0, -23],
+      [3, -18],
+      [0, -28],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [5, -1],
+      [-2, -39],
+      [4, -23],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [6, -2],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [6, -5],
+      [0, -22],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-3, -24],
+      [-13, -26],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-20, -22],
+      [-11, -32],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-13, -18],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [0, -25],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [6, -15],
+      [3, 0],
+      [4, -39],
+      [4, -16],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [5, 16],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-7, -50],
+      [6, -4],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-26, -17],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [3, -12],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-1, -33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4659, 6034],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-20, -9],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-2, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4540, 6093],
+      [0, 30],
+      [2, 18],
+      [8, 33],
+      [4, 26],
+      [0, 28],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [-5, 20],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [9, 24],
+      [0, 28],
+      [-9, 26],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4526, 6379],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [3, 26],
+      [55, 0],
+      [55, 0],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-4, 71],
+      [3, 10],
+      [12, 16],
+      [17, 11],
+      [0, 146],
+      [56, 0],
+      [36, 0],
+      [0, 74]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6603, 4026],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [0, 15],
+      [4, 13],
+      [6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5969, 4525],
+      [0, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5969, 4527],
+      [0, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5964, 4534],
+      [0, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5964, 4536],
+      [0, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5952, 4624],
+      [-3, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5949, 4630],
+      [3, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 4634],
+      [0, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 4635],
+      [0, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5941, 4623],
+      [2, -16],
+      [8, -22],
+      [-1, -51],
+      [3, -25],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [0, -15],
+      [4, -4],
+      [0, -16],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-1, -26],
+      [2, -9],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-2, -24],
+      [7, -10],
+      [2, 11],
+      [8, -16],
+      [4, 0],
+      [-6, 34],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [0, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5922, 4376],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [6, 8],
+      [4, 49],
+      [9, 3],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [5, 15],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [7, 6],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-1, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5914, 4641],
+      [10, -5],
+      [4, -7],
+      [9, 1],
+      [4, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8093, 5320],
+      [-2, 3],
+      [0, 20],
+      [2, -2],
+      [0, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8269, 5423],
+      [5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7786, 5497],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7773, 5553],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7834, 5543],
+      [9, -7],
+      [3, -14],
+      [18, -29],
+      [9, -33],
+      [1, -32],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [0, -23],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [1, -32],
+      [10, -15],
+      [3, -23],
+      [8, -23],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [-15, 19],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [-14, 15],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [-11, 19],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [2, 6],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-7, 25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7780, 5554],
+      [2, 15],
+      [4, -9],
+      [12, -7],
+      [2, -11],
+      [7, 1],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [3, -8],
+      [5, 9],
+      [9, 7],
+      [6, -10],
+      [7, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8045, 5303],
+      [0, -10],
+      [8, -13],
+      [9, 1],
+      [16, -8],
+      [6, -6],
+      [0, 16],
+      [5, 22],
+      [0, 18],
+      [4, 0],
+      [2, 16],
+      [5, 8],
+      [11, 2],
+      [20, 10],
+      [9, 9],
+      [12, 33],
+      [7, 12],
+      [6, 19],
+      [1, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8193, 5464],
+      [1, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8198, 5465],
+      [6, 1],
+      [6, 15],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [6, 11],
+      [6, 0],
+      [3, 14],
+      [4, 4],
+      [1, 17],
+      [6, 6],
+      [1, 8],
+      [8, 18],
+      [3, 19],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [6, 8],
+      [3, 15],
+      [4, -2],
+      [1, -18],
+      [7, -3],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [5, -16],
+      [6, 9],
+      [3, -14],
+      [8, -1],
+      [9, -15],
+      [15, -10],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [5, -14],
+      [9, -13],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-1, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8256, 5598],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [0, 10],
+      [6, 4],
+      [-1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5649, 4167],
+      [22, 9],
+      [17, -1],
+      [7, -5],
+      [6, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5554, 3757],
+      [1, -13],
+      [0, -196],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [-16, 13],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [-2, 28],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-8, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5457, 3537],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-15, 27],
+      [-12, 41],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [2, 11],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [1, 20],
+      [-11, 53],
+      [1, 33],
+      [-2, 25],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-1, 27],
+      [-14, 39],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-13, 37],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-5, 21],
+      [-3, 36],
+      [1, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9665, 3952],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [5, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9646, 3990],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [6, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9555, 4026],
+      [7, -13],
+      [6, 0],
+      [16, -24],
+      [5, -3],
+      [11, -30],
+      [7, -3],
+      [15, -20],
+      [4, -10],
+      [11, -14],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-12, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5416, 6507],
+      [4, -53],
+      [1, -34],
+      [12, -31],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [11, -21],
+      [-7, -29],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-6, -142],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-22, -46],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [-13, -39],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-9, -19],
+      [4, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5377, 5972],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-12, 6],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-18, 2],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-15, 20],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-12, 21],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-16, 14],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-1, -25],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-2, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5377, 5972],
+      [13, -36]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5238, 5460],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [5, -21],
+      [-2, -4],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-8, 17],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [4, 6],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-19, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2691, 6046],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [4, -35],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-4, -40],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-1, -19],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [3, 2],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [1, -16],
+      [5, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2619, 5821],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-26, 41],
+      [4, 10],
+      [6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5093, 8141],
+      [24, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5162, 8210],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [15, 13],
+      [5, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5118, 8141],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [1, 7],
+      [9, 1],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-3, 33],
+      [8, 7],
+      [6, 13],
+      [6, 36],
+      [10, -1],
+      [14, 21],
+      [11, 5],
+      [24, 3],
+      [9, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5140, 8230],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [0, -15],
+      [12, -5],
+      [12, 14],
+      [-12, 20],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-9, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5157, 8665],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [10, 9],
+      [0, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5249, 8849],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [16, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5244, 8857],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [15, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5344, 8955],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [9, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5387, 9114],
+      [3, -5],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [5, 13],
+      [9, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5420, 9124],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [9, 15],
+      [17, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5441, 9154],
+      [2, -15],
+      [8, 12],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [6, 18],
+      [6, 0],
+      [6, 23],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5421, 9152],
+      [6, -15],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [21, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5439, 9158],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [20, 19],
+      [-9, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5492, 9188],
+      [10, -7],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-32, -8],
+      [9, 12],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [22, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5523, 9207],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [5, 15],
+      [14, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5533, 9218],
+      [12, -6],
+      [-15, -10],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [12, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5652, 9249],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-16, -11],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [17, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5649, 9262],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-24, -4],
+      [7, 13],
+      [17, -3],
+      [11, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5856, 9203],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-11, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5572, 9158],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-42, 13],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-16, 8],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-5, -16],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [9, -12],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-27, -31],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-20, -30],
+      [14, -8],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [7, -20],
+      [-5, -30],
+      [20, -20],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [10, -29],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [4, -21],
+      [-6, -21],
+      [-5, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5317, 8580],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-28, -36],
+      [-16, -16],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-19, 9],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [2, 18],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [9, 14],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [8, 18],
+      [11, 0],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [7, 5],
+      [5, 15],
+      [10, 13],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [-6, -16],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [3, 14],
+      [12, -3],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [3, 16],
+      [10, 0],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [0, 10],
+      [11, 7],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [11, 16],
+      [33, -6],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [7, 17],
+      [13, 1],
+      [25, 16],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [12, 13],
+      [22, -8],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-16, 2],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [10, 5],
+      [7, -6],
+      [16, 2],
+      [4, 11],
+      [12, -2],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [34, 19],
+      [7, -14],
+      [24, 5],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [19, 14],
+      [2, 9],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-26, -14],
+      [-12, 16],
+      [15, 11],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [14, 10],
+      [12, 17],
+      [13, -11],
+      [0, 17],
+      [11, 5],
+      [4, 17],
+      [19, 3],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [10, 12],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [27, 33],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [9, 16],
+      [12, 10],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [20, 4],
+      [10, 13],
+      [22, -3],
+      [0, 5],
+      [-28, 1],
+      [28, 31],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [4, 15],
+      [30, 7],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [23, 8],
+      [5, -17],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [17, 8],
+      [32, -1],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-29, -5],
+      [2, 11],
+      [24, 6],
+      [6, 22],
+      [10, 6],
+      [4, 14],
+      [19, 5],
+      [11, 13],
+      [26, 10],
+      [8, -11],
+      [15, 2],
+      [11, 14],
+      [19, -17],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [28, 3],
+      [20, -6],
+      [5, -14],
+      [11, 25],
+      [29, 23],
+      [0, 11],
+      [37, -7],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [8, -1],
+      [6, 15],
+      [33, 35],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [17, 22],
+      [11, 6],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [28, 3],
+      [8, -5],
+      [-19, -29],
+      [14, 2],
+      [11, 20],
+      [9, 1],
+      [21, -14],
+      [8, 4],
+      [27, -25],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-39, 6],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [29, -8],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [34, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5713, 9281],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [10, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4778, 9282],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [16, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5647, 9686],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [38, -10],
+      [-33, -33],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [10, 17],
+      [-53, -6],
+      [22, 27],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [23, 8],
+      [45, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5596, 9708],
+      [21, -5],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-43, -4],
+      [-15, 17],
+      [36, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5313, 9706],
+      [24, -18],
+      [-29, 12],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [13, 4],
+      [8, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5467, 9783],
+      [4, 5],
+      [53, -31],
+      [2, -16],
+      [23, 1],
+      [8, -9],
+      [40, -9],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-44, -1],
+      [-22, -10],
+      [3, -21],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-5, -31],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [-11, -30],
+      [-12, -11],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-20, 6],
+      [-35, 25],
+      [-18, 3],
+      [-9, 22],
+      [50, -2],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [59, 9],
+      [-36, 4],
+      [-50, -9],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [40, 3],
+      [17, 12],
+      [27, 1],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-16, -1],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-28, -21],
+      [10, -6],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-20, 10],
+      [21, 16],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [10, 14],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-16, 26],
+      [31, 17],
+      [9, -10],
+      [47, 12],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [-33, -9],
+      [37, -1],
+      [19, 16],
+      [20, -12],
+      [5, -15],
+      [28, -25],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [24, 9],
+      [7, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5642, 9812],
+      [113, -16],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-37, -13],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-38, -5],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-57, -2],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [22, 8],
+      [39, 1],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-66, -7],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [33, -5],
+      [33, 19],
+      [53, -25],
+      [3, 26],
+      [19, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9617, 2273],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [6, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9665, 2494],
+      [6, -10],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-12, -2],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [1, 13],
+      [5, 6],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [6, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [96, 2665],
+      [10, -1],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [6, -11],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9802, 2850],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [9, -2],
+      [1, -21],
+      [4, -9],
+      [10, 14],
+      [6, 3],
+      [3, -10],
+      [3, 13],
+      [9, -2],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [3, -10],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [6, -18],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [9, -5],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-25, -22],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-5, -25],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-17, -24],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [1, 13],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [0, 10],
+      [9, 6],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [4, 17],
+      [8, -7],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [36, 56],
+      [2, 7],
+      [10, 1],
+      [19, 21],
+      [8, 4],
+      [16, 27],
+      [14, 12],
+      [13, 29],
+      [6, 37],
+      [9, 4],
+      [8, 16],
+      [1, 31],
+      [15, 21],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9872, 3102],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [3, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9807, 3201],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [3, -11],
+      [8, -8],
+      [8, 2],
+      [10, -9],
+      [2, -9],
+      [5, 4],
+      [1, -13],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [9, -16],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [7, -17],
+      [8, 0],
+      [4, -17],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [3, 20],
+      [3, -14],
+      [7, -9],
+      [1, -35],
+      [2, -7],
+      [14, -7],
+      [19, -13],
+      [10, 4],
+      [5, 14],
+      [8, 7],
+      [8, 0],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-1, -32],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-2, -34],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [1, -13],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-5, -25],
+      [-8, -21],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-9, -30],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-13, -14],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [4, 4],
+      [10, 24],
+      [4, 27],
+      [-5, 17],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [1, 14],
+      [22, 19],
+      [3, 41],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-3, 30],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-26, 61],
+      [2, 16],
+      [-12, 29],
+      [10, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6629, 6344],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [8, 19],
+      [-7, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6474, 6141],
+      [-8, 37],
+      [-2, 0],
+      [-11, 55],
+      [-10, 44]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6443, 6277],
+      [13, 8],
+      [52, 37],
+      [19, 12],
+      [9, 56],
+      [9, 61],
+      [-13, 39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6566, 6621],
+      [6, -28],
+      [6, -15],
+      [10, -17],
+      [31, -18],
+      [8, 2],
+      [6, -11],
+      [13, -39],
+      [7, -13],
+      [8, -2],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [-12, -17],
+      [-11, -42],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [2, -31],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-3, -28],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-6, -19],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-7, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6557, 6684],
+      [2, 8],
+      [9, -6],
+      [-5, -27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6893, 6556],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-5, 42],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [1, 20],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-1, -4],
+      [-23, -1],
+      [-19, 6],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-5, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2729, 5623],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [4, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2836, 5599],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-7, 31],
+      [5, 4],
+      [0, 10],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [0, -8],
+      [10, -19],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-10, 8],
+      [-3, 19],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-2, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2706, 5734],
+      [6, -10],
+      [3, -23],
+      [13, -4],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [5, -3],
+      [6, -15],
+      [10, -1],
+      [9, 5],
+      [7, 12],
+      [14, 8],
+      [14, 22],
+      [10, -4],
+      [7, 2],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [16, -2],
+      [17, -19],
+      [3, -9],
+      [10, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3073, 4289],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [17, -10],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [7, -8],
+      [4, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3084, 4249],
+      [-2, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3044, 4127],
+      [-14, 19],
+      [0, 3],
+      [-13, 15],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-18, 16],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-17, 13],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-32, 34],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [-9, 19],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [0, 15],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [1, 6],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-12, 36],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [-6, 23],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-16, 16],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [0, 11],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [2, 25],
+      [12, 23],
+      [0, 5],
+      [14, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8339, 5486],
+      [-9, -12],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [12, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8361, 5534],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [3, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8390, 5552],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [7, 5],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-7, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8493, 5581],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [3, 5],
+      [0, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8251, 5645],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8489, 5736],
+      [9, -8],
+      [3, -13],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [4, -7],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [8, -6],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [3, 3],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [5, -6],
+      [1, -27],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-6, 19],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [6, -6],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-10, 5],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-2, 0],
+      [1, 19],
+      [6, 8],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-9, -3],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [7, 30],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [7, 16],
+      [16, 6],
+      [3, 21],
+      [8, 1],
+      [2, 11],
+      [3, -6],
+      [6, 1],
+      [4, -13],
+      [0, -15],
+      [11, 6],
+      [2, 17],
+      [3, 4],
+      [6, -8],
+      [3, 5],
+      [0, 23],
+      [4, 1],
+      [5, -9],
+      [5, 10],
+      [7, 1],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [2, 8],
+      [5, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8503, 5750],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [2, 14],
+      [2, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8453, 5767],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [7, 10],
+      [3, 10],
+      [5, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8479, 5754],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [3, 3],
+      [1, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8490, 5782],
+      [1, -31],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [0, 15],
+      [4, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8332, 5791],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [2, 10],
+      [4, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8408, 5792],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [4, 7],
+      [1, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8423, 5815],
+      [8, -4],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [0, -19],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [2, 15],
+      [11, 6],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [4, 23],
+      [8, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8444, 5821],
+      [1, -35],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-6, -27],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [2, 34],
+      [9, 27],
+      [5, 33],
+      [3, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8319, 5836],
+      [0, -30],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [19, 43],
+      [4, 0],
+      [9, 23],
+      [7, 11],
+      [6, 20],
+      [12, 17],
+      [4, 32],
+      [0, 14],
+      [3, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8456, 5842],
+      [7, -8],
+      [4, 7],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [5, -8],
+      [2, -19],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [2, 19],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [1, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8456, 5856],
+      [5, -12],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [0, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8396, 5860],
+      [10, -14],
+      [4, 6],
+      [3, -11],
+      [7, 8],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-2, 20],
+      [4, 17],
+      [0, 39],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [3, 10],
+      [9, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8332, 5870],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [3, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8331, 5890],
+      [11, -11],
+      [0, -5],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-1, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8405, 5890],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-1, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8469, 5906],
+      [10, -3],
+      [2, -13],
+      [5, -4],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [1, -33],
+      [6, -24],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [7, -3],
+      [11, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8426, 5905],
+      [6, -6],
+      [5, -13],
+      [4, -1],
+      [4, -15],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-17, 28],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-1, 26],
+      [4, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8392, 5910],
+      [-3, -30],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [2, 17],
+      [4, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8434, 5912],
+      [3, -18],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [2, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8421, 5926],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [2, 6],
+      [5, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8360, 5962],
+      [15, -22],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [10, -4],
+      [7, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8385, 5963],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [2, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8450, 5993],
+      [5, -11],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [3, 5],
+      [0, 20],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8387, 6049],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8358, 6252],
+      [7, 4],
+      [10, -14],
+      [13, -6],
+      [4, 13],
+      [3, 0],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [3, -15],
+      [4, 0],
+      [2, -28],
+      [-8, -32],
+      [1, -4],
+      [-18, -18],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [9, -32],
+      [-3, -1],
+      [4, -30],
+      [5, -10],
+      [10, -2],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [8, 9],
+      [8, -1],
+      [9, -20],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [5, -3],
+      [3, 17],
+      [17, -13],
+      [1, -4],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [0, -8],
+      [5, -8],
+      [4, -16],
+      [6, -8],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [2, -18],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-7, 25],
+      [-17, 19],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [11, 17],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [1, 26],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [0, 23],
+      [9, -15],
+      [9, 5],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [0, 21],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [0, 43],
+      [5, 23],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [10, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8740, 5620],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9256, 4529],
+      [13, -10],
+      [0, -5],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-3, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9195, 4611],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [-8, 2],
+      [-5, 23],
+      [8, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9184, 4640],
+      [3, 2],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-14, 1],
+      [0, 16],
+      [6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9176, 4644],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [6, 1],
+      [1, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9234, 4667],
+      [10, -3],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-5, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8989, 4680],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [11, -11],
+      [0, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8981, 4701],
+      [6, 0],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-7, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9105, 4867],
+      [7, -7],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9299, 4867],
+      [8, -4],
+      [3, -17],
+      [6, -8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [5, -4],
+      [8, -16],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [0, 19],
+      [2, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9089, 4870],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [3, 3],
+      [3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9296, 4889],
+      [-2, -21],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [3, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9228, 4941],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [7, -2],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [5, -25],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [2, -8],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [-15, -13],
+      [-24, -2],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [4, 14],
+      [11, -5],
+      [3, 4],
+      [7, -8],
+      [20, 6],
+      [2, 24],
+      [4, -27],
+      [8, 6],
+      [8, -5],
+      [8, 6],
+      [0, 10],
+      [10, 20],
+      [7, -3],
+      [2, 5],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [-3, 16],
+      [7, 0],
+      [5, -8],
+      [2, 8],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8915, 5033],
+      [7, -1],
+      [25, -25],
+      [25, -17],
+      [13, -4],
+      [9, -11],
+      [5, -11],
+      [15, -2],
+      [0, -8],
+      [9, -6],
+      [5, -15],
+      [8, -3],
+      [13, -25],
+      [-1, -38],
+      [14, -4],
+      [18, -16],
+      [5, -7],
+      [12, -3],
+      [9, -22],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-25, -3],
+      [0, -12],
+      [5, -13],
+      [1, -15],
+      [7, -6],
+      [8, -21],
+      [12, -8],
+      [3, -30],
+      [7, -9],
+      [2, -19],
+      [21, 3],
+      [-4, -19],
+      [1, -9],
+      [7, -6],
+      [15, -2],
+      [1, -5],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [8, -16],
+      [10, -7],
+      [12, -3],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [10, -10],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [2, 7],
+      [-9, 8],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [1, 5],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-2, 5],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-11, 33],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [-7, 22],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-5, -1],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [2, -13],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-13, 8],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-18, -5],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [11, -10],
+      [7, -15],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-22, -23],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [-6, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9195, 5027],
+      [10, -11],
+      [11, -17],
+      [7, -3],
+      [14, -33],
+      [11, -10],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-6, 14],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-5, 19],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9172, 5046],
+      [6, -5],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [5, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9079, 5070],
+      [12, -5],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [0, 11],
+      [8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9154, 5105],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [0, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5544, 8319],
+      [0, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5544, 8318],
+      [4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5548, 8317],
+      [63, -4],
+      [21, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5655, 8150],
+      [1, -13],
+      [14, -27],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [4, -18],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [-13, -25],
+      [4, -28],
+      [-6, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5626, 8009],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [-14, -12],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-9, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5396, 8275],
+      [8, -3],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-10, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5394, 8289],
+      [54, 20],
+      [12, 16],
+      [10, 2],
+      [11, 9],
+      [27, 5],
+      [7, -23],
+      [12, -6],
+      [17, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3138, 6248],
+      [29, -2],
+      [9, -6],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [3, 10],
+      [4, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8625, 7631],
+      [5, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8630, 7617],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [4, -15],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-13, -11],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [2, -13],
+      [9, -2],
+      [17, -29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8518, 7361],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-8, 15],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [3, 9],
+      [-13, 4],
+      [9, 5],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [10, 20],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [4, 21],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-16, 7],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [1, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4525, 7072],
+      [11, -2],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [2, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4286, 7362],
+      [15, 1],
+      [0, -6],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-5, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4220, 7396],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [13, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4248, 7409],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [0, 8],
+      [6, 0],
+      [2, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4794, 7325],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [4, 24],
+      [1, 44],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [4, 38],
+      [6, 7],
+      [7, 36],
+      [-1, 3],
+      [7, 47],
+      [-6, 50],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3492, 3797],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-3, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5949, 6986],
+      [8, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5987, 7012],
+      [-4, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [853, 4163],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [5, 3],
+      [5, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6422, 6601],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-3, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6411, 6608],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [1, 20],
+      [3, 6],
+      [4, 24],
+      [6, 6],
+      [4, -12],
+      [5, -2],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [4, -14],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-7, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5783, 7801],
+      [3, -8],
+      [11, -6],
+      [14, 12],
+      [10, -3],
+      [2, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5823, 7787],
+      [-1, -22],
+      [-14, -4],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-6, -35],
+      [1, -21],
+      [-3, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5630, 7730],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [8, 5],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-6, -14],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [5, 16],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [1, 16],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [-2, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5635, 7944],
+      [10, 8],
+      [7, -5],
+      [20, -6],
+      [10, 3],
+      [9, -14],
+      [10, 11],
+      [26, 6],
+      [3, 12],
+      [9, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9064, 7741],
+      [7, 1],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-16, -24],
+      [15, 37],
+      [6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9133, 7793],
+      [-15, -6],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-18, -19],
+      [10, 17],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [25, 28],
+      [9, 0],
+      [12, 15],
+      [2, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9182, 7845],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [15, 27],
+      [16, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9227, 7898],
+      [-1, -8],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [11, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9301, 8041],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [7, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9336, 8091],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [15, 9],
+      [4, 15],
+      [7, 3],
+      [0, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9344, 8100],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [7, 7],
+      [0, -13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8967, 8309],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [8, -35],
+      [4, -38],
+      [-6, -46],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [6, 0],
+      [9, -69],
+      [10, -33],
+      [0, -7],
+      [8, -36],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [-23, 9],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-12, -57],
+      [6, -26],
+      [8, -11],
+      [0, -11],
+      [5, -21],
+      [9, 4],
+      [1, -28],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-2, 6],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-6, -32],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [7, 30],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [7, 21],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [7, 55],
+      [0, 46],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [1, 17],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-1, 38],
+      [4, 5],
+      [3, 26],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [13, 9],
+      [1, -9],
+      [10, 9],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [9, 2],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [5, -2],
+      [5, 11],
+      [3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9669, 8321],
+      [-19, 19],
+      [4, 0],
+      [15, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8810, 8355],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [8, 11],
+      [6, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8827, 8358],
+      [9, -8],
+      [-12, -22],
+      [-6, 15],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [8, 17],
+      [7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5548, 8317],
+      [18, 15],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-12, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5544, 8319],
+      [10, 17],
+      [0, 12],
+      [12, -1],
+      [15, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5582, 8366],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [12, -3],
+      [7, 5],
+      [1, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9609, 8371],
+      [18, -27],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-13, 14],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [5, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9571, 8591],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [9, 26],
+      [19, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5777, 8600],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6924, 9029],
+      [21, -5],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-16, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6396, 9167],
+      [-24, -22],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [1, 19],
+      [15, 16],
+      [13, 1],
+      [28, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9482, 9188],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [6, -25],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-2, 19],
+      [9, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9705, 9201],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-29, 7],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [14, 11],
+      [32, -8],
+      [0, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6648, 9234],
+      [5, -8],
+      [26, -17],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-25, -1],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [13, 8],
+      [10, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6464, 9295],
+      [14, -14],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [14, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 9271],
+      [9990, -7],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [8, 11],
+      [30, 17],
+      [-9999, -31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8829, 9305],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [23, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 9302],
+      [26, 4],
+      [18, -3],
+      [27, -17],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [-42, -8],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [0, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7160, 9347],
+      [-27, 1],
+      [22, 18],
+      [21, -9],
+      [-16, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8580, 9366],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [22, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8592, 9374],
+      [-28, 2],
+      [18, 7],
+      [10, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7209, 9382],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-19, 1],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [16, 13],
+      [11, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7078, 9392],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [21, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6536, 9406],
+      [31, -6],
+      [-8, -26],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-7, -32],
+      [5, -18],
+      [16, -29],
+      [23, -20],
+      [19, -10],
+      [-49, -5],
+      [-16, 3],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-14, 12],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-19, -6],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-3, 22],
+      [11, 12],
+      [15, -5],
+      [9, 22],
+      [11, 9],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [7, 8],
+      [21, 1],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [17, 12],
+      [13, -2],
+      [20, 9],
+      [11, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6970, 9416],
+      [1, -13],
+      [11, -6],
+      [-42, -7],
+      [3, 20],
+      [27, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8951, 9436],
+      [32, -18],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [-40, 10],
+      [-27, -4],
+      [2, 8],
+      [17, 1],
+      [17, 22],
+      [32, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8903, 9439],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [20, 5],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-12, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8148, 9464],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-37, 13],
+      [18, 14],
+      [34, -4],
+      [1, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7281, 9528],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [18, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9075, 9530],
+      [47, -4],
+      [5, -12],
+      [15, 3],
+      [49, -6],
+      [-8, -15],
+      [-25, -8],
+      [-43, 2],
+      [-58, 24],
+      [7, 20],
+      [11, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8773, 9524],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [6, 29],
+      [14, -16],
+      [-9, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8863, 9565],
+      [40, -20],
+      [10, 14],
+      [19, 1],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [35, -19],
+      [29, 1],
+      [50, -20],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-16, -15],
+      [-40, 6],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [15, 13],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [5, -18],
+      [12, -15],
+      [30, -9],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-49, -10],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-2, 34],
+      [18, 1],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [42, 18],
+      [5, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7674, 9577],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [27, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8125, 9595],
+      [2, -10],
+      [-18, 11],
+      [16, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9145, 9596],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [29, 8],
+      [-6, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6893, 9615],
+      [24, -15],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-51, -17],
+      [-116, -32],
+      [-47, -18],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-26, 8],
+      [15, -17],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-16, -31],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-36, 4],
+      [-11, 6],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [24, 12],
+      [-30, -4],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [26, 12],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [26, 13],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [24, 4],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [18, 4],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [21, -4],
+      [14, 19],
+      [19, -4],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [38, 20],
+      [23, 3],
+      [14, 11],
+      [23, -2],
+      [0, 12],
+      [52, -5],
+      [61, 15],
+      [49, 28],
+      [35, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7679, 9622],
+      [-33, -4],
+      [35, 11],
+      [-2, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8666, 7787],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [9, -14],
+      [7, 9],
+      [6, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6367, 7850],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [-8, -23],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [0, -13],
+      [14, -11],
+      [8, -28],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [6, 19],
+      [-5, -26],
+      [0, -21],
+      [7, -10],
+      [4, -16],
+      [12, -26],
+      [2, -11],
+      [6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6110, 7681],
+      [-15, 21],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-15, 7],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [-8, 19],
+      [-17, 11],
+      [8, 3],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [8, -6],
+      [11, 2],
+      [5, -4],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [8, 10],
+      [2, 14],
+      [4, -6],
+      [2, 11],
+      [11, 0],
+      [-13, 17],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [6, -3],
+      [13, 14],
+      [24, 9],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-30, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6061, 7895],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [5, 17],
+      [11, 5],
+      [3, 10],
+      [25, -3],
+      [0, 13],
+      [6, 12],
+      [-8, 29],
+      [10, 5],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [11, 26],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-13, 12],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [8, 9],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [-3, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5767, 8523],
+      [9, -9],
+      [6, 9],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [7, 19],
+      [-4, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5773, 8590],
+      [9, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5778, 8608],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [11, -5],
+      [3, 11],
+      [10, -4],
+      [7, 12],
+      [29, -8],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [-25, 2],
+      [-10, 28],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-7, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5856, 9203],
+      [15, -9],
+      [19, 18],
+      [16, -11],
+      [14, -3],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-20, 4],
+      [6, -7],
+      [19, -3],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [19, 4],
+      [5, -5],
+      [35, -7],
+      [23, -1],
+      [52, -28],
+      [21, -21],
+      [14, -2],
+      [16, -14],
+      [13, -3],
+      [30, -21],
+      [1, -23],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-5, -24],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-30, -15],
+      [-22, -4],
+      [-28, 5],
+      [-22, 9],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-27, 15],
+      [-36, 7],
+      [-24, 23],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [8, -15],
+      [18, -11],
+      [3, -9],
+      [13, -6],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [14, -3],
+      [21, -20],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [13, -46],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [16, -15],
+      [15, 2],
+      [12, -18],
+      [31, -13],
+      [16, 9],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [10, 2],
+      [7, 12],
+      [18, -9],
+      [10, -13],
+      [0, -9],
+      [10, 10],
+      [31, -15],
+      [9, 7],
+      [18, -7],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-19, 30],
+      [4, 9],
+      [18, 12],
+      [6, 9],
+      [18, 5],
+      [22, 27],
+      [11, -8],
+      [20, 3],
+      [22, -21],
+      [1, 11],
+      [11, 23],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-20, 19],
+      [10, 28],
+      [3, 31],
+      [-25, 18],
+      [18, -4],
+      [37, 0],
+      [18, -6],
+      [16, -18],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-38, -5],
+      [-12, -22],
+      [17, -9],
+      [8, -17],
+      [20, -5],
+      [34, 13],
+      [5, 22],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [26, 7],
+      [1, 6],
+      [24, 9],
+      [31, 22],
+      [8, -1],
+      [31, 13],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [16, 4],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [32, 18],
+      [15, -3],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-21, -8],
+      [29, -3],
+      [7, 6],
+      [11, -7],
+      [1, 12],
+      [29, 14],
+      [38, -5],
+      [18, 17],
+      [25, 8],
+      [15, -13],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [1, -13],
+      [16, -4],
+      [8, 10],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [20, 5],
+      [13, 11],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-22, 28],
+      [15, 6],
+      [2, 10],
+      [74, -10],
+      [20, -7],
+      [19, -15],
+      [62, -29],
+      [33, -25],
+      [2, -9],
+      [17, 25],
+      [7, 19],
+      [-21, 2],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [-35, 14],
+      [3, 16],
+      [12, 3],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [6, 15],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [8, 14],
+      [28, 12],
+      [15, 17],
+      [14, 51],
+      [12, 16],
+      [5, -5],
+      [52, 1],
+      [39, -11],
+      [1, -25],
+      [-16, -26],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [8, -13],
+      [16, -10],
+      [5, -15],
+      [-2, -25],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [8, -25],
+      [-5, -11],
+      [3, -21],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [5, -8],
+      [26, -20],
+      [-15, -16],
+      [3, -22],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-20, -14],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-22, 21],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [8, -15],
+      [27, -10],
+      [22, 2],
+      [24, -8],
+      [10, 6],
+      [2, 16],
+      [13, 2],
+      [26, 20],
+      [1, 17],
+      [24, 24],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [-11, 15],
+      [3, 17],
+      [29, 12],
+      [31, 4],
+      [1, -11],
+      [19, -15],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [5, -20],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [18, -13],
+      [18, -1],
+      [-25, 13],
+      [0, 18],
+      [20, 10],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-5, 24],
+      [-19, 5],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-17, 1],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [-27, 5],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [6, 25],
+      [17, 20],
+      [-21, 41],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [14, 22],
+      [39, 16],
+      [5, 17],
+      [-4, 28],
+      [15, -7],
+      [6, -30],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [7, -17],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [11, -4],
+      [57, -7],
+      [6, -11],
+      [12, 0],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-17, 2],
+      [-39, 16],
+      [-8, 20],
+      [27, 8],
+      [17, -13],
+      [15, 3],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [15, 14],
+      [16, 5],
+      [28, -3],
+      [51, -35],
+      [23, -3],
+      [18, 5],
+      [14, -7],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-10, -12],
+      [11, 2],
+      [0, 11],
+      [10, 11],
+      [9, -6],
+      [-4, -27],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [14, -10],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [18, 0],
+      [6, 8],
+      [-17, 44],
+      [13, 23],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [-32, 15],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-26, 4],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [4, 23],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [2, 28],
+      [39, 5],
+      [43, -1],
+      [59, 10],
+      [40, 3],
+      [-23, -18],
+      [25, 2],
+      [10, 13],
+      [-19, 21],
+      [-22, 4],
+      [14, 18],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [13, 10],
+      [16, -7],
+      [68, 47],
+      [67, 8],
+      [66, 16],
+      [-28, 9],
+      [19, 3],
+      [22, -5],
+      [25, 7],
+      [21, -3],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [58, 10],
+      [32, 12],
+      [29, -10],
+      [-29, 24],
+      [18, -3],
+      [40, 4],
+      [1, 26],
+      [63, 39],
+      [43, 3],
+      [33, -17],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [-24, -3],
+      [82, -7],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-27, -21],
+      [36, -1],
+      [4, 12],
+      [38, 1],
+      [19, -4],
+      [27, 5],
+      [47, -24],
+      [3, -16],
+      [19, 4],
+      [3, -28],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [22, -1],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-47, -16],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-32, -15],
+      [-20, -19],
+      [-27, -1],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [-15, -12],
+      [23, 6],
+      [7, 17],
+      [37, -2],
+      [15, 8],
+      [51, 12],
+      [23, 10],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-25, -5],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [13, 10],
+      [25, -6],
+      [7, 7],
+      [8, -13],
+      [19, -6],
+      [22, 5],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [16, -20],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [44, 9],
+      [19, 7],
+      [100, -13],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [1, -11],
+      [38, -12],
+      [36, -5],
+      [25, 2],
+      [21, -8],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [19, -6],
+      [11, 17],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [3, 16],
+      [17, -2],
+      [10, 10],
+      [23, -14],
+      [29, 0],
+      [12, -16],
+      [7, 15],
+      [30, -4],
+      [7, -12],
+      [34, -14],
+      [-34, -12],
+      [30, -6],
+      [-39, -3],
+      [20, -10],
+      [18, -1],
+      [6, -12],
+      [-15, -11],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [27, -37],
+      [13, -27],
+      [40, -21],
+      [13, 12],
+      [18, 43],
+      [10, 14],
+      [13, -19],
+      [23, -12],
+      [22, 0],
+      [4, 6],
+      [31, 8],
+      [22, -6],
+      [19, -11],
+      [11, -13],
+      [7, 27],
+      [16, 4],
+      [12, -13],
+      [17, 2],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [15, 17],
+      [-29, 0],
+      [12, 16],
+      [37, 2],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [23, -1],
+      [23, -9],
+      [38, 0],
+      [50, -8],
+      [39, -12],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [27, 6],
+      [42, 2],
+      [-26, -26],
+      [10, 16],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [29, 4],
+      [30, 31],
+      [36, 0],
+      [34, -9],
+      [13, -13],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [25, -2],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [20, 2],
+      [0, -13],
+      [24, 3],
+      [18, -20],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [26, -9],
+      [28, 3],
+      [65, 12],
+      [45, -1],
+      [26, -6],
+      [33, -17],
+      [11, -25],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [3, -8],
+      [31, -8],
+      [3, -28],
+      [11, -11],
+      [-10, -25],
+      [14, 22],
+      [-2, 26],
+      [19, 17],
+      [51, 7],
+      [23, -12],
+      [23, 2],
+      [11, -5],
+      [24, -1],
+      [21, 16],
+      [16, -13],
+      [2, -19],
+      [29, -8],
+      [7, -18],
+      [22, 4],
+      [17, 12],
+      [-13, 32],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [11, 11],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [41, -7],
+      [22, -1],
+      [17, -10],
+      [1, 9],
+      [37, -6],
+      [20, 2],
+      [28, -7],
+      [71, -27],
+      [17, -16],
+      [-9958, -15],
+      [3, -12],
+      [28, -11],
+      [2, -9],
+      [12, 1],
+      [20, -19],
+      [16, -2],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [12, -5],
+      [0, 10],
+      [12, -7],
+      [8, -20],
+      [10, -2],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [5, -13],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [14, -8],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [17, 13],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [9, 6],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [27, 1],
+      [20, -12],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [32, -6],
+      [10, -17],
+      [13, -7],
+      [10, -17],
+      [5, 4],
+      [17, -14],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [11, -20],
+      [-32, 3],
+      [4, -27],
+      [-19, -12],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [16, -5],
+      [6, -9],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-23, 10],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-16, 10],
+      [-33, 12],
+      [-4, 29],
+      [-29, 10],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-30, 4],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [9, 7],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [0, -16],
+      [13, -11],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [9982, -11],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-34, -9],
+      [-21, 8],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-16, 9],
+      [12, -16],
+      [-24, 2],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [20, -23],
+      [20, 12],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [17, -17],
+      [8, 8],
+      [12, -25],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [18, -9],
+      [2, -20],
+      [7, -16],
+      [-12, -7],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-28, 12],
+      [-22, 3],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-21, -16],
+      [-25, -11],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-22, -13],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-15, -7],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [-8, 8],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-32, 0],
+      [-35, -20],
+      [-16, -23],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [8, 39],
+      [-33, -24],
+      [-5, -14],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-30, 3],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-18, -16],
+      [-10, -26],
+      [1, -19],
+      [13, -7],
+      [1, 11],
+      [18, -8],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-15, -21],
+      [1, -36],
+      [11, 1],
+      [4, -32],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [-12, 13],
+      [8, 11],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [6, -6],
+      [-16, -12],
+      [-7, -25],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [11, -34],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [5, -22],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-21, -25],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-7, -19],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-17, -22],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [-1, 40],
+      [-4, 33],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-4, 46],
+      [-9, 60],
+      [-2, 29],
+      [4, 46],
+      [6, 29],
+      [6, 15],
+      [17, 15],
+      [7, 17],
+      [-5, 22],
+      [16, 0],
+      [7, 14],
+      [15, 0],
+      [20, 19],
+      [24, 33],
+      [3, 13],
+      [13, 12],
+      [5, 12],
+      [8, 2],
+      [18, 25],
+      [14, 14],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [30, 21],
+      [21, 9],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [15, 18],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [8, 12],
+      [2, 33],
+      [14, 12],
+      [17, -5],
+      [-18, 17],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-8, -6],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-6, -15],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-32, -32],
+      [-19, -14],
+      [8, 27],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [5, 11],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [14, 29],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-26, -10],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-22, -15],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-20, -20],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-27, -20],
+      [-13, -28],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-2, -23],
+      [14, 5],
+      [16, -14],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-8, 5],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-19, 11],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-16, 8],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-17, -2],
+      [-9, 15],
+      [10, 4],
+      [18, -1],
+      [6, 4],
+      [-15, 8],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-23, 8],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [5, -5],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [6, -12],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-31, 13],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [4, 6],
+      [-27, -1],
+      [-32, 2],
+      [-19, -3],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-19, -30],
+      [-17, -11],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-12, -26],
+      [-26, -27],
+      [-8, -4],
+      [-15, -23],
+      [-19, -15],
+      [0, -12],
+      [14, -9],
+      [30, 5],
+      [0, -28],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [12, 0],
+      [5, 14],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [10, 10],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-8, -11],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-12, -22],
+      [16, 4],
+      [11, 9],
+      [7, 14],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [7, -3],
+      [8, 26],
+      [-1, 20],
+      [16, -8],
+      [9, 5],
+      [17, -12],
+      [0, -11],
+      [27, -32],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [8, -5],
+      [1, -15],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [11, -12],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-9, -16],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [1, -32],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [1, -17],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-26, -38],
+      [-7, -28],
+      [-13, -18],
+      [-5, -27],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-15, -25],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-8, -20],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-5, -15],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-11, -25],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-8, 0],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-1, 23],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-16, -21],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-4, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7858, 9748],
+      [0, -12],
+      [30, 4],
+      [14, -16],
+      [16, -1],
+      [8, -19],
+      [-16, -10],
+      [-31, -5],
+      [-68, -3],
+      [-33, -14],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [21, 17],
+      [6, 19],
+      [36, 39],
+      [19, -6],
+      [2, 11],
+      [17, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7118, 9769],
+      [37, -6],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-10, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7523, 9794],
+      [79, -8],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-55, 8],
+      [-6, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6659, 9787],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [21, 7],
+      [6, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7715, 9797],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [25, 17],
+      [20, 0],
+      [24, -16],
+      [-9, -24],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [25, -18],
+      [-39, -10],
+      [-38, 4],
+      [-11, 8],
+      [-50, 2],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-33, 3],
+      [29, 14],
+      [23, 19],
+      [77, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6585, 9810],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [1, 14],
+      [31, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6481, 9813],
+      [15, -7],
+      [-35, -6],
+      [20, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6646, 9809],
+      [-52, -12],
+      [-13, 20],
+      [42, 0],
+      [23, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6329, 9836],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-39, 11],
+      [77, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6729, 9835],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-29, -12],
+      [-38, 1],
+      [-13, 13],
+      [14, 11],
+      [65, 2],
+      [6, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6537, 9839],
+      [-13, -8],
+      [-22, 8],
+      [35, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6388, 9840],
+      [7, -8],
+      [30, 3],
+      [-9, -14],
+      [-60, -9],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-38, -4],
+      [16, 15],
+      [-22, 8],
+      [63, 10],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [27, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7225, 9845],
+      [-28, -9],
+      [2, 9],
+      [26, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6560, 9854],
+      [57, -11],
+      [-29, -1],
+      [-28, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6542, 9848],
+      [13, 2],
+      [47, -13],
+      [-19, -7],
+      [-41, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6797, 9859],
+      [20, -16],
+      [-28, -11],
+      [-36, -3],
+      [-17, 9],
+      [46, 10],
+      [15, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7536, 9852],
+      [-37, 1],
+      [2, 7],
+      [38, -2],
+      [-3, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7665, 9859],
+      [54, -29],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [0, -24],
+      [-75, -6],
+      [-22, -7],
+      [-63, 20],
+      [36, 9],
+      [15, 17],
+      [-22, -3],
+      [16, 14],
+      [81, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6577, 9869],
+      [28, -6],
+      [-38, -6],
+      [10, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6605, 9878],
+      [14, -9],
+      [-44, 4],
+      [30, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5846, 5121],
+      [2, -14],
+      [5, -5],
+      [3, -11],
+      [1, -26],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [-8, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5801, 5040],
+      [6, 7],
+      [8, 22],
+      [-4, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5821, 5103],
+      [7, 4],
+      [4, -9],
+      [5, 7],
+      [5, 16],
+      [4, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4526, 6379],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [2, 22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6163, 6147],
+      [4, 4],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-8, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6345, 6826],
+      [6, -29],
+      [6, -11],
+      [0, -14],
+      [11, -4],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [5, -5],
+      [11, -23],
+      [8, -6],
+      [0, -16],
+      [6, -10],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [7, -31],
+      [8, -17],
+      [0, -12],
+      [8, -21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6422, 6601],
+      [7, -4],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [8, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6443, 6277],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-58, -16],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-27, -27],
+      [-16, -40],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-7, 19],
+      [-11, -3],
+      [-25, 5],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [-15, -5],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-1, -24],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-11, -16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6188, 6126],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-9, 25],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [-11, 49],
+      [-18, 29],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [-13, 43],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [4, 20],
+      [0, 19],
+      [-8, 23],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-14, 46],
+      [-18, 21],
+      [-2, -3],
+      [-12, 35],
+      [3, 0],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-4, 18],
+      [-8, 11],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-8, 30],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-8, 26],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-6, 24],
+      [-8, 14],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [5, 20],
+      [4, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6024, 6449],
+      [0, -20],
+      [6, -21],
+      [2, -34],
+      [2, -65],
+      [5, -40],
+      [4, -8],
+      [10, -8],
+      [5, -9],
+      [1, -10],
+      [10, -6],
+      [3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 5727],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-2, 21],
+      [-20, 35],
+      [-3, 45],
+      [2, 5],
+      [2, 31],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [7, -17],
+      [0, -27],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-14, -24],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [-18, -39],
+      [-13, -4],
+      [-14, 23],
+      [-7, 8],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [-4, 15],
+      [-22, 1],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-3, -21],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-3, -29],
+      [-11, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5634, 5812],
+      [3, 13],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [3, 23],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [0, 34],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [6, 21],
+      [7, 14],
+      [-5, 25],
+      [4, 9],
+      [9, 9],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-1, 18],
+      [8, 6],
+      [0, 10],
+      [7, 15],
+      [2, 15],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [7, 9],
+      [12, 2],
+      [11, -2],
+      [0, 218]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5943, 5426],
+      [-14, -28],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-8, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4535, 5893],
+      [-1, 42]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4540, 5965],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-14, 41],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [11, 9],
+      [8, 18],
+      [9, 33]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7884, 5266],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-4, -7],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [7, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3953, 2073],
+      [22, -4],
+      [11, -7],
+      [17, -21],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-22, 11],
+      [1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9445, 4521],
+      [15, -17],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [-8, 4],
+      [2, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9612, 4569],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [9, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9481, 4595],
+      [13, -14],
+      [8, 0],
+      [5, -13],
+      [0, -8],
+      [-12, 4],
+      [-9, 10],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [2, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9483, 4641],
+      [4, -12],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [1, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9442, 4640],
+      [13, 0],
+      [11, -20],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-6, 13],
+      [0, 16],
+      [3, 2],
+      [6, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9388, 4691],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [3, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9371, 4689],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [5, 6],
+      [0, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9466, 4701],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [5, -5],
+      [7, -34],
+      [-14, 21],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-5, 37],
+      [6, -2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9378, 4711],
+      [4, -3],
+      [3, -19],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-1, 6],
+      [6, 13],
+      [5, -1],
+      [1, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9365, 4716],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [4, 5],
+      [2, -15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9349, 4747],
+      [6, -9],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-5, 14],
+      [3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9405, 4746],
+      [4, 0],
+      [9, -16],
+      [12, -12],
+      [9, -15],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [-18, 25],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [4, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9349, 4800],
+      [13, -15],
+      [3, -16],
+      [10, -7],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-15, 13],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [4, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4650, 5621],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [10, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [4681, 5581],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [-23, 18],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [-6, 10],
+      [2, 3],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [7, 1],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [0, 11],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2560, 5955],
+      [-2, -14],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-8, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6359, 5831],
+      [0, -104],
+      [-27, -84]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6201, 5844],
+      [18, -44],
+      [13, -18],
+      [15, 0],
+      [11, 15],
+      [4, 0],
+      [10, 12],
+      [11, -4],
+      [6, -7],
+      [6, 4],
+      [21, 25],
+      [8, -5],
+      [14, 3],
+      [9, 10],
+      [12, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6359, 5831],
+      [14, 5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [7, 0],
+      [12, 7],
+      [13, 23],
+      [15, -9],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [-1, -18],
+      [2, -35],
+      [8, -8],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-3, -53],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-8, -13],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-6, -25],
+      [-10, -29],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-12, -48],
+      [-13, -33],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-12, -30],
+      [-14, -28],
+      [-10, -24],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [-8, -19],
+      [-21, -26],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-22, -48],
+      [-11, -21],
+      [-18, -49],
+      [-9, -28]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5183, 5187],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [5, 8],
+      [3, -11],
+      [-4, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3409, 5499],
+      [3, 3],
+      [1, 20],
+      [5, 7],
+      [8, -2],
+      [20, -10],
+      [2, 10],
+      [33, 0],
+      [18, -8],
+      [-1, -20],
+      [-3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5626, 8009],
+      [-12, -39]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5377, 7802],
+      [3, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5474, 8485],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-12, -34],
+      [0, 19],
+      [19, 45]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5521, 8514],
+      [8, 1],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-10, -8],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [10, 16],
+      [8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5327, 8537],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [11, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5671, 8973],
+      [-41, -2],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [1, -19],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [3, -8],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [12, -15],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-4, -15],
+      [-13, -13],
+      [-8, 1],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-32, -24],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-5, -7],
+      [-15, -2],
+      [5, -14],
+      [-5, -29],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [5, -32],
+      [0, -18],
+      [10, -10],
+      [10, 4],
+      [14, -25],
+      [9, -2],
+      [6, -19],
+      [-20, -23],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-17, -16],
+      [-18, -13],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [8, -8],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [3, -15],
+      [-10, -16],
+      [6, -8],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-3, -37],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [-6, -23],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-27, -3],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [5, -10],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-10, -5],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [8, 2],
+      [-15, 26],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [4, 27],
+      [-4, 8],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-4, 9],
+      [-1, 39],
+      [6, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5891, 3637],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-1, -29],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-9, 22],
+      [0, 24],
+      [7, 17],
+      [1, 10],
+      [8, 11],
+      [14, -15],
+      [2, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3249, 6221],
+      [-2, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5999, 7178],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [1, 18],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [1, 20],
+      [3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 7251],
+      [7, -5],
+      [5, 9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [9, 3],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [4, 21],
+      [8, -5],
+      [2, -7],
+      [12, 0],
+      [5, 6],
+      [18, 10],
+      [10, -11],
+      [16, -3],
+      [21, 8],
+      [20, 17],
+      [22, -1],
+      [16, 7],
+      [4, 7],
+      [4, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5402, 5930],
+      [5, 0],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [2, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5398, 5936],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5044, 5541],
+      [-12, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7728, 5654],
+      [6, -7],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [0, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7840, 5883],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-1, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7858, 5853],
+      [-4, 22],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-12, 18],
+      [0, 8],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-8, 10],
+      [-7, -5],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-3, 7],
+      [4, 21],
+      [-11, 5],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [0, -27],
+      [2, -5],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [-5, -20],
+      [0, -15],
+      [-9, -32],
+      [2, -7],
+      [-2, -27],
+      [5, -21],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [16, 5],
+      [4, -12],
+      [1, -29],
+      [9, -16],
+      [0, -12],
+      [4, -37],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-3, 29],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [2, -13],
+      [6, -18],
+      [6, 0],
+      [9, -18],
+      [12, 1],
+      [6, -4],
+      [6, -21],
+      [7, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7780, 5554],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-2, 18],
+      [2, 14],
+      [4, 19],
+      [0, 16],
+      [3, 16],
+      [7, 40]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6962, 7540],
+      [0, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6882, 7324],
+      [1, 20],
+      [12, 24],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-7, 12],
+      [-2, 14],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-9, 4],
+      [2, 16],
+      [8, 9],
+      [18, -6],
+      [7, 6],
+      [0, 11],
+      [8, 4],
+      [1, 14],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [13, 4],
+      [7, -3],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-4, 11],
+      [5, 14],
+      [8, -8],
+      [18, 14],
+      [5, 7],
+      [8, -18],
+      [-11, -19],
+      [7, -10],
+      [9, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6497, 7333],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [2, 30],
+      [-1, 22],
+      [4, 15],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [0, 9],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [1, 8],
+      [14, 2],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-5, 3],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [0, 25],
+      [4, 9],
+      [2, 19],
+      [4, -11],
+      [13, -1],
+      [5, -8],
+      [16, 6],
+      [1, 12],
+      [8, -6],
+      [3, 14],
+      [-19, 23],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-16, -3],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [4, 0],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-3, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6554, 7562],
+      [29, -5],
+      [4, 7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [4, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6585, 7597],
+      [4, -18],
+      [11, -2],
+      [7, 14],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [0, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6601, 7610],
+      [5, 1],
+      [4, 19],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [11, 1],
+      [2, 6],
+      [8, -12],
+      [7, -2],
+      [7, -14],
+      [13, 2],
+      [5, -8],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [4, -10],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [11, -11],
+      [18, 1],
+      [6, -3],
+      [7, 6],
+      [9, -10],
+      [8, -36],
+      [4, -2],
+      [5, -29],
+      [27, -31],
+      [4, -10],
+      [13, -16],
+      [5, 2],
+      [10, -14],
+      [27, -29],
+      [7, 1],
+      [19, -14],
+      [3, -4],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [0, -25]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8444, 4645],
+      [12, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8469, 4667],
+      [5, 9],
+      [1, 10],
+      [20, 8],
+      [10, -1],
+      [6, 5],
+      [3, -4],
+      [11, 10],
+      [11, -6],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-15, -17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [130, 3966],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-5, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3308, 5807],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [1, -31],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [10, 7],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [8, 7],
+      [13, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5303, 7135],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [0, 11],
+      [5, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5238, 7310],
+      [7, 2],
+      [10, 15],
+      [13, 6],
+      [17, -9],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-5, -4],
+      [10, -3],
+      [14, 20],
+      [3, -14],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [-6, -4],
+      [-3, -16],
+      [6, -18],
+      [11, -10],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-12, -28],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [4, -12],
+      [9, -10],
+      [6, 4],
+      [0, -13],
+      [11, 4],
+      [2, -20],
+      [9, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5778, 7600],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [6, -15],
+      [20, -17],
+      [6, -2],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-14, -1],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-15, -24],
+      [2, 17],
+      [13, 10],
+      [3, 7],
+      [-20, -3],
+      [-1, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5997, 7251],
+      [2, 5],
+      [-6, 17],
+      [12, 18],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-18, 15],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-17, -26],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-7, 18],
+      [-21, 18],
+      [-18, 5],
+      [-3, -3],
+      [0, -18],
+      [-5, -18],
+      [-4, 6],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-12, 5],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [0, 16],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [8, 5],
+      [12, 0],
+      [-1, 7],
+      [8, 7],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [7, -2],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [7, 4],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [4, 3],
+      [5, -20],
+      [14, 8],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-5, 16],
+      [6, 2],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-6, 9],
+      [9, 16],
+      [-24, -6],
+      [2, 29],
+      [16, 25],
+      [16, 3],
+      [2, -7],
+      [11, -1],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [11, 3],
+      [19, -3],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [5, 6],
+      [27, 5],
+      [-15, 3],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [6, 13],
+      [19, -6],
+      [11, 5],
+      [15, -8],
+      [9, 1],
+      [7, 11],
+      [29, 28],
+      [14, 6],
+      [10, 9],
+      [28, -6],
+      [10, 0],
+      [10, 9],
+      [1, -10],
+      [6, -11],
+      [9, -5],
+      [10, 6],
+      [4, -16],
+      [8, -13],
+      [5, 8],
+      [12, -5],
+      [0, -6],
+      [13, -8],
+      [8, 0],
+      [15, -7],
+      [32, 11],
+      [4, -6],
+      [14, -5],
+      [12, 7],
+      [24, 20],
+      [3, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8378, 6635],
+      [10, -12],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [1, -22],
+      [-6, -18],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-6, -20],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-1, -27],
+      [-5, 7],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-11, 20],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-3, 0],
+      [2, 15],
+      [0, 20],
+      [17, 58],
+      [3, 3],
+      [4, 18],
+      [12, 7],
+      [2, 9],
+      [4, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6108, 4736],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [1, 11],
+      [6, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6093, 4842],
+      [6, -26],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [0, 15],
+      [5, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6102, 4899],
+      [5, -11],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [-2, 30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5914, 5071],
+      [5, -1],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [2, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5882, 5125],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5883, 5125],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5884, 5125],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-2, 0],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-2, -20],
+      [4, 2],
+      [0, -28],
+      [2, 8],
+      [4, -3],
+      [0, 13],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [7, 6],
+      [2, -10],
+      [12, -2],
+      [8, 5],
+      [3, -7],
+      [17, 17],
+      [-2, 8],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-10, 4],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [5, -1],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [8, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6088, 4913],
+      [1, -10],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-3, -25],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [2, -26],
+      [5, -5],
+      [12, -22],
+      [2, -15],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [1, -10],
+      [4, -2],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [2, -25],
+      [4, -7],
+      [0, -16],
+      [4, -4],
+      [0, -15],
+      [4, -21],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [15, -16],
+      [5, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5971, 4516],
+      [-2, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5969, 4527],
+      [-5, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5964, 4536],
+      [-4, 14],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [-1, 30],
+      [-7, 20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5949, 4630],
+      [-3, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5946, 4635],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [-1, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5914, 4641],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-11, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5865, 4688],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-4, 5],
+      [-1, 11],
+      [-11, 36],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [2, 12],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-6, 12],
+      [0, 13],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-5, 32],
+      [1, 21],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [2, 27]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5846, 5121],
+      [10, 4],
+      [26, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5883, 5125],
+      [1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5944, 5197],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [1, 8],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [-5, -3],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-8, -17],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [3, -7],
+      [-9, -26],
+      [2, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5823, 5155],
+      [5, 6],
+      [2, 14],
+      [-6, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5846, 5254],
+      [4, -12],
+      [9, 28],
+      [10, 11],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-1, 25],
+      [-3, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6061, 7895],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [-12, -13],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-22, -8],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [4, -22],
+      [15, -28],
+      [18, 10],
+      [13, -3],
+      [-5, -9],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-9, 7],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-23, -12],
+      [-12, -18],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [5, 5],
+      [1, 24],
+      [-8, 3],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [24, 21],
+      [8, 2],
+      [-1, 14],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [-3, -6],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [4, 8],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [17, -5],
+      [4, 9],
+      [-11, -4],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-25, -2],
+      [-24, -46],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5836, 7853],
+      [9, -17],
+      [2, 3],
+      [-11, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5948, 7848],
+      [0, -9],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [3, -13],
+      [4, 5],
+      [21, -17],
+      [6, -8],
+      [4, -20],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-12, 23],
+      [-7, 26],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-7, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3523, 3302],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [3, -30]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3517, 3240],
+      [-4, -18],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-13, -16],
+      [-20, -17],
+      [-12, 10],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-7, -8],
+      [-20, 15],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-16, 29],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [9, 9],
+      [-4, 31]
+    ],
+    [
+      [677, 6342],
+      [13, -11],
+      [2, -12],
+      [8, -13],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [-16, -13],
+      [-3, -11],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [1, 15],
+      [-4, 25],
+      [5, 12],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [8, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [649, 6394],
+      [3, -7],
+      [7, 2],
+      [8, -8],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-9, -6],
+      [-4, 2],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [2, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [631, 6405],
+      [16, -4],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [-15, 2],
+      [1, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [613, 6427],
+      [6, -8],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-13, 2],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [7, 10],
+      [2, -6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [571, 6463],
+      [4, -3],
+      [-1, -14],
+      [-8, -3],
+      [-6, 11],
+      [11, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2301, 6687],
+      [-6, 35],
+      [0, 12],
+      [6, -47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2761, 6828],
+      [-2, -18],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [4, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2366, 6873],
+      [3, -1],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [8, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1707, 7111],
+      [7, -9],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-1, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1671, 7144],
+      [8, -4],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [0, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2993, 7551],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [8, 7],
+      [8, -1],
+      [-20, -15],
+      [-36, -12],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [4, 11],
+      [7, 6],
+      [29, 6],
+      [10, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2582, 7791],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-3, 8],
+      [10, 19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2679, 7836],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [9, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2563, 7913],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [5, 14],
+      [8, 6],
+      [12, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2541, 7956],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [0, 8],
+      [17, 12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1595, 7969],
+      [-3, -9],
+      [8, -13],
+      [-1, -5],
+      [-9, 17],
+      [5, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1582, 8004],
+      [-1, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2511, 7947],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-20, -29],
+      [-17, -21],
+      [9, -3],
+      [22, 14],
+      [6, 0],
+      [-5, -19],
+      [14, -2],
+      [11, 5],
+      [7, 9],
+      [14, 4],
+      [10, 7],
+      [7, 13],
+      [7, -14],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [10, 6],
+      [9, -1],
+      [12, -22],
+      [11, 0],
+      [9, -4],
+      [14, 14],
+      [18, -2],
+      [13, 6],
+      [0, -17],
+      [15, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2663, 7852],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [9, -12],
+      [-16, 1],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-7, 9],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-25, -7],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-15, -39],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [2, -8],
+      [10, 17],
+      [7, -3],
+      [-11, -49],
+      [1, -13],
+      [-6, -26],
+      [0, -14],
+      [4, -15],
+      [-2, -28],
+      [9, -33],
+      [8, -4],
+      [16, 14],
+      [7, 22],
+      [5, 26],
+      [0, 15],
+      [-9, 37],
+      [3, 10],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [8, 20],
+      [0, 14],
+      [5, 15],
+      [7, 2],
+      [7, 15],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [4, -4],
+      [4, 14],
+      [0, 16],
+      [11, 5],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [9, 10],
+      [13, -8],
+      [6, -11],
+      [16, -7],
+      [6, -13],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-3, -18],
+      [6, -5],
+      [7, 6],
+      [6, 16],
+      [9, 5],
+      [7, -10],
+      [4, -37],
+      [3, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2704, 7634],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-6, -12],
+      [15, -11],
+      [7, 0],
+      [5, -7],
+      [9, 4],
+      [14, 3],
+      [9, 12],
+      [24, 15],
+      [26, 21],
+      [14, 21],
+      [5, 2],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-5, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2804, 7674],
+      [10, 6],
+      [16, 2],
+      [13, -8],
+      [18, 0],
+      [8, 5],
+      [15, 19],
+      [-3, 9],
+      [4, 4],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [15, 16],
+      [1, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3116, 7818],
+      [10, -9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3134, 7784],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-20, -16],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-11, -15],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [1, -15],
+      [5, 1],
+      [-13, -19],
+      [9, -7],
+      [5, -23],
+      [17, -8],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-15, -14],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-12, -9],
+      [-29, -2],
+      [-6, -9],
+      [-8, -1],
+      [-23, -27],
+      [-1, -10],
+      [8, -1],
+      [-2, -29],
+      [-3, -14],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-1, -11],
+      [-12, -24],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [3, -23],
+      [9, -21],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-8, -30],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [4, 20],
+      [6, 17],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [1, 9],
+      [-13, 21],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [4, 11],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [11, 15],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [2, -16],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [0, -23],
+      [4, -6],
+      [1, -20],
+      [-9, 11],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [9, -4],
+      [11, -13],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-6, 3],
+      [8, -12],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [12, -4],
+      [5, -35],
+      [7, -23],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [-6, 38],
+      [-2, -15],
+      [6, -17],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [0, -7],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [15, 3],
+      [13, -8],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-13, 1],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [7, -6],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-11, -8],
+      [17, -2],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-15, -4],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [-9, -27],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-13, -12],
+      [-5, -10],
+      [-4, -21],
+      [-22, -32],
+      [-14, -8],
+      [1, -8],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [1, -5],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [2, -18],
+      [-4, -5],
+      [-3, -19],
+      [8, -63],
+      [9, -38],
+      [9, -26],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [0, -10],
+      [18, -75],
+      [3, -31],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [-1, -28],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-4, -29],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-6, 25],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [-6, 0],
+      [-3, 31],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-6, 21],
+      [-3, 18],
+      [7, 15],
+      [-1, 8],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [0, -19],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [2, 21],
+      [4, 14],
+      [0, 26],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-10, -15],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [0, 7],
+      [-11, 20],
+      [-22, 14],
+      [-15, -1],
+      [-2, 9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-1, 16],
+      [-3, 2],
+      [-2, -22],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-7, -9],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [2, -7],
+      [10, -1],
+      [3, 4],
+      [6, -14],
+      [5, 12],
+      [3, -3],
+      [-8, -29],
+      [4, -8],
+      [11, -5],
+      [3, -9],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [2, 4],
+      [-12, 11],
+      [4, -9],
+      [-2, -16],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-15, 9],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-6, 5],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [4, -6],
+      [-13, -2],
+      [-21, 13],
+      [-16, -5],
+      [2, 17],
+      [-8, -18],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [-8, -5],
+      [-1, -9],
+      [4, -12],
+      [-8, -12],
+      [1, -4],
+      [-14, -18],
+      [-16, -9],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [1, -9],
+      [6, -8],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-5, 6],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-12, -8],
+      [1, -14],
+      [-7, -33],
+      [-3, -26],
+      [7, -32],
+      [1, -16],
+      [3, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2245, 6713],
+      [1, 7],
+      [-9, 21]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2193, 6879],
+      [-7, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1746, 7056],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [-2, 27],
+      [-8, 16],
+      [-15, 18],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-10, 6],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-9, 5],
+      [0, 33],
+      [-7, 5],
+      [0, 12],
+      [-12, 15],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [-4, 23],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-8, 13],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [3, 5],
+      [9, -11],
+      [-10, 29],
+      [8, 6],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-16, 13],
+      [5, 3],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-4, 16],
+      [2, 10],
+      [-2, 15],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-8, 9],
+      [0, 19],
+      [8, 15],
+      [-2, 17],
+      [3, 16],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [-1, 32],
+      [-5, 10],
+      [9, 41],
+      [4, 25],
+      [2, 52],
+      [2, 11],
+      [1, 62],
+      [13, 7],
+      [-14, -2],
+      [1, 29],
+      [-4, -2],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-7, 6],
+      [-10, 44],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [6, 11],
+      [15, -11],
+      [24, 0],
+      [7, -6],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [12, 8],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [2, -4],
+      [10, 14],
+      [-1, 29],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-5, 18],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [1, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [60, 8169],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [10, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [80, 8161],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [12, 11],
+      [-1, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [96, 8175],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-10, 0],
+      [1, 14],
+      [7, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [177, 8186],
+      [18, -5],
+      [-12, -3],
+      [-15, 5],
+      [9, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [162, 8200],
+      [5, -4],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-27, -2],
+      [22, 6],
+      [9, 7],
+      [-7, 4],
+      [9, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9827, 8206],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [11, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9802, 8235],
+      [12, -10],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-1, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [332, 8268],
+      [5, -12],
+      [-32, -29],
+      [11, 24],
+      [7, 1],
+      [-1, 9],
+      [10, 7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [367, 8291],
+      [6, -8],
+      [9, 8],
+      [-9, -15],
+      [8, 1],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-4, 1],
+      [-20, -13],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [19, 9],
+      [1, 25],
+      [10, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [391, 8303],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [3, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [451, 8354],
+      [5, -1],
+      [6, -16],
+      [-8, -9],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [-4, -9],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-3, 11],
+      [7, 3],
+      [10, 16],
+      [3, -2],
+      [14, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1304, 8361],
+      [8, -30],
+      [-14, 25],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [558, 8363],
+      [-9, -20],
+      [4, 19],
+      [5, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1355, 8404],
+      [7, -16],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [5, 20],
+      [13, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1295, 8417],
+      [2, -9],
+      [-14, -4],
+      [5, 11],
+      [7, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1319, 8419],
+      [9, -1],
+      [0, -12],
+      [-13, 5],
+      [4, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1289, 8428],
+      [10, -1],
+      [4, -16],
+      [13, -7],
+      [9, -30],
+      [9, -9],
+      [-1, -33],
+      [-16, 17],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [8, 20],
+      [-11, -1],
+      [6, 13],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [0, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1315, 8433],
+      [-5, -12],
+      [-6, 8],
+      [11, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1328, 8428],
+      [4, -13],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [0, 12],
+      [5, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1308, 8454],
+      [9, -14],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [1, 17]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1278, 8457],
+      [7, -4],
+      [1, -11],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-6, -28],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-4, 26],
+      [11, -1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1283, 8470],
+      [24, -10],
+      [-2, -17],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [7, -18],
+      [-16, -4],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [6, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [745, 8475],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [6, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1234, 8479],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-1, 19],
+      [8, -5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1237, 8491],
+      [8, 2],
+      [9, -14],
+      [7, -29],
+      [-1, -30],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-13, 33],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [-10, 18],
+      [6, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [749, 8519],
+      [11, 0],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-2, -10],
+      [8, 0],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [10, -7],
+      [-18, -9],
+      [-14, -22],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [6, 10],
+      [-12, -1],
+      [-12, 22],
+      [3, 14],
+      [7, 7],
+      [10, 0],
+      [7, -19],
+      [-4, 28],
+      [5, 5],
+      [16, -5],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [7, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1229, 8536],
+      [23, -12],
+      [-1, -13],
+      [-7, -1],
+      [-18, 12],
+      [14, -15],
+      [13, 1],
+      [1, -16],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-19, 17],
+      [7, -17],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [1, 20],
+      [18, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1252, 8544],
+      [6, -11],
+      [14, -6],
+      [8, -16],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [2, -21],
+      [-19, -19],
+      [-1, 12],
+      [4, 10],
+      [-5, 13],
+      [-7, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [761, 8550],
+      [18, -11],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [1, 9],
+      [10, 1],
+      [5, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [913, 8659],
+      [5, -3],
+      [-25, -29],
+      [20, 32]
+    ],
+    [
+      [385, 8661],
+      [13, -6],
+      [2, -22],
+      [-19, -5],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-19, 13],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [16, 0],
+      [9, 9],
+      [12, 2]
+    ],
+    [
+      [929, 8665],
+      [13, -4],
+      [-15, -9],
+      [2, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [897, 8667],
+      [-2, -19],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [6, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [231, 8857],
+      [0, -6],
+      [17, -7],
+      [20, 7],
+      [23, -20],
+      [21, -2],
+      [-2, -9],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-9, -13],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-28, 19],
+      [-17, -8],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [6, 18]
+    ],
+    [
+      [1387, 8402],
+      [-3, -8],
+      [4, -28],
+      [-10, -21],
+      [-9, -8],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [6, 6],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [-15, 16],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-7, -22],
+      [-9, 13],
+      [7, 4],
+      [5, 24],
+      [-18, 22],
+      [-11, 25],
+      [-19, 8],
+      [12, 9],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-3, 12],
+      [14, -6],
+      [-15, 12],
+      [-15, 23],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [-6, 1],
+      [-1, 17],
+      [-6, -11],
+      [7, -17],
+      [1, -24],
+      [-13, 11],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [2, 13],
+      [-8, 12],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-17, 8],
+      [19, -18],
+      [2, -12],
+      [-9, -4],
+      [-20, 5],
+      [-23, 23],
+      [-9, 16],
+      [-34, 19],
+      [-11, 9],
+      [12, 10],
+      [-5, 11],
+      [-18, -12],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-21, 9],
+      [3, 11],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-31, 8],
+      [-30, -6],
+      [-12, 12],
+      [-16, 5],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-21, 5],
+      [9, 13],
+      [-18, -1],
+      [-16, 19],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [-15, -3],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [9, 19],
+      [-17, -18],
+      [2, -20],
+      [8, -8],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-8, -27],
+      [-18, 1],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-12, -25],
+      [-13, 3],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-19, -17],
+      [-16, -2],
+      [-6, 6],
+      [3, 9],
+      [19, 10],
+      [2, 8],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-10, 7],
+      [4, 16],
+      [8, 10],
+      [5, 19],
+      [-5, 8],
+      [27, 21],
+      [6, -6],
+      [18, 3],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [4, 5],
+      [-19, 4],
+      [-15, -15],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [-20, -27],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [9, -10],
+      [-18, -24],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-9, -5],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [10, 3],
+      [13, -8],
+      [2, -6],
+      [-11, -12],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-12, 1],
+      [-9, -17],
+      [-9, 2],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-10, -1],
+      [-14, -15],
+      [7, -5],
+      [-7, -12],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-12, -16],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-2, -11],
+      [-13, -1],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [7, -10],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-1, -7],
+      [-22, -6],
+      [-5, -17],
+      [-6, 16],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-10, 2],
+      [-12, -10],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [6, 12],
+      [-10, 1],
+      [-6, -22],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-12, 8],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-7, 2],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [0, 18],
+      [10, 3],
+      [22, 30],
+      [12, 12],
+      [9, 3],
+      [34, -7],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [5, 17],
+      [16, 15],
+      [24, 17],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-1, 15],
+      [10, 16],
+      [18, 15],
+      [2, 46],
+      [12, 18],
+      [5, 16],
+      [-8, -7],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-11, 12],
+      [1, 10],
+      [-9, -10],
+      [4, -20],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-14, 29],
+      [-8, -10],
+      [-12, 17],
+      [-19, -11],
+      [-20, -18],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [11, 7],
+      [-1, 13],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-12, 2],
+      [0, 15],
+      [7, 6],
+      [-20, 46],
+      [-1, -17],
+      [-16, -8],
+      [-23, -4],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [-13, 23],
+      [-19, 12],
+      [20, 19],
+      [18, -3],
+      [7, -12],
+      [9, 7],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-29, 2],
+      [-20, 20],
+      [-7, -6],
+      [-9, 14],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [15, 2],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [18, 26],
+      [8, -3],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [5, 17],
+      [11, 0],
+      [-8, 7],
+      [7, 5],
+      [17, 0],
+      [2, -11],
+      [17, 1],
+      [20, 24],
+      [25, -1],
+      [18, 17],
+      [-6, 30],
+      [-13, 9],
+      [10, 4],
+      [9, 13],
+      [-10, 12],
+      [-41, -24],
+      [-17, -5],
+      [-12, 9],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-19, -8],
+      [-33, 8],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [3, 12],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [7, 9],
+      [13, 2],
+      [-38, 8],
+      [-18, 10],
+      [37, 28],
+      [24, 9],
+      [16, 13],
+      [16, 7],
+      [29, 2],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [7, -19],
+      [26, 2],
+      [24, -8],
+      [11, 18],
+      [13, -3],
+      [-13, 10],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [-2, 11],
+      [-15, 10],
+      [-5, 9],
+      [9, 3],
+      [7, -17],
+      [12, -11],
+      [10, 4],
+      [14, -9],
+      [16, 2],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [-23, 0],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [2, 20],
+      [-23, -2],
+      [-30, 5],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-34, 25],
+      [-20, 9],
+      [-16, 11],
+      [9, 17],
+      [0, 14],
+      [16, -2],
+      [37, 4],
+      [19, 11],
+      [15, 16],
+      [2, 19],
+      [29, 33],
+      [26, 0],
+      [45, 27],
+      [39, 4],
+      [21, 14],
+      [12, 13],
+      [33, -7],
+      [-12, -12],
+      [11, -6],
+      [16, 16],
+      [13, -7],
+      [2, -12],
+      [19, 5],
+      [38, -1],
+      [9, -4],
+      [-12, -15],
+      [24, 0],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [32, 3],
+      [11, -5],
+      [30, 5],
+      [31, -8],
+      [27, -11],
+      [40, 0],
+      [30, -12],
+      [40, 9],
+      [52, -27],
+      [12, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2912, 6333],
+      [-2, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [2914, 6329],
+      [-1, 4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6651, 7782],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [12, -19],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [11, 5],
+      [3, 8],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [3, 11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6601, 7610],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-5, -2],
+      [-4, -22]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6627, 7805],
+      [-10, -35],
+      [2, -18],
+      [4, -10],
+      [9, 17],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [3, 6],
+      [-1, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3301, 5940],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [5, 8],
+      [-1, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3313, 5694],
+      [1, -6],
+      [-5, -8],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [1, 7],
+      [12, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3303, 5691],
+      [4, 12],
+      [2, -5],
+      [-6, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3228, 5816],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [-9, 6],
+      [4, 7],
+      [6, -5],
+      [4, 10],
+      [3, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [3018, 5865],
+      [-3, -7],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [0, -13],
+      [10, -38],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-4, -6],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [5, -18],
+      [6, -7],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [6, -5],
+      [9, 7],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-1, 32],
+      [-11, 30],
+      [-2, 23],
+      [3, 10],
+      [4, 0],
+      [12, 13],
+      [18, 8],
+      [5, 9],
+      [8, -2],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [-11, -5],
+      [-2, 13],
+      [2, 16],
+      [5, 5],
+      [6, -10],
+      [2, -22],
+      [4, -10],
+      [12, 3],
+      [15, -10],
+      [7, -12],
+      [4, -15],
+      [-2, -7],
+      [5, -15],
+      [8, -1],
+      [17, 4],
+      [6, 4],
+      [21, 2],
+      [11, -20],
+      [11, -9],
+      [11, -5],
+      [8, 2],
+      [4, 9],
+      [5, 0],
+      [2, 8],
+      [20, 5],
+      [-5, 5],
+      [-9, 1],
+      [10, 6],
+      [7, -3],
+      [11, 6],
+      [12, 1],
+      [16, -4],
+      [8, 4],
+      [-2, -6],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-16, 0],
+      [1, -9],
+      [5, -5],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-9, -1],
+      [5, -4],
+      [8, 8],
+      [5, -25],
+      [2, 17],
+      [11, -10],
+      [7, -3],
+      [-2, 7],
+      [13, -19],
+      [4, 1],
+      [7, -12],
+      [-9, -24],
+      [-3, -22],
+      [-12, 0],
+      [10, -11],
+      [3, 6],
+      [14, 6],
+      [6, -4],
+      [3, 6],
+      [9, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7888, 5785],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-4, 12],
+      [4, 5]
+    ],
+    [
+      [7999, 6420],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [1, -12],
+      [-6, -6],
+      [-5, 4],
+      [-9, -2],
+      [4, -16],
+      [-8, -8],
+      [2, -17],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-7, -4],
+      [-3, -15],
+      [-1, -23],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [7, -30],
+      [7, -15],
+      [11, -17],
+      [-1, -15],
+      [8, -21],
+      [9, -14],
+      [4, -12],
+      [16, -29],
+      [6, -2],
+      [16, -47],
+      [8, -11],
+      [1, -21],
+      [5, -18],
+      [-2, -5],
+      [6, -25],
+      [0, -35],
+      [2, -3],
+      [0, -23],
+      [3, -13],
+      [-6, -10],
+      [0, -42],
+      [-3, -5],
+      [4, -7],
+      [-4, -10],
+      [-2, 4],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-7, -2],
+      [-2, -8],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-8, -14],
+      [-6, -1],
+      [-2, -13],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-13, 0],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [1, -23],
+      [-11, 2],
+      [11, -9],
+      [-4, -11],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [7, -11],
+      [-3, -2],
+      [-12, 24],
+      [0, -5],
+      [10, -18],
+      [2, -11],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [4, -19],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-12, -29],
+      [-11, -2],
+      [5, 9],
+      [-2, 10],
+      [0, 36],
+      [2, 17],
+      [6, 7],
+      [-10, 15],
+      [-5, -5],
+      [-3, 16]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9706, 4050],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [4, 7],
+      [3, -20]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9699, 4104],
+      [2, -14],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [0, 12],
+      [6, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9675, 4172],
+      [7, -8],
+      [-6, -8],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [5, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9671, 4228],
+      [8, -15],
+      [-7, 1],
+      [-1, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9675, 4243],
+      [-6, -2],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [7, 9],
+      [5, -14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9650, 4255],
+      [10, -14],
+      [1, -7],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-4, 27],
+      [-5, 1],
+      [1, 12],
+      [4, -1],
+      [3, -12]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9672, 4262],
+      [-3, 21],
+      [1, 9],
+      [3, -20],
+      [-1, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9662, 4292],
+      [-5, 2],
+      [9, 9],
+      [-4, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9671, 4298],
+      [-2, 1],
+      [-1, 24],
+      [2, -2],
+      [1, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9633, 4310],
+      [4, 2],
+      [0, 11],
+      [5, -11],
+      [3, -23],
+      [-11, -7],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [1, 11],
+      [-3, 15],
+      [1, 17],
+      [5, -11],
+      [2, -19]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9653, 4368],
+      [1, -9],
+      [-5, 0],
+      [4, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9654, 4385],
+      [-4, -3],
+      [-1, 10],
+      [5, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5917, 7177],
+      [-8, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [233, 4380],
+      [5, -6],
+      [-14, 2],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [7, 5],
+      [6, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [213, 4406],
+      [3, -6],
+      [-1, -12],
+      [-9, 0],
+      [-5, 15],
+      [12, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6488, 5914],
+      [7, -6],
+      [7, 6],
+      [10, -9],
+      [-9, -11],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-6, 2],
+      [-5, 12],
+      [6, 9]
+    ],
+    [
+      [6474, 6141],
+      [-14, -9],
+      [-10, -18],
+      [-2, -12],
+      [2, -20],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-13, -15],
+      [-23, -11],
+      [-11, -11],
+      [-4, 0],
+      [-25, -18],
+      [-3, -12],
+      [-8, -16],
+      [-6, -3],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-10, -9],
+      [-6, -13],
+      [-15, -8],
+      [-5, -6],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-16, -6],
+      [-7, -15],
+      [-15, -17],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-4, -8],
+      [-14, -5],
+      [-10, 9],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-7, 35],
+      [2, 25],
+      [-6, 21],
+      [-2, 16],
+      [-3, 43],
+      [-6, 7],
+      [4, 2],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [3, 18],
+      [-1, 29]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5913, 3637],
+      [-1, -16],
+      [-5, -23],
+      [-3, -38],
+      [-5, -21],
+      [-10, -19],
+      [-7, -3],
+      [-13, -27],
+      [-21, -68],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-15, -32],
+      [-4, -4],
+      [-16, -28],
+      [-9, -21],
+      [-13, -22],
+      [-25, -35],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-15, 4],
+      [-9, -9],
+      [0, -11],
+      [-17, 5],
+      [-4, -12],
+      [-11, 1],
+      [-8, 6],
+      [-16, 4],
+      [-6, -7],
+      [-23, 6],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-12, -19],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-6, -5],
+      [-11, 4],
+      [-1, -6],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-9, 3],
+      [-9, 9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [-6, 4],
+      [-8, -2],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-10, -2],
+      [0, -13],
+      [-4, 19],
+      [5, 10],
+      [-2, 12],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-4, -1],
+      [1, 18],
+      [7, -2],
+      [4, 8],
+      [1, 20],
+      [-2, 22],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-9, 20],
+      [-7, 28],
+      [-8, 24],
+      [-6, 42],
+      [-6, 29],
+      [-7, 15],
+      [-3, 15]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5815, 3905],
+      [12, 3],
+      [14, -12],
+      [15, 3],
+      [13, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5844, 4282],
+      [-15, 1],
+      [-13, -5],
+      [-15, -18],
+      [0, -21],
+      [-3, -8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5798, 4231],
+      [-3, 3],
+      [-13, -9],
+      [-5, -13],
+      [-12, -14],
+      [-13, -38],
+      [-2, -11]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5750, 4149],
+      [-9, -7],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-7, 11],
+      [-12, 1]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5792, 4643],
+      [5, 5],
+      [9, 23],
+      [3, 15],
+      [-7, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5849, 4709],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [7, -1],
+      [9, -18],
+      [5, 4],
+      [-1, 8]
+    ],
+    [
+      [5750, 4149],
+      [10, 22],
+      [5, 5],
+      [4, 17],
+      [11, 9],
+      [0, 11],
+      [8, 0],
+      [8, 9],
+      [1, -7],
+      [8, 12],
+      [-7, 4]
+    ]
+  ],
+  "type": "Topology",
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+            [[13, 14]],
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+            [[190]],
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+            [[357]],
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+                453,
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+                -1,
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+          "properties": { "name": "Cuba" }
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+        {
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+          "id": "CZE",
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+            [[-387, 552]],
+            [[553, 554]],
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+            [[662]],
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+        {
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+            [[682]],
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+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
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+        {
+          "arcs": [[-157, -57, 696, 697, 698]],
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+        {
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+          "type": "Polygon",
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+                1278
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+          "arcs": [[[-778, 1331, -767]]],
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+          "arcs": [[-931]],
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+          "type": "MultiPolygon",
+          "id": "STP",
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+          "arcs": [[[1364]], [[-1001, -586, 1365]]],
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+          "arcs": [[[1368]]],
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+                1381,
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+                1418,
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+                1419,
+                -342
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+      [-115, -47],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-35, -53],
+      [-87, -199],
+      [-31, -57],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-94, -262],
+      [-66, -326],
+      [-98, -285],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-38, -50],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-90, -30],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-70, -272],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-7, -40],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-7, -71],
+      [17, -37],
+      [14, -17],
+      [42, -30],
+      [52, -30],
+      [31, -13],
+      [28, -17],
+      [21, -20],
+      [21, -27],
+      [25, -17],
+      [24, -14],
+      [31, -3],
+      [25, 7],
+      [17, 10],
+      [14, 0],
+      [21, -10],
+      [17, -10],
+      [11, -10],
+      [38, -51],
+      [7, -17],
+      [14, -30],
+      [11, -13],
+      [10, -14],
+      [10, -6],
+      [35, -7],
+      [18, -7],
+      [10, -10],
+      [18, -27],
+      [10, -10],
+      [14, -3],
+      [14, 0],
+      [24, 17],
+      [14, 0],
+      [11, -11],
+      [7, -23],
+      [3, -37],
+      [11, -27],
+      [7, -23],
+      [3, -24],
+      [-10, -84],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [4, -34],
+      [52, -205],
+      [-7, -30],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-11, -81],
+      [4, -27],
+      [3, -34],
+      [11, -26],
+      [24, -54],
+      [63, -192],
+      [14, -27],
+      [17, -20],
+      [11, -10],
+      [24, -20],
+      [11, -7],
+      [17, 0],
+      [14, 4],
+      [28, 16],
+      [17, 4],
+      [18, 0],
+      [38, -4],
+      [14, -6],
+      [14, -7],
+      [45, -44],
+      [11, -13],
+      [45, -108],
+      [17, -23],
+      [21, -14],
+      [14, -6],
+      [11, -11],
+      [10, -13],
+      [7, -10],
+      [7, -7],
+      [11, -3],
+      [34, -7],
+      [18, -10],
+      [10, -24],
+      [18, -36],
+      [17, -17],
+      [18, -10],
+      [34, -7],
+      [14, -7],
+      [28, -17],
+      [14, -6],
+      [14, 0],
+      [49, 10],
+      [17, -4],
+      [63, -23],
+      [52, -10],
+      [14, -7],
+      [14, -7],
+      [52, -33],
+      [95, -34],
+      [55, -7],
+      [18, -6],
+      [10, -7],
+      [21, -24],
+      [14, -6],
+      [17, 0],
+      [35, 3],
+      [18, 0],
+      [35, -3],
+      [17, 0],
+      [35, 3],
+      [14, 0],
+      [14, -7],
+      [14, -6],
+      [10, -14],
+      [7, -13],
+      [31, -61],
+      [32, -57],
+      [42, -47],
+      [34, -30],
+      [11, -20],
+      [10, -27],
+      [14, -57],
+      [11, -27],
+      [14, -17],
+      [28, -14],
+      [34, -6],
+      [28, -14],
+      [14, -6],
+      [14, -14],
+      [11, -10],
+      [7, -13],
+      [7, -17],
+      [34, -118],
+      [4, -30],
+      [-14, -77],
+      [-77, -222],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [7, -37],
+      [7, -20],
+      [49, -131],
+      [28, -57],
+      [7, -14],
+      [0, -17],
+      [-11, -16],
+      [-48, -44],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-18, -26],
+      [-17, -34],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-48, -255],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-42, -34],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-35, -7],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-38, 6],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-136, 7],
+      [-70, -10],
+      [-13, -3],
+      [-60, -31],
+      [-24, -16],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-91, -104],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-14, -11],
+      [-70, -30],
+      [-108, -60],
+      [-94, -27],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-17, -14],
+      [-87, -57],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-7, -26],
+      [-7, -108],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-49, -91],
+      [-3, -23],
+      [3, -24],
+      [18, -43],
+      [10, -20],
+      [25, -31],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-119, -178],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-14, -80],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-17, -4],
+      [-63, 7],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-20, -10],
+      [-18, -37],
+      [-31, -30],
+      [-363, -259],
+      [-14, -20],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [4, -396],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-132, -137],
+      [-60, -74],
+      [-24, -47],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [7, -17],
+      [24, -13],
+      [227, -91],
+      [28, -20],
+      [268, -303],
+      [11, -6],
+      [17, -7],
+      [17, -7],
+      [35, 4],
+      [32, 6],
+      [17, 0],
+      [17, 0],
+      [14, -6],
+      [140, -84],
+      [17, -7],
+      [18, 0],
+      [14, 10],
+      [7, 17],
+      [3, 20],
+      [7, 87],
+      [14, 84],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [-28, 44],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-35, 53],
+      [-10, 24],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [-3, 34],
+      [3, 26],
+      [4, 21],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-55, 94],
+      [-18, 54],
+      [35, 44],
+      [49, 37],
+      [822, 494],
+      [21, 7],
+      [18, -4],
+      [14, -6],
+      [48, -44],
+      [98, -61],
+      [115, -43],
+      [31, -17],
+      [56, -37],
+      [14, -14],
+      [14, -26],
+      [80, -175],
+      [21, -27],
+      [10, -10],
+      [67, -51],
+      [17, -13],
+      [17, -24],
+      [81, -154],
+      [7, -17],
+      [3, -17],
+      [4, -37],
+      [13, -185],
+      [-174, -1277],
+      [21, 20],
+      [28, 58],
+      [87, 36],
+      [14, 24],
+      [4, 34],
+      [10, 37],
+      [17, 40],
+      [21, 27],
+      [101, 80],
+      [35, 48],
+      [14, 73],
+      [21, 27],
+      [21, 14],
+      [42, 10],
+      [369, -10],
+      [53, -10],
+      [45, -31],
+      [930, -752],
+      [11, -14],
+      [7, -17],
+      [3, -16],
+      [0, -24],
+      [0, -10],
+      [-3, -7]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30545, 30410],
+      [118, -407],
+      [150, -370],
+      [24, -342],
+      [-324, 30],
+      [-299, 84],
+      [-300, 30],
+      [-349, -57],
+      [-250, -145],
+      [-199, -141],
+      [-227, -30],
+      [-223, 87],
+      [-76, -228],
+      [-199, 104],
+      [-226, -20],
+      [-199, 144],
+      [-150, -114],
+      [-174, -171],
+      [-150, -88],
+      [-77, -198],
+      [-198, -286],
+      [223, -255],
+      [226, -430],
+      [126, -370],
+      [97, -400],
+      [227, -171],
+      [299, -141],
+      [102, -115],
+      [6, -850],
+      [-191, -44],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-21, 23],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-25, -64],
+      [-21, -13],
+      [-38, -10],
+      [-101, -61],
+      [-56, -23],
+      [-76, -10],
+      [-32, -14],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [21, -26],
+      [4, -24],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-45, 0],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-7, -24],
+      [10, -134],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-60, -40],
+      [-20, -27],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-59, 24],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-49, 0],
+      [-55, -10],
+      [-42, -20],
+      [-133, -111],
+      [7, -24],
+      [39, -43],
+      [17, -27],
+      [7, -24],
+      [11, -13],
+      [34, -4],
+      [25, 7],
+      [21, 14],
+      [24, 3],
+      [21, -24],
+      [14, -70],
+      [-49, -24],
+      [-108, 0],
+      [-24, -33],
+      [-4, -31],
+      [14, -33],
+      [59, -74],
+      [14, -20],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-10, -27],
+      [-14, -23],
+      [-21, -17],
+      [-17, -23],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-133, -131],
+      [-48, -20],
+      [-63, 0],
+      [28, 33],
+      [10, 34],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [-18, 37],
+      [-31, 30],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [-4, -80],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-56, 17],
+      [-24, 37],
+      [31, 44],
+      [-62, 0],
+      [-39, -84],
+      [-24, -111],
+      [-28, -74],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-84, -34],
+      [-31, -3],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-38, -17],
+      [-42, -3],
+      [59, -71],
+      [-13, -30],
+      [-42, 7],
+      [-39, 47],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-27, -30],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-53, -118],
+      [-244, -342],
+      [-62, -148],
+      [-25, -84],
+      [-21, -31],
+      [-66, -70],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-32, -47],
+      [-13, -10],
+      [-70, 13],
+      [-35, 3],
+      [-28, -16],
+      [-24, -31],
+      [-18, -33],
+      [-17, -67],
+      [-14, -31],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-38, -7],
+      [-53, -27],
+      [-27, -60],
+      [-21, -77],
+      [-32, -71],
+      [-69, -60],
+      [-42, -41],
+      [-87, -37]
+    ],
+    [
+      [22634, 32998],
+      [49, 10],
+      [791, 138],
+      [791, 134],
+      [599, 104],
+      [767, 135],
+      [509, 87],
+      [77, -323],
+      [149, -336],
+      [189, -312],
+      [202, -242],
+      [97, -88],
+      [122, -80],
+      [133, -54],
+      [125, -3],
+      [63, 36],
+      [59, 48],
+      [66, 40],
+      [70, 0],
+      [35, -30],
+      [56, -84],
+      [34, -27],
+      [39, -7],
+      [24, 10],
+      [21, 17],
+      [157, 60],
+      [35, 10],
+      [21, 11],
+      [7, 13],
+      [10, 3],
+      [24, -16],
+      [11, -24],
+      [10, -60],
+      [11, -24],
+      [38, -30],
+      [38, -4],
+      [42, 4],
+      [46, -4],
+      [45, -27],
+      [66, -84],
+      [45, -33],
+      [115, -37],
+      [60, -57],
+      [21, -88],
+      [0, -124],
+      [24, -148],
+      [66, -104],
+      [289, -249],
+      [49, -23],
+      [59, 0],
+      [63, 27],
+      [101, 60],
+      [70, 7],
+      [443, -138],
+      [-56, -138],
+      [0, -168],
+      [62, -134],
+      [126, -34],
+      [63, 30],
+      [41, 37],
+      [49, 21],
+      [73, -11],
+      [88, -57],
+      [31, -10],
+      [28, 4],
+      [56, 13],
+      [27, 0],
+      [35, -20],
+      [28, -17],
+      [108, -128],
+      [59, -47],
+      [60, -23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [28154, 15770],
+      [-66, -54],
+      [-140, -34],
+      [-66, -44],
+      [-122, -104],
+      [-28, -33],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-21, 16],
+      [-28, 4],
+      [-24, -7],
+      [-11, -27],
+      [-14, -47],
+      [-55, -74],
+      [-28, -87],
+      [-39, -7],
+      [-80, 20],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-34, -50],
+      [-81, -37],
+      [-38, -68],
+      [-52, -248],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-73, -84],
+      [-7, -7],
+      [-49, -57],
+      [18, -54],
+      [-32, -27],
+      [-87, -10],
+      [-34, -20],
+      [-77, -64],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [0, -57],
+      [-10, -54],
+      [-67, -27],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-49, -81],
+      [-45, -47],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-17, -43],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-2311, -7],
+      [0, -10],
+      [11, -10],
+      [14, -7],
+      [35, -10],
+      [59, -10],
+      [17, -3],
+      [18, -14],
+      [14, -34],
+      [80, -272],
+      [10, -23],
+      [18, -10],
+      [76, -37],
+      [140, -44],
+      [31, -17],
+      [14, -10],
+      [35, -34],
+      [14, -10],
+      [14, -6],
+      [14, -10],
+      [7, -14],
+      [14, -30],
+      [17, -30],
+      [3, -14],
+      [4, -20],
+      [3, -37],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [-14, -43],
+      [-17, -37],
+      [-28, -54],
+      [-21, -30],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [-77, -43],
+      [-24, -24],
+      [-42, -47],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-14, -27],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-87, -84],
+      [-115, -171],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-35, 6],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-13, -7],
+      [-11, -20],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [-7, -43],
+      [-10, -31],
+      [-18, -20],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [-32, -37],
+      [-10, -23],
+      [-11, -37],
+      [-7, -71],
+      [-17, -64],
+      [-11, -6],
+      [-10, -24],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [-21, -124],
+      [-17, -172],
+      [17, -37],
+      [63, -60],
+      [73, -97],
+      [14, -24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24049, 11565],
+      [-150, 10],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-11, 11],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-21, -7],
+      [-28, -20],
+      [-32, -4],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-21, -64],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-21, -14],
+      [-25, -6],
+      [-45, -7],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-49, 14],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-21, -14],
+      [-59, -54],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-63, 6],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-237, -104],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-20, -21],
+      [-25, -23],
+      [-174, -111],
+      [-24, -23],
+      [-18, -11],
+      [-97, -3],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [-42, -67],
+      [-17, -44],
+      [-11, -77],
+      [-35, -145],
+      [-80, -168],
+      [-199, -40],
+      [-243, -7],
+      [-251, 71],
+      [-523, -178],
+      [-153, -34],
+      [-161, -77],
+      [-369, -367],
+      [-237, -90],
+      [-261, -37],
+      [-258, -7],
+      [-492, 144],
+      [-83, -57],
+      [-98, -212],
+      [-77, -238],
+      [-80, -158],
+      [-90, -37],
+      [-175, 40],
+      [-501, 182],
+      [-509, 91],
+      [-39, 0],
+      [-38, -7],
+      [-28, -14],
+      [-150, -111],
+      [-24, -40],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [21, -47],
+      [38, -30],
+      [70, -20],
+      [160, -27],
+      [46, -17],
+      [38, -40],
+      [77, -168],
+      [41, -155],
+      [7, -57],
+      [4, -33],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-28, -41],
+      [-52, -47],
+      [-317, -97],
+      [-129, -299]
+    ],
+    [
+      [17212, 8238],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-17, -31],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-31, 17],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-31, -3],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-28, -34],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-17, 13],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [7, 14],
+      [10, 10],
+      [10, 10],
+      [11, 10],
+      [7, 13],
+      [0, 14],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [4, 64],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-48, 20],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-17, 14],
+      [-153, 57],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-4, 3],
+      [-3, 14],
+      [7, 30],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-18, 10],
+      [-45, -4],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [-13, -17],
+      [-4, -16],
+      [-3, -27],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-39, -23],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-21, -20],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-6, -17],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [-56, 20],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-10, -20],
+      [-11, -23],
+      [-247, -498],
+      [-7, -27],
+      [-49, -33],
+      [-31, 50],
+      [-35, 10],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-153, 740],
+      [-77, 50],
+      [-697, 41],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [14, 23],
+      [70, 67],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-32, 30],
+      [-394, 255],
+      [-118, 27],
+      [-174, 24],
+      [-4234, 127]
+    ],
+    [
+      [9967, 9427],
+      [3, 236],
+      [-14, 124],
+      [4, 30],
+      [3, 20],
+      [11, 11],
+      [90, 90],
+      [21, 27],
+      [11, 10],
+      [14, 10],
+      [17, 0],
+      [17, 0],
+      [18, -3],
+      [17, -3],
+      [21, 3],
+      [21, 17],
+      [11, 20],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-7, 98],
+      [4, 33],
+      [10, 17],
+      [45, 50],
+      [42, 71],
+      [18, 37],
+      [10, 34],
+      [3, 147],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-87, 175],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [0, 34],
+      [0, 67],
+      [7, 34],
+      [7, 23],
+      [25, 34],
+      [17, 33],
+      [7, 31],
+      [4, 40],
+      [7, 23],
+      [7, 21],
+      [10, 13],
+      [10, 10],
+      [14, 10],
+      [32, 10],
+      [17, 14],
+      [7, 16],
+      [0, 21],
+      [0, 40],
+      [7, 108],
+      [-17, 67],
+      [-4, 54],
+      [4, 30],
+      [7, 23],
+      [14, 31],
+      [10, 16],
+      [7, 14],
+      [28, 80],
+      [21, 44],
+      [52, 91],
+      [18, 27],
+      [10, 10],
+      [14, 10],
+      [10, 7],
+      [21, 6]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10632, 11857],
+      [73, 51],
+      [39, 37],
+      [52, 10],
+      [52, 3],
+      [1649, -225],
+      [17, -20],
+      [11, -14],
+      [20, -47],
+      [25, -30],
+      [31, -20],
+      [46, -13],
+      [76, -14],
+      [133, -71],
+      [21, -26],
+      [17, -31],
+      [21, -27],
+      [31, -10],
+      [32, 7],
+      [104, 51],
+      [18, 174],
+      [34, 71],
+      [122, 161],
+      [189, 165],
+      [125, 208],
+      [24, 34],
+      [39, 33],
+      [49, 21],
+      [48, 6],
+      [32, -10],
+      [55, -30],
+      [35, -7],
+      [18, 7],
+      [10, 17],
+      [14, 17],
+      [31, 6],
+      [248, -20],
+      [56, 17],
+      [104, 81],
+      [42, 16],
+      [369, 17],
+      [49, 51],
+      [14, 16],
+      [21, 58],
+      [-7, 376],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [0, 17],
+      [0, 16],
+      [17, 31],
+      [52, 84],
+      [7, 17],
+      [7, 20],
+      [4, 20],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-4, 40],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-24, 64],
+      [-25, 44],
+      [-146, 208],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [-111, 70],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [14, 27],
+      [32, 14],
+      [59, 23],
+      [28, 14],
+      [14, 20],
+      [3, 13],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-7, 131],
+      [3, 84],
+      [11, 91],
+      [24, 74],
+      [63, 101],
+      [31, 67],
+      [4, 20],
+      [3, 20],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-90, 51],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-10, 50],
+      [-11, 34],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-25, 17],
+      [-24, 14]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14518, 14812],
+      [1216, -44],
+      [258, -37],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [0, -17],
+      [24, -84],
+      [7, -17],
+      [7, -13],
+      [42, -44],
+      [11, -14],
+      [3, -16],
+      [7, -17],
+      [7, -57],
+      [10, -31],
+      [4, -20],
+      [7, -57],
+      [17, -70],
+      [11, -21],
+      [17, -20],
+      [11, -6],
+      [31, -27],
+      [52, 23],
+      [80, 67],
+      [67, 84],
+      [28, 84],
+      [-21, 74],
+      [-4, 51],
+      [14, 40],
+      [28, 20],
+      [38, 10],
+      [35, -10],
+      [21, -57],
+      [14, -20],
+      [17, -20],
+      [21, -4],
+      [18, 17],
+      [3, 27],
+      [-3, 24],
+      [3, 23],
+      [94, 138],
+      [28, 50],
+      [0, 24],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [10, 31],
+      [18, 13],
+      [28, 3],
+      [24, 0],
+      [14, 7],
+      [7, 44],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [0, 44],
+      [45, 54],
+      [49, -7],
+      [21, -3],
+      [14, -10],
+      [52, -37],
+      [31, -17],
+      [35, -13],
+      [251, -21],
+      [56, -20],
+      [45, -47],
+      [199, -551],
+      [31, -64],
+      [39, -60],
+      [59, -58],
+      [31, -16],
+      [28, -7],
+      [14, 7],
+      [14, 6],
+      [38, 27],
+      [21, 7],
+      [25, 7],
+      [80, 3],
+      [24, 7],
+      [14, 7],
+      [25, 6],
+      [34, 7],
+      [168, 3],
+      [101, 14],
+      [17, 6],
+      [14, 7],
+      [24, 17],
+      [11, 13],
+      [10, 11],
+      [14, 13],
+      [21, 13],
+      [39, 7],
+      [24, 0],
+      [24, -3],
+      [185, -57],
+      [38, -4],
+      [25, 0],
+      [59, 20],
+      [56, 11],
+      [94, 3],
+      [31, -3],
+      [140, -44],
+      [52, -7],
+      [195, 17],
+      [21, 3],
+      [14, 7],
+      [28, 13],
+      [38, 27],
+      [14, 7],
+      [119, 20],
+      [240, 10],
+      [31, 14],
+      [14, 20],
+      [-21, 373],
+      [4, 17],
+      [7, 13],
+      [10, 14],
+      [429, 366],
+      [21, 24],
+      [52, 87],
+      [63, 71],
+      [24, 23],
+      [101, 67],
+      [119, 51],
+      [14, 6],
+      [10, 10],
+      [192, 269],
+      [115, 131],
+      [10, 14],
+      [7, 10],
+      [7, 23]
+    ],
+    [
+      [21111, 15927],
+      [25, 0],
+      [73, 14],
+      [73, 3],
+      [66, -37],
+      [28, -40],
+      [17, -54],
+      [28, -37],
+      [46, -13],
+      [31, 20],
+      [56, 77],
+      [42, 27],
+      [66, 30],
+      [174, 131],
+      [422, 182],
+      [59, 40],
+      [174, 185],
+      [70, 34],
+      [70, -4],
+      [52, -37],
+      [52, -47],
+      [56, -40],
+      [38, -3],
+      [25, 10],
+      [24, -4],
+      [24, -37],
+      [11, -33],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [-13, -27],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-4, -27],
+      [7, -70],
+      [-7, -31],
+      [-17, -10],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [0, -47],
+      [10, -40],
+      [18, -37],
+      [17, -37],
+      [28, -27],
+      [45, -31],
+      [63, -30],
+      [118, -37],
+      [192, 0],
+      [45, 7],
+      [46, 107],
+      [3, 377],
+      [0, 507],
+      [0, 484],
+      [0, 508],
+      [0, 595],
+      [4, 511],
+      [0, 564],
+      [0, 397],
+      [0, 363]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23300, 20112],
+      [55, 13],
+      [14, 7],
+      [11, 10],
+      [10, 14],
+      [28, 43],
+      [14, 30],
+      [7, 21],
+      [4, 20],
+      [14, 171],
+      [3, 20],
+      [7, 17],
+      [10, 14],
+      [11, 10],
+      [10, 10],
+      [244, 114],
+      [63, 17],
+      [70, 10],
+      [14, 0],
+      [21, -13],
+      [24, -31],
+      [52, -70],
+      [56, -115],
+      [3, -16],
+      [4, -17],
+      [7, -61],
+      [3, -17],
+      [4, -16],
+      [10, -24],
+      [46, -67],
+      [14, -27],
+      [17, -27],
+      [21, -20],
+      [45, -30],
+      [25, -14],
+      [24, -10],
+      [38, -10],
+      [18, -7],
+      [17, -20],
+      [28, -57],
+      [14, -17],
+      [66, -30],
+      [39, -7],
+      [13, -6],
+      [14, -7],
+      [14, -10],
+      [14, -10],
+      [49, -17],
+      [42, -27],
+      [31, -17],
+      [73, -13],
+      [18, -7],
+      [42, -27],
+      [14, -7],
+      [17, -3],
+      [52, 0],
+      [25, -10],
+      [28, -13],
+      [41, -27],
+      [28, -10],
+      [21, 0],
+      [52, 10],
+      [35, 0],
+      [18, -4],
+      [17, -13],
+      [14, -17],
+      [18, -37],
+      [13, -20],
+      [18, -20],
+      [28, -14],
+      [21, -3],
+      [17, 3],
+      [31, 10],
+      [32, 4],
+      [35, -7],
+      [17, -10],
+      [14, -17],
+      [17, -37],
+      [7, -27],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-3, -151],
+      [-10, -40],
+      [-28, -67],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-3, -20],
+      [0, -41],
+      [3, -37],
+      [4, -16],
+      [3, -17],
+      [14, -17],
+      [21, -20],
+      [35, -27],
+      [76, -40],
+      [32, -17],
+      [14, -17],
+      [17, -27],
+      [11, -44],
+      [0, -27],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [-24, -71],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [0, -20],
+      [4, -17],
+      [21, -30],
+      [35, -37],
+      [83, -74],
+      [42, -23],
+      [28, -11],
+      [42, 24],
+      [24, 17],
+      [24, 23],
+      [35, 54],
+      [14, 7],
+      [14, 0],
+      [18, -7],
+      [14, -17],
+      [38, -104],
+      [21, -33],
+      [21, -24],
+      [35, -24],
+      [59, -30],
+      [14, -13],
+      [10, -17],
+      [7, -34],
+      [4, -23],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-7, -16],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-42, -54],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-31, -88],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [4, -16],
+      [45, -175],
+      [3, -37],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-13, -84],
+      [10, -24],
+      [21, -23],
+      [181, -142],
+      [59, -33],
+      [28, -20],
+      [28, -17],
+      [18, -3],
+      [34, 0],
+      [98, 23],
+      [21, 0],
+      [17, -3],
+      [105, -34],
+      [38, -3],
+      [21, -7],
+      [80, -30],
+      [25, -4],
+      [17, 4],
+      [35, 0],
+      [38, -34],
+      [223, -242],
+      [39, -30],
+      [17, -3],
+      [38, 0],
+      [18, 3],
+      [17, 3],
+      [14, 7],
+      [11, 10],
+      [10, 13],
+      [10, 14],
+      [7, 13],
+      [28, 74],
+      [4, 7],
+      [3, 30],
+      [4, 64],
+      [7, 17],
+      [7, 13],
+      [10, 10],
+      [28, 14],
+      [59, 23],
+      [18, 4],
+      [132, 0],
+      [38, -7],
+      [18, -7],
+      [101, -53],
+      [28, -21],
+      [14, -13],
+      [10, -13],
+      [18, -48],
+      [10, -53],
+      [49, -743],
+      [17, -64],
+      [56, -124],
+      [70, -84],
+      [38, -54],
+      [4, -34],
+      [7, -60],
+      [-4, -114],
+      [0, -168]
+    ],
+    [
+      [14518, 14812],
+      [-101, 74],
+      [-45, 43],
+      [-11, 20],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [-14, 43],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [14, 222],
+      [10, 54],
+      [21, 60],
+      [14, 31],
+      [10, 13],
+      [60, 51],
+      [10, 13],
+      [7, 17],
+      [11, 23],
+      [31, 165],
+      [10, 27],
+      [11, 20],
+      [10, 10],
+      [28, 14],
+      [59, 23],
+      [28, 17],
+      [14, 13],
+      [14, 21],
+      [35, 90],
+      [7, 10],
+      [14, 14],
+      [66, 37],
+      [18, 17],
+      [17, 30],
+      [31, 60],
+      [11, 34],
+      [10, 30],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-7, 61],
+      [-7, 33],
+      [-35, 78],
+      [-3, 23],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [0, 57],
+      [7, 34],
+      [7, 23],
+      [7, 17],
+      [7, 14],
+      [10, 13],
+      [25, 24],
+      [163, 114],
+      [25, 20],
+      [28, 37],
+      [21, 37],
+      [10, 27],
+      [7, 23],
+      [80, 390],
+      [0, 4],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-66, -13],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-17, 13],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-10, 30],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-11, 14],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-7, 0],
+      [-52, 4],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-13, 6],
+      [-81, 37],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-32, 17],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-6, 20],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [4, 20],
+      [27, 44],
+      [28, 74],
+      [11, 20],
+      [10, 30],
+      [4, 20],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-56, 67],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-10, 21],
+      [-11, 16],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [0, 23],
+      [21, 37],
+      [10, 27],
+      [28, 148],
+      [7, 24],
+      [11, 20],
+      [24, 44],
+      [21, 23],
+      [28, 17],
+      [14, 3],
+      [17, 4],
+      [52, 6],
+      [14, 4],
+      [32, 13],
+      [24, 20],
+      [21, 21],
+      [28, 40],
+      [31, 64],
+      [105, 148],
+      [24, 16],
+      [28, 14],
+      [119, 23],
+      [17, 7],
+      [14, 14],
+      [0, 13],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [0, 3],
+      [-28, 78],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [0, 47],
+      [3, 27],
+      [11, 24],
+      [7, 20],
+      [14, 33],
+      [0, 104],
+      [-4, 21],
+      [-35, 117],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-4, 24],
+      [14, 7],
+      [14, -4],
+      [66, -16],
+      [84, -4],
+      [28, 4],
+      [56, 10],
+      [35, 6],
+      [376, -43],
+      [17, 10],
+      [21, 13],
+      [35, 51],
+      [17, 16],
+      [39, 24],
+      [14, 10],
+      [45, 24],
+      [38, 57],
+      [18, 13],
+      [14, 10],
+      [31, 10],
+      [14, 7],
+      [21, 20],
+      [45, 44],
+      [25, 20],
+      [14, 3],
+      [41, 14],
+      [28, -24],
+      [46, -30],
+      [41, -34],
+      [0, -20],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [11, -20],
+      [84, -17],
+      [34, -17],
+      [11, -7],
+      [42, 64],
+      [45, 17],
+      [10, 7],
+      [129, 97],
+      [11, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [16717, 19826],
+      [14, -13],
+      [129, -158],
+      [83, -30],
+      [133, -14],
+      [136, 7],
+      [94, 27],
+      [59, 50],
+      [31, 47],
+      [39, 27],
+      [76, -7],
+      [60, -27],
+      [170, -114],
+      [42, -60],
+      [14, -88],
+      [18, -70],
+      [66, -24],
+      [56, 10],
+      [41, 4],
+      [220, -24],
+      [28, -17],
+      [10, -30],
+      [7, -34],
+      [14, -30],
+      [73, -64],
+      [42, 20],
+      [45, 48],
+      [74, 23],
+      [59, -30],
+      [45, -47],
+      [49, -41],
+      [80, 0],
+      [59, 11],
+      [60, -7],
+      [55, -17],
+      [53, -34],
+      [247, -238],
+      [42, -74],
+      [56, -168],
+      [38, -78],
+      [101, -117],
+      [28, -64],
+      [0, -91],
+      [-35, -54],
+      [-49, -40],
+      [-28, -47],
+      [21, -87],
+      [60, -91],
+      [66, -74],
+      [49, -81],
+      [10, -174],
+      [31, -34],
+      [42, 0],
+      [49, 23],
+      [28, 41],
+      [42, 97],
+      [41, 27],
+      [136, -33],
+      [122, -138],
+      [202, -293],
+      [53, -53],
+      [21, -37],
+      [24, -121],
+      [14, -17],
+      [42, -14],
+      [10, -16],
+      [-3, -17],
+      [-14, -37],
+      [0, -14],
+      [3, -16],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [4, -17],
+      [14, -17],
+      [17, -3],
+      [14, -7],
+      [11, -7],
+      [27, -117],
+      [28, -21],
+      [60, -3],
+      [27, -10],
+      [35, -54],
+      [91, -501],
+      [49, -141],
+      [90, -97],
+      [39, -54],
+      [48, -13],
+      [56, 13],
+      [52, 23],
+      [56, 0]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24537, 10506],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [0, 407],
+      [-18, 101],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-24, 40],
+      [-28, 40],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-45, 24],
+      [-17, 13],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-119, 175],
+      [-14, 13],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-66, 31],
+      [-21, 20],
+      [-10, 27],
+      [-11, 43],
+      [-10, 24]
+    ],
+    [
+      [28154, 15770],
+      [31, 23],
+      [67, 24],
+      [48, -11],
+      [60, -16],
+      [62, -10],
+      [49, 23],
+      [234, 202],
+      [73, 104],
+      [35, 128],
+      [24, 134],
+      [52, 198],
+      [14, 31],
+      [63, 16],
+      [24, 17],
+      [14, 24],
+      [7, 33],
+      [21, 68],
+      [46, 47],
+      [41, 50],
+      [11, 81],
+      [17, 0],
+      [7, -14],
+      [7, -16],
+      [7, -17],
+      [49, 33],
+      [66, 41],
+      [39, 33],
+      [31, 44],
+      [17, 10],
+      [63, 7],
+      [21, 17],
+      [14, 20],
+      [7, 30],
+      [38, -17],
+      [25, 7],
+      [24, 17],
+      [35, 16],
+      [-18, 64],
+      [-3, 71],
+      [7, 67],
+      [14, 54],
+      [3, 17],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [0, 13],
+      [17, 17],
+      [18, 3],
+      [17, -3],
+      [11, 7],
+      [38, 43],
+      [14, 21],
+      [10, 30],
+      [32, 3],
+      [62, 20],
+      [63, 27],
+      [24, 34],
+      [11, 60],
+      [45, 155],
+      [28, 54],
+      [28, 23],
+      [24, 7],
+      [18, 13],
+      [14, 71],
+      [28, 67],
+      [7, 37],
+      [3, 44],
+      [18, 111],
+      [0, 114],
+      [10, 34],
+      [14, 23],
+      [10, 27],
+      [14, 84],
+      [32, 40],
+      [62, 333],
+      [0, 148],
+      [7, 27],
+      [28, 47],
+      [7, 20],
+      [4, 51],
+      [14, 20],
+      [17, 20],
+      [28, 33],
+      [21, 41],
+      [38, 101],
+      [39, 43],
+      [146, 131],
+      [10, 34],
+      [53, 71],
+      [24, 70],
+      [14, 74],
+      [7, 71],
+      [244, -64],
+      [178, 0],
+      [149, 175],
+      [49, 198],
+      [126, 144],
+      [174, 0],
+      [376, 27],
+      [676, 229],
+      [401, 144],
+      [126, 313],
+      [198, 373],
+      [0, 161],
+      [59, 94],
+      [119, 58],
+      [143, 43]
+    ],
+    [
+      [33744, 21866],
+      [28, -437],
+      [-11, -124],
+      [-38, -128],
+      [0, -54],
+      [35, -77],
+      [10, -47],
+      [-10, -54],
+      [-18, -53],
+      [-28, -175],
+      [-118, -309],
+      [-11, -115],
+      [7, -114],
+      [21, -54],
+      [84, -90],
+      [35, -48],
+      [38, -110],
+      [52, -239],
+      [56, -101],
+      [105, -40],
+      [219, 74],
+      [119, -44],
+      [49, 0],
+      [34, -13],
+      [4, -71],
+      [-24, -54],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-77, -50],
+      [-24, -57],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-10, -24],
+      [-4, -84],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-90, -41],
+      [-32, -37],
+      [-48, -77],
+      [-60, -71],
+      [-69, -47],
+      [-67, -16],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [-24, 16],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-39, 4],
+      [-76, -17],
+      [-25, -10],
+      [-34, -44],
+      [-49, -118],
+      [-42, -33],
+      [-31, -10],
+      [-18, -10],
+      [-14, -14],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-17, -17],
+      [-11, -24],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-31, -4],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-35, 77],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-27, 7],
+      [-21, -4],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-27, -26],
+      [-25, -14],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-14, 26],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-24, -13],
+      [-42, -41],
+      [-31, -47],
+      [-91, -205],
+      [-108, -178],
+      [-42, -91],
+      [-10, -60],
+      [17, -249],
+      [21, -37],
+      [80, -57],
+      [74, -77],
+      [24, -81],
+      [-14, -97],
+      [-80, -205],
+      [-49, -377],
+      [4, -60],
+      [14, -58],
+      [24, -57],
+      [45, -77],
+      [11, -40],
+      [-18, -47],
+      [-87, -31],
+      [-76, -104],
+      [-53, -134],
+      [-42, -192],
+      [-41, -181],
+      [-53, -131],
+      [-83, -51],
+      [-56, -10],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [-7, -54],
+      [3, -60],
+      [-14, -77],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-112, -16],
+      [-38, -31],
+      [-80, -77],
+      [-39, -7],
+      [-55, 24],
+      [-42, 3],
+      [-31, -27],
+      [-11, -70],
+      [35, -108],
+      [94, -23],
+      [108, -4],
+      [80, -37],
+      [112, -178],
+      [17, -40],
+      [-24, -37],
+      [-112, -57],
+      [-31, -41],
+      [17, -90],
+      [87, -44],
+      [108, -24],
+      [91, -37],
+      [45, -43],
+      [147, -205],
+      [14, -51],
+      [7, -50],
+      [17, -54],
+      [24, -23],
+      [53, 3],
+      [24, -13],
+      [18, -31],
+      [3, -17],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-10, -171],
+      [14, -51],
+      [69, -100],
+      [56, 13],
+      [94, 172],
+      [38, 50],
+      [42, 23],
+      [105, 34],
+      [28, 30],
+      [28, 88],
+      [27, 16],
+      [46, -36],
+      [90, -195],
+      [53, -71],
+      [-216, -81],
+      [-262, -100],
+      [-373, -142],
+      [-515, -195],
+      [-499, -191],
+      [-453, -172],
+      [-313, -121],
+      [-276, -104],
+      [-240, -50],
+      [-112, -37],
+      [-226, -114],
+      [-300, -111],
+      [-390, -145],
+      [-429, -158],
+      [-202, -117],
+      [-279, -165],
+      [-254, -104],
+      [-310, -84],
+      [-384, -105],
+      [-310, -84],
+      [-52, -3],
+      [-422, -107],
+      [-296, -78],
+      [-415, -168],
+      [-254, -101],
+      [-314, -131],
+      [-278, -151],
+      [-220, -124],
+      [-261, -34],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [0, -4]
+    ],
+    [
+      [24537, 10506],
+      [-4, -23],
+      [21, -101],
+      [0, -151],
+      [18, -148],
+      [108, -424],
+      [76, -164],
+      [94, -68],
+      [46, -20],
+      [38, -43],
+      [28, -61],
+      [21, -64],
+      [14, -70],
+      [7, -222],
+      [10, -37],
+      [46, -67],
+      [7, -34],
+      [-7, -34],
+      [-56, -117],
+      [-18, -78],
+      [7, -47],
+      [84, -97],
+      [17, -27],
+      [32, -101],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-42, -17],
+      [-119, -53],
+      [-83, -4],
+      [-94, 47],
+      [-49, 24],
+      [-77, 10],
+      [-24, -10],
+      [-45, -44],
+      [-25, -17],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-35, 13],
+      [-77, 61],
+      [-118, 27],
+      [-122, -20],
+      [-119, -34],
+      [-115, -24],
+      [-128, 17],
+      [-258, 77],
+      [-133, 14],
+      [-66, -17],
+      [-122, -60],
+      [-129, -24],
+      [-171, -64],
+      [-73, -10],
+      [-63, 10],
+      [-55, 17],
+      [-63, 10],
+      [-73, -23],
+      [-112, -105],
+      [-52, -37],
+      [-258, -23],
+      [-45, -10],
+      [-655, -336],
+      [-108, -125],
+      [-25, -16],
+      [-63, -17],
+      [-55, -41],
+      [-49, -47],
+      [-28, -37],
+      [-66, -131],
+      [-35, -40],
+      [-73, -17],
+      [-136, -3],
+      [-63, -10],
+      [-14, -10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20759, 7186],
+      [0, 3],
+      [-45, 40],
+      [-63, 47],
+      [-69, 17],
+      [-49, -57],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-25, -13],
+      [-10, -34],
+      [-35, 24],
+      [-21, -10],
+      [-14, -21],
+      [-14, -13],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-45, 14],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-18, 4],
+      [-28, 13],
+      [-202, 178],
+      [-38, 21],
+      [-59, 3],
+      [-119, -20],
+      [-63, 13],
+      [-48, 37],
+      [-129, 148],
+      [-49, 44],
+      [-49, 17],
+      [-111, 16],
+      [-35, 17],
+      [-59, 47],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-59, 17],
+      [-296, -23],
+      [-49, -20],
+      [-87, -68],
+      [-32, -6],
+      [-27, 20],
+      [-95, 87],
+      [-48, 30],
+      [-293, 128],
+      [-63, 10],
+      [-56, 20],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [-28, 61],
+      [-38, 57],
+      [-112, 57],
+      [-122, 7],
+      [-118, -30],
+      [-98, -58],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [7, 27],
+      [-56, 41],
+      [-69, 13],
+      [-129, -3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [10632, 11857],
+      [-76, 4],
+      [-35, -14],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-70, -37],
+      [-52, -6],
+      [-42, 0],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-31, 17],
+      [-56, 13],
+      [-195, 20],
+      [-38, 0],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-52, -31],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-46, -17],
+      [-27, -14],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-59, -23],
+      [-115, -30],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-143, 10],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-28, -6],
+      [-55, -21],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [-25, 14],
+      [-21, 16],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-63, 81],
+      [-35, 54],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-10, 34],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [14, 111],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-7, 77],
+      [0, 34],
+      [3, 10],
+      [7, 16],
+      [4, 7],
+      [3, 7],
+      [11, 7],
+      [17, 10],
+      [66, 27],
+      [77, 40],
+      [10, 10],
+      [25, 20],
+      [31, 37],
+      [7, 17],
+      [4, 20],
+      [7, 148],
+      [14, 77],
+      [3, 7],
+      [4, 13],
+      [3, 17],
+      [11, 14],
+      [17, 27],
+      [24, 47],
+      [11, 37],
+      [10, 40],
+      [4, 23],
+      [0, 121],
+      [-7, 27],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-32, 44],
+      [-20, 17],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-115, -23],
+      [-32, 7],
+      [-52, 20],
+      [-335, 188],
+      [-20, 7],
+      [-70, 13],
+      [-66, 20],
+      [-60, 10],
+      [-153, 58],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-18, 17],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [3, 87],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-24, 64],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-17, 20],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-70, 91],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-10, 3],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-24, -17],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-10, -13],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-4, -20],
+      [0, -37],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-3, -4],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-3, 4],
+      [-4, 10],
+      [0, 17],
+      [7, 64],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-11, 3],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-27, 10],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-4, -13],
+      [7, -34],
+      [0, -16],
+      [-7, -14],
+      [-10, -7],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-32, 13],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-25, 33],
+      [-35, 24],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [-14, 17],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-66, 77],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-28, -7],
+      [-3, -10],
+      [7, -14],
+      [7, -10],
+      [10, -13],
+      [4, -14],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-41, 3],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-21, -4],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-10, 17],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-7, -11],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-111, 37],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-3, 40],
+      [0, 21],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-31, 33],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-10, -14],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [0, -17],
+      [7, -13],
+      [17, -17],
+      [7, -13],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-7, -10],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-35, 7],
+      [-21, 14],
+      [-59, 43],
+      [-45, 47],
+      [-14, 4],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-31, -10],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-18, -27],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-28, 3],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-18, -6],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-14, -34],
+      [-11, -13],
+      [-10, -11],
+      [-28, -13],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-21, -3],
+      [-24, 3],
+      [-21, 10],
+      [-21, 21],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-7, -20],
+      [-10, -17],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-13, 7],
+      [-25, 30],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-10, -3],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-31, -34],
+      [-25, -20],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-28, -3],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-28, 14],
+      [-45, 23],
+      [-21, 7],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-24, -20],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-10, -4],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-11, 0],
+      [-20, 3],
+      [-25, 4],
+      [-63, 27],
+      [-55, 0],
+      [-46, 13],
+      [-21, 37],
+      [0, 67],
+      [-31, -20],
+      [-70, -74],
+      [-34, -13],
+      [-32, -7],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [-97, -67],
+      [-52, 17],
+      [-49, 37],
+      [-46, 20],
+      [-48, -14],
+      [-105, -64],
+      [-118, -33],
+      [-108, -91],
+      [-49, -34],
+      [-307, -87],
+      [-84, -50],
+      [-94, -91],
+      [-27, -24],
+      [-39, -13],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-35, 3],
+      [-52, -16],
+      [-77, -74],
+      [-49, -27],
+      [-122, 0],
+      [14, 30],
+      [0, 23],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-11, 24],
+      [-122, -51],
+      [14, 71],
+      [67, 114],
+      [38, 51],
+      [10, 16],
+      [4, 17],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-17, 4],
+      [-230, 27],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [0, 40],
+      [0, 41],
+      [0, 10],
+      [-7, 20],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-35, 23],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-24, 0],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-14, -6],
+      [-77, -37],
+      [-52, -14],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-7, 3],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-4, 13],
+      [-10, 37],
+      [-18, 51],
+      [-17, 26],
+      [-42, 51],
+      [-261, 188],
+      [-73, 34],
+      [-25, 3],
+      [-17, -3],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-76, -81],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-17, -7],
+      [-140, -7],
+      [-13, -6],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-35, -198],
+      [-7, -21],
+      [-21, -37],
+      [-31, -6],
+      [-38, 10],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-31, 23],
+      [-74, 14],
+      [-34, 16],
+      [-18, 27],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-18, 24],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-52, 13],
+      [-24, 27],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-31, 0],
+      [-25, 7],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-73, 54],
+      [-11, 13],
+      [-28, 64],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-7, 7],
+      [-202, 138],
+      [-435, 407],
+      [-32, 23],
+      [-70, 44],
+      [-31, 10],
+      [-24, 7],
+      [-18, -4],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-31, -61],
+      [-7, -13],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-39, -27],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-7, -17],
+      [-13, -30],
+      [-11, -14],
+      [-10, -10],
+      [-88, -44],
+      [-20, -6],
+      [-28, -4],
+      [-49, -3],
+      [-28, 7],
+      [-24, 6],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-49, 41],
+      [-73, 84],
+      [-35, 26],
+      [-90, 48],
+      [-56, 10]
+    ],
+    [
+      [0, 14886],
+      [0, 309],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 511],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 511],
+      [369, 0],
+      [373, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [369, 0],
+      [369, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [373, 0],
+      [369, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [372, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [369, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [372, 0],
+      [370, 0],
+      [369, 0],
+      [98, 0],
+      [-35, 124],
+      [-52, 108],
+      [-67, 97],
+      [-160, 189],
+      [-63, 94],
+      [-27, 111],
+      [20, 134],
+      [60, 151],
+      [55, 252],
+      [53, 239],
+      [38, 97],
+      [133, 222],
+      [101, 165],
+      [24, 57],
+      [10, 57],
+      [-31, 155],
+      [-10, 208],
+      [-32, 84],
+      [-76, 91],
+      [-63, 104],
+      [-18, 155],
+      [21, 477],
+      [18, 437],
+      [62, 165],
+      [7, 33],
+      [-13, 84],
+      [-14, 256],
+      [-25, 84],
+      [-31, 64],
+      [-25, 63],
+      [0, 88],
+      [18, 67],
+      [52, 134],
+      [84, 145],
+      [14, 40],
+      [0, 54],
+      [-11, 84],
+      [4, 44],
+      [7, 37],
+      [31, 50],
+      [94, 81],
+      [28, 47],
+      [0, 40],
+      [-132, 330],
+      [-18, 87],
+      [11, 484],
+      [-56, 10],
+      [-18, 47],
+      [14, 131],
+      [-3, 188],
+      [10, 61],
+      [18, 67],
+      [-11, 50],
+      [-55, 98],
+      [-21, 60],
+      [-21, 165],
+      [104, -3],
+      [140, -30],
+      [125, -54],
+      [70, -71],
+      [0, -30],
+      [-18, -61],
+      [0, -33],
+      [7, -37],
+      [21, -67],
+      [4, -41],
+      [-4, -111],
+      [18, -43],
+      [62, 10],
+      [60, 23],
+      [48, -3],
+      [112, -37],
+      [59, -10],
+      [112, 0],
+      [56, -7],
+      [66, -33],
+      [87, -61],
+      [73, -77],
+      [35, -67],
+      [-11, -41],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [0, -51],
+      [14, -40],
+      [52, -50],
+      [21, -27],
+      [14, -61],
+      [3, -70],
+      [-3, -74],
+      [-11, -68],
+      [-24, -53],
+      [-94, -168],
+      [-39, -47],
+      [-125, -41],
+      [-38, -37],
+      [28, -60],
+      [45, -27],
+      [125, 0],
+      [56, -10],
+      [66, -47],
+      [101, -104],
+      [60, -31],
+      [69, -6],
+      [63, 13],
+      [125, 50],
+      [28, 4],
+      [35, -4],
+      [32, 7],
+      [20, 27],
+      [7, 37],
+      [14, 34],
+      [18, 27],
+      [28, 26],
+      [24, 14],
+      [66, 17],
+      [32, 16],
+      [31, 34],
+      [52, 84],
+      [35, 34],
+      [112, 53],
+      [226, 0],
+      [115, 27],
+      [223, 125],
+      [122, 43],
+      [115, -10],
+      [429, 44],
+      [177, 40],
+      [283, 158],
+      [94, 20],
+      [35, -36],
+      [7, -78],
+      [-4, -87],
+      [7, -67],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-25, -24],
+      [-59, -26],
+      [-35, -31],
+      [14, -30],
+      [35, -30],
+      [14, -27],
+      [-24, -64],
+      [-35, -30],
+      [-25, -40],
+      [4, -81],
+      [21, -71],
+      [69, -131],
+      [21, -60],
+      [-3, -34],
+      [-42, -54],
+      [-10, -30],
+      [0, -34],
+      [6, -60],
+      [81, -276],
+      [28, -60],
+      [24, -27],
+      [21, -13],
+      [24, -4],
+      [39, 0],
+      [41, -10],
+      [18, -23],
+      [14, -27],
+      [28, -31],
+      [170, -90],
+      [53, -51],
+      [3, -20],
+      [4, -17],
+      [-4, -17],
+      [-24, -87],
+      [17, -47],
+      [45, -20],
+      [60, 0],
+      [28, 17],
+      [17, 23],
+      [21, 20],
+      [38, 7],
+      [32, 10],
+      [10, 34],
+      [11, 33],
+      [24, 21],
+      [136, -4],
+      [101, -74],
+      [94, -97],
+      [115, -74],
+      [52, -10],
+      [174, 0],
+      [32, 3],
+      [59, 30],
+      [21, 7],
+      [35, -7],
+      [14, -10],
+      [10, -16],
+      [164, -148],
+      [63, -27],
+      [42, -37],
+      [41, -104],
+      [53, -27],
+      [38, -7],
+      [516, 7],
+      [66, -27],
+      [59, -44],
+      [63, -34],
+      [104, 7],
+      [63, -30],
+      [35, -3],
+      [35, 16],
+      [56, 44],
+      [31, 14],
+      [112, 23],
+      [115, 3],
+      [69, -26],
+      [53, -44],
+      [45, -51],
+      [56, -47],
+      [104, -40],
+      [241, -17],
+      [115, -27],
+      [55, -37],
+      [53, -43],
+      [48, -27],
+      [63, 13],
+      [45, 51],
+      [35, 57],
+      [46, 44],
+      [76, 0],
+      [136, -17],
+      [129, 30],
+      [115, 77],
+      [105, 111],
+      [55, 135],
+      [14, 275],
+      [28, 135],
+      [46, 77],
+      [45, 47],
+      [31, 50],
+      [4, 91],
+      [-35, 145],
+      [-4, 64],
+      [42, 50],
+      [25, 3],
+      [66, -10],
+      [28, 0],
+      [115, 44],
+      [125, 10],
+      [87, 37],
+      [18, 3],
+      [52, -80],
+      [31, -155],
+      [14, -168],
+      [-7, -114],
+      [73, -296],
+      [555, -387],
+      [139, -268],
+      [14, -138],
+      [143, -467],
+      [49, -71],
+      [160, -148]
+    ],
+    [
+      [20759, 7186],
+      [-42, -20],
+      [-101, -108],
+      [-66, -91],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [-42, -71],
+      [-10, -37],
+      [7, -30],
+      [14, -24],
+      [14, -20],
+      [7, -17],
+      [-18, -117],
+      [-38, -141],
+      [-14, -135],
+      [49, -97],
+      [-70, -182],
+      [-10, -74],
+      [10, -57],
+      [49, -144],
+      [0, -78],
+      [-70, -131],
+      [-14, -27],
+      [-17, -121],
+      [-42, -53],
+      [-118, -98],
+      [-25, -60],
+      [-59, -61],
+      [-24, -27],
+      [-42, -6],
+      [-84, 0],
+      [-143, -31],
+      [-1080, -467],
+      [-202, -144],
+      [-293, -269],
+      [-272, -128],
+      [-460, -218],
+      [-153, -101],
+      [-119, -145],
+      [-404, -669],
+      [-49, -121],
+      [-62, -269],
+      [-81, -171],
+      [-156, -178],
+      [-307, -306],
+      [-788, -897],
+      [-31, -51],
+      [-3, -33],
+      [3, -88],
+      [7, -77],
+      [-101, -138],
+      [-112, -117],
+      [-87, -91],
+      [-80, -51],
+      [-45, -13],
+      [-143, -7],
+      [-31, -13],
+      [-108, -81],
+      [-70, 27],
+      [-282, -141],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-45, -14],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-87, -87],
+      [-35, -10],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [-171, 57],
+      [-49, 27],
+      [-41, 40],
+      [-46, 58],
+      [-38, 33],
+      [-49, 24],
+      [-80, 13],
+      [-125, 44],
+      [-227, 138],
+      [-139, 27],
+      [-108, -17],
+      [-25, 6],
+      [-17, 21],
+      [-25, 16],
+      [-27, 17],
+      [-136, 17],
+      [-28, 10],
+      [-18, 20],
+      [-17, 34],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-24, 13],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-105, -87],
+      [-28, -17],
+      [-69, -17],
+      [-49, -30],
+      [-52, -13],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-3, -13],
+      [7, -44],
+      [-4, -14],
+      [-42, -13],
+      [-55, 0],
+      [-49, -13],
+      [-18, -41],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-163, -94],
+      [-35, -4],
+      [-126, 4],
+      [-181, 94],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [-21, 54],
+      [3, 50],
+      [49, 17],
+      [-42, 61],
+      [-136, 60],
+      [-27, 54],
+      [-28, 37],
+      [-60, 40],
+      [-66, 37],
+      [-111, 30],
+      [-35, 37],
+      [-38, 27],
+      [-74, -10],
+      [-156, -74],
+      [-203, -44],
+      [-17, -6],
+      [-24, -30],
+      [-18, -7],
+      [-21, 3],
+      [-28, 17],
+      [-14, 3],
+      [-223, 0],
+      [-34, 7],
+      [-98, 40],
+      [-94, -6],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-59, 31],
+      [-91, 77],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-20, 24],
+      [-18, 40],
+      [-31, 40],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [-42, 10],
+      [-49, 4],
+      [-24, 10],
+      [-38, 57],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-35, 20],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [4, 43],
+      [-11, 21],
+      [-41, 50],
+      [-21, 0],
+      [-28, -40],
+      [-7, 23],
+      [-14, 24],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-28, 6],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-24, 101],
+      [-11, 7],
+      [-52, 50],
+      [-10, 14],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-21, 6],
+      [-14, 14],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [0, 23],
+      [21, 57],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-31, -3],
+      [-56, -20],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-48, 40],
+      [-32, 54],
+      [-3, 3]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8911, 1734],
+      [28, 232],
+      [17, 74],
+      [11, 14],
+      [17, 20],
+      [10, 17],
+      [7, 6],
+      [32, 30],
+      [14, 21],
+      [21, 37],
+      [7, 23],
+      [3, 24],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-11, 37],
+      [-3, 27],
+      [0, 185],
+      [7, 37],
+      [7, 23],
+      [20, 27],
+      [49, 40],
+      [11, 10],
+      [48, 94],
+      [32, 41],
+      [56, 111],
+      [3, 23],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-11, 27],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [14, 87],
+      [7, 40],
+      [14, 27],
+      [24, 20],
+      [80, 47],
+      [18, 17],
+      [21, 27],
+      [34, 61],
+      [18, 43],
+      [7, 31],
+      [0, 20],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-7, 21],
+      [-3, 26],
+      [7, 51],
+      [24, 20],
+      [28, 17],
+      [31, 7],
+      [154, 84],
+      [21, 23],
+      [28, 40],
+      [48, 95],
+      [18, 47],
+      [7, 33],
+      [-87, 326],
+      [-14, 30],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [4, 54],
+      [24, 165],
+      [4, 40],
+      [-4, 30],
+      [-10, 11],
+      [-25, 20],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-35, 10],
+      [-314, 43],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-17, 17],
+      [-39, 87],
+      [-7, 37],
+      [-10, 54],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-105, 81],
+      [-80, 80],
+      [-10, 10],
+      [-4, 4],
+      [-3, 6],
+      [-7, 41],
+      [0, 17],
+      [3, 10],
+      [4, 3],
+      [10, 3],
+      [49, 11],
+      [14, 3],
+      [14, 7],
+      [24, 20],
+      [14, 13],
+      [300, 447],
+      [21, 24],
+      [56, 30],
+      [10, 10],
+      [49, 44],
+      [10, 10],
+      [18, 3],
+      [17, 4],
+      [14, 6],
+      [18, 7],
+      [38, 27],
+      [42, 50],
+      [7, 14],
+      [10, 10],
+      [14, 10],
+      [14, 10],
+      [14, 7],
+      [45, 13],
+      [42, 20],
+      [18, 24],
+      [20, 44],
+      [74, 188],
+      [10, 13],
+      [28, 54],
+      [35, 91],
+      [14, 23],
+      [21, 24],
+      [17, 27],
+      [18, 33],
+      [6, 14],
+      [11, 10],
+      [14, 13],
+      [14, 7],
+      [14, 7],
+      [10, 10],
+      [14, 6],
+      [11, 11],
+      [10, 10],
+      [11, 16],
+      [24, 31],
+      [17, 23],
+      [0, 17],
+      [-3, 13],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-18, 6],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-38, 3],
+      [-21, 4],
+      [-14, 6],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-20, 27],
+      [-63, 53],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-17, 30],
+      [-3, 17],
+      [-7, 47],
+      [0, 37],
+      [7, 23],
+      [10, 17],
+      [28, 20],
+      [14, 14],
+      [14, 23],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-7, 10],
+      [-10, 20],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [-4, 47],
+      [7, 27],
+      [11, 17],
+      [14, 10],
+      [17, 20],
+      [21, 37],
+      [31, 91],
+      [46, 363],
+      [0, 43],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-7, 13],
+      [-21, 27],
+      [-24, 20],
+      [-14, 11],
+      [-17, 6],
+      [-14, 0],
+      [-14, -3],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-21, -27],
+      [-24, -44],
+      [-21, -23],
+      [-14, -10],
+      [-14, -7],
+      [-18, -3],
+      [-17, 0],
+      [-18, 0],
+      [-17, 3],
+      [-17, 7],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-25, 23],
+      [-21, 24],
+      [-38, 70],
+      [-7, 17],
+      [-7, 24],
+      [-3, 37],
+      [3, 20],
+      [7, 17],
+      [42, 30],
+      [10, 13],
+      [14, 20],
+      [4, 24],
+      [3, 20],
+      [-3, 20],
+      [-4, 17],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-10, 13],
+      [-11, 10],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-27, 14],
+      [-67, 47],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-11, 17],
+      [-7, 31],
+      [4, 20],
+      [10, 16],
+      [84, 74],
+      [14, 17],
+      [10, 20],
+      [14, 44],
+      [4, 24],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-17, 27],
+      [-45, 53],
+      [-4, 7],
+      [-3, 10],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [4, 21],
+      [7, 13],
+      [10, 10],
+      [59, 27],
+      [14, 3],
+      [18, -6],
+      [10, -7],
+      [14, 0],
+      [11, 3],
+      [10, 14],
+      [42, 87],
+      [10, 27],
+      [11, 47],
+      [0, 37],
+      [-4, 47],
+      [0, 27],
+      [7, 20],
+      [7, 17],
+      [25, 20],
+      [24, 34],
+      [17, 30],
+      [4, 23],
+      [3, 21],
+      [-7, 16],
+      [-7, 14],
+      [-31, 60],
+      [-17, 47]
+    ],
+    [
+      [8911, 1734],
+      [-39, 27],
+      [-59, -30],
+      [-38, 60],
+      [-80, 41],
+      [-202, 43],
+      [-98, -3],
+      [-31, 7],
+      [-21, 17],
+      [-14, 16],
+      [-18, 7],
+      [-254, 44],
+      [-132, 0],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-21, -24],
+      [-18, -23],
+      [-31, -21],
+      [-45, -43],
+      [-32, -17],
+      [-28, 0],
+      [-27, 3],
+      [-46, 21],
+      [-28, 20],
+      [-17, 23],
+      [-24, 17],
+      [-77, 17],
+      [-56, 30],
+      [-90, 17],
+      [-126, 50],
+      [-52, 10],
+      [-52, -6],
+      [-126, -41],
+      [-24, -10],
+      [-32, 20],
+      [-160, 7],
+      [-56, 7],
+      [-52, -4],
+      [-91, -20],
+      [-125, -27],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-125, -27],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-126, -30],
+      [-129, -27],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-125, -27],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-129, -27],
+      [-126, -31],
+      [-128, -27],
+      [-126, -30],
+      [-129, -27],
+      [-129, -30],
+      [-125, -30],
+      [-91, -20],
+      [-56, 0],
+      [-104, -24],
+      [-119, -27],
+      [-17, 47],
+      [-4, 44],
+      [21, 47],
+      [-66, 61],
+      [-59, 77],
+      [-59, 47],
+      [-46, 23],
+      [-41, 17],
+      [-98, 7],
+      [-49, -7],
+      [-52, -13],
+      [-52, -7],
+      [-53, 14],
+      [-35, 43],
+      [-3, 47],
+      [7, 54],
+      [-7, 54],
+      [-31, 37],
+      [-133, 57],
+      [-69, 64],
+      [-74, 91],
+      [-55, 104],
+      [-25, 90],
+      [-17, 37],
+      [-126, 148],
+      [-42, 27],
+      [-142, 44],
+      [-182, 84],
+      [-80, 60],
+      [-118, 118],
+      [-91, 54],
+      [-42, 37],
+      [-28, 50],
+      [-31, 158],
+      [-42, 91],
+      [-59, 91],
+      [-136, 158],
+      [-42, 33],
+      [-177, 81],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-18, 13],
+      [-14, 31],
+      [0, 57],
+      [-7, 30],
+      [-38, 40],
+      [-94, 34],
+      [-42, 30],
+      [-24, 41],
+      [-35, 97],
+      [-216, 376],
+      [-21, 31],
+      [-28, 16],
+      [-49, 11],
+      [-17, 10],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-21, 40],
+      [-45, 71],
+      [-21, 43],
+      [-32, 34],
+      [-76, 17],
+      [-14, 7],
+      [-21, 26],
+      [-14, 10],
+      [-10, -6],
+      [-11, -10],
+      [-28, -10],
+      [-45, -17],
+      [-25, -4],
+      [-41, 14],
+      [-255, 232],
+      [-21, 47],
+      [-7, 57],
+      [-14, 50],
+      [-31, 21],
+      [-56, 6],
+      [-14, 27],
+      [7, 37],
+      [4, 44],
+      [-18, 50],
+      [-48, 94],
+      [-14, 44],
+      [0, 57],
+      [17, 64],
+      [25, 57],
+      [27, 44],
+      [4, 44],
+      [-49, 26],
+      [-97, 24],
+      [-4, 20],
+      [-3, 74],
+      [-4, 34],
+      [-10, 16],
+      [-35, 34],
+      [-14, 20],
+      [-14, 51],
+      [-7, 43],
+      [-11, 44],
+      [-31, 47],
+      [24, -3],
+      [77, 3],
+      [-104, 185],
+      [-81, 108],
+      [-7, 73],
+      [0, 54],
+      [0, 209],
+      [0, 215],
+      [0, 10],
+      [0, 154],
+      [0, 347],
+      [0, 346],
+      [0, 349],
+      [0, 346],
+      [0, 152],
+      [0, 101],
+      [0, 73],
+      [0, 135],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 511],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 511],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 511],
+      [0, 514],
+      [0, 515],
+      [0, 510],
+      [0, 515],
+      [-3, 511],
+      [0, 205]
+    ],
+    [
+      [23300, 20112],
+      [0, 13]
+    ],
+    [
+      [30545, 30410],
+      [66, -10],
+      [387, 6],
+      [122, -33],
+      [108, -81],
+      [31, -47],
+      [59, -155],
+      [42, -73],
+      [38, -31],
+      [115, -13],
+      [255, -61],
+      [212, -20],
+      [39, -23],
+      [42, -51],
+      [10, -27],
+      [11, -50],
+      [17, -27],
+      [21, -7],
+      [52, 7],
+      [21, -7],
+      [139, -104],
+      [223, -94],
+      [46, -34],
+      [7, -198],
+      [14, -47],
+      [28, -27],
+      [17, 7],
+      [21, 17],
+      [35, 3],
+      [21, -13],
+      [41, -47],
+      [28, -14],
+      [0, -94],
+      [-52, -245],
+      [35, -91],
+      [42, -17],
+      [31, 17],
+      [35, 27],
+      [38, 10],
+      [35, -17],
+      [11, -37],
+      [7, -40],
+      [13, -30],
+      [67, -31],
+      [28, 64],
+      [10, 101],
+      [17, 87],
+      [67, -37],
+      [163, -10],
+      [60, -47],
+      [42, -84],
+      [13, -47],
+      [4, -50],
+      [-7, -37],
+      [-17, -27],
+      [-11, -34],
+      [11, -50],
+      [27, -47],
+      [74, -54],
+      [34, -37],
+      [42, -94],
+      [25, -40],
+      [38, -37],
+      [35, -20],
+      [111, -48],
+      [18, -26],
+      [49, -135],
+      [17, -94],
+      [-21, -71],
+      [-87, -158],
+      [-56, -157],
+      [-17, -88],
+      [0, -87],
+      [38, -64],
+      [244, -121],
+      [63, -61],
+      [49, -60],
+      [52, -51],
+      [77, -30],
+      [55, -80],
+      [60, -47],
+      [45, -58],
+      [3, -107],
+      [-17, -188],
+      [10, -81],
+      [80, -212],
+      [25, -40],
+      [84, -84],
+      [20, -27],
+      [60, -155],
+      [45, -60],
+      [80, -10],
+      [4, -91],
+      [21, -60],
+      [0, -34],
+      [3, -13],
+      [0, -14],
+      [-49, -81],
+      [-45, -50],
+      [-119, -94],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-38, -27],
+      [-147, -185],
+      [-48, -138],
+      [-32, -57],
+      [-62, -44],
+      [-46, -10],
+      [-52, -60],
+      [-38, -20],
+      [-46, 3],
+      [-101, 23],
+      [-42, -10],
+      [-38, -16],
+      [-77, -17],
+      [-41, -17],
+      [-35, -37],
+      [-56, -94],
+      [-45, -30],
+      [-35, 0],
+      [-32, 10],
+      [-27, -10],
+      [-28, -61],
+      [0, -47],
+      [21, -20],
+      [38, 0],
+      [42, 7],
+      [42, -41],
+      [24, -107],
+      [7, -104],
+      [10, -101],
+      [28, -101],
+      [46, -94],
+      [52, -88],
+      [66, -73],
+      [98, -189],
+      [-28, -101],
+      [-39, -97],
+      [-209, -360],
+      [-7, -23],
+      [11, -37],
+      [-4, -24],
+      [-17, -13],
+      [-45, -24],
+      [-14, -16],
+      [-4, -51],
+      [7, -44],
+      [-3, -43],
+      [-25, -44],
+      [-76, 67],
+      [-28, -47],
+      [14, -289],
+      [-4, -43],
+      [-17, -61],
+      [-46, -108],
+      [11, -26],
+      [49, -21],
+      [52, 0],
+      [52, 7],
+      [49, -10],
+      [38, -50],
+      [18, -54],
+      [7, -118]
+    ]
+  ],
+  "transform": {
+    "scale": [0.00033560984221552557, 0.00029384954558709845],
+    "translate": [21.97987756300006, -18.069231871999932]
+  },
+  "objects": {
+    "zambia": {
+      "type": "GeometryCollection",
+      "geometries": [
+        { "arcs": [[0, 1, 2]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Luapula" } },
+        { "arcs": [[3, -3, 4]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Northern" } },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "name": "Central" }
+        },
+        { "arcs": [[-11, 13, 14]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Copperbelt" } },
+        { "arcs": [[15, -6, 16, 17]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Eastern" } },
+        { "arcs": [[-16, 18, 19, -7]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Lusaka" } },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-14, -10, 20, 21]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "name": "North-Western" }
+        },
+        { "arcs": [[-20, 22, 23, -8]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Southern" } },
+        { "arcs": [[-9, -24, 24, -21]], "type": "Polygon", "properties": { "name": "Western" } },
+        {
+          "arcs": [[-17, -13, 25, -1, -4, 26]],
+          "type": "Polygon",
+          "properties": { "name": "Muchinga" }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ec1f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from '../images/thumbnail.png';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  description: t('Choropleth Map'),
+  name: t('ChoroplethMap'),
+  thumbnail,
+export default class ChoroplethMapChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../chart/ChoroplethMap'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a933c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/plugin/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { map, encoding } = formData;
+  const { data } = queriesData[0];
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    map,
+    encoding,
+    data,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c5473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
+import type { Topology } from 'topojson-specification';
+import type { FeatureCollection } from 'geojson';
+import type Projection from './chart/Projection';
+interface BaseMapMetadata {
+  key: string;
+  name: string;
+  keyField: string;
+  projection?: Projection;
+  rotate?: [number, number] | [number, number, number];
+interface TopojsonMapMetadata extends BaseMapMetadata {
+  type: 'topojson';
+  load: () => Promise<Topology>;
+interface GeojsonMapMetadata extends BaseMapMetadata {
+  type: 'geojson';
+  load: () => Promise<FeatureCollection>;
+export type RawMapMetadata = TopojsonMapMetadata | GeojsonMapMetadata;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5343b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { ChoroplethMapChartPlugin } from '../src';
+describe('@superset-ui/plugin-chart-choropleth-map', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(ChoroplethMapChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2937d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+declare module '*.png';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c873cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Echarts viz plugins for Superset:
+- Timeseries Chart (combined line, area bar with support for predictive analytics)
+- Pie Chart
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import {
+  EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin,
+  EchartsPieChartPlugin,
+} from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts';
+new EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'echarts-ts' }).register();
+new EchartsPieChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'echarts-pie' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="echarts-ts"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803f4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts",
+  "version": "0.17.6",
+  "description": "Superset Chart - Echarts",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/mathjs": "^6.0.7",
+    "echarts": "^5.0.2",
+    "mathjs": "^8.0.1"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/EchartsBoxPlot.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/EchartsBoxPlot.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c8aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/EchartsBoxPlot.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { EchartsProps } from '../types';
+import Echart from '../components/Echart';
+export default function EchartsBoxPlot({ height, width, echartOptions }: EchartsProps) {
+  return <Echart height={height} width={width} echartOptions={echartOptions} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/buildQuery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb9d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { buildQueryContext, getMetricLabel } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BoxPlotQueryFormData, BoxPlotQueryObjectWhiskerType } from './types';
+const PERCENTILE_REGEX = /(\d+)\/(\d+) percentiles/;
+export default function buildQuery(formData: BoxPlotQueryFormData) {
+  const { whiskerOptions, columns: distributionColumns = [] } = formData;
+  return buildQueryContext(formData, baseQueryObject => {
+    let whiskerType: BoxPlotQueryObjectWhiskerType;
+    let percentiles: [number, number] | undefined;
+    const { columns, metrics } = baseQueryObject;
+    const percentileMatch = PERCENTILE_REGEX.exec(whiskerOptions as string);
+    if (whiskerOptions === 'Tukey') {
+      whiskerType = 'tukey';
+    } else if (whiskerOptions === 'Min/max (no outliers)') {
+      whiskerType = 'min/max';
+    } else if (percentileMatch) {
+      whiskerType = 'percentile';
+      percentiles = [parseInt(percentileMatch[1], 10), parseInt(percentileMatch[2], 10)];
+    } else {
+      throw new Error(`Unsupported whisker type: ${whiskerOptions}`);
+    }
+    return [
+      {
+        ...baseQueryObject,
+        is_timeseries: distributionColumns.length === 0,
+        post_processing: [
+          {
+            operation: 'boxplot',
+            options: {
+              whisker_type: whiskerType,
+              percentiles,
+              groupby: columns.filter(x => !distributionColumns.includes(x)),
+              metrics:,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ];
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7cc1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS, formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+export default {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['columns'],
+        ['limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'whiskerOptions',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Whisker/outlier options'),
+              default: 'Tukey',
+              description: t('Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                'Tukey',
+                'Min/max (no outliers)',
+                '2/98 percentiles',
+                '9/91 percentiles',
+              ]),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'x_ticks_layout',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('X Tick Layout'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 'flat', '45°', '90°', 'staggered']),
+              default: 'auto',
+              clearable: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: `${t('D3 format syntax:')} ${t(
+                'Only applies when "Label Type" is set to show values.',
+              )}`,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      label: t('Series'),
+      description: t('Categories to group by on the x-axis.'),
+    },
+    columns: {
+      label: t('Distribute across'),
+      multi: true,
+      description: t(
+        'Columns to calculate distribution across. Defaults to temporal column if left empty.',
+      ),
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa6ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab9ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class EchartsBoxPlotChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  /**
+   * The constructor is used to pass relevant metadata and callbacks that get
+   * registered in respective registries that are used throughout the library
+   * and application. A more thorough description of each property is given in
+   * the respective imported file.
+   *
+   * It is worth noting that `buildQuery` and is optional, and only needed for
+   * advanced visualizations that require either post processing operations
+   * (pivoting, rolling aggregations, sorting etc) or submitting multiple queries.
+   */
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('./EchartsBoxPlot'),
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        credits: [''],
+        description: 'Box Plot (Apache ECharts)',
+        name: t('Box Plot'),
+        thumbnail,
+      }),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..933552c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  ChartProps,
+  DataRecord,
+  getMetricLabel,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { EChartsOption, BoxplotSeriesOption } from 'echarts';
+import { CallbackDataParams } from 'echarts/types/src/util/types';
+import { BoxPlotQueryFormData } from './types';
+import { EchartsProps } from '../types';
+import { extractGroupbyLabel } from '../utils/series';
+import { defaultGrid, defaultTooltip, defaultYAxis } from '../defaults';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps): EchartsProps {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const data: DataRecord[] = queriesData[0].data || [];
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    groupby = [],
+    metrics: formdataMetrics = [],
+    numberFormat,
+    xTicksLayout,
+  } = formData as BoxPlotQueryFormData;
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme as string);
+  const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const metricLabels =;
+  const transformedData = data
+    .map((datum: any) => {
+      const groupbyLabel = extractGroupbyLabel({ datum, groupby });
+      return => {
+        const name = metricLabels.length === 1 ? groupbyLabel : `${groupbyLabel}, ${metric}`;
+        return {
+          name,
+          value: [
+            datum[`${metric}__min`],
+            datum[`${metric}__q1`],
+            datum[`${metric}__median`],
+            datum[`${metric}__q3`],
+            datum[`${metric}__max`],
+            datum[`${metric}__mean`],
+            datum[`${metric}__count`],
+            datum[`${metric}__outliers`],
+          ],
+          itemStyle: {
+            color: colorFn(groupbyLabel),
+            opacity: 0.6,
+            borderColor: colorFn(groupbyLabel),
+          },
+        };
+      });
+    })
+    .flatMap(row => row);
+  const outlierData = data
+    .map(datum =>
+ => {
+        const groupbyLabel = extractGroupbyLabel({ datum, groupby });
+        const name = metricLabels.length === 1 ? groupbyLabel : `${groupbyLabel}, ${metric}`;
+        // Outlier data is a nested array of numbers (uncommon, therefore no need to add to DataRecordValue)
+        const outlierDatum = (datum[`${metric}__outliers`] || []) as number[];
+        return {
+          name: 'outlier',
+          type: 'scatter',
+          data: => [name, val]),
+          tooltip: {
+            formatter: (param: { data: [string, number] }) => {
+              const [outlierName, stats] =;
+              const headline = groupby ? `<p><strong>${outlierName}</strong></p>` : '';
+              return `${headline}${numberFormatter(stats)}`;
+            },
+          },
+          itemStyle: {
+            color: colorFn(groupbyLabel),
+          },
+        };
+      }),
+    )
+    .flat(2);
+  let axisLabel;
+  if (xTicksLayout === '45°') axisLabel = { rotate: -45 };
+  else if (xTicksLayout === '90°') axisLabel = { rotate: -90 };
+  else if (xTicksLayout === 'flat') axisLabel = { rotate: 0 };
+  else if (xTicksLayout === 'staggered') axisLabel = { rotate: -45 };
+  else axisLabel = { show: true };
+  const series: BoxplotSeriesOption[] = [
+    {
+      name: 'boxplot',
+      type: 'boxplot',
+      data: transformedData,
+      tooltip: {
+        formatter: (param: CallbackDataParams) => {
+          // @ts-ignore
+          const {
+            value,
+            name,
+          }: {
+            value: [number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number[]];
+            name: string;
+          } = param;
+          const headline = name ? `<p><strong>${name}</strong></p>` : '';
+          const stats = [
+            `Max: ${numberFormatter(value[5])}`,
+            `3rd Quartile: ${numberFormatter(value[4])}`,
+            `Mean: ${numberFormatter(value[6])}`,
+            `Median: ${numberFormatter(value[3])}`,
+            `1st Quartile: ${numberFormatter(value[2])}`,
+            `Min: ${numberFormatter(value[1])}`,
+            `# Observations: ${numberFormatter(value[7])}`,
+          ];
+          if (value[8].length > 0) {
+            stats.push(`# Outliers: ${numberFormatter(value[8].length)}`);
+          }
+          return headline + stats.join('<br/>');
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    // @ts-ignore
+    ...outlierData,
+  ];
+  const echartOptions: EChartsOption = {
+    grid: {
+      ...defaultGrid,
+      top: 30,
+      bottom: 30,
+      left: 20,
+      right: 20,
+    },
+    xAxis: {
+      type: 'category',
+      data: =>,
+      axisLabel,
+    },
+    yAxis: {
+      ...defaultYAxis,
+      type: 'value',
+      axisLabel: { formatter: numberFormatter },
+    },
+    tooltip: {
+      ...defaultTooltip,
+      trigger: 'item',
+      axisPointer: {
+        type: 'shadow',
+      },
+    },
+    series,
+  };
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    echartOptions,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/types.ts
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index 0000000..39d7a8b
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { PostProcessingBoxplot } from '@superset-ui/core/lib/query/types/PostProcessing';
+export type BoxPlotQueryFormData = QueryFormData & {
+  numberFormat?: string;
+  whiskerOptions?: BoxPlotFormDataWhiskerOptions;
+  xTickLayout?: BoxPlotFormXTickLayout;
+export type BoxPlotFormDataWhiskerOptions =
+  | 'Tukey'
+  | 'Min/max (no outliers)'
+  | '2/98 percentiles'
+  | '9/91 percentiles';
+export type BoxPlotFormXTickLayout = '45°' | '90°' | 'auto' | 'flat' | 'staggered';
+export type BoxPlotQueryObjectWhiskerType = PostProcessingBoxplot['options']['whisker_type'];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/EchartsPie.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/EchartsPie.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41900c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/EchartsPie.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { EchartsProps } from '../types';
+import Echart from '../components/Echart';
+export default function EchartsPie({ height, width, echartOptions }: EchartsProps) {
+  return <Echart height={height} width={width} echartOptions={echartOptions} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/buildQuery.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { buildQueryContext, QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default function buildQuery(formData: QueryFormData) {
+  const { metric } = formData;
+  return buildQueryContext(formData, baseQueryObject => [
+    {
+      ...baseQueryObject,
+      orderby: [[metric, false]],
+    },
+  ]);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA } from './types';
+import {
+  legendMarginControl,
+  legendOrientationControl,
+  legendTypeControl,
+  showLegendControl,
+} from '../controls';
+const {
+  donut,
+  innerRadius,
+  labelsOutside,
+  labelType,
+  labelLine,
+  outerRadius,
+  numberFormat,
+  showLabels,
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['metric'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['row_limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme'],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Legend')}</h1>],
+        [showLegendControl],
+        [legendTypeControl],
+        [legendOrientationControl],
+        [legendMarginControl],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Labels')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'label_type',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Label Type'),
+              default: labelType,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              choices: [
+                ['key', 'Category Name'],
+                ['value', 'Value'],
+                ['percent', 'Percentage'],
+                ['key_value', 'Category and Value'],
+                ['key_percent', 'Category and Percentage'],
+                ['key_value_percent', 'Category, Value and Percentage'],
+              ],
+              description: t('What should be shown on the label?'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'number_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Number format'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: numberFormat,
+              choices: D3_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: `${t('D3 format syntax:')} ${t(
+                'Only applies when "Label Type" is set to show values.',
+              )}`,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_labels',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Labels'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: showLabels,
+              description: t('Whether to display the labels.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'labels_outside',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Put labels outside'),
+              default: labelsOutside,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Put the labels outside of the pie?'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'label_line',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Label Line'),
+              default: labelLine,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Draw line from Pie to label when labels outside?'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Pie shape')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'outerRadius',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SliderControl',
+              label: t('Outer Radius'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              min: 10,
+              max: 100,
+              step: 1,
+              default: outerRadius,
+              description: t('Outer edge of Pie chart'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'donut',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Donut'),
+              default: donut,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Do you want a donut or a pie?'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'innerRadius',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SliderControl',
+              label: t('Inner Radius'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              min: 0,
+              max: 100,
+              step: 1,
+              default: innerRadius,
+              description: t('Inner radius of donut hole'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    series: {
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      clearable: false,
+    },
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 100,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec5c55b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts
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index 0000000..24e84dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class EchartsPieChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  /**
+   * The constructor is used to pass relevant metadata and callbacks that get
+   * registered in respective registries that are used throughout the library
+   * and application. A more thorough description of each property is given in
+   * the respective imported file.
+   *
+   * It is worth noting that `buildQuery` and is optional, and only needed for
+   * advanced visualizations that require either post processing operations
+   * (pivoting, rolling aggregations, sorting etc) or submitting multiple queries.
+   */
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('./EchartsPie'),
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        credits: [''],
+        description: 'Pie Chart (Apache ECharts)',
+        name: t('Pie Chart'),
+        thumbnail,
+      }),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/transformProps.ts
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index 0000000..29e2b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  ChartProps,
+  DataRecord,
+  getMetricLabel,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormats,
+  NumberFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { CallbackDataParams } from 'echarts/types/src/util/types';
+import { EChartsOption, PieSeriesOption } from 'echarts';
+import {
+  EchartsPieFormData,
+  EchartsPieLabelType,
+} from './types';
+import { DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA, EchartsProps } from '../types';
+import { extractGroupbyLabel, getChartPadding, getLegendProps } from '../utils/series';
+import { defaultGrid, defaultTooltip } from '../defaults';
+const percentFormatter = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.PERCENT_2_POINT);
+export function formatPieLabel({
+  params,
+  labelType,
+  numberFormatter,
+}: {
+  params: CallbackDataParams;
+  labelType: EchartsPieLabelType;
+  numberFormatter: NumberFormatter;
+}): string {
+  const { name = '', value, percent } = params;
+  const formattedValue = numberFormatter(value as number);
+  const formattedPercent = percentFormatter((percent as number) / 100);
+  switch (labelType) {
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.Key:
+      return name;
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.Value:
+      return formattedValue;
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.Percent:
+      return formattedPercent;
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.KeyValue:
+      return `${name}: ${formattedValue}`;
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.KeyValuePercent:
+      return `${name}: ${formattedValue} (${formattedPercent})`;
+    case EchartsPieLabelType.KeyPercent:
+      return `${name}: ${formattedPercent}`;
+    default:
+      return name;
+  }
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps): EchartsProps {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const data: DataRecord[] = queriesData[0].data || [];
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    donut,
+    groupby,
+    innerRadius,
+    labelsOutside,
+    labelLine,
+    labelType,
+    legendMargin,
+    legendOrientation,
+    legendType,
+    metric = '',
+    numberFormat,
+    outerRadius,
+    showLabels,
+    showLegend,
+  }: EchartsPieFormData = { ...DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA, ...DEFAULT_PIE_FORM_DATA, ...formData };
+  const metricLabel = getMetricLabel(metric);
+  const keys = => extractGroupbyLabel({ datum, groupby }));
+  const colorFn = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme as string);
+  const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter(numberFormat);
+  const transformedData: PieSeriesOption[] = => {
+    const name = extractGroupbyLabel({ datum, groupby });
+    return {
+      value: datum[metricLabel],
+      name,
+      itemStyle: {
+        color: colorFn(name),
+      },
+    };
+  });
+  const formatter = (params: CallbackDataParams) =>
+    formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType });
+  const defaultLabel = {
+    formatter,
+    show: showLabels,
+    color: '#000000',
+  };
+  const series: PieSeriesOption[] = [
+    {
+      type: 'pie',
+      ...getChartPadding(showLegend, legendOrientation, legendMargin),
+      animation: false,
+      radius: [`${donut ? innerRadius : 0}%`, `${outerRadius}%`],
+      center: ['50%', '50%'],
+      avoidLabelOverlap: true,
+      labelLine: labelsOutside && labelLine ? { show: true } : { show: false },
+      label: labelsOutside
+        ? {
+            ...defaultLabel,
+            position: 'outer',
+            alignTo: 'none',
+            bleedMargin: 5,
+          }
+        : {
+            ...defaultLabel,
+            position: 'inner',
+          },
+      emphasis: {
+        label: {
+          show: true,
+          fontWeight: 'bold',
+          backgroundColor: 'white',
+        },
+      },
+      data: transformedData,
+    },
+  ];
+  const echartOptions: EChartsOption = {
+    grid: {
+      ...defaultGrid,
+    },
+    tooltip: {
+      ...defaultTooltip,
+      trigger: 'item',
+      formatter: (params: any) =>
+        formatPieLabel({
+          params,
+          numberFormatter,
+          labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.KeyValuePercent,
+        }),
+    },
+    legend: {
+      ...getLegendProps(legendType, legendOrientation, showLegend),
+      data: keys,
+    },
+    series,
+  };
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    echartOptions,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/types.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  EchartsLegendFormData,
+  LegendOrientation,
+  LegendType,
+} from '../types';
+export type EchartsPieFormData = EchartsLegendFormData & {
+  colorScheme?: string;
+  donut: boolean;
+  groupby: string[];
+  innerRadius: number;
+  labelLine: boolean;
+  labelType: EchartsPieLabelType;
+  labelsOutside: boolean;
+  metric?: string;
+  outerRadius: number;
+  showLabels: boolean;
+  numberFormat: string;
+export enum EchartsPieLabelType {
+  Key = 'key',
+  Value = 'value',
+  Percent = 'percent',
+  KeyValue = 'key_value',
+  KeyPercent = 'key_percent',
+  KeyValuePercent = 'key_value_percent',
+export const DEFAULT_FORM_DATA: EchartsPieFormData = {
+  donut: false,
+  groupby: [],
+  innerRadius: 30,
+  labelLine: false,
+  labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.Key,
+  legendOrientation: LegendOrientation.Top,
+  legendType: LegendType.Scroll,
+  numberFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+  outerRadius: 70,
+  showLabels: true,
+  labelsOutside: true,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/EchartsTimeseries.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/EchartsTimeseries.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d37e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/EchartsTimeseries.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { EchartsProps } from '../types';
+import Echart from '../components/Echart';
+export default function EchartsTimeseries({ height, width, echartOptions }: EchartsProps) {
+  return <Echart height={height} width={width} echartOptions={echartOptions} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/buildQuery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ad3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { buildQueryContext, getMetricLabel, QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default function buildQuery(formData: QueryFormData) {
+  return buildQueryContext(formData, baseQueryObject => {
+    const metricLabels =;
+    return [
+      {
+        ...baseQueryObject,
+        groupby: formData.groupby || [],
+        is_timeseries: true,
+        post_processing: [
+          {
+            operation: 'pivot',
+            options: {
+              index: ['__timestamp'],
+              columns: formData.groupby || [],
+              // Create 'dummy' sum aggregates to assign cell values in pivot table
+              aggregates: Object.fromEntries(
+       => [metric, { operator: 'sum' }]),
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          formData.contributionMode
+            ? {
+                operation: 'contribution',
+                options: {
+                  orientation: formData.contributionMode,
+                },
+              }
+            : undefined,
+          formData.forecastEnabled
+            ? {
+                operation: 'prophet',
+                options: {
+                  time_grain: formData.time_grain_sqla,
+                  periods: parseInt(formData.forecastPeriods, 10),
+                  confidence_interval: parseFloat(formData.forecastInterval),
+                  yearly_seasonality: formData.forecastSeasonalityYearly,
+                  weekly_seasonality: formData.forecastSeasonalityWeekly,
+                  daily_seasonality: formData.forecastSeasonalityDaily,
+                },
+              }
+            : undefined,
+        ],
+      },
+    ];
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5986ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { legacyValidateInteger, legacyValidateNumber, t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import {
+  EchartsTimeseriesContributionType,
+  EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType,
+} from './types';
+import {
+  legendMarginControl,
+  legendOrientationControl,
+  legendTypeControl,
+  noopControl,
+  showLegendControl,
+} from '../controls';
+const {
+  area,
+  annotationLayers,
+  contributionMode,
+  forecastEnabled,
+  forecastInterval,
+  forecastPeriods,
+  forecastSeasonalityDaily,
+  forecastSeasonalityWeekly,
+  forecastSeasonalityYearly,
+  logAxis,
+  markerEnabled,
+  markerSize,
+  minorSplitLine,
+  opacity,
+  rowLimit,
+  seriesType,
+  stack,
+  truncateYAxis,
+  yAxisBounds,
+  zoomable,
+  xAxisLabelRotation,
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['groupby'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'contributionMode',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Contribution Mode'),
+              default: contributionMode,
+              choices: [
+                [null, 'None'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesContributionType.Row, 'Total'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesContributionType.Column, 'Series'],
+              ],
+              description: t('Calculate contribution per series or total'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['limit', 'timeseries_limit_metric'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Annotations and Layers'),
+      expanded: false,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'annotation_layers',
+            config: {
+              type: 'AnnotationLayerControl',
+              label: '',
+              default: annotationLayers,
+              description: 'Annotation Layers',
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Predictive Analytics'),
+      expanded: false,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'forecastEnabled',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Enable forecast'),
+              renderTrigger: false,
+              default: forecastEnabled,
+              description: t('Enable forecasting'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'forecastPeriods',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Forecast periods'),
+              validators: [legacyValidateInteger],
+              default: forecastPeriods,
+              description: t('How many periods into the future do we want to predict'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'forecastInterval',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Confidence interval'),
+              validators: [legacyValidateNumber],
+              default: forecastInterval,
+              description: t('Width of the confidence interval. Should be between 0 and 1'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'forecastSeasonalityYearly',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: 'Yearly seasonality',
+              choices: [
+                [null, 'default'],
+                [true, 'Yes'],
+                [false, 'No'],
+              ],
+              default: forecastSeasonalityYearly,
+              description: t(
+                'Should yearly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order of seasonality.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'forecastSeasonalityWeekly',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: 'Weekly seasonality',
+              choices: [
+                [null, 'default'],
+                [true, 'Yes'],
+                [false, 'No'],
+              ],
+              default: forecastSeasonalityWeekly,
+              description: t(
+                'Should weekly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order of seasonality.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'forecastSeasonalityDaily',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: 'Daily seasonality',
+              choices: [
+                [null, 'default'],
+                [true, 'Yes'],
+                [false, 'No'],
+              ],
+              default: forecastSeasonalityDaily,
+              description: t(
+                'Should daily seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order of seasonality.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'seriesType',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Series Style'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: seriesType,
+              choices: [
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Line, 'Line'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Scatter, 'Scatter'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Smooth, 'Smooth Line'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Bar, 'Bar'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Start, 'Step - start'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Middle, 'Step - middle'],
+                [EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.End, 'Step - end'],
+              ],
+              description: t('Series chart type (line, bar etc)'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'stack',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Stack Lines'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: stack,
+              description: t('Stack series on top of each other'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'area',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Area Chart'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: area,
+              description: t('Draw area under curves. Only applicable for line types.'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'opacity',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SliderControl',
+              label: t('Opacity'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              min: 0,
+              max: 1,
+              step: 0.1,
+              default: opacity,
+              description: t('Opacity of Area Chart. Also applies to confidence band.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'markerEnabled',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Marker'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: markerEnabled,
+              description: t('Draw a marker on data points. Only applicable for line types.'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'markerSize',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SliderControl',
+              label: t('Marker Size'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              min: 0,
+              max: 100,
+              default: markerSize,
+              description: t('Size of marker. Also applies to forecast observations.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'zoomable',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Data Zoom'),
+              default: zoomable,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Enable data zooming controls'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Legend')}</h1>],
+        [showLegendControl],
+        [legendTypeControl, legendOrientationControl],
+        [legendMarginControl, noopControl],
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('X Axis')}</h1>],
+        ['x_axis_time_format'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'xAxisShowMinLabel',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Min Label'),
+              default: true,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Show Min Label'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'xAxisShowMaxLabel',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Max Label'),
+              default: true,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Show Max Label'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'xAxisLabelRotation',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              clearable: false,
+              label: t('Rotate x axis label'),
+              choices: [
+                [0, '0°'],
+                [45, '45°'],
+              ],
+              default: xAxisLabelRotation,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('Input field supports custom rotation. e.g. 30 for 30°'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Tooltip')}</h1>],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rich_tooltip',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Rich tooltip'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Shows a list of all series available at that point in time'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
+        [<h1 className="section-header">{t('Y Axis')}</h1>],
+        ['y_axis_format'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'logAxis',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Logarithmic y-axis'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: logAxis,
+              description: t('Logarithmic y-axis'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'minorSplitLine',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Minor Split Line'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: minorSplitLine,
+              description: t('Draw split lines for minor y-axis ticks'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'truncateYAxis',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Truncate Y Axis'),
+              default: truncateYAxis,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t(
+                'Truncate Y Axis. Can be overridden by specifying a min or max bound.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'y_axis_bounds',
+            config: {
+              type: 'BoundsControl',
+              label: t('Y Axis Bounds'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: yAxisBounds,
+              description: t(
+                'Bounds for the Y-axis. When left empty, the bounds are ' +
+                  'dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that ' +
+                  "this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't " +
+                  "narrow the data's extent.",
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    row_limit: {
+      default: rowLimit,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/images/thumbnail.png
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index 0000000..32b060e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03167d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin, AnnotationType } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  /**
+   * The constructor is used to pass relevant metadata and callbacks that get
+   * registered in respective registries that are used throughout the library
+   * and application. A more thorough description of each property is given in
+   * the respective imported file.
+   *
+   * It is worth noting that `buildQuery` and is optional, and only needed for
+   * advanced visualizations that require either post processing operations
+   * (pivoting, rolling aggregations, sorting etc) or submitting multiple queries.
+   */
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('./EchartsTimeseries'),
+      metadata: new ChartMetadata({
+        credits: [''],
+        description: 'Time-series (Apache ECharts)',
+        supportedAnnotationTypes: [
+          AnnotationType.Event,
+          AnnotationType.Formula,
+          AnnotationType.Interval,
+          AnnotationType.Timeseries,
+        ],
+        name: t('Time-series Chart'),
+        thumbnail,
+      }),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba12d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+import {
+  AnnotationLayer,
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  ChartProps,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  isEventAnnotationLayer,
+  isFormulaAnnotationLayer,
+  isIntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+  TimeseriesChartDataResponseResult,
+  TimeFormatter,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { EChartsOption, SeriesOption } from 'echarts';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA, EchartsTimeseriesFormData } from './types';
+import { EchartsProps, ForecastSeriesEnum, ProphetValue } from '../types';
+import { parseYAxisBound } from '../utils/controls';
+import { extractTimeseriesSeries, getChartPadding, getLegendProps } from '../utils/series';
+import { extractAnnotationLabels } from '../utils/annotation';
+import {
+  extractForecastSeriesContext,
+  extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams,
+  formatProphetTooltipSeries,
+  rebaseTimeseriesDatum,
+} from '../utils/prophet';
+import { defaultGrid, defaultTooltip, defaultYAxis } from '../defaults';
+import {
+  transformEventAnnotation,
+  transformFormulaAnnotation,
+  transformIntervalAnnotation,
+  transformSeries,
+  transformTimeseriesAnnotation,
+} from './transformers';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps): EchartsProps {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    annotation_data: annotationData_,
+    data = [],
+  } = queriesData[0] as TimeseriesChartDataResponseResult;
+  const annotationData = annotationData_ || {};
+  const {
+    annotationLayers,
+    colorScheme,
+    contributionMode,
+    legendMargin,
+    legendOrientation,
+    legendType,
+    logAxis,
+    minorSplitLine,
+    showLegend,
+    stack,
+    truncateYAxis,
+    yAxisFormat,
+    xAxisShowMinLabel,
+    xAxisShowMaxLabel,
+    xAxisTimeFormat,
+    yAxisBounds,
+    timeGrainSqla,
+    zoomable,
+    richTooltip,
+    xAxisLabelRotation,
+  }: EchartsTimeseriesFormData = { ...DEFAULT_FORM_DATA, ...formData };
+  const colorScale = CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(colorScheme as string);
+  const rebasedData = rebaseTimeseriesDatum(data);
+  const rawSeries = extractTimeseriesSeries(rebasedData);
+  const series: SeriesOption[] = [];
+  const formatter = getNumberFormatter(contributionMode ? ',.0%' : yAxisFormat);
+  rawSeries.forEach(entry => {
+    const transformedSeries = transformSeries(
+      entry,
+      formData as EchartsTimeseriesFormData,
+      colorScale,
+    );
+    if (transformedSeries) series.push(transformedSeries);
+  });
+  annotationLayers
+    .filter((layer: AnnotationLayer) =>
+    .forEach((layer: AnnotationLayer) => {
+      if (isFormulaAnnotationLayer(layer))
+        series.push(transformFormulaAnnotation(layer, data, colorScale));
+      else if (isIntervalAnnotationLayer(layer)) {
+        series.push(...transformIntervalAnnotation(layer, data, annotationData, colorScale));
+      } else if (isEventAnnotationLayer(layer)) {
+        series.push(...transformEventAnnotation(layer, data, annotationData, colorScale));
+      } else if (isTimeseriesAnnotationLayer(layer)) {
+        series.push(
+          ...transformTimeseriesAnnotation(
+            layer,
+            formData as EchartsTimeseriesFormData,
+            data,
+            annotationData,
+          ),
+        );
+      }
+    });
+  // yAxisBounds need to be parsed to replace incompatible values with undefined
+  let [min, max] = (yAxisBounds || []).map(parseYAxisBound);
+  // default to 0-100% range when doing row-level contribution chart
+  if (contributionMode === 'row' && stack) {
+    if (min === undefined) min = 0;
+    if (max === undefined) max = 1;
+  }
+  let xAxisFormatter: TimeFormatter | StringConstructor;
+  if (xAxisTimeFormat === {
+    xAxisFormatter = getTimeFormatterForGranularity(timeGrainSqla);
+  } else if (xAxisTimeFormat) {
+    xAxisFormatter = getTimeFormatter(xAxisTimeFormat);
+  } else {
+    xAxisFormatter = String;
+  }
+  const echartOptions: EChartsOption = {
+    useUTC: true,
+    grid: {
+      ...defaultGrid,
+      ...getChartPadding(showLegend, legendOrientation, legendMargin, {
+        top: 20,
+        bottom: zoomable ? 80 : 20,
+        left: 20,
+        right: 20,
+      }),
+    },
+    xAxis: {
+      type: 'time',
+      axisLabel: {
+        showMinLabel: xAxisShowMinLabel,
+        showMaxLabel: xAxisShowMaxLabel,
+        formatter: xAxisFormatter,
+        rotate: xAxisLabelRotation,
+      },
+    },
+    yAxis: {
+      ...defaultYAxis,
+      type: logAxis ? 'log' : 'value',
+      min,
+      max,
+      minorTick: { show: true },
+      minorSplitLine: { show: minorSplitLine },
+      axisLabel: { formatter },
+      scale: truncateYAxis,
+    },
+    tooltip: {
+      ...defaultTooltip,
+      trigger: richTooltip ? 'axis' : 'item',
+      formatter: (params: any) => {
+        const value: number = !richTooltip ? params.value : params[0].value[0];
+        const prophetValue = !richTooltip ? [params] : params;
+        const rows: Array<string> = [`${smartDateFormatter(value)}`];
+        const prophetValues: Record<string, ProphetValue> = extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams(
+          prophetValue,
+        );
+        Object.keys(prophetValues).forEach(key => {
+          const value = prophetValues[key];
+          rows.push(
+            formatProphetTooltipSeries({
+              ...value,
+              seriesName: key,
+              formatter,
+            }),
+          );
+        });
+        return rows.join('<br />');
+      },
+    },
+    legend: {
+      ...getLegendProps(legendType, legendOrientation, showLegend),
+      // @ts-ignore
+      data: rawSeries
+        .filter(
+          entry =>
+            extractForecastSeriesContext(( || '') as string).type ===
+            ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation,
+        )
+        .map(entry => || '')
+        .concat(extractAnnotationLabels(annotationLayers, annotationData)),
+    },
+    series,
+    toolbox: {
+      show: zoomable,
+      feature: {
+        dataZoom: {
+          yAxisIndex: false,
+          title: {
+            zoom: 'zoom area',
+            back: 'restore zoom',
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    dataZoom: zoomable
+      ? [
+          {
+            type: 'slider',
+            start: 0,
+            end: 100,
+            bottom: 20,
+          },
+        ]
+      : [],
+  };
+  return {
+    echartOptions,
+    width,
+    height,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformers.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36873e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  AnnotationData,
+  AnnotationLayer,
+  AnnotationOpacity,
+  CategoricalColorScale,
+  EventAnnotationLayer,
+  IntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  isTimeseriesAnnotationResult,
+  TimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+  TimeseriesDataRecord,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { SeriesOption } from 'echarts';
+import {
+  CallbackDataParams,
+  DefaultExtraStateOpts,
+  ItemStyleOption,
+  LineStyleOption,
+  OptionName,
+  ZRLineType,
+} from 'echarts/types/src/util/types';
+import {
+  MarkArea1DDataItemOption,
+  MarkArea2DDataItemOption,
+} from 'echarts/types/src/component/marker/MarkAreaModel';
+import { extractForecastSeriesContext } from '../utils/prophet';
+import { ForecastSeriesEnum } from '../types';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA, EchartsTimeseriesFormData } from './types';
+import {
+  evalFormula,
+  extractRecordAnnotations,
+  formatAnnotationLabel,
+  parseAnnotationOpacity,
+} from '../utils/annotation';
+export function transformSeries(
+  series: SeriesOption,
+  formData: EchartsTimeseriesFormData,
+  colorScale: CategoricalColorScale,
+): SeriesOption | undefined {
+  const { name } = series;
+  const {
+    area,
+    forecastEnabled,
+    markerEnabled,
+    markerSize,
+    opacity,
+    seriesType,
+    stack,
+    richTooltip,
+  }: EchartsTimeseriesFormData = {
+    ...formData,
+  };
+  const forecastSeries = extractForecastSeriesContext(name || '');
+  const isConfidenceBand =
+    forecastSeries.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower ||
+    forecastSeries.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper;
+  // don't create a series if doing a stack or area chart and the result
+  // is a confidence band
+  if ((stack || area) && isConfidenceBand) return undefined;
+  const isObservation = forecastSeries.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation;
+  const isTrend = forecastSeries.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastTrend;
+  let stackId;
+  if (isConfidenceBand) {
+    stackId =;
+  } else if (stack && isObservation) {
+    // the suffix of the observation series is '' (falsy), which disables
+    // stacking. Therefore we need to set something that is truthy.
+    stackId = 'obs';
+  } else if (stack && isTrend) {
+    stackId = forecastSeries.type;
+  }
+  let plotType;
+  if (!isConfidenceBand && (seriesType === 'scatter' || (forecastEnabled && isObservation))) {
+    plotType = 'scatter';
+  } else if (isConfidenceBand) {
+    plotType = 'line';
+  } else {
+    plotType = seriesType === 'bar' ? 'bar' : 'line';
+  }
+  const lineStyle = isConfidenceBand ? { opacity: 0 } : {};
+  return {
+    ...series,
+    name:,
+    itemStyle: {
+      color: colorScale(,
+    },
+    // @ts-ignore
+    type: plotType,
+    smooth: seriesType === 'smooth',
+    // @ts-ignore
+    step: ['start', 'middle', 'end'].includes(seriesType as string) ? seriesType : undefined,
+    stack: stackId,
+    lineStyle,
+    areaStyle: {
+      opacity: forecastSeries.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper || area ? opacity : 0,
+    },
+    showSymbol:
+      !isConfidenceBand &&
+      (plotType === 'scatter' ||
+        (forecastEnabled && isObservation) ||
+        markerEnabled ||
+        !richTooltip), // TODO: forcing markers when richTooltip is enabled will be removed once ECharts supports item based tooltips without markers
+    symbolSize: markerSize,
+  };
+export function transformFormulaAnnotation(
+  layer: AnnotationLayer,
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[],
+  colorScale: CategoricalColorScale,
+): SeriesOption {
+  const { name, color, opacity, width, style } = layer;
+  return {
+    name,
+    id: name,
+    itemStyle: {
+      color: color || colorScale(name),
+    },
+    lineStyle: {
+      opacity: parseAnnotationOpacity(opacity),
+      type: style as ZRLineType,
+      width,
+    },
+    type: 'line',
+    smooth: true,
+    data: evalFormula(layer, data),
+    symbolSize: 0,
+    z: 0,
+  };
+export function transformIntervalAnnotation(
+  layer: IntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[],
+  annotationData: AnnotationData,
+  colorScale: CategoricalColorScale,
+): SeriesOption[] {
+  const series: SeriesOption[] = [];
+  const annotations = extractRecordAnnotations(layer, annotationData);
+  annotations.forEach(annotation => {
+    const { name, color, opacity } = layer;
+    const { descriptions, intervalEnd, time, title } = annotation;
+    const label = formatAnnotationLabel(name, title, descriptions);
+    const intervalData: (MarkArea1DDataItemOption | MarkArea2DDataItemOption)[] = [
+      [
+        {
+          name: label,
+          xAxis: time,
+        },
+        {
+          xAxis: intervalEnd,
+        },
+      ],
+    ];
+    series.push({
+      id: `Interval - ${label}`,
+      type: 'line',
+      animation: false,
+      markArea: {
+        silent: false,
+        itemStyle: {
+          color: color || colorScale(name),
+          opacity: parseAnnotationOpacity(opacity || AnnotationOpacity.Medium),
+          emphasis: {
+            opacity: 0.8,
+          },
+        } as ItemStyleOption,
+        label: {
+          show: false,
+          color: '#000000',
+          // @ts-ignore
+          emphasis: {
+            fontWeight: 'bold',
+            show: true,
+            position: 'insideTop',
+            verticalAlign: 'top',
+            backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
+          },
+        },
+        data: intervalData,
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  return series;
+export function transformEventAnnotation(
+  layer: EventAnnotationLayer,
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[],
+  annotationData: AnnotationData,
+  colorScale: CategoricalColorScale,
+): SeriesOption[] {
+  const series: SeriesOption[] = [];
+  const annotations = extractRecordAnnotations(layer, annotationData);
+  annotations.forEach(annotation => {
+    const { name, color, opacity, style, width } = layer;
+    const { descriptions, time, title } = annotation;
+    const label = formatAnnotationLabel(name, title, descriptions);
+    const eventData = [
+      {
+        name: label,
+        xAxis: (time as unknown) as number,
+      },
+    ];
+    const lineStyle: LineStyleOption & DefaultExtraStateOpts['emphasis'] = {
+      width,
+      type: style as ZRLineType,
+      color: color || colorScale(name),
+      opacity: parseAnnotationOpacity(opacity),
+      emphasis: {
+        width: width ? width + 1 : width,
+        opacity: 1,
+      },
+    };
+    series.push({
+      id: `Event - ${label}`,
+      type: 'line',
+      animation: false,
+      markLine: {
+        silent: false,
+        symbol: 'none',
+        lineStyle,
+        label: {
+          show: false,
+          color: '#000000',
+          position: 'insideEndTop',
+          // @ts-ignore
+          emphasis: {
+            formatter: (params: CallbackDataParams) =>,
+            fontWeight: 'bold',
+            show: true,
+            backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
+          },
+        },
+        data: eventData,
+      },
+    });
+  });
+  return series;
+export function transformTimeseriesAnnotation(
+  layer: TimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+  formData: EchartsTimeseriesFormData,
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[],
+  annotationData: AnnotationData,
+): SeriesOption[] {
+  const series: SeriesOption[] = [];
+  const { markerSize } = formData;
+  const { hideLine, name, opacity, showMarkers, style, width } = layer;
+  const result = annotationData[name];
+  if (isTimeseriesAnnotationResult(result)) {
+    result.forEach(annotation => {
+      const { key, values } = annotation;
+      series.push({
+        type: 'line',
+        id: key,
+        name: key,
+        data: => [row.x, row.y] as [OptionName, number]),
+        symbolSize: showMarkers ? markerSize : 0,
+        lineStyle: {
+          opacity: parseAnnotationOpacity(opacity),
+          type: style as ZRLineType,
+          width: hideLine ? 0 : width,
+        },
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  return series;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/types.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { AnnotationLayer, TimeGranularity } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA, EchartsLegendFormData } from '../types';
+export enum EchartsTimeseriesContributionType {
+  Row = 'row',
+  Column = 'column',
+export enum EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType {
+  Line = 'line',
+  Scatter = 'scatter',
+  Smooth = 'smooth',
+  Bar = 'bar',
+  Start = 'start',
+  Middle = 'middle',
+  End = 'end',
+export type EchartsTimeseriesFormData = {
+  annotationLayers: AnnotationLayer[];
+  area: boolean;
+  colorScheme?: string;
+  contributionMode?: EchartsTimeseriesContributionType;
+  forecastEnabled: boolean;
+  forecastPeriods: number;
+  forecastInterval: number;
+  forecastSeasonalityDaily: null;
+  forecastSeasonalityWeekly: null;
+  forecastSeasonalityYearly: null;
+  logAxis: boolean;
+  markerEnabled: boolean;
+  markerSize: number;
+  minorSplitLine: boolean;
+  opacity: number;
+  orderDesc: boolean;
+  rowLimit: number;
+  seriesType: EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType;
+  stack: boolean;
+  truncateYAxis: boolean;
+  yAxisFormat?: string;
+  xAxisShowMinLabel?: boolean;
+  xAxisShowMaxLabel?: boolean;
+  xAxisTimeFormat?: string;
+  timeGrainSqla?: TimeGranularity;
+  yAxisBounds: [number | undefined | null, number | undefined | null];
+  zoomable: boolean;
+  richTooltip: boolean;
+  xAxisLabelRotation: number;
+} & EchartsLegendFormData;
+export const DEFAULT_FORM_DATA: EchartsTimeseriesFormData = {
+  annotationLayers: [],
+  area: false,
+  forecastEnabled: false,
+  forecastInterval: 0.8,
+  forecastPeriods: 10,
+  forecastSeasonalityDaily: null,
+  forecastSeasonalityWeekly: null,
+  forecastSeasonalityYearly: null,
+  logAxis: false,
+  markerEnabled: false,
+  markerSize: 6,
+  minorSplitLine: false,
+  opacity: 0.2,
+  orderDesc: true,
+  rowLimit: 10000,
+  seriesType: EchartsTimeseriesSeriesType.Line,
+  stack: false,
+  truncateYAxis: true,
+  yAxisBounds: [null, null],
+  xAxisShowMinLabel: true,
+  xAxisShowMaxLabel: true,
+  zoomable: false,
+  richTooltip: true,
+  xAxisLabelRotation: 45,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/components/Echart.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/components/Echart.tsx
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/components/Echart.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ECharts, init } from 'echarts';
+import { EchartsProps, EchartsStylesProps } from '../types';
+const Styles = styled.div<EchartsStylesProps>`
+  height: ${({ height }) => height};
+  width: ${({ width }) => width};
+export default function Echart({ width, height, echartOptions }: EchartsProps) {
+  const divRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+  const chartRef = useRef<ECharts>();
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (!divRef.current) return;
+    if (!chartRef.current) {
+      chartRef.current = init(divRef.current);
+    }
+    chartRef.current.setOption(echartOptions, true);
+  }, [echartOptions]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (chartRef.current) {
+      chartRef.current.resize({ width, height });
+    }
+  }, [width, height]);
+  return <Styles ref={divRef} height={height} width={width} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export const NULL_STRING = '<NULL>';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA } from './types';
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+const { legendMargin, legendOrientation, legendType, showLegend } = DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA;
+export const noopControl = { name: 'noop', config: { type: '', renderTrigger: true } };
+export const showLegendControl = {
+  name: 'show_legend',
+  config: {
+    type: 'CheckboxControl',
+    label: t('Legend'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    default: showLegend,
+    description: t('Whether to display a legend for the chart'),
+  },
+export const legendMarginControl = {
+  name: 'legendMargin',
+  config: {
+    type: 'TextControl',
+    label: t('Margin'),
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    isInt: true,
+    default: legendMargin,
+    description: t('Additional padding for legend.'),
+  },
+export const legendTypeControl = {
+  name: 'legendType',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    freeForm: false,
+    label: 'Type',
+    choices: [
+      ['scroll', 'Scroll'],
+      ['plain', 'Plain'],
+    ],
+    default: legendType,
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Legend type'),
+  },
+export const legendOrientationControl = {
+  name: 'legendOrientation',
+  config: {
+    type: 'SelectControl',
+    freeForm: false,
+    label: 'Orientation',
+    choices: [
+      ['top', 'Top'],
+      ['bottom', 'Bottom'],
+      ['left', 'Left'],
+      ['right', 'Right'],
+    ],
+    default: legendOrientation,
+    renderTrigger: true,
+    description: t('Legend type'),
+  },
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/defaults.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/defaults.ts
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index 0000000..c74e3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/defaults.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import { LegendOrientation } from './types';
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export const defaultGrid = {
+  containLabel: true,
+export const defaultTooltip = {
+  confine: true,
+export const defaultYAxis = {
+  scale: true,
+export const defaultLegendPadding = {
+  [LegendOrientation.Top]: 20,
+  [LegendOrientation.Bottom]: 20,
+  [LegendOrientation.Left]: 170,
+  [LegendOrientation.Right]: 170,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/index.ts
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index 0000000..171a08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export { default as EchartsBoxPlotChartPlugin } from './BoxPlot';
+export { default as EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin } from './Timeseries';
+export { default as EchartsPieChartPlugin } from './Pie';
+ * Note: this file exports the default export from EchartsTimeseries.tsx.
+ * If you want to export multiple visualization modules, you will need to
+ * either add additional plugin folders (similar in structure to ./plugin)
+ * OR export multiple instances of `ChartPlugin` extensions in ./plugin/index.ts
+ * which in turn load exports from EchartsTimeseries.tsx
+ */
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/types.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts';
+import { TooltipMarker } from 'echarts/types/src/util/format';
+export type EchartsStylesProps = {
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+export interface EchartsProps {
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+  echartOptions: EChartsOption;
+export enum ForecastSeriesEnum {
+  Observation = '',
+  ForecastTrend = '__yhat',
+  ForecastUpper = '__yhat_upper',
+  ForecastLower = '__yhat_lower',
+export type ForecastSeriesContext = {
+  name: string;
+  type: ForecastSeriesEnum;
+export enum LegendOrientation {
+  Top = 'top',
+  Bottom = 'bottom',
+  Left = 'left',
+  Right = 'right',
+export enum LegendType {
+  Scroll = 'scroll',
+  Plain = 'plain',
+export type ProphetValue = {
+  marker: TooltipMarker;
+  observation?: number;
+  forecastTrend?: number;
+  forecastLower?: number;
+  forecastUpper?: number;
+export type EchartsLegendFormData = {
+  legendMargin: number | null | string;
+  legendOrientation: LegendOrientation.Top;
+  legendType: LegendType;
+  showLegend: boolean;
+export const DEFAULT_LEGEND_FORM_DATA: EchartsLegendFormData = {
+  legendMargin: null,
+  legendOrientation: LegendOrientation.Top,
+  legendType: LegendType.Scroll,
+  showLegend: false,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/annotation.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/annotation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70dfb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/annotation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  Annotation,
+  AnnotationData,
+  AnnotationLayer,
+  AnnotationOpacity,
+  AnnotationType,
+  isRecordAnnotationResult,
+  isTableAnnotationLayer,
+  isTimeseriesAnnotationResult,
+  TimeseriesDataRecord,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { parse as mathjsParse } from 'mathjs';
+export function evalFormula(
+  formula: AnnotationLayer,
+  data: TimeseriesDataRecord[],
+): [Date, number][] {
+  const { value } = formula;
+  const node = mathjsParse(value as string);
+  const func = node.compile();
+  return => [
+    new Date(Number(row.__timestamp)),
+    func.evaluate({ x: row.__timestamp }) as number,
+  ]);
+export function parseAnnotationOpacity(opacity?: AnnotationOpacity): number {
+  switch (opacity) {
+    case AnnotationOpacity.Low:
+      return 0.2;
+    case AnnotationOpacity.Medium:
+      return 0.5;
+    case AnnotationOpacity.High:
+      return 0.8;
+    default:
+      return 1;
+  }
+  descriptionColumns: ['long_descr'],
+  intervalEndColumn: 'end_dttm',
+  timeColumn: 'start_dttm',
+  titleColumn: 'short_descr',
+export function extractRecordAnnotations(
+  annotationLayer: AnnotationLayer,
+  annotationData: AnnotationData,
+): Annotation[] {
+  const { name } = annotationLayer;
+  const result = annotationData[name];
+  if (isRecordAnnotationResult(result)) {
+    const { records } = result;
+    const {
+      descriptionColumns = [],
+      intervalEndColumn = '',
+      timeColumn = '',
+      titleColumn = '',
+    } = isTableAnnotationLayer(annotationLayer) ? annotationLayer : NATIVE_COLUMN_NAMES;
+    return => ({
+      descriptions: => (record[column] || '') as string) as string[],
+      intervalEnd: (record[intervalEndColumn] || '') as string,
+      time: (record[timeColumn] || '') as string,
+      title: (record[titleColumn] || '') as string,
+    }));
+  }
+  throw new Error('Please rerun the query.');
+export function formatAnnotationLabel(
+  name?: string,
+  title?: string,
+  descriptions: string[] = [],
+): string {
+  const labels: string[] = [];
+  const titleLabels: string[] = [];
+  const filteredDescriptions = descriptions.filter(description => !!description);
+  if (name) titleLabels.push(name);
+  if (title) titleLabels.push(title);
+  if (titleLabels.length > 0) labels.push(titleLabels.join(' - '));
+  if (filteredDescriptions.length > 0) labels.push(filteredDescriptions.join('\n'));
+  return labels.join('\n\n');
+export function extractAnnotationLabels(layers: AnnotationLayer[], data: AnnotationData): string[] {
+  const formulaAnnotationLabels = layers
+    .filter(anno => anno.annotationType === AnnotationType.Formula &&
+    .map(anno =>;
+  const timeseriesAnnotationLabels = layers
+    .filter(anno => anno.annotationType === AnnotationType.Timeseries &&
+    .flatMap(anno => {
+      const result = data[];
+      return isTimeseriesAnnotationResult(result) ? => annoSeries.key) : [];
+    });
+  return formulaAnnotationLabels.concat(timeseriesAnnotationLabels);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/controls.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/controls.ts
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index 0000000..1c4f310
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/controls.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export function parseYAxisBound(bound?: string | number | null): number | undefined {
+  if (bound === undefined || bound === null || Number.isNaN(Number(bound))) {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  return Number(bound);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/prophet.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/prophet.ts
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index 0000000..86af47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/prophet.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { TimeseriesDataRecord, NumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { CallbackDataParams, OptionName } from 'echarts/types/src/util/types';
+import { TooltipMarker } from 'echarts/types/src/util/format';
+import { ForecastSeriesContext, ForecastSeriesEnum, ProphetValue } from '../types';
+const seriesTypeRegex = new RegExp(
+  `(.+)(${ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower}|${ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastTrend}|${ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper})$`,
+export const extractForecastSeriesContext = (seriesName: OptionName): ForecastSeriesContext => {
+  const name = seriesName as string;
+  const regexMatch = seriesTypeRegex.exec(name);
+  if (!regexMatch) return { name, type: ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation };
+  return {
+    name: regexMatch[1],
+    type: regexMatch[2] as ForecastSeriesEnum,
+  };
+export const extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams = (
+  params: (CallbackDataParams & { seriesId: string })[],
+): Record<string, ProphetValue> => {
+  const values: Record<string, ProphetValue> = {};
+  params.forEach(param => {
+    const { marker, seriesId, value } = param;
+    const context = extractForecastSeriesContext(seriesId);
+    const numericValue = (value as [Date, number])[1];
+    if (numericValue) {
+      if (!( in values))
+        values[] = {
+          marker: marker || '',
+        };
+      const prophetValues = values[];
+      if (context.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation) prophetValues.observation = numericValue;
+      if (context.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastTrend)
+        prophetValues.forecastTrend = numericValue;
+      if (context.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower)
+        prophetValues.forecastLower = numericValue;
+      if (context.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper)
+        prophetValues.forecastUpper = numericValue;
+    }
+  });
+  return values;
+export const formatProphetTooltipSeries = ({
+  seriesName,
+  observation,
+  forecastTrend,
+  forecastLower,
+  forecastUpper,
+  marker,
+  formatter,
+}: ProphetValue & {
+  seriesName: string;
+  marker: TooltipMarker;
+  formatter: NumberFormatter;
+}): string => {
+  let row = `${marker}${seriesName}: `;
+  let isObservation = false;
+  if (observation) {
+    isObservation = true;
+    row += `${formatter(observation)}`;
+  }
+  if (forecastTrend) {
+    if (isObservation) row += ', ';
+    row += `ŷ = ${formatter(forecastTrend)}`;
+    if (forecastLower && forecastUpper)
+      // the lower bound needs to be added to the upper bound
+      row += ` (${formatter(forecastLower)}, ${formatter(forecastLower + forecastUpper)})`;
+  }
+  return `${row.trim()}`;
+export function rebaseTimeseriesDatum(data: TimeseriesDataRecord[]) {
+  const keys = data.length > 0 ? Object.keys(data[0]) : [];
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
+  return => {
+    const newRow: TimeseriesDataRecord = { __timestamp: '' };
+    keys.forEach(key => {
+      const forecastContext = extractForecastSeriesContext(key);
+      const lowerKey = `${}${ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower}`;
+      let value = row[key] as number;
+      if (
+        forecastContext.type === ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper &&
+        keys.includes(lowerKey) &&
+        value !== null &&
+        row[lowerKey] !== null
+      ) {
+        value -= row[lowerKey] as number;
+      }
+      newRow[key] = value;
+    });
+    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
+    return newRow;
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/series.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/series.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c972fa2
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/utils/series.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  DataRecord,
+  DataRecordValue,
+  NumberFormatter,
+  TimeFormatter,
+  TimeseriesDataRecord,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { LegendComponentOption, SeriesOption } from 'echarts';
+import { NULL_STRING } from '../constants';
+import { LegendOrientation, LegendType } from '../types';
+import { defaultLegendPadding } from '../defaults';
+export function extractTimeseriesSeries(data: TimeseriesDataRecord[]): SeriesOption[] {
+  if (data.length === 0) return [];
+  const rows = => ({
+    ...datum,
+    __timestamp: datum.__timestamp || datum.__timestamp === 0 ? new Date(datum.__timestamp) : null,
+  }));
+  return Object.keys(rows[0])
+    .filter(key => key !== '__timestamp')
+    .map(key => ({
+      id: key,
+      name: key,
+      data: { [p: string]: DataRecordValue; __timestamp: Date | null }) => [
+        datum.__timestamp,
+        datum[key],
+      ]),
+    }));
+export function formatSeriesName(
+  name: DataRecordValue | undefined,
+  {
+    numberFormatter,
+    timeFormatter,
+  }: {
+    numberFormatter?: NumberFormatter;
+    timeFormatter?: TimeFormatter;
+  } = {},
+): string {
+  if (name === undefined || name === null) {
+    return NULL_STRING;
+  }
+  if (typeof name === 'number') {
+    return numberFormatter ? numberFormatter(name) : name.toString();
+  }
+  if (typeof name === 'boolean') {
+    return name.toString();
+  }
+  if (name instanceof Date) {
+    return timeFormatter ? timeFormatter(name) : name.toISOString();
+  }
+  return name;
+export function extractGroupbyLabel({
+  datum = {},
+  groupby,
+  numberFormatter,
+  timeFormatter,
+}: {
+  datum?: DataRecord;
+  groupby?: string[] | null;
+  numberFormatter?: NumberFormatter;
+  timeFormatter?: TimeFormatter;
+}): string {
+  return (groupby || [])
+    .map(val => formatSeriesName(datum[val], { numberFormatter, timeFormatter }))
+    .join(', ');
+export function getLegendProps(
+  type: LegendType,
+  orientation: LegendOrientation,
+  show: boolean,
+): LegendComponentOption | LegendComponentOption[] {
+  const legend: LegendComponentOption | LegendComponentOption[] = {
+    orient: [LegendOrientation.Top, LegendOrientation.Bottom].includes(orientation)
+      ? 'horizontal'
+      : 'vertical',
+    show,
+    type,
+  };
+  switch (orientation) {
+    case LegendOrientation.Left:
+      legend.left = 0;
+      break;
+    case LegendOrientation.Right:
+      legend.right = 0;
+      break;
+    case LegendOrientation.Bottom:
+      legend.bottom = 0;
+      break;
+    case LegendOrientation.Top:
+    default:
+ = 0;
+      break;
+  }
+  return legend;
+export function getChartPadding(
+  show: boolean,
+  orientation: LegendOrientation,
+  margin?: string | number | null,
+  padding?: { top?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; right?: number },
+): {
+  bottom: number;
+  left: number;
+  right: number;
+  top: number;
+} {
+  let legendMargin;
+  if (!show) {
+    legendMargin = 0;
+  } else if (margin === null || margin === undefined || typeof margin === 'string') {
+    legendMargin = defaultLegendPadding[orientation];
+  } else {
+    legendMargin = margin;
+  }
+  const { bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0, top = 0 } = padding || {};
+  return {
+    left: left + (orientation === LegendOrientation.Left ? legendMargin : 0),
+    right: right + (orientation === LegendOrientation.Right ? legendMargin : 0),
+    top: top + (orientation === LegendOrientation.Top ? legendMargin : 0),
+    bottom: bottom + (orientation === LegendOrientation.Bottom ? legendMargin : 0),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/buildQuery.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/buildQuery.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50eb523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/buildQuery.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import buildQuery from '../../src/BoxPlot/buildQuery';
+import { BoxPlotQueryFormData } from '../../src/BoxPlot/types';
+describe('BoxPlot buildQuery', () => {
+  const formData: BoxPlotQueryFormData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    time_grain_sqla: 'P1Y',
+    columns: [],
+    metrics: ['foo'],
+    groupby: ['bar'],
+    whiskerOptions: 'Tukey',
+    yAxisFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+    viz_type: 'my_chart',
+  };
+  it('should build timeseries when columns is empty', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery(formData);
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.is_timeseries).toEqual(true);
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['foo']);
+    expect(query.columns).toEqual(['bar']);
+  });
+  it('should build non-timeseries query object when columns is defined', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery({ ...formData, columns: ['qwerty'] });
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.is_timeseries).toEqual(false);
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['foo']);
+    expect(query.columns).toEqual(['qwerty', 'bar']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/transformProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/transformProps.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fc4f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/BoxPlot/transformProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../../src/BoxPlot/transformProps';
+describe('BoxPlot tranformProps', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    time_grain_sqla: 'P1Y',
+    columns: [],
+    metrics: ['AVG(averageprice)'],
+    groupby: ['type', 'region'],
+    whiskerOptions: 'Tukey',
+    yAxisFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+    viz_type: 'my_chart',
+  };
+  const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+    formData,
+    width: 800,
+    height: 600,
+    queriesData: [
+      {
+        data: [
+          {
+            type: 'organic',
+            region: 'Charlotte',
+            'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 1.9405512820512825,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__median': 1.9025,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.505,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.4775,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 1.73875,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.105,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [2.735],
+          },
+          {
+            type: 'organic',
+            region: 'Hartford Springfield',
+            'AVG(averageprice)__mean': 2.231141025641026,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__median': 2.265,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__max': 2.595,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__min': 1.862,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__q1': 2.1285,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__q3': 2.32625,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__count': 39,
+            'AVG(averageprice)__outliers': [],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+  });
+  it('should tranform chart props for viz', () => {
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({
+          series: expect.arrayContaining([
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              name: 'boxplot',
+              data: expect.arrayContaining([
+                expect.objectContaining({
+                  name: 'organic, Charlotte',
+                  value: [1.4775, 1.73875, 1.9025, 2.105, 2.505, 1.9405512820512825, 39, [2.735]],
+                }),
+                expect.objectContaining({
+                  name: 'organic, Hartford Springfield',
+                  value: [1.862, 2.1285, 2.265, 2.32625, 2.595, 2.231141025641026, 39, []],
+                }),
+              ]),
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              name: 'outlier',
+              data: [['organic, Charlotte', 2.735]],
+            }),
+          ]),
+        }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/buildQuery.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/buildQuery.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa40dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/buildQuery.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import buildQuery from '../../src/Pie/buildQuery';
+describe('Pie buildQuery', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    metric: 'foo',
+    groupby: ['bar'],
+    viz_type: 'my_chart',
+  };
+  it('should build query fields from form data', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery(formData);
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['foo']);
+    expect(query.columns).toEqual(['bar']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/transformProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/transformProps.test.ts
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index 0000000..099086a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Pie/transformProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, getNumberFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps, { formatPieLabel } from '../../src/Pie/transformProps';
+import { EchartsPieLabelType } from '../../src/Pie/types';
+describe('Pie tranformProps', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    colorScheme: 'bnbColors',
+    datasource: '3__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    metric: 'sum__num',
+    groupby: ['foo', 'bar'],
+  };
+  const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+    formData,
+    width: 800,
+    height: 600,
+    queriesData: [
+      {
+        data: [
+          { foo: 'Sylvester', bar: 1, sum__num: 10 },
+          { foo: 'Arnold', bar: 2, sum__num: 2.5 },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+  });
+  it('should tranform chart props for viz', () => {
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({
+          series: [
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              avoidLabelOverlap: true,
+              data: expect.arrayContaining([
+                expect.objectContaining({
+                  name: 'Arnold, 2',
+                  value: 2.5,
+                }),
+                expect.objectContaining({
+                  name: 'Sylvester, 1',
+                  value: 10,
+                }),
+              ]),
+            }),
+          ],
+        }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
+describe('formatPieLabel', () => {
+  it('should generate a valid pie chart label', () => {
+    const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter();
+    const params = { name: 'My Label', value: 1234, percent: 12.34 };
+    expect(formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.Key })).toEqual(
+      'My Label',
+    );
+    expect(
+      formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.Value }),
+    ).toEqual('1.23k');
+    expect(
+      formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.Percent }),
+    ).toEqual('12.34%');
+    expect(
+      formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.KeyValue }),
+    ).toEqual('My Label: 1.23k');
+    expect(
+      formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.KeyPercent }),
+    ).toEqual('My Label: 12.34%');
+    expect(
+      formatPieLabel({ params, numberFormatter, labelType: EchartsPieLabelType.KeyValuePercent }),
+    ).toEqual('My Label: 1.23k (12.34%)');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/buildQuery.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/buildQuery.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c333ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/buildQuery.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import buildQuery from '../../src/Timeseries/buildQuery';
+describe('Timeseries buildQuery', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    groupby: ['foo'],
+    metrics: ['bar', 'baz'],
+    viz_type: 'my_chart',
+  };
+  it('should build groupby with series in form data', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery(formData);
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.groupby).toEqual(['foo']);
+    expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['bar', 'baz']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/transformProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/transformProps.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb7671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/Timeseries/transformProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  ChartProps,
+  EventAnnotationLayer,
+  FormulaAnnotationLayer,
+  IntervalAnnotationLayer,
+  TimeseriesAnnotationLayer,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../../src/Timeseries/transformProps';
+describe('EchartsTimeseries tranformProps', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    colorScheme: 'bnbColors',
+    datasource: '3__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    metric: 'sum__num',
+    groupby: ['foo', 'bar'],
+  };
+  const queriesData = [
+    {
+      data: [
+        { 'San Francisco': 1, 'New York': 2, __timestamp: 599616000000 },
+        { 'San Francisco': 3, 'New York': 4, __timestamp: 599916000000 },
+      ],
+    },
+  ];
+  const chartPropsConfig = {
+    formData,
+    width: 800,
+    height: 600,
+    queriesData,
+  };
+  it('should tranform chart props for viz', () => {
+    const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig);
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({
+          legend: expect.objectContaining({
+            data: ['San Francisco', 'New York'],
+          }),
+          series: expect.arrayContaining([
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              data: [
+                [new Date(599616000000), 1],
+                [new Date(599916000000), 3],
+              ],
+              name: 'San Francisco',
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              data: [
+                [new Date(599616000000), 2],
+                [new Date(599916000000), 4],
+              ],
+              name: 'New York',
+            }),
+          ]),
+        }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
+  it('should add a formula annotation to viz', () => {
+    const formula: FormulaAnnotationLayer = {
+      name: 'My Formula',
+      annotationType: 'FORMULA',
+      value: 'x+1',
+      style: 'solid',
+      show: true,
+    };
+    const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+      ...chartPropsConfig,
+      formData: {
+        ...formData,
+        annotationLayers: [formula],
+      },
+    });
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        width: 800,
+        height: 600,
+        echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({
+          legend: expect.objectContaining({
+            data: ['San Francisco', 'New York', 'My Formula'],
+          }),
+          series: expect.arrayContaining([
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              data: [
+                [new Date(599616000000), 1],
+                [new Date(599916000000), 3],
+              ],
+              name: 'San Francisco',
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              data: [
+                [new Date(599616000000), 2],
+                [new Date(599916000000), 4],
+              ],
+              name: 'New York',
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              data: [
+                [new Date(599616000000), 599616000001],
+                [new Date(599916000000), 599916000001],
+              ],
+              name: 'My Formula',
+            }),
+          ]),
+        }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
+  it('should add an interval, event and timeseries annotation to viz', () => {
+    const event: EventAnnotationLayer = {
+      annotationType: 'EVENT',
+      name: 'My Event',
+      show: true,
+      sourceType: 'NATIVE',
+      style: 'solid',
+      value: 1,
+    };
+    const interval: IntervalAnnotationLayer = {
+      annotationType: 'INTERVAL',
+      name: 'My Interval',
+      show: true,
+      sourceType: 'table',
+      titleColumn: '',
+      timeColumn: 'start',
+      intervalEndColumn: '',
+      descriptionColumns: [],
+      style: 'dashed',
+      value: 2,
+    };
+    const timeseries: TimeseriesAnnotationLayer = {
+      annotationType: 'TIME_SERIES',
+      name: 'My Timeseries',
+      show: true,
+      sourceType: 'line',
+      style: 'solid',
+      titleColumn: '',
+      value: 3,
+    };
+    const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+      ...chartPropsConfig,
+      formData: {
+        ...formData,
+        annotationLayers: [event, interval, timeseries],
+      },
+      queriesData: [
+        {
+          ...queriesData[0],
+          annotation_data: {
+            'My Event': {
+              columns: ['start_dttm', 'end_dttm', 'short_descr', 'long_descr', 'json_metadata'],
+              records: [
+                {
+                  start_dttm: 0,
+                  end_dttm: 1000,
+                  short_descr: '',
+                  long_descr: '',
+                  json_metadata: null,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            'My Interval': {
+              columns: ['start', 'end', 'title'],
+              records: [
+                {
+                  start: 2000,
+                  end: 3000,
+                  title: 'My Title',
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            'My Timeseries': [
+              {
+                key: 'My Line',
+                values: [
+                  {
+                    x: 10000,
+                    y: 11000,
+                  },
+                  {
+                    x: 20000,
+                    y: 21000,
+                  },
+                ],
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    });
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({
+          legend: expect.objectContaining({
+            data: ['San Francisco', 'New York', 'My Line'],
+          }),
+          series: expect.arrayContaining([
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              type: 'line',
+              id: 'My Line',
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              type: 'line',
+              id: 'Event - My Event',
+            }),
+            expect.objectContaining({
+              type: 'line',
+              id: 'Interval - My Interval',
+            }),
+          ]),
+        }),
+      }),
+    );
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..786d114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { EchartsPieChartPlugin, EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin } from '../src';
+describe('@superset-ui/plugin-chart-echarts', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(EchartsPieChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+    expect(EchartsTimeseriesChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3b91df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/annotation.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/annotation.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78547e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/annotation.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { AnnotationLayer, AnnotationResult } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  extractAnnotationLabels,
+  formatAnnotationLabel,
+  parseAnnotationOpacity,
+} from '../../src/utils/annotation';
+describe('formatAnnotationLabel', () => {
+  it('should handle default cases properly', () => {
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel('name')).toEqual('name');
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel('name', 'title')).toEqual('name - title');
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel('name', 'title', ['description'])).toEqual(
+      'name - title\n\ndescription',
+    );
+  });
+  it('should handle missing cases properly', () => {
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel()).toEqual('');
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel(undefined, 'title')).toEqual('title');
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel('name', undefined, ['description'])).toEqual(
+      'name\n\ndescription',
+    );
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel(undefined, undefined, ['description'])).toEqual('description');
+  });
+  it('should handle multiple descriptions properly', () => {
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel('name', 'title', ['description 1', 'description 2'])).toEqual(
+      'name - title\n\ndescription 1\ndescription 2',
+    );
+    expect(formatAnnotationLabel(undefined, undefined, ['description 1', 'description 2'])).toEqual(
+      'description 1\ndescription 2',
+    );
+  });
+describe('extractForecastSeriesContext', () => {
+  it('should extract the correct series name and type', () => {
+    expect(parseAnnotationOpacity('opacityLow')).toEqual(0.2);
+    expect(parseAnnotationOpacity('opacityMedium')).toEqual(0.5);
+    expect(parseAnnotationOpacity('opacityHigh')).toEqual(0.8);
+    expect(parseAnnotationOpacity('')).toEqual(1);
+    expect(parseAnnotationOpacity(undefined)).toEqual(1);
+  });
+describe('extractAnnotationLabels', () => {
+  it('should extract all annotations that can be added to the legend', () => {
+    const layers: AnnotationLayer[] = [
+      {
+        annotationType: 'FORMULA',
+        name: 'My Formula',
+        show: true,
+        style: 'solid',
+        value: 'sin(x)',
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: 'FORMULA',
+        name: 'My Hidden Formula',
+        show: false,
+        style: 'solid',
+        value: 'sin(2x)',
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: 'INTERVAL',
+        name: 'My Interval',
+        sourceType: 'table',
+        show: true,
+        style: 'solid',
+        value: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: 'TIME_SERIES',
+        name: 'My Line',
+        show: true,
+        style: 'dashed',
+        sourceType: 'line',
+        value: 1,
+      },
+      {
+        annotationType: 'TIME_SERIES',
+        name: 'My Hidden Line',
+        show: false,
+        style: 'dashed',
+        sourceType: 'line',
+        value: 1,
+      },
+    ];
+    const results: AnnotationResult = {
+      'My Interval': {
+        columns: ['col'],
+        records: [{ col: 1 }],
+      },
+      'My Line': [
+        { key: 'Line 1', values: [] },
+        { key: 'Line 2', values: [] },
+      ],
+    };
+    expect(extractAnnotationLabels(layers, results)).toEqual(['My Formula', 'Line 1', 'Line 2']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/controls.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/controls.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ced57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/controls.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { parseYAxisBound } from '../../src/utils/controls';
+describe('parseYAxisBound', () => {
+  it('should return undefined for invalid values', () => {
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(null)).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(undefined)).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(NaN)).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(parseYAxisBound('abc')).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('should return numeric value for valid values', () => {
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(0)).toEqual(0);
+    expect(parseYAxisBound('0')).toEqual(0);
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(1)).toEqual(1);
+    expect(parseYAxisBound('1')).toEqual(1);
+    expect(parseYAxisBound(10.1)).toEqual(10.1);
+    expect(parseYAxisBound('10.1')).toEqual(10.1);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/prophet.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/prophet.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1ad81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/prophet.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { getNumberFormatter, NumberFormats } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  extractForecastSeriesContext,
+  extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams,
+  formatProphetTooltipSeries,
+  rebaseTimeseriesDatum,
+} from '../../src/utils/prophet';
+import { ForecastSeriesEnum } from '../../src/types';
+describe('extractForecastSeriesContext', () => {
+  it('should extract the correct series name and type', () => {
+    expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('abcd')).toEqual({
+      name: 'abcd',
+      type: ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation,
+    });
+    expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('qwerty__yhat')).toEqual({
+      name: 'qwerty',
+      type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastTrend,
+    });
+    expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('X Y Z___yhat_upper')).toEqual({
+      name: 'X Y Z_',
+      type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper,
+    });
+    expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('1 2 3__yhat_lower')).toEqual({
+      name: '1 2 3',
+      type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower,
+    });
+  });
+describe('rebaseTimeseriesDatum', () => {
+  it('should subtract lower confidence level from upper value', () => {
+    expect(
+      rebaseTimeseriesDatum([
+        {
+          __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'),
+          abc: 10,
+          abc__yhat_lower: 1,
+          abc__yhat_upper: 20,
+        },
+        {
+          __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'),
+          abc: 10,
+          abc__yhat_lower: null,
+          abc__yhat_upper: 20,
+        },
+        {
+          __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'),
+          abc: 10,
+          abc__yhat_lower: 1,
+          abc__yhat_upper: null,
+        },
+      ]),
+    ).toEqual([
+      {
+        __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'),
+        abc: 10,
+        abc__yhat_lower: 1,
+        abc__yhat_upper: 19,
+      },
+      {
+        __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'),
+        abc: 10,
+        abc__yhat_lower: null,
+        abc__yhat_upper: 20,
+      },
+      {
+        __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'),
+        abc: 10,
+        abc__yhat_lower: 1,
+        abc__yhat_upper: null,
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams', () => {
+  it('should extract the proper data from tooltip params', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractProphetValuesFromTooltipParams([
+        {
+          marker: '<img>',
+          seriesId: 'abc',
+          value: [new Date(0), 10],
+        },
+        {
+          marker: '<img>',
+          seriesId: 'abc__yhat',
+          value: [new Date(0), 1],
+        },
+        {
+          marker: '<img>',
+          seriesId: 'abc__yhat_lower',
+          value: [new Date(0), 5],
+        },
+        {
+          marker: '<img>',
+          seriesId: 'abc__yhat_upper',
+          value: [new Date(0), 6],
+        },
+        {
+          marker: '<img>',
+          seriesId: 'qwerty',
+          value: [new Date(0), 2],
+        },
+      ]),
+    ).toEqual({
+      abc: {
+        marker: '<img>',
+        observation: 10,
+        forecastTrend: 1,
+        forecastLower: 5,
+        forecastUpper: 6,
+      },
+      qwerty: {
+        marker: '<img>',
+        observation: 2,
+      },
+    });
+  });
+const formatter = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.INTEGER);
+describe('formatProphetTooltipSeries', () => {
+  it('should generate a proper series tooltip', () => {
+    expect(
+      formatProphetTooltipSeries({
+        seriesName: 'abc',
+        marker: '<img>',
+        observation: 10.1,
+        formatter,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('<img>abc: 10');
+    expect(
+      formatProphetTooltipSeries({
+        seriesName: 'qwerty',
+        marker: '<img>',
+        observation: 10.1,
+        forecastTrend: 20.1,
+        forecastLower: 5.1,
+        forecastUpper: 7.1,
+        formatter,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('<img>qwerty: 10, ŷ = 20 (5, 12)');
+    expect(
+      formatProphetTooltipSeries({
+        seriesName: 'qwerty',
+        marker: '<img>',
+        forecastTrend: 20,
+        forecastLower: 5,
+        forecastUpper: 7,
+        formatter,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('<img>qwerty: ŷ = 20 (5, 12)');
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/series.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/series.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..401b91b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test/utils/series.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { getNumberFormatter, getTimeFormatter } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  extractGroupbyLabel,
+  extractTimeseriesSeries,
+  formatSeriesName,
+  getChartPadding,
+  getLegendProps,
+} from '../../src/utils/series';
+import { LegendOrientation, LegendType } from '../../src/types';
+import { defaultLegendPadding } from '../../src/defaults';
+describe('extractTimeseriesSeries', () => {
+  it('should generate a valid ECharts timeseries series object', () => {
+    const data = [
+      {
+        __timestamp: '2000-01-01',
+        Hulk: null,
+        abc: 2,
+      },
+      {
+        __timestamp: '2000-02-01',
+        Hulk: 2,
+        abc: 10,
+      },
+      {
+        __timestamp: '2000-03-01',
+        Hulk: 1,
+        abc: 5,
+      },
+    ];
+    expect(extractTimeseriesSeries(data)).toEqual([
+      {
+        id: 'Hulk',
+        name: 'Hulk',
+        data: [
+          [new Date('2000-01-01'), null],
+          [new Date('2000-02-01'), 2],
+          [new Date('2000-03-01'), 1],
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'abc',
+        name: 'abc',
+        data: [
+          [new Date('2000-01-01'), 2],
+          [new Date('2000-02-01'), 10],
+          [new Date('2000-03-01'), 5],
+        ],
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('extractGroupbyLabel', () => {
+  it('should join together multiple groupby labels', () => {
+    expect(extractGroupbyLabel({ datum: { a: 'abc', b: 'qwerty' }, groupby: ['a', 'b'] })).toEqual(
+      'abc, qwerty',
+    );
+  });
+  it('should handle a single groupby', () => {
+    expect(extractGroupbyLabel({ datum: { xyz: 'qqq' }, groupby: ['xyz'] })).toEqual('qqq');
+  });
+  it('should handle mixed types', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractGroupbyLabel({
+        datum: { strcol: 'abc', intcol: 123, floatcol: 0.123, boolcol: true },
+        groupby: ['strcol', 'intcol', 'floatcol', 'boolcol'],
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('abc, 123, 0.123, true');
+  });
+  it('should handle null and undefined groupby', () => {
+    expect(
+      extractGroupbyLabel({
+        datum: { strcol: 'abc', intcol: 123, floatcol: 0.123, boolcol: true },
+        groupby: null,
+      }),
+    ).toEqual('');
+    expect(extractGroupbyLabel({})).toEqual('');
+  });
+describe('formatSeriesName', () => {
+  const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter();
+  const timeFormatter = getTimeFormatter();
+  it('should handle missing values properly', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(undefined)).toEqual('<NULL>');
+    expect(formatSeriesName(null)).toEqual('<NULL>');
+  });
+  it('should handle string values properly', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName('abc XYZ!')).toEqual('abc XYZ!');
+  });
+  it('should handle boolean values properly', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(true)).toEqual('true');
+  });
+  it('should use default formatting for numeric values without formatter', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(12345678.9)).toEqual('12345678.9');
+  });
+  it('should use numberFormatter for numeric values when formatter is provided', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(12345678.9, { numberFormatter })).toEqual('12.3M');
+  });
+  it('should use default formatting for for date values without formatter', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(new Date('2020-09-11'))).toEqual('2020-09-11T00:00:00.000Z');
+  });
+  it('should use timeFormatter for date values when formatter is provided', () => {
+    expect(formatSeriesName(new Date('2020-09-11'), { timeFormatter })).toEqual(
+      '2020-09-11 00:00:00',
+    );
+  });
+  describe('getLegendProps', () => {
+    it('should return the correct props for scroll type with top orientation', () => {
+      expect(getLegendProps(LegendType.Scroll, LegendOrientation.Top, true)).toEqual({
+        show: true,
+        top: 0,
+        orient: 'horizontal',
+        type: 'scroll',
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct props for plain type with left orientation', () => {
+      expect(getLegendProps(LegendType.Plain, LegendOrientation.Left, true)).toEqual({
+        show: true,
+        left: 0,
+        orient: 'vertical',
+        type: 'plain',
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct props for plain type with right orientation', () => {
+      expect(getLegendProps(LegendType.Plain, LegendOrientation.Right, false)).toEqual({
+        show: false,
+        right: 0,
+        orient: 'vertical',
+        type: 'plain',
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct props for plain type with bottom orientation', () => {
+      expect(getLegendProps(LegendType.Plain, LegendOrientation.Bottom, false)).toEqual({
+        show: false,
+        bottom: 0,
+        orient: 'horizontal',
+        type: 'plain',
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  describe('getChartPadding', () => {
+    it('should handle top default', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Top)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 0,
+        left: 0,
+        right: 0,
+        top: defaultLegendPadding[LegendOrientation.Top],
+      });
+    });
+    it('should handle left default', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Left)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 0,
+        left: defaultLegendPadding[LegendOrientation.Left],
+        right: 0,
+        top: 0,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the default padding when show is false', () => {
+      expect(
+        getChartPadding(false, LegendOrientation.Left, 100, {
+          top: 10,
+          bottom: 20,
+          left: 30,
+          right: 40,
+        }),
+      ).toEqual({
+        bottom: 20,
+        left: 30,
+        right: 40,
+        top: 10,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct padding for left orientation', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Left, 100)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 0,
+        left: 100,
+        right: 0,
+        top: 0,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct padding for right orientation', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Right, 50)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 0,
+        left: 0,
+        right: 50,
+        top: 0,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct padding for top orientation', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Top, 20)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 0,
+        left: 0,
+        right: 0,
+        top: 20,
+      });
+    });
+    it('should return the correct padding for bottom orientation', () => {
+      expect(getChartPadding(true, LegendOrientation.Bottom, 10)).toEqual({
+        bottom: 10,
+        left: 0,
+        right: 0,
+        top: 0,
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/types/external.d.ts
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index 0000000..0935dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module '*.png' {
+  const value: any;
+  export default value;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/
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index 0000000..4fc4501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-table
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Table chart for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import TableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table';
+new TableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'table' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="table"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd888d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-table",
+  "version": "0.17.6",
+  "description": "Superset Chart - Table",
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@emotion/core": "^10.0.28",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/d3-array": "^2.0.0",
+    "@types/react-table": "^7.0.19",
+    "d3-array": "^2.4.0",
+    "match-sorter": "^6.1.0",
+    "memoize-one": "^5.1.1",
+    "react-icons": "^3.10.0",
+    "react-table": "^7.2.1",
+    "regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.5",
+    "xss": "^1.0.6"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "react": "^16.13.1",
+    "react-dom": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/DataTable.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/DataTable.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b2de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/DataTable.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { useCallback, useRef, ReactNode, HTMLProps, MutableRefObject } from 'react';
+import {
+  useTable,
+  usePagination,
+  useSortBy,
+  useGlobalFilter,
+  PluginHook,
+  TableOptions,
+  FilterType,
+  IdType,
+  Row,
+} from 'react-table';
+import { matchSorter, rankings } from 'match-sorter';
+import GlobalFilter, { GlobalFilterProps } from './components/GlobalFilter';
+import SelectPageSize, { SelectPageSizeProps, SizeOption } from './components/SelectPageSize';
+import SimplePagination from './components/Pagination';
+import useSticky from './hooks/useSticky';
+export interface DataTableProps<D extends object> extends TableOptions<D> {
+  tableClassName?: string;
+  searchInput?: boolean | GlobalFilterProps<D>['searchInput'];
+  selectPageSize?: boolean | SelectPageSizeProps['selectRenderer'];
+  pageSizeOptions?: SizeOption[]; // available page size options
+  maxPageItemCount?: number;
+  hooks?: PluginHook<D>[]; // any additional hooks
+  width?: string | number;
+  height?: string | number;
+  pageSize?: number;
+  noResults?: string | ((filterString: string) => ReactNode);
+  sticky?: boolean;
+  wrapperRef?: MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
+export interface RenderHTMLCellProps extends HTMLProps<HTMLTableCellElement> {
+  cellContent: ReactNode;
+// Be sure to pass our updateMyData and the skipReset option
+export default function DataTable<D extends object>({
+  tableClassName,
+  columns,
+  data,
+  width: initialWidth = '100%',
+  height: initialHeight = 300,
+  pageSize: initialPageSize = 0,
+  initialState: initialState_ = {},
+  pageSizeOptions = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200],
+  maxPageItemCount = 9,
+  sticky: doSticky,
+  searchInput = true,
+  selectPageSize,
+  noResults: noResultsText = 'No data found',
+  hooks,
+  wrapperRef: userWrapperRef,
+  ...moreUseTableOptions
+}: DataTableProps<D>): JSX.Element {
+  const tableHooks: PluginHook<D>[] = [
+    useGlobalFilter,
+    useSortBy,
+    usePagination,
+    doSticky ? useSticky : [],
+    hooks || [],
+  ].flat();
+  const sortByRef = useRef([]); // cache initial `sortby` so sorting doesn't trigger page reset
+  const pageSizeRef = useRef([initialPageSize, data.length]);
+  const hasPagination = initialPageSize > 0 && data.length > 0; // pageSize == 0 means no pagination
+  const hasGlobalControl = hasPagination || !!searchInput;
+  const initialState = {
+    ...initialState_,
+    // zero length means all pages, the `usePagination` plugin does not
+    // understand pageSize = 0
+    sortBy: sortByRef.current,
+    pageSize: initialPageSize > 0 ? initialPageSize : data.length || 10,
+  };
+  const defaultWrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+  const globalControlRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+  const paginationRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+  const wrapperRef = userWrapperRef || defaultWrapperRef;
+  const defaultGetTableSize = useCallback(() => {
+    if (wrapperRef.current) {
+      // `initialWidth` and `initialHeight` could be also parameters like `100%`
+      // `Number` reaturns `NaN` on them, then we fallback to computed size
+      const width = Number(initialWidth) || wrapperRef.current.clientWidth;
+      const height =
+        (Number(initialHeight) || wrapperRef.current.clientHeight) -
+        (globalControlRef.current?.clientHeight || 0) -
+        (paginationRef.current?.clientHeight || 0);
+      return { width, height };
+    }
+    return undefined;
+    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+  }, [initialHeight, initialWidth, wrapperRef, hasPagination, hasGlobalControl]);
+  const defaultGlobalFilter: FilterType<D> = useCallback(
+    (rows: Row<D>[], columnIds: IdType<D>[], filterValue: string) => {
+      // allow searching by "col1_value col2_value"
+      const joinedString = (row: Row<D>) => => row.values[x]).join(' ');
+      return matchSorter(rows, filterValue, {
+        keys: [...columnIds, joinedString],
+        threshold: rankings.ACRONYM,
+      }) as typeof rows;
+    },
+    [],
+  );
+  const {
+    getTableProps,
+    getTableBodyProps,
+    prepareRow,
+    headerGroups,
+    page,
+    pageCount,
+    gotoPage,
+    preGlobalFilteredRows,
+    setGlobalFilter,
+    setPageSize: setPageSize_,
+    wrapStickyTable,
+    state: { pageIndex, pageSize, globalFilter: filterValue, sticky = {} },
+  } = useTable<D>(
+    {
+      columns,
+      data,
+      initialState,
+      getTableSize: defaultGetTableSize,
+      globalFilter: defaultGlobalFilter,
+      ...moreUseTableOptions,
+    },
+    ...tableHooks,
+  );
+  // make setPageSize accept 0
+  const setPageSize = (size: number) => {
+    // keep the original size if data is empty
+    if (size || data.length !== 0) {
+      setPageSize_(size === 0 ? data.length : size);
+    }
+  };
+  const noResults =
+    typeof noResultsText === 'function' ? noResultsText(filterValue as string) : noResultsText;
+  if (!columns || columns.length === 0) {
+    return <div className="dt-no-results">{noResults}</div>;
+  }
+  const renderTable = () => (
+    <table {...getTableProps({ className: tableClassName })}>
+      <thead>
+        { => {
+          const { key: headerGroupKey, ...headerGroupProps } = headerGroup.getHeaderGroupProps();
+          return (
+            <tr key={headerGroupKey ||} {...headerGroupProps}>
+              { =>
+                column.render('Header', {
+                  key:,
+                  ...column.getSortByToggleProps(),
+                }),
+              )}
+            </tr>
+          );
+        })}
+      </thead>
+      <tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
+        {page && page.length > 0 ? (
+ => {
+            prepareRow(row);
+            const { key: rowKey, ...rowProps } = row.getRowProps();
+            return (
+              <tr key={rowKey ||} {...rowProps}>
+                { => cell.render('Cell', { key: }))}
+              </tr>
+            );
+          })
+        ) : (
+          <tr>
+            <td className="dt-no-results" colSpan={columns.length}>
+              {noResults}
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        )}
+      </tbody>
+    </table>
+  );
+  // force upate the pageSize when it's been update from the initial state
+  if (
+    pageSizeRef.current[0] !== initialPageSize ||
+    // when initialPageSize stays as zero, but total number of records changed,
+    // we'd also need to update page size
+    (initialPageSize === 0 && pageSizeRef.current[1] !== data.length)
+  ) {
+    pageSizeRef.current = [initialPageSize, data.length];
+    setPageSize(initialPageSize);
+  }
+  return (
+    <div ref={wrapperRef} style={{ width: initialWidth, height: initialHeight }}>
+      {hasGlobalControl ? (
+        <div ref={globalControlRef} className="form-inline dt-controls">
+          <div className="row">
+            <div className="col-sm-6">
+              {hasPagination ? (
+                <SelectPageSize
+                  total={data.length}
+                  current={pageSize}
+                  options={pageSizeOptions}
+                  selectRenderer={typeof selectPageSize === 'boolean' ? undefined : selectPageSize}
+                  onChange={setPageSize}
+                />
+              ) : null}
+            </div>
+            {searchInput ? (
+              <div className="col-sm-6">
+                <GlobalFilter<D>
+                  searchInput={typeof searchInput === 'boolean' ? undefined : searchInput}
+                  preGlobalFilteredRows={preGlobalFilteredRows}
+                  setGlobalFilter={setGlobalFilter}
+                  filterValue={filterValue}
+                />
+              </div>
+            ) : null}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      ) : null}
+      {wrapStickyTable ? wrapStickyTable(renderTable) : renderTable()}
+      {hasPagination ? (
+        <SimplePagination
+          ref={paginationRef}
+          style={sticky.height ? undefined : { visibility: 'hidden' }}
+          maxPageItemCount={maxPageItemCount}
+          pageCount={pageCount}
+          currentPage={pageIndex}
+          onPageChange={gotoPage}
+        />
+      ) : null}
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c840e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Superset UI Data Table
+Reusable data table based on [react-table](, with
+built-in support for sorting, filtering, and pagination.
+Intended to be used as a standalone UI component in the future.
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/GlobalFilter.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/GlobalFilter.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e166813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/GlobalFilter.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { ComponentType, ChangeEventHandler } from 'react';
+import { Row, FilterValue } from 'react-table';
+import useAsyncState from '../utils/useAsyncState';
+export interface SearchInputProps {
+  count: number;
+  value: string;
+  onChange: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
+export interface GlobalFilterProps<D extends object> {
+  preGlobalFilteredRows: Row<D>[];
+  // filter value cannot be `undefined` otherwise React will report component
+  // control type undefined error
+  filterValue: string;
+  setGlobalFilter: (filterValue: FilterValue) => void;
+  searchInput?: ComponentType<SearchInputProps>;
+function DefaultSearchInput({ count, value, onChange }: SearchInputProps) {
+  return (
+    <span className="dt-global-filter">
+      Search{' '}
+      <input
+        className="form-control input-sm"
+        placeholder={`${count} records...`}
+        value={value}
+        onChange={onChange}
+      />
+    </span>
+  );
+export default (React.memo as <T>(fn: T) => T)(function GlobalFilter<D extends object>({
+  preGlobalFilteredRows,
+  filterValue = '',
+  searchInput,
+  setGlobalFilter,
+}: GlobalFilterProps<D>) {
+  const count = preGlobalFilteredRows.length;
+  const [value, setValue] = useAsyncState(
+    filterValue,
+    (newValue: string) => {
+      setGlobalFilter(newValue || undefined);
+    },
+    200,
+  );
+  const SearchInput = searchInput || DefaultSearchInput;
+  return (
+    <SearchInput
+      count={count}
+      value={value}
+      onChange={e => {
+        const target = as HTMLInputElement;
+        e.preventDefault();
+        setValue(target.value);
+      }}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/Pagination.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/Pagination.tsx
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index 0000000..8ffb1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/Pagination.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+export interface PaginationProps {
+  pageCount: number; // number of pages
+  currentPage?: number; // index of current page, zero-based
+  maxPageItemCount?: number;
+  ellipsis?: string; // content for ellipsis item
+  onPageChange: (page: number) => void; // `page` is zero-based
+  style?: CSSProperties;
+// first, ..., prev, current, next, ..., last
+ * Generate numeric page items around current page.
+ *   - Always include first and last page
+ *   - Add ellipsis if needed
+ */
+export function generatePageItems(total: number, current: number, width: number) {
+  if (width < MINIMAL_PAGE_ITEM_COUNT) {
+    throw new Error(`Must allow at least ${MINIMAL_PAGE_ITEM_COUNT} page items`);
+  }
+  if (width % 2 === 0) {
+    throw new Error(`Must allow odd number of page items`);
+  }
+  if (total < width) {
+    return [ Array(total).keys()];
+  }
+  const left = Math.max(0, Math.min(total - width, current - Math.floor(width / 2)));
+  const items: (string | number)[] = new Array(width);
+  for (let i = 0; i < width; i += 1) {
+    items[i] = i + left;
+  }
+  // replace non-ending items with placeholders
+  if (items[0] > 0) {
+    items[0] = 0;
+    items[1] = 'prev-more';
+  }
+  if (items[items.length - 1] < total - 1) {
+    items[items.length - 1] = total - 1;
+    items[items.length - 2] = 'next-more';
+  }
+  return items;
+export default React.memo(
+  React.forwardRef(function Pagination(
+    { style, pageCount, currentPage = 0, maxPageItemCount = 9, onPageChange }: PaginationProps,
+    ref: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>,
+  ) {
+    const pageItems = generatePageItems(pageCount, currentPage, maxPageItemCount);
+    return (
+      <div ref={ref} className="dt-pagination" style={style}>
+        <ul className="pagination pagination-sm">
+          { =>
+            typeof item === 'number' ? (
+              // actual page number
+              <li key={item} className={currentPage === item ? 'active' : undefined}>
+                <a
+                  href={`#page-${item}`}
+                  role="button"
+                  onClick={e => {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    onPageChange(item);
+                  }}
+                >
+                  {item + 1}
+                </a>
+              </li>
+            ) : (
+              <li key={item} className="dt-pagination-ellipsis">
+                <span>…</span>
+              </li>
+            ),
+          )}
+        </ul>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }),
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/SelectPageSize.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/SelectPageSize.tsx
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index 0000000..c098e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/components/SelectPageSize.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+export type SizeOption = number | [number, string];
+export interface SelectPageSizeRendererProps {
+  current: number;
+  options: SizeOption[];
+  onChange: SelectPageSizeProps['onChange'];
+function DefaultSelectRenderer({ current, options, onChange }: SelectPageSizeRendererProps) {
+  return (
+    <span className="dt-select-page-size form-inline">
+      Show{' '}
+      <select
+        className="form-control input-sm"
+        value={current}
+        onBlur={() => {}}
+        onChange={e => {
+          onChange(Number(( as HTMLSelectElement).value));
+        }}
+      >
+        { => {
+          const [size, text] = Array.isArray(option) ? option : [option, option];
+          return (
+            <option key={size} value={size}>
+              {text}
+            </option>
+          );
+        })}
+      </select>{' '}
+      entries
+    </span>
+  );
+export interface SelectPageSizeProps extends SelectPageSizeRendererProps {
+  total?: number;
+  selectRenderer?: typeof DefaultSelectRenderer;
+  onChange: (pageSize: number) => void;
+function getOptionValue(x: SizeOption) {
+  return Array.isArray(x) ? x[0] : x;
+export default React.memo(function SelectPageSize({
+  total,
+  options: sizeOptions,
+  current: currentSize,
+  selectRenderer,
+  onChange,
+}: SelectPageSizeProps) {
+  const sizeOptionValues =;
+  let options = [...sizeOptions];
+  // insert current size to list
+  if (
+    currentSize !== undefined &&
+    (currentSize !== total || !sizeOptionValues.includes(0)) &&
+    !sizeOptionValues.includes(currentSize)
+  ) {
+    options = [...sizeOptions];
+    options.splice(
+      sizeOptionValues.findIndex(x => x > currentSize),
+      0,
+      currentSize,
+    );
+  }
+  const current = currentSize === undefined ? sizeOptionValues[0] : currentSize;
+  const SelectRenderer = selectRenderer || DefaultSelectRenderer;
+  return <SelectRenderer current={current} options={options} onChange={onChange} />;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/hooks/useSticky.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/hooks/useSticky.tsx
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index 0000000..0e858fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/hooks/useSticky.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, {
+  useRef,
+  useMemo,
+  useLayoutEffect,
+  useCallback,
+  ReactNode,
+  ReactElement,
+  ComponentPropsWithRef,
+  CSSProperties,
+  UIEventHandler,
+} from 'react';
+import { TableInstance, Hooks } from 'react-table';
+import getScrollBarSize from '../utils/getScrollBarSize';
+import needScrollBar from '../utils/needScrollBar';
+import useMountedMemo from '../utils/useMountedMemo';
+type ReactElementWithChildren<
+  T extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements,
+  C extends ReactNode = ReactNode
+> = ReactElement<ComponentPropsWithRef<T> & { children: C }, T>;
+type Th = ReactElementWithChildren<'th'>;
+type Td = ReactElementWithChildren<'td'>;
+type TrWithTh = ReactElementWithChildren<'tr', Th[]>;
+type TrWithTd = ReactElementWithChildren<'tr', Td[]>;
+type Thead = ReactElementWithChildren<'thead', TrWithTh>;
+type Tbody = ReactElementWithChildren<'tbody', TrWithTd>;
+type Col = ReactElementWithChildren<'col', null>;
+type ColGroup = ReactElementWithChildren<'colgroup', Col>;
+export type Table = ReactElementWithChildren<'table', (Thead | Tbody | ColGroup)[]>;
+export type TableRenderer = () => Table;
+export type GetTableSize = () => Partial<StickyState> | undefined;
+export type SetStickyState = (size?: StickyState) => void;
+export enum ReducerActions {
+  init = 'init', // this is from global reducer
+  setStickyState = 'setStickyState',
+export type ReducerAction<T extends string, P extends Record<string, unknown>> = P & { type: T };
+export type ColumnWidths = number[];
+export interface StickyState {
+  width?: number; // maximum full table width
+  height?: number; // maximum full table height
+  realHeight?: number; // actual table viewport height (header + scrollable area)
+  bodyHeight?: number; // scrollable area height
+  tableHeight?: number; // the full table height
+  columnWidths?: ColumnWidths;
+  hasHorizontalScroll?: boolean;
+  hasVerticalScroll?: boolean;
+  rendering?: boolean;
+  setStickyState?: SetStickyState;
+export interface UseStickyTableOptions {
+  getTableSize?: GetTableSize;
+export interface UseStickyInstanceProps {
+  // manipulate DOMs in <table> to make the header sticky
+  wrapStickyTable: (renderer: TableRenderer) => ReactNode;
+  // update or recompute the sticky table size
+  setStickyState: SetStickyState;
+export type UseStickyState = {
+  sticky: StickyState;
+const sum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
+const mergeStyleProp = (node: ReactElement<{ style?: CSSProperties }>, style: CSSProperties) => ({
+  style: {
+  },
+ * An HOC for generating sticky header and fixed-height scrollable area
+ */
+function StickyWrap({
+  sticky = {},
+  width: maxWidth,
+  height: maxHeight,
+  children: table,
+  setStickyState,
+}: {
+  width: number;
+  height: number;
+  setStickyState: SetStickyState;
+  children: Table;
+  sticky?: StickyState; // current sticky element sizes
+}) {
+  if (!table || table.type !== 'table') {
+    throw new Error('<StickyWrap> must have only one <table> element as child');
+  }
+  let thead: Thead | undefined;
+  let tbody: Tbody | undefined;
+  let colgroup: ColGroup | undefined;
+  React.Children.forEach(table.props.children, node => {
+    if (node.type === 'thead') {
+      thead = node;
+    } else if (node.type === 'tbody') {
+      tbody = node;
+    } else if (node.type === 'colgroup') {
+      colgroup = node;
+    }
+  });
+  if (!thead || !tbody) {
+    throw new Error('<table> in <StickyWrap> must contain both thead and tbody.');
+  }
+  const columnCount = useMemo(() => {
+    const headerRows = React.Children.toArray(thead?.props.children).pop() as TrWithTh;
+    return headerRows.props.children.length;
+  }, [thead]);
+  const theadRef = useRef<HTMLTableSectionElement>(null); // original thead for layout computation
+  const scrollHeaderRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // fixed header
+  const scrollBodyRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); // main body
+  const { bodyHeight, columnWidths } = sticky;
+  const needSizer =
+    !columnWidths ||
+    sticky.width !== maxWidth ||
+    sticky.height !== maxHeight ||
+    sticky.setStickyState !== setStickyState;
+  const scrollBarSize = getScrollBarSize();
+  // update scrollable area and header column sizes when mounted
+  useLayoutEffect(() => {
+    if (theadRef.current) {
+      const bodyThead = theadRef.current;
+      const theadHeight = bodyThead.clientHeight;
+      if (!theadHeight) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const fullTableHeight = (bodyThead.parentNode as HTMLTableElement).clientHeight;
+      const ths = bodyThead.childNodes[0].childNodes as NodeListOf<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>;
+      const widths = Array.from(ths).map(th => th.clientWidth);
+      const [hasVerticalScroll, hasHorizontalScroll] = needScrollBar({
+        width: maxWidth,
+        height: maxHeight - theadHeight,
+        innerHeight: fullTableHeight,
+        innerWidth: widths.reduce(sum),
+        scrollBarSize,
+      });
+      // real container height, include table header and space for
+      // horizontal scroll bar
+      const realHeight = Math.min(
+        maxHeight,
+        hasHorizontalScroll ? fullTableHeight + scrollBarSize : fullTableHeight,
+      );
+      setStickyState({
+        hasVerticalScroll,
+        hasHorizontalScroll,
+        setStickyState,
+        width: maxWidth,
+        height: maxHeight,
+        realHeight,
+        tableHeight: fullTableHeight,
+        bodyHeight: realHeight - theadHeight,
+        columnWidths: widths,
+      });
+    }
+  }, [maxWidth, maxHeight, setStickyState, scrollBarSize]);
+  let sizerTable: ReactElement | undefined;
+  let headerTable: ReactElement | undefined;
+  let bodyTable: ReactElement | undefined;
+  if (needSizer) {
+    const theadWithRef = React.cloneElement(thead, { ref: theadRef });
+    sizerTable = (
+      <div
+        key="sizer"
+        style={{
+          height: maxHeight,
+          overflow: 'auto',
+          visibility: 'hidden',
+        }}
+      >
+        {React.cloneElement(table, {}, colgroup, theadWithRef, tbody)}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+  // reuse previously column widths, will be updated by `useLayoutEffect` above
+  const colWidths = columnWidths?.slice(0, columnCount);
+  if (colWidths && bodyHeight) {
+    const tableStyle: CSSProperties = { tableLayout: 'fixed' };
+    const bodyCols =, i) => (
+      // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
+      <col key={i} width={w} />
+    ));
+    const bodyColgroup = <colgroup>{bodyCols}</colgroup>;
+    // header columns do not have vertical scroll bars,
+    // so we add scroll bar size to the last column
+    const headerColgroup =
+      sticky.hasVerticalScroll && scrollBarSize ? (
+        <colgroup>
+          {, i) => (
+            // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
+            <col key={i} width={x + (i === colWidths.length - 1 ? scrollBarSize : 0)} />
+          ))}
+        </colgroup>
+      ) : (
+        bodyColgroup
+      );
+    headerTable = (
+      <div
+        key="header"
+        ref={scrollHeaderRef}
+        style={{
+          overflow: 'hidden',
+        }}
+      >
+        {React.cloneElement(table, mergeStyleProp(table, tableStyle), headerColgroup, thead)}
+        {headerTable}
+      </div>
+    );
+    const onScroll: UIEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> = e => {
+      if (scrollHeaderRef.current) {
+        scrollHeaderRef.current.scrollLeft = e.currentTarget.scrollLeft;
+      }
+    };
+    bodyTable = (
+      <div
+        key="body"
+        ref={scrollBodyRef}
+        style={{
+          height: bodyHeight,
+          overflow: 'auto',
+        }}
+        onScroll={sticky.hasHorizontalScroll ? onScroll : undefined}
+      >
+        {React.cloneElement(table, mergeStyleProp(table, tableStyle), bodyColgroup, tbody)}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
+  return (
+    <div
+      style={{
+        width: maxWidth,
+        height: sticky.realHeight || maxHeight,
+        overflow: 'hidden',
+      }}
+    >
+      {headerTable}
+      {bodyTable}
+      {sizerTable}
+    </div>
+  );
+function useInstance<D extends object>(instance: TableInstance<D>) {
+  const {
+    dispatch,
+    state: { sticky },
+    data,
+    page,
+    rows,
+    getTableSize = () => undefined,
+  } = instance;
+  const setStickyState = useCallback(
+    (size?: Partial<StickyState>) => {
+      dispatch({
+        type: ReducerActions.setStickyState,
+        size,
+      });
+    },
+    // turning pages would also trigger a resize
+    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+    [dispatch, getTableSize, page, rows],
+  );
+  const useStickyWrap = (renderer: TableRenderer) => {
+    const { width, height } = useMountedMemo(getTableSize, [getTableSize]) || sticky;
+    // only change of data should trigger re-render
+    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+    const table = useMemo(renderer, [page, rows]);
+    useLayoutEffect(() => {
+      if (!width || !height) {
+        setStickyState();
+      }
+    }, [width, height]);
+    if (!width || !height) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (data.length === 0) {
+      return table;
+    }
+    return (
+      <StickyWrap width={width} height={height} sticky={sticky} setStickyState={setStickyState}>
+        {table}
+      </StickyWrap>
+    );
+  };
+  Object.assign(instance, {
+    setStickyState,
+    wrapStickyTable: useStickyWrap,
+  });
+export default function useSticky<D extends object>(hooks: Hooks<D>) {
+  hooks.useInstance.push(useInstance);
+  hooks.stateReducers.push((newState, action_) => {
+    const action = action_ as ReducerAction<ReducerActions, { size: StickyState }>;
+    if (action.type === ReducerActions.init) {
+      return {
+        ...newState,
+        sticky: newState.sticky || {},
+      };
+    }
+    if (action.type === ReducerActions.setStickyState) {
+      const { size } = action;
+      if (!size) {
+        return { ...newState };
+      }
+      return {
+        ...newState,
+        sticky: {
+          ...newState.sticky,
+          ...action.size,
+        },
+      };
+    }
+    return newState;
+  });
+useSticky.pluginName = 'useSticky';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/index.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/index.tsx
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index 0000000..55bdc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export * from './hooks/useSticky';
+export * from './components/GlobalFilter';
+export * from './components/Pagination';
+export * from './components/SelectPageSize';
+export * from './DataTable';
+export { default } from './DataTable';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/types/react-table.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/types/react-table.d.ts
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/types/react-table.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * Merge typing interfaces for UseTable hooks.
+ *
+ * Ref:
+ */
+import {
+  UseGlobalFiltersState,
+  UseGlobalFiltersOptions,
+  UseGlobalFiltersInstanceProps,
+  UsePaginationInstanceProps,
+  UsePaginationOptions,
+  UsePaginationState,
+  UseSortByColumnOptions,
+  UseSortByColumnProps,
+  UseSortByInstanceProps,
+  UseSortByOptions,
+  UseSortByState,
+  UseTableHooks,
+  UseSortByHooks,
+  Renderer,
+  HeaderProps,
+} from 'react-table';
+import { UseStickyState, UseStickyTableOptions, UseStickyInstanceProps } from '../hooks/useSticky';
+declare module 'react-table' {
+  export interface TableOptions<D extends object>
+    extends UseExpandedOptions<D>,
+      UseGlobalFiltersOptions<D>,
+      UsePaginationOptions<D>,
+      UseRowSelectOptions<D>,
+      UseSortByOptions<D>,
+      UseStickyTableOptions {}
+  export interface TableInstance<D extends object>
+    extends UseColumnOrderInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseExpandedInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseGlobalFiltersInstanceProps<D>,
+      UsePaginationInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseRowSelectInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseRowStateInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseSortByInstanceProps<D>,
+      UseStickyInstanceProps {}
+  export interface TableState<D extends object>
+    extends UseColumnOrderState<D>,
+      UseExpandedState<D>,
+      UseGlobalFiltersState<D>,
+      UsePaginationState<D>,
+      UseRowSelectState<D>,
+      UseSortByState<D>,
+      UseStickyState {}
+  // Typing from @types/react-table is incomplete
+  interface TableSortByToggleProps {
+    style?: React.CSSProperties;
+    title?: string;
+    onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler;
+  }
+  export interface ColumnInterface<D extends object>
+    extends UseGlobalFiltersColumnOptions<D>,
+      UseSortByColumnOptions<D> {
+    // must define as a new property because it's not possible to override
+    // the existing `Header` renderer option
+    Header?: Renderer<TableSortByToggleProps & HeaderProps<D>>;
+  }
+  export interface ColumnInstance<D extends object>
+    extends UseGlobalFiltersColumnOptions<D>,
+      UseSortByColumnProps<D> {
+    getSortByToggleProps: (props?: Partial<TableSortByToggleProps>) => TableSortByToggleProps;
+  }
+  export interface Hooks<D extends object> extends UseTableHooks<D>, UseSortByHooks<D> {}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/getScrollBarSize.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/getScrollBarSize.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/getScrollBarSize.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+let cached: number | undefined;
+const css = (x: TemplateStringsArray) => x.join('\n');
+export default function getScrollBarSize(forceRefresh = false) {
+  if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (cached === undefined || forceRefresh) {
+    const inner = document.createElement('div');
+    const outer = document.createElement('div');
+ = css`
+      width: auto;
+      height: 100%;
+      overflow: scroll;
+    `;
+ = css`
+      position: absolute;
+      visibility: hidden;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      width: 100px;
+      height: 50px;
+    `;
+    outer.append(inner);
+    document.body.append(outer);
+    cached = outer.clientWidth - inner.clientWidth;
+    outer.remove();
+  }
+  return cached;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/needScrollBar.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/needScrollBar.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/needScrollBar.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * Whether a container need scroll bars when in another container.
+ */
+export default function needScrollBar({
+  width,
+  height,
+  innerHeight,
+  innerWidth,
+  scrollBarSize,
+}: {
+  width: number;
+  height: number;
+  innerHeight: number;
+  scrollBarSize: number;
+  innerWidth: number;
+}): [boolean, boolean] {
+  const hasVerticalScroll = innerHeight > height;
+  const hasHorizontalScroll = innerWidth > width - (hasVerticalScroll ? scrollBarSize : 0);
+  return [hasVerticalScroll, hasHorizontalScroll];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useAsyncState.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useAsyncState.ts
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index 0000000..0d94146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useAsyncState.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
+import { useAsyncDebounce } from 'react-table';
+// useAsyncDebounce in dist build of `react-table` requires regeneratorRuntime
+import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
+ * Hook useState to allow always return latest initialValue
+ */
+export default function useAsyncState<T, F extends (newValue: T) => unknown>(
+  initialValue: T,
+  callback: F,
+  wait = 200,
+) {
+  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
+  const valueRef = useRef(initialValue);
+  const onChange = useAsyncDebounce(callback, wait);
+  // sync updated initialValue
+  if (valueRef.current !== initialValue) {
+    valueRef.current = initialValue;
+    if (value !== initialValue) {
+      setValue(initialValue);
+    }
+  }
+  const setBoth = (newValue: T) => {
+    setValue(newValue);
+    onChange(newValue);
+  };
+  return [value, setBoth] as [typeof value, typeof setValue];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useMountedMemo.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useMountedMemo.ts
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index 0000000..14636f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/DataTable/utils/useMountedMemo.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { useLayoutEffect, useRef, useMemo } from 'react';
+ * Execute a memoized callback only when mounted. Execute again when factory updated.
+ * Returns undefined if not mounted yet.
+ */
+export default function useMountedMemo<T>(factory: () => T, deps?: unknown[]): T | undefined {
+  const mounted = useRef<typeof factory>();
+  useLayoutEffect(() => {
+    mounted.current = factory;
+  });
+  return useMemo(() => {
+    if (mounted.current) {
+      return factory();
+    }
+    return undefined;
+    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+  }, [mounted.current, mounted.current === factory, ...(deps || [])]);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/Styles.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/Styles.tsx
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index 0000000..f04fe4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/Styles.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default styled.div`
+  table {
+    width: 100%;
+    min-width: auto;
+    max-width: none;
+    margin: 0;
+  }
+  th,
+  td {
+    min-width: 4.3em;
+  }
+  thead > tr > th {
+    padding-right: 1.4em;
+    position: relative;
+    background: #fff;
+  }
+  th svg {
+    color: #ccc;
+    position: absolute;
+    bottom: 0.6em;
+    right: 0.2em;
+  }
+ svg {
+    color: #a8a8a8;
+  }
+  .table > tbody > tr:first-of-type > td,
+  .table > tbody > tr:first-of-type > th {
+    border-top: 0;
+  }
+  .dt-controls {
+    padding-bottom: 0.65em;
+  }
+  .dt-metric {
+    text-align: right;
+  }
+  .dt-is-null {
+    color: ${({ theme: { colors } }) => colors.grayscale.light1};
+  }
+  td.dt-is-filter {
+    cursor: pointer;
+  }
+  td.dt-is-filter:hover {
+    background-color: linen;
+  }
+  td.dt-is-active-filter,
+  td.dt-is-active-filter:hover {
+    background-color: lightcyan;
+  }
+  .dt-global-filter {
+    float: right;
+  }
+  .dt-pagination {
+    text-align: right;
+    /* use padding instead of margin so clientHeight can capture it */
+    padding-top: 0.5em;
+  }
+  .dt-pagination .pagination {
+    margin: 0;
+  }
+  .pagination > li > span.dt-pagination-ellipsis:focus,
+  .pagination > li > span.dt-pagination-ellipsis:hover {
+    background: #fff;
+  }
+  .dt-no-results {
+    text-align: center;
+    padding: 1em 0.6em;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx
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index 0000000..9230b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { useState, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react';
+import { ColumnInstance, DefaultSortTypes, ColumnWithLooseAccessor } from 'react-table';
+import { extent as d3Extent, max as d3Max } from 'd3-array';
+import { FaSort, FaSortUp as FaSortAsc, FaSortDown as FaSortDesc } from 'react-icons/fa';
+import { t, tn, DataRecordValue, DataRecord, GenericDataType } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { TableChartTransformedProps, DataColumnMeta } from './types';
+import DataTable, {
+  DataTableProps,
+  SearchInputProps,
+  SelectPageSizeRendererProps,
+  SizeOption,
+} from './DataTable';
+import Styles from './Styles';
+import formatValue from './utils/formatValue';
+import { PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS } from './controlPanel';
+type ValueRange = [number, number];
+ * Return sortType based on data type
+ */
+function getSortTypeByDataType(dataType: GenericDataType): DefaultSortTypes {
+  if (dataType === GenericDataType.TEMPORAL) {
+    return 'datetime';
+  }
+  if (dataType === GenericDataType.STRING) {
+    return 'alphanumeric';
+  }
+  return 'basic';
+ * Cell background to render columns as horizontal bar chart
+ */
+function cellBar({
+  value,
+  valueRange,
+  colorPositiveNegative = false,
+  alignPositiveNegative,
+}: {
+  value: number;
+  valueRange: ValueRange;
+  colorPositiveNegative: boolean;
+  alignPositiveNegative: boolean;
+}) {
+  const [minValue, maxValue] = valueRange;
+  const r = colorPositiveNegative && value < 0 ? 150 : 0;
+  if (alignPositiveNegative) {
+    const perc = Math.abs(Math.round((value / maxValue) * 100));
+    // The 0.01 to 0.001 is a workaround for what appears to be a
+    // CSS rendering bug on flat, transparent colors
+    return (
+      `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(${r},0,0,0.2), rgba(${r},0,0,0.2) ${perc}%, ` +
+      `rgba(0,0,0,0.01) ${perc}%, rgba(0,0,0,0.001) 100%)`
+    );
+  }
+  const posExtent = Math.abs(Math.max(maxValue, 0));
+  const negExtent = Math.abs(Math.min(minValue, 0));
+  const tot = posExtent + negExtent;
+  const perc1 = Math.round((Math.min(negExtent + value, negExtent) / tot) * 100);
+  const perc2 = Math.round((Math.abs(value) / tot) * 100);
+  // The 0.01 to 0.001 is a workaround for what appears to be a
+  // CSS rendering bug on flat, transparent colors
+  return (
+    `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0.01), rgba(0,0,0,0.001) ${perc1}%, ` +
+    `rgba(${r},0,0,0.2) ${perc1}%, rgba(${r},0,0,0.2) ${perc1 + perc2}%, ` +
+    `rgba(0,0,0,0.01) ${perc1 + perc2}%, rgba(0,0,0,0.001) 100%)`
+  );
+function SortIcon<D extends object>({ column }: { column: ColumnInstance<D> }) {
+  const { isSorted, isSortedDesc } = column;
+  let sortIcon = <FaSort />;
+  if (isSorted) {
+    sortIcon = isSortedDesc ? <FaSortDesc /> : <FaSortAsc />;
+  }
+  return sortIcon;
+function SearchInput({ count, value, onChange }: SearchInputProps) {
+  return (
+    <span className="dt-global-filter">
+      {t('Search')}{' '}
+      <input
+        className="form-control input-sm"
+        placeholder={tn('search.num_records', count)}
+        value={value}
+        onChange={onChange}
+      />
+    </span>
+  );
+function SelectPageSize({ options, current, onChange }: SelectPageSizeRendererProps) {
+  return (
+    <span className="dt-select-page-size form-inline">
+      {t('')}{' '}
+      <select
+        className="form-control input-sm"
+        value={current}
+        onBlur={() => {}}
+        onChange={e => {
+          onChange(Number(( as HTMLSelectElement).value));
+        }}
+      >
+        { => {
+          const [size, text] = Array.isArray(option) ? option : [option, option];
+          return (
+            <option key={size} value={size}>
+              {text}
+            </option>
+          );
+        })}
+      </select>{' '}
+      {t('page_size.entries')}
+    </span>
+  );
+export default function TableChart<D extends DataRecord = DataRecord>(
+  props: TableChartTransformedProps<D> & {
+    sticky?: DataTableProps<D>['sticky'];
+  },
+) {
+  const {
+    height,
+    width,
+    data,
+    columns: columnsMeta,
+    alignPositiveNegative = false,
+    colorPositiveNegative = false,
+    includeSearch = false,
+    pageSize = 0,
+    showCellBars = true,
+    emitFilter = false,
+    sortDesc = false,
+    onChangeFilter,
+    filters: initialFilters,
+    sticky = true, // whether to use sticky header
+  } = props;
+  const [filters, setFilters] = useState(initialFilters);
+  // only take relevant page size options
+  const pageSizeOptions = useMemo(
+    () => PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS.filter(([n]) => n <= 2 * data.length) as SizeOption[],
+    [data.length],
+  );
+  const getValueRange = useCallback(
+    function getValueRange(key: string) {
+      if (typeof data?.[0]?.[key] === 'number') {
+        const nums = => row[key]) as number[];
+        return (alignPositiveNegative
+          ? [0, d3Max(]
+          : d3Extent(nums)) as ValueRange;
+      }
+      return null;
+    },
+    [alignPositiveNegative, data],
+  );
+  const isActiveFilterValue = useCallback(
+    function isActiveFilterValue(key: string, val: DataRecordValue) {
+      return !!filters && filters[key]?.includes(val);
+    },
+    [filters],
+  );
+  const toggleFilter = useCallback(
+    function toggleFilter(key: string, val: DataRecordValue) {
+      const updatedFilters = { ...(filters || {}) };
+      if (filters && isActiveFilterValue(key, val)) {
+        updatedFilters[key] = filters[key].filter((x: DataRecordValue) => x !== val);
+      } else {
+        updatedFilters[key] = [...(filters?.[key] || []), val];
+      }
+      setFilters(updatedFilters);
+      if (onChangeFilter) {
+        onChangeFilter(updatedFilters);
+      }
+    },
+    [filters, isActiveFilterValue, onChangeFilter],
+  );
+  const getColumnConfigs = useCallback(
+    (column: DataColumnMeta, i: number): ColumnWithLooseAccessor<D> => {
+      const { key, label, dataType } = column;
+      let className = '';
+      if (dataType === GenericDataType.NUMERIC) {
+        className += ' dt-metric';
+      } else if (emitFilter) {
+        className += ' dt-is-filter';
+      }
+      const valueRange = showCellBars && getValueRange(key);
+      return {
+        id: String(i), // to allow duplicate column keys
+        // must use custom accessor to allow `.` in column names
+        // typing is incorrect in current version of `@types/react-table`
+        // so we ask TS not to check.
+        accessor: ((datum: D) => datum[key]) as never,
+        Cell: ({ value }: { column: ColumnInstance<D>; value: DataRecordValue }) => {
+          const [isHtml, text, customClassName] = formatValue(column, value);
+          const style = {
+            background: valueRange
+              ? cellBar({
+                  value: value as number,
+                  valueRange,
+                  alignPositiveNegative,
+                  colorPositiveNegative,
+                })
+              : undefined,
+          };
+          const html = isHtml ? { __html: text } : undefined;
+          const cellProps = {
+            // show raw number in title in case of numeric values
+            title: typeof value === 'number' ? String(value) : undefined,
+            onClick: emitFilter && !valueRange ? () => toggleFilter(key, value) : undefined,
+            className: `${className} ${customClassName || ''} ${
+              isActiveFilterValue(key, value) ? ' dt-is-active-filter' : ''
+            }`,
+            style,
+          };
+          if (html) {
+            // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
+            return <td {...cellProps} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={html} />;
+          }
+          // If cellProps renderes textContent already, then we don't have to
+          // render `Cell`. This saves some time for large tables.
+          return <td {...cellProps}>{text}</td>;
+        },
+        Header: ({ column: col, title, onClick, style }) => (
+          <th
+            title={title}
+            className={col.isSorted ? `${className || ''} is-sorted` : className}
+            style={style}
+            onClick={onClick}
+          >
+            {label}
+            <SortIcon column={col} />
+          </th>
+        ),
+        sortDescFirst: sortDesc,
+        sortType: getSortTypeByDataType(dataType),
+      };
+    },
+    [
+      alignPositiveNegative,
+      colorPositiveNegative,
+      emitFilter,
+      getValueRange,
+      isActiveFilterValue,
+      showCellBars,
+      sortDesc,
+      toggleFilter,
+    ],
+  );
+  const columns = useMemo(() =>, [columnsMeta, getColumnConfigs]);
+  return (
+    <Styles>
+      <DataTable<D>
+        columns={columns}
+        data={data}
+        tableClassName="table table-striped table-condensed"
+        pageSize={pageSize}
+        pageSizeOptions={pageSizeOptions}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        // 9 page items in > 340px works well even for 100+ pages
+        maxPageItemCount={width > 340 ? 9 : 7}
+        noResults={(filter: string) => t(filter ? 'No matching records found' : 'No records found')}
+        searchInput={includeSearch && SearchInput}
+        selectPageSize={pageSize !== null && SelectPageSize}
+        // not in use in Superset, but needed for unit tests
+        sticky={sticky}
+      />
+    </Styles>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/buildQuery.ts
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index 0000000..3fafdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  buildQueryContext,
+  getMetricLabel,
+  QueryMode,
+  removeDuplicates,
+  ensureIsArray,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { PostProcessingRule } from '@superset-ui/core/src/query/types/PostProcessing';
+import { TableChartFormData } from './types';
+ * Infer query mode from form data. If `all_columns` is set, then raw records mode,
+ * otherwise defaults to aggregation mode.
+ *
+ * The same logic is used in `controlPanel` with control values as well.
+ */
+export function getQueryMode(formData: TableChartFormData) {
+  const { query_mode: mode } = formData;
+  if (mode === QueryMode.aggregate || mode === QueryMode.raw) {
+    return mode;
+  }
+  const rawColumns = formData?.all_columns;
+  const hasRawColumns = rawColumns && rawColumns.length > 0;
+  return hasRawColumns ? QueryMode.raw : QueryMode.aggregate;
+export default function buildQuery(formData: TableChartFormData) {
+  const { percent_metrics: percentMetrics, order_desc: orderDesc = false } = formData;
+  const queryMode = getQueryMode(formData);
+  const sortByMetric = ensureIsArray(formData.timeseries_limit_metric)[0];
+  let formDataCopy = formData;
+  // never include time in raw records mode
+  if (queryMode === QueryMode.raw) {
+    formDataCopy = {
+      ...formData,
+      include_time: false,
+    };
+  }
+  return buildQueryContext(formDataCopy, baseQueryObject => {
+    let { metrics, orderby } = baseQueryObject;
+    let postProcessing: PostProcessingRule[] = [];
+    if (queryMode === QueryMode.aggregate) {
+      // orverride orderby with timeseries metric when in aggregation mode
+      if (sortByMetric) {
+        orderby = [[sortByMetric, !orderDesc]];
+      } else if (metrics?.length > 0) {
+        // default to ordering by first metric in descending order
+        // when no "sort by" metric is set (regargless if "SORT DESC" is set to true)
+        orderby = [[metrics[0], false]];
+      }
+      // add postprocessing for percent metrics only when in aggregation mode
+      if (percentMetrics && percentMetrics.length > 0) {
+        const percentMetricLabels =;
+        metrics = removeDuplicates(metrics.concat(percentMetrics), getMetricLabel);
+        postProcessing = [
+          {
+            operation: 'contribution',
+            options: {
+              columns: percentMetricLabels,
+              rename_columns: => `%${x}`),
+            },
+          },
+        ];
+      }
+    }
+    return [
+      {
+        ...baseQueryObject,
+        orderby,
+        metrics,
+        post_processing: postProcessing,
+      },
+    ];
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba22c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+  t,
+  validateNonEmpty,
+  addLocaleData,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+  QueryMode,
+  QueryFormColumn,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import {
+  formatSelectOptions,
+  ControlConfig,
+  ColumnOption,
+  ControlStateMapping,
+  ControlPanelConfig,
+  ControlPanelsContainerProps,
+  sharedControls,
+  sections,
+} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import i18n from './i18n';
+export const PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS = formatSelectOptions<number>([
+  [0, t('page_size.all')],
+  10,
+  20,
+  50,
+  100,
+  200,
+const QueryModeLabel = {
+  [QueryMode.aggregate]: t('Aggregate'),
+  [QueryMode.raw]: t('Raw Records'),
+function getQueryMode(controls: ControlStateMapping): QueryMode {
+  const mode = controls?.query_mode?.value;
+  if (mode === QueryMode.aggregate || mode === QueryMode.raw) {
+    return mode as QueryMode;
+  }
+  const rawColumns: QueryFormColumn[] | undefined = controls?.all_columns?.value;
+  const hasRawColumns = rawColumns && rawColumns.length > 0;
+  return hasRawColumns ? QueryMode.raw : QueryMode.aggregate;
+ * Visibility check
+ */
+function isQueryMode(mode: QueryMode) {
+  return ({ controls }: ControlPanelsContainerProps) => getQueryMode(controls) === mode;
+const isAggMode = isQueryMode(QueryMode.aggregate);
+const isRawMode = isQueryMode(QueryMode.raw);
+const queryMode: ControlConfig<'RadioButtonControl'> = {
+  type: 'RadioButtonControl',
+  label: t('Query Mode'),
+  default: null,
+  options: [
+    {
+      label: QueryModeLabel[QueryMode.aggregate],
+      value: QueryMode.aggregate,
+    },
+    {
+      label: QueryModeLabel[QueryMode.raw],
+      value: QueryMode.raw,
+    },
+  ],
+  mapStateToProps: ({ controls }) => ({ value: getQueryMode(controls) }),
+const all_columns: typeof sharedControls.groupby = {
+  type: 'SelectControl',
+  label: t('Columns'),
+  description: t('Columns to display'),
+  multi: true,
+  freeForm: true,
+  allowAll: true,
+  commaChoosesOption: false,
+  default: [],
+  optionRenderer: c => <ColumnOption showType column={c} />,
+  valueRenderer: c => <ColumnOption column={c} />,
+  valueKey: 'column_name',
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource, controls }) => ({
+    options: datasource?.columns || [],
+    queryMode: getQueryMode(controls),
+  }),
+  visibility: isRawMode,
+const percent_metrics: typeof sharedControls.metrics = {
+  type: 'MetricsControl',
+  label: t('Percentage Metrics'),
+  description: t(
+    'Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed. Calculated from only data within the row limit.',
+  ),
+  multi: true,
+  visibility: isAggMode,
+  mapStateToProps: ({ datasource, controls }) => ({
+    columns: datasource?.columns || [],
+    savedMetrics: datasource?.metrics || [],
+    datasourceType: datasource?.type,
+    queryMode: getQueryMode(controls),
+  }),
+  default: [],
+  validators: [],
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyTimeseriesTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'query_mode',
+            config: queryMode,
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'groupby',
+            override: {
+              visibility: isAggMode,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'metrics',
+            override: {
+              validators: [],
+              visibility: isAggMode,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'all_columns',
+            config: all_columns,
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'percent_metrics',
+            config: percent_metrics,
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'timeseries_limit_metric',
+            override: {
+              visibility: isAggMode,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'order_by_cols',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Ordering'),
+              description: t('Order results by selected columns'),
+              multi: true,
+              default: [],
+              mapStateToProps: ({ datasource }) => ({
+                choices: datasource?.order_by_choices || [],
+              }),
+              visibility: isRawMode,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'include_time',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Include Time'),
+              description: t(
+                'Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section',
+              ),
+              default: false,
+              visibility: isAggMode,
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'order_desc',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort Descending'),
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to sort descending or ascending'),
+              visibility: isAggMode,
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'table_timestamp_format',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Table Timestamp Format'),
+              default:,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+              clearable: false,
+              choices: D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS,
+              description: t('Timestamp Format'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'page_length',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              label: t('Page Length'),
+              default: null,
+              choices: PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS,
+              description: t('Rows per page, 0 means no pagination'),
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'include_search',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Search Box'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to include a client-side search box'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'table_filter',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Emit Filter Events'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to apply filter to dashboards when table cells are clicked'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'align_pn',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Align +/-'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: false,
+              description: t('Whether to align the background chart for +/- values'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'color_pn',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Color +/-'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Whether to color +/- values'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'show_cell_bars',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Show Cell Bars'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: true,
+              description: t('Enable to display bar chart background elements in table columns'),
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/i18n.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/i18n.ts
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index 0000000..2d12b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/i18n.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { Locale } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const en = {
+  'Query Mode': [''],
+  Aggregate: [''],
+  'Raw Records': [''],
+  'Emit Filter Events': [''],
+  'Show Cell Bars': [''],
+  '': ['Show'],
+  'page_size.all': ['All'],
+  'page_size.entries': ['entries'],
+  'search.num_records': ['%s record', '%s records...'],
+const translations: Partial<Record<Locale, typeof en>> = {
+  en,
+  fr: {
+    'Query Mode': [''],
+    Aggregate: [''],
+    'Raw Records': [''],
+    'Emit Filter Events': [''],
+    'Show Cell Bars': [''],
+    '': ['Afficher'],
+    'page_size.all': ['tous'],
+    'page_size.entries': ['entrées'],
+    'search.num_records': ['%s enregistrement', '%s enregistrements...'],
+  },
+  zh: {
+    'Query Mode': ['查询模式'],
+    Aggregate: ['分组聚合'],
+    'Raw Records': ['原始数据'],
+    'Emit Filter Events': ['关联看板过滤器'],
+    'Show Cell Bars': ['为指标添加条状图背景'],
+    '': ['每页显示'],
+    'page_size.all': ['全部'],
+    'page_size.entries': ['条'],
+    'search.num_records': ['%s条记录...'],
+  },
+export default translations;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..296702c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
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index 0000000..133d280
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts
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index 0000000..ff47298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import { TableChartFormData, TableChartProps } from './types';
+// must export something for the module to be exist in dev mode
+export { default as __hack__ } from './types';
+export * from './types';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  canBeAnnotationTypes: ['EVENT', 'INTERVAL'],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Table'),
+  thumbnail,
+export default class TableChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<TableChartFormData, TableChartProps> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('./TableChart'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+      buildQuery,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/transformProps.ts
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index 0000000..f08bbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';
+import {
+  DataRecord,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  NumberFormats,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  smartDateFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterForGranularity,
+  TimeFormatter,
+  TimeFormats,
+  GenericDataType,
+  getMetricLabel,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import isEqualColumns from './utils/isEqualColumns';
+import DateWithFormatter from './utils/DateWithFormatter';
+import { TableChartProps, TableChartTransformedProps, DataColumnMeta } from './types';
+const { PERCENT_3_POINT } = NumberFormats;
+const { DATABASE_DATETIME } = TimeFormats;
+const TIME_COLUMN = '__timestamp';
+function isTimeColumn(key: string) {
+  return key === TIME_COLUMN;
+function isNumeric(key: string, data: DataRecord[] = []) {
+  return data.every(x => x[key] === null || x[key] === undefined || typeof x[key] === 'number');
+const processDataRecords = memoizeOne(function processDataRecords(
+  data: DataRecord[] | undefined,
+  columns: DataColumnMeta[],
+) {
+  if (!data || !data[0]) {
+    return data || [];
+  }
+  const timeColumns = columns.filter(column => column.dataType === GenericDataType.TEMPORAL);
+  if (timeColumns.length > 0) {
+    return => {
+      const datum = { ...x };
+      timeColumns.forEach(({ key, formatter }) => {
+        // Convert datetime with a custom date class so we can use `String(...)`
+        // formatted value for global search, and `date.getTime()` for sorting.
+        datum[key] = new DateWithFormatter(x[key], { formatter: formatter as TimeFormatter });
+      });
+      return datum;
+    });
+  }
+  return data;
+const processColumns = memoizeOne(function processColumns(props: TableChartProps) {
+  const {
+    datasource: { columnFormats, verboseMap },
+    rawFormData: {
+      table_timestamp_format: tableTimestampFormat,
+      time_grain_sqla: granularity,
+      metrics: metrics_,
+      percent_metrics: percentMetrics_,
+    },
+    queriesData,
+  } = props;
+  const { data: records, colnames, coltypes } = queriesData[0] || {};
+  // convert `metrics` and `percentMetrics` to the key names in `data.records`
+  const metrics = (metrics_ ?? []).map(getMetricLabel);
+  const rawPercentMetrics = (percentMetrics_ ?? []).map(getMetricLabel);
+  // column names for percent metrics always starts with a '%' sign.
+  const percentMetrics = string) => `%${x}`);
+  const metricsSet = new Set(metrics);
+  const percentMetricsSet = new Set(percentMetrics);
+  const rawPercentMetricsSet = new Set(rawPercentMetrics);
+  const columns: DataColumnMeta[] = (colnames || [])
+    .filter(
+      key =>
+        // if a metric was only added to percent_metrics, they should not show up in the table.
+        !(rawPercentMetricsSet.has(key) && !metricsSet.has(key)),
+    )
+    .map((key: string, i) => {
+      const label = verboseMap?.[key] || key;
+      const dataType = coltypes[i];
+      // fallback to column level formats defined in datasource
+      const format = columnFormats?.[key];
+      // for the purpose of presentation, only numeric values are treated as metrics
+      const isMetric = metricsSet.has(key) && isNumeric(key, records);
+      const isPercentMetric = percentMetricsSet.has(key);
+      const isTime = dataType === GenericDataType.TEMPORAL;
+      let formatter;
+      if (isTime) {
+        const timeFormat = format || tableTimestampFormat;
+        // When format is "Adaptive Formatting" (smart_date)
+        if (timeFormat === {
+          if (isTimeColumn(key)) {
+            // time column use formats based on granularity
+            formatter = getTimeFormatterForGranularity(granularity);
+          } else if (format) {
+            // other columns respect the column-specific format
+            formatter = getTimeFormatter(format);
+          } else if (isNumeric(key, records)) {
+            // if column is numeric values, it is considered a timestamp64
+            formatter = getTimeFormatter(DATABASE_DATETIME);
+          } else {
+            // if no column-specific format, print cell as is
+            formatter = String;
+          }
+        } else if (timeFormat) {
+          formatter = getTimeFormatter(timeFormat);
+        }
+      } else if (isMetric) {
+        formatter = getNumberFormatter(format);
+      } else if (isPercentMetric) {
+        // percent metrics have a default format
+        formatter = getNumberFormatter(format || PERCENT_3_POINT);
+      }
+      return {
+        key,
+        label,
+        dataType,
+        formatter,
+      };
+    });
+  return [
+    metrics,
+    percentMetrics,
+    columns,
+  ] as [typeof metrics, typeof percentMetrics, typeof columns];
+}, isEqualColumns);
+ * Automatically set page size based on number of cells.
+ */
+const getPageSize = (
+  pageSize: number | string | null | undefined,
+  numRecords: number,
+  numColumns: number,
+) => {
+  if (typeof pageSize === 'number') {
+    // NaN is also has typeof === 'number'
+    return pageSize || 0;
+  }
+  if (typeof pageSize === 'string') {
+    return Number(pageSize) || 0;
+  }
+  // when pageSize not set, automatically add pagination if too many records
+  return numRecords * numColumns > 5000 ? 200 : 0;
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: TableChartProps): TableChartTransformedProps {
+  const {
+    height,
+    width,
+    rawFormData: formData,
+    queriesData,
+    initialValues: filters = {},
+    hooks: { onAddFilter: onChangeFilter },
+  } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    align_pn: alignPositiveNegative = true,
+    color_pn: colorPositiveNegative = true,
+    show_cell_bars: showCellBars = true,
+    include_search: includeSearch = false,
+    page_length: pageSize,
+    table_filter: tableFilter,
+    order_desc: sortDesc = false,
+  } = formData;
+  const [metrics, percentMetrics, columns] = processColumns(chartProps);
+  const data = processDataRecords(queriesData?.[0]?.data, columns);
+  return {
+    height,
+    width,
+    data,
+    columns,
+    metrics,
+    percentMetrics,
+    alignPositiveNegative,
+    colorPositiveNegative,
+    showCellBars,
+    sortDesc,
+    includeSearch,
+    pageSize: getPageSize(pageSize, data.length, columns.length),
+    filters,
+    emitFilter: tableFilter === true,
+    onChangeFilter,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/types.ts
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index 0000000..1ab55f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  NumberFormatter,
+  TimeFormatter,
+  TimeGranularity,
+  QueryFormMetric,
+  ChartProps,
+  DataRecord,
+  DataRecordValue,
+  DataRecordFilters,
+  GenericDataType,
+  QueryMode,
+  ChartDataResponseResult,
+  QueryFormData,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+export type CustomFormatter = (value: DataRecordValue) => string;
+export interface DataColumnMeta {
+  // `key` is what is called `label` in the input props
+  key: string;
+  // `label` is verbose column name used for rendering
+  label: string;
+  dataType: GenericDataType;
+  formatter?: TimeFormatter | NumberFormatter | CustomFormatter;
+export interface TableChartData {
+  records: DataRecord[];
+  columns: string[];
+export type TableChartFormData = QueryFormData & {
+  align_pn?: boolean;
+  color_pn?: boolean;
+  include_time?: boolean;
+  include_search?: boolean;
+  query_mode?: QueryMode;
+  page_length?: string | number | null; // null means auto-paginate
+  metrics?: QueryFormMetric[] | null;
+  percent_metrics?: QueryFormMetric[] | null;
+  timeseries_limit_metric?: QueryFormMetric[] | QueryFormMetric | null;
+  groupby?: QueryFormMetric[] | null;
+  all_columns?: QueryFormMetric[] | null;
+  order_desc?: boolean;
+  show_cell_bars?: boolean;
+  table_timestamp_format?: string;
+  table_filter?: boolean;
+  time_grain_sqla?: TimeGranularity;
+export interface TableChartProps extends ChartProps {
+  rawFormData: TableChartFormData;
+  queriesData: ChartDataResponseResult[];
+export interface TableChartTransformedProps<D extends DataRecord = DataRecord> {
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+  data: D[];
+  columns: DataColumnMeta[];
+  metrics?: (keyof D)[];
+  percentMetrics?: (keyof D)[];
+  pageSize?: number;
+  showCellBars?: boolean;
+  sortDesc?: boolean;
+  includeSearch?: boolean;
+  alignPositiveNegative?: boolean;
+  colorPositiveNegative?: boolean;
+  tableTimestampFormat?: string;
+  // These are dashboard filters, don't be confused with in-chart search filter
+  // enabled by `includeSearch`
+  filters?: DataRecordFilters;
+  emitFilter?: boolean;
+  onChangeFilter?: ChartProps['hooks']['onAddFilter'];
+export default {};
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/DateWithFormatter.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/DateWithFormatter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffb3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/DateWithFormatter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DataRecordValue, TimeFormatFunction } from '@superset-ui/core';
+const REGEXP_TIMESTAMP_NO_TIMEZONE = /T(\d{2}:){2}\d{2}$/;
+ * Extended Date object with a custom formatter, and retains the original input
+ * when the formatter is simple `String(..)`.
+ */
+export default class DateWithFormatter extends Date {
+  formatter: TimeFormatFunction;
+  input: DataRecordValue;
+  constructor(
+    input: DataRecordValue,
+    { formatter = String, forceUTC = true }: { formatter?: TimeFormatFunction; forceUTC?: boolean },
+  ) {
+    let value = input;
+    // assuming timestamps without a timezone is in UTC time
+    if (forceUTC && typeof value === 'string' && REGEXP_TIMESTAMP_NO_TIMEZONE.test(value)) {
+      value = `${value}Z`;
+    }
+    super(value as string);
+    this.input = input;
+    this.formatter = formatter;
+  }
+  toString(): string {
+    if (this.formatter === String) {
+      return String(this.input);
+    }
+    return this.formatter ? this.formatter(this) :;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/extent.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/extent.ts
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index 0000000..d07453d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/extent.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function extent<T = number | string | Date | undefined | null>(values: T[]) {
+  let min: T | undefined;
+  let max: T | undefined;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
+  for (const value of values) {
+    if (value !== null) {
+      if (min === undefined) {
+        if (value !== undefined) {
+          min = value;
+          max = value;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (min > value) {
+          min = value;
+        }
+        if (max !== undefined) {
+          if (max < value) {
+            max = value;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return [min, max];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/formatValue.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/formatValue.ts
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index 0000000..09a665d
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+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/formatValue.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { FilterXSS, getDefaultWhiteList } from 'xss';
+import { DataRecordValue } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { DataColumnMeta } from '../types';
+const xss = new FilterXSS({
+  whiteList: {
+    ...getDefaultWhiteList(),
+    span: ['style', 'class', 'title'],
+    div: ['style', 'class'],
+    a: ['style', 'class', 'href', 'title', 'target'],
+    img: ['style', 'class', 'src', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],
+  },
+  stripIgnoreTag: true,
+  css: false,
+function isProbablyHTML(text: string) {
+  return /<[^>]+>/.test(text);
+ * Format text for cell value.
+ */
+export default function formatValue(
+  { formatter }: DataColumnMeta,
+  value: DataRecordValue,
+): [boolean, string, string | null] {
+  if (value === null) {
+    return [false, 'N/A', 'dt-is-null'];
+  }
+  if (formatter) {
+    // in case percent metric can specify percent format in the future
+    return [false, formatter(value as number), null];
+  }
+  if (typeof value === 'string') {
+    return isProbablyHTML(value) ? [true, xss.process(value), null] : [false, value, null];
+  }
+  return [false, value.toString(), null];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualArray.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualArray.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717f0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualArray.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export default function isEqualArray<T extends unknown[] | undefined | null>(arrA: T, arrB: T) {
+  return (
+    arrA === arrB ||
+    (!arrA && !arrB) ||
+    (arrA && arrB && arrA.length === arrB.length && arrA.every((x, i) => x === arrB[i]))
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualColumns.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualColumns.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c0621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/utils/isEqualColumns.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import isEqualArray from './isEqualArray';
+import { TableChartProps } from '../types';
+export default function isEqualColumns(propsA: TableChartProps[], propsB: TableChartProps[]) {
+  const a = propsA[0];
+  const b = propsB[0];
+  return (
+    a.datasource.columnFormats === b.datasource.columnFormats &&
+    a.datasource.verboseMap === b.datasource.verboseMap &&
+    a.formData.tableTimestampFormat === b.formData.tableTimestampFormat &&
+    a.formData.timeGrainSqla === b.formData.timeGrainSqla &&
+    isEqualArray(a.formData.metrics, b.formData.metrics) &&
+    isEqualArray(a.queriesData?.[0]?.colnames, b.queriesData?.[0]?.colnames) &&
+    isEqualArray(a.queriesData?.[0]?.coltypes, b.queriesData?.[0]?.coltypes)
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/TableChart.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/TableChart.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5071b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/TableChart.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { CommonWrapper } from 'enzyme';
+import { mount } from '../../../test/enzyme';
+import TableChart from '../src/TableChart';
+import transformProps from '../src/transformProps';
+import DateWithFormatter from '../src/utils/DateWithFormatter';
+import testData from './testData';
+describe('plugin-chart-table', () => {
+  describe('transformProps', () => {
+    it('should parse pageLength to pageSize', () => {
+      expect(transformProps(testData.basic).pageSize).toBe(20);
+      expect(
+        transformProps({
+          ...testData.basic,
+          rawFormData: { ...testData.basic.rawFormData, page_length: '20' },
+        }).pageSize,
+      ).toBe(20);
+      expect(
+        transformProps({
+          ...testData.basic,
+          rawFormData: { ...testData.basic.rawFormData, page_length: '' },
+        }).pageSize,
+      ).toBe(0);
+    });
+    it('should memoize data records', () => {
+      expect(transformProps(testData.basic).data).toBe(transformProps(testData.basic).data);
+    });
+    it('should memoize columns meta', () => {
+      expect(transformProps(testData.basic).columns).toBe(
+        transformProps({
+          ...testData.basic,
+          rawFormData: { ...testData.basic.rawFormData, pageLength: null },
+        }).columns,
+      );
+    });
+    it('should format timestamp', () => {
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
+      const parsedDate = transformProps(testData.basic).data[0].__timestamp as DateWithFormatter;
+      expect(String(parsedDate)).toBe('2020-01-01 12:34:56');
+      expect(parsedDate.getTime()).toBe(1577882096000);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('TableChart', () => {
+    let wrap: CommonWrapper; // the ReactDataTable wraper
+    let tree: Cheerio;
+    it('render basic data', () => {
+      wrap = mount(<TableChart {...transformProps(testData.basic)} sticky={false} />);
+      tree = wrap.render(); // returns a CheerioWrapper with jQuery-like API
+      const cells = tree.find('td');
+      expect(cells).toHaveLength(8);
+      expect(cells.eq(0).text()).toEqual('2020-01-01 12:34:56');
+      expect(cells.eq(1).text()).toEqual('Michael');
+      // number is not in `metrics` list, so it should output raw value
+      // (in real world Superset, this would mean the column is used in GROUP BY)
+      expect(cells.eq(2).text()).toEqual('2467063');
+      // should not render column with `.` in name as `undefined`
+      expect(cells.eq(3).text()).toEqual('foo');
+      expect(cells.eq(6).text()).toEqual('2467');
+    });
+    it('render advanced data', () => {
+      wrap = mount(<TableChart {...transformProps(testData.advanced)} sticky={false} />);
+      tree = wrap.render();
+      // should successfull rerender with new props
+      const cells = tree.find('td');
+      expect(tree.find('th').eq(1).text()).toEqual('Sum of Num');
+      expect(cells.eq(2).text()).toEqual('12.346%');
+      expect(cells.eq(4).text()).toEqual('2.47k');
+    });
+    it('render empty data', () => {
+      wrap.setProps({ ...transformProps(testData.empty), sticky: false });
+      tree = wrap.render();
+      expect(tree.text()).toContain('No records found');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/buildQuery.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/buildQuery.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e10c1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/buildQuery.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryMode } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from '../src/buildQuery';
+import { TableChartFormData } from '../src/types';
+const basicFormData: TableChartFormData = {
+  viz_type: 'table',
+  datasource: '11__table',
+describe('plugin-chart-table', () => {
+  describe('buildQuery', () => {
+    it('should add post-processing in aggregate mode', () => {
+      const query = buildQuery({
+        ...basicFormData,
+        query_mode: QueryMode.aggregate,
+        metrics: ['aaa'],
+        percent_metrics: ['pct_abc'],
+      }).queries[0];
+      expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['aaa', 'pct_abc']);
+      expect(query.post_processing).toEqual([
+        {
+          operation: 'contribution',
+          options: {
+            columns: ['pct_abc'],
+            rename_columns: ['%pct_abc'],
+          },
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
+    it('should not add post-processing when there is not percent metric', () => {
+      const query = buildQuery({
+        ...basicFormData,
+        query_mode: QueryMode.aggregate,
+        metrics: ['aaa'],
+        percent_metrics: [],
+      }).queries[0];
+      expect(query.metrics).toEqual(['aaa']);
+      expect(query.post_processing).toEqual([]);
+    });
+    it('should not add post-processing in raw records mode', () => {
+      const query = buildQuery({
+        ...basicFormData,
+        query_mode: QueryMode.raw,
+        metrics: ['aaa'],
+        columns: ['rawcol'],
+        percent_metrics: ['ccc'],
+      }).queries[0];
+      expect(query.metrics).toEqual([]);
+      expect(query.columns).toEqual(['rawcol']);
+      expect(query.post_processing).toEqual([]);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/testData.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/testData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d411a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/testData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import {
+  ChartDataResponseResult,
+  ChartProps,
+  DatasourceType,
+  GenericDataType,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { TableChartProps, TableChartFormData } from '../src/types';
+const basicFormData: TableChartFormData = {
+  datasource: '1__abc',
+  viz_type: 'table',
+  align_pn: false,
+  color_pn: false,
+  show_cell_bars: true,
+  include_search: false,
+  order_desc: true,
+  page_length: 20,
+  metrics: [],
+  percent_metrics: null,
+  timeseries_limit_metric: '',
+  table_filter: false,
+  table_timestamp_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+const basicChartProps = {
+  width: 200,
+  height: 500,
+  datasource: {
+    id: 0,
+    name: '',
+    type: DatasourceType.Table,
+    columns: [],
+    metrics: [],
+    columnFormats: {},
+    verboseMap: {},
+  },
+  hooks: {},
+  initialValues: {},
+  queriesData: [
+    {
+      data: {
+        columns: [],
+        records: [],
+      },
+    },
+  ],
+  formData: basicFormData,
+const basicQueryResult: ChartDataResponseResult = {
+  annotation_data: null,
+  cache_key: null,
+  cache_dttm: null,
+  cache_timeout: null,
+  data: [],
+  colnames: [],
+  coltypes: [],
+  error: null,
+  is_cached: false,
+  query: 'SELECT ...',
+  rowcount: 100,
+  stacktrace: null,
+  status: 'success',
+ * Basic data input
+ */
+const basic: TableChartProps = {
+ ChartProps(basicChartProps),
+  queriesData: [
+    {
+      ...basicQueryResult,
+      colnames: ['__timestamp', 'name', 'sum__num', ''],
+      coltypes: [
+        GenericDataType.TEMPORAL,
+        GenericDataType.STRING,
+        GenericDataType.NUMERIC,
+        GenericDataType.STRING,
+      ],
+      data: [
+        {
+          __timestamp: '2020-01-01T12:34:56',
+          name: 'Michael',
+          sum__num: 2467063,
+          '%pct_nice': 0.123456,
+          '': 'foo',
+        },
+        {
+          __timestamp: 1585932584140,
+          name: 'Joe',
+          sum__num: 2467,
+          '%pct_nice': 0.00001,
+          '': 'bar',
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+ * Advanced data input with
+ *   - verbose map
+ *   - metric columns
+ */
+const advanced: TableChartProps = {
+  ...basic,
+  datasource: {
+    ...basic.datasource,
+    verboseMap: {
+      sum__num: 'Sum of Num',
+    },
+  },
+  rawFormData: {
+    ...basicFormData,
+    metrics: ['sum__num'],
+    percent_metrics: ['pct_nice'],
+  },
+  queriesData: [
+    {
+      ...basicQueryResult,
+      colnames: ['name', 'sum__num', '%pct_nice'],
+      coltypes: [GenericDataType.STRING, GenericDataType.NUMERIC, GenericDataType.NUMERIC],
+      data: [...(basic.queriesData[0].data || [])],
+    },
+  ],
+const empty = {
+  ...advanced,
+  queriesData: [
+    {
+      ...advanced.queriesData[0],
+      data: [],
+    },
+  ],
+export default {
+  basic,
+  advanced,
+  empty,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91b021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "../../../"
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda1325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+declare module '*.png';
+declare module 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed585f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides Word Cloud for Superset.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import WordCloudChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
+new WordCloudChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'word-cloud' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="word-cloud"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bd0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Chart Plugin - Word Cloud",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@types/d3-cloud": "^1.2.1",
+    "@types/d3-scale": "^2.0.2",
+    "d3-cloud": "^1.2.5",
+    "d3-scale": "^3.0.1",
+    "emotion-theming": "^10.0.27",
+    "encodable": "^0.7.6"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "@types/react": "*",
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/Encoder.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/Encoder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/Encoder.ts
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/WordCloud.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/WordCloud.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..febbeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/chart/WordCloud.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import cloudLayout, { Word } from 'd3-cloud';
+import { PlainObject, createEncoderFactory, DeriveEncoding, Encoder } from 'encodable';
+import { SupersetThemeProps, withTheme, seedRandom } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export const ROTATION = {
+  flat: () => 0,
+  // this calculates a random rotation between -90 and 90 degrees.
+  random: () => Math.floor(seedRandom() * 6 - 3) * 30,
+  square: () => Math.floor(seedRandom() * 2) * 90,
+export type RotationType = keyof typeof ROTATION;
+export type WordCloudEncoding = DeriveEncoding<WordCloudEncodingConfig>;
+type WordCloudEncodingConfig = {
+  color: ['Color', string];
+  fontFamily: ['Category', string];
+  fontSize: ['Numeric', number];
+  fontWeight: ['Category', string | number];
+  text: ['Text', string];
+ * These props should be stored when saving the chart.
+ */
+export interface WordCloudVisualProps {
+  encoding?: Partial<WordCloudEncoding>;
+  rotation?: RotationType;
+export interface WordCloudProps extends WordCloudVisualProps {
+  data: PlainObject[];
+  height: number;
+  width: number;
+export interface WordCloudState {
+  words: Word[];
+  scaleFactor: number;
+const defaultProps: Required<WordCloudVisualProps> = {
+  encoding: {},
+  rotation: 'flat',
+type FullWordCloudProps = WordCloudProps & typeof defaultProps & SupersetThemeProps;
+const SCALE_FACTOR_STEP = 0.5;
+const MAX_SCALE_FACTOR = 3;
+// Percentage of top results that will always be displayed.
+// Needed to avoid clutter when shrinking a chart with many records.
+class WordCloud extends React.PureComponent<FullWordCloudProps, WordCloudState> {
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  // Cannot name it isMounted because of conflict
+  // with React's component function name
+  isComponentMounted = false;
+  wordCloudEncoderFactory = createEncoderFactory<WordCloudEncodingConfig>({
+    channelTypes: {
+      color: 'Color',
+      fontFamily: 'Category',
+      fontSize: 'Numeric',
+      fontWeight: 'Category',
+      text: 'Text',
+    },
+    defaultEncoding: {
+      color: { value: 'black' },
+      fontFamily: { value: this.props.theme.typography.families.sansSerif },
+      fontSize: { value: 20 },
+      fontWeight: { value: 'bold' },
+      text: { value: '' },
+    },
+  });
+  createEncoder = this.wordCloudEncoderFactory.createSelector();
+  constructor(props: FullWordCloudProps) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      words: [],
+      scaleFactor: 1,
+    };
+    this.setWords = this.setWords.bind(this);
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+    this.isComponentMounted = true;
+    this.update();
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate(prevProps: WordCloudProps) {
+    const { data, encoding, width, height, rotation } = this.props;
+    if (
+ !== data ||
+      prevProps.encoding !== encoding ||
+      prevProps.width !== width ||
+      prevProps.height !== height ||
+      prevProps.rotation !== rotation
+    ) {
+      this.update();
+    }
+  }
+  componentWillUnmount() {
+    this.isComponentMounted = false;
+  }
+  setWords(words: Word[]) {
+    if (this.isComponentMounted) {
+      this.setState({ words });
+    }
+  }
+  update() {
+    const { data, encoding } = this.props;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    encoder.setDomainFromDataset(data);
+    const sortedData = [].sort(
+      (a, b) =>
+        encoder.channels.fontSize.encodeDatum(b, 0) - encoder.channels.fontSize.encodeDatum(a, 0),
+    );
+    const topResultsCount = Math.max(sortedData.length * TOP_RESULTS_PERCENTAGE, 10);
+    const topResults = sortedData.slice(0, topResultsCount);
+    // Ensure top results are always included in the final word cloud by scaling chart down if needed
+    this.generateCloud(encoder, 1, (words: Word[]) =>
+      topResults.every((d: PlainObject) =>
+        words.find(({ text }) => encoder.channels.text.getValueFromDatum(d) === text),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
+  generateCloud(
+    encoder: Encoder<WordCloudEncodingConfig>,
+    scaleFactor: number,
+    isValid: (word: Word[]) => boolean,
+  ) {
+    const { data, width, height, rotation } = this.props;
+    cloudLayout()
+      .size([width * scaleFactor, height * scaleFactor])
+      // clone the data because cloudLayout mutates input
+      .words( => ({ ...d })))
+      .padding(5)
+      .rotate(ROTATION[rotation] || ROTATION.flat)
+      .text(d => encoder.channels.text.getValueFromDatum(d))
+      .font(d =>
+        encoder.channels.fontFamily.encodeDatum(d, this.props.theme.typography.families.sansSerif),
+      )
+      .fontWeight(d => encoder.channels.fontWeight.encodeDatum(d, 'normal'))
+      .fontSize(d => encoder.channels.fontSize.encodeDatum(d, 0))
+      .on('end', (words: Word[]) => {
+        if (isValid(words) || scaleFactor > MAX_SCALE_FACTOR) {
+          if (this.isComponentMounted) {
+            this.setState({ words, scaleFactor });
+          }
+        } else {
+          this.generateCloud(encoder, scaleFactor + SCALE_FACTOR_STEP, isValid);
+        }
+      })
+      .start();
+  }
+  render() {
+    const { scaleFactor } = this.state;
+    const { width, height, encoding } = this.props;
+    const { words } = this.state;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    encoder.channels.color.setDomainFromDataset(words);
+    const viewBoxWidth = width * scaleFactor;
+    const viewBoxHeight = height * scaleFactor;
+    return (
+      <svg
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        viewBox={`-${viewBoxWidth / 2} -${viewBoxHeight / 2} ${viewBoxWidth} ${viewBoxHeight}`}
+      >
+        <g>
+          { => (
+            <text
+              key={w.text}
+              fontSize={`${w.size}px`}
+              fontWeight={w.weight}
+              fontFamily={w.font}
+              fill={encoder.channels.color.encodeDatum(w, '')}
+              textAnchor="middle"
+              transform={`translate(${w.x}, ${w.y}) rotate(${w.rotate})`}
+            >
+              {w.text}
+            </text>
+          ))}
+        </g>
+      </svg>
+    );
+  }
+export default withTheme(WordCloud);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/configureEncodable.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/configureEncodable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc99044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/configureEncodable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import {
+  Encodable,
+  ColorSchemeResolver,
+  TimeFormatResolver,
+  CategoricalColorScaleResolver,
+  defaultColorSchemeResolver,
+  addPrefix,
+} from 'encodable';
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+const timeFormat: TimeFormatResolver = ({ format, formatInLocalTime = false } = {}) => {
+  const formatString = formatInLocalTime
+    ? addPrefix(LOCAL_PREFIX, format ?? getTimeFormatterRegistry().getDefaultKey()!)
+    : format;
+  return getTimeFormatter(formatString);
+const colorSchemeResolver: ColorSchemeResolver = ({ name, type = 'categorical' } = {}) => {
+  if (type === 'sequential') {
+    const scheme = getSequentialSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'sequential', ...scheme };
+  }
+  if (type === 'categorical') {
+    const scheme = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'categorical', ...scheme };
+  }
+  return defaultColorSchemeResolver({ name, type });
+const colorScaleResolver: CategoricalColorScaleResolver = ({ name, namespace } = {}) =>
+  CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(name, namespace);
+export default function configureEncodable() {
+  Encodable.setNumberFormatResolver(getNumberFormatter)
+    .setTimeFormatResolver(timeFormat)
+    .setColorSchemeResolver(colorSchemeResolver)
+    .setCategoricalColorScaleResolver(colorScaleResolver);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e0984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d477f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf77bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export { default as WordCloudChartPlugin } from './plugin';
+export { default as LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin } from './legacyPlugin';
+export * from './types';
+export { default as configureEncodable } from './configureEncodable';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e810fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import buildQuery from '../plugin/buildQuery';
+import thumbnail from '../images/thumbnail.png';
+import { LegacyWordCloudFormData } from './types';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Word Cloud'),
+  thumbnail,
+  useLegacyApi: true,
+export default class LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<LegacyWordCloudFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      loadChart: () => import('../chart/WordCloud'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..253f7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { WordCloudProps, WordCloudEncoding } from '../chart/WordCloud';
+import { LegacyWordCloudFormData } from './types';
+function getMetricLabel(metric: LegacyWordCloudFormData['metric']): string | undefined {
+  if (typeof metric === 'string' || typeof metric === 'undefined') {
+    return metric;
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(metric)) {
+    return metric.length > 0 ? getMetricLabel(metric[0]) : undefined;
+  }
+  return metric.label;
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps): WordCloudProps {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    metric,
+    rotation,
+    series,
+    sizeFrom = 0,
+    sizeTo,
+  } = formData as LegacyWordCloudFormData;
+  const metricLabel = getMetricLabel(metric);
+  const encoding: Partial<WordCloudEncoding> = {
+    color: {
+      field: series,
+      scale: {
+        scheme: colorScheme,
+      },
+      type: 'nominal',
+    },
+    fontSize:
+      typeof metricLabel === 'undefined'
+        ? undefined
+        : {
+            field: metricLabel,
+            scale: {
+              range: [sizeFrom, sizeTo],
+              zero: true,
+            },
+            type: 'quantitative',
+          },
+    text: {
+      field: series,
+    },
+  };
+  return {
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    encoding,
+    height,
+    rotation,
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3704908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { RotationType } from '../chart/WordCloud';
+export type LegacyWordCloudFormData = QueryFormData & {
+  colorScheme: string;
+  rotation?: RotationType;
+  series: string;
+  sizeFrom?: number;
+  sizeTo: number;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/buildQuery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47cb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { buildQueryContext } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { WordCloudFormData } from '../types';
+export default function buildQuery(formData: WordCloudFormData) {
+  // Set the single QueryObject's groupby field with series in formData
+  const { metric, sort_by_metric } = formData;
+  return buildQueryContext(formData, baseQueryObject => [
+    {
+      ...baseQueryObject,
+      ...(sort_by_metric && { orderby: [[metric, false]] }),
+    },
+  ]);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..715d9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['series'],
+        ['metric'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        ['row_limit'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'sort_by_metric',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Sort by metric'),
+              description: t('Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order.'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'size_from',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              label: t('Minimum Font Size'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 10,
+              description: t('Font size for the smallest value in the list'),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'size_to',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              isInt: true,
+              label: t('Maximum Font Size'),
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 70,
+              description: t('Font size for the biggest value in the list'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'rotation',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('Word Rotation'),
+              choices: [
+                ['random', 'random'],
+                ['flat', 'flat'],
+                ['square', 'square'],
+              ],
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              default: 'square',
+              clearable: false,
+              description: t('Rotation to apply to words in the cloud'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    series: {
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      clearable: false,
+    },
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 100,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c03f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../legacyPlugin/transformProps';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import { WordCloudFormData } from '../types';
+import thumbnail from '../images/thumbnail.png';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import configureEncodable from '../configureEncodable';
+const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+  credits: [''],
+  description: '',
+  name: t('Word Cloud'),
+  thumbnail,
+export default class WordCloudChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<WordCloudFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      loadChart: () => import('../chart/WordCloud'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406e9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { WordCloudProps } from '../chart/WordCloud';
+import { WordCloudFormData } from '../types';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps): WordCloudProps {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { encoding, rotation } = formData as WordCloudFormData;
+  return {
+    data: queriesData[0].data,
+    encoding,
+    height,
+    rotation,
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a061b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { WordCloudVisualProps } from './chart/WordCloud';
+// FormData for wordcloud contains both common properties of all form data
+// and properties specific to wordcloud visualization
+export type WordCloudFormData = QueryFormData &
+  WordCloudVisualProps & {
+    series: string;
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..413a113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { WordCloudChartPlugin, LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin } from '../src';
+describe('plugin-chart-word-cloud', () => {
+  it('exports WordCloudChartPlugin', () => {
+    expect(WordCloudChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin', () => {
+    expect(LegacyWordCloudChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/legacyPlugin/transformProps.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/legacyPlugin/transformProps.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dde57ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/legacyPlugin/transformProps.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from '../../src/legacyPlugin/transformProps';
+describe('WordCloud tranformProps', () => {
+  const formData = {
+    colorScheme: 'bnbColors',
+    datasource: '3__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    metric: 'sum__num',
+    rotation: 'square',
+    series: 'name',
+    sizeFrom: 10,
+    sizeTo: 70,
+  };
+  const chartProps = new ChartProps({
+    formData,
+    width: 800,
+    height: 600,
+    queriesData: [
+      {
+        data: [{ name: 'Hulk', sum__num: 1 }],
+      },
+    ],
+  });
+  it('should tranform chart props for word cloud viz', () => {
+    expect(transformProps(chartProps)).toEqual({
+      width: 800,
+      height: 600,
+      encoding: {
+        color: {
+          field: 'name',
+          scale: {
+            scheme: 'bnbColors',
+          },
+          type: 'nominal',
+        },
+        fontSize: {
+          field: 'sum__num',
+          scale: {
+            range: [10, 70],
+            zero: true,
+          },
+          type: 'quantitative',
+        },
+        text: {
+          field: 'name',
+        },
+      },
+      rotation: 'square',
+      data: [{ name: 'Hulk', sum__num: 1 }],
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a24e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { WordCloudFormData } from '../../src';
+import buildQuery from '../../src/plugin/buildQuery';
+describe('WordCloud buildQuery', () => {
+  const formData: WordCloudFormData = {
+    datasource: '5__table',
+    granularity_sqla: 'ds',
+    series: 'foo',
+    viz_type: 'word_cloud',
+  };
+  it('should build columns from series in form data', () => {
+    const queryContext = buildQuery(formData);
+    const [query] = queryContext.queries;
+    expect(query.columns).toEqual(['foo']);
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2937d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+declare module '*.png';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de162f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+## @superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd
+This plugin provides native filter plugins based on AntD.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+Below is an example of how to use the Select filter plugin.
+import { AntdFilterSelectPlugin } from '@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd';
+new AntdFilterSelectPlugin().configure({ key: 'plugin-filter-select' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`.
+  chartType="plugin-filter-select"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+    // this hook gets called
+    hooks: { setExtraFormData: extraFormData => console.log(extraFormData) },
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3390feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Filter - Plugin Filter AntD",
+  "sideEffects": false,
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "antd": "^4.9.1"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.13.1"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/jest": "^26.0.0",
+    "jest": "^26.0.1"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/AntdRangeFilter.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/AntdRangeFilter.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62cf281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/AntdRangeFilter.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryObjectFilterClause, styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import React from 'react';
+import { Slider } from 'antd';
+import { AntdPluginFilterRangeProps } from './types';
+import { AntdPluginFilterStylesProps } from '../types';
+const Styles = styled.div<AntdPluginFilterStylesProps>`
+  height: ${({ height }) => height};
+  width: ${({ width }) => width};
+export default function AntdRangeFilter(props: AntdPluginFilterRangeProps) {
+  const { data, formData, height, width, setExtraFormData } = props;
+  const [row] = data;
+  // @ts-ignore
+  const { min, max }: { min: number; max: number } = row;
+  const { groupby } = formData;
+  const [col] = groupby || [];
+  const handleChange = (value: [number, number]) => {
+    const [lower, upper] = value;
+    const filters: QueryObjectFilterClause[] = [];
+    if (lower !== undefined && lower !== null) filters.push({ col, op: '>=', val: lower });
+    if (upper !== undefined && upper !== null) filters.push({ col, op: '>=', val: upper });
+    setExtraFormData({
+      append_form_data: {
+        filters,
+      },
+    });
+  };
+  return (
+    <Styles height={height} width={width}>
+      <Slider range min={min} max={max} defaultValue={[min, max]} onChange={handleChange} />
+    </Styles>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/buildQuery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0d020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { buildQueryContext, ColumnType, QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+ * The buildQuery function is used to create an instance of QueryContext that's
+ * sent to the chart data endpoint. In addition to containing information of which
+ * datasource to use, it specifies the type (e.g. full payload, samples, query) and
+ * format (e.g. CSV or JSON) of the result and whether or not to force refresh the data from
+ * the datasource as opposed to using a cached copy of the data, if available.
+ *
+ * More importantly though, QueryContext contains a property `queries`, which is an array of
+ * QueryObjects specifying individual data requests to be made. A QueryObject specifies which
+ * columns, metrics and filters, among others, to use during the query. Usually it will be enough
+ * to specify just one query based on the baseQueryObject, but for some more advanced use cases
+ * it is possible to define post processing operations in the QueryObject, or multiple queries
+ * if a viz needs multiple different result sets.
+ */
+export default function buildQuery(formData: QueryFormData) {
+  const { groupby } = formData;
+  const [column] = groupby || [];
+  return buildQueryContext(formData, baseQueryObject => [
+    {
+      ...baseQueryObject,
+      groupby: [],
+      metrics: [
+        {
+          aggregate: 'MIN',
+          column: {
+            columnName: column,
+            id: 1,
+            type: ColumnType.FLOAT,
+          },
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          hasCustomLabel: true,
+          label: 'min',
+        },
+        {
+          aggregate: 'MAX',
+          column: {
+            columnName: column,
+            id: 2,
+            type: ColumnType.FLOAT,
+          },
+          expressionType: 'SIMPLE',
+          hasCustomLabel: true,
+          label: 'max',
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  ]);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73feec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  // For control input types, see: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/index.js
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['groupby'], ['adhoc_filters']],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+      clearable: false,
+    },
+    row_limit: {
+      default: 100,
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/images/thumbnail.png
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/images/thumbnail.png
copy to superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a77fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class AntdRangeFilterPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+      name: t('Range Filter Plugin'),
+      description: 'Range Filter Plugin using AntD',
+      isNativeFilter: true,
+      thumbnail,
+    });
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('./AntdRangeFilter'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b81b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, DataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { formData, height, hooks, queriesData, width } = chartProps;
+  const { setExtraFormData } = hooks;
+  const data = queriesData[0].data as DataRecord[];
+  return {
+    data,
+    formData,
+    height,
+    setExtraFormData,
+    width,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e095c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Range/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { DataRecord, QueryFormData, SetExtraFormDataHook } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { AntdPluginFilterStylesProps } from '../types';
+interface AntdPluginFilterSelectCustomizeProps {
+  max?: number;
+  min?: number;
+export type PluginFilterRangeQueryFormData = QueryFormData &
+  AntdPluginFilterStylesProps &
+  AntdPluginFilterSelectCustomizeProps;
+export type AntdPluginFilterRangeProps = AntdPluginFilterStylesProps & {
+  data: DataRecord[];
+  formData: PluginFilterRangeQueryFormData;
+  setExtraFormData: SetExtraFormDataHook;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/AntdSelectFilter.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/AntdSelectFilter.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4df3a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/AntdSelectFilter.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { styled } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { Select } from 'antd';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA, AntdPluginFilterSelectProps } from './types';
+import { AntdPluginFilterStylesProps } from '../types';
+const Styles = styled.div<AntdPluginFilterStylesProps>`
+  height: ${({ height }) => height};
+  width: ${({ width }) => width};
+const { Option } = Select;
+export default function AntdPluginFilterSelect(props: AntdPluginFilterSelectProps) {
+  const [values, setValues] = useState<(string | number)[]>([]);
+  const DELIMITER = '!^&@%#*!@';
+  const { data, formData, height, width, setExtraFormData } = props;
+  const { defaultValues, enableEmptyFilter, multiSelect, showSearch, inverseSelection } = {
+    ...formData,
+  };
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setValues(defaultValues || []);
+  }, [defaultValues]);
+  let { groupby = [] } = formData;
+  groupby = Array.isArray(groupby) ? groupby : [groupby];
+  function handleChange(value?: number[] | string[] | null) {
+    setValues(value || []);
+    const [col] = groupby;
+    const emptyFilter =
+      enableEmptyFilter &&
+      !inverseSelection &&
+      (value === undefined || value === null || value.length === 0);
+    setExtraFormData({
+      append_form_data: emptyFilter
+        ? {
+            extras: {
+              where: '1 = 0',
+            },
+          }
+        : {
+            filters:
+              value === undefined || value === null || value.length === 0
+                ? []
+                : [
+                    {
+                      col,
+                      op: inverseSelection ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN',
+                      val: value,
+                    },
+                  ],
+          },
+    });
+  }
+  const placeholderText =
+    (data || []).length === 0 ? 'No data' : `${data.length} option${data.length > 1 ? 's' : 0}`;
+  return (
+    <Styles height={height} width={width}>
+      <Select
+        allowClear
+        value={values}
+        showSearch={showSearch}
+        style={{ width: '100%' }}
+        mode={multiSelect ? 'multiple' : undefined}
+        placeholder={placeholderText}
+        // @ts-ignore
+        onChange={handleChange}
+      >
+        {(data || []).map(row => {
+          const options = => row[col]);
+          const key = options.join(DELIMITER);
+          const label = options.join(', ');
+          return (
+            <Option key={key} value={key}>
+              {label}
+            </Option>
+          );
+        })}
+      </Select>
+    </Styles>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/buildQuery.ts
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/buildQuery.ts
copy to superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/buildQuery.ts
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ca6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, validateNonEmpty } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA } from './types';
+const {
+  enableEmptyFilter,
+  fetchPredicate,
+  inverseSelection,
+  multiSelect,
+  showSearch,
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['groupby'],
+        ['metrics'],
+        ['adhoc_filters'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'multiSelect',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Multiple Select'),
+              default: multiSelect,
+              description: t('Allow selecting multiple values'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'enableEmptyFilter',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Enable Empty Filter'),
+              default: enableEmptyFilter,
+              description: t(
+                'When selection is empty, should an always false filter event be emitted',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'inverseSelection',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Inverse Selection'),
+              default: inverseSelection,
+              description: t('Exclude selected values'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'showSearch',
+            config: {
+              type: 'CheckboxControl',
+              label: t('Search Field'),
+              default: showSearch,
+              description: t('Allow typing search terms'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'fetchPredicate',
+            config: {
+              type: 'TextControl',
+              label: t('Fetch predicate'),
+              default: fetchPredicate,
+              description: t(
+                'Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter control component.',
+              ),
+            },
+          },
+          null,
+        ],
+        ['row_limit', null],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  controlOverrides: {
+    groupby: {
+      multi: false,
+      validators: [validateNonEmpty],
+    },
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/images/thumbnail.png
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/images/thumbnail.png
copy to superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d05c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t, ChartMetadata, ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default class AntdFilterSelectPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    const metadata = new ChartMetadata({
+      name: t('Select Filter Plugin'),
+      description: 'Select Filter Plugin using AntD',
+      isNativeFilter: true,
+      thumbnail,
+    });
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      controlPanel,
+      loadChart: () => import('./AntdSelectFilter'),
+      metadata,
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..935f49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, DataRecord } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { DEFAULT_FORM_DATA } from './types';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { formData, height, hooks, queriesData, width } = chartProps;
+  const newFormData = { ...DEFAULT_FORM_DATA, ...formData };
+  const { setExtraFormData = () => {} } = hooks;
+  const data = queriesData[0].data as DataRecord[];
+  return {
+    width,
+    height,
+    data,
+    formData: newFormData,
+    setExtraFormData,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f485685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/Select/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { QueryFormData, DataRecord, SetExtraFormDataHook } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { AntdPluginFilterStylesProps } from '../types';
+interface AntdPluginFilterSelectCustomizeProps {
+  defaultValues?: (string | number)[];
+  enableEmptyFilter: boolean;
+  fetchPredicate?: string;
+  inverseSelection: boolean;
+  multiSelect: boolean;
+  showSearch: boolean;
+export type AntdPluginFilterSelectQueryFormData = QueryFormData &
+  AntdPluginFilterStylesProps &
+  AntdPluginFilterSelectCustomizeProps;
+export type AntdPluginFilterSelectProps = AntdPluginFilterStylesProps & {
+  data: DataRecord[];
+  setExtraFormData: SetExtraFormDataHook;
+  formData: AntdPluginFilterSelectQueryFormData;
+export const DEFAULT_FORM_DATA: AntdPluginFilterSelectCustomizeProps = {
+  defaultValues: [],
+  enableEmptyFilter: false,
+  fetchPredicate: '',
+  inverseSelection: false,
+  multiSelect: true,
+  showSearch: true,
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/filters/components/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/index.ts
similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/index.ts
copy to superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/index.ts
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similarity index 100%
copy from superset-frontend/src/filters/components/types.ts
copy to superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/src/types.ts
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fcfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { AntdSelectFilterPlugin, AntdRangeFilterPlugin } from '../src';
+ * The example tests in this file act as a starting point, and
+ * we encourage you to build more. These tests check that the
+ * plugin loads properly, and focus on `transformProps`
+ * to ake sure that data, controls, and props are all
+ * treated correctly (e.g. formData from plugin controls
+ * properly transform the data and/or any resulting props).
+ */
+describe('@superset-ui/plugin-filter-antd', () => {
+  it('exists', () => {
+    expect(AntdSelectFilterPlugin).toBeDefined();
+    expect(AntdRangeFilterPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f164c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0935dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-filter-antd/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module '*.png' {
+  const value: any;
+  export default value;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662b148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## @superset-ui/preset-chart-xy
+[![David (path)](](
+This plugin provides basic charts on cartesian coordinates (Line, Box Plot) for Superset.
+> DISCLAIMER: It is still under heavy development and the APIs are subject to changes.
+### Usage
+Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to
+lookup this chart throughout the app.
+import { BoxPlotChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy';
+new BoxPlotChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'box-plot' }).register();
+Then use it via `SuperChart`. See
+for more details.
+  chartType="box-plot"
+  width={600}
+  height={600}
+  formData={...}
+  queriesData={[{
+    data: {...},
+  }]}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/package.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30bf82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  "name": "@superset-ui/preset-chart-xy",
+  "version": "0.17.5",
+  "description": "Superset Chart - XY",
+  "sideEffects": [
+    "*.css"
+  ],
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "module": "esm/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "esm",
+    "lib",
+    "types"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "superset"
+  ],
+  "author": "Superset",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": "",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@data-ui/theme": "^0.0.84",
+    "@data-ui/xy-chart": "^0.0.84",
+    "@superset-ui/chart-controls": "0.17.5",
+    "@superset-ui/core": "0.17.5",
+    "@vx/axis": "^0.0.198",
+    "@vx/legend": "^0.0.198",
+    "@vx/scale": "^0.0.197",
+    "csstype": "^2.6.3",
+    "encodable": "^0.7.6",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.11",
+    "reselect": "^4.0.0"
+  },
+  "peerDependencies": {
+    "react": "^16.2"
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed2d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { t } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ControlPanelConfig, formatSelectOptions, sections } from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
+const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
+  controlPanelSections: [
+    sections.legacyRegularTime,
+    {
+      label: t('Query'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [['metrics'], ['adhoc_filters'], ['groupby'], ['limit']],
+    },
+    {
+      label: t('Chart Options'),
+      expanded: true,
+      controlSetRows: [
+        ['color_scheme', 'label_colors'],
+        [
+          {
+            name: 'whisker_options',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              freeForm: true,
+              label: t('Whisker/outlier options'),
+              default: 'Tukey',
+              description: t('Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions([
+                'Tukey',
+                'Min/max (no outliers)',
+                '2/98 percentiles',
+                '9/91 percentiles',
+              ]),
+            },
+          },
+          {
+            name: 'x_ticks_layout',
+            config: {
+              type: 'SelectControl',
+              label: t('X Tick Layout'),
+              choices: formatSelectOptions(['auto', 'flat', '45°', 'staggered']),
+              default: 'auto',
+              clearable: false,
+              renderTrigger: true,
+              description: t('The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis'),
+            },
+          },
+        ],
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+export default config;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58528fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { t, ChartMetadata } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default function createMetadata(useLegacyApi = false) {
+  return new ChartMetadata({
+    description: '',
+    name: t('Box Plot'),
+    thumbnail,
+    useLegacyApi,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5eab92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b4ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import createMetadata from './createMetadata';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import controlPanel from './controlPanel';
+import configureEncodable from '../configureEncodable';
+export default class BoxPlotChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(),
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9423d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartPlugin, QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import createMetadata from '../createMetadata';
+import transformProps, { LegacyBoxPlotChartProps } from './transformProps';
+import controlPanel from '../controlPanel';
+export default class BoxPlotChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<
+  QueryFormData,
+  LegacyBoxPlotChartProps
+> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../../components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(true),
+      transformProps,
+      controlPanel,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c939014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { ChartProps, LegacyQueryData, QueryFormData, QueryFormMetric } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { RawBoxPlotDataRow, BoxPlotDataRow } from '../../components/BoxPlot/types';
+export type LegacyBoxPlotFormData = {
+  groupby?: QueryFormData['groupby'];
+  metrics?: QueryFormData['metrics'];
+  colorScheme?: string;
+export type LegacyBoxPlotChartProps = ChartProps & {
+  formData: LegacyBoxPlotFormData;
+  queriesData: (LegacyQueryData & {
+    data?: RawBoxPlotDataRow[];
+  })[];
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: LegacyBoxPlotChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, datasource, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { verboseMap = {} } = datasource;
+  const { colorScheme, groupby = [], metrics = [] } = formData;
+  const data = (queriesData[0].data || []).map(({ label, values }) => ({
+    label,
+    min: values.whisker_low,
+    max: values.whisker_high,
+    firstQuartile: values.Q1,
+    median: values.Q2,
+    thirdQuartile: values.Q3,
+    outliers: values.outliers,
+  }));
+  const xAxisLabel = groupby.join('/');
+  let metric: QueryFormMetric = '';
+  if (Array.isArray(metrics)) {
+    metric = metrics.length > 0 ? metrics[0] : '';
+  } else {
+    metric = metrics;
+  }
+  const yAxisLabel = typeof metric === 'string' ? verboseMap[metric] || metric : metric.label;
+  const boxPlotValues = data.reduce((r: number[], e: BoxPlotDataRow) => {
+    r.push(e.min, e.max, ...e.outliers);
+    return r;
+  }, []);
+  const minBoxPlotValue = Math.min(...boxPlotValues);
+  const maxBoxPlotValue = Math.max(...boxPlotValues);
+  const valueDomain = [
+    minBoxPlotValue - 0.1 * Math.abs(minBoxPlotValue),
+    maxBoxPlotValue + 0.1 * Math.abs(maxBoxPlotValue),
+  ];
+  return {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    encoding: {
+      x: {
+        field: 'label',
+        type: 'nominal',
+        scale: {
+          type: 'band',
+          paddingInner: 0.15,
+          paddingOuter: 0.3,
+        },
+        axis: {
+          title: xAxisLabel,
+        },
+      },
+      y: {
+        field: 'value',
+        type: 'quantitative',
+        scale: {
+          type: 'linear',
+          domain: valueDomain,
+        },
+        axis: {
+          title: yAxisLabel,
+          numTicks: 5,
+          format: 'SMART_NUMBER',
+        },
+      },
+      color: {
+        field: 'label',
+        type: 'nominal',
+        scale: {
+          scheme: colorScheme,
+        },
+        legend: false,
+      },
+    },
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..166be75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import { pick } from 'lodash';
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BoxPlotDataRow, RawBoxPlotDataRow } from '../components/BoxPlot/types';
+import { HookProps } from '../components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot';
+import { BoxPlotEncoding } from '../components/BoxPlot/Encoder';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { margin, theme } = formData;
+  const encoding = formData.encoding as BoxPlotEncoding;
+  const data = (queriesData[0].data as RawBoxPlotDataRow[]).map(({ label, values }) => ({
+    label,
+    min: values.whisker_low,
+    max: values.whisker_high,
+    firstQuartile: values.Q1,
+    median: values.Q2,
+    thirdQuartile: values.Q3,
+    outliers: values.outliers,
+  }));
+  const isHorizontal = encoding.y.type === 'nominal';
+  const boxPlotValues = data.reduce((r: number[], e: BoxPlotDataRow) => {
+    r.push(e.min, e.max, ...e.outliers);
+    return r;
+  }, []);
+  const minBoxPlotValue = Math.min(...boxPlotValues);
+  const maxBoxPlotValue = Math.max(...boxPlotValues);
+  const valueDomain = [
+    minBoxPlotValue - 0.1 * Math.abs(minBoxPlotValue),
+    maxBoxPlotValue + 0.1 * Math.abs(maxBoxPlotValue),
+  ];
+  if (isHorizontal) {
+    if (encoding.x.scale) {
+      encoding.x.scale.domain = valueDomain;
+    } else {
+      encoding.x.scale = { domain: valueDomain };
+    }
+  } else if (encoding.y.scale) {
+    encoding.y.scale.domain = valueDomain;
+  } else {
+    encoding.y.scale = { domain: valueDomain };
+  }
+  const hooks = chartProps.hooks as HookProps;
+  const fieldsFromHooks: (keyof HookProps)[] = [
+    'TooltipRenderer',
+    'LegendRenderer',
+    'LegendGroupRenderer',
+    'LegendItemRenderer',
+    'LegendItemMarkRenderer',
+    'LegendItemLabelRenderer',
+  ];
+  return {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    margin,
+    theme,
+    encoding,
+    ...pick(hooks, fieldsFromHooks),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/ChartFormData.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/ChartFormData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a16404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/ChartFormData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { QueryFormData } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { FormDataProps } from '../components/Line/Line';
+type CombinedFormData = QueryFormData & FormDataProps;
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+export default CombinedFormData;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/buildQuery.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/buildQuery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae2cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/buildQuery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { buildQueryContext } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import ChartFormData from './ChartFormData';
+import { lineEncoderFactory } from '../components/Line/Encoder';
+export default function buildQuery(formData: ChartFormData) {
+  const queryContext = buildQueryContext(formData);
+  const { encoding } = formData;
+  const encoder = lineEncoderFactory.create(encoding);
+  queryContext.queries.forEach(query => {
+    const q = query;
+    q.groupby = encoder.getGroupBys();
+    // Enforce time-series mode
+    q.is_timeseries = true;
+  });
+  return queryContext;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/createMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/createMetadata.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43850b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/createMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { t, ChartMetadata } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default function createMetadata(useLegacyApi = false) {
+  return new ChartMetadata({
+    description: '',
+    name: t('Line Chart'),
+    thumbnail,
+    useLegacyApi,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67debac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67debac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/images/thumbnailLarge.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8738f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import createMetadata from './createMetadata';
+import buildQuery from './buildQuery';
+import ChartFormData from './ChartFormData';
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin<ChartFormData> {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      buildQuery,
+      loadChart: () => import('../components/Line/Line'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a924893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+import createMetadata from '../createMetadata';
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../../components/Line/Line'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(true),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95699f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/legacy/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { flatMap } from 'lodash';
+interface DataRow {
+  key: string[];
+  values: {
+    x: number;
+    y: number;
+  }[];
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { colorScheme, xAxisLabel, xAxisFormat, yAxisLabel, yAxisFormat } = formData;
+  const data = queriesData[0].data as DataRow[];
+  return {
+    data: flatMap(
+ DataRow) =>
+ => ({
+          ...v,
+          name: row.key[0],
+        })),
+      ),
+    ),
+    width,
+    height,
+    encoding: {
+      x: {
+        field: 'x',
+        type: 'temporal',
+        format: xAxisFormat,
+        scale: {
+          type: 'time',
+        },
+        axis: {
+          orient: 'bottom',
+          title: xAxisLabel,
+        },
+      },
+      y: {
+        field: 'y',
+        type: 'quantitative',
+        format: yAxisFormat,
+        scale: {
+          type: 'linear',
+        },
+        axis: {
+          orient: 'left',
+          title: yAxisLabel,
+        },
+      },
+      stroke: {
+        field: 'name',
+        type: 'nominal',
+        scale: {
+          scheme: colorScheme,
+        },
+        legend: true,
+      },
+    },
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56371e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { pick } from 'lodash';
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { HookProps, FormDataProps } from '../components/Line/Line';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { data } = queriesData[0];
+  const formData = chartProps.formData as FormDataProps;
+  const hooks = chartProps.hooks as HookProps;
+  /**
+   * Use type-check to make sure the field names are expected ones
+   * and only pick these fields to pass to the chart.
+   */
+  const fieldsFromFormData: (keyof FormDataProps)[] = ['encoding', 'margin', 'theme'];
+  const fieldsFromHooks: (keyof HookProps)[] = [
+    'TooltipRenderer',
+    'LegendRenderer',
+    'LegendGroupRenderer',
+    'LegendItemRenderer',
+    'LegendItemMarkRenderer',
+    'LegendItemLabelRenderer',
+  ];
+  return {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    ...pick(formData, fieldsFromFormData),
+    ...pick(hooks, fieldsFromHooks),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/createMetadata.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/createMetadata.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/createMetadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { t, ChartMetadata } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import thumbnail from './images/thumbnail.png';
+export default function createMetadata(useLegacyApi = false) {
+  return new ChartMetadata({
+    description: '',
+    name: t('Scatter Plot'),
+    thumbnail,
+    useLegacyApi,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/images/thumbnail.png b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/images/thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd81fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/images/thumbnail.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/index.ts
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index 0000000..5a9fd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import createMetadata from './createMetadata';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd1682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { ChartPlugin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import createMetadata from '../createMetadata';
+import transformProps from './transformProps';
+export default class LineChartPlugin extends ChartPlugin {
+  constructor() {
+    super({
+      loadChart: () => import('../../components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot'),
+      metadata: createMetadata(true),
+      transformProps,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3f771f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/legacy/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { flatMap } from 'lodash';
+interface Value {
+  [key: string]: unknown;
+type Key = keyof Value;
+interface DataRow {
+  key: string[];
+  values: Value[];
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const {
+    colorScheme,
+    maxBubbleSize,
+    showLegend,
+    xAxisFormat,
+    xAxisLabel,
+    // TODO: These fields are not supported yet
+    // xAxisShowminmax,
+    // xLogScale,
+    yAxisLabel,
+    yAxisFormat,
+    // TODO: These fields are not supported yet
+    // yAxisShowminmax,
+    // yLogScale,
+  } = formData;
+  const x = formData.x as Key;
+  const y = formData.y as Key;
+  const series = formData.series as Key;
+  const size = formData.size as Key;
+  const entity = formData.entity as Key;
+  const data = queriesData[0].data as DataRow[];
+  return {
+    data: flatMap(
+ DataRow) =>
+ => ({
+          [x]: v[x],
+          [y]: v[y],
+          [series]: v[series],
+          [size]: v[size],
+          [entity]: v[entity],
+        })),
+      ),
+    ),
+    width,
+    height,
+    encoding: {
+      x: {
+        field: x,
+        type: 'quantitive',
+        format: xAxisFormat,
+        scale: {
+          type: 'linear',
+        },
+        axis: {
+          orient: 'bottom',
+          title: xAxisLabel,
+        },
+      },
+      y: {
+        field: y,
+        type: 'quantitative',
+        format: yAxisFormat,
+        scale: {
+          type: 'linear',
+        },
+        axis: {
+          orient: 'left',
+          title: yAxisLabel,
+        },
+      },
+      size: {
+        field: size,
+        type: 'quantitative',
+        scale: {
+          type: 'linear',
+          range: [0, maxBubbleSize],
+        },
+      },
+      fill: {
+        field: series,
+        type: 'nominal',
+        scale: {
+          scheme: colorScheme,
+        },
+        legend: showLegend,
+      },
+      group: [{ field: entity }],
+    },
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/transformProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/transformProps.ts
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index 0000000..d1fcd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/transformProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { pick } from 'lodash';
+import { ChartProps } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { HookProps } from '../components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot';
+export default function transformProps(chartProps: ChartProps) {
+  const { width, height, formData, queriesData } = chartProps;
+  const { encoding, margin, theme } = formData;
+  const { data } = queriesData[0];
+  const hooks = chartProps.hooks as HookProps;
+  const fieldsFromHooks: (keyof HookProps)[] = [
+    'TooltipRenderer',
+    'LegendRenderer',
+    'LegendGroupRenderer',
+    'LegendItemRenderer',
+    'LegendItemMarkRenderer',
+    'LegendItemLabelRenderer',
+  ];
+  return {
+    data,
+    width,
+    height,
+    encoding,
+    margin,
+    theme,
+    ...pick(hooks, fieldsFromHooks),
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d05532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/BoxPlot.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { BoxPlotSeries, XYChart } from '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+import { chartTheme, ChartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { WithLegend, Margin, Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { Dataset, PlainObject, isFieldDef } from 'encodable';
+import DefaultTooltipRenderer from './DefaultTooltipRenderer';
+import {
+  BoxPlotEncodingConfig,
+  BoxPlotEncoding,
+  BoxPlotEncoder,
+  boxPlotEncoderFactory,
+} from './Encoder';
+import createMarginSelector, { DEFAULT_MARGIN } from '../../utils/createMarginSelector';
+import { BoxPlotDataRow } from './types';
+import convertScaleToDataUIScale from '../../utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape';
+import createXYChartLayoutWithTheme from '../../utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme';
+import createRenderLegend from '../legend/createRenderLegend';
+import { LegendHooks } from '../legend/types';
+export interface TooltipProps {
+  datum: BoxPlotDataRow;
+  color: string;
+  encoder: BoxPlotEncoder;
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  margin: DEFAULT_MARGIN,
+  encoding: {},
+  theme: chartTheme,
+  TooltipRenderer: DefaultTooltipRenderer,
+} as const;
+export type HookProps = {
+  TooltipRenderer?: React.ComponentType<TooltipProps>;
+} & LegendHooks<BoxPlotEncodingConfig>;
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  width: string | number;
+  height: string | number;
+  margin?: Margin;
+  encoding?: Partial<BoxPlotEncoding>;
+  data: Dataset;
+  theme?: ChartTheme;
+} & HookProps &
+  Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+export default class BoxPlot extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
+  private createEncoder = boxPlotEncoderFactory.createSelector();
+  private createMargin = createMarginSelector();
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  renderChart = (dim: Dimension) => {
+    const { width, height } = dim;
+    const { data, margin, theme, TooltipRenderer, encoding } = this.props;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    const { channels } = encoder;
+    const isHorizontal =
+      isFieldDef(channels.y.definition) && channels.y.definition.type === 'nominal';
+    encoder.setDomainFromDataset(data);
+    const layout = createXYChartLayoutWithTheme({
+      width,
+      height,
+      margin: this.createMargin(margin),
+      theme,
+      xEncoder: channels.x,
+      yEncoder: channels.y,
+    });
+    return layout.renderChartWithFrame((chartDim: Dimension) => (
+      <XYChart
+        showYGrid
+        width={chartDim.width}
+        height={chartDim.height}
+        ariaLabel="BoxPlot"
+        margin={layout.margin}
+        renderTooltip={({ datum, color }: { datum: BoxPlotDataRow; color: string }) => (
+          <TooltipRenderer datum={datum} color={color} encoder={encoder} />
+        )}
+        theme={theme}
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+        xScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.x.definition.scale as any)}
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+        yScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.y.definition.scale as any)}
+      >
+        {layout.renderXAxis()}
+        {layout.renderYAxis()}
+        <BoxPlotSeries
+          key={isFieldDef(channels.x.definition) ? channels.x.definition.field : ''}
+          animated
+          data={
+            isHorizontal
+              ? => ({ ...row, y: channels.y.getValueFromDatum(row) }))
+              : => ({ ...row, x: channels.x.getValueFromDatum(row) }))
+          }
+          fill={(datum: PlainObject) => channels.color.encodeDatum(datum, '#55acee')}
+          fillOpacity={0.4}
+          stroke={(datum: PlainObject) => channels.color.encodeDatum(datum)}
+          strokeWidth={1}
+          widthRatio={0.6}
+          horizontal={isHorizontal}
+        />
+      </XYChart>
+    ));
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { className, data, encoding, width, height } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <WithLegend
+        className={`superset-chart-box-plot ${className}`}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        position="top"
+        renderLegend={createRenderLegend(this.createEncoder(encoding), data, this.props)}
+        renderChart={this.renderChart}
+      />
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30595cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { isDefined, TooltipFrame, TooltipTable } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { BoxPlotEncoder } from './Encoder';
+import { BoxPlotDataRow } from './types';
+export default function DefaultTooltipRenderer({
+  datum,
+  color,
+  encoder,
+}: {
+  datum: BoxPlotDataRow;
+  color: string;
+  encoder: BoxPlotEncoder;
+}) {
+  const { label, min, max, median, firstQuartile, thirdQuartile, outliers } = datum;
+  const { channels } = encoder;
+  const { formatValue } = channels.y;
+  const data: { key: string; valueColumn: number | string }[] = [];
+  if (isDefined(min)) {
+    data.push({ key: 'Min', valueColumn: formatValue(min) });
+  }
+  if (isDefined(max)) {
+    data.push({ key: 'Max', valueColumn: formatValue(max) });
+  }
+  if (isDefined(median)) {
+    data.push({ key: 'Median', valueColumn: formatValue(median) });
+  }
+  if (isDefined(firstQuartile)) {
+    data.push({ key: '1st Quartile', valueColumn: formatValue(firstQuartile) });
+  }
+  if (isDefined(thirdQuartile)) {
+    data.push({ key: '3rd Quartile', valueColumn: formatValue(thirdQuartile) });
+  }
+  if (isDefined(outliers) && outliers.length > 0) {
+    data.push({ key: '# Outliers', valueColumn: outliers.length });
+  }
+  return (
+    <TooltipFrame>
+      <div>
+        <strong style={{ color }}>{label}</strong>
+      </div>
+      {data.length > 0 && <br />}
+      <TooltipTable data={data} />
+    </TooltipFrame>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/Encoder.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/Encoder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7420391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/Encoder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { createEncoderFactory, Encoder, DeriveEncoding } from 'encodable';
+export type BoxPlotEncodingConfig = {
+  x: ['XBand', number];
+  y: ['YBand', number];
+  color: ['Color', string];
+export const boxPlotEncoderFactory = createEncoderFactory<BoxPlotEncodingConfig>({
+  channelTypes: {
+    x: 'XBand',
+    y: 'YBand',
+    color: 'Color',
+  },
+  defaultEncoding: {
+    x: { field: 'x', type: 'nominal' },
+    y: { field: 'y', type: 'quantitative' },
+    color: { value: '#222' },
+  },
+export type BoxPlotEncoding = DeriveEncoding<BoxPlotEncodingConfig>;
+export type BoxPlotEncoder = Encoder<BoxPlotEncodingConfig>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/types.ts
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index 0000000..8b1839e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/BoxPlot/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+export interface RawBoxPlotDataRow {
+  label: string;
+  values: {
+    Q1: number;
+    Q2: number;
+    Q3: number;
+    outliers: number[];
+    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+    whisker_high: number;
+    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+    whisker_low: number;
+  };
+export interface BoxPlotDataRow {
+  label: string;
+  min: number;
+  max: number;
+  firstQuartile: number;
+  median: number;
+  thirdQuartile: number;
+  outliers: number[];
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer.tsx
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index 0000000..54bc8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { LegendItemMarkRendererProps } from '../legend/types';
+import { LineEncodingConfig } from './Encoder';
+const MARK_WIDTH = 12;
+const MARK_HEIGHT = 8;
+const MARK_STYLE: CSSProperties = { display: 'inline-block' };
+export default function DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer({
+  item,
+}: LegendItemMarkRendererProps<LineEncodingConfig>) {
+  return (
+    <svg width={MARK_WIDTH} height={MARK_HEIGHT} style={MARK_STYLE}>
+      <line
+        stroke={item.output.stroke ?? 'none'}
+        strokeWidth={item.output.strokeWidth ?? 2}
+        strokeDasharray={item.output.strokeDasharray ?? 'none'}
+        x1={0}
+        x2={MARK_WIDTH}
+        y1={MARK_HEIGHT / 2}
+        y2={MARK_HEIGHT / 2}
+      />
+    </svg>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
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index 0000000..ffaf617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { TooltipFrame, TooltipTable } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { chartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { TooltipProps } from './Line';
+const MARK_STYLE = { marginRight: 4 };
+export default function DefaultTooltipRenderer({
+  allSeries,
+  datum,
+  encoder,
+  series = {},
+  theme = chartTheme,
+}: TooltipProps) {
+  return (
+    <TooltipFrame>
+      <>
+        <div style={{ fontFamily: theme.labelStyles.fontFamily }}>
+          <strong>{encoder.channels.x.formatValue(datum.x)}</strong>
+        </div>
+        <br />
+        {series && (
+          <TooltipTable
+            data={allSeries
+              .filter(({ key }) => series[key])
+              .concat()
+              .sort((a, b) => series[b.key].y - series[a.key].y)
+              .map(({ key, stroke, strokeDasharray, strokeWidth }) => ({
+                key,
+                keyColumn: (
+                  <>
+                    <svg width="12" height="8" style={MARK_STYLE}>
+                      <line
+                        x2="12"
+                        y1="3"
+                        y2="3"
+                        stroke={stroke}
+                        strokeWidth={strokeWidth}
+                        strokeDasharray={strokeDasharray}
+                      />
+                    </svg>
+                    {series[key] === datum ? <b>{key}</b> : key}
+                  </>
+                ),
+                valueColumn: encoder.channels.y.formatValue(series[key].y),
+              }))}
+          />
+        )}
+      </>
+    </TooltipFrame>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Encoder.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Encoder.ts
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index 0000000..0f27fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Encoder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import Encoder from 'encodable/lib/encoders/Encoder';
+import createEncoderFactory from 'encodable/lib/encoders/createEncoderFactory';
+import { DeriveEncoding, DeriveChannelOutputs } from 'encodable/lib/types/Encoding';
+export type LineEncodingConfig = {
+  x: ['X', number];
+  y: ['Y', number];
+  fill: ['Category', boolean];
+  stroke: ['Color', string];
+  strokeDasharray: ['Category', string];
+  strokeWidth: ['Numeric', number];
+export const lineEncoderFactory = createEncoderFactory<LineEncodingConfig>({
+  channelTypes: {
+    x: 'X',
+    y: 'Y',
+    fill: 'Category',
+    stroke: 'Color',
+    strokeDasharray: 'Category',
+    strokeWidth: 'Numeric',
+  },
+  defaultEncoding: {
+    x: { field: 'x', type: 'quantitative' },
+    y: { field: 'y', type: 'quantitative' },
+    fill: { value: false, legend: false },
+    stroke: { value: '#222' },
+    strokeDasharray: { value: '' },
+    strokeWidth: { value: 1 },
+  },
+export type LineEncoding = DeriveEncoding<LineEncodingConfig>;
+export type LineEncoder = Encoder<LineEncodingConfig>;
+export type LineChannelOutputs = DeriveChannelOutputs<LineEncodingConfig>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Line.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Line.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..095ce48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/Line/Line.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
+import { kebabCase, groupBy, flatMap, uniqueId, values } from 'lodash';
+import {
+  AreaSeries,
+  LinearGradient,
+  LineSeries,
+  XYChart,
+  CrossHair,
+  WithTooltip,
+} from '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+import { chartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { WithLegend, Margin, Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
+import { Dataset, PlainObject } from 'encodable';
+import DefaultTooltipRenderer from './DefaultTooltipRenderer';
+import createMarginSelector, { DEFAULT_MARGIN } from '../../utils/createMarginSelector';
+import convertScaleToDataUIScale from '../../utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape';
+import createXYChartLayoutWithTheme from '../../utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme';
+import createRenderLegend from '../legend/createRenderLegend';
+import { LegendHooks } from '../legend/types';
+import {
+  lineEncoderFactory,
+  LineEncoder,
+  LineEncoding,
+  LineEncodingConfig,
+  LineChannelOutputs,
+} from './Encoder';
+import DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer from './DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer';
+export interface TooltipProps {
+  encoder: LineEncoder;
+  allSeries: Series[];
+  datum: SeriesValue;
+  series: {
+    [key: string]: SeriesValue;
+  };
+  theme: typeof chartTheme;
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  encoding: {},
+  LegendItemMarkRenderer: DefaultLegendItemMarkRenderer,
+  margin: DEFAULT_MARGIN,
+  theme: chartTheme,
+  TooltipRenderer: DefaultTooltipRenderer,
+/** Part of formData that is needed for rendering logic in this file */
+export type FormDataProps = {
+  margin?: Margin;
+  theme?: typeof chartTheme;
+  encoding?: Partial<LineEncoding>;
+export type HookProps = {
+  TooltipRenderer?: React.ComponentType<TooltipProps>;
+} & LegendHooks<LineEncodingConfig>;
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  width: string | number;
+  height: string | number;
+  data: Dataset;
+} & HookProps &
+  FormDataProps &
+  Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+export interface Series {
+  key: string;
+  fill: LineChannelOutputs['fill'];
+  stroke: LineChannelOutputs['stroke'];
+  strokeDasharray: LineChannelOutputs['strokeDasharray'];
+  strokeWidth: LineChannelOutputs['strokeWidth'];
+  values: SeriesValue[];
+export interface SeriesValue {
+  x: number | Date;
+  y: number;
+  data: PlainObject;
+  parent: Series;
+const CIRCLE_STYLE = { strokeWidth: 1.5 };
+export default class LineChart extends PureComponent<Props> {
+  private createEncoder = lineEncoderFactory.createSelector();
+  private createAllSeries = createSelector(
+    (input: { encoder: LineEncoder; data: Dataset }) => input.encoder,
+    input =>,
+    (encoder, data) => {
+      const { channels } = encoder;
+      const fieldNames = encoder.getGroupBys();
+      const groups = groupBy(data, row => => `${f}=${row[f]}`).join(','));
+      const allSeries = values(groups).map(seriesData => {
+        const firstDatum = seriesData[0];
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
+        const key = => firstDatum[f]).join(',');
+        const series: Series = {
+          key: key.length === 0 ? channels.y.getTitle() : key,
+          fill: channels.fill.encodeDatum(firstDatum, false),
+          stroke: channels.stroke.encodeDatum(firstDatum, '#222'),
+          strokeDasharray: channels.strokeDasharray.encodeDatum(firstDatum, ''),
+          strokeWidth: channels.strokeWidth.encodeDatum(firstDatum, 1),
+          values: [],
+        };
+        series.values = seriesData
+          .map(v => ({
+            x: channels.x.getValueFromDatum<Date | number>(v),
+            y: channels.y.getValueFromDatum<number>(v),
+            data: v,
+            parent: series,
+          }))
+          .sort((a: SeriesValue, b: SeriesValue) => {
+            const aTime = a.x instanceof Date ? a.x.getTime() : a.x;
+            const bTime = b.x instanceof Date ? b.x.getTime() : b.x;
+            return aTime - bTime;
+          });
+        return series;
+      });
+      return allSeries;
+    },
+  );
+  private createMargin = createMarginSelector();
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+  renderSeries(allSeries: Series[]) {
+    const filledSeries = flatMap(
+      allSeries
+        .filter(({ fill }) => fill)
+        .map(series => {
+          const gradientId = uniqueId(kebabCase(`gradient-${series.key}`));
+          return [
+            <LinearGradient
+              key={`${series.key}-gradient`}
+              id={gradientId}
+              from={series.stroke}
+              to="#fff"
+            />,
+            <AreaSeries
+              key={`${series.key}-fill`}
+              seriesKey={series.key}
+              data={series.values}
+              interpolation="linear"
+              fill={`url(#${gradientId})`}
+              stroke={series.stroke}
+              strokeWidth={series.strokeWidth}
+            />,
+          ];
+        }),
+    );
+    const unfilledSeries = allSeries
+      .filter(({ fill }) => !fill)
+      .map(series => (
+        <LineSeries
+          key={series.key}
+          seriesKey={series.key}
+          interpolation="linear"
+          data={series.values}
+          stroke={series.stroke}
+          strokeDasharray={series.strokeDasharray}
+          strokeWidth={series.strokeWidth}
+        />
+      ));
+    return filledSeries.concat(unfilledSeries);
+  }
+  renderChart = (dim: Dimension) => {
+    const { width, height } = dim;
+    const { data, margin, theme, TooltipRenderer, encoding } = this.props;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    const { channels } = encoder;
+    encoder.setDomainFromDataset(data);
+    const allSeries = this.createAllSeries({ encoder, data });
+    const layout = createXYChartLayoutWithTheme({
+      width,
+      height,
+      margin: this.createMargin(margin),
+      theme,
+      xEncoder: channels.x,
+      yEncoder: channels.y,
+    });
+    return layout.renderChartWithFrame((chartDim: Dimension) => (
+      <WithTooltip
+        renderTooltip={({
+          datum,
+          series,
+        }: {
+          datum: SeriesValue;
+          series: {
+            [key: string]: SeriesValue;
+          };
+        }) => (
+          <TooltipRenderer
+            encoder={encoder}
+            allSeries={allSeries}
+            datum={datum}
+            series={series}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+        )}
+      >
+        {({
+          onMouseLeave,
+          onMouseMove,
+          tooltipData,
+        }: {
+          onMouseLeave: (...args: unknown[]) => void;
+          onMouseMove: (...args: unknown[]) => void;
+          tooltipData: { datum: { y?: number } };
+        }) => (
+          <XYChart
+            showYGrid
+            snapTooltipToDataX
+            width={chartDim.width}
+            height={chartDim.height}
+            ariaLabel="LineChart"
+            eventTrigger="container"
+            margin={layout.margin}
+            renderTooltip={null}
+            theme={theme}
+            tooltipData={tooltipData}
+            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+            xScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.x.definition.scale as any)}
+            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+            yScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.y.definition.scale as any)}
+            onMouseMove={onMouseMove}
+            onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave}
+          >
+            {layout.renderXAxis()}
+            {layout.renderYAxis()}
+            {this.renderSeries(allSeries)}
+            <CrossHair
+              fullHeight
+              showCircle
+              showMultipleCircles
+              strokeDasharray=""
+              showHorizontalLine={false}
+              circleFill={(d: SeriesValue) =>
+                d.y === tooltipData.datum.y ? d.parent.stroke : '#fff'
+              }
+              circleSize={(d: SeriesValue) => (d.y === tooltipData.datum.y ? 6 : 4)}
+              circleStroke={(d: SeriesValue) =>
+                d.y === tooltipData.datum.y ? '#fff' : d.parent.stroke
+              }
+              circleStyles={CIRCLE_STYLE}
+              stroke="#ccc"
+            />
+          </XYChart>
+        )}
+      </WithTooltip>
+    ));
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { className, data, width, height, encoding } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <WithLegend
+        className={`superset-chart-line ${className}`}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        position="top"
+        renderLegend={createRenderLegend(this.createEncoder(encoding), data, this.props)}
+        renderChart={this.renderChart}
+      />
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e7f568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/DefaultTooltipRenderer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { TooltipFrame, TooltipTable } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { isFieldDef } from 'encodable';
+import { TooltipProps } from './ScatterPlot';
+export default function DefaultTooltipRenderer({ datum, encoder }: TooltipProps) {
+  const { channels } = encoder;
+  const { x, y, size, fill, stroke } = channels;
+  const tooltipRows = [
+    { key: 'x', keyColumn: x.getTitle(), valueColumn: x.formatDatum(datum) },
+    { key: 'y', keyColumn: y.getTitle(), valueColumn: y.formatDatum(datum) },
+  ];
+  if (isFieldDef(fill.definition)) {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: 'fill',
+      keyColumn: fill.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: fill.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  }
+  if (isFieldDef(stroke.definition)) {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: 'stroke',
+      keyColumn: stroke.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: stroke.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  }
+  if (isFieldDef(size.definition)) {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: 'size',
+      keyColumn: size.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: size.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  }
+ => {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: `${}`,
+      keyColumn: g.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: g.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  });
+  channels.tooltip.forEach(g => {
+    tooltipRows.push({
+      key: `${}`,
+      keyColumn: g.getTitle(),
+      valueColumn: g.formatDatum(datum),
+    });
+  });
+  return (
+    <TooltipFrame>
+      <TooltipTable data={tooltipRows} />
+    </TooltipFrame>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/Encoder.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/Encoder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3706022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/Encoder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import { createEncoderFactory, Encoder, DeriveEncoding, DeriveChannelOutputs } from 'encodable';
+export type ScatterPlotEncodingConfig = {
+  x: ['X', number];
+  y: ['Y', number];
+  fill: ['Color', string];
+  group: ['Category', string, 'multiple'];
+  size: ['Numeric', number];
+  stroke: ['Color', string];
+  tooltip: ['Text', string, 'multiple'];
+export const scatterPlotEncoderFactory = createEncoderFactory<ScatterPlotEncodingConfig>({
+  channelTypes: {
+    x: 'X',
+    y: 'Y',
+    fill: 'Color',
+    group: 'Category',
+    size: 'Numeric',
+    stroke: 'Color',
+    tooltip: 'Text',
+  },
+  defaultEncoding: {
+    x: { field: 'x', type: 'quantitative' },
+    y: { field: 'y', type: 'quantitative' },
+    fill: { value: '#222' },
+    group: [],
+    size: { value: 5 },
+    stroke: { value: 'none' },
+    tooltip: [],
+  },
+export type ScatterPlotEncoding = DeriveEncoding<ScatterPlotEncodingConfig>;
+export type ScatterPlotEncoder = Encoder<ScatterPlotEncodingConfig>;
+export type ScatterPlotChannelOutputs = DeriveChannelOutputs<ScatterPlotEncodingConfig>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe013d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/ScatterPlot/ScatterPlot.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
+import { XYChart, PointSeries } from '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+import { chartTheme, ChartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { WithLegend, Margin, Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { isFieldDef, Dataset, PlainObject } from 'encodable';
+import {
+  scatterPlotEncoderFactory,
+  ScatterPlotEncoder,
+  ScatterPlotEncodingConfig,
+  ScatterPlotEncoding,
+} from './Encoder';
+import createMarginSelector, { DEFAULT_MARGIN } from '../../utils/createMarginSelector';
+import DefaultTooltipRenderer from './DefaultTooltipRenderer';
+import convertScaleToDataUIScale from '../../utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape';
+import createXYChartLayoutWithTheme from '../../utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme';
+import createRenderLegend from '../legend/createRenderLegend';
+import { LegendHooks } from '../legend/types';
+export interface TooltipProps {
+  datum: PlainObject;
+  encoder: ScatterPlotEncoder;
+const defaultProps = {
+  className: '',
+  margin: DEFAULT_MARGIN,
+  encoding: {},
+  theme: chartTheme,
+  TooltipRenderer: DefaultTooltipRenderer,
+} as const;
+export type HookProps = {
+  TooltipRenderer?: React.ComponentType<TooltipProps>;
+} & LegendHooks<ScatterPlotEncodingConfig>;
+type Props = {
+  className?: string;
+  width: string | number;
+  height: string | number;
+  margin?: Margin;
+  data: Dataset;
+  encoding?: Partial<ScatterPlotEncoding>;
+  theme?: ChartTheme;
+} & HookProps &
+  Readonly<typeof defaultProps>;
+export default class ScatterPlot extends PureComponent<Props> {
+  private createEncoder = scatterPlotEncoderFactory.createSelector();
+  private createMargin = createMarginSelector();
+  static defaultProps = defaultProps;
+  renderChart = (dim: Dimension) => {
+    const { width, height } = dim;
+    const { data, margin, theme, TooltipRenderer, encoding } = this.props;
+    const encoder = this.createEncoder(encoding);
+    const { channels } = encoder;
+    encoder.setDomainFromDataset(data);
+    const encodedData = => ({
+      x: channels.x.getValueFromDatum(d),
+      y: channels.y.getValueFromDatum(d),
+      ...d,
+    }));
+    const layout = createXYChartLayoutWithTheme({
+      width,
+      height,
+      margin: this.createMargin(margin),
+      theme,
+      xEncoder: channels.x,
+      yEncoder: channels.y,
+    });
+    return layout.renderChartWithFrame((chartDim: Dimension) => (
+      <XYChart
+        showYGrid
+        width={chartDim.width}
+        height={chartDim.height}
+        ariaLabel="ScatterPlot"
+        margin={layout.margin}
+        renderTooltip={({ datum }: { datum: PlainObject }) => (
+          <TooltipRenderer datum={datum} encoder={encoder} />
+        )}
+        theme={theme}
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+        xScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.x.definition.scale as any)}
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+        yScale={convertScaleToDataUIScale(channels.y.definition.scale as any)}
+      >
+        {layout.renderXAxis()}
+        {layout.renderYAxis()}
+        <PointSeries
+          key={isFieldDef(channels.x.definition) ? channels.x.definition.field : ''}
+          data={encodedData}
+          fill={(d: PlainObject) => channels.fill.encodeDatum(d)}
+          fillOpacity={0.5}
+          stroke={(d: PlainObject) => channels.stroke.encodeDatum(d)}
+          size={(d: PlainObject) => channels.size.encodeDatum(d)}
+        />
+      </XYChart>
+    ));
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { className, data, width, height, encoding } = this.props;
+    return (
+      <WithLegend
+        className={`superset-chart-scatter-plot ${className}`}
+        width={width}
+        height={height}
+        position="top"
+        renderLegend={createRenderLegend(this.createEncoder(encoding), data, this.props)}
+        renderChart={this.renderChart}
+      />
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegend.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegend.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57608f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegend.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties, PureComponent } from 'react';
+import { EncodingConfig } from 'encodable';
+import { LegendRendererProps } from './types';
+import DefaultLegendGroup from './DefaultLegendGroup';
+const LEGEND_CONTAINER_STYLE: CSSProperties = {
+  display: 'flex',
+  flexBasis: 'auto',
+  flexGrow: 1,
+  flexShrink: 1,
+  maxHeight: 100,
+  overflowY: 'auto',
+  position: 'relative',
+export type Props<Config extends EncodingConfig> = LegendRendererProps<Config>;
+export default class DefaultLegend<Config extends EncodingConfig> extends PureComponent<
+  Props<Config>
+> {
+  render() {
+    const {
+      groups,
+      LegendGroupRenderer = DefaultLegendGroup,
+      LegendItemRenderer,
+      LegendItemMarkRenderer,
+      LegendItemLabelRenderer,
+      style,
+    } = this.props;
+    const combinedStyle =
+      typeof style === 'undefined'
+        : { ...LEGEND_CONTAINER_STYLE, };
+    return (
+      <div style={combinedStyle}>
+        {groups
+          .filter(group => 'items' in group && group.items.length > 0)
+          .map(group => (
+            <LegendGroupRenderer
+              key={group.field}
+              group={group}
+              ItemRenderer={LegendItemRenderer}
+              ItemMarkRenderer={LegendItemMarkRenderer}
+              ItemLabelRenderer={LegendItemLabelRenderer}
+            />
+          ))}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendGroup.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendGroup.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9d8695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendGroup.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { EncodingConfig } from 'encodable';
+import { LegendGroupRendererProps } from './types';
+import DefaultLegendItem from './DefaultLegendItem';
+const LEGEND_GROUP_STYLE: CSSProperties = {
+  display: 'flex',
+  flexBasis: 'auto',
+  flexDirection: 'row',
+  flexGrow: 1,
+  flexShrink: 1,
+  flexWrap: 'wrap',
+  fontSize: '0.8em',
+  justifyContent: 'flex-end',
+  padding: 8,
+export default function DefaultLegendGroupRenderer<Config extends EncodingConfig>({
+  group,
+  ItemRenderer = DefaultLegendItem,
+  ItemMarkRenderer,
+  ItemLabelRenderer,
+  style,
+}: LegendGroupRendererProps<Config>) {
+  const combinedStyle =
+    typeof style === 'undefined' ? LEGEND_GROUP_STYLE : { ...LEGEND_GROUP_STYLE, };
+  return (
+    <div style={combinedStyle}>
+      {'items' in group &&
+ => (
+          <ItemRenderer
+            key={`legend-item-${group.field}-${item.input}`}
+            group={group}
+            item={item}
+            MarkRenderer={ItemMarkRenderer}
+            LabelRenderer={ItemLabelRenderer}
+          />
+        ))}
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendItem.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendItem.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fa8fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/DefaultLegendItem.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { LegendItem, LegendLabel } from '@vx/legend';
+import { EncodingConfig } from 'encodable';
+import { LegendItemRendererProps } from './types';
+const MARK_SIZE = 8;
+const MARK_STYLE: CSSProperties = { display: 'inline-block' };
+export default function DefaultLegendItem<Config extends EncodingConfig>({
+  group,
+  item,
+  MarkRenderer,
+  LabelRenderer,
+}: LegendItemRendererProps<Config>) {
+  return (
+    <LegendItem key={`legend-item-${group.field}-${item.input}`} margin="0 5px">
+      {typeof MarkRenderer === 'undefined' ? (
+        <svg width={MARK_SIZE} height={MARK_SIZE} style={MARK_STYLE}>
+          <circle
+            fill={
+              // @ts-ignore
+              (item.output.color ??
+                // @ts-ignore
+                item.output.fill ??
+                // @ts-ignore
+                item.output.stroke ??
+                '#ccc') as string
+            }
+            stroke={
+              // @ts-ignore
+              (item.output.stroke ?? 'none') as string
+            }
+            r={MARK_SIZE / 2}
+            cx={MARK_SIZE / 2}
+            cy={MARK_SIZE / 2}
+          />
+        </svg>
+      ) : (
+        <MarkRenderer group={group} item={item} />
+      )}
+      {typeof LabelRenderer === 'undefined' ? (
+        <LegendLabel align="left" margin="0 0 0 4px">
+          {item.input}
+        </LegendLabel>
+      ) : (
+        <LabelRenderer group={group} item={item} />
+      )}
+    </LegendItem>
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/createRenderLegend.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/createRenderLegend.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d09cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/createRenderLegend.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Encoder, EncodingConfig, Dataset } from 'encodable';
+import { LegendHooks } from './types';
+import DefaultLegend from './DefaultLegend';
+export default function createRenderLegend<Config extends EncodingConfig>(
+  encoder: Encoder<Config>,
+  data: Dataset,
+  props: LegendHooks<Config>,
+) {
+  if (encoder.hasLegend()) {
+    const {
+      LegendRenderer = DefaultLegend,
+      LegendGroupRenderer,
+      LegendItemRenderer,
+      LegendItemLabelRenderer,
+      LegendItemMarkRenderer,
+    } = props;
+    return () => (
+      <LegendRenderer
+        groups={encoder.getLegendInformation(data)}
+        LegendGroupRenderer={LegendGroupRenderer}
+        LegendItemRenderer={LegendItemRenderer}
+        LegendItemMarkRenderer={LegendItemMarkRenderer}
+        LegendItemLabelRenderer={LegendItemLabelRenderer}
+      />
+    );
+  }
+  return undefined;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/types.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84f1281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/components/legend/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { EncodingConfig, LegendGroupInformation, LegendItemInformation } from 'encodable';
+export type LegendItemMarkRendererProps<Config extends EncodingConfig> = {
+  group: LegendGroupInformation<Config>;
+  item: LegendItemInformation<Config>;
+export type LegendItemMarkRendererType<Config extends EncodingConfig> = React.ComponentType<
+  LegendItemMarkRendererProps<Config>
+export type LegendItemLabelRendererProps<
+  Config extends EncodingConfig
+> = LegendItemMarkRendererProps<Config>;
+export type LegendItemLabelRendererType<Config extends EncodingConfig> = React.ComponentType<
+  LegendItemLabelRendererProps<Config>
+export type LegendItemRendererProps<Config extends EncodingConfig> = {
+  group: LegendGroupInformation<Config>;
+  item: LegendItemInformation<Config>;
+  MarkRenderer?: LegendItemMarkRendererType<Config>;
+  LabelRenderer?: LegendItemLabelRendererType<Config>;
+export type LegendItemRendererType<Config extends EncodingConfig> = React.ComponentType<
+  LegendItemRendererProps<Config>
+export type LegendGroupRendererProps<Config extends EncodingConfig> = {
+  group: LegendGroupInformation<Config>;
+  ItemRenderer?: LegendItemRendererType<Config>;
+  ItemMarkRenderer?: LegendItemMarkRendererType<Config>;
+  ItemLabelRenderer?: LegendItemLabelRendererType<Config>;
+  style?: CSSProperties;
+export type LegendGroupRendererType<Config extends EncodingConfig> = React.ComponentType<
+  LegendGroupRendererProps<Config>
+export type LegendRendererProps<Config extends EncodingConfig> = {
+  groups: LegendGroupInformation<Config>[];
+  LegendGroupRenderer?: LegendGroupRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemRenderer?: LegendItemRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemMarkRenderer?: LegendItemMarkRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemLabelRenderer?: LegendItemLabelRendererType<Config>;
+  style?: CSSProperties;
+export type LegendRendererType<Config extends EncodingConfig> = React.ComponentType<
+  LegendRendererProps<Config>
+export type LegendHooks<Config extends EncodingConfig> = {
+  LegendRenderer?: LegendRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendGroupRenderer?: LegendGroupRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemRenderer?: LegendItemRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemMarkRenderer?: LegendItemMarkRendererType<Config>;
+  LegendItemLabelRenderer?: LegendItemLabelRendererType<Config>;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/configureEncodable.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/configureEncodable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc99044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/configureEncodable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import {
+  Encodable,
+  ColorSchemeResolver,
+  TimeFormatResolver,
+  CategoricalColorScaleResolver,
+  defaultColorSchemeResolver,
+  addPrefix,
+} from 'encodable';
+import {
+  CategoricalColorNamespace,
+  getCategoricalSchemeRegistry,
+  getSequentialSchemeRegistry,
+  getNumberFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatter,
+  getTimeFormatterRegistry,
+} from '@superset-ui/core';
+const timeFormat: TimeFormatResolver = ({ format, formatInLocalTime = false } = {}) => {
+  const formatString = formatInLocalTime
+    ? addPrefix(LOCAL_PREFIX, format ?? getTimeFormatterRegistry().getDefaultKey()!)
+    : format;
+  return getTimeFormatter(formatString);
+const colorSchemeResolver: ColorSchemeResolver = ({ name, type = 'categorical' } = {}) => {
+  if (type === 'sequential') {
+    const scheme = getSequentialSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'sequential', ...scheme };
+  }
+  if (type === 'categorical') {
+    const scheme = getCategoricalSchemeRegistry().get(name);
+    return typeof scheme === 'undefined' ? scheme : { type: 'categorical', ...scheme };
+  }
+  return defaultColorSchemeResolver({ name, type });
+const colorScaleResolver: CategoricalColorScaleResolver = ({ name, namespace } = {}) =>
+  CategoricalColorNamespace.getScale(name, namespace);
+export default function configureEncodable() {
+  Encodable.setNumberFormatResolver(getNumberFormatter)
+    .setTimeFormatResolver(timeFormat)
+    .setColorSchemeResolver(colorSchemeResolver)
+    .setCategoricalColorScaleResolver(colorScaleResolver);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/index.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/index.ts
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index 0000000..f3954ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export { default as BoxPlotChartPlugin } from './BoxPlot';
+export { default as LegacyBoxPlotChartPlugin } from './BoxPlot/legacy';
+export { default as ScatterPlotChartPlugin } from './ScatterPlot';
+export { default as LegacyScatterPlotChartPlugin } from './ScatterPlot/legacy';
+export { default as LineChartPlugin } from './Line';
+export { default as LegacyLineChartPlugin } from './Line/legacy';
+export { default as configureEncodable } from './configureEncodable';
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/XYChartLayout.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/XYChartLayout.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..504cdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/XYChartLayout.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import React, { ReactNode, CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { XAxis, YAxis } from '@data-ui/xy-chart';
+import { ChartFrame, Margin, mergeMargin, Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { ChannelEncoder, PlainObject, Value, XFieldDef, YFieldDef } from 'encodable';
+import createTickComponent from './createTickComponent';
+import computeAxisLayout, { AxisLayout } from './computeAxisLayout';
+export const DEFAULT_LABEL_ANGLE = 40;
+// Additional margin to avoid content hidden behind scroll bar
+export interface XYChartLayoutConfig<XOutput extends Value, YOutput extends Value> {
+  width: number;
+  height: number;
+  minContentWidth?: number;
+  minContentHeight?: number;
+  margin: Margin;
+  xEncoder: ChannelEncoder<XFieldDef<XOutput>, XOutput>;
+  xTickSize?: number;
+  xTickTextStyle?: CSSProperties;
+  autoAdjustXMargin?: boolean;
+  yEncoder: ChannelEncoder<YFieldDef<YOutput>, YOutput>;
+  yTickSize?: number;
+  yTickTextStyle?: CSSProperties;
+  autoAdjustYMargin?: boolean;
+export default class XYChartLayout<XOutput extends Value, YOutput extends Value> {
+  chartWidth: number;
+  chartHeight: number;
+  containerWidth: number;
+  containerHeight: number;
+  margin: Margin;
+  xEncoder: ChannelEncoder<XFieldDef<XOutput>, XOutput>;
+  xLayout?: AxisLayout;
+  yEncoder: ChannelEncoder<YFieldDef<YOutput>, YOutput>;
+  yLayout?: AxisLayout;
+  constructor(config: XYChartLayoutConfig<XOutput, YOutput>) {
+    const {
+      width,
+      height,
+      minContentWidth = 0,
+      minContentHeight = 0,
+      margin,
+      xEncoder,
+      xTickSize,
+      xTickTextStyle,
+      autoAdjustXMargin = true,
+      yEncoder,
+      yTickSize,
+      yTickTextStyle,
+      autoAdjustYMargin = true,
+    } = config;
+    this.xEncoder = xEncoder;
+    this.yEncoder = yEncoder;
+    if (typeof yEncoder.axis !== 'undefined') {
+      this.yLayout = computeAxisLayout(yEncoder.axis, {
+        axisWidth: Math.max(height - - margin.bottom),
+        defaultTickSize: yTickSize,
+        tickTextStyle: yTickTextStyle,
+      });
+    }
+    const secondMargin =
+      this.yLayout && autoAdjustYMargin ? mergeMargin(margin, this.yLayout.minMargin) : margin;
+    const innerWidth = Math.max(width - secondMargin.left - secondMargin.right, minContentWidth);
+    if (typeof xEncoder.axis !== 'undefined') {
+      this.xLayout = computeAxisLayout(xEncoder.axis, {
+        axisWidth: innerWidth,
+        defaultTickSize: xTickSize,
+        tickTextStyle: xTickTextStyle,
+      });
+    }
+    const finalMargin =
+      this.xLayout && autoAdjustXMargin
+        ? mergeMargin(secondMargin, this.xLayout.minMargin)
+        : secondMargin;
+    const innerHeight = Math.max(height - - finalMargin.bottom, minContentHeight);
+    const chartWidth = Math.round(innerWidth + finalMargin.left + finalMargin.right);
+    const chartHeight = Math.round(innerHeight + + finalMargin.bottom);
+    const isOverFlowX = chartWidth > width;
+    const isOverFlowY = chartHeight > height;
+    if (isOverFlowX) {
+      finalMargin.bottom += OVERFLOW_MARGIN;
+    }
+    if (isOverFlowY) {
+      finalMargin.right += OVERFLOW_MARGIN;
+    }
+    this.chartWidth = isOverFlowX ? chartWidth + OVERFLOW_MARGIN : chartWidth;
+    this.chartHeight = isOverFlowY ? chartHeight + OVERFLOW_MARGIN : chartHeight;
+    this.containerWidth = width;
+    this.containerHeight = height;
+    this.margin = finalMargin;
+  }
+  renderChartWithFrame(renderChart: (input: Dimension) => ReactNode) {
+    return (
+      <ChartFrame
+        width={this.containerWidth}
+        height={this.containerHeight}
+        contentWidth={this.chartWidth}
+        contentHeight={this.chartHeight}
+        renderContent={renderChart}
+      />
+    );
+  }
+  renderXAxis(props?: PlainObject) {
+    const { axis } = this.xEncoder;
+    return axis && this.xLayout ? (
+      <XAxis
+        label={axis.getTitle()}
+        labelOffset={this.xLayout.labelOffset}
+        numTicks={axis.config.tickCount}
+        orientation={axis.config.orient}
+        tickComponent={createTickComponent(this.xLayout)}
+        tickFormat={axis.formatValue}
+        {...props}
+      />
+    ) : null;
+  }
+  renderYAxis(props?: PlainObject) {
+    const { axis } = this.yEncoder;
+    return axis && this.yLayout ? (
+      <YAxis
+        label={axis.getTitle()}
+        labelOffset={this.yLayout.labelOffset}
+        numTicks={axis.config.tickCount}
+        orientation={axis.config.orient}
+        tickFormat={axis.formatValue}
+        {...props}
+      />
+    ) : null;
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/computeAxisLayout.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/computeAxisLayout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aa5eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/computeAxisLayout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { getTextDimension, Margin, Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { AxisOrient, ChannelDef, Value } from 'encodable';
+import ChannelEncoderAxis from 'encodable/lib/encoders/ChannelEncoderAxis';
+export interface AxisLayout {
+  axisWidth: number;
+  labelAngle: number;
+  labelFlush: number | boolean;
+  labelOffset: number;
+  labelOverlap: 'flat' | 'rotate';
+  minMargin: Partial<Margin>;
+  orient: AxisOrient;
+  tickLabelDimensions: Dimension[];
+  tickLabels: string[];
+  tickTextAnchor?: string;
+export default function computeAxisLayout<Def extends ChannelDef<Output>, Output extends Value>(
+  axis: ChannelEncoderAxis<Def, Output>,
+  {
+    axisTitleHeight = 20,
+    axisWidth,
+    gapBetweenAxisLabelAndBorder = 4,
+    gapBetweenTickAndTickLabel = 4,
+    defaultTickSize = 8,
+    tickTextStyle = {},
+  }: {
+    axisTitleHeight?: number;
+    axisWidth: number;
+    gapBetweenAxisLabelAndBorder?: number;
+    gapBetweenTickAndTickLabel?: number;
+    defaultTickSize?: number;
+    tickTextStyle?: CSSProperties;
+  },
+): AxisLayout {
+  const tickLabels = axis.getTickLabels();
+  const tickLabelDimensions = string) =>
+    getTextDimension({
+      style: tickTextStyle,
+      text,
+    }),
+  );
+  const {
+    labelAngle,
+    labelFlush,
+    labelOverlap,
+    labelPadding,
+    orient,
+    tickSize = defaultTickSize,
+  } = axis.config;
+  const maxWidth = Math.max( => d.width), 0);
+  // cheap heuristic, can improve
+  const widthPerTick = axisWidth / tickLabels.length;
+  const isLabelOverlap = maxWidth > widthPerTick;
+  const labelAngleIfOverlap = labelOverlap.strategy === 'rotate' ? labelOverlap.labelAngle : 0;
+  const labelAngleAfterOverlapCheck = isLabelOverlap ? labelAngleIfOverlap : 0;
+  const finalLabelAngle = labelAngle === 0 ? labelAngleAfterOverlapCheck : labelAngle;
+  const spaceForAxisTitle = axis.hasTitle() ? labelPadding + axisTitleHeight : 0;
+  let tickTextAnchor = 'middle';
+  let labelOffset = 0;
+  let requiredMargin =
+    tickSize + gapBetweenTickAndTickLabel + spaceForAxisTitle + gapBetweenAxisLabelAndBorder;
+  if (axis.channelEncoder.isX()) {
+    if (finalLabelAngle === 0) {
+      const labelHeight = tickLabelDimensions.length > 0 ? tickLabelDimensions[0].height : 0;
+      labelOffset = labelHeight + labelPadding;
+      requiredMargin += labelHeight;
+    } else {
+      const labelHeight = Math.ceil(
+        Math.abs(maxWidth * Math.sin((finalLabelAngle * Math.PI) / 180)),
+      );
+      labelOffset = labelHeight + labelPadding;
+      requiredMargin += labelHeight;
+      tickTextAnchor =
+        (orient === 'top' && finalLabelAngle > 0) || (orient === 'bottom' && finalLabelAngle < 0)
+          ? 'end'
+          : 'start';
+    }
+    requiredMargin += 8;
+  } else {
+    labelOffset = maxWidth + spaceForAxisTitle;
+    requiredMargin += maxWidth;
+  }
+  return {
+    axisWidth,
+    labelAngle: finalLabelAngle,
+    labelFlush,
+    labelOffset,
+    labelOverlap: isLabelOverlap ? labelOverlap.strategy : 'flat',
+    minMargin: {
+      [orient]: Math.ceil(requiredMargin),
+    },
+    orient,
+    tickLabelDimensions,
+    tickLabels,
+    tickTextAnchor,
+  };
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3932af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/convertScaleToDataUIScaleShape.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { Value, ScaleConfig } from 'encodable';
+type DataUIScaleType = 'time' | 'timeUtc' | 'linear' | 'band';
+interface DataUIScale {
+  type: DataUIScaleType;
+  domain?: number[] | string[];
+  includeZero?: boolean;
+  nice?: boolean;
+  paddingInner?: number;
+  paddingOuter?: number;
+  range?: number[] | string[];
+  rangeRound?: number[] | string[];
+function isCompatibleDomainOrRange(
+  array: ScaleConfig['domain'] | ScaleConfig['range'],
+): array is number[] | string[] {
+  return (
+    typeof array !== 'undefined' &&
+    array.length > 0 &&
+    (typeof array[0] === 'string' || typeof array[0] === 'number')
+  );
+ * Convert encodeable scale object into @data-ui's scale config
+ * @param scale
+ */
+export default function convertScaleToDataUIScale<Output extends Value>(
+  scale: ScaleConfig<Output>,
+) {
+  const { type, domain, range } = scale;
+  let outputType: DataUIScaleType;
+  if (type === 'linear' || type === 'time' || type === 'band') {
+    outputType = type;
+  } else if (type === 'utc') {
+    outputType = 'timeUtc';
+  } else {
+    throw new Error(`Unsupported scale type: ${type}`);
+  }
+  const output: DataUIScale = { type: outputType };
+  if (isCompatibleDomainOrRange(domain)) {
+    output.domain = domain;
+  }
+  if (isCompatibleDomainOrRange(range)) {
+    output.range = range;
+  }
+  if ('nice' in scale && typeof scale.nice === 'boolean') {
+    output.nice = scale.nice;
+  }
+  if ('paddingInner' in scale && typeof scale.paddingInner !== 'undefined') {
+    output.paddingInner = scale.paddingInner;
+  }
+  if ('paddingOuter' in scale && typeof scale.paddingOuter !== 'undefined') {
+    output.paddingOuter = scale.paddingOuter;
+  }
+  return output;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createMarginSelector.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createMarginSelector.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba8ef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createMarginSelector.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
+import { Margin } from '@superset-ui/core';
+export const DEFAULT_MARGIN = { bottom: 16, left: 16, right: 16, top: 16 };
+export default function createMarginSelector(defaultMargin: Margin = DEFAULT_MARGIN) {
+  return createSelector(
+    (margin: Partial<Margin>) => margin.bottom,
+    margin => margin.left,
+    margin => margin.right,
+    margin =>,
+    (
+      bottom = defaultMargin.bottom,
+      left = defaultMargin.left,
+      right = defaultMargin.right,
+      top =,
+    ) => ({
+      bottom,
+      left,
+      right,
+      top,
+    }),
+  );
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickComponent.tsx b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickComponent.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893851a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickComponent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
+import { Dimension } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import { AxisLayout } from './computeAxisLayout';
+export default function createTickComponent({
+  axisWidth,
+  labelAngle,
+  labelFlush,
+  labelOverlap,
+  orient,
+  tickLabels,
+  tickLabelDimensions,
+  tickTextAnchor = 'middle',
+}: AxisLayout) {
+  if (labelOverlap === 'rotate' && labelAngle !== 0) {
+    let xOffset = labelAngle > 0 ? -6 : 6;
+    if (orient === 'top') {
+      xOffset = 0;
+    }
+    const yOffset = orient === 'top' ? -3 : 0;
+    return ({
+      x,
+      y,
+      formattedValue = '',
+      ...textStyle
+    }: {
+      x: number;
+      y: number;
+      dy?: number;
+      formattedValue: string;
+      textStyle: CSSProperties;
+    }) => (
+      <g transform={`translate(${x + xOffset}, ${y + yOffset})`}>
+        <text transform={`rotate(${labelAngle})`} {...textStyle} textAnchor={tickTextAnchor}>
+          {formattedValue}
+        </text>
+      </g>
+    );
+  }
+  if (labelFlush === true || typeof labelFlush === 'number') {
+    const labelToDimensionMap = new Map<string, Dimension>();
+    tickLabels.forEach((label, i) => {
+      labelToDimensionMap.set(label, tickLabelDimensions[i]);
+    });
+    return ({
+      x,
+      y,
+      formattedValue = '',
+      ...textStyle
+    }: {
+      x: number;
+      y: number;
+      dy?: number;
+      formattedValue: string;
+      textStyle: CSSProperties;
+    }) => {
+      const dimension = labelToDimensionMap.get(formattedValue);
+      const labelWidth = typeof dimension === 'undefined' ? 0 : dimension.width;
+      let textAnchor = tickTextAnchor;
+      let xOffset = 0;
+      if (x - labelWidth / 2 < 0) {
+        textAnchor = 'start';
+        if (typeof labelFlush === 'number') {
+          xOffset -= labelFlush;
+        }
+      } else if (x + labelWidth / 2 > axisWidth) {
+        textAnchor = 'end';
+        if (typeof labelFlush === 'number') {
+          xOffset += labelFlush;
+        }
+      }
+      return (
+        <text x={x + xOffset} y={y} {...textStyle} textAnchor={textAnchor}>
+          {formattedValue}
+        </text>
+      );
+    };
+  }
+  // This will render the tick as horizontal string.
+  return null;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickLabelProps.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickLabelProps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e74d9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createTickLabelProps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// export default function createTickLabelProps({
+//   labelAngle,
+//   labelOverlap,
+//   orient,
+//   tickTextAnchor = 'start',
+// }: {
+//   labelAngle: number;
+//   labelOverlap: string;
+//   orient: string;
+//   tickTextAnchor?: string;
+// }) {
+//   let dx = 0;
+//   let dy = 0;
+//   if (labelOverlap === 'rotate' && labelAngle !== 0) {
+//     dx = labelAngle > 0 ? -6 : 6;
+//     if (orient === 'top') {
+//       dx = 0;
+//     }
+//     dy = orient === 'top' ? -3 : 0;
+//   }
+//   return {
+//     angle: labelAngle,
+//     dx,
+//     dy,
+//     textAnchor: tickTextAnchor,
+//   };
+// }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e42a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/utils/createXYChartLayoutWithTheme.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { ChartTheme } from '@data-ui/theme';
+import { Value } from 'encodable';
+import XYChartLayout, { XYChartLayoutConfig } from './XYChartLayout';
+export default function createXYChartLayoutWithTheme<XOutput extends Value, YOutput extends Value>(
+  config: XYChartLayoutConfig<XOutput, YOutput> & {
+    theme: ChartTheme;
+  },
+) {
+  const { theme, } = config;
+  return new XYChartLayout<XOutput, YOutput>({
+    // @ts-ignore
+    xTickSize: theme.xTickStyles.length || theme.xTickStyles.tickLength,
+    xTickTextStyle: theme.xTickStyles.label.bottom ||,
+    // @ts-ignore
+    yTickSize: theme.yTickStyles.length || theme.yTickStyles.tickLength,
+    yTickTextStyle: theme.yTickStyles.label.left || theme.yTickStyles.label.right,
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/index.test.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/index.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b51c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/index.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import {
+  LegacyScatterPlotChartPlugin,
+  ScatterPlotChartPlugin,
+  LegacyLineChartPlugin,
+  LineChartPlugin,
+  LegacyBoxPlotChartPlugin,
+  BoxPlotChartPlugin,
+} from '../src';
+describe('index', () => {
+  it('exports ScatterPlot', () => {
+    expect(ScatterPlotChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports Line', () => {
+    expect(LineChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports BoxPlot', () => {
+    expect(BoxPlotChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports legacy ScatterPlot', () => {
+    expect(LegacyScatterPlotChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports legacy Line', () => {
+    expect(LegacyLineChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  it('exports legacy BoxPlot', () => {
+    expect(LegacyBoxPlotChartPlugin).toBeDefined();
+  });
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014c546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/test/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "composite": false,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": false,
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "rootDir": "."
+  },
+  "extends": "../../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "**/*",
+    "../types/**/*",
+    "../../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": ".."
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "declarationDir": "lib",
+    "outDir": "lib",
+    "rootDir": "src"
+  },
+  "exclude": [
+    "lib",
+    "test"
+  ],
+  "extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "src/**/*",
+    "types/**/*",
+    "../../types/**/*"
+  ],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "../../packages/superset-ui-core"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/theme/index.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/theme/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4026281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/theme/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+declare module '@data-ui/theme' {
+  type SvgLabelTextStyle = {
+    fontFamily: string;
+    fontSize: number;
+    fontWeight: number;
+    letterSpacing: number;
+    fill: string;
+    stroke: string;
+    textAnchor?:
+      | '-moz-initial'
+      | 'inherit'
+      | 'initial'
+      | 'revert'
+      | 'unset'
+      | 'end'
+      | 'start'
+      | 'middle';
+    pointerEvents?:
+      | '-moz-initial'
+      | 'inherit'
+      | 'initial'
+      | 'revert'
+      | 'unset'
+      | 'auto'
+      | 'none'
+      | 'visible'
+      | 'all'
+      | 'fill'
+      | 'stroke'
+      | 'painted'
+      | 'visibleFill'
+      | 'visiblePainted'
+      | 'visibleStroke';
+  };
+  export interface ChartTheme {
+    colors: {
+      default: string;
+      dark: string;
+      light: string;
+      disabled: string;
+      lightDisabled: string;
+      text: string;
+      black: string;
+      darkGray: string;
+      lightGray: string;
+      grid: string;
+      gridDark: string;
+      label: string;
+      tickLabel: string;
+      grays: string[];
+      categories: string[];
+    };
+    labelStyles: SvgLabelTextStyle & {
+      color: string;
+      lineHeight: string;
+      paddingBottom: number;
+      paddingTop: number;
+    };
+    gridStyles: {
+      stroke: string;
+      strokeWidth: number;
+    };
+    xAxisStyles: {
+      stroke: string;
+      strokeWidth: number;
+      label: {
+        bottom: SvgLabelTextStyle;
+        top: SvgLabelTextStyle;
+      };
+    };
+    xTickStyles: {
+      stroke: string;
+      length: number;
+      label: {
+        bottom: SvgLabelTextStyle & {
+          dy: string;
+        };
+        top: SvgLabelTextStyle & {
+          dy: string;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    yAxisStyles: {
+      stroke: string;
+      strokeWidth: number;
+      label: {
+        left: SvgLabelTextStyle;
+        right: SvgLabelTextStyle;
+      };
+    };
+    yTickStyles: {
+      stroke: string;
+      length: number;
+      label: {
+        left: SvgLabelTextStyle & {
+          dx: string;
+          dy: string;
+        };
+        right: SvgLabelTextStyle & {
+          dx: string;
+          dy: string;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  }
+  export const chartTheme: ChartTheme;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/xy-chart/index.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/xy-chart/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339eb14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/@data-ui/xy-chart/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+declare module '@data-ui/xy-chart' {
+  import React from 'react';
+  type Props = {
+    [key: string]: any;
+  };
+  interface XYChartProps {
+    width: number;
+    height: number;
+    ariaLabel: string;
+    eventTrigger?: any;
+    margin?: {
+      top?: number;
+      right?: number;
+      bottom?: number;
+      left?: number;
+    };
+    onMouseMove?: (...args: any[]) => void;
+    onMouseLeave?: (...args: any[]) => void;
+    renderTooltip: any;
+    showYGrid?: boolean;
+    snapTooltipToDataX?: boolean;
+    theme?: any;
+    tooltipData?: any;
+    xScale: any;
+    yScale: any;
+  }
+  export class AreaSeries extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class BoxPlotSeries extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class CrossHair extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class LinearGradient extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class LineSeries extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class PointSeries extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class WithTooltip extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class XYChart extends React.PureComponent<XYChartProps, {}> {}
+  export class XAxis extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
+  export class YAxis extends React.PureComponent<Props, {}> {}
diff --git a/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/external.d.ts b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/external.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0935dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/types/external.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module '*.png' {
+  const value: any;
+  export default value;
diff --git a/superset-frontend/scripts/build.js b/superset-frontend/scripts/build.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac46273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/scripts/build.js
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/bin/env node
+/* eslint-disable no-console */
+ * Build packages/plugins filtered by globs
+ */
+process.env.PATH = `./node_modules/.bin:${process.env.PATH}`;
+const rimraf = require('rimraf');
+const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
+const fastGlob = require('fast-glob');
+const { argv } = require('yargs')
+  .option('lint', {
+    describe: 'whether to run ESLint',
+    type: 'boolean',
+    // lint is slow, so not turning it on by default
+    default: false,
+  })
+  .option('babel', {
+    describe: 'Whether to run Babel',
+    type: 'boolean',
+    default: true,
+  })
+  .option('clean', {
+    describe: 'Whether to clean cache',
+    type: 'boolean',
+    default: false,
+  })
+  .option('type', {
+    describe: 'Whether to run tsc',
+    type: 'boolean',
+    default: true,
+  });
+const {
+  _: globs,
+  lint: shouldLint,
+  babel: shouldRunBabel,
+  clean: shouldCleanup,
+  type: shouldRunTyping,
+} = argv;
+const glob = globs.length > 1 ? `{${globs.join(',')}}` : globs[0] || '*';
+const BABEL_CONFIG = '--config-file=../../babel.config.js';
+// packages that do not need tsc
+const META_PACKAGES = new Set(['demo', 'generator-superset']);
+function run(cmd, options) {
+  console.log(`\n>> ${cmd}\n`);
+  const [p, ...args] = cmd.split(' ');
+  const runner = spawnSync;
+  const { status } = runner(p, args, { stdio: 'inherit', ...options });
+  if (status !== 0) {
+    process.exit(status);
+  }
+function getPackages(packagePattern, tsOnly = false) {
+  let pattern = packagePattern;
+  if (pattern === '*' && !tsOnly) {
+    return `@superset-ui/!(${[...META_PACKAGES].join('|')})`;
+  }
+  if (!pattern.includes('*')) {
+    pattern = `*${pattern}`;
+  }
+  const packages = [
+ Set(
+      fastGlob
+        .sync([
+          `./node_modules/@superset-ui/${pattern}/src/**/*.${
+            tsOnly ? '{ts,tsx}' : '{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'
+          }`,
+        ])
+        .map(x => x.split('/')[3])
+        .filter(x => !META_PACKAGES.has(x)),
+    ),
+  ];
+  if (packages.length === 0) {
+    throw new Error('No matching packages');
+  }
+  return `@superset-ui/${packages.length > 1 ? `{${packages.join(',')}}` : packages[0]}`;
+let scope = getPackages(glob);
+if (shouldLint) {
+  run(`yarn lint --fix {packages,plugins}/${scope}/{src,test}`);
+if (shouldCleanup) {
+  // these modules will be installed by `npm link` but not useful for actual build
+  const dirtyModules = 'node_modules/@types/react,node_modules/@superset-ui';
+  const cachePath = shouldRunBabel
+    ? `./node_modules/${scope}/{lib,esm,tsconfig.tsbuildinfo,${dirtyModules}}`
+    : `./node_modules/${scope}/{lib/**/*.d.ts,tsconfig.tsbuildinfo,${dirtyModules}}`;
+  console.log(`\n>> Cleaning up ${cachePath}`);
+  rimraf.sync(cachePath);
+if (shouldRunBabel) {
+  console.log('--- Run babel --------');
+  const babelCommand = `lerna exec --stream --concurrency 10 --scope ${scope}
+         -- babel ${BABEL_CONFIG} src --extensions ".ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx" --copy-files`;
+  run(`${babelCommand} --out-dir lib`);
+  console.log('--- Run babel esm ---');
+  // run again with
+  run(`${babelCommand} --out-dir esm`, { env: { ...process.env, BABEL_OUTPUT: 'esm' } });
+if (shouldRunTyping) {
+  // only run tsc for packages with ts files
+  scope = getPackages(glob, true);
+  run(`lerna exec --stream --concurrency 3 --scope ${scope} \
+       -- ../../scripts/ --build`);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/scripts/commitlint.js b/superset-frontend/scripts/commitlint.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cef3392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/scripts/commitlint.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+ * Check commit messages only for the first commit in branch.
+ */
+const { execSync, spawnSync } = require('child_process');
+const envVariable = process.argv[2] || 'GIT_PARAMS';
+if (!envVariable || !process.env[envVariable]) {
+  process.stdout.write(`Please provide a commit message via \`${envVariable}={Your Message}\`.\n`);
+  process.exit(0);
+if (execSync('git rev-list --count HEAD ^master', { encoding: 'utf-8' }).trim() === '0') {
+  const { status } = spawnSync(`commitlint`, ['-E', envVariable], { stdio: 'inherit' });
+  process.exit(status);
diff --git a/superset-frontend/scripts/copyAssets.js b/superset-frontend/scripts/copyAssets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9ea7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/scripts/copyAssets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/bin/env node
+/* eslint-disable no-console */
+const fg = require('fast-glob');
+const fs = require('fs-extra');
+const pkgGlob = process.argv[2] || '*';
+const packages = fg.sync([`{packages,plugins}/${pkgGlob}`], {
+  onlyDirectories: true,
+console.log('Copying asset files from package {src} to {lib,esm}...');
+packages.forEach(pkg => {
+  const assets = fg.sync([`${pkg}/src/**/*.{png,gif,jpg,css,geojson}`]);
+  assets.forEach(filePath => {
+    ['lib', 'esm']
+      .map(dir => filePath.replace(`${pkg}/src`, `${pkg}/${dir}`))
+      .forEach(newFilePath => {
+        fs.copy(filePath, newFilePath, err => {
+          if (err) {
+            console.error(err);
+          }
+        });
+      });
+  });
+  if (assets.length > 0) {
+    console.log(
+      `  Copied ${assets.length.toString().padStart(2)} asset files for ${pkg.replace(
+        'packages/superset-ui-',
+        '',
+      )}`,
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/scripts/ b/superset-frontend/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa86a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+startTime=$(node -e 'console.log(')
+tscExitCode=$(tsc "$@")
+duration=$(node -e "console.log('%ss', ( - $startTime) / 1000)")
+if [ ! "$tscExitCode" ]; then
+  echo "compiled in ${duration}"
+  exit "$tscExitCode"
diff --git a/superset-frontend/test/enzyme.tsx b/superset-frontend/test/enzyme.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b89e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/test/enzyme.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React, { ReactElement } from 'react';
+import { shallow as enzymeShallow, mount as enzymeMount } from 'enzyme';
+import { supersetTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@superset-ui/core';
+type optionsType = {
+  wrappingComponentProps?: any;
+  wrappingComponent?: ReactElement;
+  context?: any;
+export function ProviderWrapper(props: any) {
+  const { children, theme } = props;
+  return <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>;
+export function mount(component: ReactElement, options: optionsType = {}) {
+  return enzymeMount(component, {
+    ...options,
+    wrappingComponent: ProviderWrapper,
+    wrappingComponentProps: {
+      theme: supersetTheme,
+      ...options?.wrappingComponentProps,
+    },
+  });
+export function shallow(component: ReactElement, options: optionsType = {}) {
+  return enzymeShallow(component, {
+    ...options,
+    wrappingComponent: ProviderWrapper,
+    wrappingComponentProps: {
+      theme: supersetTheme,
+      ...options?.wrappingComponentProps,
+    },
+  }).dive();
diff --git a/superset-frontend/test/setup.ts b/superset-frontend/test/setup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..778ae50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/test/setup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { configure } from '@superset-ui/core';
+import CacheStorage from './shims/CacheStorage';
+// @ts-ignore
+global.caches = new CacheStorage();
diff --git a/superset-frontend/test/shims/Cache.ts b/superset-frontend/test/shims/Cache.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79af5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/test/shims/Cache.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+export const caches = {};
+export default class Cache {
+  cache: object;
+  constructor(key: string) {
+    caches[key] = caches[key] || {};
+    this.cache = caches[key];
+  }
+  match(url: string): Promise<Response | undefined> {
+    return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this.cache[url]));
+  }
+  delete(url: string): Promise<boolean> {
+    delete this.cache[url];
+    return new Promise(resolve => resolve(true));
+  }
+  put(url: string, response: Response): Promise<void> {
+    this.cache[url] = response;
+    return Promise.resolve();
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/test/shims/CacheStorage.ts b/superset-frontend/test/shims/CacheStorage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e2c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/test/shims/CacheStorage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import Cache, { caches } from './Cache';
+export default class CacheStorage {
+  open(key: string): Promise<Cache> {
+    return new Promise(resolve => {
+      resolve(new Cache(key));
+    });
+  }
+  delete(key: string): Promise<boolean> {
+    const wasPresent = key in caches;
+    if (wasPresent) {
+      delete caches[key];
+    }
+    return Promise.resolve(wasPresent);
+  }
diff --git a/superset-frontend/tsconfig.eslint.json b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.eslint.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..007c8aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.eslint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  "extends": "./tsconfig.options.json",
+  "include": [
+    "types/**/*",
+    "packages/*/src/**/*",
+    "packages/*/test/**/*",
+    "packages/*/types/**/*",
+    "plugins/*/src/**/*",
+    "plugins/*/test/**/*",
+    "plugins/*/types/**/*"
+  ]
diff --git a/superset-frontend/tsconfig.json b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.json
index 0940343..305fced 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/tsconfig.json
+++ b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.json
@@ -1,48 +1,126 @@
-  "compilerOptions": {
-    "allowJs": true,
-    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
-    "baseUrl": ".",
-    "esModuleInterop": false,
-    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
-    "importHelpers": false,
-    "jsx": "preserve",
-    "lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
-    "module": "esnext",
-    "moduleResolution": "node",
-    "noImplicitAny": true,
-    "noImplicitReturns": true,
-    "noImplicitThis": true,
-    "noUnusedLocals": true,
-    "outDir": "./dist",
-    "pretty": true,
-    "paths": {
-      "@superset-ui/core": [
-        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/core/src",
-        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/core"
-      ],
-      "@superset-ui/chart-controls": [
-        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/chart-controls/src",
-        "./node_modules/@superset-ui/chart-controls"
-      ],
-      // for supressing errors caused by incompatible @types/react when `npm link`
-      // Ref:
-      "react": ["./node_modules/@types/react", "react"]
+  "files": [],
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "packages/superset-ui-chart-controls"
-    "skipLibCheck": true,
-    "sourceMap": true,
-    "strictNullChecks": true,
-    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
-    "target": "esnext"
-  },
-  "include": [
-    "./src/**/*",
-    "./spec/**/*",
-    // include the source code of each plugin
-    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/src/**/*",
-    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/types/**/*",
-    // and the type defs of their dependencies
-    "./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/node_modules/**/*.d.ts"
+    {
+      "path": "packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/superset-ui-core"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "packages/superset-ui-core/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-time-table"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-choropleth-map/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-echarts"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-table"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-table/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/test"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/preset-chart-xy"
+    },
+    {
+      "path": "plugins/preset-chart-xy/test"
+    }
-  "exclude": ["./node_modules/*superset-ui*/**/node_modules/@superset-ui/**/*"]
+  "extends": "./tsconfig.options.json"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/tsconfig.options.json b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.options.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d9a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/tsconfig.options.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+    "declaration": true,
+    "esModuleInterop": true,
+    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
+    "isolatedModules": false,
+    "jsx": "react",
+    "lib": [
+      "dom",
+      "esnext"
+    ],
+    "module": "esnext",
+    "moduleResolution": "node",
+    "noEmitOnError": true,
+    "noImplicitReturns": true,
+    "noUnusedLocals": true,
+    "pretty": true,
+    "removeComments": false,
+    "strict": true,
+    "target": "es2015",
+    "useDefineForClassFields": false,
+    "composite": true,
+    "declarationMap": true,
+    "rootDir": ".",
+    "skipLibCheck": true,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": true,
+    "resolveJsonModule": true,
+    "typeRoots": [
+      "./node_modules/@types"
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/superset-frontend/yarn.lock b/superset-frontend/yarn.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba12d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset-frontend/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,28763 @@
+# yarn lockfile v1
+  version "1.2.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-ZQYitnqiyBc3D+k7LsgSBmMDVkOVidaagDG7j3fOym77jNunWRuYx7VSHa9GNfFZh+zh61xsCjRj4JxMZlDqTA==
+  version "4.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-Ej/Y2E+VV6sR9X7pWL5F3VgEWrABaT292DRqRU6R4hnQjPtC/zD3nagxVdXWiRQvYDh8kHXo7IDmG42eJ/dOMA==
+  dependencies:
+    "@actions/http-client" "^1.0.8"
+    "@octokit/core" "^3.0.0"
+    "@octokit/plugin-paginate-rest" "^2.2.3"
+    "@octokit/plugin-rest-endpoint-methods" "^4.0.0"
+  version "1.0.9"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-0O4SsJ7q+MK0ycvXPl2e6bMXV7dxAXOGjrXS1eTF9s2S401Tp6c/P3c3Joz04QefC1J6Gt942Wl2jbm3f4mLcg==
+  dependencies:
+    tunnel "0.0.6"
+  version "3.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-pznP4jI9r17lb8W9+3EMmsFQRD18JjDZVwxCleZ1wWKpirVHZuKuXruXiJhCkGHR8pkPRda3P9WMzq7qc9GIEA==
+  dependencies:
+    "@airbnb/nimbus-common" "^3.0.1"
+    "@babel/cli" "^7.8.4"
+    "@babel/core" "^7.9.0"
+    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties" "^7.8.3"
+    "@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self" "^7.9.0"
+    "@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source" "^7.9.0"
+    "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" "^7.9.0"
+    "@babel/preset-env" "^7.9.0"
+    "@babel/preset-react" "^7.9.4"
+    "@babel/preset-typescript" "^7.9.0"
+    "@beemo/core" "^1.1.6"
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+    es-abstract "^1.17.0"
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+  version "4.10.1"
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+    del "^4.1.1"
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+  integrity sha1-T6kXw+WclKAEzWH47lCdplFocUM=
+  version "2.2.0"
+  resolved ""
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+cli-cursor@^2.0.0, cli-cursor@^2.1.0:
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-s12sN2R5+sw+lHR9QdDQ9SOP/LU=
+  dependencies:
+    restore-cursor "^2.0.0"
+  version "3.1.0"
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+  integrity sha512-I/zHAwsKf9FqGoXM4WWRACob9+SNukZTd94DWF57E4toouRulbCxcUh6RKUEOQlYTHJnzkPMySvPNaaSLNfLZw==
+  dependencies:
+    restore-cursor "^3.1.0"
+  version "0.5.1"
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+  dependencies:
+    object-assign "^4.1.0"
+    string-width "^2.1.1"
+  optionalDependencies:
+    colors "^1.1.2"
+  version "0.6.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    object-assign "^4.1.0"
+    string-width "^4.2.0"
+  optionalDependencies:
+    colors "^1.1.2"
+  version "0.3.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-9TsFJmqLGguTSz0IIebi3FkUriM=
+  dependencies:
+    colors "1.0.3"
+cli-truncate@2.1.0, cli-truncate@^2.1.0:
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+    slice-ansi "^3.0.0"
+    string-width "^4.2.0"
+  version "0.2.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-nxXPuwcFAFNpIWxiasfQWrkN1XQ=
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+    slice-ansi "0.0.4"
+    string-width "^1.0.1"
+  version "2.2.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-/xnt6Kml5XkyQUewwR8PvLq+1jk=
+  version "2.0.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-g5zbiixBRk/wyKakSwCKd7vQXDjFnAMGHoEyBogG/bw9kTD9GvdAvaoRR1ALcEzt3pVKxZR0pViekPMIS0QyGg==
+  dependencies:
+    good-listener "^1.2.2"
+    select "^1.1.2"
+    tiny-emitter "^2.0.0"
+  version "4.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-4FG+RSG9DL7uEwRUZXZn3SS34DiDPfzP0VOiEwtUWlE+AR2EIg+hSyvrIgUUfhdgR/UkAeW2QHgeP+hWrXs7jQ==
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+    string-width "^2.1.1"
+    strip-ansi "^4.0.0"
+    wrap-ansi "^2.0.0"
+  version "5.0.0"
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+    strip-ansi "^5.2.0"
+    wrap-ansi "^5.1.0"
+  version "6.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+    string-width "^4.2.0"
+    strip-ansi "^6.0.0"
+    wrap-ansi "^6.2.0"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-4+JbIHrE5wGvch4staFnksrD3Fg=
+  version "0.2.4"
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+  dependencies:
+    for-own "^0.1.3"
+    is-plain-object "^2.0.1"
+    kind-of "^3.0.2"
+    lazy-cache "^1.0.3"
+    shallow-clone "^0.1.2"
+  version "4.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-neHB9xuzh/wk0dIHweyAXv2aPGZIVk3pLMe+/RNzINf17fe0OG96QroktYAUm7SM1PBnzTabaLboqqxDyMU+SQ==
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+clone@^1.0.0, clone@^1.0.2:
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-2jCcwmPfFZlMaIypAheco8fNfH4=
+  version "2.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-G39Ln1kfHo+DZwQBYANFoCiHQ18=
+  version "1.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-2EF8zTQOxYq70Y4XKtorQupqF0m49MBz2/yf5Bj+MHjvpG3Hy7sImifnqD6UA+TKYxeSV+u6qqQPawN5UvnpKQ==
+  dependencies:
+    inherits "^2.0.1"
+    process-nextick-args "^2.0.0"
+    readable-stream "^2.3.5"
+  version "1.1.1"
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+  version "4.6.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-bqa989hTrlTMuOR7+gvz+QMfsYQ=
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+    "@types/q" "^1.5.1"
+    chalk "^2.4.1"
+    q "^1.1.2"
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-VKIhJgvk8E1W28m5avZ2Gv2Ruv5YiF56ug2oclvaG9md69BuZImMG2sk9g7QNKLUbtYAKQjXjYxbYZVUlMMKmQ==
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
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+    object-visit "^1.0.0"
+color-convert@^1.9.0, color-convert@^1.9.1:
+  version "1.9.3"
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+  dependencies:
+    color-name "1.1.3"
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    color-name "~1.1.4"
+  version "1.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-p9BVi9icQveV3UIyj3QIMcpTvCU=
+color-name@^1.0.0, color-name@~1.1.4:
+  version "1.1.4"
+  resolved ""
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+    simple-swizzle "^0.2.2"
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+    color-convert "^1.9.1"
+    color-string "^1.5.4"
+  version "1.2.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-BDP0TYCWgP3rYO0mDxsMJi6CpAs=
+  version "1.4.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-a+UqTh4kgZg/SlGvfbzDHpgRu7AAQOmmqRHJnxhRZICKFUT91brVhNNt58CMWU9PsBbv3PDCZUHbVxuDiH2mtA==
+  version "1.5.4"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    strip-ansi "^3.0.0"
+    wcwidth "^1.0.0"
+combined-stream@^1.0.6, combined-stream@^1.0.8, combined-stream@~1.0.6:
+  version "1.0.8"
+  resolved ""
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+    delayed-stream "~1.0.0"
+  version "1.0.8"
+  resolved ""
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+commander@2, commander@^2.18.0, commander@^2.19.0, commander@^2.20.0, commander@^2.20.3, commander@~2.20.3:
+  version "2.20.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-GpVkmM8vF2vQUkj2LvZmD35JxeJOLCwJ9cUkugyk2nuhbv3+mJvpLYYt+0+USMxE+oj+ey/lJEnhZw75x/OMcQ==
+commander@^4.0.1, commander@^4.1.1:
+  version "4.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NOKm8xhkzAjzFx8B2v5OAHT+u5pRQc2UCa2Vq9jYL/31o2wi9mxBA7LIFs3sV5VSC49z6pEhfbMULvShKj26WA==
+commander@^5.0.0, commander@^5.1.0:
+  version "5.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "3.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-eD0uTUsogu8ksFjFFYq75LLfXeLXsCIa27TPfOqvBI+tCx1Pp5QfKqC9oC+qTpSz3nTn9/+7TL5mE/wurB22JQ==
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+    dedent "0.7.0"
+    detect-indent "^5.0.0"
+    find-node-modules "2.0.0"
+    find-root "1.1.0"
+    fs-extra "^7.0.0"
+    glob "7.1.3"
+    inquirer "6.2.0"
+    is-utf8 "^0.2.1"
+    lodash "4.17.14"
+    minimist "1.2.0"
+    shelljs "0.7.6"
+    strip-bom "3.0.0"
+    strip-json-comments "2.0.1"
+  version "1.8.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-3dgA2gxmEnOTzKWVDqloo6rxJTs=
+  version "1.3.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
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+    dot-prop "^3.0.0"
+  version "3.6.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.0.11"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-6IArJLApNtdg1P1dFtn3dnyzoZBEF0MwMnrfF1exSBRpZYoy4yieMkpZhQDC0uwctw48vii0CFVyHfpgZ/DfGw==
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+  version "2.0.18"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-AF3r7P5dWxL8MxyITRMlORQNaOA2IkAFaTr4k7BUumjPtRpGDTZpl0Pb1XCO6JeDCBdp126Cgs9sMxqSjgYyRg==
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-jaSIDzP9pZVS4ZfQ+TzvtiWhdpFhE2RDHz8QJkpX9SIpLq88VueF5jJw6t+6CUQcAoA6t+x89MLrWAqpfDE8iQ==
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+    vary "~1.1.2"
+  version "1.0.16"
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+  version "0.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+concat-stream@^1.5.0, concat-stream@~1.6.0:
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+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    buffer-from "^1.0.0"
+    inherits "^2.0.3"
+    readable-stream "^2.2.2"
+    typedarray "^0.0.6"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+    inherits "^2.0.3"
+    readable-stream "^3.0.2"
+    typedarray "^0.0.6"
+config-chain@^1.1.11, config-chain@^1.1.12:
+  version "1.1.12"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-a1eOIcu8+7lUInge4Rpf/n4Krkf3Dd9lqhljRzII1/Zno/kRtUWnznPO3jOKBmTEktkt3fkxisUcivoj0ebzoA==
+  dependencies:
+    ini "^1.3.4"
+    proto-list "~1.2.1"
+  version "1.0.10"
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+  version "1.2.0"
+  resolved ""
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+console-control-strings@^1.0.0, console-control-strings@~1.1.0:
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    snake-case "^2.1.0"
+    upper-case "^1.1.1"
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+  version "0.1.0"
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+  version "0.5.3"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.6.6"
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+    q "^1.5.1"
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+  version "5.0.6"
+  resolved ""
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+    q "^1.5.1"
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+    conventional-changelog "^3.1.18"
+    lodash "^4.17.15"
+    meow "^5.0.0"
+    tempfile "^3.0.0"
+  version "2.0.3"
+  resolved ""
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+    lodash "^4.17.15"
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+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.10"
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+    number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
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+  version "1.14.1"
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+    assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+data-urls@^1.0.0, data-urls@^1.1.0:
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+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+debug@^4.0.1, debug@^4.1.0, debug@^4.1.1:
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+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    ms "^2.1.1"
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+    ms "2.1.2"
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+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
+    "" "7.1.11"
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "0.7.0"
+  resolved ""
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+    regexp.prototype.flags "^1.2.0"
+  version "0.6.0"
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+  version "0.1.3"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.5.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "4.2.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+    ip-regex "^2.1.0"
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+    is-descriptor "^0.1.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "26.6.2"
+  resolved ""
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+diff@^4.0.1, diff@^4.0.2:
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+    randombytes "^2.0.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
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+    arrify "^1.0.1"
+    path-type "^3.0.0"
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+    path-type "^3.0.0"
+  version "3.0.1"
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-44Mx8IRLukm5qctxx3FYWqsbxlo=
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+    mathfn "^1.0.0"
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+    "@react-dnd/invariant" "^2.0.0"
+    redux "^4.0.4"
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+    dnode-protocol "~0.2.2"
+    jsonify "~0.0.0"
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+  version "1.0.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+    ip "^1.1.0"
+    safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
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+    buffer-indexof "^1.0.0"
+  version "1.5.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-N53Ocw9hZvds76TmcHoVmwLFpvo=
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+    isarray "^1.0.0"
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+    esutils "^2.0.2"
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+    esutils "^2.0.2"
+  version "0.5.4"
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+  version "1.12.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+    "@babel/runtime" "^7.1.2"
+  version "5.1.4"
+  resolved ""
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+    "@babel/runtime" "^7.8.7"
+    csstype "^2.6.7"
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+    csstype "^3.0.2"
+  version "0.2.2"
+  resolved ""
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+    entities "^2.0.0"
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+  version "1.3.1"
+  resolved ""
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+    webidl-conversions "^4.0.2"
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+    domelementtype "^2.1.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    no-case "^2.2.0"
+  version "3.0.3"
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+    tslib "^1.10.0"
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+    is-obj "^1.0.0"
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+    is-obj "^1.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
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+  version "5.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    dotenv-defaults "^1.0.2"
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+  version "8.2.0"
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+    prop-types "^15.7.2"
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+  resolved ""
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+    stream-shift "^1.0.0"
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+    semver "^6.3.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+  integrity sha512-phJfQVBuaJM5raOpJjSfkiD6BpbCE4Ns//LaXl6wGYtUBY83nWS6Rf9tXm2e8VaK60JEjYldbPif/A2B1C2gNA==
+  dependencies:
+    loose-envify "^1.0.0"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-EEqOSqym09jNFXqO+L+rLXo//bY=
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-JzF8q2BeZA1ZkE3XROwRpoMQ9ObMgTtp0JH8EXewlbkikuOj2GPLIpUipdO+VL8QsTr2teAJD02EFGGL5cO7uw==
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-+ni/XS5pE8kRzp+BnuUUa7bYROk=
+ip@1.1.5, ip@^1.1.0, ip@^1.1.5:
+  version "1.1.5"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-vd7XARQpCCjAoDnnLvJfWq7ENUo=
+ipaddr.js@1.9.1, ipaddr.js@^1.9.0:
+  version "1.9.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-0KI/607xoxSToH7GjN1FfSbLoU0+btTicjsQSWQlh/hZykN8KpmMf7uYwPW3R+akZ6R/w18ZlXSHBYXiYUPO3g==
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-absolute-url/-/is-absolute-url-2.1.0.tgz#50530dfb84fcc9aa7dbe7852e83a37b93b9f2aa6"
+  integrity sha1-UFMN+4T8yap9vnhS6Do3uTufKqY=
+is-absolute-url@^3.0.0, is-absolute-url@^3.0.3:
+  version "3.0.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-opmNIX7uFnS96NtPmhWQgQx6/NYFgsUXYMllcfzwWKUMwfo8kku1TvE6hkNcH+Q1ts5cMVrsY7j0bxXQDciu9Q==
+  version "0.1.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-qeEss66Nh2cn7u84Q/igiXtcmNY=
+  dependencies:
+    kind-of "^3.0.2"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-m5hnHTkcVsPfqx3AKlyttIPb7J+XykHvJP2B9bZDjlhLIoEq4XoK64Vg7boZlVWYK6LUY94dYPEE7Lh0ZkZKcQ==
+  dependencies:
+    kind-of "^6.0.0"
+is-alphabetical@1.0.4, is-alphabetical@^1.0.0:
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-DwzsA04LQ10FHTZuL0/grVDk4rFoVH1pjAToYwBrHSxcrBIGQuXrQMtD5U1b0U2XVgKZCTLLP8u2Qxqhy3l2Vg==
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-UzoZUr+XfVz3t3v4KyGEniVL9BDRoQtY7tOyrRybkVNjDFWyo1yhXNGrrBTQxp3ib9BLAWs7k2YKBQsFRkZG9A==
+  dependencies:
+    is-alphabetical "^1.0.0"
+    is-decimal "^1.0.0"
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-xPh0Rmt8NE65sNzvyUmWgI1tz3mKq74lGA0mL8LYZcoIzKOzDh6HmrYm3d18k60nHerC8A9Km8kYu87zfSFnLA==
+  version "0.2.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-d8mYQFJ6qOyxqLppe4BkWnqSap0=
+  version "0.3.2"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-arrayish/-/is-arrayish-0.3.2.tgz#4574a2ae56f7ab206896fb431eaeed066fdf8f03"
+  integrity sha512-eVRqCvVlZbuw3GrM63ovNSNAeA1K16kaR/LRY/92w0zxQ5/1YzwblUX652i4Xs9RwAGjW9d9y6X88t8OaAJfWQ==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-dfFmQrSA8YenEcgUFh/TpKdlWJg=
+  dependencies:
+    binary-extensions "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==
+  dependencies:
+    binary-extensions "^2.0.0"
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-TqZuVwa/sppcrhUCAYkGBk7w0yxfQQnxq28fjkO53tnK9FQXmdwz2JS5+GjsWQ6RByES1K40nI+yDic5c9/aAQ==
+is-buffer@^1.0.2, is-buffer@^1.1.4, is-buffer@^1.1.5, is-buffer@~1.1.6:
+  version "1.1.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NcdALwpXkTm5Zvvbk7owOUSvVvBKDgKP5/ewfXEznmQFfs4ZRmanOeKBTjRVjka3QFoN6XJ+9F3USqfHqTaU5w==
+  version "2.0.5"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-buffer/-/is-buffer-2.0.5.tgz#ebc252e400d22ff8d77fa09888821a24a658c191"
+  integrity sha512-i2R6zNFDwgEHJyQUtJEk0XFi1i0dPFn/oqjK3/vPCcDeJvW5NQ83V8QbicfF1SupOaB0h8ntgBC2YiE7dfyctQ==
+  version "2.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-Kq1rokWXOPXWuaMAqZiJW4XxsmD9zGx9q4aePabbn3qCRGedtH7Cm+zV8WETitMfu1wdh+Rvd6w5egwSngUX2A==
+is-callable@^1.1.4, is-callable@^1.1.5:
+  version "1.1.5"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-ESKv5sMCJB2jnHTWZ3O5itG+O128Hsus4K4Qh1h2/cgn2vbgnLSVqfV46AeJA9D5EeeLa9w81KUXMtn34zhX+Q==
+  version "1.2.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-dnMqspv5nU3LoewK2N/y7KLtxtakvTuaCsU9FU50/QDmdbHNy/4/JuRtMHqRU22o3q+W89YQndQEeCVwK+3qrA==
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-YfJT7rkpQB0updsdHLGWrvhBJfcfzNNawYDNIyQXJz0IViGf75O8EBPKSdvw2rF+LGCsX4FZ8tcr3b19LcZq4w==
+  dependencies:
+    ci-info "^2.0.0"
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-color-stop/-/is-color-stop-1.1.0.tgz#cfff471aee4dd5c9e158598fbe12967b5cdad345"
+  integrity sha1-z/9HGu5N1cnhWFmPvhKWe1za00U=
+  dependencies:
+    css-color-names "^0.0.4"
+    hex-color-regex "^1.1.0"
+    hsl-regex "^1.0.0"
+    hsla-regex "^1.0.0"
+    rgb-regex "^1.0.1"
+    rgba-regex "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-YcV7BgVMRFRua2FqQzKtTDMz8iCuLEyGKjr70q8Zm1yy2qKcurbFEd79PAdHV77oL3NrAaOVQIbMmiHQCHB7ZA==
+  dependencies:
+    has "^1.0.3"
+  version "0.1.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-C17mSDiOLIYCgueT8YVv7D8wG1Y=
+  dependencies:
+    kind-of "^3.0.2"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-jbRXy1FmtAoCjQkVmIVYwuuqDFUbaOeDjmed1tOGPrsMhtJA4rD9tkgA0F1qJ3gRFRXcHYVkdeaP50Q5rE/jLQ==
+  dependencies:
+    kind-of "^6.0.0"
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-USlDT524woQ08aoZFzh3/Z6ch9Y/EWXEHQ/AaRN0SkKq4t2Jw2R2339tSXmwuVoY7LLlBCbOIlx2myP/L5zk0g==
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-RGdriMmQQvZ2aqaQq3awNA6dCGtKpiDFcOzrTWrDAT2MiWrKQVPmxLGHl7Y2nNu6led0kEyoX0enY0qXYsv9zw==
+  version "0.1.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-avDYr0SB3DwO9zsMov0gKCESFYqCnE4hq/4z3TdUlukEy5t9C0YRq7HLrsN52NAcqXKaepeCD0n+B0arnVG3Hg==
+  dependencies:
+    is-accessor-descriptor "^0.1.6"
+    is-data-descriptor "^0.1.4"
+    kind-of "^5.0.0"
+is-descriptor@^1.0.0, is-descriptor@^1.0.2:
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-2eis5WqQGV7peooDyLmNEPUrps9+SXX5c9pL3xEB+4e9HnGuDa7mB7kHxHw4CbqS9k1T2hOH3miL8n8WtiYVtg==
+  dependencies:
+    is-accessor-descriptor "^1.0.0"
+    is-data-descriptor "^1.0.0"
+    kind-of "^6.0.2"
+  version "0.3.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-YTObbyR1/Hcv2cnYP1yFddwVSuE=
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-pJEdRugimx4fBMra5z2/5iRdZ63OhYV0vr0Dwm5+xtW4D1FvRkB8hamMIhnWfyJeDdyr/aa7BDyNbtG38VxgoQ==
+is-dom@^1.0.0, is-dom@^1.0.9:
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-u82f6mvhYxRPKpw8V1N0W8ce1xXwOrQtgGcxl6UCL5zBmZu3is/18K0rR7uFCnMDuAsS/3W54mGL4vsaFUQlEQ==
+  dependencies:
+    is-object "^1.0.1"
+    is-window "^1.0.2"
+is-extendable@^0.1.0, is-extendable@^0.1.1:
+  version "0.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-YrEQ4omkcUGOPsNqYX1HLjAd/Ik=
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-arnXMxT1hhoKo9k1LZdmlNyJdDDfy2v0fXjFlmok4+i8ul/6WlbVge9bhM74OpNPQPMGUToDtz+KXa1PneJxOA==
+  dependencies:
+    is-plain-object "^2.0.4"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-rEaBd8SUNAWgkvyPKXYMb/xiBsA=
+is-extglob@^2.1.0, is-extglob@^2.1.1:
+  version "2.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-qIwCU1eR8C7TfHahueqXc8gz+MI=
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-cdyMtqX/BOqqNBBiKlIVkytNHm49MtMlYyn1zxzvJKWmFMlGzm+ry5BBfYyeY9YmNKbRSo/o7OX9w9ale0wg3w==
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-754xOG8DGn8NZDr4L95QxFfvAMs=
+  dependencies:
+    number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-o7MKXE8ZkYMWeqq5O+764937ZU8=
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-Es+5i2W1fdPRk6MSH19uL0N2ArU=
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-lw7DUp0aWXYg+CBCN+JKkcE0Q2RayZnSvnZBlwgxHBQhqt5pZNVy4Ri7H9GmmXkdu7LUthszM+Tor1u/2iBcpQ==
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-cTIB4yPYL/Grw0EaSzASzg6bBy9gqCofvWN8okThAYIxKJZC+udlRAmGbM0XLeniEJSs8uEgHPGuHSe1XsOLSQ==
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-0Jb5JqPe1WAPP9/ZEZjLCIjC2GM=
+  dependencies:
+    is-extglob "^1.0.0"
+is-glob@^3.0.0, is-glob@^3.1.0:
+  version "3.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-e6WuJCF4BKxwcHuWkiVnSGzD6Eo=
+  dependencies:
+    is-extglob "^2.1.0"
+is-glob@^4.0.0, is-glob@^4.0.1, is-glob@~4.0.1:
+  version "4.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-5G0tKtBTFImOqDnLB2hG6Bp2qcKEFduo4tZu9MT/H6NQv/ghhy30o55ufafxJ/LdH79LLs2Kfrn85TLKyA7BUg==
+  dependencies:
+    is-extglob "^2.1.1"
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-gyPJuv83bHMpocVYoqof5VDiZveEoGoFL8m3BXNb2VW8Xs+rz9kqO8LOQ5DH6EsuvilT1ApazU0pyl+ytbPtlw==
+  version "1.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-fhR75HaNxGbbO/shzGCzHmrWk5M=
+  dependencies:
+    lower-case "^1.1.0"
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-T/S49scO8plUiAOA2DBTBG3JHpn1yiw0kRp6dgiZ0v2/6twi5eiB0rHtHFH9ZIrvlWc6+4O+m4zg5+Z833aXgw==
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-2z6JzQvZRa9A2Y7xC6dQQm4FSTSTNWjKIYYTt4246eMTJmIo0Q+ZyOsU66X8lxK1AbB92dFeglPLrhwpeRKO6w==
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-zohwelOAur+5uXtk8O3GPQ1eAcu4ZX3UwxQhUlfFFMNpUd83gXgjbhJh6HmB6LUNV/ieOLQuDwJO3dWJosUeMw==
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-JP1iAaR4LPUFYcgQJ2r8fRLXEZU=
+  dependencies:
+    kind-of "^3.0.2"
+  version "7.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==
+is-obj@^1.0.0, is-obj@^1.0.1:
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-PkcprB9f3gJc19g6iW2rn09n2w8=
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-obj/-/is-obj-2.0.0.tgz#473fb05d973705e3fd9620545018ca8e22ef4982"
+  integrity sha512-drqDG3cbczxxEJRoOXcOjtdp1J/lyp1mNn0xaznRs8+muBhgQcrnbspox5X5fOw0HnMnbfDzvnEMEtqDEJEo8w==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-iVJojF7C/9awPsyF52ngKQMINHA=
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NqCa4Sa2d+u7BWc6CukaObG3Fh+CU9bvixbpcXYhy2VvYS7vVGIdAgnIS5Ks3A/cqk4rebLJ9s8zBstT2aKnIA==
+  dependencies:
+    symbol-observable "^1.1.0"
+  version "2.2.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-rNocXHgipO+rvnP6dk3zI20RpOtrAM/kzbB258Uw5BWr3TpXi861yzjo16Dn4hUox07iw5AyeMLHWsujkjzvRQ==
+  dependencies:
+    is-path-inside "^2.1.0"
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-wiyhTzfDWsvwAW53OBWF5zuvaOGlZ6PwYxAbPVDhpm+gM09xKQGjBq/8uYN12aDvMxnAnq3dxTyoSoRNmg5YFg==
+  dependencies:
+    path-is-inside "^1.0.2"
+is-plain-obj@^1.0.0, is-plain-obj@^1.1.0:
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-caUMhCnfync8kqOQpKA7OfzVHT4=
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-plain-obj/-/is-plain-obj-2.1.0.tgz#45e42e37fccf1f40da8e5f76ee21515840c09287"
+  integrity sha512-YWnfyRwxL/+SsrWYfOpUtz5b3YD+nyfkHvjbcanzk8zgyO4ASD67uVMRt8k5bM4lLMDnXfriRhOpemw+NfT1eA==
+is-plain-object@3.0.0, is-plain-object@^3.0.0:
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-tZIpofR+P05k8Aocp7UI/2UTa9lTJSebCXpFFoR9aibpokDj/uXBsJ8luUu0tTVYKkMU6URDUuOfJZ7koewXvg==
+  dependencies:
+    isobject "^4.0.0"
+is-plain-object@^2.0.1, is-plain-object@^2.0.3, is-plain-object@^2.0.4:
+  version "2.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-h5PpgXkWitc38BBMYawTYMWJHFZJVnBquFE57xFpjB8pJFiF6gZ+bU+WyI/yqXiFR5mdLsgYNaPe8uao6Uv9Og==
+  dependencies:
+    isobject "^3.0.1"
+  version "5.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-VRSzKkbMm5jMDoKLbltAkFQ5Qr7VDiTFGXxYFXXowVj387GeGNOCsOH6Msy00SGZ3Fp84b1Naa1psqgcCIEP5Q==
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-DFLlS8yjkbssSUsh6GJtczbG45c=
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-eaKp7OfwlugPNtKy87wWwf9L8/o=
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-HQPd7VO9jbDzDCbk+V02/HyH3CQ=
+is-regex@^1.0.4, is-regex@^1.0.5:
+  version "1.0.5"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-vlKW17SNq44owv5AQR3Cq0bQPEb8+kF3UKZ2fiZNOWtztYE5i0CzCZxFDwO58qAOWtxdBRVO/V5Qin1wjCqFYQ==
+  dependencies:
+    has "^1.0.3"
+  version "1.1.2"
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+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    has-symbols "^1.0.1"
+  version "1.1.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    has-symbols "^1.0.1"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-/S2INUXEa6xaYz57mgnof6LLUGk=
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved "http://localhost:4873/is-resolvable/-/is-resolvable-1.1.0.tgz#fb18f87ce1feb925169c9a407c19318a3206ed88"
+  integrity sha512-qgDYXFSR5WvEfuS5dMj6oTMEbrrSaM0CrFk2Yiq/gXnBvD9pMa2jGXxyhGLfvhZpuMZe18CJpFxAt3CRs42NMg==
+  version "1.0.3"
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+  integrity sha1-10AbKGvqKuN/Ykd1iN5QTQuGR+M=
+  version "1.2.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-RUbUeKwvm3XG2VYamhJL1xFktgjvPzL0Hq8C+6yrWIswDy3BIXGqCxhxkc30N9jqK311gVU137K8Ei55/zVJRg==
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-AGOriNp96vNBd3HtU+RzFEc75FfR5ymiYv8E553I71SCeXBiMsVDUtdio1OEFvrPyLIQ9tVR5RxXIFe5PUFjMg==
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-RJypgpnnEwOCViieyytUDcQ3yzA=
+  dependencies:
+    scoped-regex "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.3.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-0eRIASHZt1E68/ixClI8bp2YK2wmBPVWEismTs6M+M099jKgrzl/3E976zIbImSIob48N2/XGe9y7ZiYdImSlg==
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+is-stream@^1.0.0, is-stream@^1.0.1, is-stream@^1.1.0:
+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-EtSj3U5o4Lec6428hBc66A2RykQ=
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+  dependencies:
+    p-try "^2.0.0"
+  version "1.3.0"
+  resolved ""
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+    p-try "^2.0.0"
+  version "2.3.0"
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+  integrity sha512-//88mFWSJx8lxCzwdAABTJL2MyWB12+eIY7MDL2SqLmAkeKU9qxRvWuSyTjm3FUmpBEMuFfckAIqEaVGUDxb6w==
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+    p-try "^2.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    yocto-queue "^0.1.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    p-limit "^1.1.0"
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+    p-limit "^2.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
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+p-map@^2.0.0, p-map@^2.1.0:
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-d3qXVTF/s+W+CdJ5A29wywV2n8CQQYahlgz2bFiA+4eVNJbHJodPZ+/gXwPGh0bOqA+j8S+6+ckmvLGPk1QpxQ==
+  dependencies:
+    aggregate-error "^3.0.0"
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+    aggregate-error "^3.0.0"
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+  integrity sha1-SxoROZoRUgpneQ7loMHViB1r7+k=
+  version "4.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    eventemitter3 "^3.1.0"
+  version "1.0.0"
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+  version "3.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+    retry "^0.12.0"
+  version "3.2.0"
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+p-try@^2.0.0, p-try@^2.1.0:
+  version "2.2.0"
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+  integrity sha1-ftlLPOszMngjU69qrhGqn8I1uwA=
+  dependencies:
+    p-reduce "^1.0.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.0.1"
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+  dependencies:
+    axios "^0.18.0"
+  version "1.0.11"
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+    inherits "^2.0.3"
+    readable-stream "^2.1.5"
+  version "2.1.1"
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+  dependencies:
+    no-case "^2.2.0"
+  version "3.0.3"
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+  dependencies:
+    dot-case "^3.0.3"
+    tslib "^1.10.0"
+  version "1.0.1"
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+  dependencies:
+    callsites "^3.0.0"
+  version "5.1.5"
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+    safe-buffer "^5.1.1"
+parse-entities@^1.1.0, parse-entities@^1.1.2:
+  version "1.2.2"
+  resolved ""
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+    is-hexadecimal "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
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+    character-reference-invalid "^1.0.0"
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+    is-decimal "^1.0.0"
+    is-hexadecimal "^1.0.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    error-ex "^1.2.0"
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+    lines-and-columns "^1.1.6"
+  version "2.1.0"
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+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-bVuTSkVpk7I9N/QKOC1vFmao5cY=
+  version "4.0.1"
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+    protocols "^1.4.0"
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+  version "5.1.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "5.1.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "3.0.3"
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+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-LVeNNFX2YNpl7KGO+VtODekSdh4=
+  dependencies:
+    camel-case "^3.0.0"
+    upper-case-first "^1.1.0"
+  version "3.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-XIeHKqIrsquVTQL2crjq3NfJUxmdLasn3TYOU0VBM+UX2a6ztAWBlJQBePLGY7VHW8+2dRadeIPK5+KImwTxQA==
+  dependencies:
+    no-case "^3.0.3"
+    tslib "^1.10.0"
+  version "0.1.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.1.1"
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+    no-case "^2.2.0"
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+    pinkie-promise "^2.0.0"
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+  version "4.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.1"
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+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-NlQX3t5EQw0cEa9hAn+s8HS9/FM=
+path-key@^2.0.0, path-key@^2.0.1:
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+path-key@^3.0.0, path-key@^3.1.0:
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+  integrity sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.8.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-n43JRhlUKUAlibEJhPeir1ncUID16QnEjNpwzNdO3Lm4ywrBpBZ5oLD0I6br9evr1Y9JTqwRtAh7JLoOzAQdVA==
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+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-WcRPfuSR2nBNpBXaWkBwuk+P5EE=
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+    pify "^2.0.0"
+    pinkie-promise "^2.0.0"
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+  version "4.0.0"
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+    resolve-protobuf-schema "^2.1.0"
+  version "3.0.17"
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+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-ITXW36ejWMBprJsXh3YogihFD/o=
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+    find-up "^4.0.0"
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+    find-up "^3.0.0"
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+    "" "3.3.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    onetime "^2.0.0"
+    signal-exit "^3.0.2"
+  version "3.1.0"
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+  integrity sha512-l+sSefzHpj5qimhFSE5a8nufZYAM3sBSVMAPtYkmC+4EH2anSGaEMXSD0izRQbu9nfyQ9y5JrVmp7E8oZrUjvA==
+  dependencies:
+    onetime "^5.1.0"
+    signal-exit "^3.0.2"
+  version "0.1.15"
+  resolved ""
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+retry@0.12.0, retry@^0.12.0:
+  version "0.12.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-G0KmJmoh8HQh0bC1S33BZ7AcATs=
+  version "0.10.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-52OI0heZLCUnUCQdPTlW/tmNj/Q=
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+rimraf@^2.2.8, rimraf@^2.5.2, rimraf@^2.5.4, rimraf@^2.6.2, rimraf@^2.6.3, rimraf@^2.7.1:
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+    glob "^7.1.3"
+rimraf@^3.0.0, rimraf@^3.0.2:
+  version "3.0.2"
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+    glob "^7.1.3"
+ripemd160@^2.0.0, ripemd160@^2.0.1:
+  version "2.0.2"
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+  dependencies:
+    hash-base "^3.0.0"
+    inherits "^2.0.1"
+  version "0.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-TcwFV7JBr/YOdheOd5ITVxPzMSA=
+  version "2.2.3"
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+    lodash.flattendeep "^4.4.0"
+    nearley "^2.7.10"
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+run-async@^2.0.0, run-async@^2.2.0, run-async@^2.4.0:
+  version "2.4.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-xJTbh/d7Lm7SBhc1tNvTpeCHaEzoyxPrqNlvSdMfBTYwaY++UJFyXUOxAtsRUXjlqOfj8luNaR9vjCh4KeV+pg==
+  dependencies:
+    is-promise "^2.1.0"
+  version "1.1.9"
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+run-queue@^1.0.0, run-queue@^1.0.3:
+  version "1.0.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-6Eg5bwV9Ij8kOGkkYY4laUFh7Ec=
+  dependencies:
+    aproba "^1.1.1"
+rw@1, rw@^1.3.3:
+  version "1.3.3"
+  resolved ""
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+rxjs@^6.1.0, rxjs@^6.4.0, rxjs@^6.5.3:
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+    tslib "^1.9.0"
+  version "6.6.3"
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+    tslib "^1.9.0"
+  version "6.5.5"
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+    tslib "^1.9.0"
+  version "1.2.10"
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+  dependencies:
+    long "^3.2.0"
+  version "5.1.1"
+  resolved ""
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+safe-buffer@5.1.2, safe-buffer@~5.1.0, safe-buffer@~5.1.1:
+  version "5.1.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-QKNmnzsHfR6UPURinhV91IAjvy4=
+  dependencies:
+    ret "~0.1.10"
+  version "2.1.1"
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+    regexp-tree "~0.1.1"
+"safer-buffer@>= 2.1.2 < 3", safer-buffer@^2.0.2, safer-buffer@^2.1.0, safer-buffer@~2.1.0:
+  version "2.1.2"
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+sane@^4.0.3, sane@^4.1.0:
+  version "4.1.0"
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+    anymatch "^2.0.0"
+    capture-exit "^2.0.0"
+    exec-sh "^0.3.2"
+    execa "^1.0.0"
+    fb-watchman "^2.0.0"
+    micromatch "^3.1.4"
+    minimist "^1.1.1"
+    walker "~1.0.5"
+sax@^1.2.4, sax@~1.2.4:
+  version "1.2.4"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "3.1.11"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-Ydydq3zC+WYDJK1+gRxRapLIED9PWeSuuS41wqyoRmzvhhh9nc+QQrVMKJYzJFULazeGhzSV0QleN2wD3boh2g==
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+    xmlchars "^2.1.1"
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+  resolved ""
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+    xmlchars "^2.2.0"
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+    loose-envify "^1.1.0"
+    object-assign "^4.1.1"
+schema-utils@1.0.0, schema-utils@^1.0.0:
+  version "1.0.0"
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+    ajv "^6.1.0"
+    ajv-errors "^1.0.0"
+    ajv-keywords "^3.1.0"
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+schema-utils@^2.6.6, schema-utils@^2.7.0:
+  version "2.7.1"
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+    "@types/json-schema" "^7.0.5"
+    ajv "^6.12.4"
+    ajv-keywords "^3.5.2"
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+    ajv "^6.12.5"
+    ajv-keywords "^3.5.2"
+  version "1.0.0"
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+  version "2.2.26"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-SQ6AOKfABaSchokAmmaxVnL9IArxEnLEX9j4wAZw+x4iUTb40q7irtHG3z4GtAWz5veVZcCnubXDBRyLVQaohw==
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+  version "3.0.5"
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+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-Yl2GWPhlr0Psliv8N2o3NZpJlMo=
+  version "1.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-DnNQrN7ICxEIUoeG7B1EGNEbOW0=
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+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    node-forge "^0.10.0"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-De4hahyUGrN+nvsXiPavxf9VN/w=
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-mUdIBBvdn0PLOeP3TEkMH7HHeUP3GjsXCwKarjv/kGmUFOYg1VqEemKhoQpWMu6X2I8kHeuVdGibLGkVK+/5Qw==
+"semver@2 || 3 || 4 || 5", "semver@2.x || 3.x || 4 || 5", semver@^5.4.1, semver@^5.5, semver@^5.5.0, semver@^5.5.1, semver@^5.6.0, semver@^5.7.0, semver@^5.7.1:
+  version "5.7.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "6.0.0"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-+GB6zVA9LWh6zovYQLALHwv5rb2PHGlJi3lfiqIHxR0uuwCgefcOJc59v9fv1w8GbStwxuuqqAjI9NMAOOgq1A==
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+  version "7.3.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-tCfb2WLjqFAtXn4KEdxIhalnRtoKFN7nAwj0B3ZXCbQloV2tq5eDbcTmT68JJD3nRJq24/XgxtQKFIpQdtvmVw==
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+semver@^6.0.0, semver@^6.2.0, semver@^6.3.0:
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+  resolved ""
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+    statuses "~1.5.0"
+  version "2.1.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  dependencies:
+    no-case "^2.2.0"
+    upper-case-first "^1.1.2"
+  version "2.1.2"
+  resolved ""
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+  resolved ""
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+  version "2.5.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-k10kDN/g9YBTB/3+ln2IlCosvPA=
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+    parseurl "~1.3.2"
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+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-BF+XgtARrppoA93TgrJDkrPYkPc=
+  version "0.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-12nBgsnVpR9AkUXy+6guXoboA3Y=
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+    to-object-path "^0.3.0"
+set-value@^2.0.0, set-value@^2.0.1:
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+    is-plain-object "^2.0.3"
+    split-string "^3.0.1"
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+    get-symbol-from-current-process-h "^1.0.1"
+    get-uv-event-loop-napi-h "^1.0.5"
+setimmediate@^1.0.4, setimmediate@^1.0.5:
+  version "1.0.5"
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+    safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
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+  integrity sha512-ppJZNDuKGgxzkHihX8v9v9G5f+18gzaTfrukGrq6ueg0lmH4nqVnA2IPG0AEH3jKEk2GRJCUhDoqpoiw3PHLBA==
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+  dependencies:
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+    upper-case "^1.0.3"
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+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-fSKbH8xjfkZsoIEYCDanqr/4P0M=
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-3F5pjL0HkmW8c+A3doGk5Og/YW4=
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+    kind-of "^3.0.2"
+  version "2.1.1"
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+    is-number "^3.0.0"
+    repeat-string "^1.6.1"
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+to-regex@^3.0.1, to-regex@^3.0.2:
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+    regex-not "^1.0.2"
+    safe-regex "^1.1.0"
+  version "1.0.6"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.0"
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+    punycode "^2.1.1"
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+    loader-utils "^1.0.2"
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+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-WIeWa7WCpFA6QetST301ARgVphM=
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+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-C4+gOpvmxaSMKuEf9Qc134F1ZuOHVXKRbtEflf4NTtuuJDEIJ9p5PXsalL8SkeRw+qit1Mo+yuvMPAKwWg/1hA==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
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+  version "1.0.1"
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+  resolved ""
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+    enhanced-resolve "^4.0.0"
+    loader-utils "^1.0.2"
+    micromatch "^4.0.0"
+    semver "^6.0.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+    set-value "^2.0.1"
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+  dependencies:
+    unique-slug "^2.0.0"
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+    unist-util-visit "^1.1.0"
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+  dependencies:
+    os-name "^3.1.0"
+  version "5.0.0"
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+  resolved ""
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+    isobject "^3.0.0"
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+upper-case-first@^1.1.0, upper-case-first@^1.1.2:
+  version "1.1.2"
+  resolved ""
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+upper-case@^1.0.3, upper-case@^1.1.0, upper-case@^1.1.1, upper-case@^1.1.3:
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+    serialize-query-params "^1.2.3"
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+  version "1.0.2"
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+util.promisify@^1.0.0, util.promisify@~1.0.0:
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